Creative Harvest Makery Weekend
Creative Harvest Makery Weekend
Gone Scrappin’ In Bloom Sept. 30th at 7 p.m. to Oct. 2nd at 1 p.m. CREATIVE HARVEST SCRAPBOOKING & MAKERY WEEKEND A weekend filled with scrapbooking and/or crafting, all meals and beverages, sweet treats and swag bags! This is the perfect time to start and finish those handmade Christmas cards or gifts, scrapbook (paper or digital) those photos sitting on you hard drive or in a box. Also, it's time for yourself fuelling your creative spirit and surrounding yourself with others with the same passions! Bring your own supplies and projects. This can include any portable crafty project: scrapbooking, crocheting, knitting, painting, art journals, adult colouring, laptops for digital work and more! The store will be open the entire time to purchase any items you need to complete your projects. Call 204-859-3334 to register! Package Prices: Weekend Pkg: $160; Friday Night Only: $50; Saturday Only: $120 (Taxes Inc.)