IREC Programme - Dickow Pumpen


IREC Programme - Dickow Pumpen
Equipment Conference
3rd International
Pumps, Compressors and Vacuum Technology
14 and 15 2016,
September 2016,
and 15 September
Center Düsseldorf,Germany
Equipment Conference
Pumps and Compressors
Pump Users
International Forum 2016
Compressor Users
International Forum 2016
EFRC Conference 2016
Düsseldorf, 27th –28th September 2012
powered by
Technical Exhibition
Welcome, Opening, Plenary Speaker
11th Pump Users International Forum 2016 (PIF)
Sessions with Technical Papers
4th Compressor Users International Forum 2016 (CIF)
Sessions with Technical Papers
10th European Forum for Reciprocating
Compressors (EFRC) Conference 2016
Training Seminar
Sessions with Technical Papers
Final Plenary Session, Best Paper Award, Closing remarks
General information
Ladies and Gentlemen,
11th Pump Users International Forum (PIF)
Advisory Committee (AdvCom)
We hope to meet you along the mighty Rhine river in beautiful
Duessel­dorf this fall. We believe there is an excellent business case
for you to come and join us at the 3rd International Rotating Equipment ­Conference this coming September, when the autumn leaves
turn gold. Pumps and compressors and vacuum technology are getting better all the time, thanks to relentless R&D efforts. Exciting new
developments, resulting from extraordinary innovation worldwide,
will be on display at our Conference.
In this sector, there is no better place for users and equipment makers to get new ideas about the future. You deserve a front seat. The
3rd International Rotating Equipment Conference offers an absolutely unique possibility to present new solutions to the sector. You
will meet exciting sector players face to face. That will open new
At this new edition of the „International Rotating Equipment Conference” you will, in fact, benefit from the happy synergy of three
well-respected international forums: the 11th Pump Users International Forum, the 4th Compressor Users International Forum and the
10th European Forum for Reciprocating Compressors. This extraordinary joint platform has been enriched by additional collaboration
with trade associations and professional bodies including European
partner associations EUROPUMP and PNEUROP.
You may be an end user, an equipment manufacturer, a plant
designer or a component supplier, or you may be in R&D or a pumps,
compressors, compressed air and vacuum technology expert or just
new to the sector. Whatever your background, the quality and depth
of the specialist programme will be of great value to you.
On behalf of the VDMA and EFRC, we wish you
a warm welcome to the Conference.
Dr. Sönke Brodersen
Chairman of VDMA Pumps + Systems
Beukenberg, Markus, Dr. (WILO)
Brodersen, Sönke, Dr. (KSB)
Holdhof, Jürgen, Dr. (EDUR)
Karavelioglu, Kutlu (EUROPUMP)
Maaß, Reinhard, Dr. (FDBR)
Reinhard, Walter (Sulzer)
Schofield, Steve (BPMA)
Singrün, Christoph (VDMA)
Sullivan, Mark (HI)
Then, Oliver, Dr. (VGB)
Programme Committee (ProgCom)
Thamsen, Paul-Uwe, Prof. Dr. (TU Berlin)
Berten, Stefan, Dr. (Sulzer)
Dreiss, Andreas, Dr. (Flowserve)
Ennenbach, Frank (Sulzer)
Frank, Harald (VDMA)
Friedrichs, Jens, Prof. Dr.
(TU Braunschweig)
Fritz, Jochen, Dr. (KSB)
Gabi, Martin, Prof. Dr. (Uni Karlsruhe)
Holz, Frank (Klaus Union)
Jaberg, Helmut, Prof. Dr. (TU Graz)
Klütsch, Friedrich (VDMA)
Kneip, Boris, Dr. (Hilge)
Konrad, Jürgen (DICKOW PUMPEN)
Pelz, Peter, Prof. Dr. (TU Darmstadt)
Radke, Michael, Dr.
Riedelbauch, Stefan,
Prof. Dr. (Uni Stuttgart)
Sauter, Matthias (LEWA)
Schofield, Steve (BPMA)
Scholbrock, Thomas Michael (BASF)
Singrün, Christoph (VDMA)
Skoda, Romuald, Prof. Dr.
(Ruhr-Uni Bochum)
Töws, Andreas (WILO)
Winkler, Arne (Bayer Material Science)
Wulff, Sebastian, Dr. (TU Berlin)
Wurm, Frank-Hendrik,
Prof. Dr. (Uni Rostock)
4th Compressor Users International Forum (CIF)
Advisory Committee (AdvCom)
Alexander Peters
Chairman of VDMA Compressors, Compressed
Air and Vacuum Technology
Dr. René Peters
Chairman of EFRC European Forum for Reciprocating Compressors
Eisenreich, Jürgen (EVTA)
Frigne, Paul, Dr. (PNEUROP)
Peters, Alexander (NEUMAN & ESSER)
Singrün, Christoph (VDMA)
Wiemer, Matthias, Dr.
(Pfeiffer Vacuum)
Wisse, Jürgen (Atlas Copco)
Programme Committee (ProgCom)
Technical Exhibition
Chairman: Brümmer, Andreas, Prof. Dr. (TU Dortmund)
Böhle, Martin, Prof. Dr. (TU Kaiserslautern)
Boldt, Peter (BOGE Kompressoren)
Brand, Andreas, Dr. (VDMA)
Dreifert, Thomas, Dr. (Oerlikon Leybold)
Eisele, Klaus (Siemens)
Eisenreich, Jürgen (EVTA)
Enghardt, Lars, Prof. Dr. (TU Berlin)
Faber, Kai (Evonik Industries)
Fleige, Hans-U., Dr. (Aerzener Maschinenfabrik)
Guenther, Stefan (Linde)
Jakiel, Christoph, Dr. (MAN Diesel & Turbo)
Justen, Friedrich, Dr. (Gardner Denver)
Kösters, Heiner, Dr. (Flowserve SIHI)
Ludwig, Gerhard, Dr. (TU Darmstadt)
Oberbeck, Sebastian (Pfeiffer Vacuum)
Pandolfo, Vincenzo (Agilent Technologies)
Pehl, Michael (Thyssen Krupp Industrial Solutions)
Peussa, Jouko (Ingersoll Rand)
Sauerborn, Markus (Atlas Copco Energas)
Schuhmann, Roland (BASF)
Singrün, Christoph (VDMA)
Weiß, Andreas, Prof. Dr. (Ostbayerische TH Amberg-Weiden)
Wüstemeyer, Ingo (Atlas Copco Kompressoren)
10th European Forum for Reciprocating
Compressors (EFRC) Conference
EFRC Conference Organisation Committee (OrgCom)
Chairman: Prinz, Christian (HOERBIGER)
Frenz, Martina (NEUMAN & ESSER)
Infanger, Michèle (Burckhardt Compression)
Parnigoni, Anja (HOERBIGER)
Steinrück, Herbert (TU Wien)
During the International Rotating Equipment Conference – Pumps,
Compressors and Vacuum Technology a Technical ­Exhibition will take
place. The Technical Exhibition will be located at the “Stadthalle” of
the Congress Center Düsseldorf. A total of 853 m2 of exhibition space
is available featuring 89 booths. You can choose between stands
with surface area of 6, 8, 9, 12 or 16 m2.
The Exhibition is the ideal place to present your company and showcase your products and innovations. There is no better way of doing
business face-to-face.
If you are interested in taking part in the Technical Exhibition, please
visit the Conference homepage
There you will find the conditions for participation, the floor plan, the
exhibitors’ manual, an updated list of registered exhibitors, and the
registration page where you can book your booth.
If you have any further questions, please contact:
Harald Frank
VDMA Pumps + Systems Association
Lyoner Str. 18
60528 Frankfurt am Main
Phone: +49 69 6603-1293
Opening hours of the Technical Exhibition:
Wednesday, 14 September 2016, 09:00 h until 18:00 h
Thursday, 15 September 2016, 08:30 h until 17:30 h
Programme Committee (ProgCom)
Chairman: Steinrück, Herbert (TU Wien)
Brun, Klaus (Southwest
Research Institute)
Capanni, Alessio (GE Oil &
Gas Nuovo Pignone)
Eijk, André (TNO)
Hoff, Klaus (NEUMAN & ESSER)
Maffeis, Massimo (SIAD
Macchine Impianti)
Prinz, Christian (HOERBIGER)
Raggi, Andrea (DOTT.ING.
Valär, Luzi (Burckhardt Compression)
Wentzel, Cyril (Wentzel Engineering)
Wednesday, 14 September 2016
09:00 h, Room 1
Opening Plenary Session
Pump Users
International Forum 2016
by the Chairman
of the VDMA Pumps + Systems Association
Dr. Sönke Brodersen
by the Chairman
of the VDMA Compressors, Compressed Air
and Vacuum Technology Association
Alexander Peters
by the Chairman
of the European Forum for Reciprocating Compressors
Dr. René Peters
by the President of EUROPUMP
Kutlu Karavelioglu
and by the President of PNEUROP
Paul Frigne
Plenary Speaker
Sponsored by
About the Pump Users
International Forum
Based on the great tradition of nine Pump
Congresses since 1973, VDMA Pumps +
Systems Association will organise the next
Pump Users International Forum 2012 in
Düsseldorf, Germany from 27th to 28th September 2012. During the last forum in 2008
more than 920 participants attended about
125 technical lectures (pumps and compressors), and 85 exhibitors found customers for
technical discussions in a laid-back atmosphere. It is the leading pump congress of its
kind world wide.
Pumps and Systems
Treating “Pumps and Systems”, the forum
will be the perfect place to:
Moderator: Alex Puissant
Journalist & independent conference moderator
• describe your solution for unresolved
questions and problems related to pump
• discuss the significance of pumps in
respect to the energy consumption of
pumping systems
• recognise that reliability and energy/cost
saving is necessarily no contradiction
• present your ideas for cost savings in
operating pumps and pumping systems
• introduce your new developments and
technical solutions
• communicate with your supplier or
customer in a relaxed setting.
What will the Pump Users
International Forum offer?
The Pump Users International Forum 2012
will offer:
The complete text of
papers must be subm
Upon being accepted
committee, the abst
the website:
Your paper should be
allocated to one of th
technical papers (see
other subjects are w
All abstracts and tec
submitted in English
of the forum (presen
All lectures are sched
in length (20 minute
10 minutes for discu
Proposed technical p
published or present
the end of the forum
the event of subsequ
ence to the forum ha
Conference registrat
the presenter of a le
accepted for present
Technical papers
Pumps are everywhe
they operate in the d
covered. But our dail
imaginable without
like your paper to con
consideration of pum
• reporting about co
outstanding challe
• describing your alt
for a well known a
• presenting your la
We would like to give
Wednesday, 14 September 2016
11:00 h, Room 1
Session 1
Session 3
Wednesday, 14 September 2016
11:00 h, Room 26
Explosion Protection 1
Energy savings 1
Chairmen:Jürgen Konrad
Friedrich Klütsch
Chairmen:Thomas-Michael Scholbrock
Dr. Jochen Fritz
1-1 Dr. Rainer Grätz
Effects of the “new” ATEX Directive 2014/34/EU –
consequences for manufacturers – claims by users
3-1 Klaus Löffler / Dirk Küllmey
Revolutionary Speed Control for Pumps
1-2 Dr. Michael Beyer
ISO 80079-36 and -37 – International standards for
mechanical explosion protection – facts and consequences
1-3 Prof. Thorsten Arnhold
IECEx Scheme – One world – one certificate – the future
of (non-electrical) explosion protection certification
Wednesday, 14 September 2016
11:00 h, Room 14
Session 2
Chairmen:Prof. Helmut Jaberg
Dr. Michael Radke
2-1 Dr. Torben Bubelach / Dr. Heiner Kösters / Martin Schröder
Transporting liquified gases – a new approach
2-2 Thomas Kopp /Jean-Christophe Courcol /
Philippe Roger
Design and engineering of a large scale canned motor
pump for a supercritical ethylene pipeline application.
Mechanical, hydraulic and thermodynamic aspects
3-3 Heinz Bohn
System of 2 turbine pumps in a ship lock in a canal
for the reduced consumption of energy and the
use as a pumped-storage hydropower plant
Liquified Gas
2-3 Fabrizio Milone / Lorenzo Bergamini /
Claudio Fasano / Rita Brizzi
H2O-CO2 correlations in centrifugal pumps
3-2Dr. Peter Oberle / Daniel Stoffel / Dr. Jochen Fritz / Steffen Schmidt / Wolfgang Rösler / Prof. Franz Nestmann
Development of sustainable technologies by
using pumps as turbines for system increase of
utilization of a hydro power plant in Vietnam
Wednesday, 14 September 2016
12:00 h, Room 1
Technology Updates (TU)
Pump Users International Forum (PIF)
TU-01 CP Pumpen
TU-03 FELUWA Pumpen
Wednesday, 14 September 2016
14:30 h, Room 1
Session 4
Session 6
Wednesday, 14 September 2016
14:30 h, Room 26
Ecodesign challenges
Positive displacement pumps 1
Chairmen:Frank Ennenbach
Dr. Andreas Dreiss
Chairmen:Matthias Sauter
Dr. Boris Kneip
4-1 Prof. Bernd Stoffel
The Extended Product Approach – a methodology for
assessing the energy efficiency of pump units
6-1 Dr. Joseph Kiermeir
A numerical study of the cavitating flow
in a positive displacement pump
4-2 Dr. Michael Kühnlein
Highly energy-efficient circulating pumps
6-2 Dr. Andreas Spille-Kohoff / Jan Hesse
CFD Simulation of cavitation in an internal gear pump
4-3Paul Taubert / Prof. Bernd Stoffel / Dr. Gerhard Ludwig / Prof. Peter Pelz
Development of a standardized approach to
assess the energy efficiency of booster pump
units in the sense of an extended product
6-3 Lennert Buijs / André Eijk / L. van Hooft
Root cause analysis of pump valve failures
of three membrane pump systems
6-4 Christian Schänzle / Dr. Gerhard Ludwig / Prof. Peter Pelz
ERP positive displacement pumps – physically based approach
towards an application-related efficiency guideline
4-4 Michael Poehler / Prof. Paul Uwe Thamsen
Functional performance of wastewater pumps
Wednesday, 14 September 2016
14:30 h, Room 14
Session 5
Session 7
Wednesday, 14 September 2016
16:30 h, Room 1
Pump design 1
Bearing & Seals
Chairmen:Prof. Paul Uwe Thamsen
Prof. Jens Friedrichs
Chairmen:Prof. Peter Pelz
Arne Winkler
5-1 Kay Juckelandt / Prof. Frank-Hendrik Wurm
Experimental and numerical flow analysis
of a low specific speed pump
7-1 Ameed Alashqar / Abdulla Elsharif
Breakthrough in selection method for pump shaft mechanical
seal system using safety models and methods
5-2 Stefan Höller / Joshua Joohyen Kim
Low specific speed mixed flow API pump for single and
multistage usage – multi-objective design challenge
7-2 Dr. Chris Carmody / Richard Smith
Secondary dry containment seal, their use and limitations
5-3 Prof. Helmut Benigni / Stefan Leithner /
Dr. Jürgen Schiffer / Prof. Helmut Jaberg
Development of a centrifugal pump with lowest specific speed
7-3Sebastian Fleder / Martin Appel / Björn Gwiasda /
Prof. Martin Böhle / Markus Ortelt / Dr. Hermann Hald
Design and testing of radial gas bearings with porous
media, using fiber-reinforced C/C composites
5-4 Dr. Jürgen Schiffer / Sascha Korupp / Lars Runte
Performance analysis of a single-blade impeller pump
based on unsteady 3D numerical simulation
7-4 Sebastian Lang / Ibrahim Budde / Prof. Peter Pelz
Unified clearance-averaged pressure model (CAPM) to predict
hydrodynamic forces in journal bearings and annular seals
Wednesday, 14 September 2016
16:30 h, Room 14
Session 8
Session 10
Thursday, 15 September 2016
08:30 h, Room 1
Pump design 2
Positive displacement pumps 2
Chairmen:Prof. Paul Uwe Thamsen
Dr. Stefan Berten Chairmen:Matthias Sauter
Dr. Boris Kneip
8-1 Bryce Neilson
Advancements in pilot tube pump technology
10-1 Ralph van Rijswick / Dr. Arno Talmon /
Prof. Cees van Rhee
3D numerical modelling of fluid structure
interaction in piston diaphragm pumps
8-2 Steffen Hammer / Prof. Paul Uwe Thamsen
Experimental investigations of gurney flaps
on a single-stage axial pump
8-3 Elena Knyazeva / Igor Tverdokhleb /
Andrew Rudenko
Complex approach to use the splitter blades impellers
to improve the centrifugal pump performance
8-4 Dr. Sten Mittag / Prof. Martin Gabi
Investigations on the impact of the intake elbow component
to the efficiency of a pump-intake-elbow system
10-2 Dr. Richard Fawcett / Wijnand Schoemakers / Hans Bos
Comparison of initial accumulator design using
analytical and numerical methods
10-3 Roland Maurischat
Screw pumps in polymer reactor applications
10-4 Darya Khabarova
The operational process and the characteristics
of inertial piston pump with fluidic diodes
10-5 Jörg Holzhammer
Synchronized process pumps for critical processes
Wednesday, 14 September 2016
16:30 h, Room 26
Session 9
Chairmen:Dr. Andreas Dreiss
Dr. Sebastian Wulff
9-1 Usman Sharif / Mohsin Imtiaz
Reliability improvement of double suction centrifugal pump
9-2Ibrahim Budde / Dr. Gerhard Ludwig / Prof. Peter Pelz
Numerical prediction and validation of suspension flows and its erosive effect
9-3 Matthias Domm / Dr. Ralph Funck /
Dr. Peter Mitschang
High efficient manufacturing process for the extensive
application of FRP-cans in circulation pumps
9-4 Dr. Nicolas Weibel / Frederic Perrottet /
Philippe Allienne
Next generation of non-metallic pump wear
parts reinforced with 3D carbon fibers
Thursday, 15 September 2016
08:30 h, Room 14
Session 11
Session 12
Thursday, 15 September 2016
08:30 h, Room 26
Pump design 3
Design methods 1
Chairmen:Dr. Stefan Berten
Andreas Töws
Chairmen:Prof. Romuald Skoda
Frank Holz
11-1 Dr. Kazuo Uranishi / Hiroaki Yoda /
Dr. Masao Oshima / Takaki Sakurai /
Dr. Daichi Torii / Dr. Masahiro Miyabe /
Kazuta Kobayashi / Katsushi Ikezawa
Pump Performance Acceptance Test Using a Model Pump –
JIS B 8327 and Activities of ISO/TC 115/SC2/WG 4
12-1 Tim Müller / Prof. Romuald Skoda
3D liquid-gas flow simulations of a radial pump with
an eulerian mono-dispersed two-phase model and
an urans low reynolds number wall treatment
11-2 Stefano Tosin / Prof. Jens Friedrichs
Power-density raise in single stage mixed-flow
pumps by means of counter-rotating principle
11-3 Mathieu Specklin / Stephen Marry / Ben Breen /
Robert Connolly / Dr. Yan Delauré
A versatile immersed boundary method for pump design
11-4Angela Gerlach / Prof. Paul Uwe Thamsen / Dorian
Perlitz / Svend Rasmussen / Flemming Lykholt-Ustrup
Experimental parameter study on the
optimization of a vortex pump impeller
11-5 Christine Wloka / Prof. Roland Span
Thermo-mechanical effects in hightemperature magnetic drive pumps
12-2 Tino Mengdehl / Evgenii Palamarchuk /
Prof. Paul Uwe Thamsen
Performance curve instability – experimental and
numerical study on impeller modifications
12-3 Philipp Mattern / Prof. Martin Gabi
Time resolved flow pattern analysis within the
side channel of a regenerative flow pump
12-4 Yujun Sha / Prof. Sergiy Antonyuk /
Prof. Siegfried Ripperger / Dr. Jochen Fritz /
Dr. Toni Klemm
CFD study of particle movement inside taylorcouette reactor in a boiler recirculation pump
Session 13
Thursday, 15 September 2016
10:30 h, Room 1
Explosion protection 2
Chairmen:Jürgen Konrad
Friedrich Klütsch
13-1 Frank Ennenbach / Ursula Aich
ATEX – electrical or mechanical equipment, a small
borderline – possible mistakes and its effects
13-2 Dr. Martin Thedens
ExNB – boon and bane: examples for the un-beloved
but necessary part of third-parties
13-3 Matthias Himstedt
Explosion protection requirements of dry installed pumps
Thursday, 15 September 2016
10:30 h, Room 14
Thursday, 15 September 2016
11:30 h, Room 1
Session 14
Technology Updates (TU)
Pump Users International Forum (PIF)
Acoustics & Vibration
Chairmen:Prof. Frank-Hendrik Wurm
Andreas Töws
14-1 Vitaliy A. Vasilyev / Anton Yu. Nitskiy
On the rotor dynamics in high-capacity boiler feed pumps
14-2 Stefan Bleeck / Prof. Frank-Hendrik Wurm /
Dr. Matthias Witte
Design of an experimental set up to investigate noise
generation and radiation of pump systems
TU-09 Sulzer Pumpen (Deutschland)
14-3 Dr. Klaus Räbiger / Alex Schewalje
lmprovement of pump vibration behavior by development
and implementation of analytical-numerical predictive
tools in the design process of centrifugal pumps
Session 16
Thursday, 15 September 2016
10:30 h, Room 26
Session 15
Design methods 2
Chairmen:Prof. Romuald Skoda
Steve Schofield
15-1 André Laß / Prof. Frank-Hendrik Wurm
Assessment of side-channel turbomachine components
regarding their influence on the overall efficiency
15-2Mark Guggenberger / Florian Senn /
Prof. Helmut Jaberg / Dr. Manfred Sallaberger/
Dr. Arno Gehrer / Christian Widmer
High speed visualization of the part load
flow of an impeller in pump-mode
15-3 Prof. Reijo Karvinen / Pekka Pasanen
Air based method for developing low nq centrifugal pumps
Thursday, 15 September 2016
14:00 h, Room 1
Pump system design
Chairmen:Prof. Helmut Jaberg
Dr. Sebastian Wulff
16-1 Sebastian Haueisen / Prof. Paul Uwe Thamsen
A method of in-situ regeneration for iron clogged
submersible motor pumps and systems
16-2Lena Altherr / Thorsten Ederer /
Philipp Leise / Prof. Peter Pelz
Algorithmic design of an optimal water supply system with TOR
16-3Axel Knapp / Christian Geil / Helene Krieg / Dr. Dimitri Nowak / Dr. Michael Bortz / Dr. Harald Roclawski / Prof. Martin Böhle
H2Opt: A software prototype for the
optimization of drinking water systems
16-4Benjamin Saul / Philipp Pöttgen / Prof. Peter Pelz /
Prof. Wolf Zimmermann
SHEP: an innovative language to create and evaluate
optimization programs for pumping systems
Thursday, 15 September 2016
14:00 h, Room 14
Session 17
Session 18
Thursday, 15 September 2016
14:00 h, Room 26
Waste Water
Chairmen:Frank Ennenbach
Frank Holz
Chairmen:Prof. Romuald Skoda
Prof. Jens Friedrichs
17-1 Matthias Magin / Thomas Pensler /
Dr. Jochen Fritz / Dr. Toni Klemm
Innovative waste water hydraulics for nowadays demands
of waste water suitability and pump efficiency
18-1 Laurent Chatagny / Dr. Stefan Berten
Challenges and open questions in cavitation
simulations for centrifugal pump applications
17-2 Peer Springer / Dr. Bart van Esch
Properties of sewage water pumps and their
relation with cavitation performance
17-3Dr. Edgar Große Westhoff / Dr. Martin Schwarz /
Dr. Alexander Fricke
lncreasing system efficiency of sewage
pump stations by speed control
17-4Stefan Gerlach / Helmut Rauwald / Prof. Paul Uwe Thamsen /
Jan Waschnewski
Implementation of a cleaning sequence on
a wastewater pump of 455 kW
18-2 Stefan Höller / Joshua Joohyen Kim
Cavitation improvement of a variable pitch mixed flow pump for
cooling water by numerical methods and test rig verification
18-3 Phillip Limbach / Prof. Romuald Skoda
Optimisation of cavitation model mass transfer parameters
at a circular leading edge hydrofoil and application to the
NPSH prediction of a low specific speed centrifugal pump
18-4 Tim Florian Groß / Dr. Gerhard Ludwig /
Prof. Peter Pelz
Influence of surface roughness on cavitation in a centrifugal pump
Session 19
Thursday, 15 September 2016
16:00 h, Room 1
Oil & Gas / Petrochemical
Chairmen:Arne Winkler
Dr. Michael Radke
19-1 Björn Sapper / Roland Maurischat
Hermetically sealed screw pumps for refinery upgrades
19-2 Dr. Hesham Abdou
Deducing pumping efficiency using diesel fuel
consumption in western desert, Egypt
Thursday, 15 September 2016
16:00 h, Room 14
Session 20
11th Pump Users International Forum
Condition monitoring & diagnostics
Chairmen:Thomas-Michael Scholbrock
Prof. Peter Pelz
20-1 Prof. Martin Mönnigmann / Dr. Sebastian Leonow
A smart pump prototype for increased energy efficiency
20-2 Prof. Peter Holstein / Gerhard Werner / Christian Probst
Condition monitoring with ultrasound – new approaches
Thursday, 15 September 2016
16:00 h, Room 26
Energy savings 2
Chairmen:Thomas-Michael Scholbrock
Dr. Jochen Fritz
21-1 Philipp Pöttgen / Prof. Peter Pelz
The maximal attainable EEI for booster stations
derived by global optimization
21-2 Gerard Jägers / Bert den Hollander
Energy saving program at Tata Steel NL
21-3 Alexander Yates
Self-funded pump rehabilitation programme
for 20 MW of pumping plant
Session 21
Abdou, Hesham, Dr.
Agiba Petroleum Company
Alashqar, Ameed
Abu Dhabi Marine Operating Company
UAE-Abu Dhabi
Altherr, Lena
TU Darmstadt
D-64289 Darmstadt
Arnhold, Thorsten, Prof.
R. Stahl Schaltgeräte
D-74638 Waldenburg
Benigni, Helmut, Prof.
Technische Universität Graz
AT-8010 Graz
Berten, Stefan, Dr.
Sulzer Pumpen
CH-8401 Winterthur
Beukenberg, Markus, Dr.
D-44263 Dortmund
Beyer, Michael, Dr.
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt
D-38116 Braunschweig
Bleeck, Stefan
Uni Rostock
D-18059 Rostock
Bohn, Heinz
Grundfos Management
DK-8850 Bjerringbro
Broderson, Sönke, Dr.
D-67227 Frankenthal
Bubelach, Torben, Dr.
Flowserve SIHI
D-25524 Itzehoe
Budde, Ibrahim
TU Darmstadt
D-64289 Darmstadt
Buijs, Lennert
NL-2628AC Delft
Ses. 19
Ses. 7
Ses. 16
Ses. 1
Ses. 5
Ses. 1
Ses. 14
Ses. 3
Ses. 2
Ses. 9
Ses. 6
Carmody, Chris, Dr.
GB-S60 1BZ Rotherham
Chatagny, Laurent
SULZER Pumps Equipment
CH-8401 Winterthur
Domm, Matthias
TU Kaiserslautern
D-67663 Kaiserslautern
Dreiss, Andreas, Dr.
D-22047 Hamburg
Ennenbach, Frank
Sulzer Pumps Solutions
D-53797 Lohmar
Fawcett, Richard, Dr.
Dynaflow Research Group
NL-2719 EB Zoetermeer
Fleder, Sebastian
TU Kaiserslautern
D-67663 Kaiserslautern
Frank, Harald
VDMA FV Pumpen + Systeme
D-60528 Frankfurt
Friedrichs, Jens, Prof.
Technische Universität Braunschweig
D-38106 Braunschweig
Fritz, Jochen, Dr.
D-67227 Frankenthal
Gabi, Martin, Prof.
Universität Karlsruhe
D-76131 Karlsruhe
Gerlach, Angela
Technische Universität Berlin
D-10623 Berlin
Gerlach, Stefan
Technische Universität Berlin
D-10623 Berlin
Grätz, Rainer, Dr.
BAM Federal Institute for Materials
Research and Testing
D-12205 Berlin
Groß, Tim Florian
Technische Universität Darmstadt
D-64289 Darmstadt
Große Westhoff, Edgar, Dr.
D-44263 Dortmund
Ses. 7
Ses. 18
Ses. 9
Ses. 13
Ses. 10
Ses. 7
Ses. 11
Ses. 17
Ses. 1
Ses. 18
Ses. 17
Guggenberger, Mark
TU Graz
AT-8010 Graz
Hammer, Steffen
Technische Universität Berlin
D-10623 Berlin
Haueisen, Sebastian
Technische Universität Berlin
D-10623 Berlin
Himstedt, Matthias
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt
D-38116 Braunschweig
Höller, Stefan
Technische Universität Graz
AT-8010 Graz
Holdhof, Jürgen, Dr.
D-24145 Kiel
Holstein, Peter, Prof.
D-06102 Halle
Holz, Frank
Klaus Union
D-44795 Bochum
Holzhammer, Jörg
D-71229 Leonberg
Jaberg, Helmut, Prof.
Technische Universität Graz
AT-8010 Graz
Jägers, Gerard
Tata Steel NL
NL-1951 JZ Velsen-Noord
Juckelandt, Kay
Universität Rostock
D-18059 Rostock
Karavelioglu, Kutlu
B-1030 Bruxelles
Karvinen, Reijo, Prof.
Tampere University of Technology
FI-33101 Tampere
Khabarova, Darya
South Ural State University
RU-454080 Chelyabinsk
Kiermeir, Joseph, Dr.
Eagle Burgmann Germany
D-82515 Wolfratshausen
Ses. 15
Ses. 8
Ses. 16
Ses. 13
Ses. 5, 18
Ses. 20
Ses. 10
Ses. 21
Ses. 5
Ses. 15
Ses. 10
Ses. 6
Klütsch, Friedrich
VDMA FV Pumpen + Systeme
D-60528 Frankfurt
Knapp, Axel
Technische Universität Kaiserslautern
D-67663 Kaiserslautern
Kneip, Boris, Dr.
D-55294 Bodenheim
Knyazeva, Elena
HMS Group
RU-125252 Moscow
Konrad, Jürgen
D-84478 Waldkraiburg
Kopp, Thomas
D-79194 Gundelfingen
Kühnlein, Michael, Dr.
D-44263 Dortmund
Lang, Sebastian
Technische Universität Darmstadt
D-64289 Darmstadt
Laß, André
Universität Rostock
D-18059 Rostock
Limbach, Phillip
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
D-44801 Bochum
Löffler, Klaus
Sulzer Pumpen (Deutschland)
D-76646 Bruchsal
Maaß, Reinhard, Dr.
D-40479 Düsseldorf
Magin, Matthias
D-67227 Frankenthal
Mattern, Philipp
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
D-76131 Karlsruhe
Maurischat, Roland
Leistritz Pumpen GmbH
D-90459 Nürnberg
Mengdehl, Tino
Technische Universität Berlin
D-10623 Berlin
Ses. 16
Ses. 8
Ses. 2
Ses. 4
Ses. 7
Ses. 15
Ses. 18
Ses. 3
Ses. 17
Ses. 12
Ses. 10
Ses. 12
Milone, Fabrizio
GE Oil & Gas Nuovo Pignone
IT-70123 Bari
Mittag, Sten, Dr.
Universität Karlsruhe
D-76131 Karlsruhe
Mönnigmann, Martin, Prof.
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
D-44801 Bochum
Müller, Tim
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
D-44801 Bochum
Neilson, Bryce
Weir Specialty Pumps
US-84101 Salt Lake City
Oberle, Peter, Dr.
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
D-76131 Karlsruhe
Pelz, Peter, Prof.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
D-64289 Darmstadt
Poehler, Michael
Technische Universität Berlin
D-10623 Berlin
Pöttgen, Philipp
Technische Universität Darmstadt
D-64289 Darmstadt
Puissant, Alex
Journalist & independent
conference moderator
Räbiger, Klaus, Dr.
D-44263 Dortmund
Radke, Michael, Dr.
D-90469 Nürnberg
Reinhard, Walter
D-76646 Bruchsal
Riedelbauch, Stefan, Prof.
Universität Stuttgart
D-70569 Stuttgart
Rijswick, Ralph van
WEIR Minerals Netherlands b. v.
NL-5928 PH Venlo
Sapper, Björn
Leistritz Pumpen GmbH
D-90459 Nürnberg
Ses. 2
Ses. 8
Ses. 20
Ses. 12
Ses. 8
Ses. 3
Ses. 4
Ses. 21
Ses. 14
Ses. 10
Ses. 19
Saul, Benjamin
Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg
D-06120 Halle (Saale)
Sauter, Matthias
D-71229 Leonberg
Schänzle, Christian
Technische Universität Darmstadt
D-64289 Darmstadt
Schiffer, Jürgen
Technische Universität Graz
AT-8010 Graz
Schofield, Steve
GB-B70 6PY West Bromwich
Scholbrock, Thomas-Michael
D-67056 Ludwigshafen
Sha, Yujun
Tsinghua University
CN-100084 Peking
Sharif, Usman
Fauji Fertilizer Ltd.
Singrün, Christoph
VDMA FV Pumpen + Systeme
D-60528 Frankfurt
Skoda, Romuald, Prof.
Ruhr-Uni Bochum
D-44801 Bochum
Specklin, Mathieu
Sulzer Pump Solutions Ireland
GB-None Wexford
Spille-Kohoff, Andreas, Dr.
CFX Berlin Software
D -10243 Berlin
Springer, Peer
D-67227 Frankenthal
Stoffel, Bernd, Prof.
D-67273 Bobenheim
Sullivan, Mark
USA-07054-4406 Parsippany NJ
Taubert, Paul
Technische Universität Darmstadt
D-64289 Darmstadt
Ses. 16
Ses. 6
Ses. 5
Ses. 12
Ses. 9
Ses. 11
Ses. 6
Ses. 17
Thamsen, Paul-Uwe, Prof.
Technische Universität Berlin
D-10623 Berlin
Then, Oliver, Dr.
VGB PowerTech
D-45136 Essen
Thedens, Martin, Dr.
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt
D-38116 Braunschweig
Tosin, Stefano
Technische Universität Braunschweig
D-38106 Braunschweig
Töws, Andreas
D-44263 Dortmund
Uranishi, Kazuo, Dr.
Hachinohe National College of Technology
JP-981-0914 Sendai-shi, Aoba-ku
Vasilyev, Vitaliy
Chelyabinsk State University
RU-454000 Chelyabinsk
Weibel, Nicolas, Dr.
Greene, Tweed
CH-1400 Yverdon
Winkler, Arne
Bayer Material Science
D-51368 Leverkusen
Wloka, Christine
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
D-44801 Bochum
Wulff, Sebastian, Dr.
Technische Universität Berlin
D-10623 Berlin
Wurm, Frank-Hendrik, Prof.
Universität Rostock
D-18059 Rostock
Yates, Alexander
Secure Meters (UK)
GB-S023 7RX Winchester
Ses. 13
Ses. 11
Ses. 11
Ses. 14
Ses. 9
Ses. 11
Ses. 21
Ses. 4
Ses. 4
Session 23
Wednesday, 14 September 2016
11:00 h, Room 27
Vacuum technology – application 1
Compressor Users
International Forum 2016
23-1 Andreas Schopphoff
Tritium compatible roots vacuum pumps
Sponsored by
About the Compressor
Users International Forum
Chairmen:Dr. Thomas Dreifert
Dr. Friedrich Justen
23-2 Dr. Alberto Riatti / Kai Fischpera
Ejectors as vacuum pump devices in chemical
• What modifications to compressors are
petrochemical industries
Are you interested inand
a technical paper?
necessary in order to take advantage of
(adiabatic) compressed air storage?
• WhatWednesday,
problems can arise
if compressing
14 September
certain gases such as H2S in specific
12:00 h, Room 3
For the 3rd time the VDMA Compressors,
If you would like to submit a proposal for a
Compressed Air and Vacuum Technology
technical paper please return the enclosed
Association will organise the Compressor
reply form by no later than 10th December
Users International Forum 2012 from 27th to
2011. The appointed programme committee
We graciously request your paper according
28th September 2012 in Düsseldorf, Germany. will decide on its acceptance.
Technology Updates
the scope and the following items:
This Forum will offer an extraordinary opporThe complete text of the accepted
technical Users International Forum (CIF)
• Technology & Research
tunity for compressor and vacuum technolpaper must be submitted by 13th April 2012.
– System-, machine-, component design
ogy users, manufacturers and researchers
Upon being accepted by the
programme Hofer Hochdrucktechnik
TU-01 Andreas
– Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics
or scientists to exchange their experiences,
committee, the abstracts will be available at
– Simulations & Calculations
news and innovations about compressors,
the website:
TU-02 Atlas Copco ENERGAS
– Pulsations and Vibrations
compressed air and gas/vacuum systems, as
Wednesday, 14 September 2016
Your paper should be easily classified and
– Materials, Corrosion, Tribology and Wear
well as their applications. The Compressor
allocated to22
one of the categories listed for
h, Room
– Acceptance
and Test
September 2016
International Forum 2012 will be
technical papers (see below). Suggestions for
– Operations
focused on process gas compressors (rotary
14:30 h, Room 3
other subjects are welcome.
• Service and maintenance
compressed air compressors –
and vacuum
All abstracts and technical papers are to be
– Service depending on demand / Teletechnology.
& application
compressors –
design and application
submitted in English, the Turbo
official language
of the forum (presentation and discussion).
– Availability and Reliability
Prof. Andreas
Kai Faber – Overhaul & Revamping
All lectures are scheduledChairmen:
to be 30 minutes
Jouko Peussa
in length (20 minutes for presentation,Dr. Christoph
and Systems
– Jakiel
Diagnostics, Monitoring and controls
10 minutes for discussion).
Treating “Compressors, compressed air,
24-1 Frank Wiebe
Proposed technical papersHigh
have been
– Engineering
of Compressor Plants
22-1 Stefan
/ Dr. Heiner
and related
CO integrally
geared turbocompressor
prior to 2
– Oil & Gas On- and Off-Shore
New liquid
ring compression
the forum
will be the perfect
to:machine design
the end of the forum will 24-2
not be Dr. Ralf
H. In
Bode – LNG / GTL, industrial gas
• describe your solution for unresolved
the event of subsequent publication
a refer– low
and Storage material
– CCS and CAES
temperatures –
questions and problems related to
ence to the forum has to be
made. treatments and
– recent
Chemical, Process and Pharmaselection,
compressor and vacuum applications
ceutical Industry
Conference registration is free of charge for
• discuss the significance of compressors
Dr. Ulrich
Dämgen– Energy and power generation
and vacuum machinery in respect to the
– Biogas
accepted for presentation.High-speed turbocompressors
energy consumption
– Automotive industry
• recognise that reliability and energy/cost
– Food Processing and Packaging industry
saving is necessarily no contradiction
Technical papers are welcome
– Functional safety and related standards
• present your ideas for cost savings in
– Effects by EC directives e. g. EuP/ErP
We would like your paper to:
operating compressors, compressed air
and vacuum systems
• describe experiences regarding meeting
• Economy and sustainability
• introduce your new developments and
an outstanding challenge
– Lifecycle costs
technical solutions
• detail alternative solutions for a well
– Financing instruments
• communicate with your supplier or
known application
Wednesday, 14 September 2016
14:30 h, Room 27
Session 25
Session 27
Wednesday, 14 September 2016
16:30 h, Room 27
Vacuum technology – research
Reliability and maintenance
Chairmen:Sebastian Oberbeck
Dr. Heiner Kösters
Chairmen:Michael Pehl
Ingo Wüstemeyer
25-1 Franck Merieux
Advanced modelling tools for vacuum system design
27-1 Dr. Bernhard Persigehl / Dr. Johannes Stoiber
Actual damages at compressors – failure
mechanisms and their root causes
25-2 Dr. Aleksandr Ismagilov / Dr. Evgeniy Spiridonov
Ways to increase efficiency of the compressed
gas in gas-liquid jet pump
25-3 Christopher Huck / Prof. Andreas Brümmer
Simulation of rarefied gas flows in clearances of vacuum pumps
Wednesday, 14 September 2016
16:30 h, Room 3
Session 26
27-2 Heiko Habel
Condensate in diaphragm compressors – cause and effect
27-3 Rico Schulze
Dynamic simulation of controlled centrifugal compression
systems – application to real-world case studies
Session 28
Thursday, 15 September 2016
08:30 h, Room 3
Turbo compressors – research 1
Turbo compressors – research 2
Chairmen:Prof. Lars Enghardt
Prof. Andreas Weiß
Chairmen:Prof. Martin Böhle
Markus Sauerborn
26-1Matvey V. Kraposhin / Dr. S.V. Strijhak /
M.D. Kalugin / Ilya Evdokimov
Numerical study of characteristic modes and
frequencies of flow in high speed compressors
28-1 Roland Edlerherr / Prof. Andreas Brümmer
First fundamental research results concerning a
feasible characteristic map extension for axialturbomachines using pulsating flow
26-2 Sebastian Saul / Prof. Peter Pelz
Efficiency scaling for high pressure fans are taking
compressibility effects into account
28-2 Marco Giachi / Giovanni Lombardi / Marco Maganzi
Centrifugal compressor diffuser rotating stall deep insight
26-3 Kristian Höchel / Prof. Paul Uwe Thamsen
Time resolved PIV measurements inside a side channel blower
28-3 Anne Treder / Prof. Paul Uwe Thamsen
Experimental investigations on the meridional
shape of mixed flow fans
Thursday, 15 September 2016
08:30 h, Room 27
Session 29
Session 31
Thursday, 15 September 2016
10:30 h, Room 27
Energy efficiency in compressed air systems
Vacuum technology – system design 1
Chairmen:Prof. Andreas Weiß
Peter Boldt
Chairmen:Dr. Friedrich Justen
Dr. Heiner Kösters
29-1 Carl Wouters / Erik Moens
Measurement principles to define cycle energy requirement
31-1 Patrick Walther / Wolfgang Falkenbach
Total pressure measurement for vacuum applications
29-2 Stefano Murgia
Experimental investigation on ORC-based low-grade energy
recovery systems using sliding-vane rotary expanders
31-2 Steve Cassidy
Energy savings coming from VSD oil lubricated vacuum pumps
replacing conventional fixed speed units on centralized
vacuum systems in rough vacuum industrial applications
29-3 Erwin Ruppelt / Daniela Koehler
Large storage capacities – the simplest way to
save energy in compressed air production
Thursday, 15 September 2016
10:30 h, Room 3
Turbo compressors – components
Chairmen:Klaus Eisele
Stefan Guenther
30-1 Rob McGinn / Kolja Metz / Eike Hylla
Utilizing thermoplastic labyrinth seals to reduce
leakage in centrifugal compressors
30-2 Dr. Johann Lenz
Labyrinth seals as a cause of unstable rotor
dynamics at a natural gas compressor
Session 30
Session 32
Thursday, 15 September 2016
14:00 h, Room 3
Positive displacement compressors – research 1
Chairmen:Dr. Gerhard Ludwig
Dr. Hans-U. Fleige
32-1Andreas Linkamp / Christian Deimel /
Prof. Romuald Skoda / Prof. Andreas Brümmer
First application of a coupled 3D-1D-1D finite volume –
finite difference method for the numerical simulation of
fluid energy machinery and its adjacent piping system
32-2 Dr. Ulrich Dämgen
Thermal expansion in liquid-injected screw compressors
32-3 Dr. Jan Hauser
Performance prediction of oil-free screw compressors
using computational fluid dynamics (CFD)
Thursday, 15 September 2016
14:00 h, Room 27
Session 33
Session 35
Thursday, 15 September 2016
16:00 h, Room 27
Vacuum technology – application 2
Vacuum technology – system design 2
Chairmen:Vincenzo Pandolfo
Prof. Andreas Brümmer
Chairmen:Dr. Thomas Dreifert
Sebastian Oberbeck
33-1 Heinz Barfuss
Vacuum applications in the production of power
transformers, isolators and HV-switches
35-1 Dr. Jörg Temming / Uwe Gottschlich / Dr. Heiner Kösters
New approach and innovative solution for
booster systems in coating applications
33-2 Meike König / Melanie Stanzel
Explosionproof roots pumps – hindsight is easier than foresight
35-2 Dr. Ronald Sachs
Claw-diaphragm vacuum pump system
33-3 Dr. Ronald Sachs
Rotary-vane pump for rail vehicle brake systems
Thursday, 15 September 2016
16:00 h, Room 3
Session 34
Positive displacement compressors – research 2
Chairmen:Prof. Andreas Brümmer
Roland Schuhmann
34-1Sarah Van Erdeweghe / Prof. Joris De Schutter / Prof. Eric van den Bulck
On the similarity law for positive displacement compressors
34-2 Jan Hesse / Dr. Andreas Spille-Kohoff
CFD simulation of a screw compressor including
leakage flows and rotor heating
4th Compressor Users International Forum
Barfuss, Heinz
Pfeiffer Vacuum
D-35614 Asslar
Boldt, Peter
Boge Kompressoren
D-33739 Bielefeld
Bode, Ralf H., Dr.
D-47053 Duisburg
Böhle, Martin, Prof.
TU Kaiserslautern
D-67653 – Kaiserslautern
Brand, Andreas, Dr.
VDMA FV Kompressoren,
Druckluft- und Vakuumtechnik
D-60528 Frankfurt
Brümmer, Andreas, Prof.
TU Dortmund
D-44227 Dortmund
Cassidy, Steve
Atlas Copco Vacuum Solutions Division
GB-RH109LW-West Sussex
Dämgen, Ulrich, Dr.
Boge Kompressoren
D-33739 Bielefeld
Dreifert, Thomas, Dr.
Oerlikon Leybold Vacuum
D-50968 Köln
Edlerherr, Roland
TU Dortmund
D-44227 Dortmund
Eisele, Klaus
D-47053 Duisburg
Eisenreich, Jürgen
D-60528 Frankfurt
Enghardt, Lars, Prof.
Technische Universität Berlin
D-10623 Berlin
Faber, Kai
Evonik Industries
D-45772 Marl
Ses. 33
Ses. 24
Ses. 31
Ses. 24
Ses. 32
Ses. 28
Fleige, Hans-U., Dr.
Aerzener Maschinenfabrik
D-31855 Aerzen
Frigne, Paul, Dr.
B-1030 Bruxelles
Giachi, Marco
GE Oil & Gas
IT-50127 Florence
Günther, Stefan
Linde Engineering Division
D-82049 Pullach
Habel, Heiko
Andreas Hofer Hochdrucktechnik
D-45478 Muelheim an der Ruhr
Hauser, Jan, Dr.
Ingersoll Rand
D-46145 Oberhausen
Hesse, Jan
CFX Berlin Software
D-10243 Berlin
Höchel, Kristian
Technische Universität Berlin
D-10623 Berlin
Huck, Christopher
TU Dortmund
D-44227 Dortmund
Ismagilov, Aleksandr, Dr.
South Ural State University
RU-454080 Chelyabinsk
Jakiel, Christoph, Dr.
MAN Diesel & Turbo
D-46145 Oberhausen
Justen, Friedrich, Dr.
Gardner Denver Schopfheim
D-79650 Schopfheim
Kösters, Heiner, Dr.
Flowserve SIHI
D-25524 Itzehoe
König, Meike
Pfeiffer Vacuum
D-35614 Aßlar
Kraposhin, Matvey V.
Institute for System Programming CFD lab
RU-109004 Moscow
Lenz, Johannes, Dr.
KÖTTER Consulting Engineers
D-48432 Rheine
Ses. 28
Ses. 27
Ses. 32
Ses. 34
Ses. 26
Ses. 25
Ses. 25
Ses. 33
Ses. 26
Ses. 30
Lähn, Stefan
Flowserve SIHI
D-25524 Itzehoe
Linkamp, Andreas
TU Dortmund
D-44227 Dortmund
Ludwig, Gerhard, Dr.
Technische Universität Darmstadt
D-64289 Darmstadt
McGinn, Rob
Greene, Tweed
GB-NG11 6JS Nottingham
Merieux, Franck
F-92238 Gennevilliers
Murgia, Stefano
Ing. Enea Mattei
I-20090 Vimodrone (MI)
Oberbeck, Sebastian
Pfeiffer Vacuum
D-35614 Aßlar
Pandolfo, Vincenzo
Agilent Technologies
I-10040 Leini (TO)
Pehl, Michael
ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions
D-65812 Bad Soden
Persigehl, Bernhard, Dr.
Allianz Risk Consulting
D-81737 München
Peters, Alexander
D-52531 Übach-Patenberg
Peussa, Jouko
Ingersoll Rand Industrial Technologie
B-1831 Diegem
Puissant, Alex
Journalist & independent
conference moderator
Riatti, Alberto, Dr.
GEA Wiegand
D-76275 Ettlingen
Ruppelt, Erwin
D-96450 Coburg
Sachs, Ronald, Dr.
Gardner Denver
D-79650 Schopfheim
Ses. 22
Ses. 32
Ses. 30
Ses. 25
Ses. 29
Ses. 27
Ses. 23
Ses. 29
Ses. 33
Ses. 35
Sauerborn, Markus
Atlas Copco ENERGAS
D-50999 Köln
Saul, Sebastian
Technische Universität Darmstadt
D-64289 Darmstadt
Schopphoff, Andreas
Pfeiffer Vacuum
D-35614 Asslar
Schuhmann, Roland
D-67056 Ludwigshafen
Schulze, Rico
AviComp Controls
D-04329 Leipzig
Singrün, Christoph
VDMA FV Kompressoren,
Druckluft- und Vakuumtechnik
D-60528 Frankfurt
Temming, Jörg, Dr.
Flowserve SIHI
D-25524 Itzehoe
Treder, Anne
Technische Universität Berlin
D-10623 Berlin
Van Erdeweghe, Sarah
University of Leuven
B-3001 Leuven
Walther, Patrick
Pfeiffer Vacuum
D-35614 Asslar
Weiß, Andreas, Prof.
Ostbayerische TH Amberg-Weiden
D-92224 Amberg
Wiebe, Frank
Atlas Copco Energas
D-50999 Köln
Wiemer, Matthias, Dr.
Pfeiffer Vacuum
D-35614 Aßlar
Wisse, Jürgen
Atlas Copco Kompressoren
D-45141 Essen
Wouters, Carl
Atlas Copco Airpower
B-2610 Wilrijk
Wüstemeyer, Ingo
Atlas Copco Kompressoren
D-45141 Essen
Ses. 26
Ses. 23
Ses. 27
Ses. 35
Ses. 28
Ses. 34
Ses. 31
Ses. 24
Ses. 29
Tuesday, 13 September 2016
Conference 2012
10th EFRC Conference 2016
Training Seminar EFRC (TraiSem)
Time schedule: 13:00 h – 17:00 h
Location: Room 28
“Lubrication and Wear”
Sponsored by
About the EFRC
Targeted industries
The EFRC – European Forum for Reciprocating Compressors was founded in June 1999
as a non-profit association to support European users, manufacturers and scientists
working with reciprocating compressors in
terms of technology, exchange of experience, formation and promotion of standards
and precompetitive research. Since then its
geographical reach has grown from Central
Europe to entire Europe and recently to the
US. The small crowd of 8 initial members
has grown to 36 in 2011. It is an essential
goal of the symposium to create a forum
where scientists and engineers engaged in
the development
reciprocating compresGE Oil &of Gas
sors are given the opportunity to present the
state of the art, to show that the reciprocating compressor has turned into a reliable
machine not only being best in terms of
efficiency and flexibility but also meeting the
requirements of low maintenance costs and
safe operation. The EFRC acts as a “forum of
ideas” providing the opportunity to spread
new ideas / or to carry them out. The users in
their turn can take the opportunity to report
on their experience with such machines and
to request the industry concerned for solutions to challenging conditions.
The 8th EFRC Conference will be held jointly
with the 10th VDMA Pump Users International
Forum and the 3rd VDMA Compressor Users
International Forum consolidated as the International Rotating Equipment Conference
in Düsseldorf, Germany from 27th to 28th September 2012.
40 Reciprocating Process Gas
Compressors and Systems
Are Introduction
you interested
in presenting
by René Peters
13:00 – 13:15 h
a technical paper?
13:15 – 13:45 h
Petrochemical industry
13:45 – 14:15 h
Chemical industry
14:15 – 14:45 h
Natural gas industry
Industrial gases
Power industry
14:45 – 15:15 h
Renewable energies
Compressor manufacturing15:15 – 15:45 h
Component manufacturing15:45 – 16:15 h
Service provision
Engineering companies 16:15 – 16:45 h
16:45 – 17:00 h
R&D organisations
Frame lubrication
If you would like to submit a proposal for a
Emissions related to wear of components
technical paper, please return the enclosed
form by no
later thaneffect
10th December
rings will
2011. The EFRC Organising Committee
on the
acceptance in close cooperabreak
tion with the programme committee. The
Wear and lubrication of stuffing boxes
technical paper must be submitted by
of wear
13th April
by the
on compressor
the abstracts will
be available
at theofcon
ference website:
Summary and conclusions
Technical papers welcome
For participation feeaccording
see page 56.
to the following subjects:
What will the EFRC offer?
Engineering of Compressor Plants
As with the previous conferences, the 8th EFRC
Leonard van Lier
Conference 2012 will offer:
• Compressor Design
• Component Design
• training session for technicians
speakers from
leading companies
• Compressor
engineers covering a special
in the
• Operations
afternoon of 26th September 2012
• Availability and Reliability
Harry Lankenau
• about 36 technical lectures
and discus• Maintenance
sions in parallel sessions on
and 28thTani • Overhaul & Revamping
Burckhardt Compression,
Luzi Valär
September 2012
• Diagnostics
& Monitoring
Howden Thomassen
Compressors, Niek Albers
• accompanying technical exhibition
to the
• Controls
HOERBIGER, Gunther Machu
• Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics of
GE Measurement & Control Solutions Italia, Gaia Rossi
Compression Cycles
• Simulations & Calculations
Submission of abstracts
• Pulsations and Vibrations
Interested experts are requested to submit
• Corrosion
proposals for technical papers.
• Materials
In order to classify the lectures, all submit• Tribology and Wear
ted abstracts should be related to the topics
• Acceptance and Test Methods
provided in the list below. Suggestions for
• Environmental Conservation
other subjects will also be considered. The
• Standards
proposed technical papers must not have
Papers by compressor operators or jointly
been previously published or presented
composed by manufacturers are preferred.
Wednesday, 14 September 2016
11:00 h, Room 2
Wednesday, 14 September 2016
12:00 h, Room 2
Session 36
Technology Updates (TU)
European Forum for Reciprocating
Compressors (EFRC)
Chairman: Eike Drewes
36-1 William Wirz
Reciprocating compressor capacity
control – simple reliable solutions
TU-01 GE Oil & Gas
36-2Justin McDonald / Arnaud Dubos /
Tanguy Bosson / Julien Sirac
Stepless capacity control maintains efficiency
at French gas field as production falls
TU-04 Burckhardt Compression
Wednesday, 14 September 2016
11:00 h, Room 28
Session 37
Session 38
Wednesday, 14 September 2016
14:30 h, Room 2
Root Cause Analysis
Sealing / Wear
Chairman: Massimo Maffeis
Chairman: Matthias Tanner
37-1 Leonard van Lier / Werner Temmink / Jürgen Brenner
Barking dog noise in a natural gas compressor
station: analysis and mitigation
38-1 Craig Martin
Low-friction buffer seals for reciprocating compressor rod packing
37-2Cosimo Carcasci / Marco Sacco / Fabio La Monica / Emanuele Cintolo
Root cause analysis and solution of recurring fatigue failures
in the cooler pipe bends of a high pressure LDPE compressor
38-2 Marc Langela
Novel oil wiper system
38-3 David Schroeder
Eliminating lead from dry oxygen compressor applications:
examining the benefits of lead-free piston, rider and packing rings
Wednesday, 14 September 2016
14:30 h, Room 28
Session 39
Session 41
Wednesday, 14 September 2016
16:30 h, Room 28
Pulsation / Vibration 1
Chairman: André Eijk
Chairman: René Peters
39-1 Klaus Brun / Sarah Simons / Rainer Kurz
The impact of reciprocating compressors pulsations
on the surge margin of centrifugal compressors
41-1 Guido Kluth / Markus Weber
Re-design and manufacturing of two shrink-fitted 25tons
crank-shafts for 1930s hydrogen Einheitsverdichter
39-2 Richard Fawcett / Erik Jan Lingen / Hans Bos
In field vibration assessment and improvement of
the piping of a reciprocating compressor plant
41-2 Ricardo Cruz / Norbert Feistel
Hard particle contamination in reciprocating compressors
41-3 Usman Sharif / Mohsin Imtiaz
Power saving and reliability improvement
of reciprocating compressor
39-3 Riccardo Bagagli / Marco Passeri
Developments in cylinder manifold analysis
Wednesday, 14 September 2016
16:30 h, Room 2
Session 40
Session 42
Thursday, 15 September 2016
08:30 h, Room 2
New Concept
Chairman: Alessio Capanni
Chairman: Luzi Valär
40-1 Konrad Klotsche / Christiane Thomas / Ullrich Hesse
Experimental and numerical investigation of the
heat transport inside a hollow piston rod
42-1Cyril Wentzel / André Eijk / Otto Bergsma / Gerard
Closing the innovation cycle in lightweighting compressor pistons
40-2 Klaus Hoff / Marc Langela
A new piston rod design to improve packing lifetime for
non-lubricated reciprocating compressor applications
42-2Christian Stöckel / Jörg Nickl / Christiane Thomas / Ullrich Hesse
A novel valve design for combined reciprocating
piston expansion and compression machines
40-3Jaroslav Kraml / Jiří Běhal
Vibration analysis of horizontal opposed reciprocating
42-3 Thomas Muellner / Herbert Steinrück / Bernhard Streibl
Internal flow in reciprocating compressors
Thursday, 15 September 2016
08:30 h, Room 28
Session 43
Session 45
Thursday, 15 September 2016
10:30 h, Room 28
Chairman: Klaus Stachel
Chairman: André Eijk
43-1 Michael Ade / Artur Jungiewicz
Electrical motors for reciprocating compressors
and condition monitoring
45-1 Erik Barkmeyer / Tom Hoekstra / Theo de Kok
Latest techniques in restoring the integrity
of concrete compressor foundations
43-2 Bill Miller / Joerg Knoch
(Challenges in establishing predictive) maintenance
for high speed reciprocating compressors on a North
Sea FPSO using online condition monitoring
45-2 Alberto Callerio / Alfio Bisighini
Dynamic analysis of a compressor foundation and
validation with respect to experimental data
43-3 Andy Caie / Thorsten Bickmann
Advanced online condition monitoring and diagnostics
support operational and maintenance decisions in an
offshore gas compression and export system unit
Thursday, 15 September 2016
10:30 h, Room 2
Thursday, 15 September 2016
11:30 h, Room 2
Session 44
Chairman: Luzi Valär
Technology Updates (TU)
European Forum for Reciprocating
Compressors (EFRC)
44-1Matthias Kornfeld / Bernhard Spiegl / Tino
Lindner-Silwester / Markus Testori
Next-generation compressor valve technology
TU-06 BORSIG ZM Compression
44-2 Andrea Raggi / Massimo Schiavone / Alessandro Vollonnino
The innovative use of nano-fillers in thermoplastic
materials for valve sealing elements
TU-08 COOK Compression
TU-09 PROGNOST Systems
Thursday, 15 September 2016
14:00 h, Room 2
Session 46
Session 48
Thursday, 15 September 2016
16:00 h, Room 2
Pulsation / Vibration 2
Pulsation / Vibration 3
Chairman: Klaus Brun
Chairman: Lennert Buijs
46-1André Eijk / T. J. de Lange / J. de Vreugd / E. J. P. Slis / H. P. Pereboom
Non-traditional vibration mitigation methods
of reciprocating compressor systems
48-1Urszula Radziwanowska / Piotr Harnatkiewicz / Pawel Harnatkiewicz
How to evaluate dynamic behavior of gas system
without all technical documentation of compressor?
46-2 Patrick Tetenborg / Andreas Brümmer
Development of a new adaptive pulsation damping
device without external energy supply
48-2 Kelly Eberle
Vibration assurance of scrubbers on
reciprocating compressor packages
46-3 Nikolaos Kesimoglou / Konstantinos Adamakis
Design change in the motor’s bearing pedestal and baseplate in
order to solve vibration problem in reciprocating compressor
Thursday, 15 September 2016
14:00 h, Room 28
Session 47
Session 49
Thursday, 15 September 2016
16:00 h, Room 28
Calculation 1
Calculation 2
Chairman: Herbert Steinrück
Chairman: Klaus Hoff
47-1 Maarten Baan / Niek Albers
Field performance assessments using enhanced
simulation modelling for reciprocating compressors
49-1 Benjamin F. Williams / Jillian T. Toussaint
Using OEM performance software to assist in
troubleshooting a crosshead failure
47-2 Isacco Stiaccini
Large size reciprocating compressor analysis
with a finite volume 1D model
49-2 Reiner Schulz
Interaction between valve flow characteristics, valve
pocket geometry and compressor performance
47-3 Vasillaq Kacani / Ernst Huttar
Vibration analysis in reciprocating compressors
10th EFRC Conference
Ade, Michael
D-13629 Berlin
Albers, Niek
Howden Thomassen Compressors
NL-6991 GS Rheden
Baan, Maarten
Howden Thomassen Compressors
NL-6991 GS Rheden
Bagagli, Ricardo
GE Oil & Gas
IT-50127 Firenze
Barkmeyer, Erik
ITW Engineered Polymers
D-24145 Kiel
Brun, Klaus
Southwest Research Institute
US 78238-5166 San Antonio
Caie, Andy
Chevron North Sea Limited
GB-AB15 6XL Aberdeen
Callerio, Alberto
Studio Geotecnico Italiano
IT-20141 Milano
Capanni, Alessio
GE Oil & Gas Nuovo Pignone
IT-20124 Milano
Carcasci, Cosimo
IT-50127 Firenze
Cruz, Ricardo
Burckhardt Compression
CH-8404 Winterthur
Eberle, Kelly
Beta Machinery Analysis
CA-T2G 2Y8 Calgary
Eijk, André
NL-2628CA Delft
Fawcett, Richard
NL-2719 EB Zoetermeer
Ses. 43
Ses. 47
Ses. 39
Ses. 45
Ses. 39
Ses. 43
Ses. 45
Ses. 37
Ses. 41
Ses. 48
Ses. 46
Ses. 39
Frenz, Martina
D-52531 Übach-Palenberg
Hoff, Klaus
D-52531 Übach-Palenberg
Infanger, Michèle
Burckhardt Compression
CH-8404 Winterthur
Kacani, Vasillaq
Leobersdorfer Maschinenfabrik
AT- 2544 Leobersdorf
Kesimoglou, Nikolaos
Hellenic Petroleum
GR-19200 Elefsis
Klotsche, Konrad
TU Dresden
D-01062 Dresden
Kluth, Guido
Shell Deutschland Oil
D-50387 Wesseling
Kornfeld, Matthias
HOERBIGER Kompressortechnik
AT-1220 Vienna
Kraml, Jarosloav
Howden ČKD Compressors
CZ-19000 Prag
Langela, Marc
D-39418 Staßfurt
Lankenau, Harry
NEAC Compressor Service
D-52531 Übach-Palenberg
Lier, Leonard van
Machu, Gunther
HOERBIGER Kompressortechnik
AT-1220 Vienna
Maffeis, Massimo
SIAD Macchine Impianti
IT-24126 Bergamo (BG)
Martin, Craig
Cook Compression
US 47130 Jeffersonville
McDonald, Justin
Vermilion Energy France
FR-40161 Parentis-en-Born Cedex
Ses. 40
Ses. 47
Ses. 46
Ses. 40
Ses. 41
Ses. 44
Ses. 40
Ses. 38
Ses. 37
Ses. 38
Ses. 36
Miller, Bill
Maersk Oil North Sea UK Limited
GB-AB12 3LG Aberdeen
Muellner, Thomas
EFRC R&D / TU Wien
AT-1060 Vienna
Parnigoni, Anja
HOERBIGER Ventilwerke
AT-1220 Vienna
Prinz, Christian
HOERBIGER Kompressortechnik
AT-1220 Vienna
Puissant, Alex
Journalist & independent
Conference moderator
Radziwanowska, Urszula
Wroclaw University of Technology
PL-50-371 Wroclaw
Raggi, Andrea
IT-19021 Arcola
Rossi, Gaia
GE Measurement & Control Solutions Italia
IT-20041 Agrate Brianza (MB)
Schroeder, David
Compressor Products International
US-77041 Stafford
Schulz, Reiner
Burckhardt Compression
CH-8404 Winterthur
Sharif, Usman
Fauji Fertilizer Company Limited
PK 0000 0000 GM, SDK, Rahimyar Khan
Steinrück, Herbert
TU Wien
AT-1060 Vienna
Stiaccini, Isacco
University of Florence
IT-50139 Florence
Stöckel, Christian
EFRC R&D / TU Dresden
D-01062 Dresden
Tani, Pamela
IT-50127 Firenze
Tetenborg, Patrick
Kötter Consulting Engineers
D-48432 Rheine
Valär, Luzi
Burckhardt Compression
CH-8404 Winterthur
Ses. 43
Ses. 42
Wentzel, Cyril
EFRC R&D / Wentzel Dynamics
NL-2498BR Den Haag
Williams, Benjamin
Ariel Corporation
USA-43050 Mount Vernon
Wirz, William
Dresser Rand Company
US-14830 Painted Post
Ses. 42
Ses. 49
Ses. 36
Thursday, 15 September 2016
17:00 h, Room 1
Ses. 48
Ses. 44
Final Plenary Session
Moderator: Alex Puissant
Journalist & independent conference moderator
Best Paper Award
Ses. 38
Conference delegates will select their favorite paper
from a list of nominees pre-selected by the programme
committee. They will vote electronically using a voting
system (TED), with the results shown in real time.
Ses. 49
Ses. 41
Ses. 47
Ses. 42
Pump Users International Forum:
– Best scientific paper
– Best industry paper
Compressor Users International Forum
– Best scientific paper
– Best industry paper
EFRC Conference
– Best scientific paper
– Best industry paper
Closing remarks
By the Chairmen of the Programme Committees Pump Users
International Forum and Compressor Users International Forum
Ses. 46
Prof. Paul Uwe Thamsen
Prof. Andreas Brümmer
General Information
Dinner Cruise
Conference proceedings will include the technical papers from all
sessions of the Pump Users International Forum, the Compressor
Users International Forum as well as the EFRC Conference. The
proceedings are written in English. The cost of one copy of the conference proceedings (Pump Users International Forum, Compressor
Users International Forum or EFRC Conference) is included in the registration fee for the International Rotating Equipment Conference.
Additional copies may be ordered separately. Prices are listed below.
Sessions – Technical Papers
After a short introduction by the chairman, each author will present
his/her paper. His/Her speaking time will be 20 minutes (Compressor
Users International Forum, EFRC Conference) or 15 minutes (Pump
Users International Forum). Immediately after the presentation,
attendees will have an opportunity to question the author for 10
minutes (Compressor Users International Forum, EFRC Conference)
or 5 minutes (Pump Users International Forum).
Please note that the titles of the technical papers and presentations
may undergo changes as a result of editing by the authors.
Training Seminar
The Training Seminar takes an in-depth look at a specific technical
theme. It offers a good opportunity to get acquainted with a new
technical field, especially for young engineers from operators, engineering companies and suppliers but also for delegates representing
manufacturers or universities. For an additional fee, you may register
by checking the appropriate button in the registration form.
The official conference language will be English.
Food and Beverages during breaks
Complimentary food and beverages will be available in the CCDStadthalle, at lunchtime and during two coffee breaks, both on
14 and 15 September 2016. In the foyer as well, complimentary beverages will be available during the breaks.
14 September 2016 from 19:00 h – 24:00 h
Location: MS RheinFantasie (name of boat)
Admission: 19:00 h
Departure: 19:30 h (Schnellenburg quay,
within walking distance of the CCD)
Return: 23:00 h
End of party: 24:00 h
Best Paper Award
As recognition of excellence, selected authors will be granted the
Best Paper award. These awards will honour the authors for their
outstanding practice experience or well-founded scientific papers.
The Best Paper awards of the Pump Users International Forum, the
Compressor Users International Forum and the EFRC Conference will
be granted based on an electronic vote by the audience during the
final Plenary Session.
Registration Fees
Early bird registration
By 30 June 2016
Regular registration
Online Registration:
Closing date for registration: 31 August 2016
After this date, you may only register at the Congress Center Düsseldorf registration desk in the Stadthalle on 14 September 2016 and
pay by credit card. The registration desk will be open from 07:30 h.
Participant lists
EUR 990,- (plus 19 % VAT)
EUR 1.090,- (plus 19 % VAT)
Participation fee for the EFRC Training Seminar
Lubrication and Wear EUR 300,- (plus 19% VAT)
The participation ticket is strictly personal and not transferable.
One copy of the conference proceedings is included.
Additional copies are available at a price of
EUR 120,- (plus 19% VAT)
Adverts in proceedings:
Full page 4c
EUR 1.500,- (plus 19 % VAT)
The participation fee is for all events indicated in the Forum Programme, including the Technical Exhibition, food and beverages, as
well as the dinner cruise.
A cancellation shall be made in writing to be valid.
For cancellations received until 31 July 2016, the Organizer will
charge EUR 100.00 (+ 19 % VAT) as a service fee. Substitute attendees
can be designated any time free of charge.
Cancellations received between 1 August 2016 and 31 August 2016
shall be subject to a cancellation fee in the amount of 70 % of the
regular participation fee plus 19 % VAT.
For cancellations received on or after 1 September 2016 the participation fee, or parts thereof is/are non-refundable. The participation
fee shall then be payable in full. The Contracting Party is entitled to
prove that the damage incurred by the Organizer is less.
The conditions for participation in the International Rotating Equipment Conference 2016 are to be found at
The paid participation ticket for the conference allows free entrance
to all three forums.
The Organizer reserves the right to change the original schedule in
exceptional circumstances.
Participants lists, exhibition leaflets and documents not
communicated earlier will be available at the Forum Office.
Room reservation
We have put together some highly attractive hotel and travel offers
for you. These can be conveniently booked on the conference website or you can contact us for personal
advice and an individually tailored offer to suit your requirements.
We look forward to seeing you in Düsseldorf.
Düsseldorf Marketing & Tourismus GmbH (DMT)
– Business Travel Service –
Phone + 49 211/172 02-839
Fax + 49 211/172 02-32 21
How to get to the Conference
A map and a route description to the Congress Center Düsseldorf can
be found at
For further information please visit the Congress Center
Düsseldorf website at of the Congress
Center Düsseldorf
For sightseeing arrangements please contact
Düsseldorf Marketing & Tourismus GmbH at
CCD Congress Center Düsseldorf
Stockumer Kirchstr. 61
40474 Düsseldorf, Germany
Staff at your disposal for further information,
before the Forum
Project Manager:
Harald Frank
Phone +49 69 6603 – 1293
Fax +49 69 6603 – 2293
Ulrike Mätje
Phone +49 69 6603 – 1296
Fax +49 69 6603 – 2296
Nadine Rüth
Phone +49 69 6603 – 1266
Fax +49 69 6603 – 2266
Forum office during the event
The Forum office team will be at your disposal on 14 and 15
September 2016 from 07:30 h to 18:00 h in the foyer of CCD
Congress Center Düsseldorf.
DAY 1: Wednesday, 14 SEPTEMBER 2016
DAY 1: Wednesday, 14 SEPTEMBER 2016
Pump Users International Forum (PIF)
Compressor Users International Forum (CIF)
European Forum for Reciprocating Compressors (EFRC)
Room 14
Room 26
Room 3
Room 27
Room 2
Room 28
07:30 – 09:00
09:00 – 10:30
Plenary session: Welcome and Opening; Welcome Address;
Plenary Lectures (Room 1)
09:00 – 10:30
Plenary session: Welcome and Opening; Welcome Address;
Plenary Lectures (Room 1)
09:00 – 10:30
Plenary session: Welcome and Opening; Welcome Address;
Plenary Lectures (Room 1)
Coffee break
10:30 – 11:00
Coffee break
10:30 – 11:00
10:30 – 11:00
Session 1:
Explosion Protection 1
Session 2:
Liquified Gas
Session 3:
Energy savings 1
11:00 – 12:00
see page 8
see page 8
12:00 – 13:00
13:00 – 14:30
14:30 – 16:00
Lunch break
Session 4:
Ecodesign challenges
see page 10
16:00 – 16:30
16:30 – 18:00
see page 9
Technology Updates 1-6 (Room 1)
Session 5:
Pump design 1
Session 6:
Positive displacement pumps 1
see page 10
see page 11
11:00 – 12:00
12:00 – 13:00
Session 22:
Positive displacement
compressors – design &
Session 23:
Vacuum technology – application
see page 28
see page 29
Technology Updates 1-2 (Room 3)
13:00 – 14:30
14:30 – 16:00
Lunch break
Session 24:
Turbo compressors – design and
Session 25:
Vacuum technology – research
see page 29
see page 30
16:00 – 16:30
Coffee break
Session 7:
Bearing & Seals
Session 8:
Pump design 2
Session 9:
see page 11
see page 12
see page 12
16:30 – 18:00
Technical Exhibition
07:30 – 09:00
Technical Exhibition
Coffee break
Session 36:
Session 37:
Root Cause Analysis
see page 42
see page 42
11:00 – 12:00
12:00 – 13:00
Technology Updates 1-5 (Room 2)
13:00 – 14:30
14:30 – 16:00
Lunch break
Session 38:
Sealing / Wear
16:00 – 16:30
Session 26:
Turbo compressors – research 1
Session 27:
Reliability and maintenance
see page 30
see page 31
Session 39:
Pulsation / Vibration 1 see page 43
Coffee break
16:30 – 18:00
see page 44
Coffee break
Session 40:
New Concept
Session 41:
see page 44
see page 45
19:00 – 19:30
Registration Cruise
19:00 – 19:30
Registration Cruise
19:00 – 19:30
Registration Cruise
Dinner Cruise
Dinner Cruise
Dinner Cruise
End of day 1
End of day 1
End of day 1
Pump Users international Forum (PIF)
Room 14
Room 26
08:30 – 10:00
Session 10:
Positive displacement pumps 2
Session 11:
Pump design 3
Session 12:
Design methods 1
see page 13
see page 14
see page 15
08:30 – 10:00
Coffee break
Session 15:
Design methods 2
see page 16
see page 16
Technology Updates 7-11 (Room 1)
12:30 – 14:00
Lunch break
Session 16:
Pump system design
Session 17:
Waste Water
Session 18:
14:00 – 15:30
Technical Exhibition
see page 15
11:30 – 12:30
see page 17
see page 18
Room 27
Session 28:
Turbo compressors – research 2
Session 29:
Energy efficiency in compressed
air systems
see page 31
see page 32
Session 30:
Turbo compressors – components
Session 31:
Vacuum technology – system
design 1
see page 32
see page 33
12:30 – 14:00
Lunch break
Session 32:
Positive displacement
compressors – research 1
Session 33:
Vacuum technology – application
see page 33
see page 34
15:30 – 16:00
Session 19:
Oil & Gas /
Session 20:
Condition monitoring
& diagnostics
Session 21:
Energy savings 2
see page 19
see page 20
see page 20
16:00 – 17:00
17:00 – 17:30
Final plenary session: Best Paper Award; Closing remarks (Room 1)
End of 2016 conference
17:00 – 17:30
08:30 – 10:00
Room 2
Room 28
Session 42:
Session 43:
see page 45
10:00 – 10:30
11:30 – 12:30
see page 19
Coffee break
Coffee break
10:30 – 11:30
14:00 – 15:30
15:30 – 16:00
Room 3
10:00 – 10:30
10:30 – 11:30
16:00 – 17:00
Technical Exhibition
Room 1
Session 13:
Session 14:
Explosion protection 2 Acoustics & Vibration
European Forum for Reciprocating Compressors (EFRC)
Compressor Users International Forum (CIF)
10:00 – 10:30
DAY 2: Thursday, 15 SEPTEMBER 2016
DAY 2: Thursday, 15 SEPTEMBER 2016
DAY 2: Thursday, 15 SEPTEMBER 2016
10:30 – 11:30
11:30 – 12:30
Session 34:
Positive displacement
compressors – research 2
Session 35:
Vacuum technology – system
design 2
see page 34
see page 35
Final plenary session: Best Paper Award; Closing remarks (Room 1)
End of 2016 conference
see page 46
Coffee break
Session 44:
Session 45:
see page 46
see page 47
Technology Updates 6-9 (Room 2)
12:30 – 14:00
Lunch break
Session 46:
Pulsation / Vibration 2
Session 47:
Calculation 1
see page 48
see page 48
14:00 – 15:30
15:30 – 16:00
Coffee break
Technical Exhibition
Room 1
07:30 – 09:00
Coffee break
Session 48:
Pulsation / Vibration 3
Session 49:
Calculation 2
see page 49
see page 49
16:00 – 17:00
17:00 – 17:30
Final plenary session: Best Paper Award; Closing remarks (Room 1)
End of 2016 conference
Technical Exhibition
DAY 1: Wednesday, 14 SEPTEMBER 2016
Maschinenbau-Institut GmbH
Lyoner Strasse 18
60528 Frankfurt/Main, Germany
EU-VAT No.: DE 114.156.253
Official International Media Partner:
In collaboration with
As well as
German Engineering Federation (VDMA) e. V.
Pumps + Systems,
Compressors, Compressed Air and Vacuum Technology
Lyoner Strasse 18
60528 Frankfurt/Main
+49 69 6603-1296
+49 69 6603-2296
Dr. Sönke Brodersen (Pumps + Systems)
Alexander Peters (Compressors, Compressed
Air and Vacuum Technology)
Managing Director:
Christoph Singrün
c/o Technische Universität Dresden
01062 Dresden
+49 351 463-32815
+49 351 463-37247
Dr. René Peters