The Naperville Trapshooter - Naperville Sportsman`s Club
The Naperville Trapshooter - Naperville Sportsman`s Club
The Naperville Trapshooter The Official Newsletter of the Naperville Sportsman’s Club - March, 2016 The Fred Section President’s Message Members’ Meeting and Board Meeting We will have a member’s meeting followed by a board meeting at the clubhouse on Tuesday, March 8th. The meeting starts at 7:30; doors open at 7:00. All members are invited and urged to attend both meetings. 2016 Annual Dinner and Raffle The 2016 Annual Dinner and Raffle will be held on June 25st at Sportsman’s Park. I think we will have steaks again this year. Setup will be at 11:00 AM. The party will start around 1:00 PM. Dinner at around 4:00 PM. Your 2016 membership dues include this event. The Raffle tickets will be available soon. I will have packets of ten available for members to sell. The tickets are $10 each. We need to sell all 500 tickets so pick yours when you can. The prizes are: First prize is a $1000 Gun Store gift certificate (to purchase the gun of your choice) or $750 in cash. Second prize will be a $500 Gun Store gift certificate (to purchase the gun of your choice) or $450 in cash. Third prize will be $250 and forth prize $100. The Raffle will be held after Dinner and the Bucket Raffles. Time to renew your membership for 2016 It’s time to renew your membership for 2016. To renew, full details are on the form that I sent you. Key items: The renewal for regular members is $55. ($25 for associate members) Please pay by check to the PO box (mail to Naperville Sportsman’s Club, PO Box 27, Naperville, IL 60566) or by cash or check at the counter during shooting hours or at the monthly meeting. If you pay by cash, you must be given and retain a receipt. If you would like any family member badges, they are available for a reduced price of $1 each if ordered with your renewal. To order them, include the extra $1 each, and, for each person, include the name, call name, and relationship to you. …Fred Turek Secretary Dates to Remember March 8th (Tues) – Members’ & Board Meetings April 12th (Tues) – Members’ & Board Meetings May 10th (Tues) – Members’ & Board Meetings June 25th (Sat) – 2016 Annual Dinner & Raffle New “Full” and “Probationary´ Members At the January meeting the Board approved Nenad Trichkovski, Pete Sullivan, John Colwell, Steve Melovic and Chris Gumm for Full Membership. The Board also approved Bill Glowienke, Bob Mikolajczak, Brad Sulkowski, Tom Blair and Tom Eckard for Probationary Membership. At the February meeting the Board approved Arnie Mueller, John McGuire and Philip Emden for Probationary Membership. When you see them in the clubhouse or on the line please congratulate them on becoming a Full or Probationary Members of the Club. Upcoming Events The Irish Open is Sunday March 13th. The NSC Singles League starts Thursday March 24th. NSC Handicap Championship is on Thursday June 23rd. NSC Annual Dinner is on Saturday June 25th. New Member Orientation The next three new member orientations (informal history and workings of the club) will be held at the club on Sunday March 13th, Sunday April 10th and Sunday June 12th at 10:00 AM. Please RSVP to myself at 630-8420391. The Range Volunteer clinic will begin at 11:00 AM on those days. Everyone interested in learning how the machines work should attend. …Jim Monk President First Time Shooter Blast from the Past Some Trapshooting History Left to right: Claire Hobday, Karina Chapman First time shooter Claire Hobday from Scotland enjoyed a night of shooting at the club on Thursday, February 18th. Claire. who is a Graduate Student of Chemistry at Edinburgh University in Scotland. was in the area working with club members Pete Chupas and Karina Chapman who brought her out to try her hand at Trap. Even with the high winds, Claire scored several dead birds Trapshooting was developed in England late in the 18th century. The first targets were live pigeons, which were released from cages known as traps. The sport was first practiced in the United States early in the 19th century and was popular by midcentury in a number of areas, notably Cincinnati, Ohio, and the New York City area. In subsequent decades the scarcity of live pigeons prompted trapshooting enthusiasts in the United States to create ingenious artificial targets. The substitute targets first tried included glass balls filled with feathers and solid iron pigeons mounted on long metal rods. Platter-shaped clay pigeons were developed about 1870. The subsequent introduction of standardized traps facilitated nationwide competition. The first U.S. national championship match took place in New Orleans, Louisiana, in 1885. ATA for 2016 – Plan your schedule now For those club members who participate in ATA shooting, or for those who are interested in starting, I compiled a summary of shoots in and around the Naperville area that are planned for the coming year. While our club will be holding four shoots as usual, the number of shoots at local clubs has declined over last year. So for the list below I expanded the list of clubs to include other area clubs that also offer ATA shoots. The list also includes information on state shoots for all of the surrounding states as well as some of the regional events in the Midwest. You’ll see from the information below, there are plenty of opportunities to register ATA targets without travelling too far. Keep in mind that the clubs listed below could change or cancel a shoot for a variety of reasons, so it’s always a good idea to check with the club before making the drive. Websites for all of the clubs and associations are also listed below, so you can find specifics on each shoot and contact information about the club. If you have questions about any of these clubs, or would like more information about participating in ATA events, please contact Scott Calhoun ( or at the range during shooting hours). 2016 Target Year (September 1, 2015 thru August 31, 2016) March: 20 – Chillicothe Sportsmen’s Club April: 10 – Chillicothe Sportsmen’s Club 17 – Peoria Skeet and Trap Club 24 – Naperville Sportsman’s Club (targets only) 29-1 – Michigan Spring Team Shoot (MTA Homegrounds, Mason) 30 – McHenry Sportsmen’s Club (doubles marathon) May: 1 – Peoria Skeet and Trap Club (Illini Indian) 1 – Downers Grove Sportsmen’s Club (Illini Indian) 14 – Plug and Pellet Sportsman’s Club 14 – Janesville Conservation Club 14-15 – Michigan 500 (MTA Homegrounds, Mason) – 500 singles/250 pairs doubles 15 – McHenry Sportsmen’s Club 15 – Chillicothe Sportsmen’s Club 16-22 – Missouri State Shoot (MTA Homegrounds, Linn Creek) 21 – Janesville Conservation Club 22 – Naperville Sportsman’s Club (targets only) 25-29 – Great Lakes Satellite Grand (MTA Homegrounds, Mason, Michigan) 28 – Peoria Skeet and Trap Club (marathon targets) June: 3 – Peoria Skeet and Trap Club (targets only) 5 – St. Charles Sportsmen’s Club (Bob Sommers shoot) 4-5 – Peoria Skeet and Trap Club (Illinois Central Zone) 8 – Maywood Sportsmen’s Club (6:30 – 9:00 pm, targets only) 13-19 – Illinois State Shoot (Brittany Shooting Park, Bunker Hill) 25 – Plug and Pellet Sportsman’s Club 21-26 – Ohio State Shoot (Cardinal Center, Marengo) 25-26 – Janesville Conservation Club 26 – Downers Grove Sportsmen’s Club (Chicago Grand) 28-3 – Michigan State Shoot (MTA Homegrounds, Mason) 28-3 – Kentucky State Shoot (Central Kentucky Gun Club, Berea) July: 3 – Chillicothe Sportsmen’s Club (Illini Indian) 5-10 – Indiana State Shoot (Indiana Gun Club, Fisher) 9-10 – Janesville Conservation Club 10 – St. Charles Sportsmen’s Club (Illini Indian) 12-17 – Wisconsin State Shoot (WTA Homegrounds, Rome) 17 – Peoria Skeet and Trap Club (Belt Buckle Shoot) 19-24 – Iowa State Shoot (Cedar Falls Gun Club, Cedar Falls) 24 – Naperville Sportsman’s Club (targets only) 29-31 – Janesville Conservation Club (ATA Central Zone shoot) 31 – Maywood Sportsmen’s Club (targets only) August: 3-13 – Grand American (World Shooting and Recreation Complex, Sparta, IL) 23 – McHenry Sportsmen’s Club (Illini Indian) 30-31 – Janesville Conservation Club 30-5 – Heartland Satellite Grand (Stockdale Gun Club, Ackley, Iowa) – 2017 target year 2017 Target Year (begins September 1, 2016) September: 9-11 – Michigan Fall Team Shoot (MTA Homegrounds, Mason) 10-11 – Downers Grove Sportsman’s Club (Northern Illinois Zone) 11 – Peoria Skeet and Trap Club 18 – Chillicothe Sportsmen’s Club 24 – Plug and Pellet Sportsman’s Club 24 – Janesville Conservation Club October: 9 – Peoria Skeet and Trap Club (Fall Handicap) 9 – Naperville Sportsman’s Club (trophy shoot) 9 – Downers Grove Sportsmen’s Club (Grundy County Handicap) 16 – Chillicothe Sportsmen’s Club (Thank You Handicap) 22 – Plug and Pellet Sportsman’s Club Club and Association contact information: Amateur Trapshooting Association - Area Clubs: Brittany Shooting Park - Chillicothe Sportsmen’s Club - Downers Grove Sportsmen’s Club - Janesville Conservation Club - McHenry Sportsmen’s Club - Naperville Sportsman’s Club – Peoria Skeet and Trap Club - Plug and Pellet Sportsman’s Club - St. Charles Sportsmen’s Club - State Associations: Illinois State Trapshooters Association - Indiana Trapshooting Association - Iowa State Trapshooting Association - Michigan Trapshooting Association – Missouri Trapshooters Association – Wisconsin Trapshooting Association - Ohio State Trapshooting Association - Officers and Board Members President: Jim Monk Vice President: Michael Moore Secretary: Fred Turek Treasurer: Tom Coleman Ed Heasley: Director ’16 Jim Chakour: Director ’16 Bob Beyer: Director ’17 Steve Pfister: Director ’17 Charlie Tlapa: Director ’18 Ray Courney: Director ’18 Park District Liaison: Brad Wilson Newsletter Editor/Publisher: Tom Coleman Club Information The Naperville Sportsman’s Club PO Box 27 Naperville, IL 60566 Board/Member Meetings: 7:30 PM, 2nd Tuesday Range Information Sportsman’s Park Trap Range 735 S. West Street Naperville, IL 60566 Clubhouse phone: 630-848-2124 Hours of Operation: Thursdays: 6:00 – 10:00 PM Sundays: 12:00 – 6:00 PM. Final Signup at 4:00 PM Hours are subject to weather and attendance, holidays, and community events Open year round Classifieds Many thanks to our contributors. Please support those who support our club. Firearms Transfers for $25.00 AD SPACE FOR RENT Business Card Size Rates: $10/month - $100/year March 2016 Sun Mon Tue Wed 1 Thu Fri 2 Sat 3 4 5 10 11 12 17 18 19 24 25 26 Club Open 6 7 Club Open 8 9 NSC Board & Member Meeting – 7:30 PM 13 14 Club Open 15 16 Club Open Club Open Irish Open 20 21 22 23 Club Open Club Open NSC Singles League Starts! 27 28 29 30 Club Open 31 Club Open ! April 2016 Sun Mon 3 Tue 4 Wed 5 Thu 6 Club Open Sat 1 2 7 8 9 14 15 16 21 22 23 28 29 30 Club Open 10 11 Club Open 17 18 12 NSC Board & Member Meeting – 7:30 PM 13 19 20 Club Open Club Open Club Open 24 Club Open Fri 25 26 27 Club Open Naperville Sportsman’s Club P.O. Box 27 Naperville, IL 60566