now - Scottish Borders Council
now - Scottish Borders Council
Primary School ± Hawick Prime Frontages /Core Areas Adopted Key Conservation Area W ilto WILTON 25 nP at h Prime Frontages/ Core Area 0 25 Metres This map has been prepared by the Information Systems Team, Planning and Economic Development. For further details contact: 01835 825060 Ext 5420/5421 Crown Copyright all rights reserved. Scottish Borders Council, Licence 100023423, 2008 IST ID: 121020 HAWICK Miller's Knowes Pa te Buccleuch Park sP lum Po ol Estate Estate tr Sli ig te Wa Buccleuch Park r Estate Works Mill La de ± Innerleithen Green Gates The Dykes Prime Frontages /Core Areas Stables Pirn Graig Kirklands Cottage Adopted BM 155.81m en Wa te r k Trac Lei th Key Sluices Sluice RO AD Conservation Area FB 153.6m Prime Frontages/ Core Area 25 0 25 Cliffs c Tra LEI THE N Kirklands k Leithen Pirn Quarry BM Sc ho olh .0 0 m VIE W Torw yn ev Br a 15 1 ) (um Pat h use Fynn den e DW .9 5m SM 15 2 BM S AN ' RO N ST E RA AV EN U Offices m 4 7 .2 2 147.2m LEITHEN ROAD T PL O RE E Q UE E N ST O AD R N PI R (um ) Pat h BM 1 Drovers Way U G H to S TR EE T TCB ET Caravan Park ET Tr ac k ST RE N'S T E ST R ONA N ET RE ST Caddon H AT O R RE ST M S IE ET RE T S KE AL W ET RE ST 'S ES E YN B NA N RA CR T EE R ST RO O PL en ith Le er at W D d ant le ism way Rail EN TH th Pa I LE FB M LS IL Mi ll L ad e ot n fo h e Morar t i e k an nb a w Ro El Sub Sta o8 M ill d La e Pirnhaugh l Innerleithen a St d ee E GL AN RK PA El Sub Sta an kP 142.3m oo t our nb Health Centre rC rc e Me Ca do ST E G le ne lg Lo dg e E AC PL to EW RA C Le ST SB R T EE R ST n S CE IN PR a nn E T AN LL BA TC E G ry R ER R EO G a br Li 5t b Su w rT Ashbank MS e sf os M AM RS BE L El ve Ri Woodlands LES EB PE D EE W T n lo CH Ronella .9m Aitken VI H O R 2 14 Garage E LL MI ET RE Chy Lodge AD RO o7 8m Walled Garden Caerlee a Av 143.0m Easter tta se o R e al pd a Kn h Auldmains 149.0m Cottage ac m u re G Woodcot RC Church te l Ho D ROA Limes Nether Caerlee St Mungo's ld O 143.3m Westwood Wester House n da eri de La a ir GP Ivanhoe Garage Presbytery Erig NT CE qu BM .9 Runic Cross Cott OR AT Path re m oo ill M 9 B 70 Ellwyn Police 7 14 72 K ley n Gle PW en Gl Rhuallan Moorside Beechwood A e Th ES CR B TC GH HI ST ROAD Mill Gardens FB E ID GS IN RN k Bowling Green Club m 4.8 14 to Cleikum Mill FB RR AC Playing Field PL Tweedvale e id gs i a Cr Club Cottage TE El odge T PO Bank D EN ne m 5.7 O M ET RE ST LL c Tra HA Te ho le p GH HI S EE TR LEY WAVER Fire Gas Gov LB SM Hall Horsbrugh Ashton Parkside PC's 14 1t Posts nk Victoria Park Thornhill s e e sid rag ed Ga PC's Sub Sta an e Tw Park Manse Meml Ba n Ro St Victoria Park Dalfaber nk Hall 153.6m L Pirn IDG BR Football Ground Caerlee Hill CR AIG Maneesha B 709 NA N' S WA Y ST. RO RRA CE Track INNERLEITHEN Play Area Primary School CRES 146.6m Vilamoura Ferns Park 72 Firs St lba Mil Track Hall th Pa Fort Bruach- BOND STREET Terraces A 72 Parish Stone BM 147.91m es Pirn Wood Hall BM 148.96m Caerlee Mill Courts A ck Co tt a g 148.7m e id ds oo W on dd Ca TV Mast Caerleebank Wood Tr ac k ide Brae s Rillb a nk Peop le (Old ies The Skerr Cottage REET a Tr Track 152.1m Meml Bellendene Pirn Bank Path (um) The Pines The PW Sinks Teindside LB Old 154.2m Pirn Wood Nether Pirn Mill Lade Track S TR AND CHURCH ST LL DAMSIDE Issues BM 152.28m ie w ont s Ho me) N' S WA Y ON A ST .R ST RONAN'S Tra ck ta Rose St Ronan's (Old People's Chapman's Well k Trac The Green St Ronan's Holly MAX W E 3 m) We lls B rae Par so n age Hillh ous e Foresters Tank (u St El Sub S TERRAC E Caerleebank Wood Lee Pen Kilry m WE LLS Briariach Pa th BM 151.51m Greenside WE L LS Aintree Rahoy ck Tra Ho ELL PAR K R AE 152.4m m Glen-Roy A7 1 6.9 13 Moghbrae Sluice Comely Fort BM WE LLS B Kaimend Weir Willowbank MIL LW (um) NURSERY PARK Mineral Wells St Ronan's Wells Metres Trough ou se .8 m Well 15 3 2 This map has been prepared by the m 6 4 . 151 Information SystemsBMTeam, Planning and Economic Development. For 72 Afurther details contact: Issues 01835 825060 Ext 5420/5421 Crown Copyright all rights reserved. Scottish Borders Council, Licence 100023423, 2008 IST ID: 121020 RA CE TE R BO N m El Sta SC EN T OA D ER RE IGG EC IGG Sta HA RT R ub El S Finclere Glendelvine Dowanhill UE RA VEN Playground E N U DO L L I H Playing Field El Sub Sta BLA I The Bungalow Mh o rn El Sta Tund r a Castlewood Cemetery Fn HA RT R EES NTR Hyndlea Lynwood Allerley Well Park BM 83.79m IV E Doom Hill Evanton or Kis h t Hillcrof Playground ROAD Gallows Neuk Strathearn d ag Kilmore Maldwyn Greenrig Keilder 145.4m Tanks ES NT RE BO U E Jethart View Westgate Howdenlea Faraway Glenalmond Ravenhill Lealands Orgil LB TCB to Greystone Jail Lothian Park Kirklands House L Rowanbrae Jedburgh L AHI GAL 135.0m Ridgevale Lothian Park Eskdale PLA C r Cottage Hospital AD RO 'S PR IO R Cottage Pi pe 80.64 Coylumbridge DR o o iar r w B m l Ho PARK The Hermitage Benvenuto UE 6m 125.33m . 1 DRIVE AT 109 E .4m EG CA ST L Old Parish 121.0m Hall Manse LL d Ravenslea GRIEVE AVE N ck m Brae Birchover Roselea Tr a Cauld Jed Wate 12 11 7 6. PC o o w Eastrig Braemore Lookout Lynedock Couthylaw 116.7m n y l os NS HI 112.8m Douglasdale Ardcraig Inglesyde Castle BM 76.57m we E BM 118 .56 m AC Car Park Vela Luka T UR TE RR Laidlaw Baths Car Park Hill View Kenmore 89.0m Riverview Trondra Thurwell R DU Wellrigg Glentulchan CO n g B ur Suilvan LB The Firs Linton Ben Dochy Allerton Carlene E Subway Black Alanvale N CA ST L Subway Well Brooklands in n n u r Skip ) gy le Mill Inglenook Learig Graemsay Gavinton Posts Abbey Bridge 108.42m Taronlea TO ER nk Path (u m Gl en y Tourist Centre Glencairn El The Ronda Edesisle L AL ba CLOSE OAKIEKNOWE ROAD Sub 103.0m Metres This map has been prepared by the Information Systems Team, Planning and Economic Development. For further details contact: 01835 825060 Ext 5420/5421 Crown Copyright all rights reserved. Scottish Borders Council, Licence 100023423, 2008 IST ID: 121020 Oakie Knowe 94.2m Boundary House een er Well y OXNAM ROAD Boundary Prime Frontages/ Core Area 0 25 25 BO U TCB's LB Conservation Area IES .11 m 78 1 to 3 CRO WN L War Car Park Richmond PC 83.64m Well wa Su b TC B Hall EE T 103.27m C re m 0.6 10 Rest Abbey d Al Lambskins LB Wrens Nest El Sub Sta y's Gr Glenhome B 6358 Bus id s rk ri P e r a m Adopted ng RT Grave Yard Subway Mu rra Sinks PC Abbots ST R Prime Frontages /Core Areas Leyla Grave Yard Th e Posts Royal PH Milfield Gardens LB Canongate BOUNDA R Po l Ha ll 1 to 5 e d i rs Pa 75.6m Well e PH Fn OW Jedburgh Key Katie Health Queen's at e W Lodge ANE y Wildcat Cleuch Issues PO Po st .6m St t a Cl GP Y BE AB Glenbank Hotel po Queen Buildings ll B ra OU Lib Hall Path DC W IL LC ub De ls S 80.5m 85 ge 58 LARKH H EU G AT Rozel AT HO WYND Bl ac kh il El S Sp H o re a te d l E AC P L p a rt Y B E am AB e R Th CL ot ta Larkhall Burn Highgate Tr ac k kC BM 4 t 1 to Co 85.7 o 5m un ty Paradise an ER W YN D Bank 'S PH 63 Olivet se b 79.6m BEL L EL L PH Piper's House 135.3m Ro House B 125.6m A LL Kinnoull 117.3m The Acre to Kilimant Eden 81. 7m William's Cott BM 98.91m Springfield FR Wo IAR rks SG ho AT ps E UNT CAIRNMO 1t o9 106.1m The Studio JE W Trinity Manse Bank ME AD JEDBURGH ROAD Willow Court Springmount 148.1m Friars Froylehurst Stone Hill Church Dillichip Court S DE WATERSI Greyfriars Normanie 164.3m Sinks BM 80.81m House Kishorn Friars Grove Club ROAD BAULK TOTCH ES Chaucers Bergamot 73.2m BR E IDG ta bS Glenarvon Orchard Brae l T E E TR u El S Nambrac Summerside 72.8m Duck Row Friars Acre Friars Hill Sc hoo Fire EN STR EET Cleuchside Goose e (Track) Meiklecleuch The Coach House Twr ± g Brid Hollybank Glenfriars Hotel FRIARS GATE Sinks PL EA SA E NC l S E ub S ta QU E Briary Bank GA TE OLD Sports PO HOWD Howdenburn Primary School LB ENBUR N CO U RT l Po o AD RO ID E ED EN S 61 64 B 46 k c Walk rside Roselea Lodge Tweedford Hempsford to to M fie y a ld a e r ic A 8 o 1t ed s Tw e ar er am th F Y MA D L IE R A G ed K e str ar Knowes S N DE C W AL wn leg El Rive VE Ma y field RO Do to Rose Acre p Ap Springwood Park Kelso Bridge Picnic Area G Hempseedford n Pic iverside Wa lk RD Folly ley e er ov av gr W on alt W 39.6m lbia ks RT Mayfield R Grandstand Deepdene Allotment Gardens St Leonard's Garden Car Park 39.0m Cattle Grid Deepdene Maxwell Manse Post E Riv Ct rd sfo ot ntre b u S a St or W Abbey Bank OU 33.6m Bridge End Da B6 1 46 b Ab Ce t m .3m 7.42 37 IE C 32.5m AB BO TS FO Bellachroy Manse El Sub Sta AN Allot Gdns Telex po E 3 BM G NN RE Glebelands GE L Hermitage Depot ry ID Abbeyside ITA Cottage Pointfield Centre THE KNOWES Abbey Royd War UR T LB Garage De BR Abbey HE RM CO AN ban RO AD 35.0m Post Car Park ABBEY 34.8m PA RK LO Lyme 35.44m SQ 6 to B6 lic 461 e Pl ac ia 4 ild u B 's er ET Tweedbank 35.2m 89 t as tte Po .1m l ote BELMOUNT Bollards M Metres LL Pav A 60 COAL l o P ice Prime Frontages/ Core Area Woodlands 25 0 25 Nurses KELSO S TT BU 36 LB u 89 PH CT H Pl ro g ay nd 60 OD es Pavilion A NE L A rf o rd SE the RO Ru o5 t 1 ET K R MA Shedden Park Old Parish Church k k rT ev iot c ffi O T EE Post W Posts e us ed AR T E K Bollard Ho rT we M k n Ba am Ri ve Church 089 Conservation Area This map hasLodge been prepared by the Information Systems Team, Planning Tennis Courts and Economic Development. For further details contact: 34.7m El Sub Sta 01835 825060 Ext 5420/5421 Crown 35.0m Copyright all rights reserved. Scottish Borders Council, Licence Tweedbank 100023423, 2008 IST ID: BU 121020 Parkside Tait Hall E TH n Ba n Ba N A V HA H A N Woodside B6 LB IDE e R ST H el t o 8 9 6 A SE WO n Ed 32.6m PCs ous S OS PC o8 1t 1 Ramsay 1 R O 61 O R PH EY B Ramp AB 46 Ta nk H Sta B6 Q t ub B 6 64 B 64 PO b TS L U VA Mill B C T EE T Clu 's k c a J um l P sts Po AT PE L MI Jetties Car Park Cross Keys nk a B ND Y LW d so r e C s ' n r ou Depot S El T EE eir W ST R n e H 3 Car Park R ST rs D YN Weir b eH CR m 6 . 6 Cross Hotel o9 1t lle Bu Watermill th e D ck Ba Ramp D 'S N U W or Hall Car Park c ffi O R FO PH Kelso Anna Kelso Anna Clifton ED EN S ILL AW 39.9m The Vigorous Haugh y Su b Gro v CR CE RA Pk N Key Balladoyle 34.1m Goshenbank 1 MA NS VE H Kerfield St Helens cto r CO LD S A6 Pu b 2) 41.1m Car Pk R TE e Th Vigorous Haugh NS Re UR T LD EF IE TO FT Adopted Pri or O AD R H C IN St a ub El S UR T CO ES TF IEL D Vi ct 0) 1 to Club GD Halidon (1 Weir IDE ce e n a 1 to Salmon Ladder u h C L ED EN S e or ed h rc PW (1 The Put GR O St John's us e rT we Ho Ri ve Be TH E e Works n a tP la n h c e Te FO R Ri ve re e LB L t n s er P e d E e d i ns us Oaklands .7m Wal k 40.61m o W Ho 33 38.7m p o sh k r nd Prime Frontages /Core Areas E AN iver side .1m Edenside L SE yR Trinity House itla Sports Ground OU obb e ac ET s's G The C n a b l rr e kT Ma Kelso Pavilion GH RE ST Coble Hole 38 3 l Hi T Sheepfold me H C IN 7m . 8 EF IE r o N m Hotel Walton Hall St J a .52 K R PA ON DW Works 39 wo od Edenside Primary School YIN DR 38.7m e s u BM Bowling Green M W BO DW ar W o h e n y L PO Inch Hospital Al b M t S Hall ar y's ay s d Ho El MA NS ol Sc ho Hi gh Ke l Lodge YN E C A L P R E Tennis Court D b u S a St n Lodge Park Ro BM 42.98m so The Elms io vil Pa Lodge 089 ± IDE A6 Cottage on nd d ar Ly e n o rn M h et il By dg Ar a le e n ri e re w G o ille G d v rt h oo wo W se Orchard S EN ED (Rugby Football Ground)
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