Frac Heads Brochure
Frac Heads Brochure
WELLHEAD PROTECTION (CANADA) INC. AN OIL STATES INTERNATIONAL Frac Heads WELLSITE SERVICES COMPANY Description: Stinger Wellhead Protection’s frac heads are designed to replace the existing lower pressured production wellheads with higher rated multi valve wellheads during fracturing treatments. Specifications: Stinger offers two types of assemblies: the Special Pin Assembly and the Screw-on Assembly. Available in full bore: 77.8 mm (3 1/16 in.) x 69 MPa (10,000 psi) or 103.5 MPa (15,000 psi) working pressure. 103.5 mm (4 1/16 in.) x 69 MPa (10,000 psi) or 103.5 MPa (15,000 psi) working pressure. Special Pin Assembly The special pin assembly adapts to both flush mount or extended neck tubing hangers. The bonnet incorporates a positive sealing system. The seals are energized and pressure tested to 69 MPa (10,000 psi) prior to the frac treatment. Running a back pressure valve or a tubing plug allows the special pin assembly to be safely installed and removed by a Stinger crane unit without the assistance of a service rig. Screw-On Assembly Screws directly on tubing after packer is set in tension. Can be flanged on to BOPs or tubing spool for multiple zone access. Available in various pipe connections (EUE, VAM, and Hydril). W AN OIL STATES INTERNA Wellhead Isolation Specialists Features: 1. Various configurations built to customers needs/specs. 2. Special Pin eliminates protects tubing hanger threads. 3. Full bore access to accommodate packers, balls and other down hole tools. 4. Manufactured to API standards. Installation and Removal 1. Without a service rig and without killing the well, install tubing plug or backpressure valve in tubing hanger. 2. Remove production wellhead. 3. Install special pin into the tubing hanger, install seal bonnet and frac head, torque to specs. 4. Pressure test adapter spool seals 5. Remove tubing plug or back pressure valve. 6. Reverse procedure to remove. Special Pin Assembly SEALS PRESSURE TEST PORTS CAVITY VALVE SPECIAL PIN WELLHEAD W AN OIL STATES INTERNA Safety • Training • Innovation/Integrity • Neighbors • Guaranty/Generate • Empowerment • Respond Red Deer (403) 340-0716 Grande Prairie (780) 513-3696 Medicine Hat (403) 529-5921 •
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