BCCI International Symposium Proceeedings April 27-28
BCCI International Symposium Proceeedings April 27-28
Greater Mekong Subregion Dawood Ghaznavi, Chief Operating Officer GMS Environment Operations Center 23rd Floor, The Offices at Central World 999/9 Rama 1 Road, Pathumwan Bangkok 10330, Thailand Tel +66 2 207 4444 Fax +66 2 207 4400 E-mail: gmscep@adb.org Website: www.gms-eoc.org International Symposium Proceedings 27-28 April 2006, Bangkok Core Environment Program Urooj Malik, Director Javed Hussain Mir, Senior Natural Resources Specialist Agriculture, Environment and Natural Resources Division Southeast Asia Department Asian Development Bank 6 ADB Avenue, Mandaluyong City 1550 Metro Manila, Philippines Tel +63 2 632 6234 Fax +63 2 636 2231 Biodiversity Conservation Corridors Initiative Contact Information Biodiversity Conservation Corridors Initiative International Symposium Proceedings 27-28 April 2006, Bangkok Greater Mekong Subregion Core Environment Program Biodiversity Conservation Corridors Initiative International Symposium Proceedings 27-28 April 2006, Bangkok Organized by the Greater Mekong Subregion Environment Operations Center Edited by Jeremy Carew-Reid, Rachel Salazar, and Sylvia Spring . i Copyright © 2007 Asian Development Bank All rights reserved This publication was prepared by staff and consultants of Asian Development Bank. The analyses and assessments contained herein do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Asian Development Bank, or its Board of Governors or the governments they represent. The Asian Development Bank does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this publication and accepts no responsibility for any consequences of their use. Use of the term “country” does not imply any judgment by the authors or the Asian Development Bank as to the legal or other status of any territorial entity. Printing by Clung Wicha Press Co., Ltd., Thailand April 2007 - 2,000 Print on paper made from fast-growing plantation trees using elemental chlorine-free bleaching processes. ii . BCI International Symposium Proceedings Contents Foreword vii Acronyms & Abbreviations ix Symposium Agenda 1 1. Welcome Remarks Monthip Sritana Tabucanon 5 2. Opening Remarks Arjun Thapan 7 3. Conservation of Biodiversity in the GMS - Overview Jeremy Carew-Reid 8 Plenary Session 4. Landscape Mosaics: Integrating Forest Management and Environmental Services in Tropical Landscapes Markku Kanninen 25 5. Managing the Environment for Development and to Sustain Pro-Poor Growth Stephen Bass and Paul Steele 26 6. Potential Impacts of Climate Change and Regional Air Pollution on Terrestrial Biodiversity and Landscape Use Frank Murray 36 7. Upstream, Downstream: How New York City Saves Millions of Dollars by Paying Upstream Communities to Protect the Natural Water Filtration Qualities of the Catskill/Delaware Watershed Mark Kasman 42 PANEL 1: Ecosystems Connectivity and Biodiversity 8. Current Status of Biodiversity in the GMS Countries, with a Particular Focus on the Pilot Sites of the Biodiversity Conservation Corridors Initiative Andrew (Jack) Tordoff 49 9. Biodiversity Loss in Xishuangbanna with the Changes of Land Use and Land Cover over 27 Years Zhu H., Li H.M., Ma Y.X. 69 10. The Great Green Triangle: An Integrated Approach Towards Regional Planning and Biodiversity Conservation in the PRC/Lao PDR/Viet Nam Border Region David Wescott and Jin Chen 72 11. Watershed Management in the Yangtze, Mekong, and Salween Rivers Marc Goichot 77 12. Wetland Connectivity and Fish Migration in the Lower Mekong Basin Poulsen A.F., Ouch Poeu, Sintavong Viravong, Ubolratana Suntornratana, Nguyen Thanh Tung and Barlow, C. 90 . Contents iii Contents (continued) 13. Analyzing the Impacts of the GMS Biodiversity Conservation Corridors Initiative: A Toolkit of Policy Relevant Indicators and Models Ben ten Brink, Tonnie Tekelenburg, Rob Alkemade, Mireille de Heer, Fleur Smout, Michel Bakkenes, Jan Clement, Mark van Oorschot, Jan Janse 98 14. Transport Infrastructure and Wildlife Trade Conduits in the GMS: Regulating Illegal and Unsustainable Wildlife Trade Chris R. Shepherd, James Compton and Sulma Warne 107 15. Northern Plains Landscape Conservation - Cambodia Tom Clements 113 16. Photo-Monitoring of Changes in Biodiversity in Yunnan Province, People’s Republic of China Jim R. Lassoie, Robert K. Moseley 121 PANEL 2: Local Livelihoods and Poverty Reduction in Biodiversity Corridors 17. Questioning Traditional Livelihood Models: Lessons Learned from Cardamom Mountains Pilot Project (CADP) Cambodia Suwanna Gauntlett 137 18. A Biofuels-based Livelihoods Strategy: Energy Trees for Electricity, Transport, and Climate Change. Field Experiences from Asia and Africa Emmanuel D’Silva 146 19. Raising Rural Incomes while Conserving the Environment, Non-Timber Forest Products, Specialty Agriculture Products, and Compatible Enterprise Development in Cambodia and Viet Nam Maureen DeCoursey 149 20. Linking Communities to Employment Opportunities and Markets: Policy and Institutional Design Aspects Ewald Rametsteiner 156 21. Non-Timber Forest Products and Rural Livelihoods in Lao PDR: Reducing Poverty through Forest Development and Conservation Interventions Andrew W. Ingles, Sounthone Kethphanh, and Andy S. Inglis 166 PANEL 3: Climate Change and Biodiversity Corridors 22. Interrelationship between Climate Change, Urban Air Quality and Impacts Inside and Outside Cities: Rationale for Addressing Air Pollution and GHG Emissions Cornie Huizenga and May Ajero 179 23. Air Pollution and Ecosystem: Assessment of Effects of Ground Level Ozone on Agricultural Crops in Asia 187 Nguyen Thi Kim Oanh, Dinh Thi Hai Van, and Le Hoang Nghiem 24. Climate Change and Consequent Impacts in the Mekong River Basin Hans Guttman 190 25. Addressing Vulnerability to Climate Variability and Climate Change: An Integrated Modeling System Satya Priya, Murthy Bachu, Annes Hassankunju, and Sridhar Gummadi 198 iv . BCI International Symposium Proceedings Contents (continued) PANEL 4: Sustainable Financing and Biodiversity Corridors 26. Nature-based Tourism as a Funding Mechanism for Protected Areas and Biodiversity Conservation: Plans and Opportunities in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic Paul Rogers 209 27. Payment for Environmental Services - Lessons Learned from a Diagnostic Study in the People’s Republic of China Zuo Ting, Jin Leshan, Li Xiaoyun 223 28. Payments for Environmental Services: a Pathway out of Poverty? Katherine Warner 227 29. Impact Monitoring for Watershed Management Christoph Feldkötter 231 APPENDIX 1: Participants List 239 . Contents v vi . BCI International Symposium Proceedings Foreword The best way to address the growing transboundary aspects of natural resource management and biodiversity conservation challenges in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) will be through intensive and well-focused collaboration involving the governments of the region, organizations of civil society, and the private sector. In early 2006, the Asian Development Bank with support from the Governments of Netherlands and Sweden launched the GMS Core Environment Program (CEP) and its flagship component—the Biodiversity Conservation Corridors Initiative (BCI). The CEP-BCI is a 10-year program to be implemented in three phases through various collaborative arrangements with state and non-state implementing partners. Also early in 2006, the GMS Environment Operations Center (EOC) was established to coordinate and facilitate the implementation of the CEP-BCI and serve as the Secretariat to the Working Group on Environment (WGE). The WGE has been the focal point for environmental interventions under the GMS Economic Cooperation Program. The launch of the CEP-BCI and the establishment of the EOC are important steps forward in evolving long-term institutional arrangements for subregional environmental management in the GMS. The long-term vision of the program is to establish subregional environmental protocols on environmental safeguards and codes of practice for development sectors, on environmental assessment and monitoring procedures, and on management of a subregional network of protected areas and biodiversity corridors linking them. The key concern in landscape approaches is the widespread fragmentation problem that needs to be addressed urgently in the GMS. The BCI focuses on establishing connectivity between fragmented protected areas using linear or stepping stone corridors and forest restoration in agreement with community needs for sound land management regimes. It also entails promoting increased participation of local communities in managing local natural resources and benefiting from these in a sustainable manner. Above all, the CEP-BCI program aims at finding ways and means to increase cash and non-cash benefits for poor households inhabiting remote and rural mountainous areas, which form the major backbone of the remaining rich biodiversity landscapes in the GMS. We hope that lessons learned and experience from implementing the CEP-BCI will move us steadily toward achieving our vision. The GMS countries have lent strong support in the formulation of the Biodiversity Conservation Corridors Initiative as well as in its implementation arrangements. The first symposium of the BCI family has taken place—and these proceedings emanating from that Symposium is a benchmark of our thinking at the outset of the CEP. It is a rich source of information, viewpoints, and priorities for biodiversity conservation action in the GMS. This gathering and others like it will enable us to maintain close working linkages between the pilot site teams, the lead government agencies and the international community—and over time, to form a sharp and united front on the best way forward. Urooj Malik Director Agriculture, Environment and Natural Resources Division Southeast Asia Department Asian Development Bank . Foreword vii viii . BCI International Symposium Proceedings Acronyms & Abbreviations ADB Asian Development Bank AFLEG Asian Forest Law Enforcement and Governance AIT Asian Institute of Technology AQM air quality management ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations BCI Biodiversity Conservation Corridors Initiative BMPs Best Manufacturing Practices BINU biodiversity indicators for national use CADP Community Agriculture Development Project CAI-Asia Clean Air Initiative for Asian Cities CALM Conservation Areas through Landscape Management CBD Convention of Biological Diversity CDM Clean Development Mechanism CERs Certified Emissions Reduction units CEPF Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund CEP Core Environment Program CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora CI Conservation International COP Conference of Parties DAP diammonium phosphate DFRC Division of Forest Resource Conservation EAPs environmental action plans EANET Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia EBA Endemic Bird Area EBF Evergreen Broadleaf Forest EFCF Ecological Forest Compensation Fund ENSO El Niño-Southern Oscillation . Acronyms & Abbreviations ix EOC Environment Operations Center EPA Environmental Protection Agency ETCG Ecotourism Technical Cooperation Group FAD Filtration Avoidance Determination FAO Food and Agriculture Organisation FFI Fauna & Flora International GEF Global Environment Facility GHGs greenhouse gas GLOBIO Global Methodology for Mapping Human Impacts on the Biosphere GMS Greater Mekong Subregion IAE Institute of Agricultural Economics IBAs Important Bird Areas ICRAF International Center for Research in Agroforestry ICRISAT International Crop Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics IFC International Finance Commission IIED International Institute for Environment and Development IPTC International Press Telecommunications Council IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IUCN World Conservation Union IWMI International Water Management Institute JANBO Japan Association of New Business Incubation Organizations KBAs Key Biodiversity Areas LDCs least developed countries LMS Lower Mekong Migration System LMP Living Mekong Programme LNTA Lao National Tourism Administration LULUCF land use and land use change and forestry MAF Ministry of Agriculture & Forestry MAFF Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries x . BCI International Symposium Proceedings MARD Ministry of Agriculture & Rural Development MDG Millennium Development Goals MEA Millennium Ecosystem Assessment METI Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry MNP Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency MOA Memorandum of agreement MPDF Mekong Private Sector Development Facility MRB Mekong River Basin MRC Mekong River Commission MSA mean species abundance NAFRI National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute NBCA National Biodiversity Conservation Area NFPP Natural Forest Protection Program NGO nongovernment organization NGPES National Growth and Poverty Eradication Strategy NR nature reserve NTFP non-timber forest product NZAID New Zealand’s International Aid & Development Agency OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OTCs open-top chambers PAFO Provincial Agriculture and Forestry Offices PES payment for environmental services PLUP participatory land use planning PLG Partnership for Local Governance PRAs Participatory Rural Appraisals PRC People’s Republic of China PRS Poverty Reduction Strategy RCSP Regional Cooperation Strategy and Program RCEEE Research Center for Ecological and Environmental Economics . Acronyms & Abbreviations xi SDWA Safe Drinking Water Act SLCP Sloping Land Conversion Program SLURP Semi-distributed Land Use-based Runoff Processes SME small and medium enterprise SNV Netherlands Development Organisation SPM suspended particulate matter SRES Special Report on Emission Scenarios STEA Science Technology and Environment Agency SWEC South West Elephant Corridor SWTR Surface Water Treatment Rule TNC The Nature Conservancy UMS Upper Mekong Migration System UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNEP United Nations Environment Programme UNWTO United Nations World Tourism Organisation UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change USAID United States Agency for International Development WCS Wildlife Conservation Society WCMC World Conservation Monitoring Centre WFP World Food Programme WGE Working Group on Environment WHO World Health Organisation WMO World Meteorological Organisation WWF World Wide Fund for Nature XNR Xishuangbanna Nature Reserve YGRP Yunnan Great Rivers Project YGRPPT Yunnan Great Rivers Project Planning Team xii . BCI International Symposium Proceedings Biodiversity Conservation Corridors Initiative (BCI) International Symposium 27-28 April 2006, Bangkok, Thailand The Science and Practice of Biodiversity Corridors Objectives: • Sharing of experience gained and lessons learned by implementers and practitioners of biodiversity corridors outside the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) with implementers of the Core Environment Program (CEP) • Review pilot site proposals of the GMS BCI in light of lessons learned and experience shared • If necessary and possible, make adjustments in the implementation framework of the GMS BCI based on recommendations of the symposium • Identify potential long-term monitoring outlook for the GMS BCI. AGENDA Theme/Activity Thursday, 27 April 2006 Presenter 08.30 – 08.40 Welcome Remarks Monthip Sriratana Tabucanon, Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) 08.40 – 08.50 Opening Remarks Arjun Thapan, Deputy Director General, Mekong Department, Asian Development Bank (ADB) 08.50 – 09.00 Introduction of participants Javed Hussain Mir, Senior Natural Resources Specialist, ADB 09.00 – 09.15 CEP-BCI: Challenges and Opportunities Urooj Malik, Director, Agriculture, Environment and Natural Resources Division (MKAE), ADB 09.15 – 09.30 Overview of Biodiversity Corridor Pilot Proposals under the GMS Core Environment Program Hasan Moinuddin, BCI Unit Leader 09.30 – 09.45 Break Session I: Ecosystems Connectivity and Biodiversity Corridors 09.45 – 10.00 Landscape Mosaics: Integrating Forest Management and Environmental Services in Tropical Landscapes Markku Kanninen, CIFOR 10.00 – 10.15 Plenary Discussion Facilitator . Agenda 1 Theme/Activity Thursday, 27 April 2006 Presenter Session II: Local Livelihoods and Poverty Reduction in Biodiversity Corridors 10.15 – 10.30 Managing the Environment for Development and to Sustain Pro-Poor Growth Paul Steele, IPS 10.30 – 10.45 Plenary Discussion Facilitator Session III: Climate Change and Biodiversity Corridors 10.45 – 11.00 Potential Impacts of Climate Change and Regional Air Pollution on Biodiversity and Landscape Use Frank Murray, Murdoch University 11.00 – 11.15 Plenary Discussion Facilitator Session IV: Sustainable Financing of Biodiversity Corridors 11.15 – 11.30 Upstream, Downstream: How New York City Saves Millions of Dollars by Paying Upstream Communities to Protect the Natural Water Filtration Qualities of the Catskill/ Delaware Watershed Mark Kasman, US Environment Protection Agency 11.30 – 11.45 Plenary Discussion Facilitator 11.45 – 12.00 Announcements: Panel Discussion Groups Facilitator 12.00 – 13.45 Lunch 13.45 – 17.00 with Break 15.30 – 15.45 Session V: Panel Discussions Panel 1: Ecosystems Connectivity and Biodiversity Discussion Leader: Markku Kanninen The Terai Arc Landscape: A New Paradigm for Chandra Gurung, WWF Nepal Conservation in Nepal Biodiversity Loss in Xishuangbanna with the Changes of Land Use and Land Cover Over 30 Years Zhu Hua, XTBG The Great Green Triangle Project: An Integrated Approach Toward Regional Planning and Biodiversity Conservation in the PRC/Lao PDR/Viet Nam Border Region Chen Jin, XTBG and David Westcott, CSIRO Management of Watersheds of Large Rivers – Marc Goichot, WWF Yangtze, Mekong and Salween 2 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings Thursday, 27 April 2006 13.45 – 17.00 with Break 15.30 – 15.45 Theme/Activity Presenter Wetland Connectivity and Fish Migration Chris Barlow, MRC Current Status of Biodiversity in the GMS Countries, with a particular focus on the pilot sites of the Biodiversity Conservation Corridors Initiative Jack Tordoff, BirdLife International Measuring and Modeling Biodiversity Gains and Losses for Different Socioeconomic and Corridor Options Ben ten Brink, MNP Transport Infrastructure and Wildlife Trade Conduits in the GMS: Regulating Illegal and Unsustainable Wildlife Trade Chris Shepherd, TRAFFIC Session V: Panel Discussions Panel 2: Local Livelihoods and Poverty Reduction in Biodiversity Corridors Discussion Leader: Paul Steele Community Management of Forests and Wetlands for poverty Reduction Khun Chainarong, ONEP A Biofuels-based Livelihoods Strategy: Energy Emmanuel D’Silva, ICRISAT Trees for Electricity, Transport, and Climate Change - Field Experiences from Asia and Africa Raising Rural Incomes while Conserving the Environment: Non-timber Forest Products, Specialty Agriculture Products, and Compatible Enterprise Development Maureen Decoursey, Winrock International Poverty, Health, Governance and Ecosystems: Paul Steele, Institute of Policy Studies An ADB-IUCN Partnership to Improve Knowledge and Address Challenges Linking Communities to Employment Opportunities and Markets: Policy and Institutional Design Aspects Ewald Rametsteiner, IIASA Panel 3: Climate Change and Biodiversity Corridors Discussion Leader: Frank Murray Interrelationship between Climate Change, Urban Air Quality and Impacts Inside and Outside Cities: Rationale for Addressing Air Pollution and GHG Emissions Cornie Huizenga, Clean Air Initiative – Asia . Agenda 3 Theme/Activity Thursday, 27 April 2006 Presenter Air Pollution and Ecosystem: Assessment of Effects of Ground Level Ozone on Agricultural Crops in Asia Nguyen Thi Kim Oanh, AIT Climate Change and Consequent Impacts in the Mekong River Basin Hans Guttman, MRC Addressing Vulnerability to Climate Variability and Climate Change - An Integrated Modeling System (Case Study from India) Satya Priya, RSMI Panel 4: Sustainable Financing and Biodiversity Corridors Discussion Leader: Katherine Warner Sustainable Finance Mechanisms, Protected Area Networks, and Conservation Corridors: Off-setting the Opportunity Costs of Biodiversity Conservation with Tangible Economic Incentives Jim Peters, Winrock International Nature-based Tourism as a Funding Paul Rogers, SNV Mechanism for Protected Areas and Biodiversity Conservation: Plans and Opportunities in the Lao Peoples Democratic Republic Payment for Environmental Services: Lessons Zuo Ting, China Agricultural University Learned from a Diagnostic Study in China Friday, 28 April 2006 08.45 – 10.00 Panel Discussion (part 3) 10.00 – 10.15 Break Discussion Leaders Session VI: Presentation of Panel Reports 10.15 – 11.15 Presentation of Results by Panels 1 – 4 Panel Rapporteurs 11.15 – 11.45 Plenary Discussion Panel Discussion Leaders 11.45 – 12.15 Response by GMS BCI Implementers GMS BCI (5 minutes per GMS country – 30 minutes for 6 GMS countries) 12.15 – 12.30 Closing of Symposium 12.30 Lunch and Departure 4 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings Director, MKAE, ADB 1. Welcome Remarks Dr. Monthip Tabucanon Ladies and gentlemen, It is my great pleasure to welcome you to the first international symposium under the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) Core Environment Program (CEP). I say first, because, in my view, this is the dawn of a new era of international cooperation on environment, both within the region and between the region and the wider global community. We will be seeing regular symposiums of this kind under the CEP, nurturing debate and discussion on environmental problems facing us and generating new ideas and strategies for addressing them. It is a special pleasure for me to open this symposium because Thailand has had the honor of hosting a series of important regional meetings over the past few days. We have launched the CEP and formally opened the GMS Environment Operations Center—both significant steps in cementing working ties between countries of the region to safeguard their shared natural systems and to maintain environmental quality. In the Environment Operations Center, we now have a permanent and focused secretariat to support the GMS Working Group on Environment (WGE). Last year, the WGE was 10 years old. It has served a critical function as an advisory body on GMS issues on environment and natural resources management, reporting to the GMS Ministerial Conference and to respective governments. It has promoted exchange of information, built good working relationships, and enabled review of the Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) environmental regional technical assistance programs. Now at its 12th meeting, and the opening of a new decade for the Group, I feel a growing excitement that it is taking on a more influential and proactive role. The WGE is intended to facilitate the implementation of priority GMS environmental projects, and ensure that environmental issues are properly addressed in subregional projects in other sectors, with special emphasis on the large infrastructure projects being developed in the transportation and energy sectors. It was also expected to address the issues regarding harmonization of national environmental legislation and regulations within the GMS. The CEP and the Environment Operations Center now provide the focal mechanism and resources to enable the WGE to better fulfill those roles. The WGE will be successful only if it promotes and works through partnerships. To meet the growing need for strong and proactive environmental management in the GMS, participatory processes embracing the full range of stakeholders are required. As GMS environmental institutional arrangements evolve, so too must the methods and opportunities for participation and the roles of nongovernment organizations (NGOs), community groups, donors, and businesses. This is why the Biodiversity Conservation Corridors Initiative (BCI)—a flagship activity of the CEP— is so important. It is built on partnership between the six Governments of the GMS and between them and other international and national organizations. The BCI pilots demonstrate how all components of the CEP must operate. However, this process is still in its infancy. We are learning how to do it step by step and will need your full support and patience in the coming years in experimenting and getting it right. The first step is to be open to innovative ideas and approaches and to have the capacity and flexibility to test them in meeting real problems on the ground. This symposium and the BCI aim to begin that process of open discussion and piloting. I believe there are very good reasons for emphasizing biodiversity corridors in this early stage of the CEP. We know we must look beyond economic progress to achieve sustainable development. Development must be ecologically sustainable. It is now commonly accepted that there are three principles necessary to making sustainable development work—biodiversity conservation, intergenerational equity, and the precautionary approach. Together, these approaches aim to prevent and reverse adverse impacts of economic and social activities on our GMS ecosystems, while continuing to allow sustainable equitable development. For me, the concept of “biodiversity corridors” summons up notions of linking and integrating . Welcome Remarks 5 conservation and development across landscapes. It recognizes the need to maintain and enhance critical ecosystems for the wider benefits and services they provide. And, it promotes the idea that maintaining the diversity of life intermingled with human communities is the key to achieving stability and quality in our social and economic systems. for technical staff from our six countries to contribute and gain skills and experience. In this context, we may need to explore the options for a regional training center or network of training centers as a key capacity building strategy underlying and feeding into the CEP. We will benefit from your ideas and discussion on this and the other priorities. This symposium aims to move these and other ideas on the essential ingredients for sustainable development forward, toward practical application in our region—one of the most beautiful and diverse in the world. The Government and people of Thailand have a long history of involvement in environmental management and biodiversity conservation. We have launched initiatives to reforest degraded land, to improve air and water quality, adopt energy efficient technologies, and invest in air pollution abatement schemes. We have also done well in terms of formulating and subsequently refining policy and institutional frameworks for biodiversity conservation. However, several challenges remain: developing an enabling framework for local participation; arresting overexploitation through appropriate enforcement; and developing mechanisms for financing conservation. These issues are all enduring barriers to development and our success in addressing them will depend a great deal on partnering with other GMS countries and harnessing the best available technology, knowledge, and expertise in the region, and globally. I would like to end my welcoming remarks by identifying three broad priorities for you to consider. The first is the need for transboundary cooperation in the conservation and management of natural systems. This is at the heart of the BCI. Transboundary cooperation is not easy to achieve and there are many economic, political and institutional forces inhibiting it. But when we in the GMS share so many natural systems of importance to our cultural identities, to our growing economies and to our overall security—transboundary cooperation on environment is not a choice, it is a prerequisite to the sustainable development of the GMS. It is for you to advise us on how to achieve it. Second is the need for integration. By that I mean integration of the BCI, its activities, methods, and lessons, with other components of the CEP. And I mean integration of the CEP with other components of the overall GMS development program. The WGE is one of nine sector-based working groups under the GMS economic cooperation program. We must ensure that, in our enthusiasm to progress on our immediate biodiversity goals we do not become isolated from the main forces shaping its use and degradation. We must take action across all the CEP components and seek to connect in active and practical ways with the other sector based working groups. We need to influence and help shape what they are doing. In other words we need to become a central force in shaping GMS development. Third is the need for technical exchange and capacity building within the region. I see the CEP through the Environment Operations Center providing a forum and venue for fresh and expanded opportunities 6 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings So you see, I have put a lot on your shoulders— we need you to help catalyze momentum for this new era of environmental cooperation in the GMS. We in Thailand will do everything possible to support and facilitate your work. Thank you. 2. Opening Remarks Arjun Thapan 2.1 Introduction Dr. Monthip Tabucanon, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us today at the International Symposium on the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) Biodiversity Conservation Corridors Initiative (BCI). I am delighted to see so many of you here. It is doubtless a measure of the sense of urgency that the subject of biodiversity conservation evokes. I presume that many of us here are familiar with the GMS Economic Cooperation Program—or GMS Program, as it is commonly known. For those who are not, I would like to bring to your attention a few key features of the program. 2.2 GMS Program The GMS Program commenced in 1992 seeking to promote economic cooperation between Cambodia, the People’s Republic of China, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Myanmar, Thailand, and Viet Nam. As it grew, the program covered cooperation in several sectors and thematic areas including energy, transport, telecoms, tourism, environment, agriculture, human resources, trade facilitation, and investment. The program adopted a pragmatic approach to regional economic development focused on activities and results rather than on rules. By 1996, much of the infrastructure sector studies and preparations for priority projects were completed. Since then, the program has helped knit the subregion together. Vital infrastructure links have been built; policies to overcome barriers to market and trade expansion, tourism and investment have been designed and are being put in place; and human resource, knowledge and institutional building initiatives have commenced. At the 12th Ministerial Meeting in Dali in 2003, the vision of the First Summit was translated into a threepronged strategy for the Program. These are the three Cs: connectivity, competitiveness, and community. The Second GMS Leaders Summit in Kunming in 2005 reaffirmed this vision and resolved to further enhance the three Cs. It was also at the Kunming Summit where the GMS leaders endorsed the Core Environment Program (CEP), which was developed as a joint initiative of GMS member countries—facilitated by the Asian Development Bank (ADB)—to address the environmental stresses likely to be brought about by subregional integration, especially economic corridor development. 2.3 Economic and biodiversity corridors At the heart of the GMS Program—and ADB’s regional strategy for the Mekong region—are the economic corridors. The corridors induce integration and competitiveness and facilitate trade and investment. However, the increase in production and trade within the geographic spaces influenced by the corridor investments is potentially accompanied by ecosystem fragmentation. As experts in the field, you will share our view that protected areas that were traditionally seen as the first line of defense against the fragmentation problem, are not sufficient to mitigate this problem. Indeed one of the main causes of biodiversity loss in the region is the destruction of habitat, and the fragmentation and impoverishment of the remaining ecosystems. We are concerned that in the absence of anticipatory environmental and natural resource management, the effectiveness of our development interventions and investments could be undermined. This can potentially have serious implications for poverty reduction and sustainable development of the region. The BCI is a response to this concern. Biodiversity corridors are located within the GMS economic corridors so that they contribute to enhancing the developmental impact of the economic corridors in a sustainable way. These corridors are analogous to economic corridors in their functionality: both attempt to increase system scale, connectivity, integration, and efficiency. The BCI aims to address the urgent issue of fragmented landscapes arising from accelerated economic development, and the impact of this fragmentation on biodiversity in the GMS. The biodiversity corridors will attempt to harmonize economic development with conservation, and protect the ecological and . Opening Remarks 7 environmental services that underpin our common and shared development objectives. So, we now have a response that conceptually addresses the challenge. Making it work will require imagination, commitment, and industry. As a first step, your discussions will help in responding to the following: (i) how can BCI better align environmental protection and economic development to promote biodiversity conservation and mitigate against ecosystem fragmentation; (ii) how do we ensure equitable cost and benefit sharing especially with local communities that derive their livelihoods from this biodiversity; and (iii) what are the best options to overcome policy and institutional fragmentation across national boundaries and sectoral jurisdictions. 2.4 Closing In closing, let me say that gatherings such as these invigorate our thinking and help reinforce the intellectual foundations of BCI. To say that the BCI is crucially important for the GMS is not simply to state the obvious. It is to help us concentrate our attention on the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity that is fundamental to the future of the GMS and the welfare of its people. I am sure your discussions will provide BCI a solid foundation to build upon. Thank you and good day. 3. Conservation of Biodiversity in the GMS – Overview Jeremy Carew-Reid Summary A point is reached in the degrading of a natural system when there is no return. Natural processes and relationships have been so disrupted and become so simplified that they are beyond renewal. Many of the elements of biodiversity in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS)—species, ecosystems, and genetic material—are close to that point because of unplanned side effects of escalating economic development. GMS Governments have responded by mounting the Core Environment Program (CEP) overseen by the Working Group on Environment and supported by a permanent secretariat, the Environment Operations Center (EOC). The Biodiversity Conservation Corridors Initiative (BCI) is a flagship of the CEP to be integrated closely with other program components which seek to influence development in the GMS economic corridors and sectors. This paper introduces the CEP and BCI and summarizes the papers presented at the first BCI symposium. The main themes are the role and management of biodiversity corridors, ecologically sustainable livelihoods, the recognition of climate change as one of the most important development challenges facing the region, and the economic value of ecosystem services as the basis for sustainable financing of conservation and local livelihoods. Some papers begin to outline a consistent monitoring and reporting framework for the BCI. 3.1 The GMS as a natural system The GMS is as a natural system. It is a system bound by five shared rivers—the Ayeyarwady, Thanlwin, Chao Phraya, Mekong, Red and Pearl Rivers (Map 3.1). Economic and social development cannot escape this fundamental characteristic of the region—it is a natural system. Over centuries, layers of economic and social patterns of development have grown from it—they have been shaped and determined by its natural capital and potentials. Economic plans and actions must work within the natural system’s ability to regenerate. If they don’t respect those limits, sooner or later GMS development 8 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings will fail. It is beginning to fail now in various hotspots throughout the region. Map 3.1: The GMS as a natural system of five major river basins Signs of development failure in hotspots are sharp inequities, exhausted natural resources, and worsening quality of life for many of the most vulnerable communities. Other signs of failure include diminishing productivity in key economic sectors—where for each unit of investment there is declining output. Most often, the evidence is anecdotal and difficult to interpret—but the evidence from many stories is growing and a clearer picture is emerging. Development within the GMS is proceeding without care for the future—without adequate assessment and safeguards for sustainability, for its impact on other sectors, and for its effects on the poor. 3.2 GMS development beyond nature’s limits There are cases of industries driven to collapse because of exhaustion of the natural resource on which they were based—this occurred for a factory in southern Cambodia dependent on the supply of rattan from Ream National Park. The local communities were the losers. After two years, the foreign company concerned packed up and went elsewhere. There are similar cases in other GMS countries of collapse of industries due to decline in forest products. Those hit hardest are the poor. Fiftytwo percent of Cambodians live within 10 km of forests, while 33% live within 5 km (Forest Sector Review 2004). The quality of the forest, levels of access, and the nature and extent of markets all play critical roles in the benefits poor communities receive from them. Forest products and systems also play an essential role in livelihoods in communities not close to forests, even in urban areas. For example, up to 90% of Cambodians depend on fuel wood for cooking. The smallest fluctuation in the availability and price of fuel wood has far reaching impacts on the poor throughout the country, and market forces tend to work against them. As the quality of natural systems degrades, the cost of accessing resources is rising. The returns for input of labor are reducing. The poor may harvest the resources but the principle beneficiaries are those high in the market chain. The poor move closer and closer to the forest and water bodies, and work harder to exploit them, but benefits are not increasing proportionally. The links between biodiversity and fisheries are also immediate. Reduced biodiversity will lead to loss of livelihoods and unfavorable socioeconomic impacts (Coates et. Al. 2003). Fishing in the Mekong and in other rivers of the region is not the problem—but the high impact of other sectors on aquatic biodiversity. The signs of biodiversity loss are apparent—Mekong fishers are reporting a significant reduction in the size of fish caught—the larger migratory species are under threat. And in some intensively developed areas, catch per unit effort is declining. Coastal fisheries have collapsed throughout the region. Maintenance of water bodies and associated wetlands is a key to maintaining capture fisheries and overall GMS socioeconomic development. These wet areas include upland tributaries and related systems of streams, reservoirs and headwaters; lowland river channels and lakes; permanently and seasonally . Conservation of Biodiversity in the GMS – Overview 9 inundated wetlands associated with seasonal rainfall and the annual inundation of floodplains, rivers deltas, estuarine and mangrove systems, and in coastal waters, coral reefs and sea grass areas. Decline in water accessibility and quality affects most sectors. When the Mekong mainstream was interrupted for a week due to construction of a dam in Yunnan Province, People’s Republic of China (PRC), all vessels over 20 tons in Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR), were stranded on the riverbed. Water transport, irrigation, drinking water, and water supply to industry all contribute to local and national economies. In the GMS, many of these essential natural system-livelihood links are being severed or weakened by unwise investment and economic policy applied without knowledge of its socioeconomic and sustainability implications. An outstanding example is the increasing incidence and severity of flooding and drought in various parts of the region. It is known, although not fully understood, that forest loss and degradation of watersheds has disrupted natural water regulation increasing peaks and troughs in water flow. In Cambodia, the floods in 2000 cost $156 million in damage. In 2001, again the floods struck affecting over 1.6 million people in 12 provinces. The flooding destroyed homes, infrastructure, and crops. There is mounting evidence to show that the intensity of flooding events is due in large part to development which has reduced river channels and raised riverbeds, obstructed natural drainage systems, reclaimed flood plains and wetlands, expanded urban and residential areas in sensitive areas and cleared natural forest (ESCAP 2002). Then in 2003, drought struck many areas of the country, which severely affected fishing yields. In February 2004, the end of the peak season for the licensed bag net fishery operators, catches were reported at one-seventh the level of the previous year. The Mekong River Commission (MRC) is predicting that serious food security and water conflicts will result if these intense drought and flood events continue. The first and most seriously to be affected will be those 35% of the population which are most vulnerable because of their direct reliance on natural products and systems. These examples show that in many areas the form and scale of development in the region is continuing beyond the replenishment rate of natural capital. It is drawing down heavily on nature’s reserves with unknown and unplanned long-term consequences. 3.3 Scale of GMS economic development In the 10 years since 1995, the GMS has grown in population from 240 million to 300 million, and gross regional product has grown from some $250 billion to over $400 billion. A Strategic Framework for the cooperative development of the GMS was adopted by the 10th GMS Ministerial Conference in November 2001. It is implemented through periodic plans which promote infrastructure linkages and cross-border trade and investment. For the period 2003-2006, 40 investment and technical assistance projects amounting to about $10-15 billion are designated for priority implementation.1 Key to the strategy are three economic corridors–“northsouth,” “east-west” and “southern”—in which infrastructure development is linked directly with trade, investment, and production opportunities (Map 3.2). The corridors involve five transport routes crossing and linking the GMS countries in various combinations. They are the focus of major transport system projects and both subregional and bilateral agreements on trade, power interconnection and generation, tourism, and telecommunications. All are associated with a wave of targeted investment. Total transformation of the economies and the environment of the GMS is underway. Much of this development is proceeding without adequate environmental assessment and mitigation. Once again anecdotes from local areas provide an insight into the full extent of this wave of investment. The development of the three GMS economic corridors is facilitated through the establishment of distribution centers which link the network of existing roads to each corridor. The centers include provision of warehousing, vehicle servicing, and a range of secondary enterprises. Often they are in remote areas of remaining forests populated by poor minority groups. They have far reaching social and environment effects. For example, a new distribution center connecting to the North South Economic 1 The content of the development matrix is included in ADB’s Regional Cooperation Strategy and Program 2004-2008: The GMS – Beyond Borders (RCSP). 10 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings Map 3.2: The GMS economic corridors was recognized by the GMS Governments. Since its creation in 1995, the GMS Working Group on Environment (WGE) had played a useful role in sharing information, reviewing the technical assistance program of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), and providing policy guidance. But it remained the least influential of the network of working groups set up to oversee the GMS development program. It had no permanent secretariat and no program of its own. A 2004 options paper prepared for the WGE proposed the evolution of the WGE to a more proactive and influential body and the adoption of a GMS Core Environment Program as its main operational mechanism (GMS WGE 2004). The logic was spelt out like this: Corridor in Phitsanoulouk, Thailand, now attracts a flow of 700 trucks each day. There are plans for the corridor to link with Malaysia and Singapore which will multiply the traffic load at the center several times. The warehousing and service facilities will attract many migrants seeking to work leading to further expansion and multiplier impacts. This is one of many examples which are now coming to light of the unplanned side effects of “connectivity” as massive investment flows continue to build momentum. 3.4 The need for a permanent GMS environment organization It is against this backdrop of mounting pressure on natural capital that the urgent need for a permanent environment body and regional environment program • The planned economic transformation of the GMS has significant environmental implications. • The GMS governments and their development partners must consider a more proactive approach to ensure ecologically sustainable development of the region. • The environmental projects outlined in the GMS development matrix, while important, are unlikely to be sufficient. • Continued development of national environmental capacities is important, but also unlikely to be sufficient. • As the GMS now enters its second decade of development a great opportunity exists for the WGE to progressively evolve by taking on a more proactive role in shifting the GMS development to a sustainable path. • The WGE will need to change significantly to meet this challenge. • Postponement of this reform opportunity will mean inevitable environmental damage, loss of crucial ecosystem services, and threaten the sustainable future of the region. The paper proposes steps in WGE development as an institution with increasing levels of capacity and autonomy. The WGE will “gradually shift from a program review forum to a proactive permanent body responsible for shaping development of the subregion from the earliest stages of planning, through implementation, monitoring and reporting on performance, and ultimately take on a role in enforcement” under some form of regional environmental agreement (GMS WGE . Conservation of Biodiversity in the GMS – Overview 11 2004). As a first step, the establishment of an Environment Operations Centre was proposed to act as the technical secretariat to the WGE. Establishment of the EOC to support the WGE and the implementation of its Core Environment Program were endorsed at subsequent meetings of the WGE and then at a GMS Environment Ministers’ Meeting in Shanghai (May 2005)2 and the 2nd GMS Summit of Leaders held in Kunming (July 2005).3 3.5 GMS Core Environment Program – a response to mounting environmental challenges The Core Environment Program aims to conserve the GMS as a natural system for the ecosystem products and services it provides. It focuses on the most important actions over the next 10 years to change the quality of GMS economic development so that it is ecologically sustainable. The GMS CEP aims to: secure critical ecosystems and environmental quality in the GMS Economic Corridors and that economic development in all sectors proceeds in a sustainable manner; (ii) conserve biodiversity within protected areas and in corridors linking them; (iii) integrate the environment into national and subregional development planning and adapt, adopt, and apply environmental performance indicators to measure progress in shifting development to a sustainable path; (iv) establish a secretariat to provide full-time support to the WGE in implementing the CEP and build effective institutional arrangements and policy frameworks for transboundary environmental management and sustainable natural resource use; and (v) define and implement sustainable financing strategies to conserve the natural systems of the GMS. (i) 2 Joint Ministerial Statement, Meeting of the GMS Environment Ministers, 25 May 2005, Shanghai PRC, para 9: “...we endorse the launching of the GMS Core Environment Program and the establishment of the Environment Operations Center for its implementation by early 2006.” 3 Kunming Declaration July 2005. 12 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings The CEP operates at five levels of collaborative action: (i) the region as a whole; (ii) the economic corridors connecting two or more countries; (iii) the national level; (iv) within individual investment sectors; and (v) specific shared landscapes where natural systems and biodiversity are of greatest importance to GMS development. In the economic corridors, the intention is to identify critical natural systems and detail the specific benefits these natural assets bring to local and regional development. It will examine the cumulative effects of proposed development plans on natural capital and help implement safeguard plans to minimize the impact of planned development on specific ecosystems. For each of the economic sectors, the CEP will assess the impact of plans and investments on natural and social systems and build environmental codes of practice to maintain ecosystem services and sector productivity. The CEP’s biodiversity corridors work was identified as a flagship activity by GMS Governments in their Kunming Declaration. Building on the existing network of the protected areas in the GMS, the CEP aims to restore ecological connectivity and integrity in a selected set of important biodiversity landscapes. 3.6 The biodiversity conservation corridors initiative Biodiversity corridors are areas of habitat that provide functional linkages between protected areas to (i) conserve habitat for species movement and for the maintenance of viable populations, (ii) conserve and restore ecosystem services, and (iii) enhance local community welfare through the conservation and sustainable use of natural resources. Biodiversity corridors are similar to economic corridors in their objectives: both attempt to increase system connectivity, economies of scale, integration, and efficiency. Biodiversity corridors do so through rehabilitation, conservation, and sustainable use and by internalizing biodiversity products and services in the development planning process.4 4 For more information see GMS Biodiversity Conservation and Corridors Initiative Strategic Framework and Technical Assessment. The purpose of the BCI is to establish sustainable management regimes for restoring ecological connectivity and integrity in selected corridors. Those regimes include the provision of natural resource goods and services that contribute to improving livelihoods of peoples living in and around the corridors. The BCI pilot projects in each corridor will lead to: • poverty alleviation through sustainable use of natural resources and development of livelihoods; • definition of optimal land uses and harmonized land management regimes; • restoration and maintenance of ecosystem connectivity; • capacity building in local communities and government staff; and • sustainable financing mechanisms and structures integrated with government planning and budgeting procedures. Pilot sites for demonstrating the corridor approach: The GMS Governments then identified seven pilot sites within six of the nine biodiversity landscapes for implementation of site-level activities during the first phase of the BCI (2006-2008) (Map 3.3). These are smaller areas with high potential to demonstrate the value of corridor management approaches that need to be applied across all nine landscapes. Jack Tordoff describes the attributes of the seven pilot sites in his paper in this volume (paper 8). Cambodia shares five of the nine priority biodiversity landscapes. All are affected by GMS economic corridors (East-West 2, South 1). Two pilot sites have been selected to reconnect habitats through corridors in the (i) Cardamom Mountains and (ii) Eastern Plains Dry Forest (Map 3.4). For example, Map 3.5 shows the pilot site in the Cardamom Mountains will include a network of corridors to: Map 3.3: GMS biodiversity landscapes and BCI pilot sites The GMS biodiversity landscapes: As a first step in the BCI, all the information on remaining species and habitats in the GMS was combined and analyzed to identify nine large biodiversity landscapes of greatest importance for conservation (Map 3.3). Those landscapes cross international borders and intersect with the GMS economic corridors. They are the areas which must be kept as far as possible in their natural state for the good of human development and wellbeing in the region. The reservoir of natural capital held in those nine landscapes must be maintained to avoid development failure. The nine landscapes of particularly high biodiversity value in the GMS are the: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Western Forest Complex Tonle Sap Inundation Zone Cardamom Mountains Northern Plains Dry Forest Eastern Plains Dry Forest Tri-Border Forest Central Annamites Northern Annamites Mekong Headwaters . Conservation of Biodiversity in the GMS – Overview 13 • Reconnect northern with southern forests and support livelihood alternatives; • Promote rehabilitation and sustainable use of coastal zone (mangroves); • Buffer from population pressure from the east; and • Ensure strict law enforcement along road 48 to prevent ribbon encroachment. Viet Nam has large shares of three of the GMS biodiversity landscapes. All are affected by GMS economic corridors (East -West 1 and 2). The Ngoc LinhXe Sap Pilot Site has been selected to reconnect habitats in the Central Annamites landscape. The Ho Chi Minh Highway dissects the corridor area. In Yunnan Province, the Xishuangbanna Pilot Site has been selected to reconnect habitats in the Mekong Headwaters. It is affected by the North-South 2 Economic Corridor. Several major roads now cut across protected areas (e.g., Lao PDR has major shares of three GMS biodiversity landscapes. One is affected by the East-West 1 Economic Corridor. The Xe Pian-Dong Hua Sao-Dong Ampham Pilot Site was selected to relink habitats in the Tri-Border Forests of the Central Annamites. The corridor areas are dissected by roads which are now being upgraded (18A, 18B, 1J, 16). Thailand shares one GMS biodiversity landscape with Myanmar (the Western Forest Complex landscape). While relatively isolated from infrastructure development, the region is part of several GMS economic corridors (overlaps with North-South 1 and East- West 1, proximity to East-West 2 and South 1). The Tenasserim Pilot Site Map 3.5: Proposed corridors at the Cardamom Mountains Pilot Site, Cambodia Map 3.4: BCI pilot sites in Cambodia 14 G21353 through Mengyang and Mengla). Map 3.6 shows the proposed corridors at that site are intended to link existing and proposed protected areas. . BCI International Symposium Proceedings Map 3.6: Proposed corridors connecting protected areas at the Xishuangbanna Pilot Site Map 3.7: Proposed corridors in the Tenasserim Pilot Site – Thailand and Myanmar has been selected to reconnect habitats in the Western Forest Complex landscape. The proposed corridors are framed by two major complexes of protected areas in western Thailand—the Western Forest Complex and the Khang Kha Chan Forest Complex in addition to the relatively closed areas controlled by the Royal Thai Army and a Royal Project (Map 3.7). Because of proximity to border and mountainous terrain the proposed 10-15 km corridor has a limited number of access roads. investment in alternative livelihoods and enhancing conservation of natural systems by local people. Many of the most important biodiversity areas are on international borders and require transboundary management responses. The seven pilot sites share a number of common attributes. Population and development pressures go up to and within existing protected areas but there are also significant biodiversity values remaining outside the protected area networks that are fast being depleted. There is a high correlation between poverty incidence and remaining biodiversity wealth and significant potential for poverty reduction through strategic 3.7 The BCI symposium To implement the BCI pilots, coalitions were formed between government environment and natural resource agencies and international conservation organizations working in each country and at the sites. The BCI symposium held in April 2006 in Bangkok was intended to bring this immediate BCI family together with other organizations and specialists from within and outside the GMS. It was the first of planned regular meetings to take stock, discuss critical issues, and chart the future. The specific objectives of the 2006 Symposium were to: . Conservation of Biodiversity in the GMS – Overview 15 • Share experience gained and lessons learned by implementers and practitioners of biodiversity corridors outside the GMS with implementers of the CEP • Review pilot site proposals of the GMS BCI in light of those lessons and experiences • Make adjustments to the implementation framework for the GMS BCI based on recommendations of the symposium, and • Identify a potential long term monitoring outlook for the GMS BCI.5 The remaining sections provide an overview of the papers presented at the symposium and some of the key issues which arose in discussion. 3.8 Overview of BCI symposium papers The symposium had four linked parts which reflect the critical issues facing effective BCI implementation and biodiversity conservation in the GMS overall: (i) biodiversity corridors, (ii) livelihoods, (iii) climate change and (iv) sustainable financing. The presentations, papers, and working groups were divided into these parts. 3.8.1 Biodiversity corridors Jack Tordoff outlines the key biological attributes of each GMS country and looks at the status of species, habitats and ecosystems (paper 8). He paints a pretty grim and urgent picture. Many of fish species characteristic of the five shared rivers are migratory and require the maintenance of intact, large-scale aquatic systems. Most remaining natural habitats have been heavily fragmented and typically persist as isolated patches. In other areas, such as in the Tenasserim Mountains along the border between Myanmar and Thailand and on the plains of northern and eastern Cambodia, large, continuous landscapes of natural habitat remain. But many species are reduced to one or a few sites, with populations numbering in the hundreds or less, and can be considered to be on the verge of extinction. Jack’s paper describes the biodiversity corridors and sets out options for monitoring biodiversity in each of the seven pilot BCI sites. 5 The last objective was picked up in greater detail in a second workshop organized by the EOC on Biodiversity and Socioeconomic Assessments – Harmonization of Approaches in the GMS, 4 – 6 October 2006, Siam City Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand. 16 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings Zhu Hua shows how market forces on just two products are leading to serious biodiversity losses in Xishuangbanna (paper 9). There, clearing for rubber plantations and under-planting with Amomum—commercial plant of ginger family—by local people has lead to decreases in tropical rainforest biodiversity. The high price of rubber is driving the expansion of plantations. The ginger poses a serious, but largely unrecognized, threat to natural regeneration of forests, because gathering of Amomum fruit requires complete clearing of young trees, saplings, seedlings, and shrubs. Zhu identifies the challenges to limiting further expansion, to promoting multi-species agro forestry, and the urgent need for a biodiversity conservation corridor to stabilize the situation. Poulsen A.F., Ouch Poeu and their team review how fisheries in the Mekong River play a critical role in food security for the poorer communities (paper 12). Many commercially important species migrate between flood plains, dry season refuges and spawning areas and it is necessary therefore to maintain connectivity between these areas. Regional cooperation is required to manage the river basin as an ecological unit. In developing economic activities which may impact on the river, planning and management authorities must consider the potential impact on fisheries and related livelihoods of the people who live in the Mekong Basin. The wildlife trade is also a threat to biodiversity in the GMS—It is driven by consumer demand, high profits, low risk of being caught, low deterrents, and increasing ease of access to remote resources. Chris Shepherd and others (paper 14) call for regional cooperation in development of regulations and capacity to enforce them, the development of effective deterrents and cooperation and awareness building between agencies as well as educating and empowering poorer communities to develop sustainable livelihoods. Chen Jin and David Wescott introduce the Great Green Triangle Project which pilots an integrated approach to regional planning and biodiversity conservation in the PRC/Lao PDR/Viet Nam border area (paper 10). The Phongsaly region of northern Lao PDR has high biodiversity values and connects major reserve areas in the PRC, Viet Nam and elsewhere in Lao PDR. The project is demonstrating management that: (i) uses the whole landscape, including areas whose primary land-use is production or extraction, for conservation purposes; (ii) recognizes and incorporates both the productive or extractive values of biodiversity and its services and intrinsic values; and (iii) incorporates people, their livelihoods and their aspirations along with biodiversity conservation goals. In his keynote paper (paper 4), Markku Kanninen also advocates “a whole landscape management process” rather than management for individual goods or services. Marc Goichot reports on the striking contrasts in land-management practices and their associated impacts on freshwater conservation along the Salween, Yangtze, and Mekong Rivers in the PRC. Within the headwaters of the Yangtze, large areas have now been restored through a seven-year, large-scale program (covering 267,000 km2 and costing $600 million) implemented by The Yangtze River Water Conservancy Committee. The Salween is one of the last large free-flowing rivers in the world, although it is subject to a plan to develop largescale hydropower generation. The Mekong is rapidly losing natural condition through unsustainable use and development. Mid-slope areas around human settlements are becoming extremely fragile and susceptible to landslides. Marc stresses the need for emphasis on the role of the upper reaches of these large river systems in maintaining the biological integrity of the entire basin. 3.8.2 Livelihoods WildAid Cambodia has concluded that the only option for conservation of critical natural systems is to wean poor communities off their dependency on direct exploitation of biodiversity (Suwanna Gauntlett, paper 17). Increasing human populations in Koh Kong Province is leading to forest destruction and loss of wildlife. WildAid is testing an agricultural model with poor local communities to allow farmers to relocate to nearby land provided by the government and to become financially self-reliant without clearing forests, hunting, and carrying out other illegal activities in forest concessions and protected areas. Initial results are very encouraging and by 2008, close to 400 families will participate in the scheme. Emmanuel D’Silva agrees that empowering communities to develop sustainable technologies holds the key to the maintenance of natural systems in many areas (paper 18). He describes work carried out in Adilabad district, India and in Niger, West Africa to implement biofuels-based strategies. There the approach has helped to preserve forests by giving forest-dependent communities opportunities for alternative employment and improved living conditions. Raw oils from several species have been used to produce electricity, pump up groundwater, and run farm equipment. Andrew Ingles and others at IUCN present evidence from a pilot village in Northern Lao PDR of significant and sustained improvements in rural livelihoods arising from the management and marketing of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) and forest conservation measures (paper 21). Many households have achieved food security, increased annual cash incomes, and improved health. He calls on the CEP-BCI to learn from this positive experience and support the further scaling-up of the approaches in the Lao PDR pilot. Ewald Rametsteiner reviews the lessons from local level development projects and distills a number of key trends toward integrated landscape approaches, higher importance placed on tailoring methods to local contexts, and an emphasis on building access to markets (paper 20). At the policy level, rules and regulations that protect property rights, enforce contracts, enable market-based competition, set appropriate incentives, and provide access to credit have had most impact. In successful projects, target groups have a sense of “ownership” of ideas and of initiatives. Ewald points out that local people are quite skeptical of new concepts being imposed on them and their way of life. Stephen Bass and Paul Steele advocate what they call “green growth” which is pro-poor through more effective environmental management (paper 5). They identify four main environmental problems that undermine growth and poverty reduction: (i) decline in quantity or quality of natural resources, (ii) degradation of fundamental ecosystem processes, (iii) increased climate-related environmental hazards such as floods and droughts, and (iv) water and air pollution. Those problems are increasingly felt in transboundary situations where cross-border trade may cause over-exploitation . Conservation of Biodiversity in the GMS – Overview 17 of timber or wildlife and growing demands of growth centers for resources such as timber, metals and energy increase environmental pressure throughout the region. They propose three strategies—institutional changes to improve poor people’s access and rights to natural resources, increased private and public investment in the environment, and international partnerships in environmental health, sustainable sector development, and in greening financial markets and private sector. Natural resource versus non natural resource dependent incomes as a way out of poverty was a key theme emerging in livelihoods working session as recorded by Paul Steele. Depending on the context, there may be opportunities to support poor people in generating larger incomes from natural resources (e.g., non timber forest products) or to assist them to move to less natural resource dependent incomes (e.g., commercial farming). The former may be applicable where population pressure is relatively low, the natural resource relatively abundant, and market opportunities relatively unexploited. The latter may be more appropriate where population pressure is high, the natural resource scarce, and the market opportunities limited. 3.8.3 Climate change Human induced climate change is a serious development issue in the GMS—perhaps more than any other as entire natural systems shift and change and local and national economies are disrupted. Frank Murray argues that climate change will soon be the major cause of biodiversity and agricultural losses in the GMS (paper 6) with emissions from the PRC continuing to dominate the region. He cites the International Panel on Climate Change mid-range climate scenarios for 2050 including (i) a general reduction in crop yields, (ii) decreased water availability in waterscarce regions of sub-tropics, (iii) a widespread increase in the risk of flooding, and (iv) increased exposure to vector-borne and water-borne diseases. Frank points out that climate change intensifies the need for biodiversity corridors. It will change the natural limits of species and ecosystems, leading them to alter distribution, where possible. In most cases, ecosystem fragmentation will impede the movement of these plant and animal species. Species with limited climate range or 18 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings restricted habitat are least able to adapt and most vulnerable to extinction. These special influences of climate change challenge assumptions about fencing off areas with high levels of biodiversity as the most effective way to conserve threatened plant and animal species. Cornie Huizenga and May Ajero detail the close linkages between air pollution and climate change in Asia (paper 22). Rather surprisingly, in the decade from 1993, in many cities there were decreases in pollution levels for sulfur dioxide (SO2), total suspended particulate matter (SPM), and fine particulates (PM10). Yet, NO2 levels are gradually increasing and exceed World Health Organization (WHO) standards. Ozone is an emerging pollutant of concern for Asia. Environmental impacts of urban air pollution extend well beyond the cities where air pollution originates. Ozone, which is a secondary pollutant formed from NOx and HC in warm weather conditions, can usually be found in high concentrations 50 to 70 kilometers downwind from the cities. Nguyen Thi Kim Oanh and colleagues conducted a study on the impact of ground ozone on production of rice and peanut crops (paper 23). They found that ozone causes dramatic reductions in productivity. They predict that high levels of ozone from urban and industrial centers in Southeast Asia will adversely affect agricultural crops in the region. Surface ozone is a regional air pollutant growing in concentration. Frank Murray cites other studies that found an increase of 23% in ozone concentration from an ambient level reduces soybean yield by 20%. This concentration is expected to be reached by 2020 in parts of the GMS region. By 2020, increasing ozone concentrations are expected to cause yield losses of 2-16% for wheat, rice, and corn, and 28-35% for soybean. Ozone is known to have severe impacts on biodiversity. Hans Guttman and others describe a modeling study of the impact of climate change on the Mekong River (paper 24). It predicts that the timing and distribution of precipitation will lead to longer dry and shorter, more intense wet seasons all of which will impact on agriculture, flooding, and fisheries. Satya Priya presents a more detailed modeling study on the impact of climate change on water resources and agriculture in the Pennar basin, Andhra Pradesh State in India (paper 25). He advocates applying similar methods to the GMS where most people are also highly dependent on climate-sensitive sectors, such as rain-fed agriculture, forestry and fisheries, which are already vulnerable to current climatic variability, particularly floods and droughts. The study estimated an increase in runoff of the order of 10-15% with more extremes. Under certain climate change scenarios, all monsoon crops show decreased yields. Frank Murray and others in this working session called for national and regional development planning to incorporate climate change adaptation strategies. Poor communities should be helped to develop their own priorities to reduce climate change vulnerability through ecosystem management and restoration activities that sustain and diversify local livelihoods. A regional assessment of impacts of climate change and regional air pollution on biodiversity and agriculture is needed (paper 6). 3.8.4 Sustainable financing Recognition by governments, the private sector, and resource managers that ecosystem services have economic value is the basis for sustainable financing. Zuo Ting (paper 27) and Kadi Warner (paper 28) describe experiences and options for payments for environmental services (PES). In the PRC, PES programs are being used to improve watershed services by rewarding watershed service providers with tangible economic incentives to protect the watershed. Kadi emphasizes the challenge of developing PES programs aimed at environmental protection and poverty alleviation by reducing the need for unsustainable natural resource uses. Mark Kasman describes how New York City (NYC) saves millions of dollars by compensating upstream communities to protect the ecosystem services they provide, in this case the natural water filtration of the Catskill/Delaware watershed (paper 7). This was achieved through negotiations between all interested parties to broker an agreement which catered for NYC’s need to protect its water supply and the upstream community’s need for economic sustainability and selfdetermination. Without this agreement, the NYC would have had to pay billions of dollars to build a water filtration system. This experience shows that regular monitoring, incentives, and penalties are needed to keep all parties engaged in delivering program objectives. Once a working regulatory framework is in place, money can be invested in natural ecosystem services. Paul Rogers discusses nature-based tourism and ecotourism and the potential to strengthen them by linking to protected areas, an approach being piloted in Lao PDR (paper 26). This is achieved by channeling money from ecotourism activities into conservation and by developing ecotourism activities in and around protected areas. There is a need for regional dialogue and cooperation on policies and programs promoting forms of ecotourism that provide clear and measurable benefits to biodiversity conservation. 3.9 Monitoring of biodiversity at the pilot sites A number of the papers addressed the need for a monitoring framework for tracking biodiversity in the region, and especially for the BCI sites. Jack Tordoff sets out a framework for monitoring changes in the status of biodiversity at each BCI pilot site through (i) satellite images and (ii) ground survey of indicator species. Each (except Yunnan) includes a gibbon and an important bird species along with a number of others such as the Asian Elephant. The livelihoods working group stressed the need for clear indicators for both poverty reduction and biodiversity improvement as livelihood interventions cannot be assumed to have positive impacts on either (recorded by Paul Steele). The group concluded that indicators are vital to measure progress toward poverty reduction and biodiversity improvement and that these have not been given enough attention in past interventions by many agencies. Too often it has been assumed that positive impacts will result, but this has not always happened. Possible indicators include: • Poverty and livelihoods - Food security - Incomes - Business development • Biodiversity - Ecosystem connectivity - Species richness - Forest Area . Conservation of Biodiversity in the GMS – Overview 19 • Governance and Policy - Infrastructural linkages - Migration - Land Allocation - Regulatory Implementation - Incentives posium for indicators to be affordable, measurable, and universally applicable. Most important from the Dutch perspective is that indicators should be focused on the key policy questions. 3.10 Conclusion The group also highlighted the need for discussions beforehand to agree on response mechanisms if the indicators suggest that progress is off track or interventions are having negative impacts on either poverty or biodiversity. Jim Lassoie describes the use of repeat historical photography by The Nature Conservancy (TNC) in northwestern Yunnan to understand rates and patterns of ecosystem change under varying land-uses, to set realistic goals for conservation programs, and to establish reliable methods for measuring conservation successes (paper 16). The monitoring work is part of the Yunnan Great Rivers Project. It uses high quality photography techniques and the efficient management of the resulting images and metadata, an analytical framework for identifying and measuring visual indicators of change that are tied to a comprehensive conservation planning scheme, and a sampling methodology that accounts for the variation inherent in the ecoregions under consideration. Christoph Feldkötter sets out an initial impact monitoring framework for watershed management in the Lower Mekong Basin (paper 29). It reflects the need to maintain the watershed’s ecological, social, and economic functions. One imperative he identifies is to use appropriate monitoring methods which are well established, cost efficient, and sufficiently simple to be used by local administrations and communities. Ben ten Brink, Tonnie Tekelenburg, and their colleagues at the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency have applied a wide range of approaches to biodiversity monitoring in Latin America, Africa, and Asia including indicators, models, and an assessment framework to analyze and assess biodiversity change in the past, present, and future as a result of human activities (paper 13). They have developed tools to support policy makers in exploring and assessing policy options. They reinforce the call from Christoph and others at the sym- 20 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings The effect of economic development in the GMS is measurable in terms of climate change impacts, in habitat fragmentation, species loss and loss of environmental services. It is also measurable in terms of social disintegration in some of the poorest communities. Economic corridors are opening up remote areas leading to unplanned losses in natural resources and in the capacity of natural systems to renew. Economic and social progress depends on base ecosystem services (for example oxygen production and carbon dioxide absorption by plants) and on the health and quality of natural systems. Development also implies an improvement in the quality of human life through education, equity, community participation, recreation and a sense of well being. Three principles which drive ecologically sustainable development are intergenerational equity, the precautionary approach and biodiversity conservation. Together these approaches aim to prevent and reverse adverse impacts of economic and social activities on ecosystems, while continuing to allow the sustainable, equitable development of societies (Australian NSESD 1992). Those principles need to drive development in the GMS. It is vital for the BCI and the CEP as a whole to link with the strategic investment framework of the GMS. The BCI should not lose sight of the broader GMS investment framework and planning process which has such fundamental influence on natural resource-livelihood links and on environmental quality. This requires clarity on how the BCI pilots link up with GMS sectoral priorities and investments. In particular, it is important to keep in mind the programmatic context for the BCI. It is part of the GMS Core Environment Program. Each component of the program is inextricably linked to the others—they need to move forward together in a closely integrated manner. Alone the BCI cannot succeed. Finally, the BCI needs to embrace and promote the concerns of ethnic minorities and indigenous people, who are often the majority in the pilot sites. References Australian Government, 1992, National Strategy for Ecologically Sustainable Development. Department of Environment and Environment, http://www.deh.gov.au/esd/national/ nsesd/index.html Coates D., Ouch Poeu, Ubolratana Suntornratana, N Thanh Tung & Sinthavong Viravong. 2003. Biodiversity and fisheries in the Lower Mekong Basin. Mekong Development Series No. 2. Mekong River Commission, Phnom Penh, 30 pages ESCAP. 2000. State of the Environment in Asia and the Pacific. United Nations, Bangkok, Thailand. FAO. 2001. State of the Worlds forests. FAO, Rome. GMS Working Group on Environment, August 2004, Evolution of GMS Working Group On Environment - Options Paper, WGE, ADB ICEM. 2003a. The economic benefits of protected areas: field studies in Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand and Vietnam. Review of protected areas and development in the Lower Mekong River region. Indooroopilly, Australia. ICEM. 2003b. Lessons learned in Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand and Vietnam. Review of protected areas and development in the Lower Mekong River region. Indooroopilly, Australia. McKenny, B. and P. Tola. 2003. Natural Resources and Rural Livelihoods in Cambodia – a baseline assessment. Working Paper 23, Cambodia Development Resources Institute, Phnom Penh MRC. 2003. State of the Basin Report: 2003. Mekong River Commission, Phnom Penh . Conservation of Biodiversity in the GMS – Overview 21 22 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings Welcome Remarks PLENARY SESSION . 23 24 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings (i) 4. Landscape Mosaics: Integrating Forest Management and Environmental Services in Tropical Landscapes Markku Kanninen To keep forest ecosystems resilient in the face of social and economic pressures and changing climates, one must understand how ecological and social systems interact to generate particular land use patterns. Often there will be trade-offs between what is globally optimal and what is locally desirable. For instance, the need to conserve large areas in “hot spot” regions may not be compatible with the livelihood needs of local people living in those regions. In fragmented landscape mosaics, forests and natural habitats can be maintained only if they are managed in an integrated manner to generate benefits for local people and to generate income through a combination of products and ecosystem services. In this respect, there are several issues that forest managers and land-use planners have to take into account. These include: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) local perceptions of the importance of forests, their products and services, the role of forests in managing livelihoods and environmental risks, existing local mechanisms for forest and ecosystem management, how to integrate environmental services into forest and ecosystem management at multiple scales, how to efficiently monitor the services produced, mechanisms for rewarding the production of environmental services, the role of markets, and how to develop and manage multi-functions of forests for goods and services that are valued locally and by the wider community. In considering these factors, the whole “landscape management process” needs to be followed, rather than focusing on the production of individual goods or services. This “landscape management process” can be defined as a cycle consisting of various steps: visioning and assessment - learning processes geared towards defining management goals, (ii) planning - using existing planning mechanisms if available, (iii) incentive assessment - adapting the planning tools and incentive system, (iv) implementation of plans - adaptive ecosystem management, facilitation of learning processes, and (v) monitoring - monitoring the progress. When applying the “landscape management process” in practice, we have several methods and tools either already available or that can be easily modified for the purpose. The methods include adaptive management of forests, multidisciplinary landscape assessment, participatory land-use mapping, and tools for developing future management scenarios. In other cases—e.g., with monitoring of the environmental services or assessment of vulnerability and risks—research is underway to develop these methods. In the future, we have to able to identify those actions that can lead to “negotiated, simple and adaptive” landscape management corresponding to local stakeholders’ vision. Approaches of the kind summarized here can promote and facilitate those outcomes. References CIFOR. (2004). Managing landscape mosaics for sustainable livelihoods8 p. www.cifor.cgiar.org/publications/pdf_files/ research/livelihood/managing.pdf G. Shepherd. (2004). The ecosystem approach. Five steps to implementation. Ecosystem management series No. 3. IUCN Jean-Laurent Pfund and Thomas Stadtmüller. (2005). Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR), InfoResources Focus, No 2/05 S. Maginnis and W. Jackson. (2005). Restoring forest landscapes: Forest landscape restoration aims to re-establish ecological integrity and human well-being in the degraded forest landscapes 6 p., IUCN www.iucn.org/themes/fcp/ publications/files/restoring_forest_landscapes.pdf Sheil, D. , R. K. Puri, I. Basuki, M. van Heist, Syaefuddin, Rukmiyati, M.A. Agung Sardjono, I. Samsoedin, K. Sidiyasa, Chrisandini, E. Permana, E. Mangopo Angi, F. Gatzweiler, B. Johnson & A. Wijaya. (2002). Exploring biological diversity, environment and local people’s perspectives in forest landscapes. Methods for a multidisciplinary landscape assessment. CIFOR, Bogor, Indonesia . Landscape Mosaics: Integrating Forest Management and Environmental Services in Tropical Landscapes 25 (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) sustainable fishing, transboundary rivers management, disaster preparedness, greening Asia’s financial markets and private sector, and (viii) pro-poor conservation. 5. Managing the Environment for Development and to Sustain Pro-Poor Growth1 Stephen Bass and Paul Steele Summary 5.1 Asia’s environmental resources have contributed enormously to economic growth and poverty reduction. A quarter of total national wealth in Asia is comprised of environmental assets such as fertile soils, rivers, forests, and mineral deposits. These natural assets are often critical for the livelihoods of many poor people with few other assets. Resource-intensive development has been achieved at significant environmental cost. Environmental issues such as deforestation, pressure on water supplies, and pollution from industry and energy use pose real limits to further economic growth. In many Asian countries, the cost is equivalent to one third or more of gross national savings. They also exacerbate Asia’s high vulnerability to natural disasters. (Asia already suffers 90% of all climate-related disasters, and this is likely to increase with climate change.) The challenge for governments and policymakers is to use natural wealth to generate growth and to enable the poor to benefit from this growth, while at the same time sustaining its capacity to produce these benefits into the future. Such “green growth” can be achieved through improvements in three key areas: institutions, investment, and international partnerships. Significant Asian scientific and institutional innovations have already shown what progress can be made. This paper highlights the potential for further progress through international partnerships that build on existing initiatives in: (i) environmental health, (ii) energy and climate change, (iii) sustainable forestry and eradicating illegal logging, 1 Paper previously presented to ASIA 2015 Conference – Promoting Growth, Ending Poverty, London. 6-7 March 2006. 26 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings The environmental challenge facing Asia “Without fuelwood we can’t even boil water.” (Poor woman in Murad Dhand, Pakistan)2 Asia’s rich environmental management traditions sustained its people for centuries. Practical examples include the rice terraces of Indonesia and the Philippines, and common property management of Japanese inland fisheries. Some of the greatest Asian thinkers— Buddha, Confucius, and Gandhi—had a profound appreciation of the dependence of people on the natural world. Perhaps such traditions, in part, explain why the Asian public is more concerned about current environmental impacts on health and well-being than people in any other region (Environics International 2002). In the early stages of Asia’s drive for economic development, Asian environmental traditions were challenged by economic development models which promoted the exploitation of natural resources for export. Forests were cleared, first for high-value hardwoods and then for tea, coffee, and rubber. Mines were developed in previously remote areas. Environmental change accelerated with rapid agricultural and industrial growth in the 20th century, becoming more extreme in recent years. Asian agricultural production rose 62% from 1990 to 2002. Forests were cleared rapidly, in part to make way for food production—Indonesia alone lost 1.7m ha a year of forests during the 1990s. Large areas were irrigated for food production, with high amounts of water and agrochemicals being applied. Asian industrial production rose 40% from 1995 to 2002, compared with 23% globally. As in other regions that experienced industrial revolutions, early industrial developments have involved highly polluting industries. Further developments 2 Pakistan Participatory Poverty Assessment (2003), www.opml.co.uk/ docs/1_Pakistan_PPA_national_report.pdf constantly generate new types of environmental burden—e.g., the heavy metal hazards from “e-waste” (computers, phones, televisions, etc.), one of the fastest growing sources of waste (UNEP 2004; World Bank 2005a). Asian urbanization, the fastest in the world, is posing massive environmental challenges. Today, most of the world’s mega-cities are in Asia, and so also are the world’s biggest slums. By 2020, Asia’s urban population is projected to double to 2.2 billion from a little over 1 billion in 1990, and nearly half of Asia’s population will live in cities (United Nations Secretariat 2002/ 3). Water supply, housing, wastewater treatment, solid waste management, and transport infrastructure already cannot keep pace. For example, municipalities will face a more than ten-fold increase in solid waste burdens by 2025—with the People’s Republic of China (PRC), Indonesia, and Philippines facing the largest increases). Pollution may reach intolerable levels: already, eight of the world’s 10 most polluted cities are in the PRC, where 3–6 million life-years are lost each year from pollution (World Bank 2005a). Despite having the fourth largest fresh water reserves in the world, the Ministry of Water Resources states that more than 400 Chinese cities, including the capital, face severe water shortages—and people are being forced to migrate because of lack of water (Ramirez 2005). Such dynamics have brought about enormous benefits through fuelling the Asian economies and supporting Asian livelihoods. Many development indicators have directly improved as a result— notably GDP, exports, food security, nutritional status, employment, and levels of poverty. However, these changes are reaching unprecedented levels, increasing the severity of four major environmental problems, which may themselves undermine growth and poverty reduction: (i) (ii) Decline in quantity or quality of natural resources, such as fisheries or soils, which threatens many livelihoods and economic activities, and thus growth. Degradation of fundamental ecosystem processes, e.g., natural cycling of water and nutrients, and biological dynamics such as pollination, which threatens all livelihoods and most economic activity. (iii) Increased climate-related environmental hazards such as floods and droughts, which impose major costs to life and property. (iv) Water and air pollution, which damages both health and infrastructure. Environmental problems are increasingly felt at the regional level. Transboundary resources are often managed unsustainably, e.g., the diminishing fish stocks of the South Pacific or Bay of Bengal; risks to clean air from Indonesian forest fires or East Asian sand and dust storms; and pollution in shared rivers (e.g., the Indus, Mekong and recently, the Songha river where a toxic benzene spill threatens Russia). Cross-border trade may cause overexploitation of timber or wildlife (e.g., in Southeast Asia and East Asia). Growing demands by the region’s growth centers for resources such as timber, metals, and oil are putting other regions under increasing environmental pressure. Regional hazards are also emerging, such as floods and droughts, and zoonotic diseases such as Avian bird flu and SARS. Asia has progressed also in some areas of environmental management. Exposure to water pollution and indoor air pollution has, in general, fallen across the region as investment in clean water and electricity has improved. Safe drinking water now reaches a majority of the population in South Asia— increasing more rapidly over the last decade than in any other region. Many Asian countries have phased out or banned the most dangerous pesticides. Energy efficiency has improved rapidly, particularly in the PRC. Reuse of waste products is increasingly handled at the regional level, with waste reprocessing a rapidly growing industry in the PRC. The increase in Asian land area officially protected for biodiversity (up to 7.6% by 2003) is an overlooked environmental success story—even if there is often much to be done to ensure local poor people benefit. Yet most environmental trends remain negative, and more poor people are suffering from them. There are many promising political, social, and economic processes in Asia that are driving pro-poor environmental outcomes: . Managing the Environment for Development and to Sustain Pro-Poor Growth 27 (i) Poor people themselves have organized to demand better access to natural resources and improved environmental services, and subsequently, to manage resources sustainably and establish improved relations with the authorities. Sometimes this has been done in collaboration with government as with the 89,000 forest protection committees in India, and 13,000 forest user groups in Nepal. Neighborhood groups in the slums of South Asia have organized their own sanitation schemes on massive scales, at costs far lower than those provided inefficiently by municipalities. (ii) Asia’s private sector, as the engine of growth, can play a vital role in responding to environmental challenges, and is already responding with real leadership and innovation. Japan’s auto industry has sought to lead the world in low emission vehicles. Asian companies are rapidly adopting environmental management systems, aiming to meet international standards; 40% of companies with the global environmental standard ISO-14001 are from over 100 countries in Asia. (iii) Asia’s vibrant civil society has mobilized to press government to manage natural resources wisely, with especially significant impacts in India and the Philippines. In many countries, faith groups are increasingly involved in environmental debate. The media in many countries are increasing their coverage of environmental issues. And judicial activism, notably in India, has been driving better implementation of government environmental policies through increasing both supply and demand for environmental justice. (iv) Asian governments are increasingly promoting better care of the environment: decentralizing control over natural resources; entering management agreements with resource users; and promoting clean technologies through fiscal instruments. The resource intensity of consumption patterns is being addressed, e.g., Japan’s “Basic Law for a Recycling-Based Society” and its “Reduce, 28 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings Reuse and Recycle (3Rs) Initiative” began the trend, and today the PRC Government is exploring ways to develop a “Circular Economy,” recently committing to generate 15% of the PRC’s power from renewable sources by 2020 (up from 7% now). th The 5 Asian Ministerial Conference on Environment and Development has concluded that “long-term, effective poverty reduction requires that the natural environment be protected.” Held in Seoul in 2005, it called for pro-poor “Green Growth,” requiring significant governance, policy, and system changes, supported by international partnerships. The current paper addresses three questions that are central to achieving this bold vision: (i) How can environmental assets continue to contribute to pro-poor growth, especially in low-income countries in Asia? (ii) How might environmental degradation undermine Asia’s growth, and particularly affect poor people? (iii) How can pro-poor environmental improvements be made, and how can Asia’s development partners assist? 5.2 How can environmental assets continue to support pro-poor growth, especially in lowincome countries in Asia? “Water is for us what oil is to the Arabs.” (King Wangchuck of Bhutan)3 Natural assets, such as fertile soils, rivers, forests, fisheries and mineral deposits, account for a very significant proportion of national wealth in Asia. Together, they are worth almost as much as the value of manmade assets such as infrastructure. The figure is typically higher for lower income countries, i.e., 25% in South Asia, compared with 21% in East Asia. Indeed, natural capital is the main asset of many of Asia’s poorer countries (e.g., 64% in Bhutan). 3 Over 40% of Bhutan’s government revenues come from hydropower exports to India. Table 5.1: Asia – percentage shares of wealth, 2000 Human and institutional capital Produced capital Natural capital Of which: Subsoil Land Forests (%) 54.6 22.8 22.6 21.1 73.1 5.8 Source: World Bank, 2006. Where is the Wealth of Nations? Washington: The World Bank. The historical trend of using natural resources for growth is continuing. Lao PDR, Bhutan, and Nepal are developing their water resources to generate hydropower exports to their neighbors. While it remains controversial, the Nam Theun 2 hydropower project in Lao PDR may generate $2 billion in export revenue to Thailand over 25 years. Indonesia has used its oil and mineral wealth to diversify its economy, while Timor Leste sees its rich oil and gas resources as its main driver of growth. Nature tourism is a growing sector in Sri Lanka, Nepal, Kyrgyzstan, and Thailand. For example, tourism provides 37% of income in Chiang Mai, Thailand where forest trekking is popular (Thailand Environment Monitor 2004). The challenge is to use this natural wealth carefully, to (i) generate growth, and (ii) enable the poor to benefit from this growth, while (iii) sustaining the resource base and its continued capacity for pro-poor growth. There are two main ways in which natural resources can contribute to pro-poor growth: (i) (ii) 5.3 National economic growth – which creates jobs and adds to total income and government revenues, and can be used for pro-poor purposes. Development of small- and medium-scale enterprises, through use of forests, fisheries, and other natural resources owned and managed by primary producers and processors of natural resources. How can natural resources drive pro-poor national economic growth? For natural resources to sustain pro-poor growth, their extraction should not be subsidized, processing should add real value, the poor must not be harmed by the extraction, and profits must be taxed and used for pro-poor spending. These objectives are not always mutually compatible and there are some difficult choices (DAC/ENVIRONET 2005): (i) Avoid subsidizing large-scale resource extraction. Many countries lose money from subsidized exploitation, e.g., by loss-making state firms (e.g., Sri Lanka’s state timber corporation), subsidies to government joint ventures (e.g., the Pacific tuna processing industry), large tax write-offs (e.g., Indonesia’s timber industry), permitting excessive logging (e.g., Cambodia) or land conversion (shrimp farming – Bangladesh, Viet Nam). This leads to “boom and bust”: natural capital is assetstripped, and low resource prices encourage excessive, inefficient processing, which eventually destroys the viability of the industry. The key is to reduce incentives for overexploitation, notably by dismantling subsidies that harm the poor and the environment. (ii) Increase the value added by a competitive resource industry. With declining terms of trade for primary commodities, successful businesses have invested in technologies that enable increasingly sophisticated processing. Asian timber producers, for instance, once exported sawn- or roundwood, but now export furniture and moldings. There is broad consensus that the aggregate worth to the economy of further processing is maximized by promoting competitive industry, i.e., without perverse subsidies such as artificially low log prices and log/ rattan export bans. Access to technologies and markets is key, as are capacities to help set and meet appropriate international standards. (iii) Ensure that natural resource extraction does not harm neighboring people but, preferably, supports their development. Many large-scale commercial mining, timber, and hydropower investments can come to dominate remote areas with often poor and/or minority populations. They may compete with subsistence harvesters, for . Managing the Environment for Development and to Sustain Pro-Poor Growth 29 whom there is usually little legal recognition. Harm can be avoided—and preferably opportunities realized—by careful zoning, local hiring and procurement policies, management agreements, and earmarking some of the profits for local level investments. Several corporate-community forestry partner-ships in India and Indonesia offer good examples (Mayers and Vermeulen 2001). (iv) Allocate natural resource revenue towards pro-poor growth. While some governments have failed to invest their natural resource wealth in pro-poor growth, and thus fall under the “resource curse,” others have allocated natural resource revenues to poverty-reducing investments. Some have earmarked specific natural resource revenues (notably mineral and forest revenues) to the local administration or local people, as in some mining concessions in the Philippines. 5.4 How can natural resource-based small and medium enterprises (SMEs) lift people out of poverty? Job creation is one of Asia’s biggest challenges, and many new jobs will continue to be in the SME sector. To lift themselves out of poverty, poor people will wish to use their major assets, usually natural resources, and aim to add as much value as possible. They may need to group into associations, to help negotiate better terms and improve the efficiency of environmental asset management. Past attempts at forming producer cooperatives around subsidized inputs, such as in fisheries, have often failed due to political interference and elite capture with the inputs not reaching the poor. A more successful approach is to provide an enabling business environment through secure resource rights, support for common property management, improved access to markets and transport, streamlined regulations and technical support. This is an area for further development: since they tend to be dispersed, natural resource-based SMEs are challenging to support, and difficult to regulate for their environmental impact. 30 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings 5.5 How can natural resource conservation benefit poor people? Loss of natural resources can impose high economic and social costs. Thus, some Asian countries have limited the extraction of key land and sea resources, as well as introducing completely protected areas where extraction is forbidden (such as national parks). These often represent significant conservation developments. But in some cases these have been introduced at high social costs for poor people, who may suffer from blanket harvesting restrictions, as in most national parks. Protected areas can be managed in ways which ensure that neighboring poor people still receive substantial benefits, and are compensated for any loss of existing natural resource use rights. Nature tourism is a fastgrowing industry with potential to provide revenues and employment for poor residents, as well as to preserve ecosystem services. 5.6 How might environmental degradation undermine growth and particularly affect poor people? “Rapid economic growth has exerted considerable pressure on the environmental sustainability of the region and ... could have an adverse effect on achieving sustainable development.” (Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific 2005) Asia’s rapid growth is, in some cases, being directly undermined by environmental degradation. In Pakistan, 16% of the land is subject to salinization resulting from excessive water application, with similar scales of this problem occurring in the Central Asian countries. The irrigation mismanagement in Pakistan costs over US$200 million per year in reduced food yields (DFID/EC/UNDP/World Bank 2002). In western India, groundwater pumping has enabled agricultural intensification, but water tables quickly dropped from 10–15 m below ground in the 1970s to 400-450 m by the 1990s. In many areas, wells have been abandoned and entire villages have become deserted (Roy and Shah 2002). Shrimp farming has declined in some countries, due primarily to pollution and weak environmental controls; resulting disease caused Asia’s shrimp industry losses of over US$1 billion in the 1990s. Marine overfishing has also undermined economic returns. In the Gulf of Thailand, average hourly catch has fallen almost 10 times from 250 kg/h in 1961 to 18 kg/h. The Republic of Korea saw over 70 anti-pollution protests in the 1990s (Far Eastern Economic Review 1990). The PRC has faced rural unrest because of increasing pollution. 60% of environmental services (particularly freshwater, air and water purification, climate regulation, and pest regulation) have been degraded (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment 2005). Investing Asia’s drawdown of natural capital in other sectors of the economy can avoid “boom and bust.” This is particularly the case of minerals and other nonrenewable resources which, by definition, are declining with extraction. It is clear that, if natural capital is simply liquidated as consumption, then it will not lead to sustained improvements to the economy. If, however, profits from natural capital extraction are invested in physical capital (e.g., infrastructure) and human capital (e.g., education) to drive further growth, they might make a sustained contribution to improved welfare. Where there is a windfall natural resource gain, such as a rapid oil price rise, this can be set aside in a special saving account. This in itself can be beneficial environmentally if future investments in physical and human capital lead to more efficient resource utilization, thus reducing further pressure on the resource base. Timing is crucial in shifting from pure resource extraction to resource management and diversified income sources, before it is too late and the resource collapses. In many cases, the switch has not been made in time, such as gold mining in Kyrgyzstan, oil and gas in Indonesia, and some Asian timber enterprises and fishing fleets. Most poor people in Asia, particularly women, are dependent on natural resources for their livelihoods, but suffer from inadequate access and declining resource quality. Most of Asia’s rural poor depend on agriculture, for which access to fertile soil and predictable water supplies is essential. Yet 28% of Asia’s land is already degraded and water tables are declining (FAO 2004). World Bank studies in the PRC, Cambodia, Lao PDR, and Viet Nam suggest that there is a strong overlap between highly degradable land and where the poor live (World Bank 2005b). People without access to secure land are, perhaps paradoxically, even more dependent on a wide range of natural resources, as they cannot raise financial capital—and women are disproportionately dependent (Jodha 1990). In West Bengal, three times as many women as men are involved in gathering non-timber forest products, processing is done entirely by women, and twice as many women as men are involved in their marketing (Ford Foundation 1998). Fisheries are the key resource for more poor people in Asia than in any other region (Briones et al. 2004), notably in Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, and along the great Mekong River, and many farm households augment their food supplies and incomes by fishing (UNEP 2002). But there are limits to how much drawdown of natural capital is economically desirable. Natural capital in Asia is already declining dramatically in both quality and quantity, while manmade and human capital continue to grow. Fisheries are depleted, soils eroded and made saline, aquifers dry up, and forests are denuded. These impacts are significant enough to reduce gross national savings by almost a third in the PRC, Philippines and Cambodia, by almost a half in Mongolia and Malaysia, and by nearly 90% in Indonesia (World Bank 2005b). In addition, there are certain ecosystem processes which are critical for their lifesupporting services, notably nutrient recycling, air and water purification, pollination and other biological mechanisms. Loss of this ‘”critical natural capital” is irreversible and represents a significant threat to the long-term welfare of the human race. Yet, globally, the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment has identified that Many poor people in Asia are exposed to environmental health risks and hazards, both the traditional risks of dirty air and water, but also new risks from animaltransmitted (zoonotic) diseases such as bird flu. There have been major environmental health improvements over the last decades, with 80% of people in low-income Asian countries now having access to improved water sources. However, access to sanitation remains much lower at 44%—partly explaining why water pollution remains a significant problem: fecal coliforms in Asian rivers are 50 times the WHO safe maximum (World Bank 2005b). In South Asia, the environmentally caused disease burden is now greater than that from malnutrition (20%, compared to 15%). Many women and children suffer particularly from indoor air pollution (from dirty cooking fuels used in confined spaces), causing up to a million premature deaths each year across Asia. Young children and poorly educated women in poor households . Managing the Environment for Development and to Sustain Pro-Poor Growth 31 in Bangladesh suffer four times as much from indoor air pollution as men in higher income households (Das Gupta et al. 2004). Animal health and human health are becoming increasingly linked in Asia, as people and livestock come into closer contact with wildlife when they move into new areas and intensify agricultural production. Wildlife acts as a “pool” from which pathogens can emerge, as with avian bird flu and possibly SARS and HIV AIDS. Environmental changes have exacerbated Asia’s high vulnerability to disasters, and this will increase with climate change. Asia has always experienced wide climatic variation. Buildings, livelihoods, and social networks have adapted to cope with natural events. Management of normal floods has been integral to the fishing and farming livelihoods of poor people in Bangladesh and Cambodia. However, these natural events are now becoming more frequent and extreme, leading to more lives lost, more property destroyed, and more conflict. In the PRC, natural disasters are now the main direct cause of people falling back into poverty. The poor tend to suffer most, as they live in the most vulnerable areas, e.g., many slum dwellers live on land which is highly vulnerable to environmental hazards such as landslides, pollution, and floods. Such vulnerabilities are exacerbated by damage to protective environmental assets, such as coral reefs, coastal mangrove forests, and riverine wetlands, which increase exposure to floods, as illustrated in some areas by the devastating tsunami. Asia includes several larger countries like the PRC and India that are increasingly significant emitters of greenhouse gases. It is also the continent that will experience some of the greatest adverse impacts of climate change, which will affect millions of people in almost all countries. Asia already faces 90% of all climate related disasters in the world, at a cost of half a million lives each year. Many development assistance investments have recently been shown to be vulnerable to climate change (OECD 2004). A further 2O rise in temperature is expected to cut farmers’ incomes by 25% (DFID 2004). There is an urgent need to balance energy provision with less pollution, and with investment in adapting land use, infrastructure and other systems to climate change (especially in the vulnerable agricultural drylands of India and the PRC, and the fragile coastal zones in Bangladesh and the South Pacific). 32 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings As Asian countries grow and trade increases, the world economy’s environmental impact (“footprint”) becomes heavier, with impacts felt well beyond the main centers of growth. For example, the PRC is now responsible for half of global cement consumption, a third of coal and steel use, and is the biggest importer of timber. This boosts the revenues of resource producing countries in the region and beyond, but also increases the rate of resource depletion and carries significant environmental risk such as increased pollution, land degradation, and climate change.4 A similar picture can be painted for large urban centers which obtain many of their supplies from far away, at significant environmental costs on the remote ecosystems on which their continued growth depends. The next 10 years are likely to witness significant increases in consumer demand in Asia—in the PRC alone it is expected to rise to the equivalent of four more Americas (ADB 2005). Added to the already high, and increasing consumer demand in the West, pressures on the world’s natural resource base are also set to increase exponentially, unless rising commodity price increasing consumer awareness of “footprints,” and improved policies and market instruments start to dismantle predominant high-input/low-efficiency/highwaste production processes. 5.7 How can pro-poor environmental improvements be made, and how can Asia’s development partners help? “The global market for environmental goods and services is over $600 billion in 2005. Asia-Pacific accounted for $37 billion of this total, but its growth is the fastest in the world, with the market expected to triple by 2015.” (ADB 2005) There is growing agreement that pro-poor environmental change is urgently needed, and moreover, emerging consensus about how to achieve it. The analysis above points to three key areas for improvement: (i) Institutions and governance (ii) Investment (iii) International partnerships 4 The energy used by the PRC’s economy makes it the second biggest emitter of greenhouse gases. It is likely that, as the world economy’s preferred location for heavy industries continues to shift to Asia, the focus of emissions will move with it. Institutional and governance changes are key to addressing natural resource management and pollution. Pollution is, in part, a governance issue, when there are few private incentives to protect public assets. While simple point-source pollution problems can be tackled by technological solutions, not all environmental problems can be dismissed by assuming that technical fixes will become available. On the one hand, investments are needed in Asian science, technology, and innovation systems to generate effective technology. On the other hand, the underlying causes of many broader-scale environmental problems arise primarily from the political, economic, and social systems that drive existing production and consumption patterns. For example, many natural assets—fisheries, minerals, forests, and aquifers—are both finite and of key importance, but they are effectively “unowned,” unvalued, and/or unmarketed. Valuable natural resources are too easily seized by élites and contribute little to the national economy. Institutional change is thus at least as important as technological change (WRI 2005). Institutional change, to enable environmental management for pro-poor growth, has begun but may need scaling up. Progress has often been the result of changes in who controls the allocation and use of environmental assets, as well as better incorporation of environmental norms and incentives in mainstream institutions (Bass et al. 2005). It is remarkable how many institutional innovations have begun in Asia. But there is scope for further governance and institutional changes to: (i) improve poor people’s access and rights to natural resources, (ii) develop information, analysis, and political capabilities to challenge those sectors that affect the environment most, including watchdogs, (iii) empower poor people and local organizations to lead action on the ground, and (iv) form institutions and partnerships that link development and environment more closely, in debate, planning, accounting, and investment. Investment in environmental management is good for economic growth, good for quality of life, and good for the quality of the global commons. “Investments into renewables and energy efficiency technologies ... are the best hedge against the economic risks of rising oil prices and declining reserves,” says the Chief Executive of the Chinese investment banking specialists, London Asia Capital (The Observer 2005). As well as reducing risk, environmental investments can produce high rates of return. An extensive global review has revealed some very persuasive figures.5 In Thailand, more than 600 firms participating in an eco-efficiency investment program achieved an aggregate 47% rate of return (ADB 2005). In the PRC, one of the world’s largest land management investments, in the Loess Plateau, has improved the livelihoods of over 1.2 million farmers: combined with other initiatives, numbers living under the poverty line have halved from 59% in 1993 to 27% in 2001 (Zhen Liu 2004). There is scope for increased public investment on environmental management. The PRC Government’s environmental investment is set to increase from 1.3% during 2001–2005 (based on its Tenth Five-Year Plan: 2001–2005), to 1.5% (based on its Eleventh Five-Year Plan: 2006–2010). In most other countries, though, public investment in the environment remains low, at 0.3% of GDP in Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, and Viet Nam. The private sector will undersupply environmental services unless market and regulatory incentives are compelling. Investment by the public sector is often important for leveraging much larger private investment. For example, the PRC’s State Environmental Protection Agency has only 300 full time staff members, but without their effective strengthening and enforcement, including means to value environmental assets and allocate appropriate funds, the private sector will be slow to invest in clean technology (Time Magazine 2004). Private sector environment investment requires an enabling context. There is a growing body of experience on introducing environmental fiscal reform (to reduce overuse of scarce, inefficiently priced resources, such as water) and payments for environmental services (to reward those who protect, e.g., biodiversity 5 Some 400 cases of pro-poor environmental investment revealed cost:benefit ratios of up to 14:1 for investment in water and sanitation, 4:1 for soil conservation, 5:1 for reef conservation, 7:1 for mangrove conservation, and 7:1 for natural disaster prevention (Pearce 2005). . Managing the Environment for Development and to Sustain Pro-Poor Growth 33 and watersheds) (Pearce 2005). In essence, environmental “bads” can be taxed, and environmental “goods” supported, especially where they are pro-poor. Transaction costs can be reduced to help small and medium enterprises benefit from environmental markets. Micro-credit can help, enabling poor households to bear the risks of investing in environmental assets. International partnerships can provide important support to Asian countries’ management of the environment for pro-poor growth. Many Asian countries are taking a lead in improving management of environmental assets, as we have described above. Their development partners can also play a key role. Development assistance to Asia could help mainstream environment within partner governments’ poverty reduction strategies or equivalent national and local planning processes, budget support, sector-wide programs, and projects. Specific initiatives could be supported that help improve the capacity of Asian authorities to manage the environment. Together, Asian countries and development partners can share technology and knowledge, catalyze environmental investment, and forge institutional change in a number of priority areas. There are knowledge challenges in all the following suggested partnerships. Asian scientists and their colleagues from other regions need to play a key role in them, particularly to invigorate regional and national innovation systems. There are also institutional and investment challenges, and it is important for them to build on existing Asian-led processes: (i) (ii) Healthy Asia, healthy environment: Environmental health improvements in air and water pollution can lead to major reductions in mortality. Improvements in water quality and quantity also lead to significant health benefits.6 There are a number of promising public-private part-nerships across the region to increase access to clean water and air. Transition to sustainable energy, 7 and tackling climate change: A meaningful postKyoto regime is now within reach to limit the 6 Asia’s prospects for meeting the sanitation target of the Millennium Development Goal 7 (Environment) by 2015 are poor—in India alone, for instance, only 30-40% of the urban population is currently linked to sanitation systems. Rural sanitation coverage is especially low. 7 See also the paper on energy produced for the Asia 2015 conference. 34 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings causes and effects of climate change. Global carbon trade needs to develop in ways that support investment in clean energy (through, e.g., the Clean Development Mechanism as well as bilateral arrangements). There are good potentials for partnerships within the region on clean energy, e.g., hydropower from Nepal and Bhutan, which could also form the hub of regional energy strategies—but these would have to be planned to minimize environmental risks. There is a strong need for partnerships to improve learning, innovation, and investment in adapting to climate change. The G8 Gleneagles Plan of Action highlighted many such areas for partnership, and energy will be the theme of the next G8 assembly. (iii) Sustainable forestry and eradicating illegal logging: illegal logging costs countries billions of dollars in lost revenue, and harms poor people. The Asian Forest Law Enforcement and Governance initiative (AFLEG) addresses supply- and demandside incentives for illegal logging, and assures wood is traded from legal sources alone. This process serves as a high-profile means to encourage radical institutional change. It may be usefully supplemented with efforts to encourage Asian consumers to discriminate in favor of good environmental practice, and fair trade, through certification. (iv) Sustainable fishing: Given the importance of both fish production and fish consumption in Asia, improved management is vital. One innovative approach is fisheries certification which is now beginning but only covers 4% of the world’s catch. Without such approaches, the long-term future of Asia’s fish producers is threatened. (v) Asian rivers management: Transboundary rivers pose a major challenge: they are critical assets for growth in the countries that share them, but without effective cooperation, the environmental services they offer will be undermined. Where means for cooperation are secured such as in the Indus River Treaty and Mekong River Commission, they provide a powerful vehicle for larger regional cooperation. There is scope to strengthen work in these established forums, and to extend such approaches to other basins in the region. (vi) Greening Asia’s financial markets and private sector: Asia’s private sector is booming and interest in environmental management is growing. This can be stimulated through the commercial and investment banking sectors, export markets and private sector accr editation. OECD markets are vital for Asian exports and can provide important incentives for environmental improvements. (vii) Disaster preparedness and risk reduction: The deaths of over 70,000 in the South Asian earthquake and of over 280,000 in the tsunami have brought home once again the vulnerability of Asia to disasters. Two things stand out: typically, it is the poor who suffer most and, with climate change, the risk of extreme weather events is increasing. Disaster preparedness requires strengthening the existing coping strategies of the poor combined with good information systems and appropriate technical, financial and physical support. The response to the 2004 Asian Tsunami and 2005 South Asia Earthquake illustrated the strengths of (as well as the challenges of managing) multiple national–international partner-ships, including with the UN and the military. (viii) Pro-poor conservation: Since Asia has already invested over 7% of its land in protected areas, there is an urgent need to both demonstrate and secure their potential contributions to pro-poor growth. One approach is for development partners to capitalize local environmental conservation and nature tourism funds that can trigger larger environmental investments. World Bank, and David McCauley and Nessim Ahmad of the Asian Development Bank. References ADB (2005). Asian Environment Outlook. Manila, Asian Development Bank. Bass, S., Reid, H., Satterthwaite, D. and Steele, P. (eds) (2005.) Reducing Poverty and Sustaining the Environment, The Politics of Local Engagement. London, Earthscan. Briones, M., Dey, M.M. and Ahmed, M. (2004). The Future of Fish in the Food and Livelihoods of the Poor in Asia. NAGA Worldfish Centre Quarterly 27.3 and 4: July–December. www.worldfishcentre.org/demandsupply DAC/ENVIRONET Task team and Poverty Environment Partnership on Pro-poor Growth and Natural Resources (2005). Sustaining Pro-Poor Growth or Boom and Bust? The Politics of Natural Resources. Revised draft, October. Das Gupta, S., Huq, M., Khaliquzzmam, M., Pandey, K. and Wheeler, D. (2004). Who Suffers from Indoor Air Pollution? Evidence from Bangladesh. World Bank Policy Research Working paper 3428, October. DFID (2004). Climate Change and Poverty: Making Development Resilient to Climate Change. London, DFID. DFID, EC, UNDP, World Bank (2002). Linking Poverty Reduction and Environmental Management Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (2005) Report of the 5th Ministerial Conference on Environment and Development in Asia and the Pacific, Seoul 28–29 March. ECOSOC E/ESCAP/MCED/(05)/Rep. Environics International (2002). International Environmental Monitor: Global Public Opinion on Environmental and Resource Issues. Toronto, Environics International. FAO (2004). Towards a Food-secure Asia and Pacific: Regional Strategic Framework. Bangkok, FAO Asia Pacific Regional Office. Far Eastern Economic Review (1990). Kicking up a Stink, South Korean Government Suffers from Anti-pollution Backlash. 18 October. Ford Foundation (1998). Forestry for Sustainable Rural Development: A Review of Ford Foundation Supported Community Forest Projects in Asia. New York, Ford Foundation. Jodha, N.S. (1990). Rural Common Property Resources: Contributions and Crisis. Economic and Political Weekly. 30 June: A65–A78. Acknowledgments We acknowledge valuable comments from DFID colleagues, coordinated by Leo Horn and Yvan Biot, John Humphreys of IDS, Jan Bojo and Kirk Hamilton of the Mayers, J. and Vermeulen, S. (2001). Company-community Forestry Partnerships: From Raw Deal to Mutual Gains? London, IIED. . Managing the Environment for Development and to Sustain Pro-Poor Growth 35 MEA (2005) Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. www.millenniumassessment.org/en/index.aspx OECD (2004). Mainstreaming Climate Responses in Development, Issues Paper. Paris, Environment Directorate, EPOC. 6. Potential Impacts of Climate Change and Regional Air Pollution on Terrestrial Biodiversity and Landscape Use Frank Murray Pearce, D. (2005). Investing in Environmental Wealth for Poverty Reduction. New York, UNDP. Ramirez, L. (2005) Water Shortages are Potential Threat to China’s Growth, Stability. Voice of America. 18 March. www.voanews.com/english/archive/2005-03/2005-03-18voa41.cfm Roy, A.D. and Shah, T. (2002). Socio-ecology of Groundwater Irrigation in India. IWMI-TATA International Water Management Institute. www.iwmi.org/iwmi-tata Thailand Environment Monitor (2004). Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and World Bank. The Observer (2005). Bank Invests in Clean Air for China. Heather Connon, London, 4 December. Time Magazine (2004). Bad Air Days. December 13: 17–23. UNEP (2004). An Overview of Our Changing Environment. GEO Year Book 2004/5, Nairobi. UNEP (2002). Global Environmental Outlook 3. Nairobi. United Nations Secretariat (2002/3). World Population Prospects: The 2002 Revision and World Urbanization Prospects: The 2003 Revision. Population Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs. esa.un.org/unup World Bank (2005a). Environment Strategy for the World Bank in the East Asia and Pacific Region. World Bank (2005b). Little Green Data Book 2005. Washington, The World Bank. WRI (2005). The Wealth of the Poor, Managing Ecosystems to Fight Poverty. UNDP, UNEP, World Bank, WRI. Zhen Liu (2004). China: the Loess Plateau Watershed Rehabilitation Project. Paper for the World Bank, Shanghai Conference on Poverty Reduction. 36 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings Summary Human-induced climate change is a serious environmental and development issue. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) states that observed changes in climate have already affected ecological, social, and economic systems, and sustainable development is threatened by climate change. Examples of currently observed changes include: (i) (ii) shifts in plant and animal distribution ranges, a general reduction on crop yields in many tropical and subtropical regions, (iii) decreased water availability in waterscarce regions of subtropics, and (iv) increased exposure to vector-borne and water-borne diseases. Under some recently published climate change scenarios, climate change poses a greater threat of species extinction than deforestation or habitat destruction. However, there are many opportunities for both mitigation and adaptation to climate change while enhancing the conservation of biodiversity and landscape use. Surface ozone is a regional air pollutant growing in concentration. Mean global surface ozone concentrations are predicted to increase by about a quarter by 2020 in parts of the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS). A number of important crops in the GMS are adversely affected by ozone at current concentrations. Recent studies predict East Asia is about to experience reductions in crop production due to increasing ozone with major yield losses for wheat, rice, corn, and soybean. There is much less knowledge about impacts of ozone on biodiversity than on major crops, but ozone is known to have severe impacts on biodiversity. Impacts of other regional air pollutants, including acid deposition and the atmospheric brown cloud could also be important in the GMS within the next decade or two. Due to the dependence on agriculture in the region to support local livelihoods, these crop reductions will have major social, economic, and environmental consequences. Assessments and adaptation to enable these changes to be factored into developments planning are needed. 6.1 Background As the economy of the GMS has grown from about US$250 billion in 1992 to over $400 billion now, so have emissions of air pollution and greenhouse gases. Emissions of air pollutants and greenhouse gases are inextricably linked, as they are both associated with use of energy for transport, industrialization, urbanization, and economic development (Unger et al. 2006). Emissions from the People’s Republic of China (PRC) dominate other emissions in the region. Emissions from the PRC in the year 2000 were estimated to be 3,820 million tons of CO2, 20.4 million tons of SO2, 11.4 million tons of NOx, 116 million tons of CO, 38.4 million tons of methane, 17.4 million tons of non-methane volatile organic compounds, 1.05 million tons of black carbon, 3.4 million tons of organic carbon, and 13.6 million tons of ammonia (Streets et al. 2003). Emissions of most of these pollutants are expected to increase as the industrialization of the region continues, and energy shortages remain. Demand for coal and oil is expected to double or triple in the next 30 years in the region (Cofala et al. 2004). Just as Europe and North America experienced significant impacts of these pollutants on agricultural and natural ecosystems during industrialization, so the countries of the GMS are starting to experience impacts due to growing industrialization, urbanization, and use of transport and energy, associated with economic transformation. Asian sulfur emissions now exceed those of Europe and North America combined. The impacts on agricultural and natural ecosystems will grow as emissions continue to grow. Biodiversity is inextricably linked with climate and the livelihoods of people, especially poor people who are directly dependent on agriculture and rainfall. This paper will briefly review linkages between climate change and regional air pollution with biodiversity and landscape use. 6.2 Climate change IPCC reports show that human-induced climate change is a serious environmental and development issue and in conjunction with other stresses threatens ecological systems, their biodiversity and development, especially for the poor in developing countries, due to impacts on agriculture, water supplies, and health (IPCC, 2001b; Pachauri, 2004). The Earth is warming, with most of the warming of the last 50 years due to human activities. The global mean surface temperature has increased by about 0.6OC over the last 100 years, and is projected to increase by a further 1.4–5.8OC by 2100 (IPCC, 2001a). More recent analyses by IPCC estimate temperature changes at the top of this range. The patterns of precipitation are changing, and the sea level is rising. The spatial and temporal patterns of precipitation have already changed and are projected to change even more in the future, with an increasing incidence of floods and droughts. Sea levels have already risen by 10–25 cm during the last 100 years and are projected to rise an extra 8–88 cm by 2100 (IPCC, 2001a) and the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events have increased (IPCC, 2002). These changes in climate have affected the timing of reproduction in plants, animals and the migration of animals, the length of growing seasons, the range, distributions and population sizes of plant and animal species, and the frequency of pest and disease outbreaks (IPCC, 2002). For example, there is direct evidence of decreased rice yields from increased night temperature associated with global warming (Peng et al. 2004). Climate change is also changing the frequency and intensity of disturbances such as wildfires and wind erosion, and increasing pressures on resources such as water (IPCC, 2002). Factors causing loss of biodiversity, such as the removal, modification, and fragmentation of habitats and the spread of non-native species interact with climate change, and in some regions will be intensified by climate change. Climate drying is expected to cause regional die-off of overstory woody plants at a subcontinental scale (Breshears et al. 2005). Changing patterns of climate will change the natural distribution limits of species and communities, leading them to alter distribution, . Potential Impacts of Climate Change and Regional Air Pollution on Terrestrial Biodiversity and Landscape Use 37 where possible. In most cases, ecosystem fragmentation will impede the movement of these plant and animal species. For example, national parks and protected areas are often surrounded by agricultural and urban land uses that impede migration and ecozone shift. Climate change intensifies the need for biodiversity corridors. It also challenges the assumptions about fencing off areas with high levels of biodiversity as the most effective way to conserve threatened plant and animal species under climatic change. Species with limited climatic ranges or restricted habitat requirements particularly with small populations are the most vulnerable to extinction. In contrast, species with extensive distributions, long-range dispersion, or large populations are at less risk from extinction due to climate change. A recent study used projections of species distributions for future climate scenarios to assess extinction risks for sample regions representing 20% of the Earth’s terrestrial surface. Using three different approaches, their results were similar. On the basis of mid-range climate scenarios for 2050, Thomas et al. (2004) predicted that 15-37% of the species in their sample regions would be committed to extinction. This is a loss that would exceed that expected from the destruction of their habitat. Another recent study modeled the effects on plants if the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide doubled from pre-industrial times, which is expected by the end of the century, in order to project habitat changes and associated extinctions (Malcolm et al. 2006). In the worst-case scenario, the doubling of present carbon dioxide levels and resulting temperatures rises could potentially eliminate 56,000 plant and 3,700 endemicvertebrate species in the 25 global biodiversity hotspot regions. Areas particularly vulnerable to extinctions are those with species with restricted migration options due to geographical limitations. The estimated rates of species extinctions associated with global warming in tropical hotspots in some cases exceeded those due to deforestation. Malcolm et al. (2006) concluded that under certain scenarios, global warming could be a more serious threat to biodiversity than deforestation. Just as climate change affects biodiversity, so changes in land use can affect the global climate. 38 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings Forests are a major global store of carbon, so the replacement of forests with land uses that store less carbon, such as agriculture or urban land uses, release large amounts of carbon into the atmosphere. Deforestation is occurring largely in the tropics, and at current rates it is estimated to be responsible for the annual release of 1.1-1.7 billion tons of carbon, about 20% of human-related carbon emissions. In contrast, effective management of biodiversity can lead to higher levels of carbon sequestration. Activities such as reafforestation, agroforestry on cleared land, increasing rotation age, and use of buffer zones, can achieve co-benefits for mitigation of climate change and biodiversity (Reid 2004). 6.2.1 Some adverse impacts on communities Poor people generally depend more on agriculture and ecosystems services than wealthy people. In many less-developed countries, up to 70% of working people in rural areas are directly dependent on agriculture for their livelihoods (Maxwell, 2001) and they use grazing land and forests to provide income, food, medicines, fuel, fodder, construction material, and other uses (Reid 2004). A climate-induced general increase in crop failures, flooding, droughts, and cyclones in many tropical and subtropical regions will dramatically affect the most vulnerable communities, those with least capacity to adapt. The predictions of the IPCC, based on models and other studies (IPCC 2001a), include: (i) a general reduction in crop yields in most tropical and subtropical countries, (ii) decreased water availability in waterscarce regions of subtropics, (iii) increased exposure to vector-borne (e.g., malaria) and water-borne diseases (e.g., cholera), (iv) a widespread increase in the risk of flooding, and (v) poor coastal communities are most vulnerable. Adaptation actions combining benefits for biodiversity, climate change, and livelihoods should aim to build the resilience of communities to climate-related stresses, through improving the soil, erosion prevention, water management, agricultural productivity, and hillside protection (IISD 2003). Afforestation and reforestation activities can have positive, neutral, or negative impacts on biodiversity, depending on the ecosystem being replaced, and management actions. The best opportunities for positive action are afforestation or reforestation on degraded lands with natural regeneration and native species and with minimal clearing of preexisting vegetation. Avoided deforestation can provide the greatest biodiversity benefits (IPCC 2002). 6.2.2 Adaptation agriculture is needed. It requires modeling of likely impacts of climate change and regional air pollution on biodiversity, agriculture and water availability. Coordinated assessments of impacts on important vegetation, monitoring, modeling and policy implications need to be conducted by institutions in the region, using agreed, harmonized protocols. High priority should be given to this type of partnership and technology transfer approach with institutions in the region. Adverse consequences of climate change can be reduced by mitigation and adaptation measures, but cannot be eliminated. Both mitigation and adaptation measures have important roles in responding to climate change. Climate change is already a reality and adaptation to these changes needs to be incorporated into national development planning. Even with best-practice management it is inevitable that some species will be lost, some ecosystems irreversibly modified, some environmental goods and services severely damaged, and some vulnerable communities adversely affected (IPCC 2002). Capacity building of key national institutions is required to enable them to participate in modeling and national and regional assessments of impacts of climate change and regional air pollution on biodiversity, agriculture, and water availability. This would enable them to respond to issues raised by their national policymakers and support vulnerable communities. The development of regional and national policy dialogues to communicate and discuss the modeling and assessments and their policy implications is essential. Existing capacities at both national and local community levels may be weak, but they are the starting point for adaptation actions to protect biodiversity and communities. The capacity to adapt to climate change is closely related to how communities develop their technological capability, the level of support provided to them and type of governance. Capacity building activities should include support for communities to develop their own priorities to reduce climate change vulnerability through ecosystem management and restoration activities that sustain and diversify local livelihoods (Reid 2004). Ground-level ozone is easily the most important air pollutant for impacts on agricultural production in North America and Europe (Emberson et al. 2003) and its concentrations in the GMS region are increasing. Mean global surface ozone concentrations are predicted by the IPCC to increase by 23% by 2050 and by 2% per year in parts of the Asian region, due to rapidly growing economies emitting growing emissions of the precursors of groundlevel ozone (IPCC 2001a). However, recent assessments demonstrate the likely huge impact of growing surface ozone concentrations on agriculture in Asia. Recent studies show a predicted increase of 23% in ozone concentration from an ambient level of 56 to 69 ppb over two growing seasons, will reduce soybean yield by 20% (Morgan et al. 2006). This concentration is expected to be reached by 2020 in parts of the GMS region (Dentener et al. 2005). The key to adaptation to climate change and regional air pollution at regional, national, and local levels depends upon an adequate understanding of the likely impacts of climate change on the countries of the region, and the effective communication of this information to empower decision-makers and communities. This is essential to capacity building to enable adaptation of vulnerable communities and the formulation of development policies that incorporate adaptation. A regional assessment of impacts of climate change and regional air pollution on biodiversity and 6.3 Regional air pollution Other studies indicate that East Asia is about to experience substantial reductions in grain production. By 2020, increasing ozone concentrations are expected to cause yield losses of 2-16% for wheat, rice, and corn, and 28-35% for soybean. Compliance with ozone standards would increase annual grain revenues by US$2.6-27 billion in the PRC (Wang and Mauzerall 2004). . Potential Impacts of Climate Change and Regional Air Pollution on Terrestrial Biodiversity and Landscape Use 39 6.3.1 Ozone and biodiversity 6.4 There is much less knowledge about impacts of ozone on biodiversity than on major crops. Ozone and other air pollutants have severe impacts on some forest types and species of biodiversity and economic importance. For example, high levels of mortality in NorthEastern hardwood forests of the US and Eastern Canada since the early 1980s have been directly linked to air pollution (Percy, 2003) and impacts of ozone on native forests in Europe, Japan, the PRC, India, Mexico, Australia, and elsewhere have been documented (Emberson et al. 2003). Ozone also affects insect infestations and diseases. Human-induced climate change is a serious environmental and development issue and in conjunction with other stresses, it threatens social, economic, and ecological systems and biodiversity. Under some recently published climate change scenarios, climate change poses a greater threat of species extinction than deforestation or habitat destruction. However, there are many opportunities for both mitigation and adaptation to climate change while enhancing the conservation of biodiversity and landscape use. Lessons learned Asia has experienced large decreases in sunlight intensity at ground levels in recent years due to the atmospheric brown cloud. Emissions of sulfur dioxide and black carbon have increased rapidly reducing solar radiation at the surface, evaporation and summer monsoon rainfall (Ramanathan et al. 2005). This is expected to result in a doubling of drought frequency with major impacts on biodiversity, agriculture, and water availability. Recent studies predict East Asia is about to experience substantial reductions in crop production due to increasing surface ozone concentrations. Impacts of other regional air pollutants, including acid deposition and the atmospheric brown cloud could also be important in the GMS within the next decade or two. Due to dependence on agricultural and natural ecosystems in the region to support local livelihoods, these impacts will have major social, economic, and environmental consequences. Assessments, capacity building, communication, and adaptation to enable these changes to be factored into development planning are needed. 6.3.3 Acid rain 6.5 Emissions of acid air pollutants are expected to increase as the industrialization of the region continues and energy shortages remain. The IPCC scenario A1B envisages rapid economic growth with a balance between fossil fuel and renewable energy sources. Under this scenario by 2030, emissions from India of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide are expected to increase by 400% and 500%, respectively, and for the PRC, by 33% and 100%, respectively (Unger et al. 2006). Demand for coal and oil is expected to double or triple in the next 30 years in the region (Cofala et al. 2004). With the growing emissions of acid gases, the importance of acid rain and its impacts on biodiversity will grow. The Chinese EPA estimates that economic losses due to damage caused by acid rain to forests and farmlands increased five times from 1996 to 2000 and losses were estimated to be US$13.25 billion in 2000 (Shah et al. 2000). Climate change and regional air pollutants are soon to be major drivers of biodiversity and agricultural losses in the GMS region. A regional assessment of impacts of climate change and regional air pollution on biodiversity and agriculture is needed. It requires modeling of likely impacts of climate change and regional air pollution on biodiversity, agriculture, and water availability. High priority should be given to a partnership, technology transfer approach with key national institutions in the region to enable assessments, capacity building, and communication, and to facilitate the outcomes being factored into development planning. 6.3.2 Atmospheric brown cloud 40 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings Conclusions and future steps References Breshears D.D. et al. (2005). Regional vegetation die-off in response to global-change-type drought. PNAS. 102: 1514415148. Cofala J, Amann M, Gyarfas F, et al. (2004). Cost-effective control of SO2 emissions in Asia. Journal of Environmental Management. 72: 149-161. Reid, H. (2004). Climate change – biodiversity and livelihood impacts. International Institute for Environment and Development, London, UK. Dentener F, et al. (2005). The impact of air pollutants and methane emission controls on tropospheric ozone and radiative forcing: CTM calculations for the period 1990-2030. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 5: 1731-1755. Shah J. et al. 2000. Integrated analysis for acid rain in Asia. Policy implications and results of RAINS-Asia model. Annual Review of Energy and Environment. 25: 339-375. Emberson L, Ashmore M, and Murray F, (Eds) (2003). Air pollution impacts on crops and forests: A global assessment. Imperial College Press, London. IISD (2003). Livelihoods and climate change: combining disaster risk reduction, natural resources management and climate change adaptation to reduce vulnerability and poverty. IISD, SEI, Intercooperation. Information Paper 2, December 2003. IPCC (2001a). Climate change 2001: The scientific basis Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. UNEP, Nairobi and WMO, Geneva. IPCC (2001b). Climate change 2001: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. UNEP, Nairobi and WMO, Geneva. Streets DG, Bond TC, Carmichael GR et al. (2003). An inventory of gaseous and primary aerosol emissions in Asia in the year 2000. Journal of Geophysical Research. 108: No.D21, 8809. Thomas C.D. et al. (2004). Extinction risk from climate change. Nature. 427: 145-148. UEA, (2003). Global climate change and biodiversity. University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK. Unger N. et al. (2006). Cross influences of ozone and sulfate precursor emissions changes on air quality and climate. PNAS. 103: 4377-4380. Wang X. and Mauzerall D.L. (2004). Characterizing distributions of surface ozone and its impact on grain production in China, Japan and South Korea: 1990 and 2020. Atmospheric Environment. 38: 4383-4402. IPCC (2002). Climate change and biodiversity. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Technical Paper V. UNEP, Nairobi and WMO, Geneva. Malcolm J. et al. (2006). Global Warming and Extinctions of Endemic Species from Biodiversity Hotspots, Conservation Biology. 2: 538-548. Maxwell S. 2001. WDR (2001): Is there a “new poverty agenda”? Development Policy Review. 19: 143–149. Morgan P.B et al. (2006). Season long elevation of ozone concentration to projected 2050 levels under fully open-air conditions substantially decreases the growth and production of soybean. New Phytologist. 170: 333-343. Pachauri, R.K. (2004). Climate change and its implications for development: the role of IPCC assessments. IDS Bulletin. 35: 11-14. Peng S et al. (2004). Rice yields decline with higher night temperature from global warming. PNAS. 101: 9971-9975. Percy F. (2003). Air pollution impacts on North America. In: Air pollution impacts on crops and forests: A global assessment. Edited by Emberson L, Ashmore M, and Murray F, 2003. pp 35-57. Imperial College Press, London. Ramanathan V. et al. (2005). Atmospheric brown clouds: Impacts on South Asian climate and hydrological cycles. PNAS. 102: 5326-5333. . Potential Impacts of Climate Change and Regional Air Pollution on Terrestrial Biodiversity and Landscape Use 41 7. Upstream, Downstream: How New York City Saves Millions of Dollars by Paying Upstream Communities to Protect the Natural Water Filtration Qualities of the Catskill/Delaware Watershed Mark Kasman Summary This paper discusses how New York City saves millions of dollars by compensating upstream communities to protect the ecosystem services they provide, in this case the natural water filtration qualities of the Catskill/ Delaware Watershed. It will show how the State of New York, City of New York, and upstream communities developed a model consensus approach to resource management. Together they developed a plan for Land Acquisition, Stream Management, Sustainable Agricultural Development, Stream Restoration, Infrastructure Development and Maintenance, and Tourism and Recreation Opportunities to protect the watershed. This approach balances the need of upstate communities for economic development and self-determination, with the City’s need to provide clean drinking water to its citizens. 7.1 Background It is helpful to understand the context of New York City’s drinking water supply. The City’s first drinking water source was a well dug at Bowling Green in lower Manhattan. It quickly became contaminated and inadequate as New York City grew. Consequently, the City began a north and westward search for clean drinking water. In the early 1800s, it became clear that the fast-growing City needed a new source, far from the City. Croton River in Westchester County was impounded and the Croton aqueduct became operational in 1842. However, by the end of the 19th century, the Croton system was at full capacity. The City reached across Hudson River to the Catskills in the early 20th Century. The Catskill system was completed in the late 1920s and the Delaware system completed in 1967. Today, New York City has one of the largest unfiltered surface water supplies in the world. About 1.3 billions gallons a day is delivered to 42 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings 9 million people in the New York City metropolitan area. The watershed is 2,000 square miles in size and reaches over 125 miles and 8 counties. It contains 19 reservoirs and 3 controlled lakes. The Delaware System provides 50%, the Catskill System provides 40%, and the Croton System 10% of the City’s drinking water. Ninety-five percent of the drinking water is delivered by gravity and only 5% is pumped to maintain pressure. Figure 7.1 shows the relationship between the water supply systems and New York City. 7.2 Taking action to protect the city’s drinking water What the map in Figure 7.1 does not illustrate, however, is the deep-seated anger, resentment, and grievances left in the City’s wake as it aggressively acquired water in these regions. For much of the 20th Century, many upstate communities felt exploited by both Figure 7.1: New York City’s water supply system the City and the State in the quest for more water. Sometimes, towns were submerged. About 5,800 people were displaced. Recreation areas were lost. It is this collective anger and fear that the City would have to deal with when years later they came back to the Catskills in an effort to protect the system with additional watershed regulations and a program to buy more land. However uncomfortable the task might be for city officials, new Federal regulations forced the city to take action to protect New York City’s drinking water. The mandate of the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), through the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA), specifically, the Surface Water Treatment Rule (SWTR), requires that all drinking water taken from surface role be filtered to remove microbial contaminants. However, the SWTR does allow EPA to grant relief from the filtration requirement if the water supplier (e.g., New York City) can show that it meets a strict set of criteria. The “watershed control” criterion requires that the water supplier control “...all human activities in the watershed that may have an adverse impact on the microbiological quality of the source water.” That is a very high bar. Relief from filtration or “Filtration Avoidance” is the exception to the rule. Nationwide, excluding the New York City system, only 6 out of 235 large systems (those serving over 100,000 people) are able to avoid filtration. Most of those systems draw from watersheds in pristine areas that are entirely owned by either the federal or state government or the water purveyor. EPA first provided New York City relief from the requirement to filter its Catskill/Delaware system in January 1993. The basis for EPA’s decision included: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) the high quality of the source water, the mostly rural and low density population in the Catskill Mountain area, the substantial distance between the source water and the City, and the stringent source water protection program that the City presented to EPA in 1992 as part of its application to avoid filtration. However, EPA provided the City a Filtration Avoidance Determination (FAD) for the Catskill/Delaware system in 1993 that was conditioned on the City’s implementation of a number of new initiatives including: new rules and regulations, land acquisition—explicit goal of 80,000 acres—and the upgrading of wastewater infrastructure. 7.3 Rethinking the program This is when history caught up with the City. The anger, mistrust, and resentment toward the City that had been building up through the decades, was released in a torrent of lawsuits. Upstate communities did not want additional regulations telling them what they could or couldn’t do on their land. They didn’t want the City buying their land and limiting their opportunity for growth. They feared that, if pushed, the City would again resort to eminent domain, or the seizure of private land for the public good. They also feared that the cost of these expensive new infrastructure programs would ultimately be borne by the people living in the Catskills. It became apparent to EPA that the program was not progressing as planned—it was dead in the water. By early 1995, EPA was prepared to require the City to filter its Catskill/Delaware system, a requirement that would have cost the City at least $6 billion. To avoid this expense, the Governor of New York brought the parties together in an attempt to broker an agreement. The negotiating parties included New York City, New York State, EPA, the upstate watershed communities, and a number of environmental groups. The parties participated in over 150 negotiating sessions over an 18-month period. Ultimately, EPA had to be satisfied with the outcome if it was to continue to provide New York City relief from the filtration requirement. 7.4 New York City watershed MOA signed It is worth emphasizing how stakeholder empowerment and collaboration framed the entire watershed protection program. They were key elements that were built into the watershed memorandum of agreement (MOA), and it would have never been signed without them. It was very important for the upstate communities that they were not only part of the decision-making process in how programs were implemented, but that they were also a collaborative participant in doing the on-the-ground work. Upstream, Downstream: How New York City Saves Millions of Dollars by Paying Upstream Communities to Protect the Natural Water Filtration Qualities of the Catskill/Delaware Watershed . 43 The outcome of this process was the 1997 New York City Watershed MOA. The MOA is a balancing act: On one side it addresses the upstate towns’ needs for economic sustainability and self-determination. On the other, it addresses New York City’s needs to protect its water supply and to meet EPA’s requirements for filtration avoidance. After the MOA was signed, EPA issued the City a 5-year conditional filtration avoidance determination. This relieved the City of the requirement to build a $6 billion-plus filtration plant. To comply with EPA’s FAD, which was reissued in 2002, the City is spending approximately $1.2 billion in watershed protection/ remediation investments. Elements of these investments include: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Objective criteria compliance Land acquisition Agricultural program Infrastructure a. Septic systems b. Wastewater treatment plant upgrade program c. Stormwater controls (v) Waterfowl management (vi) Forestry program (vii) Wetlands protection (viii) Monitoring/modeling/geographic information system (ix) Watershed rules and regulations (x) Inspection program (xi) Disease surveillance (xii) Cross connection controls (xiii) Education and outreach (xiv) Stream management (xv) Total maximum daily loads The elements under the MOA are living programs. They are regularly monitored and modified as appropriate. A regular dialogue with the community and concerned organizations helps keep the program on track and aimed at achieving its objectives. To renew its FAD, the City must demonstrate its progress in meeting the terms and spirit of the agreement. Progress has been made in most components, but this paper will focus on the Land Acquisition and Agricultural Programs. 44 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings 7.5 Two critical components of the MOA: land acquisition and agricultural programs Land ownership is the best means of protecting water quality. In 1997, the city owned about 7% (approximately 8,000 acres) of watershed land. Under the MOA, the Land Acquisition Program requires the City to solicit 355,050 acres of vacant land for purchase from willing sellers. Purchases were prioritized by their proximity to reservoirs and distribution systems. The Land Acquisition Program represents a $300-million commitment by New York City over 15 years. Figure 7.2 illustrates some of the progress made with land acquisition since 1997. While this chart only goes through June 2004, as of December 30, 2005, close to 70,000 acres (69,745) had been protected or acquired under contract at a cost of $167.7 million. This total includes: (i) lands purchased by the City, (ii) lands protected through conservation easements by the City, and (iii) lands protected through farm easements by the Watershed Agricultural Council. Recently, business tycoon Donald Trump donated 436 acres to develop a state park. This land is heavily wooded and includes some significant wetlands. When he bought this land in the early 1990s for about $2 million, he had planned to develop it into homes and a golf course. One hundred fifty four acres of this land was designated Priority A for acquisition by the City because of its significance to the City’s watershed. Trump’s donation allows the City to redirect some of its resources toward other priority land. Predictably, the state park will be named the Donald J. Trump State Park. To date, the City has protected about 10% of the watershed lands, with about 20% protected by other governments (mostly State) and land trusts. Another component of the FAD is the Agricultural Program. The objective of the Agricultural Program is to improve water quality through source control, transport reduction across the farm, and prevention of contaminant deposition in watercourses. There are over 300 dairy farms located in the watershed. The waste from these farms is a potential source of pathogens and nutrients to source water. The Watershed Agricultural Council, Soil and Water Conservation Districts, and individual farmers work together to develop Whole Farm Plans which are like individual Best Manufacturing Practices (BMPs) for the farms. Figure 7.2: Land acquisition status – March 1997-June 2004 Contentious players can agree to a mutually beneficial agreement. While differences of opinion or approach are bound to occur, it is important to have a structure in place to deal with these issues. It is necessary to ensure continued compliance to protect the ecosystem services provided. With a regulatory framework in place, money can be saved by investing in the natural ecosystem services upon which development depends. References Acers Acquired Nearly all of the farms have signed up for the Agricultural Program with over 90% of the farms having commenced their whole farm plans. Substantial implementation of these plans has been completed at about 60% of these farms. A recent program has started to serve small farms. Another component helps take cropland/pastureland out of production. Three hundred seventy six stream miles have been protected by riparian buffers under this effort. “New York City’s Catskill/Delaware Drinking Water Supply: Filtration Avoidance Determination Status Update-May 2005,” provided by New York City Watershed Protection Team, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. “New York City Watershed Partnership,” provided by New York City Watershed Protection Team, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. “Watershed Agreement Overview,” provided by New York City Department of Environmental Protection. Each of the components of the MOA helped to protect the watershed. Household septic systems were repaired and upgraded to prevent human waste from contaminating the watershed. Comprehensive forest management planning and logger training helped sustain the forest resources and prevent erosion. Regular monitoring helped to measure progress and infrastructure was improved. 7.6 Lessons learned Many lessons have been learned through the experience New York has had balancing upstream resources and downstream needs. It is critical for the parties to recognize that ecosystem services have a real economic value. Without this basic acknowledgment, it is difficult to motivate the parties to come to an agreement. Regular monitoring, incentives, and potential penalties help keep the parties actively engaged in meeting the objectives of the program. As time passes, it is important to regularly monitor and advance the programs of the MOA to maintain private and public investment. Upstream, Downstream: How New York City Saves Millions of Dollars by Paying Upstream Communities to Protect the Natural Water Filtration Qualities of the Catskill/Delaware Watershed . 45 46 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings PANEL 1: Ecosystems Connectivity and Biodiversity . 47 48 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings 8. Current Status of Biodiversity in the GMS Countries, with a Particular Focus on the Pilot Sites of the Biodiversity Conservation Corridors Initiative Andrew (Jack) Tordoff Summary This paper begins with an overview of the current status of biodiversity in each of the six Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) countries, which outlines the key biological attributes of each country and highlights key trends in the status of species, habitats, and ecosystems. This overview is then followed by a discussion of the options for monitoring the impacts of investments in the conservation and sustainable management of each of the seven pilot sites of the Biodiversity Conservation Corridors Initiative (BCI). Specifically, potential biodiversity indicators are proposed for each pilot site, and the availability of baseline data is summarized. 8.1 Current status of biodiversity in the GMS The GMS comprises the Kingdom of Cambodia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR), the Union of Myanmar, the Kingdom of Thailand, Viet Nam, and Yunnan Province and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Consistent with the focus of the GMS BCI, this paper reviews the status of terrestrial, freshwater, and coastal biodiversity in the region. Marine biodiversity is not covered, although this is in no way a reflection of its relative importance. The GMS is a region of extremely high significance for the conservation of biodiversity. The GMS lies almost wholly within the Indo-Burma Hotspot, although northern parts of Yunnan province are included within the Mountains of South-western China Hotspot, the extreme north of Myanmar lies within the Himalayas Hotspot, and the extreme south of peninsular Thailand lies within the Sundaland Hotspot (Mittermeier et al 2004). The geological and evolutionary history of the GMS is complex, and the wide variation in topography and climate within the region has allowed the development of a wide diversity of natural habitats, supporting a high richness of plant and animal species. The fauna and flora of northern and montane parts of the GMS have strong Sino-Himalayan influences, while peninsular Thailand and southern Myanmar have strong Sundaic influences. In addition, the biota of the GMS has a significant endemic element, with endemic species being concentrated on montane isolates, in limestone karst formations and in lowland wet evergreen forests. The GMS is one of the most densely populated regions on the planet. Human populations have been concentrated, since historical times, in the floodplains and deltas of the region’s major rivers: the Irrawaddy (Ayeyarwady); Salween (Thanlwin; Nu Jiang); Chao Phraya; Mekong (Lancang Jiang); Red; and Pearl (Zhu Jiang). In these regions, natural habitats have been extensively cleared, to make way for agriculture, human habitation and, increasingly, industry. Human populations are not evenly distributed across the GMS, however, and significant areas of natural habitat can still be found in more sparsely populated areas, particularly in mountainous areas or other areas marginal for agriculture. In some areas, such as Guangxi and northern Viet Nam, remaining natural habitats have been heavily fragmented and typically persist as isolated patches. In other areas, such as in the Tenasserim mountains along the border between Myanmar and Thailand and on the plains of northern and eastern Cambodia, large, continuous landscapes of natural habitat remain. Such landscapes have the greatest potential to maintain, over the long term, full biotic communities, including populations of megafauna species, such as Tiger Panthera tigris, Asian Elephant Elephas maximus, and Gaur Bos gaurus. Due to loss and degradation of natural habitats, arising from population expansion, economic growth and increasing consumption, many species in the GMS are threatened with global extinction. These threats are compounded by exploitation of plant and animal species, driven in many cases by demand from the rapacious wildlife trade. The 2004 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (IUCN 2004) lists over 100 non-marine globally threatened species in each GMS country, a significant proportion of which are Critically Endangered, the highest category of threat (Table 8.1). For GMS countries, comprehensive global threat assessments are typically only available for mammals, Current Status of Biodiversity in the GMS Countries, with a Particular Focus on the Pilot Sites of the Biodiversity Conservation Corridors Initiative . 49 Table 8.1: Non-marine globally threatened species in the GMS Country CR EN VU Total Cambodia Lao PDR Myanmar PRC* Thailand Viet Nam 23 17 27 113 49 47 37 28 41 271 55 82 49 56 81 379 111 157 109 101 149 763 215 286 *Figures are for whole country birds, amphibians, and some groups of reptiles. For some countries, most notably Myanmar, national species inventory data are incomplete for most, if not all, major taxonomic groups. As a result, all GMS countries can be expected to support more globally threatened species than are currently listed by IUCN (2004). Recent decades, in particular the last 15 years, have witnessed increasing efforts by GMS governments, with support from donor agencies and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), to halt the loss of natural habitats and the decline of plant and animal populations. These efforts have included establishment and expansion of protected area systems, initiatives to control trade in wildlife, and development of mechanisms to integrate environmental considerations into the policies, plans, and programs of economic sectors. In the context of these efforts, there have been very few recorded plant and animal extinctions in the GMS to date. Nonetheless, many species are reduced to one or a few sites, with populations numbering in the hundreds or less, and can be considered to be on the verge of extinction. Effective measures are urgently required if the GMS is to avoid a wave of species extinctions and an accompanying decline in the ecosystems whose products and services underpin sustainable economic development in the region. 8.1.1 Cambodia Habitats and ecosystems The topography of Cambodia is predominantly lowland. The most significant area of highlands in the country is the Cardamom and Elephant Mountains in the southwest, which reach 1,756m above sea level (asl) at the summit of Phnom Aural, Cambodia’s highest mountain. 50 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings Other highland areas include the Annamite mountains, the western extremes of which extend into the northeast and southeast of the country. The lowlands of Cambodia are bisected by the Mekong River, which runs north-south through the country. The other major aquatic system in the country is Tonle Sap Lake, the largest freshwater lake in the GMS. Tonle Sap Lake is connected to the Mekong by the Tonle Sap River. During the wet season, the rising water level in the Mekong causes the Tonle Sap River to change direction and fill, rather than drain, Tonle Sap Lake. This process accounts for the annual expansion of the lake across a vast inundation zone. The inundation zone of Tonle Sap Lake contains some of the most unique ecosystems in the GMS, including seasonally inundated swamp forest and complex mosaics of seasonally inundated grassland, scrub, and deepwater rice. The swamp forest around the lake supports the GMS’s largest remaining breeding colonies of large waterbirds, such as Spot-billed Pelican Pelecanus philippensis, Greater Adjutant Leptoptilos dubius and Oriental Darter Anhinga melanogaster. The inundation zone of the lake supports a unique bird community for the GMS, including the world’s largest population of Bengal Florican Houbaropsis bengalensis. The lake itself is of high importance for freshwater biodiversity, and supports one of the most productive freshwater fisheries in the region. Other important aquatic ecosystems in Cambodia comprise the Mekong River and its major tributaries: the Sekong, Sesan, and Srepok. These lowland rivers are wide, slow-flowing, and braided in places by large sandbars or punctuated by rocks. These riverine ecosystems support rich freshwater communities, including several globally threatened species, most notably Giant Catfish Pangasianodon gigas, the largest freshwater fish in the world. Many fish species characteristic of these rivers are migratory, and require the maintenance of intact, large-scale aquatic systems. Planned infrastructure developments, particularly dam construction, threaten to disrupt their migration patterns. Cambodia’s lowland riverine ecosystems are also important for communities of riverine mammal, bird, and turtle species, including otters, fish eagles and sandbar-nesting birds. These communities have disappeared from large parts of the GMS, as a result of over-exploitation, disturbance and clearance of riverine habitat. The hills and mountains of Cambodia support evergreen forest ecosystems, with plant and animal communities very distinct from those of the adjoining plains. Because of the relative inaccessibility of these areas, they still support extensive landscapes of continuous forest, particular in the south-west and northeast of the country. However, in upland areas suitable for cash crop cultivation, forest is being converted to coffee and other crops, while logging is contributing to forest degradation and loss in a number of places. The plains of northern and eastern Cambodia are characterized by dry forest ecosystems, which comprise habitat mosaics dominated by deciduous dipterocarp forest, interspersed with patches of semi-evergreen forest, grassland and wetlands, many of which are subject to seasonal monsoon inundation. As recently as the 1950s, these ecosystems supported large herds of ungulates, including Gaur, Banteng Bos javanicus, Kouprey B. sauveli, Wild Water Buffalo Bubalus bubalis, and Eld’s Deer Cervus eldii. So impressive was the wildlife spectacle of these dry forest ecosystems that they were considered to be one of the “great gamelands of the world” (Wharton 1957). Unfortunately, following three decades of civil war, the wildlife populations of the dry forests have been decimated, and one of the flagship species, Kouprey, may have gone globally extinct. The dry forest ecosystems of Cambodia’s northern and eastern plains and adjacent parts of Lao PDR, Thailand, and Viet Nam are recognized (under the name “Indochina Dry Forests”) as one of the Global 200 Ecoregions: the earth’s most biologically outstanding terrestrial, freshwater, and marine habitats (WWF 2005). Other Global 200 Ecoregions in Cambodia comprise the Annamite Range Moist Forests, the Cardamom Mountains Moist Forests, and the Mekong River. Species diversity and endemism Compared with the other countries in the GMS, Cambodia is not especially rich in species. Considering the best-studied group, birds, over 530 species have been recorded in Cambodia to date (Seng Kim Hout et al 2003), the lowest number for any GMS country (Smythies 1986, Duckworth et al 1999, Robson 2000, Round 2000, MacKinnon and Phillips 2000). Moreover, Cambodia only supports moderate levels of endemism. IUCN has identified a single Center of Plant Diversity in the country, the Cardamom Mountains (Davis et al 1995), while BirdLife International has defined two Endemic Bird Area (EBAs) that include parts of the country: the Southern Vietnamese Lowlands; and the Thailand-Cambodia Mountains (Eames et al 2002, BirdLife International 2004). The most important center of plant and animal endemism in Cambodia is the Cardamom and Elephant Mountains. Although these mountains are still being explored scientifically, studies to date have revealed significant numbers of endemic and near-endemic species, such as Chestnut-headed Partridge Arborophila cambodiana, Cambodian Laughingthrush Garrulax ferrarius, and Cardamom Banded Gecko Cyrtodactylus intermedius (Daltry and Momberg 2000). Globally threatened species According to IUCN (2004), Cambodia supports 109 non-marine globally threatened species, of which 23 are Critically Endangered, 37 are Endangered, and 49 are Vulnerable. Although none of these species are endemic to Cambodia, the country is of high global significance for the conservation of many of them. For example, Cambodia supports the majority of the global populations of Giant Ibis Thaumatibis gigantea and White-shouldered Ibis Pseudibis davisoni, two Critically Endangered bird species, as well as the largest-known remaining population of Siamese Crocodile Crocodylus siamensis, another Critically Endangered species. Cambodia is also notable for the conservation of globally threatened primate species, supporting the largest and most significant populations of Yellow-cheeked Crested Gibbon Nomascus gabriellae (Vulnerable), Pileated Gibbon Hylobates pileatus (Vulnerable), and Black-shanked Douc Pygathrix nigripes (Endangered) in the world. Key sites for conservation An analysis by BirdLife International, Wildlife Conservation Society, and the Government of Cambodia identified 40 Important Bird Areas (IBAs), internationally important sites for the conservation of birds and biodiversity, in Cambodia (Seng Kim Hout et al 2003). This network of key sites for conservation covers 4.4 million ha, equivalent to 24% of the total land area of Cambodia. In 2003, approximately 65% of Cambodia’s IBA network was under some form of legal protection, although only 55% was under the strictest forms of legal Current Status of Biodiversity in the GMS Countries, with a Particular Focus on the Pilot Sites of the Biodiversity Conservation Corridors Initiative . 51 protection (national park and wildlife sanctuary). Of the different ecosystems in Cambodia, IBAs supporting examples of offshore island, lowland riverine, and seasonally inundated grasslands were significantly under-represented within areas under the strictest form of legal protection (Seng Kim Hout et al 2003). Conservation corridors A recent conservation-priority-setting exercise supported by the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) defined a set of “conservation corridors” across most of the GMS, excluding northern and central parts of Yunnan and Guangxi (Tordoff et al in prep.). Conservation corridors comprise interconnected landscapes of core areas, linked by actual or potential habitat corridors that are potentially of sufficient size to maintain intact biotic assemblages and natural processes over the long-term. Nine conservation corridors were defined in Cambodia (Tordoff et al in prep.), based on the results of an earlier ecoregion-based conservation assessment conducted by WWF (Baltzer et al 2001). The conservation corridors defined by CEPFsupported exercise were used by the BCI as the basis for defining “Biodiversity Conservation Landscapes,” the establishment of which would help maintain the quality of ecosystems, ensure sustainable use of shared natural resources, and improve the livelihoods of people in the GMS. Cambodia includes all or part of five Biodiversity Conservation Landscapes: the Cardamom and Elephant Mountains (which comprises the Cardamom and Elephant Mountains conservation corridor); the Tonle Sap Lake and Inundation Zone (which comprises the Tonle Sap Inundation Zone corridor); the Northern Plains Dry Forests (which comprises the Northern Plains Dry Forests Conservation Corridor); the Eastern Plains Dry Forests (which comprises the Eastern Plains Dry Forests and Southern Annamites Western Slopes corridors); and the Tri-border Forests (which comprises the Cambodia-Lao PDR-Viet Nam Tri-border Forests and Sekong Plains corridors, together with the Xe Khampho-Xe Pian corridor in Lao PDR). 8.1.2 Lao PDR Habitats and ecosystems Lao PDR is predominantly a hilly and mountainous country. The north of the country is dominated by the 52 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings Northern Highlands, which are characterized by rugged and steep topography. The highest peak in the Northern Highlands is Phou Bia, at 2,820m asl, although elevations are typically in the range from 500 to 2,000m asl. In the center and south of the country, the key topographical feature is the Annamite mountains, which run along the international border with Viet Nam, and reach a maximum elevation of 2,711m asl. To the west of the Annamite mountains lies the Mekong plain, which is characterized by plains and low hills. The major river in Lao PDR is the Mekong, which runs from north to south, and drains almost all of the country apart from the extreme northeast. Although forest cover in Lao PDR has declined greatly over the past century, the country still retains extensive areas of forest, particularly in the center and south (Duckworth et al 1999). In the Northern Highlands, natural habitats were dominated originally by dry evergreen forest, with substantial areas of deciduous forest also present. Much of the original forest cover has, however, been lost as a result of shifting cultivation and associated fire, and replaced by Imperata grassland, bamboo, and other secondary vegetation (Duckworth et al 1999). Dry evergreen forest is also the dominant natural habitat type in the Annamite mountains, although wet evergreen forest is found in areas where the main mountain ridge is sufficiently low for them to be influenced by the northeastern monsoon. In the northern section of the Annamite chain, in Khammouan province, extensive areas of limestone karst, supporting specialized vegetation formations, can be found. In addition, upper montane evergreen forest can be found at higher elevations in both the Northern Highlands and Annamite mountains. Although large areas of the Annamite mountains have been affected by shifting cultivation, forest loss has not been as extensive as in the Northern Highlands. Nevertheless, many forest areas have been degraded by logging (Duckworth et al 1999). The original vegetation of the Mekong plain was dominated by semi-evergreen forest, with extensive areas of deciduous dipterocarp forest and mixed deciduous forest. Although the semi-evergreen forest has been the focus of logging activities, large areas remain relatively intact, particularly on steep slopes. The major focus of human activities has been low lying areas in the floodplain of the Mekong River, and the original forest cover of these areas has been largely converted to permanent agriculture. Lao PDR still supports significant examples of dry forest ecosystems dominated by deciduous dipterocarp forest, particularly in Champasak and Attapu provinces. However, these are typically subjected to higher levels of human disturbance and support lower densities of megafauna than similar ecosystems in Cambodia. considered reasonably likely to occur (Duckworth et al 1999). Lao PDR also supports at least 160 reptile and amphibian species (Duckworth et al 1999), although herpetological species inventory data for the country are not exhaustive. In particular, the north of the country and areas over 1,000m asl have been under-represented by herpetological surveys to date (Duckworth et al 1999). Aquatic ecosystems in Lao PDR range from fastflowing mountain streams to wide, slow-flowing lowland rivers, such as the Mekong and Sekong. Aquatic ecosystems make an important contribution to the livelihoods of a significant proportion of the rural population, and support a number of globally threatened species. Almost all aquatic ecosystems in Lao PDR are subject to fishing and other forms of human disturbance, usually at high levels (Duckworth et al 1999). Specific threats to these ecosystems include unsustainable fishing practices and changes to river flow patterns due to widening of navigation channels or construction of hydropower dams. The main center of endemism in Lao PDR is the Annamite mountains. These mountains, which also lie within Viet Nam and, marginally, Cambodia, support remarkable levels of endemism in plants and animals, including a significant proportion of the species endemic to the GMS. These levels of endemism have been attributed to the mountains’ geological and evolutionary history. Specifically, fluctuations in the relative extent of evergreen forest during Pleistocene glacial episodes are thought to have enabled evergreen-forest-specialist species to evolve in isolation (Baltzer et al 2001). Species endemic to the Annamite mountains include Saola Pseudoryx nghetinhensis, Red-shanked Douc Pygathrix nemaeus, Annamite Striped Rabbit Nesolagus timminsi, and Crested Argus Rheinardia ocellata. Within Lao PDR, several of these species are associated with wet evergreen forest, located in areas influenced by the northeastern monsoon. Four Global 200 Ecoregions defined by WWF (2005) lie wholly or partly within Lao PDR: the Northern Indochina Subtropical Moist Forests; the Annamite Range Moist Forests; the Indochina Dry Forests; and the Mekong River. Species diversity and endemism As with all countries in the GMS, species inventory data for Lao PDR are far from comprehensive, even for the better-studied groups, such as large mammals, birds, and reptiles. New species continue to be added to lists for the country (e.g., Duckworth et al 2002), and recent years have seen a number of discoveries of new species to science. Most notable among the recent discoveries has been that of Laotian Rock Rat Laonastes aenigmamus (Jenkins et al 2005) from limestone karst areas in the center of the country, which represents not only a new species and genus but also a new family of mammals. Other notable discoveries over the last decade include a large number of new fish species from the Mekong basin (e.g., Kottelat 1998, 2000; Vidthayanon and Jaruthanin 2002). Lao PDR has a rich and diverse avifauna, reflecting the wide range of habitats in the country. Approximately 700 species of bird are known or provisionally recorded from Lao PDR, and a further 100 or so species are Lao PDR includes parts of three EBAs defined by BirdLife International: the Annamese Lowlands, the Kon Tum Plateau, and the Eastern Himalayas (Ounekham and Inthapatha 2003). The former two lie within the Annamite mountains. In addition, IUCN has identified a single Center of Plant Diversity in Lao PDR, the Bolaven Plateau, which is located in the south of the country (Davis et al 1995). Globally threatened species According to IUCN (2004), Lao PDR supports 101 globally threatened species, comprising 17 Critically Endangered, 28 Endangered and 56 Vulnerable species. Although no globally threatened species is endemic to the country, Lao PDR supports an endemic species of primate, Lao Leaf Monkey Trachypithecus laotum, which is currently assessed as Data Deficient. Lao PDR is of very high global significance for the conservation of several globally threatened species, particularly ones endemic to the Annamite mountains, such as Saola and Red-shanked Douc (both Endangered). Moreover, within Current Status of Biodiversity in the GMS Countries, with a Particular Focus on the Pilot Sites of the Biodiversity Conservation Corridors Initiative . 53 the GMS, Lao PDR supports some of the most important regional populations of a number of large mammal species, including Tiger and Asian Elephant (both Endangered). Key sites for conservation An analysis by BirdLife International, Wildlife Conservation Society, and the Government of Lao PDR identified a total of 27 IBAs in Lao PDR (Ounekham and Inthapatha 2003). These sites cover a total area of 2.4 million ha, equivalent to 10% of the total land area of the country. During a recent conservation-priority-setting exercise supported by CEPF, the results of this analysis were expanded, by including data on other taxonomic groups, to define a provisional list of 38 “Key Biodiversity Areas” (KBAs): sites of international importance for conservation (Tordoff et al in prep.). Of the 38 KBAs in Lao PDR, only 22 (58% of the total) are included, partly or fully, within gazetted protected areas (Tordoff et al in prep.). Conservation corridors The priority-setting exercise supported by CEPF also defined 11 conservation corridors in Lao PDR (Tordoff et al in prep.), based on the results of an earlier ecoregion-based conservation assessment conducted by WWF (Baltzer et al 2001). These conservation corridors were used by the BCI as the basis for defining Biodiversity Conservation Landscapes, four of which lie partly within Lao PDR: the Northern Annamites (which comprises the Northern Annamites, Central Indochina Limestone, and Quang Binh-Quang Tri-Xe Bangfai conservation corridors); the Central Annamites (which comprises the Central Annamites corridor); the Northern Plains Dry Forests (which comprises the Northern Plains Dry Forests conservation corridor); and the Tri-border Forests (which comprises the Cambodia-Lao PDR-Viet Nam Tri-border Forests and Xe Khampho-Xe Pian corridors, together with the Sekong Plains corridor in Cambodia). 8.1.3 Myanmar Habitats and ecosystems Myanmar is one of the largest countries in the GMS and exhibits an extraordinary diversity of topography and climate. Elevations range from sea level to 5,881m asl at the summit of Mount Hkakaborazi in the far north. In between are several mountain ranges, extensive lowland 54 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings plains, and several major rivers. Much of Myanmar is drained by the Irrawaddy (Ayeyarwady) River and its tributary the Chindwin, although the country also encompasses stretches of the Salween (Thanlwin) and Mekong Rivers. Due to its great topographical and climatic variation, Myanmar supports a correspondingly wide range of natural ecosystems. Forest types range from lowland wet evergreen forest in the south of the country to sub-alpine forest at high elevations in the far north; in between, montane evergreen forest, mixed deciduous forest, deciduous dipterocarp forest, thorn forest, and freshwater swamp forest can be found. Natural forest covers around 66% of the country’s land area (Leimgruber et al 2004), making it one of the most forested countries in the GMS. Myanmar is particularly notable for supporting extensive, little disturbed areas of lowland wet evergreen forest, a forest type that has been extensively degraded and cleared elsewhere in Southeast Asia, through commercial logging and conversion to cash crops (Tordoff et al 2005). In addition to forest habitats, Myanmar also supports a wide diversity of freshwater ecosystems, ranging from fast-flowing mountain streams to wide, slow-flowing lowland rivers, as well as large lakes and other non-flowing wetlands (Tordoff et al 2005). Important habitats associated with lowland rivers include ox-bow lakes and alluvial grasslands, which have been extensively lost throughout the rest of the GMS (Tordoff et al 2005). As elsewhere in the GMS, Myanmar’s freshwater ecosystems are frequently subjected to high levels of human use, often with negative implications for biodiversity (Tordoff et al 2005). Although the coastal ecosystems in Myanmar are among the most extensive and least disturbed in the GMS, they have not escaped the threats that have led to the extensive degradation and loss of these ecosystems elsewhere in the region, such as aquacultural expansion and fuelwood collection (Tordoff et al 2005). Mangrove ecosystems are experiencing some of the highest rates of loss in the country: over 20% of the forest cover of the Ayeyarwady Delta was lost between 1990 and 2000, for example (Leimgruber et al 2004). The global significance of Myanmar’s natural habitats and ecosystems has been recognized by a number of conservation priority setting exercises. The country includes all or part of nine Global 200 Ecoregions defined by WWF (2005): the Eastern Himalayan Alpine Meadows; the Eastern Himalayan Broadleaf and Conifer Forests; the Naga-Manupuri-Chin Hills Moist Forests; the Kayah-Kayin/Tenasserim Moist Forests; the Northern Indochina Subtropical Moist Forests; the Mekong River; the Salween River; Inle Lake; and the Andaman Sea. Species diversity and endemism Available data indicate that Myanmar supports extraordinarily high plant and vertebrate diversity. A recent checklist catalogued 11,800 species of gymnosperms and angiosperms for the country (Kress et al 2003). Northern Myanmar is particularly rich floristically: Kingdon-Ward (1944-5) recorded 6,000 vascular plant species in this area, of which perhaps 25% are endemic. IUCN identified five Centers of Plant Diversity in Myanmar, comprising: Northern Myanmar (with an estimated 6,000 vascular plant species); Tanintharyi (with an estimated 3,000); Natmataung National Park and the Chin Hills (with an estimated 2,500); the Bago Yoma Range; and the Shan Plateau (each with an estimated 2,000) (Davis et al 1995). Myanmar supports at least 250 species of mammal, including seven that are thought to be endemic to the country (Groombridge and Jenkins 1994, Bates et al 2004). Regarding birds, Myanmar supports at least 1,020 species (Smythies 1986), the greatest diversity of any GMS country apart from the PRC (Duckworth et al 1999, Robson 2000, Round 2000, MacKinnon and Phillips 2000). Myanmar supports at least 270 species of reptile and 80 species of amphibian, including seven nationally endemic species of turtle (Tordoff et al 2005). The freshwater fish fauna of Myanmar is little known but the country is estimated to support at least 350 species, a significant fraction of which may be national endemics (S. Kullander, C. Ferraris, Jr and Fang Fang in litt. 2004 to Tordoff et al 2005). For all major taxonomic groups, national species inventories are still incomplete: new species records for the country are being continually made, and new species for science are regularly described. In 1997, for example, a new species of muntjak, Leaf Deer Muntiacus putaoensis, believed to be the smallest deer in the world, was discovered in the north of the country (Amato et al 1999). Recent surveys of other groups have resulted in the description of 14 new species of reptiles and amphibians (e.g., Slowinski and Wuster 2000, Vindum et al 2003) and 27 new species of freshwater fish (e.g., Kullander and Britz 2002, Kottelat 2004). One of the main centers of endemism in Myanmar is the Central Dry Zone, an area of plains, which experiences a very dry, seasonal climate, as a result of being sheltered from the southwest and northeast monsoons by surrounding mountain ranges. Other centers of endemism include the Eastern Himalayas, which extend into northern Myanmar, although many of the species endemic to these mountains are shared with neighboring countries. Myanmar includes all or part of four EBAs defined by BirdLife International: the Eastern Himalayas, the Irrawaddy Plains, the Yunnan Mountains, and the Andaman Islands (Stattersfield et al 1998). Regarding freshwater biodiversity, Inle Lake is known to support several nationally endemic fish species but other centers of endemism may have been overlooked due to patchy collecting effort elsewhere. Globally threatened species According to IUCN (2004), Myanmar supports 149 non-marine globally threatened species, of which 27 are Critically Endangered, 41 are Endangered and 81 are Vulnerable. Nine of these species are thought to be endemic to Myanmar: Joffre’s Pipistrelle Pipistrellus joffrei; Anthony’s Pipistrelle P. anthonyi; White-browed Nuthatch Sitta victoriae; Burmese Star Tortoise Geochelone platynota; Arakan Forest Turtle Heosemys depressa; Burmese Roofed Turtle Kachuga trivitatta; Burmese Eyed Turtle Morenia ocellata; Burmese Frogfaced Softshell Turtle Chitra vandijki; and Burmese Peacock Softshell Nilssonia formosa. In addition to these endemic species, Myanmar is of high global significance for the conservation of a number of other species. These include Gurney’s Pitta, a Critically Endangered species endemic to southern Myanmar and peninsular Thailand, which is highly threatened by clearance of its lowland forest habitat; Eld’s Deer, a Vulnerable species, which, outside of Myanmar, is restricted to small, isolated populations in northeastern India, Lao PDR, Cambodia, and Hainan Current Status of Biodiversity in the GMS Countries, with a Particular Focus on the Pilot Sites of the Biodiversity Conservation Corridors Initiative . 55 Island; and Hoolock Gibbon Bunipithecus hoolock, an Endangered species of which Myanmar potentially supports the largest remaining population in the world. Key sites for conservation A list of 55 IBAs in Myanmar has been prepared by BirdLife International (2004). This analysis was expanded by the addition of globally important sites for the conservation of other taxonomic groups, to prepare a preliminary list of 76 KBAs (Tordoff et al 2005). The total number of globally important sites for conservation in Myanmar would undoubtedly be greater, were more detailed data available on the distribution and conservation status of species in Myanmar, particularly in Shan State. Of the 76 KBAs in Myanmar, only 23 (or 30% of the total) are designated or officially proposed as protected areas, while the remaining 53 (70%) are unprotected (Tordoff et al 2005). There may be, therefore, a need to review and expand the national protected area system, in order to increase the coverage of under-represented species and habitats, and/or to develop alternative approaches to site conservation outside of formal protected areas, such as conservation by local communities. Conservation corridors Fifteen conservation corridors have been defined in Myanmar, covering a total area of 293,400 km 2, equivalent to 43% of the national land area (Tordoff et al 2005). These corridors include the Nan Yu Range, in the northeast of the country, which is included within the BCI’s Mekong Headwaters Biodiversity Conservation Landscape. They also include the Sundaic Subregion (44,200 km2), an extremely large block of natural habitat in Tanintharyi Division and neighboring Mon and Kayin States, which comprises the Myanmar portion of the BCI’s Western Forest Complex Biodiversity Conservation Landscape. The available information indicates that the Sundaic Subregion still supports rich lowland evergreen forest communities, including important populations of Asian Tapir Tapirus indicus (Vulnerable), Tiger Panthera tigris (Endangered), and Plain-pouched Hornbill Aceros subruficollis (Vulnerable) (Lynam 2003, Tordoff et al 2005). Of greatest significance, the Sundaic Subregion supports the vast majority of the global population of Gurney’s Pitta (Critically Endangered) (Eames et al 2005). The Sundaic Subregion is particularly important for the conservation of lowland wet evergreen forests 56 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings and mangroves, two ecosystems that are significantly under-represented within the protected area systems of the GMS. Unfortunately, the lowland wet evergreen forests of the Sundaic Subregion are under severe and immediate threat of conversion to oil palm plantations, while its mangrove habitats are threatened by conversion to aquaculture. Other threats to biodiversity in the corridor include hunting, mining, timber extraction, and over-exploitation of Non Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) (Tordoff et al 2005). 8.1.4 PRC (Yunnan and Guangxi) Habitats and ecosystems Yunnan Province and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region are located in the south of the PRC. Both areas have a more tropical climate than the rest of the country, and have close faunal and floral affinities with the rest of the GMS. The main exception to this is highland areas in Yunnan, which have strong Sino-Himalayan affinities. Yunnan is situated to the southeast of the Tibetan (Qinghai-Xizang) Plateau, which is the origin of two of the major rivers in the GMS: the Salween (Nu Jiang) and Mekong (Lancang Jiang). Western Yunnan is drained by these two rivers, while the southeast is drained by the Red River and parts of the northeast are included within the catchment of the Yangtze (Chang Jiang). Yunnan has some of the most complex topography in the world, with high mountain ranges extending southeastwards from the Himalayas bisected by deep gorges. Yunnan contains the highest peak in the GMS: Mount Kagepo (6,740m asl). Guangxi does not contain the high mountain ranges that characterize Yunnan. Rather, it is characterized by hilly topography, with several moderately high mountain ranges and significant areas of limestone karst, most notably around Guilin in the northeast. Much of Guangxi is drained by the Pearl River (Zhu Jiang), one of Asia’s largest rivers. Terrestrial ecosystems range from alpine meadows and coniferous forests at higher elevations in Yunnan’s mountains, to lowland moist evergreen forests in Xishuangbanna prefecture in the southwest of the province. Montane evergreen forest is distributed in highland areas in Yunnan, although it has been cleared and degraded in many areas. Lowland areas in both Yunnan and Guangxi have been extensively cleared of forest, following centuries of human settlement. Much of the natural forest that does remain at low elevations is distributed on limestone karst formations, which are largely unsuitable for conversion to other land uses. Although greatly fragmented, remaining patches of limestone forest are very important for the conservation of endemic species, particularly plants, primates, and invertebrates. While limestone forests are less threatened by conversion to agriculture that many other terrestrial ecosystems, the plant and animal species they support are often threatened by over-exploitation, while the very existence of the karst formations themselves is, in places, threatened by quarrying. The high significance of the PRC for the conservation of natural ecosystems is illustrated by the fact that 17 of the Global 200 Ecoregions defined by WWF (2005) lie wholly or partly within the country. Of these, nine Global 200 Ecoregions are located partly or fully within the GMS: the Northern Indochina Subtropical Moist Forests, the Southeast China-Hainan Moist Forests, the Eastern Himalayan Broadleaf and Conifer Forests, the Hengduan Shan Coniferous Forests, the Eastern Himalayan Alpine Meadows, the Mekong River, Xi Jiang Rivers and Streams, the Salween River, and Yunnan Lakes and Streams. Species diversity and endemism Specific species inventory data are not available for the parts of the PRC within the GMS. Nevertheless, given the size of Yunnan and Guangxi, and the degree of topographical and climatic variation within them, they can be expected to support comparable levels of species diversity to the other GMS countries. Nine Centers of Plant Diversity defined by IUCN lie wholly or partly within Yunnan and Guangxi (Davis et al 1995). These comprise: Xishuangbanna Region (with an estimated 4,000 to 4,500 vascular plant species, of which 120 species are strictly endemic); Nanling Mountain Range (with over 3,000 species); Guangxi Zhuang Limestone Region (with an estimated 2,500 to 3,000 species); Ailao Shan (with an estimated 2,000 species); South Yulong Mountains; Haba Snow Mountains; Gaoligong Mountains, Nu Jiang River and Biluo Snow Mountains; and Southern Guangxi. Yunnan and Guangxi support a large number of endemic species. They are particularly important for the conservation of endemic plant species. Moreover, the importance of Yunnan and Guangxi for the conservation of restricted-range bird species is illustrated by the fact that they contain parts of five EBAs defined by BirdLife International: the Central Sichuan Mountains, the Chinese Subtropical Forests, the Eastern Himalayas, the Southeast Chinese Mountains, and the Yunnan Mountains (Stattersfield et al 1998). Globally threatened species According to IUCN (2004), the PRC supports 763 non-marine globally threatened species, of which 113 are Critically Endangered, 271 are Endangered, and 379 are Vulnerable. These figures are for the whole country, however, and only a proportion occurs within the GMS. Because of the high levels of local endemism in Yunnan and Guangxi, many of the globally threatened species in the Chinese portion of the GMS occur nowhere else in the world. A number of these species have extremely restricted global ranges. These include: Nyssa yunnanensis, Vatica xishuangbannaensis and Pterospermum menglunense, three Critically Endangered plant species known only from Xishuangbanna in Yunnan; P. kingtungense, a Critically Endangered plant species known only from Babian Jiang in Yunnan; and Guangxi Warty Newt Paramesotriton guangxiensis, an Endangered amphibian species known only from Paiyangshan in Guangxi. Key sites for conservation A preliminary list of 20 IBAs in Yunnan was prepared by BirdLife International (2004). This analysis was expanded by the addition of seven additional sites of international importance for the conservation of other taxonomic groups (Tordoff et al in prep.) to prepare a list of 27 KBAs for the province. In Guangxi, a provisional list of 40 IBAs was prepared (BirdLife International 2004), and then expanded by the addition of 12 sites important for other taxonomic groups to prepare a list of 52 KBAs for the autonomous region (Tordoff et al in prep.). These lists of KBAs are far from comprehensive, in particular because the analysis of taxonomic groups other than birds only included the parts of Yunnan and Guangxi that lie within the Indo-Burma Hotspot (Tordoff et al in prep.). Current Status of Biodiversity in the GMS Countries, with a Particular Focus on the Pilot Sites of the Biodiversity Conservation Corridors Initiative . 57 Of the 27 KBAs defined in Yunnan to date, 25 (93% of the total) are partly or fully included within protected areas. For Guangxi, 42 out of 52 KBAs (81%) are partly or fully included within protected areas. These figures indicate that the coverage of sites of global conservation importance within protected areas may be relatively good in the parts of the GMS within the PRC. Conservation corridors Nine conservation corridors have been defined in the parts of Yunnan and Guangxi within the Indo-Burma Hotspot (Tordoff et al in prep.). Two of these conservation corridors are included within the BCI’s Mekong Headwaters Biodiversity Conservation Landscape: Xishuangbanna-Simao; and the Mekong River and Major Tributaries. 8.1.5 Thailand Habitats and ecosystems Like many other countries in the GMS, Thailand has a very diverse topography. Elevations range from sea level, along the coasts of the Andaman Sea and Gulf of Thailand, to 2,595m asl, at the summit of Doi Inthanon in the northwest. The principal lowland areas are the Central Plain, in the center of the country, and the Khorat Plateau, in the northeast. The Phetchabun mountains divide these two lowland areas. The highest mountains in the country are in the north but there are also significant mountain ranges along the international borders with Myanmar, Lao PDR, and Cambodia. Two of the GMS’s major rivers, the Salween and Mekong, flow along Thailand’s northwestern and eastern borders, respectively, while a third, the Chao Phraya, drains much of the center and north of the country. In mountainous areas throughout Thailand, montane evergreen forest is the predominant natural ecosystem. This ecosystem remains widespread and relatively undisturbed, although significant areas have been affected by shifting cultivation and associated fire, particularly in the north. At lower elevations, lowland moist evergreen and semi-evergreen forests are widely distributed, while deciduous dipterocarp forest is concentrated in parts of the west, north, and northeast. Deciduous dipterocarp forest has been degraded and cleared in many areas, particularly in the northeast. 58 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings The lowlands of peninsular Thailand originally supported large expanses of lowland wet evergreen forest. The faunal and floral communities of this ecosystem are species rich, and have a very strong Sundaic component. However, because of the suitability of these areas for the cultivation of cash crops, such as rubber and oil palm, and the abundance of valuable timber species, Thailand’s lowland wet evergreen forests have been extensively cleared and fragmented. Some of the largest and least disturbed patches that remain can be found along the international border with Malaysia. The growth of Thailand’s economy and human population, coupled with unsustainable management practices, have resulted, over the last half-century, in severe over-exploitation of the country’s natural resources. For example, Thailand’s forest cover declined from an estimated 53% in 1961 to 26% in 1995 (WCMC 1997). The impacts on certain other terrestrial ecosystems were even greater: natural grasslands, which were once widespread in Thailand, particularly in the floodplains of rivers, almost totally disappeared, as a result of conversion to agriculture, human settlement, and other land uses. Aquatic ecosystems in Thailand include slowflowing, lowland rivers, such as the Mekong, the Chao Phraya and their major tributaries, fast-flowing, rocky mountain streams, and freshwater lagoons, such as Thale Noi. Coastal ecosystems include intertidal mudflats, sandy beaches as well as significant areas of mangrove. As is the case with terrestrial ecosystems, aquatic and coastal ecosystems have been severely impacted by unsustainable natural resource use: fish stocks have been depleted, mangroves have been extensively converted to aquaculture, and freshwater ecosystems have been affected by industrial, agricultural, and domestic pollution (Bugna and Rambaldi 2001). In spite of the declines in extent and condition undergone by natural habitats in Thailand over recent decades, significant areas of relatively extensive and little-disturbed natural habitat remain, particularly within the north, west, south and southeast of the country. These areas still support faunal and floral communities that are near to complete in terms of species composition. Thailand includes parts of eight Global 200 Ecoregions defined by WWF (2005): the Northern Indochina Subtropical Moist Forests, the Kayah-Karen/Tenasserim Moist Forests, the Peninsular Malaysian Lowland and Montane Forests, the Cardamom Mountains Moist Forests, the Indochina Dry Forests, the Mekong River, the Salween River, and the Andaman Sea. Species diversity and endemism Because of the wide climatic, latitudinal, and altitudinal variation within Thailand, the country supports relatively high species richness. The country has been estimated to support between 20,000 and 25,000 species of vascular plant, and over 3,000 species of vertebrate (MacKinnon 1997). Regarding the best-studied group, birds, Thailand supports at least 960 species (Round 2000). IUCN has identified nine Centers of Plant Diversity in Thailand, comprising: Thung Yai-Huai Kha Khaeng (which is estimated to support over 2,500 species of vascular plants); Khao Yai (with an estimated 2,000 to 2,500 species); Doi Suthep-Pui (with over 2,000 species); Tarutao (with an estimated 2,000 species); Doi Chiang Dao (with over 1,200 species); Doi Inthanon; Khao Soi Dao; the Limestone Flora; and the Wet Seasonal Evergreen Forests of South-east Thailand (Davis et al 1995). Compared with other GMS countries, Thailand supports moderate levels of endemism, at least within relatively better-studied taxonomic groups. Thailand supports at least 120 endemic plant species (Bugna and Rambaldi 2001), while endemic vertebrate species comprise at least six mammals, 31 reptiles, eight amphibians, and 29 fish (OEPP 2000). The number of endemic species in these groups may be higher than these figures indicate, as new species to science continue to be described for the country (e.g., Vidthayanon 2003, Vidthayanon and Kottelat 2003). One reason for the moderate levels of nationallevel endemism in Thailand is that many species with restricted global distributions are found in mountainous areas, which, in Thailand’s case, are concentrated along international borders. It is no surprise, therefore, that the two EBAs defined in Thailand by BirdLife International are shared with neighboring countries: Sumatra and Peninsular Malaysia; and the Thailand-Cambodia Mountains (Bird Conservation Society of Thailand 2004). Globally threatened species Thailand supports 215 non-marine globally threatened species, of which 49 are Critically Endangered, 55 are Endangered, and 111 are Vulnerable (IUCN 2004). Nineteen of these species are known only from Thailand. They comprise: two species of mammal, Neill’s Longtailed Giant Rat Leopoldamys neilli (Endangered) and Surat Serotine Eptesicus dimissus (Vulnerable); one species of bird, White-eyed River-martin Eurochelidon sirintarae (Critically Endangered); two species of amphibian, Thai Slender Toad Ansonia siamensis and Smith’s Wrinkled Frog Ingerana tasanae (both Vulnerable); seven species of fish, Betta simplex, Cryptotora thamicola, Nemacheilus troglocataractus, Oreoglanis siamensis, Puntius speleops, Schistura jarutanini and S. oedipus (all Vulnerable); and seven species of plant Cycas chamaoensis, C. tansachana (both Critically Endangered), C. pranburiensis, Knema austrosiamensis, K. conica, Wrightia lanceolata, and W. viridifolia (all Vulnerable). One of the above species, White-eyed Rivermartin, may already be extinct, not having been conclusively recorded since 1978 (BirdLife International 2001). However, it is possible that this rare and enigmatic species still survives somewhere in the GMS. At least one mammal species that formerly occurred in Thailand is thought already to have gone extinct globally: Schomburgk’s Deer Cervus schomburgki. This species once inhabited the plains and swamps of the Central Plain but the last known individual was killed in 1938 (Lekagul and McNeely 1977). A second mammal species that formerly occurred in Thailand and may also have gone extinct globally is Kouprey. There have been no confirmed records of this Critically Endangered species, which also formerly occurred in Cambodia, Lao PDR, and Viet Nam, for more than 20 years. Thailand also supports the last known population of Hairy Rhinoceros Dicerorhinus sumatrensis in the GMS. A small population of this Critically Endangered mammal species survives at Hala-Bala Wildlife Sanctuary in the far south. Key sites for conservation A total of 62 IBAs have been identified in Thailand, covering a total area of 4.4 million ha, equivalent to 9% of the total land area of the country (Bird Conservation Society of Thailand 2004). The IBA analysis was expanded Current Status of Biodiversity in the GMS Countries, with a Particular Focus on the Pilot Sites of the Biodiversity Conservation Corridors Initiative . 59 during a recent conservation-priority-setting exercise supported by CEPF, by the inclusion of data on other taxonomic groups, to define 113 KBAs in the country. Eighty four percent of these KBAs are partly or wholly included in gazetted protected areas. This partly reflects Thailand’s high protected area coverage, which, at over 17% of the national land area, is one of the highest in the GMS. It may also partly reflect the fact that recent biodiversity surveys have been heavily focused on protected areas, with areas of natural habitat outside of protected areas receiving relatively little survey effort. Conservation corridors Nineteen conservation corridors were defined in Thailand through a recent conservation-priority-setting exercise (Tordoff et al in prep.). These corridors were based on an analysis of forest complexes conducted by the Royal Forest Department (1999). The 19 conservation corridors include the Western Forest Complex, which, together with the Sundaic Subregion corridor in Myanmar, comprises the BCI’s Western Forest Complex Biodiversity Conservation Landscape. 8.1.6 Viet Nam Habitats and ecosystems The major rivers in Viet Nam are the Red River in the north and the Mekong in the south. The deltas of these two rivers comprise large alluvial plains, which are the main centers of human population. The other major lowland areas in the country are the coastal plain, which runs along the length of the country, and western parts of the Central Highlands, which are drained westward by tributaries of the Mekong River. The main highland areas in Viet Nam are the Hoang Lien mountains in the northwest, which contain Mount Fan Si Pan (3,143m asl), Viet Nam’s highest peak, and the Annamite mountains, which extend the full length of the country, and reach a maximum elevation of 2,711m asl. The lowlands of Viet Nam have been largely converted to agriculture and human settlement, with the result that natural lowland habitats are fragmented and vastly reduced in extent. In many highland areas, on the other hand, human population densities are lower, and significant, continuous areas of natural habitat remain, particularly in the Annamite mountains. 60 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings Evergreen forest ecosystems are widely distributed in Viet Nam, particularly in the north and center of the country. Lowland evergreen forest is distributed at low elevations, in areas with high rainfall and a short dry season. Montane evergreen forest is the dominant natural habitat above 1,000m asl throughout the country, except in parts of the southern Annamite mountains, where natural coniferous forest is distributed over large areas. In areas with greater seasonality, such as parts of the Central Highlands and the lowlands of southern Viet Nam, semievergreen forest and mixed deciduous forest are distributed. Deciduous dipterocarp forest is found in areas with an extended, pronounced dry season: lowland areas in the Central Highlands, and localized areas in the coastal zone of south-central Viet Nam. Other terrestrial ecosystems in Viet Nam include limestone forest, which is distributed on limestone karst formations in central and northeastern Viet Nam, with smaller areas elsewhere in the country. Limestone forest ecosystems are characterized by high levels of localized endemism, particularly in plants and invertebrates. However, they are threatened in many areas by quarrying to supply the growing demand for construction materials. Viet Nam also supports a wide diversity of freshwater ecosystems, including rivers, natural lakes and seasonally inundated grasslands. Wide, slow-flowing, lowland rivers are the focus of human settlement throughout Viet Nam and, as a result, the assemblages of riverine species that characterize these ecosystems elsewhere in the GMS have been dissociated almost everywhere. Seasonally inundated grasslands are an important habitat for such species as Sarus Crane Grus antigone, and Wild Rice Oryza rufipogon, the wild ancestor of cultivated rice. However, these ecosystems, which were once widespread throughout the Mekong Delta, are now reduced to a few small fragments, as a result of conversion to agriculture and aquaculture (Buckton et al 1999). Coastal ecosystems in Viet Nam include mangroves, intertidal mudflats and offshore islands. Mangroves were once distributed along long stretches of the coastline of Viet Nam, particularly in the Red River and Mekong Deltas but are now vastly reduced in extent. Intertidal mudflats, which are concentrated at river mouths, are an important habitat for migratory waterbirds, including several globally threatened species, such as Spoon-billed Sandpiper Eurynorhynchus pygmeus and Black-faced Spoonbill Platalea minor (both Endangered). These ecosystems are subjected to high levels of human disturbance, and are threatened in places by afforestation with mangrove (Pedersen and Nguyen Huy Thang 1996). Century, the entire Vietnamese Mekong Delta was one uninterrupted mosaic of wetlands and forests, spanning 3.9 million ha. Today, the region has been almost entirely converted to rice farming and other human uses, and natural freshwater wetlands are reduced to a few isolated fragments, mainly in areas of acid sulphate soils, which are unsuitable for agriculture ( Buckton and Safford 2004). A prolonged period of rapid economic growth and population expansion, preceded by a series of armed conflicts, has had significant impacts on Viet Nam’s natural ecosystems. Over the period 1945 to 1995, natural forest cover declined from 43% to 29% of the national land area (MARD 2001a), and much of the remaining forest was degraded by over-exploitation. Although wartime bombing, spraying of defoliants, and mechanized land clearing resulted in the loss of significant areas of natural forest (Collins 1990), the major causes of forest loss in Viet Nam have been agricultural expansion, infrastructure development, commercial logging, over-exploitation of firewood and other forest products, and reliance on destructive forms of pioneer agriculture by some representatives of the ethnic minorities (De Koninck 1999, Baltzer et al 2001). While Viet Nam no longer supports extensive landscapes of undisturbed natural habitats, such as can still be found in certain other GMS countries, it does support very high levels of species endemism for a continental country. For many species, habitats, and ecosystems, Viet Nam represents the best (or only) opportunity in the world for their conservation. The global significance of Viet Nam for the conservation of natural ecosystems is recognized by WWF (2005), who have defined six Global 200 Ecoregions partly within the country: the Northern Indochina Subtropical Moist Forests, the Southeast China-Hainan Moist Forests, the Annamite Range Moist Forests, the Indochina Dry Forests, the Mekong River, and Xi Jiang Rivers and Streams. According to official statistics, the decline in Viet Nam’s forest cover is beginning to be reversed: forest cover increased from 9.3 million ha in 1995 to 12.1 million ha in 2003 (MARD 2001b, 2005). However, these figures mask the true situation, as over half of this increase can be accounted for by an increase in the area of plantation forest, which typically has limited biodiversity value. Moreover, remaining natural forests are mostly degraded and fragmented, and host depauperate faunal and floral communities. Only a very small proportion of Viet Nam’s forests could be considered to be in an undisturbed condition, and these are concentrated on steep slopes, at high elevations or in other inaccessible areas. The picture for coastal ecosystems is even bleaker. Over the second half of the 20th century, over 80% of Viet Nam’s mangrove forests were lost, initially due to wartime damage, and later through massive expansion of shrimp aquaculture. Between 1991 and 2001, the total area of coastal and marine aquaculture in Viet Nam increased by 94% (MoFi 2001). The situation for aquatic ecosystems is little better. At the beginning of the 19th Species diversity and endemism Viet Nam supports relatively high levels of biodiversity for a medium-sized country. Viet Nam has been evaluated as one of the 16 most biologically diverse countries in the world (WCMC 1992), and is especially significant for the conservation of particular taxonomic groups. For example, Viet Nam is ranked fourth in the world for a number of endangered primates, and supports five of the world’s top 25 most endangered primates (CI, MMBF, IUCN/SSC and IPS 2002). IUCN has identified seven Centers of Plant Diversity in Viet Nam, comprising: Phu Khan (with an estimated 4,000 to 5,000 species of vascular plants); Mount Fan Si Pan (with over 3,000 species); Bach Ma-Hai Van (with an estimated 2,500 species), Cat Tien (with an estimated 2,500 species); Langbian-Dalat Highland (with an estimated 2,000 species); Cuc Phuong (with nearly 2,000 species); and Yok Don (with an estimated 1,500 species) (Davis et al 1995). Since the early 1990s, Viet Nam has drawn the attention of the global scientific community, with a series of remarkable discoveries of new mammal species. Five Current Status of Biodiversity in the GMS Countries, with a Particular Focus on the Pilot Sites of the Biodiversity Conservation Corridors Initiative . 61 of these species, Grey-shanked Douc Pygathrix cinerea (Nadler 1997), Saola (Vu Van Dung et al 1993), Largeantlered Muntjac Muntiacus vuquangensis (Do Tuoc et al 1994, Timmins et al 1998), Annamite Muntjac M. truongsonensis (Pham Mong Giao et al 1998, Timmins et al 1998), and Annamite Striped Rabbit (Averianov et al 2000), are known only from the Annamite mountains, highlighting the significance of this area as a center of endemism. Other recently discovered species from the Annamite mountains include three birds: Golden-winged Laughingthrush Garrulax ngoclinhensis (Eames et al 1999a), Chestnut-eared Laughingthrush G. konkakinhensis (Eames and Eames 2001), and Black-crowned Barwing Actinodura sodangorum (Eames et al 1999b). Other centers of endemism in Viet Nam include limestone karst areas in the north and center of the country, which support many endemic plants and animals, including several primates, such as Delacour’s Leaf Monkey Trachypithecus delacouri and Tonkin Snub-nosed Monkey Rhinopithecus avunculus, and several conifers, such as Amentotaxus hatuyensis and Xanthocyparis vietnamensis. BirdLife International has identified five EBAs, centers of bird endemism, in Viet Nam: the Annamese Lowlands, the Da Lat Plateau, the Kon Tum Plateau, the Southeast Chinese Mountains, and the Southern Vietnamese Lowlands (Tordoff 2002). Globally threatened species According to IUCN (2004), Viet Nam supports 286 globally threatened species, the largest number of any country in the GMS outside of the PRC. Of these species, 47 are Critically Endangered, 82 are Endangered, and 157 are Vulnerable. The high levels of faunal and floral endemism supported by Viet Nam are reflected in the 72 globally threatened species that are endemic to the country. These include: five mammal species, Small-toothed Mole Euroscaptor parvidens, Viet Nam Leaf-nosed Bat Paracoelops megalotis, Tonkin Snub-nosed Monkey, Delacour’s Leaf Monkey, and Chapa Pygmy Dormouse Typhlomys chapensis (all Critically Endangered); six bird species, Grey-crowned Crocias Crocias langbianis, Collared Laughingthrush Garrulax yersini, Edwards’s Pheasant Lophura edwardsi, Vietnamese Pheasant L. hatinhensis (all Endangered), Chestnut-eared Laughingthrush and Golden-winged Laughingthrush 62 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings (both Vulnerable); one reptile species, Vietnamese Pond Turtle Mauremys annamensis (Critically Endangered); and five amphibian species, Theloderma bicolor, Hoang Lien Moustache Toad Vibrissaphora echinata (both Endangered), Annam Spadefoot Toad Brachytarsophrys intermedia, Leptolalax tuberosus, and Vietnamese Salamander Paramesotriton deloustali (all Vulnerable). Viet Nam also supports an endemic taxon of Whiteheaded Leaf Monkey Trachypithecus poliocephalus (Critically Endangered), which is considered by some authorities to be a separate species. In addition, 55 globally threatened plant species are endemic to Viet Nam: Cycas fugax, Hopea cordata, H. hongayanensis, Shorea falcata, Xanthocyparis vietnamensis (all Critically Endangered), Alstonia annamensis, Amentotaxus hatuyensis, Cinnamomum balansae, Cycas aculeata, C. hoabinhensis, Dalbergia annamensis, D. mammosa, Mangifera dongnaiensis, Schefflera kontumensis, S. palmiformis (all Endangered), Actinodaphne ellipticbacca, Alleizettella rubra, Amentotaxus poilanei, Aquilaria banaensae, Bennettiodendron cordatum, Bursera tonkinensis, Caesalpinia nhatrangense, Camellia fleuryi, C. gilbertii, C. pleurocarpa, Cleistanthus petelotii, Craibiodendron scleranthum, Croton phuquocensis, C. touranensis, Cycas elongata, C. condaoensis, C. inermis, C. lindstromii, C. micholitzii, C. nongnoochiae, C. pachypoda, Goniothalamus macrocalyx, Helicia grandifolia, Horsfieldia longiflora, Huodendron parviflorum, Knema mixta, K. pachycarpa, K. pierrei, K. poilanei, K. sessiflora, K. squamulosa, Mangifera minutifolia, Mouretia tonkinensis, Phoebe poilanei, Pinus krempfii, Pistacia cucphuongensis, Sinoradlkofera minor, Styrax litseoides, Trigonostemon fragilis and Vitex ajugaeflora (all Vulnerable). Despite the large and growing number of threatened species in Viet Nam, relatively few species are known to have become nationally extinct. Vertebrate species thought to have become extinct in Viet Nam since 1900 include Hairy Rhinoceros Dicerorhinus sumatrensis, Sika Cervus nippon, Kouprey Bos sauveli, Wild Water Buffalo Bubalus arnee, Indian Skimmer Rynchops albicollis, White-crowned Hornbill Aceros comatus and Mangrove Terrapin Batagur baska. Of these, only Kouprey may have become extinct globally. Although Viet Nam appears to have retained most of its species into the 21st Century, many species that do survive persist only as small, highly fragmented populations of doubtful long-term viability. For example, three of Viet Nam’s four endemic primates have populations of under 500 individuals (Nadler et al 2003), while the population of Lesser One-horned Rhinoceros Rhinoceros sondaicus at Cat Tien National Park, one of only two known populations of this species in the world, numbers only 6 or 7 individuals (Polet et al 1999). It is likely that, if current trends continue, the first decades of the 21st century will witness a wave of species extinctions in Viet Nam, unprecedented in the country’s history. Key sites for conservation An analysis by BirdLife International and the Government of Viet Nam identified 63 IBAs in Viet Nam, covering a total area of 1.7 million ha, equivalent to 5% of the country’s land area (Tordoff 2002). During a recent CEPF-supported conservation-priority-setting exercise, the results of this analysis were expanded, by including data on other taxonomic groups, to define a provisional list of 102 KBAs: sites of international importance for conservation (Tordoff et al in prep.). Of the 102 KBAs in Viet Nam, only 35% are included within gazetted protected areas, in whole or in part, the lowest proportion for any GMS country (Tordoff et al in prep.). Conservation corridors Eighteen conservation corridors were defined in Viet Nam through the recent conservation-priority-setting exercise supported by CEPF (Tordoff et al in prep.). These were, in turn, based on an earlier analysis led by WWF (Baltzer et al 2001). Seven of these corridors are included within the Biodiversity Conservation Landscapes: the Northern Annamites, Central Indochina Limestone, and Quang Binh-Quang Tri-Xe Bangfai Lowlands (which, together, comprise the Northern Annamites landscape); the Central Annamites (which comprises the Central Annamites landscape); the Cambodia-Lao PDRViet Nam Tri-border Forests (which, together with the Sekong Plains corridor in Cambodia and the Xe Khampho-Xe Pian corridor in Lao PDR, comprise the Tri-border Forests Landscape); and the Eastern Plains Dry Forests and Southern Annamites Western Slopes (which, together, comprise the Eastern Plains Dry Forests landscape). 8.2 Options for monitoring the status of biodiversity in the BCI pilot sites Seven pilot sites have been identified for implementation of site-level activities during the first phase (2006-2008) of the BCI. These are distributed among five of the six countries of the GMS, and cover six of the nine Biodiversity Conservation Landscapes defined by the BCI. In order to evaluate the impact of the BCI pilot projects, identify key trends in biodiversity in the Biodiversity Conservation Landscapes and GMS Economic Corridors, and monitor progress towards attaining the goals of the BCI, it will be necessary to monitor the status of biodiversity in the BCI pilot sites. This section presents options for monitoring the status of biodiversity at each pilot site, and briefly reviews the availability of baseline data. For all BCI pilot sites, it will be possible to monitor large-scale changes in condition and extent of natural habitats by means of remote sensing data, in particular satellite images, supported by ground truthing. However, many key changes in the status of biodiversity at pilot sites can be difficult or impossible to detect using remote sensing data. In particular, changes in population densities of animal and plant species, resulting from overexploitation, disturbance and/or habitat degradation, are seldom possible to detect using remote sensing data. In such cases, site-level monitoring will be required to detect trends. Because of resource limitations, coupled with the fact that many species are difficult, if not impossible, to monitor with an acceptable degree of accuracy, it will be necessary to monitor the populations of a subset of species at each site, termed “indicator species.” In order for the monitoring results to be informative as to the overall status of biodiversity at a site, the indicator species should be ones that respond to pressures in a similar fashion to other species of conservation concern. In addition, in order that monitoring can be conducted in a cost-effective, sustainable manner, the indicator species should be ones that can be monitored with low to moderate resources, and, ideally, by local stakeholders, such as researchers, site managers, or local community members, rather than by scientists from outside the area. Moreover, in order that trends can be identified over the timeframe of the BCI, indicator species should be ones that are expected to undergo measurable change over a 10-year period (i.e., by 2015). Current Status of Biodiversity in the GMS Countries, with a Particular Focus on the Pilot Sites of the Biodiversity Conservation Corridors Initiative . 63 8.2.1 Cardamom Mountains Site description This pilot site is situated within the Cardamom and Elephant Mountains Biodiversity Conservation Landscape and comprises three ecological corridors in the Cardamom Mountains of Cambodia. Indicator species Potential indicator species for the Cardamom Mountains Pilot Site include the following: • Pileated Gibbon (Vulnerable; endemic to the GMS; the Cardamom and Elephant Mountains may support the largest population of this species in the world) • Asian Elephant (Endangered; the Cardamom and Elephant Mountains support one of the largest populations of this species in the GMS) • Chestnut-headed Partridge (Vulnerable; endemic to the GMS; the Cardamom and Elephant Mountains support the majority of the global population of this species) • Siamese Crocodile (Critically Endangered; endemic to the GMS; the pilot site supports the largest known population of this species in the world) Baseline data Baseline studies of Pileated Gibbon, Asian Elephant, and Siamese Crocodile in the Cardamom and Elephant Mountains have been conducted by Fauna & Flora International (FFI), and population estimates for all three species have been produced (Daltry et al 2003, Traeholt et al in prep.). No baseline population data are available for Chestnut-headed Partridge, although they ought to be relatively straightforward to obtain, given that the species can be readily detected by its call. 8.2.2 Eastern Plains Site description This pilot site is situated within the Eastern Plains Biodiversity Conservation Landscape and comprises six ecological corridors in Mondulkiri province, Cambodia. Indicator species Potential indicator species for the Eastern Plains Pilot Site include the following: 64 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings • Asian Elephant (Endangered; the Eastern Plains support one of the largest populations of this species in the GMS) • Banteng (Endangered; the Eastern Plains support one of the largest populations of this species in the world) • Eld’s Deer (Vulnerable; the Eastern Plains support one of the largest populations of this species in the GMS) • Green Peafowl Pavo muticus (Vulnerable; the Eastern Plains support one of the largest populations of this species in the world) • Giant Ibis (Critically Endangered; endemic to the GMS; the Eastern Plains support one of the largest populations of this species in the world) Availability of baseline data Baseline studies of Asian Elephant in the Eastern Plains have been conducted by FFI, and a population estimate has been produced. No baseline population data are available for the other four species. 8.2.3 Khao Yai-Thab Lan Site description This pilot site is situated outside of the nine Biodiversity Conservation Landscapes defined by the BCI, and comprises the Khao Yai-Thab Lan corridor in Thailand. Indicator species Potential indicator species for the Khao Yai-Thab Lan Pilot Site include the following: • Gibbons: White-handed Gibbon (Near Threatened) and Pileated Gibbon (Endangered, endemic to the GMS) • Asian Elephant (Endangered) • Gaur (Vulnerable) • Large carnivores, particularly Tiger (Endangered) • Hornbills, particularly Great Hornbill (Near Threatened) Availability of baseline data Hornbill Project Thailand has established baseline data for hornbill populations. Local NGOs around Khao Yai National Park have collected some baseline data on Gaur populations. Researchers at Mahidol University have established a 30 ha permanent sample plot to study plant-animal interactions; data on bird and primate densities have been collected in a systematic way since 2001. Population surveys of large carnivores and Asian Elephant have also been carried out at the pilot site. 8.2.4 Ngoc Linh-Xe Sap Site description This pilot site is situated within the Central Annamites Biodiversity Conservation Landscape and comprises the Ngoc Linh-Xe Sap corridor in Viet Nam. Indicator species Potential indicator species for the Ngoc Linh-Xe Sap Pilot Site include the following: • White-cheeked Crested Gibbon Nomascus leucogenys (Data Deficient; endemic to the GMS; the Central Annamites may support one of the largest populations of this species in the world) • Red-shanked Douc (Endangered; endemic to the GMS; the Central Annamites supports one of the largest populations of this species in the world) • Crested Argus Rheinardia ocellata (Vulnerable; the Central Annamites supports one of the largest populations of this species in the world) Availability of baseline data WWF has established baseline data on primate populations in Quang Nam province in the south of the pilot site (Minh Hoang et al 2005). BirdLife International has established baseline data on populations of all three indicator species in Quang Tri province in the north of the pilot site. 8.2.5 Tenasserim Site description This pilot site is situated within the Western Forest Complex Biodiversity Conservation Landscape and comprises an ecological corridor, linking Thailand’s Kaeng Krachan and Western Forest Complexes. Indicator species Potential indicator species for the Tenasserim Pilot Site include the following: • • • • • White-handed Gibbon (Near Threatened) Asian Elephant (Endangered) Gaur (Vulnerable) Large carnivores, particularly Tiger (Endangered) Hornbills, particularly Great Hornbill (Near Threatened) Availability of baseline data Hornbill Project Thailand has established baseline data for hornbill populations at several sites within the Kaeng Krachan and Western Forest Complexes. Wildlife Conservation Society has initiated a monitoring program at Kaeng Krachan National Park, focusing on large carnivores. For the pilot site itself, accurate population estimates are not available for most of the indicator species listed above, and baselines would need to be established. 8.2.6 Xe Pian-Dong Hua Sao-Dong Ampham Site description This pilot site is situated within the Tri-border Forests Biodiversity Conservation Landscape and comprises the Xe Pian-Dong Hua Sao-Dong Ampham corridor in Lao PDR. Indicator species Potential indicator species for the Xe Pian-Dong Hua Sao-Dong Ampham Pilot Site include the following: • Yellow-cheeked Crested Gibbon (Vulnerable; endemic to the GMS) • Asian Elephant (Endangered) • Large carnivores, particularly Tiger (Endangered) • Hornbills, particularly Great Hornbill (Near Threatened) Availability of baseline data Baseline data on population densities of all the above indicator species will need to be established. Current Status of Biodiversity in the GMS Countries, with a Particular Focus on the Pilot Sites of the Biodiversity Conservation Corridors Initiative . 65 8.2.7 Xishuangbanna Site description This pilot site is situated within the Mekong Headwaters Biodiversity Conservation Landscape and comprises the Xishuangbanna National Nature Reserve Complex in Yunnan. Indicator species Potential indicator species for the Xishuangbanna Pilot Site include the following: • Asian Elephant (Endangered) • Green Peafowl (Vulnerable) • Rufous-necked Hornbill Aceros nipalensis (Vulnerable) Availability of baseline data Baseline data on population densities of all the above indicator species will need to be established. References Amato, G., Egan, M. and Rabinowitz, A. (1999) A new species of muntjac Muntiacus putaoensis (Artiodactyla: Cervidae) from northern Myanmar. Animal Conservation. 2: 1-7. Averianov, A. O., Abramov, A. V. and Tikhonov, A. N. (2000) A new species of Nesolagus (Lagomorpha, Leporidae) from Viet Nam with osteological description. Contributions from the Zoological Institute, St. Petersburg. 3: 1–22. Baltzer, M. C., Nguyen Thi Dao and Shore, R. G. eds. (2001) Towards a vision for biodiversity conservation in the Forests of the Lower Mekong Ecoregion Complex. Hanoi: WWF Indochina Programme. Bates, P. J. J., Struebig, M. J., Rossiter, S. J., Kingston, T., Sai Sein Lin Oo and Khin Mya Mya (2004) A new species of Kerivoula (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) from Myanmar (Burma). Acta Chiropterologica. 6(2): 219-226. Bird Conservation Society of Thailand (2004) Directory of Important Bird Areas in the Kingdom of Thailand: key sites for conservation. Bangkok: Bird Conservation Society of Thailand and BirdLife International. BirdLife International (2004) Important Bird Areas in Asia: key sites for conservation. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. Buckton, S. 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Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences. 54: 1-16. Vu Van Dung, Pham Mong Giao, Nguyen Ngoc Chinh, Do Tuoc, Arctander, P. and MacKinnon, J. (1993) A new species of living bovid from Viet Nam. Nature. 363: 443-444. WCMC (1992) Development of a national biodiversity index. A discussion paper prepared by the World Conservation Monitoring Centre, Cambridge, UK. Unpublished. WCMC (1997) Report on the Third Regional Workshop held at Hanoi, Viet Nam, 18-21 August 1997. Wharton, C. H. (1957) An ecological study of the Kouprey Novibos sauveli (Urbain). Manila: Institute of Science and Technology (Monograph 5). WWF (2005) List of Global 200 Ecoregions. Downloaded from http://www.panda.org on 6 April 2006. 9. Biodiversity Loss in Xishuangbanna with the Changes of Land Use and Land Cover over 27 Years Zhu H., Li H.M., Ma Y.X. 9.2 Summary The major land-use change in Xishuangbanna has been an increase in rubber tree plantations and a decrease in the tropical rain forest. In 1976, approximately 11% of the region was the tropical seasonal rain forest, but by 2003 this forest type was reduced to 3.6%, and rubber plantations increased from 1% to 11%. Therefore, the decrease and fragmentation of the tropical seasonal rain forests due to rubber planting was the principal factor leading to loss of biodiversity in the region. In addition, Amomum (a commercial plant of ginger family) planting underneath the seasonal rain forests poses a serious threat to natural regeneration of forest, because it destroys the sapling-seedling bank of the rain forest causing the forest to lose its regeneration capability. It is urgent to conduct a Biodiversity Conservation Corridors Initiative (BCI) for this region to limit further expansion of rubber plantations and to promote multispecies agroforestry systems. 9.1 moist forest, tropical montane evergreen broad-leaved forest, and tropical monsoon forest (Zhu et al 2006). In Xishuangbanna, the tropical rain forest landscape stretching down to the border of Lao PDR is the location of the biodiversity corridor conservation pilot site. Introduction Xishuangbanna is an administrative region of southern Yunnan. It is located in the southern section of the Mekong Headwaters. The region has an area of 19,690 km2 and has a typical monsoon climate and annual precipitation of 1500 mm in its lowland areas. The region has a rich tropical flora and a typical tropical rain forest in the lowland areas. The flora of the region consists of 3,336 native seed plant species belonging to 1,140 genera in 197 families (Li 1996). The fauna consists of 539 species of vertebrate, 400 bird species, and 36-44 reptile species, which make up one fourth of the total vertebrates and one third of the birds in the PRC, respectively (Xu et al 1987). The primary vegetation in the region can be organized into four main vegetation types: tropical rain forest (including two subtypes, i.e., tropical seasonal rain forest and tropical montane rain forest), tropical seasonal Changes of land use and land cover over past 27 years Conspicuous changes in land use and land cover, especially in the tropical seasonal rain forest cover, have taken place in the region since the 1970s. The tropical rain forests cover of 10.9% of the total area of Xishuangbanna in 1976, decreased to 8.0% in 1988 and to 3.6% in 2003, while the rubber plantations cover of 1.1% of the total area in 1976, increased to 3.8% in 1988, and to 11.3% in 2003. The majority of rubber plantations occurred below 1000m in areas which were originally seasonal tropical rain forest (Li et al 2006). Shrub lands made up 11.6% of the total area in 1976 and 12.4% in 1988, increasing to 18.4% in 2003, mainly by replacing the tropical montane forests and developing from slash and burn lands. Montane rain forest also decreased in area, from 15.8% of the total area in 1976, down to 10.4% in 2003. Other land covers have had no significant change (Figure 9.1 and Table 9.1) (Li et al 2006). As the forest cover decreased, fragmentation of tropical rain forests occurred. The tropical rain forests consisted of a total 2,306 patches with an average patch area of 90.6 ha in size in 1976, increasing to 3,668 patches with an average patch area of 18.9 ha in 2003 (Table 9.2) (Li et al 2006). The splitting index of the fragments of the seasonal tropical rain forests was 1,138 in 1976, increasing to 133,702 in 2003. The tropical montane rain forests consisted of a total 2,643 patches with an average patch area of 114.7 ha in 1976, increasing to 3,820 patches with an average patch area of 51.9 ha in 2003, and the splitting index of the fragments increased from 1,048 in 1976 to 5,197 in 2003. On the other hand, rubber plantations consisted of a total 1,100 patches with an average patch area of 19.9 ha in 1976, increasing to 4,592 patches with an average patch area of 47.1 ha in 2003, and the splitting index of the rubber plantations decreased conspicuously from 660,472 in 1976 to 672 in 2003 (Table 9.3) (Li et al 2006). Biodiversity Loss in Xishuangbanna with the Changes of Land Use and Land Cover over 27 Years . 69 Figure 9.1: Land use and land cover in 1976, 1988 and 2003 in Xishuangbanna respectively Table 9.1: Comparison of areas under different land use and land cover 2003 1976 1988 (% of the total area of Xishuangbanna) Tropical seasonal rain forests Rubber plantations Slash and burn lands Arable lands Shrub lands Montane rain forests Others no significant changes 10.9 1.1 11.1 4.1 11.6 15.8 8.0 3.8 15.0 2.7 12.4 14.7 3.6 11.3 11.6 3.1 18.4 10.4 Table 9.2: Number of patches and average patch area of different land uses Average area of patch (ha) 1976 1988 2003 1976 1988 2003 No. of patches Tropical seasonal 2,306 2,852 3,668 90.6 rain forests Montane rain forests 2,643 3,126 3,820 114.7 Rubber plantations 1,100 3,106 4,592 19.9 Shrub lands 22,269 21,934 14,862 10.0 Slash & burn lands 15,863 14,752 10,503 13.4 9.3 53.5 18.9 90.1 23.4 10.9 19.5 51.9 47.1 23.7 21.1 Biodiversity loss with the changes of land use and land cover The tropical rain forests lost their tree species diversity after they were replaced by rubber plantation with single rubber tree species. Although there is a flora composed largely of shrub and herbaceous plants underneath rubber plantations, it has much less biodiversity richness than natural forests (Figure 9.2). With fragmentation of the tropical rain forests, species diversity reduced, and the smaller the fragment, the less the species richness. The more seriously disturbed the fragment, the more the species richness diminished (Figure 9.3) (Zhu et al 2004). Tree species with small populations were lost first in the process of rain forest fragmentation. 70 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings Table 9.3: Comparison of splitting index of different land uses 1976 1988 2003 Tropical seasonal rain forests 1,138 Montane rain forests 1,048 Rubber plantations 660,472 Shrub lands 9,754 Slash and burn lands 37,662 6,657 2,009 42,557 18,814 13,935 133,702 5,197 672 1,802 14,366 Figure 9.2: Comparison of species diversity of shrub-herb layer between the natural forest and the rubber plantation based on 500m2 sampling plots A neglected, but serious threat to biodiversity of the tropical rain forest in the region is the planting of Amomum (a commercial plant of ginger family) underneath the tropical rain forests by local people. Amomum planting is as widely practiced as rubber plantations in Xishuangbanna as well as in SE Asia. This poses a serious threat to natural regeneration of forests, because gathering of Amomum fruit requires complete clearing of young trees, saplings, seedlings and shrubs (Zhu et al 2002). The tropical rain forests regenerate from their sapling-seedling bank, especially the lower tree layer and sapling-shrub layer. If clearing takes place, there is destruction of sapling-seedling bank of the rain forest that causes the forest to lose its regeneration capability (Figure 9.4). Figure 9.4: Comparison of sapling density between a primary forest and the forests with Amomum villosum plantation based on 0.25 ha sampling plots 3.3616 Natural forest: Rubber plantation $ 3,500 0.9536 3,113 $ 3,000 No. of sapling 1.0204 0.8247 2,431 $ 2,500 $ 2,000 1,758 $ 1,500 $ 1,000 Shannon-Winner’s index Simpson index 725 $ 500 $0 1 3 2 4 Amomum cover Figure 9.3: Number of tree stems and species per 0.25 ha sampling plot in primary rain forest and fragmented rain forests 1 primary forest without Amomum; 2 forest with 20-40% Amomum Cover; 3 forest with 40-60% Amomum cover; 4 forest with over 90% Amomum cover 9.4 250 207 No. of species 200 No. of tree/species Conclusions No. of tree stems 182 152 150 152 135 113 100 50 0 Primary Fragment 1 Fragment 2 The tropical rain forests with the most species richness lost their tree species diversity after rubber plantations replaced them. The plant species diversity was also reduced in the fragmented forests. Therefore, decrease and the consequent fragmentation of the tropical rain forests due to rubber planting were the principal factors leading to loss of biodiversity in the region. Local officers largely ignored the threat to natural regeneration of the tropical rain forests by Amomum planting, because no timber collection took place. However, the threat is serious and should be highlighted. Biodiversity Loss in Xishuangbanna with the Changes of Land Use and Land Cover over 27 Years . 71 The high price of rubber continues to promote the expansion of rubber plantations in Xishuangbanna. To meet this challenge, it is urgent to conduct a BCI for this region. Limiting further expansion of rubber plantations and promoting multispecies agroforestry systems will be expected by the implementation of a BCI in the region. 10. The Great Green Triangle: An Integrated Approach Toward Regional Planning and Biodiversity Conservation in the PRC/Lao PDR/Viet Nam Border Region David Westcott and Jin Chen References Summary Li H.M., Aide,T.M., Ma, Y., Liu, W.,and Cao M. (2006). Demand for rubber is causing the loss of high diversity rain forest in SW China. Biodiversity and Conservation (in press). Li, Y.H. (ed). (1996). List of plants in Xishuangbanna. Yunnan National Press, Kunming. Xu, Y.C., H.Q. Jiang and Quan, F. (1987). Reports on the Nature Reserve of Xishuangbanna. Yunnan Science and Technical Press, Kunming. Zhu, H., Cao, M. and Hu H. (2006). Geological history, flora, and vegetation of Xishuangbanna, southern Yunnan, China. Biotropica. 38(3): 310-317. Zhu, H. et al (2004). Tropical rain forest fragmentation and its ecological and species diversity changes in southern Yunnan. Biodiversity and Conservation. 13:1355-1372. Zhu, H. et al (2002). A discussion on the loss of biodiversity of tropical rain forest by Amomum planting underneath in South Yunnan. Guihaia. 22(1):55-60. The Phongsaly region of northern Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) is a remote area with low population densities and an economic base focused on shifting agriculture. The area has high biodiversity values and connects major reserve areas in the People’s Republic of China (PRC), Viet Nam and elsewhere in Lao PDR. The development of major road infrastructure in nearby Luang Namtha and Yunnan is expected to have effects on both the social and conservation setting in Phongsaly. Here we review the values of the region and suggest that an opportunity exists to build on current activities and linkages to develop an integrated conservation and development program for the region that would ease the transition to greater social and economic mobility in the province and contribute to conservation efforts by its neighbors. 10.1 Background and introduction The threats to the maintenance of biodiversity, natural ecosystems, and the services they provide by both current and foreseeable development and population growth represent one of the major challenges for Asia in the 21st century. High population densities, intensive agriculture, and increasing levels of exploitation of natural resources through land conversion, logging, hunting, and water use are all placing increasing pressure on the region’s natural assets and through this, on the future health and prosperity of its peoples. These processes impact negatively on ecosystems and people alike. Natural ecosystems are increasingly restricted to ever more ecologically isolated reserves and fragments. In the long-term this ecological isolation removes many reserves from landscape-level processes, such as dispersal and recruitment, which sustain them. Inevitably, isolation results in the gradual loss of diversity and ecological value. At the same time these natural systems 72 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings remain integral to the livelihoods of many rural communities, either directly through exploitation or indirectly through the ecosystem services they provide. As these systems decline, so too does their value in sustaining human livelihoods. Maintaining the values of natural ecosystems while providing the opportunity for rural communities to develop is no simple task. The tight linking of natural and human systems leads inevitably to the conclusion that successful integration of conservation and development requires a landscape level approach that seeks not to maximize the returns of conservation or development in isolation but instead seeks to identify means of achieving the goals of both across the landscape. Thus, successful conservation requires an approach that i) utilizes the whole landscape, including areas whose primary land-use is production or extraction, for conservation purposes; ii) recognizes and incorporates both the productive or extractive values of biodiversity and its services and intrinsic values: and iii) incorporates people, their livelihoods, and their aspirations along with biodiversity conservation goals. A major determinant of the nature of exploitation of natural systems is the larger economic context in which they are located, particularly access to markets and opportunities for economic activity. Key to the Asian Development Bank’s Regional Cooperation Strategy and Program (RCSP 2004-2008) in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) is the development of regional economic corridors which are expected to play a crucial role in meeting development goals by facilitating trade through the movement of goods and people. There is concern, however, over the indirect impact of increasing development activities and population pressures in these economic corridors on biodiversity and ecosystem services. Recognizing the threat that degradation of the region’s natural ecosystems would pose to long-term socioeconomic development and environmental security, the GMS Biodiversity Conservation Corridors Initiative (BCI) seeks to develop landscape scale linkages between the region’s major reserves to protect ecosystem services and integrity across the region. Overall the vision is for a system of core protected areas connected by natural and/or semi-natural landscape elements configured and managed with the objective of maintaining or restoring ecological functions so as to conserve biodiversity while simultaneously providing appropriate opportunities for the sustainable use of natural resources and socio-economic development in the context of the economic development corridor. One of the nine corridors selected for implementation in 2006-15 is the Northern Mekong. The southern component of this project links the protected areas of the Xishuangbanna Nature Reserves and will, in Phase 2 of the GMS-BCI, link these with the Nam Ha National Biodiversity Conservation Area (NBCA) across the Lao PDR border. These reserves protect significant forested areas with high conservation and ecosystem services value. Here, we suggest an extension of the Northern Mekong BCI to incorporate existing reserves and areas of shifting cultivation in both Lao PDR and Viet Nam. The proposed extension would require a focus on biodiversity conservation, land use planning, and livelihoods development in Phongsaly and Buon Neua Provinces of Lao PDR. This is an area with superior biodiversity values, high ecosystem integrity, and low current population pressure, but is one which faces dramatic social and demographic changes in the near future as a result of the development of the Economic Corridor in the area immediately adjacent. Though currently remote, it is expected that the area will gain dramatically improved market access as a consequence of the corridor development. Importantly, the area is at a developmental stage where appropriate decisions, made now, can have an enormous influence on future trajectories and outcomes. Consequently, the area represents an opportunity for significant on-ground conservation and socioeconomic impact. 10.2 Biodiversity setting The Phongsaly and Buon Neua districts lie in the northernmost part of the Lao PDR, between the People’s Republic of China and Viet Nam (Figure 10.1). The region is rugged and is covered by a mosaic of natural vegetation types, the principle type being tropical rain forest (Figure 10.2). The Great Green Triangle: An Integrated Approach Toward Regional Planning and Biodiversity Conservation in the PRC/Lao PDR/Viet Nam Border Region . 73 Figure 10.1: The proposed Mengla – Phou Dene Din Corridor (Figure from GMS Biodiversity Conservation Corridors Initiative, Strategic Approaches and Priorities, Annex 3) Figure 10.2: Coarse vegetation map of the Tri-Border Region and showing the general area of interest (encircled) and indicating relatively high levels of forest cover and integrity PR China SR Vietnam Lao PDR LEGEND Evergreen Mountain Forests (> 1000m) Evergreen Lowland Forests (> 1000m) Fragmented and Degraded Evergreen Forests Deciduous Forests Mangrove Forests Swamp Forests and Inundated Shrubland Evergreen Wood & Shrubland and Regrowth Mosaics Deciduous Wood & Shrubland and Regrowth Mosaics Mosaics of Cropping and Regrowth Other Land Rocks Water Bodies Excerpt from Stibig and Beuchle (2003), scale is 1: 4 000 000. It represents a transition zone between the Sino and Indo-Malaysian bio-geographic regions, between temperate and tropical, and dry and wet ecosystems. While much of the forest cover remains, the area has a long history of agricultural activity, perhaps as much as 74 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings 3,700 years as is the case in neighboring Xishuangbanna, and this has transformed climax vegetation type in some areas. Current vegetation types reflect local environmental conditions, current and past land use and time since disturbance. The existing formations are diverse and range from primary rain forests to Imperata cylindrica savannah (Ducourtieux et al 2006). The relatively continuous forest cover indicated in available vegetation mapping based on remote sensing (Figure 10.2) and the low population densities of the region (Ducourtieux et al 2006) all suggest relatively high levels of ecological integrity. This is further supported if comparison is made with Xishuangbanna to the immediate west in Figure 10.2. Natural vegetation types in the Phongsaly districts are broadly similar to Xishuangbanna, and include tropical rainforest, tropical seasonal forest, monsoon forest, and tropical evergreen broad-leaved forest (Zhu et al in press; Figure 10.2). Surveys in Xishuangbanna (Zhu et al in press) and Nam Ha (Tizard et al 1997) to the west and southwest and Muong Nhe (BirdLife International 2004) to the east (Figure 10.1) suggest that diversity will be high with potentially ca. 3,300+ species and 1,000+ genera of plants to be expected and ca. 35 large mammal species and 250 bird species. Significant proportions of these are likely to be species of conservation concern. While no biodiversity surveys have been conducted in the area, large mammals such as Asian elephant, gaur, banteng, Asiatic black bear, sun bear, leopard, and tiger are believed to occur there. The area contains a single conservation reserve. Located in the east of the province, Phou Dene Din NBCA covers an area of 222,000 ha of rugged mountain (to 2,000m) terrain on the border with Viet Nam. Like the rest of the province, the NBCA consists of a mosaic of vegetation types reflecting environmental and human influences and including mid-montane and montane forest, newly cleared areas and fallow areas of up to 20 years of age. 10.3 Socioeconomic and agricultural setting The population of Phongsaly and Buon Neua is drawn primarily from Sino-Tibetan ethno-linguistic groups. Many of these groups extend across the international borders into the PRC and Viet Nam. Approximately 20,000 farmers in Phongsaly live in 82 rural villages, of which 80% are sufficiently remote as to have no vehicular access, and live largely from swidden agriculture (75% of food resources) (Ducourtieux et al 2005). Agricultural alternatives are limited by topography, primarily the absence of arable flatlands in the V-shaped valleys, access to markets, and, a high incidence of disease in stock (Ducourtieux et al 2005). An unwillingness to see family farmed areas reduced to unviable sizes means there is a tendency for young people to leave the area (Ducourtieux et al 2005). This trend, along with a population-wide drift to urban areas, has seen rural populations decrease with about 20% of the villages having been lost and a third of the families having left the region since 1966. Today, the population density is about 8 inhabitants/km 2 (Ducourtieux et al 2006). Between 1995 and 2003, population growth rate in rural areas of Phongsaly averaged 0.3% year-1 while the province’s growth rate averaged 0.3 between 1995 and 2005 (Ducourtieux et al 2005). Despite the shifting nature of the main agricultural activities, some cash cropping, most notably in the form of cardamom growing is now widespread in the region (Ducourtieux et al 2006). In addition, attempts at sugar cane production have been made and commercial forestry companies are increasingly interested in the area. Interest in similar activities is bound to increase with increased proximity to transport links. 10.4. Conservation opportunity The close proximity of national boundaries in the area mean that conservation issues in Phongsaly and Buon Neua would be most effectively viewed within an international context. As noted above, there is both cultural and biogeographic continuity across the borders of the three nations. In addition, there are reserves in both the PRC and Viet Nam that are immediately adjacent to the borders and to the study area. In Viet Nam on the Lao PDR border is the Muong Nhe Nature Reserve. This is a mountainous reserve with peaks up to 2,124 m. Muon Nhe has a total area of 396,176 ha with a total of 45,581 ha as core area. This figure comprises 9,920 ha of lowland evergreen forest (distributed at elevations below 800 m); 19,850 ha of lower montane evergreen forest (distributed at elevations between 800 and 1,800 m); 1,705 ha of upper montane evergreen forest (distributed at elevations above 1,800 m); and 15,925 ha of bamboo forest. The remaining area of the nature reserve comprises 204,201 ha of grassland, and 43,980 ha of shifting cultivation and scrub (Nguyen et al 2001). Populations of large mammals such as Asian elephant, banteng, guar, tiger, and white-cheeked crested gibbon persist but are threatened by hunting. Bird surveys indicate between 158 and 270 bird species are to be found in the reserve. Although long called for at a local government level, Muong Nhe Nature Reserve was officially established in September 2005. In this initial stage, lack of capacity in Nature Reserve management is apparent with only four employees and a separate building is scheduled for construction next year. In the PRC on the Lao PDR Border, the Mengla Nature Reserve (NR) is a part of the network of reserves that comprise the Xishuangbanna Nature Reserve (XNR). Together these reserves cover 241,000 ha with the dominant vegetation types being mid-elevation and montane tropical rain forest with strong similarities to the rain forests of Southeast Asia (Zhu et al 2006). These similarities include some Dipterocarp forests dominated by Shorea and Vatica spp. Across all its reserves, the XNR contains significant biodiversity including about 3,300 of plant, 427 bird, 113 mammals, and 100 species of fish. Listed species include Asian elephants, several species of cat and bear, and crested gibbon. Mengla NR consists of about 93,994 ha with vegetation that consists primarily of tropical montane broadleaf evergreen forest with smaller areas of tropical rain and monsoon forest. It surrounds two towns, Yaoqu and Mengban and has significant populations living on its boundaries. The existence of these reserves and their biodiversity significance, the fact that despite political boundaries the area represents a single biogeographic and ecological zone with strong cultural links, provides a real opportunity to develop a transnational collaboration. Management and development activities undertaken by one country in the region, inevitably impact on the adjacent regions of the neighboring countries. Current examples of successful collaboration include farmer exchanges and joint fire management between the PRC and Lao PDR in the area and provide a good base for building a much broader collaboration. The Great Green Triangle: An Integrated Approach Toward Regional Planning and Biodiversity Conservation in the PRC/Lao PDR/Viet Nam Border Region . 75 References 10.5. Conclusions and future steps We are suggesting a project that will extend the northern BCI into the Phongsaly region of Lao PDR. We suggest an integrated conservations and development approach, designed and implemented at a landscape scale, to identify future trajectories for the Phongsaly region which strengthen: (i) the resilience of livelihoods through income diversification and linkage through the region, (ii) retention of natural systems and biodiversity values across the landscape, and (iii) quality of life and social capital of communities. A key consideration will be how best to incorporate livelihoods, development and conservation in the same landscape. Evaluation of the synergies between ecosystem processes and economic enterprises and the trade-offs that might be necessary between biodiversity protection and wealth generation thus becomes a fundamentally important step in designing future trajectories. This evaluation will rely on quantification of the ecological, economic, and social attributes of land uses and management strategies and the development of modeling tools to allow for cost-benefit assessment of alternative landscape design options. Fundamental to the long-term sustainability of our approach is the engagement and participation of local peoples. Local knowledge and insight into all aspects of the work, from natural history through to regulation, will identify the most appropriate options and local ownership and commitment to the goals will enable their achievement. Consequently, the initial task of this project will be to enlist the participation of local communities and government in the project’s design and implementation. Effective development of this collaboration means that initially we will work with broadly stated objectives for the latter stages of the project to enable meaningful input from collaborators and stakeholders. 76 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings BirdLife International. (2004). Sourcebook of Existing and Proposed Protected Areas in Viet Nam, Second Edition. http://www.birdlifeindochina.org/source_book/pdf/1%20north% 20west/Muong%20Nhe.pdf Ducourtieux, O., Laffort, J-R and Sacklokham, S (2005). Land Policy and Farming Practices in Laos. Development and Change. 36(3): 499–526. Ducourtieux, O., Visonnavong. P., Rossard, R. (2006). Introducing cash crops in shifting cultivation regions – the experience with cardamom in Laos. Agroforestry Systems. 66:65–76. Nguyen DT, Le TT, Le VC. (2001). A rapid field survey of Muong Nhe Nature Reserve, Lai Chau Province, Viet Nam. Hanoi: Birdlife International Viet Nam Programme and the Forest Inventory and Planning Institute. Tizard R, Davidson, P, Khounboline, K and Slivong, K. (1997). A wildlife and habitat survey of Nam Ha and Nam Kong Protected Areas, Luang Namtha Province, Lao PDR. Final Report, Dept. of Forest Resource Conservation and the Wildlife Conservation Society, pp 75. UNEP. (2000). State of Environment Report, Lao PDR 2001. http://www.rrcap.unep.org/reports/soe/laosoe.cfm Zhu, H., M. Cao, and H. B. Hu. (2006). Geological History, Flora, and Vegetation of Xishuangbanna, Southern Yunnan, China. Biotropica. 38:310-317. successful work in Yangtze can help to ensure not only a healthier river but also longer life spans of the existing reservoirs. Application of standards for road construction, sustainable and appropriate irrigation schemes, and regulation of mining practices will help to ensure that the Mekong River will continue to provide the products and services needed for sustainable economic and social development for its population. 11. Watershed Management in the Yangtze, Mekong, and Salween Rivers Marc Goichot Summary In the “three parallel rivers” area of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), we can see striking contrasts in land-management practices and their associated impacts on freshwater conservation among the Salween (or Nu), Yangtze, and Mekong (or Lancang) Rivers. While the headwaters of the Salween are relatively pristine, the headwaters of the Mekong present a very different picture. Degradation is now proceeding rapidly. Serious erosion is resulting from road construction, irrigation on steep slopes, and unregulated small-scale mining. The headwaters of the Yangtze have also been badly degraded over the last 50 years or more. In terms of management of the three rivers, we see the following scenarios: (i) Within the headwaters of the Yangtze, large areas have now been restored in an exemplary effort by the PRC Government, and pictures of the Yangtze headwaters now show a very attractive land-scape of stable tree-covered slopes and agricultural valleys. These efforts in the Yangtze should be encouraged to ensure that the river continues to provide the services and products to the people living around it. (ii) The situation in the Salween is different where the government will have to decide whether the most beneficial use of the river is to protect and maintain its natural state— being of global and regional importance in terms of biodiversity it being one of the last large free-flowing rivers in the world—or whether to develop the potential for largescale hydropower generation. (iii) Although the Mekong River is still in relatively good condition when compared with many large rivers around the world, this is rapidly changing as unsustainable development is impacting on the river’s health. The promotion of rehabilitation of slopes modeled on the 11.1 Introduction This paper was written to give a freshwater conservation perspective to the Biodiversity Conservation Corridor Initiative and provide suggestions for the consideration of the Environment Operation Center, the Core Environment Program, and the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) Working Group on Environment. “Freshwater research may be less sexy than that in the terrestrial or marine realm, but trajectories of species loss make it arguably the most urgent” (Abell 2002). The Mekong, Yangtze, and Salween basins are among the World Wife Fund for Nature (WWF) Global 200 Priority Ecoregions. WWF has already developed basin-wide environmental action plans (EAPs) for the Mekong and Yangtze (Figure 11.1). The study areas cover the sections of the Mekong (called Lancang in the PRC in the studied section), the Salween (called Nu in the studied section) and the Yangtze rivers from the margins of the Tibetan Plateau at an altitude above 3,000 meters until those rivers reach down to an altitude just below 1,000 m some 500 km downstream. In this section, the three great rivers run in parallel in deep gorges flowing from the Tibetan Plateau into Yunnan Province. Steep slopes and high water discharges make this region attractive for the development of large-scale hydropower. Both the Mekong and Yangtze now have dams on the main stem. The Salween main stem, however, remains un-dammed for the time being. Northwest Yunnan has been designated as a biodiversity hot spot (Makinnon et al 1996). Furthermore, an important part of the section of the three rivers studied in this paper has been listed as “The Three Parallel Rivers” World Heritage Site by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO). . Watershed Management in the Yangtze, Mekong, and Salween Rivers 77 The unique but fragile natural ecosystems of the studied area have been valued for the following (van der Meer and Wang 2005): Figure 11.1: Study area (i) Protection function - e.g., regulating water and erosion input to rivers, thus preventing severe flooding, silting of downstream reservoirs (ii) Biodiversity function - sustaining natural hydrology and aquatic habitat (iii) Production function - sustaining economic activities The uniqueness of both terrestrial and aquatic biodiversity of the area can be explained by the variety of habitat conditions from the combination of altitude variation and the favorable subtropical monsoon climate, localized important variation in rainfall due to orographic effect, geological differences, the high gradient of the river, and the ice-fed hydrology. Furthermore, the authors of the study would like to put emphasis on the role of the upper reaches of these large river systems to the entire basin. The quality and hydrology of the water originating from the Tibetan Plateau is very different from that in the lower part of those basins, and therefore it is anticipated that it plays a vital role in supporting biodiversity basin wide. Even if the flow contribution can be seen as modest (18% of total average annual flow for the Mekong [MRC 2003]), it is crucial because of its glacio-nival hydrological characteristics and therefore very different from the remaining input that is all tropical. 78 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings The studied stretches of the three rivers share a main feature that contributes to their uniqueness but also makes them particularly vulnerable to human impact: their very steep slopes. Over the past centuries, many of the natural ecosystems have gradually given way to grazing land, agriculture, and agro-forestry systems. Although the traditional land management system with terraced agriculture on alluvial fans and slopes and extensive grazing was relatively sustainable, it remained very fragile, thus settlements developed only on the most favorable locations. Since the 1950s, demographic pressure and the need to increase productivity brought more pressure on the slopes. Terraced agriculture is very labor intensive, so less sustainable practices appeared. Slope stability was closer to dangerous thresholds, and severe erosion problem started in the more accessible sub watersheds of the Yangtze. Recently, additional pressure was put on the slopes affecting even the westernmost districts. The author identified three factors causing the destabilization of the slopes: (i) newly introduced irrigation, (ii) smallscale mining, and (iii) roads. Yet, at this stage, a striking difference remains in the way the three river basins are affected and land use is managed. This is seen as a unique opportunity to draw lessons and suggests a regional approach to the conservation of the studies areas in line with the rational that led to the Greater Mekong Subregion program. This paper summarizes the main findings from field work conducted in 2005 (Bravard & Goichot 2006). The author would also like to acknowledge the contributions by Hans Guttman (Mekong River Commission). 11.2 Program for the prevention and control of soil erosion and land degradation in the middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze River - a model for landscape management? This is a seven-year, very large-scale program (covering 267,000 km 2 and costing $600 million) implemented by The Yangtze River Water Conservancy Committee. It falls under priority 5—conservation and sustainable utilization of natural resources—of the Priority Program for the PRC’s Agenda 21. Realizing the scale of the erosion problem and its implication on agriculture land loss, the program allows for the restoration of 41 watersheds, seeking to alleviate poverty, improve agricultural production, and restore the ecological balance of the region. Moreover, it is believed that the reduction of soil erosion in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River will decrease siltation and lessen the potential for natural disasters throughout the entire Yangtze River. Amongst the benefits of this program, according to the official document, are the longer life spans of the hydropower reservoirs downstream. The authors visited one of the demonstration sites in the Chang Jiang River upstream of the city of Shigu, near Judian. The landscape showed a relative mastership of erosion by humans. It was clear that slopes were controlled through a policy aiming at protecting them from erosion by field farming and by cattle. While lower slopes, shaped in thick and red colluviums, or alluvial fans, are still intensively farmed with paddy fields, corn, and nut trees, mountain slopes display a transformed landscape. The steepest slopes exclude any agriculture and have been reafforested with pine trees. Grazing seems to be permitted below the trees, but it is very extensive and does not affect the trees. Tracks are opened from the villages up to the upper areas in the mountain. They are used by cattle and by loggers. These tracks provide the only erosion features visible in the landscape (ravines created by concentration of cattle and hauling of logs by buffalos). Under the program, the communities benefit from the policies. They receive funds for maintaining the forest and their commitment to decrease the surfaces devoted to farming (Photo 11.1). Photo 11.1 Further downstream, on the banks of the main stem or large tributaries, restoration of riparian forest associated with embankments can also be observed. This also serves to protect agricultural land and restoring the ecosystem and its functions (Photo 11.2). Photo 11.2 11.3 The state of the Upper Mekong (Lancang Giang) slopes Analysis of photographs taken during the WWF Living Mekong Programme (LMP) fact-finding mission to Yunnan and Tibet (June 2004) identified a recurrent phenomenon—mid-slope areas around human settlements becoming extremely fragile and susceptible to landslides. In many cases, the threshold of the land had . Watershed Management in the Yangtze, Mekong, and Salween Rivers 79 already been reached and significant erosion was visible. A rapid literature study and a follow-up field mission in June 2005 confirmed the severity of the issue. LMP started an analysis of the processes leading to this extreme situation. The adverse effects of high loads of suspended matter and deposited fine sediment on fish and other aquatic life have been well documented in a wide range of river systems globally. One study presented a good synthesis of the known impacts (Mol and Ouboter 2004). “Suspended and deposited sediment have adverse impacts on fishes and other aquatic life. They kill fish outright, usually by clogging or damaging the gills, or reduce growth rate and thus tolerance to disease; reduce the suitability of spawning habitat and hinders development of fish eggs, larvae, and juveniles; modify the natural migration patterns of fish; reduce the abundance of fish food by reducing light penetration and primary production; impede the feeding activities of invertebrate prey; and affect the efficiency of hunting, particularly in the case of visual feeders.” In the case of the Upper Mekong, the impact of suspended matters is particularly relevant for the tributaries that have naturally very clear waters. The main stem is naturally very turbid. If the impact of suspended matters is well documented, the change of bed load is more difficult to measure; yet the role of bed load on the morphological stability of tropical rivers has been demonstrated (Tinkler and Wohl 1998; Gupta et al 2002). Furthermore, beyond the environmental impact, the potential impact of the life span of existing hydropower reservoirs must be emphasized. Ensuring that existing reservoirs deliver the services they were designed to deliver is a major concern of conservationists as this will reduce the need for new ones. 11.3.1 The Yongchun River Watershed: a case study to look at impact of new roads on a tributary of the Lancang-Mekong With the rapid pace of development, new roads are often being constructed in fragile slopes, causing large scars in the landscape. The extent of observed erosion can be said to be very significant in relation to human density and rainfall, and thus, seriously impact- 80 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings ing natural sediment input to the river systems. This is a consequence of the extreme topography and is a great challenge to the transport sector to offer local population an effective service. But these planning mistakes can also be attributed to poor knowledge or consideration of the environmental processes of slope geomorphology. From the pass linking the Lapu River to the Lancang River down to the valley of the Yongchun River (close to the city of Waxi), a new road has been opened in 2004 after two years of work. This road shows the efforts to connect the western part of Yunnan to the rest of this province. It provides a good insight on the conditions of development undertaken in this part of the PRC. The authors selected this area as a case study to better understand the impacts of new roads on the tributary watershed of the Lancang-Mekong. A following step will be to extrapolate the result of this study to the larger studied area to better estimate the extent of the impact on the scale of the entire Lancang-Mekong system. The new road has been opened across steep mountain slopes and significant efforts have been done such as concrete bridges, tarring, and gutters on each side to collect water from rainfalls. Nevertheless, the road, shaped into crumbly alterites of metamorphic rocks, has destabilized the slopes. The platform is about 8-10 m wide, including the road and the two road shoulders. Eroded slopes above the road and filling material below the large road represent major scars in the landscape of Labadi and Haduku villages. Trees are covered by thick layer of sediment and will probably not resist such treatment (Photo 11.3). These artificial slopes are quite unstable because of the thickness of the alterites exposed to creep, landslides (due to compaction processes), and gullying, where water flows over the road, is concentrated before pouring downslope to the rivers. In many places, the filling material, which has an unstable gravity slope, fills in the talweg below and is reworked by floods, which increases instability of the slopes and the bed load of the river which displays depositional features. This is very significant in the last kilometers where the road has been notched into weak red sandstones. Small terraces one to two meters high have been shaped into thick alluvial deposits by a recent flood. One should understand that this is a dynamic process in progress. The “sediment wave” produced by road construction has been transiting along the tributary for about two to three years, and should move further downstream in the next years. Generally speaking, aggradation of a riverbed means that the river flow is unable to transport the sediments in excess, the sediment balance having been disturbed by the increase of input. Paddy fields, the most productive places in the watershed, are threatened, but aquatic habitats are also severely altered. It can be anticipated that the negative impacts to irrigated agriculture and aquatic habitat will increase in the future considering the fact that the slopes in the watershed are durably destabilized. Indeed, aggradation of a riverbed raises the level of the floods and overall favors the deposition of bed load upon the alluvial plain. So the present difficulties of farmers who have to deal with the destruction of their fields by floods should increase notably in the future, due to the combination of hydraulic and hydrologic features linked to the impact of road construction. Photo 11.3 It is noticeable that these recent erosion features are far more extended and potentially detrimental to the environment than the tracks which have been opened for decades to facilitate logging in the vicinity of Labadi— a community living out of wood cutting and the cultivation of corn on steep slopes. 11.3.2 The Yongchun River downstream the City of Waxi: evidence of riverbed aggradation Aggradation is evident downstream of the confluence of the river draining the watersheds impacted by road construction (described above), about 6-7 km from Waxi and at an elevation of about 2,120 m. Along the Yongchun River, the input of coarse sediment from the tributary increases dramatically the aggradation of the riverbed, inducing several types of impacts. In the long term (5-10 years and more), the sediment wave will be delivered to the Lancang River, increasing bed load. However, the relative importance of this sediment input from one tributary may remain relatively modest considering the sediment transport capacity of the Lancang. This said, the occurrence of very heavy rainfalls might trigger much more severe destabilization of the upstream slopes impacted by new roads. Furthermore, one needs to quantify the cumulative impact of a number of impacted watersheds. The authors’ relatively short mission didn’t allow to estimate this properly, so the significance of the impact on downstream reservoirs is not yet adequately demonstrated. 11.3.3 Roads in riverbeds Road construction can bring another severe erosion scenario. This is when the valley is narrow and the slope too steep, then the road is built on an embankment in the active riverbed (Photo 11.4). Narrowing the natural riverbed causes the flood flows to erode the opposite bank, which in turn causes severe destabilization of terraces and alluvial fans, resulting in loss of valuable farmland and settlements and significantly increasing the sediment load of the draining river. But again, measuring bed load is difficult, so precise estimation is still difficult to ascertain. . Watershed Management in the Yangtze, Mekong, and Salween Rivers 81 11.4.1 Slope conditions Photo 11.4 Slope conditions along the Salween – geology and climate The Salween shares many characteristics of the neighboring Lancang and Yangtze river basins. However, visual assessments show that the slopes surrounding the Salween (also known as Thanlwin in Myanmar or Nu in the PRC) in its upper reaches appear much more stable than those of the Mekong River (Photo 11.5). This is evident from observations in the Mekong and Salween basins, as well as from studying satellite images, which in both cases offer a striking contrast. The landscapes of the Nu are much wetter and greener and the slopes are far more stable and often still covered with dense forests. The WWF report provided several other case studies. Only the impact of road on the Yongchun River is presented in detail. Other case studies demonstrate that irrigation and mining cause similar damage (Annexes 11.1 and 11.2). Photo 11.5 11.4 Salween (Nu Jiang): the last free-flowing river Within the ecological hotspot of the Three Parallel Rivers, the Salween basin presents a unique ecological feature, as the only two rivers to maintain a connection from the Tibetan Plateau downstream to the sea, thus presenting an outstanding ecological continuity for different species of fish and river species. There are around 140 known species of fish in the entire basin, of which 47 are endemic. The area also has the world’s greatest diversity of turtles, including riverine species, such as the stream terrapin Cyclemys dentata, giant Asian pond terrapin Heosemys grandis, and bigheaded turtle Platysternon megacephalum (WWF 2001). On the valley walls, terrestrial flora and fauna are well preserved, often, in pristine conditions. Some species are protected, such as the golden-eyed monkey, small panda, the wild ass of Dulong, and the wild ox, among others. This section examines some of the unique conditions that contribute to the ecological importance of the Salween, the imminent threats to the river valley, and alternative options for achieving economic development without compromising the integrity of the Salween corridor. 82 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings Underlying this greater stability is a geological structure consisting of narrow valleys made of hard crystalline and metamorphic rocks alternating with wider basins of softer rocks (weak sandstones). This natural heritage is combined with less human pressure, traditional agriculture techniques that are in better keeping with the landscape, and a less aggressive climate. Slope conditions - livelihoods and landscapes The rural habitat of the Lisu people (the main ethnic group in a valley populated with many different groups) is well preserved. Almost all villages at the valley bottom are built on alluvial fans. Once boulders have been cleared off the land, alluvial fans provide good space for agriculture that are easy to terrace and the torrents that form them provide convenient access for fisheries, water for irrigating paddy fields, and energy for small water mills to grind cereals. Along the river, many traditional techniques of fishing are still in use, like throwing a net held by two wooden poles. An outstanding landscape is Bingzhongluo, about 40 km north of Gongshan. Bingzhongluo is a protected rural area where both natural and rural landscapes are well preserved. Farms are still covered with slates, sometimes with thatch. A series of three ingrown meanders1 into dark schists is visible from an upper road. Former riverbeds, hanging at different altitudes over the present course of the Salween River with the blocks carried in ancient times, are settlement places with hamlets and paddy fields. On the right bank of the Salween, 14 km north of Gongshan, a small tributary is fed by springs originating in limestones providing dissolved carbonates. Above it, this river is actively building a large terrace of travertine. This latter area, like many others, displays rural landscapes of high quality. Farmers grow corn and paddy, and breed dwarf goats. Another outstanding place is located a few kilometers upstream of the village of Maji, associating valley sinuosities, small peaks, and alluvial fans in a misty atmosphere. The most renowned place is called “Stone Moon” from a place in the mountain where a hole in the rock has been opened by weathering. From the view point, the gorge is fascinating. Downstream is the magnificent site of Lamateng with its rapids linked to a large rock fall. Slope conditions – conclusions As seen above, the slopes along the Salween are in a better condition than in the neighboring river basins of the Mekong and the Yangtze. The question is whether this is because the slopes are naturally less vulnerable, whether it is because there is less pressure on the slopes, or whether they are better managed. In all likelihood, it is a combination of these three factors. The Salween has a different geology and higher rainfall than the more eastern Mekong valley. 1 An ingrown meander displays a steep concave bank notched by the river and a soft convex bank shaped during the translation of the river towards the other bank. Slope erosion by agricultural practices is not a major concern here. In the narrow valley bottom, paddy fields and corn are grown on alluvial fans and in some places of low slopes. Most land tenures are located far above the river, on slopes of mid-altitude. Despite the wetness of the climate, erosion is controlled, probably because the density of vegetation covers plays a positive role. Finally, traditional management and less pressure from lower populations may play a role. Traditional management is proving effective, although it is very laborintensive to build terraces and to maintain the existing ones. Nevertheless, even if the slopes are a bit less fragile than in the neighboring valleys, the slopes of the Salween are still very steep and prone to destabilization. This can be accelerated by unsustainable use of the river. 11.4.2 Exploiting the river’s energy – from small to large hydropower The steep slopes together with reliable water discharge make the Salween and its tributaries an ideal location for hydropower development. Until now, hydropower development has been confined to tributaries. The reach from Gongshan to Liu Ku has 13 small hydropower plants built along the Salween, providing energy from high artificial falls with intakes along tributary torrents. Although these hydropower plants may have some negative impacts on the forest cover and on the stability of slopes, they do not significantly alter the life of local people—in some cases, they provide the opportunity of building concrete bridges which solve the problem of crossing the Salween—nor do they affect significantly the natural morpho-dynamics of the Salween. Plans for large-scale development of the main stem of the river are now moving ahead in both the PRC and Myanmar. The upper stretch of the Salween in Yunnan Province is earmarked for a cascade of 13 dams, with a total capacity of 21,320 MW. Such large-scale development, involving dams built across the gorge with a wall height of up to 300 meters, will irreversibly disrupt the ecological integrity of . Watershed Management in the Yangtze, Mekong, and Salween Rivers 83 the Salween river basin and affect the important corridor functions, both terrestrial and aquatic, provided by the river. The construction of the dams will necessitate the resettlement of villages located in the bottom reaches of the valley, as well as reconstruction of the main roads on higher grounds. This is likely to open up many of the forested areas on the surrounding hillsides and the combined impacts of an influx of people, increased logging, and introduction of agriculture on unsuitable slopes is likely to be substantial. Significantly, most of the small hydropower plants along the river are of recent construction or are still under development. The construction of large dams will mean decommissioning the existing plants, many of which are newly built. 11.4.3 The importance of Salween as a free-flowing river Free-flowing rivers, aside from their ecological significance, provide numerous benefits and services to people, including provision of food and water, regulation services such as water purification, sediment transport and deposition, and cultural and aesthetic purposes. All these are in evidence in the Salween River, which also contributes to the maintenance of the hydrological cycle further downstream, and the ecosystems and livelihoods that depend on this. The author would like to emphasize the impact of decreased sediment flux to the costal areas. “Costal retreat is directly influenced by the reduction of river supplied sediment; change in sediment supply can greatly influence the benthic environment of coastal estuaries, coral reefs, and sea grass communities; in addition, nutrients fluxes, particularly carbon, are intimately tied to the flux of sediment, which has implication on coastal fisheries; sediment offers delivery will also affect harbor maintenance and the potential for burial of pollutants” (Syvitsky et al 2005). Furthermore, drastic decrease in input of sediment from rivers has led to a global tendency observed in most major river systems where, simultaneously, sediment input is increased upstream through soil erosion, yet the flux of sediment reaching the coast has decreased (Syvitsky et al 2005), and therefore, most natural sea beaches are receding worldwide (Paskoff 2004). 84 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings Globally, free-flowing rivers are under threat, and in particular, the state of large rivers, those that stretch over a distance of more than 1,000 km, is dire. According to a recent report (WWF 2006), only a third of the world’s 177 large rivers remain free-flowing, unimpeded by dams or other barriers and only 21 of these actually run freely from source to sea. The Salween River is one of these and one of the last in Asia. Among the many reasons for preserving the natural state of large rivers, including the services they provide to people, is the uncertainty about the losses caused by disrupting ecological integrity. Our understanding of the mechanisms of free-flowing rivers over long distances and the contributions made by these rivers to the global ecosystem is still limited, and so for scientific reasons alone, there is an important need to protect free-flowing rivers. With so few major freeflowing rivers now left, we are on the brink of losing another natural phenomenon without fully understanding the costs of these losses. The loss of the integrity of the Salween could prove to be a particular loss as this represents the last free-flowing river draining eastwards to the sea from the Tibetan Plateau. 11.4.4 Options for sustainable development of the upper Salween In the view of WWF, an alternative exists for exploiting the upper Salween, without compromising on economic development and without sacrificing the important terrestrial and biological corridor provided by the river. This scenario calls for the further development of small-scale hydropower along tributaries, in combination with development of tourism. White-water rafting, in particular, could prove to be an important economic driver. 11.4.5 Tourism potential The area has a tropical mountain climate with temperatures between 20-30 OC in summer. This temperature is very suitable for tourism. The Salween valley (i.e., the river, its banks and valley walls, and the tributary valleys) display a lot of outstanding opportunities for developing the economy taking into account the local forces, the labor of people inside their environment, instead of relying on the revenues of the energy of high dams and on emigration of the poor to large cities in search for uncertain employment. Diffusing a type of tourism respectful of local people, able to consume local products and hire people for activities based upon local resources, is a guarantee for sustainable development, in this valley as well as in other ones. The possibilities and their social and environmental impacts need to be further explored. 11.4.6 Developing the rapids – rafting Instead of dams A WWF mission made brief field observations and took pictures on all the 170 rapids located between Gongshan and Liu Ku to understand their localization, their origin, and their potential difficulty for white water uses. The mission believes that the Salween offers a remarkable potential for high-end river rafting (Annex 3). 11.5 Conclusions/recommendations Infrastructure is as much the cause for increased erosion as it is a victim of its impact. The abnormally high erosion observed is believed to cause direct impact to the aquatic habitats of the tributaries but also on the livelihoods of local populations. In addition to the local impacts, it can be assumed that the excess sediment input created by this erosion—as they seem to be repeated on a number of the Lancang tributary watersheds cumulatively representing a large scale—has a direct impact on the life span of the hydroelectric reservoirs downstream. 11.5.1 Yangtze There is a need to support further development of the program for “Prevention and Control of Soil Erosion and Land Degradation in the Middle and Upper Reaches of the Yangtze River.” The results observed are positive and impressive. 11.5.2 Lancang-Mekong Promote the same model and scale of intervention2 as the program for “Prevention and Control of Soil 2 A limited number of watersheds in the Lancang have been included in the program, but this would need to be extend to many more in order to have a significant impact at basin scale. Erosion and Land Degradation in the Middle and Upper Reaches of the Yangtze River” to protect biodiversity in tributaries and ensure long life of existing reservoirs downstream. Furthermore, a comprehensive program could include the following elements: (i) Standard for roads building on steep slopes and in upper reaches of watersheds. The Flood Management and Mitigation Program of the Mekong River Commission, Delft Cluste, and WWF are currently collaborating on a project to develop guidelines to develop roads in the floodplains of the Mekong in Cambodia and Viet Nam. This model could be adapted to the roads of the Upper Basin. (ii) Sustainable irrigation. This might include awareness-raising campaigns and technical transfer to local farmers on use of irrigation on steep slopes and regulations for development of irrigation. The use of sprinklers could be recommended in the most sensitive areas where gravity irrigation from canals is proved to be unsustainable. In some cases, it might be worth evaluating the benefits of a conversion from paddy to more profitable crops (e.g., fruit trees), requiring less intensive irrigation. (iii) Promote regulations for small-scale mining. Measure more accurately the basin-wide impact of abnormally high erosion on life span of reservoirs on main stem and evaluate the economic implications. This may call for the development of a mechanism for investment in management of watersheds upstream. (iv) Measure more accurately the basin-wide impact of abnormally high erosion on life span of reservoirs on main stem, and evaluate the economic implications. This may call for the development of a mechanism for investment in management of watersheds upstream. 11.5.3 Nu-Salween (i) (ii) Promote the conservation of the Salween as one of the planet’s last free-flowing large river from the Tibetan Plateau to the sea. Promote small- to medium-scale hydropower with derivation canals to meet the local demand rather than large-scale reservoirs on the main stem. . 85 Watershed Management in the Yangtze, Mekong, and Salween Rivers (iii) Undertake an economic analysis and environmental impact analysis for development of white river rafting in the Salween. (This might be an opportunity for further collaboration between the Working Group on Environment and the Working Group on Tourism.) References Abell, Robin. October (2002). Conservation Biology for Biodiversity Crisis: A Freshwater Follow-up. Conservation Biology: 1435-1437. Bravard, Jean-Paul, and Marc Goichot. December (2005). Slope and Sediment Management in Upper Mekong and Salween River Basins. Non-published technical report. Gupta A., L. Hock, H. Xiaojing, and C. Ping. (2002). Evaluation of Part of the Mekong River Using Satellite Imagery. Geomorphology 44, 3-4: 221-240. Mackinnon J., M. Sha, C. Cheung, G. Carey, X. Zhu, and D. Melville. (1996). A Biodiversity Review of China. Hong Kong: WWF International. Mekong River Commission. (2003). State of the Basin Report Executive Summary. Phnom Penh: MRC. Mol, Jan H., and Paul E. Ouboter. February (2004). Downstream Effects of Erosion from Small-Scale Gold Mining on the Instream Habitat and Fish Community of a Small Neotropical Rainforest Stream. Conservation Biology Vol. 18, No. 1: 201-214. Paskoff, Roland. (2004). Les Littoraux: Impact des Amenagements sur Leur Evolution. Armand Colin – Masson Paris: 257. Priority Programme for China’s Agenda 21, Priority 5 - Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Natural Resources, Subsection 5-2 Prevention and Control of Soil Erosion and Land Degradation in the Middle and Upper Reaches of the Yangtze River, available at http://www.acca21.org.cn/pp5-2.html Syvitsky, James P. M., Charles J. Vorosmarty, Albert J. Kettner, and Pamela Green. (2005). Impact of Humans on the Flux of Terrestrial Sediment to the Global Coastal Ocean. Science Vol. 308. 15 April. Tinkler, K.J., and E.E. Wohl. (1998). Rivers Over Rock: Fluvial Processes in Bedrock Channels. Geophysical Monographs, Vol. 107. van der Meer, Peter, and Chongyung Wang. February (2005). Forest and Agriculture Ecosystem Functioning. In Integrated Ecosystem and Water Resources Management of the Lancang (Upper-Mekong) River Basin: A Pilot Research in Fengqin and Xiaojie Catchments. 86 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings World Wide Fund for Nature. (2001). Global 200 Ecoregion Profiles. Available: http://www.panda.org/about_wwf/ where_we_work/ecoregions/global200/pages/list.htm#water WWF report, Free-Flowing Rivers – Economic Luxury or Ecological Necessity? defines a free-flowing river as any river that flows undisturbed from its source to its mouth, at either the coast, an inland sea, or at the confluence with a larger river, without encountering any dams, weirs, or barrages and without being hemmed in by dikes or levees. Available: http:// www.panda.org/freshwater Annex 11.1: The Lancang River Gorge: slope management, the impact of new agriculture practices, and small-scale mining on the stability of the slopes 1. Unsustainable ways of managing soil and irrigation in the context of the intensification of practices Irrigated agriculture has been traditionally developed on alluvial fans, where soils are the most fertile, slopes less extreme, and where it is easy to divert water from the torrents. The land use practices are well adapted, but the local conditions are still quite extreme and the life of farmers is very difficult. Natural setting—slopes and climate—being so extreme, an external factor can easily disturb this fragile equilibrium between humans and nature. In the region between Zhoupai and Shideng, one can see striking examples of the impact of irrigation on slopes when the delivery of water is not correctly mastered. Failure in canals or simply open-ended irrigation system pouring water down slope induces severe landslides across the fields, then gullies into the loose deposits. The main issue is managing excess water downstream the irrigated paddy fields when it is poured along the slope without any respect to the weakness of slope deposits. The landscape shows three examples of landslides induced by poor management of irrigation on slopes where agriculture has been intensified. (i) An old inactive landslide surrounded by hedges (ii) A large and active landslide displaying mudflows, gullies in the middle (iii) A fresh mudflow which covers corn fields below irrigated paddy fields on the right of the picture However, one can also see some sustainable examples of newly developed irrigated perimeters. For instance, on the right bank downstream Zhoupai, a large area has been developed with a new village, irrigated paddy fields on the upper part, dry corn fields on the steepest slopes closer to the gorge or where delivery of water is impossible. The old gullies have been controlled, but fresh gullies originate from a large dirt road opened between the village and the fields 2. When thresholds are passed on tilled land In this reach of the Lancang River, the cross profile of the valley slopes are convex, which means that the steepest slopes are close to the river while the valley opens at a higher altitude, below the mountain forest. Irrigated agriculture has been developed on very small alluvial fans when tributary torrents entrench the valley walls. Usually, they benefit water diversion from torrents, manure from the litter of pine forest and from lime. Corn is the only possible crop on non-irrigated tenures and when the slopes are too steep for the construction of terraces and paddy fields. Three types of land tenures have been developed with characteristic landscapes: On gentle slopes less than 20-25O, paddy is grown on terraced irrigated fields. The plots of land are constructed, manured, and perennial. (ii) On slopes comprised between 20-25 O O and 50 , corn is grown on dry land, tilled with the hoe, sometimes watered using pails. (iii) On the steepest slopes located along the lower part of the gorge, land is tilled with temporary corn fields. These slopes associate corn, fallow, and pastures. (i) This leads to the loss of large areas of cultivated land. The lowest and steepest slopes are prone to landslides when soils are saturated. These landslides occur in thick weathered rocks and in slope deposits. Furthermore, the construction or widening of a road through a main irrigation channel can have some severe impacts, when farmers try to restore them without fully understanding the risk of saturating the surface deposits and therefore creating landslides. The most fragile soils are on weak rocks (schists, soft sandstones). Those soils are easier to crop due to their thickness, thus they suffer the most intense pressures. A large number of landslides were observed in the vicinity of Yingpen. It must be stressed that erosion . Watershed Management in the Yangtze, Mekong, and Salween Rivers 87 does not always have an obvious and direct human cause. Many landslides have been observed not only on tilled land prone to rill erosion, but also on ancient fallows protected by grass and shrubs. In some narrow sections of the Lancang River, small-scale mining adds to the pressure from agriculture. In the area situated 10 km south of Yingpen, the gorges are intensively mined for lead. Along dirt tracks linking the mines to the river, processions of donkeys carry the ore and some wood in a bare landscape. Natural forest has been cut down to sustain the mine galleries, for processing ore, or just for fuel for the minors. Some slopes are covered by recent eucalyptus plantations. Other areas downstream present very similar features and this allow us to state that the most depredated slopes occur during mining, intense grazing, and when corn are in competition on fragile soils. Traditional agricultural practices have limited impact on the natural erosion process. Because the natural conditions are so harsh, the most remote tenures and isolated farms are often abandoned. Only a limited number of erosion forms due to grazing have been observed. But introduction of small-scale mining is sufficient to destabilize the traditional harmony and trigger severe erosion on significant areas. Along the downstream reach of the tributary: Undermining of the slopes and slumping Burying of nut trees in the neighboring fields Along the Yongchun River itself: (i) (ii) Deposition of sediment (fine gravel and sand over the riverine paddy fields) which are locally ruined Alterations to the riparian forest The length of the impacted reach is about 2-3 km downstream Waxi and the confluence which commands most of the transformation. The riverbed morphology downstream the tributaries delivering their normal sedimentary input, is again in equilibrium with land occupation. The elevation of the bank is approximately 1.5 m above the bed, irrigation intakes are not destroyed, and 88 These impacts must be considered in the perspective of the normal behavior of the river during floods and between floods. Along this reach, the conquest of paddy fields is compromised by the occurrence of large floods which deposit gravel and small boulders on the adjacent alluvial plain. The upper level, close to the slope, has been aggraded by colluvium and is cultivated with corn relying on rain falls. Closer to the river, stands a belt conquered to the detriment of the active tract of the river, result of tenacious work performed by the farmers. Levees and small irrigation canals made of stones separate the small paddy fields; longitudinal embankments made of boulders line up the river in order to constrict the alluvial tract. However, this conquest has been destroyed by recent large floods and is presently under reconquest. Corn fields have been settled on freshly deposited gravels, before the cultivation of paddy. Farmers told us, the situation was different a few years ago. Annex 11.3: Developing the rapids – rafting Instead of dams Annex 11.2: Yongchun (i) (ii) if the meadows are probably flooded, they are not fossilized by sediments during floods. The river shows the morphological features of a bed which does not display much gravel transport along a steep reach. Other features, such as boulders deposited by tributary torrents, confirm that the long profile is stable. . BCI International Symposium Proceedings A WWF mission made brief field observations and took pictures on all the 170 rapids located between Gongshan and Liu Ku to understand their localization, their origin, and their potential difficulty for white water uses. The rapids may be classified in three categories depending on their geomorphologic origin: (i) (ii) Rapids linked to the constriction of the channel when the alluvial fan impinges into it - These alluvial constructions are rejuvenated by floods on the tributaries; boulders have a medium size and can be reworked by the floods of the main river. Rapids linked to the deposition of large rounded boulders (several meters in diameter) originating from tributaries into the Nu River - Usually, they originate from steep and narrow gorges drained by powerful torrents (or debris flow torrents, when the boulders are transported inside mud). During floods of the tributary, all sizes of material reach the Nu River, the floods of which clean up the deposits letting only the bigger boulders. (iii) Rapids linked to large rock falls from steep valley slopes shaped into metamorphic rocks for instance - This material is usually coarse and not rounded due to its origin. Table 11.1: Number of rapids between Bingzhongluo and Fugong (Upstream) Valley Alluvial type fan V gorges basin U gorges Total Big % boulders % Large % from rockfall tributary Total 41 79 4 8 7 13 52 12 53 55 72 6 10 27 14 4 11 18 14 22 74 The rapids have been attributed to one of two characteristic types of valleys: (i) (ii) V-shaped valleys or open gorges with moderate slopes facilitating agriculture and settlements - These valleys are shaped into soft rocks (schists, weak sandstones) U-shaped valleys, with steep or vertical slopes, few hamlets or farms, narrow bed, fast-flowing waters along steep reaches These valleys are shaped into hard rocks (limestone = canyon, granite, resistant metamorphic rocks) Table 11.2: Number of rapids between Fugong and Liu Ku (Downstream) Valley Alluvial type fan V gorges basin U gorges Total Big boulders % % Large % from rockfall tributary Total 50 77 7 11 8 12 65 17 67 45 56 11 18 29 17 10 18 26 17 38 103 Two reaches have been selected: (i) (ii) Between Bingzhongluo and Fugong Between Fugong and Liu Ku Comments (i) At the valley scale, 2/3 of the rapids are linked to alluvial fans, i.e., to river con striction linked to torrential processes. The other rapids are shared into two equal parts, boulders and blocks from rock falls (ii) If one considers the total population of rapids of the two reaches, the upper one has more rapids linked to alluvial fans than the downstream one, probably because the upper part is higher and drained by more torrents. (iii) In the downstream reach, boulder rapids and rock falls are more represented, probably because of the steepness of the valley slopes. Table 11.3: Number of rapids between Bingzhongluo and Liu Ku Valley Alluvial type fan V gorges basin U gorges Total Big % boulders % Large % from rockfall tributary Total 91 78 11 9 15 13 117 29 120 48 67 17 28 28 16 14 29 24 17 60 177 (iv) Considering the type of valley, V gorges and basins are prone to the large development of alluvial fans, while U gorges are prone to the other types linked to active slope processes . Watershed Management in the Yangtze, Mekong, and Salween Rivers 89 Excellent quality of water The quality of water is excellent since the cities, even if they do not purify their releases, are small. Few industries, of very small size, are present along the rivers of the watershed. This situation should not change in the near future and might even improve if waste waters are collected and treatment plants are constructed. Sand beaches When rafting downstream a river, it is important to be able to stop the raft on soft sandy beaches to take a rest or to spend the night. This section of the river offers many “pocket” beaches on both sides of the river, even during high waters. Usually those beaches are found downstream alluvial fans where the counter currents decrease velocity and allow the depositions of suspended sediments. These beaches will disappear if a dam on the main stem is constructed upstream. Hamlets and villages where meeting people Some small market towns like Gongshan, Fugong can provide accommodation and necessity products. Just downstream Bingzhongluo, in the protected area, a hamlet of the Dulong people (the mountain of supernatural turtles) provides accommodation and ethnic food. 12. Wetland Connectivity and Fish Migration in the Lower Mekong Basin1 Poulsen A.F., Ouch Poeu, Sintavong Viravong, Ubolratana Suntornratana, Nguyen Thanh Tung and Barlow, C. Summary The fisheries of the Mekong are immensely important both nutritionally and economically for the livelihoods of people in the basin. The fisheries are exploited predominantly by the poorer sections of society, and so have an important role in terms of food security as well. The high yield from the river is primarily due to the annual flood, flat topography providing extensive flood plains, and high level of exploitation. Migration is a key feature of many commercially important species. Three major migration areas have been identified on the mainstream, although there is considerable overlap and mixing between them. There are no constructed barriers on the mainstream below the People’s Republic of China (PRC), so the connectivity between seasonally important habitats is intact. These habitats can be broadly described as flood plains for feeding and growth, dry season refuges (particularly deep pools in the main river and larger tributaries), and spawning areas. Maintenance of healthy fisheries in the Mekong will require that connectivity between these areas is preserved. 12.1 Introduction The fishery of the Mekong River Basin is probably one of the largest and most important inland fisheries in the world. The main reasons for this are: (i) 1 The river contains an unusually large number of species (probably more than 1,200). This paper is adapted from Poulsen A.F., Ouch Poeu, Sintavong Viravong, Ubolratana Suntornratana and Nguyen Thanh Tung, 2002. Fish migrations of the Lower Mekong River Basin: implications for development, planning and environmental management. MRC Technical Paper No. 8, Mekong River Commission, Phnom Penh. 90 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings (ii) A large number of people are involved in fisheries activities in the basin. (iii) Large areas of floodplain remain accessible for fish production. (iv) The annual flood pulse, which drives fish production on the floodplain, has not been greatly affected, in contrast to most other large rivers. (v) In most of the basin, large-scale fish migrations provide the basis for the seasonal fisheries along their migration routes. These migrations have not been affected as in most other large rivers. The issue of fish migration is of particular interest to the MRC, since many migratory fish stocks constitute transboundary resources, i.e. resources shared between two or more of the riparian countries. Fish migrations in the Mekong River Basin are of great significance to the local people. Many fishing communities along the rivers of the basin have adapted their way of life to the seasonal patterns of fish migrations. A few of the most conspicuous examples are: (i) Throughout the basin, villages have adapted to the seasonal migration of groups of small cyprinid fishes belonging to the genus Henicorhynchus which takes place at the beginning of the dry season (OctoberFebruary). These migrations support very large fisheries and the surplus yield creates the foun-dation for a variety of fish processing activities. (ii) From December to February, villages near certain sites along the river exploit the seasonal spawning migration of the large cyprinid Probarbus jullieni (and also Probarbus labeamajor), one of the high profile ‘flagship’ species of the Mekong. (iii) The seasonal spawning migration of the giant Mekong catfish (Pangasianodon gigas) has experienced a dramatic decline in recent decades, and in 2006 fishers have voluntarily stopped fishing for the giant catfish at the only remaining traditional fishery, in northern Thailand. 12.2 Fish migration in the Mekong River In a multi-species fisheries environment such as the Mekong system, it is useful to distinguish different species groups based on different life history strategies. The broadest classification of fishes in the Mekong fisheries context is the classification of fishes into blackfishes and whitefishes (Welcomme 1985). Black-fishes are species that spend most of their life in lakes and swamps on the floodplains adjacent to river channels and venture into flooded areas during the flood season. They are physiologically adapted to withstand adverse environmental conditions, such as low oxygen levels, which enable them to stay in swamps and small floodplain lakes during the dry season. They are normally referred to as non-migratory, although they perform short seasonal movements between permanent and seasonal water bodies. Examples of black-fish species in the Mekong are the climbing perch (Anabas testudineus), the clarias catfishes (e.g. Clarias batrachus) and the striped snakehead (Channa striata). White-fishes, on the contrary, are fishes that depend on habitats within river channels for the main part of the year. In the Mekong, most white-fish species venture into flooded areas during the monsoon season, returning to their river habitats at the end of the flood season. Important representatives of this group are some of the cyprinids, such as Cyclocheilichthys enoplos and Cirrhinus microlepis, as well as the river catfishes of the family Pangasiidae. Recently, an additional group within this classification has been identified. It is considered an intermediate between black-fishes and white-fishes and therefore has been referred to as greyfishes (Welcomme 2001). Species of this group undertake only short migrations between floodplains and adjacent rivers and/ or between permanent and seasonal water bodies within the floodplain (Chanh et al. 2001; Welcomme 2001). Virtually all fishes of the Mekong are exploited and therefore constitute important fishery resources. All fishes are also vulnerable to impacts from development activities, including transboundary impacts. However, longdistance migratory species (i.e. white-fish species) are particularly vulnerable because they depend on many . Wetland Connectivity and Fish Migration in the Lower Mekong Basin 91 different habitats, are widely distributed, and require migration corridors between different habitats. For these important fishes, the term ‘transboundary’ has double meaning: they are transboundary resources that may be affected by transboundary impacts of human activities. 12.3 Important fish habitats in the lower Mekong basin 12.3.1. Flood plains The flood-pulse during the monsoon season is the driving force of the Mekong River ecosystem. As is the case for most tropical floodplain river systems, the seasonal habitats on the floodplains created by the monsoon floods are the main “fish production sites” of the Mekong (Sverdrup-Jensen 2002). These areas are very rich in nutrients, food and shelter during the flood season, and most Mekong fishes depend on these resources for at least certain parts of their early life cycle. The main floodplain habitats occur in the lower part in southern Cambodia and the Mekong Delta in Viet Nam. The most important floodplain complex is associated with the Tonle Sap River/Great Lake system in Cambodia. In the upper parts of the basin, in Thailand and Lao PDR, floodplain areas are smaller and are mainly associated with Mekong tributaries. In the upper parts of the basin, i.e. approximately upstream from Vientiane, floodplain habitats become more and more scarce as the river gradually changes to become a typical mountain river with steep riverbanks. The migratory behavior of many fishes is an adaptation to these hydrological and environmental conditions. The timing of migrations is “tuned” to the flood-pulse, and although different species may have tuned their migrations in different ways, some general patterns can be elucidated. In general, most species spend the dry season in refuge habitats. The arrival of the monsoon and its floodwaters is an ecological trigger for both spawning and migration. Spawning at the right time and place will enable offspring to enter floodplain habitats, where they can feed. Some species spawn on the floodplain itself, whereas others migrate upstream to spawn within the river channel and then rely on the river current to bring the offspring to the downstream rearing habitats. Many larger juveniles and adult fish actively 92 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings migrate from dry-season shelters to the floodplains to feed. Thus, the life cycles of migrating fish species ecologically connect different areas and habitats of rivers. From their point of view, the river basin constitutes one ecological unit interconnecting upstream spawning habitats with downstream rearing habitats. 12.3.2. Dry season refuge habitats When water recedes from flooded areas at the end of the flood season, fishes have to move out of the seasonal habitats and return to their dry season refuges. In a broad sense, two types of dry season refuge habitats exist: permanent floodplain lakes and swamps; and river channels. Floodplain lakes are mainly used by the group of black-fish species, whereas river channel refuges are mainly used by whitefishes. Within rivers, deep areas are particularly important as dry season refuges. These areas are most often referred to as deep pools. Certain stretches of the Mekong River emerge as important locations for deep pools. In particular, the stretch from Kratie to the Khone Falls in northern Cambodia contains a large number of deep pools that are used by many species during the dry season. The river stretch immediately upstream from the Khone Falls, as far upstream as Khammouan/Nakhon Phanom, and the stretch from the Loei River to Luang Prabang also contains many deep pool habitats. 12.3.3. Spawning habitats for migratory fishes Although little is known about spawning habitat requirements for most Mekong fishes, spawning habitats are generally believed to be associated with: (i) rapids and pools of the Mekong mainstream and tributaries; and (ii) floodplains (e.g., among certain types of vegetation, depending on species). River channel habitats are, for example, used as spawning habitats by most of the large species of pangasiid catfishes and some large cyprinids such as Cyclocheilichthys enoplos, Cirrhinus microlepis, and Catlocarpio siamensis. Floodplain habitats are used as spawning habitats, mainly by black-fish species. Other species may spawn in river channels in the open-water column and rely on particular hydrological conditions to distribute the offspring (eggs and/or larvae) to downstream rearing habitats. Information on spawning habitats for migratory species in the river channels of the Mekong Basin is scarce. Only for very few species, such as Probarbus spp. and Chitala spp., spawning habits are well described because these species have conspicuous spawning behavior at distinct spawning sites. For most other species, in particular for deep-water mainstream spawners such as the river catfish species, spawning is virtually impossible to observe directly. Information about spawning can instead be obtained through indirect observations such as observations of ripe eggs in fishes. For fishes that spawn in main river channels, spawning is believed to occur in stretches where there are many rapids and deep pools, e.g. (i) the Kratie–Khone Falls stretch; (ii) the Khone Falls to Khammouan/Nakhon Phanom stretch; and (iii) from the mouth of the Loei River to Bokeo/Chiang Khong. 12.4 Migration systems in the Mekong Three main migration systems have been identified in the lower Mekong River mainstream. These three systems have been termed the Lower Mekong Migration System (LMS), the Middle Mekong Migration System (MMS), and the Upper Mekong Migration System (UMS). It is important to note that the different migration systems are inter-connected and, for many species, overlapping. Furthermore, their classification as ‘systems’ is based on the fact that migration patterns are different in each. In general, the migration patterns are determined by the spatial separation between dry season refuge habitats and flood season feeding and rearing habitats within each system. This again demonstrates how migration habits are deeply embedded in the environment within which they occur. 12.4.1 The Lower Mekong Migration System (LMS) This migration system covers the stretch from the Khone Falls downstream to southern Cambodia, including the Tonle Sap system, and the Mekong Delta in Viet Nam. The migrations in this region are driven by the spatial and temporal separation of flood-season feeding and rearing habitats in the south with dry-season refuge habitats in the north. The rise in water levels at the beginning of the flood season triggers many migrating fishes to move from the dry season habitats just below the Khone Falls, e.g., in deep pools along the Kratie-Stung Treng stretch, towards the floodplain habitats in southern Cambodia and the Mekong Delta in Viet Nam. Here they spend the flood season feeding in the fertile floodplain habitats. Some species spawn on, or near the floodplain, whereas others spawn far upstream, i.e., above Kratie, and rely on the water current to bring offspring to the floodplain rearing areas. One of the key factors for the integrity of this system is the Tonle Sap/Great Lake system—a vast and complex system of rivers, lakes and floodplains. As a result of increasing water discharge from the Mekong River at the onset of the flood season, the water current of the Tonle Sap River changes its direction, flowing from the Mekong into the Tonle Sap River and towards the Great Lake. This enables fish larvae and juveniles to enter the Tonle Sap from the Mekong by drifting with the flow. Together with the floodplains of the Mekong Delta in Viet Nam, these floodplains are the main “fish factories” of the lower basin. An important group of species, which undertakes this type of migration, belongs to the genus Henicorhynchus. In terms of fisheries output, these fishes are among the most important of the Lower Mekong. For example, in the Tonle Sap River dai fishery, species of the genus Henicorhynchus account for 40 percent of the total annual catch (Lieng et al 1995, Pengbun and Chanthoeun 2001). Larger species, such as Catlocarpio siamensis, Cirrhinus microlepis, Cyclocheilichthys enoplos, and Probarbus jullieni, as well as several members of the family Pangasiidae, also participate in this migration system. The Sesan tributary system (including the Sekong and Srepok Rivers) deserves special mention. This important tributary system is intimately linked with the LMS, as evidenced by many species such as Henicorhynchus sp. and Probarbus jullieni extending their migration routes from the Mekong River mainstream into the Sesan tributary system (Chanh Sokheng, personal communication, December 2001). In addition, the Sesan tributary system also appears to contain its own migration system. Many of the species (e.g., all the species mentioned above) are believed to spawn within the . Wetland Connectivity and Fish Migration in the Lower Mekong Basin 93 Mekong mainstream in the upper stretches of the system (from Kratie to the Khone Falls, and beyond) at the beginning of the flood season in May-June. Eggs and larvae subsequently drift downstream with the current to reach the floodplain feeding habitats in southern Cambodia and Viet Nam. 12.4.2 The Middle Mekong Migration System (MMS) From just above the Khone Falls and upstream to the Loei River, Thailand, the migration patterns are determined by the presence of large tributaries connecting to the Mekong mainstream. Within this section of the river, floodplain habitats are mainly associated with the tributaries (e.g., the Mun River, Songkhram River, Xe Bang Fai River, Hinboun River, and other tributaries), so fishes migrate seasonally along these tributaries from mainstream dry season habitats to floodplain feeding/ rearing habitats. At the onset of the flood season, fishes generally move upstream within the Mekong mainstream until they reach the mouth of one of these major tributaries. They swim up the tributary until they can move into floodplain habitats. At the end of the monsoon, fishes move in the opposite direction, from floodplains through the tributary river and, eventually, to the Mekong mainstream, where many fishes spend the dry season in deep pools. This is of course a very simplistic description of the main movements, and there are considerable variations in the general pattern, both between different species and within species. Furthermore, there are complex interconnections to the lower migration system described above, i.e. many of the same species participate in both systems, either as genetically-distinct populations, or at different stages of their life cycle. It is important to emphasize that the two different migration systems (LMS and MMS) are not “closed” ecological systems, isolated from each other. The two systems are in fact interconnected. Many species are known to migrate over the Khone Falls, both during the flood season and during the dry season, thereby demonstrating that the Falls is not a barrier for fish movements (Baird 1998; Roberts 1993; Roberts and Baird 1995; Roberts and Warren 1994; Singanouvong et al. 1996a and 1996b). For some species, the same fish may be part of the lower migration system as a juvenile, 94 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings and part of the middle migration system as a mature adult. For example, important species such asCyclocheilichthys enoplos and Cirrhinus microlepis are mainly reported as juveniles and sub-adults in the LMS and as adults in the MMS. The same may be true for a number of other species, including the Giant Mekong Catfish. For other species, it may be the case that genetically distinct sub-populations are involved in the different migration systems. However, further research is needed before conclusions can be made on this issue. 12.4.3 The Upper Mekong Migration System (UMS) The third migration system occurs in the upper section of the river, approximately from the mouth of the Loei River and upstream towards the border between Lao PDR and the PRC (probably continuing into PRC, although we have no data to confirm this). This section of the river is characterized by its relative lack of floodplains and major tributaries (although there are some floodplains associated with tributaries in the far north, i.e. the Nam Ing River, in Thailand). This migration system is dominated by upstream migrations at the onset of the flood season, from dry season refuge habitats in the main river to spawning habitats further upstream. This is also a multispecies migration system, and some of the species participating in the previous migration systems further downstream also participate in this migration, although the total number of species may be lower. The most conspicuous member of this migration system is the Giant Mekong Catfish, Pangasianodon gigas. Henicorhynchus sp., which is so important for the fishery further downstream, is also important along this stretch of the river. For example, a fisherman from Bokeo in northern Lao PDR reported a catch of between 100 and 200 kg per day of this fish during the month of October 2001. This may be a genetically distinct stock compared with downstream stocks (research is currently underway to determine if this is the case). Whereas the LMS and the MMS are interconnected to a large degree, the UMS appears to be relatively isolated, with little “exchange” between the UMS and the other migration systems. Deep pool habitats are rare for a long stretch of the Mekong between the MMS and the UMS. Along the same stretch, observations of mature fishes with eggs are also rare. This indicates that for many migratory species, the stretch from Paksan to the mouth of the Loei River is a functional barrier. Interestingly, the geographical extent of these three migration systems corresponds with elevation contours of the lower Mekong Basin. In particular, there is a clear area overlap between the extent of the LMS and the extent of the 0-149 m elevation of the Mekong Delta/ Cambodian lowlands. A correlation also occurs between the MMS and the 150-199 m elevation represented largely by the Korat Plateau. The UMS correlates with a plateau of 200-500 m elevation. This demonstrates how fish migration has evolved within the surrounding physical environment. 12.5 Key issues for management of the migration systems For management of migratory fishes, the most important issue is that critical habitats are maintained in time and space. This includes the maintenance of connectivity between them, i.e., through migration corridors. The importance of the annual hydrological pattern is paramount, including its role in the creation of seasonal floodplain habitats, as well as its role as a distributor of fish larvae and juveniles through passive drift. The following key ecological attributes for migratory species are identified, based on the three major migration systems described above along the Mekong mainstream. Table 12.1: The Lower Mekong Migration System (LMS) General ecological attributes Mekong-specific ecological attributes Dry season refuge habitats: Deep pools in the Kratie-Stung Treng stretch of the Mekong mainstream. These habitats are extremely important for recruitment for the entire lower Mekong Basin, including floodplains in southern Cambodia (including the Tonle Sap/Great Lake System) and the Mekong Delta in Viet Nam. Flood season feeding and rearing Floodplains in the Mekong Delta in Viet Nam, in southern Cambodia, and in the Tonle Sap system. habitats: These habitats support the major part of Mekong fisheries. Spawning habitats: Rapids and deep pool systems in the Kratie – Khone Falls, and in the Sesan catchment. Floodplain habitats in the south (e.g. flooded forests associated with the Great Lake). Migration routes: The Mekong River from Kratie – Stung Treng to southern Cambodia and the Mekong Delta in Viet Nam. Between the Mekong River and the Tonle Sap River (longitudinal connectivity). Between floodplain habitats and river channels (lateral connectivity). Between the Mekong mainstream and the Sesan subcatchment (including Sekong and Srepok Rivers). Hydrology: The annual flood pattern responsible for the inundation of large areas of southern Cambodia (including the Tonle Sap system) and the Mekong Delta is essential for fisheries productivity of the system. The annual reversal of the flow in the Tonle Sap River is essential for ecosystem functioning. If the flow is not reversed (or if reversal is delayed), fish larvae drifting from upstream spawning sites in the Mekong River cannot access the important floodplain habitats of the Tonle Sap System. A delayed flow reversal would also lead to a reduced floodplain area adjacent to the river and lake, and thus, reduced fish production. Changed hydrological parameters, e.g., as a result of water management schemes, result in changed flow patterns, which in turn may change sedimentation patterns along the river. Examples of this already exist in some tributaries where hydropower dams have been constructed, resulting in sedimentation, and thus in disappearance of deep pool habitats. . Wetland Connectivity and Fish Migration in the Lower Mekong Basin 95 Table 12.2: The Middle Mekong Migration System (MMS) General ecological attributes Mekong-specific ecological attributes Dry season refuge habitats: Deep pool stretches of the Mekong mainstream and within major tributaries. Of particular importance is the stretch from the Khone Falls to Kammouan/Nakhon Phanom. Deep pools immediately downstream from the Khone Falls also are important for this migration system (thereby linking the MMS and the LMS). Flood-season feeding and rearing habitats: Floodplains of this system are mainly associated with major tributaries (e.g. the Mun/Chi system, Songkhram River, Xe Bang Fai River, Hinboun River). Spawning habitats: Rapids and deep pool systems in the Mekong mainstream (particularly along the stretch from the Khone Falls to Khammouan/Nakhon Phanom). Floodplain habitats associated with tributaries. Migration routes: Connections between the Mekong River (dry season habitats) and major tributaries (flood season habitats). Access to floodplain habitats from main river channels must be maintained. Hydrology: The annual floods that inundate floodplain areas along major tributaries must be maintained. Table 12.3: The Upper Mekong Migration System (UMS) General ecological attributes Mekong-specific ecological attributes Dry season refuge habitats: Occur throughout the extent of the UMS, but are most common in the downstream stretch from the mouth of the Loei River to Louang Prabang. Flood season feeding and rearing The UMS occurs within a section of the Mekong, which is dominated by mountainous rivers with habitats: limited floodplain habitats. Floodplain habitats therefore play a less important role, compared to MMS and LMS. Large catches of Henicorhynchus sp. in Bokeo Province of Lao PDR suggest that even the limited areas of available floodplains are important. Spawning habitats: Spawning habitats occur mainly in the upper stretches of the system. They are mainly situated in stretches with alternating rapids and deep pools. Migration routes: Migration corridors between downstream dry season refuge habitats and upstream spawning habitats should be maintained. Hydrology: The annual flood pattern that triggers fish migrations and causes inundation of floodplains. 12.6 Khone Falls The Khone Falls are situated on the border between Cambodia and Lao PDR and thus also demarcate the “border” between the LMS and the MMS. It is important to emphasize that the Khone Falls are not a barrier to migration. The Khone Falls area is probably the most studied site along the whole of the Mekong, and large-scale migrations involving a large number of 96 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings species have been documented through intensive sampling programs over the past decade (Baird 1998; Roberts 1993; Singanouvong et al. 1996a and 1996b). Thus, the LMS and the MMS are in fact inter-connected. What makes the LMS and the MMS different from each other is not that they are geographically isolated. The difference is that in the LMS, the dry season refuge habitats are situated upstream from the flood season feeding and rearing habitats, whereas in the MMS, they are situated downstream from the flood season habitats. Therefore, at the onset of the flood season, in the LMS fishes migrate downstream towards flood season habitats, whereas in the MMS, fishes migrate upstream towards flood season habitats. As mentioned earlier, in some cases the same fish may participate in both migration systems at different stages of their life cycle. Singanouvong, D., C. Soulignavong, K. Vonghachak, B. Saadsy & T. J. Warren. (1996a). The main dry-season fish migrations of the Mekong mainstream at Hat Village, Muang Khong District, Hee Village, Muang Mouan (Sic) District and Ban Hatsalao Village, Paxse. IDRC Fisheries Ecology Technical Report No. 3. 131 pp. The UMS may be relatively isolated from the two migration systems further downstream. It thus may represent genetically distinct populations of fishes. If so, these populations should be regarded as separate management units. Further research, particularly on population genetics, is needed to clarify this issue. Sverdrup-Jensen, S. (2002). Fisheries in the Lower Mekong Basin: status and perspectives. MRC Technical Paper No. 6. Mekong River Commission, Phnom Penh. 103 pp. Singanouvong, D., C. Soulignavong, K. Vonghachak, B. Saadsy & T. J. Warren. (1996b). The main wet-season migration through Hoo Som Yai, a steep-gradient channel at the great fault line on the Mekong River, Champassack Province, Southern Lao PDR. IDRC Fisheries Ecology Technical Report No. 4. 115 pp. Welcomme, R. (1985). River Fisheries. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper No. 262. 330 pp. Welcomme, R. (2001). Inland Fisheries Ecology and Management. Fishing News Books, Blackwell Science, Oxford. 358 pp. References Baird, I. G. (1998). Preliminary fishery stock assessment results from Ban Hang Khone, Khong District, Champasak Province, Southern Lao PDR. Technical Report. Environmental Protection and Community Development in the Siphandone Wetland, Champasak Province, Lao PDR. Funded by European Union, implemented by CESVI. 112 pp. Chanh, S., C. K. Chhuon & J. Valbo-Jorgensen. (2001). Lateral migrations between Tonle Sap River and its flood plain. p. 102111. In: Matics, K.I. Editor. Proceedings from the Third Technical Symposium on Mekong Fisheries, 8-9 December 2000. Mekong Conference Series No. 1. Mekong River Commission, Phnom Penh. Lieng, S., C. Yim & N. P. van Zalinge. (1995.) Freshwater fisheries of Cambodia, I: the bagnet (dai) fishery in the Tonle Sap River. Asian Fisheries Science, 8:255-262. Pengbun, N. & H. Chanthoeun. (2001). Analysis of the dai catches in Phnom Penh/Kandal. p. 44-51. In: Matics, K. I. Editor. Proceedings from the Third Technical Symposium on Mekong Fisheries, 8-9 December 2000. Mekong Conference Series No. 1. Mekong River Commission, Phnom Penh. Roberts, T. R. (1993). Artisanal fisheries and fish ecology below the great waterfalls of the Mekong River in Southern Laos. Natural History Bulletin Siam Society, 41:31-62. Roberts, T. R. & I. G. Baird. (1995). Traditional fisheries and fish ecology on the Mekong River at Khone Waterfalls in southern Laos. Natural History Bulletin Siam Society, 43:219-262. Roberts, T. R. and T. J. Warren. (1994). Observations on fishes and fisheries in Southern Laos and Northeastern Cambodia, October 1993 – February 1994. Natural History Bulletin of the Siam Society. 42:87-115. . Wetland Connectivity and Fish Migration in the Lower Mekong Basin 97 13. Analyzing the Impacts of the GMS Biodiversity Conservation Corridors Initiative: A Toolkit of Policy Relevant Indicators and Models Ben ten Brink, Tonnie Tekelenburg, Rob Alkemade, Mireille de Heer, Fleur Smout, Michel Bakkenes, Jan Clement, Mark van Oorschot, Jan Janse generated will help policy makers assess different options for the BCI and foresee what consequences their decisions may have on ecosystem functions and human wellbeing. Figure 13.1 Assessment tools indicators Summary The Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) is undergoing rapid economic developments, which are expected to have a severe impact on the region’s biodiversity. The International Biodiversity (IB) Project of the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (MNP) offers indicators, models, and an assessment framework to analyze and assess biodiversity change in the past, present, and future as a result of human activities. These could be useful tools to support policy makers in exploring and assessing policy options. This paper presents a generic outline of the tools offered by the IB Project, with an emphasis on their potential use for regional policy support. 13.1 Introduction The Greater Mekong Subregion Biodiversity Conservation Corridors Initiative (BCI) is meant to counterbalance the negative effects of rapid economic development on the region’s biodiversity by safeguarding a significant part of the area for nature. Major questions regarding the design of the Corridor will include its size, location, and the benefits for biodiversity it will have. At the same time the question is how the livelihoods of people in the area can be secured. The IB Project of the MNP offers tools to analyze biodiversity change in the past, present, and future as a result of human pressures and conservation measures. The main tools relevant for the BCI will be biodiversity indicators and models. The indicators serve to describe changes in biodiversity in a policy relevant way, whereas the models predict the effects of changes in the landscape and the environment on biodiversity in terms of the same indicators (Figure 13.1). The information 98 modelling monitoring baseline 100% . BCI International Symposium Proceedings biodiversity/ good & services/ food & income policy target policy measure 1 policy measure 2 policy measure 3 0% past present future 13.2 Tool 1: What is changing - indicators and monitoring Indicators keep track of changes in biodiversity, ecosystem goods and services, and human well-being, in the context of policy goals. The challenge is to create tangible and powerful indicators that accurately describe trends in biodiversity loss and ecosystem goods and services. Indicators give meaning to data and must be quantitative, sensitive, affordable, measurable, and universally applicable. Once indicators have been designed, cost-efficient monitoring programs are needed to collect data in the “real world” for reliable and frequent updates. 13.2.1 The 2010 biodiversity indicators To evaluate progress towards the 2010 target, the Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD) has selected a set of headline indicators (decision VII/30). These indicators cover, among others, the following focal areas: (i) status and trends in biological diversity, e.g., indicators on ecosystem extent, species abundance, status of threatened species, coverage of protected areas; (ii) sustainable use; (iii) pressures, e.g., nitrogen deposition, climate change; and (iv) ecosystem integrity and goods and services, e.g., marine tropic index, freshwater quality. The coherence between the indicators is of utmost importance, as ultimately the set of indicators will have to tell the story of biodiversity loss, the causes of change, what we can do about it, and why this is important. Figure 13.2 Processes have been started at the global, regional, and national levels to implement the indicators for the 2010 target. The IB project contributes to this (e.g., in the project Streamlining European Biodiversity Indicators for the 2010 target) and applies the indicators in modeling and assessments. Furthermore, the project works with common socioeconomic indicators and Millennium Development Goals (MDG) indicators for human well-being, such as the gross national product per capita, calories food intake, and access to clean water. 13.2.2 Supporting partners on indicators and monitoring The IB project supports partners in establishing indicators and monitoring. It uses a step-wise approach, focused at the key questions of the policy makers (Figure 13.2). Data are collected and the indicators calculated. In an iterative process the results are fed back to the policy makers to see whether the indicators sufficiently answer their questions. The resulting indicators are used to produce an indicator-based national ecosystem or biodiversity assessment. For frequent updates of the indicators, a permanent monitoring system is needed. An example of collaboration in this area is the project “Biodiversity Indicators for National Use” (BINU), where the IB project together with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) World Conservation Monitoring Centre supported four developing countries (Philippines, Kenya, Ukraine, and Ecuador) in the production of indicator-based assessments. Among the successfully tested indicators were the MSA (species abundance) and ecosystem extent. Reports from the project can be found on www.unep-wcmc.org. Box 13.1: Homogenization and the mean species abundance index Biodiversity loss consists of loss of natural area and changes in species abundance in the remaining area. The change in species is generally characterized by the decrease in abundance of many original species and the increase in abundance of a few other—opportunistic—species, as a result of human activities. Extinction is “just” the last step in a long degradation process. As a result, many different ecosystem types are becoming more and more alike, the so-called homogenization process (Pauly et al 1998; Ten Brink 2000; MEA 2005). The Mean Species Abundance (MSA) is an index which addresses the homogenization process by dealing only with the original species in an area. Thus, it is avoided that the “ Fishing down the food chain” (Pauly et al 2001) increasing opportunistic species mask the loss in the original species. The IB project applies the MSA, as a universal end term, to give meaning to monitoring data and in modeling studies. Analyzing the Impacts of the GMS Biodiversity Conservation Corridors Initiative: A Toolkit of Policy Relevant Indicators and Models . 99 Index 1.0 0.5 0 1981 1990 2000 The Kenya WildLife Services and various researchers have over the decades censused water birds on several lakes in Kenya. As a result many time series of population size are available. Though these data are too complex in their raw form to be interpreted by most people, they can be simplified into meaningful indicators in different ways to answer different questions. Calculating a multi-species indicator (in this case for 8 bird species on lake Naivasha) using the method of the Living Planet Index provides an overview of the trend in species status over time in these wetlands and by implication of the trend in biodiversity status more generally. 13.3 Tool 2: Why is it changing - biodiversity modeling Models capture knowledge on the relationship between human activities, the environment and biodiversity. Thus they can answer questions on the impacts of policies on biodiversity, ecosystem goods and services and human wellbeing. A model may also help to find the major causes of change and the most impacted areas. Furthermore models are used to check whether and when targets can be met. 13.3.1 The GLOBIO 3 Model The Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, the UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre and UNEP-GRID Arendal developed the GLOBIO (Global Methodology for Mapping Human Impacts on the Biosphere) 3 model. GLOBIO 3 uses quantitative relationships between environmental pressure factors and biodiversity, based on state-of-the-art knowledge from literature. Pressure factors comprise climate change, land use change, nitrogen deposition, fragmentation, infrastructure and settlements. The model links to several other global models, including the global fisheries 100 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings Deforestation trend in the central Andes region in Ecuador (Cotopaxi, 1979 - 2004, and projection 2015). The example shows how side-by-side presentation of maps allows people to visually identify the ecosystems under pressure. Source: Ecociencia, Ecuador. model EcoOcean of the University of British Colombia. The impacts of the various pressures are combined into the overall change in biodiversity in terms of extent of ecosystems and species abundance and distribution, in line with the CBD 2010 indicators. 13.3.2 Collaboration on modeling When regional data and expert knowledge on species are available, the generic GLOBIO 3 model can be elaborated into a region-specific biodiversity model. To this end, partners develop so-called ecoprofiles, containing habitat and climate requirements and information on distribution and ecology of species. Using this information, the model predicts changes in species distribution and abundance as an impact of land use, climate change, or other pressures. Based on the results for the individual species, aggregated indices can be calculated across the species. Regional biodiversity models have been developed in Africa and are currently being developed in Meso-America, the Northern Andes region, and Ukraine. Remaining original species richness Figure 13.3: Biodiversity relationships in the GLOBIO 3 Model - impact of nitrogen, infrastructure, land use, and climate change on abundance of original species 1,0 b. a. 0,8 Grassland 0,6 Boreal 0,4 Tundra Deciduous 0,2 Tropical rainforest Grasslands 0,0 5 0 20 15 10 0,00 0,25 0,50 0,75 1,00 1,25 1,50 1,75 2,00 Road density (km road km-2) Remaining original species richness Exceedance of critical loads for nitrogen (meq m2 yr-1) c. 1,0 d. Tundra 0,8 Boreal Deciduous 0,6 Grassland 0,4 0,2 2 R = 0,70, p<0.01 0,0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0,0 Poor people are highly dependent on natural resources in their immediate surroundings. They extract timber, fish, crops, and water, and make use of soil fertility and watershed protection as well as nonmaterial benefits. If more goods are extracted than generated, livelihoods eventually will become at stake. The conceptual framework (Figure 13.5) of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment shows how human wellbeing is linked to biodiversity (MEA 2004). However, the conceptual framework does not predict how the biodiversity-poverty relationship will work out. In general, one would expect an environmental Kuznets curve (Figure 13.6) that shows increased income at the expense of biodiversity loss (a). This loss might continue for a long time, but ideally, after a certain 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 3,5 o Temperature change ( C) Landuse category 13.4 TOOL 3: Why is it important - biodiversitypoverty linkages 0,5 level of well-being is reached, some biodiversity can be regained (b). In other cases, biodiversity loss stabilizes at a certain level when economic activity continues to increase (c). However, there is also the risk of overexploitation of the ecosystem, resulting in a loss of biodiversity (d and e) and finally a failure to deliver goods and services, and consequently, a decline in human wellbeing (e). Given these possible pathways the key questions on the biodiversity-poverty relationship are: (i) How can poverty be avoided as a result of biodiversity loss? (path e) (ii) How can poverty be alleviated without biodiversity loss? (path c) (iii) How can biodiversity restoration facilitate poverty alleviation? (path b) Analyzing the Impacts of the GMS Biodiversity Conservation Corridors Initiative: A Toolkit of Policy Relevant Indicators and Models . 101 Figure 13.4: Ecoprofile example Gorilla gorilla Species name : Gorilla Gorilla Habitat : African tropical moist forest African tropical mountain forest African tropical lowland forest African tropical swamp forest High human impact Medium-high impact Low-medium impact Land use : Secondary and fragmented forest Primary forest and forest mosaics Unsuitable land use : Savanna and croplands Distance to roads : > 1 km Distance to water : Not relevant Altitude : 0-4000 m High human impact Medium-high impact Low-medium impact Min. Area Requirement : 100 km2 : 1 km2 (daily average) Dispersal Modeling primate habitat for current (2000) and future (2030) impact of infrastructure with GLOBIO 2 model. Source: African Mammals Databank. Animal Diversity Web, IUCN, UNEP-WCMC. Source: GRASP. Figure 13.6 102 (a) (b) Assumed biodiversity resilience threshold Direct drivers of change - Land use change - Climate change - Bio fuels - N-deposition - Forestry - Infrastructure development . BCI International Symposium Proceedings (e) (d) GDP per capita ▲ Life on earth - Biodiversity - C-sequestration ▲ Human well being and poverty reduction Indirect drivers of change - Population - Economic - Technology - Lifestyle (meat cons.) Biodiversity Figure 13.5 13.4.1 How to link biodiversity and poverty The constellation of drivers causing both poverty and biodiversity loss is different in every occasion, but “lose-lose” situations are probably determined by a few typical constellations of drivers, such as “poverty-driven” and “capital-driven” mechanisms of change. The IB project and its partners carry out studies to explore these mechanisms, using two approaches: (i) A bottom-up approach by case study research, correlating drivers that might cause both poverty and biodiversity loss. So far the project has set up 10 case studies in selected countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. (ii) A top-down approach to find globally applicable relationships using literature Outputs of both approaches are used to build a biodiversity-poverty module as part of the GLOBIO 3 model, for predicting areas with high risk of poverty and exploring options to timely avoid poverty traps. 13.4.2 Working with partners on biodiversity-poverty case studies A step by step approach supports partners to carry out case studies. Some of the major steps are: Step 1: Resource user categorization This example shows how biodiversity loss can be decoupled from increasing farm income by intensification of production on a smaller area of land (horizontal arrow) or by diversification of production or sustainable production management in the same area (vertical arrows). Source: UCA-ADAA, Managua Nicaragua Step 2: Historical land use pattern analysis This example shows that pasture is converted into secondary forests and plantations. Although this is not the same as the former primary forests (which are still in decline), this still is beneficial to biodiversity. Source: CATIE, Turrialba, Costa Rica Step 3: Future impact assessment This example shows how a major ecosystem good (fodder) is getting lost in a business-as-usual (baseline) scenario, but can be maintained with an alternative sustainable policy package. Source: T. Struif-Bontkes & J.J. Kessler, Wageningen, The Netherlands Analyzing the Impacts of the GMS Biodiversity Conservation Corridors Initiative: A Toolkit of Policy Relevant Indicators and Models . 103 Results from different case studies are combined to understand linkages at the global scale. For example, outputs from three Latin-American case studies at farm and landscape level were used to identify constellations of drivers that cause a lose-lose situation for biodiversity and poverty (Figure 13.7). These poor to extremely poor communities all depend on natural resources with no alternatives and are confronted with increasing scarcity of these resources—the so-called poverty trap. Population growth is high to very high and adequate support by way of rural development policies is lacking. Figure 13.7 Constellations of factors causing biodiversity loss and decrease in human wellbeing favourable Maize and bean farming system in Chiapas, Mexico unfavourable favourable Livestock production system in Central Nicaragua unfavourable favourable Highland mixed small farmer production in Cotopaxi, Ecuador S o lan lan uita d b d il fo ity rp o R ro f th po ura du e lic l d cti ies ev elo on pm P en to ove t na rty tio co na m l a pa ve red ra ge st es Ac c Po p ul at io n gr ow t h unfavourable 13.5 Tool 4. What can we do about it - assessments Governments on national to global scales develop and implement Biodiversity Action Plans, Socioeconomic Development Plans and Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers. In these processes, assessments are needed to answer key questions of policy makers in a coherent manner: • What is changing? • Why is it changing? • Why is it important? • What can we do about it? 104 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings 13.5.1 Global assessments Models and indicators developed by the IB project facilitate evaluations of socioeconomic and environmental policies that possibly have effects on land use, climate, and biodiversity. Using these tools, the IB project contributes or has contributed to UNEP’s Global Environmental Outlooks, assessments by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, and the 2nd Global Biodiversity Outlook. In the latter, six global policy options were explored for their contribution to meeting the 2010 biodiversity target: (i) (ii) Trade liberalization Trade liberalization combined with poverty alleviation in Sub-Sahara Africa (iii) Sustainable meat production (iv) Bio-energy intensive climate change mitigation (v) Large-scale wood plantation (vi) Protection of 20% of all ecoregions The following maps (see page 105) show the mean species abundance of the original species in the baseline scenario for the years 2000 and 2050. 13.5.2 Supporting national and regional assessments In national or regional assessments, the specific physical characteristics and specific policy problems of the area can be taken into account. Generic indicators and models can be fed with national data to analyze causes of biodiversity change and to explore policy options. In collaborative projects, the IB project can support partners to produce such assessments. For national assessments the following information can be used: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Land use data Data on pressures Scenarios Policy options An example of a regional assessment is a study on the greater Mekong region in Southeast Asia, with project partner UNEP Regional Resource Center in Asia MSA(%) Figure 13.8 Mean species abundance (as % of original) in 1970 Mean species abundance (as % of original) in 2000 Mean species abundance (as % of original) in 2030 Analyzing the Impacts of the GMS Biodiversity Conservation Corridors Initiative: A Toolkit of Policy Relevant Indicators and Models . 105 and the Pacific. The state and trends of biodiversity were assessed for 1970, 2000, and 2030 with the GLOBIO 3 model (Figure 13.8). The historical trend and the businessas-usual scenario for 2030 show an increasing rate of biodiversity depletion. The mean species abundance drops from 70% to 60% to 40%. The graphs (Figure 13.9) show the share of different sectors in the loss of biodiversity under a baseline scenario (left) and the effects of six global policy options for the reduction of biodiversity loss (right) in South and East Asia. Figure 13.9 Baseline development - South and East Asia mean species abundance (%) 100 Climate Fragmentation 90 Infrastructure /settlement 80 Nitrogen Forestry 70 60 Agriculture 13.6 Lessons learned 50 Biodiversity indicators as selected by the Convention on Biological Diversity enable track changes in biodiversity over time and its linkages with human well-being. In combination with models, these can help to better understand what has happened in the past, what probably will happen in the future with current policies, and what options we have to adjust in the future to fulfill our needs. These tools help to determine minor and major causes and which combinations of measures are most promising from the point of view of different interests and costeffectiveness. These tools were used and appeared to be useful in UNEP’s Global Environmental Outlook 1-4, in the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, in the safe landing options analyses for the second Global Biodiversity Outlook as discussed at the 8th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP8) in Brazil, and regional assessments on, for example, the Himalayas. Especially in a region such as the GMS, in which socioeconomic development is so rapid and large scale, these tools may be of great help to avoid unchecked development with unnecessary losses of ecological, social, and economic capital. 13.7 Conclusion and future steps The indicator Mean Species Abundance and the GLOBIO model can be useful to support policymakers in their search into a sustainable future. Moreover, these generic tools can be further improved by replacing generic cause-effect relationships into region-specific relationships and adding region-specific pressures, policy options, and species-modules. We propose elaborate specific adjustments and applications for the GMS Biodiversity Conservation Corridors Initiative iteratively in discussion with the partners in the BCI process. 106 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings 40 2000 2050 Change in mean species abundance - South and East Asia % level 2000 0 -10 -20 Baseline 2050 Liberalisation Climate change Sustainable meat prod. Sustainable forestry Protected areas What is MNP? The Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (MNP) is an independent assessment agency in the Netherlands. MNP has assumed the role of charting the current status of the environment and nature in collaboration with a range of scientific institutes and other national assessment agencies to support a broad, ecologically based, political and social discussion. Policy makers use MNP research findings to develop, implement, and enforce environmental policy. The MNP teams share their knowledge and expertise with national and regional governments, and with supranational bodies around the world. 14. Transport Infrastructure and Wildlife Trade Conduits in the GMS: Regulating Illegal and Unsustainable Wildlife Trade Chris R. Shepherd, James Compton and Sulma Warne Summary Harvest or extraction of wild animals and plants from the ecosystems of the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS), largely driven by the demands of domestic and international trade, has been assessed to be one of the greatest threats to the remaining biological diversity in the six countries. Rates of extraction and trade generally have increased over the past two decades with rapid economic development and rises in purchasing power, with many harvesting regimes moving from subsistence to commercial levels of extraction to satisfy domestic and international demand. At the same time, access to previously remote areas has been facilitated by transport infrastructure development: even when habitats remain largely intact, the trend towards the ‘empty forest syndrome’ is of major concern. The existing protected area systems of the GMS countries provide the last reserves of habitat and biodiversity, but as expanding transport infrastructure combined with land conversion encroaches on their boundaries, these last outposts are likely to become even more threatened unless realistic mitigation measures are designed and implemented to prevent the “economic corridors” becoming wildlife trade superhighways. 14.1 Background “Mandalay, Lashio and Muse cities in Burma are now connected by a smooth highway and this is a major trade route between Burma and Yunnan. If people learn that there is a good price for pangolins in China, they go hunting for them. Turtles and otters are rapidly disappearing; pangolins and tigers are already extinct in most parts of Burma”. – From Myint Zaw, Inter Press Service News Agency, May 2005. Wildlife trade, along with habitat loss, is regarded as the most serious threat to the biological diversity of the GMS, and in some key areas has been assessed to be the greatest threat to remaining animal populations (e.g., Baltzer, et al 2001). In general terms, Cambodia, Lao PDR, and Myanmar act as sources for wildlife trade while Viet Nam, Lao PDR, and Thailand play dual roles as source and re-export countries. The People’s Republic of China (PRC) is the greatest consumer country in the GMS, particularly for flora and fauna species used as food and in traditional medicines (World Bank 2005). The PRC also supplies traditional medicine ingredients (e.g., medicinal plants) to its neighbors and globally to the ethnic Chinese diaspora. Local populations of numerous species native, and in some cases endemic, to this region have declined markedly due to over-exploitation to supply persistent demand. As economies have opened up and continued to develop in the GMS over the past decade, increased purchasing power has created a concurrent increase in the scale of demand for wild animals and plants. This is driven by a combination of increasingly powerful local and regional (i.e. within the GMS) markets, and international market demand from East Asian countries, including the PRC; but it is important not to discount the significance of the market in the EU and North America for particular species and products. Species found in the GMS countries that have suffered drastic declines due to over-exploitation include the more charismatic megafauna such as Tiger Panthera tigris, Sumatran Rhino Dicerorhinus sumatrensis, Javan Rhino Rhinoceros sondaicus, and Asian Elephant Elephas maximus, but also numerous lesser known animal and plant species, such as pangolins Manis spp., tortoises and freshwater turtles, agarwood Aquilaria spp, timber (e.g., Fokienia hodginsii) and numerous wild orchid species. The PRC, in terms of both volume and frequency of demand, is the most significant consumer country in the GMS. The PRC’s demand encompasses animal and plant specimens and cargoes sourced from other parts of the world, including Southeast Asia, that may be transiting GMS countries en route to end-destination markets. This demand is driven by long-established Transport Infrastructure and Wildlife Trade Conduits in the GMS: Regulating Illegal and Unsustainable Wildlife Trade . 107 patterns of consumption for use as traditional medicines, wild meat and tonic foods, and is concentrated in the south-eastern provinces of the PRC including Yunnan, Guangxi and Guangdong. Wildlife enters the PRC directly (by road) from Viet Nam, Myanmar, and Lao PDR at a number of major crossings, the most significant probably being via Viet Nam through the northern border provinces of Lang Son, Lao Cai, and Quang Ninh. As the north-south transport corridors connecting Myanmar, northern Thailand and Lao PDR to PRC become more developed, however, this current primacy of Viet Nam as a conduit to the PRC may shift. There are, in addition to the PRC, other centers of demand within the GMS countries for wildlife and wildlife products for use as building materials (timber), traditional medicines, ornamental decorations (horns and antlers, orchids, wild cat skins), luxury souvenirs (ivory, Hawksbill Turtle, Eretmochelys imbricata shell) and pets (particularly birds and reptiles). Many of these nodal points (e.g., across Myanmar, Thailand, Lao PDR, Cambodia and Viet Nam) are becoming increasingly connected as east-west transport corridor linkages become complete. However, despite escalating concern that the volumes and frequency of extraction and trade are not being adequately addressed on the ground, the regional policy environment to deal with illegal and unsustainable wildlife trade has never been more supportive towards addressing this complex set of threats. With Cambodia (1997), Myanmar (1997), and finally Lao PDR (2004) becoming Party to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), all six GMS countries now have the same international regulatory obligations for many of the species of animals and plants threatened by trade. In 2004, Viet Nam hosted the inaugural meeting of the six GMS countries to improve CITES and wildlife trade co-operation, which produced a concrete set of action points. (A second meeting on issues pertaining to Mekong Sub-regional CITES Implementation and Enforcement was held in Kunming, PRC, in July 2006.) Later that year, as Thailand hosted the 13th Conference of the Parties to CITES, the 10 Member Countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) signed a commitment to increase co-operation on CITES 108 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings implementation and law enforcement to combat illegal and unsustainable trade, known as the “ASEAN Statement on CITES” (see www.aseansec.org/17750.htm). Adding weight to this regional commitment was the Prime Minister of Thailand’s opening address to CITES CoP13, in which he called for the establishment of a ‘wildlife Interpol’ to combat wildlife crime. That same year, the Prime Minister of Viet Nam officially endorsed a five-year National Action Plan specifically on improving wildlife trade controls; and two provinces of Viet Nam (Ha Tinh and Quang Binh) signed a transboundary cooperation agreement specific to wildlife trade with their provincial counterparts in Lao PDR (Bolikhamsay and Khammouane). In 2005, momentum at the ASEAN level stepped up further with the development and Ministerial endorsement of the ASEAN Regional Action Plan on Trade in Wild Fauna and Flora 2005-2010 (www.aseansec.org/ 17753.pdf), under which five objectives address needs for improved legislation, better regional law enforcement co-operation, increased scientific research to inform wildlife trade management decision making, and to encourage industry groups, trade associations/traders and local communities to comply with legality and sustainability requirements of CITES and national regulations This process in turn catalyzed the formulation of the ASEAN Wildlife Law Enforcement Network (ASEAN-WEN) which was launched in December 2005 (www.aseansec.org/17933.htm), and had its first official meeting in May 2006 where a Terms of Reference was agreed. ASEAN-WEN aims to address critical elements of wildlife trade law enforcement co-operation, notably bringing Customs and Police jurisdictions into more structured collaboration with government departments tasked with natural resource management. These national-level structures will then provide the building blocks for bilateral and regional co-operation on wildlife trade law enforcement under ASEAN-WEN. When considering the producer-consumer trade dynamics, it is significant that the PRC has also attended ASEANWEN events as an observer. The regional policy context, as outlined above, would seem to be very much conducive to translating this political commitment in the GMS countries into action on the ground. 14.2 Current situation Over the past few years, numerous seizures involving large volumes of endangered species have been made in the GMS, involving tons of reptiles (e.g., snakes, monitor lizards and freshwater turtles), mammals (e.g., pangolins), plants (orchids), and timber (Table 14.1). Despite these successes, animal and plant species continue to be collected in source countries, and when compared with volumes still observed in the markets of the PRC, it is clear that seizures of illegal shipments represent no more than a small percentage of what is actually being traded. Among the most commonly seized animals are pangolins, freshwater turtles and tortoises, and snakes; all of which are in high demand for their medicinal value, as well as for consumption in the PRC, and to a lesser extent, Viet Nam. Other species of concern transported along these routes to destination markets, whether live or as products and derivatives, include bears, leopards and tigers. Pangolins are one of the most frequently traded species groups from and through the GMS, predominantly for end-consumption in the PRC where the meat, blood and scales are either consumed as “tonic food” or used in traditional medicinal applications. The skin is also tanned to make leather products. As populations of pangolins nearer to the PRC have been depleted (e.g., in Lao PDR and Viet Nam), sourcing has diversified into Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia. In 2002, personnel transporting pangolins from Thailand to Lao PDR stated to a TRAFFIC investigator that pangolins were now extremely difficult to find in Lao PDR, and the large volumes they were regularly moving through Lao PDR from Thailand to Viet Nam and on to the PRC were from Malaysia. This fact is borne out by numerous seizures of north-bound pangolin cargoes by authorities in peninsular Malaysia. Increasingly, shipments of pangolins bound for the PRC are coming also from Sumatra, Indonesia, indicating that the populations in Malaysia may also be declining. These shipments are largely made by road—and the transit time has become increasingly faster as the road infrastructure has improved in the GMS countries. Chelonians are also among the most voluminous species transported from Southeast Asia to the PRC, often by air. Nearly all species of Asian freshwater turtles and tortoises are consumed in South PRC (Ades, et al 2000), although the bulk of species observed in Chinese markets are Southeast Asian species (Compton 2000). Trade represents the greatest threat to the longterm survival of Asia’s freshwater turtles and tortoises (van Dijk 2000). The PRC and, to a lesser extent, ethnic Chinese communities, make up the bulk of the consumer market for freshwater turtles and tortoises, for food and traditional medicines (Compton 2000). To date, a number of attempts have been made to quantify the value of illegal trade in wildlife and although it is extremely difficult to make exact estimates, evidence would suggest that it is a multi-billion dollar business. In 2002, Viet Nam’s wildlife trade alone was estimated at over US$ 65 million annually (World Bank 2005). Although it is widely recognized that illegal wildlife trade is a significant factor in the rapid decline, and even local extirpation, of some species, what is less considered is the impact it has on rural communities many of which are still largely dependent upon the natural resources of their environments. For many rural communities, wildsourced plant and animal species form the basis of food, medicine, fuel, building materials, and clothing upon which they depend for survival. The decline and loss of these species is exacerbated through larger-scale commercial exploitation, often driven by outside business interests. It could be argued, therefore, that the shift to largely unmanaged commercial levels of extraction, aided by more efficient transport infrastructure, poses a direct threat to the livelihoods of these communities. 14.3 Regulation and control of transport by land It is now widely agreed that consumer demand for wildlife and wildlife products in the PRC, Europe, and North America is one of the most significant drivers of wildlife trade. Underpinning this, however, are other driving factors such as the massive profits associated with the trade, the very low risk of being caught, minimal disincentive in terms of the punishment associated with wildlife crime, and increasing ease of access to resources through transport infrastructure development. Transport Infrastructure and Wildlife Trade Conduits in the GMS: Regulating Illegal and Unsustainable Wildlife Trade . 109 Table 14.1: Examples of recent seizures made in the GMS Species seized Location of seizure Origin 26 May 2004 500kg of turtle plastron said to be from Indotestudo elongata, Orlitia borneensis and Morenia ocellata Border of Myanmar and Yunnan Province, PRC Myanmar (possibly other countries, as Orlitia borneensis is not found in Myanmar) Date Destination Mode of transport Chengdu, PRC 5 April 05 3.5 tons of turtles Thanh Hoa and 2 tons of Province, Viet Nam monitor lizards, snakes and pangolins Mekong Delta PRC province of Long An. Animals are suspected to have been smuggled from Cambodia or Myanmar Truck 14 June 05 330kg of turtles, 90kg of pangolins, and 8kg of snakes Bac Ninh Province, Viet Nam Unknown PRC Public bus 2 March 06 147 Long-tailed Macaques Macaca fascicularis (291kg) Quang Ninh, Viet Nam Hai Phong City, Viet PRC Nam Public bus 27 March 06 5 Malayan porcupines Hystrix brachyura and one civet. Da Nang City, Viet Nam Unknown North Viet Nam and Public bus PRC 29 March 06 70 Long-tailed Macaques Phu Yen, Viet Nam Unknown Vinh City, Nghe An, Mini-bus Viet Nam Thai-Lao Friendship Bridge (Udon Thani to Vientiane) Southern Thailand PRC Private Vehicle Lao PDR Air 7 April 06 Approx. 100 pangolins 7 June 06 Tiger bones Panthera Don Muang tigris (amounting to 6 Airport, Bangkok, tigers) Thailand Hat Yai, southern Thailand 26 June 06 245 pangolins and 63 Don Muang freshwater turtles Airport, Bangkok, Thailand Penang, Malaysia As harvest areas move further away from collection centers and end-use markets, efficient transport becomes increasingly important. Large quantities of live specimens are moved by air, to keep mortality levels low, but for other hardier species, transport by road is preferred. Species that are already dead are also often sent by road. 110 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings As road transport infrastructure improves, and new airports and seaports open up to international traffic, so too does the efficiency of transporting wildlife. Illegal shipments of wildlife move from source to market with small chance of interception, as current levels of enforcement, regulation and control of the transportation of wildlife and other illicit cargoes along these major road networks are generally very poor. Inefficient regulation and low capacity to monitor and enforce legislations pertaining to the wildlife trade along these major transport routes allows the illegal trade to continue on a large scale. As the number and quality of land routes increases, so too does the importance of these routes to wildlife smugglers. However, the capacity of the enforcement agencies responsible for controlling this trade is not increasing at the same pace. Clear evidence of this was apparent at a 2006 “training of trainers” workshop on CITES implementation, for Customs officers in Viet Nam organized by TRAFFIC, where most of the participants had little, if any, knowledge about the Convention, and of more concern, almost no understanding of the role they were required to play in implementing it. Lack of knowledge on international Conventions (and the national laws that support them) is only one aspect of the problem. The overall situation is exacerbated by a range of other factors such as: low awareness of national laws regulating wildlife harvest and trade; very little capacity to identify species and distinguish between protected and non-protected specimens; minimal levels of intra- and inter-agency co-operation; and an overall lack of human resources, equipment and access to important resource materials. Furthermore, Customs are only one part of the law enforcement equation. Other important law enforcement agencies, most of which are also limited in their capacity and understanding of the impacts of illegal and unsustainable wildlife trade, include the police, prosecutors and the judiciary, quarantine, and staff involved with the functions of national CITES Management and Scientific Authorities. These are critical issues because without such an inter-agency law enforcement mechanism in place throughout the GMS, economic development via increased transport infrastructure will indeed facilitate these corridors to become the ‘super highways’ of the wildlife trade. 14.4 Lessons learned (i) increasing the deterrent to participate in illegal activity through efficient legislation, monitoring and surveillance, detection, seizures and prosecutions. (ii) Enforcement capacity in GMS countries to address illegal and unsustainable wildlife trade is limited and weaknesses such as these are being taken advantage of by wellorganized crime networks. (iii) Rapid economic development, and associated infrastructure development, is making formerly remote biodiversity reserves more accessible, and with that rates of extraction and trade of wildlife and wildlife products are likely to increase. (iv) Wildlife trade concerns need to be integrated into economic development planning processes so that mitigation measures are adequate and effective, and that sustainable development goals are supported. (v) Although illegal and unsustainable wildlife trade is increasingly gaining recognition as an issue of concern in the GMS, it needs to be accorded a much higher political profile and more funds and resources need to be invested for the problem to be effectively addressed. (vi) A growing middle class is demanding wildlife and wildlife products inside GMS countries, and the associated commercial wildlife trade activity is servicing external markets. (vii) Together these factors are having serious negative impacts on species diversity and richness, ecosystems, and the environment in general. 14.5 Conclusions and future steps Illegal wildlife trade is an attractive and lucrative business and will persist unless robust mechanisms are put into place to address the problem systematically, including The economic development of the GMS since 1992 has focused primarily on increased connectivity and integration via economic corridors aligned both northsouth and east-west. Within these economic corridors Transport Infrastructure and Wildlife Trade Conduits in the GMS: Regulating Illegal and Unsustainable Wildlife Trade . 111 are transport infrastructure networks that are already important conduits (by road, air, sea, and rail) for the transport of many natural resources, including illegally and unsustainably harvested animals and plants. The more streamlined these economic corridors become, in an increasingly liberalized trade environment, the greater the potential impact on remaining reserves of biodiversity—including in protected areas and other extant ecosystem habitat that becomes increasingly adjacent to this expanding infrastructure. If viable populations of wild animals and plants in the GMS, and throughout Southeast Asia, are to persist, urgent interventions are required to disrupt the regular flow of illicit wildlife shipments along these major transport routes. Increased capacity and resources for the various agencies responsible for controlling this trade, especially at the numerous international border crossings is essential; including the ability to enforce CITES (to which all ASEAN countries—and the PRC—are Parties) and national laws and regulations. The issue of illegal wildlife trade must be accorded priority among the various donors and other stakeholders involved in the development of transport infrastructure in the region. Combating illicit movements of wildlife trade may best be addressed by linking GMS development priorities with the goals of the ASEAN Wildlife Enforcement Network, the wider ASEAN Regional Action Plan on Trade in Wild Fauna and Flora 2005-2010, and the ongoing co-operation between the six GMS countries on matters pertaining to wildlife trade. There would seem to be, therefore, great opportunity for the Asian Development Bank’s Core Environment Program and specifically the Biodiversity Corridors Initiative to include as a priority for its work with the GMS countries the establishment and implementation of necessary safeguards (inter alia technical, human and regulatory capacity, training and strategy) to ensure that any further negative impacts on biological diversity and long-term sustainable development are mitigated. 112 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings References Ades, G., Banks, C. B., Buhlmann, K. A., Chan, B., Chang, H., Chen, T., Crow, P., Haupt, H., Kan, R., Lai, J., Lau M., Lin, H. and Haitao Shi. (2000). Turtle Trade in Northeast Asia: Regional Summary (China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan). In: van Dijk, P. P., Stuart, B. L. and Rhodin, A. G. J, eds., (2000). Asian Turtle Trade: Proceedings of a Workshop on Conservation and Trade of Freshwater Turtles and Tortoises in Asia, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 1-4 December, 1999. Chelonian Research Monographs, No. 2; Chelonian Research Foundation. Baltzer, M. C., Nguyen Thi Dao and Shore, R. G. (Eds.) (2001). Towards a Vision for Biodiversity Conservation in the Forests of the Lower Mekong Ecoregion Complex. WWF Indochina/ WWF US, Hanoi and Washington D.C. Compton, J., (2000). An Overview of Asian Turtle Trade. In: van Dijk, P. P., Syuart, B. L. and Rhodin, A. G. J, eds. (2000). Asian Turtle Trade: Proceedings of a Workshop on Conservation and Trade of Freshwater Turtles and Tortoises in Asia, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 1-4 December, 1999. Chelonian Research Monographs, No. 2; Chelonian Research Foundation. van Dijk, P. P. (2000). The Status of Turtles in Asia. In: van Dijk, P. P., Stuart, B. L. and Rhodin, A. G. J, eds., (2000). Asian Turtle Trade: Proceedings of a Workshop on Conservation and Trade of Freshwater Turtles and Tortoises in Asia, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 1-4 December, 1999. Chelonian Research Monographs, No. 2; Chelonian Research Foundation. Lin, J. (2005). Tackling Southeast Asia’s Illegal Wildlife Trade, Singapore Year Book of International Law. World Bank. (2005). Going, Going, Gone: The Illegal Trade in Wildlife in East and Southeast Asia. Environment and Social Development Department, East Asia and Pacific Region. Washington D.C. 15. Northern Plains Landscape Conservation Cambodia Tom Clements Summary The Northern Plains Conservation Landscape Project of the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) is working with the Royal Government of Cambodia to improve overall conservation planning across a large, complex landscape containing Protected Areas, rural communities, logging concessions, and unclassified forests. Extensive research has demonstrated that the protected area network is incapable of effectively conserving the biodiversity values of the landscape: areas are either inappropriately located, do not capture the range of species and habitats present, or have little connectivity. The ramifications of this are that landscapelevel biodiversity conservation outcomes will require strategies both inside and outside protected areas, including measures to improve linkages across the landscape between conservation areas. In response, the project has developed a landscape-level plan for the Northern Plains that aims to deliver biodiversity outcomes within productive landscapes through the application of innovative landscapelevel tools to map conservation, development and cultural values. The plan recognizes four ‘key sites for conservation’ that together include a representative sample of key habitats and species in areas sufficient to maintain the ecological integrity and connectivity of the landscape. These are complemented by areas of importance for cultural values, local livelihoods, or agro-industrial development. In partnership with national and provincial government agencies, WCS has been implementing the landscape plan since late 2005. It is being adopted as the provisional basis for zonation of conservation areas—including core, buffer and community zones—and is now being further refined through participatory land and natural resource planning with local communities. Further, the plan is now used by government agencies to guide development decisions—for example the recent designation of a rubber plantation outside the key sites for conservation, or movement of a road due for rehabilitation under a World Bank project, to better serve local communities. 15.1 Background The Northern Plains of Cambodia is one of the largest remaining extensive intact block of a unique landscape of exceptional global importance for biodiversity conservation. The area is either a last refuge for, or maintains a key population of 36 species on the IUCN Red List, including six listed as Critically Endangered— a greater number of Globally Threatened species than any other landscape in Cambodia (Table 15.1). It is equivalent to the ADB Biodiversity Conservation Landscape. Northern Plains Dry Forests contains a large portion of one of WWF’s Global Priority Ecoregions (Olson and Dinerstein 1998, Wikramanayake et al 2001), is within the Indo-Burma biodiversity hotspot (Myers et al. 2000) and includes four Important Bird Areas (Stattersfield et al 1998). Many species that rely on these forests are known to be extinct elsewhere in their historical range, thus heightening the value of this landscape. One, the Giant Ibis Pseudoibis gigantea, was only known from a handful of records in the 1900s, until rediscovered by WCS in considerable numbers in the Northern Plains. Conservation of these species is particularly challenging because the majority of them—large birds and mammals—have large spatial requirements. The landscape is defined by the geography of the area, its boundaries being naturally delimited by the Dangrek Mountains to the north, the Mekong River to the east and the Tonle Sap Great Lake to the south and west. The total region covers over 19,000 km2. Land tenure in the area is complex as the Northern Plains stretches across the borders of five Provinces, includes three Protected Areas and seven currently dormant logging concessions (see Map 15.1). The landscape is continuous with similar habitats in Lao PDR and Thailand, including Dong Kanthong proposed National Biodiversity Conservation Area (NBCA) in Laos and Yot Dom Wildlife Sanctuary and Phu Jong Na Yoi National Park in Thailand, all on the border of Cambodia. The area is one of the most remote regions of Cambodia, a country that ranks amongst the poorest in . Northern Plains Landscape Conservation - Cambodia 113 Table 15.1: Biodiversity values of the Northern Plains in comparison to other landscapes a) Globally Threatened Mammals Faunal Area Northern Plains Eastern Plains Southern Annamites Cardamoms CR EN VU NT DD Total 1 4 4 4 2 8 7 8 5 5 4 3 7 6 5 4 4 24 20 19 18 (b) Globally Threatened Birds Faunal Area CR EN VU NT Total Northern & Eastern Plains Tonle Sap Mekong River Cardamoms Southern Annamites Coastal 4 1 1 2 2 5 7 2 2 2 2 7 6 4 3 3 2 18 16 7 6 5 5 1 1 South-East Asia. From the early 1970s the region was a central base of the Khmer Rouge and as a consequence experienced long periods of conflict and civil war, which only ceased in 1998. Many of the local communities belong to the indigenous Kui ethnic group. The vast majority of families rely on subsistence rain-fed paddy rice growing, collection of forest products and seasonal fishing at forest pools. Chamkar (shifting cultivation) is practiced by many families for vegetables and either to supplement rice production from paddyfields, or as an alternative. Fish from forest pools are the principal source of protein. Livelihood assessments have highlighted the prevailing food insecurity in the region, which is only mitigated by the extensive availability of forest products, which provide up to 50% of livelihood needs (Navarro 2003, McKenney et al 2004). In addition to the landscape’s importance for biodiversity conservation and local livelihoods, it also has significant cultural and tourism values. Molu Prey, in the centre of the landscape, was the site of one of the first Stone Age settlements in Cambodia. During the Khmer Empire (9th-15th centuries A.D.) cities, temples and roadways were constructed across the Northern Plains. Some of the cities are of particular historical and tourism interest: Koh Ker (in southern Preah Vihear) was the 114 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings capital in the early 10th century under Jayavarman IV, while Preah Khan of Kompong Svay was the largest temple complex constructed by the empire. Escalating land and resource use across the Northern Plains is leading to competing human-wildlife requirements and loss of key biodiversity and local livelihood values. Human land and resource use has increased partly as a result of increasing human population and in-migration, but also because, as security returns to the area, there is much greater potential for resource exploitation particularly by outsiders. The conflicts are exacerbated by the current “open-access” management system of natural resources across the Northern Plains—local residents have no recognized legal or management rights over land and natural resources. This leads to over-exploitation of forest, wildlife and water resources through scramble competition between those best placed to extract them. 15.2 Establishing CALM (Conservation Areas through Landscape Management) Although the landscape contains three protected areas in Cambodia and three further proposed or existent protected areas in Laos and Thailand, they form a Map 15.1: Northern Plains network that currently is incapable of effectively conserving the biodiversity values of the landscape: areas are either inappropriately located, do not capture the range of values or have little connectivity. Simply put, the spatial and ecological requirements of key species are often inadequately met by the existing protected areas. The ramifications of this are that landscape-level biodiversity conservation outcomes will require strategies both inside and outside protected areas, including measures to improve linkages across the landscape between conservation areas. The WCS Northern Plains Landscape project has worked in support of the Royal Government to develop a landscape plan for the Northern Plains. The plan aims to deliver biodiversity outcomes within productive landscapes through the application of innovative landscapelevel conservation tools. The project has applied the Landscape Species Approach (LSA), (Sanderson et al 2002; Redford et al 2003; Coppolillo et al 2004)—a wildlife-based strategy pioneered internationally by WCS to define conservation landscapes, identify threats and achieve conservation outcomes at the landscape scale in a cost-effective manner by prioritizing conservation investments. The LSA centers on preserving the ecological integrity of a large area or wilderness through understanding and conservation of a suite of landscape species, selected as being ecologically representative of that landscape. The approach is to develop strategies for the conservation of large, complex ecosystems that are integrated in wider landscapes of human influence which includes, but is not restricted to, protected areas, community land, forestry concessions, plantations and other areas of economic importance. For landscape scale conservation to be socially as well as ecologically sustainable, strategies must succeed in a mosaic of . Northern Plains Landscape Conservation - Cambodia 115 different land uses that not only conserve biodiversity, but also allow people to make a living. each zoned into core and buffer areas and linked by corridors (Clements 2003). The focus on landscape species allows the landscape to become geographically tangible and ecologically meaningful and makes the targets for, and outcomes of, conservation investments explicit and measurable. In other words, the approach defines where interventions should achieve site-based outcomes in order to have broader landscape-level impacts. The Northern Plains are ideally suited to this approach as the main biodiversity values reside in populations and unique assemblages of large mammals and waterbirds which have broad spatial and ecological requirements. The selection of these key sites implies that successful management of each, for all of the key species, will result in the maintenance of all components of biodiversity across the Northern Plains landscape. However, only two of the key sites, Kulen Promtep Wildlife Sanctuary and the Preah Vihear Protected Forest are within formal protected areas. The other sites are the O’Scach and O’Dar rivers within the Cherndar Plywood logging concession, which is contiguous with the Preah Vihear Protected Forest, and the Phnom Tbeng plateau, inside the TPP logging concession. The remainder of the Cherndar Plywood logging concession is important in order to maintain a corridor linking the key sites. The WCS Northern Plains Conservation Landscape project is designed to work together with the Government Ministries and provincial authorities integrate biodiversity values within the human land-use systems found in these key sites with the aim of maintaining local populations of key species. If the assumptions of the LSA are valid then the suite of sites selected will be (importantly) sufficient for the successful conservation of all key components of biodiversity across the landscape. Simple decision rules were used to select a suite of ten landscape species (or species groups) that together covered the range of habitat requirements and threats (Table 15.2). During 2002-2003, the distribution of each species was mapped across the Northern Plains. This distribution was analyzed in comparison with human threats and used to select four key sites for conservation (Map 15.2), Table 15.2: Landscape species Core Landscape Species Name Asian Elephant, Elephas maximus Giant Ibis, Pseudibis gigantea Eld’s Deer, Cervus eldi siamensis Large Cats, Panthera spp. Sarus Crane, Grus antigone White-winged Duck, Cairina scutulata Wild Cattle, Bos spp. Conservation Status Endangered Critical Data Deficient Endangered (P. tigris) Vulnerable Endangered Endangered (B. javanicus) Vulnerable (B. frontalis) Key resources Evergreen forests Dry forests and waterbodies Dry forests and waterbodies Prey populations Grasslands and waterbodies Riverine forests Evergreen and dry forests Special Elements, species of limited range but of conservation importance, or indicators of particular resources Name Conservation Status Key resources Flooded rivers Oriental Darter, Anhinga melanogaster Near-threatened Vultures, Gyps spp. and Sacrogyps spp. Critical, (G. bengalensis, G. tenuirostris) Prey populations Near-threatened (S. calvus) Waterbodies White-shouldered Ibis, Pseudoibis davisoni Critical 116 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings Map 15.2: Key sites for conservation and landscape plan 15.3 Community conservation- integrating conservation and local livelihoods The second component of the Northern Plains Landscape plan relates to integrating conservation priorities with the livelihoods of local people. Rural Khmer and particularly Kui villages are heavily reliant on collection of forest products for their livelihoods. Although the rights of local communities to access land and forest resources are recognized in Cambodian Law, this legal framework is new and has yet to be applied in the Northern Plains. Local communities therefore are vulnerable and poorly equipped to resist resource exploitation by immigrants and power figures. Land is being lost through forceful land grabs and through illegal sales, which reduces the availability of land for the original residents and either causes worsened poverty or drives them to clear more forest. Forest products are threatened by illegal harvests that damage the resource. The best example is fish, which is the main source of protein for most villagers. Stocks are declining due to increased harvesting by outsiders for local markets, especially using electric shock equipment or artificial poisons. Establishing local rights to land and forest resources is essential therefore in order to protect livelihoods and ensure that the transition to the opportunities and risks of the modern market economy does not lead to increased poverty. WCS is assisting Government departments to use Participatory Land-use Planning (PLUP) as a tool to identify and establish local rights to land and forest resources and to resolve conflicts. The PLUP outputs include maps of land zones around communities together with regulations on land and natural resource exploitation, which are recognized by the relevant government authority. This can eventually lead to land titling in villages that request it. Map 15.2 shows some examples of community agricultural areas. . Northern Plains Landscape Conservation - Cambodia 117 Land and natural resource rights established through the PLUP process provide the basis for more advanced community development planning. This could include, for example, agricultural assistance, community commercial forestry (McKenney et al 2004), eco-tourism development, or creation of new markets. WCS has engaged a local development NGO, Farmer Livelihood Development, to provide specific agricultural assistance in support of existing land-use plans. This is helping poor families to improve their agricultural output and to diversify their systems (through, for example, creation of fish ponds) within the village agricultural area. Recent reviews of Integrated Conservation and Development Projects have shown that there are very few incidences where increasing peoples livelihoods or meeting developmental needs has contributed to conservation objectives (Wells et al 1999; Chape 2001; Ferraro and Kiss 2002). Many conservation projects around the world are emphasizing more direct incentives approach or in some cases a direct payment for biodiversity conservation. These payment plans are based on a person or group of people producing conservation outcomes in exchange for a payment in cash or in (Ferraro and Kiss 2002). “Direct payments” and “conservation easements” are actually much more accepted in developed countries than developing (e.g., set-aside payments under the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy). Proponents argue that in addition to being more effective at delivering the conservation objective they may actually be simpler to implement and therefore more efficient, cost-effective, sustainable and deliver more substantial development benefits. In the Northern Plains, WCS is piloting a range of incentives to encourage the adoption of sustainable livelihood practices and, in some cases, establish a legal market value for maintenance of wildlife populations and habitats. The most successful example of this approach is the innovative Tmatboey Ibis Eco-tourism project, implemented in partnership with the Ministry of Environment. The flagship species—the Giant and White-shouldered Ibises—are amongst the rarest bird species in the world and attract international visitors from around the world. Tourists provide direct employment 118 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings for local guides as well as contributions to a community development fund in exchange for community agreements not to hunt wildlife, particularly the large waterbirds. Revenue in 2005-6 was greater than $4,000—a considerable sum for a poor Cambodian village—in addition to service payments. The project has led to substantial reductions in hunting, in addition to significant increases in community conservation awareness and ‘pride’ in their populations of critically endangered ibises. 15.4 Planning development activities Effective landscape management requires the adoption of an integrated development plan, which recognizes biodiversity conservation, local livelihood and cultural values in addition to national development ambitions. Uncoordinated development is a major threat both to local livelihoods and to biodiversity conservation. Local people are vulnerable to harm from many aspects of national development, including logging concessions, and agro-industrial plantations if these do not respect their current livelihoods. Similarly, uncoordinated development could significantly impact biodiversity conservation if priority areas were not recognized. The WCS Northern Plains Landscape project is working to introduce biodiversity values into landscapelevel planning processes, through building the capacity of provincial departments and authorities to integrate conservation priorities with established provincial planning processes. A key partner is SEILA/PLG (Partnership for Local Governance), an aid mobilization and coordination framework in support of the government’s decentralization and deconcentration reforms, whose goal is to contribute to poverty alleviation through good governance. PLG specifically provides technical assistance and funding to provincial government, provincial departments and district and communal authorities in support and implementation of development plans. The Northern Plains Landscape project is contributing to those plans through training officials and representing biodiversity conservation priorities at the various planning stage, e.g. a recently proposed World Bank funded road upgrade planned to rehabilitate an historical road line that is now barely used (Map 15.3). Map 15.3: Proposed road development This line would, however, not serve local communities who have relocated over the last 40 years to an alternative road. In addition, the proposed road would severely impact the natural habitats inside the Preah Vihear Protected Forest, one of the key sites for conservation. Accordingly the WCS Northern Plains Landscape project is working together with district officials and provincial departments to advocate an alternative road line, which would better serve local communities and reduce the impact on the natural habitats. populations of all natural habitats and species found in the Northern Plains. Biodiversity corridors have been identified to link the key sites and ensure ecological connectivity. The key sites for conservation are being integrated with local livelihood priorities, using participatory land-use planning techniques, to develop specific local maps and regulations which can be recognized by government departments. At the provincial and national scale, the plans are being used to inform development activities – such as the location of road upgrades or agroindustrial plantations. 15.5 Conclusions Acknowledgments The Northern Plains Biodiversity Conservation Landscape is of global importance for biodiversity conservation. These conservation priorities have been recognized in an integrated landscape plan developed by WCS with the Ministries of Environment and Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. The plan recognizes a complementary set of key sites for conservation which together contain ecologically viable areas and The author would like to thank the Wildlife Conservation Society for support and funding, particularly Joe Walston and Colin Poole. Survey work was conducted by Tan Setha, Sin Polin, Tong Yee, Prum Sovanna, Kong Kim Sreng, An Dara, Sok Ko, Men Soriyun, Pech Bunnat, Thong Sok Ha, Songchan Socheat, Frederic Goes and Pete Davidson. Part of the project was financed by a PDF-B grant from UNDP/GEF. . Northern Plains Landscape Conservation - Cambodia 119 References Chape, S. (2001). An overview of integrated approaches to conservation and community development in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic. Parks. 11: 24-32. Clements, T.J. (2003). Mapping Biological and Human Landscapes in the Northern Plains, Cambodia. WCS Cambodia Program, Phnom Penh. Coppolillo, P., Gomez, P., Maisels, F. and R. Wallace (2004). Selection criteria for suites of landscape species as a basis for site-based conservation. Biological Conservation. 115: 419-430. Evans, T. D., Hout, P., Phet, P. and Hang, M. (2002). A study of resin-tapping and livelihoods in southern Mondulkiri, Cambodia with implications for conservation and forest management. WCS Cambodia Program, Phnom Penh. Ferraro, P.J. and Kiss, A. (2002). Direct payments to conserve biodiversity. Science. 298: 1718-1719. McKenney, B., Yim Chea, Prom Tola and Evans, T (2004). Focusing on Cambodia’s High Value Forests: Livelihoods and Management. Phnom Penh. Cambodia Development Resource Institute and WCS Cambodia Program, Phnom Penh. Myers, N., R.A. Mittermier, C. G. Mittermier, G.A.B.da Fonseca, and J. Kent. (2000). Biodiversity hotspots for conservation priorities. Nature. 40: 853-858. Navarro, I. (2003). Chey Sen and Chhep Districts Food Security Assessment. Action Against Hunger, Preah Vihear, Cambodia. Olson, D. and E. Dinerstein. (1998). The Global 200. A representation approach to conserving the Earth’s most biologically valuable ecoregions. Conservation Biology. 12(3): 502-515. Redford, K.H., Coppolillo, P., Sanderson, E.W., Fonseca, G.A.B.d., Dinerstein, E., Groves, C., Mace, G., Maginnis, S., Mittermeier, R.A., Noss, R., Olson, D., Robinson, J.G., Vedder, A. and M. Wright. (2003). Mapping the conservation landscape. Conservation Biology. 17: 116–131. Sanderson, E.W., Redford, K.H., Vedder, A., Coppolillo, P.B. and S.E. Ward. (2002). A conceptual model for conservation planning based on landscape species requirements. Landscape and Urban Planning. 58: 41–56. Stattersfield, A.J., M. Crosby, M.J. Long, D.C. Wegge. (1998) Endemic Bird Areas of the World. Priorities for biodiversity conservation. BirdLife International, Cambridge, U.K. Wells, M., Guggenheim, S., Khan, A., Wardojo, W., & Jepson, P. (1999). Investing in biodiversity: a review of Indonesia’s integrated conservation and development projects. Directions in development series. World Bank, Indonesia and Pacific Islands Country Department, Washington D.C. 120 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings Wikramanayake, E.D., E. Dinerstein, C. Loucks, D. Olson, J. Morrison, J. Lamoreux, M. McKnight, and P. Hedao. (2001). Terrestrial ecoregions of the Indo-Pacific: a conservation assessment. Island Press: Washington, D.C. 16. Photo-Monitoring of Changes in Biodiversity in Yunnan Province, People’s Republic of China1 Jim P. Lassoie, Robert K. Moseley monitoring transects for establishing the baseline for the long-term monitoring of ecological changes. The photographic temporal assessment that eventually will result will help assess conservation and development activities across geographically extensive and diverse ecoregions, and serve as a means for monitoring the outcomes of conservation programs at specific locations. Summary 16.1 Introduction Barring abrupt natural or anthropogenic disasters, ecological changes in terrestrial landscapes proceed at a pace not readily detected by humans. The use of historical repeat photography can provide valuable information about such changes, but these studies are opportunistic in that they must rely on old photographs. Hence, their ecological interpretative power is compromised by the intention of the original photographer, the quality of original photographs, an incomplete and potentially misrepresentative sampling design, and a limited analytical framework for interpreting ecological changes. The Nature Conservancy (TNC) has been using repeat photography to document ecological changes in northwestern Yunnan Province as part of its conservation planning efforts in the People’s Republic of China (PRC). This experience supported the development of a forward-sampling, ground-based, photo-monitoring methodology designed around a high quality digital camera and a comprehensive database management system, which was tested during the summer and fall of 2003 across two adjacent ecoregions in northwestern Yunnan: the Hengduan Mountains and the NujiangLancang Gorge. Based on results from a collaborative ecoregional conservation assessment for the region, visual indicators obtainable from the resulting photographs were identified and used to assess the threat status (for example, logging, grazing, mining) for five key ecosystem conservation targets (cold evergreen oak, evergreen broadleaf forest, mixed forest, subalpine forests, alpine mosaic). A sampling design strategy then was developed based on the inherent geographical variation in the distribution of targets, ethnic minorities (a surrogate for land-use), and climactic zones (based on precipitation and temperature) across the region. This distribution information is being used to design photo1 This paper appeared in the proceedings from the 2004 conference in Denver, Colorado on “Monitoring Science and Technology Symposium: Unifying Knowledge for Sustainability in the Western Hemisphere” (USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-42CD). Northwestern Yunnan Province in the southwestern part of the PRC is considered a conservation “hot spot” worldwide owing to its spectacular landscapes and abundant biological diversity (Myers et al 2000). This region is also home to three million people, whose lives depend on the sustainable utilization of its natural resources. Faced with rapidly changing socioeconomic conditions and development expectations, however, some of their livelihood strategies (specifically, enhanced agricultural and livestock production, and the increased collection of wood and various non-timber forest products) are now threatening the area’s rich biodiversity (Li 2002; Xu and Wilkes 2004). As a consequence, northwestern Yunnan (NWY) is receiving much attention from the international conservation community, as well as all levels of the Government. The Nature Conservancy (TNC) was invited by the provincial government in 1998 to address the threats to biodiversity in the NWY using its collaborative and systematic “Conservation by Design” process (TNC 2001). Called the Yunnan Great Rivers Project (YGRP), the collaboration produced an ecoregional assessment in 2002, which identified 19 conservation areas of biodiversity significance across the five ecoregions that intersect NWY (YGRPPT 2002). Following the assessment phase, TNC and local partners then concentrated their efforts at five action sites within the YGRP to produce conservation plans and strategies for effectively protecting and enhancing biodiversity and the livelihoods of local people (Moseley et al 2004). However, TNC and the Yunnan government also are concerned about conservation and rural development across the portfolio of 19 conservation areas of biodiversity significance identified during the ecoregional assessment. While some species-level inventories exist and detailed vegetation maps are . Photo-Monitoring of Changes in Biodiversity in Yunnan Province, People’s Republic of China 121 being assembled for the region, there has been little research on important landscape-level questions, such as rates of ecosystem succession, scale and frequency of disturbance regimes, and patterns and intensity of past and ongoing threats to conservation targets (Moseley 2004). TNC has been using repeat historical photography (e.g., see Rogers 1984; Hall 2001; Turner and others 2003) to understand rates and patterns of ecosystem change under varying land-uses, to set realistic goals for conservation programs, and to establish reliable methods for measuring conservation successes (Moseley 2004). Such investigations also provide a base for developing a comprehensive photo-monitoring system for the entire YGRP. Such forward-sampling, ecological studies of landscape changes are very important to designing and implementing sustainable conservation and management strategies (Lunt 2002; Pickard 2002) and, hence, are critical to the future of biodiversity and local people in NWY, and elsewhere. Here we report the development of a relatively simple, yet rigorous, methodology that employs groundbased, repeat photography as an extensive, efficient, and cost-effective means for monitoring ecological changes at the landscape level across expansive ecoregions. Specifically, this study: (i) designs, tests, and refines an image capturing and processing workflow methodology that includes image and metadata management; (ii) develops and tests an indicator-based analytical framework for assessing ecological changes identifiable and quantifiable from oblique, ground-based photographs; and (iii) designs a sampling methodology for selecting photo-monitoring transects representative of spatial and temporal variations in landscapes across NWY. to glaciated peaks at over 6500 m within a distance of 20 km or less. Although at a subtropical latitude, the region’s climate is characteristically temperate, modified by a summer monsoon season leading to warm, wet summers and cool, dry winters. The topographic extremes that characterize the region cause major microclimatic differences associated with changes in elevation, slope, and aspect. The region’s wide ranging environmental conditions support a biological diversity rivaling that found in the tropics (CBD 2001). Five World Wildlife Fund (WWF) ecoregions (Olson and Dinerstein 1998) are found within the YGRP, the largest being the Nujiang-Lancang Gorge and the Hengduan Mountains (Figure 16.1). Ten different vegetation types occur across the region with the most important being the alpine mosaic and a variety of natural forest ecosystems, the latter covering over 60 percent of region (Xu and Wilkes 2004). All landscapes in NWY have been influenced by human activities for thousands of years. Population density is relatively low, especially compared to eastern PRC, and except for a few modest urban centers, most people live in rural areas. Although income-generating endeavors are becoming more important, local people historically have focused on subsistence agriculture, including livestock production and the collection of plants and animals from natural areas. All but two counties in the YGRP are considered poverty counties under the Chinese classification system. Fourteen ethnic minority groups are living within the region, which is significant because of their differing cultures and practices relative to land-use (Xu and Wilkes 2004). 16.3 Methods 16.2 Study area 16.3.1 Workflow development This study was conducted across the YGRP, an area of over 66,000 km2, comprising 15 counties and four prefectures (Figure 16.1). The region’s biophysical uniqueness arises from its location between the QinghaiTibet and the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateaus and from the four major rivers (Jinsha, Lancang, Nu, and Dulong) that cut deep, parallel gorges in the landscape all within 90 km of one another. This results in very steep elevation gradients that can rise from river valleys below 1500 m An extensive review of repeat photography literature and modern photographic techniques and equipment was conducted. Equipment had to be durable and dependable under wet or dusty field conditions, extremely portable, able to take and process potentially thousands of images, and capable of daily operation for multiple weeks without access to AC power. We examined data management programs for their comprehensive capabilities to catalogue a large number 122 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings Figure 16.1: Yunnan Great Rivers Project study area China WWF ECOREGIONS Southeast Asia Subtropical Forest Nujiang-Lancang Gorge Hengduan Mountains Yunnan Plateau North Indochina Subtropical Forest Tibet Sichuan 28˚N 27˚N 26˚N ▼ Guizhou YGRP Boundary Yunnan 25˚N Guangxi Myanmar Vietnam Laos 98˚N 99˚N 100˚N 101˚N of images in formats useful for future analysis. Back up and archival needs were examined in relation to current technology. A comprehensive workflow was designed in Ithaca, New York during the first half of 2003, and tested during the summer and fall in NWY, all leading to a refined system for image capture, management, and storage. 16.3.2 Analytical framework Critical to the successful use of repeated photographs for measuring the impacts of conversation programs is the analytical framework for interpreting indicators of change to biodiversity and threats. TNC’s four-part conservation framework called ‘Conservation by Design’ provides this important analytical context (TNC 2001). The framework was developed to systematically focus conservation action on priority biodiversity and critical threats in a dynamic, adaptive process involving setting geographic and threat priorities through ecoregional assessments, developing strategies, taking actions, and measuring conservation impacts (Groves et al 2002; Groves 2003). The conservation planning framework for ecoregional assessments includes four steps relevant . Photo-Monitoring of Changes in Biodiversity in Yunnan Province, People’s Republic of China 123 to the current study: (i) selecting focal conservation targets from the universe of possible species and ecosystems, (ii) setting representation and quality goals for conservation targets, (iii) evaluating the ability of conservation targets to persist (in other words, assessing viability and ecological integrity) and (iv) selecting and designing a network of conservation areas of biodiversity significance (Groves 2003). Because Conservation by Design is an adaptive process, it requires monitoring the conservation status of ecoregions. Critical attributes of ecoregional measures include: (i) tracking progress toward quantitative goals set for each conservation target during ecoregional assessments, (ii) informing whether current management is sufficient to protect the viability and persistence of conservation targets in the long run, (iii) providing a gauge of conservation priorities and whether they should shift as environmental conditions change over time, and (iv) measuring threat status within an ecoregion to provide an ‘early warning system’ to detect changes more quickly than relying solely on biodiversity health measures. After completing the YGRP ecoregional assessment, we developed a monitoring framework of 28 prioritized indicators—nine being health indicators (e.g., size, erosion, fragmentation) for conservation targets and 19 being threat indicators (e.g., unsustainable collection of fuelwood and non-timber forest products, over-grazing, mining). This ecoregional photo-monitoring methodology is designed to assess several of these threat and target health indicators that are observable from examining photographs of landscapes. These were tested for usefulness based on earlier work using historical photographs by Moseley (2004). Additional land cover, landuse, development infrastructures, geopolitical and conservation classifications were developed based on experience in the study area. Combined, all were used as ‘keywords’ for classifying images taken during the 2003 field season. 16.3.3 Sampling design A unique feature of the work presented is the development of a sampling methodology that accurately represents the diversity inherent across extensive 124 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings ecoregions. Even stratified randomization is inoperable here owing to the extent of the areas involved, challenges of accessibility in rugged landscapes, and the need to gain a landscape perspective that is often distant from the indicator(s) under consideration. Our approach was to stratify the study area by features central to the analytical framework and then to use TNC’s GIS database to determine the area represented by each. This work was carried out during the summer of 2004 in preparation for the fall field season. The features examined were: (i) WWF ecoregions, (ii) conservation areas of biodiversity significance identified during the ecoregional assessment, (iii) distribution of key conservation targets from the ecoregional assessment, (iv) principle ethnic minority present (a surrogate for culturally based land-use practices), and (v) modeled climatic zones (B. Baker, Climate Change Scientist, TNC; personal communication) (Table 16.1). Next, we designed transects for obtaining ‘baseline’ photographs. The scheme devised sampled each feature proportional to its distribution within each stratum. For example, if the mixed forest target covers 34 percent of the Baima Conservation Area, then about Table 16.1: Features used to stratify Yunnan Great Rivers Project area for determining photo-monitoring sampling design FEATURE ELEMENTS Ecoregions (n = 5) e.g. Hengduan Mountains, NujiangLancang Gorge, Yunnan Plateau Conservation Areas (n = 19) e.g., Baima, Nushan, Zhongdian Highlands Conservation Targets CEO: cold evergreen oak; EBF: evergreen broadleaf forest; MF: mixed forest; SAF: subalpine forests; AM: alpine mosaic (shrub, meadow, scree) Ethnic Minorities e.g., Lisu, Naxi, Tibetan (n = 14) 1: hot summers, cool winters, very wet; 2: Climatic Zones cool summers, cold winters, moderate (Clusters) precipitation; 3: warm summers, cool winters, moderate precipitation; 4: warm summers, warm winters, moderate precipitation; 5: warm summers, cool winters, dry 34 percent of the photographs in this area should be taken of this target. Each feature was examined in relation to one another to gain a qualitative assessment of the sampling needs. Since the location of roads and/or trails is critical logistically, accessibility also was addressed when designing transect locations. 16.4 Results and discussion 16.4.1 Workflow development The workflow process was designed to yield images and their supporting metadata that could be used in the analysis of indicators of landscape change over time (discussed later). It consisted of four interrelated steps: (i) initial image capture, metadata collection, and temporary storage; (ii) imaging processing; (iii) image and metadata management; and (iv) storage of working and archival data files. It is presented in generic fashion, but specifications for all equipment and software are available from the senior author. Although the entire process could be conducted under field conditions, it was found that inclement weather conditions and the lack of AC power over long periods of time made computer processing difficult, thus making all but the image capture step better suited for the office. Image capture The system was built around a professional quality, high resolution, digital single lens reflex camera capable of accepting exchangeable lenses. Such cameras offer many options for capturing, modifying, and storing images. For this study, settings were selected to maximize the quality of resulting images, which simplifies to holding the camera steady and striving for the highest quality captures possible. A sturdy tripod matched with a ball head was used to precisely position the camera enabling level, overlapping images typically representing views o of 180-360 and, as necessary, to hold it steady during long exposures. A low effective ISO rating (125 – 200) was used to reduce digital noise (similar to grain in film cameras). Images were taken in the RAW 12-bit data file format yielding uncompressed files approximately 8 MB in size. When storage capacity in the field was limited, RAW files were compressed by 50 – 60 percent using a proprietary process reported to cause only a minor loss in image quality (Cardinal and Peterson 2002). The RAW format yields unadjusted data from the camera’s CCD sensor, thus providing the greatest amount of image information possible while also allowing the greatest amount of post-exposure manipulation (Cardinal and Peterson 2001). Lens quality is an important variable in photography and various high quality professional zoom lenses representing digital camera focal lengths from 30 to 600 mm were tested during the 2003 field season. Based on this work, two new lenses designed for the digital camera were purchased for the 2004 field season. These yield an effective focal length range of 18 to 180 mm, which is well suited to expansive landscapes typical of NWY. In-camera image capture and temporary storage capacities must be relatively fast and large owing to the large files involved. Although we found that carrying two 512 MB cards provided enough storage capacity for two or three days of intensive photo-sampling, there was a need to have a portable image storage unit during longer trips into remote areas. A number of rechargeable storage devices are available, the most useful and expensive being those capable of image display. However, because of a concern over battery longevity, we used a relatively inexpensive (about US$200), 220-volt rechargeable, 20 GB Chinese unit that lacked image display capabilities. The major considerations when deciding to rely on such devices are their battery life, durability under adverse conditions, and their cost relative to purchasing multiple, in-camera storage cards. For this project, having three or four 1 GB cards would be sufficient storage for a field trip lasting two weeks, thus forgoing the uncertainty of an additional piece of battery-powered equipment. The use of multiple cards is recommended because of the possibility of malfunctioning of a single, large-capacity card. The rechargeable proprietary battery used in our camera proved to be long lasting under the conditions of this study (approximately 100 images/day, no flash, and limited use of the camera’s LCD screen), and two were sufficient for trips lasting up to two weeks. However, digital cameras, and most of their modern film counterparts, are totally inoperable without battery power. Hence, adequate back up is a must – this project used a 30-watt, 220-volt rechargeable unit during long periods in the field. The auxiliary battery also allowed greater use of the camera’s LCD screen to examine tonal . Photo-Monitoring of Changes in Biodiversity in Yunnan Province 125 histograms in the field leading to improved exposures (Cardinal and Peterson 2001). Metadata associated with each image arose from two sources. First, the camera tags an EXIF (Exchangeable Image File Format; see: http://www.exif.org/) text file to all images that provides a record of shooting information (for example, date, time file format, lens, focal length, shutter speed, etc.). In addition, when properly connected to a GPS unit (Cardinal and Peterson 2002), longitude, latitude, and elevation are added to this file. Comments also can be added at the time of downloading images to the computer. The second source of metadata was a written record of location; transect, stop, and view numbers; weather conditions; and camera compass and tilt orientations. This information was added to each image’s IPTC (International Press Telecommunications Council; see: http://www.iptc.org/ metadata/) file during the image processing stage. Imaging processing Once in the office, RAW images from the camera’s storage cards (or the storage unit) were transferred to a high capacity laptop computer using proprietary transfer software. These were opened using 12-bit RAW software and adjusted as needed (for example, tonal range, color balance, sharpening, white balance, etc.) to provide the high quality images possible. Camera data from the EXIF files were automatically added to the IPTC files while written information had to be added manually. These images can be opened in any professional image processing software and further manipulated as needed. All images were numbered consecutively from 00000 and stored in folders by transect. Image and metadata management A high capacity, versatile professional software package was used for image and data management. This program uses low-resolution ‘thumbnail’ images linked to original files, which are rapidly searchable using a system of predetermined keywords and custom fields (for example, date/time, numbers, text, etc.). Each thumbnail also carries general information that is not searchable (for example, title, IPTC data, information about the image file and when it was catalogued, etc.). The linchpin for any searchable database is the development of standardized framework for cataloging 126 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings individual pieces of stored information. For this study, such characterizations had to describe visible or otherwise discernable indicators of impacts or threats on key conservation targets. Custom fields were designed for this study primarily to identify photo-monitoring locations in relation to geographical, ethnic, conservation, and political boundaries (Table 16.2), while keywords focused on identification of ecoregional conservation targets, land cover, land-use, infrastructure, and disturbance (Table 16.3). Data storage Great care was taken in developing and utilizing a multiple storage/archival system owing to the large investment of time and money that was required to obtain the original images. Original RAW images and resulting processed images were backed up on the laptop computer’s secondary hard disk and a portable hard disk, as well as archived on a desktop workstation’s hard disk and on high quality DVDs. The final image database catalogue was backed up on the portable hard disk and archived on a high quality CD-R. 16.4.2 Analytical framework The YGRP ecoregional monitoring framework identified indicators for discerning trends in key conservation targets and related threats. As illustrated in Table 16.4 for the Evergreen Oak Forest Target in the Hengduan Mountains Ecoregion, this information was used to generate related indicators of changes in target health that could be visually detected from landscape images. These were in turn either tied to specific keywords used to catalogue landscape images in the database (Table 16.3) or were detectable from examining changes in the target over time (for example, structural changes in canopy, extent of burning or clearing, etc.). Figure 16.2 illustrates how a few of these indicators appear in an image from about 3900 m in one conservation area in the Hengduan Mountains Ecoregion. When accessing the image database, custom fields are used to restrict the search to certain ecoregions, specific conservation areas, and/or other geopolitical units (Table 16.2), and then keywords (Table 16.3) are used to further sort for conservation concerns. For example, all photographs of dark needle forests (with Table 16.2: Custom fields used for cataloging images in database management system CUSTOM FIELD NAME DEFINITION Camera Orientation Direction (degrees) camera is pointed for image County County where image is located (n =16) Ecoregions Ecoregion where image is located (multiple entries possible) (N = 5) Ethnic Groups Ethnic groups found in area image is located (multiple entry possible) (N = 14) Focal Length Lens focal length (mm) used for image GPS Latitude (UTM), Longitude (UTM), and Altitude (m) Image Repeat # (0=original) Identifies whether image is original, 1st retake, 2nd retake, etc. Location/Directions Description of the location and directions to photo-stop Miscellaneous Other information including whether telephoto lens is used, whether camera is tilted up or down, whether there was a mistake in the shot, or whether the image is linked to other projects (e.g., Alpine Ecosystem Project, Historical Repeat Photography Project, etc.) Conservation Areas TNC identified Conservation Areas where image is taken in (multiple entries possible) (n = 19) Prediction/Significance Comments on whether we predict any changes or see any significant impacts worth mention Prefecture Prefecture that image is taken Protected Area If applicable, government protected area where image is taken Stop Code The photo-stop number along the given transect TNC Conservation Action Area If applicable, TNC Conservation Action area where image is taken (N = 5) Transect Code Transect number (e.g., 1-15 for 2003 field season) View Code View number for a given photo-stop number Weather, Air/Light Quality Description of weather and air/light quality when image is taken. Table 16.3: Selected list of keywords used in image database ECOREGIONAL TARGETS • • • • • • alpine mosaic evergreen broad-leaf forest mixed forest dark needle conifer forest deciduous broad- leaf forest cold evergreen oak forest LAND USE LAND COVER • • • • • • warm conifer forest warm scrub upper/lower timberline humid shrub arid grassland lacustrine aquatic • • • • • • INFRASTRUCTURE commercial logging crop fields grazing horticulture fuelwood harvesting mines & mining . • • • • • • bridges roads trails public utilities seasonal houses towns & villages DISTURBANCE • • • • • • disturbed forest human caused fire logging roads natural forest disturbance skid trails soil erosion Photo-Monitoring of Changes in Biodiversity in Yunnan Province 127 Table 16.4: Example of indicator matrix for Evergreen Oak Forest Target in the Hengduan Mountains Ecoregion Threat Target Target Health Category Size clearing Condition structural changes extraction methods Livestock Bedding Condition structural changes Tourism & Infrastructure Size (loss of native habitat) Condition (erosion, pollution) Landscape context (fragmentation) Roads, Buildings/structures for tourism, trails, cableways, billboards Roads, Buildings/structures for tourism, trails, cableways, billboards Roads, Buildings/structures for tourism, trails, cableways, billboards Mining Size (loss of native habitat) Condition (erosion, pollution) Landscape context (fragmentation) mines, roads, waste material, buildings, impacts to hydrology, evidence of soil erosion mines, roads, waste material, buildings, impacts to hydrology, evidence of soil erosion mines, roads, waste material, buildings, impacts to hydrology, evidence of soil erosion Fuelwood Evergreen Oak Forest their respective ICPT information), in Baima Conservation Area and also Deqin County, that show commercial logging, logging roads, and soil erosion can be quickly located from a catalogue of thousands of images from across the entire YGRP area. The power of the system as a search engine is obvious, but its real value to this project arises from its use as an analytical framework for assessing changes in conservation targets and threats over time. This project has developed a new methodology that will be used for an initial survey to document ‘baseline’ conditions of the YGRP. Hence, comparison photographs will not be available until some time in the future. However, Moseley’s (2004) historical repeat photography work makes it possible to test the potential interpretative value of having an extensive set of paired and welldocumented photographs for all conservation targets across all ecoregions and conservation areas in the YGRP area. For example, Moseley (2004) presented two photographs separated by almost 80 years looking 128 Visual Indicators . BCI International Symposium Proceedings Figure 16.2 into a Tibetan alpine valley in the Nushan Conservation Area (Figure 16.3). Figure 16.3 This comparison illustrated marked increases in the ecological impacts of yak grazing on the Alpine Mosaic Conservation Target: increased number of trails through meadows and rhododendron shrublands, increased number of herder camps, and reduced cover of juniper shrublands due to burning. The conclusion was, at least for this area, that there has been an increase in grazing pressure by yaks during the past 80 years. Moseley (2004) went on to analyze 115 paired photographs basically assessing whether they showed an increase, decrease, or no change in area or density of various land cover (for example, settlements, glaciers, lower and alpine treelines) and vegetation (for example, crop fields, subalpine forests, alpine meadows) types, drawing ecological and conservation conclusions based on the changes observed. This ‘qualitative’ assessment of temporal ecological change has been a common and useful approach to interpreting repeated historical photographs (for example, Meagher and Houston 1998). However, the high quality images resulting from this methodology offer more options for interpretation. Figure 16.4 illustrates the same valley just discussed, but taken in the fall of 2003. The ability to digitally ‘stitch’ multiple images together into panoramas greatly enhances the landscape perspective over single images, and the use of highresolution color strikingly improves the ability to discern vegetation, landscape, and land-use features over using black and white images, which is necessary when comparing them to historical photographs. In addition, the high image quality means that post-capture digital enlargements or telephoto images in the field of portions of a landscape can provide excellent details for fine-scale interpretations. . Photo-Monitoring of Changes in Biodiversity in Yunnan Province 129 Figure 16.4 Table 16.5: Comparison of photo-monitoring coverage of five conservation targets relative to their geographical extent for three conservation areas Conservation Targetsb EBF Conservation Total for all Areaa Areas Images Area Imagesc Aread % % % % CEO Images Area % % SAF Images Area % % MF Images Area % % AM Images Area % % Baima 14 18 2 1 5 6 41 47 25 4 42 28 Nushan 20 18 <1 4 0 1 17 35 37 12 35 23 Zhongdian Highlands 48 24 0 <1 10 2 50 46 10 6 34 35 a Images N = 1501; Area N = 3.033 x 106 ha for 19 areas b See Table 1 for codes c Percentages of images from conservation area (N: Baima = 202, Nushan = 303, Zhongdian Highlands = 726; 270 of 1501 were from outside the conservation areas) d Percentage of conservation area 16.4.3 Sampling design A significant limitation of repeat historical photography as an ecological tool is the inherent lack of a sampling methodology that assures representative coverage of natural variation within and between ecologically diverse areas (Pickard 2002; Moseley 2004). This study attempted to overcome this problem by first examining the general variation represented across the YGRP, and then by designing a series of photo-monitoring transects that proportionally sampled this variation. 130 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings A comprehensive GIS database, developed by TNC, was used to examine the variation in key features across the region (Table 16.1). The proportional coverage of particular targets for each conservation area was found to best serve the purposes of this study (Table 16.5). Distribution maps of dominant ethnic minority groups and climatic zones were used in refining the sampling conclusions arising from an examination of the proportion of targets sampled. 2003 data set During the summer and fall of 2003, 15 transects along roads and trails were conducted in NWY, yielding 157 geo-referenced photo-points and 1501 images (Figure 16.5). Overlapping, multiple images at different camera orientations were taken at each photo-point to allow photomontages (Figure 16.4) and to avoid the ‘subject bias’ criticism commonly directed at historical repeat photography studies (Pickard 2002). This data set primarily served to test and refine the methodological workflow discussed earlier. As such, the focus was on developing appropriate camera techniques and image and metadata management, and not on acquiring a representative sample. Hence, some images and transects were flawed making their analysis difficult. However, those that were adequate for the purpose of analysis, particularly transects from the latter part of the 2003 field season (fall), will become part of the baseline sample (discussed in the next section). Figure 16.5 Fieldtrips were opportunistic in that they took advantage of trips arranged for other TNC program purposes. As a result photographs came from only two (Hengduan Mountains and the Nujiang-Lancang Gorge) of the area’s five ecoregions, and only three (Baima, Nushan, and Zhongdian Highlands) of its 19 conservation areas. Only three minority groups (Lisu, Nu, and Tibetan) were represented out of 14 inhabiting the region. All five conservation targets were sampled, but since much of the fieldwork was conducted in association with TNC’s Alpine Ecosystem Ecology Project, there was a disproportionate sampling of the Subalpine Forest and Alpine Mosaic targets relative to their areas. For similar reasons, almost 90 percent of the images represented landscapes influenced by Tibetan communities, as they predominately graze livestock at higher elevations throughout the YGRP area (Xu and Wilkes 2004). Baseline sample The three conservation areas surveyed in 2003 were examined to determine voids in the database and to design transects needed to complete the coverage of the variation represented by the conservation targets, principle ethnic minorities present, and the climatic zones. For example, for Baima additional images of the Subalpine Forests Target are needed in the northern portion of the area (Table 16.5), and a complete sampling scheme is needed for the southern portion in order adequately represent the area’s distribution of two additional ethnic groups and two additional climatic zones (Figure. 16.6). When working in this southern portion, transects and photo-points will be established to sample the distribution of targets proportional to their representation (Table 16.5). Next, the locations of transects required to cover the sampling requirements need to be determined. Owing to the rugged topography, existing roads and trails must serve as transect paths. Fortunately, the long history of human use in NWY means that trails are common, even across the most isolated regions. GIS-generated maps show the general location of roads and trails in relation to conservation targets (Figure 16.6), but determining the exact location of transects requires input from professionals and local people knowledgeable of the region. . Photo-Monitoring of Changes in Biodiversity in Yunnan Province 131 eight years. This time period will illustrate relatively little ecological change in undisturbed landscapes. However, socioeconomic conditions are changing quickly in NWY leading to rapid changes in land-use and infrastructure, which are represented by changes in threat indicators. For example, a current government program aimed at rehabilitating many over-grazed lands is fencing thousands of hectares across the region (‘Grazing to Grassland’), roads are being built to improve access to remote areas as well as to open new routes for mining and tourism development, and the 1998 logging ban remains in effect. In addition, intensive conservation efforts underway by TNC and other organizations and government agencies are influencing indicators of target health and threats. Hence, it is highly probable, depending on the location, the degree of human disturbance, and the type and extent of conservation interventions, that marked changes in certain landscapes might be detected within a few years. How TNC and its partners address these changes in relation to their conservation activities across the YGRP area is a challenge they are currently addressing. In any case, the systematic and complete ecoregional photo-monitoring of NWY will provide one tool, an analyzed visual database, to help with such determinations. Figure 16.6 16.5 Conclusions Future sampling The baseline photo-monitoring survey will be completed over the next two or three years, yielding thousands of images across the YGRP area. The health indicators identified in this project change relatively slowly, but there is little doubt that repeated photographs 50100 years hence will illustrate marked differences (Moseley 2004). However, if repeat photo-monitoring is to be useful to conservation planning by TNC and others, it must yield insights much quicker, within a decade or less. It is expected that photo-sample points will be relocated and landscapes re-photographed in three to 132 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings This project developed a forward-sampling, ground-based photo-monitoring system for examining ecological changes in landscapes within five major ecoregions in northwestern Yunnan, PRC. It is unique in its design, as other studies rely on historical photographs to support conclusions concerning the present ecological conditions of the landscapes in question. The approach reported will yield a comprehensive inventory of such conditions over time and a means for analyzing visual indicators of ecological change across extensive ecoregion. Three features of this study are critical to its future success as a tool for measuring the impact of conservation programs. First, is the use of high quality photography techniques and the efficient management of the resulting images and metadata. Second, is the design of an analytical framework for identifying and measuring visual indicators of change that are tied to a comprehensive conservation planning scheme, here TNC’s Conservation by Design process. Lastly, is the design of a sampling methodology that accounts for the variation inherent in the ecoregions under consideration. This project was designed within a conservation context specific to protecting biodiversity and local livelihoods in northwestern Yunnan. Hence, it will prove useful in monitoring not only TNC-specific activities in the region, but also the efforts of other organizations and government agencies concerned with the conservation and sustainable development of this particular biodiversity hotspot. However, this methodology also should be adaptable to other locations and different conservation contexts—especially situations where detailed ecological data are sparse, access to aerial photographs and satellite data is limited, and relatively rapid and inexpensive landscape-level or ecoregional inventories are needed. Acknowledgments Li, Bo. (2002). The lost horizon: in search of community-based natural resource management in nature reserves of northwest Yunnan, China. MS Thesis, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. 257 p. Lunt, I. D. (2002). Grazed, burnt and cleared: how ecologists have studied century-scale vegetation changes in Australia. Australian Journal of Botany. 50(4): 391-407. Meagher, M.; Houston, D. B. 1998. Yellowstone and the biology of time: photographs across a century. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, Oklahoma. 287 p. Moseley, R. K. (2004). Ninety years of landscape change in the Tibetan region of Yunnan, China. The Geographical Journal. (in press). Moseley, R. K.; Tam, C.; Mullen, R.; Long Y. C.; Ma J. Z. (2004). A conservation project management process applied to mountain protected area design and management in Yunnan, China. In: Harmon, D.; Worboys, G., eds. Managing mountain protected areas: challenges and responses for the 21st century. Andromeda Editrice, Colledara, Italy: 227-234. The authors would like to thank Dr. Ruth Sherman, Cornell University, for her editorial suggestions and Mr. Wu Ning, Peking University, for his assistance with the GIS analysis used in developing the sample design strategy and for helping to draft the figures used in this paper. Myers, N., Mittermeier, R. A.; Mittermeier, C. G.; da Fonseca, G. A. B.; Kent, J. (2000). Biodiversity hotspots for conservation priorities. Nature. 403(6772): 853-858. References Pickard, J. (2002). Assessing vegetation change over a century using repeat photography. Australian Journal of Botany. 50(4): 409-414. Cardinal, D.; Peterson, B. M. (2001). The D1 generation. Moose Press, Mammoth Lakes, California. 255 p. Cardinal, D.; Peterson, B. M. (2002). The D100 D1 generation update: an eBook. Moose Press, Mammoth Lakes, California. CD-R. 101 p. CBD (Convention on Biological Diversity). (2001). Global biodiversity outlook. Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, Montreal, Canada. (1 November 2002; www.biodiv.org/gbo/). Groves, C. G. (2003). Drafting a conservation blueprint. Island Press, Washington, D.C., 457 p. Groves, C. G.; Jensen, D. B.; Valutis, L. L.; Redford, K. H.; Shaffer, M. L.; Scott, J. M.; Baumgartner, J. V.; Higgins, J. V.; Beck, M. W.; Anderson, M. G. (2002). Planning for biodiversity conservation: putting conservation science into practice. BioScience. 52(6): 499-512. Hall, F. C. (2001). Ground-based photographic monitoring. General Technical Report PNW-GTR-503, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Portland, Oregon. 340 p. Olson, D. M.; Dinerstein, E. (1998). The Global 2000: a representation approach to conserving Earth’s most biologically valuable ecoregions. Conservation Biology 12(3): 502-515. Rogers, G. F., Malde H. E., Turner, R. M. (1984). Bibliography of repeat photography for evaluating landscape change. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City, Utah. 179 p. TNC (The Nature Conservancy). (2001). Conservation by design: a framework for mission success. The Nature Conservancy, Arlington, Virginia. (5 October 2003; www.conserveonline.org). Turner, R.; Webb M.; Bowers, R. H.; Hastings, J. E.; Rodney, J. (2003). The changing mile revisited: an ecological study of vegetation change with time in the lower mile of an arid and semiarid region. The University of Arizona Press, Tucson, Arizona. 334 p. Xu, J.C.; Wilkes, A. (2004). Biodiversity impact analysis in northwest Yunnan, southwest China. Biodiversity and Conservation. 13(5): 959-983. YGRPPT (Yunnan Great Rivers Project Planning Team). 2002. Yunnan Great Rivers Project: northwestern Yunnan ecoregional conservation assessment. The Nature Conservancy, Kunming, Yunnan, China. 78 p. . Photo-Monitoring of Changes in Biodiversity in Yunnan Province 133 134 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings PANEL 2: Local Livelihoods and Poverty Reduction in Biodiversity Corridors . 135 136 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings 17. Questioning Traditional Livelihood Models: Lessons Learned from Cardamom Mountains Pilot Project (CADP) Cambodia Suwanna Gauntlett 17.1 Introduction The Community Agriculture Development Project (CADP) is an alternative livelihoods component of the GMS-BCI Coastal Cardamom pilot project located in Sovanna Baitong village, Kandal commune, Koh Kong province. In 2006, 193 families are participating in CADP and 200 additional families will join in 2007 and 2008. The project was designed in January - September, 2003 and started in October 2003. In Year 1, the model was based on low-tech, low revenue crops and focused on subsistence/ food security. Practical problems and obstacles created the need for continuous learning and adaptive management. Today, in Year 3, the model is based on modern agriculture with irrigated cash crops and aims at significantly raising farmer’s standard of living. Every stage of model design is the result of (i) a participatory planning process, (ii) research conducted by WildAid technical team, (iii) results produced by the Agriculture Association, and (iv) expert advice from international senior agronomists. In the 2003 project design and preparation phase (Figure 17.1), WildAid facilitated a joint planning process with the farmers while they were still living in the forest, with the commune council, district and provincial government, and the Ministries of Agriculture, Land Management, and Environment. To support the planning process, WildAid gathered relevant agriculture development data and identified models which could be applied in the Coastal Cardamoms. (iii) Community-based organizations had to be practical and results-oriented, addressing the real financial and organizational needs of the farmers. Research included a survey of soil conditions and crops at the target group sites, and at 10 village sites in the Coastal Cardamoms, visits to pilot projects from the Ministry of Agriculture, the University of Preit Leap Faculty of Agronomy, and Cambodian NGOs, visits to farm settlement models in Israel, and an agriculture pre-feasibility study by senior agronomists from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Ayre and Oved 2003). Taking into account hurdles in implementation during the first three years (2004-2006), the model evolved through lessons learned, undergoing several modifications with input from the Agriculture Association, observations from the WildAid technical team, and expert missions of international agronomists (Volk and Oved 2005). Even though the model of Year 1 did not survive, the initial planning and research process yielded invaluable information on the causes of poverty in the Coastal Cardamoms. We have compared the causes of poverty with three types of aid models and have come to the following conclusions: (i) Research was based on three main criteria: (i) (ii) Poor slash and burn farmers had to generate enough food to no longer need to rely on forest resources. Crops had to be adapted to hot sandy soils with heavy rains. (ii) The community-based natural resource management aid model can be a positive step toward helping farmers protect the forest through ownership of community forests and utilization of agro-forestry methods. However, in order to offer a viable alternative to forest cutting/burning and wildlife poaching, it must be combined with other means of food and revenue production. If it is implemented alone, it encourages farmers to use natural resources in a destructive way. This model creates a loss for both the farmers and the forest. The traditional agriculture aid model of low-tech subsistence crops might work in rich soils and mild climatic conditions. It cannot work in tropical climates on soils previously occupied by tropical forest. This model does not provide a viable alternative livelihood for farmers to stop forest destruction because it Questioning Traditional Livelihood Models: Lessons Learned from Cardamom Mountains Pilot Project (CADP) Cambodia . 137 Figure 17.1: 2003 Participatory Planning Process Participatory Process - CADP Planning and Design Phase ▲ Identified areas where destruction was the worst Chi Phat ▲ FA - WA SWEC Pilot Project 1 year April 2002 - March 2003 ▲ ▲ Chay Araing ▲ LAND ENCROACHMENT 100 - 300 Hectares forest burnt/month ENDANGERED WILDLIFE POACHING 32 elephants and 12 tigers killed in May 2001 December 2002 Talam Participatory Planning Process ▲ Village chiefs, Commune Council, District Governors, Governor, National Steering Committee (MAFF, MOE & MLMUP), WildAid PLAN 1. Demarcation (WA) 2. Assist slash and burn farmers • ID land (MAFF + DG Thmar Bang) • Give land titles (MLMUP) • PRA (WA) • Research (WA) • Create agriculture project (WA) • Funding (WA) 3. Continue law enforcement (FA) ▲ PRA ▲ Population Census Land Surveys Aerial Surveys GIS Mapping ▲ Demarcation (Participatory Process) ▲ Agriculture Pre-feasibility Study ▲ Design of CADP CADP 2004 Pilot Project ▲ Fund-raising ▲ MAFF donated land for 400 families over 4 years does not yield enough food nor enough revenue. With the low-tech subsistence model, farmers simply continue hunting, burning and logging as before. (iii) CADP aid model based on modern agriculture encourages farmers to produce food and revenues and helps them become responsible stewards of natural resources. Instead of using the forest for consumption, they preserve the forest for anti-erosion and watershed, and as an asset for eco-tourism. We believe that this model can help farmers in tropical regions to access a higher standard of living and truly lift them above the poverty line. It does require more funds, but international aid efforts miss the mark if they don’t plan long-term programs where money is spent in the field, providing the poor with land, equipment, capital, on-the-job technical training, and access to markets. 138 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings 17.2 Benchmark socioeconomic data1 (Table 17.1) The Cardamom Mountains have a total population of 166,186 representing 70,610 families. In the Coastal Cardamoms, where the GMS-BCI Pilot Project is located, there is a population of 70,610, with 13,472 families. The majority of families have six to 12 children and live below the poverty line at an average $82 per household (poverty line at $200 per household). Based on SEILA data, approximately 20% of the population is illiterate. In April 2002, when the Forestry Administration, the Department of Nature Conservation and Protection and WildAid started their biodiversity protection program in the 1 The baseline socioeconomic data was gathered by the SEILA teams in Koh Kong province. The revenues per family were collected by WildAid during Participatory Rural Appraisals (PRAs) conducted in 2003, 2004 and 2005 in the villages of Chi Phat, Teuk Laak, Chomsla, and Kamlot (Chi Phat Commune), Veal Tapou (Trapeang Rung commune) Pongkan (Tatai commune), Preik Tanon, Kompong Pleu, Morseat, Thamar Andet and Thamar Domrei (Andong Tuek commune), Bak Angrut (Dong Peng commune), Prolean (Kandal commune). Cardamoms, the majority of families’ revenues were 100% dependant on forestry and fisheries resources. This included logging, burning the forest for charcoal production, slash and burn 2 of forest for agriculture production, and a small amount of agro-forestry. Most villagers were hunting wildlife everyday for subsistence and supply to the wildlife trade. 100% of the restaurants were serving wildlife dishes. Fisheries were already depleted in 2002 because of industrial trawling from Sre Ambel and Tmar Sa: too many boats with nets too long and too deep, coming too close to shore. Additional destruction was routinely implemented through illegal fishing methods such as use of nets with mosquito net fabric, industrial spot lights at night, Cyanide and various pesticides, dynamite, and electrocution. When the Forestry Administration and WildAid threat assessment started in April 2002 with the South West Elephant Corridor (SWEC) program pilot project, there were 37 to 40 criminal forest fires any given day. It was identified that these were the result of local authorities clearing state forests to sell the land. This is important socioeconomic data supporting the findings that most of the population of the Coastal Cardamoms is heavily dependant on the forest for subsistence and revenues. The local authorities make their revenues through sale of state land, logging and charcoal sales across the border. Poor people contribute through labor. Charcoal production is controlled by a few wholesalers who assure smooth exports to Thailand. The logging business is lead by individual military stations which have created fiefdoms and well organized trade routes. The wildlife trade is centered around Chi Phat, Tmar Bang, and Kamlot with middlemen seemingly reporting to one main wholesaler. in Chi Phat who grows oranges on 5 ha and makes about 20,000/year; a handful of pepper growers near Sre Ambel with unknown revenues seem to be making a good living), or small businesses such as restaurants, mechanics repair shops, hardware stores, construction equipment rentals and clothing. It is interesting to note that, even after working in Chi Phat commune for over four years, and having conducted two participatory rural appraisals (PRAs) with population censuses, we still don’t know the exact number of families living in the commune. In 2005, WildAid’s PRA identified 292 residents in Chi Phat village along with 22 non residents (owned land in the village but did not have a house and did live there). The same year, in 2005, SEILA’s count was different, with 270 families in Chi Phat village. In 2006, WildAid’s land use planning team is now facilitating the PLUP process (Participatory Land Use Planning) in the four villages of Chi Phat Commune and, here again, there are discrepancies in numbers. During the information gathering phase of Chi Phat zoning and demarcation, our team received the list of residents of the four villages from the Commune Council. The team then visited every family on-site to take exact UTMs of the land for which they claim ownership. The following discrepancies were identified: (i) (ii) There were 401 names on the Commune list. 199 of these residents could not be found (the village chiefs are now searching for them to see if they live with other relatives and do not own land, or have moved out of the commune). (iii) 222 additional residents with land ownership were identified by the WildAid land-use planning team, who are not on the list provided by the Council 3. (iv) 69 land owners were identified that are not residents of the area (i.e. they own land but don’t have a house there and don’t live there) and are from Phnom Penh, Koh Kong or Sre Ambel towns, Andong Tuek or Tmar Bang villages. The top traders in logs, charcoal and wildlife are considered affluent, along with a few quarry owners who supply stones and gravel to the province. An emerging middle class is establishing itself in Koh Kong and Sre Ambel towns and, to a lesser measure in Andong Tuek, Trapeang Rung, and Tatay. This middle class owns small fruit or spice plantations (there is one plantation owner 2 Most of the slash and burn conducted in the Coastal Cardamoms is not based on cyclical swidden agriculture where forest lots are burned on a rotational basis, allowed to regenerate and cultivated again after a number of years. 3 This list has now been given to each village chief to help identify if these additional residents are family relatives of the residents on the commune list. Questioning Traditional Livelihood Models: Lessons Learned from Cardamom Mountains Pilot Project (CADP) Cambodia . 139 Table 17.1: Baseline socioeconomic data of the Cardamom Mountains Information from SEILA database All villages in BCI pilot site 6 No. province 15 No. districts 51 No. communes 281 No. villages 166,186 Population 84,924 females 81,262 males 24,661 age 0-5 yrs 57,400 age 6-17 yrs 33,503 No. families 31,138 rural 2,365 urban 29,592 Illiterate population 16,468 females 13,124 males Primary school enrolement (0-5 yrs) 81 females 98 males Secondary school enrolement (6-17 yrs) 19,609 females 20,404 males No. families with access to piped water 0 rural 416 urban Villages in Coastal Cardamoms incl’ Bokor 179 40,013 416 Information from Chi Phat PRA 2004 (average) Chi Phat (from SEILA database) Population 1,192 females 572 males 620 age 0-5 yrs 219 age 6-17 yrs 330 No. families 270 Illiterate population 196 females 134 males 62 Primary school enrolement (0-5 yrs) females 0 males 0 Secondary school enrolement (6-17 yrs) females 98 males 158 No. families with access to piped water 0 Agriculture production (metric tons’ 000, per annum) 0.234 Rice (slash & burn) 0.034 Rice (grass) 82.04 Per Capita income ($) Income based on source % ($) 71.38 Rice (87%) 4.10 Salary (5%) 2.46 Resin (3%) 1.64 Fishing (2%) 0.82 Tepirou oil (1%) 0.82 Other crop (1%) 0.82 Other income (1%) CADP (estimated) 2004 (average) Per Capita income ($) 245.27 17.3 Project population target The project model targets the poorest farmers of the Coastal Cardamoms who survive on unsustainable slash and burn agriculture and wildlife trade. WildAid identified the population target through a nine-month threat assessment of the Coastal Cardamoms4. Three communes were identified where forest clearing was at its worst: Chi Phat, Talam, and Chhay Areng. Chi Phat was 2 7 27 86 70,610 35,411 35,199 9,772 25,549 13,472 11,107 2,365 13,906 7,685 6,221 179 81 98 15,226 7,290 7,936 416 0 416 selected as the primary target group for the alternative livelihoods project because, of the three communes, this is where farmers had caused the largest forest destruction— 13,400 ha of tropical forest burned and cleared. Chi Phat also represented the largest hub for the wildlife trade. WildAid’s Participatory Rural Appraisal in 2003 identified that 280 families in Chi Phat commune5 had been conducting unsustainable slash and burn agriculture since 1980. These farmers were previously sedentary rice 4 This list has now been given to each village chief to help identify if these additional residents are family relatives of the residents on the commune list. 140 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings 5 These 280 farmers came from four villages in the commune of Chi Phat—Chomsla, Teuk Laak, Kamlot and Chi Phat. farmers during the sixties and early seventies. In 1975, the Khmer Rouge imposed collectivism, confiscated plowing equipment and buffalos. When the regime collapsed in 1979, farmers ran away into the forest, with no other option than to burn the forest to cultivate their rice. Crops initially benefited from tree ashes as fertilizers, but as soon as the heavy rains arrived, they washed away top soil, ashes and most of the seeds. As a result, the soil was no longer fertile the following year, forcing farmers to burn a new lot of forest again. They went through the same cycle every year, each family destroying approximately 1-1.5 ha of new forest per season, producing only meager yields6 . To make things worst, families would take out the tree trunks and roots, in the hope of gaining more land for their crops. This unfortunate practice destroyed the eco-system even further— heavy rains no longer had tree roots to act as conduits to help water seep into the soil and reach underground water aquifers. Instead, water would accumulate on the ground, compacting the soil. As a result, one single kind of grass was able to grow, Aland alang (Imperata grass), with tall, fibrous leaves and very deep, thick roots that quickly invaded the cleared areas, preventing the tropical forest from regrowing and completely eliminating plant biodiversity. Thus imprisoned in a cycle of poverty and destruction, Chi Phat farmers moved further and further into the forest each year, living in isolation from their original communities. 17.4 Project planning Based on this data, WildAid worked closely with the Chi Phat Commune Council, the Governor of Koh Kong, the Ministries of Agriculture and Land Management to issue a joint plan that would solve the problem of ever increasing forest destruction in the Commune of Chi Phat and help the families transition out of the forest. The plan specified four action steps with roles and responsibilities: (i) Agriculture assistance - so farmers could return to permanent agriculture (ii) Land titles - to prevent further migration (iii) Forest demarcation - on-the-ground posts to 6 Average yields were 250 kilos per hectare. signal boundaries beyond which farmers could no longer burn the forest (iv) Ranger patrolling - to enforce the demarcation line Joint responsibilities were agreed upon: (i) Agriculture research and assistance would be provided by WildAid (ii) The land for the project would be donated by the Ministry of Agriculture and land titles would be facilitated by the Ministry of Land Management (iii) Demarcation would be facilitated by the Commune Council, District Governor and WildAid (iv) Ranger patrolling would be conducted by the Forestry Administration It took us a year, working with the farmers and the government at all levels to come up with a practical, feasible solution. We facilitated a considerable amount of participatory planning (Figure 17.1) and conducted research in Chi Phat commune at the farming sites of slash and burn farmers as well as at 10 village sites throughout the Coastal Cardamoms. It was identified that agriculture production in villages in Talam (located between Chi Phat commune and road 48) were benefiting from better soil conditions, better water supply and better access to roads for transport of products to market. We worked with the Ministry of Agriculture (MAFF) to identify subsistence models that could be replicated in the Cardamoms. The most successful pilot sites were those implemented by MAFF in cooperation with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Other sites focused on soja production, diversification of vegetable production and seed yield improvement. WildAid visited research plots at the Preit Leap Agriculture University and studied the Kiboutz and Mushava models in Israel. After compiling the research data, we shared the results with the Chi Phat families practicing slash and burn and worked together to create a new agriculture model for them. It was decided that a new village would be created in Talam, close to road 48 to benefit from soil and terrain conditions, water supply, and access to road 48. The Ministry of Agriculture donated 1,500 ha for the project and the governor of Koh Kong committed to providing the permits for the new village, the new school, Questioning Traditional Livelihood Models: Lessons Learned from Cardamom Mountains Pilot Project (CADP) Cambodia . 141 the Agriculture Association and to facilitate the import of equipment and seeds. The project started in October 2003 with preparation of village infrastructure, road construction, drainage, soil leveling, school, delineation of lots with the Ministry of Land Management, plowing and soil preparation. Families started arriving in February 2004. 17.5 CADP model WildAid designed its CADP to benefit both the forest and the people, with the aim of helping farmers generate enough revenues so that they could stop burning and hunting altogether. This was a real challenge given the severe climate conditions that prevail in most of Cambodia— long dry seasons without any rain, followed by long rainy seasons with excessive rain. In the Cardamoms Mountain watershed, rain is even more severe than in the rest of Cambodia with 3,000-5,000 mm/year. Given these constraints, most of the growing takes place at the beginning and at the end of the wet season, when rains are intermittent. Rice is about the only crop that grows successfully during the rainy season, along with a small amount of agro-forestry products such as cashew nuts. Sugar cane, cassava and taro are about the only field crops that can grow during the dry months. However, rice provides only subsistence and, even when families have large yields, they tend to keep their harvests in reserve and distribute portions to their relatives, rather than selling for revenues. Sugar cane and cassava provide very slow growing crops (seven months average) because they stop growing during the dry season until the next rains arrive. As a result, these crops only provide small revenues to the families. In Year 1, the model was entirely centered around subsistence because of the nature of the data that had been collected during the planning and design phase. Every piece of local data that we collected said that the only crops that could succeed in the area were the ones farmers were already cultivating—i.e., rice, taro, and sugar cane. In an attempt to increase the rate of success of this subsistence model, we added small livestock distribution (two piglets and three chickens per family), creation of family home gardens with vegetables and fruit trees, provided a relatively small amount of equipment contribution (tractor plowing only), a mini-credit scheme, 142 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings and facilitation for the creation of two community-based organizations (an Agriculture Association and a Community Fund). This Year 1 pilot project (2004) was based on local crops that can sustain rough climatic conditions but it failed because it met even tougher weather than anticipated. The 2004 dry season was the longest the province had known in 50 years, with nine and a half months of drought. It quickly became apparent that irrigation was necessary. We realized very quickly that this model was too focused on subsistence, and too reliant on weather conditions. It would not even allow farmers to subsist properly without hunting. Good farmers initially worked hard and made a profit but, facing drastic climatic conditions, basic vegetable crops did not survive and the second rice harvest failed. We measured success through monthly household surveys to identify revenues. A model based on one harvest of rice during wet season, and one harvest of drought resistant field crop (cassava, sugar cane) was not enough to supply a family, even if they had two piglets and three chickens and a home garden. During the whole first year and a half, the project had to supplement food supply with rice distributions. Distributions only stopped when irrigation was installed for all the families in late 2005 and the first crops of vegetables could be sold. We came to the conclusion that we wanted to provide farmers with more than just subsistence. Subsistence alone would not be enough to help them change their behavior. We wanted them to stop hunting, charcoal production, and slash and burn and shift their awareness—to stop reliance on resources and not always look at the forest as their survival base. This subsistence model would ultimately lead farmers to return to the forest. We needed to make improvements. In October 2004, we launched a four ha pilot irrigation project and invited two teams of international experts to provide advice on improvements. In January 2005, the irrigation lot was already had yielding yielded in four months, 10 times more revenues for the pilot families than they had previously collected through drought resistant crops. Irrigated crops included tomatoes, eggplant, squash, and corn. A team of senior agronomists from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem came to CADP in November 2004, to study the feasibility of irrigated cash crops of vegetables. In January 2005, a team of tropical agriculture experts came from the Universities of Essex in the UK and Khon Kaen in Thailand (Volk and Oved 2005). Both teams recommended the installation of an irrigation system and specialization of vegetable and fruit tree cash crops. In addition, the tropical agronomy experts advised on the need to rebuild top soil with cow manure, compost, termite mound soil and green manure and invited the leaders of the Agriculture Association to visit the neighboring province of Surin in Thailand to learn from farmers that had started irrigated vegetable cash crops 20 years ago and were making a good profit. This is the tipping point at which we started moving away from the subsistence agriculture model to adopt a combination of modern agriculture, top soil rebuilding techniques and agro-forestry perennials. This approach, called Integrated Agriculture Systems, is the one that is implemented by farmers today in CADP. The model is now in its third year and still undergoing refinements. In Year 3, CADP’s biggest improvement efforts focus on: (i) (ii) Better technical training in the field (no more classroom teaching!) with capacity building of family group trainers7. Working with the farmers has proven to be much more effective than theoretical training. Our experience is showing that, when it comes to implementation, the best practice is hands-on soil preparation, planting and harvesting with the farmers. Discussions on problem-solving and issues resolution can be conducted in the assembly room, but for agriculture lessons, they must be practical and on-site. 17.6 Assumptions of the CADP model The CADP model is based on a number of assumptions: (i) that poor uneducated farmers can vastly improve their standard of living when given the opportunity, (ii) that the popular subsistence model of farmers living off forest resources is unsustainable for both the forest and the people, (iii) that most aid programs today adopt low-cost, short-term options for poverty reduction, (iv) that true poverty reduction in tropical climates requires long-term investments, and (v) that, ultimately, no. (iv) will be the only option left for aid agencies (no more forest, no more food, then we’ll have to start looking at real solutions for the poor). Better identification of markets and better planning for market niches - farmers are getting organized by Centers to identify separate markets and diversify production (for example, Center 1 could focus on production of spices and herbs, Center 2 on flowers, Center 3 on vegetables). Table 17.2: Year 1 - model for food security Each family receives 1.5 ha land, capital, equipment, inputs and capacity building on-the-job I. Food security a. Home garden: 0.25 ha • Vegetables and fruit trees • Home nursery • Fast growing firewood • Livestock (2 piglets, 5 chickens) • Home compost and natural pesticide b. Subsistence crops: 0.75 ha • Rice (wet season) sugar cane, taro, sweet potato (dry season) c. Small cash crops: 0.5 ha cassava 7 Families are grouped by ten and each group elects a group leader. The leader becomes the technical expert for the group and trains two more technicians who help the families in the field. Questioning Traditional Livelihood Models: Lessons Learned from Cardamom Mountains Pilot Project (CADP) Cambodia . 143 Table 17.3: Year 2 - model for food security and long-term economic sustainability Each family receives 1.5 ha land, capital, equipment, inputs and capacity building on-the-job I. Food security b. Subsistence crops: 0.4 ha a. Home garden: 0.1 ha • Rice (wet season) Sugar • Vegetables and fruit trees cane, taro, sweet potato • Home nursery (dry season) • Fast growing firewood • Livestock (2 piglets, 5 chickens) • Home compost and natural pesticide c. Small cash crops: 0.5 ha agro-forestry (firewood, vanilla, ginger) II. Long-term economic sustainability a. Irrigated vegetables and fruit trees • Intensive vegetable growing (0.1 ha) • Fruit tree orchard intercropped with vegetables (0.4 ha) b. Sale of products on local and c. Capacity building international markets: • Agriculture technical • Spices and vegetables (ginger, corn, and marketing skills • Business management skills pineapple, gourds, long beans • Fruits (citrus, jackfruit, mango, and community services rambutan, durian, longan, banana, and lychees) • Sale of handicrafts Table 17.4: Year 3 - model for food security and long-term economic sustainability Each family receives 1.5 ha land, capital, equipment, inputs and capacity building on-the-job Farmers get organized to target specific national and international markets Market planning is now segmented per Center8 to diversify produce and assure stepped production every week, instead of massive yields every 3 months 17.7 Conclusion Having worked for the past 12 years with governments and communities to help protect biodiversity in national parks in six countries, WildAid has observed that the natural resource subsistence model cannot work in the new millennium. With overpopulated communities and ever shrinking forests, aid agencies should no longer encourage poor farmers to live off natural resources. Forests are being wiped off the map all over Southeast 8 A Center is three family groups = 30 families. 144 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings Asia, through fires for commercial plantations, and through massive logging. Wildlife has disappeared in most Asian countries now and wildlife viewing is a rare occurrence. The wildlife trade is everywhere, starting with poor villagers hunting every night to sell their catch to their local middleman. It is time to conserve what is left. Instead, we give the forest and wildlife to the poor people to finish it off. Although minority populations have conducted agro-forestry methods for hundreds of years with varying degrees of sustainability, their populations were small and contained. We think that, today, the carrying capacity of the forest can no longer afford this type of exploitation by local communities. With exponential increases in population (each family has six to 12 children) and drastic reduction in forest resources, it is unwise to build alternative livelihood projects on forest products. For subsistence alone (and no sale to the trade), one person would need one square km of forest to provide enough protein through wildlife catches. For example, there are 401 families in Chi Phat commune with 2,807 people to feed (counting each family with an average of seven children), which each require one square kilometer of forest, or a total of 2,807 square kilometers! Using the above assumptions, the CADP WildAid model aims at helping farmers to completely stop their reliance on forest resources. The target group, objectives and outputs of the model can therefore be summarized as follows: Target group (i) poorest farmers (ii) 100% dependant on natural resources (forest and wildlife) (iii) do not own agriculture land (70% have houses with small non-cropped lots, 30% have no houses) (iv) destroying natural resources: non-sustainable slash and burn and intensive hunting, causing eco-system fragmentation (v) do not have tilling equipment: conduct subsistence “chamka” slash and burn rice cultivation with low yields (average 800 kg/ ha), some roots (taro) and sale of wildlife to wildlife traders for revenue (vi) live isolated (vii) children do not go to school (viii) indebted Model objective (i) Create a model that will reverse the cycle of poverty and destruction where both people and natural resources are destroyed (ii) Help farmers become financially self-sustaining and reduce their reliance on natural resources (iii) Provide farmers with: a) land ownership b) access to capital c) access to technical know-how, equipment and inputs d) access to national and international markets Outputs (i) farmers evolve beyond hand-to mouth, have enough revenues to buy, borrow and save (ii) subsistence from forest and wildlife is eliminated (1 hectare of forest preserved per family per year) (iii) awareness has shifted: forest is now understood as watershed, erosion protection, and a destination for eco-tourists (iv) lifestyle is improved: families live in a community with support services (Community Fund, Agriculture Association, school, health services) (v) education level is raised (all children go to school) (vi) families no longer live in debt With first steps come good results, but also setbacks. CADP is a learning organization and is refining its model — not just as an Agriculture Association, but also as a community. Some families are more successful than others, some farmers are very interested in learning from lessons learned and others are not. Reaching the goals stated above will take time, but the results are worth the investment. We believe that there really is no other option than to invest for the long-term: poverty reduction and biodiversity conservation walk together and hold our future in their hands. References Pretty J. and Sawaeng Ruaysoongnern (2005). WildAid Community Agriculture Development Project: Towards Agriculture Sustainability University of Essex, UK University of Khon Kaen, Thailand Volk, A. and D. Oved (2003). Agriculture Pre-Feasibility Study in Koh Kong Province Volk, A. and Oved Daphna, (2005). Feasibility Study for Agriculture Sustainability at WildAid Community Agriculture Development Project Questioning Traditional Livelihood Models: Lessons Learned from Cardamom Mountains Pilot Project (CADP) Cambodia . 145 18. A Biofuels-based Livelihoods Strategy: Energy Trees for Electricity, Transport, and Climate Change. Field Experiences from Asia and Africa Emmanuel D’Silva Summary South Asia and West Africa. These species are also providing opportunities for improving rural livelihoods and alleviating poverty. Oil extracted from Pongamia, neem, and Jatropha seeds, in particular, can be used to produce biodiesel—a methyl ester formed by transesterification of vegetable oils with methanol in the presence of a catalyst. The Indian government has proposed a blend of five percent biodiesel with 95% petroleum diesel by 2010 as a means to increase energy security. The high price for international crude oil—reaching a peak of US$ 75 per barrel—has generated a lot of interest in renewable energy, including oils extracted from tree-borne seeds. There are an estimated 300 tree species in the tropical world from whose seeds oil can be obtained, but only four or five have been tested. My paper focuses on the various value additions that are possible from at least three species—Pongamia pinnata, Jatropha curcas, and Azadirachta indica. Raw oils from these species have been used to produce electricity, pump up groundwater, and run farm equipment. These species can be grown mainly on degraded land rather than good agricultural land, often as part of government programs in afforestation, watershed management, and agroforestry development. Several community-level enterprises have developed in processing raw oils and packaging oilcake. Local, state, and federal governments in several countries have begun to take interest in biofuels because of the potential for creating rural employment, increasing income, improving the environment, and displacing oil imports. Improving rural livelihoods is the main focus of the biofuels-based strategy adopted in Adilabad district, India and in Niger, West Africa. This strategy can help to preserve forests and conserve biodiversity by giving forest-dependent communities opportunities to escape rural poverty. There are also possibilities for mitigating climate change. Andhra Pradesh leads other states in India in promoting the new oil economy. The Forest Department and other agencies have planted millions of Pongamia and Jatropha saplings on degraded public lands. In Adilabad district, where most of my efforts have been concentrated, a million Pongamia saplings were planted in 2005. An additional million saplings will be planted in 2006. These saplings will begin to yield seeds in six to seven years when they become mature trees. Some 19,500 self-help groups of women and over 1,000 forest communities are involved in tree planting and seeds collection. Community groups are also active in extracting oil from these seeds. 18.2 Benefits 18.1 Introduction India has an estimated 130 million hectares of wastelands. The government has estimated at least 40 million hectares of such land can be used for biofuel plantations. Pongamia and Jatropha, in particular, grow well in these areas. For a farmer, one hectare of 400 Pongamia trees can provide a net present value of Rs 193,000 (over US$ 4,200) over a period of 40 years with an internal rate of return of 25%. For the community, the benefits include incomes from oil, oilcake, and carbon. A little known tree originating in South Asia (Pongamia pinnata), an exotic bush emanating from Central America (Jatropha curcas), and a tropical tree with cross continental appeal (Azadirachta indica) are helping to lay the foundation of a new oil economy in Other rural benefits of biofuel include generation of electricity, pumping ground water, and running farm equipment. For the general public, there is also the added environmental benefit of biodiesel reducing harmful greenhouse gases by more than 50%. There is a vast, 146 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings generally untapped source of carbon trading under terms of the Kyoto Protocol. Farmers can also use oilcake as a substitute for chemical fertilizers. Women have been in the forefront of these efforts. They collect Pongamia seeds from forests, crush these seeds into oil at specially installed oil extractors, and market both the oil and the residue. The success of women-run enterprises has spread beyond Adilabad district to other areas in Andhra Pradesh and India and beyond. The experiment is now being replicated in Niger, West Africa. The overall objective of this new biofuel-based initiative is to provide a source of livelihood to the rural poor—in particular, indigenous women - increase employment and income, while also supporting reforestation and improving the environment. The strategy adopted is to plant Pongamia trees as part of government programs in reforestation, watershed management, and other programs. To avoid monoculture, mixed tree species are planted alongside Pongamia. During the five to six years it takes for Pongamia trees to bear seed, a number of income-generating activities are taken up; these include, vermi-composting, bee-keeping, tree nurseries, and value addition to bamboo. Carbon income is an additional incentive. 18.3 over three years, equivalent to about 75 hectares of land. Based on current consumption, just a hectare of Pongamia trees would have been sufficient. However, the surplus seeds should ensure a sustainable income in the future. 18.3.2 Water system In Kishtapur village, a new water system has been put in place which provides groundwater to the local community for drinking and irrigation. The water system is presently powered by a blend of Pongamia oil (20%) and petroleum diesel (80%), but in five years—when the 20,000 Pongamia trees planted begin to yield oilseeds it will be run purely on Pongamia oil. A 300-feet deep borewell pumps up water for distribution to 25 farmers. Each farmer gets water sufficient to irrigate one acre. Water supply is metered. Farmers pay for the water in cash. A participatory hydrological monitoring system ensures that the water is not over-extracted. A villagelevel committee comprising representatives of participating farmers and the seven women’s groups active in the village runs the water system. The water system was installed at a cost of about $7,000. The local community contributed 10% of the capital cost, while the rest came from the USAID project. Farmers hope to use the water to grow second and third crops, which will have a positive impact on their incomes. Community enterprises 18.3.3 Oil mill 18.3.1 Power system Generating electricity locally is a powerful idea. In the village of Chalpadi, where this experiment first began in 2001, two power generators (one served as a back-up in case of malfunction) each with a capacity of 7.5 KVa were installed. The generator ran on Pongamia oil. It took about two liters of oil (equivalent to eight kgs of seeds) to fuel the generator per hour. The village generated 10-12 KW of power to light 12 family homes and public areas. Each household supplied one kg of seed per day, or 300 kgs per year. Marubai and other women of the village ran the decentralized energy system built at a cost of $6,000. The local government paid this capital cost so it could serve as a demonstration project, but the costs of operation and maintenance were met by the women’s group. To ensure future oil supply, the villagers planted 30,000 Pongamia saplings The women of Powerguda are the proud owners of the first community-owned mill that crushes Pongamia seeds into oil. The machine has a capacity to crush 50 kgs of seeds per hour. Residents of nearby Kommuguda and faraway Ravenpalli bring their Pongamia seeds here to be converted into oil for use in their power generators. The women of Powerguda have a good business sense. They buy Pongamia seeds and sell Pongamia oil and the oilcake. They also extract oil for a fee. The women’s group keeps track of diesel oil price at the local gas station and adjusts the price for Pongamia oil accordingly. The local government paid for the mill cost of $5,600, but Powerguda’s women bear the costs of operation and maintenance. The machine runs on Pongamia oil instead of electricity. The mill should reach its full potential in 2007 by which time the thousands of newly planted Pongamia trees will begin to yield oilseeds. A Biofuels-based Livelihoods Strategy: Energy Trees for Electricity, Transport, and Climate Change. Field Experiences from Asia and Africa . 147 18.3.4 Oilcake 18.4 Conclusions The residue from oil extraction - roughly 75% of the Pongamia seed by weight - can serve as a good substitute for chemical fertilizer. The N:P:K content of Pongamia oilcake is better than farmyard manure. Field studies conducted by the International Crop Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) in Adilabad indicate that Pongamia cake increases yields by at least 25% when compared with farmer’s practices. However, the optimum solution is a 50:50 mix of Pongamia cake and inorganic fertilizer (Table 18.1). As a result, Pongamia oilcake has become a good byproduct for sale to farmers. The small, village-level experiments in biofuel production and use are having a big impact on state and federal governments in India. These governments have recognized the enormous potential of biofuels production in generating rural employment and incomes, rehabilitating degraded public lands, and displacing petroleum imports. The Andhra Pradesh state government has created a new department to promote biofuel plantations and value additions in mainly arid districts. At the federal level, a National Biodiesel Board has been proposed for this purpose. A national task force on biofuel, which covers both ethanol and biodiesel, has proposed a series of actions, regulations, and policies to promote the use of biofuel in the transport sector. Table 18.1: Impact of Pongamia fertilizer on cotton, Powerguda Village, 2004 Fertilizer treatment Average cotton Increase over yield (g/sq m) farmers’ practice (%) Farmers’ practice: 1 bag DAP 125 -- Inorganic fertilizer: 120 kg N/ha 174 39 Pongamia oilcake: 300 kg/ha 156 25 179 50:50 mix: Inorganic fertilizer (60 kg N/ha) + Pongamia cake (150 kg/ha) 43 Note: 1 bag of Di-Ammonia Phosphate (DAP) contains 9 kg of N and 23 kg of P2O5 Source: D’Silva et al. (2004) 18.3.5 Biodiesel The most valuable end of the biofuel value chain is biodiesel production. In Europe, biodiesel is produced mainly from rape seed and in the United States from soybeans. Most of the raw material in the production of biodiesel in India will come from Pongamia pinnata and Jatropha curcas grown mainly on degraded lands. Several commercial-size and community-owned biodiesel plants with daily capacities ranging from one ton to 50 tons per day are coming up across the country. Small farmers, women’s groups, and forest communities are going to become important suppliers of raw materials for these plants. Considering India’s energy needs, and its dependence on oil imports, domestic biodiesel production from a forest-based resource has important implications for the forest sector. 148 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings The other conclusions that can be reached from field-level work are the following: (i) The biofuels-based strategy can help lift people out of poverty through right interventions in land, water, and energy. (ii) Oil-bearing energy trees could serve as a fulcrum of development and a source to reduce pressure on biodiversity. (iii) Pongamia, neem, and Jatropha plants provide an important source for producing electricity, for pumping ground water, and for substituting fossil fuel. (iv) Carbon income could provide “seed money” for tree planting activities. (v) The biofuels strategy could be packaged into watershed development, community forestry, combating desertification, and protecting biodiversity. (vi) Experiments in India, now replicated in Niger, could be expanded to other countries if the enabling conditions are right. References D’Silva, E.H., S.P. Wani, and B. Nagnath. 2004. The Making of New Powerguda. Community Empowerment and New Technologies Transform a Problem Village in Andhra Pradesh. Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh. International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics. 19. Raising Rural Incomes while Conserving the Environment, Non-Timber Forest Products, Specialty Agriculture Products, and Compatible Enterprise Development in Cambodia and Viet Nam Maureen DeCoursey 19.1 Introduction and background In 2005, USAID and Winrock International undertook a study to better understand the opportunities and constraints of environmentally sound rural income generation in Asia. The study was conducted in Viet Nam and Cambodia and focused on smallholder resources, in particular on-farm specialty agriculture products and non-timber forest products (NTFPs). These products were chosen because of their direct relationship to smallholder incomes, lack of information (especially on market potential), and linkage with environmental conservation objectives. The goal of the study was to contribute to USAID’s efforts to overcome constraints in promoting smallholder resources on a larger scale while safeguarding the natural resource base on which they depend. In Cambodia, the study team conducted a broadbased rapid assessment of existing opportunities and constraints. In Viet Nam, they focused on learning about the SUCCESS Alliance (Sustainable Cocoa Extension Services for Smallholders) as a potential model for environmentally sound rural enterprise development and public-private partnership. The main objective of both efforts was to provide analysis and concrete examples of how to more widely raise rural incomes while conserving natural resources in Asia. Secondary objectives centered on direct technical assistance to the AID mission and projects in each country. In addition to specifics on NTFPs and specialty agriculture products, larger issues of policy, business and investment climate, governance, infrastructure, capacity, donor support and credit facilities were investigated to gain a better idea of the context in which smallholder enterprises operate and the constraints and opportunities of micro and small rural businesses in general. A cornerstone of the study was to assess the environmental compatibility and impact of rural enterprise development and expanded commercialization of smallholder resources. Aspects of environmental compatibility and impact include: (i) production and processing is non-polluting, does not consume large amounts of energy, or create excessive waste; (ii) potential for organic/integrated/chemical free production or sustainable wild harvests; (iii) suitability for land rehabilitation and sustainable agriculture systems including agroforestry, permaculture and other low-impact and technologically-appropriate farming methods; (iv) suitability for production in buffer zones of national parks and wildlife preserves, natural forests, watersheds, biodiversity corridors and other areas of critical environmental concern; and (v) minimum ecological footprint—low/no impact on terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, wildlife habitat and ecosystem services. Definition: environmentally-compatible rural enterprises are viable commercial activities that have minimum environmental impact through the full production and processing cycle. They are typically small-scale, involve people that are highly dependent on the environment, and are conducted in a way that protects or enhances biodiversity, ecosystem services, natural resources, and general landscape values. These findings are based on a rapid assessment only; more research is needed to refine observations and recommendations. 19.2 Environmentally compatible rural enterprise: lessons learned The lack of successful, environmentally sound rural enterprises stems from many site-specific factors that are too varied and numerous to address here, however some of the more prevalent ones are summarized below. These are relevant for NTFPs, on-farm specialty agriculture products, and small-medium enterprise (SME) development in general. (i) Interventions aimed at improving the returns from NTFPs and specialty agriculture products often took on too many products and/or the Raising Rural Incomes while Conserving the Environment, Non-Timber Forest Products, Specialty Agriculture Products, and Compatible Enterprise Development in Cambodia and Viet Nam . 149 (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) 150 whole sector, as opposed to strategically choosing one or two key products and working to improve the value chain of each. Project strategies lacked accurate market information and were not demand-driven. Strategic alliances and concrete linkages with industry were lacking. Conservation, agriculture and natural resource management projects and organizations typically lacked business development expertise. Small-medium enterprise (SME) development projects (and to a lesser extent agriculture and natural resource management projects) typically lacked the expertise, time and resources to address resource management issues for NTFPs effectively. The time and resources needed to improve resource management and commercial operations for ONE NTFP are often formidable; many projects failed trying to work with several products at one time in the typical project time frame (3-5 years). Resource tenure and access rights were often not adequately addressed in a typical SME or NTFP projects. SME development schemes tended to be biased towards urban and more established firms in the formal sector: rarely did they address the network of raw material producers in rural areas that “feed” a given industry. Projects dedicated to SMEs, NTFPs and specialty agriculture products tended to focus on market development first and foremost and typically ignored environmental management concerns. Raw material supply, processing issues, localized and landscape level environmental impacts were not sufficiently addressed in project activities. Many past projects were narrowly focused on conventional agro-enterprises/commodities, ignoring the range of traditional and/or informal income generation activities available. These included seasonal, home-based and natural resource-based enterprises such as NTFP collection and processing. Specialty and or . BCI International Symposium Proceedings new crops were also rarely considered, and if so, were often chosen without adequate market knowledge and linkages. (x) Segmented technical assistance did not address the whole supply/value chain. Agriculture and natural resource projects tended to be production or management focused, while enterprise development projects focused mostly on processing and sales. The lack of attention to understanding the whole supply chain often made for uninformed and wasteful interventions that had few long-term benefits. (xi) There was not enough emphasis on smallholders, women and micro-enterprise. Benefits from firm or cluster-based SME development rarely trickled down to the beginning of the supply chain and hence had little positive impact on smallholders and their families. (xii) The need to build local/national businesses institutions and capacity was not given enough attention. (xiii) Cluster Theory-based approaches to enterprise development were and continue to be unrealistic as currently conceived and implemented. Projects often dealt with too many divergent products and industries at one time, limiting their ability to deal with all the needed and often unique issues for each supply/value chain in an effective manner. The time frame is too short, there are not enough resources, and raw material production and environmental issues are ignored. (xiv) Policy, governance and business climate issues were often ignored. (xv) Expectations about the benefits of certification and premium pricing for rural producers from green, organic and niche product marketing were often over-estimated. (xvi) Rural producers were often poorly matched with target markets. (xvii) Private entrepreneurs who are committed, skilled and reasonably “connected” were often missing from the development assistance “team.” 19.3 The SUCCESS Alliance in Viet Nam: A model of public-private partnership for environmentally sound rural development? The SUCCESS Alliance is an innovative, marketdriven, public-private partnership aimed at assisting smallholder farmers to produce high-quality cocoa beans in an environmentally sound manner. The objectives of the Winrock assessment were to better understand i) the potential role of the private sector in rural development and poverty alleviation, and ii) the environmental benefits of the project and how they can be expanded or replicated in other projects. This included identifying “best practices” in partnership development as well as project design and implementation, highlighting the great value and benefits to be had from focusing on one specific product and the whole supply/value chain. The overall mission of the SUCCESS Alliance is: To promote prosperity amongst cocoa smallholder farmers through the growth of a cocoa industry worldwide that is socially, economically, and environmentally sustainable. Viet Nam is one of the fastest developing countries in the world. It is also a country of major ecological importance, harboring a large array of rare and threatened plants, animals and habitats, many of which do not exist anywhere else on the planet and are irreplaceable. Rapid economic growth has resulted in numerous environmental problems including (but not limited to): loss of forest cover through conversion to agricultural land; (ii) pollution of air, water and soil; (iii) biodiversity and habitat loss; (iv) degradation of environmental services such as watershed function a) threatens supply of clean and ample water for drinking, b) hydroelectricity generation, c) irrigation for downstream users. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (i) The SUCCESS Alliance appears to be sound model for both public-private partnerships as well as environmentally sound rural development. Key elements include: focus on a single crop that meets agroecological, market, and social criteria, focus on the whole supply/value chain from producer to local buyer, international commodity brokers and industry end-buyers, environmentally-sound growing methods such as agroforestry, multi-cropping and permaculture planting systems in degraded areas, the use of native species and other commercial crops, limited use of agrochemicals, a socially sound strategy that targets smallholders and facilitates women’s involvement, reduces risk by incorporating other commercial crops, and develops/strengthens local institutions (“cocoa clubs”), capitalizes on mutual needs and mutual benefits—meets a true industry need for more cocoa and better production/pest control methods, and meets a social need for better incomes from agriculture in impoverished rural areas of Viet Nam, mainstreams cocoa production and extension in government policy and programs (both central and provincial levels), has a unique and visionary private sector partner who believes that environmentally sustainable cocoa production supports the long-term business interests of the industry, has a long-term time frame, and has commitment and cooperation from all parties at all levels - industry, project, government, farmers. 19.4 Cambodia: constraints and opportunities in the development of non-timber forest products and on-farm specialty agriculture products Over 80% of Cambodia’s 13 million people are smallholder and subsistence-based farmers. At least 25% lives in or near forest areas and strongly depend on forest products to add to their meager incomes and supply personal needs such as cooking and heating fuel, food and medicine. Forests therefore play a crucial role in meeting rural livelihood needs as well as providing a wealth of resources needed by the whole country. Even so, forests are decreasing at a rapid rate due to large scale deforestation from government sanctioned logging operations. Raising Rural Incomes while Conserving the Environment, Non-Timber Forest Products, Specialty Agriculture Products, and Compatible Enterprise Development in Cambodia and Viet Nam . 151 The overall quality and extent of the natural environment is also diminishing due to water/soil pollution, extensive and improper use of agrochemicals, loss of habitat, non-renewable energy use, and overharvesting of aquatic resources (especially fish) and terrestrial resources (wildlife, plants). These trends do not bode well for the people of Cambodia nor the conservation of biodiversity in country and the Mekong Basin as a whole. Even though food and security issues have been mostly resolved, country indicators are worse than they were 10 years ago. Domestic markets for conventional agriculture products are approaching saturation and the need for diversification in both products and markets great. The biggest challenge for rural enterprise development of any kind is the Cambodian government. Corruption at all levels is high, stemming from the unholy alliance among government bureaucrats, the private sector, the military and the police. Rural smallholders have little ability to meet the high transaction costs of doing business, and without outside support, their prospects for success are dim. Cambodia is also the most expensive place in Asia to do business of any kind; as such, most commercial business is conducted along informal/illegal channels. Even so, there are some glimmers on the horizon. There have been many improvements in infrastructure (communications—especially cell phones, transportation and roads, storage facilities) which have improved market access for Cambodia products. There is also an emerging “Made in Cambodia” movement featuring specialty products grown and processed in-country, often by social entrepreneurs. These include organics, “pesticide free” product, essential oils, honey, silk, handicrafts, gourmet foods and animal feed as well as conventional foods such as fish sauce, noodles and soymilk. These are produced for the domestic markets, tourists, upscale urban markets in Phnom Penh, as well as for limited export. The number of supermarkets and other retail outlets are also increasing, and Cambodia’s first even trade fair was held recently. Other positive trends include government decentralization (commune level government 152 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings service provision, including management of natural resources) and association development of all kinds. Even though few rural businesses or smallholder commercial farming operations are truly sustainable, it appears that with the needed support and/or as long as they remain “under the radar screen,” they can operate. 19.4.1 Non-timber forest products A non-timber forest product (NTFP) is defined here to describe all non-woody plant materials that originate and grow naturally in forests and other ecosystems. In Cambodia, well over 1000 species are collected for a wide variety of subsistence and commercial purposes. This study focused on commercial species due to the large volumes involved, their demonstrated market value and existing marketing infrastructure, and the lack of attention paid to this sector. While there are many serious resource management issues to contend with, the opportunities for development are good because of the demand and the local familiarity with the projects. Common commercial NTFPs include: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) resin from the trees Dipterocarpus allatus, Shorea guiso, Shorea vulagris, etc., fruits of the Samrong Tree (Scaphium macropodium), heartwood (Eaglewood) from the tree Aquilaria crassna, “Yellow Vine”— the stem of the forest liana Teramnus labialis, stem and bark of the Cinnamomum cambodianum, mushrooms of various kinds, especially “Sokrum” (Xylia xylocarpa), rattan (various species for construction, fiber, furniture, etc.), bamboo (various species for food, construction, furniture, etc.), and medicinal plants (600+). Any NTFP slated for commercialization must include a sound resource management strategy to ensure sustainability — to do otherwise risks causing or exacerbating harvesting pressures and local extirpation. NTFPs with development potential in Cambodia include: (i) bamboo for domestic/international food and furniture markets, (ii) tree resins for the boat repair, paint, and perfume industries, (iii) fuelwood and charcoal for the domestic market, (iv) medicinal plants for domestic markets, and (v) essential oils (cinnamon, eaglewood, and others) for domestic/export markets. Some of the main obstacles to development include: (i) lack of good governance, (ii) policy weaknesses and lack of enforcement, (iii) lack of regional and international market information, (iv) lack of scientific and enforceable resource management, (v) little/no value added locally, (vi) lack of species-specific production and resource management information, and (vii) very few sources of sustainable supply. Recommendations (i) Choose NTFPs for development strategically on the basis of biological/ecological suitability, market demand, socio-cultural compatibility and familiarity, and business feasibility. (ii) Use “Community-Based Tree and Forest Products: Market Analysis and Development” (FAO) and Supply Chain Analysis to selection the “best bets.” (iii) Focus on one or two key products and improve the whole supply/value chain a) Resource management can be difficult (10,000+ at risk from over-harvesting globally; difficulties in enforcing management/tenure rights; harvesting can destroy the plants, etc.) b) Market improvements can be challenging. (iv) Boilerplate approaches do not work—each NTFP, community, situation is very different and requires a tailored approach. (v) Traditional products are much easier to improve than developing new products. (vi) Explore market potential with local, national, regional, international buyers via industry insiders and natural product trade shows such as the Natural Product Expo. (vii) Use NTFP business development to improve governance and increase transparency in rural areas, including an overhaul and simplification of the existing regulatory system and better enforcement of existing laws. (viii) Provide assistance to commune councils to manage and develop NTFPs profitably and sustainably. (ix) Work to establish NTFPs as a priority sub-sector for pro-poor trade initiatives and value-added processing improvements. (x) Review and revise the regulatory framework for all NTFPs. (xi) Conduct a comprehensive study of NTFPs in locations of interest to determine sitespecific opportunities and needs. 19.4.2 On-farm specialty agriculture products Some of the on-farm specialty crops grown by smallholders in Cambodia are: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) Pepper Vanilla Chilies (Capsicums) Other Spices (i.e. turmeric, ginger) Medicinal plants (Artemesia annua) Essential oil plants (basil, lemongrass, etc.) “Pesticide Free” fruits and vegetables (for the Phnom Penh market) (viii) Organics (certified)—rice, cashews, possibly others (ix) Palm trees for the production of wine, vinegar, candy, soft drinks for domestic and export markets (x) Mulberry trees for silk production Due to the rapid nature of this assessment, only one product—pepper—could be investigated in detail. Other products may have better potential for development, but more targeted research is needed to better understand the pros and cons of each. Cambodia currently produces black pepper but estimates vary widely – from 2,500 MT to 11,000 MT. Most of is produced is sold “unofficially” to Viet Nam and Thailand. The inherent quality of Cambodian pepper appears to be good, but samples should be checked in a laboratory. There appeared to be a lot of “light berries” Raising Rural Incomes while Conserving the Environment, Non-Timber Forest Products, Specialty Agriculture Products, and Compatible Enterprise Development in Cambodia and Viet Nam . 153 in the current product – this is a sign that there could be significant improvements in farming and growing practices which would yield significant improvements. Pesticides may also be an issue (not just for pepper.) As far as spices are concerned, pepper probably has development potential while vanilla and chilies probably do not. Obstacles to development are similar to those for NTFPs. Recommendations Main opportunities for pepper are to: (i) (ii) improve quality and production improve market access and marketing skills Other recommendations are: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) 154 Provide support to the Cambodia Spice Association. This includes market, agronomic and post-harvest handling training, as well as general capacity-building. Emphasize environmentally-sound growing practices, including organic and/or integrated production methods. These may be more cost effective in the long-term and offer entry into specialty markets. Conduct targeted market research. Explore opportunities in the organic and specialty markets including direct exports to the US, France, India and other countries. Learn about industry standards and buyer specifications, market segment, end-uses, GMPs (good manufacturing practices, for example the American Spice Trade Association “Clean Spices” program), etc. Work with a local research institutes and industry to design Best Management Practices and help Cambodia develop a reputation as a high quality and trusted producer. Develop a smallholder farm model to compare conventional with organic production methods and determine which is the most cost-effective in the short and long-term. Improve quality and yield through better farming and post-harvest handling practices. Forge linkages and collaborate with legitimate buyers and end users in Phnom Penh, Viet Nam, and internationally. . BCI International Symposium Proceedings (ix) Explore opportunities to grow pepper in areas of high conservation value such as buffer zones of national parks, wildlife corridors and watersheds. (x) Cambodia should consider branding their pepper under the name Kampot pepper. In order for the branding to be successful, a quality assurance and control system must be successfully instituted to insure that the merchandise exported under the brand meets all of the buyer’s needs and specifications. (xi) Research sales other than black pepper, i.e. white pepper, green peppercorns, etc. (xii) Ensure that any value-added activity beyond increasing yield and quality (i.e., milling, packaging, etc.) is done in conjunction with ready buyers. Too often producers assume that they will be able to sell value-added products, but ultimately find out that the market is not interested. 19.5 General conclusions and recommendations Environmentally compatible rural development is no longer an option—it is an absolute necessity. More than 1 billion people now live below the poverty line in the 25 global biodiversity hotspots identified by Conservation International. In Asia especially, rapidly expanding economic development activities have stressed irreplaceable ecosystems and dramatically reduced important biodiversity areas. They have fragmented the landscape and reduced its ability to deliver a range of critical environmental services such as water supply, delivery and filtration and flood control. They have also greatly compromised future socioeconomic and market development potentials. Environmental sustainability has been recognized as central to the success of reaching the Millennium Development Goals of eradicating hunger and poverty. As such, rural development of all kinds must now be completely compatible with and supportive of environmental health at all levels. Conventional approaches are not adequate to protect biodiversity, maintain critical environmental services AND improve the livelihoods of the rural poor. Clearly we need a new model, one that brings together the wealth of sustainable living technologies as well as business and market development skills that are tailored to the needs of the rural poor. Annex 19.1: Guidelines for raising rural incomes the green way (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) Development decisions are often made based on poor market and opportunity assessments. a) Need market research - what does industry need/want? b) Explore market development opportunities at all levels (local/regional/tourist/international markets) c) Match producer capacity with appropriate markets d) Specialty markets may be easier to access due to volume requirements and natural products “culture” Focus on one or two products; projects are often too broad given the budget and resources available. Focus on traditional products first. Conduct adequate baseline research a) Step 1: Use Community-based Tree and Forest Product Enterprises: Market Analysis and Development, and other rapid research and business planning tools to identify the range of products, issues, opportunities, and players. b) Step 2: Choose 1-2 priority products/ enterprises using market, environmental, social, and technical/logistical selection criteria. c) Step 3: For each, conduct an in-depth supply chain analysis; foster partnerships with key players; tailor an approach to the unique needs and potentials for each product, enterprise, and country—boilerplate strategies will not achieve satisfactory results. Policy and business climate issues often create significant obstacles but may be overcome with single product focus and public private partnerships. Develop strategic alliances with the “right” private sector partners—not all are interested or equipped to support social and environmental goals. Market, product and human resource development are equally important. (viii) To reduce poverty, target smallholders, raw-material collectors, and women in the development of the whole supply chain. Women are often highly dependent/involved in NTFPs and specialty agriculture already. (ix) Make sure the budget and timeframe of the project are realistic—the time needed to “institutionalize” results is often long. (x) Use indicators and measures that deal with quality, NOT quantity. (xi) Stress environmentally sound production (agroforestry, integrated, organic, etc.) in areas of conservation concern (watersheds, protected area buffer zones, conservation corridors, etc.). (xii) Consult with reputable environmental groups during project design to maximize environmental benefits and achieve real sustainability. (xiii) Attend trade shows and use private sector expertise for technical assistance. (xiv) Orient initial project activities toward improving raw material quality, price, and delivery to establish a credible supplier reputation. (xv) Mainstream product support/extension, sustainable production practice and pro-smallholder policies into national frameworks. Raising Rural Incomes while Conserving the Environment, Non-Timber Forest Products, Specialty Agriculture Products, and Compatible Enterprise Development in Cambodia and Viet Nam . 155 20. Linking Communities to Employment Opportunities and Markets: Policy and Institutional Design Aspects Ewald Rametsteiner Summary The paper briefly reviews insights from different economic and policy disciplines in relation to the promotion of local level economic development. They show convergence on a number of lessons and recommendations that are applicable in a rural forest-based development program planning context. These include a strong trend toward more integrative and holistic approaches, higher importance placed on contextualization and local involvement, emphasis on market-supporting institutions and people empowerment. While such “best practice rules” are by now rather well acknowledged on a general basis, many differences and difficulties emerge on a more concrete and practical level of development program design and implementation. A number of cases largely from outside the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) are presented for policy and institutional designs in relation to program implementation geared towards local level involvement, sustainable economic development and livelihood as examples to illuminate experiences with their practical application. The cases, while not necessarily directly transferable to the GMS region, provide food for thought and an opportunity to learn from experience made toward building sound policy and institutional frameworks for longer-term forest-related local or rural development in the context of the GMS Biodiversity Conservation Corridors Initiative (BCI). 20.1 Introduction The last decades saw big changes in development thinking. In the 1990s, development concepts and goals were increasingly linking the notions of economic growth, distribution and poverty reduction. By the latter half of the 1990s the complementarity of states and markets was increasingly widely acknowledged. This consensus postulates that private enterprises operating through the market are the main engine of sustained economic 156 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings growth. By the end of the millennium, poverty reduction and the closely linked issue of local and landscape level development took a prominent role, while integrating environmental aspects seriously has become more widespread. Development initiatives today are comprised of better coordinated and well-balanced portfolio of measures that complement bottom-up implementation with topdown approaches. The following principles of development work are often explicitly stated: pro-poor targeting, conservation and sustainable use of natural resources, decentralization and equal citizens’ rights, local governance and capacity development, multi-stakeholder partnerships. Dependency on rural economies and income is high in the GMS, as is the threat to future biodiversity and natural resources by overexploitation and habitat loss, which in turn has detrimental effects on rural poverty. Biodiversity conservation corridors, such as those promoted in the BCI, have become important and complement protected areas with the goal to restore severed or degraded corridors or habitat linkages between core areas. This needs to be linked to poverty reduction measures that provide opportunities for local people to participate in paid corridor restoration work and in its management. Further, it is essential to ensure and improve the economic basis for regions with high emphasis on conservation. This can be achieved through reducing market-distorting rules and price-distorting illegal products and the structure of markets for traditional forest or agro-forest products, market supporting measures for a wide range of underdeveloped markets of non-wood products as well as creating or promoting markets for services, including recreational (eco-tourism), educational and ecosystem services. All of these produce additional benefits and provide sources of supplementary income. Linking local actors and communities1 to markets and exploiting market opportunities is thus an essential component of sustainable conservation efforts (Scherr et al 2002, Vedelt et al 2004, Sunderlin et al 2005). 1 The term “local community” is used in its meaning of having ‘something in common’ in a local setting, and can refer to a neighbourhood, village, town, etc. but also to local groups with a shared socio-economic understanding. Community capacity is the collective ability of a community to respond to challenges and to create and take advantage of opportunities. This paper presents and discusses insights from different initiatives in relation to the design of policies and programs that aim to promote local level economic development with a view to linking communities to employment opportunities and markets. Linking local communities to markets requires determined efforts by many actors on different levels as well as sound policies and institutions2 . This paper focuses on the institutional design part of policy and program making, not on specific project implementation. It does so by highlighting two core components-namely empowering local communities and assisting in their linking to markets. Examples are taken from outside the GMS region. By showing cases from developed regions the aim is to complement other initiatives presented at the symposium that focus on developing country cases. 20.2 Empowering local communities: decentralization and bottom-up emergence Decentralization3 of authority and devolution of power to local communities has recently become widespread. Decentralization and devolution are tools for promoting development and are aimed at increasing efficiency, equity and democracy. These initiatives have transferred responsibility, from central ministries to local governments or community representatives, over procurement, selection of local projects and identification of beneficiaries. It is viewed as a way to make government more responsive, efficient and accountable. Effectiveness and efficiency should increase because greater local input should result in better-targeted policies and lower transaction costs. While is expected to increase local accountability, this is frequently questioned, since it is based on the assumption that local democracy will function effectively. Numerous case 2 The term “institution” is used in its broad meaning, i.e. the prevailing rules of the game in society. This includes informal (e.g., moral codes, self-enforcing agreements, social networks) and formal rules (legal rules enforced through third parties). 3 Decentralization is usually referred to as the transfer of powers from central government to lower levels in a political-administrative and territorial hierarchy (Agrawal and Ribot 1999). Deconcentration, refers to a transfer to lower-level central government authorities, or to other local authorities who are upwardly accountable to the central government (Ribot 2002). Political, or democratic, decentralization refers to the transfer of authority to representative and downwardly accountable actors, such as elected local governments. Devolution is the relocation of power away from a central location (Fisher et al 2000). studies exist of development programs being stymied by capture of local governments by powerful local elites which distort and divert public programs to benefit themselves at the expense of poor minorities4 . Many issues related to decentralization have been covered recently by intensive research on: experiences of decentralization and devolution (Ribot 2005, Interlaken 2004, Enters et al 2000, Shackleton et al 2002), tenure and property rights (White and Martin 2002, Interlaken 2004), accountability (Agrawal and Ribot 1999, Bischof 2001), local level asset assessment and participatory planning and decision making (Sheil et al 2002, Larson 2004, Agrawal and Gupta 2005), etc. Figure 20.1 shows commonly found forms of transfer of rights and responsibilities away from central governments towards local populations and related accountability relationships. Decentralization being one of the strongest policy trends of the last decade, many development initiatives targeted at local communities have had similar experiences, both good and bad. In many cases the evaluation of project implementation and direct experience revealed that a number of factors are frequently cited to be of crucial importance for success. Amongst others, it is often found that in successful projects the target group has a sense of “ownership” of ideas and of initiatives. In rural communities of poor countries, in particular, social norms sharply distinguish ‘outsiders’ from ‘insiders’. People are often wary of “outsiders” such as employees of central government or international NGOs and are quite skeptical of new concepts being imposed on them and their way of life. On the other hand, lack of capacity and initiative impedes local communities to effectively take things in their hands. Furthermore, implementers of development concepts and projects have learned the importance of tailoring model approaches to local contexts. The move towards more contextualized approaches not only in the planning phase of development policies but in all stages of policy planning, implementation and evaluation is 4 At the local level in situations of high inequality collusion may be easier to organize and enforce in small proximate groups but it is no secret that the state is also sometimes captured by special-interest groups and lobbies who do not have, to use Olson’s (1982) phrase, an “encompassing interest” in the productivity of the society and may thus prolong socially inefficient institutional settings. Linking Communities to Employment Opportunities and Markets: Policy and Institutional Design Aspects . 157 Figure 20.1: Different forms of power transfers and related accountability (Ribot 2005) Central Government Accountability Donors Big NGOs ▲ Ministries: Health Environment Education Power Transfers ▲ ▲ DECO NCEN TRATI ON DE C EN TR AL IZA TIO N NON - MARKET PRIVATIZATION ▲ DE M O C RA TIC ▲ ▲ N IO AT TIZ IVA PR Contracts and Grants HYBRIDS? ▲ ▲ NGO PVO CBO ▲ ▲ Customary Authority ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ WEAK ? ▲ ▲ Administrative Local Authority ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ STRONG ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ Democratic Local Government ▲ ▲ ▲ Individual or Corporation ? ▲ ▲ Local Populations certainly a great step forward in acknowledging that the conditions as well as the routes to successful development are too diverse to be adequately covered by an off-the-shelf approach (Rodrik 2004, Roda et al 2005). Overall, development seems to continue to be directed towards a local or landscape level focus beyond a specific sector, such as agriculture. There is an increasing emphasis on people and the need for learning and knowledge accumulation. This is variously expressed by using different terms such as social capital, empowerment, participation or an emphasis on learning. This reflects an increasing recognition that facilitating better access to opportunities or creating a situation which allows households to create their own opportunities is likely to be more cost effective for improving livelihoods than focusing support on a particular sector or sub-sector or rural economic activity (Ellis, 1999). This calls for a strong focus on demand-driven tacit empowerment and the creation of “learning-by-doing” enabling environments. Domestic and international market and market access building is likely to continue shifting towards the center of institution building in development oriented work of national and international organizations. Equally important is the strengthening of institutions that provide stable and simple rules and put specific 158 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings emphasis on accountability, especially through enhanced transparency of procedures and decisions as well as enhanced participation. Institutions of local democracy and mechanisms of political accountability are often very weak. Usually the competency of staff in local bureaucracies is very low, in undertaking basic accountability tasks like accounting and record keeping. Effective rent seeking and capture by local elite groups and exclusion of disadvantaged groups is thus a frequent issue that needs to be adequately addressed. If poverty alleviation is an explicit or implicit goal, explicit steps to effectively reach the poor, often in remote backward areas, are needed. In respect to building markets it is important to emphasize that local level economic development is embedded in national economies. National economic development, according to a wide consensus amongst development economists, requires states to be active and get things right in a few key areas. The most important institutions are those rules and regulations that protect property rights, enforce contracts, enable market-based competition, set appropriate incentives, sound money, and sustainability of debt. The list of firstorder principles for economic growth was augmented in the second half of the 1990s with a series of so-called second-generation reforms that were more institutional in nature and targeted at problems of “good governance” (Rodrik 2004). Institutions and governance take center stage as weak institutions are not only an inequitable burden on citizens, they also act as a brake on economic growth and reduce private enterprising or divert it into rent-seeking or other socially unproductive activities. Institutions are equally relevant for both functioning markets and functioning governance structures. 20.3 Case 1: institutional and administrative restructuring – putting the local level first The first example of institutional design is taken from an unlikely corner: industrial policy in a developed country - Japan. Throughout the 1980s, this country was admired for its highly effective institutional design for economic development policy. The case is taken to illuminate a central concept of institutional design: central governments do not know “what to do”, especially in less favoured regions, as they lack information on local level contexts, capabilities and opportunities. One consequence often was government support to large firms, with a disregard of the needs and opportunities of local microenterprises. The latter, being bound by the local limits of capabilities, often lack the “know-how” to break out of their local limitations. Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and micro-enterprises are particularly important in the development of rural economies. During the economic crisis in Japan in the 1990s, the ministry often seen as hugely influential in the economic success model of Japan a decade earlier, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) reoriented its administrative structure to fill the huge gap between top-down implementation of policies and the bottom-up emergence of SMEs. Beginning in the late 1990s, a total of 55 local governments throughout Japan established regional platforms merging public-owned agencies, which previously each fulfilled a different function (ColovicLamotte and Tayanagi 2004). METI reoriented the mission of the Regional Bureaus of METI (RBETIs) to node regional/local networks and established the Japan Association of New Business Incubation Organizations (JANBO). Both moves were made to support and promote regional platforms, with the establishment of one-stop coordination systems for various regional actors such as SME managers, university professors, entrepreneurs, business consultants, local officers etc. This in effect was a copernical change from a top-down large-scale industrial policy to a support system for promoting and facilitating bottom-up emergence of SME activities (see Figure 20.2). Figure 20.2: Organizational change model of METI’s regional economy and industrial policy Source: Colovic-Lamotte and Tayanagi 2004. Linking Communities to Employment Opportunities and Markets: Policy and Institutional Design Aspects . 159 The problem for central governments is that they have very little information on the local needs, delivery costs and the amount actually delivered. Many programs in developing countries have thus a large gap between a commitment of resources at the central level and effective delivery of services at the local level. Decentralization, by shifting control rights from the central bureaucrat to a local government, typically tends to expand service deliveries as authority goes to those more responsive to user needs. The lesson from this case is quite wide-ranging when put in a context of the GMS-BCI: If local communities and micro-enterprises are to be the core actors for development in certain rural regions, ministries that are strongly related to rural development, such as agriculture and forestry, are well advised to re-think their administrative models of service delivery from centralized topdown “one-size-fits-many” to the effective support of local network-building. In service deliveries as well as in local business development, control rights in governance structures should be assigned to people who have the requisite information and incentives, and the responsibility for the (political and economic) consequences of their decisions. At the same time it is important to keep in mind that structures of local accountability are often not in place, and local governments are often at the mercy of local power elites. Capture of the local government, i.e., the tendency for the service to be overprovided to local elites at the expense of the non-elite, needs to be actively counterbalanced. To facilitate this, central government may sometimes have to play an activist role in enabling (if only as a ‘catalyst’) mobilization of people in local participatory development, in neutralizing the power of local oligarchs, in providing supra-local support in the form of pump-priming local finance, supplying technical and professional services toward building local capacity, acting as a watchdog for service quality standards, evaluation and auditing, investing in larger infrastructure and providing some coordination in the face of externalities across localities (Bardhan 2002). 20.4 Case 2: capturing local ideas and initiatives for market-led development The second case presented is a policy designed to capture ideas emerging “bottom-up” on the local level. The European Community Initiative “LEADER” aims to 160 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings promote rural development through a new, small-scale approach to rural development in particularly lagging areas. It was started as a program in 1991 with LEADER I (217 initiatives supported), continued with LEADER II (1994 – 1999, 998 local action groups and other collective bodies supported), and is now in its third phase, LEADER+ (2000 – 2006). The LEADER concept is based on elaborating and implementing a «local action plan» which has to be put in action within a period of six years based on a partnership between local public and private actors. It is thus following an area-based approach whose focus is to provide opportunities for funding small-scale initiatives developed by local groups, building on region specific contexts. It puts a strong emphasis on capturing innovative ideas and answers to existing problems through local multi-sector integrated approaches. The publicprivate interaction on local level should enable joint learning and network-building. According to an independent evaluation of LEADER II, the program proved to be adaptable to every rural socio-economic and governance context. It brought local actors, administrations and support structures closer together and mobilized the potential of voluntary work among local people. It fitted well to small-scale area-based activities and projects in lagging regions and vulnerable rural territories. The efficiency of the initiative was reduced where the local group started late and did not have enough time to implement the local program. Another hindering factor was a disempowering administrative environment which means: cumbersome decision making processes, sectoral barriers to the territorial approach and lacking support for the local group (ÖIR 2003). The same evaluation showed that LEADER II effectively closed the gap between a top-down program and the local people, their needs, aspirations and potential. It conveyed responsibility to local partnerships and contributed by re-linking public and private, profitmaking and non-profit activities, as well as infrastructural and entrepreneurial activities. It induced a mentality change among local actors from passive to active attitude. The leverage effect on private funding turned out to be higher than expected almost everywhere. The effectiveness of the initiative was reduced if the implementation time was too short to let the local group come into direct contact with the people’s initiatives, and if the local leaders generally disregarded the bottom-up approach. This was often combined with a weak and unrepresentative local partnership (ibid.). It opened up new avenues creating added value in rural areas and creating synergies between existing value added chains. It contributed to capacity building at local level in and around the local partnership. Many local programs integrated environmental concerns into social and economic development at a strategic level. Public and private actors started to act in common, or intensified their cooperation. The initiative could not contribute to sustainable development, if the local partnership and technical assistance were prematurely disrupted through cutting funds at the end of the programming period. It had also difficulties to serve this goal, if the continued dominance by a single sector or public actors constituted a barrier to meet the development needs of the area. The design of this program is one of the best documented examples of a bottom-up local development initiative that does not pre-define the areas to be developed but leaves it to the local community or to local actor networks to identify opportunities and develop ideas how to bring them to fruition. While the program design has faced some scepticism at the beginning for its low level of top-down orientation, it has proven to be one of the best accepted and most effective programs that has further developed into mainstream development policy for rural areas in the EU. In the context of the GMS-BCI initiative the example was chosen to challenge the standard approach of topdown oriented program designs for local level development. Practice shows that programs that are built around the concept of promoting ideas and local initiative emergence are particularly well suited in diverse and heterogeneous settings. It allows for decentralized empirical testing of different approaches and markets in a wide array of areas, making use of a larger pool of knowledge than could be conceived by central “paternalizing” planning and strategic decision making on future directions of markets. It also enables “learning-by-doing”. Particularly for larger regions a program targeted towards this goal might be a useful and effective complementary component for linking local communities to markets. 20.5 Case 3: bundling and focusing of local initiatives to strengthen market access Amongst a large number of examples for promoting market related development and market access for local communities, the following two cases are chosen as examples of effective initiatives: producer cooperatives and cluster policies. 20.5.1 Producer cooperatives Producer cooperatives are not new. In fact they have a long history. In countries or regions where regimes have forcibly taken private property and established communal management, these forms of management often have a loaded image that is difficult to overcome once the principle of private property or at least communal property is re-established. Whereas in the former case cooperation was a forced political imperative or driven by political or ideological motives, it is a free decision driven by efficiency and profitability considerations in a market system. Cooperation of owners/producers strengthens the individual owner’s position and is beneficial for developing his own enterprise. The goals of producer cooperatives are often very similar. They are installed to promote better forest or land management, to reduce the amount of individual investment by pooling and sharing machinery, time and know-how. They are very often established primarily to strengthen the negotiation position of its members in the market, like wood buyers. By collecting wood from many individuals cooperatives can offer the market more attractive volumes and reduce transaction costs. The extra profits of the cooperative remain with the members and do not go to middle men (Sjunnesson 2004, Weyerheuser et al 2006). Producer cooperatives face similar difficulties that emerge from this form of largely non-hierarchical organizations with low exit barriers and often limited tangible incentive to cooperate in concrete conflicts. It is, after all, a form of competitors’ co-operation whose benefits are partly based on solidarity behaviour and trust. Many examples have shown that having a capable and determined leader is an effective means to establish and maintain strong co-operatives. Visible early real benefits in terms of additional income for members are a clear Linking Communities to Employment Opportunities and Markets: Policy and Institutional Design Aspects . 161 incentive. Especially if governments promote such cooperatives through seed funds, there is a tendency of erosion of enthusiasm over time and a termination of activities once governmental funds are removed. As in any rather loose organizational arrangement involving financial flows, the equitable sharing of costs and profits through clear and transparent rules are an issue. It has also often been found that it is essential to build up solid technical, managerial and especially marketing knowhow amongst members – in many of these areas the benefits of building up such knowledge is considerably lower than the costs involved for individual small scale producers. There is thus a severe under investment in know-how that producer cooperatives can and should address. The success of a cluster is in a large part due to people from very different but linked sectors forming quality relationships and networking to achieve results. These linkages are informal, and are supported by more formal organisations/institutions. They work best at a community level where participants in the local industry already have formed a wide variety of relationships, and there is already some degree of dialogue and trust. Clustering builds on the teamwork that is already in place. A key component of any cluster is extensive informal and formal networking between firms - even competitors right across the cluster, and between firms and their supporting infrastructure. Soft networks (such as local professional and trade associations) and hard networks (strategic alliances between firms) are both important (IRE 2005). 20.5.2 Cluster-building policies Cluster-building, more often identified with high-tech or manufacturing industries, is further market-based development policy approach that particularly tries to develop the local and regional level through a peoplecentered approach. The success of such policies in the last decade is, as all concepts developed in some other context, not necessarily useful or reliable in the GMS region, and possibly the least directly applicable of the cases presented for the BCI initiative. Nonetheless, it is quite useful to reflect on the changes that many industrial policies in developed countries have had to undergo to reorient towards the cluster concept. They stand in stark contrast to industrial policies as practiced and preached in the 1970s. Many industry-oriented development concepts in developing countries are still following the old pattern. Moreover, while most of the cluster concepts applied in industrialized countries today are still industryand high-tech oriented, they are nonetheless just as applicable for clusters of service-handicraft industries such as those needed to establish attractive and diverse low-impact eco-tourism regions, also in BCI contexts. Finally, it should be noted that cluster concepts have often been promoted and/or taken up with high enthusiasm but with a low level of understanding of the difficulties involved in establishing loose co-coordinative mechanisms amongst a multitude of actors with very different backgrounds and interests. As we know from Olson (1982), heterogeneity makes collective action problems more difficult. Clusters are thus one or two dimensions more complicated than producer cooperatives to build up and run. 162 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings In terms of development policies the following aspects stand out in comparison to traditional development approaches: clusters focus on groups of firms and on local or regional value adding, but not on individual firms. They build on local agglomerations of SMEs, not on large firms. They (ideally) emerge from and promote indigenous growth processes, and are not based on the idea of kickstarting development by large inward investment. Clusters aim at stimulating strong parts of regional economy, and not on the improvement of the weakest parts. Policies supporting cluster-building aim at stimulating interaction between local players rather than at the provision of financial incentives (low-intervening). Public bodies act as facilitators or brokers with a view to stimulating links between actors of local business environments as well as between local and regional or international players. The emphasis of policy is on enhancing interconnectivity in a market exchange context. 20.6 Case 4: market demand creation through targeted procurement In all countries, governments are large players in markets as buyers of a huge range of products and services. This market power is increasingly recognized and used by governments of developed countries to promote the achievement of sustainable development. In respect to rural areas the most visible example for market-based policy making have been public procurement schemes in a number of large consumer countries in relation to legal and sustainably harvested timber. Public procurement schemes to support markets for such products are now established in UK, Germany, Denmark, USA, and Japan, amongst others. While such policies are not likely to be adopted by many developing countries on a national level in the near future, it is nonetheless worthwhile to reflect on the possibilities that exist for organisations or policy programs to build in such components in a limited form. Public procurement policies in a restricted sense are conceivable for a large number of products and services where local, regional or national governments are intending to establish or develop markets. This includes non-wood forest products, bioenergy from agricultural or forest biomass, and recreation. What is important here, however, is a thorough and critical reflection of the rationale and market impact of intervention. In some cases it might be required to build a clear strategy for market-based production capacity building that is sustainable also under non-protective regimes after a certain development period, and an exit strategy from market based governmental intervention. 20.7 Case 5: market creation – the example of Payment for Environmental Services (PES) Markets provide powerful incentives and efficient means of conserving forests and the public goods they provide while at the same time offering new sources of income to support rural livelihoods. Recent years have seen considerable interest in using Payments for Environmental Services (PES) to enhance conservation (Mayrand and Pacquin 2004). PES programs seek to capture part of the benefits derived from environmental services and channel them to natural resource managers who generate these services, thus increasing their incentive to conserve them. The most frequent environmental services considered under PES programs are biodiversity conservation, water services, carbon services as well as landscape amenity services. Table 20.1 shows indicative market volumes of the three most well developed markets, the number of transactions and land areas protected or restored through these programs as compiled by the Katoomba Group’s “Ecosystem Marketplace”. PES are in operation in many regions in the world, with Central America seemingly more attuned to this approach than other regions (Pagiola et al 2005). PES programs have also been explored in the GMS region, with Viet Nam possibly having the largest experience to date. Frequent challenges in building markets for PES include not only creating markets, but in parallel it requires establishing sustainable financing mechanisms, developing incentives to land managers, developing the institutional framework to match local conditions and finally, ensuring an equitable distribution of the costs and benefits among different stakeholders. Table 20.1: Payment for environmental services – market watch overview April 15, 2006 Biodiversity Market volume (US$) Transactions Water 375,908,799 373,655,115 Carbon 92,344,370 997 149 38 Land Area 5,886,364 ha Protected /Restored 350,513 ha 886,364 ha Period 01/87-08/05 12/94-04/05 01/95-02/06 Source: The Ecosystem Marketplace. Costa Rica has been at the forefront of the development and implementation of PES policies and instruments. Costa Rica has developed a specific economic instrument related to the value of conserving, protecting or managing forested land. ‘Pagos por Servicios Ambientales’ or ‘Payments for Environmental Services’ (PES) rewards land owners for carbon, biodiversity, watershed management and landscape beauty services, which are legislated and defined in the Costa Rican Forestry Law. The scheme is mainly administered by the National Fund for Forest Financing (Fondo Nacional de Financiamiento Forestal, FONAFIFO) to which landowners cede their rights, e.g. sequestered carbon to sell on the international market. Throughout Costa Rica, local and regional organizations provide bundling services to small farmers to access the ESP program resources, reducing transaction costs related to contracting of environmental services for small landowners as well as for FONAFIFO. Such bundling allows small forest owners to access the ESP program, through legal assistance and technical advice relating to conservation and sustainable use of forest ecosystems. Bundling numerous small landowners Linking Communities to Employment Opportunities and Markets: Policy and Institutional Design Aspects . 163 together serves to reduce the unit cost of such services while supporting landowners who might otherwise have difficulty complying with ESP program regulations. Figure 20.3 outlines the main mechanisms and institutions involved in the Costa Rica case. The Ecomarkets Project of Costa Rica is widely considered as the most successful environmental services approach worldwide. In 2005 a total of approximately US$4 million was redistributed to forest owners through the PES scheme. Around 50% was handed out for protection (mainly biodiversity protection) contracts, around 30% for reforestation and the rest for agroforestry and other activities (FONAFIFO 2006). to mainstreaming PES in developing regions of the world is the lack of buyers. While some buyers are unaware or little informed about the PES concept, others point out the risks inherent in mechanisms to trust. The costs and difficulties involved in connecting buyers and sellers quickly and efficiently is likewise a major barrier. Another is the lack of or difficulty of arranging deals due to the nature of property rights where communities may face barriers to the negotiation of deals stemming from a lack of tenure rights, literacy, or familiarity with contracts. A number of institutions and capacities need thus to be built up to create markets for PES that allow efficient trading. 20.8 Conclusion In order to better understand why PES is not currently a common tool for conservation, Forest Trends recently conducted a study focusing on what is required for deals to work on the ground in Latin America, Asia, and Africa. 57 interviews were conducted with NGOs, governments, and businesses working on the establishment of PES globally. They found that the biggest barrier Rearranging policies and institutions to empower local communities to recognize market opportunities and to facilitate bottom-up emergence of initiatives for local development is a key strategy for linking local communities to markets. This must go hand in hand with further work to remove well-known obstacles such as weakly defined Figure 20.3: PES system Costa Rica Buy Certified Tradable Offsets (CTO) DONORS ▲ Transfer of carbon stocks ▲ ▲ ▲ National Forestry Fund Give carbon rights ▲ ▲ Promotion and technical assistance National Company of Power and Electricity ▲ Pay for the environmental services Fuel Tax National or international certifier Payments for Environmental Services (US$) Hydroelectric companies Source: Landell-Mills and Porras 2002 164 ▲ Joint Implementation Office Contracts and receives certification services ▲ Transfer US$ from CTOs o f E n v i r o n m e n t ▲ Sale CTOs . BCI International Symposium Proceedings ▲ Provide Information & (US$) Monitors, certifies ▲ (US$) INVESTORS ▲ ▲ M i n i s t r y Forestry owners, public and private ▲ Promotion and technical assistance Independent regents, foundations or NGOs property rights and often even more weak law enforcement, inadequacies in stable and transparent land-use planning and the difficulties perpetually created by continuously changing rules and regulations. Getting adequate institutional frameworks in place makes a huge difference for local level development. Well suited and locally adapted policies and programs and related implementation designs are crucial to create conducive institutional frameworks. The examples described have all dealt successfully with adaptive designs to fit local circumstances. Many combine the important features of trust, transparency, openness and flexibility, and involve stakeholders who traditionally would not sit together at the same table. 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Food security has been achieved, annual cash incomes to households are significantly higher, people are healthier and all major development indicators for the village show marked improvements. The benefits from the interventions have been distributed equitably and a significant proportion of households have graduated out of a locally defined poverty situation. In addition to telling the story about how this all happened, this paper makes the case that the Core Environment Program and Biodiversity Conservation Corridors Initiative (CEP-BCI) should take note of this experience and support the further scaling-up of such interventions within its program of work in Lao PDR. 21.1 Introduction “The forests of Lao PDR are one of few potential sources of sustainable economic growth for the country. A relatively large amount of remaining forest resources and the high level of forest dependence by local communities, coupled with the extent of rural poverty in Lao PDR, presents unique opportunities and challenges to combine forestry with poverty alleviation approaches to help meet national development goals.” (Morris et al 2004). From 1995 to 2001, The World Conservation Union (IUCN) and the National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute (NAFRI) of Lao PDR, with funding from 166 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings the Government of the Netherlands, implemented a project to promote the sustainable use of NTFPs. The project had the dual aims of improving rural livelihoods and conserving forest biodiversity. Pilot sites were selected and used by the project to learn about and demonstrate forest-based livelihood interventions that would help achieve these aims. The project’s lessons and its impacts at pilot sites were assessed during and after the project was completed. Another follow up assessment was undertaken between December 2005 and April 2006, approximately 10 years after the project began work in pilot sites, and 4 years after the project ceased operations. This paper describes the role of NTFPs in rural livelihoods, the work of the NTFP project and its impacts in one of the pilot sites (Ban Nampheng, Oudomxai Province), and then makes the case for the adoption of similar interventions in the CEP-BCI. 21.2 The relevance of NTFPs to rural livelihoods and forest conservation in Lao PDR Despite the economic growth achieved over the last 15 years, Lao PDR remains one of the poorest countries in the world, having the 5th lowest Human Development Index in Asia (cited in Emerton 2005). It is also one of the least densely populated countries in the region, but the predominantly rural population is growing rapidly and having an increasing impact on its natural resource base. It has been estimated that although some 46% of the original forests of Lao PDR remained in the year 2000 (ICEM 2003), only about 2% of the original forest cover was relatively undisturbed and large enough to contain the original biodiversity (Dauvergne 2001 cited in Lamb and Gilmour 2002). Forest loss and degradation continues mainly through land conversions through infrastructure development and agricultural encroachment, unsustainable forms of shifting cultivation, over-exploitation of forest products, over-grazing and misuse of fire (World Bank et al 2001). This presents a problem for both rural development and forest conservation. About five million people or 80% of the population in Lao PDR pursue rural livelihoods within which NTFPs1 play a significant role in food security, income generation, and provision of numerous other non-food and non-cash inputs to households. After rice, wild forest foods dominate the daily diet. More than 450 edible species have been identified, and collectively they provide the bulk of animal protein, leafy green vegetables and micro-nutrient intake of rural households (Clendon 2001; Foppes and Kethpanh 2000a, 2000b, 2004; WFP 2004). In remote upland areas, households commonly experience rice shortages for up to 3 months. NTFPs provide food security through either direct consumption or through their barter or sale to obtain rice. The “safety net” function of NTFPs is even more important in bad times when crops fail or are destroyed. The World Food Programme (WFP) of the United Nations first attempted a nationwide survey of forestbased food security in 2004 (WFP 2004). They found that all villages in the country had some dependency on forests for food and that about 41% of all villages were dependent on food obtained from forests within and around Lao PDR’s national system of protected areas. More significantly, 24% of all villages were found to be dependent on forest foods but only have access to mostly degraded forests, and as a result suffer from food in security. These areas are shown in Figure 1 (source WFP 2004). The WFP says these villages require a priority intervention in food aid as a result of declining forest resources. The Government of Lao PDR has set aside 12% of the country’s land area (30,000 km2) as National Biodiversity Conservation Areas (NBCAs) within a national system of protected areas. These protected areas are on the map presented in Figure 21.1 and represent the cornerstone of forest conservation strategies in Lao PDR. There is a clear overlap of food security concerns and forest conservation interests in nearly half of all the villages of Lao PDR. 1 The term NTFPs is used in its broadest sense to include all nontimber products collected from forested landscapes that include closed and open forests, individual trees, tree plantations, shrub lands, regrowth from shifting cultivation, wetlands and other fresh water habitats. Non-Timber Forest Products and Rural Livelihoods in Lao PDR: Reducing Poverty through Forest Development and Conservation Interventions . 167 In such villages, NTFPs sales commonly generate about 50% of cash income to households (Foppes and Kethpanh 2000a, 2000b, 2004; Ingles et al 1999; Morris et al 2004). These sales are very important because they allow the purchase of goods and services in situations where there are few alternative income sources. In addition to food and cash, NTFPs also directly provide fuel wood, medicine, building materials, tools and handicrafts, fibers, resins and dyes used in the subsistenceoriented livelihoods commonly found in Lao PDR. The total economic value of NTFPs consumed or sold by households is considerable. Figure 21.1: Food security and forests in Lao PDR In one study undertaken in the poorest district of the poorest province of Lao PDR, total NTFP use was estimated to be worth an average of $313 per household per year (Figure 21.2) in a province where the average per capita GDP is a mere $204 per annum. NTFPs were found to contribute one third of the household economy, almost all energy, medicinal and building needs, 80% of (non-rice) food consumption by weight, and 30-50% of all protein types. Figure 21.2 presents estimates of the cash and domestic consumption value of NTFPs in households of Houaphan Province in Northern Lao PDR (Emerton, 2005). Nationwide it has been found that the dependency on forests for domestic consumption and income generation purposes is highest for the poorest households and of greatest importance to women because they dominate (non-hunting) collection and management of NTFPs (Foppes and Kethpanh 2000a, 2000b; Ingles et al 1999; Broekhoven 2002; Morris et al 2004). At the national level, forest products, including timber and NTFPs, have played an important role in export and foreign exchange earnings. Broekhoven (2002) reported that between 1994 and 1998, NTFPs contributed between 13% and 49%, or an average of 28% or $90.2 million, of total exports. Variation is mainly due to the volume of NTFP exported in different years, rising as high as 50% of total forest exports in 1995 and 1996. In addition to the official records, there is a significant informal or illegal (and hence unregistered) export of NTFPs within the region, which has yet to be quantified comprehensively. However, the value of the wildlife trade 168 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings Source: WFP, 2004. alone is substantial. An estimate of the value of wildlife traded along one road going into Viet Nam in 2000 came to a total annual value of US$11.8 million at Chinese wholesale prices (cited in Broekhoven 2002). It is believed that shipments of wildlife products may have increased in value in recent years and that a large part of the internal trade in wildlife meat is not for subsistence, as is often assumed (Nooren and Claridge 2001). 21.3 The pilot site of Ban Nampheng and the NTFP Project Ban Nampheng is a small village of some 50 households located in Oudomxai Province in the mountainous North of the country. In 1996, it was selected as one of 12 pilot sites for the NAFRI/IUCN NTFP Project because it represented a common situation where poor, Figure 21.2: An example of the economic value of NTFPs, Huaphan Province 2001). This aim was split into five objectives to provide greater clarity to the design of interventions at the pilot site, as follows: (i) sustainable harvesting: to develop sustainable systems of NTFP harvesting that contribute directly to the conservation of forest biodiversity; (ii) community forestry: to promote communitybased organizations that can NTFPs; (iii) domestication: to reduce pressure on forests and improve the well-being of village communities through domestication of NTFPs outside forests; (iv) well-being: to reduce pressure on forests and to improve the ability and motivation of village communities to manage forests by improving their well-being; and (v) marketing: to motivate forest users to manage forest resources sustainably by increasing income derived from forest products through improved marketing and processing of NTFPs. Cash income $84/household/year Wild plants 5% Wood 19% Wild meat/fish 3% Wood 27% Wild meat/fish 42% Wild plants 4% Home consumption $229/household/year Source: Emerton, 2005. upland farmers pursue forest-based livelihoods, which are dominated by the cultivation of upland rice in shifting swidden fields and by the exploitation of NTFPs from standing forests and regenerating swidden fields. See Box 21.1 for more information about the village at this time. Box 21.1: Ban Nampheng in 1996 “When the NTFP project first arrived in Nam Pheng in 1996 the village contained 43 households with 244 people (“field report #4”, 1996). Households cultivate an average of 1 ha per year, yielding approximately 1.2 tonnes per hectare (of rice) and maintaining fallow cycles of seven to nine years. Most households also raised livestock, primarily cows and secondarily pigs and buffalo. The nearest school was in the neighbouring village of Nam Hou, but attendance from Nam Pheng was low. The main residential water source was a nearby stream. Illnesses were prevalent, especially diarrhoea and malaria. The villager’s main source of cash income was NTFP’s, although they were mostly collected and bartered on a small scale. Bamboo shoots, in particular, were sold to traders exporting to China and Thailand.” (Morris et al. 2004) The aim of the project’s work at Ban Nampheng was to demonstrate sustainable systems of NTFP use that would contribute simultaneously to both forest conservation and human well-being (Ingles and Karki, As will be seen in the following sections, activities undertaken under objectives i, ii, iv and v were the most influential in creating positive changes in people’s livelihoods. The project promoted a participatory approach to the planning and implementation of interventions at Ban Nampheng, using Rapid Rural Appraisal and Participatory Rural Appraisal tools. In early 1996, the following situation in regard to NTFP use was thus diagnosed: (i) NTFPs were being over-exploited and poor prices were being received from traders because local collectors: a) had taken loans from traders2 during rice deficit periods, which were repaid later with agreed quantities of NTFPs, b) lacked secure access rights to the forests and had to compete with outsiders during peak collection periods, c) lacked adequate market information, 2 Although the loans provided by traders was seen as a negative “service” locking asset and cash-poor people into low-price agreements at vulnerable times of year, some villagers still commented on this service in a predominantly positive light. Non-Timber Forest Products and Rural Livelihoods in Lao PDR: Reducing Poverty through Forest Development and Conservation Interventions . 169 d) were adding little value to products through grading and processing, e) were in open competition with other sellers, and f) sold valuable NTFPs by the bundle, rather than by weight. (ii) Opportunities to invest in NTFP-based activities or other livelihood pursuits were limited by the absence of village infrastructure, credit services and alternative income sources. (iii) Development opportunities for women were further restricted due to their heavy workloads. In response, a number of project interventions were undertaken in Ban Nampheng to address these problems and contribute to the five objectives for pilot sites as described above. The main interventions are presented and explained in Table 21.1. The impacts of these interventions on livelihoods and poverty were investigated in 2002, one year after the project ceased operations in 2001 (Morris et al 2004), and some basic wealth and development indicators were updated in 2006. Information about the impacts on livelihoods and poverty is presented in the next section. Table 21.1: Main NTFP project interventions in Ban Nampheng KEY RESULT INTERVENTION & PURPOSE Village rice bank: a store of rice and an organization established to allow the village to cope with their rice-deficit period better and reduce the pressure to collect NTFPs to pay off loans to traders Replaced the need to over-exploit NTFP resources and sell too cheaply to traders because of loans taken to buy rice Forest land allocation and collaborative management: land-use planning and an agreement made with Government for village management of specific forest areas and for spatial confinement of shifting cultivation Provided secure forest access and use rights to a defined user group, allowing for (better) harvesting rules, off-take regulation, and investments in forest management Marketing groups: An organization was established that developed agreed rules for harvesting and selling bitter bamboo shoots (Indosas sinensis) and cardamom pods (Amomum spp.). The organization also created and managed a NTFP development fund generated through a locally applied tax of 10% on NTFP sales Organized collusion in price setting, enhanced knowledge of market prices, grading and processing (see below) and selling by weight using scales resulted in significant increases in income to households and better returns for labor inputs3 . A successful village development fund was created. The organization continued to facilitate further development of marketing strategies and facilities Grading and processing: Capacity built for adding value to cardamom pods (Amomum spp.) used in the production of Chinese medicine Significant increase in income from cardamom sales because of improvements in the quantity and quality of the product through drying and grading Drinking water supplies: A local drinking water supply scheme was established Reduced time spent by women and children in fetching water, allowing more time for participation in NTFP collection and in marketing and savings groups Women’s savings group: An additional organization was created to encourage the effective use of additional cash circulating in the village Provided credit for local initiatives and strengthened collaboration within the village Domestication of important NTFP species: Planting trials were undertaken for three NTFP species (Paper mulberry, Cardamom, and Eaglewood) A marginal increase in the resource base and some raised awareness about the concept of domestication generally 3 The local price for cardamom for example, was raised from 500 kip per kilogram to 35,000 kip per kilogram in 1998, and although prices later dropped, prices of around 12,000 kip per kilogram were sustained over time (Morris et al. 2004) (US$ 1 = about 10,000 kip). 170 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings In regard to forest conservation, both local users and Government officials have consistently reported that the condition and productivity of forests allocated to Ban Nampheng have improved since 1996. Illegal cutting of timber is reported to have decreased because of increased food security and the enhanced returns from NTFP collection. While the value of NTFPs from the forests has increased, increasing the general pressure for harvesting, villagers believe that they have greater control over such pressure through the allocation of exclusive use rights to them and the establishment of harvesting rules among the user group (Morris et al 2004). In addition, grazing pressure on surrounding forests has been reduced because of new investments in animal husbandry that have changed livestock numbers. There are fewer cows and goats, and instead there are more chickens, pigs and buffalo (Table 21.2). However, information about the impact of NTFP-related interventions on forests remains largely anecdotal. Changes in forest composition and structure need to be quantified through formal surveys. 21.4 The positive impacts on livelihoods at Ban Nampheng An assessment of the impacts of the NTFP Project’s interventions at Ban Nampheng was undertaken in 2002 and published by Morris et al (2004). The main findings from this study are summarized here alongside updated indicators and additional data collected in early 2006. The changes will be presented first, followed by an explanation of them. A participatory poverty assessment was undertaken in 1996, 2002 and 2006. Such assessments use locally recognized indicators of wealth and poverty4 and require village informants to rank each household accordingly. The changes in relative wealth ranking from Table 21.2: Changes in village development indicators 1996 - 2006 1996 Development indicators 2002 2006 Food security 25-30 households lacked rice for 3-4 months, during which time they had to leave the village to hire out labor or cut timber illegally Now rice is “not much worry” and no longer need to hire out labor or cut timber Secure Child mortality (under 5) 10 0 0 Illnesses Malaria, diarrhea and lung infection (for elderly) Same illnesses, but now able to access medical services and purchase medicines Same illnesses, but now able to access medical services and purchase medicines Formal education 30 children 67 children 67 children Agriculture & forestry 0 ha of paddy rice 45 ha of upland cultivation Forests not allocated 5 ha of paddy rice 30 ha of upland cultivation 515 ha of allocated forest 10 ha paddy rice 30 ha upland cultivation 520 ha of allocated forest 5 ha fruit orchards 4 fish ponds Animal husbandry 60 cattle 10 buffalo 13 goats 30 pigs 100 poultry 28 cattle 12 buffalo 55 goats 40 pigs 200 poultry 17 cattle 19 buffalo 12 goats 120 pigs +1,000 poultry 4 Locally recognized indicators for each wealth class are as follows: Well-off: permanent house, equipment and accessories (e.g. truck, TV/VCD), enough money or rice for one year, some livestock and enough labor. Middle: semi-permanent house (i.e. thatched grass roof, stripped bamboo walls), insufficient money or rice for half year, few livestock and enough labor. Poor: temporary house (i.e. bamboo or small trees for beams and pillars), insufficient rice for full year, no livestock and insufficient labor. (Morris et al 2004). Non-Timber Forest Products and Rural Livelihoods in Lao PDR: Reducing Poverty through Forest Development and Conservation Interventions . 171 1996 (the baseline) to 2002 (Morris et al 2004) and from 2002 to 2006 are presented in Tables 21.3 and 21.4, respectively5 . eradication of child mortality, the doubling of school enrolment rates (gender balanced), and increases in livestock. Table 21.3: Changes in wealth ranking for households existing in 1996 and 2002 The village has also benefited from new infrastructure, equipment and services that have been supported by the NTFP Project, the NTFP development fund established by the marketing group, and indirectly through private loans made from that fund. Table 21.5 provides a summary of the additional developments associated with the NTFP interventions and Table 21.6 presents the annual incomes to the NTFP Development Fund since the NTFP Project ended. 1996 Wealth rank 2002 House- % of total House- % of total holds holds Well-off Middle Poorest 11 16 13 28% 40% 33% Total households 40 100% 16 20 40% 50% 10% 4 40 100% Figure 21.3: Changes in wealth classes Changes in wealth ranking for households 1996 - 2006, Ban Nampheng 60% 50% Percentage of total households Fourteen households graduated one wealth class between 1996 and 2002. Over the next four years another 7 households graduated one wealth class while previous gains were held by all but one household that slipped back a class. Overall, the proportion of households in the poorest wealth class fell from 33% in 1996 to 13% in 2006. 1996 2002 40% 2006 30% 20% 10% Table 21.4: Changes in wealth ranking for households existing in 2002 and 2006 0% well-off middle poorest Wealth Rank 2002 Wealth rank 2006 House- % of total House- % of total holds holds Well-off Middle 17 21 Poorest Total households 9 47 36% 45% 19% 100% 21 20 6 47 45% 43% 13% 100% Figure 21.3 graphically presents this data by showing the proportion of households in three wealth classes in 1996, 2002 and 2006. Table 21.2 presents changes in key development indicators for Ban Nampheng over the same period of time. Notable changes include the attainment of food security, the 5 The data includes only those households that were present at each measurement, so it does not include those households that had recently arrived, had left or had split into separate new households between measurements. 172 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings In 2006 it was found that the sale of NTFPs still dominate household income sources, providing approximately 60% of cash income to households, mainly from the sale of bitter bamboo shoots. The next most important source of cash income is animal husbandry (20%), followed by cash cropping (15%) of sesame seeds and corn. On average each household is earning about $200 per year by selling bitter bamboo shoots. Recently, the village head has reported that Ban Nampheng has become locally famous for its recent development success and he now holds applications from 30 households, located elsewhere, requesting permission to move and settle in Ban Nampheng. This is significant given that there are only about 50 households residing in this village. Both the process for considering these applications and the extent to which new arrivals will be permitted is unknown at this stage. Table 21.5: Other developments associated with or arising from NTFP interventions Supported by NTFP project Rice bank (1997) 3 clean water taps 2 room school (1998) Supported by the NTFP Development Fund Purchased by individuals (through credit from NTFP Fund) Electric generator for village power supply (1999) and fuel to run it (ongoing) Village meeting room (2002) Village food storage structures (2002) Credit fund providing loans to households (2003 – 2005) Operational costs for village office (2003 – 2006) Incentive payments for village officers (2002 – 2006) Salary for 2 teachers (2002 – 2006) Contribution to new school building (2003) Social welfare and support to traditional village events (2002 – 2006) Additional electric generator for village power supply (2006) Roofing materials for village NTFP market space (2006) 2 Dryers for mushrooms and other NTFPs (2000, 2001) Rice mill 3 Tractors 1 small truck Investments in animal husbandry Investments for engagement in trading Table 21.6: Annual incomes to the NTFP development fund since the project ended 2002 – 2006 (note: other income was also accrued during the period 1997 – 2001) Year Total income generated by the marketing group’s tax of 10% of NTFP sales6 (US$) 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 $1,505 $1,379 $1,757 $1,660 Fund balance is $2,533 (April 2006) An explanation of poverty changes at Ban Nampheng starts with the recognition that two of the key characteristics of being poor in this area are insufficient labor and insufficient rice. The rice problem was solved rapidly through the rice bank and through private rice purchases made possible by the increased incomes from NTFP sales. In 2002, respondents reported that the main factor in graduating from the poorest to the middle wealth class was the increased availability of labor to poor households (Morris et al 2004). This increase can be explained in part by improvements in human health arising from the combination of a health promotion program run by the Red Cross, and increased household expenditure on food, health services, and medicines (made possible by increased NTFP-based incomes). Perhaps more significant is that following the NTFP interventions, any increase in labor availability could be exploited successfully by households by applying the additional labor to the collection and marketing of NTFPs. Indeed, the collection and sale of NTFPs equals or betters the most common economic opportunities in the locality, such as road construction, heavy agricultural labor, and fuel wood collection (Morris et al 2004). In summary, it can be argued that the main reasons why poverty rates were reduced in Ban Nampheng were that: (i) 6 Amounts in kip were converted at the rate of 10,000 kip = US$1. food security was achieved, mainly through the NTFP Project’s rice bank, forest land- Non-Timber Forest Products and Rural Livelihoods in Lao PDR: Reducing Poverty through Forest Development and Conservation Interventions . 173 allocation and marketing group interventions that increased the income from NTFP sales from which to buy rice; (ii) available labor increased through improvements in health-care and nutrition; (iii) the returns on labor from NTFP collection and sale were increased significantly; and (iv) additional labor was applied productively to the collection and sale of NTFPs. In addition to its major role in helping to reduce poverty levels in the village, the NTFP project’s interventions also provided a basis for further economic development through: i) ii) the establishment of an NTFP Marketing Group and NTFP Development Fund that: a) paid for improvements in formal and informal education (see Table 21.5); and b) provided credit in support of private equipment purchases and investments in agriculture, trading, transport and animal husbandry. the substantial and robust increases in NTFPbased incomes that have allowed for private investments and livelihood diversification. It is clear that the NTFP Project’s interventions have had a significant, positive and long-lasting impact on Ban Nampheng village. The combination of the NTFPbased interventions and the subsequent and related activities undertaken by the villagers themselves, have provided resources, capacity and options for further development. In this way, NTFP development has provide households with an “escape ladder” out of poverty. Properly planned and executed NTFP interventions are highly appropriate to supporting the sustainable development of forest-dependent communities because: (i) food security can be achieved through NTFPrelated interventions; (ii) cash income to households from NTFP sales can be increased and maintained over time, under collaborative agreements for sustainable forest management; (iii) benefits can accrue equitably within a village because the poorest groups can use available labor to take advantage of the economic opportunities provided by NTFP development; 174 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings (iv) women can participate readily in NTFP development due to existing gender roles and through such participation, they can address specific issues concerning women and become more politically organized; (v) households can graduate into higher wealth classes and hold the gains based on both commercial and subsistence oriented NTFP activities; and (vi) new economic activities can be funded by private and common funds generated by enhanced NTFP sales. 21.5 Opportunities for the CEP-BCI In the case of Lao PDR there is now more than a decade of experience with NTFP-based interventions, mostly in the context of protected areas and their surrounding forests, creating a wealth of experience about: (i) how to identify, qualify and quantify the role of NTFP use in local livelihoods; (ii) how to facilitate group processes for sustainable and profitable NTFP production and marketing; (iii) how to domesticate wild NTFPs; and (iv) how to develop forest management rules and regulations for forest conservation, focused on NTFPs. In addition, there are more than 60 organizations with interests in NTFPs forming the basis of a network for further development and expansion of successful techniques (FRC/NAFRI and SNV 2004). There are a number of places around the country, such as Ban Nampheng, that can act as demonstration sites for supporting local replication. Already, villages such as Ban Nampheng have become well known in the country and receive many exchange visits sponsored by Government and NonGovernment organizations, development projects and private individuals, to see and learn about the sustainable development that has occurred there. For these reasons, the CEP-BCI should: (i) be fully aware of the important role of NTFPs in rural livelihoods for forest dependent peoples; (ii) recognize the significant opportunities for achieving both conservation and poverty reduction objectives by supporting the sustainable development of NTFPs in Lao PDR such as demonstrated by the IUCN/ NAFRI NTFP Project; and (iii) develop and support integrated efforts to achieve food security, increase cash income, and conserve forests through NTFP-related interventions. While taking up these opportunities, the CEP-BCI should be aware that more work is required to study and document the impact of NTFP interventions on forest biodiversity, and on power and equity within and between households and villages. References Broekhoven, G. (2002). Sustainable Management Of NTFPs In Lao PDR: A Discussion Paper for the Forestry Strategy to the Year 2020 for Lao PDR. Consultant report to Sida and FAO, Vientiane, Lao PDR. Clendon K. (2001). The Role of Forest Food Resources in Village Livelihood Systems: A study of three Villages in Salavan Province, Lao PDR. IUCN, Vientiane, Lao PDR. Dauvergne, P. (2001). Loggers and Degradation in the AsiaPacific: Corporations and Environmental management. Cambridge University Press. Emerton, L. (2005). Making The Economic Links Between Biodiversity And Poverty Reduction: The Case Of Lao PDR. IUCN: The World Conservation Union, Ecosystems and Livelihoods Group, Colombo Sri Lanka. ICEM (2003). Regional Report On Protected Areas And Development: Review Of Protected Areas And Development In The Lower Mekong River Region. ICEM, Indooroopilly, Queensland, Australia. Ingles, A. and Karki, S. (2001). Project Completion Report. NAFRI/IUCN NTFP Project. Vientiane, Lao PDR. Ingles, A., Saypaseuth, T., Foppes J., Baker, J., Khetphanh, S., Bounsou S., and Sengkeo K. (1999). A Rapid survey of the use and Government regulation of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) from the Nakai-Nam Theun National Biodiversity Conservation Area (NNT NBCA), Central Lao PDR. IUCN Vientiane, Lao PDR. Lamb, D. and Gilmour, D. (2002). Forest Conservation In The Lower Mekong Basin. Paper prepared for the 2nd regional workshop for the Review Of Protected Areas And Development In The Lower Mekong River Region, ICEM, Indooroopilly, Queensland, Australia. Morris, J., Hicks, E., Ingles, A. and Ketphanh S. (2004). Linking poverty reduction with forest conservation: case studies from Lao PDR. IUCN, Bangkok, Thailand. Nooren, H. and Claridge, G. (2001). Wildlife Trade in Laos: the End of the Game, The Netherlands. Netherlands Committee for IUCN. World Bank, SIDA, Government of Finland (2001). Lao PDR production forestry policy – status and issues for dialogue – Vol 1: main report & Vol 2: annexes. World Bank, Government of Lao PDR, SIDA, FINNIDA, Vientiane Lao PDR. World Food Programme (2004). Lao PDR: Analysis of Forest Dwelling Populations and Vulnerability to Food Insecurity at the Village Level. UN World Food Programme: Vulnerability Analysis and Mapping Unit, Vientiane Lao PDR. Foppes, J., and Kethpanh, S. (2000a). Forest extraction or cultivation? Local solutions from Lao PDR, Paper presented at the workshop on the evolution and sustainability of “intermediate systems” of forest management. FOREASIA, Lofoten Norway. Foppes J. and Ketphanh S. (2000b). No more timber, more non-timber – discussion paper. DoF-IUCN. Foppes J. and Ketphanh S. (2004). NTFP Use and Household Food Security in Lao PDR. Paper presented to the Symposium on Biodiversity for Food Security, 14 October, 2004. FAO and National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute, NAFRI Vientiane, Lao PDR. FRC/NAFRI and SNV (2004). Networking on Non-Timber Forest Products in Lao PDR. Proceedings of a workshop held in Vientiane 9 July 2004 (NAFRI, Vientiane Lao PDR) Non-Timber Forest Products and Rural Livelihoods in Lao PDR: Reducing Poverty through Forest Development and Conservation Interventions . 175 176 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings PANEL 3: Climate Change and Biodiversity Corridors . 177 178 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings 22. Interrelationship between Climate Change, Urban Air Quality and Impacts Inside and Outside Cities: Rationale for Addressing Air Pollution and GHG Emissions Cornie Huizenga and May Ajero Summary Recently, more information has become available on the linkages between air pollution and climate change. These linkages influence local climate patterns in Asia as well as global climate patterns. The Atmospheric Brown Cloud has been linked to changes in rainfall patterns in different parts of Asia, while increased emissions from Asia have been linked to the melting of the polar ice caps. Growing knowledge in this field is of relevance to policy makers and is expected to facilitate and speed up policy making on controlling emissions within the Asian region and to strengthen commitments to enforce current and future regulations. Although the primary emphasis of the Clean Air Initiative for Asian Cities (CAI-Asia) 1 is on urban air quality, it is increasingly focusing on the impacts of air pollution in areas surrounding cities. Improved knowledge of these impacts helps to raise awareness for action and makes it more likely that action will be taken to address sources of air pollution. The paper details current structures for air quality management in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) and compares these to other parts of the Asian region. An overview of factors constraining effective policy making and implementation in the GMS countries will be given. It will indicate how improved knowledge of the impact of urban emissions on rural areas can be integrated in policy making. rural-to-urban migration. Coupled with this trend is rapid motorization in Asia especially in cities where economic activities are concentrated. Some countries’ fleets are in fact doubling every five to seven years. Continued urbanization, motorization and energy use in Asia, especially in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and India, will put additional pressure on its atmospheric environment. Emissions of both greenhouse gases and air pollutants are increasing; likewise atmospheric concentrations are exhibiting upward trends. National and local governments in Asian countries have begun to implement air quality reduction strategies of varying scope and effectiveness; a number of Asian countries have submitted their National Communication (NatCom) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC or Convention). 22.1.1 Air pollution status An ongoing study2 by the CAI-Asia, summarizing air quality data from 20 cities in Asia for the period 1993 to 2004 shows that, on average, there has been a moderate to slight decrease in pollution levels for sulfur dioxide (SO2), total suspended particulate matter (SPM), and fine particulates (PM10). Although particulate matter remains at levels above the limits set by the World Health Organization (WHO), US Environmental Protection Agency and the WHO-European Union, SO2 levels are now, on average, below the guideline values set by the WHO—proving that air quality management policies and measures can work in Asia. Ambient concentrations of NO2 are gradually increasing but are fairly stabilized around the WHO guideline of 40 µg/m3, despite the continued increase in motorization especially of two and three wheelers in the region. This air quality data collected by CAI-Asia from various government agencies and other sources has been validated by the appropriate government agency in each city (Figure 22.1). 22.1 Air quality and its management in Asia and the GMS In recent decades, Asian cities experienced rapid urbanization primarily due to population growth and 1 The Clean Air Initiative for Asian Cities is a multistakeholder initiative which promotes better air quality management in Asian cities. It undertakes knowledge management, capacity building, networking, policy development, and strategy formulation. 2 CAI-Asia, in cooperation with the UNEP and WHO supported project, Air Pollution in the Major and Mega-cities of Asia, is conducting the 2nd Stage of the Benchmarking Study on Air Quality Management Capability of selected Asian cities. Cities included in the study: Bangkok, Beijing, Busan, Colombo, Dhaka, Delhi, Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh, Hong Kong, China, Jakarta, Kathmandu, Kolkata, Mumbai, Manila, Seoul, Shanghai, Singapore, Surabaya, Taipei, China, and Tokyo. Interrelationship between Climate Change, Urban Air Quality and Impacts Inside and Outside Cities: Rationale for Addressing Air Pollution and GHG Emissions . 179 Figure 22.1: Trends of Major Criteria Air Pollutants (1993-2004) 300 concentrations in µg/m3 250 TSP limit: WHO (1979): 60-90 µg/m3 TSP PM10 limit: WHO (2005): 20 µg/m3 USEPA (1997): 50 µg/m3 EU: 40 µg/m3 200 SO2 limit: WHO (2000): 50 µg/m3 USEPA (1997): 80 µg/m3 EU: 20 µg/m3 150 NO2 limit: WHO (2000): 40 µg/m3 USEPA (1997): 100 µg/m3 100 EU: 40 µg/m3 PM10 N O2 50 S O2 0 1993 1994 1996 1995 1998 1997 TSP Ozone is an emerging pollutant of concern for Asia and is increasingly being monitored in major cities in Asia; but in most cases, it is still not monitored by secondary or smaller cities. When monitored, reporting of ozone results are not made as frequent as other pollutants, e.g., PM10. Ambient standards and averaging times for ozone are highly variable from one city/country to another. Monitoring of air quality in Asia is concentrated mostly in the urban areas, often only limited to major cities and capitals. Air quality monitoring in secondary cities and rural areas are rarely conducted. The Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS), covering areas from 6 countries: Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, PRC, Thailand, and Viet Nam, is no exception to this limitation on availability of air quality information. Except for Thailand and the PRC, and very few cities in Viet Nam, little is known about air quality monitoring activities in Lao PDR, Cambodia, and Myanmar. As with the general pollution trend in Asia (Figure 22.2), Ambient TSP results in cities of GMS countries (Bangkok, Beijing, Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh and Shanghai) 180 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings 1999 PM10 2000 SO2 2001 2002 2003 2004 NO2 also exhibited a decreasing tendency yet exceed the WHO guidelines. PM10, on the other hand, is showing the tendency to increase in the coming years for most of the cities and will continue to exceed WHO guidelines. NO2 is increasing in Bangkok, Hanoi, HCMC and Shanghai, with Shanghai and Bangkok already exceeding WHO NO 2 guidelines. SO 2 tendencies in the cities are variable. SO2 is increasing for Hanoi and Shanghai but decreasing for Ho Chi Minh and Beijing. Although regulatory monitoring of criteria air pollutants like PM10, TSP, SO2, NO 2, etc. are not routinely undertaken in some areas of the GMS, the subregion is actively involved in the monitoring of acid rain. The Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia (EANET) program has about 25% of its monitoring sites in the GMS (Figure 22.3 – GMS region in red box). These stations measure parameters such as air concentrations of SO2, NOx, O3 and particulates as well as rainfall activity, rain and soil pH and changes in tree cover to evaluate occurrence of acid deposition and its impact on soil, vegetation, and inland aquatic environment. Figure 22.2: Trends of major air pollutants in GMS Countries 1997- 2004 PM10 trends in GMS countries, 1997 to 2004 Ambient PM10 concentrations, µg/m3 200 180 Bangkok 160 Beijing 140 Hanoi Ho Chi Minh 120 Shanghai 100 80 60 WHO (2005) PM10 limit, 20 µg/m3 40 20 0 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 SO2 trends in GMS countries, 1997 to 2004 140 Bangkok Beijing Hanoi Ho Chi Minh Shanghai WHO SO2 limit 120 Ambient SO2 concentrations, µg/m3 100 80 60 40 20 0 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2003 2004 NO2 trends in GMS countries, 1997 to 2004 80 Ambient NO2 concentrations, µg/m3 70 60 50 40 30 Bangkok Hanoi Ho Chi Minh Shanghai WHO NO2 limit 20 10 0 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Interrelationship between Climate Change, Urban Air Quality and Impacts Inside and Outside Cities: Rationale for Addressing Air Pollution and GHG Emissions . 181 AQM capability range from “minimal” to “limited” and will be characterized by the lack of routine air quality monitoring, growing concern on air pollution, and ad hoc AQM. Viet Nam will be categorized somewhere in the limited to moderate range because some cities such as Ho Chi Minh have already advanced air quality management systems while some cities still do not conduct routine air quality monitoring. On the other hand, Thailand and PRC have more advanced AQM capacities than rest of GMS countries (Table 22.2). The generally low AQM capabilities of GMS countries may indicate a generally low concern for air pollution as national priority. Figure 22.3: Location of EANET sites in 2004 22.1.3 Climate Change in Asia and the GMS 22.1.2 Air quality management (AQM) The levels of air quality management and the strategies being implemented to address air pollution are widely diverse in Asia. To understand how Asian cities are responding to the urban air pollution problem, a recent study assessed the current AQM capabilities of 20 Asian cities, according to four AQM capability indices: (i) capacity to measure and monitor air quality; (ii) capacity to interpret data and availability of data and analyses; (iii) capacity to estimate emissions from sources and (iv) AQ management enabling capacity. The cities were carefully selected to represent various economic levels and geographic coverage. Based on their scores on the different indices, the cities’ final AQM capability bands (Table 22.1) indicated that cities with high levels of economic development tend to have welldeveloped AQM systems. Cities from GMS countries exhibited varying AQM capabilities. Bangkok and Shanghai were categorized as having “excellent” AQM with Beijing coming in third under the “good” category. Hanoi (Limited AQM) and Ho Chi Minh (Moderate), both of which are cities in Viet Nam, fell under different levels, suggesting that AQM systems in Viet Nam are dependent on local government capacity. All parties (Annex I and non-Annex I) to the Convention are required to submit their National Communications to the Convention (NatCom), except for least developed countries, which may do so at their discretion. All six countries of the GMS region are parties to the UNFCCC and are classified as NonAnnex I countries—with Cambodia, Myanmar and Laos further classified under Least Developed Country (LDC) Category 3 . All the six countries, except for Myanmar have submitted their First NatComs allowing them to report their greenhouse gas emissions inventory as well as enumerate capacity, status and assessments on climate change mitigation, adaptation, and vulnerability, etc. The greenhouse gas emissions inventory that is contained in the NatCom provides the basis of information as to how much greenhouse gas each country is contributing to the atmosphere. The inventories from non-Annex 1 parties, however, are often accompanied by disclaimers that the activity data on which they were based were not necessarily of good quality. In addition, the emission factors for the inventory in most of the Asian NatComs only use Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) default values. According to the greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories (base year 1994) submitted by the GMS countries, Thailand, PRC, and Viet Nam are considered net emitters of GHGs 3 Estimating the AQM capabilities of GMS on a country level would indicate that three of the GMS countries (Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar) will have an estimated 182 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings LDCs are given special consideration under the Convention on account of their limited capacity to respond to climate change and adapt to its adverse effects. Parties are urged to take full account of the special situation of LDCs when considering funding and technology-transfer activities. Table 22.1: AQM capability of 20 Asian cities AQM Capability AQM Capability Scoring Excellent I 91-100 Excellent II 81-90 Bangkok, Seoul, Shanghai Good I 71-80 Beijing, Busan Good II 61-70 New Delhi Moderate I 51-60 Ho Chi Minh, Jakarta, Kolkata, Manila, Mumbai Moderate II 41-50 Colombo Limited I 31-40 Hanoi, Surabaya Limited II 21-30 Dhaka, Kathmandu Minimal Level of Economic Development/ Trends of Air Pollution Cities Hong Kong, Singapore, Taipei, Tokyo 0-20 • High technology applied • Low air pollution • Maturing of cleaner processes, use of cleaner fuels and mature emission controls • Further improvement of air quality - • Cleaner processes developed. Systematic AQM procedures developed • Air pollution decreasing from high levels • Urbanisation, industrialisation and mobilisation continued. Initial systematic AQM procedures applied • High but stabilising levels of air pollution. Serious health and environmental impacts • Increased urbanisation, mobilization and industrialisation. Only ad hoc AQM • Deterioration of air quality through rising levels of air pollution Table 22.2: Estimated AQM capability range of GMS countries Country Estimated AQM capability Description of Air Quality Status and AQM Cambodia Minimal to Limited Air pollution is a growing concern. Air quality monitoring is not institutionalized and AQM is ad hoc. Laos Minimal to Limited Air pollution is a growing concern. Air quality monitoring is not institutionalized and AQM is ad hoc. Myanmar Minimal to Limited No information on air quality data. No specific national legislation governing air pollution. PRC Moderate to Excellent Pollutant concentrations are highly variable for the different cities and provinces which may range from low air pollution to very poor air quality. Air quality is consistently monitored and data in air pollution index available. Thailand Good to Excellent Air quality is being monitored consistently with data readily available. Air quality management capability is generally good. Viet Nam Limited to Moderate Air quality monitoring system is most advanced in HCMC but relatively ad hoc in other areas. Interrelationship between Climate Change, Urban Air Quality and Impacts Inside and Outside Cities: Rationale for Addressing Air Pollution and GHG Emissions . 183 while Cambodia and Laos are net sequesters of GHGs. These two GMS countries also reported industry GHG contributions as zero primarily because their industry is largely dominated by agriculture4 . climate by absorbing sunlight, heating the air and thereby altering large-scale atmospheric circulation and hydrologic cycle. In addition, soot can also block the sun’s energy from the ground and reduce crop yields. 22.2 The linkages between climate change, air pollution and crop yields NASA research on the Arctic atmosphere7 indicated that the warming of the Arctic and the diminishing of the sea-ice cover and glaciers have been attributed to changing weather and effects of pollution. Black carbon (soot) has again been implicated in playing a role in the melting of ice and snow. When the dark soot falls on the ice surface, it increases the albedo, reduces its capability to reflect back radiation thereby causing increase in temperature and melting of the ice. About one-third of this soot comes from South Asia, one-third from burning biomass or vegetation around the world, and the remainder from Russia, Europe and North America. 22.2.1 Air pollution and climate change The linkage between climate change and urban air quality problems, especially the science, is still an evolving field. In 2001, the IPCC Working Group I in its Third Assessment Report5 recognized that air pollutants such as dust, tropospheric ozone, black Carbon, sulphates and other aerosols have an impact on the radiative forcing of climate but that the level of scientific understanding of the processes that surround these are still ranging from “low” to “very low” (“medium” for tropospheric ozone). Greenhouse gases such as CO2, CH4 and N2O, on the other hand, are given a category of high under the level of scientific understanding. The scientific linkage between air quality and climate change can be explained by the characteristic of particulate matter (or aerosol) to scatter as well as absorb infrared radiation. Depending on the size, vertical position and concentration, particulate matter may cause positive (warming effect) or negative (cooling effect) radiative forcing on the climate. Smaller particles have higher radiative forcing than bigger particles because they scatter and absorb infrared radiation more efficiently. The net effect of air particulates on the climate may not be as great as the greenhouse gases, but it has the potential to become more and more significant as the load of pollutants in the atmosphere is expected to continually increase. A NASA study6 revealed that large amounts of black carbon (soot) particles and other pollutants are causing changes in temperature and precipitation patterns over the PRC. The black carbon can affect regional Studying this linkage further is attracting more attention from the IPCC and the rest of the scientific community. The upcoming IPCC Fourth Assessment Report of Working Group 1: The Physical Science Basis (to be completed in 2007) proposes a section (Chapter 7) to discuss “Air Quality and Climate Change.” Furthermore, another IPCC Expert Meeting 8 conducted a preliminary assessment of issues that relate to aerosol emissions. A lot of uncertainties on the effect of aerosols on climate (whether direct/indirect forcing) were discussed. The current limited understanding of the relationships also results from the numerous data gaps in the emissions data for aerosols, and it was recommended that further meetings be held on this issue. These meetings may suggest, then, that air pollution problem may be expected to have a more substantial impact on climate and will require more in-depth attention. 22.2.2 Air pollution and crop yields Environmental impacts of urban air pollution extend well beyond the cities where air pollution originates. Ozone, which is a secondary pollutant formed from NOx and HC in warm weather conditions, can usually be found 4 GHG emissions from industry entail GHGs during chemical processes of cement, iron and steel manufacture, etc. Fuels used to power industries are reported under the Energy sector of the GHG inventory. 5 IPCC, 2001. The Third Assessment Report. The Scientific Basis. 6 Goddard Space Flight Center, 2002 - Goddard Space Flight Center Top Story. http://www.gsfc.nasa.gov/topstory/20020822blackcarbon.html. 184 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings 7 NASA, 2005. Black and White: Soot on Ice. http://www.nasa.gov/ vision/earth/environment/arctic_soot.html. 8 IPCC Expert Meeting on Emission Estimation of Aerosols Relevant to Climate Change convened by the Task Force on National Greenhouse Gas Inventories last 2-4 May, in Geneva. in high concentrations 50 to 70 kilometers downwind from the cities where the NOx and the HC originated. The harmful effects of surface ozone on agricultural crops and other plants have been well documented for the United States and Europe, and some studies have also confirmed the same impacts in the PRC. A sophisticated atmospheric chemistry model called MOZART-2, which simulated ozone concentrations for 1990 and 2020 over Asia, revealed that ozone concentrations were responsible for 1 to 9% loss in wheat, rice and corn and 23-27% yield loss in soybeans for PRC, Japan, and the Republic of Korea. Assuming that there is no change in agricultural production practices, projections of ozone concentrations for 2020 will cause an expected 2-16% yield loss in wheat, rice and corn and 28-35% yield loss in soybeans (Wang and Mauzerall 2004). Another study estimated that reductions in 1990 crop yields in the PRC were 3% for most crops (except soybeans). The same study also projected that crop losses for soybeans and spring wheat might reach 20% and 30% by 2020 (Aunan et al 2000). Research also indicated that the rice strains in the PRC may be more sensitive to O3 than the rice varieties grown in Pakistan, Japan and the US (Zheng et al 1998). SO2 and NO2, emitted from urban activities, are precursors of acid rain which also affect crop growth in surrounding area of city sources. Emissions of acid air pollutants (SO2, NO2) are expected to increase as the industrialization of the region continues and energy shortages remain. Under IPCC scenario A1B9 , 2030 emissions of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide in India are expected to increase by 400% and 500%, respectively, and for the PRC by 33% and 100%, respectively (Unger et al 2006). With the growing emissions of acid gases, the importance acid rain and its impacts on biodiversity will grow. The Chinese EPA estimates that economic losses due to damage caused by acid rain to forests and farmlands increased five times from 1996 to 2000 and losses were estimated to be US$13.25 billion in 2000 (Shah et al 2000)10 . Although there has been some study on crop losses, there is little attention given to the ecological damage or social consequences of the growing negative impacts of air pollution on vegetation in the GMS (Emberson, Ashmore and Murray 2003). With projected increase in their intensities, impacts of other regional air pollutants, including acid deposition and the atmospheric brown cloud would increasingly be important in the GMS within the next decade or two. GMS countries are largely dependent on agriculture to support local livelihoods and economic development. Crop yield reductions will have major social, economic and environmental consequences. 22.3 Rationale for tackling air pollution and GHG emissions in the GMS Aside from the science that proves the direct connection between the air pollution and climate change problem, there are more reasons that support the rationale for tackling air pollution and GHG emissions in an integrated manner. The Third Assessment Report (TAR) of the IPCC indicates that the effectiveness of climate change mitigation policies can be enhanced when integrated with the non-climate objectives of national and sectoral policy development, more so when integrated into strategies to achieve long-term social and technological changes for a sustainable development11 . This stems from the fact that some climate policies may actually yield extensive benefits (non-climate) among which would be reduction of air pollution and associated health benefits. Sustainable development is one of the high priorities of all countries as well as an important agenda for development agencies, an integrated approach will imply a possibility of “win-win” strategy to achieve climate change abatement and sustainable development. Greenhouse gases and air pollutant emissions are often strongly correlated in Asia because they have common drivers—urbanization, population growth, energy consumption and mobilization. 9 Scenario of rapid economic growth with balance between fossil fuel energy and renewable energy. 10 Shah J. et al, 2000. Integrated analysis for acid rain in Asia. Policy implications and results of RAINS-Asia model. Annual Review of Energy and Environment, 25, 339-375. 11 UNFCCC, 2003. Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice - Eighteenth session Bonn, 4–13 June 2003 - http://unfccc.int/ resource/docs/2003/sbsta/misc02.pdf. Interrelationship between Climate Change, Urban Air Quality and Impacts Inside and Outside Cities: Rationale for Addressing Air Pollution and GHG Emissions . 185 Other reasons include: (ii) (i) both GHG and air pollutant concentrations in the atmosphere are exhibiting increasing trends; (ii) both have impacts on human health, environmental (agricultural) and economic impacts; (iii) there is a scarcity of resources and capacity to work on air quality management. The same scarcity is true for climate change; (iv) emissions inventory is key to both problems. Integrated development of emissions factor, collection of activity data and inventory training can reduce cost of capacity building; and (v) expansion of AQ management activities (quantity and quality) will require substantive funding. Likewise, expansion of climate change mitigation activities will require substantive funding. Furthermore, both the air quality community and climate change community find difficulty in capturing the interest of decision-makers and an integrated approach allows these two communities to work together in communicating with policy makers and other stakeholders. 22.4 Proposed pilot project under the GMS CEP A pilot project on “Strengthening capacities to adapt to the effects of climate change and regional air pollution on crops, forests and water availability” is being proposed by CAI-Asia, Murdoch University and the Stockholm Environment Institute to the GMS Core Environment Program (CEP) and the Biodiversity Conservation Corridors Initiative (BCI), known as the “CEP-BCI”, being implemented by the Asian Develoment Bank. The proposed project aims to build capacities and the knowledge base in the GMS to adapt to the effects of climate change and regional air pollution on the communities and economies in the region, based on world-class knowledge. Specifically the project will: (i) 186 generate new knowledge on the current and future impacts of climate change and air pollution on crops and ecosystems of the GMS; . BCI International Symposium Proceedings provide institutional strengthening in the GMS on the techniques involved in conducting assessments and measurements of acid rain and ozone, regional scenarios, impacts, and policy responses to climate change, ozone and acidification using locally relevant information and priorities to develop scenarios based on national policy objectives; (iii) facilitate monitoring at pilot sites and modelling by institutions in the region for future integrated assessments; (iv) strengthen the knowledge and evaluation skills in sectoral policy areas, including water management, disaster mitigation, agriculture, power generation, transport, urban planning, and national economic development; and (v) raise awareness, communication and networking among decision-makers about the associated policy issues. The results of the evaluations of impacts of climate change and regional air pollution on important crops, forests, water resources and water availability will feed into assessments of social and economic impacts and vulnerability, and contribute to meeting the aims of the GMS CEP-BCI. 22.5 Conclusions Although the main impacts of urban air pollution are felt strongly within city boundaries, the impacts of air pollution to the surrounding areas of the cities are also increasing in relevance. Increased knowledge on current and future impacts of air pollution on crops and ecosystems helps to raise awareness for action and makes it more likely that action will be undertaken to address sources of air pollution. Policy makers will find this growing knowledge base increasingly relevant; it is expected to facilitate and speed up policy making on controlling emissions within the Asian region and to strengthen commitments to enforce current and future regulations. References Aunan, K., Berntsen, T.K., and H.M. Seip. (2000). Surface ozone in China and its possible impact on agricultural crop yields. Ambio. 29(6): 294–301. 23. Air Pollution and Ecosystem: Assessment of Effects of Ground Level Ozone on Agricultural Crops in Asia CAI-Asia, (2006). Air Quality in Asian Cities. http:// www.cleanairnet.org/caiasia/1412/articles-59689_AIR.pdf Nguyen Thi Kim Oanh, Dinh Thi Hai Van, and Le Hoang Nghiem Eanet. (2006). http://www.eanet.cc Emberson L, Ashmore M, and F. Murray (Eds). (2003). Air pollution impacts on crops and forests: A global assessment. Imperial College Press, London. Goddard Space Flight Center. (2002). Goddard Space Flight Center Top Story. http://www.gsfc.nasa.gov/topstory/ 20020822blackcarbon.html IPCC. (2001a). Climate change 2001: The scientific basis. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. UNEP, Nairobi and WMO, Geneva. NASA. (2005). Black and White: Soot on Ice. http:// www.nasa.gov/vision/earth/environment/arctic_soot.html Schwela, D., Haq, G., Huizenga, C, Han, W., Fabian, H., and M. Ajero. Urban Air Pollution in Asian cities: Status, Challenges and Management. Earthscan, UK. (For publication). Shah J. et al (2000). Integrated analysis for acid rain in Asia. Policy implications and results of RAINS-Asia model. Annual Review of Energy and Environment. 25: 339-375. Unger N. et al (2006). Cross influences of ozone and sulfate precursor emissions changes on air quality and climate. PNAS.103: 4377-4380. UNFCCC. (2003). Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice - Eighteenth session Bonn, 4–13 June 2003. - http://unfccc.int/resource/docs/2003/sbsta/misc02.pdf Wang, Xiaoping and Denise L. Mauzerall. (2004). Characterizing distributions of surface ozone and its impact on grain production in China, Japan and South Korea: 1990 and 2020. Atmospheric Environment. 38: 4383 – 4402. Available from this link: http://www.wws.princeton.edu/mauzerall/papers/ Wang.Mauzerall.Atmospheric.Environment.pdf Zheng, Y., Stevenson, K.J., Barrowcliffe, R., Chen, S., Wang, H., Barnes, J.D. (1998). Ozone levels in Chongqing: a potential threat to crop plants commonly grown in the region? Environ Pollut. 99(3): 299-308. Summary A study on the effects of ozone on crops is being conducted using both experimental and modeling approaches at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT). The study examined the effects of ozone on two selected agricultural crops, rice and peanuts, using open-top chambers (OTCs). Different ozone levels were introduced into the chambers and the effects of ozone were observed. These include visible injury, growth and yield related parameters, as well as the reduction in biomass and yields of both crops. The modeling work involves prediction of ozone for the continent Southeast Asia using the CMAQMM5 modeling system, which is ongoing. Ozone levels are being calculated for the entire typical rice growing season in Southeast Asia. The AOT40 is calculated to determine the potential effects of ozone on rice crop in the region. 23.1 Introduction Ground-level ozone, a secondary pollutant formed in photochemical reactions between hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides under sunlight, has become a major environmental issue in many metropolitan regions. The emission of ozone precursors from industrial activities, energy production and traffic is rapidly increasing in many regions of Asia. Ground level ozone could affect human health, properties, forestry and agricultural production. The phytotoxicity of ozone to agricultural production and crop cultivation is relatively well documented. In USA, ozone in combination with sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide was found to be responsible for up to 90% of the crop losses due to air pollution. The estimated crop loss in China due to the predicted excess ozone levels in 2002 would be 3.7-4.5% for rice, and 20.9% for soybean. Examples of ozone effects on various crops reported in different countries are presented in Table 23.1. The AIT study on effects of ozone on crops used both experimental and modeling approaches. Air Pollution and Ecosystem: Assessment of Effects of Ground Level Ozone on Agricultural Crops in Asia . 187 Table 23.1: Yield loss in different crop plants due to ground O3 Crop O3, µg/m3 Wheat Rice Soybean Radish Turnip Bean Tomato Soybean % Yield reduction 40 40-60 64 30 17 40 24 16-31 86 143 80-150 55-67 55-67 686 88-90 46-65 Country Reference Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan Egypt Egypt Mexico India India Wahid et al 1995a Wahid et al 1995b Wahid et al 2001 Hassan et al 1995 Hassan et al 1995 Laguette-Rey et al 1986 Varshney and Rout 1998 Varshney and Rout 2003 Source: adapted from Varshney (2003), presented at RAPIDC workshop, AIT, Bangkok. 23.2 Experimental study The experimental study examining the effects of ozone on two selected agricultural crops, rice and peanuts, using open-top chambers (OTCs) was conducted in Hanoi, Viet Nam. The rice (Oryza sativa L.) and peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) species were exposed to ozone during the flowering stage. The species were grown in typical fertilization conditions of normal farming. Five ozone treatments were employed: non-filtered air (ambient condition) as the control OTC; and non-filtered air with introduced ozone mixing ratios of 32 ppb, 62 ppb, 85 ppb and 113 ppb. The species were exposed to ozone seven hours per day for 25 days for rice and 29 days for peanut. Figure 23.1: Rice grain and straw yield in different ozone treatments Visible injuries, growth and yield related parameters, as well as the protein and starch content of rice grain, and oil content of peanut, were determined. Ozone exposure caused reductions in the biomass and yields of both crops. Exposure of the rice species to the highest ozone concentration (113 ppb), which corresponds to accumulated exposure over a threshold ozone concentration of 40 ppb (AOT40) of 12,800 ppb.h, resulted in the highest reduction rate of grain (48%) and straw yields (39.5%) as compared to the ambient air. For the peanut, the yield loss was also the highest in treatment 5 (AOT40 of 14,800 ppb.h) with a reduction in the seed yield of 49% and, in the above-ground biomass, of 23%. Figure 23.2: Peanut seed and straw yield (kg/ha) vs. ozone concentrations 10,000 6,000 Grain yield 9,000 Straw yield 5,000 y = -29.614x + 8069.6 R2 = 0.8333 7,000 Yield (kg/ha) Yield (kg/ha) 8,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 y = -22.412x + 5471.1 R2 = 0.9558 3,000 Seed yield Straw yield 2,000 4,000 y = -10.404x + 5109.1 R2 = 0.9748 3,000 2,000 y = -11.862x + 2746.9 R2 = 0.8905 1,000 1,000 0 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 Ozone concentrations (ppb) Ozone concentrations (ppb) 188 120 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings 100 120 23.3 Modeling study The modeling work involves prediction of ozone for the Southeast Asia Continent using the CMAQ-MM5 modeling system. An example of calculated ozone levels at a particular time over the modeling region is shown in Figure 23.3. Figure 23.3: Ground level ozone concentration over Continental Southeast Asia produced by CMAQ-MM5, 15:00 BKK time, March 26, 2004 CONTOUR MAP OF OZONE OVER CSEA DOMAIN - 15:00 LST MARCH 26, 2004 seed and biomass) and ozone in the experimental range are approximately linear. The yield of rice grain and peanut seed was reduced around 4.5% per every 10 ppb increase in exposed ozone levels. The biomass yield loss was smaller, 3.7% and 2.1%, respectively. The modeling results show high levels of ozone over Continental Southeast Asia have a high potential to adversely affect the agricultural crops in the region. References Dinh Thi Hai Van (2005). Assessment of ozone effects on crops in Asia: case study with the selected crops in the Northern Vietnam. AIT thesis, EV-05-8. Kobayashi, K., Okada, M. 1995. Effects of ozone on the light use of rice (Oryzasativa L.) plants. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 53: 1-12. Wahid, A., Maggs, R., Shamsi, S.R.A., Bell, J.N.B., Ashmore, M.R., 1995. Effects of air pollution on Rice yield in the Pakistan Punjab. Environmental Pollution. 90(3): 323–329. The ozone prediction, an on-going study, is being done for a typical rice growth season in Southeast Asia. The AOT40 will be calculated and the potential effects of ozone in the region will be determined based on the region land use map. The experimental data on doseeffect of ozone on rice as well as the literature reported data will be used for the effect assessment. 23.4 Conclusions The experimental study shows that ozone can have adverse effects on tested rice and peanut species at a level much lower than normal ambient levels in the suburbs of highly urbanized areas of Asia. The effects on growth variables such as plant height, leaf areas, total area of brown spots on the leaf, and dry weight exaggerate with the exposure time and with the ozone concentrations. The relationship between yields (grain, Air Pollution and Ecosystem: Assessment of Effects of Ground Level Ozone on Agricultural Crops in Asia . 189 24. Climate Change and Consequent Impacts in the Mekong River Basin Hans Guttman Summary The Mekong River Basin (MRB) is dominated by the seasonal monsoonal weather regime. It has shaped current ecological characteristics and it is an important factor in determining the biological diversity of the region. Global climate change will impact on the timing and magnitude of the monsoon, which in turn will affect the upper watersheds, the river and its floodplains. In order to assess the type and magnitude of such change and the impact on the water regime, global climate change model results for the MRB were downscaled and analyzed in terms of impact on water resources. The study investigated the climate change predictions for the MRB for 2010-2039 and 2070-2099 based on scenarios provided by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) using HADCM3 developed by the Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research (IPCC 2003). The results indicated that the mean temperature in the whole MRB will increase from the current 24.3oC to 25.3oC during 2010-2039, rising to between 27.2 to 28.3o C by 2099. In addition the variation in temperature (as indicated by minimum and maximum temperatures) will also increase. The mean precipitation shows an overall increase however the change in precipitation varies from one sub-basin to another. Compared with the baseline of 1961-90 the mean precipitation in different sub-basins varies by about ± 6% during 2010-2039. However, for the MRB as a whole, mean precipitation only varies by ±0.2% for the same period. By the end of the century (2070-2099) mean precipitation in different sub-basins is expected to vary from about –12% to +32% from the baseline. An increase is expected in 9 sub-basins with higher percentage compared to a reduction in 4 subbasins. These variations lead to an overall increase between 9-10% in the basin as a whole. 190 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings In summary, the predictions are that the overall water balance will not change drastically over the next 30 years, however the timing and distribution of precipitation will change leading to longer dry seasons and shorter, more intense wet seasons. This will have direct impact on agriculture and flooding, however it is uncertain if the changes are significant enough to impact the ecology and composition of upper watersheds. By the end of the century the temperature will have risen significantly (by 3-4oC) and precipitation increased by up to 10%, which in turn will potentially have a significant impact on the Mekong River water regime and consequent changes in the biophysical environment. 24.1 Introduction The Mekong (Lancang) River rises in the Himalayas in western PRC, flows through the mountainous southwest, where the Nu (Salween) river and the Yangtze river also have their headwaters, through Yunnan province whereafter it forms the border of northern Laos and Myanmar, and later Thailand. It plunges into Cambodia after the Kone falls and joins the Tonle Sap river at Phnom Penh, forming unique wetlands in the floodplain and forming a delta which joins the South China Sea by running through southern Viet Nam. The population in the MRB is largely rural and the majority of people are employed in agricultural or related activities, with rice as a major crop. Rice cultivation and fisheries form much of the basis for food production in the lower part of the basin. Thus the majority of people in the Basin are directly affected by any changes in water resources. In general, water resources in the MRB as a whole are not highly developed. However, there are several emerging issues regarding water usage in the Basin. The need for economic development in the region prompts the development of untapped hydro-power resources, to further develop food production and irrigation development, both through pumping schemes and water storage are part of riparian countries agricultural development strategies. This will alter the water resources and risk jeopardizing the natural productivity of fisheries and wetland resources, upon which much of the rural population bases significant parts of their livelihoods. It will be a delicate act to balance the benefits from water resources development and reduction in the natural productivity. The MRB is dominated by the seasonal monsoonal weather regime. It has shaped current ecological characteristics and it is one important factor in determining the biological diversity of the region. As much of the Mekong River Basin is located in Southeast Asia, the climate is governed by monsoons - steady winds that blow alternately from the northeast and the southwest, each for about half of the year. The southwest monsoon begins in May and continues until late September, and brings moisture from the oceans in over the lower Mekong River Basin resulting in a distinct “rainy season” (Figure 24.1). The northeast monsoon is from November to March rises over mainland PRC and is drier (and during late December and January much colder), which results in a dry cold period followed by a dry hot period until the onset of the southwest monsoon. Figure 24.1: Mean rainfall distribution (mm/Month) in the lower MRB (IMC 1988) 292 24.2 Methodology IPCC (2001) concluded that the climate has changed during the 20th century and larger changes are projected for the 21st century; such change will have both beneficial and adverse effects on both environmental and socioeconomic systems, but the larger the change and the rate of change in climate, the more adverse effects predominate; adaptation is necessary and its costs can be reduced by anticipation, analysis and planning. Among the predicted main regional impacts of climate changes in the MRB are (IPCC 1997): (i) increased annual floods and droughts, as a result of the seasonal shifts in monsoon weather patterns; (ii) increased number of Tropical Cyclones; (iii) other extreme events include high-temperature winds; and (iv) more extreme impacts from the El NiñoSouthern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon, influencing inter-annual variability of climate. 299 269 300 241 198 165 200 77 100 54 40 8 15 14 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec In addition cyclonic disturbances may cause widespread rainfall of long duration during July to September, which can cause serious flooding. Finally, as the Mekong rises in the snow capped mountains of western PRC, snow melt in early spring causes the river to rise before the onset of the southwest monsoon. This paper is based on the results of the ADAPT project1 as reported on in Hoanh et al (2003) and Hoanh et al (2004). Global climate change will impact on the timing and magnitude of the monsoon, which in turn will affect the upper watersheds, the river and its floodplains. In order to assess the type and magnitude of such change and the impact on the water regime, the ADAPT project used an approach of downscaling global climate change model results for the MRB, which were analyzed in terms of impact on water resources. The study investigated climate change predictions for the MRB for 2010-2039 and 2070-2099 based on scenarios provided by IPCC using HADCM3 (IPCC 2003). The latest scenarios provided by IPCC (2001) are assembled in the Special Report on Emission Scenarios (SRES). In simple terms, the four marker SRES scenarios combine two sets of divergent tendencies: one set varying between strong economic values and strong environmental values, the other set between increasing globalization and increasing regionalization. The storylines are presented in Annex 24.1. 1 The project was funded by the Dutch government. The six other basins are the Rhine (Western-Europe), Sacramento (USA), Syr Darya (Central Asia), Volta (Ghana), Walawe (Sri Lanka) and Zayandeh (Iran). . Climate Change and Consequent Impacts in the Mekong River Basin 191 The A2 and B2 scenarios from this set were used in this study, using climate change projections for 20102039 and 2070-2099 compared with the baseline scenario of 1961-1990, a 30-year “normal” period as defined by the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO), using projections by the Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research, referred to as HADCM3. Details of the preparation of the data and down-scaling are presented in Hoanh et al (2003). 24.3 Temperature The mean temperature in the MRB will increase from 24.3oC in 1961-90 to 25.3oC during 2010-2039 in both scenarios A2 and B2; 28.3oC and 27.2oC during 2070-2099 in A2 and B2 respectively. Trends of changes in mean temperature from 1961-90 to 2010-39 and 207099 in the MRB under scenarios A2 and B2 are shown in Figure 24.2. Although the trend of mean temperature in A2 is higher than B2, variation in B2 is larger. Figure 24.2: Variations and trend of mean monthly temperature of the MRB under scenarios A2 and B2 Mean temperature (0c) (A2) 35 30 25 20 15 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001 2011 2021 2031 2041 2051 2061 2071 2081 2091 2041 2051 2061 2071 2081 2091 Year 35 Mean temperature (0c) (B2) 30 25 20 15 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001 2011 2021 2031 Year Although variations in maximum and minimum temperatures are slightly different in these two scenarios, the common trend is an increase of about 5oC from 196190 to the end of 21st century. In many months during 2070-2099, maximum monthly temperature will be over 40oC and minimum temperature will be over 25oC, and the number of these months is higher in A2 than in B2. 192 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings During 2010-2039 in scenario A2, mean temperature in every sub-basin will increase about 3.7% to 4% compared with the baseline 1961-1990. The same increase is found during 2010-2039 in scenario B2. During 2070-2099, the increments in mean temperature in scenario A2 by sub-basin vary from 14.0% (Delta) to 21.8% (Nam Ou) compared with the baseline 1961-1990. However, in this period, the increments in mean temperature in scenario B2 are lower, from 10.0% (Delta) to 15.7% (Nam Ou). In summary the results indicated that the mean temperature in the whole MRB will increase from the current 24.3oC to 25.3oC during 2010-2039, rising to between 27.2 to 28.3 oC by 2099. In addition the variation in temperature (as indicated by minimum and maximum temperatures) will also increase. 24.4 Precipitation Change of mean precipitation from 1961-90 to 2010-39 and 2070-99 in Mekong River sub-basins under scenarios A2 and B2 show an overall increase in all sub-basins, change in precipitation varies from one sub-basin to another (Figure 24.3). Compared with the baseline 1961-90, during 201039, mean precipitation in different sub-basins varies from about -6% to +6% in both scenarios A2 and B2. However, for the MRB as a whole, mean precipitation during 2010-39 only varies by +0.2% and -0.2% in scenarios A2 and B2. During 2070-99, mean precipitation in different sub-basins varies from about –12% to +32% in both scenarios A2 and B2. The positive variations occur in 9 sub-basins with higher percentage compared to negative variations in four sub-basins. These variations lead to an increase of 9.8 and 9.4 % in the MRB as a whole in scenarios A2 and B2, respectively. Figure 24.3: Variations and trend of monthly precipitation of the MRB under scenarios A2 and B2 Precipitation (mm/month) (A2) 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001 2011 2021 2031 2041 2051 2061 2071 2081 2091 2041 2051 2061 2071 2081 2091 Year Precipitation (mm/month) (B2) 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001 2011 2021 2031 Year The mean precipitation shows an overall increase however the change in precipitation varies from one subbasin to another. Compared with the baseline of 196190 the mean precipitation in different sub-basins varies by about ± 6% during 2010-2039. However, for the MRB as a whole, mean precipitation only varies by ±0.2% for the same period. By the end of the century (2070-2099) mean precipitation in different sub-basins are expected to vary from about –12% to +32% from the baseline. An increase is expected in 9 sub-basins with higher percentage compared to a reduction in 4 sub-basins. These variations lead to an overall increase between 9-10 % in the basin as a whole. Regarding other factors affecting water resources, there is increase in wind speed (increasing evapotranspiration) . Climate Change and Consequent Impacts in the Mekong River Basin 193 and a decrease as relative humidity. In all cases, the amplitude of variation in A2 is higher than in B2. 24.5 Climate and water resources In order to see the resultant impact of climate changes described above, the results were put through a hydrological model (SLURP– Semi-distributed Land Use-based Runoff Processes) developed by the International Water Management Institute (Kite 2000). The SLURP Model is outline in Annex 24.2. The resultant changes in water flows and inundation were assessed. The results indicate that the impacts on water resources were as follows. The trend and monthly variations in stream flow of the sub-basin around Kratie (in Cambodia) due to climate change are shown in Figure 24.4. Although the general trend shows only slight increases, higher extremes are expected in the future. Maximum monthly flows in some sub-basins increased in 2010-39 compared with 1961-90 period (e.g. 10-14% around Kratie). In 2070-99 the increments are even higher (e.g., 35-41% around Kratie). The monthly average flow is almost unchanged in 2010-39, but increased in 2070-99 with a lower level than the maximum (17% around Kratie). On the other hand, minimum monthly flow will decrease slightly in 2010-39 (e.g. 7-15% the Delta), but significantly in 2070-99 (26-29% in the Delta). In this scenario, maximum daily flow also increased significantly in both Mekong 3 and Delta in 2070-99, about 30% in A2 and 15% in B2. Figure 24.4: Trend and variation of stream flow in sub-basin Mekong 3 under A2 and B2 Monthly Q - A2 - Mekong 3 Q (m 3/s) 70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001 2011 2021 2031 2041 2051 2061 2071 2081 2091 2051 2061 2071 2081 2091 Month Monthly Q - B2 - Mekong 3 Q (m 3/s) 70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001 2011 2021 2031 2041 Month This would result in more frequent extreme events (floods and low flows) although there is great change to the overall annual flow. The main current water issues in the MRB may be accelerated through climate change (WUP 2001): 194 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings (i) Water shortages in Thailand: the level of irrigation development of the north-east Thailand region, as well as in neighboring, agriculturally important Chao Phraya Basin in Thailand has resulted in a lack of water during the dry season. (ii) Salinity intrusion in delta: the extent of the intrusion of saline water into the Mekong Delta depends on the magnitude of the dryseason flows from upstream and the level of abstractions for irrigation. (iii) Floods: the flood in 2000 was the highest flood in over 40 years, with significant loss of life and high damages of crops and infrastructure in Cambodia and Viet Nam. 24.6 Conclusions In summary the predictions are that the overall water balance will not change drastically over the next 30 year, however the timing and distribution of precipitation will change leading to longer dry seasons and shorter more intense wet seasons. This will have a direct impact on agriculture and flooding, however it is uncertain if the changes are significant enough to impact the ecology and composition of upper watersheds. By the end of the century, the temperature will have risen significantly (by 3-4oC) and precipitation increased by up to 10%, which in turn potentially will have a significant impact on the Mekong River water regime and consequent changes in the biophysical environment. The main change in water resources is predicted to be more frequent extreme hydrological events, such as floods and low flows, which result in significant impacts on people living in the floodplains. Hoanh C.T., H. Guttman, P. Droogers and J. Aerts. (2004). Will We Produce Sufficient Food under Climate Change? Mekong Basin (South East Asia), Chapter 8 in Aerts J. and P. Droogers (eds.) Climate Change in Contrasting River basins – Adaptation Strategies for Water, Food and Environment. CABI, Oxfordshire, 264 p. IMC. (1988). Perspectives for Mekong Development. Revised Indicative Plan (1987) for the Development of Land, Water and Related resources of the Lower Mekong basin. Committee report, Interim Committee for Coordination of Investigations of the Lower Mekong Basin, Bangkok. IPCC. (2001). Climate Change 2001 – Synthesis report. An assessment of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Watson (ed.) Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. IPCC 2003 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Data Distribution Centre. http://ipcc-ddc.cru.uea.ac.uk/dkrz/ dkrz_index.html Kite G. (2000). Developing a Hydrological Model for the Mekong Basin. Impacts of basin development on fisheries productivity. Working Paper 2. International Water Management Institute (IWMI), Colombo, Sri Lanka. WUP. (2001). Review of historic water resources development and water use. Working Paper No. 2 prepared by Halcrow Group Ltd. In association with WRCS, Water Studies Pty, Finnish Environment Institute, EIA Centre of Finland Ltd, Team Consulting Engineers Co. Ltd, CamConsult Ltd, Laos Consulting Services and Water Resources University of Hanoi. Mekong River Commission, Phnom Penh. The Mekong River Commission (MRC) is currently re-analyzing the impacts of the climate change predictions on the water resources using a more detailed modeling program (MRC-DSF) to better ascertain the impact predicted for 2010-2040 and 2070-2100. References Carter, T.R., M. Hulme and M. Lal. (1999). Guidelines on the use of Scenario data for climate impact and adaptation assessment. Version 1. December 1999. Task Group on Scenarios for Climate Impact Assessment, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Hoanh C.T., H. Guttman, P. Droogers and J. Aerts. (2003). ADAPT – Water, Climate, Food and Environment under Climate Change – Mekong Basin in Southeast Asia. Final Report. International Water Management Institute (IWMI), Mekong River Commission Secretariat (MRCS), Institute of Environmental Studies (IVM). . Climate Change and Consequent Impacts in the Mekong River Basin 195 Annex 24.1: Emission scenarios population growth, and less concern for rapid economic development. Based on Carter et al (1999) the storylines are briefly described as: A1: A future world of very rapid economic growth, low population growth and rapid introduction of new and more efficient technology. Major underlying themes are economic and cultural convergence and capacity building, with a substantial reduction in regional differences in per capita income. In this world, people pursue personal wealth rather than environmental quality. A2: A differentiated world. The underlying theme is that of strengthening regional cultural identities, with an emphasis on family values and local traditions, high B1: A convergent world with rapid change in economic structures, “dematerialization” and introduction of clean technologies. The emphasis is on global solutions to environmental and social sustainability, including concerted efforts for rapid technology development, dematerialization of the economy, and improving equity. B2: A world in which the emphasis is on local solutions to economic, social, and environmental sustainability. It is a heterogeneous world with less rapid, and more diverse technological change but a strong emphasis on community initiative and social innovation to find local, rather than global solutions. Annex 24.2: SLURP model details Table 24.1: Sub-basins and land covers in the MRB (used for SLURP model) Land covers as % of sub-basin area No. Sub-basin Area (km2) 1 Mun 60,912 2 Chi 3 Chi-Mun 4 Urban Agriculture Semidesert Shrub- Deciduous Evergreen forest forest land Tundra Mixed forest Water 0.3 0.5 0 0.1 92.2 0 5.1 0.8 1 55,985 0 75.9 0.1 16.2 2.3 1.8 2 1.7 0 4,175 0 71.7 0 13.6 6.4 0.1 0.1 8.1 0 Lancang 225,562 0 2.4 31.2 16 9.4 16.9 22.3 0.3 1.5 5 Nam Ou 30,708 0 0.3 0 1.6 8.1 61 29 0 0 6 Nam Ngum 8,886 0 5.4 0 7.7 20.6 30.1 32.4 3.8 0 7 Mekong 1 156,509 0 17.3 0.1 24.3 15.4 26 15.6 1.3 0 8 Mekong 2 20,558 0 29.7 0 20 17.2 19.7 9.8 3.6 0 9 Sekong 28,601 0 12.1 0.1 16.6 12.3 52.9 5.7 0.3 0 10 Srepok 48,318 0 10.6 0 25.9 10 34.3 18.5 0.7 0 11 Mekong 3 27,701 0 27.1 0.1 26.7 9.1 24.2 9 3.8 0 12 Tonle sap 86,594 0.2 44.7 0 22.6 7.3 13.3 8.2 3.7 0 0.5 78.8 0 10.8 0.8 4.8 0.4 3.9 0 0.1 28.6 8.9 17.7 9.1 19.8 13.9 1.5 0.4 13 Delta 40,492 Total 795,000 196 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings Figure 24.5: Sub-basins and stream network in the SLURP model for MRB (Kite, 2000) Figure 24.6: Land use in the Mekong River basin - SLURP model (Kite, 2000) Urban Agriculture Semi-desert Lancang Shrubland Dec. Forest Nam Ou Mixed Forest Water Tundra Con. Forest Mekong1 Nam Ngum Mekong2 Chi-Mun Chi Se Kong Mun Sre Pok Tonle Sap Mekong3 Delta Grid North Meters 500,000.00 . Climate Change and Consequent Impacts in the Mekong River Basin 197 25. Addressing Vulnerability to Climate Variability and Climate Change: An Integrated Modeling System Satya Priya, Murthy Bachu, Annes Hassankunju, and Sridhar Gummadi Summary India’s vulnerability to current climate variability and climate change is well established. Nearly two-thirds of India’s population live in rural areas and are highly dependent on climate-sensitive sectors, such as rain-fed agriculture, forestry, and fisheries, which are already vulnerable to current climatic variability, particularly floods and droughts. The objective of the study is to review the impacts on water resources and agriculture using the projected HadRM3, third-generation Hadley center regional level climate changes for two SRES emission scenarios (A2 and B2). Water resources assessment was carried out using Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). An impact assessment on groundnut, jowar, sunflower, and rice were done through the Erosion Productivity Impact Calculator (EPIC) Model. Study estimated an increase in runoff in the order of 10–15% with more extremities in A2 compared to B2. All monsoon crops show decreased yields under A2, whereas B2 seemed to be relatively better (except rice) than A2. The decrease in yield for groundnut was found to be significant but moderate for other rain-fed crops. 25.1 Introduction Changing climate is expected to increase both evaporation and precipitation in most areas of the world. In those areas where evaporation increases more than precipitation, soil will become drier, reservoir water levels will drop, and rivers will carry less water. Lower river flows and lower lake reservoir levels could impair navigation, hydroelectric power generation, and water quality, and reduce the supplies of water available for agricultural, residential, and industrial uses. Some areas may experience both increased flooding during monsoon, as well as lower supplies during summer. More generally, the tendency for rainfall to be more concentrated in large storms, as temperatures rise would tend 198 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings to increase river flooding, without increasing the amount of water available. For more than a decade now, India has been facing climatic implications in one or other form due to global warming and sea level rise which in turn has resulted into (Shukla et al 2003): (i) an increase in the severity of droughts and the intensity of floods in various parts of the country; (ii) a general reduction in the quantity of available runoff, particularly in areas that are already experiencing acute water scarce conditions; (iii) an increased risk of food insecurity, affecting production on small and marginal farms; and (iv) a worsening of some of the existing coastal zone problems, e.g., erosion, flooding, and degradation of coastal ecosystems. Therefore, the objective of this particular study is to assess: “How climate is projected to change at the regional level and what are the projected impacts on water resources and agriculture? Which regions and community groups are most vulnerable to climate changes in water resources and agriculture sectors, and which adaptation strategies are needed to cope with the projected changes?” It is particularly aimed at answering the question on the subject through development of an integrated modeling system. 25.2 Study area and data used The study was conducted in Pennar Basin in Andhra Pradesh State in India. Pennar Basin extends over an area of 55,213 km2, which is nearly 1.7% of total geographical area of the country. The basin lies in the states of Andhra Pradesh (48,276 km2) and Karnataka (6,937 km2). Pennar River rises from the Chenna Kesava hills of the Nandi ranges of Karnataka and flows for about 597 km before outfalling into Bay of Bengal. Topography of the area is generally flat, having mostly slopes of less than 6.5%. The basin is divided into 58 sub-basins covering four districts namely Kurnool, Ananthpur, Cuddapah, and Chittor. Study area is located between, 77.10 –80.15oE and 13.3–15.8oN. Location map of study area, block studies, and delineated sub-basins are shown in Figure 25.1a. Drainage features of the basin are shown in Figure 25.1b. Climate is predominately semi-arid to arid. In general, there are four seasons in this region. Hot weather (from March to May), Southwest monsoon (from June to September), Northeast monsoon (from October to December) and winter (from December to February). Summers are hot but after the rain begins in the middle of June, there is a decline in the temperature. Lowest temperatures are recorded in December. In April and May, on individual days temperature may go up to more than 40oC. However, annual mean maximum temperature varies between 30–37oC and mean minimum temperature vary between 21–25oC. Weather data viz., maximum temperature, minimum temperature, solar radiation, relative humidity and wind speed for four IMD stations have been used in the study. Station Names are Kurnool, Anantapur, Cuddapah, and Chittor in which the study area lies. IRS LISS IV 23.5 m resolution images are used in developing the land use and land cover grid. Land use land cover map of Pennar basin is shown in Figure 25.1c. The area is covered with different soils. These soils include the red soils (locally known as “Chalkas”) and black soils. The red soils are mostly the Alfisols, Inceptisols and Entisols formed from granite and gneisses. National Bureau of Soil Survey & Land Use Planning map of 1:250 k has been used for the study. Soil distribution map of Pennar basin is shown in Figure 25.1d. 25.3 Integrated modeling system (IMS) An integrated modeling system (IMS) has been developed to establish functional links between the water and agriculture resources representing a core part of the livelihood. Under this study the water and main cereal crop productivity is assessed with an emphasis on water management to clarify its vulnerability to climate change. The assessment includes following components: (i) Baseline climatology and meteorology, (ii) Third generation Regional Climate Model (HadRM3) derived projected climate scenarios, (iii) Hydrological modeling using SWAT including irrigation water and agricultural crop modeling using EPIC modeling. SWAT, which stands for Soil and Watershed Assessment Tool (Arnold et al 2003), was developed to predict the impact of land management practices on large, complex river basins or watersheds. EPIC (Erosion Productivity Impact Calculator)—a biophysical crop growth model is used to simulate agricultural crop yields. (Sharpley, and Williams 1990). IMS has been implemented for a basin in India. Two-component architecture, streamlined procedures were adopted to ensure that common data Figure 25.1: Study area (a) Location (b) Drainage (d) Soil (c) Land use Addressing Vulnerability to Climate Variability and Climate Change: An Integrated Modeling System . 199 can be transferred to SWAT and EPIC; however, it does not alleviate the burden of processing the large number of individual input files. The “embedded” architecture is virtually impractical in this case. The design of the integration system includes an add-on external user interface and a shared internal database to couple the two systems. Supporting hydrologic and agro-metrological modeling is the primary function of this system; thus the design accommodate the requirements of the SWAT and EPIC modeling linkages through IMS architecture as shown in Figure 25.2. (and other constituents) will change in the future is needed. A range of emissions scenarios has been developed in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report on Emission Scenarios (SRES) and reflects a wide range of the main demographic, technological and economic driving forces of future emissions (Nakicenovic et al, 2000). Four ‘Marker’ scenarios, namely A1, A2, B1 and B2, have been identified each of which describes a different world evolving through the 21st century and each of which may lead to quite different greenhouse gas emission trajectories. Figure 25.2: Integrated modeling system – architecture The A2 scenario describes a very heterogeneous world. The underlying theme is self-reliance and preservation of local identities. Fertility patterns across regions converge very slowly, which results in continuously increasing global population. Economic development is primarily regionally oriented and per capita economic growth and technological change are more fragmented and slower than in other scenarios. The B2 scenario describes a world in which the emphasis is on local solutions to economic, social, and environmental sustainability. It is a world with continuously increasing global population at a rate lower than A2, intermediate levels of economic development, and less rapid and more diverse technological change than in the B1 and A1 scenarios. 25.6 Hydrological modeling 25.4 Climate Model – HadRM3 Datasets The third-generation Hadley Centre RCM (HadRM3) is based on the latest GCM, HadCM3. It has a horizontal resolution of 50 km with 19 levels in the atmosphere (from the surface to 30 km in the stratosphere) and four levels in the soil. In addition to a comprehensive representation of the physical processes in the atmosphere and land surface, it also includes the sulphur cycle. This enables it to estimate the concentration of sulphate aerosol particles produced from SO2 emissions. These have a cooling effect as they scatter back sunlight and also produce brighter clouds by allowing smaller water droplets to form. 25.5 IPCC SRES emission scenarios To predict future climate change, a projection of how anthropogenic emissions of the greenhouse gases 200 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings Hydrological Modeling aims at studying the impact in water resources due to climate change projections. It tries to answer the questions, how does it is going to affect the water resources, its distribution both spatially and temporally? River runoff is one of the main characteristics describing available water resources. One of the aims of this study is to estimate the climate change impact on river runoff in Pennar basin, India. A distributed hydrological water balance model viz., SWAT 2000 (Arnold et al 2003), has been used to quantify the impact of the climate change on the water resources and is capable of performing continuous, long-term simulations for watersheds composed of various sub basins with different soils, land uses, crops, topography, weather, etc. The basic model components simulated by SWAT2000 include weather, surface runoff, return flow, percolation, ET, transmission losses, pond and reservoir storage, crop growth and irrigation, groundwater flow, reach routing, nutrient and pesticide loading and water transfer. SWAT2000 requires daily precipitation, maximum/minimum air temperature, solar radiation, average daily wind speed, and relative humidity. This information can come from observed data or it may be generated from the weather generator database. The precipitation may be homogenous for the entire watershed; however, spatial variability may lead to unique climate conditions for the various sub basins in the model. temperature in A2 and 2oC in B2. The warming trend is almost uniform across the Blocks with a range of 2.9 to 3.3oC in A2 and 2.0 to 2.3oC in B2 as shown in Table 25.1. Annual cycle of rainfall shows increase except in January and July, whereas temperature shows warming in all months. The kharif season depends entirely on the southwest monsoon receiving over 70% of the annual aggregate rainfall during monsoon months of June to September. Kharif is characterized by a gradual fall in temperature, more numerous cloudy days, low light intensity, a gradual shortening of photoperiod, high relative humidity and cyclonic weather. 25.8.2 Water resources assessment 25.7 EPIC - Agro-met model EPIC model is selected on the basis that it provided a more coherent modeling environment and there was relevant experience available to the team in the application of EPIC in relevant parts of India (Priya & Ryosuke 1998 & 2001). It simulates the effects of management decisions on soil, water, nutrient, and pesticide movements, and their combined impact on soil loss, water quality and crop yields for areas with homogeneous soils and management. Some of the important components of EPIC are: weather generator (WxGEN); hydrology, erosion and sedimentation, nutrient cycling; crop growth; tillage; economics; and plant environment control. 25.8 Results and discussions 25.8.1 HadRM3 findings for Pennar The change in rainfall is in the range of 10 to 28% in A2 and 1 to 8% in B2 in the Pennar region. The region will experience about 3oC raise in the annual maximum SWAT simulation consist of an initial calibration and then followed by a second phase in which the impact of Climate change were assessed. SWAT model runs are performed basically for two sets of rainfall data viz., 1. IMD rainfall and 2. Block rainfall data. IMD runs made use of the data for 4 stations where as block level data made use of 120 stations of rainfall data. Rainfall data for the period 1985 – 95 has been used for IMD runs. Block level runs made use of the rainfall for the period 1988 to 2002. Other data sets viz., Soil, temperature and weather data remains same in both the runs. Flow data sets used for calibration include, Upper Pennar Reservoir – 1971-2000, Tadipatri – 1974-98, Pennar Anicut – 1983-91, Somasila Reservoir – 1979-93. Simulated annual and observed runoff at Tadipatri and daily flow Pennar Anicut are shown in Figure 25.3. Results showed a good match between simulated and observed runoff. It was observed that runoff in the basin is in the range of 5 – 8% coincides with the results of UNDP report on Andhra Pradesh Rural Livelihoods program water audit (2003). Table 25.1: Projected climate changes in Pennar region Scenarios Period Change in Max temp (C) Highest Lowest Mean Change in Min temp (C) Highest Lowest Mean % Change in Rainfall Highest Lowest Mean A2 Vs Baseline Kharif 3.5 3.0 3.1 3.4 3.1 3.2 20.8 -4.5 8.1 B2 Vs Baseline Kharif 2.5 2.1 2.3 2.6 2.3 2.4 3.9 -12.0 -5.7 A2 Vs Baseline Annual 3.3 2.9 3.1 3.7 3.4 3.6 28.2 9.8 21.3 B2 Vs Baseline Annual 2.3 2.0 2.2 2.7 2.5 2.6 7.7 1.0 4.1 Addressing Vulnerability to Climate Variability and Climate Change: An Integrated Modeling System . 201 Figure 25.3: Comparison of observed and simulated runoffs at two gauge stations Annual Rainfall - Runoff at Tadipatri on Pennar River July 1989 Daily Flow at Pennar anicut 1000 IMD Precip 900 5000 Block Precip 800 4500 700 Sim Block Runoff 600 Obs Runoff Flow (cumecs) Precip/Runoff (mm) Sim IMD Runoff 500 400 300 Simulated Observed 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 200 500 100 0 0 1989 1990 06/01/89 1991 06/21/89 07/11/89 07/31/89 08/20/89 Date Year (a) Tadipatri (b) Pennar Anicut 25.8.3 Impacts of climate change on water resources Evapotranspiration losses are high. It varied from 80 to 95%. In the climate change scenario, runoff in percentage of rainfall is about 19% in A2 and 15% in B2. Average annual rainfall is about 660 mm historically; it increased to 709 mm in A2 scenario and 683 mm in B2 scenario. The region will experience about 3oC raise in the annual maximum temperature in A2 and 2oC in B2, respectively. The warming trend is almost uniform across the Blocks with a range of 2.9 to 3.3oC in A2 and 2.0 to 2.3oC in B2. Annual cycle of rainfall shows increase except in January and July, whereas temperature shows warming in all months. There is an about 8% increase in rainfall in A2 and about 4% increase in rainfall in B2 scenario. It is observed that the runoff in the basin is varied from 4–11%. It may be due to intensive water abstraction in the form of numerous tanks in the basin. In the climate change scenario, study estimated that the mean annual flow in the river system would be increased by 8% in A2 and 4% in B2. Evapotranspiration losses were decreased by about 10% in A2 and 12% in B2. The flows showed high inter-annual variability, which in turn reduce the river flow in dry years significantly, which would have serious effects on irrigation supply. An average rainfall increase of 4-8% caused a 10–15% increase in river flows. This may be due to an estimated wet condition in the climate change scenario. In A2 scenario, there is about 20% chance that the rainfall Figure 25.4: Monthly rainfall and runoffs under climate change scenarios Average monthly rainfall predicted for Climate Change scenarios Average monthly runoff predicted for Climate Change scenarios 90 180 160 A2 Rainfall 80 A2 Runoff B2 Rainfall Rainfall 120 70 Block Rainfall 100 80 60 IMD Runoff 50 Block Runoff 40 60 30 40 20 20 10 0 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Month (a) Monthly rainfall 202 B2 Runoff IMD Rainfall Runoff 140 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Month Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec (b) Monthly runoff . BCI International Symposium Proceedings exceeds by 1 σ and 4% exceeds by 2 σ. Similarly number of instances in which rainfall is below 1 σ is 14% and 2 σ is 4%. The corresponding numbers in B2 scenario are 18%, 6%, 14% and 2% respectively. These values indicate that the extremities in runoff will relatively high in A2 than B2. Changes in rainfall are amplified in runoff, with a bigger amplification in catchments with low runoff coefficients. The climate change scenario predicted an increase in rainfalls in May, September and October months and decrease in rainfall in June-July as shown in Figure 25.4. Also, spatial distribution of rainfall, and evapotranspiration are shown in Figure 25.5 a and b respectively. Figure 25.5: Spatial distribution of average annual evapotranspiration in climate change (a) Rainfall distribution (b) Evapotranspiration Addressing Vulnerability to Climate Variability and Climate Change: An Integrated Modeling System . 203 25.8.4 Crop yield assessment The area is characterized by two growing season. The main growing season starting in June lasting until September (Kharif). The main source of water for crop production is the Southwest monsoon. The second growing season starts in December and last until April (Rabi). The main crop grown during this period is rice. The four crops – rice, groundnut, sunflower, and jowar (sorghum) – selected for analysis in this study had already been included in EPIC, but needed to be modified to reflect AP conditions. The model was run for all four crops for Kharif season only where except Rice remaining three crops are rain-fed crops. Rice being an irrigated crop simulation is carried out based on the prevailing conditions in the field. About 47 parameters related to crop phenology, its environment and crop growth in a stressed environment are used in EPIC. Parameter values for the selected crops and the management practices associated with them are based on previous modeling exercises with EPIC and on advice from experts at the ANGR Agricultural University, Hyderabad. Validation at districts are carried out using block level simulated outputs for the years 1989 through 1996 and the annual reported yields for the selected four crops viz., rice, jowar, groundnut and sunflower. The validation was done using Kharif simulated crop yield for the Kharif season, which were compared with annual (Kharif + Rabi) reported yields, which were the only data available. Validations at districts are carried out using block level simulated crop yields for the above-mentioned period and were compared using annual reported yields. Validation charts for Groundnut crop (Chittor and Kurnool) and for Rice crop (Cuddapah and Anantapur) are shown in Figure 25.6. 25.8.5 Climate change impact on crop yields Using HadRM3 data for Pennar basin, A2 and B2 scenarios were perturbed in observed climatic history at regional scale. EPIC model is applied to run the model to assess the impact of climate change at that scale. The results obtained showed in general crop yields were declining in both A2 and B2 scenarios. Figure 25.6: Crop Validation Cuddapah - Rice K u r n o o l- - Groundnut G r oundn ut Kurnool 1.6 1.6 3.5 KHARIF DIST SIM AV KHARIF DIST SIM AV 1.4 1.4 REPORTED DIST AV REPORTED DIST AV 3 2.5 1 1 Yield (t/ha) Yield (t/ha) 1.2 1.2 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 2 1.5 1 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.2 0.2 0 00 1 9 88 1988 1 9 89 1989 1 9 91 1991 1 9 92 1992 19 93 1993 1989 1992 (a) Groundnut – Kurnool (b) Rice – Cuddapah Anantapur Rice C h i t t o r - - Groundnut G r oundn ut Chittor 1.6 1.6 1996 1994 1993 3 KHARIF DIST SIM AV KHARIF DIST SIM AV REPORTED DIST AV REPORTED DIST AV 1.4 1.4 2.5 2 1 1 Yield (t/ha) Yield (t/ha) 1.2 1.2 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 1.5 1 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.5 00 11989 98 9 1990 1 990 1992 1 9 92 11993 99 3 11994 994 11996 9 96 0 1989 (c) Groundnut – Chittor 204 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 (d) Rice – Anantapur . BCI International Symposium Proceedings 1996 1997 Figure 25.7: Impact on Crop yield under climate change scenarios 0.0 % Change in Yields -5.0 -10.0 -15.0 Climate Change and Mr. Bilal H Rahill, Lead Environmental Specialist, to strengthen this study by providing technical advice, analysis, support and guidance throughout this study. Authors also want to thank the South Asia Environment and Social Unit World Bank Headquarters, Washington DC who financed this study. Baseline 2.89 t\ha Baseline 1.06 t\ha -20.0 Baseline Baseline 1.17 t\ha 0.90 t\ha -25.0 A2 -30.0 B2 -35.0 Rice Jowar Gnut Sunf We would like to recognize the insights provided by Dr. Rup Kumar Kolii, IITM Pune and Dr. D. Raji Reddy, Senior Scientist, ANGR Agricultural University, Hyderabad through their work and experience in HadRM3 data supply and analysis Crops Under regional perturbed climate change (CC) scenarios (includes both A2 and B2), groundnut showed maximum deviation and proved to be detrimental, where decrease in yield appears to be 30% in case of A2 and 13% in case of B2 SRES scenarios. Jowar crop showed moderate decrease in the range of 13 to 10% whereas sunflower with 15% for both A2 and B2 scenarios respectively. Rice being an irrigated crop showed minimum impact with decrease in yield by 8% and 2% for A2 and B2 scenarios. Pennar falls under semi-arid and arid climatic region in the country with predominant drought conditions. Decrease in yields are mainly due to the further increase in temperature under CC scenarios, as has also been observed in experiments. Results obtained showed that B2 results are less detrimental than A2. This is due to A2 being warmer compared to B2. In general B2 scenario, temperatures are a bit lower when compared with A2 (i.e., 2.5 against 3.5oC and 2.3 against 3.3oC for A2 and B2 scenarios both for kharif season and annual average respectively). Overall in Pennar region climate change impact on yields is the combined effect of increased temperature, increased rainfall and increased CO2. All monsoon crops show decreased yields under A2, whereas B2 seemed to be less detrimental (except rice) than A2. The decrease in crop productivity is significant for groundnut but moderate for other rain-fed crops. Decrease in yields is mainly due to the further increase in temperature under CC scenarios, as has also been observed in experiments. References Arnold JG, Williams JR, Srinivasan R, King KW, (2003), Soil and Water Assessment Tool, USDA-ARS, Temple Tx. IPCC, 2001: Climate Change 2001: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability - Contribution of Working Group II to the IPCC Third Assessment Report. Satya Priya, R Shibasaki (2001) National spatial crop yield simulation using GIS-based crop production model. Ecological Modelling, 135 (2001) 112-129. Satya Priya Shibasaki, Ryosuke and Shiro Ochi (1998) Modelling Spatial Crop Production: A GIS approach, Proceedings of the 19th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, 16-20 Nov, 1998 held at Manila. pp A-9-1 to A-9-6. Sharpley, A. N., and J. R. Williams (Eds.), (1990): EPICErosion/productivity Impact Calculator: 1. 1. Model Documentation, U. S. Department of Agriculture Technical Bulletin No. 1768, 93-124. Shukla PR, Subodh K Sharma, RH Ravindranath, Amit Garg and Sumana Bhattacharya, (2003), Climate change and India Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation, University Press, India. Acknowledgments Authors would like to thank The World Bank Washington office stakeholder namely Dr. Ian Noble, Lead Addressing Vulnerability to Climate Variability and Climate Change: An Integrated Modeling System . 205 206 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings PANEL 4: Sustainable Financing and Biodiversity Corridors . 207 208 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings 26. Nature-based Tourism as a Funding Mechanism for Protected Areas and Biodiversity Conservation: Plans and Opportunities in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic Dr. Paul Rogers Summary This paper assesses justifications, options and opportunities for tourism activity to fund protected area and biodiversity conservation management programs in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS). The paper is divided into three sections. Section 1 examines the scale and trends in tourism activity in the GMS. It briefly describes the opportunities and constraints of this ongoing development and summarizes the implications for protected area managers. Section 2 describes the different forms of funding mechanisms that can be used to channel funds from tourism activity to conservation objectives, and considerations that are likely to influence different choices and priorities for implementation. The third and final section describes the approach being adopted in the Lao PDR to develop ecotourism activity in and around its protected area network – and so enable ecotourism to strengthen and help fund protected area management. 26.1 Tourism and the GMS At the global level the travel and tourism industry is frequently quoted to be the largest and fastest growing industry in the world. After peaking at just over 700 million arrivals in 2002, due to the impact of SARS, terrorist activities and the Iraq War, total arrivals fell back to 694 million with gross receipts in the vicinity of US$514 billion. Figures prepared by the UN World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) indicate that global tourism volumes and receipts recovered strongly in 2004 to reach well beyond the 700 million, demonstrating the industry’s resilience against internal and external shocks. At the regional level, after Europe, the AsiaPacific is the second-most visited region in the world accounting for 119.1 million arrivals (17.16 % of total world international tourism), US$88.6 billion in receipts, and has been the fastest growing tourism region in the world over the last decade. Focusing on the GMS, in 2004 the subregion received 17.8 million international visitor arrivals or around 14% of total international arrivals to the AsiaPacific region and an estimated 2.5% of total global arrivals. In November 2002, in its “Mekong Tourism Development Project” document for Cambodia, Lao PDR and Viet Nam, the ADB described the GMS as “the fastest growing tourism destination in the world”. UNWTO trends over the last ten years however, suggest the subregion’s rate of growth over the last decade was slightly slower than that of the Asia-Pacific region (7% compared to around 8% per annum). In 2004 the industry generated around 12 billion in gross receipts for the GMS, contributed between 0.5 and 9% of total GDP and sustained some 3.5 million jobs. It is therefore reasonable to conclude that tourism is a key and expanding component of the GMS economy – and its future significance in the region is highly likely to further expand. It is important to note that although the figures quoted above appear extremely large and somewhat difficult to comprehend, the industry is also very much local in its character and has, in many locations, the ability to induce rapid economic, social and environmental change. The extent to which these changes are likely to be positive or negative, or even occur at all, will depend upon a series of variables. The most important among these are access to sites and physical security (freedom from harm). Others include the type and quality of the primary and secondary resources1 and, for example, the extent of any planning, management and marketing that may have been undertaken. In the context of the GMS, for example, the ADB’s recently completed tourism strategy for the region concludes that: • “while the subregion has great product and market potential, the current pattern of tourism is characterized as high in volume, moderate to high in growth, relatively low in yield – at least for the less developed countries, and benefits poorly distributed. Although some improvements 1 Primary resources refers to the natural or cultural features that serve as the basis of the tourism product, while secondary resources refers to the roads, airports, hotels, restaurants etc. that make tourism activity possible. Nature-based Tourism as a Funding Mechanism for Protected Areas and Biodiversity Conservation: Plans and Opportunities in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic . 209 • • • • • • • • • • in the equitable sharing of the benefits of tourism development are likely, the current inequitable pattern of tourism will probably persist unless greater efforts are made at the subregional level to bring about a more desirable outcome on the above indicators. The main causes of this relatively inequitable and undesirable pattern of tourism are: insufficient subregional product development and quality limitations; destination image and product marketing limitations; access and other support infrastructure needs and deficiencies into and within the subregion; human resource and related institutional capacity limitations; weak capacities in the management of natural and cultural areas and sites of importance to tourism; insufficient attention to managing the adverse social consequences of tourism; the relative imbalance of tourism benefits between the GMS countries relative to their tourism resources; the high concentration of tourism flows within a few destination points in the GMS; weak mobilization of the private sector in tourism marketing at the national and subregional level; and continuing barriers to the movement of tourists across borders in the subregion.” In other words, while tourism to GMS countries can be expected to expand and diversify on an impressive scale – a lack of access, mobility and human resource capacity are key restraints to destination development and the maximizing of any positive benefits that can reasonably be expected to occur, especially with regard to forms of tourism activity that are pro-poor and/or support biodiversity conservation objectives. Focusing upon nature-based tourism and ecotourism, research confirms that a growing number of tourists are interested to visit natural and cultural resources. In the recent past, ecotourism has regularly been quoted in the academic literature to be the fastest growing sector of the overall tourism industry. The extent to which this may be true depends very much on definitions of ecotourism and ecotourists. According to many critics nature-based tourism refers to forms of 210 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings tourism activity that are simply based in and around natural resources. Whereas ecotourism activity demonstrates a clear and direct commitment to conservation and development, which may for example be expressed in the form of partnerships between tour operators, protected area managers and local people. From another perspective it can be seen that the private sector often uses the term ecotourism as a green marketing label to sell their products, often when there is little conservation value in the tours or products being sold. This issue makes estimates as to the size and financial turnover of the nature-based tourism or ecotourism market to be almost meaningless. Nevertheless, solid research on this controversial topic suggests that ‘true’ ecotourists are likely to be female, well-educated, over 35 years of age (some reports suggest 50 years plus), have high spending patterns and originate from western markets, especially Europe and North America. While this may provide a general picture of the average ecotourist, it is clear from many in-depth studies that nature-based and ecotourism are expanding markets. Moreover the internet revolution is playing a large role in fuelling this growth as travelers seek out specialist experiences on-line. An IFC report “A Review of International Markets, Business, Finance and Technical Assistance Models for Ecolodges in Developing Countries” (Epler Wood International 2003) is one such report that provides a quality and in-depth analysis of the global ecotourism market. 26.2 Funding mechanisms Protected area managers that seek to raise funds from tourism activity have a series of options and choices. The suitability of different mechanisms for any particular area will depend upon a number of factors including the: (i) structure and management of the protected area body (whether public or private or combination of the two, the level and type of community and/or NGO involvement); (ii) overall objectives of the protected area; (iii) scale and type(s) of tourism activity being promoted; (iv) physical location of the tourism activity and access points to these locations; and (v) nature of the commercial or private sector interests in the products being promoted. As will become clear from the explanation and discussion of the options provided below, some forms of tourism activity clearly lend themselves better than others to the different funding mechanisms. It is also worth noting that to maximize the contribution of tourism towards protected area and biodiversity conservation objectives, much more needs to be considered than simply the different funding mechanisms alone. Due to its income generation potential, for example, tourism can be used as a vehicle to gain much needed local community support and advocacy for protected areas. Promoting and encouraging research tourists may also be a useful component of a protected area strategy to help provide much needed data and information on flora and fauna. Funding mechanisms should be seen as one component of a broader strategy to develop and promote tourism in and around protected areas. Similarly, tourism should not be seen as a panacea to solve all funding needs for a protected area. Rarely is tourism able to provide the lion’s share of protected area management costs, and should therefore been viewed as one of a series of complementary sources of finance. The options given below draw heavily on exerts from the WWF publication “Pay Per Nature View: understanding tourism revenues for effective management plans” (Font et al 2004), which contains a wealth of information on this topic and is highly recommended as a first reference point for anyone developing tourism funding mechanisms for protected areas. 26.2.1 Entry fees Setting an appropriate park entry fee—one that covers the protected area capital costs and operating costs, and ideally even the indirect costs of ecological damage—is one of the best and most used ways for management agencies to capture a share of the economic value of tourism in protected areas. Although a very popular mechanism, few protected areas generate substantial revenues from this source, and generally the charges do not reflect the service and product offered by the protected area. There may be a reluctance to charge the full cost of running the park for various reasons: low visitor numbers; the protected areas may traditionally be funded by the government; a collection and accounting mechanism may be difficult and expensive to set up; or, there may be a fear of resistance from users. Studies have shown that visitors are willing to pay more if they know their money will be used to enhance their experience or conserve the special area they are visiting, and that visitors are often willing to pay higher entrance fees than those currently charged, particularly for parks with a high level of demand. Entry fees are often literally collected at the point of entry to the park, with a set amount per car or per individual. Where tour operators are involved this can be added to the tour package price in advance. In some cases ‘point of entry’ collection may be difficult because of the size of the park or if there are multiple entry points. In such cases, it will be easier and more effective to levy user-fees at the point of activity, for example with car-parking or camping grounds. The entrance fee may include an immediate tangible return in the form of a map and/or information on the protected area. Where roads pass directly through a protected area there may be opportunities to charge vehicle users modest entry (transportation access) fees. Establishing a policy on entry fees should begin by defining the purposes of the fee program. Pricing policies should be set at national level. In some countries, it may be decided that each park should then use these policies to set their own prices, while in other countries centralized governmental control may be necessary to provide an overview of relative pricing between parks at national level or so that, for example, it would be possible to implement a visitors’ pass system for access to several parks. Many protected areas have begun with a single level of admission fee and gradually developed a differential or tiered pricing system. More sophisticated pricing policies allow parks to charge visitors according to a number of factors including the time of year, the level of service provided and the income or place of origin of the visitor. The Nam Ha National Protected Area in Lao PDR has an example of revenue generation through entrance fees. Every tour group that enters the Nam Ha protected area, whether trekking or river rafting, pays a US$1 per day/per person entrance fee. If 5,000 tourists go on an overnight tour into the Nam Ha Protected area each year, Nature-based Tourism as a Funding Mechanism for Protected Areas and Biodiversity Conservation: Plans and Opportunities in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic . 211 this equals US$10,000 in revenue generation. Countries like Costa Rica and Ecuador raise millions of dollars per year in entry fee revenues. In the GMS, entry fees typically are US$2-6 per day. In Thailand, foreigners pay 200 Baht and locals pay 20 Baht to enter national parks. 26.2.2 User fees As noted, in some cases it may be difficult to collect ‘entry fees’ due to geographical factors or because it is more appropriate to levy management and conservation contributions from users of facilities within the protected area. User fees may therefore be charged for using facilities such as car-parks, campsites, visitor centers, mountain huts, or canopy walkways, or for carrying out activities in the park such as fishing, hiking or mountain climbing, sailing, or hunting. Two of the most lucrative forms of user fees are for scuba diving and trophy hunting. The important thing here is presentation, in other words the charges should be presented in such a way as to make the tourist happy to pay. 26.2.3 Concessions and leases Leasing of tourism resources, products or services to the private sector is an important area for protected area financing. Traditional attitudes to the private sector have encompassed a range of approaches including trying to keep them out or ignoring them, licensing or restricting them, competing with them, and forming partnerships with them. In a climate of shrinking funds for conserving protected areas, however, coupled with increased awareness of the value of managed market forces, the approach is now tending very much towards cooperation, and governments increasingly recognize the value of providing an enabling environment for the private sector operation in protected areas. The term “concessions” may be used to cover a range of permits, leases, and licenses. Common features are that all allow private companies or individuals to run commercial operations while generating financial benefits for the protected area. Activities may include tour guiding, establishing a bird-hide, trekking or diving operations, accommodation provision, restaurants, souvenir shops, sport fishing or hunting trips, horse-trekking, hire of kayaks or mountain bikes and the hire or sale of other 212 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings sports and recreational equipment. A concession or lease may consist of a set fee over an agreed length of time (either annually or in advance), or the amount may relate to the income of the concessionaire, or the fee may include elements of both. In many cases, there may be an overlap between the operation of concessions and user fees: for instance trophy hunters may book a tour through a private operator but pay a per capita trophy fee to the protected area. Concessions or licenses can be granted to private companies, community groups, or NGOs or other not-for-profit enterprises, and can offer a way of ensuring that communities living in and around the protected area are able to receive economic benefits. Concessions take the form of detailed agreements that clearly state the roles and responsibilities of the signing parties. They may also contain a community or environmental element (such as employment of local people) and an environmental impact analysis. The principal rationale for the system is that private operators bring tourism expertise to the protected area. The private sector is generally better able to adapt to changing markets and product innovations than the public sector, and as long as the licensee is successful, it is likely that the protected area will receive an ongoing source of revenue. Another advantage is that the system is more acceptable to tourists as they are generally not aware of paying a fee for the use of the park, since it is part of the product price. In Nepal’s Chitwan National Park, the Tiger Tops jungle lodge leases land from the park. In 2003 they paid US$75,000 for the land-lease agreement and were one of seven concessions that raised US$1.9 million for the Park. Licenses and permits can be sold through auctions. Auctions work best when administrative structures are efficient and honest, access to protected areas can be controlled, visitor numbers are restricted, and revenue considerations rank high among pricing objectives. It is essential for the park authority to retain ultimate control over the concessionaire’s operations to assure that resources are not over-exploited or damaged, and that conservation is not neglected in favor of profit-making. Also, although concessions can be a very useful revenue-generating tool, all profit made by the concessionaire is in fact income lost by the park agency itself. The negative aspects of concessions concern the success of the business venture. If it is not successful then less revenue will be generated for the park. The concessionaire may ignore contractual requirements, constructing more facilities than permitted or expanding the scope of their business. Employees may be poorly trained or lack conservation awareness, or the business culture of the operator may compromise conservation approaches. 26.2.4 Direct operation of commercial activities An alternative to the system of private concessions is for protected areas management bodies to generate income through operating services themselves. This may include services such as accommodation, guiding, equipment hire, or sales of merchandise. With the increasing sophistication of the tourism industry and, in some countries, increased ease of finding skilled personnel and an awareness of the contribution tourism can make to protected area revenues, protected areas might choose to become involved in such commercial activities in their own right in order to maximize park revenue. This can be done either directly or indirectly through a state-owned company. A suitable format might also be some kind of public-private sector partnership such as a joint venture with a private company or with local communities. This kind of arrangement can help to stem the ‘siphoning-off’ of funds through over-allocation of private concessions, and in the case of local communities could help them with marketing and capacity-building. Another area, which can provide income, is when parks are used as the set for filming, and a fee is paid. Books written by parks personnel can provide another source of income in the royalties generated, although this is never likely to be large. 26.2.5 Taxes Taxes take many forms including: a national tax levied on all visitors to the country; users of a particular service or product; a local tax levied on users of a protected area; or, surcharges on the use of equipment. The levies raised are then used for conservation. The advantages of using the tax system include the ability to generate funds nationally (or regionally) and on a long-term basis; the burden of payment can be targeted towards users of protected areas; the freedom to use funds to suit a variety of needs, as accountability is to the public at large and not to a specific donor; the possibility of using such funds as a “matched” component of funding from international donors, who are increasingly requiring evidence of national commitment as a prerequisite for support; and, ease of collection, since there is usually no need to set up a new collection system. There are also disadvantages to taxation. One is that it can be seen as less fair than collecting fees directly from protected areas users, as all visitors to the country/region are taxed for services/resources they might not use. Other difficulties may arise in winning political support for new taxes and setting them aside for conservation, particularly in countries where conservation is a low priority. 26.2.6 Volunteers and donations Some protected areas have a policy of involving volunteers in their work, either through providing guiding and interpretation services, fund-raising or through staffing key services such as entry booths. This generally works best in industrialized countries where a pool of relatively wealthy people with considerable disposable time exists. A further way of generating funds for protected areas through tourism is via donations by tourists who have been to the area or have some interest in it, and by private companies keen to demonstrate corporate social responsibility credentials. In areas where there is a high conservation interest (such as tiger habitats, for example,) this can be a useful way of transferring funds from richer Northern communities concerned about conservation of the world’s natural resources to poorer Southern communities who lack the finances to conserve these resources themselves. There are various ways of operating these schemes, including through trust funds and ‘Friends of...’ organizations. An additional conservation benefit of such groups is that subscribers can be encouraged to lobby against specific threats to the conservation of the area they are interested in. Tourism companies can also be persuaded to set aside small portions of their profits or make donations per visit or booking to clearly specified activities that support conservation or humanitarian objectives. Nature-based Tourism as a Funding Mechanism for Protected Areas and Biodiversity Conservation: Plans and Opportunities in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic . 213 Companies may also encourage their clients to make donations to specific causes or projects they may visit as part of a guided tour, a joint effort can be made, for example, on the part of the tour company and the conservation agency to point out work programs, their objectives and funding requirements and then leave it up to the tourists to decide if they should like to make a donation. Donation boxes, signboards, visitor centers and food and retail outlets can be designed to encourage such philanthropic giving. 26.2.7 Research fees Some protected areas, especially those rich in exotic species, may be of interest to national and international universities and research institutions as field study sites. Where such opportunities exist measures can be taken to ensure such groups pay for their interest. In addition to what they pay for locally sourced food, transportation and research counterparts, it might also be possible to sell research permits or rent specialist accommodation or research station facilities inside the protected area. These stations might be owned by the protected area or developed in partnership with a local institution (national university) or NGO. In terms of the research itself it is important to establish guidelines on ownership of intellectual material and research results generated. 26.3 Ecotourism in the Lao PDR The Lao PDR opened its borders to international tourists in 1990 and currently is enjoying strong interest and growth as an up and coming tourist destination. This section of the paper examines the opportunities and constraints for developing tourism in and around its protected areas, and initiatives underway to promote this particular sector. As the discussion makes clear, Lao PDR has little experience of tourism funding mechanisms to support protected area management. A summary of this limited experience and plans currently being developed for the near future are described below. A key option for the future, concessions and lease agreements, is also discussed. As already mentioned programs to develop tourism funding mechanisms for protected area management should be one component of a wider strategy. Tourism activity can support a number of interrelated objectives that serve to strengthen and promote 214 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings conservation efforts, and it is this wider rational and effort currently being adopted in the Lao PDR that is described below. 26.3.1 Background The Lao PDR has developed a forward looking and regionally unique National Ecotourism Strategy and Action Plan that aims to promote forms of ecotourism activity that actively and directly support the management of biodiversity conservation in and around protected areas. Formulated in 2004/5 as an extension of the National Biodiversity Strategy, the Ecotourism strategy’s strong focus of approach is of interest to other GMS nations, especially the less-economically developed countries with rapidly expanding tourism economies (Cambodia, Viet Nam, Myanmar and Yunnan Province, PRC). The GMS countries recognize that the future success of its burgeoning tourism industry depends upon measures to conserve the region’s outstanding natural and cultural heritage. Tourism is one of the Lao PDR’s four priority development sectors. With less than fifteen years experience in the industry, tourist arrivals to Lao PDR increased from 14,400 in 1990 to almost 900,000 in 2004 – the average annual growth over this period exceeds 27%. In 2005 1.1 million arrivals generated over $146 million in foreign exchange earnings, cementing the industry’s position as the country’s most lucrative economic sector. Looking to the future, by 2013 Lao PDR hopes to attract over 1 million overnight tourists and around 2 million day visitors per annum (it is estimated that approximately 50% of the current arrivals are short-stay visitors from Thailand and Viet Nam). If these targets can be achieved, tourism earnings can be expected to increase to around US$500 million per annum. Around 70% of arrivals are interested in nature and culture-based tourism – this high level of interest suggests a significant proportion of this income could directly benefit provincial economies. Recognizing the importance of the tourism sector and its significance in helping to achieve the Millennium Development Goals, the National Growth and Poverty Eradication Strategy (NGPES) states that tourism growth should be achieved through the promotion of pro-poor community-based tourism and ecotourism. To oversee the implementation of the Lao National Ecotourism Strategy, the Lao National Tourism Administration (LNTA), in partnership with the Division of Forest Resource Conservation (DFRC) and the Science Technology and Environment Agency (STEA), have formed an Ecotourism Technical Cooperation Group (ETCG). The priority work programs of the ETCG seek to strengthen: (i) ecotourism funding mechanisms for biodiversity conservation; (ii) the regulatory environment for ecotourism activity in and around protected areas; (iii) stakeholder coordination and collaboration at the centre and local levels; (iv) community participation in ecotourism and protected area management; and (v) regional cooperation and collaboration in ecotourism planning, management and promotion. 26.3.2 Rational and objectives of the ETCG Lao PDR, home to the richest, most intact ecosystems in the GMS, embraces four eco-regions from the global 200, namely the: Greater Annamites; Indochina Dry Forests; Northern Indochina Sub-tropical Moist Forest; and, Mekong River. The economic, environmental and social value of these ecosystems is strongly acknowledged in planning documents across the GMS. Also recognized is the importance of these resources to the rural poor. Next to Bangladesh, Lao PDR has the lowest human development index on the Asian continent. Agriculture and fisheries serve as the main economic activity for over 85% of the Lao population; hunting for food continues as an activity of central importance to the livelihoods of the rural poor. In 1993 Lao PDR designated its NPA network to conserve key habitats and ecosystems, which is composed of 20 protected areas covering approximately 14% of the total land area. Responsibility for the management of this network rests with the DFRC (of the Department of Forests under the Ministry of Agriculture and Forests) and their counterparts from Provincial Agriculture and Forestry Offices (PAFO). Despite its protected area network being one of the best designed in the world, the country faces a series of pressing management problems that severely restrict the conservation potential of these areas. Focusing on the strengths of the Lao protected area network, a 2001 review noted: (i) the sound legal and scientific basis upon which the network has been established; (ii) the World Conservation Union (IUCN) recommends that nations set aside 10% of their land as biodiversity conservation areas – Laos has exceeded this commitment and is one of only a small number of Asian countries to make such a ‘progressive and farsighted’ commitment; (iii) the recent and comprehensive profile of Lao wildlife species serves as an ‘excellent information base’ for biodiversity planning and management; (iv) the commitment of the government to an inclusive and cooperative approach to protected area planning that involves local stakeholders; and (v) that management projects have been started in most NPAs which has established a good foundation for their future management. Against these strengths, however, these areas are faced with a series of serious and pressing management problems. There is also growing pressure to assist the people that reside in and around both national and provincial protected areas, to reduce their dependency upon natural resources and develop alternative livelihood strategies and sources of income that support the primary objective of these special areas – conservation. The above 2001 review and the 2003 Lao PDR Biodiversity Country Report acknowledge the following challenges for protected area management and biodiversity conservation: (i) a lack of dialogue, coordination and support between government agencies at the center level and their counterparts at the provincial level; (ii) a lack of dialogue and coordination between government agencies (centre and provincial) with shared responsibilities for conservation issues; (iii) a lack of authority and capacity among protected area staff at the provincial level; (iv) a lack of funds for conservation programs; Nature-based Tourism as a Funding Mechanism for Protected Areas and Biodiversity Conservation: Plans and Opportunities in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic . 215 (v) insufficient regulations and specific guidelines that allow for the interpretation and enforcement of conservation acts and decrees; (vi) a lack of local community and wider public awareness of conservation issues; (vii) a lack of data and knowledge on what constitutes sustainable resource use; and (viii) the hunting of wild animals and unsustainable harvesting of NTFPs for sale in the national and regional marketplace. Despite past attempts to strengthen biodiversity conservation, wildlife throughout Lao PDR is declining. The Wildlife Conservation Society estimates that if current trends continue, 53% of turtle species (8/15), 38% of mammal species larger than a squirrel (28/74) and 15% of bird species larger than a pigeon (20/136) face local extirpation. The loss of these species will not only have a global impact on overall biodiversity, but will also have negative impacts on local forest ecology and sustainable subsistence lifestyles. The main reason for these declines is direct human use, not habitat conversion. While forest-cover remains relatively high (47%), the forests are being emptied of wildlife and valuable nontimber forest products. Human use takes two forms; a) unsustainable local hunting/extraction for consumption or to protect crops and livestock; and b) illegal hunting by outsiders for trade in oriental medicines, meat, pets and trophies. The work of the ETCG is therefore focused upon a series of actions at both the centre and local levels that seek to progressively address each of the above threats. These include: (i) encourage dialogue and cooperation at the national, provincial and local levels; (ii) build the capacity and status of protected area managers; (iii) develop and -promote ecotourism funding mechanisms for protected area management; (iv) review legal and regulatory mechanisms to promote ecotourism activity in and around protected areas; (v) raise local awareness of the relationship between ecotourism activity and good conservation practice; (vi) provide alternative sources of income and improve local livelihoods through the 216 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings development and promotion of ecotourism activity; and (vii) conservation advocacy at the national and local levels and increased vigilance against illegal hunting and harvesting practices. With development pressures and the hand-tomouth needs of local communities placing increased demands on natural resources, there is widespread and growing stakeholder support at the local and national levels, to develop and promote ecotourism activity as a livelihood alternative. This support stems from highly successful pilot projects and a growing body of international evidence that support the view that carefully planned ecotourism: (i) is a non-consumptive labor intensive activity, (ii) generates local employment and incomes, (iii) strengthens the management of biodiversity conservation, and (iv) increases the national profile and economic value of protected areas. At the local level it is of note to stress that communities have traditionally viewed protected area management approaches as being restrictive and threatening to incomes. Yet evidence from the NZAID funded UNESCO / LNTA Nam Ha Ecotourism Project suggests communities view ecotourism as a viable alternative income that is consistent with protected area management objectives – interestingly, this is the first practical opportunity these communities have had to understand what is meant by conservation through development. In line with these challenges and prospects, the work of the ETCG aims to build on local, national and international interest (from the public and private sectors and the growing number of tourist arrivals) to strengthen national and provincial capacity to develop ecotourism policies and practices that can be tested nationally and, where there is interest, promote and apply them regionally. As such, the central objective of the ETCG is to develop and promote ecotourism management practices that provide clear and measurable benefits to biodiversity conservation and poverty alleviation. Formed in May 2005 by a government decree, the ETCG reports to government line agencies (LNTA, MAF, STEA) and the National Tourism Management Committee (NTMC) a high-level cross-sector committee chaired by the Deputy Prime Minister. The ETCG is composed of technicians from: (i) the Lao National Tourism Administration (3 people); (ii) the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry / Division of Forest Resource Conservation (2 people); (iii) the Science Technology and Environment Agency (1 person); (iv) 4 protected area heads (from the Nam Ha, Phou Khao Khouay, Phou Hin Poun, and Xe Pian NPAs); (v) the protected area Provincial Tourism Office counterparts (from Luang Namtha, Borikhamxay, Khammouane and Champassak provinces); and (vi) advisors from NGOs (SNV, Wildlife Conservation Society, WWF, IUCN etc. as appropriate). The protected areas represented on the ETCG are being used as “test-beds” and models of best practice for developing ecotourism in and around all protected areas. These four protected areas have been selected due to their high tourism potential, the value of their biodiversity and the experience of the management staff. Specific roles and responsibilities of the ETCG are to: (i) develop policy recommendations to submit to their line agencies and the NTMC for developing ecotourism in and around the national and provincial protected area network; (ii) design ecotourism management systems for implementation in all national and provincial protected areas; (iii) develop participatory ecotourism strategies and management plans for the target NPAs; (iv) liaise and work with donor and development agencies engaged in activities embraced in actions set out in the National Ecotourism Strategy; (v) advise protected area and PTO offices on the creation of multi-stakeholder committees to plan and develop ecotourism activity at the site level; and (vi) disseminate work findings and operational practices to other protected areas. 26.3.3 Expected outcomes and outputs of the ETCG There are three key expected outcomes of the ETCG: (i) Protected area programs are benefiting from increased annual budgets and more financial sustainability. (ii) As a result of a clearer understanding of ecotourism policy and regulatory mechanisms among regional, national and local stakeholders, communities living in and around protected areas are more actively involved in the planning and management of protected areas – especially with regard to ecotourism. (iii) A strong policy and institutional framework for ecotourism is addressing the needs for poverty alleviation, income generation, and, biodiversity and cultural conservation. Eight outputs to be implemented over the next five years will help achieve the outcomes. Output 1: The implementation of financial mechanisms to help ensure tourism activity in and around NPAs supports the primary purpose of these areas – biodiversity conservation Lao PDR is currently experimenting with small scale ecotourism projects including the NZAID funded UNESCO / LNTA Nam Ha Ecotourism Project, SNV supported initiatives in Dong Phu Vieng and Phu Xan He protected areas and the work programs of the ADB supported Mekong Tourism Development Project. The Nam Ha project in particular has achieved certain notoriety across the region and served to convince government agencies and other stakeholders that ecotourism can help raise awareness and support for the management of NPAs. Each of the projects has also helped raise the level of tourist and entrepreneurial interest in the ecotourism sector. Significantly, the Nam ha project has received an UNDP award for its contribution towards poverty alleviation. Despite these positive achievements, however, their direct financial contribution to biodiversity conservation is negligible. In Nature-based Tourism as a Funding Mechanism for Protected Areas and Biodiversity Conservation: Plans and Opportunities in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic . 217 the case of Nam Ha in 2005, for example, the entry fee for trekking in the protected area dropped from $1 per person per day to $1 per visit – the annual sum received from these fees arguably fails to cover the increased management costs of this activity. Similarly, entry fees for vehicles into Phou Khao Khouay protected area, just one hours drive from Vientiane, are around 25 cents per vehicle which fails to cover, for example, costs associated with providing and managing car parking and camping facilities, toilets, and visitor centers. The DFRC and LNTA appreciate the value and potential of entry fees, and are keen to set in place practices that are common to all protected areas. The ETCG has developed a work plan to raise the entry fees to $2 per tourist per day for the three target protected areas, while the figure for Phou Khao Khouay will be set at $4 per entry. These fees will be applied to all international visitors over the age of 16 years regardless of their purpose of entry2 . Visitor price sensitivity will be tested, and recommendations developed to develop and expand the fees nationally. Other options for additional funding mechanisms are also being explored and will be implemented as appropriate (initial discussions suggest fees for transport and parking, research, concessions and leasing land for retail outlets are favored options). In setting out a coherent funding mechanisms strategy, the ETCG recognize that key challenges include upgrading the quality of visitor information and, importantly, existing ecotourism products. There is a high priority to attract investment in new forms of accommodation and associated services that appeal to higher spending more lucrative markets. Program activities to help achieve this output include: (i) stakeholder workshops to identify and prioritize appropriate mechanisms; (ii) quantification of set up and management costs; (iii) quantification of possible incomes from selected mechanisms; (iv) selection of mechanisms; (v) development and application of management systems in selected sites; and 2 Entry fees currently only apply to visitors on trekking trips and misses, for example, day visitors picnicking in Phou Khao Khouay. 218 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings (vi) monitoring of progress and replication in other sites. Output 2: The implementation of data collection systems to measure and analyze visitor use of protected areas Ecotourism activity is currently being developed in nine of Lao PDR’s twenty national protected areas. With access to the wider network improving year by year, planning is underway for activity to be expanded to a further five national protected areas in the near future. Just two of the protected areas currently collect statistics to record the number of visitor entries into these areas (Phou Khao Khouay and Nam Ha). This data is stored at the provincial level – there is currently no system to compile and assess the data at the centre-level. Management systems and processes are needed at the local and national levels to collect and analyze basic data – with a view to collecting more sophisticated (visitor profile) data in future years. Such information is critical in terms of: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) assessing domestic and international visitor use of these areas; assessing seasonal usage patterns; assessing trends in use over time; profiling the types of tourists attracted to these areas; the ongoing management of funding mechanisms; allocating budgets and resources; developing policies, rules, regulations and codes of conduct for ecotourism activity in these areas; and marketing and promoting visitor use of these areas. It is clear from ETCG discussions that, due to low staffing levels at the provincial level, the creation of a reliable data collection system represents a major challenge. Factors such as low numbers of entrees, unclear NPA boundaries and low staffing levels suggest innovative solutions will be required to address this need. Given these issues, careful consideration is required as to the cost effectiveness, process and timing for developing such systems. Program activities to support this output include: (i) develop an “issues report” to address the needs, implications and options for establishing standardized procedures for collecting such data at the local level and compiling and analyzing such data at the centre-level; (ii) discussion of the issues report with DFRC, ETCG and other protected area managers to set out a work-plan; (iii) quantification of the costs of data collection; (iv) refinement of management practices and processes and training of staff in data collection techniques in target protected areas; (v) undertake six month review of working practices and opportunities for replication in other protected areas; and (vi) compile and assess data. Output 3: The design and implementation of legal and regulatory mechanisms to promote and manage ecotourism activity in and around protected areas Visitor usage of Lao protected areas currently encompasses activities such as trekking / walking, boating, picnicking, home-stays, bird watching and sightseeing. In a small number of cases, permission has recently been granted for outside investors to lease land to the private sector to develop lodges and accommodation in and around protected areas. While these and other planned activities offer opportunities to support biodiversity conservation efforts, they also have the potential to impact negatively on the natural and cultural environment of these areas. Center-level legislation clearly recognizes the value of protected areas as tourism resources and states that tourism should be promoted when and where appropriate, yet there is no direct reference to any rules and regulations that set out how such activities should be planned, managed or monitored. At the NPA level some local rules and regulations are starting to emerge in a few key areas – although there is a lack of consistency and enforcement of these practices. In Phou Xang He protected area, for example, a bonus system has been devised to reward former hunters working as tourist guides when they show rare and key wildlife species to tourists, but this has yet to be applied elsewhere. In Xe Pian protected area land was recently leased to an accommodation provider to develop an ecolodge, but there are few if any benefits accredited to the protected area management or local communities in this agreement. A review and assessment of emerging rules, regulations and management practices is required to set out a clear ecotourism policy environment and to develop well-defined legal and regulatory mechanisms pertaining to the sector. Activities to achieve this output include: (i) a review of tourism-related legislation and regulatory mechanisms that relate to protected areas and the environment to identify strengths, weaknesses and gaps in the process; (ii) an assessment of regulatory practices in key countries with a strong profile in this field (South Africa, Nepal, Costa Rica, Australia); (iii) develop an issues report (discussion paper) and stage national and local workshops to determine what policy, legislative and regulatory measures are required at the national and local levels to develop and promote the ecotourism sector; (iv) design amendments to existing legal and regulatory mechanisms; (v) an institutional analysis of organizations concerned with the effective implementation of the new procedures; and (vi) prioritize and undertake capacity building requirements for effective implementation of new regulations. Output 4: Ecotourism strategies and management plans developed for target protected areas While a number of Lao protected areas have various standards of management plans that are under different stages of implementation, no Lao protected areas currently have ecotourism strategies or management plans. Of the four target protected areas three have plans developed in 2000, while Nam Ha protected area management plan is currently in the final stages of approval. Although each of the target protected areas have varying levels of tourism activity, there is a lack of vision and coherent strategic planning to ensure such activity is consistent with, and contributing towards, the primary objective of these areas. To help ensure ecotourism activity makes the greatest possible contribution towards the ongoing and Nature-based Tourism as a Funding Mechanism for Protected Areas and Biodiversity Conservation: Plans and Opportunities in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic . 219 future management of biodiversity, there is a need to set out broad ecotourism strategies and to develop these into ecotourism management plans that can be implemented and monitored over time. There is a need to replicate this practice in each protected area in Lao PDR where ecotourism activity is either planned or underway. Program activities to help achieve this output include: (i) (ii) reviews of ecotourism stakeholders (identities, interests and activities) in and around the target NPAs. working with the target protected areas to: a) assess the current tourism situation, b) determine the desirable ecotourism scenario, c) open dialogue with local and national stakeholders to gather ideas for strategic plan, and d) draft strategy document for feedback, refinement and approval. (iii) working with target protected areas to develop strategies into working management plans, this will involve: a) establishing coordination mechanisms to involve local stakeholders, b) establishing tourism management zones, c) assessment of visitation types and characteristics, d) assessing business opportunities, e) developing physical facilities, f) creating interpretive systems, g) establishing training systems, h) setting up partnerships, and i) developing monitoring and evaluation protocols. Output 5: Increased involvement of local communities in the management of ecotourism activity and biodiversity conservation As noted, contributory factors of weak management of protected areas in Lao PDR include insufficient awareness of conservation issues, low involvement of local communities, over-harvesting of key species and few livelihood alternatives. It is expected the work programs described here will significantly improve the current scenario over time by: 220 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings (i) raising local awareness of protected area management issues and constraints; (ii) forming local ecotourism management committees; (iii) stressing the importance of biodiversity conservation to successful ecotourism development; and (iv) working with local communities to plan and develop alternative livelihood practices in the ecotourism sector. Program activities to help achieve this output include the following: (i) forming district and/or village-based ecotourism management committees; (ii) raising local awareness of tourism opportunities, benefits and constraints; (iii) undertaking a series of participatory ecotourism planning and management activities; (iv) developing and promoting community-based ecotourism products and services in and around NPAs (providing small and medium enterprise training and access to loans); and (v) engaging local communities in monitoring and evaluation exercises to assess the impact of ecotourism on local livelihoods and biodiversity conservation. Output 6: Increased national and international investment in ecotourism activities and accommodation in and around protected areas The UNESCO / LNTA Nam Ha Ecotourism Project has proved itself to be an effective income alternative for local communities in and around this protected area. The extent to which the ecotourism activities have contributed towards biodiversity conservation has yet to be fully assessed. It is well recognized, however, that the products developed are targeted primarily at low-end markets and there is growing interest and potential to develop products and services that are geared towards middle and high-end markets. There are few if any examples of such products and services in or immediately adjacent to the Lao NPAs. Based upon good practice experiences in other countries and one or two good practices in rural areas in Lao PDR, there is growing interest to encourage outside investment in forms of accommodation that provide direct and measurable benefits to local communities and the protected area management bodies. Output 7: Tourism and conservation research partnerships with international and national bodies Work programs are therefore underway to further examine and assess the potential to attract outside investment and set in place mechanisms and procedures to develop forms of accommodation that appeal to higher spending tourists. In this regard the dialogue is underway with the tourism program head of the IFC’s Mekong Private Sector Development Facility (MPDF), Epler Wood International and USAID concerning the development of an ecolodges development program for the Lao PDR and wider region. The aim of this initiative is to identify viable business plans for ecolodges and, working closely with local communities and protected area heads, provide local entrepreneurs with the range of mentoring, financial, technical and training support services that are required to establish viable businesses3 . This initiative is also elaborated as one of the strategic projects specified in the ADB’s tourism strategy for the GMS. Program activities to achieve this output include: There is a need and a desire to raise the international profile of the Lao PDR as an ecotourism destination. Critical to successful development, will be rigorous and ongoing evaluation of the impacts, benefits and constraints of this activity on local communities and biodiversity conservation. Although monitoring and evaluation activities are built into the frameworks of many project activities, the costs and demands associated with in-depth cost benefit analysis are often beyond the scope and of national and international staff directly engaged in such initiatives. It is therefore planned to establish a ‘research fund’ to identify international universities interested to partner local bodies and undertake research projects to monitor and evaluate impacts and progress over time. Dialogue with potential research institutions from Europe, Asia and Australia confirm there is very strong interest in this approach – and significant potential to obtain additional ‘matched funding’ and support from other sources. SNV Lao PDR has an agreement with the National University of Laos which centers upon needs to develop tourism teaching materials, build tourism research capacity and develop staff expertise in tourism. (i) identification of sites with strong ecotourism and ‘ecolodge’ potential; (ii) study tours for national and local level stakeholders to understand good practice examples of ecolodges in alternative destinations; (iii) liaison with MPDF, Epler Wood International, USAID and other actors and agencies as appropriate to develop full Ecolodges Development Programme proposal; (iv) liaison with regional actors concerned with tourism promotion (Pacific Asia Travel Association, tourism media etc.) to organize investment workshops and take potential investors to identified sites; and (v) developing mutually beneficial partnership agreements on a case by case basis to link investors with local communities, protected area management bodies and, where appropriate, NGOs and development agencies that can assist with development and promotion activities. 3 This approach is based upon the IFC publication ‘Ecolodges: exploring opportunities for sustainable business’. Copies of ToRs and concept papers being developed with the partners, which can be considered work in progress are available on request. This output will serve three key purposes. Firstly, to develop Lao tourism and biodiversity conservation research capacity. Secondly, to ensure the results of monitoring and evaluation procedures help steer and direct ongoing ETCG planning and management practices and, thirdly, to generate international focus and attention on the products and services being developed. Program activities to achieve this output include: (i) establish a research committee and fund with clear rules and guidelines for use of the funds; (ii) develop dialogue with international universities interested in research opportunities in Lao PDR; (iii) develop research partnership agreements and programs with selected universities; (iv) undertake base-line studies and ongoing monitoring and evaluation assessments; and (v) publish articles in academic journals, specialist interest magazines, newspapers and other media outlets. Nature-based Tourism as a Funding Mechanism for Protected Areas and Biodiversity Conservation: Plans and Opportunities in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic . 221 Output 8: Increased regional dialogue and cooperation on policies and programs to promote forms of ecotourism that provide clear and measurable benefits to biodiversity conservation and poverty alleviation funding mechanisms, laws, rules and regulations etc. It may also be possible to assess options for regional funding proposals or exchange ideas on marketing and promotion (specialist tour packages). The ETCG is keen to support the growing regional interest in natural and cultural heritage tourism and, in particular, efforts to improve the management and promotion of these forms of tourism. A strategy is being developed to report the aim and objectives of the ETCG to a series of regional forums. An active network with interested parties will be created with a view to identifying specific key practices and issues that will form the basis for a regional ecotourism conference to be held in Lao PDR in 2010. The conference will present and discuss examples of good ecotourism practice throughout ASEAN and the future challenges and prospects for forms of nature-based tourism that are pro-poor and focused upon biodiversity conservation. Program activities to help achieve this output: References (i) reporting the aim, objectives and ongoing activities at regional forums; (ii) building linkages and synergy between related projects and programs in the GMS; (iii) networking with government agencies, donor and development agencies, universities and the private sector that are actively engaged in developing ecotourism and biodiversity conservation-related projects, to discuss and formulate ideas for a regional ecotourism conference; (iv) finalizing a program and funding strategy for the conference; (v) identifying partners to cofinance and organize the conference; and (vi) staging an international ecotourism conference in the Lao PDR. 26.4 Concluding comments By way of conclusion to this paper, it is noted that the author and the Lao Ecotourism Technical Cooperation Group are interested to share experiences and lessons on ecotourism and protected areas. This might include, for example: sharing ecotourism strategies and plans for protected areas; exchanging research papers; promoting study tours to sites of good practice; sharing conference or workshop ideas; and/or, exchanging information on 222 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings Asian Development Bank. (2006). GMS Tourism Sector Strategy Study. Epler Wood, International. (2003). A Review of International Markets, Business, Finance and Technical Assistance Models for Ecolodges in Developing Countries. Report for International Finance Commission (IFC)/GEF Small-Med Enterprise Project. Font, X., Cochrane, J. and R. Tapper. (2004). Tourism for Protected Area Financing: Understanding tourism revenues for effective management plans. Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds (UK). Government of Lao PDR. (2005). National Biodiversity Strategy to 2020 and Action Plan to 2010. Lao National Tourism Administration. (2005). Lao National Ecotourism Strategy. (v) 27. Payment for Environmental Services Lessons Learned from a Diagnostic Study in the People’s Republic of China1 Zuo Ting, Jin Leshan, Li Xiaoyun Summary Environmental services from watersheds are becoming scarcer in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) as land is claimed for economic development and water is withdrawn for activities with more market values, e.g., irrigation, power generation, and domestic withdrawal. Payment for environmental services (PES) is becoming a way, among others, to restore, maintain, and/or improve the watershed services by rewarding watershed service providers with tangible economic incentives to protect the watershed. A diagnostic study on PES in the PRC shows some preliminary results: (i) PES is one way, but not the only way, for watershed management. The door should be always open for any possible option for better ecosystem/watershed management; (ii) the PRC government initiated a number of large PES programs to address its concerns on perceived large scale problems with ecosystem/watershed management. The Sloping Land Conversion Program (SLCP), the Natural Forest Protection Program (NFPP), and the Ecological Forest Compensation Fund (EFCF) are three examples of such large public schemes; (iii) Large public schemes predominate in the PRC’s PES. Government is an active and a key player in this area; (iv) Land use patterns are driven by agricultural policy as well as environmental policy - two sector policies which often conflict with each other. The Development Zoning initiative in the 11th Five Year Plan might be a way out of the prolonged conflict; 1 This paper is part of the research supported by IIED Market for Watershed Environmental Service Project. At the local level, various kinds of PES initiatives are found, which are more market or negotiation based. Examples are trade of water rights in Jinhua watershed in Zhejiang province and Supa watershed in Yunnan province, proposed payment by hydro-power plant to upstream communities in Yunnan province, conservation contract in Jiangxi province, and Resettlement Development in Zhejiang province; and PES initiatives vary because they are site-specific. Local socioeconomic and hydro-geological factors have to be considered in setting up any local PES scheme. 27.1 Background Payment for environmental services, usually called Ecological Compensation in the PRC, has become a hot topic in the country in recent years. Several factors have contributed to this. The first and foremost was the great flood in the main river basins in the PRC in 1998. The flood was seen as being the result of deforestation, soil erosion, and environmental degradation in the upper reaches of the river basins. Promptly, several large scale public payment schemes, such as the Sloping Land Conversion Program (SLCP) were launched by the central government. Huge amounts of money were paid by the central government to those who converted their farming land to forest land or those who carried out other types of ecological rehabilitation. Financial constraints or pressures appeared after two or three years of experiments with the large scale public payment schemes, and some of the public schemes were substantially cut in size. But the policy that those who provide the environmental services should be paid, remained. The central government encourages local governments and other social entities to explore PES in their own way. As market oriented reform or transformation proceeds in the PRC, interest in market based solutions to the PES problems increases in society as a whole. 27.2 Diagnostic study on PES Given the PRC is an area for many social experiments, the International Institute for Environment Payment for Environmental Services - Lessons Learned from a Diagnostic Study in the People’s Republic of China . 223 and Development (IIED) included the PRC as one of six countries to conduct a diagnostic study on PES. We have done two policy reviews and five case studies with colleagues from the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)PRC, the Institute of Agricultural Economics (IAE), and the Research Center for Ecological and Environmental Economics (RCEEE). Environmental policies, agricultural policies, and other land use related policies were reviewed. We explored PES initiatives at both the national level and the river basin level. end of 2004, and both the annual payment and the forest land areas doubled with the payment rate unchanged. Some local governments launched their own compensation programs, such as in Guangdong, Zhejiang, and Fujian provinces. Zhejiang compensates 105 yuan/ha, the Guangdong government compensates 120 yuan/ha, and the compensation in Shenzhen municipality could be as high as 360 yuan/ha (Zuo Ting et al 2005). 27.2.2 River basin level 27.2.1 National level At the national level, we examined two big programs dealing with payment for watershed services in the PRC. The central government acts as buyer of the watershed services and the providers are the numerous farmers. Local governments act as brokers. Sloping land conversion program (SLCP) In this program, the central government provides grains and money to farmers who convert their sloping land from crop growing to plant trees. The payment rate is $417/ha/yr for farmers in the Yangtze River Basin, and $290/ha/yr for farmers in the Yellow River Basin. From 1999 (when the program began) to 2005, the central government provided 103 billion yuan (US$12.8 billion) to 30 million households in 25 provinces for converting their 9 million ha of sloping land into forest land and planting trees in 12.6 million ha of barren mountains. The program is carried out mainly in poor Midwest PRC, and 90% of the PRC’s poor people are involved in it (SLCP Office 2006). Compensation for ecological services of forest program In this program, the central government provides money to local forest sectors that plant and take care of forests in the headstream area or around large reservoirs. In total, there are 57 million ha of forests that are not covered by the Natural Forest Protection Program and whose main function is to provide ecological services. The program began on a trial basis in 2001, when the central government funded 1 billion yuan (US$125 million) annually for planting and managing of 13 million ha of forests in 11 provinces. The compensation rate was 75 yuan (US$9.4)/ha/yr of forest by the central government. The program was launched formally at the 224 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings In the river basin level, we explored four smallscale PES initiatives. Three are outlined below. Water trade in the Jinhua River, Zhejiang province, east PRC The city of Dongyang is rich in water and has a reservoir, the Hengjin, in the upper reaches of the Jinhua River. The city of Yiwu is in the lower reach of the Jinhua River and is in severe water deficit. Political endeavor to divert water from Dongyang to Yiwu failed after four rounds of negotiation over the past four decades. On 24 November 2000, the two cities reached a water agreement, in which Yiwu paid Dongyang 200 million yuan (US$25 million) for the permanent right of annually diverting 50 million m3 of water from the Hengjin Reservoir. The water quality was specified as national water standard class I in the deal. In addition, Yiwu will pay Dongyang for the water actually diverted, a price of 0.1 yuan (US$0.0125)/ m3. This additional fee is subject to change according to policies at higher levels (Zhang Lubiao et al 2005). Conservation contract in the Meijiang Watershed, Jiangxi province, east PRC The Meijiang Watershed in southern Jiangxi has long been famous for its heavy soil erosion and for its navel oranges (Gan-nan-qi-cheng). An average household has one ha of orange orchard, too small to resist market forces and risk. The local government tried to help establish larger orange orchards in hilly areas with sparse vegetation. These hilly areas are unfertile with very low productivity and are either left fallow by landholders or extensively used. However these lands have sufficient rainfall, sunshine, cumulative temperature, and unique day-night temperature differences, which are all conditions favorable for navel orange planting. Bearing in mind that these hilly lands are also the main target for soil conservation, the local government combined the two objectives and undertook the role of broker, bringing small pieces of individually held hilly land into a large piece of land for developers to rent and to establish orange orchards. While investors could potentially make big profits in establishing the orchards, they have obligations to conserve the hilly land and prevent soil erosion. In this case, the developer pays for watershed conservation and he/she is paid back by the profit from the development. Typically, there are three contracts involved: (i) A contract on orchard development is signed by a developer and one or more village committee. The village committee is a semigovernment organization and it is responsible for bringing the small and individual pieces of land together. (ii) The village committee signs a contract on land lease with individual households, which specifies the rent and timing etc. The land is usually rented for 30-70 years with a rent of 10-20 yuan/mu/year (US$18-36/ha/year). (iii) In addition, the developer has to apply to the County government for a license to establish the orchard. The government agency will issue him/her such a license if: a) the orchard is large enough (more than 100 mu, i.e. 6.7 ha), b) there is a soil conservation plan, which is subject to inspection by government agencies on a regular basis after it is implemented, and c) there is a certified land lease contract. The practice started in 2003 and about 20,000 mu (1,333 ha) of hilly land was brought together and rented to developers. Another 15,000 mu (1,000 ha) of hilly land was developed in 2004 (Jin Leshan et al 2005). Water deal in the Xiaozhaizi Watershed, Yunnan province, PRC In 2002, two of the Xiaozhaizi Watershed’s four villages — Jinji and Luozhai — signed an agreement in which Jinji agreed to purchase water from Luozhai. The 10.37 km Xiaozhaizi River is located in the eastern portion of Yunnan Province’s Baoshan Municipality, lying between the Lancang-Mekong and Nujiang- Salween Rivers. From its origins in Baicai Village, the river flows through Luozhai Village, then joins the Dong River and finally flows into the Nujiang River. While part of the Xiaozhaizi River originates in Baicai, only about 6% (or 900,000 m2) of the roughly 15.5 million m2 watershed lies in Baicai; the majority of the watershed lies in Luozhai. Jinji Village’s water consumption is relatively high because of its large agricultural sector and growing population. In consideration of both its continued agricultural development and the worsening quality of its drinking water, in 2000, the Jinji Township government began to search for solutions to the village’s (and the township’s by default) longer-term water problems. In 2002, the township government brokered an agreement between Jinji and Luozhai Villages, whereby Jinji would purchase water from Luozhai. Provincial guidelines recommend that water fees in Yunnan should be charged at a rate of 0.04 yuan (US$0.005) per m3. Based on an estimated annual flow of 180,000 m3 of water to Jinji, Jinji would pay Luozhai 7,200 yuan per year in water fees at provincial rates. After a series of negotiations, Jinji’s annual water payments to Luozhai were set at 4,000 yuan (US$500), or at about 0.022 yuan (US$0.00275) per m 3, just over half of suggested provincial water fees. The water purchase agreement involved three stakeholders: (i) Luozhai Village Committee (Supplier); (ii) Jinji Village Committee (Buyer); and (iii) Jinji Township government and the Jinji Water Station (Facilitators). The terms of agreement specified that the Jinji Village Committee would pay the Luozhai Village Committee a one-time fee of 10,000 yuan in August 2002, with a 4,000 yuan user fee to be paid before July 30 of each year. The Jinji Water Station facilitated negotiations for the water purchase. Initially, the head of the Luozhai Village Committee and a number of villagers in Luozhai advocated installing a water meter to measure the volume of water flowing to Jinji Village and basing charges on metered use. Instead, the Jinji Water Station argued that Jinji Village, dominated by rural farmers with a much smaller township population, could not afford the payments and should be charged at a flat rate lower than that stipulated in provincial guidelines (Weyerhaeuser et al 2005). Payment for Environmental Services - Lessons Learned from a Diagnostic Study in the People’s Republic of China . 225 27.3 Lessons learned Some preliminary results appear from the diagnostic study: There are already several large public payment schemes in place. The Chinese government has initiated a number of large PES programs to address its concerns on perceived large scale problems with ecosystem/ watershed management. Sloping Land Conversion Program (SLCP), the Natural Forest Protection Program (NFPP), and the Ecological Forest Compensation Fund (EFCF) are three outstanding examples of such large public schemes. Government predominates in PES. Large public schemes predominate in the PRC’s PES. Government, either central government or local government, is active and a key player in this area. Individuals seldom positively participated in existing PES schemes in the PRC. It is largely a region to region compensation. There are three essential groups of stakeholders in the PRC’s PES schemes: (i) payment provider: central or high-level government, hydro-power plant, water plant, (ii) broker: local government, and (iii) ES provider: local communities, farmers, rural households. In the three interest groups, ES providers are the poor, less educated, marginalized, and most disadvantaged groups in Chinese society. They have lower environmental awareness and they are not often aware of their rights. This group is often taken as a tool by the PES broker in negotiation with payment providers. They often do not take part in the negotiation and do not benefit from the payment. Policy conflict. Land use patterns are driven by agricultural policy as well as environmental policy. The two sector policies often conflict with each other. Agriculture often wins the conflict as a result of widespread concern of national food security especially after the WTO entry. The Development Zoning initiative in the 11th Five Year Plan might be a way out of the prolonged conflict. Site-specific nature of PES initiatives. At the local level, various kinds of PES initiatives are found, 226 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings which are more market or negotiation based. Examples are trade of water rights in Jinhua watershed in Zhejiang province and Supa watershed in Yunnan province, proposed payment by hydro-power plant to upstream communities in Yunnan province, conservation contract in Jiangxi province, and Development in Another Place (Yi-di-kai-fa) in Zhejiang province. The variety implies the site-specific nature of PES. It further implies that local socio-economical and hydro-geological factors have to be considered in setting up any local PES schemes. PES is one possible way, but not the only way, for watershed management. In some contexts, regulatory instruments, voluntary agreements, or even merging could better serve watershed management. References Jin Leshan et al 2005. Development Contract with Terms of Watershed Conservation: A Win-win Opportunity for Development and Environment in the Meijiang Watershed, Ningdu County, Jiangxi Province, China. Project report (contact person: Jin Leshan, jinls@cau.edu.cn) SLCP Office, 2006. CNY103 billion yuan has been invested in the SLCP in the past 7 years. See official website of SLCP Office (in Chinese) http://www.tghl.gov.cn/baodao/ baodao_show.aspx?id=1485 Weyerhaeuser H. et al 2005. Scale Matters: Paying for Watershed Services in the Xiaozhaizi Watershed. Project report (contact person: Horst Weyerhaeuser, H.Weyerhaeuser@cgiar.org) Zhang Lubiao et al 2005. Paying for watersheds services in Jinhua watershed in Zhejiang province, China. Project report (contact person: Zhang Lubiao, lubiao@mail.caas.net.cn, hxzheng@igsnrr.ac.cn) Zuo Ting et al 2005. Moving Toward A Market-Oriented Approach: Case Study of Forest Ecological Compensation Program in Miluo Watershed, Hunan, China. Project report. (Contact person: Zuo Ting, zuoting@cau.edu.cn) 28. Payments for Environmental Services: a Pathway out of Poverty?1 Katherine Warner, Ph.D. Summary Payments for environmental services (PES) programs, especially in developing countries, are in a nascent, experimental phase with a diversity of approaches that reflects geographic and cultural variation, services provided, and preferences of buyers. In most of the these programs, payments for environmental services were used for conservation and only indirectly intended to benefit the poor; however, PES programs are increasingly considered a mechanism for transferring financial resources to the socially and economically vulnerable. The challenge is to develop PES programs that both protect the environment and address poverty alleviation. Many proponents of PES in developing countries are shifting their attention from international markets to programs that focus on national markets that link domestic/regional buyers of water services with watershed providers/sellers as a more promising area in which to introduce PES programs. And it is in watershed programs, especially those providing water related environmental services for hydroelectric/municipal buyers, that can provide opportunities for poverty reduction. 28.1 Payments for environmental services PES are based on a “beneficiary pays” model (Pagiola 2004). Placing an economic (or qualitative) value on the environmental service provided through conservation potentially enables those who are managing the natural resource, the sellers, to receive payments from downstream buyers—those who would otherwise have to pay a higher cost given the negative impacts of unsustainable forest and land conversion in the uplands. It is assumed that the sellers will then have an incentive to continue to protect the watershed and other natural 1 This paper is largely based on the results of a feasibility study, Financial Incentives to Communities for Stewardship of Environmental Resources, that was conducted by Winrock International for the U.S. Agency for International Development [USAID] under an award through the Leader with Associates Cooperative Agreement (number LAG-A-00-99-0003700) with funding provided by the Asia and Near East Bureau. resources in receiving PES. Figure 28.1 illustrates the PES theory, describing the minimum and maximum payment required for a PES scheme to be feasible (based on Pagiola 2004). From an economic standpoint, the payments the sellers receive must be equivalent to the opportunity costs of foregoing alternative land-use practices (minimum payment). In other words, the sellers should not feel any financial loss in foregoing alternative land-use practices. At the same time, buyers must be convinced that their payments for environmental services are cost-effective and less than the costs of unsustainable natural resource management in the uplands (maximum payment). In the case of watersheds, PES programs are ideally most suitable where opportunity costs are low upstream and benefits are high downstream. PES theory and practice has evolved slowly from mostly large-scale conceptualization to greater applicability at the local level. Initially focusing primarily on international buyers and markets, experience in biodiversity conservation and carbon sequestration has not attracted the level of funding as originally anticipated. Many proponents of PES, in turn, have shifted their emphasis to local issues, such as watershed protection, as a response to increased water demands (and growing awareness of the links between upland land uses and the quality and quantity of downstream water resources). 28.2 Status of payments for environmental services The development of environmental service payment programs is rooted in the growing interest in market-based instruments to improve natural resource management. The majority of payments for environmental services—watershed protection, biodiversity conservation [including landscape beauty], carbon sequestration, have evolved during the past decade. 28.3 Biodiversity conservation services Buyers of biodiversity conservation service commodities range from private corporations (the most prevalent), international NGOs and research institutes, donors, governments, to private individuals (the least prevalent) and tend to focus on species-rich habitats or global hotspots in which to invest. Such investment in . Payments for Environmental Services: a Pathway out of Poverty? 227 Figure 28.1: “Beneficiary Pays” model Forest/land Conversion Benefits to land users (sellers) Conservation Conservation with payment for service Minimum Payment Opportunity costs Payment Maximum Payment Costs to downstream populations (buyers) Source: Based on Pagiola 2004. protection and management of forest environmental services, particularly for protected areas, however, appears to be declining (Jenkins, Scherr, and Inbar 2004). It is questionable if such approaches to payments for biodiversity conservation services will be sustained. And PES biodiversity conservation programs have generally not focused on their impact on poverty reduction. However, ecotourism or other related payments for private access to species or habitats have been highly successful. Ecotourism is indeed growing rapidly; tourists show a willingness to pay entrance and other fees, especially where rare or unique fauna/flora or “pristine” areas are found. Where communities are increasingly benefiting from such programs, however, fees are commonly paid as compensation for lost land and income, rather than as a PES directly linked to resource management. 28.4 Carbon sequestration services Given the Kyoto Protocol’s attempt to address global warming, carbon sequestration has also received a great deal of attention at the international level. The Kyoto Protocol created the expectation that developed countries would purchase carbon from developing countries and communities would have the opportunity to participate in carbon trades and receive payments for environmental services. The delay in approval of the Kyoto Protocol and the Conference of Parties’ process of narrowing qualifications for certified emissions reduction units (CERs), however, have significantly 228 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings Box 28.1: Commodities commonly associated with payments for carbon sequestration • Certified emission reductions • Carbon offsets/credits (Landell-Mills and Porras, 2002) hampered development of a market for carbon, 2 and international markets and buyers have been slow to emerge and early projections of large amounts of funding for carbon sequestration in developing countries have yet to be realized. The sellers, especially rural communities, are further disadvantaged by the high transaction costs of carbon projects. 2 Interest in international trade in carbon emerged from the Kyoto Protocol. Of the articles in the Kyoto Protocol, Article 12 defines the “Clean Development Mechanism” (CDM), the mechanism relevant to developing countries. It is a project-based mechanism between Annex 1 (industrial countries that agreed under the UNFCCC to take the lead in reducing greenhouse gas emissions) and non-Annex 1 countries, whereby projects are implemented in the latter countries. The market instrument used is the “certified emissions reduction (CER) unit” derived from CDM projects and issued by the CDM registry. Developing countries can sequester carbon and then trade CER units with developed countries. With the advent of the Marrakech Accord (Conference of Parties [COP] 7), land use and land-use change and forestry (LULUCF) is acknowledged as a vehicle for carbon sequestration, but is limited to reforestation (vegetation introduced onto nonforested land as of December 31, 1989) and afforestation (conversion of land not forested for at least 50 years to forested land). The Marrakech Accord sets a limit of CERs from afforestry and reforestation activities to one percent of base-year emissions for Annex 1 countries—thereby limiting the portion of an Annex 1 country’s emissions allowed to be bought and sold on an international (rather than domestic) carbon trading market (see Scherr, White, and Khare 2004). 28.5 Watershed services Watershed/hydroelectric-based PES do not share many of the inherent constraints of other environmental services, such as carbon sequestration and biodiversity conservation. They do not, for example, require international signed agreements or protocols, because they are mostly domestic or regionally focused. In addition, mechanisms in many countries are often in place to collect a royalty or fee for energy generation. Box 28.2: Commodities commonly associated with watershed protection watershed management contracts • • • • Water quality credits Water rights stream flow reduction licenses Reforestation contracts Protected areas (Landell-Mills and Porras, 2002) Watershed communities are in many instances already providing the environmental services that hydroelectric facilities need and for which they are willing to pay. In many places, watershed communities are utilizing agricultural and forestry practices that effectively reduce the amount of sediment and other pollutants entering waterways, prolonging the productive lifespan of hydroelectric facilities and providing improved water quality and quantity downstream. The challenge is for “buyers” to provide payments that enable natural resource stewards (the “sellers”) to capture the financial benefits from conserving ecosystem; if not, alternative land-use systems that overexploit forest and other natural resource may occur. “Good stewardship needs to be more profitable than bad stewardship” (Jenkins, Scherr, and Inbar 2004). 28.6 Poverty: can benefits be captured by the poor? Currently, payments for environmental services are used for conservation and only indirectly intended to benefit the poor; however, PES programs are increasingly considered a mechanism for transferring financial resources to the socially and economically vulnerable. This growing interest in strengthening the poverty reduction focus reflects the global commitment to Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the preparation of Poverty Reduction Strategies (PRSs) in developing countries. Due to lack of monitoring and data collection, it is unclear, however, what socio-economic impact payments for environmental services are having on poverty alleviation; because poverty alleviation is not the main objective of most PES programs, baseline assessments and performance-based monitoring of social impacts on the poor are not typically considered. The challenge is to develop PES programs that both protect the environment and address poverty alleviation. A number of complex issues, such as tenure and rights, and incorporation of gender and marginalized community members (e.g., where caste systems exist) are critical to consider with any poverty alleviation objective. Most PES programs currently focus on environmental protection and benefit larger, wealthier landowners. Given the inherent links between poverty and dependency on natural resources, designing PES programs where the poor receive compensation for being good stewards of natural resources is essential. PES programs need to ensure that the poor do not lose their rights of land, their ability to harvest products, or provide environmental services, employment, and their control and flexibility over local development options (Scherr, White, and Khare 2003). Participation in PES programs should be voluntary (e.g., not force people to resettle or force farmers to make conservation investments) and do no harm (e.g., damage or deny access to cultural or religious sites or divert water to urban users) (Scherr 2003). Payments for environmental services do not have to be in cash at the household level, but could go to community development funds. Concerns have been raised as to whether community funds for development activities provide sufficient motivation to influence individual behavior. However, there are examples of where community based organizations, such as the community forestry user groups in Nepal, have been successful. 28.7 Lessons learned Lessons learned from current PES programs highlight the importance of such factors as low transaction costs, monitoring, resource rights and tenure, transparency, and equity. There is strong potential for designing and implementing environmental service payment programs that enable stewards of watersheds to receive payments from national/local programs, especially where hydro- . Payments for Environmental Services: a Pathway out of Poverty? 229 electric facilities are involved. A review of current PES programs suggests that watershed-based payment programs are feasible given certain preconditions. Real potential exists for designing and implementing PES programs that enable stewards of watersheds to receive payments from national and local programs, especially those involving hydroelectric facilities. Hydropower plants can provide a steady stream of royalties for as long as the facility is operational, and the lifespan of a hydropower plant (30–50 years) enables a long-term self-sustaining program. Financial resources currently being collected through royalties and fees could be channeled to environmental stewards who continue to adopt appropriate land-use practices for effective watershed management. dependency of utilities on environmental services from watersheds, poverty alleviation becoming a national priority in many countries in the region in response to poverty alleviation strategies, and increasing decentralization of roles and responsibilities from national to local governments. For this to occur, it is necessary to bridge the gap that currently exists between environmental stewards— the sellers of services—and hydroelectric companies and utilities—the buyers of such services. This bridge can be built by identifying the services for which the payments will be made and who is providing the services, and by developing a “transfer mechanism” that clearly links payments to effective watershed management. The potential outcome is a flow of benefits that provides incentives to upland communities and results in costeffective improved and maintained watershed management and, in turn, water for hydroelectric facilities. These projects should be based on the following principles: 28.8 Conclusions and future steps Real opportunities exist to develop PES programs particularly related to hydroelectric production and community based natural resource management. The rising demand for electricity and water, growing recognition of the failure of current watershed management programs, ongoing decentralization, and increasing focus on poverty reduction creates opportunities for the development and implementation of PES programs. Current programs already contain many of the critical elements. What is needed is designated PES programs that work at the national and local levels to reward environmental stewards for providing recognized services. PES projects focusing on linking hydroelectric and utilities to watershed management can build on what is already in occurring in the region: establishment of royalty structures for hydroelectric utilities, growing recognition of the 230 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings To address both poverty and conservation concerns and provide sustainable financing, these projects should be based on the flow of funds from hydroelectric utilities to environmental stewards for maintaining and improving watershed management and explicitly linked to watershed management and monitoring of environmental benefits. (i) Programs should be financially selfsustainable. Although external funds may be necessary for assessment, design, and initial implementation, the program should be costeffective and market based with clearly identified sellers and buyers. (ii) Transaction costs should be minimized. (iii) Flow of funds and information should be transparent. (iv) Smallholders should be targeted as service providers where appropriate. (v) Poverty reduction activities should make special efforts to include women and other disadvantaged groups. (vi) Best management practices should be locally defined and monitored for implementation and environmental benefits. References Conservation Finance Alliance. (2002). Conservation Finance Guide. Available at http://guide.conservationfinance.org/chapter/ index.cf GEF (Global Environment Facility). (1998). Evaluation of Experience with Conservation Trust Funds. Monitoring and Evaluation Team. Washington, D.C. IIED (International Institute for Environment and Development). (2002). Markets for Watershed Protection Services and Improved Livelihoods. Proceedings from meeting, March 12, 2002, Mary Ward House, London. IIED (International Institute for Environment and Development). (2002). Markets for Watershed Protection Services and Improved Livelihoods. Proceedings from meeting, September 24–25, 2002, Regent’s College, London. Jenkins, M., S. J. Scherr, and M. Inbar. (2004). Scaling Up Biodiversity Protection: Potential Role and Challenges of Markets for Biodiversity Services. Forest Trends, Washington D.C. Johnson, N., A. White, and D. Perrot-Maitre. Developing Markets for Water Services from Forests: Issues and Lessons for Innovators. Forest Trends, Washington, D.C. Landell-Mills, N. and I. Porras. (2002). Silver Bullet or Fools’ Gold. A Global Review of Markets for Environmental Services and Their Impact on the Poor. London: International Institute for Environment and Development. Landell-Mills, N., I. Powell, and A. White. (2002). Developing Markets for the Environmental Services of Forests. Forest Trends, Washington D.C. Pagiola, S. (2003). “Economics Overview.” The Importance of Forest Protected Areas to Drinking Water: Running Pure. Edited by Nigel Dudley and Sue Solton. World Bank/WWF Alliance for Forest Conservation and Sustainable Use. Washington, D.C. Pagiola, S. (2004). “Environmental Services Payments in Central America: Putting Theory into Practice.” Presented at the “Environmental Economics for Development Policy,” Training Course World Bank Institute, July 19–30, 2004, Washington D.C. Pagiola, S., A. Arcenas, and G. Platais. (2003). Ensuring that the Poor Benefit from Payments for Environmental Services. Proceedings from “Reconciling Rural Poverty Reduction and Resource Conservation: Identifying Relationships and Remedies,” International Workshop Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. Perrot-Maitre, D. and P. Davis. (2001). Case Studies of Markets and Innovative Financial Mechanisms for Watershed Services from Forests. Forest Trends, Washington D.C. Rosales, R. (2003). Developing Pro-Poor Markets for Environmental Services in the Philippines. London: International Institute for Environment and Development. Scherr, S. J. (2003). “Social Overview.” The Importance of Forest Protected Areas to Drinking Water: Running Pure. Edited by Nigel Dudley and Sue Solton. World Bank/WWF Alliance for Forest Conservation and Sustainable Use. Washington, D.C. Scherr, S. J., A. White, and D. Kaimowitz. (2002). Making Markets Work for Forest Communities. Forest Trends, Washington, D.C., and CIFOR, Bogor, Indonesia. 29. Impact Monitoring for Watershed Management Christoph Feldkötter Summary Orientation towards impact has received growing attention in international development cooperation in recent years, as evidenced for instance by the UN Millennium Declaration. Prompted by these developments, this paper discusses some fundamental design aspects of a broadly applicable operational impact monitoring system for watershed management in the Lower Mekong Basin. The paper examines local and external impacts and gives examples for both categories. It concludes that operational impact monitoring for watershed management should primarily focus on external impact on water flow and quality measured at the outlet point of a watershed, accompanied by monitoring of local impact within the watershed, using methods matched on a case by case basis to the type of development intervention being implemented. While a definitive set of parameters to be operationally monitored can not be identified in this paper, it is obvious that, in order to avoid redundancy, the establishment of an operational impact monitoring system needs to build as much as possible on existing efforts and experiences of national agencies in the Lower Mekong Basin countries. 29.1 Introduction Orientation towards impact, or management for development results, has received growing attention in international development cooperation in recent years, as evidenced for instance by the UN Millennium Declaration [1], the UN Millennium Development Goals [2] and the related Road Map [3], and more recently the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness [4]. Prompted by these developments, this paper discusses some fundamental design aspects of an operational impact monitoring system for watershed management in the Lower Mekong Basin, which could be broadly applied in the Basin’s watersheds. Doing so, it attempts to serve a dual purpose: . Impact Monitoring for Watershed Management 231 • To establish fundamental design elements of a monitoring system to observe the impact of interventions supported by MRC’s Watershed Management Project. • To contribute to creating a replicable model that may be broadly applied in other watersheds as well. It is hoped that the reflections made in this paper may in future help to establish a monitoring system and related toolkit, elements of which local decision makers could ultimately use to evaluate and guide their own watershed management related interventions. 29.2 Rationale for impact monitoring There seems to be considerable ambiguity regarding the definition of impact and its monitoring, and definitions abound. For the purpose of this paper, we will follow the definitions given in [5]: • Impacts are in general terms defined as changes in a situation brought about by an intervention. Only those changes that obviously derive from an intervention can be described as impacts of that intervention. • Impact monitoring is in general terms defined as the collection, evaluation and documentation of information on the impacts of an intervention that is relevant to further steering. In order to determine what this general definition of “impact” would imply with regard to MRC and specifically to its work related to watershed management, a brief look at some of MRC’s fundamental documents seems appropriate. “related resources” is only loosely defined in the 1995 MRC Agreement2 and the related commentary [8]. For the purpose of this document we therefore assume that related resources are natural resources the status or utilization of which3 : • Impact on water flow (quantity and temporal variation) – such as vegetation cover and its human induced change, or • Impact on water quality - such as land development through industrialized agriculture with input of fertilizers or pesticides. This reflects the overall understanding that the status of the watershed (or catchments) has an indirect yet major impact on river health and thus on human welfare depending on it. The use of the term “mutual benefit” in the 1995 MRC Agreement (for instance in Article 1), the doctrines of “sovereign equality and territorial integrity” (see Article 4 of the MRC Agreement and [8]), as well as the principles of subsidiarity and decentralization/deconcentration (see e.g., [9]) further suggest that MRC, being a trans-national organization, would not normally involve itself in domestic issues of its member countries, unless such issues at least potentially created externalities of trans-boundary nature, i.e. had an identified or to-be-expected transboundary impact on water or related resources. These basic assumptions and premises – involvement of MRC only if clearly linked to potential externalities of trans-boundary nature pertaining to water and related resources – lead to a number of consequences for watershed management as supported by the MRC: • Watershed management obviously needs to aim at achieving impact at the local scale – most importantly at improving local rural livelihoods through optimizing the use of water and related resources. However, achieving impact at the local scale would not in itself be sufficient to justify a continued involvement of MRC. Key passages from MRC’s founding document (the 1995 MRC Agreement [6], in particular articles 1, 3, and 7) and related documents (in particular the MRCS mission1 as outlined e.g. in [7]) suggest that whichever activities MRC involves itself in should have a clear link to management of water and related resources. The term 2 Article 1: “...including, but not limited to irrigation, hydro-power, navigation, flood control, fisheries, timber floating, recreation and tourism...” 1 “To promote and coordinate sustainable management and development of water and related resources for the countries’ mutual benefit and the people’s well-being by implementing strategic programs and activities and providing scientific information and policy advice.” 232 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings 3 Note that water related natural resources could also be water bound resources such as fish stocks. Such resources are however not the immediate concern of watershed management as understood in this paper. • Rather, watershed management at the local scale, besides benefiting the local population, would be expected to have a measurable external impact on the flow and/or quality of water leaving the watershed, and thus to plausibly contribute to trans-boundary management of water or related resources, securing or even improving livelihoods downstream. This understanding of the need to achieve external impact is reflected in the working definition of watershed management as used within the context of the Watershed Management Project: “Watershed Management is the process of people guiding and organizing water, land and forest resource use on a watershed in order to provide desired goods and services without adversely affecting water, soil and vegetation resources. Embedded in this concept is the recognition of the ecological interrelationships among land use, soil and water, and the ecological, social and economical linkage between upstream and downstream areas.” (e.g. [10]). Achieving “measurable impact” in this context does not necessarily imply an improvement of the flow and/or quality of water, and does not even mean preservation of their present (undisturbed) state, but could comprise the maintenance of agreed minimum standards while other resources in a watershed are being developed. 29.3 Conclusion: Why monitoring? Impact monitoring is essential to give feedback on the effectiveness of watershed management. It needs to cover the local as well as the external impacts of watershed management. Impact monitoring needs to assess the impact of watershed management related interventions in various fields (governance, institutional development, planning, implementation) on the maintenance of watershed functions, i.e. on the provision of desired goods and services, prominent among which from MRC’s trans-boundary point of view is a sufficient water flow over time with a minimum required quality [10]. 29.4 Impact categories and levels - What can/should be monitored? This section extends the general considerations made in the previous section, attempting to determine the scope of impact monitoring in greater detail by analyzing which potential impacts watershed management can have at different scales. It further analyses which of those impacts can be monitored with generic methods, i.e. methods applicable in every watershed and independently of its individual characteristics, and which require specific monitoring methods devised to match local conditions or types of interventions. In doing so, this section also addresses the question of where (in geographic terms) impact monitoring needs to take place. Our current understanding of watershed management, in line with the principles of sustainable development, differentiates three watershed functions that watershed management is meant to maintain [11]: • Ecological: Provision of sufficient water flow over time with a minimum required quality. Provision of other goods and services: erosion control, soil fertility, biodiversity, clean air, carbon sequestration. • Economic: Provision of sufficient natural resource products: food, fuel wood, timber, water, fish, etc. Provision of hydraulic energy (hydro-power). Creation of income generating opportunities. • Social: Maintenance of social structures. Protection and development of knowledge and lifestyle arrangements. Maintenance and revitalization of cultural identity and values. Recreational opportunities. These three watershed functions determine the broad observation categories within which watershed management may have an impact. Depending on the watershed function considered, watershed management may further have an impact at different scales: • Local: in the watershed itself • External: outside the watershed In line with the definitions of impact and impact monitoring made in the previous section, comprehensive impact monitoring would entail the collection, evaluation and documentation of information on changes in any aspect of any of the above three watershed functions at any of the above two scales brought about by watershed management related interventions. The following table attempts to provide an overview of the plethora of impacts that may potentially occur depending on observation category and level considered: . Impact Monitoring for Watershed Management 233 SCALE Local OBSERVATION CATEGORY Changes in: • Provision of natural resource products/services: food, fuel wood, timber, water, fish, hydro-power, etc. Income generating opportunities • Availability of natural resource products/ services: food, fuel wood, timber, water, fish, hydro-power, etc. • • • • • • • Water quality (sediment, nutrient, etc. load) Water flow (quantity and timing) Air quality Carbon sequestration Erosion control Soil fertility Biodiversity (e.g., distribution and composition of vegetation cover) • • • • Water quality (sediment, nutrient, etc. load) Water flow (quantity and timing) Air quality Carbon sequestration • Health (e.g., occurrence of water borne diseases) Social structure and stability (e.g. conflicts) Recreational opportunities • Health (e.g., occurrence of water borne diseases) Social stability (especially conflicts) Economic • Ecological Social • • Obviously, it will not be possible to operationally monitor all of the above potential impacts in any given watershed. Rather, we will need to identify those impacts that can be monitored broadly with generic methods, i.e. in every watershed and independently of its individual characteristics, versus those which require specific monitoring methods devised to match local conditions or types of interventions. 29.4.1 Local Impact Local impact may occur anywhere within the watershed itself. Its monitoring in detail strongly depends on the measures being implemented, which may greatly differ in focus (agriculture, irrigation, forestry, etc.) and location (uplands, lowlands), and address rather different target groups (individual farmers, forestry enterprises, local industries, etc.). Monitoring local impact in detail, including for instance the design of baseline surveys that may be required to document the status prior to an intervention, is therefore highly specific and situationdependent, and thus requires specific monitoring methods. In this context, monitoring costs are an important consideration that often rule out monitoring of local impact in detail altogether. 234 External . BCI International Symposium Proceedings • Besides monitoring the local impact watershed management has on specific aspects of watershed functions, monitoring of its impact on overall poverty alleviation is of critical importance and needs to be addressed. This could be achieved by using local adaptations of generic poverty or poverty-environment indicators, such as those suggested in recent World Bank [12] or DFID [13] publications. Also, poverty data and indicators compiled by other organizations, which are often readily available, might be suitable. The drawback would likely be that this approach might be too highly aggregated in order to yield sufficiently specific “information on the impacts of an intervention that is relevant to further steering”. It might not allow attributing changes to interventions as required for operational impact monitoring [14], but might rather reflect the impact of external factors, such as changes in macro-economic framework conditions. For the various reasons pointed out above, an in-depth discussion of monitoring local impact is beyond the scope of this paper. However, the issue can and must be taken up on a case by case basis once the focus, location, and target groups of specific watershed management related interventions have been deter- mined. Also, monitoring external impact at the outlet point of a watershed may significantly reduce requirements for monitoring local impact in detail, as will be discussed below. 29.4.2 External Impact External impact occurs outside the watershed itself. They may be geographically unspecific, occurring anywhere outside the watershed (e.g., changes in the availability of most natural resources products, air quality, carbon sequestration), or may be geographically more or less specific in the sense of being confined to downstream areas (water flow and quality). Monitoring geographically unspecific impact, although different in scope, is subject to similar restrictions as is monitoring local impact. Changes in the availability of natural resources products (e.g., in markets external to the watershed, but originating from it) could only be monitored once the focus of specific interventions had been determined, and would perhaps anyhow better be monitored at the point of origin i.e. locally. Changes in public goods, such as air quality, would in all but a few exceptional cases not be attributable to interventions in any particular watershed. Monitoring geographically unspecific impact is hence difficult to operationalize, and is thus not explored any further in this paper. Geographically specific impact confined to downstream areas can occur in close proximity to the watershed (e.g., a change in water quality at its outlet point), or can be a “far field” impact occurring remotely (e.g., a change in the occurrence of water borne diseases far downstream due to changes in water quality). In the case of “far field” impact, the problem of its not being attributable once again prevents its operational monitoring in all but a few exceptional cases, and normally limits its being addressed by watershed management to plausibility considerations. Thus, monitoring of external impact occurring in close proximity to the watershed is left as the immediate focus of a generic operational impact monitoring system for watershed management. This might appear narrow, but occupies a crucial junction: without external impact being measurable here, there can be no plausible contribution to trans-boundary management of water or related resources, and hence no impact on livelihoods further downstream. The most obvious impacts to be monitored are changes in water flow (quantity and timing) and water quality (sediment, nutrient, etc. load) at the outlet point of the watershed. Flexible and costefficient methods for such monitoring exist, which in many parts of the world are being applied by local communities themselves (see e.g., [15]). They will need to be adapted to suit the conditions in remote rural watersheds of the Lower Mekong Basin. Note, however, that in order to allow those changes to be attributed to interventions implemented in the watershed, certain essential framework conditions that influence water flow and quality need to be monitored, as has been pointed out in numerous earlier works (e.g., [16], [17]). These are in particular: rainfall, land cover changes, water abstractions (such as irrigation), development of water polluting industries (both organic4 and anorganic5 ), and changes in amount and treatment of human waste. In most watersheds of the Lower Mekong Basin, only a subset of these framework conditions may need to be monitored: in the absence of polluting industries and large concentrations of human population, the important framework conditions would be rainfall and land cover changes. The results of monitoring external impact at the outlet point of a watershed obviously reflect the cumulative impact of all measures taken in the watershed6 . Therefore, far reaching conclusions about local impact (i.e. the health of the watershed itself) can be drawn from monitoring external impact, such as: if an improvement in water quality is measured at the outlet point, there must be a corresponding improvement in water quality within the watershed itself. This may significantly reduce requirements for monitoring local impact in detail. 29.5 Conclusion: What can/should be monitored? The design of a broadly applicable operational impact monitoring system for watershed management, in the light of current knowledge, should primarily focus 4 Organic pollution could originate e.g. from pig, poultry, or also in-stream fish farming. 5 Anorganic pollution could include e.g. effluents from chemical or mining industries. 6 For instance, significant reductions in the use of fertilizers could be reflected in an improvement of water quality monitored at the outlet point. . Impact Monitoring for Watershed Management 235 on monitoring external impact at the outlet point of a watershed, where changes in water flow (quantity and timing) and water quality (sediment, nutrient, etc. load) would need to be monitored. In addition, in order to attribute impact to interventions implemented in the watershed, certain essential framework conditions need to be monitored, in particular: rainfall and land cover changes. Such monitoring of external impact needs to be accompanied by monitoring of local impact within the watershed, using methods matched on a case by case basis to the type of development intervention being implemented. Annex 29.1: Sources consulted [1] United Nations 2000: Millennium Declaration. http://www.un.org/millennium/ Accessed April 2006. [2] United Nations 2000: Millennium Development Goals http://ddp-ext.worldbank.org/ext/GMIS/ gdmis.do?siteId=2&menuId=LNAV01HOME1 Accessed April 2006. [3] United Nations 2001: Road map towards the implementation of the United Nations Millennium Declaration. http://www.un.org/documents/ga/ docs/56/a56326.pdf Accessed 24 April 2006. [4] Paris High-Level Forum 2005: Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness. http://www1.worldbank.org/ harmonization/Paris/FINALPARISDECLARATION. pdf Accessed April 2006. [5] GTZ 2004: The World of Words at GTZ. [6] Mekong River Commission 1995: Agreement on the Cooperation for the Sustainable Development of the Mekong River Basin. [7] Mekong River Commission 2004: MRC Work Programme 2005. http://www.mrcmekong.org/ download/programmes/work_program_05.pdf Accessed April 2006. [8] Radosevich, Dr George E. 1995: Agreement on the Cooperation for the Sustainable Development of the Mekong River Basin – Commentary & History. [9] Mekong River Commission 2006: Strategic Plan 2006 – 2010 – Draft. [10] Mekong River Commission, Watershed Management Project 2006: Programme Document. [11] Tuyll C. 2005: What is Watershed Management all about? [12] Shyamsundar P. 2002: Poverty – Environment Indicators. World Bank, Environmental Economics Series, Paper No. 84. [13] Nunan F. et al 2002: Poverty and the Environment: Measuring the Links. A Study of Poverty-Environment Indicators with Case Studies from Nepal, Nicaragua 29.6 Outlook National agencies in the riparian countries of the Lower Mekong Basin already practice monitoring with varying degrees of intensity, in close cooperation with the MRC whenever issues of regional relevance as defined in the 1995 MRC Agreement [6] are concerned. Some rules and procedures for basin-wide monitoring, agreed between the riparian countries, are already in place (e.g. [18]). In order to avoid redundancy, the establishment of an operational impact monitoring system for watershed management should obviously build as much as possible on these existing efforts and experiences. A definitive set of parameters to be operationally monitored can not be identified in this paper, but will need to be developed through dialogue with the various stakeholders involved – MRC itself, the government sectors of the riparian countries, NGOs, and civil society. Considering that the watersheds of the Lower Mekong Basin are mostly remote rural areas, an obvious imperative is to use appropriate monitoring technologies - well established, cost efficient and sufficiently simple to be used by local administrations and communities. Additional research that can support the dialogue on development of an operational impact monitoring system for watershed management with scientific evidence is ongoing, for example in the Water Utilisation Programme, the Environment Programme, and the Watershed Management Project of MRC. 236 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings and Uganda. DFID, Environment Policy Department, Issue Paper No. 2. [14] GTZ 2004: Results-based Monitoring - Guidelines for Technical Cooperation Projects and Programmes. [15] Streamwatch 2004: The Streamwatch Manual 3 rd Edition. https://www.streamwatch.org.au/ streamwatch/resources/file/eb8e114ef08485a/ StreamwatchManual.pdf Accessed 12 Feb 2006. [16] Thailand Development Research Institute + Harvard Institute for International Development 1995: The Economics of Watershed Management: A Case Study of Mae Taeng. [17] Walker A. 2002: Forests and Water in Northern Thailand. Resource Management in Asia-Pacific Program, Australian National University: Working Paper No. 37. [18] MRC Water Utilisation Programme 2005: Technical Guidelines for the Implementation of the Rules for Water Quality. . Impact Monitoring for Watershed Management 237 238 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings 14. Mr. Bryan Walsh, Country Director, Conservation International, Cambodia Appendix 1 Biodiversity Conservation Corridors Initiative (BCI) International Symposium 27-28 April 2006, Bangkok Thailand 15. Mr. Chatri Moonstan, Senior Program Officer, Development Cooperation, Royal Norwegian Embassy, Thailand 16. Mr. Cheang Dany, Deputy Director, Wildlife Protection Office, Forestry Administration, Cambodia Participants List 1. Ms. An Bollen, Junior Professional Officer, Biodiversity Issues, UNEP, Thailand 2. Mr. Anak Pattanavibool, Country Program Director, WCS, Thailand Program, Thailand 3. Mr. Andrew Ingles, Regional Group Head, Ecosystems and Livelihoods, IUCN-The World Conservation Union, Asia Regional Office, Thailand 4. 5. 6. Mr. Andrew Tordoff, Programme Officer, BirdLife International Asia Division, Viet Nam Ms. Angie Woo, GMP Policy and Advocacy Coordinator, WWF Greater Mekong Programme, Thailand Mr. Apichai Thirathon, Senior Program Development Specialist, USAID, Thailand 7. Mr. Arjun Thapan, Deputy Director-General, Southeast Asia Department, ADB, Philippines 8. Mr. Barney Long, MOSAIC Project Manager, WWF Greater Mekong Vietnam Programme, Viet Nam 9. Mr. Belinda Stewart-Cox, Project Director, Elephant Conservation Network, Thailand 10. Mr. Ben Ten Brink, Climate Change, MRC Secretariat, Lao PDR 11. Mr. Benjamin Zech, First Secretary, Royal Netherlands Embassy, Viet Nam 12. Mr. Bi Cheng-Ying, Director of the Board, Xishuangbanna Forest Biological Diversity Development Co., Ltd., PRC 13. Mr. Bouaphanh Phanthavong, Deputy Chief, DFRC, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Lao PDR 17. Mr. Chen Jin, Director, Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, PRC 18. Mr. Chrin Sokha, Deputy Director General, Directorate of Technical Affairs, Ministry of Environment, Cambodia 19. Mr. Christer Holtsberg, Director of SENSA, SIDA, Thailand 20. Mr. Christoph Feldkotter, Watershed Management, MRC Secretariat, Lao PDR 21. Mr. Christopher Holtz, Asia Grant Director, Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund, USA 22. Mr. Christopher R. Shepherd, Regional Programme Officer, TRAFFIC Southeast Asia, Malaysia 23. Mr. Chu Ngoc Quan, Senior Officer of Natural Conservation Division, FPD, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Viet Nam 24. Mr. Chuon Chanrithy, Director, Ministry of Environment, Cambodia 25. Mr. Cornie Huizenga, Head of Secretariat, Clean Air Initiative for Asian Cities, Philippines 26. Mr. David McCauley, Senior Environment Economist, ADB, Philippines 27. Mr. David Westcott, Senior Research Scientist, CSIRO, Sustainable Ecosystems, Australia 28. Mr. Dechavut Sethapun, Technical Forest Officer, National Park Research Division, DNP, Thailand 29. Mr. Diep Thanh Phong, Director, Forest Protection Department, Viet Nam 30. Mr. Dietrich Schmidt-Vogt, Associate Professor, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand . Appendix 1 239 31. Mr. Dinh Xuan Hung, Senior Officer, ICD, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Viet Nam 49. Ms. Kanisara Chetbandit, Technical Forest official, DNP, Protected Area Management Regional Office 3, Thailand 32. Mr. Emmanuel D’Silva, Visiting Scientist, ICRISAT, India 50. Ms. Karin Bjerner, SENSA Representative, Thailand 33. Mr. Eric Coull, Program Director, WWF Greater Mekong Program, Viet Nam 51. Ms. Katherine Warner, Country Group Head, IUCN Colombo, Sri Lanka 34. Mr. Ernst Kuester, Chief Technical Advisor, Viet Nam 52. Mr. Keith Syers, Professor, Mae Fah Luang University (MFLU), Thailand 35. Mr. Ewald Rametsteiner, IIASA, A-2361 Laxenburg, Austria 36. Mr. Frank Murray, Assoc Professor, Murdoch University, School of Environmental Science, Australia 53. Mr. Kent Jingfors, Regional Programme Coordinator, IUCN-The World Conservation Union, Asia Regional Office, Thailand 37. Mr. Goeran Axberg Nilsson, Senior Research Fellow, Stockholm Environment Institite, Sweden 54. Ms. Keobang A. Keola, Deputy Director General of Cabinet, Department of STEA, Prime Minister’s Office, Lao PDR 38. Mr. Hans Guttman, Environment Programme Coordinator, Mekong River Commission, Lao PDR 55. Mr. Khamphay Luanglath, Director, Xepain National Protected Area, Forestry Division, Lao PDR 39. Mr. Henry Voigt, Senior Advisor, Yunnan Provincial Environmental Protection Bureau, PRC 56. Ms. Lai Thi Thu Ha, Expert, Foreign Economic Relations Dept., Ministry of Planning and Investment, Viet Nam 40. Ms. Htwe Nyo Nyo, Deputy Director, NCEA, Ministry of Forestry, Myanmar 57. Mr. Lasse Nymoen, Counsellor, Development Cooperation, Royal Norwegian Embassy, Thailand 41. Ms. Huynh Thi Mai, Senior Expert, Department of Environment, MONRE, Viet Nam 58. Mr. Le Minh Tue, Expert, Management Board for Forestry Projects (MARD), Viet Nam 42. Mr. Iran Ruzicka, ADB, Philippines 59. Ms. Lei Ji, Financial Specialist, Xishuangbanna Forest Biological Diversity Development Co., Ltd., PRC 43. Mr. Javed Hussain Mir, Senior Natural Resources Officer, ADB, Philippines 44. Mr. Jim Peters, Chief of Party, Winrock International / USAID, Viet Nam 45. Ms. Jing Guo, Interpreter, Xishuangbanna Forest Biological Diversity Development Co., Ltd., PRC 46. Mr. Joe Heffernan, Senior Conservation Biologist, Fauna and Flora International, Cambodia 60. Ms. Malee Hutacharoen, DEQP, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Thailand 61. Mr. Marc Goichot, IRBM Coordinator, WWF Greater Mekong Program, Lao PDR 62. Mr. Maria Berlekom, Programme Coordinator, Swedish International Biodiversity Program, SwedBio, Sweden 47. Mr. Jose Padilla, Consultant, ADB, Philippines 63. Mr. Mark Kasman, Senior Development Advisor, Environmental Protection Agency, USA 48. Mr. Josef Margraf, Scientific Adviser, TianZi Biodiversity Research and Development Center, PRC 64. Mr. Mark Treacy, Country Director, Fauna and Flora International, Cambodia 240 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings 65. Mr. Markku Kanninen, Director, Environmental Services and Sustainable Use of Forests, CIFOR, Indonesia 83. Ms. Piyanut Luekhuntod, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Thailand 66. Mr. Marko Keskinen, Socio-Economist, Helsinki University of Technology / WUP-FIN Project, Finland 84. Mr. Ranjith Mahindapala, Deputy Regional Programme Coordinator, IUCN-The World Conservation Union, Asia Regional Office, Thailand 67. Ms. Maureen Decoursey, Deputy Chief of Party, Winrock International, Viet Nam 68. Ms. Michelle Owen, Assistant Fundraiser, WildAid, Phnom Penh, Cambodia 69. Ms. Monthip Tabucanon, Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Thailand 70. Mr. Nguyen Luong Bach, Lecturer and Program Manager, Mae Fah Luang University, Thailand 71. Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Dung, Vice Director, Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Viet Nam 72. Ms. Nguyen Thi Kim Oanh, Associate Professor, AIT, Thailand 85. Mr. Robert Mather, Thailand Country Programe, WWF Greater Mekong Programme, Thailand 86. Mr. Roland Eve, Country Director, WWF Program, Lao PDR 87. Mr. Ronasit Maneesai, Research Forester, Division of Wild Fauna and Flora Protection, National Park, Thailand 88. Mr. Sangmin Nam, UNESCAP, Rajadamnern Nok Avenue, Thailand 89. Ms. Sango Mahanty, Regional Analysis and Representation, Regional Community Forestry Training Centre for Asia and the Pacific, Kasetsart University, Thailand 90. Mr. Satya Priya, General Manager (GIS), RMSI, India 73. Mr. Nguyen Van Tai, Deputy Director General, Department of Environment, MONRE, Viet Nam 91. Mr. Saw Eh Dah, Director, Forest Department, Ministry of Forestry, Myanmar 74. Ms. Nirawan Pipitsombut, ONEP, MONRE, Thailand 92. Ms. Solos Khankhrua, DEQO, MONRE, Thailand 75. Ms. Nisakorn Kositrana, Secretary-General, ONEP, MONRE, Thailand 76. Mr. Okitsuga Fujiwara, Advisor to the President, Mae Fah Luang University, Thailand 77. Mr. Ouk Kimsan, Program Manager, CI, Central Cardamom Protected Forest Conservation Program, Cambodia 78. Mr. Paul Rogers, Senior Advisor Pro-poor Sustainable Tourism & Ecotourism, SNV (Netherlands Development Organisation), Lao PDR 93. Ms. Song Xiaozhi, Deputy Director General, Foreign Economic Cooperation Office, SEPA, PRC 94. Mr. Songtam Suksawang, Director, National Park Research Division, Thailand 95. Ms. Sulma Warne, Programme Coordinator, TRAFFIC South East Asia – Indochina, Viet Nam 96. Mr. Sura Pattanikiat, Mahidol University, Thailand 97. Ms. Suwanna Guantlett, Country Director, WildAid, Cambodia 79. Mr. Paul Steele, Environmental Economist, Sri Lanka 80. Mr. Peter John Meyneh, MWBP, Viet Nam 98. Mr. Sy Ramony, Chief of National Park and Wildlife Sanctuary Office, Ministry of Environment, Cambodia 81. Mr. Peter Noel King, Senior Policy Advisor, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, Japan 99. Mr. Tan Liang, Division Director, Planning and Finance Division, PRC 82. Ms. Piyachart Pradubraj, USAID, Thailand 100.Mr. Tariq Banuri, Director, SEI, Thailand . Appendix 1 241 101.Mr. Teak Seng, Country Director, WWF Cambodia 102.Mr. Tim Redford, Director, Surviving Together Program, WildAid Foundation, Thailand 103.Mr. Tom Clements, Technical Advisor, Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), Cambodia 120.Mr. Xayaveth Vixay, Deputy Director General, Department of STEA, Prime Minister’s Office, Lao PDR 121.Mr. Yang Yun, Chief, Department of Nature Conservation, PRC 122.Mr. Ye-Qiang Fan, General Manager, Xishuangbanna Forest Bilogical Diversity Development Co., Ltd., PRC 104.Ms. Tran Thanh Hien, Officer, State Bank of Viet Nam 105.Ms. Udomlak Sritusnee, Senior Environmental Officer, DEQP, MONRE, Thailand 106.Mr. Udomphan Indrayodha, Forest Official 7, DNP, Thailand 107.Mr. Ulrich Apel, Consultant, PRC 108.Mr. Urooj Malik, Director, Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment Division, ADB, Philippines 109.Mr. Usman Ali Iftikhar, Coordinator Regional Environmental Economics Programme Asia, IUCN - The World Conservation Union, Colombo, Sri Lanka 110. Ms. Vanthakone Dejvongsa, Technical Officer, Department of STEA, Lao PDR 111. Mr. H.E. Vutha Tan, Ministry of Environment, Cambodia 112. Mr. Wang Jie, Assistant Professor, Department of International Cooperation, SEPA, PRC 113. Mr. Wang Xin, Deputy Division Director, Foreign Economic Cooperation Office (FECO, SEPA), PRC 114. Mr. Wanlop Preechamart, Environmental Officer, ONEP, MONRE, Thailand 115. Ms. Wantanee Petchampai, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Thailand 116. Mr. Warasak Phoangcharoen, Environmental Official, ONEP, MONRE, Thailand 117. Mr. Weerasak Siangwan, DNP, Phaholyothin Road, Thailand 118. Mr. William Schaedla, Deputy Chief of Party ASEANWEN Support Project, WildAid Foundation,Thailand 119. Mr. Winston Bowman, Director, Regional environment Office, USAID, Regional Development Mission, Thailand 242 . BCI International Symposium Proceedings 123.Mr. Yongyut Trisurat, Faculty of Forestry, Kasetsart University, Thailand 124.Ms. Yuwaree In-na, Environmental Affairs Officer, UNEP Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Thailand 125.Mr. Zakir Hussain, Director, Constituency, IUCN-The World Conservation Union, Asia Regional Office, Thailand 126.Mr. Zhou Bo, Division Chief, Foreign Techno Economic Cooperation Division, PRC 127.Mr. Zhu Hua, Director of Herbarium, Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, PRC 128.Mr. Zuo Ting, Professor, China Agricultural University, College of Humanities and Development, PRC