New Attraction... Helicopter Rides!


New Attraction... Helicopter Rides!
Official Publication of the Polish Union of America,
a Life Insurance and Fraternal Benefit Society
“A Society of people helping people working toward the future.”
Unia Polska w Ameryce
Spring 2010
From the Desk of
National President,
James P.
I hope everyone had a
blessed and enjoyable
Easter. Our annual Dyngus Day
Party was a great success. In our
last newsletter I reported that we
were negotiating with the New York
State Insurance Department. Those
negotiations are still ongoing. Updates
on negotiations and finances will be
• The 37th Quadrennial Grand
Convention is planned for August
28 and 29 at St. John Gualbert’s
Roman Catholic Church Complex.
Future newsletters will keep all
members informed of planned
Convention activities.
• This year’s Polish Heritage Festival
will commemorate the Polish Union
of America’s 120 years of service
to Polonia. On Saturday, June
12th, we will be celebrating this
event with an anniversary cake and
• Our 8th Annual Polish Heritage
Festival introduces a new contest
“The Best Polish-American History
Exhibit” which is for not for profit
organizations in three categories:
Churches, Polish Arts/Music/Dance,
and Polish Cultural/Fraternal. Three
imported unique commemorative
prizes have been selected for the
winners in each category. We
e n c o u r a g e o rg a n i z a t i o n s t o
showcase their proud history and
contributions to our Polish culture.
• Come have fun and enjoy the
tremendous entertainment and food
at our family friendly 8th Annual
Festival. Looking forward to seeing
you at the Festival, the Convention,
and our ongoing activities.
John Gora Band
Mon Valley Push
John Stevens’ Doubleshot
Jerry Darlak & The Touch
Cracovia Polish Dance Ensemble
Matt James
Polish Heritage Dancers
Ludowa Nuta Polish Choir
Peter “J’s” Antiques & Collectibles
New Attraction... Helicopter Rides!
Spring 2010
Polish Union of America Treasure”
James P. Jozwiak, National President
Eugenia A. Halady, National VP/Treasurer
James A. Serafin, National VP/Secretary
Wallace C. Piotrowski, National Attorney
Rev. David W. Bialkowski, National Chaplain
Rev. Matt Nycz, National Assistant Chaplain
National Directors
Ronald E. Brodowski
James A. Clarke
Brandon M. Machajewski
Norbert A. Ratajczyk
Richard J. Strek
Marie M. Urbanski
Marie M. Urbanski & Christine Jozwiak
Polish Heritage Festival
P.O. Box 115
Springville, NY 14141-0115
1st Prize
$5 each or
5 tickets for $20
Address:_ _________________
Graphic Designer
25% of the Chest
The Polish Union of America is a non-profit life insurance
and fraternal benefit society founded in 1890.
2nd Prize
Address:_ _________________
Daniel LaQuay
745 Center Road
West Seneca, NY 14224-2108
Phone: (800) 724-2782 or (716) 677-0220
Fax: (716) 677-0246
Web Site:
news deadlines
The editors strive to get the news out in a timely
manner. We look forward to learning about your
Lodge activities! Please note the following:
1. As soon as the paper is completed with news
articles it goes to print. Be sure to get your
news articles to us in a timely manner.
2. E-mailed, typewritten, clearly printed, or
faxed articles are preferred. Photos should
be of high contrast so that they can be
3. Submitted material must be accompanied
by the name and phone number of a contact
Submit information to one of the editors:
Marie Urbanski
50-I Hamlin Square
Williamsville, NY 14221-2551
fax: (716) 688-4369
Christine Jozwiak
PO Box 115
Springville, NY 14141-0115
voice: (716) 592‑2501
The Polish Heritage Festival is
holding a “Share the Treasure”
fundraiser to benefit the Polish Union
of America’s Scholarship Fund and
various charities! Cut out the tickets
on the right and mail them with your
donation to:
15% of the Chest
3rd Prize
10% of the Chest
Send in your tickets early to be
eligible for monthly $100 bonus
drawings October 2009 thru May
2010. You may enter at any time to
be eligible for the remaining monthly
drawings. Tickets drawn for the
monthly bonus prizes will be eligible
for any remaining monthly bonus
drawings. The earlier you enter, the
more bonus drawings you will be
eligible for. The drawing for 1st, 2nd,
and 3rd prize amounts will be held
at the Polish Heritage Festival in
June, 2010. If present at the time of
the drawing, the 1st prize winner will
also be given a bonus $100!
• Oct. - Arlene Griffin of PA
• Nov. - Marie Urbanski of NY
• Dec. + $100 Bonus! - Mary Rand of NY
• Jan. - Christine Jozwiak of NY
• Feb. - Thomas Griffin of PA
Address:_ _________________
Address:_ _________________
Address:_ _________________
Spring 2010
Polish Union of America’s Grand Convention News
Polish Union of America Constitution and Bylaws
year of a Grand Convention by the National Vice President-Secretary to each
lodge of the PUA in good standing. Only a delegate to the Grand Convention
who has been, a member of the PUA for, at least one (1) year immediately
preceding the Grand Convention and who has indicated to the Nomination
and Qualifications Committee in writing his desire to aspire for a specified
office, may be a candidate for that office should he or she possess any other
qualifications required herein. Such a written application must be received by
the Nominations and Qualifications Committee at the Home Office of the PUA
no later than sixty days prior to the date of the Grand Convention. No later
than 30 days prior to the first day of the Grand Convention the Nomination
and Qualifications Committee shall review the application of each candidate
seeking a specific office and shall notify without delay each candidate of its
conclusion. The committee shall certify to the National Board of Directors,
by means of a communication signed by the committee members, the names
of candidates for a specific office, and shall cause to have this certification
published in the next following issue of the official publication of the PUA.
Any rejection of an application may be appealed to the Grand Convention
at its earliest session. A candidate certified for a specific office, who is a
delegate to the Grand Convention, is deemed nominated for a set office at
the Grand Convention.
ARTICLE VI - Elective Office
Sec. 1. Elective Directors. The National Board of Directors of the
PUA shall consist of the National President, National Vice PresidentTreasurer, National Vice President-Secretary, six (6) National Directors
for a total of nine (9) Directors, or in the event the society’s admitted assets
exceed $500,000,000, the society shall provide that the number of directors
be increased to not less than 13 within one year following the end of that
calendar year as required by New York State Insurance Law, Section 4502
(c) (5). A majority of said directors being citizens and residents of New York
or adjoining states and at least one director must be between the ages of 21
and 38. The aforesaid positions shall be elected from amongst the delegates
and officers by majority vote by ballot of the delegates and officers present
and entitled to vote at each Grand Convention of the PUA. To be a candidate
for, and to hold any of the aforesaid offices, a candidate otherwise qualified
must be an insured member of the PUA for at least one (1) year prior to the
holding of the Grand Convention.
All officers elected pursuant to this section shall hold office from, the
next first day of October, to the first day of October of the year in which
the next Grand Convention is held, and until their successors are elected or
appointed and qualified. In the event there is no eligible candidate for any of
the aforesaid elective Officers at the Grand Convention from the Delegates
attending, then at the first meeting of the National Board of Directors
following the Grand Convention said Officer shall be elected by a majority
of the National Board of Directors.
Sec. 2 (a) The incumbent National President, National Vice PresidentTreasurer, National Vice President-Secretary and candidates for the aforesaid
offices, shall, in addition to any other qualifications required herein, have
permanent PUA insurance certificates in their name of not less than Ten
Thousand ($10,000.00) Dollars total face amount coverage, or if uninsurable
an annuity of Two Thousand ($2,000.00) Dollars.
All incumbent National Directors, and the candidates for the position
of National Director, shall in addition to any other qualifications required
herein, have permanent PUA insurance certificates in their name of not less
than Five Thousand ($5,000.00) Dollars coverage, or if uninsurable an annuity
of One Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars. Said Insurance or Annuity to be in
effect for at least one (1) year prior to the Grand Convention.
Sec. 2. (b) If any of the aforesaid elected officers, to wit: National
President, National Vice President-Treasurer, National Vice PresidentSecretary, elected at the Grand Convention, shall die, resign, be suspended, or
in any other way leave their respective office then, in that event, a successor
to each of the aforesaid National Offices shall be elected by majority vote
of the National Board of Directors. Any requirement as to insurance as
previously described shall be waived until such time as that successor shall
obtain a permanent PUA insurance certificate in the amount of Ten Thousand
($10,000.00) Dollars or, if uninsurable, an annuity of Two Thousand
($2,000.00) Dollars. Such requirements for insurance or an annuity shall be
received by the National Board of Directors at its next meeting in order for
the elected representative to qualify.
Sec. 3. No more than two members of a family or members related
through marriage to one family, shall be eligible to hold voting office in the
National Board of Directors at the same time.
Sec. 4. At the first meeting of the National Board of Directors in
the year of a Grand Convention, there shall be elected by majority vote
thereof from among PUA members who do not serve as Elective Officers, a
chairman and four (4) members, each of which shall have been a delegate to
at least one prior Grand Convention who shall serve on the Nomination and
Qualification Committee. The chairman and members of said Nomination
and Qualification Committee shall not be candidates for Elective office at
the Grand Convention. The National Board of Directors shall have published
in each of the next following issues of the official paper of the PUA to and
including the June issue, a notice as to the existence, constitutional basis,
membership and duties of said committee. The notice shall also include
information as to the qualifications for offices to be filled at the next Grand
Convention. Such notice and information shall also be sent in March of the
Sec. 5. In case of death or resignation or removal from office or
should no candidate be certified or elected at the Grand Convention for any
of the elective offices, the National Board of Directors by a majority vote
shall fill the vacancy.
Wallace C. Piotrowski, NA, Chairman
James A. Clarke
Ronald Rudnicki
James A. Serafin
Richard J. Strek
Marie Urbanski
James P. Jozwiak, ex officio
Wallace S. Piotrowski, Chairman
Betty Duma
Edward A. Halady
Daniel Pulinski
Thomas Urbanski
Sec. 4. In the month of January in the year of a Grand Convention,
there shall be appointed a Constitution Revision Committee comprising
the National Attorney and five (5) other members of the PUA to receive
and examine all proposed amendments of any change to the Articles of
Incorporation and the Constitution and Bylaws. Two members of the
Committee shall be appointed by the National President, and three members
shall be designated by the National Board of Directors. The National President
shall be an ex-officio member of this committee and notice of the composition
thereof shall appear in the next issue of the official paper of the PUA. The
National Vice President-Secretary shall notify each lodge of the PUA in good
standing of the appointments to this committee and its duties.
Sec. 5. All proposed amendments and revisions of the Articles
of Incorporation and the Constitution and Bylaws must come from the
Constitution Study Committee; from the Elective Officers of the PUA or from
lodges of the PUA after consideration of the same at a regular lodge meeting.
All such proposals must be sent to the Constitution Revision Committee not
less than sixty (60) days before the opening day of the Grand Convention.
After deliberating the aforesaid proposals the Constitution Revision
Committee shall, no later than ten (10) days prior to the Grand Convention,
forward to all duly. elected delegates such proposals drawn up in the manner
in which they are to be presented to the Grand Convention.
Sec. 6. At the Grand Convention, only such amendments and revisions
will be considered which have been so presented to said committee, together
with recommendations of that committee thereon. The National President
shall call the first meeting of the committee no later than 60 days prior to
the 1st day of the Grand Convention, at which time committee officers shall
be elected.
Spring 2010
A $$100 deposit will
confirm your reservation!
Call our office at (716) 677-0220
for more information.
Polish Union of America’s
Upcoming Tours!
I would like to go on the...
q Pennsylvania’s Amishlands Tour
Urgent Request
The Sisters in Service to Mary, have notified us of an urgent
need for severely handicapped children, ages 1 to 30, who live
in a nursing home for disabled children. At present, 60 children
reside there permanently. They are handicapped physically,
mentally and emotionally. Half the children are confined to bed
and need unlimited care. The rest of the children often find it
hard to breathe and eat because their respiratory and digestive
tracts are affected. It is possible to have contact with the Sisters
in a non-verbal way.
The children are very sensitive, grow attached to the Sisters
very quickly and are happy with any gesture of love. Because
of the state of the children’s health, simple care is not enough.
The special medical needs and rehabilitation is needed in great
measure. At present, they have children who need very intensive
rehabilitation, (they have undergone orthopedic surgeries), but it
is not possible due to the shortage of proper equipment.
The subsidies by the district are not sufficient to continue even
the current needs of the home. The children come from very
poor families that are unable to pay any fees for the children’s
stay at the home. Therefore they are obligated to look for help
among the people who are sensitive to the fate of these disabled
children depending completely on the help of others, so that their
stay may meet today’s standards.
Additionally, the nursing home meets the requirements of the
handicapped children, but equipment needs to be replaced.
These are very big expenses that they are unable to cover with
their available funds.
The Sisters write, “We believe that with the generosity of
concerned people, we will manage to provide for the special
needs of our children.”
With Gratitude and Respect – Sr. Agata Sieczkowska
q Poland Trip
Members & Non-members - $499
First Tourist
Name: _________________________________
Address: _______________________________
Town: _________________________________
State:_______________ Zip:_______________
Date of Birth: ____/____/____
Second Tourist
Name: _________________________________
Address: _______________________________
Town: _________________________________
State:_______________ Zip:_______________
Date of Birth: ____/____/____
q Smoking
q Non-Smoking
Office use only.
q 1 King Size Bed
q 2 Double Beds
$_______ Deposit received ___/___/___
Please make your checks payable and mail to:
Polish Union of America
745 Center Road, West Seneca, NY 14224
Someone “at home” needs our help. Let’s not forget from where
our blood flows. Dziekuje Bardzo!
Members & Non-members - $3,190
q Dickens Christmas Tour
The Sisters who care for these severely handicapped children
need our help. The Polish Heritage Festival will underwrite the
administrative costs so that 100% of your donation will go for
this humanitarian effort. And your donation is tax deductible!
Please make your check payable to: The Polish Heritage Festival,
Attention: Christine Jozwiak, P.O. Box 115, Springville, NY
14141-0115 On the “memo” line of the check write, “Home for
disabled children”.
Members & Non-members - $525
Call: (716)
677-0220 for more info.
Spring 2010
Polish Heritage Festival News
What’s New At The Festival? Get all the
latest information about this year’s festival on our
The John Gora Band - In 2008 John and the band were
recognized by the International Polka Association and won
awards for the “CD of the Year” for their current recording
BULLETPROOF POLKAS and IPA “Song of the Year” for the
song “Kiss of Fire”.
Mon Valley Push - The Push caters to polka fans of all ages.
They perform older polka standards as well as more upbeat
“EXTREME PUSH” polkas for the younger fans. You won’t
want to miss the Push’s crowd pleasing Dueling Horns and light
Jerry Darlak and the Touch - 2008 Grammy Nominees, Jerry
Darlak and the Touch, are local and one of the nation’s premier
polka bands. Come to hear them play the Polish Heritage Festival
Polka, a song they wrote for the festival.
Be sure to check the festival schedule on our website for these
fantastic performances by our entertainers!
Celebrate the Polish Union of America’s 120th Anniversary,
with a free slice of cake to the first 500 admission ticket holders
from 7 to 8 pm in the Grange building! Sto lat!
All Polish American organizations and churches have
the opportunity to educate attendees about their legacy and
contributions to Polish and Polish-American history by competing
in the Best Polish American History Exhibit. There will be three
contest categories: Churches: Polish Arts, Music and Dance: and
Polish Cultural/Fraternal.
Festival Executive Director, James P. Jozwiak stated, “We
encourage creative thinking by each organization to tell its story
in new and compelling ways, to show its pride in its history
and its accomplishments. This also affords the organization
the opportunity to send a message to festival goers to
excite them to join the organization and participate
in its activities.” Each category will receive an
imported, unique, commemorative prize.
This year Peter Jablonski’s Antiques
and Collectibles Show comes to the
Festival, where he presents: Antiques
101; and Time Capsules in Your
Backyard – how to locate treasurers
of the past; and a lecture about East
Buffalo Meatpacking & NY Central
Stockyards; and a power-point
presentation featuring the history of
Buffalo’s Brewing Industry. You are
also invited to bring your antiques for appraisal by Peter.
Live Radio Broadcast
Drive Time Polka’s Ron Dombrowski
Children’s Playland
This favorite returns, on Friday and
Saturday, to 42nd St. with games to
entertain the younger generation.
Food and Drink
As in the past you can enjoy the best
Polish and American Cuisine from complete Dinners to fast
foods including: hot dogs, hamburgers, kielbasa, etc.
Note: Fish Fry’s will not be available at the festival this year.
The Polish Saturday School will offer their delicious baked
goods, coffee and Polish delicacies.
This year, you can once again enjoy Polish, Canadian and
American beer as well as Non-alcoholic beverages in the Grange
and Marketplace Entertainment Complex.
There is a new attraction this year where you can soar to
new heights and experience Helicopter Rides provided by H&L
Enterprises of WNY LLC! Don’t miss this unique opportunity
that will be available both Friday and Saturday at the festival
NEW MUSIC & Cultural Entertainment
The “Cracovia” Polish Dance Ensemble, a group of mostly
teenagers and young adults, who perform to promote, represent,
and portray our beautiful and rich Polish culture and traditions.
Biedronka Polish Theatre for Children are dedicated to
providing entertainment for the youngest generation of the Polish
The Polish Heritage Dancers, our local folk group, are
dedicated to promoting our ancestral heritage through the
performance of traditional songs and folk dances.
John Stevens’ Doubleshot from Pennsylvania, is new to the
festival this year. They formed together in January 1995. This
Polka Band can mix up the music to fit any occasion.
For the attendees who love to compete and show off their best
we have the Polish Heritage Festival Pageant, Pierogi
Eating Contest, and Polish Bake Off this year will
be Lazy Pierogi. Come and cheer on your
favorite competitor!
Theme Basket Auction
Our popular Theme Basket Auction returns to the festival
on Friday and Saturday. Need not be present to win. Go to for more information.
Be sure to get your Share the Treasure tickets now! At the
Festival the winner, if in attendance, will recieve an additional
Vendors and crafters will be showcasing the best of Polish &
American items, from pottery to jewelry, and more!
Spring 2010
Report of the National Vice President/Secretary,
Jim Serafin
It is hard to believe that nearly four
years have gone by since our 36th Grand
Convention, but we are now only five
months away from our 37th Quadrennial
Grand Convention. As your Vice President/
Secretary it is my duty to inform all
members of the Polish Union of America
that they are part of the first step in preparing
for our August Convention. According to
our Constitution and By-Laws, all Lodge
Secretaries are to convene lodge meetings
in the months of April or May. The purpose is for lodge members to
select delegates and alternates to the convention. Each eligible lodge
received an Original and a Duplicate 2010 Convention Mandate from me
in late March. These must be completed and returned to me no later than
June 28, 2010. A Credentials Committee will then be convened to verify
the mandates submitted by each lodge. I look forward to hearing from
many of you in the months ahead and to seeing you in August.
If you have any questions please contact me at our National
Headquarters at (716) 677-0220.
We are in need
of large baskets
for our famous
Theme Basket Auction
for this year’s Polish Heritage
Festival. (We have a supply of small
& medium baskets). If you would like to pass them along
to us, please drop them off at the Polish Union of America,
745 Center Road, West Seneca, NY 14224 anytime between
8 am and 4 pm, Monday through Friday. Also, if you would
like to donate a basket, or item (minimum $25 value) for
the auction, you may also drop it off at the Polish Union
of America by May 20th, 2010. We appreciate all
donations. Thank You!
2010 Polish Heritage Festival
Theme Basket
A Nonprofit Corporation
Polish and Polish-American Culture: Past to Present
Friday, June 11 & Saturday, June 12, 2010
The Fairgrounds
5820 South Park Ave., Hamburg, NY
Contact Person:_________________________________________
Theme Basket Auction
The Theme Basket Auction” returns to the festival on Friday
and Saturday. Last tickets sold will be at 4:30 pm. Numbers will
be posted at 5 pm. Need not be present to win. Prizes not claimed
by 6:30 pm on Saturday, may be picked up at the Polish Union
of America office from 8 am until 4 pm Monday through Friday.
(Winners of prizes not claimed at the festival will be notified by
phone, and have 15 days to pick up their prize.)
Address:_ _____________________________________________
There were
Other Sponsorship Opportunities
___ Program Book and website advertising $125.
___ Theme Basket $50, or more.
___ Theme Basket $25.
___ Festival Program book listing $25.
Text for One-Line Ad (please print legibly):
State__________________________ Zip_ ___________________
Phone (Day): ________________ (Evening):_ ________________
30 Paczki
In our last issue.
To reserve your choices, mail this form by May 15, 2010, to:
Polish Heritage Festival, PO Box 115, Springville, NY 14141-0115
________ Check enclosed (payable to “Polish Heritage Festival”)
For more information,
call (716) 998-2501 or e-mail
Spring 2010
Polish Heritage Festival
Exhibitor And Vendor Application
Polish Heritage Festival
Contest Application Request Form
Our New Marketplace Location
Our contest application forms are available on the Internet
at If you would like to have us send
you the forms, please fill out this coupon.
Please send me an application form for the following contests:
for Not-For-Profit Organizations & Churches
2 festival admission tickets per day
_____# 1 six foot table & 2 chairs: NO CHARGE!
(You must request or will not be available.)
_____# 2 chairs only: NO CHARGE!
(You must request or will not be available.)
_____# Limited electrical hook-up: NO CHARGE!
(You must request or will not be available.)
(Enclose copy of proof of status.)
q Best Polish Lazy Pierogi Contest (Grange) 5:00 pm
q Pierogi-Eating Contest (Gazebo) 5:30 pm
Both Contests are on Saturday, June 12, 2010.
I understand that the deadline for returning any or all
of the application forms is May 15, 2010.
Please send coupon to:
Polish Heritage Festival
PO Box 115, Springville, NY 14141-0115
One 8-foot, draped display table with 2 chairs and 2 festival
admission tickets per day
2-day registration fee
_____Vendors and Exhibitors: $200
_____Limited electrical hook-up for an additional fee of $20
Name _________________________________________
Address _______________________________________
City __________________________________________
State ___________________ Zip __________________
Three 8-foot, draped display tables with 2 chairs and 2
festival admission tickets per day
2-day registration fee
_____Marketplace Vendors: $350
_____Limited electrical hook-up for an additional fee of $20
Festival Pageant
Application Request Form
Saturday June 12, 12 - 4 PM
The Fairgrounds
Includes areas 10x10 & up!:
For 2-day registration fee call for quote.
Outdoor & Commercial Vendors:
call (716) 998-2501 for quote.
5820 South Park Avenue, Hamburg, NY
Grange Building
The Pageant categories include young ladies between the
ages of 3 and 17 years and over.
Exhibits and displays must be approved by the Polish Heritage Festival Committee.
Sponsor fee will be $20 or $30 per contestant, depending
on age. For more info., call Bonnie at (716) 832-5224.
To reserve your booth, mail this form by May 15, 2010, to:
Polish Heritage Festival, PO Box 115, Springville, NY 14141-0115
________Check enclosed (payable to “Polish Heritage Festival”)
Please send me an application for the Polish Heritage
Festival Pageant. Send this form and a self-addressed
stamped envelope to:
Polish Heritage Festival Pageant
208 Avon Road, T
onawanda, NY 14150
Contact Person:_________________________________________
Address:_ _____________________________________________
State__________________________ Zip_ ___________________
Phone (Day): ________________ (Evening):_ ________________
State___________ Zip__________________________
Phone: (
For more information,
call (716) 998-2501 or e-mail
Spring 2010
Happy Birthday to the following adult Polish Union of America
members who were born in April, May and June!
Suzanne Wargo
Taylor T Young
Paul W Wojtkowski
Robert F Zogby Jr
Polish Union of America will
be listing the birthday greetings
to our members in every issue
of our newspaper, instead of
mailing individual birthday
cards. This gives friends and
relatives an opportunity to
wish you a “Happy Birthday.”
(Birthdays are listed for
members over the age of 18.)
June Marie Hills
Paula J Gentyla
Pamela Pischer
Paul J Burns
David M Elinski
Marion J Moskal
Sylvia J Prusakowski
Victor R Slivinski
James P Swierat
Jacquelyn A Warn
Marya T Bricker
Amanda W Coyne
Evan A Houck
Ann P Koltunchik
Alexander Peck
Cynthia L Podsiadlo
Diane M Ruszczyk
Jeremy Lee Summers
Joy Susan Summers
Felicia Warmus
Raymond G Winkowski
Thomas J Wszalek
Stephania A Zawistowski
Marcia J Murphy
Diane Reck
Eleonora Wojcik
Mitchell C Calandro
Arthur F Klonoski
Erin Lynn Klonoski
Stacey M Korta
David A Kurdys
Jan Miscikoski
J Scott Molenda
Delphine M Nalewajek
Casmira Overbaugh
John J Petrosky Jr
Henryk Szyszkowski
Francis M Trafidlo
Michelle A Ritornato
Christina Lynn Alaimo
Justin Antoszyk
Brianne Marie Arent
Joshua M Arent
Lillian Anna Bartolotta
Jessica C Budin
Kevin Daniel Budin
N Dolores Bullick
Marcy Anne Callahan
Stanislaw Cichowski
Thomas J Eder
Joseph J Farmer
Alex Fekete
Eric J Fogg
Dana Elizabeth Geary
Antoinette Jarema
Judith Kaczmarek
Sophie Kuwik Kelm
Rebecca Anne Kruse
Theresa Ann McGinnis
Helena Minard
Lucyna Nowacki
Shirley Ann Pasek
Stanley B Pasek
Albert Piotrowski
Helena Podlinski
Deanna M Pollina
Alice M Prabucki
Jennifer M Prusakowski
Todd A Ritornato
Daniel J Rossi
Alice Salvadore
Lynnette Schieler
Kelly M Sroka
Kimberly Ann Sroka
Brian J Steighner
George E Szymanski
Helen T Tice
Adolph S Trznadel
Edmund Urbanski
Drew M Walek
Karen Wilson
David F Wolski
Irving W Young
Katherine M Young
Jessica K Zoladz
Brian J Koch
Mary Koscinski
Gail Marie Massaro
Theodore Pawlowski
Madelina A Veltri
Aniela Angelino
Elizabeth M Bachewicz
Kelly Ann Bachewicz
Matthew Paul Bachewicz
Jan Baldowski
Marilyn Barnum
Andrew J Blazer
Sarah A Blazer
Donald J Bolek
Joseph J Cap
Michael N Chronik
Stephanie E Crissey
Steven J Crissey
Elzbieta Denvit
Cynthia Ann Digweed
Jashua Alan Digweed
Lucie Elizabeth Drozd
Theresa Dunlap
John Paul Furmaniak Jr
Laverne Furmaniak
Zenon Golba
William E Gomolka Jr
Kristine M Husch
Kristine M Husch
Jeanette Ibarra
Aniela Janowski
Sophie Kapera
Wladyslawa Kurcz
Wladyslaw Lewandowski
Kevin Majchrzak
Gregory V Miklusak
Czeslaw Ogorek
Helen Orawiec
Cheryl Peterman
Stanley A Pokrzywa
Krystyna Polonowicz
Anthony S Raciak
Dolores W Rojek
Marion J Sidor
Helena Smolik
Adam Sowizral
Anna Stovich
Michael R Swiader Jr
Lauren A Szalach
Stanislaw Taraszka
Lucille Tokarski
Erwin T Tyrakowski
Dorothy Vanwinkle
Jeffrey T Vanwinkle
Thomas L Vanwinkle
Veronica Wasilewicz
Richard CMF E Wilga
Sophie M Winn
Arlene J Wroblewski
Gary Wroblewski
Matthew David Bell
Elizabeth Biscan
Stanley Dubczak
Patricia Earley
Cynthia Heimbuch
Richard A Klapkowski
Janina Kujawa
Bronislawa Michnal
Margaret Pogorzelski
Rose Poludniak
Richard A Rogalski
Paul Skierczynski
Ronald L Trzcinski
Mark W Wojcik
Wladyslawa Wojtowicz
Bradley David Prane
Matthew Daniel Prane
Zachaich Antoszyk
Alisha Janann Zakowicz
Mary C Foley
Daniel G Bebernitz
Nancy L Coughlin
Robert H Dombkowski
Edward F Fedor
John Franzek
Celia A Garstka
James J Garstka
Paul A Garstka
Gloria E Korta
Jacquelyn E Ledoyt
Anton Przoda
Stanley Saletnik Jr
Theodore R Wolski
Susan Ann Curran
Philip Kontrabecki
Amy L Lubick
Karen M Rudnicki
Joseph M Woloszynowski
Irene G Gardocki
Michael J Gasiecki
Casimir Joseph Glodek
Patricia Ann Gradler
Abbey M Karlinski
Kevin D Karlinski
Frances M Murawa
Darrel Newman
Zygmunt Szyszkowski
Kevin M Trepa
Robert F Trepa
Elizabeth Ann Dacy
Pamela Ann McDavitt
Lisa Marie Kalota
Donald S Maday II
Barbara Verman
Lawrence S Gwozdz
Joseph Antoszyk
Margaret F Burke
Nancy Lee Joseph
Lydia M Kowal-Ippolito
Janice A Kuczmarski
Sean Patrick Muchmore
Michael F Smigielski
Maryanne Szymanski
Leon E Wolinski
Edward J Wos
Gerald Joseph Pawlak
Lynn D Hawkins
Heidi S Budsock
Kenneth Chmiel
Bonnie Kamochi
Thomas L Kosiba
Elaine J Kosieracki
Rosalie Pilch McMullen
Amy S Pajak
Paul Peterman
Stanley M Popiela
Florian J Sliwinski
David Wiatr
Audrey J Agnello
Carrie Leigh Alaimo
Sheryl Anderson
Thaddeus Andrzejewski
Pawel P Angielczyk Jr
Leonard T Antos
Christine Anzalone
Daniel B Arent
Deborah M Arent
Melanie D Arent
Patricia A Atlas
Jozef Augustyn
Kate Avissato
William Badura
Teresa M Bahne
Eleanor A Bakos
Evelyn T Bakowski
Felicia B Banaszak
John Bankowski Jr
Keith L Baran
Elzbieta Barbera
Michael C Barnas
Gerald J Bartkowiak
Lawrence Bartos
Randall J Bartosz
Genowefa Bator
Franceen Behn
Justin T Bement
Chelsea K Benczkowski
Edmund Z Benczkowski
Geoffery Beresford
Edward A Berowski
David W Bialkowski
Edward A Bielecki
Anita M Biggie
Robert Biniszkiewicz
William A Blachowski
Christopher P Blakowski
Douglas V Blakowski
Linda M Blasik
Theresa Julia Blizniak
Bernard Peter Blocho III
Alycia Margaret Bobak
Edward J Bogus
Elaine J Bonarowski
Spring 2010
Marlene A Bonarowski
Brendan Peter Bond
Gerald M Borowiak
Kara M Borowiak
Donna Borycki
Elizabeth A Brakes
Jillian M Brandon
Gloria J Brennan
Mary C Brennan
Cynthia A Brochowicz
Ronald E Brodowski
Ophelia Brown
Adeline G Bucki
Deborah B Bucki
Justin M S Bucki
Dorota Buczynski
Crystal G Buddell
Steven Z Buddell
Patricia Bujalski
Florence Bukowski
Virginia Lynn Burch
Karen Burdick
Marcia Elaine Burzynski
Julie Alicia Busch
Sophie Butry
Ronald J Buziak
Maria R Buzynski
Patricia Ann Bylewski
Carson L Cain
Catlin Leah Cain
Patricia Calabrese
Virginia Carballada
Sandra M Carberry
Elise M Carr
Katelyn Ann Carr
Ryan O Carr
Rose M Cebulski
Thomas M Celebucki
Lisa M Chelkowski
Michael R Chelkowski
John C Chmura Jr
Kathleen M Chronik
Stanley L Chudy
Mary Ciaglo
Anna L Ciesielski
Ryan J Clark
Teresa A Conley
Elizabeth Connolly
Shirley M Connors
Jeffrey Corbran
David J Coughlin
Paula A Coughlin
Brandon F Covelli
Kristin M Covelli
Arthur A Crawford
Constance Ann Crawford
Ryan M Cretacci
Judy A Cunningham
Joanna Czaja
Dorothy L Czapla
Anna Maria Czelusta
Marc R Daigler
Penny M Danielewicz
Susan M Danielewicz
Eleanor A Darlak
Judith S Darlak
Jerome J Davern
Elizabeth Marie Davidson
Agnes Degenhart
Kimberly R Deitzer
Kathleen A Delecki
Michelle Ann Demirian
Adam DeRose
Deborah J Dias
Colin Andrew Dillon
Franciszek Dojka
Amanda J Dollinger
Daniel A Dollinger
Alan P Domagala
Rachel Ann Domanski
Christine A Dombrowski
Peter T Dombrowski
Rebecca Ann Dombrowski
Robert T Dombrowski
Ronald J Dombrowski
Sarah C Dombrowski
Clara H Donato
Deanna Sue Downing
David B Doyka
Joseph P Doyka Jr
Rachel M Doyle
Joanna Drabik
Richard C Drewniak
Anthony N Druzbik Jr
Lynn Marie Dudek
Mary A Dudek
Sharon Dudek
Sophie H Dudek
Harry M Dudziak
Kevin Dudziak
Julie M Dukat
Eloise E Dulski
Margaret A Dunn
Mark L Dunn
William L Dunn
Eric M Dybalski
Robert C Dziadaszek Jr
Andrew T Dziedzic
Katherine H Dziedzic
Kathleen Ann Dziedzic
Antoni Dziel
Paul A Dziel
Roman Dzik
Louise H Dzimian
Krystal N Dziomba
Marie Eckel
Constance M Edwards
Jason M Ehmke
Nicholas A Emmanuele
Santino Evancho
Phyllis J Fabian
Gioacchino J Falsone
Dolores M Felski
Jozef Fialkiewicz
Melvine Fiutak
Katlyn L Flaherty
Kyle James Folger
Jonathan P Formella
Ronald Joseph Friend
Richard Frizzell
David J Fronczak
Norbert Fronczak
Mildred Fuchs
Crystal Fudalik
Kenneth J Fudalik
Kenneth M Fudalik
Lawrence E Fudalik
Stanley E Gajewski
James Eugene Galanti
Christine M Gallisdorfer
Janice E Gardner
Ruth A Gardner
Deborah A Garguiolo
Edward H Gasiecki
Arlene N Gawronski
Mary Gehrmann
Ernestyna Gipp
Martin J Glinski
Walter A Golen
Marie I Golimowski
Richard J Gondek
Alice R Gonsiorek
Mary Ann Goodell
Cheri A Gorski
Kenneth Michael Goulding
Edward S Grabicki
Sylvia L Grendisa
Sharon A Grubka
Ryan Michael Grzybowski
Steven D Grzybowski
Janine M Guilz
Adele H Gumulak
Brian P Gurney
Matthew R Gurney
William A Gutowski
Richard S Gworek
Margaret Hahin
Michaeline M Hahin
Edward W Halady
Erin P Halicki
Shawn Patrick Hall
Rita Hanslick
Florence S Harack
Antoni Harasimowicz
Darlene Harris
Michelle A Hattori
Cynthia Hejza
Stacee Renee Hejza
Zachary J Hess
Jeffrey R Holtz
Lynn A Holtz
Kenneth M Horton
Michelle R Horton
Marcia Lynne Hromowyk
Kathleen M Inda
Alicya Isbrandt
Stanislaw Iwankow
Raymond J Jachlewski
Judy Ann Jajkowski
Thomas D Jakubaszek
Jeffrey J Jakubowski
Rajmund Janak
Diana M Janeczko
Emily P Janiga
Gary J Janiga
Gary J Janiga
Donna L Jankowiak
Florence C Jarnot
Mary Jane Jarnot
Victoria Jarnot
Kenneth D Jarosz
Anthony Jasinski
Cynthia Jegierski
Deborah L Jozwiak
James P Jozwiak
Sue Ann Marie Jozwiak
Paul E Jurka
Walter Juszkiewicz
Daniel Kaczmarowski
Michael R Kaczmarowski
Ronald D Kaczor
Richard Kaczynski
Virginia R Kalynycz
Kathleen Karpick
Marian A Kasprzak
Theodore Katra
Karen Sue Keast
Virginia M Kendziora
Marilyn Jane Keppler
Leah K Ketzer
Lucas P Ketzer
Susan J Ketzer
Gary Kiebzak
Jennifer A Kielar
Stephen J Kielar III
Casimer D Kielbasa
Adelia Kilian
Irena Kingsley
Dorothy E Kirsch
Christopher Raymond Kita
Nicholas John Kita
Bernadine Klaja
Kenneth Klapmeyer
Amanda M Klimczak
Helen B Klimeczko
Eileen N Klipfel
Jane Klubek
Jason Thomas Klubek
Robert E Knapp
Susan Kneeppel
John T Kociela
Thomas M Koerner
Robert Kolasa
Florence Konicki
John C Konstanty
Wanda S Kopec
Fred P Kopra
Katherine M Kopra
Leonard F Kopra
Edwin Koralewski
Dorothy Kosciolek
Christine E Kosinski
Judith A Kosinski
Carol Ann Kosnikowska
Evelyn M Kosowski
Helena Kost
Elaine Alice Koszuta
Virginia J Kotas
Florence Joan Kowalewski
Robert L Kowalewski
Eugenia J Kowalski
Irene Kowalski
Phyllis J Kozak
Gerald B Kozierowski
Jesse Krajewski
Karol J Krajewski
Mary Krajewski
Paul B Kranz
Courtney A Krawczyk
Virginia C Krengulec
Robert J Krieger
Raymond Krolewicz
Richard G Krolewicz
Gary E Krolikowski
Richard E Krolikowski
Sylvia T Kruk
Dennis G Krysztofowicz
Matthew Kubarski
Michael H Kubik
Daniel S Kuczka
Dolores Kudla
Jadwiga Kulinski
Edward S Kurcz
David E Kurdziel
Richard A Kurdziel Jr
Sharon D Kurek
Leonard Kuzniarek
Anne M Kwasniewski
Helen A Kwiatkowski
Henry Kwiatkowski
Marianne C Kwiecien
Helena Labenski
Antoinette E LaDuca
Timothy LaFornia
Edward Lambrych
Tonya M Lancaster
Kristen M Laskowski
Lauri J Latona
Richard T Latona
Patricia Laurent
Irene H Lawniczak
Andrea M Lawrence
Kevin J Lawrence
Shannon R Lawrence
Joseph A Lazzaro
Pamela Lazzaro
Magdalena C Lehman
Richard W Lehr
Helen E Leistner
Sheri Jo Lenkowski
Rita M Lernatowicz
Donald E Lesinski
Joan Lesinski
Nicholas Lewczyk
Stephanie Gibbs Lewinski
Nancy Ann Lipa
Joan Lipowski
Judith C Lipsey
Benjamin D Longfellow
Ann M Longo
Anthony J Loor
Thomas Loor
Elaine Marie Lopez
Margaret J Lopian
Stephen J Lopian
Loretta Luba
Sharon A Luckenbaugh
Michelle Lynn Lufkin
Nicholas W Lukaszewicz
Walter Lukaszewicz
Rosemarie Lysarz
Tyler J MacFarland
Arlene Maciag
Jennifer J Maciok
Richard J Mackenzie
Brian M Mackowiak
Jillian T Mackowiak
Michael L Mackowiak
Joseph Mager
Stanley A Majda
Barbara Major
Bernard F Makowski
Gertrude Malec
Christopher P Malik
Kristyn N Mallette
Ian C Maloney
Rachel A Maloney
Paul J Maltbie
Nicole M Maltby
Pamela K Maltby
Vito A Mangine
Brian P Maras
David Marciniak
Katie Ann Marciniak
Christine Markham
Francis J Marracino
David Marrano
Anthony L Marszalek
Debra A Marszalek
Fabian J Maryanski
Kara Lee Matala
Gena M Mawhinnie
Raymond J May
Brian P Mazuchowski
Irene C Mazuchowski
Delfina Mazur
Russell Mazur
Arthur J Mazurowski
Sara J McFarland
Teresa Lynn McFarland
Deborah A McGraw
Pamela M McMillan
Sabrina Medina
Daniel Meller
Richard Meller
Spring 2010
Danielle Miano
Edmund Michalski
Robert J Miecznikowski
Charlotte Mielcarek
Pamela A Mika
James W Mikolajczak
Janice M Miller
Gary J Minard
Paige E Minard
Ebyk Minkewicz
Charles A Modica
Jenna Modica
Alice Molenda
Virginia H Monnin
Dolores S Mrozinski
Melanie J Murawski
Raymond Murawski
Scott Patrick Murszewski
Phyllis J Musial
Cynthia M Muskopf
David W Muskopf
Joseph Neubauer
Joseph B Neubauer
Sylvia A Nevin
Frank R Niedziela
John Niziol
Wanda K Norris
Francis A Novak III
Deanna Lynn Novosat
Christine E Nowak
David P Nowak II
Geraldine Nowak
Mary J Nowak
Peter J Nowicki
Irene F Nowotarski
Sophie Nowotarski
Franciszek Obrycki
Marianne O’Geen
Johanna Ruth Ohm
Rachel M Ohm
James Olchawski
Arlene T Olday
Michael R Olday
Tiffinay A Olday
Donna M Oleszek
June I Oleszkowski
Jaydrian Olson
Colleen L O’Neill Nice
Marcia T Orwat
Jennifer J Orzolick
Elizabeth J Osinski
Jamie Lee Overturf
Nicholas P Overturf
Alice A Owczarczak
Erica S Owczarczak
Euphemia T Owczarczak
Francis J Owczarczak
Francis J Owczarczak
Jennifer M Owczarczak
Michael F Owczarczak
Sandra Pacer
Edward J Pachla
Barbara A Pajak
Clara Pajak
Theresa Pajak
Megan E Paluch
Cecilia Palys
Margaret J Paradowski
Mel W Paradowski
Jared J Parylo
Marian Parylo
Cathryn M Patricola
Christine M Pawlak
Francis J Pawlik
Julie J Pawlowski
Rosemary C Penvose
Jan Peszko
Jack Stephen Petko
Helen O Petrask
Lorilyn Phillips
Henry M Piatek
Adele Pietraszewski
John J Pietrzak
Andrew R Piniarski
Amanda Elizabeth Pinski
Antoni Piotrowski
Valentina Piotrowski
Wallace S Piotrowski
Jozef J Piwowar
Robert A Ploch
Diane C Podosek
Theodore J Podosek Sr
Ronald Polanski
Robert C Ponichtera
Leonard Postek
Katherine E Praczkajlo
Betsy I Previty
Leon D Price
Linda E Price
Mary Ann Prusakowski
Paul D Prusakowski
Christopher M Przespo
Emily J Przylucki
John E Przylucki
Christopher M Pulinski
Daniel B Pulinski Jr
Diane M Pulinski
Jason Pulinski
Jeffrey M Pulinski
Eileen M Pyrak
Stephania M Racinowski
Sophia M Radscavage
Richard Ralicki
Dorothy M Ratajczyk
Jeremy Ratajczyk
Norbert A Ratajczyk
Karen Reaume
Leslie D Reczek
Statia Repka
Michael Rich
Michael Zachary Rich
Michael J Richards
Rachael L Richmond
Rose M Richter
Mary F Ritzenthalar
Dorothy Robak
Aleathea M Rodriguez
Theresa Rogowski
Richard R Romanowski
Barbara Rosowski
Karen A Rossi
Bernadette Marie Rozek
Melissa S Rozek
Karen Rozeski
Paul Rozewicz
Mary Ruda
Nancy M Rudnicki
Thaddeus Rudzinski
Theresa Rudzinski
Matthew F Ruggiero
Brian D Rusk
Gary Rzeszutek
Theresa Rzeszutek
Rita B Sabadasz
Lynn M Saber
Kathleen E Sabin
Melania Sajdak
Theresa M Sajdak
Jaimie J Samanka
Robert L Sawicki
Kelsey Ann Scanlon
Millicent Schmidt
Robert T Schrader
Judith Ann Schroeder
Mary K Schroeder
Cynthia R Schubring
Mary Ann Schwab
Jane Seaman
Mary Jo Seedorf
Barbara H Seifert
Anita Serafin
Ashley Rose Serwon
Susan F Serwon
Christopher Sielski
Steven Sielski
Donna Marie Siergiej
Mary Ann Silvernail
Charlotte Sinicki
Maryanna Siudak
Aloysius A Skierczynski
April R Skierczynski
Marcia E Skierczynski
Sara A Skierczynski
Charlotte T Skoney
Barbara A Skora
Eric L Skowronski
David H Skurzewski
Joan F Slachciak
Lauren R Slawinski
Dolores M Slazak
Norbert E Sledzieski
Yvonne M Slevar
Eugene Sliwinski
John F Slowik
Anthony J Smaczniak
Theodore E Smardz
Christine Smith
Richard Smokowski
Angeline Smolarek
Patricia A Smolarek
Christine C Snyder
Dana Rae Snyder
Melania Sobczak
Michael R Sobczak
Matthew W Sobczyk
Ronald Sobieraj
Barbara Sobol
David J Solecki
Stacey M Sood
Robert Soris
Kathleen Splett
Shannon Spulecki
Aaron M Spyra
Bernice Spyra
Daniel J Sroda Jr
Rita Stachniak
Frank J Stanczewski
Scott M Stanczewski
Thomas M Stanko
Carol Stansfield
Stephanie L Starba
Deborah A Staszak
Norbert Staszak
Carrie L Stelmach
Jean T Stepnick
Megan E Stockdill
Florence A Stoklosa
Rose Marie Stoklosa
Erin Christine Stranford
Richard J Strek
Charles B Stuart
Jeffrey L Such
Ronald Suchocki
Angeline T Suszynski
Jan Suwinski
Daniel J Swierat
Marilyn P Synakowski
Bernadette Syracuse
Donald E Szalasny
Neil R Szczepanski
Delphine M Szczublewski
Delphine M Szczublewski
Pearl M Szczygiel
Robert Szczygiel
James W Szefler Jr
Catherine A Szrama
Michael Szrama
Miroslawa A Szramel
Donald S Szumigala
Patricia L Szumla
Anna Szymanski
Frank S Taberski
Loretta Tarpinian
William Taylor
Walter Terk
Marie Cecile Tidwell
Stephen Joseph Todd
Leonard Tomaszewski
Kathleen Ann Tonello
Karen Torkoniak
James Tredo
Robert F Trejderowski
Joseph R Tuberdyck
David R Tyczynski
Janina Tylec
Stanley J Tyrpak
Gloria A Unger
Brian R Urbanczyk
Ronald K Urbanczyk
Scott Lucas Urbanski
Thomas V Urbanski
Allecia I Uzar
Agnes Vacanti
Donald R Vaccaro
Ludwika Van Horn
Michele Vaugan
Lauren Verbocy
Theresa Ann Vertalino
Anthony P Viola
Kelly Lynn Virtuoso
Thomas Jerome Virtuoso
Helena Wachnicka
Beverly Wagonblott
Theresa A Waiss
Walter V Waiss Jr
Norman F Walawander
Cynthia Walczak
Jamie Walsh
Jordan M Walter
Joseph F Warlik Jr
Shawn Anthony Warlik
Mark J Warren
Marie E Wasacz
Amanda C Wasik
Christopher J Wasik
Joseph S Wasik Sr
Joseph S Wasik Jr
Phyllis Wasik
Michael R Wasilewski
Sarah M Wass
Julie A Waugh
Peter Waugh
Catherine Wawrzyniak
Collette Ann Weber
William R Weber
Pauline Weinheimer
Eric Werynski
Gregory Weselak
James H Weselak
James H Weselak
Marian E Wesolowski
Susan Wesolowski
Joan West
Helen C White
Michele White
Steven Whyte
Geraldine Wiech
Robert Wieleba
Lorraine Frances Wiernik
Edward A Wiess
Kevin Wiess
Janina F Wiglusz
Mary Anne Wilgocki
Joyce H Wojciechowski
Dolores Wojdan
Mary A Wojtaszek
Edward J Wojtkowiak
Mark A Wojtowicz
Richard Wolniewicz
Kelly L Wolski
Joshua Jude Wrazen
Joyce A Wszalek
Christopher J Wyrobek
Brian K Young
Cecylia Zachowicz
Charlotte C Zaidel
Jodie M Zajac
Sally Zajac
William M Zajaczkowski
Bronislaus R Zak
Allen J Zakowicz
Zenon N Zakrzewski
Henrietta Zalucki
Jessica Ann Zamber
Christine A Zambron
David Zdrojewski
Vincent S Zebrowski
Jason F Ziarniak
Charlotte Zielinski
Aloisius Zielonka
Ann Mary Ziemba
Louise Ziobro
Thomas A Ziobro
Debbie A Ziuko
David J Zuber
Eleanore Zuber
John P Zukowski
Ruben L Zukowski
Kathleen Zuppelli
Sophie A Zwolinski
Eugene A Gabalski
Patricia Ann Kingzett
Paul J Lapczenski
Richard P Lewandowski
Vera Lee Lewandowski
Jillian M Nisiobincki
Karin M Pyrak
Jeffrey M Baines
Alicya Krawczyk
Sophie Wajda
Ethel Mae Andrews
Rose Bogdan
Ann C Callahan
Kenneth Campbell
Stephen J Cieply
Teresa Drabicki
John R Drosdak
E Louise Ferko
Marie Heberling
Spring 2010
Jacquelyn A Jecen
Lawrence Kendron
Gervase W Klimchock
Richard N Krajewski
Matthew J Krauza
Ryan Shawn Kurlak
Andrew P Lawton
Betty K Lutton
Albin Owczarczak
Leokadja Riddervold
Robert T Schneider
Arlene Sigmund
Elizabeth Stackpoole
Michael A Stackpoole
Ryan A Stackpoole
Samantha Steighner
Veronica D Swartz
Peter Wozniak
Adam N Fritz
Kara B Letein
Lauren A Letein
Kaitlin M McCoy
Mallory C McCoy
Dorothy M Orwat
Melissa S Orwat
Mary Anne Barbera
Anna Marie Jagodzinski
Michael P Jagodzinski
Engagement Announced!
Jeannette Czekaj
Grace Ann Filipowicz
Susan M Galinski
Megan A Golas
Crystal M Langer
Brandon A Marzolf
Lorraine Ricotta
Laura Kathryn Statham
Catherine A Walczak
Maria Wesling
Michael A Wargula Esq
Michael Arent
John J Blaszczak
Jeffrey M Cizdziel
Michelle Johnson Adair
Maryanna Kojm
Stanley Krempa
Robert D Morgan
Rose Morgan
Andrew G Pyrak
Frank A Radozycki
Joan A Rowan
Anna Sokloski
Charles J Tyrpak
Valerie M Ziobro
Miracle Mom
You’re a miracle mom,
An image of caring.
A modern day wonder,
A gift of time sharing.
Your routine bedazzles;
Your days are far reaching;
Your energies span
Into loving and teaching.
You have a grand sense
Of intense understanding.
You juggle a routine
Complex and demanding.
National President James, and First
Lady Christine are pleased to announce the
engagement of their son Shane Jozwiak
of Springville, N.Y. and Melissa Opala of
Lancaster, N.Y. Shane is Polish Union of
America’s Secretary of Lodge #210.
Melissa is the daughter of Sandra and
James Sterry of Lancaster, and Robert
Opala of Boston, Massachusetts.
Melissa is employed by the Internal
Revenue Service, and Shane is a partner at
Christian General Contractors.
Shane and Melissa are planning a
summer wedding in 2011.
Your work and your family
Are more than full time.
Your warm dedication
Is truly sublime.
Your spirit prevails
In a way like no other.
You’ve mastered the magic
Of miracle mother.
~ Bruce B. Wilmer
Mother’s Day!
Owen T Hynek
Bruce A Bury
Victoria A Dominas
David P Lachowicz
Richard Majcher
John A Gondek
Daniel H Granica
Calendar OF EVENTS
8th Annual
June 11 & 12, 2010
The Agri-Center on the
Fairgrounds in Hamburg, NY
Best Polish-American
History Exibit
Pierogi Eating
Best Lazy Pierogi
Beauty Pageant
theme basket
June 11 & 12, 2010
Polish Union of america
St. Matthew Lodge #395
Yankees vs. Orioles Game
Sept. 18 & 19, 2010
Camden Yards, Baltimore, MD
For more information call:
Polish Union of America (716) 677-0220
Spring 2010
Polish Union of America
745 Center Road
West Seneca NY 14224-2108
Non Profit Org.
U.S. Postage Paid
Permit No. 225
Buffalo, New York
Table of Contents
In Memoriam
We extend our sympathy to the families and friends of recently deceased members.
National President’s Message............................................. 1
Share the Treasure.............................................................. 2
Grand Convention News.................................................... 3
Urgent Request................................................................... 4
Upcoming Trips Application.............................................. 4
Polish Heritage Festival News............................................ 5
Theme Basket Auction....................................................... 6
Report of the National Vice President/Secretary................ 6
“Count the Paczki” Winner Announced............................. 6
Festival Sponsorship Opportunities Form.......................... 7
Festival Applications & Forms........................................... 7
Birthday Greetings for April, May & June.................... 8-11
Engagement Announcement..............................................11
Miracle Mom.....................................................................11
Calendar of Events............................................................11
In Memoriam.................................................................... 12
Helena Aiken
Walter Gurowicz
Irene Janik
John J. Kaczmarski, Jr.
Edward Kaczor
Czeslaw Moskal
Norman F. Murawski
Maryanna Okrzynski
Sophie Rybak
Maryann Scherer
Bernice Sitnicki
Elizabeth Sommer
Robert J. Stachnick
Thaddeus H. Starba, Sr.
Sophia L. Vernich
Charles M. Wantuch
Matthew F. Was
Paul A. Wojtaszek
Buffalo, NY
Cheektowaga, NY
Hamburg, NY
Buffalo, NY
West Seneca, NY
Schenectady, NY
Cheektowaga, NY
N. Tonawanda, NY
Batavia, NY
Ipswich, MA
Buluth, GA
N. Little Rock, AR
Gibsonton, FL
Buffalo, NY
Crown Point, IN
Cheektowaga, NY
Cheektowaga, NY
Sloan, NY
Spring 2010