"Create a Custom Card" - The National Locksmith
"Create a Custom Card" - The National Locksmith
— ADVERTORIAL — by Jeremy Phillips Create a Custom Card M y love affair with WH Software’s code software, InstaCode has been well documented. However even I am forced to admit that there are times when a particular key code simply is not in there. Fear not true believers, all is not lost! InstaCode has a clever little feature which will allow us to create the code series ourselves, thus allowing us to cut these keys on both electronic and manual code machines! This feature is found under the heading, “Custom series/card” from the “Tools” menu on the main screen. Let’s look at how it works by creating a card and a code series to cut a key for a 2009 Hyosung Motorcycle. This key came into our shop for cutting. It belonged to a 2009 Hyosung motorcycle. The key had a code number on it. A quick search on InstaCode soon revealed that there was no matching code series listed, in fact not even the key blank was listed! Now the normal course of action may have been to simply duplicate the customer’s key onto an appropriate blank and send them on their way, but this was a prime opportunity to gain some valuable information which would definitely help me should I ever encounter this particular bike again. Next time I might not be so lucky as to have a working key to start from! Step 1: Series InstaCode is asking us for some referencing information for our new system. • We have the ability to add specific manufacturing notes. • By creating a bitting table I will have the ability to add more decodes to the series in the future as they become known. Here’s how we did it... Begin by opening the “Create custom card/series” feature from the Tools menu. A new window opens prompting us to either EDIT an existing custom series or ADD a new one. Step 2: Manufacturers Add the manufacturer you would like to link this series to. • If the manufacturer does not exist in InstaCode’s database, you can create it. • Tick multiple boxes if you want the series referenced under more than one manufacturer. — ADVERTORIAL — Step 4: Key Blanks Select the key blank used for this series. In my case I had found that a Hyundai key blank, Silca HYN3 was an almost perfect match. All that was needed was to move the shoulder back a little. (This modification was noted in the manufacturing notes in Step 1.) • OEM key blanks are not available for selection. Step 6: Finish! Finally, InstaCode gives us a review of our new series. We can return to any of the previous steps and make changes whenever we like. Some recommendations for creating a custom card or series: • If creating a new card, begin the Series description with a numerical reference to the card number you intend to use. The possible range for NEW cards is 20000 – 20999. I would begin my Series description with “(000)” to reference custom card 20000. As you create more custom series’, (and trust me – you will!) you will find this helps to remind you what card number you are up to! • TRIPLE check the space and depth information before using the series to cut a key. Neither TNL, WH Software nor the author are responsible for broken machinery as a result of this article! Step 5: Bitting Data (If you selected “Direct Decode” as your data storage option in Step 1, you will not see this screen) • Add bitting data to known codes. • Import bitting data from a text file. Our new Hyosung code series is now available for use! As more decodes are discovered, I can edit my new card and add the new data. The ability to create a custom code series has been a real help to me in my day to day life as a locksmith. I have made custom cards for a wide range of applications, but I find it is especially good for those little 4-6 cut locks, which are usually impressioned. These locks often have only 3 or 4 depths and can be easily sight read. The ability to translate these cuts to an actual key by using InstaCode has dramatically reduced my labour costs, increased my profit margin and given me an easily replicable, professional looking key! • Remember that many key machines have multiple jaws for clamping the keys. This can come in handy with many of the strange profiles out there! • When creating a new card based on the dimensions of one key, make sure you keep checking other keys of the same type for a while. You will often find that the card information needs a little tweaking before it is perfect. • Once you are sure you have correct data – send the information to WH Software so that we can all share in the joy of your creation! Purchase InstaCode for only $199 a year at www.TheNationalLocksmith.com n