The HypoCheck - Oklahoma Camera Club
The HypoCheck - Oklahoma Camera Club
Volume 71, Issue 3 The HypoCheck Oklahoma Camera Club, Inc. Founded 1931 September 2014 2014 PSA - Pictorial Print Division Judging by Doug Finch, APSA Our club successfully completed the judging of the Pictorial Print Division (PPD) for the Photographic Society of America (PSA) annual International Exhibition. The judging included both Large and Small Color and Monochrome Prints, 1,328 from around the globe. The judging began Friday evening, finishing and cleaning up in time for lunch on Saturday. A number of our club members assisted with the judging, many working both days. Thank you, we needed your help and you responded. Two club members were recognized; Randy Carr received the Gold Medal in Large Monochrome with his image titled " Mono Bells" (the only 15 in the competition), Wally Lee, APSA, EPSA, received the Chairman's Choice Award, also Large Monochrome, for "Parked for the Evening". Congratulations guys, we take great pride with your achievements; our club receives international recognition through your successful efforts. Medals will be presented at the PSA Conference, Albuquerque, NM. Cont’d page 2 . . . Mono Bells Randy Carr Parked for the Evening Wally Lee, APSA, EPSA Inside this issue: PSA Conference, Albuquerque, Sept. 27 - Oct. 3 2 PSA Print Judging - “A Quick Look” 3 New Club Members, Club Visitors 4, 5 Photo Opportunities 6, 8 Evolution of Club Logo 7 Members Recognized, Competition Photos 9, 10 Club Programs, Meetings and Workshops 11, 12 2014 PSA Club Newsletter Competition The Oklahoma Camera Club’s Newsletter The HypoCheck received an Honorable Mention in PSA’s annual Small Club Newsletter competition - Twenty-five club’s entered. Jaci and I sincerely appreciate the support and contributions received from all club members. PPD Judging A sample of the winners, page 3 . . . The Exhibitions highly qualified judges, spent a significant amount of time studying each entry to make the final selections for awards. With four print divisions and a total of 1328 entries, a significant challenge. PSA, PPD Judges Charles Taylor, APSA, Dennis Corbin, MPSA, Andy Lay, PSA, Ft. Worth All images courtesy of J. D. McClung, club photographer. Exhibition Chairmen, Jaci Finch, APSA and Doug Finch, APSA, study the entries to select the divisions Chairman’s Award. 2014 PSA Conference - Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta 2014 PSA Annual Conference The 76th PSA Conference has an exciting lineup of photo tours, workshops, programs, featured speakers, and social activities. The conference will take place at the Albuquerque Marriot, in Albuquerque, New Mexico Saturday, September 27 through Friday, October 3, 2014. The world-renowned Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta starts on Saturday, October 4 2 PSA Exhibition, “A Quick Look” Mean Kitty Viki Gaul Mathew James Joseph Schneizer Recollection Mohammad Ali Salim They’ve Gone Away Papp Elek Dancer in the Breeze Jerome Hamilton Cathedral at Tier Larry Beller A Long and Simple Life Tom Tauber Octavia Barbara Jenkin Lose Control Psea Cheung Last Train of the Day Richard Glass 3 Clearing Skies, Yosemite Valley Lynn Thompson Old Capitol Stairs Sharp Todd, FPSA, GMPSA Grandfather and Child Phong Tran Cat on the Graveyard, No. 2 Nils-Erik Jeriemar New Club Members Cont’d page 5 . . . pretty good photos, I always wanted to know more but never got the push I needed to do so. We had purchased our son a Canon Powershot camera and we used it for a lot of family activities and I even got a few really great butterfly photos with it. Frank & Jackie Mesarick I have always had an itch to get involved with photography. I have had a variety of point and shoot cameras since I was a kid. My favorite subjects have always been pets, wildlife and flowers. My favorite television ad for Canon was the one about going on safari and taking pictures and leaving the animals… that has always stuck with me for some reason. When Frank and I got married we purchased a Minolta Maxxum 7000, this was my first adventure with and SLR. I could not seem to get past setting everything on automatic. While this seemed to get me In 2010 I purchased a Canon T2i with two kit lenses. I would play with it for a while and get some good shots and then get frustrated and put it away and then get it out again and back and forth for some time. I have been surrounded at work by people who are either professional photographers as a side job or in a previous career and a few user enthusiast. Frank also works with some that are professional photographers. Frank and I have learned a lot from many of them, but one of them in particular has really pushed me to get more involved. He is the one that told me about The Oklahoma Camera Club and the Facebook page for the club. When I would say I think I need to get a new camera they would all tell August Visitors Christopher Carr me that I needed to invest in glass, then I can get a new body later if I really wanted, and that is what I have been doing. I have also been doing a lot of reading and watching videos and such to learn more. Then I thought why not go to the Oklahoma Camera Club meetings and see what it is about. So I asked Frank and he was all for it. Frank’s photography interests have always been in video and date back to the early 80’s when the separate VHS camera and recorder bungee corded to a luggage carrier was the popular way to video the new Disneyworld in Orlando. He has since changed to the handheld cam and fully supports my newfound interest in photography. So we attended our first meeting on August 12, and everyone was so nice and I really enjoyed seeing the photos. It gave me ideas and inspiration to try to do more. So with one meeting I was basically hooked. I think Frank was too. We are looking forward to more meetings and events. Cont’d page 5 . . . Christopher Carr, from Edmond visited the first meeting of the month. Club member George Williams sent him our way, thanks George. Similar to many of our members, Chris’s photographic interests range from landscapes to portraits. Thanks for stopping by Chris, we hope to see you again soon. 4 A lot of photographers think that if they buy a better camera they’ll be able to take better photographs. A better camera won’t do a thing for you if you don’t have anything in your head or in your heart. New Club Member the way I saw them in my head, but I always kept trying. Right out of high school, I started my family, so I never had the time or resources to take pictures of anything besides my kids. But I still tried to take the best pictures I could of them. Beth Weiss I became interested in photography in middle school. We were given 35mm cameras and told to capture "symmetry." My photo won two awards and was in a calendar for three years. I loved how that made me feel. I remember always trying to take "artistic" pictures with my little 110 camera and not ever being successful and the pictures never came out Four years ago, I came across an iPhone app called "Instagram" and saw some amazing pictures and was instantly inspired to start taking pictures again. I saw what other people could do with just their phone and decided I would learn to do that too. A year of taking pictures and posting them online and learning and growing artistically woke something up in me. My husband bought me a DSLR and I was so thankful to have such an amazing and powerful tool to express myself. I love capturing sunsets, usually at Lake Overholser. Being at the lake helped me become interested in birds and wildlife. Then my best friend asked me to shoot her engagement and wedding. Even though I was horribly nervous, I did it and she and I were both very happy with the photos! This made me realize that I love doing portraits as well. Now I can't find anything that I don't like to shoot and my life has been so much richer because of it. August Visitors Kirk Turner Nicole Nichols Kirk Turner from Stillwater drove over to visit, a little drive Kirk, pleased you made it. Inge Vautrin introduced Kirk to the Club, thanks Inge. Kirk enjoys landscape photography, you will find a lot of company here. While it is a drive over, please come as often as you can, we enjoyed your visit. Nicole Nichols lives in Moore; she found the club on our Facebook site and Google search. Nicole enjoys Landscape and Macro photography. We have many landscape photographers and many have begun chasing strange bugs around along with flower shots. Welcome Nicole, please come again. 5 Steve Mills, escaped before being photographed, hopefully Steve will stop by again to have his picture made. Steve is from Tuttle and found the club via Bedford Camera. He has an interest in Landscape and Street Photography, you will find a number of friends here. Steve, come so we can take your picture. Have you invited anyone to a club meeting yet? Inge and George have! 500px Second Annual Global Photo Walk Club Member Fortunato Mercado will be leading a group Saturday, Sept. 6th at 6:30 pm. Group will meet at Corner of the Oklahoma City Redhawks Ball Park in Bricktown. Follow 500px and Fortunato on Facebook. You may contact Fortunato at 405.641.3888 For further information, access facebook site 500px is organizing a Second Annual Global Photo Walk in every city on the planet! Butterfly Papilion, Honor Heights Park, Muskogee The Georgia-Pacific Butterfly House is located at the Papilion in Honor Heights Park. Many of our members frequently visit this park during the Azalea Festival in Muskogee. The Papilion, a teaching garden and open-air butterfly house, is open daily Monday - Saturday, 10am-5pm, Sunday, 1pm-5pm. The season opens Mother’s Day Weekend and closes on Columbus Day. On September 27, the Papilion will celebrate the end of their season with a Swallowtail Celebration. Special activities run from 10:00 am – 1:00. Papilion staff hope to have 200 live swallowtails in the house for the event, and try to keep 200-300 live butterflies in the house throughout the season. Many native butterflies visit the 6 Papilion gardens as well. The Papillion allows tripods, and flash; you may need an appointment to set up lights and umbrellas for a model shoot, a fee may also apply. Check out their site at For more information call 918-6846302 ext 1469 or email Evolution of Club’s Logo OCC Original Logo Logo 1968 PSA Convention OKC - Indian Hoop Dancer OCC Logo with Indian Hoop Dancer Searching the club’s history, I found what I believe is the original club logo, it’s shape appears to support this believe. With the club originating in 1931, I suspect this logo was adopted sometime later. The outline resembles an award winning Rosette Ribbon still used today by organizations to recognize outstanding performance. The highlighted circle is the shape of many logos even today. Many clubs use the camera to identify the clubs relationship with photography. member of the Oklahoma Camera Club and a highly respected member of the Photographic Society of America (PSA). Gilbert made the original high contrast picture from a photo made at a Powwow in Anadarko. The club valued the prominence of hosting the convention and the significant recognition provided within PSA. Col. Joe E. Kennedy from Tulsa was the president of PSA at the time; I suspect this provided significant support for the club being asked to host the convention. The Oklahoma Camera Club hosted the 1968 PSA Convention. This was the second time for the club to host this International Convention; the first time was the 1947 Convention, the first convention conducted west of the Mississippi river. Similar to many organizations, both private and commercial, change of the logo requires a significant underlying need, not frequently done, if ever. Hosting the 1968 PSA Convention provided the needed catalyst for the club’s change. The advertising logo for the convention was the Indian Hoop Dancer copied from a print by Gilbert Hill, FPSA, a Building on this event, work begin to incorporate this image as part of the club’s logo. This resulted in a symbol Current Logo with Indian Hoop Dancer easily recognized within PSA as a result of the convention and the state the club represented. As the club’s history evolved, it continued to take great pride in it’s heritage and recognition within the growing prominence of PSA as well as the success of many of the club’s members. Looking forward to the club’s 75th anniversary, the board elected to explore a more contemporary logo while retaining the club’s signature within it’s photographic community. The club studied modification of the logo for a period of time, examining many submittals. The current logo was selected as it provided a more contemporary look while retaining a link with the club’s history and state with the use of the Indian Hoop Dancer and the state’s acronym. Doug Finch, APSA “Osprey Lunch Time” George Williams Currently representing OCC at: Bedford Camera & Video - OKC Baker Photo & Video - Yukon 7 Members Score 15 J. D. McClung with print Munch! Munch! Munch! and Charles Taylor, APSA, with Backyard Lilies & Atlin Lake . Congratulations! Muskogee Club Member, Maria Gassaway’s Print Featured - PSA Digital Group Showcase This picture made driving back from a Death Valley Shoot with Jennifer Wu. It was late in the afternoon and we stopped at this Ghost town and lucked out with the storm coming in. We experienced some sleet on the drive to Las Vegas. A little HDR and Cropping and this is what I have. I am not too good with Photo Shop so I am sure someone more experienced could do more with it, but I am proud of it. Maria Ed Note: Indeed Maria, you should be proud - Congratulations. Relics of a Ghost Town Photo Opportunities Gatesway Balloon Festival Claremore - September 19-20 Standing Bear Powwow - Ponca City - September 26-27 Oklahoma State Fair - Oklahoma City - September 11-21 Take a tethered ride at the Gatesway Balloon Festival and stick around to enjoy live entertainment, food vendors, pony and helicopter rides, and much more. The evening is capped off by a beautiful balloon glow at dusk that will take your breath away. Six American Indian tribes honor the memory of Chief Standing Bear and participate in competitive dancing at this renowned powwow. See beautiful regalia and grab a bite to eat at this popular Native American event Bring the entire family to the state's largest annual event for midway games, thrilling carnival rides, exclusive live performances and endless vendors. Don't forget to feast on fair food favorites like Indian tacos, cinnamon rolls and turkey legs! 8 Competition Winners Mad Mom Rowena Scott-Johnson Blue Gate Deb Bozarth Delicate Arch in Winter Charles Taylor, APSA Cont’d page 10 . . . Greek Village Bob Bozarth Her Violin Aloma Anderson Building Blocks Wally Lee, APSA, EPSA Pure Love Troy Taylor Grey Assassin Bug Jan Lee, APSA, EPSA 9 Bronc Rider Dust Carol McCreary, APSA, EPSA Heron Hunting Kay Williams Competition Winners Carefree Inge Vautrin Down the Shotover River Robert Green Fireworks Jim McIntosh Infrared Barns & Hills Carol McCreary, APSA, EPSA Paper Wasp Feeding J. D. McClung Flamingo Steve McCartney 10 T-bird Quartet Brad Smith Heat Debbie Devonshire Forest Wolf Jan Lee, APSA, EPSA Program September 9 Differences - Photoshop & Lightroom Jim is a passionate, sensitive visual artist that combines all aspects of design into a single image you will just fall in love with. This active photographer, graphic designer, web content creator and tshirt artist can really get you going with the punch of a six pack of energy drinks! It’s hard to pin down just one of his passions, as Jim spends most of the time bouncing about each of his daily by Jim Felder tasks with daunting ease. He is just as comfortable creating a portrait, designing a commercial logo, coding a website or wrangling a t-shirt sketch. Jim is not only a jack of all trades, he has some mad master skills too. Jim dedicates most of his energy to working as a full-time professional photographer and graphic artist. Every artist was first an amateur. Ralph Waldo Emerson He is a member of the Metro Professional Photographers of America (MPPA), Professional Photographers of America (PPA), and Professional Photographers of Oklahoma (PPOK ). Program September 23 The Alaskan Highway, Great Northern Road, by Charles Taylor, APSA Charles Taylor & John Key, have conquered the highway twice. Knowing Charles, you will not want to miss this one. Since its opening to civilian traffic in 1948, the Alaska Highway has been one of North America’s great adventure roads. Originally a military supply route in WWII, it has been “civilized” over the years into a very drivable road. The country through which it travels is still wil- derness and sparsely populated with few amenities. This requires advanced planning in regard to gasoline, food and overnight accommodations. The rewards include delightful northern scenery with mountains, 11 lakes, rivers and waterfalls, to say nothing of wildlife The road ranked high on the Bucket List of John Key and Charles Taylor, who have managed to survive it twice, first in 2005 and again in 2013. This program is their chronicle of the trips. Ok la h om a Cam er a Club, Inc. 50th and N. May Ave. Central Presbyterian Church Oklahoma City, OK Meetings: 7:30 pm 2nd and 4th Tuesdays Club information - Wally Lee Club dues - Ward Conaway HypoCheck Editors: Doug Finch, APSA Jaci Finch, APSA OCC Board of Directors President: Jaci Finch, APSA - Webmaster 1st Vice President: John Key - Programs 2nd Vice President: Sterling Ranne - Judges Secretary: Carol McCreary, APSA, EPSA Treasure: Ward Conaway Directors: 1 yr. Debbie Devonshire 1 yr. Inge Vautrin - Field Trip Chairman 2 yr. Brad Smith 2 yr. J. D. McClung - Club Photographer The Club Board meets on the third Wednesday of the month at Jaci's home, everyone is welcome. Please email Jaci at for address & directions. For more information: We are on the web Visit us on Facebook Club Meetings and Workshops September 9: Print Competition: Open Mono A & B, Open Color A & B, Nature & PJ Workshops: Beginning Image Workshop: Thursday, following first meeting, Jan & Wally Lee’s home, 751-8179. While workshop focuses on Photoshop Elements, bring any questions or pictures you would like to discuss. Nonmembers are always welcome. Judges: Fortunato Mercado, Jan Lee, Wally Lee Program: Difference Between Photoshop and Lightroom, Jim Felder, Professional Photographer/Graphic Artist Refreshments: Debbie Devonshire September 23: Projected Image Competition: Color A & B, Creative, Nature, Mono & PJ Judges: Brad Smith, Inge Vautrin, Fortunato Mercado Program: Alaskan Highway, Great Northern Road, Charles Taylor, APSA A few members have not paid dues for 2014-2015. Your dues must be current for your scores to be included and qualified for end of the year awards. You may pay on line at or by contacting club treasurer Ward Conaway Refreshments: Bob & Deb Bozarth 12 Hands - On Workshop: Workshop date will be announced. Please contact Tom or Carol McCreary at 634-1817 or if interested. Elements/Photoshop Workshop: Friday, Sept. 5, 7:30 pm at Tom & Carol McCreary’s home 634-1817 or Subject: View youtube videos about curves adjustment layer then use what we learned. Bring all questions.