December 2008
December 2008
In TIlit luuc: Chrilm"~5 GiflS Compcuuon \l'inncr D ecem ber 2008 Chris-l-<'Y"\ Edition It is amazing how wid it con get 11<> 'luickJ)' and With Christmas not far and moncy tight JUSt how fo.~tthe months what I wish to .chic'·c from this Yule Ietler is a collection ny b)' ,,·hen aJrClItly it is only th~! tiUthe big dayl 0111 COITK' the gloves, iIOIrf and hal aU 0\'C1' again 50 you an fac~ the bncing cold ,lC\I..,- of rips for a budgtt ChrisUTlu, bur of coun;c, "ilh aJllhe trimmings still! ,,;nd, r.oin and for""""" of us, snow during the winter ..".5On, I ha"c been pcrforrntn" all m y rc::odings this JnS\ wcck na,I 10 a blll:ting hoc fire. With my checks pos.m'cly and • OIl 5\ltthcd out in from o f Ih~ mc5.norising names it has httn a real plca$ure to conduct l'ou r readingsl _ ...... riJI)l:iUUr.<:Om Chris/"'dJ Irltillfor 2OO1J! - mail@ uJl)urou:om aUlJU> Alison your free Reading this Christmas Tarot Card Readings .., ,. ' ~ to, •• c'''',,,, •• ", ... ! ..... " ... , .,., . • ... • I., ' " , 0" . . ..... ••••• ,,', . . . . . . . . . ,. " " ... ,,, . . . . . . . . t ".to '''''' "" ..... , woo . . . . . ' " . , , " ",0" laI.U.O ... " •• , .... " ••• ' 0... ., ....... u, ."'", .... , - -,.-.. • """, 11 ]""'[('[11 ••• _ ••• •CMW._ _ " .. 11lod ", il h,,,,,, " "" ~ 101 II "Sh"o· ~ p ~ r Christmas Gift , • . . .. . . . .. . . , Ideas for presents to save you time and money! " ~ , ~ ~ f l ~ ,.• ~ ~ Alternative gifts /0 suit all! . Ladies Gold Fresh Water Pearl, , Carnehan And Jade On SIlk - - _.1 Ladies Gold ~'~h Waler Pearl, .... Carnelian And Jade On Sllk Bracelet • .. j Ned:alce From Oi' ~ From Oi! Us! ~rice: £46.00 Pnee: £27.60 List price: £26.00 • Price: £15.60 ... ... ~.- } ~* .. n ~~ t. ~"#. . . . .. ~ • New Mens Styhs h Stl!mlC$S Steel . Water Pearl and Crystal Eamngs From 0,' and Carbon Fibre Magnetic Bracelet ... .. - G,rtBoxed , FromWm. J ,dd ·".O\v~ :t~,~: r :.- !'rICe £21 65 .. *'". , *• '@'!iN'!'~m .. • • 'r1""~WM'''~h ~i Inspirational Reads ... available to buy from my shop Harmonic Wealth: The Secret of Attracting the Ufc You Want Ilr J....,. Jt,'1" C/.?'! [n< J>na: 1'Tox: [6.S1 f«l .. ,~ )'«I b.<k <,n'''''1)'1 \1'"", 00,k., Y"'" '"Uu..:. ... ",...,.,.../ Or n«<l1O ""iu<v<)'OU, Iinan<W 1\< ....1 '""'" opt" r<""""lf"p to. hi, of ~ ",til """ ""P'tII'f; "..... boo&. I, rombu>eo """""" ~'Udom ~,th <v"'ng-«lfl. .cic<mf", odv>« to oI'f<t "*-- to l""" prubi<mo on.! ~ the ku ...tu<h "'" ~ you botk. no. ....t.ur i<l<nn6d the "..,.j fo.-~, in fn.., kyn=o("", ~ ""noW, ",btiorulUp<. financiaL mmtal and pIry.oc.L 11< hdJ>o 1"" t" <l<hn< ..rut,..... ......t, .. , mg.".oo ocIU<v< th<m. n.. 01.00 bdUnd "'" 'low of"'''''' ..... ' h,,,,,, b<= tun>«! ;"'0 <a>i!y Do)"" ~.ribl<, pn<o.c.J ~ ........J to impU<, oiua! • l"" mlo .oo motin« ><"""- Why is God Laughing?: One M an's Journc)' to Jo)' and Spiritual Optimism I!y L:>«pO Chupt1. Is, Pri«, £12.99 P'rK.oIYJTJ ~~W'Ig ,t.. pnofounJ ..,th do< Ogh"".Ok of ~r.. !No funouo ""ntual ,"<hot ",lux. '"¢><' ~ ..-ith hwnom. IV,;''''n in "'" fonn of an ",,'..'aaung ~ o.op.. In<rib<. ' h< hI< of . focbonal ~ on • 'l"'" <O,""ffCOm, k.., oddKtion ond ~m, and k> hrcom< "",..,of an'"...,u.'. T.,.......b ,t.. """ of ,o. ..... Ow"", """"' ...... d.. .",,,., h" cl.._ ..... lo:un«I, ~ing p<><""'aI '""l" _'W<>" "'_to r, "'>W ""' con aw'f ,t.;m "')'Q<H" ~f<. hpb,mng "" an "'" the ....."..,... '" gr<>t c< .00 roo WI' ..... II< p«W<> ""0 Por Ii.... """.1""",ho, I.""",,,, "",1Iy~th<h<M~ www.tillytaroLcom Tarot Decks I have sourced the cheapest Tarot Decks available to b"!)l online! Find them all at my shop ... ...but here is a favourite! Mystic Faerie ,MYSTI C FAEI2 lt TAROT By Linda Ravenscroft, Barbara Moore Ust Price: £21.61 Price: £19.00 You cannot be without this beautifully designed Tarot Deck .. Magical! Step ms/de the ench~nriflg world Qf {he fey. Rich ..... terc%r• by N:fJ(JI. n.,.} ani." Linda Ra,'" nscroR c:.plllrt /be vib,.,mcy :MId gmce orr""ries, sprites, elves, and nymphs in thei" Iw;b ~rJ<·ns. suit reUs" r""rle l.dc as the "a(Ure spin'lS embark on m2lfic~ adventures. A ..",N:r nymph and ,,-ood cJfk"m Ih .. , kwe is .. gift not 10 be (liken f;ghfly, while a foolish (nne queen and her kingdom arc n"..rly ,wt:n,.kcn by" m"l,';c-~ blue fmC. Thc9L' stories olTer lessons :md fresh insights in ..u mil/rem ofliFe, while rem";"i",, Ime 10 :uchctypcs. """Jt The" lI/ysfic P"erie r"rot "kit Includes" 288-p"l."<' book .hal inrmduCt;s ,,,rol and <kscribft; 1M m"iM "nd minor MCSln" in <k,sW. PerfCCf ror Ix-ginncrs, you "u 11150 find r"eric-thenrcd sprc"ds 10 IISC, "'ot,!! ..ith s"mph- re"dings vuI" quid reference gfli<k 10 Ihe c"n/s. Brighten up your home this Christmas! SIW>o/Chk: .,.." "" .., CNwIuu" ~G1IriN>d~,,,,,,, !Nt PI' U .= ,tJ<di,~ dori.""u._,. l2cm dcc<~no.u /h,,.,.,. 1.1>'0 1l7>/" iknT If',...,h ..irh Faityf4'tt6 Jllivuud ~tn~ T.I>k R",,~ Lillll'li«: £JI)j)(} I'ria!: £ ) 9. 14 almond trulftes finely chopped toasted a flat half a , truffl. and roll it round in the nuts, pressing form an outer coaling Chocolate-coated trutrles For these you need to set the chocolate and oil in a bowl over some hot but not boiling water and allow It to melt until it becomes liquid, then remove the pan from the heat Now spread some sHicooe paper on a flat surface ancl, dusting your hands with roll each truffle into a little ball. Using skewers, one to spike the truffle and one to manoelMe . , dip eac h truffle in the chocolate so that. -,~ Now ~ .. the InI'!Ies I'll bolt 011 boXes IWlCI CO\'eI' Keep !hem refngerattd and eat IIni! days AlMIIbYeIy, InI'!Ies ¥e deal lOtI fl'eezrIjj ITho .""''' taketthMI [)ejf Stmh:t CIItIWmJs and TIlt [)ejf~, Chocolate.