Unifier UNITED UNIVERSITY PROFESSIONS FARMINGDALE CHAPTER January 2014 Individual Development Award Program (IDAP) SPECIAL EDITION Discretionary Salary Increases 2013 WHAT: IDAP Awards - Joint Labor-Management funds for professional development WHEN: Application deadline is February 7 at 5 p.m. See: http://nysuup.lmc.ny.gov/development/individual.html for a copy of the instructions and a link to the application WHERE: Submit to the UUP office in Ward Hall. DETAILS: Awards of up to $1,000 will be made for activities between July 1, 2013 and July 2, 2014. Applications are available on line and must be submitted to the campus committee, not to Albany. Approximately $22,000 is available, with 15% designated for adjuncts. Further details will be given in next few weeks. Questions? Contact IDAP Committee Chair Bob Elgart at elgartrl@farmingdale.edu or x2421. UUPF Office Ward Hall First Floor, West Wing Spring General Membership Meetings: Tel: 631-694-UUPF (8873) Fax: 631-694-3370 February 20th March 20th E-mail: UUP@farmingdale.edu Website: http://farmingdale.edu/uupf April 24th General Membership meetings are held in U n i f ie r J anu ar y 20 1 4 Discretionary Salary Increases 2013 La s t Fi rs t FT/PT DSCR La s t Fi rs t FT/PT DSCR La s t Fi rs t FT/PT DSCR Aba d Izqui erdo Mel i xa F $545 Berger Cha rl es P $552 Ca nton Cheryl F $400 Acton Jea n P $250 Bergs tei n Jenni fer F $200 Ca pa no Ci ro P $250 Ada mcewi cz Ca theri ne P $938 Berns tei n Roberta P $250 Ca pel l a Ba rry F $100 Ai va l i oti s Ol ympi a P $250 Bes t Ha rri et P $300 Ca peta ndes Anthony P $250 Akpa l u Wi s dom F $500 Bi cha ra La i l a P $185 Ca pi ta ni o Denni s P $250 Al a m Ama na P $552 Bi s hop Os s a fo P $250 Ca pone Ma ureen F $275 Al burez Eri ck P $250 Bi tew Worku F $305 Ca pone Vi rgi ni a P $870 Al fi ni Gl ori a P $250 Bl a ckwood Ca rl os P $250 Ca puto Ri cha rd F $165 Al i perti El i s a bett P $250 Bl a i r-Rea de Ba rba ra P $938 Ca ra tzol a Kri s ty P $250 Al i za deh Cha ngi z P $250 Bl ets ch Benja mi n F $250 Ca rrol l Ja mes P $250 Al l en Bra dl ey P $250 Bl om John P $250 Ca rrol l Ka theri na P $250 Al l en Kemoy P $250 Bogga n La s honda F $338 Ca s h Ca rol yn P $552 Al l en Li nda F $200 Boja ck Henry F $300 Ca s s erl y Shel l ey F $338 Ana s ta s i a di s Fi fi P $552 Bond Rebecca P $250 Ca s s i dy Debbi e F $185 Anders on Eri c P $250 Bondi -Gol ds mi th Lorra i ne P $250 Ca s ta l di ni Ki mberl y F $900 Anders on Norma P $408 Bonomi Deni s e P $552 Ca s ta l di ni Remi gi o P $250 Angel Ll oyd P $552 Boos Dona l d P $250 Ca ul fi el d Ma ry F $335 Angel o Pa ul F $185 Bora h Jeffrey F $400 Ca vi ri s George F $380 Angi us Li s a P $250 Botta l i co Ka ren P $250 Cel l ura Robert P $552 Anti co Mi chel e P $250 Bowen Robert P $250 Cempa -Da nzi ger Donna P $552 Arci eri Da ni el F $300 Bra ds ha w Berni ce P $445 Cernuto John P $552 Arena Kevi n P $400 Bra ndt Ma rti n F $300 Ces ta ro Judi th F $297 Arnedos Ri cha rd P $250 Bra nni ga n-Wi s ni ews ki Lori P $250 Cha rl a ck Ga yl e P $200 Attoni s Gus P $500 Brenna n Ma ryka te F $400 Cha s e Eri ca F $200 Aus ti n Ri ta F $375 Bres l i n Ei l een P $250 Cha s kes Stua rt F $450 Aus ti n Wi l l i a m F $250 Brown Ma rgery F $460 Cha udhuri As ok P $250 Avel l i no Ma ry P $552 Browne Chri s topher F $339 Cherki s Fra nces F $375 Aydi n Il knur F $285 Browne John F $150 Chowdhury Ma hfuz P $250 Ayo Ba rba ra F $300 Bruns Li s a F $200 Chrys a fi Louca s F $305 Ayo Sol omon F $380 Bryer Jenni fer F $500 Ci no Ka thl een F $275 Ayta c Sel ena y P $250 Burke Ka thryn P $552 Ci pri a ni Ma ri a P $400 Azza ra Thoma s F $400 Bus s a ni John P $250 Cl a bby Jos eph P $250 Ba chor Di a ne P $250 Byron Ros e F $300 Cl a rke Ll oyd P $500 Ba ha monde Ma tthew F $375 Ca den Ra ndol ph P $552 Cl a us s Leona rd P $250 Ba ndura Ji l l F $338 Ca meron Dona l d P $250 Cl i fford Ma ry F $185 Ba rbi eri Jona tha n F $300 Ca mpa gna Kreg F $200 Cody Dougl a s P $250 Bel fi Pa tri ci a P $400 Ca mpa na Chri s ti ne F $250 Cohen Pa tri ci a P $250 Bel i s Cynthi a P $552 Ca ndi a Sus a n P $552 Col ema n John F $375 Bennett Deri ck F $600 Ca nta mes s a Pa tti F $200 Col ey Ka thryn F $438 Berger Andrew F $338 Ca nti el l o Anthony P $552 Col ga n El i za beth F $220 2 U n i f ie r J anu ar y 20 1 4 Discretionary Salary Increases 2013 La s t Fi rs t Conboy June P Conforti Sus a n F Cooper Eva n Cornea Correa FT/PT DSCR La s t Fi rs t $250 Dodge Wi l l i a m P $375 Dol a n Mi cha el P F $400 Dondero Henry Ol ga P $250 Donohue Jos eph P $250 Dool ey Corti Hea ther P $250 Cos ta La ura P Coutri er Ka ren F Cozzol i no Pa ul Cremmi ns FT/PT DSCR La s t Fi rs t $552 Fea l ey Ca rol P $552 $250 Federma n-Sherma n Fra nci ne F $400 F $200 Feel ey Chri s ti ne P $250 Ca rol P $250 Femoyer Al i ci a P $937 Ja mes P $552 Ferna ndez George F $500 Dorney Ja mes P $250 Ferra ndi z La wrence P $250 $250 Dors i Keri P $250 Ferri gno Ga ry F $240 $400 Dos e Ni col e F $915 Fi l i os Ada m F $500 P $250 Dra noff Robert P $250 Fi ori l l o John F $1,000 Bri dget P $706 Dri va s John P $250 Fl eura nt El i e P $250 Cri s ci Loui s P $250 Dunn Ka thl een P $1,077 Fl ores Ma ri l yn F $400 Crocker Robert F $375 Dunn Robi n F $500 Fl ynn Gera l d F $305 Curra n Fra nci s P $250 Dura n Al exa nder P $250 Fogel berg Pa ul F $185 Curti n Thoma s P $250 Edel ma n Ma l ka F $338 Fra nci s Mel i s s a P $250 Da bkows ka Ewa P $250 Edwa rds Ri cha rd P $250 Fra nco Da ni el F $150 D'Al oi s i o Ma rgueri te F $342 Ega n George P $250 Fra nkl i n Keri F $300 Da l to Mi cha el P $552 Ega n Jeffrey P $552 Freda Ri cha rd F $305 D'Ami co Da mi a no F $200 Ei cher Li s a P $250 Frederi cks Bra nden P $250 D'Angel o Di a ne P $250 Ei chl er Ei l een F $185 Fri s i na Mel i s s a P $250 D'Angel o Ma tthew P $250 El ga rt Robert F $300 Fuji ta Shuryo F $400 Da oud Wa fa P $250 El gun Serda r F $1,000 Fus co Donna P $600 Da rgi s Dougl a s F $400 El l i s Henry P $250 Ga a b Jeffrey F $380 Da ttoma Lui s a F $375 El l i s La ne F $659 Ga brus Joa nne P $250 Da utner Jes s i ca P $900 El l i s La uren F $200 Ga l a nte Anne F $545 Da vi d Yol a nda F $200 El l i s Na ncy P $250 Ga l a nte Chri s ti ne P $250 Da vi s Eddi e P $250 Emproto Ja net P $250 Ga l a nte Peter P $250 Da vi s Edwa rd P $250 Enri ght Chri s topher P $250 Ga l ga no Mi cha el P $250 Deca rl o John P $250 Eps tei n Judi th P $621 Ga l l ery John P $250 Defeo Gera rd P $552 Eps tei n Terry P $250 Ga l ofa ro Ma rgheri ta P $250 Dei nha rdt Robert P $250 Eri tta El ena P $250 Ga o Qi ngha i F $400 Del etto Luci l l e F $300 Es col a s Ka ren F $500 Ga rdi ni er Da vi d P $250 Dember-Nea l Theres a F $220 Es nes -Johns on Theres a F $338 Ga rdner Sta ci F $300 Des i mone Anthony P $552 Es pa i l l a t Ha rry F $300 Ga s h Wi l l i a m P $250 Devi ne Ka thl een P $1,600 Es tl i ng Ri cha rd P $250 Gel l es Ka ren F $400 Di a mond-Ca ra vel l a Moni ca F $545 Fa ga n George P $250 Georgi eva Da ni el a P $900 Di monte Na ncy F $250 Fa ra g Sus a n F $200 Geremi a Jus ti na F $338 Di muro Da ni el l e P $667 Fa ri na Da wn P $250 Germa no Thoma s F $300 Di ori o Anthony P $250 Fa ri na Eri c F $338 Germa no Wi l l i a m P $250 Di s a nza Ra ymond P $165 Fa ro Mi cha el P $250 Gi a nna tta s i o Gera rd P $250 Di ta ra nto Lori P $552 Fa va Ma ti l de F $310 Gi a nono Fra nk P $250 FT/PT DSCR 3 U n i f ie r J anu ar y 20 1 4 Discretionary Salary Increases 2013 La s t Fi rs t La s t Fi rs t La s t Fi rs t Gi ffone Anthony FT/PT DSCR F $495 Ha mel os Demetri os FT/PT DSCR F $250 Is l a m Sa yeedul FT/PT F DSCR $250 Gi ttl ema n Ra l ph P $250 Ha re Tory F $600 Is ra el Wi l l i a m P $250 Gl a s er Chri s ti ne F $375 Ha rri ngton Gregory P $250 Is s a pour Ma rja neh F $1,000 Gl ueckert Ga ry F $300 Ha rri ngton Mi cha el F $400 Ivers en Ri cha rd F $300 Goda s Anna P $250 Ha rri s Fra nk P $250 Izzo Ri cha rd P $250 Goda s Ra ymond P $250 Ha rri s Ja ck F $300 Ja cquette Ka thl een F $335 Gol d Howa rd P $250 Ha rtma n Jeffrey F $300 Ja i l er Ja mes P $250 Gol ds tei n Jona tha n F $345 Ha s kowi tz Howa rd P $250 Ja ni k Vi cki F $1,000 Gol ub Leona rd P $600 Ha worth Dona l d P $500 Ja nover Da vi d P $250 Gomez Ingri d P $250 Ha yhow Da rl ene F $200 Ja s ur Angel a F $338 Gonder Jenni fer F $420 Ha yma n Ki mberl y F $300 Ja ti va Ca rl os F $250 Gonza l ez Ra mon F $400 Hecht Al a n P $552 Jeudy Is ben P $250 Goods tone Lori F $200 Hecht Ka thl een P $552 Jewel l Jera l d P $552 Goods tone Mi cha el F $420 Hei s en-Gonza l ez Eri n P $552 Jewett Orva l P $250 Gra ha m Joa nne F $275 Hel d Dona l d P $250 Ji menez Wi l l i a m P $937 Gra ni tto Jos eph P $250 Hendri cks on John F $350 Johnea s Pa ul P $250 Gra nt Ja ni ne P $250 Herl i hy Col een P $250 Johns on Da vi d P $250 Gra ves Ra ndy P $250 Herna ndez-Hopki ns Deni s e F $300 Johns on Kevi n P $250 Gra ys on Gera l d P $552 Hers hkoff Kenneth P $250 Johns on Sta nl ey F $250 Greco Peter F $300 Hi nckl ey Gl en F $305 Johns ton Ma rl a F $250 Green Dona l d F $185 Hl a venka Al a n F $250 Jones -Za pa s ni k Angel a F $400 Green Lorrence P $552 Hoffma n Ri cha rd P $250 Jos e Mercy P $250 Greene Ba rba ra P $250 Hoffma nn Jus ti ne P $250 Jos enha ns Da ni el P $250 Greene Da vi d F $280 Hol brook Di a ne P $400 Jos eph Troy P $250 Greeni dge Ma xi ne F $300 Hooper Ni gel P $250 Jus u Ambros e F $185 Gri gol ei t Chri s ti a n P $250 Horowi tz Ha nna F $275 Ka hn Ba rry P $250 Groner Ma rl ene F $400 Horowi tz Sta nl ey P $250 Ka hn Beverl y F $310 Gros s Sa ra h F $450 Hors l ey Wa yne P $250 Ka l ema ri s Agnes F $305 Gruber Ja net F $275 Hos key Arthur F $300 Ka pl a n Mi cha el P $552 Gruber Vi cki P $250 Howel l -Ca rter Ma rya F $420 Ka rpi ns ki Mi cha el P $250 Grza n Da wn F $500 Hua ng Vi ctor F $305 Ka s s i nger Kenneth P $250 Gua l ti eri Dorothy P $400 Hughes Dorothy F $300 Ka za necki Kempter Di a ne F $300 Gua ri no Da vi d P $552 Hung Yue F $650 Keega n Ei l een P $250 Gude Sus a nn P $250 Hurl ey Chri s topher P $250 Keega n Kerry P $250 Gugl i el mi ni Angel a P $552 Hus tedt Sa ndra F $200 Ki m Doug F $250 Gui l l ot Jeffrey P $250 Ia nnucci Ma tthew P $250 Ki nch Al i ce F $400 Gus ta fs on Pa ul F $185 Ibra hi m Ahmed F $550 Ki ng Jody P $250 Ha l l Ja mes F $476 Ignozzi Ka thl een F $222 Ki nl a n Pa tri ci a P $250 Ha l l Jea n P $552 Impa ra to Da vi d P $250 Ki nnea ry Jos eph P $250 Ha l l John P $250 Is l a m M F $550 Ki nzer La uri e P $552 4 U n i f ie r J anu J anuarary y20 201144 Discretionary Salary Increases 2013 Last First FT/PT Kirby-Diaz Mary F Kirincic Deborah P Kirsch David Klaess Francis Klein Kleinstein Knauth Kohl Kollar Kosak Kostanoski Kowalski DSCR Last First FT/PT $260 Lingner Frederick F $250 Linker Stanley P P $250 Liselli Frank P $250 Littenberg Marcia Matthew P $250 Londis Arlene F $305 Lopalo Michael F $400 Lopez Michael P $250 Lopez Kathleen F $300 John P $250 John F Edward P Krapf Audrey Kraus Kriegel DSCR Last First FT/PT DSCR $185 Mcclellan Jeffrey P $250 $552 Mccue Cynthia F $600 P $250 Mcintosh Toni P $250 F $480 Mckee Linda F $300 Michael P $937 Mckenna Michael P $552 Douglas F $200 Mcloughlin Susana P $250 Lawrence F $400 McMullin Laura P $938 Raphael P $250 Mcnamara Carol F $220 Lopresti George F $200 Mcneil Marilyn P $250 Lory-Snyder Saundra F $310 Mebane-Cruz A F $360 $300 Luhrs Edward P $250 Melamed Diane F $300 $250 Lundberg Laurie F $200 Melamed Ira F $400 F $338 Lutz Kerry F $375 Menna Larry F $360 George F $355 Macinick James F $200 Merrick Rashawn P $250 Michelle P $552 Madeska Valerie F $300 Meyers Eileen P $552 Krush Wayne F $500 Magaldi Joseph P $250 Michelin Naomi F $255 Kubin John F $305 Maggio Nancy F $200 Millar-Calderon Misti P $250 Kupferman Kathleen F $200 Maguffin Karen P $1,200 Miller Cliff P $250 Kupferman Lloyd P $250 Majewsky Eleanor P $937 Miller William P $250 Labardy Shirley P $552 Makarowitz Lloyd F $380 Minerd Barbara P $250 Lackovic David F $150 Malsheimer Kristen F $220 Miranda Charles F $400 Ladd Wendy P $250 Maltezos Dimitrios F $150 Miranda Jonathan P $250 Lamorgese Marc P $250 Maninakis Gregory F $500 Miranda Michelle F $424 Landrein Kaitlin P $552 Mann Frank P $250 Mirzadeh Azadeh F $200 Lane Andrew F $250 Manzo Andrew P $250 Mistretta Dominick F $200 Lanza-Giraldi Madeleine P $552 Marciuliano Frank P $250 Moncrieffe Andrew P $250 Lavery Amanda P $552 Marques Carlos F $450 Monteleone Robert P $250 Lee Dae P $250 Marrone Daniel F $300 Montemurro Silvia P $250 Lee Irina P $552 Marsh Lynn F $375 Mooney Chris F $200 Lee Suiv P $250 Marsillo Richard P $250 Morgan Eric F $375 Lee Warren P $250 Martin Carla F $375 Morris Christa P $250 Lehrer Jonathan F $300 Masotti Janine P $250 Moscarillo Mark F $185 Levine Judith F $250 Masserwick John P $185 Munoz Antonio P $552 Levitin Malcolm P $552 Massone Margaret P $250 Mussa Abeba F $300 Lewis Janice F $250 Mateyko John P $250 Musto William F $200 Lewison Martin F $300 Mauceri Christopher P $250 Napolitano-Carman Louise F $335 Libardi Angelina P $250 Maurer Tanya P $250 Navarro Brianna P $552 Licato Joseph P $250 Mauro Thomas P $250 Navarro-Nicosia Sylvia F $274 Lima Laura F $200 Maxson Frank P $250 Neary Ryan F $487 Lind-Gonzalez Patricia F $500 Mccarthy Rosemary F $338 Nehlen Chris P $250 5 U n i f ie r J anu ar y 20 1 4 Discretionary Salary Increases 2013 Last First Nehr Richard Nektaredes Nelson FT/PT DSCR Last First P $1,200 Pezzanite Barbara Alexander P $250 Phillips Marian F $300 Phillips Newman Alan P $250 Neymotin Irina F Nikolaidou Maria Nilsen Deborah-Ann Nixon FT/PT DSCR Last First FT/PT DSCR P $170 Rodriguez Melissa F $200 Constance F $200 Rogers David P $552 David P $250 Rogers Sanders Charlene P $250 Phillips Gertrude P $250 Romanitch Jonah P $250 $305 Pilipshen Paul P $250 Romano Paul F $330 F $200 Pizzonia Melissa P $250 Rooney James P $250 F $301 Pollard Richard P $250 Rosciano Annemarie F $200 Ebony P $250 Popko Helga P $552 Rossi Joseph P $250 Nixon Kevin P $250 Poplarski Jeff P $552 Rozakis Laurie F $335 Nober Lee P $250 Porciello Margaret F $185 Rudish Jason P $250 Nolan Peter F $240 Posillico Tino F $300 Ruiz Luz P $250 Nugent Patrick P $250 Prazak Lisa P $250 Ruland Debra P $938 Obrien James P $250 Principato John P $1,600 Rupnick Lynn P $250 Obrien Kenneth F $300 Prinz Marc P $250 Rupp Gary F $185 O'Donnell Sean P $250 Proper Donna F $300 Russert Charlene F $320 Oil Michael F $300 Proper-Lee Catherine P $552 Russo Christopher P $250 Olszowy Damon F $225 Proux Yvon P $600 Russo Joseph P $250 Orellana Maria F $300 Puig Celia P $250 Ryan Terence P $250 Orlich Mark F $300 Pullan Marie F $300 Sabbas Abraham F $400 Orthner April P $250 Purandare Yeshwant P $250 Sabharwal Rachna P $250 Osik Keith P $1,200 Quadrini Karen P $250 Sacco Christine F $310 O'Sullivan Jill F $300 Radigan Jeanne F $600 Sachdev Sudhir P $185 Owens Shane F $338 Radu Mihaela F $250 Saez Angel P $250 Pane John P $250 Raffanello Michael F $320 Sagredo Anna F $400 Papenhausen Paul P $240 Ramos James F $200 Saidpour Mir Said F $400 Paraspolo Susan P $552 Ramos Monique F $300 Salas Paul P $250 Park Hea Young P $552 Rampello Frank F $342 Salzman Geoffry P $250 Pascale Michael P $250 Randazzo-Nardin Maria P $250 Santiago Patric P $250 Passero Michael P $250 Realmuto Anne P $250 Santiago-Schwarz Frances F $120 Patilis Georgia P $250 Resh Carlee P $250 Sapir Ruth F $500 Patnode Stephen F $360 Riemer Lillian P $600 Sardiello Robert P $250 Patritti Valerie P $250 Rivera Carol P $250 Sarlanis Ruth P $938 Patterson Russell P $937 Rivera Janice F $300 Saunders Robert F $480 Perchik Carole P $400 Ro Eunice F $338 Scala Louis F $150 Perez Arturo F $300 Robin Antoinette P $350 Scarallo Donna F $300 Perry Melissa P $250 Robinson Carolyn P $250 Scheff Lynn P $400 Peters Eugene F $200 Robinson Mary P $250 Schidlovsky Dimitry P $250 Peterson Virginia F $375 Roche Chris P $1,200 Schill Maryann F $200 Petrich Jack F $400 Roche Matthew F $200 Schiraldi Sheryl P $552 Pettit Margaret P $250 Rodriguez Ligia F $360 Schlechter Justin P $250 6 U n i f ie r J anu ar y 20 1 4 Discretionary Salary Increases 2013 Last First FT/PT Schoenacher Sheryl F Schulz Justin Schuster Sylvia Schwartz DSCR Last First FT/PT $300 Stathos Philip P P $575 Stedman Mary P $552 Steedle William Eric P $250 Stein Sclafani Dominic P $250 Scoufelis Aristides F Scruggs Nicole F Segarra Yolanda Seitelman DSCR Last First FT/PT $250 Tuttle Timothy F $200 F $500 Ursino Joseph F $400 F $185 Vainder Melanie F $280 Barbara P $250 Vanhoff Kempton P $552 Steinhauer Diane F $300 Vdorick Linda P $600 $120 Steinhauer Margaret F $300 Velsor Tara F $200 $342 Stier Amy F $238 Veracka Michael F $500 F $185 Stolzenberg Ira F $255 Vila Jeaniffere P $250 Morton F $200 Stone Anthony F $200 Villani Mary F $500 Selleri Vincenzo P $250 Stormont Craig P $250 Villarreal Eugenio F $310 Senzer Paul P $250 Stratigos Cheryl P $937 Vozza Melissa P $250 Seyler Nancy F $550 Struminger Sharon F $275 Wachter Erika F $300 Seyler Robert P $552 Sulima Jakub P $250 Wagner Edward P $250 Shade Robert P $250 Sullivan Elizabeth F $100 Waldner Bruce P $250 Sherringham Beverly P $250 Sullivan William P $250 Walsh Carolyn P $250 Sheykman Yuriy P $250 Summerfield Marita P $250 Walsh Kathleen F $375 Shum Zhihua F $150 Sutton Theadora F $300 Wanderer Annette P $250 Siljander Dana P $250 Suzuki Yuko P $600 Ward Deana F $200 Simins Robert P $250 Sweeney Carolyn P $250 Ward Patricia F $300 Simone Philip P $869 Tal Amy P $250 Waterhouse Joseph P $1,200 Singh Sarbjit F $255 Tassone Jean P $552 Weber Ellen F $300 Sinnott Adrian P $250 Tawfik Hazem F $500 Weinman Daniel F $300 Sinnott Jeannette F $300 Tax Kenneth F $550 Weinstein Dianne F $185 Slauenwhite Michael P $250 Temme Robert P $250 Welch Richard P $250 Sleckman John F $305 Terris Hope P $552 Weppler Christopher F $250 Smiles Michael F $150 Thanasas Socrates F $700 Werner Andrew P $250 Smit Maria P $552 Thomas Cynthia F $300 Wesnofske Lucille F $394 Smith Diane F $480 Thomas Jack P $552 Whelan Shawn P $250 Smith Vincent P $250 Thomas Peter F $250 Whitfield Bentley P $250 Smyth Thomas P $250 Thompson Rewa P $552 Wicker Ioana P $250 Smyth-Lopiccolo Orla F $200 Thompson William P $250 Wigutow Bruce P $250 Snyder Ronald P $250 Thoms Brian F $300 Wilbur Jennifer F $172 Somma Samantha P $552 Tota Anthony P $250 Williams Ryan F $200 Sosnowski Walter P $250 Totans James F $150 Williams Susan P $250 Soto Jeanne F $232 Truncale Nicole P $250 Winters Nancy F $375 Southard Brett F $400 Trzaska Michael F $500 Woliver Robbie P $250 Spencer Adele F $375 Tsokris Maureen F $500 Wosleger Lynn P $250 Staebler Marion F $300 Tuchinsky Michelle P $250 Wyche Annette F $300 Stanco Stanford Matthew Toni P P $250 $600 Tudor Tuminello Christine Mark P P $250 $250 Yang Yorg Yajun Diane F F $305 $300 continued on last page DSCR 7 FARMINGDALE CHAPTER EXECUTIVE BOARD Yolanda Segarra President Vicki Janik VP Academics Solomon Ayo VP Professionals Susan Conforti Treasurer Valerie Madeska Secretary —————————————Dolores Ciaccio Affirmative Action Theresa Dember-Neal Health & Safety Robert Elgart Affirmative Action IDAP Henry Ellis Outreach Mike Oil EOC Concerns Vicki Janik Academic Grievance Casey Bond Professional Grievance Doug Cody Area Reps Co-Coordinator Jim Macinick Library Concerns Debbie Nilsen Membership Development Margaret Porciello Newsletter Editor Webmaster Lou Scala Area Reps Co-Coordinator Academic Grievance Academic Grievance Russell Tuthill Retiree Concerns ____________________ DELEGATES: Academic Douglas Cody Robert Elgart Vicki Janik John Masserwick Richard Pollard Margaret Porciello Robert Reganse Fayez Samuel Louis Scala Michael Smiles Elena Erritta Professional Solomon Ayo Theresa Dember-Neal Lawrence Lopez Barbara Maertz Darlene Mayers Amy Stier Discretionary Salary Increases 2013 Last First Zagorsky Stephen Zahor Theresa Zhang Xu FT/PT DSCR Last First FT/PT $250 Zhou Lin F $200 F $350 Ziniti Michael P $250 F $300 Zoghi Moghadam Zoghi Moghadam Bahar Mohamad F F $776 $776 P DSCR To see UUP’s concerns about the OpenSUNY initiative, please see the PDF document at: http://uupinfo.org/reports/guides/OpenSUNY140103.pdf CHAPTER MEMBERS on STATEWIDE COMMITTEES Solomon O. Ayo Black Fac. Staff Assn. Task Force Comm. of VPs for Professionals Kathyrn C. Bond Grievance Douglas S. Cody Contingent Employment Technology Issues Susan L. Conforti Finance Robert Elgart Membership Henry G. Ellis Contingent Employment * James P. Friel Labor & Higher Education Staci Gardner EOC Concerns Women's Rights & Concerns Vicki Janik Comm. Of VPs for Academics Grievance Task Force on Issues of Diversity ** Women’s Rights & Concerns ** Barbara T. Maertz Active Retired Membership * Finance Darleyne E. Mayers Affirmative Action** Black Fac. Staff Assn. Task Force EOC Concerns **/*** Task Force on Issues of Diversity *** Deborah-Ann R. Nilsen Membership Michael S. Oil EOC Concerns Margaret Porciello Technology Issues** Women’s Rights & Concerns Lou Scala EOP Concerns Veteran Affairs Donna R. Scarello EOC Concerns Yolanda Segarra Comm. of Chapter Presidents Task Force on Hostile Workplace Technology Sector Mary J. Stedman Nursing Professions Work Grp Diane Yorg EOC Concerns * Elected ** Committee Chair/Co-chairmanship *** Executive Board Liaison The UUPF Newsletter welcomes articles and letters submitted by members of the Farmingdale community. Remember, this is your newsletter. Share your thoughts with us. We want to hear from you. Persons who have material they wish to submit should contact Margaret Porciello at porciem@farmingdale.edu. The opinions expressed in this newsletter are those of the con- tributors and not necessarily those of UUPF.