The Kibosho Focus -


The Kibosho Focus -
The Kibosho Focus
February 28— March 13, 2012
Cartoon pg 4
NO. 003
Hamisa reveals her success story
o anyone who
knew the former form six
Hamisa Nkya, it’s no
surprise that she was the
best and to be accurate,
she managed to stay at the
top of the class ever since
she made her way here
back in 2010.
The value of education depends on
doing what should
be done
—Hamisa Nkya
Do mangoes
simply change how
we behave?
Seeing that it was raining, students were
running to their respective classrooms to
protect themselves from getting wet.
>>>page 3
Precisely Hamisa Nkya
had always made straight
A’s in the internal exams.
Following this amazing
record she had set for
herself, The Kibosho
Focus had to talk to her
and hear what she had to
Form Six dorm
becomes a second
hand “Memorial
to this paper,
Some of the former Form Four students, at their graduation|Photo courtesy of school website
Nkya said the society
around her played a bigger role in teaching
and moulding her
the person she is.
>>>PAGE 3
Form Fives’ first day at the Farm
orm Fives have attended
shamba assignment before they
began studies.
The observation made by The
Kibosho Focus found that most of
them performed their duties gladly
though it was the new experience to
most of them.
Speaking to the paper, one of them
who could not be identified by name
said she was already prepared for
shamba before she came.
“I was psychologically
was challenging but I managed to
finish” she said.
Despite being new, they got their duty
done on time.
Congratulations our dear Form Fives.
Students, names withheld, varying from
young Form ones to the older Form five
were seen there sorting out what is worth
>>>>page 2
Where’re we
heading as a
country? >>pg 5
We apologize for being out of Print for Two weeks.
The School Printing Facilities had technical problems. We apologize for inconveniences resulted.
- Managing Editor
The Kibosho Focus
FEBRUARY 28— MARCH 13, 2012
The Form six Graduants reveal their feelings
“Yaani acha tu, I
feel like dying. I
am happy yani mtu
akifungua moyo
wangu atakuta
happiness but I’ll
really miss
maembe from
Erasto and Millans
because they are
really cheap and
sepa the food given
to me by sister”
t was on Thursday evening
around 9 soon after A level
special prayers where The
Kibosho Focus interviewed different graduants and asked them
about their feelings on quitting
from the school and here are
some of their responses.
Sara Shauri said, “I feel so so good
but still so fearful about the world
outside but happy about being free
and to start a new life”
While Sarah feels like she’s on the top
of the world Jackline Kaningwa said, “I
feel normal and later on added “so
happy because I’ll be thrashing away
While everyone seemed to be replying
the same thing, Faith Lauwo revealed
that this place was not an appropriate
place for her.
“I can’t wait to graduate. I thank God
because I think it’s a miracle because
Form Six dorm becomes a second
hand “Memorial market”
Memorial “second hand market”.
o anyone who is an
inhabitant of Moshi
municipality must very
much be aware of the King
George Memorial Market at
Soweto where the second hand
clothes and other cheaper staffs
are sold in there.
From Friday February 17, 2012
when the former form six were
preparing to leave, their dorm
turned into just that, “Memorial
Students, names withheld, varying
from young Form ones to the
older Form five were seen there
sorting out what is worth taking.
People who were interested in
some “products” had an opportunity to take all they thought they
could use.
On Saturday, after graduation
some students were seen taking
things like cups through the windows since the dorm was locked.
Tools like sticks were used
through the window to pick up
smaller things they could pick.
On their move away from the
dorm, former form six threw away The exercise continued until the
Headmistress managed to catch
properties such as school unisome students right-handed
forms, sweaters, shamba dresses,
(names withheld at least for now).
sandals, slippers, used t-shirts,
khangas, soap dishes, bathing tins
According to the public notice
and everything beyond imaginamade by the Headmistress, she
was very disappointed because the
To the surprise, to some students ones who did that were the ones
she never expected to be get to
this became a blessing, much
that stage of “relocate” Memorial
more, a place to obtain the used
products just like the King George grounds to former form six dor-
I’ve been waiting to go to the appropriate place where I belong and where I
should be”
Literally means if
somebody had to
open up her heart
she would find
happiness. She will really miss mangoes
sold by Erasto and Millans.
On behalf of this paper, we wish all the
The former Discipline Minister Magreth former form six the best and God’s
wisdom because what awaits them is the
Mallya said that her heart is full of hapbest.
By Hellen Mshana
A sister and a brother were into a fight where as
their father appeared and solved to his wideness letting everyone to go to owns room. After
few minutes the brother went to his sister’s
door and knocked, “are you awake?”
The sister replied, “am not telling you!”
Vice President was visited by her father
at 5PM while other parents were quitting
for home!
A tell of “nail cutter” at
St. Agnes
Much hungry seven first to eat girls (lead
by Sara Kihomwe) decided to get to the
Parents’ buffet no. 20 because, as they
claimed, it was raining and they couldn’t
wait to get into their class buffet.
Deputy Minister for projects bet five
pieces of chicken meat. She said she
didn’t eat such nice meal since January
13, when she got one at Highway Hotel
on the way to school.
Nancy Simon took three full plates
which eventually got her stomachache.
Faith Assey and Hellen Materu ate more
than one plate claiming that it normal
especially during school graduations.
Sara Kihomwe washed her spoon by
using Fanta Orange.
It was on the graduation eve, last Friday when a
girl (name preserved) caused a prolonged
laughter at St. Agnes upstairs dormitory.
The electricity suddenly went off in that night
when girls were busy preparing their skirts and
other staffs for graduation.
All activities suddenly stopped and students
started buzzing about everything including the
barbers who trimmed them in the afternoon,
cooks who were preparing for graduation food
and others who were decorating the graduation
At the middle of these discussions, the generator was started and power was on once again.
A student, having realized that power was back,
she said, “wow! Nail cutter is on!” followed by a
lot of laughers from all dorm members including the moody ones, the ones who were sad
The Kibosho Focus
FEBRUARY 28— MARCH 13, 2012
She said that was possible through
casual interactions and serious advice she had received from those
around her.
Hamisa reveals her success story
“Academic excellence is all about control of the mind, self discipline and What does she advise the
understanding between individual and remaini ng students?
Hamisa says, “It’s very
society around.” She said.
easy to pass and very easy
Nkya sites an interesting example of how to fail all alike. Sometimes
the people around her contribute to her we call it lack when we see
projected success, giving a mention to a person rising to the top.
But the truth is it isn’t
her twin sister.
always the case”.
She says at most times when her twin
sister Hamida (Nkya) underperformed,
she would feel sad. In efforts to offer a
helping hand, she’d to spend more time
for her in elaborating things, efforts
which had always made her even more
The last
become the first
if she observes
the rules and
“If parents weren’t good
in education and don’t
value it, only a miracle
can make a child become someone else.”
Again, Hamisa says that
despite having to study
hard, students should
learn to be risk takers.
“If you don’t understand something its
Then she adds, “The last
better not to waste your
person can become the
time on it rather you
first if she observes the
should focus in what
rules and discipline.” She
also thinks that sometimes it’s the back- you understand and make the most out
ground of a person that makes her of it”
She adds, “If a question comes from
where you have not studied then use
general knowledge but make sure you
score all the marks from the topic which
you really studied”
Hamisa concluded by a quote, “The
value of education depends on doing
what should be done whether you want
it or not and that will be your value for
life time.
Despite being the best, she also reveals
that Geography was the most challenging
subject and despite having worked hard
she feels that it wasn’t the way she would
have expected.
Do mangoes simply change how we behave?
Most societies believe that rainy season
is a blessing. And at Kibosho, it looks
like rain has more than agricultural
It was not clear whether this daring act
was a result of hunger or students determination to obtain “free mangoes”.
Speaking to the student who was on the
scene, The Kibosho Focus found that
running through the rain was to ensure
that people secure a reasonable amount
In the absence of famous mango seller,
Erasto, who is no where to be seen for at of mangoes.
least two weeks now, people have not
stopped eating mangoes for all this time. Answering the question whether she
doesn’t fear getting sick, a wet student
The question is, where do these manwhose name is withheld said, “students
goes come from?
never get sick because of hustling!”
When asked if hustling means walking
The matter braised on cloudy Monday
through the rain, she said, “It’s because I
last week, when it heavily rained soon
was picking up mangoes”
after the second shift got out of the
dining hall.
Couldn’t she wait until the rain stops?
Se responded, “what if someone could
The rain became a blessing to the
come before me to pick them. By the
“opportunitists” who took advantage of
the rainfall to pick up the fallen mangoes way I should go and finish picking them
after the hard blowing rain at the mango up before other people come”
trees behind the assembly hall.
On the other raining day last week,
people were seen running carelessly
Seeing that it was raining, students were during class hours through the rain.
running to their respective classrooms to
It was later found that they asked perprotect themselves from getting wet.
mission from their lesson teachers to
However, there were some students who powder their noses while the truth was
they were “making the most of their
were running through the rain for the
time” only to come back with mangoes.
aim of picking up mangoes since the
wind was blowing strongly.
Mangoes “stolen” from teacher’s com-
Sara Kihomwe in rotten mangoes
On the evening after preparations, some
girls went to Mr. Marenga’s residence to
“steal” the assembled mangoes at his
parking area.
Good number of students took their
“raskets” and large sized plastic bags to
fill in ripen, unripe and rotten mangoes
in them without the permission of the
Timetable Master.
It was later known that he wanted to
distribute these mangoes to students.
The paper was told that some students
who were highly in need of fruits found
out that there were mangoes collected at
the mentioned parking area and conveyed the information to others.
In the mean time, Sara Kihomwe, a
famous pink girl (form Four), was spotted this week eating rotten mangoes with
vividly seen maggots “on their stage
dancing” on the mango surface.
Amusingly she looked normal and
claimed the mango was wonderful and
Speaking with the reporter, Sara said,
“you know we are students. I am pretty
sure that even God considers about
this…I wont be ill, after all if they have
picked up all the mangoes, what do they
expect me to eat?”
Biologically, rotten mangoes are likely to
cause stomach problems no matter
They were these students who eventually which area we’re in.
made a careful move to the area to have It couldn’t be established later whether
Sara suffered stomach poisoning, but
“their mangoes”.
scientifically it’s possible that she had
related problems.
Having heard the tip topped and what
was happening, Mr Marenga was heard
Reported by Bahati Msuya with addito shout “Hey, you!” and the laughing
students moved totting as fast as possible tional report by Hellen Mshana
to disappear in the darkness.
On the next day the matter was made
public by the second master who warned
those involved in the scene.
The Kibosho Focus
FEBRUARY 28— MARCH 13, 2012
The Kibosho Focus
Punctuality is a key
to your success
As a student who wants to succeed, using your time wisely is
worthy it. Being where you have to be on time. Doing what you
are required to do at the right time. This is what they call punctuality.
It all starts in morning. Wake up early at your will. This is
healthy. Go for morning prayers to begin your day with Divine
Do your cleanliness assignment. No one will have to “disturb”
your concentration once you’re in the classroom.
Being punctual means you don’t get out of class simply because
you feel like going out. Classrooms need your attention. Going
out for short call deprives you of the very things your teacher
delivers. Staying in your classroom throughout the teaching, is
academically healthy.
Then, comes the time of punctual use of our breaks: why cant
we go for Dinning at the right time? Why should we wait for
someone to punish us simply because we delayed? Is this worthy it? Does it suggest seriousness? Our guess is no.
Why should someone have to go for short call fifteen minutes
after the break? Cant we control our attendance down there?
Because, we think, call of nature is the attitude of your mind.
You can control when to go, and when to stop! That’s why
when we travel we can manage to stay in the bus for several
hours with our “call of nature” controlled.
If we realize how many hours we waste by running here and
there at the time were supposed to concentrate, we can deliberately change.
Lets remember that time wasted, is time gone. There’s no way
it can be restored. Lets be punctual. Lets keep our daily routine
without someone force or constant reminding.
ANONYMOUS: Managing Editor
DORIS MAFURU: Publication Editor
NORMANS NKINDA: Consultant and Photographer
HELLEN MATERU: Marketing and Distribution
TECLA MOSHA: Treasurer
REPORTERS: Bahati Msuya
Hellen Mshana
Mandy Charamba
Stella Kimambo
Winfrida Lema
Copyright © 2012 Kibosho Girls’ Secondary School.
No part of this publication may be reproduced or copied in any
form without the prior permission from the School Administration.
Courtesy of
By Mandy Charamba
Where are we heading
as a country?
Our country Tanzania, which was handled to us
by colonialists, where are you heading to?
My country, my leaders, does the word “satisfied”
exist in your dictionaries? Don’t you get enough?
You received a country which was not much in
ruins sence the country was returned in a peaceful
But this same country today is drowning in an
unimaginable rate of poverty. This country which
is praised for having natural resources today 70%
of its dwellers can not afford a full day meal!
Where has the wealth gone to? Who is enjoying
on our situation? Have you allowed the whites to
have the last laugh for the second time?
If so, then who is the puppet this time around?
My dear leaders you stay in the parliament. The
only thing you can fight for is your welfare!? You
don’t give a damn about who elected you. Every
single day you are arguing about being added your
allowances. How much do you earn for a month?
Try imagining yourselves surviving with one meal
per day (the truth to most of us). Do you really
dare to say your salaries are not enough?
You turn and point at everything say it has gone
wrong but in reality its you.
My leaders, you have taken the wrong step
towards leadership. If you cant control yourselves
and your ambitions, who else can?
On this corner we will be raising different issues
especially critics so as to make students aware of
the world be waited them after school life. Stay
tune for more to come.
You can react to the article by sending us you
Dining Hall complaints
Every one attends the Dining Hall everyday. It’s
the important place in school.
But this same Dining Hall has become a “torture”
to students.
Even some students take their food and eat
outside (on the veranda or under the trees)
despite knowing the fact that they will be
punished later.
We have complained and complained about its
condition but nothing has been done.
The truth is the Dining Hall is too hot especially
in the afternoon due to heated iron sheet, lack of
windows and having the kitchen on the other side
which causes very hot atmosphere when walls get
too heated. The Dining Hall becomes almost
This is unhealthy to students. We have always
suggested that windows should be added and the
roof should have the ceiling board. Now that
some of us suffer the breathing problems, it shall
be fair for authorities to deal with the matter.
——Concerned student
The Kibosho Focus
FEBRUARY 28— MARCH 13, 2012
You can, if you tell
yourself you can
One day I was walking in town then this idea came
in my mind, “Whatever my mind conceive and my
heart believe, I can surely achieve!” Nice thought,
isn’t it?
Haika Isack: heyyyy ma luvs happy valentine 2 u
ol.....wish u happt moments c ur valentines....(Feb, 13)
Lisa Mahozi: lyf z hw u make it....
Lucy Rwegasira: neva mind wat haterz say.....lyf is
hw u mek it!!!!
Godliver J. Peter: Life is busier..People
change..Shit happens but Life goes on!!!!!!Hellow everyone.....(Feb, 28)
Doreen Minja: Jamain m npo kimya tz nt bcz ctak
cmmnctn tz bcoz i lav my futr na tz obvc tht elimu ndo
mpango mzma xo kmtyndo 2nahassle.mic u all na
nawapenda saaaaaaaaaaana (Feb, 21)
Ummy Sama knows Spanish (Jan, 12)
Magdalena Uria: mc yah die guyz kwa sana nko
ckul yan ful mandondo nwei hapi valentine bhana (Feb,
Stella Martinz (Star Love): Worked at Mashadavillage/Crunkboyz
Perus Benedict went from being "it's complicated"
to "in an open relationship."
Violet Mattee: happy valentine guyz lv u ol xcul lyf iz
brng (Feb, 14)
Jashacious Yegella: Hahaaa u gara n' u.... Bt yap
no hdach kvle jzt thnkng ov hyoo ki2mbo joto oct... Mmh
tho watc ur loudest leoo
Zitto Kabwe: Bunge halina mguso na wananchi 'out
of touch'
January Y. Makamba:
Earlier today, I attended a
talk by Prof. Paul Collier on managing natural resources.
Immensely educated and challenged. Shocked but inspired. Here are some chapters from one of his books;
"The Plundered Planet: Why We Must and How We Can
Manage Nature for Global Prosperity" (Feb, 28)
-Wondering who tweets. Aren t you guys on twitter? If
you re on twitter, let us know
We have got to believe in ourselves and tell ourselves we can and surely we can. There’s an adage
which says, “You can succeed in life even if no
body believes in you! And you can not succeed if
you do not believe in yourself.
The funny thing is that if you believe you are a
looser, you will walk, talk and act like a looser. If
you believe you are talented, you will walk, talk and
act like talented. Deep down each of us is a sleeping giant waiting to be woken up. But the giant in
you will not wake up, until you believe in yourself.
But then I know each of us has failed in this or
that. But that doesn’t mean that we are failures. I
know you and I have lost in this or that but it doesn’t mean that we are losers. When we fail, we have
to try again and again. We should not be discouraged of course challenges are many along the way
but if we are optimists, we will succeed in our
plans. By the way if we think we can, we are right
and if we think we can not, we are right also.
Believe that you can and you will see wonders in
your life.
—— Glory Gilbert
Dissatisfactions are not
caused by the absence of
things but the absence of
proper visions.
Most of the young people today claim to have “a
dream”. You will hear them say, “ I had a dream
but its no longer there”. It looks like we just want
things go very smoothly. There are a lot of questions and demands in the future but very few answers for them.
Trust me, If we could have wings, we could all fly.
money is not an issue but where to spend becomes
an issue.
There are so ugly women, there’re women who do
not know that they are beautiful. A woman is what
she makes herself. Some say it hard to look flying
all the time but for a real woman it’s a habit. Nobody can make a woman answer questions she
doesn’t want to and nobody can force her give a
reason for not doing it. Since she has her own
values and rules that help her be what she is.
A real woman knows her worth. She does everything with elegance. She knows how to make anyone dance her tune. She always stays independent
and free.
She knows what to have it. A real woman is confident.
A real woman says, “No Jesus, No swagger”
Hope you’re a real woman today, tomorrow and in
the whole future. We, women run the world!
——Jacque Willy Manumbu
What is life?
What is life? An illusion, a shadow, a story and the
greatest good is little enough. Foe life is a dream
and dreams themselves are only dreams.
When I was young, I woke up every morning with
a frown because I never understood the reason of
my being. But now I know that life is a gift only that
some of us open the package sooner.
You know what? Life is all about giving and sharing
love to people. But again you can never offer anything to anyone if you cant give love to yourself.
Sometimes knowing someone here or there with
whom you can feel there is understanding in spite
of distance or thoughts expressed that can make
life a garden.
Life is so short and too much of a luxury to be
wasted on pretense. So make the most out of it and
stop worrying over what other people are thinking
about you because they are too busy worrying over
what you think about them.
—- Bahati and Janeth Fows
No one is best like a mother
A mother is someone so special who knows a song
in your heart and can sing it back to you when you
The thoughts above prompt me to say
have forgotten the words. A mother is so loving,
“dissatisfactions and discouragement are not caused caring, the one who is always there. All these make
by the absence of things but the absence of proper her adorable. She is soft hearted, who listens and
visions. Remember your smile can still shine all
understands and stays with you in whatever situadays if it rains but things won’t always go your way. tion you are going through.
We should believe ourselves first, no body can
believe you without you believing in yourself.
Look here, Bob Marley the late King of Raggae
believed in himself and hence achieved an international stardom.
Never and ever compare yourself with another
person. You’re who you are and no body is like
you. Come on dear sisters and brothers, we can
make it!
—— By Diana Lesika and G. Msuya
Who is a real woman?
Money is never a big deal. She got it, she flaunts it.
She runs out of it, for a real woman not having
She adds a touch of joy and happiness to everything when she is around. Always there to bring
your smile back whenever its gone or perishes. She
is the one who can shine your heart like the sun
and brightens your life like the moon and stars.
She is the one of the best things in the world. Best
present from our Lord God. She is the one of a
kind that holds your tear when it dropped. She
never let the other one to drop when you cry.
A mother can show you what the true love is.
Mother is always the best and with this, I guess all
love our mothers dearly and adore them since they
deserve that and even much more. I personally
love my mother.
——Nimpher Buretha
The Kibosho Focus
FEBRUARY 27— MARCH 13, 2012
One of the Houses on a choir demonstration during the House completion. |Photo courtesy of Normans
Struggling to win the House traditional dance |Photo courtesy of
Form Fives posing for group photo On the Form Six graduations.
Why flowers? |Photo courtesy of Normans
Members of one of the Houses in efforts to win the Best drama for
Graduation demonstration |Photo courtesy of Normans
Working hard to get judge s attention for Drama Graduation demonstration |Photo courtesy of Normans
After the House Competition, followed casual photogenic. |Photo
courtesy of Normans
The Kibosho Focus
Story by Shose Gwendoline Simon
Come on you two I’m trying to
explain myself and all you do is
just staring at me” Gwen said
crossing her hands as she was
sitting with young sister Angel aged 18
years old and her best friend Zinta an
Indian feature from Bombay attending
the same University Gwen was attending.
FEBRUARY 28— MARCH 13, 2012
The Vampire seasons 1
“No. Not now” Zinta whispered. She had
a strong feeling something wasn’t right
among them. Gwen was right. Truly
something was not right someone was
among them. She removed her hands
from her eyes her pupil twinned into
pure silver shinning silver.
“What was that you were saying again?” “Are you a witch?” A male voice in front
Zainta said removing her earphones off of him said.
her ears while the song I will rain by “Don’t bother my friend again or you will
regret.” She said.
Bruno Mars was still playing.
“I saw him again” Gwen said sounding
“Who are you for me to listen? I don’t
“Who?” Angel said trying to sound have bad intentions I love your friend” he
funny, closing her diary and focusing at said
“Since when are vampires to be trusted? I
her reactions.
“That guy dummy, I saw him last night warn you don’t make me get in the botagain, we were just sitting where we usu- tom of this stay away from humans!”
ally sit at the green grass, long trees, but- Suddenly she was gone, her eyes twined
into normal.
terflies and a great breeze of air.
“Zinta, what’s wrong?” Gwen called from
He was just listening to me smiling while afar. Zinta breathed in slowly and she
I kept on taking and talking I seriously rubbed her eyes she was back to normal
couldn’t stop talking. “May be you know again.
him and you were telling him how you
“I am, mmh, I am okey. I think somefeel?”
“I don’t know him Zinta, I’ve met him in thing entered my eye. It’s a little thing”
my dreams for three weeks now and She said as she showed them a small
actually we…we kissed” Gwen went on portion of her eyelashes which she lied
“What if the dreams are telling you some- got into her eye.
thing, what if he’s the one…your destiny?” “Well, I have been calling you for ages”
Gwen said.
Angel said.
“I don’t know, I don’t know I don’t want
to actually fall in love with him in my She usually never hears a thing when
she’s in her transformations of her other
“You are in love with a man in your personality.
dreams?” Zinta said trying hard not to “Lets go guys. Its getting late.” Zinta
“But we just got here” Nagel lamented.
“Is he of a good looking?”
“Extremely. He is charming, loving, “Lets go we have some homework…and
caring and his kiss, his kiss is so foreign we all hate them”
so unique and experience I never had “Me more” Angel said as they were getting into Zinta’s car a black farari.
“You leant all those in your dreams?”
“Guys listen up. Listen up. We need to
Angel said looking more serious.
“ I guess. I feel his presence. Everywhere find that necklace before anybody finds
in school in my room I now feel he is it. We all know if it ends in the hands of
among us, sitting next to me” Gwen said the humans and sorcerers, the generation
as her hair at the back of her neck stood of vampires will be over. We all know
how important the necklace is to us”
“Stop it Gwen. I am really scared very Rosey said.
scared” she said hugging her handbag.
She was s leader of the vampires dwelling
Gwen was blond with golden long hair in Toronto for three centuries now. She
and full pink lips with amazing figure. was still beautiful of them all. She looked
Nagel her young sister wasn’t blond. She as young as 24 while she was actually 400
had dark eyebrows and dark pupil she years old.
was a sweet young lady into fantasies and “Again? We have been looking for it for
almost a decade we went to America,
dreams of having superpowers.
Europe and Africa…what next now?”
Zinta with Indian long light hair and an “We surely can’t give up William. It’s our
Indian model body she carried a secret lives we are talking about here” Rosey
of her own. A secret that not even her said.
William sat on the same sofa with Jacky.
own family or best friend knew.
“If he has evil intentions I’ve never stop Jack kissed William’s neck and caressed
until he’s stopped Gwen” she said as was his hand.
getting up twining her back covering her
“She’s right my love. I want to live until
the end of the world with you beside me”
she whispered in his ears.
“Adrian, Sandra and even Uncle Antonio
are here. They are the important targets”
Camil said drinking a blood bug.
“They are all aware of this” Rosey suggested as she looked at the three of them.
“I suggest it’s about time we go and visit
our old friends Saris and Dorah although
its hard to admit that they are more powerful that us”
“They are not Vampires. They are sorcerers. And you know, the teo never
agree to each other. We can’t trust them”
William kept in.
“My love, that much I know. I still can’t
forget what they previously did to some of
us how they killed them but a part of it
we deserved it. We went away from the
accident actually”
“…of which you caused?” Rosey blamed.
“I was angry Rosey, hungry and you know
how my rage is. OS don’t blame me, I
couldn’t stop myself”
“Back to work tell me where I should
travel to look for the necklace” Jacky said
“To the sorcerers Jacky all of us” Rosey
said and William and Jacky turned looking at one another.
“You smell human”
“I have been with them”
Andrian said taking a strong drink Rosey
couldn’t stop looking at him. He doubted
he was up to no good again.
“Did you drink somebody’s blood?”
“We always drink people’s blood Rosey”
“Did you kill the humans?”
“Only one, and she was dying anyway.” I
just saved her from the suffering. A car
Suddenly, a candle was lightened with
bright flame, “Thank you, I love you”
She said looking at the candle on her
studying table although her bulbs were on
the candle light shined more. Adrian
looked at her at how she sat he couldn’t
dare walk few steps towards her. He was
afraid of hurting her. As much as he
wanted to kiss her, tell her all he wanted
to tell her all these years utilizing the bed
she sat on. He couldn’t. He just couldn’t,
because he loved her that much.
To comment to this story please send us
your views.
“You wanted this. That girl is bad news
Adrian. Bad news. She’s a human and
she can get hurt around you and one of
us can kill her because of blood. You are
not a perfect guy for her. Just let her be
and find someone of your own type”
“Like you? You know, I will never fall in
love with you Rosey. All I see in you is
keenness and self determination. I am
your relative. We’re related I love Gwen
and I’ll fight for her.”
“Do you think she’ll agree dating an
animal like yourself? Drinking blood
chasing the future? You’re of a different
“What are you trying to mean? Those world and she’s just a human. Humans
Vampires are not trustworthy?” He went aren’t good news to us”
“Why do you defend humans that much
in, “No, but I…”
Rosey interfered, “She is right. They gave Rosey?”
us all the information we needed but we
made a wrong move. We can always try “Because if you hurt them, those sorcerers will never help us. They will die of
“I am not ready to make the sacrifice not thirst than drinking her blood” Adrian
said moving out.
you” William said pointing at Jacky.
Jacky shut her mount still of course she “Great, I’ll note that” Camil said taking
her diary.
wasn’t ready to make the sacrifices too.
“He’s in love with a human God” Wil“I’ll go. I will visit the place tomorrow” liam said.
Rosey gave it a break, “The war has not “I know how you might be feeling Rosey.
Its hard to love and not to be loved”
yet started”
Camil said walking towards them, “The Jacky said hugging Rosey.
war has just begun Camil. We have a
witch who’s powerful. She reminds me of “You and me can never, never be Jovin. I
Najni, and Indian witch” Adrian said just love this other guy. I believe its assign
from the window which was already from God. He’s my father forever” Gwen
said staring at the photo frame with her
opened and stood near Rosey.
and Jovin’s snap. There was when they
“No way” Jacky said with her mouth were sp in love before she stared seeing
opened, William scratched his hair. those visions or maybe dreams.
Camil counldnt believe her ears.
“I can feel your presence. I know you’re
Najni was a great witch in the late century here but I just cant see you please make a
a feared one and doubted the next witch sign do something anything so I can be
was her descendant nothing good can be sure you’re here” Gwen said sitting on
her bed.
brought out of her too.
FEBRUARY 28— MARCH 13, 2012
How to handle an oily skin
Most of the people with an oil skin normally struggle a
lot to find the perfect lotion for their skin. Sometimes
they tend to use different ointment and cream on their
face so as to cure acne and pimples.
Well, today I have got some few tips on how to take care
of an oily skin. But before I give out the tips, let’s know
the features of a person with an oily skin.
How to know if you have an oily skin
If you have one of the following, you may have an oily
Shiny nose and forehands
Shiny skin near the face line
You have pimples and acne
Your face has small open pores
Some people think that oily skin is only for fat or obese
people. But the truth is even the skinned people may
also face the problem.
If you have pimples, understand that it’s advised to puncture any of them on the face as it may open more pores
on the face. The trouble is, when the pores are open, it
becomes easy for dirt material and bacteria to enter into
your skin and more pimples may erupt.
The puncturing of pimples may also leave scars on your
faces that are hard to remove. One is advised to leave
them and let them dry up by themselves rather than
puncture them.
How to take care of an oily skin
The Kibosho Focus
Life is what you do now
Life isn’t what you are studying for
Life isn’t what you are working for
You should be happy right now
Take what life brought
Don’t waste your time wishing for the better
You just live it
Be happy for the limited things you have
Learn to copy with the situation
Be happy because never again will it happen
That you do or experience what you are doing now
Be proud of who and how you are
Because there is no body who has exactly what you
Everything comes and goes
If you think there is something you shall be happy
Just be happy
——Elizabeth Shiyo
Fulfilling your dreams
Far better it is to dare mighty things
To win glorious triumphs
Even though checked by failure,
Than to take rank with those poor spirits
Who neither enjoy much nor suffer much
Because they live in the gray twilight
That knows neither victory nor defect
to a street person or someone who can not afford a
single meal
Leave everything a little better than you found
Save ten percent of what you earn
Make new friends but cherish the old ones
——Clara Machage
Tips for achieving your
Have you ever wondered what it takes to become an
achiever? Here’s a list of tips for everyone to
Be focused. Put all your efforts into what you
do everyday.
Believe in yourself. If you don’t know one else
can do it.
Be determined. If you’re determined to do
something, you have made a firm decision to
do it and you will not let anyone prevent you.
Trust your instincts.
See yourself as a victory
Be passionate about what you do.
Do not become contented by not satisfied with
what you have but aiming higher.
Maintain your momentum.
If you’re in charge, then be in charge.
Lastly, never give up!
——Magreth G. Mushi
——-Beatrice Temba
Wash your face with a lot of water and then using a
cleanser; cleanse it so as to remove the dirt and excess oil
from your face. This helps to leave the pore open and
Use toner, after cleansing your face the skin pores
are left open so you should apply toner which will help
you cover the pores on your skin from dust and bacteria.
Apply a moisturizing lotion because an oily skin like any
other type of skin, looses moisture and remember that
the lotion that you will use should be for an oily skin.
Sometimes if you see that its expensive to buy this, you
are advised to use a lemon or cucumber to cleanse your
skin so as to reduce excess oil and sometime you may try
the clay mask therapy that removes pimples, acne, scars
and excess oil on your face.
If you have tried all this and still nothing is working for
you, it means that you have got a chronic situation and
you are advised to see a dermatologist so you may be
cured. Do not use any ointment cream without being
advised by a dermatologist.
Contact us
Life’s little instruction
Be the first to say “hello”
Write a thank you note promptly
Remember other peoples’ names
Keep your watch five minutes fast
Give people a second chance but not the third
Plant a tree on your birthday
Praise in public and criticize in private
Be brave even if you can not, pretend to be no one
can tell the difference
Measure people by the size of their hearts and not
by the size of their bank account
Make a habit to nice things for people who will
never find out
Be suspicious of all politicians
Pray not for things, but for wisdom and courage
Learn to make something good with your hands
Do more than is expected
Skip one meal and give what you should have spent
Or submit your comments, compliments, complaints and articles to:
Hellen Materu or Calister Benno before Friday 12 hours every week.
By Subscribing to The Focus on Tuesday, you donate to Kibosho House of
talent. Remember any suspected plagiarism will not be published
My mom is coming plain as how she is born –
Minister for Discipline trying to say My mom
will come with nothing for me
I am sure I can bet you –Minister for Education trying to say I can beat you
The way the cookies they are –Unknown
student trying to say The way cookies are
May you reduce the windows –Jackline Somi
trying to say May you close the window
I was buuti –Mariatheresa Kamugisha trying to
pronounce about
DwiTV-Anna Marunda trying to pronounce
Switch off the electricity trying to say Turn off
the light
Your heandi from your shoes instead of From
your head to your shoes
Students saying here instead of Students is
—-For broken English, contact us immediately