Smith, Winston Billy


Smith, Winston Billy
&insldn '(tyj~ 01Jmith
24th August, 1935 - 7th May, 2008
u era
Saturday, 17th
, 2008
SI. Geo,.ge's Episcopal Church
Main Street, Road Town, Tortola
British Virgin Islands
iewing from I O:OOam to I 1:00am
Service at 11 :OOam
Officiating Minister
ReF. Ronald Branche
Cedric Dawson. Derrick Sawney
and Quinson Thomas
St. George 's Church Cemetery. Main Street
Adopted Mothers
Naomi Danie ls (Tortola) and Margery Norman (Anegada)
Caretaker and Confidant
Lakshmi Surapaneni aka Das
Adopted Son
Joseph Bhajan
Sylvina Hodge (Virgin Gorda)
Edgar Todman and Heruy Todman
Edna13oDC<11Dpo, Florence Brewley, Marian Donovan (NY), Iona Erkestine (St Thomas), Eutancia Fahie, L illian Gumbs
and Dorothy "Ootsy" Todman
Anthony Abbott, Curt Abbott, Carlston Beazer, Elton Beazer, Ulric Freeman, M iquelito Marcelli
Gregory Williams, and Micbael Williams Sr.
Xzailia Abbott, Femella, Linda Beazer, Dale Hanley, Elerie Hodge, Georgea "Pam" Hodge,
Barba.ra Marcelli, Claudia Todman, Suz.zatte Williams, and Youlanda Williams-Joseph
Sylvia Banks (New York), Gwendolee Barzey, Bern ice Brew ley, Viola Daniel Hodge, fnninie George, Jenuvese George, Judith Green
Agnes Gwnbs-Christopber (St. Thomas), Billy Gumbs, Cedric Gumbs, Charrnaine Gumbs-Feehan, C larence ~Tops" Gumbs
C lifton Gumbs, Connie Gumbs, Comelia Gumbs, Curtis Gumbs, Desmond Gumbs, Doreen Gumbs, Elridge "Ske lley" Gumbs
Frenchie Gumbs, Keith Gwnbs, Margurita Gumbs, Muriel Gumbs, Ottley Gumbs, Steve Gumbs, Wayne Gumbs, Wesley Gumbs
Porcha Hughes, Eunice Maduro, Neda Maduro, Shirley Mills, Andria Norman Flax, Arona Pratt, Joyce Scatliffe
Barbara Tuitt (United Kingdom), Cynthia Warre ll (St. Thomas), lone Yearwood (St. Thomas), and Patsy Williams
Special Friends
Premier & Minister for Finance Honourable Ralph T. O'Neal, OBE, Members o f the Virgin Islands Party
Members of the Waterfront Taxi Stand, Church Family and the Senior Choir of St. George' s Anglica.m O uJrch
Doctors and Nurses at the AuxiHo M utuo Hospital in Puerto Rico and Peebles Hospital in British Virgin I slands, Nurse Christian Alien
Adina Baronville, Dabi Budhoosingh (Trinidad), Kennedy & Dorothy Brown, Alfred Christopher, Gale Corring ton, Claudia Creque
Dabisingh, Everad Faulkner and Family, Taxi Driver A lfred Freeman, N idia George & Family, S andra Laylan Gladstone
Raynard Harnm. Karham Lawrence, Or. Lorraine Lawrence, Just in McTavious, Leando Nibbs, Alben Norris & Family
Captain Wendell Parsons and son Wayne, Donald Pickering & Family, Ethlyn Potter, Satprakash Rajmanga1, Ashley Ritter
Attorney Benedicta Samuel-Richardson, Tadpole Smith, Karamchand "Blacks" Sookdeo (USA), and Im1a Vanterpool
PaU Bearers
C larence "Top" Gwnbs , Elridge "Skelley" Gumbs, Justin McTavious, Vincent O'Neal, Joseph Sealey, and Ronnie Thomas
Honourary PaU Bearers
Norris Alben and Audley Maduro
Linda Beazer, Andria Flax, Elerie Hodge, Georgea "Pam" Hodge, Barbara Marcelli, Joyce Leonard and Iris Penn
he Good Book tells us that we can expect to live for llu·ce score and ten, but sometimes
some people live until one hundred or one hundred and ten. Many people die long before
they reach seventy (three score and ten). Our dear friend and brother Winston ··Bj[ly" Smith
was born in 1935 and departed this life on Wednesday 7th May 2008, a total of seve::nty-two
Born to Ms. Olga Todman, in Huntums Ghut where he grew up, at the age of 5 Billy
enterecl St. George · s Anglican School. One wonders whether the pet name '"Billy'. was not a
shortened version of the name "Billy the Kid".
After leaving Primary School, Billy ntigrated to St. Thomas and he immediately sought
and found work in the Tourist Industry as a Bar/Waiter in the famous Blue Beard Castle Hotel,
receiving a promotion as Dining Room Captain and then as Mai'tre d'. He returned home in lbe
late fiftie::s and worked as an assistant on the Government Launch, St. Ursula, under Captain
Wendell Parsons and Mate, the late Desmond Smith of West End.
Lilllc Dix Bay Hotel in Virgin Gorda opened in 1964 and Winston was among the first
batch of workers to be recrnitecl for work in the Dining Room. There he was commended very
highly for his regularity, courtesy and politeness to the guests, and also for the way he made
sure that his uniform was always clean and tidy as he set a good example of bow a hotel worker,
especialJy in the dining room, should conduct himself. After working a few years at Little Dix
Hotel, be joined the staff of Peter lsland Yacht Club and Hotel, and there he continueti the
standard that he set at Little Dix Bay Hotel.
He left the hold business and became a full time Taxi Driver. Here again he se::t a very
high standard - he was always clean and tidy and his car was always clean. shining and he
would say to his passengers. ·'Please don't slam the door." It was always a pleasure to drive
with Bmy: be would keep you in light conversation and it was nbvinu that he was proud of
what he did and tried his best to make the tourists feel wdcome and comfortable. I le was very
dependable and in the days when a High Court Judge came to preside at High Court once or
twice a year, Billy was the taxi driver chosen to drive him. All of the Judges spoke of his
dependability. punctuality, courtesy and politeness. In the year 2002 the BVI Hotel and
Commerce Association recognized his contribution aod honoured him as the ··Best Taxi Driver"
in Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands.
Confirmed in 1949, Billy was a staunch Anglican. He was a member of St. George's
Senior and Gospel Choirs for more than 40 years. lie remained in the choir until illness
prevented him from continuing and it was a sad moment for his feJJnw choir members when he
returned his choir robes saying he would not need them anymore. l l was alway a joy to hear
Billy's lovely tenor voice in the choir. Billy excelled in anything he did. He took special pride
in keeping his home and yard in impeccable condition at all times.
Billy assisted many of his friends' children to get a higher education. 1\. kind and
generous pe.rson Billy had friends spread all over the world.
lie had a special affinity with the people of Anegada and many of them would seek him
out whenever they came into town to do business. Billy would assist them in whatever way he
At times Billy appeared to he a loner, but he was never afraid to speak what was on his
mind even though it might have affected some of his friends. In his political belief he was a
strong supporter of the Virgin Islands Party.
When he was in Peebles Hospital he had a long visit from Premier Ralph T. O'Neal, ODE
and Billy told him that he knew be was going soon to his Father. and that he was ready to go to
be out of his pain and suffering. lie praised God for ll is goodnes" to him and said he had put
his trust in God and sought to serve Him <.luring his lifetime. Although his body was in pain he
was at peace with God.
Ile leaves to moum his adopted mothers, Margcry Norman of Anegada and Naomi de
Castro Daniel of Tortola, his adopted son, Joscph Rhajan, caretaker and contidant Das
Surapaneni. his attorney Benedicta Samuels-Richardson, Eunice Maduro and her daughter Ncda
Madurn, Albert Norris and Pamily, RaynanJ Il amm and Pamily. special cousins 1\.ndria
Norman Flax and Ermime George, many other cousins, nieces and nephews. and numerous
friends, especially his Anglican Church Family, who stood solidly behind him during his
prolonged illness.
So today we lay our friend and brother Winston ··Billy·· Smith to rest and may his soul
rest in peace.
Humbly submitted by Premier & Minis/er for Finance. Honourable Ralph T. 0 "Neal. OBE. a
friend of Winston "Billy" Smith. lt ·was the desire of the late Winsron .. Billy .. Smith thar the
Honourable Ralph T. 0 'Neal. OBE read this eulogy.
Winston ··Billy'· Smith was easily the most punctual.
consistent and reliable member of the St. George·s Church
Choirs. rle also had the distinction of having served as Choir
Member for the longest penod. Ul excess of forty years. As one
of the leading tenors in the Choir. be was always a quick learner,
possessing a range that took his voice higher in the high register
than most of his colleagues.
Billy was one who stood for discipline and
comnntment. and would brook no variation from the rule,
speaking out without fear when the situation demanded 11. He
was also a very charitable man. giving freely to worthy c:mse.~
wit110ut requiring a prompt.
Whenever there was a choir practice or choir
performance, you coultl bet that he would be the first one to
arrive, fully prepared to do his best. \Vhcnever someone coughed
or cleared his throat in the choir stall, Billy would produce a mint
from the never-ending supply in his pocket. to soothe the
troubled Uuoat.
A.s a taxi-driver, he enjoyed driving his customers
throughout tiJe lt:ngth and breadth of lortola. Many or ll1em
would have no other driver than Billy chauffeur them :rround
Tortola. Successive Bishops of the Virgin Islands ellJoyed this
privilege. as he safely transported them to their destinations,
while keeping them up-to-date on events within the B.V.l
Btlly was recogmzed by SL George's Church in 20D6
for hts long and meritorious service to UJe Choirs. He truly
cherished the recognition servtce as well as the plaque which he
received at that time.
Some years prior to that. Billy had been honoured to
receive (rom the BVI Hotel and Commerce Association, a
presllgious award for outstanding ser\'ice as a Taxi Dnver,
anotllcr event which fillecllus heart \vith pride.
When ill-health forced Billy to miss his weekly choir
practice sessions, it was a signal, which many wished to ignore,
that lllis was his call to be re-united with his Maker. While
confined to home or hosp1tal. he dearly cherished visits from
Chun:h_...members and C'hoir members in particular. He was
delighted when the full choir visited him in December to regale
him with his favourite Chnstmas Carols. Following tlus, he
surprised us all with his last attendance at Church on Christmas
Eve 2007. That glimpse of Billy, radiant in sartorial elegance that
belied his mtemal suffenng, will be treasured by many of us for a
long lime to come.
He was certainly a remark:lble man and a mainstay in
both tbe Senior Choir and the Gospel Choir of St . George's
Church. He will be sorely mtssed and his shoes will be hard to
Now that he has been relieved of his suffering. and has
cla1mcd his place in that eternal home prepared for prepared
persons. we hold on to rhe fond memories of Billy. and pray that
his soul, willlthe souls of all the faithful departed. rest .in peace.
The death of Mr. Winston Smith. has removed from
our human fellowship one who has been :t devout Christian
example. and one who found the commtmity of St. George·s
Church, Tortola. the pnde and JOY of Ills llfe. Here was a man
who loved God and who sought to bring the joy of his Christtan
faith. as an Anglican. to everyone he met. He transported his
faiU1 in the same manner that he transported people in h1s taxi.
with diligence and calm assurance. I shall miss him. but 1 am
grateful to God. U1at I had an opportunity to meet him and to
know him. May he rest in peace ru1J nse in glory.
The Right Reverend£. Don Taylor
Vicur Bishop .for New York City. NY
Cousin Billy Jived a simple and quiet life. He suffered
with his illness, but in that suffering he w<ts positive and showed
concerns for others who visited him We cmmt 1t a privuege to
have shared tune w1th hnn. W.:. kno\\ th.11 he helieved in Jesus
Christ and he tried to live out his belief.
Friend, Adina Rarom•ifte tmd ( 'ousin.~ Elridge "'Skellev ·· Gumb.t
& Ermirtie George
£le who dwells in the shelter oi the most high will rest
1n the shadow of the Almighty. Rest in peace my son.
Adopted Mother, Naomi Danie/s
Billy was a very special and good son to me. He was
very courteous to everyone he encountered. Btlly was my taxi
driver whenever I came to Tortola from Anegada.
AdopTed MoTher, Margery Norman (AneJ?ada)
l have not seen my nephew for many ye:rrs. bu1 l kept
in touch and sent regards through Ermin1e George to him. 1
prayed daily for him. especially when 1 learnt that he was not
keeping well. God knows best a11d took him to a better place.
May llle soul of Billy rest in peace.
Aum, Marian Donornn (Nt'w York)
Sine I came to the BV1 40 years ago I met Wi.nston
··B11lyn SDllth. He has been a good friend. and a very friendly
person who was also hard working and very honest. From my
knowledge of him he has been very quiel. always smiling and
treated everyone m a good manner. I have always had respect
for him and likewise him to me. We came from God anti we
will go back to God our Crcaror. Each one of us waits for his or
her hour to come. God bless his soul.
Friend. 1\li Tarab~
Micltael Georgcs. On bcha~(ofrhr Combined Choirs of
Sr. George·s Episcopal Church. Torrola. BVT
Wmston "Billy'' milh has been kno''ll to my famil} Js Veri~~·. a·erily, I said 111110 you. tiU> hour is comi11g and 110111 is.
Smith" for 32 }'I!MS. He \\:tS one of the kmdest persons I whe11 the d~ad shall hear the a•oice of the Son of God: a11d tlt~y
ha,·e ever met. He helped so man) persons m Ius IJ.fe lime :md that /tear sllalllil•e. " ) o/m 5:25
had frienJs on all five contments. He also hel()OO so many of his
fnend's children to obtain h1gher education. As a regular
Billy was a 'cry pm·ate person who took e,·eryThing
churchgoer he ah\ays encouraged others to attend church. He senous. but it you know huu well enough be was \'ery humorous
,.,·as a ver} mehculous. orderly .md systematic individual He loo. There \\as Jh\JYS somellung he \\Ould say to m;J(e me
was a self-l•tught person. who put pride in his house laugh.
:md surroundings. fk ,,jiJ be missed. May his soul rest m
Billy w;.~s a m;.~n ol ta1th. Ten yc:ars ago when the
doctors tned everythmg they could m the Puerto Rlco hosp1tal
tl1ey were still unable to help lum. f JUSt happened to be m
1.-ak.lhmi Sumpaneni aka Da~
Puerto Rico during that tune. <;o I vtstted the hospital where he
\ '-'<'iS aum11teJ and the opportUllJty tO min.i!>'ter the \\OI'd of
God, and prayed Wllh h1m. Ills hope and fa.ith in God was stuTed
The eartl1 IS the Lord's and everythmg in it. the world,
up, in th~ nur~tdc working power of Uod.
:md all who !Jvc m 1t, tor He founded it upon the seas and
lie hdieved God for his he:J.!mg. and he rece1wd :1
established tl upon the waters .. Who ts he, this of glory·)
nuracle from God. lie came back and shared \\ith sever:~!
The Lord Alnnghty lie 1s the King oJ Glory.
persons \\hat God had done tor Ill m. 1 his last time. llud VJSJied
lum on sever:~! occasJons ;mtl prayed '"'lth lllm. He had asked
Barbara Marcclli
the Lord to heal hun and to use lum to ID.Ullster to others like
lumsell. On sever:~! occas1ons he showed s1gns of his f:uth m
Although he ''as shy o~nd kept to himself Winston was God's power to heal lum. every t1me they reported tl1at he ''as
an all-rounder. He \\3S :~n excellent bartender and worked at IO\\. he kept coming. h:Kk up agam.
The unlortunate s1tu;.~tion and ctTcurnstances around
Linle D1x Ba}. Wmston lo\'ed to cook. and often shared his
also bec:~usc there \\ere more negative spe:~kmg people
iood '' tlh h1s aunt I ily f le loved mus1c in all forms .md played
than posJIJ\e ones. it d1d not a.IIO\" Ins faith 10
steel pan wtth the Rhythms Kmg. Sadly rrussed but we know he
1t should h.J\'e. The Bible tells us that hfe and
ts free ol all suftermg. Jesus :iSSUrcd us that those exercJSmg
nl the tongue. The B1ble also tells us that
faith m him \\Ill come to lile llolm 11.25). See you on the d:~y
Jesus had to lea\e Ius own home IO\\O because o( doubt and
of resurrection.
w1bdief to perform the miracle workmg power oi Gou
1\u111 JJiv and familv
Muy Wmslon "Bil ly' Sm!lh rest m pe:1ce.
The Lord Givelh And The Lord Taketb
We have vis1ted Billy in the hospital and at home ~lnd
we can only im:~gine wh<~l he was going through. One Hung we
know for sure IS that Btll was ready to meet Ills saviour. We
know the he is gonl! to a better place where he will be walking
on those street!> ot gold Jlll.l smging wtth the :lllgels just rhe '"ay
he sang m the chotr. We '"•11 nU!>!> lum. but not forget lum and
we are looking ton,ard to that d;.~y when we wtll all urute agam.
Ma) his soul rest in peace until '' e meet agam.
For as the Father rai~·C'tll up the dead, a11d quickenetllthem;
even so the Sou quickeuelh 1rhom He will. '' John 5:21
The 8C' tmd llodgr Family
and Nephe ~~.~
"Agg1e .. C/ni Hopher