Município de Santa Maria da Feira Kırıkkale Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü
Município de Santa Maria da Feira Kırıkkale Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü
Município de Santa Maria da Feira Kırıkkale Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü “Health4life” – Programme Comenius Regio Partnership (contract n.º 2013-1-TR1-COM13-48782 2- and 2013-1-TR1-COM13-48782-1) “Health4life” – Programme Comenius Regio Partnership (contract n.º 2013-1-TR1-COM13-48782 2- and 2013-1-TR1COM13-48782-1) Editor – Município de Santa Maria da Feira / Kırıkkale Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü ISBN Edition – May 2015 Empresa Gráfica Feirense, S.A. Depósito Legal nº Partners: Warning “This Project has been funded with support from the European Commission, by. T. C. Ministry of the European Union, the Presidency of the EU Education and Youth Programs Center, through the National Agencies of Portugal (Agência Nacional de Aprendizagem ao Longo da Vida) and Turkey (Türkiye Ulusal Ajansı). This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.” Kırıkkale Province Directorate of National Education and Município de Santa Maria da Feira. Portugal Município de Santa Maria da Feira Agrupamento de Escolas Coelho e Castro Lourocoop – Cooperativa de Consumo, CRL. Turkey Kırıkkale Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü Türk Metal Mustafa Özbek İlkokulu Mehmet Varlıoğlu Ortaokulu Kırıkkale Gençlik Hizmetleri ve Spor İl Müdürlüğü Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Website: 3 CONTENTS Acknowledgements . . . . . 7 Foreword . . . . . 9 . Twelve golden rules for the healthy nutrition of school age children 11 Partnership objectives and results . . . . Introduction of the partners . . . Project summary . . . . Partnership objectives . . . . Main activities, outcomes/achievements of the partnership 15 17 24 26 28 Healthy nutrition . . . . . . Some articles about healthy nutrition . . Body mass index . . . . Kidmed questionnaire . . . . Healthy recipes . . . . . Sample of a healthy nutrition diet program for students 61 63 64 73 80 85 Physical education and sport . Benefits . . Local traditional dances . Types of sports and games . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 89 90 95 Leisure Time in a Healthy way Lifestyle . Health . . Combating stress Leisure activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 107 107 108 108 Healthy tips . . . . 10 mistakes . . . The nutrition of school age children . Food that keeps off stress . . Useful foods for a sore throat . Your child can be nervous for this reason 9 herbs and an infusion for a healthier diet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 111 113 114 117 119 121 Bibliography . . 133 . . . . . . . . . 5 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to thank three important groups of people, without whom this Manual of Good Practice for Healthy Life would not have been possible: European Commission, for the financial support received under the Lifelong Learning Programme, through the National Agency of Portugal (Agência Nacional de Aprendizagem ao Longo da Vida) and Turkey (Türkiye Ulusal Ajansı), the coordinating organizations of each region (Municipality of Santa Maria da Feira and Kırıkkale Directorate of Education) and local partners in each of the regions (Agrupamento de Escolas Coelho e Castro, Lourocoop – Cooperativa de Consumo, CRL., Türk Metal Mustafa Özbek İlkokulu, Mehmet Varlıoğlu Ortaokulu, Kırıkkale Gençlik Hizmetleri ve Spor İl Müdürlüğü and Kırıkkale University Health Sciences Faculty). We sincerely hope to continue having opportunities to interact with the programmes for education and training throughout our career. To all our partners, thanks for the fun and support. Our experience in this project, Health4Life, was greatly enhanced as it was filled out with all of you. We greatly look forward to having all of you as colleagues in the years ahead. Finally, but not less importantly, we want to thanks all of the people involved in this project for encouraging us to have confidence in our abilities, and to go after new things that inspire us to have a better healthy lifestyle. Thanks for teaching us how important is a transnational project and how it can be a worthy part of the pursuit that has enhanced our ability to get through it all and succeed in the end. We cannot adequately express how thankful we are. The coordinators of the partnership, Andreia SANTOS Mustafa Can HİÇYILMAZ 7 FOREWORD A bridge from Europe to Anatolia The vision of the evolution for European societies gives special priority to learning, access to skills and knowledge. This vision has the following motto: Long Learning Life. In this context the local / regional authorities in general, and educational institutions, in particular, are encouraged to practice active cooperation because, as institutions, they are a part of a social system that underlines both, and also all other kinds of social units, systems which are imperative to the European Union and its citizens. The Mayor of Santa Maria da Feira The Kırıkkale Provincial Director of Education Emídio SOUSA İsmail ÇETİN Since 2013, the Municipality of Santa Maria da Feira and the Directorate of Education of Kırıkkale Province jointly accepted the challenge of promoting local strategies to fight obesity and advocate the adoption of healthy lifestyles, especially regarding eating habits, with the implementation of the project Health4Life in their cities. The reality of a society marked by stress, lack of time and lack of physical activity has been increasing worldwide at an alarming rate; more than a merely aesthetic concern, it has become a serious public health problem. Therefore, regular physical activity is recommended by experts in order to preserve our physical and mental health and social well-being. Aiming to contribute to a better practice in order to fight childhood obesity and a sedentary lifestyle, the present work was developed by the municipalities of Santa Maria da Feira and the Kırıkkale Province, together with local partners in both regions. Which constitutes the “Manual Good Practices for a Healthy Life “. This answers to a set of needs felt by both regions in relation of the theme of Childhood Obesity and sedentariness, in particular, as the definition of municipal / regional strategies mentions. The Handbook, sedentariness based on the Portuguese and 9 Turkish reality, aims to establish itself as a tool to support the implementation of projects on this theme and its main objectives:> to present the partner organizations; > Summarize the project; > Clarify issues related to the objectives, activities undertaken and results achieved, calling attention to some key aspects such as the need for a comprehensive, integrated and systemic reflection between healthy eating, sport and healthy lifestyles; > Define the methodology and identify a set of the best practices; > Be a useful and accessible document at all, considering the principles of dissemination. Promoting healthy lifestyles is the need to provide technical and updated information services on all aspects that influence the life of an individual. The intervention of technical contribute effectively to the process of fighting childhood obesity and sedentary life styles, it is important to reflect on the best practices. Thus we find in the following pages a manual of some good practices adopted by the municipality of Santa Maria da Feira and Kirikkale Province (Turkey). 10 TWELVE GOLDEN RULES FOR THE HEALTHY NUTRITION OF SCHOOL AGE CHILDREN TWELVE GOLDEN RULES FOR THE HEALTHY NUTRITION OF SCHOOL AGE CHILDREN ASSISTANT PROF. DR. BIRIZ ÇAKIR ASSOC. PROF. DR. FATMA NIŞANCI KILINÇ KIRIKKALE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF HEALTH SCIENCES Dear Children Adequate and Balanced Nutrition plays an important role in the protection and development of health during the entire life cycle beginning when you still are in the womb. It also gains importance especially in the childhood and puberty when rapid growth takes place. Even if it is not possible to control the hereditary characters and environmental factors, healthier growth and the development process can be experienced with the conscious nutrition habits; a happy, productive, healthy and long life can be achieved at the later stage of life with the increase in the quality of life. For this to happen, there are 12 golden rules that we must pay attention to are ordered below. 1. Eat adequately and balancedly. Adequate and balanced nutrition is the basic of the health. Inadequate and unbalanced nutrition causes deficiencies in functions the growth, development and functions of the body. 2. Be careful and consume from the 4 main nutrition groups in each meal; because each group differs in the nutritional elements it contains. There are 4 main nutrition groups. The first group contains milk and milk based products; the second group contains meat and eggs; the third group contains vegetables and fruit; the last group contains bread and grain. Everyday food that belongs to these 4 groups must be consumed. Always care for nutrition diversity. 3. Don’t skip meals. There are 3 main meals and 3 elevenses. 4. Have breakfast. Breakfast is the most important of all meals. Starting the day without having breakfast decreases the efficiency and reduces the school success. You must drink milk; cheese or eggs, carrots in addition to olives and bread, fresh vegetable like tomato or fruit (such as oranges, apples or fruit juice) must be consumed. 13 5. Make a habit out of drinking milk. Milk plays an important role in the healthy development of bones and teeth. Be careful to drink at least 2 glasses of milk or eat yoghurt every day. 6. Consume an adequate amount of vegetable and fruit. Vegetables and fruit are the nutrition’s rich in vitamins and minerals. Vitamins and minerals protect you from illnesses and help your growth and development and take part as hematinic. Pay attention to consume all the vegetable meals and various fruit without being choosy in eating. 7. Consume clean and sterile food. Don’t eat raw vegetables and fruit without washing them with plenty of water and don’t buy food sold unpackaged. 8. Prefer healthy food from the school canteen. Excessive consumption of sugary products causes both dental cavities and less consumption a decreased of foods with a high nutritional value. Prefer drinks such as ayran, milk, fresh fruit juice to sugary products. Don’t consume nutrition’s such as chocolate, candy or sweets excessively. 9. Wash your hands before and after meals and don’t forget that dirty hands carry many germs that cause illnesses. 10. Brush your teeth at least twice a day (in the morning and before going to bed). Avoid consuming sugary products in the elevenses and when you eat or drink then, brush your teeth or rinse your mouth. 11. Try to be active and occupy yourself with a sports that attracts your interest and go to school and return home on foot or by bike, if possible. 12. Reading the label of food before buying it while shopping, is very important and also check whether it is approved or not and its expire date. Don’t buy food sold unpackaged. 14 PARTNERSHIP OBJECTIVES AND RESULTS PARTNERSHIP OBJECTIVES AND RESULTS INTRODUCTION OF THE PARTNERS TURKEY - KIRIKKALE Kırıkkale Province, Directorate of National Education Responsible for organizing the educational activities and other actions related to increasing the education quality. In brief this institution is the only authority concerning education in the city. However, it´s also responsible for adult´s education and for the courses meant to train adults. They serve the laws, instructions and regulations from the Turkish National Education Ministry. The institution is divided into different departments. For example: assignment, public education, culture, education, research, development and computer network. It has a director that is responsible for all departments, has 4 assistant directors and 7 branch managers. Kırıkkale Province, Directorate of National Education aims to provide adults with ways to develop their skills and knowledge, keeping them mentally fit and potentially more employable. It serves not only learners in adult education, but also the teachers, trainers, education staff and facilities that provide these services. In general context, the institution participated in to the activities that fulfilled the Life Long Learning principle. The institution includes 57000 students and 3100 teachers. In addition to these standard schools, they also have more than 5 schools for only students who need special education. It is also responsible for financially the families who have handicapped children financial. The institution is giving in service training services to teachers so they can develop themselves in their fields. lt arranges seminars and courses to people in disadvantaged areas in order to help them to develop themselves and to find jobs. The institution shared knowledge and experiences about the project subject. The staff is interested in the LLP and as the staff aim to make lifelong learning opportunities more widely known and available to citizens with the help of our project’s mobility. By presenting our cultural values, traditions and customs to the other partners in the project, we presented the European citizens with a cultural bridge and thus both our learners and our partners’ 17 learners can improve themselves in the cultural aspect, and the community will begin to socialize by the help by finding out the other cultures. As the coordinator organization, Kırıkkale Provincial National Education Directorate is the authority that submitted the project and operated the project during two years. It declared the war against the obesity and stress in our region. It meticulously contributed to the management, planning, and development of the project. By getting the support of the local partners, our organization built the conditions for the project activities to take place in order to implement the prominent aims. We established contact with partners and worked with them observing the situation of nutrition habits in the partner region by applying the questionnaires in some of the pilot schools. Also by preparing the questionnaires with Provincial Health Directorate, we observed the risk factors and weakness in the students ‘health (about obesity and stress) and so it formed the reports for the risk map about the healthy life. We know that behavioral change is not simple; in this respect, our project tried to be innovative, motivating and contributing with data towards the development of multidisciplinary and intercultural interventions, and a vital role to build healthy environments. We were responsible for the activities and the success of the project besides communication between partners and we created fitness programs for the students who were at risk with Provincial Youth and Sport Directorate. Moreover, we took a role in dissemination, the sustainability of the project and organizing meetings and seminars related to the subject of the project. Furthermore, we facilitated communication between national and international partners of the project. With the help of this project, we set up a system which recorded the data which showed the body mass index (BMI) of pupils and alert the risk rate and calling for the dietician so as to observe the pupils’ situations, that way schools will be prepared and conscious about the obesity after we cooperated and shared our experience and works with the Portuguese Partner Institution. We promoted the European cooperation in the methods, training and information concerning the health among collaborating regions. As Kırıkkale Provincial National Educational Directorate, we wanted to try to set up a system calling for the students to be more active and healthier in the schools of our region and minimize the rates of obesity by practicing the new approaches and cooperating with our Portuguese partner institutions. 18 Türk Metal Mustafa Özbek Primary School Mehmet Varlıoğlu Ortaokulu Our school, Mustafa Ozbek Primary School, is located in Kirikkale which is 60 km far from Ankara and 160 km far from Cappadocia. We have fascinating natural scenes around the city. We also have the opportunity to visit the world-wide famous Cappadocia Region and Ankara, the capital city of Turkey due to being near each other. Our school is a central elementary school which consists of almost 800 students and 30 teachers. Our students are between 5 and 11 years old. We have classes and laboratories for each lesson. We have two computer laboratories, a gym, two English laboratories, three pre-school classes and a teacher’s room. English is taught as a second language in our school. The school has 16 classes and about 430 students. The students are from a disadvantaged area. Our institution is located in a rural area which doesn’t give any opportunities to students to practice the English language except in the classroom environment. Moreover, its pupils and parents’ social-economic situation is not as good. Because of this economical unavailability, they are not able to get involved in social activities such as cinema, concerts or theatre in the city. In addition, the parents educational attitude is not enough because their social life is limited with the school environment. Due to the parents’ lack of education, there is a common problem where the children’s psycho-motor skills, emotional qualities and personal improvement are not developed enough. For these reasons, students’ social development and individual creativity through music, sport and social activities are of vital importance for in order more social and active citizens. And also most of our students are part of medium to poor budget families with a medium standard of life. Because of this they don’t have eating healthy food facilities and can’t eat healthy foods. For this reason our school declared a war to obesity and its reasons. The aim of our school in not only giving a good education but also to develop the awareness of clean and healthy life. We had a lot of social and sport activities. We have a healthy nutrition Club in our school. In this club we organize seminars, campaigns and some other activities about healthy nutrition and healthy life. We believe in a healthy mind and a healthy body, therefore we aimed to gain the awareness of healthy nutrition to our students and parents. Because of parents’ lack of education, there is a healthy growth problem in our area and due to families not being aware of healthy nutrition, their children are faced with obesity. We organized a lot of seminar about obesity to the parents in our school last year. And we prevented the sale of unhealthy foods from school canteen. We believe that schools play a very important role to solve the obesity problem because over 80 percent of children are enrolled in schools. Therefore we will do our best to prevent obesity problem in our area. We want to help our students and also parents adopt and maintain the habit of eating and physical activity. So the roles for us in the project were: - To stablish data entry into the system of the database of BMI; - To make communication among. Our partner institutions; - To apply the questionnaire to pupils in order to observe their nutrition problems; - To promote the pupils to an active life inside and outside of the school; 19 PORTUGAL - SANTA MARIA DA FEIRA - To create a newsteller during the project; - To be active participants of the activities in the project and organize different activities; - To communicate with the parents to improve the foreign language and promote the pupils to write to the other pupils via e-mails about the sport and active life; - To attend the seminars and the diet and fitness programs actively; - To promote healthy food in school canteen to sell it without high calories; - To offer any necessary materials and make final products; - To share ideas, methods and problems in the platform; - To counteract the actual sedentary tendency and to improve the teachers and pupils’ quality of life; - To be responsible for the dissemination and evaluation of our own works. - To stablish communication among our partner institutions; - To attend the seminars and the diet and fitness programs actively; - To offer any necessary materials and make final products; - To share ideas, methods to problems in the platform; - To counteract the actual sedentary tendency and to improve the teachers and pupils’ quality of life; - To be responsible for the dissemination and evaluation of our own Works. Faculty of Health Sciences, Kırıkkale University Kırıkkale Gençlik Hizmetleri ve Spor İl Müdürlüğü Our Faculty and Student Purchase Program that will be implemented: In all departments of our faculty we are going to create, within the framework of a 4-year degree, a program for education. The programs consist of 8 semesters. Our faculty, take part in all of the 8 semester courses and they are meticulously crafted. Our organization’s name is Kırıkkale Province Directorate of Youth Services and Sports, as it is understood from its name we are responsible for all sportive activities in Kırıkkale, so we promote all people from the childhood to senescence to do sport and to be an active person. We organize some of fitness courses and matches such as swimming, basketball, football, etc. Department in the Faculty of Health Sciences Department and Department: our faculty has 4 sections: 1. Nursing Department; 2. Health Management Department; 3. Children Development Department; 4. Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Department. So the roles of us in the project were: - To role and organize the fitness and sport courses; - To provide the swimming pools, and fitness rooms for the pupils in the Project; The Faculty of Health Sciences has the role to run the seminaries about the healthy nutrition and questionnaires to find out some data about the health issue during the Project addressed in the application form. 20 Municipality of Santa Maria da Feira Education and training are fundamental pillars for the support of any community. The concern with the education, training and qualification of citizens is a crosscutting issue and it leads the design and the implementation of municipal politics, with increasing responsibilities and powers with regard to education, with a particular focus on planning, management and development the pre-school and first cycle of basic education. The Municipality of Santa Maria da Feira recognizes the crucial role that education has in developing integrated communities, and takes the intervention in the education sector as a priority of its political actions, including through the intervention of a more intense in spatial network education and quality of education and training, according to a draft development and promotion of citizens and community. In this sense, and despite the economic climate, the Municipality continues to invest in education, with reference to a set of principles and guidelines poured in Educational Charter (International Association of Educating Cities) since 2002. The strategic objectives of educational policy district council are: to contribute to the sustainable development of the municipality of Santa Maria da Feira through better education, training and culture; promote an increasing quality of learning and to ensure continuity along the same style of life, making decisions regarding the construction of new ventures and conversion and adaptation of schools, enhancing the functionality of the existing network and its expansion; tailor educational supplies to the real needs of the municipality, in order to contribute to the development of quality and diversity 21 of the educational provision district council, ensuring the social development of the municipality; guide the expansion of the education system as a function of economic, social and cultural enrichment, in order to promote and ensure equal access to education; combat failure and dropout; guide education for innovation, knowledge and technology that contribute to the Feira’s stated as county educator able to meet the challenges of the information society and knowledge, through its education policy based on knowledge, innovation and entrepreneurship. It is this perspective that intends to continue to streamline a number of existing projects and implement new initiatives to achieve the objectives set up and thus make an important step in raising the quality of education and training. All the initiatives promoted in education are based on four actions: 1st - rehabilitation of schools; 2nd - fighting school failure and dropout, 3rd - improving the quality of education; 4th - expand training at a secondary level and tailor training needs. Through this project we intend to distribute a new educational concept for Healthy Life, based on a multidisciplinary teaching network process, based on teachers, aimed at permanently modifying behaviors eating and exercising in Basic Education students, with the ultimate aim of preventing Obesity. The target population are students, and the teaching involves a training course from 15 hours up to 25 hours, depending on whether it is for teachers or parents. This project aims to establish itself as a tool for basic education, for students and a mean of transmitting the essential aspects of the promotion of health education, seeking to stimulate and maintain new behaviors (healthy), regular practice of physical exercise a balanced and varied diet. Thus, this was promoted and boosted by teachers and students of the respective schools that were formed by a multidisciplinary team consisting of a nutritionist, physical education teachers, biology teachers, science teachers, staff and manager of the project, among others, seeking to achieve the objective of improving the population health, changing mindsets, behaviors and eating habits and then we will compare the BMI of our students with those of the Turkish students’ and try to develop new methods against the problem. Objectives: - Educate the school population from the Group of Schools Coelho e Castro, students and their parents about the risks of obesity, sedentary lifestyle, overeating and other risk factors, which result in an imbalance between caloric expenditure (reduced) and (high) energy input calling for changes in lifestyle within the family; 22 - Strengthening of this local actions (national) and international actions with the Turkish’s partnerships to cooperate actively in the expansion of this project; - To role and organize the fitness and sport courses; - To provide the swimming pools and fitness rooms for the pupils in the Project; - To stablish communication among our partner institutions; - To attend the seminars, diet and fitness programs actively; - To offer necessary materials and make final products; - To share ideas and methods of problems in the platform; - To counteract the actual sedentary tendency and improve the teachers and pupils’ quality of life; - To be responsible for the dissemination and evaluation of our own works. Group of Schools Coelho e Castro Mission: to provide an educational service that allows citizens to form autonomous and intellectual active people and form cooperation responsibility and have integrity. To develop such diverse courses of basic and secondary level that respond to the interests and motivation of young adults in the community in which we operate. Values: requiring a close and constructive partnership between the school community and the environment; Knowledge - students are the reason for the existence of schools, which entails assigning high value to their needs and use of working together in order to meet their expectations; Quality-promote the qualification of teachers and other employees to ensure the improvement of the organizational processes; Innovation - scientific innovation, technological and cultural guides the actions of this group of schools. Group of Cultural Intervention and Recreative from Lourocoop – GRIC-L Description: The Group of Schools Coelho e Castro, Santa Maria da Feira (the new name of the Vertical Group of Fiães since 01.01.2013), is an institution with a kindergarten, a primary, an elementary and a secondary level schools, whose area includes the parishes of Fiães, Sanguedo, Caldas of S. Jorge, Lobão Guisande, Gião, Louredo, Vila Maior, Canedo, Vale and its located in the northern part of the Municipality of Santa Maria da Feira. Through this project we intend to distribute a new educational concept for Healthy Life, based on a multidisciplinary teaching network process, based on teachers, aimed at permanently modifying behaviors of eating and exercising in Basic Education students, with the ultimate aim of preventing Obesity. The target population are students, and the teaching involves a training course from 15 hours up to 25 hours, depending on whether it is for teachers or parents. This project aims to establish itself as a tool for basic education, for students and a mean of transmitting the essential aspects of the promotion of health education, seeking to stimulate and maintain new behaviors (healthy), regular practice of physical exercise and a balanced and varied diet. Thus, was promoted and boosted by teachers and students of the respective schools that were be formed by a multidisciplinary team consisting of nutritionist, physical education teacher, biology teachers, science teachers, staff and manager of the project, among others, seeking to achieve the objective of improving the population health, changing mindsets, behaviors and eating habits and then we will compare the BMI of our students with those of the Turkish students’ and they to develop new methods against the problem. The objectives of the GRIC-L are: - To organize and develop socio cultural activities in the institution, in order to stimulate and strengthen the inclusion of the community; - To create and support amateur sporting activities that contribute to the physical development of its members and their families, as well as the general public. - To provide cultural promotion in its various aspects, both in the arts, culture and education for the citizens. Labor - prime conditions for achieving results, it is very important that the school community commits and has dedications; Collaboration - the world of today requires the sharing of ideas, jobs and resources to be efficient and at the same time, efficient, 23 There is strong evidence that maintaining an active lifestyle provides physical and mental health benefits. Nevertheless, Turkey and Europe have been recently suffering from a sedentariness life as a result of the people over usage of technology. Which can cause certain kinds of illnesses such as obesity, diabetes, cancer and stress to appear on the body. The project’s aim is to fight against sedentariness causing obesity, cancer, diabetes and stress (in mental health) by promoting a more active and healthier lifestyle improving the quality of target groups’ life by having them gain new healthy eating habits. In addition to this, another objective is to promote the European cooperation in the methods, trains and information concerning the healthy life in Turkey and Portugal. It is dramatically obvious that the number of people suffering from both physical and mental problems has been increasing these days. Every day, all around Europe, frustrating news about people who are dying and suffering from obesity, cancer, diabetes and intensive stress falls into the agenda and this remarkable and dolorous vision about life has been a crucial stimulus for us to start to carry out such a significant project for especially for adults. Because they are the people who have the least time to practice sport since they are more busy than the young. The proponents of the present project, are a wide partnership of Eastern, Central and Western European Adult Education Organizations, which aim to identify the key factors related to the motivation participation and persistence in the Life Long Learning processes from a wide range of adult learners. There is strong evidence that maintaining an active lifestyle provides important physical and mental health benefits: physical inactivity per se causes 10% of deaths in Europe and 1,9 million deaths worldwide. With the rise of a series of 24 PROJECT SUMMARY technological devices that facilitate daily life, while our leisure time is increasing, sedentary lifestyle increases too. Also, our professional activity is tending to be even more sedentary. Our society has the lead to increase the sedentary lifestyle level by using elevators, treadmills, passive transports and watching television as the dominant form of leisure time. We’re growing up as inactive adults and we are raising inactive children. Adding children’s fast food consumption to this, we’ll have a generation suffering from obesity. On the Monica Search, which has been done in Asia, Africa and 6 different districts of Europe by WHO, the obesity prevalence (the prevalence of the disease) has increased by 10-30 percent in 10 years with a fast rate. The annual increase of obesity in childhood is soaring. The prevalence of childhood obesity is 10 times more than the rate during the 1970’s and it appears that obesity is inherited from father or mother to child. According to WHO’s data, fast food consumption has been increasing dramatically. One reason for this issue is that people do not have enough time to eat, they are too busy and consequently eating habits have been changing. However, the diabetes is one of the biggest problems because threatening the human life fatally and according to World Health Organization’s data, it appears that people who are obese and live inactively constitute the group of higher risk to the developing of diabetes. We know that behavioral change is not simple; in this respect, our project will be innovative, motivating, contributing with data towards the development of multidisciplinary and intercultural interventions, and a vital role to build healthy environments. From our point of view, the partners have this public incumbency as educational institutions at an European level – in terms of cooperation and networking – being the basis of training in adult education, assuming, as principal activity, the “building of Europe”. With this objective, all institutions participating in the “HEALTH 4LIFE” are proposing the creation of a strong network of cooperation between European countries, pursuing a good relationship in the context of adult education. Our role is to counteract this actual sedentary tendency to improve the citizens’ quality of life and to fight obesity, cancer, diabetes and stress (mental health) by finding out the habit of healthy eating and promoting a healthier lifestyle among citizens, but also to promote the European cooperation in the methods, training and information concerning the health among collaborating countries. Overall the Project will encourage firstly a heightened awareness of health and active lifestyle through a multicultural context and secondly the positive effects of living in such a diverse European Union. Partner countries prepared recipes of local dishes and these had been examined in terms of the nutritional requirements of a healthy balanced and traditional diets. We also share and exchange traditional methods for losing weight and to develop a fitness program incorporating a healthy diet and exercise in the partner institutions. A detailed local search had been carried out in order to get the population’s profile and bring the project to their needs and expectations, building a common path to follow, especially when working with risk groups. Partners, waving the flag of health and interculturality, had the opportunity to be involved in the local culture experiencing and tasting healthy food, sharing practice local sports. We closed the day by participating in the 36nd Intercontinental Istanbul Eurasia Marathon with all participants and we gathered a Guide to Good Practices for Healthy Life. 25 The project “Health4life” aims to encourage people to adopt healthy lifestyles, integrating physical activity and care for nutrition in everyday routine, fitting perfectly on the mission to promote human development, health and well-being of the 2nd Regional partners and 6 local institutions. With this partnership, we also aim to strengthen the values of active citizens through the exchange of experiences and intercultural dialogue. Since the main objective to fight obesity, stress and risky behaviors, we’ll: - Advocate the community about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle; - Share best practices and learn from the experience of one other; - Educate for healthy eating habits, relying on the implicit cultural diversity of the project; - Promote physical activity as a way to achieve well-being and harmonious physical development of our learners; - Promote a healthy and social occupation of leisure-time, especially in elderly teachers and disadvantaged students; - Try to keep under control the physical situations of pupils whose weight is at a risky rate; - Set up a system which records the data showing the body mass index (BMI) of pupils and alerting the risk rate, calling for the dietician so as to observe pupils’ BMI; - Identify the problems (especially Critical Problems about obesity) of obesity and find solutions for them by using creativeness among the partner schools and institutions; - Ensure that students and teachers are aware of the new approaches and methods mostly practiced nowadays against obesity and cancer; - Improve the participants (teachers, directors, students) competence in ICT and their ability in terms of communication in English. In this pathway, reaching our learners firstly in order to later reach our all community – in a movement of an informal chain of 26 PARTNERSHIP OBJECTIVES communication – we’ll promote a range of activities addressing local culture, sports practice and contact with nature, making use of existing potential and spreading it, exchanging these experiences with our partnership colleges. In addition to these, we will start to implement the activities related with healthy lifestyle from our own staff, that is to say, we will foremost need to have our staff believe in healthy and active lifestyle and secondly our pupils. A network of local agents will also be grouped, to propagate our activities and ensure that the message reaches as many people as possible. Thanks to the Healthy eating and active living program being to be implemented and supported by Turkish Ministry of Health between 2010-2014 years in Turkey; the Kırıkkale Province, Directorate of National Education will carry out the activities conveniently and we shall share them, if they are effective, with our Portuguese partner. Develop areas of strategic cooperation in the study of individual, cultural and social factors that facilitate or inhibit active lifestyles in our population, it’s a strategy to obtain data towards the specific development of interventions and the concretization of our objectives. The knowledge generated under this program will be released on articles, forums and at the International Conference so as to reach the community and to promote our project as well as, consequently, our objectives, compiling all in a Manual of Good Practice for Healthy life. In addition, the objectives will be achieved through good practices, mobility’s and observations. What we intend to address to our pupils: - To keep under the control the physical situations of pupils whose weight is increasing at risky rate via the system to be generated by us; - To inform the students about an active lifestyle, healthier life and stress; - To collaborate with students in international pairs or groups and present their common favorite sports or games which they like may doing, playing or watching; - To urge them into making their presentation with more or less details (photos, videos, rules, healthy lifestyle, diet, etc.; - To implement a diet program in the schools with the observation of dieticians; - To encourage the students to do sports at their homes or gardens; - To ensure them to find out the different types of Portuguese and Turkish national sport (wrestling, handball etc.); - To motivate firstly pupils to be aware of the importance of learning different languages as necessary in order to build friendships, gain respect and improve themselves; - To have them know much more about the similarities and the differences between Turkish and Portuguese’s cultures; What we intend to address for our Teachers: - To motivate teachers into being creative and open-minded about finding solutions against the problems they meet regarding nutrition in schools; - To motivate teachers into learning different languages, understanding and respecting other cultures; - To encourage teachers to do sports in the school or outside; - To inform teachers about healthy nutrition and fighting obesity; - To provide them areas where they can share their experience and collaborate their creative opinion. What we intend to address our Partner Institutions and to the Local Community: - To encourage collaboration among institutions; - To organize the local activities such as seminars, sports and fitness courses; - To develop the methods that provide opportunities for communication; - To make the data entry about BMI into the system; - To enlarge awareness of the collaborative LLP projects; - To be an intercultural bridge between two cultures; - To follow the rules for preventing illnesses such as obesity, cancer and stress, etc.; - To arrange a web site including and presenting all of the process and information of the project’s implementation. 27 As the project developed, we created a logo, a website, a forum and a social network about the various subjects. We uploaded our all of our information to the website and shared our ideas, problems and methods to the forum part, too. So, this experience tentatively helped us sharing innovative strategies and tools for disseminating the methodology we aimed at. studies, a portfolio and Powerpoint presentations were made. We wanted to get all partners involved in the project, so they can be familiar with specific national and cultural partners of each region. Consequently, pupils will improve communication and be aware of a different culture, a different language and a different educational system. In addition, students were intended to write e-mails, letters to pupils from a partner, with the intention of motivating them to the use of the English language. It helped us to prepare a chart of needs in order to improve their competencies in learning a foreign language. MAIN ACTIVITIES, OUTCOMES/ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE PARTNERSHIP PROJECT LOGO FORUM PAGE Website project ( – we published articles about our local activities and national productions in the website and in the health4life group page on the social network (Facebook). WWW.H4LIFE.NET Newsletter – we submitted articles and news to the newsletter. NEWSLETTER December, 2013 Project Partners Kirikkale Province, Directorate of National Education (Coordinator Organisation) Municipality of Santa Maria da Feira. Group of Schools Coelho e Castro Kırıkkale Province Directorate of Youth Services and Sports Mehmet Varlıoğlu Secondary School Mustafa Özbek Primary School Inside this issue Forum page - we created a forum for communicating with Portuguese students and Turkish students. By inventing a mail system between the partner schools, we circuitously looked at the pupils so they could easily find each other and also with the participants from each partner institution we performed activities to specific geographical, historical, cultural and religious knowledge from each region. Comparative and intensive 28 The First meeting in 1 From the Coordinator 2 Our Project 2 Santa Maria Da FeiraMunicipality of Santa Maria 3 A warm welcome 4 The Spa of Caldas de S. J. 4 A visit to the Spa of Caldas de S.Jorge 4 We are on the Web! The First Project Meeting in Portugal Comenius Regio Project of Kırıkkale Directorate of National Education “Health4life” to Turkey National Agency’s Life Long Learning Programme (LLP), which was granted and became entitled to receive a grant. in the application year of 2013, had the first meeting. From now on, Kırıkkale is a member of the negotiation committee of EU, too. The first meeting of Kırıkkale Directorate of National Education’s Project “Health for Life”, conducted with Santa Maria de Feira City Hall in Portugal, was held in Santa Maria de Feria. In the meeting, Hacı Ali Okur the Provincial Director of National Education, and local associates Rıfat Ünlü the Provincial Director of Youth and Sports, İsmail Koşan and Hüdaverdi Demir the Provincial Asistant Principals of National Education, Mustafa Can Hiçyılmaz the Project Coordinator, Dursun Saray the headmaster of Mehmet Varlıoğlu Secondary School, Haydar Bakır the English teacher of Mehmet Varlıoğlu Secondary School, Volkan Akça the English Teacher of Türk Metal Mustafa Özbek Primary School participated. In this meeting, the foundations introduced themselves and discussed the internal structure of the partnership which will last two years. They exchanged information about their educational systems. Hacı Ali Okur the Provincial Director of National Education obtained information about two significant subjects “Exams and Private Teaching Institutions” that have been occupying our country’s agenda. Mustafa Can Hiçyılmaz the coordinator of the project indicated that questionnaires and measurements in school of both cities will be compared, according to the results, they will meet with the parents of students who are overweight or at the risk of obese and necessary conditions for them to do physical exercises will be provided. In this respect, Faculty of Health Science of Kırıkkale University was assigned to prepare the questionnaires. Rıfat Ünlü the Provincial Director of Youth and Sports asked the authority the factors preventing Portugal from achivements in sports and exchanged information. Therefore, on the purpose of encouraging students in sports and a dynamic life, Kırıkkale Directorate of National Education decided to hold “1st Health4life Cycling Tournament” and to take participation in the 36 th Istanbul Eurasian Marathon with the project associate of Portugal. They agreed on Economic Cooperation Emidio Sousa the mayor of host country who is also the president of all the depertmants in the city such as education, culture and industry etc. mentioned economic cooperation between two cities beside the information interchange within the scope of project. He stated that in the new period, they could gather the registered investors to Kırıkkale Chamber of Industry and Commerce and almost 14000 entrepreneurs in Santa Maria de Feira. 29 MAIN POSTER As we mentioned in the content part above, the project was carried out in 2 parts: the observations and the activities. So we improved a work program to arrange an order for the activities of the project. Firstly, were generated a system which recorded the data’s showing body mass index (BMI) of the pupils was generated, which alerted for a risky rate. We asked, afterwards, for the dietician so as to observe pupils’ BMI, to keep under control every physical situation where the pupils’ weight was increasing at a risky rate. This program was entitled “BMI for H4L”. We intended the class teachers to place the pupils’ weight into the system for, per month, we could update the database for the project. And according to the data in BMI data, a dietician was employed and asked to contact their families and monitored them meticulously until they got rid of their risky weights. In addition, the fitness and sport courses were organized by the Province Directorate of Youth Services and Sports for the pupils who have a risky weight. We were careful to keep their families and their teachers informed about obesity and stress. Moreover, it had contributed to raise awareness of the fact that this project was carried out in the scope of the Lifelong Learning Program. 30 Secondly a questionnaire for the Habits of Nutrition for the teachers who worked with the partner schools and also for the pupils, was prepared. It was connected to the teacher’s and pupils’ needs, habits of nutrition, outlooks of health and obesity and stress. When we prepared this questionnaire, we cooperated with a Portuguese partner and got the support of the Provincial Health Directorate in Kırıkkale. Each partner also wrote down the problems they came across while they were in the school and the ways of how do they get rid of a wrong nutrition and stress. The evaluations of the two regions were done and shared in the first meeting, and were published in the project website, too. Thirdly, we created brochures and posters for each trimester and we determined the theme should be healthy activity for about a month, by cooperating with the Portuguese partner Region. In the particular it is aimed to exchange the similarities and differences between the partners of the Turkish and Portuguese Regions. The sustainability of the project was carried out through the website and through activities. All posters created were used in the three main languages of the project (Portuguese, English and Turkish). 31 HEALTHY NUTRITION 32 HEALTHY LIFE 33 HEALTHY LEISURE ACTIVITIES BROCHURES FOR SCHOOL MEALS Portugal - the Municipality of Santa Maria da Feira created and distributed to all students, informational flyers about school meals, adapted to the needs of each age group, and it contained information about the food wheel, and it presented a weekly proposal for the school meals as well as some tips for healthy eating: AGE GROUP: 3 – 6 YEARS OLD 34 35 AGE GROUP: 6 – 10 YEARS OLD BROCHURES FOR SCHOOL MEALS Turkey - The Turkish partner created 2 brochures for their pupils with tips for a healthier lifestyle. AGE GROUP: 10 – 15 YEARS OLD On the behalf of the project, we gave them out for 5000 pupils between the age of 07 and 14 years old in the schools in the city centers. The Turkish partner, also created 2 brochures for the pupils’ families about tips for a healthier lifestyle. They gave it out to 5000 families in the schools in the main city. AGE GROUP: 15-18 YEARS OLD 36 37 Portugal - In Santa Maria da Feira, a few of seminars based upon the healthy and active life were organized and the presentations were prepared together with the Portugal and Turkey Regions in order to motivate the pupils and their families to keep a healthy and active lifestyle. The conference was intended for the parents to place their attention to the importance of obesity and stress. So it was deeply helpful to raise awareness among parents, and also to the public. Seminar “Healthy Eating in times of crisis” 16May 2014 – 21h00 – educational community in general promoted by Municipality of Santa Maria da Feira 38 SEMINARS Schools’ health lecture “Healthy eating and feeding behavior diseases” 9th grades – 21» 22 May 2014 (10h15 to 11h45) promoted by Municipality of Santa Maria da Feira 39 SPORT ACTIVITIES Portugal - In two years of the project, 4 sport activities were planned, such as swimming, hiking, trekking etc. in each partner regions. In addition to the local press, each participant from some important institutions in the cities of Turkey and Portugal were invited to participate in one of these activities so as to grab the attention of the public. School Cross Country 16 December 2013 Cross-country at school level, which was attended by students who have enrolled, ranging from the 5th grade up to the 12th grade. Those who performed better evidence will participate at regional and eventually at the national level. School on the move 2 April 2014 Initiative to promote physical education and fitness, conducted in the context of the classroom. Involves all students in the school assembly, all the way from the 5th to the 12th grades. It was a morning filled of good atmosphere and enthusiasm, which encourages a healthy lifestyle. Turkey - Nutrition education for families - The families whose students were determined as obese and overweight (and also under weigh) were informed about healthy nutrition by the doctors. Their wrong information has been corrected by the doctors and dietician. They took a look at what a healthy diet is and gave them some tips about how they can put this into practice. The tips for a healthy nutrition *Base your meals on starchy foods *Eat lots of fruit and veggetables *Eat more fish *Cut down on saturated fat and sugar *Eat less salt *Get active and have a healthy weight *Don’t stay thirsty *Don’t skip breakfast To maintain a healthy diet, the “eat well plate” shows you how much of what you eat should come from each food group. It’s important to have only small amounts of food that are high in fat and/or sugar. Seminar about Stress and Fighting Stress in Kırıkkale, Turkey Nutrition education for students 40 For promoting a healthy lifestyle, the seminar about stress and how to deal with stress was done for the pupils in Mehmet Varlıoğlu Secondary School, one of the local partners of the project, Turkey. Move for Health 18 May The group of Schools Coelho e Castro community was invited to participate in the initiative “Move for Health”, promoted by Lourocoop, which is also a partner in the Comenius Regio project Health4life. Thousands of participants from various parishes of the county joined the “Day Leisure” walk. 41 Turkey - The Diet Program and Sport, Fitness Course, Kırıkkale TURKEY - In Turkish partnership area, the 1st fitness and sport course has been organized for some of pupils who were obese and overweight according to the BMI measurements by Kırıkkale Provincial Directorate of Youth and Sport, and they have willingly volunteered to go to the sport center for 2 times in a week by Kırıkkale Milli Egitim Müdürlügü and their BMI was monitored by Kırıkkale University Health Sciences Faculty. They have been introduced to sports and to an active lifestyle. 42 The students who have been determined as an overweight and obese by the dieticians were promoted to the fitness and sport activities in the gym. And they have been monitored by the academics since the measurements were done. 43 Portugal - video contests healthy recipes for students were promoted by the Municipality of Santa Maria da Feira. VIDEO OF HEALTHY RECIPES Turkey - the project activities were implemented coordinated with the partners between Turkey and Portugal. Also a video contest featuring healthy recipes for students was promoted by Kırıkkale Provincial Directorate of National Education as well. The contest was open to all young people between 13 and 18 years old, and each contestant could submit up to 3 original videos contest and never could they be submitted to another contest or published, whether in color or black and white. 21 videos were sent to the contest. İsmail ÇETİN, Director, gave the rewards to the students who ranked as 1th, 2nd and 3rd in the contest. 44 45 Portugal - during schools holidays, students had the opportunity to attend workshops on healthy cooking, promoted by the Municipality of Santa Maria da Feira. WORKSHOP ON HEALTHY EATING Turkey - Workshop about healthy marketing with drawing pictures Workshop about healthy marketing with drawing pictures The workshop was held for healthy marketing by drawing picture to promote the healthy nutrition in Türk Metal Mustafa Özbek Primary School, Turkey. 46 The activities about drawing pictures with the theme of healthy lifestyle were held by Kırıkkale Provincial Directorate of National Education in Türk Metal Mustafa Özbek Primary school. 47 We created a Recipe Book formed with local healthy dishes from the Turkish and Portuguese cuisine. Edition by Municipality of Santa Maria da Feira. RECIPE BOOK RECIPE BOOK STUDY VISITS Portugal - promoted two field trips in order to address the curriculum content in a playful and appropriate way to design Health4Life. PORTUGAL TURKEY COMENIUS REGIO PROJECT - PORTUGAL - TURKEY 2013’15 CONTRATO N.º 2013-1-TR1-COM13-48782 2 Visit the Arouca Geopark March 16, 2015 During the visit the willingness of participants, together with the good weather, the beauty of the Serra da Freita and clean air made the walk held between Frecha Mizarela and the Merujal Camping Park, had elapsed in a fun way. In this way students were encouraged to practice physical exercise and the adoption of healthy lifestyle habits. 48 49 WORLD FOOD DAY – 16 OCTOBER Portugal - Students in 6th grade made bookmarks drawing inspiration from the World Food Day. Some students walked with a basket, offering apples the motto on an apple a day keeps the doctor away. PROGRAMA COMENIUS REGIO (CONTRATO N.º 2013-1-TR1-COM13-48782 2) - PROJETO FINANCIADO PELA UNIÃO EUROPEIA. 12 e 13 MARÇO VISITA DE ESTUDO CENTRO CIÊNCIA VIVA DE VILA DO CONDE A ÁGUA NO CORPO HUMANO SANGUE Visit the Live Science Centre 12 - 13 March, 2015 50 A SORT OF VIDEOS We produced movies withsport and leisure activities: 51 Portugal – from 20 – 27 March, 2015 -it was held at the School Group Coelho e Castro, a cycle of workshops under the Comenius Regio Health4life program. Scented candles, paper flowers, tins, handmade soaps, felt, paint and stamping were some of the program activities, which aimed to provide participants with the skills to develop their creative capacity for healthy leisure activities. WORKSHOP CYCLES FOR LEISURE ACTIVITIES Eva Dolls Traditional games 52 Scented candles Painting Skills Ethnography Felt Tin 53 Portugal - The inflatables, the face painting and traditional games were the most competitive activities of the Healthy Market held on 18 April. The initiative, which at the last minute was changed from the Leisure Park Monte das Pedreiras to the Sports Hall due to bad weather (well, as the the saying goes, sweet April showers do spring May flowers) was for the community in general, but in particular to the students of the School Group Coelho e Castro. It was intended to raise awareness on the importance of healthy eating and the practice of physical exercise, in a playful and fun way. The various tents had a selection of healthy eating proposals: herbs and olive oil were used to prepare tasty and health friendly meals, cereal biscuits, teas, cheeses for balanced snacks. A well fragrant and delicious apple with a hint “One a day keeps the doctor away” was offered to the public. HEALTHY MARKET In traditional games we played to the game arc, tested the aim, jumped to the rope, we tested the strength with a tug of war, made up sack races and threw the scarf game. There were also those who worked with felt. 54 55 TRANSNATIONAL MEETINGS During the 2 years, there were 3 mobilizations of each partner totaling up to 6 mobilizations. At the meetings of these mobilizations, a cultural night called “Turkish Cultural Night” and “Portuguese Cultural Night” were designed. The first Transnational Meeting was held in Santa Maria da Feira (Portugal) with the participation of Kırıkkale Provincial Directorate of National Education and the Municipality of Santa Maria da Feira on 02-06 December/2013: - Welcome session; - Visit the local partner school; - Introduction to the educational system of the two countries; - Introduction to the Municipality of Santa Maria da Feira (sport, public policies and citizenship – challenges of educating the city); - Introduction to the partner Group of Schools Coelho e Castro; - Introduction to Kırıkkale Provincial Directorate of National Education; - Lecture on physical education and nutrition aimed at the students of the 6th grade – by the Health Unit of Fiães; - Cultural visit to the Oporto City; - Visit to the Spa of St Jorge; - Visit to the Theme Park River Uíma; - Visit to the Municipal Swimming Pools of Fiães; - Attend to a class of water aerobics class; - Working session – lecture on the strategies of this partnership particularly with regard to the role of the Municipality in fighting juvenile obesity and sedentary lifestyle;; - Visit to the Theme Park “Terra dos Sonhos”; - Visit to the castle of Santa Maria da Feira. 56 57 The second Transnational Meeting was held in Kırıkkale (Turkey) with the participation of the Municipality of Santa Maria da Feira and Kırıkkale Provincial Directorate of National Education on 31 March – 03 April/2014: - Working session – 1st report of BMI of the school collaborating in the project; - Workshop of healthy nutrition; - The cover of the recipe book; - Questionnaire (KIDMED); - Presentation of the local activities in the project; - Habits of nutrition for the 2 countries; - Visit to the local partner 2 schools, Kırıkkale Provincial Directorate of Youth and Sport Services; - Sightseeing Ankara, Kırıkkale and Nevsehir; - Cultural night Keskin District, traditional dinner and music; - Active session “Watering art (Ebru) for fighting stress participation. 58 The third Transnational Meeting was held in Santa Maria da Feira (Portugal) with the participation of Kırıkkale Provincial Directorate of National Education and the Municipality of Santa Maria da Feira on 13-17 October/2014: - Working meeting with all partners; - Presentation of the local project activities; - Presentation of the recipe collection and recipe book Portugal/ Turkey; - Presentation of the video healthy recipes; - Discussion of the kidmed results; - Presentation about the most common sports activities in Portugal and Turkey; - Workshop about healthy and social occupation of leisure time (traditional games); - Visit to a primary school; - Visit to a shoe factory; - Cultural visit to the city of Braga; - Sightseeing in the city of Porto; - Portuguese cultural night – Fado Show; - Visit to the Town Hall; - Attend sporting activities to fight sedentary lifestyle/stress and promote activities for leisure time at Lourocoop Association. The fourth Transnational Meeting was held in Kırıkkale (Turkey) with the participation of the Municipality of Santa Maria da Feira and Kırıkkale Provincial Directorate of National Education on 11 – 17November/2014: - Seminar about healthy nutrition with students; - Visit Hasandede Tomb; - Visit to the Traditional Weapon Museum; - Workshop – cooking healthy Turkish meals and a presentation of endemic plants in Turkey; - Visit to partners schools; - Ebru art and Kolbasti dance workshop; - Attend to the 36th Eurasia Istanbul Marathon. Since the partnership was built on a close and strong cooperation between the 2 participating countries, it is also advantageous to the general volume of co-operation between the organizations involved in the pupils’ education. At the same time the project is developing new, innovative and easily accessible ways of communication between the student groups in different countries, as well as ways and means for educators to exchange knowledge, experience and good samples. In addition, because of the fact that the foundation of all communication, education and documentation of the project is ICT-based, the project, in a distinct way, supports the development of the innovative ICT-based content, services, pedagogies and good practice for lifelong learning. We also had participated in the 36th Intercontinental Istanbul Eurasia Marathon with all participants and formed this book entitled “Manual of Good Practice for a Healthy Life”. The fifth Transnational Meeting was held in Santa Maria da Feira (Portugal) with the participation of the Municipality of Santa Maria da Feira and Kırıkkale Provincial Directorate of National Education on 13 – 17April/2015: - presentation of local project activities; - presentation of the draft “Manual of Good Practice for life” Portugal – Turkey; - presentation of the final videos outcomes: healthy recipes, sports and leisure activities for fighting stress; - discussion about interesting facts, effects and recommendations; - preparation of the sixth transnational project meeting; - lecture about biological needs for equilibrium - how to reduce stress; - workshop about how to improve the prevention of stress through a healthy and social -occupation of leisure time (especially with the pupils’ families) – “Riverside with Life”; - workshop on Portuguese folk dance as an activity to fight sedentary lifestyle/stress and to promote activities for leisure time; - workshop about a typical healthy meal in a traditional Portuguese family; - healthy walk by the sea; - roadmap of educational spaces in the city of Santa Maria da Feira: School for Road Education, Paper Museum and Visionarium - center of life science; - visit to a cork company; - Sightseeing Porto, Aveiro, Fátima and Sintra. 59 The sixth and last Transnational Meeting was held in Kırıkkale (Turkey) with the participation of the Municipality of Santa Maria da Feira and Kırıkkale Provincial Directorate of National Education on 01 – 05 June/2015: - Welcome, greetings words of the Director, İsmail ÇETİN, and Mustafa Can HİÇYILMAZ, Project Coordinator, presentation of Kırıkkale Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü; - Evaluation of outcomes, books, newsletters, CDs, posters and brochures; - Presentation of all the Local activities of the Project during the time it occurred; - Working session 1: Disseminating activities and creating new partnerships; - Visit the local partner schools, the Kırıkkale Provincial Directorate of Youth and Sport Services and Kırıkkale University Health Sciences Faculty; - Sightseeing Kırıkkale and Kapadokkia as a cultural activity; - Active session “Watering Art (Ebru)” for fighting stress and other spare time activities; - Finalizing the project and exchanging gifts. 60 HEALTHY NUTRITION HEALTHY NUTRITION SOME ARTICLES ABOUT HEALTHY NUTRITION Portuguese Partner - Group of Schools Coelho e Castro OVERWEIGHT AND OBESITY - Contextualization Child and adolescent obesity is, according to the World Health Organization, one of the most serious problems of the twenty-first century´s public health, especially in developing countries. School can play an important role in the prevention of this disease, by developing complementary actions aimed at promoting healthy lifestyles. Regarding the prevalence of overweight and obese children and adolescents in Portugal, there are several studies; however, the majority of results never come to public knowledge, because very often they do not get published. Analyzing the criteria for the classification of overweight and obesity, it is also observed that there is no consensus of the diagnostic criteria, but there are several basic criteria in various studies, including the WHO (World Health Organization), CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and IOTF (International Obesity Task Force). As for the new growth curves of the World Health Organization, they’ve come into force in Portugal on 1 June 2013, according to the norm of the directorate general of health n º 010/2013 of 31/05/2013. In Portugal, according to studies conducted on children and adolescents, the predominant criteria for classification of overweight and obesity comes from the CDC, followed by the IOTF and WHO (only two studies). The prevalence of overweight, according to the CDC criteria, varies between 13.4% and 20% for males and between 14 and 35% for females. By the IOTF criteria, prevalence is between 8.6% and 25.7% for males and between 9.6% and 27.6% for females. In studies using the WHO criteria, the prevalence of overweight is between 21.1% and 22.1% for males and between 19.7% and 31.3% for females (Acta Med Port . 2011 , 24 : 279-284). Regarding the prevalence of obesity, the CDC includes values between 9% and 26% for males, and 9 and 20% for females. According to IOTF, the values are between 7.1% and 14.6% for males and between 7.5% and 11.1% for females. By WHO criteria, the values found are between 4.4% and 22.9% for males and between 3.8 and 8.3% for females (Acta Med Port 2011; 24: 279-284). 63 Portuguese Partner - Group of Schools Coelho e Castro BODY MASS INDEX Measuring the BMI of pupils – we measured the weight and the height of all 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th grades using the fitness gram battery tests from physical education classes. Then the data was uploaded to the project´s online platform, which calculates the Body Mass Index taking into account gender, age, weight and height. Study We evaluated children and adolescents attending the Group of Schools Coelho e Castro, in the municipality of Santa Maria da Feira, encompassing students from the 5th grade up to the 9th grade. Body Mass Index was calculated taking into account gender, age, weight and height. There were information sessions, the school menus and physical activity were also analyzed. Results 649 students, aged between 10 and 17 years, were evaluated: Boys Girls 64 underweight Normal weight overweight obesity total underweight Normal weight overweight obesity total 5th grade 2 30 11 7 50 5th grade 3 38 15 14 70 6th grade 3 45 10 4 62 6th grade 2 42 12 9 65 7th grade 6 63 14 3 86 7th grade 3 35 18 4 60 8th grade 4 44 5 4 57 8th grade 5 46 9 10 70 9th grade 3 48 8 6 65 9th grade 4 46 6 8 64 65 Graphical summary (boys and girls %) % classes underweight Normal weight overweight obesity 5th grade 4.2 56.7 21.7 17.5 6th grade 3.9 68.5 17.3 10.2 7th grade 6.2 67.1 21.9 4.8 8th grade 7.1 70.9 11.0 11.0 9th grade 5.4 72.9 10.9 10.9 Thus, the data collected in the Group of Schools Coelho e Castro, Fiães, were analyzed using the new WHO growth curves and out of 649 students, 14% of them were obese and 16% overweight. Comparing our results to existing studies (Acta Med Port 2011; 24: 279-284) and to those which used the WHO criteria, it appears that the prevalence of overweight in our sample is lower, yet the figures of obesity percentage are very similar. The obesity rate was particularly high among students of 5th grade, while the rate of excess weight is more pronounced in students in the 7th grade. Based on the results published in connection with the Project Weight and Measure, in the academic years 2008/09 and 2012/13, relating to the students enrolled in 7th grade in the educational community of the Municipality of Santa Maria da Feira, our sample shows a smaller % of cases of obesity (4.8%) and higher % of cases of overweight (21.9%). Still regarding overweight pupils, it was found that the prevalence was higher in males than in girls, 18% and 15% respectively. The percentage of obesity found is equal to 14% in boys and 7% in girls. % Total of boys The project Weight and Measure emerged to tackle down the problem of obesity and has its theoretical foundation in the Platform Against Obesity and the National School Health Program. On the practical level, it relies on the results of the screening three school communities in the Municipality of Santa Maria da Feira. It is annually inserted in the School Health Activity Plan of the group of Health Centers Entre o Douro e Vouga I Feira/Arouca. It has as partners the School Groups and the Municipality of Santa Maria da Feira. When analyzing the results of 2012/13 of the Group of Schools Results % Total of girls 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 Underweight 1.70% 2.10% 1% 1.40% 2012/13 2.10% Overweight 14.80% 14.70% 18.80% 15.30% 15.20% Obesity 9.60% 9.70% 7.60% 9.80% 11.40% Coelho e Castro, and taking into account that the students assessed in 2012/13 (at the time enrolled in 7th grade) will be in 8th grade in 2013/14, there was a decrease in the % of obesity and an increase in the % of overweight. However, when comparing the results of the Group of Schools Coelho e Castro 66 67 with general information about the Municipality in the academic year 2012/13, there is a lower % of cases of overweight in the Group of Schools Coelho e Castro, in the academic year 2013/14. In the table below, we can observe the deviations in the Group of Schools Coelho e Castro underweight normal weight overweight obesity 2012/13 (7th grade) 3.40% 72.50% 9.40% 14.80% 2013/14 (7th grade) 7.10% 70.90% 11.00% 11.00% Students attended : 327 Total students: 350 Students attended : 290 Total students: 319 Number of students according to classes in Mehmet Varlıoğlu Secondary School Number of students according to classes in Türk Metal Mustafa Özbek Primary School percentage distribution of BMI in students of the 7th grade, between the school year 2008/09 and 2013/14, in the group of Schools Coelho e Castro. The data presented between 2008/09 and 2012/13 was collected under the Project Weight and Measure, and the data relating to the academic year 2013/14 was collected by the municipality. There is an increasing incidence of underweight since the year 2009/10 on and a significant increase in cases of overweight, as well as a decrease in obesity when comparing to the school year of 2013/14, probably due to the awareness raised by responsible education of the students who suffer from obesity. Regarding the academic year 2013/14, the Project Weight Group of Schools Coelho e Castro 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 Underweight 2.00% 0.70% 1.40% 1.20% 3.40% 6.20% Overweight 15.60% 18.70% 15.40% 11.20% 9.40% 21.90% Obesity 9.50% 12.60% 7.70% 11.80% 14.80% 4.80% and Measure is being implemented in all the Group of Health Centers (Santa Maria da Feira and Arouca), but the results of the Municipality are not yet available. We point out that locally we only have data for students in 9th grade – who were in 7th grade in 2010/11 – to evaluate/analyze the impact of the implementation of the project, and there has been a drop in both the cases of obesity and overweight. 68 Turkish Partner – Mehmet Varlıoğlu Secondary School and Türk Metal Mustafa Özbek NUMBER OF STUDENTS WHO ATTENDED OUR PROJECT AT SCHOOLS (Türk Metal Mustafa Özbek Elemantary School (n=327) Table 1. Mean BMI of students according to age and gender Age (year) Boys Girls n % BMI (kg/ m2) n % 5 4 2.2 18.259 5 3.3 BMI (kg/ m2) 17.159 6 47 26.0 16.845 36 24.6 16.905 7 42 23.2 17.150 37 25.3 17.892 8 41 22.6 17.334 32 22.0 16.665 9 40 22.1 17.530 29 19.9 16.856 10 5 2.8 17.947 7 4.8 17.552 11 2 1.1 17.136 0 0.0 - 69 MEHMET VARLIOĞLU SECONDARY SCHOOL (11-14 years old) TÜRK METAL MUSTAFA ÖZBEK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (6-10 years old) Nutrition and health survey of Turkey (TBSA,2010) Published:2014 (Mehmet Varlıoğlu Secondary School (n=290) Table 2. Mean BMI of students according to age and gender 70 Age (Year) n % BMI (kg/m2) n % 10 16 12.6 19.619 27 16.6 BMI (kg/m2) 17.949 11 30 23.6 18.918 34 20.8 18.845 12 33 26.0 20.443 41 25.1 19.431 13 39 30.7 20.854 47 28.9 20.272 14 9 7.1 19.544 12 7.4 19.960 15 0 0.0 - 2 1.2 16.697 71 COMPARISION OF BMI FOR 2 COUNTRIES KIDMED QUESTIONNAIRE PORTUGAL Children and teenagers’ nutritional customs of Group of Schools Coelho e Castro: levels of adherence to the Mediterranean Diet Introduction – Food in the Mediterranean Diet is consistently linked to better health, including lower risk of heart disease, obesity, diabetes and even cancer. The Mediterranean Diet for several reasons allows to the people live healthier and live longer. Although Portugal isn’t bathed by the Mediterranean Sea, the Mediterranean diet, especially in the south, was the staple diet of the population. Face to the cultural and social transformation produced in the last decades in Portugal, we probably young populations would probably be those more susceptible to change food-eating habits. Since the 70s, we have in Portugal a triplicate prevalence of obesity in school children. 26.7% of our students in the 2nd and 3rd cycles of basic school are overweight/obese (2013/14). It is urgent to promote good eating habits and physical exercise to lower these high numbers and fight against this alarming situation. The main objective was to evaluate the food intake habits in the Group of Schools Coelho e Castro’ population and families and determine the levels of adherence to the Mediterranean Diet. Methods – we used the questionnaire KIDMED – Mediterranean Diet Quality Index to evaluate dietary habits and determine levels of adherence to the Mediterranean Diet. The questionnaire includes 16 questions, which considers certain principles sustaining (values +1) and challenging (values -1) traditional healthy Mediterranean dietary patterns. Results of ≤ 3: low quality diet; 4 to 7: diet with necessary adjust; ≥ 8: Mediterranean Diet. 72 73 The sample was composed by 321 students (171 girls and 150 boys) and 142 parents. We included students from: first cycle (13.7%) with 7-9/10 years old; second cycle (24%) with 1011/12 years old; third cycle (25.2%) with 12-14/15 years old; secondary (37.1%) with 15-17/18 years old. Results Values of KIDMED from 321 students average 8.1 Low quality Diet Alimenta-se de acordo com a Dieta mediterrânia? Questionário KIDMED de determinação do grau de adesão à dieta mediterrânica - Mediterranean Diet Quality Index Por favor assinale a resposta apropriada às seguintes questões: Come uma peça de fruta ou bebe um suno de fruta todos os dias? 2 Todos os dias come duas ou mais peças de fruta? 3 Come vegetais crus (alface, tomate…) ou cozinhados (bróculos cozidos, couve branca salteada…), regularmente um vez por dia? 4 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Totals 2 0 1 12 14 32 48 70 63 53 19 7 % 0.6 0.0 0.3 3.7 4.4 10.0 15.0 21.8 19.6 16.5 5.9 2.2 Totals 3 106 212 % 0.9 33.0 66.0 12 Values of KIDMED from 142 parents average 8.0 Diet with necessary adjust Mediterranean Diet Classification 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Totals 1 0 1 0 4 11 21 30 22 28 23 1 % 0.7 0.0 0.7 0.0 2.8 7.7 14.8 21.1 15.5 19.7 16.2 0.7 Não Totals 2 36 104 % 1.4 25.4 73.2 Students Items KIDMED couve branca Parents N Yes (%) No (%) N Yes (%) No (%) 1. Every day I eat fruit and drink squeezed fruit juice. 321 82.6 17.4 142 88.0 12.0 Come peixe com regularidade ( pelo menos 2 a 3 vezes por semana)? 2. Every day I consume 2 or over fruit. 321 41.1 58.9 141 56.0 44.0 6 Vai uma ou mais vezes por semana a restaurantes de fast food (ex.hamburguers, cachorros….)? 3. I regularly consume fresh and cooked vegetables for several times in a day. 321 75.7 24.3 141 84.4 15.6 4. 321 43.0 57.0 137 51.1 48.9 7 Gosta de comer leguminosas (feijão, grão…). Come mais do que uma vez por semana? I consume fresh and cooked vegetables for several times in a day. 5. I regularly consume fishes (2-3 times in a week). 321 82.2 17.8 140 87.9 12.1 8 Come diariamente arroz ou massa (5 ou mais vezes por semana)? 6. I consume fast food for several times in a week. 321 13.4 86.6 142 3.5 96.5 Ao pequeno-almoço come cereais ou derivados (pão…)? 7. I like legumes and I consume them for several times in a week. 321 74.1 25.9 142 80.3 19.7 10 Come frutos secos (nozes, amendoins, amêndoas…) pelo menos 2 a 3 vezes por semana? 8. I consume cereal rice and macaroni almost every day (5 and over in a week). 321 87.5 12.5 142 68.3 31.7 I consume cereal (bread) and grain products (cereals) in the breakfast. 321 86.0 14.0 141 87.9 12.1 11 Em sua casa, utilizam azeite? 9. 10. I regularly consume nuts (2-3 times in a week). 321 19.9 80.1 142 21.1 78.9 12 Habitualmente não toma o pequeno-almoço? 11. I use the olive oil at home. 321 96.3 3.7 142 99.3 0.7 13 Ao pequeno-almoço costuma comer leite ou derivados (iogurte, queijo…)? 12. I don´t have a breakfast. 321 7.5 92.5 139 11.5 88.5 14 Come bolos ao pequeno-almoço? 13. I consume the milk and yogurt, etc 321 91.6 8.4 142 88.0 12.0 15 Come diariamente 2 copos de leite/iogurtes ou uma grande fatia de queijo( 40g)? 14. I consume pastries and baked goods in the breakfast. 321 9.0 90.3 142 3.5 96.5 15. I consume daily 2 glasses of milk/yogurt or 1 big slice of cheese (40g) 321 69.5 30.5 142 75.4 24.6 16 Come doces e guloseimas várias vezes ao dia? 16. I consume sweets or products of sweet for a few times in a day. 321 11.2 88.5 142 5.6 94.4 5 9 74 Come vegetais crus (alface, tomate…) ou cozinhados (bróculos cozidos, salteada…), rmais do que uma vez por dia? Mediterranean Diet 1 Low quality Diet Sim 1 Diet with necessary adjust Classification 75 TURKEY Kırıkkale Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü “Yaşam için sağlık projesi” (2013-1-TR1-COM13-48782-1) Akdeniz diyeti kalite indeksi (KIDMED INDEKS) Aşağıdaki ifadelerin karışıma sise uygun olan cevabı lütfen işaretleyiniz. Okul adı: ___________________ Smıf/şube: _________________ Doğum tarihi: ___ /____ /______ Cinsiyet: 1.erkek2. kız kod No: ____________________ Evet 76 Diet with necessary adjusts Mediterranean Diet Levels of adherence Low quality diet 1-3 4-7 8-12 1st cycle 2.3 29.5 68.2 2nd cycle 0.0 26.0 74.0 3rd cycle 1.2 34.6 64.2 Secondary 0.8 37.8 61.3 Totals 0.9 33.0 66.0 Positive aspects: >> 82.6% eats a piece of fruit or drink a fruit juice every day; >> 82.2% eats fish regularly; >> 87.5% eats daily rice or mass; >> 96.3% uses olive oil; >> 86% eats cereals or derivatives; >> 91.6% drinks milk or dairy products with breakfast. >> Also stand out as positive aspects from pupils’ results the reduced relative percentage: >> 13.4% eats fast food; >> 9% eats cake for breakfast; >> 11.2% eats candy and sweets every day. >> Less positive aspects from pupils’ results: >> 41.1% eats two or more pieces of fruit; >> 43% eats raw or cooked vegetable more than once a day; >> 19.9% eats nuts; >> 30.5% do not eat daily 2 cups of milk/yogurt/cheese. 1 Her gün meyve veya taze sıkılmış meyve suyu tüketirim. 2 Her gün ikinci bir meyve daha tüketirim. 3 Düzenli olarak günde bir kez taze veya pişmiş sebze tüketirim. 4 Günde birden fazla taze veya pişmiş sebze tüketirim. 5 Düzenli olarak balık tüketirim. 6 Fast food tarzi yiyecekleri haftada bir cok kez tüketirim. 7 Baklagilleri severim ve haftada bir kereden fazla tüketirim. 8 Makarna ve pilavı hemen hemen hergün tüketirim. 9 Kahvaltıda tahıl(ekmek) veya tahıl ürünleri (tahıl gevreği) tüketirim. 10 Düzenli olarak kuruyemiş tüketirim (haftada en az 2-3 kez). 11 Evde Zeytinyağı kullanırım. 12 Kahvaltı yapmam. 13 Kahvaltıda süt ve ürünleri tüketirim (süt, yoğurt,...). 14 Kahvaltıda hazır fırın ürünleri veya hamur işleri tüketirim. 15 Günlük olarak 2 bardak süt/yoğurt ve/veya 1 büyük dilim (40g) peynir tüketirim. 16 Tatlı, şeker ve şekerlemeleri günde birkaç kez tüketirim. Hayır 77 Female N Male % P (<0.05) Total N % N % Turk Metal Mustafa Ozbek Elementary School students Diet quality is too low (score <3) 5 4,0 9 7,6 14 5,8 Medium Quality Diet (score 4-7) 45 36,0 59 50,0 104 42,8 Optimal Diet Quality (> 8) 75 60,0 50 42,4 125 51,4 Diet quality is too low (score <3) 18 14,1 20 12,1 38 13,0 Medium Quality Diet (score 4-7) 68 53,1 103 62,4 171 58,4 Optimal Diet Quality (> 8) 42 32,8 42 25,5 84 28,7 Mehmet Varlıoğlu Secondary School students There is a relationship between gender and adaptation to Turkish Mediterranean diet for the Turk Metal Mustafa Ozbek Elementary School students. P <0.05 was found. There isn’t a relationship between gender and adaptation to the Turkish Mediterranean diet for Mehmet Varlıoğlu Secondary School students. P> 0.05 was found. Female N 1. 2. Every day I consume 2 or over fruit. 118 95 % 94,4 76,0 78,4 N 91 84 89 N 77,1 71,2 75,4 N 209 179 Female P (<0.05) Total 73,7 N % N % N % Every day I eat fruit and drink squeezed fruit juice. 102 79,7 125 75,8 227 77,5 >0,05 2. Every day I consume 2 or over fruit. 83 64,8 117 70,9 200 68,3 >0,05 >0,05 3. I regularly consume fresh vegetable or cooked vegetable for one time in a day. 76 59,4 74 44,8 150 51,2 <0,05 4. I consume fresh and cooked vegetables for several times in a day. 39 30,5 47 28,5 86 29,4 >0,05 98 4. I consume fresh and cooked vegetables for several times in a day. 67 53,6 53 44,9 120 49,4 >0,05 5. I regularly consume fishes (2-3 times in a week). 60 46,9 84 50,9 144 49,1 >0,05 5. I regularly consume fishes (2-3 times in a week). 75 60,0 71 60,2 146 60,1 >0,05 6. I consume fast food for several times in a week. 10 7,8 21 12,7 31 10,6 >0,05 6. I consume fast food for several times in a week 16 12,8 11 9,3 27 11,1 >0,05 7. I like legumes and I consume them for several times in a week. 88 68,8 115 69,7 203 69,3 >0,05 7. I like legumes and I consume them for several times in a week. 94 75,2 87 73,7 181 74,5 >0,05 8. I consume rice and macaroni almost every day (5 and over in a week). 50 39,1 79 47,9 129 44,0 >0,05 8. I consume rice and macaroni almost every day (5 and over in a week) 47 37,6 56 47,5 103 42,4 >0,05 9. I consume cereal (bread) and grain products (cereals) in the breakfast. 107 83,6 139 84,2 246 84,0 >0,05 9. I consume cereal (bread) and grain products (cereals) in the breakfast 105 84,0 81 68,6 186 76,5 ≤0,05 10. I regularly consume nuts (2-3 times in a week). 68 53,1 108 65,5 176 60,1 <0,05 10. I regularly consume nuts (2-3 times in a week). 93 74,4 82 69,5 175 72,0 >0,05 11. I use the olive oil at home. 99 77,3 124 75,2 223 76,1 >0,05 11. I use the olive oil at home. 92 73,6 78 66,1 170 70,0 >0,05 12. I don’t have a breakfast. 29 22,7 22 13,3 51 17,4 <0,05 12. I don’t have a breakfast 14 11,2 15 12,7 29 11,9 >0,05 13. I consume the milk and yogurt, etc. 91 71,1 125 75,8 216 73,7 >0,05 13. I consume the milk and yogurt, etc. 115 92,0 107 90,7 222 91,4 >0,05 14. I consume pastries and baked goods in the breakfast. 48 37,5 75 45,5 123 42,0 >0,05 14. I consume pastries and baked goods in the breakfast 53 42,4 48 40,7 101 41,6 >0,05 15. I consume daily 2 glasses of milk/yogurt or 1 big slice of cheese (40g). 95 74,2 120 72,7 215 73,4 >0,05 15. I consume daily 2 glasses of milk/yogurt or 1 big slice of cheese(40g) 109 87,2 99 83,9 208 85,6 >0,05 16. I consume sweets or products of sweet for a few times in a day. 94 73,4 126 76,4 220 75,1 >0,05 16. I consume sweets or products of sweet for a few times in a day. 75 60,0 77 65,3 152 62,6 >0,05 16. I consume sweets or products of sweet for a few times in a day. 94 73,4 126 76,4 220 75,1 >0,05 187 77,0 <0,05 >0,05 P (<0.05) Total 1. % 86,0 Male I regularly consume fresh vegetable or cooked vegetable for one time in a day. 3. 78 Every day I eat fruit and drink squeezed fruit juice. Male 79 HEALTHY RECIPES Gomes de Sá Cod (source: O livro do Pantagruel, Berta Rosalimpo, Jorge Brum do Canto e Maria Manuela Limpo Caetano, 56ª edição, 1997, página 243, receita n.º 1078) - Serves 4 Ingredients: 3 slices of cooked cod 750g Potato 3 medium onions, sliced 2 sliced garlic 3 hard-boiled eggs Parsley, pepper, salt, olive oil and olives Nutritional composition per serving: 413Kcal, 24g protein, 18g fat and 39g Carbohydrates Preparation: Dissolve the flaked cod and cut the potatoes into pieces. In a large skillet bake the onions and garlic in plenty of olive oil until transparent. Join the pieces of cod and potatoes, let it simmer lightly and add a chopped boiled egg. Remove from the heat, season with pepper and salt. Serve it up and garnish it with chopped parsley, the remaining sliced black olives and sliced eggs. 80 Chicken beef steak with spring vegetables (source:http:// textos01.aspx?cttextoid=643&menuid=466&exmenuid=466) Serves 6 Octopus rice (source: Revista Segredos de Cozinha, Guia Semanal de Culinária, n.º 951) - Serves 6 PORTUGAL Ingredients: 500g of chicken beefsteak 500g frozen spring vegetables 50 ml of Porto red wine 2 cloves of garlic 2 spoons of olive oil 1 tea spoon of salt pepper q.s Nutritional composition per serving: 349Kcal, 36g protein, 8g fat and 28g Carbohydrates Preparation: Cut chicken beefs into small pieces and flavor with chopped garlic, salt and pepper. Boil some water and cook frozen spring vegetables. When it is done strain it carefully. Prepare a frying-pan with olive oil and when it is hot fry beefs in both sides until they get some color. Then put them in a plate. Mix the wine with the sauce and let it boil a little and then drop half on top of the meat. Mix the other part with cooked vegetables until they are hot and salty. Serve up chicken beef steak together with spring vegetables. Ingredients: 1 octopus 1 liter of water 1 onion 2 cloves of garlic 1 dl oil ½ yellow pepper ½ green pepper 1dl red wine 2 tomatoes 300g rice 2 tbsp chopped coriander Water, salt and pepper Nutritional composition per serving: 575Kcal, 29g protein, 19g fat and 72g Carbohydrates Preparation: Cook the octopus in the pressure cooker in temperate salt water for 30 minutes. Remove it, cut it into pieces and set aside as well as 8 dl of cooking water. Chop an onion and garlic. Fry them in the oil, together with the diced peppers. Cool off with the wine, reduce and add the chopped, clean tomato skins and seeds. Mix well. Add the octopus and rice. Season with salt and pepper. Add the reserved water and cook for 12 minutes over low heat. At the end, add the coriander. Check the seasoning and serve. 81 Butter Beans (Kuru Fasulye) TURKEY Sour Eggplant Stew (Ekşili Patlıcan) Ingredients: 2 cups white/butter beans 2 onions, chopped 2 tbsp oil 1 tbsp tomato paste 1tbsp of chilli paste 1 dried red & green chillies, chopped ½ tsp baking soda (optional) ¼ tsp chili red pepper flakes (optional) 1 tsp salt to taste Preparation: Wash white beans, place them in a pot and cover with water (approximately 1 inch above the beans). Leave them in water overnight or for at least 12 hours. The next day, cook them with the same water, until the beans get soft over low heat. You could add baking soda to soften the beans quicker. When they, are soft, add 1 tsp of salt. In another pot, sauté onions with oil for 2-3 minutes over medium heat. Stir, the peppers and the tomato paste. Sauté for 2-3 minutes and add chili red pepper flakes (optional). Transfer, the cooked white beans over them. Simmer for 10-15 minutes over low heat. Serve White Beans, with, pilaf or over pilaf. Also pickled vegetables go well with this recipe. Enjoy your meal. 82 Preparation: -Place eggplant chunks in salted cold water for half an hour. -Drain eggplants and squeeze them to remove excessive water. -Mix eggplants with other ingredients in a pot (save half of the parsley). -Cover and cook on low heat for 30-40 minutes, until eggplants are cooked (no water is necessary). -Sprinkle rest of the parsley and serve hot or cold. Sour eggplant stew is even better the next day. Ingredients: 4 medium size eggplants, stem removed, peeled in occasional vertical stripes, and cut into edible chunks 2 medium onions, thinly sliced in half moons 4-5 tomatoes, diced 5-6 cloves or garlic, minced 1 tsp sugar 1 1/2 tsp salt 1 tsp black pepper 1 tsp crushed red pepper flakes (optional) juice of 1 lemon a generous 1/4 cup olive oil 1/2 bunch parsley, chopped Eggplant dishes from the south eastern part of Turkey are usually cooked with a sour ingredient: lemon or pomegranate molasses. I love eggplant dishes in every form, yet I find those tangy ones such as Adana style stuffed eggplants or eggplant and lentil stew with pomegranate molasses to be even more delicious during the summer days. 83 SAMPLE OF A HEALTHY NUTRITIONAL DIET PROGRAM FOR STUDENTS Vegetarian Stuffed Peppers (Zeytinyağlı Biber Dolma) Preparation: - Mix well all the ingredients (except for the peppers and 1 tomato) in a bowl. - Wash the peppers and take out the top part and the seeds. - Stuff the peppers with the rice mix with a spoon or your hand. - Cut small pieces from 1 tomato to cover the top part of peppers. Press the tomato slice down a bit so that it won’t come out. - Place the dolmas in an oven dish which is as tall as dolmas. Pour on top 2 cups of boiling water. - First let it boil for 5 minutes on stove. Than, bake it in a preheated oven at 400F for 35-40 minutes until rice is cooked and tops are browned. Check them regularly if you don’t want to burn the tops. -It’s better cold, but it is also good when it’s hot. Another great traditional olive oil dish recipe: Stuffed peppers with olive oil. Olive oil dishes are cooked only with olive oil; best when they’re served cold; and are usually summer dishes. There are two ways to cook stuffed peppers with olive oil: on the stove and in the oven. Ingredients: 18-20 small green bell peppers 2 cups white rice 4 medium size onions, finely chopped (you can use a food processor) 3 tomatoes, grated 1 tomato (this one is for covering the tops of bell peppers after stuffing) 1/3 cup pine nuts 1/3 cup currants 1 tbsp all spice 1 tsp ground black pepper 1 tbsp mint flakes or ¼ cup fresh mint, chopped finely 1 tsp white sugar Salt juice of 1/2 lemon, 1 cup olive 84 Meals and food supply in schools obey the dietary principles of variety and quality, the definition of which is the responsibility of the Education Management. Objectives: - Improve the overall health status of young people; - Reverse the growing trend of disease profiles associated with poor nutrition; - Promoting the health of young people, specifically in the area of healthy eating and physical activity. According to the Ministry of Education and Science, it is not possible to give individualized Nutrition consultation in the school environment, for this reason it was decided to create a food group counseling, individual or form to correct certain food mistakes made by the students, with the objective of reducing body weight, for students who show signs of overweight or obesity. The weight and height of each student, as well as the level of physical activity, it alerts you to a number of measures including: completing 5-6 meals a day; refers to the importance of breakfast; candy consumption only on special occasions or geta-week; not stay more than 3h30 fasting; consume 3-5 servings of fruits and vegetables; always eat soup at the beginning of the main meals; moderate consumption of salt, fat and sugar; drink 1.5L of water a day, among other measures. The project in question addresses the component of physical activity providing guidance to students so they practice exercise outside of school physical activity as indicated by the professional. In this sense, the teacher provided guidance to the group in terms of strength training, endurance, balance, and other exercises that may be performed by them outside the school environment. With these two measures, it was intended that students have a healthy and balanced diet, exercise and practice often, in order to walk towards a healthy adolescence. Schools as educational spaces and health promoters, must provide valuable standards for a healthy diet, not only through the contents curriculum, but also through the food supply in schools, so that our children and adolescents and are progressively able to make healthy choices. 85 First step is to mention that any individual should not go more than three and a half hours without eating; for obvious reasons, for development and an appropriate energy availability for adequate cognitive income and students must respect this time. According with the Directorate General for Health, in Princípios para uma Alimentação Saudável, 2005, page 17, for proper distribution of food throughout the day, try varying as much as possible in choosing the food they eat, adapting intakes to daily physical activity. - Always try to start your day with a full breakfast (ex .: 1 glass of semi-skimmed milk, dark bread and a piece of fruit); - The mid-morning avoid pre-cooked snacks that are rich in sugar and fat and choose, for example, nonfat yogurt; - Start your lunch with a rich vegetables soup, your main dish should have a small amount of fish or meat accompanied by vegetables (salad or in further prepared) and rice, pasta, pulses or potatoes; for dessert always try to choose a piece of fresh fruit; - In the afternoon you can take, for example, one cup of milk and one dark bread or cereal sugar, together with a piece of fruit; - For dinner make a meal similar to lunch, but less abundant preferably in quantities, always looking for alternate meat with fish and vary the fruit consumed in the dessert; - If it is customary for you to go to bed late, you may feel the need to consume some food at bedtime, in this case 1 yogurt or a hot infusion of chamomile or lemon accompanied by a small piece of dark bread can be enough to stave off hunger during the night. - Do not forget to drink plenty of water throughout the day and not just when you feel thirsty! According to the guidelines set by the Ministry of Education, in Educação Alimentar em Meio Escolar – referencial para uma oferta alimentar saudável, Direcção-Geral de Inovação e Desenvolvimento Curricular, 2006, foodstuffs to promote in schools are: - Semi-skimmed milk / thin, plain or flavored, without added sugar and school milk; - Yoghurt and other fermented milk without added sugar, semiskimmed / thin, giving preferably those with lower lipid content and sweeteners; - Milk shakes with fresh or frozen fruit without added sugar; 86 - Fruit juices: and / or “100% juice”, sugars and / or added sweeteners; - Drinks containing at least 50% fruit juice and / or vegetable sugars and / or sweeteners added; - Drinking water, bottled or public network; - Different types of bread made from refined flour little, that is, darker and with little salt (eg brown bread, rye bread, bran ...), simple or added: a) Cheese semi-fat / low-fat / thin fresh, cured and cast; b) Boiled egg; c) Poultry and mammals (chicken, turkey, pork, beef, ...); d) Tuna or other canned fish, preferably kept in water or oil; e) Ham, preferably from chicken or turkey, by selecting those with low content of lipids and always removing any visible fat; Enriched, whenever possible, with vegetables (eg lettuce leaves, white cabbage, shredded carrots, sliced tomatoes, cucumber, parsley sprigs, celery, mint or other supplements such as corn and mushrooms); - Fresh fruit of the season, in the piece, in salad or in milkshakes (eg orange, tangerine, kiwi, apple, pear, peach, strawberries, cherries, cantaloupe, melon, watermelon, banana ...). PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORT PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORT BENEFITS The evidences are increasing and are more compelling than ever! People of all ages, who are generally physically inactive can improve their health and well-being by practicing moderate physical activity regularly. It is recognized the importance of physical activity combined with healthy eating to promote healthy lifestyles. In addition to burning calories, maintain or lose weight, it brings health benefits. The exercise / physical activity allows you to spend the calories that you ingested in excess in food. If you do not spend the calories we eat in excess they will turn into fats and lead to obesity. So one of the most effective healthy way to prevent or reduce obesity is to practice physical activity regularly. Regular physical exercise is accompanied by benefits that are manifested in every aspects of the body: - on cardiovascular health, respiratory, metabolic, mental; - as well as in the prevention of falls, particularly in the elderly; - also operates on various aspects of mental health, in particular, reduces anxiety, improves the sense of well-being and quality of life, cognitive function and reduces the risk of cognitive decline and dementia; - in adolescence, sports also help in socialization because it raises their self-esteem and also eases their integration in a groups. 89 LOCAL TRADITIONAL DANCES Each region of Portugal has its own style of dance. Some of the best examples of the regional dances are vira, corridinho and fandango, where couples perform a lively dance usually to the fast beat of hand-clapping, guitars and accordions. Many of these dances reflect the courting and matrimonial traditions of the area and are often passionate and exciting to watch. During many of these traditional dances, people dress up in a variety of ways ranging from working clothes to colorful costumes. The Vira is a musical-choreographic genre of the Portuguese folklore. Best known as a characteristic of Minho, Vira is however also danced in many other provinces, including Extremadura. 90 PORTUGUESE TRADITIONAL FOLK DANCE The Corridinho is danced with peers always attached, forming a wheel, the girls out and the guys inside. By rotating the wheel, couples evolve therefore side by side. Fandango is a dance in pairs characterized by living and agitated movements, with an air of exhibitionism, very often with tap or castanets and following a characteristic chord cycle. 91 The Kolbastı Dance THE MOST POPULAR DANCES IN TURKEY Kolbastı Dance In the 19th and 20th centuries, in the likelihood of all works of art in the world, local cultural products became meta in the cultural industry. Kolbastı dance is one of the best examples to show as an supportive effect of losing weights in culture industry. It is inevitable to learn it positively. Kolbastı is a popular Turkish dance. It was originally created in the 1930s in the seaport of Trabzon on the Black Sea coast of north-eastern Turkey. Loosely translated, ‘kolbastı’ means ‘caught red-handed by the police.’ According to legend, the name comes from the nightly police patrols of the city to round up drunks, who made up a song with the lyrics: ‘They came, they caught us, they beat us’ (in Turkish: ‘Geldiler, bastılar, vurdular’). In the past few years this dance has grown very popular and is spreading in popularity outside the region. These days this dance is mostly used for weddings or by youngsters who like to show off and attract girls. .Kolbastı never disappeared from Trabzon (a ctiy located in the Black Sea Region). It’s always been part of local culture. What’s new, though, is what the people from outside the region have brought to the dance. Since it is so rhythmic, people that have a problem with obesity and are overweight prefer to play this dance. According to the survey, it is alleged that Kolbastı dance can be helpful to lose weight and it also can be more effective than do pilates. It is a fact, that if it is played for about 30 minutes, it is said that you will be able to lose 500-600 calories in total. But it has become more a vibrant and more active due to gaining popularity of the game in recent years. It is fun to play, but hard to mimic the movements, a dance that gives pleasure to watch and follow, as clips of it have been recently published on Youtube. It is played with 6-9 dancers and one of the dancers goes to the middle of the platform and the other dancers circle him/her, and he/she can dance and show his/her figures in the middle of platform. Misket is a type of dance/folk music from the Ankara, and Aegean regions in Turkey. The word literally means marble (toy) in Turkish and it also bears the meaning of a small and very sweet apple variety when spelled “Misget”. Sufi Dance The Sufi Dance Sufi whirling (or Sufi spinning) is a form of Sama or physically active meditation which originated among Sufis, and which is still practiced by the Sufi Dervishes of the Mevlevi order. It is a customary dance performed within the Sema, or worship ceremony, through which dervishes (also called semazens) aim to reach the source of all perfection, or kemal. This is sought through abandoning one’s nafs, egos or personal desires, by listening to the music, focusing on God, and spinning one’s body in repetitive circles, which has been seen as a symbolic imitation of planets in the Solar System orbiting the sun. As explained by Sufis. The Misket Dance In the symbolism of the Sema ritual, the semazen’s camel’s hair hat (sikke) represents the tombstone of the ego; his wide, white skirt represents the ego’s shroud. By removing his black cloak, he is spiritually reborn to the truth. At the beginning of the Sema, by holding his arms crosswise, the semazen appears to represent the number one, thus testifying to God’s unity. While whirling, his arms are open: his right arm is directed to the sky, ready to receive God’s beneficence; his left hand, upon which his eyes are fastened, is turned toward the earth. The semazen conveys God’s spiritual gift to those who A fiddle (Kemençe).The music is played by a fiddle. Misket Dance 92 93 are witnessing the Sema. Revolving from right to left around the heart, the semazen embraces all humanity with love. The human being has been created with love in order to love. Mevlâna Jalâluddîn Rumi says, “All loves are a bridge to Divine love. Yet, those who have not had a taste of it do not know!”. Semazen TYPES OF SPORTS AND GAMES THE MOST POPULAR SPORTS IN PORTUGAL Football It is the most popular sport in Portugal. Football started to become well known in Portugal in the final decades of the 19th century, brought by Portuguese students who returned from England. Later, the game spread, being practiced in colleges, and leading to the foundation of clubs all over the country. Until the end of the century, associations were founded to practice this sport or created sections for competing. The first match, between Lisbon and Porto, took place in 1894, attended by King D. Carlos. Among the 500.000 registered athletes in Portugal, almost a third are football players (144 557), professional or amateur, divided between the age categories. In the last 10 years, football has consistently grown in the number of athletes, gathering 30.000 new athletes since the year 2.000. Football in Portugal is competitive among the biggest names in the sport worldwide, Portuguese athletes also often play for foreign teams. Football is a team sport played between two teams of 11 players each and an arbitrator dealing with the correct application of the rules. It is played on a rectangular grass field, with a goal in each side of the field. The objective of the game is to move a ball across the field to put it into the wide open goal action that is called goal. The team that scores the most goals at the end of the match is the winner. 94 95 THE MOST POPULAR SPORTS IN TURKEY Athletics It is a set of sports consists of three modes: race, throws and jumps. Overall, the athleticism is played in stadiums, except for some long distance races, practiced on public roads or in the field, such as the marathon. Athletics is the oldest organized competition. The most popular sports of athletics in Portugal are the races and the marathon. The races are divided into short distance or speed, which in official competitions ranging from 100, 200 and 400 meters inclusive; average fund (800 meters and 1500 meters); and long-distance or background (3000 meters or more).The marathon is a long distance race or background, held partly or entirely outside the stadium, or on the road. 96 Oil wrestling is one of Turkish national sports. Wrestlers oil one another prior to matches as a demonstration of balance and mutual respect. If a man defeats an older opponent, he kisses the latter’s hand (a sign of respect for elders in Turkey). The wrestlers are known as pehlivan meaning hero and champion )If they win the final match,they are named as chief pehlivans. They wear tight short leather trousers called ‘’Kıspet’’,made of buffalo leather and they cover themselves with olive oil. Cycling Is an activity with more than one hundred years of existence whose history is intertwined with the bike. Is a short to long distance, organised, mass-participation cycling event, typically held annually. Many cyclists use sportives to challenge themselves in a personal battle against the distance and then ultimately, the clock. Some participants in a cyclosportive will ride the event like a race, with prizes awarded and considerable prestige for top place finishers. Riders normally carry a number and the time they take to complete the course is recorded. Turkish Jereed (Javelin) Horses were sacred and indispensible for Turks. They were born, grown up, they would fight and die on the horse. Jereed is played outdoors on horseback. The objective is to score points by throwing a wooden javelin at the opposite team’s horsemen. 97 THE MOST POPULAR GAMES IN PORTUGAL Skiing (Kayak) Surrounded with many mountains, Turkey is a country where snowfalls a lot during the winter. Various ski resorts from Uludağ to Palandöken, Sarikamis to Kartepe and Erciyes to Saklıkent offer ski slopes furnished with the latest equipment. 98 Turkish archery is a tradition of archery which became highly developed in the Ottoman Empire, although its origins date back to the Eurasian Steppe in the second millennium BC. From the decline of military archery after the battle of Lepanto, almost only flight archery was practiced, and Turkish bowyers specialized in weapons which were particularly good for imparting high velocity to very light arrows. The sport of archery declined gradually until the reign of Mahmud II who made great efforts to revive it. He also ordered his archery student, Mustafa Kani, to write a book about the history, construction, and use of these bows, from which comes most of what is now known of Turkish bowyery. After the death of Mahmud II in 1839, archery resumed its decline. The game of malha - Equipment: 4 malhas (two for each team); 2 sticks (round sticks that can be balanced vertically); - Players: two teams with two elements each; - Description: in a plain and horizontal field, both sticks are placed facing the same direction, 15/18 meters apart from each other. Each team stands behind their respective stick. Being a turn based sport, it starts off with one element from one of the teams and he/she is followed by an element of the opposing team, at every turn, the element with the malha has the objective of throwing it with one hand and making it land as close as possible to the stick, the highest score being attributed to whoever manages to make the stick fall over; - Score System:6 points are awarded when the stick falls over, if not, after two turns, the team with the malha closest to the stick is awarded 3 points. The first team to reach 30 points wins the game. 99 THE MOST POPULAR GAMES IN TURKEY Cântaros - Description: It consists in a race with the elements balancing a pot filled with water on the top of their heads. The race and the pots have the following characteristics: All the pots must be identical, preferably clay pots;All the pots must be filled with the same amount of water;All the competitors must balance them on their head, a typical circle shaped piece of cloth called ‘rodilha’ is allowed to be placed under the pot to ease the balancing;The pots must not be touched by the competitor’s hands;The competitors must not touch each other;The course is chosen by the judge, the first element to reach the finish line without breaking any rule stated above is the winner. 100 The Bag Race - Description: The competitors must place themselves inside a bag made with a thick material, the bag must reach the waist;In order to move, the competitor must be holding the bag with both hands; The course is chosen by the judge and the first one who reaches the finish line without breaking any of the rules stated above is the winner. The Blind Man, Körebe Regardless of distance, countries share a common heritage, as can be shown by the wide diffusion of certain games, hence they may contain the memory of a rite of some kind. A good example of this is one kind of Blind Man’s Buff from villages in the Ankara and Mugla areas called Kör Çebiş, meaning Blind Goat or Kid; yet in Kırklareli it is called Kör Çapar. (Çapar has various meanings, but the most common is any animal such as a dog which has spots on its skin.) The villagers explain Blind Goat by saying that the blind man is like a goat with its hair falling over its eyes, but it must have a deeper significance since in Europe Blind Man’s Buff is called Blind Bock in Sweden, Blinde-buk in Denmark, Blind Bock in some parts of southern Germany, all meaning’ ‘blind goat.” In some parts of Germany it is called Blinde Kuh meaning Blind Cow. When the blindfolded “it” touches another player, he calls out, “He is burnt.” We can easily conjecture that this is a survival of a rite in which a priest wearing animal skins seized upon a victim or scapegoat by chance, and the person touched was sacrificed by fire. 101 Five Stones, Beş Taş The stone game is a favorite among girls, which requires skill and quickness. It is called Beş Taş (Five Stones). In the palm of her hands each girl holds five small round stones which they toss in the air and try to catch it on the back of their hand. When four stones have fallen on the ground, one is retained in the hand and then tossed up. While it is in the air, with the same hand, she must grab the four stones that are on the ground and catch the one tossed before it reaches the ground. Then one stone is again tossed in the air and the four stones on the ground are grabbed one by one, each grab being preceded by the tossing and catching of a stone that is retained in the hand. This is repeated, grabbing two by two, then three and one, and then all together. Yet another kind is mill, merelles, morris; a kind of board game. A rectangle is chalked on the pavement and divided into four squares by lines drawn parallel to the sides from the center of one side to that of the other. Standing at a fixed distance, each player takes three stones, and in turn, they play with the objective of placing their stones in a straight line. If their stone is between two stones that belong to an opponent it may not be moved and it is considered blocked. This is called Üç Taş (Three Stones) like Three Man Morris or Merrymen. The other kind, more like Nine Men’s Morris, is similar, with the objective of getting three stones in a line; it is called Dokuz Taş (Nine Stones) or Dokurcun. The origin of the Turkish game probably goes back to the Kirghiz, Kazak, and Uzbek tribes of Central Asia, where spreading nine stones called Kumalak was used in fortune-telling and divination. 102 Ring Games, Yüzük Oyunu The second most popular category of folk games in Turkey is Yüzük Oyunu (The Ring Game), which is a guessing game. On a tray there are usually eleven coffee cups, one of which covers a ring (or sometimes a seal). There are two teams. The first team hides the ring under one of the inverted cups. Their opponents try to guess the cup under which the ring is hidden. If the opposite team is right with their first guess, it is their game, and the functions are reversed. This is the most important moment of the game, and victories are celebrated with cheers. If they find the ring with the second guess, the hiding side gets eleven points, and the ring is hidden again. If it is not found in the first or the second time for each cup upturned, the hiding side adds to its score by adding the number of cups upturned to the eleven points from the lifting of the second cup. This is done until three unopened cups are left. If it is found in the first or the second of these cups, the hiding reverts to the guessing team. If it is not found in the two of the remaining three cups, the hiding team continues the game. Whichever teams gets fifty points first is the winning side. Of course this is a simple description of the game, as there are many more rules, either basic ones about making progress or special ones about “what happens if...” More than a game, the Ring Game is an institution, where very many beliefs, rhymes, and even penalties are involved, and sometimes there is even serious tormenting from the winning team. If the guessing side finds the ring under the first cup, they may give a chance to the other team by hiding the ring under only four cups. If they find it by lifting two cups, the hiding ones lose eleven points; if they find the ring in the other, then the hiding side loses twenty-one points. If they cannot find it in the third cup, they lose twenty one points. The number of cups, scores, and rules vary according to regions. Ring games are not always played with cups. Sometimes the ring is hidden in the hand, or under hats, towels, or handkerchiefs. When it is hidden in hands, the ring is threaded on a long circle of string and the players sit in a circle, holding the string with both hands. In the middle of the circle is the “it.” When the game starts the players stretch their fists to both sides in order to touch the fists of the players on either side. Holding their hands thus, they transfer the ring secretly from hand to hand quickly, leaving “it” in the middle, by studying the hands and faces, tries to spot who actually holds the ring. If the ring is thus discovered, then the one who had it changes places with the one who was in the middle. Sometimes instead of a ring, people use a reel. The general name for this ring game is Cicoz. 103 LEISURE TIME IN A HEALTHY WAY LEISURE TIME IN A HEALTHY WAY LIFESTYLE Lifestyle is a broad concept that looks at a person, in its wholesomeness, in the physical, mental, spiritual and social areas. It is, also, an integral part of our workplace relationships, social, family, leisure and household lifestyle. A small change in lifestyle can lead to a great improvement in health and quality of life. Physical inactivity is a problem that is of great importance. Throughout the world there has been an increase in obesity, which is related in part to the lack of physical activity. It is the famous modern lifestyle in which most of our free time is spent watching television, using computers, playing video games, etc. A healthy lifestyle: - Helps to keep the body fit and the mind alert; - Includes preventive health behaviors, good nutrition and weight management, leisure, regular exercise and deprivation of harmful substances to the body. HEALTH According to the Constitution of the World Health Organization: Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease. When the World Health Organization was created shortly after the end of World War II, there was a concern to draw a positive definition of health, which includes factors such as diet, physical activity, access to health care, etc. The “social welfare” from the definition came from a concern about the devastation caused by the war, as well as an optimism about world peace - the Cold War had not yet begun. WHO was also the first international health organization to be considered responsible for mental health, not just for the body’s health. 107 In addition to building and having a positive attitude, you can reduce the stress in your life, revitalizing itself. If you regularly make some of your time available for fun and relaxation, you are building a barrier to most stressors, as well as develop a much better “shape” to face and eradicate them. FIGHTING STRESS Healthy ways to relax and revitalize: - Walk; - Spending time in doing nature activities; - Activities with friends and family; - Release some tension with exercise; - Register your stress level; - Take a nice relaxing bath; - Enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea; - Gardening; - Massages; - Listening to music; - Watch a comedy; -… Leisure, or free time, is the amount of time spent away from your business, work, domestic chores, and/or education. It also excludes time spent on necessary activities such as eating or sleeping. There are many types of leisure activities, indoors, outdoors, so we have selected just a few that we used during the Health4life project: - Cooking; - Candle making; - Coloring; - Crocheting; - Dance; - Drawing; - Flower arranging; - Foreign language learning; - Jewelry making; - Listening to music; - Origami; - Painting; - Playing musical instruments; - Pottery; - Puzzles; - Reading; - Sculpting; - Soap making; - Sports; - Writing. 108 LEISURE ACTIVITIES HEALTHY TIPS HEALTHY TIPS 10 MISTAKES Here are 10 common diet mistakes If you think “I’m on a diet, but I cannot lose weight as I want”, the diet program that you follow may not be suitable for you. Your dietitian organizes an ideal diet program according to your lifestyle, and the results and findings from your metabolic analysis. If you don’t lose and protect your weight in the long process, you may also do the most common mistakes. 1. Fad diet In this kind of diet most people lose some kilos, but if this program undergoes with insufficient consumption of water or protein, there will be muscle lost. In this case, you think you lose weight, but later there will be a gaining in weight and a decrease of your metabolic resistance. 111 2. Constantly applying the same diet After a while, your diet program can become stagnated and lead to continuous weight loss. If you change your program under the control of a dietitian you will get more reliable results. 3. Skipping breakfast Breakfast is the most important meal which prepares you for the rest of the day. If you skip it you will lose less weight, your metabolism will slow down and you will experience concentration problems. 4. Eating fast Eating time should be extended as much as possible. Thus, if you eat slower, digestive enzymes are released. When eating fast, digestion is slowed down, and this situation causes an weight gain. 5. Not to drinking water Water is important for the digestion of nutrients, and also for removing metabolic waste and the acceleration of the metabolism. It is necessary to drink 2 to 2,5 liters of water a day, and other drinks like tea, coffee, fruit juices or herbal tea can’t take its place. 6. Skipping meals People who eat 3-4 meals a day or less, often experience and an issue of unstable sugar levels, a feeling of hunger and weight problems. Many diseases are also triggered. Of course the most accurate method is to eat whole foods and at the appropriate intervals. 7. Less sleep People who sleep less than 7 hours per day have the risk of gaining more weight. This idea is supported by researchers. The growth hormone, which is secreted during sleep, also supports the fat burning. THE NUTRITION OF SCHOOL AGE CHILDREN 8. Losing weight in a short time Everyone wants to get rid of excess weight quickly, but losing weight as fast as you can may have even faster consequences. The important thing is the acquisition of healthy eating habits 9. Weighing yourself everyday during diet During a slimming diet, the most important elements that can demoralize you is weighing. Some changes can be seen even in a day; increasing edema, constipation can affect the total weight. You can see yourself gaining weight. If possible, you should weigh once a week with the help of your dietitian. 10. Removing your favorite food from your life You do not have to say goodbye to your favorite food so that you can lose weight. You have to pay attention to your diet throughout your whole life, but sometimes you can reward yourself which will also trigger your motivation. The dietician Zehra Margot Çelik emphasizes that milk and dairy products which contain calcium are necessary for bone and dental health, and must be included in their bags. Çelik says that cheese or eggs from the meat group can possibility be adulterate, and as a measure to prevent it, well-cooked eggs should be put in the children’s bags, as it will decrease the risk of food adulteration. We shouldn’t prefer the charcuterie products such as salami, bologna, sausage and pastrami for its flavor, due to it being and unhealthy. Preference in the grain group is important According to Zehra Margot Çelik, an indispensable food in the lunch box is in the grain group. Çelik says that the most preferred food from that group is bread and cheese sandwiches. A slice of healthy cake and cookies can be added once a week. So we can prevent the children from buying a packaged cake or chocolate from the school canteen or grocery store. Don’t overlook fruit! According to Çelik, another indispensable food in the lunch box is fruit. Dietician Zehra Margot tells us about the necessity of consuming one portion of fruit a day, instead of cookies or cake, by using these terms: for example, one portion of fruit is equivalent with a small sized apple, 3 apricots, a medium sized pear, a medium sized orange,15 grapes and a banana. Healthy oils are also necessary Emphasizing that the oil group is also important for health, Dietician Zehra Margot Çelik recommends the olives, almonds, walnuts and hazelnuts. Çelik adds ‘’ Children must consume water regularly, too.’’ 112 113 Experts recommend that a good quality of sleep, healthy nutrition and doing exercises is necessary to protect the body against physical and mental stress. Dark Chocolate The bioflavonoid exists in cocoa and has an effect of balancing the level of cortisol known as the stress hormone. The magnesium in chocolate decreases mental tension and blood pressure. Moreover, adding milk to the chocolate decreases intestine absorption. 114 Almond and Peanut Thanks to the zinc, Vitamin B2 and E, you can increase the defenses of your immune system during stressful times. To consume 5-6 almonds and peanuts are enough for the body. Hot Pepper It contains capsaicin which is effective in the production of endorphin, which in its turn, performs as a natural pleasing and analgesic. Blueberry and Raspberry With the effect of vitamin C they included in them, they are effective against the aging of your brain and premature aging. Turkey As it contains a lot of tryptophan, it stimulates the brain and this is also effective for the secretion of serotonin. FOOD THAT KEEPS OFF STRESS 115 USEFUL FOODS FOR SORE THROAT Sweet Potato Containing beta-carotene and antioxidant, another immunity booster, it helps the increase of your body resistance against the chronic urethritis illnesses. Alligator Pear It contains high quantities of the Vitamin B group and it is also important for your brain´s health. Fatty Fish These fishes are known as a cold water fish and they are rich in Omega 3. This is very useful for your heart, vessels, brain and the neural system. Asparagus It has a high rate of folic acid for the endurance against mental stress. Besides, it meets the needs of nearly 2/3 of folic acid needed for the body. 116 How do we protect our immune system from the diseases? To find the answer for this question, we suggest you to browse the miraculous natural recommendations of Prof. Dr. Erdem YEŞİLADA - Head of the Department of Pharmacognisis and Phytotherapy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Yeditepe University. Tilia (Linden) No doubt, when talking about the “flu”, tilia is the one of the herbs that comes to our minds. Studies proves that some components (flavonoid) inside the tilia have the same effect as an antiinflammatory or a painkiller; some components (mucilage) ease the common cold complaints by softening the throat. Sage In the cold winter days, stomatitis and throat inflammation come at the top of the most complainee diseases. Sage leaves help to remove stomatitis and throat inflammation (such as pharyngitis and gingivitis) under favour of volatile components in it. Using the sage, prepared as tea without boiling, as mouthwash eases to be protected from these diseases. 117 Clove The clove which generally exists in every kitchen is known for its miraculous effect against mouth and throat mucosa ambustions. The clove prevents these ambustions under favour of volatile eugenol that exist in it, it is also used as an antiseptic and pain palliative for your mouth and throat infections caused by bacteries and viruses. Scientific studies show that essential oil of clove increases the effect of antibiotics used. Consuming the clove especially as tea with the Ceylon cinnamon husk which carries eugenol or using its intense concentration tea (%5-10) as mouthwash is being suggested. Ginger The ginger which is placed in the “Generally Recognized as Safe” list of U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and is being used for different purposes in many countries due to its numerous benefits. This herb -accepted as effective for cold and cough for years- is very beneficial to digestive disorders. YOUR CHILD CAN BE NERVOUS FOR THIS REASON Tea and coke can cause excessive nervousness on the children. Black Pepper When the tea -prepared with the peppercorns in form of powder and ball- is consumed as mouthwash, it helps to prevent and to ease the throat infections. Studies put forward the effects of black pepper as immunamodulatory, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic. Echinacea Another herb effective against upper respiratory infections is echinacea. Clinical studies put forward that this herb supports the immune system and protects the body against the cold. According to the data obtained, there are some lethal effects of the products containing echinacea to the viruses that can cause a cold. At the same time, echinacea prevents the damage that may occur on the throat and in the lungs by controlling the inflammation factors’ (cytokines) amount caused by viruses. Specialist Dietician Pınar Kural Enç says ‘’Healthy nutrition is an indispensable prerequisite for a healthy life, and coke, tea or coffee ( which contain caffeine) must be excluded from our children’s nutrition’’, pointing out that one of the most important subjects parents should care about is nutrition. Specialist Dietician Pınar Kural Ençpointed out this fact after the assessment: Nutrition of two-year-old children; your child must eat with the family and feel herself / himself as a part of the family. Let him eat by himself and let him decide which food and how much food he will eat. Your task is to present healthy food choices and create examples for healthy food habits. Children are affected by their parents’ behaviors more than their parents’ advice. While you are drinking coke continuously, to give ayran to your children is not acceptable. Every day, at least a glass of milk or yoghurt must be consumed, because this type of food is the best source of calcium, which is important for bone development. The quantity of calcium in 2 units of matchbox cheese equals the quantity of calcium found in a glass of milk. There must be at least two portions from one group or more (chicken, fish, eggs and legumes) so we can have 118 119 the best source of iron possible. Children who consume meat every day must be given eggs every other day, and children who don´t are to be given eggs every day. Eggs can be consumed as soft-boiled or hard-boiled or in a sandwich or even as an omelet. At this time, children must be educated about the mouth and dental health. Every child at the age of 1,5 to 2 years old should own a toothbrush. At that age,there is no need to have toothpaste. Toothpaste can be used after the age of 3. Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins and are also helpful in iron absorption. Children at that age must be given 3-4 portions of fruit and vegetables. Let your child help you prepare the food. So you can also provide your child the interest for new and different food. Cook at least one type of food that your child likes. There must be more than one food option in the meal. But at the table there must be at least one food you know your child likes. But children are selective especially when it comes to vegetables. So putting vegetables directly in the soup, rice, macaroni, meat balls and pastry or serving vegetables with rice, macaroni, meatball provides children with a fun and easy way to eat vegetables. Eating the fruits with their peels on helps to solve problems regarding constipations, which are common in children of that age. One Portion Vegetable: 5-6 table spoons of vegetable food. One Portion fruit=One Medium sized fruit=3/4 glass of fruit juice. At least 6 portions a day of bread and the other floury starch food (that is the body’s essential energy source) must be consumed. These 6 portions can be given as 3 slices of bread and the rest can be given in the form of soup, rice, macaroni, potato or pastry. One Portion: 5-6 tablespoons of macaroni/rice or a slice of bread. Children must be taught to eat by themselves using the table spoon and fork as soon as possible from an early age. In their first year, the development of chewing and swallowing functions is completed. So nutrition should be given in a soft form. Solid and granular foods may causes suffocation because it could go into the child’s windpipe, you should not give it to them. Nuts, peanuts, pumpkin seeds or sun flower seeds, legumes are the substances that very often get into their windpipe. Stimulants that tea, coffee and coke contain make children very nervous. The best thing to do: parents should not let children taste these kind of drinks. You should not give any kind of candy to your children very often. Giving candy to children between breakfast, lunch and dinner both makes the children lose their appetite (causing insufficient nutrition) and is also the main reason for dental cavities. 120 9 HERBS AND AN INFUSION FOR A HEALTHIER DIET Color your table. It will attract your child’s attention and increase the types of the food he/she likes. Ease eating. Round food like sausage,sour cherry,grape,carrot can stick in the child’s throat. To make your child’s eating easy,divide the sausage into four parts and cook the carrots. Tolerate the childish behaviours your child will perform at the table. Don’t expect that your child stays still at the table, however, the child staying still is the desired situation. If the child doesn’t want to eat a meal or finishes his/her meal, you can give permission for the child to leave the table. Care that the portions must be small. The quantity of the portions must be small and you must help the child when needed. The quantity of portions suitable for the pre-school children is generally 1/4 of the portion of the adults. Big portions can bore the child and can therefore cause the child to eat less. The best is to present small portions and to ask the child whether he/she wants more when he/she finishes his/her meal. Sit at the table together and eat together. Every behavioral aspect of the parents is very important and the children will imitate their behaviours. If we want our child to eat his/her meal, we should be a model for him/her and we must eat together. For example, mother or father doesn’t have a regular nutrition habit, a balanced nutrition habit can’t be expected from their child. It is also normal for the child to have such habits if his/her parents have choosy eating. About the choosy eating, the fact that a child doesn’t like the taste of the nutrition or the negative event about that nutrition can be effective but the nutrition habits as well as the child’s every behaviour are under the effect of learning. The use of herbs (a way of reducing the amount of salt in the diet). Salt is the most abundant mineral in the Earth and, though we need not consume in large quantities, it is essential for many body functions. The seasoning is number one, as is used throughout the world and in all kinds of foods. Since ancient times it is used to preserve fish and meat. But excessive consumption of salt influences the appearance of hypertension that affects many millions of Portuguese people and also other diseases such as stomach cancer or heart failure. One way to reduce your salt intake is to add herbs to the confection of food, including salads, soups, marinades, meats, fish, teas, jams, among other preparations. Its use may affect health, either by reducing the amount of salt in the food or nutritional characteristics by presenting. In this research work of the members of the Club Riverside with Life of the School Group Coelho e Castro, will present some herbs and also a useful infusion to our physical well-being. 121 Rosemary Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) is a perennial shrub of the family Labiatae. Grows especially in the Mediterranean, but also in temperate climates of Southwest Asia and North Africa. Its thin and elongated leaves are very aromatic and its flowers of lilac or blue. Culinary suggestion: Crispy game sausage and roasted peppers Tarragon Tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus) is one of the Asteraceae family herbaceous plant originating in Russia and Siberia. It was extended to the Arab world and later to France and Italy. Of its branches, with almost 1 m high, are born with green and spiky leaves. Its flowers are a greenish yellow and their fruit is dark brown. Ingredients: Brice sheet / filo folder 10 pcs Hunting sausage 1 pc Roasted red pepper 100 g Fresh rosemary leaves in qs What is the rosemary? Rosemary has many uses, both for medical purposes (for the treatment of mild depression, headache, migraine, sick, gas, cough, sinusitis, bronchitis, concentration problems, enhance memory, arthritis, osteoarthritis, gastritis, gastric ulcer, rheumatism, cystitis, irregular menstruation, menstrual cramps, premenstrual syndrome, ...) as for food. (seasoning meat and fish, sauces, tortillas, tea, ...). Rosemary Properties: The Rosemary’s properties include its expectorant, antibacterial, digestive, diuretic, rheumatic, antiseptic and astringent. 122 Dining Tip: Tarragon Sauce Ingredients: 150g of fresh leaves tarragon 25 cl of white wine 25cl cream 25cl broth with meat or vegetables. Preparation: Cut the sausage into slices. Place one by one, trimmed with a little pepper and rosemary leaf, phyllo dough into a sheet form to wrap a bundle. Bake heated to 140 ° C to gain color. Serve with a green salad and chutney. Tarragon properties: It stands out for its aromatic, digestive and diuretic properties. It also helps to eliminate intestinal parasites and regulate menstruation. How to use tarragon: The dried or fresh tarragon leaves combine with eggs, chicken, roast beef, fish, soups and salads. Aromatize vinegar, butter and mustard. Preparation: Place baking tarragon with white wine. When it has evaporated half the liquid, strain and add the cream and broth. Cook over low heat until the desired consistency. Add a few leaves of fresh tarragon. This sauce goes well with red meats, chicken and vegetables in the oven. 123 Mint Mint is a 30 to 60 cm plant, slightly velvety. It has an erect stem, square, reddish, with many branches. The leaves are opposite to each other, from oblong to lanceolate, often downy, and with a serrated margin. Violet flowers, numerous stalked, gathered in separate whorls and forming at the end of the stems, obtuse, short, ovoid spikes, rather closed, provided with bracts at the base. Goblets gamosepalous of almost 5 equal teeth. Fennel (dill) It grows wild in abundance in many places. In summer it is usual to see it on the edge of the paths and roads, with its thin leaves and their stems with yellow umbels that can reach 2 m high. Every plant has an essential oil that gives it its characteristic aroma similar to anise. There are also other varieties of mint (Mentha viridis, Mentha crispa, etc.) which are identical to those medicinal properties of Mentha piperita. Mint is mint, lift is mint, pennyroyal is mint, peppermint is mint and mint is peppermint. It is a plant that exists everywhere since it has plenty of water. the body, clean the digestive tract, eliminate toxins, reduce the temperature of the liver, calm and ensure a good night’s sleep. How to use it? Mint may be used to temper meat to make teas, jellies, salad or even liquors. Fresh: Before any preparation, wash thoroughly and put the sauce herb in antiseptic solution for vegetables diluted in water. For chopping, first separate the leaves from the branch. Dry: Use as directed in recipe. Tips: If you have mint leaves beginning to wilt, soak them in ice cold water for a few minutes. They will be more lush. Candied mint leaves decorate cakes and puddings and can be served with coffee after meals. Dining tip: courgette soup with mint Ingredients: 1 cup fresh dill leaves finely chopped; 2 red onions cut into wedges; 2 tbsp olive oil; 2 tbsp fresh tarragon; Salt and pepper to taste; 900g salmon fillet with skin 1/3 cup chopped fresh parsley; 1/2 tbsp lemon zest; 1 tbsp capers; 1/4 cup olive oil. What is the fennel? It helps with digestion and with the elimination of liquids, is antiflatulent and stimulates milk secretion in lactating women. Dining tip: salmon fillets in the oven with dill (fennel) Fennel Properties: It is rich in fiber, vitamin A, B, C and folic acid, also contains a good amount of minerals (iron, calcium, phosphorus, potassium and trace elements in abundance). 124 Preparation: Preheat the oven to 200ºC. In an appropriate container for baking, add the dill, onion, olive oil, tarragon, salt and pepper. Bake for 20 minutes. Place the salmon fillet on plants. Mix parsley, lime zest, capers and olive oil and pour over the salmon. Bake for another 10 minutes. What is the mint? It helps debug blood. It helps fight insomnia, headaches, flu, intestinal worms, digestive problems, high cholesterol, cough and phlegm and calm the stress. Mint tea is indicated for the treatment of colds and indigestion. The gargle relieves sore throat. It can also relieve insect bites. It is very good against the need to vomit as it helps to purify Ingredients (4 servings): 250g courgette; 50g onion and mint-mint; 150 g potato; 1 clove garlic; 2 tablespoons olive oil; salt to taste. Way of preparing: In a saucepan with about 1.5 l light water to cook the potato, onion and peeled garlic and zucchini thoroughly washed and cut. Cook until all ingredients are tender. Remove from heat, 125 add the mint and reduce all the puree with the magic wand, adding at the same time the oil. Season with salt and bring to the boil again, leaving it to boil. Remove and serve sprinkled with mint leaves. Mint Salad Dressing Natural juice of pineapple with ginger and mint-mint Mustard Mustard (Sinapis arvensis) is a leafy vegetable that belongs to the Brassica family, which also includes cabbage, broccoli, cabbage and brussels. Has its origins in Asia but is currently produced in many countries. arthritis, osteoporosis, iron deficiency anemia, and thought to protect against cardiovascular disorders, asthma and cancer of the colon and prostate. It is one of the most nutritious leafy vegetables, grown and used in almost every corner of the world. The leaves of mustard are commonly used in the winter season, considering oil since ancient times. The leaves of this plant are a good source of vitamin A, carotenes, vitamin K, flavonoids and antioxidants, rather than some fruits and vegetables known for this characteristics. Ingredients: 1 washed mustard sauce 1/2 cup (tea) chopped bacon 1 onion, chopped 2 cloves garlic, minced pepper to taste Preparation: Chop the mustard into strips, place for 2 minutes in a pan of boiling water and drain. Reserve. In a saucepan over medium heat, fry the bacon until you release all the fat and brown evenly. Add onion and garlic and fry for 2 minutes or until translucent. Add the mustard and season with pepper. Mix well, remove from the heat and, if desired, serve as an accompaniment to grilled or roasted meats. Ingredients: 1 cup nonfat yogurt; 1 tablespoon (soup) chopped mint finely; 1/2 teaspoon (tsp) black pepper; 1 teaspoon (tsp) olive oil Ingredients: 600gr of fresh pineapple; spoon (tea) of powdered ginger; Fresh Mint leaves (for chopping); 200ml water; Mint leaves to decorate Way of preparing: Cut the pineapple into chunks Place the pineapple in a blender, as well as ginger and mintmint. Add the water. Grind all. Serve well chilled (can add ice cubes). 126 Dining tip: braised mustard Way of preparing: Mix all ingredients. Serve over salad. 8 servings Mustard properties: - The dark green leaf mustard contain a good amount of fiber that helps control the cholesterol level, by interfering with its absorption in the intestine. - Fresh mustard is an excellent source of many essential minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc, selenium and manganese and also vitamins A, C and K. - The mustard greens are also a good source of folic acid. This water soluble vitamin plays an important role in DNA synthesis and, when administered before pregnancy and during the first time can help prevent the newborn baby neural tube defects. - It is a source of antioxidants. - Regular consumption of mustard in the diet is known to prevent 127 Oregano The Oregano (Origanum vulgare) is a plant of the family Labiatae. Comes from Greece, but grows in almost all countries with temperate climates. Its stem is square, with a white fluff, the leaves are oval and flowers are grouped in bunches. Dining tip: Omelet with oregano and tomato Sage The Sage (Salvia officinalis) is a small evergreen undergrowth plant with woody stems, grayish leaves, and blueish violet flowers. It is native to the Mediterranean region and cultivated as an aromatic and medicinal herb or as an ornamental plant. The term saves and derived names are used for various species related or not with sage. Salvia shows the velvet leaf and Ingredients: 1 kg of clean pork loin; 2 fresh sage branches; 1 large bunch fresh thyme; 1 bay leaf; 1 clove garlic cut into chips; 2 tablespoons olive oil Salt to taste Ingredients: 4 eggs 1 onion grated 1 cup fresh oregano 1 tomato peeled and seeded, diced 1/2 cup grated cheese oil and salt qs What is the oregano? It is an aromatic herb, widely used in Mediterranean cooking. Its leaves are used fresh or dried, the taste and aroma that give dishes. It is considered that the dried leaves taste better. In Portugal oregano are indispensable in the production of snails, and is also used in stews and tomato and fresh cottage cheese or salads. Oregano Properties: - Digestive disorders; - Respiratory disorders; - Muscle aches, stiff neck The oregano is a good source of fiber, forces the body to produce more bile salts and lower cholesterol, help prevent colon cancer. It is also a good source of abundant nutrients, rich in iron, fiber, calcium, vitamins A and C and omega 3. 128 Preparation: Beat the eggs thoroughly. Add oregano, salt, grated cheese, tomato, and reserve. Slightly sauté the onion. Pour the eggs with the other ingredients and let them fry, without stirring, until the desired point. Dining tip: roast pork loin with sage camphor aroma. What is the sage? As aromatic herb, sage has a slightly spicy flavor. It is used in Western cuisine to flavor fatty meats (especially in marinades), cheese, and a few drinks. In the US, UK and Flanders, is used with onion, pork or poultry fillings and also sauces. In French cuisine, it is used for cooking white meat and vegetable soups. The Germans use it often in sausage dishes. It is also commonly used in Italian cuisine. In the Balkans and the Middle East, is used in baked lamb. Preparation: With the tip of a sharp knife, pierce all the meat and tuck the sage leaves and garlic chips. Separate the thyme leaves and mix them with the crumbled bay leaf and salt. Rub the meat with this mixture and place it in a small baking dish. Drizzle with olive oil and bake in preheated oven (180 ° C) for 1 hour. Continue to water with olive oil, from time to time. Let the meat rest for 10 minutes in a warm place before cutting it into slices. The pork tenderloin can also be served cold with potato salad. Sage Properties: Nutritionally speaking, provides vitamins (A, B3, B6, folate and K), and minerals (calcium, magnesium and potassium). Regarding phytochemical compounds containing α-pinene, β-sitosterol, citral, farnesol, ferulic acid, gallic acid, geraniol, limonene, cineol, perillyl alcohol, β-cariteno, catechin, apigenin, luteolin, saponin, ursolic acid, carnosic acid, vanillic acid, caffeic acid, thymol and eugenol. 129 Savory The savory (Satureja hortensis) is an ornamental plant summer, small and rough to the touch, belongs to the family of lipped, originating in the Mediterranean basin. Its reddish branches are covered with a white down, the leaves are narrow, thin and among the highest grow some white flowers. There are several varieties, such as Satureja innota, with thicker leaves, the Satureja montana the Apennines, winter and wild and Satureja biflora Africa, that releases a lemony scent. Dining tip: Cream of vegetables with green beans and savory Thyme Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) is a small aromatic shrub of the family of lipped, originating in the Mediterranean basin. It is distinguished by its woody and grayish stem, by its small leaves and egg-shaped, its velvety flowers (white and pink) and its reddish cup. Usually reaches 30 cm. There are over 100 varieties of this plant, including the lemon thyme (Thymus citriodorus) and thyme-wild thyme (Thymus serpyllum). Dining tip: Laminated Potatoes with Bacon and Thyme What is the Savory? The savory used to help treat canker sores, wounds, insect bites, intestinal problems, diarrhea and sore throat. Properties of Savory: The properties include its astringent, analgesic, aromatic, digestive, stimulant, fungicide and tonic. How to use the Savory? The parts used are the savory flowers, leaves and essential oil. Infusion of savory: Place 1 tablespoon (tea) cup of savory in a boiling water and let steep for 10 minutes. Then filter and drink 3 times a day. Ingredients: 1 onion 1 turnip 1 chayote 2 medium potatoes 300g Pumpkin qs water salt to taste 250g green beans qs savory 1 tablespoon olive oil Preparation: Peel the onion, turnip, and chayote, potatoes and pumpkin. Cut everything into small pieces and place in a saucepan. Add water to cover the vegetables. Season with salt, cover the pan and bring to boil over medium heat until the vegetables are tender. However, rinse the beans, get him the wire and cut it into thin slices diagonally. When the vegetables are cooked, mix them completely with the magic wand to the undo completely. Add a little more boiling water if you find the soup too thick, and add the sliced green beans and some sprigs of savory. Simmer until beans are tender green. Drizzle with olive oil and serve. 130 What is thyme? - It treats diseases in the respiratory tract, acts as an expectorant and also as an antiseptic; - It treats gastrointestinal and digestion problems, since thyme prevents the formation of gases and can be useful in case of indigestion, flatulence or stomach pain; - Helps in cases of anemia, thyme is a plant rich in iron; - Thyme oil protects against insect bites. Thyme Properties: - Your disinfectant effect, healing and antiseptic, so it is very appropriate to treat the wounds. - Because it is an aromatic plant, also acts as an insect repellent, and therefore, you can use thyme oil to protect against bites of these animals. Ingredients: Bacon; Salt; Flower; Pepper; Potatoes; Fresh thyme oil; Grated cheese. Preparation: Wash the potatoes well and make cuts across. Place them in a pyrex between the slices of bacon, and season with pepper and salt. Drizzle the potatoes with olive oil and sprinkle with thyme. Put it in the oven at 140 ° C for about 20 minutes. After you´ve turned of the oven, sprinkle the potatoes with the grated cheese. Sprinkle over with thyme. 131 Echinacea Echinacea is a medicinal plant, it is also known as cone flower, it is purple, and widely used as a home remedy to treat colds. Its scientific name is Echinacea purpurea. The places to be purchased are in health food shops, street markets or from pharmacies in its natural form or in any supermarket. Recipes: 1. Echinacea tea Ingredients: 3 tablespoons of echinacea 1 liter of water Preparation: Place 3 tablespoons of echinacea root soup in 1 liter of cold water, let it boil and boil for two minutes. Remove from the heat and let it rest for a few minutes. 132 Cunha, A. Proença, Ribeiro, José A., Roque, Odete R., Plantas aromáticas em Portugal – Caraterização e utilizações, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2009, 2ºedição 2. Compresses for arthritis Forey, Pamela e Fitzsimons, Cililia, Flores silvestres, Plátano Editora, 1998 Ingredients: Roots and leaves of echinacea Something to knead (p. ex pestle) Forey, Pamela e Fitzsimons, Cililia, Plantas comestíveis, Plátano Editora, 1991 Preparation: Crushing the leaves with a pestle along with the root of the echinacea with the aid of a cloth dampened with hot water. What is the echinacea? Serves to help in the treatment of: Colds; Respiratory infections; Urinary infections; Toothache; Gum; Rheumatoid arthritis; Bacterial or viral diseases. BIBLIOGRAPHY Contraindications of Echinacea: The echinacea is contraindicated in the case of allergy to Asteraceae plants, as well as for patients with HIV, tuberculosis, multiple sclerosis and collagen disease. Forey, Pamela e R. Lindsay, Plantas medicinais, Plátano Editora, 1997 Lopes, Anabela, Teixeira, Diana, Calhau, Conceição, Pestana, Diogo, Padrão, Patrícia, Graça, Pedro, Ervas aromáticas – uma estratégia para a redução do sal na alimentação dos portugueses, Direção-geral da Saúde, 2015 Moore, Arden, Doherty, Bridget, Ervas que curam, Plátano Editora, 1999 Taddei, Debora, Enriquez, Tareixa, Martinez, Teresa, Nazra, Jorge, O grande livro dos alimentos – volume 2, Circulo de Leitores, 2008 Volák, Jan, Stodola, Jiri, Plantas medicinais, Editorial Inquérito, 1990 133