Parkland Village S chool— September 2015 http://w ww .psd70.ab


Parkland Village S chool— September 2015 http://w ww .psd70.ab
Welcome to Parkland Village School
The goal for the 2015-2016 School Year is for
Parkland Village School to become a MicroSociety School.
Parkland Village School—September 2015
Exactly What Is a MicroSociety School?
The MicroSociety School is an innovative design where children create a microcosm of the real world
inside the school. Each student has a role in running that world. Young entrepreneurs produce goods
and services, elected officials establish laws, Crime Stoppers keep the peace, judges arbitrate disputes, and reporters track down stories. All citizens earn wages in the school’s "Micro" currency, invest in product ideas, deposit and borrow money from "Micro" banks, and pay taxes, tuition and rent.
Classroom connections are made throughout the day.
How Does the Program Work?
The MicroSociety initiative has been implemented in kindergarten through 8th grade, from every geographic and socioeconomic community. Typically, students attend regular academic classes and apply
what they learn "on the job" for one hour a day during Micro Time. MicroSociety schools integrate
these real-world concepts and skills into curriculum and instruction throughout the day.
"Why Do I Need to Know This?"
It’s a question students ask every day. Many children see little connection between their school work
and the outside world. And for many students, good grades just don’t offer sufficient incentive to
In the MicroSociety initiative, rewards are immediate and tangible. Mastery of basic skills becomes
necessary to excel as a lawyer, banker, legislator, or entrepreneur. Social and financial rewards transform students from passive learners to active participants in their own development. Self-esteem improves with a new sense of accomplishment.
Reading and Writing to Succeed
Modern economy depends on a literate work force, as well as literate consumers. The MicroSociety
initiative provides a context that makes reading functional and fun. In the courtroom, marketplace and
newsroom, reading, writing, and communication skills spell the difference between success and failure.
With MICROSOCIETY’s reading initiative, The Reading Industry, students create an entire industry
of literacy-related businesses and services.
Math As a Survival Skill
Hundreds of transactions occur during "Micro" time each day. Math and basic economics are elevated
to survival skills. Students recognize that financial literacy skills are necessary to buy and sell, create
budgets, maintain a checkbook, and calculate taxes. They need geometry to measure floor plans or
design jewelry. They apply algebra and statistics to create financial reports and spreadsheets.
Living Social Studies
The MicroSociety initiative turns social studies into a living lesson in citizenship and government.
Students forge a social contract during a Constitutional Convention. They learn how government works
in legislature and debate social issues in town meetings. Coached by teachers, children learn to resolve
conflicts, negotiate, persuade, and defend their actions in court.
Science In Action
Science lessons come to life when students design new storefronts, when entrepreneurs use technology to invent or manufacture products for the marketplace. "Micro" government researchers apply
principles of ecology to promote recycling campaigns and design gardens.
The MicroSociety initiative also helps students find meaning in school and ignites their sense of purpose and work ethic in order to compete in their chosen profession. They gain an understanding of why
work is fulfilling and how it helps them tap into their innate skills and talents and discover their own
leadership potential. The MicroSociety initiative helps students find a purpose in their education and
prepares them to become active citizens.
We would like to introduce the 2015—2016 Parkland Village School Staff
Mr. Travis McNaughton
Mrs. Jackie Fitzgerald
Kindergarten .5 - Mon-Fri 8:30-11:30 am
Ms. Erin Stoffelen
Kindergarten .5 - Mon/Wed/Alt Fri. 8:30 am – 3:00 pm
Ms. Erin Stoffelen
Kindergarten .5 - Tues/Thurs/Alt Fri. 8:30 am – 3:00 pm
Mrs. Teryl Pidhaichuk
Grade 1A
Ms. Bethany Loates
Grade 1B
Mr. Steven Schumacher
Grade 2A
Ms. Lee-Ann Lynds
Grade 2B
Mrs. Preet Dhaliwal
Grade 2/3
Mrs. Kyla Ward
Grade 3
Mrs. Cherie Lovsund
Grade 3
Mrs. Paige Couros
Grade 4A/Microsociety Coordinator
Mrs. Cheryl Eidick
Grade 4B
Ms. Kyla Moore
Mrs. Lesley Jeanes
Learning Coach/Microsociety Coordinator
Mrs. Bernice Jespersen
Educational Assistant
Mrs. Sherry Lodge
Educational Assistant
Mrs. Alison Munn
Educational Assistant
Educational Assistant (LLI)
Mrs. Tammy Sierink
Educational Assistant
Mrs. Sherri Milne
Educational Assistant
Mrs. Helga Frank
Educational Assistant
Mrs. Tirzah Wolff
Library Technician/Educational Assistant
Mrs. Patti Lucas
Ms. Louise Dworak
Secretary III
Ms. Val Elsenheimer
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“Get the Scoop!”
Thursday, September 10th, 2015
6:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m.
Please bring your child and join us to:
Meet your child`s teacher and the staff of P.V.S.
Come in to see your child`s classroom
Get a one page curriculum overview of the Program of Studies at your child`s grade level.
Learn about most effective ways to communicate with your child`s teacher
Meet your child`s classmates and their parents
Get the scoop on your child`s classroom.
Please note this is intended to be an opportunity to meet our staff and ask general questions. If you have specific questions about your child`s academic or social progress please
make a separate appointment with the teacher.
Newsletter Distribution
To be more environmentally responsible we have cut down the amount of newsletters we were
printing every month. Only families that requested a hard copy newsletter will receive
one. We also felt that when you viewed our newsletter online you experienced the beautiful colours of the children’s artwork and saw the photos that we included to their full advantage. As
always a full version of our newsletter can be found on our website at
schools/ParklandVillage/Pages/Default.aspx at the beginning of every month.
You can also check out our Parkland Village School Blog. This will be another great way to stay
informed with what is happening at the school. Not only will the newsletters be posted here, we
will be regularly posting to it in order to provide timely information, share learning, and
celebrate successes. We encourage you to subscribe to the school blog by entering your email in
the “subscribe by email” widget in the right sidebar. This will ensure you get an email notification
whenever a post is made. Please visit and subscribe!
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at the school 780-962-8121. If you wish
to receive a hard copy of the newsletter, please return the slip below and send to the office:
I would like a hard copy of Parkland Village School newsletter sent home with:
Child’s name ____________________________ Grade: _______
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2015—2016 Important School Information
Bell Schedule
8:15 a.m.
8:15 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
8:35 a.m.
10:15 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
12:00 p.m. – 12:25 p.m.
12:25 p.m. – 12:50 p.m.
12:50 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
School Office Opens
Outside Supervision Begins
First Bell
Classes Begin
Lunch Recess
Classes Begin
Students Dismissed
School Fees
Instructional Material Fee
All Grades
Kindergarten to Grade 4
Swimming Fee
Grade 1 to Grade 4
Fieldtrip Fees
Kindergarten to Grade 4
Cheques are made payable to: Parkland School
Division #70. Fees are due by September 30th, 2015.
*Denotes change in fees.
Student Agendas
The agenda is the most important communication tool to be used between school and home.
Please write to your teacher either in your child’s agenda or in a note any information that needs
to be shared with the teacher or the school, such as absences,
updated phone #’s, questions, concerns, etc.
In your school agenda you will find Parkland Village School’s Handbook, with some very important information
about our school and our school policies. Please refer to this section of your child’s agenda. You may also contact
the school office at 780-962-8121 if you have any questions, or concerns. Office will be opened at 8:15 a.m. until
4:00 p.m. daily.
Leadership & Character Education Focus
As part of our MicroSociety Initiative, we are introducing the 7 Habits as part of our student
leadership program. The 7 Habits works in combination with our character trait education focus.
The 7 habits are:
1.Be Proactive - “I am responsible for my choices.”
2.Begin With The End In Mind - “I plan ahead and set goals”.
3.Put First Things First. - “I work first, then play.”
4.Think Win-Win. - “Everyone can win”.
5.Seek First To Understand Then Be Understood. - “I listen before I talk”.
6.Synergize. - “I work well with others.”
7.Sharpen The Saw. - “Balance feels best.”
The character traits that work alongside these leadership skills that we are focussing on are:
Our spirit assemblies are going to change to “Leadership & Citizenship” assemblies. Our assembly in the
month of September is going to be an overview of all of the habits and character traits. In October, we will
begin to recognize students for demonstrating the habits and character traits. Each month with have a different focus and all students will be recognized by the end of the year. Our focus for October is habit #1:
Be proactive, make good choices and give your best effort. Our first Leadership & Citizenship Assembly
will be on September 30 at 9:40 a.m.. All parents are welcome to attend.
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Labour Day
School Council Meeting
9:00 a.m.
Terry Fox “Trot”
2:30 p.m.
(National School Run)
All Parents are
Orintation Meeting 6:30 p.m.
“Get the Scoop”
Meet The
Teacher Night
6:00 p.m.—7:00 p.m.
September 2015
Terry Fox News
In honour of Terry Fox our school will be participating in the National School Run Day on
September 30th. We will begin collecting toonies to support Terry in his challenge on Monday,
September 24. Our goal this year is to raise $1,000.00. All funds raised will be for the Terry Fox
Foundation. We would like to invite all parents to come join us in our “Fox” trot in the school
field starting at 2:30 p.m. We would like to send a huge “THANK YOU” to Ms. Lynds for
organizing the Terry Fox events.
Picture Day—September 17th and 18th, 2015
LifeTouch will be our photographer for the 2015-2016 school year shooting
individual pictures. On Thursday, September 17th, at 9:00 a.m. individual
student pictures will be taken for the whole school with the exception of the
Monday/Wednesday Kindergarten children and the Preschool classes, they will be
having their pictures taken on Friday, September 18th at 9:00 a.m.
School Council Meeting
Wednesday, September 16, 2015 At 6:30 p.m.
All parents are welcome; babysitting is available.
Any questions or agenda items, please contact Gina Nielsen
Nielsen--Miller, chair at 780
Our School Council members are:
Chair: Gina Nielsen-Miller
Co-Chair: Rochelle Boulter
Secretary: not filled
Community Engagement Coordinator: not filled
Fundraising Coordinator: Carla Harris
Classroom Representatives: not filled
We still have some positions to fill for the 2015-2016 school year. If you are interested please contact Gina-Nielsen-Miller
at 780-960-3106.
Before and After School
Care Program
Opens September 3rd, 2015
Provides childcare for children in Grades 1-6
Subsidy available
Healthy Snack provided
Monday to Friday - includes all PD days, Christmas
Break and Spring Break.
Limited Spaces
For information contact Cindy Van Beers at:
780-962-1505 Home
780-918-7825 Cell
Boston Pizza and McDonalds’ Receipts
We will continue to collect receipts from Spruce Grove
Boston Pizza/Stony Plain Boston Pizza.
The McDonalds’ Spruce Grove/Stony Plain restaurants, but will not accept any receipts outside of our
area . At year-end receipts are tallied and both restaurants generously contribute a percentage of the total
back to the school. You can forward these receipts to
the school office for collection. Thank you so much for
your support.
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Healthy Lunch Ideas - adapted by an article written by Elizabeth M. Ward, MS, RD
Get Kids Involved
Allowing children to choose and prepare their own lunch piques interest in the meal and makes it more
likely kids will eat their own creations. Let your young child help make lunch the night before school for
greater ease in the morning. You can help guide your children to the proper portions and healthy choices
of whole grains, protein, and produce. Keep in mind, most elementary school-aged children are allowed a
midmorning snack. Account for that when considering the amount of food you provide for lunch.
Make sure you have healthy fare on hand for your child to choose:
 Whole-grain breads or crackers
 Peanut and almond butters
 Light canned tuna fish
 Raw vegetables that can be cut into slices
 Fruits
 Encourage the kids to make sandwiches with whole-grain breads or bagels;
tortillas; or colorful wraps. Try different sandwich fillings, such as tabouli
mixed with feta cheese in a pita pocket, or a veggie burger.
For even greater buy-in, Wright recommends these simple steps:
 Let your children pick out their own lunchbox.
 Consider insulated lunch bags with room for a small freezer pack that allows you to send foods that
must be kept cold, such as dip for fresh vegetables, yogurt, and orange juice.
 Or use larger lunch bags to avoid squishing foods.
 Have on hand small sturdy plastic containers for cut fruit, vegetables, dip, and lunch foods other than
Practical Lunch Tips
A sandwich made with lean meat, light tuna fish, or peanut butter and jelly;
fruit or vegetables; and milk or 100% juice is a fine meal for a growing child's
lunch. You can boost nutrition and tantalize a child's taste buds by adding
shredded carrot, chopped celery, or water chestnuts to egg salad or tuna salad.
Combine chopped grapes with diced chicken and mayonnaise for a tasty chicken
salad. And don't forget this popular standby: Add a sliced banana or apple to
peanut butter sandwiches.
Here are some other yummy and easy lunches that use foods from at least
three of the food groups:
Tortilla wraps with shredded cheese, chopped chicken, and cut vegetables
Egg salad, whole-wheat bagel, and fruit
Whole-grain roll with butter or margarine, 2 hard boiled eggs, and carrot sticks
8 ounces of low-fat yogurt, whole-wheat crackers, and fruit
1-2 tablespoons of peanut butter, whole-grain crackers or bagel, and fruit or vegetables
1/2 cup low-fat cottage cheese or hummus, whole-grain crackers, and cherry tomatoes
Bean-based soup or stew in a thermos, whole-grain roll with butter or margarine, and dried fruit
1-2 slices leftover thin crust cheese pizza and fruit or vegetables
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Parking and Traffic Safety at Parkland Village School
Parents, please help us take extra precautions to keep all of our children safe by:
Slowing down
Parking in designated areas (Do not park in the staff parking lot)
Walking your children across streets
Keeping all vehicles clear of our school bus loading zone on East side of school
Ensuring your children go to their designated doors where their teacher will greet them and welcome them
into the building. (Outdoor supervision begins at 8:15 a.m.)
Only children that arrive late (after the 2nd bell at 8:35) are to enter the main doors to report to
the office for a late slip.
Parking Do`s and Don`ts
Please respect the NO parking signs on the East side of the school and North of the bus loading zone
along the fence by the playground. You may load or unload between the two “No Parking” signs but please
do not leave your vehicle unattended. Bylaw enforcement officers are around and will hand out tickets.
Please respect the wheel chair access parking space in
staff parking lot.
Staff Park-
Parking is available in the community center or along
the East side of the school facing North, and South
of the school along the main road. Be extra careful
not to block driveways. The map on the left shows
the green arrows areas where the best
place to park is. Please avoid using the
staff parking lot as we like to keep children clear of this area. Children can be difficult to
see with cars backing in and out, especially with the
narrow parking stalls we have.
Please note the NO Parking zone in front of
the detached portable on the Southwest
side of the school parking lot. This is for
emergency access vehicles only.
“Support Our Fundraiser!
As a way to target the problem of lost belongings and a large lost and found box Parkland Village School is fundraising with Mabel's Labels, a company with all types of labels that are colourful, indestructible, easy-to-use and fun!
Iron-Ons, Stickies, Bag Tags, Allergy Alert labels & more! Personalize your labels with
names, nicknames, initials - whatever you choose. Cool icons help even little ones identify their own belongings. Dishwasher, microwave, laundry & kid tested! Dispatched within 24 hours!
Visit to place your order while helping our fundraiser!”