W-O CARBURETER - The Carburetor Shop
W-O CARBURETER - The Carburetor Shop
Form 3359 April. 1939 CARTER CARBURETOR CORPORATION. T. LOUIS, MO. U. u. A. 1939 W-O Circuit Service Procedure Reprinted July. 19.39 SERVICE PROCEDURE W-O CARBURETER A fast, simple, Circuit method of servicing Carter W-O Carbureters. Use Carter Tool Kit. BE ACCURATE. \. Remove choker link pin spring. c h 0 k e r connector link and spring. .Jr 7. Remove nozzle passage plug and gasket assembly. nozzle retainer plug and nozzle. To remove nozzle, use tool TI09-55. 2. 8. Remove air horn assembly with all parts attached. Remove low speed jet plug and gasket assembly. and low speed jet. 3. 9. Remove throttle shaft arm and screw assembly and throttle connector rod. Remove pump jet passage plug and gasket assembly. and pump jet. 4. 10. Remove bowl cover with all parts attached. Remove metering rod jet and gasket assembly. 5. n. Remove idle adjusting screw and spring. Disassemble fl an g e fr 0 m body and remove insulator and gaskets. 6. 12. Remove idle well plug and gasket assembly. and idle well jet. Remove strainer passage plug and gasket assembly. strainer and intake and discharge ball check as semblies. Oopyrigh t 1939 hy Oarter Oarhuretor Corpora lion CARTER CARBURETOR CORPORATION, ST. LOUIS, MO, U. S. A Ir 13. 19. Remove idle port rivet plug. Group all high speed sys tem parts. 14. 20. Remove throttle valve screws. throttle valve and throttle shaft and lever as sembly. Group all parts. pump system (I: 1., ~ -. ~ ii A I 0010 ., ~ 15. Remove all parts from air horn and dust cover as sembly. 21. Group parts. all choke system (See note at boltom o[ page.) 16. Disassemble all parts from bowl cover. Clean all castings oughly, inside and with a small brush clean gasoline. Then out all passages with pressed air. thor out, and blow corn· 22. Install bowl cover gasket. Check bowl cover [or warp age and wear on counter shaft pin. TO REASSEMBLE I) ..-...-11 17. 23. Group all parts controlling gasoline level. Install needle sea t and gasket in bowl cover. If needle shows groove on sealing sur f ace. replace both needle and seat. I... _.~! ~ Sl I' 18. 24. Group all idle system parts. Install needle in seat. then install float and lever as sembly. Check float for dents and wear on lip, and float pin fOJ wear. Note: Examine each part in each group and replace those parts that shows signs 01 wear or damage. If any carbon is in the bore of the !lange, remove it by scraping, or with sandpaper (do not use emery cloth). Install all parts tight Use all new gaskets. CARTER CARBURETOR CORPORATION, ST. LOUIS, MO, U. S. A . .J,. 25. Set noat level. 31. Assemble flange to body. Turn gasket a r 0 u n d so gauge can be placed on machined surface of cast ing. Adjustment is obtained by bending lip of float which contacts needle. Do not bend front of float as damage will result. When holding bowl cover in nor mal position, free end of float should have minimum drop of 112". Adjustment is made by bending small float-stop lips at anchored end of lIoat. Use new gaskets. Lin up holes in body casting with holes in insulator, gaskets and flange before tighten ing screws. Don't forget lock washers. 32. Install low speed jet. and low speed jet plug and gasket assembly. Work jet well inlo seal by moving back and forth to insure a good seaL 26. Install pump jet and pump jet plug and gasket as sembly. 27. 33. Install discharge and in take ball check assembly. strainer. and strainer plug and gasket assembly. Install idle well jet. and idle well plug and gasket assembly. 28. 34. Install pump spring. and pump plunger and rod as sembly. Install metering rod jet and gasket assembly. Examine jet and metering rod for wear. If ei,ther shows signs of damage, replace both. 29. Install throttle shaft and lever assembly and throttle valve. After installing lever, back out throttle lever adjusting screw. Then install valve with small "c" toward idle port opening and facing manifold sid e of flange. With valve screws loose, tap throttle valve lightly to cen tralize it in bore of car bureter. Hold valve in place w~th fingers and securely tighten screws. Always use new screws. 35. Install bowl cover as as sembled. Use new gasket. Tighten screws evenly and securely. 36. Install pump arm and col lar. and pump operating lever assembly on pin in bowl cover. 30. Install idle ad; ustm en t screw and spring. Set screw to specifications. t CAR·BURErER Trade )lark Be•. U. S. A. '" Canada CARTER CARBURETOR CORPORATION, ST. LOUIS, MO., U. S. A. 37. 43. Install pump connedor link. Install air hom and dust cover assembly on body. Ends of lin k should be away from bore with pin spring at top. Tighten screws evenly and securely. 38. Install throttle shaft arm and s ere w assembly on throttle shaft. Then install throttle con nector rod u sin g new spring and ret a i n e r at lower end and pin spring at top end. Examine throttle connector rod and throttle shaft arm for signs of wear. Centralize val vein air horn. then securely tighten screws. Always use new screws. Then attach choker pull back spring. 39. 45. Adjust pump stroke. Install choke tube bracket assembly. Install choker control lever and shaft assembly, and choker valve anembly. (See note at bottom of right hand column.) Connect choke pull back spring. 40. 46. mustration shows proper method of bending throttle connedor rod for pump ad justment. Install c h 0 k e r connector link. connector link spring and pin spring. Pump Adjustment: Back out throttle lever set screw. With throttle valve seated. pump should travel specified stroke from closed to wide open position. Adjustment can be made by bending throttle connector rod at lower angle with tool Tl09-41 (Fig. 40). Pump travel can be measured by using uni versal pump stroke gauge Tl09-117S by placing base of gauge on raised portion of bowl cover so that projecting ear of pump gauge rests on top surface of pump shaft. Hold gauge ver tical. The difference between the number shown by index mark on gauge, at wide open and closed positions will be travel in 64th's. Metering Rod Adjustment: Install metering pin and spring assembly, washer and nut loosely on pump operating lever. Insert gauge in place of metering rod. seating tapered end in metering rod jet. Hold gauge vertical to insure seating. With throttle valve seated, push metering rod pin even with shoulder of notch in gauge and tighten nut (tool Tl09-76). Remove gauge, and install metering rod. disc and pin spring. Connect metering rod spring. 41. Adjust metering rod. (See note a bottom of right hand column.) 42. Install noazle. Donie re tainer plug. and noaale plug and gasket assembly. Install nozzle with flat side facing up. Use tool Tl09-55. Always us. all new gaskets when se rvicing a Carter Carbureter t NO CARBURETER CAN DEUVER GOOD MILEAGE OR PERFORMANCE UNLESS COMPRESSION IS NORMAL AND THE MOTOR IS PROPERLY TUNED CARaURErER Trade Marl B... U. 8. .L 6; Canada
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