Arlington Independent School District Board of
Arlington Independent School District Board of
Arlington Independent School District Board of Trustees Communication Meeting Date: June 25, 2015 Consent Item Subject: Bids Purpose: To provide the Board of Trustees the opportunity to review the purchase of goods and services prior to final Board approval. Background: Bids presented on the consent agenda: 1) 15-55 – RFP for Auto Messaging System 2) 15-77 – RFP for Cleaning Supplies for Food & Nutrition Services 3) 15-79 – CSP for General Construction of Sandy McNutt Elementary School 4) 15-80 – RFP for Frozen & Refrigerated Food 5) 15-81 – RFP for Paper & Plastic Supplies for Food & Nutrition Services 6) 15-82 – RFP for Dry Staples & Canned Food 7) 15-84 – RFP for Temporary Labor for Food & Nutrition Services 8) 15-85 – RFP for Classroom Student Devices 9) 16-01 – Classroom & Office Furniture & Cafeteria Tables 10) 16-02 – Library Books (Jobbers) 11) 16-03 – Music Supplies & Sheet Music 12) 16-04 – Computer Supplies for Inventory & Catalog – Annual Contract 13) 16-05 – Charter Bus Service 14) 16-06 – Spring Athletic Sports Supplies & Catalog 15) 16-08 – Musical Instrument Repair Recommendation: The Administration recommends approval of the bids. Submitted to: Submitted by: Board of Trustees Arlington Independent School District Prepared by: Tammy Craig Date: 5/27/2015 TO: Cindy Powell Chief Financial Officer FROM: Tammy Craig Purchasing Director DATE: June 25, 2015 RE: RFP 15-55 Auto Messaging System RFP Number 15-55 is for an auto messaging system for the District. Responses were received from six vendors. All proposals were reviewed by a committee. Four vendors, Alert Solutions, Blackboard, Edulink, and School Messenger were selected for interviews. The evaluation details are in the memorandum attached. It is recommended that the low bid meeting specifications be awarded the contract as the best value for the District. cc: Tony Drollinger Executive Director of Finance To: Tammy Craig From: Mark Murray Date: June 17, 2015 Re: Messaging System RFP 15-55 Arlington ISD has been utilizing two messaging systems for more than 10 years. Title 1 schools use Blackboard/Teleparent for campus and teacher notifications while the Communications Department utilizes it for SMS and emergency notifications. All non-Title 1 campuses use Edulink's InTouch Dialer for campus notifications and attendance calls. The Technology Department made the decision this year to combine into a single notification system to simplify support and training. In early Spring, RFP 15-55 was posted and proposals solicited for a system that would be implemented for the 2015-16 fiscal year. Six companies responded to the RFP. Based on their proposals and the companies' experience with K-12 education, four were selected to present to a district committee. This committee included Kelly Hastings (principal at Young JHS), Samanda Miller (Family Engagement Specialist in Parent and Community Engagement), Mercedes Mayer (Communications Coordinator), James Womack (assistant principal at Atherton Elementary), Lauryn Williams (teacher at Webb Elementary), and Mark Murray (Director of Technical Services and System Integration). Companies were scored based on questions included in the RFP along with specific points they were asked to address in their presentation. The committee evaluated the products based on ease of use, required features, social media options and costs. While there were many similar features between the different systems, the committee is formally recommending that the district select Edulink Systems as the provider for our single messaging system at a cost of $63,700 per year based on the following factors: • • • • The proposed solution was the least expensive to the district, based on a 64,000 student population. The system offers a compelling method for teacher communication to parents, with more than 500 prerecorded messages in English and Spanish for teachers to choose from that are delivered to parents in a single phone call. The ability to easily create notifications to specific groups based on courses, sections and student ID numbers. The integration of the messaging system with our student system, which is already in place and has been functioning successfully for more than 10 years. ARLINGTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT RFP #15-55 Auto Messaging System Effective Date: July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016 VENDOR: RESIDENT VENDOR: HUB VENDOR: Price per Student Total (Price is based on 63,000 students) Experience Alert Solutions Blackboard Edulink Graybar Electric Company NO $1.00 NO $1.25 NO $1.01 NO N/A $64,000.00 $78,750.00 School School School Estimated Total $63,700.00 $63,700 (3 year subscription) N/A Company MIR 3 School Messenger NO N/A NO $1.25 $79,250 $80,000 (1 year subscription) (5 year subscription) Company School TO: Cindy Powell Chief Financial Officer FROM: Tammy Craig Purchasing Director DATE: RE: June 25, 2015 RFP 15-77 Cleaning Supplies for Food and Nutrition Services. RFP Number 15-77 is an annual contract for cleaning supplies for Food and Nutrition Services. Items marked with an asterisk were marked not as specified due to no sample provided or items did not meet the specifications. This bid has the option to renew for two additional one-year periods. It is recommended that the low bids meeting specifications be awarded by line item. cc: Tony Drollinger Executive Director of Finance ARLINGTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Prices Effective July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016 RFP #15-77 CLEANING SUPPLIES FOR FOOD & NUTRITION SERVICES Vendor Number Terms C.D. Hartnett Co. Empire Paper Company Last Group Enterprises Inc. Masters Distribution Systems Genesis II, Inc. Pollock Paper Pyramid School Products Supply Works 13685000 Net 15 1848000 Net 30 10947000 Net 30 6357 Net 30 5512 Net 30 101814 Net 30 61741000 Net 30 63265000 Net 30 10280928 Net 30 No No No Yes Yes No No No No Boritex Inc. Byrne Brothers Foods, Inc. 7901 Net 30 No Resident Vendor HUB Vendor BID/QTY SPEC. # (EACH) 1 2 800 35 ITEM DESCRIPTION BLEACH, CHLORINE MSDS required with bid. Acceptable product: Clorox 02490 or equal Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total CLEANER, OVEN & GRILL MSDS required with bid. Acceptable products: Oven Loven 5280 or approved equal Pack Size CASE PRICE PRICE PER UNIT N/A 3 4 5 1200 500 Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total DETERGENT, DISH MSDS required with bid. Acceptable product: Joy 57447 or equal Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total DETERGENT, LAUNDRY MSDS required with bid. Acceptable product: Tide 85004 or equal Pack Size N/A 6 250 Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total 7.79 1.2983 gallon CASE PRICE $ $ 18.75 0.3662 ounce 7.93 $ 18.99 4/1 PRICE PER UNIT 1.3217 gallon CASE PRICE PRICE PER UNIT CASE PRICE PRICE PER UNIT N/A $ 10.40 1.74 gallon 0.0371 ounce N/A $ $ $ 19.96 N/A Hydrion CM240 $ 11,200.00 $ $ 44.75 N/A 0.874 ounce $ 44.77 P&G Joy 57447 P&G Joy 57447 53,700.00 $ .15094 ounce 6,320.00 18.00* .03515 ounce* CASE PRICE $ N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 12.62 $ 4.206 gallon N/A $ 9.00 1.50 gallon 3/121 6/1 Clorox MFG 30966 Kik 1108635042 10,096.00 37.85 $ .0739257 ounce 7,200.00 N/A N/A N/A N/A 4/1 Radiance Clinging Oven & Grill Cleaner MFG 10079849 $ 1,324.75 630.00 N/A PRICE PER PRICE PER PRICE PER UNIT CASE PRICE UNIT CASE PRICE UNIT $ EuroChem Full Power 2211 698.60 $ N/A 29.25* $ .1502 ounce N/A N/A N/A $ 21,585.00 $ $ 62.48 .1562 per $ 62.21 ounce 0.15965 ounce N/A $ .1555 ounce $ 57.37 .15 ounce 4/100 4/100 4/100 P&G Tide P&G Tide 08886 P&G PGC 08886 $ 15,620.00 $ 15,552.50 $ 14,342.50 N/A .0936718 $ ounce 43.98 .1537762 $ ounce 2/143 $ 22,830.00 55.9* .109 ounce 4/1 Admiral HF $ 13,975.00 79.92 .13872 ounce $ N/A $ 59.98 .157275 ounce $ 76.98 41.60 .0812 ounce 4/1 Joy 57447 $ $ 49,920.00 41.24 .1441 ounce 2/143 Tide 85004 Tide PGC85004 21,990.00 $ 62.91 .2097 ounce $ 2/143 Tide 85004 Performance Plus 85004 21,475.00 47.96 4/1 4/1 Joy Dishwashing Liquid Joy PGC57447 MFG 57447 $ 57,552.00 $ 95,904.00 35,940.00 45.66 $ 2/143 P&G Tide 85004 $ N/A Performance Plus 603304 2/143 P&G Tide 85004 .0571 ounce* 4/1 53,724.00 $ 42.95 2/143 N/A N/A 4/1 $ .0847 ounce 4/1 $ 43.17 PRICE PER UNIT CMC 10101 11,375.00 4/1 $ CASE PRICE 100 ct/25 bx 200ct/10 bx N/A .0389 ounce Last Group Oven Loven 5280 3.20 3.25 bx $ 32.00 bx/.0016e $ 32.50 /.0013ea a 7.90 1.32 gallon $ 4/1 664.65 PRICE PER UNIT Online 61281 4/1 656.25 $ CASE PRICE 6/1 Primesource 75004152 Primesource 75004152 Brand/Mfg Code Total DETERGENT, LAUNDRY, HE MSDS required with bid. Acceptable product: Tide HE 08886 or equal $ PRICE PER UNIT 6/1 6/1 6/128 Kik Pure Bright Restaurant Pride / Kik KIK11008635042 11008635042P Kik 1100591504 $ 6,232.00 $ 6,344.00 $ 8,320.00 Brand/Mfg Code Total CHLORINE TEST PAPER 350 bx Acceptable products: Hydrion CM420 or equal CASE PRICE 29,990.00 $ .19245 ounce $ 4/100 4/100 Tide 8886 Tide PGC08886 $ 15,727.50 $ 19,245.00 20,620.00 59.80 0.1495 ounce 4/100 Tide HE 08886 $ 14,950.00 RFP #15-77 CLEANING SUPPLIES FOR FOOD & NUTRITION SERVICES Vendor Number Terms C.D. Hartnett Co. Empire Paper Company Last Group Enterprises Inc. Masters Distribution Systems Genesis II, Inc. Pollock Paper Pyramid School Products Supply Works 13685000 Net 15 1848000 Net 30 10947000 Net 30 6357 Net 30 5512 Net 30 101814 Net 30 61741000 Net 30 63265000 Net 30 10280928 Net 30 No No No Yes Yes No No No No N/A N/A N/A N/A Boritex Inc. Byrne Brothers Foods, Inc. 7901 Net 30 No Resident Vendor HUB Vendor 9 100 FUELED, CANNED, SOLID MSDS required with bid. Acceptable product: Blaze GB100 or eqaul N/A Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total 10 75 GLOVES, LATEX, MEDIUM SIZE Acceptable products: Condor 2YEN2, Ansell 208, or equal 11 25 N/A 12 25 13 20 14 250 Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total 10 pair to pack, 12 packs to case, 120 pair per case 12 pack N/A 5,062.50 $ .5085 each N/A N/A N/A Ansel 208 2,403.75 2.6708 pair 1,687.50 $ $ 32.08 2.673 pair N/A N/A N/A Ansel 208 801.25 N/A N/A 39.10* 39.10* N/A $ 14.95 .02491 each $ 14.97 .2495 each 6/10 6/10 ACS S86 ACS 586 $ 3,737.50 $ 3,742.50 $ N/A $ $ 5.60 0.112 pair $ 100 per box Genesis HL-100 2,932.50 $ 4,914.00 $ Tradex LMO6500 $ 2,268.00 .112 pair* 30.24* 100 per box Genesis HL-100 977.50 $ 1,638.00 $ N/A 30.24 .42 pair 12pr/dz, 6 dz/cs Impact 8622M 420.00 .455 pair* 5.60* N/A .42 pair* 12pr/dz, 6 dz/cs Impact 8622L Tradex LLG6500 140.00 $ 756.00 .455 pair* 5.60* .112 pair* 30.24* N/A .42 pair* 100 per 12pr/dz, 6 box dz/cs Genesis HL-100 Tradex LSM6500 Impact 8622S 977.50 $ 1,638.00 $ 140.00 $ 756.00 26.50 .0517 ounce N/A 4/1 Eurochem Flash 2212 $ 530.00 N/A .6229166 each 144 per/cs $ N/A 65.52 .455 pair .078 pair* 65.52* TLF 0.0543 ounce $ 144 per/cs TLF 44.85 72/7 Fancy Heat F900 $ 4,485.00 .078 pair* 65.52* 10/100 $ 27.79 $ 144 per/cs TLF $ 4/1 CMC/CDH 220004 $ 555.80 N/A 39.10 .078 pair $ 12 pair to pack Ansell 208085 $ 802.00 N/A $ 10/100 N/A N/A 36.50 .507 each 72/8 Sterno Candle Camp $ 3,650.00 12 Pack Safety Zone GRFY-LG1C $ 2.6708 pair $ 10/100 67.50* 5625 pair* $ 32.05 10 pair to pack, 12 packs to case, 120 pair per case Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total PADS, NYLON SCOURING HEAVY DUTY Acceptable products: 3M86, Scotch Brite 2000, ACS Industrieds S86 or equal $ 32.05 $ Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total GREASE CUTTER MSDS requred with bid. Acceptable products: Ecolab 19513 or equal $ 67.50 .5626 pair Safety Zone GRFYMDIC Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total GLOVES, LATEX, SMALL SIZE Acceptable products: Condor 2YEN3, Prime Source 7621, or equal .50 each $ 36.61 72/8 72/8 Blaze GB 100 Blaze GB100 $ 3,600.00 $ 3,661.00 Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total GLOVES, LATEX, LARGE SIZE Acceptable products: Condor 2YEN3, Ansell 208, or equal $ 36.00 16.83 .28 each $ 44.47 .0868554 ounce N/A N/A 4/1 Ecolab 19513 $ 889.40 $ 18.43 .307 each $ 6/10 6/10 ACS Industries 586 Disco HD69 $ 4,207.50 $ 4,607.50 24.83 0.162666 $ each 6/10 3M 96NCC $ 6,207.50 11.98 .1996 each $ 6.00 .40 each 6/10 15/1 ACS S86 Renown 02116 $ 2,995.00 $ 1,500.00 RFP #15-77 CLEANING SUPPLIES FOR FOOD & NUTRITION SERVICES Vendor Number Terms Boritex Inc. Byrne Brothers Foods, Inc. 7901 Net 30 13685000 Net 15 C.D. Hartnett Co. Empire Paper Company Last Group Enterprises Inc. Masters Distribution Systems Genesis II, Inc. Pollock Paper Pyramid School Products Supply Works 1848000 Net 30 10947000 Net 30 6357 Net 30 5512 Net 30 101814 Net 30 61741000 Net 30 63265000 Net 30 10280928 Net 30 No Yes Yes No No No No N/A N/A N/A Resident Vendor 15 16 100 50 HUB Vendor No No No PADS, STEEL WOOL WITH SOAP .1789 MSDS required with Bid. $ 21.56 0.18 each $ 21.20 .1766 each $ 21.47 each Acceptable product: Brillo Hotel W24000 or equal Pack Size 10/12 10/12 12/10 Brand/Mfg Code Janico 3030 ACS ISP01PB ACS ISP01PB 2,156.00 $ Total $ 2,120.00 $ 2,147.00 STAINLESS STEEL CLEANER & POLISHER .18495 .1878 N/A MSDS required with bid. $ 39.95 $ 40.56 ounce ounce Acceptable products: Chase 438-5153 or equal 12/18 Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total 17 100 SPONGES, STAINLESS STEEL Acceptable Products: Kurly Kate PUR756 or equal $ $ 21.94 0.30 each Pack Size Janico 3050 Brand/Mfg Code Total $ 2,194.00 18 20 20 400 2/140 Sellars 80206 Brand/Mfg Code 9.5x16.5 10,600.00 Total $ 87 DISHWASHING APRON BVT_CR 614DVA or equal Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total N/A $ N/A N/A $ 6/12 ACS 434 PP 2,150.00 $ 50 0.1985 each 37.96 3.16 ounce $ 32.82 .152 ounce 21.99 .1608 ounce 6/12 ACS 434PP 2,199.00 N/A N/A $ .111125each $ 21.10 $ 0.13 $ $ $ 82.37 N/A N/A N/A .1915 each N/A 10/12 Disco SP1210 $ 2,298.00 .2004166 $ each N/A 38.89 .18 ounce 12-18oz cans per Chase 438-5153 $ 1,944.50 .2004166 $ each 24.98 .3469 each N/A 72/1 GMT GMT1172002 $ 3,848.00 $ 289.31 22.98 .5650585 ounce $ ACS 434PP 2,498.00 N/A N/A 4/1 Ecolab 10942 $ 5,786.20 N/A 160 160 Kimberly Clark Dallas wiping Chicopee 8289 Chipopee 8289 KCC41044 materials 07425 7,112.00 $ 8,440.00 $ 11,108.00 $ 11,108.00 $ N/A 38.48 $ 12/16 $ 50 N/A 34.82 Radiance 10079999 $ 1,741.00 57.99 .8055 each $ SWH 831WH Kurly Kate 6375650 2,199.00 $ 5,799.00 N/A .162666 each 12/15 Clorox CLO88320 $ 2,928.00 72/1 .1608 ounce 29.28 12/16 4/1 Abc 618841PA $ 1,647.40 $ 17.78 $ 12/1 Chase 438-5153 Chase 433-4111 $ 1,898.00 $ 1,641.00 .3054 each RINSE DRY MSDS required with bid. N/A N/A N/A Acceptable products: Ecolab 10942 or equal Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total WIPES, ALL PURPOSE, HEAVY DUTY .5554 Acceptable products: $ 26.50 $ 0.09 $ 28.20 .564 each $ 27.77 each Chicopee 8289, Kimberly Clark 41044 or equal Pack Size 21 $ N/A 12/1 $ 21.99 6/12 6/12 N/A Carroll 81233 Carroll 81223 1,997.50 $ 2,028.00 .02986 each 23.82 12/10 Disco SP1210BR1LL0 $ 2,382.00 12/18 $ 21.50 $ 18.12 .11325 each N/A $ 160 160 Kimberly Clark 41044 $ N/A N/A $ 19.20 .12 each KC 41044 7,248.00 80.53 72 Safety Zone DAV0835X45WH $ 7,006.11 $ N/A 7,680.00 N/A RFP #15-77 CLEANING SUPPLIES FOR FOOD & NUTRITION SERVICES Vendor Number Terms C.D. Hartnett Co. Empire Paper Company Last Group Enterprises Inc. Masters Distribution Systems Genesis II, Inc. Pollock Paper Pyramid School Products Supply Works 13685000 Net 15 1848000 Net 30 10947000 Net 30 6357 Net 30 5512 Net 30 101814 Net 30 61741000 Net 30 63265000 Net 30 10280928 Net 30 No No No No Yes Yes No No No No N/A $ 32.08 2.673 pair N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Boritex Inc. Byrne Brothers Foods, Inc. 7901 Net 30 Resident Vendor HUB Vendor ALTERNATIVES/ADDITIONAL ITEMS 10 11 12 75 Gloves Latex Medium 25 Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Gloves Latex Large N/A 25 Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Gloves Latex Small N/A Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total 20 400 Wipes, All Purpose HD Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total 12 pair to pack Ansell 208095 $ 2,406.00 $ 32.08 2.673 pair 12 pair, 10 pack Ansell 208105 $ 802.00 $ 67.50 $ 0.56 10 pair to pack, 120 pair to case Safety Zone GRFY5M1B $ N/A $ 20.48 $ 1,687.50 0.128 $ 21.21 160 / cs KC41044 $ 8,192.00 160 .1326 each Kimberly Clark 41044 $ 8,484.00 * = Not as Specified Estimated Total $ 130,000.00 TO: Cindy Powell Chief Financial Officer FROM: Tammy Craig Purchasing Director DATE: June 25, 2015 RE: CSP 15-79 General Construction of Sandy McNutt Elementary School CSP Number 15-79 is for the general construction of Sandy McNutt Elementary School to be located at the existing Workman Junior High School North Fields at 701 E. Arbrook Blvd. The District has approved the construction of Sandy McNutt Elementary School as part of the 2014 Bond program. Additionally, The Board of Trustees approved Corgan Architects to design the facility and approved Competitive Sealed Proposal as the method of construction procurement. Corgan completed the construction documents and the District requested proposals for the construction of the project. Proposals have been opened, evaluated and all proposing firms have been interviewed. The evaluation includes price, qualifications, HUB participation and interview. Balfour Beatty Construction received the highest overall evaluation score. The proposal price submitted by Balfour Beatty for the construction of Sandy McNutt Elementary School is $19,816,000.00. The details of the evaluation process are included the attached memorandums. It is recommended that the Board award Balfour Beatty the contract. cc: Tony Drollinger Executive Director of Finance MEMORANDUM TO: Cindy Powell, Chief Financial Officer FROM: Bob Carlisle, Executive Director of Plant Services DATE: June 17, 2014 SUBJECT: Competitive Sealed Proposal for the Construction of Sandy McNutt Elementary School The Board of Trustees approved Competitive Sealed Proposal (CSP) as the construction procurement method for Sandy McNutt Elementary School on August 21, 2014. The project architect, Corgan Architects, completed the construction documents and the District requested proposals. Notification of the request for CSP was sent to 24 contractors, area chambers of commerce and contractors on a list supplied by the DFW Minority Business Council. Notice of the request for CSP was also advertised in accordance with state law. Proposals were received from three general contractors: Balfour Beatty Construction, Dallas, Texas Cadence McShane Construction, Addison, Texas Pogue Construction, McKinney, Texas Competitive Sealed Proposals received from the proposers were evaluated based criteria published in the CSP document: Price Qualifications HUB Participation Interviews 40% 40% 10% 10% An evaluation and interview committee consisting of Chief Financial Officer, Assistant Superintendent of Technology, Assistant Superintendent of Administration, Executive Director of Plant Services, Director of Facility Planning and Construction and Staff Architect completed evaluations and interviews. The result of the evaluation process is below: WWW.AISD.NET Proposer Price 40% Price Score Qualifications Interview HUB Total Rank 40% 10% 10% Score Balfour Beatty $19,816,000.00 40 40 9.33 10 99.33 1 Cadence McShane $20,066,000.00 39.5 37.4 9.18 10 96.08 2 Pogue $19,849,000.00 39.9 31.5 7.82 10 89.22 3 Based on the evaluation process, the committee recommends the Competitive Sealed Proposal as submitted by Balfour Beatty Construction in the amount of $19,816,000.00. 17 June 2015 Mr. Bob Carlisle Director of Facility Services Arlington Independent School District 1203 W. Pioneer Pkwy Arlington, Texas 76013 ARCHITECTURE INTERIOR DESIGN 401 North Houston Street Dallas, Texas 75202 WWW.CORGAN.COM Re: AISD New Sandy McNutt Elementary School Recommendation for Award of Contract Dear Mr. Carlisle: On Tuesday, May 28, 2015 the Arlington Independent School District received three competitive sealed proposals for the construction of the new Sandy McNutt Elementary School. The proposals consisted of a base proposal and one alternate. All of the proposals received were from qualified general contractors and included staff qualifications and references as required by the proposal documents. All proposals were reviewed with the contractors references being contacted and questioned based on the published evaluation criteria as specified in the request for proposals. These reference checks as well as the proposal amounts were the basis of the evaluation. After complete and careful review of the criteria including total submitted contract price, Corgan and the Arlington ISD evaluation committee has ranked Balfour Beatty Construction as the top ranked proposer. We recommend awarding a contract for the construction of the new Sandy McNutt Elementary School to Balfour Beatty Construction in the amount of $19,816,000.00. The project includes $500,000 for Project Contingency. The total budget for this project established in the 2014 bond program is $21,161,747.00. We trust this recommendation meets with your approval and look forward to the successful completion of this project. Very truly yours, Susan Smith Associate Principal CORGAN CC: Javier Fernandez - AISD TO: Cindy Powell Chief Financial Officer FROM: Tammy Craig Purchasing Director DATE: RE: June 25, 2015 RFP 15-80 Frozen and Refrigerated Foods. RFP Number 15-80 is an annual contract for frozen and refrigerated foods for Food and Nutrition Services. The RFP also asked for alternate or additional items available, this will allow the District an option to purchase additional items not specified at this time. This RFP has the option to renew for two additional one-year periods. It is recommended that the low bids meeting specifications be awarded by line item and all vendors submitting alternates or additional items be approved. A detailed tabulation is available for review. cc: Tony Drollinger Executive Director of Finance ARLINGTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 1203 West Pioneer Parkway Arlington, Texas 76013 RFP 15-80 Frozen & Refrigerated Food Effective Date: July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016 Breads & Grains: Aryzta Braun Beef Company Buena Vista Foods C.D. Hartnett C.H. Guenther & Son J&J Snacks Pinnacle Foods Ralcorp $296,430.00 $302,930.00 $25,125.00 $802,150.45 $244,397.50 $4,230.00 $90,661.40 $19,460.00 Meats: Armour C.D. Hartnett Foster Poultry High Liner Foods Lechi Foods Peach Valley Bakery Sadlers Schawns Food Service Sysco NTX Tampa Maid $38,250.00 $885.60 $59,960.00 $54,000.00 $44,000.00 $12,908.00 $54,560.00 $64,865.00 $62,272.00 $40,800.00 Fruits & Vegetables: C.D. Hartnett Lamb Weston Norpac Foods $184,100.00 $55,920.00 $34,968.00 Miscellaneous C.D. Hartnett $49,309.15 Alternatives Aryzta Buena Vista Foods $71,880.00 $77,400.00 Estimated Total: $ 3,000,000.00 TO: Cindy Powell Chief Financial Officer FROM: Tammy Craig Purchasing Director DATE: June 25, 2015 RE: RFP 15-81 Paper & Plastic Supplies RFP Number 15-81 is an annual contract for paper and plastic supplies for Food and Nutrition Services. The items marked with an asterisk were not as specified due to no sample provided or the products did not meet specifications. This RPF has the option to renew for two additional one-year periods. It is recommended that the low bids meeting specifications be awarded by line item. cc: Tony Drollinger Executive Director of Finance ARLINGTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Prices Effective July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016 RFP #15-81 PAPER & PLASTIC Boritex Vendor Number Terms Braun Beef Company, Inc. Byrne Brothers Foods, Inc. 7901 Net 30 10946000 Net 11 13685000 Net 15 NO CASE PRICE PER PRICE UNIT NO NO Calico Industries, Inc. C.D. Hartnett Co. Daxwell Empire Paper Company 6504 Net 20 1848000 Net 30 10277808 Net 30 10947000 Net 30 Resident Vendor BID/QTY SPEC. # (EACH) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 75 10 400 250 HUB Vendor ITEM DESCRIPTION Bag, cookie. Bag shall conform to double saddle pack dispensing unit 5.75" x 5.5", 10/200ct/ case. Elkay DP5555 or equal. Pack Size 50 Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Bag, paper, white, 6"W x 12"H. White, paper lunch sack, 8# weight, 6" wide x 12" high. 2000/bale. Duro 81373 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total 1500 Bags, food storage, zip lock, small. Zip lock, light weight. Approximate size 8"W X 8"H, 2 ml. Must meet FDA guidelines for food service use. 1000/cs. Elkay F20808 or equal. 7.40 $ 0.0037 NO PRICE PER CASE PRICE UNIT $ 2000ct $ 555.00 $ 15.38 $ 15.38 $ $ 1 Elkay DPW Stand 153.80 $ 10.79 $ $ 50.00 0.2158 $ 10.64 $ 4,316.00 250 Elkay BOR 1824 HD $ 2,300.00 200 Elkay BOR 2737 HD $ 3,984.00 $ $ 26.32 $ 0.0263 Pack Size 1000 Brand/Mfg Code BAG CO A208080 Total $ 39,480.00 $ $ Duro 81273 18.88 $ $ 4,256.00 16.39 250/R1 Caico 9930575 $ 2,060.00 $ 10.99 $ $ 581.25 $ 16.39 $ 0.2198 200/R1 Calico 9930577 $ 3,192.00 0.00341 9.75 $ 13.33 $ 511.50 17.21 $ 7.21 each Elkay ELDDPWStand $ 172.10 $ 18.32 $ 0.3 50 Elkay ELKBOR5280 4,396.00 $ 0.0390 $ 250 Elkay BOR1824HD $ 2,437.50 0.0532 $ 6.82 $ Ekay ELKDP5555 Primesourse 75001750 8.24 $ 0.03296 $ 0.0664 $ 10.64 $ 13.28 $ 500 $ 50 Calico 9930410 0.0368 $ 9.20 $ 14.15 0.2128 $ 50/R1 $ $ CASE PRICE PRICE PER UNIT 2000 1 Elkay DPWStand $ 163.90 Primesource 75001750 $ 0.0039 NO Elkay DP 5555 $ $ 7.75 $ CASE PRICE YES PRICE PER UNIT 2000 Elkay DP5555 Brand/Mfg Code Total Bag, food storage, 18"W x 24"L, .6mm. Clear film bags must comply with FDA RULE 177.1520 for food contact, and compliance must be verified. 250/cs.Calico 9930575 or equal Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total 300 CASE PRICE PRICE PER UNIT CASE PRICE PRICE PER UNIT $ Brand/Mfg Code Total Bag, dispenser, cookie. Dispenser to hold saddle pack bags, 6" x 6" x11. Elkay DPWSTAND or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Bag, bun rack, cover. No pleat, flat fold, 52" x 80". Clear film bags must comply with FDA RULE 177. 1520 for food contact, and compliance must be verified. 50/case. Central CP5280, or equal. Pack Size Bag, food storage, 27"W x 37"L. High molecular, high density, clear film bags, leak proof, grease proof. Must comply with FDA RULE 177,1520 for food contact & compliance must be verified. Calico 9930577 or equal. CASE PRICE NO PRICE PER UNIT 0.0667 7,328.00 8.60 $ 0.03400 250 Elkay ELKBOR1824HD $ 2,150.00 $ 12.43 $ 0.0630 200 Elkay BOR2737HD $ 3,999.00 200 Elkay ELKBOR2737HD $ 3,729.00 0.0283 $ 53.42* 707.50 500 Duro 51028 $ 727.50 0.01888 $ 18.14 $ 1000 Elkay F 20808 $ 28,320.00 0.01814 $ 14.55 $ 18.81 $ 0.0291 0.0188 1000/cs 1000 Calico 9950136 Elkay F20808 $ 27,210.00 $ 28,215.00 0.026* 2000 Duro DSP 80965 $ 2,671.00 $ 17.81 $ 0.0178 1000 Elkay ELKF20808 $ 26,715.00 ARLINGTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Prices Effective July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016 RFP #15-81 PAPER & PLASTIC Vendor Number Terms Interboro Packaging Corp. Jake's Finer Foods Last Group Enterprises, Inc. Masters Distribution Pollock Paper Sysco NTX Wallace Packaging 102819 Net 30 10279089 Net 30 6357 Net 30 5512 Net 30 61741000 Net 30 75970000 Net 10 10824000 Net 30 YES YES NO Resident Vendor BID/QTY SPEC. # (EACH) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 75 10 400 250 HUB Vendor NO CASE PRICE PER PRICE UNIT ITEM DESCRIPTION Bag, cookie. Bag shall conform to double saddle pack dispensing unit 5.75" x 5.5", $ 11.82 $ 0.0059 $ 6.20 10/200ct/ case. Elkay DP5555 or equal. Pack Size 2000/cs 2000 $ CASE PRICE 0.0031 $ PRICE PER UNIT 10.89 $ CASE PRICE PRICE PER UNIT 0.0054 2000/cs INT-5280-Hvy Handgards 3679971 AEP 2BU52H-R Brand/Mfg Code $ 4,920.00 $ 7,916.00 Total $ Bag, food storage, 18"W x 24"L, .6mm. Clear film bags must comply with FDA RULE 177.1520 for food contact, and compliance $ 8.84 $ 0.0354 $ 8.56 $ 0.0342 $ 11.70 $ 0.0468 must be verified. 250/cs.Calico 9930575 or equal Pack Size 250/cs 250ct 250/cs Elkay BOR1824HD AEP 2F1824 Brand/Mfg Code INT-1824-Heavy $ 2,140.00 $ 2,925.00 Total $ 300 50 Pack Size 200/cs INT-2737-Heavy Brand/Mfg Code Total $ Bag, paper, white, 6"W x 12"H. White, paper lunch sack, 8# weight, 6" wide x 12" high. 2000/bale. Duro 81373 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Bags, food storage, zip lock, small. Zip lock, light weight. Approximate size 8"W X 8"H, 2 ml. Must meet FDA guidelines for food service use. 1000/cs. Elkay F20808 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total $ 0.0562 $ 12.57 $ 0.0628 $ 200ct Elkay Bor2737HD $ 3,771.00 $ $ 15.73* $ 15.73* 0.23 $ 12.63 $ $ 0.2526 $ 11.53 $ 0.2306 50ct 50/cs Elkay BOR5280 5,320.00 $ 8.40 0.3125 1ea Elkay DPWSTAND $ 157.30 NOVA 729829 $ 6.25 0.0336 $ 5,052.00 8.60 $ 4,612.00 0.0344 $ 8.96 $ 0.0358 1 roll 250/cs 250/cs IBS PBR24-HD Elkay BOR1824HD $ 2,100.00 $ 2,150.00 20.99 $ 0.10495 $ 14.90 $ 0.0748 $ 12.63 $ 36.80 $ 0.0368 10.75* 1000/cs Brown Paper Goods 1608 $ 1,840.00 0.01837 $ 15.41 $ 250ct Handgard 3679986 $ 2,240.00 0.0632 $ 12.50 $ 0.0625 200ct Handgard 3679994 $ 3,750.00 0.0215* 500/bl Duro Bag 18408 $ 537.50 0.038 $ 1000ct 500/cs Elkay F20802 AEP WEBZIPQUART $ 27,555.00 $ 23,115.00 Handgard 3679973 $ 200/cs 200/cs 200/cs AEP 2BU2737 IBS PBR37-HD Elkay BOR2737HD $ 6,297.00 $ 4,470.00 $ 3,789.00 $ $ 18.37 $ CASE PRICE PRICE PER UNIT NO CASE PRICE PER PRICE UNIT 2000/cs Elkay Plastics DP5555PCK $ 468.75 Elara PB-SN55C Elkay DP5555 AEP 2K567 Brand/Mfg Code 886.50 $ 465.00 $ 816.75 Total $ Bag, dispenser, cookie. Dispenser to hold saddle pack bags, 6" x 6" x11. Elkay $ 15.70 $ 15.70 $ 13.48 $ 13.48 DPWSTAND or equal. Pack Size each each Elkay DPWStand AEP 2BFW611 Brand/Mfg Code $ 157.00 $ 134.80 Total Bag, bun rack, cover. No pleat, flat fold, 52" x 80". Clear film bags must comply with FDA RULE 177. 1520 for food contact, and $ 10.74 $ 0.2148 $ 12.30 $ 0.2460 $ 19.79 $ 0.3958 $ 13.30 $ compliance must be verified. 50/case. Central CP5280, or equal. Pack Size 50/cs 50ct 50/cs 1 roll 50/cs Bag, food storage, 27"W x 37"L. High molecular, high density, clear film bags, leak proof, grease proof. Must comply with FDA $ 11.24 RULE 177,1520 for food contact & compliance must be verified. Calico 9930577 or equal. 1500 CASE PRICE NO PRICE PER UNIT 34.00 $ 0.034 $ 1000/cs Elkay FS0808 $ 51,000.00 18.58 $ 0.0186 $ 12.36 $ 0.0247 1000/cs Elkay F20808 $ 27,870.00 500ct Handgard 4985520 $ 18,540.00 NO CASE PRICE PER PRICE UNIT ARLINGTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Prices Effective July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016 RFP #15-81 PAPER & PLASTIC Boritex Vendor Number Terms 7901 Net 30 Braun Beef Company, Inc. Byrne Brothers Foods, Inc. Calico Industries, Inc. C.D. Hartnett Co. Daxwell Empire Paper Company 10946000 Net 11 13685000 Net 15 6504 Net 20 1848000 Net 30 10277808 Net 30 10947000 Net 30 NO NO NO NO YES NO Resident Vendor NO HUB Vendor Bags, food storage, gallon zip lock. Zip lock, light weight ,1 gal. size. Minimum: 108 150 9/16"W x 11"H, 2 ml. Must meet FDA $ 45.40 $ 0.0454 guidelines for food service use. 1000/cs. Elkay F21012 or equal. Pack Size 2/500 Brand/Mfg Code Bag CO A21011GAL Total $ 6,810.00 Bags, sandwich, clear. Bag shall conform to double saddle pack dispensing unit, 6.5" x 7" 9 100 with flip top closure. 2000ct/cs. Calico 9950001 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Group Bid: Item #10 - 15 Bowl, Foam, 3.5 oz. White foam. Packed 1000 per case. 50 inter-packed in poly bag, 10 50 shipped in corrugated cartons. Dart 3.5B8 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total 11 50 Bowl, Foam, 6 oz. White foam. Packed 1000 per case. 50 inter-packed in poly bag, shipped in corrugated cartons. Dart 6B20 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total 12 13 14 50 50 50 Bowl, Foam, 8 oz. White foam. Packed 1000 per case. 50 inter-packed in poly bag, shipped in corrugated cartons. Dart 8B20 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Bowl, Foam, 12 oz. White foam. Packed 1000 per case. 50 inter-packed in poly bag, shipped in corrugated cartons. Dart 12B32 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Lid, translucent, vented, packed 1000 per case in poly bag. 100/sleeve shipped in corrugated cartons. To fit specified 6 & 8 oz bowls on item #11 & 12. Dart 20JL or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total $ 33.98 $ 0.0398 $ 38.74 $ 0.03874 $ 1000 1000/cs Elkay F21012 Calico 9950138 $ 5,097.00 $ 5,811.00 $ $ $ 8.80 $ 2000 Elkay DP657 15.99 $ 1000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 0.02706 0.03258 Dart 12B32 1,629.00 14.80 $ 1000 0.02427 Dart 8B20 1,353.00 32.58 $ 1000 799.50 Dart 6B20 1,213.50 27.06 $ 1000 880.00 0.01599 Dart 3.5 J6 24.27 $ 1000 $ 0.0044 $ Dart 20JL 0.0148 740.00 8.44 $ 0.0348 1000 Elkay F21012 $ 5,212.50 0.00422 $ 2000/cs Calico 9950001 $ 844.00 34.75 $ 9.15 $ 0.0046 2000 Elkay DP657 $ 915.00 $ 13.43 $ 0.0134 1000 Dart 35BWWC $ 671.50 $ 24.07 $0.02407 1000 Dart 6B20 $ 1,203.50 $ 26.83 $ 0.0268 1000 Dart 8B20 $ 1,341.50 $ 32.61 $ 0.0326 1000 Dart 12B32 $ 1,630.50 $ $ 14.99 $0.01499 1000 Dart 20JL 749.50 $ 33.33 $ 0.0333 1000 Elkay ELKF21012 $ 4,999.50 $ 7.96 $ 0.00398 2000 Elkay ELKDP657 $ 796.00 ARLINGTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Prices Effective July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016 RFP #15-81 PAPER & PLASTIC Vendor Number Terms Interboro Packaging Corp. Jake's Finer Foods Last Group Enterprises, Inc. Masters Distribution Pollock Paper Sysco NTX Wallace Packaging 102819 Net 30 10279089 Net 30 6357 Net 30 5512 Net 30 61741000 Net 30 75970000 Net 10 10824000 Net 30 NO YES YES NO NO NO Resident Vendor NO HUB Vendor Bags, food storage, gallon zip lock. Zip lock, light weight ,1 gal. size. Minimum: 108 150 9/16"W x 11"H, 2 ml. Must meet FDA guidelines for food service use. 1000/cs. Elkay F21012 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Bags, sandwich, clear. Bag shall conform to double saddle pack dispensing unit, 6.5" x 7" 9 100 $ 8.82 $ 0.0044 with flip top closure. 2000ct/cs. Calico 9950001 or equal. Pack Size 2000/cs Elara PB-SS67 Brand/Mfg Code 882.00 Total $ Group Bid: Item #10 - 15 Bowl, Foam, 3.5 oz. White foam. Packed 1000 per case. 50 inter-packed in poly bag, 10 50 shipped in corrugated cartons. Dart 3.5B8 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total 11 50 Bowl, Foam, 6 oz. White foam. Packed 1000 per case. 50 inter-packed in poly bag, shipped in corrugated cartons. Dart 6B20 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total 12 13 14 50 50 50 Bowl, Foam, 8 oz. White foam. Packed 1000 per case. 50 inter-packed in poly bag, shipped in corrugated cartons. Dart 8B20 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Bowl, Foam, 12 oz. White foam. Packed 1000 per case. 50 inter-packed in poly bag, shipped in corrugated cartons. Dart 12B32 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Lid, translucent, vented, packed 1000 per case in poly bag. 100/sleeve shipped in corrugated cartons. To fit specified 6 & 8 oz bowls on item #11 & 12. Dart 20JL or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total $ 30.85 $ 0.03085 $ 1000ct Elkay F21012VP $ 4,627.50 $ $ 15.76 $ 0.0618 $ 42.00 $ 0.042 $ 12.19 $ 0.0243 $ 7.95 $ 0.00397 $ 500/cs 2000/cs AEP WEBZIPSAND IBS PB675675 $ 1,219.00 $ 795.00 0.01576 0.02484 7.96 $0.00398 $ 13.81 $ 0.0138 1000/cs Dart 3.5BWWC $ 690.50 $ 25.58 $ 0.0255 $ 1000ct Dart 6B20 $ 1,242.00 20/50 Dart 6B20 $ 1,279.00 $ 27.69 $ $ 0.02769 0.0333 $ 12.75 $ 0.0510 28.50 $ 23.53 $ 0.0235 1000/cs Dart 6B20 $ 1,176.50 0.0285 $ 28.00 $ 0.0280 1000ct Dart 8B20 $ 1,384.50 20/50 1000/cs Dart 81320 Dart 8B20 $ 1,425.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 33.66 $ $ 0.03366 34.65 $ 0.03465 $ 34.02 $ 0.0340 1000ct Dart 12B32 $ 1,683.00 20/50 1000/cs Dart 12B32 Dart 12B32 $ 1,732.50 $ 1,701.00 $ 15.30 $ $ 0.0153 1000ct Dart 20JL $ 765.00 $ 15.50 $ 10/100 Dart 20J2 0.0155 $ 775.00 9.23 $ 0.0046 2000/cs 2000ct Elkay DP657 Handgard 4985210 $ 796.00 $ 923.00 $ 1000ct Dart 3.5J6 $ 788.00 $ 24.84 $ 33.33 $ 250/cs 1000/cs 1000/cs 250 ct AEP WEBZIPGAL Elkay F21012 Elkay F21012 Handgard 49833530 $ 2,319.00 $ 6,300.00 $ 4,999.50 $ 1,912.50 7.90 $ 0.00395 $ 2000ct Elkay DP657 $ 790.00 15.46 $ 15.46 $0.01546 1000/cs Dart 20JL $ 773.00 ARLINGTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Prices Effective July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016 RFP #15-81 PAPER & PLASTIC Boritex Vendor Number Terms Braun Beef Company, Inc. Byrne Brothers Foods, Inc. Calico Industries, Inc. C.D. Hartnett Co. Daxwell Empire Paper Company 7901 Net 30 10946000 Net 11 13685000 Net 15 6504 Net 20 1848000 Net 30 10277808 Net 30 10947000 Net 30 NO NO NO NO NO YES NO Resident Vendor HUB Vendor Lid, translucent, vented, packed 500 per case in poly bag. 100/sleeve shipped in corrugated 15 50 cartons. To fit specified 12 oz bowls on item#13. Dart 32JL or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Group Bid: Item # 16 - 20 Container, clear, 3 compartment with hinged lid. Square-like container with ribbed walls and corners. Easy snap locking with or 16 400 without tabs/button snaps. Minimum size: 9" x 8-5/8"W x 3"H. 200/case. Dart C95PST3 or equal Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total 17 900 Container, clear, 1 compartment with hinged lid. Square-like medium shallow clamshell container with ribbed walls and corners. Easy snap locking with or without tabs/button snaps. Minimum size: 8-13/16" x 7-9/16" x 13/4" . 250/case. Dart C89PST1 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Container, foam, 3 compartment with hinged lid. Foam, 3 compartment, hinged with lid. 18 275 Easy snap locking with or without tabs/button snaps 9.5" x 9.5". 200 ct. Dart 95HT3 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Cup, foam. 6 ounce insulated foam cup. 19 100 40/25ct/cs. Dart 6J6 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Cup, foam. 24 ounce insulated foam cup. 20 75 20/25ct/cs. Dart 24J24 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Group Bid: Item # 21 - 28 Cup, plastic, white, 3 oz. co-extruded, plastic. 21 200 20/125ct/cs. Dart 125PC or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Cup, plastic, translucent, clear, 3 oz., coextruded, plastic. To fit 9 oz plastic cup as 22 200 specified on item#16. 20/125ct/cs. Dart 325PC or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Cup, plastic, translucent, white, 5 oz., coextruded plastic, pliable, shatter-resistant. 23 40 For cold liquids. 25 sleeves. 100ct/sl. Dart 5N25 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total $ 11.10 $ 500 $ $ 0.0222 Dart 32 JL 36.10 $ $ 11.55 $ 500 555.00 $ 0.1805 $ Dart 32JL 35.80 $ 0.0231 577.50 0.1790 $ 35.77 $ 0.178 200 Dart C95PST 3 $ 14,440.00 200 Dart C95PST3 $ 14,320.00 200 Dart DCCC95PST3 $ 14,308.00 $ $ $ 36.48 $ 0.14592 35.93 $ 0.1437 36.22 $ 0.144 250 Dart C89PST 1 $ 32,832.00 250 Dart C89PST1 $ 32,337.00 250 Dart DCCC 89PST1 $ 32,598.00 $ $ $ 15.30 $ 0.0765 15.35 $ 0.0768 15.52 $ 0.077 200 Dart 95HT3 R $ 4,207.50 200 Dart 95HT3R $ 4,221.25 200 Dart DCC 95HTPF3R $ 4,268.00 $ $ $ 12.65 $ 1000 $ $ $ $ Dart 6J6 21.48 $ 500 0.1265 1000 1,265.00 $ 0.04296 $ Dart 24J24 1,611.00 24.38 $ 12.89 $ 0.009752 0.0129 Dart 6J6 1,289.00 21.05 $ 0.0421 500 Dart 24J24 $ 1,578.75 $ 24.19 $ 2500 Dart 125PC $ 4,838.00 $ $ 0.01673 41.53 $ 0.01295 1000 Dart DCC6J6 $ 1,295.00 $ 21.48 $0.04296 500 Dart DCC24J24 $ 1,611.00 0.0097 2500 Dart 1 25 PC $ 4,876.00 41.84 $ 12.95 $ 0.0166 $ 61.63 $ 0.02461 2500 Dart 3 25 PC $ 8,368.00 2500 Dart 325PC $ 8,306.00 2500 Dart DCC325PC $ 12,326.00 $ $ $ 27.70 $ 2500 $ 0.01108 Dart 5 N 25 1,108.00 27.69 $ 0.0111 2500 Dart 5N25 $ 1,107.60 28.88 $ 0.0115 2500 Dart DCC5N25 $ 1,155.20 ARLINGTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Prices Effective July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016 RFP #15-81 PAPER & PLASTIC Vendor Number Terms Interboro Packaging Corp. Jake's Finer Foods Last Group Enterprises, Inc. Masters Distribution Pollock Paper Sysco NTX Wallace Packaging 102819 Net 30 10279089 Net 30 6357 Net 30 5512 Net 30 61741000 Net 30 75970000 Net 10 10824000 Net 30 NO NO YES YES NO NO NO Resident Vendor HUB Vendor Lid, translucent, vented, packed 500 per case in poly bag. 100/sleeve shipped in corrugated 15 50 cartons. To fit specified 12 oz bowls on item#13. Dart 32JL or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Group Bid: Item # 16 - 20 Container, clear, 3 compartment with hinged lid. Square-like container with ribbed walls and corners. Easy snap locking with or 16 400 without tabs/button snaps. Minimum size: 9" x 8-5/8"W x 3"H. 200/case. Dart C95PST3 or equal Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total 17 900 Container, clear, 1 compartment with hinged lid. Square-like medium shallow clamshell container with ribbed walls and corners. Easy snap locking with or without tabs/button snaps. Minimum size: 8-13/16" x 7-9/16" x 13/4" . 250/case. Dart C89PST1 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Container, foam, 3 compartment with hinged lid. Foam, 3 compartment, hinged with lid. 18 275 Easy snap locking with or without tabs/button snaps 9.5" x 9.5". 200 ct. Dart 95HT3 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Cup, foam. 6 ounce insulated foam cup. 19 100 40/25ct/cs. Dart 6J6 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Cup, foam. 24 ounce insulated foam cup. 20 75 20/25ct/cs. Dart 24J24 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Group Bid: Item # 21 - 28 Cup, plastic, white, 3 oz. co-extruded, plastic. 21 200 20/125ct/cs. Dart 125PC or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Cup, plastic, translucent, clear, 3 oz., coextruded, plastic. To fit 9 oz plastic cup as 22 200 specified on item#16. 20/125ct/cs. Dart 325PC or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Cup, plastic, translucent, white, 5 oz., coextruded plastic, pliable, shatter-resistant. 23 40 For cold liquids. 25 sleeves. 100ct/sl. Dart 5N25 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total $ 11.46 $ $0.02292 500ct Dart 32JL $ 37.33 $ $ 573.00 $ 0.18665 $ 12.13 $ 0.02426 $ 5/100 Dart 32JL 42.00 $ 606.50 0.21 $ 200ct Dart C95PST3 $ 14,932.00 2/100 Dart C95PST3 $ 16,800.00 $ 37.80 $ $ 0.1572 42.39 $ $ 11.58 $ 0.0232 500/cs Dart 32JL 36.95 $ 579.00 0.1848 42.57* 200/cs Pactiv YCI81113 $ 14,780.00 0.1695 28.6* 0.143* 250ct Dart C89PST2 $ 34,020.00 2/125 Dart C89PST1 $ 38,151.00 200/cs Pactiv YCI811200 $ 25,740.00 $ 15.85 $ 14.96* 10.91* 0.07925 0.0748* 0.0727* 200ct Dart 95HT3B $ 4,358.75 200 150/cs Darnell DU406301 Pactiv YTD19903 $ 4,114.00 $ 3,000.25 $ 13.09 $ $ 0.01309 13.71 $ 0.01371 $ 13.23 $ 0.0132 1000ct Dart 6J6 $ 1,309.00 25/40 1000/cs Dart 6J6 Dart 6J6 $ 1,371.00 $ 1,323.00 $ 21.71 $ $ 0.04342 22.35 $ 0.0447 $ 23.91 $ 0.0478 500ct Dart 24524 $ 1,628.25 25/20 500/cs Dart 24J24 Dart 24J6 $ 1,676.25 $ 1,793.25 $ 25.22 $ $ 0.01008 29.66 $ 0.01186 $ 25.50 $ 0.0102 2500ct Dart 125PC $ 5,044.00 20/125 2500/cs Dart 125PC Dart 125PC $ 5,932.00 $ 5,100.00 $ 43.31 $ 39.95* 0.01732 0.0159* $ 43.77 $ 0.0175 2500ct Dart 325PC $ 8,662.00 20/125 2500/cs SWH 325WHC Dart 325PC $ 7,990.00 $ 8,754.00 $ 28.57 $ $ 0.01142 2500ct Dart SN25 $ 1,142.80 33.34 $ 0.0134 $ 28.88 $ 0.0116 25/100 2500/cs Dart 5N25 Dart 5N25 $ 1,333.60 $ 1,155.20 0.1702* 250ct Panpak 21360 $ 17,028.00 $ 41.81 $ 0.2090 200ct Panpak 21361 $ 37,629.00 ARLINGTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Prices Effective July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016 RFP #15-81 PAPER & PLASTIC Boritex Vendor Number Terms Braun Beef Company, Inc. Byrne Brothers Foods, Inc. Calico Industries, Inc. C.D. Hartnett Co. Daxwell Empire Paper Company 7901 Net 30 10946000 Net 11 13685000 Net 15 6504 Net 20 1848000 Net 30 10277808 Net 30 10947000 Net 30 NO NO NO NO NO YES NO Resident Vendor HUB Vendor Cup, plastic, translucent, clear, 9 oz. coextruded plastic, pliable, shatter-resistant 24 200 with rolled rim. For cold liquids. 20sl/1000ct/case. Dart TP9D or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Lid, plastic, translucent clear, snap-tight lid, non-vented. 100/bg, 1000ct/cs. To fit 9 oz 25 200 cups as specified as item #18. Dart 610TP or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Cup, plastic, translucent, clear, 12 oz., coextruded plastic, pliable, shatter-resistant 26 200 with rolled rim. For cold liquids. 20sl/1000ct/case. Dart TP22 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Lid, plastic, translucent clear, snap-tight lid, non-vented. 100/bg, 1000ct/cs. To fit 27 200 specified 12 oz cups on item #21. Dart 662TP or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Cup, plastic, translucent, white, 14 oz., coextruded plastic, pliable, shatter-resistant. 28 750 1000 ct/cs. For cold liquids. Acceptable Product: Dart 14N or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Group Bid: Item # 29 - 31 Disposable flatware, knives, white plastic. Bulk plastic, medium weight, white only, 29 200 polypropylene. 1M/cs. Acceptable Product: Daxwell A10001392 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Disposable flatware, forks, white plastic. Bulk plastic, medium weight, white only, 30 200 polypropylene. 1M/cs. Acceptable Product: Daxwell A10001389 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total 31 200 Disposable flatware, spoons, white plastic. Bulk plastic, medium weight, white only, polypropylene. 1M/case. Acceptable Products: Daxwell 10001390 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total $ 52.38 $ 1000 $ $ 0.05238 $ Dart TP9 D 10,476.00 30.08 $ 0.03008 51.91 $ 0.0519 $ 52.25 $ 0.0522 1000 Dart TP9D $ 10,382.00 1000 Dart DCCTP9D $ 10,450.00 $ $ 29.81 $ 0.0298 29.99 $ 0.0299 1000 Dart 610 TP fits TP9 D $ 6,016.00 1000 Dart 610TP $ 5,962.00 1000 Dart DCC610TP $ 5,998.00 $ $ $ 48.88 $ 1000 $ $ 0.04888 Dart TP 22 9,776.00 78.00 $ 0.0780 48.43 $ 0.0484 48.44 $ 0.0484 1000 Dart TP22 $ 9,686.00 1000 Dart DCC TP22 $ 9,688.00 $ $ 77.49 $ 0.0775 27.59 $ 0.0275 1000 Dart 662 TP fits TP22 $ 15,600.00 1000 Dart 662TP $ 15,498.00 1000 Dart DCC662TP $ 5,518.00 $ $ $ 28.30 $ 1000 $ $ 0.0283 0.00678 $ 5.44 $ 0.00544 $ 1000 1M/cs Primesource 7500 2690 Calico 632490W $ 1,356.00 $ 1,088.00 $ 6.78 $ 0.00678 $ 5.44 $ 6.78 $ 0.00678 $ 0.0280 5.44 $ 0.0068 $ 4.88 $ 0.0049 6.77 $ 0.0068 $ 4.88 $ 0.0049 1000 1000/cs Primesource 75002691 Daxwell A10001389 $ 1,354.00 $ 976.00 0.00544 $ 1000 1M/cs Primesource 7500 2694 Calico 6324914W $ 1,356.00 $ 1,088.00 6.77 $ 6.77 $ 0.0068 $ 28.06 $ 0.0280 1000 Dart DCC14N $ 21,045.00 1000 1000/cs Primesourse 75002690 Daxwell A10001392 $ 1,354.00 $ 976.00 0.00544 $ 1000 1M/cs Primesource 7500 2691 Calico 632491W $ 1,356.00 $ 1,088.00 $ $ 1000 Dart 14N $ 21,022.50 Dart 14N 21,225.00 6.78 $ 28.03 4.88 $ 0.0049 1000 1000/cs Primesource 75002694 Daxwell A10001390 $ 1,354.00 $ 976.00 ARLINGTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Prices Effective July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016 RFP #15-81 PAPER & PLASTIC Vendor Number Terms Interboro Packaging Corp. Jake's Finer Foods Last Group Enterprises, Inc. Masters Distribution Pollock Paper Sysco NTX Wallace Packaging 102819 Net 30 10279089 Net 30 6357 Net 30 5512 Net 30 61741000 Net 30 75970000 Net 10 10824000 Net 30 NO NO YES YES NO NO NO Resident Vendor HUB Vendor Cup, plastic, translucent, clear, 9 oz. coextruded plastic, pliable, shatter-resistant 24 200 with rolled rim. For cold liquids. 20sl/1000ct/case. Dart TP9D or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Lid, plastic, translucent clear, snap-tight lid, non-vented. 100/bg, 1000ct/cs. To fit 9 oz 25 200 cups as specified as item #18. Dart 610TP or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Cup, plastic, translucent, clear, 12 oz., coextruded plastic, pliable, shatter-resistant 26 200 with rolled rim. For cold liquids. 20sl/1000ct/case. Dart TP22 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Lid, plastic, translucent clear, snap-tight lid, non-vented. 100/bg, 1000ct/cs. To fit 27 200 specified 12 oz cups on item #21. Dart 662TP or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Cup, plastic, translucent, white, 14 oz., coextruded plastic, pliable, shatter-resistant. 28 750 1000 ct/cs. For cold liquids. Acceptable Product: Dart 14N or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Group Bid: Item # 29 - 31 Disposable flatware, knives, white plastic. Bulk plastic, medium weight, white only, 29 200 polypropylene. 1M/cs. Acceptable Product: Daxwell A10001392 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Disposable flatware, forks, white plastic. Bulk plastic, medium weight, white only, 30 200 polypropylene. 1M/cs. Acceptable Product: Daxwell A10001389 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total 31 200 Disposable flatware, spoons, white plastic. Bulk plastic, medium weight, white only, polypropylene. 1M/case. Acceptable Products: Daxwell 10001390 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total $ 54.19 $ $ 0.05 30.24 $ 0.0302 $ 47.76 $ 0.0478 1000ct Dart TP90 $ 54,190.00 20/50 1000/cs Dart 9C/TP9D Dart TP9R $ 6,048.00 $ 9,552.00 $ 31.11 $ $ 0.03111 45.56 $ 0.0455 28.48* 0.0285* 1000ct Dart 610JP $ 6,222.00 10/100 1000/cs Dart 610TP Dart 662TP $ 9,112.00 $ 5,696.00 $ 50.55 $ $ 0.05055 33.36 $ 0.0333 $ 1000ct Dart TP22 $ 10,110.00 20/50 Dart TP22 $ 6,672.00 $ 28.18 $ $ 0.02818 46.48 $ 51.32 $ 0.0513 1000/cs Dart TP12 $ 10,264.00 0.0464 $ 28.48 $ 0.0285 1000ct Dart 662TP $ 5,636.00 10/100 1000/cs Dart 662TP Dart 662TP $ 9,296.00 $ 5,696.00 $ 29.29 $ $ 0.02929 1000ct Dart 14N $ 21,967.50 $ 6.50 $ $ 6.50 $ $ 6.50 $ 0.0058 $ 6.60 $ $ 0.0296 1000/cs Dart 14N $ 22,200.00 0.0066 $ 6.52 $ 0.0065 5.83 $ 0.0058 $ 6.60 $ 0.0066 $ 6.52 $ 0.0065 1000/cs 1000 1000/cs Empress E175001 Empress E175001 JMRI P1203W $ 1,166.00 $ 1,320.00 $ 1,304.00 0.01 $ 1000ct JRMI P2203 $ 1,300.00 5.83 $ 29.60 1000/cs 1000 1000/cs Empress E175003 Empress E175003 JMRI P3203W $ 1,166.00 $ 1,320.00 $ 1,304.00 0.0065 $ 1000ct JRMI P1203 $ 1,300.00 0.034 $ 20/50 Dart 14N $ 25,500.00 0.0065 $ 1000ct JRMI P3203 $ 1,300.00 34.00 $ 5.83 $ 0.0058 $ 6.60 $ 0.0066 $ 6.52 $ 0.0065 1000/cs 1000/cs 1000 Empress E175002 Empress E175002 JMRI P2203W $ 1,166.00 $ 1,320.00 $ 1,304.00 $ 5.00 $ 0.005 1000/cs Wallace 3541 $ 1,000.00 $ 5.00 $ 0.0050 1000/cs Wallace 3540 $ 1,000.00 $ 5.00 $ 0.0050 1000/cs 1000/cs $ 1,000.00 ARLINGTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Prices Effective July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016 RFP #15-81 PAPER & PLASTIC Boritex Vendor Number Terms Braun Beef Company, Inc. Byrne Brothers Foods, Inc. Calico Industries, Inc. C.D. Hartnett Co. Daxwell Empire Paper Company 7901 Net 30 10946000 Net 11 13685000 Net 15 6504 Net 20 1848000 Net 30 10277808 Net 30 10947000 Net 30 NO NO NO NO NO YES NO Resident Vendor HUB Vendor Group Bid Items # 32 & 33 Cutlery, spork kit with straw. Wrapped spork, 1-ply napkin approx. 13" x 13", 6" 32 4000 straw, medium weight, 2.5 gram, white polypropylene spork. 1000 ct./case. Wallace 3600 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total 33 Cutlery, kit with straw. Wrapped fork and spoon, 6" straw, 1-ply napkin approximately 20000 12.5" x 12.5", medium weight, break resistant, polypropylene fork and spoon. 500ct/cs. Wallace 3616 or equal. Group Bid: Item # 34 - 36 34 35 36 37 38 150 12 650 300 750 Film, plastic. 12" x 12" PVC cling film, perforated. 1600' roll. Western 311or equal. 100 $ 12.90 $ Foil, wrap, sandwich, red. Soft fold sandwich wrap. Approximately 13" x 10-1/2". Color: Red. Bagcraft 300827 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total 0.01577 $ 12.45 $ $ 15.61 $ 0.02 $ 11.61 $ 0.00116 $ 14.38 $ 0.01438 1000 Primesource 7500 0108 $ 63,080.00 1000 1000ct/cs 1000 Primesource 75000108 Daxwell B10002788 3KP203-06 $ 62,440.00 $ 46,440.00 $ 57,520.00 $ $ 0.008 $ Pack Size 12x12 6000' AEP 30011212 Western 311 Brand/Mfg Code Total $ 1,935.00 Dispenser, 12 x 12 plastic film. 1 tier with open end for 12" x 12" film. To dipsense $ 24.98 $ 24.98 specified plastic film, item#28. Western 423 or equal. Pack Size AEP 0SLG12 Western 423 Brand/Mfg Code Total $ 299.76 Film, plastic. PVC, clear, cling film in a dispenser box with serrated tearing edge. 18" $ 12.96 $0.006480 $ 11.07 $0.005535 x 2000'. Western 182 or equal. Pack Size 18x2000 18/2000 AEP 30530400 Western 182 Brand/Mfg Code Total $ 8,424.00 $ 7,195.50 Foil, standard .0007 gauge. 18" x 500', standard weight, 0.0007 gauge. Daxwell J10003023 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Foil, sandwich, bag. Foil laminated printed sandwich bags with side gusseted. Size bag: 6 3/4" x 6 1/2". Need printing in Hamburger, Cheeseburger and Chicken. OVC 3000H, C, CHI or equal. Pack Size 15.77 $ 13.15 $ 0.0263 500 Primesource 7500 2896 $ 263,000.00 Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Brand/Mfg Code Total 39 $ 10.67 $ 0.006668 12.99 $ 0.0260 $ 500 Primesource 75002896 $ 259,800.00 $ 13.15 $ 1600 Western 311 $ 1,972.50 $ $ 1 25.18 Western 423 $ 11.02* 302.16 0.00551* 1 Western 183 18x2000 $ 7,163.00 0.025 $ 18/500 Western 285p $ 3,735.00 $ $ 13.08 $ 1 $ 0.02708 Bagcraft 300526 Delicious, 300529 Cheeseburger $ 20,310.00 48.98 $ 0.02449 2000 Bagcraft 300829 $ 4,898.00 0.0126 500ct/cs 500 Daxwell B10002815 4KP203-14 $ 166,000.00 $ 252,000.00 1 Tier Western 423 $ 351.36 $ 12.25 $ 0.0061 $ 18x2000 Western 182Z $ 7,962.50 $ $ 14.62 $ 0.0292 $ 1 roll Daxwell J10003023 $ 4,386.00 Western 285P 3,924.00 27.08 $ 12.60 $ 29.28 0.02616 1000 $ 29.28 0.0166 $ 0.0082 1/1600 Western 311 $ 1,600.50 25.18 $ 8.30 $ $ 26.83 $ 0.0268 1000 Bagcraft Delicious 300526, Hamburger 300527 & Cheeseburger 300529 $ 20,122.50 $ 48.93 $ 0.0245 2000 Bagcraft 300827 $ 4,893.00 14.75 $ 0.01 RL R3 RRR730000009 9,587.50 16.43 $ 0.03286 RL Handi Foil HFA57803 $ 4,929.00 ARLINGTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Prices Effective July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016 RFP #15-81 PAPER & PLASTIC Vendor Number Terms Interboro Packaging Corp. Jake's Finer Foods Last Group Enterprises, Inc. Masters Distribution Pollock Paper Sysco NTX Wallace Packaging 102819 Net 30 10279089 Net 30 6357 Net 30 5512 Net 30 61741000 Net 30 75970000 Net 10 10824000 Net 30 NO NO YES YES NO NO NO Resident Vendor HUB Vendor Group Bid Items # 32 & 33 Cutlery, spork kit with straw. Wrapped spork, 1-ply napkin approx. 13" x 13", 6" 32 4000 straw, medium weight, 2.5 gram, white polypropylene spork. 1000 ct./case. Wallace 3600 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total 33 Cutlery, kit with straw. Wrapped fork and spoon, 6" straw, 1-ply napkin approximately 20000 12.5" x 12.5", medium weight, break resistant, polypropylene fork and spoon. 500ct/cs. Wallace 3616 or equal. Group Bid: Item # 34 - 36 34 35 36 37 38 150 12 650 300 750 Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Film, plastic. 12" x 12" PVC cling film, perforated. 1600' roll. Western 311or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Dispenser, 12 x 12 plastic film. 1 tier with open end for 12" x 12" film. To dipsense specified plastic film, item#28. Western 423 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Film, plastic. PVC, clear, cling film in a dispenser box with serrated tearing edge. 18" x 2000'. Western 182 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Foil, standard .0007 gauge. 18" x 500', standard weight, 0.0007 gauge. Daxwell J10003023 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Foil, sandwich, bag. Foil laminated printed sandwich bags with side gusseted. Size bag: 6 3/4" x 6 1/2". Need printing in Hamburger, Cheeseburger and Chicken. OVC 3000H, C, CHI or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total 39 100 Foil, wrap, sandwich, red. Soft fold sandwich wrap. Approximately 13" x 10-1/2". Color: Red. Bagcraft 300827 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total $ 16.31 $ 0.0163 $ 13.48 $ 0.01348 $ 1000ct 1000/cs JRMI 3KP203-06 Berkley Square 1175670 $ 65,240.00 $ 53,920.00 $ 14.30 $ 0.0286 $ 500ct JRMI 4KP203-16 $ 286,000.00 $ 11.10 $ $ $ 11.55 $ $ $ 12.66 $ 34.31* 24.84* 6/500ct 0.0067 10.58* 0.0253 $ $ 0.01567 $ $ 0.0163 0.00651* 12.37 $ 0.00618* $ 0.0248* 18,630.00 50.65 $ 0.0203 6/500ct 2500/cs Bagcraft 300827 Brown Paper Goods 5C13-R $ 4,702.00 $ 5,065.00 0.01 $ $ 43.30 $ 0.0286 $ 11.18 $ 0.00698 25.70 $ 25.70 1 each Western 423 $ 308.40 $ 11.61 $ 0.00580 roll 1 roll Empress GFF182 Western 182 9,288.50 $ 7,546.50 14.29 $ 1000/cs Wallace 3600 $ 40,000.00 0.0061 $ roll Empress EFF182 148.44 $ 10.00 1000/cs JMRI 3KP203-06 $ 65,240.00 0.0285 $ 13.06 $ 0.02612 roll roll 1 roll Western 285P Crystal Ware F18500SD Western 285P 3,798.00 $ 4,287.00 $ 3,918.00 Brown Paper Goods 5A06 Hamburger 5A16 Chicken 5A22 Cheeseburger 25,732.50 $ $ 0.0056 14.29* 1000/cs $ 16.31 500/cs JMRI 4KP203-16 $ 866,000.00 roll Western 182 7,312.50 $ $ $ 47.02 0.0323 24.98* 11.25 $ roll Western 285P $ 3,906.00 Bagcraft 300527 Hamburger 300529 Cheeseburger 300524 1000 Empress 176015 $ 62,000.00 each Western 423 299.76 $ 0.02604 $ 0.03431* 0.0155 $ roll 1600/RL 1roll Western 311 Anchor Western 311 1,626.00 $ 1,587.00 $ 1,677.00 0.00577 $ roll Western 182 $ 7,507.50 $ 13.02 $ $ 10.84 $ 25.70 24.98* roll Western 423 $ 308.40 $ 500/cs Berkley Square 1172370 $ 322,600.00 11.10 $ roll Western 311 $ 1,665.00 $ 25.70 16.13 $ 15.50 $ 32.26 $ 0.03226 1000/cs Bagcraft Delicious 300526, Hamburger 300527 & Cheeseburger 300529 $ 24,195.00 $ 50.32 $ 0.0252 2000/cs Bagcraft 300827 $ 5,032.00 8.40 $ 0.0168 500/cs Wallace 3616 $ 168,000.00 ARLINGTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Prices Effective July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016 RFP #15-81 PAPER & PLASTIC Boritex Vendor Number Terms Braun Beef Company, Inc. Byrne Brothers Foods, Inc. Calico Industries, Inc. C.D. Hartnett Co. Daxwell Empire Paper Company 7901 Net 30 10946000 Net 11 13685000 Net 15 6504 Net 20 1848000 Net 30 10277808 Net 30 10947000 Net 30 NO NO NO NO NO YES NO Resident Vendor HUB Vendor Food trays, #40. Red checkered, coated 40 150 paper tray, grease resistant. 1000ct./cs. SQP 8707 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Food trays, #200. Red checkered, coated 41 500 paper tray, grease resistant. 1000ct./cs. SQP 8702 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Group Bid: Item # 42 - 46 Container, food dish, square, clear, 6 oz capacity square, offer vs serve, extra deep, 42 1500 12.5 MIL, tray clear. 2000ct/cs. Approximate size L 3-1/2" x W 3-1/2" x D 1-1/2". ParPak 21835 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Container, food dish, square, black, 6 oz capacity square, offer vs serve, extra deep, 15 43 50 MIL, tray black. 2000ct/cs. Approximate size L 3-1/2" x W 3-1/2" x D1-1/2". ParPak 21860 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Container, universal lid: Snap on clear lid to fit food dish, 6 oz capacity square, offer vs 44 50 serve. 12.5 mil gauge. 2500ct/cs. ParPak 29332 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Container, food dish with hinged lid, square. Food dish with hinged lid, 6 oz capacity square, offer vs serve, extra deep, 12.5 MIL, 45 250 tray clear. 1500ct/cs. Approximate size L 37/8" x W 3-3/4" x D1-5/8". ParPak 21960 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Container, plastic 5 " Clamshell w/ hinged lid. Square-like clear container with ribbed walls 46 350 and corners. Size: 5"-6" wide, 2-3" deep. 500/ case. Par-Pak 21157 Group Bid: Item # 47 & 48 47 200 Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Cup, plastic, 2 oz. White, translucent, coextruded, plastic. 12/200ct/cs. Acceptable product: Pactiv YS200 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total 48 100 Cup, lid 1.5-2.0 oz. Snap on PET lids to fit 1.5 to 2.0 oz portion cup - interchangeable. 24/100ct/cs. Pactiv YLS2FR or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total $ 11.64 $ 1000 $ $ $ $ SQP 8707 1,746.00 16.46 $ 1000 0.01164 0.01646 SQP 8702 8,230.00 31.05 $ 0.0155 $ 11.75 $ 0.0118 1000 SQP 8707 $ 1,762.50 $ 16.57 $ 0.0166 1000 SQP 5702 $ 8,285.00 $ 30.85 $ 0.0154 2000 ParPak 21835 $ 46,575.00 2000 ParPak 21835 $ 46,275.00 $ $ 33.28 $ 0.01664 33.85 $ 0.0169 2000 ParPak 21860 $ 1,664.00 2000 ParPak 21860 $ 1,692.50 $ $ 43.78 $ 0.02189 44.71 $ 0.0179 2000 ParkPak 29332 $ 2,189.00 2500 ParPak 21960 $ 2,235.50 $ $ 58.88 $ 0.03925 59.33 $ 0.0396 1500 ParPak 21960 $ 14,720.00 1500 ParPak 21960 $ 14,832.50 $ $ 40.80 $ 0.0816 41.27 $ 0.0825 37.95* 0.0759* 500 ParPak 21157 $ 14,280.00 500 ParPak 21157 $ 14,444.50 500 Dart DCCC57PST1 $ 13,282.50 23.58* $ 22.14* 0.00943* 22.55 $ 0.0090 0.008856* 2500 200 PC Dart $ 4,716.00 2500 Primesource 75000314 $ 4,510.00 2500 Dart DCCP200N $ 4,428.00 20.25* $ 20.76* 2500 $ 0.0081* Dart PL2N 2,025.00 20.70 $ 0.0083 2500 Primesource 75000320 $ 2,070.00 0.008304* 2500 Dart DCCPL2N $ 2,076.00 ARLINGTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Prices Effective July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016 RFP #15-81 PAPER & PLASTIC Vendor Number Terms Interboro Packaging Corp. Jake's Finer Foods Last Group Enterprises, Inc. Masters Distribution Pollock Paper Sysco NTX Wallace Packaging 102819 Net 30 10279089 Net 30 6357 Net 30 5512 Net 30 61741000 Net 30 75970000 Net 10 10824000 Net 30 NO NO YES YES NO NO NO Resident Vendor HUB Vendor Food trays, #40. Red checkered, coated 40 150 paper tray, grease resistant. 1000ct./cs. SQP 8707 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Food trays, #200. Red checkered, coated 41 500 paper tray, grease resistant. 1000ct./cs. SQP 8702 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Group Bid: Item # 42 - 46 Container, food dish, square, clear, 6 oz capacity square, offer vs serve, extra deep, 42 1500 12.5 MIL, tray clear. 2000ct/cs. Approximate size L 3-1/2" x W 3-1/2" x D 1-1/2". ParPak 21835 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Container, food dish, square, black, 6 oz capacity square, offer vs serve, extra deep, 15 43 50 MIL, tray black. 2000ct/cs. Approximate size L 3-1/2" x W 3-1/2" x D1-1/2". ParPak 21860 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Container, universal lid: Snap on clear lid to fit food dish, 6 oz capacity square, offer vs 44 50 serve. 12.5 mil gauge. 2500ct/cs. ParPak 29332 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Container, food dish with hinged lid, square. Food dish with hinged lid, 6 oz capacity square, offer vs serve, extra deep, 12.5 MIL, 45 250 tray clear. 1500ct/cs. Approximate size L 37/8" x W 3-3/4" x D1-5/8". ParPak 21960 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Container, plastic 5 " Clamshell w/ hinged lid. Square-like clear container with ribbed walls 46 350 and corners. Size: 5"-6" wide, 2-3" deep. 500/ case. Par-Pak 21157 Group Bid: Item # 47 & 48 47 200 Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Cup, plastic, 2 oz. White, translucent, coextruded, plastic. 12/200ct/cs. Acceptable product: Pactiv YS200 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total 48 100 Cup, lid 1.5-2.0 oz. Snap on PET lids to fit 1.5 to 2.0 oz portion cup - interchangeable. 24/100ct/cs. Pactiv YLS2FR or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total $ 13.00 $ 0.013 $ 11.49 $ 11.49 $ 12.75 $ 0.0127 $ 13.20 $ 0.0132 1000ct 1000/cs 1000 1000/cs SQP 8707 SQP 8707 Empress EFT40 Southern Champion 405 $ 1,950.00 $ 1,723.50 $ 1,912.50 $ 1,980.00 $ 17.30 $ 0.02 $ 1000ct SQP8702 $ 8,650.00 $ 32.00 $ 16.48 $ 16.48 $ 17.95 $ 0.0179 $ 21.10 $ 0.0211 1000/cs 1000 1000/cs SQP 8702 Empress EFT200 Southern Champion 417 $ 8,240.00 $ 8,975.00 $ 10,550.00 0.016 $ 31.70 $ 0.0158 2000ct ParPak 21835 $ 48,000.00 2000 Panpak 21835 $ 47,550.00 $ 34.46 $ 0.01723 $ 34.88 $ 0.0174 2000ct ParPak 21860 $ 1,723.00 2000 Panpak 21860 $ 1,744.00 $ 46.31 $ 0.01852 $ 46.86 $ 0.0187 2500ct ParPak 29332 $ 2,315.50 2500 Panpak 29332 $ 2,343.00 $ 62.71 $ 0.04180 $ 63.46 $ 0.0423 1500ct ParPak 21960 $ 15,677.50 1500 Panpak 21960 $ 15,865.00 $ 43.00 0.086 $ 43.52 $ 0.0870 500ct ParPak 21157 $ 15,050.00 500 Panpak 21157 $ 15,232.00 $ $ 23.00 $ 0.00958 $ 23.52 $ 0.0096 $ 23.03 $ 0.0096 $ 25.77 $ 0.0128 2400ct Pactiv YS200 $ 4,600.00 25/100 2400/cs SWH 200 WHC Pactiv YS200 $ 4,704.00 $ 4,606.00 $ 20.90 $ $ 0.00870 2400ct Pactiv YLS2FR $ 2,090.00 23.52 $ 0.0096 $ 20.97 $ 3000 Panpak 21482 $ 5,154.00 0.0087 $ 25.66 $ 0.0085 25/100 2400/cs SWH 200 WHC Pactiv VLS2FR $ 2,352.00 $ 2,097.00 3000 Panpak 21482L $ 2,566.00 ARLINGTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Prices Effective July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016 RFP #15-81 PAPER & PLASTIC Boritex Vendor Number Terms Braun Beef Company, Inc. Byrne Brothers Foods, Inc. Calico Industries, Inc. C.D. Hartnett Co. Daxwell Empire Paper Company 7901 Net 30 10946000 Net 11 13685000 Net 15 6504 Net 20 1848000 Net 30 10277808 Net 30 10947000 Net 30 NO NO NO NO NO YES NO Resident Vendor HUB Vendor Liners, pan. Parchment paper for 18" x 26" 49 1800 bun pan. Quilon coated. 1M/cs. Primesource75003991 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Gloves, plastic, embossed. Large. Disposable, polyethylene. USDA accepted for food and meat handling. Hot cast embossed, low 50 750 density glove with long cuff. Generous sizing (10/100). 1M/cs. Safety Zone GDCP-LG or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Gloves, plastic, embossed. Medium. Disposable, polyethylene. USDA accepted for food and meat handling. Hot cast embossed, 51 2000 low density glove with long cuff. Generous sizing (10/100). 1M/cs. Safety Zone GDCPMD or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Group Bid: Item # 52 & 53 Gloves, cotton liners. Disposable, white lightweight unhemmed cotton, slip on style to 52 450 fit either hand, one size fits most. 12ct/pkg. SAMPLE REQUIRED. Safety Zone GILW-MN1 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Napkins. Full-fold, 1 ply, 12" x 17" compact 53 750 napkin for San Jamar Dispenser. White 6M/cs. Green Bay 55730 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total 54 55 36 75 $ 6.39* 6.39* 57 180 Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Wrap, pallet, stretch 18" x 1500'. 90 gauge, 18" x 1500'. 4 rolls/cs. Acceptable Product: Western PSF17 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total 0.00639* 0.00639* 10/100 Primesource 7500-71305 $ 12,780.00 27.51 $ 0.0275 $ 1000 Primesource 75003991 $ 49,518.00 $ 12.48 $ $ 12.48 $ 0.01248 6.73* 0.0067* 0.01248 6.73* 0.0067* 29.40 $ 0.0294 1000 International INRP61624 $ 52,920.00 $ 11.00 $ 0.0110 10/100 Daxwell F10000165 $8,250.00 $ 11.00 $ 0.0110 10/100 10/100 1M/cs Safety Zone GDCP Primesource 750071305 Daxwell F10000171 $ 24,960.00 $ 13,460.00 $ 22,000.00 $ 1.94 $ 0.16166 1M/cs Safety Zone G1LW $ 873.00 $ 38.08 $ 0.00634 $ 37.79 $ 0.0063 $ 33.06 $ 0.00551 24/250 Marcon D1217 $ 28,560.00 6000 Morcon D1217 $ 28,342.50 600 Affext AFXFFN12171 $ 24,795.00 $ 22.85* $ 24.00 $ 1 $ Straw. WRAPPED, plastic, 5-3/4"- 6" length, white or striped. 12M/cs. 24/500/cs. Primesource 76009757 or equal. Stirrers, coffee. Red plastic, 5.5". 1000/case. Dispozo ST5R10-1000 or equal. $ 10/100/1000 1M/cs 10/100 Primesource 7500 71405 Safety Zone GDCP-LG Primesource 750071405 $ 4,792.50 $ 9,360.00 $ 5,047.50 Napkin dispenser. Holds 500ct full-fold classic napkin. Black pearl control face. San Jamar H5005TBK or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total 10 0.02427 1000 Primesource 7500 3991 $ 49,446.00 $ 24.00 Tork 17T85 25.28 $ 864.00 0.002106 12000 Primesource 7600 9757 $ 1,896.00 Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total 56 27.47 $ $ 11.18 $ 22.85* 1 ea Tork 17TBS $ 822.60 $ 25.63 $ $ 42.41 each San Jamar SANH5005TBK $ - 0.0021 $ 23.90 $ 24/500 Primesource 76009757 $ 1,922.25 42.41 0.0020 24/500 Daxwell C10001366 $ 1,792.50 0.001118 10/1000 Cellocore BS5RD $ 111.80 $ 45.28 $ 0.008 $ 45.60 $ 0.0076 4 roll 4 rolls Western PSF 17 Western PSF17 8,208.00 $ 8,150.40 $ $ 48.52 $ 0.00806 4rolls IT194F229180000 $ 8,733.60 ARLINGTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Prices Effective July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016 RFP #15-81 PAPER & PLASTIC Interboro Packaging Corp. Jake's Finer Foods Last Group Enterprises, Inc. Masters Distribution Pollock Paper Sysco NTX Wallace Packaging 102819 Net 30 10279089 Net 30 6357 Net 30 5512 Net 30 61741000 Net 30 75970000 Net 10 10824000 Net 30 NO NO YES YES NO NO NO Vendor Number Terms Resident Vendor HUB Vendor Liners, pan. Parchment paper for 18" x 26" 49 1800 bun pan. Quilon coated. 1M/cs. Primesource75003991 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Gloves, plastic, embossed. Large. Disposable, polyethylene. USDA accepted for food and meat handling. Hot cast embossed, low 50 750 density glove with long cuff. Generous sizing (10/100). 1M/cs. Safety Zone GDCP-LG or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Gloves, plastic, embossed. Medium. Disposable, polyethylene. USDA accepted for food and meat handling. Hot cast embossed, 51 2000 low density glove with long cuff. Generous sizing (10/100). 1M/cs. Safety Zone GDCPMD or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Group Bid: Item # 52 & 53 Gloves, cotton liners. Disposable, white lightweight unhemmed cotton, slip on style to 52 450 fit either hand, one size fits most. 12ct/pkg. SAMPLE REQUIRED. Safety Zone GILW-MN1 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Napkins. Full-fold, 1 ply, 12" x 17" compact 53 750 napkin for San Jamar Dispenser. White 6M/cs. Green Bay 55730 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total 54 55 36 75 Napkin dispenser. Holds 500ct full-fold classic napkin. Black pearl control face. San Jamar H5005TBK or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Straw. WRAPPED, plastic, 5-3/4"- 6" length, white or striped. 12M/cs. 24/500/cs. Primesource 76009757 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total 56 57 10 Stirrers, coffee. Red plastic, 5.5". 1000/case. Dispozo ST5R10-1000 or equal. 180 Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Wrap, pallet, stretch 18" x 1500'. 90 gauge, 18" x 1500'. 4 rolls/cs. Acceptable Product: Western PSF17 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total $ 33.72 $ 3.4* 0.0034* 0.03372 25.52* 0.0255* 27.3* 0.0273* $ 41.30 $ 0.0413 1000ct 1000/cs 1000 Bagcraft PO30001 tercon Paper WPL1624 (PL25 NOVA N491 $ 60,696.00 $ 45,936.00 $ 49,140.00 1000/cs Bagcraft 25Q1 $ 74,340.00 $ 12.78 $ $ 0.01278 $ 20.66 $ 0.0206 9.95* 0.00995* 11.30 $ 0.0113 $ 12.84 $ 0.0128 1000/cs 10/100ct 10/100/cs 10/100 1000/cs INT-Lrg-PG Handgards 3363213 AEP 26MV Vintage GL-Large Safety Zone GDCP-LG $ 2,550.00 $ 9,585.00 $ 15,495.00 $ 7,462.50 $ 8,475.00 3.4* 0.0034* 1000/cs INT-Med-PG $ - $ 12.78 $ 0.01278 $ 43.38 $ 0.0433 9.95* 10/100ct 10/100/cs Handgards 3363212 AEP 2GE3 $ 25,560.00 $ 86,760.00 0.0095* 1/10 Vintage GL-Medium $ 19,900.00 $ 11.30 $ 0.0113 $ 12.84 $ 0.0128 1000/cs Safety Zone GDCP-MD $ 22,600.00 $ 1.66 $ 0.13833 1 dozen Safety Zone GILW-MN-1P $ 747.00 $ 39.44 $ 0.00657 $ 6000ct Hatticsburg 55730 $ 29,580.00 $ 23.60 $ 37.20 $ 0.0062 $ 20/500 Empress QS 121211 $ 27,900.00 23.60 $ 26.29 $ 26.98 $ 0.0022 $ 29.80 $ 0.00248 $ 0.008* $ 10.70 $ 0.00107 $ 10/1000 10/1000 Berkley Square 1241222 Empress ECK525RD $ 83.40 $ 107.00 0.03 $ 4rolls Western PSF17 $ 8,640.00 48.40 $ 48.40 30.41 $ 0.0025 24/500cs 24/500 12000/cs Berkley Square 1246100 rystal Ware SMWR1W12450 JMRI TNSL-146-050 $ 2,023.50 $ 2,235.00 $ 2,280.75 8.34* $ 48.00 $ 0.0035 1 each San Jamar SAN5005TBK $ 1,742.40 0.00219 $ 24/500ct Dispozo MSW24-500S $ 1,971.75 $ 8000/cs Georgia-Pacific 39202 $ 21,202.50 $ each San Jamar H5005TBK $ 849.60 28.27 46.69 $ 0.0078 4rolls/cs Western PSF17 $ 8,404.20 4.58 $ 0.0046 1000/bx Solo SR55RX-0011 $ 45.80 $ 10/100 Handgard 3363113 $ 9,630.00 48.08 $ 0.008013 4rols Western PSF147 $ 8,654.40 10/100 Handgard 3363112 $ 25,680.00 ARLINGTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Prices Effective July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016 RFP #15-81 PAPER & PLASTIC Boritex Vendor Number Terms Braun Beef Company, Inc. Byrne Brothers Foods, Inc. Calico Industries, Inc. C.D. Hartnett Co. Daxwell Empire Paper Company 7901 Net 30 10946000 Net 11 13685000 Net 15 6504 Net 20 1848000 Net 30 10277808 Net 30 10947000 Net 30 NO NO NO NO NO YES NO Resident Vendor HUB Vendor CATERING ITEMS Box, cake, half-size sheet. Half size - 19-1/2" x 14" x 4", bakery style with solid top, white 58 10 paperboard, one piece, hinged top.Rock Tenn SC19144 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Box, cake, full-size sheet. Full size - 20" x 28", bakery style with solid top, white 59 10 paperboard, one piece, hinged top. Honeymoon SW-1264-W or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Box, rectangle, dinner. Black plastic with hinged clear lid, bar-lock, 3 compartment, 10" 60 20 x 8" x 3". 100/case. Pactiv YEH8-9113 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Container, Cookie. Clear plastic with "smart 61 10 click" system with high lid. 8" x 8" x 7". 250/case. Pactiv YCI8-1224 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Group Bid: Item # 62 - 67 62 63 64 65 66 10 10 10 10 15 Container, oblong, disposable foil, 1-1/2lb. Oblong, foil, disposable container with interrupted vertical curl edging, 1-1/2#, bottom dimension:7-1/16" x 5-1/8"1-15/16", gauge 30. 500/case. Western 5747 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Container over, oblong, dome, clear plastic. Disposable, clear lid to fit 1-1/2lb foil oblong container. Must fit #59. 100ct./case. Western 5747LL or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Container, foil, steam table, 1/2 size. Aluminum, disposable 2 15/16" deep, half-size counter pans. 100/case. Western 5132P or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Container, foil lid, 1/2 size. Aluminum foil to fit 1/2 size foil steam table pan. 100 ct/cs. Western 5001 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Container, foil, steam table, full size. Aluminum, disposable 2 3/16" deep, full-size counter pans. 50ct/case. Western 5130P or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total $ 35.38 $ 0.7076 50 Rock Tenn SC19144 $ 353.80 $ 36.55 $ 1.462 25 Honeymoon SW1264-W $ 365.50 $ 124.95 $ 0.9996 125 Pactiv YEHC9113 $ 2,499.00 $ 46.59 $ 0.23295 200 Pactiv YCI81224 $ 465.90 $ 40.09 $ 0.08 $ 54.97 $ 0.10994 500ct 500 Western 5747 HFA 2060-30-500 549.70 $ 400.90 $ $ 25.52 $ 0.051 23.88* 0.04776* 500ct 500 Western 5747LL HFA 2060D-500 238.80 $ 255.20 $ $ 18.45 $ 0.037 $ 26.32 $ 0.2632 500t 100 Western 5132P HFA 321-10-100 263.20 $ 184.50 $ $ 14.09 $ 0.1409 $ 17.30 $ 0.73 1000ct 100 Western 5001 HFA 2049-00-100 173.00 $ 140.90 $ $ 25.88 $ 0.518 $ 40.28 $ 0.8056 50ct 50 Western 5130P HFA 2019-00-50 604.20 $ 388.20 $ ARLINGTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Prices Effective July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016 RFP #15-81 PAPER & PLASTIC Vendor Number Terms Interboro Packaging Corp. Jake's Finer Foods Last Group Enterprises, Inc. Masters Distribution Pollock Paper Sysco NTX Wallace Packaging 102819 Net 30 10279089 Net 30 6357 Net 30 5512 Net 30 61741000 Net 30 75970000 Net 10 10824000 Net 30 NO NO YES YES NO NO NO Resident Vendor HUB Vendor CATERING ITEMS Box, cake, half-size sheet. Half size - 19-1/2" x 14" x 4", bakery style with solid top, white 58 10 paperboard, one piece, hinged top.Rock Tenn SC19144 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Box, cake, full-size sheet. Full size - 20" x 28", bakery style with solid top, white 59 10 paperboard, one piece, hinged top. Honeymoon SW-1264-W or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Box, rectangle, dinner. Black plastic with hinged clear lid, bar-lock, 3 compartment, 10" 60 20 x 8" x 3". 100/case. Pactiv YEH8-9113 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Container, Cookie. Clear plastic with "smart 61 10 click" system with high lid. 8" x 8" x 7". 250/case. Pactiv YCI8-1224 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Group Bid: Item # 62 - 67 62 63 64 65 66 10 10 10 10 15 Container, oblong, disposable foil, 1-1/2lb. Oblong, foil, disposable container with interrupted vertical curl edging, 1-1/2#, bottom dimension:7-1/16" x 5-1/8"1-15/16", gauge 30. 500/case. Western 5747 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Container over, oblong, dome, clear plastic. Disposable, clear lid to fit 1-1/2lb foil oblong container. Must fit #59. 100ct./case. Western 5747LL or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Container, foil, steam table, 1/2 size. Aluminum, disposable 2 15/16" deep, half-size counter pans. 100/case. Western 5132P or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Container, foil lid, 1/2 size. Aluminum foil to fit 1/2 size foil steam table pan. 100 ct/cs. Western 5001 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Container, foil, steam table, full size. Aluminum, disposable 2 3/16" deep, full-size counter pans. 50ct/case. Western 5130P or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total 30.61* 0.6122* 50/cs Southern Champion 1029 $ 306.10 41.26* 1.6504* 25/cs Southern Champion 1050 $ 412.60 $ 66.70 $ 0.5336 $ 66.73 $ 0.5338 125ct Pactiv YEH891130000 $ 1,334.00 125/cs Pactiv YEH8911300 $ 1,334.60 $ 31.65 $ $ 0.15825 200ct Pactiv YC1812240000 $ 316.50 $ 42.00 $ $ 26.70 $ $ 19.30 $ $ 14.70 $ $ 27.10 $ 26.07 $ 0.2607 18.84 $ 0.1884 14.39 $ 0.1439 100/cs Western 5001 $ 143.90 0.542 $ 50ct Western ST30P $ 406.50 0.4088 100/cs Western 5132P $ 188.40 0.147 $ 100ct Western 5001 $ 147.00 40.88 $ 100/cs Western 57470L $ 260.70 0.193 $ 100ct Western 5132P $ 193.00 0.1585 100/cs Western 5747 $ 408.80 0.0534 $ 500ct Western 57470L $ 267.00 $ 200/cs Pactiv YCI812240000 $ 317.00 0.084 $ 500ct Western 5474 $ 420.00 31.70 26.42 $ 0.5284 50/cs Western 5130P $ 396.30 $ 19.35 $ 0.1935 100/cs Western 5132P $ 193.50 $ 14.78 $ 0.1478 100/cs Western 5001 $ 147.80 $ 27.15 $ 0.5430 50/cs Western 5130P $ 407.25 ARLINGTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Prices Effective July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016 RFP #15-81 PAPER & PLASTIC Boritex Vendor Number Terms Braun Beef Company, Inc. Byrne Brothers Foods, Inc. Calico Industries, Inc. C.D. Hartnett Co. Daxwell Empire Paper Company 7901 Net 30 10946000 Net 11 13685000 Net 15 6504 Net 20 1848000 Net 30 10277808 Net 30 10947000 Net 30 NO NO NO NO NO YES NO Resident Vendor 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 15 5 5 10 20 50 10 HUB Vendor Container, foil lid, full size. Aluminum foil to fit full size foil steam table pan. 50ct/cs. Western 5000 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Pan, sheet cake, 1/2 size. Aluminum half-size sheet cake pan 16 7/8 x 11 5/8 x 1 1/4. 100ct/cs. Handi-Foil 2063DL or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Pan, sheet cake, dome Lid 1/2 size. Plastic dome lid for half-size sheet cake pan. 100ct/cs Western 5312 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Container, plastic,10" pie. Plastic pie package - One piece hinged 10" deep dome to accommodate whole pie. 100ct./case. Pactiv 97101-1 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Cup, 9 oz., plastic. Crystal clear, plastic punch cup. Squat size. 20/50ct/cs. Dart TP9R or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Cup, hot, foam. 12 ounce foam cup. 40/25ct/cs. Dart 12J12 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Doilies, 12" round. French cut paper doilies. Available in 12" round size. 500 ct./case. Hoffmaster D31010112-5C or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total 74 10 Doilies, 16" round. French cut paper doilies. Available in 16" round size. 2000ct./case. Hoffmaster 500379 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total 75 10 Doilies, 18" round. French cut paper doilies. Available in 18" round size. 1000ct./case. Hoffmaster 500261 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total $ 14.50 $ 0.29 $ 20.13 $ 0.4026 50ct 50 Western 5000 HFA 2050-00-50 301.95 $ 217.50 $ 42.02* 0.42* $ 49.20 $ 0.492 100ct 100 Western Plastic 5142 HFA 2063-55-100 246.00 $ 210.10 $ $ 11.66 $ 0.1166 $ 61.11 $ 0.6111 100ct 100 Western Plastic 5312 HFA 2063-LDL-100 305.55 $ 58.30 $ $ 69.00 $ 0.690 100 Pactiv 9710H $ 690.00 $ 45.73 $ 1000 $ $ 22.48 $ 1000 $ $ Dart TP9R 0.04573 914.60 0.02248 Dart 12J12 1,124.00 13.24 $ 0.02648 500 Lapco 102-412 $ 132.40 $ 64.68 $ 0.06468 4/250 Lapco 102-016 $ 646.80 $ 104.00 $ 0.104 4/250 Lapco 102-018 $ 1,040.00 ARLINGTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Prices Effective July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016 RFP #15-81 PAPER & PLASTIC Vendor Number Terms Interboro Packaging Corp. Jake's Finer Foods Last Group Enterprises, Inc. Masters Distribution Pollock Paper Sysco NTX Wallace Packaging 102819 Net 30 10279089 Net 30 6357 Net 30 5512 Net 30 61741000 Net 30 75970000 Net 10 10824000 Net 30 NO NO YES YES NO NO NO Resident Vendor 67 68 15 5 69 5 70 10 71 72 73 20 50 10 HUB Vendor Container, foil lid, full size. Aluminum foil to fit full size foil steam table pan. 50ct/cs. Western 5000 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Pan, sheet cake, 1/2 size. Aluminum half-size sheet cake pan 16 7/8 x 11 5/8 x 1 1/4. 100ct/cs. Handi-Foil 2063DL or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Pan, sheet cake, dome Lid 1/2 size. Plastic dome lid for half-size sheet cake pan. 100ct/cs Western 5312 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Container, plastic,10" pie. Plastic pie package - One piece hinged 10" deep dome to accommodate whole pie. 100ct./case. Pactiv 97101-1 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Cup, 9 oz., plastic. Crystal clear, plastic punch cup. Squat size. 20/50ct/cs. Dart TP9R or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Cup, hot, foam. 12 ounce foam cup. 40/25ct/cs. Dart 12J12 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Doilies, 12" round. French cut paper doilies. Available in 12" round size. 500 ct./case. Hoffmaster D31010112-5C or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total 74 10 Doilies, 16" round. French cut paper doilies. Available in 16" round size. 2000ct./case. Hoffmaster 500379 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total 75 10 Doilies, 18" round. French cut paper doilies. Available in 18" round size. 1000ct./case. Hoffmaster 500261 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total $ 15.20 $ 0.304 $ 50ct Western 5000 $ 228.00 44.08* 14.79 $ 0.2958 $ 50/cs Western 5000 $ 221.85 15.22 $ 0.3044 50/cs Western 5000 $ 228.30 0.4408* 100ct Western 5142 $ 220.40 45.16* $ 0.4516* 45.16 $ 0.4516 100ct Pactiv 9710H $ 451.60 100/cs Pactiv 9710H $ 451.60 $ 47.70 $ $ 0.0477 1000ct Dart TPQR $ 954.00 $ 21.85 $ 0.02185 1000ct Dart 12J12 $ 1,092.50 $ $ 22.80 $ 0.0228 $ 47.76 $ 1000/cs Dart TP9R 21.95 $ 0.0478 955.20 0.0220 1000/cs 25/40 Dart 12J12 Dart 12J12 $ 1,140.00 $ 1,097.50 $ 47.42 $ 0.0474 1000/cs Hoffmaster 500535 $ 474.20 $ 113.17 $ 0.1132 1000/cs Hoffmaster 500739 $ 1,131.70 $ 82.37 $ 0.1647 500/cs Hoffmaster 500261 $ 823.70 ARLINGTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Prices Effective July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016 RFP #15-81 PAPER & PLASTIC Boritex Vendor Number Terms Braun Beef Company, Inc. Byrne Brothers Foods, Inc. Calico Industries, Inc. C.D. Hartnett Co. Daxwell Empire Paper Company 7901 Net 30 10946000 Net 11 13685000 Net 15 6504 Net 20 1848000 Net 30 10277808 Net 30 10947000 Net 30 NO NO NO NO NO YES NO Resident Vendor 76 77 78 10 50 10 HUB Vendor Doilies, 8" x 12" rectangle. French cut paper doilies. Available in 8" x 12" rectangle size. 4000 ct./case. Hoffmaster 310711-10X14 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Flatware, disposable, packaged. Packaged extra heavy weight black polystyrene knife, fork and spoon with white 15" x 13" napkin, salt & pepper; packaged as one unit. Sealed in clear plastic. Black only. 250ct/case. Wallace 3893 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Flatware, disposable fork, stainless steel look. Heavy weight polystyrene plastic, stainless steel look, full size 7" fork, style elegant style - Comet. Bulk packaging 600ct/cs. Comet Reflections 610155 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total 79 10 Flatware, disposable spoon, stainless steel look. Heavy weight polystyrene plastic, stainless steel look, full size 5.75" spoon, style elegant style - Comet. Bulk packaging 600ct/cs. Comet Reflections 640155 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total 80 10 Flatware, disposable knife, stainless steel look. Heavy weight polystyrene plastic, stainless steel look, full size 7.5" knife, style elegant style - Comet. Bulk packaging 600ct/cs. Comet Reflections 630155 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total 81 10 Napkins, cocktail, white. 2 ply, 9.5" x 9.5", quarter-fold white paper cocktail napkins. 250ct. 4/case. Hoffmaster 180300 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total $ 32.76 $ 0.03276 1000 Lapco 10x14 109-002 $ 327.60 15.8* 0.0632* 250ct1cs Daxwell B10000933 $ 790.00 $ 51.55 $ 0.08591 600 WNA Comet 610155 $ 515.50 $ 51.55 $ 0.08591 600 WNA Comet 640155 or 620155 $ 515.50 $ 51.55 $ 0.08591 600 WNA Comet 630155 $ 515.50 $ 17.05 $ 0.01705 1000 Lapco 501-100 $ 170.50 ARLINGTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Prices Effective July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016 RFP #15-81 PAPER & PLASTIC Vendor Number Terms Interboro Packaging Corp. Jake's Finer Foods Last Group Enterprises, Inc. Masters Distribution Pollock Paper Sysco NTX Wallace Packaging 102819 Net 30 10279089 Net 30 6357 Net 30 5512 Net 30 61741000 Net 30 75970000 Net 10 10824000 Net 30 NO NO YES YES NO NO NO Resident Vendor 76 77 78 10 50 10 HUB Vendor Doilies, 8" x 12" rectangle. French cut paper doilies. Available in 8" x 12" rectangle size. 4000 ct./case. Hoffmaster 310711-10X14 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Flatware, disposable, packaged. Packaged extra heavy weight black polystyrene knife, fork and spoon with white 15" x 13" napkin, salt & pepper; packaged as one unit. Sealed in clear plastic. Black only. 250ct/case. Wallace 3893 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Flatware, disposable fork, stainless steel look. Heavy weight polystyrene plastic, stainless steel look, full size 7" fork, style elegant style - Comet. Bulk packaging 600ct/cs. Comet Reflections 610155 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total 79 10 Flatware, disposable spoon, stainless steel look. Heavy weight polystyrene plastic, stainless steel look, full size 5.75" spoon, style elegant style - Comet. Bulk packaging 600ct/cs. Comet Reflections 640155 or equal. $ 80 10 Flatware, disposable knife, stainless steel look. Heavy weight polystyrene plastic, stainless steel look, full size 7.5" knife, style elegant style - Comet. Bulk packaging 600ct/cs. Comet Reflections 630155 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total 81 10 Napkins, cocktail, white. 2 ply, 9.5" x 9.5", quarter-fold white paper cocktail napkins. 250ct. 4/case. Hoffmaster 180300 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total $ 0.0433 1000/cs Hoffmaster 310711 $ 433.30 $ 24.00 $ 0.096 $ 23.42 $ 0.0937 250/cs 250/cs Crystal Ware 6PAPFKTN JMRI 6KS601B $ 1,200.00 $ 1,171.00 47.3* 0.0788* $ 43.33 $ 0.0867 30/20 EMI EMI-GWDF $ 473.00 500/cs Hoffmaster 883310 $ 433.30 47.3* $ 0.0788* 30/20 Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total 43.33 47.3* $ 0.0867 500/cs EMI EMI-GWTS $ 43.33 473.00 0.0788* 30/20 EMI EMI-GWDK $ 473.00 Hoffmaster 883356 $ $ 433.30 43.33 $ 0.0867 500/cs Hoffmaster 883252 $ 433.30 $ 20.77 $ 0.0208 1000/cs Hoffmaster 180300 $ 207.70 $ 16.65 $ 0.066 250/cs Wallace 3893 $ 832.50 ARLINGTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Prices Effective July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016 RFP #15-81 PAPER & PLASTIC Boritex Vendor Number Terms Braun Beef Company, Inc. Byrne Brothers Foods, Inc. Calico Industries, Inc. C.D. Hartnett Co. Daxwell Empire Paper Company 7901 Net 30 10946000 Net 11 13685000 Net 15 6504 Net 20 1848000 Net 30 10277808 Net 30 10947000 Net 30 NO NO NO NO NO YES NO Resident Vendor 82 50 HUB Vendor Napkins, cocktail, various colors. 2 ply, 9.5" x 9.5" quarter-fold, paper cocktail napkins. 125 ct/pkg. 4pkg/case. Black (Hoffmaster 180313), Burgundy (Hoffmaster 180324), Jade (Hoffmaster 180329), Red (Hoffmaster 180311), Navy (Hoffmaster 180322), Sun (Hoffmaster 180340), Ecru (Hoffmaster 183017), Purple (Hoffmaster 180339), Marina (Hoffmaster 180344), Bittersweet (Hoffmaster 180308), Raspberry (Hoffmaster180332), Chocolate (Hoffmaster 180354), Glittering Gold (Hoffmaster 180345), Pink (Hoffmaster 183027), Hunter Green (Hoffmaster 180337) or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Group Bid: Item # 83 - 86 Napkins, linen-like, dinner, black. Color in depth, 16" x 17" quarter-fold, black colored 83 10 linen like paper. 75ct/pkg. 4pkg/case. Hoffmaster 125073 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Napkins, linen-like, dinner, burgundy pai. Color in depth, 16" x 17" quarter-fold, 85 10 burgundy paisely printed linen like paper. 75ct/pkg. 4pkg/case. Acceptable Product: Hoffmaster 125061 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Napkins, linen-like, dinner, white. Color in depth, 16" x 17" quarter-fold, white colored 86 10 linen like paper. 75ct/pkg. 4pkg/case. Acceptable Product: Hoffmaster 125028 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Group Bid: Item # 87 & 88 Table cover, white, 54" x 108". White paper table cover, 2-ply tissue with poly backing, 87 20 institutional fold. 25/case. Hoffmaster 210130 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Table cover, various colors, 54" x 108". paper table cover, 2-ply tissue with poly backing, institutional fold. 25/case. Navy (Hoffmaster 220622), Jade (Hoffmaster 88 50 220629), Black (Hoffmaster 220613), Sun (Hoffmaster 220640), Red (Hoffmaster 220611), Chocolate (Hoffmaster 220646), Burgundy (Hoffmaster 220624), Hunter Green (Hoffmaster 220637) or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total $ 22.94 $ 0.04588 4/125 Lapco 501-116, 501-109, 501-115 501-115, 501-113, 501-114 501-121, 501-122, 501-118, 501-117 & 501119 $ 1,147.00 $ 72.28 $ 0.24093 4/75 Lapco 504-002 $ 722.80 $ 42.88 $ 0.08578 500 Lapco 514-001 $ 428.80 $ 44.50 $ 1.78 25 Lapco 482-001 $ 890.00 48.18* 1.9272* 25 Lapco 482-002, 482-003, 482-004 & 482-005 $ 2,409.00 ARLINGTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Prices Effective July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016 RFP #15-81 PAPER & PLASTIC Vendor Number Terms Interboro Packaging Corp. Jake's Finer Foods Last Group Enterprises, Inc. Masters Distribution Pollock Paper Sysco NTX Wallace Packaging 102819 Net 30 10279089 Net 30 6357 Net 30 5512 Net 30 61741000 Net 30 75970000 Net 10 10824000 Net 30 NO NO YES YES NO NO NO Resident Vendor 82 50 HUB Vendor Napkins, cocktail, various colors. 2 ply, 9.5" x 9.5" quarter-fold, paper cocktail napkins. 125 ct/pkg. 4pkg/case. Black (Hoffmaster 180313), Burgundy (Hoffmaster 180324), Jade (Hoffmaster 180329), Red (Hoffmaster 180311), Navy (Hoffmaster 180322), Sun (Hoffmaster 180340), Ecru (Hoffmaster 183017), Purple (Hoffmaster 180339), Marina (Hoffmaster 180344), Bittersweet (Hoffmaster 180308), Raspberry (Hoffmaster180332), Chocolate (Hoffmaster 180354), Glittering Gold (Hoffmaster 180345), Pink (Hoffmaster 183027), Hunter Green (Hoffmaster 180337) or equal. $ Brand/Mfg Code Total Brand/Mfg Code Total $ 0.0527 500/cs Hoffmaster 180313, 180324, 180329, 180311, 180322, 180340, 183017, 180339, 180344, 180308 180332, 180354, 180345, $ 1,316.50 Pack Size Group Bid: Item # 83 - 86 Napkins, linen-like, dinner, black. Color in depth, 16" x 17" quarter-fold, black colored 83 10 linen like paper. 75ct/pkg. 4pkg/case. Hoffmaster 125073 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Napkins, linen-like, dinner, burgundy pai. Color in depth, 16" x 17" quarter-fold, 85 10 burgundy paisely printed linen like paper. 75ct/pkg. 4pkg/case. Acceptable Product: Hoffmaster 125061 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Napkins, linen-like, dinner, white. Color in depth, 16" x 17" quarter-fold, white colored 86 10 linen like paper. 75ct/pkg. 4pkg/case. Acceptable Product: Hoffmaster 125028 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Group Bid: Item # 87 & 88 Table cover, white, 54" x 108". White paper table cover, 2-ply tissue with poly backing, 87 20 institutional fold. 25/case. Hoffmaster 210130 or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Table cover, various colors, 54" x 108". paper table cover, 2-ply tissue with poly backing, institutional fold. 25/case. Navy (Hoffmaster 220622), Jade (Hoffmaster 88 50 220629), Black (Hoffmaster 220613), Sun (Hoffmaster 220640), Red (Hoffmaster 220611), Chocolate (Hoffmaster 220646), Burgundy (Hoffmaster 220624), Hunter Green (Hoffmaster 220637) or equal. Pack Size 26.33 $ 46.88 $ 0.1563 300/cs Hoffmaster 125073 $ 468.80 $ 45.91 $ 0.1530 300/cs Hoffmaster 125061 $ 459.10 $ 41.40 $ 0.1380 300/cs Hoffmaster 125028 $ 414.00 38.5* 1.54* 25 Vintage VTC 54108 $ 770.00 $ 41.10 $ 1.6440 25/cs Hoffmaster 210130 $ 822.00 $ 53.25 $ 2.1300 25/cs Hoffmaster 220622, 220629, 220622, 220640, 220611, 220646, 220624 & 220637 $ 2,662.50 ARLINGTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Prices Effective July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016 RFP #15-81 PAPER & PLASTIC Boritex Vendor Number Terms Braun Beef Company, Inc. Byrne Brothers Foods, Inc. Calico Industries, Inc. C.D. Hartnett Co. Daxwell Empire Paper Company 7901 Net 30 10946000 Net 11 13685000 Net 15 6504 Net 20 1848000 Net 30 10277808 Net 30 10947000 Net 30 NO NO NO NO NO YES NO Resident Vendor HUB Vendor Group Bid: Item # 89 -93 Plate, 6" foam. White foam, laminated. 89 10 Packed 1000 per case in poly bag. Dart 6PWQ or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Plate, 10" plastic, divided. Made from heavy 90 10 duty, cut-resistant with fluted rim. White. 500/case. Dart 10CPWF or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Plate, 10 " plastic. Made from heavy duty, cut91 10 resistant with fluted rim. White. 500/case. Dart 10PWF or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Plate, 6" plastic. Made from heavy duty, cut92 10 resistant plastic with fluted rim. White. 1000/case. Dart 6PWF or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Plate, 7" plastic. Made from heavy duty, cut93 10 resistant plastic with fluted rim. White. 1000/case. 7PWF or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Group Bid: Item # 94 & 95 Plate, 10" plastic, disposable white w/silver rim. Made from heavyweight plastic with 94 20 silver rim accent. White. 10-12ct/cs. Comet MP10WSLVR or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Plate, 7" plastic, disposable white w/silver rim. Made from heavyweight plastic with 95 20 silver rim accent. White. 10-15ct/cs. Comet MP6WSLVR or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Group Bid: Item # 96 - 100 Tray & Lid Combo, disposable, 12" round. PETE (polyethylene terephthalate) round 96 30 black tray & clear dome lid. Sturdy and stackable. 25sets/case. Par-Pak 51230-C or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Tray & Lid Combo, disposable, 16" round. PETE (polyethylene terephthalate) round 97 30 black tray & clear dome lid. Sturdy and stackable. 25sets/case. Par-Pak 51640-C or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total $ 17.50 $ 0.0175 1000 Dart 6PWQR $ 175.00 $ 42.28 $ 0.08456 500 Dart 10CPWF $ 422.80 $ 42.28 $ 500 $ $ Dart 10PWF 30.08 $ 1000 $ $ Dart 6PWF 300.80 0.0573 Dart 7PWF $ 105.55 $ 422.80 0.03008 57.30 $ 1000 $ 0.08456 573.00 0.87958 120 WNA Comet MP10WSLVR $ 2,111.00 $ 97.48 $ 0.64986 150 WNA Comet MP75WSLV $ 1,949.60 $ 18.55 $ 0.742 $ 18.39 $ 0.7356 25 ParPak 51230C $ 556.50 25 Parpak 51230-C $ 551.70 $ 37.60 $ $ $ 25 ParPak 51640C 1,128.00 1.504 37.25 $ 1.49 25 Parpak 51640-C $ 1,117.50 ARLINGTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Prices Effective July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016 RFP #15-81 PAPER & PLASTIC Vendor Number Terms Interboro Packaging Corp. Jake's Finer Foods Last Group Enterprises, Inc. Masters Distribution Pollock Paper Sysco NTX Wallace Packaging 102819 Net 30 10279089 Net 30 6357 Net 30 5512 Net 30 61741000 Net 30 75970000 Net 10 10824000 Net 30 NO NO YES YES NO NO NO Resident Vendor HUB Vendor Group Bid: Item # 89 -93 Plate, 6" foam. White foam, laminated. 89 10 Packed 1000 per case in poly bag. Dart 6PWQ or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Plate, 10" plastic, divided. Made from heavy 90 10 duty, cut-resistant with fluted rim. White. 500/case. Dart 10CPWF or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Plate, 10 " plastic. Made from heavy duty, cut91 10 resistant with fluted rim. White. 500/case. Dart 10PWF or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Plate, 6" plastic. Made from heavy duty, cut92 10 resistant plastic with fluted rim. White. 1000/case. Dart 6PWF or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Plate, 7" plastic. Made from heavy duty, cut93 10 resistant plastic with fluted rim. White. 1000/case. 7PWF or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Group Bid: Item # 94 & 95 Plate, 10" plastic, disposable white w/silver rim. Made from heavyweight plastic with 94 20 silver rim accent. White. 10-12ct/cs. Comet MP10WSLVR or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Plate, 7" plastic, disposable white w/silver rim. Made from heavyweight plastic with 95 20 silver rim accent. White. 10-15ct/cs. Comet MP6WSLVR or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Group Bid: Item # 96 - 100 Tray & Lid Combo, disposable, 12" round. PETE (polyethylene terephthalate) round 96 30 black tray & clear dome lid. Sturdy and stackable. 25sets/case. Par-Pak 51230-C or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Tray & Lid Combo, disposable, 16" round. PETE (polyethylene terephthalate) round 97 30 black tray & clear dome lid. Sturdy and stackable. 25sets/case. Par-Pak 51640-C or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total $ 18.20 $ 0.0182 $ 1000ct Dart 6PWQR $ 182.00 $ $ 44.05 $ $ 0.0881 24.53 $ 0.02453 $ 8/125 Dart 6PWG 50.29 $ 245.30 4/125 Dart 10CPWF $ 502.90 $ 44.05 $ $ 0.0881 50.29 $ 4/125 Dart 10PWF $ 502.90 $ 31.30 $ $ 0.0313 1000ct Dart 6PWF $ 313.00 $ $ 60.49 $ $ 0.06049 1000ct Dart 7PWF $ 604.90 $ 37.53 $ 67.74 $ 0.0947 54.05 $ 0.1081 32.01 $ 0.0320 1000/cs Dart 6PWF $ 320.10 $ 0.06774 $ 8/125 Dart 7PWF 90* 375.30 47.35 500/cs Dart 10PWF $ 540.50 0.0375 $ 8/125 Dart 6PWF 0.0182 500/cs Dart 10CPWF $ 473.50 0.1005 $ 500ct Dart 10PWF $ 440.50 $ 1000/cs Dart 6PWQR $ 182.30 0.1005 $ 500ct Dart 10CPWF $ 440.50 18.23 66.35 $ 0.6644 $ 1,000.00 Dart 7PWF 677.40 $ 663.50 0.75* 12/10 EMI GWP10WS $ 1,800.00 60* 0.5* 12/10 EMI GWP7WS $ 1,200.00 $ 19.15 $ 0.766 $ 19.59 $ 0.7836 25ct ParPak 57230C $ 574.50 25ct Panpak 51230C $ 587.70 $ 38.57 $ 39.47 $ 1.5428 25ct ParPak 51640C $ 1,157.10 $ 1.578 25ct Panpak 41640C $ 1,184.10 ARLINGTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Prices Effective July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016 RFP #15-81 PAPER & PLASTIC Boritex Vendor Number Terms Braun Beef Company, Inc. Byrne Brothers Foods, Inc. Calico Industries, Inc. C.D. Hartnett Co. Daxwell Empire Paper Company 7901 Net 30 10946000 Net 11 13685000 Net 15 6504 Net 20 1848000 Net 30 10277808 Net 30 10947000 Net 30 NO NO NO NO NO YES NO Resident Vendor HUB Vendor Tray & Lid Combo, disposable, 18" round. PETE (polyethylene terephthalate) round 98 40 black tray & clear dome lid. Sturdy and stackable. 25sets/case. Par-Pak 51840-C or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Tray & Lid Combo, disposable, 16" round w/ 5 compartments. PETE (polyethylene terephthalate) round black tray w/5 99 30 compartments & clear dome lid. Sturdy and stackable. 25sets/case. Par-Pak 51640-5P or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Tray & Lid Combo, disposable, 18" round w/6 compartments. PETE (polyethylene terephthalate) round black tray 100 30 w/6compartments & clear dome lid. Sturdy and stackable. 25sets/case. Par-Pak 51230-6P or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Group Bid: Item # 104 Tray, school lunch, 5 compartment. White styrofoam student tray. Packed 4/125ct/cs. 104 32000 Approximate size: 8-1/2' x 10-1/4 x 1'. SAMPLE REQUIRED AT TIME OF BID. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total *Not as Specified/No Sample Provided $ 37.60 $ 1.544 $ $ 25.00 ParPak 51840C 1,504.00 25 Parpak 51840-C $ 1,530.00 $ 32.78 $ $ 1.3112 $ 38.25 $ 32.49 $ 1.530 1.299 25 ParPak 51640-5P $ 983.40 25 Parpal 51640-5P-C $ 974.70 $ 40.04 $ $ $ 25 ParPak 51230-6P 1,201.20 14.5* 500 $ 1.6016 0.029* Reyma SLT 5 464,000.00 36.69 $ 1.587 25 Parpak 51840-6P-C $ 1,100.70 14.72* 0.0294* 500 Reyman SLT5 $ 471,040.00 15.54* 0.03108* 4/125 R-3 13110200 $ 497,280.00 ARLINGTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Prices Effective July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016 RFP #15-81 PAPER & PLASTIC Vendor Number Terms Interboro Packaging Corp. Jake's Finer Foods Last Group Enterprises, Inc. Masters Distribution Pollock Paper Sysco NTX Wallace Packaging 102819 Net 30 10279089 Net 30 6357 Net 30 5512 Net 30 61741000 Net 30 75970000 Net 10 10824000 Net 30 NO NO YES YES NO NO NO Resident Vendor HUB Vendor Tray & Lid Combo, disposable, 18" round. PETE (polyethylene terephthalate) round 98 40 black tray & clear dome lid. Sturdy and stackable. 25sets/case. Par-Pak 51840-C or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Tray & Lid Combo, disposable, 16" round w/ 5 compartments. PETE (polyethylene terephthalate) round black tray w/5 99 30 compartments & clear dome lid. Sturdy and stackable. 25sets/case. Par-Pak 51640-5P or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Tray & Lid Combo, disposable, 18" round w/6 compartments. PETE (polyethylene terephthalate) round black tray 100 30 w/6compartments & clear dome lid. Sturdy and stackable. 25sets/case. Par-Pak 51230-6P or equal. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total Group Bid: Item # 104 Tray, school lunch, 5 compartment. White styrofoam student tray. Packed 4/125ct/cs. 104 32000 Approximate size: 8-1/2' x 10-1/4 x 1'. SAMPLE REQUIRED AT TIME OF BID. Pack Size Brand/Mfg Code Total $ 39.44 $ 1.5776 $ 40.35 $ 1.614 25ct ParPak 51840C $ 1,577.60 25ct Panpak 51840C $ 1,614.00 $ 33.65 $ 34.42 $ 1.346 $ 1.376 25ct ParPak 516405PC $ 1,009.50 25ct Panpak 516405PC $ 1,032.60 $ 40.91 $ 41.85 $ 1.6364 25ct ParPak 518406PC $ 1,227.30 14.74* 0.02948* 500ct Pactiv YTH10500SGBX $ 471,680.00 25ct Panpak 518406PC $ 1,255.50 $ 23.74 $ 0.0475 $ 500/cs Darnell DU2014501 $ 759,680.00 *Not as Specified/No Sample Provided Estimated Total $ 1.674 $ 950,000.00 24.67 $ 0.0493 14.36* 500/cs Darnell DU2014501 $ 789,440.00 0.0287* 500/cs Pactiv YTH10500SGBX $ 459,520.00 TO: Cindy Powell Chief Financial Officer FROM: Tammy Craig Purchasing Director DATE: June 25, 2015 RE: RFP 15-82 Dry Staples and Canned Food. RFP Number 15-82 is an annual contract for dry staples and canned food for Food and Nutrition Services. The RFP also asked for alternate or additional items available, this will allow the District an option to purchase additional items not specified at this time. This RFP has the option to renew for two additional one-year periods. It is recommended that the low bids meeting specifications be awarded by line item and all vendors submitting alternates or additional items be approved. A detailed tabulation is available for review. cc: Tony Drollinger Executive Director of Finance ARLINGTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 1203 West Pioneer Parkway Arlington, Texas 76013 RFP 15-82 Dry Staples & Canned Food Effective Date: July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016 Atlantic Beverage Co. Barilla America Bolliner’s Fiesta Products Bryne Brothers C.D. Hartnett C.H. Guenther Churchfield Trading Co. Conagra Foods H.J. Heinz Hanks Brokerage JNS Foods Ken’s Foods Kent Precision Food Group Kikkoman Sales Masters Distribution Par-Way Tryson Company Red Gold Sysco NTX Tree Top Inc. Estimated Total: $304,598.00 $37,675.00 $122,793.00 $612,975.10 $499,021.00 $25,425.00 $107,268.00 $42,391.00 $201,743.00 $28,337.50 $732.00 $80,550.00 $45,128.95 $17,181.60 $165,600.00 $6,800.00 $46,060.00 $195,684.10 $28,984.00 $2,000,000.00 TO: Cindy Powell Chief Financial Officer FROM: Tammy Craig Purchasing Director DATE: June 25, 2015 RE: RFP 15-84 Temporary Labors for Food and Nutrition Services RFP Number 15-84 is for temporary labor for Food and Nutrition Services. Each company submitted pricing for various areas of Food and Nutrition Services, such as cafeteria workers, warehouse employees and managers. Temporary labor will be provided on as an as-needed-basis only. This RFP has the option to renew for two additional one-year periods. It is recommended that all qualified vendors submitting bids be approved. cc: Tony Drollinger Executive Director of Finance ARLINGTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Prices Effective July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016 RFP #15-84 TEMPORARY LABOR FOR FOOD & NUTRITION SERVICES Elliott Staffing Vendor Number Terms Resident Vendor HUB Vendor Proof of Insurance DESCRIPTION Increase Workforce Solutions Not Set Up 12 months Texas District NO YES UNIT/HR Not Set Up Texas District YES YES UNIT/HR IOS Acquisitions Luxor Staffing Pacesetter Personnel Services Not Set Net 30 10275213 Net 30 14250000 Net 30 Texas District YES YES UNIT/HR Texas District NO NO UNIT/HR Texas District NO YES UNIT/HR Results Staffing 15457000 Texas District YES YES UNIT/HR Charge to AISD: Cafteteria Worker Temporary Employee Salary $ Temporary agency up-charge $ Total $ 8.00 $ 2.56 $ 10.56 $ 8.00 $ 2.56 $ 10.56 $ 8.50 $ 2.38 $ 10.88 $ 8.00 $ 2.24 $ 10.24 $ Temporary Employee Salary $ Temporary agency up-charge $ Total $ 15.50 $ 4.96 $ 20.46 $ 16.00 $ 5.12 $ 21.12 $ 19.00 $ 5.32 $ 24.32 $ 19.00 4.37 23.37 Charge to AISD: Food Service Cafeteria Manager Charge to AISD: Warehouse Lead 7.75 2.56 10.31 No Bid $ No Bid $ No Bid $ 19.00 6.27 25.27 Temporary Employee Salary Temporary agency up-charge Total No Bid $ No Bid $ No Bid $ 11.00 3.52 14.52 No Bid $ No Bid $ No Bid $ 9.50 $ 2.47 $ 11.97 $ 9.00 $ 3.25 $ 12.25 $ 9.00 2.97 11.97 Temporary Employee Salary Temporary agency up-charge Total No Bid $ No Bid $ No Bid $ 9.00 2.88 11.88 No Bid $ No Bid $ No Bid $ 9.00 $ 2.34 $ 11.34 $ 8.00 $ 2.88 $ 10.88 $ 8.00 2.64 10.64 9.00 $ 3.25 $ 12.25 $ 8.50 2.81 11.31 Charge to AISD: Warehouse Employee Charge to AISD: Clerical Employee Charge to AISD: Secretary 7.50 $ 2.75 $ 10.25 $ Temporary Employee Salary $ Temporary agency up-charge $ Total $ 10.00 $ 3.20 $ 13.20 $ 9.00 $ 2.88 $ 11.88 $ 10.00 $ 2.80 $ 12.80 $ 9.00 $ 2.34 $ 11.34 $ Temporary Employee Salary $ Temporary agency up-charge $ Total $ 11.00 $ 3.52 $ 14.52 $ 9.00 $ 2.88 $ 11.88 $ 11.00 $ 3.08 $ 14.08 $ 10.50 2.63 13.13 No Bid $ No Bid $ No Bid $ 9.00 2.97 11.97 Temporary Employee Salary $ Temporary agency up-charge $ Total $ 15.00 $ 4.80 $ 19.80 $ 15.00 $ 4.80 $ 19.80 $ 16.00 $ 4.48 $ 20.48 $ 16.00 3.84 19.84 No Bid $ No Bid $ No Bid $ 16.00 5.28 21.28 No Bid $ No Bid $ No Bid $ 10.50 2.63 13.13 No Bid $ No Bid $ No Bid $ 8.00 2.81 11.31 Charge to AISD: Food Service Clerical Manager Charge to AISD: Food Service Office Courier Temporary Employee Salary Temporary agency up-charge Total No Bid $ No Bid $ No Bid $ ESTIMATED TOTAL: 8.00 2.56 10.56 $750,000.00 TO: Cindy Powell Chief Financial Officer FROM: Tammy Craig Director of Purchasing DATE: June 25, 2015 RE: RFP 15-85 Classroom Student Devices Request for Proposal number 15-85 is for classroom student devices. This RFP asked for pricing for Chromebooks, carts and headphones. The RFP also included services, such as storage, configuration, and delivery of all devices. The devices will be spread throughout the District. It is recommended that the low bid meeting specifications be awarded the contract. cc: Tony Drollinger Executive Director of Finance Arlington Independent School District RFP 15-85 Classroom Student Devices CDI CDW-G DELCOM GROUP M&A TECHNOLOGY PCM Gov PRIME SYSTEMS RTI TROXELL VIRTUCOM Not Set Up 100581 101942 9958 101976 Not Set Up Not Set Up 1818 10278014 Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas District District District District District District District District District NO NO NO YES VENDOR: VENDOR ID NUMBER: RESIDENT VENDOR: HUB VENDOR: DESCRIPTION Part Number LocknCharge Technologies Carrier30 Charge Cart for Chromebooks/Tablets/iPads with 10 ft (Min.) Electrical Cord LNC8004 Quantity Unit Price YES YES NO Total Unit Price Total Unit Price Total Unit Price Total Unit Price Total Unit Price Total 300 $1,300 $390,000 $1,289 $386,808 $1,525 $457,500 $1,547 $464,100 $1,234 $370,200 $1,408 $422,400 Lenovo N21 Chromebook Intel 2840, 4 GB Memory, 80mg0001US 16GB SSD, with ACAD Google plus Chrome OS Management CROSSWDISEDU Console License 9000 $263 $2,368,980 $222 $1,994,130 $194 $1,741,500 $268 $2,409,930 $267 $2,400,750 $228 $2,052,000 Califone International, Inc. 3060AV-Multimedia Stereo Headphone w/In-Line Volume Control - 1/8 in PlugClassroom Pack of Twelve with Case 750 $95 $71,265 $95 $71,250 $109 $81,750 $97 $72,750 $89 $66,690 $118 $88,500 3060AV-12 Overall Total Bid Cost w/Three (3) Year NBD Onsite Parts and Labor Warranty for LocknCharge Cart Components: $2,830,245 $2,452,188 $2,280,750 Estimated Total $2,946,780 $ $2,837,640 $2,562,900 Unit Price $1,399 $202 $119 NO Total Unit Price $419,700 $1,534.43 $1,818,000 $89,250 $2,326,950 $201 $92.20 NO Total $460,329 $1,809,000 $69,150 $2,338,479 Unit Price $1,435 Total $430,500 $212 $1,908,000 $125 $93,750 $2,432,250 2,280,750.00 Page 1 - Prepared 6/18/2015 - TLC TO: Cindy Powell Chief Financial Officer FROM: Tammy Craig Director of Purchasing DATE: June 25, 2015 RE: Bid 16-01 Classroom & Office Furniture & Cafeteria Tables Bid Number 16-01 is an annual contract for classroom, office, and cafeteria furniture for all schools and departments. Vendors were asked to bid a discount from their manufacturer’s catalogs. This is a qualifying bid. As the need arises, formal written quotes will be obtained from the approved list of vendors. It is recommended that all vendors submitting catalog bids and meeting specifications be approved. cc: Tony Drollinger Executive Director of Finance Arlington Independent School District Bid #16-01 Classroom, Office Furniture & Cafeteria Tables Effective: July 8, 2015 - June 30, 2016 VENDOR# Not Set Up 10271693 10276964 41755000 Not Set Up 10279917 5333 9507 2631000 10277788 657 VENDOR ACP DIRECT Contact: Lisa Austin Email: Phone #: 800-238-8009 BUSINESS INTERIORS BY STAPLES Contact: Derrell Conway Email: Phone #: 469-265-8620 HERTZ FURNITURE Contact: Rhonda Gruber Email: Phone #: 800-526-4677 INDECO SALES Contact: Gregg Stevenson Email: Phone #: 469-243-8832 K-LOG INC. Contact: Michelle Powers Email: Phone #: 800-872-6611 LONE STAR FURNISHINGS Contact: Brad Jones Email: Phone #: 972-862-9900 OCOP Express Contact: Ken Caldwell Email: Phone #: 214-943-7421 OFFICE DEPOT Contact: Jamie Stepich Email: Phone #: 817-945-6177 LAKESHORE LEARNING MATERIALS Contact: Mariela Benevides Email: Phone #: 800-421-5354 Ext. 2653 SCHOOL OUTFITTERS Contact: Sales Team Email: Phone #: 800-260-2776 SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC. Contact: Doug Barnd Email: Phone #: 419-589-1900 RESIDENT VENDOR Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District DISCOUNT FROM CATALOG, HUB PRICE LIST, OR MINIMUM VENDOR FREIGHT SHELF PRICE ORDER No Yes 0% No No No 45% No No No 35% No No No 40 - 50% No No Yes 5% No No No 20% No No No Varies No No Yes Varies No No No 5% No No Yes 2% No No No 10 - 36% No Arlington Independent School District Bid #16-01 Classroom, Office Furniture & Cafeteria Tables Effective: July 8, 2015 - June 30, 2016 VENDOR# 10279530 5499 84750000 VENDOR SHIFFLER EQUIPMENTS SALES INC. Contact: Ann Kovach Email: Phone #: 440-285-9175 Ext. 110 TEXAS FURNITURE SOURCE Contact: Ron Parr Email: Phone #: 972-490-0456 VIRCO INC Contact: Customer Service Email: Phone #: 800-448-4726 ESTIMATED TOTAL RESIDENT VENDOR Texas District Texas District Texas District DISCOUNT FROM CATALOG, HUB PRICE LIST, OR MINIMUM VENDOR FREIGHT SHELF PRICE ORDER No No 5% $25.00 Yes No 50 - 67% No No Yes 57% $2500 for delivery & installation $800,000.00 TO: Cindy Powell Chief Financial Officer FROM: Tammy Craig Purchasing Director DATE: RE: June 25, 2015 Bid 16-02 Library Books (Jobbers) Bid Number 16-02 is an annual contract for elementary and secondary library books. The bid asked for a discount from the jobber’s price list. The jobber has a contract with the publishers to sell their books at a fixed discount as opposed to a sliding scale discount. The bid is for complete library book processing. Complete processing includes a spice label, bar code label, book jacket (when applicable) and a complete MARC (machine readable cataloguing) record. It is recommended that all vendors be approved so that a wide variety of titles will be available to teachers and librarians. cc: Tony Drollinger Executive Director of Finance Arlington Independent School District Bid #16-02 Library Books (Jobbers) Effective Date: July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016 VENDOR: VENDOR ID NUMBER: TERMS: RESIDENT VENDOR: HUB VENDOR: DESCRIPTION Baker & Taylor, Inc. Bound to Stay Bound Books, Inc. Davidson Titles, Inc. Follett School Solutions, Inc. Garrett Book Company Gumdrop Books Junior Library Guild 8053000 Net 30 156 Net 30 7118 Net 30 10279911 Net 30 Not Set Up Net 30 3242000 Net 30 101900 Net 30 Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas Texas District District Texas District Texas District NO NO NO NO NO NO NO % Discount - All bindings 28.50% 30% 25% 0% 30% 0% 0% Complete Processing Free $0.65 Free Free No Charge Customized according to school requirements $2.00 Free $20 for CD Free Free No Charge barcodes .08 $0.60 0% No Charge Free Free 0% 0% 0% Representative Order Department Amy Haley Brenda Davidson Amy Bacom Cheryl York Lisa Gilbert Barb Sanders Phone number 800-775-1800 800-637-6586 ext.3128 800-433-3903 888-511-5114 ext.3551 800-654-9366 800-821-7199 800-491-0174 Fax number 800-775-7480 800-747-2872 800-787-7935 800-852-5458 888-525-1560 866-321-7199 800-827-3080 Email: Correspondence orders@btsb,com Email: Purchase Orders Same Same Same Same Same Same Lectorum Publications, Inc. Mackin Perma-Bound Books Rainbow Book Company Saddleback Educational, Inc. Textbook Warehouse 1554 101350 60552000 Not Set Up 4646000 10280254 Net 30 Net 30 Net 30 Net 30 Net 30 Net 30 Date Entry, Bar-code & Disc. For Accent % Shipping to be added to order VENDOR: VENDOR ID NUMBER: TERMS: RESIDENT VENDOR: HUB VENDOR: DESCRIPTION Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District NO NO NO NO NO NO % Discount - All bindings 20% 5% 0% 25% off publisher list price 20% 37% Complete Processing Varies Free $0.44 Free N/A no bid Date Entry, Bar-code & Disc. For Accent Varies Free $0.37 Free N/A no bid % Shipping to be added to order $10 on orders $99.99 or less 10.5% on order from $100 $1,999.99 9.5% on orders $2,000.00 - 4,999.99 free 0% No Charge Free 12%. free ship Representative Gladys Ochoa Customer Service Betty Hillig Michael Sherman Lisa Taraborrelli Delores Knighting Phone number 800-345-5949 ext.2226 800-245-9540 800-637-6581 ext.110 1-800-255-0965 714-640-5200 800-796-9152 Fax number 877-532-8676 800-369-5490 800-551-1169 847-726-9935 888-734-4010 or 714-640-5298 800-796-9152 Email: Correspondence Email: Purchase Orders Same Same Same Same Same ESTIMATED TOTAL $1,000,000.00 TO: Cindy Powell Chief Financial Officer FROM: Tammy Craig Director of Purchasing DATE: June 25, 2015 RE: Bid Number 16-03 Music Supplies & Sheet Music Bid Number 16-03 is an annual contract for music supplies and sheet music. Vendors were asked to bid a discount from their catalog, shelf price, or price list. Examples of music supplies are bows, mouthpieces, song books, strings, cases and reeds. It is recommended that all vendors submitting catalog bids be approved so that a wide variety of materials and supplies will be available to music teachers. cc: Tony Drollinger Executive Director of Finance Arlington Independent School District Bid #16-03 Music Supplies & Sheet Music 2015-2016 Effective: June 25, 2015 - May 31, 2016 VENDOR# 101864 14523000 6989000 11977000 2908000 10275223 3465000 48875000 13357000 54815000 VENDOR AFFORDABLE BEGINNER STRINGS Contact: Aleta Carway Email: Phone #: 817-460-0345 BROOK MAYS MUSIC Contact: Bo Clifton Email: Phone #: 817-468-1500 CASCIO INTERSTATE MUSIC Contact: Kathleen Cascio Email: Phone #: 800-982-2263 JACK RASMUSSEN "LUTHIER" Contact: Jack Rasmussen Email: Phone #: 817-548-9820 J W PEPPER & SON Contact: Luana Marler Email: Phone #: 817-589-5980 K & S MUSIC Contact: Ken Fragner Email: Phone #: 908-790-0400 ext. 20 LONE STAR PERCUSSION Contact: Kyle Giauque Email: Phone #: 214-340-0835 LUCK'S MUSIC LIBRARY Contact: Mary Wicks Cutshall Email: Phone #: 800-348-8749 ext. 111 MUSIC & ARTS CENTER Contact: Don Gardner Email: Phone #: 972-632-6236 MUSIC IN MOTION Contact: Customer Service Dept. Email: Phone #: 800-445-0649 RESIDENT VENDOR Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District DISCOUNT FROM CATALOG, HUB PRICE LIST, OR MINIMUM VENDOR FREIGHT SHELF PRICE ORDER No No Varies No No No 0% No No Yes orders <$100 Varies Coral music 5 copy min. per title No No 10%-50% No No Yes 0% No No No 0%-30% No No Yes 5%-60% No No Yes Varies $50 to receive discount $10.00 No Yes orders <$25 0%-30% $25.00 No Yes orders <$250 0% No Arlington Independent School District Bid #16-03 Music Supplies & Sheet Music 2015-2016 Effective: June 25, 2015 - May 31, 2016 VENDOR# 60375000 3531 7565000 10277897 13325000 10277238 7473000 101937 101865 101245 VENDOR PENDER'S MUSIC COMPANY Contact: Reesa Hall Email: Phone #: 800-772-5918 PERIPOLE, INC. Contact: Carol Lund Email: Phone #: 800-443-3592 RBC MUSIC COMPANY, INC. Contact: Don Bierschenk Email: Phone #: 800-548-0917 RHYTHM BAND INSTRUMENTS, LLC Contact: Kendall Spooner Email: Phone #: 800-424-4724 ext. 109 ROMEO MUSIC Contact: Julie Romeo Email: Phone #: 214-673-6002 SAM ASH QUIKSHIP CORP. Contact: Phil Triolo Email: Phone #: 800-472-6274 ext. 2224 SHAR PRODUCTS COMPANY Contact: Paula Leshkevich Email: Phone #: 866-742-7261 THE STRING CONNECTION Contact: Donald Lee Simpson Email: Phone #: 817-855-0048 WASHINGTON MUSIC SALES CENTER, INC. Contact: John Przybocki Email: Phone #: 301-946-8808 WAYNE BURAK & ASSOCIATES Contact: Nicholas Burak Email: Phone #: 817-801-6700 RESIDENT VENDOR Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District DISCOUNT FROM CATALOG, HUB PRICE LIST, OR MINIMUM VENDOR FREIGHT SHELF PRICE ORDER No Yes 0% No No Yes Orders <$80 0%-5% w/except. No No Yes 5% No No No 5%-15% No No No 3%-30% No No No Varies $50.00 No Yes orders <$50 10%-20% No No No Varies No No Yes orders <$75 0%-60% Yes No No Varies No Arlington Independent School District Bid #16-03 Music Supplies & Sheet Music 2015-2016 Effective: June 25, 2015 - May 31, 2016 VENDOR# 87080000 87235000 10277908 VENDOR WENGER CORPORATION Contact: Vanessa Jensen Email: Phone #: 800-733-0393 ext. 298 WEST MUSIC COMPANY Contact: Beth Villhauer Email: Phone #: 800-397-9378 WOODWIND & BRASSWIND, INC. Contact: Gregory Spretnjak Email: Phone #: 800-346-4448 ESTIMATED TOTAL RESIDENT VENDOR Texas District Texas District Texas District DISCOUNT FROM CATALOG, HUB PRICE LIST, OR MINIMUM VENDOR FREIGHT SHELF PRICE ORDER No Yes 0%-2% No No Yes Varies No No No 3%-20% No $160,000.00 TO: Cindy Powell Chief Financial Officer FROM: Tammy Craig Director of Purchasing DATE: June 25, 2015 RE: Bid Number 16-04 Computer & Audio Visual Supplies Bid Number 16-06 is an annual contract for computer and audio visual equipment, supplies, and/or services. Vendors were asked to bid a discount from their catalog, shelf price, or price list. As the need arises, formal written quotes will be obtained from the attached list of vendors. It is recommended that all vendors meeting specifications submitting catalog bids be approved. cc: Tony Drollinger Executive Director of Finance Arlington Independent School District Bid #16-04 Computer & Audio Visual Supplies Effective: July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016 VENDOR# 10273844 Not Set Up 10275363 10275534 Not Set Up 13393000 101695 2781 3498000 332000 VENDOR 3-C TECHNOLOGY LLC Contact: Cardell Wade Email: Phone #: 972-230-4300 ACCESS COMMUNICATIONS GROUP Contact: Mark Dittmar Email: Phone #: 915-845-0007 ACCO BRANDS USA LLC Contact: Matthew Kiesling Email: Phone #: 847-796-4569 ACCU-TECH CORPORATION Contact: Chris Thomas Email: Phone #: 972-428-4813 ACE OFFICE SUPPLIES Contact: Bahol Kamani Email: Phone #: 407-523-6440 ACP DIRECT Contact: Lisa Austin Email: Phone #: 800-238-8009 AEROWAVE TECHNOLOGIES INC Contact: Gina Gardenhire Email: Phone #: 214-222-2376 AFP INDUSTRIES INC Contact: Marcel Geffrard Email: Phone #: 305-663-8300 ANIXTER INC Contact: Derek Diorio Email: Phone #: 817-713-3989 APPLE INC Contact: Matt Baker Email: Phone #: 800-800-2775 DISCOUNT FROM CATALOG, RESIDENT HUB PRICE LIST, OR MINIMUM VENDOR VENDOR FREIGHT SHELF PRICE ORDER Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Yes Yes 0% No No Yes 0% No No No 40% (Ref Bid#16-04) No No No Varies No No Yes 0-75% No No Yes 0% (AISD#1604) No Yes Yes 15% No No Yes 12% (#16-04) $150.00 No No Varies No No 0%(Ref TX DIR-SDD2068) No No Arlington Independent School District Bid #16-04 Computer & Audio Visual Supplies Effective: July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016 VENDOR# 10273750 5465000 6986000 15464000 7000000 10279314 Not Set Up 12072000 13170000 Not Set Up VENDOR APTIRIS INC Contact: Gary Falcon Email: Phone #: 404-377-9915 ARLINGTON SEWING MACHINE (15-73) Contact: Carla Plant Email: Phone #: 817-460-4992 AUDIO VISUAL AIDS CORP Contact: Ron George Email: Phone #: 800-422-1282 AUSTIN RIBBON & COMPUTER SUPPLIES Contact: Ryan Grant Email: Phone #: 512-452-0651 AVES AUDIO VISUAL SYSTEMS Contact: Sandra Ramos Email: Phone #: 281-295-1300 BATTS AUDIO VIDEO & LIGHTING INC Contact: Paul Jordan Email: Phone #: 903-463-3559 CALL ONE INC Contact: Stephen Mays Email: Phone #: 800-749-3160 CAMCOR INC Contact: Will Benton Email: Phone #: 800-868-2462 CARAHSOFT TECHNOLOGY CORP Contact: Jack Dixon Email: Phone #: 703-871-8500 CDI COMPUTER DEALERS INC Contact: Naipaul Shoesankar Email: Phone #: 888-226-5727 DISCOUNT FROM CATALOG, RESIDENT HUB PRICE LIST, OR MINIMUM VENDOR VENDOR FREIGHT SHELF PRICE ORDER Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District No Yes 2% No No Yes 30% No Yes Yes 10-69% (Arlington Bid 16-04) No Yes Yes Varies (Ref 16-04) No No No Varies (Ref Bid # 16-04) $50.00 No Yes Varies No No No 45% No No Yes < $100 3% (Ref 1604) No No No Varies No No Yes 0-15% (Ref 16-04) No Arlington Independent School District Bid #16-04 Computer & Audio Visual Supplies Effective: July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016 VENDOR# 100581 Not Set Up 102188 Not Set Up Not Set Up 10273514 879778 101942 5394 23660000 VENDOR CDW GOVERNMENT LLC Contact: Matt Flood Email: Phone #: 866-723-3384 CHIP TAYLOR COMMUNICATIONS LLC Contact: Earl Chip Taylor Email: Phone #: 603-434-9262 COMPUTER EXPRESS Contact: Robert Cordero Email: Phone #: 210-490-4700 COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY LINK CORP Contact: Michael Mahanay Email: Phone #: 971-327-0101 CORE LEARNING INC Contact: N Peyton Powell Email: Phone #: 215-376-0776 DATABANK IMX Contact: Lance Gonzales Email: Phone #: 469-521-0570 DATA STAR USA INC Contact: Chris Marshall Email: Phone #: 972-294-5280 DELCOM GROUP Contact: Joe Mark Phillips Email: Phone #: 214-389-5500 DELL MARKETING LP Contact: Staci McDonald Email: Phone #: 512-728-5259 DEMCO INC Contact: Amy Schmale Email: Phone #: 866-558-9068 DISCOUNT FROM CATALOG, RESIDENT HUB PRICE LIST, OR MINIMUM VENDOR VENDOR FREIGHT SHELF PRICE ORDER Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District No No 0%(Ref AISD#1604) No No No 40% No Yes No Varies (Ref AISD-BID-1604) No No Yes Varies (Ref ARL-TEXAS16-04) No No Yes 30% (Ref BID 16-04) No No No 5-34.5% No No No 0% No Yes No Varies No No No 0% (Ref #10277333) No No No 0-14% (Ref #C5MP12) $75.00 Arlington Independent School District Bid #16-04 Computer & Audio Visual Supplies Effective: July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016 VENDOR# 10276407 10279304 6957000 10278308 Not Set Up Not Set Up 10280017 10280682 Not Set Up Not Set Up VENDOR DIGITAL RESOURCES INC Wendy Bock 817-481-9300 DLP LAMP SOURCE Contact: Dan Buchbinder Email: Phone #: 866-764-5822 DON JOHNSTON INC Contact: Beth Garza Email: Phone #: 847-740-0749 D & S COMMUNICATIONS INC Contact: David Randon Email: Phone #: 847-628-4217 EARTHWALK COMMUNICATIONS INC Contact: Greg Vanderlip Email: Phone #: 888-213-4900 EDCO-EDUCATION CONSULTANTS INC Contact: Christina Brown Email: Phone #: 770-720-0222 eSCHOLAR LLC Contact: Wolf Boehme Email: Phone #: 914-989-2900 EST GROUP LLC Contact: Tim Spires Email: Phone #: 817-382-8000 FIREFLY COMPUTERS Contact: Kari Phillips Email: Phone #: 866-950-8868 FIXI SHOP (THE) Contact: Ashleigh Mrazek Email: Phone #: 817-301-0544 Contact: Email: Phone #: DISCOUNT FROM CATALOG, RESIDENT HUB PRICE LIST, OR MINIMUM VENDOR VENDOR FREIGHT SHELF PRICE ORDER Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Yes No Varies (Ref #AAAQ-AISD) No No No 10% No No Yes 0% (Ref 1604) No No Yes 10% No No Yes 57% (Quote #) No No Yes Varies (Ref AISD #16-04) No No No Varies No Yes No Varies No No No 3% No No Yes 0% No Arlington Independent School District Bid #16-04 Computer & Audio Visual Supplies Effective: July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016 VENDOR# Not Set Up Not Set Up 10277886 Not Set Up 35770000 10277302 102314 101637 Not Set Up Not Set Up VENDOR GATES AIR CONDITIONING INC Contact: Jay Gates Email: Phone #: 214-343-8966 GENERAL DATATECH LP Contact: Wally Perez Email: Phone #: 214-857-6160 GLOBAL ASSET Contact: Tom Earley Email: Phone #: 972-695-8600 GRAHAM MAGNETICS LP Contact: Pat Allen Email: Phone #: 940-549-4500 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC COMPANY INC Contact: Darryl Bain Email: Phone #: 817-213-1217 HARDIN COMPUTER Contact: Rick Hardin Email: Phone #: 817-572-2775 HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY Contact: Catherine Bingham Email: Phone #: 512-319-0513 HOWARD TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS Contact: Jessica Hayes Email: Phone #: 888-912-3151 HTCOMP.NET INC Contact: Laura Hopkins Email: Phone #: 888-386-8925 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR INC Contact: Brian Hicks Email: Phone #: 800-467-4448 DISCOUNT FROM CATALOG, RESIDENT HUB PRICE LIST, OR MINIMUM VENDOR VENDOR FREIGHT SHELF PRICE ORDER Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District No No Varies No No No 0-65% No Yes No 15% No No No 0% (Ref Bid 16-04) No No Yes Varies No No No 0% No No No Varies (Ref TX#DIR-TSO2538) No No Yes 3-21% No No Yes 13-36% No No Yes Varies No Arlington Independent School District Bid #16-04 Computer & Audio Visual Supplies Effective: July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016 VENDOR# Not Set Up Not Set Up Not Set Up 2908000 2817 10278337 2631000 10277349 101639 10275077 VENDOR IT ASSETS INC Laura Mullican 405-227-0694 ITSIMPLIFY Contact: Jack Greenwood Email: Phone #: 551-497-0217 JOURNEYED.COM INC Contact: Timothy Lilly Email: Phone #: 800-876-3507 J W PEPPER & SON INC (16-03) Contact: Luana Marler Email: Phone #: 817-589-5980 KAMICO INSTRUCTIONAL MEDIA INC (15-73) Contact: Kathy Michael Email: Phone #: 254-947-7283 KYNETIC TECHNOLOGY Contact: Matt McMahan Email: Phone #: 214-632-8648 LAKESHORE LEARNING MATERIALS (15-73) Contact: Mariela Benavides Email: Phone #: 800-421-5354 LEARNING SERVICES Contact: Donna Villena Email: Phone #: 800-877-9378 LEXMARK INTL INC Contact: Sunny Suhail Email: Phone #: 214-257-0015 LIFETIME MEMORY PRODUCTS INC Contact: Jason Jackson Email: Phone #: 800-233-6233 Contact: Email: Phone #: DISCOUNT FROM CATALOG, RESIDENT HUB PRICE LIST, OR MINIMUM VENDOR VENDOR FREIGHT SHELF PRICE ORDER Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District No No 0% No No Yes Varies No No No Varies No No Yes 0% No Yes No 0% No No No Varies No No No 5% No No Yes 3-10% No No No 0% No No No Varies No Arlington Independent School District Bid #16-04 Computer & Audio Visual Supplies Effective: July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016 VENDOR# 10275675 6687 9958 Not Set Up Not Set Up 1628 10278331 13168000 14944000 10278804 VENDOR LOGISOFT COMPUTER PRODUCTS Contact: Robin Sommers Email: Phone #: 888-564-4763 LONE STAR COMMUNICATIONS INC Contact: Patt Bowles Email: Phone #: 972-336-0000 M & A TECHNOLOGY Contact: Donna Shepard Email: Phone #: 972-490-5803 M-EDGE INTERNATIONAL Contact: Karla Araujo Email: Phone #: 410-927-6379 MARKET POINT Contact: Shannon Lownes Email: Phone #: 877-365-1903 MASTER AUDIO VISUAL INC Contact: Kevin Leonard Email: Phone #: 800-256-2754 MICROSHARE Contact: Louis Droll Email: Phone #: 210-946-4686 NETSYNC NETWORK SOLUTIONS Contact: Diane Gonzales Email: Phone #: 866-974-5959 NETWORK CABLING SERVICES INC Contact: Brian Rives Email: Phone #: 972-664-0550 NUTS AND BOLTS (15-65) Contact: Keith Aholt Email: Phone #: 817-459-2658 DISCOUNT FROM CATALOG, RESIDENT HUB PRICE LIST, OR MINIMUM VENDOR VENDOR FREIGHT SHELF PRICE ORDER Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District No Yes Varies No No Yes 15% No Yes Yes 0-40% (Ref Bid 16-04) No No No Varies (Ref Quote 038) No No No 20% No No No 0-30% (Ref Bid #16-04) No Yes Yes Varies No Yes No 0-50% No No No 25% No No No 5% No Arlington Independent School District Bid #16-04 Computer & Audio Visual Supplies Effective: July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016 VENDOR# 101976 10275599 4001 102175 10279300 63265000 63308000 5091 Not Set Up 10278606 VENDOR PCM GOV INC Contact: Cathy Boleyn Email: Phone #: 800-625-5468 PEXAGON TECHNOLOGY INC Contact: Thomas Fair Email: Phone #: 203-433-0471 PRECISION BUSINESS MACHINES INC Contact: Terry Massey Email: Phone #: 972-224-9119 PROCOMPUTING CORPORATION Contact: Michael McKinstry Email: Phone #: 214-634-2450 PRO SVL INC Contact: Danny Hill Email: Phone #: 888-441-8500 PYRAMID SCHOOL PRODUCTS (15-73) Contact: Kenneth Miller Email: Phone #: 800-792-2644 QUALITY AUDIO VISUAL SERVICE INC Contact: John Peirce Email: Phone #: 817-284-3192 QUALITY SOUND & COM (15-59) Contact: Wendell Albracht Email: Phone #: 817-261-0421 QUALITY UPTIME SERVICES Contact: Frank Monticelli Email: Phone #: 917-971-6234 QUICK RESPONSE SYSTEMS INC Contact: David Adeyemo Email: Phone #: 972-863-9111 DISCOUNT FROM CATALOG, RESIDENT HUB PRICE LIST, OR MINIMUM VENDOR VENDOR FREIGHT SHELF PRICE ORDER Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District No No 4% No No No 25% No Yes Yes Varies No No Yes 2% No No Yes 0-20% (Ref #A1203) No No No 30% (Rev 1604 ARLING) $50.00 No Yes Varies $25.00 Yes Yes 5% $50.00 No Yes Varies No Yes Yes Varies No Arlington Independent School District Bid #16-04 Computer & Audio Visual Supplies Effective: July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016 VENDOR# 9015 10277788 657 100373 101349 10280144 10278657 10273467 10275641 Not Set Up VENDOR SCHOOLHOUSE AUDIO-VISUAL Contact: D.R. Betts Email: Phone #: 972-423-5874 SCHOOL OUTFITTERS (15-73) Contact: Angela Webb Email: Phone #: 800-260-2776 SCHOOL SPECIALTY INC (15-73) Contact: Amy Fuss Email: Phone #: 800-554-7632 SCOTT ELECTRIC Contact: Mark Troutman Email: Phone #: 855-726-8899 SHI GOVERNMENT SOLUTIONS Contact: Cassie Skelton Email: Phone #: 972-206-1490 SHOP K12 INC Contact: Don McNeill Email: Phone #: 541-517-6814 SILICON MOUNTAIN MEMORY Contact: Roy Lunde Email: Phone #: 888-745-6866 SMART GROUP SYSTEMS (15-78) Contact: Quazi Faruque Email: Phone #: 972-235-2161 SOFTWARE MACKIEV Contact: Stephen Caguiat Email: Phone #: 617-227-6681 SOUTHERN COMPUTER REPAIR Contact: Bob McMillan Email: Phone #: 866-941-9556 DISCOUNT FROM CATALOG, RESIDENT HUB PRICE LIST, OR MINIMUM VENDOR VENDOR FREIGHT SHELF PRICE ORDER Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District No No 10-40% (Ref Bid #16-04) Yes No Yes 0% No No No 36% (Ref #7778181896) No No No 10% No Yes No Varies No No Yes 5% No No No 50%(Ref #AISD16-04) No Yes No 45% No No No Varies No No No Varies (Ref #16-04) $25.00 Arlington Independent School District Bid #16-04 Computer & Audio Visual Supplies Effective: July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016 VENDOR# 14851000 Not Set Up 10274960 10280143 Not Set Up 8337 10276500 1818 10280470 13700000 VENDOR SOUTHERN COMPUTER WAREHOUSE Contact: Starr Brown Email: Phone #: 877-468-6729 SPECIALTY BULB CO INC Contact: LuAnn Buckhulz Email: Phone #: 631-589-3393 STAPLES TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS Contact: Marty Robertson Email: Phone #: 954-379-5542 SUNRISE HITEK GROUP LLC Contact: Jimmy Sun Email: Phone #: 773-792-8880 SUPERIOR FIBER & DATA SERVICES INC Contact: Randy Fuller Email: Phone #: 972-245-6014 TEACHING SYSTEMS INC (15-73) Contact: Kimberly Savage Email: kim@teaching Phone #: 817-417-7775 TIGER DIRECT Contact: Glenn Borcuert Email: Phone #: 972-581-8673 TROXELL COMMUNICATIONS INC Contact: Paul Champion Email: Phone #: 817-358-8701 TWG PLUS Contact: Christine Wyatt Email: Phone #: 855-894-7587 UNIFIED POWER Contact: Joel Chestier Email: Phone #: 972-524-6050 DISCOUNT FROM CATALOG, RESIDENT HUB PRICE LIST, OR MINIMUM VENDOR VENDOR FREIGHT SHELF PRICE ORDER Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District No No Varies No No No 0% $50.00 No Yes Varies (Ref #349136) No No No Varies No Yes Yes 6% No No Yes 0% No No Yes 0-20% No No Yes Varies (Ref #7176) No No Yes 0% No No Yes 0% No Arlington Independent School District Bid #16-04 Computer & Audio Visual Supplies Effective: July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016 VENDOR# Not Set Up 14523000 1509 6637 10278014 Not Set Up 15141000 10280191 12143000 10280407 VENDOR USACI CORP Contact: Jessica Hartley Email: Phone #: 972-673-0333 UNIVERSAL MELODY SERVICES (16-03) Contact: Chris Warnick Email: Phone #: 800-637-8966 VALIANT NATIONAL AV SUPPLY Contact: Ron Watsten Email: Phone #: 800-825-4268 VIDEOTEX SYSTEMS INC Contact: Paul Riggs Email: Phone #: 972-231-9200 VIRTUCOM INC Contact: Tim Prince Email: Phone #: 800-890-2611 VISIONS IN EDUCATION INC Contact: Don McNeill Email: Phone #: 541-349-0905 VSA INC Contact: Marty Shreder Email: Phone #: 800-888-2140 VSC INC Contact: L Kemmer Email: Phone #: 248-926-2540 W B HUNT CO INC Contact: Roger Treadwell Email: Phone #: 781-462-2343 ZENO IMAGING Contact: Jason Hooks Email: Phone #: 817-695-1700 ESTIMATED TOTAL DISCOUNT FROM CATALOG, RESIDENT HUB PRICE LIST, OR MINIMUM VENDOR VENDOR FREIGHT SHELF PRICE ORDER Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Yes No Varies No No No 0-60% No No No (Ref CAT BID) 5% $50.00 No No Varies $100.00 No No 0% (Ref #TJ16-04) No No Yes 5% No No No Varies (Ref #AISD-CATBID) $50.00 No Yes 5-15% No No No Varies(Ref #I86140) $50.00 No No Varies No $25,000,000.00 TO: Cindy Powell Chief Financial Officer FROM: Tammy Craig Director of Purchasing DATE: June 25, 2015 RE: Bid 16-05 Charter Bus Service Bid Number 16-05 is an annual contract for charter bus service. The Special Trips Coordinator will select the charter based on passenger size requested, length of trip, price and availability. It is recommended all bidders meeting specifications be approved so that a number of charters will be available to provide special transportation services. cc: Tony Drollinger Executive Director of Finance Arlington Independent School District Effective: July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016 NET 30 TERMS: NO HUB VENDOR: RESIDENT VENDOR: DESCRIPTION 24-36 Passenger Bus Charge per hour for trip less than minimum (4 hrs) Charge per hour for trip exceeding minimum hours 5981 3011000 15441000 NET 30 NET 30 NO NO 2% 15 days after NO Wy nn eM oto tar eS Lon Upon Receipt NO ach rc o che Co a el & tt T ra v Elli o 10280951 es c. s, I n rs To u l Se rv i Sc h oo m rha Da nD Du i pe rt C nB tow Co w 10280930 oa ch Ch a us US A i on Ch am p VENDOR: VENDOR ID NUMBER: es rte rs , ces Inc . BID # 16-05 Annual Contract for Charter Bus Service 6371 10280910 NET 30 NET 30 NO YES Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas District District District District District District District Price/Hr Price/Hr Price/Hr NA NA $ $ $ $ 125.50 71.50 $ 105.00 $ 105.00 $ 100.00 $ NA $ 137.00 85.00 $ 115.00 $ 115.00 Price/Hr Price/Hr Price/Hr $ $ 95.00 95.00 $ $ 80.00 85.00 $ $ 60.00 70.00 NA NA $ 105.00 NA $ $ 120.00 120.00 $ $ 80.00 85.00 $ $ 60.00 70.00 $ 100.00 $ 100.00 NA NA $ $ 150.00 150.00 $ $ 85.00 90.00 $ $ 60.00 70.00 NA NA Price/Hr 95.00 95.00 38 - 53 Passenger Bus Charge per hour for trip less than minimum (4 hrs) Charge per hour for trip exceeding minimum hours 55-57 Passenger Bus Charge per hour for trip less than minimum (5 hrs) Charge per hour for trip exceeding minimum hours Additional Comments/Charges Certificate of Insurance as Specified DOT (Department of Transportation) Rating Driver changes will vary in price due to mileage, group is responsible for the drivers single room lodging, any parking fees or permits required. Wi-Fi and 110 outlets available for a flat rate of $25 per charter. AISD Pays: Tolls AISD to pay all $2.65 per Toll/live or driver lodging; D/H, Drivers AISD will be parking fees; overnight charge responsible for Out of town trips road tolls; DFW $30.00 per night & driver lodging on will be billed by airport script; drivers rooms if we overnight time and mileage entrance fees; book. $110/night. charters, as well rather than flat hotels and Driver exchanges as any tolls or hourly rate. special parking fees. subject to distance. assessments and Parking fees, Airport driver changes. transfers $10/trip YES Not Rated YES YES YES Satisfactory Satisfactory Conditional YES Not Rated Estimated Total = $500,000 YES YES Satisfactory Satisfactory TO: Cindy Powell Chief Financial Officer FROM: Tammy Craig Director of Purchasing DATE: June 25, 2015 RE: Bid Number 16-06 Spring Athletic Sports Supply & Catalog Bid Number 16-06 is an annual contract for spring athletic sports supplies. Supplies and equipment purchases will be bought for baseball, softball, gymnastics, soccer, swimming, track, wrestling and archery. In addition to the inventory line items, the bid asked for a discount from the vendor’s catalog, price list or shelf price. This will allow the District to purchase items which are not identified at this time. Items marked with one asterisk were not as specified due to incorrect brand or package quantity. Items marked with two asterisks indicate a tie bid, awarded to the resident vendor. It is recommended that the low bids meeting specifications be awarded by line item, and that all vendors meeting specifications submitting catalog bids be approved. cc: Tony Drollinger Executive Director of Finance ARLINGTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Effective Date: July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016 Bid #16-06 Spring Athletic Sports Supplies & Catalog AK-2 Sports Alert Services VENDOR ID: 10280004 1330000 CATALOG BID - % DISCOUNT: 15% TERMS: Net 30 HUB VENDOR: RESIDENT VENDOR: America Team Anacond Sports a Sports Barcelona Sporting Goods BSN Sporting Goods Carey's Sporting Goods Clever Items Gilman Gear Jerry's Sporting Goods 1287 10276772 11915000 10277789 10800000 10% w/except. 8411 Not Set Up 100065 10275269 10% 35% 5% 20%-35% Varies 10% w/except. 0% Varies 25% 18% 10% Net 30 Net 30 Net 30 Net 30 Net 30 Net 30 Net 30 Net 15 Net 30 Net 30 Net 30 20% 14% w/except. 10%-40% 3% Varies Net 30 Net 30 Net 30 Net 30 Net 30 REFERENCE NUMBER: Lake Ridge MF Golf Athletic Center 10276732 10279648 Aluminum Athletic Equip. Pioneer Mfg. Co. Play to Win Athletics 11687000 10277860 63265000 % Off Bid 15-48774 150662 Pyramid S&S School Worldwide Products 9739 Teamline Visual Impact Specialty 9278 6517 5%-40% Varies 0% Net 30 Net 30 Net 15 Net 30 No No No No Soccer Corner Team Express 11036000 13254000 16-06ARL 16-06-16PE No No No No No No Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas District District District District District District District District District District District District District District District District District District District District District $72.50 $59.64 $66.50 $60.00 $40.03 $150.00 Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No BASEBALL & SOFTBALL Dudley Softball WT12 Thunder Official top-grade leather cover 1 12 dz BSB4618 Official Game Ball - No Sub $65.00 $68.00 $68.00 2 12 dz Pitching Machine Ball Softball Dimpled White BSB7003 - No Sub $33.00 $33.50 3 12 dz Pitching Machine Ball Baseball Dimpled White BSB7001 - No Sub $28.00 $27.50 4 12 ea Thunderstick Training Bat T10Adult 33" 37 oz - No Sub $54.99 $48.50 $40.98 $69.43 $42.50 $10.50 $9.00** Tie Bid Award $14.50 $45.00 $19.40* $20.00* $49.50 $12.95* $16.08* $54.00 $45.00 $19.40* $20.00* $49.50 $12.95* $15.43* $54.00 $45.00 $51.00 $60.00 $49.50 $47.90 $40.45* $54.00 Molded Rubber Base Plugs set of 5 24 set 3 BSB4784 - No Sub $15.50 $9.00 $3.43* BASKETBALL Wilson NCAA Center court 6 24 ea Composite Men's Basketball - No Sub Wilson NCAA Center court 7 24 ea Composite Women's Basketball No Sub Wilson Solution Wide Seam 8 24 ea Women's Basketball - No Sub GOLF Bridgestone Tour B330-S - Golf Ball Ball with Imprint - No Sub Bridgestone Lady Golf Balls - with Imprint - No Sub NXT Tour Golf Balls with Imprint No Sub ProV1 Golf Balls with Imprint - No Sub Titelist Velocity Golf Balls with Imprint- No Sub $55.00 17 20 set Corner Flags, set of 4, Weighted No Sub $69.99 18 12 ea Adidas adipure NFHS Competition ball # V42326 - No Sub 9 12 dz 10 12 dz 11 24 dz 12 24 dz 13 24 dz $40.00 $20.00 $62.00 $62.00 SOCCER 19 12 ea 20 24 ea 21 12 ea 22 12 ea 23 24 ea 24 12 ea Baden SX751-CPL Perfection Elite Soccer Ball - UIL Official Game $69.60 Ball for Texas High Schools - No Sub Kwik Goal Captains Arm Bands No Sub Xara Practice Soccer Balls Size 5 HKM - No Sub Xara NFHS Game Soccer Balls #5 UMMM - No Sub Adidas NFHS 11 Pro #5 Game Ball - No Sub Adidas Predator Glider #5 Practice Soccer Balls AMM - No Sub $80.00 $75.00 $30.50 $31.95 $63.50 $43.96 $60.00 $23.90 $36.00 $57.60 $64.98 $53.00 $2.75 $30.50 $11.50 $10.95 $220.00 $162.50 $170.00 $60.00 $69.09 $85.00 $144.70 $62.00 $33.00 $52.50 $2.60 $3.75 $2.19 $62.00 $49.12 $2.65 $2.31 $21.60 $14.00 $13.75 $30.00 $34.70 $25.00 $32.50 $24.00 $35.60 $25.00 $34.50 $11.75 $14.00 $12.50 $12.90 $3.50 ARLINGTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Effective Date: July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016 Bid #16-06 Spring Athletic Sports Supplies & Catalog AK-2 Sports Alert Services VENDOR ID: 10280004 1330000 CATALOG BID - % DISCOUNT: 15% TERMS: Net 30 HUB VENDOR: RESIDENT VENDOR: 6 ea 32 6 ea 33 6 ea 34 4 set 35 4 set 36 2 set BSN Sporting Goods Carey's Sporting Goods Clever Items Gilman Gear Jerry's Sporting Goods 1287 10276772 11915000 10277789 10800000 10% w/except. 8411 Not Set Up 100065 10275269 10% 35% 5% 20%-35% Varies 10% w/except. 0% Varies 25% 18% 10% Net 30 Net 30 Net 30 Net 30 Net 30 Net 30 Net 30 Net 15 Net 30 Net 30 Net 30 10%-40% 3% Varies Net 30 Net 30 Net 30 Net 30 Net 30 Pioneer Mfg. Co. Play to Win Athletics 11687000 10277860 63265000 % Off Bid 15-48774 150662 Pyramid S&S School Worldwide Products 9739 Teamline Visual Impact Specialty 9278 6517 5%-40% Varies 0% Net 30 Net 30 Net 15 Net 30 No No No No Soccer Corner Team Express 11036000 13254000 16-06ARL 16-06-16PE No No No No No No Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas District District District District District District District District District District District District District District District District District District District District District Yes Yes Fiberglass Measurig Tape 165' 50M Fiberglass Measuring Tape 100' 30M Fiberglass Measuring Tape 50' 15M Hip numbers 25 each lanes 10-18 Adhesive Hip numbers 25 each lanes 19-30 Adhesive Hip numbers 250 each lanes 1-9 Adhesive WRESTLING 37 100 ea Cliff Keen Hair Slickers - No Sub 38 12 gal Cramer Mat Cleaner 1 Gallon - No Barcelona Sporting Goods 14% w/except. TRACK 28 24 bx .22 Cal. Blanks, Box of 50 29 24 bx .32 Cal. Blanks, Box of 50 30 12 bag 1/4" Ppyramid Spikes, 100/Bag 31 America Team Anacond Sports a Sports 20% REFERENCE NUMBER: Lake Ridge MF Golf Athletic Center 10276732 10279648 Aluminum Athletic Equip. No No $21.00 $50.00 $9.00 $13.90 $44.90 $10.00 $8.31 $17.00 $9.75 $14.00 $10.00 $14.35 $34.65 Mat Tape 3' X 84" 24 Rolls per 40 24 cs Case-No Sub $174.50 No $12.00 $47.00 $8.00 No No No No No No $16.95 $66.95 $8.50 $15.00 $49.00 $8.00 $6.98 $25.95 $17.00 $8.75 $7.83 $5.91 $14.25 $13.50 $6.75 $14.00 $5.65 $3.86 $9.25 $12.00 $5.25 $8.00 $17.95 $12.95 $17.95 $15.95 $27.95 $95.95 $16.10 $60.42 $17.50 $40.94 $19.75 $14.75 $54.90 $186.25 $108.48 $180.00 $261.72 $152.75 $14.00 $54.00 $5.00 $17.50 $252.00 $7.60 $18.00 $14.20 $200.00 $100.80* *Not as specified **Tie Bid Award AWARDED VENDORS (Catalog Bid Only) 10-S Tennis Cornish Daktronic Flag-house s Supply Medical 14277000 ESTIMATED TOTAL $735,000.00 2241000 Not Set Up 29855000 Gail's Flags Lakeshor e Learning Materials Palos Sports Riddell / All America n 102831 2631000 1583000 6341 Ritchey Athletics School Outfitters The Tennis Shop Not Set Up 10277788 25756000 5%-10% 0%-10% Varies 15% 0% 5% 10% 1%-40% 10% 2% 0%-20% Net 30 Net 30 Net 30 Net 30 Net 30 Net 30 Net 30 Net 30 Net 30 Net 30 Net 30 No No No No 62146 No No No No Yes No No Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas District District District District District District District District District District District TO: Cindy Powell Chief Financial Officer FROM: Tammy Craig Director of Purchasing DATE: June 25, 2015 RE: Bid 16-08 Annual Contract for Musical Instrument Repair Bid number 16-08 is an annual contract for musical instrument repair. This is a qualifying bid. Quotes are requested based on instrument type and vendor specialty. It is recommended that all vendors be approved so that a wide variety of service providers are available for this service. cc: Tony Drollinger Executive Director of Finance Arlington Independent School District RFP 16-08 Musical Instrument Repair Effective Date: July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016 VENDOR: VENDOR ID NUMBER: TERMS: RESIDENT VENDOR: HUB VENDOR: Brook Mays Music (Ft. Worth and Arlington) Jack Rasmussen (Luthier) MG Double Reed Supply & Repair Music 1st Music & Arts Center String Connection (The) 14523000 Net 30 11977000 Net 30 Not Set Up Net 30 10278563 Net 30 13357000 Net 30 101937 Net 30 District Texas Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District Texas District NO NO NO NO NO NO Labor Charge Per Hour Varies No Bid NA $60-$80 $58.50 NA % Markup for Materials Varies No Bid NA Varies 0-80% NA Labor Charge Per Hour Varies No Bid $65.00 $60-$80 $58.50 NA % Markup for Materials Varies No Bid 0% Varies 0-80% NA Labor Charge Per Hour Varies $50.00 $65.00 NA $58.50 Varies % Markup for Materials Varies Included in Labor Rate 0% NA 0-80% Varies Representative Bill Everitt Jack Rasmussen Michael Gathings Becky Gore Richard Knoll Donald Simpson Telephone Number 214-905-4950 817-548-9820 214-603-6290 817-421-7608 214-724-1958 817-561-2510 Fax Number 214-905-5031 817-548-1242 817-354-4282 817-421-2074 214-267-2106 817-855-0049 E-mail Address DESCRIPTION Brass Instrument Repair Woodwind Instrument Repair Stringed Instrument Repair ESTIMATED TOTAL $175,000.00
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