
MARCH 19-20, 2015
in partnership with
2015 RAPPEL GUIDE: Why We Rappel
Outward Bound California’s City Skyline Challenge is an event like no other. It’ll give you the chance to
experience an exhilarating 230 foot rappel from the roof of the Hyatt Regency at 5 Embarcadero Center—a
mental and physical challenge (with a view) that you’ll
be sure to remember for years to come!
But the City Skyline Challenge is more than just a great
adventure. It’s your opportunity to give back to the
community and empower low-income young people
who need the challenges and educational
opportunities that Outward Bound California has to
Through your participation, you’ll help dramatically
increase the number of low income students who are
able to participate in Outward Bound programs in the
Bay Area and throughout California.
Outward Bound’s mission is to change lives through challenge and discovery. Through
experiential education programs in both wilderness and urban settings, Outward Bound has helped people
discover strength of character, an ability to lead and a desire to serve for over 50 years.
Through Outward Bound California’s bases in the High Sierras, Joshua Tree and San Francisco Bay Area,
more than 1,500 students each year embark on multi-week wilderness backpacking trips, gain deeper
cultural understanding on an Urban Expedition or build community through a one-day rock climbing course.
Outward Bound California’s charitable outreach targets low-income, traditionally excluded populations and
effective community partnerships and the result is that two in three of our students receive a full or partial
scholarship. Since 2008, we have served more than 5,000 students in partnership with schools and
nonprofits such as Mission and Lincoln High Schools, Visitation Valley
Middle School, Summer Search, and Larkin Street Youth Services. We
need your help to serve even more in 2015.
“Without self-discovery, a person may still have self-confidence, but
it is a self-confidence that is built on ignorance and it melts in the
face of heavy burdens. Self-discovery is the end product of a great
challenge mastered, when the mind commands the body to do the
seemingly impossible, when strength and courage are summoned to
extraordinary limits for the sake of something outside the self – a
principal, an onerous task, another human life.”
Founder, Outward Bound
What to Expect On Rappel Day
When You Will Rappel
The vast majority of our participants will rappel on Friday, March 20 (A handful will be invited to rappel the
day before as part of VIP / Media Day.) Although the rappel itself will only last 10 - 15 minutes, you’ll need to
set aside about two hours for the City Skyline Challenge. We will schedule your rappel time once you
reach the $1600 fundraising minimum.
On the day of the event, we ask you to arrive one full hour earlier so that you’ll have time to sign in, put on
your gear, receive a safety briefing and practice rappelling from a lesser height on the roof. Over the Edge
technicians and friendly Outward Bound volunteers will walk you through each step of the way. Your actual
rappel start time may be slightly earlier or later than you were assigned, depending on the flow of
participants throughout the day (this is key to remember if you invite friends or family to watch you rappel
on Market Street). And we’re sure you’ll want to stick around for a while after your rappel to celebrate and
take in the scene (or climb on the rock wall!)!
How You Will Rappel
You will be wearing a full-body industrial harness and using an industrial
descender to go down. Pulling a handle makes you go down, letting go makes
you stop. You can control your speed to a certain extent. Should you go too fast,
or should the equipment fail, the back-up device will engage.
Getting your weight off the roof and into the harness is the difficult part for
most people. Once you’re over the edge, you are on your own. Don’t forget to
stop and take in the view! You can stop to rest, or switch hands when you
need a break. Once you’re within 20’ of the ground, your landing will be
assisted by an Over the Edge staff member.
On-Site Training
When you arrive on the roof, you
will have the opportunity to
practice rappelling from a lesser
height. This will give you a chance to hang in the harness,
find a comfortable position, and practice using the descender and
safety equipment. You can practice a few times before heading to
the actual rappel--most rappellers only need one practice round
and are ready to go. The same safety procedures are used in the
training as in the long rappel so you will be familiar with them
when you get there.
Practice Before the Big Day
Go rock climbing with Outward Bound California at our City
Skyline Challenge Previews 2/4 and 2/22 with our friends at
Planet Granite! It’s an opportunity to ask questions about
the event, invite your friends or donors, and get the ‘hang’ of
wearing a harness!
Not only does rock climbing strengthen your forearms and
core, but also it allows you to hang in a harness. Although
the harnesses we use are different you will still get the idea
of what muscles it takes to stay up-right. The preview
events are free, and people of all ages are welcome. Minors
must be accompanied by a parent or guardian and all participants must sign liability waivers. RSVP for
both climbing events with Brittany Russell at
What to wear
You’re going to be walking on and around the roof of a building. Well-fitting sneakers, light hiking boots, or
other soft soled shoes are recommended. No sandals, slip-on shoes, slippers, flip flops, high heels, or steel
toed boots will be allowed. Wear long pants and a long sleeved shirt. Athletic pants, tights, and jeans are
suitable. The harness goes around your legs, waist, and shoulders, so it is best to avoid anything too bulky.
Shirts should be comfortable and without draw cords or embellishments that could get caught. Long hair
should be tied back. You will be required to leave droppable items like keys and cell phones, or jewelry that
can get caught on things, with a staff member on-site. You will be given a pair of leather gloves and a helmet
when you arrive.
Costumes are allowed but are subject to the same
limitations as baggy clothing. Every attempt will be made
to safely fit costumes around harnesses and helmets. As
with shorts, it is ultimately the decision of the Site Safety
Supervisor. Stringy, loose, or excessive costumes must be
avoided. Head pieces that will not accommodate a helmet,
obscure the vision, or are notably large or heavy will
rarely be allowed.
We will be giving away cool prizes to the best group and
individual costumes, so it’s time to get creative!
Spectators and Friends
Unfortunately your friends and family will not be allowed up to the roof top, as it is a restricted access area.
They will be welcome to watch and cheer you on from the landing area on Market Street. Additionally, we
will have an event photographer taking pictures from the roof, ensuring that you get a photo of yourself going
over the edge! We will also be live-streaming the event on both days, so your friends,
family, and supporters can watch you live from their home or office.
Cameras and Phones
Sorry, no phones, cameras, etc. on the roof. We’d hate for those to go “over the edge!” We will have a photo
volunteer on the roof to take your picture for you and send you a text with the picture to use when you land,
as well as professional camera crews throughout the building to get those great action shots! Rappellers who
raise $2,500 or more will be equipped with a GoPro camera and will receive a video of your experience after
the event. If you want to use your own GoPro or similar camera you can bring it and we’ll try our best to fit it
to your helmet.
Participant Weight/Size Restrictions
Participants over 136.1kg (300lbs) are not permitted to rappel as they exceed the safe working load of the
equipment. The minimum weight of a participant is 45.36 kg (100 lbs.).
Special Needs Rappellers
Special Needs Rappellers can be accommodated as long as our Over The Edge technicians confirm it can be
done safely. In the past, people with intellectual disabilities, physical disabilities, amputees, and wheelchairs
have been able to participate fully and have enjoyed successful rappels. Advance notice is required, however,
so that the Event Managers and Technicians can ensure that each participant gets the best experience
Get Start Fundraising Today!
See your Fundraising Guide for tips, tricks,
and worksheets to raise the funds in no
Contact Brittany Russell
(828) 239-2378 for more info