daddy tenis yankee
daddy tenis yankee
.. _ ___ VOL XI. ( PHILLIPS AADEMY, ANDOVER, MASS., MAR0H 13, 1889, [ C'UT THIS OUT.] . OUR ) MADE CLOTHING LONDON would cost to order $20.00, -| I 0 Cd = Q BOWDOIN SQAE, - BOSTON. . i *, "SPECIAL" . London Made Clothing,-,4 est, Mt 3I m § c Moderate Prices. O - L _t Q 432 Washington St., Boston. 'XW I S., OL & PR OV IDENCE Is the only Express Company in Andover which way bills direct to New York City at one charge. Also North South, East, and West. We have just added another thesP c T. 1 . Jewelry, O.l e eeaewely, . Only Line running every day In the week, Sundays included. Only Line having Brooklyn and Jersey City connection by "Annex "boat. Brica Brac. SpecialExpress leaves Boston from Old Colony Stationat 6 P.M. connecting at Fall River In 80 minutes, with Agents for the celebrated Gorham Plated one of the above-named steamers. are. Tickets, state-rooms, and berths secured at office of the Line, 3 OLI) STATE HOUSE, and at Old Colony Station. ENGRAVERS AND STATIONERS, J. R. KENDItICK, Gen. Manager. OLD R.EO.DIC, Gen. Manager. .Callin, EL.CO .A.,cr. STATE HOUSE .- 11E-0T S -S-S-.UD ----- ShreYe, Crmp & Low Co., American Express Company and the well-known Steamers 3 IASPTE l - dF W ,» * }R:1: - L . .PALMER, ork, _ Diamonds, Xew Iron Steamer J. -- . NewSouth, York, & BR k L t 0-o- s rs- J - 4 WASHINGTON ST., BOSTON,245 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, 1888 CHESTNUT ST., PHILA. ? ' ) () FOR r 0= Z \1 Olnly Importer in thle I. S. of Fall River Line, Opposite Revere House. e WB. .. Si.S+ 0,1 ) Trousers MERCH ANT TAILORS M ^, are made from Choicest English Trouser ings and sold at Moderate Prices ranging from $3.50 to $7.60. ~~ M F W THOMPSON'S & Cl Co O e sell their "$20.00. Cut d 7 $25.00 Suit for $15.00, $30.00 " " $1 8.00, Patent - P $12.00, $3500 " Ca bD is the only kind that for quality, style and workmanship is equal to "First Class" merchant tailoring. The advantages are great Suits that equal for B . "SPECIAL" NO. 45 Agent. - cards executed quickly. Mono- grams, Crests and Addresses-stamped and illuminated. BOSTON. team to the service, so we are in better condition to take orders. We have placed an Order Box at Maj. Marlaud'a and Call Cards at the several boarding houses. Call Cards can be obtained from the driver at any time. We also have the American Express Co's. Money Order for sale, which can be cashed at the Banks. All orders left with us for the Andover Job Wagon will re c pt tt en t e olicit a shre of the trade. tra ffia UUfe m Hous Agt, F. C Wilbur, lm Hse J. MBRA-DLEY, TALO :A D '2 2?TZSSa:E:EZ Constantly in Receipt of the Latest London Novelties, which are made up in Latest 8tyle at Moderate Prices. :-. ' Scripture-Laundry:. . -:-iRea; t; _::n: .Agentfor 2-i # ..-. .- I IN-E Tailor. BBR J. Harvard Co-Operative Tailor to Harvard, Yale, Exeter and Andover. Mr. Brine has just returned from Europe and will have on exhibition at J. D. Clarke's room, E. C. 1-1 the largest line of Spring Suitings, Spring Overcoatings, Spring Pants, at Co-Operative Prices. English Tennis Coats, Tenis Pants, Tennis Caps, Tennis Belts,[ Etc. J- D C3;, E -- 1-1- C COLLINS & FAIRBANKS, Styles Correct, ..Quality Unequalled. CelebhratelHats. 381 Sole Agents for Henry Heath's and White's English Hats. AwASHINoGTON STREET, BOSTON. The Finest Pictures STUDIO - 3 PARK, and 184 BOYLSTON STS. BOSTO BOSTON., ARE MADE BY *THE NOTMAN-* CBI IaT FOR PHOTO. CO. COLLEGES SPECIALTES SPECIAL NOTICE To Students. I ANMALLy FLANNEL TENNIS SUITS until you have inspected our goods and maDE AD WELL SCHOOLS. WEBSTER'S CELEBRATED CLOTHING for YOUNG MEN Do ]lot order your SUMMER FROM OUR LARGE STOCK .iDi~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o o~Custom not order your OF Tlm l English Grain Creedmoor, Rlcll care given work of all k nds. GARMENTS FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, compared prices. Guaranteed ANO GENUINE ENG- Selections can be made of Suits LISH FLANNEL, Best and Lowest and Overcoats that are tasty ! and Prices in Boston. c samples. ~. A. SEHUl rANl MANUFACTURING . C o. RETAILERS, STREET, 440TO WASHINGTON JAMES W. BRINE, -, ' COa~R 0 F-,db STww STRs,', TO CORNER OF SUMMEx STREET, -. 10-11 -I| Utr sfl~ bbip r -tFi Double soleandtap..hand-nalled,*best Grfrom Grain stock, bellow tongue, perfectly wat eproot · easy fast, as Co. SBVM 1 -- dressy in appearance, stylish in fit, and of durable qualities, at a savi prices. custom shiorycttwith -- t t .wil r itn custom erle 1 -T-_Ernest~~~~~~~~~~ n an extremely and very durable. EXCELLENT for FALL and WINTE WEAB. , No need of rubbers with them. They.are lupervious to snow water and are'warm. - Astylesle '-Ie .o. anddouble^ole cal leatheoesandslpper ni good .Paten Ws-B-O . lull 'veniiinDrds Shlrti, 'Collas and.Cavats eon- tanly on hand for Dinner Parties, Weddings or nany occaion.. oyeB. ._ . 1he preieni t fashion In France 'arid England f Dres s ----- Shirts,- with- Llnen Cords, Embroidered Figures and »potBosntmay boeld !y and elegantly made. ofNoyes ' Bros.,mostthoroueht .9 . _ _ 3 0 tching. ForMenWonen, Baby, 2.75 .to Noyes BMaB'. .EngUIsh Childrenandthe S, with Hood and Girdle complete at Mackintosh Coats for ladies and gentlemen at Noyes Bros. i S - C.211d Blankets Wraps for the Nursery, for the Sick Room, agefora - --- 'wi.n 'W'a shinto _oylston an & tashingt-n Sts. Cors. Westt L Washington and Boylston SWaSlingtOn Sts. Morning nd. enlng Weddin Outfit In Shirts, Col-. lars, Cravats and Gloves a speclalty at Noyes Bros. We have a special Department for Ilepalring S'irts, - osiery, Underwear. Gloves or any article belonging to enrleinen can be latnundered and Repaired at t h'"sFULL ' __________ , T M 3 0 MT FNoye A. L S I DRESS. Entirely new styles in SHIRTS, BOWS, STUDS, and BTT N BUTTONS. and English Traveling Rugs for railway and steanmer use, I3.75 to #50.00 at Noyes nros. nglshDressinyGown Study oat onse Coats and long Wraps, 5.00 to $45.00 in stock or to measure, at Noyes Br Allen Solly & Co.'s London high-class Hosiery and Underwear in pure lamb's wool. merino. bairiggan and silk, in whrtdite, teamous brown and the natural gray. All welghts and sizes, 28 to 50 Inches at popular prices at Noycs;ro. Flannel Night Gowns, Extra long and hand finished. ' SPECIALTY: c AC K i rt Sh Scisors - -- .. - -. wood handles. ladles' and men's, 2.75 to 35.00, very 'rareand choice designs at Noyeslros. Cartwright. ren'd landesigns at Nyesse French'Flannels,-Madras, English Cheviots and Ox- by consulting Mr. in. fitting. . fi ,Perfect English Silk Umbrellas In gold, silver andl natural .. . A corn- are middle and heavy-weight wrestling eand light-weight boxing. Tile prelimigoods Fomfor th Traveling ordand stock or make iShrng. to special order, Shirts,arfor petent teacer in stenography can Railroad Cars, for Steamer Wear, for Hunting or Yachtprocured at a very reasonable price, and naries will be held this afternoon at-3--t, for Office Coats for House Coats, for the Bath or ti Room. for Ladles' Blouse Waists and Blazers. fr Boys' Shirt Waists at Noyes Bros. with a fair amount of good results may be reached by tile end Feather-weighlt Wrestling. of the year. '91; Lake, '92. Enrish Holdalls, steamer Wraps and Rug. NIfOYES BROS a SlhirLV»«. ffiWI «Kflrs Vmm MMimn w0V95 b "*01, Washington and Summer Ste., - Base-Ball at Yale and Harvard. Boston. A Class- in Phonography. .- - - ndustry some o'clock. Stearns, Middle-weight Wrestling. Lyon,'90; Foss, '91; Browi, '91; Bohln e; Mosley, '90. Ligllt-weight Wrestling. Riclards, The outlook, from a base-ball point of '92; Sandford, '91. view, at Yale -is ot-VeriiCb iig-Heay-weigit-WrestngLean,'90 A.; the" bcginling of tie year there Only three of last year's team,-namely, Sandford, '91; Cochrane, '90; -Horton, w ere a fe- menin school who thoglt McBride, first base ; Calhoun, second '92; Brown, '91. twould be a good ting to s atart class base; and Noyes, third base,-are now in Light-weight Sparrilg.. A.B. Turner, i pography; b o ut 0onto ok tile training. These men are strong in every '90; Wlleler, '89; Cassidy, '89; French, matter in hand to push it along, and the department-batting, fielding and base- '89. men Middle-weight Sparring. Bishop, '89: witho ,an tes running. In all there are eighteen io steps without year --. year has has passed passed so sofar far astepstraining w any ithout for the nine, most ofL whom are Alexander, '90. b.eing-t0k t-forma-class. The ques- an unknown -quantity. ---Deprived -- of: Heavy-weiht arring. Bishop, '89 edvy weifhu-.parrig. Bishop,'89 Of`--H--i,..! agitatedbytwoor tion has again been '89. Morgan, ion has again been agitated by two or Stagg and Danu, Yale is left with no w ' Morgan, "89 Dn Y three who desire to study shorthand with S tg a a view makig to practical Fence Vault. Foss '91; Hassenzahl a view to making practical use use of of it; it; ad aud first-class battery to rely upon. In the if a sufficient umber could be found box especially will tile team be weak; '89. willing to join such a class it is notyet and although Stagg is endeavoring to Indian Clubs. Foss, '91; Hinkey, o..wlate to doin somh e work and ainot-3 his -best -ability to-develop the-pitchers, '9L 91. too late to do some good work and gain High jump. C. Coxe,'89; Woodward, a good fundamental knowledge of it. there is altogether too little ground. for '90. The Writer, a literary paper published the hope that he will himself play. Parallel Bars. Cartwright, '89; L. Like Yale, Harvard's greatest soliciinl'Boston, in its last issue strongly recommended college men who epected tude is centred in the pitcher's box. Hassenzahl, '89. recommin after life to take any share n literary Five men are in training for this posiHorizontal Bar. Hassenzahl, '89: Edwork to learn type-writing and steng- tion; but Luce, from whom most was mison, '89; Moore, '89. raphy, and stated tiat a manwo uder- expected, has a lame arm, and in conHitch and Kick. C. Coxe, '89; Townand tel- sequenc a month's rest has been pro- send, '91. stenography type-writing, stood stao ot-ng, teno h ad scribed. In fact, there is considerable Tumbling. R. W. Emerson,' ; Rowegraphy could not fail to command a handsome living as a journalist. The doubt as to his pitching at all this year. ley,'89; Stearns, '81. Two of the othler candidates ]lave become Trapeze. Foss, '91; Cartwright, '89: Witer says: "Te man who ca take an afflicted in tlle same way, thus leaving Moore, '89. from important address in shorthand important address . fro„ in shortand the lips of a speaker, and then sit down at a telegraph key and transmit his report to his paper from his note-book, is far tmore valuable to that paper than would bea-ore valking encyclopaedia without that speilabiit.'enc c l o pAs means for a learning telegraphy, the advice is to form a college telegraphy, asso dvice is to form a cowires _ ... but two men in practice for this most buttwo men in practice for this most All the men have been working steadily for a month, and are just beginning out-door practice. It is expected that the nine will excell in fielding, but will not accomplish much with the bat. Though the prospect is at present du- telegfrom' room tociation, and advantage fromf a knowledge ofroom; and telegraphy is shont bious, yet it is thought that the careful training of Clarkson, combined with tile eBoston Globe, which by referenceteh during the great blizzard last March received news from New York half a day before any of the other Boston papers, ,because its New York reporter knew' how to tap a wire and do his own tele:graphing. Any one who would like to inquire :fther it this matter, with 'a view to drill the team will receive at the outset in its contests with professional clubs -A^.*.^^^ -..- results. re Entries for the Tournament. The following men have entered for the Tournament Saturday. Those events in which the number of entries make it -', '- -- Coell held her Cornell eld her winter meeting March 2. It was a grand success, and two records were broken. Hulett, '92, broke the running-high-jump record, clearing 5 feet 4 3-4 inches. Tarbell. '90,-climbed the rope in 5 seconds, distance 17 1-2 feet. Fellows of Yale, who once held the clampionship of the world, climbed it in 7 seconds. For the attempt by -the Dartmouth Freshmen to abduct the Sophomores' toastmaster, and the retaliatory proceedings of the latter's classmates, nine Sophomores have been suspended for the balance of this term, while fourteen sophomores and seven Freshmen have been put on probation.-Boston Evening -.-.------ - ^ .' . i I Th'e *- I- - lan.p C ItHp'B Entered as second-class Matter at Andover Post Office. Annual Subscription, $2.50. A. E. ADDIS, Managing Editor. ,J. u. ED o. G. IT OR S. A.. !). E. B. llisnoI, F. A. Biim,, Manager. CA31o. IIONusiness STEANS, t. I '89. CAnTWRIGOT, 89. '). HOLMEs, 90. W. B. WOODWARD, 8. . J. A. 3MAEI.S,90. A..D.. LEY, !I * '- U. .l' I ' I-..,. I I I. I The appointments of the class of '89' On Saturday next will be here the annual Winter Tournament. Since this is at Williams were -made known last the only athleticevent of any note which -Wednesday---The following--is-the;list: occurs during the winter term, it is ear- W. B. Allis, Williamstown: A. . Amanestly desired, by all who have any re- don, North Adams; Boon Itt, Bangkok, gard for the reputation of Phillips An- Siam; W. G. Bosworth, Plattsburg, N.Y.: dover in athletics, that it shall be a suc- J. G. Broughton, Jr., Bloomfield, N..T.; cessful as well as an interesting and en- J. D. Bush, Wilmington, Del.; A. F. thusiastic occasion. The officers of the Clarke, Providence, R.I.; J. W. Cooke, Athletic Association have worked faith- Worcester; J. F. Dunton, Williamstowni; fully to accomplish this end. and have A. E. Holcomnl, Granhy, Conn.; H. Kenleft nothing undone which they could nedy, Jr., Omaha, Neb.; H. S. Lee, Bufreasonably be expected to do to secure falo, N.Y.; J. R. .McDonald. Pepperell; good results from the material at hand. J. R. Nasl, New York City; W. P. Incomparison with the tournament of Sidley, Chicago, Ill.; B. Skellie, Glenn The Phillipull i be issuedl every Wedne.lay andi Saturday during the school year except in vacations, All communications must be accompanied by writer's full name and address not necessarily for publication unless so desired. last year, that of this promises, if one Falls, N.Y.: C. T. Terry, Albany, N:Y.; can judge from preliminary appearances, C. H. Travell, Troy, N.Y.; G. D. Wilto be fully equal, and even better in liams, North Argyle, N.Y.; W. R. Wil- some respects. Te prizes will be worth liams, St. Paul, Minn.: F. A. Wilson, much more than those of last year; being Yarmouth, Mle.; . S. Winchester, Wil- Andover.ais., or dropped in Communications ma.N lw addressed to the Phillipiati, box lllpn pae toe phii in the main hall of the Acaden) building. in the form of cups, while those of last liamstown; D. L. Yale, Meriden, Ct. year were medals. Anlllest will have an outof-tow nine The editors do not hold themselves responible for tihe opinions of anv correspondent. Fiffeen events are insured, and some to play against regularly, during tihe of these promise to be exceedingly in- spring vacation. _--=-_- _ THE ANDOVER ---- . PRESS. PRINTERS. :' ...._ There have been some extraordinary reports g g through the college papers as recently recently as to to the te strength strength of of the te AdoAndoyear, this team base-ball ver and the the er base-ball team this year, and teresting, as the contestants are quite equally be suceless, t equally matched. matched. Nevertheless,tsucess of the tournament depends nearly as much upon each member of the school as upon those taking part. Every one should be present, and by his presence and enthusiasm contribute toward mak- confidence with wich we look forward . to a winning season. How these reports came to get a start is not known; but them most asone the the o es one who w originated suredly knew nothing of the real situation here and the true feeling in the school by those who do know anything about it. A recent number of the Princetonian said: "The nine is very hopeful. Five of last year's team are back, and with careful practice they are confident of their annual game with Exeter." Now as a matter of' fact there are only three of last year's nine back in schoolStearns, Upton and Dickerman; and the statement that we are confident of the game is equally wide of the truth. ___ ___ Our position, in fact, is not as good as it Stearns is is last year year at at this this time. time. Steans it was was last as man, cby good and a a good man, and as captain will make the team do all the work it-is capable of; Upton will doubtless fill the position behind the bat in a very satisfactory manner; and Dickerman is a sure fielder and a good batter; but outside of these three, no one knows what the men can do. The game with the Niotus Club last fall brought 'out' one or two good men, particularly Anderson and Dalzell; but unfortunately both of these have left school. We have the whole of the infield and two places in the out-field to fill with men that no one here has seen play; and the ridiculousness of. getting confident on such a basis as this will be seen by every one. Another thing that greatly interferes with the efficiency of the team is the inability to give them a good opportunity for in-door training. We have no cage nor gymnasium facilities, and the only practice they are getting now cannot be said to amount to --, Hnything.- ----,---. - -h--- -,-h- l editors teveih of the Sale News h ave decided to pul)lish a Saturl d a edition after this year. The men who played on the Harvard Freshman foot-ball team have each been presented with a silver cup.-- T he At the twentieth anniversary of the ing the occasion one of supreme interest to all, as well as encourage those con- Harvard Dental School, to be held next will make an adtesting by manifesting his own interest week, President Eliotand nDr. McKeiuie dress of welcome, in the proper manner. ie r. dress of welcome, and will deliver an address on "Tlle Relation the University to its Professional Sunday-of Scoo. tainment. At no time since the organization of The Phillips Exeter Tournament. the Sunday School has it been more prosperous than at present. Every deTle second annual Tournament of gi partment has-undergone some change of Phillips Exeter washeld i the gymand improvement. The social life has nasium last Saturday afternoon. The too has felt its influence. To increase audience, in whicl there were many lathis element, the teachers will give an dies, was as large as the gymnasium All entertainment on Friday evening at Bart- could comfortably accommodate. let Chapel. Invitations will be issued the events were close, and h plenty of excluivel to the scholars The main competitors. In the tug-of-war much was manifested, and when the be a reading the evening feature chose interest - A will company by Prof.ofChurchill. portion of the won Preps. A chosen company Churcill. Prof. h young the younger from the Sunday School will treat thelPreps. won the guests to music. After rereshments school could not conceal their joy. The e t go u t s e programmes were very unique and tasteei r f r shment ful, much resembling a dance order. selves as they please The winner of the fence vault was Shead, '89, 6 ft. 7 4 in.; running high The Andover men at Harvard held a jump, Heywood, '89, 5 ft. 41-2 in.; club dinner and reunion at the Parker House, swinging, Hammond, '89; horizontal bar, Boston, on Monday evening, having as Hassaurek, '91; staiding high jump, guests Principal Bancroft of the Acad- Shead, '89, 4 ft. 8 1-4 in.; tumbling, emy and Mr. Barrett Wendell of the Ward, '90; putting the shot, Ford, '91, 31 ft. 6 in.; parallel bars, Ward, '90; University.-Princetonian. The Princetonianmust be a little "off" high kick, Heywood, -'89, 9 ft. 14 in.; in the above item, as Dr. Bancroft has tug-of-war, '92 defeated '90; lighteight been away in the East for nearly three boxing, 0. H. Hammond, '89, defeated-months, and was in Cairo the last time Hassaurek, '91; middle-weight, J. H. Hammond, '89, defeated Day,'90; heavyhe was heard from. weight, Williamson, '89, defeated Chadbourn, '91. Three records were broken College Items. the fence vault, the standing high jump President Robinson of Brown Univer- and the high kick. sity has resigned his position as Presi- ' Twenty-five cents admission fee was. dent of that institution, but still keeps charged; the-proceeds to go toward theis professorihip., --I-Ii -- : - -A . ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~I ifi ~- Philo. -- . At the business meeting, Cark, Cartr wright, Cameronl,_AddiaandiiDuleyere eveiing, opened elected as a committee to revise the conthe chair. Cum- stitution. and then Parker on the previous ---- -i-PIoilolas'-Fdayfwith tihe President in mings offered prayer, read a good critique granted nor tickets distributed..- Tie treasurer will 'be in the lowerait 'co'clock to-day, and all will have a chance to settle. S.. E. FARWELL, Treasurer. meeting. Tie extempore by Robinson, on the Samoan trouble, was short. Tile The Glee Club at Reading. address was read by Mord, and he had chosen for his subject "Tlle Greatness of the Republican Party." It was a wellwritten address, and deserved praise. A humorous selection was read by W. Babbitt, which closed-the first part of the programme. The subject for debate was: "Resolved,. That the President of the United States should be elected by the Popular Vote." Snell was the leader of the affirmative, and he started out il a lively manner. He said, we are not to consider the best way to elect a Presidecrt,-but-te-eright way. We admit that the electoral col lege was formed for a good purpose; but it has outgrown its usefulness, and The concert given at Reading last night by the Glee and Banjo Clubs was one of the greatest successes the clubs have ever enjoyed. Appearing for the first time before a Reading audience, both clubs met with a most flattering reception, and frequent assurances were given that if the concert should be repeated it would be with even better snccess. Nearly all the numbers of the programme were encored, some of them two and three times, and the length of the concert was protracted beyond what it was intended to have been. Te programme, which is the same as that to be given here next Monday evening, is as follows:Murphy. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. Howard Athenaeum Star Specialty Co. Next week, "The Bostonians.". it ur? defeats the will of the people. He had-taken pains to figure out from the Atlas tlle majority that a candidate might have, and still be defeated for IIt(;tAlMME. HOLLIS STREET THEATRE: Rice and Dixey's Comic Opera Company. "The Pearl of Pekin." Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. Two weeks only. iresident. to b ee lie had --fouiid - tile . numiber iomr-afida-l-l alf This lll Inrt First. ''.':''T'""- . --2. o011 Nubs:m. 3..tary' Little Wise 31M:in. 4. Lovely Atigeline. e L LuiqiloI: people last November, receiving nearly one hundred thousand more votes than ,ti. 7. Sed Aw:y. A A-, 1111,,1) i GLOBE EATRE: Last week of Rudolph Aronso's Comic Opera Company . t eek, r. Joseph E Campbell's GRAND OPERA HOUSE: Grand Sensational Drama, "The White Sl " N ext wee, ave. MinlStrels. ,Lr.11. ,,Ib,,5IJ wa HOWARD ATHENAEUM : One weekDan'l Sully aud his Comedy Conmpany. an'l Sll and bis Comedy Company. Wednesday matinee, "The Corner Gro- 't t rt . Harrison; and though there is no use l s . 1oN IIAN.. cI-.. in crying over spilled milk, there is use Stoerke in taking precautions -to preentf -its -2 eath the Etins. I a. RioGrande. ' Ib. Thie l'lPe. being spilled again, and he hoped that L SAll/rr the people would, abolish the electoral . 3M":zotrka." Wll1IT1.K I 1.,!t FAIWELL, system before -anoter election. C. J. . SxLE--rlT . Ianj and itr Duet. MFI-. IllRINGTON AND IILI.TEIL. Bailey, leader of negative, looked out for .Ilb Iv> Song. I1. his side in an excellent manner. He. Listen to my Tale of Woe. OO>AA)D o. ANI CL.CI. F first reviewed the method of nomilating 8. .8reeze of ,, .fight. i.,.,. ,1 *r» *i oti a candidate for the Presidency, and*, t he Night. alt=,the went on to show that Delaware, according to population, had more power than New York; federal office-holders were prohibited from serving as an -elector;, and that electors received no salary for their services. Tile leader's arguments on the negative side were shorter than BOSTON MUSEUM: LesterWallacks play Sosedale." Matinees Wedvesday and Saturday Guv'nor. PARK THEATE: One week only. M. Coquelin and Company of French Dramatists. Special matinee Thursday. Next week, "' lle Private Secretary." - (C 'll rse to beone mllionand . T hli. -l.L tL.. V ND CLVL. said the speaker, was- uufair, and con- 5. SELE(-rIoN. GluitarD et. MESIWS. OATCIIEL. AN I.inr. The trary to. American principles. , fondiv . tiie o.wn I", Inot . speaker closed by saying that Grover /. Te oi Ar. 'instre Cleveland was tile real choice of the THE THEATRES. BOSTON THEATRE: One week only. eery." Thursday, Friday and Saturday, "Daddy Nolan." F * and Parker. Tlhe-rote- before. debate was: affirma- tive, 9; negative, 13. After debate: af- After the concert the entire party partook an excellent supper that had been provided for them, and then some of the members went to a dance that was being given by the Reading Athletic Club. Here they were treated most cordially, special dances were given in their favor, -TO- . I4- E IID l V . Pres. Eliot and Rev. Phillips Brooks, Pres. Eliot and Rev. Phllps Brooks, at a recent meeting of the Harvard/ Trustees, compulsory atancetvoted cha against . - . / tendance at chapel. GECY FOR I Troy aqd aundry.. ' Z - Notices. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE. Tournament, and as there are many 0 immediate expenses connected with this event, the officers of the Association are anxious to have all the money in. All the- money must be in . - .-.... before -Saturday, or-admision-wil-notr , -- i % ITI n jovable manner. Their stay here, however, was necessarily short, as the party had to return to Andover on the 11.30 train. -/ There are about ten members at each meeting who do not vote on either side. Itis the duty of a member to vote on one or- the other, andi he should feel enough interest in :Pilo to do this .- le TAILOR AND FURNISHER It is now very near the time of the --. ~ ,- -- llotf * . firmative, 9; negative, 13. The President gave his decision with the negative. -,~ alhhi ;:, 18 8 8 tlS rWaltz. those of the affirmative; but they were and they wee entertained in a most enbrought out in a very good order, and made a good effect. The President appointed Eaton, Williams and Ames-to assist the affirmative; Field, Tyler and Tarbox to assist the negative, all Of whom spoke well. There spoke from from Ta ere spoke well.affirmative, spoke whom the house, on the Wilkinson, FrechFouse, Noyes and Tyler; negags, More, or, tive, iveWheeler, Wheeler, BrlettCummin Bartlett, Cummings, 1- L F AL L M \ J,,,j w .. XANDOVER, ZAI SIEET, -d _-. ' 7 , - 5F~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, i . ... . ' '' ^ fl~ ' -t ^' ;2 ,»f * . I. . To the-Senior. Note paper embossed from steel plate die al thtng orrect for Tc It for correspondence. correspondence. It comes high, but so do anl luxuries. We shall show some new designs from the leading manufacturing sttiner in cari New next tioner in ew England, arlv England, next week. week. l You will wantl Greek Tetha et Dot b t a heap one if you can afford the best. But we have all inds, from 60e to $2, and can suit you. By the way, even those who have no rent zo pay or other necessary store expenses, can't beat our pritce for OW Corret Robintson, I R f JOHN H. GREER, Ph. G., I;T, Lawrene, Mas ..- Poole, P.A. '87, Yale '91, is looked F ine Taillorir'g . upon as the catcher of- the 'Varsity this year. P. 0o. Block. Lawrence. ---- BROWN, Prof. Pettee's mother is here attending Mrs. Pettee, who is ill with the f examination the condition of last term in Englisllhistory. A Students' Patronage Respectfully Solicited. MASS. - _- ___W -m- Forbes-& Sons- took an CHAPMAN DIN IN In the absence of Captain Stearns Sat- G MS ROO Fruit, Confectionery. Blank Books, Stationery, Inks- -- urdayafternoon Leland had _chargeof- -Ksene-oI - the men training for the team at the BaseBall .Plumbers&-Steam- Fitters. - O measles. ellows PINE BOOTS AND SHOES.I Fridayfewto pass off - - chairman of the Yale Literary Magazine. P.A. '89 and P.S.'90 had two examinations in physics on Monday and Tuesday. A AK - MARLAD, Propr. WM,. Clark ,ex-P.S '88, Yale '91 S., has had ] Crosby, PA. '87, has been chosen P3ESCEIPTION PHB1EM - D)I HAIIL, IN- to enter to leave college on account of sickness. Can be cured you use Dr. Karl Weselhoet's Oennan Catrrh Cure according to directions. For sale by and-Lams. Large Stoek Canned-Goods Goods. 7 --. - .gym Prof. Smyth has been prevented for Everythlng pertalnlng to a Student's Ontllt FIRST CLASS WORK GUAR.NTEED. LAWRENCE. the past two years from taking charge of the services at the chapel for any Call at the New Boot and Shoe Store. length of time through is trial. 448 & 460 ESSEX ST., :- J. E. SEARS, Boots; Shoes and Rubbers. ANK 11ULI01, MANI STEET, ANDOVER. MASS. BANK BUILINIG, MAIN STREET, ANDOVER.DMASS. e LOO K H ERE ! A Of the eight men in President Hari- o tographs h !T Pho1'Dh^tcrv In h A rison's Cabinet, only four are college graduates: Blaine, of Washington Col- let . Groups and Outdoor Work. 5o'clock. f f al Foot-Ball Suits, Tenis Suits Bas-Ball Goods, case electricity is adopted in An- dover for lighting purposes; the Sunday afternoon service would be changed to SPECIAL ATrEImoN PAID TO c Gs Desciptions esciptions lege; Proctor, of Dartmouth; Miller, of Hamilton; and Noble, of Yale. Repairingofallkindsdonewitthneatnessanddespatch. eate JerS The only hinderance to that Sweatersi. plan now is the trouble about lighting. ,*~~~~~~~~~~;"~~~ --- ,~~Blazers. ; p Special prices given when Allen Hinton was thrown into great Foot-Ball8, more, than six photographs are tak- consternation Saturday night by the loss Racquet en from one ne~;~;~;~gative, of a can of ice cream from his wagon r· - ---- W IH w. - *.- , .-. $q JOB ' EA7RIT |SIFAfi , ,^~;~ 6';'. all n IN. ,1n, aWTY~P , STYLE, THEE -NJ.EATEST ." * . AT ;<<. THE OPmICE OP T~HE ANDOER. . .... . . ~ .... ^.. ~~~~~_*:. ,^ Tenni Ne ir-, Tennis Shirts, Belti, EtC ;C_ ^L !tN one of the entries. J . RIN1 ~NEB'WTTTT THE N t, I R while he was in one of the Latin Com-mons houses;' He eventually found his aproperty intact, hidden behind a door in on. fro n WB - O COMMONS Open to. students of Phillips The picture of the '89 foot-ball team Academy from -September to July. has not yet been put back in the hall. . Per Boardi. a . CARTER'S BLOCK, MA=.TSTREET, ANDOVEB. Established 1863. - ,.i ' , lN 259 Em St. or. PemiWton, ! THE ANDOVER BOOKSTORE. Iwaya is quite sick with typhoid fever. P:A90,intends u0di,n~aIWOO SINUU iftnd,ll !dun Midw.Princeton next* fall. fall.g Princeton ' s Bnext NDOVER, l.T7; Is'ntthataight?. Phillipiana.OM DEALER IN F. W. SCa l oerlike tm.Some don dpethatope 't. No one, re Aandy. WesellonlytheCros,._ and their new over-feed "Peerless" s guaranteed. Come inand look at then The price is right, 2 less tan that of most dealers. We will nane it- THE ANDOVER BOOKSTORE JOHN CORNELL, T A R , tylo. Pens. same goods. Remember, - THE- ANDOVER-BOOKSTORE- C :.' l II.. In. For the Aesthetic PhlUilplan. ________ A A Thtingstis ' Three _ '^ ·' . .VET.HNG 3EQ' hlQD tIN A'THLEOB LOWE T PBIOES AD The attention of the students is called to.the fact that J. M. Bradley is alive to the wants of at all times, and that he is conh customers his aJ sntly replenishing his stock with the Lateit Novelties n the arket, and he spares neitherexpense or pains to satisfy all who favor him , with their pstronage. He is at present offering Pecial,induceibite-nto. :a clorot :nce-,:-' ^ U '^j~~~~~~~~~ggJJ~~~~g~~g*^ FBT .SATISFA.OTIk .OAAB'EiD. . .. , .IA ; A T , ^ *.jcS ,, ~·i-r iij J ; r ' TAILOR AND -IMPORiE P. AA.A. _. -_ , . *, *. _-* ' -^-. ^ _ Secial: The CHOICEST LONDON NOVELTIES in great variety. SPECIAL FABRICS for FULL DRESS. NEW EFFECTS in FANCY WAISTCOATS. Constantly in receiptpf THE LATEST LONDON STYLES. Wasai.gto3. 338 Steet, THIS SPACE H - - E,& .T. NllUT Ce, Phillipiana. ERoniai published all extra last Will be occupied during this year Saturday. 'lile T '~, BROADWAY.'N. Y., 591 ^^H Manufacturers and Importers of Photographio Instrments, Pby will ho:d a mock trial the last Philo . - 23otoz. APPARATUS AD SUPPLIES. Larience. Of -*wrne .sj~~·l f MianuIactlrimg we.rmg. an.r';1^e-s The Senior r1class in French had an < examination M-onday. etalers of Gents' .,*nrr ' _ .s oe proprietors of'tieafent -JBDetective, Fairy, Novel, and Bcy- ^ the champion light weight of word, and r* Outfitters. A few of the fellows went up to Exeter Saturday to see the tournament. . the Stanley the celebrated DryPates. AMATEUR OUTFITS In great variety from antfi Ountf' ' '- Cameras, the Phantom Camera, _cle Prof. HinCks conducted the church '. services last Sunday. - pparel, a19 Gents' PRUSUPP Friday in the term. o S BICKNELL -BRO'S., 9.00 up- Send for catalogue or call and examine. iMlore t a n forty year established in this line of wards. Mr. Currier,. a well-known photogra_-- __ _pher __-----in Boston is coming to Andover to BROWN'oS BWRoWNIS take the fellows' rooms. During the remaining part of this Andover and Boston Express _... "':.. 8TBEET. Graduates of St. Paul's School, Concord, residing in or near Boston had, a Dinner at Parker's last evefiing. Dinner7(/ ono ?9 oa Emerson, T, io SONj '-n 'SON, PHOTO GRAPH ERS, if v « f TOWNSEND'S. L A-NDRY, TOWNSEND'SLAUNDRY, ^ Essex - _-F -THE--, _ _XNo._ -lo B : n=i , 3Boston- , -iEALE Second-hand Y PHOTO PROCESS. - THERE IS;NOBETTERiPLACE .To' bDyr'cth"attheMa;h.moh So 'I DITS':''nt : "-... ' 440461 W ishhugtonn.,, IM ---... W " Sold ai LVRENCE, airSS. LAWRENCE, ASS. ---. __._.. SBRE BR CO., TAILORS, -- 488 Washington St., probably continue until the end of the tea ' hin Clothing. Charles J. Curnyn. Manager. Professors Comstockand Kimball have Nearly opposite Temple Place. T ~ SMITH & MANNING, . o ' The picturesof ,the Giee and Banjo -'- Clubs, which were recently- taken. by ...... ... ma .v ery. handsome. ny I- All work promptly and Neatly Executed. vitations will be extended to Andover 1 in Yale and Williams. men - prices to Classes. AD GENTLEIMENS GOODS. Chig out . $ nzLLTO~r o Wff chauged divisions in the Middle Latin A I=SrFAM .LL Ff 11 class The present arrangement will ?P1SnS , lITL A..LS. . Abbot Street, among other advantages, 6o AMESBURY ESBdRn ST., ST., The Andover Club at Amherst will hold a reception on the 15th' inst. In- IT1 Students of Phillips Academy will find it more convenient and less expensive to come here for Photo- rejoices in the possession of a bulletin - ]I' Lawrence. graphs than to go to Boston. Special P.A. '85, will act as toast-.ornle ttscss n ok. Academy'solicits the patronage of elsewhere zEaTag m PAT' H.. LECK,. Pi 1 U283(V U (fSt.,1 E. A. Smith, Agent, of Phillips board; which has undoubtedly done duty LEWIS- ENGRAVIN G' G u CEO. *ii inaster at the banquet to be given by the Andover Club at Amherst next week. 181 Essex Street,.Lawrence. All styles of Portraits and Landscape Photo. The campus presents a dismal ap S graphs, alsofirst-class Ferrotypes. Betgrapbs o CstTualssFerrotpes. pearance, and it will require a lot of . est ofWork Cu.a ra nteed work .. before it will befit for base-ball. the students. E St., Andover. Park fraternity founded in 1869, has been established recently at Yale. 34 COURT SQUARE, and O, A i LAWRENCE LA WjENCE && Ajj D Lamps, Oil -Stoves, Et.,-- term the Seniors will substitute Homer~in placeof Greek-composition. --- .. I DEALER IN A chapter of the Sigma Mu, a secret OFFICES: 77 KINGSTON EA r '-.- -E'L - .: ; , - - ., ~` -*';*>f ``r.`. . : -, N TiME ! ALWAYS - Cuttings and Clippings. . _evw-& Ne New [ anr ANCIENT VS. MODE Nwi ft &0Idp maiden inlove,Wheln 0A_ _RA__1, __*_ Trains for R Y K HB _ =wU L eave Boston, 12.00 M., :.e 3., and ].eavU Bostoul- 1'.00 J., 1.00{ P..., arlive Newv York 6.30 1'. M., 9.00 P.M., *The3.00 p. Ti Gecian The hortest Line. Always on Time. Dinning Cars. New arlor Cars and Coaches. Most convenient hours of departure and arrival at termini. For Philadelphia, Baltimore and Wash- - I)EYOT, FoOT OF SU3IMt. BTI, STRET. AI ".., . ------ Blank Books, an OO,; Blanks, Exanination -Writing Paper, - Toilet Paper, Tlet Paper, -Lehitl fl IlLrr. ) ~,,.:,,~ ' en Pencs Pens, Pencils, Etc. .... Through Pullman Service. For Tickets, Reservation In Iarlor Cars, etc., apply at OFFICE, 32.=wVA.sHING STREET.ElU i - ' Scrbling-Blocks,N °, But not because fair Venus blesses, For helped by Aphrodite's charms, By the Cash papa possesses. ington without chong o cars. Leave Boston .00 p.m. week 4lay) and Sunday. '- . got tl'iri help-l' Tle Hlonn Hu= ldalels hts w. lveo,a lovers stupid, From ciharminllg Venus and hler son, , , Te roglis boy, gay Master Cupid. The Yankee girls ensnare their Dukes, s d, 6 TATRN. T fell They ought the aid of Aphrodite; -sThe goddess urged'the laggard youth By her comlmand, and power mighty. - , j Bulletin Board. ET. CNFETIONRY, - H- . Second-Hand crarge is centsper linefor every Te CHOICE CONFECTIONERY, ETC. issue in this column. Text-Books Ice Cream on hand at all times. Ice Cream Soda, Milk Slake, and all the latest drinks. C. C. Patronize a deserving enterprise LYLE.- Central Street, -- _____ by larke & buying your oil of S. W. Tyler, Latin Andover, Mass. Commons. _ _-- -- esseqger Bras. .e"SSe' ger br85. _ - ; orieS, collars? Ad is, E C.x- . Have you got one of the new high Jeso A ,. If not, call and get one at Bradley's. TAIIORS --.Tech., P. * , at $1.50. LODON .ot Amherst, / = E A . - We know they are good. - English craven tan and French Gloves A FULL underwear and hosiery, we recommend FURNITURE, E NITUE you to go to Ray's,cor. West and Wash- University ington Sts., Boston. SPECITALT? Co-Ope"ratiTe Seoieties. Latest Novelty in Collars is the i|lCambray. - _ . *__ 388 WASINGITON ST., HANNON'S FOR . . Andover, Mass. THEATRICAL GOODS, 104 TREMONT STREET, BOSTON. N.-,,- - " Dealer in Boots Shoes and Rubbers, Main M, Street, , ;z,/,. / -JOHNPR JO N PRAY, LIVERY and BOARDING STABLE Mn STtEET, ATIOVE3. L. C. 2-1. M. T. WALSH, Essex St., Andover. lerrimac House. ---- LOWlLM. II ------------- '.', "------- . A s TOWN HALL BUILDING. Andover to Lawrence, 7.02, 23, 9.00,10.04,11.30 A.M.; 122, 1.09; ,1.28 3.00, 3.4, 4.,,5.00, 5.45, 6.47, 7.41, 7.62, ii..... I....... I I Dealer in Peidodicali, SttaUoner, Confectonery; and __ ___ oreigi andDomest Fruit. Opposit Town J,' '-DOVB,- L4 y .:....T, Andover to Boston, 6.50,7.46, 8.09,83, 9.47,11.10 A..; A 6 4 7 2, 12 1.0, 3 18 , 42 . .09, Su9.M. Snnday 7.49, 8.33 A.M.; 12.20, 4.2, S, 7.51 P.M. Boston to Andover, 6.0, 0, 9.,1025 .30, Ax.; 12.00o.; 2.15,3.20 4.02,050,6.00,6s5,7.00,11.00 P.M. Sunday,8.00 House. 5.00, 6.00, .00 P. errimac M A. V. PARTIDGE, Prop'r. : RsDRa :l.d. _ AIR CU TT1R BOSTON AND MAINE Dealer in Stoves, Tin-ware, etc. ANDOVER, MASS. Repairs promptly attended-to. //,/-,/ _.. MI --SOOIETY,-MXILITARY,------ REGALIA, Those needing the services of a Hairdresser will please call on and Crown Collars and Cuffs. } iK.O--- H. P. WRIGHT, CALLAT Notice. F.EPartLdge, o STAND, wear. Dentist, E. A. BIRD, ETC.. Importer and Maufacturer of Hats and Canes suitable for students' .CHAS. H. GILBERT, Draper's Block, _._lED Geo. N. Bigelow& Co., 407 Washington St., Boston, carry a fine stock of BOSTON. .i BEDDING, ATTHEOL _ !mporters, LINE OF nARPETS, Park Street, - - Andover. Bradtey has them, and a new invoice of those Embroidered-Bosom Shirts. - *irtsIw TDress an.^ Tailorsand T he l wOrl D1401steR TO ORDER. T If you are in need of Fall or Winter Boston NOYES . NE OaleI & at Rays. lxS-YLES Tufs ... HENRY aXCLUSI Ray's wlwite shirts open front or back ~l-TtlUoa- ' -l-av-wrene ,., Sunday, 8.23,9.00 A..; s^6.47,2P.M. P to Andover, 6.40; 7.0 77.5, 8.20,- -.- 10.20,11.00 A.M.; 12 .1,12.17. L l.0, 2.S,.0,44. 7 P Sunday, 7.40, 15 L.;:o 12., 4, .P S d ay J. 9.0,9.0, ,'.40,9.30, 5.35, 47.44, s , I wish to state that Mr. Duley is ' .4L 'fully authorized to, represent THE 'o9.0 oi ., Aals; 1.00, 5.*4' ; Sunda .' / -Goming lorth 8.S3,9.00 AY; 1.09, b46 P.)L Sunday COLLEGIAN in Andover. 9.0A.....4r-:P. ', ,.d ., 47 fA. 6 ^.^^ :. ,S . L-ABBOT, - H. . ,- . : . .- - A. .. CHANDLEB Proprietorof . - - ' , ' *- .- . ,: ' C-0 t :. :,. rc . -2-. -: e. ,, - --- ., - e: - L ' -r X h = ; E