Effect - Knowledge on Line
Effect - Knowledge on Line
Effects-based Operations: An Overview Dr. Maris “Buster” McCrabb (757) 508-8735 Buster@dmmventures.com 1 Overview • • • • • Introduction Definitions Models ATD Technologies EBO in Operation ALLIED FORCE 2 Effects-Based Operations Plan Disrupt Delivery of POL Destroy Bridge 4 Effect Destroy Bridge 6 Tasks …desired behavioral outcomes. Bridge 4 Destroyed Indicators Global Situation Awareness Air Objectives Air Tasks Air & Space Control Force Support L E V E L Bridge 6 Destroyed A N A L Y S I S CRISIS Physical effects that lead to… T A S K Now Force Application Force Enhancement 3 Effects-Based Operations "Effects based operations is a methodology for planning, executing and assessing operations to attain the effects required to achieve desired national security objectives.“ AFDD 1 EBO EBO… … ••is isan anapproach, approach,aaway wayof ofthinking thinking ••supports supportsall allmissions missionsfrom fromHUMRO HUMROto toMTW MTW ••utilizes utilizeslethal lethaland andnonlethal nonlethalforce force ••offers offersan anapproach approachthat thatmodels modelsan an“Enemy “Enemyas asaaSystem” System” ••offers offersEconomy-of-Force Economy-of-Force ••offers offersan anapproach approachto toEffects-based Effects-basedDynamic DynamicISR ISRManagement Management The challenge is predicting & assessing what physical actions produce the desired behavioral effects over some period of time 4 Comparison of Effects-Based, Objectives-Based and Targets-Based Operations Target-Based (TBO) Effects-Based • ID enemy entities, destroy them • Focus: physical effects at target level • Looks at 1st and 2nd order effects only • No dynamic assessment • No explicit timing considerations Objectives-Based (OBO) Objectives-Based (Strategies-To Task) Target-Based (Strategies-to-Task) • Strategies at one level become objectives for next • Focus: objectives at every level • Considers linkages between objectives and strategies to achieve those objectives • No dynamic assessment • No explicit timing considerations Effects-Based (EBO) • Address causality between actions and effects • Focus: desired effects (physical and behavioral) • Encompass both target and objective-based methods • Models the enemy-as-a-system w/adversary reaction • Considers Direct, Indirect, Complex (synergistic), Cumulative & Cascading effects • Timing explicitly considered 5 • “Overcoming” mechanism stated & assessed Definitions • No doctrinal template in approved Joint doctrine – • • Physical => Behavioral – destroy (damage), disrupt (Kosovo), degrade, dislocate, decapitate, divert, delay (isolate), deny (halt), deceive, defend, deter (D11) – coerce: punish, threaten (George, Schelling) Historically and theoretically behavioral most important but hardest – • USAF Doctrine has rudimentary definitions therefore, traditionally military operations focus on physical effects Major problems with behavioral effects: – – – causality between action & effect observability of effect uncertainty of intervening variables 6 AFDD 2-1 Definitions • • • • Direct Effect Indirect Effect “Effects” described Limitations: – Precise definitions of “effects” – Effects versus Objectives – Conflating Mechanism – Connections between Direct & Indirect Effects – Complex or Cascading Effects 7 AFDD 2-1 Definitions • Direct Effect: “Result of actions with no intervening effect or mechanism between act and outcome. Direct effects are usually immediate and easily recognizable.” (AKA 1st order effect) • Indirect Effect: “Result created through an intermediate effect or mechanism to produce the final outcome,which may be physical or psychological in nature. Indirect effects tend to be delayed,and may be difficult to recognize.” (AKA 2nd, 3rd,…, n-order effects) 8 Effect • A result from some action – Assumes a causal connection – “IF x THEN y” is a statement of (direct) effect • Point of View dependent Effect Effect Cause Action Action AFDD 2-1 EBO CONOPS 9 Mechanism • • Actions Cause Results (Effects) Mechanism explains cause – • Rationale explains purpose (Commander’s Intent) IF (x; action) THEN (y; result) BECAUSE (a, b, … ; mechanism) – Uncertainty in action, result and cause suggest a probabilitybased approach (Bayes) • Clausewitz: if you defeat an enemy’s fielded force, then a rational leader will submit because his country is undefended. • Douhet: if you terrorize the population, then a rational leader will submit because the populace will rise up, rebel, and force submission. 10 Mechanism continued • Slessor: if you interdict infrastructure or supply, then fielded forces will be less combat capable, making them easier to defeat which leads to…an undefended country. • Schelling: if you threaten things leadership value, then they will submit rather than lose those things. • Warden: if you isolate leadership, then they are prevented from doing something which would thwart our will. They submit because the imposed paralysis prevents them from doing otherwise. 11 Mechanism finished • In reality these are few, if any, single mechanisms at work. – Direct and indirect effects combine to form complex and cumulative effects – Effects cascade for good or ill • Predicting, then assessing, how physical actions spawn behavioral effects (I.e., results from actions) is the major challenge. 12 Actions & Tasks • Tasks are work (actions) to be done – Operationally, tasks are normally assigned to tactical units (squadrons, brigades, CVBGs, etc.) • EBO theory is agnostic to the originator of action Effect (Result) Mechanism (Cause) Action (Tasks) 13 Direct & Indirect Effects • • Direct Effects result from (caused by) direct actions. • Indirect actions may be the result of a (previous) direct effect. Indirect Effects result from (caused by) indirect actions. Direct Effect (Result) Direct Effect (Result) & Indirect Action Mechanism (Cause) Mechanism (Cause) Direct Action (Tasks) Indirect Effect (Result) 14 Complex & Cumulative Effects • Complex Effects are a combination of effects, either direct or indirect, at an instant in time & space. – Mechanism explains how these effect combine • Cumulative effects are complex effects as viewed over some time interval. – Effects do have persistence, though that generally varies Complex/Cumulative Effect (Result) Mechanism (Cause) Direct Effect (Result) Indirect Effect (Result) Indirect Effect (Result) 15 Cascading Effects • Cascading effects are direct, indirect, complex or cumulative effects that ripple through a system – Captures the notions of an acceleration or a multiplier effect (from economics) – Requires a systems perspective: relationships, dependencies, or connections between elements • Cascading effects can be vicious or virtuous but which they are is point of view (POV) dependent – What’s bad for the bad guys is good from our POV but bad from theirs – In a HUMRO, what’s good for the object of our attention is good from our POV and theirs 16 Effects-Based Plan Representation EBO Terms Objective Effect Desired (Isolate the Battlefield) (Deny Access) • direct effect • indirect effect • complex effect • cumulative effect Indicator Task/Activity (Mechanism) 17 Indicators • • Are not effects Better to be observable then not but “not seen” does not mean “not there” Traffic Density Win the War Acceleration of Straggler Count Units in Bivouac Destroy Will Stop Second Echelon River Clear Carpet Bomb Drop Leaflets (Isolate the Battlefield) Prevent River Crossing Destroy Fuel Res. (Deny Access) Objective/Task/Activity Effect Desired Indicator Destroy Br1 DMPI 1 DMPI 2 Destroy Br2 18 Strategy: Definitions • The art & science of employing the armed forces…to secure the objectives of national policy by the application of force or the threat of force. [JP 1-02] • • • A means1 to accomplish an end. [AFDD 2-1] • 1 The use of engagements for the object of the war. [Clausewitz] The art of distributing & applying military means2 to fulfill the ends of policy. [B.H. Liddell Hart] A plan of action designed in order to achieve some end; a purpose together with a system of measures for its accomplishment. [RADM J.C. Wylie] tool, implement 2 resources 19 Strategy, Objectives & Effects • Goal, Strategic Aim, End-State: the realm of policy—the decisive results – • An end-state is the set of required conditions that achieve the strategic objectives. [JP 3-0] Operational Art: determines where, when & for what purposes [why2]…forces will be employed – Use resources efficiently & effectively to achieve strategic objectives [JP 3-0] – Defines the parameters of operations (restraints & constraints) [FMFM 1-1] • 2 Effects: the result (outcomes) of direct actions (e.g., missions) and “indirect” actions (e.g., functions) [AFDD 2-1] rationale 20 Ends, Ways, Means, Risk • Ends: What military conditions must be produced…to achieve the strategic goal? • Ways: What sequence of actions is most likely to produce [those] condition(s)? • Means2: How should resources…be applied to accomplish that sequence of actions? • Risk: What is the likely cost…in performing that sequence of actions [JP 3-0] 21 Strategy, CONOPS & COA • A verbal or graphic statement, in broad outline, of a commander’s assumptions or intent in regard to an operation….It is included primarily for additional clarity of purpose. [JP 1-02] – Commander’s Intent: end-state, purpose, method & risk • A plan that would accomplish a mission. Includes CONOPS. Basis for the development of an OPLAN or OPORD. [JP 1-02] – Tasks—work to be done—given to tactical (engagement level) units to accomplish. 22 Models 23 Basic Model Actions cause.. Attack Fielded Forces & Selected Infrastructure Mechanism explains Cause.. MECHANISM Fielded Forces Isolated; Supply & Logistics Reduced ..indirect effects MECHANISM …direct effects and... Key Requirements: 1. Predictive Models (e.g., IPB, Adversarial) 2. Common Ontology 3. Robust MS&A (e.g., Wargaming) BSA Losses Advantage Over BiH MECHANISM Bosnian Serbs Accede to NATO’s Demands 24 JIPB, ONA, PBA & EBO ONA: JIPB + COA Options (JFHQ Con. Of Employment) PBA: JIPB + ISR Planning + ISR Management (PBA CONOPS) FUNCTIONS SUPPORTED BY DATA FUSION Level 0 Define Environment Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Process Describe Object Situation Impact Determine Refinement EvaluateAssessment Refinement Refinement Environment’s Adversary Adversary Effects COAs Sub-object Data Assoc. & Estimation Entities (Shallow Extraction) Relationships (Intermediate Extraction) Events (Intermediate, Deep Extraction) Increased Emphasis On PMESI SofS Analysis Discovered & Inferred Knowledge OER Effects-based operations is the ‘engine’ that drives IPB, dynamic C2, and ISR management. FUNCTIONS SUPPORTED BY EBO Monitor Assess Databases & Sensors Plan Execute AF/XO IPB White Paper Increased Emphasis On Predicting Behaviors Supports JP 3-56.1 Stage I: Operational Environment Research 25 Working Together JBI JBI Finds What’s EBO Requests Known and Tasks While the IPB process is sequential, Actionable Information Generation of New it is also continuous and cyclical. Information EBO Fusion Fusion Engines & Fuselets Generate New Information & Pass to EBO 26 EBO Macro Model 2. Operations & Anticipated Responses Predicted Effects Campaign 1. Desired Behavior Plan Campaign Assess (COG/TS Level) Observed Effects Combat Combat 3. Actual Operations (Target Set / Target / DMPI Level) 4. Actual Responses (COG/Target System Level) 27 Semantic Network 28 Effects Based Operations (DTO IS.71) Approach to Modeling EBO JP 3-56.1 Campaign Planning Model Warden’s “Enemy As A System” Model Infrastructure’s COGs TGT Analysis Objectives Objective Mechanism COGs Leadership System Essentials Infrastructure Population Forces Missions Strategy Resources COA COA Tasks COG Analysis Objectives Mechanism COA Strategy TGT Analysis Resources COA Objectives Mechani sm Resources Target Systems Leadership System Essentials Infrastructure Population Forces Strategy The System Essentials of Infrastructure’s COGs COA Target Sets Leadership System Essentials Infrastructure Population Forces Fig. 7: Modified JP 3-56.1 Campaign Planning Model Barlow’s “National Elements of Value” Model 6 Sensory Boundary 5 7 McCrabb’s “Enemy Reactions” Model 2 Adaptation Space 4 1 3 1. Leadership, 2. Industry, 3. Armed Forces, 4. Population, 5. Transportation, 6. Communications, 7. Alliances Size = Importance of NEV to National Leadership Thickness = Importance of Connection to other NEV Could Internal Model Internal Model & & Library Library Intervening Variables Can ”Target" ”Target" Should Input Process Output Outcome Campaign Model Stage I: OER (IPB) TGT Analysis Campaign/ Objectives Objectives Mechanism Resources COA COG Analysis Objectives Mechanism Mission/Activities Strategy COA Force/Tasks COA Strategy TGT Analysis Resources COA Objectives Mechanism Resources Strategy COA Campaign Assessment Combat Assessment Modified from JP 3-56.1 30 Barlow’s NEVs Stage III: COG Identification 31 Warden’s “Rings” (Stage III) Infrastructure’s COGs COGs Leadership System Essentials Infrastructure Population Forces Leadership System Essentials Infrastructure Population Forces The System Essentials of Infrastructure’s COGs Leadership System Essentials Infrastructure Population Forces 32 McCrabb’s Agent Adaptation Space (Stage I-V) Sensory Boundary Internal InternalModel Model & & Library Library Adaptation Space Intervening Variables Agent Agent Input Process Output Outcome 33 The (Almost) Complete Puzzle (Stage I-V) Objectives/ Desired Effects (Stage II) Commander’s Intent IPB Tools & Processes Bra EBO/DTT T&Ps nch Wargaming Stage V COA Selected Enemy COA vs. Friendly COA (Stage IV) ch n a Br 34 Effects-Based Planning Everything Starts from Commander’s Intent…. Identify Potential Strategic COGs Identify Linked Operational Systems Identify Specific Desired Effects Identify “Targets” Generate COA Supports JP 3-56.1 Stages II-V Modified from Dave Deptula’s “Firing for Effect” 35 Effects & Operational Art What = Conditions (End-States) Indicators Events Results (Effects) Cause (Mechanism) Why How Tasks + With, Who, Where, When = COA Strategy (Ways, How): A Plan of Actions (Tasks) that employ resources (means, with) To accomplish Ends (What) Actions (Direct and/or Indirect) = 36 Planning (Stage V) What = Results (Effects) Cause (Mechanism) Why Indicators (Measures Of Success) Actions (Direct and/or Indirect) How = Conditions (End-States) Events Tasks + With, Who, Where, When = COA 37 Execution & Assessment Complex Effects Cascading Effects Effect Achieved Direct Effects Indirect Effects Indicators Cause Yes Effect Desired? Cause No Direct Actions Previous Effects Problem? Opportunity? Re-Plan Other & Previous Actions 38 Adversarial Models Advanced AdvancedModels Modelsofof Complex, Dynamic Complex, Dynamic Decision DecisionMaking Makinginin AADM/IO AADM/IO Environment Environment Selection of Selectionof Application ApplicationArea Area Characterization Characterizationof of Application Application Environment Environment Research Research Specifications Specifications Model Components, Links, Processing to Validate Applications Applicationsofof Human-in-the-Loop Human-in-the-Loop Investigations Investigations Measures of Validation MOPs Necessary Characteristics for Investigations Vulnerable Process Components Characteristics of the Systems Candidate Displays Characterizations of Human Improved Improved Dependencies & Understanding Understandingofof Vulnerabilities Cultural Cultural Dependencies Dependencies&& Differences && Differences Vulnerabilities of Vulnerabilities of Effects Effects Human Dependencies & HumanAiding AidingSystem System Potential Vulnerabilities Potential Needing Support Candidate Displays Countermeasures Countermeasures MOPs Display Solutions Theoretical Understanding to Support Displays Enhanced Operational Understanding to Improve Subsequent Design Characteristics Characteristicsofof Improved ImprovedHuman Human Performance Performance Improved Improved Information Information Representations Representations&& Multimodal Multimodal Displays Displays Integration Integration Prototype Prototype Development Development&& Tests Tests Requirements Requirementsfor for Optimal OptimalDesign Design&& Employment Employment ofof DF-based DF-basedDAs DAs 39 Big Picture • • • • Enemy’s Will EBO ATD seeks an (Leadership) integrated set of strategy, Limited Occurrences ofEnemy wargaming, COG analysis, Collateral Damage Military and campaign assessment Will Enemy Compounding Political tools. environmental factors Doctrinally sound; not dogmatically rigid Support EBO planning & assessment plus objectives-based or targets-based assessment Major Theater War => Humanitarian Relief; lethal & nonlethal; kinetic & nonkinetic (e.g., Info Ops) Resolve Resolve of Enemy’s population Effects Enemy Military CR’s, CV’s & CC’s Enemy Regional and International Support Enemy National Coalition infrastructure Unity Physical Each vector needs a damage consistent scale or (Enemy’s Available Militaryrelationship Worth) traceable 40 EBO Toolkit of the Future for Dynamic Tasking Execution Planning Campaign Planning & Assessment Combat Execution & Assessment Commander’s Intent EIPB Observations Combat Assessment: Advanced Sensor Fusion Targeting (JTT) Special Instructions ISR Assistant Indicators Strategy Development: Campaign - COA Develop Blue COAs Assessment - COG Analysis - Templates Dynamic Aerospace Execution Order Target Set Analysis Executing Units MIDB Blue COAs Operations Controller Wargaming * Reference AFRL/AC2ISRC CONOPS for Effects-Based Operations Asset Sourcing Asset Pairing Offensive Controller AODB Defensive Controller TACS 41 Controller EBO Key Products • Strategy Development Tool Strategy Development Tool – produces blue COAs – tightly integrates effects, center of gravity/target system analysis & strategy identification Objectives Objectives Determination Determination and and COG COG && Target Target Systems Systems Analysis Analysis – cross center of gravity interactions – strategy & mission templates • Campaign Assessment Tool – predicts the probability of achieving Blue COA Probability of Blue COA success Campaign Assessment Tool Commander’s intent for a blue COA – model plan’s cause/effects relations for a given campaign over time – tradeoff analysis/drill down capability 42 Strategy Development Tool Overview File Edit Tools Templates Missions Show Help Legend Objective Effect (Isolate the Battlefield) (Deny Access) Effect Indicator Task Mechanism Task/Activity 43 Campaign Assessment Tool Overview Build A Causal Model Compile to a Bayes Net Analyze Results (Isolate the Battlefield) (Deny Access) 44 EBO Approach to Homeland Defense Financial Lead To Diplomacy Indicator Blue Actions Red Decisions Military Action Influence Net Indicator Red Decides to negotiate EXECUTABLE MODEL COAs Red Decides to Terminate Hostilities (actions/ times) Red Decides to use WMD GMU George Mason University Probability Profiles SDT: ATD vs. Objective System Anticipated Capabilities Required Capabilities • Limited coverage of strategies, JFC/JFACC missions; Limited IW • • Covers all strategy options • Limited COG/TS analysis; no Mission Analysis/Situation Development • Covers all JFACC missions (e.g., CA, SA, CL, etc.) • No COA analysis/comparison capability • • Incorporates lethal/nonlethal, kinetic/non-kinetic applications of force No JAOP development support past COA option development • • Supports Joint Air Estimate Process through JAOP development (JP 3-30) No CS (e.g., Logistics, Mobility), TACS, or Space considerations/Risk Analysis • Supports JFACC Daily Guidance planning (JP 3-30) Covers all JFC missions (e.g., HUMRO, PK/PE, etc.) 46 CAT: ATD vs. Objective System Anticipated Capabilities Required Capabilities • Outcome assessment at Force and Campaign levels • Predictive assessment ISO COA development • Limited ability to incorporate evidence • • Complete drilldown, predictive and reconstructive assessment Assessment of outcomes ISO Engagement, Battle, Force and Campaign execution • Value-of-information ISO collection management and branch planning Reconstructive assessment of outcomes ISO plan refinement • Incorporation of all-source information • Drilldown to action, causes, and mechanism level • 47 Summary • Definitional issue only a start – No approved dictionary let alone glossary or encyclopedia • Ontology common to all applications – A common task but a common ontology server – Basis for library • • Not just EBO: IPB (Fusion), JBI, IW, TUT, TST, etc. Shared language essential to shared understanding – Shared understanding alone insufficient 48 Operation ALLIED FORCE 49 Operation Allied Force EBO Example (1) (from DOD AAR) Milosevic accedes to NATO’s conditions (total Desired Effect) Air Attacks Solidarity of NATO (Military Effect) (Diplomatic Effect) Russian Diplomacy (Diplomatic Effect) Buildup of NATO Ground Power (Military-Diplomatic Effect) Kosovar Albanian Attacks Sanctions, etc. (Military Effect) (Economic Effect) Expanded on Next Slide 50 Operation Allied Force EBO Example (2) (from DOD AAR) Milosevic accedes to NATO’s conditions (total Desired Effect) Air Attacks on Strategic Targets Air Attacks on Fielded Forces Targets Air Attacks on National C2 Targets Air Attacks on Military-Industrial Targets Expanded on Next Slide 51 Operation Allied Force EBO Example (3) (from DOD AAR) Milosevic accedes to NATO’s conditions (total Desired Effect) Degraded National C2 Desired Military Effects Degraded Ability to C2 FRY Forces Attacks on Infrastructure Degraded Ability to Resupply Forces Freedom to Attack (e.g., bridges) Physical Actions Desired Political Effects Attacks on Electrical Power (e.g., plants) Degraded IADS Attack Serbian AF (e.g., aircraft, airbases) Avoid Serbian SHORAD (e.g., fly above) 52