Schloss Lichtenstein - Pokémon GO Stuttgart USO´s


Schloss Lichtenstein - Pokémon GO Stuttgart USO´s
Edition August/September 2016
Schloss Lichtenstein -
The Swabian Fairytale Castle
Pokémon GO
Stuttgart USO´s
25th Annual Golf Tournament
Traditional clothing week with Almrausch Party: September 8. – 11.
Our Oktoberfest!
The “Wild Days” at Schwabengarten have already become a tradition,
tempting any number of stags and vixens to come and see what it’s all
about. Here you can see and be seen, celebrate and enjoy the game
dishes our chef will be serving throughout the week. Things get stylish
at the famous – or infamous – Almrausch Party on Friday, September 8.
For this evening, guests dress in traditional costume, with prizes for the
nicest “dirndl” and the cwoolest “lederhosen”. The admission ticket
includes a welcome drink, the Almrausch Menu and the music program
with DJ Toko.
We can’t wait to see you there! Your Schwabengarten family.
70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen . Stuttgarter Str. 80 . Telefon 0711. 745 7 555
Weitere Informationen finden Sie direkt unter
ch P a r t y
Almraus ber 8.
Fr. Septe .00 Uhr
: 19
Advance sale: 27,50 EUR
Evening sale: 29,50 EUR
Once again I‘d like to welcome you to this month‘s edition of Together Magazine. In this issue you‘ll find a
lovely mix of, what I hope, are interesting articles written just for you: about a Wellness Hotel in the Black
Forest, a castle 40 miles south of Stuttgart, two caves in the area that you can explore, a great recipe, an article over the USO Stuttgart‘s summer Golf Tournament and a pretty hefty article about Pokemon Go, written
by Pia Barney. This last article brought our graphics designer Patrick, to the brink of insanity—he, much like
myself, has no idea what Pokemon is about, and as he sat in front of his computer, reading what seemed like
gibberish to us, trying to find out which photos belonged where, we often wondered: what in the world is she
talking about? So Pokemon Go players, hopefully you‘ll have a better idea than us, and we hope you enjoy
the article!
Lastly, I am proud to announce that the newest restaurant to accept the Together card is...drum roll please...
Chillis! Chillis, located inside Stuttgart-Vaihingen‘s Schwabengalerie, will begin accepting the Together Card
starting this September. For those of you that don‘t know, the Together Card can help save you money—simply bring your VAT form, fill up this pre-paid meal card (using cash or any major credit card), and enjoy all of
your food and drinks at Chilli‘s 19% cheaper.
Feel free to check out our magazine online as well, and I hope you‘ll all look forward to our next edition which
comes out at the end of September.
Stuttgart, August 2016
Uwe Warnack
Hello Lovely Readers!
First, let me introduce myself, my name is Patrick Chaparro and I am
a part of the team here at Together Magazine—I‘m responsible for creating the magazine‘s layout, but I‘m also a student at the University of
Heilbronn. My work here at Together Magazine is closely related to my
bachelors thesis, and this is the reason I‘m writing to you all today. You
see, I need your help. In order for me to finish my bachelors degree, I
need people to participate in a survey. I would greatly appreciate your
help, and it will only take a few minutes of your time. You can fill out the
survey online under
or scan the QR-Code with your smart phone; which will take you to a
link where you can answer the questions online. If your phone doesn‘t
already have a scanner, they are free to download! A link to the survey
will also be available at and on our Facebook
page. I hope you‘ll find the questions in the survey relevant as our goal is to create a Together Magazine that
is satisfactory to you, the reader. All answers will, of course, remain anonymous. I would be extremely grateful to you for your participation! Lastly, I‘d like to make myself available to you for any
questions, comments or concerns that you might have.
Feel free to email me anytime at
Thank you again!
Table of Contents
Page 6 The Westvleteren 12 Trappist beer
Page 8 Recipes from STUTTGARTCOOKING
Page 12 The United Service Organization - USO
Stuttgart USO´s - 25th Annual Golf Tournament
Page 13 Page 18 The Swabian Fairytale Castle
Page 24 Chilli‘s - Mexican Restaurant y Bar
Page 26 Page 31 Pokémon GO
- Schloss Lichtenstein
The Schwabengarten
Together Magazine
Inh.: Uwe Warnack
Im Asemwald 4
70599 Stuttgart
Tel: 0711 / 365 66 66
Johannes Guggenberger
Pia Barney
Michael Franke
Uwe Warnack
©2016 Pokémon/Nintendo
Schloss Lichtenstein
Touristinformation Sonnenbühl
THE BEST RATED BEER IN THE WORLD The Westvleteren 12 Trappist beer
The Westvleteren 12 Trappist beer, brewed by the
monks at the St. Sixtus Abbey, is one of the most coveted beers in the world by beer connoisseurs. It is also
one of the most exclusive beers in the world, as the only
place authorized to sell the beer is at the St. Sixtus Abbey in West Flanders, Belgium. There are websites that
offer to sell the beer, but this is often at an outrageous
cost to the buyer, and against the wishes of the monks
that brew the beer. While in Germany, why not make
a trip to the Abbey in West Flanders, Belgium, to buy
some beer yourself. The beers from Westvleteren are
listed as some of the best beers in the world, and twice
listed as THE best rated beer in the world.
Before packing up the car and heading to West Flanders, you need to make an appointment for the beer.
Along with only being able to buy the beer at the Abbey,
it also requires some very specific planning and preparation. Each person is only allowed to purchase beer
once every 60 days. Purchases are limited by first recording the automobile tag number and then by blocking
the customer’s phone number for 60 days. This sounds
extreme, but it gets worse. In order to make the appointment, you have to call the Abbey and request one. The
beer phone is not frequently answered, so you must call
during the hours when they accept calls, which is listed
on their website calendar. Unsuccessful calls simply get
a pre-recorded message in Dutch, followed by another
message first in German, then in English advising to
get more information from their website
My initial attempts to call resulted in busy signals, redialing for about 45 minutes using the redial button on my
phone until I finally got an answer. The gentleman on
the phone simply asked if I could be there that following
Tuesday. I asked if I could come on Wednesday, and he
agreed to 1500. He then took my tag number and that
was it, no name, no more information, it was simple and
concise. Now it is important to realize, once you have
your appointment, it may be impossible to change. Also,
know that the scheduled appointment will get you up to
two cases of beer, 48 bottles. You could also end up
with either the Westvleteren 12, 8 or their Blond beer
(The 12 & 8 are listed very high on the best beers in the
world). Their website has an appointment schedule that
shows the beer they plan on distributing that day, or half
day, but that is a guideline, not a guarantee.
There is a café across the street from the Abbey where
you can get something to eat, as well as taste all of the
Westvleteren beers. The cafe is the only other place
authorized to sell the beer. The cafe also has a shop
where you can buy souvenirs, as well as up to two sixpacks of beer per person, when available. Check their
calendar to confirm that they are open during your visit. During my recent visit, they had a
sign posted that there was no beer available for sale.
After picking up my 2 cases from the Abbey, I stopped
by again to pick up a souvenir. As I picked out my souvenir, they rolled out two pallets of the beer for sale.
Immediately a 15 minute long line formed behind me.
The Abbey is about a six hour drive from Stuttgart without traffic. You can opt to spend the night in Bruges,
also about a 6 hour drive, and about an hour drive from
the Abbey. On the drive to the Abbey for our scheduled
appointment, we stopped on the way and dipped our
toes into the North Sea, making sure we had plenty of
time to arrive for our appointment. The man distributing
the beer advised that coming a little late is not a problem, but often times people come too early, causing
more traffic than necessary. He advised that they set
out enough beer for all the appointments, so there is no
worry of them running out.
Once you have your prize beer, be advised that it is
recommended to store the beer vertically in a dark place between 12 & 16 degrees Celsius and serve at a
temperature of 10 to 12 degrees Celsius. The beer can
keep for years and will continute to ripen. It is also advised that the beers take a year to start gaining flavor
and 18 months to two years before the beers reach their
full flavor. Trappist beer is not something you drink, it is
something you taste.
Bruges is about an hour drive to the monastery and is a
quaint, but beautiful, canal-lined city that is very walkable. It is also very beer centric. You can try many different Belgium beers there, as well as delicious chocolate
shops on almost every street. You can also get fresh
seafood, and enjoy a Belgium favorite of Mussels with
French Fries, Moules Frites. It is also the home of the
Crescent Brewery and De Struise
Brewery. Ghent is also about an hour drive from the Abbey and is a beautiful, very walkable city.
Link to the Abbey beer calendar:
The left column is the times when they will answer the
phone; the right column lists the beer distribution dates.
The Cafe across from the Abbey calendar:
text and pictures by JA
Recipes from
Johannes Guggenberger is a trained chef born in Styria, Austria, who
moved to Stuttgart, Germany, more than 30 years ago. His parents
had a restaurant in Austria, so he was raised on the Austrian cuisine.
When he came to Stuttgart, he did not know much about the regional
Swabian cuisine. The more he learned about it, the more he valued
it and fell in love with it. Johannes Guggenberger is the chef at the
canteen in the Stuttgart-Stammheim prison. In order to express his
passion for the classics of the Swabian cuisine, he established the
blog “Stuttgartcooking” to share his collection of recipes.
On top of that, he recently released his cookbook “Stuttgartcooking Leckeres aus dem Ländle”.
For more information visit
Baby Back Ribs with a
Mediterranean potato salad
The ribs were an experiment for the oven. But they also can be made on a BBQ grill. The marinade only has a
few ingredients; this is what I like best. I made a potato salad to go with the ribs. I gave it a Mediterranean twist
with olive oil, basil and other ingredients. When preparing the potato salad, I recommend to use plenty of olive oil.
1 kg of Baby Back Ribs
For the marinade:
30 ml of rapeseed oil (canola)
1-2 tablespoons of mustard
1-2 tablespoons of tomato paste
2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
3 tablespoons of soy sauce
1 1/2 tablespoons of honey
Mix the mustard with the tomato paste and then slowly
add rapeseed oil with a whisk. Then add the garlic, honey and pepper.
Ground black pepper to taste
For the potato salad:
Spread the mix evenly on the ribs, this works best with
a brush, season with salt and allow it to marinate for a
couple of hours. Then put the ribs in the oven at 200°C
/ 390°F for 30 - 45 minutes (depends on the size of the
ribs) from both sides. You can also cook them on the
charcoal or gas grill.
500 grams of potatoes
2 boiled eggs, roughly chopped
1 apple, cored, cut into pieces and marinated in
lemon juice
Fresh basil to taste, roughly chopped
Olive oil
200 grams of feta cheese, diced
1 large red chili pepper, diced
Some vinegar or lemon juice
Boil the potatoes as usual, and let them evaporate.
Roughly cut them into slices or dice them. Add the
chopped eggs, feta cheese, chili pepper, basil, olive oil
and plenty of apple cubes and season with a splash of
vinegar, salt, honey and pepper.
The Schwabengalerie in Stuttgart
is the perfect shopping destination for you, your
family and your friends. Just one mile east of
Stuttgart‘s Patch Barracks, the Schwabengalerie
is centrally located, easy to find, and has everything you could possibly need for a fun day of
shopping. With over fifty shops and businesses,
there‘s plenty to do and see! From a delicious
ice cream bar and cafe, to the original and delicious Tex-Mex restaurant, Chilli‘s—Enjoy your
coffee, ice cream, drink, or meal out in the sun
at the Schwabengalerie‘s second floor roof top
patio. On these last few warm summer days, you
can bring your little ones to play in the rooftop‘s
floor water fountain (or simply sit and enjoy the
sun with the relaxing sound of flowing water in the background). There‘s also a fresh supply of
delicious fruit at the downstairs market, a DM,
Bijou Brigitte, a flower shop, Ernstings family
(the perfect place to get your family’s back-toschool attire), a Kaufland and an Aldi (for your
grocery shopping needs), a fitness studio and
much more. You can either park directly in the
Schwabengalerie‘s park house (and walk straight inside), or you can take the bus. Great deals,
amazing products, the brands you love, all conveniently located—and with excellent customer
service, what more could you ask for?
Media Markt
Schw aben platz
Cente rman agem ent
3. OG
2. OG
Entran ce
Rathau splatz
41 40
47 46 45 44
43 Kaufland
Haup tstraß e
39 dm
Vaihi nger Mark t
Seero senst raße
Aldi Süd
02 Chilli’s Mexican Restaurant y Bar
24 Eiscafe Canaletto
20 King’s Palace China-Restaurant
3. OG
Bach straß e
Public Services
21 arcona MO.HOTEL, Stuttgart
03 Civic Forum
11 BW-Bank (ATM)
07 L.A. Nails
23 SuperCut (Salon)
06 Mußler Parfümerien
Health & Fitness
17 Binder Optik (Glasses)
Serviceleistungen der SchwabenGalerie
Haup tstraß e
21 Restaurant im
arcona MO.HOTEL
12 talltree Coffee
04 Deichmann
16 Shoe Town Werdich
19 18
14 Belucci
08 Bonita
22 Ernsting’s family
19 M’fashion
15 mister*lady
09 Modepark Röther
Vaihi nger Mark t
Seero senst raße
All of your favorite shops in one place
straß e
Ratha uspla tz / Bach
2. UG
Stamps at
28 Aldi
53 Bäckerei Keim (Bakery)
54 Feinkost Kanbur (Deli)
43 Kaufland
52 Metzgerei Schneider (Butcher)
40 Tchibo
34 Vaihinger Teeladen (Tea Store)
46 Asia Hung
45 Peperoncino Pizza + Pasta
47 Timi’s Grill
Public Services
49 Tailor and Dry Cleaning Vaihingen
25 Physics –
Fitness- and Health Center
Jewelry & Gifts
18 Bijou Brigitte
13 Weltbild plus
01 Media Markt
10 Vodafone
55 Culture room
2. UG
Wilde Rose (Flower Shop)
Foto Vario (Passport Photos)
Friseur Klier (Salon)
Friseur Top Hair (Salon)
Kral Shoe- and Key Repair
TUI Travel Agency
Health & Beauty Market
39 dm-Drogeriemarkt
Health & Fitness
31 Apollo Optik
32 Pharmacy inside the
30 Vitalia Reformhaus
(Health Food Store)
50 Shops · Mo. – Sa. from 10:00 – 20:00 · 1000 Parking spots · Schwabenplatz 7 · Stuttgart-Vaihingen
Ebene Rathaus
Entrance Hauptstraße
Entrance Rathausplatz
u. Hauptstraße
Jewelry & Gifts
38 Nanu Nana
41 Time & Gold
37 McPaper
36 GameStop
26 Media Markt - Car Radio Services
27 Media Markt - Pick Up Station
Calling all Shopaholics
Mark your calendars for Sunday Shopping
Sunday, h,
r 18t
all Store
open fro 0
*Free parking on Sunday (9/18/2016) from 10:00 to 21:00 at the SchwabenGalerie
50 Shops · Mo. – Sa. from 10:00 – 20:00 · 1000 Parking spots
The United Service Organization
written by Pia Barney
picture by Pixagentur
Or simply put, the USO, is a non-profit organization that
provides services, programs, and events for the United
States military‘s service members and their families.
Established by President Roosevelt in 1941 in preparation for the Second World War, the USO celebrated its
75th anniversary this year!
The USO‘s main mission is to help strengthen America‘s
military service members by “keeping them connected
to their families, home and country throughout their service to the nation.” Based out of Arlington, Virginia, the
USO has offices and holds events all over the world.
On various military bases, in airports, and even at overseas duty stations, they go where we go. Providing service members and their families with whatever it is they
might need. They offer a little taste of home even when
you´re hundreds of miles away. Did you know? The
USO is not a part of the federal government. It is run
by dedicated staff and a powerful family of volunteers
relying on the support of their local communities, organizations and corporations in order to complete their
Last July, I had the pleasure of speaking with two of the
members who work at the USO in Stuttgart while attending one of their (fantastically) organized events.
Tiffany answered:
“I think that the people who give so much of their time
to an organization of 75 years just know that it‘s a
worthwhile cause, in all aspects...”
Nora pointed out that one of the great things about the
USO is that “the events change based upon the needs
of the community.”
I then asked about some of the events that were specifically being held in Stuttgart this year. I learned about
organized family brunches, care package preparations
for our active duty soldiers, “Ice Cream Socials” (because who doesn‘t love ice cream?) and Stuttgart‘s third
annual “Sun and Fun Day.” This last event, will be held
on Stuttgart‘s Patch Barracks on August 27th and it is
going to be one of the biggest of the summer. There will
be good food, games, water festivities and more! The
best part about it? Like all USO sponsored events—
it’s free! So if you live in the area, be sure to check it
out! “It‘s (a) great (event) because we can get the whole
community to come together.”
Last, but certainly not least, the USO Stuttgart can offer
you German language classes as well as various trips
around Europe. To find out more about the classes,
events and trips that your Stuttgart USO will be having
this year, check out their Facebook page:
To find out more about the organization in general or to
donate, please visit
Do you have a story about your local USO that you‘d
like to share with us? Feel free to email us at:
The center director, Tiffany (right), and the programs
coordinator, Nora (middle), were kind enough take the
time out of their busy day to talk to me. These two lovely
ladies have worked at the USO for quite some time now,
and they both had nothing but praise for the organization. When asked, “If there was one thing you wanted
people to know about the USO, what would it be?”
Stuttgart USO´s
25th Annual Golf Tournament
This past July the USO Stuttgart held its 25th annual
Golf Tournament at Golf Club Hammetweil (4 Stars) in
Neckartenzlingen. This tournament is not only meant to
provide a little bit of recreation and entertainment for
service members and their families—it helps to strengthen the bond between the German and American communities. Germans are encouraged to come out and
play alongside their American friends. A lot of people
came together to make the tournament work; American
and German Volunteers, the USO, German companies,
and even United Airlines.
An amazing lunch was served by Golf Club Hammetweil, and live entertainment was provided by TOGETHER Magazine. We brought in U.S. musician Mark
Ritter to play some fancy tunes with his guitar, and everyone seemed to have a great time. Even the lovely ladies of the USO stepped “on stage” a few times to play
the maracas or the tambourine.
I had the chance to speak to a couple of the guys at
the tournament who were playing as a team, Stacey,
Jaimie, Dean and Adam (who then happened to go on
to win 2nd place). Stacey is stationed in Stuttgart, and
he says you can almost see his house from the Golf
course; it‘s just a few villages over. This is his fourth
year participating—“I like it, I like that it‘s outside of your
typical golf course like on base. Part of what makes it so
great is its out on the economy. It‘s a part of the German
community.” Jamie, who is also stationed in Stuttgart, has taken part
in the tournament every year since 2010. “I love it.” He‘s
been playing golf off and on for the last 15 years, though
he says “I wouldn‘t call it playing—I participate.” Jamie
won the “Longest Drive” award at the tournament. Dean
works on Stuttgart‘s Airfield. He‘s been at the golf tournament for a total of three years. “I enjoy it every time,
it‘s nice to get out of the city.” They all seemed to be in
agreement that it was one of the best golf tournaments
around—“Being in the military for over 20 years, it‘s one
of the best in regards to the course, the people, and the
food. It‘s different, not just a typical on base MWR tournament. The staff (at Golf Club Hammetweil) is amazing.” I didn‘t get a chance to talk to Adam one-on-one,
but he seemed to be in agreement with the rest of the
guys. One tip I picked up through conversation: don‘t
forget your sunscreen!
Golf Club Hammetweil is also pet friendly! Water was
provided for the pups, and the restaurant offers lovely
views of the countryside. The USO (and all of the fantastic volunteers) did a great job putting this event together. I‘d like to especially thank Nora and Tiffany (The
USO Stuttgart‘s Center Director and Program Coordinator), and, of course, thanks to Stacey, Jaimie, Dean
and Adam for allowing me to “bug” them for information.
written by Pia Barney and pictures by Pixagentur
The perfect place for your party or event
From 30 to 60 persons – we take the VAT Form
Besenkeller Röck
Jelinstrasse 10 – Entrance Hechinger Strasse
70567 Stuttgart – Möhringen
0152 - 08 58 13 80
Do you miss shopping at the mall? Well, with over
70 stores, businesses and boutiques, spread out
among three stories, the Sterncenter in Sindelfingen is the premier shopping location for you.
Located directly at the main bus station, and just
a short walk away from the cities main train station, the Sterncenter isn‘t hard to find. Parking
is also available inside the mall‘s parking house.
Here, you‘ll find a variety of shops that will satisfy your fashion, clothing or home-decore needs
(H&M, KIK, New Yorker, DM, Deichman, C&A,
Bijou Brigitte, Blumen Center, California Nails,
Hunkemöller, and much, much more), as well
as a food court (where you can find Asian, Italian, German food and more), a baker, butcher,
and a candlestick maker—okay, no candlestick
maker, but if you needed a candle, you could
find one here. There‘s an Apotheke, a Fielman,
a Bookstore, a Grocery Store (REWE) and so
much more. Lastly, there‘s a theater on the top
floor, and a children‘s play area on the bottom
floor—Whatever it is you need, the Sterncenter
in Sindelfingen is sure to have it. Open Monday
to Saturday from 8:00 to 20:00
”At dark, I go
fashion hunting.“
Shop and enjoy at the Stern Center – with the
best of fashion, lifestyle and gastronomy.
Late-Night Shopping until 11 pm and
fireworks at the bus station Sindelfingen
from 10.50 pm on September 9th
Stern Center: Mercedesstraße 12, Sindelfingen, over 70 stores, 1,000 parking spaces – one hour of free parking.
The Swabian Fairytale Castle -
Schloss Lichtenstein
If you take the B27 south of Stuttgart, driving through
Reutlingen and Pfullingen, you‘ll eventually reach Lichtenstein. It‘s a rather short drive, 45 minutes to an hour,
depending on traffic, and after Pfullingen you‘ll be cruising through small villages and a few winding, mountain
roads. The Swabian Albs are an absolutely breath-taking site, so take your time—and don‘t speed, there are
quite a few speed traps and cameras in this area (for
your safety)! You‘ll soon be able to see the castle from
below; Schloss Lichtenstein lies directly on a cliff located near Honau on the Swabian Albs in Baden-Württemberg—above the source of the river Echaz and it
has been around since approximately 1200 A.D.
castle served as the Duke‘s seat from 1390 to 1567,
and was then later used as a forester‘s lodge. After the
Thirty Years‘ War (1618-1648) this castle slowly fell into
disrepair and in 1802 part of the ruins were demolished (later to be used by Duke Frederick II, later known
as King Frederick I of Württemberg, to build a princely
forest and hunting lodge). In 1826 the German author,
Wilhelm Hauf, published a novel entitled „Lichtenstein“
– it was the romantic era. During the romantic era, the
Middle Ages, castles and knights were glorified and this
novel takes place in 1526. The main character, Duke
Ulrich, was driven from Württemberg and hid in the
castle Lichtenstein and its neighboring caves. Wilhelm
Graf von Württemberg loved the novel so much that
he bought the surrounding land and forester‘s home
in 1837. This was where he wanted to build his summer residence. After the demolition of the original forestry and hunting lodge, Schloss Lichtenstein was built
(1840-1842). The Count added on an outer ward and
a trench to protect the castle and its hidden treasures
from thieves and burglars. Between 1898 and 1901 the
outer buildings of the castle were built, and finally, Burg
Lichtenstein was complete.
Nowadays you can visit the courtyard and outer buildings, as well as the beautiful interior of the castle (two
stories are available for viewing).
A short history lesson...
About 500 meters away from the castle, you can see
the ruins of the „Burg Alt Lichtenstein“ which was built
sometime between 1150 and 1200 A.D. This smaller
castle was originally destroyed in 1311, and after being
rebuilt it was once again damaged between 1377 and
1381 during the Swabian Civil War. It was never rebuilt;
instead, another, new castle was erected in 1390. This
Whether you are in the great hall, the armory or the ball
room—each room is full of beautiful antiques, preserved paintings, decorations and furniture. Outside, you
can see an interesting collection of older weaponry,
such as the cannons that once provided the castle with
additional protection. The entrance fees for the castle
and the castle grounds are €3.50 for children, 7€ for
adults, or with a Military Discount: €6.
The Nebelhöhle or “The Fog-Cave”
Only a few meters from the castle is the visitors’ parking
lot. There is a small beer garden with a children‘s playground.
Next to the beer garden you can find a Waldklettergarten or forest, climbing park: Adventure Park Lichtenstein. Children (over 8) and adults can show off their
climbing skills and bravery. This climbing park is open
until the beginning of November. The park closes if
there are any extreme weather conditions (rainstorms
or heavy winds); when in doubt simply call in advance
(07129-69 43 95).
If you have all day to explore, a trip to the nearby caves
is noteworthy, as both caves are less than 10 minutes
away by car (6 miles).
The first cave is the “Fog-Cave” or Nebelhöhle, and it
has been around for quite some time. It was first mentioned in text in 1486, but it was surely used as shelter,
or as a safe haven, long before then. The Nebelhöhle
was first called a “fog hole” until it was given a larger,
and more comfortable entrance in 1803. It is important
to note that the temperature in the caves is a constant
48°F and 50°F throughout the year. The cave also retains 100% humidity, so bring a warm, water resistant
jacket. The formation of the cave took place over
millions of years; 150 million years ago this area was
covered in water. The shifting plates of the earth took
what is today‘s Southern Germany and lifted it above
the sea. The drying of the former seabed, along with the
naturally formed cracks and crevices, are what formed
the cave you see today. Stalactites began to grow—it
is estimated that the stalactites grow at a painstakingly
slow rate—1 cm every 60 to 80 years.
So you can see just how long this cave has been in
the making. The Nebelhöhle is one of the biggest and
nicest caves that you can visit in Southern Germany.
The cave is 830 meters long, 480 of which you can walk
through. Unfortunately, the cave is not wheelchair friendly, seeing as there are over 141 steps and no elevator is available.
The Bärenhöhle or “The Bear‘s Cave”
day, he decided to go digging with his
group of friends and found a small
cave. Inside they found rings made
of bronze and gold along with various
pieces of bone including over 50 human remains, most likely from the Plague during the Thirty Years War.
The cave is split into two parts: the
originally discovered Karlshöhle and
the 1949 discovered Bärenhöhle, 271
meters of which are accessible. The
Bärenhöhle, much like the Karlshöhle, was filled with various bone fragments—due to the numerous bone
fragments and skulls of cave bears,
this new section was soon called Bärenhöhle, or Bear‘s Cave. Nowadays,
both caves are referred to as the Bärenhöhle. The temperatures in these
caves are also 48°-50°F year round
(so remember your warm clothing),
but unlike the Nebelhöhle a large portion of the Bärenhöhle is wheelchair
Only a few kilometers away from the Nebelhöhle, you
will find the Bärenhöhle. On the 30th of May in 1834, the
local school teacher Fauth lost his tobacco pouch as he
was gathering herbs out in the forest; it fell down a crevice in the ground and into the darkness. The following
written and pictures by Uwe Warnack
pictures p.19 by Schloss Lichtenstein
pictures Nebel- and Bärenhöhle by Touristinformation,
72820 Sonnenbühl
The perfect location for your „Family-Event“
or Promotional/Department Party
with Event Room Capacies up to 150 people.
Parking available
Original BBQ from Smokers
Live Grilling Events
Large Beer Garden
Live Music
Want to be informed?
Sign up for our Newsletter over the Internet Page
Emil-Kiemlen-Weg 51 - 70376 Stuttgart
We‘d like to introduce you to our new Together Card!
We‘ve created this card in hopes of saving you money, so please read below to find out how it works.
The Together Card is a prepaid dining card that is given out by restaurants that work together with our magazine.
This card is only given out to Americans living in Germany on official military or government orders and their affiliates—as it can only be filled up in conjunction with a VAT form! The Together Card has our logo on one side and
the restaurant’s logo on the other.
For example, here you can see the Schwabengarten‘s Together Card:
The Schwabengarten, located in 70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen, is one of the first, of hopefully many, restaurants
to join us! The new “Chilli´s“ Restaurant will start with the Together Card in September.
This card offers you the possibility of eating your meals at the Schwabengarten tax free. Just bring your VAT form
with you and ask for the Together Card at the register. Here you can fill up your card with varying amounts (100
€ / 150 € / 200 € / 250 € / 300 € / etc.). What this means is that all future snacks, meals and drinks at the Schwabengarten will be tax free when purchased with
your Together Card. Even if you‘re just buying
your kids an ice cream, or you are stopping in for
the occasional weekend beer; why not get everything 19% off!
Die SchwabenCard ist Eigentum der Schwabengarten OHG
Schwabengarten OHG . Stuttgarter Straße 80
70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen .
The Schwabengarten has been using the Together Card since the middle of May and more
restaurants are sure to follow. If you‘d like your
favorite restaurant or cafe to take the Together
Card then please send us an email (contact@ with the restaurant’s
name, address and contact information, so we
can get in touch with the owners.
This Mexican-American restaurant is located on the second floor of the Schwabengalerie—offering you delicious food, fine quality beverages, a variety of desserts,
and a relaxing atmosphere, both inside and out. To top
it off, it comes with professional, fast, and friendly service.
Aside from their signature Mexican-American cuisine
(that comes with a refreshing and delightful European
twist) the restaurant also offers a wide variety of other
international and regional menu options. Lets not forget
the dessert and and beverage menu, as they are sure
to impress: to drink you‘ll find carefully selected wines
and spirits, tasty cocktails, international, national and
regional beer selections, a variety of soft drinks, juices,
and even delicious strawberry, vanilla or chocolate milk
shakes. For dessert there‘s an interesting mix of ice
cream creations and ice cream floats, molten chocolate
cakes and more. This Chilli‘s is not to be confused with
the American Chili‘s franchise that can sometimes be
found on American military facilities overseas. Although
their names are similar, you‘ll see that there is a quite a
difference in quality—with Chilli‘s (the one with two L‘s)
coming out on top.
During my last visit I had a fantastic chocolate milk shake, some cherry-banana juice, and the beef fajitas. My
associate had the “country burger” and although I didn‘t
have a chance to taste his meal he assured me it was
quite tasty (and it looked pretty good too).
The food was quickly and professionally prepared and
presented. You could tell that everyone who worked at
the restaurant really took pride in the food—from the
chef, to the business manager, to the wait staff. Chilli‘s
is the perfect place to go and relax after a hard days
work, to kick back on the weekends, or to host your next
business or birthday lunch or dinner. The outdoor patio
is located next to a wonderful, and soothing ground water fountain—a great place for the kids to play on these
last warm summer days. Chilli‘s is open from Sun-Thu
from 11: 00-24: 00 and on Fri / Sat from 11: 00-01: 00.
With the kitchen closing at 23: 00 and 24: 00 respectively.
Exciting News: Starting in mid September Chilli‘s will be
accepting the Together Card! The pre-paid meal card
that will save you 19% of any of your food or beverage
purchases at Chilli‘s! Simply bring your VAT form, fill up
the card with your desired amount, and enjoy your meal
written by Pia Barney
19% off.
.00 - 24.0
SO - DO 11
FROM 11.0
- 14.30
MO-FR 11.3
Schwabenplatz 3
70563 Stuttgart-Vaihingen
0711/99 7777 50
Alright people, the time has come... talk about Pokémon! That‘s right,
Pokémon GO
In case you‘ve been living under a rock for the last couple of months, or you somehow managed to skip the
90‘s and early 2000‘s, Pokémon Go is a new, popular
mobile application (or, as Google puts it, a free-to-play
location-based, augmented reality game developed
by Niantic for iOS and Android devices) that allows
you to wander through nature capturing Pokémon and
hatching Poké eggs. No idea what a Pokémon is? Well,
allow me (a child of the 90‘s) to explain. (No seriously, where have you been this entire time? Saturn? The
Moon? No worries, we‘ll get you caught up).
song to
the show
was sure
to be heard in living rooms across the nation by the early 2000‘s.
The show thrived, and it continues to do so; there have
been numerous seasons, movies, and spin-offs, each
with their own unique touch, but with Ash and Pikachu
(Ash‘s first Pokémon and by far one of the most popular
Pokémon in existence) at their center.
“Pokémon was launched in Japan in 1996 and today
is one of the most popular children‘s (pff, children‘s)
entertainment properties in the world.” Its creator Satoshi Tajiri (an extremely talented man who also happens to be autistic) was inspired by his childhood love
of catching insects and tadpoles around his suburban
home in Tokyo. He decided to create a game where
others could also have fun “catching” various creatures out in the wild, and so Pokémon Red and Green*
were born. These games were created for the Nintendo
Game Boy system in Japan and released on February
27, 1996, making Tajiri‘s dream come true. These games allowed people of all ages (see: all ages, not just
for kids) to catch, train and trade the 151 creatures that
he and his amazing team of nerds had created!
More games were released,
each with their own unique generation of Pokémon. Soon
people everywhere dreamed
about the day that they, too,
could become Pokémon Masters…. and low and behold, that
day is here.
Pokémon were born.
Later that year, a Pokémon trading card game became available, and soon to follow were mangas, comics,
and an anime series. The show was named after the
adorable creatures themselves.
The games
and the show
were so popular in Japan that they
released in
Europe and
North America (1998). The show’s main character was named after
Satoshi himself, which was later changed to “Ash Ketchum” for the English versions. Ash and his band of friends (both human and Pokémon alike) travel their way
through the lands looking for gym leaders to battle and
Pokémon to capture and train. Ash‘s dream is to become “the very best, like no one ever was” and the catchy
Pokémon Go is the application
allowing us all to fulfill our childhood dream of becoming a Pokémon master. Here‘s
how it works:
After downloading the
application onto your
phone, you can create your avatar; the
options for avatars are
currently limited, but
you can slightly customize your outfit, hair
and eye color.
Then, you choose your
first Pokémon! The
choices in the game
are much the same
as they were for Ash
in the first episode of
the show: Bulbasaur,
Charmander, Squirtle,
and the unexpected
Pikachu (though there‘s a trick to getting
the last one: don‘t
choose any of the first three repeatedly).
Then, you‘re off! Out into the world you must wander
(yes, literally) in order to find rare and exciting Pokémon
for your collection (or, you know, five thousand common
Pokémon, that works too).
The game is currently limited to the original 151 Pokémon, but there has been some talk of expanding it to
include later generations.
Pokéstops are placed
at various monuments
and historical landmarks
around the world, so
you‘re bound to find at
least a few in your local
area. All you have to do is
walk up to the Pokéstop
and spin the Pokésign.
Who knows, you might
actually learn something
about the real world while you‘re at it. Pokéstops
don‘t only give you more
Pokéballs though, they‘re
also the only place where
you can get revives and
healing sprays (to heal up
your Pokémon after battle) and Poké eggs. That‘s right,
you can‘t just catch Pokémon, you can hatch them too!
I know, I know, now you‘re asking me: but how do we
catch Pokémon? With Pokéballs of course!
Pokémon eggs
will hatch once
a certain distance, in real life,
while playing the
game. There are
2 KM, 5 KM and
10 KM eggs and
the further you
walk, the rarer
you‘ll hatch.
What are Pokéballs? Well...this is a Pokéball:
It‘s where your
Pokémon lives
when it‘s not
around with you
or battling other
(Pokémon battle
to gain experience and level up!)
if you run out of
can get more at
With modern treatment methods and the
latest dental technologies, as well as the
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Rüderner Str. 2 70329 Stuttgart
0711-32 10 10
Once you reach level five in the game, you‘ll be asked to choose a team. The options are: Team Mystic, Team
Valor or Team Instinct. Who doesn’t love a little bit of friendly competition? Don‘t know which team to pick? Let me
introduce you to some of the players:
Team Mystic (Blue)
Team Valor (Red)
Team Instinct (Yellow)
Team Leader: Blanche
Team Leader: Candela
Team Leader: Spark
Motto: „The wisdom of Pokémon
is immeasurably deep. I am researching why it is that they
evolve. With our calm analysis of every situation we can‘t
Motto: „Pokémon are stronger than humans, and they‘re
warmhearted too! I‘m researching ways to enhance Pokémon‘s natural power in the
pursuit of true strength. There‘s no doubt that the Pokémon our team have trained are
the strongest in battle!“
Motto: “Pokémon are creatures
with excellent intuition. I bet
the secret to their intuition is
related to how they‘re hatched.
You never lose when you trust
your instincts!“
Player: Melissa
Player: Becka
Player: Lystian
“I‘m team Mystic, and I chose it
because when I hit level 5 all the
gyms around me were blue, so I decided that they were tough kids and
that I‘d roll with them--plus, leader
Blanche is pretty cool.”
“My earliest Pokémon memory is
actually not the game or the show-though I was obsessed with both-but begging my dad to buy me packs
of the ‚Team Rocket‘ card packs
because the Pokémon art was so
gorgeous. I had a red binder with Pikachu on the cover where I kept all
the cards and used to drag it out to
play with my friends at recess. I was
also super into the Pokémon Snap
game for the N64, which Pokémon
Go really takes me back to with the
app‘s ability to snap Pokémon photos. The first Pokémon game I played was Pokémon Yellow, because
I was so excited that Pikachu followed you around and you could talk
to him. But my best Pokémon in the
“I chose Team Valor to play with my
friends and the team lines up more
with my thoughts on Pokémon.”
“First memory: reading the comic in
a Nintendo power on a school field
trip before Red and Blue were released in the states. I have played
since the very first day. (In regards
to Pokémon GO, the) App: I love it
in general and being able to catch
almost any Pokémon is awesome.
My favorite Pokémon of the first 151
is Pidgey and all of its evolutions.
I‘ve definitely caught it! My highest
Pokémon is an 1800ish Lapras I
hatched from an egg.”
“I chose Team Instinct initially
because I just liked Yellow the most,
now I‘m kind of digging the childish stereotype that has gone with
because I feel like I am still a child
inside so most of it is really entertaining for me.”
“My earliest Pokémon memory is
watching the show whenever it
came on. I also remember my gamer cousin playing it on his game
boy color. I was an aspiring vet at
that age so seeing a twist on animals was amazing to me. My favorite part about the app are the pokestops. I love seeing what they are
and finding quirky parts of a village
or city that may have been missed
game was a level 93 Pidgiot named
Gust. I loved him like a son. When
I restarted my game I traded him to
a friend for safe keeping, and she
restarted her game and deleted him.
I lost a child that day. My favourite
thing about Pokémon Go is the level
of challenge it provides. It‘s not easy
to catch them all, and I love that. I‘ve
spent whole days adventuring and
I‘ve still only caught a measly 62. I
would only consider myself an intermediate player, but after so many
weeks I‘m still motivated to drain my
battery getting out there and trying
to catch or evolve something new.
My favourite experience would probably be the first time I held a gym.
I took it and managed to hold it for 9
days. I was so very proud of myself,
my Hypno, and my 90 defender bonus coins.”
“Hello everyone, I thought I‘d introduce myself too, I‘m Team Valor. I
chose team Valor because I think
Pokémon are strong, and kind hearted too, just like Candela.”
“My earliest memory is of me
watching Pokémon, the show, at
my friend’s house when I was in
elementary school, possibly even
Kindergarten. I had no idea what
Pokémon was and my friend, who
had a Gameboy, told me all about it.
I‘d play on her Gameboy whenever
I could and we‘d watch Pokémon
together in her living room. She‘s
always been an amazing artist and
she taught me how to draw anime
characters and Pikachu!”
“My favourite Pokémon is
Growlithe, and I still haven‘t caught
him. I saw his shadow once, but I
couldn‘t track him down. When I
do there will definitely be a happy
dance, onlookers or no! My favourite and highest CP Pokémon is
my Flareon. Her name is Lady, and
she‘s sitting at 1021CP.”
“My favorite experience is going to
my friends village one night and literally spending the whole night
walking around his village. My other
favorite is going to the park in that
same village. There is a gorgeous
duck pond with pokestops on each
end so we can just make laps, watch
the fish and ducks, while hatching
eggs and catching Pokémon.”
“I haven‘t had a lot of time to play
the game yet but I think it‘s pretty
amazing! I also started re-watching
the original show, which is available
on Netflix.
My favorite catch so far is my Seel.
He‘s not very strong, but he sure is “My favorites are oddish and rapidash. I have caught an oddish;
they‘re so cute! However a ponyta
or rapidash have eluded me. My
highest powered Pokémon is a
Lapras I hatched from a 10km egg.”
Well, that about sums it up. Believe it or not, there are quite a few things I didn‘t explain about the game (like what a
lucky egg is (helps you gain XP) or what incense or lures are (they bring Pokémon to your location or to Pokéstops)
what holding a gym means (having strong Pokémon and getting coins), how coins work, how to fight gym battles,
or that Pokémon need candy to level up and evolve—yes, Pokémon evolve) but you‘ll just have to find out the
rest for yourself! This is an amazing game, giving people a wonderful excuse to get outside and get some fresh
air. It can allow us to gap generational bridges (go have fun, play with your kids or your grandkids), build stronger
communities and make new friends.
Lastly, as the game states in its opening screen, be careful of your surroundings when playing, don‘t trespass,
don‘t walk out into oncoming traffic, and don‘t disrespect people. I don‘t care how high of a CP that Pikachu has,
look both ways when crossing the street, don‘t play and drive(!), or walk into glass doors—you catch my drift. Be
safe, and don‘t ruin the game for others just because you forgot to use your common sense. If we work together,
we can all be the very best, like no one ever was...
To find out more about Pokémon in general, visit the following websites:
To learn about, or download the app, head to:
Do you play Pokémon GO? What is your favorite Pokémon? Send us screen shots at:
to be featured online or in our next article!
I wish you all happy hunting!
Lielsl out!
#Team Valor #Team Lugia Alliance
*When the games were released in the U.S. Pokemon Green was changed to Pokemon Blue
pictures©2016 Pokémon/Nintendo
About the Author:
Pia Barney is a duel citizen (German and American) who lives in Kaiserlautern, Germany with her husband, a
cat, and two dogs. She‘s in her final year as a student of Anthropology at Oregon State University and enjoys
studying, traveling, reading, writing, hiking, swimming, dyeing her hair, tattoos, painting, movies, video games
and coloring.
The Schwabengarten in Leinfelden-Echterdingen
The Schwabengarten in Leinfelden-Echterdingen is
the biggest beer garden in the Stuttgart area. With its
open-air atmosphere, fast and friendly service, food
that is made-to-order, always fresh, fast and friendly—
and with plenty of drinks, deserts and German goodies
made available to you…what more could you want?
Maybe, a dog friendly beer garden? That has various
doggy water stations throughout the beer garden?
Lots of secure space to park your car or your bike?
Maybe an indoor seating area as well if the weather
isn‘t as nice? Check: The “Alm” has over 200 indoor seating spaces and an adorably eclectic Bavarian charm.
Maybe, you‘d like to save 19% off your next meal?
The Schwabengarten was one of the first locations to
accept the Together card, a pre-paid meal card that
works with the VAT form saving you 19 percent off of
every snack, drink, or meal that you have at the Schwabengarten.
Also, no need to clear the table after you‘re done—
they‘ll gladly do that for you.
Okay, I get what you’re saying, maybe you don‘t feel like
sitting down and having a meal, maybe you‘re really just
in the mood for some great take-out? No problem, the
Schwabengarten now offers you food to go in eco-friendly, take-away boxes so you can enjoy your meal at
Throughout the year the Schwabengarten will also host
various live bands and public events—their number one
goal: to make sure that you have a great time, and a
great meal, no matter the day or occasion. So go and
enjoy a delicious beer, have some schnitzel or a “Ries‘n
Hax‘n”, a pretzel, some ice cream, French fries, cake—
whatever you want, there is no shortage of goodies for
you to choose from.
To top things off: everything is freshly prepared with
produce received from regional farmers and factories
that you can trust. Schwabengarten is the family and
pet friendly beer garden in the Stuttgart region, and it‘s
definitely worth the short drive.
We stopped by last summer, gave the pups some fresh
water (and a little, tiny bit of my orange popsicle), and
had a lovely meal in the sun before heading back home.
It was such a fun, relaxing atmosphere; if we‘d had the
time, we would have stayed longer—and I‘m already
looking forward to our next trip.
You can also host your event at the Schwabengarten!
There‘s plenty of space to have a great party.
written by Pia Barney
Enjoy a home-brewed Calwer-Eck-Bräu
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Stuttgart‘s first and smallest local brewery!
Stuttgart‘s first local brewery
SINCE 1987
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SINCE 1987
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Brauhaus Calwer-Eck
Calwer Straße 31 ∙ 70173 Stuttgart
Tel. +49 (0)711 22249440
Fax +49 (0)711 50484422
Mo. – Thu. 11:00 am – 24:00 am
Fr. + Sa.
11:00 am – 01:00 am
10:00 am – 23:00 pm
17:00 pm – 24:00 am
On the evening before holidays
open until 01:00 am.
Scan QR Code
to go directly
to our homepage!
NEWS round about the
Calwer-Eck also on