Taphonomy of the Accumulations Produced by Caracara plancus
Taphonomy of the Accumulations Produced by Caracara plancus
P R O ME T H E US P R E S S / P A L A E O N T O L O G I C A L N E T W O R K F O UN D A T I O N Journal of Taphonomy (TERUEL) 2009 Available online at www.journaltaphonomy.com Montalvo & Tallade VOLUME 7 (ISSUE 2-3) Taphonomy of the Accumulations Produced by Caracara plancus (Falconidae). Analysis of Prey Remains and Pellets Claudia I. Montalvo*, Pedro O. Tallade Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad Nacional de La Pampa Uruguay 151, 6300 Santa Rosa, La Pampa, Argentina Journal of Taphonomy 7 (2-3) (2009), 235-248. Manuscript received 30 September 2008, revised manuscript accepted 3 February 2009. Caracara plancus (Falconidae) is a diurnal raptor bird, described as an opportunist that feeds on carrion and a variety of live preys, including rodents. Based on the skeletal remains of rodents recovered from pellets produced by this bird, an analysis of the modifications occurred on those bones was carried out, concluding that they were important. Along with pellets, scattered rodents prey remains not digested, collected in the same sampling area, under the roosting, were analyzed. The comparison of the data from pellets and that from uneaten prey remains indicates that southern caracara would perform a certain selection over different body parts of predated rodents, discarding mainly the cranial regions. The ingested osseous remains, showing evidence of breakage and digestion, could accumulate together with the skeletal elements that, which constitute the remains of prey, with particular signs of breakage but without signs of digestion. These findings are particularly relevant in order to avoid missininterpretations of this kind of accumulations, which are not mixtures produced by several predators but only one predator with a particular pattern of ingestion. Consequently, when zooarchaeological or paleontological records from the Pampean region are analyzed, it is very important to consider the fact that these birds of prey could have contributed to the accumulation of micromammal bones, with skeletal elements coming both from pellets and prey remains. Keywords: TAPHONOMY, PELLETS, PREY REMAIN SELECTION, CARACARA PLANCUS, ARGENTINA Introduction In the Pampean region, Argentina, there are some archaeological and paleontological sites that are very rich in micromammal bones, especially rodents. It is important to document the processes and agents that may have enabled preservation of that record. Microvertebrate teeth and bones can be added to the record through different processes of accumulation. Article JTa089. All rights reserved. *E-mail: cmontalvo@exactas.unlpam.edu.ar 235 Taphonomy of the accumulations produced by Caracara plancus Natural disaggregation of pellets produced by raptor birds and scats of carnivores are important processes of accumulation. Taphonomic studies of recent accumulations produced by different predators can contribute to establish their diagnostic characteristics, which can be extrapolated to other records. Some studies have previously dealt with taphonomic analysis of different predators in the Pampean area (Gómez, 2005, 2007, Montalvo et al., 2007, 2008). Among birds of the family Falconidae, the genus Caracara shows a very wide distribution in South America, with two continental species, C. cheriway in the north and C. plancus (southern caracara) in the south (Dove & Banks, 1999). It is a solitary bird, although it can be also seen in pairs. In this study, the alterations produced on the Figure 1. Geographic location of Santa Rosa in La Pampa province, Argentina. bones of rodent preys by southern caracara were analyzed on the basis of pellets and uneaten prey remains scattered throughout the sampling area (under the roosting), west of Santa Rosa city, La Pampa province, Argentina. Caracara plancus is a dietary opportunist that feeds on carrion and a variety of live preys, including rodents (Travaini et al., 2001 and references therein). However, several previous analyses have suggested that the carrion constitutes only 20-40% of their diet (Rodríguez Estrella & Rivera Rodríguez, 1997, Travaini et al., 2001, Morrison & Pias, 2006, Vargas et al., 2007), and the rest of the diet consists of live animals. Rodríguez Estrella and Rivera Rodríguez (1997) found that hunted preys had a body mass less than 500 g. Among the small vertebrates, rodents, lagomorphs, birds, amphibians, reptiles, and fishes are mentioned as usual preys. Pellets produced by this bird accumulate beneath the nests or below the roosting; in these areas it is also common to find prey remains that have not been consumed. Studies based on the content of vertebrates recovered from pellets produced by southern caracara and its prey remains are restricted in general to diet analyses (Rodríguez Estrella & Rivera Rodriguez, 1997, Travaini et al., 2001, Morrison & Pias, 2006, Vargas et al., 2007). In the particular case of the bones contained in pellets, little is known about the digestive modifications that are produced by this predator. Gómez (2007) experimentally evaluated the digestive modifications produced by a southern caracara in captivity, feeding on rodents. The results, based on two recovered pellets, were very scarce, reason why it was concluded that the southern caracara “is above all a scavenger and, when hunting, it destroys all the bones pulling out the flesh” (Gómez, 2007). 236 Montalvo & Tallade For the taphonomic analysis presented in this paper, the rodent skeletal remains from pellets were reviewed following the proposal of Andrews (1990) and Fernández Jalvo & Andrews (1992). This allowed the inclusion of southern caracara under the categories of modification previously proposed by Andrews (1990). In addition, rodent prey remains not consumed were also analyzed in order to evaluate which body parts had been discarded. Vargas et al. (2007) indicated that, in open environments, these predators accumulate prey remains in nesting and roosting sites. This analysis shows that these kind of remains, without evidence of digestion, can accumulate together with the digested remains from pellets. We suggest that this mode of accumulation is a working hypothesis to explain some peculiarities of the zooarchaeological and paleontological microvertebrate associations in the Pampean region. Study area The studied sample was collected in the west of Santa Rosa city (36°37’10’’S, 64°19’45’’W), La Pampa Province, Argentina (Fig. 1). The area lies within the Espinal Phytogeographic Province (Cabrera, 1976), where the "caldén" (Prosopis caldenia) forest is predominant, with psammophyle grassland, scrubland, and halophyle grassland. It shows important changes resulting from agricultural activities, the proximity to an urban center, and the presence of plantations of eucalyptus (Eucalyptus sp.) and “tamariscos” (Tamarix gallica). Materials and methods The sample produced by a couple of southern caracara, in a non reproductive season, was collected weekly from March to June 2005. Pellets (67) and uneaten prey remains (65) were preserved in paper envelopes and stored in a dry and fresh place. Manual disaggregation of each pellet allowed the separation of bone remains, horny material, hair, and feathers. All pellets contained vertebrate bones, but only those containing rodent bones are discussed in this paper. Materials were observed under a Leica Ms5 binocular microscope, and some of them were photographed under a Jeol 35 CF at 8 KV at the Unidad de Administración Territorial (UAT) of the Scientific and Technological Centre CONICET Bahía Blanca (CCTCONICET-BB), in Bahía Blanca, Argentina. Specimens from the collection of the Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales (UNLPam) were used for taxonomic identification of the rodent remains. The MNI (minimum number of individuals) and MNE (minimum number of elements) were calculated. The value of MNI was obtained in two different ways. Firstly, assessed for each sample, it was obtained by using different skeletal elements according to their availability in each pellet. Secondly, it was calculated using the total sample in order to compare these data with other coming from this predator and other diurnal birds; in this case the calculation was based on femur remains. Table 1. Estimated body masses of rodent taxa present in the studied sample. Ctenomys sp. Galea musteloides Calomys sp. Reithrodon auritus * Data from Tiranti (1992) 237 Body mass (g)* 105 - 205 200 9 - 37 74 Taphonomy of the accumulations produced by Caracara plancus The taphonomic analysis was undertaken using the methodology proposed by Andrews (1990) and Fernández Jalvo & Andrews (1992). This includes 1) an assessment of the relative abundance of skeletal elements considering the representation of each one in the context of the minimum number of individuals: MNEi/(EixMNI) x100, where MNEi is the minimum number of particular skeletal element in the sample and Ei is the expected number of that skeletal element in an individual; 2) calculation of indexes enabled proportion of elements: (femur + humerus)/(mandible + maxilla); pc/c: (femur + tibia + humerus + radius + ulna)*8/ (mandible + maxilla + molar)*5 and (tibia + ulna) / (femur + humerus), and finally the relative proportion of isolated teeth (incisors and molars) was calculated with reference to the number of empty alveolar spaces in mandibles and maxillae; 3) the evaluation of the degree of breakage considering the complete remains separately from the different parts of long bones (proximal and distal epiphyses, and diaphyses); and 4) the analysis of degree of digestive corrosion, mainly that produced on teeth (incisors and molars), proximal fragments of femora and distal parts of humeri. For the purposes of comparing data from the skeletal elements of uneaten prey remains with data obtained from pellets, the first were analyzed using the same methodology proposed by Andrews (1990), mainly in terms of anatomical representation, indexes and evaluation of the degree of breakage. Table 2. Number of identified skeletal elements (MNE) in pellets (considering the MNI of 50 and the MNI of 14) and prey remains, and their relative abundance. MNE mandibles maxillae incisors molars femora tibias pelvis calcaneus astragalus humeri radii ulnas scapulas ribs vertebrae metapodials Average Pellets 10 7 16 51 17 8 8 8 15 11 7 10 9 20 172 439 Relative abundance MNI=50 Pellets 10 7 8 8.5 17 8 8 8 15 11 7 10 9 1.67 9.56 15.68 9.59 Relative abundance MNI=14 Pellets 35.71 25 28.57 30.36 60.71 28.57 28.57 28.57 53.57 39.29 25 35.71 32.14 5.95 34.13 55.99 34.24 238 MNE MNI=35 Prey remains 37 23 1 9 8 6 9 0 0 3 3 3 3 0 0 40 Relative abundance MNI=35 Prey remains 52.86 32.86 0.71 2.14 11.43 8.57 12.86 0 0 4.29 4.29 4.29 4.29 0 0 2.04 8.79 Montalvo & Tallade Pellet sample Sixty-seven pellets produced by southern caracara (Caracara plancus) were analyzed. All of them contained bones of small vertebrates; 27 of them contained remains of birds, 1 of a small lizard, and 47 of rodents. One pellet also contained remains assigned to an unspecified small felid and another one a molar fragment of an undetermined Artiodactyla. The 47 pellets with rodent bones are the subject of the taphonomic analysis presented here. Sixteen percent of these pellets contained a maximum of 10 bone fragments. The sample included 1,667 remains (including 171 nails and 10 intervertebral disks), so we worked on the basis of 1,486 bone fragments. Of the total remains, 55.58% were anatomically identified and the rest were nonidentifiable small fragments or bone splinters. The value of MNI calculated as the addition of MNI for each pellet rendered a value of 50. In 34 pellets the recovered materials could only be assigned to non identifiable rodents. On the contrary, isolated rodent teeth and mandibles or maxillae with teeth were found in 13 pellets, which allowed us to determine these preys at the level of genus or species (Table 1). The body mass of the taxa ranged between 9 and 250 g, but the largest forms (Galea musteloides and Ctenomys sp.) were only represented by juvenile individuals. All skeletal elements are represented in the sample and, on the basis of MNI 50; their relative abundance averages 9.59% (Table 2). The best represented skeletal elements are femora, astragali, and metapodials. On the other hand, in order to compare the results obtained here with bibliographic data, the MNI was evaluated on the basis of the femur in the total sample (MNI=14). In this case, the relative abundance of skeletal elements averages 34.24% (Table 2). The postcranial-cranial proportions were measured according to two indexes that showed deficiency in cranial elements (Table 3), suggesting a further destruction of these elements. The index that shows the relationship of proximal and distal elements had a value of 53.57%, with loss of the distal limbs. However, it is well known that the most distal part of the limbs has been better preserved, as metapodials are abundant. So it is likely that these elements are better preserved due to their own characteristics (size and bone density). The proportion of isolated teeth, incisors, and molars presented values in both cases, indicating a very significant loss of mandibles and maxillae (Table 3). The breakage degree of skeletal elements was very high, except for metapodials, among which 90% are complete. Groups of these skeletal elements and 2 or 3 vertebrae constitute the only remains that have Table 3. Indexes calculated for the samples. (femur + tibia + humerus + radius + ulna) / (mandibles + maxilla + molars)*8/5 (femur + humerus) / (mandibles + maxilla) (tibia + ulna) / (femur + humerus) % isolated molars % isolated incisors 239 Pellets 124.71 164.61 53.57 364.29 320.00 Prey remains 53.33 18.33 81.82 128.57 100 Taphonomy of the accumulations produced by Caracara plancus Table 4. Breakage of postcranial elements in the sample. Complete Proximal Distal Femur 0 14 3 % 0 82.35 17.65 Humerus 2 5 4 preserved some degree of articulation among them. No complete femur, tibia, or ulna were recorded, being the proximal portions the best preserved, and only two humeri were complete (Table 4). Particularly, the cranial elements were broken, the zygomatic arches not preserved in any specimen; the bony sutures of the few recovered palates were open, and there was a very important tooth loss (Fig. 2 A). There are not complete mandibles; all of them lack the ascending ramus, the inferior border is commonly broken, and none has preserved molars in situ. The degree of digestion (Table 5) shows that more than 75% of humeri, femora, and teeth suffered from moderate to heavy modifications (Fig. 2 B-J). In all cases there are specimens with extreme modifications. In the molars of Galea musteloides and Ctenomys sp. (Fig. 2 A) the dentine of the occlusal surface is highly degraded and cracked. Particularly in cases of teeth of very young individuals, the enamel has been removed from the dentine (Fig. 2 B-C). % 18.18 45.45 36.36 Tibia 0 8 0 % 0 100 0 Ulna 0 10 0 % 0 100 0 There are a high percentage of non identifiable bone fragments (44.42% of the sample). The rounding and polishing of edges is notable in all remains; thinning, surface degradation, and presence of holes are also frequent. Table 6 offers a summary of the results obtained through the taphonomic analysis of the rodent skeletal elements present in the pellet sample, in which each attribute is located in a category of modification according to Andrews (1990), from 1 (little) to 5 (extreme). Uneaten prey remains sample The remains of uneaten preys were collected for the same period than pellets; the sample represents 65 individuals of which 39 belong to the rodents Galea musteloides, Ctenomys sp., and Reithrodon auritus (Fig. 3); the remaining 26 specimens were portions of birds and other mammals (Didelphis albiventris and Felis catus). Table 5. Assessment of the digestion of postcranial elements and teeth present in the sample. % ligth % moderate % heavy % extreme femur 7.14 42.86 28.57 21.43 humerus 14.29 42.86 28.57 14.29 molar 1.32 53.95 39.47 5.26 incisor 0 50 18.75 31.25 240 Montalvo & Tallade Figure 2. Degree of digestion in skeletal elements of pellets, A. palate of Ctenomys sp.; B-C. molars of Calomys sp.; D. molar of Galea musteloides; E-F proximal femora (Rodentia indet.); G. incisor (Rodentia indet.); H-I. distal humeri (Rodentia indet.); J. incisor (Rodentia indet.). 241 Taphonomy of the accumulations produced by Caracara plancus Table 6. Categorization of Caracara plancus according to the analyzed variables (sensu Andrews, 1990). Category Category Category Category Category 1 2 3 4 5 Postcranial/cranial proportion Distal elements loss Breakage of postcrania Breakage of skull Loss of zygomatic processes Maxillary tooth loss Breakage of mandibles Mandibular tooth loss % isolated molars/incisors Breakage of teeth Digestion of molars Digestion of incisors Digestion of postcrania The study was based only on the rodent remains containing skeletal elements such as head, any portion of the body, and limbs, always connected by skin with hair (Fig. 4 A). Four individuals just represented by skin and hair were excluded. Other individuals (MNI=35) showed different skeletal elements that were evaluated using the same methodology than for the analysis of pellet remains (Table 2 and Fig. 5). The relative abundance of skeletal elements recovered averaged 8.79%. Mandibles, maxillae, molars, and incisors exceeded 55% of the representation, whereas none of the other recovered elements surpassed 13%. Figure 5 shows the percentages of relative abundance compared with each element among the skeletal remains of rodent preys and pellets; for the latter, MNI was 50. The indexes evaluated for the sample of prey remains (Table 3) showed deficiency in postcranial elements and loss of distal parts of the limbs. As regards the percentages of isolated teeth, the values obtained show a minimal loss of maxillae and mandibles. The recovered cranial elements showed a high degree of integrity (Fig. 4 B-E). The 4.44% of the skulls are highly damaged, being limited to maxillae with teeth and some sector of the cranial vault, while 20% consisted of maxillae and rostra with part of the basicranium. The occipital region was preserved only in one of the skulls; in most of them the cranial roof was broken. Two specimens show semicircular marks, with highly deteriorated edges in the cranial vault, which were most probably produced by the beak. In all cases the zigomatic arches were broken. About 13% of the mandibles did not show alterations, 65% of them lacked only the ascending ramus, and the rest presented different degrees of modification 242 Montalvo & Tallade Figure 3. Number of individuals identified as prey remains. Figure 4. Prey remains. A, B, C, E and F. Galea musteloides; D and G. Ctenomys sp. A. prey remain; B-E. skulls with different degrees of breakage; F-G. mandibles with different degrees of breakage. Scale bar: 1 cm. 243 Taphonomy of the accumulations produced by Caracara plancus Figure 5. Relative abundance of skeletal elements identified in the sample of pellets (MNI=50), compared with the skeletal elements identified in the sample of prey remains. Figure 6. Relative abundance of skeletal elements identified in the sample of Caracara plancus (MNI = 14) compared with data by Andrews (1990) for Falco peregrinus. 244 Montalvo & Tallade (Fig. 4 F-G). It was common to find complete mandibles (both halves still articulated) and only one specimen was articulated to the skull. Most teeth are found in situ, the isolated teeth appearing in a low proportion (less than 2%). Among the postcranial elements, the more proximal portions of the limbs were most common, with a higher representation of pelvis, femora and tibia over scapula, humerus, radius and ulna, and in many cases still holding their joints. No other signs were found, except for the above mentioned, that could evidence the activity of scavengers. Taphonomic analysis of pellets Based on the remains found in the pellets produced by a couple of southern caracara at non reproductive times, it was noted that microvertebrates (mostly micromammals) constitute an important part of their diet. The remains belonging to rodents of less than 500 g body mass were particularly frequent. Rodríguez Estrella and Rivera Rodríguez (1997) considered that the southern caracara preys, whose body mass is less than 500 g, were captured alive. Moreover, they further indicated that from the vertebrates found in the studied samples, more than 60% had been killed. In this regard, it should be noted that some remains of larger mammals were found in the sample of southern caracara from La Pampa. These remains certainly were incorporated by carrion activity of the southern caracara; they are very fragmentary and show a high degree of digestion, even in areas of fractures. Over 70% of the total sample of pellets contained bones and/or isolated teeth of rodents. The abundance of rodent remains in this sample is consistent with data provided by Vargas et al. (2007). These authors have indicated this group of mammals as a principal item in the diet of southern caracara analyzed in the south of the Buenos Aires Province. However, it is very important in the whole sample the presence of non identifiable fragments and splinters indicating a great destruction of skeletal elements. In 28% of the pellets, skeletal remains were identified to the level of genus or species, and correspond to rodents Ctenomys sp., Galea musteloides, Calomys sp. and Reithrodon auritus. The minimum number of individuals (MNI) consumed, assessed on the skeletal elements of each sample, and was 50. In most samples (94%) there was only skeletal material from one individual. The relative abundance of skeletal elements was low, averaging 9.85%, and the femora were better represented, but all the elements show a very low representation. As previously indicated, if both the MNI and the anatomical representation are valued using Andrews’ methodology (1990), the MNI evaluated based on present femora was 14 and the relative abundance of skeletal elements recovered averaged 35.17%. In general there are similarities in the values of the postcranial elements provided by Andrews (1990) for some species of diurnal birds. However, the sample of southern caracara shows a lower representation of mandibles and maxillae. For these features the tested sample is similar to that of Falco peregrinus (Fig. 6). The analysis of the indexes assessed for the sample of Caracara plancus showed that these differ from those given by Andrews (1990) for diurnal birds, because in such cases the cranial material was better represented. One possible explanation for this difference is that the cranial elements could be easily destroyed in the digestive process. All the cranial elements included in 245 Taphonomy of the accumulations produced by Caracara plancus the southern caracara pellets were highly broken, which endorses that idea. Proximal elements of the limbs show a better representation than the distal ones, but metapodials are rather well-represented. These latter skeletal elements are generally complete and some degree of articulation between them was found; articulation was also observed among some vertebrae, mainly the caudal ones. In general, the rest of the postcranial elements show high breakage. All the recovered remains showed a strong digestive action. Among proximal femur, distal humerus, molars, and incisors, values give a high percentage of remains with moderate to heavy modifications, the rounded edges of all bone fragments and the thinning of the walls are also obvious, and in some cases holes were produced. Previously, Gómez (2007) examined a small sample of pellets produced by a southern caracara in captivity. The material studied came from an experiment in which the southern caracara was fed on 32 mice (Mus musculus) for a week. He obtained just two pellets, a MNI of 1, and very few skeletal elements, which indicates the strong and effective digestive process of these birds. The sample did not allow him to conduct a contrastive taphonomic study. Evidently, the experiment carried out by Gómez (2007) is interesting but needs a larger number of pellets, preys, and time of experimentation to develop a taphonomic analysis that can be compared with results obtained under natural conditions as the ones discussed here. Taphonomic analysis of uneaten prey remains The analysis conducted on the remains of uneaten rodent preys recovered from roosting shows that 90% of them were analyzable skeletal remains. Most of the rodent taxa found in the pellets of southern caracara (Galea musteloides, Ctenomys sp., and Reithrodon auritus) were also identified among the uneaten remains. The most common prey was Galea musteloides. No remain of the smallest rodent (Calomys sp.) identified in the pellets was found, which would indicate that such preys are full meals. This suggests that data from the analysis of consumed preys, on the basis of pellets, is complemented with the analysis of the prey remains as suggested for other birds of prey (Oro & Tella, 1995, Seguin et al., 1998), and in particular to study the diet of southern caracara (Rodríguez Estrella & Rivera Rodriguez, 1997, Travaini et al., 2001, Morrison & Pias, 2006, Vargas et al., 2007). The cranial material shows a greater integrity and representation than the postcranial. The analysis of the relative abundance of skeletal elements from prey remains shows a high representativeness of maxillae and mandibles. Among the postcranial elements the representation of femora is slightly higher than that of the humeri and in both cases the proximal elements were found articulated to the pelvic and pectoral girdles, respectively. Caracara plancus is not a bird that decapitates its prey as other raptor birds do (Andrews, 1990), but at least for the individuals recovered as prey remains (the largest among the consumed rodents) these results suggest that there was a selection of ingested body parts and that some body parts are discarded for consumption. The cranial portions are best represented, showing a bias to wasting them for consumption. As already mentioned the relative abundances of different skeletal elements in the pellets show a low proportion of maxillae and 246 Montalvo & Tallade mandibles, and while such a low ratio could be due to the destruction in the digestive process of these elements, the alternative of their absence by pre-selection of other consumed parts must be considered. Conclusions Gómez (2007) suggested that Caracara plancus is a bird that destroys the remains of preys or carrion because its digestion is very strong, but the data presented in this study only partially supports his results. We have observed that, in natural conditions, the consumed remains show moderate to heavy digestion and, though there is a high degree of destruction of skeletal elements, it is possible to retrieve information both taxonomical and anatomical of the consumed preys on the basis of the skeletal remains contained in pellets. This study also shows that even at low proportions all bone elements of small preys are represented in the sample. The observed characteristics justify the inclusion of Caracara plancus within the category of heavy modifications. The comparison of data offered by pellets and uneaten prey remains indicates that southern caracara performs a certain selection over different body parts of predated rodents, discarding mainly the cranial regions and to a lesser extent the limbs. Thus, the skeletal elements, both of the uneaten prey remains and those contained in pellets, are exposed in the same area of accumulation. Over the open plains in central Argentina, that characterize the area of collection of pellets and uneaten prey remains, the pattern of remains accumulation shown by southern caracara, observed and analyzed in the present work, could have long-term consequences. As has been suggested before, the ingested osseous remains, showing evidence of breakage and digestion, could accumulate together with the skeletal elements which constitute the remains of preys, with particular signs of breakage but without sign of digestion. According to the present results, it is particularly relevant to avoid interpretations of this kind of accumulations as mixtures produced by more than one predator, when actually it is only one with a particular pattern of ingestion. Consequently, we suggest that the fact that these birds of prey could have contributed to the accumulation of micromammal bones, coming both from pellets and prey remains, should be taken into account when zooarchaeological or paleontological records are analyzed. The record of the Family Falconidae in the Pampean area goes back to Late Miocene (Cenizo & Montalvo, 2006); therefore, the obtained results could help as an analogue for future comparison of fossil or archaeological accumulations. Acknowledgments This work was funded by a Project of the Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad Nacional de La Pampa. Special thanks are given to J. Aguirre for his work during the meeting and the publication of this volume. We thank Y. Fernández Jalvo and L. De Santis for their comments on a first version of the manuscript. E. Braun and E. Cerdeño helped with English version. Finally, G. Gómez and R. Minwer-Barakat provided insightful comments. References Andrews, P. (1990). Owls, caves and fossils. Predation, preservation, and accumulation of small mammal bones in caves, with the analysis of the Pleistocene 247 Taphonomy of the accumulations produced by Caracara plancus cave faunas from Westbury-sub-Mendip, Somerset, UK. Natural History Museum Publications, London. Cabrera, A.L. (1976). Regiones fitogeográficas argentinas, Enciclopedia argentina de agricultura y jardinería, tomo II, fascículo 1. Ed. ACME S.A.C.I., Buenos Aires. Cenizo, M. & Montalvo, C.I. (2006). Nuevos registros de aves para la Formación Cerro Azul, Mioceno tardío, provincia de La Pampa, Argentina. Ameghiniana 43 (4): 29R. Dove, C.J. & Banks, R.C. (1999). A taxonomic study of Crested Caracaras (Falconidae). Wilson Bulletin 111(3): 330-339. 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