April 2016 - Educational Service Unit 8


April 2016 - Educational Service Unit 8
Educational Service Unit 8
April 2016
Senior High Quiz Bowl
Elgin Pope John (pictured below) won the 2016 ESU 8 Senior High School Quiz
Bowl competition! Their coach is Mary Bartak. The Runner-Up Team is NelighOakdale, (pictured on page 2) coached by April Knust! Lutheran High Northeast
(pictured on page 2) received the third place trophy and medals. Their coach is Phil
Carlson. Congratulations to all three teams!
The 2016 ESU 8 Senior High Quiz Bowl competition took place on Wednesday,
March 9th in Neligh. Again this year, it was a double-elimination competition. So
four rounds of competition were taking place simultaneously. One match was being
held at the American Legion Hall and three matches were being held at the ESU 8
Main office.
Page 2
Junior High Quiz Bowl
Results and Senior High
Quiz Bowl Pictures
Page 3
ESU 8 Art Shows and an
Update from the ESU 8
Professional Development
Page 4
New Teacher Academy
Graduates, April is
National Poetry Month,
and April is School Library
Page 5
ESU 8 Perkins Special
Projects Monies Available,
STEAM 2016 Summer
Camp, and NETA: Embrace
Your Passion!
Twenty-two (22) High School Teams participated in this year’s Senior High Quiz
Bowl. Each team was allowed to have up to six members.
The top two teams, Pope John and Neligh-Oakdale will go on to represent
Educational Service Unit 8 in the Nebraska State ESU Senior High Academic Quiz
Bowl. It is being held on Wednesday, April 27th at the Nebraska Prairie Museum in
Good luck to Pope John and Neligh-Oakdale
in that upcoming State Quiz Bowl
Marlin Seevers,
Quiz Bowl Director
Visit our website at
for more pictures!
Top row, left to right:
Brianna Hupp, Brody
Hupp, Miles Schrage,
and Logan Henn.
Bottom row, left to
right: Maria Bartak,
Karissa Dicke, Scott
Moser and Nicki
Senior High Quiz Bowl
Educational Service Unit 8
Neligh-Oakdale, 2nd place winners in the ESU 8 High School
Quiz Bowl, is pictured above. Top row from left to right: Talon
Krebs, Austin Miller, Bryce Frye, and Chase Kallhoff; bottom
row from left to right: Kelsey Green, Cade Wilkinson, Rachel
Higgins, and Kasi Grosserode.
April 2016
Third place was Lutheran High Northeast.
Norfolk Catholic Wins Junior High Quiz Bowl!
Norfolk Catholic, coached by Marsha Stewart, are the
Champions of the 2016 ESU 8 Junior High Academic
Quiz Bowl! Pictured top right, team members
include: Bree Downie, Mary Fennessy, Autumn
Alder, Rhiannon VanFleet, Ben Morland, John
Vuchetich, Emma Fanta, Ben Bugenhagen and
coach Stewart.
O’Neill St. Mary’s took the 2nd place trophy!
Principal Cody Havranek is their coach. Their
team, pictured right center, includes: Abby Everitt,
Betsy Crumly, Presley Pribil, William Otte, Isaiah Wiese, Grant
Winkelbauer, and coach Havranek.
The third place trophy went to Pierce Zion Lutheran! Their
coach is Kelly Stonacek. Pictured bottom right, their team
members are: Shelby White, Abby Meier, Larissa Meier, Luke
Collison, Garret Meier, Derrick Kolterman, and coach Stonacek.
The 2016 ESU 8 Junior High Quiz Bowl (grades 6-8) competition
took place on Wednesday, March 2nd in Neligh at the American
Legion Hall and the ESU 8 Main Office. Twenty-four (24) teams
from schools in the seven counties served by ESU 8 participated
in this year's Junior High School Quiz Bowl.
For more details and pictures, visit:
Educational Service Unit 8
April 2016
2016 Art Shows!
The ESU 8 Elementary Spring Art Festival
begins on Friday, April 15th and continues
through Tuesday, April 19th!
The ESU 8 High School Art Show begins on
Monday, April 25th and finishes up on
Wednesday, April 27th!
Guidelines, Tags, Posters and Certificates are all
posted online. They can be viewed and
downloaded from the ESU 8 website. Simply go
to the ESU 8 Homepage and click on Art
Department in the DEPARTMENT drop-down menu. Then click on Elementary Spring Art Festival Information and/or
High School Art Show Information.
Professional Development Update
Please contact Bev Tillema (402.887.5041) if you have questions regarding either of these Art Shows.
An Update from the ESU 8 Professional Development Team
The Professional Development staff at ESU 8 has been busy in schools, at trainings and conferences, and hosting
events at the ESU over the past couple of months. We encourage you to look over this list of events to see if you
and/or your school have needs in any of these areas.
Please get in contact with Molly, Katie, Heidi, Steph, Deb or Jill to book a date for training!
APL Training
BLEND IT- BlendEd for career and technical education teachers
C4L Assistance
Canvas LMS
Career and Technical Education Teacher
Collaboration meeting
Chromebook Workflow
CIP Planning
Close Reading
District Data Retreat
General Tech Integration
Marzano Instructional Model
Math Professional Development Series
New Teacher Academy
Reading Coach Collaboration
Revised Math Standards Review
Science Teacher Collaboration
Student HAL (High Ability Learner) day
Tech Fair Preparations
Top row: Heidi Rethmeier, Molly Aschoff, and Katie Morrow
World Language Teachers-Performance Assessment
Bottom row: Deb Wragge and Steph Wanek
Professional Development (PD) Update
Educational Service Unit 8
April 2016
New Teacher Academy Graduates!
Front row, left to right: Lizzie Chelle from
Osmond, Christalin Ginn from Osmond,
and Alex Miller from O'Neill. Back row, left
to right: Derek Camp from O'Neill, Heidi
Rethmeier the ESU 8 NTA Coordinator,
Becci Koopman from Neligh-Oakdale,
Kendra Vanderbeek from O'Neill, Jamie
Jakubowski from West Holt, Cary Gotschall
from O'Neill, and Heather Larsen from
O'Neill. Not pictured: Liz Rogers from West
Holt and Abbi Kush from Plainview.
New Teacher Academy is designed to
provide support, instruction, and an
opportunity for cross-district collaboration
for new teachers. It is offered to ESU 8
teachers in their first year of teaching and is
limited to fifteen teachers.
This program had a six-strand focus: Lesson
Design, Assessment, Technology
Integration, Classroom Management,
Professional Responsibilities, and Instructional
The American Association of School Librarians
celebrates school librarians and their programs
during the month of April with School Library
Month! The 2016 theme is School Libraries
Transform Learning! School librarians are
encouraged to host activities during April to help
their school and local community celebrate the
essential role that school library programs play in
transforming learning.
April is National Poetry Month and this year is
the 20th anniversary! So check out Katie’s blog
post about apps to teach poetry writing:
You can also visit
https://www.poets.org/national-poetrymonth/home for ideas and ways to celebrate
National Poetry Month.
You can download posters and get more
information about School Library Month at:
Educational Service Unit 8
April 2016
ESU 8 Perkins Special
Projects Monies Available
CTE teachers! The ESU 8 Perkins Consortium is
offering Special Project Grants to ESU 8 CTE
programs. To apply, use this link to access the
application form:
Items requested must be of “industry standard;” do
not replace an item used in a Program of Study, but
rather be new, enhance or add to the Program of
Study. It is preferred that requests be no less than
$1000 and no greater than $5,000 (Shipping costs
not included.). This is a reimbursement program,
where the district makes the initial purchase, and
then submits the expenditure to the ESU 8 Perkins
Consortium for reimbursement.
Grant requests close: May 15, 2016
Questions… contact Deb Wragge at
This year’s theme is:
Embrace Your Passion!
Thursday and Friday, April 21 and 22
Location: CenturyLink Center in Omaha
Registration cost, after March 18th, is $139 for one day and $159 for both days.
If registering a group of 10 or more on the same PO, check or credit card you receive a discount of $10 off each two
day conference registration or $5 off each one day registration.
Read more … http://www.netasite.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=378&Itemid=65