2015-2016 ECTS Information Booklet - Administracja SGH
2015-2016 ECTS Information Booklet - Administracja SGH
ECTS INFORMATION BOOKLET ACADEMIC YEAR 2015/2016 WARSAW SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS (SGH) International Centre (DPM) Table of Contents Preface 5 A Century on the Sea of Knowledge 6 Published by: Warsaw School of Economics (SGH) International Centre (DPM) ul. Rakowiecka 24 02-521 Warsaw, Poland SGH Mission Statement 7 The ECTS Credit System 8 What is ECTS? 8 ECTS Credits 8 ECTS at SGH 9 Recognition of Credits Under ECTS 9 ECTS Grading Table 9 Photos: Marek Mułenko, SGH Archives General Description of the System of Higher Education in Poland 11 Professional Titles Awarded to Graduates of Higher Education Institutions 11 Academic Degrees and Titles 12 General Description of Study System and Degree Programmes at SGH 13 Published with the financial support of ERASMUS+ Programme Facts about SGH 13 Organisational structure 13 Types of Studies 14 Full-time Studies 14 Part-time Studies 14 Doctoral (PhD) Studies 14 Last update: August 2015 © Copyright by Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted without the permission of the Warsaw School of Economics (SGH) Postgraduate Studies 14 Double and Joint Degree Programmes 14 System of Studies 15 Admission 15 SGH Study Programmes with Learning OutcomeS 17 Bachelor Level 17 ISBN 978-83-8030-013-2 Master Level 19 Doctoral Level 22 Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie | Warsaw School of Economics Organisation of Studies at SGH for International Students 24 Contact Hours 24 Preface Teaching Formula 24 Transcript of Records 24 Fees 25 The Organisation of the academic year 25 Courses Offered in Foreign Languages 26 Introduction Course Registration 26 Appendix 1: List of Courses Offered in Foreign Languages at SGH with Guide to Access Course Syllabi 27 27 List of CEMS MIM Courses 27 List of All Courses 27 Explanation of SGH Course Catalogue Coding System 38 Guide to Accessing Course Outlines through the Virtual Dean’s Office 38 Appendix 2: SGH Study Programmes in English 41 SGH Bachelor Studies 41 SGH Master Studies 45 Contact Us 50 Welcome to SGH – Warsaw School of Economics! In the 2015/2016 academic year, SGH will consequently foster its process of internationalisation and its international recognition. In 2014 these efforts were reflected through the following achievements: • MA studies in Finance and Accounting in TOP 60 of Financial Times Ranking of pre-experience Master’s programmes in management; • 5 Palmes in Eduniversal ranking; • high recognition of our programmes in Eduniversal ranking among all school in Central and Eastern Europe); • top university postion in all prestigious Polish rankings of universities of economics and management, • successful participation and contribution to the CEMS MIM Programme through the alliance of 29 leading business schools and i the World and over 70 global corporate and social partners. SGH and its selected programmes are also awarded several international accreditations: CEEMAN IQA (International Quality Accreditation), CeQuInt (Certificate for Quality in Internationalisation awarded by the European Consortium of Accreditations) for MA Programme in International Economics and ACCA and CIMA accreditations for MA Programme in Finance and Accounting. SGH is also expanding and developing its English course offer that exceeds 600 courses and is aimed at all full-time (including new programmes: BA and MA in Global Business, Finance and Governance, MA in Advanced Analytics – Big Data, MA in International Tourism, Hotel Industry and Leisure Services), exchange and free-mover students from abroad. Large number of the courses is now available on regular basis as part of our study programmes in English at all study levels. Furthermore, SGH boasts an interesting and diversified offer of elective courses in English available depending on the demand. We are also proud to offer more and more courses developed in cooperation with global companies. Our new initiative are tailor-made short-term programmes for students and faculty coming to SGH for short programmes called Doing Business in Poland. The main purpose of the ECTS Information Booklet (which supplements the International Student Handbook) is designed to give you insight into selected aspects of the study system at SGH. The booklet also presents information concerning the organisation of the current academic year, the choice of courses and programmes offered in foreign languages as well as the number of ECTS credit points awarded for attending them. Prior to beginning your studies at SGH, you are obliged to register on-line, thereby entering the School’s database. To access the database, you must be initially pre-registered by your local exchange coordinator (except free-movers who may apply directly). To register, visit SGH’s on-line system at: https://serwis.sgh.waw.pl/crpm-recruitment/. Deadlines for registration are: 19 April 2015 for the Fall 2015 semester and 19 October 2015 for the Spring 2016 semester. Once you are registered as an SGH student, you will receive your personal login and password to SGH’s Virtual Dean’s Office (Wirtualny Dziekanat), whereupon you will be able to complete your course registration. Registration deadlines can be obtained from SGH’s Incoming Students’ Officer. All exchange students are allowed to sign up for courses offered by their programme and at their level of studies. Remember that you may be asked to repeat the registration process if, due to insufficient number of students registered, any of the courses you had chosen is cancelled. The complete and most up-to-date version of this booklet is available on-line at: http://administracja.sgh.waw.pl/en/dpm/international_exchange/incoming_students/informations/Pages/ We wish you a lot of success in studying at SGH! SGH International Centre 5 Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie | Warsaw School of Economics Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie | Warsaw School of Economics A Century on the Sea of Knowledge Today, SGH offers courses leading to Bachelor and Master degrees for both full-time and part-time students (in Polish and English). Those wishing to pursue their academic career may apply for Ph.D. studies and choose from numerous postgraduate study programmes, including executive MBAs. Again, all are offered both in Polish and English. This year, SGH is in front of a new challenge – the change of its organisational structure. Namely, the concept of dividing SGH into three schools: School of Business, School of Economics, and School of Public Policy is being discussed. Final decisions whether to pursue that change and in its format will be decided soon. SGH is proud that many of its alumni hold or held key positions in Polish politics, public institutions, business and many other fields (including professional sport). Among the most famous SGH alumni are: Prof. Leszek Balcerowicz – the co-architect of the systemic changes in Poland after 1989 and the President of the National Bank of Poland, Mrs. Henryka Bochniarz – President of the Confederation of Private Employers, Mr. Marek Borowski – former First Speaker of the Parliament, Mr. Marek Goliszewski – President of the Business Centre Club, Prof. Danuta Hübner – former EU Commissioner for Regional Policy and current European Parliament member, Prof. Grzegorz Kołodko – former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Prof. Andrzej K. Koźmiński – Rector of the leading private university in Poland, Koźmiński University, Dr Andrzej Olechowski – former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr Józef Oleksy – former Prime Minister and First Speaker of the Parliament, Prof. Dariusz Rosati – former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Prof. Jan Truszczyński – Head of negotiators of Poland’s Accession to the EU and current Director General of the European Commission for Education, Training, Culture, and Youth, Mr. Tomasz Siemoniak – current Polish Minister of National Defence, to name just few. Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie (Warsaw School of Economics - SGH) is the oldest and most prestigious university of economics and SGH’S MISSION STATEMENT management in Poland. It is a public university, established in accordance with the Polish Higher Education Act. The School started operating The Warsaw School of Economics (Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie, SGH) is the oldest university of economics and management in on 13th October 1906 under the name of Prywatne Kursy Handlowe Męskie Augusta Zielińskiego (August Zieliński’s Courses in Commerce for Poland. As it seeks to impart a European dimension to its academic activity, SGH combines century-long tradition with engagement in the Men), when Poland was still partitioned among its three neighbours. In 1915, when Warsaw was under German occupation, the name of the contemporary world and the pursuit of future challenges. In its educational endeavours, the School seeks to provide students with the latest school was changed to Wyższa Szkoła Handlowa (Higher School of Commerce). A subsequent act on 15th March 1933 changed the School’s knowledge, solid working skills and a sense of social responsibility. In its research activities, the School is guided by practical applicability of the name once again to Szkoła Główna Handlowa - SGH. The school’s development and modernisation took place during the interwar period research results and the respect for truth. Drawing on the achievements of other social sciences, SGH conducts educational as well as research (1918–1939) when it received full academic rights, gained a library and expanded its campus to include new buildings. activities in the field of economics and managerial sciences . SGH graduates, equipped with the latest general and specialised knowledge, are World War II did not hinder SGH’s activities; while officially functioning as two secondary vocational schools Kursy Gospodarcze i Miejska Szkoła Handlowa (Economic Courses and The Municipal School of Commerce), SGH ran an underground university-level teaching programme. In 1949, the School was restored to its pre-war shape and - following the political and socio-economic changes in the country - was nationalised making a significant contribution to economic, social and political life in Poland and abroad. Together with academic and administrative staff, students and representatives of milieus connected with the School, they shape the image of SGH, promoting its achievements and realizing its mission together. and renamed Szkoła Główna Planowania i Statystyki (Central School of Planning and Statistics - SGPiS). The academic programmes were adapted to the needs of a centrally planned economy; they also contained elements of a Marxist economy. However, strong research groups led by the likes of Michał Kalecki, Oskar Lange, Edward Lipiński and Aleksy Wakar were also active. Moreover, many of the School’s faculty members had the opportunity to interact with their Western colleagues during their research fellowships provided by various European and US funds. Thanks to that aid, SGH faculty and students had the opportunity to study theories based on free-market economy. Political reforms that began in June 1989 enabled SGH authorities to transform the organisation of the school and its study programmes. In 1991, following a decision by the Polish Sejm (Parliament), the school’s former name – Szkoła Główna Handlowa – was restored. The School’s curriculum was adapted to the requirements of a market economy, and SGH professors and graduates were among the architects of the systemic transformation in Poland. 6 7 Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie | Warsaw School of Economics The ECTS Credit System Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie | Warsaw School of Economics In the ECTS system, 60 credits represent the workload of one year of study; usually 30 credits are assigned to a semester and 20 credits to a term. It is crucial that no special courses be set up for ECTS purposes, so all ECTS courses must be regular courses offered by participating institutions to their “regular” students. It is up to the participating institutions to subdivide the credits for the different courses, seminars and laboratory work. Practical placements and optional courses, which form an integral part of the study programme, are also worth academic credit. It is also possible to have non-credit (audited) courses included in the transcript. Credits are only awarded if the student had completed all his/her courses and passed all the required examinations. ECTS AT SGH SGH has adopted the ECTS credit system based partially on the number of contact hours and workload. In general, one credit point is the equivalent of 30 hours of workload: 10 contact hours and 20 hours of individual work. Bachelor’s thesis is worth 10 ECTS and Master’s Thesis – 20 ECTS credits. For internships, students can accumulate up to 3 ECTS credits. Students may also collect up to 2 ECTS credits for physical education classes and up to 4 ECTS credits for participation in SGH sport sections and/or SGH choir and/or “Wisła” (Vistula) Dance & Sing Band. To validate a semester, students must collect 30 ECTS credits. In order to obtain a Bachelor’s degree, students must accumulate 180 ECTS, while for a Master’s degree – the number is 120 ECTS. The maximum permitted number of ECTS credits per academic year is 75. Most of the courses offered at SGH end with exams at the end of the semester. If there is no exam, evaluation is based mostly on classroom participation, presentations, projects and tests. For more details about the ECTS System at SGH please contact our Centre. RECOGNITION OF CREDITS UNDER ECTS Students participating in ECTS will receive full credit for all academic work successfully carried out at any of the ECTS partner institutions. These academic credits will be transferred from one participating school to another provided there are agreements between the institutions involved. The student remains a degree student at his/her home university, to which he/she returns after a specified period spent studying abroad. ECTS enables the student to have all courses successfully completed abroad recognised without loss of time or credit. Once the host institution has sent the ‘Transcript of Records’, credit transfer can take place at the home institution. A student may be selected for more than one participating institution for a limited period of time and then return to the home institution. If a student chooses to stay at a host institution to complete his/her degree, the student’s status changes and she/he must comply with the legal and institutional requirements of the country and the institution where the degree will be completed. A more convenient option for those who would like to pursue two degrees within one study programme is to enrol WHAT IS ECTS? in one of SGH’s double-degree programmes. The School offers a number of such programmes, but in the coming academic year (as well as in the ECTS, the ‘European Community Course Credit Transfer System’ or the European Credit Transfer Scheme, was developed in order to provide credit transfer issues should be consulted individually by the student with her/his academic tutor and dean. ECTS is particularly important and uniform procedures to guarantee academic recognition of studies completed abroad. It provides a way of measuring and comparing learning useful for students participating in international study programmes (CEMS, ERASMUS+, CEEPUS, etc.). following years) we are preparing expand our double-degree offer to include more universities. Any specific questions and concerns regarding achievements and transferring them from one institution to another. ECTS is based upon the principle of mutual trust and confidence between participating academic institutions. Thesystem includes rules concerning: Information (on the courses available), Agreement (between the student as well as his/her home and host institutions) and the Use of Credit Points (indicating student workload) to reinforce this mutual confidence. Through an Information Package, each university presents its curriculum not only in terms of content, but also indicating the amount of credits (measure of workload) allocated to each course. ECTS GRADING TABLE The grading scale used in majority SGH programs ranges from 2.0 to 5.0. • 5.0 is the highest grade and the lowest passing grade is 3.0. • 4.0 is the norm for a good average pass. ECTS CREDITS SGH grades can be converted into ECTS grades according to recently recommended ECTS grading table (EGT), which bases solely on local ECTS credits reflect the quantity of work in each course in relation to the total quantity of work required to complete a full year of academic distribution of positive grades among students in at least 2 past academic years. - studying at an institution; that is, lectures, practical work, participation in seminars, individual work in the library and at home, and examinations or other assessment activities. 8 9 Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie | Warsaw School of Economics Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie | Warsaw School of Economics Table 1: ECTS grading table vs.SGH grades. Official ECTS Grading Table Former ECTS Grading Table General Description of The System of Higher Eduction in Poland SGH grade Grading percentage* Accumulated percentage ECTS grade 5.0 23.5% 23.5% A Very Good – outstanding performance with only minor errors 4.5 16.2% 39.7% B Good Plus – above average standard, but with some errors 4.0 23.2% 62.9% C Good – generally sound work with a notable number of errors education must receive permission to operate from the Ministry of National Education. It acquires a legal status when registered by the Minister 3.5 16.3% 79.2% D Sufficient Plus – fair, but with significant shortcomings of National Education. 3.0 20.8% 100.0% E Sufficient – performance meets the minimum criteria 2.0 - - F Fail – considerable further work is required Definition (Material adapted from the website of the Bureau for Academic Recognition and International Exchange -BUWiWM) Both state and private institutions of higher education exist in Poland. The latter began to appear after 1990. A private school of higher In 1998, the first state and private higher professional (vocational) education schools began to appear. These schools train students in specialised vocations and include 15-week internships or practical placements in the mandatory curriculum. Study programmes may take the form of daytime, evening or extramural studies and distant learning courses, with daytime studies being the * Based on total number of grades awarded in two-cycle Bachelor and Master studies in the years 2006-2010 verified in May 2014 (based on most prevalent form. distribution of grades in the years 2012-2013, due to change of the grading scale). To qualify for admission to an institution of higher education, the applicant must hold the maturity certificate - świadectwo dojrzałości. The rules of admission to the first year of study are determined autonomously by each institution. Some organise competitive entrance examinations, others use ranking procedures based on the final grades listed in the maturity certificate, and still others admit all who apply. PROFESSIONAL TITLES AWARDED TO GRADUATES OF HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS • the professional title of licencjat (bachelor)is awarded following the completion of 3 or 3.5-year higher professional education courses; • the professional title of inżynier (engineer) is awarded following the completion of 3.5 or 4-year higher professional education courses in technical areas, agriculture, and economics and related areas; • the title of magister (master) is awarded following the completion of uniform 5 or 6-year magister-level courses in a given field of study (this system of studies gradually disappears, due to adoption of Bologna Declaration) or 2-year Master’s studies; equivalent titles include magister edukacji (in the field of Education), magister sztuki (in the field of Fine Arts), magister inżynier (in the field of Engineering), magister inżynier architekt (in the field of Architecture), lekarz medycyny (in the field of Medicine), lekarz dentysta (in the field of Dentistry, until April 30, 2004 – lekarz stomatolog) and lekarz weterynarii (in the field of Veterinary Medicine), magister pielęgniarstwa (in the field of Nursery), magister położnictwa (in the field of Midwifery). To be awarded any of the above titles, student must complete all subjects and internships or practical placements included in the curriculum as well as submit and defend a diploma project or thesis and pass the diploma examination. Currently, all higher education institutions in Poland are required to transform into a three-cycle system of education dividing the study programme into Bachelor (3-4 year), Master (1.5-2-year) and Doctoral (3-4-year) studies following the Bologna Agreement rules and the recently adopted in Polish Higher Education Act. However, selected universities continue to offer long-cycle 4.5 to 6-year Master Studies (medicine, law). Upon graduation, each student receives a diploma in a specific field of study, three copies of the diploma and, upon request, a copy of the diploma in a foreign language. 10 11 Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie | Warsaw School of Economics Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie | Warsaw School of Economics ACADEMIC DEGREES AND TITLES General Description of Study System and Degree Programmes at SGH - the degree of doktor (Ph.D.) is awarded to a person who has passed his/her doctoral examinations and submitted and defended a doctoral dissertation (rozprawa doktorska). Holding the professional title of magister or its equivalent is a necessary condition for the doctoral degree; - the degree of doktor habilitowany is awarded to a person who holds a Ph.D, has significant scholarly or artistic achievements, submitted a dissertation (rozprawa habilitacyjna) and has undergone the successive stages of review, debate and defense; Qualifications awarded in arts and artistic disciplines were once kwalifikacje I stopnia and kwalifikacje II stopnia (first and second degree qualifications) . After April 30, 2003 these correspond to academic degrees of doktor and doktor habilitowany respectively. In 1991, The Warsaw School of Economics introduced a study system which was unique at the time. It enabled students to make individual decisions on the choice of study programmes and their future professional profiles. In the 2006/2007 academic year, SGH introduced a threecycle system of studies to conform with Bologna Declaration which established a system of academic grades which are easy to read and Academic degrees doktor and doktor habilitowany are awarded by organisational units of higher education institutions and by other scientific compare, introduced a diploma supplement, two cycles study system: the first level (Bachelor) tailored to the employment market and lasting at and research institutes. - the title of profesor is conferred by the President of the Republic of Poland least three years, the second (Master) – conditional upon the completion of the first cycle; the third (Doctoral) – for those who wish to pursue Table 2: Organisation of Education System in Poland their academic career or achieve higher qualification; a system of accumulation and transfer of credits (ECTS); mobility of students, teachers and researchers; cooperation with regard to quality assurance; the European dimension of higher education. FACTS ABOUT SGH 14,690 students were studying at SGH in 2014. This number includes about 7,664 full-time BA, MA and PhD students of (including 643 foreigners) and 3,283 part-time students. Moreover, about 3,763 students participated in postgraduate courses and doctoral studies. 2,306 graduates of full-time and part-time studies left SGH in 2014. SGH employs about 1,300 members of staff, of which 753 are academic teachers and/or researchers. The teaching and academic faculty includes 72 full professors, 149 associate professors, 310 assistant professors, 8 assistants, and 213 senior lecturers, lecturers, language tutors, instructors and librarians. The School awarded over 2,000Ph.D. degrees and about 600 postdoctoral habilitation degrees. In its history the School has educated about 179,000 graduates – over 120,000 of whom have completed full-time and part-time degree programmes at SGH. ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE The Rector, three Vice Rectors (for Teaching and Student Affairs, for Science and International Cooperation, and for Development) and the Senate, which is a principal legislative body of the School, constitute the supreme authorities at SGH. The old structure of faculties understood as a ‘federation of schools’ had been replaced by a structure based on the concept of a matrix. The Dean’s Offices of Undergraduate and Graduate Studies are responsible for the implementation of the teaching programmes. The Centre for Foreign Languages offers foreign language instruction at the school. Optional classes in physical education are offered by the SGH Sports Centre. Chairs and research institutes are clustered into units called Collegia. The Collegia group together academics sharing research interests and carry out syllabi composed of specialist subjects. The programmes are addressed to full-time, part-time, postgraduate and doctoral students. The Collegia are headed by Deans. Each Collegium has its individual Scientific Council composed of all professors and associate professors as well as representatives of the remaining faculty. They are also responsible for establishing and condudting doctoral studies. The Collegia operating within SGH: Collegium of Economic Analysis, Collegium of Social and Economic Science, Collegium of World Economy, Collegium of Business Administration, Collegium of Management and Finance. Currently, SGH is in process of restoring faculties (schools) responsible for research and study programmes in economics, business and public policy. The final decision concerning the future structure of our university will be decided soon. Sources: BUWiWM, “System of Education in Poland” – Polish EURYDICE Unit, FRSE, June 2008. 12 13 Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie | Warsaw School of Economics TYPES OF STUDIES Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie | Warsaw School of Economics SYSTEM OF STUDIES . SGH offers four types of studies: Admission Procedure Full-time studies General Rules These studies (except study programmes in English) are tuition free for Polish and EU/EEA students. On average, every academic year over The selection process is conducted by SGH Admission Office (Biuro Rekrutacji). Different rules apply to Polish citizens and foreigners; however, 1,000 persons are enrolled in the full-time programme. Since the 2006/2007 academic year SGH has been running a three-cycle system of certain groups of foreigners may choose to apply to SGH on the same conditions as Poles (provided they have Polish Maturity Certificate). studies (following the Bologna Agreement rules and Polish Higher Education Act): 3-year Bachelor (undergraduate) studies, 2-year Master Thus, when applying, all foreigners must specify the admission principles they would like to follow. After submitting required documents, studies (graduate), and 4-year Doctoral studies. Students of undergraduate studies are admitted to SGH and after their first year of studies candidates selected the same way as Polish citizents must also register in the Internet Registration System (ISR). choose their major field of study (with an optional minor). Graduate students are enrolled directly in the field of studies declared as their major. Admission procedures for graduate studies in Polish are conducted twice each year. Detailed information about selection rules, the required documents and admission procedures are available at: • http://oferta.sgh.waw.pl/en/ Part-time studies This is a tuition-fee based three-cycle programme that runs in parallel with full-time studies. Part-time courses are held on Saturdays and Sundays or in the evening during the week and require a lot of individual work and self-discipline. Doctoral (PhD) studies Doctoral studies at SGH are organised on a full-time and part-time basis. Students may obtain a doctorate in economics or management. Fulltime PhD study programmes (except doctoral studies in English) are free of charge for Polish and EU students, whereas extramural students pay tuition. These studies are organised and run by the respective Collegia. PhD studies last 3 to 4 years. Courses are delivered within the first two years. Bachelor Studies SGH offers both full-time and part-time Bachelor study programmes. During the first year, students complete an obligatory programme. Before beginning their second year, students must choose a major. Each major is supplemented by a range of specialised subjects which address students’ specific academic interests. Completing a minor is not obligatory. Candidates for undergraduate studies, who are Polish citizens or foreigners who choose to apply on the same principles as Poles, are admitted to SGH on the basis of their results of the nationwide, standardised exit exams from secondary level schools, called Matura (Maturity Certificate) in four subjects: history or geography, mathematics (all at advanced level), and two foreign languages: one at advanced, one at basic level. If a candidate has successfully completed secondary education, but passed exams in subjects other than those required, or passed them at a basic level (except second foreign language), SGH organises an equivalent exam, results of which are considered when calculating the candidate’s final score. Foreigners, who are non-native speakers of Polish, must pass a test (or present one of the required certificates) in Polish and (in the case of Postgraduate and executive studies full-time studies) in one of the selected languages (English, German or French) that is not the candidate’s native tongue. To become fluent in Polish or English candidates may participate in Preparatory Language Courses organised by selected public universities in Poland (for one- These studies are addressed to graduate students who wish to upgrade and enhance their professional qualifications. Applicants for postgraduate year/semester or in the form of summer school). Foreigners must also present several documents (or copies certified by SGH representative or programmes at SGH are expected to hold a Master’s or Bachelor’s degree. SGH offers more than 80 fee-based, one or two semester counsellor of the Polish diplomatic unit in their home country). postgraduate programmes in Polish, including MBA-SGH and Canadian Executive MBA (in English). Master studies Candidates for graduate studies at SGH (both full and part-time), who are Polish citizens (or foreigners, who decide to apply on the same DOUBLE AND JOINT DEGREE PROGRAMMES SGH offers 10 double-degree programmes, one joint programme and one joint degree programme: • eight at Master’s level with University of Cologne, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Viadrina European University, Gutenberg School of Management and Economics (Johannes Gutenberg University) in Mainz, Mercator School of Management (University of Duisburg-Essen) conditions as Poles) must hold a Bachelor degree and pass: SGH’s Test of Knowledge in Economy, and a test in a selected foreign language: Russian, French, English, German, Spanish or Italian. Foreigners applying for Master Studies must present several documents (copies of the original certified by SGH or counsellor of the Polish diplomatic unit in their home country) that are listed at above mentioned webpages on selection procedures. and Technische Universität Berlin, EBS Universität für Wirtschaft und Recht, and Toulouse Business School; • one at doctoral level with University Cergy-Pontoise; • one at Bachelor’s level with Kyungpook National University (KNU) in Daegu (Korea) • one joint programme at Bachelor’s level with Johannes Gutenberg University called Polish-German Academic Forum co-financed by DAAD; • Erasmus-Mundus joint degree Master’s studies: European Master in Law and Economics Additional double-degree programmes will be launched in the near future 14 15 Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie | Warsaw School of Economics Admission for undergraduate (Bachelor) studies is organised once a year (July-September) and twice a year for graduate (Master) studies (JulySeptember and November-January). Doctoral Studies Candidates for PhD Studies are admittedy basing on a personal interview and evaluation of the submitted documents. For PhD Studies in Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie | Warsaw School of Economics SGH STUDY PROGRAMMES WITH LEARNING OUTCOMES Bachelor level • Application Form (signed by hand) The studies last six semesters (180 ECTS). During the first two semesters, students follow a standard study programme composed of basic courses representing disciplines required for all graduate of economic or business studies. In their first year, students have time to choose their future major to be completed within the next two years. • CV (with research and professional achievements) The general structure of study programme at Bachelor level is as follows: English, candidates must also pass an Admission Test on Economics. All candidates are required to submit the following documents: • Certified copy of Master’s degree diploma • Tentative research proposal of the future dissertation (or a letter of motivation that includes the proposal) • Letter of recommedation froman associate professor – the candidates potential supervisor • Core obligatory courses – 74 ECTS • Core major courses – 42 ECTS • Elective courses & internship– 32 ECTS (including at least 15 ECTS from the list of electives offered within the given major, and mandatory internship – 3 ECTS) • Language tutorials – 20 ECTS (2 languages – 10 ECTS each) • Recommendation of the Head of the Chair/Institute, where the candidate wishes to conduct his or her research • Physical Education – 2 ECTS • 3 photographs • Bachelor’s Seminar – 10 ECTS Detailed information about requirements, deadlines and study programmes (for studies in Polish), are available at: http://oferta.sgh.waw.pl/pl/studiadoktoranckie/ Candidates who apply for Ph.D. Studies conducted in English, must submit: • An application Form (with handwritten signature) • CV (with research and professional achievements) • Certified copy of Master’s degree diploma (in case of foreigners it will require additional documents with apostille, sworn translations and diploma recognition) • Tentative research proposal of the future dissertation (or a letter of motivation that includes the proposal) • Language proficiency Cerificate recognised by SGH Foreign Language Centre (for foreigners applying for studies in Polish and all candidates applying for the programme in English) Currently, SGH offers Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree in the following majors: • Economics • European Studies • Finance and Accounting • Global Business, Finance and Governance (in English only) • Spatial Economic Policy • Quantitative Methods in Economics and Information Systems (also in English) • International Economics (also in English) • Social Policy • International Relations • Management (also in English) Graduates of all BA majors are entitled to pursue studies at Master level and all other forms of postgraduate/post-diploma studies except doctoral programmes. More information about selection requirements, deadlines and curriculum can be found at: http://oferta.sgh.waw.pl/en/doctoral/ Postgraduate and Executive Studies Graduates with extensive experience who would like to enhance or to acquire managerial skills may consider taking the top-ranked Canadian Executive MBA (with UQAM, Montreal, Canada). This programme is tuition- based. More information about admission is available at: http://oferta.sgh.waw.pl/en/MBA/ Economics A graduate in this field should understand the functioning of the most important sectors of the economy, and how to effectively manage human, financial, fixed assets as well as knowledge and information capital. He or she should also be familiar with the methods and techniques of economic data analysis necessary to conduct professional expertise at macro- and micro-economic levels. Graduates should also be able to critically review opinions on economic issues presented in professional debates and publications. Prospective careers include analytical positions in large corporations, commercial banks, and consulting companies. Those who speak Polish may aplly for any of the numerous post-diploma programs (studia podyplomowe) and SGH-MBA which are open to all candidates holding at least a Bachelor’s degree. Some of these programs are tailored to the needs of companies responsible for initial selection of candidates. More information is available at http://oferta.sgh.waw.pl/pl/studiapodyplomowe/ and http://oferta.sgh.waw.pl/pl/studiamba/ 16 European Studies Graduates should possess basic knowledge in the fields of: economics, European law, EU institutional functioning, aspects of European regional development, as well as in political science and sociology. Required skills include: effective application for EU funds, monitoring, documentation and financial settlement of aid programmes and projects, preparation and adjudication of public tenders, and the implementation of EU rules in the preparation for and practical implementation of local development plans. Typical prospective careers are linked to public administration institutions, institutions dealing in European and international economy, and middle-level managerial positions in manufacturing and service companies. 17 Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie | Warsaw School of Economics Finance and Accounting Graduates should possess the knowledge about finance, financial institutions’ operating principles (including banks and insurance companies). They should also be able to conduct analyses of basic economic phenomena, and assess the economic and financial standing of companies. Graduates will understand cause and effect relationships, typical for economic phenomena in the market economy, both at macro- and microlevel. The study programme is also meant to develop graduates’ ability to search for and understand ideas presented in professional literature. Minors offered: Retail and Corporate Banking, Institutional Banking, Investment Banking, Economics of Financial Institutions, International Finance, State and Local Government Finance, Corporate Finance, Fiscal Policy and Taxes, Accounting in Business and Institutions, Financial Markets, Business Insurance, SGH&CIMA Certificate in Business Accounting. Global Business, Finance and Governance The programme prepares students for work in international business and finance environment with its unique set of issues and challenges. The students will acquire skills enabling them to perform essential financial and marketing analyses as required in business, governmental and nongovernmental organizations. In particular, the program aims to prepare for entry level and junior specialist jobs in financial, sales, logistics and marketing departments of business and non-business organizations including NGO’s as well as central and local governmental entities. Minors offered: Global Development and Governance, International Business, International Finance. Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie | Warsaw School of Economics Master level SGH offers a variety of majors at Master level: some of which are a continuation of Bachelor studies, while other are offered exclusively at graduate level, reflecting the current needs of the marketplace. The studies last four semesters (120 ECTS). Studies consist of 9 ECTS credit-worth core courses (uniform for all graduate students), core major courses and minor and elective courses. Simlarly to the undergraduate level, students do not have to pursue minor studies – instead, they may select courses that will better suit their individual academic needs. SGH also offers a number ‘study paths’, the completion of which is certified by separate documents. The general structure of study programme at Master’s is the following: • Core, obligatory courses – 9 ECTS, • Core major courses – 49.5 ECTS, • Elective courses & Internship – 31 ECTS (including at least 15 ECTS from the list of electives offered within the given major and Internship for 3 ECTS: mandatory for International Business students – optional for other majors), • Language tutorial – 10.5 ECTS, • Master’s Seminar – 20 ECTS. Spatial Economics Policy There might be some differences in the ECTS structure in programmes developed with foreign partners. Graduates should possess knowledge in economics, sociology, natural and technical sciences. They should apply a holistic approach to local and regional development processes and their structure. Typical careers are linked to public and local government institutions. Currently, SGH offers Master of Arts (MA) degree in the following majors: Quantitative Methods in Economics and Information Systems • Advanced Analytics – Big Data (also in English) Graduates should possess general knowledge in the fields of: economics and management, basic methods and techniques of quantitative analysis, and their practical application. The studies are aimed at development of skills necessary in solving macro and microeconomic problems, supported with information technology. Graduates of this major are flexible, rational, and autonomous in decision-making. • Administration, • E-Business • Economics, • European Master in Law and Economics (in English), • European Studies, International Economics Graduates in this field should possess basic knowledge in international economic relations and related disciplines that are necessary for development of practical skills. Typical tasks expected from a graduate include: preparation and implementation of internationalisation strategies for companies and the development of integration processes. Typical careers include operational and analytical managerial positions in international or internationally-oriented companies and international institutions. Social Policy A graduate of this major should be able to operationally implement social activities and tasks with an emphasis on means of their financing. He or she should be a qualified, competent and professional clerk with managerial potential to hold lower management positions in public (government and local government) administration and non-governmental organisations (NGO’s) at local, regional and national levels. International Relations Graduates of this major should master knowledge in economics, law and politics allowing them to learn and understand the character and functioning of international relations and the world economy. He or she should also possess analytical skills for assessing state-related problems from an international perspective. Graduates usually start their careers as middle-level analysts and specialists in public administration, international organisations and institutions, and international or internationally-oriented companies. Management The focus of this field of study is to develop theoretical basic knowledge in management, economics and complementary disciplines combined with specific specialisations. Graduates should be able to apply this knowledge both in their professional and private life. Typical careers are linked to middle-management positions in companies, non-profit organisations, public administration units, or individual businesses. Detailed list of courses offered within each major in English is presented in the Appendix 2: “SGH Study Programmes in English”. Full plan of study and curriculum of the first and second cycle of studies is available at: https://dziekanat.sgh.waw.pl/wd_nowy/informatory/informator_2015_opis_sl_sm.pdf 18 • Finance and Accounting (also in English), • Global Business, Finance and Governance (in English only) • Spatial Economics Policy, • Quantitative Methods in Economics and Information Systems, • International Economics, • Social Policy, • International Relations, • Social Research and Analysis, • International Tourism, Hotel Industry and Leisure Services (also in English) , • Management, • International Business (in English). Graduates of all MA majors are entitled to pursue their studies in any of the programmes offered at postgraduate level. Administration Graduates in this field should possess general knowledge of economics and law that prepares them for taking managerial and expert positions in economic administration, public administration and other institutions dealing with promotion and economic development. They should demonstrate effective communication skills, and be able to organise and manage work teams. Other skills include entrepreneurship necessary for starting individual business, enchanced by solid knowledge of law and its practical application. Advanced Analytics – Big Data The studies provide advanced knowledge and competencies in the area of data acquisition from variety of sources and their analysis. A student graduating from the program is able to be employed as a specialist in advanced data analysis in manufacturing companies, banks, insurance and telecommunications companies, public administration and research centersspecializing in advanced data analytics. 19 Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie | Warsaw School of Economics Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie | Warsaw School of Economics E-Business Global Business, Finance and Governance The studies provide theoretical and practical knowledge in management and related disciplines on the issue of managing organisations on internet market and in digital economy. Typical careers include middle or top level specialists and managers in all types of organisations (companies, non-profit organisations, and public institutions) or entrepreneurs who start they own e-business. The programme provide an advanced Master’s degree curriculum centred on the current, fast changing environment of international cooperation, finance and marketing. The graduates will gain a deep and extensive understanding of the nature and functioning of international business and governance. They would be equipped to perform advanced analytical tasks involving corporate finances, logistics, sales and marketing and as such would be able to take up senior analytical posts in corporations as well as governmental and nongovernmental units. The acquired managerial skills will allow them to pursue a career as managers or entrepreneurs in various international and organizational settings. Economics Graduates in this field should have acquired knowledge in contemporary micro- and macroeconomics and in various sectors of the local and international economy. They should be able to apply a wide array of analytical methods and techniques, search and interpret economic information, conduct analyses necessary for preparing forecasts and decision-making, processes, formulate opinions on economic topics, to defend them in public and academic debates, as well as to organise and manage teams of analysts and consultants. This field educates analysts in central banks and central political and economic institutions, researchers and faculty members in higher educational institutions and research institutes. European Master in Law and Economics – EMLE (in English) EMLE is a joint degree programme offered by a consortium of respected European universities imparting advanced knowledge in economics, law and other related disciplines. Graduates in this field should have gained multiple skills enabling them to pursue professional career in companies, international corporations, public administration institutions, as well as to run their own business. This field educates managers and analysts who are able to understand and apply legal acts and regulations in business practice. European Studies Graduates in this field should possess knowledge related to the problems of contemporary civilisation and Europe, the functioning of the EU, European markets, organisation, and the management of European companies. They should have developed monitoring and analytical skills in order to assess tendencies in socio-economic development of the EU, its member states and regions. Graduates should be able to make operational and strategic decisions, indentify and solve problems, and to apply negotiation techniques. This major prepares graduates to take top managerial positions in local and international companies and organisations at home and other countries. Finance and Accounting Graduates in this field should understand the nature of risk in financial and global markets and how to manage it. At the same time, they should know how to conduct financial and fundamental analyses and to correctly interpret them. These skills should help graduates make financial decisions and enable them to offer consulting services. Knowledge gained during the study pend should be used in identifying financial phenomena, trends and problems. Graduates should also have a strong ethical background. Graduates of the programme in English have the opportunity to obtain ACCA qualifications (ACCA accredited programme) within special minor delivered in cooperation with Ernst&Young. Quantitative Methods in Economics and Information Systems Graduates of this major should be able to model and forecast economic processes, conduct statistical analyses, and solve optimisation problems using advanced computer packages. They should also be able to freely apply information technology, using the principles of IT system design and implementation. Other skills include: database building, knowledge of computer networks, practical application of statistic and econometric analyses, decision-making, mathematics, and demographics. International Economics Graduates in this field should possess advanced knowledge in international economics, international law and management. Typical careers include managerial positions in all internationally-oriented or international companies, institutions, organisations and public administration units. Studies also prepare graduates to start their own business and to act in international markets. Social Policy Graduates in this major should be able to conduct activities and solve economic aspects of social problems at local, regional and national levels. They should be thoroughly prepared to assume expert, top-level managerial positions in public (government and local government) administration and non-governmental organisations (NGO’s) at local, regional and national levels. International Relations Graduates should possess analytical and methodological skills enabling them to hold job positions requiring conscientious, rational and accurate evaluations combined with personal initiative potential. Graduates should consider careers connected with international institutions and companies, public administration units responsible for foreign affairs or economic cooperation, research and expert institutes dealing with international relations, and in diplomacy and mass media. International Tourism, Hotel Industry and Leisure Services Graduates of this major should possess knowledge and skills necessary to run their business in the tourism industry. Graduates should be Social Research and Analysis prepared to make decisions and solve problems in tourism creatively, and manage tourism and leisure companies, both locally and abroad. The studies equip students with advanced knowledge in the fields of: economics, demography, social economics, quantitative methods in social processes and phenomena with application of modern IT solutions. Typical careers include managers, analysts and experts in state and local government institutions, NGOs, international organisations and research centres on social issues. Management Spatial Economics Policy Graduates in this field should possess knowledge in economics and sociology as well as natural and technical sciences. They should apply a holistic approach to local and regional development processes and their structure. Typical graduate careers are linked to public and local government institutions. 20 This field of study focuses on developing advanced knowledge in management and complementary disciplines and enhances the skills necessary for graduates to embark on a professional career in local and international markets, both as managers and entrepreneurs. Graduates should possess critical analysis skills, be able to interpret and evaluate economic and social phenomena, make decisions, plan, manage teams, negotiate, and be au fait with strategic management. Typical careers are linked to top management or expert positions in all types of companies, institutions and organisations. 21 Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie | Warsaw School of Economics International Business (in English) The aim of the programme is to prepare students for careers in international companies, with a strong focus on CEE markets. Courses are taught by renowned scholars from SGH and the School’s partner institutions. Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie | Warsaw School of Economics • Statistical analysis of quantitative data • Qualitative research methods • Analysis of qualitative data • Developing a research proposal The tuition- based programme and is aimed at those who, due to the language barrier, cannot join SGH’s full-time or part-time studies in Polish, but are interested in managing business in Central and Eastern Europe. Courses offered within this programme (if space allows) are also available to our exchange students (especially those who study at SGH through double-degree programmes in management) free of charge. Full teaching programmes and study plans of the first and second cycle of studies are available at Virtual Dean’s Office website: • Application of computer software in data analysis (SAS, NVivo) 4) Skill-building – learning how to organise work of a research team, how to write a scientific text in English, how to efficiently organise individual work on dissertation and prepare for public defence of the PhD thesis. • Successful preparation and defence of doctoral dissertation • Successful preparation of papers for publication in scientific journals https://dziekanat.sgh.waw.pl/wd_nowy/index.php?jezyk=ang 5) Attitudes building – axiology, ethics in scientific research and business. • Axiology Doctoral level 6) Specialisation seminars - an opportunity for students to present fragments of their PhD research to a group of professors specialising in the For details concerning doctoral programmes (both full-time and part-time) offered in Polish by SGH Collegia, please refer to SGH website at: given discipline and receive constructive feedback from them. The aim is to increase students’ motivation and improve quality of work they http://oferta.sgh.waw.pl/en/doctoral/. The length of these programmes varies from 3 to 4 years. SGH doctoral programme offer in English is deliver. described below. 7) Individual consultations with supervisors - to ensure regular and intensive contact with thesis supervisors. It is crucial that PhD students start intensive work on their dissertation as early as the first semester and maintain regular contact with their tutors so as to ensure fast and steady Doctoral Programme in Management and Economics in English progress. This unique 4-year programme is organised by the Collegium of World Economy and involves: All PhD students are required to achieve certain academic milestones in the specified time-frame in order to complete the dissertation. • 2 years of coursework, and The prestented study programme may be subject to small changes depending on consultations with scholars specialising in respective subjects • 2 years of research, and dissertation preparation. and availability of lecturers. Each student must take part in at least 240 hours of obligatory coursework organised into following blocks: 1) General subjects – including the most noteworthy current topics from economics and management theory, with specific focus on major concepts from the works of selected Nobel Prize winners in economics and contemporary management theories. • Major issues in contemporary economics • Nobel prize winners in economics – selected issues • Contemporary economic theories of an enterprise 2) Specialisation subjects – students may select international economics, finance or international management track, depending on their intended dissertation topic. Presentation of the current state of scientific research in these areas will be the main focus. • International economics - review of current research studies • International management - review of current research studies • Finance - review of current research studies 3) Research methodology – a selection of workshops teaching students how to design and execute research projects in economics and management using a wide variety of research methods and techniques ranging from qualitative to quantitative approaches. • Epistemology • Methodology of scientific research • Quantitative research methods 22 23 Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie | Warsaw School of Economics Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie | Warsaw School of Economics Organisation of Studies at SGH for International Students This section contains basic information concerning the organisation of courses (semester schedules and teaching formula), the grading system at SGH and the organisation of the 2014/2015 academic year, followed by the complete list of courses in foreign languages, selected course outlines and appendices containing a list of all courses offered at SGH in the new system of full-time studies. Fees All exchange students are exempt from tuition fees, with the exception of the fee for the student ID that is collected from all SGH students. Details on tuition fees for free-movers can be found in the International Student Handbook and on the School’s website at: http://administracja.sgh.waw.pl/en/dpm/international_exchange/incoming_students/freemovers/. Contact Hours Full-time degree students who study in Polish and are Polish or EU/EEA citizens do not pay any tuition fees. All programmes in English (unless One course contact hour lasts 45 minutes. Usually, one 90-minute class is divided into two segments with a ten-minute break. The standard otherwise stated) and part-time programmes in Polish are tuition-fee based for all students (1.800-3.000€ per semester for non-EU/EEA course covers 30 contact hours per semester. citizens and 3200 PLN per semester for Polish or EU/EEA citizens). Doctoral programmes in Polish (part-time) cost ca. 6.000-7.000 PLN per year (18.000-23.500 PLN per programme) and 22.000 PLN or 17.600€ for the entire programme in English (both full-time and part-time). Teaching Formula Exchange students can choose courses offered at undergraduate or graduate level (both in foreign languages and Polish), depending on the level of studies they have been registered for in the nomination process. CEMS Core and Exclusive courses are available only to students of the CEMS programme. Similar restrictions apply to ACCA track courses delivered exclusively to the students of these study programmes. All courses are also open to SGH’s degree students, so foreign students attend these courses together with SGH students. Admission to some courses may prove impossible due to an excess number of applications or when the course is cancelled due to an insufficient number of applicants or the instructor’s withdrawal from teaching the course in the given semester. In such cases, students will be informed and asked to Updated costs of tuition are published at SGH website. The organisation of the academic year The SGH academic year functions as a 2-semester system. There is a Fall (Winter) semester and Spring (Summer) semester. Each semester consists of 15 weeks of academic activity. Each semester is followed by an exam period. There is also an exam (resit) period in September for those who did not pass in June. During and between semesters there are several breaks (Christmas, Winter, Spring etc.). Details are presented in Table 3. change their preferences. The orientation week for incoming students will be held one week prior to the commencement of classes in the given semester. To create a list of preferred courses, please refer to the course lists published in this booklet. For the most up-to-date version, please check our Table 3: Organisation of the 2015/2016 academic year at SGH. website at: http://administracja.sgh.waw.pl/en/dpm/international_exchange/incoming_students/exchange/Pages/Course_offer.aspx. FALL (Winter) semester Transcript of Records In order to receive transcripts, exchange students must strictly follow the procedures specified during orientation week session. These rules have been developed in cooperation with Dean’s Office to meet our internal and national regulations. The key elements of this system include declared course choices, requested changes to the study programme (deleted and added courses) and signed control sheets. The majority of these operations are completed on-line. Credits for completed courses are awarded by SGH on the basis of the above-mentioned documents and official grade reports which are collected by the Dean’s Office after each semester. Transcripts of records are then forwarded to students’ home universities once they had completed their study programme and fulfilled all other obligations. Information from the grade report is then recorded in the students’ transcripts at their home university. 28.09.2015 Fall semester classes begin 2.10.2015 Academic year commencement ceremony 31.10.–1.11.2015 All Saints Day (holiday) 11.11.2015 Independence Day (holiday) 23.12.2015–3.01.2016 Christmas and New Year Break 6.01.2016 Epiphany (holiday) 15.01.2016 Fall semester classes end SPRING (Summer) semester 15.02.2016 Spring semester classes begin 24–30.03.2016 Easter holidays 13.04.2016 SGH Day 1–3.05.2016 Spring break (Labour & Constitution Day) 15.05.2016 Pentecost/Whitsunday (holiday) 26.05.2016 Corpus Christi (holiday) 3.06.2016 Spring semester classes end 19–31.01.2016 Exam period I 6–19.06.2016 Exam period I 1–5.02.2016 Winter break 20.06.–16.09.2016 Summer Holidays 6–12.02.2016 Exam period II 17–23.09.2016 Exam period II The grading system is described in the section devoted to the ECTS system at SGH and in Table 1. 24 25 Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie | Warsaw School of Economics Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie | Warsaw School of Economics COURSES OFFERED IN FOREIGN LANGUAGES INTRODUCTION This section is adressed to exchange students and freemovers, who wish to study at SGH as non-degree students. Foreign students may choose from a number of courses offered in English and a few other major languages. Those fluent in Polish have access to all courses offered by SGH. Appendix 1 LIST OF COURSES OFFERED IN FOREIGN LANGUAGES AT SGH WITH A GUIDE TO ACCESS COURSE SYLLABI LIST OF CEMS MIM COURSES OFFERED AT SGH Generally speaking, the choice consists of three groups of courses: Code • Courses offered at Bachelor and Master levels, • Other courses with restricted access (study programmes in English, CEMS MIM elective courses, courses offered within selected study paths like ACCA), Title Instructor ECTS Sem. CEMS CORE COURSES (CEMS MIM) – for CEMS MIM students only! 236101-0456 Management Strategies in the New Economy Prof. P. Płoszajski 7.5 F 238351-0373 Global Management Practice Prof. J. Miroński 7.5 S CEMS ELECTIVE COURSES (CEMS MIM) – open to all students 238141-0061 Finance for Executives Dr T. Berent 6.0 S 236181-0578 Transition in Central and Eastern Europe Dr A. Słomka-Gołębiowska 4.0 F Courses from SGH’s general offer are open to all students (students are allowed to sign up for courses at their study level only!). A course opens 236161-0207 Strategic Analysis of European Markets Prof. M. Jarosiński 4.0 S if there is a sufficient number of students wishing to take it. Hence, this means that the actual list of courses will be much shorter than the one 238201-0655 Managing People, Systems and Self Prof. C. Wójcik 4.0 F presented here. 236121-0215 Media Economics Prof. B. Jung 4.0 F 236011-0485 Business-Government Relations in the European Context II Prof. R.. Rapacki 4.0 S 236171-0456 Strategy Development in Practice Prof. P. Płoszajski McKinsey & Company 5.5 S 236001-0456 Brand Management in a Multinational Company Prof. P. Płoszajski Procter&Gamble 5.5 S 236151-0373 Organisational Behaviour – Management Skills Prof. J. Miroński 4.0 F 236071-0544 European Strategies and Int’l Business Prof. A. Sulejewicz 4.0 F For the most up-to-date course list, please visit our website and download the latest version of this booklet at: 236141-0456 Organisational Behaviour and Organisational Design Prof. P. Płoszajski 4.0 S http://administracja.sgh.waw.pl/en/dpm/international_exchange/incoming_students/informations/ 237481-0622 Microeconomics of Competitiveness (licenced by HBS) Prof. W. Weresa Dr D. Mirońska 5.0 F 236041-0314 Enterprise Value Built Growth Dr G. Leśniak-Łebkowska 4.0 S 236021-0004 Corporate Governance – case studies Dr M. Aluchna 4.0 S COURSE REGISTRATION 236191-0084 Climate Change Policy and Model UNFCCC Dr M. Cygler 4.5 S 237521-0692 Knowledge Management in Practice Dr J. Brdulak 4.0 F International students register for courses listed in SGH’s general course offer on-line via the Virtual Dean’s Office (Wirtualny Dziekanat), 237531-0692 Management in a Logistics. Company of the Future Dr J. Brdulak, DB Schenker 4.0 F 4.0 F 4.0 S • Courses offered for particular educational projects. Priority in enrolment for restricted-access courses is given to students of pertinent Programmes. CEMS Core courses are available exclusively for CEMS students (no exception), the same concerns selected study paths like ACCA with Ernst&Young, EMLE (European Master in Law and Economics) and executive MBA programmes. Access to courses offered within other educational programmes and projects depends on the projects’ principles. just like regular SGH students. After initial registration, students are asked to log into the system again to check whether the courses they 238161-0456 Developing a Winning Sales and Marketing Strategy Prof. P. Płoszajski, L’Oreal Polska have chosen are available in the given semester. Registration for a course may not be possible due to insufficient demand and thus the course’s 238171-0498 Global Supply Chain Management Prof. K. Rutkowski cancellation or lack of free places. In both cases, students will be asked to change their course selection. Once the course selection is over, students receive a detailed schedule of the courses selected. Final session for any on-line registration changes is held at the beginning of each semester. F – Fall Semester; S – Spring Semester Note: Current CEMS MIM course portfolio is available at: http://www.administracja.sgh.waw.pl/en/dpm/cems/courses_at_sgh/list/ Current CEMS MIM course schedule is available at: http://www.administracja.sgh.waw.pl/en/dpm/cems/courses_at_sgh/schedules/ More information pertaining to the on course registration process is available in the International Student Handbook and at the DPM (International Centre) website. 26 27 Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie | Warsaw School of Economics Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie | Warsaw School of Economics LIST OF ALL COURSES OFFERED AT SGH IN FOREIGN LANGUAGES Course Code Course title 110431 Semester ECTS 120701 Project Management X X 3 120711 Human Resources Management X X 3 120861 International Competitiveness X X 3 120881 International Financial Settlements X X 3 F S Economic Geography X X 3 120891 World Economy X X 1.5 110441 Economic History X X 3 120911 Demography X X 3 110451 European Integration X X 3 120921 International Marketing X X 3 110454 Europäische Integration (FORUM) X X 3 120931 International Business Transactions X X 4.5 110461 Macroeconomics I X X 6 121001 Algebra X X 3 110464 Makroökonomie I (FORUM) X X 6 121011 Mathematical Analysis X X 6 110471 Macroeconomics II X X 4.5 121021 Operations Research X X 6 110474 Makroökonomie II (FORUM) X X 4.5 121031 Banking X X 4.5 110481 Marketing X X 3 121041 Business Plan X X 3 110484 Marketing (FORUM) X X 3 121051 Political Doctrines 110491 Mathematics X X 8 121061 Econometrics X 110501 Microeconomics I X X 6 121071 Behavioural Economics X X 110504 Mikroökonomie I (FORUM) X X 6 121081 Economics of the Third Sector 110511 Microeconomics II X X 5 121091 Health Economics X X 3 110514 Mikroökonomie II (FORUM) X X 5 121151 European Union Internal Market X X 3 110521 Theory of State X X 3 121161 Interpersonal Communication 110531 Introduction to Business Information Systems X X 3 121171 Consumer in Market Economy 110541 Basics of Law X X 4 121181 Local Social Policy X X 3 110551 Economic and Social Policy X X 4 121191 Mathematics of Finance X X 3 110554 Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik (FORUM) X X 4 121201 Methodology of Economics X X 3 110561 Accounting X X 4 121211 International Cultural Relations X X 3 110571 Sociology X X 3 121221 International Relations X X 3 110581 Statistics X X 7 121251 Social Policy 110591 Management X X 3 121261 Insurance X X 4.5 110594 Management (FORUM) X X 3 121271 Survey Methods and Statistical Analysis I X X 6 110601 Management (Challenges) X X 3 121281 Probability Theory X X 3 110602 Gestion X X 3 121291 Financial Markets X X 4.5 110611 International Economics X X 4.5 121311 Economic Sociology 110614 Internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen (FORUM) X X 4.5 121341 EU Legal System X X 110621 Philosophy X X 3 121351 Pension Systems X 110631 Finance X X 3 121361 Entrepreneurship Training X X 3 110634 Finanzen (FORUM) X 3 121371 European Union Policies I X X 3 110641 Management X X 6 121381 European Union Policies II 120031 Corporate Financial Analysis X X 3 121391 European Project Management X X 3 120101 Social Anthropology X X 3 121401 Management in International Business X X 3 120111 Marketing Research X X 3 121411 Financial Analysis X X 4.5 120141 Deterministic Models of Operations Research X 3 121419 Financial Analysis (e-learning) X X 4.5 120151 Mathematical Economics X X 3 121421 Analysis and Design of Information Systems II X X 3 120181 International Finance X X 3 121431 Introduction Game Theory X X 3 120184 Internationale Finanzen X X 3 121441 International Relations X X 6 120191 Corporate Finance X X 3 121451 Global Marketing X X 3 120194 Finanzwissenschaft (FORUM) X X 3 121461 International Trade Law X X 4.5 120201 Corporate Finance X X 4.5 121471 Dimensions of Competitiveness X X 3 120204 Finanzwirtschaft der Unternehmung (FORUM) X X 4.5 121481 Internationalization of the Firm X X 6 120211 Public Finance X X 3 121491 Multinational Firms in the World Economy X X 3 120231 Social History of Europe 3 121501 Capital Market X X 3 120241 History of International Relations X X 3 121511 Sustainable Development X X 3 120251 Business Informatics I X X 3 121521 Business Cycle Analysis and Foreign Market Research X X 6 120271 Financial and Actuarial Mathematics X X 3 121531 Negotiation Techniques X X 4.5 120291 Econometric Methods X X 3 121541 International Project Management 120301 Methods and Techniques of Social Research 3 130131 The European Union Budget X X 120361 Enterprise Science X X 3 130171 Local Democracy 120371 International Organizations X X 3 130221 European Banking System X X 3 120421 Foreign Policy of Poland X X 3 130311 Internationalization of Firms X X 3 120471 International Private Law X X 3 130331 Marketing Communication X X 3 120481 Public International Law X X 3 130339 Marketing Communication (e-learning) X X 3 120491 Labour Law X X 3 130381 Local Labour Markets X X 3 120521 Analysis and Design of Information Systems I X X 3 130401 Services Marketing X X 3 120551 Accounting and Financial Reporting X X 3 130411 Mathematical Models of Risk and Their Applications X X 3 120561 Financial Accounting 4.5 130451 Econometric Modelling in Microeconomics 120581 Social Services and Social Work 3 130531 Organizing Company According to TQM X X 120591 Competitive Strategies X X 3 130541 Taxes in Accounting 3 120599 Competitive Strategies (e-learning) X X 3 130551 Basics of Construction Industry 1.5 120661 Social Security X X 3 130661 Tax Law 120671 Organizational Behaviour X X 3 130671 Insurance Law 120681 Quality Management X X 3 130701 Insurance Products 28 3 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 X X 3 3 29 Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie | Warsaw School of Economics Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie | Warsaw School of Economics 130711 Computer Programming 130781 Corporate Tax Accounting 6 132601 Environmental Policy of the European Union X X 3 3 132631 Ethics and Institutions in the Global Economy X X 130841 Computer Networks X 3 X 3 132681 International Accounting 130851 Sociology of Communication X 3 X 3 132721 Managerial Corporate Finance 130891 Standardization of Quality and Safety of Products in the European Union 3 3 132731 Managerial Corporate Finance – Workshop 130931 Pricing and Distribution Strategies X X 3 132741 Auditing and Controlling in International Corporations X X 130941 Product and Brand Strategies 3 X X 3 132751 International Business Transactions and Logistics Operations X X 130991 6 Database Systems I X X 3 132761 Foreign Expansion Project X X 3 131001 Operating Systems X X 3 132781 Financial Consulting Project X X 3 131011 Theory of Econometrics 3 132791 Public International Law X X 4.5 131041 Social Choice Theory and Applications 3 132801 Financial Policy of the EU 131061 Economic insurance 3 132811 Multilateral Institutional Cooperation X X 3 131091 Household Insurance 3 132821 Consulting Project for Private and Public Sector X X 3 131101 Financial Services 3 136059 Rationality and Moral Choice (e-learning) X X 3 131161 Service Quality Management 3 136081 A Review of Classic American Movies (CNJO) X X 3 131171 Goods Quality Management 3 136131 Business Writing – Proficiency (CNJO) X X 3 131201 Corporate Financial Liquidity Management X X 3 136171 e-Banking X X 3 131211 Risk Management in Integrated Management Systems X X 3 136231 Impact of innovations on local and regional growth X X 1.5 131341 Local Government Finance 3 136341 Public Sector in Tourism X X 3 131361 Tax Systems in the EU Countries X X 3 136494 Deutsch-polnische Wirtschaftsbeziehungen (FORUM) X X 1.5 131431 Investment Projects Evaluation X X 3 136604 Industrieökonomik (FORUM) X X 3 131521 Private Equity/Venture Capital 3 136614 Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik in Deutschland (FORUM) X X 3 131531 Tax and Non-tax Corporate Burden X X 3 136624 Informationsmanagement deutscher Unternehmen (FORUM) X X 3 131541 Methods of Companies' Valuations X X 3 136634 Betriebliche Steuerlehre deutscher Unternehmen (FORUM) X X 3 131611 Communication and International Lobbying 3 136644 Deutschland als Wirtschaftsstandort (FORUM) X X 1.5 131631 System Transformation in Central and Eastern Europe X X 3 136654 Europäische Integration Deutschlands (FORUM) X X 3 131639 System Transformation in Central and Eastern Europe (e-learning) X X 3 136674 Controlling in deutschen Unternehmen (FORUM) X X 3 131711 Polish Firms on Internal EU Market X X 3 136714 Filme und Reportagen als Sprechanlass (CNJO) X X 3 131811 Methods of Decision Analysis 3 136721 English for Marketing (CNJO) X X 4.5 131831 Long-term Care Insurance 3 136731 Introduction to Finance and Accounting (CNJO) X X 3 131841 Fundamentals of Systems Theory 3 136751 Introduction to Corporate Banking and Financial Analysis (CNJO) X X 3 131891 Optimization Methods 3 136761 Introduction Retail Banking & Insurance (CNJO) X X 3 132011 Time Series Analysis and Forecasting X X 6 136772 Quoi de neuf dans le monde? Actualites - politique, economie, societe - dans la presse, a la tele, a la radio francophones (CNJO) X X 4.5 132021 Retail Banking X X 3 136791 Business Gurus (CNJO) X X 3 132031 Investment Banking X X 3 136824 Interesante Themen, spannende Gespräche (CNJO) X X 4.5 132041 Corporate Banking 6 136834 Polen in der Europäischen Union (CNJO) X X 4.5 132051 Business Cycle Indicators 3 136911 English for Advertising and Marketing (CNJO) X X 3 132061 Security and Cooperation in Europe 136972 X X 4.5 132071 Business in Central and Eastern Europe La télévision et la radio françaises - source d'informations sur l'actualité économique, sociale et politique en France et dans le monde (CNJO) 132101 Institutionalization of International Relations 132111 132114 132131 X X X X X X X X 3 4.5 X X 3 137021 Pension and Investment Funds X X 3 Ethics in Business X X 1.5 137064 Einfuehrung in die Internationalen Wirtschaftsbeziehungen X X 3 Einführung in die Wirtschaftstehik X X 1.5 137111 The European Union and the United States in the WTO X X 1.5 3 137121 Terrorism and Organized Crime X X 3 6 137251 General Proficient English (CNJO) X X 4.5 3 137274 Deutsch am Arbeitsplatz (CNJO) X X 4.5 3 137281 Budgeting, monitoring and controlling in Project Management X X 3 Financial Engineering in Project Management X X 3 European Economics 132141 European Media: Legal, Economic and Socio-political Aspects 132151 Behavioural Finance 132161 Financing of the Regional and Local Development X X X X 3 3 132211 IT in Business Strategy 1.5 137291 132221 National Standards of Financial Reporting 3 137301 Project Feasibility Study X X 3 132231 Financial Accounting Laboratory 3 137311 Project Risk and Value Management X X 3 132251 Life insurance 3 137331 English for Human Resources (CNJO) X X 3 Legal English for Commerce (CNJO) X X 3 X X 132271 Statistical Methods I 3 137351 132281 International Aspects of Real Estate Agent Activities 3 137361 Business Culture (CNJO) X X 3 132291 International Demographic Problems 3 137371 Business on the Big Screen. A Review (CNJO) X X 4.5 132301 International Monetary System 3 137394 Businessetikette international (CNJO) X X 3 Vorbereitungskurs für die Prüfung German for Business (LCCI) Stufe 3 (CNJO) X X 3 X X 132351 Mass Media Influence 3 137404 132361 Cost Accounting Principles 3 137414 Case Study auf Deutsch I (CNJO) X X 3 132391 Property Brokerage 4.5 137424 Case Study auf Deutsch II (CNJO) X X 3 3 137451 The Art of Public Speaking Workshop X X 3 Usage of IT Software in Project Management (MPZ) X X 1.5 132401 Banking Law 132411 Diplomatic and Consular Law 3 137461 132421 Law of Marketing in the European Union X X 3 137491 Strategies of Sustainable Business (MPZ) X X 3 132451 Regulation of the European Union Energy Markets X X 3 137511 Project Quality and Time Management (MPZ) X X 3 Project Portfolio Strategic Management (MPZ) X X 3 132454 Regulierung der europäischen Energiemärkte am Beispiel von Deutschland und Polen (FORUM) 3 137521 132461 Induced Decision Rules 6 137531 Development Project Management (MPZ) X X 3 132471 Capital Groups Financial Reporting 3 137541 Public Private Partnership Project Management (MPZ) X X 3 132491 Spreadsheet Simulation 3 137571 English for International Relations (CNJO) X X 30 Auf dem Laufenden sein. Wirtschaftliche, soziale und politische Themen in den deutschsprachigen Medien (CNJO) X X 3 X X 132501 Fiscal System in Poland 3 137584 132521 Transition Economics X X 3 137592 Différents visages de la France, via radio, presse, Internet, télévision. Perfectionnement des compétences linguistiques (CNJO) X X 3 132531 Relations of the European Union with Eastern Europe Countries X X 3 137601 Color Revolutions and Arab Spring X X 3 3 137611 China's Energy Geopolitics X X 3 3 137621 Standardized Testing Methodology and Its Practical Applications for GMAT (CNJO) X X 3 132561 132571 30 Social protection in healthcare sector The Management of Insurance Company 31 Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie | Warsaw School of Economics Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie | Warsaw School of Economics 137634 Medienökonomie (FORUM) X X 3 222261 Software Engineering X X 3 137644 Geld- und Währungspolitik (FORUM) X X 3 222271 Transnational Corporations X X 3 137664 Betriebliches Rechnungswesen in deutschen Unternehmen (FORUM) X X 3 222291 Advanced Macroeconomics (QEM) X X 6 137671 English for Personal Finance and Investment (CNJO) X X 3 222301 Marketing of Places X X 3 137681 International & Strategic Human Resource Management (CNJO) X X 3 222321 Introduction to Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes (QEM) X X 3.5 137691 Psychology in Business & Organizational Behaviour (CNJO) X X 3 222341 International Financial Markets X X 3 137704 Logistik (1) - Einfuehrung (CNJO) X X 3 222351 International Business Transactions X X 3 137711 Fundamentals of Risk and Insurance X X 3 222361 Cultural Identities in Europe 137734 Unternehmertum und Unternehmensgründungen in den deutsch-polnischen Wrtschaftsbeziehungen (FORUM) X X 3 222371 Advanced Microeconomics X X 6 137781 Strategies of Urban Development X X 4.5 222381 Business-Government Relations X X 3 137791 Managerial Corporate Finance X X 6 222411 Economic Policy 139991 Fundamentals of Management Accounting (CIMA) X X 5 222414 Wirtschaftspolitik X X 3 210101 History of Economic Thought X X 4.5 222451 Poland in the European Union X X 3 210111 Business Law X X 4.5 222454 Polen in der Europäischen Union X X 3 220061 International Security X X 3 222461 Financial and Tax Law X X 4.5 220281 International Marketing X X 4.5 222491 Cost Accounting (ACCA) X X 3 220311 International Environmental Protection X X 3 222581 Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes X X 6 220341 Microeconometrics 3 222601 Human Capital Management X X 3 220381 Monetary Policy X X 3 222611 Business Process Management X X 3 220391 Social Policy of Local Government X X 3 222621 Strategic Management X X 3 220421 International Comparative Studies of Economic Systems 3 222651 European Civilisation 6 220431 Investment Portfolio 4.5 222671 Economic Analysis of Tort Law 3 220441 Customer Behaviour X X 3 222681 Economic Analysis of Competition Law 3 220501 Entrepreneurship X X 1.5 222691 Economic Analysis of Property Law 3 220531 Management Accounting (ACCA) X X 3 222701 Foundations of Law and Economics I 4.5 220571 Statistical Methods of Multivariate Comparative Analysis 3 222711 Foundations of Law and Economics II 220581 Mathematical Statistics I 3 222721 Private Law in Transformation 220591 Social Statistics 3 222731 Economic Analysis of Public Law 220621 Artificial Intelligence 3 222741 Public Law in Transformation 220651 Theory of Social Policy 3 222751 Economic Analysis of Corporate Law 220661 Theories of International Relations X X 3 222761 Economic Analysis of Contract Law 220681 Social Insurance X X 3 222771 Economic Analysis of Constitutional and Administrative Law 220741 Advanced Financial Accounting (ACCA) 4.5 222781 Economic Analysis of Environmental Law 220751 Bank Management X X 4.5 222791 Economic Analysis of Labour Law 220771 Logistics Management X X 3 222801 Advanced Optimization Methods 220821 Value Based Management X X 3 222811 Management and Cost Accounting 221171 European Union Economic Law X X 3 222821 221321 International Logistics X X 3 221322 La logistique international X X 221324 Internationale Logistik X 221331 International Corporate Finance 221334 X X X X 3 3 4.5 X X X X 3 3 3 3 3 X X 3 3 3 X X Financial Management X X 5 222861 International Logistics X X 5 3 222881 European Union Internal Market X X 4 X 3 222911 Managerial Accounting X X 5 X X 3 222931 Methods of Statistical Analysis II Internationale Finanzwirtschaft der Unternehmung X X 3 222941 Game Theory X X 3 221341 Globalization and Regionalization in International Relations X X 3 222981 Civil Law X X 1.5 221371 Cultural Determinants of International Business X X 3 222991 Econometrics of Panel Data 221411 International Social Policy 3 222991 Econometrics of Panel Data (QEM) X X 3.5 221471 Operations Management X X 3 223001 Advanced Macroeconomics II (QEM) X X 7 221481 Statistical Methods II X X 3 223021 Advanced Microeconomics II (QEM) X X 7 221481 Statistical Methods II (QEM) X X 3.5 223031 Industrial Economics (QEM) X X 3.5 222001 Algebra and Mathematical Analysis X X 6 223041 Statistical Methods for Management 222031 Leisure as a Socio-Cultural Category X X 4.5 223051 Advanced Macroeconomics I X X 4.5 222041 Financial Econometrics I X X 3 223061 Databases Build and Exploitation X X 3 222051 Applied Econometrics X X 3 223071 Data Warehouses II X X 3 222061 Time Series Econometrics 6 223081 Graph Theory and Social Networks X X 3 222071 Pension Economics X X 3 223091 Big Data X X 3 222081 Institutional Economics X X 4.5 223101 Querrying, Data Presentation, Data Visualisation and Reporting X X 3 222089 Institutional Economics (e-learning) X X 4.5 223111 Basic and Advanced Programming in SAS with Statistics X X 3 222091 Managerial Economics X X 4.5 223121 Data Mining Basic and Advanced with Text Mining X X 3 222101 Advanced International Economics X X 4.5 223131 Social Demography X X 3 222104 Internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen (FORUM) X X 4.5 223151 Economic and Social Policy II X X 4.5 222111 Labour Economics X X 4.5 223161 Survey Design and Social Research Methods X X 6 222121 Development Economics X X 4.5 223171 International Leadership X X 3 222131 Public Sector Economics X X 4.5 223181 Macro and Microeconomic Aspects of Tourism X X 3 222141 Environmental Economics X X 4.5 223191 Quantitative and Qualitative Methods in Management Sciences and Economics X X 7.5 222149 Environmental Economics (e-learning) X X 4.5 223201 Economic Diplomacy X X 3 222151 Mathematical Economics and Optimal Control Theory X X 6 223211 Entrepreneurship in Tourism and Hotel Industry in Terms of International and National X X 3 222161 Business Ethics X X 3 223221 International Entrepreneurship X X 4.5 222211 History of Social Thought 3 223231 Economics and Management of Innovations X X 4.5 222231 Management Information Systems X X 6 223241 Natural Environment and Energy: International Conflicts and Cooperation X X 3 222241 Monetary Integration X X 3 223251 Behavioral Economics in e-Business 222251 Financial Engineering X X 3 223261 Industrial Organization X X 32 6 3 3 3 3 4.5 4.5 33 Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie | Warsaw School of Economics Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie | Warsaw School of Economics 223271 Digital Technologies in Business Relations 3 232651 Mergers and Acquisitions of Enterprises 223281 Financing and Valuation of High-Tech Companies X 3 232671 Applications of Mathematics in Financial Economics 223301 Fundamentals of e-Business Analytics 3 232771 Public-Private Partnership 223311 Social Networks Sites Analysis and Applications 3 232901 Strategic Analysis of European Markets X X 3 223321 Global Poverty, Underdevelopment and Development X X 3 233011 Business Cycle Analysis and Foreign Market Research X X 3 223331 Tourism Regions X X 4.5 233031 The analysis of consumption patterns 3 223341 International Hotel Industry X X 3 233041 Quantitative market analysis 6 223361 Tourism Enterprise Management X X 4.5 233061 Budget of a Local Government 223371 New Technologies in Marketing X X 3 233101 Data Mining 223401 Public Relations in Tourism and Recreation X X 3 233111 Economic Analysis of the Labor Market Reforms 3 223411 Transport in Tourism X X 4.5 233121 Economic Analysis of Labor Relations 6 223421 Marketing of Tourism and Recreational Services X X 3 233131 Economic Analysis of Market Deregulation 3 223471 Event History Analysis With SAS X X 3 233141 Economic Analysis of the Welfare State 3 223481 Logistic Regression with SAS X X 3 233161 e-Economy and socio-legal environment 223491 Statistical Learning Methods X X 6 233171 Value Creation in the Service Economy 223501 International Financial Management X X 3 233181 Financial Econometrics II 6 223511 Environment of International Business X X 9 233191 Welfare Economics 3 224381 Effective IT Management in Corporate X X 3 233201 Political Economy 230061 Fundamental and Technical Analysis 3 233211 Theories of Economic Change X X 3 230081 Auditing 3 233221 Media Economics X X 3 230171 Dynamic Optimization 3 233291 Innovation in Regional and Local Economy X X 3 230201 Bayesian Econometrics X X 3 233311 Qualitative Marketing Research 230241 Nonlinear econometric models X X 3 233321 Business Cycle and Market Research 230301 European Transport System 3 233341 Intercultural Encounters in Tourism X X 3 230411 Financial Sector Institutions 3 233351 Financial Crises and Financial Stability X X 3 230461 Project Team Management 3 233371 Laboratory in Management Accounting 3 230481 Intercultural Communication 3 233421 Methods of Demographic Analysis 3 230511 Distribution Logistics 3 233451 International Financial Reporting Standards 230541 Business-to-Business Marketing 3 233461 General Equilibrium Frameworks 230571 Transport Services Marketing 3 233491 Tax Optimization 230681 International Financial Organizations 3 233494 Steueroptimierung 230711 International Transport Markets 3 233501 Public-Private Partnership 230721 Demographic models and projections 3 233541 Dividend Policy 230741 Automobile Insurance Models 3 233641 Demographic Problems of the World 230761 Statistical Modeling of Social Phenomena 3 233681 Preparation of EU Financing Projects 230771 Multimedia information technology 3 233711 Regulation and Supervision of Financial Markets 230801 Modern Distribution Systems in Industry and Trade 3 233731 230811 Investments Projects Evaluation 3 230821 Project Driven Organization 230881 X X X X X 3 3 1.5 3 X X 3 6 X X 3 3 3 3 3 X X X X X X X X Investor Relations and Value Reporting X X 3 233761 Risk in Insurance Company X X 3 3 233811 Socio-economic Effects of Demographic Changes 6 Marketing Information Basics 3 233821 Statistical Methods of Poverty and Social Exclusion Analysis 3 230901 Strategic Project Management 3 233831 Non-parametric Methods in Statistics 6 230911 Budgetary Policy 3 233851 Actuarial Statistics and Risk Theory 6 231091 Process of Motivating Employees 3 233861 Economic Relations between European Union and Less Developed Countries 3 231111 Dynamic programming and recursive models in economics 3 233881 IT Strategies of organization 3 231121 Effectiveness Calculus in the Bank 3 233891 Co-operative Strategies of Enterprises 3 231151 Bank Accounting 3 233901 Polish Companies Entry Strategies on the Eastern Markets 1.5 231171 Reinsurance 3 233911 Corporate capital structure 3 231211 Business Restructuring 3 233921 Financial Programming in Macroeconomics - Simulations 3 231221 Development of Business Applications 3 233931 Legal Protection System in the European Union 3 231231 Derivatives Market 3 233951 World Trade Organization and the European Union 3 231341 Insurance Statistics 3 233961 Technical Aspects of Property Management 3 231381 Human Capital Strategy 3 233971 The Risk Theory 3 231421 Competitive and Growth Strategies of Polish Firms on the EU Market 3 233981 Life insurance and pensions mathematics 3 231431 Marketing Strategies 3 233991 Value Added Tax in Business Activity 231451 Database systems II 3 234001 Job Evaluation and Assessment X X 3 231561 Taxation Theory 3 234041 Advanced Investment Banking X X 6 231571 Growth Theory 3 234051 Advanced Statistical Analysis Methods 231681 Solvency of insurance undertakings 3 234061 Advanced Simulation Modelling 232001 International Co-operative Strategies of Enterprises 3 234081 Innovation Management in an Enterprise 232121 Competitiveness of Regions X X 3 234101 Bank Loan Portfolio Management 232251 International Management X X 3 234111 IT Projects Management 232261 Business Environment in Central and Eastern Europe X X 3 234131 Management of Investment Undertaking 232271 Corporate Governance X X 3 234141 Corporate Financial Risk Management 232281 Contemporary Issues in Central and Eastern Europe X X 3 234151 Market and Operational Risk Management 232301 Business Strategies for Central and Eastern Europe X X 3 234191 Integrated Management Information Systems 232461 National Innovation Systems in the World Economy X X 3 234301 Negotiations X X 3 232531 Legal Aspects of Mass Media 3 234311 Fundamentals of Project Management X X 3 232541 Europe and the World of Islam 3 234401 Accountant in Business (ACCA) X X 1.5 232581 Theory and Policy of Exchange Rate 3 234431 Advanced Audit and Assurance (ACCA) X X 3 232601 International Strategic Analysis 3 234441 Advanced Financial Reporting under International Financial Reporting Standards (ACCA) X X 6 34 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 3 X X X X X X 3 3 6 3 3 3 3 35 Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie | Warsaw School of Economics Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie | Warsaw School of Economics 234451 Advanced Financial Strategies (ACCA) 6 236011 Business-Government Relations in the European Context II (CEMS) X 4 234461 Cost and Management Accounting I (ACCA) X 3 236021 Corporate Governance – case studies (CEMS) X 4 234471 Cost and Management Accounting II (ACCA) 6 236041 Enterprise Value Built Growth (CEMS) X 4 234481 External and Internal Audit (ACCA) X X 4.5 236071 European Strategies and International Business (CEMS) X 4 234491 Financial Management (ACCA) X X 4.5 236101 Management Strategies in the New Economy (CEMS Core) X 7.5 234501 Polish Business Law (ACCA) 4.5 236121 Media Economics (CEMS) X 234521 Strategic Business Planning and Analysis (ACCA) 3 236141 Organisational Behaviour and Organisational Design (CEMS) 234551 Region of the Latin America and the Caribbean 3 236151 Organisational Behaviour - Management Skills (CEMS) 234561 International Relations on Western Hemisphere X X 3 236161 Strategic Analysis of European Markets (CEMS) X 4 234571 International Relations in the Middle East X X 3 236171 Strategy Development in Practice with McKinsey Co.(CEMS) X 5.5 234581 Economy and Politics of Middle East 3 236181 Transition in Central and Eastern Europe (CEMS) 234591 History and Culture of the Region of the Asia and Pacific 3 236191 Climate Change Policy and Model UNFCCC (CEMS) 234621 Modern Tourism Market 3 236200 Polish for Foreigners – Beginning Polish (CNJO) 234631 Accounting in the Public Sector Entities 3 236210 234651 Advanced Methods Game Theory 3 234661 Introduction to Mathematical Analysis and Probability 234671 European Union as a Player in the International Relations 234701 History of the United States and Canada 234711 History of the Middle-East 234751 Actuarial Aspects of Reinsurance 234761 Customer Value Management 234771 Applied Dynamic Systems 234791 Managing Research and Development (R&D) in Transnational Corporations 234801 X X X 4 X X 4 4 X 4 X 4.5 X X 4 Polish for Foreigners – Intermediate Polish (CNJO) X X 4 236331 Cooperation of States in the Field of Tourism and Hospitality Industry X X 1.5 3 236341 State Tourism Policy X X 1.5 3 236351 Decision Theory 3 236411 Portfolio Management for Financial Advisers X X 3 3 236431 Advanced Statistical Analysis Methods with SAS X X 3 3 236511 Creativity in Advertising X X 3 3 236521 Cross-Cultural Management X X 3 6 236551 Economics as Social Theory X 3 3 236591 Franchising in Business X X 3 Economic Analysis of Infrastructure Industries Regulation 6 236671 Dilbert – Corporate World and Working Place Relationships in the Eye of a Cartoonist (CNJO) X X 3 234811 Economic Analysis of Regulated Professions 3 236681 lnvestment Strategies in Mutual Funds X X 3 234821 Advanced Management Accounting (ACCA-N) X X 3 236721 Lifestyles and New Product Development X X 3 234831 Advanced Performance Management (ACCA-N) X X 3 236811 Numerical Methods 234841 Corporate Governance (ACCA-N) X X 1 236851 International Tax Planning X X 3 234851 Group Accounting (ACCA-N) X X 1.5 236854 Internationale Steuerplanung X X 1.5 234861 Polish Business Tax (ACCA-N) X X 1.5 237021 Technology Entrepreneurship X 3 234871 Advanced Industrial Organization X 3 237061 Public Speaking - Training X 234881 Monetary Economics X X 3 237081 Services Sector in the European Union X X 1.5 234891 Macroeconomic Modelling X X 3 237231 Transport and Logistics Policy of the EU X X 3 234941 Making the 21st Century Cities X X 3 237411 Coaching X X 3 234951 New Models of Urban Entrepreneurship X X 3 237481 Microeconomics or Competitiveness (licensed by HBS; CEMS) X 5 234961 Planning and Management in Eco-cities X X 3 237521 Knowledge Management in Practice (CEMS) X 4 234971 Mathematical Logic X X 3 237531 Management in a Logistic Company of the Future (CEMS) X 234981 Health Demography 3 237541 Offshoring X X 1.5 234991 Economics of Education II 3 237604 Wirtschaftsförderung und Wirtschaftsdiplomatie: Deutschland und Polen (FORUM) X X 1.5 235001 Economic and Demographic Foundations of Public Policy X X 3 237681 Customs Policy in Foreign Trade X X 1.5 235011 Analysis of Household and Consumption X X 1.5 237771 Cashflow 101 – educational game by R. Kiyosaki X X 3 235021 Consumer Finance Research X X 3 237801 Text Mining (Unstructured Data Analysis) X X 3 235031 Methodology and Analyses of Time Use Surveys X X 3 237941 Banks Lending to Households: Consumer And Mortgage Credit X X 3 235041 Research and Analyses Methods of Quality of Life X X 3 238101 European Labour Market X X 1.5 235051 Methods of Labour Market Research X X 3 238141 Finance for Executives (CEMS) X 6 235061 Generational Transfers 3 238161 Developing a Winning Sales and Marketing Strategy with L'Oreal Polska (CEMS) 235071 Health Tourism 6 238171 Global Supply Chain Management (CEMS) 235081 Tools and Techniques of Events Organization X X 6 238182 Zoom sur l'actualite! Le monde en reportages a la television, dans la presse et a la radio francophones (CNJO) X 235091 Management of Tourism Development at Local Level X X 3 238201 Leadership: Managing People, Systems and Self (CEMS) X 235101 Brand Management on International Market X X 4.5 238231 Business Process Outsourcing and Offshoring X X 3 235111 Firm Strategies in International Business X X 6 238271 Intellectual Property Valuation X X 3 235121 Non-Governmental Organizations X X 1.5 238291 Fair Trade and Development of Global South X X 3 235131 Regulation of International Financial Markets X X 3 238311 Credit Scoring and SAS Macro-programming X X 3 235141 Migration Policy X X 1.5 238321 Current Topics in CIS Transition Economies X X 3 235151 Diversity of Contemporary Capitalism X X 3 238334 Geschichte der volkswirtschaftlichen Lehrmeinungen X X 3 235161 Services in the Global Economy X X 3 238344 Ethik der Sozialen Marktwirtschaft (FORUM) X X 3 235171 Regional Integration (Trading) Agreements 3 238351 Global Management Practice (CEMS Core) X 7.5 235181 Economic Governance: Global and European Dimension 4.5 238371 Advanced International Trade and Finance 235191 Portfolio Management X X 4.5 238401 Team Work and Team Building - Workshops X X 1.5 235201 Applied Behavioral Finance X X 3 238411 Personal Finance Management X X 3 235211 International Banking X X 3 238451 Euro Area - Monetary Integration in Theory and Practice X X 3 235221 Financial Risk Management and Derivatives X X 4.5 238461 Financial Frauds X X 3 235231 Services Management on International Market X X 4.5 238471 The Review of Selected Economic Topics (for International Business Students) X X 3 235241 Law & Economics of e-Government 3 238521 Logistics in services X X 3 235291 Mobile Digital Office 3 238531 Purchasing X X 3 235301 Technology start-up 4.5 238541 Demand Management in the Supply Chain X X 3 235311 Social Media Marketing Strategies 3 238571 International Transport and Freight Forwarding X X 3 235321 Cloud Computing Management 1.5 238584 X 7.5 235341 e-Business Supply Chain Management (eSCM) 3 Eine gefestigte Partnerschaft? Die Beziehungen zwischen Polen und Deutschland in Wirtschaft, Politik und Gesellschaft (deutschsprachige Sommerschule) 236001 Brand Management in a Multi-National Company with P&G (CEMS) 238611 Summer University Warsaw – lnnovative Europe as an Opportunity for Development of a Contemporary Company X 8 36 X X X X X X X X X X X X X 5.5 3 3 3 4 X 4 X 4 X 3 4 3 37 Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie | Warsaw School of Economics Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie | Warsaw School of Economics 239961 Financial Management (CIMA) X X 6 239971 Enterprise Management (CIMA) X X 6 239981 Enterprise Operations (CIMA) X X 6 239991 Financial Operations (CIMA) X X 6 Explanation of abbreviations and symbols: ACCA – Courses offered by E&Y – not available to exchange students CEMS Core – CEMS courses not available to exchange students CEMS – CEMS Courses offered to exchange students if slots available; some of them may require pre-selection CIMA – Courses offered within SGH&CIMA study programme CNJO – Courses offered by Centre for Foreign Languages’ teachers EMLE – European Master in Law and Economics courses FORUM – Courses offered within Polish-German Academic Forum MPZ – Courses offered within “Young Design Management” – BA in Management QEM – Models and Methods of Quantitative Economics study path courses F – Offered in the Fall Semester (if marked with “X”)* S – Offered in the Spring Semester (if marked with “X”)* *) If there is no “X” in any of the fields – the course is not available in this academic year Explanation of SGH Course Catalogue Coding System 4-digit instructor’s code Step 3. Once you are in the Course Browser main page, you may start to search for courses according to your preferences (as presented in the illustration below): A B X X X Y – Z Z Z Z Level of studies Course level Language of instruction 3-digit course number Catalogue Course Coding (A, B) Language of Instruction Coding (Y) 10000Y Bachelor’s (undergraduate) Studies: Course in preparation XXXXX0 Polish 20000Y Master’s (graduate) Studies: Course in preparation XXXXX1 English 11XXXY Bachelor’s (undergraduate) Studies: Core, common courses for all majors XXXXX2 French 12XXXY Bachelor’s (undergraduate) Studies: Major courses and Electives XXXXX3 Spanish 13XXXY Bachelor’s (undergraduate) Studies: Major courses and Electives XXXXX4 German 21XXXY Master’s (graduate) Studies: Core, common courses for all majors XXXXX6 Russian 22XXXY Master’s (graduate) Studies: Major courses and Electives XXXXX7 Italian 23XXXY Master’s (graduate) Studies: Elective Courses XXXXX9 E-learning course GUIDE TO ACCESSING COURSE OUTLINES THROUGH THE VIRUTAL DEAN’S OFFICE Outlines of all SGH courses are stored and presented at the new edition of “Wirtualny Dziekanat” (Virtual Dean’s Office – “WD”) website. The site is now available English, so navigating it should not be a problem. Step 1. Type or paste the address of the WD into your browser: https://dziekanat.sgh.waw.pl/wd_nowy/index.php?jezyk=ang Step 2. Click on the “Course Browser” from left-hand menu, for the academic year you are interested in (https://dziekanat.sgh.waw.pl/wd_nowy/wi_wyszukiwarka.php) The browser allows you to search for courses using different criteria, e.g. by code numbers, by course titles (or their fragments), by contents of the descriptions (outlines), by teacher’s name (instructor), by level of studies and majors. If you are interested in a particular course, just type its title or 6-digit code and click on “Search” button. Keep in mind that course codes ending with the digit 1 are offered in English. If you search by course codes, a list of one or more (if there are more faculty members offering the same courses) courses will be generated. If you search by course title, you will generate a list of courses with the same name. If you search by the instructor – you will generate a list of courses offered by the given faculty member. 38 39 Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie | Warsaw School of Economics Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie | Warsaw School of Economics Appendix 2 Step 5. To get access to full information about a course use the active link with a course you are interested in. Step 6. To get access to course syllabi (in pdf or www version) and more information about the instructor, just click on corresponding active link. You may always print a syllabus either through pressing CTRL+P or any other combination of keys specific for your system, using the pop-up SGH STUDY PROGRAMMES IN ENGLISH Note: Full description of study programmes in Polish and English for 2015/2016 academic year, are available via “Wirtualny Dziekanat” at: https://dziekanat.sgh.waw.pl/wd_nowy/informatory/informator_2015_opis_sl_sm.pdf SGH Bachelor Studies Code menu or the menu bar of your browser. You may also download curricula of all SGH majors with learning outcomes available for the particular academic year by choosing “Teaching programmes and study plans (PDF)” option from left-hand menu (for a particular academic year) or choosing the same option from “SGH Fact finders” left-hand menu. Remember to use “BACK” button to go back to the previous webpage. Course Title ECTS Core Courses (common for all majors in English) 74 110611 International Economics 4.5 110621 110571 Philosophy or Sociology 3 110631 Finance 3 110431 110441 Economic Geography or Economic History 3 110451 110521 European Integration or Theory of State (Political Science) 3 110461 Macroeconomics I 6 110471 Macroeconomics II 4.5 110491 Mathematics 8 110501 Microeconomics I 6 110511 Microeconomics II 5 110541 Basics of Law 4 110551 Economic and Social Policy 4 110561 Accounting 4 110581 Statistics 7 110531 Introduction to Business Information Systems (IT) 3 110641 11059+11048 Management (lecture 110591 and seminar 11060) or Management (lecture) + Marketing 6 3+3 Mandatory e-learning courses at first year: – Intellectual Property Protection – basics – 4 hours – Health and Safety – 5 hours – IT Training – 2 hours – Library Training – 2 hours SGH Bachelor Studies Major: GLOBAL BUSINESS, FINANCE AND GOVERNANCE (IN ENGLISH) Code 40 Course Title ECTS Core Courses 74 Core Major Courses 42 121521 Business Cycle Analysis and Foreign Market Research 6 121501 Capital Market 3 121471 Dimensions of Competitiveness 3 121451 Global Marketing 3 120181 International Finance 3 121541 International Project Management 3 121461 International Trade Law 4.5 121481 Internationalization of the Firm 6 121491 Multinational Firms in the World Economy 3 121531 Negotiation Techniques 4.5 121511 Sustainable Development 3 Elective Courses (min. 15 ECTS from the list or study minor) 32 132741 Auditing and Controlling in International Corporations 3 132821 Consulting Project for Private and Public Sector 3 120191 Corporate Finance 120031 Corporate Financial Analysis 3 132781 Financial Consulting Project 3 132801 Financial Policy of the EU 4.5 132761 Foreign Expansion Project 3 132751 International Business Transactions and Logistics Operations 6 137791 Managerial Corporate Finance 6 41 Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie | Warsaw School of Economics Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie | Warsaw School of Economics 132811 Multilateral Institutional Cooperation 3 132791 Public International Law 4,5 TOTAL ECTS 180 Minor Courses 15 Minor: Economics of Central and Eastern Europe Electives (incl. at least 3-week internship for 3 ECTS) Foreign Language Tutorials Foreign Language 1 (10 ECTS) Foreign Language 2 (10 ECTS) 17 20 Physical Education 132071 Business in Central and Eastern Europe 3 132131 European Economics 3 222451 Poland in the European Union 3 2 132521 Transition Economics 3 Bachelor’s Seminar 10 222271 Transnational Corporations 3 TOTAL ECTS 180 Minor Courses 15 Minor: International Business Management Minor: Global Development and Governance 132111 Business Ethics 1.5 132821 3 132681 International Accounting 3 IT in Business Strategy 1.5 Consulting Project for Private and Public Sector 132801 Financial Policy of the EU 4.5 132211 132811 Multilateral Institutional Cooperation 3 132421 Legal Aspects of Marketing in the European Union 3 132791 Public International Law 4.5 222301 Marketing of Places 3 131711 Polish Companies in the European Union 3 Minor: International Business 132741 Auditing and Controlling in International Corporations 3 132761 Foreign Expansion Project 3 132751 International Business Transactions and Logistics Operations 6 120191 Corporate Finance 3 SGH Bachelor Studies Major: QUANTITATIVE METHODS IN ECONOMICS AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS (IN ENGLISH) Code Minor: International Finance Course Title ECTS Core Courses 74 Core Major Courses 42 120251 Business Informatics I 3 Demography or Mathematical Economics 3 132741 Auditing and Controlling in International Corporations 3 132771 Corporate Financial Analysis 3 120911 120150 132781 Financial Consulting Project 3 120141 Deterministic Models of Operations Research 3 137791 Managerial Corporate Finance 6 120291 121421 Econometric Methods or Analysis and Design of Information Systems II 3 121061 Econometrics 6 120271 120521 Financial and Actuarial Mathematics or Analysis and Design of Information Systems I 3 121001 Linear Algebra 6 121011 Mathematical Analysis 6 121281 Probability Theory 3 121271 Survey Methods and Statistical Analysis I 6 Elective Courses (min. 15 ECTS from the list or study minor) 32 222051 Applied Econometrics 3 130841 Computer Networks 3 130711 Computer Programming 6 130991 Database Systems I 3 130451 Econometric Modelling in Microeconomics 3 222041 Financial Econometrics I 3 131841 Fundamentals of Systems Theory 3 132461 Induced Decision Rules 6 121431 Introduction to Game Theory 3 130411 Mathematical Models of Risk and their Applications 3 131811 Methods of Decision Analysis 3 131001 Operating Systems 3 131891 Optimisation Methods 3 131041 Social Choice Theory and Applications 3 132491 Spreadsheet Simulations 3 131011 Theory of Econometrics 3 132011 Time-Series Analysis and Forecasting 6 Electives (incl. at least 3-week internship for 3 ECTS) Foreign Language Tutorials Foreign Language 1 (10 ECTS) Foreign Language 2 (10 ECTS) 17 20 Physical Education 2 Bachelor’s Seminar 10 TOTAL ECTS 180 SGH Bachelor Studies Major: INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS (IN ENGLISH) Code Course Title ECTS Core Courses 74 Core Major Courses 42 120191 Corporate Finance 3 121061 Econometrics 6 110451 110521 European Integration or Theory of State (Political Science) 3 120931 International Business Transactions 4.5 120861 International Competitiveness 3 120181 International Finance 3 120881 International Financial Settlements 3 120921 International Marketing 3 120371 International Organisations 3 120471 International Private Law 3 121401 Management in International Business 3 121151 European Union Internal Market 3 120891 World Economy 1.5 Elective Courses (min. 15 ECTS from the list or study minor) 32 132111 Business Ethics 1.5 132071 Business in Central and Eastern Europe 3 132131 European Economics 3 121371 European Union Common Policies I 3 121381 European Union Common Policies II 3 132681 International Accounting 3 132211 IT in Business Strategy 1.5 132421 Legal Aspects of Marketing in the European Union 3 222301 Marketing of Places 3 131711 Polish Companies in the European Union 3 130131 The European Union Budget 3 132521 Transition Economics 3 222271 Transnational Corporations 3 42 Electives (incl. at least 3-week internship for 3 ECTS) Foreign Language Tutorials Foreign Language 1 (10 ECTS) Foreign Language 2 (10 ECTS) 17 20 Physical Education 2 Bachelor’s Seminar 10 43 Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie | Warsaw School of Economics Minor Courses Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie | Warsaw School of Economics 15 Minor: Econometrics 131211 Risk Management in Integrated Management Systems 3 131531 Tax and Non-Tax Corporate Burden 3 Minor: Project Management 222051 Applied Econometrics 3 137281 Budgeting, Monitoring and Controlling in Project Management 3 130451 Econometric Modelling in Microeconomics 3 137291 Financial Engineering in Project Management 3 222041 Financial Econometrics I 3 131431 Investment Project Evaluation 3 132011 Time-Series Analysis and Forecasting 6 137330 Project Feasibility Study 3 137311 Project Risk and Value Management 3 Minor: Methods of Decision Analysis 131811 Methods of Decision Analysis 3 132461 Induced Decision Rules 6 131891 Optimisation Methods 3 132491 Spreadsheet Simulations 3 SGH Master Studies Major: ADVANCED ANALYTICS – BIG DATA (IN ENGLISH) Code Course Title Core Courses SGH Bachelor Studies Major: MANAGEMENT ECTS* 9 210101 History of Economic Thought 4.5 210111 Business Law 4.5 Core Major Courses 49.5 Course Title ECTS 223051 Advanced Macroeconomics I 4.5 Core major courses 42 222801 Advanced Optimization Methods 6 120551 Accounting and Financial Reporting 3 223111 Basic and Advanced Programming in SAS with Statistics 3 120361 Business Administration 3 223091 Big Data 3 121041 Business Plan 3 223121 Data Mining Basic and Advanced with Text Mining 3 120591 Competitive Strategies 3 Corporate Finance 3 Data Warehouses II or Graph Theory and Social Networks 3 120191 223071 or 223081 120031 Economic and Financial Analysis 3 223061 Databases Build and Exploitation 3 120711 Human Resources Management 3 223471 Event History Analysis with SAS 3 222081 Institutional Economics 4.5 Code 110481 110601 Marketing or Management 3 222111 Labour Economics 4.5 120111 Marketing Research 3 223481 Logistic Regression with SAS 3 121021 Operations Research 6 223101 Querrying, Data Presentation, Data Visualisation and Reporting 3 120671 Organisational Behaviour 3 223491 Statistical Learning Methods 6 120701 Project Management 3 Elective Courses (min. 15 ECTS from the list or study minor) 31 120681 Quality Management 3 233851 Actuarial Statistics and Risk Theory 6 234061 Advanced Simulation Modelling 3 Elective Courses (min. 15 ECTS from the list or study minor) 32 234051 Advanced Statistical Analysis Methods 6 130551 Basics of Construction Industry 1.5 236431 Advanced Statistical Analysis Methods with SAS 3 137281 Budgeting, Monitoring and Controlling in Project Management 3 222001 Algebra and Mathematical Analysis 6 131201 Corporate Financial Liquidity Management 3 222051 Applied Econometrics 3 121361 Entrepreneurship Training 3 220621 Artificial Intelligence 3 137291 Financial Engineering in Project Management 3 230201 Bayesian Econometrics 3 131171 Goods Quality Management 3 233071 Business Intelligence 3 132281 International Aspects of Real Estate Agent Activities 3 238311 Credit Scoring and SAS Macro-programming 3 131431 Investment Project Evaluation 3 237961 Credit Scoring in SAS Enterprise Miner 1.5 120491 Labour Law 3 231451 Database Systems II 3 130331 Marketing Communication 3 236351 Decision Theory 3 222301 Marketing of Places 3 231221 Development of Business Applications 3 130531 Organizing Company According to TQM 3 222991 Econometrics of Panel Data 3 130931 Pricing and Distribution Strategies 3 233181 Financial Econometrics II 6 130941 Product and Brand Strategies 3 234191 Integrated Management Information Systems 3 137330 Project Feasibility Study 3 234971 Mathematical Logic 3 137311 Project Risk and Value Management 3 220581 Mathematical Statistics I 3 132391 Property Brokerage 4.5 222931 Methods of Statistical Analysis II 3 131211 Risk Management in Integrated Management Systems 3 220341 Microeconometrics 3 131161 Service Quality Management 3 234901 Multi-agent Modelling 3 130401 Services Marketing 3 237221 Multivariate Statistical Analysis using SAS 1.5 130891 Standardization of Quality and Safety of Products in the European Union 3 230241 Nonlinear Econometric Models 3 131531 Tax and Non-Tax Corporate Burden 3 236811 Numerical Methods 3 222581 Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes 6 220571 Statistical Methods of Multivariate Comparative Analysis 3 222061 Time Series Econometrics 6 237801 Text Mining 3 Master’s Seminar and Thesis 20 TOTAL ECTS 120 Foreign Language Tutorials (incl. at least 3-week internship for 3 ECTS) Foreign Language 1 (10 ECTS) Foreign Language 2 (10 ECTS) 20 Physical Education 2 Bachelor’s Seminar 10 TOTAL ECTS 180 Minor Courses 15 Minor: Entrepreneurship Mandatory e-learning courses at first year (except SGH graduates): • Intellectual Property Protection – basics – 4 hours 131201 Corporate Financial Liquidity Management 3 • Health and Safety – 5 hours 121361 Entrepreneurship Training 3 • IT Training – 2 hours 120491 Labour Law 3 • Library Training – 2 hours 44 45 Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie | Warsaw School of Economics Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie | Warsaw School of Economics SGH Master Studies Major: EUROPEAN MASTER IN LAW AND ECONOMICS (IN ENGLISH) Code Course Title Core Courses 222491 Cost Accounting 3 220531 Management Accounting 3 ECTS* 220741 Advanced Financial Accounting 4.5 9 220751 Bank Management 4.5 Elective Courses (min. 15 ECTS from the list or study minor) 41.5 210101 History of Economic Thought 4.5 210111 Business Law 4.5 234401 Accountant in Business 1.5 Core Major Courses 49.5 234411 Accounting and Financial Reporting under International Financial Reporting Standards 6 222121 Development Economics 4.5 234441 Advanced Financial Reporting under IFRS 6 222681 Economic Analysis of Competition Law 3 234451 Advanced Financial Strategies 6 222771 222781 222791 Economic Analysis of Constitutional and Administrative Law or Economics Analysis of Environmental Law or Economic Analysis of Labour Law 3 234821 Advanced Management Accounting 3 234831 Advanced Performance Management 3 222761 Economic Analysis of Contract Law 3 234841 Corporate Governance 1 222751 Economic Analysis of Corporate Law 3 234481 External and Internal Auditing 4.5 3 234491 Financial Management 4.5 Group Accounting 1.5 222691 Economic Analysis of Property Law 222731 Economic Analysis of Public Law 3 234851 222671 Economic Analysis of Tort Law 3 234861 Polish Business Tax 1.5 222701 Foundations of Law and Economics I 4.5 234521 Strategic Business Planning and Analysis 3 222711 Foundations of Law and Economics II 4.5 222081 Institutional Economics 4.5 Master’s Seminar and Thesis 20 222721 Private Law in Transformation 3 TOTAL ECTS 120 222741 Public Law in Transformation 3 222131 Public Sector Economics 4.5 Elective Courses (min. 15 ECTS from the list or study minor) (may include a min. 3-week internship for 3 ECTS - optional) 31 222791 Economic Analysis of Labour Law* 3 233131 Economic Analysis of Market Deregulation 3 233111 Economic Analysis of the Labour Market Reform 3 233141 Economic Analysis of the Welfare State 3 222781 Economics Analysis of Environmental Law* 3 233121 Economics Analysis of Labour Relations 6 222771 Economics of Constitutional and Administrative Law* 3 *) if not taken as major course; more courses may be added Foreign Language Tutorial 10.5 Master’s Seminar and Thesis 20 TOTAL ECTS 120 Minor Courses 15 Minor: Economic Analysis of Labour Relations and Product Market Regulations 234801 Economic Analysis of Infrastructure Industries Regulation 6 234811 Economic Analysis of Regulated Professions 3 233111 Economic Analysis of the Labour Market Reform 3 233141 Economic Analysis of the Welfare State 3 Minor (Study Module): Finance and Management in Business, SGH Programme in cooperation with Ernst &Young (ACCA Accredited) 56.5 210111 Business Law 4.5 222491 Cost Accounting 3 220741 Advanced Financial Accounting 4.5 220531 Management Accounting 3 234401 Accountant in Business 1.5 234411 Accounting and Financial Reporting under International Financial Reporting Standards I 6 234441 Advanced Financial Reporting under IFRS 6 234451 Advanced Financial Strategies 6 234821 Advanced Management Accounting 3 234831 Advanced Performance Management 3 234841 Corporate Governance 1 234481 External and Internal Auditing 4.5 234491 Financial Management 4.5 234851 Group Accounting 1.5 234861 Polish Business Tax 1.5 234521 Strategic Business Planning and Analysis 3 Mandatory e-learning courses at first year (except SGH graduates): • Intellectual Property Protection – basics – 4 hours Note: Actual number of ECTS may differ as a result of decisions taken by member universities of the consortium managing the programme. Mandatory e-learning courses at first year (except SGH graduates): • Intellectual Property Protection – basics – 4 hours • Health and Safety – 5 hours • IT Training – 2 hours • Library Training – 2 hours Code Course Title ECTS Core Courses 9 210101 History of Economic Thought 4.5 210111 Business Law 4,5 Core Major courses 49.5 222041 Financial Econometrics I 3 222091 Managerial Economics 4.5 222121 Development Economics 4.5 222131 Public Sector Economics 4.5 222161 Business Ethics 3 222251 Financial Engineering 3 220381 Monetary Policy 3 220431 Investment Portfolio 4.5 222461 Financial and Tax Law 4.5 46 Health and Safety – 5 hours • IT Training – 2 hours • Library Training – 2 hours SGH Master Studies Major: GLOBAL BUSINESS, FINANCE AND GOVERNANCE (IN ENGLISH) SGH Master Studies Major: FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING (IN ENGLISH) Including minor studies (study module) in Finance and Management in Business, SGH Programme in cooperation with Ernst &Young (ACCA Accredited) Code • Course Title ECTS Core Courses 9 210101 History of Economic Thought 4.5 210111 Business Law 4,5 Core Major courses 49.5 222101 Advanced International Economics 4.5 223201 Economic Diplomacy 3 223231 Economics and Management of Innovations 4.5 223511 Environment of International Business 9 223321 Global Poverty, Underdevelopment and Development 3 223221 International Entrepreneurship 4.5 223501 International Financial Management 3 223171 International Leadership 3 222091 Managerial Economics 4.5 223241 Natural Environment and Energy: International Conflicts and Cooperation 3 223191 Quantitative and Qualitative Methods in Management Sciences and Economics 7.5 Elective Courses (min. 15 ECTS from the list or study minor) 41.5 235201 Applied Behavioral Finance 3 235101 Brand Management on International Market 4.5 47 Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie | Warsaw School of Economics Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie | Warsaw School of Economics 235151 Diversity of Contemporary Capitalism 3 232251 International Management 3 235181 Economic Governance: Global and European Dimension 4.5 230811 Investments Projects Evaluation 3 235221 Financial Risk Management and Derivatives 4.5 232651 Mergers and Acquisitions of Enterprises 3 235111 Firm Strategies in International Business 6 237481 Microeconomics of Competitiveness (licensed by HBS) 5 235211 International Banking 3 232901 Strategic Analysis of European Markets 3 235141 Migration Policy 1.5 235121 Non-Governmental Organizations 1.5 Internship in the Company 3 235191 Portfolio Management 4.5 Master’s Seminar and Thesis 20 235171 Regional Integration (Trading) Agreements 3 TOTAL ECTS 120 235131 Regulation of International Financial Markets 3 235161 Services in the Global Economy 3 Minor Courses 15 235231 Services Management on International Market 4.5 Master’s Seminar and Thesis 20 TOTAL ECTS 120 Minor Courses 15 Minor: Business in Central and Eastern Europe 232261 Business Environment in Central and Eastern Europe 3 232271 Corporate Governance 3 232281 Contemporary Issues in Central and Eastern Europe 3 232901 Strategic Analysis of European Markets 3 Minor: Global Development and Governance 232301 Business Strategies for Central and Eastern Europe 3 235151 Diversity of Contemporary Capitalism 3 Minor: International Business Management 235181 Economic Governance: Global and European Dimension 4,5 232901 Strategic Analysis of European Markets 3 235141 or 235121 Migration Policy or Non-Governmental Organizations 232251 International Management 3 1,5 232651 Mergers and Acquisitions of Enterprises 3 235171 Regional Integration (Trading) Agreements 3 230671 International Financial Management 3 235161 Services in the Global Economy 3 230811 Investments Projects Evaluation 3 235201 Applied Behavioral Finance 3 Mandatory e-learning courses at first year (except SGH graduates): • Intellectual Property Protection – basics – 4 hours 235221 Financial Risk Management and Derivatives 4,5 • Health and Safety – 5 hours 235191 Portfolio Management 4,5 • IT Training – 2 hours 235131 or 235211 Regulation of International Financial Markets or International Banking 3 • Library Training – 2 hours 137311 Project Risk and Value Management 3 Minor: International Financet 4,5 SGH Master Studies Major: INTERNATIONAL TOURISM, HOTEL MANAGEMENT AND LEISURE SERVICES (IN ENGLISH) Code Minor: International Venture Management 235101 Brand Management on International Market 235111 Firm Strategies in International Business 6 235231 Services Management on International Market 4,5 Mandatory e-learning courses at first year (except SGH graduates): Course Title ECTS Core Courses 9 210101 History of Economic Thought 4.5 210111 Business Law 4,5 Core Major courses 49.5 • Intellectual Property Protection – basics – 4 hours • Health and Safety – 5 hours 223201 Economic Diplomacy 3 • IT Training – 2 hours 223211 Entrepreneurship in Tourism and Hotel Industry in International and Domestic Markets 3 • Library Training – 2 hours 223341 International Hotel Industry 3 223171 International Leadership 3 223181 Macro- and Microeconomic Aspects of Tourism 3 222811 Management and Cost Accounting 3 222091 Managerial Economics 4.5 223421 Marketing of Tourism and Recreational Services 3 223401 Public Relations in Tourism and Recreation 3 223191 Quantitative and Qualitative Methods in Management Science and Economics 7.5 223361 Tourism Enterprise Management 4.5 223331 Tourist Regions 4.5 223411 Transport in Tourism 4.5 Elective Courses (min. 15 ECTS from the list or study minor) 41.5 235101 Brand Management on International Market 4.5 236331 Co-operation of States in the Field of Tourism and Hospitality 1.5 235111 Firm Strategies in International Business 6 235071 Health Tourism 6 230481 Intercultural Communication 3 233341 Intercultural Encounters in Tourism 3 235091 Management of Tourism Development at Local Level 3 223371 New Technologies in Marketing 3 235121 Non-Governmental Organizations 1.5 235311 Social Media Marketing Strategies 3 236341 State Tourism Policy 1.5 235081 Tools and Techniques of Events Organization 6 Internship in the Company 3 Master’s Seminar and Thesis 20 TOTAL ECTS 120 SGH Master Studies Major: INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS (IN ENGLISH) Code Course Title ECTS Core Courses 9 210101 History of Economic Thought 4.5 210111 Business Law 4,5 Core Major courses 58 222101 Advanced International Economics 4.5 222161 Business Ethics 3 222821 Financial Management 5 222081 Institutional Economics 4.5 222351 International Business Transactions 3 222341 International Financial Markets 3 222861 International Logistics 5 220281 International Marketing 4.5 121401 Management in International Business 3 222911 Managerial Accounting 5 222091 Managerial Economics 4.5 221471 Operations Management 3 222881 European Union Internal Market 4 222621 Strategic Management 3 222271 Transnational Corporations 3 Elective Courses (min. 15 ECTS from the list or study minor) 30 232261 Business Environment in Central and Eastern Europe 3 232301 Business Strategies for Central and Eastern Europe 3 232281 Contemporary Issues in Central and Eastern Europe 3 232271 Corporate Governance 3 230671 International Financial Management 3 48 49 Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie | Warsaw School of Economics CONTACT US SGH International Centre Dział Programów Międzynarodowych (DPM) Building “A” ul. Rakowiecka 24, 02-521 Warsaw Phone: + 48 22 564 9213 Fax: + 48 22 564 8616 e-mail: dpm@sgh.waw.pl www.sgh.waw.pl/international/ Mailing address: al. Niepodległości 162 02-554 Warsaw, Poland Head Erasmus+ Co-ordinator Mrs. Elżbieta Fonberg-Stokłuska, MSc Phone: +48 22 564 9840, e-mail: estokl@sgh.waw.pl Room 11 Deputy Head CEMS Programme Manager at SGH: Mr. Grzegorz Augustyniak, MA Phone: +48 22 564 9842, e-mail: august@sgh.waw.pl Room 12 Erasmus+ and Double-Degree Programmes Officer at SGH: Ms. Małgorzata Chromy, MA Phone: +48 22 564 9841, e-mail: mchromy@sgh.waw.pl Room 7 Incoming Students Officers: Ms. Marta Sent-Pawłowska, MA Phone: +48 22 564 9843, e-mail: msent@sgh.waw.pl Room 17 Outgoing Students Officers: Erasmus+ Mobility & Internships Ms. Agata Kowalik, M.Eng. Phone: +48 22 564 9844, e-mail: akowalik@sgh.waw.pl Room 17 PIM, Overseas and Bilateral Exchange Officer CEMS Corporate Relations Manager at SGH Mrs. Agata Augustyniak, MA Phone: +48 22 564 9760, e-mail: azucho@sgh.waw.pl Room 17 Polish-German Academic Forum Officer Extracurricular assistance for SGH full-time foreign students Ms. Anna Bielig, MA Phone: +48 22 564 9386 Fax: +48 22 564 8646 e-mail: arzysz@sgh.waw.pl Room 16 Double Degree Programmes’ Co-ordinator Mrs. Izabella Bergel, PhD Phone: +48 22 564 9410, e-mail: iberge@sgh.waw.pl Room 7 CIEE Programme Officer Ms. Małgorzata Nowicka, MA Phone: +48 22 564 9845, e-mail: mnowick1@sgh.waw.pl Room 17 Visiting Professors, Educational Projects and Centre Promotion & Information Vacat Centre Financial & Reporting Officer Ms. Małgorzata Gut-Mostowy Phone: +48 22 564 9761, e-mail: gutmosto@sgh.waw.pl Room 13 Travel arrangements Mrs. Iwona Książek, BA Phone: +48 22 564 9848 e-mail: iksiaze@sgh.waw.pl Room 14 Ph.D. Students, STA & STT Mobility, Events co-ordinator Mrs. Katarzyna Torchalska-Kasiak, MA Phone: +48 22 564 9217, e-mail: azabolo@sgh.waw.pl Room 14 Centre Reception Vacat Phone: +48 22 564 9213 Room 13 For details on International Centre staff, please visit: http://administracja.sgh.waw.pl/en/dpm/contact/ 50
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