Volume 2, Issue 5


Volume 2, Issue 5
Expert advice and information for women
in business, in the Carolinas and beyond
Summer is a great time to revisit plans and get refocused
Special points of interest:
Social media marketing
words of wisdom
Customer service advice
Investing guidance
A story of success in the job
Spotlight on a successful
Carolina Business Woman
There has been a lot of
discussion lately about
“being present.” It
apparently is the new buzz
phrase for being focused.
When you are present in
the moment, you are
focused on exactly what is
going on with your task or
with the people who are
attempting to interact with
Business Woman in
the Spotlight:
Marguerite Greene
I am all about being
present. Several months
ago, I posted a similar
article about putting down
the electronic device and
focusing on what is going
on around you—in the
physical sense as well as
Customer Service
Turns Clients into
Raving Fans
You cannot focus on the
task or the people in front
of you if you are distracted
by virtual activities.
Inside this issue:
Four Things to Do to
Help Achieve Financial
One Road to the Job
of Choice
Sales and Marketing
on Social Media
Upcoming Events
When you are engrossed in
your electronic device, you
are also sending a distinct
message to everyone in the
room with you— that
whatever is going on
virtually is much more
important than them.
Put down the electronic
device and focus on the
people you are with, on the
task you are completing.
Be present!
You’ll find a lot of great
information in this issue of
Carolina Business Woman.
Learn more about
marketing using social
media, turning clients into
raving fans, and investing
wisely for a healthy
financial future. You’ll also
read about a successful job
hunt. Remember, CBW is
for women in business—
whether your own or
someone else’s!
As always, you also have
many opportunities to be a
part of every issue of
Carolina Business Woman.
CBW includes a list of
events in the Carolinas that
are of interest and benefit
to our readers. Feel free to
email your event notice for
inclusion in the next issue.
Email me with your
feedback, suggestions,
questions, and anything
else you want to share
about Carolina Business
Woman. Take a few
minutes and let me know
what you think about CBW.
Also, check out our Carolina
Business Woman Facebook
group. We invite you to join
our growing, vibrant group.
Talk to you soon!
Pat Fontana
Do you have information or advice to share with other women in business?
Carolina Business Woman is looking for guest writers.
Send an email to pat@words-working.net, describing your area of expertise
and a topic for your proposed article. Thanks!
Page 2
Business Woman in the Spotlight: Marguerite Greene
A woman of many talents
and successes, Marguerite
Greene is a realtor,
marketing professional,
and newspaper publisher,
based in Fuquay-Varina,
North Carolina.
the communities, towns
and even the state. We
have over 10,000
subscribers and keep
Tell us about your
“The way we overcame
the recessions was
making sure we didn’t
have all our eggs in
one basket – in
business it is best
to be diverse. “
I’m a realtor, with Century
21, focusing on Residential,
New Construction,
Investment properties,
Commercial and Beach
My husband and I own a
Marketing and PR company
called MARCCOM™, a
turnkey marketing company
working with small,
medium and large
companies. We provide all
aspects of marketing, media
and public relations.
Several years ago, we
started a community
outreach project called
www.RightHereIn.com, an
online weekly community
newspaper. We started this
publication to fill the void
left when 5 local
newspapers closed. We
have three editions
rina.com ,
gs.com , and
We sell advertising in the
publications to cover our
expenses. The publication
ONLY covers the Good
News in the Community
and has been embraced by
How long have you worked
in the industry?
I have worked as a realtor
for almost 2 years but have
over 20 years’ experience
marketing Real Estate.
My husband and I
combined have over 40
years’ experience in
marketing and public
How did you get your
start? How did you start
your business?
MARCCOM™ was started in
New York and re-launched
in North Carolina when we
moved here in 1999. I had
a small freelance business
which I started at 18 years
of age. As it happens, one
of my clients, GANNETT,
hired me and I took a ten
year hiatus with my
freelance business. I
enjoyed my job with
Gannett. I produced videos,
staged large scaled sales
meetings, and worked with
the sales staff of
Newspapers, TV stations,
Radio Stations, Outdoor
Advertising, USA Weekend
and USA Today. The work
was fun. I traveled 6
months of the year, leaving
me little time for a
relationship. When I got
married and a year later got
pregnant I resigned and
restarted MARCCOM™.
What obstacles have you
faced in your career and
how did you overcome
The biggest obstacles have
been the two recessions
followed by the current
healthcare laws that limit
our company from hiring
employees and just working
with contractors.
The way we overcame the
recessions was making sure
we didn’t have all our eggs
in one basket – in business
it is best to be diverse.
We are still struggling with
the healthcare laws but at
this time we just work with
Continued on page 6
Page 3
Customer Service Turns Clients into Raving Fans
By Haley Lynn Gray
One of the big things I’ve
been talking about lately is
turning clients into raving
fans. Customer service is
one of the hardest things to
deliver consistently for
clients. If you follow these
simple steps, then you’ll
turn your clients into raving
1. Answer the phone, and
return messages. My
experience is that people
will call a business, and if
they don’t get an answer
immediately, they will
move to the next business.
So, if you want to increase
the number of clients you
have, answer the phone.
Customers will adore a
business that consistently
answers their email,
answers the phone, and
responds quickly.
2. Follow up with clients to
see how service was, and
ask them if they have any
referrals. Many times
people love the opportunity
to give feedback, and their
opinions, especially if they
think they will be heard.
3. The customer is (almost)
always right. Some
customers are going to be
more difficult than others,
and that is part of dealing
with the general public.
Most of the time, they are
simply trying to get their
needs met, and their
viewpoints heard.
through flaming hoops, or
set totally unrealistic
expectations, but that does
mean that you set realistic
expectations for your
Some of these tips are
incredibly simple, but that
doesn’t mean that they are
any easier to follow. If you
can master them, you’ll do
great in your business.
4. Thank your clients.
Clients are your bread and
butter. Thank them for
being a client and let them
know you value them and
their opinions.
5. Do what you say you will.
Set expectations clearly for
your clients, and they will
love you. That doesn’t
mean that you always jump
“Thank your clients.
Clients are your
bread and butter.”
Contact Haley Lynn Gray at
919-630-2146 or
Join us on Facebook!
Promote your business
in the next issue of Carolina Business Woman!
For advertising rates and more information, go to
Promote Your Business with Carolina Business Woman
Page 4
Four Things to Do Today to Help Achieve Financial Success
By Shannon Jenke
“Everyone, regardless
of age or wealth,
should have an
estate plan.”
According to Vince
Lombardi, legendary head
coach of the Green Bay
Packers, “The difference
between a successful
person and others is not a
lack of strength, not a lack
of knowledge, but rather a
lack of will.” What does this
have to do with financial
planning? Everything –
particularly given the
challenging times we live in
today. Building and
maintaining wealth are
usually the result of hard
work, dedication and, most
of all, planning.
Here are four things you
should do today to help
achieve financial success:
1. Time is an ally, so begin
now. Your best chance of
accumulating wealth comes
from developing an
investment plan that starts
early and involves regular
investments. The longer
you wait to start, the more
you will need to invest each
year to reach your goal.
2. Get your debt under
control. Finding money to
borrow is relatively easy.
However, paying the loan
back is not as easy.
Whether it is a mortgage or
a credit card, having a low
and constant interest rate
for the life of the loan will
help you avoid potential
problems that could eat up
even more of your income.
It will also help you budget
savings for other pressing
priorities like retirement.
highly concentrated
investments, but they also
know the litany of fortunes
that have been lost that
With a strong will and a
well-thought-out action
plan, you can achieve
financial success.
3. Have an estate plan.
Everyone, regardless of age
or wealth, should have an
estate plan. Estate planning
can provide a means of
transition and continuity
when passing on your
assets after your death.
Estate planning also
addresses current issues
such as living wills, health
care directives and durable
powers of attorney.
4. Diversify, diversify,
diversify. Different types of
investment assets and
investment styles rarely
move in unison. When one
investment class is up,
another is frequently down.
The ultra-wealthy know
from experience that
fortunes can be made in
Robert W. Baird & Co. does
not provide legal services.
Diversification does not
assure a profit or protect
against loss.
Shannon Jenke, Financial
Advisor at the Raleigh, NC
office of Robert W. Baird &
Co., member SIPC. 919-7895985; sjenke@rwbaird.com.
Join our mailing list!
Want to receive regular emails about Carolina Business Woman with
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Send an email to info@words-working.net. Thanks!
Page 5
One Road to the Job of Choice
A story of success for one
woman in business
By Divya Parekh,
The parents were sitting by
the pool watching the
children engaged in
horseplay. We were
enjoying the balmy night in
our way. Leandra
approached us, her face
glowing with joy. Before we
could pull a chair out for
her, she asked us if we had
heard the news. We shook
our heads. She told us that
she had accepted the job
offer from the company of
her choice. We hugged
Leandra as congratulated
Leandra’s story:
Leandra was dissatisfied
with her present job in
Company X since there
were no opportunities for
growth. She thought about
her situation and decided to
do something about it. She
began planning her exit
Her first step was to
recognize her strengths and
interests. After researching
several organizations, she
identified two companies
(Company Y and Company
Z) that interested her.
Leandra deepened her
study to explore the
companies’ reputation,
financial status, and job
Although Company Y was
financially secure, there
were hints about reducing
the operational costs. On
the other hand, Company Z
was not only financially
stable but also in the
growth phase. Company Z
was ranked to be one of the
best companies to work for,
unlike Company Y. Leandra
focused her attention on
Company Z. She monitored
the jobs offered by Z.
Leandra discovered that she
lacked certain skills for
desired jobs. Leandra
started taking training
courses that would endow
her with the core
competencies. While taking
the classes, she connected
with professionals as well as
Z’s trainers.
The Z trainer informed
Leandra about a position
that would match her skills.
When Leandra applied for a
position in Z, her resume
had an edge over other
candidates because she was
already familiar with the
required software. Leandra
got the job of her choice!
Tomorrow’s goal drives us
to take the action today.
“Her first step was
to recognize her
strengths and
Divya Parekh, PCC, CPC, LL,
MS, is a Business
Relationship and Leadership
Coach and Speaker
A professional who values
people, Divya Parekh has
expertise and knowledge of
real world business and has
a proven record of success.
She has worked on the
international level with
leaders, achievers, and
entrepreneurs. She
understands the true power
in business partnerships
and believes that the key to
a successful partnership is
the relationship. For her,
relationship is king!
Miss an issue?
Read them all here!
“Do the best you can
in every task, no
matter how
unimportant it may
seem at the time. No
one learns more
about a problem than
the person at the
-- Sandra Day
O’Connor, the first
woman appointed to
the Supreme Court.
Page 6
Woman in the Spotlight (cont’d)
What have been some of
your most significant
forming lasting
relationships which
developed into a long term
relationships with Bayer,
WPCT, IPS and several other
companies. This same
relationship building has
also brought us several
start-up companies and
franchise owners.
That is hard. I guess seeing
some of our clients close
their doors.
What have been some of
your most significant
Our main achievement is
meeting and exceeding our
client’s expectations – there
is nothing more rewarding
than a referral.
We worked with Reichhold
and all its departments,
“Our main
achievement is
meeting and
exceeding our client’s
expectations –
there is nothing
more rewarding than
a referral”.
Contact Marguerite:
What advice would you
give to other women in
business who are trying to
advance their
Take the time to determine
which areas you want to
focus on as an expert and
where you need to hire
others with expertise you
don’t master. You can’t do
everything and the
cornerstone of success is
knowing when to share
responsibilities for the best
interest of your clients and
your business.
CENTURY 21 Becky Medlin Realty
direct 919.219.9312 |office 919.552.4517|
Mark Your Calendar
Thursday, June 16, 7:45am-9:00am
Century 21 Becky Medlin Realty
Located at: 407 North Judd Parkway N.E. in Fuquay-Varina
Open Networking starting at 7:45 - 8am
Brainstorming from 8-9am
Breakfast refreshments provided!
Page 7
Sales and Marketing on Social Media
By Jennifer Rougeux
In today’s society almost
everyone is plugged into
social media. Who doesn’t
have a Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram or Pinterest
accounts? Why not use
social media as an easy
platform for Sales and
You can’t be on Facebook
and not have a friend
sharing essential oils,
candles, vitamins, leggings,
or makeup. You might
think they are crazy but
they have tapped into a
growing new way to easily
execute sales and
marketing for their
It’s shocking to discover
that 70% of social media
users shop online. In other
words, your customers are
waiting for you on social
networking sites.
Not every business will
thrive using the same
strategies but you can find
success if you adjust these
tips to fit your specific
First, look at your profile
and timeline. Your profile
picture should be a great
picture of you. We all love
our kids and pets but if you
are trying to sell on social
media they should NOT be
your profile picture. Your
profile picture should be a
great selfie. Don’t be shy!
Your business should be
easy to find on your profile.
Let people know what you
are selling. Post pictures
and updates about you and
your family. Let potential
customers get to know
YOU, not just your company
or your products but…you.
People do business with
people they “know.” You
want potential customers
to like you. So give people
the chance to know and
trust you. A good formula
to use is the 3 to 1 rule.
Three personal posts to
every one business post.
Second, stay neutral. You
don’t want to offend a
potential customer with
your personal views on
politics, religion, or
any other hot trigger
Third, Be positive!
Don’t use social media
as a platform to air
your grievances or
complaints. We all have
ups and downs in life but if
you want to move your
business forward, airing out
your dirty laundry all over
Facebook or Twitter will
only turn potential
customer off.
If and when you do have an
issue or a problem you feel
you need to post, make
sure it is done in a positive,
relatable way. Don’t use
curse words or swear; it’s
tacky. Instead think about
your or your friends’ and
families’ struggles and post
positive and uplifting status
Finally, become an expert
in your field. No matter
what you are selling or
marketing on social media
establish yourself as an
expert. Help people solve
their problems. Be a
solution. People are
naturally drawn and
attracted to you because
you know what you are
talking about while being
positive and encouraging.
Customers need to trust
you. They need to trust
that you know what you’re
talking about and that you
will be there for them when
they need you.
“Your business should
be easy to find
on your profile.”
Younique is an international
skincare & cosmetics
company. Our products
contain high quality
ingredients that enrich and
nourish the skin. Younique
is a committed to uplifting,
empowering, and validating
women everywhere. We
are dedicated to helping a
global family of women
realize their potential for
personal growth and
financial reward.
For more information
please contact Jennifer
Rougeux at
.com or visit
“Champions keep
playing until
they get it right.”
― Billie Jean King,
American tennis player
Business writing
Communications training
Carolina Business Woman
is published on the first Monday
of each month
by WordsWorking
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Specializing in:
 Generational communications
 Corporate training
Written material—blog posts, proposals, articles
 Communications for women in business
Upcoming Events
Events listed here cannot promote one business in particular.
Events such as networking meetings or business expos can be listed
for free. Find more information on advertising your business here.
Apex Small Business Network
Every Tuesday morning at 9:00am
Apex Chamber of Commerce
220 North Salem Street
Apex, NC 27502
Share your events
with our readers!
WBON of Cary is holding our
Mega Networking luncheon
June 8th from 11:30 to 1:30
Prestonwood Country Club,
300 Prestonwood Pky, Cary NC
Register here
Email your July
events before
June 27 to have
them listed in the
next issue of
Carolina Business