The MESSENGER - Gladbrook United Methodist Church


The MESSENGER - Gladbrook United Methodist Church
Gladbrook United Methodist Church
B l o o d D r i ve A l e r t
May 2014
Volume 1, Issue 17
S e n i o r R e c og n i t i o n
July 15th
October 28th (changed from
This year’s graduating seniors are:
Luke Petty, son of Duane & Barb Petty
Luke will graduate with the Class of 2014
from GMG on Sunday, May 18th at 2 p.m.
BCLUW Commencement exercises will be
held Sunday, May 18th at 2 p.m.
G-R Commencement exercises will be held
Sunday, May 25th at 2 p.m.
The Senior Citizens Dinner will be held Friday, May
11th at Peace Church and will be served by the
Peace Guild.
The next Widow/Widowers
(W.O.W.) Group will meet Wednesday, May 7th at the home of Kay
Lowry at 6:00 for a Silly Supper
Call Jeanne Paustain at 473-2802 or 641-751-2039
by May 4th.
Prayer Time
Every Sunday morning, 8:45, Family Room,
Join Us. “Be Devoted to Prayer.” Romans 12:12
ask that you remember these people especially this week
with your prayers:
Rachel Koester, Bill Schneider Bud Locke, Marlys Garber,
Bob Johnson, Jean Bruene, Chuck Fish, Abbie Sash, Evert
& Norma Lattin, Charlotte Gethmann, United Methodist
Church, Sharon Schnathorst (Shari Smith’s mother), Luann Mead (Carol’s daughter-in-law), Vaunda Kress (Rev.
Carol’s mother), Aleisa Holden (BCLUW student w/brain
tumor) and Ira Harrington, (Tawanna Vint’s brother),
Mark Keefer (Garwin UMC pastor, Jaime Piper, (Jennifer
Strohbehn’s sister), Steve Harms (Priscilla’s daugh-
ter’s brother-in-law-heart), and Robert Brekke
(Kari’s uncle, lung cancer).
We extend our sympathy to Pam Lakabung and her family on
the death of her mother recently. She lived in Nebraska.
We extend our sympathy to Tawanna Vint and her family on
the death of her sister-in-law, Frances Harrington of Waterloo. Her service was held March 31st.
We extend our sympathy to the family of Ernest Hansen. His
service was held at Anderson Funeral Home, Gladbrook, on
April 2nd.
Our Christian sympathy to the family of Harriet Fleming. She
passed away Saturday, April 12th. Her service was held April
Thanks to our ushers this month, Bob Murty, John Put- 16th at Chapel Church.
ney and Dan DeWitt.
Thanks to our greeters in April—Steve & Carolyn Moe,
Paul & Avriel Koester, Phil & Kyle Koester and Steve &
Marcia Koester and family.
Thanks to Paul & Avriel, Marshall & Diane, Larry &
Karen and Bob and Marcy for serving fellowship time.
Thanks to our acolytes— Ryan, Kayla, Emilee, Lizzie,
Brianna & Brandon .
Thanks to our projectionists in March—Moes, Jennifer
Strohbehn and Roger Luehring.
Thanks to our Liturgists—Barry Reese, Roger Luehring, Carolyn Moe and Richard Klinefelter.
Scriptures from the Lectionary
You are invited to read these scriptures each week before
the Worship service:
May 4th
Ezekiel 37: 1-14
Psalm 130
Romans 8: 6-11
John 11: 1-45
May 11th
Matthew 21: 1-11
Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29
Isaiah 50: 4-9a
Psalm 31: 9-16
Philippians 2: 5-11 Matthew 26: 14-27; 66
or Matthew 27: 11-54
May 18th Acts 10” 34=43
Psalm 18: 1-2, 14-24
Colossians 3: 1-4
John 20: 1-18 or
Matthew28: 1-10
May 25th Acts 2: 14a, 22-32 Psalm 16
1 Peter 1: 3-9
John 20: 19-31
Our Christian sympathy to Martha Gamble and her family on
the passing of Doc on Saturday, April 12th. A memorial service is planned here on Tuesday, June 17th at 6:30 p.m. Visitation at 5 p.m.
Our Christian sympathy to the family of Keith Johannsen.
Keith passed away Saturday, April 20th. His service was held
Wednesday, April 232rd at Peace Church.
Thank You for the prayer shawl and your thoughts
and prayers for our family in the passing of our
mother and grandmother, Jean Clark.
Brad, Denise, Hunter & Sophie Smoldt
To our Friends at UMC,,
I must thank you for your taking time to consider us
with tapes and monthly newsletters. It is a real message of Christian love.
I’m making a small donation for the stamps to
Marcy and UMW. Thanks so much for remembering
Roy & Betty Kvidera
Monday Morning Musings
There's something about Holy Week and Easter that stays with me. I suppose it's natural for a minister to feel that
way. After all, the Good News of our salvation through Christ is the central message of the church.
It was a busy Lenten season for so many. Our members were not just juggling church committees and things like
choir, the community choir and decorations. You were also juggling surgeries, taxes, farm work, school events and
everything else that creeps in at this time of year. Thank you for keeping your eyes and hearts on Christ.
I want to share something that happened to me during the 28-hour Prayer Vigil. This vigil spanned the time between Holy Thursday's service of worship and midnight Good Friday. During the event at least thirty-five people
came to physically pray in the sanctuary, light a candle and be in scripture for 30 minutes or longer. Our entire
church was blessed by your willingness. After the event ended we felt saturated in the word of God. That's a good
thing! Now, on to what I wanted to share...
I took the last hour of the vigil so I could to have an opportunity to pray for God's direction and the meaning of this
event for our congregation. I have been sensing a new phase of ministry about to take shape here. God did provide. As the clock edged toward midnight, the scripture I was hearing came from the end of the gospel of Mark.
There he writes of the first Holy Week; Jesus' suffering and death on the cross. How he was buried in Joseph's tomb
and on the third day, rose from the dead. This was such fitting scripture for the end of the Good Friday prayer vigil. Things like that can't be planned.
Now the last words in the gospel of Mark (that I heard just before midnight) were of the risen Christ's appearance
to Mary Magdalene and the disciples. The final lines of the gospel say “So after the Lord had spoken to them, He
was received up into heaven and sat down at the right hand of God. And they, (the Disciples), went out and
preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the word through accompanying signs.
Amen.” (Mark 16:1-20)
I don't know that we are being called to preach and work signs everywhere. But I do believe God is calling us to follow the disciples and get out there. They left Jerusalem and went to tell others about the goodness of God and the
promise of salvation. Can we go out to our community with the same mission and vision in mind? One method to
do this is to take part in a Prayer Walk/drive each week. If we divided the community into sections, a group of prayer walkers/drivers could offer a prayer and blessing for each household (and farmstead) in the greater community.
The Geneseo UMC did this. A group of two to four walkers (or drivers) were assigned to different roads. They
walked and paused before each house to offer a prayer for the families and to drop off a blessing gift. Just simple
walking and pausing before each home opened their eyes to people and needs they had not noticed. Their physical
presence in the community was a wordless demonstration of their desire to care as Christ cares. The prayer walk/
drive met for a few hours each week and continued until the entire community had been prayed over and
blessed. Might God be calling us to conduct our own Prayer Walk?
I will bring this topic up to the next meeting of the Ad. Council as a church ministry for the month of June. We will
need help to map out the community and to work with volunteer Prayer Walkers. It seems like the right thing to
do now and I see no draw backs to this faithful act. Perhaps through our willingness to get out of the church and
into the community, God will open the gates to the path of discipleship for someone who needs to walk it.
R. Carol Kress
641-473-2025 (church) 641-473-0053 (home)
"What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8
Gladbrook/ Lincoln
Community Vacation
Bible School
July 6-11, 2013
May 2014
Roger Elmore
Kay Lowry
Scott Garber, Paige Thompson
Lora Flamme
Dwayne Garber, Charlotte
Pauline Flamme
Mark Lowry, Michael &
Michelle Wentzien
Lindsay Case
Jayden Beichley, Tyler Pierce
Dan Vint
Liam Scott Stephenson
Psalm 59: 1 “Deliver me from my
enemies, O my God; protect me
from those who rise up against me.”
May 21st at 9:30 a.m. is our annual
May Breakfast. Please call Avriel or
Kathy to make your reservation if
you did not sign up at the April
meeting. Hostesses are Avriel, Kath
H., Marilyn and Joyce. Devotions
and lesson are Diane and June. We
will have a guest speaker, Rev. Wally Paige. Rev. Paige is very informed
on human trafficking in Iowa. He will
tell us how to identify, how wide
spread it is in our state and what is
being done to stop it. He is one of
our church’s legislative advocates.
Thank Offering will be collected.
Please continue bringing those receiving blankets. Roll call will be answered by telling about the worst/
Weirdest haircut you’ve ever had.
May 2014
David & Shari Smith
Andy & Billie Koester
Blessings, June
6:15-8:15 p.m.
United Methodist
Mission gifts en route to Nigeria
According to the Annual Conference Reporter the 2014 shipment of mission gifts
for Nigeria is on its way. Each year the Iowa
Nigeria Partnership over-sees the collection
of items such as robes, Bibles, hymnals,
beds, examination tables, and the many
kits (school, health, layette, etc.) that
churches as ours provide. They are packed
onto sea containers that travel across the
ocean to their final destination. The containers were loaded on Ash Wednesday by
UMC volunteers who powered through
plummeting temperatures and stiff winds.
Cedar Falls First UMC is helping to build a
medical clinic on the Banyam Seminary
campus. The church had developed a relationship with the seminary and was looking
for other ways to help. Construction tools
from the church were packed in this shipment. The Nigerian government has agreed
to provide a medical worker once the clinic
is built. However it will be a process that
will take time.
Additionally, the Grandview Umc in Dubuque has been installing water systems on
the campus. They have traveled there several times to complete this valuable project. Ron Turner of the church states, “It's a
good experience and a great blessing.”
Congratulations to Dave and Lisa
Koester on becoming grandparents on
Sunday, April 13th. Andy and Billie
Koester became the parents of a baby
girl, Lauren Olivia, born at Mary Greeley Hospital, Ames. She weighed 6 lbs.
8 1/2 oz.
The containers are scheduled to arrive in
Nigeria on April 27th. Another delegation of
Iowa volunteers will travel there in July.
Thank you for helping this project advance.
The Iowa Nigeria Project is building up this
seminary and sharing the Good News of
Jesus Christ where people are in great need
of this message.
Kids Club/Kid's of the Word – Bless YOU!
It has been a great year for Kids Club (K-4th grade community children) and Kids of the Word (5th to 8th grade). Club members have been meeting since September and they have been learning about Jesus; who is our teacher, servant, and Savior. The older students (Kids of the Word) completed their year with the ritual of foot-washing on April 9th. And the final
session for Kids Club was held April 23th. (A May bowling party will wrap up things). The youth have been involved in activities (both fun and challenging) that have reinforced this message. Their leaders have been great examples from whom
they have been learning as they grow in God's love.
Let's issue a special thank you to those leaders. A lot of love and preparation time goes into each week for the children
and youth. So please offer a special thank you to: Becky Fish, Jodi Betts, Joan Surber, Linda Randolph, Maxine Schoel,
Michele Tweedy, and Beth Murty. Our community thanks and praises God for all you are doing.
Family night at the Movies!
Heaven is for Real is coming to the Gladbrook Theater in May 30 – June 4th! This movie tells the true
story of Colton Burpo who is 4 years old and made it through an emergency appendectomy. His family
was over-joyed by his miraculous survival. What they
weren't expecting, though, was the story that emerged in the following months. The movie is a family
movie however the content may not be entertaining for very young children. Parents and grand-parents
can read a family-oriented review here : (http://www.commonsensemedia,org/heaven-is-for-real).
You church will attend as a group on Friday, May 30th. We will go to the 7:30 show. Movie time will be
followed with discussion, ice cream and cookies at the church. (So don't each too much popcorn!) Interested in joining with us? Willing to make home-made ice cream? Contact Rev Carol at 472-2025 or at
her home, 473-0053.
Please join Rev. Carol as she accepts this invitation to travel to Camp Wesley Woods at Indianola, IA. We
are invited for an afternoon of fun, fellowship and food at Wesley Wood's open house. Everyone will have an opportunity
to see the camp facilities and try out the zip line, climbing wall, archery course, pool, horse rides, carnival games, along
with activities around Broken Arrow pond. Supper will be provided. And we will worship with the summer staff who will
be commissioned for service. This will be a great opportunity for you to see the camp and to register for a summer event.
(Remember that scholarships are available.) Learn more by visiting the Camp Wesley Woods web site at No registration is necessary, but Rev Carol would like to know your intentions to travel with
her by Sunday, May 25th. We will leave Gladbrook at 10 am and return by 6 pm.
Saturday, May 31st
1—8 p.m.
Free Will Offering
Your Local 2014 Church Budget
Needed Weekly
$ 3,154.72
Needed Monthly
$ 13,670.42
Receipts to Date:
Month of January
$ 8,359.00
Month of February
$ 10,404.52
Month of March
$ 17,631.53
Apportionment (3/30)
Month of April
$ 11,066.15
March/April Attendance & Offering
Join the Senior Youth Fellowship (with a little
help from some of the ladies of the church who
make the best potato salad!) for a picnic lunch
after church service on Sunday, May 4th. Grilled
burgers and all the extras will be served in the
Peace Church Social Hall. Free will donation to
raise additional funds needed to get the kids to
Copperhill, Tennessee for their mission work
this summer.
March 30
$ 1,834.00
April 6
$ 5,071.11
April 13
$ 2,169.50
Senior YF
April 20
$ 2,531.04
The Senior YF met Wednesday evening April 16, 2014 at 7pm.
April 27
$ 1,294.50
Those present were Kendra, Callie, Zach, Cole, Spencer, Ellie,
Eric, Sasha, Shelton, Deagan, Tyler, Rev Doner, Jim and Deb.
Receipts thru 4/28/2014
We practiced for the Easter Sunrise Service, then had an East-
Expenses thru 4/28/2014
er egg hunt. We are hosting a picnic lunch fundraiser after
church service on Sunday May 4th. Everyone needs to bring a
Sunday, June 1st
pan of bars.
Our next meeting will be Wednesday May 14 at 7pm at Peace
Church. We work theatre concessions Sunday evening May
4th the same day as our picnic fundraiser.
Faithful Witness Presentation by Sheriff
Dennis Kucera at 10:45 a.m.—potluck to
Thank you to the church family for all the prayers,
cards, and phone calls while Bill was in the hospital and
returning home. Special thanks to Rev. Carol for her
visit and prayer shawl.
Thanks, Bill and Linda
Church Float
SEEKING VOLUNTEERS to assist with the Corn Carnival Church Float. The
theme is “Remembering Our Heritage”. If you are willing to assist, please
speak with Marcy Knaack and/or Deb Koester
Thank You—Bless You
Elmer Mussig and family express
their thankfulness to all who sent
cards and paid a visit in honor of
Elmer’s 100th birthday. You made
it very special for him.
Thanks to all who donated items for the church shower. People donated a wide assortment of
things—from fluorescent light bulbs, water softener salt, copy paper, stamps, soaps and
cleaning supplies. You have made a serious dent in our budget for these things. A special
thanks to Kari Groth and Heidi Williams who organized it for us.
Our church will participate in the Gladbrook city wide
garage sales on Saturday, June 7th. We are accepting good,
clean items in working condition. NO clothes or shoes. Items
can be left at the church anytime during Marcy’s hours.
We will also have a bake sale. Please bring baked
goods to the church Friday before 8 p.m. or Saturday at 7 .m.
There will be FREE coffee, juice and rolls from 8:0010:00 a.m.
All proceeds from this project will go towards the new
roof at the parsonage.
June 7-9, 2014 Iowa Events Center
Des Moines, Iowa
The theme for the 2014 Session of the Iowa Annual Conference at Hy-Vee
Hall in Des Moines is “Imagine: A Faithful Church—A Healthy World..” Please
Prepare for the coming 2014 Session by being in prayer.
Friday, June 6:
Executive Clergy Session, Des Moines First UMC @ 4 p.m.
Saturday, June 7:
Call to order at 9:30 a.m.
Memorial Celebration at 4 p.m.
Sunday, June 8
Ordering of Ministry at 9 am.
Retirement Celebration at 4 p.m.
Monday. June 9:
Morning Praise and Bible Study at 8:45 a.m.
Fixing of Appointments following Morning Praise
Adjournment at 4 p.m.
Justice for Our Neighbors
Imagine No Malaria
Nigeria Student Scholarships (Morningside & Simpson)
Director Keith Reynolds and several high school band students accompanied along
with the hymns and played a selection during offertory on Sunday, March 23rd.
Pictured left to right are: Rev. Carol, Director Reynolds, Emilee Goettsch,
Jesse Royer, Shelby Yates, Tyler Wrage, Brittany Yates and Amy Goettsch.
Gifts of Hope
Iowa-Nigeria Partnership, Banyam Seminary
(sponsor a Seminary student)
Joyce Bruene
$ 50 In honor of Elizabeth & Steve Hooper
Al & Janell Gienger
$ 25 In honor of Taylor, Ethan & Kohen
Dave & Lisa Koester
$ 25 In Thanksgiving to all those who are called to Christian ministry
Phil & Deb Koester
$ 25 In Thanksgiving for all the good they do
Rev. Carol Kress
$ 10 In Thanksgiving for the Gladbrook UMC Mission & Outreach
Steve & Carolyn Moe
$ 25 In memory of Larry & Dorothy Parker, Morton & Clara Moe
Iowa-Nigeria Partnership, Banyam Seminary
Joyce Bruene
Ken Bruene
Al & Janell Gienger
Steve & Carolyn Moe
(Build a Medical Clinic/Cedar Falls 1st & Living Water
In memory of Wesley and Irene Bruene and Edna Flamme
In memory of Ruth Ann Bruene
In honor of Taylor, Ethan & Kohen
In honor of Jeff Moe’s family and Chris Moe’s family
Mini Relay For Life
Friday, May 16th, the G-R Middle School will be hosting the 5th Annual Mini Relay for Life. They cordially invite the members of our congregation to join in the walk. It will be held at the high school football field in Gladbrook, beginning at 12:30
This event is to honor those who have won their battle against cancer and to remember those who have lost the battle.
We the students remember a former teacher, Denean Bauer on this day.
Any donations received will go to the American Cancer Society. Questions can be directed to the G-R At Risk Coordinator, Jane Stirler, at the middle school.
8th Grade Committee
The Easter Lily has long
been a symbol of Christ’s resurrection. The bulb dies before
springing forth to new life, as
Jesus died before being raised
to new life.
Koester, Ruth & Mary Koester, Fred & Anna
A lily given in memory of Mary by Bruce Appelgate
A lily given in honor of Chuck & MaryLynne
Bearden by Mike & Lori
Two lilies given in memory of Orville Brekke and
Warren & Irene Koster by Marilyn & Mike Brekke
and Duane & Kari Groth and family
A lily given in memory of Chris & Edna Bruene by
George Bruene
*A lily given in memory of Ruth Ann (Chick) Bruene
and a lily given in honor of my family by Ken Bruene
A lily given in memory of Bessie Gillette by Joyce
Two lilies given in memory of William Baumeier and
David Ryan by Steve, Jerri and Delores and families
A lily give in honor of Delores Matney by Steve, Jerri
& family
A lily given in honor of Patsy Rinz and a lily in memory
of Art Rinz by Cathy, Gary & Neile Gauthier
A lily given by Dwayne & Marlys Garber
A lily given in honor of Taylor, Ethan & Kohen by Al
& Janell Gienger
Three lilies given by Cornell & Cathy Gethmann
Two lilies given in memory of Donald Keiser,
Fred & Caroline Keiser, Lydia Flamme,
Theodore & Viola Sampson by the Keiser family
the Keiser family
Koester by Allen Koester & Marla Jarr families
A lily given in memory of Elmer & Evelyn Koester
and Carl & Daisy Hoing by Earl & Janice Hoing
A lily given in memory of Henry Junge & Mary Appelgate by Jodi & Jeni Junge
Two lilies given in memory of dad & brother Chuck
by Rev. Carol
A lily given in memory of Art Koester and our grand
parents and a lily in honor of Rachel Koester and
Cliff & Jan Hansen by Dave & Lisa
Tow lilies given in memory of Evelyn, Art, Jim & Jan
Koester and one in memory of Barb Bryan by
Phil & Deb Koester
Two lilies given in memory of Harold & Mary Davis
and Art, Jan & Mary Lisa Koester by Paul &
Avriel Koester
A lily given in memory of Kenneth Lowry by his family
A lily given in honor of Laura by Luba
A lily given in memory of Alice Hyndman and *one in
honor of our family by Roger & Terri Luehring
A lily given in memory of our parents—Ray & Lois
and Russell & Ella and * a lily given in honor of
Tom by Harold & Rose Mary
A lily given in memory of Harold & Lorene Koester
by Larry & Karen Pieper
A lily given in memory of Gerald & Walt, *a lily given
in memory of Muriel Slinker and *a lily given in
memory of George & Doris, Herman & Anna
Gethmann and Helen & Otis McKinney by Joan
A lily given in memory of Carl & Leona Gienger by
Keith & JoAnne Sash and family and * a lily given in
memory of Glen Sash by his family
A lily given in honor of Schneider grandkids—Steph,
Zach, Alex, Justin, Tyler, Sean, Taylor, Olivia,
Max & Ari and * one in memory of Eric Pieprce
and Jon Marchant by Bill & Linda
A lily given in memory of Kenneth Lowry, Kathy
Vavroch & our grandparents, by Scott, Kathy, Kendra, Kayla & Sydney Vavroch
A lily given in memory of Gertrude Baumeier by
Steve, Jerri & family
Two lilies given in memory of Fred & Pearl
Four palm trees given in memory of Ivan Gethmann
by Lorraine
Thanks to Cheryl & RoseMary
for taking care of our Easter Lilies
Administrative Council April 28, 2014
Roger Luehring called the meeting to order. Carolyn Moe will continue to take minutes, but asked that the nominating
committee also find someone to fill this position by the fall.
Members present were Kay Lowry, Barry Reese, Carolyn Moe, Heidi Williams, Kari Groth, Paul Koester, Roan Raum,
Bruce Appelgate, Steve Koester, Richard Klinefelter, June Klinefelter, Rev. Carol Kress and Roger Luehring.
Devotions / Carolyn. She asked everyone to think what emotion they would have felt if they were one of the disciples
after Jesus' death. The devotion focused on how being with the risen Christ changed the disciples from feeling lost and
abandoned to empowered followers, able to continue Christ's ministry. We too can be empowered through a relationship
with Jesus to fulfill his work in the world today.
Minutes – no changes. June/Steve, carried.
Treasurer's Report / Joan. $1984 toward apportionments was paid in April. A big thank-you was given to all who participated in bringing "shower" items for the church. They will help with expenses throughout the year. Approval: Paul/
Richard, Carried.
Committee Reports:
SPPRC / Richard. The Bishop's Laity Day was held April 12th at Cedar Falls, First. The event was streamed live, but reception wasn't the best. The NE District had the 2nd largest turnout. Locally, the SPPRC committee completed the pastor
evaluation forms and submitted them to the district. They are continuing to work on job descriptions.
UMW / June. The next meeting will be the May Breakfast on May 21st. The program will be presented by Rev. Wally
Paige about Human Trafficking, which is both a global and local problem. Please contact someone in the UMW to sign up.
MISSIONS / Carolyn. The mission committee met April 15th and continued to discuss plans for a mission trip to the
Midwest Mission Distribution Center in Illinois. Rev. Carol received word that spring 2015 would be the next dates available for the dorm housing. As soon as we receive word from Cedar Falls, First about their trip to build a medical center in
Nigeria, we will get information out. There may be some from our church, who would like to participate. The list of Easter Gift of Hope contributors and amounts will be in the bulletin and newsletter soon. A local mission opportunity called
"Love Knows Your Name" is being planned for the week of June 8 – 14. Each church member will be encouraged to do
something special to let others in our church and community know they are appreciated. More information will be available soon. Next meeting dates are May 20th and June 17th. Let Carolyn know if you would like to come.
TRUSTEES / Paul. On April 5th we had a good turnout for the clean-up day. The cause of a high water bill was found to
be a leak in one of the stools. One of the pianos will be disposed of, but another may be available for the church to use.
Upcoming items to be cared for are cleaning the Fellowship Hall carpet and the required parsonage inspection.
FINANCE & STEWARDSHIP / Roger. We received a graph Roger is working on to include in the newsletter to help
us better understand the budget. It compares the current receipts, the actual expenses and the budget. We discussed
showing all expenses in the graph, with local and conference expenses included. It also should be highlighted how the conference apportionments come back to our local church, too. Kay and Carolyn both received grants from the NE District
asking for their BeFriender Ministry Training. Joan will remind us of the electronic giving option, so we don't get so far behind during the summer months.
Agenda building added these items: garage sale, BeFrienders, community outreach, church float, and senior recognition.
OLD BUSINESS: Strategy Development - Goal: Continue outreach to the community
Rev. Carol, Roger and Becky met to continue the discussion of "A Faithful Witness" process started at the last meeting.
They identified five community individuals or groups who would bring us information about needs in and surrounding
our community. From listening to these needs, we could increase our understanding of ways we could be of service to
those around us. These persons include school administrators, school counselor, librarian, Westbrook administrator,
and sheriff. When Rev. Carol spoke with Sheriff Kucera, he said he would be willing to come soon. Discussion provided a consensus that we would invite Sheriff Kucera to inform us of needs he sees on Sunday, June 1. If he is available,
the discussion would be held during Fellowship Time and all are invited to a potluck, which will follow. A nursery will
be planned during the discussion time.
NEW BUSINESS: Garage Sale – It was proposed that we have a garage sale on the Community Garage Sale Day,
June 7th. Karen Pieper is willing to be chairperson and with our approval, she will get helpers and put out the publicity.
After discussion and appreciation, it was approved with a motion (Kari/Bruce) and vote. The event will be designated
to help with the parsonage roof. A bake sale will be planned at the same time. Free coffee, juice and donuts will be
offered to draw shoppers in early. Watch for more details, but start looking for good, clean items in working condition
to donate! No clothing or shoes, please.
BeFrienders – Carolyn shared just a quick activity to help the board understand a little more about BeFrienders.
Each person received a paper with the BeFriender Foundation Principles on one side and a quote about listening on the
other. Foundation Principles: *God is present, *Caring, not curing, *Nonjudgmental presence, & *Active listening.
Here is one sample of the quotes – a Quaker saying, "Try to listen carefully so you might not have to speak".
Church Float – the trailer and supplies are at Steve Koester's, but a chairperson will be needed. A note will be put in
the newsletter. Corn Carnival is the last weekend in June. Anyone interested in helping, please contact Marcy at the
church office.
Senior Recognition Sunday – Luke Petty will be our graduating senior this year. It was recommended we contact
the Petty's to find a date that could work to honor his achievements. We would also like to recognize others graduating from college. If you know of our youth who will be graduating this spring, please let Marcy know.
PASTOR'S REPORT: Rev. Carol officiated at Ernest Hansen's funeral earlier this month. Doc Gamble's memorial
service will be held June 17th. She appreciated those who participated in the Lenten Studies using the book, "24 Hours
That Changed The World." Rev. Carol thanked all those who helped with the services during Holy Week and Easter.
There was a good turn out for the "Son of God" movie, and some also attended the "Noah" movie. The "Heaven is for
Real" movie will be here May 30th – June 4th. Anyone who would like to attend and discuss together can come to the
Friday, May 30th showing. Rev. Carol would like to take the youth to the Camp Wesley Woods Kick-off, May 31st.
Watch for more details. If you haven't seen the "God is Not Dead" movie, it comes highly recommended. Watch for
other ways you can view it.
Concerns for these persons were lifted up for prayers: Rev. Carol's mom, Bill Schneider, Rachel Koester, Evert Lattin,
Kari Groth's Uncle Robert, and also her Uncle Ron, Darlene Eggers and her family. Joys included having Jeri playing for
our service last week and Rose Koester's upcoming wedding in July. Rev. Carol will appreciate some time on vacation.
.Since our regular meeting date in May will fall on Memorial Day, we will meet Tuesday, May 27th at 7 pm. Roger Luehring will have devotions
Rev. Carol closed our meeting with prayer.
Respectfully submitted, Carolyn Moe, sec. pro tem
The Jr Youth Fellowship met Sunday evening, April 27th, at Peace
Church. Supper, provided by the leaders, was served to 17 youth.
The group discussed upcoming end of the year meeting, Easter celebrations and random acts of kindness. The group then enjoyed a
movie at the Gladbrook Theater.
Peace United Church of Christ hosted the Community
Easter Sunrise Services on Easter dawn. The high school
youth presented the services. A breakfast followed in the
Fellowship Hall. The singers are pictured as they sang, “In
the Bulb There is a Flower”.
Support is Needed to Help Savanna!
Savanna Mehaffy, 8, a 3rd grader at Gladbrook-Reinbeck, has a life threatening condition called venous malformation. Savanna was born with a “lump” of veins, that didn’t recede at birth, in her mouth and on
her tongue. The ball of veins continued to grow and for a while Savanna’s tongue protruded out of her mouth.
When her parents, Shaun & Alicia Mehaffy, lived in Omaha, Nebraska, treatments for Savanna, shortly
after her birth, were conducted at a hospital in Denver, CO. They started a Facebook page—Savana Smiles.
Since they have moved to Gladbrook, they are seeking treatment at the Mayo Clinic. They are hoping they can
now do surgery or treatments on her mouth and lips, and start her on a road to a normal life.
Since, Savanna’s, condition is life threatening she has been granted a Make-A-Wish trip to Walt Disney
World in June.
The Mehaffy family is seeking financial help for their trip to Rochester to help with the cost of gas, hotels, and food. They leave Sun., May 4th.
Shaun is the son of Ray Mehaffy and grandson of the late Loren Mehaffy of Gladbrook.
Savanna has two brothers, Kalob, 6, and Liam, 2.
Any financial donations or gas cards may be left at the church office. The family will greatly appreciate
your support!
The Gladbrook United Methodist Messenger
715 Lincoln Street
Gladbrook, Iowa 50635
May—Barry Reese, Marshall Mussig,
Al Venenga
Emilee Pepe, Kayla Vavroch
Taylor Gienger, Brianna
Lizzie & Jack Garber
Ross Murty & Ryan Koester
Roger Luehring
Marcy Knaack
Marcy Knaack
Jerri Baumeier
Anita Elmore
Bud Locke, Priscilla Crumley
Kay Lowry, Mark Lowry
Roger & Terri Luehring
Harold & RoseMary McKinney
Paul Koester
Rev. Carol
Kevin Williams
Lisa Koester
The Messenger
Published monthly by the
Gladbrook United Methodist Church
715 Lincoln St., Gladbrook, IA 50635
Rev. Carol Kress is Pastor
Her office hours are normally
Mon—Thurs 9:00 AM -2:00 PM
or by appointment
Marcy Knaack is the Church Secretary
Her office hours are
8:30-1:30 Tues & Thurs., and Wed.
Church office # 641-473-2025
Parsonage # 641-473-0053
Church e-mail