Population proximity to geotourism destinations: Geosites in Poland and Slovakia and geoparks in Czechia Anna CHROBAK - Pedagogical University of Cracow, Institute of Geography, Poland Pavol HURBÁNEK - Catholic University in Ružomberok, Faculty of Education, Department of Geography, Slovakia Konštantín ROSINA - Slovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geography, Slovakia INTRODUCTION GEOSITE – a landform with a specific shape, which alone or in collaboration with other bioecological or anthropic elements can become objects of heritage. The geosite as a landform represents the particular aspects of the relief determined by the morphogenetic processes and the geologic sublayer (Ilies and Josan 2009). GEOPARK – nationally protected area containing a number of geological heritage sites of particular importance, rarity or aesthetic appeal. These Earth heritage sites are part of an integrated concept of protection, education and sustainable development. A geopark achieves its goals through a three-pronged approach: conservation, education, geotourism (UNESCO Global Geoparks Network 2006). GEOTOURISM – a form of natural area tourism that specifically focuses on landscape and geology. It promotes tourism to geosites and the conservation of geo-diversity and an understanding of Earth sciences through appreciation and learning. This is achieved through independent visits to geological features, use of geotrails and view points, guided tours, geo-activities and patronage of geosite visitors centres (Newsome and Dowing 2010). OBJECTIVES In this study, the proximity of population to geotourism destinations is assessed on the example of 479 geosites in Slovakia (as of 30/11/2011, Liščák et al. 2011) and 1,673 geosites in Poland (PIG-PIB 2014). It should be noted that there are also other lists of geosites in Poland, for example 175 geosites by Alexandrowicz et al. (2006) and 172 geosites by Słomka et al. (2012), however only the largest database of Polish geosites is used in this contribution. Since a database of all the geosites in Czechia will not be availbable before the end of 2014 (as of 22/10/2014 there are only 680 geosites - Gürtlerová et al. 2014), the proximity of population to geotourism destinations will be assessed on the example of ten geoparks in Czechia, six of which are national geoparks and the rest candidate geoparks (Čtveráková 2014, Čtveráková and Červinková 2014). GENERATION OF A DETAILED 100 m POPULATION GRID SLOVAKIA - Proportional volumetric disaggregation from smallest available census zones (basic settlement units with average size 7 km2 - SEA 2014) based on a very suitable ancillary dataset (so called ZBGIS - GCCA SR 2014) of residential building footprints and heights. CZECHIA - Proportional areal disaggregation from smallest available census zones (1 km2 grid cells - EUROSTAT 2014) based on Imperviousness Layer 2009 (CLMS 2014a), after masking of major road and rail networks using OpenStreetMap and major non-residential urban polygons using CORINE Land Cover 2006 (CLMS 2014b) POLAND - Disaggregation to 100 m resolution was not pursued due to relatively high share of source zones (1 km2 grid cells - EUROSTAT 2014) that contain only zero values of intended ancillary data (masked Imperviousness Layer 2009 CLMS 2014a) and especially due to high share (3.6 %) of population living in such cells (Tab. 1). This research was supported by the Slovak Scientific Grant Agency VEGA project no. 1/0275/13 “Production, verification and application of population and settlement spatial models based on European land monitoring services”. Fig. 1 Map of european geoparks which are included in the Global Geoparks Network and/or European Geoparks Network. % of inhabi2011 population grid ted of 1 km2 grid cells cells from all cells Poland GEOSTAT 62.80 (bottom-up) Czechia GEOSTAT 55.10 (bottom-up) Slovakia ZBGIS 34.30 (top-down) Slovakia GEOSTAT 30.70 (top-down) % of inhabited % of population living cells with no in inhabited cells impervious land with no impervious in IL 2009 from land in IL 2009 from the total number the total population of inhabited cells of the country 30.70 3.60 20.60 0.80 21.30 0.80 0.00* 0.00* Tab. 1 Comparison between the spatial distribution of population (in four different 2011 population grids) and the spatial distribution of impervious land (in Imperviousness Layer IL 2009) Note: * Slovakia GEOSTAT (top-down) population grid was prepared using IL 2009 as an ancillary dataset. Therefore, 1 km2 grid cells with no impervious land in IL 2009 have no population in Slovakia GEOSTAT (top-down). REFERENCES Alexandrowicz, Zofia (ed.) et al. (2012): Database of Polish Representative Geosites. Instytut Ochrony Przyrody Polskiej Akademii Nauk / Institute of Nature Conservation of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow, and ProGEO - Europejska Asocjacja Ochrony Dziedzictwa Geologicznego / The European Association for the Conservation of the Geological Heritage, Uppsala, Available online [21/09/2014]: CLMS (2014a): Imperviousness Layer (IL) 2009. Copernicus Land Monitoring Services. Available online [22/10/2014]: CLMS (2014b): CORINE Land Cover 2006. Copernicus Land Monitoring Services. Available online [22/10/2014]: Čtveráková, Iveta (2014): Geoturismus – příležitost k ochraně a rozvoji území. Geografie v srdci Evropy. 23. sjezd České geografické společnosti a 16. kongres Slovenskej geografickej spoločnosti, 25–28/08/2014, Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Přírodovědecká fakulta, Praha, p. 232, Available online [21/09/2014]: Čtveráková, Iveta - Červinková, Romana (2014): Geoparky – nová příležitost pro rozvoj venkovského prostoru. Geografie v srdci Evropy. 23. sjezd České geografické společnosti a 16. kongres Slovenskej geografickej spoločnosti, 25–28/08/2014, Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Přírodovědecká fakulta, Praha, p. 128, Available online [21/09/2014]: EUROSTAT (2014): GEOSTAT Project. Available online [22/10/2014]: GCCA SR (2014): Data ZBGIS / Údaje ZBGIS. Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Authority of Slovak Republic / Úrad geodézie, kartografie a katastra. Available online [22/10/2014]: Gürtlerová, Pavla et al. (2014): Významné geologické lokality v České republice / Significant geological localities of the Czech Republic. Česká geologická služba / Czech Geological Survey, Praha, Available online [22/10/2014]: Liščák, Pavel et al. (2011): Informačný systém významných geologických lokalít SR / Information System of Important Geological Sites in Slovak Republic. Štátny geologický ústav Dionýza Štúra / State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr, Bratislava, Available online [21/09/2014]: PIG-PIB (2014): Centralny Rejestr Geostanowisk Polski / Polish Central Register of Geosites. Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny - Państwowy Instytut Badawczy / Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute, Warszawa, Available online [21/09/2014]: SEA (2014): Register of basic settlement units (BSU) / Register základných sídelných jednotiek (ZSJ). Slovak Environmental Agency / Slovenská agentúra životného prostredia. Available online [22/10/2014]: CZECHIA - National and Candidate Geoparks at least 1 90 at least 10 80 at least 20 70 at least 30 at least 40 60 at least 50 50 at least 100 40 at least 150 30 at least 200 20 at least 250 10 at least 300 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Distance from the nearest geosite (km) at least 350 100 at least 1 90 at least 10 80 at least 20 70 at least 30 60 50 at least 40 40 at least 50 30 at least 100 20 at least 150 10 at least 200 0 at least 400 at least 450 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 at least 250 Distance from the nearest geosite (km) at least 300 100 at least 1 100 90 at least 10 90 80 at least 20 70 at least 30 at least 40 60 at least 50 50 at least 100 40 at least 150 30 at least 200 20 at least 250 10 at least 300 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Distance from the nearest geosite (km) at least 350 at least 400 at least 450 Proportion of the total area of the country (%) Proportion of the total area of the country (%) Percentage of the total area of the country within the distance of 0 - 100 km from the nearest geosite Number of geosites accessible within the given distance (distance measured "as the crow flies") Percentage of the total population of the country within the distance of 0 - 100 km from the nearest geopark Number of geoparks accessible within the given distance (distance measured "as the crow flies") 80 at least 20 70 at least 30 60 50 at least 40 40 at least 50 30 at least 100 20 at least 150 10 at least 200 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 at least 250 Distance from the nearest geosite (km) at least 300 90 80 at least 1 70 at least 2 60 at least 3 50 at least 4 40 at least 5 30 at least 6 20 10 at least 7 0 at least 8 0 100 90 80 70 60 at least 1 50 at least 2 40 at least 3 30 at least 4 20 at least 5 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 Distance from the nearest national or candidate geopark (km) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Distance from the nearest national geopark (km) Percentage of the total area of the country within the distance of 0 - 100 km from the nearest geopark Number of geoparks accessible within the given distance (distance measured "as the crow flies") at least 1 at least 10 100 Proportion of the total population of the country (%) 100 Proportion of the total population of the country (%) Proportion of the total population of the country (%) Percentage of the total population of the country within the distance of 0 - 100 km from the nearest geosite Number of geosites accessible within the given distance (distance measured "as the crow flies") CZECHIA - National Geoparks 100 100 90 90 80 at least 1 70 at least 2 60 at least 3 50 at least 4 40 at least 5 30 at least 6 20 at least 7 10 at least 8 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Distance from the nearest national or candidate geopark (km) Proportion of the total area of the country (%) SLOVAKIA - Geosites Proportion of the total area of the country (%) POLAND - Geosites Proportion of the total population of the country (%) Fig. 2 Geotourism destinations and population density in Poland, Slovakia and Czechia. Data sources are listed in the text. Słomka, Tadeusz (ed.) et al. (2012): Katalog obiektów geoturystycznych w obrębie pomników i rezerwatów przyrody nieożywionej / The catalogue of geotourist sites in nature reserves and monuments. Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza, Wydział Geologii, Geofizyki i Ochrony Środowiska, Katedra Geologii Ogólnej i Geoturystyki / University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environment Protection, Department of General Geology and Geotourism, Krakow, Available online [21/09/2014]: 80 70 60 at least 1 50 at least 2 40 at least 3 30 at least 4 20 at least 5 10 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Distance from the nearest national geopark (km)
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