silensys® inverter
silensys® inverter
COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION SILENSYS INVERTER INVERTER ® Sans titre-1.indd 1 18/12/2013 12:53:01 Precision, Energy Saving, Multi-use L’unique constructeur à maîtriser 3 technologies de compresseurs SILENSYS INVERTER silensys: A reputation built over YEARS Tecumseh offers the widest range of condensing units on the market, from traditional to housed and quiet units to meet all your requirements (small retail outlets, sit down and take-out restaurants, company and mass catering). Tecumseh has developed its expertise by designing high performance solutions over many decades, producing quiet and high quality condensing units. Our SILENSYS range meets the industry’s high standards in terms of acoustic performance, reliability and plug and play. Tecumseh is now pleased to offer SILENSYS with a variable capacity solution. Key features of the product SILENSYS Inverter presents the following key features: • A proven standard Tecumseh reciprocating compressor • A proven controller with a good notoriety. • SILENSYS know-how and reliability, state of art product in terms of quality and acoustic. • Ability to operate in high ambient temperature up to 46°C. • Easy-to-use: all parameters are pre-set at -10°C evap. and ready to plug. Inverter drive Switch button with 3 modes: - Off - Inverter - Maintenance Logo Markets served by SILENSYS INVERTER • Frequency variation from 30-60 Hz can supply several cold rooms. • SILENSYS Inverter serves specific applications that require either a fine variation of refrigeration production or a large thermal load variations. • SILENSYS INVERTER brings a major improvement to the fine-tuning of regulation. ON/OFF is replaced by the variable speed control. SILENSYS INVERTER energy efficiency and environmental impact • The stability of the evaporation pressure allows energy savings up to 25% with less icing (defrost cycle) of the evaporator and through better stability of the evaporation pressure. • The equipment is selected with the maximum heat load, which is real only a few days per year. • To evaluate energy performance, Tecumseh takes into account the variations of thermal loads throughout the year. • The stability of the evaporation pressure maintains the COP of the compressor and explains the energy saving of the installation. Controller that facilitates the use of the SILENSYS Inverter Tecumseh standard compressors A full range R404A 9 models R134a 6 models at -10°C evaporating temp. SILSHV4610ZYZ SILAGV4543Y TZ SILAGV4568ZTZ SILAGV4534Y TZ SILAGV4553Z TZ SILFHV4525Y TZ SILAGV4546ZTZ SILAFH4518Y TZ SILFHV4540Z TZ SILAJV4511Y TZ SILFHV4531Z TZ SILAJV4492Y TZ SILFHV4524Z TZ 0 SILAJV4517Z TZ 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 Cooling performance (Watts) EN13215 at 32°C ambient, superheat 10K, sub-cooling 3K. SILAJV9513Z TZ 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 Cooling performance (Watts) EN13215 at 32°C ambient, superheat 10K, sub-cooling 3K. 2 2000 at -10°C evaporating temp. S I LE N S Y S I N V E RTE R SILENSYS Inverter key BENEFITs Energy saving Low operating cost 68% SILENSYS Inverter will meet the system cooling demand. Consequently, average energy consumption during the operation time will be reduced up to 25%. Accurate regulated temperature REACH OF DESIRED TEMPERATURE REDUCED BY 1/3 WITH SYSTEM VERY CLOSE TO DESIRED TEMPERATURE LARGE TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCE High energy consumption TEMPERATURE Energy saving DESIRED TEMPERATURE TIME FIX SPEED SYSTEM INVERTER SYSTEM SILENSYS Inverter is the best solution to fine-tune the needed temperature and hydrometry in your cold room. The better system control will avoid any ambient fluctuations to improve fresh food or goods lifetime and quality. START (The unit is turn on) Multiple cold rooms Just one SILENSYS Inverter will allow you to manage many cold rooms. refer to page 5: SELECTION TOOLS 3 Plug and Play • Connect the pressure sensor on the compressor valve • Turn ON (Auto position, factory pre-set at -10 ° C for refrigerants R404A and R134a • Follow the installation guide to fine tune the factory setting (Set point, inside the authorized range) Key benefits Increased safety • The speed variation is limited from 30 to 60 hertz in order to secure the compressor, motor and electrical components • 2 modes: Inverter with capacity variation or ON/OFF regulation • Ability to operate in high ambient temperature through the condenser (HTA)* • Low noise and vibration • Oil return (Optional) Easy maintenance and customer service • Assembly time • Reduction of components • A Tecumseh Europe dedicated technical support • Technicians are trained and in contact with Inverter experts Installation speed • • • • Ergonomics in the installation Assembly time Reduction of components A plug and play solution to save installation time and maintenance * HTA : High Temperature Ambient DIFFERENTS BENEFITS FOR DIFFERENTS STAKEHOLDERS 4 For the end customer For the installer SILENSYS Inverter offers the following benefits to the final customer: • A lower cost in the case of multiple cold room • A lower installation cost due to the reduced number of components • An operating cost with a possible savings of up to 25% • A quiet condensing unit for facilities in urban areas SILENSYS INVERTER offers the following benefits to the installer: • A condensing unit type "Plug & Play" with a limited number of connections and wiring. • A condensing unit that offers the reliability of a standard Tecumseh compressor • A standard compressor available in wholesale networks • A decreased number of condensing units installed reduces maintenance. To get the expected gains, do not oversize the unit. S I LE N S Y S I N V E RTE R QUICK SELECTION GUIDE: 2 evaporators 3 evaporators 1st configuration: Having slightly different cooling capacities, (up to 30%) Each one will have the same cooling capacity Example: at 20% Delta 0,84kW and 0,67kW > 1,51kW needed* Example: 2,4kW + 2,4kW + 2,4kW > 7,2kW needed* Use the correcting factor** of 0,9 > 1,36kW to select the SILENSYS INVERTER Use the correcting factor** of 0,85 > 6,12kW to select the SILENSYS INVERTER Cooling capacity Comments 60Hz > 1,36kW SILENSYS INVERTER matches the capacity requirement with longer runtime expected 34Hz > 0,84kW SILENSYS INVERTER matches the capacity requirement 9% Delta between lowest cooling demand 30Hz > 0,74kW and SILENSYS INVERTER smallest capacity: The condensing unit will run less Model SIL AGV 4546Z SIL AJV 4492Y Model Cooling capacity Comments 60Hz > 6,12kW SILENSYS INVERTER matches the capacity requirement with longer runtime expected 43Hz > 4,8kW SILENSYS INVERTER matches the capacity requirement 30Hz > 3,48kW 31% Delta between lowest cooling demand and SILENSYS INVERTER smalest capacity. A pressure control valve is needed to keep constant evaporating pressure • When the smallest evaporator runs alone, the evaporating temperature will be stabilized around -13°C (-3K) • When a SILENSYS INVERTER feeds 3 evaporators or 2 evaporators having 30% of capacity difference, the suction pressure captured by the pressure sensor will be stabilized around -18°C (-8K). To keep the evaporating pressure constant and the humidity level (flower, fresh meat conservation) inside the cold room, it will be helpful to install an evaporating pressure control valve. • Because of suction pressure drop, adjust the P1-04 and P1-06 parameter under the estimate suction pressure to avoid cut out during winter time. 4 evaporators and more 2 evaporators 2nd configuration: With the same cooling capacity Example: 2 x 4,6kW = 9,2kW, needed* SIL AGV 4568Z Model Cooling capacity Comments 60 Hz > 9,16kW SILENSYS INVERTER matches the capacity requirement 30Hz > 5,3kW 13% Delta between lowest cooling demand and SILENSYS INVERTER smallest capacity: The condensing unit will run less Example: 3kW + 3kW x 2kW > 8kW, or 6 x 1,5kW > 9kW needed* Use the correcting factor** of 0,8 > 7,2kW, select the SILENSYS INVERTER: SILAGV 4553Z TZ ... • Caution: Regulation and use will ensure that the minimum duty will be equal or higher than 70% of the SILENSYS INVERTER cooling capacity at 30Hz. • Because of suction pressure drop, adjust the P1-04 and P1-06 parameter under the estimate suction pressure to avoid cut out during winter time. w*: Operating conditions: Tevap:-10°C, 32°C ambient temperature, 16h working per day, Super heat 10K subcooling 3K EN13215 **: Number of room Correcting factors Rules Inverter program necessary setting : P1-04 and P1-06 1 None 2 0,9 (dépend of the capacity balance) the minimum duty will be equal or higher than 80% of the SILENSYS INVERTER cooling capacity at 30Hz. Yearly lowest suction pressure estimation 3 0,85 the minimum duty will be equal or higher than 70% of the SILENSYS INVERTER cooling capacity at 30Hz. Yearly lowest suction pressure estimation 4 0,8 the minimum duty will be equal or higher than 70% of the SILENSYS INVERTER cooling capacity at 30Hz. Yearly lowest suction pressure estimation Correcting factors are made to compensate for the worst condition of calculation. 5 SILENSYS Inverter technical data R-404A Commercial POSITIVE refrigeration Cooling capacity (W), EN 13215, Ambient temperature 32°C, superheating 10K, subcooling 3K, R404A* Ambient Frequency temp. Model Cooling capacity (W) BOM °C 32 SIL AJV 9513 Z S991330242 43 32 SIL AJV 4517 Z S993030242 43 32 SIL FHV 4524 Z S993530242 43 32 SIL FHV 4531 Z S993730242 43 32 SIL FHV 4540 Z S993830242 43 32 SIL AGV 4546 Z S995130242 43 32 SIL AGV 4553 Z S995230242 43 32 SIL AGV 4568 Z S995430242 43 32 SIL SHV 4610 Z S999000242 43 Hz Pre setting of the inverter (P1-03) Suction Evaporating temperature (°C) pressure -15 0 10 reference Absorbed power (W) Evaporating temperature (°C) -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 30 60 30 60 30 60 30 60 30 60 30 60 30 60 30 60 30 60 30 60 703 1280 488 889 831 1507 618 1122 1122 2036 766 1396 1506 2706 1079 1944 1828 3240 1417 2518 922 1660 671 1208 1072 1924 829 1484 1495 2680 1084 1943 1957 3465 1474 2606 2356 4095 1890 3282 1173 2090 880 1563 1346 2387 1066 1883 1925 3400 1450 2553 2466 4295 1916 3323 2941 5005 2415 4098 1460 2572 1116 1956 1655 2904 1331 2325 2411 4203 1863 3231 3036 5212 2410 4110 3587 5992 2992 4987 1784 3108 1382 2391 2002 3482 1627 2818 2953 5095 2325 3986 3672 6234 2957 4985 4293 7082 3625 5976 2147 3705 1679 2872 2388 4132 1958 3371 3554 6087 2837 4827 4378 7383 3566 5971 5066 8308 4317 7099 2553 4369 2012 3408 2820 4864 2328 3999 4216 7192 3403 5771 5163 8687 4245 7099 5913 9708 5079 8398 30 2011 2694 3485 4381 5381 6486 7700 1802 2312 2548 60 30 60 30 60 30 60 30 60 30 60 30 60 30 60 3634 1352 2458 2402 4336 1672 3035 3346 5972 2422 4336 6636 12038 4889 9496 4801 1918 3428 3190 5678 2340 4177 4239 7456 3220 5659 8334 14666 6383 11929 6110 2580 4527 4100 7181 3115 5462 5302 9164 4161 7173 10257 17251 8059 14259 7554 3336 5748 5131 8844 3995 6887 6522 11081 5235 8869 12415 19800 9925 16486 9130 4186 7089 6285 10668 4982 8454 7892 13198 6435 10737 14814 22326 11992 18618 10839 5132 8551 7562 12660 6079 10173 9403 15509 7752 12775 17464 24855 14272 / 12690 6181 10149 8970 14836 7293 12061 11051 18021 9188 14994 20373 / 16782 / 3638 1763 3556 2016 4105 1994 4062 2494 5140 2544 5257 4480 8175 4177 7678 5290 2344 5382 2571 5925 2633 6093 3187 7437 3317 7776 5018 10593 5636 11581 6444 2627 6653 2844 7245 2961 7554 3591 9267 3774 9753 5534 / 6362 / 566 1163 579 1193 748 1487 783 1566 1099 2107 1103 2119 1276 2639 1279 2649 1704 3577 1731 3636 686 1580 736 1712 883 1975 941 2123 1348 2928 1399 3064 1581 3684 1635 3828 2103 4961 2141 5057 727 1849 802 2049 939 2319 1013 2514 1437 3447 1520 3666 1727 4446 1815 4678 2296 5980 2341 6100 -10°C 3,4 bar *: Cooling capacity is given for information purpose and may change, without prior notice, with improvement that Tecumseh Product Company is permanently making to its products. Customer service • A Tecumseh Europe dedicated technical support • Technicians are trained and in contact with Inverter experts 6 S I LE N S Y S I N V E RTE R R-134a Commercial POSITIVE refrigeration Cooling capacity (W), EN 13215, Ambient temperature 32°C, superheating 10K, subcooling 3K, 3 PHASES, R134a* Ambient Frequency temp. Model Cooling capacity (W) BOM °C Hz 30 60 30 60 30 60 30 60 30 60 30 60 30 60 30 60 30 60 30 60 30 60 30 60 32 SIL AJV 4492 Y S990930242 43 32 SIL AJV 4511 Y S991030242 43 32 SIL FHV 4518 Y S993430242 43 32 SIL FHV 4525 Y S993630242 43 32 SIL AGV 4534 Y S994830242 43 32 SIL AGV 4543 Y S995030242 43 Pre setting of the inverter (P1-03) Suction Evaporating temperature (°C) pressure -15 0 10 reference Absorbed power (W) Evaporating temperature (°C) -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 384 714 275 512 538 991 422 778 772 1425 351 656 1085 1982 722 1328 1188 2203 851 1584 1673 3082 1132 2094 549 1015 426 787 727 1331 591 1081 1045 1913 622 1148 1446 2617 1051 1911 1693 3116 1248 2306 2318 4233 1685 3087 738 1359 597 1096 947 1719 785 1423 1377 2495 940 1712 1863 3335 1430 2566 2311 4213 1748 3196 3075 5559 2334 4226 956 1747 790 1440 1199 2155 1006 1806 1771 3179 1308 2356 2341 4143 1864 3299 3049 5509 2361 4268 3951 7071 3088 5522 1204 2182 1008 1820 1484 2642 1255 2229 2233 3974 1732 3088 2885 5050 2357 4120 3916 7018 3094 5536 4956 8783 3956 6989 1486 2666 1254 2239 1804 3181 1534 2695 2769 4889 2218 3918 3502 6066 2917 5040 4921 8756 3958 7020 6101 10712 4949 8645 1804 3204 1531 2700 2163 3774 1846 3206 3384 5938 2771 4859 4198 7204 3553 --6076 10744 4965 8739 7398 12879 6082 10512 348 684 352 695 471 950 488 988 724 1435 730 1448 785 1566 774 1543 1259 2451 1223 2375 1530 3039 1507 2993 417 926 446 684 587 1343 628 1449 785 1736 795 1764 910 2043 921 2075 1551 3428 1582 3518 1958 4429 2013 4578 449 1102 494 1221 659 1670 716 1820 821 2000 835 2037 976 2418 1002 --1703 4168 1779 4368 2202 5516 2307 5795 -10°C 1 bar *: Cooling capacity is given for information purpose and may change, without prior notice, with improvement that Tecumseh Product Company is permanently making to its products Acoustics, Dimensions, Connections A higher performance with a low noise level Models R134a Weight SIL AJV 4511 Y TZ Acoustic pressure I max Net Gross 10m** A Kg Kg dB(A) 5,1 73 93 7,2 74 94 SIL AFH 4518 Y TZ 8,3 82 106 SIL FHV 4525 Y TZ 12,3 86 108 SIL AGV 4534 Y TZ 22,2 133 108 SIL AGV 4543 Y TZ 22,2 133 148 SIL AJV 9513 Z TZ 8,3 76 96 SIL AJV 4517 Z TZ 8,3 75 97 SIL FHV 4524 Z TZ 12,3 86 111 SIL FHV 4531 Z TZ 22,2 92 114 SIL FHV 4540 Z TZ 22,2 92 114 SIL AGV 4546 ZTZ 22,2 133 148 SIL AGV 4553 Z TZ 27 139 154 SIL AGV 4568 Z TZ 27 143 158 SIL SHV 4610 Z YZ 27 270 289 **: Acoustic pressure at 50Hz with maximum fan speed SIL AJV 4492 Y TZ R404A Imax C.U.(60 Hz) 30 30 34 36 39 39 31 36 37 41 39 37 37 37 48 Receiver Volume L 1,5 1,5 2,35 2,35 6 6 1,5 2,35 2,35 3,9 3,9 6 6 6 9,5 Diameter of connection Suction Liquid Ø“ Ø“ 1/2 5/8 5/8 5/8 7/8 7/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 7/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 1/2 1/2 1/2 5/8 5/8 5/8 5/8 Fan absorbed power Fan Nbr 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 Diam. Per fan mm W 360 360 450 450 450 450 360 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 500 65 65 126 126 126 126 65 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 180 Fan voltage V 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 7 Electrical drawings 1 L1 3 L2 5 L3 N 4T2 6T3 8T4 AC D1 A A1 14 D3 BN6 2 A2 BN5 1 Analog inputs Ce plan est propriété exclusive de notre société, tous droits de reproduction et de diffusion réservés / This drawing is the property of our society, copyrights and publications reserved. X1 2T1 PE DE8521 SIL FH ... Y/Z TZ (INVERTER) +V S6 1 P8 X3 LP 5 L3 3 L2 1 L1 5 L3 3 L2 1 L1 2 S4 D B C 3 S3 4 S2 Digital inputs S1 SC EC58848 d Inversion bornier X3 -5-6-7 et contacteur KM3 19/05/14 c Modif position disjoncteur commande + MAJ 28/02/14 1.0 2.6 0.6 1.2 0.7 A2 (bar) +10V Diff: L3 M2 1 FF MV FF EX15171 (bar) 3 L2 5 L3 N 6T3 8T4 SIL FHV 4524 Z TZ SIL FHV 4531 Z TZ SIL FHV 4540 Z TZ SIL FHV 4518 Y TZ SIL FHV 4525 Y TZ DE8521_d SCHEMA ELECTRIQUE TFH TENSION T SILENSYS TAILLE M VITESSE VARIABLE TECUMSEH EUROPE S.A 38090 VAULX MILIEU Origine Origin 1 L1 Visa Verif. Sign. Check 4T2 Date Date 2T1 DE8521 d AC 1QO Indice Revision A2 Ce plan est propriété exclusive de notre société, tous droits de reproduction et de diffusion réservés / This drawing is the property of our society, copyrights and publications reserved. MV DE8523 SIL SHV 4610 ZYZ Modifications Change content PE A.M. Ind. File no. Rev. DE8520* 1U1 X3 KM3 A1 A1 A2 2 3.4 Consigne: Setpoint (bar) Cut-out: 1 0-10V R134a For more information, please refer to electric data documentation / Pour plus d'information, voir document données électriques. EC57260 DE8521 M1 3 G ND R404A 1 KM3 3 Paramètres par défaut : M3 1 R404A (bar) 18 KM2 Default parameters : Consigne: Setpoint (bar) Cut-out: 15 KM1 M2 1 22NC A1 PTC + PTC A2 W +10V A1 22NC KM1 A2 M1 21NC 21NC 3 2 1 V 0-10V 1 3 U Diff: 3 For more information, please refer to electric data documentation / Pour plus d'information, voir document données électriques. 02/04/14 EC58051 c Mise a jour b Ajout pont entre borne 1 et 2 du X2 8 +V RPM G ND 1 P 4 2 B 11 21 17 14 2 A2 D 2 3 4S2 KM2 Modifications Change content 06/02/14 Date Date MV FF MV FF Visa Verif. Sign. Check Origine Origin Digital inputs M7 X3 TECUMSEH EUROPE S.A 38090 VAULX MILIEU SCHEMA ELECTRIQUE SH TENSION YZ SILENSYS TAILLE XL VITESSE VARIABLE (bar) 3.4 2.6 1.2 DE8523_c DE8523 SIL AGV 4546 Z TZ SIL AGV 4553 Z TZ SIL AGV 4568 Z TZ SIL AGV 4534 Y TZ SIL AGV 4543 Y TZ SIL SHV 4610 Z YZ SIL AJV 4517 Z TZ * Drawing available on request R1 RD C X1 13 PE KM1 EC56901 Analog inputs A1 KM3 20 1 A1 LP HP X1 S6 S5 S4 KM2 A 1P4 S2 S1 SC KM1 X3 1U9 1U9 9 10 12 5 L3 6T3 W 2 8 3 L2 5 L3 6T3 PE' PE 1 L1 L3' L3 4T2 L2' L2 X1 KM2 2T1 L1' L1 V 3 L2 U 1 L1 4T2 X1 14 U P 2T1 11 MB PE L3 INT69 PTC EMC - Filter KM2 X2 MA 6T3 4T2 2T1 6T3 2T1 4T2 L2 L1 1V0 4 X2 KM1 6 L2 1 5 3 2 1 S3 2 2 L1 14 PTC 13 X1 A.M. Ind. File no. Rev. X3 1 P9 LP 6 1 5 L3 3 L2 1 L1 5 L3 3 L2 1 L1 2 1Q2 X2 1U9 X1 1 1F0 1F7 13 1 14 1F2 DE8524* DE8523 DE8522* L1 SIL AJV 9513 Z TZ SIL AJV 4492 Y TZ SIL AJV 4511 Y TZ Default parameters : RPM 3 P L2 Reference Paramètres par défaut : KM2 BN4 BN7 2T1 KM1 BN3 1L1 BN2 4T2 BN1 3L2 R1 KM3 6T3 A2 KM3 5L3 Drawing Number BN9 7 A1 6 9 21NC 22NC KM1 BN8 5 X3 S1 PE W V U X3 10 U P 11 24 RD 21 PE' X3 KM2 KM1 PE L3' L3 L2' L2 1U1 L1 L1' EMC - Filter 14 2V2 13 L1 12 1 6T3 5 L3 6T3 MA 4T2 3 L2 4T2 X2 MB 2T1 1 L1 2T1 4 PE 6T3 3 L3 4T2 2 1 X3 1U1 L2 2T1 MC 2 8 S5 HP X3 1 D2 13 LP D4 Indice Revision c S I LE N S Y S I N V E RTE R Dimensions &Packaging C Sizes A S 930 mm M L XL A B 1145 mm 575 mm 1615 mm C 690 mm 1315 mm 1300 mm B R-134a R-404A Spare parts reference and sizes Product Model Number Reference INVERTER spare part code Size SIL AJV 9513 Z TZ SIL AJV 4517 Z TZ SIL FHV 4524 Z TZ SIL FHV 4531 Z TZ SIL FHV 4540 Z TZ SIL AGV 4546 Z TZ SIL AGV 4553 Z TZ SIL AGV 4568 Z TZ SIL SHV 4610 Z YZ SIL AJV 4492 Y TZ SIL AJV 4511 Y TZ SIL FHV 4518 Y TZ SIL FHV 4525 Y TZ SIL AGV 4534 Y TZ SIL AGV 4543 Y TZ Controller for all models S991330242 S993030242 S993530242 S993730242 S993830242 S995130242 S995230242 8580105 8580105 8580106 8580120 8580120 8580102 8580118 8580104 8580109 8580112 8580114 8580116 8580107 8580103 8580103 8586050 S M M M M L S995430242 S999000242 S990930242 S991030242 S993430242 S993630242 S994830242 S995030242 - L L XL S S M M L L - Packaging • High quality • Similar Packaging of SILENSYS • Dedicated Palets • Forklift Standard indication • Easy to unpack • Tiltwatch®* on S and M size Icon Tiltwatch® Forklift indications *Tiltwatch : Turns red if the package it is affixed to is tilted past 80° or is completely up-ended. However, it remains unaffected by movement due to normal handling conditions. 9 Notes 10 S I LE N S Y S I N V E RTE R Notes 11 SALES AND MARKETING HEAD OFFICE Tecumseh Europe : GERMAN OFFICE Tecumseh Europe, a major player in the refrigeration and climatic comfort industry, is a subsidiary of the American group Tecumseh Products Company. As a human-sized international company, Tecumseh Europe designs and manufactures compressors and condensing units using new technologies, which positions it as the leader in commercial refrigeration. Today, about 25% of global food consumption is spoiled due to non-compliance with the cold chain. Facing this reality, Tecumseh aims to offer a range of high added-value products and services. ITALIAN OFFICE Values in the service of customers and the company For 80 years, Tecumseh’s success has been based on key values shared by its managers and all its employees: • the human value: the people that make up the company • the actual customer orientation and the place given to its customers • the importance of the quality of services and products offered • the permanent technological innovation. Via Parco Abbaziale, 6 10 094 Giaveno (TO) Italia Tel. int +39 (0)11 937 98 61 Fax int +39 (0)11 937 83 88 SPANISH OFFICE C/Corcega 301-303, 2°, 3a 08 008 Barcelona España Tel. int +34 93 218 5708 Fax int +34 93 218 1691 BRITISH OFFICE One Victoria Square B1 1BD Birmingham United Kingdom Tel. int + 44 (0) 121 632 2900 Fax int +33 (0)4 74 82 24 94 MALAYSIAN OFFICE N° 18 Jalan Sultan Mohamed 4 Selat Klang Utara 42 000 Port Klang Selangor Darul Eshan Malaysia Tel. int +60 3 3176 3886 Fax int +60 3 3176 3890 sales& - Photos © Tecumseh - © Thinkstock - © Héloïse Peyre, Jean-Philippe Darbois. Ludwigstrasse 31 60 327 Frankfurt am Main Germany Tel. int +49 (0)69 97 1454-0 Fax int +49 (0)69 72 41053 the commercial refrigeration specialist The people: most important resource of the company This value can be seen especially in the professionalism of each employee, all of whom have significant technical and commercial skills as well as a real industrial dimension. The development of skills by in-house training and promotion aims to involve employees to a greater degree. Innovative products Since 1934, Tecumseh has been committed to developing products using innovating technologies that guarantee low energy consumption as well as a high level of reliability. Today, Tecumseh is the only company that offers its customers the 3 technologies used in a hermetic compressor: Reciprocating, Rotary and Scroll. Internationally recognised, the benchmark brands of the Group such as L’Unité Hermétique®, Silensys®, Wintsys®, Masterflux®, Celseon®, and Vector® form part of the pillars of the refrigeration industry thanks to a strong distribution network with thousands of points of sale on all 5 continents. Tecumseh also offers service Tecumseh offers a complete assistance service from the selection of products, design, and training, to on-site technical assistance by a high-performance Sales Administration department. Tecumseh: the desire to propose a green offer Being aware of the future economic and ecological demands, the company is committed to sustainable development by offering products that use the refrigeration fluids in phase with the current market. Because it follows a rigorous approach of continuous improvement, Tecumseh works according to the ISO 14001 certification (environmental management system) as well as standard ISO 9001 for its quality management system. With more than 1,350 employees, Tecumseh Europe focuses on innovation, quality of the products with complete solutions. At present and for the foreseeable future, the company is the best supplier of 100% customer-oriented commercial refrigeration. Silensys Inverter catalog EN 11/2014 2, avenue Blaise Pascal Bât. B 38 090 Vaulx-Milieu France Tel. int +33 (0)4 74 82 24 00 Fax int +33 (0)4 74 82 24 44 «L’Unité Hermétique», a Tecumseh brand internationally recognised by professionals in the cooling industry, stands for reliability, expertise and skill. Tecumseh offers solutions labeled «Expertise L’Unité Hermétique», referencing the performance of the historical benchmark of the refrigeration market on all 5 continents.
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