

Important Information
You will be given a wristband on entry, this must be worn at all times. As they will be
checked regularly. If you lose your wristband please go to the registrations area with a
proof of ID to get a replacement. Conbadges do not act as a proof of entry.
Stage Event Sign-ups and Participation
Sign-ups take place at registrations unless otherwise stated.
Once signed up please ensure you turn up 30 minutes prior to where the event or
tournament takes place and a member of staff will show you where to go or what to do.
Souvenirs - Con Badges and T-shirts
Make sure to pick up your conbadges and t-shirts at the AL Merchandise table in the
Level 1 Bar on Thursday. On all other days they can be collected at the registration desk.
Are you a winner?
Want to Win Prizes in our Raffle and donate to charity? Tickets cost £1 from the reg desk
for The Big Geek Raffle which will take place at the Charity Gala. All proceeds will go
toward the convention charity, MIND.
Social Media
In this digital age Alcon aims to be as interactive
both on and offline so make sure to follow @Alcon
on Twitter for live updates (and any important
changes) from the event. If you want to be
rewteeted? Hashtag #alcon and our press team will
retweet their favourites!
In case of an emergency....
Hopefully your time at the convention will be
fun and problem free but in case something
does happen please do not hesitate to go to the
Registrations Desk for assistance or phone
07746 124194
General Rules
We all want you to have a great time at Alcon, and to ensure that everyone gets along
it’s vital that the following rules are adhered to:
1.Wear your wristband at all times
2. Do not participate in anything illegal. This includes drug-taking, threats of violence,
harassment etc.
3. Drink alcohol responsibly. Drink too much and staff reserve the right to confiscate
it and ask the bar not to serve you! Don’t spend the convention hanging with your
head down the toilet! Please note, do not bring your own alcohol into the bar/Queens
4. Respect attendees, anti-social behaviour is not tolerated; such as deliberately
antagonising others, creating a LOT of noise, keeping people up, ignoring
accommodation officers, and so forth.
5. Respect staff and their decisions; any physical or verbal abuse towards Alcon
crew members will not be tolerated and will result in you being removed from the
convention and the accommodation without refund.
7. Do not park on site - car parking is only available on-site to staff and guests who have
pre-booked it with us beforehand. If you are caught parking at Bede, or the Queens car
park without our consent, we will alert the authorities and your vehicle will be clamped.
8. Have fun!
This is a general rule list, and if something occurs hat turns into an issue then we will
action accordingly.
Staying Onsite
Many of you are spending Alcon on De Montfort Campus staying in Bede, New Wharf,
and Liberty accommodation halls.
Here is some useful information and also some rules for your time there.
- If you are not staying in the accommodation, please leave by midnight.
- Those staying in New Wharf or Liberty Park can stay in Bede until midnight, and viceversa.
- If you are staying in a quiet block you will be expected to keep the noise to a low level
after midnight, this will also include the area outside in the courtyard.
- No more than 20 people in your room (kitchen, hallway, bathroom or balcony
combined) at one time. Staff have the right to ask people to leave a room if it gets
excessive or out of control.
- Animeleague can not take responsibility for your personal belongings. Remember to
lock your bedroom doors and the block door when leaving.
- If there is a problem get a staff member immediately, DO NOT try to sort it out by
yourself under any circumstances. There will be staff on the registration desk day and
night, staff are located in J Block so can be
- Late Sunday night there will be a block check. Any block in a bad state will result in
everyone in that block losing their deposit.
- Check-outs; on the day you leave, you must hand your keys to the registrations desk
by10am. Any later and you will lose your deposit. We will offer luggage storing facilities
on the Sunday at Registrations (Bede Hall Reception).
Lowdown: Queens Building
Hallway Exhibitors
As you enter the Queens Building, a number of exhibitors will be selling goods Saturday and
Exhibitors Room
Opens midday (11am for VIPs) on the Saturday until 6pm, and on Sunday from 10am to 4pm.
Cosplay & Photography Zone
Realtimeevents.co.uk will be providing a professional onsite studio and photo printing
service. All photos taken can be purchased and taken home immediately! Fully mounted and
bagged ready to display! Open 10am to late each day. As well as grab a photo you can meet
our special cosplay guests and fellow cosplayers alike.
Cosplay Cafe
Drop by our Cosplay Cafe for tea and cake with friends, whilst being served by our lovely
team of cosplayers. Open 10am to 5pm on Friday & Saturday and 10am to 4pm on Sunday.
Artist Alley & Workshops Room
Grab a pencil and get creative! Freestyle, or participate in the art and cosplay workshops
taking place to learn new skills. Our art exhibitors will also be located here so grab some
bespoke pieces.
Video Gaming
All the latest consoles and games at your fingertips. Packed with tournaments (see timetable)
to challenge fellow attendees! Enter a tournament by placing your name on the signup
sheets in the Video Games room; ask the VG crew for more info on each tournament. Make
sure to turn up five minutes before your tournament is
due to start.
Retro Room
Retroactive shall be organising the retro gaming zone,
with everything from the 70s, 80s and 90s, including
all your favourite and rare 8 and 16-bit consoles!
Like the Gaming Room, Retro also has a full lineup of
tournaments. Open 10am to 5pm on Friday, Saturday
and Sunday.
TCG & Chillout Room
TCG tournaments including Yu Gi Oh, Vanguard,
Pokemon and MTG provided by Golden Sun with big
prizes up for grabs. See the timetable for full details
Lowdown: Other Areas
Talk Theatre #1 (Upstairs Queens)
We have talks and panels all day from our top guests
including; Maggie Blue O’Hara, MasakoX, LittleKuriboh,
Akemi Solloway, Parle and more! Great opportunity to learn
something new. See the timetable for schedule.
Anime Screenings (Downstairs and Student Union)
Come drop in and watch some of your favourite anime series
and movies courtesy of MVM Entertainment. Friday shall
also be a special Asian Cinema Night bought to you by Third
Windows and Terracotta Films!
Bring and Buy (Downstairs Queens Building in TCG Room
on Sunday)
The bring and buy will be open for business in the Artist Alley on the Sunday between
midday and 5pm to buy goodies. Want to sell your stuff, come along, fill in a form and
drop it off at registrations on Thursday, Friday or Saturday. Note there’s a 15% fee on all
Events at Level 1 Bar (Student Union, Level 1)
On the 1st floor of the Campus Centre we will be holding our main live events,
screening AMVs, anime and abridged episodes. Please note, during the evening the
entrance is to the side, next to the cash machines & spar shop. We shall also be hosting
talks in the nearby room as well (switching over to parties after 9pm!) so make sure you
don’t miss out!
RPG & Board Gaming (The Lobby Bar)
Aka The Reality Escape Vector - Join us on the ground floor of the Campus Centre for a
veritable smorgasbord of roleplaying, board games, card games, etc.
The AL-Team
Alcon may just be four days but for some of our staff a years planning and hard work
goes into making the event happen. A special thank you goes out to all those involved
in taking the time to help, for without our crew Alcon would not be possible.
Take a peek at our lovely senior staff below, why not find them and buy them a drink...
Position: Head Organiser
Name: Michael Towers Forum Name: Ferefire
The brains behind AL, typically found dashing around the event
with a walkie talkie in hand. Quoted frequently by crew members
in the context of “Mike Said” which has led to much mischief and
Position: Head of Registrations
Name: Stephen Sykes Forum Name: Redhat
The go to guy with the god damn red hat. Found wondering the
marshes of Registrations for lost souls seeking the convention.
Loves caffeine and hates queues. So be his friend, and he’ll be
your fast track! Fyi, he is also the brains behind the AL websites...
Position: Head of Operations
Name: Daniel Love Forum Name: Pendragon01
Temp head of ops, Dan has mastered the art of cloning as he is
required in many places at once to fix things. As payback he also
tortures everyone at talent show...
Position: Head of Video Games/Rock Party DJ
Name: Mike Frost Forum Name: The Burger King
Attendee turned staff, now heads up VG area for events. Owns
most gaming consoles from 8bit era all the way up to current
generation. You’ll find him in VG or at the bar (normally at the
bar). Avid Queen and Steel Panther fan, stop by his DJ set.
Position: Head of Events/DJ
Name: Alex Baker Forum Name: Arekksu
Back from three months in Japan, Alex couldn’t stay away from
Alcon! Born to be on stage, Alex has always had a passion for
theatre and entertaining people. Obsessed with ducks expect
to see him throwing some from stage and doing his best to
entertain attendees.
Position: Head of Press & Guests
Name: Rebecca Moriarty Forum Name: BeccaAnn
AnimeLeague’s PR girl and social media fiend, she can always be
found with a camera glued to her hand, so strike a pose there’s
nothing to it!
Position: Head Chef - Cosplay Cafe
Name: Shadow Jam aka SJ
The man of mystery known only as ShadowJam or SJ. Runs the
cosplay cafe with his partner Sophie. Pop by and grab a bite to
Position: Head of Role Playing Games (RPG)
Name: Mr Purple Forum Name: Miss.Purple
A mystery, wrapped in an enigma, wrapped in bacon, baked at
200 degrees for thirty minutes, served with a side of beautiful
madness. Then there’s Purple
Special thanks to all our deputies that include
Wil Morgan (Reg Deputy), Chris Burnham (Lobby
Games Deputy), Andrew Bentley (Ops Deputy),
Liz Bishop (Ops deputy), Sophie Phoenix (Cafe
Deputy) and Skye Willians (Stage Deputy).
This Alcon will have over sixty volunteers in total,
working almost 2,000 hours of shifted in work
between them to help make this event happen.
So, if you see a hard working crew member in a
blue-shirt remember to show your appreciation
for their hard work in making Alcon happen!
Thank You!
And if you’re interested in joining crew, why not
apply for next year? We offer free entry, a meal
a day, a CV reference and an opportunity to be
a part of our team. Read more by clicking “Help
Out” on the Alcon website.
Guest of Honour - Maggie Blue O’Hara
Maggie enjoyed herself so much at London Anime
Gaming Con 2014 she demanded we bring her to
Alcon for more fun!
Maggie Blue O’Hara from Canada is most known for her
cartoon and anime voicework as Bulma (Dragon Ball Z),
Kitty Pryde/Shadowcat (XMEN: Evolution) and
Madison (Card Captors) and numerous other
characters over the 25 years of her career.
Maggie has spent the past 9 years in Hong
Kong running a multimedia theatre company
but moved back to Vancouver earlier this year.
She became a mum in 2010 and loves her
daughter to bits!
A lover of life and nature, reiki healer, kids yoga
teacher, singer/songwriter, actress, dancer and writer/director.
Maggie loves any opportunity to be creative and suround herself in a
community of warm happy people.
How did you get into voice acting?
My first voice gig was when I was around 4 years old, dubbing a child
actor in a film. Her speech wasn’t as clear as mine was so I was hired to
dub of her lines throughout the film.
Who is your favourite character to voice?
My favourite was Kitty Pryde aka Shadowcat in X-Men Evolution
because the job was prelay animation and all the actors got to work
Last time you attended an AnimeLeague event you were living
in Hong Kong but you have recently moved
back to Vancouver, what was the thing you
Don’t Miss!
missed the most?
I missed my tribe of bohemian
Friday 2pm - DBZ Special with Maggie, Queens
Double trouble with Maggie and DBZ abridger Masako X
artist friends!
Best bit about AnimeLeague
The community here - everyone’s
enthusiasm and shared interests
in anime. Also its exciting to visit
London, and now Leicester. I plan
to visit some sacred faerie sites!
Friday 3pm - Cosplay Photo Shoot, Press Desk Queens
Photo shoot for those cosplaying characters Maggie
has voiced or a series/game he has starred in.
Friday 9pm, Late night panel with Maggue, Main stage
Sunday 1pm-Voice Actor Q&A, Main Talks
Saturday, 2-4pm Signing Session,
TCG/Chillout area
Get an autograph with our special guest
Dragon Ball: The SAGA Continues
Most will know Maggie Blue O’Hara as Bulma from
Dragon Ball. A phenomenal hit series and for many their
first anime. Aisha Anime explores its origins of the series
The West received Dragon Ball as one of its first
Shonen series to hit TV screens and for many an
introduction to the magic of anime.
Dragon Ball was originally a manga series written
and illustrated by Akira Toriyama. Did you know that
Dragon Ball was initially inspired by the classical
Chinese novel Journey to the West? The series follows
the adventures of the protagonist, half human half
monkey (the tail says it all) Goku, trains in martial arts
and explores the world in search of the seven orbs
known as the ‘Dragon Balls’, which summon a wishgranting dragon called Senron who grants the user wishes. Goku makes friends along the way and
battles a variety of villains, whom also seek the Dragon Balls or just want to destroy the planet Earth.
The manga spanned over 42 books and adapted into two anime series produced by Toei Animation:
Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z, which together were broadcast in Japan from 1986 to 1996.
Additionally, the studio has developed 19 feature films and three television specials, as well as a third
anime titled Dragon Ball GT. Between 2009 and 2015. Then a revised, faster-paced version of Dragon
Ball Z was broadcast under the title Dragon Ball Kai, in which most of the original version’s footage
not featured in the manga is removed.
A fifth television series titled Dragon Ball Super began on July 5, 2015. Several companies have
developed various types of merchandising based on the series leading to a large media franchise
that includes films, both animated and live-action, collectible trading card games, numerous action
figures, along with several collections of soundtracks and a large number of video games.
In 2009, 20th Century Fox produced an American-made live-action film titled Dragon ball Evolution
that received a negative reception from critics and fans; due to featuring a full Caucasian cast and
not following the story of Dragon Ball much at all.
The anime, particularly Dragon Ball Z, is also highly popular in various countries and was arguably
one of the most influential in boosting the popularity of Japanese animation in Western culture.
Recently Toei Animation has announced production on Dragon Ball Super, the first all-new Dragon
Ball anime series to be released in 18 years. Following the recent events of the hit feature film
Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection, Dragon Ball Super will debut in July 2015 in Japan.
Reuniting the franchise’s iconic characters, Dragon Ball Super will follow the aftermath of Goku’s
fierce battle with Majin Buu, as he attempts to maintain Earth’s fragile peace. Overseen by Dragon
Ball’s original creator, Akira Toriyama, and produced with Fuji Television. Dragon Ball Super will draw
on its historical past to create a bold new universe, welcoming to fans and endearing new viewers.
Thursday Highlights
Cosplay Courtroom, 3pm, Main Talks: League of
Extraordinary Cosplayers and Aisha Anime host a
live courtroom with judge and jury. debating topical
issues in the community. Where you can have your
say. Free pocky to the winning side!
Cosplay Blind Date
4pm, Main Stage:
Help Sailor Moon find her
Tuxedo Mask, or may you
think she would better
Opening Ceremony, 5pm Main Stage:
An introduction to Alcon and its guests - let the
madness commence!
Brentafloss Q&A, 7pm, Main Stage: Ask our guest of
honour anything (within reason!)
Yaoi vs Yuri Showdown 9pm, Main Stage:
Are you team yaoi or yuri? Show your support and
join in on all the action. Not sure what the hell
yaoi or yuri is. Come and find out!
Late night panel with Parle, 10pm Upstairs
Stage: The legendary cosplay group take to
the stage, grab a drink or two and prepare for
laughter and crazy topics to be discussed!
9pm: Dance Dance Anime Party
11.30pm: Alcon Party Night
Tournaments Zone - We have £100s
worth in prizes to give away over many
tournaments throughout the weekend. Fame
and bragging rights will be given
to each winner as they go up on the Community Hall of Fame complete with award
Friday Highlights
Women’s Role in Japan, 1pm, Queen’s Panel Room:
Akemi Solloway explores women’s role in Japan.
A must see for those wanting to learn more about
Japanese culture.
Talent Show, 2pm Main Stage:
Forget X-Factor or The Voice. AnimeLeague’s Got
Talent is where it is at!
Can you sing or
dance? Perhaps you
have a more unique
talent. Whatever it is,
DBZ Special with Maggie O’Hara, 2pm, Queens
Panel Room: Chat all things DBZ with Maggie
O’Hara, the voice of Bulma
Kelsey Ellison, 4pm, Main Stage: Internet sensation Kelsey
Ellison performs live on stage, inspired by her favourite Japanese idols.
Don’t miss it, you might feel like you are in Japan not Leicester!
Cosplay Auction with Parle 8pm Main Stage: Help us
raise money for Mind and Epilepsy action by entering
yourself or bidding on your fave cosplayers!
Late night with Maggie Blue O’Hara, 9pm, Main Stage
Grab a drink or two and lets talk all things anime, DBZ
and life with Maggie.
Party Time:
9pm: PopAsia - j-pop
tunes and anime themes!
11.30pm: Glowstick Rave
Cosplay Workshops, Both Days, Workshop Area
(Queens): Throughout the event you can get hands on
and learn new skills to improve your craft from some of the
UK’s best cosplayers - sewing and making props in Artist
Alley. Highlights today include making cat ears and hats with
Chiquitita Cosplay and wig styling with competitive cosplay
Saturday Highlights
Cosplay Masquerade, 1pm, Main Stage: Cosplayers
will be giving it their all to win best in show, judged
by our UK cosplay guests. Good luck!
Little Kuriboh Q&A, 2pm Main Talks, Ask the man
behind the genius Yu-Gi-Oh abirdged anything!
VIP Gala 3.30pm, Main Stage: special event for VIP
members to meet and greet our guests.
Learning Japanese with The Japan Foundation,
4pm, Queen’s Panel Room: Would you like to be
able to to understand your fave anime shows without the
subtitles? Go to the JPF panel for some basic Japanese and tips on how
to learn the lingo.
Pub Quiz 5.30pm Main Stage: Grab a pint and a
team then test your geek knowledge in our big pub
quiz of the year.
Maggie Blue O’Hara
Signing Session,
2-4pm, Workshop
Area (Queens): Meet
the voice of Bulma
in DBZ, Kitty Pryde
(X-Men Evolution) and
Madison (Cardcaptors)!
First autograph is free!
9pm: Masquerade Ball - Ballgowns and tux galore, waltz on
to the dance floor for an authentic evening ball.
12pm: Rock Night
Sunday Highlights
Cosplay Mental Health, 11am, Queens Panel Room:
Led by Mojo Jones, an open space to share personal
experiences and listen to others. Remember our charity of
the year is Mind.
Voice Duel with Little Kuriboh, 12pm, Main Stage: the
star of Yu-Gi-Oh abridged challenges you to a duel! Will you
win or will Little Kuriboh be sent to the shadow realm..
Eile Monty Live, 1pm, Main Stage: Watch this talented
singer live as she performs both covers and original tracks
Charity Gala, 2pm, Main
Stage: Help raise money for
Mind and Epilepsy Action;
bid, donate and join in with a charity acution
and live performances from our guests. Every
Cosplay Burlesque, 4pm, Upstairs Stage: Mojo
Jones, popular burlesque dancer travels to Alcon
after successful performances at our
events. Expect to see your favourite
comic characters come to life on
Clan Battle Showdown, 6pm,
Upstairs Stage: You have been
earning points for your chosen
clan all weekend. With over 300 points up for grabs
in this event, this showdown is the decider in who will
emerge victorious! Come along and help them win the war!
8.00pm Closing
Ceremony: Its nearly
over, time to start saying a
9.00pm Late night with Brentalfloss:
Grab a few drinks and chill out with the legend that is
9.30pm: Gaming and Chiptune
11.30pm: The Final Countdown
Guest of Honour - Little Kuriboh
LK is the creator of Yu-Gi-Oh: The Abridged Series (
http://www.yugiohabridged.com ), a parody of the
Yu-Gi-Oh! anime. Each ‘episode’ of the Abridged
Series parodies the original Yu-Gi-Oh! equivalent and
is typically four to six minutes per episode (though
episode length has steadily increased with time). The
Series is considered one of the first major fandubs,
meaning it is made using clips from the original series
while voicing most of the characters and placing
in sound effects, music clips, well-known movie/
television quotes, etc.
Brent Black, also known as brentalfloss, is a
comedian, musician, and gamer. He is best known
on the internet as the creator of the .With Lyrics
series, where he adds satirical lyrics to classic video
game tunes and uses them to create music videos.
He first gained notoriety in 2008 with the release
of .Mega Man 3 With Lyrics.. Since then, he has
expanded his base of YouTube subscribers to over
190,000, released albums that both reached the top
10 on the iTunes comedy charts, and has appeared
at many gaming and anime events. His live show
style blends stand-up comedy, live music, and
audience participation.
Check him out at:
Interview : Xthedarkone
How did you get started in abridging?
I got into Abridging when my good friend Shadyvox approached me after he made ep
one of his GX abridged, I wasnt overly fond of it so when he was writing episode 2 and
he liked my import and voice so much he asked me to do them for the show. I had a
love for it ever since.
Favourite character to voice and why?
Favourite to voice is possibly Crowler, his voice and inflections are just SO out there I
find it hard to get through a single take without a little chuckle.
Why do you think people love abridged series?
I think primarily the love is because while people love those respective anime an
abridge tends to poke fun at the things that the fans themselves notice, I think its also
the idea of these beloved characters acting a certain way OUT of character that people
seem to come back for more.
Best bit about AnimeLeague conventions for
Hmmm that’s a good one, there is so much I enjoy
doing. I do love the charity auction and the late
night panels as I’m able to just go nuts and have
ton of fun but I think the common factor is getting
to meet the fans.
Top tips for attendees wanting to get started in
Find a series you love a lot and do it for the
enjoyment, personally I would find friends to make
the series with as there is nothing more fun then
writing a funny script with good friends.
Charities of the Year
Each year we gather together to raise money for charity using our love for cosplay,
anime and all things nerdy. To decide the charities Alcon support attendees vote on the
AnimeLeague forums. This year Mind received the most votes so will receive 75% of the
donations. In second place was Epilepsy Action so they will receive 25% of donations.
Here is some more info about our nominated charities:
Every year, one in four of us will experience a
mental health problem. But hundreds of thousands
of people are still struggling. Mind believe no-one
should have to face a mental health problem alone.
They are there to listen, give you support and
advice, and fight your corner. Mind will empower
anyone experiencing a mental health problem.
Campaigning to improve services, raise awareness
and promote understanding.
Epilepsy can affect anyone at any age
including our very own crew and even
some of you! With 600,000 in the UK and 50
million people globally have the condition.
Epilepsy Action is the UK’s leading epilepsy
organisation and exists to improve the lives
of everyone affected by the condition. As
a member-led association, they represent
people with epilepsy, their friends, families and healthcare professionals. Epilepsy
Action is here to support people every step of the way through living with the
You can help raise money by doing the following:
Enter our Cosplay Auction, Friday or donate an item/service for the VIP Gala 4pm,
Sunday (nothing is too big or small).
Not a cosplayer or nohing to donate? Why not bid on something or someone!
Every penny counts, so please bring some spare change to the VIP gala and give what
you can.
Alcon Master?
Welcome to the ALcon Region, a mysterious place full of cosplayers,
panellists, gophers and congoers. A land where many spend their days
as drunk as a Skuntank. Here we don’t have the quaint towns of Kanto,
but we do have the DMU campus, an excellent Cosplay Café, several
abridgers and our own Pokémon League.
Here the Gym Leaders roam freely, wearing gold sashes as they traverse
through the halls of Queens, or indulge in the Level 1 bar..
This new league welcomes all Challengers and should you find the
Leaders while they’re wearing their sash, they will battle against you. Each match will be a
3 vs. 3 single battle. The leader will use at least two Pokémon of their element, alongside a
possible off-type that knows a move of that element.
Challenge the leaders while they’re off-duty or more than once a day, they’ll turn you
The first to defeat all the leaders will earn title of champion, a red
sash and a special prize. Anyone who collects the eight Gym Badges
and has them verified by stamp and signature will have the right to
challenge the Champion. If the Champion is defeated, the red sash
will go to the victor. The Champion at the Closing Ceremony will win
free tickets to Alcon next year. Not only that but the first forty who
manage to defeat the leaders, each earn five points for their clan.
The rules:
• X/Y compatible teams ONLY.
• Banned Pokémon: ALL Legendary Pokémon and Wobbuffet.
• Sleep cannot be induced on more than one Pokémon at a time.
• Multiple Pokémon with the same Pokédex number are prohibited.
• Banned Moves: Fissure, Guillotine, Sheer Cold, Horn Drill.
• Banned Items: Soul Dew, Leppa Berry.
• Moves that cannot not be used to end a battle: Explosion, Destiny Bond, Self-Destruct, Perish Song.
• No multiples of the same held item.
Failure to comply with these rules as a challenger or Gym Leader will result in an automatic loss and possible disqualification from the tournament.
Whats the big deal with Cosplay Music Videos?
Cosplay Music Videos are popping up online everywhere recieving thousands of views.
Videographer Smile250 reveals all and shares some top tips!
Why make a CMV?
Over the last few years, cosplay videography has
been trending around the world seen as a new
way to showcase the craft. No doubt, you might
have watched a cosplay music video (CMV)
online, seen one take place at an event or even
featured in one! The purpose of these videos is
to not only highlight the best cosutmes but help
bring them to life - re-enacting scenes and poses
from the source material. As well as capturing
fun moments and memories. I have always
found the whole process thrilling.
Top Tips
- Make the best of what you have
Often videographers can get caught up in a
never ending cycle of chasing the next best
thing; new lens, camer etc. Instead of making
the most of what they currently own. Aiming
for upgraded gear can be beneficial in your
workflow but knowing how to use what you
hsve first is advantagourous. Look up internet
tutorials on how to optimise that set up. The
more you understand your set up the more
you will be able to control scene to your favour
- consequently improving your shots and
tackling challenges you might face in filming,
notably in terms of lighting and spacing in most
conventions. It streamlines what you can do,
saves time and overall creates a more efficient
- Communication this might be a word that’s
regularly thrown around in almost every career
in our modern world today but that’s with good
reason. The chemistry that stems from effective
communication between the videographer and
the cosplayer does help create and bring to life
the cosplay itself. Not to mention that it boosts
the foundation of the shots you take. You need
to clearly explain the vision you have to the
cosplayer and how it will all flow together as a
whole. From this, they know exactly what to do
and they will be able to improvise better from
the direction you give, plus it’s a confidence
booster. Having a clear plan helps with these
and not being afraid to take inspiration from
other videographers is key.
- Network
Communication doesn’t just fit the mould
for cosplayer to videographer. In fact,
communication is perhaps most effective
in videographer to videographer relations. I
cannot thank enough the many videographers
who likewise share the same passion as I do in
capturing cosplays and have taught me various
things in aspects of filming and editing cosplay
videos. Communicate with other videographers
and share your thoughts and collate ideas and
collaborate on getting the best possible video
you can - it leads you to develop your existing
ideas and heightens your limits to create the
next best video
Interview with Chiquitita Cosplay
Read Becca Ann’s interview with cosplay guest Chiquitita Cosplay...
How did you become involved in cosplay and
I’ve always loved anime and manga and when I found
out about MCM Expo in 2008, I got so excited and started
Cosplaying since then.
What is your favourite cosplay and why?
Bulma and Sailor Moon because they are closest to my
heart. I grew up watching them as a child and I still do. I’m
very excited about the new Sailor Moon series!
What inspires you to choose your next cosplay?
All depends what mood I’m in, like what anime or game
I’ve been watching or playing.
What future cosplays can we expect to see from you?
I’ve got such a long list, but one that I’ll make soon is
Morrigan from Darkstalkers since it’s been requested so
many times.
What do you find the most challenging part of making
your cosplays?
Armour and props, I think I need to dedicate more time to it.
When you’re not cosplaying or at a convention what can we find you doing?
I work in Sales but I also freelance as a theatre costume designer, specialising in corsetry and
millinery, so lots of sewing daily. My hobbies are flamenco and belly dancing.
Have you ever been to a Spanish convention?
I’ve never been to any because most of them are very far from the part of Spain I’m from. As for the
Cosplaying culture, it’s totally growing but it’s no way as big as England!
Anyone who follows you will know you are a bit of a history buff, who is your favourite
historical figure?
I’ve always been fascinated with Henry VIII and Tudor history,
what I find especially interesting is the story of his six wives.
I’ve also got a bit of a historical crush on Charles II, I would
have loved to have been his Spanish mistress
Do you see cosplay just as a hobby, or something that
could progress into a professional career?
Cosplay for me is just a fun hobby and where I hang out with
my friends.
What is the most bizarre thing a ‘fan’ has done, whether
online or at an event?
Just a few strange messages on my Facebook but that’s all
What advice would you give a first time convention goer?
Just have fun and be yourself, sometimes people think they
won’t be accepted but it’s a fun and loving community.
Chiquitita Cosplay will be making cat ears at Alcon, check it
out! Remember to visit our other cosplay guests including
Parle Productions, Nomes and Anna S.
Shall we dance?
Learn to Waltz in time for the
Masquerade Ball 8pm Saturday with
these simple steps
1. Lead take partner in your arms
in classic dance stance with your
right hand on their waist and your
left hand in their right hand. Their
left hand should be on leads right
shoulder. This will feel pretty natural
because you have seen it done
many times. As you dance this waltz,
counterpart will follow you in a mirror image of what you are doing.
2. Listen to the music for a couple of moments and get the 1-2-3 beat in your mind. Then,
on a first beat, step forward one step with your left foot. In the “mirror,” your partner will be
stepping back one step with her right foot.
3. On the next beat, step forward and to the right with your right foot. Your right foot should
make a bit of an upside-down “L” shape to get there. Again, your partner should move their
left foot back and to the left so at the end of the step, you are still facing each other.
4. Shift your weight to your right foot without moving your left. It’s just a gentle leaning
5. Now, on the third beat, slide your left foot over to your right and you will be standing with
your feet together. Again, your partner should be mirroring your steps. Now you will look
like you did right at the beginning.
6. Now, on the fourth beat of six, step back one step with your right foot. You partner should
be stepping forward with her left.
7. On the fifth beat of the music, step back and to the left with your left foot, then shift your
weight to your left foot.
8. On the sixth and final beat of this dance step, slide your right foot forward until your two
feet are together. Again, you and your partner should be back together, feet together, facing
one another just like right before you started.
9. Now, you start again just like step 2, stepping one step forward with your left foot, only
turn both you and your partner about 1/4 turn to the left. Then repeat the pattern again.
If it feels like you just made a box with your feet, you’ve got it. Practice over and over again.
Can you crack the code?
Reading Japanese is easier than you think! Why not have a go at our Japanese code-breaking game?
The table below shows the basic syllabary system of Japanese, called hiragana. To form Japanese sounds, use the
table to combine the consonant on the top row with the vowel on the right-hand column. So the sound “ka” would
be k+a = か (Watch out for the exceptions! “Ti” becomes “chi,” “si” becomes “shi,” and “tu” becomes “tsu”,)
Example: The word “karate” would be “k+a” and “r+a” and “t+e” = KA-RA-TE = からて
ん わ ら や ま は な た さ か あ a
し き い i
り み ひ に ち
る ゆ む ふ ぬ つ
す く う u
れ め へ ね て せ け え e
を ろ よ も ほ の と そ こ お o
Once you’ve familiarised yourself with how to use hiragana, see if you can read these words and match them up with
the correct description.
1. すし
2. つなみ
3. さむらい
4. きもの
5. かわいい
6. はいく
7. すもう
A. This is the Japanese national dress.
B. This is a type of Japanese food consisting of vinegared
rice topped with or rolled around other ingredients.
C. This means “cute” in Japanese.
D. This is a type of Japanese poem consisting of only
three lines.
E. This is traditional Japanese wrestling.
F. This is an enormous wave caused by earthquakes.
G. This is the word for the warriors of old Japan.
How did you do?? The answers are below. If you’re interested in finding out more about learning Japanese, take a
look at the Japan Foundation website, www.jpf.org.uk, or email us at info.language@jpf.org.uk, or check out our
stand and Japanese language workshops on Saturday at Alcon!
1.B – SUSHI 2.F – TSUNAMI 3.G – SAMURAI 4.A – KIMONO 5.C – KAWAII 6.D – HAIKU 7.E – SUMOU (spelt “Sumo” in English)
Battle of the Clans
Three almighty clans line up. Only ONE will win that elusive Alcon trophy
(rumored to contain the convention’s soul)! Will it be those sneaky ninjas,
those wicked vamps, or those pesky pirates? YOU, the members, shall
When you sign-in, your member badge shows which clan you are
in! You can then earn points for them over the convention to help
them towards victory! Points are calculated by who wins events,
who helps out, and so forth!
We strongly encourage our members to have a costume or
cosplay ready for your clan. Why just signup, when you can
also BE a pirate/vampire/ninja? Get into the spirit of Alcon
2015, and join the epic struggle today!
You can earn points for your clan by (a) winning a tournament or event,
(b) picking up bonus points which we award randomly often
during stage events to the audience, (c) staffing for the
event or (d) winning an Alcon award.
When you win an event or tournament, you will be handed
stickers with points on them. You take these stickers and
stick them on to the clan of your choice’s tally chart at registrations. You can also go here to see which clan is winning.
Small events such as gaming or TCG tournaments give 15 points
to 1st, 10 points to 2nd and 5 points to 3rd. Medium events which
are on stage such as Dub That Anime give 30 points to 1st, 20
points to 2nd and 10 points to 3rd. Large events such as the Cosplay
Masquerade, Pub Quiz, Talent Show and so forth give 45 points to 1st,
30 points to 2nd and 15 points to 3rd. Every crew member who crews
all their days (and turns up on time) gets 20 points.The Clan Battle event
on the Sunday awards a large bonus of 250 points to the winner of it, with
100 points to second place.
The winner of the Clan Battle will be announced in the Closing Ceremony!
Cosplay Hall of Fame
Attack on Titan Cosplay group with Trina Nishimura
Bethan Morrigun
Photo by Tip Focus Photography
Blach Cosplay Group
Photo by Ga Chun Yau Photograpjy
Fan Art
Name: Jordan-Senpai
Forum Name: SirWhintleBottoms
Name: Charlotte Fletcher
Forum Name: CharlyVonKarma
Dragon Ball art by Mecha Michaelis
Do you wish you could attend more conventions?
Or maybe you’d like to find an event closer to home?
Well, fear not, for Animeleague is expanding across the UK with several
brand new events! Offering guests, cosplay and gaming galore!
Get your calendars out and mark the following dates:
Check out their websites for all the latest info today
Bristol Anime & Gaming Con,3-4 October
London Anime & Gaming Con, 6-7 Feb 2016:
Manchester Anime Con, 2-3 April 2016
Check out the latest meets and find new friends
via our AnimeLeague forums
The Alcon 2015
Drinking Game!
Try our Alcon drinking game (please drink responsibly!)
Everyone must drink once when 1. Every time you see a cosplay guest.
2. Every time someone sings “Let It Go”
3. Every time you see someone eating pocky.
4. Every time you see an abridger
Everyone must drink twice when 1. Someone quotes an anime.
2. Someone makes a geek culture reference.
3. Every time you see an alpaca.
4. If you see real-life yaoi/yuri
Everyone must drink thrice when 1. If you see someone with a “fishbowl”.
2. You see a LittleKuriboh
3. Someone says “Best Alcon Ever”.
4. If you see a Pokemon
Everyone must down their drink when 1. Someone says “Mike Said”.
2. Every time you see Redhat wearing his hat.
3. If you ever see Alex dressed up as a duck..
Last man standing rules apply to determine the winner. They fall over or can’t be
understood, or forget to drink (or indeed refuse to drink anymore) then they’re
out of the game.
Good luck and please remember to drink responsibly!
Signing Page
Collect autographs from guests and messages from fellow attendees!
Don’t forget to attend voice actor Maggie Blue O’Hara’s signing session Saturday 2pm4pm, TCG/ chillout area