P2 / BIKE CLUB P3 P3 / TRAVEL P4 / WELCOME / VOLUNTEER A sense of belonging Busy in 2016? Join us on TWV welcomes a new If you have the time, (and pizza!). the road in Argentina ... COO thanks to SVP! we have the tasks – sign Thank you Social Venture up or show up. Your time Partners! and talent make us possible. VIEWS twowheel NEWSLETTER 10 2015 FEBRUARY EDITION WE’RE GOING BACK TO NORWAY THIS SUMMER! FOLLOW OUR TRIP ON FACEBOOK! “Every day we seize and decline opportunities, however a TWV Trip is truly life changing and is definitely a smart move for anybody’s future. On top of that, TWV Trips are extremely fun. I really feel alive and in the present moment when on a bicycle trip.” – SAM BROWN, TWV TRIP PARTICIPANT bike club 37 bikes Making some last minute adjustments at Bike Club Graduation a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a 32 classes a a a a a a a a 80 volunteer hours Thank you to Calgary Coop for sponsoring our snack (including pizza for graduation) for Bike Club this year! 22 volunteers supporters, believers, friends, funders, difference makers Two Wheel View has been lucky to receive support from the following groups and individuals: Southwood Library, St Helena School, Sir Winston Churchill Pool, Calgary AfterSchool, Ridley’s Cycle, Rod Garossino, Social Venture Partners, Kevin Fougere, Neville Jugnauth, Harold Huber, Craig Maurice, Michael Gallant, Chelsey Dawes. 2 On the Road: Adult Argentina On March 1st, Rick and a group of travellers will embark on our annual Adult Argentina Ride. As they pedal through a number of diverse landscapes, the group will experience the authentic culture of the region, eating traditional foods and meeting local people. The trip includes 11 nights of accommodation in country estates, B&B’s and family run hostels; one night camping at a trout farm in the Calchaquí mountains, three sight-seeing days in Salta, Cafayate and Tafi de Valle; all group meals, and pre-trip support and instruction for getting ready. Rick is getting ready to lead another adult trip to Argentina in support of TWV. We are already accepting registrations for this popular experience for March 2016. Your participation on this trip supports the mission of Two Wheel View and a portion of your program fee is eligible for a charitable tax receipt. This experience has sold out the last two years so it’s advised to sign up early. For more information about this unique travel opportunity, please visit our website We’ll be keeping up with Rick and the group regularly during their trip. Follow along on our Facebook page, facebook. com/twowheelview. One of the best things about TWV Trips – eating good food with great friends! Trip Leader Training The year may have only just started but at TWV we are already thinking about summer. Right now our trip leaders are going through a series of leadership development workshops to build their skills so they can provide the best possible experiences for the youth we take on trips. They will meet monthly until the summer to brush up on bike mechanics, trip logistics, emergency response procedures and day-today activities of all the trips. We want to set our students up for success so we start by setting our leaders up to be successful too. We are always looking for potential ride leaders so if you would like to be considered for our ride leader training program, please contact our Trips Manager Colin at to find out more. Social Venture Partners Encore Fellowship In January we were pleased to welcome Colleen McCrea to TWV as a part of the Social Venture Partners Encore Fellowship Program. Encore Fellowships are structured programs that place highly-skilled, experienced professionals into social purpose organizations, where they help non-profits build capacity, and ultimately, have a greater impact on their communities. Colleen will spend the next year as our Chief Operations Officer, helping us conduct an organizational analysis to identify opportunities for development and aiding us in creating strategies to strength our operations. We look forward to working with Colleen to build a stronger TWV that will ultimately change more kids’ lives from the seat of a bike. Welcome to TWV Colleen! >> VISIT OUR BLOG AT WWW.TWOWHEELVIEWBLOG.WORDPRESS.COM AND READ ALL ABOUT IT. 3 Volunteer Mechanics Night Thank you to everyone who has come out to wrench with us over the past few months and to the Good Life Community Bike Shop for sharing their amazing space! All the bikes that we tune up go directly to youth graduating from our Earn-a-Bike programs. Volunteer Mechanic Nights are a great opportunity to spend time with a great crew sharing new mechanic skills – including wheel truing, replacing brake and shifter cables and housing, overhauling and repacking hubs – learning about TWV’s bike expedition program and growing our cycling community. So all you bike mechanics and Two Wheel View supporters out there, join us next time! Volunteer Mechanics Night at the Good Life Community Bike Shop will take place on the first Tuesday of each month, the next night will be: March 3, 2015, 6:00-9:00pm Thanks again and hope to see you March 3, swing by anytime between 6:00-9:00pm! Other Volunteer Opportunities We have a number of other opportunities coming up in the next couple of months where we could use your help! Please contact either Laura ( or Sasha ( to sign up. March 28th and 29th – Calgary Bike Show We’ve been fortunate that they given us a free booth at this event. We need volunteers to help us talk about TWV to the attendees. Let us know what time you are able to donate and we will add you to our schedule. Hours are 9:30am-9:30pm on the 28th and 9:30am-6:30pm on the 29th. May 1st – Vehicle for Change Fundraiser Party We need help during the event and the next day for cleaning up after the fun. We have a variety of activities and short shifts for those who would like to contribute as well as join us for the fun! Two Wheel View Trips 2015 There are so many opportunities to travel with Two Wheel View! Sign up as an individual or group and get ready for a life changing travel experience. Quebec/Alberta Youth Exchange: May 9-17, 2015 (Quebec) & June 6-14, 2015 (Alberta) Argentina for Students: July 7-24, 2015 Norway for Families and Friends: July 25-August 8, 2015 Badlands to Banff: August 9-18, 2015 Okanagan / Kettle Valley for Adults: Fall 2015 4 TEN WAYS TO SUPPORT US 1. Volunteer to help at an Earn-a-Bike program 2. Pay it forward and donate your old bike at the Good Life Community Bike Shop 3. Train the future by sponsoring an Earn-aBike program in your community 4. Host an expedition recruitment presentation at your school or community hall 5. Join our Two Wheel View Facebook Page and Twitter and spread the word 6. Encourage success by volunteering to assist a youth with their fundraising goal 7. Participate in and tell your friends about our annual Vehicle for Change Fundraiser in the spring 8. Sign up for one of our adult rides and raise funds for a youth 9. Empower a youth by donating to Two Wheel View on our website 10. Share our vision of changing more kids’ lives by the seat of a bike!
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