Summer 2014 - Mid-West Fastener Association
Summer 2014 - Mid-West Fastener Association
Summer 2014 Email: 1946-2014 A newsletter for and about the fastener industry. Celebrating 68 years of commitment to the fastener industry. MWFA HOLDS LARGEST TABLE TOP SHOW IN THE INDUSTRY On June 23rd the MWFA hosted their annual Fastener Show as a Table Top Show at Belvedere Banquets in Elk Grove Village. The move there was to allow for increased exhibitors with a once again, sold out show. 125 Exhibitors, from across North America, featured their products and services to over 300 attendees. Prior to the show MWFA hosted a Sales Seminar taught by Rick Farrell of Tangent Knowledge Systems. Rick focused on techniques to increase business during turbulent times and controlling your destiny by qualifying the customer. WHAT'S INSIDE… Table Top Show . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 3, 7 President's Note . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Golf Outing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 6 2014 Board of Directors . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Introduction to Fasteners Seminar Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 This event always proves to be a most beneficial show for the industry, as it is held in the heart of the fastener industry and features just about any product sought. The show is traditionally followed by the Fastener Bash allowing exhibitors and attendees a casual atmosphere to enjoy beverages, appetizers and networking. The MWFA is grateful to their Bash sponsors: XL Screw Corp., Metric & Multistandard Components, KDS Imports, Kanebridge Corp., Star Stainless Screw, Continental-Aero, Brighton-Best Int’l, Integrated Packaging, Richard Manno, Nylok and Morgan Ohare and Elgin Fastener Group for providing this opportunity. It was great to receive many positive comments. Jamie Flesch of Dispol American, commented on his positive experience saying “With this past June 23rd Mid-West Fastener table top show, being the first that our company attended, I wanted to let you know it was impressive on how well the show was organized and professionally operated. Everything from signing in and setting up for the show, through lunch and the show itself were well announced and everything flowed together smoothly.” Conflict Minerals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Fastener Tech '15 Info . . . . . . . . . .8, 9, 10 Reader's Corner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Scholarship Donors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Upcoming Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Thank you also to our exhibitors, near and far, for traveling to present their company at the MWFA Table Top Show Alpha List Abbott-Interfast Corp. Accurate Manufacturing Products Group Acme Companies Addison Packaging Advance Components Alfa Tools All American Systems All American Washer Werks Allstar Fasteners Alltech/Autocraft USA American Fasteners & Components Anchor Bolt & Screw Anderson Manufacturing Company, Inc. Andre Corporation Assembled Products Inc. BBC Fasteners Inc. Beacon Fasteners & Components Big Bolt Corp. Bradley Coatings Brighton Best International Brikksen Buckeye Fasteners Company Cable Tie Express Cardinal Carpenter Technology Corp. Central Wire Industries Champs Technologies, Inc. Chicago Hardware & Fixture Co. Computer Insights, Inc. Continental Aero CSM Fastener Products Co. Delta Secondary Dipsol of America Distribution One Distributors Link Magazine DLP Coatings continued on page 3 1 PRESIDENT'S NOTE Rich Cavoto Metric & Multistandard Components Corp. First, I’d like to thank everyone who exhibited or attended the MWFA Tabletop Show and all the players and volunteers at the MWFA Golf Outing!!! This was our largest tabletop show and the reviews were very positive. Perfect weather for golf, provided a great day on the links. Moving forward, we have two outstanding educational programs coming up in both September and October. September, we will have our Fastener 201 Seminar (Intermediate), followed in October by Fastener 401 Seminar (Plating & Heat Treating). In September Brighton Best Int’l will also be hosting an Open House for MWFA members and the fastener industry. Check the MWFA calendar for more details: We’ve already had requests to select booths for next year’s Fastener Tech ’15. To allow you the opportunity to plan, we have included the registration and floor plan in this newsletter. Please contact Nancy Rich to pick your booth. In 2015, the show will feature a Technology Center which will showcase machinery. We welcome a new association to the industry, which was recently formed. Young Fastener Professionals (YFP) was started by Ryan Kertis of Stelfast Inc. The Fastener Industry Coalition and YFP are working together to recognize 30 UNDER 30. This recognition will honor 30 young industry professionals who are making a difference in the industry. Nominations are due September 15th. The nomination form may be found on either of these websites: or I look forward to seeing you at one of our upcoming events and have a great Summer. Register Now, Registration Form is located on page 9, go to or WIFI Scholarship Apps due 8/15 info at Linked in 2014 BOARD OF DIRECTORS President: Rich Cavoto/Metric & Multistandard Components Vice President: Glen Brin/Innovative Components Treasurer: Bob O’Brien/Certified Products Secretary: Cliff Hauger/Acme Companies Directors: Brian Christianson/South Holland Metal Finishing David Gawlik/All-Tech Hardware/Autocraft Matt Delawder/SWD Inc. Becky Russo/American Fasteners & Components Wayne Wishnew/XL Screw Corp. Alternates: Paula Evitts/KDS Imports Rich Pease/RK Precision Products LLC Amanda Clark/Clarcorp Industrial Sales Bob Baer/Abbott-Interfast Co. Executive Director: To be sure your company news gets into the next MWFA newsletter, mail, fax or email your news release to: MWFA, PO Box 5, Lake Zurich, IL 60047 Fax: 847-516-6728 Email: The deadline for the next newsletter is Sept. 1, 2014. 2 Nancy Rich The MWFA accepts VISA, MasterCard and American Express. MWFA HOLDS LARGEST TABLE TOP SHOW IN THE INDUSTRY ( ' ). CON T Dynacast Industrial Products EFC Earnest Machine Ejot Fastening systems L.P. Elgin Fastener Group Enthone Eurolink Fastener Supply Service EZ Sockets Fall River Mfg. Fastener Industry Coalition Fastener Technology International FastenersClearing Fastron Co. Gaffney Bolt Global Fastener News Hanger Bolt & Stud Co., Inc. ICS Flange inc. I. G. Marston Co. Inc. Imperial Rivets and Fasteners Co., Inc. Indusco Wire Rope & Fittings Industrial Nut Industrial Rivet & Fastener Co. Inc. Infasco Innovative Components, Inc. Integrated Inventory Solutions (INxSQL) Integrated Packaging & Fastener Inc. Intercorp International Fasteners Inc. J&M Plating Jarrett Logistics Systems Kanebridge Corp. KDS Imports Ken Forging Lindstrom /Mega Metric Locknut Technology Inc. Lucky 13 Sales MacDermid Manufacturers News, Inc. Matenaer Corp. Metal Resource Solutions Metric & Multistandard Metric Fasteners Corp. Minneapolis Washer & Stamping Inc. Morgan Ohare, Inc. National Threaded Fasteners NBS Corp. Ningbo Jinding Fastening Piece Co., LTD North East Fasteners Nucor Fastener Division Nylok OEM Associates, Inc. O'Hare Spring Company Inc. Prospect Fastener Corp. Quantum Storage Systems RAF Electronic Hardware/ Rumco Fasteners a Div. of MN Indus Richard Manno Co. RIE Coatings Riverdale Plating & Heat Treating LLC Rockford Secondaries Rogers Brothers Galvanizing View more photos on page 7 and also onlin e at Rolled Threads Unlimited Rotor Clip Company S.W.D. Inc. Screws Industries Sems and Specials Inc. Sight Machine Slip-On Lock Nut LLC Solution Industries South Holland Metal Finishing Star Stainless Screw Co. Stelfast The Dyson Co. Three J's Industries, Inc. Titan Fastener Products Tramec/Hill Tri Star Metals Trim-Lok Trinity Logistics Corp. Valley Fastener Group LLC Varvit USA Vertex Distribution Volt Industrial Plastics Inc. WIFI (Women in the Fastener Industry) Willie Washer Mfg. Wrought Washer Mfg. Inc. XL Screw Corp. Yellow Woods and The Roads Less Traveled Pictures courtesy of Distributor's Link Magazine 3 HOW MANY GOLFERS CAN MWFA FIT ON ONE COURSE? Every year the MWFA books a golf venue for their annual Golf Outing. Every year the venue states 144 golfers will be a maximum. Luckily, every year, the MWFA has 144 golfers who want to participate. Sometimes a few more golfers get added into the mix, as in this year with 158 golfers! Eaglewood Resort, in Itasca, hosted the event and did a great job of accommodating everyone. A new feature at this year’s outing was a Bazooka, sponsored by SWD Inc. Golfers loved the opportunity to “shoot” their drive with the potential of a 400 yard drive. Nearly every hole had a contest, giving golfers the potential to win up to $100 per contest. The many companies who graciously sponsored these contests allowed for the many prizes. Sems and Specials offered a $150 Gift Card to the Ugliest Golf Outfit but with the vanity of our golfers, no one was brave enough to wear their ugly golf attire. The $150 was, instead, donated to the MWFA Scholarship Fund along with the winnings of Alina Agresto and Rosie Thornton-thank you! XL Screw Corp. Allstar Fasteners Stelfast Addison Packaging World Washer Mfg. Premium Sponsors South Holland Metal Finishing (Putting Contest) Star Stainless Screw (Lunch) SWD (Bazooka) Screws Industries (Golf Balls) All American Systems (Course Drinks) XL Screw Corp. Metric & Multistandard Nylok (Cocktail Hour) Solution Industries (Special Awards) continued on page 6 Thank you to all our sponsors: Contest Sponsors: Delta Secondary Marathon Solutions Big Bolt Industrial Fasteners Institute J&M Plating American Fasteners & Components Beacon Fasteners & Components Solution Industries KDS Imports Fastron Co. Morgan Ohare SWD Inc. Darling Bolt Green/Tee Sponsors Aztech Locknut Brighton Best Int’l Wing-Hamlin Co. Inc. EFC Int’l. Nucor Fasteners Distributor’s Link Magazine Riverdale Heat Treating & Plating LLC Elite Fasteners EZ Sockets Fall River Mfg. Matenaer Corp. Sems & Specials Inc. Pictures courtesy of Distributor's Link Magazine 4 View m ore ph online otos www.m at t 30 UNDER 30 The Fastener Industry Coalition (FIC) in cooperation with the newly formed fastener industry association, Young Fastener Professionals (YFP), is sponsoring an initiative to identify 30 of the “up and comers” in the fastener industry. Termed “30 Under 30”, this recognition program is open to any fastener industry professional 30 years or younger. Nominations for this program must be received by September 15 and the “30 Under 30” will be announced and recognized at the National Industrial Fastener Show in Las Vegas. Nominees are allowed to submit their own applications but other members of the fastener industry can nominate them as well. Application forms are available on both organizations’ websites: The Young Fastener Professionals association is a newly formed group creating a platform for young professionals to share their knowledge and perspective with the fastener industry. Directed by the next generation and comprised of companies within the fastener industry, YFP is focused on driving business forward while seamlessly adapting to our constantly changing business environment. While respectfully embracing and preserving the industry’s past, this next generation is re-shaping our business spectrum through technology and the implementation of the most current business practices. YFP invites and encourages young professionals to join and become part of this process. Additional information and membership applications can be found on their website. The Fastener Industry Coalition is an organization made up of regional and national fastener associations concerned with the distribution, manufacture and importation of fasteners as well as services to the fastener industry. Since it’s inception, the FIC has evolved into an important organization within the fastener industry. With all of the regional fastener associations, three national associations and a training institute as members, the FIC is the only organization in the fastener industry where specific industry topics can be addressed and acted upon by an existing collective industry network. Political advocacy is still a high priority for the FIC. 5 GOLF OUTING ( CON'T) Congratulations to our winners: First Place Team Jim Hossman Bob Reynolds Peter Perry Steve Lessman Second Place Teams Brian Christianson Brad Jackson Rich O’Boyle Ross Shepard John Radel Don Shan Andrew Nagy Chris Homrock Rico Mugnaini Dave McCracken Nick Bremmer Ron Hadac Contest Winners Paula Evitts Mark Morris David Shattuck Alina Agresto Solution Man Melissa Patel Rob Reynolds Donny Schaaf Andrew Nagy Brad Jackson Brian Christianson Rick Kaeding Matt Delawder Rosi Thornton photos View more t online a w w 6 With a 1:00 Shot Gun being a challenge to finish by 6:30 Cocktail hour, next year will probably see an earlier start. As final plans have not been made for next year, the Golf Outing is scheduled for the last full week of June. Thank you to this year’s Golf Outing Committee for all their time and efforts to produce an outstanding Golf Outing: Brian Christianson (South Holland Metal Finishing)/Chairman, Rich Cavoto (Metric & Multistandard Components), Matt Delawder (SWD Inc.), Wayne Wishnew (XL Screw Corp.), Bob Baer (AbbotInterfast Inc.), Becky Russo (American Fasteners & Components), and Bob O’Brien (Certified Products). Pictures courtesy of Distributor's Link Magazine 7 CONFLICT MINERALS Conflict minerals has been a highly discussed subject in the fastener industry this year. Information beyond what has been presented at various industry meetings may be found on government websites. One such site is: guidance/conflictminerals-faq.htm#q1 An example of some of the questions and answers you will find there are: Question: If an issuer determines that the products it manufactures or contracts to manufacture contain conflict minerals from the Democratic Republic of the Congo or an adjoining country, but the products are “DRC conflict free,” is that issuer required to file a Form SD with a Conflict Minerals Report and obtain an independent private sector audit of the Conflict Minerals Report? Answer: Yes. The issuer, however, is not required to disclose the products containing those conflict minerals in its Conflict Minerals Report or provide certain other disclosures specified in Item 1.01(c)(2) of Form SD because those products are “DRC conflict free.” Question: An issuer manufactures or contracts to have manufactured tools, machines, or other equipment for it to use in the manufacture of products, and those tools, machines, or other equipment contain conflict minerals. If the issuer after using those tools, machines, or other equipment subsequently sells such equipment, is the issuer required to file a report on Form SD regarding the conflict minerals in such equipment? Answer: No. The tools, machines, or other equipment are not products of that issuer, and the staff will not view their later entry into the stream of commerce as transforming them into products of that issuer. Question: If a product manufactured by an issuer or contracted by an issuer to be manufactured contains a conflict mineral solely because the conflict mineral is in a “generic” component included in the product, does the issuer need to conduct a reasonable country of origin inquiry regarding the origin of the conflict mineral in the generic component? We note that the issuer has not contracted to manufacture the generic component. Answer: Yes. An issuer would be required to conduct a reasonable country of origin inquiry with respect to conflict minerals included in generic components included in products it manufactures or contracts to manufacture. In this regard, there is no distinction between the components of a product that an issuer directly manufactures or contracts to manufacture and the “generic” ones it purchases to include in a product. FASTENER TECH '15 While the show may be just behind us, registrations are already coming in for Fastener Tech ’15 which will feature a Technology Center. The Center will allow machinery manufacturers to showcase their machines. In conjunction with a Technology Center, an additional reception will be held in that area. Seminars, the 8 show, and social events will be part of the Fastener Tech ’15 schedule. To register for exhibit space at this show, see registration form on page 9, go to or The floor plan for this event (at print time) is on page 10. 2014 Sch olarship apps now ava ilable o n our website /downlo a d s Applicat ions are due by Sept. 15th. Exhibits includ e Fastener Manuf ac tu rers, Fastener Indust ry Service Com panies and Fastener M achinery. FASTENER TECH ’15 EXHIBIT APPLICATION AND CONTRACT DATE: _______________________ The undersigned (hereinafter called the Exhibitor) hereby applies for space in the FASTENER TECH ’15 Exhibition scheduled for June 8-10, 2015 at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center in Rosemont (Chicago), IL USA. The Exhibitor understands that this becomes a valid contract when accompanied by the exhibit fee (shown below) and upon the receipt of FASTENER TECH ’15’s acceptance of the application. Furthermore, the Exhibitor acknowledges receipt of and agrees to exhibit under and comply with the rules and regulations printed on the second and third pages of this contract. COMPANY NAME: ________________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ CITY: ______________________________________________ STATE/PROVINCE: ___________________ ZIP: _____________ COUNTRY: _____________________________________ CONTACT: ________________________________________________ PHONE: ____________________________ FAX: _________________________ EMAIL: ________________________________ WEBSITE: ________________________________________________________ EXHIBIT SPACE SELECTION & FEES (includes carpet, table, two chairs, waste can, pipe & drape, sign, 2 exhibitor badges per booth, attendee passes and exhibitor lunch) _______ 10’x10’ unit: $1800 (reserved by 10/1/2014) After 10/1/2014 $2000 Table Size Requested: 4ft __ 6ft __ 8ft __ _______ 10’x20’ unit: $3600 (reserved by 10/1/2014) After 10/1/2014 $4000 Table Size Requested: 4ft __ 6ft __ 8ft __ Larger booths available upon request (additional space charged at per booth price) _______ Electrical Outlets, $250 each (on site electric order $300) _____ Upgrade to counter table and stools $100 ___________ We would like to be a Fastener Tech ’15 Reception Sponsor-please check to be contacted _____ TOTAL COST (Space & Electrical Outlets): _________________ UTILITIES AND OPTIONAL FURNISHING NOT INCLUDED. (Info for upgrades and additional furnishing options to follow at later date) BOOTH SELECTION: FIRST CHOICE: _________ COMPETITORS NOT TO BE LOCATED NEAR: SECOND CHOICE: _________ THIRD CHOICE: _________ ________________________________________________________________ PRODUCTS & SERVICES: __________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NAME & SIGNATURE OF RESPONSIBLE PARTY: _______________________________________________________________ METHOD OF PAYMENT: MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO FASTENER TECH ’15, AND MAIL WITH APPLICATION TO FASTENER TECH ’15, PO BOX 5, LAKE ZURICH, IL 60047, USA CREDIT CARD: (CIRCLE ONE) VISA MC AMEX ACCOUNT NUMBER: _________________________________________________________ EXP. DATE: __________________ NAME ON CARD: ________________________________________ SIGNATURE: ____________________________________ CALL +1-847-438-8338 FOR WIRE TRANSFER INFORMATION RETURN COMPLETED FORM BY MAIL TO FASTENER TECH ’15, PO BOX 5, LAKE ZURICH, IL 60047, USA OR FAX WITH CREDIT CARD INFO TO: +1-847-438-7580 OFFICE USE ONLY / ACCEPTED BY: ___________________________________ SPACE ASSIGNED: _____________________ PAYMENTS RECEIVED: __________________________ Cancellations prior to 4/1/15 subject to $200 processing fee. After 4/1 no refunds. 9 DONALD E. STEPHENS CONVENTION CENTER HALL F Fire Exits RESERVED Fire Exits FE Men Electrical TECH CENTER Lounge Women Concession Payphones 736 735 836 835 936 935 734 733 834 833 934 933 732 731 832 730 729 830 829 930 929 1030 728 727 828 827 928 927 726 725 826 825 926 925 724 723 824 823 924 923 1035 1136 20' FH FE 1034 1133 1234 1233 1131 1232 1231 1029 1130 1129 1230 1229 1028 1027 1128 1127 1228 1227 1026 1025 1126 1125 1226 1225 1024 1023 1124 1123 1224 1223 1033 1134 FH FH TECH CENTER FH FE 720 721 820 819 920 919 1020 1019 1119 1220 1219 718 719 818 817 918 917 1018 1017 1118 1117 1218 1217 716 717 815 916 915 1016 1015 1116 1115 1216 1215 714 715 814 813 914 913 1014 1013 1114 1113 1214 1213 712 713 812 912 911 1012 1011 1112 1111 1212 1211 710 711 810 809 910 909 1010 1009 1110 708 709 808 807 907 1008 1007 1108 706 707 806 20' FH FE FH ENTRANCE 20' Show Office Concessions FE FH 10 Sprinkler Equip. READER'S CORNER EFC International Expands Offering of Retaining Rings - St. Louis, MO. EFC International, a leading provider of specialty engineered components, is now offering inch and metric retaining rings, manufactured by BENERI S.P.A. Beneri, located in Valmadrera Italy, has been in business since 1958 and is the leading retaining ring supplier throughout Europe, in both automotive and industrial markets. EFC, supporting Beneri’s expansion into North America, will be providing a full range of inch and metric size rings, for both shaft and housing/bore applications; many already stocked in the United States. Retaining rings are offered in a wide variety of sizes to accommodate a broad range of shaft diameters and groove diameters. Axially Assembled, Internal (for Housings/Bores) and External (for Shafts) Once the retaining ring is installed, the shoulder portion of the ring extending beyond the groove provides retention and holds components and assemblies in place. Radially Assembled, External (for Shafts) Commonly used in numerous rotational shaft applications including automotive, axles, transmissions, motors and gearboxes, radially assembled retaining rings are ideal for tight clearances and easy to install. EFC International is an ISO 9001:2008certified leading provider of specialty metal and plastic components, fasteners, and clamping technologies to OEM and Distributor markets. For more information on BENERI retaining rings contact: Dave Jones, Vice President of Business Units South Holland Metal Finishing, is proud to announce the installation of a new WMV integrated hoist transfer system which will greatly improve its ability to passivate and coat parts with sealers/waxes utilizing an automated centrifugal basket system which will dramatically improve the “Fit & Function” of recessed parts ……. And will be substantially increasing its Zinc Nickel capacity over the next few months. Go to the best, go to to learn more about the multiple capabilities of South Holland Metal Finishing. Innovative Components Inc is now specializing in nylon and brass tipped fasteners. These specialty fasteners are used in applications where the integrity of the mating surface or mating part must be kept intact without marring. Nylon and brass tips are available in set screws, tap bolts, cap screws, hex bolts, machine screws, thumb screws, plastic knobs w/ studs, and just about any other fastener that requires a non-marring tip. Founded in 1992, Innovative Components, Inc., also known as The Knob Source, is best known for offering a wide variety of plastic knobs and handles, as well as an extensive line of quick release hardware including quick release pins, spring loaded pins, wire rope lanyards, The Thread Detective® and CNC machined parts. Innovative offers the “Best of Both Worlds” by offering a quick domestic delivery from our Schaumburg, Illinois facility and blending it with a low cost alternative from our state of the art owned factory in Cartago, Costa Rica. You’ll receive high-production parts at import prices with domestic lead times. Innovative is headquartered at 1050 National Parkway, Schaumburg, IL 60173. Tel: 847-885-9050 Fax: 847-885-9005 Web: Email: 2014 SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS DUE SEPTEMBER 15TH Applications are available online at under Downloads 11 2014 SCHOLARSHIP DONORS Thank you to our many donors who have generously donated to the MWFA Scholarship Fund so far this year. Abbott Interfast Corporation Aderman Co. Alina Agresto American Fasteners & Components Assembled Products Big Bolt Corp Crown Screw & Bolt Corporation Darling Bolt Delta Secondary E Z Sockets Inc. EFC Elgin Fastener Group Fall River Mfg. Co Fasteners By Design Inc. Fastron Co. Field Fastener Supply Foremost Fastener Co Gaffney Bolt & Nut Co Hi-Performance Fastening Holbrook Mfg. Industrial Fasteners Institute International Fasteners Inc. J & M Plating Kanebridge Corp KDS Imports Inc. Ken Forging Inc. Lucky 13 Sales Matenaer Corp. Marathon Solutions Metric & Multistandard Morgan Ohare Inc. N-D Industries Rogers Brothers Inc. Rosi Thornton SWD Inc. Screws Industries Solution Industries South Holland Metal Finishing XL Screw Corp YRC Association Solutions/Yellow Bold print indicates full scholarship donated in their name. UPCOMING EVENTS September 18th Intermediate Fasteners Seminar Brico Industries & Hilton Suites/Addison, IL Registration form available online. September 25th Brighton-Best Int’l Seminars & Open House Aurora, IL October 16th Heat Treating/Plating Seminar Morgan Ohare/SWD Inc. Addison, IL Registration form available online. November 6th Scholarship Award, Elections Dinner Meeting Guest Speaker, Lou Canellis December 11th Holiday Party-Medinah Banquets/Addison, IL Visit Our Website often as we add more show and golf pictures! Linked in 12
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