
January 2014
Happy New Year! As we begin 2014, your trustees and I wish everyone a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year!
Barnegat Light residents enjoyed 2013 free of the weather extremes
of the prior year—and we made it through the recent frigid temperatures.
Island wide activity was slower than prior years as the southern portions
of Long Beach Island continued their recovery from Superstorm Sandy.
After years of waiting, construction commenced for the additional eastbound bridge lanes to be added over the Manahawkin Bay. The final cost
of the project will exceed $200 million The initial project is scheduled to
be completed in 2016. Subsequent to completion of the new eastbound
lanes, reconstruction of the westbound lanes will commence with a projected completion date of 2019.
Our experiences with the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy, including
the need for more timely information on Barnegat Light and Long Beach
Island, encouraged us to undertake a review of our communication capabilities. After careful consideration and a significant amount of work by
several “tech savvy” trustees, we have launched an expanded and improved website at:
To improve the experience, we have eliminated the need for a login
and password and encourage you to visit. We invite you to submit suggestions and comments for posting on the website to be shared with all.
After an initial vote by the
Long Beach Island School District board in 2011 to close the
LBI Grade School in Ship Bottom and utilize the money from
the sale of that property to consolidate at and make improvements to the E.J. Jacobsen Elementary School in Surf City,
the Board reversed itself and
decided to rebuild the Sandy damaged school and re-open it as a separate
facility. Interim classrooms were provided in Surf City for the current
school year. At this writing the Board is struggling with cost overruns
and the continued presence of mold in the Ship Bottom facility.
A number of potential buyers continue to show interest in purchasing
the property, however, to date no decision has been reached by the
Board. Barnegat Light’s representative on the Board is Marilyn
Wasilewski who was recently re-elected for another term. It is important that Barnegat Light views are made to the full School Board
The Holidays are over, the
winter cold and snow is with us
and our thoughts turn to the
spring and summer of 2014
when we reopen our Barnegat
Light homes and start to enjoy
the gift that is LBI and the
uniqueness of Barnegat Light.
And a great way to accelerate the start of the summer
season is to renew your membership in the Barnegat Light
Taxpayers Association (BLTA).
Or if you are not a current member start your season by joining
this important organization.
The BLTA is your organization designed to keep you, the
Barnegat Light Taxpayer, aware
of town events and happenings,
especially those that may affect
property values and/or property
taxes. Plus it allows you to make
known your opinions about
these events.
A Taxpayer organization is
common in those communities
with a high percentage of 2nd
homes, where the owner is often
absent and usually has voting
rights in another community.
Your BLTA has been busy
developing a new, interactive
website as well as a more robust
email capability that will enable
us to provide you with timely
updates of BL events and happenings. This website is one of
the few on LBI that provides interactive ability for its members,
continued on page 2
continued on page 3
President’s Message
continued from page 1
►The Borough will be continuing the “Welcome to Your Beach Walkway”. For each donation of $135.00 an 8 foot section of Epi Roll-Up
walkway will be placed on the beach of your choice. Get together with
your neighbors and pick up a request form at Borough Hall. All donors
are listed on each street end.
and you are encouraged to
attend Board meetings and
express your views!
Finally, the beginning of a
New Year brings a request to
renew your membership in the
Barnegat Light Taxpayers Association. Included with the newsletter is a membership form
which we request you complete
and return with the annual dues
of $20—which remains unchanged from last year. You will
note we have modified the membership info request to allow you
to include multiple points of
contact. The “Sandy Experience” showed us that email is a
valuable tool for getting our
members information and we
encourage you to review and
provide a current email
address where you may be
Barnegat Light continues to
be an exciting and wonderful
place to live. There are attractions for everyone in our town
including the beach, our own
local Museum, the Lighthouse,
dining at our restaurants, shopping at our merchant’s stores, or
just relaxing. Barnegat Light is a
great place to call home. With
your input, we can continue to
maintain the uniqueness and
quaintness of our community.
Please plan to attend one or all
of our three General Meetings
this year and meet your Trustees
and fellow members of the community.
I look forward to meeting
you at one of our meetings.
Steve Danatos
►Beaches will officially open on Saturday June 14th through Labor Day
and two weekends in September. Lifeguard tryouts will be held June 7th.
Please request an application at the Borough Hall. Beach badge prices
will be as follows; pre-season: $25.00 until June 14th, after that the price
goes to $35.00 for the season.
$25.00 EACH
● Available November 25th through June15th ONLY!
The Cost Then Goes To $35.00
● All Pre Season Badges Must Be Purchased By 6/15
● Badges are required for all persons over the age of 11.
● Badges will not be mailed. Pre-Season Badges can be picked up at
the Borough Hall after December 1st.
● All other badges will be available for purchase after June 15th
Can ONLY be purchased IN PERSON with
proof of age
*Available in April*
Please make checks payable to:
P O Box 576, Barnegat Light, NJ 08006
►Construction of the 19th Street Handicapped Walkway will begin this
spring with completion for summer use.
►The Mile Swim, sponsored by the BLBP will be held July 26th. The
swim is open to all swimmers of all ages. Awards are given for winners
in each age bracket.
►This year the BLTA won’t be picking a specific day for the Beach
Walkway Clean-up. Rather, we are hoping that our Barnegat Light residents will make everyday a “Beach Walkway Clean-up Day” and keep
our beaches and dunes pristine and beautiful!
►The tennis courts will be resurfaced this spring provided the cost is
not prohibitive. .
►Tennis Passes. These must be purchased by June 15th.
PASS #1: The cost of this pass is $80.00. It gives the purchaser ten
(10) court hours. Four passes may be purchased per person. This pass is
non-refundable. Additionally, a Pass #1 holder may make reservations
for play during "non-peak" hours (Mon-Fri, 12 noon through 4pm) at the
rate of $6.00. Preference shall be given to pass holders with respect to
scheduling or reserving courts and reservations may be made by a pass
holder three weeks in advance.
PASS #2: The cost of this pass is $75.00 and it is a season pass for
one court at a firm and designated weekly one hour time, weekdays only.
This may not be changed or adjusted. However, if you are unable to play
due to inclement weather (ONLY), you may reschedule that hour only
for one hour in "non-peak" time (Mon-Fri, 12pm thru 4pm). This pass
allows the holder to make additional reservations three weeks in advance. One pass only may be purchased per person.
►The Barnegat Light Junior Lifeguard in Training (LIT) Program is offered to all 12 to 15 year old youths interested in learning water safety
skills and/or becoming a future lifeguard. Sessions will be held 10:0012:00 Monday through Friday mornings from June 30th to July 18th and
July 28th to August 9th. The cost of $100.00 includes a shirt, swim shorts
and sweatshirt. If enrolling in both sessions, the second session is $75.00
without clothing. Four instructors, bench guards after 12:00, train 60 LIT
participants per session. Applications are mailed out in February. Please
call Borough Hall at (609) 494-9196 to request an application. Remember, sessions fill up quickly, so don’t wait too long.
►Just a reminder, dogs are not allowed on the beach April 1st to September 30th. Dogs in Barnegat Light must be on-leash at all times. To
provide your dog with an opportunity to run free, our baseball field dog
park is a shared facility to make the best use of the large field and respond to community needs. Please respect others when using the field.
All dogs must be licensed and sociable. Please leave the park as clean, or
cleaner, than you found it so that we can continue to offer this opportunity for you and your dog.
►Renew your dog license during the month of January: $5.00 spayed/
neutered dogs, if not spayed/neutered $8.00; after January 31st dog license will cost $21.00. If this is your second home, a dog license
will identify your pet if it is lost. The Southern Ocean County Animal
Shelter (609) 978-0127 located at 360 Haywood Road, Manahawkin services Barnegat Light and is open 7 days a week, except holidays, 1 pm to
4 pm and 6:30 pm on Wednesdays.
►Cats in your garden? Kittens under your deck? The Borough now participates in a Trap, Neuter, Return Program (TNR) which has been
proven worldwide to be the most effective and humane control of stray/
feral cats, Call (609) 207-9036 to reach a program volunteer or email for more information, or if you would be willing
to help by providing food and water for outdoor cats. Feeder boxes and
shelters can be provided. Temporary kitten fosters are always needed.
►Join our summer work force of beach badge checkers, booth attendants, public works employees, tram drivers, boat ramp attendants and
lifeguards, Call Borough Hall for an application.
Membership Drive
continued from page 1
allowing you to make your opinion known about events that
affect BL.
And even though we are a
non-profit organization we still
have expenses for mailings,
website development and maintenance, etc. And several members from your BLTA regularly
attend Borough Council meetings to keep the organization
and its members apprised of
happenings. Consequently, we
need your support.
Membership for the year is
only $20.00. With this mailing is
a self-addressed return envelope
for your use to join us in 2014.
Simply complete the requested
information and enclose your
$20.00 check made out to the
BLTA. By the way, when you
join check off “Go Green”, and
provide us an up-to-date email
address to receive your communications electronically, it helps
keep our costs low.
Please don’t delay. Learn
what is happening in your town.
Express your opinion. Protect
your investment.
Thank you,
The Board of Trustees for the
Barnegat Light
Taxpayers’ Association
We have updated—and
improved—our website!
Please visit us and
bookmark the site:
The improvements made
include simplifying the website
to make it easier to navigate and
find information, make every
page easily accessible and clear
to read, and to be a resource of
information regarding things
that are important to Barnegat
Light residents. In addition to
listing your BLTA trustees and a
copy of our By Laws, the website includes links to current
news articles of interest, and
information for Federal, State,
County and local government
websites. Links to local newspapers (The Sandpaper and Beach
Haven Times) are available as
are environmental sources
including the New Jersey
Department of Environmental
Protection and the Alliance for
Ocean Living.
We welcome your feedback
and input on both the site and
other issues regarding Barnegat
Light that you would like the
Taxpayers Association to be
aware of. If you have a photo
that you think would look great
on the website, please utilize the
contact link to provide us with
your photo so that we may consider adding it to our website?
Superstorm Sandy proved that Barnegat Light’s dunes and dune grass
provided vital protection for our beaches and homes. While we fared the
best of the island towns, the ocean did wash over onto some street ends,
especially in the south end of town. Last summer suggestions were
implemented to further protect our streets and homes from future storms.
To prevent a breach where the ocean can break through at street
entrances, the sand that builds up naturally on these entrance walkways
over the winter will be left to raise the elevation and block the ocean during
storms. This has buried some of the wooden entrance walkways in this
area. These walkways can be replaced with the new Epi roll up Beach
Walkways Fund program, providing more storm protection, no splinters,
and still satisfying the requirements of the handicapped access suit against
the borough.
The Barnegat Light Concert Series has turned into a relaxation destination on the north end of LBI. Attendance has been reaching
record numbers and only looks to go up from this point, that is if we can
keep the rain and lightning away. This summer will not only
feature our regular of bands, but also a “Battle of the Bands” for kids in
bands ages 13-20 who want to demonstrate their prowess on guitar, bass,
drums and accordion if so inclined. The details are still being worked out,
so stay tuned. This summer we will also feature our Sand Castle Building
Contest, Children’s Track and Field Event, and our Memorial Day and 4th
of July Parades. Those individuals wishing to get additional information, or
better still, volunteer with the Recreation Committee should contact Scott
Sharpless at
Garbage pickups will remain on Monday and Thursday and recycling
pickup on Wednesday. A recycling schedule and directory are available at
Borough Hall. Recycling benefits the Borough with revenue from the sale
of recyclables by the county and lower landfill solid waste tipping fees.
Please note that there are some new regulations for recycling, please pick
up a schedule at the Borough Hall or on our website.
Single Stream recyclables collected curbside must be placed
“loose” into your recycling can. Plastic bags hamper sorting efficiency and damage processing equipment. Strict policies have
been instituted to address the quality of imported recyclables, by commodity purchasers. Shipments containing plastic bags and other contaminants
are deemed unmarketable and are returned to the recycling agency. Plastic
Bags should be returned to local supermarkets as they are recycled by the
Remember, place rinsed food container cans, glass bottles, and plastic
bottles/jars (the neck of the plastic being smaller than the base of the plastic), newspapers, corrugated cardboard, magazines, catalogs, junk mail,
paperback books, and empty non-toxic aerosol cans ONLY, into your recycling can loose—do not place recyclables in any type of bag.
Printing & Postage
Phone: 609-494-9196
Council Meetings are the second Wednesday of
each month at 5:00 p.m. The caucus meeting will
begin at 4:30. All Borough meetings will be held in
the Municipal Building, 10 East Seventh Street.
2014 is an election year in the borough with the
terms of mayor and council members expiring. In
addition to Mayor Kirk O. Larson’s seat, the seats
currently held by Councilmembers Dorothy Reynolds and George M. Warr will be up for election.
Councilmember Ed Wellington is serving the
remainder of an unexpired term until the General
Election in 2014.
Committee assignments for 2014 are listed right.
Finance: George M. Warr, chairman,
Michael W. Spark, Ed Wellington
Water/Sewer: Michael W. Spark, chairman
George M. Warr, Dorothy Reynolds
Public Works: Scott Sharpless, chairman
Ed Wellington, Frank Mikuletzky
Beaches and Parks: Dorothy Reynolds, chairwoman
Scott Sharpless, Michael Spark
Docks and Harbors: Ed Wellington, chairman
Frank Mikuletzky, Scott Sharpless
Public Safety: Frank Mikuletzky, chairman
Dorothy Reynolds, George Warr
Have you considered being a Barnegat Light Taxpayer Trustee? Some reasons to volunteer:
 Get to know your fellow full- and part-time residents
 Find out what is happening in the Borough of Barnegat Light
 Learn what the Borough Council is considering for your Town
 Interact and become involved with other Long Beach Island towns and committees
 Satisfaction of providing a civic service
 Laugh a lot and make new friends
If you are interested in learning more, please email Susan Michel at:
Barnegat Light Taxpayers’ Association
P.O. Box 342, Barnegat Light, NJ 08006
Officers and Trustees 2013-2014
Steve Danatos
John Alchus
Richard Malacrea
Bruce Allen
Ed Ebenbach
Susan Michel
Lee-Anne Oros
Barbara Baxter Rosenblum
John Tennyson
Alan Thomas
Barbara Truncellito
Sara Lambert
Dorothy Reynolds
Mary Schwartz
Scott Sharpless
General Meeting Dates
May 17th First Aid Squad Bldg.
9:30 a.m.
July 12 Meet & Greet Picnic, Gazebo on 8th Street
9:30 a.m.
Sept. 13th 2014 First Aid Squad Bldg.
Email us at
Barnegat Light Taxpayers’ Association
P.O. Box 342
Barnegat Light, NJ 08006
First Class Mail
Permit No. 511
Trenton, NJ
May 2014
Congress Rolls Back Flood Insurance Rate Hikes
ncreases in your flood insurance premiums may be limited to no more than
18 percent a year under a flood insurance bill passed by the House of Representatives on March 4, the Senate on March 13, and was signed into law on
March 21 by President Obama. Premiums for homes located in one of the nine
flood risk categories insured by the National Flood Insurance Program can rise
no more than 15 percent in a year.
The new law sets aside big changes Congress made in the flood
insurance program back in 2012. Those changes caused premiums to rise for
homeowners, in some cases by tens of thousands of dollars a year. In New Jersey 243,649 homeowners are covered by federally subsidized flood insurance,
according to the National Flood Insurance Program, with the vast bulk of those
policies in Ocean, Atlantic and Cape May counties.
The law provides the NFIP, run by the Federal Emergency Management
Agency, should also “strive” to limit premiums to one percent of the policy
amount. For a homeowner taking out the maximum $250,000 in building and
$100,000 in contents coverage in the highest risk area, that would be a $2,500
The bill also reinstated a prior FEMA policy that let homeowners who pay
lower “grandfathered” flood insurance rates pass those rates along when they
sold their homes.
This provision would allow sellers of older homes built before original
flood insurance risk maps were drafted to pass taxpayer-subsidized policies on
to the people buying their homes instead of requiring purchasers to pay actuarially sound rates immediately, as required by the 2012 law. The new rates are
particularly high in older coastal communities in states like Florida, Massachusetts and New Jersey, and have put a damper on home sales as prospective
buyers recoil at the higher, multifold premium increases.
The measure also would give relief to people who bought homes
after the changes were enacted in July 2012 and therefore faced sharp,
immediate jumps in their premiums; they would see those increases rolled back
and receive rebates. Separate legislation by Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, would
make sure that rebates would not go to recent buyers of beach houses and other
second homes. It passed the Senate Thursday and is likely to get a vote in the
People whose second home is in a flood zone and those whose properties
have flooded repeatedly would continue to see their premiums go up by 25 percent a year until reaching a level consistent with their real risk of flooding.
Homeowners who had to pay the increased premiums after the 2012 bill
will get refunds. And homeowners who faced higher premiums because of
flood map changes will have their premiums limited to 18 percent annual increases.
Going forward, all primary homeowners will pay a $25 annual surcharge.
Owners of second homes and investors will pay a $250 per year
surcharge. ♦
LBI School Board
here was an election in
November 2013 for school
board from Barnegat Light.
Marilyn Wasilewski won the vote
by a 4-1 margin. During the reorganization, there was a split vote
regarding the election of the next
President. As a result, Marilyn
was appointed President of the
LBI School Board by the Ocean
Count y Superintendent of
Schools. Marilyn set up an advisory committee. Lee Ann Oros
and our former President, Steve
Rabbitt, are serving the community on this newly formed
The school in Ship Bottom
did open on March 17, 2014. The
Sandy storm did much damage.
There are significant issues
regarding mold. There have been
bids to purchase the property. To
date, actual money spent by the
district is $3,096,880.90. Money
received from insurance is
$1,981,819.90. There are meetings scheduled for April and May
to discuss bids for the property. If
the Ship Bottom school land is
sold, there would be additions on
the E.J. school in Surf City. This
would conclude a consolidated
school district plan which would
insure the education and safely of
both children and teachers. There
would also be economies of scale
to insure fiscal responsibility.
Marilyn will
be a guest
speaker at
our meeting. ♦
►Memorial Day Parade
6:30 pm Sunday May 25, 2014.
Line up begins at 6 pm on West
11th Street in the Post
Office parking lot. Come
to HONOR those HEROES who paid the ultimate price
in service to the United States.
►Fourth of July Parade
6:30 pm Saturday July 5, 2014.
Line up begins at 6pm on West
11th Street in the Post Office parking lot. Dress up
in your favorite Red
White and Blue Theme to
celebrate our Independence. Parade Divisions include Children’s
Floats, Children’s Walkers, Children’s Bicycles and Children’s
Skateboards, Rollerblades and
Scooters. Judges will award First,
Second and third place trophies
for the winners of each division.
s we gaze across the immense ocean or sail over the extensive bay,
we savor the feelings which emerge from these beautiful, open, vast
spaces. As our planet gets more crowded, open spaces are becoming increasingly rare. To live, vacation, and spend time in uncrowded, peaceful,
and open areas is becoming a luxury. Barnegat Light provides us the
chance to relax on uncrowded beaches (usually), view open vistas of the
ocean and bay, and breathe in the fresh, stress-free air that our community
offers us.
Open land is becoming increasingly rare. There is, however, the opportunity to hold on to the precious open land we still have in our unique community. In November of 2008, the voters of Barnegat Light approved the
establishment of the Open Space Conservation Trust Fund. Thus, since
2009, monies have been collected to acquire or preserve open space within
the borough.
When you see “Green Acres” signage on an open parcel of land in New
Jersey, that represents land acquired through that town’s own such fund or
through a donation of monies or land. Participation in this program
requires that numerous environmental objectives are met.
Nearly 40 years ago, in 1975, the New Jersey State Legislature enacted the “New Jersey Green Acres Land Acquisition and Recreation Opportunities Act.” The purpose was
to expand lands used for recreation or conservation of
natural resources. More than 20 years later, in 1997, the
state legislature broadened the laws related to “Green Acres” to allow the
establishment of a public fund to acquire land.
The public vote of approval in Barnegat Light in 2008 established such
a fund. Specifically, one cent per hundred dollars of assessed value on the
annual local property tax levy has been collected since 2009. After the voters approved the fund, the borough council established the Open Space Advisory Committee. This committee studies and determines open space
properties within the borough; makes recommendations to the borough
council of properties that meet the criteria for acquisition consideration;
and prepares an open space plan with an updated inventory of open land.
This advisory committee developed a Recreation and Open Space Inventory which is a map of the open space in our beautiful borough. It may be
surprising that there are currently about 60 open space properties in our
quaint borough. Approximately $100,000 is collected each year for the
Open Space Conservation Trust Fund. As we all know, a few hundred
thousand dollars does not get much, if any, land on a barrier island.
However, there are additional ways the borough can acquire open space
for the benefit of our community. Land can be donated through other
means such as a bequest, bargain sale, installment sale, or charitable donation. A bequest is a gift of land through a person’s will; a bargain sale is a
sale to the borough at less than fair market value. Thus, the difference
between the sale price and fair market value is tax deductible since it’s
considered a charitable contribution. There is also a charitable donation
which is a gift of land or money with the value deductible from various
federal, state, and estate taxes. These are among the various ways lands can
be donated for the benefit of our borough.
Now go outside and soak in an open vista, play in an open park, or sail
on the open bay. These are luxuries that our beautiful borough offers us. ♦
►Children’s Beach Olympics
24th Street beach at 10:00 am on
Thursday July 10, 2014. Registration begins at 9:30 am for children from kindergarten to sixth
grade. Rain date Thursday July
17, Prizes!
►Barnegat Light Summer
Concert Series
Concerts to be held at
the Gazebo located at 8th
Street and Bayview at
7:00 pm.
● July 14—Lighthouse Band—
Oldies but Goodies
● July 21—Face Down—Rockin
Local Favorite
● July 28—The Kootz—Rock
and Roll with Fiber
● August 4—Matt Avery—The
Key West Human Jukebox
● August 11—No Discipline—
Irie Reggae
● August 18—BullZeye Band—
Rockin Country
● BEACH BADGES: preseason $25.00 (until June 15), season $35
(after June 15). Badges required for age 12 and older. Additional
$1.00 charge per badge for convenience of purchasing badge on
the beach.
● BEACHES WILL OPEN Saturday June 14 daily 10 to 5. Beach
Badges are sold at booth on 11th Street by tennis courts. Life guard tryouts
will be held June 7. Contact borough hall for applications.
● PLEASE OBEY the following borough ordinances: keep off the dunes, do
not cut trees or vegetation in the dunes and no unauthorized vehicles on the
beach. Violators may be fined.
● THE ANNUAL MILE SWIM, sponsored by our lifeguards
and open to swimmers of all ages, will be held Saturday, July
26. Awards given for winners in each age bracket.
● THANK YOU HOMEOWNERS for the 75 roll-up beach entrance walkway
orders for this summer. Applications have been closed for 2013 to provide
time to order and receive walkways before the season starts. Contact borough hall if your name is not listed on your street end as a donor.
● THE 10TH STREET TENNIS courts will be resurfaced this spring. Purchase
Special Tennis Passes by June 15.
● A NEW, COLORFUL HANDICAPPED-ACCESSIBLE train will be chugging in
soon to the 25th Street bay beach to replace the train destroyed by storm
● OUR BASEBALL FIELD-DOG PARK is a shared facility to make the best use
of the large field and respond to community needs. Please respect others
when using the field. A new entrance on the east side of the park
will replace the entrance on 10th Street.
September 15 no dogs are allowed on beaches or playgrounds at
any time and no dogs are allowed off leash outside the dog park.
Also, place all balls and toys in the basket by gate since the field
is also used for helicopter emergency medevac landings and
small objects become flying missals.
● BARNEGAT LIGHT PARTICIPATES in the Trap/Neuter/Return program,
the most humane and effective way to control and reduce the population of
feral (stray) cats. Contact the program at 609-207-9036 or Rescued kittens are placed for adoption (many fosters are needed until kittens reach two pounds).
● IS YOUR RECYCLING CAN FULL? Ocean County received $499,414 in
revenues for single stream recyclables collected from July 1 to
December 31, 2013. Of this, Barnegat Light received $1,857.00
for the amount of recycling we collected. Recycling also reduces
our landfill tipping fees. Remember, the plastic caps must be removed from plastic bottles before recycling.
● IS YOUR FAUCET DRIPPING? Barnegat Light has been fined by
the DEP in recent years for surpassing our annual water usage
allotment. We encourage you to make every effort to conserve
water. The lawn and gardening watering schedule permits watering on alternate days. ♦
BLTA 2014
Membership Update
ur 2014 Membership Drive
is underway, and thus far we
are ahead of last year’s enrollment figures. We have not yet
reached last year’s total enrollment.
Our acceleration may be due
to our last mailing’s request to
Kindly reply before March 1,
2014. This was an appeal to have
your money in early so we could
pay our bills and properly plan for
our three general meetings in the
As always we offer open
enrollment year round. You may
still join the BLTA for 2014. By
doing so, you help us in our continuing effort to keep you aware
of town/LBI happenings that may
affect your property values and
taxes, as well as making your
opinions about these events
known to our Borough Council.
Our membership fee is just
$20 for your entire family. There
is not too much you can do on
LBI with $20. But $20 to the
BLTA gets you a year-long membership, newsletters, an updated
website and an invitation to three
general meetings (the July 12
meeting is a picnic!), and a
chance to meet and talk to Borough Council members.
So if you haven’t yet mailed
in your envelope, please do so
now. If you have lost your envelope, please go to our website
and choose option “Membership
Information and Renewal”. Once
there, click on “BLTA Membership Form 2014”. Simply print it,
fill it in, and mail it, along with
your $20 check, to: BLTA P.O.
Box 342, Barnegat Light, NJ 08006.
Thank you in advance for
your help and support. ♦
Barnegat Light Taxpayers’ Association
P.O. Box 342, Barnegat Light, NJ 08006
Officers and Trustees 2013-2014
Steve Danatos
John Alchus
Richard Malacrea
Bruce Allen
Ed Ebenbach
Susan Michel
Lee-Anne Oros
Barbara Baxter Rosenblum
John Tennyson
Alan Thomas
Barbara Truncellito
Sara Lambert
Steve Rabbitt
Dorothy Reynolds
Mary Schwartz
Scott Sharpless
General Meeting Dates
May 17 - First Aid Squad Bldg.
9:30 a.m.
July 12 - Meet & Greet Picnic, Gazebo on 8th Street
Sept. 13 - 2014 First Aid Squad Bldg.
9:30 a.m.
Email us at
Barnegat Light Taxpayers’ Association
P.O. Box 342
Barnegat Light, NJ 08006
Permit No. 17
Tuckerton, NJ