Wells Education Center 300 South Robinson Street AGENDA TEHACHAPI CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING, TEHACHAPI REDEVELOPMENT SUCCESSOR AGENCY REGULAR MEETING, TEHACHAPI PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY REGULAR MEETING, AND TEHACHAPI CITY FINANCING CORPORATION REGULAR MEETING Monday, March 16, 2015 - 6:00 P.M. Persons desiring disability-related accommodations should contact the City Clerk no later than ten days prior to the need for the accommodation. A copy of any writing that is a public record relating to an open session item of this meeting is available at City Hall, 115 South Robinson Street, Tehachapi, California, 93561. CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL INVOCATION Participation in the invocation is strictly voluntary. Each City Councilmember, city employee, and each person in attendance may participate or not participate as he or she chooses. PLEDGE TO FLAG CONSENT AGENDA/OPPORTUNITY FOR PUBLIC COMMENT All items listed with an asterisk (*) are considered to be routine and non-controversial by city staff. Consent items will be considered first and may be approved by one motion if no member of the council or audience wishes to comment or ask questions. If comment or discussion is desired by anyone, the item will be removed from the consent agenda and will be considered in listed sequence with an opportunity for any member of the public to address the city council concerning the item before action is taken. Staff recommendations are shown in caps. Please turn all cellular phones off during the meeting. AUDIENCE ORAL AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS The City Council welcomes public comments on any items within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Council. We respectfully request that this public forum be utilized in a positive and constructive manner. Persons addressing the Council should first state their name and area of residence, the matter of City business to be discussed, and the organization or persons represented, if any. To ensure accuracy in the minutes, please fill out a speaker’s card at the podium. Comments directed to an item on the agenda should be made at the time the item is called for discussion by the Mayor. Questions on non-agenda items directed to the Council or staff should be first submitted to the City Clerk in written form no later than 12:00 p.m. on the Wednesday preceding the Council meeting; otherwise response to the question may be carried over to the next City Council meeting. No action can be taken by the Council on matters not listed on the agenda except in certain specified circumstances. The Council reserves the right to limit the speaking time of individual speakers and the time allotted for public presentations. 1. General public comments regarding matters not listed as an agenda item. Agenda TEHACHAPI CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING, TEHACHAPI REDEVELOPMENT SUCCESSOR AGENCY REGULAR MEETING, TEHACHAPI PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY REGULAR MEETING, AND TEHACHAPI CITY FINANCING CORPORATION REGULAR MEETING Monday, March 16, 2015- 6:00 P.M. - PG. 2 CITY CLERK REPORTS Tehachapi City Council Unassigned Res. No. 13-15 Tehachapi City Council Unassigned Ord. No. 15-04-723 Tehachapi Redevelopment Successor Agency Unassigned Res. No. 02-15 Tehachapi Public Financing Authority Unassigned Res. No. 01-15 *2. ALL ORDINANCES SCHEDULED FOR INTRODUCTION OR ADOPTION AT THIS MEETING SHALL BE READ BY TITLE ONLY *3. Minutes for the Tehachapi City Council, Tehachapi Redevelopment Successor Agency, Tehachapi Public Financing Authority, and the Tehachapi City Financing Corporation regular meeting on March 2, 2015 – APPROVE AND FILE *4. Destruction of Records – ADOPT A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE DESTRUCTION OF CERTAIN CITY RECORDS COMMUNITY OUTREACH COORDINATOR REPORTS 5. Economic Impact of Tourism – PRESENTATION FINANCE DIRECTOR REPORTS *6. Disbursements, bills, and claims for March 2, 2015 through March 11, 2015 – AUTHORIZE PAYMENTS *7. City of Tehachapi Treasurer’s Report through February, 2015 – RECEIVE REPORT 8. PUBLIC HEARING – As part of the annual Public Transit Claim for Transportation Development Act funding, it is necessary to conduct a public hearing to receive public testimony concerning the transit needs within the City. Currently, the City of Tehachapi provides a transit service named Dial-A-Ride, through Kern Regional Transit. The average cost per rider from July 2013 to June 2014 is $32.28 and the subsidized cost per rider during the same period is $31.59 – OPEN HEARING; NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING AND CORRESPONDENCE; STAFF REPORT; RECEIVE PUBLIC COMMENT; CLOSE HEARING; ADOPT A RESOLUTION FINDING THAT THERE ARE NO UNMET TRANSIT NEEDS THAT ARE REASONABLE TO MEET WITHIN THE CITY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR REPORTS 9. Second reading of an Ordinance prohibiting hookah lounges within the city limits – ADOPT AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING HOOKAH LOUNGES WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS AND AMENDING SECTION 5.04.020 OF THE TEHACHAPI MUNICIPAL CODE CITY ENGINEER REPORTS 10. Bicycle Master Plan Implementation Project Phase I Notice of Completion – APPROVE THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE BICYCLE MASTER PLAN IMPLEMENTATION PROJECT PHASE I AND DIRECT STAFF TO RECORD SAME Agenda TEHACHAPI CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING, TEHACHAPI REDEVELOPMENT SUCCESSOR AGENCY REGULAR MEETING, TEHACHAPI PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY REGULAR MEETING, AND TEHACHAPI CITY FINANCING CORPORATION REGULAR MEETING Monday, March 16, 2015- 6:00 P.M. - PG. 3 CITY MANAGER REPORTS 11. Report to Council regarding current activities and programs – VERBAL REPORT COUNCILMEMBER ANNOUNCEMENTS OR REPORTS 12. Appointment of Council Member to the Tehachapi Event Center Oversight Board – MAYOR TO APPOINT ONE MEMBER OF THE COUNCIL TO THE TEHACHAPI EVENT CENTER OVERSIGHT BOARD On their own initiative, a Councilmember may ask a question for clarification, make a brief announcement, provide a reference to staff or other resources for factual information, take action to have staff place a matter of business on a future agenda, request staff to report back at a subsequent meeting concerning any matter, or make a brief report on his or her own activities. (Per Gov’t. Code §54954.2(a)) CLOSED SESSION 1. Approval of closed session minutes for February 17, 2015 and March 2, 2015. ADJOURNMENT Wells Education Center 300 South Robinson Street Agenda MINUTES TEHACHAPI CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING, TEHACHAPI REDEVELOPMENT SUCCESSOR AGENCY REGULAR MEETING, TEHACHAPI PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY REGULAR MEETING, AND TEHACHAPI CITY FINANCING CORPORATION REGULAR MEETING Monday, March 2, 2015 – 6:00 P.M. NOTE: Sm, Gr, Wi, Ni and Wa are abbreviations for Council Members Smith, Grimes, Wiggins, Nixon and Wahlstrom, respectively. For example, Gr/Sm denotes Council Member Grimes made the motion and Council Member Smith seconded it. The abbreviation Ab means absent, Abd abstained, Ns noes, and NAT no action taken. ACTION TAKEN CALL TO ORDER Meeting called to order by Mayor Wiggins at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Roll call by City Clerk Denise Jones Present: Mayor Wiggins, Mayor Pro-Tem Nixon, Councilmembers Grimes, Smith and Wahlstrom Absent: None INVOCATION By Brent Whitney, Pastor County Oaks Baptist Church PLEDGE TO THE FLAG Led by Councilmember Smith. CONSENT AGENDA Approved consent agenda Approved Consent Agenda Sm/Ni Ayes All AUDIENCE ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 1. General public comments regarding matters not listed as an agenda item were received from: a. Carl Gerhicke, city resident, asked about Walmart. CITY CLERK REPORTS *2. ALL ORDINANCES SCHEDULED FOR INTRODUCTION OR ADOPTION AT THIS MEETING SHALL BE READ BY TITLE ONLY. All Ord. Read By Title Only Sm/Ni Ayes All Tehachapi City Council Regular Meeting – Monday, March 2, 2015 Agenda Tehachapi Redevelopment Successor Agency Regular Meeting Tehachapi Public Financing Authority Regular Meeting And Tehachapi City Financing Corporation Regular Meeting ACTION TAKEN *3. Minutes for the Tehachapi City Council, Tehachapi Redevelopment Successor Agency, Tehachapi Public Financing Authority, and the Tehachapi City Financing Corporation regular meeting on February 17, 2015- APPROVED AND FILED. Approved & Filed Sm/Ni Ayes All *4. Destruction of Records – ADOPTED RESOLUTION NUMBER 12-15 AUTHORIZING THE DESTRUCTION OF CERTAIN CITY RECORDS Adopted Res. No. 12-15 Authorizing The Destruction Of Certain City Records Sm/Ni Ayes All 5. Citywide VoIP system – DEPUTY CITY CLERK ASHLEY WHITMORE GAVE STAFF REPORT; CHARLES WHITE, CITY RESIDENT, SPOKE IN FAVOR OF SYSTEM; CARL GERHICKE, CITY RESIDENT, ASKED WHO WILL BE USED FOR INTERNET SERVICE; COUNCILMEMBER SMITH ASKED FOR CLARIFICATION OF FISCAL IMPACT; APPROVED THE AGREEMENT WITH DELL FINANCIAL SERVICES FOR A CITYWIDE VOIP SYSTEM AND AUTHORIZED THE MAYOR TO SIGN SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY THE CITY ATTORNEY Approved The Agreement With Dell Financial Services For A Citywide VoIP System & Authorized The Mayor To Sign Subject To Approval By The City Attorney Sm/Ni Ayes All FINANCE DIRECTOR REPORTS *6. Disbursements, bills and claims for February 19, 2015 through February 25, 2015 – AUTHORIZED PAYMENTS 7. PUBLIC HEARING – As part of the annual Public Transit Claim for Transportation Development Act funding, it is necessary to conduct a public hearing to receive public testimony concerning the transit needs within the City. Currently, the City of Tehachapi provides a transit service named Dial-A-Ride, through Kern Regional Transit. The average cost per rider from July 2013 to June 2014 is $32.28 and the subsidized cost per rider during the same period is $31.59 – OPEN HEARING; NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING AND CORRESPONDENCE; STAFF REPORT; RECEIVE PUBLIC COMMENT; CLOSE HEARING; ADOPT A RESOLUTION FINDING THAT THERE ARE NO UNMET TRANSIT NEEDS THAT ARE REASONABLE TO MEET WITHIN THE CITY Authorized Payments Sm/Ni Ayes All Tabled COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR REPORTS 8. PUBLIC HEARING - Extension of Urgency Ordinance No. 15-01-720 placing a temporary moratorium on hookah lounge establishments – COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR DAVID JAMES GAVE STAFF REPORT; COUNCILMEMBER WAHLSTROM ASKED WHAT THE WORST CASE SCENARIO COULD BE; OPENED HEARING AT 6:20 PM; NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING; NO CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED; NO PUBLIC COMMENT RECEIVED; CLOSED HEARING AT 6:22 PM; ADOPTED ORDINANCE NUMBER 15-03-722 EXTENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 15-01-720 PURSUANT TO CALIFORNIA GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 65858(a) FOR THE PURPOSE OF ALLOWING FOR THE ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE TO PROHIBIT HOOKAH LOUNGES Adopted Ord. No. 15-03-722 Extending Ordinance No. 15-01720 Pursuant To California Government Code Section 65858(A) For The Purpose Of Allowing For The Adoption Of An Ordinance To Prohibit Hookah Lounges Ni/Sm Ayes All 9. Introduction of an Ordinance prohibiting hookah lounges within the city limits – COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR DAVID JAMES GAVE STAFF REPORT; PUBLIC COMMENT RECEIVED FROM BARB REYNOLDS; INTRODUCTION ONLY Introduced Ord. Sm/Gr Ayes All Tehachapi City Council Regular Meeting – Monday, March 2, 2015 Agenda Tehachapi Redevelopment Successor Agency Regular Meeting Tehachapi Public Financing Authority Regular Meeting And Tehachapi City Financing Corporation Regular Meeting ACTION TAKEN ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER REPORTS 10. CCI Work Crew – ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER CHRIS KIRK GAVE STAFF REPORT; COUNCILMEMBER GRIMES WHEN THIS WOULD BECOME EFFECTIVE; COUNCILMEMBER SMITH ASKED FOR CLARIFICATION ON EXPENSES; COUNCILMEMBER WAHLSTROM ASKED WHAT CCI THINKS OF THIS; DISCONTINUED THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE CALIFORNIA CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION FOR THE USE OF THE INMATE WORK CREW AND DIRECTED STAFF TO DELIVER APPROPRIATE NOTICE TO CCI OF SAME Discontinued The Agreement Between C.O.T. & C.C.I. For The Use Of The Inmate Work Crew & Directed Staff To Deliver Appropriate Notice To CCI Of Same Gr/Sm Ayes All CITY ATTORNEY REPORTS *11. The City Attorney will be attending the 2015 City Attorneys' Spring Conference sponsored by the League of California Cities. The City Attorney is requesting that the City pay one-third of the registration fee and one night's lodging. An invoice from the hotel is attached for review. The total cost to the City would be $278.25. The City Attorney requests the same from the two other cities he represents - APPROVED PAYMENT OF $278.25 TOWARD CITY ATTORNEY'S REGISTRATION FEE AND ONE NIGHT'S LODGING AT THE 2015 CITY ATTORNEYS' SPRING CONFERENCE SPONSORED BY THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES Approved Payment Of $278.25 Toward City Attorney's Registration Fee And One Night's Lodging At The 2015 City Attorneys' Spring Conference Sponsored By The League Of California Cities Sm/Ni Ayes All CITY MANAGER REPORTS 12. Report to Council regarding current activities and programs – VERBAL REPORT. NAT COUNCIL MEMBER ANNOUNCEMENTS OR REPORTS 1. None CLOSED SESSION 1. Approval of closed session minutes for February 17, 2015. NAT 2. Public employee grievance appeal hearing per Government Code Section 54957. Councilmembers Wiggins, Smith, Nixon, And Grimes Voted To Deny The Grievance Of A Sewer Operator 1 Employee And Councilmember Wahlstrom Voted To Sustain The Grievance ADJOURNMENT The City Council/Boards adjourned at 7:00 p.m. to a Tehachapi City Council, Tehachapi Redevelopment Successor Agency, Tehachapi Public Financing Authority and Tehachapi City Financing Corporation Regular Meeting to be held on Monday, March 16, 2015, at 6:00 p.m. Tehachapi City Council Regular Meeting – Monday, March 2, 2015 Agenda Tehachapi Redevelopment Successor Agency Regular Meeting Tehachapi Public Financing Authority Regular Meeting And Tehachapi City Financing Corporation Regular Meeting ___________________________ DENISE JONES, CMC City Clerk, City of Tehachapi Approved this 16th day Of March, 2015. _____________________ SUSAN WIGGINS Mayor, City of Tehachapi ACTION TAKEN Agenda TEHACHAPI CAL FORNIA DEPAR'TMENT COUNCIT REPORTS MEETING DATE: MARCH 16,2015 AGENDASECTION: CtTy CLERK TO: HONOMBTE MAYOR WIGGINSAND COUNCII, MEMSERS FROM: ASHLEY WHITMORE, DEPUTY CIW CI.ERK DATE: MARCH 9, 2015 SUBJECTI DESTRUCTION OF RECORDS BACKGROUND On June 5, 2000, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 23-09 adopting the local government records retention guidelines created bythe City Clerk s Association ofCalifornia, and endorsed bythe Secreta ry of State. This records retention schedule consists of a list of all records produced or maintained by an agency and the length of time such records must be retained to fulfill administrative, fiscal and/or legalfunction. staff has determined that according to our records retention schedule it is appropriate to properly dispose of certain city records. The proposed resolution authorizes the destruction of these records that have fulfilled their administrative, fiscal, or, legalfunction. The records have been reviewed by both the City Clerk and the City Attorney and it has been determined that they are no longer required for any purpose. RECOMMENDATION Adopt a resolution to authorize the destruc-tion of.ertain city .ecords subiect to approval by the City Clerk and City Attorney. Agenda RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEHACHAPI AUTHORIZING THE DESTRUCTION OF CERTAIN CITY RECORDS WHEREAS, the City has certain old and unnecessary records concerning various matters of City business now in the possession of the City Clerk of the City of Tehachapi as described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the CitV to destrov those records in order to utilize the space required for their storage. NOW, THEREFORE, SE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEHACHAPI that the City Clerk or her representative are hereby authorized and directed to destroy the records described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. PA55ED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by at a regular meeting this 16th day of March 2015. AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: the City Council of the City of Tehachapi Agenda SUSAN WIGGINS, Mayor of the City of Tehachapi, California ATTEST: ASHLEY WHITMORE Deputy City Clerk ofthe City ofTehachapi, California I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of Tehachapi at a regular meeting thereof held on March 16th, 2015. ASHLEY WHITMORE Deputy City Clerk ofthe City ofTehachapi, California Agenda Exhibit'4" TEHACHAPI Certificate of Records Destruction This certificate documents the destruction ofthe records specified below under the authority an approved Records Retention and DisposalSchedule. Ashley Whitmore ConteDt Descdgtion Title: Depu Retention Box 1 FourSeason Towing Agreement 2004-2006 DMV Security Statement for Fire Dept.2004 Insurance Certificates T+5 ccP T+5 cc? 337 .2, 343 for 1993 T+5 ccP 337 .2, 343 Air Petro Corp Fuel Service Agreement 2000 T+5 ccP T+5 ccP 337 .2, 343 T+5 ccP 337 .2, 143 T+5 ccP 331 .2, 343 2000 T+5 ccP 337 .2, 343 Service Agreement 1999 T+5 ccP Agreements 2001-2006 T+5 ccP 337 .2, 343 Agreements 2000-2005 T+5 ccP 337 .2, 343 Rodeo Grounds Agreement 1989-1990 T+5 ccP Agr€ement 1993-1995 T+5 ccP 337 .2, 343 ASreements 1958-1990 T+5 ccP 337 .2, 343 337 _2, 337 343 .2, 343 Global Payments/Airpon Fuel 2004-2005 ManualMartinez Vending Machine Agmt 1999 Valley Oil Co Phillips Credit Card Agmt 1997- 2001 Burnes Consulting R€port on Downtown business Development 337 .2, 343 Mountain Festival 337 .2, 343 LIETK of Agenda Union Paciflc Correspondence 19381985 ccP T+5 331 .2, 343 29CFR1627.3, CCR Se€ 1 17 4 Personnel Filer: Cados Alvarado Richard Anglin MichaelAulph Manual Ayon-Verdugo lohn Saird GustArnold T+3 19s8-1959 T+3 197a I+3 1992 T+3 1993 T+3 1987-1995 T+3 1958-1999 T+3 1957-1970 T+3 1978 T+3 t978-1979 T+3 1984 T+3 1974 T+3 Barbara Bannister 1972-1973 T+3 John Barrera 1987-1992 William Beatty 1996 1999 T+3 William Becher 1987 T+3 1967-1970 r+3 1989 T+3 Martyn Bell r972-1973 T+3 Karen Bell 1984 1986 T+3 1980 T+3 Joe Beene Belinda Beesley Walter Berard Kirby Bezzo 1958 T+3 RussellBird 1985 1986 T+3 Coy Blair 1957-1974 T+3 Robert Blair 1963-1965 T+3 Michael Blazenski 1998-1999 T+3 Frank Boatright t976-1977 T+3 Lynda Boice 7974-1916 r+3 [orena Bontadelli lames gooker 1970 1914 T+3 1978 1979 T+3 Jennifer Brantley 2004-2005 T+3 tcc62s0 et seq;29CFR; GC 12945, 34090 T+3 1978,1979 j29CF R16O2.3O.32 Bor 2 Pe6onnel Flles: 1 17 29CFR1627.3, CCR Sec R 1602. 30. 3 2,G C625O 4t29CF et seq; 29CFR; GC 12945, William Bradley lane Brill 1991-1998 T+3 2@4 T+3 34090 Agenda Todd Brogna 1994 1996 T+3 MichaelBrooks 2002-2004 T+3 1995 T+3 1989 T+3 Tony Brummett 1997 T+3 Robert Eurgeis 1987-1995 T+3 1970 1982 T+3 GC81009e CouncilMember Redelsberger 1910-1942 T+3 GC 81009e CouncilMember James Franklin 1994 2000 T+3 GC 81009e CouncilMember Lucious Green 1982,1985 T+3 GC81009e CouncilMember Alfred Damian t9a7 t994 T+3 GC81009e Council Member Richard Davis 1966 1970 T+3 GC 81009e Council Member Lon Denison 1955 T+3 GC 81009e CouncilMember 1984 1992 T+3 GC 81009e CouncilMember 1972 !980 T+3 GC81009e CouncilMember 1955,1961 T+3 GC81009e CouncilMember Sherry Bueckmen Ralph Kennedy 29CFR1627.3, CCR Se€ Jennif€r Brantley Jedd Ingraham Kenneth Hetge lonathan Markiewitz 2004-2005 T+3 2003 2006 T+3 2004 T+3 2000 T+3 2006 T+3 2005 T+3 2004 T+3 2005 T+3 Keegan Smith 2002 2003 T+3 NicholasSneed 200s,2006 T+3 Maria Solis Jeffery Startn Thorne Ashton William Campbell lennifer Carey 2004 T+3 2003 T+3 2003 T+3 2003 T+3 200s T+3 2005 T+3 1995-2000 T+3 1993,1996 T+3 1993,1995 T+3 1972-7979 T+3 197a L979 T+3 1993 T+3 1174;29CFR1602.30.32;GC6250 et seq,29CFR; GC 12946, 34090 Box 3 29CFR1627.3, CCR Sec 1174;29CFR1602.30.32,GC6250 et seq;29CFR; GC 12946, 34090 Agenda Richard cole Olin Collier Raymond Chambers Rickey Chamb€rs t972-7993 197O-t97I 1986 1996 7972-197s T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 Frederick Coulter 1964 T+3 2004 T+3 1999 T+3 1961 T+3 1973 1981 T+3 1992 T+3 1999 T+3 1942 T+3 Anita Scott 1936'1955 RandyCook 1978 1970 Charles Chitwood Joshua Christy Ronald Coates l-lyod Cofield Evelyn Catalano Shirley Ma.ker Jane Corr Roosevelt Cross Suzy Crowdy Julie Culpepper lames Cummo Ronald Cunningham OarrellDaugherty 1928 2003 T+3 T+3 T+3 1995-1996 T+3 1997 T+3 1981-1992 1994-1999 1994-1998 T+3 T+3 T+3 1990 $47 T+3 1993-1998 T+3 T+3 T+3 Pete Delgadillo 2005 1985 1990 1990 2000 1978 Curtis Del Rio 1987-1996 T+3 Susan De Silva 1986 John Davis Norma Davis Tlmothy Davis 1987 1978 1997-1999 Chester Dill loanne Dopolski Ri€hard Dreith Charles Duncan CherylDunn lerry Dunn E.ic Dyer I97o 1991 t97O-1974 1989-1990 1981-1982 1978-1991 1990 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 Gerald Dyer 1989-1998 T+3 Robert Ellis 1988 T+3 Chris Emerich 1994-1995 T+3 Sharon Enge 1976 MichaelEster t977 1985 !9A2 T+3 T+3 T+3 Agenda Marcille Ferell 1984-1986 T+3 Lola Ferris t97O 1973 T+3 1968-1970 I+3 Box 4 29CFR1627.3, CCR Sec R16O2.3o.32jcc62s0 et seqj 29CFR; GC 12946, 34090 117 4 ;29CF Personnel Records: Mi€haelFinley Ruth Floyd 1987 1999 T+3 1972 T+3 Herbert Force 1958 1968 T+3 Theresa Foster 1987-1988 T+3 2000-2002 T+3 1987-1999 T+3 1941 T+3 1987-1997 T+3 1994 T+3 T+3 Gary Francis Brandon Frederick Rose Freng Dolph Frisius 19a4-1986 MichaelGarcia 2001-2004 Donna Geata 1996-1999 T+3 Joaquin Gaeta 1991-1998 T+3 Sonny Gallion 1994-1996 T+3 1992 T+3 l€sse Garber 1999 T+3 GregoryGaxiola 1995 T+3 Louise Gillen 1980 T+3 Marjorie Gilliland 1988 T+3 Howard Gilmore 1970-1919 T+3 Aryan Gist 1979-1980 T+3 BetsyGold 1984 loseph Gonzales 1999 T+3 Michele Gonzales 1998- T+3 Charles Gors t971-1972 T+3 Dennis Goss 1979 T+3 Doyle Gracey 7976-1977 T+3 toralyn Gracey 1985-1986 MichaelGraziano 1983,1993 Geraldine Grell 1983-1984 T+3 Chris G.imes 1989-1993 T+3 1988 T+3 Rose Gropp Harry Grounds Linda Gu.ley T+3 1958 T+3 L975-1978 T+3 L97\-1974 T+3 Susan Hagen 1973 I+3 Pamela Hall 1981,1987 T+3 Richard Hall 1982,1983 T+3 Agenda GailAnn Hamblen 1979 1985 1986 T+3 1996-2001 T+3 Bernie Haubrich 1994 Debra Haycock 198s-1987 1999-2001 1989-1990 Thomas Hemphill Eric Henson Charlie Hernandez Charles Hernandez Linda Hernandez 1998 2000 1964 1968 1982 1986 1991 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 Blanche Hester 1987-1996 1979'1980 1980-1981 T+3 Luther Hibbs t954-r970 T+3 Nathan Hi€k 1999 1986 1995 T+3 Anthony Hill 1995-1997 T+3 Edward Hill 1981 T+3 1970-1976 T+3 Raymond Hernandez Shannon Hicks Norman Higginbotham T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 Box 5 29CFR1627.3, CCR Sec 1 17 4t29CF R!6O23O.3 2;Gc625O et seq;29CFR; GC 12946, 34090 Curtis Hubank5 1995-1999 T+3 1981 T+3 Ryan Hubbard 1994 T+3 Helen Huntalas 1956-1960 T+3 1967 T+3 CarolHoover Dan Hunter Kathryn (oski 1980-1994 T+3 lerry Koski 2003-2004 T+3 5h€ry1 Bragenbrink 1981 T+3 (irk (roeger 1995 T+3 1981-1984 T+3 Mark taciura 1996-1999 T+3 John Lagerstrom t974-1,976 T+3 L971.-1972 T+3 Curtis tane 1972 T+3 Rickey Lane 1978 T+3 Sandra Lane 1991 T+3 2005 T+3 1997 T+3 1,975-1975 T+3 1975-1976 T+3 luan Ledesma Agenda Robert Lee 1995-1997 Hilario leon 1979 1974 1988 Luis Lenzi Sandra L€roy OanielLewis Shane Iindsey Matthew togan Gayla lopez Sandra Losey Greg Loyd C. E. Ludd lohan Lysne Jonathan Mardiewitz Bernadette Mata Shkley Marker 1991-1992 1999-2001 1980 1984'1989 1982-1984 John Martin K€nneth Martin Tina Masters Archibald Madding Marry Madding T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 2001 T+3 1992-1993 1968-1970 T+3 1994 1997 1973 1992 1969-1977 1961-1964 Camilla Martin T+3 1988 1992 1969 1989 1939-1969 19561972 Sharon Madding 1961 1968 George Marantos 1966-1988 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 Catherine McGavin 1979 2@4 Darren MeSowen 1995-1997 T+3 Sobby Melton 1987 199s T+3 Cheryill Melton 1991-1995 1966-1995 MiguelMaciel Don Melton T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 29CFR1627.3, CCR Sec 1174;29CFR1602.30.32 jGC6250 et seq;29CFR; GC 12945, 34090 Box 5 N€ilSteve Husband 1980 T+3 1970 T+3 1996-2004 T+3 ledd Ingraham 2005 T+3 GlennJackson 1988 Carol Hurst 1990 Curtislohnston T+3 1996-1999 T+3 1956-1965 T+3 1999 T+3 Agenda BradJolley 2O9O-2OOI scottlones 1991 1996 Robert Katsikeris lon Keith CyrilKelley 1989-1997 1956-1969 1973 1972 2000-2001 Tom Kincade loe King John (ing Kevin King 1970 1965 1984 2003 1973 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 Robert King 1981-1983 T+3 Eyron Kingsbury 2OO1-2OO2 T+3 Rryan Kingsbury Tyson (ingsbury 1999-2002 T+3 2OOI-2OO2 T+3 ZirlKitchen 1998 T+3 Bryan Kitt (ay Xoski John Metts 2m2-2oo3 T+3 1994 T+3 Steve Minton 1967-1979 1993-1995 1994 2000 1969 1966 1980-1983 1988 1958 Nancy Mccarthy Devid McCauley K€nneth McDade CarolMcKillip Jack McKinzie 1964-1970 1976-1974 t975 1966 1988 1967 Bert McLaughlin 1968-1980 Jennifer McLaughlin 1986 1947 1967 1972 1994 2001 1984 Barbara McNabb Ruben Narez [awrence Nash David Nelson Steven Nelson T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 29CFR1627.3, CCR Sec 1174;29CFR1602.30.32,GC6250 et seq;29CFR; GC 12946, 34090 10 Agenda 1966 1999 1988 T+3 Bruce Noris 1976-1979 T+3 Maria Nunez Lawrence O Rourke 1981 1956 1978 1955 1956 Marsha PaBe 19761917 Stephen Newell GeotrNikkel KathiNardozza Francis Odin loel Olvera Virginia Parsons Linda Parker 1983 1979 1990 George Pebbles 1970-1982 1990-1996 1969-1970 1968-1971 Steven Pendergrass 1992 Gerald Pattison shawn Pattison Thomes Peck Karen Phillips 1996 t987 1988 1988 Claudia Poole 1986-1992 1977-1978 Connie Pennigton Donald Perdue Go.don Purinton OanielReed lasper Reed William Riedel Martha Revilia 1978 1982 1993-1996 1965-1967 1994-1995 2000-2004 1978-1979 l9a7 Sharcn Roberts Michael Robinson Robert Robson Cenobio Rodriguez Cindi Rodriguez RafaelRodriguez Stephen Roper Brian Ross David Sampson Mark Sanuita Sheila Sath€r Cynthia 5auser CarlSchmidt DianeSchmidt 1919-t9a2 1989-1989 1987-1996 1995-1996 1981 1978-1986 1974-1979 1996 1998 1990 2$2-2oo4 1994 19a8 1989-1994 1967-1993 1999-2003 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 11 Agenda Joshua Schmidt MarySchmidt Eric schnell 2003 1965 2003 20M 2000 T+3 T+3 T+3 Tex Shehan 1997-2005 1998-2002 19721974 1993-1997 1989-1994 lason Shelton 1993 199s T+3 Devid Schuster 19691917 T+3 scott Baker leffrey Snyder EdgarSense Patricia Shanks T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 29CFR1627.3, CCR Sec 1174;29CFR1602.30.32;GC6250 et seq; 29CFRj GC 12946, 8ox 8 34090 Donene Skelley 1988 T+3 Emory Smeck 1965 T+3 Dwain Smith 1966,1993 T+3 John Smith 1970,1983 T+3 Steve Smith 1994,1999 T+3 David S€hust€r 1981 T+3 M Schuster 1987-1996 T+3 Floyd Silva 1979-1980 T+3 Don Simpson 1966-198s T+3 Harold Sims I910-2002 T+3 Steve Smith 1994-1999 T+3 1972 T+3 1990-2002 T+3 Eleanor Snyder Margaret 50la 1963-1975 T+3 Maria Solis 2004 T+3 PaulSovell 1993-1994 T+3 Mark Spier 1990 T+3 Saundra Stainer 198s-1986 T+3 Arnett starcher 1,971-1974 T+3 2003 T+3 Donna Staiffer 1986 T+3 Landon Stevens 2003 T+3 Robert Stibrany 1991 T+3 leffery Starn Garystokes 1992 T+3 Virginia Stokes 1987-1989 T+3 1997 T+3 Mary Stroub 19a3-1984 T+3 ShirleySuggs L994-1997 T+3 Nicholas Swihart 2000 2003 T+3 1972 T+3 1948 T+3 1982 T+3 Emily Swoboda OrailTarkington city auditor I2 Agenda 1999'2000 Pamela Teague 1984 7970 1986 1990 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 Gloria Thompson 1970-1991 ludith Thompson 1985 1978 1963 1990 1986 T+3 1980-1992 T+3 RandyThomspon Ronald Thompson TimothyThompson Harold Tick WilbertTllley ChristopherTodd 7994 1984 1980 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 29CFR1627.3, CCR sec 1174;29CFR1602.30.32;GC5250 et seq; 29CFR; GC 12946, 34090 Box 9 CarolTraylor 1947-1994 T+3 Donald T.umble 1986 T+3 TonyTrujillo 1998 T+3 MarkSylvia 1986 T+3 1985 T+3 1984-1986 T+3 2005 T+3 1970-!979 T+3 t970-a971 T+3 1984-1989 T+3 GeneTalent Ronald Young Harold Youngblood 1987 T+3 CherylZulueta 1986 T+3 David Trunkey 1987-1992 T+3 7974 T+3 1975 T+3 OttoTyson Douglas Welch 1998 T+3 Eugene welch 7971-!972 T+3 1980 T+3 1998 T+3 1983 T+3 Stephen White EradleyWilbert 1974 T+3 1998 T+3 2002 T+3 1982 T+3 1996 T+3 LegalCase CO+7 42 USC s1983 1983 1988 T+3 1991-1995 T+3 13 Agenda Elizabeth Wrob€l 1994 1955 1992 1970 1978 2005 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 1968-1972 T+3 George Walker 1995 1995 f+3 George welker 2oo12oo3 1986-1987 T+3 T+3 T+3 1969 1978-1979 1995'2001 T+3 T+3 T+3 Box 10 .Jeanette Kelly 2006 GC34090 T+6 29CFR1627-3, CCR Sec leanette Kelly 1992-2006 Rebecca Bergstrom 2004-2008 8ryan Beaulieu 2OO7 T+3 1174i29CFR1502.30.32;GC6250 et seq; 29CFR; GC 12946, 34090 T+3 T+3 2OO1-2O08 Ta3 Thomas R Brown Colin Campbell Chris Cervantez Toni Oestifani Kyle Greene Deborah Hand David Hiner George Horcher Anne Marie Hurtado Louisiames JeffreyJernigan Darren tee Evan McBride Bernadette Nehoria Tyler Nelson loseph Neptune Garrett Pera Gregory Perpich Jerrod Place Nikko-Ryan Santillan Chatherin€ whitlach 2OO7 2009 2OO7 2008 2OO7 2008 2009 2008 2OO7 2@7 2OO9 2008 2008 2008 2OO7 2OO7 2OO7 2008 2OOi 2009 2OO7 2OO7 2008 2OO7 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T+3 T4 Election File Agenda David Zweigle 2009 T+3 lohn King 2009 T+3 1991 T+3 Gerald Valdez 7966 T+3 Kathleen Vanburkleo Richard Vanburkleo MichaelVeiSa 1967 T+3 1984 T+3 1981 T+3 1965 T+3 2003 T+3 2000 T+3 1978 T+3 Eugene Vickery 2000 T+3 Charles Villalobos 1969 T+3 MithchelAbreSo 2006 T+3 2006 T+3 lacobAnthta 2006 T+3 Chance Dominguez 2006 T+3 2006 T+3 Natalie Fran€here 2006 T+3 2006 T+3 Dustin McBride 2003 T+3 2006 T+3 Douglas Randall 2007 T+3 Matthew smith 2001 T+3 Sottile 2006 T+3 2005 T+3 Lisa Benjamin Wilson 200s T+3 Lois Landrum 2006 T+3 Nicholas Latta 2006 T+3 Box 11 CouncilMembers Campaign Stmt, Candidates Stmt, Stmt of Econ Int, Oath of office, gen coresi Raleigh Austin, Thurman Belcher, William Blair, Wes CU+5, E+4, T+7, T+5, 1940-82 CU+z Adm/Gen/Corresspondence Gc81009(bxg) Adm/cen/Corresspondence GC81009(bXg) Adm/Gen/Corresspondence cu+5, Kitchen, George E+4, Koutroulis, Tony Montana, Bernardine r+7, Haubrich, GCa1009{bXgJ T+6, 1976 1998 cU+2 cu+5, E+4, r+7, Barbara Cook, O.A. T+5, Crumpacker, 1968-r996 CU+2 15 Agenda Airport Comms CampaiBn Stmt, CU+5, E+4, Candidates Stmt, Stmt of Econ Int, Oath of Office, gen corres: r+7, T+5, 1985 1993 cu+2 Gc81009(bxg) Adm/Gen/Corresspondence Gc81009(bX8) Adm/Gen/Corresspond€nce Gc81009(bxg) Adm/Gen/Corresspondence Gc81009(bxs) Adm/Gen/Corressponden€€ Roger RighettiJames Sims,Robert Souza,lohn Squires,Gene CU+5, E+4, strobel,Robert r+7, r+5, Schultz,John Tarver, 1981-2000 Leighton Paul,Newton PhilliptLarry Plews,lack Holland,Svein lverson,James Freeman, Chuck Kirkland, cu+2 CU+s, E+4, I+7, 1981-2000 cu+2 Robert Mitchell,Michael CU+5, E+4, Becher,James Eowers, garry Breen, Euddy Clark, (€vin Cousineau, r+7, T+6, 1981-2001 cU+2 CU+5, E+4, r+7, willis Dallons, Evelyn Eccleston Random Drug Testing T+6, 1981-1992 cU+2 Gc81009(bxg) Adm/Gen/Corresspondence 1995 1998 cU+2, GC81009(b)(s) Adrn/Gen/Correspondence 1999 r+6 files re Suzy Crowdy, JoaquinGaeta, Patricia Shanks, Shirley Suggs; Drug TestinB corresp "Confidential" Sexual Harassment File Re: M.Blazenski(Employee Resigned) Adm/cen/Correspondence; CU+2, Gc81o09{bxs) Box 12 Fighters 1998-1999 AU+6 GC34090 Termination Personnel Files: gelc Jason Caudle 2008 T+3 GC12946 1989 T+3 GCr2946 Debbie Brown 2006 T+3 GC12945 Kyle Green 2006 Thomas Brown, Jr, 2001 T+3 GC12946 MichaelCollie 20tr T+3 GC12946 luli€ Drimakis 2008 T+3 GC12946 \ T+3 GC12945 2011 T+3 GC12946 2009 T+3 GC12946 20to T+3 GC12946 20t Huong tambert GC12946 16 Agenda Kathleen Mikulovsky 2010 GC12945 T+3 M&M Sports 2008-2009 GC34090 Mhc. "Q' 2008-2009 GC34090 2004-2009 GC34090 U5 Bank 2008-2009 GC34090 hachapiTees 2008 2009 GC34090 hachapiTees 2007 2008 GC34090 M&M Sports 2007 2008 GC34090 Phoenix Uniforms 2007 2008 GC34090 Quartermaster 2007-2008 GC34090 SymbolArts 2007 2008 GC34090 2007-2008 GC34090 hereby certifi/ that I witnessed the destruction ofthe above noted records. Date: I hereby certify that the above noted records were properly destroyed on site and that the shredded materialwill then be recvcled. Benz Sanitation: I Signature: 1-'7 Agenda DEPARIMENT H COUNCIL REPORTS MEETING DATE: March 16, 2015 AGENDA SECTION: CITY MANAGER TO: HONORAELE MAYOR WIGGINS AND COUNCIL M€MBERS FROM: GREG GARRETT, CITY MANAGER DATE: March 11. 2015 SUBJECT: ECONOMIC IMPACT OF TOURISM BACKGROUND the Council is aware, tourists and other visitors are increasingly valuable drivers of the Tehachapi economy, helping to support downtown business, hotel operations, agritourism assets in the County, non-profit events, and many others. The Council requested that City staff consider the impact of visitors on our community and bring back information in the form of a presentation to the Council regarding this economic sector. Since that time, staff has worked with the Kern County Board of Trade and other organizations to gather data and information. As what we've known anecdotally and now understand through additional Sathered data, is that Tehachapi benefi ts substantially from visitors. RECOMMENDATION RECEIVE PRESENTATION REGARDING THE ECONOMIC IMPACTS OF VISITORS IN TEHACHAPI Agenda Accounts Payable CITY OF Checks by Date - Detail By Vendor Number 3/l l/2015 - InloiceNo 2ll TE 4:00 PM HACHAPI CATIFORNIA LitreDercription Pnxair Disdbution Inc. 0 lw4ndusFial Aceryld./i.d high press 100.r 518629t6 D3.89 118.89 i38.89 0 tt 104214\0 lM214l0 aS ,8.55 W 114.00 0030 T!. Ba*dsfi .ld C.lifomie 13111256 PD/Admini.hliv. Scd.rory tull Ad 13748121 Gcf.h&hati I,146.@ t3756rll CH CNcil-BWEB tullfIBC tul AD,Nolice lNiting S.'-BWEB fulmBc 6 314.69 13156132 Ctl Arx/Nolice Inviring SCaIBWEB tulmBC n 314.84 13756153 CH 315.04 r3?56r66 Anx^odcelnvnirg SCaIBWEB tulmBC 6 CH Anx^olicc Inv'trg Scal-BWEB tulmac n CH Anx^otic. tnvit'.g S.aI-BWEB tulmBC n CH AnxNode tnviling Seal BWEB fulUIBC fi l3?56178 CH I3756153 r3756161 City Ad/Noric Inviting Sea1-BWEB fulVTBC n 164.43 314.54 314.84 t1459 314.84 3,513.31 3,5r3.tr B196248 wtr^amples/Dennisor & Mojav. Wclls 8194249 Swr^anrlesl ttr or€flucnl 30.00 325.00 B196260 t5.00 8r96555 BI96556 15.00 Wr/smplcs/Dcnnison & Mojavc wclls 10.00 415.00 00,11 Bcnz Propane Conpany Inc. 0 238319965 PWAcci/ l228l0l /800 Ehlcarise leb 238319966-l Wtr/Accl*t228102/?50 Enlcrprisc Fcb 2015 Land/Accl# 12281 02/750 Ent.rprhe Ieb 2015 238319966-2 AP-CbecksbyDatc Dcuil By Vendor Number (3/l I /2015 - 4:00 PM) 201 5 I5743 3A).15 Agenda 494.93 494 93 0182 Wt/Andal pdslaiv. marntln$cc Swr/S.ruic. call-1rclble shoor scrc* punp 2 4886 1,42t.90 250.00 1.6?t.90 t,6?1.90 0216 J!d'cial Dab Synems Corportrion 0 Parkins 5166 100 00 Acli{ry for 0l/15 100.00 0223 Kem Couniy Audilor Oflic. 07202015 12.50 Pa*ine Cihtid Rcvmc 0l /15 12.50 12.50 a263 0 Gc^[albart CEQA Uligali@ F.5 2015 4a 7,560.00 7,560.00 0300 Mhsion Lino & Unifom ScNicc 140t91021 Pw?2-lx4 mrslino maif,t€nan c 99.t0 140192351 1W,42-3x4 mals/lia.o Mint mce 104.52 140193653 PW/X2-3X4 mals/linrn mzint€mnce 99.t 0 140t93654 Swr/dcr d@/s2 3x4 mars43-3x l0 tuts sM/dsr rop/#2-3x4 mrs,43-3x l0 mts swr/du. na/r2-lx4 mls/+3 3xl0 nats 140194934 140r96310 41610 436.r0 0104 2443645 2486r90 Sw/Acdr9?5428801 /800 E lerpris.kloraBc co' PwA€ct1975570?00/Vall.y Blvdtoll oriFeb 2{ 85.00 200.58 285 s8 285.58 0162 AP Cbalcs b! Dale 00'42t54 Pwtunlcadcd eas & dicsel tuel 0280530 Pw^hludedgas & Derail Bv Vcndor Nunber (l/ I l/2015 - 4:00 PM) diesel tucl t,219.22 Agenda Pwlinlddcd 0280806 gas 781.r8 & diesel tu.1 2,437.59 2,431.59 Couty wakrf Tetucnapi-Cunnings LlD/seflice chg/Medid teh 2015 1021800t03r5 wtbsgc/sdic. 12576100 28802700 0t0l I chg/Bcnz Soirtrion F.b 2015 LlD/s.fri.c cngtranrtcrpins I.b 5 30286000303r5 Wr/sdice chg/g.nway Ie! 45377r00 030315 45882300 0303t 5 wlr/scruie chs/Chdlool lcb LlDlseni@ chs/warior Park 906913 WrtusaB€/seryic€ cng,rtusD F€b 2015 22.43 4.50 201 5 4.50 2015 4.50 2015 450 Feb 2015 2214 68.07 68.0? 0429 Tehachapi Vall.y H€alth@i. PD/Pre 03042015 t61.41 dployn.nt trbA,l Sbur t61.41 0431 CC/Rsouc Cuideinsidc bdk ovd Ad 8?4.00 104.88 13744741 PD/Adhini$arile Sdrcrrry Ad PD/Arlrninishtivc Sccrctary Ad PDfch City Coucil/tjw Enfmddl Ad t.749499 Finneh City 13170219 Ccrurg€nct OrdirdccAd Cc/T.hachapi City Coucil-ttookah Ad CDNoli.c 6f Public H6ing Ad cc/Ordimnc. No ls-o2-shopping caft Ad t3711853 r.1410564l/21 13141491-01t0',1 t371t49',1-Ovt4 13783431 l3?88205 \3189444 CouciYUMd Tlsn trcds Ad t(x 88 38,75 3r.25 141.25 36.25 '8.15 833.?5 2,10116 2,70116 vulcan Maldials Conpany wcsm 0 ?0668938 D Cn.ck Daie: 282.04 Wir/l/8" finePc64-10 28204 242.M WIrTS Ev.rtabi.g for thc Omc. 0 Chcck Dat. 66241-0 r36386-0 13639t 0 r36408-0 136138 0 GG/bt & clr inrcad/batleri.s/tape/glu./penss4ol cc/2 nic sldco r*ord.r fo! ItR 181.84 Gc/cufl .d comei desk/Ashley Airl*8-tle foldert*2 file sror ltr,4el cln 258.20 Gc/d2-pap.. ink CRT WHT Dale Derail By V€ddor Nunb€r (3/l 12 21413 136443-0 AP Checks bl 53.14 lr0l5 - 4100PM) 19.53 Agenda r365rs-0 r36530 0 Cc/iaser papcr/copy pap€rll-t 6Y/Llr CRD/bin, \36575 0 Cc/cuton rcband daier sbnp AirlpaFr/rub!.rbm&41 dz ballpoinl blk pds Gc/blk x fi.e Dark6/l m llI)?.opyPapr Cc/puncn-3holc 12 shet capacity/l /2" Itbcls 686r58{ 32.20 24.7J I,143.t6 1,143.16 wlr/46-sqling WA,rtu.l line \Nrtrct *226702!tn l lin t1t09 49.39 3914 l0 05 10.05 0585 0 PD/PE{mplotmdt physiol/M sldr 3?30lccT r50.00 t50.00 r50_00 0689 Pionccr Truc Vah. Honc C.nld 0 Pwdonblc cnl k y&ey suppli.s 4_92 4.92 0832 0340156 11.591.42 r 4.147.02 0340156-2 DmtiyAdjutncn/April 0340156 3 20 I 5 t.146.1a 0340156 4 0340156-6 Msor/AdjBtnovapil Lif./AFil20l5 0340r56 ? Lifc/AdjustncnvApnl 0140t56-5 2015 20 I 5 -42.36 l,sot.2? -5805 44,291 44 88,297..'4 0956 Lcaguc of Crlifomia cnics 1321 CG/2015 Sonlh San J@quir valley Division Du, 55.0? 5J.07 r032 Jack Dav.npon Sweeping 0 101634 AP-Checks Sflices ln( ch.ck Daiei Sids/lrmn sw.cpihB bt Dai. - Ddail By vmdor Nunbei {3/r I /2015 - 4:00 PM) scrui€e Feb 2015 Agenda 8,640 00 1075 At/*3-R.{kin runwy sis.s wnh N 4263 new Sraphis r01.20 I01.20 I03.20 \224 CE Anoex/ 2 nd dcw/hand sawing/mobiliatio r,660.00 1,660.00 1505 Bcnz Construct,on swic.s 2484554 !N/Acct*966755300/800 tulcrprisdloilet @h 55.15 2486249 Sw/Aei158021001800 E.ldtnse/iouof svc 6 PWAcct430042 I 000/800 Enlcrpns./rclloilsvc 568.48 2446251 495.49 t.119.12 r,119.72 1506 Sd Joaquin Safeiy Sh6s r93 49 193.49 t9349 1658 Softw.. lnc. Sp.ingbrook 0 INV30ll9 Gc/Monlhly wcb PaFdrs I.b 2015 285.50 285.50 285.50 t124 0 419r50-t Ai./himo.lnly eruice/314 N Hay.s sI Fcb 2015 92.50 43915G2 ConsrrAim@thlyseNice/looComdcial Feb: 92.50 I35.00 r t729 85.00 Alpha rj.{tscape Mainterun.e 12211-1 12211 t0 12271-\l \2211-t2 t7271 t3 GG/City Onices Mrch 2015 Strt Souln Cuiry Mech 2015 LLD/HeribB. Ozk March 201 5 LLD/KB I'actTD.nnison March 201 48.02 222.50 8.41.12 5 t0.09 1227',/-t5 sln5Dnnison sliccl March 2015 LLD/CIcar Mev March 2015 3r4.65 12271 16 tad/Pioncer Park Mdch 2015 54r.45 \2271-14 A},ChecLs bt Dar - Detail By Vqdor Numbd (3/l lr0l5 - 4:00 PM) Agenda 30.t5 CG/Old ToM Pldlm March 201 5 LLD,Mill Slre.t Couag.s Marcft 2015 127',17-11 \221J-18 \2211-2 Iad,/Robi6on Pdt M..ch 2015 CC/Ma*ct Ple. & U.ion Prcific March 2015 t2211 20 Gcfaco Sdich & 12271-19 Wall Mech 493.30 215_91 27.48 201 5 12211-21 CC/Smior Ccnler March 2015 to2.51 \2211-22 D€po/Railroad Mtrch 2015 124.59 12211-73 cc/Phas. 4 doMloM planld March 2015 3).95 t2211-24 \22J1-25 LLD/Rcd Bm LLDR.d Bm a6 22 t2211-26 Oc/Robinen parkins lol Md.h 2015 LLD/AhtWarior Pa* M@h 2015 GG/Polic. D.pi M/cb 2015 Stds^rnl Srcet klands Marh 20,5 Srits/C.pilol Hills (South l6lbd) March 2015 \2211-27 12217-28 \2211-1 t22114 Marcn 2015 Phase 2 March 2015 24.45 t,5u 62 33.15 415.98 263.91 706.41 1221',1 ',] LlDA4anznita Park March 2015 LLD&B TEcl - Highlin. LMD M&h 2015 LLD/Alk Tdct^taftior ldk Mdh 201 5 4)61.95 \2211-8 LLD/All Pldt r5t4 12217-9 LLD/Alb Pskway 12211 5 12211-6 12274 | 1221a-t0 t227a-tl t2214-12 tr - tliBhlinc & Tdcl March 201: kws l?1.51 LLD,4GDdnison trsb dump Fcb 2015 LlD/Donison SIr ctltut drnp Fcb 2015 16.05 t2278-t6 t2Ta-t1 Gc/Policc D@rtrasrr dump F.b 2015 12218-ta t t2219-\9 GC/I'6 Ssicvtah 12278-2 sltu/M t2218 20 GC/Sair Catcr/trash 122n-\4 1221A-tS 02 Mmn 2015 CC/Mu !l & Uo Pac(,Esh durig leb 2015 LlD/Hcriras€ O,ks[6h dMp Fcb 2015 LLD/Clsr Md,'!_dh dMp F.b 201 5 I:ndryiqs Park/kash dmp Fe! 2015 GG/Old ToM pldrdlnsh dmp !.b 2015 LLD/Mill SLc.r Coibgcvt ash dudp Fct 2015 1227413 500 85 nd/Robins PlrilFsn {tu&p F.6 0.5? 5.72 ,72 1.72 0.51 0.29 0.5? 2015 dndp Fcb 2015 Slr ct Isl.n&run dwp dur l.b o_57 t12 2015 Fc6 20!5 0.57 12218,22 DeFL/Railload dcpoveasn dump Fe! 2015 GclRobimn F*iDs lol/Fash dump F.b 2015 0.29 t2214-3 Str$/Ca9 \22144 Hi,ls,'!dh dunp F.b 2015 LlD^r.odiia Pdk 6h dMp Feb 2015 t.12 12214-5 LLD/KB T€ct-HiShlindb_rsh dunp Feb t227a 6 \227a-1 \2214-a LlDlAlrrTmct^leior Peutrsh dmp leb 201 LLD/Alla Parkway lemvhsh dmp Fcb 201 5 LLD/Alia planr.F/Highlinc dd llaci/tdh dunr 12214 9 Sttu/Sodn Cuny^tuh dump Ieb 2015 17218 2r 201 5 13.16 Ll4 5.72 I14 11,044.51 t30t HD Supply WatNorks LTD 0 2,28t.t5 Mr/+8-Mctcrs lBL09 USG 3G UC 83 Sebiloy wE/3/4 ANG BMV FIPXMN LL no lead D529961 D5.48562 1,231.05 461.9a D55600.4 wl!r5 x3/3 pulliln8 cablcs wPc-75 Wrr/Cr #D50.t423-*24 dglc MTR \.LV W1L\U D56t767 D571803 2t0.38 , -115 tl 3!69.34 1846 H.rkcrEquipment Conpany AP-Ch.cks by Dric - Dcrail Byv€ndoi Nlhber (l/ll40l5 4:00PM) Agenda 0 52.1r ct0362 52.11 5211 Tcnachapi LaM dd Gaidd Pv/LaboFnrne up/inslalled bc & an filer kit-c Pwd2-dri!. 6clts/r2-air fih€r ki.s42-pre nl&6 ll8?8-l 378-2 91.95 2SzAl 2l]l 0 8.59 834862 Pwshop look-8F 3,{ SAE Crcwsfr,?lopc 36 M Pw/Dud naptsrl slard for tal bcd Rlcks Fw/*2{il filteE/air filrr2ol4 ldd Tr Expldcr Fwl4l 2 5W20 synd.lic nolor oil 8349.13-l 814943 2 835398 835402 46_20 58 r8 25_14 48.89 9.66 835439 4t t2 wt/t2-trans filt r/hydanlic 6ltcr 815562 11.39 8356tGt 83561G.2 Pw/lopc HEX T-SetApc HEX T-Sel 316363 Pwpdkitrg bdt rlce cablc/ol Cbc\a 41.91 Silvd 4t 25 836460,1 36.30 836460 2 12.t5 836460,3 42.05 836565 13.14 608.37 608.37 2113 Airll 83320 00 r5,6u.1? Oo.ne Wlolcele l5,6 .l? 15.61Ll? C6tr . BE I Scricc Inc. Gc/cotfce & suppli6 Feb 022t\42 485.?5 201 s I26.85 o22t321 Gc/water @oler rnIal Ma. 2015 26.95 639.55 619.55 2151 zl0 335 94 PWCylihdd salc sstomcFoMed/oxygen l/14 Pwrcetylfle & high pr€ssm cylinder rental 385.09 Pr{/Ctlindersle.ustomeFoMedorygen 10085707 30023014 AP Checkr by Dare Debil By vodor Nmbd (l/l l/2015 - 4:00 PM) 19.35 Agenda ?90.83 2478 DPl5005?9 I05 9I DPr500579-2' 2l t.83 DPr5005?9-l 2ll 3l DPr5005?9 4 2)1.30 DPl5005?9-5 434.60 DPl5005?9-6 DPI5005?9-7 winoilct 119_51 lnscn Pnnting Fcb 2015 2,395.58 2,395_5a 010,t2015 Gc/Poslag.-A€t#216528/Agr*400086982 r,000.00 r,@0.00 2707 GC/Lse#811061330 r2-2a-14 ro 03-27-ls 454.50 4\4 50 rt5!_50 2902 0 31452 Airlstanded & hddicap dLl 03/l 5 82.00 32.00 3004 408.59 711131 408.J9 408.59 3018 0 ss340l8 ITIHP SB 800 500GB 3GB cohpul€r/Chi€f Krc, 1,019.42 ss46685 PD/46-anachfrnt REFL FIBM si.gl. ser lic r,740.00 2.4t9.42 2,319.42 305t _fehachapi Tnnshissions Inc 6421-l PD/Oil change/TE-25-2012 Chely Colorado PD/ABS Ast/rE- l 9-2008 Iod Expcdilion 11',/_82 6421-2 PD/LaboFABS Hydraulic uni/TE 19 08FordE 183 00 6253 AP-Chec*rbyDale Derail Br v6doi Nmb€r (3/l I /2015 4,00PM) Agenda 555.76 555.76 3l9I Airlr.movc slolnd lev.l trccs & ovdgl1M shn 7315 4,000.00 4,000.00 3280 0 Cc/prcpa€tion-Slalenandatd osl cl,ins 20t5-93t591.4,01 800.00 800.00 3155 w..d conbl 105.00 labor spnying Rdndup r9500 783 I An^o@dlp ''a3-2 Airl3 hos for 300.00 3519 Tmunion Risk dd Allcmalivc 0l0l20l5l lD/derpaydm+ 12012014/Fson sEh Nov 010120t5-2 !D/p.rso. 02012015 ?D/p.6on scdci J.n 2015 03012015 !D/F6on srch e4h D.c 2014 t5.75 1250 11.50 8_25 F€b 201 5 t6.50 1650 s.cu. On-Sile Shrcddi.s 2443660 Cc/Accdloel2l002:/l l5 2441661 Sw/4ccd,3004210o4r50 Ent€rpnse Feb 201 5 2443662 PDAet 300421006/220 S Robinso. F.b 2015 W6t C Srdl Fcb 201 r6.06 35.00 : 35.53 r06.59 r06.59 3708 Custonized Cnslodial Sdic.s 0 corco3l5-t Gcrankolial snice/City Hall Mxrch coTcol l5-2 Gcranito coTco3l5-3 PD/tanitorial sni€e March 2015 coTcoll5 4 corco3t5 5 corco3l5,6 Dcpdl/Jdirorial Airlanitorial seruice/Lousc March 2015 Air/.ranitorial s.dicc March 20 l5 280.00 coTco3l5-7 Swr/.tanilorial scryicc March 201 5 53000 corco3 Consr/Ja.norial seruic. March 2015 r 5 8 al seflice/Senio. 201 5 C.nrd March 201s sdic. Mmh 2015 450.00 I,950.00 250.00 140.00 4,630.00 AP-Cheks by Dai. - Dcbil By Vodof Number (3/l I20l 5 - 4:00 PM) Agenda 3725 PoNdsdde Bait€ry Co.lnc SrrrVlA Barcry Tcnd.s for 848r9 shcl sandm 645.00 6.45.00 645.00 3141 0 Pwlabotstrlacc powd brakc bocter/o4 Che\} Fw lydraulic brakc boosrer/o4 Chcvy Silrcdd. 25U-l 25U-2 279_00 434.84 1t.84 '713.84 3838 Michael t. O'D,y and A$ciatcs 0 022415 PD/PE-dplorhol backgroad invslisalion-^ t.000.00 t,000.00 r,000.00 3839 for..sic Nurse Spdialistr 0 t9l I PD/Kd SART/C& t,5-02-0207 900.00 181,9.49.85 A!-Checks hy Dat€ - Detail By vc.dor Numbcr (3/l , /2015 - 4:00 PM) Agenda Accounts Payable CITY OF Checks by Date - Detail By Check Date 3l2l2Dr5 42166 Ct*k 03022015 TE - 4:4t PM r 03022015-2 HACHAPI CALIF'ORNIA Dalq 0l/022015 Gc/Einhuse lodging/DsA-cltsvsacamenro 2l t7r.35 6c/rcinbu6enileas€/DsA-clastsadanenro 2 17805 549.40 4216? Chak 02262015 Dale: 03/0212015 0424 ccitc! Tehach.pi Chambq ot Conn.rcc cc/Cnainan s cn€le-Gold ltvesL)r Dot€: o3/0r20r5 0332 Pelry cash - Ansela C copu 42168 Ch.ck 12.51 Fr/disinfennA v'pes DonuiJmcelinB/A wbitnore CC/rs Gc/amibl.rdill 012020t5 02192415 rir/Comcciland CL-USB-NUMSPC GC/Carl6 donur,4niiins mEtiner Schlossa 0893000 09292014 1349 5.34 38oz dish soap r7.85 23.00 31.61 r0052014 Bakdfi€ld/T BroM 8.59 134808 WFnu.h/dining t3?3312 PD/Code enforcneni ExP fec 163415t1 Pwluncvlraining/D Redelspdgd 4.85 1634?5,1r Pwruc, r.ininslD Hmon 8.99 36414 wt^Fing 6.45 5349861 9t 8510 rittUSB 2.0,4 Mtle I AmMi^JSB numcric kelpa&C Thonpson Wir/Popeyes4unch hining Baldfi el.vT Macia c534?9 ccrlard 6332233 in nuls and bolls RGk Horcl/bcll hop f6 5.36 13.92 10.71 20.00 t92_1s ,42169 ChcckDale: O3/O420\5 32?6 Rotary Club ofTebachapi cc/Sponsorship for Rolary No.-Pr6fit Snowcas 02262415 250 00 250.00 421?0 Chek 0lrl Daler 0t10212015 kw 021920r5-r TtroDas F. SchroclerAnomey @ Wlr/Legal Seflices 0l /27ll 5-02/19/l 5 260.00 02192015,2 A 190 00 L.g,l scNiccs 0l/27115-02119/15 02192015-4 PERS M lContnbuiion 0l/2715 02/19/15 CG/Legal Senies 0l/27l15-02/19/15 AP-Checks hy Dale - Detail By chek Dalc(3/2/2015 4:41PM) 02192015 3 228 Page tl 11 Agenda aP chcclc by Date Derail By checr Date (3/2/201 5 - 4:.4 1 PM) Agenda Accounts Payable CITY OF Checks by Date - Detail By Check Date TE 315/ZOIS 2.59PM HACHAPI CAI:FORNIA 42218 Cneck Datc: 0l/05/2015 1097 Hannah H chung 022020r5 FitVluncVCSMFO Annnal Confcrcnce 2/l ? 2/2( 030420r 5 Ffi/nitoge/CsMFo Anhul Coife@c. 3203136 FiD/bFakfdVCSMIO Amual Coiftmc. 63?30 Fin/parking/CsMFo Annual confeEnce 2/l 7 2/ 6.30 2lr1', 21214 2/ 11 -. 4.93 292.6\ 42219 ChstDalel 03/05/2015 r3420 3807 DiamondTcchnolosies ITlcosmunity R@n mmctiYity/onsn. suppor 910.00 13424 IT/Conm!.ityRmconrcciivity/msilesupporl-l 912.u0 13,t25 IT/Comnuni9 Rm conn4livity ss€ssn.nr lT/3 Y. snarr N.t wa@ty ror asA 5505 IT/HDMI Conn€ctivity iEOC Police De?) 591.31 13335 13921 t38.00 838.22 ly'?o.03 42220 Chect Dab: 03/05/2015 0304 Mojave Sdialion Ac.rt 966664800ddy 4th Hor Doe FdtivalB Y 236t42J CHAnx/Acct#31016300o/gat f€crick€t*6602( PWAcct43I0I6l001tsat€ f€6-larse lllck lotds 2471600r 24']600-2 75.00 3.28 735.23 42221 Chak Dalq 03/05/2015 3276 Rorary Club ofT.hacnapi Attl: LindaCarhar cc/csrFondo 030320t5 BooG f* fot Noh-prott shwca 25.00 25.00 42222 L1\akDate 0ll/05/2015 Cc/nil.age/SohangCcntury Outeach-GF boot 030420t5 140.30 140.t0 42223 Cbeck 30ll 974083721,t 9?4088?2t 974088?21 l0 ll 974088121-2 91408812\-4 974088?2r-5 9110aa12t-6 91404872r'1 9?,4088721-9 Date: 03/05D015 verian witclcss Eng/Mohlc Broadband/R Mortgomery wh/Mob'le Brcadbddr cunf sM/Mobile Broadbdd/ cunl AilA4obile Broadban&G Paneiso. Ens/Mobile Broadb$d/C Arbaul CcArobile Bro.dbandc CaEcn 33.0t t5.01 15.0r 3801 13.0t 13.01 AtA,lobile tsroadbandc Patlc6on Tonshbook An,Mobile Boadba.d/T Glasgow Co,^{ohile Broadbtnd,/M Vtncc l80r Eng,^{obilc Broadband/l Schlosser 29.65 29.65 29.65 CD^{obile Broadhed/D Jmcs AP-checks by Date - Detail BycheckDare (3/5/2015 2 59PM) Page 13 Agenda 14?.0.1 42224 Ch.ckDat. 30ll Vdizon Wnel6s 03/05/2015 974038662r-l wr^,lobile Bmadbln&J curry 97401186621-2 sM^,tobil. Brcadbe&J cuJry I5.01 15.01 30.01 5,090.2? A?ChecksbyDale DebilBychcckDate(3/5/2015- 2:59PM) ?age 14 Agenda ES5S8bEEECEBKR - g Hl$ I B $':.q ff B " $ h. SsEEqBRIRI HHF flg.l HCe* 3ee5 $"""$lHl E: 'l'l 83883EElRl 385sEbq3qE8E{3 Blslcs-F.g;8""-B$b d*pu 3eR5 fiH! 6 qto-l C -t'l RIBI 8888EE8lRl ooooool!l$l E Io- gtgl 'l't 8e888EBlPl ff $ 'l-l f,EE*u=EIgt==F$B .,e 8 5 q E i | \ q E I { { E Nlo"l Fooooo^ilol flsl**"aarB""rxa ! q i q fr E q q E E s s El: E E B I h il H I e'3 F H ;leeb NEesbE ggB :lo- 3. $15.1 5. RlEl caecq9dt\l oooooo_lrl -,P s o- !.t ii t.:l & :ltl 't'l 5 d€od5o:lFl o: inl\l o- u1 :lsgsRRBBPR"$RE ntFo@oqqN@q dH:b ftEe:F d-t4l 3b $Eg 't-l g :lbl ES3P3395&3RiH@* 9g oP P'i:|9 91 <i,66: - o 88883;;;:3F85r _.i;ii;83$$-o---+ .et6666,i====a El oooo@oooo6:666 .4.4 6 t -o.o E ! z ; > '-::: :J:J - 6i^eaaF io o: aie !l oooooooooo:ooo ;666646666-669 n tE ;di: ,jt.E*g! EE Zli;.' dPq{. *P ;9?i:88 +: 5"-i: *FFs 9E*3-E F;:R M;;6"eii{et"' ;SEi $ H fi:: A >) Ei d ? / " " S;e?Hfki{edP"'3 !l E"jE o >d 9^60 = risgss6 E : e -,?P ?t :l - g ! <gggg! iFSf;Fd I q)crq9,i - E 1 < F *3i**e o 5 e P SE ?:;rf:{; A E!*f es s Z:P-E€;:i di; E e= H f qa >'!66 E 9 E fisggip.' 3 Agenda Agenda R = TE HAC HAPI _,/ APPROVED DEPARTMENI COUNCIL REPORTS MEETING DATE: MARCH 2.2015 AGENDASECTION: FINANCE TO: HONORASLE MAYOR WIGGINS AND COUNCIT MEMBERS FROM: HANNAH CHUNG. FINANCE DIRECTOR DATE: FEBRUARY SIJBIECT: UNMET TRANSIT NEEDS PUgLIC HEARING 25.2OI5 BACKGROUNO fu part ofthe annual Public Transit Claim for Tra nsportatio n Development Act (TDA)funds, it is necessary to conduct public hearing to receive public testimony concerning the transit needs within the Cjty The City of Tehacha pi provides the transit service Dial-A-Ride through Kern Regiona I Tra nsit. lJtilizing two buses, the current transit service operatin8 hours are Monday through Friday: a5 a follows: 05:45 am to 11:45 am 12:45 Dm to 04:00 om 05:15 Dm to 07:00 Dm 07:30 am to 11:30 am saturday: 01:30 pm to 05:30 pm The Dial-A-Ride services are available within the city limit ofTehachapi as well as between the City and certain areas the Countv. The current one-wavfares are as listed below: GeneralPublic 51.00 Seniors (62 and over) 50.75 Disabled 50.75 Youth (s " 50.7s Children 4 and under of 1s) Free In an attempt to lncrease the ratio of fare revenue to operating costs ("fare box ratio"), Saturday services have been provided since November 2013 with a hope to see the increase of ridership rather than an increase in fare. The ridership information between fiscalyear 2012/73 and 2073/14 was compared and found out that the ridership in 2013/14 was actually less. The Saturday service provided the convenience to riders but didn't help the fare box ratio. Furthermore, a brochure was sent out to all City residents to inform them about the available Dial-A-Ride service. The next step left is to increase the fare ifthe County agrees to do so. The average cost per rider per ride from July 2013 through lune 2014 is S32.38 and the subsidized cost for the same is s31.s9. Agenda Agenda The city is required to adopt a resolution annually proving that "there are no areas within the city with unmet public transit needs which could be reasonably met by expansion of the existing system or establishment of a new system." This resolution also authorizes the City Manager to execute and file claims for TDA apponionment and allocations for FY 2015-16. The public hearing notice was published in the Tehachapi News on lanuary 14 2074. FISCAI. IMPACT This resolution allows the City to file for TDA funds that are used both for transit needs and our public roads. forthe fiscal year 2014/15 forthe city was 5601,603. The apportionment for the fiscal year 2014/15 is not available yet. The TDA apportionment RECOMMENDATION ADOPT THE RESOLUTION FINDING THAT THERE ARE NO UNMET TRANSTT NEEDS THAT ARE REASONAELE TO MEET WITHIN THE CITY Page 2 of 2 Agenda Agenda City of Tehachapi Tehachapi DialA-Ride From July l,20l3 through June 30.2014 Ridsr3hio Mileaqe ,91!i 1!,45s.3! 3, !!n sqq 2.015 247 t.rsq,s 5,633 s RIDERSHIP 3 4e2 13 31 72 5 !q 93 125 2L 372 2 1! E9 551.50 513 132 22r, OPERATIONAL CONTRACT COSTS 6.25 102.50 1.213 01 10,:!9 13,017.25 001,6! 251.26 r'47913 !!9. e 1qr 10 Lqlzn6 11720 02 102 50 5 302 39 Elpens I Tora Cost per I der / Ride I 32.33 Subsidzed cosl perR derr R'de t 31 59 I Bd.ed on rot 2013/14 Toial Expens: 133.331.56 l ContEcl Cosl Per nder / Ride Subsidzed ConlBcled Costper Rider / R de I $ 2535 24.55 Agenda Agenda TE HACHAPI TEHACHAPI CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMUNITY TRANSIT NEEDS Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held by the City Councit of the City of Tehachapi at 6:00 p.m., or thereafter, on Tuesday, Feb,uary 17, 2015, at the Wells Education Center, 300 S. Robinson Street, Tehachapi, California, to consider possible unmet transit needs for residents within the City of Tehachapi. All interested persons are invited to attend the public hearing and will be given an opportunity to be heard. TEHACHAPI CITY COUNCIL ttlt trU lt,|fn\r\-/ Ashley Whitmore Deputy City Clerk of the City of Tehachapi, California Dated: January 7 ,2015 Posted: January 7,20'15 Published: Tehachapi News January 14,2015 Agenda Agenda RESOTUTION NO. A CIW COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEHACHAPI FINDING THAT THERE ARE NO UNMET RESOLUTION OF THE TRANSIT NEEDS THAT ARE REASONABI.E TO MEET WITHIN THE CITY. WHEREAS, the City of Tehachapi City Council conduded a public hearing on Monday, March 2, 2015, to consider possible unmet transit needs within the Citv, and; WHEREAS, the City ofTehachapicurrently provides public transportation service within the City ofTehachapi, and; WHEREAS, the objectives of providing the public transponation system are to meet the public need for limited cost transponation, to serve the mobility limited population, and to provide an alternative to private vehicle transportation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE lT RESOLVED by the City ofTehachapi City Council that, after holding a duly advertised public hearing and receiving public testimony, it finds there are no areas within the City with unmet public transit needs which could be reasonably met by expansion of the existing system or establishment of a new system. BE lT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy ofthis resolution be transmitted to the Kern County Council of Governments in conjunction with the filing of claims for Transportation Development Act Funds for Fiscal Year 2015-16 and that the City Manager is authorized to execute said claims. PASSED AND ADOPTED by 2015. the City Council of the City of Tehachapi this 2nd day of March, Agenda Agenda AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBERS: SUSAN WIGGINS, Mayor of the City of Tehachapi, California ATTEST: DENISE JONES, CMC City Clerk ofthe City ofTehachapi, california I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of Tehachapi at a regular meeting thereof held on March 2, 2015. DENISE JONES, CMC City Clerk ofthe City ofTehachapi, California TEHACHAPI Agenda CAL FORNIA OEPARTMENTTIEAO: COUNCIL REPORTS MEETING DATE: MARCH16,2015 AGENDA SECTION: COMMUNITY DEVELOPM HONORABLE MAYOR WIGGINS AND COUNCIL MEMBERS TOI u'L- FROM: 6AvtD A. JAMES, coMMuNlry DEVELoPMENT DlREcroR DATEI MARCH 9, 2015 SUBJECT: ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING HOOKAH IOUNGES WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS BAC(GROUND: In the way of background the City Council (Council) will recallthat on January 20, 2015 the Council adopted an ur8ency ordinance (Ordinance No. 15-01-720) placing a temporary ban on the establishment of Hookah Lounges. On February 17, 2015 staff provided the Council with an update describing measures pursued by the City in furthe.ance of prohibiting Hookah Lounges on a permanent basis. Subsequently on March 2, 2015 the Council adopted a subsequent ordinance with the intent of extending the aforementioned urgency ordinance. Additionally, the Council introduced a definitive ordinance intended to ban Hookah Lounges City wide on a permanent basis. PROPOSAL: As previously indicated the detlnitive ordinance banning Hookah lounges was introduced at the March 2,2015 City Council meeting. The proposal before the City Council represents a stand-alone ordinance that will prohibit the establishment of Hookah Lounges within the City limits. The ordinance as proposed will establish facts and findings. Additionally, the ordinance will amend Chapter 5.(X (Business Permits) of the Tehachapi Municipal Code to achieve three {3) purposes as enumerated below. 1. Adding to the list of definitions the word hookah which shall read: "Hookah" shall mean a water pipe made of metal orother material, u5ually decorated and shaped somewhat like a bottle orsmalltank, with a long flexible cord pipe also known as shisha, nargile, hubble bubble nayand turkish water pip€. 2. Adding to the list of definitions the word hookah lounge which shall read: "Hookah Lounge" means an area of a commercial or industrial establishments whether enclosed indoor or outdoor designated specmcally for the use of hookahs. 3. Adding hookah lounge to the existing list of prohibited businesses which shall read as follows: Hookah [ounges prohibited, no person shall engage in the business or occupation of conductin& operating or maintaining a Hookah Lounge in the City limits. This prohibition does not include private u5e of hookahs in personal residences if otherwise in compliance with applicable laws. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the adoption of an ordinance incorporated herein as Attachment A and in doing so amend Ordanance No. 73-G388 or more specifically amend Chapter 5.04 (Business Permits) of Title 5 of the Tehachapi Municipal Code definin8 Hookah [ounges and prohibiting Hookah Lounges within the City limits. Agenda ORDINANCE NO' AN ORDINAI{CE OF THE CITY COUNCIT OF THE CITY OF TEHACHAPI PROHIBITING HOOKAH IOUNGES WITHIN THE CITY IIMITS AND AMENDING SECTION 5,04.020 OF THE TEHACHAPI MUNICIPAL CODE THE CITYCOUNCILOF THE CITY OFTEHACHAPI DOES ORDAIN A5 FOLLOWS: Section 1. A. Recently there have been a number of hookah "Lounges" established throughout the State of California, with the expressed purpose ofsmoking tobacco with a water pipe device known in the industry B. as a hookah; and There are documented health risks associated with smoking in Seneral and smoking with the use of a water pipe or hookah device does not miti8ate or eliminate these risks C. Neither the Tehachapi Municipal Code or the Tehachapi Zoning Code expressly permit or prohibit Hookah Lounge establishments. D. Other California cities have successfully prohibited or regulated Hookah Lounges within their jurisdictions. E. The City had placed a temporary moratorium on such usesthrough the adoption of an Urgenry Ordinance on January 20, 2015 during which time staff was able to research and review the impacts of such use and what mechanism might be available to restrict such use. F. subsequentlyon February 17,2015the city council received and filed to Government a status report pursuant Code Section 65858(d) describing measures pursued by the City to resolve issues raised in the Urgenry Ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE,THE CITY OFTEHACHAPI DOES ORDAIN A5 FOLI.OWS: Section 2. Chapter 5.04 (Bu5iness Permits), Article | (General Provisions) Section 5.04.020 of Title 5 of the MunicipalCode is amended to add the following definitions: a) "Hookah" shall mean a water pipe made of metal or other material, usually decorated and shaped somewhat like a bottle or small tanlg with a long flexible cord pipe also known as shisha, nargile, hubble bubble nay and turkish water pipe; and Agenda "Hookah Lounge" means an arca of a commercial or industrial establishments whether b) enclosed indoor or outdoor designated specifically for the use of hookahs and; Chapter5.O4 (Business Permits)Article lV (Operation of Business) Sedion 5.40.495 is incorporated therein addin8 to the list ofprohibited business as follows: Hookah Lounges prohibited, no person shall engage in the business or occupation of conductin& operating or maintaining a Hookah Lounge in the City limits. This prohibition does not include private use of hookahs in personal residences ifotherwise in compliance with applicable laws 3. SEVERABIUTY Each ofthe provisions ofthis Ordinance Section are severable. lfany provision shallbe declared to be invalid, the remaining provisions shall not be affected thereby but shall remain in full force and effect. 4. Sedion EFFECTIVE OATE This Ordinance shall take effed thirty {30) days after the date of its passage and within fifteen {15) days of its passage shall be published in the Tehachapi News, a newspaper ofgeneral circulation, printed and published in the city ofTehachapi. INTRODUCED at a regular meeting on the 2nd ofthe city Council of the City ofTehachapi, California dav of March. PASSED AND ADoPTEo, at a regular meeting of California on the day of- the City Council ofthe City ofTehachapi, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: - ABSENT: ABSTAIN: SUSAN WIGGlNt Mayorof the City of Tehachapi, California ATTEST: Agenda CMq CitY Clerk of the Citv of Tehachapi, California ASHLEY WHITMORE, I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of Tehachapi at a regular meetingthereof held on CMg City Clerk of the Citv ofTehachapi, California ASHLEY WHITMORE, -. Agenda TEHACHAPI CALI'ORNIA DEPARTMENT COUNCIL REPORTS MEETING DATE: MARCH 16,2015 AGENDA SECTION: CITY ENG IN EER TO: HONORABLE MAYOR WIGGINS AND COUNCIL MEMEERS FROM: JOHN (.tAY) SCHLOSSER, P.E., CITY ENGTNEER DATE: FEBRUARY 25, 2015 SUBJECTi BICYCLE MASTER PLAN IMPLEMENTATION PROJECT - PHASE I - NOTICE OF COMPLETION gACKGROUND Councilwill recall, the City of Te hachapi ente red into a contract with Cooley Construdion, for the Bicycle Master Plan lmplementation Project - Phase l. Following a walk-through by City Staff, and completion ofall"punch list'items by the contractor, it has been determined that allcontract items have been completed. Atthistime, a Notice of Completion must be filed in orderto close the contract. As the RECOMMENDATION APPROVETHE NOIICE OF COMPI.ETION FORTHE BICYCTE MASIER PIAN IMPI.EMEI{TATION PROJECT- PHASE I AND DIRECT STAFF TO RECORD SAME Agenda RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND FOR THE BENEFIT OF AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: City Clerk's Office CITY OF TEHACHAPI 115 South Robinson Street Tehachapi, CA 93561 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE Recording Fee $ None NOTICE OF COMPLETION This is to certify that the Contract entered into on the 7r" day of October 2014, by and between the City of Tehachapi, the Owner, and Cooley Construction, the Contractor, for all work necessary to complete the Bicycle Master Plan lmplementation Project - Phase t, has been completed in accordance with the requirements of the plans and specifications and contract documents, and I hereby acknowledge the full completion and acceptance on the 25In day of Febru ary 2015, on behalf of the Owner. By Greg Garrett, City Manager Greq Garrett, being duly sworn, says: That he is the City Manager and Authorized Agent of the City of Tehachapi, the City that executed the foregoing Notice as the Owner of the Property herein described; that he makes this verification on behalf of the City; and that he has read said Notice and knows the contents thereof, and that the facts there instated are true. State of California County of Kern .A NOIARY PUBLIC OR OTHER OFFICER COMPLETING THIS CERTIFICATE VERIFIES ONLY THE INDENNry OF THE INDIVIOUAL WHO SIGNEO THE DOCUMENT TO WHICH THIS CERTICATE IS A]TACHED. AND NOT THE TRUTHFUTNESS, ACCURACY, OR VAIIDTY OF THE DOCUMENT." Subscribed and sworn to (or affirmed) day of before me on this _ 2015, by _, proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence the person who appeared before me. to be Signature Place Notary SealAbove Agenda 1. COUNCIL & DEPARTMENT HEADS ASSIGNED TO ORGANIZATIONS AND GROUPS EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS: Mayor Susan WigginsPublic Information Officer Public Works Director Jon Curry – Public Works in Operations Police Chief Kent Kroeger – Safety Chief Finance Director Hannah Chung – Finance Chief 6. This voluntary organization is comprised of all the incorporated cities of Kern County. The members work collectively in solving common problems & achieving mutual goals. City Manager Greg Garrett Primary function is to establish & coordinate emergency preparedness in case of disaster in the city and the surrounding communities. Members of this group also serve as liaison with public safety departments including the Fire Departments. 2. 3. 7. KERN COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS & KERN COUNTY CITY SELECTION ORGANIZATION: Council Member Philip Smith – Kern COG Council Member Dennis Wahlstrom – alternate City Engineer Jay Schlosser – TTAC Ryan Montgomery- alternate 8. DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS, ACCAP & CITIZENS ADVISORY ORGANIZATION: Police Chief Kent Kroeger- CAC Council Member Ed Grimes – ACCAP City Manager Greg Garrett This group meets with local prison officials & coordinates & improves relations between CCI, the City, & local community. The Association of California Cities Allied with Prisons (ACCAP) works with other California prison cities to publicize & promote common areas of interest to benefit member cities. 5. KERN COUNTY AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT: Council Member Ed Grimes Council Member Dennis Wahlstrom - alternate This mandated district works on air pollution issues & the City is required by State law to have a representative on this board. Through the Department of Motor Vehicles program grants to reduce air pollution, the City & surrounding communities have received significant funding over the past few years for worthwhile pollution reduction projects. TEHACHAPI SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER ORGANIZATION: Mayor Susan Wiggins Mayor Pro-Tem Kim Nixon - alternate Advises and works with the Senior Citizen Club & its membership on issues pertaining to this organization. 9. All Kern County cities are represented by this State mandated organization & primarily evaluate & implement transportation issues. A secondary function is to appoint members to mandatory county organizations & committees. 4. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES, SOUTH SAN JOAQUIN DIVISION: Mayor Pro-Tem Kim Nixon Council Member Phil Smith - alternate Most cities in California belong to this organization, which represents its membership on statewide legislative issues. A secondary function of the League is to train, educate & advise on various functions, laws & issues that pertain to member cities. COMMON INTEREST GROUP: Mayor Susan Wiggins Mayor Ed Grimes – alternate This informal organization meets monthly & provides a forum for all local governments to meet and exchange ideas & report the status of each member. KERN COUNTY ASSOCIATION OF CITIES: All City Council Members Mayor Susan Wiggins - KCAC Rep. Council Member Ed Grimes – Waste Management PERSONNEL ADVISORS: Mayor Susan Wiggins Mayor Pro-Tem Kim Nixon - alternate The functions of this organization are to review, revise, evaluate, advise & implement personnel issues that pertain to the City. 10. GOLDEN HILLS COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT LIAISON: Mayor Susan Wiggins Members of this group serve as liaisons with Golden Hills Community Services District. 11. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS GROUP: All City Council Members City Manager Greg Garrett Public Works Director Jon Curry Finance Director Hannah Chung City Engineer Jay Schlosser Assistant City Manager Chris Kirk Members of this group rank and prioritize the City’s capital improvement projects. Agenda 12. COUNCIL & DEPARTMENT HEADS ASSIGNED TO ORGANIZATIONS AND GROUPS TEHACHAPI HOSPITAL FOUNDATION: All City Council Members – member 16. The members of this foundation support and inform as well as educate the community of the need to build a new hospital. 13. CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, BAKERSFIELD, ANTELOPE VALLEY CAMPUS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY BOARD: Council Member Ed Grimes Mayor Susan Wiggins – alternate The Center for Community Development mission is to promote community development through collaborative research, education, and service activities. The Center is guided by its commitments to cooperation among academic disciplines; strengthened relationships between educational, governmental, and private entities; collective wellbeing; and respect for cultural diversity. 14. TEHACHAPI UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Mayor Susan Wiggins Mayor Pro-Tem Kim Nixon – alternate Council Member Ed Grimes – alternate The Tehachapi Municipal Advisory Commission advises the County Board of Supervisors on planning matter pertinent to the Tehachapi Area. 17. TEHACHAPI VALLEY RECREATION AND PARKS DISTRICT: Mayor Pro-Tem Kim Nixon Members of this group serve as liaisons to the Tehachapi Valley Recreation and Parks District. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES, PUBLIC SAFETY POLICY COMMISSION: Council Member Ed Grimes – Chairman The Commission reviews public safety legislation from the State and provides recommendations to the League on such legislation. 18. LAFCO No position currently held by City The Local Agency Formation Commission reviews and takes action on annexations in Kern County. 19. KERN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Mayor Susan Wiggins Mayor Pro-Tem Kim Nixon - alternate A public private partnership formed in 1988 with the mission of stimulating a diversified and strong economic climate in Kern County. Members of this group serve as liaisons to the Tehachapi Unified School District. 15. TEHACHAPI MUNICIPAL ADVISORY COMMISSION: Council Member Ed Grimes 20. EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE Mayor Pro-Tem Kim Nixon – Honorary Commander
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