RTE News E-zine issue 1


RTE News E-zine issue 1
Promoting & Developing UV & EB Technology
in European Industry
RTE Conference 2015
Advanced Development Award Competition
RTE Food Packaging Seminars
News from the Industry
Update on REACH
August 2015, Issue No. 1
RADTECH NEWS www.radtech-europe.com
Calendar of Events Q3-Q4 2015
August 2015
10 – 12International Conference on Food Safety & Regulatory Measures
Birmingham, U.K.
September 2015
UV/EB Surface Curing Workshop
RadTech Printing & Packaging Focus Group Meeting
16 – 17Packaging Innovations/Luxury Packaging Conference
27 - 2
Labelexpo Europe
30 – 2CEPE Annual Conference & General Assembly 2015
Atlanta, USA
Chicago, USA
London, U.K.
Brussels, Belgium
Krakow, Poland
October 2015
07 - 08
The Inkjet Conference 2015
13 – 15 RTE Conference & Exhibition 2015
13 – 15 The Print Show
20 – 21 Additive Manufacturing Conference
28 – 29 UV LED 2015
Düsseldorf, Germany
Prague, Czech Republic
Birmingham, U.K.
Knoxville, USA
Troy, New York, USA
November 2015
02 – 03 Pira Packaging Forum
London, U.K.
10 – 12 InPrint 2015/Productronica
Munich, Germany
Digital Print for Brand Success Conference 2015
London, U.K.
25 – 26 Empack 2015
Brussels, Belgium
26 – 27 Asian Packaging ConferenceVietnam
26 – 29 FESPA Eurasia
Istanbul, Turkey
December 2015
8 – 9Digital Print for Packaging Europe Conference
Berlin, Germany
RTE Advertisement: Low priced deals for high exposure
in industry
Advertising in RTE RadFlash (e-newsletter)
Place a static banner (630 x 150 pixels) in the monthly online e-newsletter of RadTech Europe. Only € 100,- for placement in one issue
and € 1.000,- for one whole year (12 editions)!
Online advertising on RTE website
The RadTech Europe website (www.radtech-europe.com) is the go-to source for the European UV and EB industry. On average, the site
attracts 15,000 – 18,000 page views divided over 10,000 - 12,000 visitor sessions per month. In the months surrounding the RadTech
Europe Conference & Exhibition or other leading projects, the RTE site attracted nearly 50,000 visitors per month. A lot of this traffic is
generated by registered visitors, potential RTE members that remain updated on RTE’s activities through regular newsflashes. Your
company’s digital advertising reaches all those directly involved in, associated with, and even just interested in, the UV/EB Technology.
Business Case
With the new and improved RTE website launched in October 2011, RTE offers a whole new way of advertising. If you are a RTE member
and you are interested in more exposure for your company’s latest developments/products, make use of the Business Case on our
website! You get a full page on the RTE website, together with short summary which will be featured prominently on the home page and
related industry pages, giving you maximum exposure on the relevant parts of the website. Ask the Secretariat for more information.
Advertising in RTE News
RadTech Europe offers members and non members the possibility to place an advertisement in the RadTech News. Prices per issue: € 1.500,for 1 full colour page and € 750,- for a ½ full colour page. All advertisers taking up an advertisement in one or more issues of RadTech News
will get the opportunity to add one page editorial space in the magazine. The article should be of general interest to our readership.
If you are interested please contact the Secretariat at mail@radtech-europe.com or find more detailed information in the Advertisement &
Media Rates 2015 brochure on http://www.radtech-europe.com
Word of the President
Calendar of events
Advertisement Prices
Word of the President
RTE Conference & Exhibition 2015
RTE Advanced Development Award 5
Report on 2014 activities
RTE Food Packaging Seminars
HSE Update
RTNA Update
Industry News
Dear reader,
It is with great pleasure that I present
you the newest RadTech Europe
newsletter. As I write this, preparations
for the latest edition of our Conference
and Exhibition are in the final stages.
This year’s event will introduce a host
of new concepts: we will welcome the
next generation of the radiation curing
industry to our event by providing a
stage for student Poster Presentations,
we have launched a dedicated website
(www.radtech2015.com) for our event
and will provide higher-quality booths
and end-user application sessions, as
well as further integrate the Conference
and Exhibition into a bigger whole.
Aside from the leading technical
content, RadTech 2015 will be the
place to meet and interact with the UV/
EB industry. In this digitally connected
world where information is everywhere,
it offers a valuable opportunity for faceto-face exchange to learn, connect and
grow together. Social is crucial for
innovation – be sure not to miss the
keynote speech by Lars B. Sonderegger
on exactly this topic!
Of course, our signature event is far
from the only way RadTech Europe
engages and promotes the radiation
curing industry: our successful series of
seminars educate the industry on
specific topics, such as food safety,
metal coating or EB technology.
Discussions with end-user
organizations help create a closely-knit
network for exchanging information.
However, it is in our working groups
and advocacy efforts that the
collaborative mindset and strength of
our association is best reflected. It is
here that our members identify
promising applications and challenges
for the radiation curing industry,
initiate promotional activities and start
the dialogue with legislators and other
associations in the value chain. It is
here that RadTech Europe, as the
industry platform, can open doors that
a company by itself cannot. And it is
precisely here that you can make a
difference for the industry, and in
doing so, expand your own network.
RadTech Europe is your association, for
the promotion of your industry. So step
forward with your ideas and
suggestions, and we will provide the
platform to push radiation curing to
greater heights. If you have any ideas
or suggestions, or wish to participate in
one of our Working Groups or
Committees, please do not hesitate to
contact me or the Secretariat.
Yours sincerely,
David Helsby
New members of RadTech
Europe in 2014 - 2015
How to become a member
of RadTech Europe?
Visit us at www.radtech-europe.com
for more information and to download
the registration form 2013 or contact
the RadTech Europe Secretariat at
New company members
Domino UK Ltd
Nedap Light Controls
Martin Thompson
Tonnie Telgenhof
New individual members
Dymax Corporation
Heraeus Noblelight GmbH
Dymax Corporation
Heraeus Noblelight America LLC
Schekolin AG
Detlef Burgard
Alexander Link
Ahmet Nebioglu
Sven Schalk
Andreas Stabla
New affiliated members
Association of organisation and professionals in radiation technologies
Fraunhofer Institute for Organic Electronics, Electron Beam
RadTech Europe welcomes all new members!
Category 2
Category 5
RTE Conference &
Exhibition 2015
UV/EB now: New place,
new format, new applications
The leading European event for
UV and EB technology
13-15 October 2015
Find out more at
Organized by:
Call for Entries RadTech Europe
Advanced Development Award
RadTech Europe (RTE) is proud to
announce the participation details of its
bi-annual Advanced Development Award.
This call for entries is being addressed to
all companies with innovative and
outstanding applications that have been
manufactured using UV or EB curable
inks, coatings or adhesives and/or
produced in any printing, manufacturing
or construction application that uses
radiation curing technology.
The awards competition targets all sectors
of the industry and will culminate in an
awards ceremony during RadTech
Europe›s Conference and Exhibition on
the 13th of October in Prague, Czech
Republic. The conference and exhibition
theme “UV/EB Now: New place, new
format, new applications” is builtaround
the future of radiation curing, will
examine new and emerging trends and
innovations, and take a close look at new
applications of UV and EB curing. As
such, it is the platform for honoring the
Advanced Development award winners of
2015, acknowledging the efforts and
investments companies make in bringing
the benefits of UV and EB curing on to an
even broader raft of application areas.
The winner of the previous edition was
the company Visio-Technicwith their
patented Numericoat® technology to
allowing the creation of customised,
durable, architectural graphics, signs,
displays, images, and colours on a variety
of today’s building construction materials.
«RadTech Europe provides winners with a
prestigious sales and marketing tool,» says
David Helsby, President of RadTech
Europe. «A hallmark that signals to
customers the winning company›s
contribution to manufacturing excellence
achieved through the use of UV/EB
radiation curing technology.»
Closing date for entries is 15 September.
Further entry details can be found on
Annual General Meeting (AGM) on
Tuesday 13 October 2015
The Annual General Meeting will be held on Tuesday, 13 October 2015 from 08.45 –
09.30 hrs. All members are invited to participate, vote and contribute their thoughts
to shape the future of the association for the promotion of UV/EB radiation curing
technology. Pre-registration is required, but not mandatory. More information may be
found on www.radtech-europe.com.
Business Information Market
New Product Introductions
The RadTech Europe Conference & Exhibition 2015 will offer a special area named
the Business Information Market where poster sessions and commercial sessions
featuring New Product Introductions will be held. The market will be included in the
exhibition area.
The new product introductions are an exclusive opportunity for RadTech Europe
members to give a commercial presentation on the latest trends and developments in
their products and equipment. The commercial presentations should be max. 15
minutes in length, the cost is € 500,– per presentation. Abstracts may be submitted
until September 15, 2015. Please note that places are limited and submissions are
handled on a first-come, first-served basis. Gold sponsors are given priority.
NEW: Poster Presentations
The expanded poster presentations will share the stage with the commercial presentations,
providing a new platform for students to showcase their talents and attracting a new
generation to the exhibition to learn about the radiation curing industry. RadTech Europe
will issue a separate announcement and call for posters. Interested parties are welcome to
contact the RTE Secretariat for more details (mail@radtech-europe.com).
Updated programme
All papers have been collected by the congress programme committee. For the most up to date programme, visit www.radtech2015.com/programme
Programma at a glance:
Tuesday, 13 October 2015
From 08.00 hrs Conference registration
08.45 – 09.30 hrs Annual General Meeting (RTE members only)
09.30 – 11.30 hrs Opening & Introduction Session
Keynote: ‘Why social is crucial for Innovation - Insights from behavioral
science and the brain by Mr Lars Sonderegger of Quantonomics
11.30 – 13.00 hrs Networking: lunch & exhibition
13.00 – 14.30 hrs Parallel Session 1-2-3
Session 1: Advances in Photochemistry & photopolymerization 1
Session 2: Development in Printing Technology
Session 3: HSE & Safe Use of UV/EB
14.30 – 15.15 hrs Networking: coffee break & exhibition
15.15 – 16.45 hrs Parallel Session 1-2-3
16.45 – 17.15 hrs Networking: coffee & exhibition
17.15 – 22.00 hrs Networking: Afterwork party
Wednesday, 14 October 2015
09.00 – 10.30 hrs Parallel Session 4-5-6
Session 4: Advances in photochemistry & photopolymerization 2
Session 5: Advances in UV LED Technolgy
Session 6: 3D Printing
10.30 – 11.15 hrs Networking: coffee & exhibition
11.15 – 13.00 hrs Parallel Session 4-5-6
13.00 – 14.30 hrs Networking: lunch & exhibition
14.30 – 16.00 hrs Parallel Session 7-8
Session 7: Innovation in Applications
Session 8: Developments in Coatings & Formulations
16.00 – 16.45 hrs Networking: coffee break & exhibition
16.45 – 17.45 hrs Parallel Session 7-8
Thursday, 15 October 2015
09.00 – 10.30 hrs Parallel Session 9-10
Session 9: Innovation in Chemistry & Materials
Session 10: Advances in UV/EB Equipment & Process Control
10.30 – 11.15 hrs Networking: coffee & exhibition
11.15 – 13.00 hrs Parallel Session 9-10
13.00 – 14.30 hrs Networking: lunch & exhibition
14.30 hrs
End of Conference
RADTECH NEWS www.radtech-europe.com
RadTech Europe would already like to
thank the following sponsors for their
Arkema France - BU Sartomer
DSM Coatings Resins B.V.
Dymax Oligomers + Coatings
Heraeus Noblelight GmbH
Lambson Ltd
Nedap Light Controls
Opsytec Dr. Groebel GmbH
PCT Engineered Systems
Rahn AG
Siltech Corporation
Sponsorships in combination with the
exhibition are fully booked, but other
sponsor possibilities are available (first
come first serve). You might be interested
in becoming the exclusive sponsor for the
wifi on the conference & exhibition
floor? Or your brochure can be
distributed amongst all attendees. Also,
think of pens, bags, notepads or other
materials for all attendees to use, with
your company name on them! Be quick,
because these opportunities are mostly
Highlights from the RadTech Europe Calendar 2014/2015
A lot has happened over the past year. This
overview provides you a summary of
activities of RadTech Europe over the past
12 months for the common interest of its
members and the radiation curing industry
in general.
January 2014 – February 2014
9 January The Marketing Committee
discusses the PR programme and other
activities for 2014.
30 January Following the second RadTech
Europe Conference and Exhibition in Basel
in 2013, the Management Committee
organizes a review of its results and issues
a tender for the organization of the next
edition. Specifically, the requirement is
included to refresh the format and
streamline the exhibition.
February 2015
6 February RadTech Europe organizes a
teleconference with the European UV-lamp
manufacturers to discuss RoHS 2 and the
need for a reaction by the industry.
12 February RadTech Europe, with the
support of EuPIA and CEFIC, releases an
article on Food Safety and UV-cured
printing inks.
March 2014
10 March The Metal Coating working
group discusses the potential way forward
for the group and the possibilities for
organizing a new Metal Coating seminar.
13 March After a series of meetings and two
rounds of presentations and proposals, the
decision is taken to award the organization
of the event to Lejeune Association
Management, the company responsible for
running the Secretariat of RadTech Europe.
Prague is chosen as the venue for the event,
based on the quality of the location and the
fact that conference and exhibition can take
place on the same floor.
19 March The EB seminar working group
discusses the content of the planned EB
20 March RadTech Europe participates in
the meeting of the European Recovered
Paper Council.
27 March Discussions with the exhibition
service provider NLexpo are concluded,
offering a clear of view of the things to
look out for in the exhibition venue.
31 March The Graphic Arts working group
comes together to start planning the
upcoming food packaging seminar. A
series of meetings follow over the summer
to put together a high-quality programme.
April 2014
1 April RadTech Europe joins the ESVOC
BREF STS group to prepare for the
development of an updated reference
document for best available technologies for
surface treatment using solvents, in which
UV and EB technology are to be included as
options to limit VOC emissions. A series of
meetings follows throughout the year.
7-8 April RadTech Europe delivers a
presentation focusing on the save use of
radiation curing for food packaging at a
seminar of the Polish flexography
association in Warsaw.
15 April A site visit to Prague is
conducted to confirm suitability of the
location and get first-hand information on
the conference and exhibition space.
May 2014
15 May Duomedia, with the help from the
RadTech Europe Marketing Committee
issue the second article of the year,
focusing on the winner of the RadTech
Europe Innovation award: Numericoat
from Visio-Technic.
28 May Marketing Committee and
Management Committee have a
teleconference to the progress for the year
and the actions to be taken before the
General Assembly.
June 2014
20 June The first formal announcement of
the new-look RadTech Europe Conference
and Exhibition is issued through a savethe-date press release. This is followed by
the announcement of the Food Packaging
September 2014
12 September The Secretariat discusses
the upcoming press releases with the PR
agency, Duomedia.
23/24 September The RadTech Europe
General Assembly and Food Packaging
seminar takes place in Stuttgart, Germany.
A separate report on the event can be
found in this issue. At the General
Assembly, the formal decision is taken to
end the cooperation with Duomedia at
the end of 2014.
29 September A workshop on REACH
authorization is attended by RadTech
October 2014
2 October RTE represents the radiation
curing industry in the next meeting of the
European Recovered Paper Council,
focusing on the monitoring report and
achievements in recycling over the last year.
14 October The HSE committee discusses
the latest regulatory developments in a
20 October A report on the Food
Packaging seminar is released to the press.
24 October RadTech North America and
RadTech Europe have a teleconference to
discuss the implications of RoHS 2 and
the actions required.
November 2014
11 November The call for papers for the
RadTech Europe Conference is launched.
14 November The Graphic Arts Working
Group holds a debriefing teleconference
to discuss the seminar and the main points
for improvement, as well as the possibility
of organizing another event in 2016.
21 November RadTech Europe formally
agrees to support a review of the application
for renewal of the exemption for mercury in
special discharge lamps under the RoHS.
December 2014
15 December Looking to explore new
markets and applications, RadTech Europe
issues an article on the importance of
radiation curing for 3D printing.
January 2015
9 January The first teleconference of the
RadTech Europe Conference committee
takes place, explaining the timing and
requirements for the chairmen.
15 January The 2015 agenda of the
association is announced in an article.
20 January The Secretariat and the event
management partner Liberty Services hold
a meeting to discuss preparations for the
23 and 27 January The Management
RTE Advanced Development Awards
October 13 – 15 2015 Prague I Czech Republic
Competition 2015
Entry examples
The markets and applications for
UV/EB technology are many and
diverse. Listed below are typical
examples. The number of entries per
company is unlimited as long as each
entered product has been
manufactured using UV/EB
Glass & Glassware
Folding Cartons
Wire & Cable
Electronics & Optical CD/DVD
Flexible Packaging
Pipes & Metal Sheets
Automotive Components
Medical & Cosmetics
With the creation of its RadTech Europe Awards for advanced
developments competition, RadTech Europe provides winners with a
prestigious sales and marketing tool: a hallmark that signals to
customers the winning company’s contribution to manufacturing
excellence achieved through the use of UV and EB radiation curing
Entries eligible for Awards must have been manufactured using UV or
EB curable inks, coatings or adhesives and/or produced in any printing,
manufacturing or construction application that uses radiation curing
The Awards Competition targets all sectors of industry and will
culminate in an awards ceremony during the RadTech Conference
Plenary Session on 13October at the Clarion hotel in Prague, Czech
Republic. Here entrants will have the opportunity to see and hear about
new developments in UV/EB curing technology.
Work submitted will be judged on technical achievements which can be
classified as the most innovative use of UV/EB Technology. In the case
that submitting an entry by post is not possible due to size or other
reasons, RadTech Europe will accept a photograph along with a
detailed description of the entry.
Entries should be submitted upon receipt of this form.
Closing date for entries: 11 September 2015
Please complete the entry form on the other side of this flyer
and send it with your entry, preferably including
additional information on your entry to:
RadTech Europe, PO Box 85612,
2508 CH The Hague, NL
RadTech Europe gratefully acknowledges the support of the sponsors of
the awards in furthering the advancement of UV/EB curing technology
and promoting the activities of our organisation.
RADTECH NEWS www.radtech-europe.com
Committee of RadTech Europe meet,
focusing on the Conference programme
and promotion.
February 2015
The Exhibition and Sponsorship manual
are released.
11 February 2015 RadTech Europe
participates in the INGEDE deinking
symposium in Munich.
March 2015
12 March The RadTech Europe website
sees its biggest update since its launch in
2011. With a new responsive design, fit
for use on tablet and smartphone, the
website has been future-proofed for years
to come. In addition, the search engine for
articles has been improved and the ability
to provide collections of articles has been
17-19 March RadTech Europe participates
in meetings on the Biocidal Products
Regulation and the implications of REACH
for downstream users.
23 March Preparations for EB seminar are
put on hold, as the intended end-user
venue is unavailable.
26 March The dedicated website for the
RadTech Europe Conference and Exhibition
is launched at RadTech2015.com
April 2015
14 April Preparations for the conference
are in full swing. Following the call for
papers, the Conference Committee meets
to select the best papers and organize
these into themed sessions. Given the
strong response, particularly from the
academic world, the Committee opts to
add two additional sessions to the
Conference programme.
20-24 April The freshly-printed draft
programme is promoted at the European
Coatings Show by the RadTech Secretariat
and the members present.
May 2015
18-21 May RadTech Europe is represented
at the PIRA Food Packaging seminar,
raising awareness for its own upcoming
Conference, as well as identifying
potential speakers for the Conference and
food packaging seminars.
27 May The Graphic Arts committee starts
preparations for the 2016 edition of its
food packaging seminar with a review of
the programme of the last edition and
decisions concerning the format.
28-29 May RadTech Europe is invited to
participate in preparatory discussions with
the European Commission representatives
tasked with the revision of the reference
document for best available technologies
for surface treatment using solvents in
June 2015
15-16 June RadTech Europe attend the
IST UV days in order to raise awareness
for the upcoming Conference and
July 2015
10 July RadTech Europe approaches
INGEDE concerning an article on
deinkability of low-energy UV inks.
Discussions to resolve the situation
Save the date for the next installment of our
successful seminar series
RTE food packaging seminar 2016
Radiation curing for food packaging
30 September 2016
Dusseldorf, Germany
UV/EB Now: Building A New World
‘These are exciting times for the energy curing industry’, says David Helsby, President of RadTech
Europe -- the industry’s long-established association which continues to be a trailblazer in the
promotion of UV and EB curing. This year, in response to the unprecedented interest and growth
these technologies are experiencing in an ever-wider arena of applications, RadTech Europe is
convening its two-yearly Conference and Exhibition in a new format, and at a new location.
The RadTech Europe Conference and
Exhibition 2015 will take place at the
Clarion Congress Hotel, Prague, 13-15
October 2015. The three-day event is
expected to attract around 400 delegates,
representing every part of the energycuring supply chain -- from chemistry,
materials, and equipment suppliers – as
well as participants from the many enduse industries which are today exploring,
and expanding the use of these dynamic
Together, the conference and exhibition
deliver an ideal, high-energy opportunity
for learning about current product
innovations and applications, networking,
and gaining valuable insights into
potential future pathways for the industry.
Plenary conference session
The formal agenda opens with a plenary
session chaired by Dawn Skinner of Heraeus
Noblelight Fusion UV, featuring the
conference keynote and in-depth overviews
of the UV and EB markets in Europe, USA,
and Asia. It will also feature the presentation
of the Advanced Development Award for the
application for UV/EB technology deemed
by the RadTech Europe Marketing
Committeeto be the most innovative and
outstanding; as well as the presentation of
the prestigious Paul Dufour Award – named
after one of the founding fathers of RadTech
Europe -- for the best conference paper.
Parallel specialist sessions
Taking account the diverse nature of
technology usage, the conference
programme then offers delegates a choice
of intensive parallel sessions, each of
which will offer a number of cutting-edge
expert papers, addressing advances in
photochemistry and photopolymerisation;
developments in coatings and
formulations; innovation in chemistry and
materials; advances in UV/EB equipment
and process control; developments in
printing technology; HSE and the safe use
of UV/EB curing; advances in UV LED
technology; 3D printing; and innovation
in applications. Indeed, this year’s
programme strongly focuses on new end
uses, answering questions regarding the
practical use of radiation curing in
industries as diverse as 3D printing,
packaging, electronics, and automotive.In
all, the conference programme features
some 50 papers from specialists, with the
preliminary programme now available on
the dedicated event website,
location, which is also open to visitors who
are not attending the conference. In itself, it
is a hub of considerable activity with the
presence of all prominent industry players.
Within the Business Information Market
area on the exhibition floor, RadTech
Europe members will make short
commercial presentations, showcasing the
latest UV and EB product and equipment
developments. Sharing the same stage, the
expanded poster presentations will provide
a new platform within which university
students can showcase their talents, thus
attracting a new generation – tomorrow’s
industry leaders – to learn about radiation
curing. RadTech Europe’s Secretariat is
handling a ‘call for submissions’ for this
part of the programme.
The partner exhibition –
showcasing the industry
No industry event would be complete
without associated social events, and at
the end of the first day, delegates are
invited to relax at the conference
‘afterwork party’ on site and enjoy an
evening of good music, food, and drink.
Conference breaks during the day provide
the opportunity for delegates to visit the
extensive partner exhibitionat the same
The social side
‘New place, new format,
new applications’
‘This premier event in RadTech Europe’s
2015 calendar has been structured to be
as inclusive and wide-ranging as possible,’
says conference chairman Dawn Skinner,
who also chaired the conference
programme committee: ‘Energy curing is a
long-established and well-proven
technology that nonetheless is now
opening doors in a great number of new
areas of usage. We believe this new format
will be both exciting and empowering.’
© 2015 Allnex Industries Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Meet Allnex, a leader in
UV/EB curable resin technology
As a leader in UV/EB curable resin technology, Allnex offers a reliable supply of
a broad portfolio of quality products from our global manufacturing facilities.
Our 100% UV/EB resins, waterborne UV resins, dual cure and cationic UV
curable resins and additives are designed for use in a wide range of industries,
including industrial coatings on all kind of substrates, consumer electronics,
packaging coatings and inks, glass lamination, composites, field applied
coatings and much more.
They are known under the brand names EBECRYL®, UCECOAT®, UVACURE®,
Our dedicated team of resins experts is eager to find the right solutions for
your coating needs. Contact us today!
All About Resins
Global Operational Headquarters
Square Marie Curie 11
1070 Anderlecht – Brussels
UV and EB are established core curing
technologies – but are they completely safe
for use on food packaging print?
Food Packaging Seminar Report by RadTech Europe
The perfect recipe for radiation curing for
food packaging has not yet been proposed
or defined by the EU legislators. All that
exists today are the GMP and Framework
Regulation, as well as Swiss Ordinance,
respected and now widely adopted across
the food packaging supply chain, but still
something less than the definitive answer.
This situation was the driving force behind
the Food Packaging Seminar held in
Stuttgart in September by RadTech Europe,
the regional association promoting the
radiation curing technologies across all
markets. The event drew together around
90 participants – all experienced specialists
from the various disciplines related to the
food packaging value chain (raw materials,
printing inks, equipment, materials, and
brand owners) -- to discuss and debate the
proper use of radiation curing in food-safe
printing, with the aim of enabling this
technology -- which delivers a broad
platform of benefits -- to achieve its welldeserved maximum potential.
Market overview
Stephen Harrod, author of many specialist
market reports for Smithers Pira on
aspects of packaging and print, set the
scene with an overview of the global
packaging market and its current
‘megatrends’. He forecast 2014 growth in
the revived global economy at ±3.5%,
and annual global growth to 2018 at 4%.
Food packaging – a €55 billion market in
2013 – will, he said, show 2.1% real
annual growth to 2018, led by the meat,
fish and poultry; chilled foods (including
ready meals); and fresh food and
vegetable sectors. UV curing, in this
dynamic environment, has much to offer:
good environmental credentials (no VOCs
or solvents); fast turnaround; and high
performance. Barriers to its use are
currently cost – in terms of inks,
varnishes, and energy usage; perceived
lack of ease of use; heat from standard
UV lamps; healthcare ‘scares’ involving
migration of print through the packaging
substrate; and recycling challenges.
Summarising, Mr Harrod drew attention
to the strong growth in inkjet print. UV
inkjet is already enjoying a CAGR of
14.8%, and there are considerable and
continuing refinements in the technology
base – printheads, inks, curing systems,
android integrations, and presses.
‘Packaging is a great opportunity’, said Mr
Harrod, for this versatile print technology.
The applied chemistries
Francis Bergiers, technical service and
development specialist at Allnex, then
provided a comprehensive overview of
the applied chemistries involved in
printing and packaging. The partner UV
and EB curing inks must deliver viscosity,
pigment wetting, cure speed, adhesion,
flexibility, scratch resistance; and
resistance to chemicals such as solvents.
For food packaging print, additional
requirements are low odour, no taste
transfer, and low migration. All this must
come, he underlined, at an acceptable
price. Mr Bergiers highlighted recent
innovations with particular relevance for
food packaging, such as self-curing
acrylates; acrylates that deliver higher
purity; acrylates with an improved
compromise between high molecular
weight and viscosity; and the ability to
achieve higher acrylate functionality
whilst using lower viscosity systems.
‘Think like a food company!’
With the technology base clearly
explained, it was time to hear from the
customer: Dr Stephen Klump, Global
Head of Packaging Quality and Safety, for
Nestlé. His subject was ‘Managing Risk’.
He outlined the many risks associated
with the many different materials which
come into contact with food items.
Conveyor belts, plastic moulds, pipes and
hoses are among the risks involved in
food processing; and packaging materials
– paper, board, plastic, metal, glass,
coatings, inks, and adhesives -- are risks
to finished or semi-finished products, as
are a host of auxiliary items, such as
straws, ice cream sticks, drinks dispensers.
Dr Klump said that ‘consumers are very
aware that there are problems out there
with their food’ – highlighting the recent
horsemeat scandal, and reminding
participants that governmental, NGO, and
media coverage means that the consumer
focus ‘goes viral’. In such a complex
supply chain, involving many specialist
suppliers of chemicals and raw materials
as well as converters, packers, brand
owners, and retailers, a publiclyidentified safety problem can have serious
consequences for a brand. Nestlé’s
outstanding and continuing commitment
to mitigating such brand risk through its
packaging safety and compliance
programme is long-established and
proven, and Dr Klump adjured the
assembled seminar participants to join
him and ‘think like a food company’.
The Nestlé CoC
Suppliers across the value chain do not
always deliver what they promise. If there
RADTECH NEWS www.radtech-europe.com
He concluded, however, that energycuring products CAN safely be used in
food packaging scenarios as long as their
suitability is fully assessed.
Low-migration inkjet inks
is a problem, he said, it is the supplier’s
responsibility to ‘find out before someone
else finds out for you’. He listed the
problems his company has experienced in
the packaging arena since 1991 – a list
which, of course, includes mineral oils,
BPA and ITX, and odour issues. He
detailed an agenda through which
suppliers can ensure that they perform to
the standards of the Nestlé certificate of
compliance, in parallel with EU and FDA
regulations and directives. All the CoC’s
requirements are clearly and transparently
communicated to the supplier base, and
all are regularly updated.
Testing and legislation
The next seminar session focussed on the
current status of legislation and testing,
and the opportunities and threats they
represent. Dr Andreas Grabitz, technical
and legal expert at Eurofins Consumer
Product Testing, presented two scholarly
and instructive papers: the first on the
principles and specialities of analytical
testing of UV inks and coatings in a
variety of situations; and the second on
the extant diverse legal requirements
relating to food packaging from a safety
viewpoint, including detail on the Swiss
and upcoming German Ordinances.
Dr Marc Graindourze of Agfa Graphics
focussed on low-migration inkjet ink
technology for printing food packaging
which, he said, is offering a whole new
raft of possibilities for today’s brand
owners, and is also environmentally
friendly. Opportunities include mass
customisation, just-in-time printing,
promotions, and variable data printing –
all using a print technology that is
versatile, fast, reliable, and whose setup
can be customised for specific
applications. Agfa Graphics’ lowmigration ink technology is delivering a
printed result that is ‘testing positive’ for
eliminating migration and set-off in a
variety of food and pharmaceutical
packaging applications and is a solution
for direct print on to a packaging substrate
– a coming solution, he said, because
adding a label to packaging involves three
steps, whereas direct print takes just one.
The new Agfa Graphics inks will, Dr
Graindourze concluded, constitute an
element in an integrated system involving
partnership along the supply chain.
industry on the safe use of radiation curing.
Printers in the food packaging arena
choosing to take the radiation-cured lowmigration inks route are facing a number of
new challenges – and many questions for
which they need answers both from their
brand owner/retailer and their own
suppliers. The BPIF are actively supporting
their members with the creation of a low
migration questionnaire which they can use
with their suppliers as a discussion
document, creating a technical focus at
meetings, and exploring the new ‘barrier
boards’ that the board mills are now
introducing to the market. Mr Wilson
admitted that BPIF Cartons are also closely
following the Nestlé and EuPIA guidelines
– proof that, in an industry sector where
there is still no legislative clarity, the supply
chain is taking the initiative and creating its
own consensus.
The carton industry speaks
Summing up
BPIF Cartons’ Technical Director, John
Wilson, who is also Product and
Applications Manager at Sun Chemical,
completed the formal programme with a
view from the mainstream packaging
General Secretary Mark Macaré
concluded that the RadTech Europe
seminar ‘brought the industry closer to
achieving full clearance for UV/EB curing
in the food packaging segment.’
European Printing Inks
Association’s viewpoint
Putting the science into action was the
topic addressed, appropriately, by the
Chairman of the European Printing Inks
Association’s Energy Curing Work Group,
Nick Ivory, who is also Technical Director
of Sun Chemical. EuPIA is actively
supporting the ongoing use of energy
curing products in food packaging print.
In this regard, he welcomed the work
being done by various acrylate and
photoinitiator suppliers on Dossiers for
submission under the Swiss and German
Ordinances, a move that will help
establish more lenient migration limits for
common photoinitiators and acrylates.
This initiative is supported by EuPIA by
supplying migration data. After detailing
all the practical concerns and issues, he
expressed the difficulties the industry has
in pinpointing the correct way forward in
the imprecise legal framework. ‘In the
absence of recognised EU legislation’, he
remarked, ‘it’s a bit like global warming!’
With the success for previous food packaging seminars organized by
RadTech Europe, the association is planning on hosting the next Food
Packaging Seminar on 30 September 2016 in Düsseldorf, Germany.
Mark your calendar! More information will follow on
Health, Safety and Environment update
ECHA proposes 15
substances for
15 substances of very high concern
(SVHCs) are recommended to be added to
the REACH Authorisation List. These
substances were prioritised from the
Candidate List because they are used in
high volumes and have widespread uses
which may pose a threat to human health
or the environment or can potentially be
used to replace substances which are
already on the Authorisation List.
Press release: http://echa.europa.eu/viewarticle/-/journal_content/title/echaproposes-15-substances-for-authorisation
Sixth recommendation: http://
ECHA shortlists substances
for possible regulatory
The Agency has selected approximately
200 substances from the REACH
registrations for further scrutiny by the
Member State competent authorities. The
competent authorities will carry out a
manual examination of the dossiers to
decide whether there is a need for
regulatory action, such as compliance
check, substance evaluation, harmonised
classification and labelling, authorisation
or restriction.
News alert: http://echa.europa.eu/viewarticle/-/journal_content/title/echa-shortlistssubstances-for-possible-regulatory-action
Screening: http://echa.europa.eu/
EU national enforcement
authorities to conduct
coordinated project in 2017
In 2017, the EU enforcement authorities
will conduct a coordinated enforcement
project, focusing on extended safety data
sheets (eSDSs). The project will examine
obligations related to exposure scenarios,
risk management measures and operational
conditions concluded in the eSDSs.
Updated CLP Guidance
ECHA has updated the Introductory
Guidance on the CLP Regulation. The
update takes into account the full entry
into force of the CLP Regulation on the
1st of June 2015 and the end of the
transition period for labelling and
classifying mixtures according to the
earlier directives.
Guidance on CLP: http://echa.europa.eu/
ECHA starting campaign for
last REACH registration
The European Chemicals Agency has
kicked off its campaign to raise awareness
for the upcoming registration deadline
focusing on practical information to
successfully register by the deadline of 31
May 2018. The campaign is primarily
aimed at companies that do not have
previous experience of registering
chemicals under the REACH Regulation
and gives give a basic understanding of
which substances need to be registered
before the 2018 deadline, the required
information and the main costs that need
to be budgeted for that purpose.
Press release: http://echa.europa.eu/viewarticle/-/journal_content/title/get-readyfor-the-last-registration-deadline-forchemicals
REACH 2018 web pages: http://echa.
europa.eu/reach-2018 Presentations for
downstream users
ECHA has published a series of
PowerPoint presentations that can be
modified and used by anyone who needs
to give talks about key issues of REACH
and CLP affecting downstream users. They
are aimed at a wide range of audiences,
including management, workers,
environmental health and safety
professionals, industry groups and
authorities. The slides include graphics
and short text that can be modified and
translated to suit the different audiences.
Presentations for downstream users: http://
Germany releases
recommendations for
improving REACH
requirements for imported
A study conducted by the German
Umweltsbundesambt provides proposals
for improving REACH requirements for
imported articles. Among the
recommendations are a possible
authorization scheme for imported goods
and a standardized communication
format obliging manufacturers to release
additional details on the presence of
Substances of Very High Concern in their
imported articles. The full report: http://
food safety
6th draft of German
Printing Ink Ordinance
On the 23rd of January, German
authorities issued the newest draft (http://
gegenstaendeverordnung.html) of the
planned Printing Ink Ordinance,
containing minor amendments to the
previous version. Thus far, the Ordinance
has not been notified to the EU.
ECHA: restriction proposal
on BPA
The Risk Assessment Committee (RAC) of
the European Chemicals Agency has
concluded on a restriction for bisphenol A
(BPA). The RAC supports the proposal of
France to restrict the marketing of BPAcontaining thermal paper, used for
example in tickets and receipts, as it
considers the risk for workers handling
thermal paper not sufficiently controlled.
However, a risk for consumers was not
identified. The Committee for SocioEconomic Analysis will continue to
discuss the proposed restriction of BPA
and expects to conclude on a final
opinion in December 2015.
Criteria for Endocrine
Disruptors Conference:
presentations available
The long-awaited criteria for endocrine
disruptors (such as BPA) was the topic of a
European Commission conference held in
June. With Sweden suing the European
Commission over delay in identifying
these criteria, the Conference outlined the
current framework as well as plans to
move forward. In short, a pilot project
will be launched to test a methodology
for screening of chemicals, followed by a
RADTECH NEWS www.radtech-europe.com
second study. After its conclusion in 2016,
the Commission will take a decision
concerning the criteria. All presentations:
Printing Inks associations. The document:
Food contact materials:
updating the science for
safety assessments – public
Meeting with EU
Commission on STS BREF
EFSA’s experts have reviewed recent
scientific developments that could be
taken into account when considering an
update of EU guidelines for the safety
assessment of substances used in food
contact materials. The Authority calls on
European and national risk assessors and
risk managers as well as stakeholders and
the scientific community, to provide
feedback on the issues posed in this draft
scientific opinion.
The proposed opinion outlines new
scientific considerations that could help
to refine the evaluation of consumer risks
from exposure to food contact materials
and to afford a higher level of protection,
in particular for infants and toddlers.All
stakeholders and interested parties are
invited to submit their comments online
by 7 October 2015.
Public consultation: draft Scientific opinion
on “recent developments in the risk
assessment of chemicals in food and their
potential impact on the safety assessment
of substances used in food contact
materials” : http://www.efsa.europa.eu/en/
EuPIA publishes guidelines
for safe use of energy curing
printing inks and varnishes
In June 2015, EuPIA has released its
updated guidelines for safe use of energy
curing printing inks and varnishes for
printers, which replaces the earlier
version from 2001. The purpose of the
document is to provide guidance on the
safe use of Ultraviolet (UV) / Electron
Beam (EB) inks and varnishes and is
complementary to the respective
supplier’s safety data sheet (SDS). The
document: http://www.eupia.org/uploads/
CEFIC publishes GMP for
production of UV/EB resins
for coatings and inks for
non-food-contact surfaces of
food packaging
In July 2015, CEFIC released a GMP
guidance document for the production of
UV/EB resins for coatings and inks
intended for use on the non-food-contact
surfaces of food packaging. This guidance
was developed in line with the GMP
guidelines of the European Coatings and
RadTech Europe, along with other
participants in the ESVOC project group
has met with European Commission
officials tasked with the revision of the
“reference document for best available
technologies for surface treatment using
solvents” (BREF STS). The meeting
provided the opportunity to learn more
about the planned revision of the BREF
STS and provide initial input.
Revised Deinking Scorecard
to boost print product
The European Recovered Paper Council
(ERPC), in which Radtech Europe has a
seat, has adopted a revised version of its
deinking scorecard, first published in
2008. The scorecard assesses the
deinkability of a printed product. The new
deinking scorecard is available at: http://
INC [KR] +
Publication Date: 2015-07-30
Disclosed is LED-UV curing equipment
for coating and painting. In the present
invention, a main body is mounted on a
transfer part, and a heat source treatment
part, an LED-UV light source part, and a
single or a plurality of heat dissipation
parts are configured on the upper surface
of the main body. Therefore, when a
solution (volatile solvent + solvent) used
for coating or painting on the surface of a
product is applied, the volatile solvent of
the solution applied to the surface can be
evaporated by the heat source treatment
part, and the solvent of the solution from
which the volatile solvent is evaporated
can react with UV light source (ultraviolet
rays) radiated through a curing part to
harden for strong fixation. In addition, the
heat generated from the LED-UV light
source part can be effectively distributed
and then released to the outside through
the heat dissipation part, thereby
maintaining the lifespan of the LED-UV
curing equipment. Furthermore, a small
amount of heat released through a lens
from the LED_UV light source part is
conducted to the surface of a product to
enhance curingefficiency of painting and
coating, and due to the characteristic of
the solution, the volatile solvent can also
react with the small amount of heat
released from the lens of the LED-UV
curing equipment.
Module assembly for thin solar cells
Inventor(s): BUNEA GABRIELA +
Applicant(s):SUNPOWER CORP +
Publication date: 2015-07-09
Solar cells are packaged by placing the
solar cells between sheets of encapsulants
(320). The encapsulants are exposed to
ultraviolet (UV) light to cure the
encapsulants and bond the encapsulants
together to encapsulate the solar cells
(321). The UV curing steps may be
performed to bond one of the
encapsulants to a transparent top cover
and the solar cells, and to bond the other
encapsulant to the solar cells and a
backsheet (322). A protective package that
includes the transparent top cover,
encapsulated solar cells, and the
backsheet is then optionally mounted on
a frame (323).
Method for processing a fiber-plastic
composite of a rotor blade, semifinished
product in the form of a built-up
composite, and UV lamp for curing a UVcurable matrix material
Inventor(s): HESSE INGO +
Publication date: 2015-07-02
The invention relates to a method for
processing a fiber-plastic composite of a
rotor blade, comprising the following
steps: providing the fiber-plastic
composite to be processed on the rotor
blade, preparing a local processing region
of the fiber-plastic composite, providing a
fiber-matrix composite comprising a UVcurable matrix material and a fiber
material, applying the fiber-matrix
material to the local processing region of
the fiber-plastic composite, and curing the
matrix material. According to the
invention, the matrix material is cured by
means of UVradiation.
Light curable colored coating
Inventor(s): CHUNG CHIHHUNG [TW] +
Applicant(s):CHUNG CHIH-
Publication date: 2015-07-23
casing is detachably attached to the inner
casing and allows a greater user
interaction for decorative and
entertainment purposes while also being a
protective and heat dissipation means.
Method for preparing antistatic uv
curable hard-coatings on optical articles
Inventor(s): VALERI ROBERT +
Applicant(s):ESSILOR INT +
Publication date: 2015-02-27
The present invention provides a light
curable colored coating, comprising a
photoinitiator, a UV resin and a UV
photosensitive phosphor, wherein the
light curable colored coating is formed by
mixing and then separating the
photoinitiator, the UV resin and the
UVphotosensitive phosphor, wherein the
mixture is applied to a substrate
thereafter, and thus the curing time of the
light curable colored coating is largely
UV LED curing lamp
Inventor(s): SUNG YING-CHE [TW];
LTD [TW] +
Publication date: 2015-04-01
A UV LED curing lamp includes: a light
plate; multiple LED strings arranged on
the light plate; and a light condenser plate
covering on the light plate and comprising
multiple strip lenses. The multiple strip
lenses respectively cover the multiple LED
strings. Each of the multiple strip lenses
includes a longitudinal groove for
receiving multiple LED components of a
corresponding LED string.
UV led curing apparatus with improved
housing and switch controller
Inventor(s): LI YU-JEN [TW]; CHENG
Applicant(s):NAIL ALLIANCE LLC [US] +
Publication date: 2015-06-18
The present invention is related to an UV
LED curing apparatus, and more
particularly, to an UV LED curing
apparatus with improved housing and
switch controller. The light reflective inner
casing is preferably provided as an
effectiveUV light reflector and as a
supporting substrate of the UV LED light
source while being capable of
transmitting heat from the UV LED light
source away for further heat dissipation to
the ambient by the outer casing. The outer
Disclosed is a method for manufacturing
antistatic UV-cured hard-coatings on
optical articles, comprising (a) coating an
organic or mineral optical substrate with an
essentially anhydrous solution containing
from 20 % to 90 % by weight, relative to
the total dry matter of the solution, of at
least one non hydrolysed
epoxyalkyltrialkoxysilane and at least 3.2
% by weight, relative to the total dry matter
of the solution, of at least one photoinitiator
selected from the group consisting of
triarylsulfonium salts, diaryliodonium salts,
and mixtures thereof, (b)curing the resulting
coating by irradiation with UV-radiation,
said method not comprising any hydrolysis
step before the UV curing step.
Ultraviolet output stabilization by
fluorescent bulb temperature monitoring
Inventor(s): FLEM MORGAN
Applicant(s): NOVARTIS AG [CH] +
Publication date: 2015-02-27
A controller measures a temperature at which
an ultraviolet (uv) fluorescent lamp (28) is
operating and, in response, controls heat
transfer between a heat-generating portion of
the fluorescent lamp power supply circuitry
(30), such as the ballast (32), and the interior
(36) of the curing chamber (26) to maintain
the fluorescent lamps operating at a stable
temperature. The most illustrative drawing
accompanying the abstract:
Printing diffraction gratings on paper and
Applicant(s):BASF SE [DE] +
Publication date: 2015-05-21
A method and an apparatus for forming a
surface relief microstructure, especially an
optically variable image on a paper
substrate are provided, the method
comprising the steps of: A) applying a
curable composition to at least a portion of
the frontside of the paper substrate; B)
contacting at least a portion of the curable
composition with surface relief
microstructure, especially optically variable
image forming means; C) curing the
composition by using at least one UV lamp
(1, 2, 3) which is arranged on the backside
of the paper substrate; D) optionally
depositing a layer of a transparent high
refractive index material and/or a metallic
layer on at least a portion of the cured
composition, wherein the lamp (1, 2, 3)
having emission peak(s) in the UV-A and
near VIS range and the curable composition
comprises at least a photoinitiator which
absorbs in the UV-A region and preferably
in the near VIS range. A paper product
obtainable uses the method and an
apparatus for forming a surface relief
microstructure on a paper substrate.
Surface relief microstructures, such as
holograms may be replicated rapidly and
with accuracy on a paper substrate by
using the method and the apparatus.
UV-curing hot melt adhesive containing
low content of oligomers
Applicant(s):HENKEL AG & CO
Publication date: 2015-05-21
A reactive hot melt adhesive comprising a
blend of a (meth)acrylate polymer, a
polyurethane polymer containing (meth)
acrylate groups and a polyurethane
prepolymer containing NCO-groups
wherein the content of low molecular
weight (meth)acrylate urethanes is less
than 1 wt % of the adhesive. The adhesive
provides a fast and improved green
strength during application.
Glass fiber-reinforced sleeve for the
printing industry
Inventor(s): KLITZA ALEXANDER [DE] +
Publication date: 2015-05-21
A method for producing electrically
RADTECH NEWS www.radtech-europe.com
conducting, glass fiber-reinforced sleeves
for the printing industry by means of UV
curing, and also printing sleeves produced
by means of this method, where the glass
fibers used are coated with electrically
conductive nanoparticles.
UV adhesive curing method and oled
packing method
Inventor(s): YU WEI [CN] +
Publication date: 2015-05-21
Provided are a UV adhesive curing
method and an OLED packing method.
The UV adhesive curing method
comprises: step 1, providing a UV light
source (60) and opening the UV light
source (60) to irradiate a UV adhesive (24)
for the first time; step 2, closing the UV
light source (60) and opening the UV light
source (60) to irradiate the UV adhesive
(24) for the second time after an interval
of 10-300 seconds; and step 3, repeating
step 2 until the UV adhesive (24) is
completely cured. The UV adhesive
curing method and the OLED packing
method effectively reduce the temperature
of a glass substrate in an interval
irradiation manner, and further effectively
avoid the phenomenon of an organic
function layer being degraded due to a
temperature that is too high, thereby
improving the service life and quality of
an OLED device.
Enhancement in uv curing efficiency
using oxygen-doped purge for ultra low-k
dielectric film
INC [US] +
Publication date: 2015-03-12
Embodiments of the invention provide
methods for curing an ultra low-k dielectric
film within a UV processing chamber. In
one embodiment, the method includes
depositing an ultra low-k dielectric layer on
a substrate in a deposition chamber, and
subjecting the deposited ultra low-k
dielectric layer to a UV curing processes in
a UV processing chamber. The method
includes stabilizing the UVprocessing
chamber by flowing an oxygen gas and a
purge gas into the UV processing chamber
at a flow ratio of about 1:50000 to about
1:100. While flowing the oxygen-doped
purge gas, the substrate is exposed to UV
radiation to cure the deposited ultra low-k
dielectric layer.; The inventive oxygen-
doped purge curing process provides an
alternate pathway to build silicon-oxygen
network of the ultra low-k dielectric
material, thereby accelerating cross-linking
efficiency without significantly affecting the
film properties of the deposited ultra low-k
dielectric material.
UV-curing light-blocking composition
Inventor(s): AONO TOMOSHI [JP] +
LTD [JP] +
Publication date: 2015-02-01
The purpose of the present invention is to
provide a UV-curing light-blocking
composition capable of forming a UVcuring light-blocking article that is
adequately cured as a thick film. The
present invention is a UV-curing lightblocking composition containing a UVcuringcompound, and glass filler that
contains nickel oxide and cobalt oxide.
Photosensitive resin composition
Inventor(s): BALDWIN KYLE P [US];
Publication date: 2015-07-30
A photosensitive printing blank having is
described. The photosensitive printing
blank comprises at least one photocurable
layer that is capable of being selectively
crosslinked and cured upon exposure to
actinic radiation at a desired wavelength
region comprising (a) at least one
elastomeric binder, (b) at least one
ethylenically unsaturated monomer, (c) a
photoinitiator having a favorable
absorption profile in the desired
wavelength region used for exposing the
at least one photocurable layer to actinic
radiation, and (d) a dye, wherein the dye
exhibits a suitable percent transmission as
measured with a UV spectrophotometer at
the desired wavelength region used for
exposing the at least one photocurable
layer to actinic radiation, and optionally
an infrared ablatable layer disposed on
the at least one photocurable layer. A
method of making a relief image printing
element from the photosensitive printing
blank is also described.
Manufacturing method of selective
electronic packaging device
Inventor(s): CHEN JEN-CHUN [CN];
Publication date: 2015-07-30
A manufacturing method of selective
electronic packaging device includes the
following. A plurality of electronic
components is disposed on a surface of a
substrate. A photo-sensitive resin material
is formed on the surface of the substrate.
UV-light is irradiated to the photo-sensitive
resin material to form an embankment
structure. An encapsulating material is
filled a protective area surrounded by the
embankment structure. The encapsulating
material covers at least one electronic
component. The encapsulating material is
solidified to form an encapsulating
member, and the encapsulating member
covers at least one electronic component.
UV-curable donor film composition
comprising fluorine-based resin and UVcurable donor film using the same
Inventor(s): CHOI TAE-YI [KR]; JO
Applicant(s):LG HAUSYS LTD [KR] +
Publication date: 2015-04-01
The present invention relates to a UVcurable donor film composition and a
UV-curable donor film using same, the
UV-curable donor film composition
comprising: (a) a urethane acrylate resin;
(b) an acrylate resin; (c) a fluorinated
acrylate oligomer; (d) a photoinitiator;
and (e) a solvent, wherein the (c)
fluorinated acrylate oligomer
simultaneously has a hydrophilic group
and a lipophilic group.
Ultraviolet-curable hard coat resin
Applicant(s):NIPPON KAYAKU KK [JP];
Publication date: 2015-03-16
To provide a hard-coating film or base
material that is suitable for use in fields
that require hardness, optical
transparency, resistance to abrasion
scratches, and blue-light reduction. A film
or base material using a UV-curable hardcoating resin composition that contains
the following: a UV-curable
polyfunctional (meth)acrylate that has at
least two (meth)acryloyl groups per
molecule; and a quinaldine-based dye.
Multi-layer printing process.
Inventor(s): WITTMANN ALAIN [CH];
Applicant(s):AMCOR GROUP
Publication date: 2015-04-08
A system and method for forming indicia on
a substrate. The system includes a feed
system for feeding the substrate and a
plurality of stations each operable to apply a
processing step to the substrate. A first of the
plurality of stations applies an energy
curable ink to the substrate using a printing
process. In some embodiments, this printing
process is a gravure cylinder having indicia
grooves formed on the gravure cylinder. The
indicia grooves on the cylinder retain the
energy curable ink until contact with the
substrate whereby the energy curable ink is
applied to the substrate. A curing unit is
disposed downstream of the first of the
plurality of stations. The curing unit receives
the substrate and outputs an electron beam
directed toward the energy curable ink to
cure the energy curable ink and form a
resultant energy curable layer upon the
Inventor(s): LOCCUFIER JOHAN [BE];
Applicant(s): AGFA GRAPHICS NV [BE] +
Publication date: 2015-07-30
A free radical radiation curable liquid
includes a) a photoinitiator; and b) a
monomer or oligomer including an alkali
hydrolyzable group. The alkali
hydrolyzable group is an oxalate group
located in the atomic chain between two
free radical polymerizable groups of the
monomer or oligomer including the alkali
hydrolyzable group
Low migration free radical radiation
curable inkjet inks
Inventor(s): LOCCUFIER JOHAN [BE];
Applicant(s): AGFA GRAPHICS NV [BE] +
Publication date: 2015-07-23
A free radical radiation curable inkjet ink
having a viscosity smaller than 30 mPas at
40 DEG C. and at a shear rate of 1,000
s-1 includes a polymeric or polymerizable
photoinitiator; a thiol compound; and a
vitrification control monomer. The
vitrification control monomer includes a
(meth)acrylate group and an ethylenically
unsaturated functional group selected
from the group consisting of a vinyl ether
group, an allyl ether group, and an allyl
ester group, and the thiol compound
includes no more than six thiol groups.
Inventor(s): ROELLE THOMAS [DE];
AG [DE] +
Publication date: 2015-06-15
The invention relates to a method for
selecting photoinitiator systems,
comprising at least one sensitiser and at
least one coinitiator, for use with
photopolymer formulations for producing
holographic media.
Ultraviolet-curable liquid developer
Inventor(s): ITO JUNJI [JP]; SATO
Applicant(s):CANON KK [JP] +
Publication date: 2015-07-09
An ultraviolet-curable liquid developer
contains a cationically polymerizable
liquid monomer, a photoinitiator, and a
toner particle insoluble in the cationically
polymerizable liquid monomer. The
cationically polymerizable liquid
monomer is a vinyl ether compound, and
thephotoinitiator is a compound having a
particular structure.
Liquid optical adhesive compositions
Inventor(s): YURT SERKAN [US];
Applicant(s):3M INNOVATIVE
Publication date: 2015-07-02
The disclosure describes a curable
composition comprising a) a solute (meth)
acryloyl oligomer having a plurality of
pendent, ethylenically unsaturated, freeradically polymerizable functional groups
and nucleophilic, hydrophilic groups, a) Mw
of 5 k to 30 k, a Tg<20 DEG C.; b) a solvent
monomer component; and a photoinitiator.
The curable composition may be used as an
adhesive in optical applications.
Radiation-curable acrylate-based ink-jet
printing ink
Inventor(s): HOWALD NICOLE [CH];
Applicant(s): HAPA AG [CH]; HAPA
AG [CH] +
Publication date: 2015-07-02
The disclosed radiation-curable acrylatebased ink-jet ink comprises a pigment, a
bifunctional acrylate and, optionally, a
trifunctional or multifunctional acrylate, a
compound that has an ethylenic double
bond and a molecular weight of 90 to
205, and a photoinitiator in the form of
an acyl phosphine oxide, and furthermore
contains 0.05 to 3.0 wt. % of stabilizer
and 0.05 to 1.5 wt. % of surfactant.
Method of pre-treating a substrate using
Inventor(s): GARBAR ARKADY [IL] +
LTD [IL] +
Publication date: 2015-04-16
A method for preparing a coated substrate
that includes (a) applying a photoinitiator
to a surface of a substrate; (b) exposing
the photoinitiator to ultraviolet or
ultraviolet-visible radiation to activate the
photoinitiator and form a pre-treated
surface; and (c) applying a coating
composition to the pre-treated substrate to
form a coated substrate. The coating
composition may be a nanoparticlecontaining emulsion.
Radiation-curable coating composition
AG [DE] +
Publication date: 2015-04-01
The present invention relates to a coating
composition comprising (a) at least one
thermoplastic polymer having a mean
molar mass Mw of at least 100 000 g/mol
in a content of at least 30% by weight of
the solids content of the coating
composition, (b) at least one UV-curable
reactive diluent in a content of at least
30% by weight of the solids content of the
coating composition, (c) at least one
photoinitiator in a content of >= 0.1 to <=
10 parts by weight of the solids content of
the coating composition, and (d) at least
one organic solvent, where the proportion
of ethylenically unsaturated groups is at
least 3 mol per kg of the solids content of
the coating composition. It further relates
to a process for producing such coating
compositions, to films coated therewith,
to the use of such films for production of
shaped bodies, to a process for producing
shaped bodies having a radiation-cured
coating, and to shaped bodies producible
by this process. The inventive coatings
have excellent solvent stability, and good
scratch resistance and pencil hardness.
Novel photoinitiators
Publication date: 2014-10-10
RADTECH NEWS www.radtech-europe.com
FIELD: chemistry.SUBSTANCE: invention
relates to a photoinitiator, a method for
production and use thereof and a coating
composition. The photoinitiator is a
compound of formula: (PI-Sp)-BB (I), where
PI is a thioxanthone group, optionally
including additional substitutes in the Sp
group; Sp is a spacer link selected from a
group consisting ofor, BB is a backbone
chain link selected from a group consisting
ofThe method of producing the
photoinitiator includes the following steps:
(a) optionally substituted thioxanthone,
containing at least one hydroxy group,
reacts with epichlorohydrin or haloacetic
acid ester; (b) the compound from step (a)
reacts with the corresponding backbone
chain link containing a functional group, or
the compound from step (a) reacts with a
compound containing a functional group,
and the obtained intermediate then reacts
with the corresponding backbone chain
link; optionally (c) obtaining derivatives of
the compounds from step (b).
Thephotoinitiator is used to cure a coating
composition, preferably printing ink
containing a polymerisable component.
EFFECT: invention enables to obtain a
photoinitiator with good curing activity,
faint odour and good compatibility with
other components of the composition.10
cl, 1 tbl, 4 ex
Novel polymeric photoinitiators and
photoinitiator monomers
Inventor(s): MADSEN NIELS
Applicant(s): COLOPAST AS [DK] +
Publication date: 2015-06-18
The present invention provides polymeric
photoinitiators being co-polymers of
photoinitiator monomers and at least one
further monomer, as well as the
photoinitiator monomers being
intermediates in the preparation of such
polymeric photoinitiators. Additionally
there is provided polyacrylate obtained by
radical polymerization of at least one
acrylate monomer (Ac) in the presence of
such polymericphotoinitiators. In the
photoinitiator monomers and polymeric
photoinitiators, a photoinitiator moiety
and a tertiary amine are incorporated into
the photoinitiator structure.
Curable sensitizer, photocurable
material, cured product, and material for
wiring harness
Inventor(s): HASE TATSUYA [JP];
Publication date: 2015-06-18
A curable sensitizer that exhibits a radicalpolymerization sensitizing ability that
conventional sensitizers do not have in a
polymerization reaction using radicals, and
is easily available at a low cost, a
photocurable material containing the
sensitizer, a cured product of the
photocurable material, and a material for a
wiring harness containing the photocurable
material. The curable sensitizer contains an
alcohol (meth)acrylate synthesized from an
alcohol having one or more hydroxy
groups and two or more oxygen atoms in a
molecule and a (meth)acrylate ingredient
selected from a (meth)acrylic acid and a
derivative thereof. An ester bond is formed
between one of the hydroxy groups of the
alcohol and the (meth)acrylate ingredient.
The sensitizer is capable of increasing
curability of a curable material when mixed
in the material. The photocurable material
contains the curable sensitizer and a
photoinitiator. The material for the wiring
harness contains the photocurable material.
Radiation curable composition, and
method for preparing a hybrid sol-gel
layer on a surface of a substrate using
said composition
Applicant(s): UNIV HAUTE ALSACE [FR];
Publication date: 2015-06-11
Radiation curable composition for preparing
a hybrid sol-gel layer on a surface of a
substrate, wherein said composition
comprises at least one radiation material
capable of being polymerized and/or
crosslinked by a cationic polymerization
reaction upon exposure to a radiation; a
combination of at least one organofunctional
silane; and of at least one other silane
selected from among the group consisting of
poly(alkoxy siloxane), 3-glycidyloxypro­
pyltrime­thoxysilane (GPTMS),
(TRIMO); and at least one cationic
photoinitiator. Method for preparing a hybrid
sol-gel layer on a surface of a substrate using
said composition and hybrid sol-gel layer so
prepared. Substrate comprising at least one
surface coated with said hybrid sol-gel layer.
Photopolimerisable composition
Applicant(s): FEDERAL NOE G
Publication date: 2015-05-27
photopolymerisable composition contains
a thermoplastic polymer, a solvent, a
dimethacrylic compound and a
photoinitiator. It differs by the fact that the
thermoplastic polymer contains
polyvinylbutyral; the solvent is
hydroxyalkyl(meth)acrylate specified in a
group of 2-hydroxyethylmethacrylate,
2-hydroxyethylacrylate, 2-hydroxypropyl­
methacrylate or 2-hydroxypropylacrylate;
the dimethacrylic compound is phosphorus
chlorine dimethacrylate; the photoinitiator
is 2-hydroxy-2-methyl-1-phenyl-1propanone in the following proportions,
weight portions: polyvinylbutyral 1-10,
hydroxyalkyl(meth)acrylate 10-60,
phosphorus chlorine dimethacrylate 30-80,
1-2.EFFECT: producing uncoloured
optically transparent polymer materials
highly adhesive to silicate glass and low
combustible.1 tbl, 7 ex
Photocurable Resin Composition for
Imprinting, Production Method and
Structure Thereof
Inventor(s): YAMADA HIROKO [JP];
Applicant(s):SOKEN KAGAKU KK [JP] +
Publication date: 2015-05-28
Provided is a photocurable resin
composition in which curing shrinkage in
photo-imprinting is suppressed, and
capable of producing by photo-imprinting
a structure which has high surface
hardness and in which the occurrence of
yellowing is suppressed even when
irradiated with e.g., ultraviolet ray. The
photocurable resin composition includes
a (meth)acrylic monomer (A) and a
photoinitiator (B), wherein the
photoinitiator (B) has a combination of an
alkylphenone-based photoinitiator (B1)
and an acylphosphine oxide-based
photoinitiator (B2), wherein a blending
weight ratio (B1:B2) of the alkylphenonebased photoinitiator (B1) to the
acylphosphine oxide-based photoinitiator
(B2) is in the range of 1:99 to 90:10.
Uv-curable silicone composition, cured
products thereof, and methods of using
the same
Inventor(s): CLAPP TERRY [GB];
Applicant(s):DOW CORNING [US] +
Publication date: 2015-05-14
Various embodiments disclosed related to
UV-curable silicone composition, cured
products thereof, and methods of using the
same. Various embodiments provide a shearthinning UV-curable silicone composition.
The composition can include (A) a
mercapto-functional polyorganosiloxane
having the unit formula [(CH3)3SiO1/2]
x[(CH3)2SiO]y[R(CH3)SiO]z wherein x is
about 0.01 to about 0.1, y is about 0 to
about 0.94, z is about 0.05 to about 0.99,
and at each occurrence R is independently a
mercapto(C1-30)hydrocarbyl group. The
composition can include (B) at least one of
(Bl) a polyorganosiloxane comprising at
least two aliphatic unsaturated carboncarbon bonds, and (B2) an organic molecule
comprising at least two aliphatic unsaturated
carbon-carbon bonds; the composition can
include (C) a filler. The composition can also
include (D) a photoinitiator.
Nitrogen-gas-protection-free electronbeam-cured coating/ink and preparation
and curing methods thereof
Inventor(s): FENG JINGTAO; CAO
Publication date: 2015-02-11
The invention discloses nitrogen-gas-protec­
tion-free electron-beam-cured coating/ink and
preparation and curing methods thereof. The
coating/ink contains the ingredients in parts by
mass: 30-45 parts of unsaturated bond
containing resin or rubber, 3-8 parts of
sensitizer, 0-15 parts of activated thinner, 1524 parts of non-activated thinner, 15-25 parts
of color paste, 0.15-1 part of auxiliaries and
0.5-2.5 parts of initiator. The preparation
method com­prises the step of stirring at
normal tempe­rature in stages until liquid is
uniform. The curing method comprises the
steps of firstly carrying out UV (ultraviolet)
initial curing on a substrate, and then, carrying
out nitrogen-gas-protection-free electronbeam-irradiation-cured shaping. According to
the nitrogen-gas-protection-free electronbeam-cured coating/ink and the preparation
and curing methods thereof, curing process
flows of the electron-beam-cured coating/ink
are simplified, the work efficiency is increased,
and the production cost of the electron-beamcured coating/ink is reduced, so that the
electron-beam-cured coating/ink is worthy of
popularization and application.
Actinic and electron beam radiation
curable water based electrode binders
and electrodes incorporating same
Inventor(s): ARNOLD JOHN [US];
Applicant(s):MILTEC CORP [US] Publication date: 2014-11-20
A process for manufacturing an electrode
utilizing electron beam (EB) or actinic
radiation to cure the electrode binder is
provided. A process is also disclosed for
mixing specific actinic or EB radiation
curable polymer precursors with electrode
solid particles to form an aqueous
mixture, application of the mixture to an
electrode current collector, followed by
the application of actinic or EB radiation
to the current collector for curing the
polymer, thereby binding the electrode
binder to the current collector. Lithium
ion batteries, electric double layer
capacitors, and components produced
therefrom are also provided.
Crosslinkable resin composition, cured
product and method for producing same
Inventor(s): MIYABE HIDEKAZU [JP];
Publication date: 2014-08-01
Provided are: a crosslinkable resin
composition which enables crosslinking
of an alicyclic olefin resin; and a cured
product. A crosslinkable resin
composition which is characterized by
containing (A) an alicyclic olefin resin
and (B) an organic compound having a
carbon-carbon double bond; and a cured
product which is characterized by being
obtained by curing this crosslinkable resin
composition by electron beam irradiation.
News from RadTech North America
In this section relevant news from RTNA is posted.
RadTech Announces New
Conference - UV LED 2015
Partners with NYSERDA, Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute to Discuss EnergyEfficient, UV LED Curing Technology
RadTech North America has announced a
new technology conference targeting the
emergence of UV LEDs used with advanced
materials. The program, UV LED 2015, will
take place October 28 to 29 in Troy, N.Y.
and will discuss the latest developments in
UV LED curing technology.
October 28 will include a full day of
presentations, an exhibition and
reception. In addition, on October 29,
attendees will be offered a tour of the
Smart Lighting Engineering Research
Center, on the campus of Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute, to learn about the
group’s LED research efforts.
“UV LED curing is attracting significant
interest in applications such as 3D
printing, aerospace, inkjet, automotive,
printing and packaging, wood finishing
and pipe and tube,” says Pete Weissman,
Quaker Chemical Corp., and RadTech
President. “RadTech and NYSERDA both
recognize the tremendous potential of UV
LEDs, as well as the benefits of advancing
this leading edge, enabling technology.”
RadTech helps to make manufacturing
processes in New York more energy
efficient, environmentally friendly and
economical. The organization supports
the Ultraviolet Light and Electron Beam
Process Curing Systems Technology
Center on the SUNY College of
Environmental Science and Forestry
campus, which provides research,
development and industrial testing.
“Governor Cuomo’s Reforming the Energy
Vision (REV) promotes the use of many
innovative methods to reduce the use of
energy in New York State,” said John B.
Rhodes, President and CEO, NYSERDA.
“RadTech’s events have proven to be a
valuable forum for the promotion of the
tremendous energy savings potential of
UV and EB technologies. These efforts will
help major industries reduce the amount
of power needed for manufacturing, which
will help in the State’s efforts to create a
clean, resilient and affordable electric
The New York State Energy Research and
Development Authority (NYSERDA)
supports RadTech’s efforts in advancing
this innovative and energy-saving
technology and helping to recognize
important developments in the state.
For more information about attending or
exhibiting or registration, visit
Conference Program
Available for UV LED 2015 |
October 28-29, 2015
Confirmed Speakers:
Technology Trends Driving the
Adoption of UV LED Curing
Jennifer Heathcote, Phoseon
RADTECH NEWS www.radtech-europe.com
The Effect of Mercury vs LED Light
Sources on Tack Free Curing
Mike Idacavage, Colorado
Photopolymer Solutions
UV LED Inkjet – It’s Ink’s Turn to Lead
Dene Taylor, SPF-Inc
Improved Surface Cure with UVC LEDs
Speaker TBD, Excelitas Technologies Corp.
Improving UV LED Light Distribution
to Prevent Cure Striping
Brian Jasenak, Kopp Glass
Status of UV LED Measurement
Joe May (CTO) & Jim Raymont
(Director Sales), EIT Instrument Markets
Panel Discussion on the State of UV LED
Panelists Announced Soon!
Table Top Sponsor/Exhibitors (SOLD
Allnex USA Inc.
Baldwin Technologies
Crystal IS
EIT Instrument Markets
Excelitas Technologies (OmniCure)
Heraeus Noblelight America LLC.
Honle UV America
IGM Resins
Innovations in Optics, Inc.
Integration Technology Limited
IRTronix, Inc. / LG Innotek
Kopp Glass
Kowa American Corporation
LED Specialists, Inc.
Miwon North America
Phoseon Technology
PL Industries, division of Esstech, Inc.
Sartomer Americas
Siltech Corporation
SolidUV, Inc.
Ushio America, Inc.
Wikoff Color Corporation
RadTech 2016 Call for
Papers is Open!
Abstracts Due: September 4, 2015
RadTech International North America is
pleased to invite you to submit an abstract
for RadTech UV&EB Technology &
Conference 2016, scheduled for May
16-18, 2016 at the Hyatt Regency O’Hare
in Rosemont, IL. This is the foremost event
for the UV/EB processing industry. As our
industry has evolved, so has UV/EB
technology grown to meet the new
challenges. RadTech’s conference
program will feature key areas of interest
to the industry.
Those interested in presenting a technical
conference paper no longer than 25
minutes in length with 5 minutes for Q&A
at RadTech UV&EB Technology &
Conference 2016 should fill out the
online Abstract Submission Form prior to
SEPTEMBER 4, 2015. Your description
should be sufficiently comprehensive to
allow assessment of the scope and
content of your paper by the Conference
Committee. The Conference Committee
will select papers and speakers will be
notified whether or not they have been
selected by OCTOBER 4, 2015. It is
expected that a limited number of papers
will be selected for TECHNICAL
Due to the limited space we have
available, please submit your paper by the
deadline to ensure consideration for
presentation or inclusion in the poster
sessions. The Presentations and Poster
Sessions have equal status and are two
different venues for presenting new
science and technology.
Speakers will receive an instruction manual
providing details to help prepare written
and oral presentation as well as audiovisual
aids. Speakers will be asked to use
terminology consistent with the RadTech
UV Glossary when preparing papers.
Speaker registration forms will be included
in your instruction manual. Speakers may
register at 50% off the member or nonmember registration category.
The deadline for submitting your final
paper for publication is FEBRUARY 26,
2016. Speakers agree to submit a written
paper to be published in the conference
proceedings, as well as develop a Power
Point presentation if presenting within a
session, in order to be considered for the
conference program. Please consider the
following suggested topics: LED
Technology, Additive Manufacturing/3D
Printing, Advanced Materials, Formulation,
Advances in Chemistry, Equipment, and
Testing. A more comprehensive list of
topics can be found here.
More information:
RadTech UV/EB Printing &
Packaging Meeting at CPP
Tuesday, September 15, 2015 McCormick Place - Chicago, IL
RadTech is holding a special meeting of the
UV/EB Printing & Packaging Focus Group on
September 15, 2015. There will be a
meeting from 2:00 PM - 3:45 PM followed
by a reception on the CPP Exhibit Floor from
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM. The agenda will be
available two weeks prior to the meeting.
News from RadTech Asia
RadTech Asia 2016 Invitation – Welcome message
News from
the Industry
GEW release hybrid UV curing
The transition towards UV-curing inks and varnishes with LEDs has begun. In many situations the move
is technically and financially not fully understood to
make an investment in a machine fully equipped
with LEDs. GEW have addressed the needs of many
printers by developing the first truly futureproof hybrid UV curing system called ArcLED. ArcLED enables an investment in arc technology now to be upgraded later with LEDs using the same lamphead
casing and the same power supply and control. One
simply adds the LED cassettes required, fits a water
cooling system (already available on many machines) and the RHINO ArcLED power supply does
the rest. It automatically recognises which type of
cassette is installed in the machine and adjusts the
RHINO control accordingly; all the printer has to do
is print! ArcLED is an industry first, switching seamlessly on the same press with the same RHINO power supply from DC power for the LEDs to high voltage AC for the arc lamps. RHINO ArcLED is
extremely energy efficient showing considerable energy savings when compared to conventional electronic power supplies. An investment now in GEW’s
ArcLED UV curing protects that investment into the
future by ensuring an LED upgrade can be simply
and cost-effectively implemented. It also gives the
possibility to run a fully flexible hybrid curing system. This unique combination of quick-swap lampheads, reactive detection of the required power and
automatic switching will optimise processes, maximise ink compatibility and increase machine productivity. The advanced characteristic that gives the user
the ability of fast and easy switching is a special feature of the ArcLED UV system, a technology that
GEW is the only manufacturer to implement. The
new ArcLED UV curing system is indeed an industry
first UV technology advance. It is the only truly futureproof technology for upgradeability and seamless
swapping of arc lamp and LED UV systems. Printing
presses that today are installed with ArcLED technology can at a later stage in an uncomplicated way be
upgraded from arc lamps to LED to fully exploit the
advantages of both technologies without modifying
the power supply. This will give the operator maximum freedom and flexibility and will thereby avoid
getting locked in to one type of curing technology.
GEW RHINO ArcLED curing systems are supplied,
as standard, with GEW’s Embedded Service package
which allows remote monitoring of the system running condition, allowing the manufacturer’s service
engineers to detect and correct out of tolerance parameters. This type of remote preventive maintenance ensures the entire UV system operates at peak
performance at all times thus avoiding unplanned
machine stoppages. GEW offer all RHINO systems
with a comprehensive 5-year warranty which gives
users total peace of mind about their investment well
into the critical payback period of the project. GEW
(EC) Limited designs and manufactures UV curing
systems for the printing and packaging industries.
Specialist applications include UV systems for wide
web CI presses, silicone release coating, inkjet and
industrial applications. GEW is headquartered in
England with subsidiaries in the US, Germany and
India and operates a network of international distributors worldwide.
For more information: www.gewuv.com
CERAFLOUR® 964 – a new process-optimized wax additive for
powder coating systems
It is no longer possible to imagine the powder coating industry without cost-optimized application processes. On the one hand, lowering the baking temperature plays a key role in a resource-efficient
process. On the other, the demands on the performance of the system are ever increasing. In response
to these industrial aspects, BYK has rolled out a new
wax additive which is characterized in particular by
its low melting point: CERAFLOUR 964.
CERAFLOUR 964 is immediately effective in extruding and baking and has good degassing properties,
especially in ß-HAA systems and low-temperature
systems. Even with thicker coatings, there are no
pinholes. In addition, the additive does not affect
surface tension, does not reduce gloss and does not
form a wax film on the surface. Nor is transparency
impaired with use in clear coatings.
For more information: www.byk.com
COMET Electron Beam (EB) laboratory unit to be showcased at
Georgia Power’s customer
resource center in Atlanta
EBLab manufacturer COMET Group and
BroadBeamTM ebeam systems manufacturer PCT
Engineered Systems have coordinated an agreement
with Georgia Power – A Southern Company to promote electron beam processing technology in Atlanta.
As part of the agreement a fully operational ebeam
laboratory unit will be showcased at George Power’s
Customer Resource Center in Dunwoody, GA starting
in July 2015. The EBLab unit will be used for instructional and technical proof of concept purposes.
COMET’s EBLab is a multifunctional industrial laboratory unit which uses innovative lamp ebeam technology. It comes equipped with nitrogen inerting for
surface curing applications and can deliver a maximum energy level of 200 kV for polymeric crosslinking development work.
“Given the limited accessibility of sealed ebeam
systems for testing and research, this is indeed a
great opportunity for companies and institutions to
obtain first-hand experience with this highly energy
efficient and cost effective technology in an industrial lab environment,” noted Tony Carignano, PCT
Sales and Marketing Specialist and project leader for
this initiative. “In fact, the presence of an EBLab in
Atlanta is significant enough that we are partnering
with co-suppliers to develop Workshops to be held
later this year in Atlanta that will center upon how
the EBLab can be used to facilitate new product development in a variety of application areas.”
The EBLab workshops are expected to cross-pollinate
a number of growing application areas for ebeam
technology. A number of global equipment, resin, ink
and coating manufacturers will be involved in demonstrating the basics of energy curable, crosslinking,
polymer scission, formulating and equipment safety
in a very hands-on way. Targeted advanced material
development applications include printing and curing
on 3D objects, surface sterilization and modifications
to the mechanical properties of plastics, rubber, and
polymeric films and foams.
The unit will be available for use at the Georgia
Power Customer Resource Center beginning in July
For more information: www.teampct.com
Dymax Europe GmbH – 20 years
of continuous growth
Specialist in light-curing technology celebrates jubilee
Dymax Europe GmbH, based in Wiesbaden
Germany, is celebrating its 20th anniversary. The
leading adhesives specialist offers light-curable adhesives, coatings and gasketing materials for applications in various markets. In addition to adhesives
and coatings, Dymax also offers high-performance
oligomers as well as a variety of dispensing and
light-curing equipment to strengthen its position as a
comprehensive systems supplier. The light-curable
materials are suited for various applications. Major
markets include medical devices, electronics,
automotive,industrial, aerospace, appliance, and
metal finishing.
The parent company, Dymax Corporation, located in
Torrington, Connecticut, USA, established Dymax
Europe GmbH initially as a joint venture company
in 1995.A few years later,it has been transformed into an independent subsidiary company. In 2011 the
company moved,after more than 15 years, from the
original location in Frankfurt to the industrial park
Kalle-Albert, Wiesbaden. “Our new location offers
ideal conditions for further expansion,” said Stefan
Katzenmayer, Managing Director of Dymax Europe
GmbH. The company celebrated the inauguration of
its new Research and Development laboratory last
year, which enables Dymax to provide individual,
customer specific solutions even faster to European
customers. Stefan Katzenmayer also provided an insight into the future: “Our plans include to establish
a production site at our location in Wiesbaden.”
For more information: www.dymax.com
RADTECH NEWS www.radtech-europe.com
Visitor record at UV
In-house trade fair on the topic of UV technology
attracts 800 guests from all over the world
„UV rocks“ has been the motto of IST METZ GmbH
for this year’s UV DAYS. And UV did rock: more
space, more guests, more exhibitors – the seventh
edition of UV DAYS ended with a whole set of superlatives. Visitors from all over the world came to
Nuertingen near Stuttgart in Germany where the UV
specialist has its headquarters. IST METZ informed
about UV lamp technology as well as the increasingly popular LED technology. Both drying technologies
were demonstrated with a cartonboard guitar.
The world’s largest in-house exhibition of UV technology has beaten its own records once again: 800
guests (2013: 600) could be welcomed by IST METZ
at UV DAYS in June. The event comprised several
printing demonstrations and lectures, company
tours, lab tours and a large exhibition of partners
from the printing industry. For this, more exhibitors
than ever could be won – 35 companies (2013: 26)
took part in UV DAYS. “With around 2,000 square
metres in our new building, we had of course the
advantage of having more space this year”, said Dirk
Jägers, Managing Director of IST METZ GmbH.
“Thus we have been able to assign the popular exhibition stands to more companies.”
There was also high demand for the paper guitar, this
year’s print gimmick for visitors. The printing of the
guitar body, with the drying of inks and varnishes by
means of UV light included, was demonstrated live,
once with UV lamp technology and once exemplarily with a UV LED system. Furthermore the finishing
of the guitar neck with hot-foil embossing was
shown, also cured by means of UV light.
Any ordinary smartphone can be pushed into the
folded head of the guitar. It is first clamped into a
holder produced by the 3D printing process. The top
of the head is closed with a cardboard tab. An app
for Apple or Android devices developed specifically
for the occasion can be loaded. It contains a game
in which, similarly to when playing the guitar, the
fingers of the left hand have to touch the correct
strings to win points. In other words, the cardboard
guitar really can be «played» digitally using the app.
„We have once again shown at UV DAYS how much
potential UV technology offers in combination with
new product ideas“, said Dirk Jägers. “Lamp or LED,
which technology is the better choice depends on
the respective application. UV allows for high-class
finishings in packaging printing. There the lamp
technology will remain useful. In commercial printing less finishing effects are required, but here the
advantage of immediate processing is a strength UV
also offers. A retrofitting to LED technology is conceivable in this area. What is certain above all is that
the market for UV is growing, and along with it UV
DAYS which we will host again in 2017.”
For more information: www.ist-uv.com
TheIJC 2015 – the knowledge
hub of the inkjet industry
With drupa as enabling partner, MS Printing as sponsor and ESMA as organiser, The Inkjet Conference returns to take place on 7th and 8th October 2015 in
Swissôtel Neuss/Düsseldorf, Germany. Building on
last year’s success the event offers over 20 hours of
industrial presentations and technical lectures on the
newest developments in inkjet engineering and
inkjet chemistry. An exclusive giveaway awaits all
delegates –a day ticket to drupa 2016.
“Whilst the inkjet printhead is at the heart of any system, system performance and productivity are affected by the other components that go into building the
digital print process. The Inkjet Conference covers all
aspects: printheads, inks and ink chemistry, data
path electronics and imaging software, fluid systems
and precision mechanics. We welcome both inkjet
equipment manufacturers, consumer brand owners
and other representatives of the markets affected by
the shift to digital production wishing to understand
the core technology.” – says Steve Knight, owner of
Digital Technologies Direct and co-founder of
By the time of this release fifty speakers confirmed
their attendance, among them six printhead manufacturers, four software companies, three electronics
data path suppliers as well as ink and laboratory
equipment manufacturers. The conference concept
as the knowledge hub of the industry is supported by
the Scientific Board standing at the forefront of research into inkjet and its applications.
All delegates at The Inkjet Conference 2015 will receive a free day ticket to drupa, the world’s no. 1
show for print and crossmedia solutions, held between 31st May and 10th June 2016. The tickets are
donated by ESMA (European Specialist Printing
Manufacturers Association) and will be distributed
after TheIJC in the form of e-vouchers.
The Inkjet Conference
7-8th October 2015
Swissôtel Neuss/Düsseldorf
For further information, detailed conference
programme and delegate booking please visit
www.theijc.com or write to info@theijc.com
Plasma Converting Partners announces the launch of its innovative, industrial scale Atmospheric
Plasma Surface Treatment
Plasma Converting Partners (PCP) is proud to announce the launch of its innovative, industrial scale
Atmospheric Plasma Surface Treatment Platform. The
Platform integrates the latest generation of twin-jet
atmospheric plasma stations conceived by PCP and
AFS (www.afs.biz) as well as twin-jet Gas Mixing
and Liquid Precursor Vaporizing Cabinets conceived
by PCP. The overall technology is commercialized by
PCP under the trade name PCPlasmaTM.
Typical applications of PCPlasmaTM are replacement of liquid primers in printing, lacquering, cold
and hot lamination, extrusion coating and extrusion
lamination. Any custom-tailored request from
Plasma Converting’s customers will be now satisfied
thanks to this creative roll to roll Platform. With this
new equipment process gases can be injected directly into the plasma for much better results. The effectiveness of PCPlasmaTM will be demonstrated to
customers for various surface properties during production conditions with web widths up to 1300 mm
and speeds up to 300 m/min.
Plasma Converting Partners is now able to provide
cost effective and sustainable turnkey solutions to a
wide range of industries including food, pharmaceutical, cosmetics and household packaging as well as
wrap around labels, pressure sensitive labels and
sleeves, decoration, furniture, wall and floor coverings. Many technical products such as adhesive
tapes, rigid and flexible photovoltaic, optical films,
transfer films or even electronic circuits will applaud
this cutting-edge technology.
PCPlasmaTM allows either grafting on the surface of
plastic films and metallic foils of nitrogen, oxygen or
silicon based chemistries as well as deposition of organic and inorganic nanolayers under the form of
monolayers or multilayers. The variety of selected
gas and liquid precursors leads to a variety of surfaces featuring adhesion, release, anti-block, barrier,
anti-fog, anti-friction, anti-stain, thermal and mechanical resistance, thermal or UV sealing, anti-reflection, anti-bacterial and other outstanding surface
For more information: www.plasma-converting.com
Perstorp now supplying
surfactants market with
2-PH after start-up of
new Oxo plant
Producers of surfactants and hard-surface cleaners
around the world now have access to a major new
supply of a highly cost-effective raw material, 2-propyl heptanol (2-PH). With the January start-up of its
major new Oxo plant for chemical intermediates
and finished products in Stenungsund, Sweden,
Perstorp now has sufficient capacity to supply 2-PH
to the merchant market as well as its own downstream operations.
Perstorp is now concluding Project Valerox, its largest plant investment ever, and the new Oxo plant is
already manufacturing industrial quantities of various key materials—including 2-PH—for numerous
applications, including plasticizers and lubricants.
Most output is currently consumed internally in production of Perstorp’s Emoltene™ 100 PVC plasticizer, but Perstorp has now also become a significant
supplier of 2-PH on the open market. The Oxo plant
will be a reliable and stable source of this important
raw material for surfactants.
“The global surfactants industry is increasingly calling for C10 fatty alcohols and our new capacity for
high-purity 2-PH is an answer to that call,” says
Jerker Olsson, Vice President Business Unit Oxo at
Perstorp. “Our customers will be able to count on a
reliable long-term supply of this very attractive alternative to existing offerings.”
Surfactant producers currently rely to a large extent
on natural and synthetic C9-C12 linear and
Industry News
branched alcohols. These have recently been subject
to swings in availability and price volatility. The new
Perstorp facility now provides more stability to the
supply side of the market while also offering consumers a product that has a highly attractive set of
“2-PH is an excellent raw material for alcohol ethoxylates used in surfactants,” says Håkan Björnberg,
Vice President Innovation. “It can be used as a replacement for other short-chain branched C9-C12
alcohols, as well as linear alcohol mixes.” 2-PH ethoxylates typically have excellent wetting power,
good emulsifying power and good solubility. They
have high surface activity and they are easy to combine in formulations.
says Björnberg. “This product also has a good water
solubility, making it an excellent choice for hard surface cleaning, and is easy to rinse off. It has a low
tendency to form gels, good stability, and a degreasing power that is better than most other types and
can replace nonylphenol ethoxylates (NPEs).”
Perstorp also intends to offer 2-PH as a raw material
for adhesives and lubricants. 2-PH acrylates offer increased tackiness and better low temperature performance for pressure sensitive adhesives formulations,
for example, while 2-PH esters with adipic acid,
find use in engine oils and gearbox lubricants.
For more information: www.perstorp.com
“I am excited to administer the Community website, yyy.org” states Paul Mills, the Community
siteeditor. “This site will be a resource for end users, suppliers, and industry participants to have a
single,unbiased view of UV LED curing. Future
website additions include moderated forums,
blogs, andnewsletters. I am looking forward to all
UV LED curing companies signing up and posting
relevantcontent regarding their UV LED Curing capabilities.”
About the Community
UV LED Curing
Community launches
website - Focus on
increased awareness and
Cleveland, Ohio (April 29, 2014): Today, the UV
LED Curing Community launches its inaugural web-
These page(s) feature abstracts of press information received from RTE members or articles concerning
RTE members collected from the trade press in recent months. RTE members interested in extra media
coverage can send their press releases to the RTE secretariat, e-mail: mail@radtech-europe.com in
either word or pdf format (pictures already included in the text). We will then make sure to post them
on our website and in the RTE News e-zine (published twice per year).
site toincrease UV LED curing awareness and education. The Community website will become a
clearing housefor market participants to share their
knowledge of UV LED curing technologies, materials, chemistryapplications, and challenges. UV
LED curing delivers multiple benefits: new advanced capabilities,improved operating economics, and increased environmental benefits.
The UV LED Curing Community was founded to
expand the market opportunities by providing a
singlelocation where market participants could
share, educate, and expand their UV LED curing
knowledge,with the ultimate objective of accelerating UV LED technology adoption. The Community
has twoprimary purposes:
• To provide a clearing house for UV LED curing
• To foster communication between suppliers and
consumers of UV LED solutions
The Community is free to join with a simple agreement to post two articles in a twelve month span
andprovide a landing page on their corporate website. Please contact info@yyy.org. Paul Mills is the
exclusive independent editor of the site with startup funding provided by Phoseon Technology.
We are very interested in your thoughts on the
new electronic format of the RadTech news.
Please send your comments and suggestions to
RadTech News Issue 1, August 2015
RadTech News (e-zine) is published 2 times a year exclusively for members of
RadTech Europe. In 2015, the hard copy yearbook will be published after the
conference as an overview/report of the 2015 activities for all involved in the UV/EB
radiation curing industry.
RadTech Europe is the European Association for the promotion of UV/EB curing
technology for inks, coatings and adhesives.
Edited and published by RadTech Europe
Lejeune Association Management
Mark Macaré
Elke Verbaarschot
P.O. Box 85612 NL-2508 CH
The Hague, The Netherlands
Tel.: +31 (0)70 3123920
Fax: +31 (0)70 3636348
Email: mail@radtech-europe.com Website: www.radtech-europe.com
Management Committee
David Helsby, RadLab/ RAHN
Aufrey de Wulff, Allnex
Carolien Bastien, Sartomer Europe
Barbara Fenzi, Lamberti SpA
Carl Nunney, BASF
Nick Ivory, Sun Chemical
Arnd Riekenbrauck, IST METZ GmbH
Dawn Skinner, Heraeus Noblelight Fusion UV Inc.
Chair Marketing Committee
Gregory Gerin, Allnex
Chair HSE Committee:
Mark Macaré (interim Chair)
Chair Metal Coatings Group:
Chair EB Project Group:
Chair Graphic Arts Working Group: Jeroen Diepgrond, BASF
RTE Conference
Dawn Skinner, Heraeus Noblelight Fusion UV Inc
Association management for RadTech Europe
Mark Macaré, Secretary General
Elke Verbaarschot, Senior Management Assistant
Cora Van der Lek, Financial Support
Printing & Design
de Swart, The Hague
RadTech Europe News issue has been compiled with utmost care, RadTech Europe
declines any responsibility for possible incompleteness of any information published
in this issue.
RadTech Europe:
Promoting & Developing UV & EB Technology in
European Industry