JUNE 2007 JUNE IS NATIONAL HOMEOWNERSHIP MONTH PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID LIC NY 11101 PERMIT NO. 808 PRESIDENT BUSH HAS DESIGNATED JUNE AS NATIONAL HOMEOWNERSHIP MONTH, WITH THE GOAL OF INCREASING MINORITY HOMEOWNERSHIP IN AMERICA. CIRCULATION 26,000 The Voice for Real Estate™ OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE LONG ISLAND BOARD OF REALTORS&, INC. REALTORS® REALTORS® ACTION ACTION DRAWS MEDIA MEDIA DRAWS ATTENTION ATTENTION™ Realtors® gather on the steps of Islip Islip’ss Town Hall to demonstrate opposition to the recently passed law that imposes illegal and unreasonable burdens on real estate brokers and 3. INSIDE...SEE COVERAGE OF THE 19TH ANNUAL EDUCATION CONFERENCE ON PAGES 14-15. 2 ● June 2007 ● THE REALTOR® WHAT WILL INSPIRE YOU TO ACHIEVE GREATNESS? Personal growth? Financial success? At Prudential Douglas Elliman Real Estate you’ll be surrounded by the inspiration needed to achieve personal greatness. We’ll give you the best tools to get the best results – and that’s what makes us the New York metropolitan area’s top real estate firm. Are you ready to achieve greatness? Contact us, we’ll supply the inspiration. Call 631.549.7401 Ext.400. All inquiries confidential. © 2007 Prudential and are registered service marks of The Prudential Insurance Company of America. ! d e r i p s Be In Equal Housing Opportunity. Each Company Independently Owned and Operated. Opposition to a recently passed law in the Town of Islip prompts action by Town Officials . . . . . . . . . . . P3 CEA ANNOUNCEMENT AND UPDATE LIBOR will now pursue the Commission Escrow Act on a local level starting in Suffolk County.. . P3 Lobby Day proves successful as LIBOR hosts Legislative Cocktail Party in Albany . . . . . . . . . . . . P3 LIBOR NEWS FIGHTING FOR OUR RIGHTS AND THE RIGHTS OF HOMEOWNERS Linda Bonarelli gives an overview of Legislative Issues at the National, State and Local levels. . . . . . . . P4 our prime sponsor Michael Gianaris (DAstoria) and many years of trying to get the Commission Escrow Act passed in the New York State Legislature. Assemblyman Michael Gianaris spoke candidly with LIBOR last week. He informed us that it is highly unlikely that ning later than usual, many top officials made their way to our gala event in the Legislative Office Building as soon as they could. Our members had a great opportunity to socialize with many members of our legislative delegation including the following State Senators: Dean Skelos, Chuck Fuschillo, Ken LaValle, Kemp Hannon, Caesar Trunzo and Toby Ann Stavisky. The Assembly was well represented too as the following members made it to our gala: Marc Alessi, Michael Fitzpatrick, Andy Raia, Jim Conte, Joseph Saladino this bill will ever get passed unless we get Judiciary Chair Helene Weinstein (DBrooklyn) to agree to get this through her committee as she is adamantly opposed. Upon hearing that news - LIBOR has decided that it will begin to pursue this bill on a local level now. We must target Suffolk first, Nassau second, and then strive to get a New York City version passed after we are successful in Nassau and Suffolk. We already have support (Continued on page 4) and David McDonough. The cocktail reception was also a great way to meet and greet many staff members from the offices of legislators who were not able to attend. This will surely be an annual event as it went over so well. Pictured are LIBOR President Linda Bonarelli and NYS Senator Dean Skelos (R-Rockville Centre) WCR Update . . . . . . . . . . . . . P8 Welcome New LIBOR and MLS Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P12 Realtor® Outreach . . . . . . . . P13 SPECIAL FEATURE EDUCATION CONFERENCE HIGHLIGHTS AND PHOTOS See Center Spread . . . . P14-15 MLS NEWS MLS News & Updates. . . . . . P16 Changes That Have Had a Positive Impact . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P16 MLS Tech Fair Scheduled for October 16th . . . . . . . . . . . . . P16 President’s Message . . . . . . . . P4 From Where I Sit . . . . . . . . . . . P6 WCR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P8 LIBOR News . . . . . . . . . P10-13 MLS News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P16 Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P18 This & That . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P20 RPAC Update . . . . . . . . . . . . P21 Legal Information . . . . . . . . . P22 Pictured are Linda Bonarelli, CEA Prime Sponsor Assemblyman Michael Giannaris (D-Astoria) and LIBOR’s Legislative Chair Nick Gigante Ethics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P23 Education. . . . . . . . . . . . P24-25 Services Directory . . . . . . . . P26 THE REALTOR® With each passing year, our annual Lobby Day trip to Albany becomes more and more successful. The mission is for our group to visit our elected officials and advise them of the REALTOR® positions on the many issues that are critically important to our industry. Our legislative agenda included our support for the Commission Escrow Act and for the First Time Homebuyer’s Savings Accounts as well as our opposition to the Local Community Preservation Funds. This year’s highlight was a cocktail reception with the men and women who represent us in the New York State Legislature in Albany. Despite the fact that the session was run- REALTORS HOLD DEMONSTRATION ON STEPS OF TOWN HALL IN ISLIP Examining the Governing Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P6 Lobby Day A Huge Success! By Randy L. Kaplan Director of Government Affairs ● n Wednesday, May 31, 2007, a MEDIA ALERT was issued as part of the strategy to bring media attention to the Realtors® opposition to the law recently passed in the Town of Islip that imposes illegal and unreasonable burdens on local Realtors. In a moments notice, a large group of Realtors® gathered on the steps of Town Hall to protest the new law and to hear LIBOR leaders Linda Bonarelli, Nick Gigante, and Liz English read prepared Statements that voiced the Realtors® concerns over the law. Reporters, Photographers, and Camera people from News 12, New York TV Channel 55, TV Channel 25, Newsday, The New York Times, The Daily News, and The Suffolk News, covered the demonstration. LIBOR to Pursue on a Local Level LIBOR has decided to pursue the Commission Escrow Act legislation on the local level. This announcement comes after receiving a realistic prognosis from IN THE NEWS LONG ISLAND REALTORS MAKE ROAD TRIP TO ALBANY O Commission Escrow Update By Randy L. Kaplan Director of Government Affairs™ June 2007 LIBOR President Linda Bonarelli, Suffolk Vice-President Liz English, and Legislative Chairperson Nick Gigante all read prepared statements on the steps of Islip Town Hall on Thursday, May 31st surrounded in the background by 50 of their fellow REALTORS®. News Channel 55, News 12, Newsday, the New York Daily News, and the Suffolk News were all present covering the REALTORS’® demonstration against the legislation which would impose illegal and unreasonable burdens on real estate brokers and salespeople. Immediately following the REALTOR® demonstration, LIBOR’S Government Affairs Department received a phone call from Supervisor Phil Nolan’s office to convene a meeting to discuss possible changes to the legislation. Within 24 hours, LIBOR leadership met with key town officials. The REALTORS® concerns were heard through open communication between both sides. The town has agreed to review the current language and meet again to consider possible revisions. LIBOR Leadership reiterated the REALTOR® position at this meeting. REALTORS® are not trained in code enforcement and building inspection as part of their required licensing courses determined by the Department of State. The town’s building and code enforcement personnel have the experience, the expertise and the responsibility to undertake this. LIBOR has been at the forefront on this issue from the very beginning. LIBOR’S Government Affairs Department had oneon-one meetings with Supervisor Nolan, Councilman Flotteron, Code Enforcement, Department of Planning and Development, as well as members from the Town Attorney’s Office. As soon as legislation was drafted, LIBOR sent letters to all four Council Members and the Supervisor. A prepared statement was read by LIBOR at the April 24th Town Board Meeting and entered into the formal record. Board Counsel has spoken with the Town Attorney’s office and ● By Meredith E. Dulberg Legislative Liaison again voiced our opposition and concerns about the law. There has been a detailed article in the last REALTOR® paper outlining how the law will impact brokers in the Town of Islip and updates have been posted on Stratus as they develop. Despite all of LIBOR’s hard working efforts, this legislation was passed unanimously by all four members of the Town Council (R) and Town Supervisor Phil Nolan (D). It DOES NOT need the approval of the state legislature to get enacted into law. On June 10, 2007 the legislation went into effect. Any amendments that are drafted with LIBOR leadership and Town Officials will still need Town Board approval and will need to go to a public hearing. LIBOR’S Government Affairs Department will keep you updated on any current developments. Please watch the Stratus pop-ups and news items. LIBOR encourages anyone who wishes to make their views known on this subject to write letters to their local, state, and federal legislators concerning this legislation. 3 REALTORS® Respond at Islip Town Hall to Show Unified Support 4 ● June 2007 Official Publication Of The PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE By Linda Bonarelli, LIBOR President THE REALTOR® ● LONG ISLAND BOARD OF REALTORS®, INC. The Long Island Board of REALTORS® is a non-profit organization formed for REALTORS® for the betterment of their communities, their profession, and their livelihood. LONG ISLAND BOARD OF REALTORS®, INC. 2007 OFFICERS PRESIDENT Linda Bonarelli PRESIDENT-ELECT Mohsen Zandieh VICE PRESIDENT-NASSAU The REALTOR® is published by the Long Island Board of REALTORS®, located at 300 Sunrise Highway, West Babylon, NY 11704, and is published monthly, except for combined issues in January/February and July/August. Application to mail at periodicals postage rate is pending at Babylon, New York. Daniel Ryan VICE PRESIDENT-SUFFOLK Liz English VICE PRESIDENT-QUEENS Walauddin Hoosein TREASURER Michael Mendicino SECRETARY Kathy Engel CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER PUBLISHER EDITOR POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to: The REALTOR® 300 Sunrise Highway West Babylon, NY 11704 Joseph E. Mottola Joseph E. Mottola Patricia Chirco EDITOR’S ASSISTANT Christina DeFalco The REALTOR® and its publisher, The Long Island Board of REALTORS®, in accepting advertisement in this publication, make no independent investigation concerning the services or products advertised, and they neither endorse nor recommend the same nor do they assume any liability thereof. PRODUCTION, PRINTING & ADVERTISING DSI Design Group 252 Sea Cliff Avenue, Sea Cliff, NY 11579 516-676-6089 • Fax 516-676-4769 Christopher Meadows, President REALTOR® is a federally registered collective membership mark which identifies a real estate professional who is a Member of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® and subscribes to its strict code of ethics. ADVERTISING SALES Christopher Meadows • 516-676-6089 CONTRIBUTORS Linda Bonarelli, President, LIBOR LONG ISLAND BOARD OF REALTORS®, INC. 300 Sunrise Highway West Babylon, NY 11704 (631) 661-4800 • (718) 739-8700 Website:™ Email:™ Howard Goldson, Esq., Goldson, Nolan, Connolly, Nasis & Dornfeld, P.C. Donald Scanlon, President, MLS Randy L. Kaplan, Director Government Affairs Audrey Livingstone, WCR President Frank Dell’Accio, Chairperson, Professional Standards Committee INSURANCEPlus H E A LT H I N S U R A N C E for Small Businesses & the Self-Employed Legislatively Speaking May 2007 was a very busy month legislatively for LIBOR. On May 15thMay19th over twenty of our local Realtors® embarked to Washington D.C. to meet with our Members of Congress. May 22nd brought us to a Town of Islip meeting to fight legislation on code enforcement being imposed on Realtors®. On May 29th & 30th with over 50 Realtors® participating we traveled to Albany for Lobby Day to personally meet with our State Senators and Assembly Members from the Queens, Nassau, & Suffolk areas. On May 31st, with very short notice, we were able to gather 50 Realtors® for a press conference voicing our opposition to the Town of Islip legislation imposing Realtors® as their code compliance police. The current Realtor® issues we addressed were: 1. Keeping the Banks out of the Real Estate Business. 2. Affordable Health Insurance for our Realtor members. 3. Support for a new bill in NY State which would allow individuals or couples to make a tax deductible deposit each year for the purpose of using these funds to purchase a first home. 4. Actively oppose proposed NY State legislation that would allow local governments to impose up to a 2% transfer tax on the home buyer. 5. Continue to support and push NY State Legislators to pass the Commission Escrow Act. We fully support the Commission Escrow Act bill which is at the New York State level, and this year we decided to also put an additional emphasis on this legislation at our local levels. We will be looking for support from our Suffolk County Legislators to hopefully pass this legislation in that County. When we are successful there, we will move this effort to Nassau and Queens. We are currently fighting two very hot local issues: 1. The Town of Brookhaven is bringing forth to its voters this year a proposal for a 2% transfer tax that would be paid by the home buyer. We are actively opposing this because it will increase the already high closing costs to the buyer which ultimately will force buyers to either seek housing outside the Brookhaven Township or ultimately lower their offers to sellers in order to cover this additional cost. 2. Town of Islip — At this writing we are currently in negotiations with the Town of Islip regarding their legislation which would make Realtors® responsible for Code compliance which we are not trained for. We attempted to get this part of the legislation taken out before they passed it, but they chose to ignore us, and they passed it 5-0 on May 22nd. On May 31st, with very short notice we were able to pull over 50 Realtors® to the Town Hall steps for media coverage. By that afternoon the Town Supervisor’s office was on the phone requesting a meeting with LIBOR. On June 1st we had our first meeting with the Town Supervisor and staff. They said that they would look into changes to this portion of the legislation. We are meeting again on June 8th. Hopefully by the time this article is printed we will have a positive resolution to the Town of Islip issue. We have to keep in mind that our NYS Real Estate licenses do not allow us to participate in illegal actions, however this same license did not train us in code enforcement and building inspections. Rest assured that your LIBOR leadership and Board of Directors are well aware of the issues you are faced with, and we will continue to fight for your rights, and the rights of homeownership. Commission Escrow Update LIBOR to Pursue on a Local Level Rose Gagliardi is an insurance broker with over 20 years experience, servicing the tri-state area. Rose specializes in Health, Dental, Life, Long Term Care, Medicare Supplements & Disability Insurance. Rose and her staff are committed to providing the utmost personal attention and maximum client servicing. Endorsed by the REAL ESTATE BOARD OF NEW YORK for over 15 years RO S E G AG L I A R D I Broker 55 East Main Street • Oyster Bay, NY 11771 516.922.1200 • 212.268.4473 • Fax 516.922.2829 • (Continued from page 3) from Suffolk County Legislators Dan Losquadro (R-Mt. Sinai) and Steve Stern (D-Huntington). Last year Assemblyman Gianaris was able to force the bill through the Judiciary Committee by an administrative process. This was a rarely used approach that the Assembly Speaker authorized. The Speaker advised Mr. Gianaris that this would be the only time he could attempt this procedure with this bill. We were victorious but unfortunately the Governor vetoed the bill. The Commission Escrow Act, which requires disputed real estate commissions be placed in an escrow account with the county clerk until a resolution is reached, has been introduced again in the Senate and the Assembly. NYSAR continues to pursue passage on the state level. The bill has advanced from the Senate’s Judiciary Committee to the full Senate, and is currently being reviewed by the Judiciary Committee in the Assembly. NYSAR has reported that they will be setting up meetings with the Department of State, the Consumer Protection Board and Governor Spitzer’s staff shortly. Our Commission Escrow Act Sub Committee will be meeting soon to discuss our strategic plan for the local pursuit of this law. LIBOR will keep you up to date with any developments. It is more important than ever to contribute to RPAC! Remember there are many adversaries out there who would like to see our bill fail once again. Please contribute to RPAC each and every calendar year. It is the best way to protect your business and ensure that our fight for a much needed Commission Escrow Act can and will succeed! 5 ● June 2007 ● “THE KEYSTONE GUARANTEE” Keystone Realty U.S.A. Will Beat ANY Deal By ANY Broker in New York IF YOU LEAVE KEYSTONE FOR ANY REASON, WE WILL IMMEDIATELY RELEASE YOUR LISTINGS TO YOUR NEW BROKER AND ALL CLAIMS BY KEYSTONE WILL BE RELINQUISHED. • FREE! Buyer and Seller Leads • FREE! Membership to Top Foreclosure Listing Company (a $600 value) • FREE! Membership and virtual tours to, which helps market your listings and provides presentation flyers.(a $300 value) • FREE! Personalized 800 phone number (a $20 value) • FREE! Online training with step-by-step instructions on How to Sell Real Estate (approx. value priceless) • FREE! Monthly training from professional real estate trainers ($400 value) • FREE! Elite top placement on Google, Yahoo, etc. through for query search “Long Island Real Estate” (approx. value priceless) • FREE! FSBO leads for Nassau, Suffolk & Queens (a $1,000 value) • FREE! Real estate forms, marketing materials and documents located on our website (save thousands) • FREE! Use of Beautiful A-Rated Offices. Branch Locations include Melville, East Northport and Forest Hills Queens • FREE! Advertising on Cablevision IO Homes Channel #606 ($1,000/month value) • FREE! Internet advertising to dozens of web portals that include, Yahoo, Excite, Ask Jeeves, etc (approx a $300/month value) • FREE! Initial Coverage in our $1,000,000 E&O policy (Up to a $260 value) • FREE! Exclusive advertising and marketing on Long Island with over 2 million page views per month. ($400/month value) • FREE! Full day real estate workshop with training from various experts in the real estate field.(a $300 value) • FREE! Exclusive advertising for Long Island & Westchester on (a $2,400 value) • FREE! Personal Website for Agents (save thousands) Additional Services and Policies Include: • Mortgage compensation • No minimum production requirements • Branch offices welcome • Substantial Agent Referral Programs and Bonuses • We will even pay your LIBOR dues, ask us how • Work Part-Time/Full-Time (create your own hours) • Members of REBNY (Manhattan Real Estate) • Members of Westchester-Putnam MLS and LIBOR We Have Agents From Manhattan to Montauk – Over 170 Agents and Counting!! ATTENTION REAL ESTATE AGENTS! GET A 50% PAYOUT ON YOUR MORTGAGE BUSINESS Call for information Direct: (516) 639-6257 (800) 390-8083 E-mail: Check us out on the World Wide Web at: THE REALTOR® 100% Payout Only $35 Monthly Fee 6 ● June 2007 ● THE REALTOR® LIBOR NEWS THE LONG ISLAND BOARD OF REALTORS, INC. FROM WHERE I SIT EXECUTIVE PLANNER By Joseph E. Mottola, Chief Executive Officer JUNE 2007 6/19 — Tuesday CEA SUB COMMITTEE The MLS Board of Directors approved bership in the Zone as opposed to offices a Task Force which will concern itself or Participants. Are there too many direcwith examining the governing structure. tors? We currently have the largest Board This includes the makeup of the of Directors (75) of any MLS in the Executive Committee and the Board of country and there are now large MLSs Directors. The Executive Committee cur- with more Participants and far smaller rently consists of seven boards of directors. (The range tends to be 12-24). elected officers and the two Some Boards of Directors immediate past presidents. are set up to insure that The elected officers consist Participants and/or firms of the President, three “Trends among County Vice Presidents, and who are doing the most busilarge MLSs” ness are automatically given Secretary and Treasurer. If seats either as Directors or the Task Force considers Officers. enlarging the Committee The rationale for Executive who would they add? Would Committee and Director they look for an automatic representative from a large firm or per- makeup varies all over the country and haps from the Appraisal area or some no two are the same. The MLS will be other specialty. Would they look internal- bring in a respected industry consultant ly and place a particular committee chair Kevin McQueen of Focus Forward to update them on the trends among large on the Committee? The make up of the Directors is inter- MLSs and facilitate the discussion of esting as well. Currently Directors are possible changes. Any changes would nominated from their zones based upon ultimately have to be reviewed by the the number of Participants. Should it be existing Executive Committee and based on the number of offices or mem- approved by the Board of Directors. 10:00am — REALTOR SERVICE CENTER, West Babylon — Classroom A. Staff liaison: Maryann Horan @ LIBOR ext. 354. 6/20 — Wednesday MLS BOARD OF DIRECTORS 9:30am — REALTOR SERVICE CENTER, West Babylon — Classroom B. Staff liaison: Lisa Gonzalez @ LIBOR ext. 350. 6/21 — Thursday LIBOR BYLAWS COMMITTEE 9:30am — REALTOR SERVICE CENTER, West Babylon — Classroom A. Staff liaison: Angela Dell’Italia @ LIBOR ext. 382. 6/21 — Thursday LIBOR/MLS ORIENTATION 8:30am — REALTOR SERVICE CENTER, West Babylon — Classroom B. Staff liaison: Debbie Franco @ LIBOR ext. 364. 6/26 — Tuesday LONG ISLAND COMMERCIAL NETWORK 8:00am - Networking Breakfast & Marketing Session. On Parade Diner, 7980 Jericho Tpke., Woodbury. $15.00 LICN Members, $25.00 Non-members. Bring plenty of business cards, your ’haves & wants,’ your property data sheets & an associate to expand your network!! For more information, contact Harvey Kolin @ 631-422-5511 ext. 122. Mark your calendars... next meeting: July 24, 2007. Visit: 6/29 — Friday WESTERN QUEENS CHAPTER 9:00am - Networking Breakfast Program. Pan American Hotel, 79-00 Queens Blvd., Elmhurst. Guest speaker: The Honorable Tony Avella, NYC Council Member-District 19. topic: “Zoning” Plus... 1st “Mr. Leggs!” Contest sponsored by RPAC. Cost is $10.00 prepaid, $15.00 at the door. RSVP: Kelly Lagoudis @ 718274-2400. Mail your check payable to Western Queens Chapter to: Kelly Lagoudis, c/o RE/MAX Today, 32-75 Steinway Street, Astoria, 11103. Visit our website: JULY 2007 7/4 — Wednesday INDEPENDENCE DAY OBSERVED — ALL BOARD OFFICES CLOSED HIRE. TRAIN. FIRE. REPEAT. 7/10 — Tuesday CREDIT UNION BOARD OF DIRECTORS 10:00am — REALTOR SERVICE CENTER, West Babylon — Upper Classroom. Staff liaison: Luisa Harman @ LIBOR ext. 371. 7/10 — Tuesday CENTRAL NASSAU CHAPTER Put an end to your string of substandard receptionists without settling for an answering service or an automated solution. Calls answered LIVE, SCREENED, ANNOUNCED and CONNECTED ANYWHERE NIGHTS and WEEKEND plans available 6:30pm — Annual FIRE ISLAND EXCURSION & BOAT RIDE! Cruise along the beautiful Great South Bay aboard the “Moonchaser.” Boarding begins at 6:30pm. Departure at 7:00pm sharp! from Captree Boat Basin/State Park to Flynn’s Restaurant, Fire Island. Cost: $55.00 per person includes Buffet Dinner (lobsters), Dancing, Cash Bar & Round Trip Boat Ticket. RSVP: Pia Hutton @ 516-5644480. Make checks payable to Central Nassau Chapter & mail to: Pia Hutton, c/o C21 Annette's Real Estate, 1193 Front Street, Uniondale, 11553. Visit our website: 7/11 — Wednesday JAMAICA CENTRAL QUEENS CHAPTER 6:00pm — Join us for a Cocktail Reception & an Evening of Dinner & Dancing to benefit The Hagedorn Little Village School-Jack Joel Center for Special Children at Terrace On The Park-Penthouse, 52-11 111th Street, Flushing Meadow Park. Enjoy Cocktails, Gourmet Cuisine & Dancing plus Raffles! Tickets: $99 per person, Table Sponsors: $1,000 table of 10. RSVP by 6/15: Moses Seuram @ 917-822-7942. Mail checks payable to Jamaica Central Queens Chapter to: Elizabeth Gittens, c/o Gittens Quick Sale Realty, 109-19 Farmers Blvd., St. Albans, 11412. Visit our website: 7/12 — Thursday LIBOR EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 9:00am — REALTOR BUILDING, West Babylon — 2nd floor Conference Room. Staff liaison: Lisa Gonzalez @ LIBOR ext. 350. 7/12 — Thursday EASTERN SUFFOLK CHAPTER 8:30am — Networking Breakfast Seminar — The Vineyards, Route 25, Aquebogue. Guest speaker: Phil Cardinale, SupervisorTown of Riverhead. “Revitalization of Downtown & the Redevelopment of EPCAL (old Grumman site).” Sponsored by Asset Preservation Inc.-Jennifer Pendzick is back with update on 1031 Tax Exchange! Cost is $20.00 per person. RSVP: Gary Knotoff @ 631-653-5570. Make checks payable to Eastern Suffolk Chapter & mail to: Gary Knotoff, c/o The Real Estate Store Inc., PO Box 911, Quogue, 11959. Visit our website: 7/18 — Wednesday LIBOR BOARD OF DIRECTORS 9:30am — REALTOR SERVICE CENTER, West Babylon — Classroom B. Staff liaison: Lisa Gonzalez @ LIBOR ext. 350. 7/19 — Thursday LIBOR/MLS ORIENTATION 8:30am — REALTOR SERVICE CENTER, West Babylon — Classroom B. Staff liaison: Debbie Franco @ LIBOR ext. 364. 7/19 — Thursday MLS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 9:00am — REALTOR BUILDING, West Babylon — 2nd floor Conference Room. Staff liaison: Lisa Gonzalez @ LIBOR ext. 350. 7/24 — Tuesday LONG ISLAND COMMERCIAL NETWORK 8:00am — Networking Breakfast & Marketing Session. On Parade Diner, 7980 Jericho Tpke., Woodbury. $15.00 LICN Members, $25.00 Non-members. Bring plenty of business cards, your ‘haves & (Continued on page 10) Full Time & Part-time coverage available MEETINGS & EVENTS: For more details & information, please call the LIBOR Staff Liaison listed above. For special events & chapter information, contact Connie Aiello at 631-661-4800, ext. 361. EMERGENCY & Rollover coverage available during gaps due to lunch breaks, vacations, or sick days LIBOR MEMBERS ONLY MAY REGISTER & PREPAY ON-LINE for Chapter/Division Meetings & Events! Go to: VISA, MASTERCARD, AMEX & DISCOVER accepted. NOTE: On-line registration CLOSED at 4:30PM on the previous business day before this event. 7 ● June 2007 Make the next move count ● THE REALTOR® Come and play with the game winners in the real estate business. Daniel Gale Sotheby's International Realty has affiliations with Leading Real Estate Companies of the World, Residence International and Who's Who in Luxury Real Estate - to name just a few. Imagine what their leads and connections can do for your career. Explore your future. Bonnie Doran 888.931.9500 Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated 8 THE REALTOR® ● June 2007 ● LIBOR NEWS Long Island Chapter By Audrey Livingstone, WCR President Our Comedy Night Fundraiser, held at Governor’s Comedy Club in Levittown on Tuesday evening, May 22nd was a huge success! Thank you to all who attended. Between the comedians, the raffle prizes and the camaraderie, I can’t decide what I liked the best! The funds raised enabled us to present one of two $500 contributions to Ingrid Fray, Executive Director of Dress For Success, which is based out of Nassau County, but serves women seeking gainful, corporate employment all over Long Island. Our upcoming events for 2007 include New Member Orientation, a roundtable meeting, as well as an election meeting, holiday party and educational opportunities through WCR’s Performance Management Network. Watch for the notices on STRATUS. The Women’s Council of Realtors is the 22nd largest women’s organization in the country. Come join us to be part of something great, and develop your Realtor knowledge and leadership skills along the way. We had a booth at LIBOR’S Educational Conference and are very delighted to say we registered 10 new members to join WCR. If you are reading this Column and you are not a member, I am inviting you to join us. If you are a member you know what a great organization this is. Thank you all. I look forward to seeing you soon. 2007 OFFICERS President Audrey Livingstone........516-564-4480 President-Elect Valerie Van Cleef............516-922-8500 Treasurer Charlotte Vanderwaag ..516-248-9494 Secretary Whitney LaCosta ..........631-757-7272 VP-Membership Membership Heather Walther ............516-795-7000 WCR’s Night of Laughs WE’RE SERIOUS ABOUT YOUR SUCCESS OUTSTANDING WORK ENVIRONMENT * * * * Beautiful Private Building, Gardens, Patios & Fish Ponds Three Time Winner Of Wantagh Chamber Of Commerce Beautification Award Semi Private Offices (2-6 Desks Per Office) Upscale Reception Area, Elegant Conference Room With Fireplace & Full Kitchen * Work With Experienced Full Time Team Players EXTENSIVE ADVERTISING AND PROMOTIONS * Ads For Listings Paid 100% By The Broker * Agent Promotional Ads Paid 50% By The Broker * Over 20 Prime Internet Sites Including Newsday, VLS, and, All At No Cost To Agents LATEST TECHNOLOGY * * * * PC On Every Desk Agents Private Phone Number Central Showing Service, Notifies Agents Of Showings With Email Feedback Lead Router, Leads Go To Listing Agent (optional) The Women’s Council of Realtors held its annual fundraising event on Tuesday, May 22nd at Governor’s Comedy Club, it was a fun-filled evening of networking, drinks, dinner and comedy. A portion of the proceeds will go to DRESS FOR SUCCESS-LI CHAPTER, a non-profit organization that provides business attire and job preparedness to low income women. Pictured are (l-r) LIBOR Director Katy Anastasio, WCR Treasurer Charlotte Vanderwaag, WCR President Audrey Livingstone, WCR Past President Blanche R. Sapan, WCR Secretary WCR President Elect Valerie Van Cleef and WCR Secretary Whitney LaCosta. SENTRILOCK TIPS Protect Your Lockbox When using a lockbox, make sure you use the protective plastic cover that came with it. By using the cover, you will keep the elements out which will reduce the chance of problems with the unit. HOME & COMMERCIAL INSPECTIONS SUPERIOR AGENT SUPPORT * * * * * * Free Agent Web Site Excellent Commission Splits Continual Training Excellent Reputation No Broker Compensation Broker Support 24/7 * * * * * * Platinum Listing Plan Buyer Representation Available Flexible Listing Commission National and International Referrals FSBO Leads Very Helpful Secretarial Assistance For information or confidential interview call: Floyd Earl 516-763-8950 or Marlena Schein 516-763-8942 “YOUR PERFECT PARTNER” “We Look Different Because We Are” “The Home Inspection Professionals” Call Fo Your FR r EE Publi Open Hoc us Gifts! e ◊ 24 Hour Elite Service/Report on Site ◊ Licensed Professional Engineers PE/NY State Licensed Home Inspectors ◊ Errors & Omissions Insurance/Written Guarantee ◊ Referral Liability Protection Matthew Kaplan, Owner HouseMaster Home Inspection 800-805-1122 9 ● June 2007 ● THE REALTOR® The CENTURY 21 System… We are a strong, vibrant and global real estate family. We strive every day to better understand our clients' needs and use that understanding to help them successfully buy and sell real estate. We embrace their goals as our own. Our family is 46 countries, 8400 offices, 146,000 agents strong. That is what makes CENTURY 21 the Gold Standard. Are you ready to take your career to the next level? 1-888-21CAREERS Century 21 Real Estate LLC. ©2007 Century 21 Real Estate LLC. CENTURY 21® Is A Registered Trademark Licensed To Century 21 Real Estate LLC. An Equal Opportunity Company. Equal Housing Opportunity. Each CENTURY 21 Office Is Independently Owned and Operated. 10 ● THE LONG ISLAND BOARD OF REALTORS, INC. LIBOR Discusses Legilative Issues THE REALTOR® ● June 2007 LIBOR NEWS DID YOU KNOW…According to the 2007 National Association Member Profile, the typical Realtor® member is 51 years of age, works 40 hours per week, has been in the business for seven years, and has a median income of $47,700. EXECUTIVE PLANNER (Continued from page 6) Suffolk County Minority Leader Dan Losquadro (R - Mount Sinai) recently met with libor to discuss legislative issues of importance to the Realtors3. Minority Leader Losquadro has already expressed an interest in sponsoring the commission escrow act in Suffolk County. Pictured with Losquadro (left) are (l-r) Meredith Dulberg LIBOR Legislative Liaison, Michael Mendicino LIBOR Treasurer and Audrey Livingstone LIBOR’s Legislative Committee Vice Chairperson. LIBOR Attends Erase Racism Event Honoring Basil Paterson Basil Paterson who was the first African American to serve as Secretary of State in New York was honored by Erase Racism, a non-profit organization that promotes racial equality in housing, public schools, and education. Pictured are (l-r) Meredith Dulberg LIBOR Legislative Liaison, Linda Bonarelli LIBOR President, and Barbara McDonough Chairperson of LIBOR's Fair Housing and Cultural Diversity Committee. wants,’ your property data sheets & an associate to expand your network!! For more information, contact Harvey Kolin @ 631-422-5511 ext. 122. Mark your calendars... next meeting: August 28, 2007. Visit: 7/27 — Friday NORTHEAST QUEENS CHAPTER (formerly Queens North Shore Chapter) 9:00am — Networking Breakfast Seminar — Details to follow... For more information, call Laura Copersino @ 718819-4011. Visit our website: AUGUST 2007 8/8 — Wednesday HUNTINGTON TOWNSHIP CHAPTER Summer event to be held at the Cinema Arts Center in Huntington. Details to follow… For more information, please call Marilyn Sturz @ 631-425-0774. Visit our 8/9 — Thursday NASSAU SOUTH SHORE CHAPTER 6:00pm — Annual Sunset Dinner Cruise aboard the beautiful “Nautical Empress.” Boarding begins at 6:30pm; departure at 7:00pm sharp! from Woodcleft Avenue Dock, Freeport. Cost is $69.00 per person includes spectacular menu, open bar, sit-down dinner, dancing & DJ. RSVP by 8/6/07: Isa Stykes @ 516-377-6200. Mail checks payable to Nassau South Shore Chapter to: Isa Stykes, c/o Century 21 Mac Levitt Realty, 652 Sunrise Hwy., Baldwin, 11510. Visit our website: SEPTEMBER 2007 SEPTEMBER 9-12 NYSAR FALL MEETINGS — SARATOGA SPRINGS, NY 9/25 — Tuesday SUFFOLK SOUTH SHORE CHAPTER 6:00pm — “Casino Night” Details to follow... For more information, call Carol Jemison @ 631-226-5995. Visit our website: 100 % PanAmerican KEEP Realty Network Corp. OF YOUR A NYS Licensed Real Estate Broker 122-09 Liberty Avenue, Richmond Hill, NY 11419 PRINCIPAL BROKER “EMBRACING TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION INTO THE NEXT GENERATION” ADDITIONAL BENEFITS ADDIITIONAL BENIFITS - MORTGAGE COMPENSATION UP TO 70% E&O INSURANCE MEMBEROFOFLIBOR/MLS LIBOR/MLS(OVER*FREE * *MEMBER 15,000 LISTINGS) *FREE E&O INSURANCE*FREE *FREEWEEKLY WEEKLY(NYC) (NYC)FORECLOSURE FORECLOSURELISTINGS LISTINGS*FREE *FREE(HUD) (HUD)BROKER BROKERWEEKLY WEEKLYLISTINGS LISTINGS *BUY FORM HUD DIRECT *APPROVED (HUD) BROKER. *NO FRANCHISE OR DESK FEES *FREE TRAINING SESSIONS *COOP ADVERTISING *ALWAYS KEEP YOUR LISTINGS *BROKER AND STAFF/AGENT DO NOT COMPETE *GET PAID ON CLOSING DAY 29. Per Month $ (WITH $295 PER CLOSING) Email:, Email: “HELPING FAMILIES FULFILL THE AMERICAN DREAM” THE BEST COMMISSION PLAN FOR REAL ESTATE AGENTS/BROKERS “NO ADDITIONAL COST” “GET PAID ON CLOSING DAY” 718848-0000 718 CALL DAVID DIRECT: 848-6785 516 642-0037 Visit us on the World Wide Web @ Lowest Air-Fares To GUYANA Call: ENA PERSAUD @ NON FLYTOP! + TAX S PANAMERICAN TRAVEL & TOURS SPECIAL ANA GUY $ RETURN 299 MANAGER 848-0000 122-09 LIBERTY AVENUE 2ND FLOOR (OPP. KID CITY) RICHMOND HILL, NY 11419 11 ● OURS DOES! Come Climb The Ladder Of Success With The #1 Real Estate Company Consumers Recognize And Get Everything You Deserve! Prevete Real Estate Bellmore/Mike Wagner (516) 783-5900 Farmingdale/Renee Luft (516) 249-1500 Hempstead/Maria Martins (516) 292-0377 Hicksville/Peter O'Connor (516) 937-0777 Levittown/Robert Biancanello (516) 520-3838 Plainview/John Ammirati (516) 433-5777 Massapequa/John Ford (516) 795-7000 Wantagh/Andrew Yakubovsky (516) 826-2000 THE REALTOR® WHY NOT? ● *A Progressive Compensation Package? *Supportive And Non-Competing Managers Ready To Help You Become A Success? *Exclusive Programs Like A FREE Email Newsletter And Postcard Program To Help You Keep In Touch With Buyers And Sellers? *A FREE Financial Management Software Program To Help You Keep Accurate Records Of Your Sales Throughout The Year? *120 Hours Quarterly Of FREE Online Training Courses? *FREE LIVE Training From The Top Trainers In The Industry? *Incentives Like A Company Paid Auto Leasing Program? June 2007 DOES YOUR BROKER OFFER YOU… 12 ● LIBOR NEWS WELCOME THE REALTOR® ● June 2007 NYSAR LEGAL HOTLINE NEW LIBOR AND MLS MEMBERS Lorna A. Anderson Carrodus New Cent. Interglobe Marco LaRocca 1 Stop Realty Shop LLC Imad Baggar Baggar Properties LLC Jack C. Lobiondo Jack C. Lobiondo, REALTOR Wilston Bennett Wycot B. Inc. Peter P. Mannino Call Realty Inc. Aron B. Borukhov Concept Real Estate Shimon A. Matsui Great Success Realty Inc. Stefanos Boudourakis Weichert Realtors Prop. Works James M. Miaritis James M. Miaritis, REALTOR Louis Cardenas Keller Williams Rlty Land Belal A. Mohd Superior Services Realty Dennis Carrion Innovative Realty Group Ltd Eric D. Ornstein American Home Real Estate Milton M. Choto Milton M. Choto, REALTOR Harriet Rae Romano Harriet Rae Romano, REALTOR J.P. Endres, Broker, NYSAR member since 1996 Ocelia Claro Ocelia Claro, REALTOR Aida M. Saba Abstract Solutions Inc. Call 518-436-9727 (518-43NYSAR) Theodora Cohen Cohen & Davis Island E Realty Joseph Sabella Haptons Real Estate Com. Inc. Juana Y. Cosme Ultimate Real Estate Corp. Linda D. Sauerbrey Harbor Hill Realty James E. Cumisky Quogue East Realty Co. Inc. Anuj Shanker Street and Avenues Realty Carlos A. Diaz Carlos A. Diaz, REALTOR Jageshwar Sharma Jageshwar Sharma, REALTOR Karen J. Donovan Donovan Brothers Realty Inc. Ali A. Sikder ARA Realty Group Inc. Eric B. Epstein All County Realty NY Inc. Brian M. Silvestry BSRG Joseph Geraci Realty House Inc. Keith R. Singh Nirvana Realty Inc. Paul V. Gioffre MLS Island Navon E. Somekh NOA Realty Inc. Gail M. Gladstone Long Island Business Brokerage Mohammad A. Tareen Real Estate Advisory Company Anne Hagen Hagen Homes Inc. Walix A. Valcin Eden7 Realty Inc. Balram Kakkar Pan Am Realty Inc. Nancy Wang Fortune Realty Management Demi Kalkanis Drake Properties James N. Young James Young Commercial Broker Jeongho Kim Wall Street Title Service Zaher Zahrey Virtual Real Estate Jagernauth Kishun Access Homes Corp Anthony Zenkewich Anthony Zenkewich, REALTOR FREE AUTHORITATIVE LEGAL ADVICE IS AVAILABLE ON LEGAL ISSUES RELATING TO YOUR REAL ESTATE PRACTICE. Hours of operation: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday through Thursday “The legal hotline is one of the most valuable offerings NYSAR gives to its members. It’s a great way to know you are doing the right things and managing risk and liability.” Note: NYSAR’s Legal Hotline does not provide a client-lawyer relationship. For confidential legal advice consult an attorney. New York State Association of REALTORS®, Inc. Marilyn Larsen Lane Realty SALES AGENTS WE ARE BUSY! GET PAID WEEKLY • NO CAR NECESSARY We are a 23 year old, well established, unique real estate organization. Our business is HOT, HOT, HOT. Management potential. UNLIMITED FREE TRAINING, TOP COMMISSIONS ONGOING BONUSES, GIFTS & TRIPS Earn $150,000 in you first year. • Call for more information ALL NATIONS REALTY • 718-663-2187 13 LIBOR NEWS ● THE LONG ISLAND BOARD OF REALTORS, INC. June 2007 ● REALTOR® OUT EACH THE REALTOR® We’re More Than Realtors®… LIBOR President Linda Bonarelli, pictured above, acknowledged the success of the LIBOR Public Relations campaign during her opening remarks at the LIBOR Education Conference and Trade Expo. LIBOR’s Public Relations Committee gave out complimentary t-shirts at the Education Conference held on June 7th to help spread the message...“Were More Than Realtors.” The “We’re More Than Realtors...” (WMTR) public relations campaign began in 2006 and was created by the Long Island Board of REALTORS®, Inc. (LIBOR) Public Relations committee. The goal of the campaign is to promote to the consumer our Realtors® involvement in Charitable & Community Service, and Legislative & Political Advocacy that are PRO-homeownership. LIBOR has recently launched a new web page with all campaign information and materials includ- LIBOR sponsored a “Realtor Volunteer Day” in conjunction with Rebuilding Together Long Island on May 22nd. On a beautiful spring day, Realtors with the help of students from Friends Academy volunteered their time and hard work on an outdoor maintenance and yard cleanup project, the results were amazing. LIBOR demonstrates “We’re More Than Realtors” in more ways than one. Pictured (left) with the Moore family at their LIBOR sponsored Habitat House dedication ceremony on May 5th, are LIBOR President Linda Bonarelli (left) and LIBOR Queens VP (2nd from right) with Charlotte A. Lee, President, Habitat for Humanity in Nassau County, Inc. ing: a slide show presentation of past and present Realtor® outreach efforts that is set to music, an application for the Realtor Spirit Award, a recap of last year’s Spirit award winners, links to forms including a generic Realtor Volunteer Form to complete to participate in Habitat Builds and Rebuilding Together projects, a downloadable file of the new “We’re More Than Realtors” Poster, and much more. Please visit for all campaign details. THE LARGEST AND FASTEST GROWING REAL ESTATE AGENCY ON LONG ISLAND AND QUEENS Over 250 Agents Have Recently Joined US... JOE MOSHÉ Principal Broker 100% COMMISSION ...Call and Ask Them Why! Walter Siefert (917) 883-8661 Call Me! $34,000 Armenta Jones (516) 849-1667 Call Me! $41,798 Tasia Pando (917) 698-7015 Call Me! Call Me! $11,729 $11,115 Commission Commission Chong “Jennifer” Smith (516) 996-8413 Irma “Vikki” Delgado (516) 410-2448 Commission Biaggio Alessandro (516) 244-2480 Glenda Moran (516) 410-2448 Commission Hugo Leiva (917) 279-6455 PAID TO OUR AGENTS Call Me! $18,670 Call Me! Commission Only $39.00 Monthly Fee and only $330.00 Transaction Fee after each closing. 10% Fee on Rentals “NO HIDDEN FEES” NONE! Some of Our Great Agent Programs: Free E&O insurance • Members of LIBOR (MLS) & West/Putnam (MLS) Mortgage Support • Free Computer and Telephone Usage • Training Free Website with MLS • Free Lead Program • Health Insurance $8,670 Commission Call Me! $16,270 Commission Call Me! $9,230 Commission CHARLES RUTENBERG REALTY, INC Corporate Office: 255 Executive Dr., Suite 104 Plainview, NY 11803 516-575-7500 Long Island/Queens • Manhattan • Ft. Lauderdale • Chicago • Clearwater 14 15 By Tricia Chirco Marketing and Communication Director On June 7, 2007, hundreds of Long Island Realtors® poured into the Crest Hollow Country Club to take advantage of all the LIBOR Education Conference and Trade Expo had to offer them including — great education sessions, capacity filled exhibitor trade show displaying all sorts of products and services that will help them grow their business, and many networking opportunities. Linda Bonarelli, LIBOR President said, “I appreciate the hard work and thought that the Education Committee put into this wonderful event. The day was filled with all sorts of educational and business opportunities for our members. At the end of the day — all the hard work paid off.” Key note speaker Ross Shafer got the program started and held the audience’s attention with his presentation on “How to Ignore the Experts and Trust Your Gut.” The program was about taking responsibility for your own life. Realtor® Marilyn Urso, Long Island Village Realty said, “Ross Shafer was super. Everything he said was right on the money, especially when he said YOU are in control of your life.” Meenan Oil was the conference platinum sponsor, as well as the sponsor of the $1000 grand prize, which was awarded during the luncheon. Steve Miller, Sales Manager for the Meenan Oil Company, pulled the winning ticket and called Myrna Fitch from Century 21 Herrick to the stage to present her with the $1000 cash prize. Raffle tickets were sold during the morning hours and over $7,000 was raised to benefit the Hagedorn Little Village School located in Seaford. Barbara Feinfgold, Executive Officer of the school, was on hand at the luncheon and thanked everyone who gave so generously to this charity. The Hagedorn Little Village School is a school that services families and their children with developmental disabilities. Betty Curran, Century 21 Metro Pro said, “I love that this year’s exhibitors represented a variety of vendors, more so than ever before. I walked the Expo floor and just gave a job to the guy at the booth from Stanley Steemer Carpet Cleaner. From there, I moved on to exchanging business cards with an exhibitor that deals in a direct mail product I was unfamiliar with and does email blasts. This is what this day is all about.” At the end of the conference, attendees are asked to complete a short form that provides organizers with feedback on their experience. To quote a Realtor® conference attendee, she writes the following: “Thank you for enriching our careers in such a special way. It cannot be done alone. This was a great day. The best decision I made was to attend the Education Conference.” PLATINUM SPONSOR & EXHIBITOR EXHIBITORS MEENAN OIL CO., L.P. Grand Prize Sponsor Grand Assembly Sponsor Luncheon Sponsor 1-800-Got-Junk? Advanced Access Allstate Insurance Co. American Home Shield Approved Funding Corp. Berger Bros. Camera, Video, Digital Centralized Showing Service Commission Express of New York Comps Inc. Cort DSI Design Group Effects of Color, Inc. eNeighborhoods Everlast Sign & Service/Oakley Signs Forest Hills Financial Group GBSB Mortgage Company Goldson, Nolsan, Connolly, Nasis & Dornfeld, PC Harmon Homes — Mike 3000 HouseGuard Home Inspection Services HouseMaster Home Inspection Hudson Mortgage Consultants Intelligent Office of Melville IRS - Taxpayer Advocate Service Long Island Commercial Network — LICN Long Island Realtors Federal Credit Union MagnetStreet Men On the Move Moving and Self-Storage Companies MLS Products & Services and MLSSTRATUS Banner Advertising Mortgage World Bankers, Inc National Property Inspections OBEO Oil Heat Comfort Corp Pearl Insurance Pillar To Post Professional Home Inspection Post Your Promotional Solutions Real Pro Training & Consulting Recognition Express RPAC - Realtors Political Action Committee ServPro Stage Today Sell Tomorrow Stanley Steemer Carpet Cleaners The Real Estate Book Three Point Office Top Producer Systems Verizon Wireless Virtual Imaging Corp. Wachovia Bank Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Women's Council of Realtors — WCR Word Pro Group Direct Mail GOLD SPONSOR STRATUS DATA SYSTEMS WRAP UP SESSION SPONSOR SILVER SPONSOR & EXHIBITOR CONFERENCE ASSOCIATES New York State Business Group BRONZE SPONSOR & EXHIBITOR CITIBANK BRONZE SPONSOR & EXHIBITOR CABLEVISION OPTIMUM HOMES CONFERENCE JOURNAL SPONSOR & EXHIBITOR SHOWING TIME BARRETTA REALTY SKYLINE NEWSDAY DENIS A. MILLER INSURANCE AGENCY eREALTY SOLUTIONS NEW YORK STATE ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® NYSAR AC&E HOME INSPECTION CORP. THE NEW YORK TIMES Prospects PLUS! SPECIAL THANKS TO ALL THE MEMBERS OF THE LIBOR EDUCATION COMMITTEE! ● THE REALTOR® THE REALTOR® Conference Highlights gratefully acknowledges the generosity and support of the following Sponsors & Exhibitors ● 19th Annual LIBOR Education Conference and Trade Expo Held on June 7th Than ks! The Long Island Board of Realtors®, Inc. June 2007 June 2007 ● ● HIGHLIGHTS AND PHOTOS FROM THE 16 ● June 2007 ● THE REALTOR® MLS NEWS THE MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE OF LONG ISLAND, INC. MLS INFO LINE By Donald Scanlon, MLS President Following the Rules I recently attended a “Zone Meeting” and overheard many of the conversations taking place. Many of the managers & brokers seem to have the same issues and the same feelings as to some of the challenges in their market. Regardless of the locale or Zone, we are all licensed and license law will always “trump” any local practices. A major concern seems to be the “roadblocks” being put in place to showing a property or presenting an offer, or even receiving a call back. Our MLS rules are very clear; so is License Law, and so is our Realtor® Code of Ethics. The real challenge is that many Brokers and agents are really not as familiar with them as they should be. When was the last time you or your Broker attended an MLS Rules and Procedures session? As of today, we are closing in on having 3000 offices in the MLS. At last count, it was 2938 with 54 new offices added in May. As we continue to grow into areas such as Brooklyn and the East End, we will be looking at some possible changes in the structure of some of the Zones that service those areas. Inventory is up. I am not telling you anything you don’t already know. We have over 34,000 units on the system, which represents an increase of 18% over last year, but the good news is the amount of buyers are up too. We know that these buyers want to see pictures, maps, and accurate information. This information also includes taxes and bedrooms, along with zoning. As a result, the MLS is constantly updating the fields and information that can be provided to the consumer. We are also investigating the possibility of having listings available to buyers on However, remains the preferred source for real estate information for Long Island consumers. By the time you read this, for a reasonable fee, limited title searches will be available on line. Many of you will have seen the presentation by Baretta at the Education Conference and Trade Show on June 7th. We are also working on implementing online forms. This would enable the agent to complete a form on line, and then upload the form to stratus. This will be a real time saver. Last month, the new contract portion of the listing agreement became available, and many of you have noticed that Stratus has been changed to accommodate the new changes. We are always moving forward. At the half way mark of my term as MLS President I am pleased to report there have been more than a few changes that have a positive impact on the way we do business, and more are on the way. May Housing Figures for Long Island Remain Relatively Unchanged May contracted and closed median home prices for Long Island (Queens, Nassau and Suffolk) remained relatively unchanged from April’s figures. The Multiple Listing Service of Long Island, Inc. (MLSLI) recently reported a May contracted median home price of $450,000, representing zero change from April’s reported figure of $450,000. The closed median home price for Long Island in the month of May was $439,900, which is only a $100 from difference from April’s reported figure of $440,000. Available residential inventory continues to climb with 35,796 available residential properties reported on the MLS system during the month of May. This figure represents 1,667 more listings than in April, and 32 percent more than a year ago. Industry experts predict that home sales will most likely fluctuate in a narrow range for the short term but will gradually trend upward toward the end of this year. N EE WW SS AA NN DD V II EE WW SS MLS Announces 6th Annual Tech Fair The MLS has recently announced that they will be hosting the 6th Annual Tech Fair which will feature National Trainer Robert Morris. The tech fair provides Realtors® with the opportunity to learn about the latest advances in today’s technology that are designed to help you grow your business. The event is scheduled for Tuesday, October 16th between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. and will be held at the Huntington Hilton in Melville. Cost of admission will be $30.00 per person. For more information, visit familiar with these to avoid being billed for any violations. • Property Description Field — What is not allowed in this field • Inventory Clean Up — Off the Market -How and when listings must be updated when taken off the market • Inventory Clean Up — Under Contract - Listings must be updated immediately once under contract • Owner’s Name Must be Published on Listing • MLS Requests for Paperwork - Must submit Listing Agreements, Extensions, etc. upon request by MLS • Proper Listing Dates - What listing dates to use when re-listing a property Automatic Fines — Now Multilingual The MLS Stratus Info Center contains a new link showing a list of automatic fines which may be imposed by the Multiple Listing Service of Long Island, Inc. Click on the links below for details and possible fine amounts for each infraction. Please note that the fine amounts range from $25 to $250. Failure to comply with the “MLS Request for Paperwork” could lead to a much higher fine. All Brokers and Agents should be Long Island real estate’s best source for real estate information now offers the find a home feature in 13 languages. The MLS of Long Island has recognized the diverse cultures of consumers and responds by offering search features in Spanish, French, German, Russian, Polish, Portugese, Vietnamese, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Japanese, and Korean. Note that translations are limited and are only available on certain fields. MLS Q. Q&A I’d like to link a virtual tour to my listing. Does MLS have any Rules that I must follow when adding a virtual tour link or uploading pictures to my listing? Yes. The following rule was recently revised by the MLS Board of Directors to prohibit contact information from being displayed on virtual tours: Rule 501.12 Listing photos or any type of virtual A. tours may not include any contact information such as pictures of you, your office, your logo, name, office name, email address or web site address. All residential properties’ photos must include the exterior front of the property. This rule became effective as of August 21, 2006. As of that date no new virtual tours with contact information may be linked to listings on the Multiple Listing Service of Long Island. What’s New on Stratus Several enhancements have been added to MLS Stratus recently that include the following features: Now you Can Add A Second Salesperson To Your Report Headers — For those agents who work with another Salesperson, in Customize My Stratus, you can select a 2nd Salesperson from the agents in your office to appear on Stratus report headers along with your name. Check Out the My Favorites Link — There is a new link on Info Center called, My Favorites, that allows you to save a set of your favorite listings. You can save up to twenty-one listings to My Favorites. Listings can be Available or Unavailable. Save selected listings from any search results or add listings by ML# at the My Favorites page. Delete listings at any time from My Favorites by erasing the ML#. Other Miscellaneous Stratus Enhancements include: 1. In Public Records, when viewing a public record from Search Results, the default output report is now the Full with Photo. 2. In Update, when displaying the Update, a Print View button has been added that will allow you to print the update without having to go back to the entry screen. 3. In Search when you are at Search Results and click the Print View button, you are now given the opportunity to also include your Search Criteria on your report. 4. CMA updated as follows: a. On Client tab, Email Address is now labeled Primary Email and a new field, Secondary Email, has been added b. On Subject tab, fields, Adult Community, Minimum Age and Waterfront Desc have been added. c. In Additional Search Criteria tab, Adult Community, Minimum Age and Waterfront Desc have been added. GET YOUR COMPANY NOTICED... ADVERTISE ON THE WEB...MLSLI.COM ADVERTISE HERE YOUR CUSTOMERS EXPECT YOU TO BE ONLINE! Advertise your business on for only $275 per month and get your company noticed by thousands of buyers and sellers that visit the site everyday. Contact Donna Lee at 631-661-4800 ext. 348. 17 ● June 2007 ● THE REALTOR® 18 ● June 2007 ● THE REALTOR® TECHNOLOGY SITES TO SEE TECH TIP By Dana Nowick MLS Product Marketing Specialist 631-661-4800 ext. 367 • Get More Work Done in Public! Increase your productivity by using public Hotspots. Wi-Fi hotspots seem to be popping up at more places than ever before. Fast, easy wireless access to the Internet is the promise of wireless hotspots — making this a great business solution for busy Realtors on the go. With summer right around the corner and all the outdoor events that accompany it, hotspots are a great way to check your e-mail, access Stratus, and ultimately serve your customers better while you are on the go. Hotspots continue to pop up in public places like airports, hotel lobbies, and coffee shops — Starbucks, the most renown, has Wi-Fi hotspots in all their locations. And, don’t forget, all four of our Realtor Service Centers are Wi-Fi hotspots too — making the Internet accessible to any Realtor with a properly equipped laptop. At MLSLI, we try our best to remain one of your leading sources of real estate technology. We encourage you to bring your laptop with you while attending classes at any one of our Realtor Services Centers. Stay in touch with your customers and your business while you further your career when you spend the day at one of our service centers learning about Real Estate. But, before you bring your laptop to class, make sure it is properly equipped with Wi-Fi capabilities. The key to using a hotspot with little fuss is to equip your laptop with the proper wireless local area network (WLAN) hardware and software. If you have purchased a laptop recently, you probably have all the equipment you need to go wireless. However, if your laptop is a few years old, you may need to add the wireless technology. All you have to do is purchase a wireless card from any major retailer such as Best Buy, Circuit City, etc., attach it to your laptop, and you are ready to go! Have a tech topic or tech question you would like to share? Let me know! LIBOR’s Realtor® Service Centers Offer Wi-Fi Capability If you are a Realtor® member attending a class at any one of the four Realtor® Service Centers, feel free to bring along your laptop to stay in touch with your office and customers. Realtor® Service Centers located in West Babylon, Jackson Heights, Riverhead and Woodbury, are Wi-Fi Hotspots, and can provide wireless Internet access to any laptop that is already equipped with a wireless network card. There is no registration required to access this service, and it is always available to Realtor® members free of charge. When your clients are preparing their home for sale or settling into their new abode, a fresh coat of paint can go a long way in sprucing up any room. But when it comes to choosing which color to use, the options can seem endless. Help your customers avoid spending hours at the paint store or taking a chance with the wrong color by recommending these fun and helpful Web sites. Run by major paint companies, these sites offer free interactive tools that allow visitors to virtually paint a room that resembles one in their home: Sherman-Williams Paint Visualizer at self/. To access this online tool, click on the “Launch Color Visualizer”‰ button on the left side of the page. Once the new window opens, you can choose to paint an interior, paint an exterior, or find a color by browsing through dozens of color palettes. Among the interior room options, there are six bathrooms, six bedrooms, three dining rooms, and nine living rooms. Benjamin Moore Personal Color Viewer at This site lets you choose whether you want to virtually paint one of many sample rooms, or fork over $10 for software that will allow you to upload your own digital photos to “paint.” ‰ For the purpose of this review, let’s assume that you take the free route and use a sample photo. Start by clicking the “Let’s Paint”‰ button to launch the Personal Color Viewer. Choose from an array of sample bathrooms, kitchens, offices, bedrooms, exteriors, and more. Then pick the body color, trim color, and ceiling color, and watch as the photo automatically reflects your color choices. But the Personal Color Viewer isn’t the only handy tool at this site. Before you leave, check out the Homeowner: How-To’s section for detailed instructions on glazing techniques, painting a “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star”‰ theme in a nursery, creating diamond patterns, and more. Or visit the Color Inspiration section for Color Scheme Ideas and Starting Points to Decorating a Room. Behr ColorSmart at This tool works differently from the others, requiring you to choose your colors before you see what they look like in a sample room. It’s also a bit trickier to navigate the site and takes longer to load. Launch the tool by clicking the “Start ColorSmart”‰ logo on the right of the screen. In the new window that opens, select the middle option, “Browse Colors.” ‰ You’re prompted to select a color family, and ultimately one color. To coordinate that color with others that you will use in the room, select the “Coordinate”‰ button on the right side of the page. Or, you can click the “Preview/Print‰ button to see what the color looks like in a room. Only then do you get to select the room. However, once you’re “in‰ the room,” it’s easy to add colors and modify them. The end result is nice, but you need patience to get there. TECHNO-BITS Survey Shows Realtors® Investing More in Technology According to NAR’s recently released 2007 Realtor® Technology Survey, Realtors® are investing heavily in technology, with more than half of the Realtors® surveyed reporting they spent more than $1,000 last year. The survey, conducted by NAR’s Center for Realtor Technology, also found that 25 percent of respondents spent more than $2,000 on technology in 2006. In addition, approximately two-thirds of those surveyed have a real estate business web site, and a quarter spends more than $1,000 annually to maintain their site. The most popular devices Realtors® reported using in their day-to-day business included: digital cameras, desktop computers and cell phones. The survey also revealed the growing popularity of smart phones or PDA’s, which provide phone, Internet and e-mail capabilities. In 2005, only 8 percent of respondents used a smart phone compared to 28 percent in 2006, and as many as 30 percent of respondents plan to purchase one in the coming year. Realtors® use of automated forms and transaction management software is also on the rise as real estate transactions become more complex. More than three-fourths of Realtors® surveyed said they must manage as many as 20 documents to complete a real estate transaction. Fifty-nine percent of those surveyed use an automated forms management program to help streamline the paperwork involved in a transaction. Twenty-three percent of respondents use a transaction management system, which tracks each step of the real estate process, and 69 percent of those who aren’t currently using a transaction management system are interested in adopting the technology. Realtors® continue to advance real estate technology by adopting innovative systems and processes. This improves their communication with home buyers and sellers and helps to streamline the transaction. To view the complete 52 page Technology Report, visit REALTORS ONLY at and click on the Research and Data button. 718-423-3130 Greenthal Charles H. Greenthal Property Sales 272-40 Grand Central Parkway Floral Park, NY 11005 MAC LEVITT With 4 Office Locations: Oceanside – Baldwin – Freeport - East Rockaway At Century 21 Mac Levitt, You Will Receive… • • • • Highest Name Recognition in the Industry! Unparalleled Internet Presence Marketing Tools to Build Your Business/Career The Support & Guidance You Need to Take your Career to the Next Level • Free Training – For All Levels of Expertise LET OUR SUCCESS WORK FOR YOU!!! Call for a Confidential Interview Ask for Greg Verity or Jay Anderson Corporate Headquarters (516) 764-6200 THE REALTOR® Contact On Site Real Estate Broker Linda Rappaport for more information Come Join The South Shore’s Fastest Growing Company! ● IS IT TIME FOR A CHANGE? • 18 HOLE CHAMPIONSHIP GOLF COURSE • TENNIS COURTS • INDOOR/OUTDOOR POOLS • RESTAURANTS • STORES • MOVIE THEATRE • BANK• MUCH MORE! June 2007 NORTH SHORE TOWERS DISCOVER BEAUTIFUL ● Attention: Experienced & New Agents 19 DISCOVER LUXURY JUST 16 MILES FROM MANHATTAN! 20 ● June 2007 ● THE REALTOR® This & That Laffey Associates has announced that Huntington native Tia L. Hamlin has been appointed Vice President Corporate Services & Relocation. In this role Hamlin will be responsible for promoting and marketing relocation services to area companies, corporations and groups. Ms. Hamlin has over ten years of experience in Relocation. She was most recently Account Executive for Prudential Relocation. New Realtor Quanicka Harris has joined WEICHERT, REALTORS- - Quality Homes as a specialist in residential sales. A member of the Long Island Board of Realtors-, she serves clients in Nassau County and surrounding areas, welcome! Wantagh Realtors (from left to right) Maryanne Paccione, Marlena Schein and Laura Dupkin-Memisha of Coldwell Banker Manor Gate, were the cooks for the Wantagh JR Chamber of Commerce’s 3rd annual “Breakfast with the Characters,”as in Disney characters and friends! The children played games, received character autographs, pictures, watched a movie and ate a great breakfast of pancakes, eggs, sausage, bagels and beverages. The breakfast was held with the support of the Wantagh Chamber of Commerce, in which the three realtors are active members; proceeds go to the Community Beautification projects throughout Wantagh. OBITUARIES the Schneider Children’s Hospital. The Children's Miracle Network is an international non-profit organization dedicated to raising funds and awareness for children’s hospitals; funds raised locally stay local to support the kids in the communities. Pictured above is the event coordinator Ann Marie Portaro (right) and friends. We regret to inform you of the passing of Cheryl Warner of Bon Anno Homes in Massapequa. A memorial service was held on May 29th at the Old Westbury Gardens in Old Westbury. We regret to inform you of the passing of Ronald Vincent, husband of Christine Vincent of DeBarbieri Associates in Saint James. Services were held on May 23rd and 24th at Glove Funeral Home in Selden. Obituaries can now be found on The REALTOR only web site at Grand Prize—-Cruise on the World Famous Queen Mary 2 ($5,000.00 value or cash equivalent) Jolie Powell Realty of Port Jefferson has been chosen to affiliate with L. Ross Realty of East Setauket, with the retiring of Linda Ross; they will be joining forces with Evelyn Ross Costello. Pictured are (l-r) Jolie Powell, Linda Ross, Evelyn Ross Costello. 2nd Prize—2 Night Stay at Mohonk Mountain House ($1,750.00 value or cash equivalent) 3rd Prize-----$750 American Express Gift Cheque For every $20.00 you contribute to RPAC from March 1st thru September 30th, 2007 you will automatically be entered with one entry into this sweepstakes. RE/Max North Shore and RE/MAX West held its first Annual Children’s Miracle Network Gala on May 11th at the Crest Hollow Country Club in Woodbury; the event was attended by hundreds of people including special guest USA figure skater Emily Hughes. This extremely successful event raised $143,000 to benefit RULES: All RPAC Contributions from March 1, 2007—September 30, 2007 are eligible. All Contributors are automatically entered. The Drawing will be held at LIBOR’s General Election Membership Meeting on October 23, 2007. You do not need to be present to win. Winner will be notified by phone. Entries must be received by September 30, 2007. Make Checks Payable to RPAC. Personal and Corporate contributions are accepted. = SALES LEADS FREE BUYER SELLER REFERRAL LEADS!! / / ONLY THROUGH THIS OFFICE! BROKER TRAINING ONE ON ONE! LEARN TO LIST FOR MORE $/ LEARN BUYER BROKERAGE ® FOR EASY $ UNLIMITED 1670 Old Country Road, Suite 208, Plainview (NEXT DOOR TO THE PLAINVIEW POST OFFICE, LIE EXIT 48) NASSAU 516.822.REMAX (7362) • SUFFOLK 631.667.REMAX (7362) SERVING ALL OF LONG ISLAND RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL ALL APPOINTMENTS CONFIDENTIAL – Call Owner/Broker 631.514.4960 United First Financial “A SOFTWARE COMPANY” ATTENTION: ALL AGENTS AND ALL HOMEOWNERS Payoff Your Home or “Build Your” Equity In Record Time Seminar Pay Off Your Mortgage in as Little as 1/3 to 1/2 the Time, with Little Change to Your Lifestyle. NO BI-WEEKLY or DEBT ROLL DOWN PROGRAM POTENTIALLY SAVING HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS IN INTEREST Results will vary and are determined by individual financial situations. The information contained herein does not constitute an offer or a solicitation to lend or extend credit. Contact Ansel or Nandranie United First Financial Independent Software Agents for further details. UFF# 836866 Using a Money Merge Account (MMA) All Real Estate Companies, Mortgage Companies and Homeowners 877-711-7301 Call Anytime 24/7 to Set an Appointment Ansel Abdool Seminar Coming Soon in Queens, Register Today 21 RPAC CRYSTAL R ($2,500 TO $4,999) STERLING R ($1,000 TO $2,499) Mary E. Adams* Christopher Armstrong Linda Bonarelli* Ralph Bove Kathleen L. Engel* Lisbeth N. English* Melvyn S. Farkas* Barbara F. Frechter* Susan G. Helsinger* Walauddin Hoosein* Maxwell S. Levitt Otto Lugo* Patricia M. Masone Mary F. McLaughlin* Michael Mendicino* Walter D. Messina* Joseph E. Mottola* Daniel Ryan, Sr. Donald C. Scanlon* Moses Seuram Joseph T. Sinnona* Yoshinori Takita Frank S. Urso* Marilyn Urso* Mohsen Zandieh PRESIDENT’S CLUB ($500 TO $999) Gabriele Bishop* Floyd G. Earl Nicholas Gomez Lois M. Hanson Nancy Scarola Mohinder Taneja CAPITOL CLUB ($250 TO $499) Bridget D. Allim Dorothy A. Aschkar Alan L. Berger* Russell H. Carey Charles S. Cortese Marie A. Costello* Rocco J. Famiglietti Barbara Ford Marian Fraker Gutin Brigitte E. Greene Lisa Healy Richard Kilfoil Gary A. Knotoff Sheryl F. Kushnick* Richard M. Shane Edward S. Smith Carol A. Sparaco Neil E. Sterrer Frank A. Urso* Susan L. Urso* Paul K. Wernersbach $99 CLUB ($99 TO $249) Richard W. Abatelli Husni A. Abou Saab Nancy A. Achstatter Kenneth L. Adamo Michael Adelstein Mark S. Adler Edul N. Ahmad Rafik Ahmad Karen C. Alberman Michael Albert Sheinkopf Vincenza Alia Asher S. Alon Jacques Ambron Shanti Ammar Diane E. Andersen Lorna A. Anderson Mark G. Anderson Paula M. Annarumma Caruso Joseph Ardito Matthew B. Arnold Richard B. Arnold Evelyn Atanas Anthony D. Atkinson Kenneth A. Auerbach Nora E. Avalos Alba M. Ayala Azucena M. Ayala Diab Reuben Azel Glen A. Ballard John E. Banham Michael Barone Christian Bastian Joanne C. Bechhoff Sharona Beck Carole Belley Michael Bello Rachel Benedetti Wilston Bennett Alan L. Berger Mohamed Bessai Gina M. Bettenhauser Jerome H. Blue Richard D. Bocchieri Lucille Bonanno Ernest F. Bonifazio Kathy P. Borg Aron B. Borukhov Stefanos Boudourakis Kim M. Bowdwin Geralynn Bozza Bill J. Brake Robert Bretscher Arthur Briscoe Barbara A. Bucovetsky James M. Burns Denise C. Buser Zillah A. Bush Franklin D. Butz Nelson N. Byfield Manuel P. Cabeca Miguel A. Cabrera Denise A. Calderone Allegra Capra Peter M. Caputo Craig S. Carbone Peter Caruso Gloria Catsimalis Peter J. Cavallaro Fang C. Chan Karen P. Chan Chandan Chandan Jen Chao Raiyen Chen Kumal A. Chetram Anne Marie Chirichigno Soun Young Choy John Ciurcina Monique M. Clarke Anessa V. Cohen Michael G. Cohen Peter J. Cohen Theodora Cohen Yaron R. Cohen Anthony Como John Condon Maxine M. Conlin Patrick Consalvas Anthony Conti Raymond A. Cooper Laura Copersino Juana Y. Cosme Carol P. Costanzo Roberta D. Coward Barbara Crowley John Crowley Pedro Cruz James E. Cumisky Lora Cusumano Branko I. Cuzzone Charles J. D’Agostino Alfred Daddio Samuel A. Dare Surekha S. Dave Paul J. Davey Regina R. Davis Nilo A. DeLaTorre Frank Dell Accio Vincent Dell Accio Joanne T. DeMaio Ying Deng Suzanne DeNoyior Steve DePinto Kissoon Dhanraj Carlos A. Diaz Janis A. DiGiovanni Josephine G. Dizon Sabita D. Doodnauth Lou Dorsam Louise E. Doyle Jian J. Du Kenneth J. Dunn Fred A. Duran Sooroojnee Edoo Robert Eisenoff Allan R. Eldridge Shawn Elliott James H. Elstroth Akiva Kevin Emergi Janice L. Fagan Quenida Falcon Eilen W. Fan Gary Feldman Mitchell Feldman Suzanne Ferenczi Renzo Fiallos Cosmo Ficara Warren M. Fink Andrew H. Finkel Georgianna F. Finn Kevin P. Fitzpatrick Carlos Flores Harris S. Focer Wesley Ford* Beatrice Formickella Jennifer Fox Susan L. Francis Frances Franco Dougall C. Fraser Sally Froccaro Mary G. Fudens Takeshi Furumoto Vinod K. Gadura Ron J. Gal Deborah L. Galligan Carol Gallo Turschmann John C. Gandolfo Joy B. Gape Jhony F. Garcia Pablo A. Geymayr Vincent J. Gianelli Camellia Giardina Nicholas Gigante Stanley E. Gilpin Elizabeth Gittens Steven H. Glassberg Barbara Goldfeder Susan Goldman Paul A. Gomez Thomas J. Goodman David I. Gotthelf Gerald Graham Diane M. Grande Shelina Graves RPAC UPDATE By Pat Levitt, RPAC Chairperson RPAC Dollars at Work Okay!!! Who’s ready to help? How can we get contributions to RPAC from the 22,000 members who have not yet given this year? Any ideas? Is it possible to expect that even half of these members will make a contribution soon? I’d like to see at least half of the MLS Offices contribute a minimum of $100 either from the Broker or collectively from their agents. If either of these scenarios occurs soon we would most likely be at goal. So much is changing rapidly in our industry but the one thing that has not changed is the importance of the Realtors Political Action Committee. This Committee’s purpose is to encourage voluntary contributions and to educate all Realtors as to how important it is for each to give their fair share. It is the best investment a Realtor can make in Real Estate. It is imperative that Realtors continue to support those legislators that have and will continue to support our industry. To date we’ve raised $230,000 for RPAC with only 4,932 contributors. Now can you understand why we need everyone’s help? I personally don’t want to appear to be negative but it’s frustrating to know that only 19% of LIBOR’s members have contributed thus far. The Realtors Political Action Committee will soon be announcing an exciting (and different) fundraiser. Watch for details. Approximately 40 LIBOR members traveled to Albany for Lobby Day on May 30th. They had the opportunity to speak directly with many of our State Senators and Assembly Members. They asked for the legislators’ support again for a Commission Escrow Act, help with Insurances, to defeat any additional Transfer Taxes, to pass legislation for Coop disclosure and to understand that Realtors are not trained, nor should they have to be policemen as far as home owners abiding by zoning laws. With so many issues before us you can see where RPAC dollars are so important and needed. For those of you who take the time to read this article you are probably the majority of the Realtors that already contribute to RPAC. Please, if you are reading this, I’d like to again ask that you spread the word and ask your constituents to contribute any amount that they are comfortable with. Remember, for every $20 contributed they will automatically receive one entry in the 2007 RPAC Sweepstakes — “RPAC & You on the QM2.” You have to be in win it!! Are you? Paolo E. Greco Evan Greene Gregory E. Greene Ivan E. Guerrero Anthony L. Guidice Ronald P. Guzas Leesa Haas Anne Hagen George N. Halvatzis Matthew T. Hancock Robert L. Harding Joanne F. Harms Richard H. Harsch Howard F. Hart Matthew Hart Roger J. Hayes Kelly A. Hicks Valerie Hinds Weir Arthur M. Hofbauer Michael L. Huckabey Philip W. Hyatt Anthony Imperato Walter Imperatore Mohammed M. Islam Janet Iveson Ester Jaeger Harry K. Jairam Leslie E. Jansson William Jee Monique M. Johnson Lucio A. Jovel SMS Kabir Basmattie S. Kahnauth Arihay Kaikov Balram Kakkar Annette Kalikow Demi Kalkanis Randy Kaplan Christopher G. Kaufman Thomas S. Kelly Elaine Kennedy Amy Kernaghan Jeongho Kim Young B. Kim Jagernauth Kishun Maureen A. Klersy Sharon Kollore Catherine Kolsch Emily P. Koo Gina M. Kritikos Mary J. Kronwitt Sheryl F. Kushnick Sidney Kwintner Steve Lagoudis Mei Ying Lai Monica Lai Maria Lanigan Pamela G. Lanigan Elizabeth Lanza Marco LaRocca Ann M. Lasker Anthony A. Lauto Sheila Lawrence Brian D. LeDonne Joann Lee Charles Lefkowitz Sandi Lefkowitz Shu Yun Li William Li Lisa M. Lilly Todd S. Litz Yvonne Lloyd Jack LoBiondo Donna L. Lomenzo Brian P. Lomot Martha Y. Lopez Marjorie T. Lord Shiu Fang Lou Charles Lovell Rita J. Lowry David G. Lucas Johnstone S. Ma Louis J. Macari Jorge L. Machado Patrick H. Mackay Erik C. Mahler Malachy T. Mahon Susan D. Maisto Amnon M. Malul Jack Gajraj Mangra John F. Maniec Peter P. Mannino Jean Mansueto Ray Manzoni Francesco S. Marino Judy S. Markowitz Robert Martian Vito Martinico Edna Mashaal Peter Mastroianni Dorothy J. Matinale Shimon A. Matsui Thomas J. McCarthy Pangeta R. McGrowther Everton M. McIntyre Maureen A. McMahon Claudette Y. Medley Charles J. Mehlman William E. Meier Alfred J. Melillo James M. Miaritis Bernard Miglio Boris Mikhailov Lola N. Mitchell RPAC Recognition Awards GOAL $407,000 $230,000 At a recent Board of Directors Meeting, Pat Levitt, RPAC Chairperson presented Gil Picard and Georgia Westcott with their 2006 RPAC First Time Sterling R Plaques. Stephen Mogelefsky Lionel A. Mohabir Gloria C. Molloy Everton G. Moore Alice H. Morabito Keith E. Moran Michael J. Morris Joseph M. Moshe Sunil A. Mungroo Fina Musso Paul P. Napolitano John F. Navaretta Ozell R. Neely Gisela I. Nightingale Eliahu Nir Lynn Nunes Gerard L. O’Connell Virginia O’Dwyer James F. O’Kane Deirdre N. O’Connell Wilson I. Odigie Alexandra Orfanoudakis Peter T. Orisses Eric D. Ornstein James Orticelle Eric Pagan Jorge E. Palacios Maria S. Palmar Geneive Panton Vincent C. Papa Maureen Papalas Christopher M. Pape Angela K. Parisi Francis A. Paruolo Chrysa Pasqualone Antonio J. Patino Jay Pegram Denise Perfido Oneyda E. Perla Haimraj Persaud Jhairam Persaud Poonraj Persaud Louis Pescatore John L. Petsco James A. Phillips Rosanna Piazza Gilbert A. Picard Michael Piccolo Eytan A. Pick Joseph Picone Rosetta L. Pirillo Allison B. Platt Thomas M. Potter Jolie Powell Rose Marie Princi Rudolph Princi Joseph Ragnauth Cipher Rahiem Tanveer Rahim Muhammad A. Rahman Mark Ramjeet Manoj M. Rawh Donna Reardon Kenneth Reed Paul B. Reiss Maribel X. Reyes William C. Rhodes Carl W. Riese Raymond N. Rivera Asia Roberts Francis Seibert L. Robinson Gloria I. Rodriguez Diana M. Romano Harriet Rae Romano Ronald Rosaliere Melly D. Rosario Willard L. Rose Tina Rossetti Katherine Rossi Roberto Rossi Harriet M. Rowan Todd Roy Paul A. Ruddock Mary Alice Ruppert Miriam J. Ruiz Daniel Ryan Aida M. Saba Craig B. Sanders Anthony Santiago R J Santiago Richard D. Santiago Geraldine S. Sapanaro Kenny Kamil Sattaur John Z. Savoretti Azalea H. Scally Marlena C. Schein Bruce H. Seger Henry A. Setaro Harsharan Sethi Barbara Shane Jageshwar Sharma Riaz A. Sheikh Brice J. Sheppard Julia Shildkret Steve S. Shin Kitty Lin Shum Dwight Sibblies Ali A. Sikder Dana Silkiss Anita Simon Baldev Singh Jasvir Singh Keith R. Singh Nishwa P. Singh Powan K. Singh Kevin A. Smith Mitzy Smith Va Lance L. Smith Roy Sobel Andrea Soho Richard J. Soleymanzadeh Florin J. Spariosu Anthony Sperrazza Angela T. Starr Shawn Steinmuller Isa D. Stykes Dave Surujnarain Madan P. Surujpaul Marie Svec Thomas F. Tabone Peter J. Taryan Harry G. Terezakis Lawrence A. Tesch Leo S. Testa John Testaiuti Mildred Thomas Robert Tomich Kenneth A. Trestka Todd A. Triolo Christopher Tscherne Demetri Tsilogiannis Bill Tsoumpelis Basmattie Udit Sukhu Richard S. Ulrich Giuseppe Vaccaro Vincent Vaiano Carmen Valdez Valerie Van Cleef Charlotte Vanderwaag Lucy A. Verdeschi Gregory J. Verity Ofer Vilenko Hernando Villamil Marea L. Wachsman Jeremy Walsh Una Walsh Alfred Walter Jyh S. Wang Aaron M. Waxler Estella Wilder Allan C. Williams Shareefa Williams Sonja L. Williams Edward F. Wilson Richard M. Witt Byung Soo Woo Joseph T. Wright Xing Wu Willie M. Wyatt Man C. Yam Zeng Wen Ye Martin Yip James N. Young Nir Zeer Michael A. Zimmerman Please note — due to space limitations, the contribution date range of 5/1/07-6/1/07 was used for the Less than $99 category. LESS THAN $99 ($20 TO $98) Maria S. Abrego Nordeen Accardi Charlene Ackerly Peter R. Acocella Rosario Acquista Nelson Agis Benedict E. Aikhuele Iraklis M. Alevizakis Diane Alveari Sophia K. Anderson Lydia R. Anello Vera Atamian Geraldine Z. Bagshaw Janice Balsamo Samantha G. Baroulette Deonarine Basdeo Kim L. Beckmann Heather B. Bester Oliver Blake Irene Booker Ronald W. Boughton Joseph Brancaleone Deanne Brand Carol Bromm Lillie M. Brown Louis J. Campione James R. Carson Sebastian R. Castagnino Wendy S. Castaldy Sandra M. Centeno Mui Kay Cheung Chuck Collins Jennifer M. Coluccio Belbina E. Costello Mary L. Daversa Diane L. Davies Frances I. Dellipaoli Peter S. Demidovich Thomas J. Dionisio James P. Divone Paul S. Dougherty Gordon Drucker Meredith E. Dulberg Judith L. Edge Vito Elefante Anthony G. Ellis Elyse Everett Olugbenga A. Fakuade Maria Farina Julia Fazylova Alan C. Fein Lori Ferrara Kathleen A. Fisher Alicia A. Flores Ricardo B. Flores Ruthann Forland Marc Franchi Barbara L. Franco Paul Franco Jim Freebody Carlos Fuentes Lopez Keshia Fullwood Kiriaki Gialouris Kathleen M. Gillies Catherine Gipson Linette M. Gomillion Ellis Alyssa Gora Timothy Graham George A. Grellet James F. Guariglia Jean C. Guerrier Lloyd Gutin Ferdie Headlam Nicoya S. Hemans Leonard J. Horowitz Nicole T. Hudson Caroline Jemison Joyce L. Jones David L. Joyner Doreen Justiniano Gary Kaufman Sundong Kim Lucille P. Kollmer John L. Kramer Whitney M. LaCosta Christopher Latchman James D. Levine Grace M. Leyhane Laura A. Loeffler Claudia P. Lopez Ricardo J. Lopez John M. Lorenzo Connie Ma Janine M. McQueeney Jorge E. Mendoza Joseph J. Micciulli Joongsik Moon Helen Moutopoulos David Movahedian Jose F. Nunez Richard O. O’Neil Dennis J. O’Sullivan Tina M. Padula Sang S. Park Victor Pascale Patricia Patten James F. Phillips Laura Prince C A Quilla Limachi Gloria E. Rabson Shewpaul Ramlochand Michele Ramos Gregg Renneisen Barbara Ring Matilde Rodriguez Espinal Maricel Rojas Elizabeth A. Rowsell Christine Rudden Kinga Salamon Roy Sam Keturah L. Sapp Rosemary J. Schwarz Wanda Sierra Kathleen G. Sinito Christopher J. Smart Oscar R. Spinato John M. Stevens Hudson L. Syffrard Michael D. Szollosi Michael A. Tatilian Katherine Timms Dianne Wenk Georgia Westcott Carolyn M. Whalen James Wong Michele P. Wright Isabel Zenocratti *These LIBOR members have pledged RPAC contributions. **All contributors of $20 or more will be automatically entered into NYSAR and LIBOR Sweepstakes. THE REALTOR® GOLDEN R ($5,000 AND UP) Joseph L. Canfora Dorothy Herman Patricia Levitt Audrey Livingstone* ● IT’S YOUR BEST INVESTMENT IN BUSINESS! LIBOR’S RPAC GOAL HAS INCREASED FROM $386,385 IN 2006 TO $407,000 IN 2007 BASED ON RPAC FAIR SHARE OF $15 PER MEMBER. For more information, please contact Randy L. Kaplan, Director of Governmental Affairs, Ext. 380. June 2007 2007 RPAC HONOR ROLL ● REALTORS POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE 22 ● June 2007 ● THE REALTOR® LEGAL/GOVERNMENTAL COUNSELOR’S COMMENTS By Daniel S. Dornfeld, Esq. Goldson, Nolan, Connolly, Nasis & Dornfeld, P.C. Recognizing Hidden Lease Costs, Part 2 This is part 2 in a 2 part series educating brokers about some of the hidden lease costs that tenants often do not expect to have to pay for their lease. As I mentioned in my last article, it is actually unfair to refer to the costs as “hidden” because they are often explicitly set forth in the lease. Regardless, if not hidden they are certainly “unexpected”, leaving the tenant unhappy about the whole transaction--including their broker’s participation. Generally, these are issues that should be considered at the onset of lease negotiations. If the broker or their client expects their attorney to catch these extra costs, they may be sadly disappointed--most attorneys are no more cognizant of these charges than their clients. In the last article, we addressed the Loss Factor, which is the percentage of the gross area of a space that is lost due to walls, elevators and other common areas. The tenant pays rent for this area but it is not actually physically included in the space they are leasing. If the tenant is not aware of the loss factor and how it will influence their costs, they will not have a realistic understanding of how much they are going to be expected to pay for their space. This article addresses some of the costs associated with the Common Area Maintenance (CAM) or Building Operating Expenses (BOE). These terms are often used interchangeably although there are some differences. For the purposes of this article, I am just going to use the term CAM. As you may recall from an earlier article, for retail and industrial leases, usually a tenant will pay their pro-rata share of the landlord’s expenses. For office leases, the tenant generally pays their pro-rata share of the increases in those expenses. Although the tenant is expecting to pay his share of the landlord’s expenses, often the lease requires them to pay items that they would not consider to be true expenses. It is common that the lease will require the tenant to pay “Administrative Fees”. Conceptually, that is supposed to reimburse the landlord for its costs to implement the CAM. Usually it is a percentage of that expense˜generally anywhere from 5-15%. For instance, let us say that the landlord pays $300 each month to hire a company to sweep the parking lot of a shopping center. If a tenant occupies 10% of the shopping center, then the tenant will be expected to pay $30 each month for sweeping. The administrative fee will provide that the tenant pay an addition 15% of the $30. The landlord would argue that this 15% reimburses the landlord for such things its costs to pay someone to write the check to the sweeping company, the cost of that check, postage, rent for extra space so the person who writes checks has a place to sit, etc. Clearly, the $300 is a cost to operate the shopping center. It is not so clear that the 15% is such a cost˜maybe the landlord writes the check himself from his kitchen table. Regardless, whether it is a real cost or not, it is going to be billed. If CAM is a couple dollars a square foot, that administrative fee can become substantial. In my experience landlords are often willing to reduce the percentage of that administrative charge if asked. Often leases provide for an Administrative Fee and a Management Fee. Most tenants I have spoken to (at least until I explained otherwise) thought that these two items were essentially the same thing. Other tenants thought that the Management Fee would only be charged if the landlord hires an outside company to manage the building. They were wrong too. Actually, the Management Fee just provides the landlord with additional profits for managing its center. Generally it is an additional charge of 3-5% of the landlord’s total billings for the center. The idea behind the Management Fee is that if the landlord elected to hire an outside company to manage the property, it would have to pay that company for its services. Since the outside company would make a profit, if the landlord takes on the extra work itself, it should be able to make a profit too. Throw in the fact that besides an Administrative Fee and a Management Fee, the landlord is also billing the tenant for its property manager’s salary and you can get a very unhappy tenant. Tenants should inquire whether the landlord charges a Management Fee and, if so, how much that is. If the Management Fee is referenced in the lease, it should be clearly defined. Although it can add so much cost to the tenant, I have never once heard a tenant make such an inquiry. It is an expense that is easy to address so long as it is quantified beforehand. Capital Expenses refer to Capital Improvements that the Landlord might make to the property. I have seen tenants move into buildings only to be hammered after their first year because the landlord replaced an HVAC unit or decided to repave the parking lot. The leases should specify that if any such expenses are included, they should be based on the amortized costs of any such item over its useful life in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principals. Capital Reserves are the evil half-brother of Capital Expenses. Instead of the Landlord charging a tenant for Capital Improvements that they have made, they charge the tenant for Capital Improvements that they might make. Usually that is a relatively small amount that is included each year so that, if the Landlord decides to make a Capital Improvement, the tenants have already prepaid it. Although the reserve is relatively low, if it is included each year and no work is done, by the end of the lease, that number has added up. In any event, the tenant should inquire as to any improved capital improvements and how they are going to be paid for. This article is just an overview of some of the more common costs that are included in leases that tenants generally do not expect to pay. There are many others. The point is that the tenant and its broker must be proactive in trying to understand and negotiate all the occupancy costs. They cannot just focus on the size of their space and the rent. Likewise, they cannot assume that their attorneys will (Continued on page 23) The Home Equity Theft Prevention Act: Part 2 By Cathy Quinn Nolan, Esq. The Home Equity Theft Prevention Act, which was signed into law by then Governor Pataki at the end of the 2006 legislative session, became effective as of February 1, 2007. The more the law is analyzed, the more dangerous it appears to be! The Effect of the Law on the Foreclosure Process: A lending institution attempting to assert its rights against a defaulting borrower is required to send a separate notice which must state in the heading, in 24 point type, that the present action is a foreclosure action! In addition, the text of the newly mandated notice, which is to be attached to the action, on a paper the color of which must be different than the color of the summons and complaint, must be in 14 point type! The notice itself must follow verbatim the language set out in the statute as follows: Help for Homeowners in Foreclosure New York State Law requires that we send you this notice about the foreclosure process. Please read carefully. Mortgage foreclosure is a complex process. Some people may approach you about “saving” your home. You should be extremely careful about any such promises. The State encourages you to become informed about your options in foreclosure. There are government agencies, legal aid entities and other non-profit organizations that you may contact for information about foreclosure while you are working with your lender about this process. To locate an entity near you, you may call the toll-free help line maintained by the New York State Banking Department at 877-226-5697 or visit the Department website at The State does not guarantee the advice of these agencies. RPAPL Section 1301(2). Failure of a bank to deliver the required notice with the summons and complaint may result in the debtor’s being able to challenge the action, further prolonging the foreclosure process and subjecting the bank to penalties and a host of problems yet to be determined as courts begin applying the law. The Effect of the Law on a Sale: A homeowner in default, which under the statute means being two months delinquent, or in foreclosure, must be given 5 business days to rescind the contract of sale once entered into with an “Equity Purchaser.” This period cannot be waived and the contract is void if the “Equity Purchaser” attempts to limit his liability. The contract must be in 12 point type, in English or Spanish if that is the Sellers primary language. (The statute apparently presumes only English- or Spanishspeaking parties shall be delinquent!) In addition, the statute dictates the information to be put in the contract, including price, terms and possession by purchaser. A sale and leaseback will be suspect, and, under the statute as written, could be construed as a mortgage, which would be subject to a mortgage tax! There are exceptions to the statute and they are spelled out in its text, however, one of the exceptions is misleading. The statute states a Bona Fide Purchaser for Value (BFP) will take good title from an “Equity Purchaser.” However, once a foreclosure action shows up on the title, a party cannot be a BFP since he will have notice that there was a problem! A BFP must take with no notice of a defect! Finally, what if a homeowner is not in foreclosure, but at the closing it is discovered he is 2 months behind in his mortgage payments? The closing will have to be adjourned and a new contract with the proper terms and conditions, in English and Spanish if required, in 12 point type, will have to be executed. The title company will not insure otherwise! Of course, if the purchaser’s mortgage commitment expires, the deal might die anyway! This is a very terri- Cathy Quinn Nolan, Esq. ble bit of legislation! Q & A Are Landlords in Nassau County Required to Accept Section 8 Applicants under the new human rights law? The answer to the above question is that Nassau County does not require landlords to participate in the Section 8 program unless the landlord voluntarily elects to do so. Real estate brokers and agents are free to accept and follow the landlord’s instructions that Section 8 application will not be considered. REALTORS Storm Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. By Randy L. Kaplan Director of Government Affairs LIBOR members recently visited with their Members of Congress on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. as part of the NAR Mid Year Legislative Meetings. During the Hill visits, as they are commonly referred to, LIBOR’s Federal Political Coordinators and their peers informed our Congressional delegation on the REALTOR® positions on the many critical issues that affect the real estate industry. Creating affordable housing opportunities through FHA reform, enacting health care insurance legislation and protecting consumers by barring the mixing of banking and commerce were among the many issues discussed on the Hill. Our Members of Congress and their staffs updated LIBOR members on these and many more topics including some insight into national security issues. It is always fascinating to see first hand how our federal legislative system works. 23 ● ETHICS & RULES The Ethics case published in this issue have been chosen by the 2007 Chairperson of the Professional Standards Committee, Frank Dell'Accio. ATTENTION REALTORS Is your seller telling you ALL you should be told about the subject property? Do you know if the person you are dealing with is ACTUALLY the owner of the property? Has your seller told you that they may be in DEFAULT on their loan? Does your seller have a JUDGMENT or a BANKRUPTCY against their name and home? Do you know if your seller is giving you ALL the facts pertaining to C/O’s on the property? AS A REALTOR YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE TO KNOW THESE FACTS!! NY LIBERTY ABSTRACT SERVICES CORP. will provide you with a LAST OWNER AND OPEN LIEN SEARCH. This search will provide you with the following information: Copy of the Last Deed of Record • Open Mortgages against the property Any LP and Foreclosure Filings • Judgments and Liens against your client Bankruptcy and Patriot Act Searches Tax Search information and C/O Searches (available for an additional cost) YOU ARE FAR BETTER OFF PAYING FOR THESE SERVICES FROM US THAN TO HAVE A POTENTIAL LAWSUIT ON YOUR HANDS BECAUSE YOU DID NOT KNOW WHAT YOU SHOULD HAVE!! Call Our Office for More Details! It is required that ALL Realtors have this information on file. Do not rely on what your seller’s tell you ONLY. ORDER A LIEN SEARCH TODAY and ensure yourself complete knowledge of your listing! CALL (516) 203-7310 (Continued from page 22) find any additional costs. Most attorneys are not even aware of some of these costs and the ones that do may view them as business terms that their client has agreed upon. When negotiating the terms to a lease, the tenant and their broker should not take anything for granted. If they do not know something, they should ask. Often it is a good idea to interview other tenants in that building. As it is said, the best indicator of future performance is past performance. However achieved, a little due diligence will go a long way. )XOO6HUYLFH9LUWXDO7RXUV )LQGRXWZKDWPDNHVXVEHWWHU )UHH(GXFDWLRQDO6HPLQDUV &DOORUHPDLOWRVFKHGXOH\RXUV $YDLODELOLW\LVOLPLWHG ZZZ7RWDO7RXUVFRP LQIR#7RWDO7RXUVFRP ATTENTION PROFESSIONAL AGENTS DEAL DIED? COMMISSION LOST? COMMISSION or PRICE REDUCED? MAYBE IT'S TIME FOR A CHANGE We are an integrated “Full Service” real estate firm. We can help you to hold on to ALL your deals, and earn more commissions with additional services. ONLY CLOSED DEALS MAKE MONEY!! Among the services our integrated group offer are: Residential & Commercial Real Estate Sales & Leasing, Building Management, Mortgage Financing for all purposes, purchase, refi, equity lines, working capital, construction, expansion, Joint Ventures, site developments, multi-units, Title & Abstract services, Expediting of Permits, C.of C.’s, Z.B.A. applications and C.O. problem resolutions, Design & Construction “from Concept to Completion" In house contract & lease document design & review, Construction & Repairs to expedite / assist in sales or lease. Aggressive & expert broker on site daily to assist & guide in all applications. More Services = More Commissions!!! or Email Us at: INFO@NYLIBERTYABSTRACT.COM TO PLACE YOUR ODER TODAY! These searches take up to 24 hours once you receive confirmation of your order. Payment must be received and cleared prior to delivery of search. Also note that these searches are not insured and liability cannot exceed $1,000.00. If you are a professional, and would like to enhance your reputation in a buyer’s market and are ready for that change Call Valerie at (631) 244-7000 x305 for a personal confidential consultation. THE REALTOR® REALTOR® A filed a listing with the Board MLS which bulletined the information to all Participants. In the “Remarks” portion of the property data form it was noted that the seller was moving out of state. Shortly thereafter, REALTOR® A received a call from REALTOR® B, requesting permission to show the property to a prospective purchaser. REALTOR® B’s request was granted and the property was shown to the prospect. During the showing, REALTOR® B started a conversation with Seller X regarding his proposed move to another state. REALTOR® B told the seller that he was acquainted with a number of real estate brokers in the city to which Seller X was relocating and suggested that he be allowed to refer Seller X to one of these brokers. Seller X responded that REALTOR® A, the listing broker, had previously mentioned the possibility of a referral and that Seller X felt obligated to be referred by REALTOR A, if by anyone. Several days later, Seller X received a phone call from REALTOR® B who again asked permission to refer the seller to a broker in the city to which the seller was moving. The seller indicated that he was not interested in REALTOR® B’s offer and that if he wished to be referred to another broker, he would do so through REALTOR® A. The seller then called REALTOR® A and asked if there was anything REALTOR® A could do to stop REALTOR® B from requesting that he be allowed to refer the seller to another broker. Upon learning of REALTOR® B’s attempts to create a referral prospect, REALTOR® A filed a complaint with the Grievance Committee of the Board alleging a violation of Article 16 of Code of Ethics and cited Standards of Practice 1618 in support of the allegations. In accordance with the Board’s established procedures, the Grievance Committee reviewed the complaint and referred it to a panel of the Professional Standards Committee for hearing. The appropriate notices were sent to all parties and a hearing was scheduled. At the hearing, REALTOR® A produced a written statement from Seller X in support of his testimony and concluded that REALTOR® B had violated Article COUNSELOR’S COMMENTS ● Case #16-8: Unauthorized Use of Information Received from Listing Broker for the Purpose of Creating a Referral Prospect to a Third Broker of for Creating a Buyer Prospect 16 of the Code of Ethics in attempting to use confidential information received through the Board’s MLS to attempt to create a referral prospect to a third broker. REALTOR® B responded that, as a subagent of the listing broker, he was attempting to promote the seller’s best interest by referring the seller to a reputable broker whom he knew personally in the city to which the seller was going to relocate. REALTOR® B indicated that the seller had not accepted his offer of referral and, based on such refusal, REALTOR® B had not, in fact made any referral and, therefore, had not acted in a manner inconsistent with his obligations as expressed in Standard of Practice 16-18. After giving careful consideration to all evidence, the Hearing Panel determined REALTOR® B to be in violation of Article 16 by his attempt to utilize confidential MLS information to create a referral prospect to a third broker, contrary to the intent of Standard of Practice 16-18, even though his effort to obtain the seller’s permission to do so had been unsuccessful. The Hearing Panel also commented that MLS information is confidential and to be utilized only in connection with the REALTOR®’S role as cooperating broker. The panel further commented that information received form a listing broker through the MLS should not be used to create a referral prospect to a third broker or create a buyer prospect unless such use is authorized by the listing broker. June 2007 ETHICS...THIS MONTH’S TOPICS 24 ● June 2007 ● THE REALTOR® COMPUTER EDUCATION 22.5 HOUR STRATUS CERTIFICATION GET STRATIFIED!!! APPROVED FOR 22.5 HOURS NYS CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDIT 3 day hands-on program completes your 2 year continuing education requirement and makes you a Stratus WIZ! Approved for 22.5 hours CE credit. Class covers Searching, CMA, Contacts, Update, Public Records/Mailing Labels, Prospect Match, Info Center, E-Mail, Custom Reports, Contacts, Add/Edit, Photo Upload. 3 DAYS • 9:00 A.M. – 5:30 P.M. • 22.5 HOURS OF CE CREDIT EVENING CLASSES ARE 5 DAYS FROM 5:00PM – 9:30PM TUITION: $225 LIBOR Members; $250 Admin. Staff (Letter Must be on File) Jackson Heights . . June 18, 20 and 21 Woodbury . . . . . . June 19, 22 and 26 West Babylon . . . . June 22, 26 and 29 West Babylon . . . . July 11, 13 and 18 Riverhead . . . . . . July 11, 18 and 24 (WEDNESDAY Classes) Woodbury . . . . . . July 12, 18 and 19 West Babylon . . . . July 14, 15 and 21 (WEEKEND Classes) Jackson Heights . . July 25, 27 and 30 West Babylon . . . . July 27, 30 and 31 Woodbury . . . . . . July 27, 30 and 31 West Babylon . . . . Aug 7, 8 and 14 Jackson Heights . . Aug 13, 14 and 18 Riverhead . . . . . . Aug 13, 15 and 17 Woodbury . . . . . . Aug 14, 16 and 21 West Babylon . . . . Aug 16, 23 and 30 (THURSDAY Classes) Jackson Heights . . Aug 23, 24 and 30 West Babylon . . . . Aug 27, 28 and 29 REGISTER ON LINE AT MLSLI.COM OR CALL TO REGISTER 631-661-4800 EXT. 21 OR 718-429-8666 OR 631-369-6148 OR 516-284-5413 SEATS ARE LIMITED! Pre-Requisites: Student must be comfortable using the mouse, Windows scrollbars and have basic Internet skills. All registrants will be screened to determine ability. Any student who is not a regular computer user should take “Computer Essentials” prior to registering for this course. PRIVATE TUTORING PRIVATE INDIVIDUAL HANDS ON TUTORING Receive one-on-one training with an experienced LIBOR trainer in our W. Babylon, Riverhead or Jackson Heights training centers. Cost can be shared by two students under one registration. Topics Available: Computer basics, MLS Stratus, Windows, E-Mail, Internet, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook. $169 FOR A 2 HOUR SESSION • NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY STRATUS CERTIFICATION OR 4 STRATUS CLASS* Graduates Need A Refresher??? Take a private tutoring session for 2 hours! Discounted cost of $99 (Cost can be shared by two students under one registration). The instructor will review any questions/problems YOU have. The instructor will show YOU exactly what YOU want to know. PREREQUISITES: Must have taken Stratus Certification or the 4 Stratus classes* within the last year of taking this tutoring session to receive the discounted price of $99.00. PLEASE CALL DENISE RIVERA AT 631-661-4800 XT. 385 FOR MORE DETAILS. *4 STRATUS CLASSES CONSIST OF SEARCHING LEVEL 1 & 2, STRATUS CMA AND PUBLIC RECORDS TO REGISTER FOR GENERAL AND COMPUTER EDUCATION PROGRAMS: • REGISTER BY TELEPHONE OR FAX: REALTOR Service Centers West Babylon . . . . (631) 661-4800 • Fax (631) 661-2103 Jackson Heights. . (718) 429-8666 • Fax (718) 429-6959 Riverhead . . . . . . . (631) 369-6148 • Fax (631) 369-6172 Woodbury . . . . . . . (516) 284-5413 • Fax (516) 284-5415 • MAIL YOUR REGISTRATION:* Realtor Building, 300 Sunrise Highway, West Babylon, NY 11704, Attn: Education Department *This registration option is not available for Computer Classes. • TO REGISTER ON-LINE OR FOR DIRECTIONS, VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT MLSLI.COM INFORMATION: COURSE CONFIRMATIONS: A confirmation letter will be mailed to you approximately one week before the course start date. If you do not receive one by then, please phone us. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT FREE STRATUS DEMO MLS STRATUS DEMO — FREE Three hour lecture demonstration (NOT hands-on). Instructor will show the Stratus system on an overhead projector. All functions of Stratus will be covered: Searching, CMA, Update, Info Center, Public Records, Add/Edit, Prospect Match, Contacts. All members welcome — reservations are a MUST! 3 Hours (1 meeting) NO PRE-REQUISITES. 3 HOURS CE NOW AVAILABLE. LIBOR MEMBERS WITHOUT CE: FREE LIBOR MEMBERS WITH CE: $25 West Babylon . . . . July 23, Aug 17 . . 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Jackson Heights . . July 10, Aug 9 . . . 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Riverhead . . . . . . July 12, Aug 6 . . . 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Woodbury . . . . . . July 13, Aug 10 . . 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. 3.75 HOUR STRATUS HANDS ON RECEIVE 3.75 HOURS OF CE CREDIT GET INTO STRATUS — SEARCHING LEVEL 1 This hands-on course includes: Stratus Log-In, Review of Internet Explorer Basics, Stratus functions/tabs/Navigation, Stratus Update — How to Print, Pre-Defined Searches, Quick Search, Search Results screen; printing, Reports: Full/Thumbnail/Flyer; printing, Using Help & Stratus FAQ’s, Print by ML#, Today’s Listings on Info Center and much more! 3.75 Hours (1 meeting) PREREQUISITES: Computers Essentials and/or knowledge of minimize/maximize/drag Windows, mouse click and double click, scrolling and task bar. West Babylon . . . . July 9. . . . . . . . . 9:00 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. Riverhead . . . . . . July 11 . . . . . . . . 9:00 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. Woodbury . . . . . . Aug 7 . . . . . . . . . 9:00 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. MAXIMIZE YOUR STRATUS SEARCHES — SEARCHING LEVEL 2 This hands-on course includes: Full Search, Flex Search, Radius Search, Multi-Level Sorting, Saving Searches, Custom Report Design, Statistics and Counts and much more! 3.75 Hours CE (1 meeting) PREREQUISITES: Get Into Stratus and/or knowledge of all functions covered in Get Into Stratus. West Babylon . . . . July 12 . . . . . . . . 9:00 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. Jackson Heights . . July 12 . . . . . . . . 9:00 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. Woodbury . . . . . . Aug 9 . . . . . . . . . 9:00 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. POWER LISTING WITH CMA AND OTHER STRATUS TOOLS This hands-on course includes: Designing and Printing a Stratus CMA, Adding and Editing MLS listings, Adding and Editing Private listings, Uploading multiple property photos, Market Share reports and graphs, Contacts: add, edit, search, print, download and much more! 3.75 Hours CE (1 meeting) PREREQUISITES: Maximize Your Stratus Searches and/or extensive Stratus searching experience. West Babylon . . . . July 17 . . . . . . . . . 9:00 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. Jackson Heights . . July 18 . . . . . . . . 9:00 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. Woodbury . . . . . . Aug 15 . . . . . . . . 9:00 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. LEADS & LABELS WITH STRATUS RECORDS This hands-on course includes: Searching property records by address, Searching property records by owner name, Researching lis pendens, Researching property classification (business, commercial, residential, land), Downloading property addresses from public records, Printing mailing labels using Word’s mail merge function and label wizard and much more! 3.75 Hours CE (1 meeting) PREREQUISITES: Maximize your Stratus Searches and/or extensive Stratus searching experience. West Babylon . . . . July 20 . . . . . . . . . 9:00 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. Jackson Heights . . July 23 . . . . . . . . 9:00 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. Woodbury . . . . . . Aug 20 . . . . . . . . 9:00 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. $59 EACH CLASS — LIBOR MEMBERS OR ASK ABOUT OUR 2, 3, OR 4 CLASS PACKAGE AND SAVE CANCELLATION POLICY: Up to 3 business days before program, full refund. 50% refund after 3 business days before program. NO REFUNDS thereafter; education credit only. A “noshow” forfeits entire tuition. LIBOR reserves the right to cancel if minimum enrollment is not met. GENERAL COMPUTER TRAINING GET AN EXTRA HOUR FOR THE SAME $29 LIBOR MEMBER PRICE COMPUTER ESSENTIALS USING WINDOWS XP AND THE INTERNET Calling all frustrated computer users! Are you TIRED of asking for help? Learn how to find lost files, create new folders, change your desktop, install and uninstall computer software and much more using WindowsXP. You will also learn to search the Internet for helpful websites using the most popular search engines such as Google and Yahoo. See how easy it is to navigate around the Web and find the information you need. You'll do some searching for real estate websites in your town and find out what your competition is up to! 4 hours hands-on (1 Meeting) PREREQUISITES: NONE. NO CE AVAILABLE. TUITION: $29 LIBOR Members/$39 Non Members West Babylon . . . . Aug 3 . . . . . . . . . 9:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Jackson Heights . . Aug 7 . . . . . . . . . 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Riverhead . . . . . . July 19 . . . . . . . . 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Woodbury . . . . . . July 16 . . . . . . . . 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. FLYERS, LETTERS AND MAILING LABELS: Microsoft WORD for the Real Estate Professional Realtors need top notch looking documents to set themselves apart from the competition. Learn how to create property flyers, client letters and mailing labels for mass mailings.This class covers creating and saving new documents, inserting photos, adding borders, changing fonts and other fabulous features to enhance your marketing efforts. 4 hours hands-on (1 meeting) PREREQUISITES: Computer Essentials Using Windows XP and the Internet, or equivalent experience. Student must have some basic familiarity with WORD. NO CE AVAILABLE. TUITION: $29 LIBOR Members/$39 Non Members West Babylon . . . . July 16 . . . . . . . . 9:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Jackson Heights . . July 19 . . . . . . . . 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Riverhead . . . . . . June 26, Aug 16 . . 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Woodbury . . . . . . June 21, Aug 24 . . 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. TOP 20 WEBSITES EVERY REALTOR NEEDS Are you really taking advantage of the wealth of information on the Internet??? From renewing your real estate license online to finding FSBO's, from checking the DO NOT CALL list to registering your own domain name for a future website — this class will give you many powerful tips to build your business and keep a competitive edge. Check out the powerful information on real estate advice and coaching websites, find all the Long Island school report cards, legal forms, and learn how to set up mailings and postcards online! Don’t miss this class. 4 hours hands-on (1 meeting) PREREQUISITES: Computer Essentials Using Windows XP and the Internet or equivalent experience. NO CE AVAILABLE. TUITION: $29 LIBOR Members/$39 Non Members West Babylon . . . . June 14 . . . . . . . 9:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. E-MARKETING & CONTACT MANAGEMENT USING MICROSOFT OUTLOOK This course is designed for the Realtor who knows the importance of creating and maintaining strong contacts. Through correspondence and organization, agents can build their business and develop critical relationships with customers and business associates. Outlook is a desktop information management program. In this class you will learn how to set up Outlook Today, change Views, manage E-Mail inbox, create folders, set up auto-responders and multiple signatures, create and manage Contacts, set up Categories and Filters, create Mailing Labels, Calendar, recurring appointments and printing various calendar views. Note: This course will not cover the Outlook Express program that is distributed free on many new PCs. Users should verify ownership of Microsoft Outlook prior to Registering. 4 Hours – NO CE AVAILABLE TUITION: $29 LIBOR Members/$39 Non Members West Babylon . . . . July 10 . . . . . . . . 9:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. CE IS NOT AVAILABLE FOR THE 4 CLASSES ABOVE. 6/6 — Mortgage Knowledge To Save Your Deal 6/21 — Building A Better CMA; Applying the Principles of Residential Appraising (Not a CMA computer course) 6/26 — Our Business Is Changing: Are You Up To Date?❋ 7/11 — DisclosureˆInsulation from Litigation: Safeguards & Precautions❋ 7/25 — Consumer-Based Marketing 7/30 — Understanding Like-Kind Exchanges Under Section 1031 of the Internal Revenue Code to Benefit Both Clients & Customers❋ 8/7 — What Every Realtor Should Know; A Risk Reduction Seminar❋ 8/13 — Analyzing, Selecting & Managing the Real Estate Investment 8/16 — Our Business Is Changing; Are You Up To Date?❋ RSC, RIVERHEAD, 9:00AM-5:30PM 6/4 — Commercial Real Estate: All About Leases 6/13 — DisclosureˆInsulation from Litigation: Safeguards & Precautions❋ 6/28 — Mortgage Knowledge To Save Your Deal 7/10 — Home Inspection Survival Guide for Realtors: Understanding the Process for a Smoother Transaction 7/23 — Environmental Construction Concerns in Residential Real Estate 7/26 — Commission Entitlement, Protection and License Law❋ 8/2 — Assisting Sellers in Transacting Short Sales in lieu of the Sellers Losing Their Properties in Foreclosure❋ 8/13 — Our Business Is Changing; Are You Up To Date?❋ 8/29 — Buyer Brokerage & Ethics: The Right Choices❋ RSC, WOODBURY, 9:00AM-5:30PM 6/25 — Introduction to Commercial & Investment Real Estate: Concepts & Terms 6/27 — Buyer Brokerage & Ethics: the Right Choices❋ 7/9 — Making the Right Decisions Even When Nobody’s Looking❋ 7/18 — Building A Better CMA; Applying the Principles of Residential Appraising (Not a CMA computer course) 7/31 — Our Business Is Changing: Are You Up To Date?❋ 8/2 — Good Morning Class; A Wake-Up Call On Dealing with Today’s Buyers, Sellers & Unprecedented Market Conditions 8/15 — The Not-So-Basic Basics of Mortgage Financing 8/21 — Introduction to Commercial & Investment Real Estate: Tools of the Trade BEST WESTERN MILL RIVER MANOR, ROCKVILLE CENTRE, 8:30AM-5:00PM 6/19 — Disclosure — Insulation from Litigation — Safeguards & Precautions❋ 7/12 — Buyer Brokerage & Ethics: the Right Choices❋ 7/19 — Environmental Construction Concerns in Residential Real Estate 7/24 — Maximizing Opportunities in the Co-Op Condo Market 8/1 — Negotiation: Client Advocacy 8/16 — Working With Seniors; The Oldies but Goodies 8/28 — Building A Better CMA; Applying the Principles of Residential Appraising (Not a CMA computer course) ❋ APPROVED FOR AND SATISFIES NAR MANDATED ETHICS COURSE REQUIREMENT FOR REALTORS NEEDED BY 12/31/08. Approved for 7.5 hours NYS CE credit. This course assists new agents in launching their career in the real estate profession. You will learn how to start listing & selling effectively, work with customers & clients, prospect, market & overcome objections, negotiate effectively to close the sale, work within the guidelines of the law & REALTOR® Code of Ethics & MLS Rules, control your success! June 23 & 24. . . . . West Babylon . . . . . . . . 10:00AM – 5:00PM (Weekend) July 18, 19, 20 . . . West Babylon . . . . . . . 9:00AM – 1:00PM July 30, 31, Aug 1 . Riverhead . . . . . . . . . 9:00AM – 1:00PM August 6, 7, 8. . . . Woodbury . . . . . . . . . 9:00AM – 1:00PM August 28, 29, 30. . Jackson Heights . . . . . 9:00AM – 1:00PM TUITION: w/o CE with CE LIBOR Licensing Students/Members . . .$25 . . . . . .$65 Non-members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$150 . . . . .$215 “LIST TO LAST” — FAST TRACK TO SUCCESS IN REAL ESTATE Approved for 15 hours NYS CE credit. The BEST 2-day real estate listing & selling course designed for immediate success! For salespeople at any point in their career...with National Trainer, Jim Pugliese, ABR, CRB, GRI, CBR, ITI, CSP NOTARY PUBLIC TRAINING SEMINAR Want to become a notary but concerned about the exam? This program prepares by getting you acquainted with the format of the state exam, receive study booklets, application form and instructions, be familiar with types of questions asked and learn what is expected in order for you to be confident and prepared to pass the notary exam. June 19 . . . Jackson Heights Oct. 11 . . . . Jackson Heights July 17 . . . . West Babylon Nov. 15. . . . West Babylon August 15 . . Riverhead Dec. 14 . . . Riverhead Sept. 12 . . . Woodbury TIME: 10:00AM – 1:00PM INSTRUCTOR: Sal D’Agate, REALTOR TUITION: $35 LIBOR Members, $55 Non-members LICENSING 45-HOUR SALESPERSON QUALIFYING COURSES Riverhead . . . . . . 9AM – 5:30PM. . . June 18-22, 25* West Babylon . . . . 9AM – 5:30PM. . . July 9-13, 16* Woodbury . . . . . . 9AM – 5:30PM. . . July 23-27, 30* West Babylon . . . . 9AM – 5:30PM. . . August 6-10, 13* Jackson Heights . . 9AM – 5:30PM. . . August 20-24, 27* *Exam date till 6:30PM TUITION: $145 LIBOR Members, $175 Non-members TIME: 9:00AM – 5:30PM TUITION: SALESPERSON: $175 – register 5 business days before course; $195 – thereafter. BROKER: $175 – LIBOR Members; $195 – Non-members. MAKING MORE MONEY WITH MORTGAGES 45-HOUR BROKER QUALIFYING COURSES DATES TO FOLLOW Approved for 22 1/2 hours NYS CE credit. This course is for real estate agents & brokers who are seeking the ability to legally participate in the mortgage industry, mortgage companies wanting to train new loan officers and real estate agents wanting to learn more about the mortgage process. June 20, 21, 22. . . Woodbury . . . . . . . . . 9:00AM – 5:30PM TUITION: $245 LIBOR Members, $295 Non-members INSTRUCTOR: Dominick Sutera AGENCY...COMPLIANCE OF THE NEW 2007 AGENCY DISCLOSURE FORM & YOU Approved for 3 hours NYS CE credit. This program will provide you with instruction on how to properly fill out the form with buyers & sellers; an overview of agency and the various types of representation; sellerXs agent, buyerXs agent, brokerXs agent, dual agent, who are you? explanation of the revised MLS Listing AgreementXs offering of cooperation & the new Buyer Brokerage Agreement. Q&A segment at conclusion. OFFERINGS TO BE ANNOUNCED Jackson Heights . . 9AM – 5:00PM. . . July 16-20, 23, 24* Riverhead . . . . . . 9AM – 5:00PM. . . August 20-24, 27, 28* *Exam date till 7:00PM DESIGNATION & PROF DEVELOPMENT NEW YORK STATE REALTOR INSTITUTE 2007 GRI, SRES & ABR DESIGNATION COURSE OFFERINGS (All NYSAR Classes) Each module approved for NYS CE credit. LOCATION: Realtor Service Center West Babylon • 8:30am – 5:30pm To register for GRI courses, call NYSAR @ 518-463-0300. WEST BABYLON JACKSON HEIGHTS GRI 409 . . . . . . June 18-19 GRI 405 . . . . . . June 20 GRI 408 . . . . . . October 15 GRI 409 . . . . . . Sept. 5-6 GRI 405 . . . . . . October 22 GRI 406 . . . . . . October 9 GRI 406 . . . . . . October 23 TUITION: $35 LIBOR Members, $70 Non-members INSTRUCTOR: Don Scanlon, CRB, CBR SRES. . . . . . . . Nov. 5-6 THE RULES OF THE REAL ESTATE GAME — MLS PROCEDURES & RULES: SITUATIONS AND SOLUTIONS CBR — CERTIFIED BUYER REPRESENTATIVE DESIGNATION COURSE Approved for 3 hours NYS CE credit. Effective participation in the MLS directly impacts your earning ability and helps you avoid penalties and violations. Topics covered include how to properly fill out agreements, getting offers presented, handling multiple offers, registering binders, follow-up to protect yourself and much more. This course is important for new agents! July 17 . . . Woodbury . . . . . . . . Instructor: Don Scanlon August 16. . Riverhead . . . . . . . . Instructor: Mary Adams TIME: 10:00AM — 1:00PM TUITION: $20 LIBOR Members, $45 Non-members FLORIDA REAL ESTATE BROKER LICENSING COURSE Approved for 22.5 hours NYS CE credit. Through Daniel Taddeo Real Estate School. Complete the course in 7 days without the expense of going to Florida! Now you can take your Florida State Exam here in NY — 2 locations: Garden City or Manhattan. OFFERINGS TO BE ANNOUNCED TUITION: $395 LIBOR Members, $495 Non-members INSTRUCTOR: Daniel J. Taddeo, PA TIME: 8:45AM – 6:30PM ABR . . . . . . . . Sept. 18-19 Approved for 22.5 hours NYS Continuing Education Credit. July 10, 11, 12 . . . . Holiday Inn, Plainview. . Before/After 6/12 Instructor: James V. Pugliese Aug. 7, 8, 9 . . . . . Best Western East End Hotel, Riverhead . . . . . Before/After 7/10 Instructor: James V. Pugliese Aug. 28, 29, 30 . . RSC, West Babylon . . . Before/After 7/31 Instructor: James V. Pugliese Oct. 16, 17, 18 . . . RSC, Woodbury. . . . . . Before/After 9/18 Instructor: Roseann Farrow Nov. 13, 14, 15 . . . RSC, West Babylon . . . Before/After 10/16 Instructor: James V. Pugliese Nov. 27, 28, 29. . . Dante Caterers Jackson Heights . . . . . Before/After 10/30 Instructor: James V. Pugliese Dec. 11, 12, 13 . . . Holiday Inn, Plainview. . Before/After 11/13 Instructor: James V. Pugliese INSTRUCTORS: Roseann Farrow, CRB, CRS, E-PRO, GRI, ITI James V. Pugliese, ABR, CRB, GRI, CBR, CSP, ITI TIME: 8:30am – 5:30pm TUITION: Before: $345 LIBOR Members $375 Non-Members After: $375 LIBOR Members $405 Non Members THE REALTOR® RSC, JACKSON HEIGHTS, 9:00AM-5:30PM NEW AGENT “UP & RUNNING” ROOKIE CERTIFICATE PROGRAM NOTARY PUBLIC ● 6/15 — What You Don’t Know Can & Will Be Used Against You In A Court of Law 6/22 — Buyer Brokerage & Ethics: The Right Choices❋ 6/25 — Working With Seniors... the Oldies but Goodies 6/27 — Technology & Risk Management 6/28 — Millennium Marketing Madness 7/17 — Mortgage Knowledge To Save Your Deal 7/26 — Personal Assistant: Delegate for Dollars 7/31 — Be All That You Can Be❋ 8/14 — Representation for New Home Construction 8/24 — Close Encounters of the Legal Kind; What Every Agent Must Know❋ 8/27 — Commercial Real Estate: All About Leases CONTINUING EDUCATION June 2007 RSC, WEST BABYLON, 9:00AM-5:30PM PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT ● CONTINUING EDUCATION 25 REAL ESTATE EDUCATION 26 ● June 2007 ● THE REALTOR® SERVICES DIRECTORY BUSINESS CAREER OPPORTUNITIES All Nations Realty...................................................718.663.2187 Century 21 Annettes ..............................................516.564.4480 Century 21 Mac Levitt............................................516.764.6200 Century 21 Metro NY Brokers Council ..................800.537.8108 Century 21 Metro-Pro ............................................516.984.5797 Century 21 Prevete Real Estate...................516.520.3838 x 161 Charles Rutenberg Realty .....................................516.575.7500 Coldwell Banker Manor Gate ................................516.763.8950 Daniel Gale Sotheby’s International Realty ..........888.931.9500 ERA Top Service Realty.........................................718.441.5800 EXIT Realty of NYC & LI ........................................347.624.2251 Keystone Realty ....................................................800.390.8083 Pan American Realty Network ..............................718.848.6785 Prudential Douglas Elliman Real Estate................631.549.7401 RE/MAX of New York, Inc. ....................................800.736.2969 RE/MAX People .....................................................718.683.3700 RE/MAX Unlimited .................................................516.822.7362 Suffolk Realty Group..............................................631.244.7000 ENGINEERS AC&E Home Inspection & Engineering .................631.205.1340 Federated Consultant Service ..............................800.422.4473 HouseMaster Home Inspection .............................800.805.1122 HOME & EQUIPMENT INSPECTIONS/SERVICES AC&E Home Inspection & Engineering .................631.205.1340 Federated Consultant Service ..............................800.422.4473 HouseMaster Home Inspection .............................800.805.1122 INSURANCE/LEGAL Jay S. Gootenberg, AHS Errors & Omissions, Home Warranties.............................................Off: 631.325.9107 Cell: 516.322.7143 Insurance Plus........................................................516.922.1200 MEDIA Clover Mill Associates............................................516.568.1800 LIBOR Membership Directory ...............................631.661.9126 MLS/LIBOR — Web Site...............................631.661.4800 x 348, The Realtor Advertising .......................................516.676.6089 Total Tours 360.......................................................516.505.0140 MEMBER BENEFITS New York State Association of REALTORS..518.463.0300 x 229 MORTGAGES 1st Capital Home Mortgage...................................877.824.7825 PROMOTION SERVICES DSI Design Group..................................................516.676.6089 PROPERTY SALES Greenthal ................................................................718.423.3130 TECHNOLOGY MLS Products & Services...............................631.661.4800 x 11 MLS Tech Support Services.................................631.661.TECH United 1st Financial ................................................877.711.7301 TITLE SERVICES Advertise In The Publication That Reaches Over 26,000 LIBOR Members! CONTACT... DSI DESIGN GROUP CHRISTOPHER MEADOWS Tel: (516) 676-6089 • Fax: (516) 676-4769 email: NY Liberty Abstract Services.................................516.203.7310 VIRTUAL BUSINESS SERVICES Intelligent Office......................................................631.881.0800 THE SERVICES DIRECTORY IS PROVIDED AS AN ADDITIONAL SERVICE. THE PUBLISHER DOES NOT ASSUME ANY LIABILITY FOR ERRORS OR OMISSIONS. Need Help With Your Ad? We offer professional Design and Ad Layout services at a reasonable cost. 27 ● June 2007 ● THE REALTOR® R EALPARTNER HOTLINE (877) 824-7825 OR VISIT REGISTRATION WWW.1 ST CAPITAL. TV IS FREE! THE R EALPARTNER P ROGRAM INTRODUCING THE REALPARTNER PROGRAM...MAKING REALTOR® JUST GOT A WHOLE LOT EASIER MONEY AS A The RealPartner Program is an opportunity to substantially increase your income while offering your clients complete and efficient services at a reduced overall cost. By becoming a RealPartner and originating the mortgage loan YOURSELF you will feel comfortable that your real estate transactions will consummate in the most efficient manner because you will have total control of the mortgage process. You will make more sales and retain more clients because each customer will be prequalified by you and 1st Capital before you show them a house. Once you preapprove the customer and demonstrate that you have the best mortgage rate, terms and service in the industry through 1st Capital there will be no reason for them to take a mortgage loan from anyone else. Your client retention and contact will skyrocket. In addition, if that client does close without your services as a Realtor®, you will still be entitled to your sales commission at 1st Capital for originating the mortgage loan. Either way you win. By RealPartnering with 1st Capital in this changing market you are taking the necessary steps to ensure your future. You will become a complete Real Estate Professional and your clients will grow to rely on you as such. THE 1st Capital Home Mortgage is one of the largest privately owned mortgage companies in New York State, having closed over $1 billion dollars in mortgage loans in 2006. As a wholesale conduit to lenders like Chase, Citibank, Countrywide, IndyMac and WellsFargo, 1st Capital can offer loans that match or beat these institutions' own retail rates. 1st Capital can provide a loan to the consumer that will close at the best rate and terms available in the market, hands down. It really is that simple. The terrific growth of 1st Capital since the company's inception in 2001 has been due to our commitment to excellence in service. Our service excellence was achieved both by hiring a team of intelligent, friendly, seasoned, industry personnel and by developing proprietary, web-based technologies customized to create efficiencies in daily operations. These custom features were created through the synchronization of professional experience in industry with a creative and tireless technological development staff. This synergy has combined to establish our hegemony among mortgage companies. Outstanding personnel and custom technologies has created a mortgage company with unsurpassed service. This excellence in service, has lead to our company's exponential growth. We are going to continue that trend. We welcome you to our family. REALPARTNER TOTAL SUPPORT GUARANTEE 1st Capital hereby guarantees you complete and total support through the entire mortgage loan process, from contract to closing. Our team of Account Executives is comprised of an expert staff of seasoned personnel in the areas of placement, compliance, processing, closing and funding of mortgage loans. You can be comfortable originating loans today knowing that your Account Executive Team will be available to answer all of your questions at anytime. We’ve Spent Billions To Make a Brand New You Brand matters. That’s one very important reason why RE/MAX® agents are so much more successful than others in the industry. This year alone, RE/MAX agents will spend more than $1.5 billion to promote themselves and their listings. And along the way, every one of those dollars will promote the RE/MAX brand and every agent associated with it. Wouldn’t you like to have billions of dollars working for you your first day on the job? Brand matters. Just imagine your first listing presentation as a RE/MAX agent. Before you even begin, your potential clients already associate you with four things: quality, integrity, experience and success. Yes, brand matters. And no brand in real estate speaks louder than RE/MAX. Where Do You Want to Be? Share the power of RE/MAX. Call or visit us online today. of New York, Inc. (800) 543-9216®® Equal opportunity employers. Each RE/MAX® office is independently owned and operated. © 2007 by RE/MAX International, Inc. All rights reserved. 061405