CUSTOM LASIK - Web Transcend


CUSTOM LASIK - Web Transcend
Dr. Jeffery J. Machat
Dr. Jeffery Machat
A proven professional and an acknowledged
leader in his field, Dr. Jeffery Machat is both
pioneer, and the measure upon which excellence
in laser surgery can be based. The National
Medical Director and Co-Founder of TLC Laser
Eye Centers, Dr. Machat has gone on to build a
strong practice, and a well-earned reputation.
Known for the outstanding achievements he has
incurred in pursuit of professional excellence,
Dr. Machat has never forgotten the many allimportant elements and “small touches”, that
make his patients feel at ease: the well-trained
team that attends his patients, the state-of-theart equipment that graces his surgery, the warm,
friendly approachable manner in which he relates
to all his patients, and, of course, his own
professional faith in this remarkable procedure.
Emanuel Davis (left), an NBA Basketball star and Bob
Rouse (right), an NHL Hockey star have both had their
eyes treated by Dr. Machat.
A few of Dr. Machat’s VIP
patients have included (from top):
Terry Meeuwsen (Anchor 700
Club), Bob Rae (former Ontario
Premier), Dan Meyers (President
- North America Ophthalmics CIBA Vision Corporation),
Michael Wilson (former Finance
Minister), Dr. Anthony Sensoli,
MD, Dr. Brad Britton, Dr. Scott
Jaben, Dr. John Mitchell, MD,
and Dr. Randel Rabon.
Over a Decade of Experience
Dr. Machat graduated from Medical school in 1986 and completed
his subspecialty in Ophthalmology in 1990. Upon graduation,
Dr. Machat developed a highly specialized practice in laser vision
correction, and has been tireless in his efforts to refine his techniques.
Dr. Machat travelled to Germany and Italy in 1991 to learn PRK
techniques and to Columbia, South America to learn LASIK in
1994. Certified on the Summit, VISX, Chiron, Nidek Autonomous,
WaveLight Allegretto and LaserSight excimer laser systems,
since 1991, Dr. Machat has performed well over 37,000 laser
refractive procedures, including 6,000 PRK surface procedures
and more than 31,000 LASIK procedures as of April 2002.
Dr. Machat on VisxStar S2 with SmoothScan
A well regarded expert in laser corrective surgery, Dr. Machat has
also chosen to share his knowledge through professional papers he
has written and lectures – including those lectures conducted
at International Laser conferences in such places as South
Africa, Brazil, Argentina, Jordan, Italy, Spain, China, Korea,
Holland, Greece, Australia and France. As well, he has
provided state-of-the-art training in laser refractive surgery
to hundreds of surgeons around the world.
Dr. Machat is also the primary author of two important textbooks:
Excimer Laser Refractive Surgery: Practice and Principles and
The Art of LASIK. As a complement to his practice, Dr. Machat
has also been instrumental in developing software, techniques and
surgical instruments for both PRK and LASIK.
Angela Bailey, holder of the
Canadian record for the 100 m
sprint is used to being ahead
of the pack – which is why
she opted for the advanced
technology of TLC when she
wanted her eyesight enhanced.
Chris Holt may like throwing
curves, but when it came to laser
surgery, Chris Holt, pitcher for the
Houston Astros, played it straight
choosing the the superior performance of TLC for the laser surgery he
needed to stay on the ball...
Chan Hon Goh, great
balance requires great
sight which is why
Chan Hon Goh, Principal
dancer of The National
Ballet of Canada, had the
vision to come to us for
her laser surgery.
“After 40 years,
it truly is like
a miracle!”
Heather Stubbs
Outstanding Expertise: A First
Class Reputation
As an innovator, and the first to perform LASIK in Toronto in
1994 (more than 2 years in advance of his Toronto colleagues),
Dr. Machat has received outstanding media coverage both at
home and abroad. He has lectured at AAO, ISRS and ASCRS. He
has been quoted in Ophthalmology Times, Ocular Surgery News,
and the journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery. He has been
featured on CNN and The 700 Club, TSN, Global, City TV,
Prime, Body and Health, as well as many other television and
newspaper reports on laser vision correction, including the Globe
& Mail and National Post. In addition, Dr. Machat has been
featured in such high profile magazines as Toronto Life, Canadian
Business Magazine and Canadian Living Magazine.
Every year at his Toronto practice Dr. Machat performs thousands
of LASIK procedures, and has experienced less than 1 in 2000
incidence of surgical flap complications. His patients come from
not only Toronto and throughout Ontario, but from other parts
of Canada and every state within the U.S.A. Patients have
travelled from even farther, including Bermuda, Grand Cayman,
England, Belgium, South Africa and Hong Kong. Among Dr.
Machat’s patients are high profile politicians, corporate leaders,
and celebrities within the sport, entertainment and media fields.
The ultimate accolade, however, comes from more than 300
doctors including neurosurgeons and ophthalmic surgeons who, in
recognition of his outstanding expertise, have elected Dr. Machat
as their laser corrective surgeon of choice.
Time Warner
City TV
Definitions, Concepts and Risks:
The anatomy of the eye is best understood if thought of as a two-lens camera system, with the cornea providing the majority of the
image focusing and the natural lens providing the fine tuning or zoom of the image on the retina or film. As indicated below, the iris
muscles act like the diaphragm to control the amount of light which enters the eye. Focusing problems which can be corrected with
glasses or contacts are known as refractive errors, and can be corrected by prescription lenses or refractive surgery. Problems which
cannot be corrected by corrective lenses usually cannot be corrected with refractive surgery. Refractive surgery encompasses any surgical
technique, both laser and non-laser mediated which alter the refractive or focusing properties of the eye.
Eye Anatomy
Below is a simplified diagram of the eye and a list
of simple definitions to aid your understanding:
Cornea: clear “watch-glass” at front of eye
which provides 2/3 of light focusing
Iris: Coloured part of eye that controls pupil size.
Pupil: black aperture that allows light to enter
eye within coloured iris, larger at night
Lens: Crystalline natural lens of eye provides remaining
1/3 of light focusing especially near vision
Retina: The nerve tissue which coats the back of the eye and
acts like the film in a camera
Refractive Errors/Concepts:
Myopia: When a person has myopia or nearsightedness it simply
means that they see better at near than far without any corrective
lenses. Myopia is caused by an eye that is too long, or a corneal
curvature that is too steep or a combination of these two factors.
< -3.00 diopters
-3.00 to –6.00 diopters
-6.00 to –9.00 diopters
> -9.00 diopters
(most severe 1%)
< +2.00 diopters
+2.00 to +4.00 diopters
+4.00 to +6.00 diopters
(most severe 1%)
> +6.00 diopters
(most severe 0.1%)
Astigmatism: Patients who have astigmatism essentially have
an ovalness to their visual system and visual images are often blurred
both at near and far distances. Occasionally patients will report
doubled vision when corrective lenses are not worn.
Hyperopia: When a person has hyperopia or farsightedness, it
simply means that they see better at far distances when their focusing
muscles are relaxed than near without corrective lenses. Young and
middle aged patients can use their focusing muscles to pull images
into sharper view and avoid corrective lenses. However if severe,
the focusing muscle strength is usually inadequate and hyperopia
can compromise both far and especially near distance visual acuity.
Hyperopia is caused by an eye that is too short, or a corneal
curvature that is too flat or a combination of these two factors.
Presbyopia: Between ages of 40-50 years, all patients will
experience a reduction in their focusing muscle strength requiring
the use of readers or bifocals. Patients who are mildly nearsighted,
having their natural focus at near, may simply remove their corrective
lenses to read, however following refractive surgery will need to use
readers. All “normally-sighted” patients will require reading glasses
without exception. Since refractive surgery typically targets a patient
“normally-sighted” for their best unaided distance vision, reading
glasses will be required at some point as with every naturally
“normally-sighted” patient. (see monovision option below)
Monovision: For patients over 40 years of age, monovision is
an option that a small percentage of patients select. Typically the nondominant eye is left mildly nearsighted to aid intermediate vision and
light reading. For prolonged reading or fine print, reading glasses
are still required, and night driving glasses may be needed. While
teachers and office workers often prefer monovision to targeting
the best distance vision in both eyes, golfers, tennis players and
those with lifestyles that require substantial night driving do not.
Prescription: Each patient’s prescription is defined by three
- 4.00
-1.00 x 180
The Sphere is the first component which determines the degree
of nearsightedness in diopters as depicted with a “minus” sign in
this example, or farsightedness which would be designated with a
“plus” sign. The second component is only indicated if a patient
has astigmatism and indicates the amount of Cylinder or
ovalness, which also can be “plus or minus”. The last component
is the Axis , which indicates the direction of the astigmatism or
ovalness. The higher the sphere and cylinder in diopters (D), the
more severe is the prescription and the more difficult it is to
correct with laser surgery.
Patients with extreme hyperopia are not recommended for corneal
laser refractive surgery, but may benefit from other lens refractive
< -1.00 diopters
-1.00 to –2.00 diopters
-2.00 to –3.00 diopters
> -3.00 diopters
(most severe 1%)
Astigmatism may be combined with both myopia or hyperopia, and at
least 50% of patients with severe myopia have at least mild to moderate
astigmatism. While in the general population, mild myopia and hyperopia
are most prevalent, Dr. Machat has treated literally thousands of patients
with severe prescriptions.
Laser Refractive Procedures:
The concept behind laser refractive surgery can most easily be
thought of as taking the curvature from a patient’s contact lenses
or glasses and reshaping the front surface of the eye. There are
three Excimer laser refractive procedures used to improve vision
today, with all three utilizing the computer-controlled pulses of the
Excimer laser to reshape the cornea. In the original laser procedure
first performed in 1987, Photorefractive Keratectomy
or PRK the surgeon reshapes the surface of the cornea after
removing the epithelial protective layer. Laser-in-situ
Keratomileusis or LASIK, was first performed in 1989,
but it took 4-5 years for refinements before it was introduced to
North America. LASIK, has certainly become the laser procedure
of choice in the past 5 years because of the improved comfort and
virtually overnight visual recovery for the majority of patients. In
LASIK, the surgeon creates a protective corneal flap with a fine
surgical instrument known as a microkeratome, then the laser
pulses are applied beneath the corneal flap to reshape the inner
corneal tissue. The corneal flap is approximately 30% of the
corneal thickness, is typically hinged beneath the upper eyelid or
nasally and is repositioned following the laser pulses. Most recently,
Laser Epithelial Keratomileusis, LASEK or EK
for short, was introduced as a surgical technique which falls
between PRK and LASIK, although closer to PRK. In LASEK or
EK, the corneal surface is reshaped by the Excimer laser but unlike
in PRK the epithelial protective layer is preserved and replaced
following the laser treatment. Custom laser applications can be
combined with all three laser procedures.
Dr. Black uses the Slit Lamp Biomicroscope for corneal flap evaluation
Procedure length
Topical drops Topical drops
3 minutes
5 minutes
Topical drops
5 minutes
Post-op Pain/Irritation
Irritation Duration
Visual Recovery
1-3 days
5-7 days
2-6 hours
1-2 days
1-3 days
3-5 days
Bandage Contact Lens Yes
Post-op Drops
3-4 months
2 days
2 nights
3-4 months
Haze/Scarring Risk
Infection Risk
Surgeon Skill Required Low
Enhancement timing
2-4 months
1-3 months
6-9 months
3-6 months
6-9 months
3-6 months
What to expect at the center
Weeks before your procedure
At your workup
1. Contact lens use must be discontinued well in advance of
your procedure date. This allows the return of the natural
curve of your cornea. Soft or disposable contacts must be
removed at least 3 days prior to your procedure date and at
least 1 week prior if you sleep with your contacts lenses
overnight. Soft Toric contact lenses should be removed 1-2
weeks prior to surgery. Rigid gas permeable lenses must be
discontinued at least 1 month before your LASIK procedure,
and 2-3 months prior if you have used hard lenses for more
than 20 years.
1. Wavefront measurements are performed on all patients
at least 24 hours prior to their Wavefront guided LASIK
procedure so that the pupil can return to its natural
undilated physiological size and position.
2. Prepare to be at the BCE Place Center for 2-3 hours on the day
of your workup, as the equipment is presently only available at
the TLC Custom LASIK vision center. Patients are advised that
they will be dilated during their Custom LASIK consultation
and testing.
2. The WaveLight Wavefront analysis system utilizes the Tscherning
principle of retinal aberrometry, which differs from HartmannShack outgoing aberrometry used by most laser systems.
3. Following a complete ocular evaluation, topographical analysis
is performed with both the Humphrey and OrbScan II systems.
In addition, ultrasonic pachymetry, infrared Colvard pupillometry
and contrast sensitivity measurements are also performed. A
Tracey Visual Function Analyzer assesses contrast sensitivity,
refraction and is used to correlate our Wavefront measurements,
especially in complicated cases post refractive surgery.
4. Both dry and cycloplegic refractions are completed utilizing
both the Wavefront data and the topographic data.
5. A floppy disc is then created for each eye with the WaveLight
Allegretto Wavefront data adjusted and optimized for refractive
error, effective optical zone size and corneal thickness utilizing
our personal nomogram. The floppy disc is inserted into the
WaveLight Allegretto laser at the time of surgery with a
completely unique ablation pattern downloaded for each eye,
based upon the individual characteristics of that eye much
like matching a fingerprint.
6. Custom and Prolate WaveLight laser procedures are both
adjusted for refractive error, age, monovision, corneal curvature,
corneal thickness, pupil size and in the cases of Custom
WaveLight, localized visual aberrations as well, to achieve
the highest quality visual potential.
Topical anesthetic drops, Antibiotic drops and Antiinflammatory drops
Topical anesthetic drops, Antibiotic drops and Antiinflammatory drops
Sedative may be taken pre-operatively at patient’s request
Sedative may be taken pre-operatively at patient’s request
Laser tested and programmed with patient treatment for
each eye
Laser tested and programmed with patient treatment
for each eye
Eyelid holder used to prevent blinking and anesthetic
eliminates blink reflex
Microkeratome and new blade checked prior to
each surgery
Patient focuses on target light as directed by surgeon
Corneal marker used to outline area of epithelial protective
layer to be removed
Eyelid holder used to prevent blinking and anesthetic
eliminates blink reflex
Patient focuses on target light as directed by surgeon
Epithelium removed mechanically with spatula or brush
or by laser
Corneal alignment markings placed to help re-align
corneal flap
Eye-tracking system activated
Eye held with suction ring of microkeratome
Corrective laser treatment then applied, Standard, Prolate
or Custom treatment
Patients typically feel only mild pressure for
about 15 seconds
10. Anti-haze agent may be applied at this time for 30-60
seconds, then rinsed
10. Vision grays or darkens during suction while corneal
flap is created
11. Bandage contact lens inserted to protect surface during
3-5 day healing period
11. Patients do not “see or feel” the microkeratome incision,
truly painless
12. Patients typically sense only vibration for 3-5 seconds
during flap creation
Topical anesthetic drops, Antibiotic drops and Antiinflammatory drops
13. Once suction and pressure released, the target light
Sedative may be taken pre-operatively at patient’s request
14. When the corneal flap is opened, the target light
does become “sparkly”
Laser tested and programmed with patient treatment for
each eye
15. Eye-tracking system activated however to ensure
perfect alignment
Eyelid holder used to prevent blinking and anesthetic
eliminates blink reflex
16. Corrective laser treatment then applied, Standard, Prolate
or Custom treatment
Patient focuses on target light as directed by surgeon
Diluted alcohol solution applied for 30-60 seconds to
loosen central epithelium
17. The corneal flap is closed, re-aligned using the corneal
markings and smoothed
Central epithelial protective layer is folded back in 4
Eye-tracking system activated
Corrective laser treatment then applied, Standard, Prolate
or Custom treatment
10. Anti-haze agent may be applied at this time for 30-60
seconds, then rinsed
11. Central epithelial protective layer then repositioned
12. Bandage contact lens inserted to protect surface during
3-5 day healing period
18. The corneal flap becomes secure within 30 seconds
allowing the patient to blink
19. No anti-haze agents or bandage contact lens are required
20. Patients must wear eyeshields at bedtime for 2 nights and
should not rub their eyes for 1 week
It is important to recognize that Dr. Machat has performed
literally tens of thousands of LASIK procedures and talks
reassuringly, explaining what you will experience during
each step of your LASIK procedure.
LASIK remains our procedure of choice. As noted in the previous
chart, the distinct advantages of LASIK are the excellent comfort
level intra-operatively and post-operatively, rapid visual recovery,
ease of enhancement, reduced risks of haze, scarring and infection,
and reduced need for anti-inflammatory eye drops. The distinct
disadvantages are the required skill and the associated risks with
the creation of the corneal flap. Surgeon experience with LASIK
and improved microkeratome technology can substantially reduce
the corneal flap risks to far less than 1% but can never eliminate
them. The introduction of the Intralase Pulsion FS femtosecond
laser to create the corneal flap virtually eliminates all risks associated
with corneal flap creation (discussed later). Another significant
disadvantage to LASIK, is the need for the cornea to be thick
enough to both create the corneal flap and treat the prescription,
while preserving adequate tissue for long term corneal strength
and stability. The Intralase technology will be of particular value
to patients with high degrees of myopia as the Pulsion FS is
capable of creating a thinner higher quality corneal flap, allowing
more severe corrections to be treated. In patients with inadequate
corneal thickness for their higher degrees of myopia, PRK or EK
may be the preferred treatment. In these cases, the increased haze
and scarring risk may be managed through anti-haze agents used
both intra-operatively and post-operatively.
LASIK is an acronym for Laser in Situ Keratomileusis.
LASIK is the most advanced form of laser vision correction
worldwide. LASIK is the most preferred technique for vision
correction today.
The protective corneal flap seals through both a velcro action
and an inner vacuum pressure within seconds allowing you to
blink normally. A firm seal begins the next day and after 3-6
months is extremely strong. It is rare the flap will move after
24 hours unless the eye is injured.
LASIK reshapes the inner corneal tissue with the curvature from
your prescription using a computer controlled Excimer laser.
A good way to understand LASIK is to think of the cornea as
a book. Like the pages of a book the cornea is composed of a
series of protein layers, on average about 560 layers or pages.
The corneal flap would consist of the first 160 pages. The
corneal reshaping would be the removal of 50-100 pages, then
the book is closed and appears untouched.
The protective corneal flap in LASIK has a few distinct
benefits over PRK:
• much faster healing
• improved eye comfort
• faster visual recovery
• less need for eye drops
• significantly less risk of scarring
• significantly less risk of infection
• preservation of Bowmans layer
• improved safety and ease for
enhancement procedures
• improved ability to correct higher degrees of
nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism
LASIK is based on non-laser lamellar techniques practiced
over the past 50 years. Most refractive surgeons are confident
in the longterm safety of LASIK. Thousands of eye doctors
have had LASIK themselves at TLC.
The informed consent form that each patient is required to sign prior to surgery is an extensive outline of the most
important side effects and complications that patients may encounter. The form combined with your clinical consultations
with our patient consultants, our optometric director and your surgeon comprise the informed consent process for each
patient. Diagnostic testing helps us determine any unusual clinical findings that place a patient at higher risk for specific
side effects and complications, however it is impossible to determine if any individual patient will develop problems and
regret proceeding with elective refractive surgery. Our approach is simply to provide you with both information to help you
make an informed decision and options with extremely advanced technology which can provide you with the safer higher
quality visual results.
The most important complication is a healing or
surgical problem which reduces or alters the sharpness or quality
of vision a patient experiences post-operatively, which glasses do
not correct. Usually Rigid Gas Permeable lenses can correct visual
irregularities and restore vision to pre-operative quality and sharpness.
Loss of best corrected vision is defined as the inability of a patient
to read all the lines on an eyechart post-operatively that they could
pre-operatively. This is due to corneal irregular astigmatism most
often, and can produce visual blurring, distortion, ghosting and is
typically related to irregular healing, irregular laser treatment or a
corneal flap complication.
The most common side effects are Night Glare
symptoms in the form of halos, star-bursting and ghosting.
Certain risk factors such as corneal curvature, pupil size,
prescription and treatment plan can dramatically affect the
individual incidence of these side effects.
WaveLight Allegretto Reduces Night Glare
Colvard Infrared Pupillometer
PROCYON P2000 Pupillometer
Oblate shape from
conventional LASIK
does not focus
peripheral light properly
Prolate shape with
WaveLight focuses
peripheral light sharply
for best night vision
Custom LASIK, PRK and EK has been found to not only
reduce the risks of corneal irregularity, loss of bestcorrected vision and night glare risks but can potentially
correct these problems.
Custom treatments have no benefit on the incidence of specific side
effects and complications such as dry eye symptoms, infection,
inflammation, and those which may be related to post-operative
trauma such as corneal flap displacement. As well, tissue response
and healing are highly variable and individual, and therefore may
result in the need for secondary enhancement procedures for residual
nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. While Custom
LASIK provides excellent safety with higher visual quality potential,
no surgical technique can ever be guaranteed.
The next revolution in LASIK laser vision correction surgery are customized treatments,
developing individualized software treatment plans for each patient, based upon the very
unique shape and visual characteristics of that person’s eye.
Custom LASIK not only improves the potential for 20/20 vision,
it has the potential to restore eyes to better than 20/20 vision. The
visual system is actually capable of seeing 20/10 or better, that is
letters twice as small as the 20/20 letters on an eyechart. Most people
cannot see beyond 20/20 because of very subtle imperfections
within their visual system. Wavefront technology allows the surgeon
to first map these subtle visual imperfections and then develop a
laser treatment plan to correct them. The first patients ever treated
worldwide with Custom LASIK were in July 1999. Using Wavefront
technology in the European trials a high percentage of patients
treated with Custom LASIK were able to achieve better than 20/20
vision, and even those that did not, still appreciated improvements
in their night vision and contrast sensitivity.
WaveLight Allegretto Wave Excimer Laser
Custom LASIK involves creating a truly sophisticated corneal map
of the eye and then combining that with an analysis of the visual
system of the eye utilizing Wavefront technology. Wavefront
technology utilizes a visual Wavefront analyzer or aberrometer to
study the way your eye bends light rays to improve your visual
quality potential.
The Potential Benefits of Custom LASIK:
• Greater chance of achieving 20/20 vision
• Greater chance of achieving better than 20/20 vision
• Reduced chance of losing best corrected vision
• Reduced chance of losing visual quality or contrast sensitivity
• Reduced chance of night vision disturbances and glare
• Increased ability to restore best corrected vision if healing
problems develop
Custom LASIK takes into account the curvature and smoothness
of each cornea, the thickness of the cornea, any astigmatism and
the pattern of that astigmatism, and an individual’s pupil size.
Wavefront technology analyzes the entire visual system from the
corneal surface through the crystalline lens of the eye, all the way
back to the retina. It actually looks at the whole eye and the way
in which that eye sees the world to develop a truly personalized
laser treatment plan. Wavefront analysis occurs across the entire
6mm optical center and represents a far more detailed assessment
of the visual system, optimizing any imperfections to create the most
ideal laser vision correction treatment pattern specific for that
individual. Therefore, Wavefront technology not only provides
more precise information for the treatment plan but far more
information than ever before across several hundred points within
the central vision zone to be treated.
Currently, all patients with – 4.00 diopters of myopia, for example,
are treated with a standard LASIK program for that degree of
nearsightedness. However, each patient may differ in their precise
corneal shape, their corneal thickness and their pupil size, as well
as any number of other variables not accounted for routinely in
standard LASIK programs. While standard LASIK programs work
wonderfully, the advantages of Custom LASIK cannot be overstated.
Custom LASIK will create the ideal pattern for each patient taking
a multitude of variables into account. Instead of utilizing just the
information from your prescription and a single central reading
of a corneal curvature map, Custom LASIK analyzes the entire
visual system and develops a Wavefront Map that truly analyzes the
cornea and visual system across hundreds and hundreds of points
within the central vision zone. Each point mapped then guides the
laser beam to provide the most ideal vision correction profile.
“Custom LASIK utilizes Wavefront technology to correct
not only the prescription of the eye but to treat any subtle
imperfections within the visual system
to improve both the safety and visual
outcome potential for patients.”
Wavefront Technology was developed at the University of Heidelberg
by astrophysicist Josef Bille Ph.D., and truly represents the next major
medical breakthrough in laser vision correction. Wavefront technology
has the ability to customize each LASIK treatment pattern to remove
even the smallest visual irregularities and potentially achieve 20/10
vision for patients. For over a decade scientists have been
developing Wavefront technology for astronomical applications, to
remove the distortion effects of an imperfect atmosphere to dramatically
improve their view of the universe through a telescopic lens. Based on
the principles of adaptive optics, Wavefront technology removes any
visual distortion or irregularity from an optical path in order to bring
an object into perfect focus. Wavefront technology has now been applied
to vision correction, by eliminating not only the eyes’ prescription
(refractive properties) but any aberrations or irregularities within the
eye’s visual system, to potentially improve vision beyond 20/20.
More important than better vision results is improved safety,
reducing the chance for losing best-corrected vision and
increasing the chance of restoring best-corrected vision.
Dr. Machat is the first surgeon in Canada to offer Custom LASIK,
and one of a handful of surgeons in the world with this unique
technology capability, felt truly to be the next milestone in LASIK
laser vision correction. As National Medical Director for TLC
Laser Centers, Dr. Machat heads their Custom LASIK center at
BCE Place in downtown Toronto.
In March 2000, TLC Custom LASIK Center began providing
personalized LASIK vision correction treatment programs.
Utilizing flying spot technology scanning a 0.5mm-2.0mm beam
across the cornea at 50 to 200 pulses per second, combined with
eye-tracking technology and linked to a Wavefront Analyzer, the
flying spot laser systems will allow each point within the central
cornea to be treated individually and precisely. That is, flying spot
technology possesses the flexibility to create an infinite number of
treatment patterns to not only correct virtually any prescription
with the largest treatment zones, but very subtle irregularities as
well, to attain superior visual quality.
Custom LASIK takes LASIK to the next level of visual success,
with lower potential for complications and greater potential
for perfect vision.
Dr. Machat enjoys a moment
with one of his patients after
a successful surgery.
This is the most revolutionary advance to occur to vision correction
surgery since LASIK was introduced several years ago. For patients
who have more complex prescriptions, or unusual corneal shapes
or who simply want the very best technology has to offer, Custom
LASIK will offer substantial benefits. Higher potential for perfect
vision and lower potential for visual complications are the two
primary benefits touted for the Custom LASIK approach.
A word of caution:
It is important not to get caught up in the Wavefront hype
promoted by many laser manufacturers promising “Supervision”,
as only a percentage of patients will achieve vision beyond their
glasses and contact lenses. It is equally important to recognize
that Wavefront technology is, in our opinion, about firstly
producing higher quality visual results for our patients especially
for night driving and secondly, doing so with a greater safety
profile. This is especially important in higher risk patients, those
with complex prescriptions, large pupils, atypical topographical
maps and those with some forms of amblyopia ( lazy eyes). There
is little doubt that Wavefront technology has superceded current
non-custom laser procedures, but we are still early in development
and patient healing plays a significant role in what visual result
any individual patient may achieve. That is, no matter how ideal
a laser ablation pattern we are able to create, there are numerous
surgical and healing factors that affect the final visual outcome.
The WaveLight Allegretto Wave was the very first excimer laser used worldwide to perform a
Wavefront guided LASIK procedure in March 1999 by Professor Theo Seiler, University of Zurich.
The WaveLight laser system was the first laser platform specifically designed for Custom LASIK,
rather than being adapted for Wavefront guided LASIK as with other excimer systems. There are
two proprietary software treatment programs available on the WaveLight Allegretto Excimer laser
system: Prolate and Wavefront. There are a number of very unique features that make the
WaveLight laser system ideal for custom ablation.
“A number of our staff, referring doctors and their families have
all had Wavelight Custom LASIK procedures - that is how
confident we are in this technology. In fact, Dr. Black scheduled
Prof. Theo Seiler with Dr. Machat.
her son for Custom Wavelight on his 18th birthday after
reviewing our preliminary three month clinical results.”
Laser Treatment Options:
Standard Laser procedures treat your “prescription”, that is,
4. Very rapid repetition rate of 200Hz
the degree of nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism as
with glasses and soft contacts
5. Large effective optical zone of 7mm or greater
Prolate WaveLight procedures treat your prescription and
“spherical aberration” which acts as an Anti-Glare treatment for
improved Night Vision.
Wavefront or Custom WaveLight procedures treat
your prescription, spherical aberration and localized irregularities
referred to as “coma” for the highest quality visual potential.
Therefore full Custom WaveLight PRK or LASIK provides the
most optimal treatment pattern, targeting your prescription, the
localized aberrations within your visual system in combination
with the Anti-Glare Prolate profile.
There are a number of very unique features that make the
WaveLight laser system ideal for custom ablation:
1. Flying spot scanning delivery system
2. High quality Gaussian beam profile
6. High frequency infrared eyetracking system (200-600Hz)
7. Wavefront-optimized ablation profiles for Prolate treatments
The small laser spot size is mandatory to produce fine complex
treatment patterns. The rapid repetition rate is vital to maintain
corneal hydration intra-operatively, especially in wavefront guided
procedures with larger optical zones where a prolonged treatment
time could adversely affect the planned treatment profile. A simple
principle in laser refractive surgery is to keep the eye as physiologically
hydrated as possible intra-operatively for a faster visual recovery with
less risk of swelling and epithelial ingrowth. In cases of patients with
night glare, the ability to create a prolate 7mm true effective optical
zone with a 9mm blend zone is highly beneficial. Lastly, the eyetracking response time must be short enough to adequately account
for saccadic eye movement. The Wavelight Allegretto response
time is equal or better than any other excimer laser system without
the need to dilate the pupil, which allows the patient to fixate on
the target light more easily with a faster visual recovery.
3. Small laser spot size of 0.95mm
Standard LASIK
Prolate LASIK
Wavefront LASIK
Coma: Localized
Aberration Treatment
A rapid laser pulse rate of 200 pulses per second is important
when treating larger treatment zones as well as visual
irregularities to maintain the natural hydration status of the
cornea, which produces more predictable clinical
results. The speed of visual recovery is improved
while the incidence of post-operative corneal flap
swelling and epithelial ingrowth is reduced with
faster ablation times as well.
A Gaussian energy beam profile means the beam is
tapered for smoothness but combined with the
0.95mm spot size allows for improved precision.
A true inner effective optical zone capability of 7mm
for reducing spherical aberration combined with a
post-operative prolate corneal shape with
the WaveLight optimizes night vision.
The ability to scan complex ablation patterns with great
precision, therefore a flying spot scanning system with a
laser spot size less than 1mm
is the most versatile.
A sophisticated eye-tracking system which on the WaveLight has a
response time of 5-8 milliseconds, equivalent or better than any other in the
industry, verifying position 1-3 times between each pulse placement. While
the sampling rate may be greater in other systems, it is the response time
that is the crucial factor preventing decentrations. With clinical symptoms
beginning with decentrations of greater than 0.3mm and Wavefront ablation requiring even greater accuracy in the range of 0.2mm, the
WaveLight eyetracker maintains centration within an impressive 0.1mm. The WaveLight eye-tracker automatically locks on the pupillary
center and does not require dilatation of the pupil, making the procedure more comfortable for light-sensitive patients and allowing for a
quicker visual recovery.
At the TLC Custom LASIK Center, new patients
may take advantage of the advanced WaveLight
laser technology today, which we believe provides
the most sophisticated Wavefront guided platform
available worldwide. The Wavelight Allegretto
excimer laser system creates a custom ablation
software program for each eye to produce not
simply the best uncorrected visual results we have
achieved but with the best visual quality. The safety
profile of this laser combined with the superior night
vision achieved have made it our excimer laser
system of choice.
The WaveLight Wavefront Analyzer utilizes the
Tscherning principle of “retinal” aberrometry, in
contrast to Hartmann-Shack analysis which is based
upon what is termed “outgoing” aberrometry used by
most laser systems. The very sophisticated internal
fundus camera within the WaveLight aberrometer,
measures visual aberrations at the level of the
macula for reproducible Wavefront refractive and
higher order aberration data, even in most postrefractive surgery eyes. WaveLight is only one of
two Excimer laser manufacturers worldwide to
have developed this type of Wavefront analyzer
based upon the original work by Professor Theo
Seiler who performed the first Wavefront guided
LASIK procedure worldwide in March 1999.
The WaveLight laser platform was introduced to the TLC Custom LASIK Center in the Summer 2001 and we have been very
impressed with the safety and efficacy of this laser system. The WaveLight Wavefront analysis system is highly capable
of mapping a variety of complex visual aberrations, and clinical analysis of our first series of patients demonstrated a true
reduction in both spherical aberration and coma post-operatively following Custom LASIK, which routinely doubles or
triples following non-Custom LASIK.
Certainly, the subjective clinical results have been outstanding with
superior day and night vision reported by our patients, however
we have been most impressed with the safety profile of Custom
and Prolate WaveLight.
In our first series of 350 eyes, no patients have lost any best corrected
vision (BCVA) and two-thirds have gained vision beyond their presurgery vision with glasses or contact lenses.
Furthermore, none of the WaveLight patients in our series experienced
any significant night glare. In summary, the WaveLight Prolate and
Custom treatments reduced the risk of healing and laser related side
effects and complications. We feel that the reduced risk is primarily
due to the eyetracking capabilities and proprietary laser patterns of
the WaveLight laser system.
The Wavelight Allegretto excimer laser system with the Custom
Wavefront program produces not only the best quantitative
uncorrected visual results we have achieved in a decade but with
the best visual quality. Most importantly, the safety profile of this
laser combined with the superior night vision achieved has made it
our excimer laser system of choice for most patients.
The preliminary clinical highlights of Wavefront Guided LASIK
with the WaveLight Allegretto Wave Excimer Laser System:
64% improved BCVA by 1 or more lines
0% lost BCVA
100% 20/20 or better UCVA with one or more procedures
Range of myopia –1.00 to –9.00D
Total Spherical Aberrations
Pre-op SA
Post-op SA
All treatments done
on the Wavelight
Allegretto Laser
Routine Lasik
Wavefront guided Lasik
The TLC Custom LASIK Center was one of the first handful
of centers in the world equipped with the Bausch & Lomb
Technolas 217Z Zyoptix™ Personalized Vision Correction system.
After having performed the first Zyoptix™ procedure in North
America in March 2000, we completed an intensive preliminary
clinical trial followed by an extensive follow-up protocol to
determine both the safety and effectiveness of Wavefront
guided Zyoptix™. After concluding that both the safety and
effectiveness of Zyoptix™ were superior to PlanoScan, our noncustom platform, we began to offer Zyoptix™ to all our patients.
Zyoptix™ integrates both the OrbScan IIz multidimensional
corneal analysis system and the ZyWave™ Hartmann-Shack
based Wavefront Analyzer. Zyoptix™ is currently is the most
commonly used Wavefront platform internationally.
The Technolas 217Z utilizes a 2mm and 1mm laser spot size to create the custom corneal treatment pattern. The flying spot scanning
system operates at 50Hz and the spot size is adjusted and controlled through the patented Z-card. The 120Hz upgraded video based
eyetracking system monitors the eye throughout the treatment protocol. The 2mm laser spot size is used to rapidly treat the refractive
error, while in the second step, the 1mm precision beam corrects the localized aberrations, smooths the corneal surface and creates the
prolate corneal shape as determined by the ZyWave™ Wavefront map.
With the next generation of Zyoptix™, expected in late 2002, we expect the benefits of the Zyoptix™ Personalized Vision Correction
system to be substantially increased.
Zyoptix ™ clinical results at
Custom LASIK Center:
Clinical study:
Data based on 134 eyes after 1 or more procedures
with 6 month followup
89% 20/20 or better
98% 20/25 or better
0% lost any BCVA
54% gained one or more lines of BCVA
no reported night glare
Reduced spherical aberration with
ZYOPTIX ™ for improved night vision
PreOp spherical
PostOp spherical
Visx STAR S3
The Visx STAR S3 is the most widely used Excimer laser system in
North America. Our international Visx S3 system is equipped with
the ActiveTrak 3D eyetracking system, and is not only capable of
performing topographically guided custom ablation with the integrated
C-Cap software but is also linked to their WaveScan system for
Wavefront guided ablations. The C-Cap program utilizes data from
the Humphrey Topographical Analysis system to create a customized
treatment plan for both new patients and those with post-refractive
surgery healing complications. The WaveScan Wavefront system was
developed by Professor Josef Bille, considered the father of modern
Wavefront Technology and the inventor of the adaptive optics
WaveScan system. The WaveScan Analysis system produces a Waveprint
map utilizing the Hartmann-Shack system, which essentially
“fingerprints” the visual aberrations within your visual system. The
Waveprint map can then be used to create both a treatment template
for true Custom PRK and LASIK or a PreVue lens. The PreVue lens is
a plastic disc lasered with your custom treatment which when viewed
through, simulates your expected, but not guaranteed, postsurgical visual result. The Visx S3 utilizes a variable laser spot size
ranging from 0.65mm to 6.5mm to create a variety of complex
ablation profiles which minimize corneal tissue removal. The rotating
seven beam array, scans the corneal surface producing a very smooth
surface which can be blended out to 8.0mm to help reduce night
glare. Early FDA trial data from the Visx WaveScan system is
extremely promising and we expect to further develop the Custom
applications utilizing our extensive experience and the Tracey
Visual Function Analyzer.
Eyetracking technology with three scanning lasers provides the ability
to lock on the cornea and factor out patient eye movement. It is not
only reassuring for patients but vital in achieving superior visual results.
Features of the Star S3:
1. Variable-shape beams ranging in size from .65 to 6.5 mm are scanned allowing
personalized refractive treatments. The beam size is adjusted according to
treatment to minimize corneal tissue removal.
2. ActiveTrak 3D eye tracking tracks an undilated pupil in all 3 dimensions of
intra-operative eye movements
3. Ablation Zones which blend out to 8mm
4. Compatible with the WaveScan Wavefront System which provides personalized
wavefront refractive data
The LaserSight ASTRAScan is a highly versatile flying spot scanning
laser system utilizing the smallest laser spot size of only 0.8mm
combined with the lowest and most refined laser fluence of 90mj/cm2
for the greatest precision capabilities of any laser system worldwide.
The laser repetition rate of 200Hz is equaled to the high speed infrared
eyetracking system which also operates at 200 Hz, checking the eye
position 200 times per second between each laser pulse placement.
The true effective optical zone extends to 8mm with the potential
to create the largest treatment profile of any laser system.
The LaserSight ASTRAScan utilizes both CIPTA® custom ablation
software and ASTRAPro® custom ablation software based upon
true elevation data. The AstraMax developed by LaserSight is a
multidimensional corneal analysis system which produces true height
elevation and asphericity data which can
be used in conjunction with both custom
software systems. Both CIPTA® and
ASTRAPro® create Prolate shaped corneal
surfaces to improve visual quality and
provide correction of spherical aberration
for improved Night Vision. Both custom
software programs can be utilized for
either new or complicated post-refractive
surgery patients. For patients with thinner
corneas or higher prescriptions CIPTA®
and ASTRAPro® remove less tissue than
standard programs and can be used with
W H AT ’ S N E X T
Using an ultrashort pulsed laser system the Pulsion FS from Intralase is capable of
creating a safer and more precise corneal flap, both in quality and thickness. Each
pulse of the Pulsion FS laser lasts approximately 100 femtoseconds. In one second,
light travels 7.5 times around the world, in 100 femtoseconds light travels only
across a human hair. The femtosecond laser virtually eliminates the risk of epithelial
ingrowth, epithelial defects, as well as corneal flap complications such as free caps,
button-holed flaps, incomplete and irregular flaps. As Dr. Machat’s incidence of
flap complications is less than 1/1000, the benefit of using an Intralase flap is yet to
be realized. The prolonged visual recovery seen presently with Intralase is one of
the current limitations of the system.
However another benefit is that the corneal flap thickness can be set precisely
within 5 microns, to any diameter and the hinge placement at any location. The
amount of intraocular pressure is reduced in half so patient comfort is improved.
Recuts become much safer and a true 130 micron flap with much higher quality
can be created for higher myopes with limited corneal thickness.
Dr. Machat will be pioneering the combined application of Wavefront technology
and Femtosecond laser technology within the year when the technology reaches the
level that Dr. Machat requires. TLC Custom Lasik Center has already been approved
to be the first center in Canada with this technology.
The true capabilities of this FDA approved laser have yet to be fully realized
for both primary LASIK procedures and complication management.
New patients are scheduled for wavefront-guided LASIK procedures on Thursdays and Fridays, but it is important to note that wavefront analysis
and surgical planning must be completed 1 day to 3 months in advance.
Post-refractive surgery patients are scheduled on Mondays and Tuesdays for consultation, testing and possible retreatment surgery. In general, a
complex case form must be completed and forwarded to our facility for review prior to scheduling and an information package will be sent out
which includes a clinical update, informed consent forms as well as scheduling details, hotel and travel information. Patients should recognize
that it is only following consultation and testing that surgical planning decisions can be made and it is possible that no surgery will be performed,
surgery is recommended but at a later date, surgery is performed the following day on one eye or both eyes. Other surgical and non-surgical
options will also be offered including those available at other TLC and non-TLC centers.
Telephone Numbers:
For Scheduling:
Susan Achal, Director of Patient Care
Anna, Patient Consultant - fluent in English and Italian
Ellen, Patient Consultant - fluent in Mandarin and Cantonese
Fax Number:
WEB Site:
Refractive surgery complications can be divided into those which
are surgically induced and managed and those which are healing
or ablation related and typically require further laser retreatment.
Examples of surgical complications would be:
1. Corneal flap striae or displacement
2. Epithelial Ingrowth
3. Diffuse Lamellar Keratitis
4. Corneal flap irregularities: button hole flap, free cap, short flap, thin flap
Post-op striae before treatment.
Examples of healing and ablation related complications are:
1. Topographical abnormalities: decentrations, central islands, pennisulas
2. Spherical aberrations: night glare, halos, star-bursting, ghosting
3. Irregular astigmatism: loss of best corrected spectacle vision
Post-op striae after treatment by Dr. Machat.
AstraMax Topographical Analyzer
For topographically linked retreatments, the LaserSight LSX laser
is our system of choice for post-refractive surgery topographical
abnormalities. It should be understood however that the
diagnostic analysis is what determines the final treatment method
of choice recommended to any individual patient.
The LSX laser system possesses certain features ideal for the
post-refractive surgery patient for higher quality visual results:
1. Laser spot size 0.8mm
2. Repetition rate 200 Hz
3. Eyetracking technology exceeding saccadic eye
movement with automatic centration (no dilatation)
4. True Effective Optical Zones up to 8mm with blend
zones of 10mm
5. Prolate cornea with planned aspheric treatment
utilizing CIPTA software
The LSX laser equipped with CIPTA software utilizes true
elevation data to create an idealized aspheric curve on the cornea,
reducing and in many cases eliminating corneal abnormalities.
Over 1000 cases have been performed in Italy and at other sites in
Europe with impressive success. The computer software calculates
the most ideal optical and transition zones based upon pupil size
in both light and dark conditions while minimizing ablation depth
for any refractive error treatment.
40% of Dr. Machat’s patient practice is
correcting visual problems from across
North America following RK, PRK and
LASIK. The photos on the right depict a
post-operative patient that we have
been able to treat using the WaveLight
Restoring prolate corneal shape
Allegretto Wave Laser to restore his
night vision.
Reducing spherical aberrations with
Wavefront to restore Night Vision
The Wavefront device now used at BCE Place, only one of two
in North America, is capable of not only performing complex
visual functional analysis but contrast sensitivity graphic
analysis as depicted in a point spread function. It has a myriad
of unique capabilities:
• Wavefront analysis of normal eyes
• Wavefront analysis of irregular cornea
• Non-orthogonal Astigmatic axis
• Contrast Sensitivity assessment
• Ablation profile mapping
• Serial Tear Film assessment
Increasing Sophistication
Hartmann Shack
Increasing Sophistication
Key Points
• Wavefront technology is superior for retreatment of qualitative
post-refractive surgery visual problems
• Night glare correction is most accurate at this time, certain
topographically abnormalities also are readily treatable
• Reliable wavefront data only can be obtained in 60-70% of
complex eyes presently
• The future of combining raytracing wavefront data and
topographical data will be most effective for irregular astigmatism
• It is felt that a Tracey Ray Tracing Wavefront laser link will
be able to treat 100% of problems but it is still in development
(late 2002/early 2003)
• Corneal tissue limitations are the primary concern to maintain
long-term corneal stability and integrity
• Visual recovery following retreatment is SLOWER, taking
up to 6 months, due to tissue response variability
A few of the optometrists that Dr. Machat
has treated includes: Dr. Upen Kawale,
Dr. Mimmo Gagliardi, Dr. Albert Ng,
Dr. Joe Elmalem, Dr. Susana Sebestyen,
Dr. Casey Tepperman
Ken Perry
Drag Race Car Driver
Professional Model
Brian W. Chong, MD
Chief, Neuroradiology, University of Utah
Paul Gentilozzi, Professional
Race Car Driver
Elaine Larsen,
Professional Drag Racer
Alex Castellvi,
Professional Baseball Player
Ken Perry,
Professional Golfer
Dr. Jeff Machat
Tony Galea,
Team Doctor for
Canadian Olympic team
at Nagano, Japan
C.J. Deere,
Canadian Navy Diver & Pilot
181 Bay Street · Toronto, Ontario, Canada · (416) 362-2SEE (2733) · 1-866-BCE-2020
Dr. Machat, major contributor and
chairman of the capital campaign for
the Daily Bread Food Bank 2001/2002.