S9086-TK-STM-010 0910-LP-108-5108 REVISION 4 NAVAL SHIPS’ TECHNICAL MANUAL CHAPTER 571 UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT C: DISTRIBUTION AUTHORIZED TO U.S. GOVERNMENT AGENCIES AND THEIR CONTRACTORS; ADMINISTRATIVE/OPERATIONAL USE; (1 AUGUST 1990). OTHER REQUESTS FOR THIS DOCUMENT MUST BE REFERRED TO NSWC, PHILADELPHIA, CODE 944. WARNING: THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS TECHNICAL DATA WHOSE EXPORT IS RESTRICTED BY THE ARMS EXPORT CONTROL ACT (TITLE 22, U.S.C. SEC 2751, ET SEQ.) OR THE EXPORT ADMINISTRATION ACT OF 1979, AS AMENDED, TITLE 50, U.S.C., APP 2401 ET SEQ. VIOLATIONS OF THESE EXPORT LAWS ARE SUBJECT TO SEVERE CRIMINAL PENALTIES. DISSEMINATE IN ACCORDANCE WITH PROVISIONS OF DOD DIRECTIVE 5230.25(D). DESTRUCTION NOTICE: DESTROY BY ANY METHOD THAT WILL PREVENT DISCLOSURE OF CONTENTS OR RECONSTRUCTION OF THE DOCUMENT. THIS CHAPTER SUPERSEDES CHAPTER 571 REVISION 3 DATED 01 DECEMBER 2001 PUBLISHED BY DIRECTION OF COMMANDER, NAVAL SEA SYSTEMS COMMAND. 30 JUN 2009 TITLE-1 / (TITLE-2 Blank)@@FIpgtype@@TITLE@@!FIpgtype@@ @@FIpgtype@@TITLE@@!FIpgtype@@ TITLE-2 @@FIpgtype@@BLANK@@!FIpgtype@@ S9086-TK-STM-010 RECORD OF REVISIONS REVISION NO. 4 DATE 30 JUN 2009 TITLE AND/OR BRIEF DESCRIPTION/PREPARING ACTIVITY THE FOLLOWING WAS CHANGED: PARAGRAPH(S) , 571-1.2.2, 571-1.3.2, 571-1.4.1, 571-1.5.2, 571-2.1.2, 571-, 571-, 571-, 571-, 571-, 571-, 571-, 571-, 571-2.3.1, 571-2.4.1, 571-, 571-2.4.2, 571-, 571-, 571-2.4.4, 571-, 571-3.2, 571-, 571-, 571-, 571-, 571-, 571-3.2.2, 571-, 571-, 571-, 571-3.3, 571-3.3.2, 571-3.3.4, 571-3.3.5, 571-3.3.6, 571-4.2.1, 571-4.2.2, 571-, 571-, 571-, 571-, 571-, 571-, 571-, 571-4.3.1, 571-4.3.2, 571-4.4.1, 571-, 571-4.4.3, 571-4.4.4, 571-4.5.1, 571-4.5.2, 571-, 571-, 571-, 571-, 571-4.6.1, 571-4.6.2, 571-, 571-, 571-, 571-4.7.1, 571-, 571-, 571-4.8.1, 571-4.8.3, 571-4.8.5, 571-4.8.6, 571-5.1.4, 571-, 571-, 571-, 571-, 571-, 571-, 571-, 571-, 571-5.2.3, 571-, 571-, 571-, 571-, 571-, 571-, 571-, 571-, 571-, 571-, 571-, 571-, 571-, 571-, 571-, 571-, 571-, 571-, 571-, 571-, 571-, 571-, 571-, 571-, 571-5.2.4, 571-, 571-, 571-, 571-, 571-, 571-, 571-5.2.5, 571-, 571-, 571-, 571-5.2.6, 571-5.2.7, 571-, 571-, 571-, 571-, 571-, A, B AND G TABLE(S) 571-D-1., 571-D-2., 571-D-4., 571-D-5., 571-D-6., 571-D-7., 571-D-12., 571-D-13. AND 571-D-14. FIGURE(S) 571-1-1., 571-2-1., 571-2-2., 571-2-3., 571-2-4., 571-2-5., 571-2-6., 571-2-7., 571-3-1., 571-3-2., 571-3-3., 571-3-4., 571-3-5., 571-3-6., 571-3-7., 571-3-8., 571-3-9., 571-4-1., 571-4-2., 571-4-3., 571-4-4., 571-4-5., 571-4-6., 571-4-7., 571-4-8., 571-4-9., 571-4-10., 571-4-11., 571-E-1., 571-G-1., 571-G-2., 571-G-3. AND 571-G-4. RECORD OF REVISIONS-1 / (RECORD OF REVISIONS-2 Blank) RECORD OF REVISIONS-2 @@FIpgtype@@BLANK@@!FIpgtype@@ S9086-TK-STM-010 TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter/Paragraph 571 Page UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 571-1.1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 571-1.2 INTERFACE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 571-1.3 APPLICABILITY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 SECTION 1 571-1.4 BACKGROUND AND DEFINITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571-1.4.1 GENERAL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571-1.4.2 REPLENISHMENT-AT-SEA OR UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT (UNREP). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571-1.4.3 CONNECTED REPLENISHMENT (CONREP). . . . . . . . . . . . 571-1.4.4 VERTICAL REPLENISHMENT (VERTREP). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 1-3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 1-3 1-3 571-1.5 UNREP SAFETY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 571-1.6 UNREP STANDARDIZATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4 SECTION 2 LIQUID CARGO TRANSFER SYSTEMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 571-2.1 DEFINITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571-2.1.1 LIQUID CARGO TRANSFER STATION. . . . . . . . . . . . 571-2.1.2 STANDARD TENSIONED REPLENISHMENT ALONGSIDE (STREAM) LIQUID CARGO OR FUEL TRANSFER RIG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . METHOD . . . . . . . . 571-2.2 METHODS OF TRANSFER, ALONGSIDE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571-2.2.1 STREAM TRANSFER RIGS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571- General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571- Spanwire Rigging. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571- Saddle Whips. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571- Rig Variations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571-2.2.2 NON-STREAM TRANSFER RIGS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571- Non-STREAM Spanwire and Spanline. . . . . . . . . 571- Non-STREAM Spanwire and Spanline Rig Variations. 571- Close-In Fuel Rig. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571- Close-In Fuel Rig Variations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 2-1 2-1 . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 2-1 2-1 2-1 2-2 2-2 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-6 571-2.3 METHODS OF TRANSFER, ASTERN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571-2.3.1 2-1/2-INCH ASTERN FUEL HOSE RIG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6 2-6 571-2.4 LIQUID CARGO TRANSFER OVERVIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571-2.4.1 PASSING A STREAM RIG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571-2.4.2 OPERATING THE STREAM RIG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6 2-6 2-7 i S9086-TK-STM-010 TABLE OF CONTENTS - Continued Chapter/Paragraph Page 571-2.4.3 571-2.4.4 SECTION 3 RETRIEVING THE STREAM RIG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EMERGENCY BREAKAWAY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7 2-7 SOLID CARGO TRANSFER SYSTEMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 571-3.1 DEFINITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571-3.1.1 SOLID CARGO TRANSFER STATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . 571-3.1.2 STANDARD TENSIONED REPLENISHMENT ALONGSIDE (STREAM) SOLID CARGO TRANSFER RIG. . . . . . . . 3-1 3-1 3-1 571-3.2 METHODS OF TRANSFER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571-3.2.1 STREAM TRANSFER RIGS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571- Highline. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571- Inhaul and Outhaul. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571- Transfer Head. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571- Rig Variations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571- Heavy Lift STREAM. . . . . . . . . . . . . 571- STREAM Load Lowering Methods. . . . . 571- Heavy Load Return (Cargo Drop Reel) with 571-3.2.2 NON-STREAM RIGS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571- Synthetic Highline Rig. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Threefold. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 3-1 3-2 3-2 3-2 3-2 3-4 3-4 3-7 3-9 3-9 571-3.3 SOLID 571-3.3.1 571-3.3.2 571-3.3.3 571-3.3.4 571-3.3.5 571-3.3.6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-10 3-10 3-10 3-12 3-13 3-13 3-13 EQUIPMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE 4-1 SECTION 4 571-4.1 CARGO TRANSFER OVERVIEW STREAM WITH STAR RIG. . . . PREPARING THE RIG. . . . . . . PASSING THE RIG. . . . . . . . . OPERATING THE RIG. . . . . . . RETRIEVING THE RIG. . . . . . EMERGENCY BREAKAWAY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571-4.2 WINCHES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571-4.2.1 WINCH TYPES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571-4.2.2 WINCH COMPONENT PARTS. . . . . 571- Electric Motor. . . . . . . . . 571- Hydraulic Transmission. . . . 571- Service Brake. . . . . . . . . 571- Drum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571- Jaw Clutches. . . . . . . . . 571- Ratchet and Pawl. . . . . . . 571- Drum Brake. . . . . . . . . . 571- Air Clutch. . . . . . . . . . . 571- Wire Rope Spooling System. ii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . METHOD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-3 4-3 4-3 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 S9086-TK-STM-010 TABLE OF CONTENTS - Continued Chapter/Paragraph Page 571-4.3 ANTI-SLACK DEVICES (ASD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571-4.3.1 GENERAL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571-4.3.2 ASD TYPES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4 4-4 4-4 571-4.4 RAM 571-4.4.1 571-4.4.2 571-4.4.3 571-4.4.4 571-4.4.5 571-4.4.6 571-4.4.7 TENSIONER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GENERAL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RAM PISTON AND CYLINDER ASSEMBLY. FLOW CONTROL VALVE. . . . . . . . . . . . SHEAVE ASSEMBLIES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ACCUMULATOR CYLINDER. . . . . . . . . . FLUID STORAGE TANK. . . . . . . . . . . . . CHARGING PUMP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5 4-5 4-7 4-7 4-7 4-8 4-8 4-8 571-4.5 SLIDING BLOCK DRIVE SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571-4.5.1 GENERAL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571-4.5.2 SLIDING BLOCK DRIVE SYSTEM COMPONENT PARTS. 571- Transfer Head. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571- Wire Rope Sheaves. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571- Trolley Support and Stowage Arms. . . . . . . . . 571- Sweep Brake. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571- Sliding Block. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571- Sliding Block Drive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571- Limit Switches. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571- Trolley Rigged Outhaul System (T-ROS). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-9 4-9 4-10 4-11 4-11 4-11 4-11 4-11 4-11 4-11 4-12 571-4.6 SLIDING PADEYE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571-4.6.1 GENERAL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571-4.6.2 SLIDING PADEYE TYPES. . . . . . . . . . 571-4.6.3 SLIDING PADEYE COMPONENT PARTS. 571- Box Column. . . . . . . . . . . . 571- Carriage Assembly. . . . . . . . 571- Ball Screw Assembly. . . . . . . 571- Electric Motor. . . . . . . . . . . 571- Brake System. . . . . . . . . . . 571- Limit Switches. . . . . . . . . . 571- Manual Drive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-12 4-12 4-14 4-14 4-14 4-14 4-14 4-14 4-14 4-14 4-14 571-4.7 PROBE FUELING SYSTEMS . . . . . . . . . . . 571-4.7.1 GENERAL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571-4.7.2 PROBE FUELING SYSTEM TYPES. . . 571- Single Probe Fueling System. . 571- Double Probe Fueling System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-15 4-15 4-15 4-15 4-15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPANWIRE AND HIGHLINE WINCH CONTROLS. HAULING WINCH CONTROLS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-16 4-16 4-20 4-20 571-4.8 CONTROL STATION . . . 571-4.8.1 GENERAL. . . . . 571-4.8.2 NAVY STANDARD 571-4.8.3 NAVY STANDARD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii S9086-TK-STM-010 TABLE OF CONTENTS - Continued Chapter/Paragraph Page 571-4.8.4 571-4.8.5 571-4.8.6 571-4.8.7 571-4.8.8 SECTION 5 SLIDING BLOCK CONTROLS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NAVY STANDARD 3-SPEED/2-SPEED SADDLE WINCH CONTROLS. NAVY STANDARD AUTOMATIC RAM CONTROL (ARC). . . . . . . . RAM POSITION INDICATOR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CONTROL STATIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-20 4-20 4-20 4-20 4-20 TESTING REQUIREMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1 571-5.1 OVERVIEW OF TESTING REQUIREMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . 571-5.1.1 NEW INSTALLATION EQUIPMENT TESTING. . . . . . . 571-5.1.2 SHIPBOARD TESTING AND INSPECTIONS. . . . . . . . 571-5.1.3 POST-OVERHAUL EQUIPMENT TESTING. . . . . . . . . 571-5.1.4 POST-OVERHAUL AND REPAIR SHIPBOARD TESTING. 571-5.1.5 MODIFIED EQUIPMENT TESTING. . . . . . . . . . . . . 571-5.1.6 TEST RECORDS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1 5-1 5-1 5-1 5-1 5-2 5-2 571-5.2 EQUIPMENT AND RIGGING TEST REQUIREMENTS . . . . . . . . . . 571-5.2.1 PRE-INSTALLATION INSPECTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571-5.2.2 POST-INSTALLATION INSPECTION AND FUNCTIONAL TEST. 571- General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571- Electric-Hydraulic Winches. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571- Electric (Direct Drive) Drum and Gypsy Winches. . . . 571- Level Wind Device (Lead Angle Compensator). . . . . 571- Anti-Slack Device (ASD). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571- Ram Tensioner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571- Sliding Block. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571- Sliding Padeye. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571- Cargo Drop Reel (CDR). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571-5.2.3 STATIC LOAD TESTING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571- Structural Integrity Test. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571- Alongside Liquid Cargo Delivery. . . . . . . . . . . . . 571- Astern Liquid Cargo Delivery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571- Alongside Liquid Cargo Receiving System. . . . . . . . 571- Astern Liquid Cargo Receiving System. . . . . . . . . . 571- Solid Cargo Delivery System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571- Ram Tensioner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571- Solid Cargo Receiving System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571- Service Brake Tests. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571- Drum Ratchet and Pawl Test. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571- Winch Drum Band Brake Test. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571- Hydrostatic Tests. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571-5.2.4 NO-LOAD TESTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571- Electric-Hydraulic Winches. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571- Electric (Direct Drive) Drum and Gypsy Winches. . . . 571- Lead Angle Compensator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571- Anti-Slack Device (ASD). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571- Sliding Block. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2 5-2 5-2 5-2 5-4 5-4 5-5 5-5 5-5 5-6 5-7 5-7 5-8 5-9 5-9 5-10 5-11 5-12 5-12 5-13 5-14 5-15 5-16 5-16 5-16 5-17 5-17 5-18 5-18 5-18 5-18 S9086-TK-STM-010 TABLE OF CONTENTS - Continued Chapter/Paragraph Page . . . . . . . . . 5-18 5-19 5-19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-20 5-20 5-21 5-21 5-22 5-22 5-22 5-23 5-24 5-24 5-24 5-25 5-25 REFERENCE DRAWINGS FOR TEST INSTRUCTIONS OF NEWLY INSTALLED EQUIPMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1 B TEST REQUIREMENTS FOR MISCELLANEOUS NEW EQUIPMENT . . . . B-1 D TEST MATRIX FOR EQUIPMENT, COMPONENTS AND SYSTEMS . . . . . D-1 E TEST WIRE SETUP ARRANGEMENT E-1 F TEST METHODS AND LOADS FOR SLIDING BLOCK DRIVES . . . . . . . F-1 G ACCEPTED METHODS FOR STATIC LOAD TESTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . G-1 H Technical Manual Deficiency/Evaluation Report (TMDER) H-1 571-5.2.5 571-5.2.6 571-5.2.7 571-5.2.8 A 571- Sliding Padeye. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571- Miscellaneous Rigging. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DYNAMIC OVERLOAD TESTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571- Electric-Hydraulic Winches (Except Navy Standard Hauling Winches). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571- Electric-Hydraulic Navy Standard Hauling Winches. . . . . 571- Electric (Direct Drive) Drum and Gypsy Winches. . . . . . 571- Sliding Block. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571- Sliding Padeye. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DRUM OVERLOAD CLUTCH TEST. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RATED LOAD TESTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571- Electric-Hydraulic Winches. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571- Electric (Direct Drive) Drum and Gypsy Winches. . . . . . 571- Ram Tensioner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571- Sliding Block. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571- Sliding Padeye. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SHUTDOWN PROCEDURES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v S9086-TK-STM-010 LIST OF TABLES Table Title 571-D-1. 571-D-2. 571-D-3. 571-D-4. 571-D-5. 571-D-6. 571-D-7. 571-D-8. 571-D-9. 571-D-10. 571-D-11. 571-D-12. 571-D-13. 571-D-14. vi Page Test Matrix for Equipment, Components and Systems, Electric-Hydraulic Winches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-2 Test Matrix for Equipment, Components and Systems, Electric (Direct Drive) Drum/ Gypsy Winches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-3 Test Matrix for Equipment, Components and Systems, Level Wind and Fleet Angle Compensator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-4 Test Matrix for Equipment, Components and Systems, Anti-Slack Devices (ASD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-5 Test Matrix for Equipment, Components and Systems, Ram Tensioner System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-6 Test Matrix for Equipment, Components and Systems, Chain Driven Sliding Block System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-7 Test Matrix for Equipment, Components and Systems, Sliding Padeyes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-8 Test Matrix for Equipment, Components and Systems, Alongside Liquid Cargo Delivery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-10 Test Matrix for Equipment, Components and Systems, Alongside Liquid Cargo Receiving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-10 Test Matrix for Equipment, Components and Systems, Astern Liquid Cargo Delivery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-10 Test Matrix for Equipment, Components and Systems, Astern Liquid Cargo Receiving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-10 Test Matrix for Equipment, Components and Systems, Solid Cargo Delivery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-11 Test Matrix for Equipment, Components and Systems, Solid Cargo Receiving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-11 Test Matrix for Equipment, Components and Systems, Miscellaneous Rigging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-11 S9086-TK-STM-010 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Title Page 571-1-1. UNREP Rig Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 571-2-1. Fuel STREAM Rig - Single Hose with Probe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2 571-2-2. Single Hose Fuel STREAM Rig with Probe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2 571-2-3. Securing the Single Hose with Robb Coupling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3 571-2-4. Double Hose Fuel STREAM Rig with Double Probe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4 571-2-5. Non-tensioned Spanwire Fuel Rig (Single Hose with Robb Coupling) . . . . . . . . 2-5 571-2-6. Close-In Fuel Rig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5 571-2-7. Astern Fuel Rig (Lay-On Deck) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6 571-3-1. Missile and Cargo STREAM Rig (All-Tensioned Wires) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2 571-3-2. Personnel STREAM with Hand-Tended Synthetic Outhaul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3 571-3-3. Sliding Padeye Receiving Station-Receiving the Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4 571-3-4. Cargo Drop Reel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6 571-3-5. Heavy Load Return - Threefold Tackle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-8 571-3-6. Personnel Transfer by Synthetic Highline 3-9 571-3-7. STREAM with STAR - Preparation of SURF, STAR Latch Assembly 571-3-8. STREAM with STAR - Cocking Both Latches 571-3-9. STREAM with STAR - Rig Layout at the Delivery Station . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-12 571-4-1. Navy Standard Electric Winch (Navy Standard 3 Speed/2 Speed Saddle Winch Shown) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2 571-4-2. Navy Standard Electric-Hydraulic Winch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3 571-4-3. Squeeze Sheave Type ASD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6 571-4-4. Pressure Roller Type ASD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-7 571-4-5. Ram Tensioner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-9 571-4-6. Sliding Block Drive System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-10 571-4-7. Sliding Padeye . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-13 571-4-8. Single Probe and Single Probe Receiver Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-15 571-4-9. Double Probe and Double Probe Receiver Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-11 vii S9086-TK-STM-010 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS - Continued Figure viii Title Page 571-4-10. Liquid Cargo STREAM Master Control Station . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-18 571-4-11. Solid Cargo STREAM Master Control Station . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-19 571-E-1. Test Wire Rope Setup Arrangement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-1 571-F-1. Sliding Block Drive Test Using Freestanding Kingpost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F-1 571-G-1. Safe Methods for Testing UNREP Stations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G-2 571-G-2. Unsafe Methods for Testing UNREP Stations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G-3 571-G-3. Dynamometer with Separate Load Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G-4 571-G-4. Alternate Method for Testing Saddle Winch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G-5 S9086-TK-STM-010 CHAPTER 571 UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION 571-1.1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE. 571-1.1.1 This chapter provides an overview of the replenishment-at-sea systems and identifies the principle equipment and their use. 571-1.1.2 This chapter shall also provide general guidance information for the maintenance, overhaul and repair and testing of underway replenishment equipment. 571-1.1.3 This chapter is restricted to equipment and procedures incidental to connected replenishment-at-sea operations. Refer to the organizational chart, Figure 571-1-1. 571-1.2 INTERFACE. 571-1.2.1 This chapter also addresses both liquid and solid cargo handling equipment. For supplemental information, the following NSTM chapters should be consulted: a. S9086-CH-STM-010 NSTM Chapter 074, Volume I, Welding and Allied Processes b. S9086-DA-STM-000 NSTM Chapter 100, Hull Structures c. S9086-KC-STM-010 NSTM Chapter 300, Electric Plant-General d. S9086-KE-ATM-000 NSTM Chapter 302, Electric Motors and Controllers e. S9086-RK-STM-010 NSTM Chapter 505, Piping Systems f. S9086-SE-STM-010 NSTM Chapter 533, Potable Water Systems g. S9086-SN-STM-010 NSTM Chapter 541, Ship Fuel and Fuel Systems h. S9086-SP-STM-010 NSTM Chapter 542, Gasoline and JP-5 Fuel Systems i. S9086-SY-STM-010 NSTM Chapter 551, Compressed Air Plants and Systems j. S9086-S4-STM-010 NSTM Chapter 556, Hydraulic Equipment Power (Transmission and Control) k. S9086-TL-STM-010 NSTM Chapter 572, Shipboard Stores and Provision Handling l. S9086-TM-STM-010 NSTM Chapter 573, Booms m. S9086-T4-STM-010 NSTM Chapter 589, Cranes n. S9086-UU-STM-010 NSTM Chapter 613, Wire and Fiber Rope and Rigging o. S9086-XG-STM-010 NSTM Chapter 700, Shipboard Ammunition Handling and Stowage p. S9086-ZN-STM-010 NSTM Chapter 772, Cargo and Weapons Elevators 571-1-1 S9086-TK-STM-010 1. 571-1-2 Figure 571-1-1. UNREP Rig Chart S9086-TK-STM-010 571-1.2.2 The following documents shall be consulted for more specific details on the various aspects of replenishment-at-sea: a. COMNAVSURFPACINST 3180.2 b. COMNAVSURFLANTINST C9010.1 c. NAVSEA S9571-A1-HBK-010, UNREP Station Capabilities Handbook d. NAVSEA S9570-AD-CAT-010, Underway Replenishment Hardware and Equipment Manual e. NAVSEA S6430-AE-TED-010, Technical Directive, Piping Devices, Flexible Hose Assemblies f. Naval Warfare Publication NTTP 4-01.4, Underway Replenishment g. NAVAIR 00-80T-122, Helicopter Operating Procedures for Air Capable Ships h. OPNAVINST 5100.19, Navy Safety Precautions for Forces Afloat 571-1.3 APPLICABILITY. 571-1.3.1 The general discussion of underway replenishment is applicable to all ships. 571-1.3.2 Specific information is presented for delivery ships utilizing Navy Standard equipment. 571-1.4 BACKGROUND AND DEFINITIONS 571-1.4.1 GENERAL. The objective of underway replenishment is to permit fleet units to remain at sea for prolonged periods, fully ready to carry out any assigned task. Units of the Combat Logistics Force (CLF) or Naval Fleet Auxiliary Force (NFAF) are equipped to replenish combatants underway with fuel, ammunition, provisions, stores, and spare parts to achieve this goal. 571-1.4.2 REPLENISHMENT-AT-SEA OR UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT (UNREP). uid or solid cargo from one ship to another while underway. The transfer of liq- 571-1.4.3 CONNECTED REPLENISHMENT (CONREP). A transfer method that utilizes rigging connected between two ships to transfer liquid or solid cargo between ships while underway. 571-1.4.4 VERTICAL REPLENISHMENT (VERTREP). solid cargo between ships while underway. 571-1.5 A transfer method that utilizes helicopters to transfer UNREP SAFETY 571-1.5.1 Every shipboard evolution requires dedicated attention to the safety equipment and procedures established. Personnel assigned to the transfer station shall be thoroughly instructed on the safety precautions and shall review instructions immediately prior to each replenishment. 571-1.5.2 Observe operational safety requirements of NTTP4-01.4, NAVIAR 00-80T-122, OPNAVINST 5100.19 and all equipment technical manuals. 571-1-3 S9086-TK-STM-010 571-1.6 UNREP STANDARDIZATION 571-1.6.1 Standardization in rigs and in their use assists ships in expeditious transfer of cargo. Although some deviations from standard rigs may be necessary to conform with the design features of particular ships, these deviations should be kept to a minimum. 571-1.6.2 If a delivery ship must make major adjustments to the rigs in order to accommodate nonstandard installations on the receiving ship, transfer operations may be delayed. Should significant alterations be necessary, Type and Fleet Commanders shall be advised immediately so that corrective action may be taken. Such changes shall be incorporated into the ship’s plan. 571-1-4 S9086-TK-STM-010 SECTION 2 LIQUID CARGO TRANSFER SYSTEMS 571-2.1 DEFINITIONS 571-2.1.1 LIQUID CARGO TRANSFER STATION. A CONREP transfer station, which is a combination of a deck area and associated equipment, that provides a ship with the capability to receive or deliver liquid cargo (fuel oil, aviation fuel or potable water) by means of a hose or hoses suspended from the rigging while underway. 571-2.1.2 STANDARD TENSIONED REPLENISHMENT ALONGSIDE METHOD (STREAM) LIQUID CARGO OR FUEL TRANSFER RIG. A rig that provides transfer capability of liquid cargo by wire rope connected between two ships underway, whereby the spanwire is automatically maintained within a constant tension range. 571-2.2 METHODS OF TRANSFER, ALONGSIDE 571-2.2.1 STREAM TRANSFER RIGS. NOTE Methods of transfer are driven by rig availability and design characteristics of both the delivery and receiving ships. Sea conditions and draft of the receiving ship can also affect rig selection. 571- General. The STREAM liquid cargo transfer rig is the preferred rig. STREAM allows ships to open out to a greater distance than is possible with other rigs, thereby minimizing the possibility of overtensioning the spanwire and offering improved personnel safety. See Figure 571-2-1. NOTE Automatic tensioned spanwire winches are used on aircraft carriers, and AMPHIBS. These winches will tension the single hose spanwire. 571- Spanwire Rigging. The spanwire (3/4 or 7/8-inch steel wire rope) is rigged from the spanwire winch through a ram tensioner (STREAM), Anti-Slack Device (ASD), and an outrigger to the receiving station. The spanwire supports the weight of the fuel hose assembly by way of the hose saddle trolleys. The ram tensioner or the tension spanwire winch regulates spanwire tension to maintain a proper catenary to prevent dropping the hose into the water. Regulating spanwire tension also prevents the possibility of overstressing the wire rope. 571-2-1 S9086-TK-STM-010 Figure 571-2-1. Fuel STREAM Rig - Single Hose with Probe 571- Saddle Whips. The wire saddle whips control the saddle position on the spanwire to keep fuel hose above the water, maintain smooth hose curvature, as well as to retrieve the rig. Figure 571-2-2. Single Hose Fuel STREAM Rig with Probe 571- Rig Variations. The following rig variations are used for STREAM liquid cargo transfer: a. Single Probe. This rig variation is the accepted standard for refueling all U.S. and friendly nations ships. The outboard end connection of the 7-inch hose assembly is a self-latching male end coupling designed to automatically engage a receiver mounted on the receiving ship. See Figure 571-2-2. b. Single Robb. This rig variation provides an alternative transfer means for U.S. ships not equipped with a probe. The male end coupling on the fuel riser of the receiving ship and the female half on the 7-inch hose end are manually coupled. Fiber rope lines (riding lines) are rigged to the hose assembly to prevent tension from developing in the hoses. See Figure 571-2-3. c. Breakable Spool Coupling for friendly nations ships. This rig variation is an alternate to the standard probe 571-2-2 S9086-TK-STM-010 connection. The coupling is manually connected to the fuel riser on the receiving ship by tightening three hinged bolts to the A-end coupling half. This coupling half is deeply grooved to form a shear ring which will sever upon impact. In emergency situations, the coupling can be quickly separated from the fuel riser by striking the A-end coupling half with a sledge hammer. Riding line rigging for the breakable spool coupling is similar to the Robb arrangement discussed in paragraph 571-, and illustrated in Figure 571-2-3. Figure 571-2-3. Securing the Single Hose with Robb Coupling d. Double Hose Combinations. Rig variations for STREAM liquid cargo transfer by double hose are as follows: 1. The double probe rig is used to transfer fuel from UNREP ships to larger combatants (i.e., aircraft carriers, amphibious ships) or for consolidation between UNREP ships and tankers. The hoses are stacked vertically, as shown in Figure 571-2-4, and rigged similarly to the single probe arrangement discussed in paragraph 571- 2. Various combinations of hose and connections listed for the single hose rig can be passed in a double hose arrangement. Consult NTTP 4-01.4 for details. 3. The 7-inch over 2-1/2-inch hose(s) arrangement may be utilized to transfer smaller quantities of another product or products while connected by probe STREAM. 571-2-3 S9086-TK-STM-010 Figure 571-2-4. Double Hose Fuel STREAM Rig with Double Probe 571-2.2.2 NON-STREAM TRANSFER RIGS. 571- Non-STREAM Spanwire and Spanline. The non-STREAM spanwire rig is used on delivery ships that do not have equipment to maintain a constant tension spanwire. The rigging is the same as STREAM. The drawback to the rig is that the winch operator must manually regulate the spanwire catenary in response to ship roll and separation. The spanline is similar to the spanwire rig; however, a synthetic line is used to support a 2-1/ 2-inch fuel hose. See Figure 571-2-5. 571- Non-STREAM Spanwire and Spanline Rig Variations. The following rig variations are used: a. Spanwire Rig. This rig is used only in a single hose arrangement, with a probe, Robb, or breakable spool coupling. b. Spanline Rig. This rig is used to support a 2-1/2-inch hose rig. 571- Close-In Fuel Rig. In this rig, the hose is supported by saddle whips leading from each of three hose saddles back to three saddle winches by way of blocks mounted on a high point located on the delivery ship. The overall hose length of the rig is approximately 240 feet. The saddle whips are either 1/2- or 3/4-inch wire rope or 3-1/2-inch circumference braided nylon. See Figure 571-2-6. 571- When fueling a ship larger than a destroyer, an additional line may be rigged and tended from the outboard saddle through a block rigged at a high point on the receiving ship. This line, referred to as the outer bight line, is either 4-inch circumference double braided polyester or braided nylon. 571- Two riding line fittings are used in the hose assembly to secure it to the receiving ship. A retrieving line (3-1/2-inch braided nylon) is attached to the riding line fitting closest to the #1 saddle. 571-2-4 S9086-TK-STM-010 Figure 571-2-5. Non-tensioned Spanwire Fuel Rig (Single Hose with Robb Coupling) Figure 571-2-6. Close-In Fuel Rig 571-2-5 S9086-TK-STM-010 571- Close-In Fuel Rig Variations. The acceptable rig hose end connections for the close-in rig are the Robb coupling and the breakable spool coupling. 571-2.3 METHODS OF TRANSFER, ASTERN 571-2.3.1 2-1/2-INCH ASTERN FUEL HOSE RIG. This rig is used to support fueling operations to small craft that can not receive by the spanline method or are better suited at the time to take fuel in an astern configuration due to towing operations. For details of passing, operating and retrieving the 2-1/2-inch astern fuel rig, consult NTTP 4-01.4. 571-2.4 LIQUID CARGO TRANSFER OVERVIEW 571-2.4.1 PASSING A STREAM RIG. For simplicity, the following brief summary explaining the passing, operating and retrieving of a STREAM rig is presented to provide insight to the sequence of the principal steps of connecting an alongside rig. For full detail or for non-STREAM rigs, consult NTTP 4-01.4. 571- The delivery ship passes a shot line to the receiving ship. A messenger line is attached to the shot line and is hauled over by the receiving ship either by hand or by winch. As an exception to this rule, the receiving ship will pass the shot line if: a. The restricted space of the receiving station presents a hazard. b. Aircraft are parked on deck of receiving ship. Figure 571-2-7. Astern Fuel Rig (Lay-On Deck) 571- The spanwire and lead lines for the phone wires are attached to the messenger. When the messenger comes aboard the receiving ship, lead lines are disconnected, and the station phone line and phone/distance line are hauled over by the receiving ship and delivery ship respectively. 571-2-6 S9086-TK-STM-010 571- The receiving ship continues to haul over the messenger until the spanwire is aboard. The spanwire is connected to a pelican hook, which is a quick acting latch. A fiber rope easing out line, secured to the bulkhead, is then passed through the spanwire end fitting and stopped off to a cleat on the bulkhead. 571- The messenger is then slackened, and word is passed to the delivery ship to tension the spanwire. On signal, the spanwire is tensioned by the delivery ship (ram tensioner or auto tensioning winch). For reference, the single hose rig spanwire tension is approximately 8,000 pounds; the double hose rig spanwire tension is approximately 15,500 pounds. 571- Once the spanwire is tensioned, the receiving ship continues to haul over the messenger, thereby pulling the hose assembly across the spanwire while the delivery ship pays out the saddle whip wire ropes. Proper ram tensioner position is maintained either by the Automatic Ram Control (ARC) or manual control by the winch operator. 571- The single probe is engaged manually into the receiver, and engagement is verified by the pop-up flag on the receiver. Should the probe accidentally unseat, the internal probe valve will automatically close to avoid spillage. NOTE The double probe is hauled in and mated by power (i.e., gypsy winch). 571- If a Robb or breakable spool rig is used, the end fitting is released from the messenger and the riding line is attached to the riding line fitting. The riding lines are hauled in and secured when the end connection is coupled to the fuel riser. 571- The delivery ship sends over the messenger return line which is disconnected from the probe carriage or the riding line fitting, as applicable, and is attached to the messenger. The messenger is then returned. 571-2.4.2 OPERATING THE STREAM RIG. The saddle winch operator positions and maintains all saddles and the retriever whip for a smooth flow through the hoses. The retriever whip is slack to prevent any tension from developing on the hose end connection. 571- The No. 2 and No. 3 saddle whips are tended to keep the hose out of the water, to prevent kinking of the hose at the receiver, and to prevent excess strain on the hose and stress wires. 571-2.4.3 RETRIEVING THE STREAM RIG. After fueling is complete, the delivery ship stops pumping and clears the hoses, then the receiving ship releases the probe, Robb or breakable spool. 571- The probe is tended out over the side by the remating line; the Robb or breakable spool is reconnected to the trolley and is tended out by the riding line. The delivery ship hauls in the hose assembly. 571- After detensioning the spanwire, the receiving ship then releases the spanwire end connection and tends the spanwire out over the side by the easing out line. The delivery ship retrieves the spanwire. 571-2.4.4 EMERGENCY BREAKAWAY. If in an emergency the two ships must separate, the fuel rigging must be quickly disconnected. Consult NTTP 4-01.4 for procedures to execute an emergency breakaway. 571- Conditions warranting emergency breakaway include: 571-2-7 S9086-TK-STM-010 a. Either ship experiences engineering casualty. b. Enemy contact is reported and endangers force. c. Aircraft carrier must deploy or receive aircraft in an emergency. d. Casualty of UNREP equipment, which could result in tightlining. e. A rig parting, which could result in fouling of a screw. f. Man overboard where a ship in lifeguard station or a helicopter designated for lifeguard duty are not available. g. Damage control casualty (i.e., fire, flooding). h. Maneuvering situations to meet navigational or rules of the road requirements. 571-2-8 S9086-TK-STM-010 SECTION 3 SOLID CARGO TRANSFER SYSTEMS 571-3.1 DEFINITIONS 571-3.1.1 SOLID CARGO TRANSFER STATION. A connected replenishment transfer station which is a combination of a deck area and associated equipment that provides a ship with the capability to receive or deliver solid cargo, mail, personnel, containerized oil, and containerized water while underway. 571-3.1.2 STANDARD TENSIONED REPLENISHMENT ALONGSIDE METHOD (STREAM) SOLID CARGO TRANSFER RIG. A rig that provides transfer capability of solid cargo by wire rope connected between two ships underway, whereby the highline is automatically maintained within a constant tension range. 571-3.2 METHODS OF TRANSFER NOTE Methods are driven by rig availability and design characteristics of both the delivery and receiving ships. Sea conditions and receiving ship draft can also affect selection. Consult NTTP 4-01.4 for allowable transfer loads versus sea conditions. 571-3.2.1 STREAM TRANSFER RIGS. The STREAM solid cargo transfer rig is the preferred rig. STREAM minimizes the possibility of overtensioning the lines passed between ships, and allows ships to maintain greater separation, thereby enhancing personnel and material safety. See Figure 571-3-1. NOTE To utilize cargo STREAM, the receiving ship shall have a receiving station which has been statically tested to 50,000 pounds. 571-3-1 S9086-TK-STM-010 Figure 571-3-1. Missile and Cargo STREAM Rig (All-Tensioned Wires) 571- Highline. The highline (1-inch wire rope) is rigged from the highline winch through the ram tensioner, an Anti-Slack Device (ASD), and transfer head to the receiving station. The tension in the highline, which is applied by the ram tensioner, enables the highline to support the trolley and suspended load during the transfer. The inhaul and outhaul wire ropes move the trolley and suspended load along the tensioned highline. The inhaul wire rope (3/4-inch) fairleads from the inhaul winch through the transfer head and is attached to the trolley. The outhaul wire rope (1/2-inch) is rigged from the outhaul winch an ASD and a block on the kingpost, down to a sheave on the transfer head, through a sheave on the trolley. It is then rigged to the receiving ship which fairleads the wire back toward the delivery ship through a Standard Underway Replenishment Fixture (SURF) and is attached to the trolley. NOTICE: Only certified highline wire rope assemblies are authorized for use. Certified highlines are manufactured for the supply system to NAVSEA Drawing 6574325, and are available under NSN 4010–01–309–7439. 571- Inhaul and Outhaul. Tension control winches control the inhaul and outhaul lines. They maintain tension in the wire rope between a minimum (1,350-1,500 pounds) and maximum (4,500-5,500 pounds) tension value, as commanded. Increasing the tension in the outhaul moves the trolley toward the receiving ship; and conversely increasing the tension in the inhaul moves the trolley toward the delivery ship. If both the inhaul and outhaul are at minimum tension, the trolley will tend to remain stationary at one position along the highline. 571- Transfer Head. The transfer head is a movable rigging point at the delivery station which moves the highline wire rope up or down and allows loads to be attached or removed from the trolley, at the delivery station. 571- Rig Variations. The following rig variation is used for the STREAM solid cargo transfer rig: a. Cargo STREAM with Hand Tended Outhaul. This rig is similar to the cargo STREAM rig, except that the outhaul is hand tended on the receiving ship and the delivery ship’s inhaul is operated in speed mode. See Figure 571-3-2. 571-3-2 S9086-TK-STM-010 Figure 571-3-2. Personnel STREAM with Hand-Tended Synthetic Outhaul 571-3-3 S9086-TK-STM-010 Figure 571-3-3. Sliding Padeye Receiving Station-Receiving the Load 571- Heavy Lift STREAM. Heavy lift loads weigh between 5,700 pounds and 10,000 pounds. These loads can be transferred to a sliding padeye by increasing ram tensioner air pressure to 2,250 pounds per square inch gauge (psig) at a heavy lift STREAM station. Weight, sea state, and separation limits exist. Refer to NTTP 4-01.4. 571- STREAM Load Lowering Methods. 571-3-4 For STREAM rigs, the wire rope fairleads to the load from S9086-TK-STM-010 high points at the delivery and receiving stations. This ensures that the load will safely clear the deck and stay clear of the water during transfer. The delivery station keeps the highline tensioned throughout the transfer cycle to control the load. The load is raised from and lowered to the deck without detensioning the rig. The delivery station raises and lowers the load by moving the transfer head up and down. One of the following three methods are used at the receiving station to lower the load after transfer: a. Sliding Padeye Method. The function of the sliding padeye at the receiving station is similar to that of the transfer head at the delivery station. Use of the method permits rigging with increased speed and safety at deck level, gives constant load control throughout the transfer cycle, and allows the receiving station to return heavy loads to the delivery station. The sliding padeye, to which the highline is attached, raises and lowers the load while the rig remains tensioned. The padeye is lowered to bring the rig close to the deck so that the incoming load can be easily detached. Raising the padeye to the up position allows the trolley to be hauled back to the delivery station and also allows the load to clear the deck. It should be noted that normally only a cargo hook is required on the trolley when the STREAM rig is connected to a sliding padeye receiving station. However, some loads may require the use of a STREAM strongback. See Figure 571-3-3. b. Cargo Drop Reel Method. The cargo drop reel is a device used to lower a load from a trolley on a tensioned highline. Use of this transfer method does not provide the same degree of load control as the sliding padeye, but it does allow the load to be lowered under the control of the receiving station. The delivery station provides the cargo drop reel and attaches it to the trolley. At the receiving station, the highline remains at a fixed height above the deck and is attached to a fixed padeye or pendant. These attachment points shall be designed and static tested to a minimum of 50,000 pounds. The MK II cargo drop reel has a 5,700 pound load capacity. In addition, the cargo drop reel can be used to raise loads of less than 150 pounds for return to the delivery ship. See Figure 571-3-4. 571-3-5 S9086-TK-STM-010 Figure 571-3-4. Cargo Drop Reel 1. 571-3-6 S9086-TK-STM-010 571- Heavy Load Return (Cargo Drop Reel) with Threefold. Loads in excess of 150 pounds but less than 5,700 pounds can be returned by use of a threefold tackle provided by the delivery station. The delivery station sends the SURF to the receiving station with the threefold shackled to the SURF’s padeye, and the trolley and cargo drop reel hook extended. The receiving station returns the load by attaching the cargo drop reel hook to the load and securing the threefold’s quick release hook to a shackle on the cargo drop reel hook. Line handlers at the receiving station haul in on the threefold to lift the load as the cargo drop reel raises its hook. After the load is raised, the threefold is released from the cargo drop reel hook. See Figure 571-3-5. 571-3-7 S9086-TK-STM-010 Figure 571-3-5. Heavy Load Return - Threefold Tackle 1. 571-3-8 S9086-TK-STM-010 571-3.2.2 NON-STREAM RIGS. Synthetic highline rigs are non-STREAM rigs. 571- Synthetic Highline Rig. Figure 571-3-6. This rig is used for the transfer of personnel, light freight, and mail. See 571- The highline is 4-inch circumference double braided polyester line, 350 feet in length. It spans across to a padeye on the receiving ship from a high point block on the sending ship. The highline is hand-tended by 25 line handlers on the delivery ship to maintain tension. 571- The inhaul line is 3-inch circumference plaited polyester line and is hand tended by 10 line handlers on the delivery ship. The inhaul fairleads to a block near the highline block and is attached to the trolley. 571- The messenger leads the outhaul line across. The outhaul is 3-inch circumference plaited polyester line connected to the transfer trolley and is hand tended by 10 line handlers on the receiving ship. 571- The highline may be tensioned by a gypsy winch when transferring light freight and mail, if the receiving ship’s highline padeye has been statically tested to 30,000 pounds. The maximum safe transfer load is 600 pounds. Figure 571-3-6. Personnel Transfer by Synthetic Highline 571-3-9 S9086-TK-STM-010 571-3.3 SOLID CARGO TRANSFER OVERVIEW NOTE The details of passing, operating and returning a rig are thoroughly discussed in NTTP 4-01.4. However, a brief summary for cargo STREAM with STAR is presented herein. 571-3.3.1 STREAM WITH STAR RIG. STREAM with STAR (SURF, Traveling, Actuated Remotely) allows remote attachment and release of the SURF at the receiving station. It is also a preferable rig to STREAM with traveling SURF, when the receiving ship does not have a sliding padeye or rigging access platform near the attachment point. Figure 571-3-7. STREAM with STAR - Preparation of SURF, STAR Latch Assembly 571-3.3.2 PREPARING THE RIG. STAR rig: The following outlines the procedures for preparing the STREAM with a. Position and lock trolley capture arms on the sliding block transfer head to support the STREAM trolley during connect-up. b. Place the STREAM trolley in the capture arms. c. Attach the inhaul to the STREAM trolley and reeve the highline through the trolley. d. Install the cargo drop reel, cargo STREAM strongback, or cargo hook on the trolley. e. Reeve the outhaul through the SURF and attach it to the trolley. f. Assemble the STAR latch to the SURF and the STAR probe to the highline, as shown in Figure 571-3-7. 571-3-10 S9086-TK-STM-010 g. Cock both STAR latches by pushing the latches toward the SURF as shown in Figure 571-3-8. h. Prepare STAR messenger as shown in Figure 571-3-9. Figure 571-3-8. STREAM with STAR - Cocking Both Latches 571-3-11 S9086-TK-STM-010 Figure 571-3-9. STREAM with STAR - Rig Layout at the Delivery Station 571-3.3.3 PASSING THE RIG. The following outlines the procedures for passing the STREAM with STAR rig: a. The delivery ship sends the shot line attached to the STAR messenger. For the exceptions to passing a shot line refer to paragraph 571- 571-3-12 S9086-TK-STM-010 b. The receiving ship hauls in the shot line and messenger, until the lead line for the bridge-to-bridge phone/distance line comes aboard. The receiving ship then disconnects the lead line and moves it clear of the area. The station-to-station phone line is disconnected from the messenger, establishing communication between the ships. Using the lead line messenger, the receiving ship then sends the bridge-to-bridge phone/distance line to the delivery ship. c. With the inhaul winch in tension mode, the STREAM transfer head is raised, and the highline is hauled over by messenger. d. When the highline comes aboard, the pelican hook is attached to the long link on the pendant or padeye. The easing out line is passed through the pelican hook’s long link and is secured to the bulkhead. e. The highline is then tensioned, and the SURF with STAR assembly is pulled across until it latches onto the STAR probe attached to the pelican hook. The outhaul is then tensioned and the trolley capture arms are moved to the stowage position and locked. Proper ram tensioner position is maintained either by the Automatic Ram Control (ARC) or manual control by the winch operator. 571-3.3.4 OPERATING THE RIG. STAR rig: The following outlines the procedures for operating the STREAM with a. The sliding block is lowered to pick up the load at the delivery station. With the load attached to the rig, the block is raised while the winch operator increases inhaul tension to maintain the load against the transfer head. b. After the sliding block is fully raised, the operator decreases the tension on the inhaul whip and increases the tension on the outhaul whip. The load is then transferred to the receiving station. c. Operators at the receiving station will either lower the sliding padeye or release the brake on the cargo drop reel to lower the load. 571-3.3.5 RETRIEVING THE RIG. STAR Rig: The following outlines the procedures for retrieving the STREAM with a. The delivery ship retrieves the trolley until it makes contact (two-blocks) with the transfer head and the trolley capture arms are swung forward to the support position and locked. The outhaul is then switched from tension to speed mode and slackened. b. The STAR latch assembly is released, and the STAR/SURF is retrieved by the delivery ship. c. The highline is detensioned at the delivery station. The receiving ship trips the pelican hook, releasing highline, and disconnects the station-to-station phone line. d. The delivery ship retrieves the highline and the station-to-station phone line. The receiving ship retrieves the bridge-to-bridge phone/distance line. 571-3.3.6 EMERGENCY BREAKAWAY. For conditions warranting emergency breakaway, refer to paragraph 571-2.4.4. For emergency breakaway procedures, consult NTTP 4-01.4. 571-3-13 / (3-14 Blank) 3-14 @@FIpgtype@@BLANK@@!FIpgtype@@ S9086-TK-STM-010 SECTION 4 EQUIPMENT 571-4.1 PURPOSE AND SCOPE 571-4.1.1 Section 2 and Section 3 presented the principal equipment and their function at the system level. This section discusses the principal equipment at the component level. 571-4.1.2 Selected equipment presented herein are based upon their level of complexity. Therefore, detailed discussions of all equipment utilized in CONREP operations is not practical. 571-4.2 WINCHES 571-4.2.1 WINCH TYPES. The following identifies two types of winches: a. Electric (Direct Drive) Winch. This winch is usually driven by a multi-speed electric motor coupled directly to a fixed ratio gear box. Typically this winch is used for saddle whip or line tending applications. See Figure 571-4-1. b. Electric Hydraulic Winch. This winch is driven by an electric motor and utilizes a hydraulic transmission for smooth, variable speed control. Typically this type of winch is used for spanwire, highline, cargo and inhaul and outhaul applications. See Figure 571-4-2. 571-4-1 S9086-TK-STM-010 Figure 571-4-1. Navy Standard Electric Winch (Navy Standard 3 Speed/2 Speed Saddle Winch Shown) 571-4.2.2 WINCH COMPONENT PARTS. All UNREP winches consist of a rugged bedplate upon which are mounted a horizontal drum shaft, wire rope storage drum(s), reduction gear box, and an electric motor. Most UNREP winches use a hydraulic transmission between the electric motor and reduction gear box to obtain variable speed operation. All UNREP winches use a service (hydraulic or electric) brake. Most have a drum brake and a ratchet and pawl for long term load holding. The winches may also include some or all of the following components: a. Gypsy Head(s) for handling synthetic line or wire rope. b. Wire Rope Spooling System to provide proper spooling of wire on the drum. c. Spring Tower and Tension Tower to cushion the shock resulting from accidental impact of the trolley on the receiving ship. 571-4-2 S9086-TK-STM-010 Figure 571-4-2. Navy Standard Electric-Hydraulic Winch 571- Electric Motor. The electric motor provides a synchronous speed of 1,200 RPM input to the hydraulic transmission. The Navy Standard 3-speed/2-speed saddle winch uses a 3-speed motor. Gypsy winches use a synchronous 2-speed motor to obtain high and low speed operation of the winch. 571- Hydraulic Transmission. The hydraulic transmission contains a positive displacement pump and motor, auxiliary pumps, and control valves which provide a smooth, flexible power drive system between the winch electric motor and the reduction gear box to drive the winch drum. The winch operator uses the winch master control handle to control the transmission, which controls the direction of the rotation and speed of the drum shaft. Input and feedback controls for the transmission are mechanical on the Navy Standard transmissions. 571- Service Brake. The service brake is used to stop the winch drum and to hold a load when the winch is used in cargo operations. The brake also provides a positive lock on the high speed shaft of the gear reducer to prevent uncontrolled shaft movement when the winch control handle is at zero command. Service brakes are either of the disc or drum type. All service brakes are spring set and electrically or hydraulically released. The brakes are also equipped with a manual release. 571- Drum. The drum is a weldment with a barrel diameter and a length and flange diameter designed to ensure that it will store rope of the size and length needed for the specific winch task. Where applicable, one flange of the drum has a rim for the drum brake, the other flange incorporates the ratchet ring. 571-4-3 S9086-TK-STM-010 571- Jaw Clutches. Jaw clutches are provided on electric hydraulic winches to allow the disengagement of the winch drum from the drive system. The drum clutch is provided with a positive locking device which keeps the clutch engaged or disengaged. 571- Ratchet and Pawl. Each winch drum is provided with a ratchet and pawl, with the exception of Navy Standard 3-speed/2-speed saddle winches and gypsy winches. The ratchet and pawl is a mechanical device that is used only to relieve the winch hydraulic brake, when the winch is supporting a heavy load for an extended period of time. A ratchet is welded to one outer flange surface of the drum to engage the pawl. The pawl is heavily counterbalanced to fall out of engagement when the load on the pawl is relieved. The pawl is locked in the disengaged position. 571- Drum Brake. A drum brake is installed on each drum to hold or control a load, or to hold one drum stationary while the other is in use. This prevents unspooling of the rope when the drum clutch is disengaged. Drum brakes are not installed on Navy Standard 3-speed/2-speed saddle winches or on gypsy winches. 571- Drum Overload Clutch. Navy Standard highline, spanwire, and cargo winches are equipped with a drum overload clutch that is the driving member between the drum hub and the winch drum. The multiple disc drum overload clutch is tensioned by a set of springs that apply pressure to the disc set. At a preset line pull or load on the winch wire rope, the clutch allows the winch drum to slip from the drum hub. This prevents parting of wire ropes and excessive loading of wire rope connection points. The drum overload clutch is set to slip at 140-160 percent of the winch’s rated load. 571- Air Clutch. The Navy Standard hauling winch uses air clutches as the tension control element between the drive shaft and the two friction drums mounted to each winch drum. The amount of air pressure applied to the air clutches depends on the amount of movement of the winch trolley direction control handle or the position of the winch master station selector switch. The higher the air pressure in the air clutch tube, the greater the line pull capability of the drum. 571- Wire Rope Spooling System. Wire rope spooling systems provide proper spooling of wire rope onto the drum. The system winds the wire rope on the drum in level and consecutive lays with no gapping, scrubbing, piling up, or pulling away at the drum flanges. The system consists of a grooved drum and a fleet angle compensator. a. The Non-Powered Fleet Angle Compensator. This compensator consists of a floating sheave that rides on a chrome plated steel shaft. The shaft end caps, equipped with offset journals, are supported by pillow block bearings bolted to the winch bed brackets. During winch operation, spooling of wire rope on or off the winch drum causes the compensator sheave to rotate and slide axially on the shaft. As the sheave turns and slides to one end of the shaft, line pull on the wire rope raises the end of the shaft while the other end of the shaft lowers. The rotating floating sheave then gradually slides toward the lower end of the shaft where the shaft rotation action is repeated. The raising and lowering of the shaft is caused by its eccentric mounting. 571-4.3 ANTI-SLACK DEVICES (ASD) 571-4.3.1 GENERAL. Anti-slack devices are used on highline, spanwire and outhaul winches. The ASD maintains tension in the wire rope between the ASD and the winch drum. This prevents birdcaging of the wire rope when the winch is operating with no load on the wire rope. 571-4.3.2 ASD TYPES. There are two types of ASD’s in use: a. Squeeze Sheave Type. In this type, the wire rope is reeved through a powered sheave that is driven by an electric motor air clutch or hydraulic motor. When the ASD is in operation, a squeeze mechanism clamps the 571-4-4 S9086-TK-STM-010 outer edges of the squeeze sheave to grip the wire rope. The squeeze sheave is made up of two flexible side plates attached to a sheave sized to suit the wire rope. As the squeeze sheave is driven in the payout direction, it tensions (pulls) the section of wire rope between the ASD and winch drum. See Figure 571-4-3. b. Pressure Roller Type. In this type, the wire rope is reeved through two hydraulic motor driven sheaves. There are five hydraulically driven pressure rollers which force the wire rope against the power sheaves. The motor driven sheaves then provide a pull to keep the wire rope tensioned. For illustration of a Fourth Generation outhaul winch Pressure Roller ASD see Figure 571-4-4. 571-4.4 RAM TENSIONER 571-4.4.1 GENERAL. The ram tensioner works in conjunction with the highline or spanwire winch to maintain a constant tension range in the highline or spanwire as ship separation varies. It is made up of a cylinder, ram, accumulator, piston, a flow control valve, upper and lower sheaves, and a sump tank. The accumulator contains a floating piston that separates the high pressure air and hydraulic fluid. The highline or spanwire is reeved from the winch, around the upper and lower sheave assemblies, and to the attachment point on the receiving ship. The ratio between the wire rope tension and air pressure is approximately 10:1 (i.e., 1,950 pounds per square inch equals 19,500 pounds tension) with the ram at mid-stroke. Any fluid that leaks by the ram cylinder packing and leaks into the upper ram cylinder cavity, is returned to the sump tank through a low pressure drain. Air that has accumulated in the top of the ram cylinder, as a result of defective seals or charging of the hydraulic system, can be removed by manually opening the air bleed valve, which is located on the outside of the ram cylinder. A hand pump is provided to pump fluid from the sump tank to the bottom of the ram cylinder for charging of the ram. See Figure 571-4-5. NOTE Only phosphate ester hydraulic fluid conforming with MIL-H-19457: HYDRAULIC FLUID, FIRE-RESISTANT, NON-NEUROTOXIC shall be used for the ram tensioner operating fluid. Consult NTTP 4-01.4 for details. 571-4-5 S9086-TK-STM-010 Figure 571-4-3. Squeeze Sheave Type ASD 571-4-6 S9086-TK-STM-010 Figure 571-4-4. Pressure Roller Type ASD 571-4.4.2 RAM PISTON AND CYLINDER ASSEMBLY. The assembly is an integral part of the bedplate. The lower cylinder block contains a flow control valve, which regulates the flow into the cylinder from the accumulator. 571- The upper section of the cylinder also contains a stop assembly. The purpose of this assembly is to prevent ejection of the ram piston and to stop (cushion) the ram if it is driven into the stop at high speed. During normal operation, the ram will not come into the stop assembly, since the ram tensioner only contains enough fluid to bring the ram flange one foot below the stop. 571- The ram piston fits inside the cylinder. As the ram extends and retracts during operation, it is guided by bushings mounted inside the cylinder. The upper section of the cylinder contains a packing set and a wiper ring. The packing set prevents the loss of hydraulic fluid, and the wiper ring prevents the entry of foreign matter into the system. Any fluid that leaks past the packing is returned to the tank. 571-4.4.3 FLOW CONTROL VALVE. The flow control valve is installed in the lower ram cylinder block to control the flow of hydraulic fluid into the ram cylinder (i.e. ram extension rate). A check valve is installed parallel to the flow control valve to provide for free flow out of the cylinder (unrestricted ram retraction speed). The flow control valve on model A ram tensioners is adjustable and non-pressure compensated. A pressure compensated (non-adjustable) flow control valve is installed on all other models. 571-4.4.4 SHEAVE ASSEMBLIES. The sheave assemblies and ram piston stroke determine the wire rope take up capability of the ram tensioner, 80 or 120 feet. The designation 80(120) means that 80(120) feet of wire rope is hauled in when the ram fully extends, or pays out when the ram is fully retracted. There are two sheave assemblies, upper and lower. Typical STREAM stations utilize 120 ft. ram tensioners. 571-4-7 S9086-TK-STM-010 571-4.4.5 ACCUMULATOR CYLINDER. lic pressure. The accumulator serves to convert pneumatic pressure into hydrau- 571- Within the accumulator cylinder is a floating piston that separates the high pressure air from the hydraulic fluid. Grooves in the piston contain bearing rings and a piston seal. High pressure air piping is connected to the accumulator cap. 571- When the ram tensioner is charged, high pressure air is fed into the accumulator cylinder, the air pressure pushes the piston down. As the piston moves down, hydraulic fluid is forced through the block at the accumulator base and into the pipe to the ram cylinder. The accumulator piston is designed with a large projection at the bottom of the piston. The projection is about half the diameter of the piston and has a slightly tapered tip. As the piston is forced toward the bottom of the accumulator, the projection on the piston starts down the hydraulic fluid outlet hole in the accumulator. Since the diameter of the projection and the diameter of the outlet hole are nearly the same, hydraulic fluid flow is cut off. This restricted flow occurs at the same time the ram is nearing the top of its stroke and slows the rate of ram travel. This prevents the ram from being driven into the stop assembly at a high rate of speed, if the ram is overcharged with fluid. 571-4.4.6 FLUID STORAGE TANK. poses: The fluid storage tank is mounted on the bedplate, and serves three pur- a. To receive any fluid that leaks past the ram packing set. b. To receive any fluid lost while bleeding air from the ram cylinder. c. To replenish hydraulic fluid to the system. 571-4.4.7 CHARGING PUMP. A hand operated piston pump is mounted on the storage tank. This pump is utilized to replenish hydraulic fluid from the storage tank into the ram tensioner. 571-4-8 S9086-TK-STM-010 571-4.5 Figure 571-4-5. Ram Tensioner SLIDING BLOCK DRIVE SYSTEM 571-4.5.1 GENERAL. Sliding block drive systems are installed at cargo STREAM delivery stations and 571-4-9 S9086-TK-STM-010 include the kingpost, sliding block, sliding block drive, and STREAM transfer head. The sliding block is driven by chains inside the kingpost. Inside the sliding block and transfer head are sheaves through which the highline and inhaul are reeved. Since the sliding block carries the transfer head, its movement controls the vertical travel of the transfer head, highline, inhaul, outhaul, trolley, and suspended load. See Figure 571-4-6. Figure 571-4-6. Sliding Block Drive System 571-4.5.2 SLIDING BLOCK DRIVE SYSTEM COMPONENT PARTS. The component parts of the sliding block drive system include the transfer head, wire rope sheaves, the sliding block, the sliding block drive, limit switches, and trolley-rigged outhaul system (T-ROS) sheaves. 571-4-10 S9086-TK-STM-010 571- Transfer Head. The transfer head is a weldment which is connected to the outboard face of the sliding block by upper and lower vertical trunnion shafts. The trunnion shafts act as pivot points and permit fore and aft movement of the transfer head. This compensates for station keeping variations between the sending and receiving ship. 571- Wire Rope Sheaves. There are four or five wire rope sheaves located in the transfer head to fairlead the highline and inhaul wire ropes through the transfer head. The highline sheaves are grooved for 1-inch wire rope, and the inhaul sheaves are grooved for 3/4-inch wire rope. 571- Trolley Support and Stowage Arms. Trolley support arms are mounted on the sides of the transfer head to support the trolley while passing the STREAM rig. Latches are provided for each arm to allow them to be locked in the open or closed position. 571- Sweep Brake. The transfer head is equipped with a sweep brake to prevent the head from swinging fore and aft when the sliding block is not in use. The brake shoe is forced against a curved steel rim on the sliding block. The brake is adjusted to provide sufficient drag force to prevent the transfer head from swinging in an unrigged condition. 571- Sliding Block. The sliding block is a weldment on which the transfer head pivots and to which the drive system is connected. Rollers align the block with the horizontal and vertical planes of the kingpost guide rails. The sliding block is lowered close to the deck for rigging STREAM, raised to the top of the kingpost to lift a load from the deck and transfer it, and lowered far enough to bring the empty cargo hook close to the deck for picking up the next load. 571- Sliding Block Drive. tric motor. The drive system used on sliding blocks uses lift chains and a 2-speed elec- 571- Lift Chain. Two chain sprockets are keyed to the (lower) drive shaft. One of two sprockets is keyed to the (upper) idler shaft. Both shafts are supported by pillow blocks in the kingpost. Two lengths of chain (single or double strand roller chain) are looped over the upper and lower sprockets and connected to equalizers at the top and bottom of the sliding block. The chains are pretensioned during installation to ensure they do not jump a sprocket tooth under load stretch. During operation, the drive sprockets rotate the lift chains to raise and lower the sliding block. a. Electric Motor-Direct Drive Units. This system is composed of a two-speed reversible electric motor coupled to a 90 degree worm drive gear reducer keyed directly to the drive shaft. An electrically operated drum brake is provided to stop and hold the sliding block. b. Electric Motor-Overload Clutch Units. This system is identical to the direct drive units with the exception that the gear reducer is not connected directly to the drive shaft, but rather through the overload clutch. The overload clutch is the same as those found on Navy Standard highline and spanwire winches described in paragraph 571- At a preset loading on the transfer head, the clutch allows the drive shaft to slip from the gear reducer, preventing parting of the sliding block lift chains. 571- Limit Switches. Geared, proximity, or lever actuated limit switches are used to slow the sliding block from full speed to creep when the block is approximately 24 inches before the full-up or full-down position. They stop the sliding block when the block is at the full-up or full-down position, approximately 6 inches before the physical limit of travel. In addition, emergency lower and upper limit switches are installed to stop the sliding block at one inch above and below the full-up and full-down position in case the full-up or full-down position limit switch fails. Dimensions given in this paragraph may not be applicable to all installations, and the appropriate technical manual should be consulted for dimensions. 571-4-11 S9086-TK-STM-010 571- Trolley Rigged Outhaul System (T-ROS). T-ROS is a system of rigging whereby the outhaul wire rope is reeved through sheaves at the kingpost, on top of the sliding block head, and on the trolley. T-ROS maintains the outhaul wire rope parallel to and in close proximity to the highline wire rope. 571-4.6 SLIDING PADEYE 571-4.6.1 GENERAL. The sliding padeye has a function at the receiving station similar to that of the sliding block at the sending station. It raises and lowers the padeye where the highline is attached. It lowers the padeye close to the deck, so that the incoming load can be easily detached. The padeye is raised to the up position to return the trolley to the sending station. A sliding padeye at the receiving station permits rigging with increased speed and safety at deck level, gives constant load control throughout the transfer cycle, and allows the receiving station to return heavy loads to the sending station. See Figure 571-4-7. 571-4-12 S9086-TK-STM-010 Figure 571-4-7. Sliding Padeye 1. 571-4-13 S9086-TK-STM-010 571-4.6.2 SLIDING PADEYE TYPES. There are four types of sliding padeyes in use. All perform the same function, but the interface with the ship’s structure differs. a. The Bulkhead Mounted Sliding Padeye is physically and permanently attached to ship’s structure. b. The Retractable Sliding Padeye which is stowed in a trunk in the forward and aft sections of the ship and is erected when required. This type of padeye can be rigged to accept a STREAM rig from either the port or starboard side of the ship. c. The Overhead Mounted Sliding Padeye which is hinged from the carrier’s hangar deck overhead and is pinned in the overhead horizontal position when not in use. The kingpost is lowered to the vertical position through rigging payed out by an electric winch and pinned in place in the vertical position. d. The Deck-Mounted Sliding Padeye is mounted to the deck of the ship and is supported by back stays. On DDG type ships, the midship’s padeyes are tilted inward to conform to the ship’s contour. 571-4.6.3 SLIDING PADEYE COMPONENT PARTS. The sliding padeye consists of a box column, carriage assembly, ball screw assembly, electric motor, brake system, limit switches, and a manual drive. 571- Box Column. The box column consists of two rectangular section tubular steel columns, which are fastened by four tie plates. Motor covers further stiffen the structure. The box columns on the bulkhead mounted sliding padeye are secured to the ship’s structure at four mounting points. The box columns are mounted in a vertical trunk which is welded to the ship’s structure on the retractable sliding padeye. The overhead-mounted sliding padeye is hinged from the carrier hangar bay overhead. A ladder is provided to allow access to the upper components. 571- Carriage Assembly. A carriage assembly, to which the highline is attached, travels vertically between the kingpost columns. The ball nut, which transforms ball screw rotation into vertical motion, is secured in the carriage assembly. The STREAM adapter is secured to the upper and lower flanges of the adapter. The guide rollers ride on two tracks to guide the carriage assembly. 571- Ball Screw Assembly. Power required for vertical motion of the carriage assembly is transmitted by way of a motor driven ball screw assembly, consisting of a right-hand thread lead screw and ball nut. The ball nut provides a circulating path for a complement of ball bearings and converts the rotary motion and torque of the screw to vertical motion. 571- Electric Motor. electric motor. The driving torque for the system is provided by a single or dual speed reversible 571- Brake System. The brake system consists of a watertight, spring set, solenoid-released, disc-type brake mounted on the electric motor. The brake automatically sets when electrical power is removed. A manual release is provided. 571- Limit Switches. Lever actuated limit switches are provided at the upper and lower limits of carriage travel, to stop the electric motor, and prevent carriage overtravel. 571- Manual Drive. Manual operation of the carriage assembly is provided for emergency operation of the carriage. This is provided through a worm gear driving a spur gear keyed to the ball screw. When the manual drive is engaged, an interlock is actuated to prevent powered operation. 571-4-14 S9086-TK-STM-010 571-4.7 PROBE FUELING SYSTEMS 571-4.7.1 GENERAL. Probe fueling systems are used to transfer liquid cargo and consist of two major subsystems. The delivery subsystem is carried on the delivery ship, and the receiving subsystem is carried on the receiving ship. 571-4.7.2 PROBE FUELING SYSTEM TYPES. There are two types of probe fueling systems: the Single Probe Fueling System and the Double Probe Fueling System. 571- Single Probe Fueling System. This system consists of the following: a. Single Probe Assembly. This assembly is attached to the delivery ship’s 7-inch fuel delivery hose and consists of a trolley carriage, tube, and a probe. The trolley carriage is hinged so that it can be rigged to the spanwire without disassembly of parts. The carriage and tube serve to support the hose and probe hanging below the spanwire and provide a means of connecting the fuel hose to the probe. The probe has a latching mechanism that holds the probe in the receiver by spring force. The probe also has a built-in sliding sleeve valve that opens on proper engagement with the probe receiver and automatically closes upon disengagement during fuel transfer operations. A line pull of about 300 pounds on the messenger or remating line is required to engage the probe into the receiver. A designed line pull of 2,500 pounds on the retrieving line will disengage the probe from the receiver. See Figure 571-4-8 b. Single Probe Receiver. The single probe receiver is mounted on the receiving ship and consists of a swivel arm assembly, the receiver, corrugated fuel hose, and a manual release lever. A pelican hook, used as the spanwire attachment point, is an integral part of the swivel arm assembly. The receiver is mounted on the swivel arm, which keeps the receiver directly in line with the spanwire and probe during engagement. The manual release lever can be mounted on either the forward or aft side of the receiver to suit station configuration. Latch indicator flags, mounted on either side of the housing, indicate when the probe is fully engaged in the receiver. When the probe is engaged, the flags are in the raised position, when the probe is disengaged, the flags are in the stowed (lower) position. Figure 571-4-8. Single Probe and Single Probe Receiver Assembly 571- Double Probe Fueling System. This system consists of the following: 571-4-15 S9086-TK-STM-010 a. Double Probe Assembly. The double probe assembly consists of two probe and tube assemblies positioned one over the other and supported by a hangar frame and trolley block assembly. Each tube and probe assembly for the double probe is identical to and interchangeable with the single probe. Each probe operates independently for alignment with receiver. The lower probe is mounted by two lower hangars to a runner assembly. This provides the means to manually retract the lower probe into a lock position. When the lower probe is in the retracted position the double probe assembly can be used to service a single probe receiver by use of the upper probe. An integral inhaul link serves as an attachment point for an inhaul messenger which permits the receiving station to haul in the probe assembly until it mates with the double probe receiver and also to pay out the double probe assembly after disengaging from double probe receiver. See Figure 571-4-9. Figure 571-4-9. Double Probe and Double Probe Receiver Assembly b. Double Probe Receivers. The double probe receivers are bolted together (over/under) with a fixed distance of 19 inches between centers. During operation they are held in position and aligned with the probes by the tension of the spanwire, which is attached to a pelican hook and bail at the top of the receiver. The two receivers are nearly identical, differing only in the direction of the receiver hose outlet and the side on which the manual release lever is installed. Each receiver assembly consists basically of a bellmouth, housing, corrugated fuel hose, and manual release lever. The manual release lever, mounted on each housing, provides the means for manually disengaging the probe from the receiver after the completion of the fueling procedure. Metal flags, mounted on opposite sides of the housing, automatically rise up to indicate when the probe is properly engaged. A fairlead hole is provided between the two receivers for the inhaul line. 571-4.8 CONTROL STATION 571-4.8.1 GENERAL. Liquid and solid cargo STREAM stations are equipped with several pieces of equipment that must work together for proper system operation. To ensure coordinated equipment operation, the controls and indicator lights for the equipment are located in a centralized location in the control station. The liquid cargo STREAM control station contains the controls for the spanwire and saddle winches and a Ram Position Indicator and Automatic Ram Control (ARC). The solid cargo STREAM control station contains the controls for the 571-4-16 S9086-TK-STM-010 sliding block, highline and hauling winches and a Ram Position Indicator and Automatic Ram Control (ARC). A typical Navy Standard liquid cargo STREAM station and a Navy Standard solid cargo STREAM station are shown in Figures 571-4-10 and 571-4-11, respectively. 571-4-17 S9086-TK-STM-010 Figure 571-4-10. Liquid Cargo STREAM Master Control Station 571-4-18 S9086-TK-STM-010 Figure 571-4-11. Solid Cargo STREAM Master Control Station 1. 571-4-19 S9086-TK-STM-010 571-4.8.2 NAVY STANDARD SPANWIRE AND HIGHLINE WINCH CONTROLS. The winch master control is a mechanical device that transforms the movement of the control handle into a push-pull movement of the controlex (push-pull) cable blade. This push-pull movement of the cable blade is transformed to a rotary motion by the slave operator, mounted on the winch transmission, to command winch speed and direction. 571-4.8.3 NAVY STANDARD HAULING WINCH CONTROLS. The master winch operator has two spring centered control handles, one labeled SPEED and one labeled TROLLEY DIRECTION, and a drum selector switch. The speed control is identical to the control described in paragraph 571-4.8.2, with handle detents at half and full speed haul-in. The trolley direction control handle or ″T″ handle is connected by a second push-pull cable system to the air control slave operator. With the drum selector switch in the BOTH DRUMS ON position, the winch operator uses the trolley direction control handle to control the air pressure in the inhaul and outhaul air clutches, described in paragraph 571-, thus controlling tension and movement direction. 571-4.8.4 SLIDING BLOCK CONTROLS. The sliding block master control consists of a control handle or foot operated switches. The handle or switches operate in conjunction with the electric motor controller or hydraulic valve solenoids, to control the speed and direction of the sliding block. 571-4.8.5 NAVY STANDARD 3-SPEED/2-SPEED SADDLE WINCH CONTROLS. The saddle winch master control provides three speeds in the payout direction and two speeds in the haul-in position.A handle is provided for each winch controlled. 571-4.8.6 NAVY STANDARD AUTOMATIC RAM CONTROL (ARC). The ARC consists of a sending unit, which is mounted on the ram tensioner, circuit control logic ram position indicator, and an Automatic Ram Control Valve mounted on the Navy Standard Transmission. The system can be turned to the automatic mode after the highline and spanwire is tensioned and the ram is within the normal operating range. In automatic mode, the ARC will command the winch to pay out or haul in wire rope to keep the ram at mid-stroke position. 571-4.8.7 RAM POSITION INDICATOR. The ram position indicator consists of a sending unit, mounted on the ram tensioner, and a position indicator mounted in the control station. The indicator displays the position of the ram. 571-4.8.8 CONTROL STATIONS. The Control Stations for hoisting winches, gypsy winches, and sliding padeyes, are located in proximity of the winch or padeye, not in the control booth. 571-4-20 S9086-TK-STM-010 SECTION 5 TESTING REQUIREMENTS 571-5.1 OVERVIEW OF TESTING REQUIREMENTS 571-5.1.1 NEW INSTALLATION EQUIPMENT TESTING. relocated equipment: The following shall apply to newly installed or a. Equipment listed in Appendix A shall be tested in accordance with the documents referenced therein. This testing proves out alignment, structural integrity, and adequacy of operation. b. Miscellaneous equipment listed in Appendix B shall be inspected and tested as required therein. No additional shipboard testing is required for these newly installed items. 571-5.1.2 SHIPBOARD TESTING AND INSPECTIONS. For equipment in service, periodic inspections and tests shall be performed in accordance with Planned Maintenance System documents, including Maintenance Repair Cards (MRC’s), System Operability Tests (SOT’s), and applicable NSTM chapters. Periodic weight testing is not required for non-NAVORD equipment. NAVSEA SG420-AP-MMA-010 shall be consulted for NAVORD equipment testing requirements. 571-5.1.3 POST-OVERHAUL EQUIPMENT TESTING. For equipment listed in Appendix C, shop and shore based testing shall be accomplished in accordance with the Technical Repair Standards (TRS’s) listed therein. 571-5.1.4 POST-OVERHAUL AND REPAIR SHIPBOARD TESTING. The testing requirements presented herein shall apply to equipment installed following shore based overhaul or repair. These testing requirements shall also apply to equipment repaired in place or with subcomponents removed. The matrices provided in Appendix D, Tables D-1 through D-14 specify the minimum testing requirements to demonstrate satisfactory operation and workmanship: Appendix, D , Table D-1 D-2 D-3 D-4 D-5 D-6 D-7 D-8 D-9 D-10 D-11 D-12 D-13 D-14 Equipment/Component/System Electric-Hydraulic Winches Electric (Direct Drive) Drum and Gypsy Winches Level Wind Device and Fleet angle Compensator Anti-Slack Device (ASD) Ram Tensioner Chain Driven Sliding Block Sliding Padeye Alongside Liquid Cargo Delivery Alongside Liquid Cargo Receiving Astern Liquid Cargo Delivery Astern Liquid Cargo Receiving Solid Cargo Delivery Solid Cargo Receiving Miscellaneous Rigging When using the matrices, tests shall follow in sequence from left to right across the appropriate row. In addition, the following shall be observed: 571-5-1 S9086-TK-STM-010 a. Overhaul Activity testing of repaired or overhauled equipment using TRS procedures may satisfy certain shipboard load testing requirements. The test matrices shall be utilized to determine what shipboard checks are required. b. Hydrostatic testing is not required when shipboard repairs of fueling probes or receivers are limited to those specified in NAVSEA 0978-LP-035-3010 (single) or 0955-LP-026-8010 (double). c. Overhauled electric motors that have been dynamometer tested in the shop in accordance with MIL-M-17060: MOTORS, 60-HERTZ, ALTERNATING CURRENT, INTEGRAL-HORSEPOWER, SHIPBOARD USE, and additionally to 125% and 150% of rated load need not be overload tested shipboard per paragraph 571-5.2.5 unless other repairs require testing. 571-5.1.5 MODIFIED EQUIPMENT TESTING. Equipment that has been modified in such a way that affects the loading or load distribution shall be considered a new design and shall be tested with the guidance presented in Appendix A. 571-5.1.6 TEST RECORDS. Upon completion of load and no-load tests, test data shall be recorded on a Test Data Sheet. All tests shall be witnessed by, and the test record shall be signed by, both a test facility witness and a ship’s force witness. A record of each test shall be maintained by the test activity. The test activity shall prepare and permanently install test label plates on all tested equipment, listing the test, test load, test activity, and date of all tests conducted. It is not necessary to conduct periodic static and dynamic tests of fuel and cargo stations, provided that inspections are conducted before each use, and that load test records or test label plates of the last static and dynamic tests are maintained on board. 571-5.2 EQUIPMENT AND RIGGING TEST REQUIREMENTS 571-5.2.1 PRE-INSTALLATION INSPECTION. A thorough inspection of the foundation, surrounding, and backing structure shall be conducted prior to installation. The following procedures shall be followed: a. Check new equipment foundation and backing structure against installation drawings for proper arrangement and location. b. Examine weld areas and bolt holes for evidence of deformation or failure. Examine holes of body bound bolts closely for evidence of cracking or deformation. c. Examine backing structure, foundation, and surrounding area for evidence of corrosion. Deteriorated areas that are considered acceptable structurally shall be cleaned and preserved. Other deteriorated areas not acceptable structurally shall be repaired as required, and preserved. d. Inspect foundation pad surfaces and ensure that they are flat in one plane within ± 0.010-inch of reference datum. 571-5.2.2 POST-INSTALLATION INSPECTION AND FUNCTIONAL TEST. A visual inspection and a brief operational demonstration shall be conducted to determine the general condition of the reinstalled equipment. Demonstrating operation, interlocks, limits, and safeties at this time may reveal discrepancies prior to load testing, thus precluding retest after repair. 571- General. tional test: 571-5-2 The following procedures shall be performed for the post installation inspection and func- S9086-TK-STM-010 a. Confirm foundation mounting bolts and nuts are as specified on the installation drawing. b. Inspect all equipment foundations for proper bolting (i.e. all bolts installed and properly tightened with one to five threads exposed beyond nut). Bolts or nuts that are prone to loosening shall be replaced with self locking type. c. Inspect all existing or test rigging and ensure they meet satisfactory conditions. NSTM Chapter 613 may be consulted for inspection guidance. d. Gear case oil shall be checked against the criteria specified in the equipment technical manual. e. Inspect equipment and ensure that it has been properly lubricated in accordance with the appropriate technical manual. f. Inspect the equipment foundation, surrounding area and backing structures for evidence of failure, deformation, or corrosion. Paragraph 571-5.2.1 shall be consulted for guidance on corrosion. g. If a flexible coupling(s) was disturbed or if the entire piece of equipment was removed and reinstalled, inspect and adjust the axial (peripheral) and angular (facial) alignment. Inspect alignment pins to ensure that they have been installed on motors and pumps as required. h. Inspect electrical equipment controllers for proper size control fuses and overload heaters, clean contacts on relays, integrity of wire insulation, proper sealing of stuffing tubes, and proper dressing of wiring. Also inspect the controllers to ensure that they are clean and that their housings do not contain any open penetrations. Accurate wiring schematics shall be provided with controllers and, if possible, installed in the controller cabinet. i. With all motors connected to their controllers, inspect the cold insulation resistance of the motors using a 500 V megohmmeter. Adjust the insulation resistance values to 25.5 degrees C using a nomograph in accordance with NSTM Chapter 300 and NSTM Chapter 302. . Minimum acceptable value shall be 4.0 megohm. If the reading is less than 4.0, the motor shall be disconnected from the controller and the readings then checked. For isolated new or rewound motors, the minimum acceptable value shall be 25 megohms. For isolated shop cleaned motors, the minimum acceptable value shall be 2.0 megohms and 1.0 megohms for motors cleaned shipboard. Motors with readings between 0.2 and 1.0 megohm may be operated with close monitoring during operation. If moisture is present and is lowering the reading, the motor should dry during operation and shall rise above 1.0 megohm. Otherwise, the motor shall be scheduled for cleaning and repair at the first opportunity. Isolated new or reconditioned controllers shall have insulation resistance readings of not less than 10 megohms. Power cables and control lines shall not be less than 1 megohm except for twisted pair lines which shall be at least 50,000 ohms. j. Inspect hydraulic oil fluid level in accordance with the applicable equipment manual. k. Verify that permanently installed gauges are within current calibration. l. Verify that air flasks have a current certification and are properly preserved with no evidence of corrosion or pitting. Consult NSTM Chapter 551 for details. m. Verify that high pressure air relief valves have been set point tested and are within current calibration. n. Verify hydraulic oil system filters are clean with properly operating bypass indicators. o. Hydraulic oil samples shall be taken from the main loop or replenishing circuit in accordance with the procedures established in NSTM Chapter 556 . Samples shall meet the particulate limits of NAS 1638 class 10 with unlimited requirement in the 5-15 micron range. Water content shall not exceed criteria specified in NSTM Chapter 556 . For Navy Standard transmissions the particle count shall not exceed the limits of NAS 1638 Class 8, and water content shall not exceed 0.05%. 571-5-3 S9086-TK-STM-010 571- Electric-Hydraulic Winches. The post inspection and functional test for electric-hydraulic winches demonstrates that all controls and indicators function properly, the hydraulic pump is properly aligned with the controls, the brake operates properly, and the winch attains proper unloaded speed. For electric-hydraulic winches, the following procedures shall be performed as applicable to the repairs conducted: a. Disengage the drum(s) jaw clutches (if applicable) and set the band brake. b. Verify that the control handle(s) is in center position. Install pressure gauges to monitor servo, control, auxiliary, replenishing, and main system pressures. Ensure servo, control, auxiliary, and replenishing pressures are as specified in the applicable transmission manual. c. For Navy Standard winches, energize the replenishing pump controller and verify that the pump motor starts. The low replenishing light should extinguish. d. Energize main motor controller and check operation of all heaters (control housing, service brake housing, sump, etc.). e. Start the main motor and inspect the electric motor’s rotation direction. Inspect all system filters after the transmission temperature rises to at least 105 degrees F. Indicators must not be in replace and bypass position. Inspect the heat exchanger fan motor for proper operation. f. Verify that the main system pressure is equal on each side to the replenishing pressure, and manually release the service brake. Ensure that the hydraulic motor shaft does not rotate. g. Slowly move the master control handle in the haul-in direction and verify correct shaft rotation direction. Slowly move the master control handle in the payout direction and verify correct shaft rotation direction. h. Verify that the brake completely releases automatically and sets near center command position. i. Temporarily disconnect the brake release line and cap. Slowly move the pump control handle and inspect the pressure at which the main relief valves lift. The pump shall not be stroked for more than three seconds in each direction. Also demonstrate that the brake manual release operates properly. For Navy Standard transmissions, NST-D and NST-V, refer to the applicable technical manual referenced in Appendix C for pressure compensator override and system relief valve checks. j. Verify that the shaft speed is correct at full command in each direction. Verify that servo and replenishing pressures do not drop under rapid acceleration. NOTE When rotating the drum drive shaft with the clutch disengaged, do not tighten the band brake completely as this may cause unnecessary friction at the shaft bearings. 571- Electric (Direct Drive) Drum and Gypsy Winches. The post inspection and functional test for electric drum and gypsy winches demonstrates that all controls and indicators function properly, the motor changes its speed smoothly, and the brake operates properly. For electric (direct drive) drum and gypsy winches, the following procedures shall be performed as applicable to the repairs conducted: a. Verify that the winch control handle centers to neutral from each direction. b. Check clearance on shoe brakes and solenoid gaps in shoe and disc type brakes. 571-5-4 S9086-TK-STM-010 c. Energize the controller and check operation of all indicators and heaters (brake housing, control housing). Temporarily cripple the controller and demonstrate emergency run feature. d. With drum empty, move the control handle to either direction. With brake covers removed, verify that the brakes do not drag. Check clearance on shoe brakes and solenoid gaps in shoe and disc brakes. Demonstrate the brake manual release. e. Check the drum unloaded speeds in each command position. f. Through each speed change, verify that the brake does not set. In center position, verify that the electric brake sets. 571- Level Wind Device (Lead Angle Compensator). NOTE If the winch is a Navy Standard highline, spanwire, or cargo winch, ensure the level wind is shimmed and adjusted in accordance with the NAVSEA drawing for the specific installation. The post inspection and functional test for the level wind device (lead angle compensator) demonstrates that the wire rope spools evenly across the drum, without bunching at the flange or skipping wraps. For the level wind device (lead angle compensator), the following procedures shall be performed: a. With the proper size wire rope installed, engage the winch drum, energize the ASD, release the band brake, and tend the wire rope which is spooled from the anti-slack device (ASD), if applicable. A slight constant tension must be maintained on the wire rope (250-500 pounds) if an ASD is not installed. b. Slowly cycle the wire rope on and off the drum through two layers and verify proper spooling. 571- Anti-Slack Device (ASD). The post inspection and functional test demonstrates that the ASD maintains proper tension on the wire while spooling in both directions of winch operation. For the ASD, the following tests shall be performed as applicable to the repairs conducted: a. With proper size wire rope installed in the winch drum, energize the winch. Energize the ASD. b. Release the drum brake and slowly pay out wire rope from the winch. Verify that the ASD maintains tension between the drum and ASD. c. On Navy Standard electric ASD models, verify that the permanent ammeter is in the proper operating range, that the air pressure is properly set, and that the side plates of the ASD drive sheave grip the wire rope. d. On hydraulic ASD models installed on some CVN spanwire winches, verify that the hydraulic pressure is correct and that the side plates of the ASD drive sheave grip the wire rope. e. Pay out and haul in wire rope from the winch drum, and verify that the ASD maintains line tension in both directions of operation at all winch operating speeds. 571- Ram Tensioner. The post inspection and functional test demonstrates proper operation of the ram tensioner. For the ram tensioner, the following procedures shall be performed as applicable to the repairs conducted: 571-5-5 S9086-TK-STM-010 a. New Accumulator Seal Test. This test determines the condition of newly replaced accumulator piston seals prior to recharging the hydraulic system. The seal shall not leak more than one bubble during the 10 minute interval. If piston seals were not replaced, the procedures described in step b. shall be performed. For ram tensioners with newly replaced piston seals, the following procedures shall be performed: 1. Verify that the hydraulic system is drained. 2. Secure the spanwire or highline to the tiedown padeye and haul in all slack wire. 3. Verify that HP air flasks are charged to operating pressure. 4. Slowly open the drain valves at the bottom of the flasks and ensure that no contamination (water, hydraulic oil) is present. Close the drain valves. 5. Disconnect tubing from discharge of the hand pump, and attach a piece of flexible hose to the tubing. Place free end of hose in a pail of water. 6. Close the air dump valve and slowly open the ram shut-off valve. 7. Monitor the hose end in the water for 10 minutes. A steady stream of air from the hose indicates a seal leak. b. In-Service Accumulator Seal Test. This test demonstrates that the air flasks contain no oil contamination, all indicators and gauges function properly, wire rope sheaves rotate freely, and the ram consistently runs to proper height. For in-service accumulators, the following procedures shall be performed: 1. Secure the wire to the tiedown padeye and haul in all slack wire with the winch. 2. Verify that HP air flasks are charged to operating pressure. Slowly open the drain valves at the bottom of the flasks and ensure that no contamination (water, hydraulic oil) is present. Close the drain valve. 3. Establish a reference from the upper sheave block to a point on the ram cylinder and measure this distance. 4. Start the winch, close the air dump valve, and slowly open the ram shut off valve. 5. Slowly pay out wire from the winch while continuing to open the charging valve. Allow the ram piston to extend to its full-up position; allow wire to become slackened. 6. Slowly open manual air bleed valve until it is fully open; observe sight glass for a minimum of 30 seconds or until fluid that is clear of air bubbles appears; then shut the air bleed valve. If air continues after one minute, perform a leakage test as covered by the maintenance requirement cards. 7. After ram has been bled, measure the distance between the same two points established in paragraph 571- On 80 foot models, the ram travel shall be between 12 feet 2 inches and 12 feet 6 inches. On 120 foot models, the ram travel shall be between 13 feet 8 inches and 14 feet. Use the hand pump to increase ram stroke (if required) to within this range. 8. Cycle the ram tensioner for ten cycles monitoring the ram position indicator, ram position transmitter, HP air gauges and wire rope sheaves. 9. After the last cycle, extend the ram fully and slacken the wire. Allow ten minutes to elapse and measure the ram extension again. If the ram stroke has increased, the accumulator piston seals are leaking. If the ram stroke has decreased, there is a hydraulic fluid leak. c. Control Systems. For ram tensioners equipped with ram position indicators or automatic ram control, cycle the ram through two full extensions to demonstrate proper function of controls in accordance with equipment manual. 571- Sliding Block. The post inspection and functional test demonstrates that all sliding block controls, limit switches, and indicators operate properly, and that the block travels smoothly with no evidence of binding or excessive vibration. The test also demonstrates that speed changes are smooth, brake operates properly, hydraulic power plant operates properly, and speeds are as specified in the appropriate equipment manual. For the sliding block system, the following procedures shall be performed as applicable to the repairs conducted: 571-5-6 S9086-TK-STM-010 a. Verify that the control handle is centered. b. Check the chain tension and equalizer position, if applicable, in accordance with the appropriate technical manual. c. Check the sweep brake tension on the sliding block transfer head with block down. Transfer head shall not freely swing fore and aft, but should be movable by two people. d. Energize the controller and check the operation of all indicators and heaters. On systems that have emergency run feature, temporarily cripple the controller and demonstrate the emergency run feature. e. With all wires removed from the transfer head, raise and lower the block in slow speed and check all indicators and limit switches. Verify that the head stops immediately when the control is returned to center (off) position. f. To ensure proper installation of new piston seals on hydraulically driven units, continuously cycle the sliding block up and down through 10 cycles, and check speeds in both modes. g . As the block nears the end of traveling up or down at high speed, verify that the head will automatically slow down and stop. Refer to the technical manual for the slow down and stop limit switch positions. h. Demonstrate operation of the over travel limit switches in accordance with the appropriate equipment manual. Where applicable, demonstrate operation of the slow down and over travel limit switches. i. Verify that the electric brake properly releases without dragging, and sets to stop the transfer head. Also demonstrate the manual brake release. 571- Sliding Padeye. The post installation inspection and functional test demonstrates that all sliding padeye controls, interlocks, limit switches, and indicators operate properly, and that the padeye travels smoothly, with no evidence of binding or excessive vibration. This test also demonstrates that speed changes are smooth and that the brake operates properly. For the sliding padeye system, the following procedures shall be performed as applicable to the repairs conducted: a. Check the ball screw tension of the sliding padeye in accordance with the appropriate equipment manual. b. Check installation and alignment of the overhead mounted sliding padeye latching bars. c. Check operation of all indicators and heaters. If applicable, temporarily cripple the controller and demonstrate the emergency run feature. Check the manual operation interlock. d. Erect the kingpost to service position. Verify smooth operation during rigging. Check operation and alignment of latches in operating position. Also verify that limit switches stop kingpost travel when erecting and stowing the retractable padeye. e. Raise and lower the carriage (padeye) and check operation of all limit switches and indicators. Verify that the padeye stops immediately when control is released. f. Verify that limit switches stop the padeye (and kingpost travel when stowing retractable) in up and down direction. g. Verify that electric brake releases properly without dragging and sets properly. h. Verify that the sliding padeye cannot be energized when the manual drive is engaged. 571- Cargo Drop Reel (CDR). The post inspection and functional test demonstrates that the CDR will be able to raise a load of 100 pounds. For the CDR, the following procedures shall be performed: 571-5-7 S9086-TK-STM-010 a. Attach the CDR to a suitable structure and pull the Cargo Drop Reel hook to the deck by releasing the CDR brake and pulling the hook to the deck. b. Attach a 100-pound load to the hook and release the brake by pulling on the brake lanyard. c. Verify that the CDR hook will rise and lift the load to a two-blocked position. 571-5.2.3 STATIC LOAD TESTING. Static load testing demonstrates the strength of the equipment in a load condition greater than what is developed under normal loading. Material replacement or repair to a load bearing member shall require static testing to demonstrate the quality of the repair. Specific static tests include Structural Integrity, Service Brake, Drum Ratchet and Pawl, Drum Band Brake, and Hydrostatic. For static load tests of equipment and rigging, the following shall apply: a. Static test load values presented herein are based on current design criteria. Prior to conducting shipboard testing, rated capacity of all equipment subjected to the test load shall be validated. Where the rated capacity is less than the static test load value presented herein, test to the lower value. b. Static loads shall be applied to the test wire rope. The equipment being tested shall not be used to lift the static overload. The test load need not be exclusively in the form of a test weight. Only methods identified in Appendix G shall be utilized. c. Ship’s wire rope shall not be used to perform static tests. If not otherwise specified, the test wire rope shall be in accordance with Federal Specification RR-W-410 (Type I, Class 3, 6 x 37 Warrington Seale, independent wire rope core, uncoated, preformed, right regular lay) of sufficient strength. d. Fiber rope shall not be used to support static loads. e. Oversized test wire rope may cause damage to gypsy heads, sheave grooves, and grooved winch drums. Therefore, they must be adequately protected with dunnage. f. Static loads shall be applied for 10 minute durations. g. Static testing of one component in a system rigging does not necessitate a full rigging test. The most prudent method of rigging shall be imposed by the test engineer based on the work package. h. Equipment shall be rigged as to ensure that operating angles are the same as in service. i. Testing of individual blocks does not necessitate shipboard rigging. Blocks shall be tested to 200 percent Safe Working Load (SWL). The fairlead padeyes or attachment points shall also be tested to 200 percent SWL in the resultant load direction. However, relocated blocks must be rigged to adjacent blocks or equipment and load tested to verify new working angles and stresses. j. The service brake shall not be misadjusted solely to hold the static test load. If during subsequent tests, the brake shows evidence of misadjustment, the brake shall be readjusted properly and retested statically to verify brake operation. k. Tolerance on test loads shall be ± 3 percent of calculated values. l. The Drum Band Brake Test shall be conducted from the top layer. All other winch load testing shall be conducted on the average layer. The average layer is the third layer, and the top layer is the fifth layer. Tests may be conducted on different layers from those specified, but the test load must be adjusted to suit. m. The ram tensioner need not be rigged with the test wire through the upper and lower sheave blocks when testing any of the associated delivery station equipment. The test wire may be rigged directly through the lower sheave block to attain in service rigging angles. However, if the ram tensioner is to be tested statically, the ram shall be in the fully retracted position. 571-5-8 S9086-TK-STM-010 n. For reinstalled equipment or load bearing subassemblies that were not machined, welded, replaced or altered in any way that would affect its strength, the structural integrity test may be waived if new bolts or inspected existing bolts are installed that meet the material specification required by the original equipment installation drawing. o. Changing out bearings, chain, or wire rope does not require static tests, if the bearings, chain, or wire rope meet design drawing requirements. 571- Structural Integrity Test. This test demonstrates the ability of the equipment and rigging gear to withstand stresses for the given equipment application. This test shall be imposed when major repairs or modifications have occurred to load carrying elements of the equipment including the foundation. Equipment relocation shall be treated as new installation as defined in paragraph 571-5.1.1. All equipment shall be loaded statically as specified and held for 10 minutes without damage to or permanent distortion of the equipment or support foundations. For winches and other machinery with protective overload clutches, the structural integrity test is only done at initial installation. The test can be repeated if necessary, due to corrosion deterioration or other change, such as structural modifications or repairs. 571- Alongside Liquid Cargo Delivery. The structural integrity test for the alongside liquid cargo delivery system demonstrates the quality of repair to the load carrying equipment, attachments and attachment points. UNREP hardware may be tested separately. Blocks may be tested in accordance with paragraph 571-5.2.3.i. 571- Spanwire Drums. For the structural integrity test of spanwire drums, the following procedures shall be performed: a. Rig test wire as a bitt with three full loops about the drum and secured to the standing part of the wire. The drum band brake and the drum clutch shall be disengaged to ensure that no torque is induced to the winch drum. Winches not equipped with a drum clutch shall have the service brake released. b. Transfer a test load of 36,000 pounds to the test wire. 571- Saddle Winch Drums. For the structural integrity test of saddle winch drums, test in accordance with paragraph 571- 571- performed: Gypsy Heads. For the structural integrity test of gypsy heads, the following procedures shall be a. Rig the test wire around the protected gypsy head as a bitt with three full wraps at midheight and secured to the standing part of the wire. The gypsy service brake or main service brake shall be released to ensure that no torque is applied to the winch. b. Apply a test load of 22,500 pounds to the gypsy head. 571- Spanwire ASD and Level Wind. For structural integrity test of this equipment, the following procedures shall be performed: a. Rig the test wire to enter and depart the equipment at in service operating angles from the winch drum and test in accordance with paragraph 571- 571-5-9 S9086-TK-STM-010 571- Ram Tensioner. For the structural integrity test of the ram tensioner, the following procedures shall be performed: a. With the ram fully retracted, completely rig the ram with test wire entering and exiting the lower sheave block at in service angles. b. With the inboard end of the test wire secured to a suitable structure, transfer a test load of 36,000 pounds to the outboard end of the test wire. 571- Permanently Mounted Sheaves, Padeyes, Cleats, Staples and Reversible Deck Sockets. a. For the spanwire rigging, reeve the test wire through the blocks and fairleads and transfer a load of 36,000 pounds to the test wire. The outboard padeye and sheave shall be loaded with the test wire departing the station at 30 degrees downward and 45 degrees forward. Repeat for 30 degrees downward and 45 degrees aft. b. Saddle whip rigging shall be tested with 8,000 pounds applied to the test wire at the same angles as the spanwire (paragraph 571- c. The preventer padeye for the inboard saddle shall be tested to 20,000 pounds applied vertically. d. The spanwire securing and maintenance padeyes shall be tested to 36,000 pounds applied vertically. e. The messenger and return line rigging shall be tested as rigged in service to 14,000 pounds at double stations and 9,000 pounds at single stations. The test load shall be applied at 45 degrees forward and aft of abeam and at 0 degrees horizontal from the outboard block. f. Hogging-in-line rigging shall be tested with a test wire reeved as in service and secured to the hogging in cleat. A test block shall be used to simulate the hose load and a load shall be applied to the test block (shackle) to induce a tension of 9,000 pounds in the test wire. Refer to Appendix E. g. Probe tie-down rigging shall be tested with a test wire reeved as in service and secured to the cleat. A test block (or shackle) shall be used to simulate the carriage attachment point load and a load shall be applied to the test block (shackle) to induce a tension of 600 pounds in the test wire. Refer to Appendix E. h. For the spanline system, reeve a test wire through the system fairleads as in service and secure the inboard end. To the test wire transfer a load of 22,500 pounds at 45 degrees forward and 30 degrees downward. Repeat for 45 degrees aft and 30 degrees downward. i. Spanline whip rigging shall be tested with 8,000 pounds applied to the test wire reeved as in service and the outboard end shall fairlead overboard at the same angles as for the spanline (refer to paragraph 571- 571- Astern Liquid Cargo Delivery. The structural integrity test for the astern liquid cargo delivery system demonstrates the quality of repair to the load carrying equipment, attachments and attachment points. UNREP hardware may be tested separately. Blocks may be tested in accordance with paragraph 571- 571- Rigging Padeyes. a. Fairlead padeyes for rigging the 2-1/2-inch hose shall withstand the breaking strength of the 3-1/2-inch nylon support line (30,000 pounds). b. Securing pendant padeyes and chocks for the 2-1/2-inch hose shall be tested to 24,000 pounds and tested in the direction of normal loading. 571-5-10 S9086-TK-STM-010 571- Recovery Gypsy Winch Head (2-1/2-Inch Astern Fueling Station). To the head rig a test line as a bitt with three full wraps at midheight and secured to the standing part of the line. Apply a test load of 30,000 pounds. 571- Alongside Liquid Cargo Receiving System. The structural integrity test for the alongside liquid cargo receiving system demonstrates the quality of repair to the load carrying equipment, attachments and attachment points. UNREP hardware may be tested separately. Blocks may be tested in accordance with paragraph 571-5.2.3.i. 571- Single Probe Receiver. a. To the pelican hook connect a test wire and fairlead outboard at 30 degrees forward and 30 degrees above horizontal. Apply a test load of 36,000 pounds to the test wire. Repeat for 30 degrees aft and 15 degrees below horizontal. b. To test the conventional link, remove the swivel arm and install the link assembly. Connect the test wire to the link and rig outboard at 0 degrees and abeam. Apply a test load of 36,000 pounds. 571- Double Probe Receiver. a. To the pelican hook connect a test wire and fairlead outboard at 30 degrees forward and 5 degrees above horizontal. Apply a test load of 36,000 pounds to the test wire. Repeat for 30 degrees aft and 15 degrees below horizontal. 571- Reversible Deck Sockets, Block Padeyes, Cleats and Staples. a. For the spanwire attachment point, test in accordance with paragraph 571- b. For the riding line rigging, reeve the system as in service with a dynamometer installed in the riding line. Reeve the riding line through a test block to simulate the hose saddle load and apply enough load to the test block to induce a tension in the riding line of 15,000 pounds. Note, a test jigger assembly may be required to withstand the test load. c. For the messenger inhaul padeyes at double probe stations, reeve the test wire through all fairleads as in service and apply a test load of 14,000 pounds. At all other stations, apply a test load of 9,000 pounds. d. The easing out line rigging shall be tested with a test wire reeved as in service and secured to the cleat. A test block shall be used to simulate the spanwire load. Apply a load to the test block shackle to induce a tension of 2,700 pounds in the test wire (refer to Appendix E). e. The spanline attachment point shall be tested to 30,000 pounds at the same angle conditions as the single probe receiver (refer to paragraph 571- f. The spanline trolley restraining line padeye shall be tested as in service to 9,000 pounds. g. For the outhaul padeye used to support the 2-1/2-inch close-in rig, reeve a test wire as in service and apply a test load of 9,000 pounds. 571-5-11 S9086-TK-STM-010 571- Astern Liquid Cargo Receiving System. The structural integrity test for the astern liquid cargo receiving system demonstrates the quality of repair to the load carrying equipment, attachments and attachment points. UNREP hardware may be tested separately. Blocks may be tested in accordance with paragraph 571-5.2.3.i. 571- Rigging Padeyes. a. For the 2-1/2-inch securing pendant padeye, apply a test load of 36,000 pounds in the direction of the receiver’s stanchions (bitt). b. For the capstan rigging for the inhaul of the 2-1/2-inch rig, all equipment shall withstand the breaking strength of the 3-inch polypropylene messenger, which is 13,000 pounds. 571- Solid Cargo Delivery System. The structural integrity test for solid cargo system rigging demonstrates the quality of repair to the load carrying equipment, attachments and attachment points. UNREP hardware may be tested separately. Blocks may be tested in accordance with paragraph 571-5.2.3.i. 571- Highline Drums. For the structural integrity test of highline drums, the following procedures shall be performed (refer to paragraph a. Rig test wire as a bitt with three full loops about the drum and secured to the standing part of the wire. The drum band brake and the drum clutch shall be disengaged to ensure that no torque is induced to the winch drum. b. Reeve the test wire as in service to a load source. c. Transfer a test load of 50,000 pounds to the test wire. 571- Navy Standard Hauling Winch Inhaul Drum. For the structural integrity test of the inhaul drum, the procedures detailed for the highline drum shall be followed (refer to paragraphs 571- and 571- NOTE Only required for winch drums utilized for boom operations. 571- Sliding Block. be performed: For the structural integrity test of the sliding block, the following procedures shall a. After localized repair to the guide rails, the transfer head shall be positioned over the repaired area. Test in accordance with paragraph 571- b. After repair to the block/head frame or consolidation link, connect a test wire to the consolidation link and rig outboard to a test load of 50,000 pounds positioned at 45 degrees forward and 15 degrees above horizontal. Repeat test at 45 degrees aft and 30 degrees below horizontal and finally at 0 degrees and abeam. c. After repair of the drive system structure, or other applicable components, rig a test wire through the sliding block at in service angles with the head as shown in Appendix F. Transfer the 50,000 pound test load to the test wire. 571-5-12 S9086-TK-STM-010 d. After repair to the sheaves, sheave pins or bearing bosses in the transfer head or sliding block, a test wire shall be reeved through the sliding block and the head shall be positioned within the working range to provide the most wire contact on each sheave repaired. Highline sheaves shall be tested with 50,000 pounds on the test wire. Other inhaul sheaves shall be tested to 200 percent of the inhaul winch rated load. T-ROS sheave shall be tested to 200 percent of outhaul winch maximum tension rating. Refer to paragraph 571- 571- Highline ASD and Level Wind. cedures shall be performed: For structural integrity test of this equipment, the following pro- a. Rig the test wire to enter and depart the equipment at in service operating angles from the winch drum and test in accordance with paragraph 571- 571- Ram Tensioner. shall be performed: For the structural integrity test of the ram tensioner, the following procedures a. With the ram fully retracted, completely rig the ram with the test wire entering and exiting the lower sheave block at in service angles. b. With the inboard end of the test wire secured to a suitable structure, transfer a test load of 50,000 pounds to the outboard end of the test wire. 571- Gypsy Heads. Test in accordance with paragraph 571- 571- Star Probe and Latch. For the structural integrity of this equipment, follow the test procedures outlined in the respective equipment drawings listed in Appendix A. 571- Standard Underway Replenishment Fixture (SURF). Repairs to the retrograde padeye, SURF frame, highline rollers and pins shall be tested to 23,000 pounds applied vertically. The messenger padeye will be pulled to 9,000 pounds, and the star latch padeye shall be tested to 22,000 pounds, The outhaul sheaves and sheave pin repairs shall be tested to 11,000 pounds. 571- STREAM Trolley. For the structural integrity test of any repair to this item, follow the test procedures outlined in the respective equipment listed in Appendix A. 571- Navy Standard Hauling Winch Outhaul Drums and Inhaul Drums Not Utilized for Boom Operations. For the structural integrity test of this equipment, test in accordance with paragraph 571- 571- Permanently Mounted Sheaves, paragraph 571- Padeyes, Cleats, Staples and Reversible Deck Sockets. Refer to a. For the highline rigging, reeve the test wire through the blocks and fairleads and transfer a load of 50,000 pounds to the test wire. The sliding block head shall be positioned to maximize the amount of wire rope contact around the first sheave block inboard of the sliding block. b. For inhaul and outhaul rigging and inhauls that are not used to burton (i.e., Fourth Generation hauling or Navy Standard outhaul), reeve the system and test to 200 percent of the winch rated load. Position the sliding block head to maximize the wire rope contact on the first inhaul block inboard of the sliding block. 571-5-13 S9086-TK-STM-010 c. Synthetic highline system shall be reeved as in service. The test wire shall fairlead at 45 degrees forward and 30 degrees downward to the test load of 30,000 pounds from the outboard block. Repeat the test for 45 degrees aft and 30 degrees downward. d. Messenger and return line rigs shall be reeved with test wire as in service and tested to 9,000 pounds at 45 degrees forward and aft of abeam and 0 degrees horizontal. 571- Solid Cargo Receiving System. The structural integrity test for the solid cargo system rigging demonstrates the quality of repair to the load carrying equipment, attachments and attachment points. UNREP hardware may be tested separately. Blocks may be tested in accordance with paragraph 571-5.2.3.i. 571- Sliding Padeye. For the structural integrity of the sliding padeye, the following test that applies the greatest load to the affected area shall be conducted: a. With the sliding padeye kingpost erected and locked as in service and the padeye in the up position, connect a test wire and fairlead at 30 degrees forward or aft and 15 degrees downward to a test load of 50,000 pounds. b. Position the test load for a 50,000 pound pull at 0 degrees and abeam with the padeye up. c. Position the test load to provide a 50,000 pound pull at 30 degrees forward or aft and 30 degrees above horizontal with the padeye down. 571- Portable Kingpost and Boom Outrigger. For the structural integrity of removable and portable highline attachment points such as these, the following test that applies the greatest load to the affected area shall be conducted: a. Rig the equipment with the appropriate backstays, pendants, etc. as in service. b. Connect a test wire and fairlead 30 degrees forward or aft and 15 degrees below horizontal to a test load of 50,000 pounds. c. Position the test load to provide a 50,000 pound pull at 0 degrees horizontal and abeam. d. Position the test load to provide a 50,000 pound pull at 30 degrees forward or aft and 15 degrees above horizontal. 571- Attachments. Reversible Deck Socket/Baxter Bolt, Fairlead Padeyes, Cleats and Staples, and Fixed Highline a. For the highline fixed attachment point, connect a test wire and fairlead at 30 degrees forward and 15 degrees below horizontal to a test load of 50,000 pounds. Reposition test load to 0 degrees and abeam. Final pull shall be at 30 degrees aft and 15 degrees above horizontal. b. For the STREAM consolidation link refer to paragraph 571- c. The synthetic highline padeye shall be pulled to 34,000 pounds and at the same angles as paragraph 571- d. Messenger and inhaul padeyes shall be rigged as in service with test wire and tested to 9,000 pounds at the same angles as specified in paragraph 571- e. The easing out line rigging shall be tested with a test wire reeved as in service and secured to the cleat. A test 571-5-14 S9086-TK-STM-010 block shall be used to simulate the highline load and to the test block shackle, a load shall be applied to induce a tension of 2,700 pounds in the test wire (refer to Appendix E). f. The highline securing padeye shall be tested to 50,000 pounds reeved as in service. 571- formed: Miscellaneous Rigging. The following miscellaneous rigging static test procedures shall be per- a. For hinged service platforms, test padeyes and blocks to 200 percent of the rated test load of rigging block. b. For phone and distance line cleats, rig the test line in direction of the normal rigging and apply load of 9,000 pounds. 571- Sliding Padeye 200 percent Test. The 200 percent static test is conducted to prove repairs to the sliding padeye brake, ball screw, or ball nut: a. Rig a 50,000 pound test load from the sliding padeye with the carriage at any convenient position, apply the load up 30 degrees, and at any convenient horizontal angle from 30 degrees forward to 30 degrees aft. Hold the load for ten minutes. b. A 50,000 pound structural integrity test described in paragraph 571- satisfies the requirement for this test. 571- Service Brake Tests. For a service brake that has been repaired, this static test demonstrates its load holding capability. This test also checks the strength of the power train in torque from the brake out to the drum. For service brake integrity test, the following shall be performed: 571- Winch Brake Test. For winches where the service brake has been replaced, modified or overhauled, the following procedures shall be performed: a. Load the drum with test wire rope to the average layer and apply a test load of 200 percent of rated load. The brake shall not be temporarily adjusted solely to hold the test load. b. If necessary, increase the capacity of the torque clutch in accordance with the appropriate technical manual. Reset adjusted clutches to the normal position, and test, following the satisfactory completion of the service brake test. c. For Navy Standard hauling winches, pressurize the inhaul drum air clutch to 150 pounds per square inch (temporarily replace air tank relief valve) and test the brake to 14,800 pounds on the average layer on the inhaul drum. 571- Gypsy Service Brake Test. For electric gypsy winches where the service brake has been repaired, modified or overhauled, the head shall be wrapped with the test wire and tested to 200 percent of the gypsy winch rated load. The brake shall not be temporarily adjusted solely to hold the test load. 571- Sliding Block Sweep Brake. The transfer head brake will demonstrate the ability to slip at a test load of 180 - 200 pounds applied perpendicular to the head at the point of the outboard-most sheave. 571-5-15 S9086-TK-STM-010 571- dard. MK II Cargo Drop Reel. Test in accordance with the technical manual or technical repair stan- 571- Non-NAVORD Cargo Handling Gear. Test to 200 percent of the rated load. 571- Drum Ratchet and Pawl Test. This static test demonstrates the holding strength of the drum ratchet and pawl and demonstrates its ability to properly disengage. The following procedures shall be performed: a. Rig test wire rope from the average layer and fairlead through normal rigging (ASD, etc.) to the load source. With the pawl engaged, disengage the drum clutch. Transfer a test load of 200 percent of drum rated load to the test wire. b. With the load removed, engage the drum clutch and haul in winch to disengage the pawl. 571- Winch Drum Band Brake Test. This static test demonstrates the proper functioning of the drum brake after repair of the band brake assembly or drum flange. The following procedures shall be performed: a. Rig test wire from the top layer and fairlead through normal rigging to the load source. Disengage the drum clutch with the band brake set. The brake setting force shall not exceed 60 pounds at the rim of the handwheel. (It may be necessary to re-tighten to 60 pounds at the rim as the test load is applied.) b. For all winches, except for the Navy Standard hauling winch, transfer a test load of 150 percent of the drum rated load to the test wire. For Navy Standard hauling winches, demonstrate that the inhaul and outhaul drum brakes slip at 3,000 - 3,500 pounds in accordance with the operating procedures specified in applicable equipment tech manual. 571- Hydrostatic Tests. Hydrostatic testing of newly installed, repaired, or modified pneumatic and hydraulic components demonstrates that all components have the strength to withstand pressures incurred during operations. The following procedures shall be performed: NOTE Piping and tubing that has mechanical take down joints for removal and installation may be hydrostatically tested and cleaned in sections. After installation of the sections, the equipment shall be operated at normal system operational pressures to check tightness of mechanical connections. 571- Hydraulic Piping and Tubing. Hydrostatically test, clean, and preserve repaired, modified or newly fabricated piping and tubing assemblies in accordance with NSTM Chapter 505. 571- Pneumatic Piping and Tubing. Hydrostatically test, clean, and preserve repaired, modified or newly fabricated piping assemblies in accordance with NSTM Chapters 505 and 551. 571- Fuel Piping. Hydrostatically test, clean, and preserve repaired, modified or newly fabricated piping assemblies in accordance with NSTM Chapters 505, 541, and 542. 571-5-16 S9086-TK-STM-010 571- Hydraulic and Pneumatic Hoses. Hydrostatically test, clean, preserve, and tag repaired, modified or newly fabricated hoses in accordance with manual S6430-AE-TED-010. 571- Fuel Hoses. Hydrostatically test, clean, and preserve repaired, modified or newly fabricated fuel hoses in accordance with the Planned Maintenance System. 571-5.2.4 NO-LOAD TESTS. No-load tests identify any possible damage to the equipment resulting from the static tests, as well as misadjustment of the brake. The following procedures shall apply: a. While operating the equipment during the no-load tests, check the equipment service brake. Verify that the brake is fully released, (i.e., the shoes and discs are not dragging, solenoids have proper gap when deenergized and fully closed when energized, hydraulic cylinders stroke properly, etc.). b. For all electric motors, install thermometers on or near each bearing area and on the frame. Also suspend one thermometer in the area for ambient reference. Record temperatures for maximum rise and ensure that they do not exceed values specified in NSTM Chapter 300, Table 300-3-4, based on insulation class of motor and ambient temperature. This criteria will determine if there is a bearing failure or general overheating of the motor. c. If no additional operational tests are to be performed, then measure the hot insulation resistance immediately after the conclusion of the no-load test. 571- Electric-Hydraulic Winches. The no-load test for electric-hydraulic winches demonstrates that the control and replenishing systems are properly set, and that the brake operates properly. It also demonstrates that filters are clean, and the transmission operates smoothly with minimal noise, minimal vibration, and no abnormal heating. For no-load testing of electric-hydraulic winches, the following procedures shall be performed: a. Disengage the drum clutches, and lightly set the drum brakes. Install thermometers in accordance with paragraph 571-5.2.4.b. Do not disturb gauges installed in accordance with paragraph 571- b. Verify that the master control handle is in the center position. Energize the winch controller(s) and start the winch main motor. c. Slowly stroke the master control handle to half speed in the payout direction. Verify that the main shaft rotates in the payout direction. Return to the center and repeat for haul-in. d. Continually stroke the pump alternately in haul-in and payout directions for one (1) hour with at least 30 minutes at full speed. e. Verify that the replenishing and servo pressure do not drop during the tests. Verify that the gearing or hydraulic transmission is not excessively noisy or vibrating. f. Check that the service brake releases and sets. NOTE For the Navy Standard hauling winch, set the selector switch to the BOTH DRUMS OFF position. Outhaul drum shaft full speed setting is 120 revolutions per minute (RPM) minimum; inhaul drum shaft full speed setting is 93 RPM minimum. If adjustments are required, consult the appropriate technical manual. 571-5-17 S9086-TK-STM-010 571- Electric (Direct Drive) Drum and Gypsy Winches. The no-load test for electric drum and gypsy winches demonstrates that the electric motor and gear box operates smoothly through all speeds and that the brake operates properly. For this equipment, the following procedures shall be performed: a. Install thermometers in accordance with paragraph 571-5.2.4.b. b. Continually run the winch for a 30 minutes in each direction. For multi-speed winches, operate the winch an equal percentage of time at all speed points. c. Verify the brake releases completely while the drum is rotating. 571- Lead Angle Compensator. The no-load test of the level wind device (lead angle compensator) demonstrates that the device will spool the wire rope evenly across the drum, without bunching at the flange or skipping wraps. For the lead angle compensator, the procedures detailed in paragraph 571- shall be followed. 571- Anti-Slack Device (ASD). The no-load test demonstrates that the ASD maintains proper tension on the wire while spooling in both directions of winch operation. For the ASD, the procedures detailed in paragraph 571- shall be followed. The ASD shall run continuously for one hour. Thermometers shall be installed on electric ASD’s per paragraph 571-5.2.4.b. 571- Sliding Block. The no-load test demonstrates that the sliding block travels smoothly, with no evidence of binding or excessive vibration, that the drive system can stop and hold the head and that the control system operates properly. For the sliding block, the following procedures shall be performed: a. Install thermometers on the drive motor per paragraph 571-5.2.4.b. b. Check the lift and drive chain tensions, if applicable, in accordance with the appropriate technical manual. c. Raise and lower the head continuously for one hour d. As the block nears the end of travel in the up and down directions at high speed, verify that the head will automatically slow down and then stop. Refer to the technical manual for the slow down and stop limit switch positions. e. Demonstrate operation of all overtravel limit switches in accordance with the appropriate equipment manual. When applicable, demonstrate operation of the slow down and overtravel limit switches. f. Verify that the electric brake properly releases without dragging and sets to stop the transfer head. 571- Sliding Padeye. The no-load test demonstrates that the sliding padeye travels smoothly, with no evidence of binding or excessive vibration, and that the brake and limit switches operate properly. For the sliding padeye, the following procedures shall be performed: a. Erect the sliding padeye to the service position. b. Install thermometers on the drive motor per paragraph 571-5.2.4.b. c. Raise and lower the sliding padeye for one (1) hour in accordance with the following table: 571-5-18 S9086-TK-STM-010 No-Load Test Duty Cycle Operation Raise Full Speed Stop Lower Full Speed Down Stop Distance or Time To Upper Stop Limit Switch 30 Seconds To Lower Stop Limit Switch 30 Seconds d. Verify that the electric brake releases properly without dragging and that the brake sets and the padeye stops when the pushbutton is released. Also verify that rollers turn freely and the limit switches function properly. 571- Miscellaneous Rigging. All rigging blocks and trolleys shall swivel and pivot freely and the sheaves shall rotate freely without excessive vibration. Probe receivers shall freely pivot and exhibit no sign of deformation. 571-5.2.5 DYNAMIC OVERLOAD TESTS. This test demonstrates the ability of the equipment to operate in overload. The following procedures shall apply, as applicable to repairs conducted. a. Ensure that the test instrumentation installed for the no-load test remains in place during the dynamic overload test. b. If no additional operational tests are to be performed, then measure the hot insulation resistance immediately after the conclusion of the dynamic overload test. Consult paragraph 571- c. On all winches with drum overload clutches, the clutch requires temporary readjustment to a higher slip value prior to conducting the dynamic overload test. After completion of this test, reset the clutch to its normal value and retest. d. Ensure that the horsepower limiting devices are not readjusted solely for the purpose of performing the dynamic overload test. The pressure compensator or pressure relief valve settings may be temporarily increased to perform this test. e. Ensure that the equipment is capable of moving the load safely and under control. Use a slow speed command during this test. f. When dynamic overload testing equipment, ensure that the line load is maintained as near as possible to the desired value, so as not to overstress the equipment. Use the following equation to determine the appropriate test load: Test Load = 1.5 x (Rated Load) x (.98)R x (.96)B Where R B = = the number of roller bearing sheaves the number of bushing sheaves g. Conduct dynamic overload tests from the winch average layer. For Navy Standard winches, the average layer may be assumed to be the third layer. If the test wire is reeved to a layer on the drum other than the average, correct the test load by multiplying the desired line tension (150 percent rated load) by the ratio of the pitch radii (average layer over the actual layer the rope is on). h. Ensure that the test load is within ±3 percent of the calculated value. i. Ensure that the input voltage to the motor is 440 ±20 volts and that the current readings are balanced across all phases. Ensure that the bearing and frame temperatures do not exceed values specified in NSTM Chapter 300, Table 300-3-4. j. Ship’s wire may be used, if not removed incidental to authorized work. Ensure that the wire meets inspection 571-5-19 S9086-TK-STM-010 criteria of NSTM Chapter 613 , and that the test load does not exceed 40 percent of the rated minimum breaking strength. Follow the procedure in the equipment manual for fastening the wire to the drum clamp. Over tightening could prevent wire from being pulled out in an emergency situation. 571- Electric-Hydraulic Winches (Except Navy Standard Hauling Winches). The dynamic overload test of electric-hydraulic winches (except Navy Standard hauling), demonstrates the ability of the winch to hoist, lower, stop, and hold the test load without unusual noise, vibration or overheating. Replenishing pressure shall remain stable during peak loads. The following procedures shall be performed: a. Apply the test load to the drum on the average layer. b. Rig a test wire from the average layer to the test load. c. Slowly command the winch to haulin, and verify that the winch lifts the load. Once the load is lifted clear of the deck, stop the winch, and verify that the brake sets and holds the load without dropping. Cycle the test load five times in accordance with the following table, conduct this test at low speed: Dynamic Overload Test Load Duty Cycle Operation Hoist Stop Lower Stop Distance or Time Five foot minimum 20 seconds Five foot minimum 20 seconds d. For hydrostatic transmissions equipped with a pressure compensator, the following shall be performed: 1. Install a 0 - 5,000 pounds per square inch (psi) pressure gauge in the hoist pressure port valve. 2. Engage the winch drum sliding jaw clutch, pin clutch lever in engaged position. Release the winch drum handwheel brake. 3. Payout enough wire to dead end to the rigging padeye. 4. Haul in until the test wire is tight. Then move the control handle to full stroke HAUL-IN and hold. 5. Verify that the pressure reading is in accordance with the appropriate technical manual. Adjust if necessary. 6. Repeat each procedure two times as specified in steps 4 and 5 above. 571- Electric-Hydraulic Navy Standard Hauling Winches. Dynamic overload testing of electrichydraulic Navy Standard hauling winches demonstrates the ability of the winch to hoist, lower, stop, and hold the test load without unusual noise, vibration or overheating. Replenishing pressure shall remain stable during peak loads. The following procedures shall be performed: a. For the Navy Standard hauling winch inhaul drum, perform the following: 1. With the speed control centered, turn the master station selector switch to the INHAUL DRUM ONLY position. 2. Reeve the test wire from the average layer of the drum through the swivel fairlead to a test load of 11,100 pounds. Arrange the rigging so that the test load can be raised and lowered a minimum of five feet. 3. Slowly command the winch to haulin the test load at a speed not greater than 40 RPM of the drum. Cycle the winch five times in accordance with the following table: 571-5-20 S9086-TK-STM-010 Inhaul Drum Dynamic Overload Test Duty Cycle Operation Hoist Stop Lower Stop Distance or Time Five foot minimum 20 seconds Five foot minimum 20 seconds b. For the Navy Standard hauling winch outhaul winch drum, perform the following: 1. Set the selector switch to the OUTHAUL DRUM ONLY position. Verify that the inhaul drum air clutch is released, and that the inhaul drum brake band is set. 2. Rig the outhaul wire to a 0 - 10,000 pound dynamometer and deadend the wire rope. 3. Set the speed handle to LOW. Move the tension lever to full OUTHAUL TROLLEY position and adjust regulator valve V5 to 6,750 pounds (±200 pounds). 4. With tension lever at FULL OUTHAUL, move the speed handle from NEUTRAL to LOW, and cycle the winch five times in accordance with the following table: Outhaul Drum Dynamic Overload Test Duty Cycle Speed Handle Position Time Haul-In Neutral Five seconds 20 seconds 5. After completion of the test, readjust the regulator valve V5 to 4,500 pounds (±200 pounds). 571- Electric (Direct Drive) Drum and Gypsy Winches. The dynamic overload test of the electric direct drive drum and gypsy winches demonstrates the ability of the winches to hoist, lower, stop, and hold the test load without unusual noise, vibration, or overheating. The following procedures shall be performed: a. Apply the test load to the drum on the average layer. b. Rig a test wire from the average layer through the rigging to the test load. c. In slow speed, raise the test load off the deck, stop the winch, and verify that the brake can stop and hold the test load. d. Cycle the winch five times in accordance with the following table: Dynamic Overload Test Load Duty Cycle Operation Hoist Stop Lower Stop Distance or Time Five foot minimum 30 seconds Five foot minimum 30 seconds 571- Sliding Block. The dynamic overload test demonstrates the ability of the sliding block to raise, lower, stop, and hold a test load. There shall be no unusual noise, overheating, or vibration, and the brake shall hold the test load without slippage. The following procedures shall be performed: a. Refer to Appendix F for the load values and rigging for this test. b. Cycle the sliding block five times in accordance with the following table: 571-5-21 S9086-TK-STM-010 Dynamic Overload Test Load Duty Cycle Operation Raise Low Speed Up Stop Lower Low Speed Down Stop Distance or Time Five Feet 30 seconds Five Feet 30 seconds c. Check the sliding block and guide rollers for signs of binding or failure. 571- Sliding Padeye. The dynamic overload test demonstrates the ability of the sliding padeye to hoist, lower, stop, and hold a 37,500 pound test load. There shall be no unusual noise, vibration, or overheating, and the brake shall stop and hold the load without slippage. For the sliding padeye, the following procedures shall be performed: a. With the kingpost erected in operating position, attach a test wire with the appropriate end fitting to the sliding padeye long link. b. Rig the test wire to a 37,500 pound test load with the padeye down. Induce a 30 degree upward angle with no off station angle. Apply the test load to the test wire. c. Cycle the sliding padeye five times in accordance with the following table: Sliding Padeye Dynamic Overload Test Load Duty Cycle Operation Hoist Stop Lower Stop Distance or Time Five foot minimum 30 seconds Five foot minimum 30 seconds 571-5.2.6 DRUM OVERLOAD CLUTCH TEST. This test demonstrates the proper operation of this safety feature where installed. The following procedures shall apply: a. For the drum overload clutch to be tested, engage the drum and set the pawl. b. Slowly pay out the winch, raising the main system LOWER line pressure until the clutch slips (main drive shaft shall rotate slowly while the drum is locked). Verify that the pressure attained at the slip point concurs with the values specified in the appropriate technical manual. 571-5.2.7 RATED LOAD TESTS. This test demonstrates the capability of the equipment to operate at rated load and speed for a period of time without overheating or any other failure. The following procedures shall apply: a. Ensure that the test instrumentation installed during the no-load test shall remain in place for the rated load test. b. When rated load testing equipment using test weights, ensure that the line load is maintained as near as possible to the desired value, so as not to overstress the equipment. Use the following equation to determine appropriate test load: 571-5-22 S9086-TK-STM-010 Test Load = (Rated Load) x (.98)R x (.96)B Where R B = = the number of roller bearing sheaves the number of bushing sheaves c. When rated load testing the equipment using the ram tensioner, the test load equals the rated load. d. Conduct rated load tests of winches from the winch average layer. For Navy Standard winches, the average layer may be assumed to be the third layer. If the wire rope is reeved to a layer on the drum other than the average, correct the test by multiplying the desired line tension (rated load) by the ratio of the pitch radii (average layer over the actual layer the rope is on). e. Ensure that the tolerance on test loads is within ±3 percent of the calculated values. f. Ensure that the input voltage to the motor is 440 ±20 volts, and that the current readings are balanced across all phases. Ensure that the bearings and frame temperatures do not exceed the value specified in NSTM Chapter 300, Table 300-3-3. g. Ship’s wire may be used if not removed incidental to authorized work. Ensure that wire meets inspection criteria of NSTM Chapter 613, and that the test load does not exceed 40 percent of the rated minimum breaking strength. Follow the procedure in the equipment manual for fastening the wire to the drum clamp. Over tightening could prevent wire from being pulled out in an emergency situation. 571- Electric-Hydraulic Winches. The rated load test demonstrates the ability of the electric-hydraulic winch to hoist, lower, stop, and hold the test load without unusual noise, vibration, or overheating. All electrical and hydraulic data shall be within equipment manual specifications. The winch shall be capable of hoisting the equivalent rated load at rated speed in accordance with the appropriate equipment manual. Replenishing pressure shall remain stable during peak loads; output drum speed and hoisting and lowering pressures shall be verified. Spanwire, highline, and cargo winches may be tested against the ram tensioner with the wire end fittings secured to the test padeyes. Hauling winches may also be tested against a ram tensioner. Load test the Navy Standard hauling winch on the inhaul drum in the cargo mode. The ram tensioner air pressure shall be adjusted for the winch drum being tested. The following procedures shall be performed: a. For all winches, cycle the test load at rated speed for 30 minutes in accordance with the following table: Rated Load Test Duty Cycle Operation Hoist Stop Lower Stop 20 20 20 20 Distance or Time foot minimum seconds foot minimum seconds b. For Navy Standard hauling winches, conduct step a. only on the inhaul drum. Also perform the following: 1. Deadend both test wire ropes with the wire rope on the average layer. Install a 0 - 5000 pound or a 0 10,000 pound dynamometer or load cell in each test wire. 2. Set the selector switch to the BOTH DRUMS ON position. Move the tension handle to the INHAUL TROLLEY position. Move the speed handle to full HAUL-IN speed, and hold this setting. Allow the clutches to slip for about five minutes to reach stabilization temperature. Then move tension handle to center NEUTRAL position. 3. Move the tension handle from NEUTRAL to INHAUL TROLLEY, and the back to NEUTRAL. Then, move the tension handle from NEUTRAL to OUTHAUL TROLLEY, and then back to NEUTRAL. Verify that tension values increase smoothly from 1,500 pounds at NEUTRAL to 4,500 pounds at full INHAUL TROLLEY and full OUTHAUL TROLLEY. 571-5-23 S9086-TK-STM-010 4. Move the tension handle to full INHAUL TROLLEY and hold. Verify that the inhaul drum shaft speed setting is between 39.4 and 47.4 RPM. Then, move the tension handle back to NEUTRAL. 5. Cycle the test load for one (1) hour in accordance with the following table: STREAM Rated Load Test Duty Cycle Speed Handle Full HAUL-IN Tension Handle Full INHAUL TROLLEY NEUTRAL Full OUTHAUL TROLLEY NEUTRAL Time 1 minute 30 seconds 1 minute 30 seconds 571- Electric (Direct Drive) Drum and Gypsy Winches. The rated load testing demonstrates the ability of the electric (direct drive) drum and gypsy winch to hoist, lower, stop, and hold the test load without unusual noise, vibration, or overheating. All electrical data shall be within equipment manual specification. The winch shall be capable of hoisting the equivalent rated load at rated speed in accordance with the appropriate equipment manual. The following procedures shall be performed: a. Apply the rated test load to the drum on the average layer, or on the first wrap of the gypsy head. b. Use either manila or synthetic line to test gypsy heads and rig this line to the test load. c. Cycle the test load at rated speed for 30 minutes in accordance with the following table: Rated Load Test Duty Cycle Operation Hoist Stop Lower Stop 20 20 20 20 Distance or Time foot minimum seconds foot minimum seconds d. Test the hoisting winch used for raising and lowering the CVN overhead mounted sliding padeye by cycling the sliding padeye from its stowed position to its operating position five times. Stop and hold the sliding padeye in its stowed and operated positions. Check latch engagement, limit switch settings and timing relay functions. 571- Ram Tensioner. The rated load test demonstrates the ability of the ram tensioner to extend and retract through the full range of travel maintaining line tension. There shall be no leakage and the ram shall travel smoothly over entire range of motion. a. Connect the highline or spanwire to securing padeye. b. With ram accumulator pressurized to precharge, payout on winch. c. Cycle the winch to haul in and payout to the ram full travel positions for 30 minutes following winch test duty cycle. 571- Sliding Block. The rated load test demonstrates the ability of the sliding block to raise, lower, stop, and hold a test load. There shall be no unusual noise, vibration, or overheating, and the brake shall hold the test load without slippage. Speed changes shall occur smoothly, and travel speed shall not vary more then 10 percent from the rated speed. 571-5-24 S9086-TK-STM-010 a. Refer to Appendix F for the rated load values and rigging for the test. b. Cycle the sliding block for 30 minutes in accordance with the following table: Rated Load Test Duty Cycle Operation Raise Full Speed Up Stop Lower Full Speed Down Stop Distance or Time To Upper Stop Limit Switch 30 seconds To Lower Stop Limit Switch 30 seconds 571- Sliding Padeye. The rated load test demonstrates the ability of the sliding padeye to operate smoothly with no unusual noise or vibration, no overheating, and with correct sliding padeye speed. This test also demonstrates that the brake and limit switches operate properly. The following procedures shall be performed: a. With the padeye erected in operating position, attach a test wire rope to the long link. b. Rig the test wire rope to a 25,000 pound test load with the padeye down. Induce a 30 degree upward angle. Apply the test load to the test wire rope. c. Cycle the sliding padeye for 30 minutes in accordance with the following table: Rated Load Test Duty Cycle Operation Raise Full Speed Up Stop Lower Full Speed Down Stop Distance or Time To Upper Stop Limit Switch 30 seconds To Lower Stop Limit Switch 30 seconds 571-5.2.8 SHUTDOWN PROCEDURES. Immediately after operational testing, secure air system, secure power to controllers and conduct a hot insulation resistance test in accordance with paragraph 571- repaired and overhauled equipment motors. 571-5-25 / (5-26 Blank) 5-26 @@FIpgtype@@BLANK@@!FIpgtype@@ S9086-TK-STM-010 APPENDIX A REFERENCE DRAWINGS FOR TEST INSTRUCTIONS OF NEWLY INSTALLED EQUIPMENT 805-1639000 Reversible Deck Bolt and Socket 804-2227933 805-2580276 4847452 5177062 5210065 5210546 5210547 5210548 5746880 5746882 5746884 6651883 5746886 5746888 5746887 6695841 6695836 6243108 6243109 6665633 6352179 2555707 4563550 EJ51086 EJ51117 EJ51010 EJ52020 EJ52035 FAS Standard Receiving Station Arrangement and Requirements Fixed Highline Padeye Stations Three-Speed / Two-Speed Saddle Winch Anti-Slack Device Hydraulic Disc Brake Winch, Single Drum Winch, Double Drum Hauling Winch STREAM Fueling Stations (System) STREAM Cargo Station (System) ARC Sender 80 and 120 Foot Ram Tensioner Sliding Block Direct Drive Units STREAM Fueling Control Booth STREAM Cargo Control Booth Fueling at Sea Kingpost Cargo Kingpost Ram Tensioner Charging Stations (Close-In Installation) Ram Tensioner Charging Stations (Remote Installation) Sliding Block-Overload Clutch Units Gypsy Winch Model D-16 Sliding Padeye Model D-12 Sliding Padeye Model T-12 Sliding Padeye Model T-12A Sliding Padeye Model B-12 Sliding Padeye Model B-12B Sliding Padeye Model CR-12C Sliding Padeye 571-A-1 / (A-2 Blank) A-2 @@FIpgtype@@BLANK@@!FIpgtype@@ S9086-TK-STM-010 APPENDIX B TEST REQUIREMENTS FOR MISCELLANEOUS NEW EQUIPMENT 1. Air Flasks - Per NSTM Chapter 551, prior to installation: a. New flasks that are stencilled or stamped with the vendor’s test information do not require testing. b. Flasks shall have been properly sealed and preserved. c. Visual inspection by borescope shall be conducted. 2. Pneumatic and Hydraulic Hose Assemblies - For new hose assemblies purchased with certification test data, the hose may be accepted for use without test if the test information is tagged to the hose per S6430-AE-TED010. The assemblies shall also have been preserved/sealed per instruction in this manual. 3. Blocks and Trollies - For new blocks and trollies procured with the Safe Working Load (SWL) stamped on the unit or certification data supplied by the manufacturer, static load testing may be waived. If the unit is not stamped with SWL and certification data is provided, stamp the unit. If neither condition is satisfied, test the unit as if it were repaired (Table 571-D-14). A visual inspection and a post-installation no-load demonstration will be performed. 4. UNREP Hardware - For non-NAVORD hardware purchased through the stock system, only a receipt inspection need be accomplished. These UNREP hardware items are identified in NAVSEA Underway Replenishment Hardware and Equipment Manual S9570-AD-CAT-010. 571-B-1 / (B-2 Blank) B-2 @@FIpgtype@@BLANK@@!FIpgtype@@ S9086-TK-STM-010 APPENDIX C Table C-1. List of Applicable Technical Repair Standards S9571-AU-TRS-010 Variable Speed Hydraulic Transmission, Navy Standard MK5 Mods 1, 3, and 4 Type NST-V S9570-AZ-TRS-010 S9571-AY-TRS-010 SG813-B6-TRS-010 SG813-B5-TRS-010 S9571-AR-TRS-010 SG813-AX-TRS-010 SG813-AW-TRS-010 S9571-AD-TRS-010 S9571-AC-TRS-010 SG813-AD-TRS-010 Navy Standard Ram Tensioner Navy Standard Cargo Drop Reel MK2 Winch, Saddle, Navy Standard Three-Speed and Two-Speed MK1 Mod 0 Navy Standard Hydraulic Anti-Slack Device Navy Standard Highline and Spanwire Anti-Slack Device MKS 6-11 and 14, Mods 0-2 Double Drum Navy Standard Winch MK3 Mods 1-30 Single Drum Navy Standard Winch MK2 Mods 1-50 and 6-13 Outhaul Air Clutch Anti-Slack Device MKS 12-13, Mods 0-1 Variable Speed Hydraulic Transmission, Navy Standard MK6 Mods 1, 3, and 4 Type NST-D Navy Standard Hauling Winch, Electric Hydraulic, Double Drum, Inhaul-Outhaul, MK4 Mods 1 &2 Fueling at Sea Single Probe System Fueling at Sea Double Probe System Fueling at Sea Single Probe Receiving System Fueling at Sea Double Probe Receiving System ARC/SWACS Sending Unit Sliding Padeye, Model D-16 Ram Tensioner Ram Tensioner, Models 120B and 120C, Overhaul Procedures Ram Tensioner, Models 80B and 80C Ram Tensioner, Hydraulic, Model 120A Ram Tensioner, Hydraulic, Model 80A S9570-AW-TRS-010 S9570-AW-TRS-020 S9570-AW-TRS-030 S9570-AW-TRS-040 S9571-AQ-TRS-010 S9570-A1-TRS-010 S9571-BB-TRS-010 S9571-BC-TRS-010 S9571-BE-TRS-010 S9571-BL-TRS-010 S9571-BM-TRS-010 Table C-2. List of Applicable Equipment Manuals and System Manuals 0900-LP-060-2010 Electrical Machinery Repair, Vol I 0900-LP-060-2020 0955-LP-026-8010 0978-LP-035-3010 S9571-AH-MMO-010 0920-LP-066-4010 0920-LP-098-3010 0920-LP-109-3010 S9570-AA-MMM-010 S9585-AA-MMA-010 S9570-A1-MMA-010 S9570-AC-MMA-010 S9570-AC-MMA-020 S9570-AC-MMA-A10 S9571-BR-MMO-010 S9571-AR-MMO-010 0978-LP-036-7010 S9571-A8-MMO-010 S9571-A9-MMA-010 S9571-AQ-MMA-010 S9571-AD-MMA-010 Electrical Machinery Repair, Vol II Double Probe Fueling System Single Probe Fueling System 2-1/2-Inch RAS Hose Rigs Sliding Padeye, D-12, T-12 Sliding Padeye, B10A ( LHA 1 Class) Sliding Padeye, D-12 Retractable (CV/CVN) Sliding Padeye, C-12 Sliding Padeye, B-9A, B-12, B-12B, CR-12, CR-12B, CR-12C Sliding Padeye, D-16 Sliding Block Drive, Navy Standard Sliding Block Drive w/Slip Clutch, NS Sliding Block Drive w/ Slip Clutch, NS (T-AOE 10) Trolley-Rigged Outhaul System Ram Tensioner, Model C Ram Tensioner, Western Gear Ram Tensioner, Lake Shore NS Ram Tensioner (Model 6519082-1, -2, -3) ARC Sending Unit ASD, Outhaul Air-clutch 571-C-1 S9086-TK-STM-010 Table C-2. List of Applicable Equipment Manuals and System Manuals Continued S9571-AR-MMA-010 SG813-A1-MMA-010 SG813-AW-MMA-010 SG813-AW-MMA-020 SG813-AX-MMA-010 SG813-AD-MMA-010 S9571-AC-MMA-010 S9571-A2-MMA-010 SG813-B6-MMA-010 SG813-CL-MMA-010 SG813-CS-MMA-010 TG813-AW-MMA-010 SG813-DK-MMA-010 SG813-HH-MMA-010 SG813-C6-MMO-010 SG813-CQ-MMO-010 TG813-AV-MMA-010 0920-LP-098-9010 S9570-AD-CAT-010 S9571-A1-HBK-010 S9571-A6-URS-010 S9571-A7-URS-010 S9571-AV-MMA-010 S9571-AW-MMA-010 T9571-AE-MMA-010 T9571-AF-MMA-010 T9571-AG-MMA-010 T9571-AH-MMA-010 571-C-2 ASD, HL/SW Air-clutch Single Drum, Ramless Spanwire Single Drum with NST Single Drum with SHT Double Drum with NST Hauling Winch, Navy Standard NST-D NST-V Saddle Winch, 3-speed/2-speed, Navy Standard Gypsy Winch (T-AOE 6 Class) Gypsy Winch, Navy Standard Gypsy Winch (T-AO 187 Class) Gypsy Winch (CV 63, CVN 65, 71) Gypsy Winch (LHD 5- 8) Topping Winch, Electric BMD-483/AMD-1403 (T-AOE 10) Topping Winch (T-AOE 6 Class) Topping Winch (T-AO 187 Class) Cargo Drop Reel, MK II UNREP Hardware & Equipment Manual UNREP Station Capabilities Handbook System Manual, FAS, T-AOE 6 CL System Manual, RAS, T-AOE 6 CL System Manual, RAS, T-AO 187 CL (187-190) System Manual, FAS, T-AO 187 CL (187-190) System Manual, FAS, T-AO 187 CL (193-197) System Manual, RAS, T-AO 187 CL (193-197) System Manual, FAS, T-AO 187 CL (198-204) System Manual, RAS, T-AO 187 CL (198-204) S9086-TK-STM-010 APPENDIX D TEST MATRIX FOR EQUIPMENT, COMPONENTS AND SYSTEMS 571-D-1 PREINSTALLATION INSPECTION PARA 5.2.1 X POST INSTALLATION INSPECTION & FUNCTIONAL PARA 5.2.2, X Test Matrix for Equipment, Components and Systems, Electric-Hydraulic Winches STATIC TESTS STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY PARA 5.2.3, X*** SERVICE BRAKE (200%) PARA 5.2.3, X DRUM RATCHET AND PAWL (200%) PARA 5.2.3, DRUM BRAKE (150%) PARA 5-2.3, 5-2.3.10 NO-LOAD TEST PARA 5.2.4, X EQUIPMENT/COMPONENT REPAIRED OR OVERHAULED REINSTALLED WINCHES (NOTE 1) REDUCTION GEAR X X (GEARS, SHAFTS, KEYS, HUBS, BUT NOT BEARINGS) FOUNDATION OR X X X WINCH BED LOAD BEARING STRUCTURE LOAD BEARING SUBASX X*** SEMBLY INDEPENDENT GYPSY X X DRIVE (BRAKE OR REDUCER) WIRE ROPE DRUM JAW X X CLUTCH DRUM PAWL ASSEMBLY X X HOSE AND TUBING X DRUM X X X X X WIREROPE DRUM X X BRAKE SERVICE BRAKE X X HYDRAULIC TRANSMISX SION ELECTRIC MOTOR X CONTROL SYSTEM X DRUM OVERLOAD X CLUTCH * Testing shall be accomplished for repair/overhaul of motor only. Refer to paragraph 571-5.1.4.c. ** Any equipment in contact with low speed (drive) shaft. *** Test may not be required. Refer to paragraphs 571-5.2.3.n and 571-5.2.3.l. @ Required only if clutch was misadjusted to perform dynamic test. + Not required if certified load tested after repair by TRS. Note 1: Tests on this line are required to prove the reinstallation. If other work was done on the winch, test specified on the line DYNAMIC OVERLOAD TEST (150%) PARA 5.2.5, X DRUM OVERLOAD CLUTCH TEST PARA 5.2.6 RATED LOAD TEST (100%) PARA 5.2.7, X X X SHUTDOWN PROCEDURE PARA 5.2.8 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X@ X X X X X X* X X X X X for that component must also be conducted. S9086-TK-STM-010 571-D-2 Table 571-D-1. Table 571-D-2. Test Matrix for Equipment, Components and Systems, Electric (Direct Drive) Drum/Gypsy Winches PREINSTALLATION INSPECTION PARA 5.2.1 X POST INSTALLATION INSPECTION & FUNCTIONAL PARA 5.2.2, 3 X STATIC TESTS STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY PARA 5.2.3, X** SERVICE BRAKE (200%) PARA 5.2.3, X DRUM RATCHET AND PAWL (200%) PARA 5.2.3, DRUM BRAKE (150%) PARA 5-2.3, 5-2.3.10 NO-LOAD TEST PARA 5.2.4, X EQUIPMENT/COMPONENT REPAIRED OR OVERHAULED REINSTALLED WINCHES (NOTE 1) REDUCTION GEAR X X (GEARS, SHAFTS, KEYS, AND HUBS) FOUNDATION OR WINCH X X X BED LOAD BEARING STRUCTURE LOAD BEARING SUBASX X** SEMBLY DRUM PAWL X X ELECTRIC MOTOR X SERVICE BRAKE X X DRUM AND GYPSY HEAD X X X WIRE ROPE DRUM BAND X X BRAKE CONTROL SYSTEM X * Refer to paragraph 571-5.1.4.c. ** Test may not be required. Refer to paragraphs 571-5.2.3.n and 571- Note 1: Tests on this line are required to prove the reinstallation. If other work was done on the winch, tests specified on the line for that DYNAMIC OVERLOAD TEST (150%) PARA 5.2.5, X X RATED LOAD TEST (100%) PARA 5.2.7, X X X X X X X X X SHUTDOWN PROCEDURE PARA 5.2.8 X X X* X X X X X X X X X component must also be conducted. S9086-TK-STM-010 571-D-3 EQUIPMENT/COMPONENTS REPAIRED OR OVERHAULED PRE-INSTALLATION INSPECTION PARA 5.2.1 REINSTALLED LEVEL WIND X ASSEMBLY STRUCTURAL LOAD BEARING COMPONENTS SHEAVE TIMING CHAIN/DRIVE ARM ASSEMBLY/CAM FOLLOWER BEARINGS * Test may not be required. Refer to paragraphs 5.2.3.n and POST INSTALLATION INSPECTION & FUNCTIONAL TEST PARA 5.2.2, 4 200% STATIC TEST PARA 5.2.3, 5.2.3.e, RATED LOAD TEST PARA 5.2.7 SHUT-DOWN PROCEDURE PARA 5.2.8 X X* X X X X* X X X X X X* X X X X X X* X S9086-TK-STM-010 571-D-4 Table 571-D-3. Test Matrix for Equipment, Components and Systems, Level Wind and Fleet Angle Compensator Table 571-D-4. EQUIPMENT/COMPONENTS REPAIRED OR OVERHAULED PRE-INSTALLATION INSPECTION PARA 5.2.1 Test Matrix for Equipment, Components and Systems, Anti-Slack Devices (ASD) POST INSTALLATION INSPECTION & FUNCTIONAL TEST PARA 5.2.2, 5 STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY TEST PARA 5.2.3,, REINSTALLED ASDS X X (NOTE 1) REDUCTION GEAR (GEARS, X SHAFTS, KEYS, AND HUBS) FOUNDATION OR LOAD X X BEARING STRUCTURE INNERSHAFT ASSEMBLY X SQUEEZE OR DRIVE X SHEAVES SQUEEZE MECHANISM OR X PRESSURE ROLLER SHEAVE BEARINGS X FAIRLEAD SHEAVE OR ITS X STRUCTURE DRIVE MOTOR X COOLING FAN ELECTRIC X MOTOR AIR OR HYDRAULIC X SYSTEM(HOSES, TUBING, ETC.) AIR CLUTCH (TUBES FRICX TION SHOES, ETC.) FRICTION DRUM X * Test may not be required. Refer to paragraphs 571-5.2.3.n and 571-5.2.3.l ** Not necessary for squeeze sheave to rotate. Note 1: Tests on this line are required to prove equipment reinstallation. If other work was done on the anti-slack X* X* NO-LOAD TEST PARA 5.2.4, SHUT-DOWN PROCEDURE PARA 5.2.8 X X X** X X X X** X X X X X X* X** X** X X X X** X X** X device, tests specified on the line for that component must also be conducted. S9086-TK-STM-010 571-D-5 Test Matrix for Equipment, Components and Systems, Ram Tensioner System STATIC TESTS POST INSTALLATION INSPECTION & FUNCTIONAL PARA 5.2.2, 6, X EQUIPMENT/COMPONENT PRE-INSTALLATION REPAIRED OR OVERINSPECTION HAULED PARA 5.2.1 REINSTALLED RAM X TENSIONERS (NOTE 1) RAM PACKING/WIPER RINGS X FOUNDATION X X ACCUMULATOR PISTON X SEALS ACCUMULATOR (NEW/REINX STALLED) UPPER/LOWER SHEAVE X BLOCK HP AIR SYSTEM (FLASKS, X RELIEF VALVES, SILBRAZE FITTINGS, ETC.) POSITION TRANSMITTER/ X RECEIVER HYDRAULIC COMPONENTS X (TUBING, ETC.) BEARINGS X * Test may not be required. Refer to paragraphs 571-5.2.3.n and 571-5.2.3.l. ** Relief valves are bench tested to correct setting. Note 1: Tests on this line are required to prove the reinstallation. If other work was done on STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY PARA 5.2.3,, X* HYDROSTATIC PARA 5.2.3, RATED LOAD TEST (100%) PARA 5.2.7, X SHUT-DOWN PROCEDURE PARA 5.2.8 X X X X X* X X* X X** X X X X X X the ram tensioner, tests specified on the line for that component must also be conducted. S9086-TK-STM-010 571-D-6 Table 571-D-5. Table 571-D-6. EQUIPMENT/COMPONENT REPAIRED OR OVERHAULED PREINSTALLATION INSPECTION PARA 5.2.1 POST INSTALLATION INSPECTION & FUNCTIONAL TEST PARA 5.2.2, 7 Test Matrix for Equipment, Components and Systems, Chain Driven Sliding Block System STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY TEST PARA 5.2.3, CHAIN PRETENSIONING (REFER TO TECHNICAL MANUAL) NO-LOAD TEST PARA 5.2.4, SLIP CLUTCH ADJUSTMENT (REFER TO TECHNICAL MANUAL) DYNAMIC OVERLOAD TEST PARA 5.2.5, RATED LOAD TEST PARA 5.2.7, SHUT-DOWN PROCEDURE PARA 5.2.8 REINSTALLED SLIDING X X X X X BLOCK ASSEMBLY (NOTE 1) GUIDE ROLLERS X X X X CHAIN/SPROCKETS X X X** X X X GEAR REDUCER X X X BRAKE X X** X X X ELECTRIC MOTOR X X X* X X TRANSFER HEAD STRUCX X** X X TURE KINGPOST LOAD BEARX X** X X X ING STRUCTURE, GUIDE RAILS CONTROL SYSTEM X X (LIMIT SWITCHES, CONTROLLER) SLIP CLUTCH X X X SHEAVE AND PIN X X** X X SHEAVE BEARING X X T-ROS MOUNTING FOUNX X** X DATION * Testing shall be accomplished for repair/overhaul for motor only. Refer to paragraph 571-5.1.4.c. ** Test may not be required. Refer to paragraphs 571-5.2.3.n and 571- Note 1: Tests on this line are required to prove the reinstallation. If other work was done on the removed equipment, tests specified on the line for that component must also be conducted. S9086-TK-STM-010 571-D-7 POST INSTALLATION EQUIPMENT/ INSPECTION COMPOPRE& FUNCNENT INSTALLATIONAL REPAIRED TION TEST OR OVERINSPECTION PARA 5.2.2, 8 HAULED PARA 5.2.1 REINX X STALLED SLIDING PADEYE ASSEMBLY (NOTE 1) CARRIAGE X REMOVAL X FRAME LOAD BEARING STRUCTURE, GUIDE RAILS X CONTROL SYSTEM (LIMIT SWITCHES, INTERLOCKS & CONTROLLER) ELECTRIC X MOTOR COUPLING ELECTRIC X MOTOR BRAKE X BALL SCREW X BEARINGS Test Matrix for Equipment, Components and Systems, Sliding Padeyes S9086-TK-STM-010 571-D-8 Table 571-D-7. STATIC TESTS STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY PARA 5.2.3, X*** NO-LOAD 200% STATIC TEST PARA 5.2.3, PARA 5.2.4, DYNAMIC OVERLOAD TEST PARA 5.2.5, RATED LOAD TEST PARA 5.2.7, SHUT-DOWN PROCEDURE PARA 5.2.8 X X*** X X X*** X X X X X X X X* X* X X X Table 571-D-7. Test Matrix for Equipment, Components and Systems, Sliding Padeyes - Continued POST INSTALLASTATIC TESTS TION EQUIPMENT/ INSPECTION COMPOPRESTRUC& FUNCNENT INSTALLATURAL NO-LOAD TIONAL REPAIRED TION INTEGRITY 200% STATIC TEST TEST PARA 5.2.3, OR OVERPARA 5.2.3, INSPECTION PARA 5.2.2, PARA 5.2.4, 8 HAULED PARA 5.2.1 BALL SCREW X X X OR BALL NUT EMERGENCY X ERECTION SYSTEM COMPONENTS * Testing shall be accomplished for repair and overhaul of motor only. Refer to paragraph 571-5.1.4.c. ** For stowing winches of overhead mounted SPE’s use Appendix E. *** Test may not be required. Refer to paragraph 571-5.2.3.n. Note 1: Tests on this line are required to prove the reinstallation. If other work was done on the sliding also be conducted. DYNAMIC OVERLOAD TEST PARA 5.2.5, RATED LOAD TEST PARA 5.2.7, SHUT-DOWN PROCEDURE PARA 5.2.8 X X padeye, tests specified for that component must S9086-TK-STM-010 571-D-9 S9086-TK-STM-010 Table 571-D-8. Test Matrix for Equipment, Components and Systems, Alongside Liquid Cargo Delivery EQUIPMENT AND COMPONENTS REPAIRED OR OVERHAULED PRE-INSTALLATION INSPECTION PARA 5.2.1 STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY TEST PARA and X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X SPANWIRE PADEYES SADDLE WHIP PADEYES YO-YO PREVENTER PADEYES SPANWIRE SECURING PADEYES PROBE TIEDOWNS MESSENGER RETURN PADEYES HOGGING-IN LINE PADEYES AND CLEATS SPANLINE WHIP PADEYES EASING OUT PADEYES AND CLEATS Table 571-D-9. Test Matrix for Equipment, Components and Systems, Alongside Liquid Cargo Receiving EQUIPMENT AND COMPONENTS REPAIRED PRE-INSTALLATION INSPECTION PARA 5.2.1 STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY TEST PARA and X X X X X X X X X X X X X X PROBE RECEIVER AND SPANWIRE ATTACHMENT RIDING LINE RIGGING MESSENGER AND INHAUL PADEYES EASING OUT LINE PADEYES SPANLINE PADEYES SPANLINE RIDING LINE PADEYES 2-1/2″ HOSE CONNECTION PADEYES Table 571-D-10. Test Matrix for Equipment, Components and Systems, Astern Liquid Cargo Delivery EQUIPMENT AND COMPONENTS REPAIRED 2-1/2″ HOSE RIGGING PADEYE Table 571-D-11. EQUIPMENT AND COMPONENTS REPAIRED 2-1/2″ SECURING PENDANT PADEYE INHAUL CAPSTAN RIGGING 571-D-10 PRE-INSTALLATION INSPECTION PARA 5.2.1 STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY TEST PARA and X X Test Matrix for Equipment, Components and Systems, Astern Liquid Cargo Receiving PRE-INSTALLATION INSPECTION PARA 5.2.1 STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY TEST PARA and X X X X S9086-TK-STM-010 Table 571-D-12. Test Matrix for Equipment, Components and Systems, Solid Cargo Delivery EQUIPMENT AND COMPONENTS REPAIRED PRE-INSTALLATION INSPECTION PARA 5.2.1 STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY TEST PARA and X X X X X X X X X X X X X X WIRE ROPE HIGHLINE PADEYES INHAUL PADEYES OUTHAUL PADEYES CARGO WHIP PADEYES SYNTHETIC HIGHLINE PADEYES FIBER INHAUL PADEYES SURF PADEYES Table 571-D-13. Test Matrix for Equipment, Components and Systems, Solid Cargo Receiving EQUIPMENT AND COMPONENTS REPAIRED PRE-INSTALLATION INSPECTION PARA 5.2.1 STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY TEST PARA and X X X X X X X X X X X X (APPENDIX E, FIGURE E-1) X PENDANT AND STREAM SUPPORT LEG FIXED WIRE ROPE HIGHLINE PADEYES MESSENGER AND FIBER INHAUL PADEYES STREAM CONSOLIDATED PADEYES FIBER HIGHLINE PADEYES EASING OUT LINE PADEYES AND CLEATS WIRE ROPE HIGHLINE TIEDOWN PADEYES X Table 571-D-14. Test Matrix for Equipment, Components and Systems, Miscellaneous Rigging LOAD BEARING MEMBER REPAIRED OR OVERHAULED ON FOLLOWING ASSEMBLY POST INSTALLATION INSPECTION PARA 5.2.2 BLOCKS AND TROLLIES X STAR PROBE LATCH X PHONE AND DISTANCE LINE CLEATS PELICAN HOOKS X GULLWING STRONGBACK STRONGBACKS X STATIC LOAD TEST PARA 5.2.3 X ( X ( X ( X ( X ( X ( 571-D-11 / (D-12 Blank) D-12 @@FIpgtype@@BLANK@@!FIpgtype@@ S9086-TK-STM-010 APPENDIX E TEST WIRE SETUP ARRANGEMENT Figure 571-E-1. Test Wire Rope Setup Arrangement 571-E-1 / (E-2 Blank) E-2 @@FIpgtype@@BLANK@@!FIpgtype@@ S9086-TK-STM-010 APPENDIX F TEST METHODS AND LOADS FOR SLIDING BLOCK DRIVES Figure 571-F-1. Sliding Block Drive Test Using Freestanding Kingpost 571-F-1 / (F-2 Blank) F-2 @@FIpgtype@@BLANK@@!FIpgtype@@ S9086-TK-STM-010 APPENDIX G ACCEPTED METHODS FOR STATIC LOAD TESTING 1. Method 1, Test Weight (Figures 571-G-1 and 571-G-2) - The test wire rope shall be rigged through a test block attached to the crane (with a preventer to the crane to keep the block vertically straight). The crane shall hoist the test block to develop the desired angle in the test wire rope (if applicable). The equipment shall not be used to lift the test load. A free hanging weight can move to accommodate ship’s movement (or floating crane movement) thereby maintaining proper line tension. This method shall be used whenever a remote source (e.g. crane) is required to establish proper testing angles. Methods shown in Figure 571-G-2 shall not be used. 571-G-1 S9086-TK-STM-010 Figure 571-G-1. Safe Methods for Testing UNREP Stations 571-G-2 S9086-TK-STM-010 Figure 571-G-2. Unsafe Methods for Testing UNREP Stations 2. Method 2, Dynamometer with Separate Load Source (Figure 571-G-3) - This technique may be used when testing winches (without rigging the entire system), deck fittings, padeyes, etc. Equipment shall not be subjected to static loads at angles beyond the normal working range to facilitate the use of this method. The dynamometer and load source must be secured to a suitably tested hull fitting on the ship in the vicinity of the equipment to be tested. Dynamometers (or load cell) and any component in the test rigging shall not be 571-G-3 S9086-TK-STM-010 attached to any point outboard of the ship. Figure 571-G-3. Dynamometer with Separate Load Source 3. Method 3, Calibrated Load Source - This device (e.g., hydraulic jacking cylinder) has the same limitations as method 2. 4. Method 4, Moment Arm - A moment arm may be attached to the drive shaft of a winch drum (remove gypsy head or cover) and a load applied to the moment arm via a calibrated load source or dynamometer with a load source. This would require a test padeye located to suit the moment arm. The torque shall be equivalent to the resultant of the required test load and layer radius. 5. Method 5, Alternate Method for Saddle Winches (Figure 571-G-4) - This technique may be used to test saddle winches. The spanwire winch, anti-slack device and ram tensioner may be used to conduct static, dynamic and rated load tests of the saddle winch. Ram tensioner high pressure air must be adjusted for each test. 571-G-4 S9086-TK-STM-010 Figure 571-G-4. Alternate Method for Testing Saddle Winch 571-G-5 / (G-6 Blank) G-6 @@FIpgtype@@BLANK@@!FIpgtype@@ S9086-TK-STM-010 APPENDIX H TECHNICAL MANUAL DEFICIENCY/EVALUATION REPORT (TMDER) NOTE Ships, training activities, supply points, depots, Naval Shipyards, and Supervisors of Shipbuilding are requested to arrange for the maximum practical use and evaluation of NAVSEA technical manuals. All errors, omissions, discrepancies, and suggestions for improvement to NAVSEA technical manuals shall be reported to the Commander, NAVSURFWARCENDIV, 4363 Missile Way, Port Hueneme, CA 93043-4307 on NAVSEA/ SPAWAR Technical Manual Deficiency/Evaluation Report (TMDER), NAVSEA Form 4160/1. To facilitate such reporting, print, complete, and mail NAVSEA Form 4160/1 below or submit TMDERS at web site https://nsdsa2.phdnswc.navy.mil/tmder/tmder-generate.asp?lvl=1 . All feedback comments shall be thoroughly investigated and originators will be advised of action resulting therefrom. TMDER / MAILER (on CDROM) 571-H-1 / (H-2 Blank) H-2 @@FIpgtype@@BLANK@@!FIpgtype@@ Ref: NAVSEAINST 4160.3A NAVSEA S0005-AA-GYD-030/TMMP NAVSEA/SPAWAR TECHNICAL MANUAL DEFICIENCY/EVALUATION REPORT (TMDER) INSTRUCTIONS: Continue on 8 ½” x 11” page if additional space is needed. 1. Use this report to indicate deficiencies, problems and recommendations relating to publications. 2. 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Phone Numbers: Commercial ( ) FAX NAVSEA 4160/1 (Rev. 7-2003) S/N 0116-lf-985-4100 - DSN ( ) - FOLD HERE AND TAPE SECURELY PLEASE DO NOT STAPLE INCLUDE COMPLETE ADDRESS USE PROPER POSTAGE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY COMMANDER CODE 310 BLDG 1389 NAVSURFWARCENDIV NSDSA 4363 MISSILE WAY PORT HUENEME, CA 93043-4307 FOLD HERE AND TAPE SECURELY PLEASE DO NOT STAPLE