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Vol. 43
No. 40
Phone: 512-476-0082
from Southwest Texas
AUSTIN, Texas (Feb.
State University (now
15, 2016) – The Austin
Tommy Wyatt
Texas State University),
Spurs, presented by
Hamilton began his career
will honor Travis
Early Voting is SWBC,
in 1985 as a corrections
County Sheriff Greg
officer in the Travis County
now underway Hamilton as they celSheriff’s Office, holding
With the early voting ebrate Black History
the positions of D.A.R.E.
period now underway, it is Month at Cedar Park CenOfficer, Mounted Patrol
time for us to make our ter on Sunday, Feb. 28,
and Corrections Officer II.
endorsements for the when Austin faces the
Hamilton was appointed
March 1, 2016 elections. At Oklahoma City Blue at 5
Chief of Enforcement at
this time we will be issuing p.m.
the Texas Alcoholic BeverSheriff Greg
our choices for the
age Commission (TABC) in
Democratic Party candi- Hamilton is currently the
1994 and was selected to
highest-ranking law endates for county races.
serve on the governor’s
One of the more crowded forcement officer in Travis
DWI Task Force Advisory
races in Travis County is County. After earning a
for the position of County degree in criminal justice TRAVIS COUNTY SHERIFF GREG HAMILTON See ELECTED, page 2
Commissioner, Precinct 1
with five candidates. This
race has probably had the
most attention by residents
of Commissioner, Precinct
1. All of the candidates are
very qualified for the
position. And in a crowded
race, it is very difficult to
get a majority vote in the
The African American Heritage Community
first election. There will
Festival welcomes the return of Grammy Award
probably be a lot of people
facing runoff elections. So,
winning R&B sensation, Howard Hewett along
for the first round here are
with up and coming indie artist, Chris Hayzel.
our choices:
The family-fun east Austin Community festival
produced in conjunction with University and
Homecoming Day festivities will be held Satur– Gary Cobb has worked in
day, February 27, 2016 from 1:00 to 5:00 PM at
the DA’s office for more
than 25 years and
Huston-Tillotson University located at 900 East
understands all of the
Chicon St. Enjoy artists, cultural exhibits and
divisions of the office.
local favorites at the event. Festival proceeds
Travis County Comsupport scholarships for Huston-Tillotson Unimissioner, Pct. 1 – Arthur
versity students.
Sampson has spent more
than 30 years as project
manager and supervisor on
construction. The roads in
rural Precinct 1 are in need Author Rev. Jasmine Rose Smothers, welcomed to Austin by Spelman Alumnae
of a lot of construction and
AUSTIN, TX repair.
Spelman College AlumTravis County Sherriff nae, welcomed Spelman
– No endorsement.
grad Rev. Jasmine Rose
Travis County Constable, Smothers to Austin on FriPrecinct 1 – Danny day, February 12, with a
Thomas deserves to be dinner in her honor at
reelected to the position.
Hoover’s Cooking. Rev.
There are other races that Smothers, in Austin this
we will give our choices for weekend as a guest of the
next week. In the mean- Capital Area District
time, if you are voting early United Methodist Church
you may look at other (UMC), was the keynote
group’s endorsements to speaker to an audience of
help you make your over 200 for the ReThink
Church Leadership workHowever, you have only shop held at the Lake
one more week to make up Travis UMC on Saturday
your minds. But, if there and guest speaker Sunday
is only one person on the morning at the Wesley
ballot that you feel strongly United Methodist Church.
Friday February 12th - Rev. Jasmine Rose Smothers (Front Center) welabout, go and vote for that
Rev. Smothers is an
to Austin by Spelman Alumnae & family including: (Front Row - L
person. But whatever we Associate Director of Condo, all of us have a nectional Ministries of the to R): Spelman Golden Girl Lois B. Dabney ’45, Sandray Perry, Rev. Smothers, Judge Harriet Murphy, Lateefah Neal-Franks, (Back L to R) Anita E.
responsibility to vote.
North Georgia Annual
We are asking for a lot Conference of the United Dabney , Austin Chapter Alumnae President; Jemelle Tankersley, LaShawn
of changes in many areas. Methodist Church. She Tankersley.
The only way to get those serves as the staff re- tural congregations, Cross- ognized for her work in “NOT SAFE FOR CHURCH
changes considered is to source for existing Black Cultural/Racial appoint- Connectional Ministry, as – Ten Commandments for
have the right person in
Church Development, ments, and Young Clergy it applies to stimulating Reaching New Generaplace to work on them.
Natural Church Develop- leadership.
churches in a transforming tions”. Her book and her
ment, Multi-Ethnic/CulShe is nationally rec- world. She is co-author of message urge Christians to
Let’s Vote!!
February 19, 2016
Rep. Cummings
proposed college
cost estimate act.
Page 2
Charismatic leader
advocated to end
domestic hunger.
Page 5
Dr. Cokley evaluates
academic statistics
among minorities.
Page 6
Courtesy of the
North Dallas Gazette:
Writer Nicole James Scott
Finding money owed
to you with the State
Comptroller’s Office used
to be as simple as 1-2-3
but as of September the
process has become more
money for years has been
a guaranteed way of cashSee
page 2
be authentic and step up
to the challenges of serving effectively in changing
“Mission Fields”.
The dynamic Rev.
Smothers is a stellar example of the Spelman
motto – to equip young
women “to make a choice
to change the world”. We
invite young women in the
Central Texas area to explore the opportunities at
Spelman College.
If you are interested
in making a “Choice to
Change the World”, or
learning more about
Spelman College, please
check out the website:
Page 2 ~ THE VILLAGER/February 19, 2016
Cummings, Hinojosa Introduce
Legislation to Make
College Costs More Transparent
Unclaimed Money in the State of Texas is
Steadily Rising and has Hit an All Time High,
$4 billion
Bill Would Allow American Families to Make
Informed Decisions When Selecting Colleges
Washington, D.C. Today, Rep. Elijah E.
Cummings, Ranking Member of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, and Rep.
Rubén Hinojosa (D-TX) introduced H.R. 4533, the
Net Price Calculator Improvement Act of 2016,
which would improve existing calculators used by
students and their families
to estimate the costs of
attending college.
U.S. Rep. Elijah E.
Cummings (D-Md.)
“Students and their
families deserve reliable
information about the
costs of attending college
in order to make informed
decisions,” Cummings
said. “I hope Congress will
pass this common-sense
legislation—which passed
the House in 2014—and
send it to the President’s
desk so we can increase
transparency and help
See NET PRICE, page 8
Screenshot of the website. One
of their revolving banners post a “Come and Get It!” message refering to nearlly $4 billion in unclaimed monies.
ing in on some extra
funds for a number of citizens. The amount can
vary from as little as
25cents to thousands of
dollars and until recently
to claim your funds all you
had to do was go to,
type in your name and
press search. If your name
appeared you would fill out
a form and send it to the
Comptroller’s office.
Now, if you visit the
site, it states funds under
$25 are not listed. So how
do you know if you have
money that is owed to you
if it’s not listed? How will
you go about claiming your
funds if the State’s website
does not list them? It may
seem like a trivial amount,
however last year alone
the Comptroller’s office
processed 34,000 claims
for funds less than $25.
The Comptroller’s office claims it is committed
to transparency and keeping its citizenry informed
so why the change? According to an official from
the Comptroller’s office
it’s a matter of numbers.
The claim is, the average
small claim is $10 and it
requires $13 to process
each request, alluding to
the State losing money.
According to the
Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts Annual Financial Report of 2014, the
unclaimed property fund
received $460 million in
gross revenues, made
$205 million in claimant
payments and transferred
$255 million to the general fund.
Unclaimed money in
the state of Texas is
steadily rising and has hit
an all time high, $4 billion
according to the State
Comptroller’s Office. And
what do they do with all of
those funds when no one
claims them? According to
the law, the State cannot
use the funds, however
they can be used as a
source of state revenue. In
other words, lawmakers
can use these funds to inflate their state budgets.
Unclaimed money
comes from a number of
sources. Some of which
include: Dividend, payroll
or cashier ’s checks Stocks, mutual fund accounts, bonds - Utility deposits and other refunds Bank accounts and safe
deposit box contents - Insurance proceeds - Mineral interest or royalty payments - Court deposits,
trust funds, escrow accounts.
All businesses entities as well as government institutions are required by state law to report any funds or property
when the rightful owner
fails to claim it. However,
until recently these businesses were not required
to provide the owner’s details for properties under
$50. So for example, in
2014 the Comptroller’s office received $9.5 million
reported as aggregate
properties that could not
be published, claimed, or
returned to rightful owners
because the property was
reported without the
owner’s information. This
restricted the ability of
citizens’ ability to claim
ownership of their property.
It is not only the duty
and responsibility of the
State to make any and all
public information easily
assessable to consumers
but also act in good faith.
By removing funds under
$25 from its website the
State Comptroller’s Office
is purposely engaging in
trickery and disenfranchising a large portion of Texans. As it happens, one in
four Texans has money
being held by the State
Comptroller’s Office waiting to be claimed
Hamilton was Elected Sheriff
of Travis County in 2004
elected sheriff of Travis
County in November of
Board from 1996 to 2004. He has served since
2000. He was then elected January of 2005 and anpresident of the National nounced in late 2015 that
Liquor Law Enforcement he would not be seeking
Association (NLLEA) and reelection. In addition to
was a recipient of their serving
Law Enforcement Agency Hamilton is a national
of the Year Award in both speaker and trainer for the
1996 and 2003. The Na- Office of Juvenile Justice
tional Association for the and Delinquency PrevenAdvancement of Colored tion (OJJDP) under the U.S.
People (NAACP) honored Department of Justice. He
him with the Law Enforce- also helps United States
ment Leadership Award.
colleges prevent binge
was drinking as a member of
the Mothers Against Drunk
Driving (MADD) National
College Commission Advisory Board and was honored
organization’s Difference
Makers Award.
To join the Austin
Spurs in celebrating Black
History Month and honoring Sheriff Greg Hamilton
on this special night,
visit, or call
(512) 236-8333 for ticket
By Arlene L. Youngblood
Austin Metroplex Chapter
of National Women of
Achievement, Inc. will induct 15 honorees for the
Fourteenth Biennial African- American Women’s
Profiles of Prominence
2016 ceremony (formerly
known as the Hall of
Fame). This year’s program will be held on Saturday, March 26, 2016 at
St. James Missionary Baptist Church, 3417 East Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.,
Austin, Texas at 6 p.m.
with a reception afterward.
The 15 new members
of the 2016 African-American Women’s Profiles of
Prominence are:
ARTS: Para Agboga –
Museum Site Coordinator
and Theatre Manager for
the Carver Museum and
Cultural Center.
Brinkley, Ph.D., Licensed
Psychologist for The
Brinkley Center and Board
Member for Alliance for
African-American Health
in Central Texas.
· Vonnye
RiceGardner, Adjunct Professor for Austin Community
College and Travis County
Historical Commission volunteer.
· Opal Irving – retired county agent for
Texas Agricultural Extension Services and Austin
Food Bank volunteer.
Linda Y. Jackson, Director
of University Relations for
Huston-Tillotson University and Southern Regional
Youth Coordinator for Zeta
Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.
Rosalee Martin, Ph.D., Sociology Professor and Acting Dean for the College of
Arts and Sciences for
Huston -Tillotson Univer-
Huston-Tillotson University
Basketball Player Shai Fields Named
Red River Athletic Conference Player
of the Week
THE VILLAGER/February 19, 2016 ~ Page 3
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Shai Fields of Huston-Tillotson University (Texas)
WACO, Texas – Shai
Fields of Huston-Tillotson
University (Texas) stood out
as the Red River Athletic
Conference (RRAC) Men’s
Basketball Player of the
Week for the dates of Feb.
8-14. This is the 14th weekly
award of the 2015-16 basketball season.
Fields averaged 39.0
points per game as the
Rams split a pair of conference contests last week.
The junior guard from
Houston accounted for 34
points and five rebounds
in a 100-89 loss to Texas
College. Fields then
erupted for 44 points with
five three-pointers to
spark a 107-96 road victory over University of St.
Thomas (Texas). For the
week, he connected on 23of-53 field goal attempts
and 25-of-30 free throws.
With a nation-leading 28.3
points per game on the
season, Fields is vying to
become the fourth RRAC
men’s basketball player to
win the NAIA scoring title.
Previous scoring champi-
ons were Rod Nealy
(Houston Baptist, 2003),
Ronnie Battle (Bacone,
2010), and Xavier
Roberson (Our Lady of
the Lake, 2015). HT sits at
3-10 in conference play
and 6-15 on the season.
Additional nominees included Cory Jones
(W iley), Curtis Jones
(Langston), Joe Jackson
(Our Lady of the Lake),
Chris Key (Jarvis Christian), Brian Sylvester (LSU
Alexandria), and Josh
Walker (LSU Shreveport).
sity and published author.
Enders, M.D., pediatrician
for Austin Regional Clinic
and medical ministry volunteer for Greater Mt.
Zion Baptist Church.
· Sandra Fitzpatrick,
J.D., Associate Judge for
the City of Round Rock and
Austin Lawyers Care volunteer.
· Kimberly WilsonVincent, J.D. – Attorney for
The Fowler Law Firm, PC
and board member for the
Capital Area AIDS Legal
LEADERSHIP: Ita Ufot, Environmental Engineering
Consultant and American
Red Cross Disaster Relief
Doris J. Williams, Retired
Lieutenant Colonel for the
United States Army and
Substitute Teacher for the
Pflugerville Independent
School District.
Founder and Chief Executive Officer of BeeSweet
Lemonade and a student
at Trinity Episcopal School.
LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT: Susie E. SansomPiper, Retired Educator,
free-lance historical writer
for The Rockdale Reporter
and musician for the St.
James Missionary Baptist
Church Goldenaires.
Dorothy Madison, Retired
Educator, and a member
of Links, Inc. and Jack and
Jill of America, Inc.
Deborah Duncan, Program
Coordinator for the Austin/Travis County Health
and Human Services Public Health Division and
Friendly Visitor and Care
Giver volunteer who provides Faith-Based Services
to Homebound individuals.
This year’s honorary
chair is Dr. Gregory J.
Vincent, Vice-President,
Division of Diversity and
Community Engagement
for The University of Texas
at Austin.
An independent selection review committee, composed of members of the Greater Austin Community, selected
the inductees. The public is invited. For more information about the
event, email Austin.nwoa
Villager Youth Brigade will be taking sponsorships
starting summer of 2015.Your support has been
much appreciated over the years. Please continue
to invest in Austin’s youth. We look forward to
another successful year with some promising
students. FMI Call 512-476-0082
La Génération des Vainqueurs
Ministry Church
Stephanie N’Cho
Associate Pastor
Tuesday - Friday: 3pm -10pm
Walking and Appointment
Wednesday Bible Study | 7:45pm
Friday Prayer |7:45pm
Sunday Service | 10:00am
Send your information to
or call 512-476-0082
Olive Branch Fellowship of Austin / All Faith Chapel
4110 Guadalupe St Bldg #639 Austin, TX 78751
This life, therefore, is not righteousSunday Morning
ness, but growth in righteousness; not health,
Worship @ 11: am
but healing; not being, but becoming; not rest,
but exercise. We are not yet what we shall be,
but we are growing toward it. The process is
not yet finished, but it is going on. This is not
the end, but it is the road. All does not yet
gleam in glory, but all is being purified.
--- Martin Luther
Kenneth Hill, Pastor
Romans 5:1 Therefore,having been
justified by faith, we have peace
with God through our Lord Jesus Christ
St. Peter’s United Methodist Church
4509 Springdale Road Austin, Tx 78723
Office 512- 926-1686 Fax 512-929-7281
Christian Web
Felix Bamirin, Pastor
@ 12424 Scofield Farms Drive, Austin, TX 78758
(By Parmer Lane Baptist Church building, behind Wells Fargo)
Experience Grace For Life
Call: 682.472.9073 l Email: l
*We cash ALL Tax Refund*Checks *Check Out
450l East Martin Luther King Blvd.
Ebenezer Baptist Church
1010 East 10th Street 512-478-1875 Fax 512-478-1892
Bus Ministry
Rev. Jack C. Gause
Sunday School
8:45 a.m.
Praise and Worship 10:15 a.m.
Wednesday Bible Study 12:00 p.m.
and Praise /Bible Study 6:30 p.m.
(to include Children’s Choir Rehersaland
Bible Study with age appropiate Activities)
Call 512-478-1875
Sunday Services
Worship Service
Sunday School
Discipleship Training
Worship Service
8:00 A.M.
9:00 A.M.
10:00 A.M.
11:00 A.M.
Midweek Prayer Service
7:00 P.M.
Child Development Center
Ages 0-5 years
(Daily) 512-478-6709
Dr. Ricky Freeman,
Mount Sinai Missionary Baptist Church
5900 Cameron Road
Austin, Texas 78723-1843
(512) 451-0808 (512) 302-4575 Fax
Web Site -
Sunday Worship - 7:45 a.m. & 11 a.m.
Church School - 9:45 a.m.
Bible Studies - Mon, 6:30 p.m. & Wed., 12 noon
Wednesday Night Worship - 7 p.m .
“Ministries For Mankind” Luke 4:18
A.W.. Anthony Mays, Senior Pastor
Agape Baptist Church
In “The Centre” Bldg. F-15 7801 N. Lamar Blvd. (SE Corner of N Lamar and 183)
AGAPE is a chuch for all people. “Where Jesus Christ is Magnified and the love He
exhibited is Exemplified.” Come, receive God’s unconditional lovefor you.
For there is no greater love!
Church Services
Sunday School
Sunday Worship
9:30 AM
11:00 AM
Mid-Week Service Thursday: Praise,
Prayer and Bible Study 7:00 PM
Call 454-1547 for Transporation
Rev. H. Ed Calahan
A Ministry That Ministers
Globalizing the Gospel
Edward M. Fleming,
Sr. Pastor
Visit our website @
1179 San Bernard Street,
Austin, TX 78702, 512-478-7023
Sunday Morning Bible Study, 9:00 A.M.
Sunday Morning Worship, 10:15 A.M.
DAVID CHAPEL Missionary Baptist Church
SUNDAY | Christian Education 9:15a.m.
Worship 10:30 a.m. (MLK)
Nursery Available
TUESDAY | TNT Bible Study
(Pflugerville) 6:45p.m.
WEDNESDAY | Prayer & Praise 7:00p.m.
Bible Study 7:30p.m.
Do you have church news? Would you like to
purchase a monthly ad for your church?
Inquire TODAY!
469-226-4679 |
805 S. Sherman St. Richardson, TX 75081
Dr. Joseph C. Parker, Jr. 512-472-9748
Senior Pastor 2211 E.MLK @ Chestnut St. Austin, TX 78702
Imani Community Church
Davis Elementray Auditorium
5214 West Duval Road
Sunday School
Worship Service
•Power Hour Bible Life Group
9:00 A.M.
10:00 A.M.
6:00 P.M.
Imani Complex & Office,
11800 Mustang at Duval
Austin, Texas 78727
Rev. Dr. Jacquelyn Donald-Mims
Office: 512-343-9300
The Church of Pentecost
Leading People to Experience God’s Love, Know Jesus Christ & Grow in His Image
The Church of Pentecost, USA Inc,
Austin offers a wide variety of opportunities for children, youth, adults, and older
adults to be involved in worship, spiritual
growth, education, community outreach,
and making a tangible difference to those
7801 N. Lamar Blvd, in need in our community. You too, can
Suite D 102,
make a positive difference in our commuAustin, Texas 78752 nity through your prayers, your presence,
your gifts, your service, and your witness.
Tel: 512 302-1270
Worship: Sunday-10:00 am - 12:30 pm
Tuesday Bible Studies-7:30pm - 9:00 pm
Friday Prayers-7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Page 4 ~ THE VILLAGER/February 19, 2016
Youth of Today
Hope of Tomorrow
1st African American Female Pilot
left Texas in 1920 to go to
France to become a pilot.
There she completed flight
training at the best school
in France and was
awarded her Federation
Aéronautique International License on June 15,
1921. She traveled Europe,
gaining further flying experience so that she could
perform in air shows. AfKevin Parish
ter 10 months of perfectPark Crest M.S.
ing her skills she became
For black history the first licensed African
month I am writing about American pilot. When she
Bessie Coleman. She was returned to the U.S she
born in Atlanta, Texas on performed a series of air
January 26, 1892. Educa- shows. On April 30, 1926,
tion for Coleman was lim- Coleman and her meited only to the eighth chanic William D. Wills
grade. When she was were test flying and a
done with school she wrench got stuck in the
worked as a laundress to gearbox and jammed it,
get enough money to at- sending the plane twisting
tend Langston University. downward.
After one year at Coleman was not wearing
Langston, she had to leave a seat belt so she was
because she ran out thrown and died instantly.
money. After working and Her mechanic William D.
saving enough money she Wills died in impact.
"Remember Who You Are"
English teacher and and
taught in the 20's - 40's.
She did not aprove of the
use of bad grammar. She
advocated for busing African American students to
Austin, TX so they could
get a better high school
education. Caldwell Elementary School
Ava Roberts
Pflugerville was named in
Spring Hill Elementary
her honor.
Fannie Mae Caldwell
Mrs. Caldwell was a
was born a slave on May native of Pflugerville, TX!
1, 1900. She became an She died on May 13, 2004.
Black History Month Kids Day
SaNaya White
Ann Richards
Last Saturday, February 13th was a special
day for the kids of Austin
TX. This was a time to
enjoy learning about and
being involved in their
culture/heritage. It was
special because it was
the first time kids had the
chance to go and learn
information about their
past. The activities were
held at The George
Washington Carver Museum, Cultural and Genealogy Center located at
1165 Angelina Street Austin, TX 78702. Some of
the activities that took
place were African Drumming, photo-grams, music, crafts, dance, and
story time.
The dance activity
2016 Dunk Contest
Ira “T.J.” Williams
Cedar Ridge H. S.
On Saturday, February 13th, 2016, the NBA
(National Basketball Association) held their All-Star
Skills Night in Toronto,
Ontario, Canada. The
event was filled with some
of the league’s best and
brightest stars doing what
they do best. However, the
highlight of the evening
was the Verizon Slam Dunk
Four contestants
from different teams competed by showing their tremendous leaping ability
while pulling off fancy and
Zachariah Washington
Crockett High School
“The daguerreotype
is not merely an instrument which serves to
draw Nature; on the contrary it is a chemical and
physical process which
gives her the power to
reproduce herself.” This
quote is from the lighting
and photographer aspect
of the Daguerreotype one
of Daguerre’s invention
which I will explain later.
Daguerre was born on
November 18, 1787 to
two loving parents by the
name of Anna Antoinette
Hauterre and Louis
Jacques Daguerre. Louis
Jacques Daguerre died
on July 10, 1851. Originally Daguerre was
trained as painter and
during his lifetime he created beautiful and marvelous
Daguerre was first occupied as an inland revenue officer. Some of his
most famous artworks
are Boulevard du Temple,
Architectural Study, and
Linterieurd’ un Palais
Medieval. As a child
Daguerre lived in Bry-surMarne, France. During
his life as a painter he
assisted Pierre Prevost (
1764 – 1823) in the execution panoramic views
of Rome Italy, London
England, Jerusalem Israel
and Athens Greece, Because of political upheaval during and after
the Revolution, young
Louis’ formal education
was limited and inconsistent. He did, however,
show a talent for drawing, and at 13 became
apprenticed to an architect. According to some
accounts, he also worked
as a customs official
early in his career. When
Daguerre created the Daguerreotype in 1839 his
focus was not on theater
per say but towards Photography. Daguerre’s
contribution was unique
because he was the first
person to create image
photography and created
projection on the stage
so now we can project
things using lights and
images because of
Daguerre’s invention.
The Diorama was unique
because without his invention we could not use
3d perspective and see
things many different
seemingly impossible
dunks. Zach LaVine, the
2015 Dunk Contest champion, and newcomer,
Aaron Gordon quickly blew
past the first two rounds
and faced off in the championship round. LaVine
has a registered 41.5 inch
vertical leap and Gordon
has a registered 39 inch
vertical leap.
The championship
was thrilling and entertaining from the moment it
started. Aaron Gordon performed three dunks where
he jumped over the Orlando Magic’s mascot.
However, Zach LaVine took
over the contest by executing three dunks from the
free throw line. The contest had to go into two extra rounds because the
two contestants kept tying
scores. But in the end,
Zach LaVine came out on
top and won his second,
consecutive dunk contest.
These two athletes have
brought back the excitement and intensity to the
NBA Dunk Contest.
Kid’s Day
Louis Jacques Daguerre
Valentine's Day
Valentine’s Day, my school
hosted a Valentine’s Day
dance. It was pretty fun
and a lot of my friends
were there. It was also the
first dance where one of
my friends didn’t start crying halfway through. It was
literally the best dance of
the year until they stopped
it early. My friends said it
was because there was a
fight but one fight is such
Genesis Stiggers
an unfair reason to stop
Elgin Middle School
the whole dance. Anyway,
As you know Febru- I believe the dance was
ary 14th is Valentine’s Day. awesome and fun no matFor me, my Valentine’s ter what people say.
Every Valentine’s
Day was pretty good. Although I had to start the Day I think about what it
day off doing chores, I got will look like next year. Will
to spend the night at my I still go to dances? Or will
best friends house. I had I be one of those snobby
a lot of fun and there was eight-graders who think
a lot of games we played that all school dances are
that I will play later on. I stupid like my sister was
also had a blast playing last year? I have no idea
with their dog Molly. Al- what Valentine’s Day will
though I had to leave the look like next year, but I do
next morning, they had know that I won’t be one
caught a live possum in an of those girls who sits back
animal trap, which was waiting for a boy they like
also the closest I’ve ever to ask them out, because
boys are annoying! Have a
been to a possum.
On February 12th, great Valentine’s Day and
or the Friday before I’ll see you later.
was a demo of Dance
Discovery's pre-school
dance class presented by
Mrs.Lisa. The story read
was called "Chocolate
Me!" It was read by Ms.
Doreen Boyd, the Carver
Library's managing librarian. I participated with 2
other family members
and we all agreed that it
was a very fun activity.
My favorite part was the
drumming because each
and every time I tapped
the head of the drum I felt
like I was telling pieces
of an untold story. I felt
like I was just able to tune
out all the other drummers and play my own
drum! It was an amazing
experience for me and
hopefully for others.
A lot of people attended, but if you did not
get the opportunity to attend this year because
you did not know about it
or you did not think it
would be fun and interesting. I recommend you
go next year because I
really enjoyed it. Find a
activity that opens you up
to your culture and
shows you who you really
are. "Play Your Own
Sarah Robertson
Athlos Leadership Acad.
This past Saturday I
went to an event called Kids
Day at the Carver museum.
Kids day was on Saturday,
February 13, 2016 for the
purpose to let kids know
and learn some interesting
facts about black history.
The activities that they had
was: African drumming,
crafts inspired by black history month, a Chocolate Me!
Story time, etc. They had a
Juneteenth scavenger hunt
for which you had to answer
some questions about the
end of slavery, the Emancipation proclamation and
Juneteenth. They had a lot
of volunteers from
AmeriCorps to help out with
the kids day.
I really enjoyed going
and celebrating Kids Day at
the Carver Museum. I would
really hope that everyone
would get a chance to go to
the Carver Museum and library to see the importance
of black culture.
Dino and Rock N Roll Plays
Malakhi Washington
Cunningham Elementary
Last week my school
had a play about dinosaurs
for all of the third graders.
The play was funny, because there were a lot of
funny jokes. My art teacher
made different Dinosaur
hats for the kids and they
were soo cute! They sang
songs about rapters and all
of the other dinosaurs. I
think that my music teacher
was trying to go by the grade
levels. The third grade play
ended with a lot of kids doing flips and cartwheels all
across the stage!
The fourth graders also
had a play but it was a rock
n roll play!! My music
teacher came up with most
of the songs we sung in the
play. I was a disco dancer,
and everyone loved it!! The
two plays were alike because there was a lot of
dancing and singing, but
with two different themes.
I really enjoyed myself! I
could really tell that all of
the third and second graders put a lot of hard work
into it!!! I know that the
next plays are going to be
THE VILLAGER/February 10, 2016 ~ Page 5
Black History Month George “Mickey” Leland: A Fighter
200 years and that's
placed into one month. I
don't even recognize this
"Black history month"
stuff someone made up. I
celebrate black history
month, every month because they don't teach it at
school. The only thing they
teach at school is how my
people were put in slavery
Damon Luckett II
Black history month is
Hays High School
just a fancy way for differBlack history month ent races to say, "we get
shouldn't be Black history that black people had a bad
month. My history past". To me, there is no
shouldn't be placed in Feb- Black history month. Nothruary only. My people ing on earth could make me
were taken from our home feel comfortable with putcountry for a distribution ting pain and hurt of my hisidea called slavery for over tory in one month.
Stokely Carmichael
mous slogan, “Black
Power!". Stokely was a tremendous student and was
offered many scholarships
to predominantly white
schools, but he chose
Howard University because of its black history.
Stokely was elected national chairman of the
SNCC (Student Nonviolent
Coordinating Committee,
Averill Topps
it was a very important
O. Henry Middle School
student Civil Rights group)
Hello everybody, to- in May 1966. Stokely was
day I am going to talk an inspired orator, persuaabout a black man named sive essayist, effective orStokely Carmichael. Be- ganizer and expansive
fore I do that though I thinker. He was also the
want to talk about a big honorary prime minister
event coming up at my for the Black Panther
school. At O'Henry we are Party. Stokely died on Noabout to have STARR tests vember 15, 1988 and will
(a test to show how much be remembered forever.
you’ve learned over the
Well that's all for toschool year). I am kind of day but I will be back next
nervous, but I know I will week to tell you more
do a good job.
about what goes on at my
Stokely Carmichael school and the latest local
was a U.S. civil right activ- news. Until Next Time...
ist who made the very fa- Go O'Henry Mustangs!
Front Row: Erika Lipscomb and
February guest speaker Mr. Justin
Humphreys; Back Row: Wesley
Dickerson, Kevin Parish, Ava
Roberts, Latrice Lipscomb, Jarian
Galloway, SaNaya White and Sarah
Robertson. Photo by Angela Wyatt
UT System Invests $2M to
Expand ‘Engineer Your World’
and Offer College Credit to
High School Students
AUSTIN, Texas — The University of Texas System
Board of Regents has invested $2 million to expand The
University of Texas at Austin’s Engineer Your World program to better prepare high school students for college
engineering programs and allow them to receive college
credits. For more information, contact: or visit
Against World Wide Hunger
“Mickey” Leland was
America's most effective
spokesman for hungry
people in the United States
and throughout the world.
During six terms in the Congress, six years as a Texas
state legislator and, Democratic National Committee
official, he focused much
needed attention on issues
of health and hunger and rallied support that resulted in
both public and private action. Leland combined the
skills of the charismatic
leader with the power of a
sophisticated behind-thescenes congressman. He matured during his years in Congress into a brilliantly effective and influential advocate
for food security and health
care rights for every human
being. When Mickey Leland
died in 1989, he was Chairman of the House Select
Committee on Hunger. His
committee studied the problems associated with domestic and international hunger
and then delivered the practical solution of food.
Early Life and Education
George Thomas "Mickey"
Leland, III, was born on November 27, 1944, in Lubbock, Texas, to Alice and
George Thomas Leland, II. At
an early age, he, along with
his mother and brother (William Gaston Leland), took up
residence in the Fifth Ward
of Houston, Texas.
Growing up in a predominately African American
and Hispanic neighborhood,
Leland's first experience with
the "public" was in a segregated public school. Leland
showed early promise as a
student, however. He ranked
in the top ten percent of his
class when he graduated in
1964 from Philis Wheatley
High School in Houston,
Texas. While attending TSU
(Texas Southern University)
in the late sixties, Leland
Southern University's School
of Pharmacy in 1970 with a
Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy. He served as an Instructor of Clinical Pharmacy
at his alma mater from 197071, and set up a "door to
door" outreach campaign in
low-income neighborhoods
to inform people about their
medical care options and to
perform preliminary screenings. During the same period
Mickey Leland organized and
led the Black Citizens Action
Teams ("Black Cats") to protest against police brutality.
During the administration of President
Leonard O. Spearman,
Leland received an honorary
doctorate degree from Texas
Southern University. He married the former Alison Clark
Walton, a Georgetown University law student, in 1983.
Congressman Leland fathered three children, Jarrett
David (born February 6,
1986) and twins, Austin
Mickey and Cameron George
(born January 14, 1990, after
Leland's death).
Leland's Political Career In 1972, Mickey Leland
was elected to the Texas
House of Representatives
from the 88th District of
Houston, Texas. He served in
the Texas Legislature until
1978. In Austin, Leland became famous as the champion of health care rights for
the poor. Leland was largely
responsible for the passage
of legislation that provided
George “Mickey” Leland
November 27, 1944 - August 7, 1989
low-income consumers with
access to affordable generic
drugs. He also supported the
creation of health care access through Health Maintenance
(HMO's). To accomplish his
goals in Austin, he served on
the Texas State Labor Committee, State Affairs Committee, Human Resources Committee, Legislative Council,
and Subcommittee on Occupational and Industrial
safety. Leland was also
elected Vicd Chair of the
Joint Committee on Prison
Reform. He was the AfricanAmerican legislator to serve
on the Senate-House conference Committee as a mem-
ber of the House Appropriations Committee.
Congressman Leland
was elected in November
1978 to the United States
house of Representatives
from the 18th Congressional
District of Houston, Texas.
His congressional district included the neighborhood
where he had grown up, and
he was recognized as a
knowledgeable advocate for
health,children and elderly.
His leadership abilities were
quickly noted in Washington
and he was chosen Freshman
Majority Whip in his first
term, and later served twice
as At-Large Majority Whip.
Leland was re-elected to
each succeeding Congress
until his death in August
As he visited soup
kitchens and makeshift shelters, he became increasingly
concerned about the hungry
and homeless. The work for
which he is best remembered began when Leland
co-authored legislation with
Rep. Ben Gilman (R-NY) to establish the House Select
Committee on Hunger.
Speaker Thomas P. "T ip"
O'Neil named Leland chairman when it was enacted in
Committee's mandate was
to "conduct a continuing,
comprehensive study and
review of the problems of
hunger and malnutrition."
Although it had no legislative jurisdiction, the committee, for the first time, provided a single focus for hunger-related issues. The
committee's impact and influence would stem largely
from Con- gressman Leland's
ability to generate awareness of complex hunger alleviation issues and exert his
personal moral leadership. In
addition to focusing attention on issues of hunger, his
legislative initiatives would
create the National Commission on Infant Mortality, better access to fresh food for
at-risk women, children and
infants, and the first comprehensive services for the
Biography provided by
the Mickey Leland Center on
World Hunger & Peace at
Texas Southern University.
Page 6 ~ THE VILLAGER/February 19, 2016
African American Teen Shot Dead by the APD
by Tsoke
(Chuch) Adjavon |
Villager Columnist
therefore had no gun was
still deemed to be a
threat by the officer. AcMonday, February 8, cording to the Austin Po2016, an African Ameri- lice Department, the
can teen named David shooting death occurred
Joseph was shot dead by “outside the dash board
the responding Austin camera of the officer and
Police Officer. After re- consequently there is no
sponding to the “distur- video evidence of this
bance scene,” the APD deadly encounter. Just
shot and killed the teen, recently, there have been
David Joseph. According to numerous police forums
the APD officer, David Jo- in Austin calling for the
seph did not follow need to equip all police
through to his commands officers with body cam- APD Chief Art Acevedo
After the recent
and consequently, the of- eras. However, there has
ficer used “deadly force”. not been any APD officer shooting, a lot of conDavid Joseph
Although, David Jo- “officially wearing body cerned citizen groups have
seph was “naked” and
“outcry” to yet another
by Tsoke
(Chuch) Adjavon |
Villager Columnist
On February 15,
2016, KAZI with Hopeton
Hays held their habitual
book review at the
Pflugerville Public library.
For this show, a University of Texas, at Austin,
Professor Mr. Kevin
Cokley was their guest for
the Book Review Club.
Mr. Kevin Coakely was invited to talk about the
book he recently wrote
called “The Myth of Black
At the book review,
Dr. Cokley spoke about
police shooting. Numerous questions have been
raised, such as, “Why
couldn’t the officer use a
“stunt gun” or shot the
teen in a non-life threatening location. Despite,
the fact that officer who
shot the teen was also an
African American, the
equation of APD’s over
usage of deadly force
should change. In other
words, it points to the
fact that the APD’s training regardless to their
race, still tends to be
more aggressive when
dealing with Black/African American suspects.
An African
Heritage and
Biblical History
Early Voting Has Begun
by Tsoke
(Chuch) Adjavon |
Villager Columnist
his book. He mentioned
that his book “debunk” a
lot of statements in
which conservatives have
stated that African
American students don’t
want to perform academically. According to
Professor Cokley, “the
data points that African
American students are
eager to learn as much as
Prior from writing
his book, he had written
numerous essays in regards of African American and Education. Just
recently, he wrote a
book. Dr. Cokley stated
that his book, “The Myth
of Black Anti-Intellectualism” provides, “a comprehensive and critical
examination of black
identity and its implications for black academic
achievement and intel-
UT Austin Professor
Kevin Cokley
lectualism.” It uses African American identities
as the framework to understand
achievements.It also exposes the bias of “deficit
thinking” that presumes
that under-achievement
among black students is
related to deficiencies in
motivation, intelligence,
culture, or socialization”.
Dr. Cokley is a professor in the Department
of Educational Psychology as well as the Department of African and African American Diaspora
Studies. Dr. Kevin Cokley
“encompasses numerous
facets of African American psychology. Specifically, Dr. Cokley researches racial and ethnic identity development
and correlates of academic achievement such
as academic self-concept”
After months of campaigning, the polls in Central
Texas have finally opened
up. For these election cycles,
Central Texan voters especially, Democrats have a long
list of candidates on the ballot. Since, this is “the presidential year of elections”,
the experts are believing
that more people will go out
to the polls.
On the top of the ballots it will be between Madame Secretary Hillary
Clinton versus Senator
Bernie Sanders who are
both running for the White
House. In addition, there are
numerous “down ballot
races” such as the Travis
County Precinct Commis-
Candidate Eldridge
sioner Race, the Constable
Race, Travis County District
Attorney Race, the 345th
District Court Race and the
450th District Court Race. As
one can see, there are numerous races that the voters
must pay close attention to
while casting their votes.
In the 345th District
Court Race, both candidates
are vying to replace former
Judge Stephen Yelenoski.
The 345th District Court is a
“civil matter” that deals with
non-felony cases. One candidate, Jan Soifer is considered to be the “establishment” candidate while Melissa Mather is considered to
be “non-establishment”
candidate. So far, Jan Soifer
the former Travis County
Party Chair has received all
the endorsements from the
various Democratic Party
clubs. On the other hand,
Melisa Mather has not received much support from
the party.
THE VILLAGER/February 19, 2016 ~ Page 7
The Winners of the ’47th NAACP Image Awards’ Announced Live
by Naomi Richard | The Austin Villager Newspaper
The winners of the “47th NAACP Image Awards”
were announced during the live broadcast from Pasadena Civic Auditorium which aired on TV One (9-11 p.m.
ET live/PT tape-delayed) on February 5, 2016. The twohour live special was hosted by Anthony Anderson.
There was a one-hour live pre-show from the red carpet hosted by Terrence Jenkins and Tracey Edmonds.
NAACP Chairwoman Rosyln Brock presented the
NAACP Chairman’s Award to Brittany “Bree” Newsome;
Justice League NYC; Concerned Student 1950 Collective at the University of Missouri, Columbia; The University of Mississippi NAACP College Chapter; Rev. Dr.
Otis Moss III; Rev. Dr. Howard-John Wesley; Rev. Dr.
Jamal Harrison Bryant, and Jussie Smollett.
NAACP President Cornell William Brooks presented the NAACP President’s Award to John Legend.
Some of the biggest names in film, television and
music appeared including Viola Davis, Gabrielle Union,
Gina Rodriguez, Kerry Washington, Morris Chestnut, Ice
Cube, LL Cool J, Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Tika Sumpter,
Keegan-Michael Key, O’Shea Jackson Jr., Jurnee
Smollett-Bell, Chadwick Boseman, Shameik Moore,
Abraham Attah, Michael B. Jordan, Tracee Ellis Ross,
Loretta Devine, Shonda Rhimes, Omari Hardwick,
Wendy Raquel Robinson, Sanaa Lathan, RonReaco Lee,
Keke Palmer, Teyonah Parris, Michael Ealy, Tom Joyner,
LeToya Luckett, Ken Jeong, F. Gary Gray and more. Also
expected are cast members from “Empire” – Terrence
Howard, Taraji P. Henson, Jussie Smollett, Bryshere Gray,
Grace Gealy, Trai Byers, Serayah, Gabourey Sidibe,
Ta’Rhonda Jones, Kaitlin Doubleday, Lee Daniels, Danny
Strong and more.
The winners of the “47th NAACP Image Awards” in
the non-televised categories were announced during a
gala dinner celebration that took place Thursday, February 4, 2016, at the Pasadena Conference Center – the
event was hosted by Affion Crockett and Nischelle
Turner. The awards dinner included a special tribute to
Julian Bond, former Chairman of the NAACP.
The NAACP Image Awards is the premiere
multicultural awards show. It celebrates the accomplishments of people of color in the fields of television, music, literature and film, and also honors individuals or
groups who promote social justice through creative endeavors.
For a complete list of the 47th NAACP Image Award
winners, visit
The City of Austin Announces 6 Week
Summer Internship for High Schoolers
The City of Austin will
have summer youth employment for rising high
school sophomores, jun-
iors and seniors. It’s a six
week internship, 20 hours,
and paying $8 per hour.
DPR Construction will receive Subcontractor and Material Vendor proposals for an ‘earlyrelease’ civil package (surface parking lots), as part of the Charles Schwab Corporate
Campus project, located at 2309 Gracy Farms Lane in Austin, Texas. Proposals will be
accepted on or before March 1, 2016 at 2:00 PM CST. Proposal packages include the
following trades:
Erosion Control & Tree Protection
Site Demolition
Asphalt Paving
Parking Striping / Parking Signage / Parking Bumpers
Street End Barricades
Site Concrete
Site Caulking & Sealants
Site Utilities (Storm Only)
Landscaping (Trees Only) & Irrigation
Misc. Sub-Tier Electrical (please note that the Electrical scope of work for
this project was awarded under a previous bid package)
For additional information, or to obtain project documents, please contact Mark Gray at, or Ryan Krogstad at (512) 345-7699.
Subcontractors and Material Vendors are encouraged to attend one of the two scheduled
pre-bid conferences to be held at DPR’s main office, located at 9606 MoPac Expressway
North, Suite 300, Austin, TX 78759:
February 23, 2016 @ 2:00 PM CST, or
February 24, 2016 @ 2:00 PM CST
DPR Construction is an EEO Employer and all HUB and M/WBE Subcontractors and
Material Vendors are strongly encouraged to submit proposals for this project.
In the meantime,
please join us at our Tuesday, March 8, 2016 meeting at 6 PM at St. James
Baptist Church, 3417 Martin Luther King Drive, Austin, Texas 78721. Please
“Like” and “Invite” your
friends to like the
w w w. Fa c e b o o k . co m /
Save the Dates: SXSW
Black Lives Matter Second
Line Music March at 10:16
AM on March 19, 2016
starting at the Historic Victory Grill, 1104 East 11th
Street, Austin, Texas
78702. Protest at the Corrections Corporation of
America’s Austin Transitional Center on March 21,
2016 at 12 PM Noon in
honor of the historic protest of Robert Sobukwe of
South Africa protesting
mass incarceration of
Big Estate Sale for
Lorene Lofton
When: Friday Feb 19
and Sat Feb 20
Where: 2205 S L Davis
Time: 9am-2pm
Selling: Hats, purses,
clothing, shoes,
appliances, and much
Cash Only, please
New Jobs for the
Week of 02/14/2016
Multiple Locations
Job# 1602008
Multiple Locations
Job# 1602003
Technician, Science Lab-PartTime (75%)
Pinnacle Campus
Job# 1602007
Technician, Heating Ventilation &
Service Center
Job# 1602005
Faculty, Technical Welding
Round Rock Campus
Job# 1602002
Apply at HR
Middle Fiskville Rd.
6th Floor, Austin, TX 78752
Job Line (512 223-5621
Michael B. Jordan poses in the press room with
his awards for outstanding actor in a motion picture
for “Creed” and entertainer of the year at the 47th
NAACP Image Awards at the Pasadena Civic Auditorium on Friday, Feb. 5, 2016, in Pasadena, Calif.
(Photo by Chris Pizzello/Invision/AP)
City of Austin Featured Job
The City of Austin is currently accepting
applications for the following positions:
• Public Event Worker, (15 Temporary
• Community Recreation Activity
• Lifeguard (100 Temporary/Seasonal
• Facility Service Coordinator
• IT Application Developer Senior and IT
Application Developer (2 Openings)
• Street & Bridge Operations Crew Lead
• Power System Engineer Senior
Please visit the City of Austin employment
website at to view
requirements and apply for these and other job
opportunities. We encourage you to check the
employment website often as new job
opportunities are posted daily.
If you have any questions or need assistance,
please call 512-974-3210 or email us at
The City of Austin is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
City of Austin
Purchasing Office
The City of Austin Purchasing Office invites
you to view current bid solicitations at https://
w w w. c i . a u s t i n . t x . u s / f i n a n c e o n l i n e /
Vendors are encouraged to register on-line in the
City’s Vendor Self Service System. Once your
company is registered, you will receive notifications about new bid opportunities. For additional
information regarding current bid opportunities
or Vendor Registration, please call the Purchasing Office at 512-974-2500.
For information on the City of Austin’s Minority Owned and Women-Owned Procurement
Program and the certification process, please
contact the Small & Minority Business Resources
Department at 512-974-7600 or visit their website
Page 8 ~ THE VILLAGER/February 19, 2016
The Net Price Calculator
Improvement Act of 2016 would
require higher education institutions
to display prominently on their
websites the costs of expenses
Continued from page 2
BALTIMORE (Jan. 9, 2007) Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV) The Honorable
Dr. Donald C. Winter, right, U.S. Rep. Elijah E. Cummings (D-Md.), Maritime
Industries Academy Principal Kevin Brooks, and students of the academy sing
the national anthem. Secretary Winter and Rep. Cummings spoke to approximately 300 students at the academy about career opportunities in the Navy and
Marine Corps. The academy is designed to prepare students on a job-readiness
track for maritime related industry occupations. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Kevin S. O'Brien (Released)
more students accurately compare college
cost estimates.”
“The financial pressure of enrolling in and attending colleges and universities in our country can
be highly stressful and burdensome,” said Hinojosa.
“In response, the Net Price
Calculator Improvement
Act will provide aspiring
students and their families
with current and accurate
data to consider their options and arrive at a more
informed decision that will
be among the most impor-
tant and transformative in
their lives. We must ensure greater cost transparency and affordability to
create a more inviting experience in the pursuit of
higher education.”
Congress first required Net Price Calculator tools in 2008 when it
reauthorized the Higher
Education Act, but implementation has been inconsistent and has led to confusion among students
and institutions over the
specific data provided by
the calculator.
The Net Price Calculator Improvement Act of
2016 would improve existing law by requiring higher
education institutions to
display prominently on
their websites the costs of
tuition, room and board,
and other expenses. The
bill also would protect students using the tools from
personal data collection,
and it would authorize the
Secretary of Education to
create a universal calculator
to enable students to easily
and quickly compare college cost estimates.