Yuma Catholic High School 2015
Yuma Catholic High School 2015
Sanctuary of St. Isidore the Farmer Yuma Catholic High School 2015-2016 Annual Report A LETTER FROM THE PRINCIPAL Dear Parents, Alumni and Friends, It is with a great sense of gratitude and pride that Yuma Catholic presents its 2015-2016 annual report under one cover. This book celebrates you, our donors and our school families. Your generosity allows us to continue to live our mission and to set the pace for Catholic, college-preparatory education, as we have for hundreds of Yuma County students for the past 16 years. Yuma Catholic is similar to most other private schools in that the cost to educate each student exceeds the cost of tuition; generous gifts from donors like you make up the difference. Since opening its doors in 2000, Yuma Catholic has enjoyed a distinguished reputation for its strong curriculum, competitive athletics, faith-strengthening religious program and spirited co-curricular activities. The school is certified by the Western Catholic Educational Association and accredited as a college-preparatory school by Advanced Ed. Yuma Catholic is proud to represent the Yuma community where students grow into the leaders and role models of tomorrow. The values taught at Yuma Catholic form the foundation for each new generation of Shamrocks. At Yuma Catholic, “Tradition Never Graduates”. Although our school is small, we have been mighty in many ways. Our students routinely set new records when it comes to scholarship monies earned and they are accepted to hundreds of the finest universities in America. Every dollar you donate makes a significant difference in improving the educational program we can offer. Further, it is your generosity that makes it possible for over 70% of Yuma Catholic students to receive tuition assistance. Thank you for investing in our students today; your investment will generate many bright tomorrows, one student at a time. Sincerely, Rhett Stallworth Principal-Yuma Catholic High School Graduation, May of 2016 CRS GLOBAL HIGH SCHOOL RELIEF PROGRAM During the 2015-2016 academic year, Yuma Catholic High School became a Catholic Relief Services (CRS) Global High School. The CRS Global High School Program provides opportunities for Catholic secondary schools to join with CRS to educate about Catholic social teaching and advocate for solidarity with the global poor. Yuma Catholic High School students participated in the CRS Rice Bowl annual campaign raising money for those in need. Students and faculty also had the opportunity to hear CRS Speaker Olga Canelas discuss the plight of the poor in her homeland of Honduras and the work of CRS. These experiences helped build global awareness and responsiveness of the students to live in solidarity with their brothers and students around the world. The CRS Global High School program also help promotes the Catholic Social Teachings and recognizes student leaders that are participating in servant leadership as modeled by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Miss Veronica Boyd was awarded the CRS Global Scholar Award and is one of the first students nationally to win the award for her selfless service to others. As part of the CRS Global High School program, Yuma Catholic High School was recognized as a Gold Level School for our social justice participation in the 2015-2016 school year. 2 Yuma Catholic High School FAITH The purpose of Campus Ministry at Yuma Catholic is to ensure that the young men and women who are entrusted to our care receive the opportunity for daily spiritual formation and growth. Senior class retreat., May 2016 I take my role in these young peoples lives very seriously. I try to lead by example in the way a show my faith in Christ in all the things I do. As a teacher and a coach I have the opportunity bring God’s love and grace into their lives. Mr. Arsenault, Theology Faculty, Cross Country Coach “At Yuma Catholic, I’ve learned to let my faith be bigger than my fears.” Bethany Johnson-Class of 2017 “Serve Him with a perfect heart and with a willing mind.” I Chronicles 28:9 Mass w/ Deacon Pasquinelli and Fr. Ramonito ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT: FR. DAVID LOEFFLER On June 11th Father David Michael Loeffler, Class of 2008, was ordained a priest of the Diocese of Phoenix by Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church in Avondale, Arizona. He has been assigned as an associate pastor at St. Daniel the Prophet Catholic Church in Scottsdale. His first Mass of Thanksgiving was held on June 12th at St. Paul Catholic Church in Phoenix, the same church his parents were married in and where he was baptized as a baby. Fr. Loeffler’s Mass of Ordination and Mass of Thanksgiving were both beautiful events made even more special by the attendance of many family, friends, and other Yuma Catholic alumni and faculty. Retired Yuma Catholic teacher Mr. Bob Anderson served as the processional leader in the Knights of Columbus Honor Guard and led the procession of over 100 priests, seminarians, and laity for Fr. Loeffler’s ordination. On Sunday, June 12th, Fr. Loeffler’s first Mass of Thanksgiving was concelebrated by several other priests from Fr. Loeffler’s formation as well as retired Yuma Catholic teacher Deacon Nieves Hernandez. It was a memorable occasion well supported by Yuma Catholic alumni. After graduating from Yuma Catholic High School, Fr. Loeffler attended Franciscan University in Steubenville, Ohio, earning a Bachelor of Arts degrees in philosophy and theology and a master of arts degree in philosophy. He attended seminary at the Pontifical College Josephinum in Columbus, Ohio, earning a Master of Arts degree in theology, a master of divinity, and a bachelor of sacred theology from Pontifical Lateran University in Rome, Italy. Pictured left to right, Fr. Loeffler, his parents Michael and Susan and Archbishop Olmsted Fr. Loeffler expressed his gratitude to all those who supported him from his teachers at St. Francis School and Yuma Catholic to his friends, relatives, and former college friends. When asked about his preparations for his ordination he said that he never thought he would make it to his ordination because it always seemed so far away. However, when current Yuma Catholic High School teacher Mrs. Cheri Meade was asked to share her thoughts about Fr. Loeffler, she stated that the Yuma Catholic family knew he was meant to be a priest because of his faithful devotion to the Eucharist and his spiritual leadership. 2015-2016 Annual Report 3 ACADEMICS ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT: DR. TAYLOR PODOLSKY At Yuma Catholic we take our role in our student’s lives very seriously. Our faculty and staff work very hard to make sure each student has the opportunity to be successful academically and spiritually, so they have a foundation to build on when they leave. Our alumni spotlight, Dr. Taylor Podolsky, exemplifies these qualities; Taylor has successfully navigated a 7 year journey to earn her Doctor of Physical Therapy, from the University of Southern California in May of 2016. Taylor is a 2009 graduate of YC and has some fond memories of her time here and as you will begin to see, it’s a place she believes helped give her the foundation she needed to be successful. Many of the memories come from inside the classroom or at school functions where she and her friends gathered together to learn and grow. “I am fond of our class retreats we did each year. I feel the chance 4 Yuma Catholic High School we had to grow closer together as friends and classmates, as well as our faith was an experience that’s hard to put into words.” The Yuma Catholic curriculum helped to steadily build her academic acumen with a strong selection of AP and dual-credit courses. “By allowing us to have a jump start on college credit courses it helped me to save time in my college career and allow for more classes that were specific to my degree and passions while still finishing in four years.” Dr. Podolsky also stated that she is “very thankful now for the use of technology in the classrooms” at YC. Her class at Southern California was the first to be completely paperless. She stated “ coming from an educational background (at YC) that fostered technology helped me succeed.” Dr. Podolsky points to Sr. Jan Villemure as the faculty member who most often inspired her. She said “She was a good blend of faith and a woman of science.” Dr. Podolsky refers to her as one of her hardest teachers and looking back she knows now it was to help her grow stronger for what lied ahead. She added “I’m thankful that we have kept in touch over the years and that she helped to get me onto the path I am on today.” She is also very “During my time here at YC it has allowed me to grow spiritually, academically and socially. With the smaller classes, and opportunities that I have had it has allowed me to make long lasting memories, and smarter choices for my future. I am very blessed to attend this amazing school.” Erick Cordova-Class of 2018 Other Information: All demographic information is derived from our final student body total of 330 students for 2015-2016 Gender Breakdown: 100% Graduation Rate for Class of 2016 A total of 803 college credits were earned through dualenrollment partnership with AWC and UofA 67% of Seniors took dual-credit courses, earning 525 credit hours 44% of Juniors took dual-credit courses, earning 236 credit hours Freshmen and Sophmores completed 42 dual-credit courses 58% of Juniors took AP Courses 74% of our graduating seniors earned a college scholarship The senior class earned $4,376,278 in scholarship monies The students completed 6,573 hours of community service during the 2015-2016 school year The parents completed 7,123 hours of community service during the 2015-2016 school year 51% Male 49% Female 2-time state championship Odyssey of the Mind team Motto “The fact that Yuma Catholic graduates 100 percent of its seniors, who are accepted to many prestigious colleges and universities across the country is a testament to the high standard set forth by the faculty, staff and the entire school family.” Mr. Cain-YC Science Faculty Over 70% of the families attending Yuma Catholic qualified for tuition assistance, with a median income level of just over $74,000 per year. thankful for teachers like Mrs. Meade, Mr. DeDecker and Mrs. Martinez (Stallworth) who “took the extra effort” and help put her on the right path. Taylor headed off to the University of Arizona to pursue her bachelor’s degree, and although she had offers from other institutions across the US like her classmates, she chose UofA because it was close to home and it was fiscally responsible; “It offered me an opportunity for a free education (and) I knew I was planning on continuing my education.” The comfort of being close to home and the ability to save money made the experience at UofA rewarding and successful. Dr. Podolsky admits that self-doubt is a barrier many college students are challenged with and “there was this sense of disbelief when I got accepted” to the University of Southern California, but she quickly moved past that and began her journey. She experienced many obstacles during her time at USC, doubts on which specialty, family illness and being far from home. These took a toll on her faith, but that “spiritual background that YC helped foster” allowed her to persevere. She credits being “outgoing” and making a point of creating strong relationships with faculty and staff at USC for making her time there successful. Dr. Podolsky and her fiancé recently moved to Denver for a his new position and although she had to give up a wonderful opportunity in Los Angeles, she has found a great opportunity at Specialized Physical Therapy, in Littleton, CO, a suburb of Denver. The two are to be married in Yuma, in April 2017. When asked if she has any advice for the next generation of Shamrocks and Dr. Podolsky responded by saying “research your dream jobs, yes plural, it’s ok to have more than one. It’s ok to change your mind and explore different opportunities.” Finally, “It’s important to remember you have a network to fall back on, and to also remember to do your part in making it stronger by helping out someone else.” 2015-2016 Annual Report 5 ATHLETICS Yuma Catholic High School has a proud tradition of developing tremendous student-athletes who excel in the classroom as well as athletics. It is our belief that students who are engaged in extra-curricular activities promote a positive culture and climate on our campus. These student athletes benefit by learning valuable life lessons such as teamwork, commitment, perseverance, sacrifice and the value of hard work, all while continuing to enrich their own spiritual growth and faith in Christ. 2015-2016 Arizona State Basketball Champions Yuma, Arizona’s first basketball title at any level Louis Pisano, Assistant Principal\Athletic Director “To make history you have to be the first to do something. That is exactly what this team did. Whether you played, coached or managed it was done with teamwork and with a lot of sacrifice. I was proud to be a part of this team.” Ricky Barnes Varsity Basketball Coach “My coaches reinforce our faith in God everyday by teaching us what it means to play for Him and to play for each other. We sacrifice for each other the way He sacrificed for us. Anonymous 2015-2016 Arizona State Soccer Champions Yuma Catholic’s second consecutive title and their 5th title overall in men’s soccer Take up shield and armor; arise and come to my aid. Psalm 35:2 (NIV) We play for His glory We play for our Teammates 6 “YC athletics shows us the true definition of hard work and team. Our coaches are great at helping us understand the price you have to pay to be successful on the field and in life.” Max Schiller, Class of 2018 Yuma Catholic High School We go into battle armored in His STRENGTH SERVICE Some of our wonderful parents helping out at the Rib Cook off this past December Students at Yuma Catholic develop Christian leadership responsibility through service to family, church, community and country based on Catholic social justice values. During the 2015-2016 school year the students and parents combined to perform 13,696 hours of community service. These four seniors were recognized by the United Blood Services for their commitment to giving blood each year. Left to right: Kylie Hazlett, Andrew Lay, Fernando Ramirez and Jackson Rush For we are co-workers in God’s service; you are God’s field, God’s building. “At Yuma Catholic, we emphasize academics; we excel in athletics and service; and we are surrounded by our faith.” 1 Corinthians 3:9 (NIV) Mr. DeDecker, History Faculty STUDENTS: 6,572 COMMUNITY SERVICE HOURS DURING THE 2015-2016 SCHOOL YEAR Our Freshmen class raised over $2,000 selling raffle tickets to help Crossroads Mission purchase a much needed warmer for their kitchen. A lucky ticket buyer received two seats to an Arizona Cardinal Game! PARENTS: 7,123 COMMUNITY SERVICE HOURS SERVED THIS YEAR National Honor Society students raised over $600 and collected several boxes full of toys for the Marine Corps’ Toys for Tots program. 2015-2016 Annual Report 7 Support a Shamrock Pasquinelli Foundation Scholarship Sonny and Cynthia Rodriguez Henry B. Mitchell Memorial Fund Mark and Kathryn Rodriguez Margaret Mayhall Moore Scholarship Gene and Betty Payne Scholarship Hegarty and Wright Memorial Fund The Snyder Ranch Fund Arizona Community Foundation Pat and Kirin Cooley Kelly and Cheryl Keithly Arizona Knights of Columbus Lupe Rodriguez Ezequiel Zuniga Jerry Nakasawa The Catholic Foundation St. John’s Neumann Knights of Columbus 8305 Paul James and Mary Anita Benson Memorial Fund These companies and individuals are giving the gift of a Catholic education to students and their families. Yuma Catholic High School Advancement will work with scholarship donors to match students and families that meet the donor’s criterion for support whether it be finance or merit based. Nearly 70% of the students attending Yuma Catholic are receiving some kind of tuition assistance. “Yuma Catholic is like home to me! Since receiving the Pasquinelli Foundation Scholarship, I have been able to attend Yuma Catholic High School where I have grown academically and spiritually in a way that would not be possible elsewhere. Yuma Catholic is a family environment and I am blessed to be part of this extended family looking forward to a great future.” Nikki Ramirez, Class of 2018 2016 Margaret Mayhall Moore Scholarship Recipient Timothio Flores Pasquinelli Scholarship Recipients National Honor Society Member Nikki Ramirez, accepting her scholarship from Deacon Pasquinelli in October 2015 8 “Deacon Pasquinelli gave me the opportunity to be at YC and I can not thank him enough. One of my favorite teachers told me that YC isn’t just about academics or sports it’s about the family environment and how we all care for one another. My 2 years have been so great to me and my family!” Kylie Escalante, Class of 2018 Taken October 2015 after Deacon Pasquinelli Con-Celebrated Mass at YC Yuma Catholic High School Corporate Tax Credit Thank you to these companies for donating over $1.1 Million to support tuition assistance for student families who qualify for low income corporate tax credit. "Your financial support has been of enormous help for all of us as a family as we are migrants. My father is the only source of income in our home and your support has been a fundamental part of my education since this school, which means a lot to me, would be out of reach for us. All I want to say is thank you for everything and I am so thankful to God for giving me this opportunity." Jose Mojardin-CTSO Recipient, Class of 2019 “Thank you for helping us. I thank God for your generosity and helping my son attend YC. I pray that my son is able to positively impact your life and others around him” Vivian Hunter- CTSO Recipient Gowan Company Fisher Automotive Pasquinelli Produce Yuma Investment Group Yuma Physicians Terkelsen, Smith, Tyree & Snell Dr. Brian Grogan, MD Yuma Vision Center Dr. Timothy Graham, MD JV Smith Companies Gowan\Yorick Co. Keithly-Williams Seeds Alexander Ford Sprague’s Sports “As a parent who could never afford this opportunity for my children, ALF has been a huge blessing and part of making Ryan’s dream of attending YC come true. I know my son is in a Christian environment where he learns about God every day.” Megan Kircher-ALF Recipient Thank you to these companies for donating over $685,000 to support tuition assistance for student families who qualify for low income corporate tax credit. Thank you to Arizona Leadership Foundation for their generous matching funds of $550,000 bringing that total to over $1.2 Million “Best thing about our son attending Yuma Catholic is the small classroom size. We chose Yuma Catholic because he needed an atmosphere where learning could take place without a lot of discipline problems.” Tracy Clayton-ALF Recipient 2015-2016 Annual Report 9 THE SANDOVAL FAMILY Hello Yuma Catholic Families! It is my honor to share our story of how we decided to join the Yuma Catholic Family. the understanding of the Catholic faith is all just added bonuses to the other benefits YC had to offer. This year, our son Blake is beginning his senior year and our daughter Faith will begin her freshman year. My husband Mike is a sales manager at Alexander Toyota and I (Sarah) am an elementary teacher in Crane Elementary School District. Mike and I both grew up in Catholic families and continue to raise our children within the Catholic community as well. Yuma Catholic has given Blake opportunities he wouldn’t have had at any other school in Yuma. Their small class sizes, the teachers and staff who truly care for our entire family, and having the opportunity to learn and grow as a young Catholic have made all the difference in the world. It has also allowed him to be a part of great athletic teams, and to him, this is the most crucial part of his high school years! He has played 3 sports each year of high school: football, basketball, and baseball. During this time, he has had several coaches who have played an active role in his life. These coaches have had more of an influence on his life than perhaps they even realize, and they have taught him more than just sport technique. He’s learned how to be a leader, a teammate, and they have helped shape him into the wonderful young man he is today. He’s had the honor of being part of a State Champion football team and State Champion basketball team. He and his team earned not only an awesome ring to wear, but have built friendships and memories that will last a lifetime. Now as we prepare for Faith’s freshman year, she too hopes to be involved in 3 sports: volleyball, soccer, and softball. As if it isn’t obvious, sports are a big deal in our family and have given our kids the drive to not only be good on the court, field, or classroom, but to be great, and to give 100% in everything they do. Being a part of Yuma Catholic sports has made an impact far greater than any of us could have anticipated. Four years ago, my husband and I were faced with the decision of where to send Blake to high school. Being a teacher and having taught for over 13 years, I hold education very dear to my heart and my children’s education is no exception. Both Blake and Faith have attended public school from kindergarten through eighth grade. As we began to discuss the different options available to us as Blake was transitioning to high school, we settled on continuing Blake in public school. One day, after we thought the conversation was over, Blake, our quiet and timid son, came to us and said, “What if I WANT to go to YC?” In that moment, I could see how important this decision was to him. Before this, we didn’t realize he was this invested in his high school future. Although we had decided on public high school, we knew we owed it to him to look into YC. We toured the school and immediately I saw the way the staff and students interacted, felt the positive tone of the school and we were blown away. However, at the end the day, the factors that held heavy in my teacher heart were class size, the quality of academics, the time commitments, and the financial concerns. After the tour, I knew Yuma Catholic could provide my son and soon after my daughter the opportunity to be in a class that is half the size of any other Yuma high schools. Financially, we were very blessed in the fact that our kids, who come to a private school from a public school, are considered “switcher students”. With that came a large amount of tuition assistance, given by various donors, to help offset the cost of tuition. Without that help, this dream may not have become a reality. We are also very blessed with very supportive family members who value education, as many of them are educators themselves. By reaching out to a few of them, we have received tax credit donations. Soon, the financial concerns were not weighing on us any longer. Next, we had to look at the family volunteer time commitment. During Blake’s freshman and sophomore years, I was working full time. Having two very active children, I stressed over where I would find the extra time to do volunteer hours. Now that we have been doing these hours for three years, I can say that stress turned out to be one of the best parts of “our” high school experience. Having the opportunity to work part time now, I am blessed to have an even more active role in the school itself, being the president of the booster club and working closely with the football program to plan and organize meals for the players weekly. Having this opportunity has made me feel even more like a part of the Yuma Catholic family than I already did. It has also introduced me to a number of great people who have become friends. YC truly gives parents the chance to be an important part of the school and stay connected to their children’s daily lives. At the end of the day, everything fell into place perfectly, and brought us to one of the best decisions we’ve made. YC has been a blessing for us and since choosing this path for our son’s high school, we have never looked back. Yuma Catholic has given my son the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of our religion and has had God be an active part of each and every day. Prayer that is incorporated into the beginning of each day, mass held weekly, and theology classes that help further 10 Yuma Catholic High School Our family would like to thank the teachers that have made and continue to make our time at Yuma Catholic amazing. The staff that has truly made the school community a family, we would like to thank the coaches who have helped far beyond the confines of the athletic fields. And above all else, we would like to give a huge thank you to the sponsors and donors who make the choice to go to private school a reality. It is because of you and your generosity that we are a part of this wonderful family. From the bottom of our hearts THANK YOU YUMA CATHOLIC DONORS! Go Rocks! With love, The Sandoval Family ACADEMICS YCHS certified by the Western Catholic Educational Association and accredited by Advanced Ed ACT focused curriculum on the ACT College and Career Readiness Standards Dual enrollment partnership with Arizona Western College and University of Arizona with students earning 803 college credits in the 2015-2016 school year Small class room sizes with individualized attention and success center period All students take the ACT and their scores exceed both the State and National averages Committed Counselors that offer students support in applications for college scholarship and college acceptance The Class of 2016 was 57 strong with 74% percent earning a college scholarship and over 4.3 million dollars in scholarships were earned THE YUMA CATHOLIC DIFFERENCE 2015 Graduates wearing their college t-shirts with pride FAITH YCHS family welcomes students and families of all religious denominations Each school day and all activities begin in prayer Every student required to be enrolled in Theology courses all four years of high school Individual Class Retreats each school year Mass is held once a week and on certain feast days Dedicated Campus Ministry program with Rev. Ramonito Celestial from St. John Neumann Campus Mass, celebrated by Archbishop Kicanas, February, 2016 SERVICE YCHS community dedicated to adopting a servant’s heart Each student to complete a minimum of 100 hours of Christian service prior to graduation Families actively involved in the YCHS community serving 20 hours annually in support of students YCHS community dedicated to forming the nine traits of a true S.H.A.M.R.O.C.K.; Spiritual, Honest, Academic, Multifaceted, Respectful, Open-Minded, Courteous, Kindhearted and Steadfast Students encouraged to give back with annual objectives during Christmas, Catholic Schools week and Graduation All smiles at the blood drive in April, 2016 ATHLETICS Championship level program in a small school atmosphere State Championships in Football, Soccer, Basketball, Track, Golf, Wrestling, Baseball, Cross Country and Cheer Campus size allows 90% of students involved in athletics or clubs Sixteen Arizona Interscholastic Association sanctioned activities plus over a dozen student clubs Promotion of the scholar athlete with mean grade point average over 3.4 Many students have gone on to play at college level 2015-2016 Annual Report 11 Honor Roll of Donors SHAMROCK LEGACY The Pasquinelli Foundation Gary J Pasquinelli Family Trust Pasquinelli Produce Sonny and Cynthia Rodriguez Mark and Kathryn Rodriguez STADIUM CLUB Robert Mayhall Patrick Mitchell Arizona Community Foundation The Dennis Revocable Trust PRINCIPAL PARTNER Pat and Kirin Cooley Richard and Adrienne McLaughlin Thomas and Sarah Determan Cody and Becky Naquin Bruce and Flora Williams Gene and Betty Payne A.T. Pancrazi Insurance A.T. Pancrazi Real Estate Services Alexander Ford Lincoln Mercury, Inc. Perricone Development Group, L.L.C. Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity Catholic Foundation for the Diocese of Tucson Sprague’s Sports SMT Farms Yuma Vision Center, Inc LEADERSHIP George and Gowan Deckey Howard and Carol Gwynn Michael and Lynn Pancrazi Joan Roberts Jon and Caroline Jessen Jerry and Lori Nakasawa Frank and Erika Rascon Manny and Jennifer Casares Mark Allegranza Steve and Sherry Ammons Kyle Smith Daniel and Maria Raymond Robert and Kerry Anderson Cory and Marlene Atiyeh Robert and Rachael Barkley Charles Cain Rocky and Sandy Curtis Phillip and Joyce Eykamp Mark and Anna Gryte Scott and Linda Hancock Richard Hedloff 12 Louie Hirth Kelly and Cheryl Keithly Anonymous Ryan and Stephanie Priest Bob Schmitt Rhett and Terra Stallworth Tiffany Vance Robbie and Blanca Woodhouse Charlie and Michelle Castaneda Amigo Farms, Inc. Aqua 2000 Purified Water Arizona Leadership Foundation Barkley Ag Enterprises, LLP Botsford & Goodfellow, Inc. Canyon State Water Crop Production Services D & H Electric, Inc. De Nise Builders Diamond S Farms Dole Fresh Vegetables DSP Enterprise LLC Duda Farm Fresh Foods, Inc. Evans Custom Concrete LLC Fisher Automotive Dealerships Flanagan Family Trust Four Little Devils Farms, Inc. Fresh Innovations, LLC General MotorsDesert Proving Grounds Gila Valley Farms Limited Partnership Griffin Brothers LLC Hardknocks Limited Partnership Harrison Farms, Inc. Helena Chemical Holbrook Electric, Inc. Hyatt Air Yuma Imperial Date Gardens Jimmie Dee's Bar, LLC JV Smith Companies Keithly-Williams Seeds Knights of Columbus 8305 Lamar MCAS Yuma Station Chapel Morris Ag Air Southwest LLC Naquin Precision Earth Moving, Inc. Pat Conner Real Estate Pediatric Dentistry of Yuma, Inc Performance Ag RDO Equipment Co. Reichman Ag Products, Inc. Ricky's Other Place Yuma Catholic High School Russ Seh Trucking Seven Ag Consulting, Inc Sonora Nissan Sternco Engineers, Inc. TFR Business Communications The Foothills Bank The Growers Company, Inc. Trent Erling Farms Inc Up2Par Medical Clinic Vessey & Company Yuma Distribution Co. LLC Yuma Investment Group Z Fun Factory SPIRIT Curtis and Andrea Priest Jerry and Denelle LoCoco Ezequiel and Erica Zuniga John and Allison Boehler Armando and Amanda Valenzuela Chris and Tami Harmon Wayne and Jeanne Gale Anonymous John and Denise Young Cory and Jonna Ethington Ronald and Kristen Ewing John and Christye Flanagan Jim and Rebecca Sueann Harbolt Bobbi Ukura and Chuck Nordquist Shawn and Jessica Hermenau Jason and Julia Howe Paul and Jane Muthart Michael and Beth Snyder Mike and Brenda Lutes Tim and Laura Frank Jeff Welsing Jeron Boemer\The Dog Haus Melanie Cheung Mike Espil All Affordable Plumbing Big Bob's Flooring Outlet Booth Machinery, Inc. Castle Dome Seed Daily Farms Dahl, Robins & Associates, Inc. Desert Spine Institute Fenix Technology Fertizona Lines & Lundgren Lutes Casino McNeece Bros. Oil Company, Inc. MD Farms Ochylski Enterprises Penn Signs Pilkington Commercial Co. Inc. Quail Construction R V World Rio Colorado Export Select Seed of Arizona, Inc. Shamrock Foods Sun River Investment Properties Terkelsen, Smith, Tyree & Snell Thomas G. Kelly III, Law UBS Yuma Office Equipment NAVY BLUE & VEGAS GOLD Msgr. Richard O’Keeffe Bob and Jill Sloncen Shaun and Patricia Davis Joseph and Terre Catanzaro John and Jessica Close Karri Salas and Lee Coles Andrew and Helen Greenwell Barbara Lee Dean and Ann Cain Patrick and Tanya Hodges Greg and Veronica Lopez Kenneth Nelson Doug and Pamela Pancrazi John and Juli Peach Peter and Jennifer Sterenberg Christopher and Angela Schiller Ed and Brooke Sexton Ricardo Jaramillo Josie Smith Michelle Parker Brandon Coz Lupita Bustamante Pat and Jeanne Conner Glen and Rebecca Curtis Eligio and Laura Matus Steve and Stephanie Stallworth Tim and Laura Frank Shayne and Barbara Compton William and Kim Zamora 1st Bank Yuma Aguirre Law Office Alsco B.A. Glenn By Products Big W Sales BLT Companies Brewers Restaurant and Sports Bar Coca-Cola of Yuma Foothill Packing Fresh Terra Services FSO Consulting Garcia, Kinsey & Villarreal Gonzalez Rental and Sales Co Hoppstetter’s Office Supplies Hunt & Gale Attorneys Jacobson Company Long Realty-Yuma Mayberry Sanitation Service Mostly Muffins Nature Fresh Farms Pinnacle Healthcare Pioneer Title Agency Polar Cooling, LLC Radisson Hotel - Yuma Republic Services Retinal Consultants of Arizona Rowlison Chiropractic State Farm-Katie Figueroa Sun Country Restoration The Crossing Grill and Bar The Dog Haus TS & L Seed Company Yuma's Autoglass Specialist Yuma Farm & Home Supply Yuma Plastic Surgery Zamora Kia SHAMROCK CLUB Jerry Armstrong James and Maura Carter Victor and Rosie Ortiz Edward Contreras George Drake Tim and Eileen Dunn Gabrino Fernandez Marco Nixon Jonathon Palacio Alonso Quintero David Roman Isaac Valencia Robert Wright Eva Felix Terry and Rosie Allegranza Michael Arsenault Derek Beck Scott and Margaret DeWitt Mark Russo and Rhonda Benitez Anna Gonzalez Patrick and Karen Griffin Danielle Harris Phil Nash Laura Cuen Patrick and Jeannie Koppinger William and Sheila Lee Bill and Volda Mork Alex and Amanda Muller Samuel and Dina Rubin Shawn and Michele Strandberg Juan and Glenda Escalante Brenda Schumack Br. Andrew Anderson Courtney and Lori Arviso Chris and Sam Auza Craig Koenigs Jeannette Canella Montgomery Mary Bettag Michael Godbout Robert McGalliard Dr. Glenn Butta Aaron Cheatwood Mark Curtis Jarred Lackey Alice Tulio Liang Zhao Styvaert Cheryl Meade Patrick Crino Darya Davis-Espinosa David and Sherryl Gerber Timothy and Melinda Graham Kim Hill-Olsen John and Tami Hodges Alan and Jackie Kravitz Dianna Manley Candice Mejia Gregory and Deborah Peare John and Yvonne Steer Matthew and Janessa Thelander Gloria Vanderzyl Tiffani Voutt Emily Eldridge Sabrina Garcia Grady Eldridge Aponi Home Health Carnivores of Yuma Cemex Construction Materials Ed Whitehead's Tire Country Gallemore Dental Global Ag Keist Plumbing Quick Refrigeration Company Shaw Industries Group, Inc. Elmore Company MaDtacos Misenhimer, Aivazian & Tennant Armijo Ins Agency, Inc. State Farm 2015-2016 Annual Report 13 MAJOR SPONSORS And the Winners are……... Michael Abatti Kensy Adame Steve Alameda John Algots Rob Anderson Cory Atiyeh Frank Avila (2) Ed Ayala Zachary Barney Kerry Beecher Billy Bell Ron Bender Larry Bennett Beau Bewley Jeron Boemer Jim Bradford Jake Brandenberger (2) Joseph Britain Bob Brown Randy Brown Nate Burns Neil Bushong Jose Cardiel Hank Carter Jennifer Casares Mike Chastain Joseph Cochran (2) Robert Cochran (2) Fred Cogburn Michael Cooley Coronation Peak Ranches Joe Cortesio Brian Cullen Ryan Culpepper David Daniels Dan Daniels Phyllis DeMaio (2) Joseph Dhalliwal Peggy Driscoll Tad Duncan Jake Dunn James Ehrhart Benjamin Ellsworth (3) Joseph Farrow Michael Fender Susan Fisher Brian Folks 12th Annual Gun Raffle to benefit Yuma Catholic High School was a record setter! It was the most successful raffle to date thanks to the hard work of Pat and Kirin Cooley of Keithly-Williams Seeds. The entire team at Sprague’s Sports is a wonderful partner in this event and their service is nothing short of amazing each year. Thank you to the Wrestling Team and parent volunteers that help out at the sales table outside of Sprague’s Sports. They assist the Advancement office with the ticket sales for nine Saturdays starting in August! Thank you to the tremendous number of ticket buyers that support the goals of the students of Yuma Catholic. With 150 Guns, four grand prizes and the Golden Ticket Polaris and Cabo Vacation, this drawing is the best chance to upgrade your hunting gear. Congratulations to the winners below and thank you! Mitch Ford John Fox Mike Fox Ricardo Fuentes Danny Garcia Dan Garin Sean Gast Joe Goodman (2) Larry Gould Andrew Gurrola Larry Hall Albert Haverstick Kenny Hazlett (2) Dave Henson Yira Hoffman Fred Hoffmeyer John Holbrook Ann Honkala Jason Howe Daniel Hudec Doug Hutcheson Allen Hutchison Chris Jamison Cheryl Jones Freddie Juarez Bob Kammann Kent Krumm Brad Lawrence Larry Leake Ken Linville Larry Lord Eileen Low Hughie Lyons Gary Major Conrad Mallek Bill Manary Jon Matheus (3) Jay Mayfield Lee McCain Denny & Wendy McKay Sharon Merz Athon Morrison Jerry Nakasawa Lori Nakasawa Stephen Nebel (2) William Negroni Dennis Nelson Gus Nunez Larry Ott Mark Pancrazi Jim Papenhausen Kenneth Pettit Tyson Preece Chris Prentiss Frank Rascon (2) Andy Reeder Andy Robinson (2) Mark Rodriguez (2) Sonny Rodriguez Milas Russell JR Bobby Sanchez David Scarrow Matt Schimberg David Schmidt Dennis Segura Dave Sellers Mervyn Selvidge David Sheahan Gary Sigler Waldon Stickel Don Strickland Terry Sullivan Mike Swift Matt Szymanski Josefina Trigo John Turner Jon Tyler Sonja Underwood Jennifer Undina Mark Vinci Chris Walker Dave Waples Katherine Weddle Mark Welter Tony Wetherell Mark White Gary Wiechens Jennifer Williams Ken Wilson Ed Wilson Robin Wilson Jeff Young Nunzio Zago Stephen Zellner The 12th Annual Rachel Determan Memorial Rib Cook Off continued to be the day our community celebrates faith, family and ribs thanks to the Determan Family’s commitment to Catholic education. A RCO Committee of committed volunteers was led by Pat Hodges, Rick Madrid and Bruce Williams with Lenny Longoria, Tiffany Middleton, Jerry LoCoco, Brenda Lutes, Kevin Smith, Jolene Chavez, Greg & Yira Hoffman, Mike Stover, Russ & Claudia Hebda, Tanyia Carr, Jim Schmidt, Cruz Rodriguez, Donna Lay and Amanda Valenzuela helping out too. There were 33 teams cooking up ribs and tasty side dishes for the public to enjoy. The Dr. Wilhelmy Cup winner for Ribs was the Brew Crew/Brewers Restaurant with 2nd place going to Rack Attack/ A. T. Pancrazi Real Estate and 3rd place going to the Smokin’ Grillin’ Friends/Michael and Pamela Boyd. First place for Side Dishes also went to the Brew Crew/Brewer’s Restaurant for their Chipotle Bacon Mac & Cheese, 2nd place went to the RDO Crew/RDO Equipment for their Papas Lokas and 3rd place went to the Smokin’ Grillin’ Friends/the Boyd’s offering up pineapple donuts! The People’s Choice winner this year was Fatty Shack BBQ/Russ Seh Trucking. Thank you to the sponsors and all the participants for contributing to a great day to share the YC family experience. Alexander Ford Determan Family Reichman Ag Products Yuma Vision Center JV Farms Performance Ag Foothills Bank Williams Farms Amigo Farms General Motors DPG Rodriguez Family Up2Par Medical Clinic D & H Electric Four Little Devils Farms Crop Production Services Sun River Investment Prop. Yuma Office Equipment RV World Morris Ag. Air Booth Machinery 14 Select Seed of Arizona McNeece Bros. Oil Co. Quail Construction RDO Equipment Rio Colorado Export Yuma's Autoglass A. T. Pancrazi Insurance A.T. Pancrazi Real Estate Garcia, Kinsey & Villareal Dahl, Robins & Assoc. BLT Companies T, S & L Seed Co. Jacobson Companies Thomas G. Kelly, Law Yuma Farm & Home Supply Pioneer Title Agency Yuma Plastic Surgery Mayberry Sanitation Services Sprague's Sports Polar Cooling Yuma Catholic High School Evans Custom Concrete Yuma Investment Group Big W Sales Foothill Packing Nature Fresh Farms The Crossing Grill and Bar Aguirre Law Office Brewers Retinal Consultants of Arizona B.A. Glenn By Products Sun Country Restoration Shamrock Foods Co. Lamar Aqua 2000 Hoppstetter's Office Products Core Engineering Group Naquin Precision Earthmoving Keithly Williams Seeds Jessen Family Republic Services Coca Cola of Yuma Abatti Farms Old Town Wine Cellar Yuma's Main Squeeze Radisson Hotel Lutes Casino A & R Grill Amara Rejuve Spa Desert Hills Golf Course Shear Delight Pet Grooming Shear Innovations Hair Salon Hyatt Air Prison Hill Brewing Company Splash Hair Studio Diva's Hair Studio Kim Zamora Mostly Muffins Z Trendz Branded Salon and Boutique Lupita Bustamante The 3rd Annual Dinner, Dance and Auction was a special evening “Under the Big Top” in the YC Quad. Thank you to the Keeping the Dream event committee that worked diligently to create a wonderful, unique event to raise funds for our students: Denelle LoCoco- Chair, Gowan Deckey, Sandy Rush, Brenda Lutes, Sam Auza, Tiffany Voutt, Kyla McKay, Becky Naquin, Jennifer Casares and Lucy Valencia. The YC community appreciates the great support from the sponsors and live auction donors noted below. Thanks to our numerous silent auction donors that made our auction great. Terra Bella Homes Naquin Precision Earthmoving Hunt & Gale Attorneys A.T. Pancrazi Real Estate Fisher Automotive Dealerships Rosamaria Valencia A. T. Pancrazi Insurance Sun River Investment Co. Imperial Date Gardens Jerry LoCoco-Pancrazi Real Estate Sprague’s Sports Katie Figueroa-State Farm Yuma Vision Center Tim and Laura Frank Long Realty Coronado Motor Hotel Yuma Pediatrics Hyatt Air Alsco Yuma Event Rentals Canyon State Water/Aqua 2000 Keithly-Williams Seeds Yuma Investment Group 1st Bank Yuma John HolbrookHolbrook Electric Alexander Ford Gowan Company Frank's Service & Trucking Russ Seh Trucking Barkley Ag Enterprises Yuma Distribution Co. Pasquinelli Produce Jane Edwards Manny and Jennifer Casares Fresh Taste Catering Matt Paulin Pat and Kirin Cooley Deacon David Sampson Msgr. Richard O’Keeffe The 12th Annual Pasquinelli Shamrock Open in March was a fantastic two days of golf. Co-Chairs Gary Pasquinelli and Mark Pancrazi put together a fast-paced, fun and prize -filled golf experience. Thank you to Ross Farley and the Yuma Golf and Country Club for their efforts to produce a top-notch event in service, food and quality course conditions! The Friday format was an 18 hole, par 3 contest with alternating shots in a called rotation. The 1st Place team was Mike Lutes, Dean Wolfe, John Hodges and Ricky Good. The Saturday morning format was an 18 hole scramble with the players teeing up based on their handicaps. The 1st Place team was Tom Pancrazi, Jeron Boemer, Jeff Fritz Sr. and Mark Banach. Pasquinelli Produce A.T. Pancrazi Insurance A. T. Pancrazi Real Estate Helena Chemical Harrison Farms Botsford & Goodfellow Dole Fresh Vegetables Alexander Ford Keithly Williams Seeds Arizona Leadership Foundation Steve Ammons Family Imperial Date Gardens Dennis Trust Growers Company Crop Production Services Griffin Brothers Duda Fresh Castledome Seeds Daily Farms Vessey & Company Big Bob's Flooring Pilkington Commercial MD Farms The Dog Haus Yuma Investment Group Performance Agriculture Fenix Technology Terkelsen, Smith, Tyree & Snell Lines & Lundgreen Fertizona Yuma Vision Center UBS Foothills Bank Joe Catanzaro Fresh Terra Services Alsco Pinnacle Healthcare Thomas G. Kelly Law RDO Equipment Penn Signs Misenhimer, Aivazian & Tennant Lutes Casino Hyatt Air Nacquin Precision Earthmoving Yuma Vision Center Yuma Pediatric Dentistry Katie Figueroa-State Farm All Affordable Plumbing JV Smith Companies Dr. George Deckey Aponi Home Health Gallemore Dental Global Ag 1st Bank Yuma Mostly Muffins Zamora Kia Desert Hills Golf Course Julieanna’s Crouse’s Flat Top Grill Truckmates Massage Yuma 2015-2016 Annual Report 15 The 3rd Annual Cow Patty Bingo was a great evening thanks to our event sponsors and the fun company! The barbecue provided by Keithly Williams Seeds was delicious. The beer provided by Canyon Distributing complemented some great conversations with the bovine. The steer was roped into service by Ronnie McKay. The whisperer, Pat Cooley, arrived after nearly an hour and a half of crowd anticipation. With some last minute urging the steer got motivated to get it done. Bruce Williams of Amigo Farms supported our efforts by selling 31 tickets! Thanks to all the individuals and teams that purchased the 80 tickets. The squares are assigned randomly that evening from the tickets sold and the winning team split $25,000! Congratulations and thanks for supporting our students. It was quite a night! YCHS Faculty and Staff Pasquinelli Produce Terry and Rosie Allegranza Lori Arviso Sam Auza Hank Auza Keith Boyd Davie Brooks Dave Carvell Jennifer Casares Melanie Cheung Rebecca Curtis Cody and Becky Naquin Darya Davis-Espinoza George and Gowan Deckey Tom Determan Scott DeWitt Wayne and Jeanne Gale Larry Glenn Timothy and Melinda Graham Helen Greenwell Kim Hill-Olsen Tami Hodges Pat Hodges Liney Jessen Alan and Jacqueline Kravitz Bill and Sheila Lee Jerry and Denelle LoCoco Mike and Brenda Lutes Dianna Manley Lico and Laura Matus Jose and Jennifer Matus Candice Mejia Thomas and Tiffany Middleton Jerry and Lori Nakasawa Kenny Nelson Doug and Pamela Pancrazi Mark and Susan Pancrazi Deborah Peare Mark and Kate Rodriguez Samuel and Dina Rubin Kevin Smith Michael and Elizabeth Snyder Richard Sprague Peter and Jennifer Sterenberg Michele Strandberg Janessa Thelander Gloria Vanderzyl Tiffani Voutt Denise Young Kim Zamora Shaun Hermenau Jeff Welsing Howard and Carol Gwynn Kenny and Tammy Hazlett Charlie and Michelle Castaneda Jason Howe Ed Morales Bruce Williams Farms Pat Conner Real Estate Harrison Farms Russ Seh Trucking Z Fun Factory DeNise Builders Sonora Nissan Diamond S Farms Woodhouse & Son Inc. Jimmie Dees Seven Ag Consulting Reichman Ag Products SMT Farms Gila Valley Farms JV Farms Hardknocks Partnership Barkley Ag. Alexander Ford Perricone Development Four Little Devils Farms A.T. Pancrazi Real Estate Keithly-Williams Seeds Evans Concrete Scott Hancock Farms Frank's Trucking And the winners are….Square 14! Mark & Susan Pancrazi, Cody & Becky Naquin, Jerry and Lori Nakasawa, Alex Muller, Sheila Lee Alex Muller WAYS TO GIVE Please Give…. There are many ways to support the students of Yuma Catholic High School. The gift of a quality, faith based education lasts lifetimes. Education empowers our community with responsible leaders that share a commitment to service. YCHS Annual Fund Operational Support - An Annual Fund donation is the best way for YC supporters to help make a difference in the lives of students right now. Your investment will help enrich academic programs, faculty development, and student activities. Support-A-Shamrock Tuition Fund - Give the gift of education by providing a student with YCHS tuition support. This allows donors the opportunity to pay all or a portion of a student’s tuition. You may provide a one-time gift or create an ongoing fund with a named scholarship. Capital Campaign Projects - These are large gifts intended to impact the legacy of Yuma Catholic High School as a faith institution. Funds will support the campus infrastructure and future growth requirements as designated by YCHS leadership. Put Arizona Tax Credit to use! - The state of Arizona has provided Individuals and C-Corporations with the opportunity to designate their tax dollars locally to fund tuition support for faith-based schools. Please note that tax credit donations need to be made directly to a School Tuition Support Organization. Creating your legacy through Planned Giving - Estate planning that could include endowment giving, charitable trusts, charitable gift annuities to name only a few options. We can help you with the information resources to create a lasting impact on the lives of students well beyond your lifetime. Gifts-in-kind - The donation of goods or other commodities that benefit the educational program at YCHS are greatly appreciated. We would also appreciate the donation of items for auction or raffles. AmazonSmile - Shop and Amazon will donate 0.5% of your AmazonSmile eligible purchase to Yuma Catholic High School. For questions or more information on any of these ways to support, please do not hesitate to contact Bobbi Ukura, Advancement Director at (928) 317-7910. 16 Yuma Catholic High School Total: $982,686.80 Corporate Tax Credit Tuition Support: $2,355,000 2015-2016 UNAUDITED FINANCIALS REVENUE Net Tuition Income $2,003,049 $1,298,422.40 $184,471 $216,943 Administration Expense $419,510 Facilities Expenses Miscellaneous Expense $268,690 $158,269 Cafeteria Revenue Parent\Student Expenses Parent Activities Athletic Income $809,948 Fundraising Expenses Total Instruction $107,527 Donation and Fundraising EXPENSES Miscellaneous Income Financial Aid Income $1,607,405.09 Total Wages $56,575 $40,063 Student Activities $156,255 Total Revenues: $4,388,178 $161,156 Cafeteria Expenses $87,517 $201,239 Athletic Expenses Total Benefits $263,744 $450,231 Advancement Expenses $7648 Total Expenses: $4,002,957 2015-2016 Annual Report 17 A LETTER FROM THE BOARD CHAIRMAN Dear Yuma Catholic Family and Stakeholders, It is a pleasure to be serving as Chairman of the Yuma Catholic Board of Trustees and to be part of the Yuma Catholic family. As our newly chosen Principal, Rhett Stallworth noted, “Tradition Never Graduates.” The work of developing the resources for a quality, college preparatory education in the Catholic tradition for our students never ends. We are committed to put forth our best! Each year, we see the positive fruits of our labor by graduating young men and women who are ready to accept the academic rigor of college and continue to grow in their spirituality. Not to just see and be in this world, but to improve it! This past year, we made solid gains in enrollment, financial assistance available to help more families choose YC (Corporate/ Individual tax credits) and instruction improvements. As you can see by this report, there was solid support through fundraising, volunteering and participation in our broader Yuma Catholic community. Thank you for being with us on this faith journey to uplift our youth. Yuma Catholic High School mirrors the diversity in our community. We welcome everyone into the fellowship with God. Your support helps families of all means choose a faith based education for their student. Yuma Catholic High School is starting our 17th school year. By many measures, we are still a very young institution. Our largest financial challenge in the year ahead will be to retire the debt on the YC campus. The Catholic Order of Foresters have been true partners in loaning the resources necessary to move the school from infancy to grow enrollment and operating solvency with the building as collateral. The Yuma Catholic leadership chose to invest in students first and now it is time to invest in the bricks and mortar to insure we move our Shamrock traditions forward. We hope we can count on our stakeholders coming together to keep the faith. Sincerely, Dr. Tom Determan Board Chairman Yuma Catholic High School A LETTER FROM ADVANCEMENT On behalf of the students, faculty and staff at Yuma Catholic High School, we are humbled and grateful for the tremendous amount of support received this past school year to create a program of excellence for our students and families. Student achievement is our collective mission. Catholic education is a sacred craft of character and engagement; understanding the dignity in all things animated by an idea of something larger than ourselves. We have a shared destiny in our families, school, community, state, nation and world. It takes all of us working together to uplift our students to be their best and serve God. We all have different gifts to share and you will see by this annual report, that there are a great many people and businesses committed to our students in funding and in effort. In fact, this report only scratches the surface of the kinds of support received and completed without record. We take the work of gratitude and grace seriously. We hope that your grace will forgive any errors or omissions. We appreciate every single parent hour served, dollar donated, event attended and ticket purchased. A great many of you recognize that sacrificing for our youth is an investment in all of CONTACT ADVANCEMENT our futures. God’s greatest gift to us was the sacrifice of his son, Jesus Christ. We pray that you will continue to have faith in our students and Ms. Bobbi Ukura-Advancement Director program of excellence. Please review the calendar for 2016-2017 and Mr. Chris Schiller-Marketing Specialist plan to be a part our faith community. I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you – John 14:20 Phone (928) 317-7910 advancement@yumacatholic.org 18 Yuma Catholic High School Come together for fun, fellowship and faith! Help us fundraise to support a faith based education choice for Yuma students and families! Opportunities to sponsor, volunteer or participate in these events are open to those wishing to provide support to the students of Yuma Catholic High School. Nearly 70 percent of the student body qualifies for tuition assistance based on FAIR guidelines. For more information on the events, sponsorship or volunteering call Bobbi Ukura or Chris Schiller at 928-317-7910 The 13th Annual Gun Raffle to benefit Yuma Catholic High School will begin on August 20, 2016. The opening of Dove Hunting season signals the time to purchase tickets! We would like to thank Pat and Kirin Cooley of Keithly Williams Seeds for their leadership and hard work in undertaking this effort each year. The sponsorship and support from Sprague’s Sports is invaluable as well! There will be two drawings for this event September 4 and October 15, 2016. Day of Giving – Get social and promote donating to the students and programs of Yuma Catholic High School on Tuesday, November 29, 2016. Contributing to a quality, faith filled education will serve our youth and community for a lifetime. Join together and make a difference by giving on this special day. Give on-line at www.yumacatholic.org/support The 14th Annual Rachel Determan Memorial Rib Cook-Off will take place on Saturday, December 3, 2016 from 11:00am to 3:00pm at Yuma Catholic High School. We would like to thank the Determan family for their continued faith and support. This event is a success due to the leadership of Pat Hodges in chairing this event and the work of a strong committee. This is one of the best events on the Yuma social event calendar and if you love ribs it is a “can’t miss” event. Come enjoy some great food and fellowship. The 3rd Annual “Keeping the Dream” dinner, dance and auction will be held on Saturday, February 11, 2017 at Yuma Catholic. This is a special gathering under the stars for just 200 guests. Don’t wait to reserve your table! Great food, great friends and too much fun to miss out! Thank you to Denelle Lococo for her vision in chairing this event and to the terrific committee that makes it awesome! We will have a live and silent auction with some wonderful items to not be missed. The 13th Annual Pasquinelli Shamrock Open will be held on March 17 and 18, 2017 at the Yuma Golf and Country Club. This wonderful tournament is cochaired by Gary Pasquinelli and Mark Pancrazi. The event is a two-day, 18 hole golf extravaganza, starting with a par 3 alternate shot format on Friday afternoon with an appetizer social, then a best-ball format Saturday morning with a wonderful awards luncheon afterwards. There is a putting contest, skins competition, hole in one prizes and a terrific raffle! The 4th Annual Cow Patty Bingo will be held May 6, 2017. We would love to have you join us for this casual, adult barbecue at Ricky Gwynn stadium. Thank you to Bruce Williams of Amigo Farms for being the lead ticket seller for the past three years! Buy in as a single ticket holder or gather a team as last year’s teams ranged in size from 2 to 22 members. You don’t want to miss out on the suspense and laughter in waiting for a cow to get down to business! 2015-2016 Annual Report 19 Thank you for helping our students get…. HERE ....is a another way to support their journey