Project Finance Market Report 2015
Project Finance Market Report 2015
MARKET REPORT JULY 2015 TABLE OF CONT ENT S 03 07 10 16 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Prologue Norwegian KS market gaining momentum World shipping 2014: Deepening divergences OSV market extremely challening Projects per year Projects sold Existing projects per segment Projects estimated return Fleet list ABERDEEN OFFSHORE DIS ASIAN BULKERS DIS BERGSHAV AFRAMAX AS BLUE MOUNTAIN TANKERS DIS BUKIT TIMAH OFFSHORE DIS CIT-GRIEG CIT-THOR DONGGUAN CHEMICAL TANKERS DIS DSV ALLIANCE DIS EUROPEAN VENTURE DIS FEEDER CONTAINER VESSEL DIS GOLDEN KAMSAR DIS 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 56 57 HENRIETTA PRODUCT DIS HIGH YIELD SHIPPING DIS HOMBORSUND CONTAINER DIS INDUSTRIAL SHIPPING DIS LESLEY PRODUCT DIS MS NORDSTJERNEN DIS OCTAVIAN BULKER DIS ORCHARD OFFSHORE DIS PANDA CHEMICAL II DIS SARAGOL TANKERS 1 DIS SARAGOL TANKERS 2 DIS SEMINYAK DIS SENTOSA OFFSHORE DIS SINGAPORE OFFSHORE DIS SOUTHERN CHEMICAL DIS SUDONG OFFSHORE DIS ULLSWATER SUBSEA DIS VESTLAND MARINE SEISMIC DIS PLATOU SHIPINVEST I DIS Head office Contacts C L A R K SO N S P L A TO U P R O J E C T F I N A N C E — MA R K E T RE PORT 2015 PROLOGUE Dear investors and business associates, The offshore market experienced a nose dive during the second First of all, we are pleased to advise that RS Platou Project half 2014. Asset values are dropping, but our offshore projects are Finance now has a new majority shareholder and we have changed still performing well with long term contracts to large end users our name to Clarksons Platou Project Finance AS. RS Platou ASA, securing the cashflow on the vessels. including all shares in subsidiary companies, has been sold to ClarkWe believe some shipowners will need to refinance a few vesson PLC (Clarksons) in London. sels to free cash if the market remains low for some time. This is a We believe this will have a substantial positive impact on our typical situation that will create new projects suited for our type of business and will open up for new markets and clients. business. A combination of seller’s credit, employment to large end Clarksons Shipbrokers has its head office in London and has users and liquid assets will help reducing the risk. been regarded as the largest shipbroker house in the world for decWe still struggle to find banks that are willing to do project ades. The company is stock listed and has become, after the merger finance. This surprises us, as the level of risk on the senior debt is with RS Platou, a top 250 FTSE ranked company at the London far below what the banks were willing to offer prior to the financial stock exchange. A total of 1500 employees are located around the crisis in 2008. As an example, a 5 years old panamax bulker valued world with focus on shipbroking, research, investment banking and at USD 80 million in 2008 was easily financed with USD 40 million project finance within all shipping and offshore segments. senior debt. The same age vessel is valued at about USD 15 million Clarksons Platou Project Finance will continue to operate as an today and the banks are negative to finance above USD 7-8 million. independent project house. We have a close relationship with our Therefore, we are financing some projects with 100% equity and will, fund providers, including banks and equity investors and we talk to at a later stage, consider bank finance when the banks are ready. a wide range of deal providers including shipbrokers, ship owners, Our investor portfolio has grown substantially during the last consultants and lawyers around the world. year. We have established a new company, Clarksons Platou Project We are also pleased to advise that we have moved into a brand Sales, which will focus on raising equity in our new projects and new location, about 10 minutes’ walk from our old office. We sit sep- build up an active platform for sale of second hand shares. We are arately from the rest of the Clarksons Platou group, but still have also pleased to inform that a number of our new investors are forfull access to all Clarksons Platou in-house resources. This is a valu- eign based funds that have opened up for direct investments in shipable asset when we structure new projects and need as much market ping and offshore assets. This has strengthened our placing power. information as possible during our due diligence work. As usual, the shipping and offshore markets continue to surprise us and a lot has happened since our last report. Kind regards, The tanker and container markets look promising and we have The team at Clarksons Platou Project Finance / structured three different projects in these two segments so far this Clarksons Platou Project Sales year. The dry bulk market has been a disaster, but at the present price level, is creating asset play opportunities. We have looked at various dry bulk projects and have investors showing interest if we can find the right vessel and the ship owner who wants to co-invest and operate the vessel. 3 MAR K ET R EPO RT 2015 — C LA RKS ONS PLA T O U P R O J E C T F I N A N C E C L ARK S ONS P L ATO U P R OJ ECT F I N AN CE C LA RK S O N S P LATO U RE A L E S TAT E Clarksons Platou Project Finance AS (frmr RS Platou Finans Clarksons Platou Real Estate AS is one of the leading players AS) has since its inception in 2004 become one of the world’s within Norwegian real estate project finance. The company is a major finance companies that specialize in shipping and offshore fully integrated real estate corporate finance house specialized in related financial schemes in the interest of both shipowners and sourcing, structuring and facilitation of commercial real estate. financial investors. The company’s geographical focus is on the Norwegian and SwedThe main objective is to identify attractive investment opportu- ish real estate market. nities, which involve the purchase of shipping and offshore related assets along with secured employment, as well as present asset play The company’s core actives are: cases when the timing is optimal. The strength of Clarksons Platou Project Finance lies not only • origination of interesting financial real estate opportunities with the highly qualified staff, but also with the vast shipping related • structuring and restructuring of real estate projects resources available within the Clarksons Platou Group. • structuring of development and opportunistic Clarksons Platou Project Finance is an independent company real estate projects within the Clarksons Platou Group utilizing the full potential of • project financing of real estate projects having close contact with shipbrokers, shipowners, ship managers, • corporate finance assistance within the commercial bankers, lawyers and consultants worldwide. real estate sector • asset management C L ARK S ONS P L ATO U P R OJ ECT SAL ES C LA RK S O N S P LATO U P RO P E RT Y M A N AGE MENT At the turn of the year, Clarksons Platou Project Finance estab- Clarksons Platou Property Management AS is a professional manlished a new division designated to sourcing equity and increasing ager and developer of industrial and commercial real estate. The liquidity of project shares in the secondhand market. The new focus company offers highly qualified services within all types of manageon sales will allow us to further increase our project activity and deal ment for sophisticated real estate investors, tenants and suppliers. size. The team consists of three brokers and a compliance officer. The company’s main focus is to contribute to value creation for the Increasing the liquidity in the secondary secondhand market will investors and the property itself by being hands-on throughout the provide added value to our existing investors and opportunities for lifespan of the investment. new investors to enter existing projects. The company’s core activities are: C L ARK S ONS P L ATO U I N V ESTO R SER V I CES Clarksons Platou Investor Services is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Clarksons Platou Project Finance, and assists private investors with establishing companies and business management. The wide scope of services offered include establishment and incorporation of AS, KS, ANS and DIS, accounting, and tax documentation, remittance and secretarial assistance. Clarksons Platou Investor Services has close connections with numerous well-known and respected companies and establishments such as lawyers, banks and chartered accountants of whom these services can be utilized by investors if so wished. Customers of Clarksons Platou Investor Services will, as per other investors, have access to interesting investment projects as proposed by Clarksons Platou Project Sales. The investors will establish a personal business-relationship with the assigned accountant so that they can request prompt assistance. 4 • • • • • • technical management tenant relationship management letting and commercial management corporate management and reporting building operations and maintenance real estate development C L A R K SO N S P L A TO U P R O J E C T F I N A N C E — MA R K E T RE PORT 2015 C L ARKS ON S P LATO U P R OJ E CT FI N A N C E A S Clarksons Platou Project Sales Clarksons Platou Project Finance Clarksons Platou Investor Services L ARS GJ E R D E Head of Sales AXEL M O LT Z A U A A S Joint Managing Partner B E N JA M I N RYE N G- HA N S E N Managing Director K RI S T IN VOLLAN Managing Director S TIAN S K AU G - PAU L SEN Senior Broker CH R I S. W. S VE N SS O N Joint Managing Partner HE I D I M E YE R W E S T B Y Office Manager JU LI E M ELGAAR D R AN VIG Accountant ANDREAS W. BAN G Broker TR O N D HA M RE Senior Partner E VA LI S E BJE RK E Corporate Manager AZKARA LO H AN Compliance Officer TR U L S WI ES E KO LS TA D Project Broker E RI K K RI S T I A N A N D RE S E N Corporate Manager CATH R I N E HO RN E M A N N Project Broker E LI S A B E T H RE LB O Secretary H ÅKO N F. RØ S A K E R Project Broker 5 MAR K ET R EPO RT 2015 — C LA RKS ONS PLA T O U P R O J E C T F I N A N C E 6 C L A R K SO N S P L A TO U P R O J E C T F I N A N C E — MA R K E T RE PORT 2015 NORWEGIAN KS MARKET GAINING MOMENTUM 2014 was a very positive year in shipping project finance, as transaction volume and total market size improved significantly. side. The higher margins and lower leverage in the project market has become more and more attractive to lenders. As a result of more competition among banks for projects, we have seen a reduction in their pricing by about 75 bps. The pricing for loans in projects now ranges between 250–450 bps. In both shipping and offshore we see that there are owners with excellent operational capabilities that have a desire to expand or refinance their fleet, but are lacking the equity. Banks are not willing to finance above 60 percent for most owners, leaving a funding gap and opportunities for sources of alternative financing to come in. A structure that has proven to work well is when investors come in with 20 percent equity and the shipowner contributes the remaining 20 percent in the form of Seller’s Credit. The combination of these market conditions and the increased debt and equity available for project financing could make 2015 the year of the sale-leaseback. Although freight rates for most shipping segments (with the exclusion of LPG, and recently crude and product tankers) have not been fantastic, it has been possible to structure and place projects. In 2014, the majority of the shipping projects in the market focused on historically low asset prices as well as profit split structures to secure investors attractive entry points before an eventual recovery. In offshore, most projects were structured as long-term sale-leaseback deals with a solid dividend yield. The main macroeconomic event of 2014 was undoubtedly the major fall in the oil price in Q4. This has already had a widespread impact on the global markets, and is expected to have a positive effect on world economic growth. In the oil and gas services sector, a low oil price has put further pressure on day rates for OSVs, as oil companies have postponed T HE N O RW E GI A N K S M A RK E T I N 2 0 1 4 new investments and are in cost cutting mode. It is clear that increased liquidity will be in focus for offshore companies going Last year we saw increased activity in the project market, which forward and looking to weather the storm. In these situations, a we attribute to several factors. While the stock markets performed sale-leaseback structure could work well in order to release equity well in 2014, investors are looking to diversify their portfolio by while retaining commercial and technical control. placing some of their funds in well-structured shipping and offIn last year’s report we commented that it was challenging to shore projects with cash flow visibility and a solid dividend yield. get debt finance for projects, as banks were focusing on existing A low interest rate has also contributed to more equity in the customers and resolving problem loans. In 2014, banks have been market and a greater demand for investment opportunities within more interested in financing shipping and offshore projects, as there shipping and offshore. is intense competition for the same clients on the corporate loan The reported project value among the top four KS houses was TOTAL PROJECTS BY SEGMENTS TOTAL PROJECTS BY EMPLOYMENT Multipurpose 8% Bulk 12 % Timecharter 16 % Spot 4% Offshore/Supply 37 % 80 % Bareboat Tankers 27 % Other Container Chemical/LPG 10 % 2% 6% 7 MAR K ET R EPO RT 2015 — C LA RKS ONS PLA T O U P R O J E C T F I N A N C E about 1.2 bill USD in 2014. This represents a 78 percent increase from last year’s reported activity, continuing a four-year positive growth trend. We observed that the number of deals placed in the market was significantly higher, but that the average deal size was slightly smaller than previous years. C L ARK S ONS P L ATO U P R OJ ECT F I N AN CE P O RT FO LI O OF PROJ ECTS This year Clarksons Platou Project Finance placed seven new projects through the KS Market and CIT co-operation agreement. In 2013, the combined project value of our new projects was 78 mill USD. For 2014, the total value of shipping and offshore projects placed equaled 250 mill USD. The increased activity is due to a more active market, alongside new and returning sources of equity and debt financing. In total, Clarksons Platou Project Finance is now the corporate manager for 51 vessels in 28 different projects. The corporate management also includes some projects limited to pure accounting services. There is a market for professional independent corporate management services and Clarksons Platou Project Finance has been appointed by several domestic and foreign shipowners to perform this job. The current portfolio consists of eight offshore vessels, five tankers, five chemical, four bulk carriers, three container vessels, one seismic vessel and one veteran passenger ship. The majority of our existing projects are performing well, allowing us to pay out a good amount of dividends to our investors. E S TA B LI S HI N G C LA RK S O N S P LATO U P ROJ ECT S ALES On January 1st 2015, Clarksons Platou Project Finance established a new division designated to sourcing equity and increasing liquidity of project shares in the secondhand market. The new focus on sales will allow us to further increase our project activity and deal size. The team consists of three brokers and a Compliance Officer. Increasing the liquidity in the secondhand market will provide added value to our existing investors and opportunities for new investors to enter existing projects. C O - O P E RAT I O N AGRE E M E N T W I T H C I T M A RI T I M E FI N A N C E In 2014, we have completed three deals through our co-operation agreement with CIT. These deals involve two dry-bulk vessels and four seismic support newbuildings. The relationship with CIT allows us to compete on large deals with credit-rated counterparts. While many potential leasing deals have been dropped into MLP structures, we still see a growing number of deals in the market where we can be competitive. SUMMARY KS HOUSES 2005–2014 (FEARNLEYS, NRP, PARETO, PLATOU) Mill $ 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 2005 Project price 8 2006 2007 Paid in equity 2008 Uncalled capital 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 C L A R K SO N S P L A TO U P R O J E C T F I N A N C E — MA R K E T RE PORT 2015 9 MAR K ET R EPO RT 2015 — C LA RKS ONS PLA T O U P R O J E C T F I N A N C E WORLD SHIPPING 2014: DEEPENING DIVERGENCES A year ago we envisioned a scenario where 2014 would be ‘The Recovery Year’ for global shipping markets, as an improving world economy boosted tonnage demand, while fleet growth continued to slow to more sustainable levels. We were only partially right, as once again the world economy failed to live up to its recovery billing. World fleet capacity utilization was unchanged for the year, but in the absence of a strong world economy there were bigger divergences between segments than in the recent past. The LPG and tanker markets were the year’s clear winners, while the dry bulk market emerged as the clear loser. A YEAR OF CRISES, BUT NO CRISIS… As in recent years, geopolitical crises again made the headlines. However, this year’s crises had little direct impact on shipping. Russia’s annexation of Crimea and hostilities towards Ukraine did not interfere with any trade flows, and the West’s retaliation measures, while broadly based, meticulously avoided Russia’s on-going energy production and trade. The emergence of the ISIL terror force was shocking in its suddenness and brutality, but it made no impact on oil production and trade. in energy policy away from coal, and, helped by stronger performances from other energy sources, caused the first decline in the country’s coal use ‘on record’. Indonesian politicians, meanwhile, decided that it was not in the country’s best interests to continue exporting bauxite and nickel ore. In combination, these initiatives caused trade growth in dry bulk to record its slowest growth since the Financial Crisis. MARKET VOLATILITY CONFIRMS TALES OF STRUCTURAL OVERCAPACITY WERE EXAGGERATED It was a year in which all segments experienced considerable intrayear volatility in freight rates, irrespective of the outcome for the annual averages. As commented on last year, this very volatility argues against the notion that freight markets have become structurally over-tonnaged. Nevertheless, there is little doubt that the combination of the Financial Crisis and the largest orderbook in thirty years did create a surplus of tonnage. However, the mechanisms of absorbing this surplus – slow steaming and waiting days, as opposed to lay-up – have been different than in the past. With bunker prices crashing down and freight rates for many, but not all, segments going up, the industry is about to find out just how much (over-) capacity there is. TANKERS IN 2014: STRONG START, STRONGER FINISH The tanker market very closely mirrored 2013’s performance, with sinking trade volumes pressuring freight rates for much of the year before a spectacular year-end turnaround. The difference this time was that the upswing was much broader as it also included the clean … LEAVING THE WARS TO THE MARKET market. All of these factors reflect stronger underlying fundamentals. While trade trends showed similar declines in the first half of Instead, it was a year in which market volatility was driven more the year, 2014’s turnaround was more pronounced, spurred by the by endogenous, industry-specific factors. In the oil market, the war sharp drop in oil prices. We estimate that trade volume declined by that did break out was the one between Saudi Arabia and US shale less than 1 percent for the year, again recovering strongly late in the oil producers, which caused the oil price to end the year in a vir- year. A marked lengthening of trading distances caused ton-miles to tual free fall. The upshot for shipping was a surge in long-haul LPG increase by more than 2 percent, compared to zero growth for this shipments, as soaring US energy production continues to look for metric in 2013. Total tonnage demand, including estimated changes new markets. The global oil trade had a very strong finish to the in productivity, rose by more than 4 percent. year as crude oil producers kept pumping and refiners pounced on With fleet growth slowing sharply to 2 percent, the slowest rate the sharp drop in input costs to step up production. Both events in more than a decade, capacity utilization increased by nearly two resulted in more cargo volume looking for tonnage to move it. percentage points to 85 percent, the highest level since 2010. On the dry bulk side, Chinese authorities accelerated their shifts 10 C L A R K SO N S P L A TO U P R O J E C T F I N A N C E — MA R K E T RE PORT 2015 DRY BULK: BELOW EXPECTATIONS DUE TO WEAKER TONNAGE DEMAND GROWTH Earnings for dry bulk ships were on average lower in 2014 than the year before. Preliminary assessments suggest tonnage demand increased slightly above 4 percent. This was lower than anticipated and largely caused by a strong drop in Chinese coal, bauxite and nickel ore imports. The size of the fleet increased 5 percent. The fleet utilization rate thereby decreased by around 1 percentage point. For the full year, our weighted dry bulk index fell from $12,800 per day in 2013, to $11,500 per day, a drop of 10 percent. The largest decrease came in the Panamax sector, where average earnings decreased from $9,500 per day in 2013 to $7,700 in 2014, a slide of 19 percent. Capesizes obtained $14,800 per day against $16,600 the year before. For Supramax tonnage, freight rates decreased from $10,300 per day to $9,800, while the Handy sector daily earnings eroded from $8,700 to $7,700. LNG MARKET with 6 percent fleet growth, the utilization rate ascended by 10 percentage points and reached an all-time-high of 99 percent. This resulted in a two-fold increase in average spot earnings for VLGCs, at $68,000 per day. The hike in spot rates were less pronounced for the smaller ships; a Midsize LPG carrier earned on average 17 percent more in 2014, at $32,000 per day. CAR CARRIERS: LOCAL PRODUCTION CUTS INTO SEABORNE TRADE 2014 was a disappointing year for the car carrier industry. Despite growing auto sales in the major markets, demand for tonnage has been at a standstill, with most of the increased demand for cars covered by local production instead of imports. Sales in emerging markets are in decline and this impacts negatively on seaborne volumes, as local vehicle production is scarce. As the fleet is constantly growing, it means that oversupply of tonnage increased to 6–7 percent during the year. Consequently, rate levels also declined from the year before. Expectations for 2015 are that demand will return to growth, but only to a level on par with forecasted fleet growth, meaning that rate levels will remain well below breakeven for most vessels. The LNG shipping market finally witnessed growth in seaborne trade, following two years of decline. However, due to a continued fall in transport distance and improved productivity in the fleet, total shipping demand remained unchanged. The LNG carrier fleet grew by 5 percent, resulting in a weakening in the fleet’s utilization WORLD ECONOMY AND WORLD SHIPPING rate of equal magnitude and a lowering of the short-term charter rates by 40–45 percent. On average, a modern steam turbine ship To the surprise of many analysts, including ourselves, the world earned $54,500 per day, while a ship equipped with dual-fuelled economy in 2014 stuck to its established disappointing pattern. propulsion received $10,000 more per day. 2013 had ended on a strong note, with US growth accelerating and signs of encouragement in China, as well as Europe. Nevertheless, renewed headwinds emerged quickly in the New Year from LPG: BEATING HIGH EXPECTATIONS familiar as well as new fronts and an all-too familiar pattern of growth markdowns began. An equally familiar development, howRecord high rates for the larger LPG carriers were seen during 2014. ever, was the continued supportive policies of central banks, with Driven by a massive expansion of exports from the USA and healthy both Chinese and European authorities moving to ease policy. The Middle East exports – and despite a contraction in the ammonia price of oil also was in focus, as usual. Contrary to previous years, in seaborne trade – we have estimated that total shipping demand for which spiking prices have been a threat to growth, plunging prices LPG and ammonia climbed by 16 percent during 2014. Combined were seen as a tax cut to consuming countries. Consequently, there TONNAGE DEMAND GROWTH VS WORLD ECONOMIC GROWTH 2002–2014 WORLD MERCHANT FLEET 2005–2014 ANNUAL CHANGES Tonnage demand growth, world merchant fleet, annual change in percent Percent 9 14 10 12 10 11 8 03 08 12 13 6 4 02 2 0 8 04 07 06 7 6 05 5 14 4 3 2 09 -2 1 0 -4 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 World output growth, percent 11 MAR K ET R EPO RT 2015 — C LA RKS ONS PLA T O U P R O J E C T F I N A N C E were once again some signs of encouragement as the year ended, 2012 and 2013 is now fading. As a result, the economy rebounded led by surging growth in the US. forcefully with growth averaging 4.5 percent during the second and third quarters. A hard landing in China was the big fear for markets going into GROWTH MOMENTUM BROKEN, AGAIN, 2014. However, authorities continued the investment-led downturn DURING THE FIRST HALF … in the property sector by pro-actively deploying growth support measures such as fiscal stimulus, although at a much smaller scale The first half slowdown was most acute in the US, where growth than in the past, alongside tax breaks and interest rate cuts. As a went from being seemingly robust in the second half of 2013 and result, the growth remained near the government’s 7.5 percent target straight into contraction during the first quarter. However, it soon through the year, with an improvement in exports lending support became apparent that the slowdown was weather related. Ameri- during the second half of 2014. However, growth remained lackluster cans endured one of their harshest winters in years, causing severe in the rest of the world. Emerging markets have been suffering from disruptions in economic activity throughout the country. Chinese weaker external demand conditions for some time. The downturn in growth remained uneven, with ongoing weakness in domestic commodity prices, which began during the summer, further added investment and infrastructure, a mixed performance on trade, but to these problems, particularly for countries in Latin America and still relatively strong private consumption, continuing the pattern for Russia. The latter was obviously at the epicenter of rising geosince 2013. Europe’s economies, while technically not in recession, political tensions resulting from its aggression against Ukraine, and still failed to maintain what little momentum they had due to on- economic sanctions began to bite during the second half of the year. going tight public sector budgets and fragmented balance sheets. For Europe and Japan, the second half was as weak as the first – even The region was also the hardest hit by the rise in geopolitical weaker in Japan’s case,as private consumption failed to recover from tensions resulting from the Russia–Ukraine conflict. In Japan, the spring tax hike. The slowdown in China, combined with a down‘Abenomics’ stumbled in the wake of the increase in the consump- turn and financial instability in Russia, hit the European manufacturtion tax in the spring. With growth weakening in the big economies ing sector and once again cast doubts on its banking system. it was no surprise that many emerging markets suffered; as their exports took a hit, while financing remained tighter than earlier following the reversal of capital flows that had begun in 2013. 2015: FROM DIVERGENCE TO CONVERGENCE? These developments resulted in the IMF marking down its 2014 world GDP growth projection by a hefty 0.4 percentage points to 3.3 The outlook for 2015 is eerily familiar to that of 2014, 2013 etc., with percent, in line with the weak pace of 2013. the opinion being that “growth has been held back by legacies of the Financial Crisis – but should pick up next year.” Indeed, no sooner had the year started before there was another markdown of growth …BUT U.S. UPSWING SHEDS SOME LIGHT expectations by the IMF, this time by 0.3 percentage points. The ON THE SECOND HALF difference from recent years is the emergence of the US as a clear growth leader. The American economy has gained momentum as As soon as the weather related headwinds receded, the US growth has begun to impact upon the labor market, with consisteconomy’s stronger underlying momentum resurfaced. The Amer- ent job gains and a decline in the unemployment rate during the ican economy is reaping the tailwinds of having tackled the Finan- year. 2015 will also reap the full benefits of the plunge in oil prices, cial Crisis more aggressively, which has improved balance sheets all although the substantial increase in energy investment and producaround. In addition, the fiscal drag that held the economy back in tion seen in recent years is expected to take a significant hit in the WORLD SEABORNE TRADE AND ECONOMIC GROWTH 1970–2014 ANNUAL GROWTH IN REAL GDP PERCENTAGE CHANGE FROM PREVIOUS YEAR Index 1970=100 500 450 400 Source: IMF 2014 F O RECA ST 2014 ACT U A L 2015 F OR ECA ST USA 2.8 2.4 3.6 Japan 1.7 0.1 0.6 Euro area 1.0 0.8 1.2 350 C. and E. Europe 2.8 2.7 2.9 300 Russia 2.0 0.6 -3.0 250 200 150 100 50 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10 12 14 Seaborne oil trade 12 Seaborne dry trade World output China 7.5 7.4 6.8 India 5.4 5.8 6.3 ASEAN-5 5.1 4.5 5.2 M. East and N. Africa 3.3 2.8 3.3 Sub-Saharan Africa 6.1 4.8 4.9 L. America 3.0 1.2 1.3 World 3.7 3.3 3.5 C L A R K SO N S P L A TO U P R O J E C T F I N A N C E — MA R K E T RE PORT 2015 wake of the oil price plunge and will offset some of the income gains from lower oil prices. The strength of the US economy means improved external conditions for its main trading partners, including China, which will also benefit from sharply lower energy prices. We expect the government to continue to provide growth supportive measures, while the long-term trend toward urbanization and the transition away from agriculture and towards manufacturing and services will continue. The Chinese labor market appears to be on solid footing, with wage gains supporting strong growth in consumer spending. As a result we expect growth in China to remain above 7 percent. With the world’s two biggest economies seeing a stronger advance in 2015, the external environment for other economies should improve. Emerging economies, which are the main drivers of tonnage demand, should benefit from these trends. Growth support is needed as the sharp downturn in commodity prices is hurting energy producers in the Middle East, Latin America and Russia, although the strength of the US dollar is offsetting some of that headwind. Europe and Japan may still be the biggest downside risks. The former continues to struggle with its banking system and shrinking credit growth, while the troubles of Russia have added another layer of complexity. A more competitive Euro and a likely more radical stance on monetary policy should be positive contributors to growth. The situation remains fragile, however, as evidenced by the market reactions to changes in Greek politics. Overall, we still remain cautiously optimistic that global growth will emerge from the sluggish levels of recent years, aided by the sharp drop in commodity prices, in addition to continued stimulative economic policies. Propelled by these forces, the world economy should start moving towards its 4 percent trend rate for the first time since 2010 – a development that would be good news for tonnage demand in all segments. SHIPPING MARKET PROSPECTS: A NEW WAVE, BUT UNLIKELY TO LIFT ALL VESSELS Commodity shipping markets have been affected to roughly the same extent by two macro trends since the Financial Crisis; a weak world economy and above-trend fleet growth. The effects of the late 2000s newbuilding spike are now fading, while some of the seeds sown by the commodity price bubble in the same period are blossoming and transforming production and trade patterns. These changes are likely to mean that we are entering a period of less synchronized shipping market cycles than in the recent past. The tanker market is a case in point. The freight market collapse in recent years was almost exclusively attributed to the US shale oil revolution and the subsequent decline in oil imports. Sharply lower rates, combined with a pervasively negative market sentiment, hit ordering of new vessels. The result is that the market is now facing a new upswing in the oil trades on the back of the lowest orderbook in more than a decade. A further improvement in fleet utilization thus looks highly likely. Unfortunately the dry bulk market is at the other end of the spectrum. Ordering of new vessels rebounded quickly after the Financial Crisis, driven by market optimism on China, and fleet growth has thus remained stubbornly high. Meanwhile, the forces shaping the commodity appetite of the market’s biggest customer, China, are changing. The country’s growth rate has slowed and composition shifted, while the pressure for more environmentally friendly energy use has intensified. The result is a downshift in the growth rate of dry bulk trade amid persistently high fleet growth. The outlook for 2015 thus remains one of cautious optimism for shipping overall, but with a much broader range of expected outcomes than usual for the individual segments. We expect tankers and LPG to continue to outperform. Both market segments are beneficiaries of strong growth in world oil production which in turn 13 MAR K ET R EPO RT 2015 — C LA RKS ONS PLA T O U P R O J E C T F I N A N C E is supporting strong trade growth. The challenge now is for growth selective. It is thus no longer possible to talk about the outlook. to pick up in order to absorb surging production. 2015 has all the signs of being a mixed year for the markets overall, Dry bulk will likely remain a laggard. Fleet growth will remain but with a much clearer distinction between winners and losers high for the foreseeable future, while lower Chinese coal consump- than in the past. tion and ongoing support for its domestic coal and iron ore mining industries means lower-than-normal trade growth. The LNG market is expected to begin a cyclical upturn in OLE-RIKARD HAMMER response to increased production capacity, which will generate Head of Research more trade. The car carrier market is expected to remain static. Clarksons Platou Economic Research Global shipping is entering a new period of fragmentation in which new trends in commodity demand and production are reshaping trade lanes. Orderbook levels have also become much more differentiated, as access to financing has become increasingly GLOBAL ECONOMIC GROWTH 2005 – YTD 2015 FORECASTS AND ACTUAL GROWTH RATES SUPPLY, DEMAND AND UTILIZATION RATE 1990–2014 WORLD MERCHANT FLEET Percent change Mill cgt 6 600 5 500 4 400 3 300 2 200 1 100 0 0 05 Forecast 14 06 07 Actual 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 Source: IMF (forecast per Oct. the year before) Utilization rate (%) 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 Supply Demand Utilization rate 190 180 170 160 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 C L A R K SO N S P L A TO U P R O J E C T F I N A N C E — MA R K E T RE PORT 2015 15 MAR K ET R EPO RT 2015 — C LA RKS ONS PLA T O U P R O J E C T F I N A N C E OSV MARKET EXTREMELY CHALLENING down 67% from GBP 12,100 in Q2/14, and well below opex-levels. North Sea spot market rates for large AHTSs (AHTS 20K+ BHP) averaged GBP 19,900 in Q2, down 29% from GBP 28,000 in Q2/14. There are limited relevant term charter rates to study for large AHTSs, but there is no doubt these are down strongly as well. Charter rates for mid-sized AHTSs in Asia-Pacific have averaged USD 14,500 for 10k BHP and USD 17,500 for 12k BHP, down 29% and 26% respectively from Q2/14-levels. There has also been a strong increase in idle capacity globally in the OSV space during Q1-Q2, and as a result we have started seeing increased stacking/ lay-up activity. OSVs are now e.g. being laid up on a weekly basis in the North Sea and there are currently about 40 vessels currently laid up in this region. 1 . REL EVANT AV ER AG E AN D SP OT R ATES (AND TC ES WH ER E AP P L I CABL E) I N Q2 2 0 15 Charter and spot rates have in general continued to drop in Q2/15. Average global charter rates for jackups (IC >1998) were USD 123k, down 26% from USD 166k in Q2/14. For floaters, average rates in Q2 have been USD 188k for midwater, down 24% from USD 247k in Q2/14; USD 248k for deepwater, down 36% from USD 390k in Q2/14, and USD 330k for ultra deepwater, down 37% from USD 521k in Q2/14. Tendering and fixing activity remain low; ample availability persists and number of idle rigs continues to increase. As a result, we see multiple bidders and stiff competition for the few term charters out there. The most recent datapoint is Odfjell Drilling’s 3Y contract for a modern UDW, harsh environment specified semi (Deepsea Atlantic) at Statoil’s Sverdrup field development offshore Norway. This is one of very few longer term fixtures con- 2 . A N I N D I CAT I O N O F W HAT HA S D RI VE N T HE MAR KET IN cluded for floater rigs recently, at dayrate of USD 300k. With the Q 2 A N D S E N T I M E N T I N T HE S HO RT T E RM firm contract lasting to mid-19, this provides some indication of the expected longevity of the downturn in the drilling space, and we As for Q1, the second quarter has been characterized by dropping expect to see more fixtures at low rates forward. utilization and increasing availability as assets come off existing OSV rates have also continued to be under significant pressure contracts. Early termination of contracts and pressure on rates also in Q2. Average term charter rates for large PSVs (900+ sqm deck) for existing, firm contracts also continue to be highly on the agenda. in Q2 were GBP 8,125 in the N.Sea, USD 19,000 in W.Africa, USD Rates have continued to drop across all key asset categories (Drill32,500 in US GoM and USD 34,400 in Brazil. Compared to Q2/14, ing, Subsea, OSV). Oil companies also seem to continue targeting average rates for this vessel category are down 56% in the N.Sea, 20-30% cost reduction across the board, and remain relentless in 41% in W.Afr., 16% in US GoM and 5% in Brazil. In the NSEA their pursuit of cost savings, recently e.g. demonstrated by Statoil spot market, rates for large PSVs have averaged GBP 3,900 in Q2, announcing another round of headcount reduction (1,500-2,000 NORTH SEA TONNAGE 2003 – YTD 2015 AHTS AVERAGE T/C RATES (REPORTED AND ESTIMATED) NORTH SEA TONNAGE 2003 – YTD 2015 PSV AVERAGE T/C RATES (REPORTED AND ESTIMATED) £/day £/day 30 000 45 000 40 000 25 000 35 000 20 000 30 000 25 000 15 000 20 000 10 000 15 000 10 000 5 000 5 000 0 02 0 03 04 8-10,000 BHP 16 05 06 07 10,001+ BHP 08 09 10 10-15,999 BHP 11 12 16,000+ BHP 13 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 14 1,500 - 2,199 DWT 500-749 m2 deck area 2,200+ DWT 20,000+ BHP 2,200 - 3,099 DWT 750-899 m2 deck area 3,100+ DWT 12 13 14 900+ m2 deck area C L A R K SO N S P L A TO U P R O J E C T F I N A N C E — MA R K E T RE PORT 2015 FTEs). On the macro-level, the oil price has come up since end Q1 with Brent currently at USD 62/bbl. We continue to see strong oil demand and signals of supply growth abating, which has also been confirmed by recent IEA/EIA reports. This is however so far not sufficient to see the oil companies change course to any meaningful extent, and we continue to expect extremely low sanctioning activity and a further reduction in E&P spending in 2016. Short- to mid-term sentiment thus remains negative. On the positive side, we continue to see a more rapid response than anticipated from the contractor industry, with idle assets fairly rapidly being retired/ stacked, harsh cost cutting efforts pursued across the industry, and certain sub-suppliers also taking more fundamental steps (e.g. improving engine efficiencies) to improve cost position. to meet a substantial part of this. The oil price drop seems to be the result of a temporary imbalance between supply and demand, and we continue to expect fundamental market balance improvement in H2/15, with further improvement in 2016. This is likely to result in gradual improvement in oil companies’ spending levels again which will be beneficial for the offshore sector longer term. Overcapacity however persists in all asset-segments, and 2015/2016 will be challenging years for the entire sector. Increased attrition will be required both in drilling and the OSV-space to balance the markets. ERIK TØNNE & JENS EGENBERG Clarksons Platou Offshore Research 3 . THE U NDERLY I N G LO N G TER M F U N DAM E N TA LS AND ANY C HA N G ES I N TH ESE There are limited changes to the long term fundamentals. Energy demand continues to grow and offshore oil and gas will be required AHTS/PSV NEW ORDERS 2005 – YTD 2015 AHTS/PSV FLEET OVERVIEW – NUMBERS AS OF APRIL 2015 No. of vessels NO . O F VESSELS 250 200 150 IN S ERV ICE OR D ER BOOK AHTS 4-7,999 BHP 1234 129 AHTS 8-9,999 BHP 215 40 AHTS 10-15,999 BHP 313 63 AHTS 16-19,999 BHP 120 10 AHTS 20,000+ BHP 100 50 0 03 AHTS 04 05 PSV 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 YTD 80 16 AHTS Total 1949 258 PSV ‹500 m2 415 63 PSV 500–749 m2 516 96 PSV 750–899 m2 159 120 PSV 900+ m2 386 106 PSV Total 1476 385 Total Fleet/Orderbook 3438 643 17 MAR K ET R EPO RT 2015 — C LA RKS ONS PLA T O U P R O J E C T F I N A N C E PROJECTS PER YEAR PROJECTS ESTABLISHED 2004 Aries (Ugelstad) Supply I KS Ross Cape DIS International Container Ships KS J.B.U OBO I KS No. of vessels No. of projects NO. OF VSLS. 1 1 2 1 5 4 PROJECTS ESTABLISHED 2005 Eidsiva Trucker KS Mount Faber KS Norwegian Shipping DIS Goliat Roro KS Global Cable KS Bergshav Chemical KS Volstad Supply I KS Scandinavian Bulkers KS Volstad Supply II KS Agder Ocean Reefer KS Celine I OBO DIS Cement Ship II DIS Multipurpose Bulkers DIS SBS Tempest KS SBS Torrent KS Green Pacific DIS No. of vessels No. of projects NO. OF VSLS. 1 4 PROJECTS ESTABLISHED 2006 Norwegian Shipping II DIS SBS Typhoon KS Japan Offshore DIS Aries (Ugelstad) Supply II KS European Venture DIS NFC Offshore DIS Oceanlink Offshore DIS Panda Chemical Oil DIS Western Chemical KS Singapore Offshore DIS Oceanlink Offshore II DIS Japan Offshore II DIS NFC Offshore III DIS Japan Offshore III DIS Oceanlink Offshore III DIS Agder Ocean Reefer II DIS Northern Offshore DIS Norwegian Product DIS Global Cable II DIS No. of vessels No. of projects NO. OF VSLS. PROJECTS ESTABLISHED 2007 Ross Chemical DIS Atlantic Guardian DIS NFC Panamax DIS Orchard Offshore DIS Raffles Offshore DIS Norwegian Offshore DIS Med Ethylene DIS Ullswater Subsea DIS European Venture II DIS Tioman Offshore DIS Sentosa Offshore DIS Southern Chemical DIS Bovey Offshore Private Ltd Asia Bulkers DIS Short Sea Shipping DIS NO. OF VSLS. 5 1 1 4 1 4 2 1 1 1 4 3 4 3 4 18 1 2 2 1 5 1 3 1 1 4 1 1 3 31 16 1 3 1 2 4 1 1 3 5 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 39 19 ESTABLISHED April 2004 October 2004 November 2004 December 2004 CURRENCY NOK USD USD USD Total NOK Total USD Total EUR Project price USD TOTAL PROJECT PRICE 201 046 770 17 350 000 66 260 000 36 580 000 201 046 770 120 190 000 150 018 898 PAID IN CAPITAL 42 300 000 3 850 000 12 260 000 7 780 000 42 300 000 23 890 000 30 165 964 UNCALLED CAPITAL 15 000 000 1 000 000 4 150 000 5 000 000 15 000 000 10 150 000 12 375 519 TOTAL COMMITTED CAPITAL 57 300 000 4 850 000 16 410 000 12 780 000 57 300 000 34 040 000 ESTABLISHED February 2005 April 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 November 2005 November 2005 November 2005 November 2005 December 2005 December 2005 December 2005 December 2005 CURRENCY EUR USD USD EUR USD EUR NOK EUR NOK USD USD USD EUR NOK NOK USD Total NOK Total USD Total EUR Project price USD TOTAL PROJECT PRICE 10 900 000 80 900 000 19 200 000 9 000 000 12 320 000 20 470 000 262 620 000 28 926 000 262 620 000 27 750 000 12 470 000 19 800 000 27 145 000 134 300 000 141 175 000 30 590 000 800 715 000 203 030 000 96 441 000 447 167 112 PAID IN CAPITAL 2 470 000 13 325 000 13 700 000 1 960 000 2 870 000 4 470 000 75 050 000 6 776 000 75 050 000 6 150 000 1 970 000 5 575 000 4 695 000 29 300 000 31 975 000 6 090 000 211 375 000 49 680 000 20 371 000 107 807 795 UNCALLED CAPITAL 2 000 000 0 5 500 000 1 500 000 3 000 000 2 200 000 20 000 000 6 000 000 20 000 000 0 3 000 000 4 000 000 4 500 000 10 000 000 10 000 000 8 000 000 60 000 000 23 500 000 16 200 000 52 940 994 TOTAL COMMITTED CAPITAL 4 470 000 13 325 000 19 200 000 3 460 000 5 870 000 6 670 000 95 050 000 12 776 000 95 050 000 6 150 000 4 970 000 9 575 000 9 195 000 39 300 000 41 975 000 14 090 000 271 375 000 73 180 000 36 571 000 160 748 789 ESTABLISHED January 2006 January 2006 April 2006 April 2006 April 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 October 2006 October 2006 November 2006 November 2006 November 2006 December 2006 CURRENCY USD NOK USD NOK USD USD USD USD EUR USD USD USD USD USD USD USD USD USD USD Total NOK Total USD Total EUR Project price USD TOTAL PROJECT PRICE 8 000 000 167 050 000 37 150 000 155 000 000 46 325 000 74 500 000 13 250 000 19 545 000 32 775 000 129 100 000 12 000 000 39 075 000 46 046 000 47 340 000 28 500 000 19 500 000 39 000 000 32 865 000 45 400 000 322 050 000 637 596 000 32 775 000 728 855 930 PAID IN CAPITAL 5 200 000 36 650 000 8 150 000 33 000 000 9 965 000 24 480 000 2 750 000 4 345 000 7 095 000 8 500 000 2 250 000 8 775 000 14 186 000 10 540 000 5 200 000 4 500 000 8 400 000 7 265 000 9 400 000 69 650 000 133 906 000 7 095 000 153 651 288 UNCALLED CAPITAL 2 800 000 25 000 000 3 000 000 21 000 000 5 000 000 8 000 000 2 500 000 1 500 000 5 750 000 8 000 000 2 250 000 7 825 000 8 666 000 9 430 000 9 600 000 0 6 740 000 6 500 000 6 000 000 46 000 000 87 811 000 5 750 000 102 186 000 TOTAL COMMITTED CAPITAL 8 000 000 61 650 000 11 150 000 54 000 000 14 965 000 32 480 000 5 250 000 5 845 000 12 845 000 16 500 000 4 500 000 16 600 000 22 852 000 19 970 000 14 800 000 4 500 000 15 140 000 13 765 000 15 400 000 115 650 000 221 717 000 12 845 000 255 837 288 ESTABLISHED February 2007 February 2007 March 2007 March 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 May 2007 July 2007 July 2007 July 2007 July 2007 August 2007 October 2007 November 2007 CURRENCY USD USD USD USD USD USD USD USD USD USD USD EUR USD USD EUR TOTAL PROJECT PRICE 119 100 000 42 880 000 24 650 000 43 800 000 45 945 000 65 470 000 27 875 000 48 820 000 11 370 000 51 150 000 46 350 000 88 200 000 43 600 000 142 875 000 24 800 000 PAID IN CAPITAL 25 100 000 8 100 000 4 650 000 7 800 000 12 445 000 21 900 000 6 275 000 12 820 000 3 370 000 11 150 000 8 300 000 10 350 000 10 500 000 49 075 000 4 550 000 UNCALLED CAPITAL 12000000 8 000 000 0 2 125 000 4 500 000 6 000 000 4 500 000 5 000 000 6 000 000 0 0 10 000 000 0 0 4 500 000 TOTAL COMMITTED CAPITAL 37 100 000 16 100 000 4 650 000 9 925 000 16 945 000 27 900 000 10 775 000 17 820 000 9 370 000 11 150 000 8 300 000 20 350 000 10 500 000 49 075 000 9 050 000 42 541 484 C L A R K SO N S P L A TO U P R O J E C T F I N A N C E — MA R K E T RE PORT 2015 Ross Chemical IV DIS Dongguan Chemical Tankers DIS Pantheon Chemical DIS No. of vessels No. of projects 2 1 1 43 18 November 2007 November 2007 November 2007 PROJECTS ESTABLISHED 2008 Marineline Chemical DIS Edda Accommodation NFC AHTS V LLC Bukit Timah Offshore DIS Mountbatten Offshore DIS Bovey Offshore Ltd. (4 options) Semakau Producer DIS European Venture III DIS Golden Kamsar DIS Jimbaran DIS Seminyak DIS JBUS Offshore DIS Oceanlink Reefer III DIS Agder Ocean Reefer III DIS No. of vessels No. of projects NO. OF VSLS. 3 1 2 3 2 4 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 7 31 14 ESTABLISHED February 2008 February 2008 March 2008 May 2008 May 2008 May 2008 July 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 September 2008 September 2008 September 2008 October 2008 PROJECTS ESTABLISHED 2009 Leighton / ICON ICON Victorious Diving Bell No. of vessels No. of projects PROJECTS ESTABLISHED 2010 Octavian Bulker DIS Shanghai Bulker DIS Saragol Tanker DIS Saragol Tanker II DIS No. of vessels No. of projects PROJECTS ESTABLISHED 2011 Northern Supply DIS Redfish Offshore DIS No. of vessels No. of projects NO. OF VSLS. 3 1 1 5 3 NO. OF VSLS. 1 1 1 1 4 4 NO. OF VSLS. 2 2 4 2 53 000 000 32 750 000 31 000 000 18 000 000 7 150 000 5 160 000 0 7 000 000 5 500 000 18 000 000 14 150 000 10 660 000 799 635 000 144 000 000 996 467 765 206 635 000 20 060 000 234 054 898 55 125 000 20 000 000 82 462 884 261 760 000 40 060 000 316 517 782 CURRENCY USD EUR USD USD USD USD USD USD USD USD USD USD USD USD Total NOK Total USD Total EUR Project price USD TOTAL PROJECT PRICE 79 850 000 126 500 000 70 520 000 125 269 250 109 134 000 42 650 000 20 400 000 17 720 000 67 294 000 54 200 000 108 963 000 60 000 000 20 200 000 53 500 000 PAID IN CAPITAL 12 680 000 44 000 000 24 600 000 29 269 250 25 134 000 14 475 000 20 400 000 5 720 000 17 294 000 9 035 000 18 618 000 27 000 000 5 200 000 10 000 000 UNCALLED CAPITAL 0 12 000 000 0 0 0 0 0 5 000 000 12 500 000 0 14 000 000 0 5 000 000 7 000 000 TOTAL COMMITTED CAPITAL 12 680 000 56 000 000 24 600 000 29 269 250 25 134 000 14 475 000 20 400 000 10 720 000 29 794 000 9 035 000 32 618 000 27 000 000 10 200 000 17 000 000 829 700 250 126 500 000 1 004 270 250 219 425 250 262 925 250 280 145 250 43 500 000 60 060 000 CURRENCY USD USD USD Total NOK Total USD Total EUR Project price USD TOTAL PROJECT PRICE 135 000 000 42 500 000 10 000 000 PAID IN CAPITAL 10 000 000 37 750 000 8 000 000 UNCALLED CAPITAL 10 000 000 37 750 000 8 000 000 TOTAL COMMITTED CAPITAL 20 000 000 75 500 000 16 000 000 187 500 000 108 963 000 277 500 000 55 750 000 55 750 000 - 111 500 000 127 750 000 CURRENCY USD USD USD USD Total NOK Total USD Total EUR Project price USD TOTAL PROJECT PRICE 37 400 000 9 000 000 48 237 500 54 312 500 PAID IN CAPITAL 16 000 000 1 670 000 17 737 500 18 812 500 UNCALLED CAPITAL 0 139 950 000 52 550 000 54 550 000 148 950 000 54 220 000 2 000 000 2 000 000 CURRENCY USD USD Total NOK Total USD Total EUR Total project price TOTAL PROJECT PRICE 88 000 000 45 000 000 PAID IN CAPITAL 20 800 000 9 000 000 UNCALLED CAPITAL 19 280 000 0 TOTAL COMMITTED CAPITAL 40 080 000 9 000 000 133 000 000 29 800 000 19 280 000 49 080 000 266 000 000 59 600 000 38 560 000 98 160 000 CURRENCY USD EUR USD TOTAL PROJECT PRICE 42 700 000 25 950 000 1 650 000 PAID IN CAPITAL 10 240 000 5 750 000 1 650 000 UNCALLED CAPITAL 8 580 000 TOTAL COMMITTED CAPITAL 18 820 000 5 750 000 1 650 000 Total USD Total EUR Project price USD 44 350 000 25 950 000 78 423 478 11 890 000 5 750 000 8 580 000 - 20 470 000 5 750 000 CURRENCY USD USD USD Total NOK Total USD Total EUR Project price USD TOTAL PROJECT PRICE 4 300 000 26 000 000 4 315 000 PAID IN CAPITAL 4 300 000 8 200 000 1 815 000 UNCALLED CAPITAL 0 2 000 000 TOTAL COMMITTED CAPITAL 4 300 000 8 200 000 3 815 000 34 615 000 14 315 000 2 000 000 16 315 000 ESTABLISHED July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 ESTABLISHED July 2010 July 2009 July 2009 November 2010 USD USD EUR Total NOK Total USD Total EUR Project price USD ESTABLISHED May 2011 November 2011 PROJECTS ESTABLISHED 2012 Singapore Supply DIS Industrial Shipping DIS Vestland Marine PSV DIS No. of vessels No. of projects NO. OF VSLS. 1 7 1 9 3 ESTABLISHED March 2012 March 2012 April 2012 PROJECTS ESTABLISHED 2013 Feeder Container Vessel DIS Sudong Offshore DIS Panda Chemical II DIS No. of vessels No. of projects NO. OF VSLS. 1 1 1 3 3 ESTABLISHED May 2013 October 2013 November 2013 340 205 250 127 750 000 0 2 000 000 TOTAL COMMITTED CAPITAL 16 000 000 1 670 000 17 737 500 20 812 500 56 220 000 34 615 000 19 MAR K ET R EPO RT 2015 — C LA RKS ONS PLA T O U P R O J E C T F I N A N C E PROJECTS ESTABLISHED 2014 Vestland Marine Seismic DIS High Yield Shipping DIS CIT-Grieg Lygra CIT-Grieg Minerva DSV Alliance DIS Aberdeen Offshore DIS Lesley Product DIS No. of vessels No. of projects PROJECTS ESTABLISHED 2015 Bergshav Aframax AS CIT-Thor Magni Homborsund Container DIS Henrietta Product DIS CIT-Thor Modi CIT Thor Frigg No. of vessels No. of projects NO. OF VSLS. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 7 NO. OF VSLS. 2 1 1 1 1 1 7 6 ESTABLISHED February 2014 April 2014 June 2014 June 2014 June 2014 November 2014 November 2014 ESTABLISHED January 2014 February 2014 April 2014 April 2014 May 2014 May 2014 CURRENCY USD USD USD USD USD USD USD Total NOK Total USD Total EUR Project price USD TOTAL PROJECT PRICE 1 550 000 6 000 000 49 000 000 17100000 21500000 71464000 2355000 PAID IN CAPITAL 1 550 000 6 000 000 49 000 000 17100000 10112500 32464000 2355000 UNCALLED CAPITAL TOTAL COMMITTED CAPITAL 1 550 000 6 000 000 49 000 000 17 100 000 10 112 500 32 464 000 2 355 000 168 969 000 118 581 500 0 118 581 500 CURRENCY USD USD USD USD USD USD Total NOK Total USD Total EUR TOTAL PROJECT PRICE 10 000 000 21 500 000 4 750 000 10 400 000 21 500 000 21 500 000 PAID IN CAPITAL 7 500 000 21 500 000 4 750 000 8 400 000 21 500 000 21 500 000 UNCALLED CAPITAL TOTAL COMMITTED CAPITAL 7 500 000 21 500 000 4 750 000 8 400 000 21 500 000 21 500 000 89 650 000 85 150 000 0 85 150 000 Project price USD 89 650 000 168 969 000 PROJECTS SOLD Aries Supply I KS NFC Offshore DIS Ross Cape DIS International Containerships KS Aries Supply II KS NFC Offshore III DIS J.B.U OBO I KS Japan Offshore DIS Japan Offshore II DIS Japan Offshore III DIS Northern Offshore DIS Celine I OBO DIS Goliat Roro KS Semakau Producer DIS Global Cable KS Scandinavian Bulkers DIS SBS Tempest KS Norwegian Offshore I DIS Eidsiva Trucker KS JBUS Offshore DIS Bergshav Chemical DIS Western Chemical KS European Venture II Mountbatten DIS Norwegian Shipping DIS Tioman Offshore DIS Shanghai Bulkers DIS Volstad Supply I DIS Volstad Supply II DIS Cement Ship II DIS Norwegian Shipping II DIS Vestland Marine DIS Mount Faber KS Panda Chemical Oil DIS Global Cable II DIS SBS Typhoon DIS Marineline Chemical DIS Bovey Offshore Ltd European Venture III DIS Med Ethylene DIS Agder Ocean Reefer KS Atlantic Guardian DIS Norwegian Product DIS SBS Torrent KS RTS Panamax DIS *) return on equity 20 ESTABLISHED April 2004 April 2006 November 2004 November 2004 April 2006 October 2006 December 2004 April 2006 September 2007 October 2007 December 2007 November 2007 May 2005 July 2008 June 2005 September 2010 September 2005 April 2007 February 2005 September 2008 July 2005 July 2006 July 2007 July 2008 April 2005 July 2007 August 2010 August 2005 November 2005 November 2005 April 2005 January 2012 April 2005 June 2006 January 2006 January 2006 February 2008 July 2007 July 2008 May 2007 October 2005 February 2007 December 2006 November 2005 March 2007 CURRENCY NOK USD USD USD NOK USD USD USD USD USD USD USD EUR USD USD EUR NOK USD EUR USD EUR EUR USD USD USD USD USD NOK NOK USD USD USD USD USD USD NOK USD USD USD USD USD USD USD NOK USD PAID IN CAPITAL 42 300 000 16 280 000 3 850 000 12 260 000 33 000 000 13 100 000 7 780 000 8 150 000 350 000 1 110 000 8 400 000 1 970 000 1 960 000 20 400 000 2 870 000 6 776 000 29 300 000 23 025 000 6 180 000 32 500 000 4 470 000 7 095 000 3 370 000 26 698 000 13 700 000 10 000 000 1 670 000 40 000 000 55 250 000 5 575 000 5 200 000 1 600 000 13 004 000 5 845 000 9 400 000 36 650 000 18 350 000 21 375 000 5 720 000 6 275 000 6 150 000 8 100 000 10 115 000 31 975 000 4 650 000 ACCUMUL ATED DIVIDEND 125 499 000 32 500 000 6 088 300 18 802 700 46 560 000 16 400 000 6 608 000 1 400 000 3 166 300 1 635 000 21 000 000 4 250 000 17 750 000 7 625 182 6 776 000 84 150 000 23 325 000 35 000 000 840 000 1 650 000 6 964 845 26 300 000 19 317 994 12 050 000 2 690 000 130 000 000 200 000 000 12 640 000 7 196 500 2 170 000 36 585 000 1 565 000 27 058 101 106 550 000 53 989 400 12 532 900 7 941 528 2 050 000 3 500 000 12 148 272 105 782 764 3 050 000 IRR P.A . 66% 477% 41% 96% 64% 26%*) 37% 70%*) 733%*) 48.5%*) 153% 57% -25%*) N/A 28% 0% 30% 0% -100%*) 3% -48%*) -60%*) 20% -8%*) 15% 10% 55% 27% 38% 19% 8% 30% 32% −53% 21% 21% −100% 17% 24% 4% -67%*) N/A 3% 23% −34% SOLD 2007 2007 2007 2005 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2009 2009 2010 2011 2011 2010 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2012 2011 2011 2011 2011 2013 2013 2013 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2015 C L A R K SO N S P L A TO U P R O J E C T F I N A N C E — MA R K E T RE PORT 2015 EXISTING PROJECTS PER SEGMENT OFFSHORE/SUPPLY European Venture DIS Singapore Offshore DIS Orchard Offshore DIS Sentosa Offshore DIS Bukit Timah Offshore DIS Sudong Offshore DIS Aberdeen Offshore DIS DSV Alliance DIS TOTAL PROJECT PRICE USD 46 325 000 USD 129 100 000 USD 43 800 000 USD 46 350 000 USD 125 269 250 USD 26 000 000 USD 71 464 000 USD 21 500 000 LPG / CHEMICAL TANKERS Panda Chemical II DIS Southern Chemical DIS Dongguan Chemical DIS Seminyak DIS Blue Mountain DIS TOTAL PROJECT PRICE USD 4 315 000 EUR 88 200 000 USD 32 750 000 USD 108 963 000 USD 120 800 000 BULK CARRIERS Golden Kamsar DIS Ocatavian Bulker DIS Industrial Shipping DIS Asian Bulkers DIS TOTAL PROJECT PRICE USD 67 294 000 USD 37 000 000 EUR 34 000 000 USD 142 875 000 CAPITAL PER YEAR 2009–2015 — USD Mill 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 TOTAL PROJECT PRICE USD 4 300 000 USD 6 000 000 4 750 000 OTHER MS Nordstjernen DIS Platou Shipinvest I DIS Vestland Marine Seismic DIS TOTAL PROJECT PRICE USD 1 000 000 USD USD 1 550 000 TANKERS Saragol Tankers DIS Saragol Tankers II DIS Lesley Product DIS Henrietta Product DIS Bergshav Aframax AS TOTAL PROJECT PRICE USD 56 000 000 USD 49 000 000 USD 2 355 000 USD 10 400 000 USD 17 500 000 Total $/euro 1:1 Projects 1 017 685 250 28 TOTAL PROJECTS BY SEGMENT Multipurpose 8% Bulk 12 % Offshore/Supply 37 % Tankers 27 % 2009 2010 Paid in capital Mill 4,500 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 CONTAINER Feeder Container Vessel DIS High Yield Shipping DIS Homborsund Container DIS 2011 Total project price 2012 2013 2014 H1 2015 Uncalled capital ACCUMULATED CAPITAL 2004–2015 — USD Other Container Chemical/LPG 10 % 2% 6% TOTAL PROJECTS BY EMPLOYMENT Timecharter 16 % 2004 2005 2006 Total project price 2007 2008 Paid in capital 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Spot 4% 80 % Bareboat Uncalled capital 21 MAR K ET R EPO RT 2015 — C LA RKS ONS PLA T O U P R O J E C T F I N A N C E PROJECTS ESTIMATED RETURN ESTABLISHED PROJECT Aberdeen Offshore DIS Bergshav Aframax AS Bukit Timah Offshore DIS Dongguan Chemical Tankers DIS DSV Alliance DIS European Venture DIS Feeder Container DIS Golden Kamsar DIS Henrietta Product DIS High Yield Shipping DIS Homborsund Container DIS Industrial Shipping DIS Lesley Product DIS MS Nordstjernen DIS Octavian Bulkers DIS Orchard Offshore DIS Panda Chemical II DIS Saragol Tankers I DIS Saragol Tankers II DIS Seminyak DIS Sentosa Offshore DIS Singapore Offshore DIS Southern Chemical DIS Sudong Offshore DIS Vestland Marine Seismic DIS 22 New New New New New New November 1, 2014 February 20, 2014 May 1, 2008 December 1, 2007 October 14, 2014 April 1, 2008 May 1, 2013 August 1, 2008 June 30, 2015 January 1, 2014 June 30, 2015 May 1, 2012 October 1, 2014 November 23, 2012 September 1, 2010 March 1, 2007 November 1, 2013 June 1, 2007 December 1, 2007 September 1, 2008 July 1, 2007 August 1, 2006 July 1, 2007 October 1, 2013 February 1, 2014 USD USD USD USD USD USD USD USD USD USD USD USD USD NOK USD USD USD USD USD USD USD USD EUR USD USD PAID IN CAPITAL ACCUMULATED DISTRIBUTIONS ACCUMULATED DISTRIBUTIONS IN % OF PAID IN CAPITAL ESTIMATED SHARE PRICE PER 1% ESTIMATED IRR SELLER PER 1% 7 000 000 6 500 000 29 269 250 7 150 000 10 112 500 9 965 000 4 300 000 23 694 000 8 400 000 6 000 000 4 750 000 5 750 000 2 350 000 6 000 000 16 000 000 7 800 000 1 815 000 18 500 000 26 000 000 36 168 000 8 300 000 7 850 000 16 350 000 8 200 000 1 550 000 21 250 000 4 237 500 14 090 000 8 500 000 712 500 355 515 3 000 000 1 500 000 18 350 000 9 792 300 8 292 500 13 715 000 13 014 141 1 540 000 800 000 600 000 0% 0% 73% 59% 0% 141% 0% 36% 0% 12% 0% 6% 11% 50% 9% 235% 0% 53% 32% 0% 165% 166% 9% 10% 39% N/A 65 000 355 000 46 000 N/A 96 500 50 000 175 000 84 000 60 000 51 000 40 000 25 000 43 500 N/A 12 100 22 000 185 000 260 000 N/A 79 000 42 000 60 000 86 000 13 000 0.0 % 12.0 % 3.8 % 13.9 % 7.2 % 1.7 % 0.0 % 10.9 % 4.0 % −38.0 % 13.0 % 10.3 % 18.2 % 13.0 % −15.8 % 16.6 % 15.1 % −12.5 % 8.7 % 19.0 % ESTIMATED IRR FOR BUYER 73.0 % 16.4 % 15.9 % 16.0 % 45.2 % 15.7 % 11.9 % 9.5 % 14-41% 15.0 % 10.4 % 15.5 % 14.0 % 15.2 % 15.5 % 16.6 % 15.3 % 15.7 % 16.1 % 22.9 % C L A R K SO N S P L A TO U P R O J E C T F I N A N C E — MA R K E T RE PORT 2015 CLARKSONS PLATOU PROJECT FINANCE FLEET LIST VESSEL T YPE VESSEL NAME DW T/TEU/BHP BUILT YARD Aberdeen Offshore DIS Asian Bulkers DIS Asian Bulkers DIS Asian Bulkers DIS Bergshav Aframax AS Bergshav Aframax AS Blue Mountain Tankers DIS Blue Mountain Tankers DIS Blue Mountain Tankers DIS Blue Mountain Tankers DIS Blue Mountain Tankers DIS Blue Mountain Tankers DIS Bukit Timah Offshore DIS PSV Supramax Supramax Supramax Aframax Tanker Aframax Tanker IMO II/III Product Tanker IMO II/III Product Tanker IMO II/III Product Tanker IMO II/III Product Tanker IMO II/III Product Tanker IMO II/III Product Tanker AHTS FS Cygnus MV Svenner MV Slettnes MV Svinoy MT Spike C.V. Stealth Oceanic Indigo Oceanic Crimson Oceanic Coral Oceanic Cerise Oceanic Cyan Oceanic Cobalt Swiber Else-Marie 750m2 58000 58000 58000 115000 110000 11000 13000 13000 13000 13000 13000 10800 BHP 2014 2010 2010 2010 2010 2005 2011 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2009 Simek Yard, Norway Dayang, China Dayang, China Dayang, China Samsung Heavy Industries, South Korea SWS, China Penglai Bohai Shipyard Co. Ltd., China Jinse Co. Ltd., Korea Jinse Co. Ltd., Korea Jinse Co. Ltd., Korea Jinse Co. Ltd., Korea Jinse Co. Ltd., Korea China Bukit Timah Offshore DIS AHTS Swiber Anne-Christine 10801 BHP 2009 Bukit Timah Offshore DIS AHTS Swiber Mary-Ann 10802 BHP 2010 Dongguan Chemical Tankers DIS IMO II Chemical Tanker Toreach Pioneer 8200 2008 DSV Alliance DIS European Venture DIS European Venture DIS Feeder Container Vessel DIS Golden Kamsar DIS Henrietta Product DIS High Yield Shipping DIS Homborsund Container DIS Industrial Shipping DIS Industrial Shipping DIS Dive Support Vessel PSV PSV Container Feeder Vessel Kamsarmax Product Tanker Container Feeder Vessel Containership MPP Single-Decker MPP Single-Decker 1956 2 x 3978 BHP 2 x 5440 BHP 1700 TEU 79600 9847 2300 TEU 1100 TEU 4117 4160 1983 2006 2005 1996 2010 2001 2003 2003 2000 2000 Industrial Shipping DIS Industrial Shipping DIS Lesley Product DIS MS Nordstjernen DIS MPP Single-Decker MPP Single-Decker Product Tanker Veteran Passenger Ship DSV Alliance GSP Queen GSP King MV Credo Golden Eclipse Henrietta PG MSC Positano Dolphin Strait MV Forza/MV Volante MV Sonoro/ MV Lontano/ MV Distinto MV Brilliante MV Risoluto Lesley PG MS Nordstjernen A Company Guaranteed by Pan Gulf Group A Company Guaranteed by Pan Gulf Group A Company Guaranteed by Pan Gulf Group A Company Guaranteed by Pan Gulf Group A Company Guaranteed by Pan Gulf Group A Company Guaranteed by Pan Gulf Group Newcruz Offshore Marine Ltd Guaranteed by Swiber Holdings China Newcruz Offshore Marine Ltd Guaranteed by Swiber Holdings China Newcruz Offshore Marine Ltd Guaranteed by Swiber Holdings Zhejiang Haifeng Shipbuilding Co. Ltd., China Toreach Marine Pte Ltd guaranteed by Dongguan Fenghai Ocean Shipping Co Ltd Trosvik Verk, Norway Jaya Yard, Singapore Grup Servicii Petroliere S.A. Jaya Yard, Singapore Grup Servicii Petroliere S.A. Stocznia Szczecinska, Poland Sea Consortium Pte Ltd Jinhaiwan Shipyard, China Golden Eclipse Inc. Frisian Shyd, Netherlands Daewoo, South Korea CSC Jinling, China Severnav S.A, Romania Transatlantic Short Sea Bulk AB Severnav S.A, Romania Transatlantic Short Sea Bulk AB 5557 4145 6249 570 1997 1997 1998 1956 Ferus Smith b.v Netherland Bodewes Volharding B.V Netherland Appledore Shipbuilders, UK Blohm & Voss, Germany Octavian Bulkers DIS Orchard Offshore DIS Supramax AHT MV Skomvaer Swiber Navigator 58000 4000 BHP 2010 2008 Dayang, China Malaysia/China Orchard Offshore DIS AHT Swiber Explorer 4000 BHP 2008 Malaysia/China Panda Chemical II DIS Saragol Tankers 1 DIS Saragol Tankers 2 DIS Seminyak DIS Seminyak DIS Sentosa Offshore DIS Product Tanker Panda PG Product Tanker LR MV Luengo Product & Crude Oil Tanker MT Mucua Chemical Tanker MT Sira Chemical Tanker MT Simoa AHT Swiber Gallant 6725 114000 19998 40354 5000 BHP 2004 2007 2008 2008 2004 2007 Sedef Shipyard/ Istanbul New Century Shipbuilding Co. New Times Shipbuilding Co. Ltd. China Japan Korea Malaysia/China Sentosa Offshore DIS AHT Swiber Valiant 5000 BHP 2007 Malaysia/China Sentosa Offshore DIS AHTS Swiber Sandefjord 5000 BHP 2009 Malaysia/China Singapore Offshore DIS Singapore Offshore DIS Southern Chemical DIS Southern Chemical DIS Sudong Offshore DIS AHT AHTS Chemical Tanker Chemical Tanker AHTS Lewek Kea Lewek Trogan Alicudi M Lipari M Lewek Swan 8000 BHP 18000 BHP 40083 3400 12240 BHP 2008 2008 2004 2002 2005 Cheoy Lee, China Pan United, Singapore Korea Italy Pan United, Singapore Vestland Marine Seismic DIS CIT-Grieg CIT-Thor Magni CIT-Thor Modi CIT-Thor Frigg Seismic Research Vessel Dry bulk vessel Seismic Support Vessel Seismic Support Vessel Seismic Support Vessel GeoSearcher Star Lygra Thor Magni Thor Modi Thor Frigg 1863 50741 1100 1100 1100 1984 2013 2015 2015 2015 Hellesøy verft, Norway PROJECT Besiktas, Turkey Besiktas, Turkey Besiktas, Turkey CHARTERER AS Klaveness Chartering AS Klaveness Chartering Bulkhandling Handymax AS Transatlantic Short Sea Bulk AB Transatlantic Short Sea Bulk AB Giles W. Pritchard-Gordon Tankers Ltd. Indre Nordhordaland Dampbåtlag AS, Guaranteed by Vestland Marine Hanjin Shipping Co. Ltd. Swiber Offshore Marine Pte Ltd. guaranteed by Swiber Holdings Ltd. Swiber Offshore Marine Pte Ltd. guaranteed by Swiber Holdings Ltd. Giles W. Pritchard-Gordon Tankers Ltd. Sonangol Shipping Angola (Luanda) LTDA Sonangol Shipping Angola (Luanda) LTDA Navig8 Chemical pool Navig8 Handy pool Swiber Offshore Marine Pte Ltd. guaranteed by Swiber Holdings Ltd. Swiber Offshore Marine Pte Ltd. guaranteed by Swiber Holdings Ltd. Swiber Offshore Marine Pte Ltd. guaranteed by Swiber Holdings Ltd. EMAS Offshore Pte Ltd EMAS Offshore Pte Ltd Augusta DUE SRL Augusta DUE SRL EMAS Offshore Pte Ltd guaranteed by Ezra Holdings Ltd. CHARTER T YPE BB TC TC TC Spot Spot BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB TC BB BB BB TC BB BB BB BB BB BB TC BB BB BB BB BB TC TC BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB 23 MAR K ET R EPO RT 2015 — C LA RKS ONS PLA T O U P R O J E C T F I N A N C E ABERDEEN OFFSHORE DIS KEY FIGURES (Date of analysis: 30.06.2015) Established: October 2014 Paid in capital: USD 17 000 000 Uncalled capital: USD 0 Accumulated dividends: USD 0 THE VESSEL Vessel name: Type: DWT: Yard: Built: Class: Flag: N/A N/A N/A N/A Project Broker: Truls Wiese Kolstad · Corporate Manager: Eva Lise Bjerke Latent tax liability vessel pr. 1% N/A Latent tax benefit debt pr. 1% N/A FS CYGNUS PSV UT755 LC 3 150 SIMEK, Flekkefjord, Norway November 2014 DnV, + IAI, SF, ED, CLEAN, DYNPOS AUTR COMF - V(3), DK(+), HL(2.8), OIL REC British COMMERCIAL DETAILS Corporate management: Disponent owner: Project price: Paid in capital: Uncalled capital: Clarksons Platou Project Finance AS OMP Management AS USD 34 800 000 USD 17 000 000 USD 0 RESIDUAL VALUE SENSITIVITY ON IRR Residual value end CP: Estimated IRR: CASHFLOW Operating revenue Operating expenses Net operating cashflow Purchase of vessel Interest earned Interest expenses Paid in capital Drawdown/ Repayment long term debt Net financial items Net projected cash flow Estimated dividend FINANCING Mortgage loan: Balloon: Term: Quarterly instalments: Interest: 50% of the loan is fixed at an interest rate of 1.77% The budget assumes a refinancing after 5 years. Bareboat charterer: Commencement of charter: Expiry of charter: Daily bareboat rate: Fletcher Shipping Ltd. 14 November 2014 13 November 2021 11 246 USD Base Case USD 26 000 000 13.25 % 2014 686 000 -1 390 000 -704 000 2015E 4 104 790 -482 000 3 622 790 2016E 4 116 036 -158 000 3 958 036 2017E 4 104 790 -160 000 3 944 790 2018E 4 104 790 -163 000 3 941 790 -33 451 890 0 0 17 000 000 18 911 140 35 911 140 1 755 250 0 0 0 -710 000 0 -1 575 928 -2 285 928 1 336 862 -2 592 000 0 0 -757 000 0 -1 575 928 -2 332 928 1 625 108 -1 626 000 0 0 -684 000 0 -1 575 928 -2 259 928 1 684 862 -1 685 000 0 0 -612 000 0 -1 575 928 -2 187 928 1 753 862 -1 754 000 BALANCE Cash Impicit vessel value Total assets Outstanding debt Short-term payables Total outstanding debt Estimated project value 24 Estimated share value per 1 % : Last reported sale per 1 %: Estimated IRR Buyer : Estimated IRR Seller : 01.07.2015 COMMENTS The company aquired the newbuilding, FS Cygnus, on 14 November 2014. The vessel is from the same date on a 7 years bareboat charter to Fletcher Shipping Ltd. The vessel is currently on TC with Enquest, operating in the British sector of the North Sea. N/A USD USD USD 18 911 140 11 031 498 5 years 393 982 LIBOR + margin of 2.95 % C L A R K SO N S P L A TO U P R O J E C T F I N A N C E — MA R K E T RE PORT 2015 ASIAN BULKERS DIS KEY FIGURES (Date of analysis: 30.06.2015) Established: October 2007 Paid in capital: USD 48 000 000 Uncalled capital: USD 0 Accumulated dividends: USD 0 THE VESSELS Vessel names: Type: DWT: Yard: Built/delivered: Class: Flag: Estimated share value per 1 %: Last reported sale per 1 %: Estimated IRR Buyer: Estimated IRR Seller: N/A N/A N/A N/A Svenner Supramax Bulk Carrier 58 000 Dayang, China January 2010 BV Marshall Island COMMERCIAL DETAILS Corporate management: Disponent owner: Project price: Paid in capital: Uncalled capital: Clarksons Platou Project Finance AS Scantank AS USD 123 000 000 USD 48 000 000 USD 0 Project broker: Chris W. Svensson · Corporate Manager: Thomas Ødegård Latent tax liability vessel pr. 1% N/A Latent tax benefit debt pr. 1% N/A Slettnes Supramax Bulk Carrier 58 000 Dayang, China July 2010 BV Marshall Island Commencement of CP: Expiry of CP: TC rate per day year: TC charter: Svinoy Supramax Bulk Carrier 58 000 Dayang, China August 2010 BV Marshall Island Svenner, Slettnes & Svinoy 3 months in advance Pool Bulkhandling Handymax AS RESIDUAL VALUE SENSITIVITY ON IRR CASHFLOW Operating revenue Operating expenses Net operating cashflow Interest earned Interest expenses Drawdown/ Repayment long term debt Net financial items Purchase / sale of vessel Net Projected Cashflow Estimated dividend 2014 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A BALANCE Cash balance Impicit vessel value Total assets Outstanding debt Short-term payables Sellers credit Total outstanding debt Estimated project value FINANCING Mortgage loan: Sellers credit: Balloon: Term: Quarterly instalments: Interest: 2015E N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 01.07.2015 COMMENTS All three vessels are operating in the Klaveness pool. The vessels will be dry docked during 2015. N/A USD USD USD USD 100% floating presently at 86 100 000 0 63 000 000 5 1 440 000 2.23 % (included margin) 25 MAR K ET R EPO RT 2015 — C LA RKS ONS PLA T O U P R O J E C T F I N A N C E BERGSHAV AFRAMAX AS KEY FIGURES (Date of analysis: 30.06.2015) Established: Feb 2015 Paid in capital: USD 6 500 000 Uncalled capital: USD 0 Accumulated dividends: USD 0 Estimated share value per 1 %: Last reported sale per 1 %: Estimated IRR Buyer: Estimated IRR Seller: USD 65 000 N/A 73 % 0% Project broker: Axel M. Aas · Corporate manager: Benjamin Ryeng-Hansen Latent tax liability vessel pr. 1%: N/A Latent tax benefit debt pr. 1%: N/A THE VESSELS Vessel names: Type: DWT: Yard: Built: Class: Flag: COMMERCIAL DETAILS Corporate management: Disponent owner / Technical manager: Project price: Paid in capital : Uncalled capital: CV Stealth Aframax 104 499 China 2005 ABS Malta USD USD USD Clarksons Platou Project Finance AS Bergshav Management AS 7 500 000 6 500 000 0 Spike Aframax 115 897 South Korea 2010 DNV Malta Commencement of CP: CP period extended with 2 years until: Reduced BB rate per day from 1 January 2015: Bareboat charter: Bareboat charterer: Clarksons Platou Project Finance AS Bergshav Management AS USD 7 500 000 USD 6 500 000 USD 0 RESIDUAL VALUE SENSITIVITY ON IRR Residual value end CP: Vessels will be redeliverd to owner in 2019 and 2020. Estimated IRR: CASHFLOW Operating revenue Operating expenses Net operating cashflow 2015E 6 661 000 -6 799 000 -138 000 2016E 19 444 000 -13 832 000 5 612 000 2017E 17 668 000 -13 895 000 3 773 000 2018E 16 370 000 -14 037 000 2 333 000 Interest earned Interest expenses Paid in capital Net financial items Net projected cash flow Estimated dividend 7 500 000 7 500 000 7 362 000 1 600 000 0 5 612 000 5 700 000 0 3 773 000 3 800 000 0 2 333 000 2 300 000 BALANCE Cash balance Impicit vessel value Total assets Outstanding debt Short-term payables Sellers credit Total outstanding debt Estimated project value FINANCING 100% equity. 26 01.07.2015 3 500 000 3 000 000 6 500 000 0 0 0 0 6 500 000 COMMENTS The company is taking two vessels on BB charters with the objective to trade them in the spot/TC market. USD 4 million was paid in in Feb 2015. USD 2.5 million was paid in in Jun 2015. USD 1 million will be paid in prior to delivery of the 2nd vessel. There is a 50% profit split for Spike with the owner on daily hire above USD 25,000. C L A R K SO N S P L A TO U P R O J E C T F I N A N C E — MA R K E T RE PORT 2015 BLUE MOUNTAIN TANKERS DIS KEY FIGURES (Date of analysis: 30.06.2015) Established: February 2007 Paid in capital: USD 36 375 000 Uncalled capital: USD 7 000 000 Accumulated dividends: USD 0 THE VESSELS Vessel names: Oceanic Indigo Type: IMOII /III product tankers DWT: 11 000 Capacity (cbm): Yard: Penglai Bohai Shipyard Co. Ltd, China Delivery: April 2011 Class: ABS Flag: COMMERCIAL DETAILS Corporate management: Disponent owner: Project price: Paid in capital: Uncalled capital: USD USD USD Estimated share value per 1 %: Last reported sale per 1 %: Estimated IRR Buyer: Estimated IRR Seller: Oceanic Crimson IMOII /III product tankers 13 000 13 450 Jinse Co. Ltd,. Korea March 2008 ABS Liberia N/A N/A N/A N/A Oceanic Coral IMOII /III product tankers 13 000 13 450 Jinse Co. Ltd,. Korea apr.08 ABS Liberia Clarksons Platou Project Finance AS Panoceanic Bulk Carriers UK 120 800 000 25 100 000 12 000 000 Project broker: Axel M. Aas · Corporate manager: Eva Lise Bjerke Latent tax liability vessel pr. 1% N/A Latent tax benefit debt pr. 1% N/A Oceanic Cerise IMOII /III product tankers 13 000 13 450 Jinse Co. Ltd,. Korea May 2008 ABS Liberia BB rate per day year: Bareboat charter: Bareboat charterer: Commencement of CP: Expiry of CP: Oceanic Cyan IMOII /III product tankers 13 000 13 450 Jinse Co. Ltd,. Korea June 2008 ABS Liberia Oceanic Cobalt IMOII /III product tankers 13 000 13 450 Jinse Co. Ltd,. Korea July 2008 ABS Liberia USD 8 050 7 years A company Guaranteed by Pan Gulf Group March 2008 + 2 months interval per vessel Year 2015 RESIDUAL VALUE SENSITIVITY ON IRR Residual value end CP: Estimated IRR: CASHFLOW Operating revenue Operating expenses Net operating cashflow Interest earned Interest expenses Drawdown/ Repayment long term debt Net financial items Net Projected Cashflow Estimated dividend BALANCE Cash balance Vessel Total assets Outstanding debt Total outstanding debt Estimated project value 2014E N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 01.07.2015 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A COMMENTS The project was restructured in 2009 and a company related to the bareboat charterer bought all shares in the project. FINANCING 27 MAR K ET R EPO RT 2015 — C LA RKS ONS PLA T O U P R O J E C T F I N A N C E BUKIT TIMAH OFFSHORE DIS KEY FIGURES (Date of analysis: 30.06.2015) Established: May 2008 Paid in capital: USD 29 269 250 Uncalled capital: USD 0 Accumulated dividends: USD 21 250 000 THE VESSELS Vessel names: Type: DWT: Speed: Yard: Built: Class: Flag: Estimated share value per 1 % : Last reported sale per 1 %: Estimated IRR Buyer : Estimated IRR Seller : Swiber Else-Marie AHTS 10 800 14 knots China 2009 ABS Marshall Islands COMMERCIAL DETAILS Corporate management: Disponent owner: Project price: Paid in capital : Uncalled capital: BB rate: Bareboat charter: Bareboat charterer: Commencement of CP: Expiry of CP: Jun 2014 Project Broker: Chris W. Svensson · Corporate Manager: Benjamin Ryeng-Hansen USD 355 000 Latent tax liability vessel pr. 1% USD 164 500 USD 330 000 Latent tax benefit debt pr. 1% USD 12 200 16 % 12 % Swiber Anne-Christine AHTS 10 800 14 knots China 2009 ABS Marshall Islands Swiber Mary-Ann AHTS 10 800 14 knots China 2010 ABS Marshall Islands USD 15 850 pd 10 years USD USD USD USD 15 850 pd 10 years 27.08.09 27.08.19 06.01.10 06.01.20 Clarksons Platou Project Finance AS Scantank AS 125 269 250 29 269 250 0 USD 15 850 10 years Newcruz Offshore Marine Pte Ltd guaranteed by Swiber Holdings Ltd 23.09.2010 23.09.2020 RESIDUAL VALUE SENSITIVITY ON IRR Low Residual value end CP: USD 48 000 000 Base 60 000 000 High 72 000 000 16 % 21 % Estimated IRR: 11 % CASHFLOW Operating revenue Operating expenses Net operating cashflow Interest earned Interest expenses Drawdown/ Repayment long term debt Net financial items Net projected cash flow Estimated dividend BALANCE Cash balance Impicit vessel value Total assets Outstanding debt Short-term payables Sellers credit Total outstanding debt Estimated project value FINANCING Mortgage: Sellers credit: Balloon: Term: Quarterly instalments: Interest mortgage: Interest sellers credit: 28 2014 17 356 000 -278 000 17 078 000 2015E 17 356 000 -270 000 17 086 000 2016E 17 403 000 -272 000 17 131 000 2017E 17 356 000 -275 000 17 081 000 2018E 17 356 000 -278 000 17 078 000 2 000 -5 687 000 -7 262 000 -12 947 000 4 131 000 0 -5 161 000 -7 700 000 -12 861 000 4 225 000 0 -4 537 000 -7 950 000 -12 487 000 4 644 000 11 200 000 0 -3 854 000 -7 950 000 -11 804 000 5 277 000 5 400 000 70 000 -3 184 000 -7 950 000 -11 064 000 6 014 000 6 100 000 01.07.2015 6 128 000 93 972 000 100 100 000 57 950 000 650 000 6 000 000 64 600 000 35 500 000 USD USD USD 1-20: USD 21-40: USD 96 000 000 6 000 000 20 250 000 10 years 1 800 000 1 987 500 Average of 8.3213% including 3.625% margin 3.50% COMMENTS The charterer has purchase options from after year 5 to year 10. Latest valuation of the vessels are USD 30–31 million meaning that we are within the minimum value clause. C L A R K SO N S P L A TO U P R O J E C T F I N A N C E — MA R K E T RE PORT 2015 CIT-GRIEG KEY FIGURES (Date of analysis: 30.06.2015) Established: May 2014 Paid in capital: USD 49 000 000 Uncalled capital: USD 0 THE VESSEL Vessel name: Type: DWT: Yard: Built: Class: Flag: Project broker: Chris W. Svensson · Corporate manager: Benjamin Ryeng-Hansen Star Lygra Open Hatch Bulk Carrier 50 700 South Korea 2013 ABS Cyprus COMMERCIAL DETAILS Corporate management: Bareboat charterer: Clarksons Platou Project Finance AS Grieg Shipping II AS RESIDUAL VALUE SENSITIVITY ON IRR Low N/A CASHFLOW BALANCE 2014 N/A Base N/A 2015E N/A 01.07.2015 N/A 2016E N/A High N/A 2017E N/A 2018E N/A COMMENTS Project financed by CIT. FINANCING 29 MAR K ET R EPO RT 2015 — C LA RKS ONS PLA T O U P R O J E C T F I N A N C E CIT-THOR KEY FIGURES (Date of analysis: 30.06.2015) Established: August 2014 Paid in capital: USD 86 000 000 Uncalled capital: USD 0 THE VESSELS Vessel names: Type: DWT: Yard: Built: Class: Flag: Thor Magni Seismic Support Vessel 1 750 Turkey 2014 DNV Bahamas Project broker: Chris W. Svensson · Corporate manager: Benjamin Ryeng-Hansen Thor Modi Seismic Support Vessel 1 750 Turkey 2015 DNV Bahamas Thor Frigg Seismic Support Vessel 1 750 Turkey 2015 DNV Bahamas Thor Freyja Seismic Support Vessel 1 750 Turkey 2015 DNV Bahamas COMMERCIAL DETAILS Corporate management: Clarksons Platou Project Finance AS Bareboat charterer: P/F Thor Time charterer: PGS Geophysical AS RESIDUAL VALUE SENSITIVITY ON IRR Low N/A CASHFLOW BALANCE FINANCING 30 2014 N/A Base N/A 2015E N/A 01.07.2015 N/A 2016E N/A COMMENTS Project financed by CIT. High N/A 2017E N/A 2018E N/A C L A R K SO N S P L A TO U P R O J E C T F I N A N C E — MA R K E T RE PORT 2015 DONGGUAN CHEMICAL TANKERS DIS KEY FIGURES (Date of analysis: 30.06.2015) Established: Dec 2007 Paid in capital: USD 7 150 000 Uncalled capital: USD 3 500 000 Accumulated dividends: USD 4 462 500 THE VESSEL Vessel name: Type: DWT: Speed: Yard: Built: Class: Flag: Estimated share value per 1 %: Last reported sale per 1 %: Estimated IRR Buyer: Estimated IRR Seller: USD 46 000 USD 41 000 16 % 4% Oct 2014 Project broker: Axel M. Aas · Corporate manager: Benjamin Ryeng-Hansen Latent tax liability vessel pr. 1%: USD 10 200 Latent tax benefit debt pr. 1%: USD 600 Toreach Pioneer Chemical Tanker IMO II 8 200 12 knots Zhejiang Haifeng Shipbuilding Co. Ltd, China 2008 CCS Marshall Islands COMMERCIAL DETAILS Corporate management: Disponent owner: Project price: Paid in capital: Uncalled capital: Clarksons Platou Project Finance AS Atlantica Shipping AS 15 324 000 7 150 000 3 500 000 USD USD USD RESIDUAL VALUE SENSITIVITY ON IRR BB rate: Bareboat charter: Bareboat charterer: Commencement of CP: Expiry of CP: 5 250 pd 8 years Toreach Marine Pte Ltd guaranteed by Dongguan Fenghai Ocean Shipping Co Ltd 15.10.2008 15.10.2016 Base USD 6 500 000 Residual value end CP: Estimated IRR: 16 % CASHFLOW Operating revenue Operating expenses Net operating cashflow Interest earned Interest expenses Drawdown/ Repayment long term debt Net financial items Sale of vessel Net project cash flow Estimated dividend BALANCE Cash balance Impicit vessel value Total assets Outstanding debt Short-term payables Sellers credit Total outstanding debt Estimated project value FINANCING Mortgage: Sellers credit: Balloon: Term: Quarterly instalments: Interest mortgage 20.11.08-04.05.2012: Interest mortgage 04.05.2012-04.11.2015: Interest sellers credit: USD 01.07.2015 365 000 7 643 000 8 008 000 2 533 000 75 000 800 000 3 408 000 4 600 000 USD USD USD USD 2014 1 916 000 -94 000 1 822 000 2015E 1 916 000 -100 000 1 816 000 2016E 1 433 000 -101 000 1 332 000 -220 000 -1 407 000 -1 627 000 195 000 687 000 1 000 -180 000 -1 182 000 -1 361 000 455 000 462 000 1 000 -25 000 -2 735 000 -2 759 000 6 500 000 5 073 000 5 432 000 COMMENTS The charterer has purchase options from after year 3 to year 8. Put option at the end of the charter party. The charterer is paying charter hire in a timely manner. 9 000 000 800 000 3 240 000 8 years 180 000 6.54% including 1.5% margin 5.16% including 1.5% margin 0.00 % 31 MAR K ET R EPO RT 2015 — C LA RKS ONS PLA T O U P R O J E C T F I N A N C E DSV ALLIANCE DIS KEY FIGURES (Date of analysis: 30.06.2015) Established: October 2014 Paid in capital: USD 10 112 250 Uncalled capital: USD 0 Accumulated dividends: USD 0 THE VESSEL Vessel name: Type: DWT: Yard: Built: Class: Flag: COMMERCIAL DETAILS Corporate management: Disponent owner: Project price: Paid in capital: Uncalled capital: Estimated share value per 1 %: Last reported sale per 1 %: Estimated IRR Buyer: Estimated IRR Seller: N/A N/A N/A N/A Red7 Allliance DPII Diving Support Vessel 1 959 Trosvik Mekaniske Verksted, Norway 1984 DNW+1A1, HELIDECK, DSVISF, DSV IIISF, DYNPOS (AUTR), EO Bahamas Clarksons Platou Project Finance AS Norwegian Marine Services AS 21 500 000 10 112 250 0 USD USD USD RESIDUAL VALUE SENSITIVITY ON IRR Bareboat charterer: Commencement of charter: Expiry of charter: Daily bareboat rate: Estimated IRR: Purchase of vessel Sale of vessel Interest earned Interest expenses Paid in capital Drawdown/ Repayment long term debt Net financial items Net projected cash flow Estimated dividend Charterer’s Credit Agreement Balloon: Term: Interest: 32 USD 17,00% 2014 822 000 −700 000 122 000 2015E 3 832 500 −183 000 3 649 500 2016E 3 843 000 −125 000 3 718 000 2017E 3 832 500 −126 000 3 706 500 2018E 3 832 500 −129 000 3 703 500 −20 705 000 0 0 −589 000 0 −1 065 000 −1 654 000 1 995 500 −2 186 000 0 0 0 −418 000 0 −1 236 000 −1 654 000 2 052 500 −2 051 000 0 0 0 10 112 250 11 387 750 21 500 000 917 000 0 0 0 0 −507 000 0 −1 147 000 −1 654 000 2 064 000 −2 049 000 BALANCE Cash Impicit vessel value Total assets Outstanding debt Short term payables Total outstanding debt Estimated project value FINANCING Mortgage loan: Balloon: Term: Quarterly payments incl. interest: Interest: Red7 Marine Offshore Ltd. 14 October 2014 13 October 2019 + CHOPT 1+1 year 10 500 Base case USD 13 000 000 Residual value end CP: CASHFLOW Operating revenue Operating expenses Net operating cashflow Project Broker: Truls Wiese Kolstad · Corporate Manager: Eva Lise Bjerke Latent tax liability vessel pr. 1%: N/A Latent tax benefit debt pr. 1%: N/A 01.07.2015 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A USD USD USD 8 282 000 2 070 500 5 years 413 545 7.35 % USD 3 105 750 USD 3 105 750 5 years after end BBCP Interest free COMMENTS The company purchased the vessel, Red7 Alliance, on 14 October 2014. The vessel is from the same date on a 5 years bareboat charter to Red7 Marine Offshore Ltd. The vessel is operating in the British sector of the North Sea . 0 −324 000 0 −1 330 000 −1 654 000 2 049 500 −2 050 000 C L A R K SO N S P L A TO U P R O J E C T F I N A N C E — MA R K E T RE PORT 2015 EUROPEAN VENTURE DIS KEY FIGURES (Date of analysis: 30.06.2015) Established: April 2006 Paid in capital: USD 9 965 000 Uncalled capital: USD 5 000 000 Accumulated dividends: USD 14 090 000 THE VESSELS Vessels name: Type: DWT: Speed: Yard: Built: Class: Flag: GSP Queen AHTS, 2 x 3978 BHP, FIFI1, DP2 1 800 14 knots Jaya Yard, Singapore 2006 ABS Gibraltar COMMERCIAL DETAILS Corporate management: Disponent owner: Project price: Paid in capital: Uncalled capital: Commencement of CP: GSP King AHTS, 2 x 5440 BHP, FIFI1, DP2 2 000 14 knots Jaya Yard, Singapore 2005 ABS Gibraltar Clarksons Platou Project Finance AS North Sea Shipping AS 46 325 000 9 965 000 5 000 000 December 2015 USD USD USD Project Broker: Chris W. Svensson · Coporate Manager: Erik Kristian Andresen USD 96 500 Latent tax liability vessel pr. 1%: USD 27 900 USD 115 000 Latent tax benefit debt pr. 1%: USD 2 000 16% 14% Estimated share value per 1 %: Last reported sale per 1 %: Estimated IRR Buyer: Estimated IRR Seller: Expiry of CP: BB rate per day: Bareboat charter: Bareboat charterer: GSP King Year 1 - 5 Year 6 - 8 GSP Queen Year 1 - 5 Year 6 - 8 USD 9 330 USD 8 000 USD 8 715 USD 7 000 8 years Grup Servicii Petroliere S.A. RESIDUAL VALUE SENSITIVITY ON IRR Residual value end CP: Estimated IRR: CASHFLOW Operating revenue Operating expenses Net operating cashflow Interest earned Interest expenses Drawdown/ Repayment long term debt Net financial items Purchase / sale of vessel Net Projected Cashflow Estimated dividend 2014E 5 587 300 −157 200 5 430 100 2015E 4 950 500 −235 000 4 715 500 0 −220 700 −2 860 000 −3 080 700 0 2 349 400 2 000 000 0 −180 000 −12 050 000 −12 230 000 18 000 000 10 485 500 14 446 000 BALANCE Cash Impicit vessel value Total assets Outstanding debt Short term payables Sellers credit Total outstanding debt Estimated project value FINANCING Mortgage: Balloon: Term: Semi-annually instalments: Interest: 01.07.2015 964 000 19 326 000 20 290 000 10 620 000 20 000 0 10 640 000 9 650 000 USD USD USD 100% floating COMMENTS The project has been extended to ultimo 2015. 36 360 000 13 480 000 8 years 1-16: 1 430 000 33 MAR K ET R EPO RT 2015 — C LA RKS ONS PLA T O U P R O J E C T F I N A N C E FEEDER CONTAINER VESSEL DIS KEY FIGURES (Date of analysis: 30.06.2015) Established: May 2013 Paid in capital: USD 4 300 000 Uncalled capital: USD 0 Accumulated dividends: USD 0 THE VESSEL Vessel name: Type: DWT: Yard: Built: Class: Flag: Estimated share value per 1 %: Last reported sale per 1 %: Estimated IRR Buyer: Estimated IRR Seller: USD 50 000 USD 43 000 45% 5% MV Credo Container feeder vessel 22 900 Stocznia Szczecinska, Poland March 1996 GL, Germany SS/DD 02/14 Marshall Islands COMMERCIAL DETAILS Corporate management: Disponent owner: Project price: Paid in capital: Uncalled capital: Commencement of present Time Charter Party: Clarksons Platou Project Finance AS Atlantica Shipping AS 4 300 000 4 300 000 0 12 May 2015 USD USD USD Expiry of TCP: TC rate per day year: Charterer: RESIDUAL VALUE SENSITIVITY ON IRR Low case Residual value end CP: USD 3 200 000 Estimated IRR: 2% CASHFLOW Operating revenue Operating expenses Net operating cashflow Purchase of vessel Sale of vessel Interest earned Interest expenses Paid in capital Drawdown/ Repayment long term debt Net financial items Net projected cash flow Estimated dividend BALANCE Cash Impicit vessel value Total assets Outstanding debt Short term payables Sellers credit Total outstanding debt Estimated project value FINANCING 100% equity. 34 Project broker: Axel M. Aas · Corporate manager: Eva Lise Bjerke Latent tax liability vessel pr. 1%: USD 7 500 Latent tax benefit debt pr. 1%: N/A 01.07.2015 360 000 4 690 000 5 050 000 0 50 000 0 50 000 5 000 000 USD 2 round voyages to South America, each of 70-85 days 8,600 less 5.0 % Rudolf A. Oetker, Hamburg Süd Base case 6 000 000 High case 10 000 000 30% 62% 2014 2 431 000 −2 382 000 49 000 2015E 3 069 000 −2 442 000 627 000 2016E 1 152 000 −848 000 304 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 49 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 627 000 −630 000 0 6 000 000 0 0 0 0 0 6 304 000 −6 500 000 COMMENTS The vessel has for the last 12 months been fixed on a time charter to CCNI for several round voyages to South America. Oetker has however taken over the line from CCNI and the vessel was fixed to Oetker in direct continuation for two additional round voyages each of a duration of 70–85 days, and at a somewhat higher rate. The vessel is expected to be redelivered from charterer in mid October 2015. The vessel is performing well and has not had any off-hire during the period. C L A R K SO N S P L A TO U P R O J E C T F I N A N C E — MA R K E T RE PORT 2015 GOLDEN KAMSAR DIS KEY FIGURES (Date of analysis: 30.06.2015) Established: April 2008 Paid in capital: USD 15 194 000 Uncalled capital: USD 4 000 000 Accumulated dividends: USD 8 500 000 THE VESSEL Vessel name: Type: DWT: Yard: Delivery: Class: Flag: COMMERCIAL DETAILS Corporate management: Disponent owner: Project price: Paid in capital: Uncalled capital: Commencement of CP: Estimated share value per 1 %: Last reported sale per 1 %: Estimated IRR Buyer: Estimated IRR Seller: USD 175 000 USD 178 850 16% 2% Golden Eclipse Kamsarmax bulk carrier 79 600 Jinhaiwan Shipyard, PRC April 2010 ABS Hong Kong Clarksons Platou Project Finance AS Scantank AS 57 500 000 17 294 000 12 500 000 April 2010 USD USD USD Expiry of CP: BB rate per day year CASHFLOW Operating revenue Operating expenses Net operating cashflow USD Bareboat charter: Bareboat charterer: RESIDUAL VALUE SENSITIVITY ON IRR Low case Residual value end CP: USD 10 000 000 Estimated IRR: Project Broker: Chris W. Svensson · Corporate Manager: Eva Lise Bjerke Latent tax liability vessel pr. 1%: USD 28 000 Latent tax benefit debt pr. 1%: USD 2 500 April 2020 Year 1-5 21,975 Year 5-10 16,284 10 year Golden Eclipse Inc. Base case 15 000 000 High case 20 000 000 16% 20% 10% 2014 8 020 875 −840 000 7 180 875 2015E 6 558 000 −137 000 6 421 000 2016E 5 959 944 −118 000 5 841 944 2017E 5 943 660 −120 000 5 823 660 900 −1 558 000 0 −250 000 −1 807 100 5 373 775 −8 500 000 1 000 −675 000 0 −4 331 250 −5 005 250 1 415 750 0 1 000 −661 000 0 −2 031 250 −2 691 250 3 150 694 −4 766 000 1 000 −559 000 0 −2 031 250 −2 589 250 3 234 410 −3 233 000 Purchase of vessel Interest earned Interest expenses Paid in capital Drawdown/ Repayment long term debt Net financial items Net projected cash flow Estimated dividend BALANCE Cash Implicit vessel value Total assets Outstanding debt Short term payables Sellers credit Total outstanding debt Estimated project value FINANCING Refinancing 30.12.2014: Mortgage loan Balloon: Term: Quarterly instalments: Interest: 01.07.2015 560 000 30 074 375 30 634 375 12 934 375 200 000 0 13 134 375 17 500 000 COMMENTS We have experienced a decline in the dry bulk market since end 2014 and the rates have dropped to historically low levels. The company have made a partial prepayment of the mortgage loan in order to comply with value covenants under the loan agreement. USD 16 250 000 USD 5 585 938 Repayment profile 8 years. Final repayment date 30 April 2020. USD 507 813 LIBOR + a margin of 3.50 %. 35 MAR K ET R EPO RT 2015 — C LA RKS ONS PLA T O U P R O J E C T F I N A N C E HENRIETTA PRODUCT DIS KEY FIGURES (Date of analysis: 30.06.2015) Established: June 2015 Paid in capital: USD 8 400 000 Uncalled capital: USD Accumulated dividends: USD - Estimated share value per 1 %: Last reported sale per 1 %: Estimated IRR Buyer: Estimated IRR Seller: THE VESSEL Vessels name: Type: DWT: Yard: Built / (Rebuilt): Flag: Class: COMMERCIAL DETAILS Corporate management: Disponent owner: Project price: Paid in capital: Uncalled capital: USD 84 000 USD 0 12% 0% Project broker: Trond Hamre · Corporate manager: Erik Kristian Andresen Latent tax liability vessel pr. 1%: N/A Latent tax benefit debt pr. 1%: N/A Henrietta PG Product tanker, DH 9 999 Europe 2001 Isle of Man Lloyds Register USD USD USD Clarksons Platou Project Finance AS Seabulk AS 8 400 000 8 400 000 0 Commencement of CP: Expiry of CP: BB rate per day in total for all vessels (net): Bareboat charter: Bareboat charterer: USD juni-15 juni-21 5 200 6 years Pritchard-Gordon Tankers Ltd. RESIDUAL VALUE SENSITIVITY ON IRR Residual value end CP: 3 000 000 Estimated IRR for buyer: CASHFLOW Operating revenue Operating expenses Net operating cashflow Interest earned Interest expenses Drawdown/ Repayment long term debt Purchase / Sale of vessels Net financial items Net Projected cashflow Estimated dividend BALANCE Cash Implicit vessel value Total assets Outstanding debt Short term payables Total outstanding debt Estimated Project value FINANCING 100% equity. 36 12% 2015E 988 000 −476 000 512 000 2016E 1 903 200 −76 000 1 827 200 2017E 1 898 000 −78 000 1 820 000 2018E 1 898 000 −80 000 1 818 000 2019E 1 898 000 −82 000 1 816 000 2020E 1 903 200 −84 000 1 819 200 0 0 0 0 0 512 000 512 000 0 0 0 0 0 1 827 200 1 822 000 0 0 0 0 0 1 820 000 1 820 000 0 0 0 0 0 1 818 000 1 818 000 0 0 0 0 0 1 816 000 1 816 000 0 0 0 0 0 1 819 200 1 816 000 01.07.2015 20 000 8 380 000 8 400 000 0 0 0 8 400 000 COMMENTS The project was etablished in June 2015 and is running as planned. C L A R K SO N S P L A TO U P R O J E C T F I N A N C E — MA R K E T RE PORT 2015 HIGH YIELD SHIPPING DIS KEY FIGURES (Date of analysis: 30.06.2015) Established: Apr 2014 Paid in capital: USD 6 000 000 Uncalled capital: USD Accumulated dividends: USD 570 000 THE VESSEL Vessel name: Type: DWT: Speed: Yard: Built: Class: Flag: COMMERCIAL DETAILS Corporate management: Disponent owner: Project price: Paid in capital : Uncalled capital: Estimated share value per 1 %: Last reported sale per 1 %: Estimated IRR Buyer: Estimated IRR Seller: USD 60 000 N/A 10% 10% Project Broker: Axel M. Aas · Corporate Manager: Benjamin Ryeng-Hansen Latent tax liability vessel pr. 1%: N/A Latent tax benefit debt pr. 1%: N/A MSC Positano TEU container vessel 27 290 12 knots Daewoo Shipbuilding & Machinery Co. Ltd. 1997 GL Malta Clarksons Platou Project Finance AS Seabulk AS 6 000 000 6 000 000 0 USD USD USD RESIDUAL VALUE SENSITIVITY ON IRR Residual value end CP: Estimated IRR: BB rate: Bareboat charter: Bareboat charterer: Commencement of CP: Expiry of CP: USD 2 000 pd 5 years MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company S.A. Geneva, Switzerland 16.04.2014 16.04.2019 Base USD 5 500 000 9.6 % CASHFLOW Operating revenue Operating expenses Net operating cashflow 2014 510 000 −295 000 215 000 2015E 750 000 −61 000 689 000 2016E 750 000 −62 000 688 000 2017E 720 000 −64 000 656 000 2018E 720 000 −65 000 655 000 Interest earned Net financial items Purchase / sale of vessel Paid in capital Net project cashflow Estimated dividend −5 750 000 6 000 000 465 000 285 000 3 000 3 000 692 000 570 000 5 000 5 000 693 000 570 000 7 000 7 000 663 000 570 000 9 000 9 000 664 000 570 000 BALANCE Cash Implicit vessel value Total assets Outstanding debt Short term payables Sellers credit Total outstanding debt Estimated project value 01.07.2015 254 000 5 766 000 6 020 000 20 000 20 000 6 000 000 COMMENTS Financial lease. Charterer has a purchase obligation at the end of the charter period at USD 5,550,000. FINANCING 100% equity. 37 MAR K ET R EPO RT 2015 — C LA RKS ONS PLA T O U P R O J E C T F I N A N C E HOMBORSUND CONTAINER DIS KEY FIGURES (Date of analysis: 30.06.2015) Established: June 2015 Paid in capital: USD 4 900 000 Uncalled capital: USD 0 Accumulated dividends: USD 0 Estimated share value per 1 %: Last reported sale per 1 %: Estimated IRR Buyer: Estimated IRR Seller: THE VESSEL Vessel name: Type: DWT: Yard: Built: Class: Flag: Dolphin Strait Container Vessel 14 509 CSC Jinling Shipyard, China 2003 +1A1 ICE-C General Cargo Carrier Antigua and Barbuda COMMERCIAL DETAILS Corporate management: Disponent owner: Project price: Paid in capital : Uncalled capital: USD USD RESIDUAL VALUE SENSITIVITY ON IRR Project lifetime: 2.5 years Residual value end CP: Daily time charter rate: Estimated IRR: Clarksons Platou Project Finance AS Agder Ocean Shipping AS Carsten Rehder GmbH, Germany 4 900 000 4 900 000 Uncalled capital: Expiry of TCP: TC rate per day year: Charterer: USD 0 November 2015 6,000 less 4.75% CMA CGM USD Base Case I 4 600 000 8 000 14% Base Case II 4 600 000 10 000 26% High Case 7 750 000 10 000 41% CASHFLOW Operating revenue Operating expenses Net operating cashflow 2015E 1 108 000 −1 223 000 −115 000 2016E 2 434 000 −1 958 000 476 000 2017E 2 774 000 −2 092 000 682 000 Purchase of vessel Sale of vessel Interest earned Interest expenses Paid in capital Drawdown/ Repayment long term debt Net financial items Net projected cash flow Estimated dividend −4 400 000 0 0 0 4 900 000 0 4 900 000 385 000 −230 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 476 000 −476 000 0 4 600 000 500 0 0 0 500 5 282 500 −5 400 000 BALANCE Cash Implicit vessel value Total assets Outstanding debt Short term payables Sellers credit Total outstanding debt Estimated project value FINANCING 100% equity. 38 Low Case USD 4 600 000 USD 6 000 2% Project broker: Axel M. Aas · Corporate manager: Eva Lise Bjerke Latent tax liability vessel pr. 1%: N/A Latent tax benefit debt pr. 1%: N/A USD 51 000 N/A 14-41% 4% 01.07.2015 250 000 4 870 000 5 120 000 0 20 000 0 20 000 5 100 000 COMMENTS The internal partnership Homborsund Container DIS was established on 12 June 2015 with the purpose to own, operate and sell the vessel MS “Dolphin Strait”. The vessel is fixed on a time charter party with CMA CGM until November 2015 and is working in a linal service between Singapore and India. C L A R K SO N S P L A TO U P R O J E C T F I N A N C E — MA R K E T RE PORT 2015 INDUSTRIAL SHIPPING DIS KEY FIGURES (Date of analysis: 30.06.2015) Established: May 2012 Paid in capital: EUR 10 894 485 Uncalled capital: EUR Accumulated dividends: EUR 355 515 THE VESSELS Vessel names: Type: DWT: Speed: Yard: Built: Class: Flag: COMMERCIAL DETAILS Corporate management: Disponent owner: Project price: Paid in capital : Uncalled capital: Estimated share value per 1 %: Last reported sale per 1 %: Estimated IRR Buyer: Estimated IRR Seller: MV Forza / MV Volante MPP Single-decker 4 117 13 knots Severnav S.A, Romania 2000 GL Gibraltar EUR EUR EUR EUR 40 000 N/A 0% −9% MV Sonoro / MV Lontano / MV Distinto MPP Single-decker 4 110 / 4 135 / 4 160 13 knots Severnav S.A, Romania 2000 GL Gibraltar Clarksons Platou Project Finance AS Norwegian Marine Services AS 25 950 000 10 894 485 0 Project Broker: Axel M. Aas · Corporate Manager: Erik Kristian Andresen Latent tax liability vessel pr. 1%: EUR 2 000 Latent tax benefit debt pr. 1%: EUR 1 100 MV Brilliante MPP Single-decker 5 557 13.5 knots Ferus Smith B.V Netherland 1997 GL Gibraltar BB rate (fixed not including profit split): Bareboat charter: Bareboat charterer (guaranteed by): Commencement of CP: Expiry of CP: MV Risoluto MPP Single-decker 4 145 11 knots Bodewes Volharding B.V Netherland 1997 GL Gibraltar EUR 659 5 years TransAtlantic Short Sea Bulk AB 2014 2019 2014E 2 414 300 −118 000 2 296 300 2015E 1 785 100 −115 000 1 670 100 2016E 1 785 100 −115 000 1 670 100 0 −926 400 −6 930 300 −7 856 700 5 500 000 −60 400 0 0 −543 600 −1 121 300 −1 664 900 0 5 200 0 0 −475 000 −1 121 300 −1 596 300 0 73 800 0 RESIDUAL VALUE SENSITIVITY ON IRR Residual value end CP: Estimated IRR: CASHFLOW Operating revenue Operating expenses Net operating cashflow Interest earned Interest expenses Drawdown/ Repayment long term debt Net financial items Purchase/ sale of vessel/ paid in capital Net project cashflow Estimated dividend BALANCE Cash Implicit vessel value Total assets Outstanding debt Short term payables Sellers credit Total outstanding debt Estimated project value FINANCING Mortgage: Balloon: Term: Quarterly instalments: Interest mortgage: 01.07.2015 514 000 14 045 000 14 559 000 10 559 000 0 10 559 000 4 000 000 EUR EUR EUR COMMENTS The project has been restructured. The vessels have been fixed on 5 years BB charters with Transatlantic Short Sea Bulk AB with profit splits. 11 225 000 5 618 480 5 years 1–20: EUR 280 326 5.00% 39 MAR K ET R EPO RT 2015 — C LA RKS ONS PLA T O U P R O J E C T F I N A N C E LESLEY PRODUCT DIS KEY FIGURES (Date of analysis: 30.06.2015) Established: December 2014 Paid in capital: USD 2 355 000 Uncalled capital: USD Accumulated dividends: USD 250 000 THE VESSEL Vessel name: Type: DWT: Yard: Built / (Rebuilt): Flag: Class: COMMERCIAL DETAILS Corporate management: Disponent owner: Project price: Paid in capital: Uncalled capital: Estimated share value per 1 %: Last reported sale per 1 %: Estimated IRR Buyer: Estimated IRR Seller: USD 25 000 USD 0 15% 13% Project broker: Axel M. Aas · Corporate manager: Eva Lise Bjerke Latent tax liability vessel pr. 1%: N/A Latent tax benefit debt pr. 1%: N/A Lesley PG Product tanker, DH 6 249 Appledore Shipbuilders, UK 1998 Isle of Man Lloyds Register Clarksons Platou Project Finance AS Seabulk AS 2 355 000 2 355 000 0 USD USD USD Commencement of CP: Expiry of CP: BB rate per day in total for all vessels (net): Bareboat charter: Bareboat charterer: USD December 14 December 19 1 700 5 years Pritchard-Gordon Tankers Ltd. RESIDUAL VALUE SENSITIVITY ON IRR Residual value end CP: 1 100 000 Estimated IRR for buyer : CASHFLOW Operating revenue Operating expenses Net operating cashflow Interest earned Interest expenses Drawdown/ Repayment long term debt Purchase / Sale of vessels Net financial items Net Projected cashflow Estimated dividend BALANCE Cash Implicit vessel value Total assets Outstanding debt Short term payables Total outstanding debt Estimated Project value FINANCING 100% equity. 40 15% 2015E 621 000 −145 000 476 000 2016E 622 000 −98 000 524 000 2017E 621 000 −100 000 521 000 2018E 621 000 −103 000 518 000 2019E 567 800 −108 000 459 800 0 0 0 0 0 476 000 510 000 0 0 0 0 0 524 000 530 000 0 0 0 0 0 521 000 520 000 0 0 0 0 0 518 000 510 000 0 0 0 1 100 000 1 100 000 1 559 800 1 613 000 01.07.2015 47 500 2 452 500 2 500 000 0 0 0 2 500 000 COMMENTS The project is running as planned. The hire is being paid on time. C L A R K SO N S P L A TO U P R O J E C T F I N A N C E — MA R K E T RE PORT 2015 MS NORDSTJERNEN DIS KEY FIGURES (Date of analysis: 30.06.2015) Established: November 2012 Paid in capital: NOK 6 000 000 Uncalled capital: NOK 0 Accumulated dividends: NOK 3 000 000 THE VESSEL Vessel name: Type: DWT: Speed: Yard: Built: NOK NOK NOK Year 1-5 RESIDUAL VALUE SENSITIVITY ON IRR Estimated IRR: NOK 43 500 N/A 10% 11% Project broker: Axel M. Aas · Corporate manager: Erik Kristian Andresen Latent tax liability vessel pr. 1%: N/A Latent tax benefit debt pr. 1%: N/A MS Nordstjernen Hurtigruteskip 570 17 Blohm & Voss, Germany 1956 COMMERCIAL DETAILS Corporate management: Project price: Paid in capital: Uncalled capital: BB rate MS Nordstjernen net per day: Residual value end CP: Estimated share value per 1 %: Last reported sale per 1 %: Estimated IRR Buyer: Estimated IRR Seller: NOK Clarksons Platou Project Finance AS 6 000 000 6 000 000 0 NOK 3 500 BB rate MS Nordstjernen net per day: Bareboat charter: Year 1-5 NOK 3 500 5 years 26. November 2012 / 26. November 2017 Indre Nordhordaland Dampbåtlag AS, guaranteed by Vestland Marine Sp. z.o.o. Base Case 3 000 000 10% CASHFLOW Operating revenue Operating expenses Net operating cashflow 2015E 1 281 000 −222 000 1 059 000 2016E 1 277 500 −224 000 1 053 500 2017E 945 000 −227 000 718 000 Interest earned Interest expenses Drawdown/ Repayment long term debt Purchase / Sale of vessel Net financial items Net projected cashflow Estimated dividend 0 0 0 0 0 1 059 000 1 090 000 0 0 0 0 0 1 053 500 1 065 000 0 0 0 0 0 718 000 3 733 000 BALANCE Cash Implicit vessel value Total assets Outstanding debt Short term payables Charteres credit Total outstanding debt Estimated Project value 01.07.2015 26 000 4 324 000 4 350 000 0 0 0 0 4 350 000 COMMENTS The vessel has been fixed on TC for 3 months per year to Hurtigruten ASA for 2+1+1 years. FINANCING 100% equity. 41 MAR K ET R EPO RT 2015 — C LA RKS ONS PLA T O U P R O J E C T F I N A N C E OCTAVIAN BULKER DIS KEY FIGURES (Date of analysis: 30.06.2015) Established: September 2010 Paid in capital: USD 16 000 000 Uncalled capital: USD 0 Accumulated dividends: USD 1 500 000 THE VESSEL Vessels name: Type: DWT: Yard: Delivered: Class: Flag: COMMERCIAL DETAILS Corporate management: Disponent owner: Project price: Paid in capital: Uncalled capital: MV Skomvaer Supramax Bulk Carrier 58 000 Dayang, China September 2010 BV1 Marshall Islands Clarksons Platou Project Finance AS Scantank AS 36 000 000 16 000 000 0 USD USD USD RESIDUAL VALUE SENSITIVITY ON IRR Estimated IRR: Interest earned Interest expenses Paid in capital Purchase of vessel / Sale of vessel Drawdown/ Repayment long term debt Net financial items Net Projected Cashflow Estimated dividend Interest: 42 USD September 2010 September 2015 15 500 Hanjin Shipping Co. Ltd. N/A 2014 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 2015E N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A BALANCE Cash Implicit vessel value Total assets Outstanding debt Short term payables Sellers credit Total outstanding debt Estimated project value FINANCING Mortgage: Balloon: Term: Quarterly instalments Commencement of CP: Expiry of CP: TC rate per day year TC charter: Base Case N/A Residual value end CP: CASHFLOW Operating revenue Operating expenses Administration expenses Extraordinary costs Net operating cashflow Project Broker: Chris W. Svensson · Corporate Manager: Benjamin Ryeng-Hansen N/A Latent tax liability vessel pr. 1%: N/A N/A Latent tax benefit debt pr. 1%: N/A N/A N/A Estimated share value per 1 %: Last reported sale per 1 %: Estimated IRR Buyer: Estimated IRR Seller: 01.07.2015 COMMENTS The vessel is fixed on a 5 year TC to Hanjin Shipping in Korea. Throughout the time charter period, the vessel is fixed on a floor rate of USD 15,500 per day and a ceiling rate of USD 18,500 per day. The daily running costs amounted to USD 5,822 per day in 2014 which is according to budget. After completion of year 3 of the TC, the owner has the option to sell the vessel at any time and any circumstances and thereby cancel the TC. N/A USD USD USD 22 000 000 13 000 000 5 years 450 000 70 % of the loan fixed for 3 years 30 % of the loan floating presently Margin 3.97% 3.28% 3.00% C L A R K SO N S P L A TO U P R O J E C T F I N A N C E — MA R K E T RE PORT 2015 ORCHARD OFFSHORE DIS KEY FIGURES (Date of analysis: 30.06.2015) Established: Mar 2007 Paid in capital: USD 7 800 000 Uncalled capital: USD 2 125 000 Accumulated dividends: USD 18 350 000 THE VESSELS Vessel name: Type: DWT: Speed: Yard: Built: Class: Flag: COMMERCIAL DETAILS Corporate management: Disponent owner: Project price: Paid in capital : Uncalled capital: BB rate: Bareboat charter: Bareboat charterer: Commencement of CP: Expiry of CP: Swiber Navigator AHT 4 000 13.5 knots Malaysia / China 2008 ABS Singapore USD 3 150 pd 8 years 1/1/2008 1/1/2016 2/1/2008 2/1/2016 Residual value end CP: Estimated IRR: Interest earned Interest expenses Drawdown/ Repayment long term debt Net financial items Sale of vessel Net project cashflow Estimated dividend SOLD Swiber Ada AHTS 5 000 13.5 knots Malaysia / China 2008 BV Singapore SOLD Swiber Torunn AHTS 5 000 13.5 knots Malaysia / China 2008 BV Singapore Clarksons Platou Project Finance AS Scantank AS USD 43 800 000 USD 7 800 000 USD 2 125 000 USD 4 950 pd USD 4 950 pd 8 years 8 years Swiber Offshore Marine Pte Ltd guaranteed by Swiber Holdings Ltd 10/8/2008 29.12.2008 10/8/2016 29.12.2016 Base USD 8 500 000 16% 2014 4 329 000 −234 000 4 095 000 2015E 2 397 000 −189 000 2 208 000 −2 241 000 −14 740 000 −16 981 000 21 132 000 8 246 000 8 450 000 −516 000 −9 480 000 −9 996 000 8 500 000 712 000 1 301 000 BALANCE Cash Implicit vessel value Total assets Outstanding debt Short term payables Sellers credit Total outstanding debt Estimated project value FINANCING Mortgage: Sellers credit: Balloon: Term: Semi-annual instalments: Interest mortgage: Interest sellers credit: Swiber Explorer AHT 4 000 13.5 knots Malaysia / China 2008 ABS Singapore USD 3 150 pd 8 years RESIDUAL VALUE SENSITIVITY ON IRR CASHFLOW Operating revenue Operating expenses Net operating cashflow Project Broker: Chris W. Svensson · Corporate Manager: Benjamin Ryeng-Hansen USD 12 100 Latent tax liability vessel pr. 1%: USD 15 400 N/A Latent tax benefit debt pr. 1%: USD 1 700 15% 18% Estimated share value per 1 %: Last reported sale per 1 %: Estimated IRR Buyer: Estimated IRR Seller: 01.07.2015 951 000 9 449 000 10 400 000 7 040 000 150 000 2 000 000 9 190 000 1 210 000 COMMENTS The charterer has purchase options from after year 5 to year 10 for Swiber Navigator and Swiber Explorer. The charterer purchased Swiber Ada and Swiber Torunn on 1 August 2014. USD USD USD 34 000 000 2 000 000 15 856 000 8 years USD 1 134 000 Average of 5.7424% including 1.00% margin 3.50% 43 MAR K ET R EPO RT 2015 — C LA RKS ONS PLA T O U P R O J E C T F I N A N C E PANDA CHEMICAL II DIS KEY FIGURES (Date of analysis: 30.06.2015) Established: November 2013 Paid in capital: USD 1 815 000 Uncalled capital: USD 2 000 000 Accumulated dividends: USD 0 THE VESSEL Vessel name: Type: DWT: Capacity (cbm): Yard: Built: Class: Flag: COMMERCIAL DETAILS Corporate management: Disponent owner: Project price: Paid in capital: Guaranteed amount by the partners in the silent partnership in favor of the lender: Estimated share value per 1 %: Last reported sale per 1 %: Estimated IRR Buyer: Estimated IRR Seller: Clarksons Platou Project Finance AS Partrederiet Eliza PG 4 315 000 1 815 000 2 000 000 USD USD USD CASHFLOW Operating revenue Operating expenses Net operating cashflow Sale of vessel 2014 547 500 −213 000 334 500 0 2015E 499 500 −100 000 399 500 4 250 000 Interest earned Interest expenses Paid in capital Drawdown/ Repayment long term debt Net financial items Net project cash flow Estimated dividend 0 −145 500 0 −250 000 −395 500 −61 000 0 0 −143 000 0 −2 250 000 −2 393 000 2 256 500 −2 335 000 BALANCE Cash Implicit vessel value Total assets Outstanding debt Short term payables Sellers credit Total outstanding debt Estimated project value 44 01.07.2015 100 000 5 500 000 5 600 000 2 125 000 25 000 0 2 150 000 3 250 000 USD USD USD BB rate: Bareboat charterer: Commencement of CP: Expiry of CP: Low Case USD 3 500 000 −10% Residual value end CP: Estimated IRR for buyer including 80/20 profit split: Interest: Project broker: Chris W. Svensson · Corporate manager: Eva Lise Bjerke Latent tax liability vessel pr. 1%: USD 8 000 Latent tax benefit debt pr. 1%: USD 400 Panda PG Oil / Chemical Tanker 6 725 7 436 Sedef Shipyard / Istanbul 2004 Bueau Veritas Isle of Man RESIDUAL VALUE SENSITIVITY ON IRR FINANCING Mortgage: Term: Quarterly instalments: Balloon payment: USD 22 000 USD 12 000 22% 11.6% 2 500 000 2 years 62 500 2 000 000 LIBOR + a margin of 5.75% USD per day: 1 500 Pritchard-Gordon Tankers Ltd Nov. 2013 Nov. 2015 Base Case 4 250 000 17% High Case 7 000 000 83% COMMENTS The bareboat charter expires on 31 December 2015 +/- 1 month charterer’s option. C L A R K SO N S P L A TO U P R O J E C T F I N A N C E — MA R K E T RE PORT 2015 SARAGOL TANKERS 1 DIS KEY FIGURES (Date of analysis: 30.06.2015) Established: July 2010 Paid in capital: USD 17 737 500 Uncalled capital: USD 0 Accumulated dividends: USD 9 246 300 THE VESSEL Vessels name: Type: DWT: Speed: Yard: Built: Class: Flag: Estimated share value per 1 %: Last reported sale per 1 %: Estimated IRR Buyer: Estimated IRR Seller: N/A N/A 15% N/A Project Broker: Chris W. Svensson · Coporate Manager: Eva Lise Bjerke Latent tax liability vessel pr. 1%: USD 28 600 Latent tax benefit debt pr. 1%: USD 2 600 MV Luengo LR Product Tanker 73 626 New Century Shipbuilding Co in China 2007 ABS The republic of Liberia COMMERCIAL DETAILS Corporate management: Project price: Paid in capital: Uncalled capital: Commencement of CP: Expiry of CP: Clarksons Platou Project Finance AS 47 000 000 8 491 500 0 July 2010 July 2020 USD USD USD BB rate per day: First year Jul 2011 - Nov 2011 Nov. 2011 - July 2015 Year 6-10: USD 16,500 less 2.50 % USD 16,000 less 2.50 % USD 22,000 less 2.50 % USD 14,750 less 2.50 % 5+5 years Sonangol Shipping Angola (Luanda) LTDA Bareboat charter: Bareboat charterer: RESIDUAL VALUE SENSITIVITY ON IRR Residual value end CP: Estimated IRR: CASHFLOW Operating revenue Operating expenses Net operating cashflow Interest earned Interest expenses Drawdown/ Repayment long term debt Net financial items Paid in capital by the investors Purchase / sale of vessel Net Projected Cashflow Estimated dividend 2014 6 220 000 −166 000 6 054 000 2015E 6 220 000 −461 000 5 759 000 2016E 5 263 500 −73 000 5 190 500 2017E 5 249 000 −75 000 5 174 000 2018E 5 249 000 −76 000 5 173 000 0 −805 000 −3 500 000 −4 305 000 0 0 1 749 000 −6 300 000 0 −639 000 −3 500 000 −4 139 000 0 −495 000 −3 500 000 −3 995 000 0 0 1 195 500 −1 196 000 0 −333 000 −3 500 000 −3 833 000 0 0 1 341 000 −1 341 000 0 −174 000 −3 500 000 −3 674 000 0 0 1 499 000 −1 499 000 0 1 620 000 −4 665 000 BALANCE Cash balance Impicit vessel value Total assets Outstanding debt Short term payables Total outstanding debt Estimated project value FINANCING Mortgage: Balloon: Term: Quarterly instalments: Interest: 01.07.2015 4 020 000 28 515 000 32 535 000 13 875 000 160 000 14 035 000 18 500 000 USD USD USD 100% of the loan Fixed for the entire bareboat period (incl. margin). COMMENTS The vessel was originally fixed on a bareboat charter for 5 years until mid July 2015. The contract has been extended for 5 additonal years. The term of the loan is also extended accordingly. 30 500 000 0 5+5 years 875 000 4.61% 45 MAR K ET R EPO RT 2015 — C LA RKS ONS PLA T O U P R O J E C T F I N A N C E SARAGOL TANKERS 2 DIS KEY FIGURES (Date of analysis: 30.06.2015) Established: November 2010 Paid in capital: USD 18 812 500 Uncalled capital: USD 2 000 000 Accumulated dividends: USD 7 694 500 THE VESSEL Vessel name: Type: DWT: Yard: Delivery: Class: Flag: COMMERCIAL DETAILS Corporate management: Disponent owner: Project price: Paid in capital: Uncalled capital: Commencement of CP: Estimated share value per 1 %: Last reported sale per 1 %: Estimated IRR Buyer: Estimated IRR Seller: N/A N/A 16% N/A Project Broker: Chris W. Svensson · Coporate Manager: Eva Lise Bjerke Latent tax liability vessel pr. 1%: USD 54 300 Latent tax benefit debt pr. 1%: USD 3 300 MT Mucua Product & Crude Oil tanker 114 000 New Times Shipbuilding Co. Ltd., China October 2008 ABS Cyprus Clarksons Platou Project Finance AS N/A 54 312 500 11 118 000 2 000 000 December 2010 USD USD USD Expiry of CP: BB rate per day year December 2020 Year 1: 17,800 less 2.5 % Year 2-5: 24,000 less 2.5 % Year 6-10:17,500 less 2.5 % 5+5 years Sonangol Shipping Angola (Luanda) Limitada USD USD USD Bareboat charter: Bareboat charterer: RESIDUAL VALUE SENSITIVITY ON IRR Residual value end CP: Estimated IRR: CASHFLOW Operating revenue Operating expenses Net operating cashflow Sale of vessel Interest earned Interest expenses Paid in capital Drawdown/ Repayment long term debt Net financial items Net projected cash flow Estimated dividend 2014 8 541 000 −298 500 8 242 500 2015E 6 258 000 −459 000 5 799 000 2016E 6 423 000 −82 000 6 341 000 2017E 6 405 750 −83 000 6 322 750 2018E 6 405 750 −85 000 6 320 750 0 0 0 0 0 0 −744 000 0 −4 000 000 −4 744 000 3 498 500 −3 755 000 0 −640 000 0 −4 000 000 −4 640 000 1 159 000 −6 974 500 0 −640 000 0 −4 000 000 −4 640 000 1 701 000 −1 777 000 0 −456 000 0 −4 000 000 −4 456 000 1 866 750 −1 866 000 0 −273 000 0 −4 000 000 −4 273 000 2 047 750 −2 048 000 BALANCE Cash Impicit vessel value Total assets Outstanding debt Short term payables Total outstanding debt Estimated project value FINANCING Mortgage: Balloon: Term: Quarterly instalments: Interest: 46 01.07.2015 5 100 000 48 750 000 53 850 000 17 500 000 150 000 17 650 000 26 000 000 USD USD USD 35 500 000 0 5+5 years 1 000 000 LIBOR plus margin 3.0 % COMMENTS The vessel was originally fixed on a bareboat charter for 5 years until mid December 2015. The contract has been extended for 5 additonal years. The term of the loan is also extended accordingly. C L A R K SO N S P L A TO U P R O J E C T F I N A N C E — MA R K E T RE PORT 2015 SEMINYAK DIS KEY FIGURES (Date of analysis: 30.06.2015) Established: Sep 2008 Paid in capital: USD 32 618 000 Uncalled capital: N/A Accumulated dividends: N/A Estimated share value per 1 %: Last reported sale per 1 %: Estimated IRR Buyer: Estimated IRR Seller: USD 60 000 N/A N/A N/A Project broker: Axel M. Aas · Corporate manager: Benjamin Ryeng-Hansen Latent tax liability vessel pr. 1%: N/A Latent tax benefit debt pr. 1%: N/A THE VESSELS Vessel name: Type: DWT: Speed: Yard: Built: Class: Flag: COMMERCIAL DETAILS Corporate management: Disponent owner: Project price: Paid in capital : Uncalled capital: Clarksons Platou Project Finance AS Klaveness Marine Holding AS 105 750 000 32 618 000 - USD USD USD Pool: Commencement of CP: Expiry of CP: MT Sira Chemical Tanker 19 998 15.1 knots Japan 2008 Nippon Kaiji Kyokai Marshall Islands MT Simoa Chemical Tanker 40 354 13.5 knots Korea 2004 DNV Marshall Islands Navig8 Chemical pool Apr 2012 3 months in advance Navig8 Handy pool Apr 2012 3 months in advance RESIDUAL VALUE SENSITIVITY ON IRR Residual value end CP: Estimated IRR: CASHFLOW Operating revenue Operating expenses Dry docking Net operating cashflow 2014 9 382 000 −5 573 000 −724 000 3 085 000 2015E 10 721 000 −5 854 000 4 867 000 Interest earned Interest expenses Drawdown/ Repayment long term debt Net financial items Net project cashflow Estimated dividend −1 348 000 −3 719 000 −5 067 000 −1 982 000 - −1 295 000 −4 958 000 −6 253 000 −1 586 000 - BALANCE Cash Implicit vessel value Total assets Outstanding debt Short term payables Shareholders loan Total outstanding debt Estimated project value FINANCING Mortgage: Sellers credit: Balloon: Term: Quarterly instalments: Interest mortgage: Interest shareholders loan: 01.07.2015 5 400 000 42 017 000 47 417 000 37 052 000 815 000 3 550 000 41 417 000 6 000 000 COMMENTS Both vessels are operating in the Navig8 pool. USD USD USD 73 500 000 16 920 000 14 000 000 12 years USD 1 239 583 Libor + 2.00% margin 3.00% 47 MAR K ET R EPO RT 2015 — C LA RKS ONS PLA T O U P R O J E C T F I N A N C E SENTOSA OFFSHORE DIS KEY FIGURES (Date of analysis: 30.06.2015) Established: Jul 2007 Paid in capital: USD 8 300 000 Uncalled capital: USD Accumulated dividends: USD 14 415 000 THE VESSELS Vessel name: Type: DWT: Speed: Yard: Built: Class: Flag: Estimated share value per 1 %: Last reported sale per 1 %: Estimated IRR Buyer: Estimated IRR Seller: Swiber Gallant AHT 5 000 12 knots Malaysia / China 2007 GL Singapore Swiber Valiant AHT 5 000 12 knots Malaysia / China 2007 GL Singapore COMMERCIAL DETAILS Corporate management: Disponent owner: Project price: Paid in capital : Uncalled capital: BB rate: USD 3 650 pd Bareboat charter: 8 years Bareboat charterer: Commencement of CP: 12/28/2007 Expiry of CP: 12/28/2015 Low Case USD 17 000 000 3% Base Case 18 000 000 16% High Case 19 000 000 27% 2014 5 543 000 −241 000 5 302 000 2015E 4 486 000 −202 000 4 284 000 2016E 1 848 000 −204 000 1 644 000 2017E 1 202 000 −206 000 996 000 1 000 −1 147 000 −9 350 000 −10 496 000 11 500 000 6 306 000 5 550 000 −795 000 −7 050 000 −7 845 000 10 000 000 6 439 000 7 250 000 −408 000 −775 000 −1 183 000 461 000 500 000 −270 000 −6 781 000 −7 051 000 8 000 000 1 945 000 2 220 000 BALANCE Cash Implicit vessel value Total assets Outstanding debt Short term payables Sellers credit Total outstanding debt Estimated project value FINANCING Mortgage: Sellers credit: Balloon: Term: Quarterly instalments: Interest mortgage: Interest sellers credit: 48 SOLD Swiber Oslo AHTS 5 000 13.5 knots Malaysia / China 2009 BV Singapore Clarksons Platou Project Finance AS Scantank AS USD 46 350 000 USD 8 300 000 USD 0 USD 5 050 pd USD 5 050 pd 8 years 8 years Swiber Offshore Marine Pte Ltd guaranteed by Swiber Holdings Ltd 8/27/2009 19.11.2009 8/27/2017 19.11.2017 12/28/2007 12/28/2015 Residual value end CP: Estimated IRR: Interest earned Interest expenses Drawdown/ Repayment long term debt Net financial items Sale of vessel Net project cashflow Estimated dividend Swiber Sandefjord AHTS 5 000 13.5 knots Malaysia / China 2009 BV Singapore USD 3 650 pd 8 years RESIDUAL VALUE SENSITIVITY ON IRR CASHFLOW Operating revenue Operating expenses Net operating cashflow Project broker: Chris W. Svensson · Corporate manager: Benjamin Ryeng-Hansen USD 79 000 Latent tax liability vessel pr. 1%: USD 36 600 N/A Latent tax benefit debt pr. 1%: USD 2 600 17% 17% 01.07.2015 273 000 21 288 000 21 561 000 11 581 000 80 000 2 000 000 13 661 000 7 900 000 USD USD USD 36 000 000 2 000 000 13 400 000 8 years USD 706 250 Average of 5.85% including 1.25% margin 3.50% COMMENTS The charterer has purchase options from after year 5 to year 8 for Swiber Gallant and Swiber Valiant. The charterer purchase d Swiber Oslo on 1 August 2014. Hire is being paid on time. The project is running well. C L A R K SO N S P L A TO U P R O J E C T F I N A N C E — MA R K E T RE PORT 2015 SINGAPORE OFFSHORE DIS KEY FIGURES (Date of analysis: 30.06.2015) Established: August 2006 Paid in capital: USD 7,850,000 Uncalled capital: USD 0 Accumulated dividends: USD 14 574 747 THE VESSELS Vessel name: Type: DWT: Total bollard pull (tonnes): Delivery Yard: Class: COMMERCIAL DETAILS Corporate management: Disponent owner: Project price: Paid in capital: Uncalled capital: Lewek Trogon AHTS, 18,000 BHP, Fifi 1, DP2 2800 200 May 2008 Pan-United, Singapore American Bureau of Shipping Estimated share value per 1 %: Last reported sale per 1 %: Estimated IRR Buyer: Estimated IRR Seller: SOLD Lewek Petrel AHTS, 12,000 BHP, Fifi1, DP2 2200 130 June 2008 Pan-United, Singapore American Bureau of Shipping Clarksons Platou Project Finance AS Klaveness Marine Holding AS 129 100 000 7 850 000 0 USD USD USD USD 42 000 April 2011 USD 97 500 15% 15% SOLD Lewek Penguin AHTS, 12,000 BHP, Fifi1, DP2 2200 130 June 2007 Pan-United, Singapore American Bureau of Shipping Project broker: Axel M. Aas · Corporate manager: Erik Kristian Andresen Latent tax liability vessel pr. 1%: USD 39 000 Latent tax benefit debt pr. 1%: USD 5 700 SOLD Lewek Plover AHTS, 12,000 BHP, Fifi1, DP2 2200 130 November 2008 Pan-United, Singapore American Bureau of Shipping BB rate: Bareboat charter: Bareboat charterer: Commencement of CP: Expiry of CP: Lewek Kea AHT, 8,000 BHP N/A 100 February 2008 Cheoy Lee, China Lloyd's Register of Shipping 37,490 net p.d. 8 years Emas Offshore Pte. Ltd. June 2007 Dec 2016 RESIDUAL VALUE SENSITIVITY ON IRR CASHFLOW Operating revenue Operating expenses Net operating cashflow Interest earned Interest expenses Drawdown/ Repayment long term debt Net financial items Purchase / Sale of vessels Net project cashflow Estimated dividend BALANCE Cash Implicit vessel value Total assets Outstanding debt Short-term payables Outstanding sellers credit Total outstanding debt Estimated project value FINANCING Mortgage: Sellers credit: Term: Quarterly instalments: Interest: 90 % of the morgage is fixed at 6.598% 01.07.2015 2 913 100 31 434 400 34 347 500 21 997 500 150 000 8 000 000 30 147 500 4 200 000 2014E 10 598 400 −430 000 10 168 400 2015E 6 853 700 −308 900 6 544 800 2016E 2 162 900 −251 700 1 911 200 700 −3 069 500 −38 751 000 −41 819 800 40 221 286 8 569 886 6 566 000 300 −1 681 500 −17 063 200 −18 744 400 14 000 000 1 800 400 1 010 000 200 −551 000 −28 676 200 −29 227 000 27 650 000 334 200 3 888 400 COMMENTS The Charterer has paid BB hire on time and the project has been in compliance with the loan agreement throughout the bb period. The Charterer has a purchase option at end of the fixed charter period at about USD 70 million. In case the option is not declared, the sellers credit will be deleted. Two vessels were sold in Q2 14. One vessel was sold in Q2 2015. The purchase option for Lewek Kea has been exercised and will be redelivered the latest in Q1 2016. The purchase option for Lewek Trogon has been exercised and will be redelivered the latest in Q2 2016. USD USD USD USD USD USD USD USD USD 1: 2: 3: 4–31 32: 33: 34: 100 000 000 20 000 000 8 years 330 000 495 000 991 000 1 651 000 31 600 000 10 600 000 10 300 000 49 MAR K ET R EPO RT 2015 — C LA RKS ONS PLA T O U P R O J E C T F I N A N C E SOUTHERN CHEMICAL DIS KEY FIGURES (Date of analysis: 30.06.2015) Established: July 2007 Paid in capital: EUR 14 810 000 Uncalled capital: EUR 4 000 000 Accumulated dividends: EUR 1 540 000 Estimated share value per 1 %: Last reported sale per 1 %: Estimated IRR Buyer: Estimated IRR Seller: THE VESSELS Vessels name: Type: Speed: Yard: Built: Class: Flag: Sale/disposal: Chemical Tankers COMMERCIAL DETAILS Corporate management: Disponent owner: Project price: Paid in capital: Uncalled capital: Commencement of CP: CP period extended with 2 years until: Reduced BB rate per day from 1 January 2015: Bareboat charter: Bareboat charterer: EUR 50 Oct 2007 Oct 2019 3 750 10+2 Years Augusta DUE SRL Base Case 12 000 000 15% Gelso M 18,000 Dwt N/A Turkey 2008 Registro Ialiano Navale Italian Total Constructive Loss April 2012 Clarksons Platou Project Finance AS Bergshav Management AS 88 200 000 10 350 000 10 000 000 June 2008 N/A N/A 10+2 Years Augusta DUE SRL High Case 15 000 000 21% 2014 4 561 000 2015E 4 423 800 2016E 4 436 000 2017E 4 423 800 2018E 4 423 800 −216 253 4 344 747 −387 000 4 036 800 −214 000 4 222 000 −217 000 4 206 800 −219 000 4 204 800 0 −1 652 000 −3 490 000 −5 142 000 −797 253 −1 000 000 0 −1 477 000 −4 490 000 −5 967 000 −1 930 200 0 0 −1 286 000 −2 490 000 −3 776 000 446 000 0 0 −901 000 −3 990 000 −4 891 000 −684 200 0 0 −87 000 −2 490 000 −2 577 000 1 627 800 0 BALANCE Cash Impicit vessel value Total assets Outstanding debt Sellers credit Short-term payables Total outstanding debt Estimated project value 01.07.2015 1 515 000 20 960 000 22 475 000 10 575 000 5 550 000 350 000 16 475 000 6 000 000 EUR EUR EUR EUR EUR Lipari M 3,400 Dwt 15 knots Italy 2002 Registro Ialiano Navale Italian Oct 2007 Oct 2019 8 370 10+2 Years Augusta DUE SRL Low Case EUR 9 000 000 9% Residual value end CP: Estimated IRR for buyer: FINANCING Mortgage loan: Balloon: Term: Quarterly instalments Alicudi M 40,083 Dwt 15 knots Korea 2004 Registro Ialiano Navale Italian Project broker: Chris W. Svensson · Corporate manager: Eva Lise Bjerke Latent tax liability vessel pr. 1%: EUR 25 400 Latent tax benefit debt pr. 1%: EUR 1 700 EUR EUR EUR RESIDUAL VALUE SENSITIVITY ON IRR CASHFLOW Operating revenue Insurance settlement MT "Gelso" Operating expenses Net operating cashflow Sale of vessels Paid in capital Interest earned Interest expenses Drawdown/ Repayment long term debt Net financial items Net projected cash flow Estimated dividend EUR 60 000 EUR 110 500 16% −13% Alicudi M tranche Lipari tranche Gelso M tranche 69 200 000 0 10+2 years 415 000 207 500 N/A COMMENTS The company and bareboat charterer have agreed to extend the bareboat charter parties for further two years from October 2017 to October 2019. According to same the bareboat rates are reduced effective from 2015. The mortgage loan and the sellers credit are extended accordingly. Interest rate fixed for the original term of the loan (incl. margin): The Alicudi M and Lipari M tranches 5,5125 % EUR 44 400 000 The Gelso M tranche N/A EUR 24 800 000 Sellers Credit: EUR 8 650 000 Free of interest Term. Balloon payment at end charter parties. EUR 1.5 m is payable Oct. 2017. The Gelso credit is settled. C L A R K SO N S P L A TO U P R O J E C T F I N A N C E — MA R K E T RE PORT 2015 SUDONG OFFSHORE DIS KEY FIGURES (Date of analysis: 30.06.2015) Established: October 2014 Paid in capital: USD 8 200 000 Uncalled capital: USD 1 275 000 Accumulated dividends: USD 0 THE VESSEL Vessels name: Type: DWT: Speed: Yard: Built: Class: Flag: COMMERCIAL DETAILS Corporate management: Disponent owner: Project price: Paid in capital: Uncalled capital: Estimated share value per 1 %: Last reported sale per 1 %: Estimated IRR Buyer: Estimated IRR Seller: USD 86 000 USD 85 250 16% 10% Project broker: Axel M. Aas · Corporate manager: Erik Kristian Andresen Latent tax liability vessel pr. 1%: USD 25 300 Latent tax benefit debt pr. 1%: USD 2 900 Lewek Swan AHTS 12,240 BHP, FIFI1 2 300 13 knots Pan-Limited Shipyard 2006 LR + 100A1 Singapore USD USD USD Clarksons Platou Project Finance AS Scantank AS 26 000 000 8 200 000 0 RESIDUAL VALUE SENSITIVITY ON IRR Residual value end CP: Estimated IRR for buyer: CASHFLOW Operating revenue Operating expenses Net operating cashflow Interest earned Interest expenses Drawdown/ Repayment long term debt Net financial items Purchase of Vessel Net project cashflow Estimated dividend BALANCE Cash Implicit vessel value Total assets Outstanding debt Short term payables Sellers Credit Total outstanding debt Estimated project value FINANCING Mortgage: Sellers Credit: Balloon: Term: Quarterly instalments: Interest: The interest rate is fixed for the entire fixed charter period (incl.margin). USD 9200 / 4000 October 2013 October 2023/2025 10 + 2 years Emas Offshore Pte Ltd Low Case USD 10 000 000 15% Base Case 12 500 000 16% High Case 14 500 000 18% 2015 3 358 000 −132 000 3 226 000 2016 3 367 000 −134 000 3 233 000 2017 3 358 000 −136 000 3 222 000 0 −635 000 −1 668 000 −2 303 000 0 −533 000 −1 668 000 −2 201 000 0 −460 000 −1 668 000 −2 128 000 923 000 950 000 1 032 000 1 050 000 1 094 000 1 075 000 01.07.2015 337 000 23 355 000 23 692 000 15 000 000 92 000 0 15 092 000 8 600 000 USD USD USD BB rate pr day: Commencement of CP: Expiry of CP: Bareboat charter: Bareboat charterer: (a company nominated and guaranteed by Ezra Holdings PTE Ltd) COMMENTS The project is running as planned. The hire is being paid on time. 15 000 000 2 500 000 0 9 years USD USD 51 MAR K ET R EPO RT 2015 — C LA RKS ONS PLA T O U P R O J E C T F I N A N C E ULLSWATER SUBSEA DIS SOLD SOV Ullswater Dive support vessel, 2 x 2030kw, DP2 2 500 12 knots Pan United Shipyard, Singapore 2009 ABS Marshall Islands COMMERCIAL DETAILS Corporate management: Disponent owner: Project price: Paid in capital : Uncalled capital: Clarksons Platou Project Finance AS NFC Ullswater Subsea LLC 48 820 000 12 820 000 5 000 000 USD USD USD RESIDUAL VALUE SENSITIVITY ON IRR Project Broker: Axel M. Aas · Corporate Manager: Benjamin Ryeng-Hansen Latent tax liability vessel pr. 1%: N/A Latent tax benefit debt pr. 1%: N/A R1 THE VESSEL Vessel name: Type: DWT: Speed: Yard: Built: Class: Flag: USD 3 880 N/A N/A N/A SO L 5. 1 D 1% p.a . Estimated share value per 1 %: Last reported sale per 1 %: Estimated IRR Buyer: Estimated IRR Seller: IR KEY FIGURES (Date of analysis: 30.06.2015) Established: May 2007 Paid in capital: USD 12 820 000 Uncalled capital: USD 5 000 000 Accumulated dividends: USD 30 888 400 BB rate: Bareboat charter: Bareboat charterer: Commencement of CP: Expiry of CP: 17 055 pd less 2.00 % 10 years Hallin Marine Singapore Pte Ltd guaranteed by Superior Energy Services (International Holdings) Limited 05.02.2009 05.02.2019 Low Case Base Case Residual value end CP: Estimated IRR for buyer: CASHFLOW Operating revenue Operating expenses Net operating cashflow Interest earned Interest expenses Drawdown/ Repayment long term debt Net financial items Sale of vessel Net project cashflow Estimated dividend N/A 2014 5 577 000 −127 000 5 450 000 2015E 597 000 −465 000 132 000 −1 608 000 −2 350 000 −3 958 000 1 492 000 1 500 000 −215 000 −21 900 000 −22 115 000 42 250 000 20 267 000 21 338 000 BALANCE Cash Implicit vessel value Total assets Outstanding debt Short term payables Sellers credit Total outstanding debt Estimated project value FINANCING Mortgage: Balloon: Term: Quarterly instalments: Interest mortgage: 52 USD 01.07.2015 388 000 0 388 000 0 388 000 0 388 000 388 000 USD USD 36 000 000 12 500 000 10 years USD 587 500 6.805% including 1.30% margin COMMENTS The charterer purchased SOV Ullswater on 5 February 2015. The company will be dissolved in 2015. High Case C L A R K SO N S P L A TO U P R O J E C T F I N A N C E — MA R K E T RE PORT 2015 VESTLAND MARINE SEISMIC DIS KEY FIGURES (Date of analysis: 30.06.2015) Established: Feb 2014 Paid in capital: USD 1 550 000 Uncalled capital: USD Accumulated dividends: USD 600 000 THE VESSEL Vessel name: Type: DWT: Speed: Yard: Built: Class: Flag: COMMERCIAL DETAILS Corporate management: Disponent owner: Project price: Paid in capital: Uncalled capital: Estimated share value per 1 %: Last reported sale per 1 %: Estimated IRR Buyer: Estimated IRR Seller: USD 13 000 N/A 23% 19% Project Broker: Axel M. Aas · Corporate Manager: Benjamin Ryeng-Hansen Latent tax liability vessel pr. 1%: N/A Latent tax benefit debt pr. 1%: N/A Geo Searcher 2D Seismikk research skip 1 083 12 knots Salthammer Båtbyggeri 1982 RINA Malta USD USD USD RESIDUAL VALUE SENSITIVITY ON IRR Residual value end CP: Estimated IRR for buyer: Clarksons Platou Project Finance AS 1 550 000 1 550 000 0 BB rate: USD 1 000 pd first 6 mths or until vessel is employed. Thereafter USD 2 000 pd + profit split Bareboat charter: 3 years Bareboat charterer: Grand Ocean Shipping Ltd guaranteed by Vestland Marine Sp. z.o.o. Commencement of CP: 01.03.2014 Expiry of CP: 01.03.2017 Base Case USD 1 23% CASHFLOW Operating revenue Operating expenses Net operating cashflow 2014 622 000 −106 000 516 000 2015E 914 000 −31 000 883 000 2016E 916 000 −31 000 885 000 2017E 118 000 −16 000 102 000 Purchase / sale of vessel Paid in capital Net project cashflow Estimated dividend −1 450 000 1 550 000 616 000 600 000 883 000 0 885 000 890 000 1 102 000 996 000 BALANCE Cash Implicit vessel value Total assets Outstanding debt Short term payables Sellers credit Total outstanding debt Estimated project value 01.07.2015 15 000 1 300 000 1 315 000 15 000 15 000 1 300 000 COMMENTS Financial lease. Charterer has a purchase obligation at the end of the charter period to USD 1. FINANCING 100% equity. 53 MAR K ET R EPO RT 2015 — C LA RKS ONS PLA T O U P R O J E C T F I N A N C E PLATOU SHIPINVEST I DIS Asset manager: Trond Hamre Established: October 2007 Project portfolio VESSELS AND CHARTERS Project Dongguan Chemical Tankers DIS European Venture DIS Golden Kamsar DIS Industrial Shipping DIS Orchard Offshore DIS Panda Chemical II DIS Southern Chemical DIS Total No of vessels 1 2 1 7 2 1 2 16 PROJECT SHARES AND DIVERSIFICATION Project Currency Agder Ocean Reefer KS USD Agder Ocean Reefer II DIS USD Bergshav Chemical KS EUR Bukit Timah Offshore DIS USD Celine I OBO DIS USD Cement Ship II DIS USD Chem Cosmos DIS USD Chem Lily DIS USD Dongguan Chemical Tankers DIS USD European Venture DIS USD European Venture II DIS USD European Venture III DIS USD Global Cable KS USD Global Cable II DIS USD Golden Kamsar DIS USD Industrial Shipping DIS EUR Marineline Chemical DIS USD Med Ethylene DIS USD Multipurpose Bulkers DIS EUR NFC Panamax DIS USD Norwegian Product DIS USD Oceanlink Offshore I DIS USD Oceanlink Offshore II DIS USD Oceanlink Offshore III DIS USD Oceanlink Reefer III DIS USD Orchard Offshore DIS USD Panda Chemical Oil DIS USD Panda Chemical II DIS USD Pantheon Chemical DIS EUR Raffles Offshore DIS USD Ross Chemical II DIS USD Ross Chemical IV DIS USD SBS Tempest KS NOK SBS Torrent KS NOK SBS Typhoon KS NOK Scandinavian Bulkers KS EUR Short Sea Bulkers DIS EUR Southern Chemical DIS EUR Western Chemical DIS EUR Total (USD equivalent) 54 Segment Chemical AHTS-Offshore Dry bulk MPP-Dry bulk AHTS-Offshore Chemical Chemical Built 2008 2005/06 2010 1997-2000 2007/08 2004 2002/04 Charterer Dongguan Fenghai Ocean Shipping Co Group Servicii Petroliere Golden Ocean Group Ltd TransAtlantic Short Sea Bulk AB Swiber Holdings Ltd Pritchard-Gordon Tankers Ltd Augusta Due SRL Type charter Bareboat Bareboat Bareboat Bareboat Bareboat Bareboat Bareboat End of charter 2016 2015 2020 2019 2015/16 2015 2017 Share in project Invested per 1 % 20.0% 81 685 41.0% 69 195 7.0% 89 105 15.0% 292 700 6.0% 15 000 7.0% 66 000 20.0% 116 339 35.5% 133 816 5.0% 71 500 8.0% 120 000 2.0% 40 150 18.0% 57 200 5.5% 35 000 14.0% 103 786 20.0% 231 000 10.0% 57 500 10.0% 187 100 1.0% 67 000 11.0% 68 227 10.5% 51 000 15.5% 108 500 2.5% 26 500 4.5% 24 400 10.0% 48 450 6.0% 52 000 7.0% 90 000 32.5% 63 500 25.0% 18 150 20.0% 36 775 15.0% 140 000 4.0 % 298000 20.0% 130 000 10.0% 370 000 8.5% 386 000 20.0% 425 000 6.0% 63 250 20.0% 55 500 12.5% 166 660 3.0% 106 000 Invested 1 633 690 2 837 000 623 735 4 390 500 90 000 462 000 2 326 789 4 750 475 357 500 960 000 80 300 1 029 600 192 500 1 453 000 4 620 000 575 000 1 871 000 67 000 750 500 535 500 1 681 750 66 250 109 800 484 500 312 000 630 000 2 063 750 453 750 735 500 2 100 000 1 192 000 2 600 000 3 700 000 3 281 000 8 500 000 379 500 1 110 000 2 083 250 318 000 50 478 951 Share in portfolio 3.2% 5.6% 1.6% 8.7% 0.2% 0.9% 4.6% 9.4% 0.7% 1.9% 0.2% 2.0% 0.4% 2.9% 9.2% 1.1% 3.7% 0.1% 1.9% 1.1% 3.3% 0.1% 0.2% 1.0% 0.6% 1.2% 4.1% 0.9% 1.9% 4.2% 2.4% 5.2% 1.2% 1.1% 2.8% 1.0% 2.9% 5.4% 0.8% 100% Sold Apr. 12 Dec. 10 Jan. 12 Jun. 14 Feb. 08 Jan. 13 Mar. 10 Oct. 09 Jun. 10 Oct. 14 Jul. 10 Feb. 14 Jul 14 Dec. 14 May. 12 May. 08 Dec 14 Sep. 10 Sep. 10 Oct. 13 Dec 12 Jan. 14 Mar. 10 Jun. 13 Dec. 09 Dec. 10 Jun. 11 Oct 14 May 14 Jan. 10 May. 12 Dec. 11 C L A R K SO N S P L A TO U P R O J E C T F I N A N C E — MA R K E T RE PORT 2015 SEGMENT DIVERSIFICATION (HISTORIC COST) Offshore 14 % Dry Bulk 52% Chemical 34 % CHARTER DURATION 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Platou Shipinvest horizon Dongguan Chem.Tankers DIS European Venture DIS Golden Kamsar DIS Industrial Shipping DIS Orchard Offshore DIS Panda Chemical II DIS Southern Chemical DIS 55 HEAD OFFICE VIS ITING AND P O STAL AD D R ESS Munkedamsveien 62 C 0270 Oslo C L AR K SO N S P L ATO U P ROJ E C T FIN AN C E A S C L AR K SO N S P L ATO U P ROJ E C T SALE S A S Phone: +47 23 11 20 00 Fax: +47 23 11 23 27 E-mail: Phone: +47 23 11 20 00 Fax: +47 23 11 23 27 E-mail: C L AR K SO N S P L ATO U R E AL E STAT E A S C L AR K SO N S P L ATO U P RO P E RT Y M AN AG E M E N T A S Phone: +47 23 11 20 00 Fax: +47 23 11 23 23 E-mail: Phone: +47 23 11 20 00 Fax: +47 23 11 23 23 E-mail: WEB S ITES C L AR K SO N S P L ATO U IN VE STO R SE RVIC E S A S Phone: +47 23 11 20 00 Fax: +47 23 11 23 27 E-mail: 56 CONTACTS CL A R KS O NS PL ATOU PROJ E CT S A LES CL ARK SONS P L ATO U PROJECT FIN AN C E C L AR K SO N S P L ATO U IN VE STO R S E RV I C E S L ARS GJ ERDE Head of Sales AXEL M O LTZ A U A A S Joint Managing Partner B E N JA M I N RYE N G- HA N S E N Managing Director K RI S T I N VOLLAN Managing Director Dir. tel.: +47 23 11 28 08 Mobile: +47 92 06 12 85 Dir. tel.: +47 23 11 28 06 Mobile: +47 97 98 21 35 Dir. tel.: +47 23 11 26 68 Mobile: +47 97 71 87 04 Dir. tel.: +47 23 11 26 59 Mobile: +47 95 74 78 15 S TIAN S K AU G - PAU L SEN Senior Broker CH R I S. W. SV E N SS O N Joint Managing Partner HE I D I M E YE R W E S T B Y Office Manager JU LI E M E LGAAR D R AN VIG Accountant Dir. tel.: +47 23 11 28 18 Mobile: +47 93 05 59 27 Dir. tel.: +47 23 11 28 07 Mobile: +47 95 18 96 49 Dir. tel.: +47 23 11 28 12 Mobile: +47 93 40 20 02 Dir. tel.: +47 23 11 26 66 Mobile: +47 93 23 37 80 ANDREAS W. BAN G Broker TR O N D H AM RE Senior Partner E VA LI S E BJE RK E Corporate Manager Dir. tel.: +47 23 11 28 17 Mobile: +47 40 45 50 41 Dir. tel.: +47 23 11 28 09 Mobile: +47 92 88 76 50 Dir. tel.: +47 23 11 26 05 Mobile: +47 90 96 37 57 AZK ARA LOHA N Compliance Officer TR U L S WI ESE KO LS TA D Project Broker E RI K K RI S T I A N A N D RE S E N Corporate Manager Dir. tel.: +47 23 11 28 08 Mobile: +47 93 83 90 69 Dir. tel.: +47 23 11 28 15 Mobile: +47 93 04 84 33 Dir. tel.: +47 23 11 26 54 Mobile: +47 92 42 06 18 CATH R I N E H O RN E M A N N Project Broker E LI S A B E T H RE LB O Secretary Dir. tel.: +47 23 11 28 16 Dir. tel.: +47 23 11 28 14 Mobile: +47 90 53 25 71 Mobile: +47 99 42 17 06 H ÅKO N F. R Ø S A K E R Project Broker Dir. tel.: +47 23 11 28 05 Mobile: +47 93 02 96 24 57 MAR K ET R EPO RT 2015 — C LA RKS ONS PLA T O U P R O J E C T F I N A N C E 58 MARKET REPORT JULY 2015 TABLE MAR K ET OFR CONT EPO RT ENT 2015 S — C LA RKS ONS PLA T O U R E A L E STA TE 03 04 06 08 09 10 12 14 15 16 17 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 37 2 Prologue Clarksons Platou Real Estate AS 2014: Transaction market getting “high” on low interest rates Projects under management CT 3 INVEST AS ENSJØÅSEN INVEST AS FJORDVEIEN EIENDOMSINVEST AS FYRSTIKKALLÉEN 17 INVEST AS GAMLE FORUSVEI INVEST AS GRÅTERUDVEIEN 8 EIENDOM AS HANS HASLUMS VEI UTVIKLING AS HASLEVANGEN NÆRINGSPARK AS HILLEVÅGSENTERET HOLDING KS HVAM EIENDOMSINVEST KS JESSHEIM NÆRINGSPARK INVEST AS RESIDENCEKVARTALET HOLDING AS SAGA SENTER INVEST AS SLEPENDVEIEN 54–58 UTVIKLING AS TVERRVEIEN EIENDOM AS ØSTENSJØVEIEN 27 HOLDING AS Contacts C L A R K SO N S P L A TO U R E A L E STA TE — MA R K ET RE PORT 2015 PROLOGUE Dear investors and business associates, First of all, we are all pleased to announce that RS Platou Real Estate now has a new majority shareholder, and that we just have changed our name to Clarksons Platou Real Estate. RS Platou ASA, including all shares in subsidiary companies, has been sold to Clarkson PLC (Clarksons) in London. We believe this will have a substantial positive impact on our business and will open up for new markets and clients. Clarksons Platou Real Estate will continue to operate as an independent project house and maintain the close relationship with our equity investors and sources of funding. 2014 was truly the year when foreign investors entered the Norwegian market with full force; W.P. Carey bought the new Siemens HQ and Colosseum Center, Bouwfonds bought the parking facility at Bankplassen and Madison took control as major shareholder in Statoil’s HQ. The total transaction market concluded just below NOK 60 billion and was dominated by institutional buyers, many foreign, and industrial real estate companies. The foreign investors were responsible for almost 30% of the total transaction volume, and are believed to uphold their interest for the Norwegian market in 2015. Clarksons Platou Real Estate AS continued their strong growth from 2013 and concluded transactions for a gross value of approximately NOK 2.2 billion, placing us in the top tier of the syndicate players in the Norwegian market. The transaction market was fuelled both by declining interest rates, weakened Norwegian currency, willing banks and yield compressions around the larger cities. As predicted last year, we see that both investors and banks differentiate between old buildings and newer modern buildings, as well as macro and micro location – all focusing on locking in the residual value risk. The effect is that the spreads between prime CBD properties and properties in the outskirts are substantial and give great cash flow opportunities for the investors willing to take a higher residual risk. However, as demand rose towards year-end, the yield compression also hit secondary assets in the outskirts with full force. Clarksons Platou Real Estate will continue with its core strategy, which is to offer a wide range of investment opportunities for professional and sophisticated real-estate-investors. In 2014 we concluded projects with housing development potential (Neslia), office buildings in city center of Oslo (Økernveien 11–13), office buildings just outside Oslo (Fjordveien 1 & 3) and a historical office building in the heart of Trondheim just to mention some. The momentum from Q4 in 2014 has continued in the first five months in 2015, and there is a strong consensus in the market predictions that we will see all time high in the transaction volume in 2015. Clarksons Platou Real Estate AS has concluded 5 transactions by the end of May, and we hope to provide our investors and business associates with continuously interesting business opportunities in 2015. Kind regards, the team at Clarksons Platou Real Estate/ Clarksons Platou Property Management/ Clarksons Platou Project Sales PROJECTS EXECUTED IN 2014 PROJECTS FACILITATED SEGMENT Økernveien 11/13 Fjordveien 1&3 Handelspark Charlottenberg Braathen Residential Portfolio in Drammen Neslia Pilestredet 30 Europris Skotterud Residencekvartalet Stavern/Larvik Haslevangen 45/47 Jessheim Cecilie Thoresens vei 3 Paradis Local Centre Kalbakkveien 6-8 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H1 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 H2 Office Office Retail Housing Office/logistics Development Housing Retail/Big box Office Housing development Office/Logistics/Development Combination Retail/Gym Development Retail/Gym AQUISITION VALUE (MNOK) EQUITY (MNOK) 290.0 180.0 145.0 130.0 120.0 34.0 18.0 17.0 307.0 200.0 195.0 170.0 150.0 148.0 110.0 290.0 N/A 36.3 39.0 30.0 8.5 5.4 5.1 43.0 50.0 59.0 46.0 39.5 44.4 27.5 3 MAR K ET R EPO RT 2015 — C LA RKS ONS PLA T O U R E A L E STA TE CL ARKS O N S P LATO U R E A L E S TAT E A S Clarksons Platou Project Sales Clarksons Platou Real Estate Clarksons Platou Property Management L A R S GJ ER D E Head of Sales S T I A N N I C O LA U S Managing Partner TO M B Ø HL ER Managing Partner S TIAN SK AU G - PAU L SEN Senior Broker HA N S M A RT I N HA U G Senior Partner T HO M A S Ø D E GÅR D Managing Director ANDR EAS W. BAN G Broker PÅ L S A N DA L Partner A X E L O LSEN Facility Manager AZK AR A LO H AN Compliance Officer 4 S T E FFE N LI L LENG Associate C L A R K SO N S P L A TO U R E A L E STA TE — MA R K ET RE PORT 2015 5 MAR K ET R EPO RT 2015 — C LA RKS ONS PLA T O U R E A L E STA TE 2014 - TRANSACTION MARKET GETTING “HIGH” ON LOW INTEREST RATES NORWEGIAN MAR K ET 2 0 1 4 6 As communicated last year, the strong housing market over the previous years made many investors focus on residential conversion projects with a potential higher return. The outlook for the Norwegian housing market still remains strong, but the increase in construction costs over the last year, has reduced the investment appetite in this segment. During the year the investment scope somewhat changed from focusing on high-risk residential conversion, to focusing on yielding assets with containable residual risk. Low interest rates and reasonable bank margins gave many investors a considerable running cash flow when investing outside of core CBD. Going on, Clarksons Platou Real Estate will focus on both yielding and operational projects. Regarding yielding projects, investors focus on annual equity dividend and buildings of high quality, preferably future built. We seek operational projects where an underlying cash flow can be combined with the opportunity to further develop and/or refurbish. N O RW E GI A N T RA N S ACT I O N VO LU M E S 100 90 80 70 NOK billion In 2014 Clarksons Platou Real Estate concluded 15 projects with an investment value of NOK 2.2 billion – making us one of the largest syndicate-players in the market. Our subsidiary, Clarksons Platou Property Management, also had a record-year, receiving a net inflow of four new projects in 2014. The company nearly doubled its revenues over the previous year and now manages a portfolio consisting of 16 projects. The total transaction market ended up at NOK 58 billion, which was a bit above previous expectations and a substantial increase in market activity compared to 2013. The transaction year 2014 was a continuation of what started in 2013, with sharply declining interest rates and reduced loan margins increasing the competition among the banks. The access to favorable financing fueled the investment appetite in the market, leading to major market activity and the completion of a broad range of real estate transactions. For syndicate transactions, loan margins declined by up to 50 bps during the year, with interest rates declining even more. With no interest to be earned on bank deposits, a bond market that more or less has collapsed and a stock market driven by fear and sharply declining oil prices, real estate stands out as an attractive alternative investment. Rising demand, in combination with the lack of attractive alternative investments, has been like adding fuel to a fire already burning strong from low interest rates and competitive banks. On top of the reasons mentioned above, 2014 was the year when foreign investors established themselves as one of the largest net buyer groups. Both American, UK- and Netherland-based institutional funds have invested directly in the Norwegian market, and the activity is expected to continue in 2015. The weakening of NOK against USD and EUR and the lack of attractive investment alternatives in other stable economies are main incentives for their strong presence in the Norwegian market. In addition to a boiling transaction market, the listing of Entra ASA received a lot of attention among the professional investors, and the IPO was fully underwritten when it was listed October 17 on the Oslo Stock Exchange. The company’s total market value was 11.9 NOK billion, giving the stock a price of 65 NOK. At year-end 2014, the stock price had increased to 76.50 NOK, providing shareholders with a return of just under 20 percent. 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015E C L A R K SO N S P L A TO U R E A L E STA TE — MA R K ET RE PORT 2015 FINANC ING In 2014 it seemed like the banks became more comfortable with the new EU regulations regarding risk and equity and the markets in general and finally came to terms that they need to compete to get the best projects. Not only did we experience banks competing on price to grow or uphold their market share in a boiling real estate market, but some even begun to offer LTVs of 70–75%. Moreover, we also experienced a reduction in loan margins by 25–40 bps in several of our projects under management. With the enhanced competition among banks, bond financing has not been an attractive financing alternative unless you own a core CBD property with long, solid leases. However, large industrial real estate companies e.g. Olav Thon and Norwegian Property can still find competitive financing in the bond market. So far in 2015 Clarksons Platou Real Estate sense a more reluctant attitude at the larger banks, and we have experienced that indicative offers do not pass the final credit committee. If this reluctant attitude continues in H2 2015, it will affect the demand on the buyer-side and perhaps put an effective stop to what market consensus predict will be an all-time high transaction year. 7 MAR K ET R EPO RT 2015 — C LA RKS ONS PLA T O U R E A L E STA TE PROJECTS UNDER MANAGEMENT All numbers in NOK million PROJECT PRICE EQUITY INVESTED ESTIMATED REAL ESTATE VALUE ESTIMATED NAV PER 1% NORMALIZED GROSS RENT 2015 ESTABLISHED SEGMENT LOCATION BUILDING AREA (M²) CT 3 Invest AS Ensjøåsen Invest AS Fjordveien Eiendomsinvest AS Fyrstikkalleén 17 Invest AS 30.12.14 09.11.11 01.07.14 02.10.12 Retail/Fitness Office/Development Office Development Oslo Oslo Høvik Oslo 5 047 12 229 14 764 4 075 149.5 165.0 166.0 42.5 39.5 30.5 N/A 10.6 157.9 275.1 232.9 N/A 0.450 1.219 0.610 N/A 10.4 11.1 14.0 N/A Gamle Forusvei Invest AS Gråterudveien 8 Eiendom AS Hans Haslums Vei Utvikling AS Haslevangen Næringspark AS Hillevågsenteret Holding KS Hvam Eiendomsinvest AS Jessheim Næringspark Invest AS Residencekvartalet Holding AS Saga Senter Næring AS Slependveien 54-58 Utvikling AS Tverrveien Eiendom AS Østensjøveien 27 Holding AS 15.12.13 30.04.04 20.03.15 15.12.14 31.08.13 08.12.11 31.10.14 11.11.14 12.05.15 27.05.13 02.06.08 09.11.11 Office/Industry Combination Office/Development Office/Logistics Trade Combination Combination Office/Trade Trade Trade/Development Industry/Logistics Office Stavanger Drammen Bekkestua Oslo Stavanger Hvam Jessheim Trondheim Jessheim Slependen Vestby Oslo 16 449 6 000 3 318 15 641 14 930 11 826 10 398 11 682 8 763 3 700 11 577 16 091 335.0 55.0 85.5 194.0 220.1 171.5 168.0 325.0 225.0 68.6 138.5 457.0 67.5 14.0 24.0 59.0 70.0 43.0 46.0 43.0 60.0 13.0 36.7 131.0 368.3 87.8 85.0 206.5 253.2 174.1 190.5 363.8 225.1 111.5 121.7 527.9 0.830 0.387 0.240 0.659 0.975 0.526 0.627 0.950 0.601 0.546 0.426 1.947 24.4 7.3 5.0 16.1 16.9 11.7 14.3 23.3 15.4 5.4 10.9 30.7 166 490 2 966.2 687.8 3381.4 11.0 217.0 PROJECTS Total in NOK in m2 Parking and others 6 % Industry 6 % Trade 25 % Logistics 15 % Office 48 % 8 Industry 7 % Vacant 3 % Trade 22 % Logistics 26 % Office 42 % C L A R K SO N S P L A TO U R E A L E STA TE — MA R K ET RE PORT 2015 CT 3 INVEST AS CORPORATE MANAGER Thomas Ødegård +47 913 31 182 / 23 11 26 62 BROKER Pål Sandal +47 938 80 083 / 23 11 28 20 C OMPANY AND P R O P ER TY I N FO R M ATI O N Name Address Founded Property location Lot Building area Year of construction Segment D E S K TO P FO RE CA S T CT 3 Invest AS c/o Clarksons Platou Property Management AS 30.12.14 Cecilie Thoresens vei 3, Lambertseter 5 142 5 047 1993/1994 Retail/Fitness Tax Value 31.12.2014 Estimated net cash and receivables 28.02.15 Tax value shares as of 31.12.14 67 590 939 3 944 548 0 K EY POINTS 2016E 2017E 2018E Gross rent 10 374 153 Ownership cost -503 146 Net rent before administration cost 9 871 007 Administration cost -453 375 Net rent after administration cost 9 417 632 Net interest -2 751 300 Tax estimate -623 715 Installments -1 650 000 10 633 507 -515 725 10 117 782 -464 709 9 653 072 -3 464 890 -378 448 -2 200 000 10 899 344 -528 618 10 370 726 -476 327 9 894 399 -3 446 658 -1 125 295 -2 200 000 11 171 828 -541 834 10 629 994 -488 235 10 141 759 -3 426 225 -1 230 204 -2 200 000 4 392 616 3 609 734 3 122 447 3 285 330 11.1 % 9.1 % 7.9 % 8.3 % Estimated cash flow Estimated cash flow in % of paid-in-equity E S T I M AT E D VA LU E 2 8 . 0 2 . 2 0 1 5 Initial project yield Running project yield Date of initial payment Numbers of shares Real estate purchase price (project price) Initial price per share Paid in equity Paid out equity Paid out per share Paid out in % of invested equity Estimated IRR 2014–2018 with exit yield 6.25% Expected average annual payout (2014–2018) Uncalled capital Gross rent per square meter including parking Realized IRR if sale of project 28.02.15 (yield 6.25%) 6.38 % 6.60 % 10.12.14 100 000 149 500 000 395 39 500 000 N/A N/A N/A 21.39 % 10.37 % 0 2 056 81 % YIELD SENSITIVITY Estimated real estate value Estimated development value Tax disadvantage 10% Net debt (inc cash and receivables) NAV 6.00 % 6.25 % 6.50 % 164 516 776 157 936 105 151 861 640 0 0 0 -6 812 584 -6 154 517 -5 547 070 -107 021 113 -107 021 113 -107 021 113 50 683 080 44 760 476 39 293 457 Estimated value swap NAV (inc swap) 229 000 229 000 229 000 50 912 080 44 989 476 39 522 457 NAV (inc swap) per share 509 450 395 NAV (ex swap) per share 507 448 393 32 597 31 293 30 089 68 % 70 % 73 % Estimated profit on initial investment inc swap (ex div) 28.89 % 13.90 % 0.06 % Estimated profit on initial investment inc swap (inc div) 28.89 % 13.90 % 0.06 % Estimated profit on initial investment ex swap (ex div) 28.31 % 13.32 % -0.52 % Estimated profit on initial investment ex swap (inc div) 28.31 % 13.32 % -0.52 % Real estate value per square meter Implied leverage PAYO U T P RO FI LE FINANC ING 28 . 0 2 . 1 5 SPAREBANK 1 Floating 5Y Fixed Outstanding debt Margin Estimated average interest rate inc margin 2015E BALANCE 55 000 000 55 000 000 110 000 000 DATE 15.07.15 15.01.20 RATE 1.49 % 1.32 % 1.75 % 3.16 % C OMMENTS 7 35 % 30 % 25.3 % 4 3 16.1 % 2 16.1 % 10.4 % 1 2015 3.12 3.29 9.1 % 7.9 % 9.0 % 8.3 % 2016 2017 2018 3.61 45 % 40 % 33.2 % 5 0 Commercial building located central on Lambertseter, close to Lambertseter Center. The whole area is in a transformation mode from old industrial and warehouses to residential. 41.5 % 6.37 6 MNOK ASSET MANAGER Tom Bøhler +47 906 61 187 / 23 11 26 74 Status date: 28.02.15 25 % 20 % 15 % Paid out (in MNOK) Cumulative paid out of invested equity (%) Average annual payout total period (%) Envisaged average annual payout in IM (%) 10 % 5% 0% Annual payout of invested equity (%) 9 MAR K ET R EPO RT 2015 — C LA RKS ONS PLA T O U R E A L E STA TE ENSJØÅSEN INVEST KS ASSET MANAGER Tom Bøhler +47 906 61 187 / 23 11 26 74 CORPORATE MANAGER Thomas Ødegård +47 913 31 182 / 23 11 26 62 Status date: 31.12.14 BROKER Stian Nicolaus +47 954 86 066 / 23 11 28 21 C OMPANY AND P R O P ER TY I N FO R M ATI O N Name Address Founded Property location Lot Building area Year of construction Tax Value (31.12.2014) D E S K TO P FO RE CA S T Ensjøåsen Invest KS c/o Clarksons Platou Property Management AS 09.11.11 Grenseveien 97, Helsfyr, Oslo N/A 12 229 1965–95 35 055 309 Estimated net cash and receivables (31.12.14) Tax Value shares as of 31.12.14 4 811 273 0 S EGMENT DI STR I BU TI O N in NOK Logistics 60 % 2016E 10 844 961 -673 888 10 171 073 -641 312 9 529 762 -5 790 225 -2 000 000 1 739 537 2017E 11 116 085 -687 610 10 428 475 -657 345 9 771 131 -5 794 725 -2 000 000 1 976 406 2018E 11 393 987 -701 675 10 692 312 -659 915 10 032 397 -5 795 225 -2 000 000 2 237 172 3,3 % 5,7 % 6,5 % 7,3 % BALANCE 85 250 000 38 250 000 9 000 000 DATE 01.06.15 01.12.16 01.12.16 RATE 1.35 % 3.18 % 6.00 % 2.35 % Estimated cash-flow in % of paid-in-equity in m STOREBRAND BANK Floating 5Y fixed Seller's credit Margin Outstanding debt Estimated average interest rate inc margin 2 Office 30 % Office 40 % Logistics 65 % K EY POINTS 10 2015E 11 955 010 -712 583 11 242 427 -2 396 491 8 845 936 -5 844 991 -2 000 000 1 000 944 FI N A N C I N G 3 1 . 1 2 . 1 4 Vacant 5% Initial yield Running project yield Date of initial payment Number of shares (%) Real estate purchase price (project price) Paid in equity Initial price per share Paid out equity Paid out per share Paid out of invested equity Estimated IRR 2014–2018 with exit-yield 6.75% Expected average annual payout (2014–2018) Uncalled capital Gross rent per square meter including parking Realized IRR if sale of project 31.12.14 (yield 6.75%) Actual gross rent Ownership cost Net rent before administration cost Administration cost Net rent after administration cost Net interest Installments Estimated cash-flow 132 500 000 4.38 % E S T I M AT E D VA LU E 3 1 . 1 2 . 2 0 1 4 6.40 % 6.81 % 22.02.10 100 165 000 000 30 500 000 305 000 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 910 33 % YIELD SENSITIVITY Estimated real estate value* Estimated development/plot value Tax disadvantage 10% Net debt (inc cash and receivables) NAV 6.50 % 161 063 785 120 000 000 -24 600 848 -127 688 727 128 774 210 6.75 % 155 098 459 120 000 000 -24 004 315 -127 688 727 123 405 417 7.00 % 149 559 229 120 000 000 -23 450 392 -127 688 727 118 420 110 -1 512 418 -1 512 418 -1 512 418 *Based on the normalized net rent of NOK 10 469 146. Estimated value swap NAV (inc swap) 127 261 792 121 892 999 116 907 692 NAV (inc swap) per 1% 1 272 618 1 218 930 1 169 077 NAV (ex swap) per 1% 1 287 742 1 234 054 1 184 201 22 983 22 496 22 043 50 % 51 % 52 % Estimated profit on initial investment inc swap (ex div) 317.25 % 299.65 % 283.30 % Estimated profit on initial investment inc swap (inc div) 317.25 % 299.65 % 283.30 % Estimated profit on initial investment ex swap (ex div) 322.21 % 304.61 % 288.26 % Estimated profit on initial investment ex swap (ex div) 322.21 % 304.61 % 288.26 % Real estate value per square meter Implied leverage C L A R K SO N S P L A TO U R E A L E STA TE — MA R K ET RE PORT 2015 AVERAGE PR I CES E X P I RY P RO FI LE LE A S I N G C O N T RACT S & AVE RAGE DUR AT ION 1 200 6 5.36 1 037 1 000 3.09 3.0 5 Annual gross rent in MNOK Average price per m2 825 800 728 600 400 200 2.0 3 1.5 2 1.83 1.0 1.19 0.71 1 Office Logistics Average 2.5 3.77 4 0.5 0.23 0 3.5 0 2015 2016 2017 2018 0.06 2019 Expiry year contracts 2020 2023 0.05 Running Average lease duration 0.0 C OMMENTS Housing development project located central on Ensjø in Oslo. 11 MAR K ET R EPO RT 2015 — C LA RKS ONS PLA T O U R E A L E STA TE FJORDVEIEN EIENDOMSINVEST AS ASSET MANAGER Tom Bøhler +47 906 61 187 / 23 11 26 74 CORPORATE MANAGER Thomas Ødegård +47 913 31 182 / 23 11 26 62 BROKER Stian Nicolaus +47 954 86 066 / 23 11 28 21 C OMPANY AND P R O P ER TY I N FO R M ATI O N Name Address Founded Property location Plot Building area Year of construction Estimated tax value (30.04.15) D E S K TO P FO RE CA S T Fjordveien Eiendomsinvest AS c/o Clarksons Platou Property Management AS 01.07.14 Fjordveien 1-3, Høvik, Bærum 7 185 14 764 1985 100 750 122 Estimated net cash and receivables (30.04.15) Tax value shares as of 31.12.2014 4 614 186 0 in NOK Office 98 % Vacant 8% Logistics 4% 12 2015E 14 011 517 13 697 945 -13 066 000 2016E 16 332 999 16 332 999 -3 540 025 2017E 16 741 324 16 741 324 -1 564 651 2018E 17 159 857 17 159 857 -1 589 892 631 945 -512 500 119 445 12 792 974 -525 313 12 267 662 15 176 673 -538 445 14 638 228 15 569 965 -551 906 15 018 059 -7 030 469 0 -3 300 000 3 248 950 -6 962 074 N/A -6 443 381 0 -3 300 000 0 2 524 280 N/A -6 468 625 0 -3 300 000 0 4 869 603 N/A -6 395 569 -1 054 601 -3 300 000 0 4 267 889 N/A BALANCE 84 000 000 34 350 000 DATE 15.07.15 15.07.15 45 000 000 15.07.15 RATE 1.45 % 1.45 % 2.20 % 1.45 % 2.75 % Net rent before administration cost Administration cost Net rent after administration cost Net interest Tax estimate Installments Increased mortage Estimated cash flow Estimated cash flow in % of paid-in-equity in m BN BANK Floating Floating Margin Floating Margin Outstanding debt Estimated average interest rate inc margin 2 Office 88 % K EY POINTS Initial project yield Running project yield Date of initial payment Number of shares Real estate purchase price (project price) Paid in equity Initial price per share Paid out equity Paid out per share Paid out in % of invested equity Estimated IRR 2014–2018 with exit yield 7.00% Expected average annual payout (2014–2018) Uncalled capital Gross rent per squaremeter including parking Realized IRR if sale of project 30.04.15 (yield 6.75%) Normalized gross rent Actual gross rent Ownership cost/investment in premises FI N A N C I N G 3 0 . 0 4 . 1 5 S EGMENT DI STR I BU TI O N Logistics 2% Status date: 30.04.15 163 350 000 3.80 % E S T I M AT E D VA LU E 3 0 . 0 4 . 2 0 1 5 8.28 % 7.71 % 19.06.14 100 000 166 000 000 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 928 N/A YIELD SENSITIVITY Estimated real estate value Estimated value vacant area Tax disadvantage 10% Net debt (inc cash and receivables) NAV 6.50 % 6.75 % 7.00 % 227 584 217 219 155 172 211 328 201 13 754 074 13 754 074 13 754 074 -14 058 817 -13 215 912 -12 433 215 -158 735 814 -158 735 814 -158 735 814 68 543 661 60 957 520 53 913 247 Estimated value future swap -1 275 000 -1 275 000 -1 275 000 NAV (inc swap) 67 268 661 59 682 520 52 638 247 526 NAV (inc swap) per share 673 597 NAV (ex swap) per share 685 610 539 16 346 15 775 15 245 70 % 73 % 75 % Estimated profit on initial investment inc swap (ex div) N/A N/A N/A Estimated profit on initial investment inc swap (inc div) N/A N/A N/A Estimated profit on initial investment ex swap (ex div) N/A N/A N/A Estimated profit on initial investment ex swap (inc div) N/A N/A N/A Real estate value per square meter Implied leverage C L A R K SO N S P L A TO U R E A L E STA TE — MA R K ET RE PORT 2015 AVERAGE PR I CES 1 400 E X P I RY P RO FI LE LE A S I N G C O N T RACT S & AVE RAGE DUR AT ION 1 301 5.0 1 276 1 200 4.0 800 Annual gross rent in MNOK Average price per m2 1 000 638 600 400 2.74 3.0 Logistics Average 1.5 2.5 2.0 1.5 1 1.32 0.5 Office 2.5 2 3.47 3.5 1.0 200 0 2.30 4.37 4.5 0.47 0.54 2019 2020 0.78 0.5 0.33 0.0 0 2015 2016 2017 2018 Expiry year contracts 2021 Running Average lease duration C OMMENTS Two office buildings located central at Høvik. Good infrastructure and good parking coverage in underground parking garage. High activity on the rental side, and most vacant areas are about to be rented out to solid tentants on long term leases. 13 MAR K ET R EPO RT 2015 — C LA RKS ONS PLA T O U R E A L E STA TE FYRSTIKKALLÉEN 17 INVEST AS ASSET MANAGER Tom Bøhler +47 906 61 187 / 23 11 26 74 CORPORATE MANAGER Thomas Ødegård +47 913 31 182 / 23 11 26 62 Status date: 31.12.14 BROKER Stian Nicolaus +47 954 86 066 / 23 11 28 21 FI N A N C I N G C OMPANY AND P R O P ER TY I N FO R M ATI O N Name Address Founded Property location Lot Building area Year of construction Tax Value (31.12.2014) Estimated net cash and receivables Tax value shares as of 31.12.14 Fyrstikkalléen 17 Invest AS c/o Clarksons Platou Property Management AS 02.10.12 Fyrstikkalleen 17, Helsfyr, Oslo N/A 4 075 1930–1939 7 795 892 14 BALANCE 30 680 000 DATE 19.02.15 RATE 1.46 % 2.20 % 30 680 000 3.66 % 831 678 0 K EY POINTS Initial yield Date of initial payment Number of shares Real estate purchase price (project price) Paid in equity Initial price per share Uncalled capital Estimated value 31.12.14 Estimated profit on initial investment Realized IRR if sale of project 31.12.14 SPAREBANK 1 OSLO AKERSHUS Floating Margin Outstanding debt Estimated interest rate incl. margin COMMENTS 6.60 % 22.02.10 1 000 42 500 000 10 600 000 10 600 0 N/A N/A N/A Housing development project located central on Ensjø, close to Fyrstikktorget. C L A R K SO N S P L A TO U R E A L E STA TE — MA R K ET RE PORT 2015 GAMLE FORUSVEI INVEST AS ASSET MANAGER Tom Bøhler +47 906 61 187 / 23 11 26 74 CORPORATE MANAGER Thomas Ødegård +47 913 31 182 / 23 11 26 62 Status date: 31.12.14 BROKER Hans Martin Haug +47 900 66 966 / 23 11 28 19 D E S K TO P FO RE CA S T C OMPANY AND P R O P ER TY I N FO R M ATI O N Name Address Founded Property location Plot Building area Year of construction Segment Gamle Forusvei Invest AS c/o Clarksons Platou Property Management AS 19.12.13 Gamle Forusvei 17–21 5 000 16 449 1985–2010 Office/industry/logistics Tax Value (31.12.2014) Estimated net cash and receivables (31.12.14) Tax value shares as of 31.12.14 170 990 570 2 996 059 0 2015E Gross rent 24 425 582 Ownership cost -486 875 Net rent before administration cost 23 938 707 2016E 25 158 349 -499 047 24 659 303 2017E 25 913 100 -511 523 25 401 577 2018E 26 690 493 -524 311 26 166 182 Administration cost -512 500 Net rent after administration cost 23 426 207 Net interest -11 775 703 Tax estimate -994 436 Installments -1 340 001 Net contribution from Gamle 500 000 Forusvei 11 AS -525 313 24 133 990 -11 710 762 -1 759 977 -5 360 004 500 000 -525 312 24 876 264 -11 473 582 -2 127 459 -5 360 004 500 000 -538 445 25 627 737 -11 236 402 -2 488 541 -5 360 004 500 000 5 803 247 8.6 % 6 415 219 9.5 % 7 042 790 10.4 % Estimated cash flow Estimated cash flow in % of paid-in-equity E S T I M AT E D VA LU E 3 1 . 1 2 . 2 0 1 4 K EY POINTS Initial yield Running project yield Date of initial payment Number of shares Real estate purchase price (project price) Paid in equity Initial price per share Paid out equity Paid out per share Paid out in % of invested equity Estimated IRR 2014–2018 with exit-yield 6.50% Expected average annual payout (2014–2018) Estimated average annual payout (2013–2018) Uncalled capital 7.00 % 7.15 % 10.12.13 1 000 335 000 000 67 500 000 67 500 12 000 000 12 000 17.78 % 35.49 % 11.51 % 12.76 % 0 Gross rent per square meter including parking Realized IRR if sale of project 31.12.14 (yield 6.50%) 1 485 39.65 % FINANC ING 31 . 1 2 . 1 4 YIELD SENSITIVITY Estimated real estate value Estimated development value Tax disadvantage 10% Net debt (inc cash and receivables) NAV 6.25 % 6.50 % 6.75 % 383 019 312 368 287 800 354 647 511 0 0 0 -15 099 794 -13 626 643 -12 262 614 -265 003 941 -265 003 941 -265 003 941 102 915 577 89 657 216 77 380 956 Estimated value swap -6 624 585 -6 624 585 -6 624 585 NAV (inc swap) 96 290 992 83 032 631 70 756 371 NAV (inc swap) per share 96 291 83 033 70 756 NAV (ex swap) per share 102 916 89 657 77 381 23 285 22 390 21 560 73 % 76 % 79 % Estimated profit on initial investment inc swap (ex div) 42.65 % 23.01 % 4.82 % Estimated profit on initial investment inc swap (inc div) 60.43 % 40.79 % 22.60 % Estimated profit on initial investment ex swap (ex div) 52.47 % 32.83 % 14.64 % Estimated profit on initial investment ex swap (inc div) 70.25 % 50.60 % 32.42 % Real estate value per square meter Implied leverage PAYO U T P RO FI LE BALANCE 134 000 000 134 000 000 268 000 000 DATE 31.03.15 30.12.18 RATE 1.48 % 2.45 % 2.45 % 4.42 % 14 12 17.8 % 50 % 6.42 8.6 % 0 2015E 7.04 2016E 40 % 30 % 5.80 20 % 11.4 % 2014 HQ for Roxar Norway, situated central on Forus. Good parking coverage and development potential. 17.5 % 70 % 60 % 53.4 % 35.3 % 6 4 63.8 % 11.81 43.9 % 8 2 C OMMENTS 12.00 10 MNOK SANDNES SPAREBANK Floating Fixed Outstanding debt Margin Estimated average interest rate inc margin 9 816 067 14.5 % 9.5 % 2017E Paid out (in MNOK) Annual payout of invested equity (%) Average annual payout total period (%) Cumulative paid out of invested equity (%) 12.8 % 10.4 % 10 % 0% 2018E Envisaged average annual payout in IM (%) 15 MAR K ET R EPO RT 2015 — C LA RKS ONS PLA T O U R E A L E STA TE GRÅTERUDVEIEN 8 EIENDOM AS CORPORATE MANAGER Thomas Ødegård +47 913 31 182 / 23 11 26 62 BROKER Pål Sandal +47 938 80 083 / 23 11 28 20 C OMPANY AND P R O P ER TY I N FO R M ATI O N Name Address Founded Property location Lot Building area Year of construction Segment D E S K TO P FO RE CA S T Gråterudveien 8 Eiendom AS c/o Clarksons Platou Property Management AS 30.04.04 Gråterudveien 8 17 009 6 000 1985 Office/Industry/Logistics Tax Value (31.12.2014) Estimated net cash and receivables (31.12.14) Tax value per share as of 31.12.14 2015E 7 312 684 -511 888 2016E 7 495 501 -524 685 2017E 7 682 888 -537 802 2018E 7 874 961 -551 247 Net rent before administration cost 6 800 796 6 970 816 7 145 086 7 323 713 Administration cost Net rent after administration cost Net interest Tax estimate -263 970 6 536 826 -1 842 498 -484 010 -270 569 6 700 247 -1 809 450 -906 171 -277 333 6 867 753 -1 777 475 -989 408 -284 267 7 039 446 -1 743 538 -1 071 850 46 571 159 2 494 845 46 911 Installments Estimated cash-flow Estimated cash-flow in % of paid-in-equity -2 200 000 2 010 318 14.4 % -2 200 000 1 784 626 12.7 % -2 200 000 1 900 870 13.6 % -2 200 000 2 024 059 14.5 % 8.25 % 12.37 % 30.04.04 200 55 000 000 14 000 000 70 000 11 166 000 55 830 79.76 % 165.83 % 21.76 % 12.12 % 0 1 219 YIELD SENSITIVITY Estimated real estate value Gråterudveien 8 Estimated value Gråterudveien 14* Tax disadvantage 10% Net debt (inc cash and receivables) NAV K EY POINTS E S T I M AT E D VA LU E 3 1 . 1 2 . 2 0 1 4 Initial yield Running project yield Date of initial payment Number of shares Real estate purchase price (project price) Paid in equity Initial price per share Paid out equity Paid out per share Paid out in % of invested equity Estimated IRR 2014-2018 with exit-yield 7.75% Expected average annual payout (2014-2018) Estimated average annual payout (2004-2018) Uncalled capital Gross rent per square meter including parking Realized IRR if sale of project 31.12.14 (yield 7.75%) 13.95 % FINANC ING 31 . 1 2 . 1 4 NORDEA BANK ASA Floating 10Y Fixed Outstanding debt Margin Estimated average interest rate inc margin Gross rent Ownership cost 7.75 % 87 752 205 0 -4 118 105 -42 305 155 41 328 945 8.00 % 85 009 948 0 -3 843 879 -42 305 155 38 860 914 Estimated value swap -2 614 367 -2 614 367 -2 614 367 NAV (inc swap) 41 347 144 38 714 578 36 246 547 NAV (inc swap) per share 206 736 193 573 181 233 NAV (ex swap) per share 219 808 206 645 194 305 15 113 14 625 14 168 51 % 52 % 54 % Estimated profit on initial investment inc swap (ex div) 195 % 177 % 159 % Estimated profit on initial investment inc swap (inc div) 275 % 256 % 239 % Estimated profit on initial investment ex swap (ex div) 214 % 195 % 178 % Estimated profit on initial invesment ex swap (inc div) 294 % 275 % 257 % Real estate value per square meter Implied leverage PAYO U T P RO FI LE BALANCE 26 300 000 18 500 000 44 800 000 DATE 18.06.15 30.12.21 RATE 3.14 % 3.56 % 7 169.6 % 180 % 160 % 6 1.85 % 4.08 % 120 % 4 100 % 3 80 % 60.7 % 2 1 HQ for Eltek Norway, situated in Kobbervikdalen just in the outskirts of Drammen. Good parking coverage on own freehold property. 140 % 128.9 % 5 C OMMENTS 16 7.50 % 90 677 278 0 -4 410 612 -42 305 155 43 961 511 *The value of Gråterudveien 14 is integrated in the determination of yields MNOK ASSET MANAGER Tom Bøhler +47 906 61 187 / 23 11 26 74 Status date: 31.12.14 0 9.9 % 7.2 % 9.1 % 10.0 % 10.0 % 7.6 % 14.3 % 2.7 % 7.2 % 7.2 % 7.2 % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 60 % 46.3 % 31.5 % 2010 Paid out (in MNOK) Cumulative paid out of invested equity (%) 2011 2012 2013 40 % 12.1 % 20 % 12.7 % 13.6 % 14.5 % 0 % 2014 2015E 2016E 2017E 2018E Annual payout of invested equity (%) Average annual payout total period (%) C L A R K SO N S P L A TO U R E A L E STA TE — MA R K ET RE PORT 2015 HANS HASLUMS VEI UTVIKLING AS ASSET MANAGER Tom Bøhler +47 906 61 187 / 23 11 26 74 CORPORATE MANAGER Thomas Ødegård +47 913 31 182 / 23 11 26 62 BROKER Hans Martin Haug +47 900 66 966 / 23 11 28 19 C OMPANY AND P R O P ER TY I N FO R M ATI O N Name Address Founded Property location Lot Building area Rehabilitated Segment Status date: 20.03.15 D E S K TO P FO RE CA S T Hans Haslums Vei Utvikling AS c/o Clarksons Platou Property Management AS 20.03.15 Hans Haslums vei 2, Bærum 7 921 3 318 2006 Office/logistics Tax Value (20.03.15) Estimated net cash and receivables Tax value per share as of 31.12.14 Normalized gross rent Actual gross rent Ownership cost 2015E 5 000 000 3 916 667 2016E 5 000 000 5 000 000 2018E 5 000 000 5 000 000 -104 167 -116 625 -118 291 -119 998 Net rent before administration cost 3 812 500 Administration cost -78 333 Net rent after administration cost 3 734 167 Net interest -1 013 250 4 883 375 -102 500 4 780 875 -1 947 806 4 881 709 -105 063 4 776 647 -1 966 869 4 880 002 -107 689 4 772 313 -1 983 491 83 025 000 0 0 Tax estimate Installments Estimated cash flow Estimated cash flow in % of paid-in-equity 0 -1 220 000 1 613 069 6.7 % 0 -1 220 000 1 589 778 6.6 % 0 -1 220 000 1 568 822 6.5 % 6.00 % 05.03.15 100 000 85 516 000 24 000 000 240 N/A N/A N/A 13.40 % 6.78 % 0 N/A YIELD SENSITIVITY Estimated real estate value Estimated development value plot Tax disadvantage 10 % Net debt (inc cash and receivables) NAV 0 -610 000 2 110 917 8.8 % E S T I M AT E D VA LU E 2 0 . 0 3 . 2 0 1 5 KEY POINTS Initial yield Date of initial payment Number of shares Real estate purchase price (project price) Paid in equity Initial price per share Paid out equity Paid out per share Paid out in % of invested equity Estimated IRR 2014–2018 with exit-yield 6.00% Expected average annual payout 2014–2018 Uncalled capital Realized IRR if sale of project 20.03.15 5.80 % 6.00 % 6.20 % 23 059 991 22 942 818 22 826 676 62 056 000 62 056 000 62 056 000 0 0 0 -61 000 000 -61 000 000 -61 000 000 24 115 991 23 998 818 23 882 676 Estimated value swap NAV (inc swap) NAV (inc swap) per share NAV (ex swap) per share Real estate value per square meter Implied leverage Estimated profit on initial investment inc swap (ex div) Estimated profit on initial investment inc swap (inc div) Estimated profit on initial investment ex swap (ex div) Estimated profit on initial investment ex swap (inc div) FINANC ING 20 . 0 3 . 2 0 1 5 0 24 115 991 241 241 25 653 72 % 0 23 998 818 240 240 25 617 72 % 0 23 882 676 239 239 25 582 72 % 0.48 % 0.48 % 0.48 % 0.48 % 0.00 % 0.00 % 0.00 % 0.00 % -0.49 % -0.49 % -0.49 % -0.49 % PAYO U T P RO FI LE BALANCE 61 000 000 DATE 01.07.15 RATE 1.36 % 1.75 % 1.8 Housing development project located close to Bekkestua in Bærum. 1.61 1.6 1.6 C OMMENTS 27.1 % 1.7 61 000 000 3.11 % 30 % 1.74 1.7 MNOK SPAREBANK 1 OSLO AKERSHUS Floating Margin Outstanding debt Estimated average interest rate inc margin 2017E 5 000 000 5 000 000 20.6 % 1.59 14.0 % 2015E 20 % 1.57 6.8 % 5.1 % 2016E Paid out (in MNOK) Average annual payout total period (%) 15 % 10 % 7.2 % 1.5 1.5 25 % 2017E 2018E 5% 0% Cumulative paid out of invested equity (%) Envisaged average annual payout in IM (%) 17 MAR K ET R EPO RT 2015 — C LA RKS ONS PLA T O U R E A L E STA TE HASLEVANGEN NÆRINGSPARK AS ASSET MANAGER Tom Bøhler +47 906 61 187 / 23 11 26 74 CORPORATE MANAGER Thomas Ødegård +47 913 31 182 / 23 11 26 62 BROKER Stian Nicolaus +47 954 86 066 / 23 11 28 21 C OMPANY AND P R O P ER TY I N FO R M ATI O N Name Address Founded Property location Lot Building area Year of construction Tax Value (31.12.2014) D E S K TO P FO RE CA S T Haslevangen Næringspark AS c/o Clarksons Platou Property Management AS 15.12.14 Haslevangen 45–47, Økern, Oslo 15 100 15 641 1960–2006 101 306 716 Estimated net cash and receivables (31.12.14) Tax value shares as of 31.12.14 2 361 723 0 S EGMENT DI STR I BU TI O N Industry 12 % in m Vacant 14 % Industry 12 % Office 42 % 18 2016E 16 388 082 -1 933 794 14 454 289 -491 642 13 962 646 -4 433 771 0 -2 700 000 2017E 16 797 784 -1 982 139 14 815 646 -503 934 14 311 712 -4 407 683 0 -2 700 000 2018E 17 217 729 -2 031 692 15 186 037 -516 532 14 669 505 -4 378 894 0 -2 700 000 7 961 632 13.5 % 6 828 875 11.6 % 7 204 030 12.2 % 7 590 611 12.9 % BALANCE 67 500 000 67 500 000 135 000 000 DATE 15.04.15 15.01.20 RATE 1.56 % 1.32 % 1.75 % 3.19 % Logistics 32 % K EY POINTS Initial project yield Running project yield Date of initial payment Number of shares Real estate purchase price (project price) Paid in equity Initial price per share Paid out equity Paid out per share Paid out in % of invested equity Estimated IRR 2014-2018 with exit-yield 7.25% Expected average annual payout 2014-2018 Uncalled capital Gross rent per square meter including parking Realized IRR if sale of project 31.12.14 (yield 7.25%) Estimated cash-flow Estimated cash-flow in % of paid-in-equity 2015E 16 145 095 -1 905 121 14 239 974 -484 353 13 755 621 -3 768 988 0 -2 025 000 SPAREBANK 1 OSLO AKERSHUS Floating 5Y Fixed Outstanding debt Margin Estimated average interest rate inc margin 2 Office 59 % Gross rent Ownership cost Net rent before administration cost Administration cost Net rent after administration cost Net interest Tax estimate Installments FI N A N C I N G 3 1 . 1 2 . 1 4 in NOK Logistics 29 % Status date: 31.12.14 E S T I M AT E D VA LU E 3 1 . 1 2 . 2 0 1 4 7.31 % 7.34 % 04.12.14 100 000 194 000 000 59 000 000 590 0 N/A N/A 22.92 % 12.69 % 0 1 032 N/A YIELD SENSITIVITY Estimated real estate value Estimated value vacant area Tax disadvantage 10% Net debt (inc cash and receivables) NAV Estimated value swap 7.00 % 7.25 % 7.50 % 203 492 326 196 475 349 189 926 171 10 000 000 10 000 000 10 000 000 -8 683 743 -7 982 045 -7 327 127 -132 638 277 -132 638 277 -132 638 277 72 170 306 65 855 027 59 960 767 0 0 0 72 170 306 65 855 027 59 960 767 NAV (inc swap) per share 722 659 600 NAV (ex swap) per share 722 659 600 13 650 13 201 12 782 65 % 67 % 69 % Estimated return on initial investment inc swap (ex div) 22.32 % 11.62 % 1.63 % Estimated return on initial investment inc swap (inc div) 22.32 % 11.62 % 1.63 % Estimated return on initial investment ex swap (ex div) 22.32 % 11.62 % 1.63 % Estimated return on initial investment ex swap (inc div) 22.32 % 11.62 % 1.63 % NAV (inc swap) Real estate value per square meter Implied leverage C L A R K SO N S P L A TO U R E A L E STA TE — MA R K ET RE PORT 2015 AVERAGE PR I CES E X P I RY P RO FI LE LE A S I N G C O N T RACT S & AVE RAGE DUR AT ION 6 1 600 1 335 Average price per m2 1 200 1 101 1 000 860 940 800 600 400 0 Office Logistics Industry 4 3 3 2 0 Average 5 3.96 3.83 4 1 200 7 6 5 Annual gross rent in MNOK 1 400 6.6 5.38 2 0.94 0.68 0.58 0.26 2015 2016 0.03 2017 2018 2019 2021 2022 0.37 0.30 2024 2027 Running Average lease duration 1 0 Expiry year contracts C OMMENTS PAYO U T P RO FI LE 9.0 6.83 7.0 7.20 7.59 50 % 50.8 % 37.9 % 6.0 MNOK Three separate buildings, centrally located along Ring 3. Norwegian Automobile Association (NAF) as the anker tenant. Low running rents and almost 2.000 m2 vacant areas constitutes a potential for rise in the cash flow budget. 60 % 8.32 8.0 40 % 5.0 3.0 2.0 30 % 25.7 % 4.0 20 % 14.1 % 12.7 % 13.0 % 1.0 0.0 2015E Paid out (in MNOK) Average annual payout total period (%) 2016E 2017E 2018E 10 % 0% Cumulative paid out of invested equity (%) Envisaged average annual payout in IM (%) 19 MAR K ET R EPO RT 2015 — C LA RKS ONS PLA T O U R E A L E STA TE HILLEVÅGSENTERET HOLDING KS ASSET MANAGER Tom Bøhler +47 906 61 187 / 23 11 26 74 CORPORATE MANAGER Thomas Ødegård +47 913 31 182 / 23 11 26 62 Status date: 31.12.14 BROKER Pål Sandal +47 938 80 083 / 23 11 28 20 C OMPANY AND P R O P ER TY I N FO R M ATI O N Name Address Founded Property location Lot Building area Year of construction Tax Value (31.12.2014) D E S K TO P FO RE CA S T Hillevågsenteret Holding KS c/o Clarksons Platou Property Management AS September 2013 Hillevågsveien 25–33 8 760 14 930 1987–2012 205 176 793 Estimated net cash and receivables (31.12.14) Tax value shares as of 31.12.14 4 966 862 0 in m 2 Vacant 5% Office 21 % Logistics 2% Office 20 % Logistics 2% Trade 77 % 20 2016E 17 319 443 17 059 231 -946 715 16 112 516 -711 171 15 401 345 -4 620 969 -6 250 000 2017E 17 752 430 17 485 712 -970 383 16 515 329 -728 950 15 786 379 -4 427 219 -6 250 000 2018E 18 196 240 17 922 854 -994 642 16 928 212 -747 174 16 181 037 -4 233 469 -6 250 000 3 812 798 5.4 % 4 530 376 6.5 % 5 109 160 7.3 % 5 697 569 8.1 % BALANCE 155 875 000 DATE 09.06.15 RATE 1.60 % 1.50 % 3.10 % HANDELSBANKEN Floating Margin Estimated average interest rate inc margin Trade 73 % K EY POINTS Initial yield Running project yield Date of initial payment Number of shares (%) Real estate purchase price (project price) Paid in equity Initial price per share Paid out equity Paid out per share Paid out in % of invested equity Estimated IRR 2014–2018 with exit-yield 6.50% Expected average annual payout (2014–2018) Estimated average annual payout (2012–2018) Uncalled capital Gross rent per square meter including parking Realized IRR if sale of project 31.12.14 (yield 6.50%) Estimated cash-flow Estimated cash-flow in % of paid-in-equity 2015E 16 897 018 16 116 918 -923 624 15 193 294 -693 826 14 499 468 -4 811 670 -5 875 000 FI N A N C I N G S EGMENT DI STR I BU TI O N in NOK Normalized gross rent Actual gross rent Ownership cost Net rent before administration cost Administration cost Net rent after administration cost Net interest Installments E S T I M AT E D VA LU E 3 1 . 1 2 . 2 0 1 4 7.50 % 7.26 % 05.09.13 100 220 080 000 70 000 000 700 000 10 000 000 100 000 14.29 % 28.20 % 7.31 % 7.25 % 0 1 132 41.18 % YIELD SENSITIVITY Estimated real estate value* Estimated value vacant area Tax disadvantage 10 % Net debt (incl. cash and receivables) NAV 6.25 % 6.50 % 6.75 % 255 574 297 245 744 517 236 642 868 7 500 000 7 500 000 7 500 000 -5 789 750 -4 806 772 -3 896 607 -150 908 138 -150 908 138 -150 908 138 106 376 409 97 529 606 89 338 122 *Based on the normalized net rent of 15 973 394 Estimated value swap 0 0 0 106 376 409 97 529 606 89 338 122 1 063 764 975 296 893 381 17 621 16 962 16 353 59 % 61 % 63 % Estimated profit on initial investment (ex div) 51.97 % 39.33 % 27.63 % Estimated profit on initial investment (inc div) 66.25 % 53.61 % 41.91 % NAV (inc swap) NAV (inc swap) per 1% Real estate value per square meter Implied leverage C L A R K SO N S P L A TO U R E A L E STA TE — MA R K ET RE PORT 2015 AVERAGE PR I CES 1 400 6 1 384 1 363 1 363 1 152 1 200 Annual gross rent in MNOK Average price per m2 1 600 E X P I RY P RO FI LE LE A S I N G C O N T RACT S & AVE RAGE DUR AT ION 1 000 800 600 400 5 4 0 0 Trade Average 1.72 2 200 Logistics 2.66 3 1 Office 4.81 4.35 0.90 0.25 0.12 2015 2017 1.31 0.20 0.00 2019 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2027 Expiry year contracts C OMMENTS Running Average lease duration PAYO U T P RO FI LE 50 % 8 43.5 % 6.78 7 5 5.00 5.00 24.0 % 4 3 2 1 0 29.7 % 3.99 4.56 5.13 25 % 20 % 15 % 11.0 % 7.1 % 7.3 % 6.0 % 2014 Paid out (in MNOK) Average annual payout total period (%) 35 % 30 % 14.3 % 2013 45 % 40 % 36.2 % 6 MNOK A local shopping centre situated in Hillevåg– Stavanger. Anchor tenants within food-retail sector, health & training and consumer goods. Substantial development and transformation potential from industrial to residential area on many adjacent properties. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 8.8 2015E 2016E 2017E 2018E 10 % 5% 0% Upper bound envisaged average annual payout in IM (%) Lower bound envisaged average annual payout in IM (%) Cumulative paid out of invested equity (%) 21 MAR K ET R EPO RT 2015 — C LA RKS ONS PLA T O U R E A L E STA TE HVAM EIENDOMSINVEST KS ASSET MANAGER Tom Bøhler +47 906 61 187 / 23 11 26 74 CORPORATE MANAGER Thomas Ødegård +47 913 31 182 / 23 11 26 62 Status date: 31.12.14 BROKER Hans Martin Haug +47 900 66 966 / 23 11 28 19 C OMPANY AND P R O P ER TY I N FO R M ATI O N Name Address Founded Property location Lot Building area Year of construction Tax Value (31.12.2014) D E S K TO P FO RE CA S T Hvam Eiendomsinvest KS c/o Clarksons Platou Property Management AS 08.12.11 Jogstadveien 25, Hvam Leasehold 11 826 2011 122 851 465 Estimated net cash and receivables (31.12.14) 10 770 000 2015E 11 737 776 11 646 235 -1 441 834 10 204 401 -497 522 9 706 879 -5 803 376 -3 000 000 2016E 12 495 134 12 453 411 -1 570 130 10 883 282 -509 960 10 373 321 -5 778 541 -3 500 000 2017E 12 807 513 12 807 513 -1 609 383 11 198 130 -522 709 10 675 420 -5 667 909 -3 500 000 2018E 13 127 701 13 127 701 -1 649 618 11 478 083 -535 777 10 942 306 -5 496 934 -3 500 000 903 503 2.1 % 1 094 781 2.5 % 1 507 511 3.5 % 1 945 372 4.5 % STOREBRAND BANK ASA Floating 7Y fixed Outstanding debt Margin Estimated average interest rate included margin BALANCE 61 312 500 60 437 500 121 750 000 DATE 22.03.15 27.12.18 RATE 1.50 % 3.37 % Normalized gross rent Actual gross rent Ownership cost Net rent before administration cost Administration cost Net rent after administration cost Net interest Installments Estimated cash-flow Estimated cash flow in % of paid-in-equity FI N A N C I N G 3 1 . 1 2 . 1 4 S EGMENT DI STR I BU TI O N in NOK in m 2 Industry 7% Vacant 18 % Office 38 % Logistics 55 % Industry 6% Office 31 % Logistics 45 % K EY POINTS Initial yield Running project yield Date of initial payment Number of shares (%) Real estate purchase price (project price) Paid in equity Initial price per share Paid out equity Paid out per share Paid out of invested capital Estimated IRR 2014–2018 with exit-yield 7.00% Expected average annual payout (2014–2018) Estimated average annual payout (2012–2018) Uncalled capital Realized IRR if sale of project 31.12.14 (yield 7%) 22 2.30 % 4.73 % E S T I M AT E D VA LU E 3 1 . 1 2 . 2 0 1 4 8.00 % 5.95 % 20.12.11 100 171 537 000 43 000 000 430 000 6 450 000 64 500 15.00 % 21.48 % 7.24 % 7.32 % 0 11.57 % YIELD SENSITIVITY Estimated real estate value Estimated value vacant area Tax disadvantage 10 % Net debt (incl. cash and receivables) NAV 6.75 % 7.00 % 7.25 % 152 532 474 147 084 886 142 012 993 27 000 000 27 000 000 27 000 000 -5 668 101 -5 123 342 -4 616 153 -110 980 000 -110 980 000 -110 980 000 62 884 373 57 981 544 53 416 840 Estimated value swap -5 407 983 -5 407 983 -5 407 983 NAV (inc swap) 57 476 391 52 573 561 48 008 858 NAV (inc swap) per 1% 574 764 525 736 480 089 NAV (ex swap) per 1% 628 844 579 815 534 168 15 181 14 721 14 292 66 % 68 % 70 % Estimated profit on initial investment inc swap (ex div) 33.67 % 22.26 % 11.65 % Estimated profit on initial investment inc swap (inc div) 48.67 % 37.26 % 26.65 % Estimated profit on initial investment ex swap (ex div) 46.24 % 34.84 % 24.23 % Estimated profit on initial investment ex swap (inc div) 61.24 % 49.84 % 39.23 % Real estate value per square meter Implied leverage C L A R K SO N S P L A TO U R E A L E STA TE — MA R K ET RE PORT 2015 AVERAGE PR I CES E X P I RY P RO FI LE LE A S I N G C O N T RACT S & AVE RAGE DUR AT ION 1 600 6 1 472 1 386 1 207 1 200 1 049 1 000 800 600 400 Annual gross rent in MNOK Average price per m2 1 400 0 Office Logistics Industry 5.25 5 4 4 3 3 2.19 2 1 0.46 0.29 2015 2016 0 2017 2019 2023 2021 Expiry year contracts C OMMENTS Average duration PAYO U T P RO FI LE 9 8.10 8 7 6.45 6 MNOK New industrial building located close to E6 in an area dominated by warehouses, automobile brands and suppliers. 2 1.67 1.18 0 Average 6 5 1 200 5.59 33.8 % 43.9 % 35.9 % 39.4 % 35 % 30 % 25 % 4 2 15.0 % 15.0 % 10.4 % 20 % 18.8 % 1.51 0.89 1 0 45 % 40 % 5 3 50 % 2013 2015E 2.1 % 2016E 1.95 7.3 % 3.5 % 2017E Paid out (in MNOK) Annual payout of invested equity (%) Cumulative paid out of invested equity (%) Average annual payout total period (%) 4.5 % 2018E 15 % 10 % 5% 0% Envisaged average annual payout in IM (%) 23 MAR K ET R EPO RT 2015 — C LA RKS ONS PLA T O U R E A L E STA TE JESSHEIM NÆRINGSPARK INVEST AS ASSET MANAGER Tom Bøhler +47 906 61 187 / 23 11 26 74 CORPORATE MANAGER Thomas Ødegård +47 913 31 182 / 23 11 26 62 BROKER Pål Sandal +47 938 80 083 / 23 11 28 20 C OMPANY AND P R O P ER TY I N FO R M ATI O N Name Address Founded Property location Plot Building area Year of construction Tax Value 31.12.2014 D E S K TO P FO RE CA S T Jessheim Næringspark Invest AS c/o Clarksons Platou Property Management AS 31.10.14 Jessheim 14 910 10 398 2001–2009 82 141 706 Net cash and receivables 31.12.14 Tax value shares as of 31.12.14 5 461 838 0 Industry 13 % in m 2 Logistics 6% Office 18 % Trade 63 % Vacant 3% Industry 13 % Logistics 7% Office 18 % 24 2015E 13 953 962 -1 391 974 12 561 988 -597 651 11 964 336 -3 953 044 -321 622 -2 440 000 2016E 13 939 519 -1 003 039 12 936 480 -612 593 12 323 888 -4 148 878 -1 517 098 -2 440 000 2017E 14 288 007 -1 000 161 13 287 847 -627 908 12 659 939 -4 133 275 -1 658 504 -2 440 000 2018E 14 645 207 -1 025 165 13 620 043 -643 605 12 976 438 -4 114 743 -1 791 201 -2 440 000 5 249 670 11.41 % 4 217 911 9.17 % 4 428 160 9.63 % 4 630 494 10.07 % BALANCE 73 200 000 48 800 000 122 000 000 DATE 15.07.15 15.10.19 RATE 1.49 % 1.93 % Estimated cash flow Estimated cash flow in % of paid-in-equity SPAREBANK 1 OSLO AKERSHUS Floating Fixed Outstanding debt Margin Estimated average interest rate inc margin 1.75 % 3.42 % Trade 60 % K EY POINTS Initial project yield Running project yield Date of initial payment Number of shares Real estate purchase price (project price) Paid in equity Initial price per share Paid out equity Paid out per share Paid out in % of invested equity Estimated IRR 2014–2018 with exit-yield 7.00% Expected average annual payout (2014–2018) Uncalled capital Gross rent per square meter including parking Realized IRR if sale of project 31.12.14 (yield 7%) Gross rent Ownership cost Net rent before administration cost Administration cost Net rent after administration cost Net interest Tax estimate Installments FI N A N C I N G 3 1 . 1 2 . 1 4 S EGMENT DI STR I BU TI O N in NOK Status date: 31.12.14 7.60 % 7.48 % 04.09.14 100 000 168 000 000 46 000 000 460 N/A N/A N/A 26.61 % 12.28 % 0 1 342 36 % E S T I M AT E D VA LU E 3 1 . 1 2 . 2 0 1 4 YIELD SENSITIVITY Estimated real estate value Estimated development value Tax disadvantage 10 % Net debt (inc cash and receivables) NAV 6.75 % 7.00 % 7.25 % 197 596 484 190 539 467 183 969 140 0 0 0 -10 554 682 -9 848 980 -9 191 947 -116 538 162 -116 538 162 -116 538 162 70 503 640 64 152 325 58 239 031 Estimated value swap -1 420 000 -1 420 000 -1 420 000 NAV (inc swap) 69 083 640 62 732 325 56 819 031 568 NAV (inc swap) per share 691 627 NAV (ex swap) per share 705 642 582 19 003 18 325 17 693 63 % 65 % 67 % Estimated profit on initial investment inc swap (ex div) 50.18 % 36.37 % 23.52 % Estimated profit on initial investment inc swap (inc div) 50.18 % 36.37 % 23.52 % Estimated profit on initial investment ex swap (ex div) 53.27 % 39.46 % 26.61 % Estimated profit on initial investment ex swap (inc div) 53.27 % 39.46 % 26.61 % Real estate value per square meter Implied leverage C L A R K SO N S P L A TO U R E A L E STA TE — MA R K ET RE PORT 2015 AVERAGE PR I CES E X P I RY P RO FI LE LE A S I N G C O N T RACT S & AVE RAGE DUR AT ION 4.5 1 600 1 330 1 427 1 130 1 200 1 000 800 600 400 200 0 4.14 Logistics Trade Industry 6 3.0 5 2.5 2.20 1.79 2.0 1.84 4 1.64 1.0 3 1.36 1.5 0.80 2 0.53 1 0.02 0.0 Average 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2021 2022 2027 2028 Expiry year contracts Three individual buildings in Jessheim Næringspark – an industrial park dominated by car-dealers and car suppliers. High activity on the rental side, and some vacant areas are about to be rented out. 0 Average duration PAYO U T P RO FI LE 10 9 60 % 9.37 49.12 % 8 7 39.08 % 6 MNOK C OMMENTS 7 3.5 0.5 Office 8 7.12 4.0 1 402 Annual gross rent in MNOK Average price per m2 1 400 1 450 29.49 % 4.20 5 4 3 2 40 % 4.62 30 % 20 % 9.12 % 1 0 4.41 20.36 % 20.36 % 12.50 % 50 % 2015E 2016E 9.60 % 2017E Paid out (in MNOK) Annual payout of invested equity (%) Cumulative paid out of invested equity (%) Average annual payout total period (%) 12.28 % 10.03 % 2018E 10 % 0% Envisaged average annual payout in IM (%) 25 MAR K ET R EPO RT 2015 — C LA RKS ONS PLA T O U R E A L E STA TE RESIDENCEKVARTALET HOLDING AS ASSET MANAGER Tom Bøhler +47 906 61 187 / 23 11 26 74 CORPORATE MANAGER Thomas Ødegård +47 913 31 182 / 23 11 26 62 BROKER Hans Martin Haug +47 900 66 966 / 23 11 28 19 C OMPANY AND P R O P ER TY I N FO R M ATI O N Name Address Founded Property location Plot Building area Year of construction Tax Value 31.12.2014 D E S K TO P FO RE CA S T Residencekvartalet Holding AS c/o Clarksons Platou Property Management AS 11.11.14 Trondheim 2 786 11 682 1990–2012 310 147 345 Net cash and receivables 31.12.14 Tax value per share as of 31.12.14 8 598 107 359 in NOK Trade 16.9 % in m Logistics 1% Office 76 % K EY POINTS Initial project yield Running project yield Date of initial payment Number of shares Real estate purchase price (project price) Paid in equity Initial price per share Paid out equity Paid out per share Paid out in % of invested equity Estimated IRR 2014–2018 with exit-yield 5.80% Expected average annual payout (2015–2019) Uncalled capital Gross rent per square meter including parking Realized IRR if sale of project 31.12.14 (yield 5.80%) 26 2015E 22 367 547 -12 566 728 9 800 819 -536 821 9 263 998 -9 599 550 0 -4 230 000 2016E 23 903 642 -1 673 255 22 230 387 -573 687 21 656 699 -9 494 949 0 -5 640 000 2017E 24 826 382 -1 737 847 23 088 535 -595 833 22 492 702 -9 364 461 0 -5 640 000 2018E 25 133 022 -1 759 312 23 373 710 -603 193 22 770 518 -9 228 533 0 -5 640 000 -4 565 552 -10.62 % 6 521 751 15.17 % 7 488 242 17.41 % 7 901 985 18.38 % BALANCE 76 000 000 140 000 000 60 000 000 276 000 000 DATE 15.04.15 23.12.20 31.12.19 RATE 1.49 % 1.55 % 1.39 % Estimated cash flow Estimated cash flow in % of paid-in-equity SPAREBANK 1 OSLO AKERSHUS Floating Fixed Fixed Outstanding debt Margin Estimated average interest rate inc margin 2 Trade 23 % Office 82.5 % Actual gross rent Ownership/investment cost Net rent before administration cost Administration cost Net rent after administration cost Net interest Tax estimate Installments FI N A N C I N G 3 1 . 1 2 . 1 4 S EGMENT DI STR I BU TI O N Logistics 0.5 % Status date: 31.12.14 6.43 % 6.69 % 21.10.14 100 000 325 000 000 43 000 000 430 N/A N/A N/A 42.31 % 18.10 % 0 1 915 N/A E S T I M AT E D VA LU E 3 1 . 1 2 . 2 0 1 4 YIELD SENSITIVITY Estimated real estate value* Estimated development value Tax disadvantage 10 % Net debt (inc cash and receivables) NAV 2.00 % 3.47 % 5.60 % 5.80 % 6.00 % 377 190 352 363 807 926 351 317 662 0 0 0 -2 756 891 -1 418 648 -169 622 -267 401 893 -267 401 893 -267 401 893 107 031 568 94 987 384 83 746 147 *Based on the normalized net rent of 21 733 060, subtracted with an investment cost of MNOK 10.9 Estimated value swap 0 0 0 107 031 568 94 987 384 83 746 147 NAV (inc swap) per share 1 070 950 837 NAV (ex swap) per share 1 070 950 837 32 288 31 143 30 073 71 % 74 % 76 % Estimated profit on initial investment inc swap (ex div) 148.91 % 120.90 % 94.76 % Estimated profit on initial investment inc swap (inc div) 148.91 % 120.90 % 94.76 % Estimated profit on initial investment ex swap (ex div) 148.91 % 120.90 % 94.76 % Estimated profit on initial investment ex swap (inc div) 148.91 % 120.90 % 94.76 % NAV (inc swap) Real estate value per square meter Implied leverage C L A R K SO N S P L A TO U R E A L E STA TE — MA R K ET RE PORT 2015 AVERAGE PR I CES E X P I RY P RO FI LE LE A S I N G C O N T RACT S & AVE RAGE DUR AT ION 2 086 1 932 Average price per m2 2 000 1 437 1 500 1 250 1 000 500 0 Office Trade Logistics Annual gross rent in MNOK 2 500 Average 18.0 16.0 14.0 12.0 10.0 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 17.05 6.36 6 5 4 3 1.95 2 3.49 0.82 1.84 2017 2020 2022 2035 Average duration PAYO U T P RO FI LE 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 80 % 72.4 % 7.49 7.90 8.61 51.7 % 6.05 MNOK Historical building and well known landmark in the city center of Trondheim. HQ for Det Norske Oljeselskap in addition to restaurant areas and food court. 1 0 2016 Expiry year contracts C OMMENTS 7 40 % 30 % 18.1 % 14.3 % 14.6 % 2017E 60 % 50 % 32.6 % 2016E 70 % 2018E Paid out (in MNOK) Cumulative paid out of invested equity (%) Average annual payout total period Envisaged average annual payout in IM (%) 2019E 20 % 10 % 0% 27 MAR K ET R EPO RT 2015 — C LA RKS ONS PLA T O U R E A L E STA TE SAGA SENTER INVEST AS ASSET MANAGER Tom Bøhler +47 906 61 187 / 23 11 26 74 CORPORATE MANAGER Thomas Ødegård +47 913 31 182 / 23 11 26 62 Status date: 12.05.15 BROKER Hans Martin Haug +47 900 66 966 / 23 11 28 19 C OMPANY AND P R O P ER TY I N FO R M ATI O N Name Address Founded Property location Lot Building area Year of construction Estimated tax value (31.12.2014) D E S K TO P FO RE CA S T Saga Senter Invest AS c/o Clarksons Platou Property Management AS 12.05.15 Jessheim 9 163 8 763 2013 149 594 315 Estimated net cash and receivables (12.05.15)* 3 731 646 *A compensation of MNOK 1,6 for step-in rent is included in net cash and receivables. in m 2 Office 14 % Office 12 % Trade 88 % 28 2017E 16 179 625 15 633 051 -781 653 2018E 16 584 116 16 234 356 -811 718 Net rent before administration cost 14 059 530 14 489 169 14 851 398 15 422 638 Administration cost Net rent after administration cost Net interest -281 191 13 778 340 -3 335 429 -289 783 14 199 386 -5 197 706 -297 028 14 554 370 -5 092 436 -308 453 15 114 186 -4 987 166 0 -825 000 9 617 910 16.0 % -912 368 -3 300 000 4 789 312 8.0 % -1 587 144 -3 300 000 4 574 791 7.6 % -1 786 600 -3 300 000 5 040 419 8.4 % SPAREBANK 1 Floating Floating Outstanding debt Margin Estimated average interest rate included margin BALANCE 23 500 000 141 500 000 165 000 000 DATE 01.10.15 01.10.15 RATE 1.48 % 1.48 % Tax estimate Installments Estimated cash-flow Estimated cash flow in % of paid-in-equity 1.69 % 3.17 % Trade 86 % K EY POINTS Initial project yield Running project yield Date of initial payment Number of shares Real estate purchase price (project price) Paid in equity Initial price per share Paid out equity Paid out per share Paid out of invested capital Estimated IRR 2014–2018 with exit-yield 6.50% Expected average annual payout (2014-2018) Uncalled capital Realized IRR if sale of project 12.05.15 (yield 6.50%) 2016E 15 785 000 15 251 757 -762 588 FI N A N C I N G 1 2 . 0 5 . 1 5 S EGMENT DI STR I BU TI O N in NOK 2015E 15 400 000 14 799 506 -739 975 Normalized gross rent Actual gross rent Ownership cost 6.38 % 6.38 % 04.05.15 100 000 225 000 000 60 000 000 600 N/A N/A N/A 21.33 % 10.73 % 0 N/A E S T I M AT E D VA LU E 1 2 . 0 5 . 2 0 1 5 YIELD SENSITIVITY Estimated real estate value* Estimated development value Tax disadvantage 10 % Net debt (incl. cash and receivables) NAV 6.25 % 6.50 % 6.75 % 234 080 000 225 076 923 216 740 741 0 0 0 -4 643 000 -3 742 692 -2 909 074 -161 268 354 -161 268 354 -161 268 354 68 168 646 60 065 877 52 563 313 *Based on the normalized net rent of NOK 14 630 000, where future step-in rent is adjusted for. Estimated value swap 0 0 0 68 168 646 60 065 877 52 563 313 NAV (inc swap) per share 682 601 526 NAV (ex swap) per share 682 601 526 26 712 25 685 24 734 70 % 73 % 75 % Estimated profit on initial investment inc swap (ex div) 13.61 % 0.00 % -12.39 % Estimated profit on initial investment inc swap (inc div) 13.61 % 0.00 % -12.39 % Estimated profit on initial investment ex swap (ex div) 13.61 % 0.00 % -12.39 % Estimated profint on initial investment ex swap (inc div) 13.61 % 0.00 % -12.39 % NAV (inc swap) Real estate value per square meter Implied leverage C L A R K SO N S P L A TO U R E A L E STA TE — MA R K ET RE PORT 2015 1 800 1 750 1 700 1 650 1 600 1 550 1 500 1 450 1 400 1 350 1 300 E X P I RY P RO FI LE LE A S I N G C O N T RACT S & AVE RAGE DUR AT ION 1 738 8 1 698 1 456 Trade 15.8 6.04 6 5 4 3 2 1 Office 7.03 7 Annual gross rent in MNOK Average price per m2 AVERAGE PR I CES 1.16 0.65 0 Average 2025 2028 2033 2034 Average duration Expiry year contracts New building with long term tenants, located only a few hundred meters from the central station in Jessheim. The property is a part of Saga Byen – a new part of a town in the city center of Jessheim. The seller is responsible for the development and construction of Saga Byen. PAYO U T P RO FI LE 12 11.35 42.9 % 10 34.5 % 8 MNOK C OMMENTS 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 6 4 2 0 26.9 % 18.9 % 4.79 4.57 5.04 8.0 % 7.6 % 10.7 % 8.4 % 2016E 2017E 2018E 18.9 % 11.0 % 2015E Paid out (in MNOK) Cumulative paid out of invested equity (%) Envisaged average annual payout in IM (%) 50 % 45 % 40 % 35 % 30 % 25 % 20 % 15 % 10 % 5% 0% Annual payout of invested equity (%) Average annual payout total period (%) 29 MAR K ET R EPO RT 2015 — C LA RKS ONS PLA T O U R E A L E STA TE SLEPENDVEIEN 54–58 UTVIKLING AS ASSET MANAGER Tom Bøhler +47 906 61 187 / 23 11 26 74 CORPORATE MANAGER Thomas Ødegård +47 913 31 182 / 23 11 26 62 BROKER Hans Martin Haug +47 900 66 966 / 23 11 28 19 C OMPANY AND P R O P ER TY I N FO R M ATI O N Name Address Founded Property location Plot Building area Year of construction Tax Value 31.12.14 D E S K TO P FO RE CA S T Slependveien 54–58 Utvikling AS c/o Clarksons Platou Property Management AS 27.05.13 Slependen 8 166 3 700 N/A 22 872 292 Estimated net cash and receivables 31.12.14 Tax value shares as of 31.12.14 1 660 002 0 in NOK Logistics 1% in m 2 Logistics 1% Trade 86 % Vacant 1% Office 16 % Estimated cash flow Liquidity of the project 787 941 2 447 943 2016E 4 720 085 -472 008 4 248 076 -582 200 3 665 876 -2 070 058 0 -1 300 000 2017E 4 255 817 -425 582 3 830 235 -596 755 3 233 480 -2 017 893 0 -1 300 000 2018E 1 614 618 -161 462 1 453 156 -611 674 841 482 -1 965 727 0 -1 300 000 295 818 2 743 761 -84 413 2 659 348 -2 424 245 235 103 DNB BANK ASA Floating Margin Outstanding debt Estimated average interest rate inc margin BALANCE 53 375 000 DATE 05.01.15 RATE 1.65 % 2.50 % 53 375 000 4.15 % Trade 82 % K EY POINTS Initial yield Running project yield Date of initial payment Number of shares Real estate purchase price (project price) Paid in equity Paid out equity Paid out in % of invested equity Estimated IRR 2014–2018 with exit-yield 6.75% Uncalled capital Gross rent per square meter including parking Realized IRR if sale of project 31.12.14 (yield 6.75%) C OMMENTS Housing development project. Transformation from light industrial and warehouse to residential. 30 2015E Gross rent 5 364 985 Ownership cost -536 499 Net rent before administration cost 4 828 487 Administration cost -568 000 Net rent after administration cost 4 260 487 Net interest -2 172 546 Tax estimate 0 Installments -1 300 000 FI N A N C I N G 3 1 . 1 2 . 1 4 S EGMENT DI STR I BU TI O N Office 13 % Status date: 31.12.14 6.60 % 7.04 % 26.06.13 3 100 68 570 000 13 000 000 2 562 721 19.71 % N/A 0 1 450 N/A E S T I M AT E D VA LU E 3 1 . 1 2 . 2 0 1 4 YIELD SENSITIVITY Estimated real estate value Estimated development/plot value Tax disadvantage 10 % Net debt (incl. cash and receivables) NAV Estimated value swap 6.50 % 6.75 % 7.00 % 74 284 408 71 533 133 68 978 379 40 000 000 40 000 000 40 000 000 -5 518 706 -5 243 579 -4 988 103 -51 714 998 -51 714 998 -51 714 998 57 050 703 54 574 556 52 275 277 0 0 0 57 050 703 54 574 556 52 275 277 NAV (inc swap) per share 18 403 17 605 16 863 Real estate value per square meter 30 888 30 144 29 454 48 % 49 % 50 % Estimated profit on initial investment (ex div) N/A N/A N/A Estimated profit on initial investment (inc div) N/A N/A N/A NAV (inc swap) Implied leverage C L A R K SO N S P L A TO U R E A L E STA TE — MA R K ET RE PORT 2015 AVERAGE PR I CES E X P I RY P RO FI LE LE A S I N G C O N T RACT S & AVE RAGE DUR AT ION 3.5 1 800 1 554 1 479 1 400 1 200 1 136 1 057 1 000 800 600 400 0 Office Logistics Trade Average 2.5 2 2.5 1.5 2.0 1.5 1.47 1 1.0 0.36 0.5 200 2.35 3.09 3.0 Annual gross rent in MNOK Average price per m2 1 600 0.5 0.26 0.0 2015 2016 2017 2018 Expiry year contracts 0.06 0.12 2020 Running lease 0 Average duration 31 MAR K ET R EPO RT 2015 — C LA RKS ONS PLA T O U R E A L E STA TE TVERRVEIEN EIENDOM AS ASSET MANAGER Tom Bøhler +47 906 61 187 / 23 11 26 74 CORPORATE MANAGER Thomas Ødegård +47 913 31 182 / 23 11 26 62 Status date: 31.12.14 BROKER Hans Martin Haug +47 900 66 966 / 23 11 28 19 C OMPANY AND P R O P ER TY I N FO R M ATI O N Name Address Founded Property location Lot Building area Year of construction Tax Value (31.12.2014) D E S K TO P FO RE CA S T Tverrveien Eiendom AS c/o Clarksons Platou Property Management AS 02.06.08 Tverrveien 4, Vestby 37 948 11 577 1996 68 479 196 Estimated net cash and receivables (31.12.14) Tax value shares as of 31.12.2014 13 299 284 0 in NOK Industry 42 % STOREBRAND BANK ASA Fixed From 01.07.15 Floating in m 2 Logistics 36 % Industry 34 % Office 17 % 32 2016E 10 940 158 -855 875 10 084 283 -576 485 9 507 798 -3 850 056 0 -1 575 000 2017E 11 104 261 -877 272 10 226 989 -590 897 9 636 092 -3 838 306 0 -2 100 000 965 429 2.6 % 4 082 742 11.1 % 3 697 785 10.1 % BALANCE 85 375 000 DATE 01.07.15 RATE 5.99 % 1.31 % Margin 3.00 % Interest rate including margin 4.31 % Logistics 49 % K EY POINTS Initial yield Running project yield Number of shares Real estate purchase price (project price) Paid in equity Initial price per share Paid out equity Paid out per share Paid out in % of invested equity Estimated IRR 2014–2017 with exit-yield 8.25% Expected average annual payout (2014–2017) Estimated average annual payout (2008–2017) Uncalled capital Gross rent per square meter including parking Realized IRR if sale of project 31.12.14 (yield 8.25%) Estimated cash flow Estimated cash flow in % of paid-in-equity 2015E 10 875 527 -835 000 10 040 527 -562 424 9 478 103 -5 887 673 0 -2 625 000 FI N A N C I N G 3 1 . 1 2 . 1 4 S EGMENT DI STR I BU TI O N Office 22 % Gross rent Ownership cost Net rent before administration cost Administration cost Net rent after administration cost Net interest Tax estimate Installments 7.20 % 7.25 % 3 956 964 138 500 000 36 700 000 9.27 N/A N/A N/A 26.80 % N/A N/A 0 939 2.30 % E S T I M AT E D VA LU E 3 1 . 1 2 . 2 0 1 4 YIELD SENSITIVITY Estimated real estate value Estimated development value Tax disadvantage 10 % Net debt (inc cash and receivables) NAV 8.00 % 8.25 % 8.50 % 125 506 588 121 703 358 118 123 847 0 0 0 -5 702 739 -5 322 416 -4 964 465 -72 075 716 -72 075 716 -72 075 716 47 728 132 44 305 225 41 083 666 Estimated value swap -1 665 524 -1 665 524 -1 665 524 NAV (inc swap) 46 062 609 42 639 702 39 418 142 NAV (inc swap) per share 11,64 10,78 9,96 NAV (ex swap) per share 12,06 11,20 10,38 10 841 10 513 10 203 61 % 63 % 65 % Estimated profit on initial investment inc swap (ex div) 25.51 % 16.18 % 7.41 % Estimated profit on initial investment ex swap (ex div) 30.05 % 20.72 % 11.94 % Real estate value per square meter Implied leverage C L A R K SO N S P L A TO U R E A L E STA TE — MA R K ET RE PORT 2015 AVERAGE PR I CES E X P I RY P RO FI LE LE A S I N G C O N T RACT S & AVE RAGE DUR AT ION 8 1 400 1 156 7 1 124 1 000 904 800 661 600 400 200 0 Annual gross rent in MNOK Average price per m2 1 200 3.0 7.0 2.53 2.0 5 4 1.5 3 2 1.0 2.0 1.8 0.5 1 Office Logistics Industry Average 2.5 6 0 2015 2017 2019 Average duration 0.0 Expiry year contracts C OMMENTS Industrial areas and wearhouse located in Vestby in an area dominated by major users as DHL, Asko, etc. Short term leases and development potential on an adjacent property. 33 MAR K ET R EPO RT 2015 — C LA RKS ONS PLA T O U R E A L E STA TE ØSTENSJØVEIEN 27 HOLDING AS ASSET MANAGER Tom Bøhler +47 906 61 187 / 23 11 26 74 CORPORATE MANAGER Thomas Ødegård +47 913 31 182 / 23 11 26 62 Status date: 31.12.14 BROKER Stian Nicolaus +47 954 86 066 / 23 11 28 21 C OMPANY AND P R O P ER TY I N FO R M ATI O N Name Address Founded Property location Plot Building area Year of construction Tax Value (31.12.14) D E S K TO P FO RE CA S T Østensjøveien 27 Holding AS c/o Clarksons Platou Property Management AS 09.11.11 Østensjøveien 27 5 083 16 091 2013 292 343 766 Estimated net cash and receivables 31.12.14 Tax value shares as of 31.12.2014 13 113 000 0 in NOK Office 92 % in m 2 Logistics 5% Office 95 % K EY POINTS Initial project yield Running project yield Date of initial payment Number of shares Real estate purchase price (project price) Paid in equity Initial price per share Paid out equity Paid out per share Paid out in % of invested equity Estimated IRR 2014–2018 with exit-yield 5.75% Expected average annual payout (2014–2018) Estimated average annual payout (2013–2018) Uncalled capital Gross rent per square meter including parking Realized IRR if sale of project 31.12.14 (yield 5.75%) 34 2016E 31 367 486 -315 188 31 052 299 -610 676 30 441 623 -12 370 811 -1 285 637 -2 750 000 2017E 32 151 673 -323 067 31 828 606 -629 390 31 199 216 -12 272 773 -2 125 362 -2 750 000 2018E 32 955 465 -331 144 32 624 321 -648 744 31 975 577 -11 122 329 -2 877 078 -2 750 000 14 128 755 10.8 % 14 035 175 10.7 % 14 051 081 10.7 % 15 226 170 11.6 % HANDELSBANKEN Floating 5Y fixed Margin BALANCE 136 125 000 136 125 000 DATE 07.04.15 01.10.18 RATE 1.48 % 2.37 % 1.64 % NORSK TILLITSMANN Floating Margin Outstanding debt Estimated average interest rate included margin BALANCE 51 000 000 DATE 17.03.15 RATE 5.49 % 4.00 % Estimated cash-flow Estimated cash-flow in % of paid-in-equity FI N A N C I N G 3 1 . 1 2 . 1 4 S EGMENT DI STR I BU TI O N Logistics 8% 2015E 30 602 426 -307 500 30 294 926 -592 578 29 702 348 -12 823 593 0 -2 750 000 Gross rent Ownership cost Net rent before administration cost Administration cost Net rent after administration cost Net interest Tax estimate Installments 6.30 % 6.63 % 27.11.13 100 000 457 000 000 131 000 000 1 310 4 000 000 40 3.05 % 26.99 % 12.89 % 10.92 % 0 1 906 47 % 323 250 000 E S T I M AT E D VA LU E 3 1 . 1 2 . 2 0 1 4 YIELD SENSITIVITY Estimated real estate value Estimated development value Tax disadvantage 10 % Net debt (inc cash and receivables) NAV Estimated value swap NAV (inc swap) 3.87 % 5.50 % 5.75 % 6.00 % 551 915 655 527 919 322 505 922 683 0 0 0 -19 184 520 -16 784 887 -14 585 223 -310 137 000 -310 137 000 -310 137 000 222 594 135 200 997 435 181 200 461 -6 305 299 -6 305 299 -6 305 299 216 288 836 194 692 136 174 895 162 NAV (inc swap) per share 2 163 1 947 NAV (ex swap) per share 2 226 2 010 1 812 34 300 32 808 31 441 59 % 61 % 64 % Estimated profit on initial investment inc swap (ex div) 65.11 % 48.62 % 33.51 % Estimated profit on initial investment inc swap (inc div) 68.16 % 51.67 % 36.56 % Estimated profit on initial investment ex swap (ex div) 69.92 % 53.43 % 38.32 % Estimated profit on initial investment ex swap (inc div) 72.97 % 56.49 % 41.37 % Real estate value per square meter Implied leverage 1 749 C L A R K SO N S P L A TO U R E A L E STA TE — MA R K ET RE PORT 2015 AVERAGE PR I CES E X P I RY P RO FI LE LE A S I N G C O N T RACT S & AVE RAGE DUR AT ION 30 2 000 1 961 1 500 1 901 1 220 1 000 500 8 7 6 5 15 4 10 0 0 Logistics 9 20 5 Office 8.6 28.01 25 Annual gross rent in MNOK Average price per m2 2 500 Average 3 2 1.23 1.42 2018 2020 1 2023 Average duration 0 Expiry year contracts State-of-the-art office building situated on Ensjø. HQ for NCC Norway and Plandent. Green building that has won design and technical awards both in Norway and abroad. PAYO U T P RO FI LE 30 54.6 % 24.24 25 20 MNOK C OMMENTS 15 21.6 % 10 5 10.92 % 3.05 % 0 2014 18.5 % 50 % 43.0 % 40 % 32.3 % 14.04 14.05 15.23 10.7 % 10.7 % 11.6 % 8.00 % 2015E Paid out (in MNOK) Cumulative paid out of invested equity (%) Envisaged average annual payout in IM (%) 2016E 60 % 2017E 2018E 30 % 20 % 10 % 0% Annual payout of invested equity (%) Average annual payout total period (%) 35 MAR K ET R EPO RT 2015 — C LA RKS ONS PLA T O U R E A L E STA TE CONTACTS CL A R KS ONS PL ATOU PROJ E CT S A LES CL AR K SO N S P L ATO U RE AL E STAT E C L AR K SO N S P L ATO U P RO P E RT Y M AN AG E M E N T L ARS GJ ERDE Head of Sales STI A N N I C O LA U S Managing Partner TO M B Ø HLE R Managing Partner Dir. tel.: +47 23 11 28 08 Mobile: +47 92 06 12 85 Dir. tel.: +47 23 11 28 21 Mobile: +47 95 48 60 66 Dir. tel.: +47 23 11 26 74 Mobile: +47 90 66 11 87 S TIAN S K AU G - PAU L SEN Senior Broker H A N S M A RT I N HA U G Senior Partner T HO M A S Ø D E GÅ RD Managing Director Dir. tel.: +47 23 11 28 18 Mobile : +47 93 05 59 27 Dir. tel.: +47 23 11 28 19 Mobile: +47 90 06 69 66 Dir. tel.: +47 23 11 26 62 Mobile: +47 91 33 11 82 ANDREAS W. BAN G Broker PÅ L S A N DA L Partner A X E L O LS E N Facility Manager Dir. tel.: +47 23 11 28 17 Mobile : +47 40 45 50 41 Dir. tel.: +47 23 11 28 20 Mobile: +47 93 88 00 83 Dir. tel.: +47 23 11 29 20 Mobile: +47 97 66 39 52 AZK ARA LOHA N Compliance Officer S T E FFE N LI LLE N G Associate Dir. tel.: +47 23 11 28 08 Mobile : +47 93 83 90 69 Dir. tel.: +47 23 11 29 21 Mobile: +47 97 13 22 95 OFFICE Visiting and postal address: Munkedamsveien 62 C N-0270 Oslo 38 Websites:
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