Graffi`ti war rages on - University of Delaware
Graffi`ti war rages on - University of Delaware
•••• Greater Newark's Hometown Newspaper Since 191 0 .:• 1DOth Year, 21 st Issue © 2009 June 12, 2009 Newark, Del. Council weighs options for By MARK CORRIGAN MCORRIGAN@CHESPUB.COM uring Monday's Newark City Council meeting, an engaged crowd of concerned citizens worked to convince the council to extend life insurance, leave and other benefits for domestic partners of city workers. The measure that was first introduced by Councilman Ezra Temko. Since it was listed as "Open for Public Comment" on the agen- Temko da, several residents presented arguments in favor of the plan Most who spoke argued in favor of extending benefits, including two church representatives who agreed that D r.v yur, lomeonl dIcIlfI NIWIIk lilt :":i'~ded=:3=;~=~~~ liliiii. while I...,..... acounll. 13 or ... z-. OR PHOTOS BY MARK CORRIGAN Graduation ceremony photos and rosters for area high schools are a part of this keepsake edition of the lewark Post. nstarts on Page 17 See COUNCIL, 3 ~ Graffi'ti war rages on T he war is on, with the Downtown Newark Partnership (DNP) joining the Newark Police Department to battle an invasion of graffiti. As seen in recent police reports, . there has been an increase in graffiti vandalism in the city's business district and on local bridges and overpasses. "For the past few months, it has become evident that graffiti is on the upswing," said Mayor Vance Funk, ill. "As someone living and doing business here, graffiti offends me by its lack of respect for the City, and other people's property. Graffiti is a Graduation special the issue is a civil matter, not a moral one. One man defended Newark as a liberal and progressive municipality and stated, "This is not Alabama, this is not southern Delaware." The lone individual speaking out against the measure suggested a referendum. Though the issue has been strongly debated, several key elements have not been ironed out, such as the full range of requirements for determining a domestic partnership and how to implement the program. Opposition was sparse at the meeting, but some of the strongest opponents to the measure are unions that represent city employees. The union's stance largely rests on the possibility of increased costs that could be passed on to employees. Temko and others on the council agreed that further exploration and war of the wills, and we are committed to fighting it with every resource we have." Newark has joined efforts with other city, county and state agencies in an Anti-Graffiti Task Force organized by Chief Liam Sullivan of the Elsmere Police Department. Corporal Jeffrey Schwagel of the Newark Police Department's Anti-Graffiti Task Force says the graffiti the city is experiencing is the result of graffiti vandals who feel their work is public art and not symbolic of unsafe neighbor- See GRAFFITI, 3 ~ News, Advertising • 737-0724 Classifieds • 1-800-220-3311 Page 2 • The Newark Post • Friday,june 12, 2009 POLICE BLOTIER Can we help? OffIces: The paper's offices are located conveniently in Suite 109, Pomeroy Station, 218 E. Main St., Newark, DE 19711. Dffice hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays. Phone: (302) 737-0724 Facsimile: (302) 737-9019 E-mail: To subscribe: To begin aconvenient home-delivery subscription, call 1-800-220-3311. To place aclassified ad: Call 1800-220-3311. To place a display ad: Call 7370724. HE STAFF of the Newark Post is eager to assist readers and adver-' tisers. Reporters, writers, editors and salespeople can be contacted as listed: Doug RaIney is the Editor of the Newark Post he leads the day-to-day operation of the newsroom. Call him at 737-11724. lither contrIllltlng wrItaI's include Elbert Chance, Marvin Hummel and Amy Roe. Leave messages for them at 737-0724. Jonathan Waddell is our Design Director. He handles design and composition of our pages. ReIIee Qlletmeyer is the Newark Post'S advertiSing manager who manages the local sales team. She can be reached at 1-443-2455DD3. JI. Galoff handles accounts in the New Castle County area and is an automotive account specialist. Call him at 737-11724. sells real estate advertising. He can be reached by calling 1-443-245-5031. RollIn ..... sells ads in the downtown Newark, Middletown and surrounding area. She can be reached by calling m-0724. Our circulation manager is MIry F....... For information regarding subscriptions, call1-a.22IJ.3311. T .e.... The Newark Post is published Friday by Chesapeake PUblishing & Printing. News and local sales offices are located in Pomeroy Station, Suite 109, 218 E. Main St., Newark, DE 1971l. All advertising and news are accepted and printed only at the sale discretion of the publisher. The Newark Post is a member of the Maryland-DelawareD. C. Press Association, Suburban Newspapers ofAmerica and the National Newspaper Association. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Newark Post, Suite 109, 218 E. Main Street, Newark, DE 19711. Periodicals postage paid at Newark, Dei., and additional offices. ( USPS #6465) Known office of publication 218 E. Main Street, Newark, DE 19711. Two robbed in White Chapel neighborhood The Police Blotter is compiled by Mark Corrigan and Doug Rainey from reports filed by the Newark, New Castle County and State Police. For updates, log on to newarkposton line. com. O n Monday two people became victims of an armed robbery in the White Chapel neighborhood in Newark. The 21 year-old female and 15 year-old male arrived at their home after closing a tobacco store located on Route 40, Bear. Upon leaving their car, the victims were confronted by two men, both armed with knives. The suspects demanded property, and the male victim surrendered cash, which included proceeds from the store. A purse was stolen from the female victim. The suspects were last seen running toward Marrows Road. Both were black males wearing black shirts and masks. One had a thin build; the <*her a large build. Neither victim was injured. However, the victims' father was inside the house recovering from recent heart surgery. After learning of the robbery, he suffered chest pain and was --~-- . -- I )) I transported by ambulance to Christiana Hospital for treatment. Two arrested for fake kidnapping New Castle County Police arrested two men, after they faked a kidnapping and extorted cash from a family member in exchange for his safe return. On Saturday, police received a report of a male who was missing under suspicious circumstances. Officers learned William David Holland, 45, was missing from his home in St. Andrews, Bear. The investigation revealed the victim's sister began receiving text messages from her brother indicating he had been kidnapped by drug dealers. In the messages, Holland stated he was being held for ransom against his will and ransom was needed. On Friday, the victim's sister agreed to meet the alleged drug dealer at the Wilmington Train Station and pay $200 for her brother's safe return. The sister paid an unknown male subject the money as agreed upon. However, Holland was not released. -------------- I( r , I. ,I ( I', I " , / 302-266-0880 .{Ol Louviers Drive Newark, DE 19111 On the following day, the sister received an additional text message that indicated if she wanted to see her brother alive again, she need to bring another $200 to the BP Gas Station on Martin Luther King Blvd. This time, the sister called police as she feared her brother would be killed by the alleged kidnapper. Detectives were able to track the cell phone to John Reynolds, 42, Wilmington. The victim's sister, with the assistance of police, negotiated a settlement with the kidnapper. As agreed upon, the sister delivered an additional $50 to the same male subject at the gas station. Based on previous photographs, the male kidnapper was identified by the undercover officers as the owner of the cell phone. Detectives then applied for and obtained a search warrant for the residence of the owner of the cell phone. With the assistance of the Wilmington Police Department, officers executed the search warrant at the home. Both Reynolds and the alleged victim, David Holland, were found unharmed inside the basement area of the home. A third person was also found in the home who indicated 'Small Plate Nenu' Some of our best loved recipes JustIN Holland had been staying at the home voluntarily and was in no danger. The investigation has revealed the two men conspired to "shake down" Holland's sister so they could obtain cash to purchase crack cocaine. They have both been charged with one count of extortion, two counts of theft, and three counts of conspiracy. They have both been arraigned and released on $4,500 unsecured bail. of the stolen property has been recovered by the investigating officer. Victim escapes robbery at gunpoint Tips help collar burglary. suspects With information developed from tips from the public, the three people responsible for the May 31st burglary at the Washington House condominiums on East Main Street have been identified. They are: John A. Rice, 20, Newark; Duane C. Speck, Elkton; Female, 16, Elkton. Rice surrendered to the Newark Police on June 4. He was charged with two counts Burglary 3rd Degree, one count Conspiracy 2nd Degree, two counts Theft, and two counts Criminal Mischief. He was released on $1<),000 unsecured bond, and was ordered to have no contact with Main Street. The juvenile female surrendered to the Newark Police on June 5. She was charged with the same offenses. She was released to her grandparent on $16,500 unsecured bond, and was ordered to have no contact with Main Street or her codefendants. Duane Speck was still at large at press time. He faces the same charges as his co-defendants. His whereabouts are not. known, but he is believed to be in the Elkton area. The majority Police responded to call from Andres Morales" 21, of Newark who reported that he had run from two Hispanic males who were attempting to rob him. Morales told officers at the scene that he had stopped at a traffic light at the comer of Library Avenue and Ogletown Road when three Hispanic males driving two cars, a black Honda and a red Honda, pulled up next to him. One of the males in the Black Honda presented a black automatic handgun and yelled at Morales, in Spanish, "Give me the money." Morales stated that he was afraid of getting shot, so he attempted to make the left hand tum onto Main Street, but ran into a light pole instead. He exited the vehicle and fled to the nearby McDonald's with two of the males in pursuit. Morales ran to his residence and called police. Police investigated the accident scene to gain further evidence. 'Suave' grafiHi vandal arrested Newark Police arrested a 17-year-old male from Newark after he was identified as a graffiti vandal. The juvenile was charged with five counts of graffiti. Working with information garnered by the Graffiti Task Force, the investigation determined that the defendant See BLOTTER, 8 ~ Celtic Festival Sunday, June 14th, Noon - Sp.rn. Adults $5 • Children 12 & under FREE • Celtic Music • Highland Dancing • Sheepherding & Sheepshearing, Highland Cattle • Scottish Clans. Vendors. Food & More • Highland Pipes & Drums • Scottish Singer - Carl Peterson at Steppin[stone Musenm 461 Quaker Bottom Road Havre de Grace, MD .in beautiful Susquehanna State Park j ust 3 miles from 1-95, Exit 89 1·888·419·1762 • 410·939·2299 · email: stepplngstonemuseum On the Web • Friday,June 12, 2009 • The Newark Post • Page 3 IN THE NEWS Sewer fee increase approved by City Council ~ COUNCIL, from 1 discussion is needed to properly address the issue. The council also agreed to bring in outside organizations to present options and clarify matters. As Temko stated, "The process has been confusing." The issue of funeral and medical leave for domestic partners will be voted on at the July 27 meeting. Council will discuss the extension of other benefits at an August 10th workshop and will propose a vote in September. In other business: - The council voted for a 13.6 percent increase in sewer fees for Newark residents eff~ctive July 1. Businesses can expect changes anywhere from 11.3 to 13.4 percent. A residential fee will change from $4.637 to $5.267 per thousand gallons. Based upon a consumption of 9,450 gallons, a quarterly residential bill will increase by $6.00. The rate change is in response to higher charges by New Castle County and is the first increase since July 2005. A letter to the city . notes that the new rate will also help offset some hfgher city expenses. Dennis McFarland, Finance Director, estimated the rate increase will garner $44,000 for Newark. . Council voted to install 54 handicap ramps to comply wit~ current Americans with Disabilities Act and City of Newark standards. Seven companies submitted sealed bids with Paoli Services, Inc. of Wilmington winning the job with a low bid of $96,171.50. - COWlcil approved the research and purchase of ergonomic workstations for the 911 Center. E-Systems Group won the project with a cost proposal of $111,085.25, when Xybix System, Inc., the only other vendor, withdrew its bid. The costs of the renovation project will be taken from the' Enhanced 911 Emergency Reporting System Fund, which reimburses local, county, and state governments for costs associated with 911 centers. Jagger vandals see themselves as artists ~ COUNCIL, from 1 hoods. The city, police and Downtown Newark Partnership consider graffiti, or "tagging", to be more than an eyesore. "In a city like Newark, it creates a false perception of a blighted community where laws can be disregarded and gives the impression that the area i,s unsafe," says Maureen Feeney-Roser, DNP administrator. The DNP is providing a reward for the Newark Police Department to award if information provided to them leads to an arrest and conviction of a graffiti vandal in Newark. Roser says, "Many businesses and property owners have been affected by graffiti along with public facilities such as parking meters, signage, and the murals located at the CSX bridge and abutments and the community bulletin board," Amendments to the City's graffiti ordinance passed at the City Council me<;ting in late April, provide for tougher penalties for vandals by increasing penalties for tagging from $300 to $500, plus appropriate restitution. Community service hours were increased to 100 hours from the previous 30 hours. An addition to the ordinance allows for a fine of at least $500 for possession of graffiti implements. Schwagel says that it is important to report graffiti to the Police Department for documentation purposes. Photographing the vandalism is one of the ways police keep track of who is doing the vandalizing. He emphasizes prompt removal after the graffiti has been documented. Suggestions from the city: • Reporting graffiti (call, text, e-mail). • Keep up your neighborhood and encourage your neighbors to do the same. • Remove graffiti promptly. Data shows that removal within 24 to 48 hours results in a nearly zero rate of recurrence. • Use graffiti resistant materials or coatings, or coatings which allow graffiti to be washed off. Anyone with information about a graffiti incident is asked contact Corporal Jeffrey Schwagel at 302-366-7110 ext. 406 or jeffrey.schwagel@cj. You can send an anonymous text message tip by texting 302NPD and your message to TIP411. _Information can also be provided anonymously to Crime Stoppers at 1-800-TIP-3333. C 8& 0 Furn/tu"e Quality Furniture by Amish Craftsmen . Bedrooms. Dining Rooms • Tables & Chairs • Desks • Playsets An example of graffiti that popped up last winter and continues to show up on buildings and other surfaces in Newark. SHEDS & STORAGE BUILDINGS Custom Built to fit your needs. You choose the style, size and color from our "Amish Built" catalogs. Give us a try-our prices are right. Lawn Furniture See oui selection of chairs, rockers, swings, gliders and more! SPECIAL PRICES ON DISPIJ\Y PIJ\YSETS! Rebate On Your First Interest Payment! 'Payday Loans up to $1,000 Takes 15 Minutes JUST BRING IN: • Valid driver's license· Most recent pay stub· Most recent bank statement· Check Book Rt 213, Chesapeake City, MD • "10-885-257! 3 miles So of the Chesapedke City Bridge dt the 2nd light Fihromyalgia? NEWARK - A new free report has recently been released that reveals the "untold story" behind fibromyalgia pain. Fibromyalgia misdiagnosis and mistreatment is rampant and leads to countless years of unnecessary suffering. This free report reveals a natural procedure that is giving fibromyalgia sufferers their "lives back" - with "miraculous" results for many. If you suffer from fibromyalgia, you need this no B.S., "no gimmicks" free report that is giving hope to fibromyalgia suffers everywhere. For your free copy, call the toll-free, 24 hour recorded message at 1-888-895-7481. Don't let money get in the way of what you need. EZLOAN$ 661 College Square, Newark DE .(302) 709·,3340 322 Fox Hunt Dr. Bear, DE (302) 834-1800 Not valid with any other offer· New loans only. Only one coupon per 90 day•. Paydlly advances IhouId be used for Ihort-term financial needs only, not as a kln9-tenn financiIf lOIution. Customet'l wtth credit difficulties should . . . a.:iit counseUng. 011 FREE: 877-297-0011 • ~ ~-~::~~~.""----'-" News, Advertising • 737-0724 Classifieds • 1-800-220-3311 Page 4 • The Newark Post • Friday,June 12, 2009 OPINION Book provides insights into Delaware government By ELBERT CHANCE NEWARK POST COLUMNIST A re you aware that Delaware has been governed under one constitution for more than 100 years, that Ruth Ann Minner was the state's first woman governor or that in 1984, when UD professor S. B. Woo became lieutenant governor, he was the highest ranking politician of Chinese descent in America to hold a statewide office? You would know the answers to these questions and much more about the history and governance of the First State if you had read "Delaware Politics and Government", a recently published book by UD professors William W. Boyer and Edward C. Ratledge. Their book is one in a series on state politics and government published by the University of Nebraska Press in association with the Center for the Study of Federalism at Lafayette College. The evolution of the state's constitution is one of the many fascinating stories they tell about a state whose residents have been steadfastly indepen- dent in their approach to governance. As the authors put it, "There is rarely a rush to regulate in Delaware." This attitude may account for the fact that in 1853, the only year in which a ..-----." proposed constitution was submi tted to all state residents eligible to vote, it was decisively rejected. A constitution Chance later approved by vote .of the General Assembly in 1897 has remained in place ever since, though it has been frequently amended to accommodate changing times. A major problem that long troubled effective governance of the First State resembled an issue with which delegates charged with writing the fed· eral constitution grappled. In that instance, residents of the smaller, less populated states feared that they would be dominated by the larger 4)tates. To establish balance, each state was assigned two senators. When the state constitution was being drafted, citizens in Kent and Sussex Counties were 'similarly fearful that they would be overwhelmed Through the years Delaware by more densely populated New Castle County. The con- . has gained a reputation for the stitution ultimately approved skill of its Chancery Court created an imbalance of vot- judges and practicing attorneys ing power that . existed into in the administration of busithe 1970s when a reappor- ness law. The state has become tionment mandated by the U. a leader in international ecoS. Supreme Cciurt assigned a nomic legislation in what has majority of General Assembly been termed "the century of seats to New Castle County. globaJization" . In the last two Although statewide cam- decades, Delaware officials paigns often are hotly con- have traveled the world to tested, the state legislature has promote the state as a place for the most part worked effec- where foreign companies may tively because of close inter- prosper. Delaware government personal contacts, collegiality and business delegations have among its members and the visited a number of European members' intimate contacts nations, neighboring Mexico with lobbyists and constitu- and Canada, Japan, Vietnam ents. "Bqth major parties", and Taiwan. Their efforts, couthe authors report, "proved pled with the favorable record dedicated to establishing and of cases adjudicated by the maintaining fiscal responsibil- Chancery Court, have steadily enhanced Delaware's reputaity. " The authors also note that tion as the corporation capital two groups of political lead- of the world. ers have been prominent (and Among the major accomdominant) in recent years. plishments of recent years, the The "Big Three" of the World authors cite Governor DuPont's War II era were Governor skill at developing cooperaElbert N. Carvel and Senators tion between the major parties John Williams and J. Caleb on issues of vital importance Boggs. They were succeeded to the state, Governor Terry's by a' "Big Five" composed successful effort to develop' a of Pete DuPont, Mike Castle, merit system for state employBill Roth, Tom Carper and Joe ees and Governor Peterson's push for an effective coastal Biden. zone act. In short, any Delaware resident, whether recent arrival or longtime resident, could become a more knowledgeable and effective citizen by spending several hours with this interesting little book. OUT OF THE Arne Methodist Church with 19~ Front This week's Out of the Attic features an undated photograph of the Methodist Church at 69 East Main Street. Members started meeting in 1799 at the Meteer's home on the White Clay Creek just outside of town. In 1811 Isaac Tyson bulH a small chapel on his property just inside the town boundary]. the first church in town. The Methodist church buiH on Main ;,treet in 1851 burned in 1861. The rebuilt church was dedicated in 1865. The front extension shown in the picture was added in 1904. Athree-story brick addition that doubled the size of the church was built in1932 followed by a revised front with worship area balcony and steeple in 1948. After the congregation decided to keep the church on Main Street, a new three-story education section was added in 1963. A1992 project included an elevator, interior renovations, a new pipe organ, and a sprinkler system for the whole complex. The facility hosts many community events and groups as well as the extensive worship and activity schedule of the 210 year-Old congregation. The picture is on loan to the Newark Post from the Newark Historical Society collection. Visit the Newark History Museum at 148 East Main Street (between Choate and Haines Streets). Hours are Thursday 5 to 8 p.m., Friday 12 to 3 p.m., and Saturday and Sunday 2 to 5 p.m. Admission is free. Contact the Newark Historical Society by voice mail at 302224-2408, by postal mail to P. O. Box 711, Newark, DE 19715, or by email RETCHING Let us consolidate your bills for you. ~ LOUVIERS FEDERAL CREDIT UNION yourMhO,Na' .1.~dOOr8a~~~y~!~;~~le! Imlt:»' t A OffIC~ 8 ~ " . Something terrible happens when you don't advertise ... Nothing! Call 737-0724 to place an ad. . 1 home and furniture, many new Items and clothing, household goods, lighting fixtures, etc. EXCEPTIONAL CARE FOR CHILDREN 11 Independence Way, Newark, DE 19713 (just off W, Chesnut HIli RdJ " Tables for rent available $25.00 contact Annette Moore 302·894-1001 r I I I I • ---------------.,. FREE DESSERT or:~yP~r:n~~::s (Eat in Only) I I WITH THIS COUPON EAT IN· TAKE OUT DELIVERY (until4PM) M ON. TflR U FRI. I J A.M. TO 9 P.M. 12 P.M. TO 9 P.M . • C LOSED S UN. SAT. 1005 Elk Mills Road - Appleton Plaza • 410-620-7200 i'*E·i¥Wi'W'i,,_tiiMiMW'II,! . I I ~ On the Web • Friday,june 12, 2009 • The Newark Post • Page 5 , COMMUNIlY EVENTS Editor's note: For more community items, log on to and look for the community briefs and a calendar at the bottom of the home page. Schools honor Newark residents 27th at 8pm. Matinee dates are: Sunday, June 21st and Saturday, June 27th at 2pm. All tickets for this event are $15. Call the CSP Box Office in early June at (302) 368-2248 to reserve your tickets and seats or go to the CSP Website (Chapelstreetplayers. org) and click on the 'Ticket Leap" icon and reserve your tickets and seats immediately using a credit card. Soccer Camps Soccer Camps for youth ages 5-13 will be held June 15-19 and August 10-14 at West Park Elementary School. Half Day Camp for ages 5-7 is from 9arn-lpm. Full day camp for· ages 7-13 is from 9am3:30pm. Full Day Camp fee is $200 with a Newark resident discounted fee of $190. Half Day Camp fee is $170 with a Newark resident discounted fee of $160. For more information contact the Recreation office 302-366-7060, visit www. or register at 220 Elkton Road, Newark, DE. Taoist Longevity Breathing Workshop June 16th & 23rd, 7 - 9 PM. $60 for 2-day workshop ($35 for first day only). Market East Plaza, 280 East Main Street, #109, Newark, DE 19711. Located behind the Co-op. Join us for the first time as we present a special 2-day workshop in Taoist Longevity Breathing. Instructor: Max Quarto, 302545-0173, TheTaoistStudie, www. Longevity breathing goes beyond increasing oxygen capacity. Longevity breathing will help you rejuvenate and super-' charge not only your lungs but also all your internal organs. It improves circulation, in-creases performance and reduces stress. It helps you cope with fear and anger. Longevity breathing can help alleviate cardiopulmonary problems, emphysema and asthma. It cultivates the ability to relax at any time and concentrate on what you are doing for long periods without becoming distracted. It improves mental focus and critical thinking skills. It helps you to' get all the internal and external parts of your body to physically move in sync. The following students from Newark have made the Dean's List at Coastal Carolina' University for the Spring 2009 semester. The students are: Christopher A. Jones, Victoria A. Strengari, Jacquelyn M. Ungerer. Open to one and all! Open Cecil College is pleased to to the Community, June 13, announce that full-time students 2009, 12:00 Noon - 6:00 p.m. Courtney Poole of Newark, Del. Food, Fun, Info, Vendors, and Tara Foraker of Newark, Entertainment and Games. For Del. made the president's list for more info contact Daphne Evans the spring 2009 semester. Part(302) 588-6356 or Mt. Zion time students Andrea Vassiliou UAME Church (302) 737-9827, and Charles Shirar ·of Newark, This summer we will ,take located at 100 New London Del., also made the president's a tour ·and explore Australia. Road, Newark, DE 19711 list. This camp will provide us Newark resident Scott Charles plenty of opportunity to try "Religulous'~ Ennis, a senior at Washington different techniques and media and Lee University, has earned all in the hopes of challenging honor roll status for the recently our artistic skills. For ages Unitarian Universalist 6-12. Fee: $65, RDF: $55, ended winter term. Loomis from Fellowship of Newark (UUFN), Tuesday-Thursday, June 16Natasha Newark was one of the 535 stu- 420 Willa Road, Newark, 19711. 18, I-2:30pm. Classes held at dents who took part in Franklin On Sunday June 14 at noon, the the George Wilson Center, 303 & Marshall College's com- UUFN Social Justice Committee New London Road, Newark. mencement exercises on May is screening Bill Mayer's lat- Pre registra'tion is required, call See EVENTS, 10 ~ 16. She was awarded a bachelor est film, "Religulous." Free 366-7060. of arts degree magna cum laude and open to the community. in music. She is also a graduate Some· will love this comedy, of Sanford School. and some not so much. Light Mattie · Alfreda Helm refreshments. For info about this of Newark graduated from screening, see, or Philadelphia Biblical University call 302.368.4946. For informaon May 16. Mattie has earned tion about the film and to view Offering affordable legal services at EXPERIENCE COUNTS a Bachelor of Science in Bible clips, see: 1400 Peoples Plaza, Suite 121 Over 25 years in practice degree and 'was one of 179 stu- tt0815241. • Auto Accidents " ~Worklnjurjes dents in PBU's class of 2009. • Divorce & Custody', • Bal"lkr'uptcy Saint . Joseph College • PFA . • Criminal Law/QUI awarded a Master of Science, A combinationofhigh and low Biology degree to Newark Our firm's goal is to provide affordable legal resident Christine Warwick at ' impact aerobics. Fun, energetic service~'to our clients. ~7)ptilize a tea!D Commencement exercises on and it works your body. $65/$55, , approa"h co!D,bining the ejforts of experienced Sunday, May 17. Mondays and Wednesdays, June paralegals and attomeys,~c§upled with 15-July 22, 7:30-8:3Opm. Held aggresSive, affordable repr~sent~tion;; maxiITlizing ,your recovery, protecting at the George Wilson Center. For your rights, to proyide the pos,! 'effe~tive personall~gal services available. m those l'6 and over. Contact the , Recreation office for more information at 366-7060, 366-7033 ;A~TQRNEYS AT LAW "I wish to say that ' on my ext. 200 after 5:00pm and on first visit to Moss Hart's house I ~~~~ f;~ples Plaza weekends or visit our website at had one of the most unpleasant Newark, Delaware 4 evenings I can ever recall having spent." - Alexander Woollcott. It is from this that Moss Hart and George S. Kauffman penned the hysterical farce "The Man Who Came to Dinner." While on a lecture tour in Ohio, Sheridan Whiteside slips on the ice outside his hosts' home; until his broken leg heals, the hosts are forced to put up (and put up with) the , ~ imperious Whiteside. This all ~::~ time favorite that will keep you laughing when you leave the the302-455-9520 ater. Performance dates are: June Insuran(e &financial Services 12th, 13th, 19th, 20th, 26th and Discounts for Delaware State Employees and U of D Alumni Mt. Zion UAME Church Family Reunion Young Rembrandts - Australian Adventures Film UUFN at NEED A LAWYER?· Power Hour The Chapel Street Annual "FUNdraiser" Rallaim & Saints 302..832-1800 Daniel DeFoe ~ UDon't Need It? Last week, members of the UDon't Need It? Student Move Out Program held their third annual furnishings and homegoods sale at the former Curtis Paper Company, located at 225 Paper Mill Road in Newark. The program helps to recycle the litter that occurs each May when students leave for the summer or graduate. Items left over from the sale are donated to needy fami'lies and local shelters. In the last two years, the program has diverted over 155 tons of materials from landfills and assited several hundred families in need. Drop-offs from students and landlords were accepted until Friday, June 5th. Sales to the public 'started on June 1st and ended on June 6th. All proceeds from the sale go to help out local homeless shelters and other local charities. Lift the weight off your shoulders... Newark Barbel .~~~~. Shop "'~Wlliiillli"~'!W""'. Licensed Barbers • Reasonable Cost "_~;;::7 •True Barber Shop Abnosphere 241 Elkton Road • Newark, DE (Located across from City Hall) 302·368·5666 News, Advertising • 737-0724 Classifieds • 1-800-220-3311 Page 6 • The Newark Post • Friday,June 12, 2009 COMMUNITY NEWS Main Street museum to relocate The storefront Newark History Museum on Main Street ' will close at the end of June, with plans calling for regular hours at a location at the Newark Train Station. The museum at 148 East Main Street, has been open 18 months and has hosted more than 2,900 visitors. However, renting the space is too great an expense for the Newark Historical Society, which operates the museum. Mayor Vance Funk and the community-wide celebration organizing committee asked the Newark Historical Society to open the museum on Main Street as part of the celebration in 2008 of the 250th anniversary of the market charter signed by King George II. The charter officially established Newark as a town. Beginning with a preview week in January 2008, the museum opened with regular hours in February 2008. Hours are Thursday 5 to 8 p.m., Friday 12 to 3 p.m., and Saturday and Sunday 2 to 5 p.m. Admission is free. The museum will relocate to the historic Newark passenger station beside the bridge on South College Avenue. The museum had previously been at the train station but was open only by appointment for the past several years. The train station site is expected to be open on a regular schedule by early fall of this year. New exhibits are being prepared using recent donations and materials already in the Historical Society'S col- lections. Some exhibits from Main Street will be enhanced for continued view at the train station. Financial support for the Main Street museum site for the anniversary year came from businesses, organizations, events, and individuals and was arranged by the community-wide celebration committee. Continued public support by membership in the Newark Historical Society, donations of artifacts, materials, photographs, and descriptions of life in Newark in past generations, and money continue to be sought Further information is available from the Newark Historical Society by voice mail at 302-224-2408, by postal mail to P. O. Box 711, Newark, DE 19715, or via email to newarkdehistoricalso Financial support for the Main Street museum site for the anniversary year was arranged by the communitywide celebration committee and came from busint<sses, organizations, events, and individuals including the City of Newark, Rex Cole, Locksmith, the Committee to Reelect Vance Funk, the Downtown Newark Partnership, Vance FUflk, Mr: Furry, Electrical, Robert Hawthorne, JI. Contractor, Home Depot, Independent Investors, LLC, Daniel Kandra,. Joet L. Longo, Minster's Jewelers of Newark and Wilmington, Persia Carpet, Edward J. Sobolewski, the Taste of Newark event, the University of Delaware Greek Council, WSFS Bank, and many Newark Historical Society members. Miss Delaware pageant got: scrap? ELKTON RECYCLING #~ '-I Top Dollar Paid For Scrap! "Cash for all types of metals and cars!" buy batteries, copper, brass, al . stainless &electric motors! QUfiLiTY SERVICE YOU CfiH DEPEHD OH • Brakes· Auto Inspection· Electrical • Suspension Systems· Transmissions • Differential 4x4 • Fuel Injection· Engine Repairs PETE'!i ·6ARAIiE FLEET & DIESEL REPAIR 302-286-6069 SERVICING THE BEAR & NEWARK AREAS Chrysler • Jeep • Dodge Specialist 78 Albe Dr., Newark, DE I _ S·. ., VISA :-$-1 if.: I I I OFF . . with this coupon I I I ~ ~e~/~/~ ~ The 69h Annual Miss Delaware Scholarship Pageant, "All That Glitters," will be held in the Rollins Center at Dover Downs Hotel & Casino, Dover, June l1, 12, an 13, beginning at 8 p.m. on all three nights. This year 16 women, including contestants from the Miss Blue Gold Newark area, Loren Walls will compete for the title of Miss Delaware 2009, scholarship awards, and We buy old farm equipme We buy complete junk vehicles! $TO 550$ 410-592-2980 Dogwood Road, Elkton, M er of Blueball & Dogwood Road) -. WeMrry .... PBloeo PemutBoUer Fhwn 10% OFF the opportunity to represent the state at the Miss America 2010 Pageant. The event will spo~ light Galen Giaccone, Miss Delaware 2008. Galen made Delaware proud at the Miss America 2009 Pageant, as the winner of a Preliminary Talent Award and ' a Top Fifteen Finalist. This year the pageant will have as its special guest, Miss America 2009, Katie Starn of Indiana. Reunion Weekend The University of Delaware's inaugural Forum & Reunion Weekend was termed a success, providing alumni an opportunity to reconnect with friends, faculty and their alma mater. The event also aimed to build ties between the university and alumni and help UD receive financial donations at a level comparable with other major universities. The event featured reunion activities, showcases by colleges and other units and a series of well-attended Delabration events, including Mug Night on The Green on Friday, a 5K race and walk and an international luncheon. A centerpiece of Forum & Reunion Weekend was a Town Hall meeting during which President Patrick Harker gave a "state of the University" address and a keynote address by Pat Williams, a former Delaware resident and general manager of the Philadelphia 76ers who is now a top executive with the NBA's Orlando Magic. "I was thrilled to see so many Blue Hens come 'home' for the weekend. Everyone seemed to be having a fantastic time. Certainly, that's a credit to the committees and the hundreds of volunteers who made each event such a success. They put in a tremendous amount of hard work, and I know that everyone who enjoyed the weekend is grateful for their efforts," Harker said of the Forum & Reunion Weekend. "Our first Forum and Reunion Weekend set a high standard, and we're excited about the prospects for continuing this great new tradition," Monica Taylor, vice president for development and alumni relations, said. "It was great to have so many of our alumni return to campus and reconnect with the friends and former faculty members," said Cindy See NEWS, 16 ~ r of I (. J 1 r f ~ J 0 " ,. 1" I On the Web • , • 'T Friday, June 12, 2009 • The Newark Post • Page 7 SCHOOL NEWS Creative Learning Center wins habitat designation Newark Center for Creative learning has been recognized by the National Wildlife Federation as a Certified Wildlife Habitat. This means that the property attracts a variety of birds, butterflies and other wildlife, while helping to protect the local environment. In order to become certified, a property mu st provide the four basic elements that all wildlife need: food, water, cover and places to raise young; and must employ sustainable gardening practices . In addition to providing for wildlife, certified habitats conserve our natural resources by reducing or eliminating the need for fertilizers, pesticides, and/or irrigation water, which ultimately protects the air, soil and water throughout our communities. Creating habitats not only helps wildlife, it can help reduce global warming pollution and save energy costs as well. It has been a long-standing Dancing with the Phillie Phanatic is Megan B, a fifth-grader at Christ the Teacher Catholic School, Glasgow. The mascot visited the school as part of the "Be a Phanatic About Reading" literacy program presented by Verizon. mission of NCCL to teach their students the importance of caring for their environment, as well as to be a model for their local community. NCCL also received a grant this year to install solar panels on the roof of the school, which will take place this summer. Founded in 1971, NCCL has an enrollment of 90 children, ages 5 to 14. Excellence Fair Henry M. Brader Elementary in the Christina District hosted its first student Excellence Fair. This was a celebration of student achievement in both academic content areas and visual and performing arts. Classrooms displayed student work and exhibits in the hallways for everyone to see. The exhibits included: animal habitats, live organisms, nutrition, science fair projects, poetry, art, and literacy activities. One classroom even created a "wax museum" where students researched and wrote reports on famous Americans. Students ' came to the fair dressed like the American they researched. The students stood "frozen" until signaled to read their biography. The event was an overall success and a true showcase of student achievement. The staff and administration plan on holding the event again next year. Treat Dad Amish Q ___ J He'll appreciate even more! $1,500 raised Students at Downes Elementary School in the. Christina District read many books and raised funds for the MS Readathon that was recently held at the school. More than $1,500 and more than 2,500 books were read. Alumni award Alyssa Pietrobono of Newark, Delaware was presented with the Dehority Accounting Alumni Award by the Old Dominion University College of Business and Public Administration on April IS, 2009. Pietrobono maintains a cumulative GPA of 4.0 after sophomore year, is a member of Phi Eta Sigma National Honor Society, the Dean's List and the Alpha Xi Delta sorority. She is enrolled in the Honors College double majoring in Accounting and Finance with a minor in Statistics and plays varsity Women's Soccer. She is the daughter of Karen and John Pietrobono Come in and browse! Way more than you can see from Rt. 40 F& CAmish Structures, Inc 1967 Pulaski Hwy. Bear, DE 19701 (Across from the Fox Run Shopping Ctr.) 302-836-1976 • Mon & Fri 8:30 to 6, T,W,Th 8:30 to 5, Sat 8:30 to 4:30 Something terrible happens when you don't advertise ... Nothing! Call 737-0724 'to place an ad. • -Routine Maintenance -Lifelike & Specialty DeSigns ...........~..... -Complete Prosthetic Systems We Build & Design On-Site Four Seasons Shopping Center (Rt.8!/6, a Mile North of Rt.40) We Deliver! . r-----, 2 Large Cheese Pizzas Beer & Wine Available I I L ~ 302·737·1050 34 Liberty Plaza, Kirkwood Highway, Newark, DE 19711 Only Pick up Delivery. With Coupon. Cannot be combined with any _ other offer. ~ ____ _ __ Must present coupon. Expires 06/15/09. I Spagetti w/Meatbalis I Call today- so we can schedule your sessions around YOUR summer activities! I $1 999 I I r--------, Monday & Tuesday Night Increase your SAT or ACT scores with the Huntington Advantage. ;~H~!!!'!9~~. _.___ .= (With One Topping Only) 12 Wings and One 2 Liter Soda DE-(302) 392-1947 MD-(410) 569-0606 I L $299 & Ga~~~,,~~~~~"poo I _ _ _ _ _ =es~09._ 302-737-4150 .II ~ ~ News, Advertising • 737-0724 Classifieds • 1-800-220-3311 Page 8 • The Newark Post • Friday,June 12, 2009 POLICE BLOlTER ~ BLOTTER, from 2 marked the tag "SUAVE" in at least five locations in the Main Street area. The juvenile was released to his parent pending his appearance if Family Court. Man steals gift cards and cash F~C AMISH STRUCfURES, INC. (across from the Fox Run Shopping Center) 1967 Pulaski Hwy Bear, DE 19701 302-836-1976 Last Thursday, Newark Police were called to the Sears store in College Square Shopping Center to investigate a robbery. Store manager James Clark notified authorities after he discovered that two $500 gift cards and $1,600 in cash had been removed. Clark tracked the numbers on the cards and found that Bruce Polack, 18, of Wilmington had made an online purchase of $968.38. Polack was apprehended and admitted to the theft of the cash and gift cards. Polack stated that he took the money because he was in debt. He was charged with Theft $1,000 or Greater. Counterfeiter returns to scene Employees at Grotto's Pizza at 45 E. Main St., Newark flagged down a passing officer to report that a counterfeiter had just left the restaurant. Police questioned employees and found out that the same man who had paid for drinks last Tuesday with a fake $20 bill had attempted to buy drinks after hours. He was refused and left Grotto's. After transmitting a broadcast, police found a man fitting the same description on Academy Street. The suspect, Timothy Myer, 24, of Bear, was found with three fake $20 bills and $49 of real currency in small bills. Due to his apparent alcohol consumption at the time, Myer could not be interviewed at the scene and was brought in for later questioning. Fight breaks out on Main Street At approximately 9:52 p.m. on Saturday, June 6, Newark police officers responded to a fight in progress in front of the Ali Baba restaurant on Main Street, after the conclusion of Newark Nite. Officers discovered a crowd of 300 people surrounding a fight among four individuals. After dispersing the crowd, the four males- consisting of three minors and 19 year-Old Damien Papillo of New Castle - continued their altercation. As officers began to separate the individuals, Papillo by Mayer, Inc. Old World Craftsmanship, 21st Century Technology Providing Affordable Elegance Used in the Henry Ford Museum, the National Art Gallery in Washington DC, almost two thirds of the NBA teams and in homes of distinction like yours. I==~------ American made for 100 Years Extra long strips up to 7 ft. True square edges and ends 'C'" Red & White Oak, Maple, American Cherry, Hickory & Ash Stop by and see this amazing flooring today! Mayer Inc LOUVIERS FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 302-733-0426 WWW.LOUVIERS.COM 1014 Elkton Road, Newark, Delaware 19711 :de -r 302-366-1311 engaged in fighting another of the males. Due to his violent behavior, he and forced to the ground and handcuffed. All four males were charged with disorderly conduct. Papillo was additionally charged with underage consumption of alcohol. Forklift stolen from Newark K-Mart Employees from K-Mart, located at 301 College Square Shopping Center, discovered that one of their propane powered forklifts was missing from the rear area, just outside of the store. Employees stated that they had last seen the vehicle at 6 p.m. on Monday, June 1. The forklift was reported stolen at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, June 2. Store manager Tim Cannon sai,d that he noticed at 8 a.m. on Tuesday that the yellow DAEWOO G20 forklift was not parked in its usual spot. The vehicle is estimated at $8,000. Driver gives false license to cops Newark police pulled over the driver of a black 1993 Honda with Delaware tags that was swerving between lanes in the vicinity of Route 896 South near the Howard Johnson Motel. The officer at the scene questioned the driver who produced a Pennsylvania driver's license in the name of Ralph Boykins, 34, of Franklin, Pa. He stated that he was visiting a friend at the motel and borrowed his sister's, car. A faint odor of marijuana was detected coming from within the car. Police began verifying the information only to discover that the vehicle was registered to a Daron Allen, 33, of Wilmington and that the PA license was false. Allen had had his license suspended due to narcotics trafficking offenses and a long history of drugrelated offenses. Police then performed a "knock and talk" investigation at the hotel room. Police discovered that Allen had met Lataunya Chambers at the room for a romantic ~ncoun ter. A search of the room revealed three grams of marijuana. Chambers stated that the marijuana was Allen's and not hers. Allen was ~aken into custody and charged with Criminal Impersonation, Possession of Marijuana, and Driving While Suspended. Fake tag fools no one A marked patrol vehicle traveling on Elkton Road, just north of Christina Parkway, noticed a suspicious registration insert on a blue Plymouth Voyager displaying a Delaware tag with an expiration date of 12/31/09. Police stopped the vehicle and performed a routine check of the registration to discover that the car had an actual expiration date of 12/31/08. The driver, James Thomas, 44, of Middletown, had attempted to alter 08 to resemble an 09. Thomas was cited for having a fictitious tag, driving while revoked, and having an unregistered vehicle. On the Web • Friday,June 12, 2009 • The Newark Post • Page 9 -.Sports high schools· UD • leagues Buckland earns Gatorade honors again (Editor's note: Jon offers his views on Major League Baseball and other developments in the world of sports in a Sunday column on Also log into our website to get the latest news on prep sports in the Newark area) Caravel Academy pitcher Eric Buckland has been named the Gatorade Delaware High School Baseball Player of the Year for the second straight season. The 6-foot-6 senior, who will play baseball at UD next year, batted .412 and was 6-3 on the mound with a 1.02 ERA. "Eric has left his unique signature at Caravel with unbelievable memories and performances that will be hard to replace and duplicate," Caravel coach Paul Niggebrugge said. "We are very proud, excited and anxiously waiting to follow his progress at the University of Delaware. We will certainly miss his big smile, potent bat and electric arm." Baseball All-Stars announced Buckland (pitcher/outfield, sr.) and St. Mark's Tom Valichla (second base, jr.) were named to the All-State Boys Baseball First Team as selected by the Delaware Baseball Coaches Association. Second team selections included Christian Schafferman (Dickinson, second base, soph.) and Sean Baeder (Hodgson, shortstop, sr.). Making the third team were Dain Thorpe (Hodgson, pitcher, sr.), Matt Franciso (Dickinson, fIrst base, sr.), James Wilson (St. Mark's, third base, jr.), Matt Aleman (Hodgson, outfIeld, sr.), Brian Rowe (Christiana, outfIeld, sr.), Eric SummerfIeld (Hodgson, designated hitter, sr.) and Taylor Mahoney (St. Mark's, utility, jr.). Smith named coach of the year Former UD baseball third baseman Scott Smith, now coaching at Middletown High School, was named coach of the year. The Cavaliers finished 202, losing in the state semifinals to St. Mark's. Smith played at UD from 1987-1991. Schweizer and Prettyman named all-state St. Mark's senior Courtney Schweizer, the state's all-time leading scorer in girls lacrosse with 329 goals, has been named player of the year by the Delaware Interscholastic Girls Lacrosse Association of Coaches. She is joined by teammate Lindsay Prettyman (defense, jr.) on the All-State Girls Lacrosse First Team as selected by the Delaware Interscholastic Girls Lacrosse Coaches Association. "I was really surprised when I found out," Prettyman said about her selection. "I only started playing lax as a freshman, so this is just my third year. I had to defend Courtney every day in practice and that helped me a lot." Boys lacrosse all-state players Jonathan Zuk, a junior midfielder from St. Mark's, and teammate Jovan Estrada (defense, sr.), were named to the All-State Boys Lacrosse First Team as selected by the Delaware Interscholastic Boys Lacrosse Coaches Association. Matt Munyan (St. Mark's, attack, sr.) and teammate TJ. Magniani (goalkeeper, sr.) were selected to the third team. Girls soccer Danielle Mac1eary (St. Mark's, soph.), Melissa Rubick (Newark, sr.) and Allyson Zerhusen (Christiana, soph.) were named to the All-State Girls Soccer Second Team, selected by the Delaware Interscholastic Women's Soccer Coaches Association. Ryley McDuffie (Newark, jr.) and Erin Gouge (St. Mark's, soph.) were third team selections. Girls softball ali-stars Eight local players were selected to the All-State Softball First Team, as voted on by the state's head coaches. Pitchers Torie Davies (Hodgson, sr.), Cara Stecher (Caraval, sr.) and Katie Warrington (Red Lion, sr.) headlined the first team, joined by Lindsey Reid (Caravel, second base, soph.), Taylor Brown (Caravel, third base, sr.), Lauren Szymanski (Hodgson, third base, sr.), Ashley Bragg (Caravel, shortstop, sr.) and Tessa Ziemba (St. Marks, utility, sr.). Members of the second team include Maria DiAngelo (Hodsgon, catcher, sr.), Kelsey Warrington (Red Lion, catcher, jr.), Brooke Donovan (Hodgson, shortstop, jr.) and Michelle Gregorcyk (Hodgson, outfIeld, soph.). Caravel senior Nikki Gayle (first base), Red Lion shortstop Sammie Shivock Gr.) and-junior outfIelder Taylor Megargel (Caravel) were named honorable mention. Follow me to great rates on car insurance. There's a GEICO office in your heighborhood! With low down payments and convenient payment plans, saving on auto and motorcycle insurance is easy. GEICD Local Office AUTO • HOME • RENTERS • MOTORCYCLE • Call Now! 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'F AkES fROM • U_.1ed dini"fl - Chooul,oditionol or /ltlKlble Allytlmt 0'"'119''' • u_-fInt - 81, ShIp V<II'/oly ",/111 • SmoII ShIp "-l"" $1,1Q~ II Bring 4 pieces of Jewelry to be repaired the 4th one is Free. Free repair will be of equal or lesser value • UlUWplllHd Service - Pff,;/';'ding an unfcIgctt",* CSCOfN ,. • UnforgottDbIo.lew> - --.ffo<"-""-, PRINCESS CRlJISES .".,. ,••,I.t·'r NewarIL SIIoppinc Ceater, Newark, DE 302-737-947 F.........: iIIto@mlllltenje1Rlen.- We": www.........jewdmL_ Page 10 • The Newark Post • Friday,June 12, 2009 News, Advertising • 737-0724 Classifieds • 1-800-220-3311 COMMUNITY EVENTS ~ EVENTS, from 5 Crafts for Adults Newark Parks and Recreation is offering the following craft class, "You can stamp with that?" A paper crafting class using everyday items to make unique stamped cards. AlI supplies are included. Class is held at the Newark Senior Center, June 17th from 7-9pm, $16/$21. Pre registration is required at Newark Parks and Recreation, 3667060 or visit our website at Basic paddle stroke refinement (evening class) This course focuses on developing better and more efficient paddling techniques. We will work on the forward stroke, sweep strokes for turning and stopping strokes. Come and enjoy a short week night practice session during the last hours of daylight! We may even catch a beautiful sunset! Classes are June 17th and June 24th from 5-7pm. Fee is $35 and the Newark resident discounted fee is $30. For more information contact the Recreation Office at 302366-7060, visit or register at 220 Elkton Road, Newark, DE. or by visiting and clicking on the Great Chicken Heist Barbeque icon. Food Bank of Delaware to commemorate "Great Chicken Heist" Adult Pottery Class Last June the Food Bank of Delaware experienced the unthinkable. Thieves stole two tractor trailers filIed with 57,000 pounds of donated chicken from hungry Delawareans. To commemorate the tragedy and thank individuals and companies that stepped up during the time of need, the Food Bank is holding a "Great Chicken Heist Barbeque" to thank supporters on Thursday, June 18 from 5 p.m. - 7 p.m. at the Food Bank's facility in Newark. The event is open to the public, and admission is one bag of nonperishable goods for the Food Bank's hunger relief efforts. There wilI be a buffet of barbeque favorites prepared by the Food Bank's chef duo, Executive. Chef Noah Mathay and Chef Tim Hunter and students from The Culinary School, cash bar and blues music from the Porkroll Project. Individuals interested in attending can RSVP to (302) 292-1305 ext 220, Make this your child's BEST SUMMER EVERI Use this summer to help your child develop: Newark Parks and Recreation Department is currently taking registration for a Summer Adult Pottery class. Hand building with clay and working on the potter's wheel will be taught. Students can then explore their area of interest. The class will be held at the George Wilson Community Center on Thursday nights from 6:15 pm - 8:15 pm, June 18-August 13. Registration Fee is $135. The Newark Resident Discounted Fee is $125. Classes include a 12 Ib bag of clay, glazings and firings. Additional studio time is available on Wednesday evenings. Call 366-7060 for more information or register at 220 Elkton Rd, Newark, DE. Newark's Spring Concert Series Grab a blanket and Jom the City of Newark Parks & Recreation Department as they present the 2009 Spring Concert Series. Concerts will take place on Thursday nights from 7pm until 8pm on the Academy Building Lawn on the comer of Main and Academy Streets in Newark. While downtown, why not visit a local restaurant and enjoy dinner or a picnic before the concert? Free parking is available for concert goers in municipal lots. ~ • Study Skills • Confidence • Motivation , This program is funded, in part, by grants from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Delaware Division of the Arts, a state agency committed to promoting and supporting the arts in Delaware. For additional information on arts activities visit the Delaware Division of the Arts web site, If additional information, please call the Newark Parks and Recreation office at 302-366-7060. For cancelIation information, please call 302-366-7147 or visit thewebsite at www.cityofnewarkde. us. June 18: Penny & The Pinecone People Family Fun Concert, sponsored, in part, by the Newark Day Nursery. June 25: Steve Lewis Big Band Friends of Newark Celebrate On Friday, June 19th from 7 to 9 PM, Mocha, Music & More celebrates a year of providing live entertainment to the Newark community. Friends of Newark, a community organization dedicated to building community, is grateful to Patrick Matic ofAdria Cafe in the Newark Shopping Center for providing space for June's one year anniversary celebration. This month's coffeehouse will continue to offer a variety of music and also the spoken word. Mocha, Music & More is sponsored by Friends of Newark in partnership with the Newark Heritage Alliance and offers opportunities for artists to perform original or noncopy-right material live in an intimate and friendly setting. KIDS EAT FOR FREE MON.-FRI. a91~sR.'"er ~ ~ , Open 24 Hours 136 A. Elkton Road, Newark (by Kinko's) Do not delay! Your child's future is waiting! 302-369-8600 • Fax 302-369-2589 ~ ;;; 1'l g -----------------------------------------------~ DINNER SPECIAL 200Any /0 OFF Dinner SA TIPS A. TI All You Can Eat ACT f'Rr. p ~HH!,,~!i"~lm! 302·737·1050 34 LibP.LtY Plaza, Kirkwood Highway, Newark, DE 19711 I CHICKEN & DUMPLINGS $ 595 Wed. & Sun. Includes: Soup or Salad & Dessert Coupons can not be combined Annual Chinese Festival June 19 - 21, 2009, Chinese American Community Center (CACC), 1313 Little Baltimore Road, Hockessin,DE 19707. Tel: 302-239-0432 Fax: 302-2391067. Email: cacc_de@hotrnail. com Website: www.chinesef- L ELAWARE EYE CARE CENTER This year, our community center is holding the three-day Chinese Festival on Friday, June 19 from 5:00pm to 9:00pm, Saturday, June 20 from 11 :OOam to 9:00pm and Sunday, June 21, 2009 from 12:00am to 5:00pm at Valley and Little Baltimore Roads, Hockessin, Delaware. This year's theme is ''The Evolution of Chinese Cooking". Authentic Chinese cuisines, the unique exhibition of Chinese bronze culinary artifacts and special performances are featured in the program. It is open to the public. Admission is free; parking is available for a $5 fee. Ballyhoo! Comes to Deer Park Saturday, June 20th, 9:00PM, The Deer Park, 108 W. Main St. Newark. Tickets $5. For more information please visit! or call (302) 369-9414. Surfdog Records welcomes Baltimore rockers, BALLYHOO!, to the family. Their new record Cheers!, produced by Scotch Ralston of 311, promises to bring the band to all new heights. The album, which features mix work by 311 drummer Chad Sexton, has it all -rock, reggae, acoustic and even some power ballads. Touring has remained the band's number one priority and the guys are once again hitting the road hard in support of Cheers!. Listen for BALLYHOO! songs in the upcoming feature films "Green Flash" and "Road Trip ll: Beer Pong." ..., 7 <.! (lH'I Jt l!tt! ~lf( C tnt.' ~cneaUie your appointment toaay! 800-900-2020 Spedaliz.itt~ itt: • Comprehensive Eye Exams and Diagnostic Evaluation • Treatment of Diabetic Eye Diseases • Eyeglasses and Contacts • Retina Evaluation and Treatment • Visx Custom-Vue LASIK & Epi-LASIK We accept Superior ViSion, VSP, UBA, Davis and most other insurance plans. Mon. - Fri. Includes: Free Soup Coupons can not be combined A Night at Nemours, the fourth annual black-tie gala to benefit the Nemours/Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children, will take place on Friday, June 19, 2009 on the hospital grounds in the shadow of the historic Carillon. Net proceeds from this year's event will help to establish an endowed Chair in Orthopedics. A Night at Nemours will feature a cocktail hour, sit-down dinner catered by the Wilmington Club and dance music by The Quake. In previous years, the event has raised funds to support the hospital's Newborn Intensive Care Unit, Nemours Cardiac Center and the Nemours Center for Childhood Cancer Research. For information about A Night at Nemours, call the Nemours Partnership for Children's Health at 302-6514828 or visit www.nemours. orgllink/gala. • Glaucoma EvaluaHon and Treatment LUNCH SPECIAL $595 Fourth Annual "A Night at Nemours" Gala • No-stlfch, No patch Cataract Surgery Coupons can not be combined . Expires 06130/09 Pll!VATETIIIOAING FOR Those who are interested in performing, please contact the Scheduling Coordinator, Lori Benscoter at (302) 834-3385 or at Delaware Eye Care Center I I I : . ______ ~~~~~~~0E~~______ !~ ______ ~~!~~P~0P~~ _____ .! 333 E. Main Street, Newark 302·368·9105 On the Web • Friday,June 12, 2009 • The Newark Post • Page 11 OBITUARIES • Obituaries are printed free of charge as space permits. Information is usually supplied to the newspaper by the funeral director. Domenick DiBenedetto Domenick DiBenedetto (Donald Bennett), 96, of Newark, DE, died June 4, at Christiana Hospital. Domenick was born on January 26, 1913 in Ardmore, PA, the son of the late Phillip and Mary DiBenedetto. - Domenick was a machinist at one time for Bellanca Aircraft and retired from Newark Farm Home Supply. He is survived by his son, Edward T. Burke of Newark; three grandchildren, Timothy Burke, Teena Colaianni and Thomas Burke, Jr; four great grandchildren and one gre,at great grandchild. He was preceded in death by his wife Marie who died in 1997. A funeral service was held at R.T. Foard & Jones Funeral Home, 122 West Main St., Newark, DE 19711 on Monday June 8, 2009 at 11 am. Burial followed in Newark, Cemetery. Charitable contributions may be )]lade to the American Cancer Society or the Alzheimer's , Association of Delaware c/o the funeral home. Wade Dumire Wade E. (Pop) Dumire, 72, of Newark, DE, died peacefully on June 2, at his home, surrounded by his family. Pop was born in Preston County, WV on July 5, 1936, the son of Denver Fike and the late Luella Fike. A heavy equipment operator, he worked for several companies, particularly, J.J. Nolan, Mike Miklus III Inc, and All Seasons. He was , an avid Ford enthusiast, enjoyed working on Craftsman tractors and camping. The family is grateful to the staff at Christiana Care and Heartland Hospice for their excellent care and sincere compassion. He is survived by his wife of 51 years, Barbara Dumire of Newark, DE; two daughters Ella Jane Dumire of New Castle, DE and Mary Engel of Townsend, DE; a son, Henry W. Dumire and his wife , Mary Jo of Clayton, DE; and eight grandchildren, Kelley Naumann and her husband Kevin, Fred Higgins, Kaitlyn Rodriguez, John Harris, IV, Dorothy Callaway, and Charles W., Wade E. and Blaine Dumire. He also leaves behind his sister, Shirley Denmeyer of Joppa, MD; and many nieces and nephews. In addition to his mother, he was preceded in death by his son Charles Wade Dumire, who died in 2003. A funeral service was held at R.T. Foard & Jones Funeral Home, 122 West Main St., Newark, DE 19711 on Saturday June 6, at 12 noon. Burial was in New London Presbyterian Church cemetery. Charitable contributions in Pop's memory may be made to Heartland Hospice c/o the funeral home .. Virginia Henderson Virginia M. Henderson '(nee Brown), 87, of Newark, DE, formerly from Stanton, died on May 31. Virginia was the daugh- ter of the late Laura (Knapp) and Albert J. Brown. At age 2, following the death of her mother, Virginia was raised by her grandparents Edward ,and Sara Jane Brown. She lived in the Stanton family home until 1994 when she and husband Oliver moved to Murray Manor and later to Millcroft Retirement Center. Virginia was a 1940 graduate of Henry C. Conrad High School and had worked as a bookkeeper for the Pennsylvania Railroad, New Castle Air Base Officers' Club and for Delaware Furnace, a family business. In addition to her beloved husband of 67 years, Virginia is' survived by daughters, Janice Copeland and husband Ken; Esther (Esta) Donaghy and husband Mark; three grandchildren, Kevin Copeland DO (Lori), Jennie Davis (Tyler) and Dino DiOssi Jr; and her four great-grandchildren. The family would like to thank the doctors and staff at Christiana hospital and Millcroft. Relatives. Friends attended the funeral service at 11 am, on Monday, June 8, at St. Mark's United Methodist C;:hurch, 1700 Limestone Rd., Wilmington DE 19804. Burial was at Delaware Veteran's Memorial Cemetery, Bear. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to: American Cancer Society, 92 Reads Way, Ste. 205, New Castle DE 19720; or to St. Mark's UMC. Ada Moore Mrs. Ada Fisher Moore, 97, of Newark, DE, formerly , of Penn Acres in New Castle, WWIr. Airplanes Airplane Rides Helicopter Rides Face Painting Car Show Air Show at Noon died on Thursday, June 4, at Millcroft Nursing Home. Born in Baltimore, MD, on March 7, 1912, ,Mrs. Moore was the daughter of the late Marie and William Fisher. She was a talented homemaker throughout her life ' and a founding member of Asbury United Methodist Church in New Castle. She was preceded in death by her husband, James E. Moore, in 2001, a daughter, Audrey Coffin, a grandson, Mark Elliott, and three brothers and'three sisters. She is survived by her daughter, Barbara Fritz and her husband, Jerry, of Newark, DE; son, Bill Moore and his wife, Sheila, of New Castle, DE; nine grandchildren, Dwayne, Timmy, and Kenny Elliott, Bryan and Barry Fritz, Amy Chandler, Cathryn and Daniel Moore, and Greg Noh; nine great grandchildren, Kelly, Lori, Mark, Breanne, Amanda, Chase, Christopher, Samuel, and Josh; three great great grandchildren, Dylan, Justin and Kirsten; and many nieces and nephews. A funeral service was held at 11 am on Monday, June 8, 2009, iil' the chapel of Gracelawn Memorial Park, 2220 N. DuPont Parkway, New Castle, DE. Interment followed in the adjoining memorial park. Bruce· , hardwood floors I JUNE SALE Solid Strip,%x 2%, 15 Year Warranty, All colors .......... 3.40 SF Solid Plank %x 3W', 15 Year Warranty, All colors ....... 3.50 SF Solid Strip 2%x 3W', 20 Year Warranty, All colors ..... 3.60 SF Solid Plank %x 3W', 20 Year Warranty, All colors ....... 3.70 SF Solid Strip %x 2W', 25 Year Warranty, All colors ........ 3.80 SF Solid Plank %x 3W', 25 Year Warranty, All colors ....... 3.90 SF % x 3", Turlington Engineered Oak ............................... 2.98 SF Pallet pricing is cheaper. All cash & carry pricing. MAYER, INC. 1014 Elkton Rd ., Newark, DE 19711 • 366-1311 :~'~1: Page 12 • The Newark Post • Friday,June 12, 2009 News, Advertising • 737-0724 Classifieds • 1-800-220-3311 To Advertise or mak hanges call Nancy Toka,. at 1,800,22 30 or tJoice mail 443·245·50n Prices starting as Iowa s $12.00 a week! edition. 1 :TIl} @va11!Je{iea( ~- The Episcopal Church Welcomes You Pyubytu~ cJuudtt (pelt) St.Thomas's Parish Christ Centered· Biblically Based 276 S. College Ave. 01 Pork place, Newark, DE 19711 Across. from UD Health Cenler (302) 368-4644 Church Office: (9:00-1 :00 Mon-Fri) Sunday Worship 10:45am & 6pm 9:30 Sunday School 308 Possum Park Rd., Newark 302-737-2300 The Way Ministries "We get more hits from this one ad than any other advertising we'do." Families. Worship. And You. ~~ff£ t;PI';C':OP"'1 e n U R C ' 1I Join us for worship at our new time and location! - Rev. Jay - Good Shepherd Episcopal Church St. Nicholas Episcopal Church, 10 Old Newark Road in Newark. Fellowship time at IO:-4Sam with Call Nancy Tokar to place your ad at service beginning at 113m. 1-800-220-1230 Sunday Worship (an extension of Highway Gospel Community Temple, West Chester PAl Highway Word of Faith Ministries is presently worshipping @ The George Wilson Community Center 303 New London Rd., Newark, DE Sunday: 8:00-9:00am Christian Education classes for all ages 9:00am Sunday Morning Celebration Wednesday: Location 7:00-8:00pm Bible Enrichment Class at Prayer Temple Sunday Service times: 8am, 10:30am &5:30pm Sunday School begins at 9:30am Sunday Adult Education Programs 9:3(}-1 0: 15am The Rev. Paul Gennett Marc f. Cheban, Organist &Choir Master 4 Sunday Service 10am Childcare and Sunday School Unitarian Universalist Fellowship 420 Willa Road, Newark 302.368.2984 Come Join Us! Speaker: Rev. Greg Chute 49 New London Rd. Newark, DE 19711 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 220 Bear, Delaware 19701-0220 Visit us online @ or send us a note at...theway238@aol,com 91 Salem Church Road (near Christiana High School) 302-737-3781 The Blue Hens for Christ campus miniStry (a ministry o~:raC~U:)e;~::i~ ~:II:;:ap~::~~~ ~~ ~~~,M 10:30AM Sunday Worship for lhis growing ministry at University of Delaware. Pastor Carl A. Turner Sr. & Lady Karen B. Turner For further information or directions please call: Surufay 8:30 a.m. I .9l.aJustic Worship Topic: Family Matters: Fathers. lance heard a minister say that on Mother's Day we honor mom and on Father's Day we beat up dad. There's no question, though. that both mothers and fath ers have a strong influence on the development of thE!.ir chil.dren, surnfa!J 10:30 a.m. TRINITY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (PCA) SUNDAY WORSHIP 9:30 AM Meeting at: First Church of the Nazarene 357 Papermill Road, Newark, DE For more information please call 302-233-6995 (Electric Worship Pastoral Team Curtis E. Leins, Ph.D Robert F. McKnight Theodore Lambert, ill James L. Ford Located 1 112 miles N. of Elkton on Rt.213 ~IJ ~ First Church . of ?hri~t, ,Scientist 48 West Park Place, Newark Sunday Service & Sunday School! 0:00am Wednesday Testimony Meetings 7:30pm Childcare available during services. 302-456-5808 ALL ARE WELCOME 392-3456 NEW LIFE CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP SundayService 9:30 AM Multimedia Children's Ministry! Contemporary Worship! Relevant messages! Church Office: 999·1800 Check out our web page: 2712 Old Milltown Rd. Wilmington, DE (near Kirkwood Hwy & Milltown Rd) NEWARK WESLEYAN tt 708 West Church Rd CHURCH Newark, DE (302)737-5190 Pastor James E. Yoder, ill Sunday School for all ages ................. 9JOam Morning Worship .............................1O:30am Children 's Church & Nursery Provided Choir - Sunday .................................. 5JOpm Youth Meeting - Sunday ................... 6:00pm Mid-Week Bible Study "A Family Church with a Friendly Heart" CROSSROADS BIBLE CHURCH Home of Elkton Christian Academy 144 Appleton Road, Elkton. MD 410·398-2688 Rev. Timothy W. Britton ~ Bible Study. 10:00 am Contemporary Service. 11 :00 am Small Groups, 6:00 pm Wednesday 6·8 pm Dinner. Awana. Student & Adult Ministries Bnjoy a cup of gourmet coffee or cappuccino in our Common Grounds cafe ~You are welcome at ~IY!=~ SUN SERVICES 8:30 & 11:00am SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45am 525 Polly Drummond Road Newark 302-731-9494 Handicapped Accessible· Child Care TED DAY, PASTOR On the Web • Friday,June 12,2009 • The Newark Post • Page 13 NEWARK NITE 2009 PHOTOS BY MARK CORRIGAN It is hard to understand Newark Nite, unless you head to Main Street. Here are a few photos that might do a beHer job of explaining why this night in June brings thousands downtown. Readers' Choice Award Cecil County's Favorite Compare ECA'S kindergarten program to day care programs. * Structured A Beka Curriculum * Phonics & Reading Development * Letters & Writing Development * Character & Language Enrichment Visuals * New Elementary Library * Trained & Certified Teachers wi Assistants * Weekly Children's Chapel wi Music & Puppets * Planned Local Field Trips * Spacious Classrooms & Secured Facilities ., o0 a '!f(J) dJ (fJ 11 i SJ 9J flJ a (b~ '~ ~ ----------' Limited classroom seats available Experience excellence in the classroom . A Beka curriculum from K-3 through 12th grade Price of Registration, books, b£;fore school and after school care is not included. After school care until 6 PM 1 4 4 A P p .. e ton Rd. Elk ton, M D . 2 1 9 2 1 www.elktoDchristian. 0 rg Page 14 • The Newark Post • Friday,June 12, 2009 News, Advertising • 737-D724 Classifieds • 1-800-220-3311 NOW YOU N HAVE IT ALL. FOR LESS. verI• on Verizon FiOS TV, Internet and Phone. For a limited time only, get the ultimate in entertainment without breaking your budget. When you sign up for a FiOS triple play bundle with new FiOS· TV or Internet, you'll get three great services for the price of two. Experience the FiOS difference. • With FiOS TV you'll get over 300 all-digital channels and access to over 15,000 Video On Demand titles every month • Enjoy blazing-fast speeds up to 10 Mbps download and 2 Mbps upload with FiOS Internet • FiOS home phone delivers crystal-clear calling so you can talk anytime to anyone THI IS FiOS. THI IS BIG. $99.99* per month starting month 7 *plu5 taxes and fees C II 1.888.332.7544 GO WIRELESS Newark 2470 Pulaski Highway CHRISTIANA MALL Newark 715 Christiana Mall (Located near JCPenny) Clie La t h nee! Offer Ends 6/20/09! VERIZON WIRELESS Glen Mills Concordville Town Centre 600 Town Centre Drive, Retail D Dover 1045 North Dupont Highway Middletown 580 West Main Street Newark 1209 Church mans Road Vis· any store below Wilmington 4407 Concord Pike (Building 2) Wilmington Kirkwood Plaza 4345 Kirkwood Highway WIRELESS ZONE Hockessin 122 Lantana Drive Middletown 466 East Main Street WALL-E ClDisneylPixar. All rights reserved. Starz and related channels and service marks are property ofStarz Entertainment, LLC DISCLAIMER: $30 bill creditfor fi~t six months only, beginning month 7standard rates apply. Rate may change after 12 month term. $179 early termination fee applies. $34.99 activation fee. Speeds may vary. Offer subject to credit approval and may require adeposit Other charges, taxes, and terTTl5 apply. FiOS available in select areas. Battery backup for standard fiber-based voice service and E911 (but notVOIP) for up to 8 hou~. Must sign up by 6120/00 &install by 8120/00. ©20fB Verizon. 3_2PD2 On the Web • Friday,June 12, 2009 • The Newark Post • Page 15 Jodlbauer 's The furniture people, Rt.40, 2 miles West of DElMD line ..... COME ON! IT'S YOUR DAD! All Recliners and Reclining Furniture ON SALE Extra 10% off if you mention this ad Recliners starting at $388 Lift Chairs • Power Chairs • Full Body Recliners • Chaise Recliners Reclining Se.ctionals, Sofas, etc. . LA-Z-BOY • LANE • FLEXSTEEL • KLAUSSNER. BEST CHAIR. AND MORE! News, Advertising • 737-0724 Classifieds • 1-800-220-3311 Page It? • The Newark Post • Friday, june 12, 2009 IN THE NEWS Volunteers build new trail at city's William Redd Park O n Saturday, 50 volunteers from Delaware Trail Spinners, Delaware State Parks and the Wilmington Trail Club set out to provide the community with a better, more sustainable trail system while enhancing the experience' of visitors to William Redd Park in Newark. The project, spearheaded by Jim Ireland of Delaware Trail Spinners, included opening a new trail, closing old trails, and removing trash from the stream. Volunteers constructed new trails that give consideration to the topography and contours of the park and provide a more scenic path. . Volunteers worked for more than three hours to eliminate trails that were experiencing erosion and had issues with long-term sustainability. "Without question, more than 200 volunteer hours have already been committed to the Now you don' have to sacrifice quality, ~ or results in order to do your part for the planet. Introducing the revolutionary new eco-design of Priri Concept Vert Rejuvenating Pure Shampoo and CondItioner. PRIVE project," says Charlie Emerson, Newark parks and recreation director, "We could not have completed the project with inhouse personneL We simply do not have the ability to commit that kind of time with all the other responsibilities we have throughout the city's park sys- tem." As the project moves forward, more volunteer hours will accumulate, Former Mayor William Redd (for whom the park is named) and his wife, Ann, visited the volunteers on site and were overwhelmed by all the help his namesake park was Reunion weekend a success ~ NEWS, from 6 Campanella, director of alumni relations. "Many alumni thanked us for having the event, and it was a thrill for us ~-..,..~ in the Alumni Relations Office to see everyone having such a great time." The event attracted 1,700 alumni from all across the nation to enjoy the weekend. The honor of traveling the farthest to Forum & Reunion Weekend goes to Joann E. Kingsley, who earned her bachelor's degree in 1996 and her master's degree in 1999, both in international relations, A human rights worker, Kingsley eyeWear CONCEPT VERT AFfoIDMu a DmGNa EYEWEAI CONTACT LENSES Elayne James Salon of (ireenville 3826 Kennett Pike Wilmington, DE 19807 302.777.4700 receiving. "Having the Redds at the event made the day special. You could see it warmed Mr. Redd's heart to see so many people working to improve a park named after him," said Ireland. The City of Newark transported lumber to the work site for the construction of a new pedestrian footbridge, provided crushed stone for the trail connector to and from the Reservoir to Redd Park and will haul away trash and debris collected from the area. The Trail Spinners provided all the hand tools for volunteers including rakes, shovels, and clippers. The Delaware State Parks Trail crew provided the power equipment used to cut in and compact the new trail surfaces. They have significant experience with realigning trails and have completed similar projects in several nearby areas. Ell &MIS Mosr~AcamD SalI-caf-......r......, 1IIa_ .za. ••• 011 ...... a. . Sa.IcIae OF o.w:r a.-I I"'a. now heads the Danish Refugee Council office in Jaffna, Sri Lanka. A visit home to the United States coincided with the Reunion Weekend, and she was able to attend the All Alumni Dance Party Saturday night on The Green, Use our convenient, time-saving e-mail address today! postnews@ FOR INFO, CALL 737-0724 On the Web • .' Friday,June 12,2009 • The Newark Post • Page 17 ,. tions I 2009 .. H igh School commencement ceremonies were held the week of June 1-5 in the Christina School District. Christiana, Newark, and Glasgow High Schools held their graduation ceremonies at the University of Delaware's Bob Carpenter Center. Brennen School-Delaware Autism Program and Delaware School 'for the Deaf held ceremonies on June 4 at Christiana High School and Kirk Middle School. The Groves Adult High School graduation ceremony was held on June 5 at Glasgow High School. Diplomas were presented by members of the Christina Board of Education. Board members are David Resler, Vice President, Gina Bac~, George E. Evans, Esq.. Beverly A. Howell, John Mackenzie. and Shirley Saffer. Senior administrators in attendance included Dr. Freeman Williams, Interim Superintendent, Robert Silber, Chief Financial Officer and Assistant Superintendent, and Kelli Racca, Facilities Director and Interim Assistant Superintendent. The 46th annual commencement ceremony for Christiana High School was held on Monday, June 1 and featured a welcome by Barien D. White and Kajal Patel. an introduction by Deangie A. Davis, and a student address by Christopher Jennings. The Valedictorian was Angelica Montes. Other student participants in the ceremony included Alexis M. Mercado, who sang the National Anthem, Brittany M. Andrews, who gave the farewell, Terique A. Boyd, Shontel A. Deflorimonte. Kristina M. Horton, and MeJissa Pleasonton, who led the Alma Mater. and Ellen S. Baca, who led the tassel ceremony. The ceremony was presided over by Christiana High School PrinCipal Noreen Lasorsa. The 116th annual commencement ceremony for Newark: High School on June 2 featured a perforof the National Anthem sung by membersof the' class of 2009, including Kyle . DeMonte, Ricky Shum, Sara Schwartz-Glassner. Joy Lasher, Janae Huff, Samantha Yacabell, Kathryn McDowelJ, John Skopowski, and Allen Benson. Class President Gregory Benjamin, Jr. gave the student address. Valedictorian for the class of 2009 was Jonathan David Chamberlain. The ceremony was presided over by Newark High School's Principal, Curtis Bedford. The 34th annual commencement ceremony for Glasgow High School on June 3 featured a student reflection by Monica Hackett, Senior Class President, and Co-Valedictorian addresses by Iman Shamloul and Lindsay McHale. The ceremony was highlighted by a performance of an original piece of music, "Good Bye," written and performed by members of the Senior Choral Ensemble. 1he Class of 2009 was presented by class secretary Asema Uppal, and the tassel ceremony was introduced by class vice-president My Nguyem. The benediction was presented by class parliamentarian Scbyler Hamilton, and the recessional was played by Jeremiah Clarke. Glasgow High School Principal Raymond Gravuer presided. Brennen School- Delaware Autism Program held its graduation ceremony on June 4 at Christiana High School. Members of the Brennen School staff spoke about the students, and diplomas were presented to students Andrew Celli, Melissa Chong, Matthew Ciccanti, Mark Fleming, and Brandon White. Sterck School - Delaware School for the Deaf held its graduation ceremony on June 4 at Kirk Middle School. The evening included an address by guest speaker Art Roehrig from Gallaudet University, presentation of a class gift, a poem presented by Nadia Thacker and Samantha Jones, and remarks by valedictorian Bryan Ward. Students receiving diplomas included James A. Gromis. Jr.. Samantha Joyanne Jones, Ivan M. Robinson, Donald A. Steele, Jr., Nadia N. Thacker, Lashaunda L. Tingle (salutatorian). Victoria J. Trice, and Bryan Preston Ward (valedictorian). News, Advertising • 737-0724 Classifieds • 1-800-220-3311 Page 18 • The Newark Post • Friday,June 12, 2009 Newark High School's graduation was held on June 2, at 7:00 pm at the Bob Carpenter Center. The Valedictorian is Jonathan David Chamberlain. Ciara Chanae' Abraham TIara Tanae' Abraham Elyvette Acevedo Miranda Lakesha Rochelle Acker Dominique J. Addison Zainab Akande Vincent Mario Alberici Shanell Lacole Alexander AdeelaAli Marqueita Bianca AIIadin Dhara B. Amin Mohini Meghan Amin Justin Anthony Angelo Nyleena A. Armstrong Lauren Nicole Aro David Garry Ashby Samuel N. Attoh-Okine Yury Bahena Tyra Shanae Ballard Jessica Maureen Barbour Vance E. Bames III Brian E. Barrow Austin L. Bartley Connor Jase Bartley Tyler James Baunchalk Amber Cherice Beaman Carita Cherie Beavers Jonathon D. Beemler Joceyln Nicole Belusko Gregory Edward Benjamin, Jr. Allen Nicholas Benson Shanice Michelle Bishop Tyreka Nicole Black Jillian Ann Boberick Dymesha Shenea Bolden Ryan 1. Bowen Jeremy P. Bowie Kathryn N. Bowman Donald Orlando Brooks Brittany Raquel Brown Jaxon Adonald Brown Johnathon Aile Brown Willie J. Browning Philip Tyler Bucklllan Melissa Cross Buckminster Malcolm Jerome Bunche Charles R. Bunting Rebecca Elaine Burchfield Eric W. Burge Antir Lamar Butler Eric T. Butler Robert Bolland Butler Patrick Joseph Alexander Byrd Jamaine Callahan Israel A. Carpio Charles W. Carr III Amber M. Cassidy Justin Joseph Cavanaugh Jonathan David Chamberlain Kennon Damone Chandler Yoon Hee Choi Vincent 1. Ciarlo Lorna Paige Coleman Khris B. Cottingham-Whitty Shawn D. Cowgill Samson D. Crawford Kenyetta D. Croom Myson Marie Curtis Bennett Erik Dahl Randi Michelle Dahms Kendall Clinton Daniels Keshivya S. Daniels Brian Davis Jessica Lyn Davis Kelsey Lauren DeBoda Sabrina Della Monica Kyle Joseph DeMonte Alexander Logan Wolfgang Dettwyler Shamia Dickerson Alexander Scott Diego Richard Dobies, Jr. Terika Mone' Dollard Jonathan Dommert Jocelyn M. Dressel Erin Marie Duffy Can Duman Evelyn 1. Dunnell Kera Marnaye Eaddy Derrek W. Eddy Brandon A. Ellis Tess Campbell Emery Jeannette Encarnacion Holly Elizabeth Engelhardt Hector Luis Estades Rebecca L. Evans Kyle D. Fagan Anesha Joann Fair Elaine C. Farr Tevin Maurice Faucett Ivor Fazlic Eric Martin Fernandez Amanda Claire Fisher Kevin C. Flanagan Kyle Fletcher Cierra Monique Flonnory Miranda K. Fordham Machea Nichole Forkgen Theodore Devon Forrester Jackeline Fred Jacob Scott Gaines Erica Louise Gast Danielle Nicole Gatta Kaitlin Nicole Gazdick Kristen Noelle Gazdick Derrick Michael George Lauren Elizabeth Gerhart 4Megan Lynne Gerhart Joie' Sinead Gibbs Stephen Lemar Gibbs Shannon Marie Gilronan Asya S. Glover Isaiah Glover Daniel Gomez Brandon W. Gouge Kawaina Nicole Graham Asudeh Elisabeth Green Donald Ray Greene, Jr. Victoria Grifantini . David Grimes, Jr. Veron R. Grimes-Grayson Ian Robert Grohol Jason M. Grose Miguel A. Guerrero Kevin M. Guida Jesenia Marie Gutierrez Madinah M. Hackett Shaun R. Halter Megan Leigh Hamilton Morris Motek Harland, Jr. Kelly Lynette Harper Elizabeth Harrington Brandon Michael Harris Derron A. Harris Keionica N. Harris Myra Harris Rohan A. Harris Samantha L. R. Harris Stacia Denise Harris Teddy Delaine Harris Tyra Harris Elizabeth Ann Hauske Sara C. Heegard Stephen W. Heim Kara Shaniece Henry Jacob B. Hersh Benjamin A. f/itchcock David M. Hoehn Douglas Brandon Hoelzel Jeffrey C. Hoffman Ebony S. Holden Ronald T. Holiskey II Anice Jere Holland Tariq R. Holmes Emma Louise Hooper Matthew Luther Hopkins Jillian Alexandra Hornor Jasmine C. L. Howell-Conkey Rachel Elizabeth Huber Michael G. Hudson Janae Alyce Huff Mikko K. Huffer Haley Louise Humes Jessica Arminda Huskins Jason Wei-Yeong Huynh Sara Jeanne I1vento Comfort S. Irneokparia Devon Jackson Xavier Jackson Crystal James Eric D. Jenson Laura Lee Jermyn Carlise Johnson Christopher William Johnson Latoya L. Johnson Lawanda Nicole Johnson Ryan G. Johnson Dayna Katherine Johnston Ciara Jenay Jones Da'Ron Antoine lones Radovan JQvic Britten D. Joyner Angelica Juarez George Robert Justice III Megan LeeAnn Kadow Brima Bonkay Kamara Alexander Kiplimo Paige M. KJey Christin Flurry Knox DavidY. Ko Margaret F., Kubizne Ana Kukoleca Rabina Kumari Joy Arielle Lasher Brandon Tajh Lately Christine Danielle Leithren Ryan Marshall Lemon Aaron William Lewis Ashley Lynn Lewis Brandi Marie Lewis Cameron Darnell Lewis Dimere 1. Lindsey Brittany Nicole Linton Chelsie Ann Lloyd Janelle Denise Lloyd Antony B. Logan Zechariah Scott Lopatin Olivia Alexandra Lucas Jillian Mae Lynch Sarah Burner Mackenzie Devin Paige Maher Joshua T. Malley Christine Amy Marks Roger Wood Marks Megan Joy Marschall Belinda F. Marvin Jonathon Matthew May Kathryn Marie Mayer Molly Theresa McCormick Sean Andrew McCracken Kathryn Mary McDowell Martin T. McNeil Rafael Mendiola Cruz Ashley Mercer-Lee Andrea L. Miller Jamilah H. L. Miller Ronisha Clote Miller TImothy Patrick Miller Benjamin T. Mink Divya Mishra Michael A. Moody Robert Brian Mooney Janaye Sabrina Moore Jessica Marie Morales Matthew D. Morris Precious M. Morris Kelsey Kathleen Morrison Stephanie Ann Mortimer Nicole Marie Mozee Prasant Muralidhar Robert Glenn Neal III Brandon L. Norwood Derick Kwakye Offei Zainab Mosunmola Onaneye Angel Orrostieta Nataly Iliana Orrostieta Funmilola Trinity Owotomo Dariel D. Padilla Ashley Elizabeth Parker Jordan Lashaune Parker Justin Anthony Parker Quishawnya l' quice Parker Aekta D. Patel Chandni R. Patel Mit Pravin Patel Michael William Patterson Richard Avery Pence Felesha Victoria Penn De' Andre Jorge Pennewell Shaniqua B. Pennewell Marissa Denise Person Brittany Dayne Pfitzenmeyer Shadajah Pickens Tyler James Piechoski Matthew Eliot Pierce Raeann Michelle Pierce Grace LaToya Pinder Michael A. Pink Christopher Leon Pivinski - . Kendall Justin Poole Amber Marie Potts Chelsea Lyn Powell Duncan Vaughan Prettyman Malik Tiair Reeves Doris Evette Reyes Isaac Reyes Matthew E. Reynolds Shawn Michael Rhodes Michael Robert Ricks Pedro Rivera, Jr. Taihika C. Rivers Christine Elizabeth Rizzo Jessica Anna Roarty Sarah Louise Rockhold John A. Rodele, Jr. Louis Alexander Rodriguez Lauren Claire Rogers Maria G. Rosales Sheena M. Rosser Charles E. Rozanski James Zachariah Rubick Melissa Rae Rubick Michael John Russell Lee Taylor Sausen 'Adrian 1. Sawyer Alexander L. Sawyer Kirstin Ellen Sayers Jeremy Thomas Scheetz Jordin M. Scheetz Sara Danielle SchwartzGlassner Jennifer Michelle Seppanen Krystle Lynn Shaffer Wai-Kit Shum Amy 1. Siedlecki Ashley Marie Simpers AshJyn M. Sisson John Ferris Skopowski Sasa Slijepcevic Andrew Hutchinson Smith Darrell Lee Smith Preston L. Smith Tessa AIIise Smith Min K. Song Kyeasha Seanae Spencer Shannon Jamar Spicer WiIIM. Spina Jessica Marie Spring Charles William Spyres Christapher Stephen Spyres Bonnie Dee Stimeling Thomisha Love Street Kendrick W. Sullivan Theresa Marie Tabeling Leyland S. Tait HaeTak Beri Bisanga Tata John Stephen Taylor Steven Charles Taylor Shaun Wesley Thomas Amanda E. Tjersland Fidel Angel Torres Yadira Tovar Qaaid Tauheed Muhsin Tucker Michael Curtis Tunell, Jr. Amber Lynne Turner Faith Michele Turner Joshua Michael Turner Aaron Timothy Tyson Samuel B. Uffelman Jessica Lynn Uhline Ryann Mary Urban Gregory James Vacek Johnny L. Vann III Austin I. Vantrease Jeremy Daniel Varner Roman N. Vasiliev Melinda Joyce Vazquez Donald Zachary Vrnson Jennifer Lynn Walden James Rhett Walker Byron Junior Lee Wallace Bronwyn Kathleen Warner Laroi P. Washington, Jr. Chania Delores White Janere A. White Loshua Thomas White Jeffrey P. Whiteside Joseph B. Wicks Lyndsay Rea Wilkie Synquette Keavia Wilks Latasha Nicole Williams Shaneika Davon Williams Anton Jamal Williamson Samantha Marie Willin Jacob Steven Winchester Kati Lynn Winchester Christine Marie Wtrbisky Amber Michelle Wise Priscilla A. Woerner Brandin Thomas Scott Worden Ashli Rochelle Wright Samantha Ann Yacabell Marissa Kathleen Yarnall Darnell LaDay Young Elizabeth Anne Young Andres Zamora Velazquez Linhai Zhu Ariana Mae Zimmerman Ryan A. Zuvich . On the Web • Friday,June 12,2009 • The Newark Post • Page 19 r Christiana High School held its commencement at 7 p.m. June 1st in the Bob Carpenter Center, Newark. The Valedictorian is Angelica Montes. Sarayn Nicole Acosta Erin K. Agnor Priest D. Aiken, Jr. Benjamin Alexander Blaise Algeo Kaleem A. Allen Kasha Renae Allen Troy A. Alston Brittany Marie Andrews Phillip Anthony Meghan Taylor Antos Jordan Asbury lmari Nicole Ashley Heather Ann Atkinson Rachel Alexandra Attenberger Amaechi Atupulazi Jewell Olivia Austin Ellen Sullivan Baca Mykiah Yvette Bagley Adrienne Cherise Bailey Shakia Monay Bailey Andrea Natasha Baker Gwanyan I. Barker Ariana Battin Teyanah C. Baxter A1isha Nicole Beckford Jaiquann Beckham Timothy Bingnear Wesley William Blount, Jr. Harry Dominick Bolton Terique Adrianne Rodrick Boyd Eric Jamal Boyer Alexander Brit Bradley Kelsey Branigan Jeana Regina Bransford La-Mont Britt Andre Brittingham Takeerah Shante Britton Anthony Joseph Brown Javon B. Brown Stacie Brown La-Shayla R. Burton Rachel Burton Kwarease Byard Brian Callahan Ricardo Carrasquillo, Jr. Angelique Marie Cassell Walter Ray Cassidy Nicholas Cerminara Michael Ciafardo Keionna Clark Kelvin B. Cobbs-Jackson Mark Conaway Cherrelle A. Cooper Nyiehsa M. Corbett Tamika Yvette Dora Cotton Tymir R. Cowans Cassie Amanda Crew Arron Crookshank Sean Joseph Crossan Nanakofi T.O. Dadson Jowayne Jahvon Daley Deangie A1andria Davis Francis Rashaun Davis Jeremi Davis-Wright Kelly Marie Katina Deery Shontel A. Deflorimonte Latisha Louise Demonia Yaye Diallo Henry Joseph Diaz Oguzcan Diktas MeganR. Dill Dana Dinkel Kenisha Dishaw John Donathan Holly Elaine Draper Amanda Lynn Driesbach Gabriela Carolina Droz Velasquez Chanae Ashlee Edwards Zachary C. Edwards Raquel Eoff Cigdem Erkan Emon Evans Totiyana Shanae Evans Brice Fellman Crystal Foraker Bianca Ford Morris Foster Brynn M. Foth, Morgan M. Freeman Shayla Freeman Samantha Friant Jeffery Galvin Jerron M. Garrett Daji Gibbs Markeya Delrae Gibson Geoffrey Gilbert AalimJ. Gill Jonathan Charles Gilmore Kelly Nicole Glover Lauren Lynn Goffredo Bianca S. Goodridge Vincent Louis Graci Taneshia Nicole Graham Jean Michelle Greathouse Raven Erika Green Waamiq Griffin Stephanie Lynne Griffith Marquis Davon Hampton Nuriyna A.w. Haye Ashli Monique Henderson Justyn H. Hernandez Nancy Elizabeth Hernandez Todd Holden Gerald Robert Hornbuckle Kristina Mariah Horton Darine Howze Caitlyn Louise Hughes Dean Richard Hunter Jeffrey Irons Ali Jafri Rickita James Arielle Monet Jenkins Christopher Jennings Ashley Janee Johnson Keith L. Johnson King H. Johnson Alexandria Kierra Jones Da'Shanna P. Jones Gabrielle Nicole Jones Andrew R. Joyner James Joyner Salina Marie Juarez Amber Lyn Keen Patricia Shanice Kelly Benjamin Kibugi Jonathan Lamarr King Tyere Abdul Knight Philip G. Korzeni wsky Nikki Kress Sarah Loreina Lambert Rodney A. Laryea Monique Avadean Lewis Keshia Linto Benjamin 1. Loder Lenette Marie Lopez Kenneth G. Lumpkin Daneshia Aunya Lyles Jordan Alexander MacDowall Samar Sarah Madarani Jeffrey Germaine Major, Jr. Tiauna Cemeone Major Nathan P. Maliszewski Amy Elizabeth Malkin Bridgette Nicole Marshall Maryann Masso William Craig Matthews Jaclyn Alyce Mayhart Victoria Dawn McAvaney Sha-Terra McClatchie Taylor Elizabeth McCusker Jennifer Lynn McElrone Caleb Dillon McGarry Justine McKee Jay Christopher McMurray - Morgan Jessica McQueen Ashley Victoria Megahan Kaitlin Rose Meinhaldt Alexis Michelle Mercado Magdaline Mercado Nathaniel N. Miller Salone Mills Angelica Marie Montes Rian Javette Moore Keaira Morgan Christopher Sea Morris Kimberly Morton Marques Levert Murphy May Nabha Brittany Monet Needam Cheris Michelle Nelson Martin Ngana Diane Nga'Nga Njeri Isatou Njie Caroline Njuguna Brian Nuamah Dylan Cole Oakes Terrence A. Odrick, Jr. Tobechukwu M. Ofuani Jasmin Orange Martell Park, Holly Parsons Kajal Patel Nirali M. Patel Diptee K. Pathak Janki R. Pathak Raquel J. Pauls NiaPayne Jameer Walter Pemsley Andrew Ryan Perry Aimee May Phillips Ashlee Pitts Melissa Pleasanton Renee Marie Poole Sharis LaShalle Purnell Malcolm Quallo Roazia Rafiqi Yunior Cesar Ramirez Amelia I. Ramsaran Richard D. Rathell Eric Ray Vasil Theodore Razpopov AmirRhoden Carlina Richardson Saquan A. Richmond beSean Tony Robinson Taylour Janette Robinson Jasmine Onya Rochester Melissa Rogers Tyrell Roundtree Brian Christopher Rowe Tyler Daniel Sagers Esam M. Saleh Matthew John Santoleri, Jr. Evan T. Schilling Audrey Michelle Seningen Zikera Shabazz Shapan Singh Caitlin Smelstoys Devon Smith Jerre M. Smith Johnathan Mathew Smith, Jr. Kory Vaughn Smith SurPree Janell Smith Christopher David Spagnuolo Matthew Allan Stapleford Roland Edward Stevenson, III Samantha L. Stopyra Jasmine Kinisha Lashae Stovall Ashley Nicole Szczerba Safoora Taher Ashley Nicole Tappe Nikolas Harry Tarabicos Joshua Phillip Tatnall Robert Kyle Taylor Yemen Ali Thabet Jamal Keon Thomas Chelsea Denise Thompson Rudolph Raymond Thompson, III Neal Jonathan Thorpe Emma Marie Tomlinson Anthony Tracey Sheree Shante Truitt Kellan Lawrence Turner John M. Vannoy, II Solymar Vasquez Yedith Velazquez Joshua David Vied-Lucas Becky Marie Waldorf Herbert Walker Jamar Walker Hayes Waltman Devon Alexis Lee Washington Kiara TyKola Weeks ShaVaughn Audrianna West Hiram Whatley, Jr. Barien Davis White Brittaney White Darien Leon White Devon Andrea White Robert Anthony White Kennisha M. Wiggins LaCarrie Shante Wilks Brittney Williams Elijah Jarrett Williams James Leroy Williams, III Jazmine Marie Williams Madison M. Williams Michael Jared Williams Moriah Williams Stephon L. Williams Tequoia C. Williams Jenniera Cheyenne Wiliamson Keith Isaiah Wilson Taylor A. Wing, Kirk Wise, Jr. Brittany Renee Witt Jessica Arlene Woodley Krystal Sherie Wright Inbok Yea Peter Jeffrey David Young Luis Zavala Michael Zinn Page 20 • The Newark Post • Friday,June 12, 2009 Shayquana Abrams Sahira 1. Abreu Michelle Albrecht Ariel A. Almondo Charles Anderson Isaiah Lee Anton Jacquelynn Baez Raghiatou Bah Mark David Bailey Nathan Daniel Barnard Shaniqua M. Barnes Sherry Lyn Bautista Jesse Dean Beahler Anita Adell Bess Thomas Chari Botwright David Boyd Frederick Brako Maurice A. Brooks Anna Alyce Brown Megan Elizabeth Brown William Robert Brown Shamara Renee Brummell David Anthony Buchanan Jasmine Adina Buckner Stefani Lyn Bultena Lacole Dominique Burks Charles R. Burley Jr. Antoinette V. Busbee Zandra Joy Butalid Taylor Elise Butler Keronn Byrd Ryanna Mariah Byrd Andrew Keith Cale Shantel Campbell Bianca Joseph Carcillo Monique Shalynn Carter Reginald Carter Andrew T. J. J.:astagna Yasmine Chandler Kimberly Marie Cibroski Richard TerelJe Clark Robert Roy Clark Suzanne Pearle Clarke Gordon Thomas Cleveland Brian Vandamme Collins Lajoune T. Collins Shola T. Cooke Juan Esteban Correa Sebastian Correa Andre Dwaine Cox Shantel D. Creecy Christopher Cruz ArunDas Angela Beth Dashnaw Jeffrey W. Davis Kevin M. Davis Jasmine K. Dickerson Lisa R. Dickinson John Jacob Dillon Pedro Dominguez Jessica Marie Eagan Joseph James Ellis Randall Travis Ellsworth Hector J. Espinosa III Ashley Marie Ferguson Aaron Keith Fields James 1. Fields Jr. Herberth Flores Waynia Raven Sade' Flowers Nieem Dewitt Foraker Michelle S. Frantz Malachi O. Freeman Peter Antonio Frett Shelbi Lyn Frye Akoye Garnory Jessica Lynn Geary Roteasha Renay Gibbs Sascha Tyese Gibson Lori Glass Avery Matthew Glover Taylor Trent Goicuria Manuel Edward Gonzalez Alexa M. Griffith Kayla E. Griffith Taariq Abdul-Kariym Marcus Griffith Jordan D. Gunn News, Advertising • 737-0724 Classifieds • 1-800-220-3311 Katie E. Gustafson Eduardo Guzman Jesus Macareno Guzman Monica R. Hackett Kai 1. Hadaway Richard James Hall David Joshua Hamill Brandee A. Hamilton Schyler M. Hamilton Janaya Ariel Hamilton-McSpadden Marissa C. Hammond Janisha Nicole Harden Michael D. Harms Brittani Monae Harell Andrew Ryan Harris Charles E. Harris III Vyneshia T. Harris Kelvin Hatcher Jr. Janine T. Hawkins Christopher E. Heaton Cherrelle Hendricks James M. Henson Rozina Hess Carisha E. Hom Keith M. Houston Kashyra Mae Howard Chong Huang Larntey Y. Huffman Ashley S. Huggins Sydnee R. Hughes Tan Nhat Huynh Nunzio Iannone Jonathan Lewis Ireland Jasmine Jackson Flora Maria Jaquez Ronald Anderson Jaundoo Christian Jefferson Jennifer Lynne Jensen Quintin Jamar Johnson Robert Thomas Johnson Takashia S. Johnson Nicholas A. Johnston Hakeem Nathaniel Jones Jules C. Jones Shenika Alyssa Jones Ryan Matthew Kaczmarczyk Nadine N. Kazzaz Charnae' Nicole King Kevin Patrick Krapf Adam J. Krevchuck James Allen Krider Randy Lee Krieger Melissa Renee Kuesel Caira Ledford Ayrria Latrice Lewis Tyesha Shantell Lewis Danielle F. Limprun David Lee Limprun Kristina Liseth Lombardo Monique Pauline Lopez Ariadne Lucero Quanisha Shanea Luke Kristina Melissa Lynch Aaron Rashi Major Atish Malik Krystal Lynn Mangold Khadijia Maqsood Stephanie Martinez Chad Masso Lenday Renese Mathis Russell Allen Mauk Brittani Nicole Maye Jasmine M. McCalla Andre Lamar McCamie Mishel Renee McCants Lindsay Anne McHale Tyanas Ebony McIntyre-Wicker Olivia Levette McNeal Kayla L. McWilliams Yazmeen G. Mercado <agory Mojica Kenneth Molina Antonio Lesrae' Montgomery Troy Darnell Moore II Matthew O. Morakinyo IroaniMorgan Abrahim A. Morjana Meghan Amelia Murphy Rolonda Shadale Murphy Essence Syreeta Murray Christopher Nardi Nigel Chester Nedd Awet H. Negusse Dion Thomas Nemeth Tanyia Palar Newton Kamau O. Ngozi Donna Nguyen My Ti Nguyen Ronald Samuels Nichols Trenia T. Nichols Jamie Alexis Nickerson Ryan M. Noonan Ryan M. Novak Femi Kunle Olanipekun Krystal Marie Padron Ryan C. Panchisin Cameron Passley Nathalie Payan Barron A. Pearson Geraldo Luis P. Pedroza Bjoru S. Pena Aimee May Phillips Shamika S. Pleasant Jade Anae Ponzo Tiffany Prieto Marquisha Yvonn Prince Sherline Quezada Emily Elizabeth Reed Adrian M. Reese Michael James Riley Lauren Ritchie Elvin F. Rivera Iris Grisselle Rivera '-Elmerys Rivera-Figuero Tar-neisha D. Robinson Edmarie Rodriguez Rodriguez Najee Dawon Rogers Ellesse Lana Rougier Jas-Lynn Shardae Ryle Kyle Ryser Johnathan Mark Savary April Marie Schafferrnan Eric David Scherer David Joseph Schlatter Samantha Alexis Serpico Iman Abdel M. Shamloul Joshua Ryan Skoranski Michelle Ann Sloan Hillary Erin Smith Lakeisha Marie Smith Laura Smith Lonna Cheri Smith Jason Stanton Jada Alazia Stephenson Jasmine Street Erica Gabrielle Stubbles Curtis Aaron Talton Joshua Edward Terrell Darrell B. Thomas Jr. Wilbert Townsville III Rumeysa Ucar Asema Tabassam Uppal Shibra T. Uppal Christopher Tyle Vidal Isaiah Volkens Dominique Shymere 1. Walker Terrell Watford BrO<?ke 1. Waugh Carol Welch Amber Lee Williams Brad Michael Williams Jolan Terez Williams Mackenzie Williams Markevis T. Williams Shaqueena Chelsie Williams Tyler J. Williams Jasmine E. Willis Tashae Michelle Wilson Cheng Xiong On the Web • Rachel Louise Adams Bruno O. Aguatta Samantha Renee Akers Matthew Eric Aleman Charre Antoinette Allen Joshua Edward Allen Alexis Jade Ambrosino Alexandria Lee Amos Dajon Unique Anthony Quadi Bilal Archer Katelyn M. Argo Sean Nicholas Baeder Nathaniel E. Baker Joseph Daniel Baldwin Keegan J Bartley Dawn Nicole Bennelt Christopher Lawrence Bianchino Jessica Inez Blunt Josslin L. Bodofsky . Brad Christopher Bowman Andrew William Boyce Shayna Elizabeth Boyer Kelly Lynn Boyle Amanda Michelle Boyles Brittani Nycole Bright Kelsey Elizabeth Brown Shannon Alexandra Brown Raymond G. Bums II Ashley Lymi Burris Lateefah Sowe'ta Butts Aracelis Rosita Cabazza Layken Judith Cahall Christine A. Campbell Michael C. Caputo Lindsey Marie Carney Angela Marie Caruso Naaman Reginald Cephas Lakeshia Cham6ers Sironda Nicole Chambers Sebastian W Childers David Alan Christian Jr. Brandon Michael Clark Craig Steven Clark Danielle Mae Coakley James John Coburn Reginald Van Congo Lindsey Alexandra Cook Shakena Briana Corbett Chanae N. Council Robert Joseph Cox Ryan Michael Cox Kimberly Erin Crawford Dean James Crowley Jr. Gregory Tyler Curlett Jaquon Jamir Daniels ToriAnne 'Miranda Davies Ashana Donyelle Davis Briana Nicole Davis Maria Nicole DiAngelo Alyson Louise DiEmedio Matthew Logan Donovan George Sakers Dougherty Phillip T. Duko Britni Nicole Elliott Cory John Elmore Brittney C. Finnegan Erin Elizabeth Foraker Staci Jean Forrest Mark Alien Fox Duane Erik Freeman Jr. Brittany Morgan Frisby Alexander Gene Frnnzi Taylor Elyssa Fulton Ericka Alyse Furrowh Brooke Yvonne Ganderton Ariene Darniere Gardner Robert Allen Gland III Antoine Pierre Goode Christin Nichole Goodyear Erin Elizabeth Graves ~ Kevin Louis Green Jr. Ryan William Greer Sabrina Marie Greer Alexis Madric Gregory Elizabeth May McKay Groom Justin David Hall Kelsey Jane Hallett Kristin Theresa Hallett Joshua Wade Halsey Amber Rae Hannum Joseph Lee Hardy Jr. Remee Derek Harper Clinton Nathaniel Harris II JaneJl Kimberly Harris Robert Wayne Hartman Keyahna Nicole Hayman Gerald Patrick Hearne II Ryan David Hebert Christopher Dale Heller Michael Johnathan Riggin Ranika Drexann Holmes Frederick John Hudson Ivory Sharee Hudson John Joseph Huhn Jr. Kelly Diane Hunt-Bogia . Valerie Irma Hyett Alfred Hubert Hylton III Adam Marc Hynson Andrew Michael Hynson Ryan Patrick Ivey Adam Tyler Johnson Brian C. Johnson Bryan Patrick Johnson Jordan Ann Johnson Oshay Simone Johnson Toya La' Shae Johnson Asha Lauren Jones Nicholas Walter Jones Brittney Lee Kacprzyk Christopher P. Kanich Randall Grant Kaufman Daymeon Scott Kelly Kaitlin M King Toni Marie King Justin Paul Kirwin Matthew Ryan Kossek Bradley Steven Kraemer Jarrit Thomas Kretzer Ksiazek, Brandon Francis Ksiazek Joshua David Kyle Christian Laboy Christine Lynn Lamp Brandi Marie Lawton Steven Michael Lebischak Darryl Lamont Lemon Jr. Richard Perri Leonetti Justin Cornell Little Alexander James Ljuba Kiana Latrice Long . Christopher Joseph Luongo Jonathan Alexandru ' Manelski Brittney Michelle Martin Taylor Nicole Martin Tiffany Nicole Martin Julissa Bianca Mason Shavalya Aviance' Matthews Wendy M. Mauti Kevin Patrick McCarthy Amanda Leigh McConnell Evan Ryan McElroy Kelsey Anna McGrory Brian Thomas Menasco Jamal Jeremiah Merrell Jarnil Nehemiah Merrell Ieshia Noel Miles Madison Lynn Miller Joshua S. Minor Katherine Elizabeth Missimer Tonya Alicia Mitchell-Moss Rita Maryam Mobley Friday,June 12, 2009 • The Newark Post • Page 21 Courtney Nicole Moore Ashley Shevaun Morris Nicholas Anthony Mulderig Shawn'Michael Mullins Alyssa Renn Murray Alac Jillian Newcomb Timothy A. Nogaj Christopher R. Oberly . Raphael Lloyd Oberrnuller Ryan Vicenio Oberrnuller Johnny Burton Osborne Jr. Jillian Anna Marie Ousey Ryan Michael Paulino Silkhilya Antionette Pennewell David Adrian Perogine Jillian Marie Petela Christopher A. Piecuch Christina Lynn Potter Andrew Dalton Pyle QKeith William Quesenberry Stephen Charles Quindlen Anthony James Raimondo Kevin Ryan Ramsdell Eric W. Reed Jeremiah Joseph Reen Kyle James Richter. Christopher Steven Roberts Jr. Jonathan Ryan Roope Tashay A. Royal John Howard Russell Jr. Stephanie Wendy Sanborn Kassandra Mae Santiago William Lawrence Sartin IV Adam Tyler Schultz Kelsey Lee Seydak Amanda Louise Shores Amy Lynn Short Jessie Charity Siminari Shaniece Latae Sims Pargat Singh Christopher T. Smith Samantha Lynn Spicer Elizabeth A. Staz . William Spencer Stephens Jr. Zachary George Stevenson III Rachel E. Street Michael Charles Stumpf Eric Mark Summerfield Everett Lee Summers Jr. Matthew Steven Szostkowski Michael Sal Szostkowski Lauren Marie Szymanski Sarah Elisabeth Szymanski Shelby Lynn Thompson Gabriella Almira Thorne Mercedes Renae Thornton Dain Michael Thorpe Craig Anthony Tomczyk Jeffrey Paul Tordella QuiannaA Wadw Wakeen J. Wade Sean Thomas Walker Nicholas L. Wardrop . Jaleesa D. Warren Shana Marie Washington Lisa Ashley Wasik Tamara Diane Welcher Ciera Renay White Zachary E. White Dustin S. Williams Sha'berlee Yvonne Williams . Tyler Scott Wise Doniece Kaylynn Wright Eric D. Wright Perry Thomas Wright Andrew Carter Young Taylor Catherine Young Kandi Marie Zundel SOF liROM THE _. .r] Page 22 • The Newark Post • Friday,June 12, 2009 News, Advertising • 737-0724 Classifieds • 1-800-220-3311 11 SI. Mark's High School graduDavid John Citro Corey S. Fortunato Genoveva Carla Francis ated 378 students during the Julie Kathleen Clark school's 37th commencement Kristen L. Clark GabrieUe Marie Franzone exercises held at the school . Donald Scott Clower Jordan Patrick Fugeman on Sunday, June 7. The Most Abygale Leigh Cochran Edward Thomas Fuller IV Reverend W. Francis Malooly, Lynsey Anne Cochran Blyss Elyse Galizia D.D., Bishop of the Catholic Michael Cochran Janna Gallagher Diocese of Wilmington presided. . Kelley Christina Coftiey Marie Elizabeth Gallion The welcome address was given Tyler Craig Colby Chelsea Alexis Ganc by Michael Patrick Howard and Stefanie Kim Colino Lauren Brittany Gannon 4 the farewell speech was given by Joshua Robert Collacchi Kristin Nicole Garber Darra Olivia Markland. Catherine Mary Collins Christopher Garniewski Ryan 1. Connell Adam Jesse Gawinski Oluremi Veronica Adewole Dina Elizabeth Corradetti Emily Christine Giles Laura 1. Agra Tyler Michael Corrado Dianna Concetta Ginocchio Julia Ann Allshouse Samantha P. Costa Katherine Margaret Good Shelby Leigh Alt Tayler Joseph Crosley David Austin Goodridge Brittany Marie Aunet Michaela Ann Cullington Brigid Jude Gregory Justin Tyler Bachman William John Dalton Christopher Ryan Griffith Matthew Ryan Darby Lillian Giselle Guardado James Bailey Nichole M. Bailey Cassandra Leigh Davenport Hanna L. Habtewold Morgan Alyssa David Erin Danielle Bak Gabriel Allen Haley Talia Baldini Emily E. Davies Stephen Jordan Hamberger Amanda N. Hanna' Alice May Barnett Stephanie Marie Davis Kimberly Catherine Barrett William Bradley Davis Candace Paige Harding Robert Paul DeMasi Natalie Anne Barrett S. Matthew Harkins Erica Layne Debski Heather Michelle Harrison Dennis Patrick Barton Anthony Joseph dePolo Lawrence Charles Bathon Lori Marie Harrison Thomas Matthew Hartsky Kaitlin Rose Bawiec Caroline Elizabeth Derr Ashley V. Hedden Megan Elizabeth Beattie Sara Elizabeth Derrickson Jacob Allen Berry Matthew Anthony Devestine Olivia Mary Hemmerich Nathan Michael DiBenedetto Taylor Paige Hendrickson Elizabeth Ann Berster Sarah Elizabeth Biddle Jessie Marie DiCampli Dylan Joseph Hepner Joseph Nicholas Bizzarro Brian Jason DiNuzzo Laureri Paige Hertsenberg Megan Elizabeth Blackwell Bryan DiSanto DanieUe Anya Hicks Sara Michelle Blackwell Nicholas Joseph DiStefano Tyler Paul Hill Derek Crawford Diver Jeffrey Bobjak Wendell Albert Hill Bryan George Boyer Erin Louise Dodd Rosemary Alice Hinkle Stephanie A. Dorak Sean Michael Hoban Robert E. Brabson III Nathaniel Alexander Downing Kanan Soren Hobbs Daniel Walton Bradley Brittany Francine Drazich Claire Alexandra Hoelmer James Joseph Brennan Jillian Morgan Duffy Christian Matthew Holder Peter Broehl Melanie Anne Horner Jessica Marie Brown William Richard Eatough Mairead Elizabeth Browne Zachary Charles Eckhart Megan Leigh Horney Stephanie Marie Bubel Ashley Ann Einbrod Michael Patrick Howard Kelsey Kathleen Elam-Geuting Gregory Donald Burgess Tyler Manley Husfelt Kristen Mary Callaghan Frances M. Ellis Christopher Alan Jannaman Stephen Thomas Callahan Thomas David Evans Allison Jelenek Beau Andrew Callery Aubrey Gail Eveland Felicia Marie Jensen Aaron Craig Jones Angela Renee Carlson Anthony M. Facciolo Benjamin L. Fairer Julian A. Jones Kelly Lynn Cassidy John Robert Fasy Siobhan Lytza Joseph Sarah Marie Cassidy Alexandra Dawn Cathcart John Clyde Feick Katie Ann Kaczmarczyk AngelaMarie Cecelia Ferelli Matthew Charles Karpinski Harry Jacob Celli Gregory John Chalfant Robert Michael Finnegan Shane Paul Kelly Dara Nicole Ciarrocchi Andrew Joseph Foraker Michael Paul Kemske " ·'Tii. Megan Paige Kennedy Melinda Kaitlin Josefina Kern Dominique Elizabeth Kinnier Emily Ann Knappenberger Jeanne Moyer Knowles Alexandra Hope Kolakowski Benjamin Vincent Kowal Iuliana Alexandra Kraiter Melissa Rose Krakowski Zachary Alexander Kresge George Frederick Krnhm Nicholas LaMastra Thomas Williarn Landskroener Jordan Elizabeth Laudeman Benjamin James Leach Adele Michelene Lebrnn Andrew Lehman Corrine E. Lewandowski LanLi Megan Marie Lillard Ryan Patrick Lloyd Nicole Lobozzo Ashley Kay Logan Laura Long Kay la Ashley Longshaw Zachary Williarn Longtine Gabriel Eduardo Lopez Alison Elisabeth Lord Aimee Lynn Lucente . Kaitlyn Connor Lupinski Alexandra Marie Lysinger Stephen G. MacPherson Katlyn Marie Macintosh Jordan Laine Mackie Thomas Joseph Magnani . Daniel Otto Maguire Hana Nadia Majid Diana F. Malak Navneet Kaur Mann Darra Olivia Markland Derek Edward Marshallsea Michael Massih Michael Henry Mattucci Dominic Marc Mazzio Sarah McCabe Ryan Andrew McCallin Brian R. McConnell Janan Graham James McFadden Samantha Lynn McGinnis Taylor Leigh McGivney Benjamin Francis McKee Colin McKeefery Alexandra Eileen Meisenzahl Rachel Virginia Melancon Stephanie Lynn Mendez . @'. ,g , .,., 'r>' ./ it. Bryan Jeffery Mey David Matthew Midash Tyler Steven Miles Paige Linden Millar Matthew Betz Miller Megan Lynn Miller Stacey Leigh Miller Teal Marie Milloway Stacey Alicia Mitchell Tessa Lynn Montini Janicia L. Moore Orlando A. Morales Gregory Thomas Morrin Colleen Anne Morris Gerrod Clay Mozeik Christina Marie Muellenberg John Leo Muldoon Sean Harry Mullen Caitlin Ashley Mulrine Matthew Robert Munyan Gabrielle Amanda Murphy Jennifer Eileen Murray Caitlin Marie Myers Jenna Marie Nardini Oscar S. Nawrot Michael Joseph Neubauer Dana Michelle Newman Carol Ann Nicastro Chelsea Sunshine Nichols Samantha N. Nichols Bethany Lynn Nieves Allyson Nicole Nigro Ellen Maxine Nigro Devin Richard O'Connor Sean Douglas O'Connor Matthew J. O'Laughlin Zachary Vincent O'Neill Delali Clair Oakes Sean William Olds Corey David Olsen Kimberly Ann Olson Brandon Michael Osborne Ryan Michael Owens Anna Catherine Palese Monica J. Papili Karina Lilibeth Pastor Milov N. Patel Michael Angelo Pedicone Vincent Joseph Perregrino Chelsea M. Perry Mary -Catherine Perry Corbin James Personti Cristina Marie Pesce Jessica N. Pierce Caroline Lee Poirier Kara L. Pollock . Madeline Jean Przywara Daniel Joseph Pugliese Kelly Briana Pun Sean Michael Quinn Mollie K. Radulski Guadalupe Ramirez Jennifer Marie Rawding Jordan Reardon Vandhana Gaddum Reddy Matthew H. Regan Michael Kevin Reilly Patrick Reilly Jennifer Lynn Rigg Kristen Diana Riggitano Erin Nancy Riley Justin Curtis Riley Shallnon Meghan Riley Bethany Rose Jacqueline Rae Roser Craig Eugene Rotenberry, II Charles Edward Rozanski Megan Marie Rudolphi Ashley Lauren Rush Paul Thomas Ruszkay Megan Elizabeth Ryan Danielle Kristina-Nicole Rzucidlo-DeWaard . Francis David Sabatino Patricia Marie Saccomanno Zachary Edward Sagers Erika Lea Saienni Andrew M. Salindong Asima Samanta Ashley Marie Saxton Christopher William Schieber Ryan E, Schmidt Courtney Ann Schweizer Angela Alison Scott Meghan Kayla Scott Victor J. Setting Candice Marie Shaw Sharon Antoinette Shehan Nathan Patrick Shen Robert Douglas Short Caitlin P. Skipski Michael Smagala Caitlin Michele Smelstoys Taylor Alexandria Smethurst Patrick John Francis Smith Matthew Tyler Snook , Emily Rebecca Snyder Amy Marie Sowden Katie Marie Steeves Cory Alexander Sterin Jac1yn Stevenson Daniel Anthony Stirparo .. Stephen Michael Stives Devin Marie Sullivan Kyle Lawrence Sullivan Laura Scott Swain Leigh Ann Swalwell Haley Marie Talarowski Justin Jeffrey Tansey Kayla Elizabeth Tansley Gregory James Taylor Frederick-Vladi A. Tee Kevin Kayes Teeven Anna M. Thomas Caroline Drake Thomson Alexis Ann Tiberi Zachary Alan Tolliver Joseph Raymond Tomanovich Desiree Marie Tomczak Christopher Michael Trahan Camille Alexis Trasatti Marcus Donnell Truitt Samantha Lynn Truskolawski Christopher Michael Uniatowski Kirsten Marie Valania Elizabeth Anne Vari Riley Christman Wallace Tyler Francis Wallace Dane Andrew Walter Michael Bryan Warner Christopher Thomas Warren Thomas Lane Washington Bien Weldekidan Brendan Allen White Jaclyn Grace White Jennifer Claire White Stephen Thomas Whitford Bryan David Whittington Kelly Lynn Whittington Kristine Ashley Willard Brynn Nicole Williams John M. Williams Maureen Elizabeth Wilmoth Erik B. Wirikelmayer Philip James Winnington Lauren Val worth Winter Ross Steven Withrow Ashley Rose Witinski Jena Marie Wood Warren Dextor Wood Alexander James Woods Matthew James Woods Fielding Tyler Wooters Stacy R. Wright Amanda Marie Wyre Kadeem S. Young April Marie Zappaterriili Tessa Rae Ziemba • On the Web • Friday,June 12, 2009 • The Newark Post • Page 23 Delaware School for the Deaf Graduates James A. Gromis, Jr. If Samantha Joyanne Jones Ivan M. Robinson Donald A. Steele, Jf. Nadia N. Thacker Lashaunda L. Tingle Salutatorian Victoria J. Trice Bryan Preston Ward - Valedictorian Brennen School Delaware Autism Program '-J' _ Andrew Celli Melissa Chong Matthew Ciccanti Mark Fleming Brandon White Watch sugar intake during the lazy days of summer By KATY DALY JONES SPECIAL TO THE NEWARK POST Editor's note: Jones is New Castle County Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development , A s the days get longer and the sun starts shining more we know summer is coming soon. School will be ending and vacations, camps, and long lazy afternoons at the pool will fill our days. Summer also brings some sweets back into our lives that we may not have seen in a while. Trips to Jones the local ice cream or water ice shop, cotton candy at the carnival, and fried candy bars at the state fair are all sugary, gooey treats that suddenly appear once the warm weather arrives. Though everything is OK in moderation, too much sugar in your diet can cause some undesirable side effects. There are numerous conditions that can be caused due to an over consumption of sugar, such as fatigue, weight gain, tooth decay, and a spike in insulin which can lead to diabe-, tes. Additionally, if you are consuming too much sugar, you aren't leaving enough room in your body to absorb healthy nutrients. Considering that sugar contains no fiber, proteins, minerals, fats, or enzymes you are actually just eating empty calories. And beware of calories you may be drinking; did you know that a 12 oz can of soda contains approximately 10 teaspoons of sugar? Can you think of the last time you saw a vending machine that dispensed 12 oz cans? It is more likely that there was a 16 or 20 oz bottle. 'We know that we want to encourage our families to "make healthy" eating, and drinking, decisions that will provide them with the nutrition they need. Well have no fear, there are several summer "treats" that are healthy options. Fresh locally grown strawberries and peaches are soon to be spotted in grocery stores and at farmer's markets everywhere, as well as zucchini, tomatoes, arugula, and many other fresh crisp veggies. These foods are at their peak during these warm summer months and they provide a lot more than just great taste. Strawberries provide a great dose of Vitamin C, while peaches pack in a lot of heart healthy fiber. Green veggies, such as arugula and squash are plentiful with iron, magnesium, and Vitamin A. And while fruits do contain natural sugar and need to be eaten in moderation, the 7 grams of sugar in one cup of strawberries sure beat the approximately 40 grams of sugar in cotton candy. Surviving the summer months can be easy if you focus on the real sweets of summer. Take advantage of all of the fresh locally grown produce that ripens during this time of year. With all foods, always remember to watch your intake and be mindful of portion size. And enjoy a small cone of ice cream every now and then; just be sure to eat your veggies! Page 24 Post Classifieds Friday, June 12,2009 UHELP WANTED ,. FULL-TIME Posted New Today • ::: 800-220-331141"l~lllO ANNOUNCEMENT r" NOTICES Corvette Drag Racing Vintage Thunder Cecil Co. Dragway June 13 8a-4p Call Steve George 410-472-2093 r" NOTICES GUN & KNIFE SI:I.QW Timonium Fair Grounds June 20th & 21st Sat. 9-5 Sun 9-3 500 trade tables Admission $7 717-697-3088 U P' DRIVERSliquid food grade tankers, P.E. Kramme, Inc. is looking for drivers for regional & LH runs. $50K+, paid family bfts, pension safety bonus, vac & hoI. COL -A wltank endr, 2 yrs exp o 1-800-4A Drive Avondale, PA. SALES Must have experience. Commission based salary with benefits. Must be able to work nights & weekends. Email resume to Product Profit Analyst. Wilmington, DE. Dev. models/econ. frameworks within Mng for Value to assess earn- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Campus Area Living Call Today! ELKTON, MD Deli I Market for sale. Call 410-441-1551 RENTALS " ' APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED F' New Today $1000 LOST CHIHUAHUAI TERRIER MIX Black and white male with brown on face , approx 181bs. Lost on 3/19 in the vicinity of Rt 7 (Elkton area). Answers to "Chewy" Call 443309-9002 or 443-309-5275 Call anytime. EMPLOYMENT VACATION/ RESORT RENTALS New Today DISNEY 7/4 - 7/11 3Br, 2Ba, kitchen . Sips 10. $800 b/o. Call for details 410-3102995 ~ F' TOWNHOUSE New Today .. L,..------..I HOME U ~ ~ ~IMPROVEMENT ~NIMALS/PETS SERVICES WE BUY JUNK CARS, TRACTOR TRAILERS, Dump Trucks or any heavy equipment machinery. 2005 SKYLINE 2Br, Cash paid. 2Ba. 16x66. Handicap 302-650-4579 ramp, deck, non smoking environment, CLEANING cntrl air. $39,000 Call ~ SERVICES 570-678-7742 ~ *delawarepropertymgt com ELKTON 16 Acres wlbarn, outbuildings, pond, 200+ yo house $574,900 or 22 Ac for $724,900 Prudential Fox & Roach 484-748-6202 ask for J. Patrick ' Curran BLACK. AKC Shots WEDDING GOWN & wormed. $150. Alfred Angelo lace & 218 Wilson Mill Rd, pearl size 10. Long Oxford . Henry Fisher train. $95. Please ca.1l 302-737-6294 New Today Cleaning Services. Lic.,lns'd,Bnd. MACAWS (2) Blue & Total Home Care (610) 274-3288 Gold & Scarlet. Would like to sell together but Will separate . Great health. $800 ea or $1500 both. Come wI cages 410-808-6288 MERCHANDISE ~NIMALS/PETS MDIDE AREA Gorgeous 4Br, 3Ba cape. 4 acres, 8 stall barn, infr pool. RE/MAX Home Experts, Luke 215-218-8896. Open 6/14, 1-4pm. ------- EARLEVILLE. Very nice, almost new, 3br, 2ba MH. Fridge, CAC, DIW, Irg. lot, great views . No pets. $925 mo . 302-4291894 GREAT DEAL ELKTON 213/4BR starting at $750 month. Must See! NO PETS 443-309-1602 www.thehomesfor REAL ESTATE U ~ New Today DUPLEXES FOR SALE Dr, Manor 4bd , 1.5ba $185,900 Features finishe~ lower level , hardwood floors, deck, double driveway. Priced below market!!! MLS 5496926 361 Mourning Dove Dr, Middle Run Crossing 4bd/2.5ba $459,900 Stunning finished bsmt, professional landscaping , new carpet, new hrdwd firs . Close to county parks . Newer AIC unit. Large, gorgeous interior. MLS 5496662 Brandywine Management 302-656-1058 ~=:;;;;~:;:;=~ OU~~~~~I~~~T WWW.CHESAPEAKE CLASSIFIED.COM SPORTING GOODS II.ft,,?:'J ---.:.._ l~~~~. ~I;A~M~M!I!O~C~A.N"S[IIU 50 cal $10 & 30 cal $8. Good for storing ammo, tools & utility. 302-368-9562 FULL WET SUIT NEW tags still on it "Body Glove" royal blue & black fits 4 10" -5 ft 70-80 Ibs $95 CALL 302-737-6294 YARD SALES PU weeks old. 1 girl, boys. AKC. $500 ea . 410-920-2321 ~iiiir.iiiiii New Today SALE ,...;;::==Sanfor<! "' ,.. ~ HOUSES FOR -NEW PRICE- 312 Skeet Ave, Fox Run 3bd , 1.5ba $192,900 Renovated Bear home, front & rear decks, new floors throughout, totally renovated kitchen . AlC, gas heat. MLS 5520710 RISING SUN 3Br, all appl's, finished bsmnt, fenced yd. $1275/mo + sec. 410-398-6178 ~ ~ "' GENERAL ,.. MERCHANDISE WANTED QJsl baseball cards from 1973 and older 302-420-5866 ~ OPEN ~ HOUSES or!ll!l~ F' SALE Drive , ELKTON Winding Brook - 3Br. End unit. WID hookup. No pets. $7001 mo. + sec. Call 610-476-3368 ter Needed! for a reliable sitter a wealth of child-care exp I knowledge. 12hr days - Tues, Wed and Fri for an infant D"'HOUSES FO girl starting in Oct RENT 2009 . Willing to obtain or already have Child CPR Cert. We also have 2 Jack Russell Terriers. Competitive salary. 302-388-7780. 2 Jones Place, Bear, 3bd, 2.5ba QUALITY Princeton Woods, CONTROL end-unit twnhome , Earn up to $100/ mstr suite, laundry day. Evaluate retail rm , garage, fenced stores . Training pro- yrd $975 vided. No exp ·req'd . Call 877-264-9691 2 Maywood Dr, Newark, 3bd , 1.5ba ranch home, hrdwd firs, wId , fncd yrd. spacious rms , great kitchen $1250 QUICKLUBE now FACILITY accepting applica- 91 E. Main St., tions. Must have Newark, 1bd, 1ba experience, be polite convenient location, and courteous , well walk to class, above groomed and handle Grassroots, elevayourself in a profes- tor, water allowance sional manner at all $965 times. Apply in person at Williams Chevrolet Brandywine #5 Automotive Blvd, 3Moa2~6a5g6e~oe5n8t Elkton MD. HOUSES FOR ~ (302) 366-0208 ELKTON. 2br, 2nd fir, wId, dishwasher, no pets. $750 mo. + sec dep 443-350-7684 II!S""HELP WANTED ,.. PART-TIME U FOR RENT ELKTON- Turnquist TH, 3br, 1.5 bath. No pets. $950 Imo. 1-410-639-9008 • ADOPT. REWARD! 1101 Millstone Newark, DE 19711 Y New Today New Today " ' LOST & ,. FOUND 203 New London Rd, Walk to UD, all w/4 BR 2BA (4 Apts in 1 Bldg) 49 E. Cleveland Ave, Walk to UD, 3BR 1BA Duplx Delaware Property Management Co. L.L.C. "' ELKTON PersimELKTON HEIGHTS mon Creek 2br 2.5ba, 2Br, 1ba. Enclosed bk no pets $1000/mo + porch $800/mo No sec 302-293-5367 AREA pets. 410-885-2223 CALVERT apartment on farm. - - - - - - - To Share $600 per mo + electricity. 410-658-6410 " . ADOPTIONS A beautiful financially secure home filled with LOVE, music and laughter, stayhome mom & doting dad yearn for baby. Expenses paid. Ned & Stephanie 1-800-816-8424 UHOUSES FO RENT F' 120 Mount Royal Ave . West Bel Air Ave, right to Mount Royal. Sat, June 13, 8am-2pm . Furniture, household, lots of good stuff! ABERDEEN 893 . Oxford Ave. Rt 40 ·to Edmund St, 1st stop · ART sign, make right to Oxford. Sat, June 13, 8am-2pm. Household, ANTIQUES, clothes, car parts, lots Sports memorabilia, of misc items. and Presidential photos & more . Call 410-996-9508 ~NTIQUES/ ~ MOBILE ~ HOMES FOR SALE GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies, pure. , bred. $200. 443-3502156 or 410-658-2499 ...,1.,••• ~• "!' CHIHUAHUA PUPPIES 3 ' litters to choose . $350 . Very playful. 410-275-2723 " , . ApPLIANCES Newly renovated 2 br 1ba, in Village Brook $10 ,000 . Need park .'~I~"l.l approval. Avai l now. GOLDEN DOODLE 302-463-6338 PUPS Very light color. TV Hitachi 46" F1 B. Bom 5/27109 . 1st Hi-def plasma projecshots. 410-218-9930 tion with stand. $300 410-658-7601 GERMAN Shepherd pups pure bred, parSERVICES ents AKC & ACA reg . Wormed and vet chk, HOME farm raised, parents IMPROVEMENT on premises . $325 SERVICES each . 717-862-1053 BRANTWOOD LAST SALE S213- ELK FOREST ROAD to Brantwood Dr. 6/13 , 8-2. China cab, Avon, clothes, fum , Elvis albums , pic frames , misc. ~ ~ ,.. CHILDREN/ CALVERTI N EAST 317 Old Zion Rd, off Rt 272, Sat 6/13 8a-2 crib, car seats, unused Tupperware , toys & much more! BABY ITEMS New Today SWINGSET Little Tykes & step 2 outdoor toys for sale. 443-309-3648 CALL OR EMAIL CHESAPEAKE CLASSIFIED 800-220-1230· 410-398-1230 www.chesapeake Post Classifieds Friday, June 12, 2009 Page 25 , . " . YARD SALES , . " . YARD SALES , . " . YARD SALES , . " . YARD SALES , . " . YARD SALES , . " . YARD SALES VENDERS WANTED!! New Today 1111111 ~~~~-~ CHARLESTOWN! N EAST 72 Heisler Ave, corner of Delaware Ave & Heisler Sat 6/13 8·3 HUGE yard sale, 20 years ot stuff, everything must go Pl~G1tl CO oWl . 1573 Liberty Grove Rd on Sat June 13th at lam-? OC'f .Futon, SALE! girls clothing, toys, household items and more. [B'4.!IiI:G~lr~1 .. YARD ELKTON· corner of W Main St & Landing Lane inside, PBS Locksmith Shop ELKTON LIONS CLUB Used Book Sale Sat June 13th 8:30a • 5:30pm ELKTON Elkwood Estates Manor Rd, Sat 6/13 9a-2p Rain Date Sun June 14th 9a·2p ~~~ens 9a~~f~e~: mens western shirts, dolls, housewares, Nascar collectibles, quilts, much more . No early birds, please. New Today ELKTON 409 Gallaher Rd. off Big ELk Chapel. Sat, June 13, 8am-? Baby clothes all sizes, mostly girls. New Today ELKTON 13 Peach Rd in Meadowview off Fletchwood Rd. Sat, June 13, 9am-4pm. Baby clothes, books, toys, household, more ELKTON 85 Hickory Ln. (Meadows at Elk Creek off Muddy Ln) Sat, June 13, 8amNoon. Tools, household, VHS tapes, misc ~ ..- I New Today Illel: -------- ELKTON 1548 Blue Ball Rd, across from Leeds Church, Sat 6/13, 8a·3p New Today YARD --~ ELKTON, MD 2005 Pebble Beach Drive, Sat June 13th 9am· 2pm 1 DAY ONLY No reasonable offer refused, everything must go! New Today 4tffill ELKTON 1375 Blueball Rd. (Corner of Childs & Blueball) . ELKTON 7 Heather Sat, June 13, 7am·? Kitchen stuff; furniCourt, in . Kennsington COLORA· 142 Courts, Sat 6/13 7·? ture, clothes, tools, Barnes Corner Road, gas grill, books hlh glassware, etc. near Hopewell Rd items electronics & etc Collectors Estatel intersection . Sat & Sun June 13th & r--~~---------- \~~~] , . " . YARD SALES ~ 2nd ANNUAL OXFORD, PA .... BOROUGH -WIDE YARD SALE Saturday, June 20, 2009 F 9 t? rom a.m. 0 . SEARCH THESE LOCATIONS FOR GREAT VALUES! 105 N. Second St. 450 South St. 113 Pine St. 306 Wheeler Blvd. 226 Maryland Ave. 549 W. Locust St. 408 S. 5th St 20 N. 2nd St. 331 Broad St. Sycamore Crossing : 240 Beaumont St. 317 Manchester St. Follow the yellow signs to the New to You (NTY)Thrift Shop at Ware Presbyterian Village 7 E. Locust Street Brookside Estates: 415 N. Brookside 410 N. Brookside 101 Sebastian Dr. 112 Sebastian Dr. 105 Midland Dr. 303 S. Brookside Dr. 320 S. Brookside Dr. 117 W. Hillside Dr. 124 West Hillside Dr. RAIN OR SHINE And don't forget to frequent our stores and restaurants while you are vlsitinq our town. Call for directIons 610·932-2500 LITTLE BRITAIN {PAl Fox Hunt Drive, 2 miles from MD off 272. Fri June 12th & Sat June 13th, 8am1pm. YARD ~ Huge annual yard sale in Charlestown, MD Sept. 26th 8a-2p $20 per outdoor space. Contact Dawn 410·287·6818 PERRYVILLE 34 Patterson Ave., Perryville MD, 21903. Garage Sale, NORTH EAST Plum Creek Rd, Sat 6/13, 8· 6/13/09 7:30-1 :OOpm ? furn ., pic's, desk, & 6/14/09 1:00pm-4:30 more MOVING SALE LAWN & GARDEN EQUIPMEN UFARM SUPPLIES "" I EQUIPMENT MONTEREY '07 180 FS, includes trailer. 18' open bow, 4.3 '-"'_. . Volvo Penta. I/O. 30 660 hrs. loaded, fiberglass RAKE wlpony wheel floors, swim platform , 410-658-6400 ask for DF, bimini top and Norm Hunter cover. $18,900. Call 410-885-9982 ~ \AI TRANSPORTATION Alilipiili. -::;';iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniii. " . POWER BOATS " . POWER BOATS ~ MARINE ~ ACCESS./ STORAGE New Today 20HP Mercury O/B . Used only 6 times, like IlIIIIPI~'1 new. $1700 OBO. 443-406-7698 YARD ~ ELKTON at the Bee Hive near Rock Church Rt 273 & Little Elk Creek Rd Sat 6/13 8·3 Hunter ceiling fans, lights & electronics, lamps & hlh items, kids toys, infant seat, baby bouncer boys, clothes 3mo - 4T ~iiiiii~iiii~ ....... HUGf ELKTON 209 & 219 E. Main St at Elkton Presbyterian & Elkton United Methodist Churches Sat 6/13 7·2 at both locations Everything plus a bake sale & food available. Benefits the Needy Family Fund, food pantry & mission trip. Spaces & tables avail 410-441-4589 8'x10' Self standing. 2 yrs old, exc condo Propane heater. Pd New 350 motor, ~ $2500, sell for $1200 blo 410-838-2926 . many new extras. $4500443·466-4710 U N EAST 167 Old Bayview Rd, near Cecil College Frl 6112 TOOLS & Sat 6/13 8a·? both RISING SUN Huge days clothes, collectibles, hlh & more! sale, Sunrise Estates, _ _ _ _...,-_ __ Ryan Drive, Sat June 13, 7-1. Webkinz., ~Ma/tl Boys & girls Gym'ami/! NO AST. Shel- boree, baby items, tools, TOOLS table saws, ter Cove Rd, near maternity, Princess . house, band saws, drill presssanders, etc. Jackson Marine on Fri indoorl outdoor, toys, es, 6/12 9a-2, Sat 6/13 Antique glassware, Approx 7 pc. Call for 7a-2. Name brand furniture + MORE! Info 410-808-6288 clothes, kids bike, triCLASSIFIEDS cycle, vacuume, Little Tykes, MUCH MORE 41 ()"398-1230 800-220-1230 Rain or Shine! ~ & Saturday June 13 8:30A.M.- 2:30 P.M. Many new items Incl. retail store close out inventory. NEWARK Oak Tree Apts, bldg 7,1 mile off Elkton Rd, Fri & Sat 9a·3p both days moving sale, recession prices hlh items ladies clothing &misc NORTH EAST· 648 Valley Mechanics Road, Saturday June 13th, 8am-1 pm. Baby clothes, large variety of misc items. Great prices!!! .CHESAPEAKE CLASSIFIED CAN WORK YOU TREE PLANTING LEYLAND CYPRESS FREE Delivery And Plnnting 6 Month Warranty Trees 2 10 21h ft. each ........... $15.oo Trees 31h 104ft. each ............ $25.00 Trees 41h 105ft. each ............ $40.00 Other Trees Available 302-344-3696 302-653-2273 CONSTRUCTION t~t ~·Mfllti l\''MfA'Family ANYWAY YOU LOOK AT IT, 30' TROJAN SPORTFISH '77 Repowered in '08 wI new motors & trans. Twin Chrysler 318. Sleeps 6. Galley, head ~f~,~~6~1~~~'s:'~~~~ VEHICLES 29' JAYCO '08 Melbourne RV. Class D, (3)slides, 950 miles, .!.!R!t Q!1Jtlx. I.2ru!l!.d. plush, mint cond" conv. stove etc. Resale $91,665 sell for only $68,000 blo 443-350-2881 Here's My Card . .. local Busines~es At A Glance ~~ HUGE BARGAINSI GARAGE-YARD SALE Old Telegraph Road & Mary Court Warwick Friday June 12 19' SEARAY '85 open bow, well maintained with extras. Purchased from orig owner in '01. $4500 blo 410·642·6351 REcREATION NORTH EAST Zion Acres Rd. Calvert area - above College off 272. Sat, June 13, 8am-4pm. Daycare going out of business! Funiture , washer I dryer, misc items. CLASSIFIEDS 410-398-1230 800-220-1230 Free Estimates Voice Mail 717·786-0271 Double E Construction Ltd. Quarryville, PA • New Construction _ .... • • ~ • Roofing & Siding Custom Built • Barns & Garages TO Fit • Additions Your Needs " • Decks ~ ~ •• " Customer Satisfaction Ephraim Smucker Keeps Us In Business CLEANING SERVICES Tyme-4-U Cleaning Customized Seroices to Meet Your Needs! 30% OFF Your First Cleaning With This Ad Weekly -Bi-Weekly Monthly -One-TIme SatisfactUm Guaranteed! 302·602·0533 ~\ ,.~\ 1\ II Page 26 Post Classifieds Friday, June 12, 2009 THE COURT OF THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS COMMON PLEAS FOR THE STATE FOR THE STATE OFDELAWARE OFDELAWARE IN AND FOR IN AND FOR NEW CASTLE NEW CASTLE COUNTY COUNTY IN RE: CHANGE OF IN RE: CHANGE OF NAME OF NAME OF Samith Musthyala Jennifer Johns Gimbl PETITIONER(S) PETITIONER(S) TO: Samith Musthyala Gupta NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Samith Musthyala int~J?-ds to - present a PetItIon to the Court of Common Pleas for t~e State of Delaware III and for New Cast~e County, to change. hislher name to Samlth Musthyala Gupta. M. Samith Petitioner Dated: 6/1/09 np 6112,19,26 THE COURT OF r THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR THE STATE O~D~~~E LEGAL NOTICE THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR THE STATE OF DELAWARE NEW CASTLE ~~J"ii: COUNTY COUNTY IN RE: CHANGE OF IN RE: CHANGE OF TO NAME OF . NAME OF Jennifer Frances Zachary Edward Christina Nicole Johns Coffing Johnson NOTICE IS HEREBY PETITIONER(S) PETITIONER(S) GIVEN that Jennifer- TO: Zachary Ashton TO Johns Gimbl int~~ds Edward Coffing Christina Nicole to present a PetItIon NOTICE IS HEREBY Johnson Leeson to the Court of Com- GIVEN that Zach- NOTICE IS HEREBY mon Pleas for t~e ary Edward Coffing GIVEN that ChrisState of Delaware III intends to present a tina Nicole Johnson and for New Cas~le Petition to the Court intends to present a County, to change ~sl of Common Pleas for Petition to the Court her name to JennIfer the State of Delaware of Common Pleas for in and for New Castle the State of Delaware Frances Johns. . Jenmfer J ..~lmbl County, to change hisl in and for New Castle PetItlOner her name to Zachary County, to change hisl Dated: 5/26/09 Ashton Edward Coff- her name to Christina np 6/5,12,19 . ing. Nicole Johnson LeeSusan Coffing son. William Coffing Christina N. Johnson THE COURT OF Petitioner Petitioner COMMON PLEAS Dated: 6/3/09 FOR THE STATE Dated: 614109 np 6112,19,26 np 6/12,19,26 OF DELAWARE IN AND FOR NEW CASTLE COUNTY IN RE: CHANGE OF CPG, INC. NAME OF 20~6 NEW CASTLE AVE. Tanya Bernal NEW CASTLE, DE 19720 PETITIONER(S) 302-658-6121 TO _ NOTICE OF GARAGE KEEPERS SALE Tyson Morales . SALE DATE: JULY 7,2009 @ 10:00 AM NOTICE IS HEREBY '94 BMW SIN .................. WBABE6328RjC14381 GIVEN ~hat Tanya Bernal Illte~d.s to '94 FORD SIN ................. 1FDWF6084RVA23908 present a PetItIon to '07 HYUNDAI SIN .......... 5NPET46C57H232323 the Court of Common '98 CHEVY S/N .............. 1G1NE52M8W6146651 ~~~~~% tf: ~a:ef~~ '92 LEXUSS/N ...................JT8VK13T3N0063305 New Castle County, to '98 MERCURY SIN ........ .4M2ZU55POWUj10833 change hislher name '04 DODGE S/N ................ 1B3EL36X94N137077 to Tyson Morales. Tanya Bernal '94 CADILLAC SIN .......... 1"G6KS52Y9RU807130 Petitioner np 6112 COMMON PLEAS FOR THE STATE OF DELAWARE IN AND FOR NEW CASTLE COUNTY IN RE: CHANGE OF NAME OF . Carla L. Waller PETITIONER(S) T5 Carla L. Gibbs NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Carla L. Waller intends to present a Petition to the Court of Common Pleas for the State of Delaware in and for New Cast~e County, to change hislh~r name to Carla L. GIbbs. ' Carla L. W~ller Carla L .. ~lbbs Dated: 5/29/09PetItIoner Dated: 6/1109 np 615,12,19 LEGAL NOTICE np 6/12 ,19,26 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - PUBLIC SALE LEGAL NOTICE HERRERA, INC., tla LA TOLTECA, has on Notice is hereby given that the undersigned May 29, 2009 applied with the Office of the will sell at public sale on JULY 17, 2009 at PS Alcoholic Beverage Control Commissioner for ORANGECO INCJPUBLIC STORAGE, 201 approval of a "substantive change" to a license Bellevue Rd., Newark, DE 19713 at 12:00 by adding a u6-seat bar" to a restaurant with a p.m., the personal property heretofore liquor license on the premises located at 304stored with the undersigned by: 308 Fox Hunt Drive, Fox Run Shopping CenA048 - Danyle Bartlett - boxes, furniture ter, Bear, Delaware 19701. A098 - Richard Weiss - bags, boxes, vacuPersons' who are against this application um should provide written notice of their objecB024 - Terry Harter - boxes, clothing, bed tions to the Commissioner.. For the Commissioner to be required to hold a hearing to con- . frame Bl13 - Latera Harrison - boxes, clothing, sider additional input from persons against bed frame the application, the Commissioner must receive one or more documents containing a B152 - Bonnie McNair c boxes, furniture total of at least 10 signatures of residents of E048 - Michele Bibbs - suitcase, totes, TV property owners located within 1 mile of the E143 - Francis Gachaga - bed,dresser, cofpremises or in any incorporated areas located fee table within 1 mile of the premises. The protest(s) F028 - Alysha Andrews - misc. household must be filed with the Office of the AlcoF087 - Ketesia Walls - boxes, electronics holic Beverage Control Commissioner at the G032 - Fred Worden 11/ - totes, furniture 3rd Floor, Carvel State Building, 820 North H037 - Tomecka Stocks - boxes, electronFrench Street, Wilmington, Delaware 19801. ics The protest(s) must be received by the Commissioner's office on or before June 29, 2009. G022 - Doris Morris - furniture, toys Failure to file such a protest may result in the Bl16 - Malinda Johnson - boxes, electronCommissioner considering the application ics, toys without further notice, input or hearing. If F031 - Carmen Thompson - bedding, boxanyone has questions regarding this matter, es, furniture please contact the Commissioner's office. np 6/12,19 · np 5129,615,12 , LEGAL NOTICE THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR THE STATE OF DELAWARE IN AND FOR NEW CASTLE COUNTY IN RE: CHANGE OF NAME OF Hafid Valdivia-Cordova PETITIONER(S) TO H<tfid De la CruzValdivia NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Hafid Valdivia-Cordova intends to present a Petition to the Court of Common Pleas for the State of Delaware. in and for New Castle County, to change hisl her name to .H.afid De la Cruz-ValdIvIa. Griselda ValdiviaCordova Madre Petitioner D d 5/21/09 ate : np 5/29,6/5,12 LEGAL NOTICE THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR THE STATE OF DELAWARE IN AND FOR NEWCASTLE COUNTY IN RE: CHANGE OF NAME OF Jennifer M. Shuler PETITIONER(S) TO Jennifer M. Hillman NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Jennifer M. Shuler intends to present a Petition to the ,Court of Common Pleas for the ·State of Delaware in and for New Castle County, to change her name to Jennifer M. Hillman. Jennifer M. Shuler Petitioner Dated: May 12, 2009 np 5/29,6/5,12 r---==~-::-:::::---' CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE AT WWW.CHESAPEAKE CLASSIFIED.COM CITY OF NEWARK DELAWARE PUBLIC HEARING . NOTICE PNTHEUSEOF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT TUESDAY, JUNE 16, 2009 7:00 PM NEWARK CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER 220 ELKTON ROAD, NEWARK, DE The purpose of this meeting is to review current activities funded by the Federal Community Development Block Grant program and the Newark Revenue Sharing program and to provide infor.mation on funding and application process for the 36th Year (July 1, 2010 - June 30, 2011) Community Development Block Grant program. The meeting is sponsored by Newark's Community Development/Revenue Sharing Advisory Committee. np 6/12 PUBLIC AUCTION Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will sell at a public auction on 7/17/09 at 1:00 p.m. at: ' PS ORANGECO INC./PUBLIC STORAGE SBOO KIRKWOOD HWY•• WILMINGTON. DE 19BOB S02-99B-0125 the personal property heretofore stored . with the undersigned by: 1171 - Bonnie Smith - 50 boxes, furniture, bedding, electronics 1101 - Turquoise Garcia - 50 boxes, furniture, bedding 2022 - Sylvia Goberman 2nd - 50 boxes, bedding, electronics 2025 - joseph Young - 3 boxes, 2 totes 2056 - Eric Fox - 5 boxes 4021 - Ronald Cunningham - 5 boxes, 2 totes, furniture 4046 - Catenis Evans - 5 boxes, furniture, electronics 4110 - Joseph Young -ladders, big toy 5073 - Kathy Barkley - boxes, furnitl,lre np 6112,19 LEGAL NOTICE The following Sentinel Self Storage sites will be holding public auctions on July 8, 2009. All sales are cash only and final. A $100 cash deposit is required to purchase a unit. SENTINEL SELF STORAGE 200 First State Boulevard Wilmington DE, 19804 302-999-0704 Public auction to be held on July 8, 2009 at 11:00 a.m. The following units will be auctioned: #0115 - Maria Collazo - 2 bags, mattress, 13 boxes, china cabinet, dining room chairs, microwave, desk, fan, ice chest, ·Ioveseat, end tables, dining room tables, 2 #0239 - Rashidah Roane - 2 bags, bed frame, box spring, mattress, entertainment center, monitor, speakers, 4 tires, 2 totes, jack #0322 - Margaret Nichols - air conditioner, baby chair, 9 bags,S boxes, fish tanks, rug, 2 totes, TV stand #1263 - Anthony l. Cheeks -box spring, mattress, desk, entertainment center, floor lamp, TV .. #3150 - Keith Rineer - 4 bags,S boxes, rug, 2 totes, toys, curio cabin~ , #5107 - Cecilia Cross - 1 bag, headboard, 3 boxes, kitchen chairs, chest of drawers, dresser, ironing board #4115 - Clayburn j. Creppon - baby stroller, clothing, sofa, lamp, loveseat, totes SENTINEL SELF STOR"GE 465 Pulaski Hwy. New Castle, DE 19720 302-328-5810 . A public auction will be held on Wednesday, July 8; 2009 at 1:00 p.m. The contents of the following storage units will be auctioned. . #3045 - Arricka Burruss - baby stroller, bags, bed frame, boxes, couch, dresser, entertainment center, ironing board, dining table, totes, toys, TV, futon, printer SENTINEL SELF STORAGE 1100 Elkton Road Newark, DE 19711 302-731-8108 A public auction will be held on Wednesday, July 8, 2009 at 10:00 a.m. The contents of the following storage units will be auctioned: #3105 - Cynthia McGuire - desk, entertainment center, lamp, pictures, shelving, totes, toys, washer #5044 - Robert l. Congo, Jr. - bed frame, mattress, boxes, upholstered chair, couch, desk, dresser, microwave, night table, totes, BBQ grill, file cabinet #5005 - Jason Mandato - air conditioner, boxes,desk, table lamp, shelving, tool box, portable TV, portable heaters, curio cabinet #4011 - Kevin Bazzani - boxes, shelvIng, speakers, stereo, toys, console Tv, tools, printer . #4009 - Christian johnston, Jr. - headboard, boxes, kitchen chair, clothing, couch, dresser, microwave, shelving, kitchen table, toys, tapes, vacuum, corner stand SENTINEL SELF STORAGE 333 E. Lea Blvd. Wilmington, DE 19802 302-764-6300 Public auction to be held on July 8, 2009 at 12:00 p.m. at the above address. All sales are cash only. All sales are final. The units to be auctioned are as follows: #32 - Frederick Martin - bags, boxes; kitchen chair, upholstered chair, couch, ice chest, pictures, suitcase, tool box, totes, vacuum #98 - Evon Yett - bags, boxes,.totes #170 - Keisha Coleman - baby chair, baby crib, bags, microwave, shelving, totes #14~ - Craig l. Hutt - paint, wood, tools #273 - Patricia Olesky - boxes #310 - Angela D. Ames - upholstered chair, couch, love seat, refrigerator, totes, toys #322 - Andrew .Brock - bags, boxes, kitchen chair, desk, fan, speakers;totes, golf clubs #354 - Phillip Davis - bags, kitchen chair, computer, kitchen table, totes #408 - Thomas E. Glenn - boxes #409 - Chris Day - baby crib, bed, headboard, boxes, filing cabinet, office chair, upholstered chair, couch, desk, shelving np 6/5,12 Post Classifieds Friday, June 12, 2009 Page 27 U CAMPERS/ ,. Pop-UPs 1995 STARCRAFT CAMPER $2,000 b/o Call 610-932-8965 ~ ,. MOTORCYCLES/ " ' AUTO PARTS & ATVs ,. ACCESSORIES HARLEY' DAVIDSON WIDE GLIDE '05 Black cherry metallic, 5,000 miles. Many extras $16,000410-391-0384 ". AUTOS U' WANTED U' WANTED ,. TO Buy ,. TO Buy WE BUY JUNK cars, trucks & vans. $100 & up. 302-4207411 or 302-650-4579 A BIG AMOUNT OF - - - - - - - CASH PAID for all cars & trucks. Free towing 443-378-2612 . ....---------, WE BUY SCRAP OUR WEBSITE METAL! Call for free MIGHT HAVE pick up and appraisal. WHAT YOU'RE We buy from small matchbox cars to LOOKING FOR! industrial large ings! 302-650-4579 New Today New Today New Today CHEVY '89, re-built WHEELS & TIRES 350 engine and trans . (4) 15x7 Torqu~ thrust Runs good. Needs two wheels wI tires for TLC. 410-642-2494 26' POP UP Grand "'-K-L-X-2-5-0--E-nd-u-ro"" Chevrolet $700 Call Tour. Sleeps 7. Used '07. Like new, less 410-457-0316 . only 1x/yr. $3280 than 300 miles. neg. 302-992-0923 $25000BO. ~ TRUCKS/SPORT 302-463-1599 , . UTILITY VEHICLE EAGLE SUMMIT ~ MOTORCYCLES/ '95 all wheel drive, ,. ATVs reliable stick, $~500 or b/o 410-658-9566 CASH PAID FOR motorcycles and Alv's: PONTIAC VI BE, 1990 and newer, will VICTORY HAMMER DODGE RAM 1/2 'OS, blk, Ithr, Sr, 5 spd, pick up. 610-637-9493 '05, 100 cu inch eng, - TON '89 318 cu in, 2 54k I miles, $12,500 obo. Call 410-920HD FXFTC '91 New custom paint. Chrome whl dr, auto. Runs tires & more 10K orig wheels , drag pipes, great. $850 b/o Call 4848 miles $7 000 blo 410- extra chrome pkg. 250 Dan at 302-383-5876 TOYOTA SIENNA 398-9137 call aft 3pm re.a r wheel, 7 ,500 LE '02 runs good & _ _ _ _ _ _ _ miles. Show room looks good, like new, HERITAGE SOFT condo $13,900. Call new timing belt, tires, TAIL 2003, 5K 443-845-1973 battery, 150k miles MILES, lots of extras.' $5495 or b/o 410-392Garage kept. $10,000. " ' AUTO PARTS & FORD BRONCO II 6135 or 302-275-4712 410-652-6324 ,. ACCESSORIES '87 ~uns good, needs I'r"'''''''''''''''~~=='''''''~ new clutch & other VW SUPER small work. 105,000 BEETLE 1971 miles $1,000 or best Great body, purple, offer. 443-402-0957 runs good. $4,000 41 0-287 -6588 PONTIAC AZTEK I!;;;;;;;;=====-" 289 FORD ENGINE SUV '01 exc shape Www.cookautomo $200. 4 Transmission runs great 120k mi., $50 each . Call $3500410-287-7542 Mazda, Chrysler is 410-642-2494 proud to announce to TOYOTA Highlander the people of Cecil AWD, fully '02. Gold, PICK UP CAP. '07 Co. that we made the for ext. cab, GMC or loaded, 20k. Impeccacut. For your next Chevrolet. Maroon. ble condition. Asking purchase come talk to $500. 410-893-1992 $16,900. Must see! Patrick Lindsey or 410-272-5843 or 410-838-7675 call 443-206-3961 New Today New Today New Today New Today New Today New Today ~isit one of these local dealers and drive home happy! Direct: (443)553-6726 Office: (410) 398-9000 E-mail: VOLKSWAGEN SmifII, VOLKSWAGEN,LTD .. 4304 Kirkwood Highway, WILMINGTON, DE 302-998-0131 Drivers wanted ~ ® STAPLEFORD'S CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE 302-834-4568 e> ST. GEORGES, DE Susan M. ARDENT TITLE COMPANY (410) ~night • Settlement Agent 149-151 E. Main Street, Elkton, MD 21921 Fax (410) 996~9784 • 996~9780· Phone Number 15 YEAR Fixed %PTS.APR 30 YEAR Fixed %PTS.APR 1 YEAR ARM %PTS.APR 3 YEAR ARM %PTS.APR 5 YEAR ARM %PTS,APR APGFCU 1-888-LOAN-391 5.375/0/5.51 5.375/0/5.8 6.5010/4.016 5.87510/4.253 6.3751014.744 CECIL BANK . (410) 398-1650 LENDER CLASSIC MORTGAGE CORP (302) 366-1661 MBA FINANCIAL SERVICES . (410) 287-5600 PEOPLES BANK OF ELKTON (410) 996-2265 WILMINGTON MORTGAGE (410) 398-5607 *PLEASE CALL FOR RATES 5.01015.23 Please call for quotes. Many programs. All credit considered. 5.1251015.26 Call For FHA Rates! ! 5.3751015 .61 5.751015.83 PLEASE CALL FOR RATES. 100% financing available-Interest only options! 1st time home buyers, 2nd homes & investment properties. 5.51.5/3.614 5.37510/3 .828 6.12510/4.4 FREE PRE-APPROVAL - NO APPLICATION FEE These rates, effective 6/09/09, were provided by the lenders and are subject to change. Other terms may be available. These rates are for existing first mortgages. Points may vary on refinances. Down payment requirements may vary. *Caps and length may vary on adjustable rates. The APR is based on a $100,000 mortgage with a 20% down payment and is in addition to interest included points fees & other credit costs. To list your mortgage rates, call our Real Estate Sales Division at 410 398-3311 or 1-800-220-3311. These mortgage rates are a paicj;advertising feature of the Cecil Whig . l~'~l WI L MI N G T O -N • FHA, VA, and Rural Development • Self Employed • Bridge Loans • Reverse Mortgages lMORTGAGE 205 East Main Street, Elkton, MD 21921 Office: 410-398-5607· TOLL FREE: 800-607-5607 Loan Officer Kim Pettitt Bruce Fink Loan Officer Loan Officer Page 28 • The Newark Post • Friday,June 12, 2009 News, Advertising • 737-0724 Classifieds • 1-800-220-3311 You're Invited to an Open House and ~tJ:FIr;na.,a· eebration You Won't Want t , • From June 12 - 21, come to a Miracle-Ear® center for a FREE Video Otoscope, our Open House celebration, and more. Take advantage of a variety of FREE Services at your local Miracle 'or Sears Hearing Aid Center. What is a FREE Video Otoscope? This amazing technology allows us to look into your ear canal while you watch on a video screen. Our consultant will explain what you're seeing and answer any questions you might have. See on video once and for all if your hearing loss is caused by something as simple as earwax. It's free, quick and painless. Free Hearing Test": We'll take you through a quick, free hearing test to help you understand your hearing loss. Save 6 on one hearing aid when Call now to Free Clean & Checkt: Bring in your hearing aids (no matter the brand) and we'll check and clean them for you. Miracle Ear at Sears 4737 Concord Pike Concord Mall· 302-477·1787 Miracle Ear at Prices Kirkwood Hwy • ......"""