1 - JobTiger
1 - JobTiger
The Art of Vending Co m p l e t e c ata lo g u e 2013 c o l l e c t i o n The Art of Vending TABLE OF CONTENTS Company profile..............................................................................................2 The complete Design family.................................................................6 G-CafFè.......................................................................................................................8 G-Drink.....................................................................................................................12 G-Snack................................................................................................................... 20 sandenvendo eco-project................................................................. 32 why co2 ?................................................................................................................ 34 Bottle AND Can (B&C)................................................................................ 36 g-frozen................................................................................................................ 42 coin changer...................................................................................................44 © 2013 SandenVendo Specification subject to change without notice - Rev. 0 TAB LE O F CO N T EN T S 1 company profile SandenVendo in Europe has been advancing the vending industry for many decades and is a powerful partner for excellence in quality, reliability and service. We are a “one-stop-shop supplier”, offering a wide variety of vending equipment for hot and cold beverages, snacks and ice cream. but also related products such as sophisticated payment systems and premium coolers. Originally based in Dallas, Texas, USA, SandenVendo continues to deliver the highest standard product diversity since the beginning of it’s operations over 80 years ago. As part of the Japanese Sanden Corporation since 1988, SandenVendo is your global partner in vending and cooling technology, backed by numerous production and service facilities around the world. GLOBAL MARKET SHARE of SANDEN GROUP SANDEN, global specialist in heating and cooling technologies, 25% 30% are recognized as one of the leading companies in thermodynamics both in the automotive industry and mobile appliances such as food refrigeration. Sanden, with its 54 locations in 23 countries, develops and produces vending machines, refrigerated showcases and compressors for mobile air conditioning systems. AUTOMOTIVE VENDING …Delivering global excellence 2 History 1 9 3 1 Vendo r lato r Inc . fo u nded i n F r esno , C al i fo r n i a 1 9 3 7 Vendo C o . fo u nded i n Kansas C i t y , M i sso u r i 1 9 5 6 Vendo C o . m e r g e r w i t h Vendo r lato r Inc . 1 9 6 1 S u bs i d i a r i es establ i s h ed i n Ge r m an y , F r ance and B el g i u m 1 9 6 5 S ett i n g u p of p r od u ct i on fac i l i t y i n C asale , N o r t h e r n Ital y 1 9 6 7 S u bs i d i a r y establ i s h ed in Spain 1 9 8 8 Vendo beco m es p a r t of t h e S anden C o r p o r at i on L a r g es t m an u f a c t u r e r o f b e v e r a g e v end o r s 1 9 9 7 F i r st e x p ans i on of t h e C asale facto r y , Ital y 1 9 9 9 S econd e x p ans i on of t h e C asale F acto r y , Ital y 2 0 0 0 A dd i t i onal off i ces establ i s h ed : Vendo F r ance , Vendo B el g i u m 2 0 0 1 A c q u i s i t i on of Vend h all UK 2 0 0 2 S ta r t of coole r & co i na g e b u s i ness i n E u r o p e 2 0 0 2 N e w facto r y establ i s h ed i n A k a g i , Ja p an 2 0 0 5 Vendo i s r ena m ed to S andenVendo 2 0 11 5 0 t h A nn i v e r sa r y of E u r o p ean O p e r at i on 2 0 1 3 7 0 t h ann i v e r sa r y of S anden C o r p o r at i on co m p an y p r of i le 3 Global Sanden Group 54 Locations in 23 Nations Total employees : 9,800 people (consolidated) TINTENIAC FRANCE PLANT COMPRESSOR PRODUCTION Technical Center Europe in Germany Development of Comp. Sanden manufacturing Poland Sp. Z.o.o. tenjin Plant Development of airconditioning Sanden International USA Detroit Office Development of Comp. Yattajima Plant Development of Auto Equip. Sanden International USA Wylie Development of Comp. SANDEN Forest Akagi Plant Dev.nt of V/M & Coolers SandenVendo America Development of V/M sgct center India Plant Development of airconditioning 4 SandenVendo Europe Development of V/M Singapore Plant Development of airconditioning Thailand plant Development of Coolers Development location VENDING MACHINE PRODUCTION COMPRESSOR PRODUCTION cooler production AIR-CONDITIONING PRODUCTION sales office Philippines Plant Development of Air-conditioning Turnover: Domestic 30% - Overseas 70% a global synergy Manufacturing Structure SANDEN CORPORATION Sanden Akagi Plant (AP) SandenVendo America Inc. (SVA) SandenVendo EUROPE S.p.A. (SVE) SandenVendo Thailand Corporation (stc) SandenVendo Intercool Thailand (sic) SandenVendo Shanghai Refrigeration (ssr) sanden vendo Structure automotive living envoironment SANDEN CORPORATION (sdc) Food and Beverage service (vending) SandenVendo America Inc. (SVA) SandenVendo EUROPE (VDE) production, sales & service Dallas, Texas, USA headquarter sales & service production, sales & service sandenvendo gmbh, germany (SVG) sales & service germany export sales SandenVendo EUROPE S.p.A. (SVE) PRODUCTION (CASALE, ITALY) SPARE PARTS, SALES & SERVICE SandenVendo uk ltd. (SVu) sales & service uk & ireland SandenVendo benelux s.a. (SVb) sales & service benelux & france SandenVendo iberia s.a. (SVs) sales & service spain & portugal co m p an y p r of i le 5 our family is complete. 6 Simply perfect You can now meet all your vending needs with the launch of G-Caffè to compliment G-Snack & G-Drink. Hydro-lution The best features captured with a never ending evolution No brass on board. Water circuit is 100% heavy metal free. Snacking, solved. The best showcase for a variety of choice. D es i g n L i ne 7 Design Line G-Caffè Design FS700 G-Caffè FS Espresso Italy Easy, Friendly, Healthy. NO BRASS ON BOARD. Water circuit 100% heavy metal free. A new emotion. Something to make you feel warm from the inside. SandenVendo presents G-Caffè, the first Espresso Coffee Machine developed in a total fusion of Japanese technology and Italian craftmanship. 8 The first ever automatic 1000 cup vending machine presented by SandenVendo: User friendly, with easy maintenance including the Vendo “all-in-one-site drawer”. A professional coffee brewer and grinder, high capacity double column stirrers dispenser and an innovative capacitive key pad. model espresso single boiler - es7 Espresso Double Boiler - ed7 instant - in7 D I M E NSI O NS H x W x D (mm) 1830 x 650 x 770 1830 x 650 x 770 1830 x 650 x 770 WEIGHT (NET - Standard machine without options) 180 kg 180 kg 180 kg C u ps Up to 1000 Up to 1000 Up to 1000 C u p t y pes 70-73 mm or 80 mm 70-73 mm or 80 mm 70-73 mm or 80 mm S ti r r e r (pc s.) 1000 1000 1000 no. o f se l ections 22 22 22 Pr e -se l ection 1 1 1 VFD (Vacuum fluorescent graphic VFD (Vacuum fluorescent graphic VFD (Vacuum fluorescent graphic display) - display size 115 x 29 mm display) - display size 115 x 29 mm display) - display size 115 x 29 mm Wate r Fitting Connection G 3/4” 1-8 bar G 3/4” 1-8 bar G 3/4” 1-8 bar Displ ay Pr otoco l MDB / Executive MDB / Executive MDB / Executive P ower Su pply 230 V / 50 Hz 230 V / 50 Hz 230 V / 50 Hz M a x . P ower consumption 1800 W 2500 W 2500 W MAIN COMPONENTS Quantit y CAPACIT Y Co ffee B eans Containe r 1 4.9 kg (single) - 5.1 kg (double) G r in d e r 1 Professional Conic blade B oi l e r (stainless steel) 1 500 ml Su ga r Containe r in c u p 1 5.8 l - 5 kg Max 6 (M size) Max 8 (S size) Containe r si z e: Small: 2.8 l - Medium: 4.4 l - Large: 5.8 l I ng r e d ient Containe r product CAPACITY Su ga r CANISTER SIZE SMALL MEDIUM LARGE 2,3 kg 3,8 kg 5,0 kg P ow d e r mi l k 0,9 kg 1,4 kg 1,8 kg C hoco l ate 2,0 kg 3,3 kg 4,3 kg Lemon T ea 2,6 kg 4,4 kg 5,7 kg G I NSE N G CO FFE E 1,3 kg 2,2 kg 3,3 kg Deca f. Co ffee 1,3 kg 2,2 kg 3,3 kg I NS TA N T CO FFE E 1,3 kg 2,2 kg 3,3 kg B A RL E Y CO FFE E 0,6 kg 0,4 kg 1,3 kg Innovation User Interface OPTION LIST Co ffee containe r fl e x s y stem l e d Doo r pane l i l lumination Specia l co d e d loc k (Rie l da) Large V FD ( Vacuum flu o r escent g r aphic d ispl ay ) C apacitive to u ch pa d C u p Senso r Au tomatic g r in d ing (optiona l ) E r gonomic d esign f o r chi l d r en an d whee l chai r use r s T e l emet ry Kit Va r iab l e spee d mi x e r s Va r iab l e spee d ing r e d ient moto r s Va r iab l e flow r ate p umps f o r instant p r o d u ct (hot wate r tan k ve r sion) 3 si z e o f ing r e d ient containe r s I nnovative sti r r e r an d su ga r d ispense r (patent pen d ing) q u ic k f it pl astic va lves D E X / U C S k it fl e x ib l e c u p d ispense r avai l ab l e as S tan da r d 70 -73 mm (option 80 mm) 80 mm c u p d ispense r capacit y to accommo date Up to 3 pay ment s y stem togethe r Va l i dato r Kit E x te r na l wate r tan k k it (20 l) A dvance d 32 bit e l ect r onics with fl ash memo ry M emo ry k e y M aste r - Sl ave connections with G -Snac k Sl ave machine Wate r so f tne r (Fi lte r ) Kit E VA DT S Do u b l e g r in d e r C ustomi z e d cabinet co lo u r standard cabinet colour Maintenance S W u pdate th r o u gh USB H igh vo ltage so l i d state r e l ay f o r sing l e loa d E as y r egu l a r maintenance via 8 f u nction k e y s 24V D C d evices (e xcept heate r , g r in d e r , p ump) E as y p u l l o u t d r awer f o r q u ic k maintenance Black G - C aff è | D es i g n L i ne | F S 7 0 0 9 G-Caffè Server Espresso G-Caffè Coffee Server The smart choice Every moment of enjoying coffee is a precious time of your day. SandenVendo Coffee Server makes this ritual more special and enjoyable. 10 Pure elegance in an extremely simple design. The large selection dial gives you complete control to create your favourite break time experience. Make your coffee moment as precious as possible. model G-caffè server espresso - ecs D I M E NSI O NS H x W x D (mm) 754 x 365 x 550 WEIGHT (NET - Standard machine without options) 43 kg N o. o f se l ections 1 to 8 Wate r Fitting Connection G 3/4” 1-8 Bar P owe r Su pply 230 V / 50 Hz M a x . P owe r consumption 1700 W MAIN COMPONENTS Co ffee B eans Containe r Quantit y CAPACIT Y 1 1,0 kg G r in d e r 1 Professional Conic blade B oi l e r (stainless steel) 1 500 ml mi x ing bow l 2 P ow d e r Containe r 3 products CAPACITY Containe r si z e: Small: 1 l - Medium: 2 l CANISTER SIZE SMALL MEDIUM Su ga r (on ly mi x e d) 1,3 kg 1,9 kg P ow d e r mi l k 0,5 kg 0,7 kg C hoco l ate 1,1 kg 1,7 kg Lemon T ea 1,3 kg 2,2 kg G I NSE N G CO FFE E 0,8 kg 1,2 kg Deca f. Co ffee 0,4 kg 0,5 kg I NS TA N T CO FFE E 0,4 kg 0,5 kg B A RL E Y CO FFE E 0,3 kg 0,5 kg Innovation User Interface Maintenance OPTION LIST Au tomatic g r in d ing (optiona l ) l e d Doo r pane l i l lumination Specia l co d e d loc k (Rie l da) S W u pdate th r o u gh USB Va r iab l e spee d mi x e r s Va r iab l e spee d pow d e r moto r s E r gonomic d esign f o r chi l d r en an d whee l chai r use r s E as y r egu l a r maintenance via 8 f u nction k e y s 2 si z e o f ing r e d ient containe r s A dvance d 32 bit e l ect r onics with fl ash memo ry E x te r na l wate r tan k k it (20 l) fitte d with base cabinet q u ic k f it pl astic va lves M emo ry k e y H igh vo ltage so l i d state r el ay f o r sing l e loa d Wate r so f tne r (Fi lte r ) e x te r na l f itting 24 V D C d evices (e xcept heate r , g r in d e r , p ump) pr og r amming k e y pa d 8 d ispl ay S C ustomi z e d cabinet co lo u r standard cabinet colour Black standard panel colours Black Large selection dial Mocha White Elegant cup station G - C aff è | S e r v e r E s p r esso 11 Design Line G-Drink Design 9 G-Drink Design Hydro-lution THE BEST FEATURES The evolution of G-Drink never ends. The most successful Glass Front Vendor of our history presented in a new look. A spacious and brightly illuminated showcase enhances the product visibility. An innovative capacitive key pad with back lit numerals provide high visibility in light and dark places. New user friendly features offer a large display in blue characters with a new easy door latching system. 12 model G-Drink Design 9 - dl 9 G-Drink Design 6 - dl 6 D I M E NSI O NS H x W x D (mm) 1830* x 1215 x 845 1830* x 940 x 845 WEIGHT (NET - Standard machine without options) 345 kg 295 kg N o. o f Se l ections pe r she l f 9 6 N o. o f She lves Standard 5 / Max. 7 Standard 5 / Max. 7 N o. o f Se l ections Standard 45 / Max. 63 Standard 30 / Max. 42 M a x . capacit y (0,33 l cans) 504 336 M a x . capacit y (0,50 l PE T bott l es) 360 240 pr otoco l Executive / MDB Executive / MDB Coo l ing S ystem Cont r o l Electronic Electronic I nte r na l tempe r at u r e r ange +2°C up to +10°C +2°C up to +10°C M a x . powe r consumption 800 W 800 W P ower Su pply 230 V / 50 Hz 230 V / 50 Hz C l imate C l ass ST (+16°C up to +38°C) ST (+16°C up to +38°C) * With adjustable leveling screw OPTION LIST C US TO M I Z ED C A B I N E T CO LO UR SPE C I A L CO D E D LO C K (R I E LDA) A N T I -VA N DA L IS M K E Y PA D A N D S A FE T Y CO I N I NSE R T WA LL / FLO O R FI X I N G K I T B R A N D I N G PR O DU C T SPAC E R S VA R I O US FI T T I N G K I T S VendAble Product Size PE T b o tt le s, G l a s s b o tt le s, C an s Diamete r min. 43.5 mm max. 71.5 mm H eight min. 88 mm max. 266 mm W eight min. 185 g max. 653 g C ar t o n pac k s (br i c k ) W i dth min. 52 mm max. 67 mm Depth min. 40 mm max. 47 mm H eight min. 85 mm max. 134 mm W eight min. 213 g max. 400 g Please note: The above dimensions are for reference only. Some products, although within the above dimensions,may be difficult to vend due to its shape. Please vend test products before filling machine. High reliability and a state-of-art product delivery, designed in Japan. Removable beverage trays without electrical connection. Product delivery always in up-right position. led light LED illumination as standard. Cold tone with an ideal brightness to boost the product display. standard cabinet colour Black Complete “Design line” G - D RI N K | D E S IG N L i ne | D es i g n 9 13 DR G-Drink DR 9 G-Drink DR Drink Evolution A great Japanese design The EVOLUTION continues on the most successful Glass-Front Vendor in our history. More space to sales while maintaining the great performance of G-Drink. Sanden Japanese cutting edge technology has developed the innovative drink catcher of the G-Drink series creating a simple user friendly operation for the end user. 14 MODEL G-Drink - DR 9 G-Drink - DR 6 D I M E NSI O NS H x W x D (mm) 1830* x 1220 x 845 1830* x 950 x 845 WEIGHT (NET - Standard machine without options) 345 kg 295 kg N o. o f Se l ectionS pe r she l f 9 6 N o. o f She lves Standard 5 / Max. 7 Standard 5 / Max. 7 N o. o f Se l ectionS Standard 45 / Max. 63 Standard 30 / Max. 42 M a x . C apacit y (0,33 l C ans) 504 336 M a x . C apacit y (0,50 l PE T bott l es) 360 240 PR OTO CO L Executive / MDB Executive / MDB Coo l ing S ystem Cont r o l Electronic Electronic I nte r na l tempe r at u r e r ange +2°C up to +10°C +2°C up to +10°C M a x . powe r consumption 800 W 800 W P ower Su pply 230 V / 50 Hz 230 V / 50 Hz C l imate C l ass ST (+16°C up to +38°C) N (+16°C up to +32°C) E ne r g y consumption ** 238 wh/h 252 wh/h E ne r g y C l ass ** A++ A * With adjustable leveling screw ** According to EVA EMP 3.0 - Data available upon request OPTION LIST C US TO M I Z ED C A B I N E T CO LO UR SPE C I A L CO D E D LO C K (R I E LDA) A N T I -VA N DA L IS M K E Y PA D A N D S A FE T Y CO I N I NSE R T FR O N T G L A SS PR OT E C T I O N LO C K PR OT E C T I O N WA LL / FLO O R FI X I N G K I T B R A N D I N G PR O DU C T SPAC E R S VA R I O US FI T T I N G K I T S Vendable Product Size PE T b o tt le s, G l a s s b o tt le s, C an s Diamete r min. 43.5 mm max. 71.5 mm H eight min. 88 mm max. 266 mm W eight min. 185 g max. 653 g C ar t o n pac k s (br i c k ) W i dth min. 52 mm max. 67 mm Depth min. 40 mm max. 47 mm H eight min. 85 mm max. 134 mm W eight min. 213 g max. 400 g Please note: The above dimensions are for reference only. Some products, although within the above dimensions,may be difficult to vend due to its shape. Please vend test products before filling machine. LED illumination as standard. Cold tone with an ideal brightness to boost the product display. led light standard cabinet colours Black Dark Gray Light Gray White G - D RI N K | D r L i ne | d r 9 - d r 6 15 Outdoor G-Drink DR 9 OUTDOOR G-Drink DR OUTDOOR Outdoor Refreshment Take your business outdoors High reliability is achieved through extreme simplicity in use and maintenance. Now SandenVendo offers OUTDOOR versions of the most popular model G-Drink. Weather resistance and anti-vandalism fittings can expand your business to OUTDOOR locations! 16 MODEL G-Drink DR 9 OUTDOOR G-Drink DR 6 OUTDOOR D I M E NSI O NS H x W x D (mm) 1875* x 1260 x 970 1875* x 1000 x 970 WEIGHT (NET - Standard machine without options) 410 kg 350 kg N o. o f Se l ectionS pe r she l f 9 6 N o. o f She lves Standard 5 / Max. 7 Standard 5 / Max. 7 N o. o f Se l ectionS Standard 45 / Max. 63 Standard 30 / Max. 42 M a x . C apacit y (0,33 l C ans) 504 336 M a x . C apacit y (0,50 l PE T bott l es) 360 240 PR OTO CO L Executive / MDB Executive / MDB Coo l ing S y stem Cont r o l Electronic Electronic I nte r na l tempe r at u r e r ange +2°C up to +10°C +2°C up to +10°C M a x . powe r consumption 800 W 800 W P owe r Su pply 230 V / 50 Hz 230 V / 50 Hz * With adjustable leveling screw outdoor FEATURES E x te r na l Doo r an d an a d d itiona l Roo f T he r ma l magnetic ci r c u it b r ea k e r T empe r at u r e Cont r o l l e r f o r OUTDOOR Vendable Product Size C US TO M I Z E D C A B I N E T CO LO UR PE T b o tt le s, G l a s s b o tt le s, C an s SPE C I A L CO D E D LO C K (R I E LDA) Diamete r min. 43.5 mm max. 71.5 mm H eight min. 88 mm max. 266 mm B R A N D I N G W eight min. 185 g max. 653 g PR O DU C T SPAC E R S VA R I O US FI T T I N G K I T S Coo l ing Unit with H eate r anti fr ee z e fu nction ( wo r k s a l so o u tsi d e tempe r at u r e be low z e r o) C ar t o n pac k s (br i c k ) W i dth min. 52 mm max. 67 mm Depth min. 40 mm max. 47 mm Wate r pr oo f I P34 H eight min. 85 mm max. 134 mm A nti -van da l ism (Coin inse r t, k e y pa d an d coin - r et u r n) W eight min. 213 g max. 400 g E xce l l ent L E D i l lumination a l so in da r k OPTION LIST Please note: The above dimensions are for reference only. Some products, although within the above dimensions,may be difficult to vend due to its shape. Please vend test products before filling machine. standard cabinet colours Black Dark Gray Light Gray White G - D RI N K | o u tdoo r l i ne | d r 9 O D - d r 6 O D 17 GF G-Drink GF 9 G-Drink GF Fabulous Simplicity New Buying Sensation Based on the ZEN principle of simplicity, plus advanced cutting-edge technology, SandenVendo has created the utmost innovative drink catcher. High reliability coupled with extreme simplicity in operation and maintenance. 18 MODEL G-Drink gf 9 G-Drink gf 6 D I M E NSI O NS H x W x D (mm) 1830* x 1210 x 845 1830* x 940 x 845 W eight (NET - Standard machine without options) 340 kg 290 kg N o. o f se l ections pe r she l f 9 6 N o. o f she lves Standard 5 / Max. 7 Standard 5 / Max. 7 N o. o f se l ections Standard 45 / Max. 63 Standard 30 / Max. 42 M a x . capacit y (0,33 l cans) 504 336 M a x . capacit y (0,50 l PE T bott l es) 360 240 Pr otoco l Executive / MDB Executive / MDB Coo l ing s ystem cont r o l Electronic Electronic I nte r na l tempe r at u r e r ange +2°C up to +10°C +2°C up to +10°C M a x . powe r consumption 800 W 800 W P owe r su pply 230 V / 50 Hz 230 V / 50 Hz C l imate C l ass N (+16°C up to +32°C) N (+16°C up to +32°C) E ne r g y consumption ** 249 wh/h 238 wh/h E ne r g y C l ass ** A+ A * With adjustable feet ** According to EVA EMP 3.0 - Data available upon request OPTION LIST Vendable Product Size C US TO M I Z E D C A B I N E T & D O O R CO LO UR PE T b o tt le s, G l a s s b o tt le s, C an s SPE C I A L CO D E D LO C K (R I E LDA) Diamete r min. 43.5 mm max. 71.5 mm A N T I -VA N DA L IS M K E Y PA D A N D S A FE T Y CO I N I NSE R T H eight min. 88 mm max. 266 mm W eight min. 185 g max. 653 g FR O N T G L A SS PR OT E C T I O N C ar t o n pac k s (br i c k ) LO C K PR OT E C T I O N W i dth min. 52 mm max. 67 mm WA LL / FLO O R FI X I N G K I T Depth min. 40 mm max. 47 mm F O OT COV E R PA N E L H eight min. 85 mm max. 134 mm B R A N D I N G W eight min. 213 g max. 400 g LED illumination as standard. Cold tone with an ideal brightness to boost the product display. led light standard cabinet colours PR O DU C T SPAC E R S VA R I O US FI T T I N G K I T S Please note: The above dimensions are for reference only. Some products, although within the above dimensions,may be difficult to vend due to its shape. Please vend test products before filling machine. Black Dark Gray Light Gray White G - D RI N K | G F L i ne | g f 9 - g f 6 19 Design Line G-Snack Design 8 Master G-Snack Design Snacking, Solved! THE COMPLETE SOLUTION An evolutionary snack machine presented with a new look. A spacious and brightly illuminated showcase enhances the product display. An innovative capacitive key pad with back lit numerals provide high visibility in light and dark places. New user friendly features offer a large display in blue characters with a new easy door latching system. New software features of shelf detection and secure vending system make the machine complete. 20 model G-SNACK Design 8 master - sd8 G-SNACK Design 6 master - sd6 G-SNACK Design XL master - SDX D I M E NSI O NS H x W x D (mm) 1830* x 980 x 845 1830* x 830 x 845 1830* x 1125 x 845 W eight 310 kg (NET - Standard machine without options) 275 kg 340 kg N o. o f se l ections pe r she l f 8 6 10 N o. o f she lves Standard 6 / Max. 7 Standard 6 / Max. 7 Standard 6 / Max. 7 N o. o f se l ections Max. 56 Max. 42 Max. 70 Pr otoco l Executive / MDB Executive / MDB Executive / MDB Coo l ing s ystem cont r o l Electronic Electronic Electronic I nte r na l tempe r at u r e r ange +2°C up to +18°C +2°C up to +18°C +2°C up to +18°C M a x . powe r consumption 600 W 550 W 600 W P ower su pply 230 V / 50 Hz 230 V / 50 Hz 230 V / 50 Hz C l imate C l ass ST (+16°C up to +38°C) ST (+16°C up to +38°C) ST (+16°C up to +38°C) * With adjustable feet OPTION LIST standard cabinet colour 7 T H SH E LF SPE E DY L I F T (O N M A S T E R O N LY ) DU O S Y N C H R O SPI R A L NE W SPE C IA L CO D E D LO C K (R I E LDA) D O U B L E SPI R A L M OTO R K I T S A N DW I C H / B AGU E T T E DU O DIVIDER B R A N D I N G WA LL / FLO O R FI X I N G K I T C US TO M I Z E D C A B I N E T CO LO UR Anti-theft device KIT Sandwich NE W Optical Sensor Black DUO SYNCHRO SPIRAL An innovative system with a double motor drive that rotates perfectly synchronized in distance. Ideal for wide and bulky products. SPEEDY LIFT Delicate and/or fragile products can be sold at eye-height position! Speedy delivery of the products is guaranteed! Complete “Design line” G - snacK | D E S IG N L i ne | 8 Maste r 21 Plus G-Snack Plus 8 Master G-Snack Plus All-encompassing SNACKING SIMPLICITY SandenVendo presents a NEW G-Snack PLUS. An evolutionary machine to upgrade the G-Snack giving more space to sale (+105mm) in the same foot print! G-Snack line has the best technical features in the market, yet offered at a very competitive price. 22 MODEL G-Snack plus 8 master - hs8 G-Snack plus 8 slave - hL8 G-Snack plus 6 master - hs6 G-Snack plus 6 slave - hL6 D I M E NSI O NS H x W x D (mm) 1830 x 975 x 845 1830 x 825 x 845 1830 x 830 x 845 1830 x 680 x 845 W eight (NET - Standard machine without options) 295 kg 240 kg 275 kg 220 kg N o. o f se l ections pe r she l f 8 8 6 6 N o. o f she lves Standard 6 / Max. 7 Standard 6 / Max. 7 Standard 6 / Max. 7 Standard 6 / Max. 7 N o. o f se l ections Max. 56 Max. 56 Max. 42 Max. 42 Pr otoco l Executive / MDB Executive / MDB Executive / MDB Executive / MDB Coo l ing s ystem cont r o l Electronic Electronic Electronic Electronic I nte r na l tempe r at u r e r ange +2°C up to +18°C +2°C up to +18°C +2°C up to +18°C +2°C up to +18°C M a x . powe r consumption 600 W 600 W 550 W 550 W P ower su pply 230 V / 50 Hz 230 V / 50 Hz 230 V / 50 Hz 230 V / 50 Hz C l imate C l ass ST (+16°C up to +38°C) ST (+16°C up to +38°C) ST (+16°C up to +38°C) ST (+16°C up to +38°C) E ne r g y consumption ** 203 wh/h 193 wh/h 200 wh/h 190 wh/h E ne r g y C l ass ** A+ A+ A+ A+ ** According to EVA EMP 3.0 - Data available upon request OPTION LIST SPE E DY L I F T (O N M A S T E R O N LY ) LO C K PR OT E C T I O N K I T DU O S Y N C H R O SPI R A L NE W WA LL / FLO O R FI X I N G K I T D O U B L E SPI R A L M OTO R 7 T H SH E LF SPE C IA L CO D E D LO C K (R I E LDA) R O O F K I T F O OT COV E R PA N E L A N T I -VA N DA L IS M K E Y PA D A N D S A FE T Y CO I N I NSE R T K I T S A N DW I C H / B AGU E T T E FR O N T G L A SS PR OT E C T I O N C US TO M I Z E D C A B I N E T & D O O R CO LO UR NE W DU O DIVIDER standard cabinet colours Black Dark Gray Light Gray White B R A N D I N G DUO SYNCHRO SPIRAL An innovative system with a double motor drive that rotates spirals perfectly synchronized. Ideal for wide and bulky products. SPEEDY LIFT Delicate and/or fragile products can be sold at eye-height position! Speedy delivery of the products is guaranteed! Safet y Health Control When the temperature stays over the set temperature for more than 30 min. sales will be prohibited. A Safety temperature can be programmed for individual shelves in the lower machine section. Light Control for Energy saving Lights can be turned off at programmable periods. (Individual Start and Stop times can be programmed per day or for all days of the week. Also programmable to switch off lights “during vend-inhibited periods”. G - snacK | p l u s L i ne | 8 Maste r - 8 sla v e - 6 Maste r - 6 sla v e 23 Slim G-Snack Slim Master 5 G-Snack Slim Narrow Door Solution Access All Area’s SandenVendo presents the new G-Snack Slim. An extension to the G-Snack family, a vendor developed to easily fit through narrow doors and openings. The cabinet has been designed specifically to pass through 30 inch (76 cm) openings whilst still maintaining high stock and range features. 24 model G-SNACK SLIM 5 master - HS5 D I M E NSI O NS H x W x D (mm) 1830 x 725 x 845 WEIGHT (NET - Standard machine without options) 270 kg N o. o f se l ections pe r she l f 5 N o. o f she lves Standard 6 / Max. 7 N o. o f se l ections Max. 35 Pr otoco l Executive / MDB Coo l ing s ystem cont r o l Electronic I nte r na l tempe r at u r e r ange +2°C up to +18°C M a x . powe r consumption 550 W P ower su pply 230 V / 50 Hz C l imate C l ass ST (+16°C up to +38°C) OPTION LIST LO C K PR OT E C T I O N K I T SPE E DY L I F T WA LL / FLO O R FI X I N G K I T DU O S Y N C H R O SPI R A L NE W 7 T H SH E LF D O U B L E SPI R A L M OTO R SPE C IA L CO D E D LO C K (R I E LDA) DU O DIVIDER F O OT COV E R PA N E L R O O F K I T K I T S A N DW I C H / B AGU E T T E A N T I -VA N DA L IS M K E Y PA D A N D S A FE T Y CO I N I NSE R T B R A N D I N G FR O N T G L A SS PR OT E C T I O N C US TO M I Z E D C A B I N E T & D O O R CO LO UR standard cabinet colours Black SPEEDY LIFT Delicate and/or fragile products can be sold at eyeheight position! Speedy delivery of the products is guaranteed! Dark Gray Light Gray White 1 8 2 3 1. CABINET 7. A fully insulated cabinet, foamed with Eco compatible components 2. DOUBLE TEMPERED GLASS 3. DOOR An elegant flat door, easy to personalize. Full-open for bankable Master-Slave solution 4. GLASS FRONTED DESIGN Large glass showcase display to maximize impulse sales. 5. LED ILLUMINATION LED as standard. Cold tone with an ideal brightness to boost the product display 6. ANTI-THEFT DEVICE Prevents access to the internal cabinet 9 COOLING UNIT Low energy consumption and high performance. The cooling unit is removable 8. 10 PANEL DRAWER WIDE ACCESS TO ALL COMPONENTS Electronic components and payment systems are neatly gathered in the sliding drawer 9. 4 11 5 DISPLAY Easy to read, well illuminated character 10. ANTI-VANDALISM KEY PAD AND SAFETY COIN INSERT 12 An anti-vandalism solution with Solid metal key pad and a metal Safety slide coin insert (option) 11. TEMPERATURE CONTROLLER Control and display the temperature (inside drawer) with an easy operation 6 7 12. SAFETY COIN RETURN Drum type Coin return, anti-vandalism solution G - snacK | sl i m l i ne | Maste r 5 25 Budget G-Snack Budget Master 8 G-Snack Budget Quality beyond Budget Not so budget after all! SandenVendo presents the incredible NEW BUDGET Snack machine. High quality, great features and easy to use. All at a low price. A pre cooling area allows products to be stored at ready-to-sell temperatures. A large LCD display, LED illumination and Energy saving program settings are all fitted as standard. 26 model G-SNACK BUDGET master 8 - BS8 D I M E NSI O NS H x W x D (mm) 1830 x 875 x 780 WEIGHT (NET - Standard machine without options) 250 kg N o. o f se l ections pe r she l f 8 N o. o f she lves Standard 6 / Max. 7 N o. o f se l ections Max. 56 Pr otoco l Executive / MDB Coo l ing s ystem cont r o l Electronic I nte r na l tempe r at u r e r ange +8°C up to +18°C M a x . powe r consumption 400 W P ower su pply 230 V / 50 Hz C l imate C l ass ST (+16°C up to +38°C) E ne r g y consumption ** 126 wh/h E ne r g y C l ass ** A++ ** According to EVA EMP 3.0 - Data available upon request OPTION LIST standard cabinet colours LO C K PR OT E C T I O N K I T O P T I C A L SE NS O R F O R PR O DU C T D E T E C T I O N WA LL / FLO O R FI X I N G K I T DU O S Y N C H R O SPI R A L NE W SPE C IA L CO D E D LO C K (R I E LDA) D O U B L E SPI R A L M OTO R K I T S A N DW I C H / B AGU E T T E DU O DIVIDER F O OT COV E R PA N E L R O O F K I T 7 T H SH E LF A N T I -VA N DA L IS M K E Y PA D A N D S A FE T Y CO I N I NSE R T B R A N D I N G FR O N T G L A SS PR OT E C T I O N C US TO M I Z E D C A B I N E T & D O O R CO LO UR Black Dark Gray Light Gray White 8 8 11 7 1 2 Products can be stored in pre-cooling area 1. DOUBLE CUT OUT 6. Ready for Cashless and Bill-validator installation 2. DISPLAY Easy to read, well illuminated character 3. COIN INSERT Standard Slot or Safety slide coin insert as option (easy to change) 4. KEY PAD Telephonic Key pad in plastic or Metal anti-vandalism as option 5. FLAP COIN RETURN A simple flap opening with antitheft system REMOVABLE COOLING UNIT and LOWER GRID 7 3 4 9 Easy removing lower liner and grid to access and cleaning of Cooling unit 7. 8. 10 DOUBLE PANE GLASS LED ILLUMINATION LED as standard, illumination from top inner cell 9. POP-out LEVER OPENING Easy and smooth door opening with a pop-out lever 5 6 10. CABINET A fully insulated cabinet, foamed with Eco compatible components. 11. Product STORAGE AREA Products can be stored in pre-cooling area G - snacK | b u d g et L i ne | Maste r 8 27 Fullsnack G-Snack Full Snack 810 G-Snack Full Snack Share a moment Ideal for fresh perishable AND AMBIENT products Ideal for Fresh perishable products and suitable for all other Snack Vending. Full Snack is designed to provide optimal performance range flexibility and high quality. Based on the proven technology of spiral vendors, this line of products comes fully loaded with premium features. 28 MODEL full snack - SVE 810 full snack - SVE 710 D I M E NSI O NS H x W x D (mm) 1830* x 865 x 900 1830* x 750 x 900 WEIGHT (NET - Standard machine without options) 355 kg 320 kg N o. o f se l ections pe r she l f 8 6 N o. o f she lves Standard 6 / Max. 7 Standard 6 / Max. 7 N o. o f se l ections Max. 56 Max. 42 Pr otoco l Executive / MDB Executive / MDB Coo l ing s ystem cont r o l Electronic Electronic I nte r na l tempe r at u r e r ange +2°C up to +18°C +2°C up to +18°C M a x . powe r consumption 600 W 600 W P ower su pply 230 V / 50 Hz 230 V / 50 Hz C l imate C l ass ST (+16°C up to +38°C) ST (+16°C up to +38°C) E ne r g y consumption * 238 wh/h 220 wh/h E ne r g y C l ass * B B * With adjustable leveling screw ** According to EVA EMP 3.0 - Data available upon request FR O N T G L A SS PR OT E C T I O N OPTION LIST standard cabinet colours LO C K PR OT E C T I O N K I T DU O S Y N C H R O SPI R A L NE W WA LL / FLO O R FI X I N G K I T D O U B L E SPI R A L M OTO R SPE C IA L CO D E D LO C K (R I E LDA) DU O DIVIDER F O OT COV E R PA N E L R O O F K I T K I T S A N DW I C H / B AGU E T T E A N T I -VA N DA L IS M K E Y PA D A N D S A FE T Y CO I N I NSE R T Black Dark Gray Light Gray White B R A N D I N G C US TO M I Z E D C A B I N E T & D O O R CO LO UR ADDITIONAL ANTIVANDALISM FEATURES 1. 1 Safet y Health Control front glass protection 2. safety COIN INSERT 2 3. Anti-VANDALISM KEY PAD 4. SAFETY COIN RETURN (STANDARD) 5. LOCK PROTECTION KIT 3 5 4 When the temperature stays over the set temperature for more than 30 min. sales will be prohibited. A Safety temperature can be programmed for individual selections or complete shelves in the lower machine section. Light Control for Energy saving LIGHTS can be turned off at programmable periods. Individual Start and Stop times can be programmed per day or for all days of the week. Also programmable to switch off lights “during vend-inhibited periods”. G - snacK | f u llsnac k L i ne | 8 1 0 - 7 1 0 29 Combi G-Snack Combi 585 G-Snack Combi Value for space! FLEXIBILITY GUARANTEED Designed and built to penetrate new markets and locations where footprint is limited but high product capacities and a wide range of selections are required. This Combi vendor, with its product spirals and 6 shelves, easily adjustable to product size, supports sales of cold drinks (bottle/can), snacks and confectionery “to go”. Design and technical specifications have been established in accordance with safety regulations and state-of-the-art technology. 30 model COMBI - SVE 585 D I M E NSI O NS H x W x D (mm) 1830* x 850 x 900 WEIGHT (NET - Standard machine without options) 340 kg N o. o f she lves (Snac k A r ea) Max. 6 N o. o f se l ections pe r Snac k she l f 4 N o. o f co l d d r in k co lumns 4 N o. o f se l ections (snac k an d d r in k s) Max. 28 M a x . capacit y (0,33 l cans) 272 M a x . capacit y (0,50 l PE T bott l es) 136 Pr otoco l Executive / MDB Coo l ing s ystem cont r o l Electronic I nte r na l tempe r at u r e r ange +4°C up to +25°C M a x . powe r consumption 650 W P owe r su pply 230 V / 50 Hz C l imate C l ass ST (+16°C up to +38°C) * With adjustable leveling screw OPTION LIST DU O S Y N C H R O SPI R A L NE W standard cabinet colours LO C K PR OT E C T I O N K I T D O U B L E SPI R A L M OTO R WA LL / FLO O R FI X I N G K I T DU O DIVIDER SPE C IA L CO D E D LO C K (R I E LDA) R O O F K I T F O OT COV E R PA N E L A N T I -VA N DA L IS M K E Y PA D A N D S A FE T Y CO I N I NSE R T K I T S A N DW I C H / B AGU E T T E FR O N T G L A SS PR OT E C T I O N C US TO M I Z E D C A B I N E T & D O O R CO LO UR Black B R A N D I N G Dark Gray Light Gray White 1 12 1. CABINET 7. A fully insulated cabinet, foamed with Eco compatible components. 2. NARROWSTACK COLUMN High capacity for bottles and cans. 3. 4. 9. 10. GLASS FRONTED DESIGN MOTORIZED ANTI-THEFT DEVICE 3 Drum typed Coin return, anti-vandalism solution. TEMPERATURE CONTROL COOLING UNIT 10 SAFETY COIN RETURN Easy to read, well illumined characters. Low energy consumption and high performance. The cooling unit is removable. 6. 8. DISPLAY Individual programmable temperatures for cold drink and snack compartment electronically controlled. 5. ANTI-VANDALISM OPTION Anti-vandalism solution with Solid metal key pad and a metal Safety slide coin insert. 4 7 11 DOUBLE TEMPERED GLASS Large glass showcase display to maximize impulse sales. 2 9 11. LED ILLUMINATION LED as standard. Cold tone with an ideal brightness to boost the product display. 6 8 12. DOOR A solid structure with T-handle opening. 5 Prevents from access to the internal cabinet. G - snacK | co m b i L i ne | 5 8 5 31 We contribute to the future of a safer and more beautiful Earth. Based on the Environmental Chapter of Sanden Corporation, we fully understand that preserving the Earth’s environment is the most important shared responsibility of mankind. In order to pass on a safe and clean Earth to the next generation, we, all staff members, will take the appropriate steps in all areas of business activities to preserve the environment with our company slogan: “We contribute to the future of a safer and more beautiful Earth.” ECO Philosophy Heaven, Earth and Man, are the three fundamental elements that create the Universe and therefore, we should keep the harmony among those elements which reflect on our everyday life. This is the foundation of the SandenVendo ECO Philosophy. We will keep and conserve them also in the future by protecting them as much as possible. 32 ECO Project It is our mission to study environmentally friendly product developments. We strongly believe that the improvement of our vending machines should contribute to the reduction of their environmental impact. Our activities are lead by our mother company Sanden Corporation in Japan, one of the leaders in the research & development of the environmentally friendly products in this field. EVA EMP ENERGY CLASS A+ Already achieved on new models G-Drink and G-Snack and will extend to all models LED ILLUMINATED PRODUCTS AS STANDARD All glass front machines are fitted with LED illumination since 2009. Application on other models in progress ENERGY EFFICIENT COOLING UNIT New models are fitted with less energy consuming Cooling units CO2 COOLING UNIT An alternative cooling unit with CO2 that has less impact on the environment. We have been supplying our machines with CO2 Cooling units for Olympic games since 2004 COOLING UNIT WITH CFC FREE REFRIGERANT Our standard machines are supplied with R134a & R404A - CFC Free CABINETS ARE INSULATED WITH ECOLOGICAL POLYURETHANE ENERGY SAVING PROGRAM Light control mode with real time clock etc ECO FACTORY PROJECT ECO Initiative ECO VENDO PROJECT it is our NEW initiative to communicate our ECO achievements of producing the energy efficient products to the consumers through our vending machines. It is our eternal commitment to provide high quality and ECO compatible products to our clients and to the end users. Note: EVA EMP (Energy Measurement Protocol) Has an original table of classification: The higher A++ and the lower G class, similar to the European directive of White goods. The test is carried out in our Lab, according to this protocol and regulations, depending on the product classification. The data is available upon the client’s request. - Replacement to low energy consuming light achieved energy saving of 30% - S-TQM* (Sanden Total Quality Management) activity to reduce metal and energy waste - Waste water from Painting is purified which allows recycling - Different collection of garbage with waste * please visit our web-site: www.sandenvendo.com sanden v endo eco p r o j ect 33 Why CO2? Be ECO with us! Cooling unit with ECO gas Go GREEN with SandenVendo new environmentally-friendly CO2 Cooling Unit. Eco gas Carbon dioxide (R744) refrigerant is more efficient than the industry standard R-134a refrigerant. non-toxic non-flammable non-ozone depleting Sanden group has been the supplier of CO2 cooling units for all Olympic games since 2004. Advanced technology and our severe test procedure guarantees quality and performance of CO2 refrigerant system. • CO2 is a Natural gas that “EXISTS IN THE EARTH & NEEDS TO BE REDUCED” • CO2 purifies through the natural botanical cycle known as photosynthesis • High efficiency System in terms of lifetime cost, Running / Disposal / Repair • REDUCES RISK OF GLOBAL WARMING (GWP = 1) • LED ILLUMINATION 34 G-Drink DR 9 G-Snack Plus 8 Master Join our ECO Project and do your part to save the environment! w h y co 2 ? 35 B&C SuperStack B&C Superstack 217-6 SuperStack All Day, Every Day The sandenVendo cold drinks vending machines • Each column has an individual vend motor • Foamed cabinet • Product pre-cooling • Interchangeable parts • Thermostatically controlled forced air-cooling 36 • Anti-theft device SuperStack MODEL SuperStack SuperStack SuperStack SVE 100-5 SVE 189-5 SVE 217-6 SVE 254-7 D I M E NSI O NS H x W x D (mm) 1425 x 705 x 745 1830 x 705 x 745 1830 x 855 x 745 1830 x 1010 x 745 WEIGHT (NET - Standard machine without options) 185 kg 235 kg 265 kg 295 kg N o. o f se l ections / co lumns 5 /5 5 /5 6 /6 7/7 M a x . pr o d u ct l ength (mm) 300 300 300 300 M a x . pr o d u ct d iamete r (mm) 66 66 66 68,5 Pr otoco l Executive / MDB Executive / MDB Executive / MDB Executive / MDB Coo l ing s ystem cont r o l Thermostat Thermostat Thermostat Thermostat Re fr ige r ation powe r 806 W / 7,7 cc 806 W / 7,7 cc 803 W / 8,8 cc 803 W / 8,8 cc I nte r na l tempe r at u r e r ange +2°C up to +10°C +2°C up to +10°C +2°C up to +10°C +2°C up to +10°C M a x . powe r consumption 500 W 500 W 600 W 600 W P ower su pply 230 V / 50 Hz 230 V / 50 Hz 230 V / 50 Hz 230 V / 50 Hz C an 0,33 l 190 300 360 434 capacities PE T bott l e 0,50 l 95 150 180 224 GL ASS RETURNABLE BOT TLE 0,20 l 100 175 210 245 GL ASS RETURNABLE BOT TLE 0,33 l 95 150 180 231 GL ASS NON RETURNABLE BOT TLE 0,33 l 95 150 180 231 GL ASS RETURNABLE BOT TLE 0,50 l - - - 210 N.B. Capacities will vary based on the shape and dimension of the product. OPTION LIST C US TO M I Z ED C A B I N E T & D O O R CO LO UR standard cabinet colours sa fet y CO I N I NSE R T WA LL / FLO O R FI X I N G K I T T WO - L I N E LC D D ISPL AY SPE C IA L CO D E D LO C K (R I E LDA) SE C UR I T Y C A SH S YS T E M S B R A N D I N G Black Dark Gray Light Gray White B & C | S UP E R S T A C K | 1 0 0 - 5 - 1 8 9 - 5 - 2 1 7 - 6 - 2 5 4 - 7 37 B&C NarrowStack B&C NarrowStack Basic NarrowStack Ready to serve 24 hours a day The sandenVendo cold drinks vending machines • Easy programming using selection button sequence • Electronic control and data-recording • Energy Management by real time clock • Each column driven via individual vend motor • 24 V DC motors • Interchangeable parts • Quadruple loading for 0.33 l cans and double loading for 0.50 l PET bottles up to 245 mm height 38 NarrowStack BASIC offers NarrowStack technology at competitive price. A great value for price and quality! NarrowStack BASIC MODEL SVE 480-7 DD NarrowStack BASIC SVE 550-8 DD SVE 476-7 DD SVE 544-8 DD SVE 680-10 DD NarrowStack NarrowStack NarrowStack D I M E NSI O NS H x W x D (mm) 1830 x 750 x 940 1830 x 850 x 940 1830 x 750 x 940 1830 x 850 x 940 1830 x 1010 x 940 WEIGHT (NET - Standard machine without options) 310 kg 335 kg 310 kg 335 kg 390 kg N o. o f se l ections / co lumns 7/7 8/8 10 / 7 10 / 8 10 / 10 M a x . pr o d u ct l ength (mm) 505 505 505 505 505 M a x . pr o d u ct d iamete r (mm) 72 72 72 72 72 Pr otoco l Executive / MDB Executive / MDB Executive / MDB Executive / MDB Executive / MDB Coo l ing s ystem cont r o l Thermostat Thermostat Electronic Electronic Electronic Re fr ige r ation powe r 520 W / 10 cc 520 W / 10 cc 997 W / 14 cc 997 W / 14 cc 997 W / 14 cc I nte r na l tempe r at u r e r ange +2°C up to +10°C +2°C up to +10°C +2°C up to +10°C +2°C up to +10°C +2°C up to +10°C M a x . powe r consumption 580 W 580 W 800 W 800 W 800 W P ower su pply 230 V / 50 Hz 230 V / 50 Hz 230 V / 50 Hz 230 V / 50 Hz 230 V / 50 Hz C an 0,33 l 476 544 476 544 680 PE T bott l e 0,50 l 238 272 238 272 340 capacities standard cabinet colours OPTION LIST C US TO M I Z ED C A B I N E T & D O O R CO LO UR sa fet y CO I N I NSE R T T WO - L I N E LC D D ISPL AY WA LL / FLO O R FI X I N G K I T S TAC K A SSE M B LY F O R PR O DU C T Ø 74 mm SPE C IA L CO D E D LO C K (R I E LDA) SE C UR I T Y C A SH S YS T E M S B R A N D I N G Black Dark Gray Light Gray White loa d ing l ac k (on ly f o r basic mo d e l ) B & C | na r r o w S T A C K | bas i c 4 8 0 - 7 | bas i c 5 5 0 - 8 | 4 7 6 - 7 | 5 4 4 - 8 | 6 8 0 - 1 0 39 B&C FlexStack B&C FlexStack 609 FlexStack Modern traditional The SANDENVendo cold drinks vending machines Maximum flexibility is created by its complete modular structure. Different vend modules for individual requirements: Your choice of narrow stack modules, adjustable wide stack modules and flapper modules for carton packs in combination. 40 model FlexStack - SVE 609 D I M E NSI O NS H x W x D (mm) 1830 x 1010 x 815 WEIGHT (NET - Standard machine without options) 335 kg N o. o f se l ections 10 N o. o f co lumns from 5 to 8 Pr otoco l Executive / MDB Coo l ing s ystem cont r o l Electronic Re fr ige r ation powe r 899 W / 14 cc I nte r na l tempe r at u r e r ange +2°C up to +10°C M a x . powe r consumption 700 W P owe r su pply 230 V / 50 Hz Capacities: Vendable / Pre-cool STAGGER STACK* NARROW STACK** CARTON PACK C an 0,33 l 87 / 3 (3D) 51 / 3 (3D) 24 + 24 PE T bott l e 0,50 l 29 / 1 (1D) 17 / 1 (1D) - PE T bott l e 1,00 l 22-24 / 1 (1D) - - PE T bott l e 1,50 l 16-18 / 1 (1D) - - C a r ton pac k 0,25 l - - 40 + 40 C a r ton pac k 0,33 l - - 28 + 28 * STAGGER STACK Product dimensions: Ø Min. 53 mm - Max. 96 mm, length 350 mm ** NARROW STACK Product dimensions: Ø Min. 53mm - Max. 72 mm, length 368 mm N.B. Capacities will vary based on the shape and dimension of the product. • Product diameters from 53 mm to 96 mm • Combinative and convertible column as you like • High vend-mechanism reliability • Easy and simple programming by using the direct selection buttons • Easily convertible column (bottle to / from can) • Double inner door (better insulation) • Energy saving program • Recommended for In-door use and Out-door kit available (option) 5 columns x 1,50 l 4 columns x 0,33 l Cans + 3 columns x 1,50 l 6 columns x 1,00 l • Easy cleaning and maintenance for the cooling unit standard cabinet colours 0,50 l 1,50 l 1,00 l 1,50 l 0,33 l Black Dark Gray Light Gray White OPTION LIST C US TO M I Z ED C A B I N E T & D O O R CO LO UR WA LL / FLO O R FI X I N G K I T T WO - L I N E LC D D ISPL AY SPE C IA L CO D E D LO C K (R I E LDA) SE C UR I T Y C A SH S YS T E M S B R A N D I N G S a f et y sl i d e coin inse r t B & C | fle x S T A C K | 6 0 9 41 Icv ICV 05 ICV 05 Vending machines for packaged ice creams Every hour is an ice cream hour • Minimum therma dispersion for product loading with a small internal door. • A foldable table to place the cartons for easy and fast product loading. • Ergonomic central delivery eyelet: Easy-toreach also for wheel chair users and children. 42 • State of the Art cooling unit: Removable, high performance and high reliability. • Independent cooling unit control for quick and easy operation. • Easy accessible internal cell for maintenance. To remove a column takes only 3 min! MODEL ICV 05 D I M E NSI O NS H x W x D (mm) 1830 x 920 x 790 WEIGHT (NET - Standard machine without options) 305 kg N o. o f se l ections 4 N o. o f co lumns 4 M a x . capacit y 204 Pr otoco l Executive / MDB Coo l ing s ystem cont r o l Electronic Re fr ige r ation powe r 1000 W / 15,3 cc I nte r na l tempe r at u r e r ange -18 °C up to -23 °C C l imate C l ass N (+16°C up to +32°C) M a x . powe r consumption 1100 W P owe r su pply 230 V / 50 Hz standard cabinet colours OPTION LIST C US TO M I Z ED C A B I N E T & D O O R CO LO UR SPE C IA L CO D E D LO C K (R I E LDA) T WO - L I N E LC D D ISPL AY B R A N D I N G SE C UR I T Y C A SH S YS T E M S sa fet y CO I N I NSE R T Dark Gray White WA LL / FLO O R FI X I N G K I T g - f r o z en | i c v 0 5 43 COIN CHANGER SANDEN SC5 € 5 tubes 5 different versions to meet all your needs. DUAL C DUAL D MDB E UNI A A coin changer with double protocol: Executive Master or MDB slave. All the AUDIT EVA DTS data are available through Jack connector of coin changer or with a handy terminal (optional). A coin changer with multiprotocol, giving a possibility to connect with a vending machine in Executive and up to 2 payment system in MDB simultaneosly, as well as with protocol MDB slave. All the AUDIT EVA DTS data are available through Jack connector of coin changer or with a handy terminal (optional). You can obtain as many as 24 different configuration in only one coin cassette, by using only 2 additional spacers (1 Euro and 20 cents). Ideal for the vending machine to retail expensive products and/or to use along with the bill validator. This model gives also 2€ as a change. A coin changer with MDB protocol designed for the Tobacco sector, parking etc. The system is protected against humidity. Stand-by function for energy saving. Automatic device to convert from 12V to 24V. A unique cassette with 12 different configurations. Change 1 Euro / 2 Euro Change 1 Euro / 2 Euro Change 1 Euro 1€ Change 1 Euro 2€ 2€ 1€ MDB D A coin changer with MDB protocol: Coin cassette with an additional feature to give 1€ as a change. Change 1 Euro 44 1€ STANDARD • Easy and user-friendly programming and handling • Transparent cover for immediate diagnostics • DIL-switch board for fast and easy configuration • Individual tube level programming • Programming mode for 2 free vend tokens • Data retrieval and prophetical interfaces • Programming mode to reject false coins • Modular components • 5 tubes for high capacity • Anti-manipulation devices OPTIONAL • Conversion kit/spacer kit 10c for tube E & others • Palm top and accessories • Thermo-printer (DEX) for Dual A/C and B/D • Handy terminal for Dual A/C and B/D technical data COIN TUBE CAPACITY Pr otoco l MDB / EXE Coin Quantity Acceptance 5c, 10c, 20c, 50c, 1€, 2€ 5c 86 T empe r at u r e r ange -15 °C up to +60 °C 10c 72 M a x h umi d it y 90% 20c 65 P owe r consumption Stand-by 2.7 W / max. 27.9 W 50c 58 P owe r su pply MDB version: 20,0 VDC up to 42,5 VDC EXE version: 20,4 VAC up to 26,4 VAC 1€ 59 2€ * 59 D I M E NSI O NS H x W x D (mm) 380 x 140 x 84 * Only for MDB E and UNI A WEIGHT (NET - Standard machine without options) 1,8 kg NB The above quantities are indicative and it varies according to the coinchanger types. 45 46 SandenVendo GmbH Tel +49 (0) 211 74039 0 e-mail info@sandenvendo.de SandenVendo Europe Spa Tel +39 0142 335 111 e-mail marketing@sandenvendo.it SandenVendo Benelux NV-SA Tel +32 2 268 2595 e-mail info@sandenvendo.be www.sandenvendo.com SandenVendo Iberia (and Portugal) Tel +34 93 474 1555 e-mail info@sandenvendo.es SandenVendo UK Limited Tel +44 1256 479309 e-mail info@sandenvendo.co.uk SandenVendo Benelux NV-SA (France) Mob +33 667 38 43 26 e-mail jfsuteau@sandenvendo.be
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