zForum_Winter2010_6:_09 Forum
zForum_Winter2010_6:_09 Forum
F rum Volume 27, Issue 3 Winter, 2010 THE NORTH AMERICAN FORUM ON THE CATECHUMENATE To Hold in Trust… Linda Krehmeier, Chair, Board of Directors At this time there are eight members of the Board of the North American Forum on the Catechumenate: Rev. Bill Burke, Ottawa, ON (Board secretary); Mr. Steven Janco, Chicago, IL.; Ms. Linda Krehmeier, Albuquerque, NM, (Board chair); Sr. Priscilla Lemire, RJM, Manchester, NH; Sr. Miriam Malone, SNJM, Los Gatos, CA; Ms. Michelle Miller, Ottawa, ON; Mr. James Schellman, Washington, DC (executive director and ex officio member); and Rev. Richard Vega, Chicago, IL (Board treasurer). You have heard from me and you know Jim, Forum’s executive direcLinda Krehmeier tor. In this and the following newsletter I want to take the time to introduce you to the other six Board members. They commit five years to serving as a member of the Board of Directors, and as members they give of their time and expertise for the good of Forum. ____________ Steve Janco, a Forum Team member since 1998, joined the Forum Board in 2010. A composer of liturgical music, Steve is the director of the Rensselaer Program of Church Music and Liturgy at Saint Joseph’s College, Rensselaer, IN, serves as liturgy and music director at St. Eulalia Parish in Maywood, IL, and continues to be involved with the Archdiocese of Chicago Office of Worship. He holds a Master of Church Music degree from Concordia University Chicago and a Doctor of Ministry in Liturgy from Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. Steve served as the music director for the 2008 Forum Convocation and recently contributed an article on the impact of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults on liturgical music ministry in the U.S. to The Impact of the RCIA, edited by Jerry Galipeau (World Library Publications). Miriam Malone is a member of the Sisters of the Holy Names, an international congregation of women religious. She holds the Doctor of Ministry degree from continued on next page The Mission of The North American Forum on the Catechumenate is the full implementation in all parishes ofthe Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults and its implications for reconciliation. Table of Contents Forum’s Board and Staff.....................................3 Matching Gifts Campaign........4 Initiation in Multiple-Parish Communities ............................5 Online Webinar.........................7 Catholic Coalition on Climate Change........................8 2010 Webinars, CDs available ...........................9 Resource Reviews Pastoring Multiple Parishes: An Emerging Model of Pastoral Leadership............................10 2011 Calendar ...........................12 WINTER 2010 2 FORUM NEWSLETTER continued from previous page San Francisco Theological Seminary. She served as Director of Christian Initiation for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles prior to spending two years Miriam Malone Michelle Miller Richard Vega as an itinerant min- Steve Janco ister in Alaska. In 2000 she founded Michelle Miller, who joined the Forum Board in 2010, SNJM FIRE for Ministry, a consulting ministry dedicatwas involved in initiation ministry in the Washington, ed to facilitation, in-service, retreats and education. She DC, area for over 17 years. Most of her ministry experiis currently serving as interim director for the Masters ence has been with adults with emphasis on welcoming Program in Pastoral Ministry at Holy Names University Catholics in their 20s and 30s, primarily through campus in Oakland, CA. A Forum Team member, Miriam ministry, the parish initiation process, and her work in authored Enter the Rose: Unfolding the Mysteries of NCYAMA (National Catholic Young Adult Ministry Faith (World Library Publications), a resource for Association). After cross-border dating for 5 years, she Christian initiation and retreats, and writes for liturgical recently married and moved to Ottawa, Ontario. Michelle and catechetical publications. has served as a Forum Team member since 2004 and has produced the first two webinars sponsored by Forum. Richard Vega, Board treasurer, is a priest of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and currently serves as president of the National Federation of Priests Councils (NFPC). His pastoral work has included serving as pastor and as parochial vicar the Archdiocese of Los Angeles; in addition to his parish work, he has been a presenter for the Offices of Religious Education and Worship in both regional and conference settings. A particular interest of Richard’s is the implementation of the RCIA within the Spanish-speaking communities of the United States. He is the author of numerous articles on the process of Christian initiation of adults within the Hispanic community and has contributed several articles to La Iniciacion Cristiana: Un Recurso Basico (Liturgy Training Publications). In the next issue of the newsletter I will introduce you to the remaining Board members. As we move through this season of joyful expectation and hope, may we continue to journey with our catechumens and candidates as we prepare ourselves for the coming of Christ in both word and sacrament, the Christ who is present and still to come. 3 WINTER 2010 The North American Forum on the Catechumenate 125 Michigan Ave., NE Washington, DC 20017-1004 (202) 884-9758 Fax (202) 884-9747 www.naforum.org FORUM NEWSLETTER info@naforum.org Mission The North American Forum on the Catechumenate (Forum) is an international network of pastoral ministers, liturgists, catechists, and theologians united to share the vision and practice of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. Mission Statement The mission of The North American Forum on the Catechumenate is the full implementation in all parishes of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults and its implications for reconciliation. Theological Foundation The Mission of Forum is grounded in a ✦ The processes of adult learning are normative. theology based on the experience of Organizational Traits Forum’s operations, behaviors, attitudes, and actions exhibit these traits: ✦ God’s gracious initiative ✦ the paschal mystery of death and resurrection in ✦ Excellence: The highest level of competence, creativity, and Jesus Christ professionalism are strived for at all times. ✦ the prophetic power of word and sacrament ✦ Stewardship: Human, material, environmental, and financial resources are administered with responsibili✦ the shared life and wisdom of the people of God , ty and accountability. graced and sinful ✦ Respect: The precepts that all life is sacred, that each ✦ listening to the voice of the poor and oppressed human being is unique, and that all deserve to be ✦ conversion to the freedom of disciples treated with dignity are affirmed in speech and action. ✦ working for justice and peace for the world ✦ Collaboration: Cooperation, consultation, Formational Principles To remain faithful to the vision of communication, and networking are normative for the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, Forum adheres to all Forum projects. these principles: ✦ Inclusivity: Forum relies on the diversity of gifts ✦ Initiation begins with evangelization leading among its members and proactively seeks a full range to conversion. of diversity in all areas of its ministry. ✦ Catechesis, community, liturgy, and mission Integrity: Honesty, justice, and ethical behavior are ✦ are formative. hallmarks of Forum’s work. ✦ All cultural gifts are honored and celebrated. ✦ The methods of theological reflection are pastoral. The FORUM Newsletter is published three times a year by The North American Forum on the Catechumenate and is available, free of charge, to all interested persons or institutions. Please address all correspondence to the address listed above. Permission is granted to all subscribers of the FORUM Newsletter to reprint any articles or news items in the newsletter (permission not granted for graphics and copyrighted text). Include the following notation with the reprint: "Reprinted from the FORUM Newsletter, (Date). No further reproduction permitted without permission. For more information contact The North American Forum on the Catechumenate, 125 Michigan Avenue, NE, Washington, DC 20017-1004- Send a copy of the reprint to Forum for our records. Copyright © 2009, The North American Forum on the Catechumenate. Founder Rev. James B. Dunning (1937-1995) Board . of Directors Staff Rev. William Burke Ottawa, Ontario Sr. Miriam Malone, SNJM Los Gatos, California Mr. James M. Schellman Executive Director, ext. 4 Mr. Steve Janco Forest Park, Illinois Ms. Michelle Miller Ottawa, Ontario Ms. Linda Krehmeier, Albuquerque, New Mexico Rev. Richard Vega Chicago, Illinois Ms. Aleli Belonia Institute Manager, ext. 3 Business Support, ext. 2 Sr. Priscilla Lemire, RJM Manchester, New Hampshire Be a Part of Forum’s 2010 Matching Gifts Campaign! Advent & Christmas 2010 Dear Friend of the North American Forum, We hope you can redirect some of your end-of-year giving to the Church’s essential mission of bringing people to Christ in the Catholic tradition. Become a partner with ministry colleagues throughout the United States and Canada in Forum’s 7th Annual Matching Gifts Campaign Several impassioned Forum supporters have banded together to offer a challenge grant of $20,000 for the 2010 Campaign. Together we can meet their generous challenge! Each dollar you give is matched by one of theirs. The goal is to match the challenge grant for a total Campaign gift of $40,000. This gift goes immediately to help keep costs down for all who take part in Forum’s life-changing formation institutes and conferences and who experience our webinars. All gifts are appreciated! Gifts of $200 or more will be acknowledged in the 2011 Forum Newsletter. Please help meet the challenge today by giving online at www.naforum.org (click Online Giving) or by sending your gift to: The North American Forum on the Catechumenate P.O. Box 79459, Baltimore, Maryland 21279-0459 U.S.A. All thanks and blessings this Advent & Christmas in Christ, who comes to mend and make whole this broken, beloved world. Sincerely, James M. Schellman, Executive Director The North American Forum on the Catechumenate is a not-for-profit organization in the U.S. with a 501(c) 3 IRS ruling. Contributions to Forum are 100% tax deductible under current U.S. law. WINTER 2010 5 FORUM NEWSLETTER Initiation in Multiple-Parish Communities— An Opportunity? By Jim Schellman, Executive Director For some years now parishes throughout North America have linked, merged, or clustered in some way into multiple-parish communities. They have been busy learning how to be about the Church’s mission of evangelization and how this takes flesh in the ministries of initiation in this new context for many. This is a form of on-the-job training Jim Schellman for many pastoral leaders in these parishes. This learning is sometimes done with good knowledge of the Church’s teaching on evangelization and the vision and practice of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), sometimes not. With earnest intent and often by virtue of circumstances beyond their control, notably, a decrease in the number of priests in many places, pastoral ministers are working hard to serve their newly reconfigured communities of faith as they learn how to apprentice newcomers to Christ in the Catholic tradition. • clarify challenges and opportunities for RCIA in these settings • develop initial ideas for best practices in these settings and what is needed to help form pastoral ministers in them • encourage and support one another! Four Bases of Catechumenal Formation Consultation participants shared their various experiences of multi-parish communities, ranging from those with a full, continuing life in the individual parishes and a loose linkage in staffs and programming to an altogether newly configured community where several independent parishes had formerly existed, and many variations between. This sharing was rich and very challenging. The gathering of experience was then described in terms of the four bases of catechumenal formation described in para. 75 of the RCIA: • Catechesis (Word) • Liturgical Celebration • Community Life as a Whole • Apostolic Witness/Service Determined to get hold of these developments and be of use, and with the help of a generous grant from the ACTA Foundation, the North American Forum on the Catechumenate sponsored a consultation this past October in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Specially identified participants were invited from throughout the United States and Canada. About 30 assembled for a two-day, specially designed process under the direction of Mark Mogilka and Kate Wiskus, co-authors of Pastoring Multiple Parishes: An Emerging Model of Pastoral Leadership (see “Resource Review” in this issue of the Forum Newsletter). The goals of the consultation were several. To— • gather the varieties of experience of linked/clustered parishes and their impact on implementation of adult initiation (RCIA) Many practical issues surfaced, some of which concerned the linking process as such. Among these were: care for the identity of the individual parishes even as they forge a new corporate identity; the need for a collaborative ministerial approach and visionary management of the process of linking; a focus on mission and how all else needs to serve this; clarity as to roles of existing staff in the new configuration; a commitment to resolve conflict in an open way conducive to the good of the whole; logistical questions related to the who, what, and where of formation and the celebration of the rites. The participants dreamed a little about how these issues might be addressed in the best of circumstances and resources and then turned to identifying challenges and opportunities for initiation in the present and future of multiple-parish life. continued on next page WINTER 2010 6 FORUM NEWSLETTER continued from previous page Challenges and Opportunities for Initiation in Multiple-Parish Communities As anyone experienced in the ministries of adult initiation knows well, the strengths and weaknesses of the process in any given community have much to do with the strengths and weakness of the parish’s life as such. This came out in the part of the consultation focused on challenges and opportunities for initiation in linked parishes. After a great deal of work brainstorming what these were, the participants weighed which were the greatest. Chief challenges for initiation in these contexts that were identified were: • staffing patterns: insufficient numbers of staff, lack of shared vision and lack of formation and training • a lack of communication within and between communities and leaders • the need to help linked communities reflect together prayerfully in order to align their vision and mission with Christ’s in this new configuration • a lack of understanding of the RCIA process Chief opportunities, again in weighted order, were: • opportunity to shape whole of parish life by the vision of the RCIA • from parochialism to a larger sense of community—moving beyond concern for what is good just for my own parish to what is good for this larger Catholic community • a wider and perhaps deeper pool of qualified sponsors and other ministers and more opportunities for training them Strategies to Address Challenges and Opportunities Various levels of Church life were identified as arenas needing assistance. These included parish, diocese, and the national levels in both the U.S. and Canada. Forum was asked to offer appropriate leadership and resource assistance at each level. Many ideas were generated, for example, continue to research what is being done and what “best practices” are emerging in initiation in the context of the varieties of linked parishes, ensure writing that makes the fruits of this research available to many, gather another consultation to go deeper, pilot an institute that will offer what is emerging and help form pastoral leaders in best practices. Please stay tuned as Forum sifts the results of the consultation and develops ways to carry its energy and vision forward. Within the next two years we plan to develop and offer an institute to begin to form parish ministers more intentionally in the practice of initiation in multiple-parish settings. I invite those immersed in this experience to be in touch with me to share your insights and emerging wisdom: jschellman@naforum.org. Thank you! WINTER 2010 8 Join the Work of the Catholic Coalition on Climate Change Links for further information: www.catholicclimatecovenant.org www.jubileeusa.org/climate www.unfccc.int. FORUM NEWSLETTER By signing up at www.catholicsandclimate change.org you will be kept up-to-date on how you can put your faithful stewardship into action. You will receive regular email and action alerts reflecting the U.S. Bishops’ public policy priorities as well as news on efforts to care for creation from the Vatican, the U.S. Bishops, state Catholic conferences, dioceses, and parishes. 9 WINTER 2010 FORUM NEWSLETTER NOW AVAILABLE! CD Recordings of Forum’s 2010 Webinars _________ Mystagogy: A Catholic Approach to Living the Christian Life By Ronald Oakham, O.Carm Discernment: Listening to God in Initiation & Parish Ministry By Donna Steffen, SC CD Selection Method of Payment (prices are in $ U.S. and include postage and handling) By check: Please make check or money order payable to The North American Forum on the Catechumenate By credit card: I authorize NA Forum to charge my: ■ VISA ■ M/C ■ Discover ■ Mystagogy, Ron Oakham—$27 ($30 outside U.S.) ■ Discernment, Donna Steffen—$27 ($30 outside U.S.) OR ■ BOTH CDS—$46 ($52 outside U.S.) Name: _________________________________________________ For the amount of $_____________ (US) Card # _________________________________ Expiration date________________ Email:__________________________________________________ Validation 3-4 digit (back of card) ____________ Day phone: _____________________________________________ Name on card (print)__________________________________ Parish/Organization:_______________________________________ Signature _______________________________ Address: ________________________________________________ Cardholder phone: ________________________ Submitting Order City:___________________________________________________ State/Prov __________________________ Postal Code: __________ Please mail (or FAX at 202-884-9747) this completed form with payment to: The North American Forum on the Catechumenate P.O. Box 79459 Baltimore, MD 21279-0459 USA WINTER 2010 10 FORUM NEWSLETTER RESOURCE REVIEW Pastoring Multiple Parishes: An Emerging Model of Pastoral Leadership By Mark Mogilka and Kate Wiskus Published by Loyola Press, $11.95 (U.S.), 169 pages Reviewed by Jim Schellman In a number of dioceses throughout North America, the process of linking parishes is well underway. How thoughtfully is this development taking place, and with what vision and care? How might it be done better? In Pastoring Multiples Parishes, Mark Mogilka and Kate Wiskus show that they have listened closely to a number of parish leaders who have been immediately involved in this experience. And out of this listening they articulate ways in which the experience can be improved and sometimes become an opportunity for new vision and mission in parish life. The book is one outcome of the “Emerging Models of Pastoral Leadership Project.” The project’s guiding vision is of a pastoral leadership that is increasingly collaborative, well-prepared, and focused on Christ’s mission. For full information please visit www.emergingmodels.org. Six national ministry organizations are cosponsors of the work, and two of them have had particular responsibility for the “Multiple Parish Pastoring” part of the overall project—the Conference for Pastoral Planning and Council Development (CPPCD) and the National Federation of Priests’ Councils (NFPC). Based on research reports, a 2006 symposium, and two pilot training programs with 400 pastoral leaders taking part, Mogilka and Wiskus introduce the increasing effects on pastoral ministry of decreasing numbers of priests, offer a proactive approach to the process of transition this requires, develop the role and responsibilities of the pastor and parish staff in these “multiple-parish ministry” situations, present six basic models that are emerging for multiple-parish leadership, identify traits of healthy collaboration and “best practices” in the transition to a multiple-parish community, and look to the future of these developments. Pastoring Multiple Parishes is a bracing read. Typical solutions to the shortage of priests have been parish closures, creation of larger parishes, appointment of parish life coordinators, recruitment of foreign-born ministers, and the assignment of priests to multiple-parish communities. The multiple-parish solution is the fastest growing of these, and the authors anticipate that before long more than half of parishes in the United States will be sharing a pastor in some way. Bracing indeed! WINTER 2010 11 FORUM NEWSLETTER RESOURCE REVIEW The transition to a multiple-parish community can be daunting and often threatening. If this is so for the communities involved, it is as much or more so for the pastoral staffs. The study identifies five areas of concern that came up again and again for staffs: the quality of communication, the need for a sense of stability in ministry, the pastor’s ease with collaboration, and the intentional formation and supervision of staff through the transition and following. Many of us will know that these are issues for many parishes even apart from the major change of combining them in some way. These then necessarily become points of strain in the uncertain circumstances of parishes linking. Mogilka and Wiskus helpfully develop some of the traits to help make such transitions healthy and life-giving: • the articulation of common goals and priorities and a unity that flows from this • stability achieved through success—folks see some gains from shared resources and life and so experience a level of satisfaction and stability that encourages the process forward • stewardship of resources is held as a governing principle—combining and distinguishing human and material resources as needed for successful multiple-parish life and ministry • growth—when parishes linking begin to move from a concern for survival to a sense of possibility and see benefits in increased membership, participation and sense of ownership • balance—a lived experience of how the needs of individual parishes and those of the linkage as a whole can be met and enhanced as a result of the linkage • energy—Pastoral staffs are invited throughout the process to experience new energy and a deeper sense of mission in a wider, less parochial context The increase in multiple-parish communities has huge and ongoing implications for the Church’s mission of evangelization and how this takes flesh in the ministries of initiation. Who takes leadership responsibility for the initiation process? At which site is this or that liturgy of the process celebrated? Does each linked community have its own responsibility for the apprenticeship formation in the Catholic way of life? What of this is shared, what separate? Where does catechetical formation happen and when? Where are the trained catechists to lead this formation? Where and how is the Triduum celebrated? And so on. These are concerns that the North American Forum on the Catechumenate is actively addressing. With a lot of hard work we expect to be able to pilot an institute on initiation in the context of multiple-parish communities in the next two years. Please stay tuned! 12 WINTER 2010 FORUM NEWSLETTER The North American Forum on the Catechumenate’s Pastoral Training Institutes provide ministers—volunteer and paid, full and part-time, lay and clergy - with deeper understanding of the vision of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults and the fundamental and advanced skills to implement all aspects of the Rite and its implications for reconciliation. Institute leaders are among North America’s most experienced pastoral ministers, liturgists, catechists, and theologians. 2011 CALENDAR ■ THE INITIATION EXPERIENCE INSTITUTES present the compelling vision and pastoral skills to implement the initiation process and emphasize the relationship of good liturgy to good catechesis. BEGINNINGS & BEYOND INSTITUTE BEGINNINGS “PLUS” INSTITUTE June 8-11, 2011, Diocese of Dallas (TX) - Spanish June 8-11, 2011, Diocese of Dallas (TX ) - English June 22-25, 2011, Diocese of Saginaw (MI)— with focus on adults & children July 28-31, 2011, Diocese of St. Augustine (FL)— with focus on adults & children August 4-7, 2011, Diocese of San Bernardino (CA)— bilingual BEGINNINGS INSTITUTE August 4-6, 2011, Archdiocese of Denver (CO) October 20-22, 2011, Diocese of Charlottetown (Prince Edw. Island) CONCERNING THE BAPTIZED June 17-18, 2011, Diocese of Arlington (VA) July 29-30, 2011, Archdiocese of San Francisco (CA) August 22-23, 2011, Diocese of Albany (NY) ■ THE INITIATING COMMUNITY INSTITUTES explore advanced issues of implementation for experienced ministers as they broaden the initiation experience to include the entire community. Small groups discuss, share, and critique models. DEVELOPING THE MINISTRIES FURTHERING THE INITIATION EXPERIENCE PRAYING THE RITES ECHOING GOD’S WORD September 23-24, 2011, Diocese of Calgary (AB) IMAGING THE INITIATION PROCESS IN SMALL CHURCH COMMUNITIES ■ AMBASSADORS OF CHRIST: ■ INITIATION IN RURAL AND SMALL PARISHES (Diocesan Events) ■ THE FOCUS ON INITIATION INSTITUTES concentrate on specific aspects of initiation using presentations, celebrations of the rites, and small group discussions. It is preferable that they follow the Initiation Experience Institutes. CATECHUMENATE September 16-17, 2011, Our Lady of Light Parish (Ft. Myers, FL) October 21-22, 2011, Archdiocese of Atlanta (GA) PURIFICATION AND ENLIGHTENMENT MYSTAGOGY CHILDREN AND CHRISTIAN INITIATION March 29-30, 2011, Diocese of Trenton (NJ) BUILDING RECONCILING COMMUNITIES explores the ministry of reconciliation invites participants to reflect on the vision and process of conversion and reconciliation explores an understanding of a reconciling community rooted in initiation examines present processes and future possibilities for reconciling ministry in the parish ■ THE VISION OF INITIATION MINISTRY CONFERENCES (Diocesan Events) introduce the vision and practice of initiation in a two-day format for individual dioceses, formation institutions, and religious communities. For clergy and other pastoral ministers, together or in separate conferences. August 12-13, 2011, Diocese of Fresno (CA) – Bilingual October 21-22, 2011, Diocese of Yakima (WA) – Bilingual ■ THE EVANGELIZING PARISH: VISION, PASSION, PRACTICE develops the vision and practice of evangelization and how this creates parishes of mission Evangelizing Parish Institutes September 16-17, 2011, Diocese of SpringfieldCape Girardeau (MO) September 23-24, 2011, Diocese of SpringfieldCape Girardeau (MO) September 30-October 1, 2011, Diocese of Prince Albert (Saskatchewan) October 21-22, 2011, St. Robt. Bellarmine Parish (Archd. Boston) November 11-12, 2011, Archdiocese of Mobile (AL) Evangelizing Parish Conferences March 4-5, 2011, Lake Geauga District, Diocese of Cleveland (OH) March 18-19, 2011, Archdiocese of Edmonton (Alberta) ■ WEBINARS February 15, 2011, 2pm EDT, RCIA with Children & Implications for All Sacramental Initiation with Children ■ TO BE DETERMINED Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston (TX) Diocese of Rockville Centre (NY) Archdiocese of St. John’s (Newfoundland) St. Louis (MO)—in house institute Diocese of Tucson (AZ) Archdiocese of Washington (DC) The North American Forum on the Catechumenate 125 Michigan Ave., NE, Washington, DC 20017-1004 (202) 884-9758 • fax (202) 884-9747 • E-mail: info@naforum.org Check our website www.naforum.org for the latest calendar and resource updates
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