A thank you to all! - German Cultural Society
A thank you to all! - German Cultural Society
3!).4,/5)3 6WgfeUZWd=g^fgdhWdW[` '%2-!.#5,452!,3/#)%49.%73,%44%2 Dg`VeUZdW[TW` SAINT LOUIS, MISSOURI W WINTER 2015 VOL. 15.3 Deutscher Kulturverein Winter 2015 . Volume 15.3 / / www.germanstl.org [ T hank Y ou John Pappert Memorial Fund The German Cultural Society I would like to make a donation to the John Pappert Memorial Fund in the amount of gratefully recognizes the donors who generously support our dedicated to the Donau Park Expansion Project _______________ to be dedicated to the Donau Park Expansion Project. Please make checks payable to: German Cultural Society, and mail this form and your check to: German Cultural Society, 3652 South Jefferson Ave., St. Louis MO 63118 organization. MATCHING GIFTS ____ Employer / ____ Spouse’s employer will match this gift. Matching Gift Company _________________________(Enclose matching gift form with donation.) Visit www.matchinggifts.com/stlouis for matching gift programs. RECOGNITION Print my name in the Newsletter as: _________________________________OR ______ Anonymous The St. Louis German Cultural Society will mail a donation acknowledgment letter for your tax records. DONOR CONTACT INFORMATION We Thank You and want to acknowledge your donation for tax purposes. Name ________________________________________Phone _______________________ Address _____________________________________City_________________ State _______ ZIP Code ___________Email __________________________________________ Deutscher Kulturverein - German Cultural Society www.germanstl.org 3652 South Jefferson Ave., St. Louis, Missouri 63118 * Phone (314) 771-8368 Website This newsletter can also be found on our website, www.GERMANSTL.ORG The purpose of the German Cultural Society New Website St. Louis German Cultural Society Youth Group Folk Dancers “To foster and practice our culture, customs and folklore in all its forms … meaning language, music, song, dance, crafts, sports and good fellowship –Gemütlichkeit.” To do this as good citizens of the country we live in and to promote understanding with other ethnic groups. The German Cultural Society is a cultural, charitable, not for profit and non-political organization. http://www.germanstl. org/YGwebsite.htm PAGE 2 www.germanstl.org / Deutscher Kulturverein / Winter 2015 . Volume 15.3 How to reach us Dear Members, Liebe Mitglieder Hall Rental Season’s Greetings! In a blink of an eye fall has come and gone and the Holiday Season is quickly approaching. Where has the year gone? Our summer and fall festival seasons were successful - thanks to all of you in our club. Even though it is such a busy season, the food & drinks are always great, the dance groups always impress us with their wonderful dancing and the individual groups of our society continue to dazzle us with their talents and hard work– all of these things are the glue that keeps our festivals together. In the mean time our German hall continues with their every day events. There is ongoing maintenance; electrical–lighting has been replaced and updated in both the big and middle hall, tables and chair storage racks have been made/repaired–all to the credit of our talented maintenance group. Hall rentals have exceeded both at the hall and Donau Park, among those duties are contracts and the opening and closing/locking the facilities (many times late at night). Of course the bar doesn’t stock itself and those great German beers, wines and spirits are to the tribute of our faithful and organized “Bar-Meister”. 314.771.8368 germanstlhallrental@gmail.com Newsletter E-mail 314.413.0483 germanstlmail@gmail.com www.germanstl.org Executive Committee President Monika Lorenz Vice-President Treasurer Terry Ficken Terri Gudowicz Green Assistant Treasurer Ian Romvari Some newer events at the hall were received with enthusiasm the past month. The DKV and Vom Fass jointly sponsored a wine & spirits tasting which was held for the first time preceding the Dammenchor’s Liederabend. The middle hall was elegantly decorated; cheese, crackers and fruit added to the menu of fine wines & spirits from the VON FASS store and attendance was very well received. Recording & Correspondence Just last week our fine Mittleretanzgruppe had their 2nd annual Sock Hop with the proceeds going towards the new freezer in the hall. Members at Large Jessica Romvari If you could read between the lines of this article, you could stop and contemplate all of the in-between ‘jobs’ that make all of these different events happen throughout the year. From working on projects, to decorating, to cooking, to teaching dances, to donating money, time and talents–Who advertises? Who entertains? Who organizes? Who supports? It is all of you that make this organization what it is. On the behalf of the executive board members we would like to extend our thanks to the many workers that contribute so much of their time and efforts in upholding the traditions and values of our German Cultural Society. Katherine Tullmann Wishing you all a wonderful, blessed and safe holiday, Terry Ficken, Denise Ballew Membership Co-Controller Co-Controller Kathy Stark John VanderPluym Matt Stark Michael Wendl Tickets 314.771.8368 germanstltickets@gmail.com Website If you have website changes, send them to Bill Wolz, Webmaster, wolz256@gmail.com Monika Lorenz and the Executive Committee Newsletter Bill Wolz, Newsletter Editor wolz256@gmail.com Please send submissions by: · March 1 for the Spring issue · July 1 for the Summer issue · November 1 for the Winter issue PAGE 3 Winter 2015 . Volume 15.3 / Deutscher Kulturverein Upcoming Events See page 39 for the full Kalender Sunday, December 20 Weihnachtsfeier German Christmas Celebration Jefferson Ave Hall– see page 8 / www.germanstl.org List of Groups Bastelgruppe Arts & Crafts Group Coordinator: Käthe Tullmann ................. 314-842-6798 Ktullmann@charter.net Please call for information and schedule. Damenchor Ladies’ Chorus Coordinator: Käthe Tullmann ................. 314-842-6798 Music Director: Peggy Pancella Choir Practice: Monday @ 7:30 p.m. at DKV Hall Wednesday, December 31 Silvesterfeier German New Years Eve Celebration Jefferson Ave Hall– see page 10 Kindergarten Instructor: Janine Jordan ........................................... janine.solga@hotmail.com Classes: 2nd & 4th Saturday of the month Sept-Apr 9:30 to 11:00 am at DKV Hall. Call to see if classes will be held. Seniorengruppe Seniors’ Group Coordinators: Rose Lengenfelder ................................. 314-631-4364 Saturday, March 5, 2016 Rosenball Jugendgruppe Dance see page 29 Sunday, April 17 Wurstmarkt Jefferson Ave Hall– see page 25 Becky Haas ............................................ 314-487-7852 Senioren Gathering Afternoons: 2nd Tuesday of each month weather permitting from 1:00 to 4:00 pm at DKV Hall. Please call for information. A thank you to all! Named and unnamed--we appreciate all who help throughout the year to make the German Cultural Society the success that it is today. PAGE 4 www.germanstl.org / Deutscher Kulturverein / Winter 2015 . Volume 15.3 Service Groups Bar Committee Festkomitee Bar Co-Manager: Frank Rohatsch ......... 314-843-5295 menus for DKV-sponsored events, including ordering Bar Manager: Hans Lengenfelder .......... 314-631-4364 Bartenders Group 1: Denise Ballew, John Lasinski, Brian Schaffer Group 2: John Haas, Lorenz Kaiser Group 3: Hans Lengenfelder, Steve Meinberg, John Mueller, Matt Stark Group 4: Matt Potje, Steve Potje, Joe Vaughan Group 5: Steve Ballew, Susan Bauer, Marilyn Heidbrink, Christian Hoefke, Charles Tate, Liz Young Group 6: James Provo, Rudi Sterzl Reserves: Ralph Hoffarth, Monika Lorenz, Herbert Lorenz, Ian Romvari, Helga Thalheimer Donau Park Development Group - The Wednesday Group - Donau Park in Jefferson County on a year-round basis. Members: Herbert Fritz, Ralph Hoffarth, Frank Irovic, and serving of food, and the workman-like maintenance of our kitchen facilities and related equipment. Members: Denise Ballew, Lou Eder, Anna Eder, Chuck Jackels, Monika Lorenz, Matt Potje, Barb Potje, Steve Potje, Ruth Vanderpluym, Sarah Birtwistle, Steve Witeka, Lisa and Charles Younger, Erin Stumpf The Festkomitee could not function without the numerous helpers who volunteer every time either in the preparation or the serving of food. We need your help! To help the Festkomitee, please call the Hall. - The Thursday Group - Meets every Thursday to maintain our hall on Jefferson Avenue year-round. Hans Lengenfelder, Sepp Messmer, John Mueller, Members: Henry Erk, Hans Fischer, Nick Glasz, John Sepp Neulinger, Matt Potje, Frank Rohatsch, Rudi Haas, Mike Wendl, Frank Irovic, Hans Lengenfelder Sterzl, Willy Tullmann, Marvin Young For information about volunteering for the Thursday Donau Park Expansion Project Committee Group, please contact Terry Ficken, Coordinator, at 314-566-2080. Coordinator: Fred Goebel Frank Irovic, Klemens Wolf, John Romvari, Ted Mayer Gartenverein Meets to plant and maintain flowers at both locations. Coordinator: Becky Haas Intermediary for Jugendgruppe: Rosemarie Ficken Newsletter Staff Co-Editor Cover design Editor Emeritus Distribution Bill Wolz Mike Major Nick Messmer Bill Wolz How to contact the Newsletter Members: Denise Ballew, Rose Hoh, Rose Lengenfelder, Monika Lucille Schweiss, Kathy & Matt Stark, Joe Wagoner and receiving of the required supplies, the preparing Hall Maintenance Organization Meets every Wednesday to develop and maintain our Lorenz, Karola & Ted Mayer, Mistti Ritter, Responsible for the planning and executing of all Bill Wolz: wolz256@gmail.com, or Liz Young: fizlett@sbcglobal.net Please send submissions by: · March 1 for the Spring issue · July 1 for the Summer issue · November 1 for the Winter issue PAGE 5 Winter 2015 . Volume 15.3 / Deutscher Kulturverein Report from the Chorus We are happy to report that we had a very successful Liederabend. The general opinion of our guests was that it was a most enjoyable evening, because of the “Empfang” wine tasting (thank you, Moni) and the Deutschmeister Brass Band (thank you, Band), the soloists (thank you, Barbara, Theresa, and the Männerchor Quartet), and the kitchen staff. Our director, Peggy, has worked us hard, and we produced an interesting concert. Thanks also to our singers for the cakes, decorating, and assorted other things. A special mention to Kelley Glatt and her team for handling the baskets. That is a lot of work, and it produced really good results. It was a lot of fun, and we hope to do as well next year. / www.germanstl.org News from the Bastelgruppe, aka known as Arts & Crafts Arts & crafts does not have a set schedule for meetings. Our members have worked out of their homes. We are limiting our services to special orders only. Painters and wood crafters are welcome to join us. For more information please contact me at (314)842-6798 or at ktullmann@aol.com We wish everyone a “Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year” Käthe Tullmann We sang at our annual Totengedenksfeier, which gives us time to remember those we have lost. At this time we are practicing for the German service at Peace Lutheran Church and our Weihnachtsfeier. As usual, I would like to invite anyone interested in singing to join us. Further information can be obtained by calling (314) 842-6798, or ktullmann@aol.com The Chor wishes everyone Fröhliche Weihnachten und einen guten Rutsch ins Neue Jahr. Käthe Tullmann The Kinder-Tanzgruppe We start with the youngest Kind(er) at age three to the more “seasoned” Kind(er) at the age of nine. With the Kinder-Tanzgruppe (Children’s dance group), the parents, relatives, friends and volunteers all play a vital role in providing a little German culture and tradition. SUNSET HILLS DENTAL GROUP, INC. 11810 GRAVOIS ROAD ST. LOUIS, MO 63127 For more information contact: DANIEL A. KAUFMANN, D.D.S. Birgit Sterzl McMullen, Dance Instructor 618-654-1340 or 314-852-1340 314-842-5000 EXT. 46 PAGE 6 www.germanstl.org / Deutscher Kulturverein / Winter 2015 . Volume 15.3 Gardening Club Performing Groups Deutschmeister Blaskapelle Deutschmeister Brass Band Winter 2015 President: Helmuth Glatt Secretary/Treasurer: Terri Gudowicz Members at Large: Norbert Glassl and Becky Fischer Band Practice: Wednesdays @ 8:00 p.m. at DKV Hall Tanzgruppen Dance Groups Kindertanzgruppe Children’s Dance Group (ages 3-9) Practice: generally 2nd & 4th Sunday of the month Call Birgit for practice and performance schedules Practice: DKV Hall Coordinator: Birgit Sterzl McMullen ....... 618-654-1340 Mittlere Tanzgruppe Middle Dance Group (ages 10-14) Coordinator: Ruth VanderPluym ............ 618-538-9975 Leaves leaves everywhere. They even managed to find their way under my grandson’s knit cap. When I was a little girl it was permissible to burn the leaves. I do miss that smell. We would know autumn had truly arrived when that fragrance wafted across our awareness. The other thing I STILL love to do is walk through the leaves that have collected along the curbs in our neighborhood. I kick them around, making as much noise as possible. That also has a nice fragrance. Yep I’m still a kid at heart. The other great thing about autumn is the colorful display of mums. Anni Ruppe donated 4 yellow mums that we used at the Denkmal and which will be planted either at the hall, Donaupark, or divided up between them. I would love to arrange a colorful array to burst forth in both places. It will require plenty of effort to have it occur. From the Messmers we had the use of 2 ferns as well. Jugendgruppe This past summer the daisies put forth a nice showing but the Rundel [that area around the flag pole] also will need a bit more work and tweaking to get it looking better next year. Bear with me folks, all gardening is a work-in-progress. Youth Group (Ages 13-26) So long until next year. See website/call Ruth for practice schedule. Coordinator: Rosemarie Ficken ….......... 314-487-3969 Instructors: Jessica Romvari, Jennifer Taylor Becky Haas, Garden club coordinator ~~~~~~~~~~~ See website/call Rosemarie for practice schedules. Practice: DKV Hall Wir Tanzen Tanzgruppe For practice & performance schedules contact: Jessica Romvari ..................................... 314-221-4661 Volkstanzgruppe Coordinator: Monika Lorenz For practice & performance schedules contact: Monika Lorenz ........................................ 314-894-5561 PAGE 7 Frohe Weihnachten! Winter 2015 . Volume 15.3 / Deutscher Kulturverein PAGE 8 / www.germanstl.org www.germanstl.org / Deutscher Kulturverein / Winter 2015 . Volume 15.3 Report from the Deutschmeister Brass Band Reported by Helmut Glatt T he Deutschmeister had a very busy and productive year. We performed at 28 events, eight of which were for the Cultural Society. We became very good friends with many of the folks and nearly all have asked us back for more Schunkeling fun with them next year. Stars of the Morning Show at Fox 2 News’ “Band in a Box.” We spread our Gemütlichkeit across the greater metro area from Jefferson County at our beloved Donau Park to St. Charles, Missouri to Edwardsville, Illinois and as far east as Germantown, Illinois. We hope to expand our reach a bit next year to Peoria and perhaps Chicago! With 25 musicians, we are as strong as ever. And we look as good as ever with our new jackets. Like our vests, they are red, which is a traditional way for Blaskapelle members to distinguish themselves. The jackets bear the Deutschmeister’s crest of a lion holding a stein in one hand and a horn in the other while roaring out, “Zicke Zacke Zicke Zacke Hoi Hoi Hoi!” From every member of the Deutschmeister Brass Band, we wish you a happy and successful new year and hope to see you on the dance floor! Please go to germanband.com to keep up with our schedule. Schön Grüß von Soulard Oktoberfest! PAGE 9 Winter 2015 . Volume 15.3 / Deutscher Kulturverein PAGE 10 / www.germanstl.org www.germanstl.org / Deutscher Kulturverein / Winter 2015 . Volume 15.3 Kindergarten is Back! Bimonthly Saturday fun at the Jefferson Avenue location returns with Janine We had a great start into the new German Kindergarten school year! A lot of new faces that we get to share the wonderful German traditions with! So far we have learned about family, colors, numbers and german traditions like “die Schultüte” and how to trick-ortreat in German - “Süßes oder Saures”! We always have a lot of fun playing games and doing arts and crafts and we would love for some more kids to join the fun! PAGE 11 Winter 2015 . Volume 15.3 / Deutscher Kulturverein / www.germanstl.org at Donau Park “Old” friends gather here. T his year’s Oktoberfests were another great season of music, foods, drink and dancing. Check our website for more pictures of the Jugend at http://www.germanstl.org/YGwebsite PAGE 12 www.germanstl.org / Deutscher Kulturverein PAGE 13 / Winter 2015 . Volume 15.3 Winter 2015 . Volume 15.3 / Deutscher Kulturverein / www.germanstl.org Kirchweih Sunday, August 23, 2015 German Celebration of the Harvest & Church Consecration This year at the Kirchweih, as we have for many years now, we celebrated the consecration of the church back home. The ribboned rosemary stalk was presented by the Jugendgruppe couple, auctioned to the young men, and given to the highest bidder ceremonially. We honor our German roots by dressing in traditional tracht or costume! Thanks to all who put together the event starting with the Catholic mass mostly in German, and of course the dancing, and the hearty meal that followed! PAGE 14 www.germanstl.org / Deutscher Kulturverein / Winter 2015 . Volume 15.3 Buwe, was ham’r Heit? Kirweih! Boys, what do we have today? Kirchweih! PAGE 15 Deutscher Kulturverein Kirchweih Winter 2015 . Volume 15.3 / German Cultural Society Kirchweih continued . . . PAGE 16 / www.germanstl.org www.germanstl.org / Deutscher Kulturverein Kirchweih PAGE 17 / Winter 2015 . Volume 15.3 Winter 2015 . Volume 15.3 / Deutscher Kulturverein / www.germanstl.org Middle Dance Group has been very busy this year working on both folk dances and sock hop dances. In fact, after the sock hop, we still have our favorite performance at the Millstadt Weihnachtsfest at the St James Parish Center on Dec. 6. And, they have already been invited back to the 2016 Hummel Conference in April. On Sunday, Nov. 15 the Middle Group along with some help from a few Jugend Group dancers put on their 2nd 1950’s sock hop. Their goal for holding the sock hop has been to raise funds for the German Cultural Society. This year they are raising funds for a new freezer for the fest kitchen as our old one died shortly after the St. Charles Oktoberfest. The main reason for the sock hop is to celebrate the dancers who are moving up to the youth group in January. Tyler Ballew, Sophie Smith, Amy Wendl, Olivia Heidbrink and Margaret Schaffer are moving up. PAGE 18 www.germanstl.org / Deutscher Kulturverein We transformed the main hall to a place back in time with cute props like our convertible car, table decorations that looked like ice cream sodas and our snack shop. A fun new addition was the Ruthie’s Diner sign that Lou created, and he had matching shirts made for our two chefs. So many people got into the spirit and showed up in poodle skirts, letterman sweaters, bobby socks and cat glasses. The kids performed the jitterbug, charleston, swing, bob, twist, as well as many other dance moves from the 1950’s era. A sweet addition this year was a group of singers “the Frauleinettes.” Emily and Veronica Vanderpluym, Margaret Schaffer, Morgan Allen and Ella Eder sang hits like Lollipop, My Boyfriends Back and Going to the Chapel. These girls harmonized and entertained the audience with their sweet smiles. The fun continued with our own Buzz Ulrich as DJ for the afternoon. He played all the hits from the 50’s and 60’s. Those bobby socks, poodle skirts and cool kids had a blast till the final hour. You could say they “Rocked Around the Clock.” But, the kids weren’t the only one’s having fun. Everyone had a blast from the past. Don’t miss the fun next year! You never know who might show up....Elvis maybe? PAGE 19 / Winter 2015 . Volume 15.3 Winter 2015 . Volume 15.3 / Deutscher Kulturverein / www.germanstl.org Landestreffen Der Donauschwaben USA & Canada 2015 Trip Hosted by Los Angeles Donauschwaben This year’s “Labor Day Trip” was not on Labor Day, but in August because of the distance from most of the Donauschwaben clubs in the US and Canada. It is not as well attended by St. Louisans, but some of us who went tried to sneak in a vacation with the trip! OK, here’s how a meeting of the Danube Schwabians of the US and Canada goes: First we arrive in the host city and the Jugend from each city have a gathering, or in this case a Jugendfreundschaftslager (Youth friendship camp) where they learn some of the old ways, cook and visit some local places, and get to know each other. At some point at every Treffen, a “Friendship dance” is practiced by all youth groups, and then performed the next day. THEN, we wake up the next day and enter the grounds of the Treffen, in this case the Phoenix Club, where we get settled before we meet for an Einmarsch (we march “in”) to a large field usually, where we hear from the host leaders, the Donauschwaben group leaders, and many venerated people who are interested in keeping the culture alive! YES, the speeches! We love them, while our children, youth and adult performers stand proudly alert with our city banner. Following that is the Friendship dance. NEXT, there are 2 venues, a tent and a hall, plus grounds where there are scheduled performances for all of the dance groups, and any groups who come from overseas. Those of us who are there to watch, run from tent to hall and back with our beer, and potato pancakes, and Bienenstich kuchen in hand to see our favorite dancers, and Musikanten, and bands and visit with faraway friends, including dance group and band from Hungary! There are often trinkets, and trachten (costumes) to purchase. And often there is a space to display historical pictures and items from our ancestral homes. Continued on page 24 PAGE 20 www.germanstl.org / Deutscher Kulturverein The American dance program from the Jugendgrupppe Europa tour, as well as the traditional dances were performed at the Tag der Donauschwaben. PAGE 21 / Winter 2015 . Volume 15.3 Deutscher Kulturverein / www.germanstl.org LA Treffen 2015 Winter 2015 . Volume 15.3 / Trachten are switched for summer garb at the dance party! ALL of this continues for the 2nd day of the Treffen, Sunday. And then ends with a dance party in the tent for everyone, but is particularly enjoyed by our young people. THE last day, Monday, we wake to face reality once again; boarding planes, and checking out of hotels, tipping our hotel staff nicely as we kept them busy all night with our partying. BUT, for those who stayed, this year we were treated by our hosts to a day at the beach and in the cool (64 degreee) waters of the Pacific complete with hotdogs and snacks! THANKS to all who came to LA to represent our German Cultural Society and our St. Louis Donauschwaben! We had a good time seeing all the groups, and having a good vacation! Liz Young Some vacation time at the awesome Aquarium of the Pacific. PAGE 22 www.germanstl.org / Deutscher Kulturverein / Winter 2015 . Volume 15.3 All male flying! LA Treffen 2015 “Old” Jugendgruppe friends A set at Warner Brothers Studios was part of the vacation for some. PAGE 23 Winter 2015 . Volume 15.3 / Deutscher Kulturverein / www.germanstl.org Totengedenkfeier A memorial tribute at the Donauschwaben Memorial at Sunset Burial Park was held Sunday, November 1, 2015. Thank you to the executives, Duetschmeister, Männerchor and Damenchor for their tribute to our deceased and kin from here and from Europe. PAGE 24 www.germanstl.org / Deutscher Kulturverein PAGE 25 / Winter 2015 . Volume 15.3 Winter 2015 . Volume 15.3 / Deutscher Kulturverein PAGE 26 / www.germanstl.org www.germanstl.org / Deutscher Kulturverein PAGE 27 / Winter 2015 . Volume 15.3 Winter 2015 . Volume 15.3 / Deutscher Kulturverein / www.germanstl.org St. Martin’s Day in Germany St. Martin’s Day (Martinstag) on November 11 is a religious observance in Germany that is particularly popular with children. It is dedicated to St. Martin of Tours, who was known as a friend of children and a patron of the poor. It celebrates modesty and altruism - both values associated with the Saint. This holiday originated in France, and then spread to England, Germany, Scandinavia, and Eastern Europe. Since the holiday was traditionally followed by a fast that lasted until Christmas, many St. Martin’s Day traditions center on food. Many children build their own lanterns in the run-up to November 11. In the evening on St. Martin’s Day there are lantern processions (Martinsumzüge or Laternenumzüge) in towns and cities all over Germany. They are often led by an actor impersonating the Saint, dressed up as a Roman soldier riding on a horse. At the end of the procession people gather around a large bonfire (Martinsfeuer) to sing songs dedicated to St. Martin, eat pastries, and drink mulled wine (Glühwein). Many Germans celebrate St. Martin’s Day with a festive meal where roasted goose or duck (Martinsgans) is served. Saint Martin of Tours (316 - 297 CE) started out as a Roman soldier, but was later appointed the third Bishop of Tours (France). According to lore, he was a modest and altruistic man. Children are taught the legend of his saving a homeless person from freezing to death by giving him half of his cloak. The tradition to eat a goose (today often replaced by a duck) on St. Martin’s Day is thought to be based on the medieval tax system. November 11 was pay day, and often the tax debt was paid with a goose, so this may be the reason geese play such an important role in legends about the Saint. Another popular story is about a flock of geese who betrayed Martin’s hiding place as he was trying to hide from the people of Tours when they wanted to make him a bishop. St. Martin’s Day is not a public holiday in Germany. Offices, banks, schools, and business are open as usual. Public transport runs on a normal schedule, though the lantern processions may cause minor delays. PAGE 28 www.germanstl.org / Deutscher Kulturverein PAGE 29 / Winter 2015 . Volume 15.3 Winter 2015 . Volume 15.3 / Deutscher Kulturverein / www.germanstl.org STORM RESTORATION SPECIALISTS PAGE 30 www.germanstl.org / Deutscher Kulturverein / Winter 2015 . Volume 15.3 Kenrick’s Meats & Catering 4324 Weber Road, St. Louis, MO 63123 Phone: (314) 631-2440 - Fax: (314) 631-6452 www.kenricks.com Wir sind Ihre Party-Leute “We’re your Party People” Full Service Catering for All Occasions Weddings n Rehearsals n Showers Anniversaries n Family n Gatherings Inquire about our Abundant Selection of Fine Foods n Catering Pick-Up n Delivery Available n Box Lunches n Gourmet Platters n Hors D’oeuvres Kenrick is a proud affiliate of the German Cultural Society 4324 Weber Road, St. Louis, MO 63123 Phone: (314) 631-2440 - Fax: (314) 631-6452 www.kenricks.com Kenrick’s Meats & Catering PAGE 31 Winter 2015 . Volume 15.3 / Deutscher Kulturverein Compliments of the Suntrup Family / www.germanstl.org Markers · Monuments · Vases G a r d e n S pa c e s · L a w n C r y p t s · M a u s o l e u m s Cremain Niches Suntrup Nissan 6000 S. Lindbergh St. Louis, MO 63123 314-892-8200 Suntrup Hyundai 5926 S. Lindbergh St. Louis, MO 63123 314-892-2552 Suntrup Kia 6263 S. Lindbergh St. Louis, MO 63123 314-894-2311 Suntrup Volkswagen 6000 S. Lindbergh St. Louis, MO 63123 314-892-8200 Suntrup Hyundai Wentzville 971 Wilmer Road Wentzville, MO 63385 636-887-8711 Suntrup Kia West 14116 Manchester Ballwin, MO 63011 636-591-2900 Affton Monument Co. We Service All Cemeteries 10180 Gravois St. Louis, MO 63123 314-843-3113 Lynn Stevenson · Jim Leininger www.suntrupnissan.com www.suntruphyundai.com www.suntrupkia.com www.suntrupvw.com www.suntruphyundaiwest.com www.suntrupkiawest.com Family Service Counselors We want your business and we’ll earn it! PAGE 32 www.germanstl.org / Deutscher Kulturverein / Winter 2015 . Volume 15.3 FRANK’S AUTO BODY, INC. 3rd Generation of Collision Repair 1701 Lemay Ferry Road St. Louis, MO 63125 Office: (314) 631-4884 Fax: (314) 638-7947 Frank Rohatsch, Consultant H. Joseph Rohatsch, Owner Joseph M. Rohatsch, Manager www.franksautobodystl.com Gateway Podiatry FOOT SURGERY • SPORTS MEDICINE VINCENT SOLLECITO, III, D.P.M. DIPLOMATE, AMERICAN BOARD OF PODIATRIC SURGERY 3915 WATSON ROAD SUITE 200 ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI 63109 314-352-2711 FAX 314-644-5081 FOR OTHER LOCATIONS CALL: 314-432-1903 PAGE 33 Winter 2015 . Volume 15.3 / Deutscher Kulturverein / www.germanstl.org PLAN FOR YOUR FUTURE . . . PLAN YOUR LEGACY Peace of Mind Begins With a Plan: Revocable Living Trusts Wills Durable Power of Attorneys Health Care Directives Asset Protection Burial Instructions Norbert Glassl Attorney at Law Glassl Law Office, LLC 10805 Sunset Office Dr. Suite 300 Sunset Hills, MO 63127 (314)-525-7160 Hours by appointment Call today for your free initial consultation and evaluation Estate Planning & Administration - Wills, Trusts, Powers of Attorney, Probate Business Law - Formation, Consulting, Disputes ● Family Law - Divorce, Custody, Support Personal Injury ● Traffic ● Auto Accidents ● Civil Litigation and Appeals The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely upon advertisements. PAGE 34 www.germanstl.org / Deutscher Kulturverein / Winter 2015 . Volume 15.3 We assist individuals and small businesses with tax preparation and filing, accounting services, estate planning, and tax strategies. Gratefully serving our clients for over 45 years. Stark & Company, P.C. Certified Public Accountants Matt Stark, CPA, President www.mystlcpa.com 8917 Gravois Road St. Louis, MO 63123 PHONE: (314) 481-7800 7027 GRAVOIS AVENUE ST. LOUIS MISSOURI 63116 (314) 352-2600 johnlz@sbcglobal.net FAX (314) 481-7810 4830 LEMAY FERRY ROAD ST. LOUIS MISSOURI 63129 (314) 352-2600 johnlz@sbcglobal.net ROGER RICHIE PRESIDENT/OWNER Funeral Director Mo. Lic. #3079 www.JLZfuneralhome.com See our website: www.gwsausage.com New Hours: Tuesday 11:00 am - 4:00 pm Wed - Fri 7:00 am - 5:00 pm Saturday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm Bob and Gerhard Wanninger Open Tuesdays through Saturday PAGE 35 Winter 2015 . Volume 15.3 / Deutscher Kulturverein / www.germanstl.org GCS Hall Maintenance HELP NEEDED Handymen and Merry Maids Pro Bono Work Rules On the Job Training No Overtime, Set Your Own Hours Dress Code Optional Liberal Vacation Time Bilingual Not Necessary Introductory Offer Limited Openings COME AND CHECK US OUT! CITY CHAPEL 2906 Gravois St. Louis, MO 63118 772-3000 G SOUTH COUNTY CHAPEL 5255 Lemay Ferry Road St. Louis, MO 63129 894-4500 G AFFTON CHAPEL 10151 Gravois St. Louis, MO 63123 842-4458 CALL MIKE WENDL FOR MORE INFO! 314-842-2652 (H) or 314-330-7802 (C) PAGE 36 www.germanstl.org / Deutscher Kulturverein PAGE 37 / Winter 2015 . Volume 15.3 Winter 2015 . Volume 15.3 / Deutscher Kulturverein / www.germanstl.org Check out our Facebook page German Cultural Society German Cultural Society Of St. Louis 3652 South Jefferson Avenue St. Louis, MO 63118 Want to become a member of the German Please call us at 314-771-8368 to request a membership application. Membership Dues Each member Annual Dues Senior (62 and over ) Adult Youth Group Dancers Middle Group Dancers Kinder Group Dancers NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID ST. LOUIS, MO Cultural Society? PERMIT NO. 9 Duesoccupant may be paid in person or by check made out to “GerAddressee or current man Cultural Society” and mailed to: $15.00 $25.00 $10.00 $ 5.00 $ 5.00 Kathy Stark, Membership 9533 Donalds Ct St. Louis, MO 63126 At least one parent must be a member for children in the dance groups. Thank you for your support which is needed & appreciated. Kathy Stark, Membership Newsletter Published by the German Cultural Society of St. Louis three times each year, and delivered to our members in the first week of April, in the weeks of Independence Day and Thanksgiving. Hall & Office Donau-Park Facilities in Jefferson County 5020 West Four Ridge Road, House Springs, MO 63051 Donau-Park Deutscher Kulturverein German Cultural Society Hall & Mailing Address: 3652 South Jefferson Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63118 Phone & Fax (314) 771-8368 Old Rte 21 - Shady Valley www.germanstl.org Directions: From I-44: Take I-44 to the Jefferson Exit. Head south on Jefferson. Go over Gravois Rd. About 2 miles past Gravois it will be on your left hand side. It is a block before where Jefferson, Broadway, and Chippewa come together. From I-55: Take I-55 northbound to the 4500 Broadway exit. Turn left. Proceed on Broadway to S. Jefferson. It will be a block up on the right, once on Jefferson. March 2011 Directions: From I-270, take Highway 21 south past Highway 141 to the 2nd exit, marked “Old Route 21 - Shady Valley”. Go south (left) on Old Rte 21 to West Four Ridge Road. Turn right. The entrance to Donau-Park is the first driveway at the right. PAGE 38 Newsletter Deutscher Kulturverein Volume 11-1 www.germanstl.org / Deutscher Kulturverein / Winter 2015 . Volume 15.3 Vereinskalender Event Calendar 2015 Volunteer opportunity! Sun DEC 13 Weihnachtsgottesdienst German Service at Peace Lutheran Church Sun DEC 20 Weihnachtsfeier German Christmas Celebration at the Jefferson Ave. Hall Thur DEC 31 Silvesterfeier New Years Eve at the Jefferson Ave. Hall 2016 members to help with the hall rentals. In particular, a person is needed who can come Saturday afternoons for several hours to open the hall for caterers, bakeries and music to set up before the events start that evening. Sat JAN 24 Einführung der Vereinsvertreter Annual Meeting & Installation of Officers & Group Sat MAR 5 John Unterreiner is looking for club Rosenball * By the Jugendgruppe Contact John Unterreiner at 314771-8368 or e-mail at germanstlhallrental@gmail.com Sat MAR 19 Trivia Night * By the Jugendgruppe at the Jefferson Ave. Hall Sun APR17 Wurstmarkt at the Jefferson Ave. Hall Sat MAY 21, Sun MAY 22 Maifest at Donau Park Mon JUN 20- Fri JUN 24 Kinder Sommer Verein Sat JUN 25 Sommerfest at Donau Park Membership Meetings The Membership Meetings will change times per meeting subject to change. For next meetings the following are planned: Sunday Jan 24, 2016,@1:00 Generalversammlung/General Annual Meeting, Election & Installation of Officers, Dinner follows Sunday March 13, 2016, @1:00 Thursday May 5, 2016, @ 6:30pm Thursday July 7, 2016, @ 6:30pm Executive Board Meetings The Executive Board meets on even numbered months (FEB, APR, JUN, AUG, OCT, DEC) on the first Thursday of that month at 7:30 p.m. at our Hall on Jefferson Ave. * Tickets email germanstltickets@gmail.com Please send submissions by: · March 1 for the Spring issue · July 1 for the Summer issue · November 1 for the Winter issue PAGE 39 German Cultural Society NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID ST. LOUIS, MO PERMIT NO. 9 3652 South Jefferson Avenue St. Louis, MO 63118 Addressee or current occupant Newsletter Published by the German Cultural Society of St. Louis three times each year, and delivered to our members in the first week of April, in the weeks of Independence Day and Thanksgiving. Hall & Office The Deutschmeister Brass Band at Channel 2 news studio. 5020 West Four Ridge Road, House Springs, MO 63051 Donau-Park Facilities in Jefferson County Donau-Park Deutscher Kulturverein German Cultural Society Hall & Mailing Address: 3652 South Jefferson Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63118 Phone & Fax (314) 771-8368 Old Rte 21 - Shady Valley www.germanstl.org Directions: From I-44: Take I-44 to the Jefferson Exit. Head south on Jefferson. Go over Gravois Rd. About 2 miles past Gravois it will be on your left hand side. It is a block before where Jefferson, Broadway, and Chippewa come together. From I-55: Take I-55 northbound to the 4500 Broadway exit. Turn left. Proceed on Broadway to S. Jefferson. It will be a block up on the right, once on Jefferson. March 2011 www.germanstl.org / Directions: From I-270, take Highway 21 south past Highway 141 to the 2nd exit, marked “Old Route 21 - Shady Valley”. Go south (left) on Old Rte 21 to West Four Ridge Road. Turn right. The entrance to Donau-Park is the first driveway at the right. Deutscher Kulturverein Newsletter / Winter 2015 . Volume 15.3Volume Deutscher Kulturverein 11-1
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