2 0 1 2 A N N U A L R E P O R T
2 0 1 2 A N N U A L R E P O R T
2 0 1 2 A N N U A L R E P O R T CO NTEN TS 02 LETTERS 04 CREATIVE CAPITAL AGENDA 08 ECONOMIC OUTLOOK 12 STRATEGY 1: Business Development 16 STRATEGY 2: International Development 20 STRATEGY 3: Entrepreneurship & Innovation 24 STRATEGY 4: Global Branding 28 STRATEGY 5: Talent Development Adam Knapp, CEO & President 32 STRATEGY 6: Regional Competitiveness 34 FuturePAC 36 AWARDS 38 BOARD MEMBERS 40 INVESTORS Selfie: \self-¯e\ n. A genre of self-portrait photograph, typically taken with a hand-held digital camera or camera phone. Selfies are often associated with social networking and are commonly posted on photo-sharing sites. They are often casual and are typically taken either with a camera or smart phone held at arm’s length or in a mirror. Inside 1 2012 was a great year for our regional and state economic development, but also a tough year for some businesses and the national economic landscape as effects of the national recession lingered. Through it all, BRAC worked tirelessly to make great strides taking the Capital Region to the next level, and helping businesses grow and thrive. Although 2013 is only the third year of the Creative Capital Agenda, BRAC’s five-year strategic plan for the Capital Region to continue national and global competitiveness, our goals were exceeded in 2012, and our award-winning business development team has set high expectations for 2013. Out of 4,500 economic development organizations worldwide, BRAC was chosen for the third consecutive year as one of the top ten by Site Selection magazine. It was indeed a landmark year. Projects currently in the pipeline indicate that BRAC will have another incredible year, as low natural gas prices and digital media momentum continue to bring great prospects and new investment. As this report outlines, BRAC played an integral role in several important project announcements that will create 1,128 new jobs, $78.1 million in new payroll, and $3.5 billion in new capital investment. The organization’s annual goal was $40 million in new payroll from 1,000 jobs. In partnership with parish allies and LED, BRAC achieved 195 percent of its performance goal for new payroll. It’s the direct and indirect impact of the payroll from high-paying jobs that ripples across our economy and helps all businesses, big and small, in our region. The year also set new BRAC records for average annual wage per announced job ($68,125, previously $56,232) and total capital investment ($3.5 billion, previously $831.5 million). Looking ahead, BRAC will continue to make workforce development a major priority. The anticipated expansions of existing businesses and increase in relocating businesses will create a demand for qualified workers in a diverse range of fields. Louisiana has a very pro-business tax code, and BRAC will advocate to the legislature to protect pro-economic development tax structure. BRAC recognizes the need to protect our small businesses and will continue to seek an improved tax structure that would be beneficial to that end. BRAC will provide thorough research and formulate positions that lead advocacy efforts during the 2013 Louisiana Legislative Session and beyond, while also monitoring regional policies. There were many notable achievements for the organization for the year, all of which are covered in detail throughout this report. However, several are worth pointing out here: • BRAC was named one of the top ten economic development organizations in the U.S. for the third consecutive year by Site Selection magazine, a first in Louisiana. • The Louisiana Legislature approved a high school career/workforce training program, school board term limits, and new charter school authorization measures during the 2012 session. • Our region now has eleven certified sites under LED’s Site Certification program, while the state has a total of thirty-one, giving the Capital Region 35.5 percent of certified sites in the state. • BRAC worked with a global site-selection firm, Newmark Knight Frank (NKF), to produce a new target industries strategy for the Baton Rouge Area, as well as strategies for securing new global investments within those industries. WE ACTIVELY ENGAGE OUR LEGISLATORS TO PROTECT OUR HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS AND ACT IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THE FUTURE OF OUR GREAT REGION. 2012 was a great year to be involved with BRAC. Through the support of investors, board members, and a talented staff, the organization brought many positive achievements to the region. I am honored to have served as the chairman of your board during this time and look forward to contributing to the future successes of the organization and the region in the years to come. Scott Chenevert 2012 Chairman of the Board 2 Letters Higher education will continue to be one of our major priorities, as the region needs new solutions to prevent further funding declines that negatively impact the quality of education provided to our future business leaders. Through FuturePAC, the political arm of BRAC, we actively engage our legislators to protect our higher education institutions and act in the best interest of the future of our great region. Finally, the region needs additional certified industrial sites and more available, viable commercial real estate. Having these development-ready sites will increase the amount of activity the region receives from site-selection consultants and business executives looking for locations to relocate or expand. Through our certified sites program, BRAC will continue to identify and prepare development-ready sites prime for economic development. Completing these efforts will require collaboration from investors, the board, staff, our regional partners, and the state. By working together, we can continue to make progress on the six strategies of the Creative Capital Agenda. With this effort, 2013 can be a banner year that exceeds expectations. I look forward to leading and contributing to these efforts. Pat Felder, 2013 Chairman of the Board 3 Creative Capital Agenda The Baton Rouge Area has a great number of assets that improve quality of life. Everyone’s had to decide between taking a walk through the nature trails in East Feliciana or taking a stroll along the river into the growing and vibrant downtown. Between a festival in Ascension or a concert at LSU. CREATIVE plan comes to an end, these choices will International Development [ 16-19 ] One thing that has always made the Baton Rouge Area so rich is our mix of different cultures. Part of the five-year plan is focusing on foreign direct investment in the region. It’s part of who we are after all. Entrepreneurship and Innovation [ 20-23 ] The Capital Region is a wonderful place to do business, and BRAC works tirelessly to advocate for our entrepreneurs and innovators to foster their development and growth. Global Brand [ 24-27 ] Talent Development [ 28-31 ] only improve. BRAC’s five-year strategic plan is based around six core concepts, each of which serves to make a more exciting, more competitive, 4 A quick peek inside will show the past year was a fantastic fertilizer. New jobs and capital investments are popping up in record numbers. Creative Capital of the South® celebrates innovation, and like our other celebrations, this helps to expand the Capital Region’s global brand awareness. After all, we have our own rhythm here. It should be heard by all. As the second year of our five-year strategic and more prosperous Capital Region. Job Creation [ 12-15 ] Erin Monroe Wesley, Executive Vice President and COO AFTER ALL, WE HAVE OUR OWN RHYTHM HERE. IT SHOULD BE HEARD BY ALL. The Baton Rouge Area has a reputation for churning out impressive college graduates from its many universities. It’s time to make sure they call the area home. BRAC has been working toward bringing alums back to help the region reach its full potential. Regional Development [ 32-33 ] The purpose of the five-year plan is to continue to grow a strong economy. We at BRAC are proud to provide advocacy, based upon our thorough research and due diligence. 5 Rachel Pierson, Director of Business Development (Consultant Recruitment) 6 7 2012 UNEMPLOYMENT RATE 2012 UNEMPLOYMENT RATE Economic Outlook 8 Another year, another set of goals achieved leading to tremendous growth, success, and prosperity. 380,100 Liz Cooke, Policy and Research Project Manager Baton Rouge MSA Employment has not peaked 380,000 since December 2008. TOTAL NONFARM EMPLOYMENT 9 Larry Collins, Director of Business Development (Regional) 10 11 $3.5 BILLION CAPITAL INVESTMENT STRATEGY 1 Records This year, we’ve got a lot to celebrate, as BRAC set a fantastic record for business development. BRAC hit a new high in announcing $3.5 BILLION in NEW CAPITAL INVESTMENT for the year. It also hit a record for AVERAGE SALARY per new job with $69,237. THIRTEEN PROJECT WINS led to 1,128 NEW JOBS annnounced, with $78.1 MILLION total in NEW PAYROLL. 12 Business Development Iain Vasey, Executive Director of Business Development CF INDUSTRIES $2.1 BILLION CAPITAL INVESTMENT 93 NEW JOBS, $5.3 M PAYROLL 13 WINS Wins BRAC announced thirteen new projects or “wins” in 2013. Two of these wins come from Foreign Direct Investments, where Avalon Rare Metals and Methanex brought in a total of 305 jobs and $850 million capital investment. BRAC also made great strides in the Digital Media sector. Pixomondo and Presonus announced 140 jobs with a $10.45 million payroll, and Ameritas added to that with 300 jobs and a $18.9 million payroll. Altogether, $10 million in capital investments were made in digital media. ExxonMobil kept up the good work, seeing 9 new jobs with a $675,000 payroll and $36.5 million capital investment in West Baton Rouge, while gaining 36 jobs with a $2.7 million payroll and $143.5 million capital investment in East Baton Rouge. C.F. Industries also announced 93 new jobs, $5.3 million new payroll and $2.1 billion in capital investment. BASF made two announcements during 2013 including 58 new jobs, $4.1 million in new payroll, and $233 million in capital investment. Other notable wins included: DMC, Air Liquide, and Nachurs Alpine which brought in a combined 187 jobs, a $12.6 million payroll and $108.9 million in capital investment. 13 DMC $10 Jared Smith, Director of Business Development (East Baton Rouge Parish) MILLION BASF [ 2 WINS ] $233 CAPITAL INVESTMENT MILLION NEW JOBS, 58 CAPITAL INVESTMENT 166 $11.6 M NEW JOBS, $4.1 M NEW PAYROLL NEW PAYROLL Staff photo, title EXXONMOBIL [ 2 WINS ] $180 MILLION CAPITAL INVESTMENT 45 NEW JOBS, $3.4 M NEW PAYROLL Staff Photo Here 14 15 DMC Carter Chambers, based out of the Netherlands, announced its intentions to spend $10 million consolidating its Highland Road office with those in Geismar and Prairieville to create its first United States headquarters. To do this, it overlooked major metro areas such as Houston. Canada’s Avalon Rare Metals plans to build a separation plant and refinery in Ascension Parish. Canada’s Methanex is going so far as to move a plant that’s currently in Chile right here to Geismar. Air Liquide, an industrial gas provider based in France, must enjoy our area’s own French heritage, as the company has heavily invested in the Louisiana facility. Finally, the world-wide, Academy Awardwinning visual effects company Pixomondo has opened its twelfth facility here in Baton Rouge. It will operate in collaboration with their facilities in L.A., Toronto, Berlin, and Shanghai. STRATEGY 2 AMERITAS $1 MILLION CAPITAL INVESTMENT 300 NEW JOBS, $18.9M NEW PAYROLL NACHURS ALPINE $13.9 MILLION CAPITAL INVESTMENT 16 NEW JOBS, $731K NEW PAYROLL Part of BRAC’s strategic plan has been to strengthen the Baton Rouge Area’s clout in the world International Development of international development and bring more FDI to the region. Which is exactly what we’ve done. 16 PIXOMONDO $2 MILLION CAPITAL INVESTMENT 75 NEW JOBS, $5.25M NEW PAYROLL 17 AIR LIQUIDE Jim Bourgeois, Director of Business Development (Corporate Recruitment) METHANEX $550 MILLION CAPITAL INVESTMENT 130 NEW JOBS, $10.3M NEW PAYROLL 18 $85 MILLION CAPITAL INVESTMENT 5 NEW JOBS, $280K NEW PAYROLL AVALON RARE METALS $300 MILLION CAPITAL INVESTMENT 175 NEW JOBS, $13.1 M NEW PAYROLL 19 STRATEGY 3 Entrepreneurship & Innovation 20 From the second Baton Rouge Entrepreneurship Week to creating a new entrepreneurial program for budding entrepreneurs, innovation in the Red Stick has never been so high or so exciting. 2012 PROGRAMS PRESONUS $7 Research Park Corp. approved Step One Ventures, a program that will support entrepreneurs as they work to get MILLION established. Research Park Corporation pledged $1.8 million to the campaign CAPITAL INVESTMENT during the next three years. BRAC will remain actively engaged with this 65 organization as it develops. Baton Rouge hosted its second Baton NEW JOBS, Rouge Entrepreneurship Week (BREW), $5.2M featuring New York Times bestselling author Josh Linkner, high-ranking member of the U.S. State Dept. NEW PAYROLL Rhonda Binda and, of course, Raising Cane’s Chicken Fingers founder Todd Graves, as well as too many more industrious CEOs to list. The Louisiana StartupBus was one of eight teams in the nation to be presented Pearce Cinman, Director of Business Intelligence at South by Southwest in Austin, Texas. Teams left from cities across the nation on their own StartupBuses, hoping to create a new business before arriving in Austin. The Louisiana StartupBus beat out more than fifty other teams. 21 Terri Meyer, Executive Assistant to CEO/President 22 23 The Baton Rouge Area has long STRATEGY 4 been a heralded destination for the young, ambitious men and women of Louisiana. BRAC aims to show the rest of the world all the region has to offer as it works to attract businesses and talented individuals from across the country. Phillip LaFargue, Senior Vice-President of Marketing Global Branding By using the global brand, Creative Capital of the South,® we significantly increased participation in our talent database, proudly disseminating our opportunities across the country. With the use of social media and a two-month media campaign, we were able to communicate the assets of the new Capital Region, from fun events like the Color Run to terrifying ones like 13th Gate to intellectual endeavors like the River Road Museum. 24 25 Nancy Little, Director of Events Veronica Young, Bookkeeper 26 27 STRATEGY 5 Talent Development Talent is what holds a thriving business community together, and the Baton Rouge Area has taken some tremendous strides in developing it. Among them are the launch of R3 and BRAIN, as well as reaching out to more local colleges and high schools. • R3, otherwise known as Regional Relocation Resources, is a service that helps local businesses attract and retain talent through three steps: identifying and recruiting talent, removing any obstacles preventing recruitment success, and making sure that any new hires are quickly at home in our region. The R3 program includes regional tours for those considering a move to the area. The tour features signature Baton Rouge Area businesses including Circa 1857 and Calvin’s market. • Rather than waiting passively for local talent to come to us, BRAC launched BRAIN or the Baton Rouge Area Intern Network. The program connects local college students with our local businesses for internships, both prepping the students and helping businesses launch or develop internship programs. • Of course, prepping our local students for the business world is one thing, but keeping them in the Baton Rouge Area is another. This past year we entered into a memorandum of understanding with the alumni associations of LSU, Southern University, Episcopal High School, Baton Rouge High School, and McKinley High School, creating partnerships to help keep the Baton Rouge Area’s students in the Baton Rouge Area, or to bring back the ones who have left. • We also worked with existing companies seeking employees with our talent database, which has helped more than twenty companies find candidates outside of the region. 28 R3 HELPS LOCAL BUSINESSES IDENTIFY AND RECRUIT TALENT, REMOVE ANY OBSTACLES THAT PREVENT RECRUITMENT, AND ENSURE THAT NEW HIRES QUICKLY FEEL AT HOME IN OUR AREA. Julie Laperouse, Director of Talent Development ereh noitpac otohP ereh noitpac otohP 29 Karen Zito, Director of Investor Development 30 31 STRATEGY 6 While things like global branding and international development are important, remaining competitive in our region is first and foremost. This entails more than being competitive in business. While we’ve got fun down, we must be competitive in education, have lower crime rates, and sustain a well-functioning mass transit system. This year, we’ve addressed all of the above. • In 2012 BRAC successfully supported teacher tenure reform, a statewide voucher program, new chartering measures, and the introduction of school board term limits, all of which will mean one thing: a better tomorrow for Louisiana. • Locally, BRAC helped support East Baton Rouge Parish’s national search for a superintendent and published a report card on the district’s performance. Regional Competitiveness • BRAC played a central role in the increase in funding for mass transit in East Baton Rouge. • The Crime Council helped usher in a new crime-fighting program known as BRAVE, or the Baton Rouge Area Violence Elimination program. The program aims to deter violence by targeting crime leaders and giving them a clear message that the full brunt of the law will be felt if violence continues. • Finally, we improved workforce-training solutions for two-year colleges and created a health care clinical trials consortium. Ryan Simpson, Policy and Research Project Manager 32 33 A political action committee is only as effective as the men and women it supports. FuturePAC saw six endorsed candidates, including East Baton Rouge Mayor-President Kip Holden, welcomed into office in 2013. It saw school board term limits passed, and West Feliciana’s economic development funding renewed. As the only economic development PAC in the state of Louisiana, our duty was FuturePAC not to any candidate but to our state and our region. We proudly upheld that duty and will continue to do so. 34 Dorothy Stillson, Executive Assistant to Sr. Vice Presidents of Governmental Affairs and Economic Competitiveness 35 Not to brag, but this is our annual report,and we brought home a couple trophies in 2012! These included: Lauren Songy Hatcher, Director of Marketing Operations • BRAC was named for the third year as a top ten economic development organization by Site Selection magazine. • The Capital Region was chosen as the best metropolitan area for new and expanded corporate facilities by Site Selection magazine. • Southern Economic Development Council granted BRAC the Excellent Award for 2011’s rock star reception. > TOP TEN ECONOMIC DEV ORG > BEST METROPOLITAN AREA Site Selection magazine Taylor Kimball, Communications 36 • We’re not blind to the irony of announcing these in an annual report, but we have to tell you somehow about the International Economic Development Council Silver Award for 2010’s annual report and Southern Economic Development Council’s Merit Award for 2011’s. Awards 37 DIRECTORS Officers 2012 Board Scott Chenevert Chair Jones Walker Adam Knapp President and CEO Baton Rouge Area Chamber Scott Wester Past Chair & FuturePAC Chair Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center Astrid Clements Secretary East Baton Rouge Mortgage Finance Authority Pat Felder Chair Elect Felder’s Collision Parts, Inc. Barry Kilpatrick Treasurer Iberia Bank Russel Primeaux General Counsel Kean Miller LLP Vice Chairs Hutch McClendon Innovation Council AC&C, LLC Clay Pinson Small Business Council Massengale Grounds Management Tim Johnson Legislative Affairs The Tim Johnson Consulting Group, LLC Ann Forte’ Trappey Transportation Council Forte and Tablada William Holman Healthcare Council BR General Medical Center Steve Blume International Council ExxonMobil Jim Ellis Building Committee Taylor, Porter, Brooks, & Phillips 38 Board of Directors Van R. Mayhall, Jr. Crime Council Breazeale, Sachse, &Wilson, LLP Danny Montelaro Education Council Regions Bank Michael Hunt BDAC Chair Phelps Dunbar LLP Lee Carney All Star Automotive Group Eduardo Do Val Dow Chemical Company Teri Fontenot Woman’s Hospital Flynn Foster Guaranty Broadcasting Group Steven Heymsfield Pennington Biomedical Research Center Lee Jenkins Performance Contractors, Inc. William Jenkins LSU System William Lockwood All Star Automotive Group Stephen Loy Research Park Corporation Richard Manship Manship Media Matt McKay All Star Automotive Group John Overton Turnkey Solutions, LLC John Spain Baton Rouge Area Foundation Jim Austin Adams and Reese Paul Favaron Coca-Cola Bottling Ric Kearny Capital One Bank Tim Mockler Mockler Beverage Company Robert Schneckenburger JPMorgan Chase Cindy Wale Investar Bank Jacqui Beauchamp Nerjyzed Entertainment Perry Franklin Franklin Industries Shelby LaSalle G.E.C., Inc. Monique Scott-Spaulding JaniKing Baton Rouge Shannon Bernard Primerica Fran Gladden Cox Communications Chris Loar Ascension Parish Council Ryland Percy Percy, Stromberg, Bush, & Lanoux Joe Ben WelchRiver Parishes Community College David Bondy LUBA Workers Comp Troy Hebert Whitney Bank John Lombardi LSU System Sandy Breland WAFB/WBXH Terry Hill Milton J. Womack, Inc. Ronald Mason Southern University System Teri Casso St. Elizabeth Foundation Dwayne Honoré D. Honoré Construction Eric McMillen Ocshner Medical Center Sharon Cole Dow Chemical Company Jim Horton Baton Rouge Community College Julio Melara The Greater Baton Rouge Business Report Michael Hudson Clear Channel Radio Philip Meyers G.E.C., Inc. Michael Reitz Blue Cross Blue Shield of LA Eli Jones EJ Ourso College of Business Andrea Miller Baton Rouge Community College Kevin Schexnayder Whitney Bank Michael DePaul LUBA Workers Comp John Donofrio The Shaw Group Bubba Phillips Sun Plus, Inc. Mathew “Butch” Plauche Harry L. Laws & Company Sheila Pounders Entergy Hugh Raetzsch Lyons Specialty Company Sean Reilly Lamar Advertising Company Michael Songy CSRS Steve Stein Hancock Bank Robert Stuart Capital One Bank Collis Temple Harmony Center, Inc. Amanda Wells Jones Walker Luther “Buddy” Wells All Star Automotive Thomas Yura BASF Keith Tillage Tillage Construction Stephen Toups Turner Industries Group, LLC Mitch Wadsen Ocshner Medical Center Note: For the sake of inclusion, board members serving partial terms in 2012 have been included 39 25+ YEARS Campus Federal Credit Union Girl Scouts Louisiana East AAA Air Conditioning Service of Baton Rouge, Inc. Capital Area United Way Gordon & Sandifer Auto Service, Inc. AAA Insurance/Travel Acadian Ambulance Service Investors Acme Refrigeration of Baton Rouge, Inc. Advantage Personnel Allied Waste Services Aluminum Specialties Manufacturing American Red Cross Audubon Elementary School Baton Rouge Apartment Association 50+ YEARS Airtrol, Inc. Albemarle Corporation AT & T Louisiana Baton Rouge Beer Agency Baton Rouge Coca-Cola Bottling Company Baton Rouge Water Company Billy Heroman’s Flowerland, Inc. Blue Cross Blue Shield of LA Breazeale, Sachse & Wilson, LLP Capital One Bank Baton Rouge General Medical Center Clear Channel Communications Baton Rouge Tobacco Company, Inc. Cocreham Brick & Stone, Inc. Dermatology Clinic Entergy Louisiana Executone of Central Louisiana, Inc. ExxonMobil Eye Medical Center Franklin Press Direct Mail and Printing Frost-Barber, Inc. Kantrow, Spaht, Weaver & Blitzer, APLC Louisiana Aircraft, LLC Powers, Sellers, Mixon & Chapoton, L.L.P. The Lamar Corporation McArthur-Sanchez Associates / The Benefits Solution Group Rabenhorst Funeral Home The Plumbing Warehouse/LCR SJB Group, LLC WBRZ-TV LA Television Broadcasting Milton J. Womack, Inc., General Contractor Moody-Price, LLC. Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center Postlethwaite & Netterville Star Service, Inc. of Baton Rouge Taylor, Porter, Brooks & Phillips The Advocate The Dow Chemical Company Whitney Bank Champion Graphics Chase Suite Hotel by Woodfin Cintas Corporation CMC Rebar Coleman Partners Architects, LLC GOTECH, Inc. Grace & Hebert Architects, APAC Grady Crawford Construction Company Greater Baton Rouge Association of Realtors Collins-Oliver, Inc. Greater Baton Rouge State Fair Community Coffee Company, LLC Group Insurance, Incorporated Co-Op Book Store, Inc. Gulf South Business Systems & Consultants Cortana Mall Visit Baton Rouge Cox Communications Hannis T. Bourgeois, L.L.P. Baton Rouge Printing Company, Inc. Crump Wilson Architects Harris, Deville & Associates Beech Grove Management, Inc. Deep South Equipment Company HNTB Corporation Bengal Products, Inc. Dolese Bros. Company Bennett’s Bookkeeping, Inc. Dugas Pest Control of Baton Rouge Better Business Bureau of South Central Louisiana Easterly Law Office Jones Walker, LLP EMCO Technologies Junior Achievement of Greater Baton Rouge, Inc. Boh Brothers Construction Company, LLC Boy Scouts of America-Istrouma Council Brown-Eagle Group, Inc. Encore Associates, Inc. Financial Consulting Services, Inc. Formosa Plastics Corp. Frank G. Sullivan. Jr. Contractor G.N. Gonzales, LLC BRPT-LAKE Rehabilitation Center Gage Telephone Systems, Inc. Burns & Company, Inc., Realtors Gambino’s Bakery Camelot Club 40 Catholic High School Georgia-Pacific Human Resource Management Associates, Inc. John B. Noland KPMG LLP Kurz & Hebert Commercial Real Estate, Inc. Steve Sparks, Director of Business Retention and Expansion La Capitol Federal Credit Union LaPorte Lipsey’s, LLC Livingston Parish Chamber of Commerce Lofton Staffing 41 Louisiana Art & Science Museum Peterbilt of Louisiana Louisiana Business Inc. Petrin Corporation Louisiana Dealer Services Insurance, Inc. Phelps Dunbar, LLP Louisiana Motor Transport Association LSU AgCenter - Office of the Chancellor Louisiana State University System (LSU) March of Dimes, South Louisiana Chapter Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center Mary Frey Eaton Michael Glover, CPA A Professional Accounting Corp Michael R. Choate & Company CPAs, PC New York Life Insurance Thomas McConathy Ochsner Health Plan Owen & White, Inc. Parish Water Company Pennington Oil Company, Inc. Performance Contractors, Inc. 42 Phyllis Perron & Associates, Inc. Post Architects Premiere Company R. Michael Lee, DDS Raymond JamesMorgan Keegan & Co., Inc. Regions Bank Republic Services (BFI Waste Services, LLC) Reulet Electric Supplies School Aids Sherwood Tower Office Complex Southeastern Overhead Door Company, Inc. Southern Key Investments, Inc. Stanley Convergent Security Solutions The Newtron Group, Inc. The Rubber House of Baton Rouge, Inc. Tony’s Seafood, Ltd. Turner Industries, LLC WAFB-TV9 Wampold Companies West Baton Rouge Chamber of Commerce Woman’s Hospital Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) 10+ YEARS A.G. Building Specialists, Inc. Acoustical Specialties & Supply, Inc. Antares Technology Solutions, Inc. Appraisal Consultants Arc Baton Rouge Arnold & Associates Interiors Arts Council of Greater Baton Rouge Ascension Chamber of Commerce Avant-Garde Consulting Service Inc. AWC, Inc. Adams and Reese, LLP Baton Rouge Duplicating Products Advanced Microelectronics, Incorporated Baton Rouge Limousine Service, Inc. Air Compressor Energy Systems, Inc. Baton Rouge Metropolitan Airport All Star Automotive Group Baton Rouge Parents Magazine Alliance Safety Council Baton Rouge Press Allstate Insurance Rosalind Campbell Baton Rouge Raceway American Audio Visual, LLC American Gateway Bank American Rigging & Supply, Inc. Ameriprise Financial Baton Rouge Symphony Baton Rouge Telco Federal Credit Union Baton Rouge Weekly Press Newspaper Bayou Duplantier Beathley Allstate Insurance Coleman Brown Architects Digital Press & Graphics Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank Benny’s Car Wash College Drive Mini Storage Climate Control Diverse Companies Worldwide, LLC Greater Baton Rouge Industry Alliance, Inc. Community Care Center of Baker Dykes Electric, Inc. Computer Heaven, Inc. E. Jacob Fakouri Construction Gregory M. Eaton, Attorney Computer Specialist, Inc. EATEL/Sunshine Media Council For A Better Louisiana Elizabethan Gallery Courtyard by Marriott Siegen Lane Embassy Suites Hotel Berente Companies BHA, Inc. Big River Glass, Inc. Blue Bell Creameries, LP Boutin’s Restaurant, LLC Bozeman Distributors Buquet & LeBlanc, Inc. C. J. Brown Realtors Capital Region Builders Association CB&I (The Shaw Group) Celebration Station Celtic Marine Corporation Chef KD Louisiana Legends Chesteen & Associates, LLC Citizens Bank & Trust Classic Industrial Services, Inc. CMA Technology Solutions CoCo’s Flooring Covering Coldwell Banker One Cracker Barrel Stores, Inc. Employer Support Services, Inc. CRC, Inc. of Louisiana Ethan Allen Grand Gallery, Inc. Guaranty Group Guaranty Income Life Insurance Company Guglielmo Marks Schutte Terhoeve & Love, Attorney Felder’s Collision Parts, Inc. Hanlon Properties Fireside Antiques Hearin Properties PODS Diamond Mazda, Inc. Diane Allen & Associates, Inc. Digestive Health Center of Louisiana ITI Technical College J.W. Grand, Inc. Juban’s Restaurant & Catering Hampton Inn I-10 & College Dr. DEMCO ISC Constructors, LLC Gully, Phelps & McKey, Inc. Faulk & Winkler, LLC Delta College of Arts & Technology InRegister Jeffrey M. Kadair, DDS CSRS, INC. Daniel A. Reed Seale, Smith, Zuber & Barnette Innovative Steel Detailing, Inc. Gulf Coast Social Services H.V. Sales Company, Inc. Fitness & Media Management for Spectrum Fitness Clubs Iberville Chamber of Commerce Jefferson Animal Hospital Evans-Graves Engineers, Inc. Damico & Stockstill Attorney at Law Hyatt Place Gulf Coast BIDCO Credit Bureau of Baton Rouge Daigrepont & Brian, APAC Computer Center High Tech Security Systems, Inc. Louisiana Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Louisiana Gold & Coins Louisiana Primary Care Association, Inc. LUBA Workers’ Comp Lance Hayes Designs & Flowers Lyons Speciality Company, LLC/ AA Vending Service Landsource, Inc. Larry K’s Realtor Latter & Blum Garrison Advertising Home Furniture Company LEMIC Insurance Company Gerard Furniture & Gallery Homewood Suites by Hilton Lighting & Electrical Associates of BR Honeywell Livingston Economic Development Council HSoft Consulting Perkins Louisiana Department of Economic Development LA Technology Park, LLC Hollywood Casino Glenn M. Kidder, DDS A Professional Dental Corp. Louisiana Companies Keller Consulting, LLC Hollingsworth Court Reporting Frazee Recruiting Consultants, Inc. Louisiana Casino Association Louisiana Retailers Association LATAN/LA Assistive Technology Access Network FMOL Health System, Inc. Louisiana Business and Technology Center M & S Electric MAPP Construction, LLC McLavy, Ltd. Nolan Kimble Interiors Object 9 Ochsner Clinic Foundation Baton Rouge Ochsner Clinic, LLC Ochsner Home Care Services Odyssey Jewelry Manufacturing, Inc. On Hold Systems Optimal Health Out-Patient Clinic Otey White & Associates Advertising & Public Relations Our Lady of the Lake College Our Lady of the Lake Foundation Patrician Management, Inc. Pennington Biomedical Research Center Peters Forest Resources, Inc. Precision Industries Merit Electrical, Inc. Preferred Telephone Systems Michael C. Palmintier Price LeBlanc Lexus Toyota Mid South Transportation Professional Printer of Baton Rouge, Inc. Neopost/ American Mailing & Shipping Provost Salter Harper & Alford, LLC Public Affairs Research Council of Louisiana Quality Litigation Support, Inc. Raising Cane’s Ralph and Kacoo’s Rampart Resources, Inc. Reflections, Inc. Regions Insurance Retirement Consultants of LA Richard L. Wampold, DDS River City Air Xpress Roedel, Parsons, Koch, Blache, Balhoff & McCollister Sam’s Wholesale Club Saurage Rotenberg Commercial Real Estate, LLC SCORE - Service Corps of Retired Executive Select Properties, Ltd. Realty SGS Petroleum Service Corporation ShareVista Sherwood Middle School Sigma Consulting Group, Inc. 43 Jennifer Vidrine, Policy and Research Project Analyst Nadine Donner, Controller 44 45 \Source Capital Southern Fastener & Tool Company, Inc. Southpoint Volkswagen Sparkhound St. James Place Stantec (ABMB Engineers) State Farm Insurance Stan Douglas Stonetrust Commercial Insurance Company Submeter One, LLC Success Labs Sugar Industry Equipment, Inc. Sunshine Pages by EATEL Target Marketing The Baton Rouge Clinic, A.M.C. The Day Group The Office Helper The People Factor, LLC The Powell Group The Storage Center - Old Hammond Hwy. The Young Leaders Academy Thomas A. Cotten, CPA 46 Tiger Rag Magazine WRKF-FM/Public Radio, Inc. American Cancer Society Baker Printing, Inc. Toner Recyclers, Inc. Yellow Cab American Institute of Architects Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell, and Berkowitz, PC Toni & Associcates Job Finders/ Job Temps Transfinancial Companies Turn Key Solutions, LLC Turner Professional Services, Ltd. Turner Staffing, Ltd. UBS Financial Services United Blood Services URS Corporation Utility Systems Services, Inc. Venyu Solutions Inc. Vittoria F. Lovisa & Associates Volunteers of America Greater Baton Rouge Williamsburg Senior Living Community WLPB - TV Louisiana Public Broadcasting Network Wolf Creek Business Growth Institute 0-10 YEARS 225 96.1 The River A. Charles Stewart Consultants ABB-KTEK Absolute Document Destruction Academic Center for Student Athletes Acadian Frame & Art Accion TexasLouisiana Accurate Medical Billing, LLC ACG Louisiana (Association Corporate Growth) Acme Oyster House Acura - Infiniti of Baton Rouge Advance Baton Rouge Advantous Consulting, LLC Air-Nu of Baton Rouge, LLC Alzheimer’s Sevices Amedisys, Inc. America’s Thrift Stores Anton’s Fine Jewelry Anytime Fitness Jefferson Hwy. Apartment Finder of Baton Rouge Apollo Behavioral Health Hospital, LLC AquaPure of Louisiana Armstrong Relocation Ascension Economic Development Corporation BASF Corporation Baskins Western & Work Wear Baton Rouge Area Foundation Baton Rouge Army Recruiting Battalion Baton Rouge Black Chamber Baton Rouge Growth Coalition Baton Rouge Health Care Center Baton Rouge Heritage House Ashco Exteriors Inc. Baton Rouge River Center Assaf, Simoneaux, Tauzin & Associates Baton Rouge Scottish Rite Childhood Speech and Language Center Associated Grocers, Inc. Atmos Energy Louisiana Auto Rebuild Center Aveda Institute Baton Rouge Axiall (Georgia Gulf) Baker Chamber of Commerce Battered Women’s Program Capital Area Family Violence Bayou Coatings, LLC Best Western Denham Springs Bistro Byronz BizCard Xpress Printing and Signs Bizzuka, Inc. Boardwalk Place Boudreaux’s Fine Jewelers BRADIC BREC Recreation & Park Commission for the Parish of EBR BREC’S Baton Rouge Zoo Britton & Koontz Bank, N.A. Carville Job Corps Center Cash America International Cassie Felder & Associates, LLC Celtic Commercial Services Celtic International Shipping Agency Cenikor Brock Services Ltd Central Chamber of Commerce Brookwood Properties, LLC/ dba/The Storage Center Central Economic Development Foundation Brown Claims Management Group Bryson Law Firm, LLC Business First Bank Butler, Snow, O’Mara, Stevens & Cannada, PLLC C. H. Fenstermaker & Associates, Inc. Cajun Industries, LLC Campus Crossings at Highland Capitol City Family Health Center (CCFHC) Capitol City Produce Company, LLC CH2M Hill Chase Home Finance Chef Don Bergeron Enterprises Chelsea’s Chenevert Architects, LLC Citadel Broadcasting Company City of Baton Rouge Office of the Mayor City of Central Louisiana City of Slaughter City of St. Gabriel Clements Management, LLC Comfort Inn Concrete & Aggregates Association of Louisiana Consumer Credit Counseling Services Country Legends 107.3 Covalent Logic Cypress Title D. Honoré Construction Daniel & Eustis, LLC Debra Williams CLTC, MDRT Design Precast & Pipe, Inc. Dezins Interactive, LLC Didier Consultants, Inc. Distinctive Homes by Watson Domino’s Pizza Distribution Donaldsonville Chamber of Commerce Doug Welborn Clerk of Court Douglas Manship Sr. Theater, LLC Dow LA Federal Credit Union Downtown Business Association Downtown Duplicating Drury Inn & First American Bank Group Novak, LLC & Associates, LLC First Bank and Trust Gulf Coast Bank & Trust IBERIA BANK Duplantis Design Group, PC First Guaranty Bank ImmediaCARE D’Ville House Flowers Baking Company of Baton Rouge Gulf South Technology Solutions Suites Dub Johnson Paving Contractor, Inc. E Federal Credit Union E.B.S. Eagle 98.1 East Baton Rouge Council on Aging East Baton Rouge Mortgage Finance Authority East Baton Rouge Parish Housing Authority East Baton Rouge Parish Library East Feliciana Chamber of Commerce Foley & Judell Law Firm Forte and Tablada, Inc. Forum 35 Franklin Associates, LLC FranNet Louisiana Fugro Consultants, Inc. Gardner Wade DDS, LLC GatorWorks Web Design Ebi-Inc. GEC, Inc. Edgen Murray Corporation Geico Electronic Discovery of Baton Rouge ESPN Radio Evergreen Presbyterian Ministries Excel Group Excelerant Fabric Warehouse Firestone Complete Auto Care- Seigen Geoshield, LLC Glazer’s Wholesale GMFS, LLC Greater Baton Rouge Airport District Greater Baton Rouge Business Report Greater Pointe Coupee Chamber of Commerce Greater Shreveport Chamber of Commerce Habitat for Humanity of G.B.R. Iberville Parish Impact Management Group Hahn Roofing Impeccable Transportation Services, LLC Hamilton Relay Inkit Promotions Hargrove Engineers & Constructors Innovation Insights, LLC Health Care Centers in Schools Heritage Manor of Baton Rouge Hill Consulting, Inc. Hilton BR Capitol Center Hollingsworth Richards Automotive Group Innovative Waste Systems Investar Bank J.D.E., Inc. James H. Ware, Jr. Jani King of Baton Rouge Jerry del Rio Real Estate, Inc. JMR Commercial Real Estate JP Morgan Chase Home Bank Kean Miller, LLP Hometown Productions, Inc. L. A. Champagne & Co., LLP Hope Ministries of Baton Rouge L. J. Grezaffi D/B/A L. J. G. L. and Company Horne, LLP Hospice of Baton Rouge Hotel Indigo Baton Rouge Downtown Riverfront Human Capital Initiative Hunt, Guillot LA Association of Business and Industries LA Campaign for Tobacco Free Living Lake Towers LANtec Computer Training Center 47 Ashley Dugas, Administrative Coordinator, Business Development Diana Johnson, Manager of Investor Relations 48 49 Lard Oil Company LaTech Latter & Blum, Inc. Realtors Property Mgmt. Louisiana Staffing Unlimited, Inc. LSU - Athletics Latuso & Johnson, CPA, LLC LSU - Career Services L’auberge Hotel & Casino LSU - College of Music & Dramatic Arts Launch Media La-Z-Boy Furniture Galleries Lee Michaels Fine Jewelry Leotta-Evers Consulting Lewis Pierce Fine Clothing Lifeshare Blood Center Lighthouse Louisiana Lincoln Builders of Baton Rouge Little Village Restaurant Livingston Roofing Company & Sheetmetal, Inc. Long Law Firm Louisiana Association of Nonprofit Organizations Louisiana Bayou Bistro Louisiana Minority Supplier Development Council Louisiana Oil and Gas Association 50 Louisiana Radio Network LSU - Cook Conference Center & Hotel LSU - E. J. Ourso College of Business LSU - Executive MBA Prof. MBA Alumni Association LSU - Hightower John S. - LSU Law Center LSU - Honors College LSU - Hurricane Center LSU - Office of Intellectual Property, Commercialization & Development LSU - School of Architecture LSU - Stephenson Entrepreneurship Institute Maison Bocage Apartments/ Aronov Realty Management, Inc. Maison Dupuy Hotel Mallard Crossing Apartment Homes Manda Fine Meats Manship Media Mansurs on the Boulevard Marmillion Gray Media, Inc. Marsanne Golsby & Associates Massengale Grounds Management, Inc. Mattress Firm MAX 94.1 Max Fitness McGlinchey Stafford Medical Spa of Baton Rouge Mesh Integrated Marketing & Advertising Muscular Dystrophy Association MWH Americas, Inc. Myco-Com, Inc. New Country 100.7 Noesis Data Northwestern Mutual of LA Baton Rouge Nothing Bundt Cakes - Tiger Town Cakes Novel Aire Technologies Nu Vieux, LLC Oakhaven - CMHC of Baton Rouge obdEdge, LLC: Cellcontrol Office Depot Bluebonnet Office Furniture World, Inc. Old Jefferson Community Care Center Olinde’s Furniture Orion Instruments, LLC Orkin Pest Control Paragon Casino & Resort Paychex, Inc. Pepsi Americas Percy, Lanoux, Mumphrey & Martin- Attorneys at Law LSU System Research & Technology Foundation Myphone MD Peters Wealth Advisors, LLC National Ground Water Association Piccadilly Restaurants, LLC LSU / CBM2 Neel Schaffer Lumpkin Agency Neighbors Federal Credit Union Plank Road Cleaners MADD Network USA Plus One Design/ Construction Port of West Feliciana/ West Feliciana Parish Port Commission Portofino Papers, LLC Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc. Durwood Keller, Ind. Associate Prime Occupational Medicine Republic Finance, LLC Research Park Corp. Residence Inn by Marriott SRS Wealth Management Group, Inc. Ritter Maher Architects, LLC St. Elizabeth Foundation RMJ Consulting St. Francisville Chamber of Commerce Pro Sold Realty Professional Engineering Consultants Sage Environmental Consulting, L.P. Provident Resources Group, Inc. Q106.5 Quality Suites O’Neal Lane Quill Spradley & Spradley, Inc. Resource One Mortgage Sabine Pools, Spas & Furniture Protect Your Home - ADT authorized dealer Southern University System Foundation Sales & Marketing Executives (SME) Salvant Environmental Services, Inc. SCI Research Seedco Financial Services, Inc. Shaw Center for the Arts Starmount Life Insurance Company State Farm Insurance Joan Mire State Farm Insurance Joe Skibinski State Farm Insurance Towne Center Sterne Agee & Leach, Inc. Ralph’s of Baton Rouge, Inc. Shell Chemical Company Stirling Properties, LLC Ramware Sherman & Balhoff Orthodontics Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann LLC RE/MAX First - Dee Mather Muenzler RE/MAX Total Rich Alvarez Read Construction, LLC Real Estate America, LLC Red Oak Water Company, Inc. Red Roof Inn Stonehenge Capital Company The Communication Institute United Community Bank Strategic Communications The Economic Development Partnership Fund United Health Care of LA, Inc. Strix Louisiana, LLC The Graham Group Stuart & Company General Contractors The Office Bar, LLC STUN Design & Advertising The Port of Greater Baton Rouge Stupp Corporation Sullivan’s Steakhouse The X 104.5 & 104.9 Summit Integration Systems Tillage Construction, LLC Sun Plus, Inc. Top Choice Sunny 103.3 Topcor Companies, LLC SWBC Mortgage Sysc Food Services of New Orleans Talk Radio 1380 TRCG Advisors Teach For America Teppanyaki The Celtic Group Town of White Castle Townhomes of Sherwood Forest Tanger Outlet Center Teknarus The Relocation Center Tsunami Sushi U.S. Composite Pipe South Union Pacific Railroad University of Phoenix, Baton Rouge Learning Center UPS Store Jefferson Hwy Urban Entrepreneur Partnership Gulf Coast, Inc. (UEPGC) Urban Systems Associates, Inc. UREC (Urban Restoration Enhancement Corporation Vanguard College of Cosmetology, A Paul Mitchell Partner School Vantage Health Plan Neighborhood Market Coursey Blvd. Wal-Mart North Mall Drive Waskey Waste Management of LA, LLC Watts Didier Architects, LLC Weill, Dunn & Koch, LLC Wesley Construction Company, Inc. West Baton Rouge Convention & Visitors Bureau Wooddale Mental Health WPFC 1550 AM Wright Feigley Communications WXOK WYNK WYPY-FM/ WTGE-FM Xdesign, Inc. Youth Oasis Zachary Chamber of Commerce Zehnder Communications, Incorporated West Feliciana Community Development Foundation Westport Linen Services WFMF Venue at Northgate William H. “Bill” Lee II, CLTC Virginia College LLC Windstream Communications Wal-Mart WJBO Simmons Asset Management, LLC Snap Fitness Jefferson Highway Snelling Staffing Solomon Episcopal Conference Center Southern University Thank You! Regal Nails Salon & Spa, LLC 51 Lauren Grant, Investor Relations Jamie Richard, Operations Manager 52 Photo Sources: Wikimedia Commons: (thepipe26 – Mark B), getmahesh, Port of Baton Rouge, The Greater Baton Rouge Business Report brac.org
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