Canmaker 210x280mm
Canmaker 210x280mm
SOU_Ins_Natural_Principles_7_2013_Nutshell_rz_Canmaker Innenseite 19.08.13 10:36 Seite 1 N AT U R A L P R I N C I P L E S P R E S E R V A T I O N Shells provide a protective shield 3-piece metal cans increase shelf life against heat, light, air and damp, and indefinitely without the need keep nuts fresher for longer. for cooling or preservatives. Shelf life in a nutshell Mother Nature is pretty smart when it comes to food preservation. A perfect example are nutshells, which effectively protect their contents against the factors that cause them to rapidly deteriorate. Metal cans come as close as we get to emulating Nature and, like nutshells, provide an efficient defense against heat, light and bacteria while doing away with the need for refrigeration. Cans don’t have Nature’s history of evolution, but in the two centuries since they were invented they’ve undergone countless mutations and go on proving their worth. T E C H NOLOGY THAT KEEPS YOU AHEAD. Soudronic AG Industriestrasse 35 8962 Bergdietikon Phone + 41 44 743 66 66 Switzerland SOU_Ins_Natural_Principles_8_2013_Butterfly_rz_Canmaker Innenseite 09.08.13 12:11 Seite 1 N AT U R A L P R I N C I P L E S B I O D I V E R S I T Y The Helena Blue Morpho (Morpho helena) butterfly is just one of over 20 000 described species worldwide. There’s more to biodiversity than meets the eye. Soudronic machines produce cans and ends in a vast range of shapes, sizes and applications. Butterflies are an example of Nature’s infinite variety. Without it, life on Earth would be massively different. Diversity in plants means a greater choice of crops, ensures natural sustainability in animal species, and creates healthy ecosystems that are better at withstanding hardship. Cans, too, come in a myriad shapes and sizes. Manufacturers can use them to customize packaging and set their products apart, guarantee their companies’ financial health and boost their ability to weather market volatility. All in all, we’ve learned a lot from Nature. T E C H NOLOGY THAT KEEPS YOU AHEAD. Soudronic AG Industriestrasse 35 8962 Bergdietikon Phone + 41 44 743 66 66 Switzerland SOU_Ins_Natural_Principles_5_2013_rz_Canmaker 210x280mm 04.06.13 15:05 Seite 1 N AT U R A L P R I N C I P L E S A T T R A C T I O N Cymbidium hookerianum Double-action, is a beautiful and unusually spread-expanded fragrant orchid first described three-piece in 1851 aerosol can Even if beauty’s only skin-deep, it often makes all the difference. In the tough struggle for survival, beauty is often the factor that makes one species stand out from the rest. Insect-pollinated flowers, for instance, need to attract the right creatures to help them pass on their genes. In today’s equally competitive retail environment, manufacturers of canned goods are faced with a similar challenge. As a way of setting their products apart on shelves and boosting profits, they’ve discovered that more attractive metal packaging can make all the difference. Apologies to Darwin, but it’s what you might call the survival of the best-looking. T E C H NOLOGY THAT KEEPS YOU AHEAD. Soudronic AG Industriestrasse 35 8962 Bergdietikon Phone + 41 44 743 66 66 Switzerland SOU_Natural_Principles_Ins_N°4_Canmaker & Cantech International_Canmaker 210x280mm 25.03.13 16:47 Seite 1 N AT U R A L P R I N C I P L E S S P E E D Over thousands of years, the cheetah has evolved into the world’s fastest land animal With an output of up to 1200 cpm, Soudronic’s high-speed production lines are the fastest of their kind When it comes to speed and staying power, we’re hard to beat. Thanks to a perfect combination of physical attributes, a cheetah can reach speeds of 120 kph over 500 meters. A big heart, nostrils and lungs process lots of oxygen while the small head, long body and rudder-like tail keep it firmly on course. Every component in Soudronic production lines – slitters, transfer, welding and curing systems and body formers – are likewise optimized for maximum speed. But, unlike the cheetah, our canmaking machines keep on going hour after hour and never run out of steam. T E C H NOLOGY THAT KEEPS YOU AHEAD. Soudronic AG Industriestrasse 35 8962 Bergdietikon Phone + 41 44 743 66 66 Switzerland SOU_Ins_Natural_Principles_6_2013_10_rz_Canmaker 210x280mm 07.05.13 12:16 Seite 1 N AT U R A L P R I N C I P L E S P R E C I S I O N Cutting tinplate: the first step in a process that is about precision from beginning to end. The formation and precision of rock crystal is one of Nature’s great mysteries. Absolute precision: something else we share with Nature. Not even scientists know for certain how the rock crystal in a geode is formed, but one thing is sure: even in their uncut state, they are suitable for use in jewelry and a perfect example of precision in Nature. Absolute precision is also integral to Soudronic’s production lines. It speeds up the process from slitting through to welding, curing and forming, reduces reject rates and boosts product quality. This ultimately cuts costs and makes producers more competitive in a tough market. T E C H NOLOGY THAT KEEPS YOU AHEAD. Soudronic AG Industriestrasse 35 8962 Bergdietikon Phone + 41 44 743 66 66 Switzerland N AT U R A L P R I N C I P L E S A D H E S I O N A gecko’s foot has Soudronic peel-off adhesive pads that cling technologies for the to smooth surfaces and ultimate in consumer- release instantaneously. friendly end removal. Perfect adhesion, easy removal: it isn’t exclusive to Nature. A gecko’s feet can create the adhesion necessary to walk up a smooth, vertical surface and then disengage immediately as and when required. Thanks to our UNISEAL award-winning technologies, we’ve managed to build similar qualities into peel-off ends for two- and threepiece cans. Consisting of a curled steel or aluminum ring combined with an aluminum or composite membrane, peel-off lids guarantee a fail-safe, air-tight seal but make the cans used for dry and retort products simpler to open than ever before. And as Mother Nature would confirm, that’s easier said than done. T E CH N O L OG Y TH AT K E E PS YOU AHEAD. Soudronic AG Industriestrasse 35 8962 Bergdietikon Phone + 41 44 743 66 66 Switzerland N AT U R A L P R I N C I P L E S L I G H T N E S S A N D S T R E N G T H Wing of a dragonfly Sheet of 0.10 mm tinplate When it comes to lightness and strength, we get pretty close. Combining featherweight lightness with the strength to hover and change direction in a split second, the dragonfly’s wings are one of Nature’s triumphs of design. It’s the same combination that’s increasingly in demand from producers looking to cut material and energy costs by reducing the weight of the cans they use as packaging. Our state-of-the-art welding systems have made it possible to slash tinplate thickness to an ultra-thin 0.10 mm. And even compared with the miracles of Nature, that’s a pretty impressive achievement. T E CH N O L OG Y TH AT K E E PS YOU AHEAD. Soudronic AG Industriestrasse 35 8962 Bergdietikon Phone + 41 44 743 66 66 Switzerland N AT U R A L P R I N C I P L E S S T A B I L I T Y A N D F O R M Male Fruit Beetle, Beaded three-piece can Protaetia aeruginosa made of 0 .10 mm tinplate Nature’s combined lightness and toughness. And so have we. In the Fruit Beetle’s hard shell, Nature created a protective packaging that’s light and shaped for maximum rigidity: the perfect combination for cans. It’s the reason our range of body formers includes a beading station. The beads it puts on the side of the can increase lateral strength, enabling canmakers to benefit from the economic and ecological advantages of thinner tinplate and production speeds of up to 1200 cpm without sacrificing quality or rigidity. Considering our technology didn’t take millions of years to evolve, we are justly proud of the results. T E CH N O L OG Y TH AT K E E PS YOU AHEAD. Soudronic AG Industriestrasse 35 8962 Bergdietikon Phone + 41 44 743 66 66 Switzerland Taking a load off Nature’s shoulders Downgauging has made drastic reductions in the thickness and weight of cans a reality. It is enabling canmakers to cut their raw material needs and energy costs, saving precious resources and helping to reduce the world’s carbon footprint. And combined with the infiniteloop, high-level recycling possible with cans, it has made metal packaging one of the most environment-friendly forms of packaging available today. T E CH N O L OG Y TH AT K E E PS YOU AHEAD. Soudronic AG Industriestrasse 35 8962 Bergdietikon Phone + 41 44 743 66 66 Switzerland Taking a good, long look at metal packaging Cans may not be the first form of packaging to spring to mind when you think ‘environment-friendly’. But that’s to overlook their benefits: thanks to downgauging, we’re able to produce walls as thin as 0.10 mm, which means fewer raw materials and reduced energy consumption at every stage of the manufacturing chain. Add to that the fact that tinplate recycles indefinitely without any loss of its properties and that reclaim rates continue to climb, and it’s clear why metal packaging has advantages even Nature may find hard to ignore. T E CH N O L OG Y TH AT K E E PS YOU AHEAD. Soudronic AG Industriestrasse 35 8962 Bergdietikon Phone + 41 44 743 66 66 Switzerland More alike than you’d think When it comes to protecting contents, some forms of packaging are more eco-friendly than others. Can-quality steel, for instance, is infinitely recyclable without losing any of its essential properties. Recent figures show that in the EU alone, 59% of steel cans end up back in the smelter and the figure is increasing. Recycled cans save 75% of the energy used to make new ones. Add to that the energy saved through downgauging and you begin to understand why tin cans have more in common with natural phenomena than you might expect. T E CH N O L OG Y TH AT K E E PS YOU AHEAD. Soudronic AG Industriestrasse 35 8962 Bergdietikon Phone + 41 44 743 66 66 Switzerland In balance with nature Thanks to infinite-loop, high-level recycling, cans are already one of today’s most eco-friendly forms of packaging. But by downgauging, canmakers can further cut their use of raw materials, save natural resources and help reduce the world’s carbon emissions footprint. Making their products even more attractive to responsible consumers who wish to make the right environmental choices. T E CH N O L OG Y TH AT K E E PS YOU AHEAD. Soudronic AG Industriestrasse 35 8962 Bergdietikon Phone + 41 44 743 66 66 Switzerland A sight that means we’re getting it right The kingfisher is coming back: a sure sign that in some parts of the world at least the ecological balance is improving. One reason is the contribution made by the metal packaging industry. Downgauging has radically reduced can weight and the raw material requirement. Infinite-loop recycling means lower use of resources and even lower energy consumption. Together, these factors reduce our carbon footprint and make cans a genuinely eco-friendly form of packaging. So no one can say to us: «Go tell it to the birds». T E CH N O L OG Y TH AT K E E PS YOU AHEAD. Soudronic AG Industriestrasse 35 8962 Bergdietikon Phone + 41 44 743 66 66 Switzerland In a weight class of their own Downgauged cans weigh less, use fewer raw materials and natural resources, and significantly reduce our carbon footprint. Result: one of the most eco-friendly forms of packaging available. Combine this with infinite-loop, high-level recycling and recycled product integrity, and it’s no overstatement to say that when it comes to relieving the burden on the environment, lightweight cans are in a class of their own. T E CH N O L OG Y TH AT K E E PS YOU AHEAD. Soudronic AG Industriestrasse 35 8962 Bergdietikon Phone + 41 44 743 66 66 Switzerland Reflections on metal packaging Tinplate cans strike a balance with Nature. Downgauging facilitates the production of walls as thin as 0.10 mm, generating enormous savings on raw materials. Lighter cans consume less energy at every stage of the production and transport processes. Together with infinite-loop recycling, made possible thanks to steel’s unique properties, this helps to create a kinder environment and significantly lightens the load on threatened species. Which, in turn, is reflected in a smaller carbon footprint for us all. T E CH N O L OG Y TH AT K E E PS YOU AHEAD. Soudronic AG Industriestrasse 35 8962 Bergdietikon Phone + 41 44 743 66 66 Switzerland Small footprint – big step forward And it’s time to tell the world. Thanks to downgauging, metal containers are now one of the most economical, eco-friendly forms of packaging available. Sheet metal stock as thin as 0.10 mm means less raw material, lighter can weights and lower energy consumption, all of which is reflected in manufacturing cost and eases the burden on the environment. Combined with infinite-loop steel recycling, it has also brought about a substantial reduction in our carbon footprint. And that has to be another giant leap for mankind. T E CH N O L OG Y TH AT K E E PS YOU AHEAD. Soudronic AG Industriestrasse 35 8962 Bergdietikon Phone + 41 44 743 66 66 Switzerland Managing to keep lots of things in the air Manufacturers today are obliged to comply with a vast range of expectations, including lower use of raw materials, reduced energy consumption and sustainability. Combine the increased output per unit of steel and lower energy use made possibly by downgauging with infinite-loop, high-level recycling and recycled product integrity and it begins to come clear how state-of-the art canmaking helps you juggle more expectations than you thought possible. T E CH N O L OG Y TH AT K E E PS YOU AHEAD. Soudronic AG Industriestrasse 35 8962 Bergdietikon Phone + 41 44 743 66 66 Switzerland Lean and clean Thanks to downgauging, cans are now thinner and lighter than ever before, which reduces both materials use and energy consumption. Combine this with the ecological advantages of high-level, infinite-loop recycling, and tinplate cans emerge as not only one of the most efficient forms of packaging available but also one of the cleanest. And prove they can be lean without being mean. T E CH N O L OG Y TH AT K E E PS YOU AHEAD. Soudronic AG Industriestrasse 35 8962 Bergdietikon Phone + 41 44 743 66 66 Switzerland And there really is a silver lining Good news for the environment. Thanks to infinite-loop material use and high-level recycling, cans are among the most eco-friendly packaging forms available today. Combine this with the weight reductions and energy-saving made possible by downgauging, and it’s safe to say that modern cans significantly reduce our carbon footprint. Without being accused of having your head in the clouds. T E CH N O L OG Y TH AT K E E PS YOU AHEAD. Soudronic AG Industriestrasse 35 8962 Bergdietikon Phone + 41 44 743 66 66 Switzerland Learning lessons from nature When it comes to fineness and tensile strength, there’s little to beat spider silk. For all that, steel cans come pretty close. Thanks to advances in downgauging, we’ve reduced the thickness of can-quality steel plate to 0.10 mm whilst retaining its strength, meaning canmakers can further reduce their use of raw materials and energy while helping to reduce the world’s carbon emission footprint. Combine that with the cost-savings possible and it’s a lesson no one can afford to ignore. T E CH N O L OG Y TH AT K E E PS YOU AHEAD. Soudronic AG Industriestrasse 35 8962 Bergdietikon Phone + 41 44 743 66 66 Switzerland