Сatalogue of special machinery
Сatalogue of special machinery
CONTENTS PROFILE _________________________________________________________________________________ 4—5 SIDETYPE TRUCKS URAL432010/31 _______________________________________________________________________ 6 URAL432041 ____________________________________________________________________________ 7 URAL4320061131 __________________________________________________________________ 8 URAL4320091130 __________________________________________________________________ 9 URAL43206 ____________________________________________________________________________ 10 URAL432060 ___________________________________________________________________________ 11 URAL432067 ___________________________________________________________________________ 12 URAL532301 ___________________________________________________________________________ 13 URAL58491 _____________________________________________________________________________ 14 CHASSIS URAL432010/31 _____________________________________________________________________ 15 URAL4320191130/40 ___________________________________________________________ 16 URAL5557130/40 __________________________________________________________________17 URAL43206 _____________________________________________________________________________ 18 URAL532361 ___________________________________________________________________________ 19 DUMP TRUCKS URAL555710/31 ____________________________________________________________________ 20 URAL5557130 ________________________________________________________________________21 BOLSTER TRUCKS URAL4420231 ________________________________________________________________________22 URAL4420230+ CHMZAP9385322U _____________________________________ 23 URAL4420231 with MKS4032 Hydraulic Load Handling Crane _24 URAL542301 ___________________________________________________________________________ 25 WAGON TRUCKS URAL32552 _____________________________________________________________________________ 26 URAL32551 _____________________________________________________________________________ 27 URAL3255 _______________________________________________________________________________ 28 TIMBER TRUCKS, PIPE CARRIERS 596010 Timber truck tractor _________________________________________________ 29 59601004 Timber truck tractor ___________________________________________ 30 59601001 Timber truck tractor with hydraulic crane _____________ 31 596010 02 Pipe carrier __________________________________________________________32 596010 06 Pipe carrier __________________________________________________________33 690210 Log truck ___________________________________________________________________ 34 69021101 Log truck with hydraulic crane_______________________________ 35 690210001 Log truck ___________________________________________________________ 36 TANKERS AND REFUELLING TRUCKS ATZ543206 Refuelling truck _____________________________________________________ 37 ATZ6.54320 Refuelling truck ___________________________________________________ 38 ATZ7.55557 Refuelling truck ____________________________________________________39 ATZ95557 Refuelling truck _____________________________________________________ 40 ATZ104320 Airdrome refuelling truck ______________________________________41 ATZ104320 Refuelling truck ____________________________________________________42 ATZ11.54320 Refuelling truck __________________________________________________43 ATZ2244202 Airdrome refuelling truck ____________________________________44 APPTs154422 Road train ________________________________________________________45 AMZ75557 OilFilling truck ______________________________________________________46 ATsPT4.7 Tanker _______________________________________________________________________ 47 OTA6 Tanker _____________________________________________________________________________ 48 OTA8 Tanker _____________________________________________________________________________ 49 ATsPT10 Tanker ______________________________________________________________________ 50 2 CONTENTS FIREFIGHTING VEHICLES ATsP3.040 FireFighting tanker ______________________________________________51 ATsP406/3 FireFighting tanker ______________________________________________52 ATsP6/640 FireFighting tanker ______________________________________________53 ATsP8/640 FireFighting tanker ______________________________________________54 ATsP9/340 FireFighting tanker ______________________________________________55 AA7,2/55 Airdrome FireFighting tanker ____________________________________56 SPECIALPURPOSE VEHICLES FOR OILANDGAS INDUSTRY BKM515 DrillingRig and crane truck _________________________________________ 57 BM811 DrillingRig and piledriving truck ____________________________________58 URB 12 UW DrillingRig truck _____________________________________________________ 59 AR 32/40M Repair truck ____________________________________________________________ 60 A232 Hoist truck ______________________________________________________________________61 ADPM12/150 Dewaxing truck ___________________________________________________ 62 PPUA1600/100 (UPP1600/100) SteamProducer truck _________ 63 PPU2000/100 SteamProducer truck ______________________________________64 4983110 (PKS7/100) Mobile compressorplant truck _______________ 65 ANRW1US Truck_______________________________________________________________________ 66 ANRW43206 Truck __________________________________________________________________67 US 6/30532361 Truck _____________________________________________________________ 68 AKOS14320 Truck __________________________________________________________________69 ATsP4320/ ATs32U Grouting truck _________________________________________ 70 UTsN45323 Grouting truck _____________________________________________________ 71 AKN104320 Tanker ________________________________________________________________72 AKNS10 Tanker ________________________________________________________________________73 AKN14 Tanker __________________________________________________________________________74 UNPM5557 Pump plant _____________________________________________________________ 75 ATsN10C Tanker _______________________________________________________________________ 76 ATE6B4320 Truck ___________________________________________________________________ 77 APSh65 Truck __________________________________________________________________________78 APSh89U Truck ________________________________________________________________________79 ANTs32/50 Truck _____________________________________________________________________ 80 SPECIALPURPOSE VEHICLES FOR ROAD BUILDING AND PUBLIC UTILITIES 432069 ScrewandRotary snowclearing vehicle _______________________ 81 DE226 ScrewandRotary snowclearing vehicle ________________________82 KO605 (DE210U) ScrewandRotary snowclearing vehicle _________ 83 MKD6983 RoadBuilding combination vehicle_______________________________ 84 MKD43206 Allseason roadbuilding combination vehicle _____________ 85 EO43213 Grading excavator truck ____________________________________________86 EO3533U Excavator truck ________________________________________________________87 EA17 (5846) Excavator truck ____________________________________________________88 KS457171 Crane truck ___________________________________________________________ 89 KS35714 Crane truck _____________________________________________________________ 90 KS35719302 Crane truck _____________________________________________________ 91 KS45721 Crane truck _____________________________________________________________ 92 ASP43206 Selfloading truck ____________________________________________________93 METAL CARRIER _________________________________________________________________________ 94 UPMS32801 Hydraulic hoist truck ___________________________________________ 95 URD2N Poured asphalt roadrepairing truck_______________________________ 96 ROADSURFACE SANATION TRUCK _____________________________________________ 97 AV104320 Sewage truck ________________________________________________________98 RECOVERY TRUCK AND REPAIR WORKSHOP TRUCKS MTPA2.1 Recovery truck __________________________________________________________99 MRSAM1 RepairFitting workshop truck ________________________________ 100 MRMM3.1 Repair workshop truck ___________________________________________ 101 MTOAM1 Service workshop truck __________________________________________ 102 MZAM1 Repair workshop truck ______________________________________________ 103 PARM4909 Repair workshop truck ________________________________________ 104 3 CATALOGUE OF TRUCKS AND SPECIALPURPOSE VEHICLES The “URAL” Automobile Works JSC belongs to one of the biggest and dynamically evolving enterprises of Russian au tomotive industry. Set up in 1941 on the base of evacuated workshops of the Moscow Automobile Works (ZIS), the “URAL” Automobile Works became a leading manufacturer of offroad trucks. Since 2001 the “URAL” Automobile Works” Openend Joint Stock Company is incorporated in “RusPromAvto”, the largest automobile holding company in Russia. The main target of the automobile holding company is to establish an automobile corporation, which will operate efficiently in the sales market of vehicles featuring various carrying capacity and have a prevailing segment in the market of allwheeldrive vehicles. Nowadays the production range of the “URAL” Automo bile Works is represented by offroad trucks 4x4, 6x6 and 8x8 having a carrying capacity from 4.5 up to 15 tons. The family of URAL trucks comprises tens of models with versions differing in wheel base, truck frame length for equip ment mounting, location of spare wheel holder, power take off etc. The trucks of URAL family are powered with various types of diesel engines manufactured by the Yaroslavl Engine Works including YAMZ236 HE2 turbocharged engine rated 230 hp complying with EURO2 requirements. The distinctive feature of URAL trucks is their great crosscountry capability. Crosscountry capability is provided by an optimum truck design most tailored to operation un der heavy road conditions. Application of singletire configuration as well as central ized tire pressure control system, enhanced groundgrip tires, rear axle walkingbeam suspension, truck frame made of special steel, optimum choice of final drive ratios, big ground clearance (400 mm) are the basic components of unique crosscountry capability and reliability of URAL trucks ena 4 bling them to haul cargoes and tow trailers on all kinds of roads and terrain. URAL trucks are capable to overcome — snow virgin up to 1m; — ditch 0.6—1.2 m wide; — upright wall up to 0.55 m high; — slope up to 200. The sealing system of truck units makes possible over coming of water barriers with a depth up to 1.7 m. The centralized tire pressure control system controlla ble from the driver’s seat provides for control and changing tire pressure when overcoming terrain sections with low carrying capacity as well as travelling possibility with tires having small damages. The operation range of URAL trucks is rather wide. The trucks are able to operate at a height up to 4,500m above sealevel, at ambient temperatures from 50 up to + 50 0C, and are designed for outdoor storage. Any unit of the truck is reliable in operation, accessible for inspection and maintaining. The truck is completed with a driver’s tool kit for performing running repair without invok ing workshop equipment. Great crosscountry capability, high carrying capacity, reliability in operation, simple maintenance made the URAL truck an indispensable vehicle for various industry branches. Wagons, cranes, tanks, refuellers, firefighting equipment, workshops, various special equipment for timber industry and oilandgas complex, for mining industry and public utilities are mounted on URAL chassis. The Quality Management System covering the develop ment, manufacture and maintenance of the URAL trucks has been introduced and is functioning successfully at the “URAL” Automobile Works. The compliance of the Quality System with .. ISO 900194 requirements has been certified by TUVCERT, Germany, by the Russian GOSTANDARD and Military Regis ter. Nowadays the development strategy of the “Ural” Automobile Works is orientated to improve trucks’ model range and enhance quality of the vehicles manufactured, to develop a new family of URAL trucks meeting the cur rent demands of customers, to boost dealer’s and serv ice net throughout Russia and abroad, to maintain con stant contacts with the customers. Production and financial success, experienced and high skilled specialists enable the “URAL” Automobile Works to retain its leading position in the market of heavy offroad ve hicles. 5 SIDETYPE TRUCKS URAL432010/31 TRUCK The truck is designed for hauling various car goes and personnel, as well as for towing trail ers and trailing systems on all kinds of roads and terrain (snowcovered, sandy, marshy etc.). B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Payload, kg Gross Vehicle Weight, kg GWV distribution, kg: — on front axle — on rear bogie Trailer Gross Weight, kg Maximum travelling speed, km/h Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Platform body: — seating capacity Cab Tires Fuel tanks filling capacity, l Estimated fuel consumption at speed 60 km/h, l/100 km Ground clearance, mm Overall turning radius, m Obstacles to be overcome: — upgrade, % — ford, m Truck overall dimensions, mm URAL432010 6x6 5 000 13 675 URAL432031 6x6 6 000 15 050 4 660 9 015 11 500 75 YAMZ—236M2, V6 diesel 132 (180) 5 000 10 050 11 500 85 YAMZ—238M2, V8 diesel 176 (240) 667 (68) 883 (90) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential. The units are equipped with sealing system Metalmade, with tailgate, equipped with removable canopy and top bows, having removable middle bench and tilting side benches 27 27 Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 14.00—20 146G ОИ25 with pressure control 210+60 300+60 29 400 11.4 35 400 11.4 58 1.2 7380x2500x3005 60 1.7 7630x2500x3005 At customer’s request the trucks can be equipped with the winch (10—11 tf maxi mum tractive effort, 60 m rope length) and power takeoffs as options. 6 Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru SIDETYPE TRUCKS URAL432041 TRUCK The truck is designed for hauling various car goes, personnel, towing trailers and trailing sys tems on all kinds of roads and terrain. It meets EURO2 requirements. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Payload, kg Gross Vehicle Weight, kg GWV distribution, kg: — on front axle — on rear bogie Trailer Gross Weight, kg Maximum travelling speed, km/h Engine: — ated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1100—1200 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Platform body: — seating capacity Cab Tires Fuel tanks filling capacity, l Overall turning radius, m Obstacles to be overcome: — upgrade, % — ford, m Truck overall dimensions, mm 6x6 6 000 15 175 4 885 10 290 11 500 85 YAMZ236HE2 diesel turbocharged 169 (230) 883 (90) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential. The units are equipped with sealing system Metalmade, with tailgate, equipped with removable canopy and top bows, having removable middle bench and tilting side benches 27 Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 14.00—20 146G OИ25 with pressure control 300+60 11.4 60 1.7 7630x2500x3005 At customer’s request the trucks can be equipped with the winch (10—11 tf maximum tractive effort, 60 m rope length) and power takeoffs as options. Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru 7 SIDETYPE TRUCKS URAL4320061131 TRUCK The generalpurpose truck is designed for haul ing various cargoes and towing trailers on all kinds of roads and some terrain sections (snow covered, sandy, marshy etc.). B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Payload, kg Gross Vehicle Weight, kg GWV distribution, kg: — on front axle — on rear bogie Trailer Gross Weight, kg Maximum travelling speed, km/h Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Platform body: Tires Fuel tank filling capacity, l Estimated fuel consumption at speed 60 km/h, l/100 km Ground clearance, mm Overall turning radius, m Obstacles to be overcome: — upgrade, % — ford, m Truck overall dimensions, mm 6x6 7 000 16 015 4 975 11 040 11 500 85 YAMZ238M2 diesel 176 (240) 883 (90) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential. The units are equipped with sealing system Woodmade, with three drop sides, equipped with removable extension sides and canopy 14.00—20 146G OИ25 with pressure control 300 38 400 11.4 60 1.7 7865x2500x2805 At customer’s request the trucks can be equipped with the winch (10—11 tf maximum tractive effort, 60 m rope length) and power takeoffs as options. 8 Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru SIDETYPE TRUCKS URAL4320091130 TRUCK The truck with enlarged mounting and carrying capacity parameters is designed for hauling car goes and personnel as well as for towing trail ers and trailing systems on all kinds of roads and some terrain sections (snowcovered, sandy, marshy etc.). At customer’s request the truck can be equipped with a platform for engineer ing purposes. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Payload, kg Gross Vehicle Weight, kg GWV distribution, kg: — on front axle — on rear bogie Trailer Gross Weight, kg Maximum travelling speed, km/h Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Platform body: — seating capacity Cab Tires Fuel tank filling capacity, l Estimated fuel consumption at speed 60 km/h, l/100 km Ground clearance, mm Overall turning radius, m Obstacles to be overcome: — upgrade, % — ford, m Truck overall dimensions, mm 6x6 10 000 19 950 5 165 14 785 11 500 80 YAMZ238M2, V8 diesel 176 (240) 883 (90) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential. The units are equipped with sealing system Metalmade, with tailgate, equipped with removable canopy and top bows, having tilting side benches and a removable one 36 Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 1200x500—508 156F ИДП284 with pressure control 300 40 360 14 27 1.2 9545x2500x3075 At customer’s request the trucks can be equipped with the winch (10—11 tf maxi mum tractive effort, 60 m rope length) as an option. Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru 9 SIDETYPE TRUCKS URAL43206 TRUCK The truck is designed for hauling various car goes and personnel as well as for towing trail ers and trailing systems on all kinds of roads and terrain (snowcovered, sandy, marshy etc.). B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Payload, kg Gross Vehicle Weight, kg GWV distribution, kg: — on front axle — on rear bogie Trailer Gross Weight, kg Maximum travelling speed, km/h Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Platform body: — seating capacity Cab Tires Fuel tanks filling capacity, l Estimated fuel consumption at speed 60 km/h, l/100 km Ground clearance, mm Overall turning radius, m Obstacles to be overcome: — upgrade, % — ford, m Truck overall dimensions, mm 4x4 4 200 12 150 4 625 7 525 7 000 85 YAMZ236M2 diesel 132 (180) 667 (68) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential. The units are equipped with sealing system Metalmade, with tailgate, equipped with removable canopy and top bows, having removable middle bench and tilting side benches 27 Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 1200x500—508 156F ИДП284 with pressure control 210 + 60 24 360 11.1 58 1.2 7475x2500x2965 At customer’s request the trucks can be equipped with the winch (10—11 tf maximum tractive effort, 60 m rope length) as an option. 10 Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru SIDETYPE TRUCKS URAL432060 TRUCK The truck is designed for mechanized handling and hauling of various cargoes and technical personnel on all kinds of roads and terrain. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Payload, kg Gross Vehicle Weight, kg Trailer Gross Weight, kg Maximum travelling speed, km/h Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Platform body Cab Tires Fuel tank filling capacity, l “Sinegorets25” load handling crane: — load lifting moment, kN·m — max. outreach, m 4x4 3 550 12 315 7 000 85 YAMZ236M2 diesel 132 (180) 667 (68) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Metalmade, with tailgate Allmetal, double type sixseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 1200x500—508 156F ИДП284 with pressure control 210 25 6.0 Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru 11 SIDETYPE TRUCKS URAL432067 TRUCK The truck is designed for hauling various car goes and personnel, as well as for towing trail ing systems on all kinds of roads and terrain. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Payload, kg Gross Vehicle Weight, kg GWV distribution, kg: — on front axle — on rear bogie Trailer Gross Weight, kg Maximum travelling speed, km/h Fuel tanks filling capacity, l Estimated fuel consumption at speed 60 km/h, l/100 km Ground clearance, mm Maximum upgrade angle, degree Fordable depth, m Overall turning radius, m Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Tires Platform body — inner dimensions, mm Cab Truck overall dimensions, mm 4x4 3 500 12 150 4 625 7 525 7 000 85 210 24 360 31 1.2 10.5 YAMZ236M2 diesel 132 (180) 667 (68) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential. 1200x500—508 156F ИДП284 with pressure control Metalmade, with tailgate, equipped with tilting side benches, removable canopy and top bows 3400x2330x500 Allmetal sixseater featuring fourdoors. For training purpose the cab can be equipped with double pedals (clutch and brake pedals) and double mirrors. 7423x2500x2965 At customer’s request the truck can be equipped with following options: — winch: — 10—11 tf maximum tractive effort — 60 m rope length (when applying the winch the rated payload goes down by 500 kg) — safety belts: — with threepoint fastening on outer seats — with twopoint fastening on middle seats 12 Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru SIDETYPE TRUCKS URAL532301 TRUCK The multipurpose truck is designed for hauling various cargoes, personnel, towing trailers and trailing systems on all kinds of roads and terrain (snowcovered, sandy, marshy etc.). The truck configuration ensures optimal weight distribu tion across axles as well as maximum carrying capacity, maximum utilization of the truck mount ing capacity, sufficiently high maneuverability and stability. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Payload, kg Gross Vehicle Weight, kg GWV distribution, kg: — on front bogie — on rear bogie Trailer Gross Weight, kg Maximum travelling speed, km/h Engine: — rated power at 2000 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1200—1400 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Platform body: — seating capacity Cab Tires Fuel tank filling capacity, l Estimated fuel consumption at speed 60 km/h, l/100 km Ground clearance, mm Overall turning radius, m Obstacles to be overcome: — upgrade, % — slope, degree — ford, m — ditch width, m Truck overall dimensions, mm 8x8 10 000 21 900 9 995 11 905 12 000 85 YAMZ238B turbocharged diesel 220 (300) 1180 (120) Eightspeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential. The units are equipped with sealing system Metalmade, with tailgate, equipped with removable canopy and top bows, side tilting benches and a removable middle one 36 Twoseater tiltable through 60° for maintenance, equipped with ventilation and heating system 14.00—20 146G OИ25 with pressure control 300 + 210 40 400 14 58 20 1.2 1.2 8600x2500x3191 At customer’s request the trucks can be equipped with the winch (10—11 tf maxi mum tractive effort, 60 m rope length) as an option and with the sleeper cab. Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru 13 SIDETYPE TRUCKS URAL58491 TRUCK The truck on URAL555731 chassis is designed for mechanized loading/unloading and transpor tation of various cargoes on all kinds of roads. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Payload, kg Gross Vehicle Weight, kg Trailer Weight, kg Maximum travelling speed, km/h Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires Ground clearance, mm Hydraulic load handling crane: — load lifting moment, kN·m — maximum outreach, m 14 6x6 6 200 16 340 11 500 80 YAMZ238M2 diesel 176 (240) 883 (90) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 1200x500—508 156F ИДП284 with pressure control 360 BAKM890 89 7.1 Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru CHASSIS URAL432010/31 CHASSISCAB The chassiscab is designed for mounting engi neering equipment and special plants. It is operated on all kinds of roads and terrain. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Payload, kg Chassis Kerb Weight, kg Kerb Weight distribution, kg: – on front axle — on rear bogie Maximum travelling speed, km/h Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires Fuel tanks filling capacity, l Ground clearance, mm Overall turning radius per, m Chassis frame mounting length, mm Chassis overall dimensions, mm URAL432010 6x6 5 875 7 595 URAL432031 6x6 6 875 7 970 4 250 3 345 75 YAMZ236M2 diesel 132 (180) 4 565 3 405 85 YAMZ238M2 diesel 176 (240) 667 (68) 883 (90) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential. The units are equipped with sealing system Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 14.00—20 146G ОИ25 with pressure control 210+60 300+60 400 400 11.4 11.4 4 105 4 105 7350x2500x2805 7600x2500x2805 At customer’s request the trucks can be equipped with the winch (10—11 tf maximum tractive effort, 60 m rope length) and power takeoffs as options. Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru 15 CHASSIS URAL4320191130/40 CHASSISCAB The chassiscab with enlarged mounting and car rying capacity parameters is designed for mount ing engineering equipment and special plants. It operates on all kinds of roads and terrain. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Payload, kg Chassis Kerb Weight, kg Kerb Weight distribution, kg: — on front axle — on rear bogie Maximum travelling speed, km/h Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires Fuel tank filling capacity, l Ground clearance, mm Overall turning radius, m Chassis frame mounting length, mm Chassiscab overall dimensions, mm URAL4320191130 6x6 12 000 9 285 URAL4320191140* 6x6 12 000 9 560 4 645 4 640 75 YAMZ238M2 diesel 4 850 4 710 75 YAMZ236HE2 diesel turbocharged 169 (230) 176 (240) 883 (90) 883 (90) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential. The units are equipped with sealing system Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 1200x500—508 156F ИДП284 with pressure control 300 300 360 360 14 14 5 545 5 545 8980x2500x2740 8980x2500x2740 At customer’s request the trucks can be equipped with the winch (10—11 tf maximum tractive effort, 60 m rope length) and power takeoffs as options. * Compliant with EURO2 requirements. 16 Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru CHASSIS URAL5557130/40 CHASSISCAB The chassis is designed for mounting engineer ing equipment and special plants, for operation on all kinds of roads and under field conditions. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Payload, kg Chassis Kerb Weight, kg Kerb Weight distribution, kg: — on front axle — on rear bogie Maximum travelling speed, km/h Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires Fuel tank filling capacity, l Ground clearance, mm Overall turning radius, m Chassis frame mounting length, mm Chassis overall dimensions, mm URAL5557130 6x6 12 000 8 550 URAL5557140* 6x6 12 000 8 775 4 625 3 925 80 YAMZ238M2 diesel 4 710 4 065 80 YAMZ236HE2 turbocharged diesel 169 (230) 176 (240) 883 (90) 883 (90) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential. Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 1200x500—508 156F ИДП284 with pressure control 300 210 360 360 11.6 11.6 4 505 4 505 7950x2500x2740 7950x2500x2740 At customer’s request the trucks can be equipped with the winch (10—11 tf maxi mum tractive effort, 60 m rope length) and power takeoffs as options. * Compliant with EURO2 requirements. Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru 17 CHASSIS URAL43206 CHASSISCAB The chassiscab is designed for mounting engi neering equipment and special plants. It is operated on all kinds of roads and terrain. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Payload, kg Chassis Kerb Weight, kg Kerb Weight distribution, kg: — on front axle — on rear axle Maximum travelling speed, km/h Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires Fuel tanks filling capacity, l Ground clearance, mm Overall turning radius, m Chassis frame mounting length, mm Chassiscab overall dimensions, mm 4x4 5 500 6 420 4 255 2 165 85 YAMZ236M2 diesel 132 (180) 667 (68) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential. The units are equipped with sealing system Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 1200x500—508 156F ИДП284 with pressure control 210 + 60 360 11.1 4 195 7365x2500x2665 At customer’s request the trucks can be equipped with the winch (10—11 tf maxi mum tractive effort, 60 m rope length) and power takeoffs as options. 18 Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru CHASSIS URAL532361 CHASSISCAB The chassiscab is designed for mounting engi neering equipment and special plants, for operation on all kinds of roads and terrain. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Payload, kg Chassis Kerb Weight, kg Kerb Weight distribution, kg: — on front bogie — on rear bogie Maximum travelling speed, km/h Engine: — rated power at 2000 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1200—1400 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires Fuel tanks filling capacity, l Ground clearance, mm Overall turning radius, m Chassis frame mounting length, mm Chassiscab overall dimensions, mm 8x8 15 000 10 625 7 802 2 823 80 YAMZ238B turbocharged diesel 220 (300) 1180 (120) Eightspeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential. The units are equipped with sealing system Twoseater tiltable through 60° for maintenance, equipped with ventilation and heating system 425/85 R21 156F KAMA12601 with pressure control 300 + 210 400 14 5 990 9024x2500x3195 At customer’s request the trucks can be equipped with the winch (10—11 tf maximum tractive effort, 60 m rope length) and power takeoffs as options and with the sleeper cab. Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru 19 DUMP TRUCKS URAL555710/31 DUMP TRUCK The dump truck with twoway dumping is de signed for hauling bulk cargoes including farm goods on all kinds of roads and under field con ditions; provided with hydraulic outlets for dump trailer. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Payload, kg Gross Vehicle Weight, kg GWV distribution, kg: — on front axle — on rear bogie Trailer Gross Weight, kg Maximum travelling speed, km/h Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Body: Body capacity, m3: — with basic sides — with extension sides Cab Tires Fuel tank filling capacity, l Estimated fuel consumption at speed 60 km/h, l/100 km Ground clearance, mm Overall turning radius, m Truck overall dimensions, mm URAL555710 6x6 7 000 16 500 URAL555731 6x6 7 000* 16 825 4 520 11 980 11 500 80 YAMZ236M2 diesel 132 (180) 4 800 12 025 11 500 80 YAMZ238M2 diesel 176 (240) 667 (68) 883 (90) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Twoway dumping, with automatic closing and opening sides, equipped with canopy 8.8 8.8 17.5 17.5 Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 1200x500—508 1200x500—508 149F ИДП284 156F ИДП284 with with pressure control pressure control 210 210 35 360 11.4 7700x2500x2650 37 360 11.6 7950x2500x2740 * 10,000 kg on roads with hard pavement. 20 Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru DUMP TRUCKS URAL5557130 DUMP TRUCK The dump truck with rear dumping is designed for hauling bulk cargoes on all kinds of roads under conditions of industrial and construction engineering. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Payload, kg Gross Vehicle Weight, kg GWV distribution, kg: — on front axle — on rear bogie Trailer Gross Weight, kg Maximum travelling speed, km/h Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Body: — body capacity, m3: Cab Tires Fuel tank filling capacity, l Estimated fuel consumption at speed 60 km/h, l/100 km Ground clearance, mm Overall turning radius, m Obstacles to be overcome: — upgrade, % Truck overall dimensions, mm 6x6 10 000 20 775 5 040 15 735 11 500 80 YAMZ238M2 diesel 176 (240) 883 (90) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Bucket type, with rear dumping, without rear side, with heating by exhaust gases 7.0 Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 1200x500—508 156F ИДП284 with pressure control 300 36 360 11.6 27 7735x2500x2980 AT customer’s request the trucks can be equipped with body with rear side. Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru 21 BOLSTER TRUCKS URAL4420231 BOLSTER TRUCK Bolster truck is designed for towing semitrailers on all kinds of roads. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Maximum load on fifth wheel, kg Gross Combination Weight, kg Semitrailer Gross Weight, kg Maximum travelling speed, km/h Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tractor tires Fuel tank filling capacity, l Ground clearance, mm 22 6x6 8 100 27 720 19 100 75 YAMZ238M2 diesel 176 (240) 883 (90) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Allmetal threeseat sleeper cab equipped with ventilation and heating system 1200x500—508 156F ИДП284 with pressure control 300 360 Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru BOLSTER TRUCKS URAL4420230 ROAD TRAIN + CHMZAP9385322U The road train comprising truck tractor and semitrailer is designed for hauling lightar moured equipment and other cargoes on roads of all kinds. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Maximum load on fifth wheel, kg Tractor Kerb Weight, kg Gross Combination Weight, kg Payload, kg Maximum travelling speed, km/h Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Semitrailer Tractor tires Semitrailer tires Fuel tanks filling capacity, l Ground clearance, mm 6x6 8 600 (12 000)* 7 765 34 890 20 000 70 YAMZ238M2 diesel 176 (240) 883 (90) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Allmetal threeseat sleeper cab equipped with ventilation and heating system With low loading height, provides quick equipment’s fixing; loading ramps’ design ensures their convenient lifting and lowering 1200x500—508 156F ИДП284 with pressure control 10.00R20 (280—508) 300+210 360 At customer’s request the road train can be equipped with a winch driven by trac tor’s pump and intended for loading damaged vehicles. *URAL4420241 Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru 23 BOLSTER TRUCKS URAL4420231 Bolster Truck with MKS4032 Hydraulic Load Handling Crane The bolster truck tractor with MKS4032 hydrau lic load handling crane is designed for towing semitrailers on all kinds of roads, as well as for handling and transportation of various cargoes. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Maximum load on fifth wheel, kg Tractor Kerb Weight, kg Gross Semitrailor Weight, kg Maximum travelling speed, km/h Ground clearance, mm Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Tires Cab Fifth wheel: — semitrailer coupling at 90° angle possible — front mounting radius, mm — rear mounting radius, mm Hydraulic load handling crane: — load lifting moment, kN·m — maximum outreach, m — maximum outreach when using jib extender, m — maximum hook lifting height, m — maximum slewing angle, degree — maximum lifting capacity, kg 24 6x6 7 500 9 600 17 500 78 360 YAMZ238 M2 diesel V8, liquid cooled 176 (240) 883 (90) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential 1200x500—508 156F ИДП284 with pressure control Allmetal threeseater, with two doors, equipped with heating and ventilation system With two degrees of freedom, 2” king pin dia. 1 650 1 800 MKS4032 89 5.4 7.1 8.2 400 4 000 Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru BOLSTER TRUCKS URAL542301 BOLSTER TRUCK The bolster truck is designed for towing semi trailers on all kinds of roads. It is used for trans portation of various vehicles. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Maximum load on fifth wheel, kg Gross Combination Weight, kg Tractor Kerb Weight, kg Gross Semitrailer Weight, kg Semitrailer (basic) Fifth wheel Maximum travelling speed of road train, km/h Engine: — rated power at 2000 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1200—1400 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires Fuel tanks filling capacity, l Estimated fuel consumption at speed 60 km/h, l/100 km Ground clearance, mm Obstacles to be overcome: — upgrade, % — ford, m 8x8 10 000 (14000*) 37 220 11 200 28 000 ChMZAP93867 With two degrees of freedom, 50.8 mm dia. for king pin 80 YAMZ238B turbocharged diesel 220 (300) 1180 (120) Eightspeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential. The units are equipped with sealing system Twoseater, tiltable through 60° for maintenance, equipped with ventilation and heating system 14.00—20 146J OИ25 with pressure control 300 + 210 + 210 80 400 23 1.2 At customer’s request the tractor can be completed with the sleeper cab. * Particular version. Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru 25 WAGON TRUCKS URAL32552 WAGON TRUCK The wagon truck on URAL43206 chassis is de signed for hauling shift crews and personnel on all kinds of roads and terrain (snowcovered, sandy, marshy etc.). B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Vehicle Weight, kg Maximum travelling speed, km/h Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1350 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Body: Seating capacity, including 2 seats in driver’s cab Cab Tires Fuel tank filling capacity, l Ground clearance, mm Overall turning radius, m Track overall dimentions, mm 4x4 11 750 85 YAMZ236M2 diesel 132 (180) 667 (68) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Van, metalframe type, with heat insulation, equipped with independent cab heater, cabtosaloon speaker intercommunication system 22 Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 1200x500—508 156F ИДП284 with pressure control 210 360 11.1 8650x2500x3530 At customer’s request the truck can be completed with an air conditioner both in the saloon and driver’s cab. 26 Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru WAGON TRUCKS URAL32551 WAGON TRUCK The wagon truck on URAL432010 chassis is designed for hauling shift crews and personnel on all kinds of roads and terrain (snowcovered, sandy, marshy etc.). B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Vehicle Weight, kg Maximum travelling speed, km/h Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1350 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Body: Seating capacity, including 2 seats in driver’s cab Cab Tires Fuel tank filling capacity, l Ground clearance, mm Overall turning radius, m Truck overall dimensions, mm 6x6 12 800 85 YAMZ236M2 diesel 132 (180) 667 (68) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Van, metalframe type, with heat insulation, equipped with independent cab heater, cabtosaloon speaker intercommunication system 22 Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation system 14.00—20 146G OИ25 with pressure control 300 400 11.4 8650х2500х3615 At customer’s request the truck can be completed with a cab having doubleglazing and with an air conditioner both in the saloon and driver’s cab Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru 27 WAGON TRUCKS URAL3255 WAGON TRUCK The wagon truck on URAL4320191230 chas sis is designed for hauling shift crews and per sonnel on all kinds of roads and terrain and some terrain sections. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Vehicle Weight, kg Maximum travelling speed, km/h Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Body: Seating capacity, including 2 seats in driver’s cab Cab Tires Fuel tank filling capacity, l Ground clearance, mm Overall turning radius, m Truck overall dimensions, mm 6x6 14 100 85 YAMZ238M2 diesel 176 (240) 883 (90) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Van, metalframe type, with heat insulation and deafening, equipped with independent cab heater, cabtosaloon speaker intercommunication system 30 Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation system 1200x500—508 156F ИДП284 with pressure control 300 360 14 10350х2500х3575 At customer’s request the truck can be completed with a cab having doubleglazing and with an air conditioner both in the saloon and driver’s cab. 28 Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru TIMBER TRUCKS, PIPE CARRIERS 596010 Timber Truck Tractor The timber truck tractor on URAL4320431 chas sis is designed for hauling logs and fulllength logs up to 23 m long on all kinds of roads and terrain in combination with twoaxle pole trailer of 897300 model. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Gross Combination Weight, kg Payload, kg Maximum load on tractor supporting and rotary device, kg Maximum travelling speed, km/h Pole trailer 897300 — pole trailer weight, kg Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires Fuel tank filling capacity, l 27 740 16 000 7 500 70 Singletire configuration, controlled by ropes of crosstype coupling; moving on truck tracks; fully articulated suspension, much as possible unified with URAL truck. 4400 YAMZ238M2 diesel 176 (240) 883 (90) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 1200x500—508 156F ИДП284 with pressure control on the tractor, with constant pressure on pole trailer 300 Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru 29 TIMBER TRUCKS, PIPE CARRIERS 59601004 TIMBER TRUCK TRACTOR The timber truck tractor on URAL4320431 chas sis is designed for hauling logs and fulllength logs up to 23 m long on all kinds of roads and terrain in combination with twoaxle pole trailer with folding pole of 89730001 model. The trac tor is provided with a winch for pole trailer self loading. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Combination Weight, kg Payload, kg Maximum load on tractor supporting and rotary device, kg Maximum travelling speed, km/h Pole trailer 89730001 — pole trailer weight, kg Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires Fuel tank filling capacity, l 30 6x6 29 015 16 000 7 500 70 Singletire configuration, moving on truck tracks; fully articulated suspension, much as possible unified with URAL truck. 4400 YAMZ238M2 diesel 176 (240) 883 (90) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 1200x500—508 156F ИДП284 with pressure control on the tractor, with constant pressure on pole trailer 300 Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru TIMBER TRUCKS, PIPE CARRIERS 59601001 TIMBER TRUCK TRACTOR WITH HYDRAULIC LOAD HANDLING CRANE The timber truck tractor on URAL4320431 chas sis is designed for loading/unloading and haul ing logs and fulllength logs up to 23 m long on all kinds of roads and terrain in combination with twoaxle pole trailer of 897300 model. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Combination Weight, kg Payload, kg Maximum load on tractor supporting and rotary device, kg Maximum travelling speed, km/h Pole trailer 897300 — pole trailer weight, kg Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires Hydraulic load handling crane: — load lifting moment, kN·m Fuel tank filling capacity, l 6x6 29 600 15 300 6 500 70 Singletire configuration, controlled by ropes of crosstype coupling; moving on truck tracks; fully articulated suspension, much as possible unified with URAL truck. 4400 YAMZ238M2 diesel 176 (240) 883 (90) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 1200x500—508 156F ИДП284 with pressure control on the tractor, with constant pressure on pole trailer 75÷110 (depending on model applied) 300 Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru 31 TIMBER TRUCKS, PIPE CARRIERS 59601002 PIPE AND FULLLENGTH LOG CARRIER The pipe carrier on URAL4320431 chassis is designed for hauling pipes with 530 up to 1420 mm diameter, up to 36 m long, in combina tion with twoaxle pole trailer of 897310 model on all kinds of roads and terrain. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Combination Weight, kg Payload, kg Maximum load on tractor supporting and rotary device, kg Maximum travelling speed, km/h Pole trailer 897310 — pole trailer weight, kg Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires Fuel tank filling capacity, l Ground clearance, mm 32 6x6 27 395 14 500 6 500 70 Singletire configuration, moving on truck tracks; fully articulated suspension, much as possible unified with URAL truck. 4100 YAMZ238M2 diesel 176 (240) 883 (90) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 1200x500— 508 156F ИДП284 with pressure control on the tractor, with constant pressure on pole trailer 300 360 Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru TIMBER TRUCKS, PIPE CARRIERS 59601006 PIPE CARRIER The pipe carrier on URAL55571115230 chas sis is designed for handling and hauling pipes with 530 up to 1420mm diameter, up to 12m long, in combination with twoaxle pole trailer of 897311010 model on all kinds of roads and ter rain. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Combination Weight, kg Payload, kg Maximum load on tractor supporting and rotary device, kg Maximum travelling speed, km/h Pole trailer 897311010 — pole trailer weight, kg Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires Fuel tank filling capacity, l Loading device: — actuation — electric motor power supply 6x6 32 225 16 900 8 400 70 Single tire configuration, fully articulated suspension, much as possible unified with URAL truck. 4 700 YAMZ238M2 diesel 176 (240) 883 (90) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 1200x500—508 156F ИДП284 with pressure control on the tractor, with constant pressure on pole trailer 300 Two winches unified with the URALtruck winch Electrical, by 4AC112 motor Generator BG16, 15kW, 400V Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru 33 TIMBER TRUCKS, PIPE CARRIERS 690210 LOG TRUCK The log truck on URAL432030 chassis is de signed for hauling logs 2; 4.2; 6 m long as well as for towing log trailer of 8972110 model on all kinds of roads. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Vehicle Weight, kg Payload, kg Log trailer 8972110 — log trailer gross weight, kg Maximum travelling speed, km/h Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires Fuel tank filling capacity, l 34 6x6 21 245 9 000 Twoaxle type, running gear units much as possible unified with URAL truck. 11 500 75 YAMZ238M2 diesel 176 (240) 883 (90) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 1200x500—508 156F ИДП284 with pressure control, with constant pressure on pole trailer 300 Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru TIMBER TRUCKS, PIPE CARRIERS 69021101 LOG TRUCK WITH HYDRAULIC LOAD HANDLING CRANE + 8972110 LOG TRAILER The log truck on URAL432030 chassis and log trailer are designed for loading/unloading and hauling logs 2; 4.2; 6 m long on all kinds of roads. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Vehicle Weight, kg Payload, kg Log trailer 8972110 — log trailer gross weight, kg Maximum travelling speed, km/h Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires Load handling crane: — load lifting moment, kN·m Fuel tank filling capacity, l 6x6 20 535 8 000 Twoaxle type, running gear units much as possible unified with URAL truck 11 500 70 YAMZ238M2 diesel 176 (240) 883 (90) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 1200x500—508 156F ИДП284 with pressure control on the tractor, with constant pressure on pole trailer Hydraulic 75÷110 (depending on model applied) 300 Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru 35 TIMBER TRUCKS, PIPE CARRIERS 690210001 LOG TRUCK + 8972110 LOG TRAILER The log truck on URAL532361 chassis is de signed for hauling logs 2; 4.2; 6 m long as well as for towing a log trailer on all kinds of roads. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Vehicle Weight, kg Payload, kg Log trailer 8972110 — log trailer gross weight, kg Maximum travelling speed, km/h Engine: — rated power at 2000 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1200—1400 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Gearbox Transfer box Driving axles Cab Tires of log truck Fuel tanks filling capacity, l Ground clearance, mm 36 8x8 25 940 13 500 Twoaxle type, running gear units much as possible unified with URAL truck. 11 500 80 YAMZ238B turbocharged diesel 220 (300) 1180 (120) Mechanical, eightspeed type Mechanical, twostage type, with interaxle locked differential Tandem type with upper location of final drive Twoseater tiltable through 60° for maintenance, equipped with ventilation and heating system 425/85 R21 156F KAMA12601 with pressure control 300+210 400 Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru TANKERS AND REFUELLING TRUCKS ATZ543206 REFUELLING TRUCK The refuelling truck on URAL43206 chassis is designed for transportation, storage and refu elling vehicles with measuring the dispensed volume. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Vehicle Weight, kg Tank: — capacity, l Maximum travelling speed, km/h Ground clearance, mm Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires Pump Time needed for filling up the tank by own pump, min Tank drain time, min: — by own pump, min — by gravity, min Fuel flow rate via dispensing tap, l/min Selfpriming depth, m 4x4 12 790 Steel, ovalshaped, with zinc coating 5 000 85 360 YAMZ236M2 diesel 132 (180) 667 (68) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 1200x500—508 156F ИДП284 with pressure control Peripheral, selfpriming type 14 14 18 60 5.5 Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru 37 TANKERS AND REFUELLING TRUCKS ATZ6.54320 Refuelling Truck The refueling truck on URAL432010 chassis is designed for storage and transportation of pe troleum products on all kinds of roads and ter rain, as well as for refuelling of various vehicles under field conditions. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Vehicle Weight, kg Tank capacity, l Maximum travelling speed, km/h Ground clearance, mm Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires Pump Pump delivery, l/min Fuel flow through dispensing tap, l/min Time needed for filling up the tank by own pump, min Tank drain time by own pump, min Tank drain time by gravity, min Selfpriming depth, m 38 6x6 13 780 6 500 75 400 YAMZ236 M2 diesel 132 (180) 667 (68) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 14.00—20 146G ОИ25 with pressure control 1SVN 80A 500 80 13 12 17 4.5 Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru TANKERS AND REFUELLING TRUCKS ATZ7.55557 Refuelling Truck The refueling truck on URAL555710 chassis is designed for storage and transportation of light petroleum products on all kinds of roads and terrain, as well as for refuelling of various vehi cles. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Vehicle Weight, kg Tank capacity, l Maximum travelling speed, km/h Ground clearance, mm Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires Pump Pump delivery, l/min Fuel flow through dispensing tap, l/min Time needed for filling up the tank by own pump, min Tank drain time by own pump, min Tank drain time by gravity, min Selfpriming depth, m 6x6 15 645 7 500 75 360 YAMZ236 M2 diesel 132 (180) 667 (68) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 1200x500—508 149F ИДП284 with pressure control 1SVN 80A 500 80 16 15 20 4.5 Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru 39 TANKERS AND REFUELLING TRUCKS ATZ95557 Refuelling Truck The refueling truck on URAL555710 chassis is designed for storage and transportation of light petroleum products, as well as for refuelling of various vehicles. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Vehicle Weight, kg Tank capacity, l Maximum travelling speed, km/h Ground clearance, mm Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires Pump Pump delivery, l/min Fuel flow through dispensing tap, l/min Time needed for filling up the tank by own pump, min Tank drain time by own pump, min Tank drain time by gravity, min Selfpriming depth, m 40 6x6 16 250 9 000 75 360 YAMZ236 M2 diesel 132 (180) 667 (68) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 1200x500—508 149F ИДП284 with pressure control 1SVN 80A 500 80 18 18 24 4.5 Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru TANKERS AND REFUELLING TRUCKS ATZ104320 AIRDROME REFUELLING TRUCK The airdrome refuelling truck on URAL4320 191230 chassis is designed for refuelling airplanes, helicopters as well as for storage and transportation of light petroleum products on all kinds of roads and terrain. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Vehicle Weight, kg Tank capacity, l Maximum travelling speed, km/h Ground clearance, mm Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires Pump Pump delivery, l/min Time needed for filling up the tank by own pump, min Tank drain time by own pump, min Tank drain time by gravity, min Fuel flow, l/min: — through endpiece of closed refueller — through dispensing tap Selfpriming depth, m 6x6 20 650 10 000 75 360 YAMZ238 M2 diesel 176 (240) 883 (90) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential. Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 1200x500—508 156F ИДП284 with pressure control STsN 75/70 1 000 22 20 27 1 000 500 4.5 Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru 41 TANKERS AND REFUELLING TRUCKS ATZ104320 REFUELLING TRUCK The refuelling truck on URAL4320191230 chassis is designed for refuelling vehicles with measuring the dispensed volume as well as for storage and transportation of light petroleum products on all kinds of roads and some terrain sections. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Tank capacity, l Kerb Weight, kg Gross Vehicle Weight, fuel density 830 kg/m3, kg GWV distribution, kg: — on front axle — on rear bogie Maximum travelling speed, km/h Ground clearance, mm Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Tires Pump Pump delivery, l/min Selfpriming depth, m Particle size retention, micron Number of gages for fuel dispensing, pcs. Deliveryandsuction hose: — inner diameter, mm — number, pcs. — length, m Filling hose with dispensing tap: — inner diameter, mm — number, pcs. — length, m Time needed for filling up the tank by own pump, min Tank drain time: — by own pump — by gravity 42 6x6 10 000 10 865 20 625 5 300 15 325 75 360 YAMZ238 M2 diesel, V8, liquidcooled 176 (240) 883 (90) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential 1200x500—508 156F ИДП284 with pressure control 1SVN 80A 500 4.5 25 1 or 2 75 2 3 25 2 or 4 9 25 23 31 Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru TANKERS AND REFUELLING TRUCKS ATZ11.54320 REFUELLING TRUCK The refuelling truck on URAL4320191230 chassis is designed for refuelling vehicles with measuring the dispensed volume as well as for storage and transportation of light petroleum products on all kinds of roads and some terrain sections. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Tank capacity, l Kerb Weight, kg Gross Vehicle Weight, fuel density 830 kg/m3, kg GWV distribution, kg: — on front axle — on rear bogie Maximum travelling speed, km/h Ground clearance, mm Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Tires Pump Pump delivery, l/min Selfpriming depth, m Particle size retention, micron Number of gages for fuel dispensing, pcs. Deliveryandsuction hose: — inner diameter, mm — number, pcs. — length, m Filling hose with dispensing tap: — inner diameter, mm — number, pcs. — length, m Time needed for filling up the tank by own pump, min Tank drain time: — by own pump — by gravity 6x6 11 500 10 865 20 625 5 300 15 325 75 360 YAMZ238 M2 diesel, V8, liquidcooled 176 (240) 883 (90) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential 1200x500—508 156F ИДП284 with pressure control 1SVN 80A 500 4.5 25 1 or 2 75 2 3 25 2 or 4 9 25 23 31 Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru 43 TANKERS AND REFUELLING TRUCKS ATZ2244202 Airdrome Refuelling Vehicle The airdrome refuelling vehicle comprising bol ster truck URAL4420230 and tank semitrailer is designed for refuelling airplanes, helicopters and ground vehicles, as well as for storage and transportation of light petroleum products on hardsurface roads. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Combination Weight, kg Tank capacity, l Maximum travelling speed, km/h Ground clearance, mm Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires Pump Pump delivery, l/min Fuel flow, l/min: — through endpiece of closed refueller — through dispensing tap Selfpriming depth, m 44 6x6 38 260 22 000 60 360 YAMZ238 M2 diesel 176 (240) 883 (90) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 1200x500—508 149F ИДП284 with pressure control TsN180/110 3 000 1 500 500 4.5 Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru TANKERS AND REFUELLING TRUCKS APPTs1544202 ROAD TRAIN The road train comprising bolster truck URAL 4420231 and tank semitrailer is designed for transportation of light petroleum products with a volume weight not exceeding 860 kg/m3, as well as for filling and discharging fuel from tank to tank. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Combination Weight, kg Tank capacity, l Maximum travelling speed, km/h Ground clearance, mm Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires Pump delivery, l/min Time needed for filling up the tank by own pump, min Tank drain time by own pump, min Tank drain time by gravity, min Selfpriming depth, m 6x6 26 165 15 000 72 360 YAMZ238M2 diesel 176 (240) 883 (90) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 1200x500—508 149F ИДП284 with pressure control 500 32 30 41 4.5 Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru 45 TANKERS AND REFUELLING TRUCKS AMZ75557 OILFILLING TRUCK The oilfilling truck on URAL555710 chassis is designed for changing oil and priming with oil vehicles, mechanisms, machines concurrently registering the volume of dispensed oil and its cleaning efficiency, as well as for shortterm storage of petroleum products. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Vehicle Weight, kg Tank capacity, m3: — clean oil — used oil — washing liquid Maximum travelling speed, km/h Ground clearance, mm Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires Pump — number, pcs. Pump delivery, l/min Selfpriming depth, m 46 6x6 16 450 3.8 2.6 0.6 70 360 YAMZ236M2 diesel 132 (180) 667 (68) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 1200x500—508 149F ИДП284 with pressure control A 13B4/25 2 50 6 Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru TANKERS AND REFUELLING TRUCKS ATsPT4.7 Tanker The tanker in “U” climatic version on URAL4320 10 chassis is designed for transportation and shortterm storage of liquid foodstuffs. Reli able heat insulation provides for preserving foodstuffs at ambient temperatures from 40 up to +50 0C. The tanker is supplied with two man holes for filling, disinfecting and inspection of inner body surface, with a maintenance platform having chequered surface. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Tank capacity, l Gross Vehicle Weight, kg Maximum travelling speed, km/h Ground clearance, mm Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires Number of tank sections Material Section drain time by own pump, min Time needed for filling up the section by own pump, min, with water level below the filler by: — 2 meters — 5 meters Tank limit filling control Drain hoses diameter, mm Insulation thickness, mm 6x6 4 700 13 680 75 400 YAMZ236 M2 diesel 132 (180) 667 (68) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 14.00—20 146G ОИ25 with pressure control 2 Stainless steel sheet 25 10 15 Electrical 50 50 At customer’s request the truck can be equipped with system for ion disinfection of drinking water as an option. Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru 47 TANKERS AND REFUELLING TRUCKS OTA6 Tanker The tanker on URAL432031 offroad chassis is designed for transportation, shortterm storage and delivery of liquid foodstuffs and water. Reliable heat insulation provides for preserving foodstuffs at ambient temperatures from 40 up to +50 0C. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Tank capacity, l Gross Vehicle Weight, kg Maximum travelling speed, km/h Ground clearance, mm Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Tires Number of tank sections Tank material Insulation material Insulation thickness, mm Outer casing material Tank limit filling control Pump delivery, l/min Selfpriming depth, m Head, m Deliverysuction hoses: — inner diameter, mm — number — length, m Section drain time by own pump, min 6x6 5 600 15 455 82 400 YAMZ238 M2 diesel 176 (240) 883 (90) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential 14.00—20 146G OИ25with pressure control 1 or 2 Stainless steel sheet Foam plastic FRP 50 Painted steel sheet Electrical 500 5 20 65 2 items 3 25 At customer’s request the truck can be equipped with system for ion disinfection of drinking water as an option. The tanker can be mounted on URAL555731 chassis. 48 Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru TANKERS AND REFUELLING TRUCKS OTA8 Tanker The tanker on URAL5557130 chassis is de signed for transportation, shortterm storage and delivery of liquid foodstuffs and water. Reliable heat insulation provides for preserving foodstuffs at ambient temperatures from 40 up to +50 0C. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Tank capacity, l Gross Vehicle Weight, kg Maximum travelling speed, km/h Ground clearance, mm Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Tires Number of tank sections Tank material Insulation material Insulation thickness, mm Outer casing material Tank limit filling control Pump delivery, l/min Selfpriming depth, m Head, m Deliverysuction hoses: — inner diameter, mm — number — length, m Section drain time by own pump, min 6x6 8 000 19 425 80 360 YAMZ238 M2 diesel V8, liquid cooled 176 (240) 883 (90) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential 1200x500—508 156F ИДП284 with pressure control 1 or 2 Stainless steel sheet Foam plastic FRP 50 Painted steel sheet Electrical 500 5 20 65 2 items 3 25 At customer’s request the truck can be equipped with system for ion disinfection of drinking water as an option. Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru 49 TANKERS AND REFUELLING TRUCKS ATsPT10 TANKER The tanker on URAL4320191230 chassis is designed for transportation and shortterm stor age of liquid foodstuffs and is produced as “T” climatic version. Its reliable heat insulation en sures storage of foodstuffs at the ambient tem peratures from –40 oC to +50 oC. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Tank capacity, l Gross Vehicle Weight, kg Maximum travelling speed, km/h Ground clearance, mm Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires Number of tank sections Material Maximum tank fillingup control Section drain time by gravity, min Section fillingup time by pump, min., with water level below filler: — 2 meters — 5 meters Drain hoses diameter, mm Heat insulation thickness, mm 6x6 10 000 21 300 75 360 YAMZ238M2 diesel 176 (240) 883 (90) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 1200x500—508 156F ИДП284 with pressure control 1 or 2 Stainless steel sheet Electric 30 22 33 50 50 At customer’s request the truck can be equipped with system for ion disinfection of drinking water as an option. 50 Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru FIREFIGHTING VEHICLES ATsP3.040 FireFighting Tanker The firefighting tanker on URAL43206 chassis is designed for hauling fireguarding crews and for fire fighting with water from the tank, fire hydrants and ponds by means of fire hoses or carriage hose barrel, as well as by airmechani cal foam. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Vehicle Weight, kg Maximum travelling speed, km/h Ground clearance, mm Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission 4x4 12 325 85 360 YAMZ236 M2 diesel 132 (180) 667 (68) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Cab Allmetal double cab equipped with ventilation system Tires 1200x500—508 156F ИДП284 with pressure control Water tank capacity, l 3 000 Foam tank capacity, l 180 Fire pump: PN40UB — rated water delivery, l/s 40 — head at rated operation mode, m 100±5 — delivery hose length, m 324 — maximum suction height, m 7.5 Fire hose barrel SPLKS40 — flow of continuos water jet out of barrel, l/s 40 Water jet length along extreme drops, m 70 Foam jet length along extreme drops, m 40 Fireguarding crew including the driver 6 persons Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru 51 FIREFIGHTING VEHICLES ATsP406/3 FireFighting Tanker The firefighting tanker on URAL555710 chas sis is designed for hauling fireguarding crews and for fire fighting with water from the tank, fire hydrants and ponds, as well as by means of airmechanical foam. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Vehicle Weight, kg Maximum travelling speed, km/h Ground clearance, mm Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires Water tank capacity, l Foam tank capacity, l Fire pump: — rated water delivery, l/s — head at rated operation mode, m — delivery hose length, m — maximum suction height, m Fireguarding crew including the driver 52 6x6 16 340 70 360 YAMZ236 M2 diesel 132 (180) 667 (68) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation system 1200x500—508 149F ИДП284 with pressure control 6 000 300 PN40UB 40 100±5 240 7.5 3 persons Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru FIREFIGHTING VEHICLES ATsP6/640 FireFighting Tanker The firefighting tanker on URAL555710 chas sis is designed for hauling fireguarding crews and for fire fighting with water from the tank, fire hydrants and ponds, as well as by means of airmechanical foam. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Vehicle Weight, kg Maximum travelling speed, km/h Ground clearance, mm Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission 6x6 16 450 70 360 YAMZ236 M2 diesel 132 (180) 667 (68) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Cab Allmetal double cab equipped with ventilation system Tires 1200x500—508 149F ИДП284 with pressure control Water tank capacity, l 6 000 Foam tank capacity, l 300 Fire pump: PN40UB — rated water delivery, l/s 40 — head at rated operation mode, m 100±5 — delivery hose length, m 240 — maximum suction height, m 7.5 Fire hose barrel: SPLKS40 — flow of continuos water jet out of barrel, l/s 40 Water jet length along extreme drops, m 70 Foam jet length along extreme drops, m 40 Fireguarding crew including the driver 6 persons Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru 53 FIREFIGHTING VEHICLES ATsP8/640 FireFighting Tanker The firefighting tanker on URAL5557130 chas sis is designed for hauling fireguarding crews and for fire fighting with water from the tank, fire hydrants and ponds, as well as by means of airmechanical foam. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Vehicle Weight, kg Maximum travelling speed, km/h Ground clearance, mm Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission 6x6 19 400 80 360 YAMZ238 M2 diesel 176 (240) 883 (90) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Cab Allmetal double cab equipped with ventilation system Tires 1200x500—508 149F ИДП284 with pressure control Water tank capacity, l 8 000 Foam tank capacity, l 400 Fire pump: PN40UB — rated water delivery, l/s 40 — head at rated operation mode, m 100±5 — delivery hose length, m 240 — maximum suction height, m 7.5 Fire hose barrel: SPLKS40 — flow of continuos water jet out of barrel, l/s 40 Water jet length along extreme drops, m 70 Foam jet length along extreme drops, m 40 Fireguarding crew including the driver 6 persons The FireFighting Tanker can be mounted on URAL4320191230 chassis. 54 Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru FIREFIGHTING VEHICLES ATsP9/340 FireFighting Tanker The firefighting tanker on URAL5557130 chas sis is designed for hauling fireguarding crews and for fire fighting with water from the tank, fire hydrants and ponds, as well as by means of airmechanical foam. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Vehicle Weight, kg Maximum travelling speed, km/h Ground clearance, mm Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires Water tank capacity, l Foam tank capacity, l Fire pump: — rated water delivery, l/s — head at rated operation mode, m — delivery hose length, m — maximum suction height, m Fireguarding crew including the driver 6x6 20 440 80 360 YAMZ238 M2 diesel 176 (240) 883 (90) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation system 1200x500—508 149F ИДП284 with pressure control 9 000 400 PN40UB 40 100±5 240 7.5 3 persons Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru 55 FIREFIGHTING VEHICLES AA7.2/55 Airdrome FireFighting Truck The firefighting truck on URAL4320191230 chassis is designed for fire fighting and perform ing rescue works on airplanes and land installa tions of airports. The truck provides for the following: — delivery of water or airmechanical foam; — fire fighting with carbon dioxide by means of the bumper plant; — covering the runway with airmechanical foam. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Vehicle Weight, kg Maximum travelling speed, km/h Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Tires Water tank capacity, l Foam tank capacity, l Fire pump: — actuation — rated water delivery, l/s — head at rated operation mode, m — maximum suction height, m Fire hose barrel: — flow of continuous water jet out of barrel, l/s — water jet length, m — foam jet length, m Bumper plant: — number of units GPS “spraying barrel” Plant for covering the runway with foam: — number of foam generators — width of runway covered with foam, m System of gas fire fighting: — fire extinguisher capacity, l Delivery hoses length, m 56 6x6 21 000 90 YAMZ238 M2 diesel 176 (240) 883 (90) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential 1200x500—508 156F ИДП284 with pressure control 6 750 450 PN60B Autonomously from YAMZ236 M2 diesel rated 132 (180) kW (hp) at 2100 min 1 55 100±5 7.5 SPLK60 55±2 55 40 UTPS3 3 Removable battery of foam generators GPS200 16 12 Carbondioxide fire extinguisher OU80 80 208 Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru SPECIALPURPOSE VEHICLES FOR OILANDGAS INDUSTRY BKM515 DRILLINGRIG AND CRANE TRUCK The drillingrig and crane truck on URAL43206 chassis is designed for drilling of wells in unfrozen and seasonally frozen grounds of grade 1—4 as well as for mounting supports into them when constructing and repairing communication and power transmission lines. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Vehicle Weight, kg Maximum travelling speed, km/h Ground clearance, mm Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires Drilling tool diameter, m Maximum drilled depth, m Lifting capacity, kg Length of erected supports, m Welding generator 4x4 9 000 85 360 YAMZ236M2 diesel 132 (180) 667 (68) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential. Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 1200x500—508 156F ИДП284 with pressure control 0.36; 0.50; 0.63; 0.80 5 1 250 up to 12 GP4004 U2 400A, 36V Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru 57 SPECIALPURPOSE VEHICLES FOR OILANDGAS INDUSTRY BM811 DRILLINGRIG AND PILEDRIVING TRUCK The drillingrig and piledriving truck on URAL 4320191230 chassis is designed for drilling wells of a rated diameter in thawed ground and permafrost of grade 1—4 as well to a rated depth and driving pile into them when construct ing pile foundation of buildings and installations. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Vehicle Weight, kg Maximum travelling speed, km/h Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires Drilling depth, m Drilling diameter, m Lifting capacity, kg Height of hook lifting, m Maximum torque at drilling tool, N·m Pressure exerted on the bottom plug by the drill, t Maximum longitudinal movement of drilling equipment, m 58 6x6 23 000 80 YAMZ238M2 , V8 diesel 176 (240) 883 (90) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 1200x500—508 156F ИДП284 with pressure control 8÷10 0.36; 0.45 3 000 10 15 000 10 0.7 Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru SPECIALPURPOSE VEHICLES FOR OILANDGAS INDUSTRY URB 12 UW DRILLINGRIG TRUCK The drillingrig truck on URAL555710 chassis is designed for rotary drilling of upright water wells followed by equipping and test water pumping out. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Vehicle Weight, kg Maximum travelling speed, km/h Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires Load lifting capacity, kg Nominal drilled depth, m Drilled diameter, mm: — initial — final Drill rod length, m Drilling rig drive: — power consumption, kW (hp) Winch Mast Hoist block lifting speed, m/s Through hole diameter of rotary table, mm Rotary table speed, min 1 Drill rig pump: — net power, kW Power supply 6x6 16 500 70 YAMZ236M2 diesel 132 (180) 667 (68) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 1200x500—508 149F ИДП284 with pressure control 10 000 600—700 243 93 12 A41 motor 66 (90) Singledrum type Collapsible, open face type 0.34÷1.32 410 63÷239 NB50 50 Threephase alternating current generator 12 kW 380/220 V Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru 59 SPECIALPURPOSE VEHICLES FOR OILANDGAS INDUSTRY AP 32/40M REPAIR TRUCK The repair truck on URAL4320191230 chassis is designed for lifting/lowering operations dur ing repair of oil and gas wells as well as for over haul, developing and drilling of wells having vari ous purpose (when completed with options). B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Vehicle Weight, kg Maximum travelling speed, km/h Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires Maximum load lifting capacity, kg Nominal drilled depth, m Winch Hoist block lifting speed, m/s Mast Distance between ground and crown block axis, mm Hoist block lifting height, mm Pump of operating hydraulic system Pump of hydraulic jacks actuation 6x6 20 800 75 YAMZ238M2 diesel 176 (240) 883 (90) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 1200x500—508 156F ИДП284 with pressure control 40 000 1 300 Singledrum type with pneumatic singledisc friction coupling 0.22÷1.88 Singlesection, open face, slope type 17 700 13 400 Axialplunger type 3102.112 NSh32 At customer’s request the vehicle can be completed with the following options: — A 50 M0.4 hydraulic rotor; — guide pipe (square rod 8.5 m); — P250 drilling rotor; — wellhead working platform; — swivel; — NP15A pump unit; — manifold. 60 Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru SPECIALPURPOSE VEHICLES FOR OILANDGAS INDUSTRY A232 Hoist Truck The hoist truck on URAL4320191230 chassis is designed for performing repairs of wells. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Vehicle Weight, kg Maximum travelling speed, km/h Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires Weight of mounted equipment, kg Mast Maximum load lifting capacity on hook, kg Winch Maximum hook lifting height, m Hook lifting speed, m/s Drive of mast lifting hydraulic cylinders, hydraulic jacks support, mast extension mechanism, hydraulic gate 6x6 20 000 75 YAMZ238 M2 diesel 176 (240) 883 (90) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 1200x500—508 156F ИДП284 with pressure control 12 000 Telescopic, threesection, open face type 32 000 Singledrum type, 22 mm rope diameter 12 0.25—2.03 НШ50Л pumps supplying oil to common collector Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru 61 SPECIALPURPOSE VEHICLES FOR OILANDGAS INDUSTRY ADPM12/50 DEWAXING TRUCK The dewaxing truck on URAL555710 chassis is designed for heating and forcing of warm oil into the wells in order to remove paraffin as well as for supplying warm water for processing pur poses. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Vehicle Weight, kg Maximum travelling speed, km/h Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires Plant equipment Maximum plant capacity, kg/h Working temperature of oil heating, deg. Maximum pressure, MPa (kgf/cm2) Heating capacity, kcal/h Time needed for heating oil up to working temperature, min 62 6x6 15 500 70 YAMZ236M2 diesel 132 (180) 667 (68) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 1200x500—508 156F ИДП284 with pressure control Oil heaters, pumps, fan, instrumentation, stop, control and safety valves, processing and ancillary pipe, suction hose 12 000 150 16 (160) 940 000 20 Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru SPECIALPURPOSE VEHICLES FOR OILANDGAS INDUSTRY PPUA1600/100 (UPP1600/100) STEAMPRODUCER TRUCK The steamproducer plant on URAL43201912 30 chassis is a multipurpose boiler plant de signed for dewaxing of well’s face zone, pipe lines, tanks, fittings and other oil production equipment by means of highpressure saturated steam, as well as for heating and washing of equipment. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Vehicle Weight, kg Maximum travelling speed, km/h Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires Heated medium Steam boiler fuel Steam producing capacity, kg/h Steam temperature, degree Steam pressure, MPa Fuel consumption of boiler, kg/h Time needed for stem producing, min Water tank capacity, l Plant fuel tank filling capacity, l 6x6 21 000 75 YAMZ238M2 diesel 176 (240) 883 (90) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 1200x500–508 156F ИДП284 with pressure control Water Diesel fuel 1 600 310 0.6—10.0 110 20 3 600 500 Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru 63 SPECIALPURPOSE VEHICLES FOR OILANDGAS INDUSTRY PPU2000/100 SteamProducer Truck The multipurpose steamproducer and boiler plant on URAL5557111210 chassis is designed for producing highandlowpressure saturated steam used for well dewaxing and for heating of land, underground and other engineering equip ment including heating systems of living accom modations, as well as for heating and washing of equipment. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Vehicle Weight, kg Maximum travelling speed, km/h Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires Heated medium Steam boiler fuel Steam producing capacity, kg/h Steam temperature, degree Steam pressure, MPa Fuel consumption of boiler, min/max, kg/h Time needed for stem producing, min Tank capacity, l Fuel tanks capacity, l Fuel pressure, MPa Water pretreatment Overall dimensions, mm 6x6 20 000 75 YAMZ236 M2 diesel 132 (180) 883 (90) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 1200x500—508 156F ИДП284 with pressure control Water Diesel fuel 2 000 310 0÷10 18/35 3÷5 5 000 1 000 0÷ 1,5 AMBS 4800x2500x2450 At customer’s request the plant can be completed with electric motor (30 kW) sup plied from external threephase current source 380V. 64 Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru SPECIALPURPOSE VEHICLES FOR OILANDGAS INDUSTRY 4983110 (PKS7/100) MOBILE COMPRESSORPLANT TRUCK The mobile compressor plant on URAL555731 chassis is designed for performing repairs and developing of oil wells, as well as for filling bot tles with pressed air up to a pressure of 100 kgf/cm 2, cleaning, blowing through and pressure test of pipe lines at ambient temperatures from 45 to +45 0C. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Vehicle Weight, kg Maximum travelling speed, km/h Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires Pressed gas Capacity related to initial suction conditions, m3/min Initial pressure, MPa (kg/cm2) Output pressure, MPa (kg/cm2) Power consumption, kW Compressor plant engine 6x6 13 500 70 YAMZ238M2 diesel 176 (240) 883 (90) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 1200x500—508 156F ИДП284 with pressure control Air 7±0.35 0.1 (1.0) 10 (100) 130 YAMZ238 M2 diesel Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru 65 SPECIALPURPOSE VEHICLES FOR OILANDGAS INDUSTRY ANRW1US Truck The vehicle on URAL555710 chassis is designed for repairs and preventive maintenance of wa tersupply equipment, wastewater disposal sys tem in settlements, as well as for maintenance of land equipment of oil fields, process pipe lines of oil collection stations, components of oil gusher fittings and bellcrank benches. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Vehicle Weight, kg Payload, kg Maximum travelling speed, km/h Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Tires Body Vehicle equipment Welding transformer: — power, kW — welding current, A — voltage, V Pump unit for water pumping out: — delivery, m3/h — head, m — power consumption, kW (hp) Power supply 66 6x6 14 130 2 000 75 YAMZ236 M2 diesel 132 (180) 667 (68) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential 1200x500—508 149F ИДП284 with pressure control welded structure, with heat insulation, equipped with OW65 heatingandventilation system Cab for maintenance team, hoisting gear, gas and electric welding apparatus, drilling machine, container for bottles (oxygen, gas), set of tools and fixtures for failure eliminating 17.4 31.5 220/380 60 16 66 (90) Alternator 20 kW 230/400 V Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru SPECIALPURPOSE VEHICLES FOR OILANDGAS INDUSTRY ANRW43206 Truck The plant on URAL43206 chassis is designed for repairs of land equipment of oil fields, process pipelines, components of oil gusher fittings and bellcrank benches as well as for repairs and preventive maintenance of waterlines and wastewater disposal systems of settlements’ public utilities. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Vehicle Weight, kg Maximum travelling speed, km/h Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Tires Cab Body Plant equipment Power supply 4x4 12 150 85 YAMZ236 M2 diesel 132 (180) 667 (68) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential 1200x500—508 149F ИДП284 with pressure control Allmetal, double type sixseater equipped with ventilation and heating system Welded structure, with heat insulation, equipped with OW65 heatingandventilation system Hoisting gear, gas and electric welding apparatus, drilling machine, container for bottles (oxygen, gas), set of tools and fixtures for failure eliminating, grinder, electrical grinding machine, pneumatic hammer EMO 1.2515, perforator E111A, pump for water pumping out UODN 12010065, welding rectifier VD306 Generator GS25030/4kW 400V, alternatively from external threephase current power source 380V Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru 67 SPECIALPURPOSE VEHICLES FOR OILANDGAS INDUSTRY US 6/30532361 TRUCK The mobile mechanical plant on URAL532361 chassis is designed for transportation of dry pow der materials (cement, grouting mix), for pre paring and supplying grouting solutions when grouting oil and gas wells. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Vehicle Weight, kg GVW during operation, kg Maximum travelling speed, km/h Engine: — rated power at 2000 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1200—1400 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires Tank capacity, m3 Maximum output of grouting solution with a density of 1.85 g/cm3, dm3/s Grouting solution density range, g/cm3 Maximum output of dry cement, t/h: — charging screw conveyer — metering screw conveyer (design output) Time needed for reaching the rated density, s Mixer: — optimum liquid pressure, MPa — maximum liquid pressure, MPa 68 8x8 22 700 25 700 80 YAMZ238B turbocharged diesel 220 (300) 1180 (120) Eightspeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Twoseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 425/85 R21 156F KAMA12601 with pressure control 14.5 27 1.3÷2.4 15 132 40, maximum Hydrovacuum type 1.5 2.0 Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru SPECIALPURPOSE VEHICLES FOR OILANDGAS INDUSTRY AKOS14320 TRUCK The plant on URAL4320191230 chassis is designed for acid treatment of oil wells. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Vehicle Weight, kg Maximum travelling speed, km/h Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires Pump: — maximum pressure, MPa — maximum delivery, dm3/s — net power, kW Tank capacity, m3 Tank material 6x6 19 625 75 YAMZ238M2 diesel 176 (240) 883 (90) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 1200x500—508 149F ИДП284 with pressure control Highpressure, threeplunger type. N200K90 or N200K100 50 9.41 or 13.8 110 6 Glassreinforced plastic Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru 69 SPECIALPURPOSE VEHICLES FOR OILANDGAS INDUSTRY ATsP4320/ ATs32U GROUTING TRUCK The grouting truck on URAL4320191230 chas sis is intended for pumping various liquid media when cement grouting the boreholes as well as for performing other irrigation and forcing through works carried out on oil and gas wells. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Vehicle Weight, kg Gross Vehicle Weight during operation, kg Measuring tank capacity, ltr Maximum travelling speed, km/h Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires Waterdelivery centrifugal pump: — delivery, dm3/s — pressure, kgf/cm2 — driving motor — power, kW Highpressure pump: — maximum pressure, kgf/cm2 — maximum delivery, dm3/s — net power , kW Tank capacity, ltr Cementmortar tank capacity, ltr Nominal bore of manifold pipe lines, mm: — delivery line — inlet line 70 ATsP4320 6x6 14 910 20 910 6 000 72 YAMZ238M2 diesel 176 (240) ATs32U 6x6 14 910 20 910 6 000 72 YAMZ238M2 diesel 176 (240) 883 (90) 883 (90) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 1200x500—508 156F ИДП284 with pressure control TsNS38154 TsSN60165 10.5 10 15.4 10.5 ZMZ511 ZMZ511 92 92 TsNS2632 NPTs32 230 320 21.15 26 108 108 6000 6000 250 250 50 100 50 100 Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru SPECIALPURPOSE VEHICLES FOR OILANDGAS INDUSTRY UTsN45323 GROUTING TRUCK The grouting truck on URAL532362 chassis is intended for pumping various liquid media when cement grouting the boreholes as well as for performing other irrigation and forcingthrough works carried out on oil and gas wells. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Vehicle Weight, kg Maximum travelling speed, km/h Ground clearance, mm Fuel tanks capacity, ltr Engine: — rated power at 2000 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1200—1400 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires Waterdelivery centrifugal pump: — maximum delivery, dm3/s — maximum pressure, kgf/cm2 Highpressure pump: — maximum pressure, kgf/cm2 — maximum delivery, dm3/s — net power , kW Nominal bore of manifold pipe lines, mm: — delivery line — inlet line Measuring tank capacity, ltr Cementmortar tank capacity, ltr 8x8 23 840 80 400 300+210 YAMZ238B turbocharged diesel 220 (300) 1180 (120) Eightspeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Twoseat sleeper cab tiltable through 60° for maintenance, equipped with ventilation and heating system 425/85 R21 156F KAMA12601 with pressure control TsNS38154 10.5 15.4 9 TM, TsN2632 230 26 108 50 100 6 000 500 Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru 71 SPECIALPURPOSE VEHICLES FOR OILANDGAS INDUSTRY AKN104320 TANKER The tanker on URAL4320191230 chassis is designed for spillage collection of condensate, oil, oil products and noncorrosive process liq uids from earth and pond surface and their trans portation to the site of reclaiming. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Vehicle Weight, kg Tank capacity, l Maximum travelling speed, km/h Ground clearance, mm Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires Pump: — delivery, m3/h Time needed for filling/draining the tank by own pump, min Priming height, m Tank drain time by own pump, min Tank drain time by gravity, min 72 6x6 20 625 10 000 75 360 YAMZ238M2 diesel 176 (240) 883 (90) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 1200x500—508 156F ИДП284 with pressure control ODN120x100x65K 50 12 9 12 13 Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru SPECIALPURPOSE VEHICLES FOR OILANDGAS INDUSTRY AKNS10 TANKER The tanker on URAL4320191230 chassis is designed for mechanized spillage collection of gas condensate, oil products and their transpor tation to the site of reclaiming and discharging through a tiltable bottom with the tank being lifted. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Vehicle Weight, kg Tank capacity, ltr Maximum travelling speed, km/h Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires Pump: — delivery, m3/h — maximum vacuum in the tank, MPa — operating pressure, MPa — selfsuction depth, m 6x6 20 535 10 000 75 YAMZ238 M2 diesel 176 (240) 883 (90) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 1200x500—508 156F ИДП284 with pressure control KO505 310 0.085 0.06 6 Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru 73 SPECIALPURPOSE VEHICLES FOR OILANDGAS INDUSTRY AKN14 TANKER The tanker on URAL532361 chassis is designed for mechanized spillage collection of condensate, oil products and their transportation to the site of reclaiming. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Vehicle Weight, kg Tank capacity, l Maximum travelling speed, km/h Engine: — rated power at 2000 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1200—1400 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires Fuel tanks capacity, l Pump: — delivery, m3/h — maximum vacuum in the tank, MPa — operating pressure, MPa — selfpriming depth, m 74 8x8 26 000 14 000 80 YAMZ238B turbocharged diesel 220 (300) 1180 (120) Eightspeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Twoseat sleeper cab tiltable through 60° for maintenance, equipped with ventilation and heating system 425/85 R21 156F KAMA12601 with pressure control 300+210 KO505 310 0.085 0.06 6 Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru SPECIALPURPOSE VEHICLES FOR OILANDGAS INDUSTRY UNPM5557 PUMP PLANT The pump plant on URAL555731 chassis is in tended for pumping various noncorrosive liq uid media when performing works on oil and gas wells in the course of their drilling. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Vehicle Weight, kg GVW during operation kg Maximum travelling speed, km/h Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires Highpressure pump: — maximum pressure, kgf/cm2 — maximum delivery, dm3/s — net power , kW Nominal bore of manifold pipe lines, mm: — delivery line — inlet line Measuring tank capacity, l 6x6 16 190 19 190 75 YAMZ238M2 , V8 diesel 176 (240) 883 (90) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 1200x500—508 156F ИДП284 with pressure control 9 TM, TsN2632 23 21.15 108 50 100 3 000 Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru 75 SPECIALPURPOSE VEHICLES FOR OILANDGAS INDUSTRY ATsN10C TANKER The tanker on URAL4320191230 chassis is designed for transportation and pumping of vari ous liquids with a density of 0.85…1.4 t/m3 and their supplying to mobile pumping and mixing plants when performing hydraulic seam fracture, cement grouting the boreholes and other irri gation and forcingthrough works carried out on oil and gas wells. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Vehicle Weight, kg Tank capacity, l Maximum travelling speed, km/h Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires Pump plant Pump delivery, l/min Time needed for filling up the tank by own pump, min Tank drain time by own pump, min Tank drain time by gravity, min Selfpriming depth, min 6x6 19 080 10 000 75 YAMZ238M2 , V8 diesel 176 (240) 883 (90) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 1200x500—508 156F ИДП284 with pressure control STsL 360 30 26 40 4.5 At customer’s request the tanker can be manufactured as AtsN10SN version in tended for oil and oil products transportation and as AtsN10SR version for trans portation of clayacid solutions. 76 Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru SPECIALPURPOSE VEHICLES FOR OILANDGAS INDUSTRY ATE6B4320 TRUCK The unit on URAL4320191230 chassis is de signed for loading, transporting and unloading of two sets of electric centrifugal pump units. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Vehicle Weight, kg Carrying capacity, kg Maximum travelling speed, km/h Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires Hydraulic crane: — load lifting moment, kN·m — outreach, m — turning angle, degree 6x6 20 625 8 000 75 YAMZ238M2 diesel 176 (240) 883 (90) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 1200x500—508 156F ИДП284 with pressure control LIV24.81 or other 240 8.1 405 Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru 77 SPECIALPURPOSE VEHICLES FOR OILANDGAS INDUSTRY APSh65 TRUCK The vehicle comprising URAL4420231 bolster truck and semitrailer is designed for mechanized loading, transportation and unloading of long sized oil production equipment (well pump rods, tubing strings etc.). B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Vehicle Weight, kg Payload, kg Maximum travelling speed, km/h Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires Hydraulic crane: — load lifting moment, kN·m — outreach, m — turning angle, degree 78 6x6 26 745 11 500 70 YAMZ238M2 diesel 176 (240) 883 (90) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 1200x500—508 149F ИДП284 with pressure control A7503 75 7.3 400 Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru SPECIALPURPOSE VEHICLES FOR OILANDGAS INDUSTRY APSh89U TRUCK The vehicle comprising URAL4420231 bolster truck and semitrailer is designed for mechanized loading, transportation and unloading of long sized oil production equipment (well pump rods, tubing strings etc.). B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Vehicle Weight, kg Carrying capacity, kg: — 933410 semitrailer — 933409 semitrailer — 9907 semitrailer Maximum travelling speed, km/h Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires Hydraulic crane: — load lifting moment, kN·m — outreach, m — turning angle, degree 6x6 26 700 14 700 17 900 14 000 70 YAMZ238M2 diesel 176 (240) 883 (90) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 1200x500—508 156F ИДП284 with pressure control BAKM890 89 7.1 400 Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru 79 SPECIALPURPOSE VEHICLES FOR OILANDGAS INDUSTRY ANTs32/50 TRUCK The plant on URAL5557130 chassis is designed for transportation of inhibited hydrochloric acid and discharging liquid media into the wells for hydrochloricacid treating treatment of well face area. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Vehicle Weight, kg Tank capacity, l Maximum travelling speed, km/h Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires Fuel tank capacity, m3 Pump: — net power, kW — maximum pressure, MPa — maximum delivery, l/s Liquid transported Plant control Nominal bore of manifold pipe lines, mm: — delivery line — inlet line Ancillary pipe line (binding the plant with well mouth), mm: — nominal bore — total length 80 6x6 14 850 4 600 60 YAMZ238M2 , V8 diesel 176 (240) 883 (90) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 1200x500—508 156F ИДП284 with pressure control 300 Horizontal, threeplunger type, 3NP3250 100 32 19.3 Solution of inhibited hydrochloric acid as well as mixed with hydrofluoric and acetic acids From the driver’s cab 50 100 50 21 500 Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru SPECIALPURPOSE VEHICLES FOR ROAD BUILDING AND PUBLIC UTILITIES 432069 SCREWANDROTOR SNOW CLEARING VEHICLE The screwandrotor snowclearing vehicle on URAL43206 chassis is designed for clearing motor roads, runways, airplanes parking areas from snow. The snowclearing vehicle has a singleengine operation system and is an efficient mean in fighting snow drifts. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Vehicle Weight, kg Travelling speed, km/h Engine: — rated power at 2000 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1200—1400 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires Capacity, t/h Maximum snow thickness cleared in one run, m Maximum snow density, t/m3 Distance of throw of main snow mass, m Track width cleared in one run, m Number of screws Number of rotors 4x4 11 580 0.3÷48 YAMZ238B14 turbocharged diesel 220 (300) 1 180 (120) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 1200x500—508 156F ИДП284 with pressure control 1 000±100 1.6 0.7 30 2.85 2 1 Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru 81 SPECIALPURPOSE VEHICLES FOR ROAD BUILDING AND PUBLIC UTILITIES DE226 SCREWANDROTOR SNOWCLEARING VEHICLE The screwandrotor snowclearing vehicle on URAL432010 chassis is designed for clearing motor roads, runways, airplanes parking areas from snow. It is equipped with sending/receiv ing radio station. The snowclearing vehicle has separated drive of truck and working parts from independent power units. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Vehicle Weight, kg Speed, km/h: — travelling — working Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires Engine for driving working parts: — rated power, kW (hp) Maximum snow thickness cleared in one run, m Maximum snow density, t/m3 Distance of throw of main snow mass, m Track width cleared in one run, m Number of screws Number of rotors 82 6x6 15 150 50 7 YAMZ236M2 diesel 132 (180) 667 (68) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential. Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 14.00—20 146G ОИ25 with pressure control 1D12BMS1 diesel, V12, liquidcooled 294 (394) 1.6 0.7 30 2.8 2 1 Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru SPECIALPURPOSE VEHICLES FOR ROAD BUILDING AND PUBLIC UTILITIES KO605 (DE210U) SCREWANDROTOR SNOWCLEARING VEHICLE The screwandrotor snowclearing vehicle on URAL4320 chassis is designed for clearing mo tor roads, runways, motor parking lots from snow. The vehicle has singleengine configuration and operates reliably at ambient temperatures down to 45 0C. The working part is operated electric hydraulically from the driver’s cab. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Speed, km/h: — travelling — working Engine: — rated power at 2000 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1200—1400 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires Maximum snow thickness cleared in one run, m Track width cleared in one run, m Distance of throw of main snow mass, m Number of screws Number of rotors 6x6 50 0.5530 YAMZ238B turbocharged diesel 220 (300) 1 180 (120) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential. Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 14.00—20 146G ОИ25 with pressure control 1.3 2.7 35 2 1 Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru 83 SPECIALPURPOSE VEHICLES FOR ROAD BUILDING AND PUBLIC UTILITIES BMKD684318 ROADBUILDING COMBINATION VEHICLE The roadbuilding combination vehicle on URAL 5557141 chassis is designed for patrol clearing hardsurface roads during snowfalls and snow storms, for strewing cleared road sections with antiskid material, as well as for placing sand andgravel mixture, sand, gravel and broken stone when repairing roads. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Vehicle Weight, kg Payload, kg Maximum travelling speed, km/h Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1100—1300 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires Equipment attached Width of track cleared, m Width of track cleared from snow when using side blade,m Distance of snow throw, m, minimum Area cleared from snow in 1 hour at speed 50 km/h, m2 Distribution density of antiskid material, g/ m2 6x6 21 185 10 000 (summer equipment) 9 000 (winter equipment) 75 YAMZ236НЕ2 turbocharged diesel 169 (230) 883 (90) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential. Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 1200x500—508 156F ИДП284 with pressure control Tilting platform body, front speed blade, grading centre blade, tank for antiskid mixture with spreader 2.5 4 4 125 000 50÷500 At customer’s request the vehicle can be completed with a side blade as an option 84 Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru SPECIALPURPOSE VEHICLES FOR ROAD BUILDING AND PUBLIC UTILITIES MKD43206 AllSeason RoadBuilding Combination Vehicle The allseason roadbuilding combination vehicle on URAL 43206 chassis is designed for the following: — completed with winter equipment for clearing roads and road slopes from snow, removing ice crust, strewing roads with sandandsalt mixture; — completed with summer equipment for washing roadbed, traffic signs and road guards, for clipping bushes and mowing lawns, as well as for repairing roadbed; — completed with transportation equipment – for hauling bulk and packaged goods, repairs of power lines and various high situated objects. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Maximum travelling speed, km/h Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Tires Winter equipment: Summer equipment: Transportation equipment: Coverage when using, mm: — front speed blade — side blade — grading centre blade — liquid antiskid material — sand spreader — when spraying water — when washing Width of track cleared from snow when using side blade, m Distance of snow throw, m, minimum Area cleared from snow in 1 hour at speed 50 km/h, m2 Distribution density of antiskid material, g/ m2 4x4 85 YAMZ236 M2 diesel 132 (180) 667 (68) 1200x500—508 156F ИДП284 with pressure control — blades: front speed one, grading centre one, side one; — body with sand spreader holding 3,500 kg of sandandsalt mixture; — tank for liquid antiskid material, 1,000 ltr capacity – 2 items. — front sweeping brush; — side brush for washing and road guards; — highlift water pump NTsPV4/400: — water delivery at rated mode — 4 l/s; — head at rated mode – 400 m; — tank with 4,00 ltr capacity; — spraying and washing equipment. — “Sinegorets25” load handling crane (permanently mounted) completed with following attachments: hook, forkshaped grab, bushclipper; knotclipper; — dielectric platform; — cargo platform, 2500x2800 mm, for transportation of 4,000 kg bulk and packaged goods. 2 600 2 200 2 900 2 500 2 000 – 8 000 up to 15 000 2 500 – 8 000 4 4 125 000 50÷500 Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru 85 SPECIALPURPOSE VEHICLES FOR ROAD BUILDING AND PUBLIC UTILITIES EO43213 GRADING EXCAVATOR The grading excavator on URAL4320191130 chassis featuring a bucket swinging through 3600 on the end of telescopic jib is designed for per forming a wide range of earthmoving works. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Vehicle Weight, kg Maximum travelling speed, km/h Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires Bucket capacity, m3 Maximum dumping height, m Maximum digging depth, m Maximum digging radius, m Working mechanism engine: — power, kW (hp) Telescopic jib travel, m Jib pitch, degree: — upwards — downwards Bucket turning angle, degree: — about fastening hinges — about jib longitudinal axis 86 6x6 20 535 75 YAMZ238M2 diesel 176 (240) 883 (90) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential. Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 1200x500—508 156F ИДП284 with pressure control 0.5 5.7 5.7 9.0 D243 fourstroke diesel 57.4 (78) 3.7 30 70 140 360 Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru SPECIALPURPOSE VEHICLES FOR ROAD BUILDING AND PUBLIC UTILITIES EO3533U EXCAVATOR TRUCK The excavator on URAL4320191230 chassis is designed for digging foundation pits, trenches, grading works, as well as for loading loose ma terials. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Vehicle Weight, kg Maximum travelling speed, km/h Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires Bucket capacity, m3 Outreach, m Maximum digging depth, m Maximum dumping height, m Working cycle, s Working mechanism engine: — rated power, kW (hp) 6x6 18 500 60 YAMZ238M2 diesel 176 (240) 883 (90) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 1200x500—508 156F ИДП284 with pressure control 0.5 7.6 4.5 4.1 18.5 D243 fourstroke diesel 57.4 (78) Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru 87 SPECIALPURPOSE VEHICLES FOR ROAD BUILDING AND PUBLIC UTILITIES EA17 (5846) EXCAVATOR TRUCK The excavator on URAL555710 chassis is de signed for performing earthmoving works at dispersed installations. The excavator features high travelling speed and additional engineer ing capacities due to applying of replaceable working equipment, namely: digging grab, hy draulic hammer, agitator. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Vehicle Weight, kg Maximum travelling speed, km/h Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Tires Cab Bucket capacity (as per SAE), m3 Digging depth, m Digging radius, m Dumping height, m Bucket slewing angle, degree Working cycle, s Engine on turning platform: — rated power, kW (hp) 88 6x6 16 500 65 YAMZ236 M2 diesel V6, liquid cooled 132 (180) 667 (68) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential 1200x500—508 156F ИДП284 with pressure control Allmetal threeseater, with two doors, equipped with ventilation and heating system 0.65 4.0 7.1 4.8 172 15 D75P1 (D243) 75 (81) Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru SPECIALPURPOSE VEHICLES FOR ROAD BUILDING AND PUBLIC UTILITIES KS457171CRANE TRUCK The truck crane on URAL432030 chassis is in tended for handling and erection works at dis persed installations having different types of approach roads. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Vehicle Weight (with flyjib), kg Maximum load lifting capacity, kg Load lifting moment, tm Maximum lifting height with flyjib, m Load lifting/lowering speed, m/min Boom: — boom length, m — outreach, m — flyjib length, m Crane mechanism actuation Maximum travelling speed, km/h Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires 6x6 22 000 25 000 75 28.2 6.8 Threesection telescopic type, made of highstrength steel 9÷21 2÷18.7 7 Hydraulic 60 YAMZ238M2 diesel 176 (240) 883 (90) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 1200x500—508 156F ИДП284 with pressure control Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru 89 SPECIALPURPOSE VEHICLES FOR ROAD BUILDING AND PUBLIC UTILITIES KS35714 CRANE TRUCK The crane truck on URAL555710 chassis is de signed for performing loading/unloading and erection and engineering works. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Vehicle Weight (with flyjib), kg Maximum load lifting capacity, kg Load lifting moment, tm Maximum lifting height (with flyjib), m Load lifting/lowering speed, m/min Boom: — outreach, m — boom length, m — flyjib length, m Crane mechanism actuation Maximum travelling speed, km/h Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires 90 6x6 18 700 16 000 48 25 7.6 Threesection telescopic type made of highstrength steel 1.9—17 8÷18 7 Hydraulic 60 YAMZ236M2 diesel 132 (180) 667 (68) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 1200x500—508 149F ИДП284 with pressure control Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru SPECIALPURPOSE VEHICLES FOR ROAD BUILDING AND PUBLIC UTILITIES KS35719302 CRANE TRUCK The crane truck on URAL555710 chassis is in tended for handling and erection works at dis persed installations having different types of approach roads. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Vehicle Weight (with flyjib), kg Maximum load lifting capacity, kg Load lifting moment, tm Maximum lifting height (with flyjib), m Maximum hook lowering depth, m Load lifting/lowering speed, m/min Boom: — boom length, m — outreach, m Crane mechanism actuation Maximum travelling speed, km/h Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires 6x6 18 700 16 000 51.5 18.2 3 10−20 Threesection telescopic type made of highstrength steel 8÷18 3.2—17 Hydraulic 60 YAMZ236M2 diesel 132 (180) 667 (68) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 1200x500—508 149F ИДП284 with pressure control Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru 91 SPECIALPURPOSE VEHICLES FOR ROAD BUILDING AND PUBLIC UTILITIES KS45721 CRANE TRUCK The truck crane on URAL432030 chassis is in tended for handling and erection works at dis persed installations having different types of approach roads. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Vehicle Weight, kg Maximum load lifting capacity, kg Load lifting moment, tm Maximum lifting heigh, m Maximum hook lowering depth, m Load lifting/lowering speed, m/min Boom: — boom length, m – outreach, m Crane mechanism actuation Maximum travelling speed, km/h Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires 92 6x6 22 250 25 000 75 22 13.1 7.5÷17.7 Threesection telescopic type, made of highstrength steel 9.7÷21.7 2.8÷18 Hydraulic 60 YAMZ238M2 diesel 176 (240) 883 (90) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 1200x500—508 156F ИДП284 with pressure control Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru SPECIALPURPOSE VEHICLES FOR ROAD BUILDING AND PUBLIC UTILITIES ASP43206 SELFLOADING TRUCK The selfloading truck on URAL43206 chassis is designed for selfloading and transportation of cars and packaged goods as well as drawing out the stuck vehicles by means of winch. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Vehicle Weight, kg Payload, kg Maximum travelling speed, km/h Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires Hydraulic crane: — load lifting moment, kN·m — outreach, m — jib slewing angle, degree Car gripper 4x4 12 000 3 000 80 YAMZ236M2 diesel 132 (180) 667 (68) Fivespeed gearbox, twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 1200x500—508 156F ИДП284 with pressure control 80 8.1 405 Fourstrand sling with four selfclamping underwheel grips Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru 93 SPECIALPURPOSE VEHICLES FOR ROAD BUILDING AND PUBLIC UTILITIES METAL CARRIER The metal carrier on URAL4320191230 chas sis equipped with “Sinegorets75” hydraulic load handling crane is designed for loading/unload ing and transportation of scrap to its destina tion on all kinds of roads and terrain. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Vehicle Weight, kg Payload, kg Maximum travelling speed, km/h Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires Body capacity, m3 Hydraulic load handling crane: — load handling crane weight, kg — load lifting moment, kN·m — maximum outreach, m — slewing angle, degree Equipment: — grab bucket, 6tab (for loose cargoes and scrap), capacity, m3 94 6x6 21 300 8 150 75 YAMZ238M2 diesel 176 (240) 883 (90) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 1200x500—508 156F ИДП284 with pressure control 18 “Sinegorets75” 1 950 75 7.8 380 0.25 Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru SPECIALPURPOSE VEHICLES FOR ROAD BUILDING AND PUBLIC UTILITIES UPMS32801 HYDRAULIC HOIST TRUCK The hydraulic hoist truck on URAL4320191210 chassis is designed for performing repair works and maintenance of highlocated parts of Power Transmission Lines, those of building and structure constructions, as well as for repairs and maintenance of airdrome equipment. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Vehicle Weight, kg Maximum travelling speed, km/h Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires Cage lifting capacity, kg Working lifting height, m Time needed for maximum cage lifting, s Outreach, m Slewing angle, degree Control location Control type 6x6 15 735 50 YAMZ236M2 diesel 132 (180) 667 (68) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 1200x500—508 156F ИДП284 with pressure control 300 28 130 13.5 360 Remote control and in cage Electricandhydraulic Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru 95 SPECIALPURPOSE VEHICLES FOR ROAD BUILDING AND PUBLIC UTILITIES URD2N POURED ASPHALT ROADREPAIRING TRUCK The vehicle on URAL5557130 chassis is de signed for transporting of poured asphalt mix from the place of its manufacturing to that of its employing when performing repair works and for a portioned supply of the mix to the charts to be repaired. The heating system provides for plant operation under winter conditions at an ambi ent temperature down to – 10 °C. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Vehicle Weight, kg Bin capacity, m3 Maximum travelling speed, km/h Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires Bin emptying time, min Mix temperature in bin, °C Mixer shaft and heaters operation control Number of heaters, pc. 96 6x6 18 000 8 60 YAMZ238 M2 diesel 176 (240) 883 (90) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 1200x500—508 156F ИДП284 with pressure control 30 190÷200 Automatic 2 Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru SPECIALPURPOSE VEHICLES FOR ROAD BUILDING AND PUBLIC UTILITIES ROADSURFACE SANATION TRUCK The vehicle for roadsurface sanation (repair of potholes) on URAL43202 chassis is designed for performing current repair works of asphalt concrete roads using asphaltconcrete mixtures and bitumen. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Vehicle Weight, kg Maximum travelling speed, km/h Engine: — rated power at 2100 min –1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min –1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab 6x6 17 000 72 YAMZ238M2 diesel 176 (240) 883 (90) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 1200x500—508 156F ИДП284 with pressure control Tires Payload, kg: — asphaltconcrete mix 2 500 — bitumen 100 — loose materials 100 Electrical power unit, kW 30 Capacity, thickness of asphalt layer 50 mm, m2/h 1.32 Equipment Dieselgenerator set 30 kW, thermosbin having 2,500 kg capacity, tar paver, compressor 10 kgf/cm2, hoist having lifting capacity 250 kg, pneumatic hammer, ED134 edging machine with a cutting depth of 75 mm, nozzles for blowing and filling cracks with bitumen, tanks for water and loose materials Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru 97 SPECIALPURPOSE VEHICLES FOR ROAD BUILDING AND PUBLIC UTILITIES AV104320 SEWAGE TRUCK The sewage truck on URAL4320194230 chas sis is designed for mechanized intake, transport and discharge of liquid waste. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Vehicle Weight, kg Tank capacity, l Maximum travelling speed, km/h Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires Vacuum pump: — pump delivery, l/min — selfpriming depth, m 98 6x6 20 525 10 000 75 YAMZ238M2 diesel 176 (240) 883 (90) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 1200x500—508 156F ИДП284 with pressure control KO505A 6 000 4 Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru RECOVERY TRUCK AND REPAIR WORKSHOP TRUCK MTPA2.1 Recovery Truck The recovery truck on Ural432031 chassis, is intended for evacuation of damaged trucks as well as for their recovery, refuelling with fuel, lubricants and special liquids. Transportation in halfloaded position of faulty (damaged) trucks having damaged running gear and control units, towing by rigid double hook with no driver in the towed truck. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Vehicle Weight when transporting cargo on the platform, kg Maximum travelling speed, km/h Maximum payload on the platform, kg Maximum load on transport device, kg Maximum weight, kg, of truck towed: — in halfloaded position — by towing Hoisting gear Lifting capacity, kg, at jib outreach: — 5.4 m — 3.8 m — 2.1 m Maximum lifting height of crane hook, m Maximum winch tractive effort when drawing out the trucks, tf: — without tackle block — with tackle block Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires Ground clearance, mm Overall turning radius on bumper, m 6x6 17 600 82 4 500 3 500 12 000 19 000 Rotary cranemanipulator with hydraulic drive 1 650 2 300 4 000 8.2 10—11 20 YAMZ238 M2 diesel 176 (240) 883 (90) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 14.00—20 146G OИ25 with pressure control 400 11.4 Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru 99 RECOVERY TRUCK AND REPAIR WORKSHOP TRUCK MRSAM1 RepairFitting Workshop Truck The repairfitting workshop on URAL432031 chassis, is designed for diagnostics, maintenance as well for running repair of trucks under field conditions. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Vehicle Weight, kg Maximum travelling speed, km/h Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires Ground clearance, mm Overall turning radius on bumper, m Number of working places: — in workshop — under shed — on open grounds Time needed for settingup/closing down of workshop by tree persons, min Van body Workshop equipment Power supply 100 6x6 13 795 82 YAMZ238 M2 diesel 175 (240) 883 (90) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 14.00—20 146G OИ25 with pressure control 400 11.4 3 3 7 30 Equipped with heatingandventilation system as well as with a filteringandventilation one Grinder, hydraulic press, boomcrane with 2000 kg lifting capacity, jigcrane with 200 kg lifting capacity, 12 tf hydraulic jack, chargingwelding unit, vulcanizer. Generalpurpose tool set for coppertinsmithery, for sewingharness works, painting, carpentry. Tools for automotive fitter. Pullers, measuring tools, general purpose devices. Threephase current alternator, 16 kW, 400 V, or from external threephase current power supply unit 380 V Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru RECOVERY TRUCK AND REPAIR WORKSHOP TRUCK MRMM3.1 Repair Workshop Truck The repair workshop on URAL432031 chassis, is designed for lathing, cutting, grinding, drill ing and fitting works when repairing the trucks under field conditions. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Vehicle Weight, kg Maximum travelling speed, km/h Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires Ground clearance, mm Overall turning radius on bumper, m Number of working places Time needed for settingup/closing down of workshop by tree persons, min Van body Workshop equipment Power supply 6x6 12 950 82 YAMZ238 M2 diesel 176 (240) 883 (90) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 14.00—20 146G OИ25 with pressure control 400 11.4 4 15 Equipped with heatingandventilation system as well as with a filteringandventilation one Machines: screwcutting lathe, bench type driller, grinder. Tools and accessories needed for lathing, cutting and drilling works. Generalpurpose tools and devices. Devices and accessories for soldering, welding and vulcanization. Threephase current alternator, 16 kW, 400 V, or from external threephase current power supply unit 380 V Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru 101 RECOVERY TRUCK AND REPAIR WORKSHOP TRUCK MTOAM1 Service Workshop Truck The service workshop on URAL4320331 chas sis is designed for maintenance and current re pairs of trucks under field conditions. The workshop equipment provides for performing of the following works: — hoisting and transport — maintenance and charging of storage batteries — dis/reassembling and fitting — repairs and adjustment of units — coppertinsmithery — checking, repairs and adjustment of electric equipment — other works maintenance and current repair works — electric welding — lubricating and priming — diagnostics — tire tube repairs — painting B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Vehicle Weight, kg Maximum travelling speed, km/h Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires Ground clearance, mm Overall turning radius on bumper, m Number of working places available: — in van body — in tent — on open site Time needed for settingup/closing down of workshop by tree persons, min Van body Power supply Workshop equipment 102 6x6 13 900 82 YAMZ238 M2 diesel V8, liquid cooled 176 (240) 883 (90) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 14.00—20 146G OИ25 with pressure control 400 11.4 3 2 1 30 Equipped with heatingandventilation system Threephase current alternator, 16 kW, 400 V, or from external threephase current power supply unit 380 V Boomcrane with 2,000 kg lifting capacity, 12 tf hydraulic jack, chargingwelding unit, sets of general purpose and special tools and devices, sets of pullers and fixtures Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru RECOVERY TRUCK AND REPAIR WORKSHOP TRUCK MZAM1 Repair Workshop Truck The repair workshop on URAL4320331 chassis is designed for maintenance and repair of stor age batteries. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Vehicle Weight, kg Maximum travelling speed, km/h Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires Ground clearance, mm Overall turning radius on bumper, m Number of working places available: — in van body — in tent — on open site Time needed for settingup/closing down of workshop by tree persons, min Van body Power supply 6x6 13 900 82 YAMZ238 M2 diesel V8, liquid cooled 176 (240) 883 (90) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 14.00—20 146G OИ25 with pressure control 400 11.4 3 2 1 30 Equipped with heatingandventilation system Threephase current alternator, 16 kW, 400 V, or from external threephase current power supply unit 380 V Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru 103 RECOVERY TRUCK AND REPAIR WORKSHOP TRUCK PARM4909 Repair Workshop Truck The repair workshop on URAL432010 chassis, is designed for diagnostics, maintenance and repairs of trucks, tractors, agricultural and road construction vehicles under field conditions. B a s i c Te c h n i c a l D a t a Wheel arrangement Gross Vehicle Weight, kg Maximum travelling speed, km/h Engine: — rated power at 2100 min 1, kW (hp) — maximum torque at 1250—1450 min 1, N·m (kgf·m) Transmission Cab Tires Number of working places Time needed for settingup/closing down of workshop by tree persons, min Van body Workshop equipment Power supply 104 6x6 13 950 75 YAMZ236 M2 diesel 132 (180) 667 (68) Fivespeed gearbox. Twostage transfer box with interaxle locked differential Allmetal threeseater equipped with ventilation and heating system 14.00—20 146G OИ25 with pressure control 4 30 Equipped with heatingandventilation system Screwcutting lathe, grinder, synchronous generator, electrical vulcanizer, drilling device, hoist, hydraulic press, welding generator, portable gas welding unit, bench, generalpurpose tools and devices, measuring tools. Threephase current alternator, 400 V, alternatively from external threephase current power supply unit 380 V Phone: (00735135) 7 15 45, 7 17 79, 7 17 99, 5 20 58; Fax: (00735135) 5 35 70; Email: export@tduralaz.ru
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