19 - MTPL
19 - MTPL
BANE REUBANK, N. J.1, WEDNESDAY* JULY 19, 1911. VOLUME XXXIV. NO. 4. SIX MONTHS FOR ALLGOR. which Is painted on the fence,,appear the words; <jj T n r r o s TAILS EABVZBT B O U S . AJ E W POULTRY FARM, Biff Crowd Tornttt Out to Annual T«rtl.. $400 Notice! Every soul aboard lost. I t ' s rotten—tho watered stock—Tlio famous ship Rulldlng triiot. What faraoUH RuinBOI\ Uoad'BQiitteittQn W&s tho promoter o f tills rotten trust? PAGES 1 TO 8.1 FOR FIRE COMPANY, l Mglit. The annual harvest home of the THREE DAYS' FAIR AT LITTLE SILVER LAST WEEK vnm Tfc*os watM BED BAHK. JUSTICE JAMES H. SICKLES SENTENCES HIM TO Tinton Falls Methodist church was held last Wednesday night on the A GREAT SUCCESS. Below the picture is the statement: I Ownel b THE COUNTY JAIL Anything that Is wrongfully taken Is i Xettbll.hment of tlie church lawn under a large tent. A big crowd turned out to the festival. stolen, whether It la legalized or not. H i m WIU Wen* w Outlay of About All the lawe tlmt can be panted onnot The ladies' aid society of the church The Firehouse and Grounds Thronged with Buyers Every Day the End of a Long Scrap Between Allxor antUtaidente of Seabright make right wrong;,. was in charge of the affair, and the Festival wa* in -Progress—Contest for a Watch Won. by Miw Archibald Dalby of Chatham, New Many people believe that Allgor is of tho society received many and the Rumion Road—Allgor to take C u e to Supreme Court- of unsound mind. I t la believed that Jcreey, is erecting a number of build- member/ Jennie Curtis—Many Articles DUpoied of on Co-pper%tiTe P l a n compliments for the successful manings on the farm 6n Riverdole avenue, net _ijr..which_the~liarv-est-homG~waB application will Boon be made to have Many Believe AUgor is of Unsound Mind, and an Examination him-examined-a»-to~hiB- sanity^—If which.he-reoenUy-bought from Wi|; Pigs Auctioned Of f—Cash Donations Received. managed. . physicians should declare him to be of liara I. Conovpr. Riverdale avenue is T f -Will-JProbaWfbe Mad* to Decide Suppers were served'nnd the other The *re company of kittle Silver ants were Miss Jennie Curtis and unsound mind he will be removed from near Bed. Blink and was formerly attractions 'of a harvest home cleared about $400 by a fair, last Mis3 Alma Ziegler. Miss Curtia col( ' Jumes M, Allgor of Seabright was to any of the Rumson Neck people for the county jail to the state hospital at known as the! old Lawcs Bridge road. usual were in evidence. The grounds were Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, $52.60 for the company and r convicted of being a dioorderly per- a dollar and would then give them the Trenton for treatment and cure. If The coBt of-tho improvements,, com- decorated with Japanese lanterns, nights. I t was held on the firehouse lected Miss Zieglcr turned in $19.75. Both (. son in Justice - James H. Sleklcs'B dollar back. he should be held to be of unsound bined with the price of the farm, will and music was provided by Gram- grounds and in the firehouse. The the contestants received gold watches J court last Saturday morning and heHlitory of tin Om«. : mind his property would be cared for mean an outlay of about $25,000. Mr. Dalby has alarge poultry form man's orchestra. The articles not sold committee in charge consisted of as prizes, Miss Curtia being given first iwus sentenced to nix months in the by his relatives or by persons apwere auctioned off by John McGuire. Hance Woolley, Lester C. Lovctt, choice. Mr. Allgor is a carpenter' and 1B county jail. He was taken to the Red pointed by the court. They are ex-at Chatham, and in September he will Last year the harvest home netted the Emerson Quackenbush, Thomas FitzHance Woolley and J. Luke Davis •Bonk lockup nt onco and confined 64 years old. Ho has always been a pected to order the fence and its signs move his stock to his Red Bank prop- church nbout $40, but the receipts maurice, Porman Ayres and J. Luke acted as auctioneers on the last night , there until the noon train left for little odd In his ways. A dozon years taken dowri','and what has, Jong beep erty. A number of buildings for from last Thursday night's festival Davis. > of the fair. A great many of the arti•Freehold, whon ho was taken to the or so ago he had a long contest with an eyesore to the people on the Rum-housing poulfW arc in course of con- •will be considerably larger than this. cles donated were given to the fireThe fair was,successful beyond the when these are comstruction county seat and placed in the corinty the borough of' Seabright over the Bon road would'thus be removed. expectations of its most enthusiastic men for the express purpose of being leted the farm will havo nccommojail. The lawyora eny that there is ownership of the river end of one of supporters. Practically everything sold at auction. A wide range of atioris for 25,000 birdB. Dingman, no, appeal from the justice's decision the streets of Seabright. Allgor sold was donated, the cash contribu- articles were disposed of, among them ' claimed that he had a legal title to Darby & Dlngmnn are the contractors. and that a tho e onlyy thingg that a Allgor g tions alone- amounting to $200. The being coffee pots, baseball masks," a the property and the borough claimed The buildings will be of the latest ' is ic " can do io hove the ease reviewed that the street waa open to the river. proceeds of the fair will ho used to pnir of pigB, hags of salt and peanuts, design of poultry houses arid no exfry a judge of the supreme court. preserved jellies and fruits, fishing cose was carried through the pense will be spared to meet the ideas COLT'S NECK PIOBIO lfETTl:i> MOBE help pay off a note of $675. This reels, pipes and cakes. The auction •Bvon .then* tho eupreme court judge The mt«. Emu. oooras or BXVSR debt was caused by the turchase of but Allgor was finally beaten T H A N SGOO. of the owner. cuii review the proceedings only/ and coiirtB caused a lot of fun. Most of the new apparatus for the npany last things fetched BTRBBT WEItl All of the buildings will have white good prices although . -ennnot d<ml with the facts in Die cam.nnd the street Was opened. Five or six years ago Mr. Allgor Bb* Stiff Boutin tbi Otonna ond Unatr- asbestos roofing, making them as near The Picnlo wan Held I.n«t T a e i d a y year. Nearly every merchant of Red some of them went at bargain reducIf the papers In the case have been fireproof as Bt is possible to make Nlffht o n t h e Oronndi o f Bt. Mury'i Bank and Little Silver donated some- tions. The pigs were donated by Edproperly prepared, and if there has bought a lot on the Rumson side of took to Tirow tat KonMboia loml. \ Church—Stove Valued a t $70 Donates thing for the fair. wooden structures. A laying house ue" Fielder and were bought by iciMi no error In any of tho proceed- the river adjoining the Seabright tnr* Out of » Vlnaow—Xaken.to StaU 200 On all three nights the firehoucc ward feet long (is in course of construc- by W i l l i a m O'Brien of B e d Bunk. Mra-PrankL. Smith for $6.25. This ings, then Allgor must sorve his full bridge. He raid $1,600 for the propHo«plt»i Lmt Tbnriaar. and-grounds were-packed—with-buyerty, . He "built & two-story house on tion. Tworn^rebuildings.flt:the same The- most successful festival ever was the biggest bargain of all tho f term. • Mi s. Emma Cooper, who lived with ers. In the yard was the frankfurter, ' The Jiomplulnt atfulnst Allgor on the lot and opened an ice cream parlor. her mother, Mrs. DeNyse of River kind will be'put up in the spring. held by St. Mary's church of Colt's coda and cigar booth. This was inthings sold at the fair. This wns objected to by some of the Twenty-five colony laying houses are Neck took, place on Tuesday night of "• \S4iifh. he was convicted of being ft street, was taken to the state insane The firemen feel very grateful to charge of Lester C. Lovett, Emerson iflisordorly pornon waa made by Kumson road people, who did not want asylum at Trenton' last Thursday. being built, and there will be fifty last week. ThC receipts have not yet Quackenbush and Myron L« Campbell, those who made donations and to / C h a r l e s D. .Halsey, ona of the council- a business place- on the Rumson road. Until recently she was employed at small houseB for chicks. The brooder all been turned in, but it is certain all oi whom possessed qualifications those who lent their services. One of men of tho borough of'Rumson. Over He applied to the Rumson board of Point Pleasant. About a week pre- house will^pr^vide quarters for 7,000 thnt the church will clear more than to serve as first-class barkers at any the most active workers outside of the $600. Last year the proceeds from ii year' ago AllRor was convicted <of commissioners for a license to run a vious to being taken to the asylum she chicks. stand. .George M. Quacken- company was Ailing Cole of PittsPlans havcibeen drawn for an in- the festival amounted to about $450. outdoor • Jibel and.ho was fined $200 and costs. bowling alley and this was refused. gave ap her position and returned to bush gave up working at his grocery burg, who is spending the summer a t Then Allgor offered his place to rent The festival was held on the church cubator cellar. In this will be an in• He carried tho case to tho upper Red Bank on account of poor health. store on the three nights of the fair Little Silver and a-number of other • courts and those courts sustained the as a no,-ro boarding house. He put Her friends and relatives noticed cubator, which will hold 10,400 eggs. grounds. The place was literally and put in his time selling groceries visitors to the village were also very up a sigh flaying that it was for rent, packed with people. The road in front verdict. Allgor declared that ho when she first came home that she Mr. Dalby will raise Buff and White for the firemen. The candy booth helpful. No other event ever given would not pay the fine but Would go ''negroes preferred," and ho also acted queorly and did not seem to be Leghorns ahd|Orpingtbn chickens and of the church was lined with wagons was in charge of Mis. Lester C. Lov-in the place brought out BO large a and automobiles. Many of these presto jail. He went to jail and remained advertised tho property for rent to herself.' Last week symptoms of in- Buff Orpingtoh ducks. ett and Mias Louise Dowling. The number of willing and cheerful workIn addition.jto being a poultryman, ent came to the picnic on straw rides, fancy table was attended to by Mrs. ra. . there three days, when his fine and negroes in some of the county news- sanity became more pronounced. She papers. Afterward he announced that among thejn being a number of FreeMr. Dalby is engaged in raising doga, costs, amounting to $207, were paid Cash contributions were made to the he would use the house for; the sale called on her neighbors and told them Kennels will he built on the property hold residents. They made the trip 'Frank Sherwood, Mrs. Anson Shernnd ho WOJ released. about visions that she saw. She frewood and Mrs. Edward A. Bowman. fair as follows: H« left The county jail' about two of second-hand clothing. Mrs. Wil-quently complained of pains in her to provide cjuarters for Welsh and in a. large sight-seeing automobile. Mrs. William W. Shampanore had Rov. Jimeph Garrison $ .50 weeks ago. On Titosdny afternoon of liam' E. Strong, wife of ex-Mayor head and said that her brain was Airdalo torriorE. Mr, Dnlby has won All the usual attractions of an out-charge of a Klondike, where for ten ..'larence AVoollcy. t;0tt ' . . . 2.0i) 400 Iprizes at poultry and dog shows door festival were in evidence. cents articles were dug from the aand. 10. W. -\Vllliy last week ho wan at the, Senbrlght Strong of Now York, had built St. filled with electric wires, 6.00 Among these was a fish pond where Ice cream was,sold by Forman Ayres, Kllus DhiL'k since B ho has | been engaged in this station when Mr. Hnlsoy got off the George's church near tho Seabright Wednesday she dug holes in Annie Lowrle. l.OO prizes were won by hooking paste- John Skidmore and William Sherwood. .1.Miss twin. ' Mr, Hnlnoy started for his bridge as a mcmorial-.to her husband. theLast T. Lovett , , 25.00 ground and undertook to throw business. board fish from an imitation pond. The booths and tables were decorated GeurKe Kyerson, uutomahilc, which-was a short dis- Tho day it wns dedicated AJIgor hung tho household Other build) nga to bo erected on 1.00 furniture out of a wina lot of women's underwear on liiilik-i6.00 farm incliide a house &ind office Prizes were also awarded to those with flags and bunting, and the dec-Kiirl • tnnce away, when he was intercepted out dow. Dr. J. E. Sayre and Dr. H. W.the f. Hiirvey 2.00 2. the line, together wl$h some men's who threw rings on canes and to those for the foreman, a cow barn and a . by Mr. Allgor, who said to him: Frank Byram. 2,1)0 Some of the clothing was Young were sent for and they made garage to accommodate three auto- who were successful in knocking down orations of the candy and fancy table Wllllum l'untln i, l.OO "Iiulsey, I have suffered for your clothing. were especially elaborate. nn examination as to the woman's Mobiles. Mr.' Dalby' has engaged as rag babies with baseballs. labeled with words which resembled Mrs. Thomas COO crimo." . ' • sanity. Upon their advice she wasforeman of the place an Englishman, vVlnflelil W h i t e . . . l.OO the nnmes of Frank McMahon and On the last night of the fair the . A law which was paBsed in 1898,other prominent residents of RumTonr sent to the state asylum. An immense quantity of soft drinks firemen sprang a surprise on Lester George White 1.00 who until recently was in charge of a 8.00 ~ silid which hnn been amended aevoval was sold. Early in the evening; the C. Lovett, president of the company. Mrs. Thiiinpson.-, Bofftre the church services began Mrs. Karah A. I v i n a . . . i.oalarge poultry plant in Great Britain. supply gave out, and those in charge times, contains this section: 5.00 Mr. Bassfonl McMahon, Halsey and others went inAll the poultry houses were designed of it had to buy Boda water from While the festivities were on in full P. FttVVS MBW T O VISIT H B B B . eflnv iiurnnn oi' nei-Hons yflio Bhn.ll 6.00 J. H. Whittaker loiter or nuKumWo on tlio streets, nt to Allgor's yard and took down the by the owner. Louis Snyder, the hotel proprietor, swing the crowd was ordered to keep Mr«. Kushton .60 tin' t'Oriiorfl of tho streets, o r > l n thn clothes. They sent them to Freehold State Horticultural Soolety t o U«nt a t 10.00 Mr..Dalby ynll make the farm his in order to supply the demand. Even quiet while Myron L. Campbell made a Louis Duury puhllo iilnf.cn of nny city, vtllnRC linr- as evidence in a charge nf libel which speech. He presented Mr. Lovett with Mrs. HoitilPrsnn 2.00 B e d Bank V t x t W e d m i d a y . permanent residence. Next spring then the supply was not large enough. iniuli or township nf thin Hlntc, bfliiB 25.00 ,1. Ilovaco HiiruInK Allgor under Iho. Influence o f Intoxlrnlinir they made against Allgor. The summer meeting of the Newthe house will be remodeled and will The amount of ice cream .was no a center table. The money for the Alonzu Bennett. 1.00 Jliimir, <«• w h o n o t \ h o h i g under sucli made a counter-chnrgo against them, Jersey horticultural society will be lie enclosed with stucco. At present where near enough to fill the wants of table was subscribed by members'of I. 15, U I M ; . .no Iiiiliichcn Hhnll Inrtulpe In anil utter his charge being that they had entered the company. In. making the presen25.00 Ulchnrd K. Kox it is occupied by Willium I. Cunover, the people at the festival. Twice held at Red Bank next Wednesday. IDIIII mill offoiiMlvfl or Indecent lnngunKa 25.09 Andrew Freedman or "hull ncldifiiN or-ninko nmllule nnd upon his premises and had stolen his Many of the members oi the society who will move to n property he re- trips were made to Freehold to replen- tation speech Mr. Campbell stated that Joseph S.OO , the firemen realized that it was large- Mm. .1. Hyiin (ilii'ii.u1vi> remnrkH or eominonts upon clothes. Allgor wns indicted but hislive in South Jersey. Thfey will come cently bought at Eatontown. ish the supply, and this waa all sold .25 L. Herbert nny porjion PUKHIIIR HIOIIK mu-h Ktrcctn charge against them fell to the ground, ly through the efforts of their presi- Mrs. Wllllnm T. 1'nrkcr 1.00 before the picnic was over. nr public placed, or BIIUII obstruct or it being hold that since they had to Red Bank in their automobiles and dent that the fair had been such a 6.09 Mr. IticliwuM infi'i-t'iTc wllli nny pernon or persons by train and will reach here between Dancing was one of the principal great success. In appreciation of Mr, Ilnrry Mlllward .611 OFFIOIAI. DOINGS. iiiu'lully hHiit; In ami iintm mich ntreetn sent tho clothes to the prosecutor's 3.00 attractions. A large dancing plat- Lovett's work they presented him A. I. KIKiiH in1 public |ilne<M, Hliall lio doomed nnil ofllce, they did not steal the clothes ten ancLeleven o'clock. The society l.oa Mru. GWIBO Woolley comes to Red Bank as the guests of form was erected on tho grounds and mlJuilKed Io Ioho h l l ^^ l p CitliBJMfJSoolet* A t k a coinmlttecmon f o r with the table. The president of thi but only took them as evidence in tho Red Bank apple club. l.oo pornon. Ilim-y Thomas dancing was enjoyed till an early hour company was so surprised and over: Mr. .50 tmpioremoats. II. E. Schenclc; 1 The law and its amendments pro- their charge against him for libel. A meeting will be held at the town in the morning. Suppera were served .50 Jolm H. SKlrtmorL come by the unexpected gift that he vide for a fine of $25, or a torni in After Allgor was indicted for libel hall In the" morning. After dinner a At the meeting of the Eatontown and the quality of the eatables wns .DO I. Ilame the county jail not exceeding one bcihuinrof the signs on the clothes, he trip will be made to neighboring township committee last Wednesday such as to cause many compliments was unable to respond to the speech II. l.OO Mrs. H. •\YMti! .GO yr enrried the ense to the supreme court farms, where the afternoon session night most of the lime was taken up for the women who prepared; the at the time. Later in the evening, Thomas L'arley yi'iir. 10.00 V. Hell It was under this section of the lav/ on the ground that what ho had done will be held and where orchnrds will by a.eonsideration of propositions sub- .'upper. The things left over from however, ho made a speech of accep- L. 6.00 K..C. Plillhrlck tance. was not libclous. The supreme court thai the complaint was made. Mr. .GO 1-Y:inli yhiubnch be inspected. The fruit men wiH leave mitted by the Citizens' improvement the supper were sold at auction, John 1.00 •HalKcynnd his chauffeur testified that agreed with him nnd the indictment for home late in the afternoon. society. A petition asking for electric Stapleton acting as auctioneer. A lot Perhaps the most profitable feature G. ItoH-anl Ltppincott .50 Jneoli ScliencK Ilr. Alljfor made the above remark to was dismissed. lights for Eatontown village was of the fair was the disposal of artiof fun was ocensioned by the auction. , 1.01) Tho Red Bonk apple club comprises \V. H. L'arliart Mr, Halscy as the hitter wns nrnrini! Allgofu Hlj-h P«nce. tnken under favorable consideration Mr. Stnpleton made a pood auction- cles on the co-operative plan. The Mrs. . 1.00 W. Hoy White about 25 members. They will make , .50 IH'H automobile to take him homo. The Kciu'not un exhibition of fruits, vegetables, and filed. It was presented by Charles eer, and bidding was brisk. Some of things awarded and the persons who Mrs. , 1.00 (Jeorfio F, Hnlmea ,11'iuiuk WOB iTiiide in an audible tone, Then Allgor built n high feme etc., at the town hall at the morning Campbell, who also laid before the com- the smallest cakes sold for $1.50 each. won them were as follows: , 6.00 1 mnlel Demi CnUo—Klwoort Hiirvey. 'ii trifle louder than a (onverpationnl nround his property and converted it session. Mnny of the farms and or-mittee the matter of straightening the Most of this bidding was done by four , l.OO W. H. TloriK-n '. Flvi'-ilollnr 'nolil piece—Mrs. A. F. .1. H. Bates .CO tone. According to the, evidence no1 into a, hill board. He painted Bigns chards of the southern part of the curb line on Broad street from Mrs. young fellows. After one of them had MI-K. UntcK . . .60 one hen id it except Mr. Hnlsey nnn upon it, telling the people what he state are very much larger than tho Eliznbeth Taylor's to the corner of bought a cake he divided it into four iMelssellincli of Little Sliver. , .25 Mrs. Ailaln ^l^Klur thought about things generally, and Pair of trunsorfi—Vlnront Fit7iii:iwrlei> Broad and South streets. Joseph W. the chauffeur. ' At the time the repurls and he and his companions ate farms nnd orchards of Monmouth . 1.00 K.hvnrd Woollpy Little Silver. mark wns made,, according to Mr. especially what he thought about countv, and some of the finest fruit Johnston has offered to give a strip of it. As soon as the cake was disposed of Barrel .25 of flour*—Mrs. Charles Ho- Mrs. Wanl , 1,00 Joseph Vlllti; Halfioy nnd the chauffeur, Mr. AIIROI' some oj the residents of Rumson Neck. raised in the country is grown on these land opposite tho White corner on of the young fellows returned to the brmiKl) nf Little Sl|ver. . 2.00 Timothy White Ho charged McMahon and others with Box o f cigars—A. M. Stuckcr of Oceastood between Mr. Hnlsey nnd the south Jersey farms. Fruit growing Broad' street in order to widen the crowd of bidders and bought another . l.OO Jlnviinnil automobile and Mr. Ilnkey had to walk stealing his property. He applied to these days has become a science. Dur- street. The rond is under the control cake. This was kept up as long ns the nic.Sofa pillow—Thomas Martin of Fair Mr. . l.OO Porcy Dnwllnft. • a.oo around Mr. Allgor to rench his ma-the borough of Rumaon for permission ing the past few years a number of of the county and the matter will be youii)! fellows felt like eating pastry. Iloven. William Dowllne . . ,50 chine. Mr. Alltjor, when he gave his< to carry a revolver, saying that he the progressive farmers nnd fruit taken up with the freeholders. It was They had prodigious appetites and the FMilni; reel—ChurlM D u B o l s of Ital UeorfiO Wooltey . l.OO BsinU. IJ. D. Lefferson wno afraid he would be held up and testimony, ndmitterl that ho had made . .60 growers of this part of Monmouth suggested that Mr. Johnston stake off quickness and dispatch with which Burnt wood furniture—Lester C. Lov- .IoRppl\ LnnKlvy the re.mm);, hut said ho thought it robbed, but permission to carry a re- county have adopted modern methods tho Btrip he is willing to donate. ett. .--• . 5 0 Frank Bates they disposed of the cakes was almost n u g — M r s . Wesley Lane of Little Sll.. 1.00 Frank Cariiart was Wednesday nnd not Tuesday volver wnB refused. Then he got a of fruit growing and their crops-are Charles White had asked a commit- marvelous. vor. . l.OO 10. .!. Ros» when the remark wns made, and that rovolvor nnd carried it openly in his as fine as nny grown nnywhere. I t is tee from the improvement society to 10.00 IIUKII Q e t t y A contest for a watch netted the belt, thus .avoiding the charge of carThree gold pieces and a stove were ho did not stand between Mr. Hnlsey P. Fitzmiuirlce 10O a little early for apples but the apple attend tho township meeting in order nnd the lnttcr'n automobile. Edmund ryingconcoaled weapons. He took his club cxpect3 to make a" good exhitit to reach some definite conclusion nbout to have been disposed of on the co-company more than $72. The eontostWilson, the attorney general, who is fctnnd In front of his property and hein this lino, as well as in other fruits laying sidewalks in front of Mr. operative plan, but this was.postponed. OOHDUCTOB. H B B T B T T A I i b . MLUBIO/SX AT LITTLE BILVEB. •he borough nltornoy' of Senbrlght, would toll the story of what he con- and vegetables. White's property. Mr. White was not These articles will be awarded next week. The stove was donated by Wilhad chnrgo of the CBFC ngninat Allgor. sidered his wrongs to all passers-by. present at the meeting. It wns stated E t a g j a d tiy TroIUy Car He stnted that tho weight of evidence Ho got n gun and hung it on .pegs in at the meeting that adjoining property liam O'Brien of Red Bank and wasFnplli o f M i l . Caleits s . Hena«r»ott Edwnrl Atunact OVEKCOATS I N 8 U M M E B T I K E . and B l a Leff Iujarad. Will Qlve concert. was against Allgor's statement that1 front of hia high fence. He haa postal owners ore anxious to lay sidewalks. valucd'at $70. Edward Aumack of Eatontown, a cards mndo showing his fence and the the remark was mndo on Wednesday, The pupils of Mrs. Celeste S. HenIf the sidewalks are laid the dirt reonductor on the Red Bank and Ocebut he aaid that It did not make nny signs upon it, and he sold these postal D«vi««on Inducing; L u l Wint«r'« O T « - moved will bo used to fill in the school derson's summer school of music at A B M B R O K E N B T F A L L . ooati In Hl« B i g Bnlt BaU. difference which day it wns, so long cards to tnose who passed along the Little Silver will Rive a nnieicnlQ inic trolley line, slipped and fell from grounds. the running board of a trolley car Summer time is not exactly the as it was undisputed that tho remark road. CUtonoe J o n o i Hart hy railing- r i f t y Saturday night of this week at Mrs. while collecting fares last Friday Tho frnnchiso applied for by the was made. William'J. McFnddln of Henderson'B home. Those who will One of the signs which he put on his proper time for wearing overcoats, New York telephone company was Feat from a Charry True. night. He was dragged about 20O but it in a mighty g«od time to buy Newark had clinrKo of Allgor'a side fonco declared that a number of tho Clarence Jones of Catherine street take part are Miss- Alice J. Lees, yards before the car was stopped. The of the care. He claimed that tho pror residents of Rumson Neck hnd stolen them for they aro generally consider- laid over till the next meeting. soprano; Mrs. Edith Brackett, mezzo broke his nrm at the wrist by fulling motormnn did not hear hie cries, but feedings were irregular but waa over- his property. For this sign he wusnbly cheaper in summer than they are from a cherry tree on O. E. Davis's soprano; and Misses Florence Trum- stopped the car when a passenger told ruled on thin point. Then he de- indicted for libel. He got Allan Strong in tho winter when they are needed W A R D B O S B PLACE SOLD. farm in Middletown township last pore and Elizabeth Miller, pianists. him about Aumnck's predicament. more. Buying nn overcoat in summer clared that Allgor's remark to Hnlsey of New Brunswick to defend him and Friday. He fell nbout fifty feet to The pupils will be assisted by tho did not nuike Allpor a disorderly per- Mr. Strong put up a great light. He time is a-great deal like following out Sen-Acre Tarm « t L i t t l e Silver B o u g h t the ground. His arm wns broken Monmouth trio composed of Freder- Aumack was laid up on Saturday on4 most of Sunday. He has returned to non. Ho said that to declare that n told tho jury of Allgor a fight for what the advice of the old adage of preparund he was knocked unconscious. At ick Horsfall violinist, D. H. Apple- work, but his knee cap is swollen »nj man wns disorderly because ho Bpoko he deemed his rights and he mnde an ing for war in times of pence, for cold Edmund Fraser of Red Bunk has first his companions thought ho wnsgate of Red Bnnk cellist and Mrs.gives him much pain. to a person on tho street, wns nn in- eloquent nppenl. The jury was out a weather will be along before many sold ut Little Silver to John- dead. He soon regained consciousness Celeste S. Hendrickson. fringement of tlio right of free speech, long time and It was generally be- moons, when an overcoat will como in nthanhisI.farm Smith of New York for and was enrried home by his brother, and that Allgor was not disorderly lieved that the jury would disagree. mighty handy. TWO OVEBCOME B T B E A T . TB0Z.LET CAB BBOXB D0W». ?H,000. The property IB at the Arthur Jones, and hy Lester Bennett when he ncconted Hnlsey. Ilr. Wilson They finally brought In a verdict of M. M, Davidson is offering all of his of Branch avenue and Mark nnd Lerny Parker. Dr. J. E. Snyre called ITio attention of tho juctico to guilty. Jii<lgC( Poster sentenced Allgor last winter's overcoats at about half corner was called nnd upon his ndvice Jones Hnthan Sample and Boland Fonienma Wrioklug Craw Worked All Nlg-nt «« ham place, and comprises ten ucres the wording of thu law, in which it Is to pay n fine of $200 nnd costs. Allgor price and some even less than half On the place are a house, barns, chick vns sent to the Lonf? Brunch hospital. Lnlil U p Fart of I>*it Week. Sayalr It. ' nniil that any person who "shnll make carried tho case to the supreme court price as nn added feature of his big houses nnd other outbuildings. Mr. Lust Thursday jnnes nearly lost The rear axle of a trolley car on Nathan Sample of South Eutontown uudil'lv nml ollviiaive remarks or com- and then to tho court of OITOVB and suit snle. Substantial reductions have en his life while swimming in the river was overcome by heat last week while the lied Bank and Long Branch line Smith hns tnken possession of the ments upon any pei-Hon" in tho pubjic appeals, but he wna beaten in each nlso been nuido on all straw hats and farm. The property is commonly nt tho font of Hivcr fitreet. His delivering groceries nt Lone Branch. broke near Broadway nt Long Branch street, or "shall obstruct" nny per-case. Tho court of errors, nnd ap-pannmas. known aa the Wardrobe place, it hav- brother was with him nnd ho KIUV that He managed to get home, nnd Dr. 10.Sunday night. Trnlllc wnu not delayed iion, "shnll he deemed nnrl adjudged peals handed down its decision about ing been owned by Jnmes Wnrdrobe ['Itircnco was in (liKtress. Clnrcnce \V. Cri\tiir WIIB summoned. Mr. Ssun- on tho lino hy the accident. Cars T H B H B BUBVIVOHS LEFT. to IJO II disorderly portion." Mr. Wll- a month ace, and Allgor declared Hint went under the water three times. iilu was laid up part of tho week, but were run from Long Branch as far aa before it was sold to Mr. Frascr. H(in also cnllnd attention to Mr. Hal-lie would rot in jnll before he would I'lie third time he went down Arthur lie is now all right. the disabled cur and tho same W»» Bi'y'n testimony nml to the testimony pay Iho line. After ho hnd been there B i d Hank'! Imnilgrauta Trom GbtrUijr, Jumped in the water, grubbed his , Ildland l'olliciniis of Pine Brook was done on the Red Bank end, passenger* Hew H o m e on Rndaion Av«nua. England, N t a r l y A l l Dtud. of his elinuireur, tlmt Mr. Allgor Flood lh i co days MB lino wns pnld. It Is lirother liy the hair nnd liruuicht him overcome liy heat last Wednesday hcing trnimferred from one car to th« between Mr. Halsey and hin nutnmn- said thnt Ills family raised tho money Henry .1. Child, ton of thn luto WilDewltt 0 . Quackcnbunh la Itulliling o the uluire. while harvesting liny on the O'Dono- other. The wrecking crew worked all bile when thn remark wns made; and to pay It against Allgor's wishes. liimi Child, hn.H lieen spending n fow K new house for his own iicciipmii'y IIIIC .place nt Shrewsbury. He wasnight ri'iuiiring tlio car nnd the job that hy itnndini; (here- nnd stopping After Allgor was convicted and sen-days In Roil Hank. Mr. Child wns for mi Iludton avenue. The house- will lakcii home and him since recovered. wna finished nt live o'clock Monday Jil(1ira a t Doff Show. Mr. Hnlsey, Mr. Allgnr wna obstrtut- teiu'id In the county court Judge Fos- mnny yearn a resident of Red Dniili. contain four rooms mid pantry on tho morning. Ing II person who wns lawfully on tlio ter ordered him to remove the offend- He left horo about a dozen years ii(jo. first lloor, and four rnuum on tlie KITS. I.. ilcFnliry of Litllu Silvi-1- will AAvevtliieA Cettera. public strict and hence must ho nd-ing elgn which chnrgci) Riimson Neck Lately ho has been living at Clcvn- mul floor. Mr. Quacktmbuidi in ii mem- nc oin' nt the annual dog n of thn judges jg g Wall Wltlion* Opar»tloa. residents with having stolen \ his Innil, Ohio. In speaking to n HKOIKTKH ber of tin.' firm "f ('• I). Thorno & Ci>., M l l«inu:l l l chili h l litt off t h e Mmiiiitnitli Tin- iidvrrtiBctl letters in Ihu Iti'd Frank Sickles, son of Guy Sickle* Ptjudgwl n disorderly person. clothes, Allgor removed thoRo BIKIIS reporter on Monday ho sn'ul Ihul 2H w hoo biiil Haturdny. Mr. st K n d ni'xt Haturdny. Mr. (Ii Ilnnk postollli'c for the week ending line recldi'iic'es n t W biiilt p «f Hudson nvcniie, Red Dank, WB» e Mr. Mi'Fiulilln put Up n long nrgu- by putting II cont of tnr nnd fenthuin piMHiiiB emigrated to tliin country gri'iit duiu-s, lilimcllivlh i\r« f o r : h pint year. tnken «lck with BppondlcltiB iMt I'aliry will Mlit to tho effect tlint tlio cnnstltli- over the wordn. from ChcrtHpy, Surrey county, Kng- ]Uil Hunkk duriiiK 'he inind.'i, N e w f o u i i d l i i i i i h m i d ninnti 11'n. Kiln Ani|i'ivon,Mlx Kiitlii-rlinWcilncRilay. He was attended hy Dr. Jtliin of tho United Status guanintci'd hind, from lm>l to 185.1, nnd that a ili I ' h i i i i i l l i ' K The l.tniK Hrnncli d o g nhnw in o n e of ptiKtk Rtvor Turin Bold. II. W. younpr, and tho JrooilnK proOther Hlgnn en his fence which were »f thn right of fri'd fjicech and thnt to K. 1... .Mi 11, ,111.1 them weic now donil except threo. hi' liiggi'iit IIIIIIWH in tlie cmintry n n d IjiiniiU, (liinli.ii .VnrrlMHi, cosn was used to light Iho dl«tn"o. to a piM-Roti oil tho street did not removed wire nn follows: The Henry ('. Ifmii-o fiirin on tho Thvae thnc, ho nnid, were Mr«, Alex hnrniighhred (log-i from nil over lire M i n i I ' l i i i n l n M . l - ' n y . M i . K l i l l l l v y . un (iptHH'tunlty nnd not not iiiiiku tho person rpcaklnfr it dis- The |Moi Under tlil« tri'iitmont tho boy rccovm i i l i i l n M. ( ' . I'lllllle,! HWIIIIMI'II, Hurry K. Clill Ki«l hlmx-lf. mith hunk <if Khnrk rivrr him been 'iitcri'd in Hii! HIKIW. orth'i'ly prYnun; hut Mr. Wllaon con- •Imvlly. Iln-Hi' Iliimmin Itoiul till.' i will Kroner, orcd without nn oporntlon. f.'iiiii W, M.ui Nolc, ( h Iiti-U(iiiir.l, Mr. Child IH In good hcnllh. Ho nays iild to n wcnltliy Wull tUrcH mull fur M m Wlilli', tinilral thnt Mr. Allgnr'n romilrWwera m t 1j n li"!"> Mm. S l i , [ f r l i , l y tln'lr T l i u l i k l n l v l i i K illuni'i'. nl fccln no oldor thi\» when hu left $r>n,(l(ll). Tliu fnrin rtmtnlns IHIO nert'ii Uti'iH'i, Mix Jliiiirti I'rain nitdlhlfl mid that they wnro offensive IhniiKh t h v y liuvit i n h h f i l m y r m t t l l y o f ho Mra. Oliaatar Ilarariimn j t i n n i b u r r Womap O r e n e m t . nnd wnn btniKht twelve ycnrs UK" hy lied Hank. .Mhi'i ,M. 'llyllinl. \Vlilii'. . mid Hint therefore llin JII«II.-II must I In 11 h. HtyvumiH l.>. WIIKII Mr. Huncd for ?lV.,r>{|0. Mr, Ilnncw Mrn. MIIIIII l l u l i i l i IliiKi'iiiiiin, w i f e .liihii l \ l n " , • Mi urn. ilont l e t III" n(nnc> r l i n r i ' h H m l r Mm, Kdgiir Wllion of Kcamburr Hnd AIIKOV K»iHy. Juiitleo HirUloa nlnir n> m y r l i l l i l i >'ii "I M M n t'lillil » r thi< IMllihiM M Keillor, •tat* Btntltta M«it. will liiiiiiiiKo Iho fai'ni for the new f ('h('»tcr Iliiirrrluan «t HIMI Ilnnk, WUH uvercotno liy the h«nt Tu««daW of ruled ngiiln.'it Mr, .Mol'iiildln on every K I I I K , " v r h n i Ilii'lr fnllii'i' la In p r l m n r<•> g owiu'f who will mnlnlnin i\n: |ihtc« IUI died liint Wrdni-ndny till'ht u l tl)'' lu»t wwk mid for » while h»r Cofidltloin IIU'HO tit't'mm* w l i u UUt U r M h i l ihlH i'huvVh QunllflaA aa Game War<t*u. Dr. n«rli.rl B. Wllli«m> of Mad Bunk to a CDtintry IKMIH', point. It iw\ulicd (mly n v«ry hnmr o f h e r f a t h e r , J o h n I). 1 In)tt-U of In I h o l r J u n l l n i ' i i t l o n f o r t h . . | r l l n f l n m l wn« very ncrloui. She h«i b«on unwt D*iiioiialr»tt • • t o n Olluloa. time to tnku thu (entlinoiiyln Die ennr, riilitu'i-) 1 . Poi'H t h i n i ' ) l t l|« t l n n r l n n v l l a l * o Kiitimlown. rilw h n d ln-cn l » )»>"i' flray of Iti'd Ilnnk tho medical nttnntlnn- of Dr. C. W. hnn Ilio nntiuol "nu't'tlnjr of tho Now hut tho nt'ituiiii'iitH «f Ihu lawycrit i l r < i v e n f ihlH »utri»H"' ll'* t r l i i i w bi-i'iuirid hcnlth i\ |(ing time, nnil dentil wan d u e [iiiMicil tlie civil nervlco KKiiiiilmitlonn Hurl mnn of Knyport "Inro the UCU • • 4 Urni* B o j nnyai V r o i t r t y . oi'cuiiled nvi'i' an hour. At tho con-t l i r yl l ' llrt* Th i y h ' u l c n i l i l h i u l r i ) . f o r t h p .lurnuy ttntu ili'iitnl nocliitv in bolnii Ui n vimijihciitliiiv (if (liiu-iincn. Tlie lor Hie iniiiilion of Hull nml guum w n r - (lent. y Amtiry 1'. Onbfirn, non.of l''/.i'n On- fiiiieiiil wnn held Knltirdny a f t e r n o o n (l,ll in Mnlllllliulll COUIIty. Olllern held thla we«k ut Anbury rnrk. Tlio t'luHinn of (hi) argument JuRtiro HlckIHIIM' H'IIK Xcnl »'> to Jull, wlillo Hotel llrunnwlek In tlio noclcty'it h«*d- born of HrlilxK iivciiuc, him lioii|:lu a «(, Mr. llullck'n nml t h o hurlid w n s In who punned tile I'Xlinilnntlolln m i l lon mild that hfi wniild fiml All(r»i' theTin' e llt'h l l t h jt<> jt<> tn tn iilurop. You luul better (to to A»bury P i t k l Tll(> I l l l l " IIlltM HOW I'UMIP WlUU! A l l QUM hit on Hlvnr l'hizn, nnnr )Iulilinrd'n OIIIIIWIMKI c e m e t e r y nt Long l l r i m c h . . Dr. Herburt K. WlUlnnm of uullty and that h« would mintcnco him turn Tl Il iiiininipi. dlivi'i' It. O v c i l m i o f Keunnliurg, next Tuemdoy with th» unlUd JiwdaW-.. phuiiid im *iH>l».1Ut«. lirlil(tc, In Middlotnwn towniihlp. Tho nk will ulvo a dvinoniitrntlon to nix month* In tlio counly Jnll. nchmiU n( R«d Hunk, BpM<»l « f W l u Red u a Tin* tniatu will null tlio nnllnii till t l » <:hnrli<n K, Diiliui "f M i i t a w n n , J o h n Ilnn In Iho curly pnrt of the I'lmn, Mr. lint tun twutt ttttf t r w t i . off tho clinical commit- lot wnn bouxht IIH nn lnvc«Uni'nt. nt tho meeting of H. H a r t of Avon nml ttlvln O, Hurtl* Irnve. (t«(l Hnnk jit 0100 A. M. R*> Tonr Ohanoe Io» Oood Onal. HIl'llM nf II fnfltlirr Hi irk liltfnthnr. MnFtddln rnforrcil to Mr, All«or I Ab P k „t.8tW t«a nt Hie f'nalno tomorrow. Urnlnn l«»ve» Awurjr P»rH ,;-Why In It Him thii ilrM "' IIIIIIK'MI do to J . (!. Hunt, miccomior In J . A (lordini'ii t-onl yiiri! w>w opi-n. He. i>f Anhury I'nrk. nn hnvlnir licently vnt nut of thn r. M. Ticket*: aulult*, 40 cental db|L , vmi hnvo tie«n nlliiwvti <<t nili .'iicl ilt*~ VanHcholk, for ymfr fuol. Quantity twenn llroiid and Month "trietH, on ths y<miity jnll nnd inlil (hut All«or wnn nlmy n putir innii'a |iroi,oiiy unit i-rvvmil U a t Bitriok't AfllatUIHtU Lima. •Tree Wine.. drsn, in c»nt». <!»n b« puwh«mj»<, N, Y. A Ii. II. K. K. Telnih'iiw ZiW-H, wllllnp tn «n to Jnll npcnln. Tn thla him K"tlhiK it llvlpit fur lil> rmnll^T I Msryland'n PUnt VnoA, K. A. Mn- nnd (|tin1lty icunrnntood. UcHvcili' Itfd A hiittlo of good Cnllfornl* port, fitindiiy-ichool children, or »( ' mil lnf>•>•<• III din |r Juatlcn ilrinniiila Town onVo, Howard TltiMr, AllKor replleil that he wn« not.In agent for Now Jcr«oy, Itcil Dank iniiilo nromplly. A. K. Hlllpot, mnn dnilitHank. nhiirry «r clarot. «lvpn »w«y ft«* with pot before II, hut I it<> r^fiian t o ihirr*ni1«r m y toiw ton, nloro, Iitoud nlroot.—'Adv. »K«r. I'hons 89-W, Ued Hunk.—/ld», wllllnir to gn to Jnll; thnt h« wit 11 roil altliitliiiinl ilKlila M-lilnh int* forpfntliitra t>hon«.~-Adi>: _^ our dollar n full quurt «!»liln«t,i»hltthe content nf th e t of f trying rying tto mnlntnlu mnntnu fnilKlit fur, without i1y|nt with my gun Hliiolui n Hlbit, thn ti'n-wiit tl««r Uoy ovnry Heturdny. J. I. Monnlcy, 10 Jurt rlinoko a B\\>», HHI len-fent t'ltrnr Rinokn a Hlb«, Iho ton-wnt cliriir rlffhtf f and nd thnt h llll to in ftty lininla. m» rl he w wpa wllllnir from I5mt Trout t t r n t , Hid 0*nIU—Am Abov» tho pletur* of • linking ihlp, for IIVB cent». Mort V. l'nch,—A\lv, for flvo c«nt». Mori V. I'ncli.—'Adi for llvu cpiitD. Mort V. I'«ch,—Adv. il hli proptrty Hi 8«brlght bride* s i s m u r e avABvzo ow vr. i. cow. WOMAN SENT TO ASYLUM S J ffi . - • • • ^ » » , ^ . - - . - . A BIG CHURCH FESTIVAL. BRIEF ITEMS NEWS. Whatever You Doi MINOR HAPPENINGS OF INTEREST m ALL PARTS OF MONMOUTH COUNTY. TRADE Personal Notes, Sale of Property, Building OpwajPcuw, Entertain ment»F Lodge Doing*, Slight Firei, Birth*, Marriage*, Death*, Accidents, Cases of Sickness, Proceeding* of Official Bodiw W l Other Interesting Features of Town and County. Wettlin and Emanuel ,Gor-For Women and Men Benjamin Fatty hus opened an. ice aerCharles of Anbury Park were charged last I'vpnm piirlovnt Oakluim in the buildA' e olc with-receiving stolen jrooda and ingg formerly occupied by C. J. Smith Rightly Priced. were'held in §300 aii<l-$:iB0 bull for. bth yl tho grand jury. Wettlin is charged its a butcher "The Shoes I sell are made exwith buying two barrels of sugar . l' from a driver employed by Wilkinson, clusively for my • tlade on excluTho trip was made addis & Co. o today.' sive lasts, and 20 years of fitting OXFORDS and lifts since bi'on confined to the ionic with hia^lauRhtcr, Mrs. Thorns Nary of'Occim Grove, received n solid Hudnut's Hudnut's Hudnut's Hudnut's Cold Cream a t . . . . . Nail Poli.h a t . . . Manicure Outfits at Talcum Powder a t . . F.A. REAL ESTATE. YOU'RE INVITED! We want you, today, to 5 0 Per Cent Reduction. You'll want your home to look at its best—it's wonderful what a complete transformation can be made for f», little money by the proper selection of wall papers. New, original, tasteful designs—all fresh and particularly low-priced. Full line of paints, oils and brushes. Frank M, Chambers, 2 6 West Front Street, Red Bank, N. J. You May Begin Your Education At Any Time Philadelphia. potato««. Robert lilnine, who farms the Gil-Body Recovered. bert llendrickson place near West The body of Otto Stnuch. Jr., who Freehold, has some fine Irish Cobbler was drowned nt Asbury Park Ins potatoes. Twenty-five of the potatoes Saturday week, wns discovered nbou fill a ba-ket and Ihoy nrc yielding 1,000 feet off shore lust Friday. Tin eighty barrels to the acre. body was brought ashore by Chnrle Frenh Ah- Rome Opened. Williams: The fresh air home of the Salvation I.odg« Attend! Church. army at North Long Branch wns op- The Elberon lodge of American Meened last week with nearly double the chanics attended the Onkhurst Mcthaaccommodations of last year. Moth- diflt church Sundny night, where ers and children from New York are special sermon wns preached by Rev. given outings at the home. Hurry T. Fisler, who is n member of Celebrated rail of Bnatlllo. the order. Lewis V. Knhn, proprietor of. the Dlrtm at Oakliiuat. Scarborough hotel at Long Branch, A daughter was born to Mr. am celebrated the full of Bastille, the Mrs. Michael I.arkinsof Oakhurst Insi French prison, Inst Friday. Mr. week. Mrs. Charles Woollcy nf OnkKahn is a ggrandson of a survivor of hurst gave birth to n son and Mrs the battl of Waterloo. Marks Buschbaum irave birth to n Elactrlo Plant Dlmbled. daughter. Lightning hit an eluctric light polo Oeta Btw Job. at Ocean Grove last week nnd put Fred Gugel of Oakhurst, who wai the generator in the power house out employed by tho American cxpres; of order. The accident occurred in company several years, is working fo: the day timi- nnd did nnt cause any tho Grnnd Unioii ten comnnny. Hi serious inconvenience. routo is from Long Brancn to Poin Church Ooti Altar na 01ft. Pleasant. Mrs. J, E. puffy of Bridle hns pro Xorie Ii«ft Flonlekeri. Rented the new Catholic church nt thst A party frum Farmingdnlo wenl place with a beautiful altar nnd twoto ManiiEquan on it picnic last weel< memorial windows in memory of her and left their horRe tied to n bridge daughter. The church will lie com-The horse broko loose and ran home pleted in September. The wagon wns overturned anc Gftmplnif At DeliiMr. wrecked. Alex Bnrkalow, Howard Croxson, Jail I n Cruel*?Mnxry Applegate, Jr., Vermin Cownrt, Wnrrcn Goodman, n driver for th J nines Moreail, Itobert WyikofT, T)rummond briok compnny of AR1HII*> Joseph Murphy and Stephen McDcr- Pnrk, was tnlcen to the county jai mott of Fre.'liold spent lunt week lant week in default of payment of camping at llclmar. $20 fine imposed for cruelty t<: •'. • • J RED BANK, N. J. * worth $5.00 to 7.50, T R Y U S O NT H I S W E E K ' S • • " •' ' - • R they last 3.75 to $4.50. Stylish Auto % Dusters. NEEDS. $1.00 LSO, 2..00 and 2.50, worth 25 per cent more. Great assortment of Negligee Trousers at $1.00, 1.25 a pair, , ' , . . \ . ' • ' - ' . . ' ' • \ Hats and Shirts, the beat _ ever for the price. - H.N.SUPP, 12 W. FRONT STREET. 'i i $ 19 Broad Street. Red Bank. RED BANK, N.J. | Telephone 15-J. MtHNIH IHMUMHIHIIHQIIIli SOILOF T l FIST H U H -AT THE— JOSEY FIELD FARM. About 5,000 loads at 55 cents. This is still on streets and at this price must be re- j moved at once. Also about 6,000 loads in the piles at 8 5 cents and can be removed % during the next thirty days. T Apply to REALTY CO '4 MINNEvSINK 1328 Broadway. New York City. '4 Or at the office on the property. . $ •f * • > • * • * * * J AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA4AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA F>. S. CRAWFORD E. PERCY PARKER WILLIAM G^BRIEN. Practical Plumber, Steam and Qas Fitter. PARKER & CRAWFORD No. SO front -Straat, Had BanH. N. J. O « I U I Avtnui, Saabrtght, N. J. • • WHOLESALE •Steam Pumps and Windmills P«it Up. WRAPPING, PARCHMENT AND WAX PAPER Terra Gotta Pipe and Fittings. EASTERN SELLING AGENTS FOR ANDERSON COMPUTING MEAT SUCERS COMPUTING CHEESE CUTTERS COMPUTING SCALES AND TRAINER'S BUSINESS COLLEGE rti " A Bunch of Rubber Coats, A superb stock of Wines, Whiskies, Cordials, Brandies, Rums, and other Liquors by the bottle, cSfee, gallon or half gallon at prices that are money-" saving ones Blg Auto Otklbn iuto DrldM. nnimils. Soverul uutomobiloH hnve ct'flHhcd Kottl OmupBny Inoorpol'ated. into u briiltci- over the rnllrond cut The North Knd hotel company o nt Avon rcceiilly. I)r. T»Kg of ItolOar •fatal of iQHlruetlon !• itlrb that a ttmfont mnr anil Fred Welter of Avon aro Oeenn Cirovo wns incorporated las week with n rnpitnl of ?2r.,0D0. The Mur lm\n ftny il«r and bavc *xMtlr th« Mini among Hie vietiniH and their nu.cliii Incnrporntorn nro Samufl M. and «t«rM u thoM who |j«aln Mrlitr or btor. wei'e badly (laninired. Herbert P. Mnrgerum nnd Walter II TfcU !• of IPMUI Inuxuiucw to thaw IITIHC In Fntvnti Grautod. (ir»v«tt. tlMwiiintrir, A ]>nteut on a wcuther Htrip IIIIK OmntTTi « DlToroe. W« III rou lor Uofauu br«l»ln»r«i tlMutuil 1 vnutlca of builnou. What bualnwi houwa n- liei-n granted to A. I' . Kwing of AnKlimlieth Throckmortnii Ilrookn o bury l>.uk. 0 . II. Woodlliild, 0 . M. Mnnnnquan hull Kecured u dlvoro Mot of you. irau I w n bin. iMoniii nnd .1. W. (Jonllng of Spring from (illy Ilrookn, whom (thn m»rrlei! I.akf* have pntrntod an automobile in July, 10(11). Thn divorce wun no nwlvrl nenrch light. curi-d mi thn tcroumlH of bigamy. Boyi i m « M for rl(kllnr. r^rth Amb«yr N. I . Auto BIU TrolUr. Jowph (iroHHinnn nnd fii.iriucl An iiiitnmolillv brlonifiinr to Colonel ,Spie/.7.(i, two Anbury I'nrk hoyii, WITH L. l.nkii of Monmouth Hunch won iirroHti'il ln»t week for lighting in the itiurk by n trolley rnr nt I.OIIK llrnnch Hlri-i-t. Thuy were (jiven a reprimand Innt Thurndny. Thri only dnnuign t by Juiitli-o llorden i.ml allnwi-d to go. the auto wun ii "inn.'lieil fender, rtnem* KK«h«nr* Open. Contractor and Builder K«w omcira Ii.iUllxl. Thn nrwly elrrtrd olllrorn of the Tim furniarV eKclinniffl opened nt Adnlpliln loilgi. ut JimlxMn nf I'yllilau llnKllnhtowii Morulny of )nnl week OCEANIC, N. J. were Inntnlleil ln.it Hiitur.liiy nivhl The fxehanire pnid $3.20 n burrol fur week by Deputy (irnnd Clniticellor potntiteR. Andormiii of l'lnirllnlitown. Teaoher «r«r M.»i» Ht.tt.d. Btforo you bullil your new Minn Ilortt (imvatt, who Is rmplDy ('. l i . Iti-ynolila tit A.ltlplibi U buil.l IUI ti'urbi'i ut, Ti'nnont lout year, linn home SEE ME. >IK •> fine dwclliiiK. John 1'runrin nf 'ti fiiKdirrd to Uufh fur »nother Oi-.iiiii (iiove und IVIrr Conk nn. lh<< OHM. cpntrtuioi'M. (C'lMdiiiinl mi iif.tt pogt.) John Yeomans w e a r . . Ask any connoisseur of GOOD WHISKEY what he thinks _ of that smooth, blended, pure produce branded "KING'S WEDDING." "Quality tells"—its the quality of KING'S WEDDING that is so steadily increasing its sales. Buy a full quart of this exquisite Whiskey for $ 1 . 0 0 and be convinced. If it is not to your liking we will cheerfully refund your money. S The 111-:;! p'nrlv of child rim of Now •oiiijlo with Wator. I York arrived at \liu Wriulil inomori.1l The Allentown water department | homo, bchvoon- bin}.; Branch and has had trouble with the water lately. •j Eatontown, last Wednesihty. The The water turned (?rcon and wps filled party, numbered about nf> and waswith sediment. The cistern pipes and Opl>03iU- Second Nutional'Rfthtt. j taken to the homo by special trolley. filter wove overhauled and the water is 1 now all right, • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Bicyclist Siiiauhen Vony Gait. • : ! Fi'iink Brown of Asl'urv Park was rreouolu People Got JOTJB. his. bicycle near the - l>t-ueli la.-t .Miss Georgia AppluRnte is warkinp I H M I M M H t N I H M I H m riding , i,| ilUl liis.bi.-vdi! week when ho t illiili'il willi one of in Levy Brothers store at Freehold. Srlnvnrt/.'s pony carts. The pony Frank' Chambers is working nt wa^on was wrecked and the harne Clayton's gurogu and Allen Colnns broken. The bicyclist was nnt hurt. is employed at Fred Jennings'a ice "Wonien'B Temperance Union Instttuto. eruam parlor. The summer institute of the Pino Patoh of Baipborrlos. Women's teiniierance union.of New Thomas Costello of Morftanv Jersey will be held at Ooean Grove on has one of the biggest patches of raspCommissioner of Deeds, Tue-day and Wedne-ilay, July 25th berries in the county. With an pickNew York and New Jersey. ' \ and 2iHh. Amonir the speakers wil" ers he is unable to Ret over it in one lie "Mrs. J. I.. Knirfit uf Eatontown. day. Ho has sold tho crop for llv Notary Public, New Jersey. Christening at Loncf Brancli. cents a pint. A Coming WoiWiny. Sidney Leo, tininfant son of Mr. 21 Recltlc«B Place, and Mr-, .lnin.-s IlcrnH-sfr^y of Ilranch3Iiss Josephine fi. Rogcrf, daughRed Dank, N. J. |inrt, was ehristeinul at the Lonjr ter of 'Gcorgo \V. Rogers of Asbury Phone 513. liranc'u Calliolie cliuroli last Tuesday. Park, and Dr. John S. Owens of CamATLANTIC HIGHLANDS ;OFFICE, .Miss Caroline Ilcndfickson' and den will soon be married. Mr. Owens Tlioina- Jlel'ue were the sponsors. is a son of Rev. Marshall Owens of Phone 49. ft XV.rm tmtl Landed in Jail. (X-cun.-Grove, Si Jolin ISiimnen, who worked on a rlsliarmeu Enjoying Oood Catnlien. NEW YORK OFFICE, farm at Colt'? Neck, went to Aslwry Uook and line fishermen at Sea165 Broadway, Tel. 821 Corl. Park hint week and p;oi drunk. Ho bright luive been enjoying good picked up by a policeman and ntche Some of them have brought plai-ul in jail. Ho was relcacpd the as high ns D.OOO pounds ashore in a next murniiii: with a lepriuinnd. single bout. Jlost of tho i-atches have rir».l Shot'at Bnrglar. been bluefish. An attempt was made to nib Heijry Retuuied from weitern Trli). Johnstuii'M house1 nt Allonhurst last Dr. and Mra. F. C. Price of Imlays Thursday night. Mr. Johnston took a town, who have spent the past yeni 'revolver and .'Oi.it twice at a-ntgro at Washougal, Waahington, returned a- be was making his exit through a home last week. They did not strik the hot weather until they reached : window. Nothing was missing. Wall Papers Suits that wereJv • w v $18.00, 20.00 and 22.00 each now go at $15.00; many of them heavy enough tor fall and wintet "STARTED LATE BUT GROWING GREAT." ', 66 Broad St., Near Monmouth, RED BANK, N. J: of . 10c. box ...19c. box ,. 10c, set ..19c. box • fault t|l' bail. Mr. LonRstroet has two I Bunawiiy Car.KOB IMulc. small children. ' A horse driven by Benjamin Iteden HAW Iiofttro Ofilcors. of Asbury Park ran away last week Harry XJ. Hendrickson has been, inj'and I'iatlem! ainoni; I ho tablos on Iho tallo.l 'a.-* coum-ilm- of thu.Allentown [lawn of the Cuban it-o civmii K;II"(1L'H. .odiie of American Mechanics. W. U. j l-'i'iirhtonod women iumped o«'r a high .Mannorinn is vice councilor, A. llobj niiliiuv to escape tile runaway animal. inson is secretary and GeoiKe V. IieniChildren at Wtljlit Homo. K Irensurev. look over uur complete line ^ a n d 15.00; suits, including black thibeti' and clay diagonal*; your choice of them at $10.00. 1 5 c . a yard 'AJUflkarlH-sarople b t n f 25c._and fiOcLadiea' Neckwaar, sale price.^ , „ . . , . - , - . . ,,J,Oe. each . Marquisette Voile, in all leading Shades, usual 38c. quality, a t . . . .lite.'a yard *'FREEt" 1Pace Chamois, 1 Powder Puff and Box, 1 Sanitary Wash Cloth with each package of 25c. Bel Bon Cream. '•'.•-.•• • • 5 to 9-inch all Silk plain and fancy 25c. to 50c. Ribbons, at. 19c..a yard k "Royal Society" White Handbags (of Marquisette) to bo embroidered; at ,.2Sc» each Men's "Onyx brand " Silk Sox, black and all lending colors, a t . . . . . ! . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . 2 S c * a "pair "Red Bank View" Writing Paper in boxes, 25c. value, at •., 1 0 c . a box Pajamas of Pink and Blue Sateen at.. , . 4 9 c . White and Colored Slips at...;.'.. . . 4 9 c . each I party. J te Your Nanshon Manufacturing Co.'s-Scotch Wash Fabrics, 32 inches wide (for Tub Dresses), at CLARENCE WHITE [HKSA.L. ^ 7.SP and 8.00 Buitinow ieduc«d to,$S.OO. - Other Specials Thraughout t h e Store Worth More Than W e A s k for thorn. . . . . .-nmu.il picnic of the' Matnwan pold wiiitch labt week from George F. Jlctlio'diM Sunday-i-chool will bo h,cld liixcv of Reading, in whose employ ho at KtauslnuK on Thursday, July 27th. was for 32 years. Giorpe Wooilflohl. has inovucl'hU Tel«pii6n6 Xlaeuura Robbed. family l>>m New York to Freehold Hiram Lane of Farmingdale, a teleand is now toniinutiiiii daily. Sannief Sdiam'k of 'IVmnmt lout one •lhone lineman, was robbed near Freeuf liis horse'.' | a , t week. Thy animal old Saturday night a week a(,'o- He at down alone the road • and fell {iiod of lU'Utr* indii.r."t;tion. A ton wan liorn to .Mr. and Mrs.asleep. When he woke he found his 31. W. Lodiard ol'»Dcal Monday of pockets empty. last w-uek. Sunday-School Flonic. RED BANK. Christian T.. EiTick«>n lias (riveil_ The annual picnic of the Adelphia up his job as town niai's-hal at Enpunday-school was held in the woods » • • • • • » • » • » • • » • • • • • » » » • • • • lifhtnwn. . on Goo rise Hcndi-ickson's-fnrm yesterReturned from Euru]?oan 'jMp. day. Jn tho afturriBon the Adolphln Mh's Dovutliy Tyson oC Fivcliokl, baseball' team crossed bats with the who has been studying in Germany Freehold team. tin: pa.-.l two j-i-ar.--., lias ix'turned to Snlarloa to to Ineroa«ed. hi'!' homo. HIH1 niu.K1 fide trips to rostranstor General Hitchcock has several of-ihe- Ku.i-ujM.un countries ssueil an order for the disbursei ,'itnl witnessed the eoromiliim of King ment of $1,000,000 nu increasoa in the ! Ourj.lV. salaries of rural letter carriers. This (Motor Borit oiu\ Canoo in Colllflioii.. will mean an increnno of ubout !J100 A eanoi' o •cui'ied l>y .Mifs Dorothy o each carrier. 'i-nHioerk of Aslmry-I'sirU nnd'two Arreitefl (or non-support. I' her fi'ieiiils wns st'nii'k by n motor James Lonu'street was nrrested at jboat on Deal l;il;e last Tuesday niiilil. Freehold last week on a charge of | Tho tanoei.-ts wine lln'tiwn into the not supporting his family. lie. was j wati-T bill were rescued by ihc hunieli minittod to the county jail in de- to reduce, our stock : . for this season. ' Cod! things are here Jn pienty—everything you could possibly want to wepr: Bathing SuiU, Auto Coatt, Dutten, Dret«ei,- r -WaUb, SJdrti, Underwear, Cor<eta, Onyx- Hosiery, Faat, i Glove*, Handkerchief!, Parasol* and Books for Summer reading. Stflect Your'Materlil at Our Waalr«aa4l»>napaitmant ami WWII ^ .. 1 ' Waatura' lor 9 3 . 8 8 . reBout tot Itongt Service. WtintS. Do not take a Chance Of Tuiningyour feet through buying an indifferent Shoe. Y o u knOWl 1 what my goods are, full value, properly shaped and all right. A big stock to choose from. MARK CHEESE CABINETS M M * CiutanUv ON Hand at Lou>»*i Jtf«r*«< PrioM. Dont cwllia thin that you ordtred a poor, unknown ROOM e, PATTERSON BUIUDIN6 THFPIIONK CONNtCTION RED B A N K , N. H. , SCHROEDER'S HAIR TONIC. Sclixoedor'a Hair Tonic kills dandruff, keeps the hair from falling out and makca tho scalp healthy. Tbaff enough for it to do. At Schroeder'B Pharmacy. y HBATnsa svsrraavi. HUrt right by having u« RIV* you /nct»—not thrarlu—trvRardinc h«»t> Inir pl«iH« that hs»t, that operate «eo« nomlcall/, that •»< rtaionablt In tint coit. r « MTAIM, QVUHAUUNO 'K HllW H. w. PLUMMUt M H. f , « ( l l WBuk, M. J. BAREFOOT JOY! 62. Broad Street, Red Bank, Telephone - 21T-J.' - New Jersey, The ideal foot covering for the Children's wear. A Skeleton of leattier—just enongh to p«H tect the toes and the sole of the foot. -The Children enjoy wearing them, so let PIN YOUR FAITH TOUS When you come right down to grocery facts, it Is the price and quality that tella the tale. /We do not know of a store anywhere that meets tho two requirements more .forcibly than, we do. We are certain no store in the city offers better goods. We invite comparisons, of quality and price with iiroceries^ffered elsewhere. Buy your groceries here and- Finest Full Cream Cheese, them do so! . ' NOT EXPENSIVE 50c, 85c, $1.00 to $1.50 Prunes 9 c , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Three lbofor 2 5 c Elagant Quality, But Not th» Largest Sir* 7c V • The rinttt, Fr«thest Oatmaal Packed Best Pure Cider Vinegar .. 17c gal Have ypur |ug filled V Our 9 c grade Carolina R i c e . . . . . . 6 c lb Child*' Young Ladies' Brooms .*,,, , . , 2 9 c each 10cpkgPudding . , , , . . . . . . . . . ; ; . . . . . '., ; . 7 c 3 Cake* Childs' Naptha Soap .. 10c Finert Creamery Butter., . . . . . . . , . . ' . . .'...'. . 2 7 c lb Ono-half lb Be*t Black Pepper 7c A 2 0 c quality Pound C a k e . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . 1 5 c lb Ivins' Spiced W a f e r * . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..9c 10c Can Iniectine 7c Large bag Ice Cream S a l t . , . , . . . . . 10c Three Double Sheet* Sticky Fly Paper .... .,5c Buy the little one a Toy Broom and make her happy' only 9 c each I 3 lbs Best Laundry Starch, 1.0c Curtice Bros.' PureFruit Jams, 16c jar Childs' Scouring Powder, - - 5c You are probably paying 10c for another article not so good We Deliver In Oceanic, Fair Haven, Naveslnk, New Monmouth, Headden's Corner and Mlddletown on Mondays. Childs* Root Beer Extract, 7c bottle v ••-•' ^ -Hand-turned-soles,"softrandpliabler" Just" the right protection for Little People who work so hard at play. • T 14c lb UrgepkgChilds' RolWOat*.... ." ' / Makes 5 Gallon* SKIPPER SARDINES, 15c CAN Genuine Imported Sardines and in absolutely pure Olive Oil. During the past two years we sold enormous quantities of this brand and the Sardines have been very satisfactory. THOEWSPAPER SITUATION IN RED BANK. m Charles M. Eogcrs's place at-ImayEtown. The part of his property BRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS.! 'ormerly used as a poultry yard will (Continued from last page.) Frank J. FiUsimmons, n Rummer resident of Avon, who is an enthusiastic aviator, feH in Euopus * creek, near 'Kingston, N. Y., last week while making a flight and was nearly drowned. • e converted into a lawn. it the Freehold posto/Iicd. He spent ,o,st week getting iwcustomed to the. :ork. .nto Skids on Wot Savoniont. • The Children's wants in Footwear are never overlooked in this Shoe Store. FORD & MILLER, The deliyeiy auto of Acker, MerA luncheon nnd bridge party WBB 11 & Condit company o£ Long Branch jiyen at Deal last week by the ikidded on the wet pavement SaturiVidowcd mothere' fund ussociutvon.' and one rear wheel was broken Broad Street. Tel. 301. Red Bank. About 200 people attended the affair iff. • • • . md §1,900 was cleared. , w = i ._ = . Tixo in a Blacksmith Shop. to9l Parlur Oat£o.ff< Cel.brated 86th Birthday. A • fire occurred in Willis Thomp Mrs. Eaton, mother of Mrs. M. H. The 83d annual outing of the "Joel ion's blacksmith sliop at Manasquan Frost of Asbury Park, celebrated her 'arker association of Newark will be ast week. The fire was put out by 85th birthday Ia8t Wednesdny. A re- ield at Neptune Heights on August ilr. Thompson and Thomas E. Hardy, ception and dance was given at Mrs. Oth. Several Monmouth county Memorial Window. Frost's hotel in celebration of the oc- Democrats will attend. William H. Barkhorn of Newark; Studying Mnvio. casion. ,.- v— • ••••< summer resident of Bradley Beach Oow Killed by Train. Mrs, V. A. Parslow nnd daughter as given a $250 memorial window t A cow owned by James Flynn- of Consuelo are taking a course in har- he Catholic church at Bradley Beach. Long Branch was struck by a train mony, eight reading, conducting, etc., lulUing Cement StaWB. last Wednesday and was dragged at the New England conservatory of Ralph Clayton of Asbury Park nbout fifty feet. The cow was being music at Boston, Mass. uilding a cement stable with living driven home from the pasture when few Tolepliono Operator. ooms overhead. The building will be strubk. Miss Lillie Hulse has been engaged -hree stories high and will cost $9,000. Ttambl.il Out of Wagon. is operator at the Farmers' telephone Call* Poisoma witn.Ivy. Richard W. Herbert of Wickatunk exchange at Allentown. During the Lilian, the infant daughter o was driving a frisky horse last week rush of the potato peason two opera- Seorge Broomell of Imlaystown, i when the reins parted. Sir. Herbert tors will be employed. uffering from ivy poisoning which i A handsome residential Park, located in one of the went over backwards and landed in OooCt Fishing at Barnegat. eceived while playing with the plant. the road on his feet. He was not in- W. E. McDonald, Rev. J. B. Kulp .Uentown Bond Plays at Festival. best sections of Red Bank, a short distance from the jured. ' and William and Edward Gifford of The first engagement of the AllenA.bury Park Bowleri Win. Bradley Beach went on a fishing trip own cornet band since its reorgan center of. the town. Trolley line passes property. The Asbury Park bowling team de- in Barnegat bay last Thursday. They zation was at Emley's Hill this weeli feated the Bradley Beach team in two laught 143 weakfish. ALL IMPROVEMENTS. Reasonable restrictions. where they played at a harvest home. games out of three at Bradley Beach Taont Raoes at.Belmar. White House Openect, last Thursday night. A return match Every lot desirable. 50 ft.xl50 ft. and larger $450 and NeVman's yacht Jajael won will be rolled, at Asbury Park Friday woRoscoe Mrs. Woodrow Wilson and he: cups in the Fourth of July races. daughters night. opened the "Little Whiti upwards. The boat !B ninotccn feet long and House" at Seagirt last Thursday aaorliman to Camp, made the ten miles in 1 hour, 55 min rovernor Wilson arrived Saturday. Will build on easy terms to suit purchasers. The Asbury Pork military company utcs and 25 seco*rids. will go into camp at Seagirt Satur- Icliool Proposition 35cf eatedtoy"Women. Old House Struck by Lightning. For Maps, Prices and further particulars, apply An old house on the Howell farm ai day of this week and remain one The proposal to raise $33,000 to Manasquan was struck by lightnin week. Charges will be preferred against members who do not go to the build a new school at Avon was de- Inst week. The chimney of the Sprin feated last week by a vote of 79 toLake schoolhouse was also struck. camp. 48. Half tbe voters on the proposiFl«bea While HOMO Went Homo. Injured In Fall from Bench. William Brewer of Farmingdale ion wore Women. Orlo Jenkinson, the ten-yenr-old soi Olfl Well Removea. went to Ma'nasquan fishing last weak. The old pump known as "Bcersheba of Charles H. Jenkinson of Asbur While he was luring the denizens P&rk, fell from si bench on the beaci of the deep his horse went home and Well," located south of the Ocean ast week and dislocated his knee. Brewer had to take the train, back Grove auditorium, has been removed Election Officers Be-Appolnted. and a sanitary drinking fountain inhome. Governor Wilson has re-appointei stalled in its place. N.w Det.otlva. D. D. Denife and Charles E. Conove Charles Flay, n retired member of Horso Overcome by, Sent. A horse belonging to I. M. Dudley as member? of the Monmouth count the New York police department, i Asbury Park's city detcctive'this sum- of Freehold wus overcome by theboard of registry nnd election. mer. He had charge of the detective heat liirt week and fell in the street. Movoil to Ailelplila. OR TfOUR OWN BROKER. Jonathan Francis of Ocean GroV' squad at the aviation meet lust sum- The horse « s - unutite to work for two or three days. has moved his family to Adelphia mer. Bundny.xol'iool Class entertained. Mr. Frnncis is-1i carpenter and 1 Pytlllnns Install Oflloeri. Mrs. Wytkoir fltndrickson of Allen- now has two jobs under way. John Havens was installed as chancolor commander of the Long Brunei Inwn (.'ave :i parfy for the members of Now Postoflce started. Ground was Jivoken las-t week for _. lodge of Knights of Pythius last Tues- her Sundays .'hool class lnkt Thursday . ' ESTABLISHED 1873. day night. Edward Burke is vice week. The pai'ty was attended- by new postoilicc at All>. nV.'wn. Jic.>v,v.rd Hunting i.-' putting up th,.. building uu chancellor nrttl Uriah Kr-nnrtt is pre- twelve children. hi lot adjoining his : toi-p. Good Shooting Score. R E A L ESTATE. MORTGAGE LOANS. late. . Boy Falls from Horse. Warren liver of LOUR Branch broke Casting Touruauieut. CHOICE COUNTRY ESTATES F O R SALE I Tho annual ca.-ting toinnanieut of Tony Hyman of Long Branch was fifty target; s-trnipht last Wednesday riding horseback last Saturday when afternoon, lie was shooting off a tie the. Belmav'fir-liinK i-\v?> will be held OR RENT, SEASON O R YEAR. . . . . de. on July 1th in the mutch for the his horse struck a wagon. Hyman laturday of this week. Elegant prizes wa3 thrown to the pavement and was Billinirs trophy. will be av.'arded to winners. ! * Some of the best farms in Monmouth County for sale, Will Movo Orocory Store. badly bruised and cut on the head. Extandiugr C}au Mains. CaugUt SG-Fouua Tuna. John Nnstasia, a Long Branch gxo-_ The Standard ua.-; company is exINSURANCE IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Frnncis Henderson of Asbury Piirli fcryman, will move his store and wil' tending gas main?; en S'lHitii Main Represent the HOME INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YOHK, was trolling for bluefish ln?t week convert it into two stores. One of street, Mutiiwan. Pijies will be laid when a 25-pound tunu grabbed bit the stores will he. occupied by the Cres- to the lioro/igh limit'. assets January 1st, 1911, $30,178,013.03. hook. This ia the (list tuna to IK cent meat market. Policoiuaa lian ni|Ouuiittlsm. Also other leading companies only. caught nt Asbury'Park this year. Tearing sown Old Building, I v i n s Ei'i'iel.'Kon, ;< Long Briiiv.'h tutliernnn nt Asbury Pnrli. A. .Schiller is tearing down the ol. policeman, i.s liiifl up with rheunuitiMii. Over OOO Lutherans, representing lioanliiiK liini.-e at Lone; Bramh which JIis ankle i s nfFe'-ted and he h a s to life tho churches in New Jersey, New is located on the- lot re:cnlly bought c r u t c h e s t o gvt around. York, Pennsylvania, Delaware nnei >y the United States government for Inught £ovon Klnglli.h. Office*: 60 Broad Street, RED BANK, N. J. Maryland will meet ill Asbury Purl; a postoilice ('to. Alhi'i't Kmbley of Long llranch, Telephone No. 07. from August 1st to August 10th. Qlven Iiinen Sliov/or. augiit seven l\ingli.>h and three liliu'k- j> 11,800 Olu»il at Benefit Bridge. THE SHOE MEN. Red Bank Park FRONT STREET Property Security Company, 165 Broadway, Suite 2135, TEA If nil tho packages of Childs' Ceylon; Blond Tea wo've Bold were heaped togother, they would fill every nook and'eornor of the -largest "vessel afloat.' Is'nt this sufficient guarantee that somebody demands Childs' Ceylon Blend, 10c quarter lb Fresh Shredded Cocoanut, 13c lb White, Fat Norway Mackerel, 7c, 4 Fish 25c La France Laundry Tablet DUiolves Dlrt-Letttnt Work La France Laundry Tablet is the marvelous now Laundry helper that saves half tho labor and all tho worry of washday. Cleanses and whitons faultlessly. Removes all stains and yellow marks duo to uge. No Rubbing Neoenary. Assures perfect results witli tho tlneat linens and laceaor with tho general family laundry. Easy to use. Hot or cold water, Harmless to finest fabrics or dolicato hands. 5c All Grocers. The Most Satisfactory Coffee in America Childs'Special Blend, - - 23c lb STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! This grocery opportunity unquestionably your grontest. Dwell on what It moanB to you that tlila is tho busicBt grocery hereabouts. Best vsluon to bo had anywhoro Is the potent factor that iu bringing us larcer crowds than you wilt find In most any two grocery stores combined. ThlB immenso trade makes necessary onormous stocks. Buying enormous stocks gives us groat price concessions, which wlaco us in poaition to *~ you got nuoto and give lower pricos than any other atore. Boaidos you i fresher goods, ' This Store Will Close Every Night at 6:30 P. M., Except Wednesday and Saturday. | These Prices Arc. Good Uolil Thursday, July 27 JOSEPH T. BURROWES CO., Np. 213 Wet Front Street, RED BANK, N. J. ARE YOU IN WANT of cnrofully and nroporly nonaoncd hard or mift wood lumliorT You'll "no /urlhcr" mid |>orhn|M "fara womn" If you overlook thin enlnbllnhnicnt.' Wn nvo ]m>pnretl to mo«t your roqiiliwrnuitH in tho luinhor lino ovary bunlnoAs ilny of tho yrftr, nml promptitude Is onu of our triilU. llaltor Kct your lumber hero. i . •RICK, LIMI, CIMKNT, PAINTS AND HARDWAM. New York City, ALLAIRE & SON, About lifty friends of Miss Id;; fish last F r i d a y . m o r n i n g li.-hinjr from ; Newman of Ileimar f^nve her a sur- tho old reereatioii pier. prise linen S!IMVLT last weuk, Miss New FhlliiLor. Piirlt was tnkfii Ui tlio l.onc Newmnn was away when the surlast week yull'eiin from p Joseph Young,nf l,.ong Branch, who hospital prisers arrived. l i has ll;ien working the pllllllhill!: pleurisy. rlroiuen'n nnd Auto Pnrntlo. M-veral y, h a s start•.-(! 'J'wo new feature.} have been adde in hu-iiu.'F.i for hiin^ ; 'I'he Muimhipiin postolllce hi\H been Also Cures any Case of Dandruff Xrnot at Clioeisqimko sola. lo the carnival i,o he held at [.one. ! rtisi'niltinueil a.i Mrs. Clindsvick, formBold Tv:o T.ots. Whik'hoiul Brown of Choewqvmki or Money Bade. Al James er ])o.stniislress, lias Kohl her btoiv ( i e . u r e !'. Iie-d Ii bus sold a tract of eleven acroa tc Ilraneh durimr 1.\ii|';ust. They lire i sulil hvu luiililllreini'ii'ii pai'ad.. ' and nn mitomohili husini.',s. Cooper, Jr's. K b'l.-i lit r.iii'l^' Baldwin Snookn. By this jHive.rmse mvn. . One w n i Mr, Snooks gets a long frontage or lloral ))anule. miclit liy l!ri;.>, I! l :i!iil Iliu nthcr Anniinl Beunloii, Thu fifth annual reunion of tlu- P a r i s i a n Sn^o will stop itohinj^ tho road through C l i k )r»o lujuctl In nuuaway. by II. l l . V n n d e r v e , ' all) "nil falliiiir linir in t w o wechH, Ilaivd-Wyckoff f u m i l i e s will lie held a t A horfe. hclnnu'inK to Sir, Ilerkoivib Ofncern tu bo IiutnlU Mntnwnn Man Wiili : I l i ^httitown u u rrivvi\'Kduy o t n e x t or money hack. of Tennent i:\u awuy last week ant "I'll" olli.Yrs l' t h i ' l i ! i l i i y > l n w i i I It rofi'cHhca the fienlp, jriv.i.H it a .feWilliam V. Clnrlt of Matawali nn punished the \v:ic;on. The horse rnr week. lil'litful, euMifoiliii); foeliiiK, m u l in Mlsa Gertrude Cumpuull of Urooklyr into a bui'licd vviio fence and tore itsj M.-iJtliig1 tCrip to Uuropa. not sticky o r Kiriwy. wore married last Wednesday at tin brea'-t open. I Stephen Menill of Heiibriuhl left r«ll from Oliorry Tro». Chnrlcs E. Knowlta of Long Brunei! fell from a cherry tree la^t woek and broke his leg. He fell a few-feet Mr. Knowk'H is seventy years ok and will bo laid up a long time. Fine Hair Grower homo of the bride. They will atari VTtdAlni A»»ivev»nvy CtlolrntoiV housekeeping nt Brooklyn. Oow struok by X.lp;]itnliifr. A cow belonging to Frank Jones n Freehold was Htruck by lightning Insl Week iind killed. The cow wan stand Ing ni-nr a wire fence llfty feet froir whoro the bolt first struck. Mr. and flli . Klincr Christie o KliKlishtown rcli-brated their -Htl wedding nnniveivnry last week h; taking un luitunmhile tvip through th 111\- .lollll ]{. 'mnrl,, It puts t h e rndianco of, -sunshiuu In- I lust Wednesihiy for I'iuidpe. Mr. (o women'M h a i r , and w o m e n w h o u s o • ,M.|!ill is cliaiillYur Tor II. F. Iluildon. it re^uhiry art! ?uie to h a v e I'uFcina* I'rederiel: Huh;.., .of .luhn ('. tlulitnliifr Hit. Xrea. . tint,' hair. It makeii hall' icriiw p r o IIUIM 1 of ]''anniii|'il:i!e, 'Replied on a LiKhtninit struck a bit; tree in fu.'ii'ly; y e t i^ilky and lovely, f h a r p In.lie and rc'.'rived a bad c u t in A lar^i. ^eneroiiH Ixittlo of Vnrlnian JUUH'H V'anltraklo'H yard at Matuwan hi.t fool last Friday. . Shftu onIv OOHIH f.i) reiit.s n t Jiuneil last week and luully shattered it. raillltv OvQL-oum. liy Hssit. t'unper. .II.'H, tlirl w i t h the A u b u r n Injured Hla root. hair on e v e r y lmtl.li". H e n r y I'l'iibuscn of T e n n e n t WM:I William Allen of Onkhiirst was unoveicdiu.. liy the tient while stncUinK loading ice liiKt week when a rake rye last week, l i e w a s laid up for oir the end of bin thumb hint week fell on his foot injuring it luully. two or three (lays. Doy f.'nt H I .rout. .sliore IOWIIM. DaAiiaeai1 o! Oonl lltiltlliliiB. ,[o.';eph Ilowliin.l, bookkeeper f o r III Oltllffllt A TllllA, ' Davis-Smith lumber a n d coiil coin Unwind Trcvitt of Anbury I'nrli p u n y of IJODK ltr:iiit'h, IIIIH iiHuutned th ciuiKht a iio-pound tunn while llnhlngr nuoiHKement ol' t h e coal depiirtinen with n hand lino about three mllcn ol of t h u d i m . M l n l . t . r O v . r o o m . Ity lltitt. shore Innt Tluirndny. Ho WI\H flsliln Kev. Willimn llullurk of KueliiihIIoun* Hit by I.lKhtnlnjr. with u nquld Air blue (lull. town wim overcniiie by the heat MonA l f r e d Hurlew'ii house a t cliirwoin dny of last week nnd .WIIH lievloinily ruin nt Mun&Upwi Bnld. wad .'.truck by litshtnlinr hint weel The KnnB HiWi>rn farm nonr l\Ianii ( d i e corner of t h e porch wnii t o n nick lieverul dny-, liipun, which c/mtalnn nbnut '£[* nero: nwny and a due: l y l n n on thu icroiim Hltll(llii(f n II.IU.D. haii lifrn Fold ta Jom-ph Oholctt of HIT wan killed. Alilloii It. lleii'lit of M:in;r ; i|ii!iii him |fcii Kvnch, I.. ft Th« new uwnor wil Poatoflloe Baotli>ti. hriiken e.rouud f o r a him. e o a M m talio pnnpeHiiloii nost April. Alhert l,aV'lilli'e ban T h e receipUi at HHI [''reehold pout cellil'l nvi'lllll". rormar M*slA>nb to W«(l. olllcp f o r Hie yeiir enillliK .IIIIIM Mill' the e o n t i n c t . rittad for Oruelty to Kuril. Mlmi Alico llnvonii, ilnughtor totalled KIII.IDii.no, with ..xiniiHci ( A. U. S. Hiivi'iiH (if I'olnt lMcniianl ? H , i a : i , H I , l e a v l u n n hulaliee . Mlrhacl (juiiliiiaiH) <>f Axluiry I'urk nml Luther Ncwlinll "f llcilu'ley, flail WIIH nli.Ml.'el lunl week for driving " foinln, fnrniflvly of Anbury l'ark, wll X"oiiti(l nil OM TtlrtU. burse -\%Fi111 n note buck, l i e w i n lined bo married next Jmuiiuy, $5 nnd r.istn. L e o Ileegle a m i T r a v e r t m Heed Trio* <if Tutntdta JDropg, Hut We/\tli.r Kill* Hume Anbury I'nrlc fAnnrl n t i i r l l i ' Inn LIIHI. week fiirmorn look (jrrat TIIU D u i i u i ; llm hul wi'uther hi»t week w e e k w h i c h IUKV t h o ilntu n f , I H 7 T IMI tltk'n of polntuon to ()m I'rii'hohl mm on IIK iibell t o g e t h e r w i t h t l m Inllinl II hiirni" heh.nirliur lo William S l i l w e l l , kot. Tht' prlro dropped from $1 II I'leeliohl milkman, dropped di'iid In J . I,. L . (il.ll) por liairel, A largo honnory hun boon urectei Kuli.tltutlnj us AttUr Ottrlw, Willliim Mllli-r <>f Ardi-n» him I: (\p|u,luted uu nubititutD letter cnrilu llm at reel. Tftktu tu KQIVIUM. Mi-M. Flunk Howliind of Anbuiy while lmint; n KI'IIHH cutter. Will 11 ny Ilonoli i-ront. The Ilelmar council ban voted to Vl\i:(itlon 111 Main.. Jfrn. ('iinrnil Opfitrnmn of KUKIIKIIbuy a ulrip of ocenn front about IHI) town l» upending u tluvu-wcpka' viii'nfeel I..HK nt a .'out of $111,1)01), tlon In Hit) Muiuu WOIHIK, MntAwnu Property Mold. A himm' and lot buUmyliiK to the M«w BOKIA of TtftA* Mttn^«t>. Fred (i.Alden and A. I*. Mull hnvu W. A, Duiilup pntnti) at Alulawnn him been elcvlvd menihorn of tbo IjOn|)[; leeii riiUl In H. II. KnnleiiUm. Ilraneh board of trad.'. Laying Uonoret< Bln.wHlki. Thi) .'UKiiejelni'llt of M'lKll I.olli A ciin.'ieta nld.wiilk him been hill! V n i n l e i v e e r t o I Ipll ry I,. Jliimw, both i from W. A. (MOKU'H nt.uo at MntnI'leebiild, linn been niinouneDil, wiin to llm riillronil, nulldliilf ft lf*w Vorali. (Siimu.'l Hull of Alli'lpblii IN liuil'lnii' Auto Rpa.ii.r Tilltd. n new niireh on tho K'lii' of hhi hoimo. II.' will ..nclufii) It with ttlmi". (tlfl to I.U.ri.ry, Ml'». 1'. \V. Illlllti'r IlIlN piont'lll tin" Kreelmlil iiulill.' llhrnry with »• t'lid bonkn lunl iiiiiirii/liic«. Out Tltnnili w u i i ( l r « » OuUtr. I'. II. 1,1 .yd uf Muluwun cut it pi Willimn KiiMiler of Allonliniot wan umid ?2I) for upeiMllliK bis nil to nt Anlimy I'nlk I nut weok. Moved to A.bn«r »>rk. III* 1'i'ter Lokomon him nuivod hi family from A.h'lphlii to Aihury 1"; for tlio numinor. trolley company,' however, has alread; expressed,,«., uriilingniiW.otp. .curry. S. children to the ecbiolhouse for om fare: but this matter will be decldci by the public utilities commission o the etfete, which/has power to maki rates for passengers and freight traffic on all rnilroad"~and trolley lines. This commission hns already decided in several cases that school childre can he carried at special rates, and i; one or two instances has compelle special rates :to be charged for schoo children. It is virtually certain, there fore/that the school children of Mid dletown will be carried to and from school at a satisfactory fare. IHEREDBANKRIISJER JOHN H. COOK. Editor u d PublltUcr. GEORGE C. tiANCE/Aubtut'Editor. .-. BoiliMfS Manner t THOMAS IRVING BROWN. NEW 1AW, OOVEBKOB HAS WOT-rrr x o ooaoEtsuoifsaa. MattMi ^vntaialatr to th« Oommiisloit wiu.Jn » « . t r i a to A t u n f r o n u u 1 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE; OBn tot the »r«Mnt—»• w t*w"Wia» One y e a r . . . . . . . . . . . J In Its Beopa.. . 8 i x months U'hroe months 4 The employers' liability Ian wen into effect July .'1st, but as yet th JBntered at the postofflce at Kt'cl Bank, commisaibn bTiiJc members, authorized M^. J., a s Booond-class matter. by the last legislature to obseive thi workings'of the law has not been ApWEDNESDAY, JULY 19, 1.9,11. pointed. Until Governor -Wilson p . • + * makes these appointments oil matters TOWN TAXIt. pertaining .to.the commission will b Middletown village, Belford village referred to tho attorney general's ofThis is the season when Hie com and the ' village of Nnvesink wouli fice. panies hold fairs and festivals to rais each like to have the high school lo the liability law all.injuriei money to meet expenses. One of thi coted in its own to'wn. This is bu to Under employees must:be reported to the - most successful of these fairs wa natural, teach village can readily find commission. report must give held last week at Little Silver, when reasons for the belief that the new the name andThe nationality of "the em more than $400 was cleared. Tin school, should be located there. Thi ployee, the nature of injury, and Jiremen of Little Silver deserve a lo board of education, composed of mem ariy other information the, -relating to the of credit for the pride they take in bers from all parts of the township the upkeep of the department and th from Lincroft to Highlands, and com injury which the commission may re- residents of-LittUi- Silvei-.-ivhn J1O.JIQ -prising-residents f rcm-each -ot-the-lo- quest. The. law provides that the in l lielong to the company tnke a big: in- calities in the township, unanimously f decided on the Leonardo location as shall be private and will not be used terest in its affairs. ,n 1 as evidence in any suit for damages bejng the "most ^central and the most •v *• * * fair in all respects, of all the sites brought against -an employer by tan Just the same it should never suggested. 'Moreover the site, com- injured employee. necessary for firemen to hold fairs in prising a corner plot of two acres of The new law is-wide, in its scope order to meet expenses. The cost of land, is offered free, while the town- and takes in every conceivable kind running a fire department should be ship paid *$l',000 per acre for schoo' of factory from:the, little gold beating paid from the taxes, and this is the ands at Middletown and $650 per shop employing two or -.three hands only proper method of conducting to the big iron foundry with its hunacre for its school lands a t Belford. fire department. Practically everydreds of workmen. Law suits '.as the thing sold at firemen's fails is doresultof injuries to-workmen-Trill in nated by persons who live within the A few people who believe .that what a great measure be eliminated by the territory of the fire company. Many was good enough for'their 'fathers liability law." Hereafter.an employee persons never contribute anything ihould be good enough for the children will be able to recover damages fonan toward fairs, and the expense of main- of today will probably oppose the new injury without bringing suit against taining tlie fire company is borne by school project. A few such men arehis employer. The law fixes a scale of only a portion of a community,where- found in every locality. iThey h< compensation for the various Injuries jis.1t should be borne by everyone. :heir opposition on various grounds-.; and the employer will be compelled-to jut back of their opposition is the fact' wmply with the rulings of the liability * • • commission. There is another feature about fire- :hat they believethattoomuch mone>f commission men's fairs that is wrong. The fire- is spent on the schools and they wan, school projects defeated because the., men receive no pay for their services. SEAT They oftteri endanger their lives to save want the school taxes reduced. T h e other lives and to save property. Fre- defeat of tho project in thia .case TMSholfl -Man ffacoumb» -Ht»r Tnm)x*~ '. queritly they are forced to work at would not reduce'the school Jaxes bu' night fighting a fire, and they are would make, them higher; for if then, Daniel Jones of Freehold died last called out in any kind of weather. It; are not sufficient school accommoda- Tuesday of heat prostration. .Mr, is-not right that these men should be tions in'any district for.elL-the chil? Jones-was.born in Holmdel township forced to solicit money for a fair. So- dren.the state, under She" new'school: and was the son of the late -Samuel liciting money for any purpose is not law, must withhold from, such-a-die j Jones, ~ lie bought a farm near-Free 1 pleasant, even at its best. Added to trict its share of the state schoo, years ago which.he operated this unpleasant feature is the work of money, and this money must then ti*5 hold'fifty, intil about a year ago, when his son, conducting a fair. Firemen often made up by local taxation. Moreover* D. Howard Jones,, bought it. Mr. under the new law, if a district doevi have to lose portions of their work days in order to help make a festival not afford sufficient school accommo\ ones hadbeen a n active member of intre •ho S'Montnoutti grange since its orsuccessful. Everything is run at dations,, the state officials can .go g ganiialion r.ndhe was an elder in the fever heat at a fair. A bargain day hat district, 6j Reformed -church :at Freehold. Beforce the -erection or holiday rush in a big department school buildings, and compel the s h ; s widow-he leaves four chilstore is no more trying than acting as :rict to pay the blils. rron, Mrs. William ;M. Moreau and a clerk at a fair. " • n k rnd D.'UoworH.Jonoo of.FrsoThe propositions presented by th, holilnnd Mra.' Howard. L.Braddock. of A fire department should be the last oard of education should be voterii toddcrifield. He also ileaves three thing to be run on a charitable basis. hrough. Middletown township, as ,i!3 •rothers, Garret "Jonps of Red Bank, Each community, where one or more •ule, takes more interest in its schoc: Vebster ToneR rif HormdeTand Samuel fire companies exist, should be taxed iffairs than any other school distrii? 'onoaof Frpfthcld, r.nd one sister, Mrs. for the protection the fire company n the county of Monmouth. Its .nect,, Eliza Ann Schr nek. gives. Most municipalities set aside, ings are^usually very laraely attended? a certain sum for fire purposes each On Friday there should be the great] U B S . AUTTIE ZtSSZT HEAD. year, but where there is no paid fire est turnout of -voters that ;has evqj department, this sum is usually not jeen seen at a • school ^meeting; in ln.^ enough to meet the expenses of the township, for the-matter. is one 6jj companies. A special tax for fire greater interest than is usually p r e | Mrs. Annio Lahpy, wifo of Daniel purposes, largo enough to pay all run- sented to the people for their vote. Tlj -• ning expenses of the fire department, hildren of Middletown township ar;, iOhey of Colt's Ne.k, died lost Thurswould make fairs unnecessary. More- mtitled to as good .a chance in life a'. ay morning from a general .bieak-i over, in that'way the expense of fire the system. She had bcen:aij children of any other part of Moni- '.cv.n.oi protection would be paid by the whole the tr.alid the .past twenty .yeara. ,Sh mouth county, but the children vher^; community,' and would not Do shoul- will hot have an equal chcnSe With Itt J •otco five childron, William Lnhcy.o , «Jcred.!>y a few. Keck, John Iahey of O?eannor5 hildren of other:districts.TinleES eqilr; Jolt':; Mrs. John McDonough, ;Mr";'; o-o-o irovision is made for their edu atior^ nd "envy ("iross nnd lire. Julia Cross 61 ^he propositions presented by ihf, c The people o[ Middletown are of education should be voted:1, rniler' urp. The funeral was hel\i nearly unanimous in their support >oard 'nturdi'y at St. Mary's church hey should be voted by the bigges '\ of the new school building for that rote ever cast at any school meeting 'oil'-. Neck and the burial was a ; township. There is some differ'rccJiokl. , ' •• -. township, and the vote shouli ence of opinion as.to the manner of e the virtually unanimous. issuing bonds, location of the school - building, and other minor matters rf tone Branoi mtt'MStf'i connected with the project. The board Out in Kansas there is a small iowr, iia Scnldent ' B.ckiMU L u f m a l e a r . .: of education believes that if all these hich is a model for economy anc( matters arc settled at the coming liciency in municipal government',Mrr. Evelyn Wardell, a lifelon't meeting the building can be erected ,he town is Sabetha and it has a pop- •o?idi"it of Long Brnnrh, died las •• this fall and can be ready for use by lation of 2,500. Like many othe .Vedn.'sc'ay from a romplication •o'j next January. iseaics. She had EufFered fromsci' ountry towns.it depends almost en li-; ' hirimatism the last vpar. Mri.i rely for its prosperity on the. farm Van) .11 was the wife of Edgar E\ Should any of the propositions or f the surrounding country, hut b: Vnrri.'ll nnd the daughter of the lat'r resolutions on the ticket be voted overnment it differs from othc ohn and Deborah Wolcott of Loni' down or defeated, it will mean a delay iwns of its class. The electric l:gh in getting ;it work un the building. lant is the property of the town an , ~lrar;'!i. Two rhildren, Isalplla ant'-' lays a monthly profit into ihc vowr lyron, survive her. . She wns 57 y ar .' This will prevent the completion of the building at tho time anticipated reasury. A steam heating .plant.fo ild .imi hn\ boon a momror o f St.: *'.; '^.I'liidirt churc'i several years ;md limy delay the project so much he stores and business places Is a'&< that the"building will not lie ready for iwncd by the town, the steam .for LIic t being furnished hy the v;. ' ' use until after next year's vacation. The members of the board of educa- team from the lighting plant. tion have arranged the resolutions to i c a j ~.a- ..'i W:i E l d I t t t t * • • be voted on according to their best • >Tii t c t a Tear. An ice factory is nttnrhrri in tin s judgement. Ijhould any of them be defeated, another election will have to ghting plant and ice is sold to ill- - |i"'in;: lircocp of Long Uran-h iVci.' 't the home of h!s son, Ellawort'. eople of the .town at a mu h lowe be held before work can be begun, r nnd should the re.-olutions be de- .pure than that exacted by the ic.' Irco-e, last V, cdnesday of paralysif. list. To reduce the waste to it mini" Mr. Brecce w.^r, HI! ycni'3 o'd.rnd haf? fenti'il nt the second election, it wnuhl require still other elections, until all mum the salt water .from the id' een active up io three wenVs bofo" actory is, used by an ice cream man, •is death, when he suffered a tligh' the matters arc settled. fncturer in freezing his produ.t:,; tro'n of parplyfis. lie Fuffered i 1 n enterprising rhydcian in the towir eccn'd Etro1 n Sunday w h i h left hir Middletown township at the present as suggested that the town wate" lclplcrn. Hn wi:' a carpenter Ij lime has more high school pupils than ipes be connected with the stenn; rrde rnd 1 elcrgcd to the Prearytermiy other school ili.stiict in Monmouth ipes ro that if the water ever be;' an chur?h r t Barnrf;at. He leaves r county except Long Branch, AshUry omes infected it conbe Etorilizcd \vitl-- vldow r.nd tvro renr. I'ark'nnd Ocean Grove. Rod Hank ve ste:>ni. Helpful co-operation i-.\ hns nearly fifty per cent more school found along other lines FO that vh.' Dead Atlat lionj' Slo^tn«BB. children than ' Jliddletown towns-Tiip, town is run on '..he mo."t o:ono.T.i.a. Mabel Iluvcns, wife, of Willlani but Middletown township lias a much olan pi) : it \v.. i 'I. Mrs. Havens of Soulli Ell eron,: diet' higher pinontage of attendance and • * + a:t Tuesday rfter a long E C'ncsf its school children remain longer in This plan nf go\'ci'nmcnt :hould ap-j roni dropiy and Bright's disease the schools than the school children of Jtcd linnl;. It med to be considered peal to Red L>un'>", inasiniKh as ih' Mrs. Havens v/rs 51 yoars o'd nnd bpare mw de ides he- luiiiband leavos three -hilthat school ,-liildren quit school earlier lti'<l Hank cummisi-'ion'-rs ; in country di.-lricts and fanning com- hating the (]Uest on of oftahliiii'ng ! lrcn. They aro Mrs. Clarence Si'kmtinicipi'l lighting plcnt to cscapi "cr. Letter Havens und Mabel Havens. munities than in the towns, but this is paying tlio prices charged by tin not true of Middletown township. present private plant, iud Bank liiui never been govern'il in ii verv j'co .Dion ww:o at Wcrk, The need of greater school accom- nomical way, Lut ilie people of.Ri'i" Gardner Jcncs of Allontown TVT modations in Middletown township Itjink huve themselves to Llamc fp has Income impel ative. I'ndei" the this. Rod Hank msw 1 e governed b> !trid<(n with apoplexy while at worl work of the hoard, of education and an extravagant set of oflrliils, 1 utthe; art Thundav week i'nd d od before under the inlliieiice of the school U adi- are the oiliciuls whom the people voice lid rou'd rca h him. He was 51 years rrs, the attendant of pupils has be- in oIl'L'e. >!d nnd leave; a widow and iive brothcome very regular, wilh the result ers i>nd two si;ter.x. He moved to that the Hi'hi'olh'Miscs have become Allrntcwn fiom Patterson about Ji crowded, l.'iuh i tlu- new M-hool hiw When the people of a tovn take it.- year rgo. which was |Ki^.-<-d thi--- year, :i elmol ' ulli 'ienl interest and pride in the districts which do not ptovitl ample ' government of the town, then ceo,; Dial cf H*ait nliinso. linil suitable se accommodations i nomical nnd ellicient government rati' 1 1 ITinry II. Wftrner of Long Drnn h will be deprived of their share of tile l>e expected. The condition * rxistinf 1 i'i(d Monday of hint week from heart slate school money, This would com- in Ihe Kansas town referred •% a ovi di.'en.'e. Tho hot weather of tho pnnt pel all Mich districts to pay the entire could not have been obtained if tin i ••Wi> wipkn liastemd hiu end. He win' t-liool expenses from local taxes. A:; people did not take iin iiili-reMt. "n lh''i yrnni old and Icoveii a widow nnd Ilii' ttate money amounts usually to i:ovei ninent of the town and did not1 ">/ ;cn'!. J'c wsi n meml-pr of the much more than half of all money ex- show that interest by vnting for the two hools, such a einii>e • right sort of olllcinls." Whul IIIIH kciiir Lonj; Ilir.n h ledge of Frco Miiscn:i. * * * ni«icf oui Ar*. an\' oilier town if Ihe penple ninlu' UJ>' Mrn. (.'nrolno V. Chnllcnilcr ('f their, minds to do it. Alimtown died last Wedncndny nf old new f e b o o Iniililiiu' w h i c h is (Tfiiru Tulk ronliunci mi J I « < / I ' / . ' . ) ni.'i'. She wns VH yearn old and was prop, ,-d for Mi I t t l l l O W I I I O W I K ' h l | > the widow of lleiijiuuin Clinllendcr. e,,.i-nt c r o w d e d conwill .••'lie lea\'e-i two dinighleff; and two Train IIIU Auto. Kij-.M <>,( t h e • litioi of Ihe 's, I, ,oh-. brothers. Mrs. Clinlleuder wait an old rooms .in tin- in \ l i i i i l d i n g . o r ' t w o - A n m i l o m o l i i l r ( i w n r i l l i y M r ; , . member of the Allentown Methodist t h i r d s o f the ., | > ; e o c c u p i e d , w i l l l i e <li-voted l o II pi tniai v a n d g r a n o n a i i.cle.ol upil.,; n n d f o u r o f t h e i n l i n e , , , o i o n , tlnnl o r Hi, I , i n l i l i l l ) ' , w i l l l i e U M - , 1 1, 1 1 pupil.-, U l l l e M i ilii . I n n l i l i -,'MIHI on. in! <lllioll:i w i l l llnvr I M . l l I ,- t o H'" |,,, ,-n ,.,|o,,,ll,,,l ;it lill.t, Ilelford nod Nnv e i l - c t e d e n , o i l i n , I Il i t ) i Ill, | , l Mil Meyer SliiualmrKi'i' n f N e w Vurl., w l m ftpi-iHls ( l i e M i l n i n i ' i ' In (i c u t d i e : , ill I . m i l ' I l n i i i c l i , w i l d fiti'iirU h y it t r n i n ii! I,mil'- KraiH'li limt W C I I I U ' M I I I V . The a i i l i i i i u i K i l i ' wn.M h u r l e d In o n e .'iilr lull iliil m i l i i | i j i e l . M m . Nlrm::iliiii|'f'i' w i n 1ll bndlv l cili111 'I'llc 1(01111! ||iirnil,l|jt y filrt'.l f'l>f Vllt(l|l u l ' MrlllHil fclll', | hi hi-iiii-eil h u t Ii i s c l i i i i i • • p e n \ h e i i t h e niii ii li.n.l !Oo»l«r rtfine in ihe-neardFatOTe-imdcahl)^ lots inow.at^, jnnch lower iprice an exc^ptionaldnvEatment and .will pay handsome profits. A;diBEaiint-i£or'jcash.or lots ents.No Taxes for "Ihree Years. H o ments. No Assessments. Title Policies Fttee. Title GuaranteedtoyIhe Fidelity Trust Company oiTtowark. V'.'*vi «ay,ppo^opa. • OFTF1OE2*S: Melvin A. Rice, President. . Andrew Freedman,.l»t Vice President. John H. Cooked Vice Pretident Harden L. Crawford,3d VkerPreudesit C D.«nliey, Treaiurer. Edgar A. Slote, Secretary. Harden L. CraWfbnL MdvinA. Rice. EDWARD A. COWLEY, General Manager. (| .Mr i. I V . I: Anthoiiv ,1 I,, Wulllil 1 f-i-tiT. 1 M l . A l lil l y M r i l r ( o f M |;il ii!l " '.".' *..*..-..•..-.. V W VV V VVVVV' IIANCINn. in !• HAROLD E. COWLEY, Property Agent, will be at the officepaihe^rop Telephone, Red Bank 509-J. Absolute Sense jof Security In the Bmrchaae xrf xrf a ; .-( to supply your summer clothes needs and we'll ."•' The seeker of a piano may come to our ware-rooms, choose from a large collection *f proved inBtrtments, and he will find the very heat -of -Pianos and,theJaest uf JPlayerPianos. He will find ourterms-the^fairefitand-niost liberal. 'In iother iiwords, we are jiefcermincd^ihat'.our patrons shall .tinjoy an ABSOLUTE SENSE of SECURITY. Thib means more than Boodinteiiticns. Itrae>nfi:that WE, .first of all, must 'possess''., that :senso cf absoiulni se^ .curity in buildingtho PIANOS-.TO,BE:SULu. CJill will not be your last. We have the assort- • itnents, the qualities and the prices, which to- • gether with our particularly fond desire to please • you, make it perfectly possible for "us to do so. • We are really glad to show goods, whether you come to-buy or just to look. Come! "• ; - | . ; t;,-i.-.> Sm try to serve you so satisfactorily that your first < i; THE BEST PIANOS IN THE WORLD with many Ttuluable improvements. ADLEIVS & CO., | TACTORY1HRECTTX) *BUYER MEANS A LATJGE "SAVING 32 BROAD STREET. -PIANOS EQE ittENT. Mathushek & Son Piano Co. 5 Broad Street, tRed Bank, N. J. Phono 2C7J. Special Notlca-i1lsh-Qrad*.uid Artistic-Tuning and««paMn B . ;! FRANKLIN P. STRYHER. 2£ 0 We carry about the largest stock of lumber in Monmouty County. We get most of our stock by water. Freight rates arc much cheaper than rail, and hence we can give very low prices. Our big stock enables us to make very prompt deliveries. ! Livery and Carriages. Moving Vans <and Express. Automobile Auction Room and Storage. I The Estate of T.S.R.Brown, Keyport, New Jersey. O)K. LESTER II. STRYKEK. !! FUBOC Monmouth Street, TIED BANK, N. J. 'Y , Oppoalto R. R, depot. OPKN DAY AND «MHT. Trt.phon. 24S. '.-•' •„"••::,\.:^;: ™ ^ " ^ T ^ — — ™ " ^ ^ T^ ^ ^ ^ * ^ ^ ^ • ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^™ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ * ^ I^^^B^iWB ^WV^BrA^Hb A r j m I ^.! mi) IIANK.N. .1. \; •',, ii'Ui'illr.e in 'i m : t(riit.«Ti:n 1111 u • Carting, Johnson & Frake, | Are You Goiig t o guild? Contractors and Bullri.n, BRIDC.K AVF.NUE, ltoil Ilnnk. N. 3. lllll'IAI. AMII I'ANCV IIANCINII nil Till: IIAI.I.IIDOM. *'" CO>>I<OI»I»IO'>>>ICCOK*l'OI»I€<0>>IOI<'C»>>>IO£MfiB>>I*^*>'"«*> C),, n ,..ll. ILIIroad Sl.llon. :••:••:••;••:• :'^'> •:••<••>*«•><. .>.;..>^^ IO'I I inn! [>•.: I .DIII" '"'I'll M e l ; ' H r l : i l t i n h o r n nc o m '''''"''"" "' diia.e.. ,'lln- w e n t t o l.olll' l l r n l l - ' h id,out I w e n l y v e i n . n|'o ii i nI h u d i i i ' i , n i n d e h e r h o m e l l n i e . ,i... I'l,,,, I,, JIII rttnltor I n wlnil |»ti'.i<r l l h i p I l l f i M ' l i i i . . ! M i i | ; l i l In- l - i . lirr 1 i in , I I > 11, c o i .• ; M / \ N . W | l | , | l 'Office* aW*t Red Banfe^N.J., Newark, N. J.-and «Q.thfi,Pn)perty. ili.-i;-. .^nphiii M i ' l i f (lied nt the IIOIMC '••• IIII.UII'. il;il,i l i l t -\-lnuv Telephone, Mnmjr Hill 4030. Iionth of T^oiifT Ilranoli Womnti. !|1(, ,,...,. . .,.',,' ntn i t e d l i c rvi i ' i - ' | } .'-hafl,i Marbridge BnUding, No. 1338 church. w,,,,:;":!:,^!, "- ,'', "" ; " - , ; " v Ulmrry IMt Allliii.t <Jr\u... Ilontli liilildinc. * \M>IIII i l i i ' hii/h in In Imi lilinr. nn,I leaul he lint I 4(\V foryear round or^Snmraer Homes. including two .large spring' water lakes. • p c m l r d for i •Would more t h a n lollble the school lax • accolnplishid in the Knn.^m iowli ennj i be accomplished in Itcd Hunk or in' in t h o s e d i - t r i c t s . i l l g s A Restric Work ill,lid l.y Ihn liny or mm Irani. Nu lull lixi Uriro; nolM t m i m a l l . J,,1,1,Inn mirmlnl Ul at ahnrt n o t l o . _ _ l IHIIIIKI.O f,in,Uh»,l on all klnd« of wurk. No mnttpr wlmt kind of n "tructure you cont»mpl«t» bulMIng it will ho lo your luivnnUtfi! to pout yourself on tho Donl»o Syitam of Concroto Conntructlon. jr. D . and H. B. J3EJNfISEl WATER AND FIREPROOF CONCRETE. O ELJVI i*LiACJE, HE3D BANK, W. J'. ' t WESmrr TMWUD BUTREEIT, N E W YORK. FROM KEANSBURG. IJ < I t lt * t U 4 «<» «• • « « IFOR MILK AT KEANSBURG JS BIGGER THAN THE SUPPLV. G. FELLOWS Warning Signs PJaced Near the Holei in Bathing Qrotmdtr-Conerylilnnd'Anuisement Firm Mny Build An Amuseprant Park Here—Hackers.Experiencing a Poor Sca»ori-?Re»i. 4«?tf Getting Roller Chairs on the iBoaittwalk. fry it—Buy the MarahTHallows ar/durllealer's. lb. box especially prepared for toastiechester HanhmaDow Co* Rochester, N. V. veWrTerd'cUwrtr who have toloan on Bond •• 1 three amounts of $l;5Q0. Abo tumi in larger amounts. ~ Applications ghren immediate and confidential attention. W'lEIS'S With the scanty supply of milk here seems to bo an increasing derand and during the past week ieansbur? has almost faced a milk lamlne. Many of the boarders and Rochester 'Marshmallows—a good time. and Mortgage the sum* of $2,000, $1,200 and SUCCESSOR TO ' Agent, Cor. Ea»l Front Street and Wharf Avenue, RED BANK, N. J. erty lenenrly 'completed and this walk will connect with the wide pier. The pier is more than a half mile long and with the boardwalk ' the place can boast of a- -continous boardwalk of nearly two milcB. ampern receive fresh milk daily by ixpreB« from N e w York and the Oranges. Peter vonDerHyde, tho naw Frank MiHor, who until a short grocer at New Point Comfort, has time fK a milkonered a milk etation a t his storo. men, has given up his milk usiness e get$ milk dally from. New York and 1B now bracking from the Keansaa we'll as from local dealers. burg depot-vtirthe shore. Mr. Miller thinks hacking better than the milk - Slnee-the-drowning--accident- July Fourth the New Point Comfort beach company has put up additional warn.The Kenwburg co-operative .assoing signs around the holes in their beach. "The holes have been staked ciation met-'Friday night. Several new members joined the organization. -with piling and heavy ropes has been Strung around the piles. Bathers? go The new xfflper i s doing good work near these places a t their own risk, and there is a noticeable improvement as they are weir warned by the large along the baach on Sunday. d(uiger *igns. Daniel Seeley has built a bait and lieh house for the sale of bait Ion the A. "representative of Thompson ic west side Of New Point Comfort pier. udley, amusement men of Coney Is-, The house Is: built on piling-and is and, w a s i n town a f e w days a g o located near the best fiBhitrg spot looking for a "suitable site for an along the pier. amusement place. I t la stated that if a 6ultable.,pJaoeican be found the com- Ownoom* tof&ti* X*at. The interuo Jioat lnBt week eauied pany will spend several thousand dolnis on an amusement park on sim-a number, of Carpenters to xjuitwork. ilar plans to their Coney Island place. A number of carpenters employed.by W. L . . Hart; were overcome by- the Inrrt webk-was a poor business week heat and they Were laid up several for the haxkmen. Borne of them who days. iuid been averaging eeven and eight Anothw H*w X o » « . dollars^ day.did not iako in an averCharles Carr is building a -new age of four dollars a day, which they house en the north side of Oak street. claim hardly pays them for their time Raymond Trunx has the mason conand team. William Willis will btrjr tract." Thelh^tise wiirhe-far-rent. three .automobile passenger cars f o r Mrs. Frank ,R. Sharp, wife of next Beason'aillv«ry business. Councilman Sharp of Irvington, and her daughter Ethel are visiting' Bwidlati Kurt XolUt Ohftln, i the new boardwalk tieare com friends here for two weeks. ' MrB. iletion residents have begun buying Herbert Tichenor and danghter 'Helen •oiler chairo. Saturday several chairs of 'Irvington are also visiting here. Misses Mary and Sadie Martha, ero .in operation- on the pier and board walk. The land company may Elizabeth .Anderson, Alice Hotchford hove roller chairs for hire .next sea- and Kathryn and Elizabeth Crocwell of Bergen have been spending several son. ~ days a t Camp Manhattan. OarnivU Ofllclalci Fr«ik Wingate, a missionary in meeting was held last Tues Turkey, has been spending some time i h t t t lay night at the New Point Comfort at Place & McCall'9 boarding house. ' auditorium t o talk over matters perK. Henry Hoist and. William S. taining to the carnival during t h e Meyer of Belleville returned home last week of August 14th, An association week after a week's stay here. was formed to take charge of the Albert A . Liddiard of Brookljrh event with these officers: spent part of last weok visiting friends and relatives here. President—William A. GolilhauB. Vice presidents—Otto Gehlhaufl. O. L. Rev. E, 3, Reed of Englishtown, a )lscn, WIHIom More, J. T. Wright. former pastor here, has been visiting Secretary—W. C. Hunter. •> former acquaintances here. Treasurer—Charles Carr. Ellsworth Ludlow has been running Another meeting w a s held last light and subcommittees were a p - a stage for the Vincent house during lointed. The residents .and mer-the.past week., Mrs. CfihjlT--of Brooklyn - has been chants have heen asked t o decorate luring carnival -week and prizes will spending several days with Mts. Fred be awarded1 lor'tlio must attractive Sylvester. Mr. and,MrB. Floyd E. Borden of decorations, Rahvay are camping at Keansburg Widening ,th« Plor. beach. The work of widening.the long pier Captaiti IMvid P. Wilson of Palmer at New Point Comfort ia progressing rapidly."TThe : pier la to be made avenue w a S a New York visitor last week.' . "*£ ••;;:;„ -| Ihirty feet wider and the work has aeon started from the water end--and Mrs. Edward Shapiro and children the gang of laborers will work shore- are visiting Peter Korbs and family.ward. "Dho boardwalk along the shore Edward Waitta's 1 'large stage has front'of-.the'Mew Point Comfort prop- been retired and repainted. CLEARANCE SALE READY-TO-WEAR HATS, $1.95 Instead of $2.95 and $3.50. UNTRIMMED HATS, 45c Instead of $1.25 to $2.95. 700 Finest Qualities Untrimmed Hats for Women and Children,-' also Children's Ready-to-Wear, in both fine and rough braids, clearance sale at 4 5 c each. FREE TRIMMING SERVICE Untriramed Hats and Trimmings purchased from us-will be TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE.' WOMEN'S WAISTS The most complete assortment from 95c. to $25.00 each. Special attention is called to our assortment of fine $1.25 Waists. KG. FELLOWS I CTIOMIN PRICES; K*!'^'*^^^ •Ml—MMMMIM«M»MtfWM*MMMMtOMMM» Use JB Gas Range ' and Save money. , Itjsou .have to. d?pend t»pw a coal lire to do your cooking you must either keep tho fire going, .tbu* wasting-a Jot of i e a t o r tjje Btatt a new firo for every meal. This means needless worry an well as needleBB work and needlaf* expense. ' ^ I t h a G a l Range'you can hava your flw raady « t a moment^ -notice. Yen can absolutely reralitte the heat to suit yovirneedB, and when the meal le cooked a turn of a valve stops the expense instantly. ' Gas Rangeseave more than-worry, they nava money. T Kt.TENBROECK, 6O Broad Street, Red Bank, N. J. WITH THCGA9 COMPANY. T e l e p h o n e OJ-R. WWIWUMIIMWUWMIWIMMWItHIHIIIIIMIW «»•»•>•»••«»•< < TELEPHONE 247-R • ESTABLISHED I S M ALEXANDER D. COOLER Real Estate and Insurance RED BANK, N. J. * I 58-64 BROAD STREET Fire, Life, Accident, Tornado and Plate Glau Insurance • ••«+»*«+t*4«*»4 (Formerly with R. T. Smith of Red Bank 27 years). Office and Funeral Parlors, 11 East Front Street, Phone Connection. RED SANK, N, J. laTCAMP CHAIRS AND CARD TABLES. FIRST MORTGAGE «preaenta the safost form of investment. Invest your surplu funds on this claBS of (security through SEAMAN &SEAMAN AGENCY, ffoit Offloaj Building. Aabury PnrK, - Telephone 800. - New Jersey. ••*«•*•*« OAK JL, FARM. TELJSPHONE B0O, RED BANK, N. J. Sanitary Milk and Cream. A PEW CHOICE REGISTERED GUEHNSEY BULL CALVES, SOME FROM ADVANCE REGISTERED DAMS. FOR SALE AT REASONABLE PRICES. : : T. SHUIT, Supt., »»••»•••»••»>»•»••»•••»»»••••••••••»< Don'tJDouble Your Wife's Responsibilities. iMrtrmot Ko*a rortmen to to roroo untranoe to X r i . T«i» m u b i t f of-Ruclnff Antoa. Ooreys FropiTty n n u M i l . Tho board of freeholders adopted a Mrs. Hannah Goroy, who conducts resolution last Wednesday directing a millinery shop on Broad street, Red the road foremen of the county to Bank, has had considerable trouble take the numbers of all automobiles over the snlc of a house and about driven i n excess of the speed limits twenty acres of land near Keyport. and forward them to the state com- Mrs. Oorcy signed a contract to aell missioner of motor vehicles. A reso- the property to Herman Schlichting lution was also passed directing that of Jersey City for $5,500. At the time the tines and costs imposed upon of the signing of the contract i t jvas twelve offenders who are now in theunderstood that a bungalow on the county jail be remitted arid that they property would be included in the sole ho liberated a s they had served -suf- if tho pmvhHser would nnoume a mortficient time. The prisoners aro gage of $1,000 held by the Keyport rvTnc2 Thomas Woolley, Joseph Robinson, building loan, but it was not stipuPRUDENTIAL . William Sullivan, John Dsvwson, John lated in the co|0l*act. . Two other Daly, Robert Arnold, William Wilkins, mortgages against the property ,7 STRENGTH OF, f John Thomas, James Darling, Martin amounted to .$2,100 .and Mr. Schlicht] 'GIBRALTAR-I Murray, William Williams and ing was to pay off these mortgages Charles Romaine. ' A resolution will and $500 in cash. Xn addition he was bo submitted to Judge Foster for his to give back a mortgage for $1,500. When the time came for him to pay provnl. 3. E. Davis, the county auditor, tho $500 Mr. Schlichting claimed the asked that he and Charles A. Close, $1,000 mortgage should be deducted. the olerk of tho board, be given some Mrs. Gorey, refused to do -this. aBsistnnco in investigating the county Lust ' week' i, Mr. Schlichting atoffices. Tho finance committed of the tempted to force nn entrance- into the board was added to the investigation houso but wns repulsed by Mrs. committee. Tho finance committee in Gorcy's father. Mrs, Gorey made a composed of Robert Thompson, compliant against him and he wns Chnrles E . WyckoiT and John M. Cor- held in $1011 Imil for the grand jury-. lics. Mr. Schlichting has appealed to the Tho semi-anminl report of thecourt of chancery to have tho terms of county collector's olllce was ordered the conlrnct a i m e d out. published in the Long Branch Press, Asbury Pnrk Presa, the Keypqrt Wanta to Tly at Aibnry Pork. U'eclHy, Freehold Transcript und T H E J. II. Wonlen of Aabury Park, who W ' B A N K REGISTER. Bills amounting to $52,837.94 were recently graduated from the Blcriot school of aviation nt Paris, is desirous audited nnd ordered paid. of mnking (lights at Anbury Park. Mr. Worden is with tho Moiniint comBEI.MAB MAW PABOLBD, pany of nvutlmv. He haa ngrectl to make doily (lights for ono week at irae Homnouth oorjnty Kqn Tnvox«a Asbury Pnrk for $2,fi00. by Court of Vnrdona. N o more tinkering wllli files ami emery. 11. Romeo Slocum, a former ronl Takes tlie yla^'e <>l Kli:(r;ictini^. Knur i-utlin^ CBtnto donlcr nt Bolmnr, wnn pnroleil edgca. Use it on :uiy siite. Slij.s in lu-tvvccn lust week by tho court of ymrdonn nt tTic <>!I! wmil tiliitiiinar/ knife anil (;is(itiLr, it. Trenton. Slocum wns serving n non(runt of tile screws, no holt* in ttm l4;ide. tnnce of ono year in otata prison for Cm he ni»|ilial by nnvdic in u Ic-vv niiiiull-rt. t. Ho was Hontcmoml ln^t A Uo.ident of Red Bank Show, (lie U | i u u r e c e i p t o f $1.00 s e n t l i y mull Othcrn from Monmoutli t o n n y mlilrcss.' Hiniplt insiiuctinns (Imw Way. county who were paroled wero Ernest tn»|inly)iicni with t-acli hlmlr, In nuli-iini; , who WIIH nerving HIX yourn for Only Dili' u'ny tircurc n luicl Imek. t;ivc iKime (if yuur lawn nuivvrr »ml slut! ing and ontcrlng; I1'red Konen' hli nl cut, liniment nnil plMatcrp mny relieve wull, win) wan contencud in 11)08 to ueven yniiin for liicnking uml cut it; H. B. KEMP, LONG BRANCH, N. J They won't cure it. Ing, und Kilwnrd I,, I.vWuul, who vvnn Sole Manufacturer ond Dlitributor fiontt'iH'ud irinL Nnvemlier to one your llncknclie nM'i'.riri flcli kldneyn. for llm Slate of New Jer«cy for griinil InrriMiy. I Innn'-i Kidney I'illii are fur bad I;i<lAC.F.NTS WANTED Kemp's Patent Lawn Razoi Funeral Director and Upholsterer P. 0 , Addr-i*™, K.'rt HJUIIC, N . .7, Hake Your Old Lawn Mower a New One for $1.00 ONE WAY OUT WnrinnU Ii«u«(l for Offloem. Hcil ItnnIt pinpli! bnek them up, Wnrnmtd lwv« Imun IH«U«1 fur tli llend II eiifc of it: orfodt of two IHWIIH of (lie 'uorlety •MIK ,1m s l.inniiril, 7T, \ V . ••"•-••••I for tho lirovcnlioii of criiclty to ntilIliiul., K'. .1., xnvir. "iionii'ii innln. Th«y i\vi> I,. N. Itiihnnntm nnd tIivl .l.. l i i -!(•••! m tmril In illy rnnilly y fill ntyr.Hiclclnn of IJIIIIT Ilrniicli who HIT 111. VVHllHtl |,1,tlllll,Ml 1 I'llll clinrged with coinnilttln).; an minnult H | . . ' l l l . ' v I ' •, I, I \- III Ihnlr I.IIIIH.-. A Mitiiiilnliu'ii I I Kt'i-iit ili'iil or II l , l l i \ r on Jnrnl) Itonon in nrrniiting Iii in. |>lllll» I l l " IIM,. AutoiuoUlM iii anmihuv. Iliiullv A toitrlnx cur liolnnKlng tn Iliuold I M - I I H S T. ('iTlghtoii of Oi-nl nnil n lil« nulci I ' l ' l i ' l l l ili-llvov)' truck owned by My<r A Pelei uf Alli'iihurnt eulliiled Hour llm lleiil gulf liultii Hnturdiiy, Tl»> inurliiK i'nr wii-i a I'diiipleli' wreck mill (ho finnl vV-lieel »f tho Irdck wnti loin off, 11],.Ill | . i 1.1" lim<1< mill liiliui Hint vli'M to Hie vnrlod Ivldnev I'llhl I i.lli y tlllU I llllV" IIIM • •'. l l ' l l . " rhl niwrnllr |li« M»M. Corraoi (!.• •rnlild It *h '•* iktnn of Uinvut, Fr*a (imniiutuin, («••••• lfi.>»il 0ft! STILES, Doctor of ' N..| Vl.H W.i«.u\.j. W I. »OUi« B u i l d i n g Room* (87-88. Tin1 lie V I 'Hi!.' 1 in i nni'iiiK lil'lilcd illl' w i l l till' in i l l Ilinneli eiiininlt. I " liiu'i' H i e lioin'ilvvulli >'i;;ly ( i n lllVlll. In i u l v i ' i t l " ' l eniniviil i>|rrtiii' Tlli> IJIIIJ; nii'lien d m - - ni'i-liru w i l l 1,1! IIIIIIICI) lni»|. lilNDLINC WOOD. 1 1 ^ ' 1111!11 OKI." nil.l Y»r.l T o r null- | . y n i l i l n i l e r u , I I'enlH. I'liiJei-Mill'urn f o . , lilliraln. N i ' W V o i l . , noli' nirriiln fi>r l l m t ' n i U d Jltiitcn. Hciiii'tnlirr tlin t n K o ii(> o t l i e r , rmtiH'—I'ntii Don't make it necessary for her to s out nto e wor to ° * ^ ^ struggle for a living if you are ^ ^ for t h e feken a w a y home and the children is enough. Protect her by a Prudential Continuous Monthly Income policy. It will provide unfailing support. Write for particulars of this policy. The Price of Success is tenacity. The "easiest way'' never helped a^man anywhere except lo roll clown hill. A man in the struggle to save develops the strength which results in increased earning power. The effort benefits him in both ways. Fidelity Trust Company, NEWARK, N. J., will open an account with you in the Savings Department for any sum from $2 up. Don't wait until " A more convenient time." You can never find any belter lime to start SAVING than NOW. h iii'r <ri)t i>nid i'n (icnittiilit vi) lo find huiudhii) $1,(1110. • I I.' in r ci ill i>iu'tl mi iirroiliihi in ciYvmi of $1,(100. WELL SCUEKNF.D. Cin<ler« Alwnyii on Ilnml. i Ii »f III.'IH: JlUntil,, Arolita on Biinrdwnlk, Plymoutli Red Ash Coal. >••»••••»»•»•»•••••»•••••»»•»•»•»+»•»»»»< IT'S ALI, WRONG lliinK r li f t P, 1 . GORDON, Quality *ml Welttlil t'.iinrmilofil. I ill I1. ,\. Mini.ill ilt. " I lln'V inovr.l In In n\-rlihu[ lit* Imil in^vl RED BANK, N. J EVERYTHING OF THE BETTER QUALITY. TBOTTBLE OTSB PKOPEBTT. BPEBDEBS. W* will ••llth«m at raduead prloat altar luly 15th, and on monthly ptymanta. 37 BROAD STREET llmI' l.ivnil vim i . III p ' tl"H I m n y Iliivu with ••(••! i n i i i i l i i . f i i i ' l d i - y I II i, I . ii" liuhl IhiintIliit iir./ir \uii Iniili. Pivvfy lli.il \V.';I|M i l i i i i i , cdl/ni'H ntul ill I. II ' •ii iti;il for nrliftle v.'-uli tlii'iu Is HO .'.ml Nil .11 :illv lilH. I'.C.IIl'llV I I I . ' I It.I llotwcoil llroml AIHI Sniilli Slirrla, led Bank SlcaTnSiindry. Town Olli.r lluwmil Tlnili>H'« .'iti.f. 04 Will!* St., «»'• B«nk, N. l< )!>««d Slr«»l ie Advantage! a Red d By F. A . Ml :OMM!SS!ON GOVERNMENT IN'TV/ENTY-SEVEN STATES; FIRST YEAR, UNDER 7 THEBES H01NES PLAN. Two and Ona-hilf Million P*opl* In 133 Ciilu Under N»w 8yitam. gttw Commission Oavarnmant Bavad F o r t h * Iowa City. l<!MIM«IHHHII«IIIUHIHMHHimilimHlllltlMI j- ™rf - Aw. EWADR'S 6T0RE BEAUflFUC Copyright by Amcrlcnn Pi datlon, 1911. Secretary Gel* Botaford of the ComNew cities are adopting toe Galvesoo or Oea MolneB plan of government mercial Club of Oes Molnes U autborevery day. Kt (tils writing 133 have lty for tbe following: 1 wns l)oni with a head offieryredit lo force. These cities ore located April 1, 1808, c l t j government under hair. As n ltlil I rcrueinbcr people lu twenty-seven states and aggregate old plan lacked flMMtOO of enough to looking Rt it tia they wouia a t R buru- at least 2,500,000 population. Ihej p a y tbe obllgutloui of tbe year preIJIB burn, ranking nil klnda of itllusiong are aa follows: to my hair und countless Jokoa, muuy ceding. On April 1, 100O, there was u Alabama-Birmingham, Montgomery. of- thorn very poor mid In bad tnstu California — CorUclcy, Modesto, Monte- bnlnDce l o tbe d r y treasury over actumill nil nlMuvxlous ti> <i>0. rey. Oakland,.San Diego, Banta Craa. Ban al cost of ruunlng-tbc town ID the year : When I grow old enough to hav<J u Lula Obtspo. Vellejo. We have a splendid stock of sweetheart Colorado—Colorado Springs, Grand Junc- of J104.BM. Tbl* was the Uret ymr unI vrau obliged to go withder (be commlBBlon plau. Mind you. precious stones' — Diamonds es-out one, nil on account of the growth Idaho—Ixcwlston. was done wltb a commission of pecially, and *«e wish to draw on mj£ liemi. I kept it c u t very short, Illinois - GarbonSnlo. Clinton. Decatur. this without effect. Just ns soon n» I OUon. Elgin, Hlllsboro, Jacksonville. Ko- UTO men, four of whom bud bold olllcoa your attention to their excellent but enni'o In lontnct witU mini, \roiiiim or woneo, Moltno, Ottown, Pcltln, Roctielle, of major, nssessor, couucllainn nnd Rock. Islnncl, Sprlntlleld. Spring Volliy, municipal judgu under tbo old nyslooi. . investment qualities... -c-lillcl 1 saw ut once Hint my half \viis Waukegan. mi'. One tliliw I would not do— lona-BurllnBton, Cedar Rapids, Daven- Was It a case of tbe plan or of the A Diamond selected from our ort nil |jniiii>rn who HURR'ested port, Dea Mollies, Fort Dodge, Keokuk. man? stock is a superbly cut, pure, my liormlttliif.' tlioni to dye It. On en- [arshnlltown. Sioux Ctty. Kansas—Anthony, Abilene, Coffoyyllle. Just a case of.doing nwny wltb the flawless' stone that will steadily tei'ln'K their shops I wciulil say, "Hair CherryTale. Cnlilnell, Council Grove. increase in value—it's a 'first- cut; m> <lyo." (Whenever, after this 110- DuOgo City, Emparla. t3uroka, Qlrard, ward apportionment nnd tho strife of ti-..'<", 11 b.irh'.T.offered to give my hair u Hmchlnson, Indopcndenco, lota, Loaven- tho ward alderman to get all he could class in vestment besides a jewel Oifferi'iitCulor 1 glnrud a t him mid told worth, KnnS*3 City, Marlon. Nowlon. for his Immediate constituents without Parsons, Vltl&bllrg, Topoko, that will give you the maximum him Hint if lie repented the offer ho Neodesha, IVIohlta, WclllnGion. reference to cost to the ualuuco of ttie must ilshl. 1 thnwhed so. uiiiuy pooplu pleasure in wearing. .* " Kentucky—Newport city. fur ivfyromv to niy blemish tlmt I lie- Loulslnna—Shrcvcport. * From $75 per kt. up to $185cnini! an expert boxer. Tbeae results were brought about In Maryland-Cumberland. Massachusetts -Gloucester, Haverhlll, H wny as'follows; Mew lighting conTpor kt. and in sizes from'Akt. llopini; that the pcopln of the west .ynn, Taunion. . .,...,, Michlenn-Hnrbor Beach. Port Huron. tract that saved $5,641) to tho city sowen; mole considerate than those of to 2)? kt. _ cured,It a gala of 1,818 hours per tlw oust, I wont to IMMiver. The first 'ontlac Wjomlotta. lamp per year on KOit lamiis; gross Mlsulsstppl—ClarksUale^-Hfittlesburg, salute I received there was: "Hello, Minnesota- Farlbault. Manknto. savlnp to city, If 10,33'i ciirrot top! Y' goln' to s e t the timber Kew Mexico—noawell. on the mountings nllre?" I hud got North Carollna-tirecnsboro, High point. Mr. Ash o t the paru depnrtiient, by •tired of lliriishlri!f people null tjirniHl Wilmington. tba. application of business methods North Dakota— Bismarck. Mandan, MlDear Amu:— _ _ . . ' awny without n word. I sought cm- not. and with tlie luceutlvo ilie niuu af• • JEWELER, ntoymuut In a larffa mcnuifintut'lun / called vetterday on Mrs. Newcomer, who Aos jutt moved hen. She told me that Oklahoma—Ardmorc." BartlesvlUe, Dun- fords for Individual record, kept our concern. On entering the office my eyoi can, F.I Reno, F.nld. Miami. McAlester. parks up as they bad never becu kept Iota of her things were broken and leaned in moving and asked me, since she urn* a Oklahoma City, Purcell, SapulRed Bank, New Jersey. lighted on n genlieroiin slttliiR a t a Mushogee, stranger In town, to tell her where to buy njttti furniture. before and made Improvements far In desl; w h o had red hair, for nil the'a, Tulsft, Wagoner. advance ot those of any single preI told her to go to no one but where we alwaut, traded became the would be *ure to Oregon-Maker. world n s red 11s mine. H e looked up, Boutb, Carolina—Columbia. vious year and saved a little over $8,1 find what the wanted and at reasonable prices, and just now, you know, Hahne & Co.'s and in uu Instant his gaze w a s llxed on South Dakota—Aberdeen, Canton, Cham- 000 In bis deportment lu one year. JULY SALE of FURNITURE it making prices there lower than, ever—naturally I tent niy top. ._ erlaln. Dell Rapids, Huron. Pierre. Rapid City, Bloux Falls, Vermilion, Tanktnn. Mrs. Newcomer there. - --••• •Tbe change lp the bookkeeping sysllu arose from hla chair iiufl, n d Tennessec-Cbattanoosa, Memphis. Come toon. ~" Texas — Aransaa Pasa, Austin. Beau- tem and the application of civil servTnncinB to t h e oliko rail, grasped m y v -— -—-••.-.:,. ••' By-bu, mont, Corpus ChrUtl, Dallas. Denlsoa. ice and business methods reduced tbe hand in a visollke grip. ••••-Fort Worth. Galveston. Greenville, Hou«Lou, • "My dear sir," h e said warmly and ton. Kennedy, Marble Falls, Marahall. clerical charges at tbe city tiall $2,100, P. S.-Mn. Newcomer hat Just dropped in. She was so pleated with the furniture and tbe standard of efficiency went up with a respectful mien I had never be- Palestine, Port Arthur, Port Lavaca, she bought at to such a degree thnt promptly at tba fore been favored with, "what c a n 1 Utah-Salt Lake City. Washington—Spokane, Tacoroo. end of tbe year an annual report was do for you?" West Vlrclnla — Bluefleld, Humlngton. Issued, tbe first annual report of the "I'm seeking employment." 'arkersburg. city of Des Molnes, and this lo a city "You shall hnve It right here. Wlmt Wl8consln-Appleton, Cau Claire fifty-seven years oldl. can you do?" ~ The cost of creosoted block paving, "Nothing. I must learn. B u t I'm on concrete base was reduced In tbe willing to work without pay till I do." first year from a s average of $4.47 per "You'll not work without pay here. Judging from your appearance, y o u CommlsEion System Wipes Out City square yard to $4.09. Debt In Nine Months. The last year under tbe old plan are well b w d and educated. A man o l The close of lOlU.savr Kansas City, sow 2572 catch baslo9 cleaned at a your condition can't g e t o n with less Kan., established on a cash paying than a hundred dollars u month. I'll cost of f 1.40 each. The first yenr ungive you tbnt nnd put y o u In our best basis, with a surplus In ever; one of der the new plan saw 3.801 catcb badepartment. Mr. Stamper:" he culled. its tfunds except tbo lighting fund, Ita sins cleaned ot a cost of $1.12 each. Hooting debt almost wiped out and An employee advanced, and I notic- none of the revenue for 11)11 used for Under the old plan concrete culverts ed lie, too, had a red head.* H e w a s cost the city $17.01 per cubic foot instructed to put me t o worlt nnd on he e x c u s e s of 1U1O. each. Under tbe new plnn they cost, the payroll n t the snnie time. A s 1 That was the condition financially $12.03 each. paused through t h e works I noticed >it tbo close of the first nine months Dnder tbe new plan the police force every m a n had n rod hend, but none at government by commission as an- was nctaatly "Increased Inud the efll nounced by Charles W. CSrcen, comso red. n.s mine and t h e maimger's. dency bettered to the extent tbnt pubmissioner of finance and revenue. It Ours w a s the same h u e exactly'. s the result, be Bays, of a strict od- lie gambling, the red light nnd street "You'll bo shoved up ahead o f u s berence to the provision of the com- walking were actually abolished, the all," said the man w h o h a d taken m t About W h a t Y o uE a t A b o u t W h a t Y o u P a y mission Inw that requires a municipal excise Inws strictly enforced, nnd the in charge. cost was a little over $8,000 less tbnn orporatloD to "live wltbln Ita means." Particular people always buy'the best meats arid pay the low"Why so?" I naked. during tbe last year under tbe old it Is pointed out tbnt wben tbu com- plan. est pripes. They always live well—yet economically. "You'i'p the only loan here TVIIO biiK missioners took charge In April, 1910, ns vet! linlr An tho iitrslderit." The saving was $1,400 In tho health The Antler Market has the largest following of this particular the funds for the entire year prnctl Tin- words proved true. I wan Jumpdepartment, wltb Increased efficiency. class, because I am particular to please them. ed from one crude to another s o fast all? had been used In advance, and For the first time the city funds In Telephone 208-R. Hint I barely lind time t o learu. the [bere was an Indebtedness against bank drew interest of 4 per cent on My first aim is to get and keep the good wilt of every customer. duties In each. A m i every tiine I leurly every fund. The money expended by them is a secondary consideration. .< Money The area of the city under th© new time deposits nnd 2 per cent on averJumped my salary Jumped too. ago daily balances, and from this is cheerfully refunded when dissatisfaction arises—very seldom 'i'lli.s w a s not all. Mr. Flynn, tin •ule was seventeen square miles, wlille source the city received $9,132.17. necessary at the Antler Market. •' . . .president.mid principal owner, nslted :he area In 1U0!) under the council Under the new plan the-street cleanme mil' day to come to h i s house to urisdiction was ten eqnure miles. Tbe Ing area wns more tbnn doubled, acid If you are the least bit finical about the grade of meat you eat dinner. I went, of course, and w:nassessed valuation of tbe enlarged and the price you pay—I will be particularly pleased to see you. collect for the first time this department has Introduced to his family. Every -one 'lty made In 1910 on which to r flushed ami denned alleys, and there of his children had red hair of various axes for 1011 espenaes Is $.>S,8OO,O0O has been no Increase in expenditures s!i;'.(!( ^. h i s ohli'-U (laughter, Kinilv. salnst nn assessed valuation of $71,0OO.0U0 made in 10U9 for 1910 ex-on .this ncconnt h:ul veritiiblo Titian lucks. For th.' Uniform paving, oldewnlU and other V llrst tli'ii' In- my life I feU cany in penses of tho city before tho osten social company. For t h e first time not slou of its limits, und tbe rate of tax specifications have been adopted. n i.iTson ubout me looked at. my he.-id ntlou lu the- larger city tor all pur The t a i levy has Deen reduced 3 Connoisseurs pronounce it mui-li loss referred to it. Miss Emily poses Is tbe same under tbo 1010 lovy mills In tbe face of this. I'lynn w.is very pniclons to m e 11111! na under that of 1000. a perfect whiskey. was tin: Hist young womaif who ha-:l "When louimioaion government beF. V.1B. is ideal either as ever tliu:« treated me si>. I was happy 11 n the acquisition of new territory a meal-time beverage, or an 11:1 n i-laiii nt high tide. After dinner bad seriously depleted tho treasury,'' i-iH' led ioi' i n t o n si'iiiirnti' parlor, a n d Mr. Green said. "There wns an Indebt- Capital of Iowa Happy Under Naw ajrwenhle stimu' Form of Government. 1 spent the hours there chatting with agnlnst every fund. This baa lant for any oc- In r. They were tliu^l far the happiest edness Des Mnlnes Is nnvlgatlng uiidor tho been paid, except n o mn 11 amount lu hours of my life. I left her with casion. tbe lighting fund, and tbe commis- commission form Of government, v.iMly heating heiirt.' sioners have managed to get along whereby five men are In complete conwithout drawing in advnnce ou antic- trol of the affairs of the town. Ouo At Alt Fit-Ht-ClMi' To PIH1,I' n lnu^ stin-y short, M ipated revenues, • us was tbe cnatom of tho five acts as innyor. Tbe other Hum. I'lynn cncounigt'd me and 1 euci'lirng four do the chores. If tho citizens for yenra nnder the old council rule." Mi^s I'lyan, One day sbo toM me wish to do something special they can inlirht. go t>> her fnther nnd ask for employ tbo lultlntlvu ntid secure It by Eliminate* the Bois. Specify F.V.B. her. 1 t'.ld !=» anil was iieceiitei for referendum vole. If the commission Tho phenomenon of tho commission s.ui-ln-1;! w with great gusto. "<!o ttaclc era or any one of thorn falls to measthe next, time to I'm," he said, "und toll her youplan of government which gives tile havi' iliy henrty consent, and remain must satisfaction to many people ia ure up to bis Job they or bo can be you dnler whisdismissed by a 'recall vote of tbo Ibu complete tllanppoaraiieo from inlit lUillKT." city. Tho system of selection gives key. You'll lind 1 sp nl t ' u ' nfteriKKin w i t h Kmily tluence of the typical ward politician. tho public every possible chance to get The wholo Held of "peanut politics" nnil illii.'il \.itli the fiiinlly. Afli'r dinit all we claim Its men In and by tbe same token seems to have disappeared. In Onl• :••!• Mr. Klynn suld to mi 1 : gives every man with ambition n,n for il - a n d we "You hnve shown wonderful r e veston, for example, tho nomlnntloua opening against tho field. Any one which uru. recognized as emanating j. ...Lr^iut. i u . n u t .tisklng w h y I have-welwho can muster five nntnea to a peticlaim a lot. ci'iiii-d yi u Into my b u s i n e s s a n d l n l from tbe politicians who formerly con- tion cnu get bis name on the prlmnry my laniily. T h o time h a s conn; for trolled tbo toivu get only Itt) per cent ticUet Lust year oiity-two citizens ot the votes. In nil tbe cities It is mi' t " i':illghten y o u . entered the fight. Tho ten who re1 claimed that the city service has been j "Yi-.-irs n^<> I ciinu' to t h U i-uuntr> ceive the highest number of votes get froi: 1 Iri'hiiiil w i t h o u t a rent Mini put on n nonpnrtlsnn baRls, with a the nominations, and the five of these woii'.ed nt a n y J«h 1 could p i t In u great Increase In elbclnncy. Certain It receiving thu highest vote nt tbo elecgroat city. One day I w a s a r r e s t e d Is Hint under the commission plan tion get tbo Jobs. Thero aro nownnls, accused of stealing from a J e w . H i ciindUlnloR have repeatedly been elect- no precincts, no political parties InI have sold this year more Hoover Potato Diggers than ever before in one year. My third carhad told llu- t'ollee that it red headeil ed without tho help of political ma- volved. All lines and limits ore uholload was received last week and a good many of them have already been sold. I r i s h m a n lind robbed h i m . I wns stood chines, while tbo voters are cnatluB lshed. The economic results bovo These diggers are tho Genuine Hoover Potato Diggers and are received direct from the Factory in lini' ^vltll Isevend otlier men, IHH their ballots without relying upon the been excellent, but to the observer the tills J e w plowed m o o u t ns tile nun: guidance of the machines cither. . chief vnluu of tho scbemo rests In Its of the Hoover Manufacturing Company at Avery, Ohio. whn had robbl'd him. I w a s tried, a n d tondency to nrouso and Interest tho They are the latest models of their diggers and they have all the new improvements, which given the evldeiu'C was strong against me Mattes the City Beautiful. citizen, for, nfter nil, It Is tho vofor The value nf [ mi'ilieine1] lie;: 1 was nbout to lie convicted when a Under the commission administra- who needs reform much more than them many advantages over the old styles,,. 1 red heiuleil man strolled in among tin tion In the city of Dcs Hollies tho tbo politician. lib] apathy, ImlKTerequally hi'tv/eeii tlio purity and The Potato Digging season will soon be at its height. If you want n digger you had best secure puwcr of the driiKS and Hit' iipcclatiirs. My attorney, following i worlt on 11 street grading Job vrnncoin- enco nnd neglect aro tho bflRle causes it now. It is not likely that my orders will be sufficient to warrant me in ordering another carload riucgi'stlot'. plveii by t h e iiiun's roc' pletril with a flaring of 17 to 20 cents of bad government wherever It cilsts. method uml munnov of their t'oiiithis season, and the way to be sure of getting a digger is to order it now. hiiir, culled for lilin and placed bin a yard on thu old contract. Tho pny p»uii(lin(,r. _T[»' drugs w nlTer In Des Molnes tho Relief Is that tho beside me. Then liu Ment fur the .lew of the day laborers for tho city lias I have sold these diggers for years and have yet to find thefirst-manwho is dissatisfied with tha government 1.1 brought closor to tbo ^inre'striotly ofTli7rhfglic'Bt~iiT!HT; and when lie came Into court aslici' boon rained from ?2 to ?"J.i5 and that 0 Our training, exporienro ;uul lilin which (if the two lind robbed him. for tennis from !f<i.f>0 to $1 and then puoplu tbnn by anything ever tried machine. Y t y q u i p i n c n l aM.'iurt'^tliatJall niCM)iHie Jen- couldn't tell, l i e had iilmplj to MM), and tbe eldorly, lens nctlvo boforo nnd that tba popular will If anything happens to your digger remember that I keep always on hand an immense stock or li'ijiitltled me bis'iiuse the limn win men, the old pensioners. Instead of comes pretty unar being honestly extras and can duplicate any part of any Hoover Potato Digger the firm has ever marketed, without Y t chic*;i will he cemptnimU^l rij^lit. 1 obeyed. Tho mayor IS paid $3,600 a had robbed him had a roil head. Tin YA Hrinf; nil 'your IiTcsciiptiTimT" being scattered, eneb to a gnng whero year, and tho four otbors rocclvo ?3.sending to the factory for it. That saves you time, trouble and money in caso of any breakage Jury nrtjuUVd. imi nt oner. bo could bold buck ihn younger men, 000 each. here; to be 1'dU'd. v other mishap. " 'Cod bless red headed men!' I ex linvo been organized Into a liyb.K Juat na Indianapolis pcoplo nsk rlaliued. Trom thli day they HIT Hijmidron for grnillng work. In (lit atrniiKcrs, "Ilnvo you seen the moirnmy l!'«'i'i frli'iids.' mutter of public Improvement n now /illlllllVI) rnontr Dea Motnce folks say, "Wlmt "Ami 11 hiiH aiwiiyH been my w city hnll Is ncttinlly under wny. Tho do you think of our commission govJ. L. UI'.Rr.EN & CO., to liavcii red beaded imnln law inn' biifilneui center of tbo city bus h«en ernment?*' They nro ecstatic nbout be the progenitor of goucnitlonti o Ini'Kcly repaved, nnd thoru bun been " I'ltOI'lllF.TOHS, It Departing visitors nro glvou cople* uniirovuiniint nt tbo rlvor front. red headed de.Hcendntiln." of tho plnn as souvenirs. If. Ilroad Htrwt, IUHI 1 Our rirat ttontj. TELEPHONE 72-F-6. T<'l«-plinno 110. Tho flrit United Rtntfi moniij w m uind* In 178(1, but limlnad of bearing tho fares of londhiK (101011111011 It Itor* nn\f the fnco of Ubortji. Homo fuw roliw woro BtompiHl with (ho fnco ot • Urar* «ntl r.inii> WnnhliiKton nnd urn highly vnhuxl by >>«Rt)liti-tfV-(lit« felling mftt«rUU for making I am itill doing buslneM at my Front street •tore, and collocUim. Tho Iltiit colnn utruclc by Imvfl made arrnngementt to supply my customer* with liny, wire, iwmllrr mi<| Uwn tmntilng, * U M | K the Dulled dlnUm mint worodoimi half m:n DANK. N. J. H, attC, illinrn In 170% Tho lirirt lliiltyd HUttnii grain, feed or coal the same a* heretofore despite my fire ntlr* Jolt Ukmn, UntwUng !».. furnUl,ln« 1II111011 woro Rtmck lu Itnncu from old lost on Monday night. My patrons, can be assured that Office In S.cond N.tlon.l Dank llulldlng. •Urer fmulb/ plats funJlihud b? WiiobUall.oil m Kl.lrtM they will receive the same treatment and the same quality Itouin 18. Iniitou ond witro known an "Mnrtlin WinhiiiRton Pinion" from tl.a fact ttini of goods that have characteriied my business in the past CHAS. C. CONOVER, EatlmatM CnMtfuUy Oltaa. III* Ubcrljr h u d via* ndnpltil to (hut N«wm«it Spring* Avonn*, m o BANK, H.'l of Iho iirmiatnt'i vtitm^' fabblns ol All Kinds. IT ataafc • ! . . H*a • « * , M< I . L de la I Red Bank Hardware Co., s 1 Hahne ®. Co.'s' July Furniture Sale. EXPERIENCE OF KANSAS CITY 16 Monmouth Street, THE ANTLER MARKET. Red Bank, N. J. I General Hardware, X I . -i 10 MONMOUTH STREET, RED BANK, NL J. %' Mechanics' Tools, '$ '' t \ Etc., Etc. \ BEI/PARTICULAR I HousehoMjArticIes. '{ Paints and Oils. F. V. EVERY SATURDAY A VERY EXTRA SPECIAL SALE IS A FEATURE OF MY MARKET. ONE CIHY'S REDEMPTION. ANTLER MARKET, 10 MONMOUTH STREET. 5^"PROMPT DELIVERIES. RED BANK, N. J. Telephone 324. fLUSTAVE MORE HOOVER DIGGERS The vahie of pure drugs and the necessary experience in compounding. [ CHARLES P. CONOVER, HOLMDEL,, N E W JERSEY. Heavy Weight Wire fencing. ^ Geo. W.Sewing, STILL ON DEX?K. Thos.1 Peats S Son, Mason Contractors and Builders. Contractor and Builder, Ornamental and Tiling a Specialty. FRED D. WIKOFF. Red Bank, N. J. |«tlm«lM Ohaariully rurnl«h*d. It pay* to ndvartlao In Til* KtuiBTK I'hono 12II-M. cms. » Ui Making Money On the Farm Fully Fully Fully Fully .". .$780- - RELATING- TO NUISANCES Township of Shrm$burv. Dn J Equipped -Torpedo Rantlbout...... $725 Equipped Open Runabout $680 Equipped Roadster. ,\ -.$680 Equipped Coupe, ,Uf .^$1,050 F Call at our garage and see thecaE.on.exhibition. We have for sale the following second-hand cars at a bargain for quick buyers: iflAKl-ES LEWIS, Overland, Hainier, Buick, Autocar, DeDietrich. Red Bank Garage Co., 3 0 and 3 2 W. Front Street, ,ARTHUJl'.C. 8WI.FT,-1 •'. XlllPPouitry Parasites and Diseases We arethe agents for the Ford Automobiles and , the Celebrated Acme Tirea, Fuliy Equipped Touring Car Hay's Special mtlzt * * ' CIVIIi ENGIKEER AND SUnVBKOB. will Uelp"to fccej> It clcani Beiuuif otl Btmd and Monmoatta il»«M> tUe old stock .before, it becomes fcotjlo Phono 183.L."I«&lSl<ll,N.J. and uselew is'a-great help, sluco Ifln . L. B . STRYKER, tlicno old blt(39 tlmt tuu the first tu IK TBB 8 n Y U succumb to unfavorable conditions OmccPubllcStrvleoUulMlnd. TelepfconeIU. KtiUencc.BlShroMbaryATenuo, I'cltphciHiS Ono of tho moat eerlous at these conKUD BANK. N, J. tagious (lIseuaciKIs cholera. Tho comNuisances within tho township of Shrcwabari QTQ hereby defined and declared to be, and thej mon symptoms .(ire grant thlrat, H«tA. AREND, phal) include find embrace: Restores color to Gray o r icsaiioBS and , yellowish or . greenish • AROniTECT, 1. Tlio pkrino; or deposltlnu In or upon art), Bpeclallitln country work. Btrticter alley, or In or uuon any public or DriVot* Faded hair—Removes Dan-i droppings. llerjijc, men'suren .due .iicml. property in thia township, any dead animolwiuij 170Filth Avenue, Now York. td to atnmr out this disease. Ail sick druff and invigorates the Scalp purtof the eomc, or any dead fiBh or Qtiypartol Aopleby DuUdlnx. Anbury Pork, N. J . Itcslllenec, 18T Brood Strcot, Ko thu Htimo. or tilth from prlvluaor cesspools or catch fowls Bhould 1)0 killed nnd burned tTlh Connection s, —Promotes a l u x u r i a n t , baaltmor rubblthof any kind or description, or t n j Tbo jards and /houses should bo tlior. uoums or kitclvjn &lo;is or' gat bag o, manure or healthy hair growth—Stops its iiwccpliirja (.unvtded thut ntabh manure and other OHN S. AFPLEGATB SON, oughly sprinkled with soino disinfect - By G. V. GREGORY, may bo uoeci an a fcrtiliztT), or any foulav COUNSELLORS AT LAW, falling out. Is not a dye. .<- nrnnura nut solution. <rA coin tar dip mixture offenalvo or obnoxiouii tnutUror subetonce wh»b» ;, OOlco corner Broad end KrontStreeth Authorof "Homo Co'urso In Modern Is.goofl, .or:cMba]lc''iu-kl uiny bo used Sl.flO anil Me. at Dro-I Storca ot* direct upon OVLT. ncelpt of price <nd dealer', name. Send 10c. 2. Any fullorieokyprivyvnultj ccBspoolorotfcw " ~ Aflrlculluro" ut the rate ot.ipuo gallon to tweuty gullorHDolt: bollle.—Philo Hay Speoialllt, Co., rcccptjicly for mth. - ^ • -• • REDEBICK W. HOPE, Nenrark, N. J., O. S, A. 3. Allowing or iicrmlttlnK any nitrht soil, {Tftrbaflr* lona of' wate^, The drinking' water Copyright. 1909, by American Fr.aa COUNfiELIXIK AT LAW. o r - o t h o r ofTcni'lvo or iltcfiinroalnff,BoUd o r fluid should lie, disinfected by lidding ono I Hay's Horllna Soapjinneqnaieil ODlcee corner 13roud and Vron S ' Aaiaciation m a t t e r or Buhstancfl to lejilt or ooze from a n y cart lar Sli.mpooin( Ilic hair .nil kcepinl the Soalp o r w a g o n o r veusel In which tho aamo m a y b e t o n R E P BANK, N. J. part ot corrpplho :Bulillnintp to every " I 2,000 jinrts of writer. Thoro Is no way ole.a and bealthy, al.o for red, rculb cbappe4 veytdor carried. •'1-ld. .ad (so., 25e. it DrutfiLta. i. The curry.ntr or conveylnff through any street T?DMUND WILSON, ,HD most discounting tUlni!' to euro" tho jfoVvIs after they once get RBFU9B ALL SUUBTJTUTEa any nubtftanco which has been removed from any Ci COUNSKLLOR A1 • about tho poultry btrnlnosa In | tBO'fllBcnso. jilt that onn nu hoped fpf' OK SALE AWD nECOMMBNDED BV privy vault or ceaspoo], unless tho aamo nhall U RED incloaed hi ftlr-tifht barrel J, or In a perfectly tight Offices: 10 EAST FRONT STREET. "JAMES C0OPEB, J B . and properly cove-red wagon. and alliiiontu nhlc.li affect .tlie £. Allfenrtintfof garbatfo through the Btrcntsof- -K LSTON BEEKMAN, Probably "the most common poultry tho township except botweun the hours of Hunset flock. Unices ejjLclnl iicocuutlon i nro discuss i s roup, j This 1B really a germ A COUNSELLOR AT LAW. and B!X A. M. FubHc. Supreme Court Eiunlcaii token tho fowls aro continually dying disease, nut the. germs cannot well C. Tho Iiurnlnsrof nnymnttor or Bubntanca which Notary OBlcoa 9 Broaa rtrtct. HEP BANK. N. i. uhflll emit, or cjiuce, or produce, or cnat off anj (rom ouo cnueo or another, uud tho j get a foothold except'under 'special foul or obnoxious, oroirensivc, or hurtful, or an* uoilts shrink conespoudlngly. Moat conditions. Theso are found when thu RrHERBERT E. WILLIAMS," noyintr iron, nmolte, flleam or odor. SURGEON DENTIST. . 7. Thoc.istinpr nr illpcharffiiiB Into tho BhrewBof, tUono tjoublca arc easily .pir\ ent-1 bird catches, cold. Tho germs work Gradanto Univoralty of, fonnaylvanlfl. bury or Navenlnk, or Gouth Blirewebury river, oi ablo If a llttlo Ltiro Is tnlten. Ono of Imostly-in tho! nasal passages, WHOLESAtE AND RETAIL DEALEK IH Into any Btreatn in this townfihip, or on the bound* Offlco Bays In Ued Bank: Mondays, Wedreeam ond Saturdays: Tuesday cveningafrom 7:30 to 630* nry lino of tliia township, any substanco which hoi tbes moHt-liiiiioitunt con-iiaeratlons 1 cheesy secretion thut has a very 120:Brood Street, Red Bank. N. J. bct.il ninovwl from nny vault, ceanpool or link, ot umber. S a s h , D o o r s . B l i n d s . G l a s s any elcrinllncHs, Tho huut-e should I13 offal or other ref um?, U<iuida, or BOIUB, by a n j Cleaned out frequently ond sprinkled •p|R. W. M. THOMPSON, y. Any siul every nuisance os abovo defined it and Builders' Hardware, with qnlcltllmo or some dlslnfectitLt. hereby prohibited and forbuldtn within tho town- XJ-\ Building SURGEON. Rod Bank. N. J. NaVl Ban k DENTAL .Unto eeuttereil about tho yards also ship of Shrewsbury, nnd any purson making', crcfttHours 8-6.' Inc. cnusintf, mninliiiniiiK- or-permitting-any of bulps, '•"Tlio coops and smaller'buildeaid nuisimct^a filiiilt forXult aiii pay & penalty ol R. J. D. THROCKMORTON, mgs should, be moved from place to twenty-ilve dollars. RED BANK. N. J. DENTAL SUIIGEON, • ThoalKiVolonn extract from the ordinances of yluco freqtiontly. Wljjtewash should the board of health of Shrewsbury township, and No. B'Broad'Strcct, ' Red'Hank, N. J t o UBI'Q llliornlly everywhere. Ono of O W N S H I P B O A R D O P H E A L T H . tho uamo will bo thorouKlily enforcr-d, - AHKAM T. liENNKTT. the lioaf klndu of 'whltmviiHli Id niurlo President of tbe Board of liealth, |R. FRANK L. MANNING. Tho regular meutlngs of tho ShrowBbnryTWn. ncoordlug to what la Jiuown aa tho SURGEON DENTIST. lilp Uoard of Htollh will bo hold on thofirotEnd RAYMOND DOUGHTY, Secretary. ;overnmeut forinuln, aa follows: ,im Thuredoys of ench month, nt J:00 p. M., at UEU RANK* N, J, mTowr Hall on Monmouth atrect, Kcd Bank. Broad street, opposite Ford & II11 lor1 ts. •flluclt: half n tiushol of lime In bollFeraon»lmrlnB complulnti to rhako will present icm to tho secretary In writing. lug water. Strain nnd add a peck of R. R: W. JEWETT, AliltAM T. DENNETT. Frootilent. salt that has been dissolved In warm DENTIST. IIAVSIONO DOITGUTV. Secretary. Boom 11. Second Notional Uank Bulldlns. water, - tlireo-pounds of ground rlcu REO BANK..N. J OKDINANCE No. 2 1 . boiled to a thin paste, ono-nhlf pound nDI.\-,\MLM-; AMKN'niKO AN UHDIpowdered'SrnnlHh "if lilting, ono iiouud (R. WILLIAM ROSE, Now that moving tlmo Is near. I am 7JAN<!K 111?:I.AT1NO TO" H i ; l O . \ a i : s DENTIST.: of glue dissolved In* warm water. Mix • It nriiiiini:d \,y tlio m a y o r a n d rcnim-ll prepureil to do "your .next movinfj ol Successor to Dr. H. F. Gordon, furniture, pianos or baggage,.to alt parts <jf tliu !>orou{,i> of I t u m s o i i ntt fullow-s; these well and "then let tho mixture Gas administered, I. ThaL*tli«j o r d i n a n c e rt;latinK tu 11-of city or country, In tho largest padded SO BROAD STREET. RED BANK, N. J. stand for sovaraj duys. Heatbofore niM'U, umir.uvcd A u s i m t 1 7 , 1 !>07, hi! vnna in Red BanTc. Before you have in.inl.fi! IJ.V uiMliiK. a n o w s u c t i o n t o !).• your nnxt movlnpr done, -write, Bend or FIO. xxyirrTBAP_jj&siJN J iliiy and apply hdt.. C. HURLEY, n o u n IIK .Suction , w h i c h slmll r t i d l call for the only reliable furniture mover In town, and Ket my prices on your next NVEYANCER. AN • SURVEYOR SURVYOR SURVEYOR A ND CONVEYANCER. Importance of Pure "Water. agreeable odor. The bead swells, tho < f o l l o w s : 1!ED BANK, N, 3. "Soettou T h o llcfiwc f e e Tor ,nuto- Job. All kinds of heavy or light truck- 116 Drl3so Avonuo. A 1! Bynars.N Ono liuportunt means of keeping eyes often Ming swollun entirely shut f Wih G With George C Cooper for fifteen loblU' t r u c k s of Ifi-horHo jjovvor a n d ing done at short notice. Call or oddrefls An affected Bird,may llvo for n long m l t r Khali \,t> 51, iiiitl <:lmu(Tetir, o t l i c r fowls healthy and ono that Is often J. T. EGAN, R. B. F. KING, urn vuvnevM, $1 e:ic':i; a n d t h e )K:fn«o fee neglected Is giving them a constant time nnd sometimes even net well, lint >r niilTpmo!)it(.> t r u c k s upwavilH <jf 1G-11 Wall Street, Red BanK. VETERIN'.nY SURGEON AND supply of puro wntor. iBocnuso fowls ,t Is seldom -worth anything, Tho nl-Kft |inu'i>r"sli:ill lie ?0, a n d cliaitltbur; Residence pbons 124-J. Office phono 20&-J. DENTIST. ~2O M O N M O U T H S T R E E T . LITTLE SILVER, NEW JERSEY,,' do not require water In ai) largo quan- treatment consists In Killing the ai III.T thiin mvmi-K, $1. fiorscs boarded winter and summer ahd treatad 'J. Any jHMHiin v i o l a t i n g tlio furpxuintf EW YORK AND LONG BRANCH tities as other nulinala It Is often fectefl birds aud removing the cause freo of charge. idlliaino ^lialJ, nn c o n v i c t i o n iM'fou1 tlu> HA1LU0AD. myor. !»•> iiiinlHlii'it liy .,i lino of $ i o , o r thought ttint they can get along with- Exposure to cold ami dninpnoss I TiinaTablo In effect June 25th, 1011, ILLIAM II. FOSTER, iHMlsonnif-nt in tlie b o r o u y h Jull f o r tinout any except what they get lu pud- among .tho chief cnuney. A dry, warm '.•rloil.iit tinv<.. UIIJ.S. Otatlonn In New Turk:- Cunttal R. K. o( Now . , REAL ESTATE, INSUKANCE foot Liberty Street and West 23d Street; a i c s l n H i e b n W a i d . Xhuy itvlH Ol'IUIt liou&o, especially 0110 with a cuiiitln S. U<! It, onl;ilii(:il that this ordlnanco Jeraoy, AND LOANS. Pennsylvania Railroad. 7th Avo and 32d Street. such water If they can got no other, front'to pi-6vldo for pliiuty of ventilu- mil Inkc-vilrct ImniMllatoly. Hudson Terminal (II & M It. It.) Church und .It'.M'. . J . M. COItMUS, Cortlmult Strteta. foot of Cortlnndt and Desbut It Is Just .us haQ for their heiiltb tlon without drafts, is one of the 'best JjA.VlKL A. .VAUGUTO.V. Mnyor. brasses Streets. EO. D. COOPER, ' - . . Clerk. as It" would bo for yours. This la a preventive/measures. Tho curtained TRAINS WILL LEAVE BED BANK OlVlL BNGINEEB. For Perth Amboy. and Elbjalwth C E5, 0 41. CB5 Saeeessor to Gea>N Cooper, C E. motter-irhlch la too-often overlooked, roosting apartment also helps to .keep IN CHANCEBV Or NEW JEBSEY. (Elizabeth only). 7 0!) (Elizabeth only) 7 12 Postoffice Building, RED BANK. N. ».' and poultry raising for profit become:! the fowls -from'.catching cold hi severe (Perth Amboy out/) 1 S3 (Elnnhotli only), 8 02. :> C(!uruo C Tllyou, Mrs. C.poruti I:. T i l 9 20. 9 46, 11 45 a. m,: 12 00 noon. 1 21 (Elizabeth weather. • .Impossible on that account. yem, hiH'x^iff. (Jarrlo C; di:Gulimlo a n j EORGE K. ALLEN, JR., 1 only). 1 4C. 2 CO, 3 69 (Klizuboth only), i SO. 4 30 Jliu-y I . Hani. CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, Water put out In open troughs soon 4 47 (Elizabeth only), i 54 (Elizabeth only), 0 02 l-lto and Mites. liy vlvtim ol' an onlor of t h o court of Boom 7, Patterson Building, Broad Street. (Eliznboth only), 7 28 (Elizahoth only), 7 3a becomes .warm nnd dirty, and If thcro of Xi'\v .lorsoy, inailp on t h e RED BANK. N. J, Tho most troublesome parasites ot hiinci'iy 812 (SatunlayBonly), 928,957 (Elizabeth only), of thi! ilato hereof. In ii canfin whi'i-oshould 'happen to bo u contagious dis- poultry nre lice tnul mites.. Theso iiy lU'k'Ina 10 6C (Elizabeth Saturday only) p. m. Sundays, A. ik-Oullinla IK complainant,' ACOB C . S H U T T S , <• 7 Ca.940,114B (Elizabethonly)a.m.; ease In the Hock It will be rapidly pests arc very dlfforont In their habits. ml yon ami othci-H nro (lffr-nil.-ints, you .m.; 445 (Elizaonly), (Elizabeth only), 6 03 EHrabeth only, 0 (Eliza ly), 7 10 Byroad through tho water. A. common Tua Hco remain oh the bird'all tliu r e rciitih-i-d ' t o nopc-nr, pk-iid. anKwor or» AUCTIONEER. l ) 8 '10 (Elizabeth ( E l i b t h only), l ) 8 45 (Eliza(Eli beth only), ly), lemur lo the bill of Hiliil L-oniplainanl. on Special attention given to Bales of farm etodtt beth only), 9(03 (Perth Amboy only).985 (Eli hog waterer attached to a bafrcl on time, eating .tho feathers and Blcln. l) bcfuri! the sUtli day of Hopti-mluT farm implements and other personal property. . heth th only) nly)053. 53. 957 (Elizabeth only) p. m. tho shady Bldo O£ t h e poultry houso 13 They are notilusunlly present-In largo icxt, m tin: BUM bill will b e Ink™ u s 'or N P. O, Address, Wl Eroad street. Bed Bank. Newark k ana na N NowYwk. Y k 0K K, G 85 (Now (N Ycik iift-isaL'd atfnln.st ymi. Mondays only). 6 41, 6 55. 7 09, 7 12 (Now York Telcphono 2C4. ono of tho host wuy» of supplying wa- enough numbers to do any considerTlie Hiild bill IK liled t o foreclose a only), 725 (New York only),7 40,759 (bWork TTENRY OSTENDORFP. ter. If filled,once a week or so-no ablo damage, except to sitting hem) iort^nKO givon by Carrie C. ileGalindo only),802, 8 25.8 !0 (New York only), 8 43,9|>0. 9 46,10 4<i (New York only). 11 45a. ra: 12O0 Tuner anil Reimlfef of Pianoa ana further attention Is needed. A Jug nnd small chicles. One of-tho mos o Charles A.,Willis, dated March tweny-liftli, iilntitooTi hunilrril nn(l olKhtr on noon 140.268.3OO.'l 17 (NoW Vorkonlyi.lBM*! or large bottle of water Inverted over effective monne ot combating Ucu 19 lllldH In tho townshlii of MhliUclown, In (Newark only), 4 Hi. 0 02,7 W, 7 U8,812 featurOrgans. a shallow pah In such a manner that the dust bath. Thls,,ls simply a con- III." county of Monmouth n n d state of iiayBonly).028, DB7,105S(Saturdaysonly)p.m. Offlco. delffReuBBillo'a icwclry store. Broad B t , Sundaya, 7 58, 9 40,1145 a. m.; 4 45, 003, 7 16, Red Bank. N. ) . tho opening Is Just covered by thevenient sized -uoi filled with tine dust icw .leim'y; nnd you, Oooigo O. Tllyuu, ir<! made dt'fendfint becaiiHe you own 8 10. 8 45 (New York only), 9 03, 6 26, 9 85, 9 53 water In tho pan makes a good drink- In which tho U c n s can roll. Llco und •talil in-emlHL'.s; and yon. Mrs. (Jeorffe C. (Newark only) 9 57 p. m. " L. EDWARDS, • COUNSELLOR AT LAW. '1 'or Long Branch, Aaliury Park, Ocean Grove, ing fountain. The water will vun other Insects,; breathe through tiny n i y o u , ai-e made defendant because y o n Point Pleasant and Intermediate Btatlons, 118 Lona BRANCH, N. J., (Postoilice Building). wifu of Geoi'KO U. Tilyou. am,l down Into tho pho as fast as It la used. boles along .tly? sldua of their bodies, :lalmtlieto liavn (MondaysoJccoptod), 0 00, 8 40, 9 45. 9 C8 10 23 EATONIOWN, N. J.. (Advertiser BulldlnaJI nome eHtatc, rlplit. title or a. rn.: l i 20. 12 46.1 40 (Saturdays only), 1 43 There nrc- sovortiptypeB o£ inctul foun- Tho dust fillsjbheso holes, aqd'theydi ntereist In nnd to Kahl premlweH; and you ' (SatunioyB only). 1 57. 205 (SaturdaysoMy); MECHANO.-THERAPY. tains on tho market which work on of suffocation. A little turpentine add -urrii-S C. deOullndo and M a r y r . Claul. 2 25 (Saturdays only), 2 35 (Saturdays only). ire made defemlanlH bt'cnllso you claim tills Bivaic-principle. Most of them are ccl to the austcbuth makes it more ef- o h n \ e simie cstale, rlKht. title ol' l n - 2 41 (Saturdays only). 2 E5. 312. 3 49. 4 8', 4 36. " * (Known sa BTiedish Movemor.t8 &!Mtuuara.) 4 50. 5 17, 5 42, B 45, li 22. 0 83. 7 37. 8 SO r . ra DK. n . tt.^QELSTAJI. eient in *md to Haiti pi-tiniaes. cheap and satisfactory. Sundays, 4 E0, 9 BG, 9 58, 10 80, 10 35. 10 B"i a. m. Bed Bank._N..J. fective. •"•,.. 14 Monmouth Bti UateJ.lul.v .jth, 1911. 12 20.2 55. 5 27, 012,10 00 p. m. The medical-mechanic treatment recA considerable factor In causing dlsWILSON & SMOCK, The dust trctitmcut i s usually all thai iUNDAY THAWS DO NOT STOP AT ASBURY ognized by all European governmental .Solicitors of Complainant, easo uinong fowls Is improper feeding. Is required to keep tbe Heo In check. PARK OK OCEAN GROVE. anil recjomrnended by all leading physiUcd Banl;. Monmuuth euunty, K. J. For Freehold via Mfltawan and C. K. i t of N. J . cians and ourgoons of United states ana Overselling and feeding too.much soft Where they pet unusually bad pyreH 02. 9 20 a. in.; 12 1)0 noon, 1 <IO, 4 30, P. m Europe. food are tho causes of a largepcrccntago thruni or tobacco dust blown In among eundaye, 9 40 n. m.; 4 45, 9 03 p. m. ON BULi; TO BAB CHEDITOHS. LKAVE NEW YORK FOR BED BANK. of tho deaths among young chicks. the feathers Is effective. This plan R. AUSTIN .NE-AME, ' Administrator's notice. . It. K. of N. J., /ootof Liberty street, 4 00,8 80, Franklin I>, Strykcr. administrator of OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. In older fowls tho con) ration that Is takes too long ;to be used extensively, 10 00. J l SO a. m.: 12 40 (Saturdays only). 1 20. Bed Bank, N, I.' olm D. Uaunt. deceased, by order of tho 2 Broad Street, (Saturdays only), 1 30. 3 SO. 3 40, 4 45, 6 00, 6 30, io often the sole food Is frequently however. Lieu frequently make thel 'Phone 1B4. .urroKnLn of tlie county of -Monmnutli. 5 SS.6S0. 900p. m.. 1201, (midnluht). Sundays, the eauso of .dlBestfvo and other trou- way from tho ben to tho chicks a lereby Kivea notice to tlio creditors nf - 3 30. 8 45. 9 15. 10 00a. m.: 2SO. 400. 8S0 p. m.; R. JOSEPHINE E. NEAME, bles. A variety of foods Judiciously hate 111 IJK time, and often cause thu he Hiiid deceaHed to biinj; in their debts, , B. It. of N. J.. foot of Wcet 23d street. 8 20.9 50, OSTEOPATUlC PHYSICIAN. lemandfl und clainiH apalnst tlie estate 11 20 a. m.; 12 20 (Saturdays only, 1 10 (SaturEtiIB ted will do much to keep tbe fowls death of many of them. Tho best way if sulcl deceased, under oath or afllrmadays only), 120, S 20. S 80. 4 80.1 60. 6 20. 0 20, No. cnWnslde svti.ut. rkouaUK!. Offlco Hours: 9 to 12 A. u . 2 to 6 P. U. .lon, within nine nlontliH trom the Twen8 60. U 60 p. m. Sundays, 8 35, 0 05, 9 60 o. m., healthy. to prevent this, of course, Is to se .y-tlilrd day of May, 1011, or they will 220, 960,820p.m. R. SARAH CORLIES WABDELL, Another causo of disease In unhealthy that tlie liens are freo from Hco be-ie. forever burre.d of nny action therefor Pcnn. K. B. 7th Avo and 32d Street, N . V., 9 M 11 12 a. m.. 12 31, 2 34,6 ID. 7 04. p. m. OSTEOPATHIST. OSTE eurrjuudlugs. I>ow, damp poultry fore tho chickens hatch. Ono of th igttinHt the eaiil administrator. Sundays 8 38,934, 1112 a. m.. 1 20. 6 08p. ra. 133 Monmouth St Street. B B . KifANKMN I". STRYKKn. ju.ds, where tho 'water stands In pud best remedies Is, to dust the chlcki 'ennn. It. It., Hudson Terminal UI & M It. R.)Tuesdays and Fridays only, 12:30 P, H. to 430 P. H. Chlirf h and fVirtlnndt 8tr«oto, 7 05, 0 G2,10 04 Unduato American Hchool of OatsopatliT a l dies for days after each rain, nre pro with Insect powder or paint thpn ON BTJCn 7(1 BAR OKSXHTOnn. a. ID.. 1220,12 80 (Saturdays only), 1 30, (SaturKirkavillc. M i U r W Adminlntratrlx's notice. llflc tumix-H uf poultry troubles, i Uavo around the neck and under tho wlngi days only) 3 40, 4 30, 5 10, 6 45 n. m. Sundua Lillian 1), llycr, ndnilnlstratrlx of 9 20. 10 54 n. m,.l 20, 6 07 p. m. tho poultry house high and.dry. If a with a sulphur nnd lard mixture. R. WM. J. WOLFERT, 'rovoninn Y.. Ilyer, deceaiteil. by unler of For further particulars sea ttme^tabUft OSTEOPATH. dry yard cannot bo obtained In any Mites nre much worse posts thai tho HlirroEiito oC tho county of Mon- tatlone. hereby gives notice to tlie cred91 Broad Btreot. Red liank, N.' J . other way grado It up a little nnd cover lice. They live In tho crevices In thi mouth, itors of tlio 'Said decLnsed to hrinK in . W. BERRY, Superintendent, N. Y. and L. B, Graduate of Philadelphia college of Osteopathy. It with gravel. Philadelphia collars of Anatomy. And post irratta* .hpir debts, domanua nml clnlniH asulnst K. R. walls und rorats, attacking tho lowls of Osteopathy at Kirk** i a n school t estate of said deceased, under uuth CHARLES O. McFADDIN, Gen. Pass. Apsnt, nte of A.mericftn at night. They do not cat tho skin, ho 8trong Vitality Nocaaaary. ville. Mo.i., under the founder of the science. r nlllrnmtlon, within nine months from N. Y.andL. B.K. n . Twenty-ninth day of May, 1911, cir OEORCEW.BOYD. Gen. Pass. Agent, Ponn.R.B. Many of tho diseases to which poul- but bore through It and suet the blood .ho .hey will be. forever burred of nny action W. C. HOPE. Gon'l I'oascni-er A t t a t , Centra try Is subject are duo to inherited Mites aro so small that they ca R. B. of N. J . .hert'for u^ainHt tho snl<l administratrix. L1L.LIAN D. llVKU. weakness. Experiments have, proved hardly be seen with the naked eye, bul the damage tliey do is not measured that vitality and*vigor nro rendlly ON a U L B T O B A B OBEDITOBB. DBNTIBT transmitted from parent to offspring. by their size. Unit the so called tils Admlnistrator'B notice. Irvine; Wood, ndminlBtrntor of James Second National Bank Building ' TRAINS LEAVE RED BANK. In an experiment at'the Cornell eta eases to which poultry nro subject urt Woud, deceased, liy order of tlie surruNGwarkind Eliza botliat 6 66. S 41, Roomfl 8 and 9 tlon two pens of fowls wero selected. caused by mites. When fowls slcke Rute of thu county of Monmouth, hereby 'orNowlVorlc, 8 J6, "7 12, "7 25, 8 02, "8 30, 9 20, "10 46, 11 45, ». m.; 12 00.2 50. *4 17, 4 80, 7 28,7 88. t8 IS, 0 28, Ono had especially strong vitality, and anil die without any apparent cause ii Klvt'S notice to tho creditors of tho snltl Is time to look for mites. Painting thi iltreensed (<i bi'jnjr In tlioli" debts, deumndH tl0 50p. ID. SuiKlwis,768.U46.a.rn.;<4ii,715, 45. 0.2a p, m. roosts nml adjacent walls thorough! mil dnlniH nKalimt the entato of uald de- 'or 8Freehold vte Ustawan a t e 02.0 20 a. m.; 1100, •••»»•»••«•»«»•••»»»»»•»»;; ceased, under oath or atltnuatiun, within with crude petroleum or kerosene wl nine niontlm from tho Twenty-ninth day 4 80 p.m. Sundays, 7 68 a. m.: 4 46, 8 28 p. l * D R . R O B E R T DIOKBON, For Lakflwood. I^kehurnt, &e., at 6 47,1106 a.-n^ destroy many of thnm. Tho saui of May, 11)11, or they will 1>« forever Veterinarian. 1 59. 4 42. 0 01. p. m. Siudtys. 10 10, 11 06 burred of any action tlierefor aKnlnst Die treatruimt should also bo applied t nuiil administrator. s-m.; 840p.m. IltV'INO WOOD. DOCS, CATS, TOY DOBS. 'or Atlantic City. 0 47.11 0fla.ni. 4 12p. m. Bun coops nnd nest boxes. Tho Utter ui daye, 1106 a. rn.: B 40 p. m. laatdlDl Doga, t'ala nnd Horaea. Vonmoatli County Orphans Court. dortho roosts in often a breeding plnci 'or Vlncland, llridseton, A a , 6 47. 11 00 a. ra. < > F a i r Hi May term, A. J)., 1911. :avan.N. J. i f f . Bed Bank. 4 42 p. m. for mites. It should be elenned on n tho m a t t e r of tliu ewtate of John T> 'or Toms Rlvef and Barnagat at 6II, 1100 a.m. • »••»»*»••••»•»< frequently and hauled away. Aftei Oiiunt. duecuatd. (Jrdi'r tu Hliow CIUIHC. 2 69, 0 01 p. ra. tiuadaya, 1010 a. m. l-'ranklyn 1*. Htrylu-r, adminlHtrntor of New York only, t Saturdays only. denning out, tlio floor should bo tlior John T H E REGISTER'S want advertise1), C.aunt, dcceuHOd, h a v i n g exlillilt- W. O. B I X L U I , W. C. H o n v 0115011" Bonked with a strong nolutloi ed to thin court, under oath, u JLIHL nml ments aro na carefully edited ond na Vlca Vim. and G.n'lMgr. Oon'l P u a . Ask 6-21-U. full of news as any other part of tho of Home coal tnr dip. If tho poultr; rue ueeount of t h e pclbonill eiitlltu mill .teb(H of Huld ileeedent, whereby It a p paper. Head them every issue. You houso Is fairly tight burning nulphui [tenrH that t h e pernonal eNtnte of mild T H E RED B A N K KEOISTHI—thohom will profit by tho reading.—Adv. In It will cftectlvoly destroy all mltoi lect'iiKed is lnnufllclent to Jtny hiH debtli, [inper of Monmouth coumyt—-Adv. r<H|UcollnK t h e aid of t h e court In "within reach of tho fumes. Keeping and the prunilHeH, It in therefin'O Olclvred tlult vermin uud dlseusu hi check all pemoiiH liitereHted In the lundH, tenelitH uud liereilltliuielltH ,1111(1 real eiiH O . IIV—DIIEVKFABT IM POCLTOY tUXD. fonsldorahl(- work and constant Tig! ^ of t h e Hllld tleceliHOil, npDejir befori tho other was only medium ID this ro- laucc, but It U work that will bo we tliu court a t thu court tumHi\ In Krvoluild Thiumluy. t h e '1'IIIItll DAV O|.' spect T'# progeny of each of these repaid hi tho improved health of th Time Table in Effect June 12th, 19X1. AUHUHT, A. I).. Nineteen Hundred nml pens wn» given tho same kind o Dock. K.leven. tit 10 n'elock n. in., lo ulinw caumj Bubloet to than«• without notice. why HO iniicli of tho Huld lnndK, teuefeed ami rare, and In the fall tho reueiitu, liereditameutH nnd renl rtitiitn of sults wero -tabulated. It wap found lie uuld dei'iiiHed should not l)o Kold WANTED; 50 MEN AND WOMEN thut the chickens from tho strong vi will be xullli'leilt to nay lilx dehtfi. o r llm Mttlue Ilieieof. nn llm nimi m a y rotiuli tality pens matured from throo t To Take Advantage of Special Offer liy tho court. DAVID II. r i M T N I I , Made by Jamea Cooper, Jr. four weeks earlier and wero worth 2ft Hlll'iouilti lltlwnn PUr24t foal of FrankllnStmt, Nan York {Landing atth^BMttm cent/) aplwo moio nt maturity. It k James Cooper, Jr., tho onterpiinln Uuted Miiy ar.th, A. 11.. 1811. to take on and let off Pautngtrt only). <»nd Highland: tllanlanit WtMM. •UKsrUt, ia advertising totlny for lift; Uds lack of selection for vitality thn Oceanic, jLocunt Point, fblr Haven and Bed Bank. on WJUD T O B A B cuuscs HO mauy of tho fancy variotlen men and women to tako advantage o l>«'cutor'H notice. TaLpbona Call 1704 Franklin, Nmr York. «n<U2» Bad Bank. N. J. to run out. Vitality Is the.moat Im tho special half price offer ho is nuik .loDnthnn I. lliilmeH, mil'vlvlnir uttu' UT Mary A. l.onKBtret.'t, ili'ie portant Kloglo point to b« looked t Ing on Dr. Howard's coleh.rnl.rd rOR NEW YORK. FOR RED BANK. by older of the niinOK»to of t h o rollnly In peurtry Tnlslnu, eipeclally In select clflc foe tbe fun! nf constipation nni of Dally aicaptBuniilir. Dally axcopt Bunday. Monnlotltli, hereby given liollco \ dygpepnlii und ret a fifty-cent pi Ing fowl* for tho bre*dlng pen. I cletlltolM of the said dfceilH"il tu bllnc A.M. A. U. P.M. r. H. at half price, l!ti Crntn. 111 their delilM. deniniulH nnil elnlii •nch (election la made, the health and *ava l'lur 24. fmt of Franklin «ata R«l Bank Ho punitive is ho of tho rcmarkalil AKalllNt t h e eHtaln nf flllhl dfeenilvd, un4.11 Utn-i't 8.10 MVair llavan.... vigor of tho (lock will bo greatly 1m power of thi« snei-illc to euro der oath or iitituimtltm, within nhi *av« Hatt»<ry l««llnv H.*^ M mnillliH from tlm fiecotid day nf Jinn proved olid tho lo««o»-correspondingly dlflcnncn, nn wi-ll nn sick IICHI •' OoianU Arrl«s lllxlilaiMla alwiit lOvflr. 11)11, or they will ho forever barred of '' Ocaanta ll.ittl tint) liver troubles, that ho nitres ti any nctlon therefor uipdtiHt I h e mild "11 iMriiat I'alnt " U.»> JONATHAN I. IKMiM 10.00 I m k l h Otnat vnfunil tho money to nny aifllnmc eculor. Kalrllarmi " 11.to pontagldua Dlio«"». " UaiUlank " 1M5 whom UIIH metlicino dotin nnl qiiirUl O H HUI.1J T O B A H . RUNDAY8. iPoilltry la aubjoct to » fow con rellcvu nml rui i', Ailiullllnlrotor'n Notlee. lUIHDAVll. A.M. P.M. M i . tiwloun (IIIMIXO*. which often WIPA nn d t u n e H J . C j u l u l o y , a d m l l i l n t l u l o r u f V\ With l)r, Howard'* Bpcclftc nt Liava n « l Hank M » *'M * .klmcat tho ontlro flock. Thona din you enn out what you wnnt nnil hnv l e u (JillKloy, ileeeaNed, b y o r d e r o f t i n A.M. A. If. fltirrnK"!" <>f t h o c o u n t y of ftinniiiitutli eaaos, Ilka contnitlmis illwanna of mm no fenr of 111 comicquunciut. Tfca W>A. U. fcutBakaa • • rhrar landla»a. lava I'Wr ti, tool (it FmnHlIn \ m u b y Klven n u i l e o t o t l i o c r n i t t i i r i i D ».l(l MlriMt R.AO BIO cnuiml liy Imi'leiln or germ Loauat roln'l..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.',','.'...1JJ BUeiiKthi'iin tlie utomacli, uiven pi'rfi>r t h e 111 Id d r e e n n e d t o hrlUK In l l m l r ilebln B.IB. " lt«tl«ry l^riiiliifr K. K ft deniaiKlH m i d eliiluiH AKaliiMt I h n m l a d riio«o are tiny folia which gnln ien rtifroaition, rtiKiilnton tho liowoln, err n 1 tit llltihlMiiJn «Vii;lt KD'V II.in o l HHld llreenMiid, tllidi-l i m l l i Ol' lilltillMi \MtoWaiA.... *t trancii to tbn braly nnd grow iboro ntuB nn nppotlti', nnil makes llfn wort " Ov^anli' " ., ...11.In 11.M) l i n n , H'lllihi llllui luoulllll r i o t n t h e t lilt 11 l....u.t IVInl " Il.tO I < "li 111 d a y o r .liinn, H i l l , <ir t h e y ivlll In Drntli la not CUUHWI by the gprn tliu tiviriKf o t ' e v r r b u r r e d n f i n n ' itiitlmi ( I m n i r n llioinMvnii, but by certain polion Tkall Jf you ninnol. cull nt Jnnion Cnopn IIKIllnnt till' Mil 1.1 | | . | IK I Hint 11,1. ii. whirl] ihi'y (jho nff. After Rmnmignl Jr.'B, ntiim tmliiy, nentl him '!X> cen . l A M I ' H .1. L H H I H . i ; V *ntrnii(ri< to thii.lwdy limy nrt dldlon by mall nml hn will Fond you n pnek NOTICF - Al llatl»r» Umtlnlt, all atoraM Irabu lot OK n u t n TO n>ii <jnniiiTo»n. U>a ( ff to coihbilt, «lnrn nnyttilni; ttint will kll tig*, promptly, ilinrKon palil, I ;» "I III ••III' Nl>tli-e Jr., linn benn ulilo nlai Htolla r*m«IOnta, Chlldran win II r»«rtt Trt'vimlnu H-iiiwII nn.I l l r . i r * " I'rlili I ho grrin will ununlly iklll tUe fow Jninon Cnopi'i-,~lk.lt...1 L imcura only a llmlti'tl •upply of II e x e i ' l l I ' M ' t o f I ' l l ! I n l l o n l l n r r . l , II.-<*IIN,.II nlai). ficriiin cannot snln n foolhol In- n i d x r i . r I I . " i i u i i u i i i i l i ' <>< I 1 . - . . . m i l HJIIHIIV', mi K 1 *'" 1 '" thn ili'innnil, n arlwlula. 111 a iiorfcetiy Imaltby m r ,i| lieiwo on you nliould not ilolny tnklnif nilvnntiiK nf M . n . | . . . . l H l i . I ror a ul.iiuiil a'l'riKinn amll, lala t b . alaamar Alb«1ln«,k h i K l < " I.n||,-.. | i ,| | , . i . . , t l l . , i u i , r II I.I .1 . . f . . I t.> I.I I n n II r.m l m >,, .t«a«>.> Ha* ttihl, t w I x HM4an4a « H * » P. H. Of the beat UIVIIRI of- coinbntliiK con of tho Illirrnl nlTer lia In mnklnK tl l h . i l .l.-lili., , 1 . 11..11..I1. m i d . I..1..IH nu<> I lit. TMttJUtV '••NNBOItONIa lugloua dlNNaoa la >by .keeping tin Vfflflk. t i l l . t'Htiiln o f fcnld ih>C"nned, t|li<ln|' u u ( nf i t n t l t t l H l l . l l l . W l l l l t l t I . I l l " lIVMlitln f | « . l flock «o lieallliy Hint thejr ennuot gv AT IlKDII^NrKI » j . J. 11. T, On. lor UlaM Ckaralk AlkaalM HlfkU >Th« tjiormmnllty of Tile U I h n I W M i t y - v l K l i t l l d « v "T J i i n v , 1 0 1 1 , e II iMrt, Ann«li»r Inpottant imM rcflectn nil thono qunlilien which «o t l l i . v u l l l ( m r . . . . . . . r l w l i . i l o r n n y I K ' I I . . la tin Jlbornl urn of dlalatwlant mnka up tlio charm of r»fln»d cliariu 1 l l » l > f n v n l l n l n o t t i n 1 *MA i M n n i l ' i l n TIIKVKNIAN IIWNNIITt, U»,«L ilia. iN»lirj_Jiflu»rt-amLiflt!] t l / in;iiiiun i n u n RED BANK. D MM EGAN'S* Storage Vans anj Express. UNDERTAKER D A AND D N W a Monmouth Street, Near Maple Avenue, G RED BANK, NEW JERSEY. J Telephone, 254 Red Bank. ' Wejdesire to call the special attention of the public to our largo stock of Cloth and Paper Covered Books, Magazines, Tally Cards, Playing Cards, Pens, Ink, Pencils,&c. _ •-•••• ••• • ' • ••• • •••• ••• •••'•• Extra Fine Stationery from Whiting1, Marcus Ward & Company. Base Ball and Tennis Goods. ft TOYS—Iron, Wood, Mechanical, &c. Have you looked over the Campbell Kids, they are here. B Magazines and Newspapers. Delivered. D F1. W. MOSELJLE, 88 Broad Street, D ' Red Bank, IM. J. D THE HEALTH OF YOUR FAMILY may be endangered by allowing the plumbing in your residence to get mit of repair, letting' the deadly sewer gases hold full awayjabotftthe house, spreading disease and wretchedness. All this can be easily presentedrt>y-having.a first-class plumber inspect ;yonrdtotiitoQmB,ioilets, etc., every once in awhile. , I will cheerfully funush^sttmtrteroirairy ;^nnbing work you may need. Arthur G. Sickles, Red Bank, N . J. SODA! Have you tried our deliciotu ICE CREAM SODA mud FRUIT FRAPPES? Made from the PuraTruit in the most Approved and up-to-date manner. * K. H. VANDRKVEER, (KNICKIRBOOKM PHARMACY.) Broad »nd Monmouth Slmti, R«l Dank, N. J. 1 REAL IN ALL ITU BRAHOlIIBt, | RENTING O r I U M M I R COTTAGE* A *PK< Farmi for 8*l« ETUTWIMN. MI11X JNHVHAWOK AKD (tfUJTB. W. A. HOPPING. MOi fi: tl NEW JERSEY CENTRAL. Dr. H. B. VanDorn MERCHANTS STEAMBOAT CO. OF NEW JERSEY. Successsor to SABATH & WHITE, 16 W. Front St., W l.Tt Steamers Sea Bird and Albertina. VWlnf About Half-Price andSome Less Than Half ice! We have included all our Fall and Winter Overcoats left from last season in our Suit Sale. MEINTS S U I T S 7.50 Suits, now $ 5 4 0 $20.00 Suits, now 10.00 Suits, now 6.90 22.50 Suits, now 12.00 Suits, now 8.40 25.00 Suits, now 15.00 Suits, now 10.90 16.50 Suits, now 11.90 18.00 Suits, now $12.90 STRAW HATS 1 •3 OFF $4.00 Hats, now $2.67 3.00 Hats, now 2.00 2.50 Hats, now 1.67 2.00 Hats, now 1.34 1.50 Hats, now 1.00 1.00 Hats, how .67 .50 Hats, now .34 .25 Hats, now .17 BOYS' SUITS 14.40 $2.00 Suits, now $1.45 16.40 2.50 Suits, now 1.85 17.90 3.00 Suits, now </ 2.15 3.50 Suits, now 2.45 4.00 Suits, now 2.85 Suits now $24.40 5.00 Suits, now 3.75 BLACKS NOT INCLUDED., HART SCHAFFNER & MARX $18 Suits are now $12.90. $6.00 Suits, now $4.25 7.50 and 8.00 Suits, now 5.40 10.00 Suits, now 6.90 12.00 Suits, now 8.40 13.50 Suits, now 9,40 $20 Suits are now $14.40. B * Boys' Wash Suits and Rompers, Including the Celebr Wash Suits, are Now Reduced. * - $25 Suits are now $17,90. 1 Sprague "all in one" .•'» • • • ,•' SOc. ROMPERS, n o w 3 9 c . 7Sc. ROMPERS, n o w / 5 9 c . $1.OO ROMPERS^ n o w 7 9 c . Khaki Suits, n o w $1.OO Sl.OO W A S H SUITS, now 79c. 1.5O W A S H SUITS, now $ 1 . 0 9 2.OO W A S H SUITS, now 1 . 3 9 Wash Knickerbockers, now 9 c . All Panamas at Reduced Prices. Anticipate your wants. Buy now. One year from to-day we'll make good on any Suit or Overcoat purchased in this Sale that has not proVen satisfactory. During this sale no Suits or Overcoats will be charged and none sent on approval, but we will cheerfully refund your money on any unsatisfactory purchase. DAV ONS, THE BRIGHTEST SPOT IN TOWN. DAVIDSON OUIL.DING, RED BANK. "TT OF>EN EVERY EVENING. NEWS FROM HIGHLANDS. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. JlcSlierry, Bernard Xeenan and Martin Gorbrnch have returned home from Atlantic City, where they witnessed the national parade of the.Elk?. The, Twinlight skating rink was open Sunday night and a number of visitors enjoyed an evening on rollers. The Elizabeth police department will come to Highlands on its annual excursion tomorrow. Mr. and Mrs. William .Dognnn of Arlington are visiting friends at Highland Beach. Harry Johnson was a Long Branch visitor last week. BVEKETT NEWS. Churcli ricnio to 1)0 Held Hero Satnrflay, July 39th. A- picnic for the benefit of St. Catherine's church will be held Saturday, July 29th, on the church' grounds. A picnic will be held n the prow mis of St..Gabriel's churcli oI-BradevcIt next Saturday. Fair of the Highlands Catholic Church Will Begin Monday, July Early Potatoes nnd Applcc. , Charlts K. Caileson was one of the 1 31st—Trolley Conductor Struck by a Car and Badly Injured— first rc'.-irient.-j o,1' this. plac;y to make Robert J. Walsh Opens the Jackson Clubhouse—Highlands PeosltipmnnlH of )iointoes sinii ,,apple9i Potafties bring from $3.75 to $1.50 a ple Find Plenty of Huckleberries Near Water Witch. barrel, r.ml apples Mch ?3.50,ii havral. The recent dry spell has done A steel life boat has been secured for It has continued dull since tho Fourth, COIN'S NECK NEWS. considerable damage to the potato Highland Bench for the use of theand some of the merchants and small life savers. William Sandlass, pro- stand proprietors feel the dull times crops, and the farmers look for good prietor of tho anuisoments at HiRh- Bovorolj', but nil are hoping that the Itarveat TTftine of Jlflforinofl Olmrnli to be prices throughout the teusou. Hold Woancffday, AuertiBfe 9th. land Beach, prides himself on the fine remainder of the season will make up Early Sweet Corn. The women of the Reformed church record of his life savers and the boat for past dullness. The first SAVUH corn to be sold by met last Thursday at the chapel to any was obtained to make their work Small Fire Imnt Week. .farmer hereabouts this season make arrangements for the coming easier. There have been no drownfire department was called out harvest home. Wednesday, August was taken to Ked Bank last week and ings in the surf at Mr. Sundlass's lastThoWednesday disposed of to merchants of that place noon to extinguish 9th, was the date fixed for the festival. bathing grounds since he has been in a small blaze in Charles Nagy's dry- Committees were appointed to take by Cyrenius Stilwagon. Corn fetches charge. Persons have been drowned ing room in the rear of his tnilor charge of the various departments of from S1.25 to 31.75 for 100 ears. in the surf nt Highland Beach but shop on Buy avenue. The services of Brief Xt«ius. w they went bathing at places outside the firemen were not needed, however, the harvest home. Mrs. Mary Connors, who has been of Mr. Sandlass's grounds. as Charles T,-liaison, Jr., put theFirst fotato Shipment. sick, is much improved. She is Coming Clinrch Fair. Jeremiah Tilton, who farms the very blaze out with an extinguisher. spending several days with her son, Hartshorne place, was one of the first Edwnrd Connors, The annual fair of the Church of who is u policeman farmers in this locality to make a at Red Bank. Our Lady of Perpetual Help will be- BperUl Trol\«y from Ports Amtooy. The Keyport trolley company is shipment of potatoes. L:ist week he gin Monday, July 31st, and will conMrs. Archie Wright has entirely retinue until Friday, August 4th. operating a special trol|ey between sent sixteen barrels of potatoes from covered from her sickness and has reBooks have been left at the principnl this place and Perth Amboy. The tho Freehold stntion. Warren Mat- turned from a stay with her mother, hotels and boarding houses for sub-car leaves L"cvth Amboy at nine thews was another early shipper. Po- Mrs. John Long of Ilolmdelj scriptions and donations towards the o'clock in the morning and leaves the tatoes fetch $3.50 and ?3,75 a barrel. Misses Jlary and Ella Maloncy, affair. Highlands on the return trip nt twoWeather conditions have not been who teach school in New York state, BittoyTrolley Car. fjworalde for big crops and farmers are spending the summer with their o'clock- in the afternoon. in this locality do not expect to makov uncle, John Uulnn. Joseph Lovett of Keyport, while A:nltltli\ Outing H n o Saturany. turning a switch on the Highlands About fifty members of the Amicitia as big shipments this year a3 in formStanley Stilwell, fion of Edwnrd division of the Keyport trolley line, association of Pleasant Plains enjoyed er seasons. Stilwell, has n new bicycle, which he was hit by a trolley car last Thursday their annual outing here Saturday. Snnpplng Tnrtlea Cangltt. bought from I.ouis J , Tetloy of Hed and was badly hurt. The side of hisThe trip was made on the launch When the water was let off of Wil- Hank. ' head .WHS cut, several teeth were loos- Lottie B. A fine shore dinner was en- liam Iluck'.s pond hist week a number James Carton and family and Joened and one tooth broken off. He will joyed and the peaty left the beach for of snapping turtles were anight. seph Carton of Anbury Park spent "be laid up tome time by the accident. home about eleven o'clock. Harry Bctlle got enough of them to pint of last week with John Carton, Jaokioa Glab Opeutn;. fill a barrel. He. snid he would ship Porty-nva Farioni Confirmed. them to Philadelphia, whore hotel The Jackson clubhouse on the bouleROT. A. McFuul, bishop of the Cath- proprietors would give him $20 for Mr. imd Mrs. Hnrolcl Stout spent vard, which was bought several months olic church of this district, visited thu Sunday with Mrs. Stout's mother, ngo by Robert J. Wnlsh and which has church here last week and confirmed ;i them. Asher Crawford caught a large Mr*. John .Mulsofr of Mntawnn. been rebuilt and refurnished, was class of forty children untl live adults. turtle nnd gave it to IOllswortli Mc- John Iliekey of Tuxedo Pni-k spent opened for the Reason Saturday under Uev. K. ,1. Egnn and Ri-v. 1'. J. Quinn llunifl. lust Wednesday with hia mother, Mrs. Mr, Walsh's management, Thirty of Rvnliricht were among the visiting Catherine Hickey. rooms have been lidded and the Miss Annie Konan is spending five clergymen present. 'grounds have l:een lcgraded. The Birolt xtasr Qnrtfan OjianiHl. weeks with her mother at Allentnwn. dining room has been enlarged to Willimu Kelly, stin of Churlca Kelly, twice it« former niw und H porch hnn Johnson'!) hiivh liper garden on tho spent Saturday at Anbury Piuk. been built, around the entire building. bridge did a rushing liniiiiit'im Innl. Itert Schencl; spent luit week at Mr. Wnlhli \R IIIMO pint owner of thewci'lc. The garden in very ])iipiihir nt Itrooklyn. night. It in lighted u,ml decorated Bemmlc kitchen anil \H well qualified to with colored t-U-L-tiii- lights which Kow X-ray Maolilim. mnnuge a renniclu hotel. given thn place » very ntlractive iinBiff Huokleberry Crop. A new new X -i ay ay ninehlne ninehlne costing pcarniice. High biinh hurlileherricH arc ripe SI,mm wn-i iii.lulled hmt Wedneuiliiy e from lliniyHn}, lll Doff CwUhor Appolntod. WILLIAM SANDLASS SECURES STEEL LIFEBOAT FOR HIS BATHING GROUNDS. V^flil during tin; ptiht wi'i-'k many rciii- m. Wnlter Fields returned home in t h e f.iuig liinnrli luinpital. It in PRICE $2750. CASH $350. BALANCE IN TWO YEARS. ~ MONMOUTH PARK ' ADJACENT TO ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS, N. J. Dutch Villa In Orchard-by-th*-Sea. Plot 75x100; four bedroomB, bath, living, dining room, kitchen, running iWntor, gns; massive colonial rock chimnoy; ImpoBing verandaa. And othars. Ideal Location. Superb View New York Bay." Excellent Bathing. Orchard Lots $150; $10 down, $5 monthly. Money Loaned to Build. Unusual Opportunity. CARDASHIAN, MARTIN & CO., \?nta and campeni at thu Iliglhandu Kdward Kmrtn- him been, iippoinleil Tliiirsilny frnm Hie Long iliiuich In-.-alrd in (In- now X-rny room in tho have made morning trips to (ho woodfi npcviiil inariilial mid dog euli-lier. All hiiMMiieni. Th,. mni'liliii) will be opcrat Hilton I'nrk nnil Wntcr Witch. (log.i ninniiig ut large immt bo muznl.'d by Dr. \ y . K. ('umphvll Uin<l Dr. A vmvty of livu Knturdiiy morning •/.leil nnil Mr. l''i>!;ti.i- him been liuny I,. I). Wine, 'rjie innchlne in the gift fathered twelve quart*. The hurried tlio punt week taking iinnm».li-d <loK>< of Chiirlen A. Wlinpflielincr, n nunimei' nru large, nnd nwM nmj urn very to th« ]H>IIIIII. ri'iiideiit '»f l,.nig llrunrli. iibundimt. Juatloa of tli* Penct Btalirin. Local Office Open Every Oay. roraatna' annflar IWoimlona. •II'MKI 11. Slinil .,f 1(.-(| Hank IIIIH I,nut woult tho I'orcntna of Nrwitrk roni^ni-d n.'i Justin, ( if | | l ( , in-u,-,. ,,f Uiui «w Jlulklnc\,l. Jlulklnc\,l. MMMMMMIMMMMttlMMMMIMMMMIMIII inmiKUriited their nccond nennmi of plnct". Mr. iitiiut wii.'i rlecti-d a juiiA new new bulkhead In bein being built lit Suniliiy UXCIIMIOIIH between Newark tli'i' nf thn pi'iifii whin he lived here, William lluek'ii mill on the iMinlbo am Minlboio Hot wentlii'i- nu'iiim kklii trouble for nnd lllglilniul rtrncli. Tho axnirntonn but Im inuvnl to lti»l Hank ,(„„„, n n ,,, ri.orl. Tlw, lumber w i u rawed nt iniiny |ieople, but now you m n stop thd -nr« run by tho way of tho tVntrnl ago. 'Yiinli 10. Heyi'i'ii mill mid || )( . work itch iiiMtiinlly, AND rallroud. Tho return twin I" m-lmd- Rtriata OlUfl. eing done by Mr. lleyer'ii eniplnye .limt it few ihopii o f t h e cooling and ulod to IQBVO HiRlilnnd Iteiich nt 7:40 Mllliir Btrcnt nnd Nnvciiinlc nnil liny henlinir wlntri'grrrn lotion nnd the Itch Ml Minn lliirrict I l l t Tltio.-hnun T l l l tun b IUH nlwhich UIIIIWK n IOIIK <lny'u rucroulion lu gone not in half mi hour- not in DoalrabU Building Lola In Wmt. nvoiiucn WITH oiled hint wwli. TIICKO ni"«t I'lillri'ly rcfivi'i'i'il finin I here. •Ida Park and on Harrlton avaitua, Itii mimileii but in Ike. nocondn. htn-vlt WITH very dimly. Tin, <>|| w n , , Ohuroli Bltotlon. Thin rlinpln wimli In known im I). 1),East Had Bank, Irani $2S0 uptVaNla. put on thlrk nnd It Iniil l),<, ,l, ir ,|. t l l Mury Kyiin of Hod llunli in vlnillii;> I). I'n'iii l|illoii tut Ker.eniii, luid Tarma to ault buyar. Tho con«tm((atlon of the Methoiliat o n c e I Rivn tho Mmo iltontlon to tho oiiull job nil to thu big ono they both Rot Imr mini, M n . Arlii'r C i n w f u n l . ' iiniinlly nulln f»r ?,1 « liiltle, but now church will meet Krld«y night »t the •rl«r junta. tho beat. My work la dono without doliy »nd »«tl«f«ctlon l i giinmnteAd. 'riiiininii l.ji'iilii'i tnnn, Hr,, w h o him by npi'ilnl ai iiinreiuent you run K't church to clwt two truntrci. J. J. Itov. I'. Corncllim of 11,,. Ili'iiilirtliid IIM'II v n y nlclt, in illi|)i'nvini7. If thoro la anything; the mutter with your plumbing telephone u i ami w o ttliil »lw bottle (or 'Ih cent". Thin will Hurdle, "ecretury of tho oflUUI bonrd, military rrhtml of .Hiivniiniili, (ii-iiiyin, lie enough to nbow you why we iilwnyn iMUod the call for tho nipetlnV. will do tho rcat. Our work la dono well and roanonablo. will minltt Knv. J. A. nlgni'y lit Hie Thirty wonla for 2f» ri'nln in nhout ioinmcml > li. l). ; O. for ell nkln JMMlaMf tlfttf ion. Chiirrh of O u r l.udy ( ) f I>cr|ii'(uiil Ihi' chi'iijinit Hilvnrtlnlii|( you will llml, nlil.B. |). |), |t, give* Inntnnt r«Thert In initially « bunlnei* d«nren>«li>. dtiilnK lh« mitniut'i', nnil If Tlii; Hr.diSTKIi'H wnnt roliiimx Patteraon Biiildlnj. lon for • Urn dayi « j u r * holiday. Mr. mill Mm. Ifornnul CrvlKlitun, inn uiuil It | n Iho hcut, Adv. Jntnrn (,'i«ipi>r, Jr., lt«<l Dunk, 55 Liberty Street, New York, or Atlantic Highlands. IKIIIIfli M\ QUICKLY COOLED SPECIAL. TIN ROOFING 8ANITARTf PLUMBING. Headrickson S Stout, 60 Brotd Street, <'u,V HOWARD FT5tBY, Red B«nk 7A Monmouth a«tr«N>«. I'hono HH-Yf, Rod Bank, N. RED BANK.VN. J.V WEDNESDAY, JULY 19, 1911. ^VOLUME £XXIV» NO..V TELEPHONE'S NEW HOME PAGES 9 TO 16/ KB*. BITIAB UT B.UWAWAT. ATXAOUP aoa ronuw. 0b* Jamptfl Oat "of a Wag-on ana m i WUlUm Bowltf. Mat to County Sail (ox IMoetjr Buy*. BaAly Cat and Brnliel. rokx aaomr ox vwa WMUCTUMI Mrs. Herman Ritzau of Riverdale William Bowles, a colored man of ELECTRICAL EXPERT ENGAGED TO-DRAW SPECI- Red Bank, was arrested last Thurs- ' OM KOpKOVraC BTBBDT. ivcnuc, near Bed Bank, went for a SAVINGS DEPARTMENT INSTITUTED AT THE RED day on a charge of 'assault and bat- Till Bulldla* Willfa»« $39,170, u d will drive with her sister on Sunday after6ANK POSTOFFICE. FICATIONS POR^OWER STATION. tery made "by his father. The arrest X* OaasMMl About Daonabn lit—It noon when the horse became frightwae made by Policeman George B. Will -*• n*»* Itorlti Hlrh and Will ened and ran away. Mrs. Ritzau Hewett." Bowles was sent to the and her companion jumped out of the J Commbiionert Take Further Action to Cut Away From the Public county Jail for ninety days. wagon, Mrs. Ritzau was thrown The Department is in Charge of Clarence Beck, an Employeief of Ground lias been broken for the eavily to the r round and was badly Josepnus Bowman was arrested the Pottoffice—Herbert O. Tilton, Special Delivery Messenger, building on the north side and cut. Her sister escaped laBt-Thursday by Mr. Hewett for be- three-story of Monmouth street for the New York bruised injury. The horse did not stop runing drunk and for cursing and swearWas the First Depositor—Depositors Can Buy Government Cohditibtii, and Request* Made for Extension of Water System telephone company, which will be the Ing on ,the street.' He was sent to headquarters .of the Red Bank district. ning till it reached home. The wagon Bonds with Their Savings. —Street Superintendent's Salary Raised to $100 Per Month. the county jail for ninety days. The - contract has been awarded to was badly damaged. H. P . Wright & Co. of New York and A postal savings bank was opened for postal saving stamps. No perron f. The Red Bank commissioners on States. The petition was turned over the contractors expect to have the lasb Friday morning a t the Red Bank is allowed to open an account a t a Monday night took further steps to- to the board. of health., So was a building completed about December postoffico with Clarence Beck, an em- postoffice unless he is a patron of thnt wards equipping the water plant as a complaint concerning health condi1st., The building will cost '$32,170. ployee a t the postoffice, in chaTge of office; municipal electric light and power tions froihnValter A. Tlbbal*. The lot cost $10,t>00. M. V. Disbrow The depositor is given a heavy '-'.station. George .K. Allen, the borough inpttM* of I d u r . " rvrz DATT npnvAfc o* asotnros has the contract for the brick and 0. PEAEBOir EAB. A S EXCIT- this new department. The first depositor was Herbert O. Tilton, special manila envelope in which he can file engineer, who at the last meeting was The salary of James Norman., the building material and for doing the ( no delivery messenger at the postofflce. his deposit certificates and savings .. instructed to, make » report regarding street superintendent, was increased The savings department, of the office card, The postal Bavings clerk keeps ; tho proposed .plant, stated that he was from July 1st for six months from Th» fair »»fin« ToMter, An«n«t let, excavating. ; /" Ha M m at Storwibnry ana V u Going; did a good business the first day and his account of deposits in a set of The buildipg will be of fireproof .not familiar.enough, with electrical $75 to $100 a month. Una Will IJut the Bert or the W « « construction and will be built under JZom0 Yroxn Entontown Wbvn Ba Wai the deposits have been on the increase manila envelopes on the card index r engineering to give a thorough report. -—OoaWit (or a Bloycle Between the supervision of and from plans and H«ia Up—An Hoar Arurwara He Wa« system, an envelope being required for .Thomas P . HyTnn, of the Blackall & BUM *UUs« <m BMewnUi. A written complaint was received specifications prepared by the en- Affsln Htla Up In the Bama Place. Instead' of" making_ out a .deposit each depositor. No person can have .Baldwin company of contracting enFred C. Pearson of Shrewsbury The members of tho Westside fire from Ernest A. Arend of Upper gineering department of jhe telephone more than one account at one time slip and having the deposit credited on : trineors of New York, was engaged to held up nnd choked last night a pass book, ae is done in national or and any person ten years old or over . draw Bpeciflcfttlonn and report the cost Broad street concerning bicycle rid- company are preparing for a' fair. company. It! will have a frontage of was and was robbed of $6 while returning state banks, the depositor hands hia may become a depositor. Each deof catnbllshing an electric llght'plant ing on sidewalks.' He stated that It will begin Tuesday, AuguBt 1st, and 39 feet and will be 67 feet 4 inches in from Eatontown. Pearson is a money to the-clerk in charge and for positor must keep his or her own cer. hero, Ho stated thnt he would make a about thirty bikers ride on his side- will last a week. The company's flre- depth. The lot is 167 feet deep and home carpenter and is employed, by Walthe building! will be so constructed house is in Shrewsbury township. walks every day and ho Wanted.! it it he receives a certificate of deposit tificates of deposit, as the postmaster •.survey of the ontiro town and would it can be extended to the rear ters & Minton, an Eatontown firm of for tho amount placed in the charge of, or clerk is not 'allowed t o receive then bo in a position to determine stopped. I t was stated at the meeting Just outside the western limits of Red that builders and contractors. Pearson and two additional dories added in the postoffice savings system. The postal savings certificates for Bafe1 whether or not th,o proposed plant that Charles E. Throckmorton of Bank, and the fair will tnke place on tho future if needed. had gone to Eatontown early .in the government issues certificates in de-kecping. The depository offices will ivould.be a profitable ventUro fur the Upper* Broad street had offered to the grounds. He had been in the company nominations of $1, $2, $5, $10, $20,be open for postal savings business act BB a Bpecial policeman without The committee in charge consists of The front of the building will be evening. town. , Several men during most of the $50 and $100, and they bear interest- during the regular money order hours. , In case the company ""which Mr. pay in order to arrest bicyclists riding George Brower, Charles JJartlett, faced with gray tapestry brick laid in of evening and had been drinking. Ho at.two per cent annually. At the Red A person cannot deposit more than •Jlylan. •Jlylan.represents is awarded the con. on sidewalks. Mayor Pittenger said John Oakes, Peder Gisleson and Flemish bond with raked joints and started for homo just before eleven Bank office tho cortifieatca of deposit one hundred dollars in any one calen;' ^rnct fti'nct tto build tho plant no charge will ho would aee Mr. Throckmorton in re- Thomas Connors. A number of arti- trimmed with1moulded terra cotta. The o'clock. M. R. VanKeuren, the owner are issued in the amounts of $1, $2dar month nor can his account at any^ • cles will be disposed of on the co-oper- moulded base course and steps to the B)o o ma made for the survey and speeifl- gard to thiB matter. of Monmouth Pnrk, has built an office and $6, but later on the deposit cei'- time exceed five hundred dollars, ex-' ative plan. The revenue from this basement will be of Indiana limestone /eiition'B In case-eomo other firm gets Want Rtrait to Bull to lUver. elusive of interest. Certificates a r e with panel pilasters ..and ornamental for his real estate concern a short tificates of larger denominations will valid ^ I! the co contract. Mr. Hylnn's company until paid. A woman who opens A. petition was received asking the source will be clean profit for the north of Eatontown, on thebe on hand. ' ill receive five per cent of the cost commissioners to continue Buena company, as all of the things to be brackets, and^with a cornice surround- distance will an account and afterward marriea . Shrewsbury road, about opposite Tining the entrance door. disposed of by this plan have been On the face of the certificates is of the plant for its work. The firm place to tho rivor. This street is on Falls avenue. Pearson had ridden the name of the depository office, the must present her savings certificates The storage batteries and a small ton will get 2 'A per cent of the average the Nathan Cook property in EaBt donated by merchants of Red Bank to the postal clerk, who will endorBe to Eatontown on his bicycle, but when bid in cnBe no contract, is awarded Red Bonk, which was recently bought and vicinity. The money will be used power plant, boiler room, coal vault he wanted to go home his bicycle date of issue, the name and account them as payable in her new name. to buy new apparatus and to make imand janitor's cloBet will be in the basenumber of the depositor and the date The account of a married woman will ' to any one. An offer from Mr, Slo-by tho Land and Loan company. The ment. The commercial department could not be found and he started from which time the certificate begins be ,free from any control or interferclim of Long Branch to draw up thecompany claims that it cannot con- provements to the house and lot. to walk home. Just as he reached to draw interest. The certificates are ence by her husband. will be in the front part of the first The articles to be awarded include specifications was not acted on. tinue the street to the river because floor and the plant department will be VnnKeuren's office he was held up by transferable nor negotiable -Water Wanted. lots fronting on the water have been three tons of coal and a barrel of in the rear of-the same floor. At the a young man who grabbed him around neither If a depositor should die the baland they arc not worth anything exflour. Ample provision haa been made William Jf, Houston, the water su- sold. An ordinance providing for for dancing, which iB usually the rear end of the first floor hall will be a the neck and demanded his money. cept to the person who bought them ance to his or her credit may be withPearson had six dollars with him. imd to whom they.wore iooucd, On drawn by tlie duly authorized experintendent, stated that the Redthe extension of this street to the principal attraction a t firemen's fairs large toilet room. He is about fifty years old and has Bank renl eRtnto company had opened river was read. The ordinance pro- nnd similar, festivities. A dancing administrator or other legal The terminal room will occupy about recently been sick. HiB assailant the back of the certificate there is ecutor, a tract containing twenty lots on vides that the town buy land for thopiatform, 30x80 feet, will be built and printed general information for therepresentative. River street and' wiehed the water street from the property owners, and put on the grounds. Soft drinks and half of the second floor and the rest of w4s a husky fellow Weighing about depositor, which should be read careA new law went into effect July 1st ; system extended "600 feet on that next Monday night was set as a date fancy, articles wrll be on sale, and this floor will be given over to op-175 pounds and Pearson could not fully by the person receiving the cer- providing that postal savings bank destreet. In addition to the twenty for a hearing on the matter. Buena the other usual attractions a t a fail erators' quarters, consisting of a hope to overcome him. Pearson was tificate. positors could buy government bonds \ locker room, i dining room, retiring easily overpowered and, he gave up building lots tho extension would sup- place was accepted as a Btreet of the have been provided for. their postal savings. The new The certificates of deposit are issued with room and large toilet room. The third his money. Then his assailant rode ' ply u^number of houses opposite the borough a short time ago. that postal savings in One. of the interesting features of floor will be used as the operating in duplicate and the original and law provides tract. Mr. Houston also stated that of $20, $40, $G0 and multiples of the fair will be a contest between room and exchange. This is designed away on a bicycle. duplicate certificate must be signed by sums $100 and $500 may be exchanged for ' the Ijftnd nnd Loan company was anx- MXDDX.ETO'WWB BOSOOl ELECTION. 'Wye Pearson returned to Eatontown and for a bicycle. Nine youngsters to take care of the Monmouth county the depositor before the certificate is bonds, bearing interest a t ious for tho extension of the water have entered the contest, and thetoll board and a battery switchboard told his tale to James F . Lynch, the issued in fexchange for a deposit. The government 2'fc per cent and payable semi-annuRystem on its new tract in East Red A Sltr Vote expected at the School wheel will go to tho one collecting the for local service. A portion of this chief of police of Eatontown township.. duplicate is held by the postal savings ally. Only postal savings depositors Meitinjr Trlday Afternoon. ' Bank, Ho said that the absence of Lynch told him to go on home and clork until such time when the demost money for the, company. Those floor will be used for an operators' buy these bonds and they Will ba water was holding up building on the Middictbwn's school election on in the contest pre John Oakcs, Jr., Pearson 'started out again. Lynch positor presents the original certifi- can sold to postal savings depositors a t new tract. The requests of both real Friday afternoon ought to bring out George Brower, Jr.,, Eddie Ewjng, school, where ^applicants for positions and two companions followed a little cate the withdrawal of his de-par. These bonds are exempt from estate companies were turned over to tho biggest voto ever cast at any Harry Jobs, George 'Parker,. Dewoy a's operator will be given a training ways on behind. Just -as Pearson posit. for If the depositor should lose his and generally have a valua the water committeo with power to school election in the township, and Dressier, Osborn Parker, Andrew before beirig £jut at regular work. the VanKeuren office he was deposit certificate it can be duplicated taxation The county toll board will act as areached higher than the rate at which they it probably will be oho of the biggest act. , again attacked by the same man who Dougherty and Osborn Harrison. clearing center for Monmouth county, had attacked him before. He grabbed by applying to the postal savings are sold to'depositors. scjiool elections ever held thereMost Want M«i>lo Avoune Ornviled. making it possible by the improved the man and held him. Lynch and hisclerk at the office where the original of the people of the township apparMost of the deposits were a dollar was iscucd. No certificates are issued A petition usking tlio commissioners ently ore in favor of the new school EMCS AT ATLANTIC CITY. method of operating for the people in ran up and arrested the for deposits less than one dollar. To each and there were a large number •j.0 gravel Mnplo nvonue was referred building, but there is some difference tho county to communicate wlUrcei1.- companions young man and took him to the Eatonencourage small savings' the govern- of these deposits. A few deposits / t o tho street committee. The commit- of opinion as to tho site. Middletown, About Seventy Sled Bask Hike and Their tral offices in New York, Brooklyn, town lockup. He proved to bo Frank ment has Issued a postal savings card were of much larger sums, and a conFriend! Attend Anninl Monthly. / tco will maku u rupurt on tho condition Bolford and Navem'nk people all Newark, the Oranges.and the lower 1 Brown, a young man with whom which is sold for ten cents. This card siderable number wero "of ten dolThe Red Bank lodge of Elks and inpart of Westchester county almost a of the street at the next meeting of think that tho schoulhouse should be Pearson had been drinking during the The Long the rammiaoionevs., built eitjior in their villages or close vited guests to the number of seventy, uickly a» if they had direct trunk evening. When Brown attacked him with nine ten-cent postal savings lars or thereabouts. Complaint About Sprinkling*. by. The school board selected the including a number of women, went lines running to these central offices. the second time he may have thought stamps affixed, will be accepted by the Branch postal savings bank began businsess about two weeks before the postmaster of any postal savings de- A written complaint from J. A. nearest property to the high school by special train to Atlantic City last To get »n idea of the rapidity with he had more money than he had given pository office in the.Unitcd States as Red Bank office accepted deposits, but to attend the 25th annual which calls piny be made under this Schwnrz . that Broad street ...is not centctpf tho township that they could Thursday up the first time, or he may not have a deposit of one dollar and placed to it is said that th,c deposits in the Red of the grand lodge of Elks. system, subscribers in Monmouth sprinkled enough was referred to the obtuin, nnd Melvin A. Rice, whose reunion recognized him as the man he bad land was selected, offered to donate the Every woman on the train got a sou- county, after the new central office previously robbed.. Pearson was also the credit of the depositor, either in Bank postal bank during the five days sprinkling committee. property to the district, He offered venir brooch, a boquct of purple asters has been completed, can be connected taken to the lockup and held as a opening an account or in adding to the office has been receiving deposits Hnll Wanted for lleetiug. sin existing account. Thus an account are greater thnn the deposits made i n to give one acre, which was what the and sweet peas, souvenir fans and a with a New York, Brooklyn or Oraneg can bo started with a dime by buying the Long Branch office during the A letter from Henry C. McXonn, board nt first thought would be heces- box of candy. The committee also subscriber in about fifteen seconds witness until this morning. Chief Lynch brought both men to a postal savings card and a certificate three weeks that deposits havo been secretary of tho Apple club,./asking sary,but they nfterward^thought that provided refreshments both going and longer tnan it now takes for o subad received for the uao of tho town hnll for a con- this would hardly be sufficient for returning. scriber on the New York Cortlnndt Red Bank this morning nnd Brown of oi deposit deposit can can be oe secured secureu by vy an im «uicuuivuu there, WICIL, Only *^u,j a .*. few « n postal .V vention of tho stats horticultural so- school grounds and n playground, nnd The train left Red Bank about eight exchange to get in communication with hod a hearing before Justice Sickles. ditional saving of ninety cents spent savings cards have been |soW. y ciety next Wednesday was turned over then Mr. Rico offered to give an addi- o'clock in the morning and reached a New York subscriber on the Broad Brown admitted that he had held up to the borough hall committeo and the tional aero of land. Tho aite selected Atlantic City at eleven o'clock. The street exchange, which is the fastest and robbed Pearson. He said he was born in Iowa and that his father and - request VJUH granted, is at the corner of .Hosford avenue parade committee at Atlantic City as- telephone service in the world. The building contract and specifica- rnother had been dead fivo years. He nnd the Leonnrdvillo road. Eight of signed n band to the Red Bank deleStreet Used n.« TielglitYard. said he was eighteen years old and gation and the band escorted the Red tions have been filed at: Freehold. Be- would Mr. Morrow, representing property HOMiB M0B.AK OBTS i n TBOTTBLB to its headquarters near the fore the fifteenth of each month the onibcr.be nineteen years old next No- TWO BED BANK COTS /'owners of Riverside avenue, asked the Ing will be used for pupils below the Bankers MAK1HO A, COUPLAIKT. contractors uro to submit a statement NIGHT PB0WI.EE. boardwalk. / ' commissioners to make the Central grades of n high school, in order to Brown was taken to the county jsiil At four o'clock the big parade of showing the value of the work exe- his i ' railroad company quit using Railroad relieve the crowded condition of,the He was handcuffed but did Los? Branch Man Arre«ted Beoame He Be wai Imlictoa Six Years Ago, bat w u the Elks was held. iThe Red Bank cuted on the building, and 85 per cent ot noon. uvenue and Morford place as a freight other schools of the township. to mind his arrest very Actta Smplcloaily Tttina Out to be a Mevei.Arrtatta—He Boturnea to Bed being one of the youngest in of the value of work so performed is uch.seen) yard. He stated thnt poles nnd empty The board of education has held lodge, He will probably be arraigned Eaak^to Have Two Men Arnitel end to be paid, the balance being paid Bicycle Thief—Wheel Returned to beer barrels had been unloaded on tho meetings in nil parts of the township the United States,.was put near the when ieforc Judge Foster tomorrow, as he wan Iinckeit Up Rlmielf. the entire building is completed. Owner and Man Liberated, i' " .street from time to time and that the to discuss the matter with the people. tail end of the line. I t was nearly aid he would plenri guilty. On Monday night Recorder JameB six o'clock before the_ parade disPolicemen John Fields and George ; stfeot niost of the time is full of rub- At these meetings the penplo wore Pearson's wheel was found by the B. Hewett were on West Front street H. Sickles was talking to-Eonu! men a t . hlsh tiikon off cars. He ulso com- vca-y generally in favor of the pro-banded. The Btart home from AtlanDEMOCBATIO DINNIE. Viief of police and will be returned Friday night when they noticed he town hall when a man rushed up plained about railroad employees ject as outlined by the board of edu- tic City was made at midnight and Pearson tonight. It had oeen taken alaJtman nuspiciously. The sus- him ami t-ald he wanted to make swearing nnd cursing on the street. cntion, though in each case there were the train reached Red Bank a t three About 450 Per«om Tatnoa Out at BanBrmvn when he started out ahead pect gotacting o'clock Friday morning. off a bicycle and when he saw complaint against two men. He James Normnn, the street suporin- romo who snid they would like to (intt at Avon la»t Kt»Ut. >f Pearson to waylay him. 1 the cops looking a t him he walked laid the men had thrown bricks a t tchdent, ntnted that conditions on tho have had the new schoolhouso in their This is the second highway robbery The Democratic dinner at Avon BOYS i LOT. last night drew a crowd of 450 per- •hich has occurred at Eatontown to tho horse trough in front of the im and had otherwise tried to instreet were now much improved. He own localities. So far as known tho OHiB. X. ure him. While the man was telling said that the blocking of the street only persona who nre bitterly opposed sons. Tho festivities closed about •ithin a month. The former victim Central hotel. He dipped his handkerwith p'olcs nnd rubbish was as much to the plans of the township board of Bed Bank Aotor Will Build t, Tina B««l- half-past eleven o'clock. Dr. O. C. raB a young man named Bradley, who chief in the water and then swabbed he justice his story, J. Frank Pftterson, chief of police, was trying t o his face with it. His shirt was torn aanoa on tha Alvar Sank. the fault of shippers as tho fault education are Cornelius D. SulliBogardus of Keyport wns toastmaster s employed as a chauffeur. He was of tho railroad company. Two men van, Bismark Ludlow, Daniel T. Hen- Charles K. Champlin of Red Bank and he made a short address. Gover- eld up, choked and robbed, nnd after open in front and he had the appear- emember where he had seen tho who had poles nnd other things lying drickson nnd Elmer Willett. Mr. has bought a lot on the Nathan Cook nor Wilson was the principal speaker he highwaymen got his money they ance of a man who hnd been nding a cllow before. Finally he recognized him aa in the street hnd been notified by Mr. Willott called nt T H E REGISTER office tract on the river from the Land and of the evening and he got a tremend- lit him on the head and knocked him bicycJo a long distance. He got on the bicycle and started Thomas Moran, who had been absent Norman that unless they cleared tho yesterday nnd ho Was very strong in Loan company, which recently bought ous ovation when he was introduced. inconscious. He was found in this street they would bo arrested. Mr. his opposition. He said he had the property. The lot is 60x460 feet He was hailed as the next president. •ondition, lying on the trolley track, to ride off at a slow pace. After rom Red Bank the past six years. Morrow snid he thought the railroad visited fifteen farmers that day nndand Mr. Champlin paid $4,500 for it. He. spoke of the need of real repre- iome time afterward. Brown says he he hud gone a short distance he ped- Moran left Red Bank after being company and tho shippers would soon hnd got them to promise tr> come out The snlo of tho lot was made by Harry sentative government and of the laws loes not know anything about this aled with all his might as though he ndicted for assault and battery upon was anxious to get away from the iR mother. The charge against him bo using the street as a dumping nnd vote. He said thnt women could A. Hawkins. necessary to give the people that kind •obbery. policemen aa quickly ns possible. This as that ho broke in his mother's ground ugnin unless steps nre taken voto nt this election nnd that a pood Mr. Champlin is a Red Bank boy of government. The other speakers aroused the suspicions of the cops ouse nt night nnd gave her a beatto put n stop to this practice. The many of them would also bo out. He who has achieved fame and made were Frank S. Katzenbach and Sen- BIBAW BIDE TO LONO BRANCH. still more and they decided to walk ng. Immediately after this incident mutter wns referred to the street and snid the right place for tho newmoney as an actor and manager o{ a ator Osbornc. After the dinner Govpolice committee to net in conjunc- school, if one should be built, was nt traveling; theatrical troupe. His com- ernor Wilson was taken to his sum- . ?>ity of BBS Bank Young Tout En- uround the streets in the hope of Moran left town. Complaint won meeting the fellow again. Their nade to the grand jury and he was tion with tho borough nttorncy. tho Middletown echoolhousc, nnd hepnny is said to have made more money mer homo at Spring take by Melvin ]or Bide to Long- Drancli Last Night. •Want ivfiui) m i l l in. Last night a "party of Red Bank holies were realized for they saw the ndicted. Nothing had been eeen of nfterwnrd said thnt n good mnny during tho past six years than uny A. Rice of Atlantic Highlands. riding on thn bicycle near the iloran nt Red Bank till Monday night. people would vote to hnvtrthe fchool- other traveling troupe in the United Wilson is a firm believer young folks and Eonie out-of-town mnn Residents of IlurriBon nvonue asked hoiiHo nt Campbell's junction. M&an was cut shovt In the middle States. He usually plays to well filled in Governor friends enjoyed a straw ride to Long railroad Blation nnd stopped him. The tho referendum and initiative. that the dumping pit on thnt street houses nnd is a favorite wherever he Mr. Katzenbach is not, Mr. Kntzcn- Branrh. The party WHS chaperoned mnn WIIB n Polish Jew nnd he gave )f his narrative nnd was hustled into Mr. i>ulllvnn nnd Mr. Hcndrlckson, be filled In. They complained that liko Mr. Willott, are said to be rank- goos. He has n residence on Monby Mrs. Ella Smith of Front struct. his name as John Urown. Ho offered a cell hy Detective Elwood Minugh. the stench from tho dump win great, ing n very vigorous enmpnign ngainst mouth street but ho expects soon to bach spoke before Governor Wilson Among those who went on the trip to,give the policemen $2 if they woukl He tried to put up a fight against tho mid tluit lust wc,ok they wore com- the project. The opposition i» snid to build a very handsome house on thearrived nnd lie opposed the initiative were Misses Mildred Rosevelt, Is-'u- let him go. ;Ictectivc, but Mr. Minugh had little , and referendum. Governor Wilson, polled to breathe smoke from tho bo biiRcd on personal nnd politicnl lot ho has just bought. bolle Conover, Clara Hotighton, Corn He wns locked up overnight. J . difllculty in handling him. Yesterday ,vhcn he spoke, supported these prinmor rung Moran wns Rent to the county burning rubbish. H wiis stilted nt proundu rnther thnn educational. ciples of government very heartily. Bartholomew, Margaret Hue, Viviiin Frank Fatterran, chief of police, got nil. He i» nn old offender and It is the meeting thut tho RtufT WI\B net on Tho hoard of education Is tnking tho There wns a considerable division of OtUrson, Marguerite McOclgnn, lleu- in comnuinietition svilh police liiuul- rafd thnt since he left Red Hank he OB0C1CD8 IMPBOVBD. flii'. Mr. Norman i-tntcd that --it matter very philosophically. The ressentiment among the Democrat.* at luh Manning and J. B. Hue, Jr., Druin- (liinrtcrs lit Long Branch, where the ins served jiiil.H at other would he n lnthpr difficult matter olutions to be voted upon nt the school the dinner over the two conflicting niorid Cannon, Jesse Sabath, Howard suspect formerly lived. It wus' re- pliiccs. trB to Acoommoant« BOO fill In tho dump na tho wntor flowed meeting wore profonted by Robert Jlosfvell nnd Howiinl Stout uf lU'dported that n bicycle and n guir were nddresses, bvit n majority of those Built on OrloUa Diamond, in all (liiei'tiiniH towards the pit nnd HnrtBhoino of the Highlands, who la ISiink; Wood Dillanl and It. Manning in'iKs-ini; frrrtii a boarding houtu/ whore Frank T'lnklc, manuittir of tho present seemed to fiivor Governor Wil of Atlantic Highlands and Clem Kreu- the fellow hiid been living. /The biwould WIIHII out the filling, A public tho (argent tnxnnycr In tho school DEATH TBQK OAKOBB. Bon'.s views. hns enclosed dump lind hern mndc of tlio pit In thedistrict of Middletown township. Orioles baseballll team, der and William Kupper nf Brooklyn. cycle WIIN identified us the one stolen, 1 hopi' of filling II In. Of li\lo, however, They wero passed by the unanimous part of the diamond on Shrewsbury The trip wan made in one of D M u w Imt the gun WIIH not In the piii'oiK'r't HatU«c o! Mn, lobil T. Mmlln of T*lT UiTin Bled T»lt«l4«r. flu' xUifr dumped thoro hn» boon the vote of the horiril of education. Tho nvonue with hlenchers. The funs uro MEETINdH XT & StiylierV big wagons. piisseMnicm. The bicyclu wns rcturnei .worst kind of vile smelling gnrlmpi. members of the board bcllevo thnt the protected from the bent hy n cniivim In its owner nnd tile man who had Mrs. Kusnn HiinAud of Now York 1 Tin mutter wns referred ti> the streot provisions of tho resolutions uro theroof over tho fonts. Tho bleachei'B Berlia of mUifloun Mattlnri to iioi-ii riding It was libeniti'tl upon ilied Tuesday aftermlon nt tho homo of HACK TO HEW MEXICO. will uccainmndnte iilmut G00 pernonn, BunlUy Afternoon at tin Beaoli, committee. order1 from .lumen t.nyton, chief of linr dnughter Mr«. Jolm T. Martin of best thnt could bo adopted for thenml they will be extended on the flint I .. Beginning next Sunday n aeries nf pulici (if Long lli'iiiich. Kali- Haven. She liinK fiifToved with .wrifurn nf the Rchool dUtrlet; but they biifc line. Tho Orioles did not piny he hold Sun- J n m l i E. Weaver t o B l t u r n t o n i l aiit'or eight nnmthfi. Mi'H. Iningnrd Tho cominirmionorR luivo decided not will cheerfully nceept tho decision of lust Sunday, owing to tho failure of religious meeting!! ' will, Adopted Home Tomorrow. " • N w WUR born in (iln»m>\v, ttcotlnnd, 60 day afternoons lit New Point k to Iniilil n III'l'limim; for Relief engine tho voters In regard to the project tho vlHltors to show up. Next! Sunday .Jiuiios K. W e a v e r , Min (if .liniiwi 11. DBOKSK. years HKD, nml enmc to (bin country company without holding nn election. nnd nil the dcttilla pertaining thereto, tlio OrlnlcH will croBB butfl with the Comfort bench pavilion, Nov. .1. \y W e a v e r <if Kaul Kl'ont. s t r e e t , w l m Tower nf the Methodist church wil hn.s lici'ii Inline on n visit fi'iini Alnnin- Gliilnk of loe Tall Out of Waffon an when (ihn wns eight .Venrn old. 8h« , I'hry "luted Miiniliiy night thnt no Snyrovllln nine. lived In New York until lant October, niatli of mi Infant, l<0 In charge nnd different ."•pimkuri r ..j'do, N o w MCNICII, hml a f e w o f Ilin ' l i o n would he lulmn rognrding tho Lnndld on Hutu HAoIntyra'ii nftlifl. when nlu1 moved to Fnlr Haven. Rn« will proiu'h eui'h Sunday. The list nf uiiiBc till t h » now vliTlinn lnw ynving iiu-n frttMidH n l liin holm' livtd Until MnclntyiT, IIRI'II wvi'ii yearn Donnld ,T., tho young xon of Mr. Bed Sunk OlillA Slid, i'H the daughter nt whono hom* th« nnvlllon luvi been dnnntrtl by W. A. Krldiiy nfti'i'iiniiii for a norinl hmir. (liuighlur (if IVtvr Mnilntvre, lirok Into effect, unil Mm. I1'. Victor Pinker of .South Robinson, Infnnt ion of (lOhllMun, president of the bench com They Bpciit tin1 time in pli'iiHiinl ™ n - two of her IliiKt'i'H limt Krldny whil nil(i died, nnd two dlntcrit imil n i>rothVnwn Broktrg' X.lot»llMfi. street, illed today nt the URO of two Levnnder er uliui imrvlvo hoi', The funcrnl will nnd Miles ItohlnPon nf 1'onrl puny, nnd the pavilion orchi'Htrn wil T h e ui'dinitiu'A f u r IHciiicc1* f o r pp n w n yours nnd ten months. The funeral Btivet, died Snturdny morning of in- rennor ancred music at theiiu nor viirmil'iun n n d e n j o y i n g hiiiiieinudc ilillng on the1 hack «>f nn ico wngon bo huld Tluiriiluy nftcinnon nt two 1 •ukc. Mr. Wonver will luiive to A I'lninli nf It " \V»H Jniri'd mil of 1 1 1 i -' p d IIH I I flniil f l l rending di g with iith h will bo held'Friday nfternoon nt H::io fiintllo trouble. The funcrul was held vices. iVIm'k ut Mi". Miii'tin'ii nnd tho burlnl bruiser. iiiurrmv for N e w Mcxlro. l i d liclonK'i uiiirmi nml liimli'd (in the triiTn liniii o'clock at the home of the child's Moiulny afternoon nnd tho body WHS t h t pawn liroln>i» l l will b» in I-'nlr VIPW rcmetrry, nil iimi'itdiiH'iit thut to t h e Klldi lodf?i> nnd lm will meet lir. It. lliiiivnlni; Wiltiiui In nttemlln grandmother, Mril, Jeremiah I'nrkor Oh«ui« In WeHainir Mam. iMinniit innlii' IOIIIIH on Die toold of enrIKIIIIC of hiii lodge mi<mlirvH nt A l l m i t l e her. 'I'hti Miu'lntyrc'n nru n now of Mouth utrei't. Rov. (!oow 8. John- hurled In White ltldgo ccmclcry near Mundir-loliool »lonlo. MIRB Jennie llurlln, dmiKhter IieMlt'id, ninmiiiu <ir other mechanics don will hnvo churgo of thn Hervlron. Ilntoiitown. City n n d return .South with tlii'm. fnnilly lit Kid Hunk, they huvlnn George Ciiilln iif I.lttlo .Silver, whose 'Mm ()iinilii,v-»rlini.l nf tlm IMorm«d or wurklnx mi'ti, moved here fimn Now York u fo BllA of SrlJhVl SraOx. Hiiilnl will li« miido in Fair View otlKngoment to Percy lloitghton » church will U" on Its nimunl plcnio Yf»t« Dtiikitratnt Mutlttn. wi'i'liii iiKo. cemetory. / n l o / o i e Btolm. Mntlkln K. Manec of New York, It Cunadu, formerly of Hod Hunk, wii tn Long lirnnrh tomorrow., Trollty Tim imittt1!' of ciiiiiloyiint nn nddlnlero of Harvey Mama of Hod Hunk, recently announced, hnH pmUjmnvd lu> earn will Icavo thi> chi|ich Kroundi in tlniuil mini nt Ilin wntrr di'li'ivtrnmt A n e w Ouri'ii (.!lty l.ii'.vi'li' i r e c n t l y Xome from vreddlnf Trip. «1. K i m rinlaliei Ninth. died of Hilicht'n dli.nipc nn Hundiiy. trip to Cniimhi till uftur the woddinir hnUKhl l>y M l l l n n l I1'. Tvtlcy >>f Uvi.nil wii» loft In the hmutn of tin' wntor tlm morning «l nlno o'clock,1 nnd will Dr. nnd Mm. William I). Knyro, who Mm win fifteen yenrn old. Tho burlnl Tho eoiiiiioiiy will Uko nlmu nt Llttlr comnitllff, 'Vim Bftlnvli-n of Minn Alhi'it I,. Ivlim todk pint In til lenvo I,<I!1K Itfiuich in th* BfUmoOft BtriM't wnn I'tnlen .Huniliiy nimiilnir 1 Aifi'0" I>wV('i', tltn bookkeeper of tho worn,' married limt week, returned wim In Fair Vlow comotory yentorduy Bllver Imtuiul of Curnidn n* w«« n whllit Mr. Tetlny w n s w o r k i n g In liln Kniiti'in hainlii'u|i iiluiot nn tho Dul'oi to tivko the cKi'iiinloiilnti home ft h»W> from their wedding Hy g afternoon. first planned. ^ ^ • ilopnrtincnt, nnd of tho men n t th<> homo Hntiirdny irun cluli'n Kroundn nl ' |iAtt four o'clock and nt ilx o'clock. imwri Tilun1. plnnt wni'ii Innrdmed. 'Dm thermic trip, which they npent nt Atlantic llolnwnio, Inul Thnvnilny. lln r » « Wiua. « • • »j' Hpond nuxt Tuesday ut Anbury I'urk ("Ity, They hava nturlocl houiokoenn d from flM to fZJM n week. II',! rlny IIIKIH out nt n |IIIIIKII>III 100 nn. A bottle of good California port, •alliil to* Mtrof, \nu nn Mania avenue, Mr. Hnyrci will with the Hupduy-nchool children of flnlnlicd jilnth In tlm ((intent. In th l i l t i x m n I M I r o v n uf Ni-w Vnrli, (nntimie to hay a hta oilkn nt hli It oil Iliilik. Hpoclul train leaven Kcd •horry or clartit. given away fre« with Vronk McMnhon of RumMIt lifl,; Hunk depot at ihflO A,, M. Roturnlnff, our dollar « full quart Cabinet whl»- fnthcr nf M m . U n m n l I'nlini'ntiuli of RIKKII weld litlfi ri,iitc«tniitn, Itmiilentn of Ilpech utroct presented futhor'a horns on Drond itraot. thl) mornlnK for Kurop*, wb*M *••' flhrcwubury, died Mnmlny »lnlit. He key «v«ry Saturday. J. I. Mowiky, 1 l««vo« Aihury Park nt tiiftl) i\ M, n petition niklnv th« cnminlxloneri will »p«ti<J ti* ^ Tlm fulr to In' hi'lil In tti. John'* 1 wan (M yi'iun nlil. to Hop th« (tumping of Rhrbsm «t the All Hindi of »y« troubla treated and TleKoU: ndlilts, 40 ccnUj children, Hli K u t Front atr««t, R«d Bank.—/tdv. i)wi|ii'l nl l.ltll" Hllvur lim ln-iin lioetcorner of ltttoh itr*«t and Tllton Kliiuai furnlihM. Work fully gu»r. CtnU, Can bo puitliunoil of HumlnySmoke « Slbt, th* Hmnkd n Hllin, tl\« toncent cljnir piinvd until Wmliiumluy, AuKmtt Uih,— Smoke n Hil)g, tlio Un-cnnt clitni nventif, Th« itsnch from th* (tRrlmire •nt«d. !'• S. Tafiuniky, room 4, achool children, or at depot heforo for Art cinttv « « * train IeaVin.~-.Mii. for flva conU. Mort V. IVh.-~/l</i/ fur llvo rriit". Mori V. I'Ri'h.—-Adv. A tin, in »lmoil unbMrablt, lh« petition E l m « balldley, Rtd t\»n\t~~Adv. PROPOSED LIGHT PLANT. COMING F I 1 O T S FAIR. POSTAL BANK OPENED. HELD UP AND ROBBED. BICYCLE THIEF NABBED. AKEN ON OLD CHARGE. .S . . ' . . . - NEWS FROM MIDDLETOWN. DREDGE PANAMA WILL BE USED IN MAKING FERTILIZER FROM RIVER MUD. Benjamin I. Allen Buys the Philip Ice Plant Near Port Monmouth -Gladys Schaffer, Who Has Been Living With Oliver C. Ayres of Locust Point, Has Gone to Utah to Live with Her Father—," Lafayette C. Raynor Will Sell Farm as Building Lots. IJames Cooper, Jr. PRESCRIPTION DRJJQGIST. v The Recall Store. M whi?h d^rriaTids a certain The dredge Panama", which has laid donated to the .'women by Postmaster |>art -of t h ^ along the lliphlaiuls' shores for theD.'"W. VunNote. " " ; past three years, was tovved Saturday Addition to Hotel; is • giving, lUp'^ His heard earned to Comnton's creel; nt Port Monmoulh James Can-oil is building a-oneand is now moored to Collins Brothers' dollars for sojnetliinJJ' -wliich.will give1' • hini1 •';', dock, awaiting a high tide so it can be story addition on the east side of his Hooted to'the Smith property on theSlioal Harbor hotel at Port Monniouth. s.if Mibiiya ? ^ ^ * ^ ^ ! ? f e : ^ ^ : -opposite side of the crock. Tlie dredifo The. hotel grounds have been made will be used in making fertilizer from very attractive by a fancy iron fence. a ^jcycle or a tnotor cycle ou^ht to be'good; New Moumoutli Picnic, mud taken out of the creek. T The A ew Monmouth Baptist Sun,for mafty years of service. - ^ deling witH; Ice Pltmt Sold n e t Week. The artificial ice plant near Port day-school will co" by special trolley Lou: Tetley he gets the bes.t,guarantee that tomorrow to Highland Beach on its Monmouth, operated and owned by tlie i late Arthur L. Philip, was sold last annual excursion. A l(irg'o..numbt«i -oil can positively be given; and he gets a.guar•week to Benjamin I. Allen, who owns tickets have been gold. , .__ a similar plant. Mr. Allen is enjoying Now Port Uonniontli Puotory. antee of a* dealer right here in "Red Bank a very good season and he will operate .Captain Stephen. Carhart of Port the Philip plant in connection with his Monmouth bus started a berry and who stands behind everything he sells, from own place. lie has ten delivery tomato crate factory and he has or.-1 wagons through Middletown and Rari- ders for several hundred crates. i . A tolzzard. ;! tan townships. Brief Items. Will l i v e WitU Her Fathor. I arh righthereat horae and you do not "William Snyder of Navesink and JUiss Gladys SchafTer, who has made Louis Bocckel of Locust Point wentt have to write all over the United States her home with Postmaster and Mrs. bjuefishing last 'Thursday. They | EIGHT TIMES Oliver C. Ayres of Locust Point for went about a mile out to sea in Mr. WOKID CHAMPION when something goes wrong. Sometimes, tlie past two years, left Monday for Snyder's motor boat and caught nearly Provo, Utah, where she will join her 2011 fish. as you have heard, there are mistakes in father, W. A. Schaffcr, an o'tlicer of "Lessons from the Animals" will be the Santa Fe railroad. Miss Sehaffer tlie topic of Sunday night's devotional the beet regulated families and the same is has been in the custody of Sir n service of (he WwMonmouth Baptist lUrs. Ayres since domestic troubles I Christian Endeavor society. Mi true in the best regulated businesses. ."••. : separated her parents sometime ago. I Nellie C. Roberts will lead the meetMiss Sehalfer went before Charles R. ing. I have had a very long experience-in the: line of bicycles and motor Snyder at Atlantic Highlands last The women of the New Monmouth | week and stated' thnt she would tie Baptist' church . held. their annual cycles and I deal exclusively-in these goods. This haB given me knowledge . fourteen years old and old enough to festival last Thursday night nnd tool; i choose her own guardian in a fewin ,?9U. i t is estimated that.the net' whereby I can sell the goods which are^best adapted to the roads of this loweeks and that she desired to tnako proceeds will be over $30. • hoi1 home with her father. M The .Misses Lufbuvrow, daughters cality. Being one of * the largest dealers in bicycles and motor cycles in ,this SchafTer has remarried since his of the late Grover Lufburrow of JUST THE THING FOR SCHOOL, CAMPING daughter has been living g with Mr. Shrewsbury, were Sunday visitors of part of the state I get the pick of all makes. My line of bicycles includes hi seconddwife if will i Mrs. Omar Sickles at Navesink. Ayres nnd he andd his OR PICNICS. . '•< meet the girl at Barbcrton, Ohio, on The Sunday-school of All Saints " the Pierce, Arrow, Queen City, Crawford, Dart, Reading, Cyrus and. Peerher way West. The girl is exception- Memorial church of Navesink wont to ally bright for her age and her father Highland Beach last Wednesday on less. . ' .' • : • • •' ; has promised to give her a good edu- its annual excursion. cation and a good home. Mrs. Ayres Gas lights have been installed This is a combination which meets every demand; from the pleasure •" accompanied her as fur as New York. through New Monmouth. Lamps have, On her way West she will be under been set up in front of UiekBaptist nnd seeker who wants a light, durable wheel, to the sturdy and heavy workman : the care of members of a railroad or- Catholic churches. ganization of which her father is u John HincD of Belford;. hnn moved who wants a bicycle on which he can rely in all kinds of weather and which member. . from the house owned byS W. 0 . Havens of Philadelphia to hi| own house Parmor Now Beal Eatnto Man. will not fail him at any time. • \ • • . Main .street. • \ I.TNCKOFT HEWS. BUMSOK HEWS. Lafayette C. Raynor of Port Mon- onEverett Henry, who is employed in Prices, on these wheels show almost as great a range as the "wheels, mouth, who has followed farming sev- New York, is enjoying' aishort vaca- Two FamlUaa of the Village Change New BrunsxvlolE Chaxoh Choir Oftmpluff eral years, will quit farming this fall tion'with relatives at Belford and in Fftrmiy's drove. Their Plncoa ot Baaidiaoa. themselves and they will be found satisfactory by everybody, from the.man .; *and will devote his time Belling his Port Monmouth. The Christ church vested cchoi r of Mrs. Charles Woolley has moved real estate. Jlr. Raynor owns a large Smith & Walling of Eelford have from Mrs. Isabella Sanborn's house on New Brunswick is camping ffo? two who works for his daily wage to the pleasure seeker who wants to gi'atify farm adjoining the Ideal Beach comv pany's tract along the Port Monmouth the contract to paint the government the Holmdel road to Mrs. Ellen weeks in Parmly's grove, east of the lighthouse near Waycake creek at Presbyterian, church property. The h i s f a n c y i nd e t a i l finish. '•-...• • ; • *•• shore and he will cut up his farm into Doran's house on the Middletown choir consists of thirty boys "ranging building fats. Mr. Raynor's property Keansbiiig. road.' The house vacated by her is Frank Bell, an employee at the Port occupied by George VanPelt, who has from nine Xo nineteen years and they I carry bicycles in all sizes and colors and in all heights. I can fit is nicely located and is one of the most are under the supervision of the recdesirable tracts to be had in that Monmouth fish factory, has been laid been working for John C. Hopkins. up several days with intestinal tor, Rev. E. B. Joyce, organist the smallest child and the largestjman. ' vicinity. Formers Digging potatoes. trouble. George Vf. Nutman and George Burylar scale at Highland Fari. A number of farmers in this localCaptain John H. Skidmore is still at As to motor cycles, I consider the Indian the fastest, most complete Wilmot. The choir has pitchA few nights ago Jlrs. George Du- work clearing off the Lenison^real ity have sold new potatoes to mertents in thecenter of lack of Highland Park telephoned to estate tract near Campbell's junction. chants and grocers at Red Bank, but the their and most reliable machine. It includes the best features of motor cycles. large grove and have arranged _tlje Atlantic Highlands police that Mrs. IIuMr.h Ilubbs of Belford^ias none of them have harvested enough in a semi-circle with the large burglars were trying; to enter her rented her house for August to P*ed to make shipments*. Last wnuk po-them It is made in the East and in case of an accident any part can be replaced tatoes were brinRinp; from $3.75 to mess tent on the extreme left of the llBliiii-. I t was nbout piidnight. when Anderiion and family of Brooklyn, On tha extreme right there is the call was received and the police Misses Jennie May and Nellie Luf- $4.50 a barrel, lligh prices for po- camp. in a few hours. . . • a single tent unoccupied for the use hastened to lier place. A thorough burrow of Pluinfield are spending a tatoes are expected throughout the of guests who desire' to stay over season as the crop is short. search was made but no trace of few weeks at Locust Point. The Harley-Davidson is one of the best belt-driven motor cycles manunight. The advance guard of the soburglars could be found. Mrs. Dulaek ' Mrs. Francis Schneider of Navesink Plant With Many Blooms. ciety arrived Saturday and the ial•factured and the Pope and Flanders, 4 H. P,, also arbelt-driven mojtpr cycle, insisted that the officers remain at her has returned home after spending a Joseph Mertz, who lives on the ancc of the b6ys arrived Monday. The place on guard for the re: ist of thefew weeks at Jersey City. Holmdel road, has a hydrangea plant society spends two weeks during the • with a magneto, are also good machines. They seH'for $ 1 7 5 . night and they complied complied wit with her reMrs. Garret A. Lee and Mrs. with 78 blooms. It is in a large simmer in camp life. They have quest. This was tlie second lime Mrs. Charles Hubbs of Belford spent part wooden ilower pot in the front yard camped at Como and Seagirt but this My bicycle shop is one of the best equipped in Monmouth county. Not Dulaek had summoned the police to of last week at New York. and attracts a great deal of attention is the first time that they have pitched Frank Yanderveer of Kavesink was Loth on account of its beauty and its their tents in this vicinity. The daily her place at night thinking burglars only do I carry a large stock of bicycles, and all parts and fixtures, but I a Sunday guest of his father, John were trying to enter her house. many blooms. It was given to Mr. routine is under 6trict.discipline with Vandcrvoer of Navesink. Mcrtz's son thirty years ago. Hurt .by Cnve-Iu at Bolford. . devotional and song service at morn; have the best equipped shop for bicycle repair work in Monmouth county. Claude and Paul Meyers of New Copairn to a Boad.. A Polish laborer employed in John ing and at night. The camp haa hired T. Ilop'ping's gravel pit at Hopping's York have returned home after visit- Joseph \V. Thompson, the overseer a large boat for the uso of the boys I have an unbeatable line of tires and supplies. My shop is a t 4 Mechanic Station was 'buried by a cave-in last ing relatives at Belford. nnd much of the time • ia spent on William Smith of Ntw York cpent of the county road, haa filled in a num- the water. The choir has accepted Thursday and both of'his legs and one street, just off Broad street. I t is near enough to Broad street for conber of bad spots on the Red Bank road arm were broken and his head badly Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry with gravel. To keep, down the dust an invitation to attend tho morning bruised. He was alone at the time of White of Belford. service next Sunday at St. George's venience, being only a few steps from the corner of Broad and Mechanic Miss Grace Williams of Navesink Mrs. William Thompson and Abram church and next Wednpaday night the the accident and it was some timo beSanboni have spread road oil in front boys will hold a public song service fore hie cries for help were heard. It is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Herbert of streets, and it is far enough away for economy, as rents and all other busitheir properties. was fully an hour before the man was Smith of Adelphia. at the Oceanic Presbyterian church. Mrs. George R. Hendrickpon of Ccns for Factory. freed from the heap of dirt.' Doctors The expense of tho camp is born by ness expenses are lighter than on the main business street. Big YMgons loaded with cans the church and the *boya arc enterHarry Hendrickson and 0. W. Bud- Navesink entertained out-of-town have passed through the village al- tained at the camp without charge. long attended to the man's injuries. friends Sunday. I want everybody to think over these things before they buy a bicycle or Mrs. Emma Chorman of Nutley is most every day the past few weeks. Mr. Wilmot told a REGISTER reporter Funds for Boulevard. visiting Mr. and Mrs. John I. Sickles The cans will be used at Bucklin's ycotcrday that he liked Octanic and a motor cycle and J am quite sure that if they give these facts due consideraThe Middletown township officials of Navesi nk. its people and that he thought the factory at the Phalanx. at a meeting held last week voted Miss Mina Weber of Millville is Social Clab on Outing. camp would be located here again tion Lou Tetley will certainly receive a call before they buy a machine. §1,000 to be added to the general visiting Mrs. Charles DeVesty of The young women's social club went next year. Shou'd the society decide funds for the new ocean boulevard. Navesink. to locate hero annually the residents The meeting was held at John E. Harold D. Willelt of Belford spent on an outing to Long Branch last will arrange scciu! pastimes for the Foster's law office at Atlantic High- Sunday and Monday with friends at Thursday. campers while at Oceanic. lands and was well attended. The Plainfield. Brttf Items. Middletown township officials feel conWilliam Dorr, Sr. of Belford is Mrs. John McVey of Plainfield, forChurch locl.ty T»lr. r fident that the boulevard will greatly his Main street residence merly of Tinton Falls, is spending The women of the Presbyterian benefit their township and they are having shingled. several days with her brother, David ladies' aid society will hold a calender heartily in favor of supporting it in Miss Bertha Gardner of Navesink SofTel. every way. carnival Thursday afternoon of next entertained friends from New York Mrs. Emma Magee is visiting her week in thexgrove between the church Sunday. VlthlmfC Party at EclforU, sister, Mrs. Charles Eeid of Colt's and tho parsonage. Twelve booths Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Ball of LocuEt Neck. 4 Mechanic Street, Mortimer Secor of Belford last will be decorated each, to represent Wednesday took a party of friends out Point entertained Brooklyn friends a month and articles seasonable for LITTLE SII.VI1B HEWS. to the fishing grounds in Robert Sunday. Red Bank, N. J. that month will be sold. Mrs. BerMrs. M. Odull of Navebink enterCrane's large power boat. The party tram Bordcn will bo in general charge Pl\one 128-W. caught a number of large bhiefish anil tained several New York frienda over lawn Fots to be n«la at Sdinund Wil- of the affair and she will be assisted by'B Tomorrow Afternoon. weaklish. Those who went were Mr. Sunday, by Mrs. William Pearsall, Mrs. Anna and Mrs. Peter O'Blenius, Mr. and Miss Carrie Defipreaux of Navesink The Joyous Workers, a juvenile ad- Yeomana, Mrs. William Bruce, Mrs. P. S. -10 second-hand bicycles for $8.00 to $ 1 4 . 0 0 . Mrs. Edmond Fullerton nnd John spent Sunday with friends at Long junct of the Standard Bearers' so- H. H. Striker, Mrs. Samuel Bruce, O'Blenius and family of Paterson and Branch. ciety, will hold a lawn fete tomorrow Miss Lilian Wilson, Mrs. A. A. McMrs. Robert Johnson of Navesink, afternoon at Edmund Wilby's. Candy, Kay, Miss Eva Bruce and Mrs. BurMr. Crane of Belford. win) bus been nick two wceko, io im- cake and ice cream will bo nold, nnd gess. A number of young women of Has Several Thouiand OhJckeus. proving. the usual booths and decorations.will Oceanic and Rumnon will act as their James Leddy, who has a poultry \ Mrs. Thomas Phillips of Port Mon- be in evidence. assistants. The carnival will also be been shedding well during the past work of graveling the main road near yard between Thompson's crossing and mouth gavu birth to a daughter last held at night nnd the grove will be week un<l large catches of eoft crabs Buena Vista avenue i» nearing comMor»a to Bhrevauurj. Keansburg, has several thousand week. decorated with Japanese lanterns and havo been reported. Wcakfish and pletion. Samuel Wainwright haa moved young chicks that were recently Mrs. Arthur G. Johnson of NaveMiss Ester Bruce has returned Frmdl bluefish arc being taken in large batched by incubatoi'B. Mr. Leddy's sink is visiting relatives at Kidge- from the Wninwright house, which electric lights. numbers from the bridge by tho hook from Atlantic City, where she at- If you Ziavo wind or eaa Ju tho stompoultry house is built of concrete and wuod. was recently Bold, to one of Chnrles B.turn.4 from WMtarn Trip. . tended the national convention of ach, sour stomacli or cotistlpallon. you 18 one of tlie moat modern houses for and line fishermen. Irving Itoop and Leroy Henry of M. Patterson's bouses at Shrewsbury. Mrs. L. B. Hower and children who vory likely huvo chronic nppeniilcltlif Christian Endeavor societies. poultry in the township. He will raise Uclford r«atlvftl Poatpontd. •which may liny minute boiome acute. A have been at Little Rock several Ilremen Bet Over (BOO. poultry on a large scale this full fur week. were Keansburg visitors last Tho fair of tho Oceanicfirecom- The monthly business meeting of HIN0L.K DOHK of nlmiilu buckthorn The fnir for the benefit of St. months returned home last week on the Presbyterian Christian endeavor burki Klyccrlim, etc, as comiioiiudeil In city marketH. John's chapel him been postponed from account of the extremely hot weather pnny which wus held last week netted society will bo held Friday night at Adlcr-I'kn. the new Ui-rmiin iippouiilcltln reinvdy, will relieve you—try It, you will Asparagus r u i a s Plowed Off. AVIATOB X-EI.& IN OCEAH. tomorrow to Wednesday, August Oth. there and alto becaUM of an epidemic over $000. Thefiremenheld a meet-the parsonage. h« nurprlard nt the QUICK notion. C. A. of typhoid fever. Mrs. A. M. West ing hint Wcdnefidny night and all bills About the hint rutting of asparagus *L»gu*ra on Plonto. Thomas Mulligan, who hat been Mluton ft Co., driiEiats. lleil Bank, contracted by the fair committee were and children returned with MrB. for the eciison liy the Middletown Man Who Bnld H i Belled from Hew employed in New York several The Junior Kpworth league of the Turk Picked tip »t Deal. Howcr and they will ipeud aevorul ordered paid. Tho thanks of tho com- months, is spending a vacation with townnhii) fnrnirrs was mncle last week. them attended service at the MethoA. J. Huberts, who tiuid he wan an Mitliodint church went on its annual weeks hero with Mrs. Theodore West pany were extended to all who ti!«intcd relatives here. Most nil of UIP asparagus fields have picnic to Asliury Park yesterday, dist church on Sunday, IOngliiih aviator, wan picked up lit of East Oceanic. Miaa Tbeodonia n any way to make the fair »ucceselx*n plowed off mid the "grans" will Rev. A. A. McKay will preach SunWest returned three weeks ago from ful. be ollowcd tn go to need. The farnicrn I>oal ltcacb in a Henii-coiiNciouB con- nrlef lUmi. day morning at the Presbyterian •rlef xtens. Mm. William Davison WIIH taken Little Hock where the visited Mrs. Bumeon rir* Compur's *»U. are now giving their attention to tci-dition Sunday morning. He Hnid ho Clarunca Wolcott spent Saturday church on "Accumulated Faith." matoen, cucmuhci'H nnd tumipn. started from New York Katurdny sick with mi attack of acute indigen- Howcr and Mm. West with his brothers, Howard and MarThe nlxth annual ball of the Rumnfti'iiu Pettier Down Trolley n e t . tion .Sunday morning. For a time her Union Barrio, aonlay aTlfbt in shall Wolcott of Allenhuret. dirigible bnlloiin son flro company which was held MonOOBAK*OS* «TBWB. condition wnu H<>rioun, nit nhc is now H« rncounti-red George Eldrldge of Brooklyn spent day of laet week • in Red Men's hall The Keyport trolley compnny bi'Kun l'hilailrlphin. Tim congregations of tha Methodist was lliiu-h i>tij>loved. favorable wlndn and wan forced to a successful affair in charge of Sunday with his father, Cant, BenliT 1 laying ties on lln-ir new trurkn at and Presbyterian churches will meet Auras* »»lr and resUr.l of Kaflles Alt Mitm KHOUT Ourhurt, in company ii committee cornponed of Louie Ncuniln BUlridge. . J Campbell's junction Monday and theI'oino dnwn with bin miKliinr. He •ocl.tr Hent week. wvt'rul •Slircwnlmry young in union ncrvico a t the Methodist liuusur, William II. Hlntelmann, have been Installed n work was well under way by the time dropped in tho orcnii nbout n mile off with church Sunday night and Her. Arthur Jnm«4 Murphy, fleorge Hole, Edward The ladles' aid society of tb« Metho- UioTelephones women, in nltcnding i v mi«fiianary shore nnd iiwiini unborn. Hoborts tuld two housoa on the polo club's] the heavy shower cunio up in thu afA. McKay of the Presbyterian church A. Pomphrey and Dennis Martin. dist church will hold Its annual fair grounds. '1 ternoon, The new track will do nwiijr 11 slrutitfe utory mill there in u little riirifvrrnco nt Spring I.nke. and festival on Wednesday ahd ThursChnrlrs Von(Jrl<i«r <>f Mnnnirhu- will preach a npocial aermon on ColJoseph Wolrolt Is employed in •)] with one of tlie Bwitclicii lit the Junc- myntory nbout thu conn tin nobody auw vary. Thin will be t h . fourth sermon day of next week In the truck bonne. tho halmon. Choir Mettiiur Tomorrow m>tt«, who WIIH formerly in tho employ lumber mill at Ixing Branch. tion. Tho choirs of the Methodist nnd of John 'I'. I,ov«tl, in iMi«win|r. ac- preached thin mirnmcr a t thoTfetliOr Mrs. William Anderson, who has £odre to » • » • a. (upper. dlut church on tlie "Tragedies of the Proibyterlan churches will mitet to- BUekbarrlw Akaateat. Blojrollat Bun Down by Anta. i|iiuintunci'H hi>r<>. been very sick, Is recovering. lliblc." On Sunday night, July ROth, Many blackberries are 1*1 tig gathThe HHfonl lodge of Patriotic Komi Cnlvin Willinmn of Went Ocean morrow nlgbt at th. Mothodist church Hov. Jnliii Hundley, piuniidintf elder of AIIIH'ICII will hold u tinmiri- Satur- Orove wun run down by 1111 automobile of IIIIH diiitriot, (Illfid tho pulpit of IU,v. W. Knrl l ^ d e n of tha Mothodlat for rehurul. Thu combined choirs ered on the old race coursn track. Motor OyoM Oep rail*. day night of next work In itn ludgn ilrivi-n by |.'rnrl llriiwn Inilt wpfk. tlm Methodic rhurrh Kunduy morning. church will preach on the aubjoct will sing next Sunday night at thoSince racing was discontinued wild room* In Johnson's hall. An invita- Willinmn •wiir. ntrurk from bi-hind nnd "Is Life 11 Tragedy?" JoBopli Truax, a motor tycU police* union service at tho Mothwmt church. plants .and berrl«* have grown on tlie John Luku of Jrriiny (Illy In npciiiltion ban been lent out to nwli fiiriiihir leci'lvi-il n ' ilinliwiiliil i.hmiMrr nnd land, People from out of town as mun at Anbury Park, was pursuing lug ncvcrul wr«kH with bin brother, On Trip to Ooanastlaat. to be |>rc«eni and a big linn' in ex nlhi'r injtirica. well as residents of this village gather a upevdlng automobile lait week when Tim bliyclr wim Thoinnii I.al<i'. Mm. U V | B . VanN.«t left laat low* td The Pr««byterlan prnyer neetliijt the borriei, and some of tha buys of hit machine skidded and threw him, uninnhril b«*yoml n*|niir. Ifrnwn rliiiiiin Conrwrticnt, Allintr Onln of Ilrooklyn In vUillnn wiwk for Mnugntuek, tho place make money during tho va- He rolled over three times with thd ho looted bin horn, but. William* puld ri'lntlvcn Imrc. where uhn will spend MV*raJ w«*lta tonight will b« held on the porch of r«lr motor cycle and was drugged several" with her duuphtor, Mrs. P.rey Hicks. the parsonage. ThO lorvico will bo cation season by selling the fruit. Tho nnmml fnir of lliC> Nnvinlnk no ntli'iilloii to him, Dinner for J u d o Diin«>n. •feet by the machine, the *nglne of Mr«. llonjimiln Cook, anothar daugh- led by tha pastor, lUv. Arthur A. Mc- BMI vale K M Win*. Mcthodliit church will ho held Friday and fiattirduy of next work. Th«> fnlr Jllillto Nvlmm V, DtuiKnll wnn (fivrli ter, who bun been vlaltlnfr h*r par- Kay. The service will begin at eight On the Rumson. polo grounds Man- which kept on running. Ills only bad Woman out in r«ll. day th* J W L M I O «hib of this plat* injury Wai • broken wriit committee will mcrt tlila v/eA n| Mini a ilimii'r nl Porluiipivk liutunlny •r»ta hftrc, i«rt Sabttday tot- King'* o'clock. : 1'itrk, New York, whara bar husband B. John II. I'nllt-rion of iittttatsi « u In stenat. nm. John I. I'Ad.-n.onof KnrmlnK. iifiotimon by th,, Monmmilli county defeated th* Kumtoti club by a score Kate Dnvli'n. whrn all ni-riin|r«nH'nlii dill* *nn limly nil on th* nrtn wbll,. bar naawinllon. Thi. rommlttfw in linn charge of Inrtalllng a htatlng J. DeWitt Urower Installod gas in of 6 to 2*4. A number of rcaltlenU tor the fair will Ixi t«ttl«l. lyaUm In one of U14 public building* his rcildencn yesterday iiflornoon. of this plare attended the gam*. Th» Tim npnMXMM'e regular inuif ot rnrrylnir ,i l K|,,, nmT . hint Krlrlny. r | t k l r , ( l f „„, ( l l n w r ^nji.t,,,! ,,f J o | i n thtm stele at •«Wor«. 5,000 coplti will ttcurv to avary ad< at tliut plncc. ll(l Over • score of families In the Ot*an- •am* trnms a n playing on th* Ham- vartlier a circulation pf t h . papar la t'' ' T ! ' "f"1""1 n ."t".v!' "nnd "• A|'l>'«Knt#, fir, of ! M H « n k , Henry Tha women women of thn BHford BHford MclhodUt 't.'u'l r lump I n pK nnrl clilmin-y I). Terbium nnd John W. rilocum irf »«•»/ Or>». After BaJa, foil down. ll.r nd i-hlmni-v lo district of tha borough have In- Bon field this afternoon. virtually «r«ry horn* In all UUt part «t eb\ireh b h will ill hhold l d a mile of f Immo wn<i, wrr«> broken nnrl the upprr | m r t litI'Oiiti llmnrh, 3. C'lnrrnrn f!onovrr of bd l iif crmm nd funcyy hrr rlrhl tbi crantr, »n4 It will bring to tn« at*, bread, eali«, Thn warm r.ln Monday mornlnjr stalled gM during the jiaht month. 4 iinn win Imdly fii(. l>y (In.Freehold and .lamr« 1). Carton of As*rtJcl«» In th« VnnNot* hi'hiiil <-r«lililii(( u most all of theW W I M M I H t ' IflrniB It rr<|iiiim| mivpii flilchm to MIng About 100 ehlMrm from N*« York tendon of klMbtt tv«ry family h.r H«t' bliry I'«rk. Seventy.llv«i (tu*at. wore rrabblntf |>artl«« yoaUrday ntumMl about* th( barf^lni offtrwl by Ml t Th U M ot t tii* i bullijliiic Bevsral of th* sld* street! TIW» The arrived »t tti* bom* for UM homflww rim* lln> l priwnl. 4, home with lnrg« catch**. Craba hart Mr*p«4 jr*it*rdavjr afUrnoon and th* FREE! FREE! FREE! Sanitary Aluminum Collapsible Drinking Cops. On Thursday and Friday, July 20th and 21st, I will give to each purchaser of a Rexall Article of the value of 2 5 cents a Sanitary Aluminum Collapsible Drinking Cup. Cooper's Soda/' Ik- Business. Honest Goods. Lou Tetley, One Price. Honest Dealing. YOU MAY HAVE APPENDICITIS JNDNOTpOWIT mar this p|«et lalt watk. All of fr%ft&&&%fyfa4%^^ NEWS FROM FARM1NGD ALE ind Mr*, John G. W. Havens of Point j Pleasant, returned home Monday. lUnti V, 'Johnson has improved j his farm home at "West Farms .by I placlpg blinds on it and painting it. JOHN MARRINER'S TEAM RAN AWAY WITH A Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Matthews and'MisB Lane of Highlands have •••'-" LOAD OF BOARDERS. Seen spending several days at West Farms with Mrs. Matthew&'s parents, Mr*. Kevoe W. Patterson. Family Rwinlon in Celebration of Mn.. Ann F^teroft** Eightieth Mr,Dr.and and Mrs. Herbert E. Williams of Red Bank visited Vt. Williama's , Birthday—Rev. Charles Wt Heitlay Sprayt Hit Cranberry Bogt parent?, Mr. and .Mrs. John H. Wil. ' with Bordeaux Mixture-William Ebinxer Laid Up Last Week liams lost Sunday. Lester Robbins, who ho? been work' with Eye Trouble-Returned from California. ing at Newark, N. Y., during the past two months, is spending his vacation John Marrlner'i team ran awey deaux mixture. He has sprayed form- with here. f hil he h was erly with good results and has demon- Mrs.relatives last Saturday afternoon while Harry Harrington, Mrs, Pettit on fait way from the Central railroad strated that it pays. The present out- and Mrs. Louisa McCorriay of Brookstation with a load of city boarders look is favorable «for a good crop of lyn are visiting Mrs, George W.Allen who were going to Isaac Marrlner'e berries on the bogs in this vicinity, West'Farms. ' •. • 1 Edgewater cottage at West Farms, although the extremely hot weather at Itaac Marriner has about forty Marrlner WBB a short distance beyond during the past three weeks injure i boarders from New York and BrookFarmingdale when he met a wagon the small berries in some places. lyn at Edgcwater1' cottage, West load, of hay. His horses shied sud- YMUrntph Optntor K M Bjr* Tronbl*. ' denly and tlie wagon was thrown one- William Elsinger, telegraph opera- Farms. Mr. and Mrs. James W. White of tide and turned over. None pi the tor at the'Pennsylvania station, was Bradley Beach are visiting Mr. and occupants of the stage was badly in- compelled last week to quit work. The Mrs. Edward D, Woolley at West ' iriecl- although several of them BUS- sight of one eye was impaired and ho Farms. ifned bruises, When /the wagon was under medical treatment ior sev- Miss Jennie Conk, who lives on ent over they were thrown in a heap days. Ho has improved and ro- rural route No. ,1, is suffering from /and piled up on top of one another. eral work thiB weelf. During his rheumatism. She has been sick two The team broke-awny from the wagon. sumed absence from the station his place was weeks. They were uninjured but the harness filled Miss Vanderhoof of Gloucester !B by Calvin , Havens of Toms and wagon were^badly damaged. i £ Bpending a week with her grandmother, Mrs, Sarah E, Cottrell. mtoroft jrnmtly Mnnloa.' "'">/. T»c« Kplut, Miss Carrie Riddle, who has been AJ)lrthdny celebration and family Miss Mary Yard entertained a reunion took place at the Flitcroft party of friends at-the home «f hersuffering for a week from eye trouble, is now considerably improved. homestead at North Farmingdale' last parents, Mr. and Mrs, Alexander Miss Ma:y Goodenough has reFriday aftorh'oon and night. The Yard, last' Friday: Among those event was in delcbratlon of Mr?. Ann present were Misses Anna Hurtt, turned'after a few days' visit with at Point Pleasant. : FHtcroffs eightieth birthday. Mra.Elizabeth Goodenough, Ruby pnd Lulu relatives - Chester Megill has a job' as motorFlitcroft is active for one'of her age Lamont, Mabel Demmo and Margaret man for the summer with the Aabury and she greatly appreciated the secret- Hepburn. Park trolley company. ly arranged affair as well as the gath- Bold Kit Miss Annie Reinhart of Jersey City ering of about forty of her relatives. Henry Dyckman has raid his farm in visiting Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moore MM. FllUiroft was the recipient of a near on the Asbury Park on rural route No. 2. large number of presents and ehe te- road. Farmirigdale The new owner will take poMr. and Mrs. Trevonian L. Harvey -ceived about 100 birthday cards, In Beesion of the property this week and spent several days last week with relthe evening there was a fine display of atives at Siiverton, Dyckman will move to Asbury Park, fireworks on the lawn. The homestead - Miss Irene Shnfto of Baltimore is "is; now occupied l>y "Mr. an* Mrs.where he formerly lived, spending two weeks with her brother, Joseph Conrow.' Among those pres- Saturn into. California, Shafto. Mr, and MM. Charles H. Butcher of Clarence ent) were Mr, and Mr*. John S. FlltJIaxon W. Garhart spent Monday crolft of.Atlantic Highlands, Mr, andSan Francisco, Cal,, returned .last with WR parenta, Mr. and ,Mn, John M»B. •William H. Flltcroft and family, Saturday after an "absence of four Garhart. JJflli'. and Mrs, James L. Hall and Miss years. They will remain east some W:Miss Harvey and Miss Grace /Myrtle Hull, Mr, and Mrs. Joseph H, time with friends and relatives at VoorheesIriswere visitors at Asbury Conrow and family, Mr. and Mrs.Ardena and vicinity. Park last week. John H, Morris and family, Mr,\and BrUf xt*m«. Mrs. Emma Kinmouth had the fence Mrs. .Edward Flitcroft and Miss Last Sunday Jacob Lutz and daugh- removed from in front of her house Gladys Flitcroft of Ocean Grove and ters, Miss Sarina Lutz and Mrs, this week. ^ j Mrs. Calvin Shaftp and family of Emma Kinmonlh, and son William D, William B. Patek of Seattle, WashNorth Farmingdale. , Lutz visited Mr. Lutz'a sister, Mrs, ington, is visiting his father, Sigmund Bpr«y#4 Orant*ny Bo«k ' • Margaret Bcihl of Long Branch. Patck. Miss Elizabeth Goodenough, who Mrs, John Murphy of New Epypt Rev. Charles W. Helsley haB sprayed all of his cranberry bogs with Bor- has been spending two weeks with Mr, is visiting her son, Edgnr L. Mpiphy. You Fully Realize ifWeCould Men^s Suits. $ 7.50 Suite,now $ 5.63 1O.Q0 Suiti, now 7.S0 12.00 Suiti, now 9.00 13.50Suiti, now 10.12 15.00 Suit«, now 11.25 16.50 Suite, now 12.38 18.00 Suite, now 13.S0 20.00 Suite, now 15.00 22.50 Suite, now 16.88 25.00 Suite, now 18 75 what a saving it means to buy a suit Boys' Suits. now, you would come here and try on 2.00 Suit*, now some of these elegant garments made $ 2.50 SuiU, now by Kuppenheimer and some of our 3.00 Suite, now Suiti, how Special Tailored. Finer clothes are not 3.50 4.00 SuiU, now made, lower prices are not foundany- 4.50 SuiU, now 5.00 SuiU, now where. 6.00 Suits.now • 25 Cents on Every Dollar. Come and Investigate. 4 m 1.4 1 7.00 Suits, now 8.00 SuiU, now 10.00 SuiU, now 1-4 1-4 .1-4 On AH Summer Suits. On All Summer Suits. T WE DO THE BUSINESS. Jv KRIDEL, tt Clothier, Hatter and Furnisher, y y 26 Broad Street. Telephone 221-E. Red Bank,' N. J. t • *Unbeaten Values in i | Oakland, | f f T T Oldsmobile, t Chalmefs-Detroit, The 100 Per CentCar. $1,000 to *$l,600. ^ y The Car of Satisfaction. The Quality Car. $1,500 to $3,000 $3,000 to $5,000. We pride ourselves on the fact of handling the absolute leaders in automobiles in thejr respective classes. The Oakland car to X X A date has won eight firsts in this year's hill climbing contests, demonstrating its true value as to power and durability. Get a demon- X X stration in this wonderful car. Y A y Still have the cream of used cars on hand and they must be sold regardless of price. COLUMBIA "SO." . Touring car, .jvith top, (new.) This car could very nicely be made into a truck for at least a ton capacity. Merchants, give this car a look over; a bargain for a quick sale. The Oakland, 1911. OAKLAND "4O.n Four-Cylinder, thirty and forty horsepower chassis. Fore door Touring Cars, Runabouts and Torpedo Bodies, Touring car, fully equipped, just overhauled in our own shop and guaranteed to be in good condition. This car makes the hills look like the level road. This car was our demonstrating car and will be painted to suit buyer. OVERLAND "3O." Roadster, double rumble seats, capacity 4, has windshield; all in good condition, A bargain for somebody. OAKLAND "3O." $1,000 to $1,600. Roadster, fully equipped and has only been run a short time. Has a factory guarantee up to January 1st, 1912. Car was taken jp trade for Oakland touring car, This car is as good as new and will not stand on our floor long. Chalmers-Detroit, 1911. ty y f y t y y t r y y y f y Thirty horsepower Touring Car and y y Roadster, $1,500. y y Pony Tonneau, $1,600. y t Limousine, $3,000. f t Forty horsepower Touring Car and y ty Roadster, $2,750. y. Torpedo Bodies on same, $3,000. y t r y y y WINTON M 30. W Car has solid tires and can be made into light truck with very little expense. Must be sold at once. "y The above cars, both new and used, will be cheerfully demonstrated to prospective buyers. y y f ED. VON KATTENGEIX, • Corner Monmouth Street and Maple Avenue. RED. BANK, NEW JERSEY. EATONTOWN, NEW JERSEY. \ ' ' Tolophono, Rod Bank 218. • Telephone, Eatontown 2117-J. $ Y i •JHE REDBAPiKROTTER T?HW « . COPK. Wlto- s** tVMlsW. BtORGBC. HANCR, A»i.t«>t WU». Bfuhu** Mwunri THOMAS IRVING BROWN. JBotered at the noBtoflloo at Red Bank, W. p., as second-class matter.' E r n c p T rmEMEirs OVFZCEXS. Bafl Bank Atso-clatfan Hel? Its •iMtlnff X-Mt »Tld»7 *«¥* CHRISHANSOFFEL'SWILL X U . BaUBOBT HTLAJTD J5I1AD. tf(»r.;,*<):iZi)rt*va.Bw»r* conirmclor. 20 Sonmou 8h» »Met<t Away at 4bs Kon* of Xer WOO . Danf-fcte*, M**, Xs&pfcrey Biyward. Mrs. Bridget H?1AIM1, wife of John BMfcy»jU^»f The following officers were elected M M l A»J> JB0OMI TO» • M»n wan one who hai workad ,rvGoo4 worlj Jiortkto»-«iA» jit. Hytund, died l u t Thursday Qlfht at nurwry at the annual meeting of the exempt me H Apply 8 ) B a(id gontlo. Also four HOueni d' metumH. duewr. v& firemen's association of Red Sank last Mrs, Alsfc* BMkWMi of Bed s a l t • * • the home of her daughter, Mrs. HumI want 1600, three year*, loeal.rea! •«-.• afe«o Bait 161, Eatontown, N. J. »Sl Proud »t«et »t«.et, phrey Hoy ward of Wharf avenue, Red -tate, flrs^ raortjtoee, security will be Friday night: oelves ttAOO from Mes Father's Batata Bank.' Death was due to cancer, with unqueitloned. State Interest wanted. O. President—Cornelius S.' Mount —Wills of Other Xonmouth County which Mrs. Hyland had been .sick a ,tl,300 wanUd it.. » i o , l«tb «tteet, N, w , Washington, ; nUd on n nr»t mort mortsase; M' first bond and m o r i n n on tmproirwj Vim president—JiiHeph I-'ix. liouw). No agwta. Atwolut* «curlt; on A t l t People Probattd. propertjr In »UP>» to tult bprroww, • Kecretury—Arthur I,. AVymbH. luiig time. She was eighty *ears old? A<IJr«»Fi Mort»»gi>, box 913, Red Hank, .rrrensurer—John J. Many. KAThrOX FOB i A l B . Christian Spffel of Middletown Her husband owns a farm at'VanderTrustees—-William T. Corlles, Jojin C. _ l*uoch In «o«d condition for HOJKI, J» wosx wum Aul, DeWitt Curliart. Charles R. D. Fox- township made his will two years ago. burg, and the family lived at that K*Darlonc<id .cook feet Ton*, J-Foot beami 3-lior«e power. Two Auto Cars, runabouts, with rte well, C. V. Bennett, Si\ He nppointecbTrevoninn Bennett and plttce till last JJpveraber when they, ' WWltO Of ress Adeline Taylor, Belford, of »1>1> rnot»r. TorXurtljerpattleuioJIWlUK to very bodies, boUi need pom* M M ' th» Bed •.Bungalow. Hopping- flt«fta JoEeph B. As»y was elected a dolt George Frick of Red Bank executors, moved to Red Bank. Since moving to Henry D- Kook, box 0, Fort mouth, 1100 for t|w.two.'. inwooaFftr gate to-represent the Red Bank asso- Mr. Soffel bequeathed ?400 a year to Red Bank Mr; Hyland made daily 7 7 HOLD B U n m i BVTXOJi (]s N.- J. ¥h/wa \ft Aibur/ F Mrs. Hyland Oolu sleeve button wjtb letter , _„„ ciation at the state session at Atlantic his wife as long as she lives, to betrips to his farm. City rjpxt month, paid in quarterly payments of $100 leaves three daughters, they being VIonday tn town. Finder.will be re- Ooa «t*U hull _ ,_..„.turAftQfk tmm • now tutU fr. .-horw jreArlln* Bl|)frl« Comb fluff t . 9^ — •each. He left ?5 each to his daugh- Mrs. Hnyward and Mrs. Jane Repp- worded by returning to RefUter office. power, jooa oondli H » « l n Xieekn I* and «». In-hard of Red Bank and Mrs. Harry cheap.. Can be »een . ters, Matilda Soffel, Mrs. Lucie C. . Honx co sou. : •r duck*, nurture duck* #8 »ni Money to loan In »uma to suit -bor Ivlns, ReglBfoi* build! McVey and Sophia SolTcl,-and $5 toTilton of Brooklyn. Th<j funeralws* Mjjnd « . Npw booking held Monday at St. James's, church rpw« W O T ^ l * -nnt. Kond*nff mo.rr ' '-Iverv of youni' * each of his sons, John C. and David Be»1»Ur.buUiJJnj», WAS ip, Blount Olivet A. U 8ttr«r t H.J, Youni rn»n to t l k t n N ot h o u e i B. Soffel. He left $500 to his grand- and the burial' ^ lawns and E l l f fenerafly illy u u«> d m»l» ElmKlf ovum svoosaarvx- AT ATH- daughter Julia Soffel. He bequeathed cemetery, p W E D N E S D A Y , J U L Y 19, 1911, TOWSTUE. (Town Tall: Continued from , . a . • ' , : - . . . - • • • • - . . , • • • • • . • • • • . . . . . . . . . . . • • '«B page 4.) The petition of the citizens who usk for the opening of Buena place to the river ougnt to be favornbly considered by the commissioners when the matter Conies up next Mondny night. The liver is the great natural attraction of Red Bank, and is also a natural Hifttttnaej. ,JShn B, JWocSwXl highway. Every street leading to50,000 cnbbago plants for sale at II.t •jut. LETIC MEET AT ilo, Aloha A $500 to Pair View cemetery, to be Qeemilo on Shrewsbury river Alolia, river. r tliquadna. Apply to Louis Boirel Ooetmli, ward the river ought to. lie opened up VVBB held in trust and the income to be erlook farm. Half Mile road. Jted Ban to the river, so that" the-streets, which Be Won ritwt rriae In tt. Broad Jowp . HMO via*Km mq/SSr A used in keeping hie burial plot in are artificial highways, may be conAmong other targaln propertlej l b»v iag Content and Captured Beoond Frlze condition. Mr. Soffel's son, William Buddln 9a»tb of Infant auaim U R ss-v nected with tiie river, which is the }n tbs Bftmiaor Throwing* Contest JOB sale, <me n u r ooesn, B«c. <o N«ir . . TtttX TwUMatenotui. B., was bequeathed $200 a year durIf you noti] a carpenter for repairing or York, has U r n lot, g»s, w«Ur, poultr great natural highway of this sectiop Awarded Oold and Silver rnuii, ing his lifetime. The rest of Mr. Freda VanBensehoten, aged two any new work, J «.m the mm. Oust Oro- houiw. A, C JBthwf, Mt«» e»v«r, M. J of the county. John Quinn of Bridge avenue, Red Soffel's estate was divided among his months, daughter of Fred and Clara oergj, Nawmsn Springs avenue, Bed VMwn warn m a . Bank, added to his athletic honors by children. Clara V, Wharton and VanBonschotcn of Bergen, place, died On* tWo-Mated dwwt WMoa, ono «n*» From the most easterly pnrt of the winning two events at Woodbridge on Anna P. 'Whitlock of Ocean Grove very suddenly last Thursday. Death h t h n DOITS romaar nortf« os>rryHll, nMny MffJ utM'toyis town to the most westerly part, every Saturday. Th« athletic meet was held that want whenr«iipftlred you have somettilni was due to convulsions.' The child was you "•wly painted: jand one r o u | wafpn 1 St Halghf*' J6 Moomoutb street, river street should be opened up toby the amateur athletic union,' and witnessed the will. Hale. Prank Osborn, MWdletown, N, apparently not in a serious condition Bnnk, pnlilic use. This should have been more than ninety contestants were Left Estate to Hltces. last Thursday, but,-t«jie died only « Azelia N. Holmes of Keyport made few Sono long ago. No street loading to- entered. It was a handicap meet, and minutes jafter being taken with r an MUD XAVX HMJMT, ^~appointed convulsions. ward the river should have been al- in the broad jumping contest Quinn her will' lost Ap '' Sweot cream, pure milk, freeh butter She died before a doctor lowed to bfi.openedor should have been covered more ground ttinn any con- her niece, Lydia B.' Holmes, executrix. could be summoned. The funeral was e-ni buttermllK from our own farms deaccepted by the town, unless Jit did testant except the scratch man. The She directed that her nieces, Lydia H. held Friday at the house and the bur- livered dally. CtiM. A. WcClaohey, Btfl large air motor wlndmUl, wjt wjth to war." actually pro to the river. No person scratch man s pump was about a foot Thompson of East Orange and Louisa ial was in Fair View cemetery. — - • »l»id ttMk.tor M k t o r iaala/. iaala/1 AJpoltJ;-' should have been allowed to buy the morb than Quinn's, but Quinn had a M. Sproul of Keyport, be given any -mtMlm; ; also two/ou two'/our-wheefid OAaman WMTMS. piece of her jewelry that they might riparian right of any of the river wwona, ratbr ratber out oof repai Cashier wanwd, Apply fc»tw««n Water ^Pressure Teit. streets, as has been done in some handicap and this entitled him to first select and that a pair of brass and»eJd wry oh.ap. Apply, And 8:00 c'olopK P. M., Wednosduy cases; and no person ought to have prize, Quinn jumped nineteen feet irons be given to her niece, Emma E, Co., Broad stmet, Ucd , on Mr. «•*»'« pfaot, A. teat of tho Red Bank water pres- Clillds' Grocery — boon-allowed to seize upon land at the hree inches. The prize was a solid Holmes. All the rest of her estate waa sure will be made tonight at eight Bank. BQABS. left to her niece, Lydia B. Holmes. river front of any street, as.has been ;old medal. In the hammer throwing contest he The will was witnessed by Charles~~J. o'clock on Front! street by Independent An experienced woman wanted for done,in other cases. rlooif prlv»t» tuoUy; fire! company. Six streams ,of four general housework; two in family; KO. p i won second prize, this being a sterling Smith and E. D. DuBois. ACM* lengths of hose.each will be played at salary. Apply at 680 Broad street. Bod vlcwn; reflneS purroundlaMi i * * * silver medal. Quinn threw the ham' Ml, •. .• v one time. James- R." Wolcott, chief Bank. UM, WUIlly ODtrkted; Red Bank cares very little about mer 132 feet, which is far below the •lary M. lockwood's Wlu. " of the fire department, will be jfi » l i s t •pot- ou or" WOT WAYXSP. the river, but this condition will not record he made at the athletic meet ;or tr« Mary M. Lockwood of North Long charge of the test. w*Jt , , • . ,. Boy wanted for qOke ajid genera! OOJTBTTIB* uxvnjmmaa always remain. During the past two at Red Bank this year. Hia exertions Branch made her will seven years ago CounWr 8x>r l o f t e t lon«; at»o work; age abput' fourteen or filxteer or three years there has been a revival in the broad jumping conUsT had. tired and appointed her brother, Nathan yearn. Opdyke, 12 Wharf avenue, Jle<) nxtures wanted, In food Aiamt. • W l , rraak Terry Dead, -irice end quality » t ones, bed 1 of interest in the river, and the open- him and this accounted for the falling Lockwood, executor. Miss Lockwood Bank. -tesin lnundry, 14 Whit* <fr«t. Mrs. Helen Terry, wife of Frank ing of streets to the river hus become iff from his previoys hammer throw I left «35O to her brother Nathan and Bank. N. J. X.OWI. Terry of Eatontown,^>ei last Thursa, more important miration than /or- record. Ouinn has been engaged in directed that' 'her executor turn the rest A gold watch and chain lost *p4twocn . > powers i w « , merly. All the streets leading toward athletics the past two years and has of her estate into cash. The money day after a-sickness. of four months. the uoixit and postofflce.,Tuesday mornsir) for collar departmunt **> the river will be opened sonic time. mnde a number of notable records. was to be equally divided among her She was a dnughter~of Fred Reevey i n s . K e w a . r d If returned to Kegiutci oneBright MS, etc,; f 0 o 4 CODdl-^ or twu young men to »ork'«v«*ln||* office, , . • Every year it is put off will make i t He has won fifteen prizes. ocenlng packages. Apply at ono*. Ri' en. "AUen. Cottajr«.° sixteen nieces and nephews, namely, and was twenty years old. The fuJdnk steam laundry, H White street, more expensive for the ftwn, besides Mary M,, John A., Hattlc A., and neral was- held "on Sunday and the «•>B«d Bonk, N. J. depriving the people of Red Bank of Red @ank, special vaudeville and movlni Mrrial was in White Ridge cemetery Rebecca Lockwood, children of her BOYS ON 0AKFHIO TBXP. plctur^B. Performnnces every nlgnt thl the advantage of the river. At the brother, John A. Lockwood; Edward, »t Eatontowrt." " •. - •' - - .. week and matinees Wednesdays and Bat> nones «o tmvwn VKATVM. ^ present time there ~are very few Ben. Atwater and Harold Voorhees op George, Nellie, Martin and Walter urdai's. , / We have nlnn tennis racquet* l»f streets where the public can get-to the Canvtaf ift KfW,York State. Johrnson, children of her sister, Mrs. which we desire to olos* out aulokly » .•fle.,27 «»0 Cyphers War Home Prom Delaware Water Oap. river without trespassing on private CO per cent less than regular nrlea, riri brooders, it Benjamin Atwater of Maple avenue Elizabeth Johnson; Orbery, Irving and E. Lawrence Thompson of Maple Two good laundresses wanted at the come nnat Bfrvaa. •J'stlny & Bon, Brooi siooe property. The town ehould have ttooder. unflL nfl 1» Dilmore Lebue, children of her sister, Kumaon laundry. Address Box «3, Kumibov» ara all all i river road, extending all along the and Harold Voorhecs of Shrewsbury Mrs. Jane Lebuej Herbert and Clar- avenue is camping at Lake Wawayan- uon, or call at the laundry, near Uv street, Red Bank. ibov» WAjrrBD. river front, and this will come in time. are on their way home from Dela- ence Mills, children of her sister, Mrs. da in Orange, county, New York. postofnee. All kind of help at Ued Bank employBut the opening of streets to the river ware Water Gap in a canoe. They Rachel Mills; Mary E. and Charles This camp is conducted by the young ment offlce and butlntw txdisiife. oonwr is a matter -of the immediate present. are expected at Red Bank tomorrow. L. Lockwood, children of her brother, men's association, and a number of One hundred sheep and lambs for sale: Broad.and Monmonth streets. .Open July The 'Commissioners'should refuse t o The buys spent ten days on thelv trip, Nathan Lockwood. I f any of herother Rod Bank boyo expect to goalso two registered Oxford-down rama. accept any streets leading toward the "•"hey made the journey home in Har- nieces or nephews die without leaving camping at the same place this sum- The Hull Farms, Eatontown, N. J, Tel.^phone connection. covered knd repaired: »wnin S1QS-F-H. ' river unless they go actually to the ld's canoe and they traveled more any children before the estate is di-mer. CABPBSXBB AWB BITXLDBB. curtalm, draperies, laying- i river front; and they should not make than 200 miles in the craft. They vided their share will be divided Thomas Hcott. carpenter and builder; m»tun», linoleum. Haltnxoe,gs, shades, Xiuxopean Trip. stlmatea cheerfully furnished; Jobbing lon» to order. MoOmhiiEi, 17 of carpets! roB aiBT. any improvements to any new streets made the trip by easy stages and fre- among the others. promptly attended to, Office and « s l sB uatdyront "iK reet. B»A Baa Bank. Half of liQiii3o of Q rooms, with 1m ttreet. Bank, Tpilephon* elephone US, until those streets are opened wholly quently stopped at places along the .Benjamin H. Trask of Highlands, provements, lence, Wostalde avenue. Red Bank. Tel ranch a.t Hendrlck«on for rent. Apply to Charles A Appla#ate'e. shore, where they pitched their tent. long- Branch Woman's Will* 30-W, JRed Bank. ion of Dr. James D.JTrask, will sail HofTmQn'g bakery, 197 West ifroiit street, tfle to the river. Among the places where they stopped for Europe this week. He will spend lied Bank. % Mrs. Catherine M. Cottrell of Long wo months in England and Scotland KB» 0 . •"ITff'MniT* * * are Easton, Trenton, Belvidere, tt.tOO buys Flat T-Paasenger tourln* . H.0O A WSBK, o have your furniture r«-uphol»t«r*4 Some of the river fronts of streets Princeton, New Brunswick and Kcans- Branch made her will last May. She »nd will return in time for the openCar. you pay ope dollar a week fo mattr«B>en renovated. awnln^B ms4», with n«»i njiartubip; two extra n o » appointed Joel II. Burchell executor. could be opened at the present time burg. At Trenton the boys paddled ng of the Harvard law school, where your clothes. If so write us. Men's suln illp covers made, cueblons tnade to or. M o u with innertubM. never been uBeJ: Mrs. Cottrell willed an oak bedroom from 16 to 122.SO. Clothier, box 313 der. • front atreet and Utpl* (vwue new kit oi tool*, »p««dom»ter, clook, top at comparatively small cost. A nom- heir canoe through the canal. is a student. Bod Punk. Uilophone 20D-J, Red Sank, suit, mattress and springs and all of >nd cnvelppoi In iplandw condition. inal payment in some cases would be They met with only one accident her clothing to her daughter, Mrs. 3«rao«ntr»ud anywlnre. Can bo seenottt Miiliciunt to buy existing rights. In luring the trip. This happened while VACTCHMT ntrm. ' Sold 360 Lots. BLAO AJTD OaATEI. BOOXZXa. Cable Eipr»«fl Co. stable, 164 East aftb A piece of property adjoining railroad street. other cases the cost would be consid- hey were passing through a narrow Mary E. Burchell. Her son, Oscar Leaky tin and slate roofs mado tight; New York City. L. Cottrell, and her daughter, Lydia Lots are Eelling rapidly at MonHIBO tar and asphalt for sale. Ogden •ultable for factory or coal yard wishing erable and in still other cases the cost hannel, where the current is very $500 mouth Park, near Atlantic Highlands, MoClaokey, 131 Shrewsbury avenue, o use a side track. 176 feet on railroad. OAJCB AWD AniOH BAKU. •would be very great. Rut the work of :wift. The canoe struck a piece of Cottrell were each bequeathed q $500 Will Bell cheap at once. Address Beal Red Bank. iti f hi kid which is being developed by CarTho ladles of Auxiliary Mo. t of Monopening the streets to the river should ock and a hole was made in the bot- iin recognition Estate. Box 197, Red Bank. of their kindness in ashian, Martin & Co. Last Saturmouth Memorial IIOSRJ&I of Lont lie begun, and should be begun with- om of the craft. The current was so ron BAT.E. Branch will liold A caka and apron sniS •day the firm sold forty lots and al-' LOST. EiEht city lots a t Bt. James. Long on tlie lawn of c. M. Patterson, Shrews-S out delay. use together 260 lots have been sold on Island; Small leather tmir, cnntalnlnar money bury, Saturday, August Btli, <rom 3 to ( \ will sell at a sucrlflco. Address Mrs.' 15. BIftli', Atluntlc avenue, "|L,onB lid ailvpr' box; lost TuoBday, July 11th, P. M, The cakeB will be made from r*clthe tract. )0|Aveen Shrewsbury, Tlnton Falls ant pea from t|io Now cook book recently also beUianch, N, J. I HOME s u m . -.eeiluviile. Reward if returned to Mrs. compiled by tbem. Tho cook book will his mother's I. Wright BrownrShrewsbury. It pays to advertise in THEREGISTEB. FOB BALE. be on eal>. Also Ice cr«am and cones. Mrs. Cottrell's *WilUam E. Anurew Dives Hie Views on Sla?, broken Btone and Band for sale. estate was equally divided among her PBAYEB BOOK XiOST. Uonmouth Contracting company, Frank BOUSE WANTED. . BSAB T H I . Ocean Grove Government. hat section and the boys were adB. Price, manager, Red Bo^k. JTelo A small prnyer book callod "A Child of A good work Itorae- irnnted. TChen-you ha,v» your elotlieB waah«<J "ook vised by experienced boatmen not to children, Abram and Oscar L. Cot- Oakley. 'i'o THE EDITOR OF THE REGISTER!" phone i 2 7 W Mary." loet Monday morning on Broad Red Bank. - ,', " ; the Jersey Coast laundry they are trell, and Mrs. Mary E. Burchell. ;o through them. In a recent is-pue of your paperyou street; valued for associations. Finder thoroughly aterilUud and washed' aril Leah Reid and John W. Sloeum of FOB BALE ilenuo lenvo same-atthe Bisters' convent rinsed through four wators and always GOOD.COW FOB SAI.E. At one place where the boys stopped Long Branch witnessed the will. ably took up the matter of the self I'or partlculara.apply to G.- V. HolmeB, by Reformed church at a reasonable in Monmouth strbot, Red Bank. rled In the open air In clear weather. • government' of the people of Ocean they accepted an invitation from a price, cabinet organ and about SO chairs. Llttie Silver, N. J. 'he price Is 60 cents, our wagons go to Grove. I wish to congratulate you on farmer to sleep in the hay mow of his t e f t Estate to Children. ln(iuli-e of Tlieo, V. Bntftln, Kuti., borough <opg Branch; Oceanport. Little e"ver. Set heavy Imnd-madc, lirnss mounted hall, lied Dank. barn. More-corn than hay was in the tile stand you took on that question. H. BITZAT). Mrs. Elizabeth W. Stiles of Asbury uirey o\ runabout Imrncsu for sale •'air Haven, Oceanic, Highlands .and Bemover of dead animals, Red Bank, Had our legislators shown that they building and the mow literally Park made her will two years ago htup. llut little used and In good con- Navtslnk. Telephone 204, Red Bank. &AU»D»Y. believe in the principle of home rule swarmed with rats. The boys chased last March and appointed her daugh- N, J. Telephone 129-J. AIBO one-horse cultivator. PprItenponBlblc woman wlsliea fancy lition. ramBAiii. . ,en O. Parker, Newman Springs. and self government the law would the rats around till they felt tired and wiisliliiB uiitl I1011I11K SutlBfnctlmi BiinlCOBEEOT MH.LINBBY. Omnibus, seating seven bealdon driver, have been passed at the last session. then tried to go to sleep. They cov- ter, A. Josephine Stiles, executrix. Prices rlBlu. Mrs. H. Oorey, 41 Broad nnteed. Mru. Homphill, 30 Whlto street, nod with leather, curtains on side, glass] She left $5 to her son, Charles W. lte<l Bunk, K. J. Tor s»l», Bent or Smbttw*. Btrett, lied Bank, N. J. • pole only. Surrey, seatliur fourf I, as a candidate before the-people ered themselves with blankets and Klght-roorn, Mansard roof houve In root, nod with leather, curtains closing, makof this county for state senator, b«- they say that all night long they could Stiles. She left the rest of her estate plcndld condition. niiH:and water. Lot ng SITTIATION WANTED TOE SAIB. clone carriage for rnlny woather; top 4^161 feet. On Bergen place, between liove that they are entitled to know my feel the weight of the rats ns they to her daughter, A. Josephine Stiles. by un experienced colored man as hnndy Three gnhd milk rn\VH,'>35 to J50 ench. :omes off; pole and shafts. Both car. man around the hou.se. Inside oi- oul. road street und Muplo lu'enuei or will •views and where I stand on such ques- scampered back and forth across the Charles H. Ivins of Red Bank and Inwooil J'nrma, Wayside,, N. J. !sgtw built |)y KlUgtbbon A Crisp of AddresH Thompson. 20 Willow Htruet. cnt or exchange. Y/. A. Mo Mopping. James D. Carton of Asbury Park were Trenton; -In first-class order; color Red Bunk, N. .1. tions. I believe that the peopl of blankets. HOTIOB. aroon. Apply to coachman, W. A, the witnesses to the will. Why »oe* Kaa Baak I U H #» Bttcktt treat, Rumsoii Road, corner AvenM Mr. phiipman of New York ac)ccan Grove, like the people of every Mr«. Torrey, 1.1 H..r,U-n street. pnlmlBt Oc TXLIH9 AHD MAlTTBIi WOBS. Because thoy nil i!He ^urnmerHliine 'wo Rivers. mid curd rfudtr; :'.", ami HO cenlu. Bltf Estate Disposed Of. Iher community, should have the ab- companied the boys home. He and Special tiling and mantel work a upec- 'olluh. At the lcndlni; hardware, fursolute l'i^ht of Kovenmient and home young Atwntcr and Voorhees are emJohn W. Craig, one of the wealthlaity. Specimen of work In new Eisner iture polish and guraKe ntorcs. Red LOTS FOB BAXB OH EAST TEBMB. COWS F O B Hanson & Son, Monmouth lunk Oil and ari'r.BO company, Wharf rule. It may lie true that Ocuan Grove ployed by the Fairbanks scales com- iest men of Manalapan township and Two B_i, id fresh c o w s f o r s a l e . A p p l y building. I bavo fur salo lets on Hhrewsbui'y street, Rod Bank. .venue. Yellow building—It shines. . "wits constituted and organized as a rc- pany. They went on the camping father-in-law of Alston Beekman of to H e n r y Jlrinvtr, Hcobcyvllle, N . J . . ivenue, 37 feot 6 inches by 104 feet deep, 'or Two lots on River stroot, 110 liRioiifi community or camp mc>ctin(* trip for ii vacation. Red Bunk, mnde his will last May. HOUSE TO LET. woifiD von sixe A r s m sao? e«t J800. TRESH COW WANTED. by 150 tect deep, for 1000, I<ots on a.s.so"iatinn, but the territory of Ocean HOUBC with all Improvi-in-ntH to let on Mr. Cottrell appointed his son, Lewis 'rlcf must In- reiimmable. Addreus ••• I eiui Hu|i|,ly yim itiKul.uly with eleun Jrldge. avenue, S7 feet 0 Inches by lot •\VuHhlnKton Htroet, with or without burn. Grove should not lie controlled by a Craijt, and Alston Beekman of Red Tliuinuu M. I.loyil, Tinlon Falls, N. J . Apply nt Pltfrnt'er'H mnrknt, SO Hrond 'holeBunu) egpH; every vxg guaranteed; :cet deep, for $700. Any of! these lots KEYPOBT MAN DEAD. lflo small nnd lni-Kv broUcrH nnil ronHtan bo purchuBud by tho payment of $200 Jew persons against the interest and Hank executors. He directed that his street, Red Bunk. 3EE OPDYKE ng clilrkeim. Cn!l at my farm near Red lown. Balance on easy erms. Trolley •welfare of the many. If it is proper Injuries Received in p l Hank, MorrlBvllle roml. II. I.,. Roncli. tinning In front of property. Bower r 6 Proved ratal executors invest $1,200, the interest before you hell ymu- apples, potatoes and that one community should be conPOOS FOB BAIE. connections. I'or particular!) apply to to be used for the maintenance and punchis. ii Wharf urcuue, Ked Hank. to Joseph Brower, Sr. French and Uouton IIIIIIB for sale. For trolled by a religious organization, FABK FOB p •Idwnrd W..'Wlfio, 23 Droad street. Red support of his brother, Drummond • Joseph Brower, 1 Sr., of Keyport particular** apply to 1'YcilorMc V. BowFOB BiX-B 9 » KBIT, Thirty acres, K(»OII hind, suited to 3ank, N. J. why should not all communities be II. Craigr, as long as he lives ami for ush ii'KiKlors. |,(,ul imd bllllairt tables ers, ICrmt l'ront ntreet and Hunco's roud, •uit and truck: Ano urchanls. Will sell tsiniilarly cniih'fjllecl? If it is rijrlit died last Friday morning at the home his burial. The remainder of th§Amcrlean hotel, Id.i Uank. W. K. Kelly! ('air Haven, N. J. once with cropt* and ull erjulpmont. of his son, Joseph Brower. Ho was QAMOiMn KMmra BiranrsB. mid iiropi'i' for the thousands of people onvenlont to rallruud. Addraas Farm, We tAk« all makes in trade for new "who live in OL'CMII tlvove to have no sixty years old. Death was due to in- sum after his -death is to go into the :. F. D. No. l, bo* 17, Mutawan, N. J. C0HN FOB SALE. o» UAi.it. 'lUner motors. Agent for Palmer m». , residue of tho estate. Mr. Craig bejuries he received last,November in a anil yell.,iv corn for sale. voice in their lo:al fjovernment, why I'"lne carrluge hureo. 15.3 iiandH, Bound, lne add stationary motors. Engines J POB SAI.E. hld tA l I f' k L B h fire when he barely escaped with his queathed the interest on $G,000 to his Au«tiBtus Bli'klim, niiir Colt's Nc-ck, N'. J . absolutely ffarleBH of iinyllilmr; Kuod ou«ht and sold. We carry a full lino at 1 Branch Packard organ, three conl stoves, ono nslno parts, spark plugs, spark colls, not Aslmryy I'aik,, free driver. AildrenH Edward J. HOSB, ^ life. He leaves u widow and a son. wife, Evaline II. Craig, and also the WOEK -WASTED. ilcluii' ranse. fcr wood only; oak bed- magnetos, propellers, bronro shaft, Little Silver, N, .1, d Bank B k In I 1 similarly i i l l controlled? The funeral was held Monday after- use of his new house und two acres of and Red Single man \uiuts iMjHltiqn ns nil itcuil; nl»o foity-Boviin -yardu Ingrain stuffing boxes, shaft .couplings, carbu* I believe that the day lm.i Rime by noon at the Keyport Reformed church. land mi the smith fide of the road lend- uruuml mini. AdilredH Uox 113, Oconnlc, MOTOM BOAT rOB HIBB. nrpt-t, nearly new.' Mrs. w I, .Conover, marina paints, and varnishes. All Motor boat llenslc for hire by the hour IhreivMbury, N. .1. On (lie Lnw«s road. •otors, when a community th yvlun FhnuU! «uUl l-o I'o governed d .,,,„, b , -{ - : - • — • — — — inj; to.Tennent duriiif; her lifetime. .N. J. tlnds of machine work promptly ator duy to wleut purtlew at nut more than in any other way except by the votes c(,m(,tl.,:'.. tended to. Qua engines overhauled, re* jn un-m w o n His son, Albert P. Cnii(r, was beJOB WANTED. elKlit. l-'or further particulars nddreps FOB S A M . jnlred and Inntnlled. Frederick Itumpf, queathed ?;s,ooo, to bo paid to him of the'people themselves. Self govern' . -y , e» . Any kind oi' wmit uxcopt farm work. llo.i 61, Hwl Umik. ThnroiiRhbred Kentucky saddlo mare, (Vest Front iitroet, lied tluuk. J111. lit- anil Inline guti'iiuni'iit cuaie diwithin cine year after his father's Address \V. 11. Miller; box 05, ltuiiiHuli, ny, l»i lutndH, m-vim years old; no fear MBS. BAFLLABD GETS DIVORCp. 1 1 re-; tly uiidi'i thi! spirit <if our ennstiSTATION WAOOH FOB SALE. f autoiiiiiblleti; IUIH linen riihlen two death. Mr. Oniitf'n daughter, Mnry WATOB BBD BABE BBOWIII Natural oak station wa^on, cfHt JCOO; ara by ludy. Will alHO drivo. Can bo 1111ion. (iovi'i nnii-nt i s instituted for I Get Permit to Re-mnrry imd Becnros I Matildn, wife of Alston Bcckman of Both materially nnd mentally. If "a THBEE LOTS TDK SAI,E. a beauty; built to order by Fundmu; I'll ut the VanVllet plneo, Hhruwshury. 1 te dQg la better than ft deud lion," the protection, security anil'hcmTit (if lied Bali!;, was left $1,000, to be paid T i m e lotK f It' on "Whlto nvnnue. will Hell rhonn. \V. Ocrhiach. Hotul M»rCustody of Itor Bon. hen, why monkey with dead lions and ,.. 1 ;,i.'_ ... . ». . t h f ptiipli', and they have- the right a t LOCAL B r B B S I W T A T m i omjiany when wo can nil bo "live doxa" The iutcrmediutu deKrcu of divorce (o her within one y, ar after her Adilresa MI-H. (.'. liuclianon, ltcd Bunk! tln, IUh'iilnmlH, N. .1. (ho wood, wire and motnl lathers In all times to alter or reform tho sanu1. father's.. death. n a ropubllc. Moyun is ono of tho "live ,. I..I.ILI .it-Hi,,. Mr. m i . C>raip loft V which H i s . Maude 1,. llaillard natloua) union, Competent men at all logs," that'll "burking" for ltcd Punk, BOOMS F O B BEJIT, II my aim during the cominp; New York, formerly of lied Hank, ,. | .'fl,111)11 cadi to his sons, Lewis and J. COUHTEV _ I.III'RC front finiilshed roam, (ill Im- nios to do lathing of ull kinds. Wiring bo "reddest" and mont progressive little to p i e i i n t m y v i e w s on d i f A 1 Arthur Crnifr. One-fourth of the pror concroto and stucco work a specialty, l'raiik unilyii,.. huypr'niul shlppiT i't Iil-(JVflliontn: %'£ per week; ijulet lloutie; siTiiral last M h f "" " ' In tlm Tlnlled KUilou; and also thff . , feii-'nt i n a l l e n - . MI. t h a t t h e iieiiple w i l l SITUI-KI last March fmni Victor «ail-1 L , f,l m ,,10 v es . ,ue . B. ABay, B0 Wortllley stroot, Ued own couiili-y piu.luce. i s Wlmrf avunuv, Ued oljio u billull room for ri'llt. 4'J Hiirlntc llvo dog" Hint "ulnt running with the lank. '° ,bequeathed '" .V . .to '<J ™<". °stnto street, nuur Kleclmnlc. )(IK,\\- t h e coill'.-c I s h a l l pill'MIe i n t h i lard has beciinu' final. .Justire Hisch- WHS inres and tho houuda." Mr. '.»/ Craig's wife. (ilV of the Kiipi-i'ino court (if New York V. (3. Moyan, tlie nrst and only French. l i e n a t e s h o u l d I lie niuuiniUi-il b y m y F A B H FOB RAXB. state has signed an order ptiinittill).' William ('. Hartshornc of Millhurst AUTOMOBILE FOB BAUD. ullitu HIKH nnd pictorial nrllHt in the OIRL WANTED. p a l l y anil e l e c t e d liy t h e p e o p l e . Clffhtepn iiereH, hoiiMe nnd burn, enmnltcd Ktati}» with a iiatlonnl reputation, .Mrs. Hiiillanl to re-inariy. The order and Kulali 1). Wells of Marlboro witI , h i Mtint,,t tn, genurul houutnvork; l'leree-All (IW r,-IMlflHetlK''r. |,i HlOt-clllHH li'ly Hlnckeil for truck farming. Come \ V I I , I . I , \ M 10. A N I I U K W fain Btu"l Bhop and residence, 260 Hiiiiill fiunlly. .\|,|,|v n l ' l l S Droad Hlreel, ciilulHlnn. l-'ur purtleuluvti apply t(i 1>. 1. ink it over while tlm crops nro llourlsligives hit- tin1 custody of her cight- ni's-cii Ihe will. lUil Hunk. ihrowsbury nvenue, binncli oMcfl at A t l a n t i c H i g h l a n d s , . I n l y HI, H i l l . Ili-yiuit. Sen View 1IOUHI>, Atlantic lllKhIK. M. HuuuhHii, on turnpike, two wllcji yi'iii'-old son, Ilainiltoii. tuft Eatato to H«r Couilna. 'otu llulnulel, N, J . No Letters a n - 'IliimboruB pulnt store, 20 WVut I'Tost lnnils, N. J. l'hmii'71. reel, Ued Hunk. veroil. ROOMS r o » » B H T . Ih'lin Jl. Waliufield of Mjiiinlnprtn BUNDAY-SCilOOI, EXCURSION. BOOB iron KATonmo. liuK' lli-'hi IUOIIU fur i(-nt: n i l town.-liip iniiile her will hist February. i n i 1-..IHronner K«yi>urt OHlclnl Bond. l'i Huff l.<',;h(iMiii and Ilnrrcil Itoekn, I I i UHonulile. <;. ji.trn. BOTICB. Klu; appoinlcd her cousin, Chnrlca j). for uettlntr uf IT, «K««; |fi p e r lui); Htork Koal Kulnto, ln»uraiico and Loans. AV1I1 party who tiilvertlHcil jiume time Sylvanns I,oo, ox-councilman and I'ei'riiu1, i'::ecutor. She left $200 icich Heir..ul, x . .1. frlii-ee Ued Banlc Bmulny-Hcliooln to Vlutt fur Halo. Address \V. A. Truux, 225 Kor pnlo—fftrniH. IIUUNOH, 1«IH nnd rUvr t i In .Nmv York, Herald under Female Asbury P a i b . treasurer of tho Keyport firemen's to her cousins, Charles I). I'urrinc Droad Htreet, ltcd Hunk. iroporty; property upurulnrd y\ls» IKON nooriNO Alfn BIDIBO. •'lp Wanted anif wnulil I m v unipluyed Corniiiiiteil Kiilrnulzcd Iron for roofT h f roni'iiiii'il .Huiulay-se|i,.(ihi „! t h e relief asMiciation, died yesterday iif rl then workliiK a t "Huccemi,1' New iropiirty In Hiiinson, I.fttlo Hllvcr, l'air FOB HUNT. • / In,,' mill iaven, Ocpdiile nnd other neiuhy places, Inr Halo by J. \V. Mount urk, kindly IUIIIICHH HueceHH, box 313, F i l s l .Mi'lhnili.'-I, l i r a r e M e t h o d i c anil At Mlililli'lnwn, N. .1.. a n elKlit-rnnm Co., Kuil 11, "urnlnlicd cotlniirH to ut, 1 Imvo «oin« I'd Hank? huilHP, biitll, Kits, furnace, etc; (25. AIBO F i r s t , HiiptiM rlnii'.'lii'H (if C u l H a n k pdi'llil luirgnliis In KimtHldo imrk. I hfiv» eotlllKe, Hlx KKtnis. |8.^r,. J . (I. Ftuvcott, lot on Itlvt'r ntrrcit for 1100, JltiO cnsl,; w i l l |MI mi t h e i r a n n u a l e x r i u V N . H I d MOTIOB. AH reetdi-y, Mklillctiiwn, N. .1. 'orth IDOO Lots at Hid Hank lmi-k will Tin 1 In ill,' All klml iif help furiiliiliLMl nt tlm A n b u r y P a r k n c \ l T u e s d a y . A :.pe.-Ill-lmrrel. Mlehiiid " le lu \ ill un In a yciir or no, 1450 Ctf inilti'HI Millie, It In I Hunk elllulii> Illi'llt l N J l ton SAI!%. in! t r a i n o f e l e v e n e a r s ha-; b e e n c h a r ' ..--0. Th«y urn rimtrlcliMl to iirovunt TWII luuiHCH and lotH n t 'JH mul .11) :!lcc anil IMIHIIKIHH oxehiuiKC, l-iiruflr inrlenlrnhlu t e r e d , w h i c h w i l l l e a v e U n l Biuil, at bulldlnRH hclni; urrctod. nil unit MiiniiiDtilh KtlcntH, AVIIIlulil Washlnijluii nlni'1, for HIIIC. llulh renli'd '.I A. M. anil (in 11K r r l u r i i t r i p w i l l 'iit-ii, J'luprleinr. Open J u l y 'UlU. *mnn In nnd let mo know ivlmt you waufc omr, to KIMHI rainlllix. W. I. ('(mover, lOiilonI- Ui'iil. Miss Wiikelleld left ind 1 will nay uvery nUcntliui to you. i-phum, eiMiiiectliin, l e a v e A n b u r y I'lirk id Ii I'. M. An Mrs. r.uthor's r n r m N u t Bold. lown, N. .1. 1(. |.'. ]). No. l. W h i l e t i l l „ „ , , | , . , | f,,i, . \ftor 11:00 V. M. you will ho welcome t» the ini-imii' fmiri Ihe rest of hi:r cstaU- Mink. M i l II. M. YeiluB, 111 Kimt Kriint i n v i t a l i i m in i ' \ l e i i i | e d In I'vi'i-ybmly :uino to my ri'Hldrnro nn tho rivor bank, T h e r e p o r t t h a t M r s . |,'r,.,| L l l l h i i r In her finiHiiiH, Minjuiio I'.l i m | Aiigim- Mlreet, lie,I l:,i,,|( ^~ WAVVMI. TO* 0A&S. to j o i n t h e S u n d a y - . . c h i m b ; mi I lu'ruiiult White, Momncmth and Vruti Anyone winding tn Hell their IIUFIIIIPH* (if I'ed Iliuilt h a d [mill he,- fiii-n] ,,t Ins I.. Iteid, in c(|un| Mhuicn. l''lfleeii new iniilur pmvor cabin launch: When trntts, lted llnnk. WODK WAJtTED. r x c i i r i i i o n . Th-ki-ht H I V fiiriiiiihed lhi< lint II with tin 11<il Hank employment 3(1 feet; niiw In t'uiiunlHHlnii; fully RED BANKER WOK PRIZES • • • t * » mlsmm Bnrarwssr s5« I.IL lu'biilara u f t l i e 1,1'hiuil ; Iml mil sidei-'i Hie iililii'i-il In p a y t h e i r fare;' w h i c h w i l l lie m i m e d fur Ihe o.-i-ii^ion. 1, , • , , 4- . . i ' . ^ « r l l i . . • 'iilt'll N e c k Id J.ihn S h e i r i l l Is i m (Iliey both have rearbed the ngc ( ,r L'l, ^"iiMl! limn ,|. Mlr.-H ivorlc uf nny lilnd. hue fi ill the III estulil Ihu i'i<lnli: in In bn turiii'd over tii Ilenl 'ir I, r, r, ,,,,.„ AildlKXIl Vnlliifr Mull, inarliil, I I no ilenl has yel been ma(K I hem. If they both die before beninifur ii I'hiini'x (if (iwiier.'thip. 'The prn|i- ing (if nice t h e ]iiiipcily w j l l go td M U M S row IIAX.II. A l 11111 e r l y ei>inprise.'i f, I neiea mill iii a short ClinrN'M II. IVrilno imd Kiln J-, |(ej,|, " " I 1 K I work m i l l . I I fur .uile, 1 ib'Mh. liln.l .in,l K e n l l c 1'. .1. tJti-'ilodi.'lati.'e miiilli (if COH'H NeiK. •I' <l. Di'iilingi'r o f M r i g l i s h l n w n 1 . , - u ' r i - l l i k a , , 'fi * " » I'UUIIMied; IH'II'II |i,r>on. Aililre»H l.auneli. 1»>\ lil, Locum I'uliil, N. J. LATINO « B « S r O B »AI,B. Ten KIHKI laying AV'lillo I,e^,|u>rn licmt Mini one runnier Mr mile Will i " l l lnl for 110. Call ut £11 I i..lit Blieel, ur aildrcMB hoz 6 ; , Knypnrt. N. J . V i c t i m (if Alioplnxy. i'l, Iliilinilil \ | ( ' l i a i l w i I1). < !rii-iininii iif A t h t t r y and . l o b n I'. K i r l i n i i t i ' l r k o f JniiirnhtirK r i m Biiodthnf «t Tort JUnoock. w i t n e s s e d Ihe w i l l . J'lii'lt WIIH I'll ii'l.en w i t h i i p n p l e s y (in T.AUNDKT. TO B B » T . i lii niifii y u'lii'k dono nt Inline. I h e Hiilcwnll; i n f n m l u f Ihe I i Iiniuini T h e I.' IV11 I ci>ni]),iny o f Count A i l i l liimm liimiin fa«t; K I llsrlit; Iculf* Will i nil. Illnuii, in Id,r.IIKIIII, private iluiHlliHf or for |IIIIII|U«(M; l i l o r e w h e r e h e wu'i e i n j d u y e i l l i i i l u r TAIH B A V t m WOMAN U B * 1 ) 'i-y w h i l e nt. tniKet ll y at. Furl l l n n r wwl il,, wh (II- for liuulnosH jxirjioMeii, Oim^rilt* dod a y nip.hl. A e n i r i n r e wm< H V I I I K I priulii'c .Monday, d inudn a put, l((»l Iliinli. W. K ICnlly. rd (n l a k e h i m hiiine mill h e d i e d In t h e llriiii; YOUHO MAR WAJIT1P.1 lli f h fi'oni nhore KHIIN. IT, ei|/lilci'n » l s a Oeurgla,in« V m u l . r n . r vlf at tba | '""l l« ii uuntiil, Hlidlll II w n | f " i i b e f i n c n a r b i n e hi', limine. l i e ROMn r o i Mi.ii. (Itnta Iloaiillitl at Trmitmt l.a«t W«.k. K nillllllii fnim th.. Ihree Inell KIM) each ' in >| id,I ,\|i|,iy in Heliiiieilor-n I'llinllilll Inirii", N yeaiHOlil. If,.3 llaliilM, was c i i i r y i i i i ^ a piu-lui^c o u t In m , H pluirMi MII l . c o i ' n i i m n a Viniilei-vi'i'r.diiughnicy. Ili'l liiinii. N. .1. i !mt fuiiiid iln m u r k m i a llimliii r t a r will, liinnenB mul <atu,py ,,,,, bimket m i l o m n h i l c w l i r n h e w a n ulrielii'ii. l i e I ' I I , w h i r l , w u n l o w e d pa:,I t h e h( a t t e r , l e r (if I h e hid. Juueph m,d .MiiiHnri't plllii'tiin. Ili'llKiilllibli, pile.'. I'llapiltWIIB fi7 yi'iir-- e l d a n d leave.'* n widov. ieii. l-lek'H iiluhli,, J-^tlonUiwn. N. .1; Viuidcivimr, fr>rnii-r iruliU-ritu o f | ' u | r —. wimp, Illld Illl'ell c h i l d r e n . < hinii nulil MI,,! HIIIII.HU wiiilad, l l n v e n , died i n II,,. ,,|,,|e | 1 ( m | , | t , | | „ , COOK W A K T E D . I'ldi HI " i n . in Mi,i »l. >I. tliivblHiin, .IV I lent,,n In Tit. '•"•ifiiclnv. Miii'i X'lllidei-Clink iviiiitcd In KM tn New Jlmiienlili" "I".' I'lii.,-. l!,,l linnl, fur AimiiKt. Wlilln wiiniiiii pniferrr,! s s t t r nt X»*<i»l>iirir. Cforiro I l i n l e w , ( l i u i i i r c u i u n , , , i i ' vi'i-r w i i s l l l ' y r n i ' i i n h l iind until u venr COI.OItKI) WOMAM WAMTnD. All expcliHefl |ililil: KIMHI WIIKI'N,* Anuly LoiliH I I . Kimli'i', J r . , o f A l l i i n l l r (if I h e n i l l o ulni'eii n( KI'MII liiii r VV11I, buforc hi'i- dralli «hc h a d lived al , Ued Him),. ' • iviinlcil fur H<-n«rnl III 103 Mil[,le lU.-l Knlr llnven. Tin. funeral WIIH held n rumlly. Apply lit IK l l l l f l l l i m i l i l , h i m ipiH I h e c l i p , . i , | , ' , h i n t laid, w e e k w h i l n r e p n i i i n ^ I, Hunk. S i i l i i r i l n y nim-njiiK a l Ihu I n . m e o f I,,.,•MOW OABO TO* BAI.il. ~ " "" llU»lneiin m i d In nmv e m p l f i y e d un liiilhIlille. l i e Wax i n I lie m m ! u n d pun IHKIIV eiin.i fur fill.', 6 f'M 7 Ini'hMI JliK l l l u « t e l ' u t K e i n i i l i i i i c 'I'lie I,,.,.<)• "ir wu((i>ri r u n live,- li| H lej; c u i .in^ a nii.li'1-, A i m . .liilni Cmii'iiw n f A n l i m y AtiTOMoaii.ua. IIIKII. I foul 7 tni'licN M,(tinr«. Mlffll huntd kl K f « n » l ' i i i K b u n I n ' i i w i t h o u t n iruliie Unit f o r c e d h i m I n i|iijl w o i l , I " i l l . I'lii' l i i n l n l wim i n Kali- Vli'W iiii.lilli» r..1- mile ihrnii: fullv It, Im li.-.i liv IN Imlien wlile. \'i InchiH (•(•nii'terj i t M l i l i l l i ' l n w n . " I ' l l p p ' i l m i l ll I n K I I I HII . I I I IMI'' , II. II, Kd'-11111-1<. Vi. T . C'IITIIPII, lli.il llnlik. b ^ U l l n g m n a t e r t h U Ki'iiDdii i m d th<< i h v n i i l n 1,1(11,- M i l l e r , N * . 1 , ac«!rf«At t h a r c o n l l n i . K Ih i,f J u l y *««» , Advrrllna your wnnl. | Tlir Rr.n n jikomptoA t h # l i l o p i i t y nwni'm to liavr Hp*f 1*1 prlci-ii ,in ullXlnd* of f%«<1 ami I-'olliiw Din c r o w d Into T H E Itr.ciiii. HANK llwiinrwt und nil them milcklv I .l^ii.i'iiic l')p|,. Krnln. Whnlninili, nnd IPlnll. CUMom A U(» $U»nl Hi tlio limuli. Ineulmlur; | nlno tiliwllim n «|inclollv, AWiolt Wor hl«v, ' w n n l I'oliiinim.Atlv. and «nll«fuiloilly, ^,1,, ' Illlllrll llllili,, f,,p. , „ ( , , A ' ' » JW!' llnrlhoro, N. J. l'liono 101-lc-t. i In" f»iin, WnyAMf, N, J, ',, ,,,„' ii. lie,- Ktul IOIHIUOMH exelmilHC, cornitr iud ami Moulndiltli Mi-oulM, Wlllbull 'niinrn. pruiirli'tur. Open .luly 2llh. pliuiie ciiniiectlon. :, rAmmu, MBAT Aim , iiuliornteii, conl deal"!!!, alttintlonl " i t / ymiiiir work, o p i e a n liurson and urin. i.iiiii to i,ooo pouridn, Thflf Kimnii wnro biiuHht Kieen within thn jott F O B SAX.B. Irl»ll Inrrlnrs, whelpml M n y 2»th. Hlro wo yoarn nnd nil In llrnt-i-lnnn coiiilltluBI HM l T IIIMII ni-« i s uinteliril itntrn rAlltf* iternatlomil chninpion l l f n n u i y R o In wrlKht friiin 2,mm to n.ioil pnbniHl "iiur. A. K, ('.. 110*08; dniii Mmlldr rn |J(ill tu HJT, a )in|r; nhxln horsos Line II, A. K. C , I4OO4IIJ IJ rrlhhllll l h l l wlll wlllflo to li.tr,; IIIHD hniuliionio fumlly «n4 • Nee w Y ' l U llldl((i llld i'r, N York, Itll, H H , ll.'amplMU, k,kItl nl'u, 1,100 .tioundH, 0 yeara oldl l Ituiiisun, It IrulUy, no ~ niniu, Htnndard ht*d, t y'wM Id, wdlHliliiK 1,0011 UDiinds. cnii ninil l j flooured hHlmt bend •nofrMrl|*K< on i IS mile* nn hour mul step n mil* In F,0 or li.llcr; HO tlayn' trial a)l»w«il| It i>v Biiuiliur* realdeiyie, prou«ty whlnh m, uont owners tv.QOO. will pay i% (it knllMfnctory roturn nt our expeniia. 'Ill nlilp to nurohiMn In nny liiwn with* r rent Intercut If loan la adjunled ImSon iIIIIIPP n l l o vi nt nnir New York Oily u film nllnloly. Address Hnmin It HimniKn II nun itirK t;uy r n—QE •enoy, Aaliurr l'nrk, N, J. 1'honn ID0. •liiirK*. wllh n«w Kallor anil lilniikcts n n i let pin" homo t o HIIIKIIAIHT. Cull »t idliiA And atal)t#, (?nh|<» IOxpr«M RoiutMny, vraor.iT«ia ut Itt leant XIURIOII !Ulh nlreal, N.w Vi.rli and Third av IlpholsliillilK In all Us luniiehm. fuf- car lly. bM«('"n I.IHIURIOII and Third RV> 1 Jfadlajiii B<iliar« 76081 luro re-upholstered and ro-novared, itroiuMia mada ovtr and to order: KIIIOIIS mado, illn ooveni nut out unit OOlNa TO MOVCT >da, «le. IWlilUry b*4Ulii« and up. laliiry, 14 Mnnmiiutli atrnnt, Hwl nank. l nallly do Itl (ICawara J, ^, iliipliuna II7-M-I. r«u want the (ull name,) Htronf TII. All lu>iie«l nnd lollahln man who i«r«i, padded vans, and expert packer* (iruuihly iniilciMlnndn thn car* nt ure iellln« yeur foMs moved wlthw* irans, larrlsias and haruMSI 1»WB», •«M» u « M U U U bl « » «ds, »lo, wliu |a w lljns; to mafca Mm. ww i • ii w* • • •« i—I.TWP—JJ p n r If n«n<<rally uwful Tin a turuTll ulaeo In mariat, lUllly MpliHMd (I or liar* (inly (•»• lierae (a k.pi. AdArna M f i ynu «h» vulu*. • • If y*\i are t«l«« II, U, box 111, lied llank. MOTra, Lei lUUly do I t Irring Finch, Jr., ion of Irving iijeh of Cbfitqut «tNet, Ii wfftrf wfftrfnr Fiijeh om a tore h«M diut to miming a , irom SPECIAL SALE .VerUoMorfoid.of W»Jlw» »tre«t im» been visiting Byron Johnkpn of JThompwnvilte, 8t»ten liwnd.', t Clifford F. ivina and R. Util* Aui, tin of Broad itrctt and Clinton W. •/ HwrUon of South jtryet Mitt last Tfrursday at New Yotk, whert they "• « «w the thGiants defeat Pittdburg by a More of B to 4. MIu Ems Austin of Broad street v.lij(8 » new automobile. _ Harry French of Whits avenue and Caeil Crawford, ion of William E. Crawford of Homdel, are employed in th» First Notional bank. Ehteit OUvw,* cjerk in the First Natlonul bank, iprainai his ttmmb •whlU cranking an engine in hii motor Boat >a*t weak. He w»« laid up two days, but hat resumed bis position in SATURDAYS VSTtt. -AT- KOOPS & ABELSf t Furniture Department Closed CASH TEA STORE, : , «u*,ii H. Burr of Broadrtwetb s i taught • Maxwell automobile. / Caston Ohatteroy, ion of Lou» /Chimeroj of Eart Front rtreet. i» •Ickwith dysentery and notwlth diphtheria as was reported. He h«* BImo«t entirely recovered. Miia Catherine Btateslrot street has been visiting Mlig Hance of Holmdel. • Victor Eisner, son of Slgmund El«ner of Front street, ia »pendlng a few dBVB with Frank Haley of Everett. • Mrs. Mary Connors of Everett Is making a etay with her ion. Edward Connora of Leonard street. Mra. Conuora ha» been very sick, but h»» almost entirely recovered. ' Misa Lena Drennan, a trained nuree at the Long Branch hospital, has been spending a'vacation with her parents at Humwta. Mary Ryan, daughter of John Ry«n <rf MoLnoW rtrwk,. 1. yWttat her •ant, Mrs. A«h»r Crawford of Colt'e ' "" _ J. Hewe! of East Front hnibwn appointed.dUtriet dep. for the KnfghU of Columbian iges at Red Bank.. Astmry Park, ,ng Branch and Lakewood. . Lawrence ThomPHon of Maple sveaue and Horton Garrison u « spending two weeki at the ehrUtlan ac•ocl«tioncanip(aB8«»iccotmty. s George W. Chandler and family of ' Bridge wenwe .returned Thnrtday iromfttrto to Niagara Falls, Buffalo STORE OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9:30. 2 Waft Front Street. FALL 10c PACKAGES IT1ONAL BISCUIT CO.'S CRACKERS 3 Pkg». for 25c. from six P. M. Saturday until twelve noon Monday, to prepare for the Telephone 79-L. , RED. BANK, N. J. Bixby'a Royal SHOE POLISH 8c. Bottle. . CLOTHES PINS • % 100 for IOc. GREATEST FURNITURE SALE EVER HELD IN THE STATE & Yum Yuffls, Lemon Snaps or Uneeda Lunch Biscuits 4c. pkg. Fancy Japan BEST WhiU or Yellow RICE CAROLINA RICE CORN MEAL 5c. Pound. 8c. Pound. 5 Pounds 15c. . • ' • • . - • • • • & • TwoitooTS~of our store are devoted to Purnityre, two huge warehouses are devoted to reserve stock. Beginning 12, Noon, Monday, July 24, every piece 6f Furniture in our possession will be sacrificed. HIGH GRADE FLOUR, . Bromongelon '.Curtice. JELLY POWDER FRUIT JAMS 39c. and 78c. Bag EVAPORATED MILK ^MrsflUlph A. Woodward of Biver •treet gave birth to a son last Tues3 Packages 25c. day afternoon. Mra. Woodward waa •. Jbrmerly MifiB Sarah Sanborn ot West Front street. : - James Fitzgibbons, who sold his \xlumbing buslneBB here two years ago - t o H. W. Beynolda, has gone in buai'.- aiesB again and haa- opened a shop at Point Pleasant. •. • - Mr and Mrs. Charles K. Champlin of Monmouth' street and Mr. and Mrs. Leon Cubberly of Long^ Branch &4W * BORNEO. left last Wednesday on an automoCONBOT.—In Middletown townnlilp, bile trip to Niagara Falls and Canada. Mo Xttfio for lCtrry-Qo-Bonnd uu) Storw onWeiJnesday, July 12th, Mrs. peter Conroy. of & daughtfr. Friends here have received souvenir Kti.t ba OIOMI at T«n O'Oloct DOHIK.—At Shrewabury, on WcdncBcards from the party mailed en route. AjnnrMi ArrA» m u BE MMLD OH The four persons at Keaneburg who day, July 12th, Mra. Michael Dorlk, of a vnianamM.y, Anairac aa. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boughton and -JI . were arrested recently for Sunday vio- daughter. Mr. and Mra. Charles Hopping of 8CHULZ.—AX Red Bank, on Thursday, lations had a hearing Monday mornIMm AC«to Otnirmaa of July 13th, Mrs. A. p.-Bcliulz, of u son. Branch avenue spent' Friday with ing .before Justice Edward Compton Mrs. Hopping's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oommttto K.roli*gtB anA Oth.rt of• Koancburg, Thoy were fined f l w o n n w A R n . - A t KPII nank, on MonJUi» B « n V»ry fctl»ru In M i U s s each and costs. Those-arraigned were day. July 16th, Sirs. Italpli woodward, of X. M, Wilson of Keansburg. a eon. Oontrlbntton*. / Mra. Abram Everetf of .South AmJ. B. Lawlor and Edwin Higgine, proi tioy, a formor resident of Eaeteido Kcyport's anrtuol carnival will be prietors of merry-go-roundu: Michael In lUmorium. . • Park, was a visitor In town Satur- held on Wednesday, August 2d, andFerring, who sells souvenir cards; In loving memory of Julian, beloved Bon of William W. and Lucy J. Shampaday. possibly on Tuesday, August 1st. and J. Crane & Sons, grocers. pied July 17, 1<JO9, aged 13 years , Mr. and Mrs. John Yetman of West Henry Salz has again consented to be- The arresta were the work of thenore. and nitf months.. 'Sed Bank spent Sunday with friends come chairman. The business men of cooperative Association st Keansat Tottenvllle, , where; they formerly Keyport arid others interested, in the burg. '.One of the jBjst things underHved.' ' '." ". " ' • .'•* •' • • " carnival baVe made .liberal contribu- taken by the association Was to close James Clark of Newark, formerly tions tliia year and the carnival will up business places on Sunday. The of Red Bank, has been visiting hi* have a larger number of attractions charges were made against the men than ever before. The queen' and her fey tho association. uncle, Charles H. Borden of Oakland •treet. . s assistants have not as yet been seLengthy arguments for and against Arthur Jeffrey of Washington lected. Ah added feature of this year's the closing of business places at street, who has been laid up with carnival will lie the crowning of the,Keansburg on Sunday have been heard queen, which will bo held on tho lawn since the men were arrested and the rteumotiEin several weeks was Jhought to bo recovering luBt week. of the Pavilion hotel on Tuesday night. people of the village are about evenly /Re Buffered a relapse Saturday and This will be followed by a ball in thedivided aa to the advieability of the hotel. • • I he is again confined to the house. association's work. Some say that it Ralph Woodward has given up his A large number of entries have been will do the place a lot of good to have position as manager of a Manasqunn made for the baby parade and thea moral Sunday and that if the place moving picture theater nnd is nowcommittee of young ladies in charge had a quiet Sunday u better.element employed in tho moving picture placo of this department.of the carnival rp- would patronize the boarding houses at Keypovt. Mr. Woodward was for- port a number of entries from toyms and hotels. On the other hand those merly employed na operator, at the outside of Keyport. Each child in the opposed to Sunday closing say that if Empire theater on Monmouth street. parade witl~be given a silver souvenir. the stores and other business places Mrs. Arthur G. Sickles of West Handsome prizes will be awarded to are closed Sundays that it will be a Front Btrcot, who has been sick with tho winners in the different clnsscn, "death blow" to Kennnburg, no tho FURNITURE APPEALS typhoid fever several weeks, is slowly The firemen of Keyport will also pa- bulk of the week's business iB done on to the young housekeeper if it is handrecovering. For Bcvoral days her rade and invitations have been extend- Sunday. condition was so bad that recovery ed to companies from other towns to The merchants who were arrested some and artistic. Then what is more join in tho parade. seemed doubtful. have made an agreement with the as- appropriate for a wedding gift than An entertainment will be given at sociation whereby the merry-go-round James Clayton, who Is employed in New York, is spending his vacation Beach Park by the young folks of will be allowed to be run on Sunday some attractive picco of our Keyport. G. M. Collins is training without music and the grocers and •with his mother, Mrs. E. Clayton of the children. for the choruses. Mr. Bridge avenue. post card and souvenir men can have FINE FURNITURE? Miss Srtra E. Fny, daughter of Salz has secured the co-operation of thelr'stores open until ten o'clock SunHarry C. Pay of Wavcrly place, has the Central railroad of New Jersey in day mornings. If a person wants We have a beautiful collection of been visiting her cousin, Miss Mildred boosting the carnival. The railroad is groceries later in the day the grocer advertising the carnival with show can serve him, but he must not keep odd chairB, »t all different prices, I. Smith of New York. Mrs. John J. Many and daughter cards at their stations along the line. his store open after the customer is sofas, lounges, tables, bookcases, etc. Marlon of Monmouth street arc visitserved. . Call and .inspect. You a.re under no Ing Miss Lizzie Pagan of Washington, BOYS OH AUTO « U V . HIOHI.ANDS BOY MISSrNO. N. J. They wili bo away about a obligation to buy. Boya ot ITovmg Msn'i Ai»ocl»Uon Oo to month. ArtUM Brows, Grandson or Councilman . t t i t w o o a Tolny. Duniel McCormick of tho Phalanx An nutomobilo trip to Lnkewood O. T. H»l»on, Buddenly is sick with tnnlniia. wna enjoyed today by members of the William S. Aimy of Canal street, Arthur Brown, the fifteen-year-old who was .recently operated on for boya' department of the young men's grandson of Councilman Charles T. appendicitis nt tho Long Branch hos- association. The automobile left this Maison, Sr., of the Highlands, went morning nt ten o'clock. Tho boys on an errand for his grandfather Satpital, is greatly improved. Miss Evelyn White, daughter of were accompanied by J. V. Crevellng, urday afternoon and hna since been Francis White of East Front street, Newton Uoremus and Frank N. missing. The boy's parents live in undorwent nn operation for appen- Worth. The members of the depart- Jersey City and ho wan spending the 108-110 Front Street, dicitis nt tlio Long Branch hospital ment nre Paul Sandt, Courtlnmlt summer with hia Krnndporcnte, being White, Thomas Mend, Clifford Iirowcr, employed aa clerk in Mr. Malson's on Monday. Sho isrecovorihg. Corner Maple Avenue, Edgnr T. Randolph, Ormoml Minton, hardware Btore. He left tho store to Clinton Wolterd, a former resident here, in spending 11 few dnyn in town Milliard F. Cornwell, Jr., William J. deliver n screen door. Ho was in theTelephone 20(1-1,. RED BANK. Ryan, Charles Davis, Horton B. Gnr- habit of wearing a bathing suit under with friends. Joseph Shormnn of Seabrinht, form- riHon, Reginald II. Pnrsons nnd George hia clothing and some people think the »rty of Red Bonk, wns n vlflltor in B. Voorhees, This WUH tho first of a boy went In swimming and wns norics of outings for tho boys of this drowned. Mr. Maison thinks tho boy town yesterday.' department. joined a gang of youthful wanderers Henry Salz of Keyport spent yesand that ho is wnndoring nliout the No. 7 lii-OMin;i f o r 2tt r o t i t H . NIIIIIHCOH. terday in town on n bsuincun trip. TWO OAJIOHISTSi SUBDUED. country in bnd compuny. The buy's l l V t ' O ' t ' l l l l ' l t I"MM l l l l . l B O n l l L l l l ' t l H . I M l l M Mrs. J, M. Franklin ot Monmouth Inify rtinl (Jol.l Modal Hour. l''ni- t \ V o father and grandfatnor nre assisting •treot Is 'spending four weeks with Atlantic Blfr/hlandft Citmptrs Suvad wn'kH J l n t ' i i i i i l l ' . i rnft't'o f o r - 0 ci'ntM n tho police in a scurch for him. liollnil. Wltnloa MIIIMMIH. M i l k luniN l o t friends at Long Branch. 16c. Jar. 3 Cans 2 5 c Faney Imported China Civen Free With Teas and Coffees. • • • •. THE KEYPORT CARNIVAL Schwartz's Furniture Stores 10 Per Cent to 50 Per CentOil. The regular prices and the reductions average will be toward* the 50 per cent mark. Grand Rapids Furniture. The finest in the world is sold here—much of it is specially made for us to withstand the exacting conditions imposed upon it by the damp seashore climate. No parts ^ver loosen, no finishes ever dull, no veneer ever rips—Furniture that lasts here, will withstand any; climate in the world, and ours does. A great many people have told us that they have had unsatisfactory experience with Grand Rapids Furniture—upon investigation we have usually found that dealers have subs&i tuted other kinds. We deliver free to all parts of New Jersey, New York City, Philadelphia and all parts of Long Island. ~ i f 'yorrhave a country home, a city home, apartment or hotel to furnish, you cannot afford to overlook this sale. If you need but a single stool or chair you will find this sale extremely profitable. Remember your choice at a saving from one of the best selected Furniture stocks in the country at from 10 Per Cent to 50 Per Cent Off. Not a piece of Furniture in our entire stock you cannot buy at a saving. tiiipi'v ln-liil,',l a n i l iml.llHli.-.l I n H i , . • „ , . | O B B I N A H C E . l i u r m i K l f nt' l l e J l l u n k , f o r u ll.'iml l « o O R D I N A N C l ' ! H l ' X i l M . A T I N H A.NT> w i . l u i p r i o r t.»mu-li Bale. m i . I sal.I -.il.. l.H'K.NKIXG T U l i llUSl.M'ISS O K Klnill In. n t p u l ' I l c VI'IKIIII' I n H i , .I , I K i 1'AW.N U U O K K I t . bl.l.l.'l' tltltl i l l m i otll,-l* i n a l i n . r. Hi' 11 i i r i l n l t i i ' i l b y t h e i'otini'11 o f th.' i"». T h a t n ol » i i u n lii'oU.r sluill i f , ,l . . . l i o i . u i ^ U o f n . ' v \l l u n U , ;VH f o l l o w H . liy w a yn fu l n l i v o rjiiiivn i m y p r o | . . • I , J. T l m t i i ] > , m n | i | i l l i . ' i i t k M i I I . I I I K I I M I I I I ; I n KDIIIIH, nrlli'li'H o f IIIIIIKH t i . i n . m yp . , wrltliiK l i ya n y miltnlil.' II.TSIIM t . ) 111.son U I I . U T t i l . ' U K " o r 1 I U ' i ' , l ! \ -. i n - \ t ; i . I ' o u i i . l l u ft h . 'I I O I U . I K I I u f I : , , I l l : i ; i k n l n nur i m y tool u s , , i b y a n y in,', li.i.i" ri'Klllltr in.'.'tlllK tliil-.'nf I',,,' I I . ' . I I R , . t o Inliiiri'r iir ".nrkiii.in. civiL.Y..OM t i i o I I I I H I I I C S H u fn p a i v n Ijroki'V li, N i , p n w n l,i,,l,.r MII.ill r,-, • • i n - l . i 111 M l l i l l i o i o i i K h o f H u l l ) : , ! t i k n m l ,|, S I K wny o fp K . l t ; • I I I U I , m i , - i,-.,,,,!-., , nntliiK lltori'ln b y Htivi-l iiiinili.r t h . ' i luHST>..\, f Op,oi I I , . ' IllilCC W l l . T I ! i t l Hp i ' O | H j S . l l III - t l l l ' f y ; ' ! ! ! ! ilny of Hi.' k ,'oiiiMioiily . i l l . . I s K t i l . l l i i i H l n i ' . i H n f a p a w n l i r o K o i * . Eln> t t n l i l ililV. l.oioii^li i o m i t II • l i m y I n 11^ i l l M - i i t l o n in.mi..I i KI'UIll i lI I V I I K . ' t o m i c l i i l | > l i | | , ' i < | l t t o I'liri'V tlll.'l o,',l|M;,|,,,,. , ^ |,|,.. ,,,,,. F | , , , l | on H i , , l u i B i n c . ' i M o fn l u i u i i broU.'r. p r o from . l i l t " . . f I s s i i . i n . i- m i l r i n i • i-lil-il Hint t h e n|i|illrntlon tln'i-ofiir li.' Ili'H-i'd ili-,,11 p i ni n , l i t o f m . ' u l l l p n l i l . ' . l w i l l l a l i o t l l l t ol i el > y t i i l i h tlmt liin\ u l tli.it H i l l : ' I , " i ., | i n . . I p.-iMin HIKIUMI w i t h t w o fri'i.liol.lciIJUI.'mtiipli.in,-,' u l l l i Hi.,- i . H i . - i - . ••:, l a , " i A X COMING THE I AtStilwell'sJvereltJJ. PAifllttg* Bttaiuboat. f o u r i . - H I M nli.l iiliwni.lK. W u t i ' t ' p n l l t i Tot' Mm. Louis Duimtflj.' of Chestnut Ktlwitnl Witinitk of New Ymk and Olncinimtl DtrtiUd Lonf Branch. llMI ( ' I ' l l t H n i l . I I I I ' W I I I . I H . itlU liutlir-linulin x n l i a m l l i ' i i l . y Hi.' I m i r - d o i t ' i i u t K|,vi'lnl street linn liocn nick Severn I dnyn. Jumvs Collins of Nownrk, whu wore Tlio Cincinnati national lentil" IIH Charles H. Ivlns of Brand street enmping nenr Atlantic Highlands last liull tenm di'fi'iiti'd tho Long III nnch IHHi l' Il rr ti 'MH . n ltl ot nl fl l y t ' .. ,i 'Ki i' tt n me a ty' h . w o rVkt i ln vl id. l r dorrt S- H •lipped while walking off his front wenk, hull u mishap Saturday nftcrI'.niI Kunday by n Rcoro of H to 4., h i l i , v I r o i i n . '1i M f o r ( 1 . 5 0 o n i ' l l . q u n r i hair ol null f u r l l v o ri-ntti. A t l u v porch last Friday and foil down tho noon thnt nearly cost them tholr lives. team Iiong Brunch scored three runs in Hlorn y o n n u i ;;pt i i r n c t l c u l l y itn.S'lhliiK •tens. Ha sprnlnod hit arm and was TIIB men weni out In tho Imy in an butting rally in tho lust inning. lU'nlrcil f o r r o i n i l i - y ilHt». D l i l y o u n.'c brtuly bruinod on varloun parts of his ennua whon swolls of a pnn»ing ntcnm 1 m i y t l i l r i K n f K • I ] y .' 1 a r i l h l » IIXIII n m l [ body. Ho was confined to the house lioot upset them. Tho Control rail Other big Icugua teams will bo neon nt Lotii: Brunch this nenson. till thin morning whon ho resumed road stonmor Anbury l'nrk picked up his duties nt Ilia luw office at Asbury thu mon an hour later. Thuy were so OWWr.n'1 Might >t Pork. cxhnustcd when nicked un by thu Children's night at Shrrwubury Ralph Mount and family of East bout's crew thnt they couhl not help grango wan obuvrved lust night, " Oranire am spending a fow days with themselvon into the lifeboat. fhoro were rccltntlonn nnd other oxMr. Mount's pnrontB, Mr, nml Mr*, erclios by n number of tlio eliiUhon of C. H. Mount of Maple nvanuo, Ottl » •lolurd X. Van mombor'fl of the grango. After throw ROBERT LAIRD'S Cidor Mill Mr>. I/Vimk Houeo and dnughter Nan Jnim Asplnwnll, who rotlo exorci«ofl a noclal time wan enjoyed Annabel, of I>ocuat nvanun are spend-AT— and cako ind ico crcnm woro Burved. ing throe weeks nt Hrmlton, Connecti- horseback from Ban Prnnrtaco tit »»>• — cut, with Mr. Homo's parents, Mr. York, has received n $500 gold mednl SCOBEYVILLE, N . J., from Richard K. Fox of Ited Hank, Otannh itawn. •nil Mr*. E. F. ratten. Mrs. Alfred firMHrm of Tower Hill proprietor of the Now York J'vlke Tho topic nt th» jiraycr meeting nt will bo open to roccivo •venuo will sail Hittunlny for Eng- (lattttt, to commemorato the ovont. tho First Mothoditt church tonight land, where itlio will nnond tliroo or Mlta AapiriWall,cliall(!iig(ia nnyono In will ba "A Trlumph»nt Chvirth. npplcft on and af tor the world to me«t her for thu Itkhard four month* with frlcniln and relaNoxt fiundny undny niorrilng tho pnntor' pnntors \ tive*. Shu will vlnlt Dlrmlnghnm, K, Fox mednl. mibjiot b j t will ill b bo "Nothing "Nthi N Now U Undnr BhtfTMtl and I<on<(on. the Huii." At night tlio aulijrct of tho (temp Untlng >t K n t i l l Oto»». Madamo Uolton, who und«rw«nt a aurmon will ba ''Th<i Advantage" of OK mVI-tl TO HAM OUBSITOM*. ») operatio operation at tho thu Spring Itirglcai pring Lake A union camp meeting In bolng hald Advurnlty." Kii'ciilili'a Nolli^, .1. Minimi I ' j r c l l l ||K i>T IH.Iihoipltal last week, Is improving stead- In Mnxwoll erpvo, Kntontown. o, near Kntontnwn. Rnv. Alltchell Ilronk of Ilnyonne t't'lCnnilllin I'. Mlhlotl, <l< I'fNNlMi, l,y iiMlft' nf IIK> • * ily and la ctpectcd to noon bo out of MddtlnKi «r« held ovory Ruiulny afUr- will proncli »t tlio Flrnt llnptlut «un..,(i.i.. HI Hi" . . u n I !• i.r Miuiiunnlh, 4ant*r. nonn nnd on Tu«*day nnd Tluundoy church next Hundny morning and ev hrl'oliy nlvi'ii n i i i k i i I " Ihn rrvOllmii "t lh« nnlil d . r r n I l i i l.rltiH In Ili.-lr ilrhlc. Tlio P«ople'» fotum hold a meattnit nlghtii. JuMUfl and ovanctllit »lng«r« nlng, i l r i i l i i n i l * n m l . l i IIMU i i K i i l i m l I I I " <" I . . I . . n f hurt own enraged. Tho mooting* «ro ' Tlio WcmtmlnfiUr cli-cln of tlm r Surnka hall on Beech strut Bununtil iliu'i'iiRrii, uiiilnr u n t i l l i e n f T l l l i l n t l n n . lay tfttmoon, Frank Carman of being held under th» nuipicts of th« Hhrowabury I'ldbyUrlan church will w l l l i l n M i n i ' i i n i i i l h a f i i i n i t h o n n v i ' i i t < " n l l i « f J u l y , t i n I. « r Ihr'V w i l l lip fm-nvBi lew York and Rev. Adami mado id- Mt, Zlon church of Estontown, hold an lea rrenm »nlr on (IWUKO Kll- ilnv ivf n n v ni'llnn l l i n r y f n r , HHnlu»»l vtra'a lawn Friday afternoon and Imvri'il 111* M i l l t i e i ' l i it. Hkrdl»« of New York. It p»ys to kdvtrttM In tm Bwurrw. night. Cider Mil to Open. AUGUST 1st, 1 9 1 1 . ||i l 7, Tlt.it o v . r y I I . i n I I I . 1s u m o f u l i i ' I'linilllliiiii'il l o r t h nil,I iihsi'l'villii'i- o thin oiilliiiin.i'. n n RED BANK llol'ulIKh of I!',I Illlllk II.'IIHI'.I DONT I'AIL TO 3EK THE FREE STREET FARM 10i30 A. M., mnrnln* of itiov/. llrinf lha clilKlran lo • • • lh« gr.nd•il i|»cl«cU «v*r |>ul upon your slrflalt. ill o f i ' i I, I'lir.l. r s l u i l l [,.,r, i t i i I o l i o l i '• n . l i • . 1 . l o l l a i f , . , r I . . , '. : • • , - , , io' IIUK r o i l l l l v l o H i " iinivlshitiii of l h i < p u \ ' .n l . l ' o l t i ' i i i ' i ' M i l l n t t h "r . . i n i " I n lil.'ilK". llllli'Mfi H O ' m . - f H'.l.,lli"'l, . u i . l l l " l j m m . ' t l i n n t h . 'm l , ' o ft w . n U I U . - i*«i l i o n t u i u | i r r iiniiuiu l u l r n ' i i t i.hill l>,' o n n n vmint iloHum n o t''-(r». .llpK l.iiinv.l ill".II n n v K I I f r i M i l '•• H i wnntcd by tlio HDUKI uf 1 pliilk"'! or t»ioii>.<l HOOIIH. uii'I on ».oiii'i , , v i tin,; l\i.iit> llv.' l i o l l n i l not molt* 1 tli,in I n p"i . ' i i l u i l l Inli'i.Ht Mhull lie " I - , , n . i i :\ \ i : < • .I H I . I 1 I .-. , N . Bids Wanted. J N'bnt nil K".,I1M pl--',U.'.l or pnv n-.l i.hull I," It.'|il for tlio t.'iln of mi'' v ir In tui'iitv-llvi. I I . 1 ii.-t. i , v , i ,'•'•,, n , , ,' ' i llll-> IM i l <l.,i o l ! l \ i ' t , ,i , ,F, mi.i AIL A HIIIIII . i i . - o n i p u i i y t i n ' a|i|,ll,'it IInn h.rrlnlii.ri.l',' r.fviii'.l I n 111 W i t i o i i I nt1 llili .11 > 11 n 1 1 1 1 , , ' T l m t m iP I T i iiluill I n llll.'.l lo iihlnhi mull Ji• . ri.--..- mil. n HII.II I •.' I : i,, 11 rhllll llllVK IM'I'II II ! . ' , . [ . I ' l l ! of Ml" I I O I O I I K I I o f I I . . I I< i i t t U f u r n t I . I I M I I i- i i n o f s.iii I'lh'l l . iI I I " i l i l " o f r.ll'l , ' l ' l i l l . a l l o n . <-hMli;i.| J . n l t o r, 1P i l - l . . f 11,1' M '.' -Nil.I I," II I'm t l,<r ,,i I , 1 , " 1 I' it . . i,,, 11 i,,l, . , i . . i ,,,,,, ,,i .i Illll.-.HH .IlllV I I - .,|,ll,,.,,i. I'."•>...I I M I . I , i h ' i l l llil.i • II .1 tiii n, i' L'. Tluil lln- I In ilfo <'•'• MI.. > 11 I'.' l l f l y .loll,u:,, pnynlili. lo Hi.' I'l.rk of l h , ' lioioukli of l l ' " l l;,o,k and HII.'II I I . . I I " July 01 The Racing Camels The Somersault Elephant The Hippotragua Equinnis X. T l m t n n v a n y ol 1 tin- p pi s I m , * \ ll . l l o i i 1.,'lor.- |1'I»H I h r o w o I h o vlol-.itl.m o f tli,' p i " ' I \'1HIIIIIM o l t h i s ot-.tliKim-i'. n n . l p r o \ i.li'.l I f i l r t l i i ' i ' t l m t n o t f i ' M o h M b i i l l , ' n r r v o nI I " ' ' Iill:.|n.'.-M u f u p n u - M hriil,,'!' v, i l h l n i l l . Monday (\4 SEE Il i o i i H i i i u l I I O I I J I I H , a . ' l l . o fnlthfnl inrfiirmiuii o f till! ri'ipiiii'lni'ilts o f . l f o r t i n - l u . l . iniiill.'i,- Kducntlon of Kwl Itunk, N. J.. for tho installation of n HvfltitiK uml Ventilating plant in Mvchank i'j:::i,^i;;i'i..;ili.rf1'.iVt;.Th1!fii,'h:;1;.'1.',::::;8tr^ «--i»wi M i^r plan. u n j tr;::;»; iZ'VuXT\"r!£ ^:';,r'u1,!;:: »i)ocincnti<.n.toiHjhiMiof Mr. w . p , i v n . i i.-|.f.-i..'iiUim t l i n H""'l>' l ' J. Button, cluilnnanoftt>mmltt«*. Aii'l i u l i ILIUM IMIIIII'I' Mill" ll .!•• HII i l l l.i i | i n P l o p , r l i .1 "t I , II I I M . I i . i l . m p l l o i i " f o i l u - - I - " Mi'l Hidt mu«t IMI In h*n«U of t,|.,lii,« Hi- itiuoinit lomi.'.l i l » | . i i " l hi. n m l " i oh I n l r r i x l n i l . , v l m l l li II... liil"i>»l rhiiiui'il. " I " ! «l."l> ' • ' • " ' " i.iii li I III I. i n i w i i i r il |Mo|i.-r .lr#.. Unit I I I " mil.) i I I IV O P I . I I I . Illlllll O I I I 'fliiit IT K'IOJ" pl'ilm-.l nnv an. li I'IIIMI I,I "In i I-IHIII r">i"iii. .1 mil i i " liil'i.«« ll .'i i Klnill Inn- I >pni. I... n o l . l o r n u l l i n . u l h mill i,n Itl'i'llll. 11 |.tl v *• I I . l i ' l , " I . .11 l i " II.IIp.., l | » l l III pi-I I" I.HM.IO " II " " ' »il.l | r . I "" " 1 l i v HIIIII p . i h " .'>r..l.i-i. l " i t • • i l " " I I I I H ! » •K i n ' l i l i > H . I K ' i 1.1 l i ' i m l l l > " H .• • M i " ' " l l.II.lit.I I nlliC l o n n l i " " I V - • ! <W i l l . I l » * i » H I ' " . * 11». M., July 2Hth, th« right I* un " >"»'• lli V ' ' " " l i . H i " I !(•<'• - i l i i l f l f U.,111 IM"»« reject any ur a AIKKEDBOTTICHRI. iand aro enjoying a' vacation at Salts- England, is visiting her deter, Mr*. bazar and supper to be held by theH became flck from over eating, bnt weeks' vacation from hl« duties G. W.Tiftoii. Htzlet fire company on September is getting well. / tuslstant superintendent of the Whit bary/Conn. ., all-Tatum corapony's plant here. He Henry VtinBuiklrk of Trenton was 7th/ Mrs. Mary C. Gross has added a 4.MmdM mxtyttt mem*. / l! *p»nding it ut Salitbury, Conn. • vlcitor hit* W«dne*d«y,, MiM Jean Slo&Vof Ba»t Orange for gasoline Uurahto htr fi&hing pavilion Mist Frances B. Bronner Bpent last vliitine her grandparents, Mr. «nd -A number of the members of tint Sir. and Mrs. Gilbert G. Opden of equipment, Methodist church attended the harrert week at Ramsey. N . J. Mr.. WilllimVanMateh . . ChicaKO have returned to their home Miss Elizabeth Cameron, of Harris COUMCH. W a i . TAKE PART IN PARADE there after a visit of several day a burg, Pa., is visiting Mrs. ^Eugenia Wilbur at Tinton FalU lait'Wedheaday C. "Walling spent lost week Mrs. M. VanBrackle of the Breose home up the Hudson river. Lawn farm ia entertaining Mrs. S. 3. night Nelson Smock took a load in * with Mrs. Ogden'a mother, Mrs. Ben- Judson. . ON CAJtMVAL DAY. his stage and other* went in hlwd Mrs. Elizabeth Ogden was slek sev- Marvil of .New York. jamin L. Tilton. Miss Cora Young visited relatives ,. ' Mrs. Chas. Little and daughter rigs. \ Isaac Pearson', who was recently at Atlantic Highlands (several deya eral days lust week, S t John's Methodist church i s be-Edith of Brooklyn are visiting Mrs, XWt OlOSMH "fititOf|r. •f ( P I to limitrHnw ofthe Fire operated on for appendicitis, has re-)astwe«k; George W. VoorheeB. The. underwear factory of Georg* turned to his home here, but has not ' Miss Alice Wharton has accepted a ing painted, Rnssell Whitman has returned' to Loversidge was closed last Wednesday..' oHlwKww fWcfc Atom* DrivM-ConqMBir been able to attend to his business position as bookkeeper for Stultt Plainfleld after visiting his mother, on account of the intense heat. A duties. Clark. . h l M - M n . Martha De- Weakfishinp is very good in the bay andHenry Mrs. S. J. Whitman,. will remain closed for two weeks'in Sail -notored to Atlantic Two OHUjumoo PMMd »y ti» a-urttta Morris VanGeison of Bloomfleld is order to give the employees a vacahero and on Sunday there were about City on Saturday returning Sunday •fQMAfl*. visiting h!s grandparents, Mr. andtion. -rown»bip QommlMw. sixty boats off shore filled with anglers afternoon. The township committee met atMrs. Aaron Morris. «ra« not unrxpc-trd OS mostly from Newark and New York. . Casimer Ianell of New York spent Keyport on Friday, July 7th, Messrs P. O. Weigandiarid George W. Lnrn- The annual camp meeting at "Tins r her betl bedf for >.(i,nfinl Henry Wyckoff has a vacation from Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Webster and Carr were present, The bertson were New York visitors on Brook will be held in the old gten leaven n his duties in the Keyport WeeklyDlsbrow. •«». w»nth«. . •> at thai place on Sunday, July 30th. ("no. t*milh of Kryport •oflke. He and his family visited rel*>ff4K t . H Mrs. Phelps Cherry and eon Earle following bills v/evo examined and Monday. i-r-J •«« < th-twhter*. Mn>. Martha atives at Asbury Park last week. spent last week with friends at Bor- ordered paid:* Jersey Central TracMies, Madeline Warnock, daughter A large number of out-of-town clergy-' tion company, .freight on gravel, awl Mr*. Matthias IV»w, the thunder shower Wednes- dentown. -\ , , of James P . Warnock, i s sick; men have been Invited to be present «.• r •k.-.|««i1. The funeral * m dayDuring morning W. H. Bryne's house on Alonzo Chadwick and family spent $10.40; Monmouth and Middlesex Vernon.Vincent of Brooklyn 1B visit-' C B u r t i s B o s a M i a M P T H . •'• •'•• \ " ' : v , t.ih . f m r afitrrn-Hi from her late Third street was struck by lightning. last week with Mr. and Mrs. S. E.electric light company current to June ing h i s aunt, Mra. A , Ivlns. Charles Schtielia has irl'oved from ,| a t thp 1'rip.liyterian Very little damage wan was done. done 13th, $7.60; VanMnter and Weigand Terry. . : Ellery w h i t m a n o f Plainfleld i s Morris's flats to the house he recently ; tt". K. f'ompton »f the Re*'The carnival chorus and a number Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Tilton of Jer- trading company, poor orders, $51.75; visiting Capt N . Bush, : ..", , bought on Railroad avenue. ' » f n t llutial win of those wlio will take part in thesey City spent Sunday with friends Robert Ludlow, boarding Carrie WinMrs. C. J. Llnson i s visiting Mrs. shep from May 7th to July 3rd, $32.00. John Roaevear. .""••'•• ,...' .^ rornival had their photograph taken here. " »v • »ti»t i t t n i . • nt Maag'R studio yesterday. Mi sit Adelo Me Keen will enter George B. Roberts, collector, turned in Miss Froncla Lambertson i s on the Harry'Worthley, who isi living with $498.01. George W."Mason waB apMr, and Mrs. Albert Redden of New Erasmus hall at Brooklyn in SeptemBick list, . . . . - • • • . • • • his brother-in-law at Newark, apentVand pointed a special officer without pay Yurk visited Mrs. Redden's parents, ber. .• * i m . • '. Snturday and Sunday with his mother. > . - . '» -, Sir. and Mrs. Peter Durrua, several Miss Grace Walling spent last week for the year 1911. An ordinance was Mrs. William Worthley; •AXOHTOWH new syntem of duy» last week. with Mr. and Mrs. Asbury F. Walling. passed prohibiting bathers from apWilliam Morris, the grocer, was • wfci •h the liormigh pearing in the streets in scanty attire. Miss Elsie Butterbach has accepted Miss Emma Miller visited friends suddenly sick last Friday and •• *t»tw- limr nno. a position as clerk in Yunker's bak- at Now.York several days last week. The committee accepted as a township Oontlnnoai Wa« of BUrw-Ulu Mow tuid tnken was confined to the house. Ho has on> Worth Silt or Jitwii BtMtt. ritl "- TuncMi-n road the road running from Carr "."•"• *;","r '•ill"'. i crv in place of Miss Anna Hauser, Lester McLean of New York visited since-recovered. Joseph Miller is having a concrete, avenue at Keansburg to the Tannor his cousin, R. 0 . White, Sunday.' •Ml tli.'.> will »«> a l * u t l w j ; o rcP i P Kncd . The Advent Sunday-school went on Wilmer Hanson of Philadelphia landing road. An ordinance was sidewalk laid in front of his property its annual picnic to Asbury Park last many «f thtni u* there g Compton will give an Revw on Lewis street. There is now a conpassed regulating amusement places spent Sunday here with friends. illustrated sermon next Sunday night Tho trip waa made i n tinuous line.of sidewalks on the north Wednesday. . ' • ' • • ' " i •, ft?** Bj» Tron%l». ut the Reformed church on "The De- Edwin Blake of Rutherford was {he in the township., side of Lewis street from Main street BtageB. guest of friends here Sunday. Mrs. John VanBrunt of Oceanic ia I « tt,a«urcr of thecifive Life." at Hospital. to High street. spending two weeks with her father, ompnny Mr. and Mr?. Harry Brown and " Miss Harriet Seeley of Kennsburg Fannie Cowles, a patient in theA Bon* Tragtfly. John Fox of South Eatontown. l.i-t wi'ck n* I'hil- family "of" Lakewood spent Sunday •visited friends here Monday. German hospital at Newark, is slowly Terrenco Covert sold one of a team here with Mrs. Brown's mother, Mrs. Frank DuFour of New York spent Mrs; Maggie VanBrunt and he*><•fc«-i* linvini" his eyes improving and her friends hope to of horses to a Long Branch junk John Poolc. ' . Sunday with relatives here. daughter of Long Branch spent Sunh . , , 1 , r nf Philadelphia tl see her home soon. «dealer last weeW. ' The mate of the The Indies' aid society of the ReMiss Ella Arrowsmith is spending day with Mrs. J. W. Elgrim. Mr. I i»mi*«ti'n's duties horse became lonesome and broke out formed church cleared about $60 ata month at Ellenville, N. Y. Brl«f xttmi. Milton .Giles, son pf L. B. Giles, has> i sv.«. the lawn social held last Tuesday Frank Mooney of Jersey City spent M>ss Mamie and Hattie Webster ore of its stall, A heap of grain was gone to the rnountalns for his health. nlirlit. Sunday with rclativea hero. spending two weeks nt Stanford, N. Y. nuurby und the horee forgot nil about .!»y anJ- n.mp.my have Mrs. John Fallon has had a concrete Mrs. Albert Ashby of Croyden, Arrangements are being made for a its lonesomeness when it saw the feed. It pays to advertise in T H E REQISTEB. .Vimc Mwial «• lubVhouse sidewalk loid in front of her house on .„.» mfjiiininc: tbe com-Second street. E. E. Cline did the i. T h w will convert it work. !((«• u»o of rim- (if their Mies Annio Laurie Tilton spent several days last week with Rev. and Wntlaf. Mrs. John W. Nickelsonat Williams-% improvitrurU usffocin Mr, and Mrs. William Walker, Miss r.-<v-:t)i; Monday nftorncon Ruth Walker and Miss Roberts o f , * ht,.1 liuiMintr. The as- Newark spent Sunday with relatives A inn •""••<• work. It has »*\rtal liumlred circulars here. Miss Hazel Bowne was the guest of her Bister, Mrs. Harry Morford of Red Ctvtmt. Kank, several days\last week. ?\ « fhi tin- K«-}'|><>rt filver Mrsi Perrine Anderson of Trenton I'M- « f p v concert on thespent several days last week with '. : la*n The Imnd will Mr. and Mrs. Hemy V. Walling. ..' muir ff>'<" cnnriTts this Mrs. W. J. Kelly and Miss Olive > A ?fit<f.l |'att.< of the bor- Kelly of OreRon are the guests of Mr. and MrB. Willinm H, Wntts. Mrs. Mary Ellen Rogers has had her house on First street painted and r..i« had a concrete of hi« property on a new concrote sidewalk laid. Misses Edith and Lorane Walls of Hi: i ) H. I'avin has in fmnt of hisPhiladelphia were the guests of Miss Emma Miller Sunday. Mrs. 1. Flynn of New York was the Cucst'of her daughter, Mrs. David • Mnnlrcai last week. furi-TBl • •t The Independent Democratic club i will run an excursion to Coney Island it'c"!u'i;i \ <••• AucUFt Kith. IViry ViinGcison of Rutherford i sntrit fast week with his uncle, Fleti-hcr VnnGeii-on. Misx'a Ola und fieorpiannn Peer of \,..v.!.k visited Mr. and Mrs. E. E. 'NOTHING TO ADD BUT HOT^ WATER." "NO ARTIFICIAL FLAVORS USED." • "'•nUin lact wei'k. . FftUIt FLAVORS-LEMON, ORANGE, STRAWBERRY, RASPBERRY,' BLACK CURRANT, VANILLA, ALMOND ' Mr. nitil .Mrs. Klmer E. Morris and ' WINE FLAVORS-PORT, SHERRY. MADEIRA. . '.* n ll'-«ii- Itrowri ppent last week at MEWS FROM KEYPORT. RlYfOftT "Every Little Tablet Has a Flavor All Its Own" The Easiest Made and the Most Delightful Dessert This Hot Weather. UPTONS 10c. a Pint Package M,.» Miimi* ll.iior. of Elizabeth - -•,-*! Mi -. liliincliV Sproul last week. •*•->•* hri'.n'i<n and Ourdinn IIo«K- WHERE TO DINE VIKS PAVILION HOTEL otnfort Hotel PavtUon M. *.vs§|,«<k' WEW JERSEY *'-• M'tt.tt^rM>f< AND EVENING n, fit tut Crovtf. «'C. SHORE DINNERS AND SEAFOOD SPECIALTIES AT SEASIDE HOTELS East Front Street Red Bank, N. J. Situated in Heart of Town Convenient to Trolleys, Boat, Churches, t Train and Stores Quiet, Homelike and Comfortable Headquarters for Commercial Men Telephone 11 Rates Reasonable KEYPORT, N. J. 1OO ROOMS IF' YOU LIKE TO EAT Lobster, Fish, Clams, Soft Crabs, Fresh from Our Bay Daily, and i the Fresh Produce from Our Farmers, this is the Place We Dont Have to Uie Cold Storage CHARLES W. JONES, Manager OrarM1 View Hotel City Delicatessen and Lunch Room m**mr* «.•-«*. 1 \»H H A V E N . N, J . - >•• - ; « - i •• £ ( • r • "... 20 Broad Street *•» Red Bank, N. J. B. BLOM, Proprietor *-«! «i «••».*•» N K , I I I « Special Attention Given to Auto Partie3 tm ( mmm*mm *n*fc I h * l l a i t l Telephone 5O7-J FRED FRICK, Manager HOTEL MARTIN Highlands-on-the-Shrewsbury Overlooking the Ocean 9mm i mum momuL 9***** Otcar H M W O«A ML fMt VIA* • •*• • * \ *, tHnnrr The hcuw U DCtutlfully located and a view of tho pins wood- is obtained from «ll rooms. R«tf«, f2.00 Mid 12.60 per d»y; tier wcok, f 10.00 and upwnrds. 8p*rlal rate* for the season and families. Tfc* tm'Wit ta Mk til* Chrawibury Rlvar, vrh«rt (h«r« la goal fliMntr, cnbblntf. Itti* aa4 atdl w « l « bathlnn. , M J | t j k k Ebclrl* Ilihl In all rooni. Hot and coM Uthi. *--. -*T— ••Vv*****"'!** and fruit b«tn-[ irrown In our own artnton. Poultry (***••-* »» ..| •H* Urn, Fir. MECCA INN, Red Bank, NeiAir -Jersey. Firat-Class Road HOUBO for Families. Beat of Eating. Rooms with Bath and Electric Lights. Grand View Over Gardens and Country. DINNER SERVED SUNDAYS, w b» &ijSm£ttl»J r«ltrr«d vla'lon. N.C. IMtURANCf. New Modern Hotel •AH Convcnloncea and Comforts for Transient and Permanent Guests Now a la Carto Service Seafoods a Specialty ' Imported and Domestic Doers on Draugllt Music End of Trolley Line, Highlands Garage MARTIN GERBRACH, Owner and Proprietor Tclephono 1281 Highlands MILLER'S PINE VIEW HOUSE. FAIR HAVEN, N . J. Special Rate, to Aulo Partiei MRS. IMMA O. MILLER.FroprUlor. • R«4 Bank O4S). DeUSLE'S Famous French Restaurant Corner Sbrewaburjr Av«nu« anil Newman Sprlngt Ro<ul. Telephone , ' CHARLES DUPFLER, Proprietor. A-FLAHTIG FAIR HAVEN, N. J . AN IDEAL PI^CE FOR A STIC1AL OINNIH Alwnr-D«Ualitf«llrC«W LxatW » « r SanmWrr Mrer AuionoUt.Full..S^Uli*4 T.l.rk^.R^laaah4«S A l t BENNETT. Prep, Rohde's Restaurant DtMrtftd Village, Allaire EifM M0« From Aibury Park F'lnat A v n i s iuu.' M««U >| All ll»«ra Dlehi Urn. Atlantic Highland*, M> a. tr'.J^l. OlaaeN at Marl NeUu Ca-etlecuMa tmt C—f O have added toour line for 1912 the Chalmers-Detroit, S.G. V. &Hupmobile Cars, together with the Hudson, Marion, Overland, National and Selden Can. We think and absolutely know we have the best lines on the market for the coming year, 1912. I ;D Model 38 ( ^ ^ 1906 Lozier Touring, Complete. Model 38 Overland, new, with top, 1911. 1906 Pope Hartford Touring, Complete. Model 30 Overland Runab put, 1909. 1909 Mitchell Runabout. 1911 Six Cylinder, 7-Passenger Mitchell, new. 1911 Empire Runabout. . 1910 40-Horse Power Oakland, fully Equipped. 1909 Elmore Touring, Complete* • • • . ' • , • • • . • • • ' • . • • , . ; . • ' , • . • . , , : ' • - . . • • , • - v All these cars" will be sold at a great reduction to make room for 1912 cars which will be ready for delivery on or about August 1st. Jj II DEMONSTRATION OF* ANY OF1 THESE CARS CHEERFULLY GIVEN. New Marions from $1,150 to $2,000,00. I New Hudsons from $1,000 to $1,500.00. § New Overlands from $775.00 to $1,675.00. " Marion, Hudson, Overland, Mercer, Peerless and Selden. <* Also Trueks|rom 1 to 5Ton. The Best Therefisin Auto Construction. ' x A Demonstration Will Prove It. § FTRED H. V A N DORNJ " T Salesroom Opposite Telephone 478 for Demonstration. HOLMDEI, NEWS. look, Ralph Rockaway, Mrs. E. R. lurton, Mrs, Lon Hoskell, Samuel Honta KoU t y William 0. BIT ornstcin, Joe Cook, Emiu Van, Pliil Snrlnar tba Pait Week. EMPLOYEES TO BE 'oretta and McWaters and Tyeon, Last week was tho .biggest July .n Outini on tua Ootaa. TOXED ON A.BSOK OHABOE. cck. William C. Ely has had since he George C. Clark, who is staying at las been engaged in the horse busiOonanetor SalaaaaA Vain Bna- ho Isabella cottago on Maple avenue, Four horses were sold to a jjenisd S»nt«noi on Charge of BtoaUng ook a party of his New York friendB etiichen farmer. Teams were sold «nu4b»g—Tlina Hontln In Jail for in an outing down tho river Tuooday to Blchard Wiird of Marlboro, Dr. «t«nllua- Suit of clollia*. his motor- boat George C. The Ernest Fahnestoek of Shrewsbury John Henry nnd George Blgelow nirly went as far as Coney Island and nd' tho Jamesburg ice company of will lie tried tomorrow on.a charge of etuino(( late 4n the ofUrnoon,-all sburjr Park.—Drr -Fahneatoek-paid nesting firo to a'poultry house on the mnda saying they had the finest time 700 for his team. Single horses were mvootl farm, near Asbuiy Park, on ver. Those in tho party were Mr. W to CharleB X. Crawford of Holmhe night of Mny 20th in which sev- md Mrs. Clark, Mrs, Brodlgan> James J, Charles Taylor of Freehold, Dor> eral hundred chickens were burned to Srodlgan, Dr. Albert Sampson, Dr. smus Bros, of Red Bank, Charles Han» death. The men had been employed 'aul Herlick, Mr. and Mrs. Chan. m of Tottcnville, L. Tsylor Bampsod (i tho farm but were discharged the loss, John Dean, Mr. and Mrs. Frank ! Marlboro, Jesoe Beera of Keyport day before the firo hecauso of drunk- lock, Alderman Zurcha, Miss May nd Willard Schenck of BradevcJt, ipnesg. . Ebenezer Allen of Villa Park, who i'Hara and Joseph Mnguiro. Potatoes and apples grown on wa convicted o( stealing n handbag wo bocai Haia'a Vboto* in •>. n*7*r. In the last week's Player, a theatri- rheron McCampbell's farm were pntaimng $25 front Mrs, Ella I re ton nl paper, there appeared pictures of hipped to New York last we«k. On of Spring Lake, was released under suspended sentence by Judge Foster be Bennett and Frank Wesson, two >ne day about 100 barrels of potatoes Thursday. Allen *was n conduc- ell known residents of the village. fere sent away. Potatoes bring from tor on a trolley car and the handbag Jvery issue at tho Player contains a ,15.75 to $4.60 a barrel. The outlook h;ul been left in his" car. Judge Foster ilcture of one or more members of or the potato crop in this section is said ho thought there was a reason- he Fair Haven theatrical contingent ;ood, but in Lsss f»vored loca.liti«s the .nd news of Fair Haven theatrical rop hss been injured by the recent able doubt of Allen's guilt. ' Albert Nelson of Aabury Perk, who 'oiks, written by Frank North, one of trough t. lendoil guilty to stealing a suit of he actors of the village. th. clothes, a suit cane nnd a pair of iar|Ta Catch of Va.1rfl.li. Mr. and Mrs, . CKrlneyoente iocs from I. Sacks of Asbury Park, Last Sunday afurnoon Augustus Holmes and Mr, and Mrs. Sidney »a sentenced to thrco months In Jail. 'liinitz nnd his son Eddiu went on a Bray left inBt week for the AdlronClifford Bnrbtr pleaded guilty to thing trip *n<l returned with 22 lack mountains, where they will spend enling n client of ton from KoopB veaknsh. This was one of the biggest wo weeks in the lake section. & Abels of Long Branch, Ho was re- ntches of tho season, leased In chargo of Probation Officer YlaJtot* ** *.«l»»tu Hot«i. Tho ladloB1 missionary society of nBBJ 1 ' Tho woek-end and permanent visit- tjio Reformed church will hold a party ors at the Atlantic hotel this week avc on tho parsonngo lawn Friday night. IAI» HAVXIf »SW». Mr. and Mrs. Phil Cook, Ralph Hock- Befrcshments will be served and the <Hr*it *r«p»r»tloiia Dalai; XaAa tw th* away, Lon HftBketl, Levine and St.usual social festivities will be enjoyed John, a vaudeville team; Willlarn IrTlraman'a »i wln and Samuel Ecrnateln of New Vernon Grant, son of John Grant -AVork l« progressing for tho big and Mia« Julia McDonald and fnir to be hold in the flro- York Meyer aa overcome by heat last week while of Hoboken, h.UHu and on the lot adjoining th* Miss: working on his father's furm. Ho was Ooiaf «» tha Or»u« Tlaw. flrehoimo from tho 2d to tlio frth of laid up a few days, but is now nl A>UKuat and all indications point to » Tho «<iw arrivals «t tjia Grand Vlow right. big BUCCUIIH. The lot on which tho hotol oro Mr. and Mrs. Bauvcll of ir.ir ohnioh airn. filr will bo hold will he featoQiwd with Brooklyn, David Bre<U«y of Newark A new church ilgn hna been placed ejtctrlc lights nnd will contain ninny Mr. and Mra. George It. Clurk of baotho and itmuicmonti eucii ai hitting Brooklyn, Mr. and Mrs. Claire Evnnn on the Reformed church. On It are til* dodger, throwing rlngR on canes of N e w York, and BIJou Everm and tfle naniea of tho church and pastor and the time of t h . aervic«s. id other nlmllar ftilr iittrnctions. hi* nl*c« of B»lUm»». Any artlclen will bo dianoitd of onOjita» aappar. xilltA br *Mt. co-opeintlvfl plnn, among them boLa«t Friday night Stanley and Arthur Smock lost a hone last , nn art clock, punch bowl, tta Mt, Howard Wllliama am.* anfly«tcraup week, TIM animal wan ttricken by th« nor "ft, ton of coal, bprrel of flour, per In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Interne heat wbiltt at work und dl«d icr set, five dollura In gold, porch Goodman, who starttd Saturday for a »hort time later. iker and lawn awing, trip to th* Whit. " ' rtott* at KMUtakwv. M Jfrera* a Mo Th* Baptiit Sundny-nchool went on Jj»*t Tliiiwday nflernoon, Iho Uth, Tho "K«l Pot" aMMiatlon, an or. U annual picnic to Keanabur*; today numbering flttoan from Uia Sanitation numbwrin*: twalv., will K< Tho trip wn» madii In wagona. ._, hotel m-nt for a trip down on n flthlng trip down to tho Hprte14 the bench In Jnrk Goodman'a motor •ho* Sunday. Thoy wiH mak* th« trip Mr. and Mrs. William J . Ryan « bMt. th* Kid. Evnrythlnjr w.nMull In IJIW|» Smith's pound boat which New York are spending; several day* DA the trip down the rlvar but on Ifc.haa b**« «hart*reJ for th* a«(ia*lon. with Mr. ityan'a ptimnU, Mr. and Mra return trln tho Kid fulled to rcapon Tho recent ralna hitva created a run Michwl Hy»n. tiller mdttar. It gnt In tho awall* c pf wft cralia In the river and th«ro Tho offlcUla of th* R«formea churc S§ Mnry ratten of tho I'ntton Mn< faa oawn a number of nuccimnfu hav« d«cid*d not to hold any K ajtil upovti RUIKU all the nccupanti » tktchwi. «?"<>»' picnic thin your. Impromptu ducUmri Bovirai wane " Dap Qfacey It adding MIM Mlllitn KroHmor nnd it«rc en the boat, but th*y war. » Impmyainentn to Ma plm Krcamnr of Newark nr« vlhltlng Mra •Holly J»v*d. The m<n 'tigkui th on MiHtf waniM, Th« "S*n»tor" p. N . B»«l»r. \ bfat and tb« trip waa r«igmed, th< doing th« o n MmwU. Mi«a Outharln« RtotdBlr M Mr t»tibla with tho rudder waa found to Th* dantft hold 'nlithlly at the Th ta U A Ku«»t of Ml«« Il.rtlin !lt.n« cautad by two atUlu cattlnc rand Yj«* • » difidim tern «towd», Bank Ml«» Myah McCormlck of N«w Yuri [•d In th* atoarinir war. fiamm la vlaltlntr Mra. I'eUr Mther. aUIr), who did not know mue b»v« tham continued until Labor dny H>i. IUWitt ttMoak 1* r«H>v«rlM it nn<r)|all«n on th* brl latwt JfalaiHekiOft of Paarl ttra* from b«r alcknaait, ttlclil In ih*,* l« haWnjf ft, t n r por*h bul^t on hli AdvarUa* your want* in Tun Rro llawittw and fill tham quickly it. •&#/£$» S Hotel, Red Bank, N. JT. i Sample Cars Always in Stock DpINGS OF THE COURT. t nL Ja*k lliMiHiiiaiii H H VlVV^vat^ tHA' f Ifftl WJaV| Lots OnUnusual Terms. We have hadjplaced in our hands for sale a few lots in a good location which the owner has authorized us to sell for a small payment down and $1.00 per week thereafter. Theseilots are in the Borough of Red Bank and they give an opportunity for young men to get a lot which will be a good investment or which will provide a site for a home. Almogt'every clerk, office employee or mechanic can afford to lay by a dollar a week,"and|[this sum in a short time will provide a home site or will make a good investment. All Red Bank property is bound to increase rapidly in value. Especially is this the'ease with lot« just outside of the thickly settled parts of the town. Red Bank has the'finest train service of any town of its size in New Jersey; it has steamboat service during nine months of the year; it has ten churches, a public library and a building and loan association; it has as good schools as will be found anywhere; and it has the beautifu£5hrewsbury river as its chief natural attraction. We have lots for sale in almost every street in town. We have houses and lots for sale, some of which are decided bargains. We have a number of farms, suitable for country estates or for truck farming, at prices which make them good mve*tmentslfor speculative purposes. W« have a few beautiful orchard lots in Red Bank for sale at very reasonable figures; and we have six fine river front lots on the upper part of the Shrcwsbuff river for sale at $350 each. RED BANK REAL ESTATE CO., Second National Bank Building, Red Bank, N. J. , Closed Eveninge at.6 P» M,,.'Saturday*, .10 .P. M, ' , : AMONG OUR NEIGHBORS. _y HAPPENINGS IN KXOR&Ain>8 SXIWS. nairwmrav HUWB. William Hopla B»olv«s ft Brokw Wrist A B«oora Ontttnf of »y« on A»ron' ArmWUIH Cranking; an Auto,' Willinm Hopla, eon of James Hopla, Last week John Johnson -of Wayside is laid up with a broken wrist caused threshed 325 bushels of rye for Aaion by the kicking of an automobile crank Armstrong:. This is the quickest cutlast week. He was cranking the.ma* ting of rye made, hereabouts so far chine when it suddenly kicked and his this season. wrist bones were badly shattered. D*. Hanftaom* Sntrnno*. Harry A. Hendrickson.is attending Dr. Ernest Fahnestock is, putting up him. • two large pillars at the entrance to Excursion Vliltl Htrt. his property on the Red Bank road. The large steamboat Roscdnlc The pillars will be of stucco on brick. brought an excursion down the bay No expense will be spared to make the Monday and came within speaking entrance attractive and it will be one distance of tlio Atlantic Highlands of the handsomest of its kind in this pier.' The boat then circled around section. the bay here and after nn hour or soTint Potato Shipments. it returned towards New York. The carloads of potatoes were boat ditf not make B landing but Monday from the station here went slow enough to give the excur- shipped to New York. Potatoes bring from sionists a fine view of the shore front. $8.50 to $4.60 a barrel. The crop will 'Will Give Optn Ait Show. be short on account of the recent Robert JIantell and his company drought, and prices ore expected to will give a play on the Atlantic High- hold up well throughout the season. lands' baseball diamond September Will do to Seattle. 2d for the benefit of the auto hose Col. Cameron VanVleit of the truck fund. The use of the basebnll United States army will leave shortly field has been donated for the benefit for Fort Lewton at Seattle, Washingby A. G. Brown, president of the as- ton. He will be in command, of the sociation, and John Tansey has agreed fort.to furnish poles free for the electric EoncI Oiled, lights to be used on the grounds. The county road from this place to Harmony Club outing*. The Harmony club of New York RED BANK. BROAD .STREET, July Specials. EVERY ITEM IS A RARE BARGAIN. Shetland VeUs. The very latest Shetland Veils, large mesh, white only; regular $1.00 value, .our price Children's Socks. Children's Socks, any size from 4 to 8J4, plain colors and white with colored tops; regular 19c. value at Lawn Waists. Lot of elegant Summer Waists, made of good Lawn, handsomely trimmed with showy embroideries, several styles; worth up to $1.00 each, at.. Sweater Coats. 79c. 121c. Cumf y Vests. 48c. Under Vests, Cumfy Cutstyle, mercerized tape, the best fitting under garment ever produced; sold elsewhere at 15c, special at Sun Shades. 10c. This season's best sellers in Parasols, plain Green and Pongee; also white and colored styles; worth up to $2vO0, sale price Long 98c. Long Gloves of Tricot Silk, 22-inch length; black and white, all sizes; the kind sold/ by others at $1.00, our price.. Gloves. OP- The Pickopf Photo and Art Shop requests their Patrons to make engagements for sittings and outside engagements as niuchin^^ advance^,as^^possiWe. • Let us Picture your home, your gJtwhWor W fancy.' ;W ride ourselves on superior work in our-line, and have P Staff of Expert Photographers in attendance on Photographic Costumers continually. If you desire personal'attention please specify'this'^h(en--inialqng'your'"'en-7 drug store. The views include the residence and poultry farm of ^lelvin A. Rice near Leonardville. the high school building, churches and principal streets. The views are exceptionally plaj.n and the cards are selling rapidly. *- ( • • •- '• •' :' SPECIAL—One Large Photograph with every dozen ordered. The size to h6 controlled by your order. ' _• . STORE SPECIALS. You will need good-writing paper-to tell about those delightful sails. We have provided a completo assortment of Eaton, Crane & Pike Co., Artist Materials, P1TTSFIEU), MASS! Brushes, s ' A special line of books for We just published an artistic set of Post Cards of Eed Bank and vicinity. These cards color up beautifully. Any one with a little artistic taste can color them. We sell you a special color set for 1 5 cents which is simple and just it for these cards. We also carry a complete stock of • SAILS and SALES. ' BOOKS! BOOKS! Color Your Own Post Cards. Domlno Games in Dining the heavy rain Monday the j farmers quit farming and came to I the village for their mail. While in the village several of them who enjoy a domino game got out the pack and I had several good games in the townGrocery Store Closed. committee room in-the postoflicc - J. M. Hames, who recently opened Domino games are the a grocery store in the building ad- 79c. y gagement. inp;, making;-the Bay View hotel its headquarters. The day was spent in ' shipment of Pipe. sociability. An elaborate dinner was A carload of pipo arrived Monday Served after which the forty members morning for Vf. Del WallbridKe. The present had their pictures* taken in a pipe will lie used at Mr. Wallbridge's croup by Frank Baldwin, manager of itwo new houses! and outbuildings on the.Eatontown road. DeHart & Lctsbn's studio." Will MOTS to Locust Point. Brief Xtems. . * *' J. E. Ralph will move his family in i George Lang, son of John Lang, is a short time from his Valley Drive I employed as an extra clerk at A. residence to his new property at Lo- Holmes' Borden's store during the cust Point, which he recently bought summer season. from the A. H. Randall estate. His i Miss Stokie of Scottsville was a Valley Drive property will be sold. j guest of Mrs. Dwight L. Parsons on The 'Locust Point dwelling will be ! Sunday. Charles M. Patterson has had oil remodeled and the grounds improved spread in front of his property on for Mr.- Ralph's occupancy. I Sycamore avenue. • • • Theater Under Kev Management. Stryker Brothers have sold their MIDDLETOWtf VILLAGE NEWS. theater business on First avenue to Risinp & Abrams o"f New York. The new owners took rhavprp Iftst week and. ! Farmers Jinking-' Biff Shipment! of Produce From Station H«re. they are conducting motion pictures j and vaudeville shows every night. [ During the past week several carloads of produce have left,the freight The show begins at eight o'clock and a continuous performance is given for station here. Tomatoes, cucumbers, blackberries and turnips comprise the one admission. heaviest shipments. A few barrels Vanderbeek's New Post Cards. i of wind fall apples have been shipped 59c. Ladies' and Misses' Sweater Coats, white only; perfect fitting and well made; just the thing for bathing 'and cool evenings; worth 75c, special at The Photographic Department H VILLAGES ROUNDABOUT RED BANK. K 50c, Formerly $1.50. Special L i b r a r y Books, some of them sold as high as $l,,50, for 28c. If you enjoy popular fiction join OUR LIBRARY. 50c. to j o i n , ' 5c. for exchanges. You can keep the last Book. celebrated writing papers to Grover C. Williams, had a sale of his h,amu and Paints. which we invite your attenstock and fixtures yesterday at public [ n " Underskirts, a sample lot, no Reformed Churoh Hotel. auction. Mr. Hnmes and family will tion. two alike, all trimmed with "The Higher Aspirations and their return to New York to live. deep flounce of elegant emPlace in Character Building1' will be Harry Bniley Outs His Foot. broidery; -f worth $1.50 and Harry Bailey, son of Horatio Bailey, the topic for Rev. Charles William cut one of his feet last Thursday Rocder's Sunday morning sermon at $2.00, special morning while fishing off Sandy Hook the Reformed church.. At night he in a power boat. He was sitting on a will preach on "The Parable of the box fishing when lie suddenly fell over Drapnet." "A Lesson for Cuests nnd Ho-ts" will be the theme of the adThe very latest creations in dress at Friday night's prayer meetSummer Waists, Sailor Collar ing service. The address will be based foot. Waists. and Dutch neck styles, excelon the first eleven verses of the fourAuto Truck Fnnd Increasing*. teenth chapter of St. Luke. lent values and newest styles, The fund for an automobile five Mrs, Munro Improving, ! truck for the fire department has at Mrs. Henrietta Monro, who was i reached nearly ?40O. Demonstra- thrown WE DO REGILDING, AND WE RESILVER MIRRORS. from her nutornobile at Deal j tions of automobile fire apparatuses two wcclio np-o (ind seriously hurt, is | will be given this week before a comPillow Cases, made of a good Pillow rapidly recovering. She Is now able | mittee of the firemen. bleached cotton, well made to be about the house. Auctlou Sale Next Saturday. Cases. and deep hem; sizes 42x36 During Friday, Saturday pnd SunThe real estate of the late E. C. day, IIIUn .1I1 uone n u l lhundred u l l u r e u uautomouluIIlu. more, lllthan and 45x36; worth 17c, special Curtis will be sold next Saturday !h i ] c s p a E E o d t |,,. 0UK h the- village .toprice.: ufteiMuuM ill public sac. h. H. Look, v ; a r d s N e w y o r k d e c o r ated with- flags attorney, is authorized to sell any or n n d p u l . p l e a n d white-bunting, colors all of the several lots owned by Mr. ; o f t h eE i k s , odRC . I t i s 8UppOsed that Telephone 175-J. Red Bank, N. J. 50 Broad Street. 1 Curti?. j these machines were homeward bound Sheets, made of Linen finished Brief Items. from the national convention of Elks bleached muslin, extra heavy On account of a delay at the High- held at Atlantic City last week. patented seams, size 7Gx90 inlands bridge Monday morning the schedule of the Sandy Hook steamers Marlboro Nawi, ches; a good 65c. value at. ..•.-, was forced to be changed during the Mr?. L. Romine Heyer and daugh—and your foiit profits. Keep ' morning and it WHS not until nearly I'oreTi out of your i>eich, plain, [ two o'clock before the boats began ters Marie nnd Alice of Brooklyn, aiiple, penr and qubicd tret*— j who have been spending a few days , notMna Trill kill Hum, once they Extra Value Dress Skirts, Dress leaving on their advertised time. • set in, Uoro-Wnx annor-platci Mrs. J. D. Ely, have returned i freti «cain»t borcra—Is eiUlj ap- , Mr."and Mrs. Edward Oukes spent!I with made of j white and natural : plied, l«com«s utmost apart of the '• Skirts. color Linen and Repp; several last Thurf-day at Atlantic City. They home. tree itielf-fxpanda with growth »1 for threo j e a n i t least. Write fat went with the Red Bank lodge of Elks j John Morris has bought a new. horse. " ' " « circular and ]\\* ' of which Mr. Oakes is a member. styles to choose from, sold Mrs, Mary Jcilmson ls spending a Mrs. Willinm .Meyers of Arlington formally at $2.98, now is visiting Mrs. S. C. VanPclt of High- short time at Greenpond. •:. Bo. 181 Utlle SU«r. K I. Mrs. Mnnsfield Barber and Thomas land avenue. P. Hayward were on the sick list last week. Bathing Bathing Suits, made of 'good TINTOK P A L I S NEWS. Mrs. Fred Newman and son Abram Mohair, nicely trimmed with of Lake Como are visiting Mrs. John Suits. keeps out borers Aliont 2OO Chlckoni Killed by Heat In a Neiberlien. wash braid, sizes 34 to 44, Small SnUitlui?. Henry, infant son of William NeiTo reduce our stock we are making sweeping navy and black; worth $3.50 About 200 chickens belonging to herlien, has been sick for several reductions in prices without regard to costs. Thoniiis Zingale of Pine Brook were days. and $3.98, at The interior of the toyn hnll is killed last week. The building in which they were kept is very small being renovntrd. A cell will bo built and the chickens were smothered to and placed in the hall, dcntli during one of the wannest John IIughtH wan overcome with nightn last week. Mr. Zinfrnle in en- the heat over a week ago nnd has NOTICE. ?W O U A W O E l l T O P N E W J E B S E T . since been laid up. gagi'd (inite extensively in the poultry Nolliv In h i n h y KIVHI tlmt n n nimllFlanders Roadster, four-cylinder, 20 horse-power, Mr, and Mr.i. James Diggins are rntliin I I I I H lii'i-n n i n t h ' 1(> I I I . ' h u r u i i K i l I-opilf, Ml« w i r e , " n i l Miniii-iili'i'l'ii'i'iT i l v a l l y IniMiiess and except for his loss last Sealed proposnla wanted by the bor< c m n , n , , r H , . , I iiniilt, Ni-iv J . i s r v p n , entertaining friends from New York. week has been verv successful, brand new, regular price $780, now $ 6 5 0 . __ " ' """ " " ' I n » t ; i t c n't v l i l l i i E f o r thi> i i i i i ' i i l n i , ' i . r u | i i i M l i > ° t ! t r < - i > t N v ' v ' v ' i ' i l ' ' Mr. and .Mis. George VnnNiikin ough of Kcd Bank, N. J., for n comn o r l h f i - c . n i Hi,.. j . n w i M i i u r t h i - r n u - n n l i m l l i y M r ( u . ' o r n n I , I - . I , T o f t h e c u n t ,,r Hiding* a Motor Cycle Axnln. of I.onK I.sl.iml aru visiting Mr. and c.r u n l i v r t u r I I I K I I W I I V n m v I m i i w i i I I H < I m m - i ' r y n f x , . i v . 1 , . , „ , . , „ , .„(„ „ „, . Flanders Suburban, four-cylinder, 20 horse-power, .limit's; I.loyd htis repaired hiB motor Mrs. .Si'rley Well--. lliiniii I ' l n c " o n Hi.- , . i . , | m l y i ,,., j pressor, condenser nnd condenser ' l " y « f Mif .lull- lii-ivi.r. h i II uli,.,,.) m m v , , , , Ht h e Ciink i H - n n w - l y , l i i H . . jIll S l l l d l l l l i l l I I . l l l l K K - l l l n - l l l l I s I ' l i n i l . l i i l n - cycle, wlii.h v.'lls wrecked ill nil acciJnnu'M 11. Hiiird has been having brand new, regular price $780, now $ 6 5 0 . Ji.uk N - . - w .1,-,-,.,-v, , , , , , - i l m , , , - , ! ,„ | . I l l l l , Jl Til I V i m t | | | ( I I I H T M i n - , . , 1 1 - f i . i H i i i n m dent two months nn«, nnd is iis-ing it pump nnd receiver, set up nnd cona well diii; on bin place. N o r t h H l i i - . - i v n l i u r y r l v i - r . Kal.l Mln-i-i I . , I,,. > " M M l , - 1 Ulr.-.l l i , ,,, „,-, , „ , , , „ , ;to lide to mill from lied Hank, where 1 1] l l f l y 1.-.-1 i v l i l i . ; n n , ! n l i i - n - i i H , ,,, , l | i , , . ••"••I- in- ili-NHii- d i t i n - | , | | | , , r K I I I I r i n i l Mrs. l'mn:is Judil I" npendlng a Duryea three-cylinder Runabout, 16 horse-power, lit in employed liy Cujd. Clmrlt-s I . nected nnd ready for operation in tlio " » Illlr.Klll. <,i, 1 - w i l t . . - n i l . , l , , v l i l u l i i i u i t . . „ , „ - |,,,f .,, „ „ , t l , ! , . , , , . , , , ! , , , . few dnyn y with fiicnda nt Cranfvrd. Irwin. » f J u l y , l i l n i ' l i - i - i i l i u i i . l i . .1 i n , . | , | , . , . , j 1 regular price $250, now $ 1 0 0 . > ptnnpliiK ntution of the wntor works MrM. Lewis Miller has gone to l i r o v l i l l i i K !>>r t i n - i I M M K o f t l i - s t r . - . ' i !'»• I'li'l'n'i'n'i"' ' "r""' '"' " " ' ""''' ' ' " ' " " ' Cnrtlnir Bund. i.rcnt-Hiiiti. iiii-i.-rm,- inka. nun,,, ii,m ||1(. TII,- xaiii iiii'i' 'u'"m,!!Kv,",^iii!!!!i,i, ,,,„! h()>i)ilnl for an operation. in lied Bunk, N. J. Pinna nnd speciAbout l.'id Imuls nf sand have been i l i ' r l i i i i - I IH i n t n i n l i m n i i i u i i i n t l | , - n j , , i luiroiiKli iiMiinii will .,.| I,, II,,. i,,,,,, Immediate deliveries on Buick Runabouts and Tourh u l l I n H i e luiruiiKli " f K.'il llaiilc iifuntnkvii from tin- Tlii'ndoio ilowlnnil tkntion.i wny l>t> ubtuincd from A. C. A«lmry Park airl • Brld*. ..i.l.l, < , „ I I I . -t w . n l y - t . M l l l l i i l , , y n f . I n l y . ing Cars, nnd Cadillacs. pi(i|ierty » t I'iiic Hruuk during the 1011, lit llirlil nVlcrrk I ' M I n i-.-vli-w Ml M Alii-o R. llutchinnon of As-HnrrlRon, borough clerk. past few wci'liH. It i« iiKi-d in mixing buiy I'nili wa.i niiiriicd inBt Tuesday v"]'")I!',!x z " i"""'"'' ' '" • " - " ' " I I'cnieiit for a bij; cm iienti-r job on (ii William ('. Cesehledt of Lout? All l)ld» (o bo nccompniiicd with n ^i^lTZ ,:!:!,.n.-! l.'ilin, UII.I Mliia..>.| .| ,.,. ' | , , : , l n ' ! ' , , , „ - Iliiinkilule fin-in nt l.iiu-vnft. llranch, The criemony wna performl " " i . v . M M l i n n l i ' i l ' r < > i i i l i i n t i i I n . m i . . . . \ m i Won n nicyela Rnct. JMitt.l J u l y I s t h . 111]] certilicd check for $260, pnynblo lo ed by Kev. SteiKlmnn AppIi'Kato. Tlio A. ( \ MAIIIIIHD.V, ' l i l ' h ' - " , . ! " | " " " ' ' " " " " • " " ' ' i H ' - . I-IK111. -liinirs |)ean, J r . , wnti II t\V(i-mih' bride In the iliiughtcr of Miittlmw We aro making: big 'cut in pricea on nil our Carriage lliiriiiiKl. Cl.-rk. IIOI' O UKII «f Hcd Dunk, Monnuiuth liic.vrlinice at Ni-wiii'k last wn-k and MOHWOUTH OIKOUIT (JOUBT. Iliitchineon tm<l him lived nt A>hury i»iiii-.| J u l y i:.', i ; n I . stock, including plcasuro Carriages of every atylo and dowim itwnrili'il n ptii-,. ,,f „ dlutnnni] l'l\llli V. M . l l i - i II. | , , , K , . | . l'ni'k pi'ven yciiio. Mr. anil Jli'B. county, N. J. O u r * , . KmiiK-tli ninl .l.,lin 111. b » n ntuilib'il ini'diil. <iiwhfl<(t. will'livo nt A»bui7 I'nrk, ocription. Some of theso wo liuvo marked down as much ns In ottui'lirni-iit n n ilniel , ; Hurt lijr r^ll. Itlda nniiil bo dcllvored to A. C. N o l l , - , . IM hi'ii-l.y HIVI-II I h u l t i l . , nuli- ' " ^ ' • v iti i -I | CO per cent. d r i - l h r r , m i . l l l n r • • (,[,>Ir,tr-,1 | , , | | u . » ) „ „ „ .liimi'B Pcnn fell uir n bicyele wliile ••ntltli-.l rnuian |,y vli-(ii<> ..f n n . M I I T Iturrluon, IIOIOUKII clerk, on or before liiliiiK ni'iir hln hoine lust wi'i'k and cut l i u u l l . 11 . 1 olll n n Hi,, livi-lrili ilny i.r l u l v IIIH arm opi-n. 'I'hi- Injury WIIH ilrc«n-i| Dontfail to Kckct what you wunt at tlm timu. s A, J ) , I l l l l , w i l l x r l l nucl imili* i , , , . i i , r , : fivo o'clock r. M., July 21th, 1011, nnd lit p u l i l l c veinltlc' m i tflllllliliiy, , | u | . ^ ^ , | by Mr. I'. I". ltiillVity of Ktd Hunk. A Wholetom* Aid 1HJJ, lit ( t u t UI.IIIKI*' n f .11.|,t, w , M,,,,„!* llrlif Ittuii, to all ftlin *r« fln)ny1 will bu opened nt tlio mcotlnn of Urn Co., W i l d " n t l c c t . item- Muiilu o v A h t i f ny t\ it 4 u uortl, Itfr.i ltttnW, M o m n o i i U i e m m l y , N . - w . i r r •liilin Mi'diiin. iinili'itunk t o lift n council, Monday evening, July 24th, •«>•, n t 2 ; 8 « In tli<- • r t r r n m i n t l i , . r . i l l i n v •nil wl.l, |., nrole I'HK uf rye IIIKI w<.ek iiml ntiaiiu"! lili 1 Mjr K'.IMIU m i l l ilinMftlli! If IT, ititt, wind Knd liin'k. 11« linn ii|nri> hrpn hild up. I . iav<i-|in«iii.iiK»r I,niicl,iu|<-t nuln,,,,,1011. White Skirts. 1.00 We also carry a complete line of EASTMAN KODAKS AND SUPPLIES. Stylish We Finish Films, and Plates at Short Notice. 95c. The Dickopf Photo and Art Shop 12ic. Bed Sheets. 50c. your trees 1.98 July Stock Reduction Sale o 2. l 1 1 11 11 Bids Wanted. f AUTOMOBILES. 1 U l v n l h c 1M w H mil nl i y v lm n IIMtl 1 1 1 N 1( U ( l i i i ! 1 CARRIAGES AND WAGONS. m l v H v nil v HAND MADE JEWCLRY Mr. Floyd Nash Atldcy, b l l e liocly, w h i c h iv>« n l l n r l u . i | , V c i , , - . • n c « H 1'. l l # l i ' l r l < . u l t o r l R u f t i m v n m i v « • III* i i r n i i r r t y o f l l r n i , , . K r i i i i f t l i . oiin o f 111" n l l O l i ' t i l l " ) ' 1 >l. fi-iMlntita b y v l r l u n nic-nibcr of | h o NnUnnnl Hni-ldv (,f CrnfUtncn. J o w r l r y ulnn il. B i K m .<| t,, r i ,,| t | h , n . uf v l u i i n l , mill llif writ of mincliinvnt IHI.II.,,1 HI T » r u n rn«h. . ,"••'• jIAftOLf) M. WCVlltnTHiITT ' D i l M J u l y 14, | > I I . A m l l l o r . HHiM Ran BANK RMiimTii' • riMlt ynduttt tot «dv«rtiMtfc—^dc ntiiiiiH iciiit. Arts andCrafts Studio, M* Little Stiver Station. Alntlhnw I^'HtriuiK, who In iinpliiyeil nl Ilio Ni'wmk ptmtodlcf', in upcndlnK tin' Miintiiir lieri'. ltnl|ih Miilmli of Cllrahi'th i« n|ieiu|IIIK dm Hiirnnicr with Ah'X Arluicktv. UiitiimiH J,ockiT nf l'liie Ilmok It vory iilfk, Glenn's Sulphur Soap li healli ifftctlofli f,( lite ik: To Personal I'll? rotulU llow from KroiBTKB wunt «ilvcrtl«eiiionti.—v4rfi». Tlio council of the borough "f Kcd Unnk rcnerveft tlio rl|[ht to r«Jact any at all bUlK. Dy order of tlio mayor nnd council. , A. v 0. HAUR18ON, , , ;•. Borough CUrk. J. W. MOUNT CO., Cornar Mapls Av«nu« jmd Whit* Street, RED BANK, N. J. MIHMM MIIIMHMHH<MUMlMMIM>MHHi