Update, March, 2012


Update, March, 2012
Kate Obenshain
Vice President,
Young America’s Foundation
Speaker, Writer
March 2012
Editor: Michelle Koning
A regular guest on Fox News and a popular campus speaker, Kate Obenshain
is an articulate, fearless defender of conservative
principles. She inspires audiences with her passionate,
experienced insights, never hesitating to speak her
mind, even when it contradicts the political
establishment—as it often does.
Kate is vice president of Young America’s Foundation,
the principal youth outreach organization of the
Conservative Movement. YAF motivates emerging
young leaders at the Reagan Ranch, Reagan
Ranch Center, and student
campuses across the country.
March 22, 2012
11:30a to 1:30p
The Pacific Club
4110 MacArthur
Newport Beach 92660
RSVP today - Bring a friend!
Please note price increase
due to increase by The Pacific Club
$35 check payable to NHRW
must be received by
Saturday, March 17
$45 if RSVP after March 17
Mail to: Sheila Thomsen
10 Rue Cannes
Newport Beach 92660-5901
- Please include phone number You may call Sheila with questions
(949) 720-1726
Encouraging young people to become philosophically knowledgeable and active
in public policy issues is a driving passion for Kate. In 2003, she founded and is
chairman of a public policy leadership training program for women in Virginia.
She has been speaking on college campuses for 18 years, enlightening and
entertaining students on a wide variety of issues including economic policy,
national security, education, life, political correctness on campus, and the
changing role of women in public policy.
Ms. Obenshain garnered national attention as chairman of the Virginia GOP from
2003 to 2006, when she led the charge against tax increases and the expanding
role of government. She served as Virginia Senator George Allen's chief of staff
and as his chief education and health policy advisor while he was governor.
Along with Ann Coulter, Laura Schlessinger, Phyllis Schlafly and Jeane
Kirkpatrick, Kate's work is featured in the book, Great American Conservative
Women. She has been featured in five of the Clare Boothe Luce Policy
Institute’s annual calendars and currently serves on their board. She is a cofounder of James 1:27 Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to
providing assistance to widows and orphans in times of crisis.
Kate appears on numerous cable news shows, including Hannity, The O’Reilly
Factor, Bulls and Bears, Your World with Neil Cavuto, Hard Ball and Larry
Kudlow’s The Call. Her writings have been featured in The Washington Times,
Human Events, The Richmond Times Dispatch, and others publications. She also
speaks regularly at Tea Party rallies and special events all across the country.
Kate lives in Winchester, Virginia, with her four children.
Please join Us in registering
voters and showing our
presence in the community!
Fashion Island
Volunteers will work at
Fashion Island two days in a
A voter registration table will
be at Calvary Chapel, Costa
Mesa, at all three services
every Sunday until October.
Are you willing to help register
voters for this critical election?
Would you like information
about how to set up a
registration table at your
Contact :
Please call or email
949-645-4450 ...
Bonnie O’Neil at
us on our
NHRW Facebook page.
Message from the President
I joined Newport Harbor Republican Women because I
have a deep and abiding love for my country, and a
commitment to honor the truth of the American
founding, and the values instilled in our Constitution.
That is why I am personally grateful, for the insights of
Dr. Jamie Glazov, at our February luncheon, when he
spoke about the depth of deceptions the left will go to,
in order to write the truth and values, out of our of our
nation’s founding. Robert Herrick, the 17th-century
Victoria Street
English poet, so wisely wrote: “Gather ye rosebuds
while ye may, old Time is still a-flying. And this same
Victoria Street
flower that smiles today, tomorrow will be dying.”
Last night I heard Congressman Dana Rohrbacher tell a story about a farmer in
Texas who had a piece of land he wanted to farm. The farmer had spent hours
of back breaking labor clearing the rocks and preparing the soil for planting.
When the vegetables grew he was so excited he went to get the town preacher
to come see what he had grown. The preacher could do nothing but praise to
God for each beautiful fruit and vegetable he sampled. The farmer finally had
to say these vegetables did not just appear by the hand of God, I also put in a
lot of work to prepare the land and the harvest. The moral of the story is that
we can’t just wait for God, we have to start planting, and then it will be up to
God to make sure our efforts succeed.
Some of the false “truths” being told in Washington by our adversaries, to
justify their legislative goals, should be frightening to all Americans who
understand our history. As Ronald Reagan stated so poignantly; “Our nation
must not resign itself to inevitable decline.”
With this is mind, I have written to my church to ask that the church allow
Newport Harbor Republican Women be allowed to conduct voter registration
on the campus. The Obama Administration is pushing forth laws, that
adversely affect the church and its members. The United States is suffering
from a malignant spiritual malaise and apathy, that keeps many of our citizens
from participating in the very institutions that sets their country apart from all
others. It must be our mission, to convince the young, that it is fundamental in
self-government, to exercise the right to vote. As a legal right, that was
guaranteed by the 15th amendment to the United States Constitution.
We need to communicate, that those who ignore government, tend to get the
government they deserve. Just as the Biblical Daniel was willing to be bound
and thrown into a blazing furnace for standing with his God, American houses
of worship need to encourage each and every one of their members to be
prepared to vote, rather than stand idly waiting for the Hand of God. With the
most important national election of my time coming this fall, I hope each and
every member and friend of NHRW, will join with me to persevere over the
next few months, to maximize voter participation in our community.
Your President,
-Victoria Street
Save the Date!
Thursday, March 22nd ~ Luncheon
A regular on Fox News and frequent college campus speaker
Thursday, April 26th ~ Luncheon
Senior editor of the Claremont Review of Books and author of Never Enough: America's Limitless
Welfare State.
Thursday, May 24th ~ Luncheon
Henry Salvatori Professor of Law & Community Service at Chapman University School of Law and
the founding director of the Center for Constitutional Jurisprudence.
Obama Not so welcome in OC
President Obama visited Corona del Mar for a meet and greet fundraiser last week and the news media reported
the event with pictures. I question, where was the fair and the balanced? Only one brave reporter, Brian Calle
with the OC Register reported what he witnessed. The other press members must have been given a lesson on
how to distort the truth. Hmmm, who is paying their salaries?
As a local Patriotic resident of CDM, I began my walk on PCH to meet my girlfriends at 7:25 am carrying American
flags and our protest signs. The first encounter was an older couple that quickly grabbed my flags while his lady
flashed her pro Obama piece of paper. They proceeded to move down the street. Yes, I was able to retrieve the
flags with some quick moves and words. Hmmmm, 7:30 am and this is getting interesting.
Arriving at the pre-determined corner, the girls are in place and all is good. People everywhere, all corners and
sidewalks are crowded. Our NB Police were ever so present and efficient. People held flags, homemade signs,
some were in support of our President, and most were not in favor. The line of people reached all the way down
PCH to Morning Canyon. Photographers were everywhere, TV vans with their towers, were on all the streets.
We crossed the street to the North side, and met up with Sinatra, the Paint, and his owner, Nancy Johnson, a true
Patriot. She was dressed like ‘Paula’ Revere on her beautiful horse. Fabulous. My friend motioned to me to come
over to be interviewed with KTTV. But he was busy with the Pro Obama people. Time passed and he had no
interest in learning why I chose to be there that day.
After Obama had entered Shorecliffs, we walked down the street to assess what we saw. Clearly, there were
about 400 people, not including our NB police, 85% anti Obama and 15% pro Obama. Of the 15%, some were
bussed in and maybe received dollars for attending.
The Daily Pilot presented their version and it was quite different from what I
saw on the street. Who represented the Daily Pilot, a local paper? Yikes.
As Karma happens, my subscription renewal arrived the same day, and I
made the call to cancel. The lady asked why I chose to cancel. Yep, love this
one. “Your paper is no longer fair or balanced, I was there on the street and
you did not report what I witnessed.” She was not expecting that response.
So, the question one might now ask, what ever happened to fair and balanced?
Missy Ann Schweiger- Corona del Mar Resident
Current Events Action Meeting
Current Events Action Meeting
We had a fantastic turnout for our J
RSVP Required
Next Meeting
to enter the gate
Friday, March 9
10am - 12 Noon
At the home of Pam Koning
(Please call Pam or JT for the address)
Pam (949) 376-8330
JT Geehr
Assemblyman Don Wagner will address the group
about the current issues in Sacramento.
Hope to see you there!
(Turn off PCH at Crystal Heights
Drive, by Crystal Cove Promenade,
& continue through guarded gate)
Anyone wishing to get more information and details about the presentations can email J.T. Geehr (jgeehr@nhrw.org), and she will be
happy to send you the handouts.
Scholarship Program
Each year NHRW presents scholarships to outstanding students in the Newport
Mesa School District. We raise funds partly through our dues and partly through
our 50/50 raffles and member donations. In addition to the scholarship, the
students we select are given the opportunity to work in local offices of State
legislators. We encourage our members to be on the lookout for potential high
school seniors who may qualify for one of our scholarships. The application form is
available on our website as well as in the scholarship office at each of the high
schools. Applications must be received by April 16, 2012 to be considered.
Please consider donating specifically to NHRW’s scholarship program. We give up
to three $1,000 scholarships each year. These donations are not tax-deductible,
but they are fulfilling. You may send checks payable to NHRW, with “Scholarship”
noted on the memo line to:
NHRW Treasurer
Attn: Scholarships
P.O. Box 5561
Newport Beach, CA 92662-5561
California Native Son
George Allen
in Orange County
Monday, March 19, 2012
12:30 p.m.—2:00 p.m.
at the
Big Canyon Country Club
1 Big Canyon Drive, Newport Beach, CA
$500 per person or donate
For more information or to RSVP, contact
Stacy Davis at (949) 474-6930 or contact
FOREST, CA 92630.
Please Many
join Us
in registering
and showing
things have
been written
about ourour
Dolores, in
all the
of them
so true. I just wanted
to add my voice to them. Beyond her advocacy and activism was a gentleness of Spirit. She could
sense a grieved heart, and with a sweet word of encouragement give respite. She had so many gifts.
She not only was a patriot, but a sensitive, and always caring friend. She took disappointment with the
grace and dignity that I so admired.
As President of NHRW, she would make sure that all were made welcome and even see to their
seating, herself. With great modesty she would take lowly jobs, and never complain.
She had such calm, when seeming disaster came (working out the solutions while others fretted). We
all were so blessed by her friendship and delightful enthusiasm. What a great gift she was.
Marianne McDaniel
Past President NHRW
Executive Board
Victoria Street, President
949 644 5333 vstreet@nhrw.org
Christy LaBarthe, 1 VP,
949 720 8371 clebarthe@nhrw.org
Kathy Taylor, 2 VP, Programs
949 376 9150 ktaylor@nhrw.org
Valerie Boemler, 3 VP Membership
949 495 9224 vboemler@nhrw.org
Caroline Deverian, Recording
949 642-1992 cdeverian@nhrw.org
Cindy Gates, Corresponding
949 760 6571 cgates@nhrw.org
Keythe Ward-Aguilar, Treasurer/Web
949 645 6544 kaguilar@nhrw.org
Committee Chairmen
Barbara Brawner, Scholarships
949 675 2151 bcb.cdm@gmail.com
Celeste Burnias, Community
562 217 7187 cburnias@nhrw.org
Cathy Fitzpatrick, Ways & Means
949 223 8523 cfitzpatrick@nhrw.org
JT Geehr, Current Events
949 759 0191 jgeehr@nhrw.org
Becky Karns, Parliamentarian
949 515 4395 beckykarns@yahoo.com
Michelle Koning, Young Republicans
& Editor of the NHRW Newsletter
949 209 7011 mkoning@nhrw.org
Anita Meister-Boyd,
California Legislative Watch
949 640 4116 aboyd@nhrw.org
Bonnie O’Neil, Voter Registration/Mail
949 645 4450 boneil@nhrw.org
Missy Ann Schweiger, Ways & Means
and Hospitality
949 923 0542 mschweiger@nhrw.org
Sheila Thomsen, Reservations
949 720 1726
Jamie Glazov understands the concept of erasing memories. As the son of Soviet dissident
Yuri Glazov, his earliest childhood recollections were of living in the prison camp of
communism. He witnessed firsthand the persecution and imprisonment of courageous
individuals who stood up for their political beliefs. The Soviets tried to erase the name of
his father because of his father's stand for freedom. Today this is what motivates Jamie to
fight for the oppressed and persecuted.
Keeping the memory of Aqsa Parvez alive is part of his strategy. Few recognize her name.
She was the 16-year-old victim of an honor killing; her punishment for refusing to wear the
hijab, the head covering traditionally worn by Muslim women. Aqsa just wanted to be like
other 16-year-old Canadian girls, but in the end was strangled to death by her father and
brother to save the family from embarrassment.
The left controls the boundaries of our discourse and therefore we don't hear stories such
as this. They control our media and our culture and suffocate our right to speak. We can't
talk about the victims of Islamic terrorism because the left won't allow criticism of evil.
They complain that "not all Muslims are like that," but they don't care about the ideology
that killer her. It is a political ideology that hates women and is masked as a religion.
Aqsa's life was taken by that ideology.
Glazov believes that the left wants to erase the memories of victims who choose to be
individuals. Today Aqsa's family pretends she doesn't exist. Her father and brother are in
jail but wouldn't talk about why she was killed and the family refused to give Aqsa a tomb.
Pamela Geller offered a tomb for Aqsa, but the family declined her offer threatening to
tear down the tomb. Though called a fascist and racist, Geller prevailed with a memorial in
American Independence Park in Jerusalem, dedicated to Aqsa and to all courageous young
honor-killing victims. This is what the left does. It erases people and victims as if they
never existed.
The consequences of not speaking out have resulted in tragedies such as Vietnam.
America won the Vietnam War but because of the anti-war movement South Vietnam fell.
Millions were killed, there were death squads, Cambodia and Laos fell; but the left
attempts to silence this discussion. Even closer to home was the tragedy of 911 which
might have been prevented if the FBI had been allowed to communicate with other
branches of law enforcement about the attack plans on a confiscated laptop. The Fort
Hood massacre of thirteen could also have been prevented; but because of political
correctness, Nadal Hassan's rantings were overlooked, and the subsequent incident report
did not include the words Islam or jihad.
The left's mindset is that they believe in the perfectibility of the human race and that they
must destroy the planet to build the perfect utopian world on its ashes [911]. If you allow
a dialogue about Aqsa you soon realize that Judeo-Christian ideology is better than that of
Islam and that there is something good about our civilization. It must then be conceded
that our society is beautiful and worth defending. The left can't concede because then
they must abandon their dream for perfecting society.
Glazov's advice is that even though we may be vilified or lose friends, we must speak the
truth and fight this erasing of historical memory. It is imperative that we put memory to
the faces of victims and a spotlight on the vermin who want to extinguish the light. If we
concentrate on the victims we will fight effectively and prevail.
Jamie Glazov has recently written "United in Hate: The Left's Romance with Tyranny and
Terror” .
Membership Application
Newport Harbor Republican Women
P.O. Box 5561, Newport Beach, CA 92662-5561
Please Print
Address: _________________________________________________________________________
City: ______________________________________________________ Zip: __________________
Phone: ___________________________________ Cell: __________________________________
I would like to receive the newsletter by  E-mail or  U.S. Mail
Yearly dues of $26.00 are due January 1st
Please make checks payable to NHRW and mail to the above address.
Donations welcome: Gift  Scholarship Fund  Amount $_________
I would like to help with:
Current Events 
Community Outreach 
Hospitality 
Campaign Headquarters 
Mailings  Voter Registration 
Amy Cardiff
Erin Davis
Leslie Dean
Susan DeMaggio
Edie Duncan
Robin Follman Otta
Janis Graber
Sonya Grabowski
Elaine Moede
Nancy Pettijohn
Leslie Widmayer
Questions: Valerie Boemler, Membership Chairman, (949) 495-9224
Email: membership@nhrw.org
Newport Harbor Republican Women
P.O. Box 5561
Newport Beach, CA 92662-5561
Check out our calendar of upcoming events on our website at www.nhrw.org.