the trail in the city
the trail in the city
A Y E N R JOU TES N A N TOJULY 1 TO ST TH ST 28 AUGU A Y E N R JOU TES N A N O T JULY 1 TO ST AUG TH 8 2 T US tHe Best way to vIsIt: Admission to most of Le Voyage à Nantes attractions is free for visitors daily, from 10.00 am to 7.00 pm, unless otherwise indicated. Where charges apply, you can pay on-site or purchase a Pass Nantes. follow the green line under your feet and drift through this 10-mile trail, with its fifty stops. This icon indicates you what is to see nearby. Site specific opening hours. e This symbol indicates venues that are difficult to access for visitors with mobility issues. ———————————————————— By traMway From le lieu unique to the Ile de Nantes Tramway line 1: – le lieu unique: duchesse-Anne stop – Île de Nantes: Médiathèque or Chantiers Navals stops – landing stage on the Isle of Nantes: Gare Maritime stop – Butte Sainte-Anne: Gare Maritime stop FrEE FOr PASS NANTES HOldErS By BUs anD rIver ferry Pass nantes for 1, 2 or 3 days, discovering nantes is easy! Offers access to every site: the Carrousel des Mondes Marins or the Galerie des Machines de l’île / the museum of the Château des ducs de Bretagne and the exhibition “Icônes, trésors de réfugiés” / the Tour Bretagne observation deck / the Jules Verne Museum / the Museum of Natural History / Escal’Atlantic (Saint-Nazaire) / the Nantes vineyard museum / local attractions (Bateaux Nantais cruises, the Planetarium, the tourist train of Nantes…) and public transport (buses, except for the airport shuttle). ————————————————————— COST: Full PrICE €25 (FOr 24H), €35 (FOr 48H), €45 (FOr 72H). THE PASS NANTES IS ON SAlE AT NANTES.TOurISME OFFICES ANd ON WWW.NANTES-TOurISME.COM. ————————————————————— – Île de Nantes: take the C5 bus from SNCF train station. – Trentemoult: the Navibus loire river ferry provides a crossing on the loire between Gare Maritime and Trentemoult (south bank). Every 20 minutes / crossing time 10 minutes. FrEE FOr PASS NANTES HOldErS WWW.TAN.Fr ———————————————————— WHERE TO EAT? use the mobile version the “Guide des Tables de Nantes” on your smartphone (Fr-GB) and you’ll find jury-selected addresses for some of the best tables in town! ————————————————————— SHARE YOUR VOYAGE À NANTES! #lvan le voyage À nantes an artIstIC anD PoetIC traIl In tHe CIty A green line will guide you throughout the city, taking you from the remarkable examples of the city’s architectural heritage to exciting views of the landscape, from cultural spaces to an installation that might leap out at you down some random side street or riverbank between Nantes and Saint-Nazaire! Every year, Nantes reveals itself through a cultural itinerary where art meets landscape, and the architecturally old and new come together. A place where it is possible to enjoy a panoramic view of the city from Le Nid, to feel the all 49 tonnes of a mechanical Great Elephant in movement during its stroll along the Loire, to fast-forward through centuries of history in the Château des ducs de Bretagne, or to try your hand at a new sport with a “basketball tree” (L’Arbre à Basket)… Nearly fifty thrilling and poetic stops are yours to (re)discover. No other city has an atmosphere as diverse as Nantes in the summer. With a new Voyage, from July 1st to August 28th 2016, the city is a little more electric than usual. 1 AIL THE TR CIT Y IN THE 42 41 40 39 38 12 37 13 14 15 20 36 19 35 31 34 21 35 33 32 23 22 25 24 26 27 28 29 30 2 AIL THE TR CIT Y IN THE 46 48 47 49 53 45 51 52 2 6 50 3 44 1 7 8 5 4 43 9 10 11 16 17 18 tHe traIl In tHe CIty 1. lE lIEu uNIQuE 2. ATElIEr lEBrAS 3. CANAl SAINT-FÉlIX, NYMPHÉA, A. lECCIA 4. SQuArE MErCœur, K. MAruYAMA 5. FEYDBALL, BArrÉ-lAMBOT ArCHITECTES 6. CHÂTEAu dES duCS dE BrETAGNE 7. PASSAGE SAINTE-CrOIX 8. PlACE du BOuFFAY, J. BErTHIEr 9. TEMPlE du GOÛT 10. STATIONS GOurMANdES 11. PISCINE lÉO-lAGrANGE, J. SAlAud 12. PASS. SCHœlCHEr, POINT dE VuE F. MOrEllET 13. PAlAIS dE JuSTICE 14. ESPÉrANCE CAFÉ, LA POINTE NOIRE, KATrA 15. lE 1, « CANADIENNE », FICHTrE 16. PING-PONG PARK, l. PErBOS 17. L’ABSENCE, ATElIEr VAN lIESHOuT 18. ENSA NANTES, ECHOES, J. COTTENCIN 19. BÂT. MANNY, A. BullOCH / r. JulIuS 20. BÂT. AETHICA, MÈTRE À RUBAN, l. BOurGEAT 21. OSCILLATION, ATElIEr VECTEur 22. BÂTIMENT B 23. Bd lÉON-BurEAu, TRAVERSES, A. BOrY 24. STErEOluX 25. STATION PrOuVÉ 26. LES ANNEAUX, d. BurEN / P. BOuCHAIN 27. QuAI dES ANTIllES, LE POTAGER DE LA CANTINE 28. LE SKATE Ô DROME, FICHTrE 29. lA CANTINE du VOYAGE 30. HAB GAlErIE, A. lECCIA 31. RÉSOLUTION DES FORCES EN PRÉSENCE, V. MAuGEr 32. LES HÔTES, FICHTrE 33. ON VA MARCHER SUR LA LUNE, dETrOIT ArCHITECTES 34. lA CAlE 2 35. CArrOuSEl dES MONdES MArINS 35. lES MACHINES dE l’ÎlE 36. L’ARBRE À BASKET, A/lTA 37. MÉMOrIAl dE l’ABOlITION dE l’ESClAVAGE 38. MÉdIATHÈQuE JACQuES-dEMY 39. COurS CAMBrONNE, P.A. rEMY 40. PAlAIS dOBrÉE, lE GENTIl GArÇON 41. MuSÉuM d’HISTOIrE NATurEllE 42. THÉÂTrE GrASlIN, LA SYZYGIE, J. WEBB 43. PASSAGE POMMErAYE 44. ruE dES VIEIllES-dOuVES, COllECTION dE l’ESBANM 45. TOur BrETAGNE, LE NID, J. JullIEN 46. l’ATElIEr 47. MArCHÉ dE TAlENSAC 48. QuAI CEINErAY, lE BATEAu lAVOIr 49. ruE dES PÉNITENTES, GRAFIKAMA, PICK uP 50. GAlErIES lAFAYETTE, C. BArT 51. CATHÉdrAlE ET CrYPTES 52. JArdIN dE lA PSAlETTE, J. WEBB 53. JArdIN dES PlANTES, C. PONTI 54. ArTWOrK TO FINd, B. BuFAlINO ★ De l’art Des enseIgnes (“sHoP sIgns”) MAIN ArEAS TO dISCOVEr SIGNS FrOM THE PrOJECT. follow tHe green lIne uNdEr YOur FEET ANd drIFT THrOuGH THIS 10-MIlE TrAIl, WITH ITS FIFTY STOPS. 3 E WHER Y R E V E N IN TOW © jEAn jULLIEn NANTES / CITY CENTRE RECYCLAGE JEAN JullIEN Jean Jullien’s style is immediately recognizable. His characters are sketched in everyday moments, revealing a tender and amusing vision of today’s societies. For this year’s festival, he has taken over the city with a series of posters that have been pasted everywhere downtown, turning Nantes into an open portfolio. Once again, the artist has proven that drawing is a universal language and a haven for free thinking. ————————————————— FRom ThE SAmE ARTIST: LE NID (SEE p.23 oN mAp: N°45). !!! poSTERS BY JEAN JuLLIEN oN SALE IN NANTES.TouRISmE oFFICE (oppoSITE ThE ChâTEAu dES duCS dE BRETAgNE). 4 © LISA LAUBREAUX NANTES / CITY CENTRE DE L’ART DES ENSEIGNES “SHOP SIGNS” lISA lAuBrEAuX JÉrÉMIE rIGAudEAu Every summer, Le Voyage à Nantes offers a cultural itinerary through the city and tries to become an important part of its daily life. By asking local businesses to allow artists to reinterpret their signage, it involves the city’s active members in a creative process. Similar to the last 2 years, artists have been invited to imagine new signs. like unexpected apparitions, their contributions disturb the continuum of signs in Nantes’ downtown streets. ————————————————— !!! A mAp BRINgINg TogEThER ThE SIgNS TRAIL ANd ShopS FRom “J’AImE ThE VoYAgE” pRoJECT (SEE p.33) IS AVAILABLE IN ThE NANTES.TouRISmE oFFICES. AIL THE TR CIT Y IN THE © LUCIEn CASTAInG-TAYLOR ET VÉRÉnA PARAVEL LE LIEu uNIQuE LÉVIATHAN ET SES FANTÔMES luCIEN CASTAING-TAYlOr ANd VÉrÉNA PArAVEl This exhibition takes visitors deep into an audiovisual immersion of the sea and examines inexhaustible watery expanses through the prism of industrial fishing. Leviathan is made up of sound, video, and static imagery, placing it in a long tradition where seafarers are transformed into photographic and cinematic figures. And yet, their work resists the romantic idealization of this tradition, choosing instead to show a less sentimental relationship between human and marine worlds. ————————————————— © ADOR & SEMOR ATELIER LE BRAS PARADE, BALADE ET DISTORSION AdOr & SEMOr This duo from Nantes are taking over the Atelier le Bras (rue Malherbe). Although drawing makes up the base of their talent, they’ve never shied away from exploring different media, like murals, canvasses, installations, animation, and more. With this exhibition, Ador and Semor present their workshop as an “epicentre of research.” From a cabinet of curiosities to a series of experiments, they stuff this space to bursting point with their burlesque and decadent inventions. ————————————————— FNoT ACCESSIBLE. 5 © GInO MACCARInELLI © MARTIn ARGYROGLO © fRAnCk TOMPS CANAL SAINT-FÉLIX NYMPHÉA ANGE lECCIA Nymphéa is a video projected onto the surface of the canal. A woman calmly floats about in her aquatic environment. This double presence of water in the image, and as a medium for the image, creates a blurring effect where the result is deeply disturbing. This sprite is embodied by laetitia Casta, an icon of our society who here becomes a contemporary mythical nymph. ————————————————— e ARTWoRk VISIBLE FRom NIghTFALL. FVIEW-poINT pARTIALLY ACCESSIBLE. “LA mER ALLÉE AVEC LE SoLEIL”, AN INTRoSpECTIVE EXhIBITIoN ABouT ANgE LECCIA, hAB gALERIE (SEE p.17, oN mAp N°30) RIghTS To ThE ImAgE oF LAETITIA CASTA uNdER LICENCE oF ALLARoSA pRoduCTIoNS. SQuARE mERCoEuR PLAYGROUND KINYA MAruYAMA Japanese architect and artist Kinya Maruyama has given birth to a seamonster, freed from the deep sands. Between the rhinoceros heads and a dragon’s gaze, children will 6 discover places to jump, play and go on to invent their own imaginary worlds. ————————————————— !!! FREE uSE oF ThE pLAYgRouNd BY ChILdREN IS uNdER ThE EXCLuSIVE RESpoNSIBILITY oF ThEIR ACCompANYINg AduLTS. CARRÉ FEYdEAu ESpLANAdE FEYDBALL BArrÉ-lAMBOT ArCHITECTS You are invited to strap on your cleats and step on the pitch, with its bumps, downslope, and its odd crescent-shape. The audience can cheer players on while facing a large, gleaming totem where what they see is reversed: the mirror is warped so that the field and goalposts remain normal, while the players and the ball are deformed. Just one of the ways of bringing together the joys of watching a game and playing it! ————————————————— !!! FREE uSE oF ThE pLAYgRouNd BY ChILdREN IS uNdER ThE EXCLuSIVE RESpoNSIBILITY oF ThEIR ACCompANYINg AduLTS. FFIELd NoT ACCESSIBLE. AIL THE TR CIT Y IN THE © MARTIn ARGYROGLO ? He He ChâTEAu dES duCS dE BRETAgNE UNDERCURRENT HEHE ChâTEAu dES duCS dE BRETAgNE NANTES MUSEUM OF HISTORY Collective HeHe (Helen Evans and Heiko Hansen) does not shy away from humour when questioning our contemporary use of energy and current modes of production. Here, their massive artwork has fallen into the narrow basin of the castle moat, disrupting the idyll of the city and playing with time. Although the absurdity of the image will make you smile, one hopes it will also question the aesthetic, historical and heritage values we bestow upon monuments over time. In the heart of the medieval quarter, the Château des ducs de Bretagne welcomes the Nantes Museum of History, whose scenography offers a walking tour punctuated with 1 150 objects as well as interactive multimedia displays that are aesthetic, fun, and educational. discover the rebirth of the museum with its newly enriched collections pertaining to Nantes’ history (the slave trade, World War I and II…) thanks to local collection drives, and a new extension showcasing the city’s history from 1945 to today. ————————————————— ————————————————— e FREE ACCESS To ThE CouRTYARd ANd RAmpARTS: 8.30 Am – 8.00 pm. CASTLE INTERIoRS, muSEum ANd EXhIBITIoN: 10.00 Am – 7.00 pm. AdmISSIoN: €5 / €8. FREE AdmISSIoN FoR pASS NANTES hoLdERS. 7 AIL THE TR CIT Y IN THE © LIBRARY Of COnGRESS ChâTEAu dES duCS dE BRETAgNE ICÔNES, TRÉSORS DE RÉFUGIÉS EXHIBITION In 1923, the Treaty of lausanne was signed, ending the war between Greece and Turkey that began in 1919. It defined the terms of forced migration on both sides. 1.3 million Greeks and 400,000 Muslims were forced to leave their homes, leaving their belongings behind. Many of the Greek men and women left with their religious icons, or those from their churches. This exhibition sets out to reveal the different meanings behind icons: an object that travels, protects or is holy, a souvenir from a life elsewhere, from a paradise lost to a talisman for a new start in a new place. ————————————————— e SEE p. 7. AdmISSIoN: €5 / €8. FREE AdmISSIoN FoR pASS NANTES hoLdERS. 8 © kALLIOPI LEMOS ChâTEAu dES duCS dE BRETAgNE (CouRTYARd) PLEDGES KAllIOPI lEMOS Echoing the exhibition, Kalliopi lemos is presenting Pledges, which can be described as an allegory for a journey filled with hope and the memories of exiled populations. Pledges represents a Turkish boat that was abandoned after transporting migrants to the Greek islands. It is covered in thousands of “tamata” or handmade votive offerings that are left in Orthodox churches by migrants to overcome the challenges of an uncertain journey awaiting them. ————————————————— DE L’ART DES ENSEIGNES, Shop SIgNS REVISITEd, RuE du ChâTEAu (SEE p.4). AIL THE TR CIT Y IN THE ERRó, Cité interdite, tableaux interdits, 2007 © VILLE DE nAnTES – MUSÉE DES BEAUX-ARTS PhOTOGRAPhIE : C. CLOS / ADAGP, PARIS 2016 pASSAgE SAINTE-CRoIX MUSÉE NOMADE: EN ROUTE A PrOPOSAl BY THE FINE ArTS MuSEuM OF NANTES The Fine Arts Museum presents its masterpieces through the Musée nomade. The idea is a game of echoes where artworks are (re-)interpreted and Nantes’ architectural heritage is discovered in a whole new light. This year, the museum invites the public to a three-stop itinerary based on the theme of travelling: a selection of works centred around “Imaginary and interior journeys” in Passage Sainte-Croix, “along the highways and byways of art” in Temple du Goût and around “The Other, Elsewhere” in l’Atelier. ————————————————— oThER SITES CoNCERNEd BY ThE pRoJECT (SEE oN mAp p.2-3): TEmpLE du goûT (N°9), L’ATELIER (N°46). DE L’ART DES ENSEIGNES, Shop SIgNS REVISITEd, RuE dE LA JuIVERIE (SEE p.4). SkETCh © jULIEn BERThIER, ADAGP, PARIS, 2016 pLACE du BouFFAY teMPs Étrangers JulIEN BErTHIEr This year’s vast renovation of the tramway system in Place du Bouffay has made it a little trickier to feature an artwork... But public works are part of the city! Julien Berthier has thought a gigantic mobile suspended to a crane as an extension of the construction site. The simple round shapes, primary colours, slight pendulum movements and unstable equilibrium are reminiscent of Alexander Calder’s own mobiles. did the workers use their spare time to create this colossal sculpture? ————————————————— ThE WoRk, TEMPS ÉTRANGERS IS INSpIREd BY ALEXANdER CALdER’S STANdINg moBILE REIMS, CROIX DU SUD (1969 © CALdER FouNdATIoN NEW YoRk, AdAgE pARIS). REIMS, CROIX DU SUD IS oN dISpLAY AT ThE LAm, muSÉE d’ART modERNE, d’ART CoNTEmpoRAIN ET d’ART BRuT dE LILLE mÉTRopoLE. 9 AIL THE TR CIT Y IN THE Grand bain (banC de poissons), 2015 © jULIEn SALAUD LÉo-LAgRANgE SWImmINg pooL MES TRIPES SONT DES POISSONS D’ARGENT JulIEN SAlAud Julien Salaud questions the bonds and symbols uniting man and nature. Here, he pursues his vision of a natural element: water. An immaculate white, human-sized character stands next to a diving platform of the swimming pool. Out of its stomach spill several hundred silverfish, moving about collectively, floating in the air before reuniting to create a new giant fish. Julien Salaud takes us to a place where these symbiotic beings “owe more to the irrationality of a legend than the morality of a fable.” ————————————————— entranCe on rUe DeUrBroUCq FNoT ACCESSIBLE. 2 STAIRS : ACCompANYINg hELpER RECommENdEd. phoToS ARE NoT ALLoWEd. CouRTESY SuzANNE TARASIEVE gALLERY. 10 © j.D. BILLAUD / nAUTILUS hARmoNIE ATLANTIQuE BuILdINg DE TEMPS EN TEMPS FrANÇOIS MOrEllET The building for the insurance company Harmonie Atlantique has become the medium for a new image. Here, François Morellet has created a work that constantly changes and thereby avoids the tiresome vision of an unchanging artwork. Everyday, using three luminous “coverings”, the façade allows clouds, a sun, or the rain to appear, announcing the weather in few hours’ time! ————————————————— e ARTWoRk VISIBLE AT NIghTFALL. LAW CouRTS, BY ARChITECT JEAN NouVEL (SEE oN mAp: N°13). AIL THE TR CIT Y IN THE SkETCh © STUDIO kATRA QuAI FRANÇoISmITTERRANd ESpÉRANCE CAFÉ LA POINTE NOIRE STudIO KATrA Espérance Café invited Studio Katra – an agency of young designers from Nantes – to redesign their exterior patio. La Pointe Noire is made up of different units situated along the quay, resembling the huts one might find in coffee plantations. The materials chosen, darkened wood and burlap textures, were also linked to the roasting and harvesting of coffee. ————————————————— e duRINg CAFÉ opENINg houRS. © BERnARD REnOUX RESTAuRANT LE 1 « CANADIENNE » COllECTIF FICHTrE Collectif Fichtre is made up of visual artists, architects, gardeners and specialized workers. They are used to acting outside the narrow confines of architecture to work in other disciplines (urban planning, scenography, design, contemporary art, or dIY) and manually build objects that offer the chance to experience spaces as if they were playgrounds. For the restaurant le 1, Fichtre has redesigned its patio. In their own words, it is “a shelter made of beams and canvas where one can wile away the Indian summer on the prairies along the loire”. ————————————————— e duRINg RESTAuRANT opENINg houRS. 11 AIL THE TR CIT Y IN THE SkETCh © LAUREnT PERBOS. ADAGP, PARIS, 2016 © GInO MACCARInELLI QuAI FRANÇoISmITTERRANd PING-PONG PARK lAurENT PErBOS FoRECouRT oF ThE ARChITECTuRE SChooL L’ABSENCE ATElIEr VAN lIESHOuT The world of sports is very present in laurent Perbos’ work. He regularly enjoys transforming terrains and other sportsrelated elements (a soccer ball, a dartboard...) by giving them new proportions. Once modified, these nevertheless familiar objects offer a new reflection on notions of failure, victory and competition. With this work, laurent Perbos imagines a unique play area with a set of revisited ping pong tables that can be enjoyed as a duo or in teams! L’Absence interacts with the surrounding architectural environment. The sculpture looks like a moving, living mass, with multiple protrusions. This blue landmark is habitable: the artist has created a place to live and have discussions. L’Absence is in turn a bar, a sculpture, a comment on today’s architecture that will fuel students’ imagination. ————————————————— RACkETS ANd BALLS ARE AVAILABLE AT ThE RESTAuRANT “Au BuREAu”. FmoBILITY ThRough ThE gRASSY SuRFACES IS dIFFICuLT. 12 ————————————————— e FRom TuESdAY To SuNdAY, 4.00 pm – 1.30 Am. ECHOES BY JoCELYN CoTTENCIN, A gRAphIC ANd LumINouS SCuLpTuRE huNg oN ThE LoIRE BuILdINg oF NANTES’ ARChITECTuRE SChooL. AIL THE TR CIT Y IN THE © BERnARD REnOUX RuE LA-NouE-BRAS-dEFER / mANNY BuILdINg THE ZEBRA CROSSING, REGULATIONS AND GENERAL DIRECTIONS ANGElA BullOCH AIR rOlF JulIuS Installation artist Angela Bulloch aims to upset current systems, structures or rules. Inspired by British-style pedestrian crossings, with their famous Belisha Beacons, she has redesigned public spaces, sowing doubt in pedestrians’ minds… Air can only be heard by people walking past the Manny building. Hidden under the building’s metal skin, speakers produce the discrete sounds of clinking metal and distant bird song. Both a sculptor and a musician, rolf Julius has made an “audible façade”. © BERnARD REnOUX RuE LA-NouE-BRAS-dEFER / AEThICA BuILdINg MÈTRE À RUBAN lIlIAN BOurGEAT This artist takes great pains to supersize everyday objects, while preserving their exact original appearance. The work appears as if it were a monument dedicated to the simplicity of an everyday tool – but one which turns constructions from our imagination into concrete reality. This gigantic measuring tape is splayed out in the courtyard of the headquarters of Aethica, a construction company. ————————————————— ————————————————— 13 AIL THE TR CIT Y IN THE SkETCh © ATELIER VECTEUR RuE dE LA TouR-d’AuVERgNE OSCILLATION ATElIEr VECTEur Taking advantage of the construction of a new building in the Quartier de la création neighbourhood, Oscillation takes the large fence hiding the site and turns it into a portal sucking visitors inside and transforming them into spectators of their environment. This wooden structure immediately plays with one’s senses: smell, light and shadow, the sound of the flooring... Everything participates in sudden sensory immersion. Oscillation invites visitors to travel and contemplate. ————————————————— © RYSzwARD SwIERAD (STUDIO GRAPhIqUE) DESIGnER : DAMIEn hAMOn BâTImENT B WOOD & CONSTRUCTION OF LIVING SPACES IN PAYS DE LA LOIRE CrEATION, dESIGNING OBJECTS ANd SPACE A PrOPOSAl BY ATlANBOIS lumber and woodworking have a long history in Nantes and the Pays de la loire region. They are constantly being reinvented in a territory that favours emerging talent, new economic experiments and the expression of new needs. Bâtiment B is currently showcasing incredibly creative examples of wooden furniture, while asking the all-important question: what objects and projects will equip our interiors in the future? By offering centre-stage to the region’s initiatives and savoir-faire, it hopes to find an answer. ————————————————— 14 © fRAnCk TOMPS AIL THE TR CIT Y IN THE © PATRICk MESSInA © BEnjAMIn ADAM BouLEVARd LÉoN-BuREAu TRAVERSES AurÉlIEN BOrY relive this past season through their drawings. These sketches, illustrations and watercolours allow visitors to experience the different ways individual artists have interpreted a show, an artist, or the overall atmosphere of a concert. Stage director Aurélien Bory has left the dark corners of the theatre to transform a busy corner of the city. He has taken over Boulevard léon-Bureau and endowed it with generous, curved lines connecting both sides of the boulevard by crossing four major plateaus. The result is a lively and chaotic flow of lines, far from the rectilinear nature of run-of-the-mill pedestrian passages. This project shuns the Euclidian axiom of the shortest distance between two points. So, don’t bother looking for the shortest path – there isn’t one! ————————————————— ————————————————— STEREoLuX PAPIERS SONORES All year long, a collective of 21 illustrators sketched concerts and performances at Stereolux. Papiers sonores offers a chance to e FRom moNdAY To SATuRdAY, 11.00 Am – 7.00 pm. STATIoN pRouVÉ (TouRIST oFFICE), dESIgNEd BY JEAN pRouVÉ IN ThE 1960S (SEE oN mAp: N°25). QuAI dES ANTILLES LES ANNEAUX dANIEl BurEN ANd PATrICK BOuCHAIN daniel Buren, one of the most famous french contemporary visual artists in the world has designed a series of 18 rings turned towards the river, framing the riverscape. At night, the rings light up – red, blue and green – to offer yet another perspective onto the banks of the loire. ————————————————— 15 AIL THE TR CIT Y IN THE © ChRISTOPhE BORnET BY kRISTO QuAI dES ANTILLES THE VEGETABLE GARDEN OF LA CANTINE DU VOYAGE Planted next to the Cantine is a new kind of garden. Covering over 900 m2, it produces tomatoes, basil, radishes, courgettes, cucumbers, and more, all of which are used make the “Petite salade de la Cantine”, which changes according to season and harvest. Olivier durand, a well-known gardener among French chefs, has rehabilitated some of Nantes’ traditional farming techniques, which he mixes with other systems encountered throughout his many travels. ————————————————— © fRAnCk TOMPS QuAI dES ANTILLES LA CANTINE du VoYAgE SKATE Ô DROME A PrOJECT BY uNITY 4 rIdE CONCEPT ANd CrEATION: COllECTIF FICHTrE The association unity 4 ride has devised the Skate Ô Drome: a hair-raising playground resulting from the malicious mash-up of a running track, a velodrome and a skatepark. In this closed circuit, jammed with hairpin turns and complicated by a central hump, prepare to be wowed and thrilled, whether on your own or with a friend. The Skate Ô Drome is a centrifuge of the senses, for both absolute beginners and experienced riders alike. Its design and construction were entrusted to Collectif Fichtre who have once again turned space into a playground. ————————————————— e EVERYdAY, 11.00 Am – 9.00 pm. FREE uSE oF ThE pLAYgRouNd BY ChILdREN IS uNdER ThE EXCLuSIVE RESpoNSIBILITY oF ThEIR ACCompANYINg AduLTS. LImITEd CApACITY. hELmETS muST BE WoRN AT ALL TImES. BRINg YouR oWN EQuIpmENT. 16 AIL THE TR CIT Y IN THE © fRAnCk TOMPS QuAI dES ANTILLES LA CANTINE DU VOYAGE la Cantine sets up shop on the banks of the loire again to tickle your tastebuds. It is an essential stop on any “Voyage à Nantes,” with a restaurant area, a very long bar, table soccer, and its own pétanque terrain. la Cantine has been colourfully dressed up by the Nantes-based collective “Appelle-moi papa”. They have chosen to bedeck the space with simple shapes reminiscent of the different vegetal groups: earthy, marine, organic, tropical, and rural. ————————————————— e opEN 7 dAYS/WEEk. RESTAuRANT: moNdAY To FRIdAY, SERVICES NooN 3.00 pm ANd 7.00 pm – 11.30 pm. ALL-dAY SATuRdAY ANd SuNdAY NooN – mIdNIghT. SINgLE FIXEd pRICE mENu: STARTER + mAIN dISh (oNLY oNE dISh: ChICkEN/poTAToES) + dRINk (250 mL oF WINE oR SoFT dRINk): €10 AT LuNCh ANd €13 dINNER / dESSERT €3.50. BAR: FRom SuNdAY To ThuRSdAY 11.00 Am – mIdNIghT. FRIdAY ANd SATuRdAY: 11.00 Am – 2.00 Am. la Mer allée aveC le soleil © AnGE LECCIA. ADAGP, PARIS, 2016 hANgAR À BANANES hAB gALERIE LA MER ALLÉE AVEC LE SOLEIL ANGE lECCIA Screens in a specially-designed structure – plunge us into 45 years of artistic practice, revealing the figures behind Ange leccia’s singularity and beauty. The omnipresence of water, storms, reworked TV images, adolescence, and memorable pop songs are only some of the themes visitors will find here. This “introspective exhibition” obviously ends with the sea. Or, rather, three of them: one filmed in Super 8, the other in dVCAM, and the last in Hd. Just like every ocean wave is unique, every visual format tells a different story. ————————————————— FRom ThE SAmE ARTIST: NYMPHÉA (SEE oN mAp: N°3) BookSToRE/gIFT Shop oF ThE hAB gALERIE. opEN duRINg EXhIBITIoN houRS. FoR ThE phYSICALLY dISABLEd: FoLdINg ChAIRS ARE AVAILABLE. CouRTESY JouSSE ENTREpRISE gALLERY. 17 AIL THE TR CIT Y IN THE © BERnARD REnOUX pARC dES ChANTIERS (NEARBY ThE YELLoW CRANE) RÉSOLUTION DES FORCES EN PRÉSENCE VINCENT MAuGEr Starting from simple systems and building materials, Vincent Mauger creates objects that play with differences in perspective and scale, inviting visitors to constantly readjust their physical and mental positions. long stakes are attached to a central matrix, creating a kinetic effect when walking around it. like a medieval or antique war machine, its size and volume make it majestic – and just as equally frightening. ————————————————— !!! FoR YouR SECuRITY, CLImBINg oNTo ThE STRuCTuRE ANd WALkINg oN ThE gRAVEL IS STRICTLY FoRBIddEN. ChILdREN ARE uNdER ThE EXCLuSIVE RESpoNSIBILITY oF ThEIR ACCompANYINg AduLTS. 18 © MARTIn ARGYROGLO pARC dES ChANTIERS (NEARBY ThE YELLoW CRANE) LES HÔTES COllECTIF FICHTrE Collectif Fichtre’s temporary street furniture has been ingeniously designed and skilfully arranged to create new social spaces. They welcome you to their handmade tables along the loire, for a picnic, a barbecue, games, or just a moment of rest… As they continue to transform existing street furniture into playground spaces, Fichtre proves they still have a few tricks up their sleeve! ————————————————— BBQ AVAILABLE NooN (1.00 pm – 3.00 pm) ANd EVENINg (7.30 pm – 10.30 pm) EVERYdAY, EXCEpT IN CASE oF STRoNg WINd. BRINg YouR oWN Food, AS ThE “VoYAgE mEATBALL” SoLd IN ThE BouFFAY BuTChER’S Shop (SEE oN mAp: N°8) FSomE uNITS oN gRASSY SuRFACES ARE NoT ACCESSIBLE. AIL THE TR CIT Y IN THE © fRAnCk TOMPS pARC dES ChANTIERS (NEARBY ThE YELLoW CRANE) ON VA MARCHER SUR LA LUNE dETrOIT ArCHITECTES BruNO PEINAdO detroit Architectes joins forces with artist Bruno Peinado for a game with the dreamiest of names: Let’s Walk on the Moon. A soft silvery sphere is spread out on the ground and filled with craters. It offers a chance to experience zero gravity (several craters have their own trampoline) or to simply gaze at the sky. Near the moon, the Earth hangs in mid-air like a beacon sending a signal that can be seen from far away! ————————————————— e EVERYdAY, 10.00 Am – 10.00 pm. FREE uSE oF ThE pLAYgRouNd BY ChILdREN (oVER 3 YEARS oLd) IS uNdER ThE EXCLuSIVE RESpoNSIBILITY oF ThEIR ACCompANYINg AduLTS. © fRAnCk TOMPS pARC dES ChANTIERS LES MACHINES DE L’ÎLE The imagination of creators Pierre Orefice and François delarozière knows no limit. Together, they explore treetops, the savannah, and the deepest surfaces of the ocean floor. In the very same spot where massive ships were once built, a bestiary of gigantic living machines now regularly escape from their workshop! discover these extraordinary machines, like the Great Elephant, the Machine Gallery (with the big Spider, the newest addition) or even the Marine Worlds Carousel with its incredible Sea Snake! ————————————————— e JuLY 1ST uNTIL AuguST 31ST: EVERYdAY, 10.00 Am – 7.00 pm. ThE VISIT CoNTINuES 1 houR AFTER ThE TICkET BooTh CLoSES. AdmISSIoN: ELEphANT RIdE oR gALLERY: €5.50 – €8.50 CARouSEL: €3 – €8.50 (FAmILY pASS oFFEREd). pASS NANTES: SEE CoNdITIoNS. FoR INFo: T. 0810 12 12 25 (IN FRANCE). CALE 2 CRÉATEuRS, CIRCuLATIoN(S) phoTo EXhIBITIoN (SEE oN mAp: N°34). F ThE mooN hAS BEEN REFITTEd WITh A pAThWAY. 19 AIL THE TR CIT Y IN THE © MARTIn ARGYROGLO pARC dES ChANTIERS L’ARBRE À BASKET AGENCE A/lTA In front of the Maison des Hommes et des Techniques, this “basketball tree” is available for everyone to use! It’s immediately clear how several people can play at the same time: basketball hoops branch out of different parts of a tree at varying heights, allowing for multiple teams of any age to play. Just because the rules are easy to learn, doesn’t mean you cannot invent new rules using the lines on the ground that separate the different courts! ————————————————— BASkETBALLS ARE AVAILABLE NEARBY AT ThE STATIoN pRouVÉ, TouRIST oFFICE (SEE oN mAp: N°25). © fRAnCk TOMPS QuAI dE LA FoSSE MEMORIAL TO THE ABOLITION OF SLAVERY KrZYSZTOF WOdICZKO ANd JulIAN BONdEr Along a plant-covered walk, 2,000 plaques commemorate slave trade voyages that departed from Nantes, as well as from other trading ports in Africa and the Americas. Partly underground to evoke the holds of slave ships and partly open-air to stimulate discussion, this memorial is unique in Europe. Krzysztof Wodiczko received the Hiroshima Art Prize in 1998, which rewards an artist for his/her contribution to world peace every year. Architect Julian Bonder is renowned for his work mixing public space, memory, and mass trauma experienced by populations. ————————————————— e uNdERpASS: EVERYdAY, 9.00 Am – 8.00 pm. CLoSEd AT NIghT ANd duRINg ThREAT oF RIVER FLoodINg. LAST ACCESS 30 mN BEFoRE ThE CLoSINg TImE. 20 AIL THE TR CIT Y IN THE SkETCh © PIERRE-ALEXAnDRE REMY la nuit © LE GEnTIL GARçOn CouRS CAmBRoNNE COURS À TRAVERS PIErrE-AlEXANdrE rEMY pALAIS doBRÉE VISITEd BY LE gENTIL gARÇoN: L’INCONNU ME DÉVORE Pierre-Alexandre remy shakes up our perspectives on a given landscape by questioning space, form, and our own bodies. rhythm and movement are at the very heart of his sculptures, which appear to be light as air. Within the rigid perspective of Cours Cambronne, he offers fluid movement and a touch of chaos, creating the illusion that this sculpture could stretch out at any given moment and pour out into the nearby loire river. “The unknown devours me” is the old Breton inscription on the tower of Palais dobrée. le Gentil Garçon obediently lets himself be overwhelmed by curiosity and juggles the collections of three of Nantes’ museums, as well as his own works. Combining intellect and sensitivity, every room is designed to be a stop along a journey: the invisible study, the gallery of torches, or the Martian cabinet, to name just a few. In the summer, the palace comes alive with shadows and reflections, challenging the visitor’s gaze as well as their convictions. ————————————————— e EVERYdAY: 8.45 Am – 7.30 pm. LES CHALOUPES, FuRNITuRE dESIgNEd BY JoAChIm RIVIèRE ANd dAVId dEShoRmEAuX FRom L’ATELIER du BANC puBLIC, FoR RELAXINg ANd REAdINg IN ThE ShAdE (SEE oN mAp: N°38). DE L’ART DES ENSEIGNES, Shop SIgNS REVISITEd, dESIgNEd BY LISA LAuBREAuX, RuE dE L’hÉRoNNIèRE (SEE p.4). ————————————————— FACCESS To ThE gRouNd FLooR. ASSISTANCE IS AVAILABLE To VISIT ThE 1ST FLooR oF ThE ToWER. BABY CARRIERS ARE AVAILABLE upoN REQuEST. SEVERAL STAIRCASES: ACCompANImENT STRoNgLY RECommENdEd. 21 AIL THE TR CIT Y IN THE © PATRICk jEAn muSÉum d’hISToIRE NATuRELLE MILLE MILLIARDS DE FOURMIS Ants appeared on Earth 120 million years ago, and now make up several quadrillion individuals present throughout the entire planet. The teeming layout of Thousands of Billions of Ants allows visitors to discover their incredible world. A 10-metre long glass structure serves as a window onto the morphology of several ant farms, offering insight into the social system and collective behaviour responsible for their incredible expansion. Come and see the museum transformed into a giant ant colony! ————————————————— FREE AdmISSIoN FoR pASS NANTES hoLdERS. IN ThE gARdEN: THERE’S NO PLACE CALLED HOME (NANTES), A SouNd INSTALLATIoN BY JAmES WEBB (SEE p. 25). DE L’ART DES ENSEIGNES, Shop SIgNS REVISITEd, dESIgNEd BY JÉRÉmIE RIgAudEAu, pLACE LAdmIRAuLT, RuE SCRIBE (SEE p.4). 22 © BERnARD REnOUX ThÉâTRE gRASLIN LA SYZYGIE JAMES WEBB South African artist, James Webb, has decided to probe the soul of Théâtre Graslin. After inviting different experts (an architect, an astrologist, an historian, a stage manager, a medium, and a psychologist) to visit the theatre and “read” the space through the prism of their discipline, he created with the playwright louis Viljoen a “play” personifying the theatre. The different voices are played throughout the opera house, enveloping the visitor. And, if you listen closely, you might hear it dreaming. With the voices of Mélodie Abad et Olivier Birene. ————————————————— F ACCESS VIA RuE CoRNEILLE. THERE’S NO PLACE CALLED HOME (NANTES), AN oThER SouNd INSTALLATIoN BY JAmES WEBB (SEE p. 25). BRASSERIE LA CIGALE (1895), A JoYFuL EXAmpLE oF ART NouVEAu LISTEd AS AN hISToRICAL moNumENT. pASSAgE pommERAYE. AIL THE TR CIT Y IN THE BRIAC LEPRêTRE, plan, 2012 © MARC DIEULAnGARD RuE dES VIEILLES-douVES (NEAR pLACE RoYALE) ARTWORKS FROM NANTES’ FINE ARTS SCHOOL Familiar architectures, world-class cities in mutation, abandoned spaces, and deserted landscapes... Nantes’ Fine Arts School is presenting the works of past graduates or resident artists, along with pieces from its newly expanded collection in fifteen shops that have been transformed into ephemeral exhibition spaces. ————————————————— e duRINg ShopS opENINg houRS. FACCESSIBILITY IS VARIABLE, dEpENdINg oN ThE Shop. © MARC DOMAGE TouR BRETAgNE LE NID JEAN JullIEN Weighing 80,000 tons and soaring 475 feet in the air, the Tour Bretagne is the third highest office block in the region. The 32nd floor offers a 360° view over the metropolis. up here, Jean Jullien, a young prodigy in the international world of graphic arts, creates a fun atmosphere. A huge white bird curls around the terrace; furniture inspired by the animal world welcomes you. ————————————————— e moNdAY: 2.15 pm – 2.00 Am. TuESdAY, WEdNESdAY, FRIdAY, SATuRdAY : 10.00 Am – 2.00 Am. ThuRSdAY: 10.00 Am – 4.00 Am. SuNdAY: 10.00 Am – mIdNIghT. AdmISSIoN: €1 (FREE uNdER 16 YEARS oLd ANd FoR pASS NANTES hoLdERS). FVIEW oF ThE CITY IS pARTIALLY ACCESSIBLE. 23 AIL THE TR CIT Y IN THE © GInO MACCARInELLI QuAI CEINERAY BATEAU LAVOIR This open-air cabaret is a feast for the senses. Men in suits will loosen their ties and roll up their sleeves, while ladies will care little about wrinkling their dresses when sitting on the quay cobblestones. At noon, make room for high-end snack food. In the evening, expect French fries, sausages au muscadet, and fried smelt fish in a carnival atmosphere. Every Sunday, brunches start at noon with fresh ingredients from the morning market, while a modern guinguette cabaret continues throughout the afternoon. ————————————————— e opEN moNdAY To FRIdAY: NooN To mIdNIghT. SATuRdAY: 3.00 pm To mIdNIghT, SuNdAY NooN To 9.00 pm. hydden trophy © R1 RuE dES pÉNITENTES GRAFIKAMA (SERVICE PEINTURE) A PrOJECT CrEATEd BY PICK uP PrOduCTION WITH KAZY uSClEF Grafikama (Service peinture) is the third and final chapter in a cycle of exhibitions devoted to graphic art throughout the world. After latin America in 2014, and Asia last year, Africa is this year’s honoured guest. roughly fifteen artists from some of the continent’s biggest cities have taken over a former factory in rue des Pénitentes. The exhibition has been entirely made in situ, and offers a peek into the world of these artists who are participating in the dynamism of contemporary graphic creation in Africa. ————————————————— FoLLoW ThE pRogRESS oF ThE pRoJECT oN WWW.gRAFIkAmA.Com. F pARTIALLY ACCESSIBLE. ACCompANImENT IS RECommENdEd (ACCESS To ThE 1ST FLooR VIA A LARgE STAIRCASE). SUSPENS DE NANTES, INSTALLATIoN BY CÉCILE BART, gALERIES LAFAYETTE – 3 FLooR (SEE oN mAp: N°50). Rd 24 AIL THE TR CIT Y IN THE © P. GIRAUD, D. PILLET RÉGIOn DES PAYS DE LA LOIRE – InVEnTAIRE GÉnÉRAL © BERnARD REnOUX CAThÉdRALE SAINTpIERRE-ET-SAINT-pAuL TomBEAu dE FRANÇoIS II MICHEL COLOMBE JARdIN dE LA pSALETTE THERE’S NO PLACE CALLED HOME (NANTES) JAMES WEBB Anne de Bretagne commissioned Michel Colombe to make the white Carrara marble tomb – a masterpiece influenced by the Italian renaissance – which is covered in symbolic representations and houses the remains of her parents, François II and Marguerite de Foix, the last duke of Brittany’s second wife. By entering the cathedral through the crypts (via Cours Saint-Pierre), discover the fascinating history of the tomb. There’s no place called home (Nantes) is a sound installation where exotic bird songs are played through speakers hidden in the branches. In Square de la Psalette, birds from distant latitudes (Western Meadowlark – Sturnella neglecta) can be heard singing to mark their territory or attract a mate. But, removed from their original context, their song becomes a call to strangers, vagabonds, and lost travellers. They might also be seen as a metaphor for migratory populations and the notion of hospitality. ————————————————— e CAThEdRAL: EVERYdAY, 8.30 Am – 7.00 pm. CRYpTS: EVERYdAY, 10.00 Am – 7.00 pm. No ACCESS duRINg SERVICES. FCRYpTS ANd VIEW-poINT NoT ACCESSIBLE. ————————————————— ThIS SouNd INSTALLATIoN CAN ALSo BE dISCoVEREd IN ThE gARdENS oF ThE muSÉum d’hISToIRE NATuRELLE WITh SoNgS oF A CApE WEAVER – PLOCEUS CAPENSIS (SEE oN mAp: N°41). FRom ThE SAmE ARTIST: LA SYZYGIE, ThÉâTRE gRASLIN (SEE oN mAp: N°42). 25 AIL THE TR CIT Y IN THE © VILLE DE nAnTES JARdIN dES pLANTES LE JARDIN KADUPO ClAudE PONTI A PrOJECT CrEATEd BY THE CITY’S PArK ANd ENVIrONMENT dPT. Illustrator and well-known author of children’s literature, Claude Ponti has been invited again to bring his dreamlike universe to life in one of France’s biggest public gardens. These unique creations have been imagined exclusively for the botanical garden, where you can walk underneath a Giant Bench, try to sit down on Togobans (half benches-half slides), and this summer, a heap of pots comes to life, inviting visitors to follow them in their adventure… ————————————————— e EVERYdAY, 8.00 Am – 8.00 pm. 26 © BEnEDETTO BUfALInO. ADAGP, PARIS, 2016 SomEWhERE IN ThE CITY CENTER ÉVASION URBAINE BENEdETTO BuFAlINO At a time where cellphones are everywhere, a telephone booth from the 80s makes a comeback in town! Benedetto Bufalino returns this endangered urban species to its rightful place, only this time the glass cage has been transformed into an aquarium and filled with colourful exotic fish. It extends a brief invitation to travel to distant seascapes. ————————————————— E THE D I S T OU NTER E C Y T CI © BERnARD REnOUX mALAkoFF NEIghBouRhood pETITE AmAzoNIE PÉAGE SAUVAGE OBSErVATOrIuM After enduring the bombings of WW2, this site became part of an urban renewal project in the 1970s. Finally, when the idea of a city motorway was abandoned, nature had already taken over. The site was called “la petite Amazonie” and is now a nature reserve with limited access. Observatorium tells the story, using a “contemporary fairy tale”: an impressive wooden sculpture represents a section of motorway that is at the same time both a public place and an observatory for this unique natural environment. ———————————————————————————————————— F ACCESSIBLE EXCEpT To ThE 1ST LEVEL. 27 E THE D I S T OU ENTER C Y T I C © PICMA 3D NANTES CAmpINg PETITS VOYAGES EXTRAORDINAIRES (MINI-GOLF) JEAN BONICHON last autumn, Nantes Camping invited local visual artist Jean Bonichon to revamp its miniature golf course. With Petits Voyages Extraordinaires, he invites us to explore the world of Jules Verne’s novels and their oddities through his humorous lens. Seven fantastic works are yours to discover on the 15-hole course, beginning with a 4-metre tall, upside-down hot-air balloon tribute to the novel Five Weeks in a Balloon! But, before you reach the end, that little white ball will have to make its way through desert, ocean, and the lunar surface! ————————————————— e EVERYdAY, 8.00 Am – 9.00 pm. AdmISSIoN: €8 / €6 (uNdER 10 YEARS oLd). FNoT ACCESSIBLE. 28 © RSA COSMOS – PLAnÉTARIUM DE nAnTES ChANTENAY NEIghBouRhood BuTTE SAINTE-ANNE PLANÉTARIUM For the second year in a row, the Planetarium’s simulator has been transformed into a tool for artistic expression. using data validated by the scientific community, movements and traced lines turn science into art for your viewing pleasure. Astronomy instantly becomes poetry… An extraordinary visual experience awaits. ————————————————— e SCREENINg AT 6.00 pm (EVERYdAY, EXCEpT SATuRdAY) / duRATIoN: 30 mIN. FREE AdmISSIoN, SuBJECT To ThE 51 SEATS AVAILABLE, No RESERVATIoN. E THE D I S T OU NTER E C Y T CI pôle nord, 2001 © ÉRIC fOnTEnEAU ChANTENAY NEIghBouRhood muSÉE JuLES-VERNE PANORAMA ÉrIC FONTENEAu Éric Fonteneau has created a dialogue with Jules Verne’s work on the theme of the geographical imaginary. Panorama showcases a series of graphic objects, connecting them to the museum and its collection, where the visitor discovers different techniques of representation and scales of perception, as well as optical systems. The scenography melds the works and installations into a unified artistic idea, while a geographic itinerary echoes that of Jules Verne’s in a panorama of the museum. © BERnARD REnOUX REzÉ (TRENTEmouLT) LE PENDULE rOMAN SIGNEr For roman Signer, plants are endowed with many qualities: proximity to the river, complex mechanics, and the ability to transform matter. It is these qualities and evocative power that Signer wished to reveal with his minimalist structure: a 7-meter (25-foot) long pendulum hanging off the building. This object regularly and inexorably stamps time out and creates a rhythm for the unending flow of the river, with its violent and calm power. ————————————————— NAVIBuS FRom gARE mARITImE dE NANTES (WITh TAN TICkET puBLIC TRANSpoRT / FREE FoR pASS NANTES hoLdERS). ————————————————— FREE AdmISSIoN FoR pASS NANTES hoLdERS. LUNAR TREE BY mRzYk ANd moRICEAu, ARTWoRk FRom ThE ARTISTIC TRAIL ESTUAIRE. 29 UTES 20 MINNANTES FROM © fRAnCk TOMPS In Nantes, Saint-Nazaire and along the 60 km of the shores of the loire river, a collection of 30 artworks created by famous artists allows you to discover the estuary and its unusual sites. Explore on foot, by bike, by car or ideally by boat. A “chimney house” perched 15 meters high, a 7-meter-wide clock set on a concrete batching plant, a 120-meter-long sea snake, a soft-looking boat… ————————————————— © fRAnCk TOMPS ESTuAIRE NANTES <> SAINT-NAzAIRE LANDSCAPES, ART AND RIVER ESTUAIRE CRUISES dEpARTuRE FRom NANTES oR SAINT-NAzAIRE To discover the art trail, the beauty of the loire, as well as the diversity of the surrounding landscapes. rich wildlife areas rub shoulders with gigantic industrial buildings and maritime heritage sites. ALL SITES ARE IN opEN ACCESS / WWW.ESTuAIRE.INFo ————————————————— A mAp oF ThE ESTuAIRE ITINERARY IS AVAILABLE IN ThE NANTES.TouRISmE oFFICES. pRICES: FRom €13 To €35. 30 INFo. ANd RESERVATIoNS: WWW.NANTES-TouRISmE.Com T. 02 40 75 75 07 UTES 20 MINNANTES FROM © VALERY jOnChERAY FRom NANTES To CLISSoN: A JOURNEY THROUGH THE VINEYARD In the spirit of Estuaire Nantes<>SaintNazaire, Le Voyage à Nantes continues its exploration of the area’s natural wealth and turns its attention to the vineyards. From Nantes to Clisson, this itinerary through the vineyards of the loire Valley – designed to gradually introduce an art trail peppered with landscaped views, places to visit and Muscadet wine tasting – offers exotic stops: a sunset on the Butte de la roche, the Coing or Goulaine Castles, walking through Parc de la Garenne lemot… ————————————————— To dISCoVER ThIS ITINERARY ANd SuggESTEd WINE CELLARS, pICk up ThE LEAFLET AT NANTES.TouRISmE oFFICES. Suggestion of some gems of this wine making region to discover… CHÂteaU De goUlaIne HaUte-goUlaIne First castle of the loire at the gates of Nantes and the ocean, built from chalk stone (Tufa stone), Goulaine lives on as an example of the opulence that once reigned in this “Valley of the Kings”. It is also the official lu biscuit making factory. FREE AdmISSIoN FoR pASS NANTES hoLdERS. ClIsson A truly picturesque place to stop in the vineyards. On the banks of the Sèvre, here is a quaint little town where remains of the Middle Ages merge with Italian architecture following the battles of the Vendée. Visit the historic centre with its famous château and its market hall. DoMaIne De la garenne-leMot gÉtIgnÉ – ClIsson An inspiration to artists for its romantic appearance. designed by F. lemot in a park of 13 hectares to showcase Italian memorabilia. Architecture from antiquity or in a rustic style, stone, pine trees and statues take you back in time, while the poems carved into the rocks, take you elsewhere. ————————————————— 31 GOOD TIPS © STEPhAn MUnTAnER BRETON NIGHT CHÂTEAu dES duCS dE BrETAGNE (COurTYArd) 23rd JulY Every summer, the Château des ducs de Bretagne returns to its roots, establishing itself among the major events featuring Breton and Celtic music. As always, this year’s programme showcases incredible talent: The Bagad de Nantes, Yann-Fañch Kemener, the Irish band Beoga, the Serot-Janvier couple and the Groove Cie brass section… froM 6.30 PM to MIDnIgHt aDMIssIon: €9 THE GIANT SPIDER STEPS OUT COMPAGNIE LA MACHINE PArC dES CHANTIErS FrOM 8th TO 10th ANd FrOM 22nd TO 24th JulY The Giant Spider has moved in to the Parc des Chantiers and steps out when it suits… / ————————————————— LES RENDEZ-VOUS DE L’ERDRE FrOM 25th TO 28th AuGuST Hugely popular jazz festival along the quays in the town centre. Water and music combining to create a great atmosphere. www.renDezvoUserDre.CoM ————————————————— ————————————————— NANTES’ MAKER CAMPUS MACHINES DE L’ÎLE th th FrOM 8 TO 10 JulY This worldwide reference event for innovation is a totally unique concept regrouping demo stands, beginners’ workshops, shows and conferences on the themes of creativity, craft for Makers and all things do It Yourself. For 3 days, a camp of Makers-artists take place on the Parc des Chantiers for a walk along the loire beyond incredible creations! AUX HEURES D’ÉTÉ FESTIVAL FrOM 5th JulY TO 12th AuGuST This festival of world cultures offers events daily throughout the summer, with 35 shows and over 80 artists from all over the world. Among the most creative concerts feature international contemporary and traditional music. There are also shows for young audiences, an open-air cinema, and readings outside in the surrounding nature. nantes CIty-Centre anD varIoUs neIgHBoUrHooDs. www.aUxHeUresete.CoM ————————————————— ————————————————— 32 GOOD TIPS © LES LUnETTES DU VOYAGE (GAwS) / L’ÉTIqUETTE À BAGAGE DU VOYAGE (fRAM) / LE kIT BISCUIT-EMPORTE-PIÈCE DUVOYAGE (TOC) / LE RECUEIL DU VOYAGE (LES ROMAnCIERS nAnTAIS) / LA MARInIÈRE DU VOYAGE (SAInT jAMES) / PhOTOS © GREGG BRÉhIn © fRAnCk TOMPS J’YTHE VOYAGE ! Shopkeepers who particularly love the Voyage put up the green sticker on their shop window! Some of them create original objects (or services) especially for the event. These goodwill ambassadors can also lead you to the next step of the trail… ————————————————— A mAp BRINgINg TogEThER ThE SIgNS TRAIL ANd ShopS FRom “J’AImE ThE VoYAgE” pRoJECT IS AVAILABLE IN ThE NANTES.TouRISmE oFFICES. NANTES.TOURISME SHOP Books About Nantes, the estuary, the street theatre company royal de luxe, children’s books and colouring books… ————————————————— gUIDes, MaPs anD walks Town walk guides, walks in loire Atlantique, loire à vélo, Vélodyssée, family walks… ————————————————— VOYAGE À NANTES BranDeD ProDUCts Posters by Jean Jullien or dr Paper, t-shirts, badges, stickers, mugs, tote bags, pens, notebooks… ————————————————— loCal sPeCIalItIes Berlingot and rigolette sweets, packets of Petit Beurre biscuits, salted butter caramels, salt from Guérande… 33 © GREGG BRÉhIn nantes.toUrIsMe InforMatIon Desk 9, rue des États (opposite the Castle), Nantes 7 days/week, from 9.00 am to 7.00 pm statIon ProUvÉ Boulevard de la Prairie-au-duc Parc des Chantiers – on the Île de Nantes 7 days/week, from 10.00 am to 6.00 pm www.nantes-toUrIsMe.CoM T. 0 892.464.044 (€0,35/mn from France)
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